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1 Day to solve 2 ditloids... 6 wolfen 8th January 2018, 19:59
» by nemo
Genius 175 3 teenieleek 8th January 2018, 17:58
» by teenieleek
The Herald Clootie 1 loverman 8th January 2018, 17:46
» by seamus, ayrshire
Help with Cryptic Crossword 5 icauser44 8th January 2018, 17:21
» by nemo
DM Monday 4 peg y don 8th January 2018, 17:04
» by peg y don
Therefore 4 kingfisher 8th January 2018, 16:18
» by cerasus
Ditloid help 1 wolfen 8th January 2018, 13:48
» by wolfen
TImes 26928 3 tonyb 8th January 2018, 13:45
» by stevie gee
i Cryptic 2158 3 diablos 8th January 2018, 13:41
» by cerasus
Times Jumbo cryptic 1303 2 rocketman 8th January 2018, 12:59
» by rocketman
Times Jumbo 1303 cryptic 4 bigdave1954 8th January 2018, 11:46
» by elle
ST4780 3 63acornwall 8th January 2018, 11:11
» by 63acornwall
S/mail 2 jinty 8th January 2018, 10:30
» by jinty
8 Letters 1 epsh42 8th January 2018, 07:52
» by malone
Alphapuzzle . 4 cat55 8th January 2018, 00:24
» by cat55
Daily record funday Tuesday January 2nd 3 annilee11 7th January 2018, 23:59
» by mamya
Daily record January 2 funday tuesday 5 annilee11 7th January 2018, 23:54
» by mamya
Shropshire Star 06/01/2018 2 wynneaway 7th January 2018, 22:46
» by wynneaway
Latin! 4 stevea6000 7th January 2018, 21:33
» by stevea6000
Sun tel no.2933 across 6 3 geoff marbella 7th January 2018, 20:59
» by brendan
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