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Tough Clue 5 malone 19th January 2018, 15:56
» by chrise
Malone Times 7 malone 19th January 2018, 14:40
» by cerasus
Malone Times 5 malone 19th January 2018, 13:14
» by rossim
Spam 3 chrise 19th January 2018, 13:07
» by norah (admin)
Malone Time 3 malone 19th January 2018, 11:46
» by rossim
Malone Times 19th January 3 malone 19th January 2018, 11:44
» by rossim
Malone Times 1 malone 19th January 2018, 11:42
» by rossim
i Cryptic 2168 9 diablos 19th January 2018, 11:33
» by diablos
Clueless 354 48 ixion 19th January 2018, 10:45
» by seamus, ayrshire
I cryptic 3 thomas 19th January 2018, 10:30
» by thomas
@ NORAH (Admin) 42 cerasus 19th January 2018, 10:07
» by chrise
More shapes and sixes quiz 12 lizzie 19th January 2018, 09:19
» by rossim
Malone Times 2 1 malone 19th January 2018, 08:55
» by stevie gee
TLS 1209 5 xwordfan 18th January 2018, 23:16
» by xwordfan
@aristo and dorrien (& possibly mattrom and busby) 6 rosalind 18th January 2018, 21:43
» by skyewalker
RT 4 3 doris 18th January 2018, 21:18
» by wally
times 1304 jumbo cryptic 4 alland 18th January 2018, 18:52
» by cerasus
Stuck on this. 1 irish 18th January 2018, 13:06
» by stevie gee
Help Required 2 irish 18th January 2018, 12:56
» by irish
i Cryptic 2167 4 diablos 18th January 2018, 11:51
» by cerasus
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