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Dm Friday 2 peg y don 13th January 2018, 11:32
» by peg y don
Herald GK 5 john 13th January 2018, 10:46
» by malone
Sat Times 26934 2 gypsyfoot 13th January 2018, 10:02
» by gypsyfoot
Times 1304 Cryptic for Malone 4 ftsalmon 13th January 2018, 10:02
» by rusty
Cryptic contd 3 darleydave 13th January 2018, 06:56
» by malone
Cryptic - last few 6 darleydave 13th January 2018, 06:19
» by malone
Cryptic 1 darleydave 12th January 2018, 23:53
» by mattrom
Listener 4484 67 dylan 12th January 2018, 22:36
» by smellyharry
Birds 2 susie 12th January 2018, 20:49
» by susie
Goodworth Clatford Quiz 16 gandolf34 12th January 2018, 20:19
» by quiztime
Why? 9 sean 12th January 2018, 18:32
» by cerasus
i Cryptic 2162 5 diablos 12th January 2018, 12:50
» by diablos
I cryptic 4 thomas 12th January 2018, 12:30
» by thomas
cryptic help please 6 ludo 12th January 2018, 12:14
» by ludo
Message for Brendan 1 colin (swansea jack) 12th January 2018, 02:31
» by brendan
Private Eye 616 1 jaygray 12th January 2018, 00:23
» by brendan
The Week 1088 3 tinkertony 12th January 2018, 00:07
» by rusty
DM 15202 3 darleydave 11th January 2018, 23:29
» by darleydave
Herald Clootie Jan 18 2 neill 11th January 2018, 21:04
» by neill
Alpha puzzle 8 yidreg77 11th January 2018, 20:51
» by malone
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