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Topic Replies Started by Last post
RTE Crossword no. 4 7 laurel 20th January 2018, 17:19
» by eibhlin
i Cryptic 2169 2 diablos 20th January 2018, 16:11
» by chrise
Cryptic 1305 6 lucyb7 20th January 2018, 15:57
» by lucyb7
Times cryptic 1305 3 kazwat 20th January 2018, 14:35
» by kazwat
GH General Knowledge 692 2 jendoug 20th January 2018, 13:56
» by jendoug
YP 1664 3 cooks07 20th January 2018, 13:21
» by cooks07
Alphapuzzle 20/1/18 1 madgemay 20th January 2018, 12:46
» by zozozo
SWEPost Cryptic 3 colin (swansea jack) 20th January 2018, 12:45
» by malone
I cryptic 4 thomas 20th January 2018, 11:53
» by malone
i Cryptic 2169 6 diablos 20th January 2018, 10:32
» by diablos
YP 1664 2 linton 20th January 2018, 10:24
» by linton
RT crosswords 4 magworth 20th January 2018, 10:15
» by magworth
Wintry CHristmas 3 midnighter 20th January 2018, 10:12
» by magworth
YP 1664 1 linton 20th January 2018, 10:05
» by cerasus
Malone Times 2 malone 20th January 2018, 09:51
» by rossim
Rte 4 7 eibhlin 20th January 2018, 09:48
» by eibhlin
Spelling time now 1 styleyd 20th January 2018, 08:25
» by chrisg
I cryptic 3 thomas 19th January 2018, 22:05
» by thomas
Malone Times 15 malone 19th January 2018, 18:27
» by malone
Tough Clue 5 malone 19th January 2018, 15:56
» by chrise
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