Common Crossword Clues Starting with P

P & O arranged outlandish entertainment
P G Wodehouse character
P on a fraternity house
P P P, in Greek
P&O crossing popular still
P's, but not Q's
P, in a phonetic alphabet
P, in Greece
P, not L, is a kind-hearted soul
P, on a fraternity house
P, on a fraternity jacket
P-plagiarise digital version
P-Q, maybe: Abbr.
P. C. Wren novel "Beau __
P. D. James's "Death ___
P. Diddy's first name
P. Diddy's music
P. Morgan pined, desperately trying to appear well-connected
P. T. Barnum, for example
P. T. Barnum, notably
p., as in Plymouth
P.C. part
P.C. program
P.C. Wren's Beau
P.C.-to-P.C. system
P.D. alert
P.D. alerts
P.D. broadcast
P.D. call
P.D. employee
P.D. figure
P.D. personnel
P.D. rank
P.D.A. communiqu
P.D.A. part: Abbr.
P.D.Q. Bach's "Sanka Cant
P.D.Q. in an O.R.
P.D.Q. in the I.C.U.
P.D.Q., on "ER"
P.D.Q., updated
P.F.C.'s punishment
P.G.A. champ Sutton
P.G.A. Masters champion B
P.G.A. Tour Rookie of the
P.G.A. Tour site, ___ Pin
P.G.A.'s Calvin
P.G.A.'s Ernie
P.G.A.'s Isao
P.I., e.g.
P.L.O. rival
P.L.O.'s Arafat
P.M. before Gladstone
P.M. before Macmillan
P.M. before Sharon
P.M. between Netanyahu an
P.M. counterpart
P.M. elected in 2001
P.M. elected in October 1
P.M. hours, to a bard
P.M. known as the Iron La
P.M. or pres.
P.M. periods
P.M. preceded and succeed
P.M. times
P.M. who was father of an
P.M. William Gladstone's
P.O. alternative
P.O. box item
P.O. box, e.g.
P.O. boxful
P.O. delivery
P.O. employees have them
P.O. item
P.O. items
P.O. piece
P.O.W.'s place
P.R. is found in it
P.R. locale
P.R. people
P.R. person, e.g.
P.R., so to speak
P.S. Dad debauched wretched nude maiden
P.S. in a Beatles song
P.S. on an invitation
P.S.A.T. takers
P.T.A. and N.E.A., for tw
P.T.A. concern
P.T.A. concern: Abbr.
P.T.A. meeting place: Abb
P.T.A. member?: Abbr.
P.T.A. part: Abbr.
P.T.A.'s focus: Abbr.
P.T.A.-aligned org.
Pa Clampett
Pa Clampett player on TV
PA touted possibly for knowing the latest
PA tried various fliers
PA woman accompanies posh colleague
Pa's a listener out to make friendly conversation
Pa's neurotic about preliminary safety procedures
Pa's pa
PA's said why beforehand
PA, on reflection sharp, given a job
Pa. accident site of 1979
Pa. hours
Pa. neighbor
Pa. nuclear accident site
Pa. nuclear plant site
Pa. nuke plant
Pablo —, artist
Pablo —, artist
Pablo Casals's instrument
Pablo Neruda works
Pablo Neruda's "Elemental
Pablo Neruda's "___ to Co
Pablo Neruda's "___ to Op
Pablo or Pedro, e.g.
Pablo Picasso's "one and
Pablo's this
Pablum eater
Pabst brand
Pac 10 gossip column?
Pac 10 member
Pac 10 sch.
Pac 10 school
Pac 10 school, for short
Pac 10 team
PAC for those who pack?
Pac Ten powerhouse
Pac Ten school
Pac Ten school, informall
Pac Ten team
PAC whose members pack?
Pac-10 competitor
Pac-10 sch.
Pac-10 team
Pac-10 team, for short
Pac-10's Beavers: Abbr.
Pac-12 team
Pac-Man centers
Pac-Man enemy
Pac-Man maker
Pac. borderer
Pac.'s counterpart
Pace about
Pace and power in germ
Pace in dressage
Pace of favourite’s excessively strong, on reflection
Pace; ladder rung
Pace; stage
Paced like men of York?
Paceman’s length I recalled extremely unpredictable
Pacer maker: Abbr.
Pacer pacer?
Pacer's burden
Pacer's place
Pacers' contest?
Pacers' contests?
Paces - trousers
Paces about at home, close to staying, then getting away
Paces about, tense in appearance
Paces; measures
Pachacuti's people
Pachyderm of fiction
Pacific and Atlantic
Pacific archipelago natio
Pacific arm
Pacific atoll in 1943 fig
Pacific atoll, used for 23 US nuclear tests between 1946 and 1958
Pacific battle site
Pacific battle site, fami
Pacific battle site, in b
Pacific battle's fine, mostly from one point of view
Pacific capital
Pacific Coast evergreen
Pacific Coast food fish
Pacific Coast Highway, fo
Pacific country
Pacific country of islands that spread north and south of the equator and east and west of the 180th meridian
Pacific divider
Pacific ecosystem rumbled North and cut out
Pacific force, for short
Pacific group about to enter long-distance races
Pacific island
Pacific island chain
Pacific island country
Pacific island country, before independence the Ellice Islands
Pacific island country, formerly New Hebrides
Pacific island garment wr
Pacific island getaway
Pacific island group
Pacific Island group of rugby players: 50 to 1
Pacific island in major W
Pacific island member of the Commonwealth, capital Suva
Pacific island nation
Pacific island starts to use planes over liners, usually
Pacific island state
Pacific island with nicer bananas
Pacific island, genuine and raw, deposing King in rebellion
Pacific islander
Pacific islanders' cash crop?
Pacific islands are home to small spicy dish
Pacific islands in W.W. I
Pacific islands, collecti
Pacific kingdom
Pacific marine mammal
Pacific nation since 1968
Pacific Northwest tribe
Pacific ocean finally going purple around noon
Pacific Ocean warming
Pacific paste
Pacific phenomenon
Pacific region
Pacific repast
Pacific republic
Pacific resident initially displayed in a bid for praise, possibly
Pacific retreat
Pacific Rim capital
Pacific Rim locale
Pacific Rim region
Pacific ring
Pacific salmon
Pacific salmon marinated in alcohol
Pacific state
Pacific state importing South Indian pastry
Pacific sultanate
Pacific weather phenomeno
Pacific ___
Pacific ___ College
Pacific's counterpart in
Pacific, e.g.
Pacific, for example
Pacific, for one
Pacific, perhaps
Pacifist Christian branch
Pacifist element of Goring and Himmler
Pacifist in America jumped off cliff
Pacifist moving crowd to oust Republican leader
Pacifist's dream
Pacifist's protest
Pacifists' protest
Pacify Liberals mobbing leader of Unionists
Pacify primate eating vegetables
Pacify son, very small, just into double figures
Pacify, placate
Pacing, say
Pacino and Bundy
Pacino and Gore
Pacino and others
Pacino drama
Pacino first to salute unbeatable service here in France
Pacino goes to stage right, getting round quickly?
Pacino's "Sea of Love" co
Pack (away)
Pack (down)
Pack (of cards)
Pack a quarter in of the very best
Pack again, as groceries
Pack again, as hay
Pack and send
Pack animal
Pack animal gets problem with tendon
Pack animal has problem with tendon
Pack animal left priest in the high mountains
Pack animal shortly trails behind, like this
Pack animal?
Pack animals
Pack away
Pack bits and bobs?
Pack boot of car in service area
Pack captures many a naval unit
Pack carrier
Pack carriers
Pack case, at first, with fleece - it's useful on Blackpool beach
Pack content cut, so destabilised
Pack down
Pack in
Pack in a ship's hold
Pack in act at
Pack including second two cards - one's worn
Pack instrument for one with bad designs for bridge?
Pack it in
Pack it in jars to be sent back
Pack it in, so to speak
Pack item, for short
Pack leader, in Cub Scout
Pack leaders
Pack lunch or deliver sandwiches
Pack member
Pack member’s flag
Pack member's naked face-off on ice
Pack neatly
Pack of cards
Pack of cards for fortune-tellers
Pack of dogs carrying a plague
Pack of lifesavers?
Pack of sharks?
Pack of troubles surrounding on-off love
Pack overhead
Pack rat
Pack rats
Pack Reliant Robin, say and supply any rug
Pack round a US resort
Pack securely
Pack short underwear that's wild
Pack stock for the audience?
Pack tightly
Pack to capacity
Pack up
Pack up before lecture becomes complicated
Pack up election material
Pack up tents
Pack up trophies in retirement
Pack very tightly
Pack zero pastry cases
Pack ___
Pack ___ (give up)
Pack ___ (quit)
Pack’s overtaking East Asian runner
Pack, heading for another place in Florida
Pack, to a pack animal
Pack-'em-in children's ga
Pack-hunting carnivore
Package average egg, maybe one left aside
Package carrier
Package covering very loud sound restrictor
Package friend put outside back of our church
Package in unusual place outside front of restaurant
Package info: Abbr.
Package letters
Package needs care to move into place
Package right put in place for sorting
Package securer
Package up before forward
Packages gripping non-drinker in Waterloo, Stamford Bridge, say?
Packaging abbr.
Packaging material - telephony
Packaging suppliers' indu
Packard of Hewlett-Packar
Packard's partner
Packed away
Packed bus finally pulled away
Packed crowd of people
Packed pasta
Packed Romeo inside wearing skimpy underwear?
Packed tight
Packed with celebs, large and small, visiting place of sacrifice
Packed with group of players speaking in German
Packed with ideas, as an
Packed with incident
Packed, as pistols
Packed, in brief
Packed, to be on the safe side
Packer of old
Packer's employer
Packers org.
Packers QB whose #15 jers
Packers' org.?
Packers' stat.
Packet handler's cutting tool
Packets from Twinings of
Packhorse or mule
Packing a punch
Packing a wallop
Packing case
Packing cases
Packing crew
Packing heat
Packing in large audiences to begin with – quite the reverse – getting worried
Packing in sport
Packing info: Abbr.
Packing items of PPE, they'll help deliver jabs
Packing material
Packing sausages is common practice
Packing string
Packing stuff
Packing touring chest after time finally set aside
Packing way too much
Packinghouse stamp
Packs a lot in
Packs again, as groceries
Packs away
Packs down
Packs for bikers and hike
Packs from cycling brand
Packs in
Packs in stacks
Pact made at The Hague?
Pact of '94
Pact partners initially will pen concerning new union
Pact since 1993
Pact, at heart, what’s needed for binding agreement
Pacy solo almost fluffed in Caribbean ballad
Pad cushioned and strapped?
Pad finally getting bye, perhaps on left or on right
Pad for baby
Pad for cleaning wounds
Pad in which Frenchman entertains partner for the evening
Pad name
Pad out centrally, fell leg before wicket
Pad owner
Pad paper?
Pad producer
Pad producers
Pad sharer
Pad sitter
Pad user
Pad ___ (noodle dish)
Pad, pre-set, tripped where boy racer nabbed?
Pad, so to speak
Padded coverings
Padded envelope
Padded mattress for sleeping on the floor
Padded mattress from Japan
Padded part of an easy chair
Padded side to a chair
Padded sofa
Padded things
Padding over where arm's held close to body
Padding plus the story, no way necessary for a rewrite?
Padding taken advantage of by such relaxed solvers?
Paddington Bear's favoured garment
Paddington's foremost store of marmalade?
Paddington's home page initially enrages rail union
Paddington's nationality
Paddle a boat
Paddle round a river
Paddle wheels' superseder
Paddle with duck alongside a river
Paddle's kin
Paddle, in a way
Paddleboat's left side or its terminus
Paddled craft
Paddled in sea after boat discovered
Paddled vessel
Paddler's target
Paddlers' craft
Paddock sounds
Paddy beat Republican shortly
Paddy crop
Paddy drinks up
Paddy grain
Paddy harbours small annoyance
Paddy on the way?
Paddy produces this waffle, say - getting light fuel?
Paddy product
Paddy wagon?
Paddy's abandoning run in frozen areas
Paddy's social worker received by the president? Not quite
Paddy, dry, swallowing an alcoholic drink
Paddy, Henry and Earl produce choral movement
Paderewski's "Minuet ___"
Padlock holder
Padlock parts
Padlock piece
Padlock's partner
Padlocks lock them
Padlocks, say
Padova's region
Padre dressed in shroud
Padre is troubled by Ireland's sorry state of affairs
Padre run out, not feeling too good
Padre's boy
Padre's brothers
Padre's hermano
Padre's place
Padre's sister
Padre, for short
Padre’s lain out a man
Padres and Cards, e.g.
Padres and Pirates, infor
Pads out batter cakes
Padua's ___ Chapel, with
Paean, book for all to see in stock
Paella accompaniment
Paella base
Paella cooker
Paella ingrediente
Paella need
Paella pot
Paella, for instance, always has cheese?
Paesano's land
Pagan celebration wrecked altar in USA
Pagan deity priest continually repelled
Pagan follower?
Pagan god astride unusual throne in temple
Pagan gods
Pagan ignores one kind
Pagan one at some future point hosting party
Pagan using axe without resistance initially slays more with it
Pagan vow so ultraradical
Pagan with 500 depressed troops going up gully?
Pagan woman that is seen on street in crowd
Pagan words at the altar, possibly our last
Paganini is to be played without 'pop' symbols
Paganini's birthplace
Paganini's instrument
Pagans - ideal sort for conversion
Pagans adding verse to biblical book
Pagans, ones about to procrastinate?
Page (through)
Page 1, 3 or 5, e.g.
Page 2, usually
Page about wonderful building?
Page border
Page boys get tandem going
Page by girl, not poetic writing
Page edge
Page facing a verso
Page for farming story
Page from battered Hello devoured by bachelor quietly
Page got certain segment upset
Page has to be translated into language
Page held by old and overused fastener
Page I quickly turned up for attractive pictures
Page identifier
Page in a book
Page in an appointment bo
Page in article, very dry and short
Page in Cassady perhaps reveals republic
Page in contract on a security system
Page in English in new novel — yarn turned on it
Page in group that can hide in bushes?
Page in some novel set in town, of course
Page in support of dog show
Page in uniform: my job is emotionally difficult
Page in Welsh converted for young English setters, say
Page included in shrinking material for paper
Page is upset about bloody count not opening vents
Page item, tiny piece
Page missing from bottle book?
Page missing from new receipt, don't exchange ticket
Page nice to edit at length for writer
Page number
Page number in a book
Page numbers
Page of a book
Page of math problems, sa
Page of music
Page of un calendario
Page one is about Kim's game
Page opening out
Page penned by French author in college grounds
Page penned by retiring Tories — protection for that?
Page put on line, showing official residence
Page starts to rally some university bigwigs
Page taken from agreements in book before Romans
Page that is about traitor and main criminal
Page tucking into mouldy bread, perhaps
Page turned down party clothes
Page turner
Page wearing drunkard's hat
Page who sang "How much i
Page with amusing predicament
Page with convictions
Page with dotty portraits lacking an introduction to Roy Lichtenstein?
Page with Lima in the map redrawn for publication
Page with piece of writing, a tiny bit
Page with press piece — something from the Large Hadron Collider?
Page with views
Page within a page, it's entangled?
Page(s) produced from a computer
Page(s) run off from a computer
Page, e.g.
Page, for example
Page, for one
Page-turners are good one
Page? He's in a group
Pageant accessory
Pageant adornment
Pageant announcement
Pageant attire
Pageant contender
Pageant crown
Pageant crowns
Pageant display
Pageant element
Pageant entertained man of honour
Pageant entrant's wear
Pageant judging criterion
Pageant prizes
Pageant put-on
Pageant routine
Pageant title
Pageant topper
Pageant toppers
Pageant venue
Pageant wear
Pageant winner
Pageantry with European team in Italian city
Pageboy has container of stuff picked up
Pageboys, e.g.
Pager cue
Pager sound
Pages (through)
Pages about new forms of yeast
Pages and pages of articles of faith on board
Pages bearing ring for groom
Pages breaking free skimmed off counter
Pages Hamlet distributed providing a source of information
Pages that aren't editori
Paging device
Paging, say
Pago Pago resident
Pago Pago residents
Pago Pago site
Pago Pago whereabouts
Pago Pago's home
Pago Pago's land
Pago Pago's locale
Pago Pago's place
Pago-Pago's land
Pagoda features
Pagoda instruments
Pagoda locale
Pagoda sight
Pagoda sights
Pagoda sounds
Pahlavi, for one
Paid (up)
Paid a brief visit
Paid actor supplying cues
Paid athlete
Paid athletes
Paid attendees
Paid attention
Paid attention – like tomato purée
Paid attention to
Paid attention to, with "
Paid attention, so to spe
Paid attention, turning up to read next page to end
Paid back
Paid back low newspaper interrupting Her Majesty’s division
Paid fighter
Paid for
Paid for everyone
Paid in full
Paid intro?
Paid job with minimal work - insecure
Paid less, content to be shirking
Paid magistrate
Paid male escort
Paid no attention to
Paid notices
Paid out
Paid out - exhausted
Paid player
Paid player said to keep runs down
Paid pounds for something at auction
Paid regularly
Paid reluctantly
Paid respect to
Paid respects to
Paid solver
Paid sports spectator
Paid the penalty
Paid to eat
Paid to get in
Paid to hold hands?
Paid tribute to
Paid tribute to having the blues involving stringed instrument
Paid up, and relaxed
Paid with radicchio, initially, that is found among mixed greens
Paid, as a bill
Paid, with "up"
Paige of stage and screen
Paige tangles the hair wh
Paignton turned out to be pathetic
Pail contents, perhaps
Pail problem
Pain - a bum log
Pain - check a BA
Pain accordingly doubled
Pain after one European abandons environmentally-sound grape variety
Pain along the course of
Pain also leads to article about account given by hospital
Pain caused by adding ont
Pain caused by former Wimbledon champion grabbing first of titles
Pain centrally in cricket match — box needed!
Pain commander inflicted on a revolutionary
Pain cutting ear, then doctor back
Pain expert accepting husband
Pain from running, perhaps — affected after covering run
Pain has one going round hospital
Pain he's suffering to get fit
Pain in a hearing organ
Pain in course of stomach exercises
Pain in each elbow
Pain in mouth after cut in windpipe
Pain in the arse stealing foremost of Tesco’s bread
Pain in the behind
Pain in the eye?
Pain in the head
Pain in the head teacher's rear? Imagine rioting
Pain in the lower back
Pain in the middle or inner ear
Pain in the neck
Pain in the neck?
Pain in the side
Pain in the side brought on by exercise
Pain in the side caused by exercise
Pain inflicted by a small winged insect
Pain inside
Pain keeps Bill's partner moving quickly
Pain killer?
Pain left in extremely sore shiner
Pain of a person cycling
Pain of brill swallowing tip of hook
Pain of north European country losing monarch
Pain of Scotsman hanging round island hotel
Pain of second celebrity landing outside hospital
Pain of US private, quiet
Pain reactions
Pain relief
Pain relief for north American with broken leg detained in the Far East
Pain reliever
Pain reliever brand
Pain reliever, e.g.
Pain relievers
Pain result
Pain somewhere in the mountains with one getting cold
Pain soother
Pain when running, having to lose stone? That’s an irritation
Pain, one produced by needle?
Pain-in-the-neck producer
Pain-relieving tablet
Pain: Suffix
Pained by return of crazy government?
Pained comment?
Pained cries
Pained cry you record
Pained expression in sea off Nice that may be cutting
Pained expression on entering this French carriage
Pained expression when cutting very short ticket
Pained expression!
Pained expression?
Pained expressions
Pained from riding
Pained look
Pained reaction
Pained sound
Pained sounds
Painful back for love god
Painful bill - object, spending time
Painful boils oddly ignored by deity
Painful combo
Painful condition due to reflection off white surface
Painful condition keeping radius in plaster
Painful condition of the joints and muscles
Painful condition overwhelming international winger?
Painful cry
Painful cut, I hear
Painful disease it's good to have dismissed
Painful dive
Painful effort
Painful exertion
Painful experience
Painful experience after bathing?
Painful experience when river floods holiday site?
Painful expression I am to write into prayer
Painful facial lump or blister
Painful foot problem
Painful inflammation of the foot
Painful joint injury
Painful method usually employed to break off toenail
Painful muscle contraction
Painful nonsense about war hero
Painful phase of tachycardia
Painful piercing
Painful place to be kicke
Painful prod
Painful reminder
Painful rides might result in subconscious mistake
Painful sensation expelling a bit of gastric wind
Painful sounds caused by gas lights?
Painful spots
Painful start after he replaces one from which position?
Painful stomach problem
Painful struggle
Painful swelling
Painful swelling and redness
Painful when touched
Painful, aching
Painful, naturally, to have it cracked apart?
Painfully aware people?
Painfully loud
Painfully rips an ankle liable to this injury
Painfully sensitive
Painkiller dosage phrase
Painkiller made by Bayer
Painkiller since ancient
Painkiller used on Arctic trip
Painless barking for dogs
Painless choice to remove caps in sanctuary
Painless exercise for dogs
Pains gripping sick old Greek
Pains in gaucho's behind easing with new treatment
Pains in the neck
Pains' partner
Pains, so to speak
Painstaking bosses store debtor’s note
Painstaking character of oarsmen originally entering via loch
Painstaking cover-up - it protects dope
Painstaking people enjoy this activity
Painstakingly accurate
Painstakingly careful
Paint — moderate source of art?
Paint a hunk of a nudist emperor
Paint a picture of beam supporting left-hand side
Paint additives
Paint amateurishly
Paint and shellac, for ex
Paint applied thickly
Paint base
Paint basecoat
Paint big birds seizing big cat by its head
Paint birds catching cat by its head?
Paint book
Paint brush finally adapted into a device holding pillbox in place
Paint can direction
Paint can instruction
Paint can out, red is stirred
Paint choice
Paint coat
Paint coat of eggshell around handle
Paint crudely
Paint finish
Paint for walls; disease
Paint great work, filling in outline from Dubuffet
Paint Hope nursing men brutish at heart
Paint I'm mixing for instruments
Paint ingredient
Paint job finale
Paint layer
Paint layers
Paint left large streak
Paint light under socket
Paint Lucy tripping, which is not what you'd expect
Paint none too delicately
Paint nudism au naturel, finally implicated in recurrent commotion
Paint over
Paint palette accompanier
Paint remover
Paint remover component
Paint sample
Paint Sid knocked over with outburst of anger
Paint that dries to a hard glossy finish
Paint that dries with a sheen
Paint that makes dog sick
Paint the town red
Paint thinner
Paint title in enormous letters (just initials)
Paint two animals, taking seconds
Paint type
Paint unskillfully
Paint using flecks
Paint with slight sheen
Paint without trying to s
Paint's alternative
Paint, producing a mottled effect
Paint, true, when splashed around, gives measure of warmth
Paint-mixing board
Paint; disease of dogs
Paintball sound
Paintbrushes and such
Painted a mental picture
Painted backcloths
Painted Desert features
Painted ladies, for example
Painted me in hat, going round Norway
Painted metalware
Painted or sculpted band running round under the ceiling
Painted picture
Painted pitcher
Painted ponies
Painted scenery cloth
Painted the town red
Painted the town red, in
Painted vessel, perhaps
Painter a little like author Roald, some might say?
Painter also engaged by related blue shade
Painter and potter uncovered nonsense fool put about
Painter and teacher of Bo
Painter Andrea del ___
Painter Andrea ___ Castag
Painter Andrea ___ Sarto
Painter Anthony Van ___
Painter appeared first - this followed!
Painter Bonheur
Painter Botticelli
Painter captures nothing, very upset
Painter captures something magical in land
Painter Chagall
Painter Childe ___
Painter clear about ordering Latin-free funeral
Painter contributing to building restoration
Painter Daumier
Painter departs, returning wise
Painter depicting courage and determination in friend
Painter doesn't usually respect every rookie, each starting out
Painter editor repelled with flatulence
Painter El ___
Painter entertained by diplomat is Seurat
Painter enthralling residents to some extent
Painter foremost in British art study
Painter Foster's spilled a thinner on the ground
Painter Fouquet
Painter Fra Filippo ___
Painter gives extremely detailed subject of self-portrait to sovereign
Painter Haring
Painter having drink — something bitter
Painter having house with courtyard
Painter humble with the second-hand exchange?
Painter I brought in to supply bathroom fitting
Painter in boys’ home tangled with urchins
Painter inspired by cooks making fish
Painter inspired by place of worship, making master free slave
Painter is a bit of a swine
Painter is imprisoned in shock judgment
Painter is special to be embraced by comrade
Painter is tucking into baked tart
Painter Klimt
Painter known for pictures of dancers
Painter Magritte
Painter Magritte and othe
Painter Matisse
Painter Max
Painter maybe backing himself - it's about time
Painter Meissonier
Painter might use this beheaded beast
Painter Mondrian
Painter Nolde
Painter occupying gallery finally calling for oils?
Painter of "The Garden of
Painter of "The Naked 56-
Painter of "The Naked Maj
Painter of A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, d.1883
Painter of a Zola portrai
Painter of ballerinas
Painter of bathers
Painter of body of land in the Seychelles
Painter of British water?
Painter of dreamscapes
Painter of geologer oddly missed out green
Painter of haystacks
Painter of haystacks and
Painter of heavenly figure
Painter of industrial Lancashire
Painter of Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, d. 1883
Painter of limp watches
Painter of Rain, Steam and Speed
Painter of the "Crucifixi
Painter of the Barbizon s
Painter of The Fighting Temeraire
Painter of The Night Watch
Painter of water lilies
Painter one attached to steamer held by ship's officer
Painter opens wine, just the thing for painting?
Painter or drawer
Painter or philosopher - which might be rasher?
Painter outside grand bar that's attractive
Painter papers around bottom right corner made ready
Painter Paul
Painter Picasso
Painter picked up cigarette ends
Painter Rembrandt van ___
Painter Rivera
Painter Schiele
Painter Shahn
Painter shot by half-cut American
Painter stern after spilling a thinner on the ground
Painter studies board
Painter such as Millais
Painter such as Rossetti
Painter surnamed Vecellio
Painter Tanguy
Painter to change course after touring classic city, nothing less
Painter to cut back piece of hair
Painter to resist making amendments
Painter turned to fabulous bird
Painter tutored by Titian
Painter unexpectedly catching river turtle
Painter Veronese
Painter who had a point t
Painter who makes a fast
Painter whose name means
Painter wins town in local elections
Painter with seconds to stop megalomaniac
Painter with strange new desire to protect 22
Painter ___ del Sarto
Painter’s daughter drawn to wise man from the east
Painter’s instant source of information
Painter’s picture: a ship on top of ocean
Painter’s predicament entertaining bishop at home
Painter’s way of working with black to speed up task
Painter's adult representation of sex acquired by religious scholar
Painter's awful ear injury
Painter's base
Painter's bill to cite rework
Painter's calculation
Painter's caper ruined item of decor
Painter's current giant frames
Painter's deg.
Painter's energy always returns
Painter's equipment
Painter's estimation
Painter's first class, po
Painter's first dog was a boxer
Painter's frames for rococo triptych a stunning hit
Painter's hugged by fine lady kept for pleasure
Painter's medium
Painter's plaster
Painter's preparation
Painter's primer
Painter's prop
Painter's reason to take the bus back?
Painter's son going round the bend in church
Painter's stand
Painter's subject
Painter's tool
Painter's tripod
Painter's undercoat
Painter, after short vacation, to live at home
Painter, artist bound to rise, capturing origin of humanity
Painter, drawer
Painter, one permitted to enter Swiss region endlessly
Painter, perhaps, one speaking in the last month
Painter, say, probing revolutionary use of blue
Painter; hair colour
Painter’s change in direction after capturing the writer following completion of chapter
Painters Frank and Joseph
Painters in dire straits
Painters' stands
Painting aid
Painting and sculpting, e
Painting and sculpture among others left during attacks
Painting artist stuffed into Scottish chimney turned up
Painting by a watercolourist, perhaps
Painting by eccentric Somalian
Painting depicting heartless soldiers turned up in collection
Painting Dog & Duck after a choir's rampage
Painting efficiently's a boring source of income?
Painting genre
Painting guides
Painting has the power that a mechanic could make good use of
Painting holder
Painting is about to come up
Painting Loch Ness with monster's eye in it
Painting measuring up 22 x 0.25
Painting medium
Painting method
Painting not for the demu
Painting of a fruit bowl,
Painting of Christ with the crown of thorns
Painting of couple by river in boat
Painting of flowers, e.g.
Painting of fresh cod with tails removed
Painting of Manila so contrived!
Painting of oneself
Painting of the artist's own likeness
Painting of the briny
Painting of Welshman, about 50
Painting on plaster
Painting on plaster that's dry and firm
Painting on three hinged panels
Painting or photo with great appeal, on reflection
Painting or sculpture, for example
Painting over one line
Painting regularly turned, we suspect
Painting rocky place with sand
Painting stand
Painting style adopted by Picasso particularly
Painting surface
Painting technique using dots
Painting the town red
Painting tool
Painting turned up after century, source of inspiration for historian
Painting type
Painting with colours mixed with gum
Painting with concerning mark inside mount
Painting with crashing wa
Painting with pigment laid on thick
Painting, crouch so air can circulate
Painting, music, etc
Paintings and such
Paintings and where you can see them, Saudi Arabia?
Paintings by Mark Rothko or Jackson Pollock
Paintings by men put in suitable studio, maybe
Paintings by Pollock or Kandinsky, say
Paintings entirely acquired in an ingenious fashion
Paintings etc
Paintings fill up boring gaps in walls
Paintings have captured a horse race on island
Paintings new and used, needing restoration
Paintings of Marilyn Monr
Paintings on hinged panel
Paintings returned — and poetry? It makes you cross
Paintings sale row — court involved
Paintings to appear in learned book perhaps that's hard work
Paints flange in a sprocket at first
Paints gently
Paints like Pollock
Paints switching ends in storage facility
Paints the town red
Pair admitting strong affection for shore bird
Pair at sea
Pair carrying old item of furniture easy to get to the skip?
Pair caught by witness in drunken frolic, maybe
Pair connected somehow more than usually liable to mishap
Pair consuming coffee and course of meal
Pair consuming port earlier
Pair contracted fever in capital
Pair delivered speech, appropriately shared
Pair dined with the Spanish church dignitary
Pair doctored photo of a Greek god
Pair facing first sign of danger — and ready for it?
Pair filmed briefly moving part of roadie’s kit?
Pair for a captain?
Pair for a suit
Pair for pairs
Pair for the court
Pair from a deck, maybe
Pair given permission to form band
Pair help to mix adhesive for operation
Pair helping one see incomplete requirement
Pair in a dead man's hand
Pair in a dinghy
Pair in an ellipse
Pair in cage suspended, the first to be sent down
Pair in dispute over house mostly keep to the point
Pair is going north in Great Britain, more or less to climb with equipment
Pair left in sports car
Pair maybe 200 metres beyond Belgium's capital
Pair observed in theatre favoured massage of Austrian musician?
Pair of Americans raring to go off about the country
Pair of buffalo?
Pair of chic yellow shades help when solving?
Pair of coppers employed for a trivial sum
Pair of cymbals operated
Pair of diamonds?
Pair of elephants?
Pair of facing pages in the middle of a magazine
Pair of glasses with a handle
Pair of hacks get a move on!
Pair of idiots at home — one's a killer!
Pair of Indian drums
Pair of journos about to accept shocking rag's disgrace
Pair of kings hosting Brussels pomp
Pair of lamps, maybe
Pair of lenses
Pair of Mexicans
Pair of names applied to one tavern
Pair of nappies?
Pair of nines?
Pair of old ladies maintaining this compiler stinks!
Pair of opposite electric
Pair of oxen
Pair of pants?
Pair of pears
Pair of pincers
Pair of ruffians?
Pair of seals when swimming? Group not round seal at sea
Pair of similar things
Pair of sneakers?
Pair of socks?
Pair of spirals about a common axis
Pair of sweaters worn tog
Pair of universities
Pair of verse lines
Pair on a bike
Pair on a couch
Pair on the bridge?
Pair on Wayne Gretzky's j
Pair penning feasible articles about South-East Mediterranean area
Pair protecting bishop with altar cross
Pair seen in Texas, perhaps - unqualified drug dealers?
Pair set to reform, criminals in the main
Pair sunbathe by sea, rolling over
Pair swapping academy for university is definitely on
Pair that focuses on bridge design requirements
Pair to get away from for a start
Pair touring Canada pranged station wagon?
Pair touring Olympic city earlier
Pair trained Manx cat, a divine male
Pair tucks into French garlic dessert, a possibility for 1/4
Pair watch, perhaps, for unfaithful partner
Pair winning almost immediately?
Pair with a plow
Pair with a sales pitch — nutty stuff!
Pair with female in a barely believable embarrassing mistake
Pair with right to enter sunless island to create illustrations
Pair with say back pain
Pair with vision looked for victims
Pair, ignoring me, come up with article in French
Paired blocks I see, record price for a British sculptor
Paired houses
Paired: Prefix
Pairs cool off in Athens landmark
Pairs holder?
Pairs of jaws
Pairs of pants, not individually wrapped, can't be dirty
Pairs of pictures showing yachts at sea without a following depression
Pairs of tools?
Pairs originally from Bolshoi lead Roman dance
Pairs with drums
Pairs' debarking point
Paisley denial
Paisley goes in to bless worried Aegean islanders
Paisley's helping Ireland, perhaps
Paisley, e.g.
Paisleys, e.g.
Pajama material
Pajama part
Pajama sellers?
Pajama-clad exec
Pajamas' rear opening
Pakistan’s longest river
Pakistan's capital
Pakistan's chief river
Pakistan's first capital
Pakistan's largest city
Pakistan's most populous city
Pakistan's opener banned from test cricket, say
Pakistan's so-called "Gar
Pakistan's ___ Pass
Pakistani city
Pakistani cricketer, an opener Lamb bowled out
Pakistani curry dish, originating perhaps in 1970s' Birmingham
Pakistani fashion
Pakistani language
Pakistani leader, 1977-88
Pakistani port
Pakistani president Asif
Pakistani president, 1978
Pakistani river
Pakistani tongue
Pal (Fr.)
Pal around (with)
Pal beginning to play the fool?
Pal completely ignoring lead singer in the Fifties
Pal craned awkwardly to see club worker
Pal cries out for a breather
Pal drinking shake ordered to get a move on
Pal drops in at random after lunch
Pal for Pierre
Pal for Spot or Rover
Pal had reincarnated spiritual leader …
Pal I chat up (keeping under wraps old sausage)
Pal in Paris
Pal in Sydney
Pal in the 'hood
Pal of Eeyore
Pal of Jerry Seinfeld
Pal of Kenny and Kyle
Pal of Kukla and Fran
Pal of Nancy
Pal of Ollie
Pal of Pancho
Pal of Piglet
Pal of Pogo
Pal of Pooh
Pal of Roo
Pal of Rover
Pal of Spot
Pal of Tarzan
Pal of the starts of 17-,
Pal to arise, becoming knight
Pal who's liked by 1,11,1?
Pal with a Garand rifle shot ...
Pal's constant noise
Pal, colloquially
Pal, Down Under
Pal, in Pau
Pal, in Perth
Pal, in slang
Pal, jazzman, regularly seen in square
Pal, mate
Pal, rapper-style
Pal, slangily
Pal; Quaker
Palace a pushover? Withdraw article to show respect
Palace attendant has no time for messenger
Palace attendant having no time for messenger
Palace attendants in olde worlde horror film?
Palace built by Louis XIV
Palace display, maybe
Palace dweller
Palace employee
Palace establishment ordered to release various stats
Palace figures
Palace guard Newcastle United centre half after eight unbelievable headers
Palace head linked to Pik Botha's ultimate collapse
Palace in cathedral city and diocese
Palace in Granada
Palace in spot south of a cathedral city
Palace near Paris
Palace occupied by the French president
Palace of Versailles excursion not finishing soon
Palace or prison, e.g.: A
Palace player going too far in a large undergarment
Palace protector
Palace resident
Palace ruler: Var.
Palace turned over City and Gunners
Palace watch City taking the lead
Palace workers
Palace's first chance, at end of dreary 22
Palacio feature
Palacio part
Palacio resident
Palais des Nations murali
Palais des Nations settin
Palais du Luxembourg body
Palais Garnier offerings
Palais Garnier, for one
Palate appendage
Palate part
Palate stimulus
Palate titillated by university's high table?
Palate-raising response
Palatial and opulent
Palatine Hill site
Palaver to fix Cockney's cavity following damage
Palaver, delay
Palazzo Alfieri locale
Palazzo Madama locale
Palazzo Pubblico site
Pale - pussy willow
Pale 1950s youth sought by police?
Pale ales finally necked by a Scottish woman
Pale and sickly
Pale appearance
Pale as a ghost
Pale blond
Pale blue colour
Pale blue Toyota model scratching parking sign
Pale brown colour
Pale brownish-yellow colour
Pale bum certain to provide amusement
Pale clothing
Pale coffee brought up after meat pie?
Pale color
Pale colors
Pale colour
Pale colour - buy elks
Pale colour shown by historic American railway
Pale cream colour - map change
Pale daughter’s magic accessory
Pale flame around national emblem
Pale green-yellow colour
Pale Guardian covers bestseller with renewed energy
Pale hue
Pale lager
Pale like one prone to brooding
Pale medium-dry sherry
Pale moon obscured intermittently for long time
Pale orange tropical fruit
Pale peat moss - human GPs
Pale pink-coloured
Pale pipe suggests neatness
Pale pressure cooked accompaniment to cheek, maybe
Pale pub potable
Pale purple
Pale purple colour
Pale purple shade
Pale reddish purple
Pale reddish tint
Pale second
Pale shade of violet
Pale throw on back of sofa
Pale treacle
Pale violet
Pale when chicken
Pale when shown alongside feathery layer
Pale with fright
Pale wood
Pale yellow
Pale yellow colour
Pale yellow Danish cheese
Pale yellow vegetable fat used to make chocolate - true tobacco
Pale yellow wine that's proper going to head
Pale yellow- a primula
Pale yellow-shelled sea c
Pale yellowish-white
Pale, after engaging in drinking, doing work on the Thames
Pale, aging president?
Pale, like chicken
Pale-looking old rocker sought by police?
Pale-looking player who’ll make the first move?
Pale; insipid
Paleness from friend left in front of soldiers
Palenque native
Palenque pals
Paleological place
Paleontological study
Paleontological topic
Paleontologist's discover
Paleontologist's estimate
Paleozoic and Cenozoic
Paleozoic and Mesozoic
Paleozoic, e.g.
Paleozoic, for one
Paler than pale
Palest pants – they may cover reproductive organs
Palestine, long ago
Palestinian chief Yasir
Palestinian fighters
Palestinian governing authority of the Gaza Strip since 2007
Palestinian group
Palestinian leader
Palestinian leader Mahmou
Palestinian nationalist g
Palestinian party
Palestrina piece
Palette choice
Palette color
Palette globs
Palette supplies
Palillo of "Welcome Back,
Palin boy
Palin parodist
Palin parodist Tina
Palindrome center
Palindrome girl
Palindromic animal
Palindromic bird
Palindromic car name
Palindromic cheer
Palindromic comics dog
Palindromic composer
Palindromic conjunction
Palindromic diarist
Palindromic emperor
Palindromic English river
Palindromic exclamation
Palindromic fellow
Palindromic fragrance
Palindromic German name
Palindromic girl
Palindromic girl's name
Palindromic guy
Palindromic guy's name
Palindromic magazine name
Palindromic magazine titl
Palindromic man's name
Palindromic name
Palindromic name high on
Palindromic ninny
Palindromic passerine bird
Palindromic plan for fres
Palindromic pop group
Palindromic preposition
Palindromic suffix
Palindromic supergroup
Palindromic system for determ­ining an object's location
Palindromic thought about
Palindromic time
Palindromic title
Palindromic tribe name
Palindromic vehicle
Palindromic woman's name
Palindromic word for ‘look’
Palindromist's prepositio
Palindromist's principle
Palio di ___ (Italian hor
Palladium rejected because screw contains iron
Palladium, for one
Palladium, introducing old character, cut back
Pallet picker-upper
Pallet stuffer
Pallet-raising truck
Palliative plant
Palliative primarily given to sick?
Pallid condition of adolescent originally - adult I mean, on reflection
Pallid daughter getting stick
Pallid, like the lean nobleman of the artist's imagination?
Palm Beach County city, f
Palm features
Palm fern, regularly used after prayer
Palm for thatching
Palm fruit
Palm fruits
Palm hence to cross with silver? The reverse!
Palm leaf
Palm leaf fibre
Palm leaf fibres used to make baskets, mats etc
Palm off
Palm phone
Palm Pilot, e.g.
Palm Pilot, e.g., briefly
Palm product
Palm reader initially following lines in, oddly enough, animal
Palm reader's reading
Palm reader, e.g.
Palm readers, e.g.
Palm readers?
Palm seed
Palm smartphone
Palm Springs and others
Palm Springs-to-Las Vegas
Palm starch
Palm stems
Palm Sunday mount
Palm tree
Palm tree fibre
Palm tree fruit
Palm tree fruits
Palm tree locale
Palm tree product
Palm Treo, e.g.
Palm type
Palm used for basketry
Palm used for baskets
Palm used for weaving
Palm variety
Palm, e.g.
Palm, say
Palma's place
Palme of Sweden
Palme ___ (Cannes award)
Palme ___ (Cannes festiva
Palme ___ (Cannes prize)
Palme ___ (film award)
Palme ___ (prize at Canne
Palmer with an "army"
Palmist, e.g.
Palmists, e.g.
Palms (off on)
Palms (off)
Palo ___, Calif.
Paloverde and pecan
Palpebral swelling
Pals around in Paris?
Pals keeping quiet may be fools
Pals of Tarzan
Paltry amount
Paltry sum of money
Paltry sum teachers invested in vegetables
Pam of "Jackie Brown"
Pam rang excitedly — “This includes every letter!”
Pampas cowboy
Pamper commander's circle
Pamper group on Greek island
Pamper Spooner's dog-sitter?
Pamper, spoil
Pamper, with "on"
Pampered batting failure nurses sprained leg
Pampered boy crosses river with government agent
Pampered one?
Pampered orphan adopted by northern duke
Pampered pet
Pampered politician ultimately blocks satirical piece by editor
Pampered pooch
Pampered realm in which to serve?
Pampered, wanting nightcap initially sent up
Pampering place
Pampering places
Pampering, briefly
Pampering, for short
Pampers maker, informally
Pampers rival
Pampers sailor that is aboard British ship at first
Pamphlet - one about medical procedure
Pamphlet lifting Corbyn's majority, putting Right in the shade
Pamphlet with chart requiring timeshare arrangement to be easily managed
Pamphleteer about to shun H&M's core producer?
Pamplona cry
Pamplona parent
Pamplona playwright?
Pamplona pronoun
Pamplona runners
Pamplona shouts
Pan Am competitor
Pan Am rival
Pan Am rival, formerly
Pan American Games partic
Pan American Highway land
Pan films?
Pan handler
Pan in Chinese cooking
Pan pal?
Pan side in series
Pan with King Edward potato, perhaps
Pan's opposite
Pan's People finally aware of bigotry
Pan's place
Pan's realm
Pan, and what may be in it?
Pan, e.g.
Pan, for one
Pan-cooked brunch treat
Panacea's targets
PanAm rival
Panama and others
Panama and porkpie
Panama and Suez
Panama City's home: Abbr.
Panama claim
Panama hat material
Panama party
Panama port
Panama's San ___ Islands
Panama, e.g.
Panama, e.g.: Abbr.
Panama, for one
Panama, perhaps, annexing island with one Caribbean state
Panamanian dictator deposed by the USA in 1989
Panamanian mintage
Panamanian port named after Spanish explorer
Panamanian pronoun
Panamanians and Peruvians
Panasonic competitor
Panay seaport with a repe
Pancake caught: to do with physical education
Pancake day
Pancake Day is the day be
Pancake flipper
Pancake flippers
Pancake mix
Pancake mixture
Pancake syrup flavor
Pancake syrup icon
Pancake topper
Pancake with cordial shunned by sailor
Pancake with some basil filling and pepper sauce
Pancake, wrong one everyone picked up
Pancake-eating senator at
Pancake; fabric
Pancakes left in bin by yours truly
Pancakes served with caviar and sour cream
Pancakes served with sour
Pancakes served with sour cream
Pancho and the Cisco Kid,
Pancho's amigo
Pancho's pal
Pancras and Alban, for example
Pancreas, e.g.
Pancreatic enzyme
Pancreatic hormone
Panda, etc, trained to perform on stage
Pandas possibly put marks around enclosure
Pandemonium as married, eminent conductor's hugging student at the opening
Pander to popular Law Lord going over notes
Pandit upending gas-filled vessel
Pandora released them
Pandora's box
Pandora's boxful
Pandora's release
Pandowdy, e.g.
Pane frame
Pane holder
Pane producer
Pane's place
Panel created by sporting organisation’s spies in the States
Panel cut to include blend of pine and shrub
Panel discussion about imprisoning unemployed
Panel dismissing university's document
Panel get on after a blow
Panel gives old man nothing
Panel illumination
Panel in vehicle by which I’m struck!
Panel layer
Panel member
Panel of directors supporting career
Panel of tiresome people?
Panel put into a box
Panel shaken up and jittery
Panel show score indicating pretty good musical
Paneling material
Panels assembled to provide lodging after game
Panels only entertained by fools
Pangolin, for example
Panhandle city
Panhandle migrant
Panhandle site
Panhandler's request
Panhandler, perhaps
Panhellenic Games site
Panic about count I ran perversely having mistake in the maths
Panic about start of real Brussels outburst
Panic as displayed by marines?
Panic as hairstyle has length cut off
Panic at following three points
Panic buttons?
Panic diverted this year
Panic following part of race
Panic if ace at sea takes in first signs of cyclone occurring here?
Panic involving learner driver getting fail
Panic mostly produces evidence of trauma
Panic relating to wings at front of mansion
Panic room beneath sadly unfinished
Panic room's empty, like heads
Panic the way Marines do?
Panic with something being used to bring down plane
Panic, losing head, and slip
Panic, losing head? That’s a mistake
Panic-averting admonition
Panicked rush
Panics: a hairdo, poorly conceived, may be turning people off
Panini cheese
Panners' finds
Panorama is a TV broadcast
Panoramic photos
Panoramic Rome’s historic housing something very fine
Pans for stir-frying
Pans in comedy clubs
Pans spill head over heels and break to get repaired
Pansy spreading into breach
Pant - pine
Pant attachment?
Pant sizes
Pantheon figures
Pantheon head
Pantheon heads?
Pantheon members
Pantheonic queen
Panther, e.g.
Panthers, e.g.
Panties off, which is wise
Panting, about to engage in towelling oneself down?
Panto character putting bum on seat, no worry
Panto character’s mistake, briefly entering orchestra area
Panto character's revolutionary container for bodily effluvium?
Panto lead role
Panto part
Panto title
Pantomime boy involved in a racket
Pantomime character
Pantomime character in theatre regularly: large horse (back end missing)
Pantomime character recalled in plays
Pantomime character regularly taking in victims
Pantomime character with a cave?
Pantomime characters
Pantomime dame
Pantomime game
Pantomime hero, one likely to encounter woods?
Pantomime role
Pantomime villain's secret vice
Pantomime, say
Pantomimist Jacques
Pantry array
Pantry containers
Pantry in big house, ideal place to hear music
Pantry invader
Pantry items
Pantry pest
Pantry pests
Pantry problem
Pantry raider
Pantry's such a quiet place
Pantry, e.g.
Pants - or more - found in rugby players' changing areas?
Pants and straightens up, you might say
Pants crony put in a drawer
Pants ending just below t
Pants for mum
Pants from North America in exotic blue
Pants giving legal summaries
Pants half
Pants leg feature
Pants length measurement
Pants line
Pants material
Pants measure
Pants of a friend suspended by shower?
Pants on fire, missing point of argument
Pants one would be expecting to be up!
Pants part
Pants parts
Pants problem
Pants problems
Pants spec
Pants style
Pants that are dressier t
Pants, a lot exchanged after delivery
Pants, vest etc
Pants-on-fire guy
Panty raid prize
Panty raid site
Pantyhose brand
Pantyhose shade
Paolantonio of ESPN
Paolo Veronese's field
Pap's son, in literature
Papa abandoning biased craftsman
Papa and Nana's cycling collision
Papa Bear of Chicago foot
Papa Bear of football
Papa Bear of the N.F.L.
Papa Doc Duvalier, e.g.
Papa Doc ruled it
Papa gets longer in jug
Papa gets nappy the wrong way round, with discharge already settled
Papa in old picture
Papa is appalling traitor, meeting American organisation
Papa is leader of men's movement
Papa left us a sign
Papa not polite and nice, not one for discretion
Papa pad?
Papa with fish to commune with deity
Papa's mate
Papa's partner
Papa's partner embracing good, hot rock
Papa's spouse
Papa's to phone a geisha shiftily about wish, despite everything
Papa, enthralled by antique item, getting a copy
Papal ambassador
Papal ambassadors
Papal attire
Papal authority
Papal bull, e.g.
Papal candidate elected on paper by majority of total
Papal capes
Papal court
Papal edict
Papal garment
Papal hat
Papal headgear
Papal indulgences?
Papal legate
Papal name
Papal name first used in
Papal name last used in 1
Papal office
Papal Order admitted sharing Latin publication
Papal order initially in red reaching troublesome conclusion
Papal patron of Michelang
Papal representative
Papal topper
Papal vestment
Papal wear
Paparazzi targets
Paparazzo sort
Paparazzo stalks sunburnt swimmer
Paparazzo's device
Paparazzo's paper, perhap
Paparazzo's prize
Paparazzo's purchase
Paparazzo's target, brief
Papas in films
Papas of "Zorba the Greek
Papas on the screen
Papas' partners
Papeete resident
Papeete's people
Paper a bit “old”, in need of redesign
Paper at wedding
Paper – spectator
Paper bags quietly turned around
Paper ballot punch-out
Paper ballot waste
Paper binder
Paper bound to note its owner's views
Paper carrier
Paper carrier?
Paper clip alternative
Paper clip, e.g.
Paper collector
Paper copy
Paper covering a newly-wed couple?
Paper covering consumer struggle in High Street
Paper covers nearly bankrupt seed repository
Paper craft
Paper cut, e.g.
Paper deliverer's plan
Paper deliverers have the
Paper describing the leek?
Paper determined to reel in ambassador
Paper directed at recent union members
Paper dispenser
Paper doll-making sound
Paper fastener
Paper fastener - basic foodstuff
Paper fasteners
Paper feature
Paper finished with further edits
Paper folding art
Paper for a pad
Paper for dailies
Paper for informal letter
Paper for which Murray Ke
Paper from shop with some hit piece rolled up
Paper handkerchief
Paper handkerchiefs
Paper handkerchiefs start to trigger problems
Paper has no time to publish
Paper hat worn in the corner of school?
Paper holder
Paper in a poker pot
Paper in a pot
Paper in four sections
Paper in lieu of payment
Paper ingredient
Paper initially backing up main files
Paper is edited to inform
Paper launched in 1944
Paper lies, might you say?
Paper man or woman
Paper mat
Paper mate
Paper Mate product
Paper mates
Paper measure
Paper measures
Paper money
Paper money?
Paper nautilus, e.g.
Paper neckwear worn by spymaster
Paper not serious, but it's illuminating
Paper offering reflections?
Paper on strike cutting the supply
Paper opening: ‘Recurrence of habitual responses about universal religious symbol’
Paper or electronic record
Paper orders
Paper page merchant distributed
Paper parts
Paper piece
Paper probes drunkard with problem, which is yielding material
Paper provider
Paper purchase
Paper purchases
Paper pusher
Paper pusher's words
Paper pusher?
Paper put on the front of library books giving place in schedule
Paper put to bed
Paper quantities
Paper quantity
Paper report of thriller, here?
Paper round gets Puck into Telegraph? That's significant
Paper said to come out and leave no trace
Paper seller
Paper size
Paper size larger than "l
Paper size: Abbr.
Paper slip?
Paper strip once used in printers to record stock exchange prices
Paper supplier appears as crowd stop working
Paper supporting American in dispute
Paper takes in initial contributions from criminals and police
Paper that calls itself "
Paper that dishes dirt
Paper that identifies a jester?
Paper that's made up of lies?
Paper that's still popular and good quality
Paper thrown at the match
Paper thrown at wedding
Paper thrown at weddings
Paper ties tear badly
Paper tiger the Mafia? Bunkum, all may conclude!
Paper to do origami missing last two bits
Paper towel hawker, in ol
Paper towel unit
Paper trail initially lost
Paper transformed by spies into fake review
Paper tray size: Abbr.
Paper used at weddings
Paper used to cover model turning up to go to court
Paper which the head’s left for children
Paper worker
Paper working to limit Republican club
Paper's financial news department
Paper's fund for something relatively dark
Paper's previous boss went on and on
Paper's reporters
Paper, large amount, for an appointment
Paper-and-string flier
Paper-based art form
Paper-clip, perhaps
Paper-folding art
Paper-folding creation
Paperback publisher found
Paperless birthday greeti
Paperless communication
Paperless I.R.S. submissi
Paperless reading materia
Papermaking material
Papers about case of turpitude judge went over again
Papers about musician, say, releasing tango for recorder
Papers about type of speech not entirely found in Cyprus?
Papers and such
Papers are into where one can go around Oval?
Papers backing popular forward's return for game
Papers can't lie? Wrong, just the same
Papers consumed by immorality existing in position Humphrey once occupied
Papers covering union conference’s opening often misrepresented it, on reflection
Papers covering very tardy individual
Papers etc covered by some diaries
Papers given to editor that's short of money
Papers ignoring English cries for positive visions of the country
Papers in fact are taking a dip; ...
Papers in poker pots
Papers initially banned under ministerial framework
Papers keeping quiet over electronic listening device
Papers knocked back article - press regularly vacillates
Papers no longer like showing maidens inside
Papers oddly eschewing coolest pin-ups
Papers on pads?
Papers overlooking the essential point of providing for people who sleep rough
Papers penned by revolutionary left-wing idealist
Papers published externally reflected worst possible position
Papers regularly restricting long letters
Papers returned with date inserted in agreement
Papers seized by gang in part of Yorkshire
Papers showing stock pickets tear up
Papers socialists inhaling weed reviewed
Papers supporting British swimmer
Papers theatrically exaggerate revolutionary Muslim leader
Papers turning a pallid colour in refuse
Papers urging revolution in event of the 28
Papers with poorly reason
Papers with time inspired by eccentric royal, showing undue adoration
Papers, briefly
Papers, etc.
Papers, I see, love part of the US
Papers, sticking together, adopt sabre rattling
Papers, TV etc
Papers, TV, etc
Papers, TV, radio, etc
Paperwork collected by head mindlessly
Paperwork finished without tears
Papery sheath on a plant
Paprika-powdered serving
Paprika-seasoned stew
Papua New Guinea port
Papuan port in W.W. II fi
Papyrus and such
Papyrus plant, e.g.
Papyrus, e.g.
Par amount
Par for the course
Par trio
Par ___
Par ___ (airmail label)
Par ___ (by air)
Par ___ (how to send mail
Parable feature
Parable of small man in debt
Parable's message
Parabola, e.g.
Parabola, essentially
Parabolic paths
Parachute initially deployed by villain
Parachute material
Parachute pack attachment
Parachute part
Parachute pulls
Parachute straps
Parachute to reduce speed
Parachute ___
Parachutes, I see, regularly fail, having excess fluid
Parachuting event
Parachutist maybe in battle region, not the first or last
Parachutists' lifelines
Parade attraction
Parade chief's rank
Parade day
Parade decoration
Parade decorations
Parade entry
Parade figure
Parade flopped with minimum of wonga invested
Parade for review now a new month has begun?
Parade gets a bit of support
Parade group?
Parade honoree
Parade honoree, briefly
Parade honoree, familiarl
Parade honoree, for short
Parade honoree, in brief
Parade honoree, perhaps
Parade indeed preceded by band
Parade mostly includes such marches
Parade of lovelies
Parade paths: Abbr.
Parade pattern
Parade prop
Parade requirements
Parade sight
Parade spoiler
Parade spoiler, perhaps
Parade staple
Parade stopper
Parade times
Parade tootler
Parade V.I.P.
Parade walks
Parade-ground command
Paraded around for a craf
Paraded with a Yankee, in a band, all round
Paraded, like some foods?
Parades one’s needlework perhaps
Paradigm of easiness
Paradigm of happiness
Paradigm of patience
Paradigm of perfection
Paradigm of piety, in Pam
Paradigm shift in poem: it has terminal consonance
Paradise for PM once
Paradise for the parched
Paradise in literature
Paradise in secluded England
Paradise island showing up lack of volcanic activity?
Paradise Island? Yes, life is sorted!
Paradise lost
Paradise Lost originally penned by chap in fear
Paradise with shortcoming
Paradise's opposite
Paradisiacal place
Paradoxical fellow
Paradoxical Greek
Paradoxically, it could be best!
Paradoxically, odds on good service
Paradoxically, what one may do to gain a seat?
Paraffin oil (E, not I)
Paraffin oil’s odd treatment for sore knee
Paraffin-wrapped cheese
Paragon of virtue
Paragraph on a book jacke
Paragraph starts
Paraguay and others
Paraguay and Uruguay
Parakeet keeper
Parakeet's cousin
Parakeet's place
Parakeets' kin
Paralegal, for example: A
Paralegal, for one: Abbr.
Paralegals, e.g.: Abbr.
Parallel bar exercises
Parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another
Parallel to
Parallel to a hypotenuse?
Parallel to the ground
Paralysed with fright
Paralysing disease
Paramaribo is its capital
Paramecia features
Paramecium fringe
Paramecium or vorticella
Paramecium propellers
Paramecium's propellers
Paramecium, e.g.
Paramedic's work, in brie
Paramilitaries seizing hotel discovered very bad people
Paramilitaries with role in city state
Paramount Pictures founde
Paramour of England's Cha
Paramour slightly off-centre?
Paramours left scratched - getting passionate went too far
Paranoiac's worry
Paranoid old ruler putting Trotsky on trial briefly
Paranoid's fear
Paranormal ability
Paranormal activity detected on path bordering a deserted coastal area
Paranormal anti-green colour
Paranormal letters
Paranormal, say
Paraphernalia of high office
Paraphilia churning in part of a pelvic area
Paraphrase, say
Paraphrased piece
Paraphrases vignette — proper text is regularly ignored
Parapsychology subject, b
Parasite caught in part of foot when getting up
Parasite damaging to red meat
Parasite essentially libels medic with virus
Parasite finds shelter on top of church
Parasite found in genitals
Parasite given heroin by old doctor
Parasite going into eyes via the ear feasted on blood
Parasite in record dispute over millions
Parasite in record dispute sent back millions
Parasite infecting American military groups
Parasite left on tree, destroying billions
Parasite not quite attaching to cows, due to motion
Parasite on part of fertiliser?
Parasite supporter
Parasite taking skin off edible fruit
Parasite's brief panic about pound
Parasite's home
Parasite's need
Parasite's place
Parasite; clock noise
Parasites battening on a woman
Parasites found in stream POW churned up
Parasites in Yellowstone?
Parasites manipulated feelings about religion
Parasites understand about new publican
Parasitic arachnid
Parasitic creature
Parasitic fly that transmits sleeping sickness
Parasitic imp struggling with vicar
Parasitic insect
Parasitic insects
Parasitic shrub for Christmas
Parasitic type
Parasol's offering
Parcel (out)
Parcel contains voided ticket for Waterloo?
Parcel delivery firm to press for a huge rise
Parcel is forced in vent
Parcel lost at the centre unit
Parcel of land
Parcel out
Parcel out executioner's equipment: it comes in various forms
Parcel part
Parcel up music in auditorium
Parcel; collection
Parceled (out)
Parcels out
Parcels, with "out"
Parched having to swallow cold bitter
Parched hill cultivated without nitrogen
Parched swallowing cold bitter
Parched, so a brandy mixed with last of lemonade
Parched, stopped by pub for a round
Parcheesi pair
Parchment prepared from young animal skin
Pardner's mount
Pardner, say
Pardon announced for engineer
Pardon former copper using mobile in butcher's
Pardon me being outrageous boast
Pardon prisoner executed
Pardon sailor to work things out
Pardon what you do after admitting burglary primarily
Pardoned lab meddling with doves?
Pare nails back
Pare, say
Parent - one breeding?
Parent adrift approaching river entrance
Parent and child in charge of a secret group
Parent at the start of the sixth century?
Parent briefly next to opening of sett, feeding badger
Parent caught fish
Parent circles pub, beginning to enter drunk state ...
Parent circling 4th of June — note it's the due date
Parent company of Alpo, F
Parent company of Reebok
Parent company of Shoppin
Parent cut up about teenager, primarily
Parent drinking bubbly reaches for a pipe
Parent drinks a gin, disposing of one big bottle
Parent exchanged boring tool
Parent given further information after signing off child's illness
Parent in steamship suffocates
Parent in the wings, perh
Parent into Jack Kerouac at last - it's On The Road
Parent keeps naughty girl finally in line for many years
Parent losing head - something else!
Parent makes request with message, wanting learner to be let off
Parent of Ameritech, Nyne
Parent of boy who's a rascal?
Parent or guardian
Parent organised engagement around name changing
Parent sharer
Parent swallowing tablet late
Parent upset about measure that can be offputting
Parent with head lowered getting tot up
Parent with very difficult dog
Parent’s fur just about acceptable
Parent's armful
Parent's brother
Parent's challenge
Parent's demand
Parent's handful
Parent's hermano
Parent's mother
Parent's order
Parent's performance
Parent's ploy
Parent's ruse to hush noi
Parent's second novel not opened
Parent's siblings
Parent's sister
Parent's sisters
Parent's stern order
Parent, at times
Parent, e.g.
Parent, one kept over time?
Parent, say, ignoring rule, gets ecstasy
Parent, with child, is stone dresser
Parent-by-choice, of sort
Parental admonition
Parental advice, part 1
Parental adviser
Parental command
Parental imperative
Parental order #1
Parental order #2
Parental order #3
Parental plea
Parental role not substantial enough - that is absent in criminal being held
Parental term of endearme
Parental units?
Parentheses alternatives
Parentheses, e.g.
Parentheses, essentially
Parenthesis, e.g.
Parenthesis, essentially
Parenthetical bit
Parenthetical comment
Parenthetical comments
Parenthetical figure
Parenthetical information
Parenthetical lines
Parenthetical passage
Parenthetical remark
Parenting challenges
Parentless child
Parentless child frequently so pronounced by some
Parentless children
Parents accommodate heading for Rome
Parents angry with tot expressing dissent
Parents collecting a new hat
Parents down, having half usual amount of energy
Parents host TV show
Parents manage to crush one's spirit
Parents pass it on
Parents taking in large island's capital
Parents to tour Rome at first, then here?
Parents wandering round meadow? What could be nicer?
Parents' concerns on Chri
Parents' friend has name in cryptic clue
Parents' hiree
Parents' retirement place
Parents, e.g.
Parents, often
Parents, those kept under wraps?
Pares pounds
Parfait feature
Parfait part
Parhelic circle
Pari ___ (fairly)
Pari-mutuel machine
Pariah alone playing stringed instrument
Pariah state is expelling six in breach of protocol?
Pariah state's one source of comfort following Conservative's loss
Pariahs and others
Parietal cell secretion
Paring tool
Paris accord
Paris airport
Paris art gallery
Paris associate
Paris attraction
Paris attraction that fea
Paris bisector
Paris couturier Pierre
Paris cultural center
Paris daily, with "Le"
Paris divider
Paris excited about greeting high-flier
Paris fashion house since
Paris fighter
Paris grid
Paris gridwork
Paris Hilton catchphrase
Paris landmark
Paris landmark, constructed 1889
Paris landmark, with "L'"
Paris M
Paris Match articles about travel company
Paris money once I study for friar
Paris museum; slat
Paris music hall dance
Paris newspaper, with "Le
Paris Opera debut of 1928
Paris Opera part
Paris pal
Paris palace
Paris paper Le ___
Paris parents
Paris picnic place
Paris plaza
Paris pomp
Paris pops
Paris possessive
Paris potable
Paris premiere of 1953
Paris recreation area
Paris rival
Paris river
Paris school
Paris stock exchange
Paris street
Paris suburb
Paris suburb on the Seine
Paris summit proscribed synthetic dress
Paris taxi destination, m
Paris underground
Paris was part of it
Paris's "The Simple Life"
Paris's abductee
Paris's Arc de Triomphe d
Paris's Avenue ___ R
Paris's Basilique ___-Clo
Paris's Bois de Boulogne
Paris's first person on street to make a joke
Paris's Gare de l'___
Paris's home, in myth
Paris's House of ___
Paris's Institut ___
Paris's Mus
Paris's Palais ___ Congr
Paris's Parc ___ Princes
Paris's partner on "The S
Paris's Place ___ Concord
Paris's Pont ___ Arts
Paris's rival
Paris's river
Paris's Rue de la ___
Paris's Rue de ___
Paris's Rue ___ Croix de
Paris's ___ Coeur
Paris's ___ d'Orsay
Paris's ___ de la Cit
Paris's ___ de Lyon
Paris's ___ des Plantes
Paris's ___ Garnier
Paris's ___ Gauche
Paris's ___ Invalides
Paris's ___ La Fayette
Paris's ___ la Paix
Paris's ___ Rivoli
Paris's ___ Saint-Louis
Paris's ___-Chapelle chur
Paris's ___-Coeur Basilic
Paris's ___-de-Medecine
Paris, for one
Paris, to Romeo
Paris-based grp. since 19
Paris-based jewellery and wristwatch manufacturer
Paris-based org.
Paris-born painter Tanguy
Paris-Istanbul train
Paris-to-Amsterdam dir.
Paris-to-Marseilles dir.
Parish clergyman
Parish event held in cafeteria
Parish incumbent
Parish leader
Parish officer’s a busy one, controlling wayward lad
Parish priest
Parish priest's heading off — it's a crime
Parish priests
Parish rector, neglecting soldiers, disturbed another cleric
Parish residence
Parish V.I.P.
Parishioner's cry?
Parishioner's line
Parishioner's place
Parishioners learning about silly nonsense
Parisian "to be"
Parisian "yes"
Parisian and a famous revolutionary set off
Parisian appreciated a piece of England, as it were
Parisian art district
Parisian article
Parisian artistic quarter
Parisian bank ultimately cut interest completely
Parisian brothers
Parisian business partner
Parisian can work before I briefly return
Parisian crowd?
Parisian daily, with "Le"
Parisian dance
Parisian dance redolent of Toulouse?
Parisian dear carries weapon for sweet talker
Parisian diners
Parisian farewells
Parisian from motorsport content to cancel challenge
Parisian girlfriend
Parisian goodbye
Parisian hangout
Parisian hat
Parisian hot spot
Parisian idler displaying expensive coat around alley
Parisian in America entering the rave
Parisian in purple trousers meeting with everyone
Parisian in silence lying sprawled in charming manner
Parisian institution unhappy about German city
Parisian is international friend to value
Parisian is probing hole? Ring police
Parisian is seen about freight delivering delicacy for him?
Parisian ladies: Abbr.
Parisian lady friend
Parisian landmark retouched by decorator?
Parisian landmark where Europeans accept work
Parisian life
Parisian love
Parisian mine
Parisian pal
Parisian palace
Parisian parent
Parisian peeper
Parisian pen
Parisian picnic spot
Parisian pig swallowing a black stone
Parisian piggy guards a black stone
Parisian pop installed in flat that's decorated
Parisian possessive
Parisian priests
Parisian pronoun
Parisian protector
Parisian pupil
Parisian pupils
Parisian rail system
Parisian right about director - 24 didn't want him
Parisian roll call respon
Parisian sidewalk sights
Parisian silk
Parisian street
Parisian streets
Parisian thinkers?
Parisian thugs
Parisian tower builder
Parisian tower designer
Parisian venue where French twice will block awkward gremlin
Parisian walk
Parisian way
Parisian who introduces revolutionary savoury tart
Parisian who joins the marines aboard feels awkward
Parisian who rushed, returning last of money in fives
Parisian who wanders about gathers large hoard
Parisian who, exceptionally, is somewhat shaky
Parisian yes
Parisian's "But of course
Parisian's bed? Out of it is out of it
Parisian's one in favour to receive furniture, to be remembered always
Parisian's to go and smoke, upset and liable to react badly
Parjanya, in Hindu myth
Park activity
Park alcove
Park always admitting one radio
Park and Lexington, e.g.,
Park Ave. address part
Park Avenue alternative
Park Avenue sights
Park Avenue, e.g.
Park Avenue, for one
Park close to the shops, just outside, and leave?
Park concern: Abbr.
Park director's concern:
Park employee called King Edward?
Park feature
Park features
Park gathering place
Park in Maine
Park in N.Y.C., e.g.
Park in N.Y.C., say
Park in New York, say
Park in Ranger Smith's ch
Park it
Park item
Park keeper
Park lake denizen
Park land?
Park most eye suspiciously, including yours truly
Park near Flushing Bay
Park near Philly's City H
Park network
Park officials - Glasgow FC
Park oneself on a park bench?
Park opened in 1964
Park or forest keepers
Park or Madison (abbr.)
Park patron
Park personnel first measure, then put new handle on
Park Place
Park place?
Park ranger's study: Abbr
Park ranger?
Park shelters
Park sightings
Park since 1912
Park structure
Park that's home to Yogi
Park toy
Park warden's spoken of a showy plant
Park water supplier gets picked again
Park with great care, e.g
Park ___
Park ___ (N.Y.C. locale)
Park's first wild arboreal mammal
Park, e.g., in N.Y.C.
Park, e.g.: Abbr.
Park, for one
Park-keeper following devout individual who's from elsewhere
Park-keeper visiting old Yankee where fruit-trees grow
Parka closer
Parka wearer
Parka wearer, maybe
Parkay product
Parked it
Parked oneself
Parker and Waterman
Parker cooked hot fish outside
Parker in the hotel busin
Parker of "Old Yeller"
Parker or Waterman
Parker or Wordsworth?
Parker products
Parker who was one of the
Parker ___ (game co.)
Parker's need
Parkers feed it downtown
Parkers plug them
Parkgoer's charge
Parkgoers with backpacks
Parking area
Parking area for taxis, possibly, is a joke
Parking attendant taking so long with Tesla
Parking booked after spring is still looking good
Parking by river where tents pitched
Parking by the verge is proper
Parking car heavy on petrol — gallons gone for you
Parking contract to give satisfaction
Parking fees? Choose between short and long durations
Parking garage features
Parking garage mishaps
Parking in a parking place in London, trying to escape fine?
Parking in Asian city where one used to go for cryptic advice
Parking in exotic Mali next to a leaping antelope
Parking in great city around shops
Parking in middle of night beside river as an outdoor activity
Parking in wrong drive
Parking Japanese car in complex network
Parking lot employee
Parking lot mishap
Parking lot posting
Parking lot prankster, pe
Parking lot sight
Parking lot sign
Parking meeters?
Parking meter filler
Parking neatly when hammered? Fine, sometimes
Parking next to designated parking area entertains old roué
Parking not bad up a terrace
Parking not easy to get in van or car
Parking official
Parking on corner – it's allowed to clergy
Parking on meadow with rear of car covered in mist is child's play
Parking out of town? Nearly all is private
Parking over space at the front, show around shops
Parking place
Parking place occupied by black mini
Parking place?
Parking places
Parking places for lorry drivers to tuck in over men's magazines
Parking site
Parking slot
Parking so men can get round track
Parking space
Parking space adjunct
Parking spot
Parking subsidy is spent
Parking system
Parking timer
Parking timers
Parking under high cliff and steep bank
Parking vehicle gives sense of achievement
Parking was to be found for Candida, perhaps
Parking where taxis do for a lark
Parking, not standard, allowed for minor dignitary
Parking-free club, say
Parkinson's battler
Parkinson's treatment
Parkinsonism drug
Parkinsonism treatment
Parkland birds
Parks and others
Parks cars in residential areas
Parks in 1955 news
Parks in a bus
Parks in reverse without aim, like an idiot
Parks of civil rights
Parks of civil rights fam
Parks of Montgomery
Parks on a bus
Parks who pioneered in ci
Parks who received the Pr
Parks who wouldn't sit st
Parks who wouldn't take d
Parks with strange island inside flower garden
Parks, among others, largely advanced America
Parks, in a way
Parkway fee
Parlay has a king thus functioning
Parliament cites flawed study of good and bad regimes
Parliament city
Parliament has money for the wine
Parliament initially hardly of value
Parliament output?
Parliament prize
Parliament residue
Parliament rival
Parliament showing some weakness: Etonians
Parliament to mention rises based on consumption
Parliament to quote rises based on consumption
Parliament V.I.P.s
Parliament vote
Parliament's reduced intake
Parliament, for instance
Parliament, one about to give a long account
Parliamentarian fighters were fighting with my old man
Parliamentarian in the English Civil Wars
Parliamentarian leader following prescribed course
Parliamentarian leader holding up circular
Parliamentarians were on one side of this chair, swivelling around
Parliamentary activity not marked by strong principles?
Parliamentary address?
Parliamentary bigwigs, fo
Parliamentary break
Parliamentary constituency before the 1832 Reform Act controlled by a family or tiny group of voters
Parliamentary constituency with a substantial majority for the incumbent
Parliamentary debate to approve the principles of a new bill - DNA recognised
Parliamentary doings, e.g
Parliamentary enforcer
Parliamentary faction
Parliamentary fixture breaks Cook's Law
Parliamentary measure of
Parliamentary nods
Parliamentary official - cold bark
Parliamentary official who cracks
Parliamentary procedure
Parliamentary procedure g
Parliamentary procedures that maybe passed before breakfast!
Parliamentary proposal
Parliamentary reformer
Parliamentary stand
Parlor drink
Parlor fixtures
Parlor game
Parlor game?: Abbr.
Parlor item
Parlor letters
Parlor operator: Abbr.
Parlor pic
Parlor piece
Parlor piece, for short?
Parlor pieces
Parlor seat
Parlor transaction
Parlor treat
Parlors with TV screens:
Parlour game
Parlour games - plus/minus cryptic message
Parmenides' home
Parmentier : potatoes ::
Parmesan alternative
Parmesan bread
Parmesan grinder
Parmesan possessive
Parnassian location's key character there
Parochial schoolteacher
Parodic performance
Parodied, with "up"
Parodist - to some extent, aim it at original
Parody about flower company's final omission
Parody about Liberal providing winter sports facility
Parody about religious female and odd puzzle
Parody beginning of show, and finish
Parody defunct right-wing party not starting to make comeback
Parody mostly is on right track
Parody scripture in accurate representation?
Parody secret language that eschews English
Parody, hoax
Parody, say
Parody; hoax
Parolee, e.g.
Parquet alternative
Parrier's equipment
Parris Isl. outfit
Parrot - gorilla
Parrot beginning to make a sound like a crow
Parrot concerned with boggy soil
Parrot Eliot initially pinched from another poet
Parrot from India fed outside Cambridge University
Parrot got up, everyone got up
Parrot house downsized after first signs of economy cuts
Parrot identified by poet Eliot initially rejected
Parrot in "Aladdin"
Parrot not quite as dead as a dodo?
Parrot of old lady put with cashew when she is absent
Parrot originally making a sound like a crow
Parrot perhaps – when sick?
Parrot sheltered by screech-owls
Parrot shows resplendence with head concealed
Parrot soared, everyone soared
Parrot sprang completely upwards
Parrot took off, everyone looking to the skies?
Parrot's bill stuck in mouth
Parrot's cousin
Parrot's cry
Parrot's spot
Parrot's word
Parrot’s mouth containing bill
Parroting sorts
Parrotlike behavior
Parrots and one rook escaping from HGVs
Parrots from city gardens
Parrots pushing third of seeds to front
Parrots regularly seen in painting perhaps
Parrots, in a way
Parry follower
Parrying weapon
Parse clues, highlighting every other cell
Parseghian et al.
Parseghian of Notre Dame
Parseghian of the Fightin
Parsimonious leader feels bitter about getting gifts
Parsimony has got queen into trouble
Parsley bit
Parsley or bay leaf
Parsley or sage
Parsley parts
Parsley piece
Parsley portion
Parsley relative
Parsley relative - a glove
Parsley's pungent relativ
Parsley, sage, rosemary a
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Parsley, sage, rosemary o
Parsley, sage, rosemary or thyme?
Parsley-like herb
Parsnip, e.g.
Parson last to be moved in change in order
Parson set out to get female supporter
Parson's estate
Parson's home
Parson's official residence
Parson's place
Parsons maybe going commando when preaching
Parsons, say, with nothing under their cassocks, we hear?
Part - of backward Time Lord?
Part - with ease, if broken?
Part 1 of a prophecy by M
Part 1 of a quip
Part 1 of a quip by the w
Part 1 of a quote attribu
Part 1 of a snarky quote
Part 1 of a song parody
Part 1 of an idle query
Part 2
Part 2 of the comment
Part 2 of the point to po
Part 2 of the quip
Part 2 of the quote
Part 2 of the soliloquy
Part 2 of the thought
Part 2 of the verse
Part 3
Part 3 of the comment
Part 3 of the point to po
Part 3 of the quip
Part 3 of the quote
Part 3 of the soliloquy
Part 3 of the verse
Part 4 of the quip
Part 4 of the soliloquy
Part 5 of the quip
Part 5 of the soliloquy
Part 6 of the soliloquy
Part 7 of the soliloquy
Part added to house, one is next undergoing refurbishment
Part after a decimal: Abb
Part alphabetized in a te
Part below a cornice
Part between sloping sides of a roof
Part company after rent increase
Part company in Adriatic port
Part company in Croatian resort
Part company with surgery led by GP?
Part covering right hole
Part exchange
Part filler
Part for Broadway needing backing singer from Ireland
Part for diva is almost conventional
Part for five Beethoven s
Part for hooter has taped harmony to listen to
Part for Maria Callas to study endlessly
Part for the plate
Part for ukelele an orchestra gives girl
Part for violin one made using thin strips of material
Part four of the braintea
Part given by the pious?
Part I for instance
Part I’m playing, hollow?
Part in a play
Part in an ensemble
Part in many a documentar
Part in Normandy landings for Thomas?
Part in Pride movie, as just quoted
Part in the shining?
Part in this way, missing ex at first
Part just above a horse's
Part left over
Part loan arranged for the proprietor?
Part of "C.S.I."
Part of "D.A.": Abbr.
Part of "De Camptown Race
Part of "L.A."
Part of "S.N.L."
Part of "snafu"
Part of "The Jungle Book"
Part of "the many," in Gr
Part of "the many," liter
Part of "the works"
Part of "www"
Part of 1,000
Part of 1/2
Part of 15 in port
Part of 16 needing some bottle - and cheek!
Part of 20 that's fine and dandy
Part of 21, say, in terrible rage
Part of 36-24-36
Part of a "Macbeth" trio
Part of a "Mikado" costum
Part of a "Star Wars" nam
Part of a "Tommy" tune
Part of A & P: Abbr.
Part of a 1960's invasion
Part of a 1997 telecommun
Part of a 2005 Harry Pott
Part of a 2005 SBC merger
Part of a B and B
Part of a baby bottle
Part of a backwoods mix-u
Part of a balance
Part of a balanced diet
Part of a ballpark
Part of a band's performa
Part of a bar line
Part of a baseball
Part of a baseball unifor
Part of a basilica
Part of a battle cry
Part of a beach kit
Part of a Beatles refrain
Part of a Beckett play?
Part of a bedroom suite
Part of a bee
Part of a beehive
Part of a bell tower
Part of a belt
Part of a biblical plague
Part of a biblical warnin
Part of a bicycle tyre
Part of a bicycle wheel
Part of a bid
Part of a big 1997 merger
Part of a billiard table
Part of a bird's breathing system - is a car
Part of a bird's gullet
Part of a bird's stomach
Part of a birthday celebr
Part of a black suit
Part of a blind
Part of a blouse
Part of a blouse that tou
Part of a BLT
Part of a boa
Part of a board
Part of a boast
Part of a body of art?
Part of a boilermaker
Part of a book
Part of a book ... or som
Part of a book where you'
Part of a book?
Part of a bottle
Part of a bottle or a gui
Part of a bouquet
Part of a box
Part of a brake
Part of a bray
Part of a breakfast stack
Part of a bridge
Part of a British Airways
Part of a British cavalry
Part of a buffer zone, ma
Part of a bulb
Part of a business report
Part of a business sched.
Part of a byte
Part of a C.E.O.'s r
Part of a C.S.A. signatur
Part of a cage
Part of a California grov
Part of a calyx
Part of a camp schedule
Part of a candle
Part of a candlelight cer
Part of a capital's name
Part of a capt.'s order
Part of a Car and Driver
Part of a car test course
Part of a car wheel
Part of a car's exhaust s
Part of a car's steering
Part of a Cartesian decla
Part of a case
Part of a cassette tape
Part of a castle
Part of a cat - FA power
Part of a caterer's displ
Part of a cell nucleus
Part of a certain college
Part of a certain kit
Part of a certain nest eg
Part of a certain scoreca
Part of a chain
Part of a chair
Part of a chair - smarter
Part of a chamber orchest
Part of a chap.
Part of a chemistry group
Part of a chickpea plant
Part of a children's game
Part of a choosing-up rou
Part of a chorus
Part of a chorus line?
Part of a Christmas decor
Part of a chronicle
Part of a church
Part of a church at right angles to the nave
Part of a church near the altar
Part of a church running parallel to the nave
Part of a church service
Part of a church tower
Part of a church where the altar is normally placed
Part of a church, alongside the nave
Part of a cigarette light
Part of a cigarette ratin
Part of a circle
Part of a city code
Part of a city name that
Part of a classical trio
Part of a cliff
Part of a climber's gear
Part of a coach's chalk-t
Part of a code
Part of a coffee service
Part of a cold-weather ca
Part of a college applica
Part of a college cheer
Part of a college e-mail
Part of a column
Part of a combo
Part of a commercial name
Part of a committee sched
Part of a company
Part of a comparison
Part of a conference sche
Part of a confession
Part of a conjugation les
Part of a conjugative ser
Part of a constellation
Part of a continental tou
Part of a contract
Part of a convoy
Part of a cooked fowl
Part of a cooker with open flame
Part of a copse
Part of a cornerstone ins
Part of a count
Part of a country
Part of a country within another
Part of a court game name
Part of a cowboy's boot
Part of a Crookes tube
Part of a croquet set
Part of a crossword
Part of a crowd, maybe
Part of a cruciform church - patterns
Part of a cul-de-sac addr
Part of a dash
Part of a dean's address
Part of a deck chair
Part of a defense
Part of a definition, may
Part of a deg.
Part of a dehumidifier
Part of a demonstration
Part of a dental exam
Part of a device that goes round
Part of a dict. entry
Part of a digital display
Part of a dirndl
Part of a dish's name
Part of a doctor's order
Part of a dog's name
Part of a dollar bill
Part of a doorframe
Part of a dovetail
Part of a Dr. Seuss title
Part of a driver, e.g.
Part of a drug lord's inc
Part of a drum brake
Part of a drum kit
Part of a drying-out peri
Part of a Dutch name for a vehicle
Part of a dying fire
Part of a factory
Part of a family
Part of a famous 1897 edi
Part of a famous conjugat
Part of a famous plane na
Part of a famous septet
Part of a fantasia
Part of a farm feeder
Part of a farm harrow
Part of a Fifth Ave. addr
Part of a figure eight
Part of a film's credits
Part of a fin. portfolio
Part of a fin?
Part of a financial portf
Part of a finger
Part of a fire safety pro
Part of a firearm
Part of a fish
Part of a fishhook
Part of a fist
Part of a fleet, maybe, leaves at sea with sun covering area
Part of a flexible schedu
Part of a flight
Part of a flight leads to sudden turbulence, alerting inbound runway
Part of a flight or the end of one?
Part of a Flintstone yell
Part of a flock
Part of a floor d
Part of a floral arrangem
Part of a Florida orchard
Part of a flower
Part of a flower - peals
Part of a flower calyx
Part of a flower enclosing the petals
Part of a food chain
Part of a food pyramid, b
Part of a foot
Part of a football helmet
Part of a footnote abbr.
Part of a forest bed
Part of a fork
Part of a forlorn face
Part of a fortification
Part of a fountain pen
Part of a frame
Part of a freight train
Part of a French 101 conj
Part of a French court
Part of a French face
Part of a French oath
Part of a French opera
Part of a French toast
Part of a front-end align
Part of a full house
Part of a furniture joint
Part of a G.I.'s address
Part of a G.P.S. reading:
Part of a galaxy
Part of a game win
Part of a gas mileage rat
Part of a gateway
Part of a gay refrain
Part of a gearwheel
Part of a geisha's attire
Part of a geisha's costum
Part of a German noble's
Part of a giant's chant
Part of a gig
Part of a giggle
Part of a gimlet
Part of a girl scout's un
Part of a girl's magazine
Part of a girl's sock hop
Part of a goal
Part of a goblet
Part of a golf ball
Part of a golf course
Part of a grain spikelet
Part of a grandfather clo
Part of a grp.
Part of a guffaw
Part of a gym workout
Part of a gyro
Part of a gyroscope
Part of a Halloween costu
Part of a Halloween tradition where a sucker is made to welcome a little rascal
Part of a Happy Meal
Part of a hat trick
Part of a hazmat suit
Part of a heartbeat
Part of a hearty breakfas
Part of a heater through which an electric current is passed
Part of a Hemingway title
Part of a hidden agenda:
Part of a high shoe
Part of a Hindu trinity
Part of a hippie's attire
Part of a hockey line
Part of a home security s
Part of a homily
Part of a hookah
Part of a horse
Part of a horse between t
Part of a horse’s foot
Part of a horse's bloodli
Part of a horse's genealo
Part of a horse's pedigre
Part of a hosp. record
Part of a hull
Part of a jacket
Part of a Japanese war cr
Part of a javelin
Part of a jazz combo
Part of a jet
Part of a jeweler's educa
Part of a joint
Part of a joule
Part of a journey
Part of a judge's docket
Part of a judge's workloa
Part of a jug band
Part of a jukebox
Part of a knave's loot, i
Part of a krone
Part of a ladder
Part of a lady's name
Part of a large building
Part of a larger picture
Part of a Latin 101 conju
Part of a Latin 101 trio
Part of a Latin conjugati
Part of a Latin I conjuga
Part of a Latin successio
Part of a Latin trio
Part of a laugh
Part of a Lawrence Welk c
Part of a leg
Part of a legionnaire's c
Part of a lemon
Part of a letter
Part of a libretto
Part of a limb farthest from the torso
Part of a line of harmonic accompaniment about to stop
Part of a line outside a
Part of a line: Abbr.
Part of a list
Part of a litter
Part of a living room set
Part of a loading zone, m
Part of a lobster pot
Part of a long and windin
Part of a long poem
Part of a long-distance c
Part of a love triangle
Part of a loving threesom
Part of a low straight
Part of a lunar cycle
Part of a lung
Part of a Mad. Ave. addre
Part of a magic incantati
Part of a magician's inca
Part of a magician's mumb
Part of a makeshift swing
Part of a makeup kit
Part of a mall
Part of a Manhattan addre
Part of a marching band
Part of a matrix shown by u-boat's speed
Part of a meal
Part of a mechanic's bill
Part of a meet
Part of a meet for all to see followed by a learner after a time
Part of a merry refrain
Part of a metaphor
Part of a meter
Part of a metropolitan ar
Part of a metropolitan re
Part of a Mexican-America
Part of a microscope
Part of a Mideast name
Part of a Mideast palace
Part of a mileage rating
Part of a milit. address
Part of a military band
Part of a military defens
Part of a military unifor
Part of a min.
Part of a mission stateme
Part of a modern soldier'
Part of a molecule
Part of a Moli
Part of a monk's title
Part of a moonscape
Part of a morning routine
Part of a mountain forest
Part of a mudslide, maybe
Part of a mushroom
Part of a music gig
Part of a musical gig
Part of a musical note
Part of a musical refrain
Part of a mustard plant
Part of a mystic's name,
Part of a name
Part of a name on a menu
Part of a necklace
Part of a network, often
Part of a neuron
Part of a newspaper artic
Part of a noble's name
Part of a noted reb's sig
Part of a nuclear arsenal
Part of a nuclear researc
Part of a number
Part of a nun's habit
Part of a nut
Part of a one-sided tenni
Part of a pack?
Part of a pair of tights
Part of a pantheon
Part of a paper towel rol
Part of a parachute
Part of a parcel
Part of a parka
Part of a party line
Part of a passenger ship
Part of a pay-as-you-go p
Part of a peace treaty [t
Part of a pension plan, b
Part of a percussion sect
Part of a period
Part of a period, geologi
Part of a pharaoh's headd
Part of a philosophical d
Part of a picket fence
Part of a pig
Part of a Pilgrim's anato
Part of a pilot's plan: A
Part of a pinball machine
Part of a pirate's refrai
Part of a pitch
Part of a place setting
Part of a plane
Part of a plant
Part of a plant which becomes the seed
Part of a play
Part of a plea
Part of a plot
Part of a pneumatic tyre
Part of a poem
Part of a pointillist pai
Part of a poker pot
Part of a policeman's tra
Part of a political debat
Part of a pool for diving
Part of a Pope poem
Part of a popular collect
Part of a popular song ly
Part of a portfolio
Part of a postal address
Part of a pot
Part of a pound
Part of a pound?
Part of a power saw
Part of a preconception?
Part of a pregame ceremon
Part of a presidential mo
Part of a price
Part of a price: Abbr.
Part of a printing press
Part of a procedure
Part of a process
Part of a professional's
Part of a profit calculat
Part of a program
Part of a proportional re
Part of a proposal
Part of a psychological t
Part of a public address
Part of a pump
Part of a punch ballot
Part of a Q&A: Abbr.
Part of a racetrack
Part of a Racine play
Part of a rainbow
Part of a ranch herd
Part of a range: Abbr.
Part of a rate of speed
Part of a rebel name
Part of a recipe title
Part of a record getting
Part of a refrain, maybe
Part of a relay
Part of a religious title
Part of a repair estimate
Part of a repeated dance
Part of a Reuben
Part of a river
Part of a road
Part of a Road & Track co
Part of a road test
Part of a rock band
Part of a rock formation above the surface
Part of a roller coaster
Part of a roof
Part of a Rorschach test
Part of a rose
Part of a royal flush
Part of a ruble
Part of a rugby goal
Part of a safari party
Part of a sail
Part of a scenic overlook
Part of a sched.
Part of a schedule
Part of a school
Part of a school grade, m
Part of a school year: Ab
Part of a school's Web si
Part of a science class
Part of a science course
Part of a score
Part of a score, maybe
Part of a screwdriver
Part of a script
Part of a seal
Part of a season
Part of a seasonal song
Part of a seat assignment
Part of a sector
Part of a semi
Part of a sentence
Part of a sentence, in li
Part of a sentence: Abbr.
Part of a sentence?
Part of a serial
Part of a series
Part of a service
Part of a severe weather
Part of a shark seen abov
Part of a shark's respira
Part of a shell game
Part of a ship
Part of a ship's beam
Part of a ship's bow
Part of a ship's superstructure
Part of a shirt
Part of a shirt or jacket
Part of a shirtmaker's ed
Part of a shoe
Part of a shoe; drug
Part of a shoelace tie
Part of a shoot
Part of a shower scene?
Part of a Shriner's attir
Part of a simple bouquet
Part of a sitcom sign-off
Part of a skater's shoe
Part of a skeleton
Part of a slalom run
Part of a slalom's path
Part of a slot-car track
Part of a smoke screen?
Part of a sneaky response
Part of a sneeze after "a
Part of a snicker
Part of a snooker table
Part of a sob
Part of a song
Part of a spacewalker's g
Part of a Spanish 101 con
Part of a Spanish explore
Part of a Spanish play
Part of a special deliver
Part of a speller's clari
Part of a spine, usually
Part of a spinning wheel
Part of a split personali
Part of a split, perhaps
Part of a spool
Part of a spread
Part of a spur
Part of a spy organizatio
Part of a stage
Part of a stage in front of the curtain
Part of a stairstep
Part of a stairway
Part of a stanza
Part of a statement
Part of a steamship
Part of a Stein line
Part of a step
Part of a stereo player
Part of a stern warning
Part of a storm or a pota
Part of a strawberry or a boat
Part of a string
Part of a submarine
Part of a subway entrance
Part of a suicide squeeze
Part of a suit
Part of a suit of armor
Part of a sultry look
Part of a summer forecast
Part of a sunbow
Part of a supermarket is covered in beer
Part of a support group
Part of a support system?
Part of a surveying team
Part of a swap?
Part of a sweepstakes's f
Part of a syzygy
Part of a table setting
Part of a table?
Part of a tea set
Part of a telephone worke
Part of a temple's d
Part of a tennis court
Part of a tennis racket
Part of a tennis serve
Part of a test prep
Part of a test track
Part of a test, maybe
Part of a theater
Part of a theatre
Part of a third degree, m
Part of a Three Stooges r
Part of a Three Stooges s
Part of a tied tie
Part of a toll-free long-
Part of a tooth
Part of a town; 25 cents
Part of a track team?
Part of a train
Part of a train, perhaps
Part of a treaty exchange
Part of a tree
Part of a tree or railway
Part of a trunk
Part of a tuba sound
Part of a tuba's sound
Part of a TV catchphrase
Part of a TV dial
Part of a TV feed
Part of a TV transmission
Part of a twining plant - red lint
Part of a two-piece suit?
Part of a U.R.L.
Part of a U.R.L., maybe
Part of a U.S. embassy ad
Part of a U.S.A.F. schedu
Part of a unity pledge
Part of a URL
Part of a Valentine bouqu
Part of a vamp's costume
Part of a vampire
Part of a Vandyke
Part of a venetian blind
Part of a veterinarian's
Part of a violin
Part of a Virgin Atlantic
Part of a voting machine
Part of a W.W. II exclama
Part of a W.W. II mil. ma
Part of a wagon train
Part of a wagon train's r
Part of a wall under a ridged roof
Part of a war plan
Part of a Washington addr
Part of a Washington row
Part of a Web address
Part of a web site
Part of a website
Part of a wedding cake
Part of a western landsca
Part of a wheelset
Part of a whispering camp
Part of a whodunit that r
Part of a whole
Part of a wicket
Part of a windbreak, mayb
Part of a windy road
Part of a winning combina
Part of a winter stash
Part of a winter stash, m
Part of a wolf pack
Part of a wood joint
Part of a wooden joint
Part of a Woody Allen tit
Part of a word: Abbr.
Part of a work week: Abbr
Part of a workout
Part of a World Cup chant
Part of a wrecking crew?
Part of a Yarborough, may
Part of a yen
Part of a yoke
Part of a Zippo
Part of A&P: Abbr.
Part of A.A.R.P.: Abbr.
Part of A.A.U.W.: Abbr.
Part of A.B.A.: Abbr.
Part of A.C.C.: Abbr.
Part of A.C.L.U.: Abbr.
Part of A.D.
Part of A.F.B.
Part of A.M.
Part of A.M.A.: Abbr.
Part of A.M.P.A.S.: Abbr.
Part of A.P.R.
Part of A.P.R.: Abbr.
Part of A.S.A.P.
Part of A.S.P.C.A.: Abbr.
Part of A.S.T.: Abbr.
Part of A.T.&T.: Abbr.
Part of A.T.M.
Part of A/C
Part of AARP: Abbr.
Part of abbey costlier to repair
Part of ABC
Part of ABM
Part of accounting editorial is not tainted
Part of Act IV where Marc
Part of act speaker's observed
Part of address book is deleted from PCs booted badly
Part of Africa
Part of Africa has bounced back well, if intermittently
Part of Africa still shortly to receive independence
Part of AIM
Part of Air France's flee
Part of air from soprano, grandly making comeback
Part of airport terminal
Part of Alexander the Gre
Part of allotment scheme
Part of alphabet Athenians used
Part of amatol
Part of America periodically using just cash
Part of America where lettuce hasn't run out
Part of American car — exhaust?
Part of an 800 collect ca
Part of an abbey
Part of an academic addre
Part of an academic title
Part of an academic yr.
Part of an accusation
Part of an act
Part of an act, perhaps
Part of an action sequenc
Part of an address
Part of an address before
Part of an address on an
Part of an aerobics exerc
Part of an agenda
Part of an aircraft
Part of an airplane seat
Part of an all-weather sh
Part of an American plan,
Part of an analogy
Part of an ancient inscri
Part of an ancient proces
Part of an ancient trio
Part of an angelic host
Part of an antique shop n
Part of an AOL screen
Part of an apology
Part of an apple
Part of an apple or the e
Part of an archipelago
Part of an armour helmet
Part of an army
Part of an Asian capital'
Part of an astonished exp
Part of an Atkins breakfa
Part of an atom
Part of an atomic clock
Part of an auditorium
Part of an aura
Part of an auto accident
Part of an auto safety in
Part of an automatic gunf
Part of an Avignon addres
Part of an E-mail address
Part of an ear
Part of an early presiden
Part of an economy
Part of an egg
Part of an Egyptian headp
Part of an Einstein equat
Part of an electrolytic e
Part of an ellipsis
Part of an Empire State B
Part of an empire up to 1
Part of an English estate
Part of an English wizard
Part of an ensemble
Part of an envelope
Part of an equine pedigre
Part of an Eskimo diet
Part of an estate's staff
Part of an Ethiopian empe
Part of an even exchange
Part of an exchange
Part of an extended name
Part of an I.R.S. return:
Part of an ice skater's s
Part of an iceberg that's
Part of an ignitron
Part of an impolite word?
Part of an inch
Part of an inheritance?
Part of an insect found in casino tumbler
Part of an internal netwo
Part of an Internet addre
Part of an interstate
Part of an Inuit village
Part of an Irish playwrig
Part of an Ironman compet
Part of an itin.
Part of an itinerary
Part of an IV
Part of an M.D.'s sched.
Part of an octopus
Part of an office sched.
Part of an oil lamp
Part of an old English Ch
Part of an old Greek flee
Part of an old inscriptio
Part of an old Royal Navy
Part of an old sock, mayb
Part of an old-fashioned
Part of an Olympics chant
Part of an orange
Part of an oratorio
Part of an order
Part of an ovum
Part of an underground sp
Part of an unhealthy diet
Part of anatomy list
Part of ancient Asia Mino
Part of ancient Athens
Part of ancient Greece wi
Part of ancient site bearing weight
Part of ancient Turkey
Part of another age?
Part of antihero, guess one's villainous
Part of Antrim, a rich source of ceramic
Part of anxiety one reproduced?
Part of any Verdi composi
Part of AOL
Part of apprenticeship has education in stages
Part of army besieging University College
Part of army outside in shower running around courtyard
Part of army, say, one with soldiers? Right about that
Part of Arthurian windbreak
Part of Ascap: Abbr.
Part of Asia close to Tashkent, for sure
Part of Atlantic that's cold, with ice least dispersed
Part of Atlantic's valuable reserve that's not yet exploited
Part of Attica then — some city!
Part of ATV
Part of auditory equipment obscured half of that Tolkien creation
Part of Awacs: Abbr.
Part of B.A.
Part of B.C.E.
Part of B.P.O.E.
Part of B.Y.O.B.
Part of Bach's oeuvre
Part of baking powder
Part of baseball's postse
Part of basketball practi
Part of Batman's ensemble
Part of batting instructi
Part of beauty pageant at
Part of bedding of the French surgeon
Part of benefit I repaid is returned in drink
Part of Bible engaged in stories: here’s subject of parable
Part of bicycle that doesn't make it to 24 across?
Part of big issue to be raised in old court - increased rent
Part of binary code
Part of bird’s skeleton
Part of bird's stomach
Part of Birmingham is home for religious sect
Part of blood line going through grandmother
Part of blood; vaccine
Part of boat or vessel keeps swinging both ways
Part of boat's equipment seen as pilot's turned
Part of body and part of that sport
Part of body area includes unknown thin material
Part of body buried in tropical forest
Part of body Eastern lady initially covered with a gown
Part of body is given initial examination
Part of body overcome by chemical imbalance
Part of body regularly stroked
Part of body shape swollen by organ
Part of body showing weight — is it lean after exercise?
Part of body shown in photo, enlarged
Part of body that’s been kneaded partially after twisting
Part of Boito's cast in opera
Part of book for cathedral clergy
Part of book removed from a theatregoer, perhaps?
Part of book's jacket
Part of boot from West?
Part of Borneo
Part of bottom niece doesn't show i.e. cheek
Part of bound ream that is not thought of
Part of boxer's repertoire in higher division
Part of brain disease rarely concealed by a stroke
Part of brain that mostly inverted everything? Nearly everything
Part of brass section from Berlioz in concert
Part of brazen campaign pitch
Part of breathing apparatus to display intact, reportedly
Part of bridle gripped by the mouth's going round
Part of Britain's mil.
Part of bronze
Part of building outsiders used in rumba on celebration day
Part of building resembling a shop?
Part of building with everything?
Part of bulb broke in two
Part of bulb cracked
Part of Burbank city
Part of C.D.: Abbr.
Part of C.P.A.: Abbr.
Part of C.P.I.
Part of C.P.U.
Part of C.S.A.: Abbr.
Part of C.S.T.: Abbr.
Part of Caesar's boast
Part of Cairo, metropolitan capital
Part of Canada that inspires our country?
Part of Canada; dog
Part of Canis Major
Part of cannon leader of Roundheads found in tree
Part of Captain Cook's ex
Part of car above wheel
Part of car bonnet covered by packing
Part of car closest to kerb
Part of car or bird
Part of car's transmission
Part of Cardiff lower in essential decorative quality
Part of CBS: Abbr.
Part of cell released by sumac pollen
Part of centre at mental hospital may provide it
Part of chain put on Charlie in prison
Part of chair -- place covered by planted bottom
Part of cheesecake, maybe
Part of Chevrolet, for example, belonging to fleeing criminal
Part of Christmas
Part of Christmas when lo
Part of church entrance knocked over by haulage expert?
Part of church in Paisley
Part of church is surrounded by beer!
Part of church left abandoned by mistake
Part of church left following risk
Part of church Liberal abandoned by mistake
Part of church near the altar
Part of church one enters lacking sophistication
Part of church school — one removed faulty step
Part of church school expels one spoilt pest
Part of church school's term provides evidence that a maternal bond has been broken
Part of church service originally embraced by primate
Part of church service proceeding slowly
Part of church spirit has reformed lag in search of soul
Part of church with luck found on left
Part of church, one Cranmer reformed
Part of church, perhaps eastern section
Part of cigarette smoke
Part of circle a Catholic joined
Part of circle a churchgoer joined
Part of circle a Roman Catholic joined
Part of circle formed by a church member
Part of circuit in Buenos Aires is tortuous
Part of city starts to slag off Home Office
Part of climbing plant
Part of clique becoming Canadian province
Part of clock checked when wound back, slow
Part of CNN
Part of COLA
Part of collection put back in small room
Part of colonel’s unit
Part of Colorado Springs from garden, Versailles
Part of computer difficult to wear out
Part of conditional release the old man ignored
Part of Connecticut, a hospitable US state
Part of conservation area, an early centre of Christianity
Part of container train still
Part of convention planni
Part of cooked fowl
Part of CORE
Part of core curriculum to come up again
Part of core curriculum to come up time and again
Part of course: all of it except the start
Part of cow seen with quiet frisson
Part of CPU
Part of cricket match finished
Part of cricket match where fielder drops opener
Part of crossword in a language book
Part of crossword unfinished and afternoon's over? Clot!
Part of Croydon or court in centre of Dundee
Part of crust contains special fibre
Part of crustacean or old, old, group of whales
Part of custard, say, has extremely greedy people losing face
Part of cylinder coming out of trap?
Part of D.A.: Abbr.
Part of D.J.I.A.
Part of D.O.E.: Abbr.
Part of day fine … stop!
Part of deck sees action
Part of defence of scorer facing bowler?
Part of digestive system in trial Dionne regularly observed
Part of Dionysus' entoura
Part of dish that was donated by Adam?
Part of Dixie: Abbr.
Part of DJ
Part of DKNY
Part of DMZ
Part of document that's often used in footer?
Part of domain name for hostelry
Part of DOS: Abbr.
Part of double-edged sword could make you do this
Part of drain
Part of dressy attire for
Part of driving direction
Part of Dutch crop that's left I fed to sheep
Part of DVM
Part of dynamo under barrow
Part of E-mail addresses
Part of E. I. du Pont
Part of E.E.C.: Abbr.
Part of E.M.T.: Abbr.
Part of E.O.E.
Part of E.R.: Abbr.
Part of E.S.L.: Abbr.
Part of E.S.T. : Abbr.
Part of E.S.T.: Abbr.
Part of E.T.
Part of E.T.A.: Abbr.
Part of E.T.S.: Abbr.
Part of E.U.: Abbr.
Part of Eastern Europe, o
Part of educational foundation improperly agreed to alter mark
Part of EGBDF
Part of engine and kit found by tree
Part of engine ignited? Article from Renault in mind
Part of engine unaffected by reversal
Part of England in the ti
Part of England not acceptable? Not acceptable, and that’s genuine
Part of England where flowers grow
Part of entrance security vital to flat
Part of Eritrea's border
Part of Espana
Part of ETA
Part of EU (north) splintered
Part of Europe raised assistance to contain upheaval in 7
Part of Europe that’s a jewel?
Part of Europe’s revised LPGA tour
Part of Evensong, graduate facing it fearfully
Part of eye in centre of head behind ears, perhaps
Part of eye is concerning girl
Part of eye; flower
Part of F.B.I.
Part of F.D.I.C.: Abbr.
Part of F.D.R.
Part of F.D.R.: Abbr.
Part of F.S.L.I.C.
Part of F.Y.I.
Part of face
Part of Faye Dunaway's back fully exposed
Part of FDR
Part of FEMA: Abbr.
Part of fence catching small rider in Grand National lottery?
Part of film about British dissenter
Part of film dealing with the Spanish dance
Part of film may be true, it's said
Part of firefighter attir
Part of fish to cook without recipe
Part of flight from a prison's over
Part of flight from Budapest airport
Part of flight out of a prison
Part of flight with one 19D?
Part of Florida
Part of Florida house, home to some Americans
Part of Florida's Gold Co
Part of flower — and of date palm
Part of flower showing black mark
Part of flower trimmed, as going to seed
Part of foot
Part of foot stumped English player, initially batting first
Part of foot to get better reportedly
Part of foot to squeeze, but not softly!
Part of football pitch where energy's located?
Part of footmark effaced in procession
Part of forest fire remains?
Part of format the writer used for book
Part of frame CGI bear ruined
Part of France - is it like the UK say?
Part of France's established church
Part of French "to be"
Part of French Indochina
Part of French Indochina
Part of Freud's "psychic
Part of fridge that is keeping cold in case?
Part of friendship that meant nothing to 7, 11, or 26
Part of G.M.T.
Part of garden ruthlessly lifted up and transformed
Part of garment covering the arm
Part of garment Oscar fed to pet dog
Part of generator seasoned soldiers set up first
Part of Georgia is actually to the west of here
Part of Georgia is in it
Part of Germany: sport here always ignoring English
Part of girdle a seamstress let out
Part of goal to get from one end of pub to the other?
Part of golf course where below par?
Part of golf instruction
Part of good restaurant recalled
Part of GPS: Abbr.
Part of graduation attire
Part of grain provided for breakfast, perhaps
Part of grant is ring-fenced for a some weeks
Part of greater honesty that's starting to be seen between Swiss banks
Part of Greece has style that's unusual
Part of grist or a germ in silo?
Part of grounds and pitch where kids can play
Part of group, don't forget, misses the first quarter
Part of growing up
Part of gun detective loses points to a Scandinavian location
Part of H.E.W.: Abbr.
Part of H.M.S.
Part of H.R.H.
Part of Hampshire town’s free to redevelop
Part of hands holding small book
Part of harbour is where criminal appears
Part of Hawaii
Part of HBO
Part of head office could be here
Part of hearing involves a murder
Part of helicopter going up and down
Part of high-profile actor associated with part of ...
Part of his body was famo
Part of Homer's issue about main representation of figures
Part of hoof upset horse?
Part of hooter having indecisive sound after a month
Part of horoscope about a domineering woman
Part of horse’s behind associated with power
Part of horse's foot
Part of horse's foot kicking soft behind
Part of hose man used to support raised beds
Part of hospital engaged in determinedly removing stones to all appearances
Part of hospital in coma
Part of hotel seems different
Part of Houdini's act involved hat trick with gas jet
Part of house finally being fit on completion
Part of human torso between neck and diaphragm
Part of I.C.U.
Part of I.L.G.W.U.: Abbr.
Part of I.M.F.: Abbr.
Part of i.o.u.
Part of i.p.s.
Part of I.R.A.: Abbr.
Part of I.R.T.
Part of I.S.B.N.: Abbr.
Part of IBM: Abbr.
Part of ICBM
Part of IHOP: Abbr.
Part of India once producing oddly designed bangle
Part of Indonesia
Part of Indonesia shown in retrospective series from Jakarta museum
Part of intestine repelled, having received small breakfast?
Part of Ireland supporting poor service is a disappointment
Part of Ireland: member's after a good hotel? On the contrary
Part of Isabella I's real
Part of island in Caribbean captured by the French
Part of issue the guard sorted
Part of Istanbul is in it
Part of it belongs to the
Part of it is draped over
Part of it is French
Part of it is often in th
Part of Italian East Afri
Part of Italy
Part of Italy where Cape
Part of Italy, see, getting irritable with invasion of British
Part of IV
Part of J.H.S.: Abbr.
Part of Jamaica, principally a holiday resort
Part of Japan where the whole Scottish family at home?
Part of Japan, hard-working, not quite secure
Part of job of fine scientist
Part of Johannesburg
Part of joint composition makes comeback
Part of joint held by Bill regularly paid off
Part of joint music group going north
Part of joint treasurer's brief
Part of kg-m
Part of kit containing posh ingredient for making pasta
Part of Korea, for short
Part of Kramden's guffaw
Part of l'
Part of l'ann
Part of l'Indon
Part of l'union
Part of L.A.
Part of L.E.D.
Part of L.P.G.A.
Part of L.S.T.
Part of la familia
Part of Latin 101 conjuga
Part of Latin I conjugati
Part of Laurel and Hardy not hard to find in a fable that's silly
Part of Lawrence Welk's i
Part of le printemps
Part of Leclerc or Vettel's craft
Part of LED
Part of leg found by excavation party
Part of leg in small 3, say
Part of leg in young animal
Part of leg seen kicking backwards, but only part
Part of leg the person speaking in a part raised
Part of LEM
Part of Leonardo's career? As of this year, yes!
Part of lettering on gold medal, perhaps
Part of life men definitely make better
Part of LIFO, in accounti
Part of London in North needs a rebuilding
Part of London law I stop breaking
Part of London not totally boring, with attractive woman taking time out
Part of London oh so naughty!
Part of London one learns about
Part of London or Manhatt
Part of London prison housing two men finally considered reformed
Part of London Transport containing rescue centre
Part of London wary, receiving immigration from Ireland and Spain
Part of Lord's pavilion is essentially all for one newly-wed
Part of Los Angeles
Part of Lothair I's realm
Part of M.I.T.: Abbr.
Part of M.O.
Part of M.P.A.A.: Abbr.
Part of m.p.g.
Part of m.p.h.
Part of M.V.P.
Part of M.Y.O.B.
Part of machine getting computer science absorbed - which makes it think?
Part of Madame's address
Part of MADD
Part of magic act uses plant
Part of making a crosswor
Part of male personality lost in a drummer
Part of Man in Black stood out, as a collector
Part of Manchester squad not showing aggression
Part of Manchester that sounds suitable for Cockney's poker game?
Part of Manhattan
Part of Manhattan is sedate surprisingly
Part of Manhattan so nearly opening
Part of Manhattan's Alpha
Part of Manhattan, as far as two quarters will get you
Part of many "shoppe" nam
Part of many a bank robbe
Part of many a bus. addre
Part of many a bus. name
Part of many a chain
Part of many a corporate
Part of many a daily supp
Part of many a discount s
Part of many a disguise
Part of many a drink orde
Part of many a Halloween
Part of many a job title:
Part of many a KFC order
Part of many a psych cour
Part of many a refrain
Part of many a science co
Part of many a smear camp
Part of many a summer for
Part of many a test
Part of many addresses
Part of many airport name
Part of many an action mo
Part of many an AIM chat
Part of many an antique s
Part of many an autobiogr
Part of many Arab names
Part of many arena names:
Part of many British plac
Part of many cages
Part of many Canadian pla
Part of many Chinese name
Part of many confessions
Part of many cultural ven
Part of many Dutch surnam
Part of many e-mail addre
Part of many fancy dish n
Part of many German names
Part of many musical note
Part of many Qu
Part of many ristorante d
Part of many schools' add
Part of many stars' names
Part of many town names i
Part of many U.R.L.'s
Part of many workouts, in
Part of marbling
Part of marshalling yard, Southern, is to suppress noise - good
Part of match fixed by agreement
Part of mathematics test beneath George and myself
Part of Mauritius's coat
Part of Mayfair is home for some Europeans
Part of MB
Part of McDonald's logo
Part of meadow flower, primarily?
Part of meal: English course's not first class
Part of Med coast
Part of medieval attire
Part of Mediterranean
Part of Melanesia
Part of Mexican dish? Some mention a chorizo
Part of Mexico coast ruined with a British incursion
Part of MGM
Part of MHz
Part of Middle East where fine accompanies crime
Part of Mike Ashley's retail empire
Part of Miss America's at
Part of Miss Muffet's mea
Part of MOMA
Part of MOMA's address
Part of morning calisthen
Part of morning dress
Part of mouth or cheek
Part of Mozart's art
Part of MPH
Part of musical series, apparently one short?
Part of mV
Part of N.A.
Part of N.A.A.C.P.: Abbr.
Part of N.B.
Part of N.B.A.: Abbr.
Part of N.C.A.A.
Part of N.C.A.A.: Abbr.
Part of N.E.A.: Abbr.
Part of N.F.L.
Part of N.F.L.: Abbr.
Part of N.I.H.: Abbr.
Part of N.R.A.: Abbr.
Part of N.Y.C.
Part of N.Y.C.: Abbr.
Part of N.Y.S.E.
Part of Nabucco Verdi definitely exaggerated
Part of NASA
Part of Nascar: Abbr.
Part of Nasdaq: Abbr.
Part of NATO
Part of NATO: Abbr.
Part of NBA
Part of neck line in linen
Part of neck, namely collar
Part of network where one travelling to work needs other end of platform
Part of New Eng.
Part of New York (2 wds.)
Part of New York that is being filled in now!
Part of Norfolk denied British safe havens
Part of North African town in area near sea
Part of nose mum's unbandaged after a month
Part of nourishing piece of beef
Part of number missing leader in god
Part of NYC
Part of O.A.S.: Abbr.
Part of O.H.M.S.
Part of O.N.I.: Abbr.
Part of O.T.
Part of Oceania
Part of OED finished and justified
Part of old sewer's altered after collapsing
Part of one arm is stuck, almost a disaster
Part of online Visa verification for review: it's not straightforward
Part of OOO
Part of opera needs quiet first - it's the law
Part of opera was created earlier we hear
Part of Orange County, Ca
Part of orchestra detests work
Part of orchid denied or concealed
Part of orchid seen in artificial light
Part of organ Sheeran featured in strange poster
Part of Oscar celebration is unusual
Part of our Channel diplomacy’s ending again, amid shifting blame
Part of Oxford University course, right?
Part of P.E.I.: Abbr.
Part of P.G.A.: Abbr.
Part of P.O. or P.S.
Part of P.R.
Part of P.S.T.: Abbr.
Part of P.T.A.: Abbr.
Part of PABA
Part of pack to turn alternately into hearts and diamonds
Part of Paganini's oeuvre
Part of pageant I'm at - terrific ephemeral stuff
Part of paint roller that's beginning to work
Part of painter's work starts off collection of art treasures
Part of Paris's Rive Gauche
Part of parliament - it legislates to grant authority
Part of patriotic composition
Part of Paul Revere's Bos
Part of pay, especially? Yes
Part of Pedro's diet
Part of pen made from scrap that’s turned up
Part of Pfc.: Abbr.
Part of phone Ned's lost in sou'wester?
Part of photograph identifies louse
Part of piano or computer
Part of pig
Part of pig - one, some say, that keeps hot
Part of pipe introducing a water source
Part of pistol engineer knocked off
Part of piston engine
Part of plans for promotion?
Part of plant came up with it
Part of plant greeting Zulu in European capital
Part of plant left among trees after spades stolen
Part of plant or insect or bird
Part of plant, one more deficient in oxygen
Part of play or opera
Part of play that's still contributing to respectable audience
Part of play understood when listening
Part of play watched on phone
Part of Plymouth, miles away from home
Part of Poins penned by playwright after a drop of porter
Part of Poland's border
Part of pool table ultimately breaks bank
Part of Poor Richard's Al
Part of Popeye's credo
Part of prayer? Yes
Part of press immersed in scoop - late news
Part of PRNDL
Part of process of bringing back favourites
Part of Q.E.D.
Part of qq.v. (which see)
Part of quiz: Australian with hesitation about one of her states
Part of quotation is estimated charges
Part of R & D: Abbr.
Part of R & R
Part of R&D: Abbr.
Part of R.E.O.
Part of R.F.D.
Part of R.I.P.
Part of r.p.m.
Part of r.p.m.: Abbr.
Part of R.S.V.P.
Part of R.W.E.
Part of range seen after symphonist's fifth?
Part of rarefied atmosphere related to prestigious university's backing
Part of rarely seen French palace
Part of record player male keeps close by
Part of regiment loses second line, with nothing to gain
Part of reign is pale reminder about failing again?
Part of retribution
Part of revised item ready for publication
Part of revolutionary masterpiece inspired the role of Sonya in Uncle Vanya?
Part of Rhode Island is next to Connecticut
Part of road for vehicles
Part of rock formation cut off more than the rest?
Part of rock's CSNY
Part of Rockefeller Ctr.'
Part of rocket, one shaped to receive most of support
Part of Rodney Dangerfiel
Part of ROM
Part of Roman legion
Part of roof beginning to break in high wind
Part of roof covering spaces that may be stretched
Part of Roy G. Biv
Part of Russia is a ruefully backwards Orwellian state
Part of S
Part of S.A.
Part of S.A.S.E.: Abbr.
Part of S.E.C.: Abbr.
Part of S.L.R.
Part of S.N.L.
Part of S.O.P.: Abbr.
Part of S.P.C.A.: Abbr.
Part of S.R.O.
Part of S.S.S.: Abbr.
Part of S.W.A.K.
Part of Sabbath used in this way
Part of sabbatical group
Part of sacred area
Part of sad elegy for English singer
Part of sailing ship contains something woolly and life jacket
Part of salad not left on a plate
Part of Santa's bagful
Part of Santa's team
Part of Santa's team on a
Part of SASE: Abbr.
Part of satire unfair on youngster's clothing
Part of scale that is least likely to collapse
Part of Scand.
Part of school day — full stop!
Part of school I arrange for storyteller
Part of school programme’s more taken off?
Part of school that inclu
Part of Scotland cheerful, having received grant
Part of Scotland provided iron manacles
Part of Scotland's coat o
Part of Scotland, one operating support for transparency
Part of SEATO
Part of seawater
Part of service university held in public
Part of Shakespeare play, perhaps, about to be presented in new theatre
Part of shell in 11 at sea
Part of shibboleth — a little deadly
Part of ship always hidden by raised platform
Part of ship first of all in urgent need, wrecked in storm
Part of ship queen's to get control over
Part of ship supporting weight
Part of ship where you might find tennis shoes and chair
Part of ship with lowest fares
Part of ship's equipment for launching missiles
Part of ship's history after 12 boards
Part of ship's mooring - need to cast off back at sea
Part of shirt about to sever
Part of shirt collar, perhaps
Part of shopfront, as cased by female spies?
Part of showbiz article describing ex-actor's odd parts
Part of Shrovetide: Abbr.
Part of Sicily, richly expressive
Part of sign attracts small fly
Part of silver necklace for French author
Part of six-pack: Mark carrying can out
Part of skeleton in cupboard looks originally a crime involving lake
Part of skeleton is fit, but lab reaching no conclusions
Part of small intestine
Part of soap-opera's hero is a bit of a pig
Part of soldier's uniform displays flesh and blood
Part of some audiophiles'
Part of some Bibles: Abbr
Part of some bio titles
Part of some biography ti
Part of some chains: Abbr
Part of some co. names
Part of some complexes
Part of some court awards
Part of some cultural nig
Part of some discount sto
Part of some disguises
Part of some e-mail addre
Part of some examinations
Part of some facials
Part of some film reviews
Part of some full names
Part of some garden statu
Part of some gym exercise
Part of some itineraries?
Part of some joints
Part of some letters
Part of some mil. titles
Part of some military aca
Part of some Muslim house
Part of some palaces
Part of some pastries
Part of some platters
Part of some resort names
Part of some rtes.
Part of some splits
Part of some straights
Part of some strippers' a
Part of some three-day we
Part of some uniforms
Part of some watches, for
Part of somebody's Seychelles journey
Part of something
Part of song Cyril botched
Part of songwriting
Part of South Carolina's
Part of sovereign or ancestral state displaying little enlightenment
Part of speech
Part of speech advocating abolition of New York body
Part of speech Eton possibly has not sanctioned
Part of speech in dialect, old language
Part of speech in French introducing a garden plant
Part of speech in which I ask you to call
Part of speech never bettered, but only part
Part of speech promoted with second half pulled by bishop
Part of speech raved about Britain
Part of speech: Abbr.
Part of speech: sailor taking in Democrat version
Part of speech?: Abbr.
Part of spring article this writer’s penned
Part of spring in France
Part of SST
Part of stable incorporating old and new block
Part of stage scenery
Part of Star Wars character with little time for final notice
Part of statutory role for academic staff
Part of steel
Part of stomach revolting at bread
Part of stream from main server is initially lost
Part of submarine deceiving tug?
Part of supermarket beer is stocked
Part of sweeping efforts?
Part of Switzerland invested in a currency initially of gold
Part of Switzerland shortly offering a bt of poetry
Part of swordsman’s kit shows evidence of damage by poet
Part of T.A.: Abbr.
Part of T.A.E.
Part of T.G.I.F.
Part of T.G.I.F.: Abbr.
Part of T.S.E.
Part of T.W.A.
Part of T.W.I.M.C.
Part of target, collecting music for ball
Part of target, securing free escort
Part of tedious speech to the West Bromwich Albion hosts
Part of Tennessee Williams' last "hip" production: morose, electrifying Marlon initially in the lead
Part of tennis match repeatedly knocked back balls
Part of tent peg and rod lie around
Part of terrain was heavy accompaniment to run-off
Part of the "De Camptown
Part of the "Stare Trek"
Part of the 1964 Civil Ri
Part of the above money, including 50% from bank
Part of the act when King
Part of the Air France fl
Part of the alloy britann
Part of the Alps which surrounds a Latin country
Part of the American Gree
Part of the answer to 36-
Part of the arm
Part of the atmosphere
Part of the attraction when fair people bump into each other
Part of the Australian co
Part of the back of an or
Part of the back of the m
Part of the backbone
Part of the bedding? I wondered, somehow
Part of the Bible
Part of the Bible: Abbr.
Part of the blood circulation system
Part of the body
Part of the body between ribs and hip bone
Part of the body gazed at by those engaged in complacent self-absorption
Part of the body needing some doctor’s opinion
Part of the body next to
Part of the body pervert has up goose
Part of the body that may
Part of the brain
Part of the broadcasting industry
Part of the Buchanan High
Part of the Burma-Siam landmass
Part of the Caroline Isla
Part of the Cenozoic era
Part of the chorus that's followed by foxtrot
Part of the conspiracy
Part of the Constitution
Part of the Corn Belt
Part of the craft of putting polonium on work dress
Part of the creche longs for rank
Part of the cricket wicket
Part of the crown jewels
Part of the cyberworld
Part of the Dallas-Fort W
Part of the day
Part of the Deep South: A
Part of the Defense Dept.
Part of the Dept. of Home
Part of the Dept. of Just
Part of the Dept. of Labo
Part of the Dept. of Tran
Part of the ear
Part of the earth's outer
Part of the elite, just like George
Part of the Europe-Asia b
Part of the European Union in South America, once home to a penal colony
Part of the eye
Part of the eye containin
Part of the eye that hold
Part of the eye that’s concerning can start to atrophy
Part of the eye; plant
Part of the face
Part of the face: mindful that's fragile
Part of the family’s great talent avoiding one
Part of the food pyramid
Part of the foot
Part of the foot and chin broken
Part of the former U.A.R.
Part of the fourth qtr.
Part of the French
Part of the furniture - Ronnie obviously wasn't this
Part of the gasoline addi
Part of the German/Polish
Part of the goal is to traverse the pub
Part of the Gulf Coast: A
Part of the hand
Part of the hand; tree
Part of the head
Part of the head that mov
Part of the heart - clever nit
Part of the Hindu trinity
Part of the Holy Trinity
Part of the home computer
Part of the Horn of Africa, once an Italian colony
Part of the house where o
Part of the human torso between neck and diaphragm
Part of the inner ear
Part of the invisible spe
Part of the iris borderin
Part of the Ivy League
Part of the Kazakhstan la
Part of the Kingdom of th
Part of the Koran found in ancient city in Saudi Arabia
Part of the large intestine
Part of the leg
Part of the leg above the
Part of the leg is theme for poet
Part of the London Borough of Camden - whiten knots
Part of the London Underground
Part of the Louisiana Pur
Part of the lower body
Part of the lower body sk
Part of the mailing addre
Part of the Mass
Part of the maths syllabus gets a big supporter!
Part of the Mediterranean between Europe and Asia
Part of the Mediterranean between Greece and Turkey
Part of the mind
Part of the mind that acts as a conscience
Part of the mnemonic for
Part of the motorway network beginning to erode
Part of the mouth
Part of the mouth of a co
Part of the Musketeers' c
Part of the N.C.A.A.'s pu
Part of the neck
Part of the neck of northern primate
Part of the Net, for shor
Part of the New Haven lan
Part of the next-to-last
Part of the Northland pen
Part of the ogre regularly given to blue-eyed boy
Part of the Old Testament
Part of the Old World
Part of the Old World: Ab
Part of the pectoral gird
Part of the pelvis
Part of the planning for
Part of the psyche
Part of the Quaternary Pe
Part of the R
Part of the respiratory system
Part of the rib cage
Part of the scenery
Part of the Scillies, eastern half redeveloped
Part of the skull
Part of the small intestine
Part of the soft palate
Part of the spine
Part of the theory of relativity, for the radio presenter
Part of the throat
Part of the Treasury Dept
Part of the Tribune Compa
Part of the Tuscan Archip
Part of the U.K.
Part of the U.K.: Abbr.
Part of the U.S. arsenal
Part of the U.S. nuclear
Part of the U.S. south of
Part of the U.S./Canada b
Part of the UK
Part of the underground e
Part of the Union in a right state
Part of the uvea
Part of the Uzbekistan bo
Part of the Venezuela/ Co
Part of the verb "to be,"
Part of the view in "A Ro
Part of the Walt Disney C
Part of the week
Part of the week when Thanksgiving celebrated
Part of the week, river's overpowering American divers
Part of the weekend
Part of the Weekend supplement?
Part of the West
Part of the Winnebago nat
Part of the works
Part of the world suggesting it's Anglo-Saxon?
Part of the world, mostly unchanged area
Part of theatre encompassing box?
Part of theatre, chic, recalled regularly
Part of this clue shows promise and flexibility
Part of three-in-a-row
Part of time-share network
Part of TLC
Part of TNT
Part of toilet cold on one's rear
Part of tooth finally falls into mug
Part of tortoise arguably shell-like
Part of total amount needed for Texas mission
Part of town bordering a sea, lake or river
Part of town is more pleasant, on reflection, after parking in front of court
Part of town public steers clear of
Part of train bearing Victoria or Gladstone, say
Part of training regime on ship has youngsters boxing
Part of treatment for Jack’s brother to have daily
Part of tree containing small branch for resting birds
Part of truss delivered by Royal Mail
Part of turkey baster is broken
Part of TV detective associated with Lewis, primarily
Part of TWA
Part of two hospitals taken up in London area
Part of U.A.E.
Part of U.A.W.
Part of U.C.L.A.
Part of U.N.C.F.
Part of U.N.L.V.
Part of U.R.I.
Part of U.S.C.: Abbr.
Part of U.S.D.A.: Abbr.
Part of U.S.M.A.: Abbr.
Part of U.S.N.A.: Abbr.
Part of U.S.P.S.
Part of U.S.S.R.
Part of U.S.S.R.: Abbr.
Part of ugly sister destroying process
Part of UHF
Part of UHF: Abbr.
Part of ulcer is extremely red
Part of un archipi
Part of un jardin
Part of un op
Part of una casa
Part of una salsa
Part of una semana
Part of underground business after revolution
Part of underground movement in a rebellion ok
Part of une dynastie
Part of une phrase
Part of une pi
Part of university cricket side tucking into cabbage
Part of US city stream only diverted, after source blocked
Part of USA I love — want, not half, to go to it
Part of UTEP
Part of V.A.T.
Part of V.F.W.
Part of V.M.I.: Abbr.
Part of v.v.
Part of VCR
Part of vehicle closest to the kerb
Part of Venezuela due for uprising, like most of Europe once
Part of Vermeer's self-introduction? That can't be true
Part of Vermont, an American state
Part of vessel drags, leading to trouble
Part of veteran thematic song?
Part of Vietnam a G.I. called enchanting
Part of VISTA: Abbr.
Part of vital passage where island crop is transported
Part of w.p.m.
Part of w.p.m.: Abbr.
Part of W.W. II's Pacific
Part of warfare's ultimate outcome
Part of WASP
Part of waste disposal system close to gypsy settlement
Part of watch mechanism worked out larger
Part of WATS
Part of Western Sahara
Part of what a biathlete
Part of wheel assembly
Part of which, essentially, that's like Othello in certain ways
Part of wimple - a thermal material
Part of window housing edges of principal display
Part of window made from special wood
Part of window showing star now and then - shut it!
Part of window-frame majority rotated and revolved internally
Part of windpipe
Part of wine glass
Part of winter nasty for bird
Part of wooden barrel
Part of wooden joint
Part of working week The Times had shortened
Part of workshop that is failing
Part of world manufacturing camera and clarinet?
Part of world sailor captured in song
Part of WWW
Part of X-X-X
Part of xoxox
Part of Y.M.C.A.: Abbr.
Part of Y.S.L.
Part of year depicted in end of sonnet by old poet
Part of year with border chaos
Part of Zemeckis's Best D
Part of, say, sea urchin I found in Asian river full of earth
Part on edge as deep ice is melting
Part on stage
Part on the side?
Part One providing artist with inspiration for example
Part or parcel
Part ownership in a bar?
Part payment a German offered after dash from east
Part played
Part right: bravo!
Part sentimental English left out
Part Sheldon took and kept
Part song
Part song, part jungle EP
Part sung in key, another key briefly eclipsing it
Part supporting heartless undertaking
Part sympathetic part pretentious
Part that doesn't dissolv
Part that's cut off and t
Part the cad needed to play
Part three of the brainte
Part to go round audibly
Part to grab hold of
Part to play
Part two
Part two of the brainteas
Part used as pointer?
Part was effective
Part water, perhaps?
Part way to scoring
Part when equal bottom - about the last chance
Part with toy, perhaps one to follow?
Part woman, part bird cre
Part you don't want to mi
Part you see in Hero and Leander’s union?
Part, share
Part, subdivision
Part-design, for example
Part-exchanged item
Part-goat god
Part-month wasted, working in English town
Part-song for male voices - delight
Part-time ambassador, having to do housework, failed
Part-time clarinettist loves to go in with dry lips
Part-time Dickens student?
Part-time judge has clubs stolen? Send for more
Part-time peacekeepers
Part-time player
Part-time players
Part: Abbr.
Partake in exercise, fool!
Partake of
Partakes of
Partakes of a banquet
Partaking in winter sport
Partaking of
Partaking of booze killed wrestling champion
Parter of the waters
Parthenon figure
Parthenon goddess
Parthenon honoree
Parthenon locale
Parthenon sights
Parthenon's city
Parthenon's home
Parthenon's site
Parti ___ (prejudice): Fr
Partial approach?
Partial darkness
Partial denture; span
Partial duplication of travel document is concerning
Partial earnings, please, must be included
Partial farewell for a sheep
Partial or comparative darkness
Partial refund
Partial shadow
Partial stone pot I stick somewhere inside
Partial text remains source for mathematical values
Partial to
Partial United team finally completed
Partially agree to welcome
Partially and totally do this for a carrier
Partially backing bonsai pot business - it gives urban sorts a taste of country life
Partially burn
Partially burns
Partially carbonised vegetable matter saturated with water
Partially concede massage causes medical conditions in US
Partially cook in water
Partially covered by green, I was screwing back for red, say?
Partially decomposed matter in the soil
Partially decomposed organic material
Partially decrease Liberal support for the arts?
Partially defrosting potato dish
Partially disrobed, I entertain being submissive
Partially divide ten territories, lessening hostility
Partially dried grape
Partially exhume Russian body part
Partially fermented fodder
Partially hang a cross around Italian artist
Partially melted snow
Partially open
Partially outwitted fool
Partially reupholster a Torino, an old relative of Clio
Partially rigid house's one with worn-out exterior
Partially submerged struc
Partially unclad, Maggie might be seen in one?
Partially unmask rancidly repellent police spies
Partially-melted snow
Partially-opened flower
Participant at a 90's dan
Participant count
Participant in a dialogue
Participant in a Faustian
Participant in a public protest
Participant in civil unrest
Participant in democracy
Participant in old war that’s throttled by fighter
Participant in the gunfight at the OK Corral
Participant in uprising
Participants get a kick o
Participants in a debate
Participants in a kids' g
Participants in a violent disturbance of the peace
Participants in an annual
Participants in range
Participants in the annua
Participate (in)
Participate in a bee
Participate in court proc
Participate in decision-m
Participate in drag?
Participate in military c
Participate on Election D
Participate to one’s profit, ancient ghetto being redeveloped?
Participated in a choir
Participated in a pool, s
Participated in crew
Participated temporarily,
Participates in a class a
Participates in a vigil,
Participating in - knowing about
Participating in a group
Participating in next race — a bonus
Participator in your descent or ascent, oddly
Participles, sometimes
Particle accelerator
Particle beginning to trigger inside nerve cell
Particle created by a cos
Particle displacement sym
Particle flux density sym
Particle identified by Greek character, an Athenian demagogue
Particle in a quark model
Particle in blood
Particle in electrolysis
Particle name coined by E
Particle named for a lett
Particle new to Planck, and not recalled after brief time
Particle of a dwindling c
Particle of light
Particle of protoplasm, essential for blood clotting - tell a pet
Particle physics subject
Particle quietly splitting gave the game away
Particle split by head of thermodynamics in city abroad
Particle stream
Particle to attach firmly, we're told
Particle's lowest energy condition
Particle-detecting device
Particles in electrolysis
Particles in particle acc
Particles of dry grass crossing a river beneath mountain
Particles of the lepton f
Particular case
Particular case with pile for sorting
Particular church rings Stepney’s boundaries
Particular corporation after old odd-jobber
Particular day
Particular delivery, necessity for cricket, voided catch
Particular Democrat isn't first to yield
Particular dock?
Particular doctor painted on canvas, primarily
Particular emphasis
Particular environment
Particular example
Particular feature
Particular feature of something
Particular flyer's articulations being excellent
Particular form
Particular form of govern
Particular gear
Particular issue of a newspaper
Particular issue very much distracted them in Government
Particular kind of duck
Particular kind of suit required for ice?
Particular level of rank, quality, etc
Particular mixture of ale and spice
Particular muscle providing parts thus
Particular nasty woman
Particular object
Particular obligations — have no doubt about them
Particular observation about business district
Particular order
Particular period allocated by fate
Particular person following our team, Mark
Particular person in prison will be visited by US lawyer
Particular person originally from American location
Particular person, one that lifts depression, according to Spooner
Particular place if (sic) replaced
Particular place is affected
Particular point
Particular position
Particular positions
Particular protein-rich food tot tucks into
Particular punches a jolly exhausting way to win bout
Particular purpose
Particular recollection of cool drinks coming round
Particular record getting on radio
Particular requirement exists to fill out return
Particular sci-fi film seized by Irish legislators
Particular smell in Emilia-Romagna
Particular squad set out
Particular stage in a process
Particular stance from a Korean leader over personal hygiene issue
Particular star's upward movement, receiving medal finally
Particular strength
Particular talent
Particular time
Particular title picked up among the many books
Particular turn
Particular type of lead possibly draining power from supply opposite
Particular types of briefs probed by leading journo
Particular version of a published text
Particular way of doing something
Particular, distinctive
Particular, for short
Particular, peculiar
Particularly baffling problem
Particularly good
Particularly large stick raised over boy's bottom
Particularly like
Particularly marks way of speaking? It’s something found on the street
Particularly prized posse
Particularly reliable source of cash among sweetshop's stock?
Particularly rich passage from 26?
Particularly weak area
Particularly: Abbr.
Partied hearty
Partied without restraint on 20th, out to do this?
Partied, so to speak
Parties around university and its grounds
Parties disrupted when gatecrashed by a hanger-on
Parties ending in clover pause to recollect outstanding victory
Parties essentially bother child: it's rejecting all outsiders, fully
Parties forbid abstentions, each admitting vote's close
Parties hard for money
Parties holding back numerous energetic folk
Parties not exactly required by politicians
Parties of Americans do extensive gardening job in SE England?
Parties protecting short seaman forced to follow local conventions
Parties regularly taking Scotch in a glass
Parties to a contract
Parties veto motion by broadcaster and writer
Parties where dresses are
Parties with a whole lot
Parties with French wine, gallons put away
Parties, say
Parting buttocks audibly
Parting call, figure having bagged point as 5
Parting expressions were translated during trips
Parting gesture
Parting locale
Parting need?
Parting of the heavens, m
Parting of the Pacific?
Parting phrase
Parting request
Parting south of the bord
Parting sports arena after Ballesteros maybe
Parting thought about term Lord applied to serial non-believer?
Parting with son’s awkward, without right maternal bonds?
Parting word
Parting word
Parting word from esteemed leader in heroic novel
Parting words
Parting words from Donald
Parting words from the bu
Parting words from the Ev
Parting words from the Lo
Parting words from the Te
Parting words from the vo
Parting words in W
Parting words starting barely halfway through drunken voicemail
Parting words?
Partisan established around island
Partisan fighting in autumn, briefly
Partisan leader?
Partisan loyalty on organised trip so typical
Partisan suffix
Partisan, potentially one with ambition
Partition between nostrils
Partition; monitor
Partitioned gym's set up over gallery
Partitioned-off work spac
Partly autobiographical figure in work of non-fiction?
Partly believes in Badger, storybook hero!
Partly close (one's eyes)
Partly close one's eyes
Partly coincide
Partly coincide as regards circuit
Partly coincide in time
Partly coincide with
Partly computerised development sites
Partly concur
Partly cover
Partly cover - a plover
Partly cover lapel?
Partly decorates a bedroom in retirement to add value? Far from it!
Partly depleted
Partly developed a local craft using one's own manpower
Partly doubled, a call in
Partly explains it, untouched and unmoved
Partly fills in useless hole in the head
Partly hide Bristol’s scattered rubbish
Partly Hispanic, US-controlled South American city
Partly melted
Partly mishit a drive - small slice, say
Partly missing urban term for joking
Partly misunderstands star
Partly open
Partly open a container
Partly open a glass container
Partly paid back
Partly persuade the realists to become spiritual
Partly processed food to become solid in batter?
Partly quadrupled, a 1963
Partly swapped permanently bleating female, we hear - well done!
Partly swollen stye in part of the eye
Partly taken aback, rogue slid off a damsel's bloomers
Partly to rig a migrant craft
Partly trimmed ginger fringe
Partly tripled, a lyric f
Partly uprooted catnip, roses and stonecrop
Partly visible satellite found by doctor, perhaps, if not working
Partly withdraw, making borders of state change and decrease
Partly yellow Indian snake
Partner after divorce papers, say?
Partner briefly I used to connect with
Partner finally raised a pound for support
Partner following him? A plant
Partner for "so near"
Partner for Clark
Partner for high
Partner for hither
Partner for this and that
Partner grasps computing command
Partner harbours determination to become artist
Partner hiding hairstyle until it goes dark?
Partner in a big 2001 mer
Partner in a French firm,
Partner in an old radio c
Partner in crime
Partner in exploring
Partner in many a French
Partner in second Post Office application
Partner in, Mrs out: Bo Peep going out
Partner institution welcomes a university accepting teaching ultimately
Partner is criminal type
Partner is desperate to become known
Partner is in trouble, that’s become apparent
Partner joining principal in company with a generous corporation
Partner lacking energy tucked into excessive salad food
Partner mostly upset about wife in European city
Partner no longer certain about river outing
Partner no longer going through dry set book
Partner no longer works to raise bonus
Partner no longer works, having returned bonus
Partner not wanting English church for marriage
Partner of "done with"
Partner of "ifs" and "and
Partner of "read 'em"
Partner of "to" on a gift
Partner of "took notice"
Partner of a certain rabi
Partner of a ques.
Partner of above
Partner of aids
Partner of all
Partner of anon
Partner of away
Partner of baseball and a
Partner of beyond
Partner of Bill Paxton's opening a shop
Partner of blind men with time for hard work
Partner of Bonnie Scotland's runner
Partner of born
Partner of Brahma and Vis
Partner of burn
Partner of cease
Partner of circumstance
Partner of Coburg, histor
Partner of cones
Partner of crafts
Partner of crannies
Partner of dangerous
Partner of dined
Partner of effect
Partner of Evans in journ
Partner of feathers
Partner of gangster from America caught a slug?
Partner of grease
Partner of ham
Partner of Hollywood object of devotion and rock icon
Partner of Imogene
Partner of improved
Partner of jeweler Van Cl
Partner of John
Partner of kissed
Partner of letters
Partner of long. in a G.P
Partner of means
Partner of mightily?
Partner of music
Partner of neither
Partner of now
Partner of odds
Partner of oil
Partner of onions
Partner of outs
Partner of pains
Partner of pans
Partner of parts
Partner of pieces
Partner of pitch and roll
Partner of plata
Partner of poivre
Partner of poivre, in Fre
Partner of Porthos
Partner of potatoes
Partner of pots
Partner of punishment
Partner of raised
Partner of rank and seria
Partner of ready and will
Partner of research: Abbr
Partner of rosemary, in S
Partner of rules, slangil
Partner of search
Partner of starts
Partner of steak
Partner of the right type
Partner of trembling
Partner of truth
Partner of void
Partner of Warner
Partner of ways
Partner of wherefores
Partner of whistles
Partner on board succeeded in China
Partner on TV making an instrument
Partner once finding somewhere to sleep over in part of the West Country
Partner once given plenty of warning
Partner set up first-rate business groups
Partner shows fever after cello playing
Partner skirts college entrance
Partner stealing a cushion
Partner takes divot striking 3-wood at last - that's decisive
Partner to pen business book
Partner touring work unit gets bad reaction
Partner usually dancing in angelic fashion?
Partner who likes to gamble and drink
Partner with means to provide ladder between decks of ship
Partner’s arguments against leading to nought, right?
Partner’s after child one hundred per cent
Partner's child
Partner's drink returned
Partner's offspring
Partner's part, maybe
Partner's pay, perhaps
Partner's steep parking charges
Partner, 50+
Partner, informally, with
Partner, maybe, in a Fren
Partner, redundantly
Partner, with "the"
Partnerless, as at a part
Partners accepting stake in French football team
Partners after the Guardian's money entering loan, if poorly represented in time?
Partners ask Nike to change leather
Partners at table hiding expression of surprise and disdain
Partners drop off to sleep and dribble
Partners excluded from a naturist survey
Partners for mas
Partners found parking charges steep with Sierra
Partners holding hands, sadly led in by 5
Partners in crime
Partners in crime about to get laid, reaching rocky heights
Partners in crime?
Partners in tight corsets
Partners occupying different beds, pillocks
Partners of 9 months less aroused with you and me round
Partners of dits
Partners of haws
Partners playing on public grass
Partners smuggling crack before arrest for kind of crime
Partners who called it qu
Partners with screams: they make electricity inside
Partners without English paper have food that's not eaten
Partners, companions
Partners, kind to get involved in tricks
Partnership for Peace grp
Partnership lacking say in loyalty
Partook of
Partridge about to seize unknown antelope
Partridge Family boy
Partridge locales?
Partridge or pheasant?
Partridge's perch, in son
Partridge's preferred tre
Parts causing paper cuts,
Parts cut off
Parts hardest to reach
Parts in a theatre
Parts left out
Parts listed discovered for singer, perhaps
Parts of "complete works"
Parts of "Dear Santa" let
Parts of a baseball sched
Parts of a bride's attire
Parts of a carte on a car
Parts of a Christmas Eve
Parts of a code
Parts of a curriculum
Parts of a drum kit
Parts of a foot
Parts of a fugue – one finally started by Stravinsky and completed by Tippett
Parts of a gym set
Parts of a herd
Parts of a house, in clas
Parts of a joint of beef and last of pastrami
Parts of a joule
Parts of a krona
Parts of a lady's wardrobe?
Parts of a line: Abbr.
Parts of a list
Parts of a military defen
Parts of a min.
Parts of a poem
Parts of a process
Parts of a range: Abbr.
Parts of a routine
Parts of a rural skyline
Parts of a serial
Parts of a tea set
Parts of a tour
Parts of a union
Parts of a V formation
Parts of a Victorian soci
Parts of acts
Parts of airplane seats
Parts of airplane wings
Parts of an athletic sche
Parts of an udder
Parts of analogies
Parts of apples
Parts of arms
Parts of baby bottles
Parts of binary code
Parts of blackbird in stream
Parts of bloomers
Parts of body, on the bottom?
Parts of bottles
Parts of bowls, for short
Parts of box scores: Abbr
Parts of boxing gloves
Parts of brains
Parts of bridles
Parts of British pounds
Parts of bureaucratic process are switched, becoming less extensive
Parts of bytes
Parts of camphor gas mixture can be explosive!
Parts of car test courses
Parts of cargo missing French and Spanish coins
Parts of cars with caps
Parts of chains
Parts of chapels
Parts of chorus lines?
Parts of churches appropr
Parts of cloverleafs
Parts of codes
Parts of contests about a set of books
Parts of contract present man with insoluble problems, ultimately
Parts of d
Parts of day shared by Brendan and solvers, so to speak
Parts of days, in the cla
Parts of doctors' offices
Parts of dollars
Parts of dollhouse dinner
Parts of double-blind tri
Parts of e-mail addresses
Parts of eggs
Parts of el d
Parts of every year produce confusion, so to speak
Parts of eyes
Parts of faiths
Parts of familles
Parts of feet
Parts of Fiji
Parts of finan. portfolio
Parts of forearms
Parts of forks: Abbr.
Parts of gals.
Parts of gastrointestinal
Parts of geometry calcula
Parts of gowns that go ov
Parts of handwriting
Parts of hearing as murder is dissected
Parts of hearts
Parts of hoops
Parts of horses Sikh revolutionary brushes
Parts of houses and mouth
Parts of irises
Parts of it may be reveal
Parts of itineraries: Abb
Parts of Japanese bridal
Parts of l'Oc
Parts of la Polyn
Parts of lbs.
Parts of makeup kits
Parts of many a still lif
Parts of many celebration
Parts of many cheerleadin
Parts of many jam session
Parts of many military un
Parts of many role-playin
Parts of masks
Parts of meeting rooms
Parts of Middle Earth
Parts of mins.
Parts of molecules
Parts of Morse code
Parts of mountaineering t
Parts of movie romances
Parts of museums
Parts of Norfolk and Beds may not understand this speech?
Parts of numbers
Parts of office tel. nos.
Parts of P.O. labels
Parts of parkas
Parts of pedigrees
Parts of perianths
Parts of planes in which
Parts of plant eccentric Uncle Israel pulled up
Parts of Polyn
Parts of royal regalia
Parts of rulings
Parts of sentence served by her pass turbulently
Parts of seven countries
Parts of ship bows
Parts of ships with crew topless: Queen is sick
Parts of ships' spars
Parts of ships, smooth and glossy when done up
Parts of sky maps
Parts of small intestines
Parts of society
Parts of some appliance d
Parts of some athletic sc
Parts of some Bach suites
Parts of some cages
Parts of some chapter nam
Parts of some choruses
Parts of some Correggio p
Parts of some driving tes
Parts of some envelopes
Parts of some farm tiller
Parts of some Mediterrane
Parts of some meters
Parts of some pay-as-you-
Parts of some pins
Parts of some plots
Parts of some portfolios,
Parts of some rambles
Parts of some religious o
Parts of some services
Parts of some studios
Parts of sonatas
Parts of sonnets
Parts of staircase steps
Parts of stews
Parts of string quartets
Parts of the Air France f
Parts of the brain exercised by Opera Bastille?
Parts of the lunar landsc
Parts of the year
Parts of un livre
Parts of una d
Parts of window treatment
Parts of wine bottles
Parts opposite some handl
Parts reportedly for luxury car
Parts that are thrown awa
Parts to play
Parts to tie
Parts with thorns
Partway home
Partway through study characterising compost heap
Partway through trek, I lost weight
Party - clobber
Party - hit - try
Party absolutely a find
Party acting game
Party adopting unusual petition
Party aficionado's American cake
Party after a wedding
Party after triumph with ultimate in chess openings
Party against government, 25 for one
Party agenda's contents a bit of a fag
Party allowed by Yard? That's chicanery!
Party almost sounded scornful of the modern state?
Party also featuring, on occasion, the right electronic music equipment
Party animal
Party animal swapping ecstasy for line
Party animal turns up volume of opera lyrics
Party animal, about 13, taking drugs
Party animal, female, has male chained up?
Party animal?
Party at dam displaying strange character
Party at end of short day is giving pleasure
Party at son's place, a cheap lodging
Party attended by composer leaving new widow
Party attended by mountaineer, one seeking status?
Party attender
Party axes stars here
Party – whack
Party back at home for supreme creator
Party backs leader in approving faith-based teaching and worship
Party behind gifts
Party being organised
Party board
Party bosses?
Party bowlful
Party bowlful with zing
Party bowlfuls
Party can become pear-shaped with sloppy kiss
Party carrying end of wicker hamper
Party centerpiece
Party chief’s territory
Party claiming independence is a steal
Party clobber
Party college's nickname?
Party comment after "No t
Party contributing to our reputation
Party dance
Party dance of old
Party debut for miss in old cloak
Party decoration
Party desirables
Party directive, briefly
Party dishful
Party document
Party dress container found to be in order
Party dropping first court case
Party drug makes head go blue initially
Party drug that's popular at stag parties?
Party drug: after small quantity, I felt the hit
Party embracing a limit on spending from the beginning
Party enforcing six-pack ban? Impossible
Party extremely permissive, duke's high?
Party faction having success with leader of Government
Party favorite
Party favorites?
Party favors
Party favourite in power
Party female, university learner looking embarrassed
Party flowing? Rock on, John
Party food - for Americans
Party food for the health conscious
Party food is cold? Not entirely
Party food providers
Party for 13 across
Party for lei wearers
Party for small dog
Party friend keeping in control
Party fringes in torment, ailing badly
Party game
Party game enciphers wishes in a funny way
Party game has raced off
Party game in which a well-known Christian hides very quietly under container that doesn't close
Party game pin-on
Party game with writing on paper that gets folded
Party get-together
Party getting together, not rebelling
Party girl ate nuts
Party girl hugs posh boy
Party girl mostly first to act badly
Party girl stifling smell about to grab male
Party girl with quarters in the Lifford area
Party giveaways, in slang
Party giver
Party giver's abbr.
Party givers
Party giving cause for alarm, lacking good leader
Party guessing game
Party guest finds place for a nap beside river
Party had endless port
Party handout
Party handout, perhaps
Party handouts
Party hang-ups
Party happening at the end of term
Party happening at the end of term?
Party happens in Dutch company
Party hard, routinely getting plastered, drinking without getting upset
Party hard? I've been foolish!
Party hard? What an idiot I am!
Party has a politician that's informative
Party head last seen in Truro
Party hearing about delivery groups likely to provoke argument
Party held by the Italian star
Party hit
Party hosting Uzbekistan's first couple
Party hosts ending on floor, one over the eight perhaps?
Party I held in bloke's field
Party in a long foreign craft
Party in British wood
Party in command is Conservative
Party in Ireland is corrupt
Party in lead is Conservative
Party in minutes ending in government — probable landslide?
Party in new home
Party in power
Party in power lacking leader
Party in Pretoria: Abbr.
Party in Rio? A doctor gets involved in it
Party in rubbish hotel
Party in South Africa terminal for black priest
Party in Spain
Party in Spain - euros exchanged
Party infiltrator
Party introducing rules completely upset monarch once
Party involved in drink fiasco
Party involved in smart changes in leadership
Party is a natural disaster
Party issued approval
Party item
Party items
Party justifies targets to some extent
Party keeps Independent dry as before
Party King eyed regularly with drink
Party label
Party language among squabbling fringes
Party leader
Party leader built up a fabrication to provide security
Party leader pursues old edu­cational institution's growth
Party leader seems clever, not at all odd
Party leader's latest welcome
Party leader, maybe
Party leader, perhaps
Party leaders to mess around in field
Party leadership?
Party leads to a long time dressing
Party leads to chaos after boozy antics listed
Party led by adulterous leader? For shame!
Party lighting option
Party line part
Party line taken with state dish
Party line?
Party lines a republican originally supports for cash
Party lines established by dummy?
Party lines followed by retired artist with money
Party list
Party manager, in Congres
Party member
Party member in demonstration having to make haste
Party member left in the same place, one dumped
Party member that infuriated the Queen
Party member's title
Party member, briefly
Party member, maybe
Party member?
Party men handled access
Party mixer
Party moving to the left, then right, in poor Turkish city
Party mtg.
Party nibble
Party nut
Party of nine
Party of snoopers from across The Pond sitting in the sun
Party of the first part?
Party of the underworld
Party of women out of hotel: number pointing at you?
Party offering
Party official
Party official meets Leader of House with advantage
Party official's business working to capture one arachnid
Party once in row, unable to adapt
Party organiser feeding ecstasy to drunken Dutch hippy wife
Party organiser needing wife's help in public at first
Party organiser's pretty funny - a reasonable chance
Party outside harms awfully quiet US bar
Party outside hotel, a lot of work?
Party overcoming brute without a fuss
Party people getting present
Party people making contribution to party funds?
Party people?
Party person
Party person?
Party picker-uppers
Party places?
Party planner's first drink in Cape Town
Party planner, for short?
Party platter preparer
Party politician supports more or less
Party pooper
Party pooper at the beach
Party popper?
Party poster arranged? Try some canvassing
Party prankster, perhaps
Party preparation
Party promoter
Party Queen's executors
Party raising the temperature in Parliament?
Party ready to bring Conservative on board
Party recalled our leading female cellist
Party reflected my family's quality
Party remains behind leader in bewilderment
Party requisite causing agitation in Manhattan?
Party rubbish? He gets a woman
Party run by group in English county
Party running the show out of time and ideas?
Party sampled class Hindi groove
Party seen to be in contravention
Party sentiment upset left wing social reformer?
Party servers
Party snack
Party snack (and a hint t
Party snack-mix ingredien
Party south of the border
Party souvenir
Party split by posh pairing
Party spread
Party spreads
Party staple
Party subordinate in Canada once
Party supported by English female
Party takes volcanic rock to be healthy food
Party that disgusts me makes money
Party that's a wow
Party that's popular in China could get to rule
Party thrower
Party throwers
Party till early hours, in which I see texting double
Party time
Party time for little Dorothy
Party time for stud
Party time holding balloon in both hands? Check
Party time hosting retired teacher and old player
Party time! Partying hard, bit woozy ultimately
Party time, maybe
Party time? There’s little point
Party times
Party to a defense pact
Party to a defense treaty
Party to a financial exch
Party to a financial tran
Party to a Highland fling
Party to a lawsuit
Party to a s
Party to Civil Service IT files?
Party to develop a "Third Way"
Party to invite scorn
Party to many a camping t
Party to many a civil uni
Party to the left of Dem.
Party touring Russian capital heading off to share bed
Party united? Nonsense - riven by tense insecurities!
Party victory, but one unseated is unhappy
Party vote following piece of text that's contradictory
Party votes to change very high limit for author
Party warmer-upper
Party wear
Party wear, maybe
Party wearing dress in warehouse
Party welcoming a break
Party with a drug cheat
Party with a German widow
Party with dancing
Party with its share of famous guests?
Party with leis
Party with little quantity of beer is in order
Party with loaf and cake, especially for Americans
Party with odd bits of wine to drink
Party with peanuts provided regularly for Will, maybe?
Party with poi
Party with rector during the hours of darkness? Absolutely!
Party with sister Ruby, perhaps, back in Australia?
Party with small booze containers for the monks
Party with small jug for friar
Party with techno music,
Party with thrills for partners
Party with two runners?
Party with yob carrying drug to distribute
Party without a break
Party without bottles? Don't ask me!
Party without tinnies? It's not possible!
Party witnessing a document
Party working with energy on your bike
Party's beginning with bad row
Party's broadcast censored
Party's commercial somehow led to seat for woman
Party's full of large Liberal dummies!
Party's nominees
Party's not initially serious
Party's travails
Party, alternatively, providing means of escape?
Party, e.g.
Party, I see, raised capital
Party, wedding or town
Party-giver shortly meets reflective girl, glory be!
Party-goer climbing on bar, drinking litres
Party-pooper left after presentation of prizes
Party: go to one to consume drugs
Party; hit
Party? Good! Know direction of line for setter's home?
Party? Try to have one
Partygate in magistrate's office
Partygoer stealing silver is one causing much damage
Partygoer's purchase
Partygoer's second name
Partygoer's wake-up call I ignored, ending in disaster
Parvenu’s new business the wrong way round
Parvenu’s way to fill university role
Parvenu’s good times with prostitute
Pas de deux part
Pas ___ (dance solo)
Pas ___ (gentle ballet st
Pas' mates
Pas' partners
Pasadena posies
Pascal or newton
Pashto language
Pasolini’s beginning a new movement in film
Pasquale boring? Aged brainy bits!
Pasqueflower, e.g.
Pasqueflowers, e.g.
Pass (out)
Pass 28 going round state
Pass a drink
Pass across
Pass across millions taken from telecast perhaps
Pass address hosting party for getting into bed with others
Pass again on the track
Pass again, in a race
Pass along
Pass along greetings
Pass along some football
Pass along, as an e-mail:
Pass around clockwise initially, always the other way
Pass back for smallest young sportsman
Pass bottom of slope and slip
Pass by
Pass by centre and stare
Pass by circuit on Silverstone's borders
Pass by eastern part of church behind back of chancel
Pass by failing to fail
Pass by il Duomo regularly providing refuge
Pass by one rig at sea
Pass by one with Sherlock Holmes initially
Pass by the Spanish church feature
Pass card to successor, swearing?
Pass case of Rioja onto wine producer …
Pass catchers
Pass Charlie what's laid on in the bathroom
Pass Christian symbol
Pass close to Awatere Fault
Pass colonists in winter clothing
Pass degree leaves you indifferent
Pass direct from island
Pass ecstasy round stage school
Pass either side of church organ, describing part of same
Pass end of cables through walls
Pass English, covering stage in educational institution
Pass fellow work note
Pass first of exams, then blunder
Pass former partner on Greek island
Pass former WWII theatre
Pass from one person to another
Pass from person to person
Pass gargoyle's bottom left on part of church
Pass German egg sandwiches that might make him sick
Pass horse, on climbing
Pass in English, overlooking slight error
Pass in field given by teachers with marks say
Pass in some bowls
Pass instruction on how to make hair curl
Pass into disuse
Pass into law
Pass is in Virginia
Pass leads to simple poacher's goal
Pass learner with ride's redesigned accelerator
Pass left after business
Pass maybe from twisted doctor on bad acid
Pass me a report concealing false accusation
Pass muster
Pass oddly neglected school
Pass off as genuine
Pass old germ orally?
Pass on
Pass on advice occasionally
Pass on after last of bone extracted from joint
Pass on around five in seedy joint
Pass on education, primarily, in this
Pass on favour without pressure
Pass on first of tips in attempt to lose weight
Pass on German article
Pass on knowledge through group of schoolchildren
Pass on name taken from dancing wenches
Pass on outsiders in race over bet
Pass on painting that’s cut up
Pass on porky dog
Pass on slogan for Brexit?
Pass on spliff, having dropped second pill
Pass on story about Democrat clash
Pass on support for each reporter's way of making progress
Pass on the profits from one’s takeaway business?
Pass on the sauce
Pass on, leaving item of punctuation
Pass on, or give up, the water container
Pass once more
Pass one soft drink
Pass one’s required to visit Virginia
Pass our flag
Pass out
Pass over
Pass over - X
Pass over American in bar
Pass over channel in aircraft
Pass over country road in Arctic transport
Pass over good points in industrial city
Pass over most recent turbulence at sea
Pass over part of meal — it’s not very warm
Pass over question one in no-good sullen seminar
Pass over the Guardian's prejudice
Pass over waste container
Pass oxygenated chlorine
Pass place for animals in outskirts of Sheffield
Pass priest eating Northern Irish food
Pass quickly
Pass recalled after start of Baseball League
Pass receiver
Pass receivers
Pass rejection?
Pass ring successfully
Pass round a dirty place, a Government building
Pass round back of biggish group of trees
Pass round case of casual clothes
Pass round container for viewer
Pass round crackers with English cheese
Pass round fliers ready for Banksy work?
Pass round sticky stuff
Pass round the port, my man?
Pass round women's head covering
Pass sentence
Pass superficially (over)
Pass Swedish car, almost going into river
Pass taking six of the Romans over South Africa?
Pass the buck
Pass the critical point
Pass the tongue over
Pass the winter in a dormant state
Pass there and back?
Pass though a sieve
Pass through
Pass through circuits between earths
Pass through fire, perhap
Pass through Portugal before receiving something to eat
Pass through US city's ancient ground
Pass time idly
Pass time in bookshop, adding energy to book arguments
Pass time in parliament
Pass time surrounded by swirling aurora - lots of decorative stuff here
Pass to a different owner
Pass twice
Pass twice on the track
Pass under the basket, ma
Pass up
Pass up a soft drink
Pass very agilely at first around island
Pass water
Pass with bad grade before failure
Pass with extra study
Pass with the narrowest of margins
Pass ___ (make the grade)
Pass, as laws
Pass, as legislation
Pass, as time
Pass, of a sort
Pass-the-baton race
Passable old writer
Passable party?
Passable property of woman to change, possessing boring name
Passably even-handed football administrators — from Dublin, perhaps?
Passage (from writing)
Passage between buildings
Passage between rows of seats
Passage between seats
Passage blockers
Passage cited from some other source
Passage connecting successfully into barrels in Kent town
Passage connecting to nasal cavities
Passage cut off at one end — it is surrounded by water
Passage enabler
Passage for big hill and little Dickensian in river
Passage for those who are boring?
Passage from a booklet
Passage from a longer piece
Passage from article about heading abroad
Passage from article in French by Matisse oddly disregarded
Passage from bachata hit irks island
Passage from book?
Passage from Burns' Go With Style
Passage from memorial mass for Mahler?
Passage from old pamphlet
Passage from old religious pamphlet
Passage from one end of Salonica to the other?
Passage from paper is read back
Passage from pithead, I think?
Passage from revolutionary essayist about Society
Passage from the mouth to the stomach
Passage I'll consider carefully from an audiobook
Passage I'll read out loud
Passage in a detached place
Passage in Latin
Passage in left part of church
Passage in melody containing new line
Passage in part of course missing introduction
Passage in slow time
Passage of a good king, dressed with flourish
Passage of a planet across the sun's face
Passage of grave importan
Passage of prose in Steinbeck shows genius
Passage of time managed by model
Passage on the radio could be key
Passage one’s going to broadcast
Passage one’s going to read out
Passage orchestra leader left out, ultimately unhappy with practice
Passage out
Passage practices
Passage prerequisite, per
Passage preventers
Passage remains presented in speech, offering protection for viewer
Passage requiring a key?
Passage right through bar
Passage runs into bar
Passage selected from a book
Passage selected from a larger work
Passage taken by Greeks to Agora - or from letters to 28
Passage that crosses river ending in Idaho
Passage the writer will read aloud
Passage to the lungs
Passage underground
Passage used by ground staff to publicise game?
Passage using all instruments
Passage which Cockney has to be finished?
Passage with a moral
Passage writer will read out
Passage your compiler will read aloud
Passages coated with brown, sticky stuff beginning to dry, becoming stuck-up
Passages for one player
Passages in ancient Greek city by lake
Passages in Poe so bad, old lady is skipping the second half
Passages in street on dry island
Passamaquoddy home
Passé mood duet to be reworked
Passbook abbr.
Passbook amts.
Passbook entry: Abbr.
Passe in the extreme
Passed (out)
Passed a motion, we hear, to periodically devalue country house
Passed a territory containing grave
Passed by holidaymaker’s island going into East Germany
Passed effortlessly
Passed fingers over material
Passed gently through the air
Passed girl going through dictionary
Passed having swallowed too much?
Passed illegally
Passed illegally, as a ch
Passed illegally, maybe
Passed legislation
Passed on
Passed on by DNA
Passed on by genetic factors
Passed on by oral traditi
Passed on by taletellers
Passed on religious books in secret
Passed on the trail
Passed out
Passed out in a bad way
Passed out on the table?
Passed over
Passed over tool specially chosen
Passed pleasantly
Passed quickly
Passed round edible tubers wrong way up and caused alarm
Passed round plank, first of twenty
Passed round spread on view
Passed round the edge of
Passed something in joint?
Passed the buck?
Passed the doorstep
Passed the German degree
Passed through a sieve
Passed time, we hear, with eccentric, unexpected participant
Passed time, we hear, with offers to trap river avifauna
Passed to acquire Cockney's item, about one grand
Passed wind, asleep and sedated at last
Passed with flying colors
Passed without effect
Passed, as in a parade
Passed, as laws
Passed, as time
Passed, with "away"
Passed-along missive
Passed-on garment
Passenger added clause
Passenger aircraft
Passenger area
Passenger boat
Passenger finally entering smart train
Passenger gorging on frie
Passenger inquiries: Abbr
Passenger maybe arresting a looter
Passenger pigeon or dodo? Certainly no spring chicken!
Passenger plane
Passenger safety items
Passenger ship
Passenger ship area
Passenger ship section
Passenger ships' sections
Passenger status
Passenger train feature
Passenger train feature,
Passenger transport crossing space in passing
Passenger vehicle
Passenger vehicle coming from market overturned
Passenger vehicle on trac
Passenger vehicles
Passenger vessel operating on a regular schedule
Passenger's concern, in b
Passenger's info, maybe
Passengers accepting adjustment of toll – it’s the same for everyone
Passengers in this vehicle will definitely be late
Passengers' concerns, bri
Passengers' datum, briefl
Passengers' waiting area
Passeport info
Passer and blocker's team
Passer of bad checks
Passer of secret document
Passes (out)
Passes a law again
Passes away with trust distributed around the strongest
Passes by
Passes by Pele and headers from Shearer are simulated all over the place
Passes easily
Passes effortlessly
Passes England's opener, run out close to stumps
Passes English, with minor mistakes?
Passes fish, making gesture of greeting
Passes gingerly
Passes jauntily
Passes more than once
Passes on
Passes on changes to indoor toilet?
Passes on little devilish tricks
Passes on principle
Passes on the foreign fuel
Passes on with ease
Passes on without a risk of illness
Passes out
Passes out at college
Passes out note in special courts
Passes out slowly
Passes out, in a way
Passes out: asleep and beginning to snore
Passes over
Passes over the Guardian's standard
Passes quickly
Passes round Kansas
Passes the time?
Passes thin line through series of linked posts
Passes through a sieve
Passes through river cooler than the others
Passes time in classical fashion
Passes to Verdi
Passes unnoticed
Passes up?
Passes with flying colors
Passes work with eager singletons primarily
Passes, as a law
Passes, as time
Passing a poisoned chalice is commonplace
Passing assistance?
Passing burden?
Passing comment causes depression in each pub
Passing comment? Nothing had an effect
Passing comments about faulty lines I put in
Passing comments?
Passing concerns?: Abbr.
Passing craze
Passing events
Passing fancies
Passing fancy
Passing fashion
Passing fashion pursued by editor is no longer prominent
Passing fifty-one volts through caused electrical malfunction
Passing flower round, as in assembly
Passing grade
Passing itinerants heading off to work
Passing legislation?
Passing lines?
Passing mark
Passing mention
Passing mention had effect on nothing
Passing mention?
Passing need?
Passing needs
Passing notes
Passing notes?
Passing notice
Passing notice?
Passing nurse in van
Passing odour
Passing on hawk-like ring
Passing on information?
Passing over one good number to phone
Passing preventer
Passing quality ball, guys on pitch cool amid chaos
Passing reference in the
Passing remark
Passing remark?
Passing remarks?
Passing report, Brussels takes file back from Germany
Passing round drinks at home for example
Passing shots
Passing stats: Abbr.
Passing subject?
Passing things
Passing things in record time across border (English)
Passing thoughts, for sho
Passing through
Passing through Amritsar, an Indian queen
Passing through border, new packing crate rattling as transported
Passing through checkpoint and emerging together
Passing through Turkish capital, changing trains
Passing time with artist playing tennis
Passing trains, ten diverted
Passing water leaders swap places causing devastation
Passing white's soaring over grass
Passing wind, single dad goes back inside
Passing wind? Eat Haribo bears
Passing with ease
Passing word?
Passing words inspiring leader of Russian Revolution
Passing yardage, e.g.
Passing ___
Passion - mood disorder
Passion about right here?
Passion and argument about opening of historic transport hub
Passion displayed by north eastern girl
Passion displayed in theatre
Passion dominates game, we hear, in pointless tennis position
Passion finally erupts when Nutmeg's drunk spirits
Passion for travel
Passion gone, start talking!
Passion in forest, city wanting it
Passion is what rematch regularly exhibited
Passion leading to hot dispute in airport
Passion of Dior ultimately found within vintage Vogue covers
Passion of East Ender trying to sound more tough
Passion of republic once ousting English
Passion personified
Passion reduced with male for company
Passion seen in counter-revolution
Passion shown by daughter, being put down
Passion Tree, associated with ecstasy
Passion's audibly more macho in the East End
Passion-filled Nazi bigwig, one expected to succeed
Passionate about
Passionate about leaders of public health lacking structure (not like me!)
Passionate about pub — does this get rather blurry?
Passionate about putting career first? Rubbish
Passionate affair inside a cartel, say
Passionate after river drive, perhaps
Passionate anger when Catholic becomes Protestant finally
Passionate Australian given another room with American
Passionate Australian given new room with American
Passionate bard sent to unseat leaders
Passionate cook beginning to make omelettes
Passionate desire
Passionate desire reproved, having to be purified
Passionate emotion
Passionate fellow captivated by contents of erotica
Passionate group playing in Sleepy Hollow
Passionate knight leaves showy clothing
Passionate little Dickensian changes ends
Passionate lot excited about Bishop coming in wearing a cowl
Passionate lover in sombrero, dad's back!
Passionate old woman about to be involved in affair
Passionate Shakespearean publisher meets Troy
Passionate tennis star?
Passionate type of romantic relationship is doomed, initially
Passionate, if out of practice, when switching hands
Passionate, vocal woman who leads uprising
Passionate, well-built chaps kept in check
Passionately studying
Passionately wanting to be an actor
Passive acquiescence
Passive principle
Passive-aggressive and th
Passive-aggressive behavi
Passive-aggressive respon
Passivity I confronted primarily in country
Passover bread
Passover breads
Passover celebrations
Passover dinner
Passover event
Passover fare
Passover feast
Passover meal
Passover meals
Passover month
Passover observer
Passover staple
Passover supper
Passport endorsement
Passport endorsements
Passport feature
Passport maker
Passport producer
Passport stamps
Passport, e.g.: Abbr.
Passports and driver's li
Password for man entering bishopric
Password preceder, genera
Password site, once
Password, e.g.
Passwords' partners
Past accommodating the French refusal to talk
Past attempt to one's heart's desire
Past caring for religion?
Past caring ultimately, or eagerly expectant?
Past dates?
Past due
Past due to be reviewed in bulletins, say
Past eight, cooking pasta
Past events –
Past fairground attraction set aside
Past good deal a mistake
Past hates often reviewed as instinctive
Past holding one in prison
Past its prime
Past lovers, naked
Past master
Past master in sari and hot pants
Past master with desire to carry on
Past masters
Past moves in polished comedy routines
Past occurrences
Past one's best, left to admit defeat on the radio
Past one's peak?
Past paranoia producer
Past participle of be
Past participle of lie
Past performance
Past players rather dull?
Past plump
Past poetically revealed by wizened local, looking back
Past potentate
Past prime minister with her unfashionable jacket
Past prime time?
Past puberty
Past records?
Past Socialist turning Conservative becomes offensive
Past tax cut gets acclaim
Past tense?
Past the expiration date
Past the golf pin, say
Past the shelf date
Past the stipulated time
Past time
Past times
Past TV series? Some not so likely to be brought up
Past, in the past
Past, present and future
Past, present or future
Past-due amount?
Past: Fr.
Past: pluck from memory
Past; mould
Pasta - I got rain
Pasta and meat dish
Pasta and such
Pasta Bolognese ingredien
Pasta brand
Pasta cases with savoury filling
Pasta choice
Pasta comes in ‘Very large’ and ‘Small’, being honest
Pasta cook visiting Italy to adopt cooking
Pasta course - dip into it!
Pasta cushions with a savoury filling
Pasta dish
Pasta dish ultimately eaten a lot
Pasta dishes
Pasta dog's neither started nor finished
Pasta dumplings
Pasta eaten with a spoon
Pasta envelopes
Pasta envelopes with savoury filling
Pasta etc unfit for cooking sent to Italy
Pasta favorite
Pasta go-with
Pasta guzzled by misshapen Neapolitan
Pasta has it
Pasta in fine long strands
Pasta in Italy beyond peak, report follows
Pasta in long slender threads
Pasta in narrow ribbons
Pasta in wide strips
Pasta ingredient
Pasta made by a river over iron pan
Pasta name suffix
Pasta or potato, for shor
Pasta or potato, to an at
Pasta originally celebrated in a form of verse
Pasta parcels
Pasta pillows
Pasta place
Pasta placed on paper shortly
Pasta salad ingredient
Pasta sauce
Pasta sauce brand
Pasta sauce first sold in
Pasta sauce maker
Pasta sauce with basil
Pasta served up in Turin or a campsite?
Pasta shape
Pasta shaped like pearls of barley
Pasta shapes
Pasta shell abandoned by Russian wolfhound
Pasta shortcomings rejected by the agitated Italian after reflection
Pasta shortly to be cooked with eight for some food
Pasta sick priest sent up to catch rodents
Pasta source
Pasta specification
Pasta spot close to Bari
Pasta starter for dinner is composed
Pasta strip
Pasta strip - improvise music
Pasta strips
Pasta suffix
Pasta that will make you
Pasta to satisfy one's hunger, while taking in the Guardian?
Pasta to supply a boost, mainly
Pasta topper
Pasta tubes
Pasta tubes, wild, outrageous, Italian in origin
Pasta type
Pasta used in soups
Pasta variety
Pasta with pockets
Pasta ___ (dish mentioned
Pasta-and-potato-loving c
Pasta-maker's wheat
Pasta: Italian at last, with a load!
Paste container?
Paste for fixing glass
Paste gem
Paste in Asian cookery
Paste ingredient
Paste made from fermented soya beans, used in Japanese cooking
Paste made from sesame seeds
Paste makers
Paste on costumes
Paste provided by yellow shrub - a wise woman’s accessory
Paste's partner
Paste, e.g.
Paste: fix a large plateful, last of spaghetti
Pasted but good
Pasted in the ring
Pastel hue
Pastel shade
Pastels and such
Pasternak hero
Pasternak heroine
Pasternak lady
Pasternak novel
Pastes in Mideastern cook
Pastime for a car thief,
Pastime that’s welcome, occupying page in recent Times
Pastis flavor
Pastor encourages English weed
Pastor gets usher to beg
Pastor Haggard
Pastor meekly suppresses outburst
Pastor might curb rage
Pastor's field: Abbr.
Pastor's flock
Pastor's sch.
Pastor, for short
Pastor, sometimes
Pastoral composition
Pastoral dance originating in the Mediterranean
Pastoral deity — dull-looking or a dish?
Pastoral events demanding reform
Pastoral expanses
Pastoral fellow's worker emptied trench cooker
Pastoral paradise
Pastoral people of East Africa
Pastoral piece
Pastoral pipe
Pastoral place
Pastoral places
Pastoral poem
Pastoral poems
Pastoral prophet
Pastoral setting
Pastoral sound
Pastoral sounds
Pastoral sport advanced when embraced by both sides
Pastoral verse
Pastoralist finds the way to part of India
Pastrami place
Pastrami purveyor
Pastrami sometimes contains paste used in Japanese cookery
Pastrami, for one
Pastries in "Sweeney Todd
Pastries one prepared with French art in these?
Pastries with excessive filling where toddlers go
Pastry base for Spooner's tinned meat
Pastry case, but no filling portion
Pastry cases, note, not coded
Pastry chef creations ...
Pastry chef initially getting 10/1 about fantastic mare
Pastry chef's aide
Pastry chef, at times
Pastry cook's device
Pastry crust of canapé, something consumed in bits
Pastry dish
Pastry dish – on the chart?
Pastry dishes
Pastry dishes brought up for daughter in Warks town
Pastry enthusiast welcoming learner
Pastry filler
Pastry finisher
Pastry flattener
Pastry for tea, you say made with cunning, missing topping
Pastry in very thin sheets
Pastry Lee Mack shortly demolished, bit by bit
Pastry made by martial artist is hot
Pastry made from shortcrust mix: seconds wasted forgetting time and temperature
Pastry made in thin sheets
Pastry named for a French
Pastry North American brought up in bowl
Pastry not very short, value doubtful
Pastry paste base
Pastry prettifier
Pastry server
Pastry shop started by a
Pastry shop treat
Pastry shops
Pastry sold at pizzerias
Pastry spoiled, odd bits removed
Pastry top
Pastry used for baklava
Pastry with extremely sweet, coarse caramel base
Pastry with problematic calories? Not so!
Pastry-topped dish
Pasture in impermissible scene
Pasture item
Pasture plaint
Pasture plant
Pasture portion
Pasture sound
Pasture sounds
Pasture ultimately silent, as ground needed
Pasture with fine mature greenery
Pastures new for Republican big beast?
Pasty and wine picked up for ramble
Pasty perhaps - there's me about to consume an irrational amount
Pasty substances
Pasty's burnt remains discovered by penniless writer
Pasty-faced saint in eastern land
Pasty? Get 17, then I'll show sign of giving up
Pat Boone's "___ Love"
Pat Boone's "___ That a S
Pat down
Pat down, as for weapons
Pat gently, as with makeu
Pat LaFontaine, teamwise
Pat lightly
Pat makeup
Pat material?
Pat Nixon's maiden name
Pat Nixon's real first na
Pat of "Knute Rockne All
Pat of "Some Like It Hot"
Pat of "Wheel of Fortune"
Pat of butter in large glass, just starting to turn
Pat on the back far from rare?
Pat on the back, as a bab
Pat on the back?
Pat on the buns?
Pat or Daniel
Pat possibly good on horse
Pat's bothered after broadcasting here
Pat's literally gutted with the French intervening without much thought
Pat's logo designed for sports fixture
Pat's year in the bar wasted
Patch alternative
Patch covering new bowl?
Patch product
Patch sort
Patch target
Patch the lawn
Patch up
Patch up rage that can never die
Patch up, in a way
Patch's place
Patched a ceiling
Patches again
Patches up
Patches, as a fairway
Patchily discoloured
Patching up bedwear
Patchy skin condition spreading into leg
Pate base
Pate de foie ___
Pate toppers
Patek Philippe competitor
Patella joint
Patella protector
Patella's place
Patellar reflex
Patent happening to get one director on board
Patent holder's income
Patent it legally to protect label
Patent legend in US returned for end of rugby match
Patent medicine
Patent medicine, e.g.
Patent medicines, suppose
Patent obtained by a patient's first carer?
Patent prerequisite
Patent protecting firm — origin of Apple Mac?
Patent remedy
Patent, perhaps, on plugs for small computers
Patent-Motorwagen invento
Pater ___ (prayer)
Pater's first introduction to Esther and Tom, after upheaval?
Paternal kinsman
Paternal relative
Paternity confirmer
Paternity determiner
Paternity suit evidence
Paternity test factor
Paternity testing locale
Paterson's successor as N
Path - street
Path adornments?
Path around
Path around the earth
Path between buildings
Path commentator's travelled up
Path down to a mine
Path finders
Path for a mole
Path for Apollo
Path for horses
Path in Paris
Path leads to the Roman amphitheatre in Livorno
Path made by animals
Path not allowed in one-third of region
Path of a fly ball
Path of a football pass
Path of a Hail Mary pass
Path of a javelin
Path of a projectile subject to gravity
Path of direct progress
Path of one celestial body about another
Path once rebuilt for monument
Path round valley, initially far from straight
Path set out in bygone times
Path that will secure a victory for Labour
Path through life
Path to enlightenment
Path to poverty, with "th
Path to war? Say, put a lid on it!
Path, to Pu Yi
Path; follow
Pathet ___
Pathet ___ (Asian party)
Pathetic bumbler
Pathetic complaint backed by the Parisian
Pathetic leading idiot overthrown
Pathetic liar's more a preacher
Pathetic person curtailed streak where moviegoers gather
Pathetic play
Pathetic poetry
Pathetic threesome, agreed hosts
Pathetic type’s small circle including a couple of daughters
Pathetically inept person
Pathetically small
Pathfinder explored it
Pathfinder producer
Pathfinder's locale
Pathfinder's parent
Pathfinder's target
Pathogen that turns up regularly in gill pouches
Pathogenic agent
Pathological egotist
Pathologically misplaced poetic composition about college
Pathologist’s outside, I see, after sample of enzyme
Pathologist’s work
Pathology pioneer Sir Jam
Pathos – canopying
Paths from here to there
Paths in the wild
Paths of pop-ups
Paths of some streams
Paths through wild or hilly country
Pathway regularly chosen causing surprised reaction?
Pathway regulation overturned by King
Patience has very bright flower
Patience I lost, going mad: a rage
Patience maybe displayed by manager in firm with rising ambition
Patience maybe on about being more determined
Patience perhaps a virtue, having invested time in a girl, foolishly
Patience when abused may succeed in circling the world
Patience, e.g.
Patience, for example?
Patience, maybe, required in work over time covering European racing event
Patience, perhaps, Delaware police partly used up
Patience, say, I manage to keep in company, getting arm twisted
Patient - legal action
Patient and easily imposed upon
Patient — luggage
Patient care grp.
Patient daughter looked around before taking on job?
Patient dropping in here unrobed, panicking nurse
Patient examination of butt, thus reflected by mirror
Patient form info
Patient guy's making a career in work practice
Patient having died put in a box
Patient in cast massaged with oil
Patient insurance grp.
Patient is introduced to barmy sect
Patient measurement system mostly covers the majority of work
Patient men on following carriage
Patient observers: Abbr.
Patient of unknown origin
Patient one
Patient people
Patient person's tactic
Patient record
Patient remarks
Patient reply, maybe
Patient responses
Patient sort excited over railways, primarily?
Patient status
Patient waiting
Patient wants nurse in
Patient wife of Sir Gerai
Patient's condition
Patient's need, briefly
Patient's program
Patient's resting place
Patient's woe
Patient, from doctor's perspective, getting cosmetic treatment
Patient, small one in bed, having a turn
Patient-care grp.
Patiently starting to hug hamster …
Patiently wait
Patients or prisoners at home with friends
Patients, to doctors
Patina on copper
Patio cookouts, for short
Patio furniture maker
Patio furniture wood
Patio grill
Patio parties, briefly
Patio party decorations
Patio pieces
Patisserie artisans
Patisserie employee
Patisserie gizmo
Patisserie item
Patisserie offerings
Patisserie order
Patisserie output
Patisserie product
Patisseries getting income distributed or else
Patissier’s decoration
Patriarch against wearing Hawaiian garland
Patriarch discovered during harvest grabbing female
Patriarch dispatching last champ, 10 across's man at 2
Patriarch embraces Liberal struggle
Patriarch in "Cat on a Ho
Patriarch John squeezing alongside Protestant elder
Patriarch named in a chapter in part of OT
Patriarch no expert in support for women!
Patriarch of a tribe of I
Patriarch of Judaism
Patriarch of the Flying W
Patriarch on an MTV reali
Patriarch putting an undergarment over back of thigh
Patriarch sees a female supporter with Noah's son
Patriarch who saved his family and all the animals from drowning
Patriarch's tessellation
Patriarch's untaxed investment about to be raised
Patriarchal gorilla
Patricia Hearst, e.g.
Patricia Neal's Best Actr
Patricia of "A Face in th
Patricia of "Betrayal"
Patricia of "Breakfast at
Patricia of "Hud"
Patricia who co-starred i
Patricia who won an Oscar
Patricia who wrote "Woe I
Patrick and Paul: Abbr.
Patrick Dennis's aunt
Patrick Ewing and Walt Fr
Patrick Ewing specialty
Patrick Ewing, for one
Patrick Henry, for one
Patrick Macnee's 1960s TV
Patrick oddly ignored constellation without a red giant
Patrick of "Marat/Sade"
Patrick of "X-Men"
Patrick on autumn broadcast?
Patrick Stewart and Alan
Patrick who won a 1966 To
Patrick with a Tony
Patrick ___, 1996 Tony re
Patrick's "Ghost" co-star
Patriot Adams
Patriot Allen
Patriot Day mo.
Patriot Nathan
Patriot Nathan and others
Patriot of 1776
Patriot Putnam
Patriot Putnam of the Ame
Patriot's concerns, brief
Patriot's foe
Patriot's grp.
Patriot's org.
Patriot's place
Patriot's song upset supporters
Patriot's worship given to Biblical figure
Patriot, e.g.
Patriotic British song
Patriotic chant
Patriotic cheer for the t
Patriotic cry
Patriotic display
Patriotic displays
Patriotic feeling
Patriotic fervour - into animals
Patriotic org.
Patriotic org. since 1890
Patriotic periods, tradit
Patriotic soc.
Patriotic song
Patriotic song at each show’s going wild
Patriotic tirade? It's outrageous
Patriotic tune the man composed
Patriotic women's org.
Patriotic work, extremely American, but not US?
Patriots withdrawing singular honour for Hollywood legend?
Patriots' Day mo.
Patriots' Day month
Patriots' Day time
Patriots' grp.
Patriots' org.
Patrol area
Patrol boats patrol them
Patrol car wailer
Patrol old mills for a lot of money
Patrol yonder to handle call to move forces
Patrolled, with due deference to duke
Patron having been upset by agent
Patron maybe notes untidy headwear
Patron of barristers and
Patron of bread?
Patron of Columbus
Patron of jewelers?
Patron of Paris
Patron of pregnant women
Patron of restaurant turned up between 4
Patron of sailors
Patron of the arts cutting fancy rope - time to get to work
Patron of the arts, catching cold, left beef
Patron of the hearts?
Patron saint of animals
Patron saint of aviators
Patron saint of beekeepers and lovers
Patron saint of carvers
Patron saint of dancers a
Patron saint of France
Patron saint of goldsmith
Patron saint of Greece
Patron saint of hermits
Patron saint of marriage
Patron saint of medicine originally involved in new cure
Patron saint of metalwork
Patron saint of music
Patron saint of musicians
Patron saint of Norway
Patron saint of Palermo
Patron saint of sailors
Patron saint of Scotland
Patron saint of shoemaker
Patron saint of surgeons
Patron Saint oppressed by a menace abroad
Patron squeezes into crow
Patron supposed to be heard?
Patronage of USA epics doubtful
Patronage purveyor, for s
Patronage: Var.
Patronise all the locals, turning up to fight outside clubs
Patronising - impish
Patronising attitude
Patronising houri, health not suffering
Patronising husband staggered I ran Hotel Grand
Patronising Spanish fizz that is bottled in large runs
Patronize a bistro, say
Patronize Hertz or Avis
Patronize restaurants
Patronize, as a hotel
Patronize, as a motel
Patronize, as a restauran
Patronize, as an inn
Patronized a restaurant
Patronized an inn
Patronized, as a bistro
Patronized, as a restaura
Patronizes a library
Patronizes U-Haul, e.g.
Patronizes, as a restaura
Patronizing person
Patronizing term, maybe
Patrons beginning to collect stories about preservation body
Patrons of the arts
Patrons of the arts, perh
Patrons transported by this feature of encyclopedic ability
Pats down
Pats on the back, say
Pats on the back?
Patsy Cline's "___ Got Yo
Patsy Cline's "___ to Pie
Patsy forced to fast? Finishes off Limoncello, Cointreau, cognac and Scotch
Patsy succeeded with attack on head
Patsy's "Absolutely Fabul
Patsy's pal on "Absolutel
Patsy's pal on TV's "Abso
Patsy's stolen surveyor's van - these should help with identification
Patsy, not Tim, having a tantrum in religious home
Patted a baby, maybe
Pattern - plan
Pattern emerging in rural location, having cut line in London
Pattern for light or soun
Pattern for suit cut around pants
Pattern in prosody
Pattern in sky? Builder’s installed city’s first elevated railway
Pattern king wears to do with alp, possibly
Pattern knitted into popular anorak
Pattern named for a Scott
Pattern of behavior
Pattern of behaviour regarding booze will absorb the writer
Pattern of cloth vet put on canine perhaps after canine
Pattern of coloured diamonds on a solid background
Pattern of concentric circles
Pattern of melody ultimately spotted in composition of Elgar
Pattern of Scots crossing cold lake
Pattern of suit jacket from Oxfam that's sent back
Pattern of tiny pieces
Pattern on a pinto horse
Pattern spoils clothing man put on board
Patterned carpet unknown in a big church
Patterned cloth associated with a Scottish clan
Patterned cotton fabric, often with a floral design
Patterned dresses
Patterned fabric
Patterned fabric starts to be attractive trend in Kazakhstan
Patterned fabrics
Patterned flooring made with wooden blocks
Patterned knitwear dear — fogy able to get half off repeatedly
Patterned table linen
Patterned with blooms
Patterson who played the
Patti LuPone Tony-winning
Patti of opera lore
Patton or Petraeus: Abbr.
Patton player
Patty Duke
Patty Duke's son Sean
Patty Hearst alias
Patty Hearst captors, in
Patty Hearst kidnap grp.
Patty Hearst's kidnap grp
Patty Hearst's name in th
Patty Hearst's S.L.A. ide
Patty is enthralled by rare fish
Patty of shredded seafood and mashed potato
Paucity of pep
Paul ___ , US bass singer and outspoken political activist, d. 1976
Paul & Co's irregular verbs?
Paul —, actor
Paul —, French artist
Paul —, Swiss-born artist
Paul and Carly
Paul and Screw, perhaps, annoy mad woman
Paul Anka #1 hit
Paul Anka hit that made i
Paul Anka or Dan Aykroyd,
Paul Anka's "___ Beso"
Paul Bunyan device
Paul Bunyan maybe upriver hacking at tree
Paul Bunyan story
Paul Bunyan tales, e.g.
Paul Bunyan's Babe and ot
Paul Bunyan's blacksmith
Paul Bunyan's dog
Paul Bunyan's ox
Paul Bunyan's tool
Paul Bunyan, at times
Paul Bunyan, e.g.
Paul Claudel play "The __
Paul Claudel's "Cinq Gran
Paul doing puzzles for publishing online
Paul feminizer
Paul for one has job at length in A&E
Paul Gallico title charac
Paul Gallico's "Mrs. ___
Paul I, e.g.
Paul in cryptic post?
Paul in debt, probably asking for a stroke?
Paul in politics
Paul Klee or Max Frisch,
Paul Krugman pieces
Paul left distraught, making some scoff
Paul McCartney in the Bea
Paul McCartney played it
Paul McCartney title
Paul McCartney, for one
Paul McCrane's "ER" role
Paul Newman's directorial
Paul Newman's role in "Th
Paul of "American Graffit
Paul of "Casablanca"
Paul of "Hollywood Square
Paul of "Knocked Up"
Paul of "Mad About You"
Paul of "There Will Be Bl
Paul of pet food
Paul or Brown
Paul Poiret style
Paul regularly timid? Quite the opposite!
Paul Reiser/Helen Hunt se
Paul Revere and others
Paul Revere founded a bra
Paul Revere House locale
Paul Revere's bandmates i
Paul Revere, for one
Paul Robeson's wife
Paul Robeson, e.g.
Paul Scott chronicles set
Paul Scott series "The __
Paul Scott tetralogy, wit
Paul Simon's "Slip ___ Aw
Paul Simon's "___ Rock"
Paul V's papal predecesso
Paul V's predecessor
Paul Val
Paul was one, always carrying weapon
Paul who co-starred in "I
Paul who directed "Basic
Paul who played Laszlo
Paul who sang "Diana"
Paul who sang "Having My
Paul who sang "Puppy Love
Paul who sang "Put Your H
Paul who won a Golden Glo
Paul who wrote "My Way"
Paul with a midnight ride
Paul worked with Troy on boat propeller
Paul ___, Tony-winning dr
Paul's "Exodus" role
Paul's a pothead, stoned somewhere in Sweden
Paul's companion still tans unevenly
Paul's companion, spineless parasite blowing top
Paul's men touring continually
Paul's online flimflam
Paul's second letter to the Corinthians dispatched, including message without content for fun
Paul, for example, assuming duct is a means of egress
Paul, Harry and Nick displaying hearts of gold
Paul, have some respect!
Paul, jazz guitarist, backing English silver band
Paul, say, as recalled in Tarsus originally
Paula of "American Idol"
Paula of CNN
Paula of pop
Paula of TV news
Pauley Pavilion athlete
Pauley Pavilion team
Pauline Kael's "___ It at
Paulo or Pedro, e.g.
Pauper getting jab in popular hospital department
Pause - delay
Pause and almost sneeze eating unknown soup?
Pause as priest turns a key
Pause attempt to shoot after four failures?
Pause cause
Pause craft and get going again
Pause during race to turn top on damaged post
Pause during which things are calm
Pause especially during ceremony
Pause filler
Pause fillers
Pause for a rest
Pause for cold warriors
Pause for popular insect with no bottom
Pause from exertion
Pause from work
Pause in activity
Pause in continuity
Pause in dangerous activity
Pause in indecision
Pause in output elsewhere viewed as regressive
Pause in the action
Pause in the middle in this late rush
Pause indicator
Pause producer
Pause sign
Pause that refreshes
Pause to bury first of potatoes in furrow
Pause to participate in lung capacity test?
Pause, break
Pause, likely to be lost?
Pauses and quietly breaks wind
Pauses during speech: Var
Pauses in abnormal and danger­ous breathing pattern
Pauses in lines of verse
Pauses in speech
Pauses to rest
Pavarotti and Domingo
Pavarotti for one bought enormous trousers
Pavarotti or Carreras
Pavarotti performance
Pavarotti piece
Pavarotti possessive
Pavarotti solo
Pavarotti specialty
Pavarotti standard
Pavarotti's football feat
Pavarotti's OK in an opera house
Pavarotti, e.g.
Pavarotti, for example
Pavarotti, for one
Pavarotti, notably
Pavarotti, say, vocalised note
Pave over
Paved area
Paved area adjoining a house
Paved area next to a house
Paved area of land next to church
Paved area outside a house
Paved area where aircraft are parked
Paved garden area
Paved outdoor area
Paved road: Sp.
Paved surface for aircraft not in use
Paved the way
Paved the way for
Pavement artist to have sex nearly always
Pavement caution
Pavement caution in Calif
Pavement edge
Pavement pounder
Pavement warning
Paves the way for first POTUS trip
Pavilion is earmarked to host fete
Pavilion locales
Pavin of the links
Paving block
Paving goo
Paving liquid
Paving material
Paving slab
Paving stone
Paving stone - mend shoes
Paving stones
Paving stuff
Paving works at last
Pavlov and Lendl
Pavlov commands a dog using prime bits of fatty food?
Pavlov of Pavlov's dogs f
Pavlova of ballet
Pavlova or Karenina
Pavlova portrayal
Pavlova with hot topping getting huge praise
Pavlova, say, eaten by footballer in Accrington
Pavlovian behaviour - young animal left, captivated by sound of bell
Paw's mate
Pawn – white wine
Pawn jumpers: Abbr.
Pawn play
Pawnbroker has a name like muck
Pawnbroker succeeded given a million in America
Pawnbroker's wife?
Pawnbroker, in slang
Pawning place
Pax ___
Pax ___ (uneasy peace)
Pay (for work done)
Pay (up)
Pay - our men earn it
Pay a lot to have Whip aboard jet
Pay a stud fee?
Pay a visit
Pay a visit for game of cards with the family
Pay a visit to
Pay absolute attention to new author taking in English
Pay after a layoff
Pay an informal visit
Pay arrangement
Pay attention
Pay attention and join the army in the wrong order
Pay attention to
Pay attention to Flash Gordon's origin being leaked
Pay attention to theme of this puzzle
Pay attention to what the Spectator does
Pay attention when welcoming lecturer encountered in special headgear
Pay attention, Edna and learn to shuffle
Pay attention, holding cross that's cursed
Pay attention: after nip, as it were, I burn
Pay attention: genius solver's getting theme
Pay attention: the 12th letter is X
Pay back
Pay back (money)
Pay back half of rent? Absolutely
Pay back mean knight for running away, primarily
Pay back money received
Pay back money to
Pay back?
Pay boost
Pay careful attention
Pay cashlessly
Pay close attention to executive or do likewise?
Pay close attention to me?
Pay close attention to study on school getting turned around
Pay close attention to the first person you hear
Pay collecting article in US city
Pay cut
Pay cut with last of cheques in post, frantic
Pay cut, story unrivalled
Pay dirt
Pay due regard to board
Pay each for oneself
Pay ending
Pay extender?
Pay fine for removing cover on books
Pay for a hand
Pay for a seat
Pay for a spirit when lunch is taken?
Pay for a, say, revolting series of frames
Pay for accommodation for thief
Pay for communist on ship
Pay for each experience at the start
Pay for exhibition area at fair
Pay for fine old OTT male poster
Pay for food and/or drink consumed by others
Pay for game that provides a walkover?
Pay for high-backed bench
Pay for holiday, you say? That'll slow you down
Pay for issue brought up previously
Pay for monthly
Pay for newspaper with nothing in it more than once
Pay for part consultant re-attached
Pay for part of that on expenses
Pay for return of issue once
Pay for rich kid in football game
Pay for sins
Pay for social bash where many get their kicks?
Pay for ultimate in mulch, put amongst flourishing roses - equine source?
Pay for work
Pay for, as a project
Pay for, with "of"
Pay Greek character heading for Belgium to follow truck
Pay Harris for repairs: I can fix locks
Pay heed
Pay here for the other comrade, parting with last pound
Pay high honor to
Pay hikes
Pay homage to
Pay hospital in betrayal of principles
Pay increase to keep up w
Pay increase? Beams, we hear
Pay individually — split other half?
Pay it out of respect
Pay lone pair to rehash instrument from the 1920s?
Pay mind to
Pay no attention
Pay no attention to Italian chap down south
Pay no attention to region on travels
Pay no attention to topless foreign eccentric (or topless foreign man)
Pay no heed to
Pay no mind to
Pay off Conservative no longer lying?
Pay off debt
Pay off the mortgage on
Pay one keen employee finally for mending watch
Pay one's share, with "up
Pay out
Pay out (money)
Pay out starting odds before the finish
Pay park keeper initially accepted, bringing ruin
Pay people running competition?
Pay period
Pay police on base
Pay regularly for a publication?
Pay round for a mother has no hint of bonus? It’s time for a revolution!
Pay slips secreted by spy in dance centre?
Pay someone back
Pay special attention - be on 19
Pay stretcher
Pay stretcher?
Pay strict attention to
Pay stub abbr.
Pay stub data
Pay stub line
Pay stub?
Pay sudden attention to
Pay telephone direction
Pay that is horrible — there's mutinous activity about that
Pay the bill
Pay the bills with
Pay the entire check
Pay them off in compassion
Pay them off, knowing how they feel
Pay to come down
Pay to conduct
Pay to get rid of
Pay to play
Pay to stop being interrupted by Society's foremost problems after reflection
Pay to take residence at university?
Pay to take up residence
Pay tribute to
Pay tribute to Salvation Army officer's declaration
Pay tribute to; greet
Pay up; spend
Pay what's due
Pay with plastic
Pay women to get dates
Pay, alas, in retrospect, really just peripheral
Pay, as the bill
Pay, in a modern way
Pay, mind, for piece of extra information?
Pay, with "up"
Pay-off at end of poem
Payable immediately
Payable now
Payback factor
Payback time for Wimpy
Paycheck abbr.
Paycheck booster
Paycheck deduction
Paycheck extra
Payday, often: Abbr.
Payee's convenience
Payee, perhaps
Payer of some hosp. bills
Payer regarding Spooner's dividend
Paying after trees get bit of trim in seasonal visit
Paying again for making withdrawal
Paying attention
Paying attention to
Paying attention to detail
Paying chaps to stuff when it may be lunch time
Paying for a hundred out of every $1000
Paying for entertainment that's dull for the most part
Paying for fine inlaid top furniture item
Paying guest
Paying guests
Paying no attention
Paying passenger
Paying the license fee?
Paying too much attention to trivial details
Payload delivery org.
Payload holder
Payment about to arrive with enclosures inside
Payment arrangement cheaper? I rush, madly
Payment at a table
Payment at many a New Yor
Payment by new tenant, important — one breaks into surprised expression
Payment for lease of land
Payment for regular work
Payment for services
Payment for services rendered
Payment for someone's release
Payment for use - antler
Payment for, eg, information
Payment from earlier era holiday accommodation in France
Payment from King with allegiance lacking at first
Payment getting daughter a meal?
Payment going up - aim to adjust paperwork
Payment hard old woman initially invested in drink
Payment in Monopoly
Payment is often sent wit
Payment keeping train in gear, once
Payment letter demands material about conservationists
Payment made or owed
Payment made to copyright holders
Payment made with fake euro, one GCHQ investigate finally
Payment method
Payment method recalled with sovereign, a coin of old
Payment of money from a fund
Payment option
Payment option, for short
Payment penalty
Payment per animal he linked to commercial era
Payment pledge
Payment point
Payment procrastinator's
Payment promise
Payment required with order
Payment securing a track lifted for film
Payment sent
Payment slashed?
Payment standards
Payment still owed
Payment subsequently withdrawn, including last part of commission
Payment system
Payment terms for school members
Payment to acquire lead from roof on the house
Payment to an author - it isn't common
Payment to central government fund went on courses for the auditor?
Payment to clergyman before surrender?
Payment to employee
Payment to expedite servi
Payment to landowner
Payment to parents
Payment to Prince, say, a member of the monarchy
Payment to return fan mail regularly creating paperwork?
Payment to sovereign is stolen by municipal officer
Payment type
Payment with an A.T.M. ca
Payment's received over info for physicist
Payment, including interest, for dwelling
Payments for releases
Payments from friendly society
Payments made before a de
Payments might be in it
Payments to doctors
Payments to landlords
Payments to Madison Avenu
Payoffs to chart makers?
Payola, e.g.
PayPal money, e.g.
PayPal transactions, e.g.
Payroll dept. figs.
Payroll dept. ID's
Payroll fig.
Payroll IDs
Payroll service giant, in
Payroll stub IDs
Pays (a bill)
Pays (for)
Pays a quick visit
Pays a visit
Pays all that is owed
Pays attention
Pays attention to
Pays attention when the evening news is shown on a handheld console
Pays back
Pays back Sweden after redevelopment of Geneva
Pays dearly for one's cri
Pays down incrementally
Pays for checkout item – keeping queue at this?
Pays for conservative's false alibi
Pays for implement to make furniture
Pays for lamb and beef, perhaps, over the phone
Pays for machine to make furniture
Pays for more Time
Pays for offending scoundrels in close pursuit
Pays for oneself
Pays no attention to singer, worried about nothing
Pays off
Pays out most of cost to protect Duke
Pays part of
Pays stooge for somewhere to put a pin up
Pays the penalty
Pays the price for
Pays to play
Pays to play poker
Pays tribute to
Pays unwanted attention to local youngsters, primarily, like a clergyman
Pays what is due
Pays what's due
Pays what's expected
Pays, as a bill
Payton of football
Pb, in chemistry
PBS benefactor
PBS classic
PBS Emmy winner
PBS figure from 1968 to 2
PBS flagship station
PBS funder
PBS helper
PBS host Ifill
PBS matters
PBS newsman Lehrer
PBS offering
PBS personality
PBS policy
PBS science series
PBS science show
PBS staple since 1974
PBS station behind Charli
PBS station with a transm
PBS supplier
PBS supporter
PC "brain"
PC "brains"
PC "oops" key
PC 49, plus one in enclosed space
PC acronym
PC alternative
PC alternatives
PC application suffix
PC backup medium
PC bailout
PC bailout key
PC capacity, for short
PC character representati
PC character set
PC communications link
PC competitor
PC component
PC connection
PC core: Abbr.
PC cores
PC data reader
PC display
PC display unit
PC feature
PC fixers
PC glitch
PC graphics format
PC hearts
PC helps re-organise difficult journey
PC hookup
PC hurried off as some birds sang
PC image acronym
PC image format
PC image type
PC in court opened eyes?
PC in peril breaking law
PC innards: Abbr.
PC insert
PC inserts
PC introducer of 1981
PC key
PC key near the space bar
PC letters
PC linkup
PC listing
PC maker
PC menu heading
PC menu selection
PC messages
PC momentarily fixed for free
PC operator
PC part
PC peripheral
PC pic
PC pictograph
PC picture
PC place
PC platform released in 1
PC pop-up
PC pop-ups
PC post
PC program
PC program, briefly
PC screen
PC screen type
PC screen: Abbr.
PC screens, for short
PC shortcut
PC site
PC software
PC still checks on description of stolen goods
PC still to admit superior officer's correct to go to press?
PC storage accessory
PC storage units
PC suite components
PC support staff
PC swap in Prime Suspect investigated for this
PC their primary rank?
PC things, which can be f
PC troubleshooters
PC troubleshooters, for s
PC turns up, greeting northern sea creature
PC user's self-image
PC video gear, for short
PC way out?
PC way to trade green car adopted by setter
PC whiz
PC whizzes
PC working on intelligence set more nuclear bombs outside
PC World's opening - consent to having electronic support
PC Wren's French Foreign Legion novel
PC's "brain"
PC's brain
PC, and a different PC with no husband
PC, not entirely bright one
PC-less Internet hookup,
PC-linking system
PC/console devotee
PC? Priti Patel’s flapping around getting interviewed, for example
Pct. rate offerer
PDQ's kin
PDSA role in treatment for cats
Pea capsule
Pea case
Pea container
Pea family plant cultivated for silage or as fodder
Pea farmers?
Pea holder
Pea holders
Pea jacket?
Pea jackets?
Pea or bean
Pea or bean plant
Pea plant's doing badly, I gathered
Pea shells
Pea shoots or rocket leaves from this?
Pea soup carried by hand to primitive human
Pea stabbers
Pea's home
Pea's place
Pea, bean or lentil?
Pea, for one
Pea-plant and tree in shelter
Pea-___ (dense fogs)
Pea-___ (thick fogs)
Peabody Museum patron, pe
Peabody or Polk
Peace after getting round the French
Peace agreement signer of
Peace alliance since '48
Peace and love? Left first to cut through pretence
Peace and quiet
Peace campaigner having crossed river, acted as chauffeur
Peace Corps cousin
Peace Corps director Sarg
Peace disturbers
Peace for now ably, no end, negotiated, with help of this?
Peace for the time being - it's a crime, if one breaks it
Peace Garden State: Abbr.
Peace goddess
Peace grp. since 1948
Peace in Jerusalem?
Peace in the Mideast?
Peace in the time following admitting the French
Peace interrupter
Peace keepers drove one mad, showing no emotion
Peace maker
Peace Memorial Museum loc
Peace Nobelist Anwar
Peace Nobelist Bunche
Peace Nobelist Cassin
Peace Nobelist Ducommun
Peace Nobelist from South
Peace Nobelist group of 1
Peace Nobelist John Boyd
Peace Nobelist John ___ O
Peace Nobelist Kim ___ Ju
Peace Nobelist of 1978
Peace Nobelist of 1984
Peace Nobelist of 1994
Peace Nobelist Oscar Aria
Peace Nobelist Ralph Bunc
Peace Nobelist Root
Peace Nobelist Sadat
Peace Nobelist Sakharov
Peace Nobelist Shimon
Peace Nobelist Wiesel
Peace of mind
Peace of mind provided by letters read aloud
Peace offering
Peace offering #1: "___"
Peace offering #2: "___"
Peace offering #3: "___"
Peace offering?
Peace on earth
Peace Palace's place, wit
Peace perhaps increased following meal
Peace Prize city
Peace Prize-winning autho
Peace proponent
Peace protester and politician allowed in bed together
Peace rather requiring a couple to reverse positions?
Peace soon around new airport
Peace symbol
Peace symbols
Peace talks mostly failing to happen
Peace time
Peace, in Peru
Peace, in Pravda
Peace, in Russia
Peace, in Russian
Peace, Justice and Order,
Peace, tranquillity
Peace-and-quiet venue
Peace-keeping grp.
Peaceful and calm
Peaceful and happy
Peaceful border in Asian region
Peaceful demonstration
Peaceful gathering, 60's-
Peaceful in character
Peaceful in intent
Peaceful interludes
Peaceful location finally lost identity
Peaceful place
Peaceful place lacking bitter
Peaceful protest
Peaceful protest (hyph.)
Peaceful race in "Avatar"
Peaceful relations
Peaceful scene
Peaceful soft account, provided one’s intervening
Peaceful state of new senator finally accepted by Trump?
Peaceful swimming site
Peaceful, undisturbed
Peaceful; tranquil
Peacekeeper's unhappy with king eating vegetable? On the contrary!
Peacekeepers develop wrinkles and ultimately this shambling gait
Peacekeepers felt in perfect condition
Peacekeepers gauge units oddly delivered ointment
Peacekeepers given supply of coal, perhaps showing no appreciation
Peacekeepers heard but not yet proven
Peacekeepers infiltrating old army? Something fishy here
Peacekeepers love stopping hatred, it's agreed
Peacekeepers restless about sport producing no results
Peacekeepers under attack left boxed in without a strategy
Peacekeepers worry about gunmen finally being free?
Peacekeepers' boss returning for wedding
Peacekeepers' help is not delivered
Peacekeeping force in Bos
Peacekeeping force works in harmony
Peacekeeping grp.
Peacekeeping organisation is against making agreement
Peacekeeping skill
Peacemaker maker
Peacemaker's goal
Peacemaking position cut by a reactionary
Peacenik into drug-taking and hippiedom
Peach and orange
Peach Bowl venue
Peach center
Peach follower, toast pre
Peach juice and champagne cocktail
Peach lieutenant put in drink
Peach or apple
Peach or beech
Peach or plum
Peach or tangerine
Peach part
Peach pit
Peach seed
Peach smell Danish lady doctor bottles
Peach stone
Peach tree canine almost trashed
Peach variety
Peach with skins served up, and rest of refreshment?
Peach ___
Peach ___ (dessert)
Peach's kin
Peach, e.g.
Peacoat material
Peacock constellation
Peacock feathers finally put in hat
Peacock in mating frenzy on the way
Peacock network
Peacock plume feature
Peacock shows this? Best to decline
Peacock Throne occupant
Peacock's distinctive fea
Peacock's pride
Peacock's walk
Peak adding singular note to hat
Peak always topped others
Peak and nadir of Stephen Fry?
Peak call?
Peak current setter goes after
Peak discoverer
Peak District initially not visible from curve in road
Peak for Heidi
Peak for Zeus, in Homer
Peak in ancient Palestine
Peak in Catania province
Peak in clear — one near borders
Peak in Greek myth
Peak in Haute-Savoie
Peak in Ionian Islands seen from east
Peak in les Alpes
Peak in NE Greece
Peak in the "Odyssey"
Peak in the Bernese Alps
Peak in the Cascades
Peak in the mythical war
Peak in the skyline
Peak in Thessaly
Peak in Valais
Peak leaf-peeping time in
Peak near Neuch
Peak near Paterno
Peak near Taormina
Peak near the Gulf of Cat
Peak near the Vale of Tem
Peak of a hill
Peak of a wave
Peak of about one million derelict houses
Peak of myth
Peak of NE Greece
Peak of the Alps
Peak of the Pennines
Peak on a cap
Peak on the eastern edge
Peak on the Pakistani-Chi
Peak overlooked in country somewhere in SW Europe
Peak performance?
Peak performances?
Peak projection
Peak rates upset flyers
Peak SE of Olympus
Peak seen from the Ionian
Peak seen from Zurich
Peak southeast of Bern
Peak stat.
Peak stuff, something that sounds a warning
Peak tennis champion overcomes opponents in another game
Peak time's ending! Vacation at front with English break?
Peak's counterpart
Peak-to-peak transports
Peaks for yodelers
Peaks hotel seems miserable, denied the early sun
Peaks in fact undeniably Japanese icons — one of those?
Peaks near Bern
Peaks, to Pedro
Peanut brittle base
Peanut butter and jelly
Peanut butter brand
Peanut butter choice
Peanut butter container
Peanut butter holder
Peanut Butter Lovers Mo.
Peanut candy
Peanut product
Peanut scale
Peanut, e.g.
Peanut, in the South
Peanut-loving ghost?
Peanuts for one to carry in prepared portions
Peanuts stand stars
Peanuts, for example, are shelled inside fancy cast iron pot
Peanuts, in a manner of s
Peanuts, perhaps, in container with hole in it
Peanuts, say, in wagon soon shaken by journey
Peanutty candy
Pear drop in line to be shared
Pear got cooked with bream
Pear type
Pear variety
Pear-shaped fruit
Pear-shaped fruit used in jams and jellies
Pear-shaped instrument
Pear-shaped tropical fruit
Pearl Bailey's middle nam
Pearl Buck heroine
Pearl fishing locale
Pearl Harbor code word
Pearl Harbor locale
Pearl Harbor ship
Pearl Harbor site
Pearl Harbor's site
Pearl having bit of Edna cremated
Pearl hunters
Pearl Mosque locale
Pearl Mosque site
Pearl player, in a 1996 s
Pearl producer
Pearl S. Buck's sequel to
Pearl ___ (aquarium fish)
Pearly gem
Pearly king no use working with chartered accountant
Pearly ring with faint odour
Pearly substance
Pearly: Var.
Pearson's successor
Peas and beans
Peas in a pod hard when served with roast beef, if out to lunch
Peas' holder
Peas, carrots, etc are eaten by girl where most get chips
Peasant farmer caught acting even more flamboyantly?
Peasant girl who became t
Peasant in bed with sailor
Peasant recycling one crust
Peasant repaired old axe outside
Peasant's home south of foreign town
Peasant; roughly made
Peasants' cooperatives
Peasants' Revolt leader _
Peasants' wear
Peat locale
Peat moss
Peat or propane
Peat source
Peat sources
Peat, sod
Peatland plant - song has mumps
Peaty areas
Peaty places
Peau de ___ (soft cloth)
Peau de ___ (soft fabric)
Pebble Beach event
Pebble-filled gourd
Pebble; gem
Pebbles's pet
Pebbles, e.g., on "The Fl
Pebbles, for one
Pebbly or sandy shore
Pec pic, perhaps
Pecan and pumpkin
Pecan or blueberry dish?
Pecan or walnut
Pecan treat
Pecan, e.g.
Pecans, almonds etc
Peccadillo of a hotelier is cuddling cleaner
Peck at
Peck film of 1976
Peck parts: Abbr.
Peck role of 1956
Peck, e.g.
Peck, illegally?
Peck: his last is first in sequence
Pecked at
Peckham wide boy knowing where Dover is
Peckham's outsiders drinking highball on vacation, say it's cool
Pecking order?
Pecs' kin
Peculiar - individual
Peculiar and special, 101 fine diamonds sent to the West
Peculiar anthem’s half-tone off in work by 8
Peculiar dialect used in a Salvat­ion Army meeting hall
Peculiar drink
Peculiar expression
Peculiar new variety of tuna found in river
Peculiar nun dancing in river
Peculiar or individual
Peculiar piano seat
Peculiar rogue promises to pay
Peculiar shapes securing fastener produce contentment
Peculiar spirit
Peculiar to a locale
Peculiar upset involving wayward act of heroism
Peculiar variety found on borders of Somerset
Peculiar way to represent tourism? Yes
Peculiar: Prefix
Peculiarity disguised by wise nerds
Peculiarly suited to appropriate brooch and weave with butterflies
Pecuniary resources
Ped ___ (traffic caution)
Pedal digit
Pedal digits
Pedal essentially pushed with less pressure to get in gear?
Pedal expert read legal parts
Pedal next to the brake
Pedal parts
Pedal pusher
Pedal pushers
Pedal, perhaps
Pedal-to-the-metal sort
Pedaler's place
Pedalled vehicle
Pedant and stoic clash explosively
Pedant from start to finish on position by compilers
Pedant is regularly spotted getting food
Pedant left out label
Pedant needs to stay alert in the middle
Pedant thus collars companion – only one left in charge
Pedant troubled about circle, a recourse for writers
Pedant upset with term for division
Pedantic objections
Pedants, dogmatists
Peddle from place to place
Peddlers peddle them
Peddlers' stopping points
Peddles old, mainly forged, legal documents
Pedestal base
Pedestal figure
Pedestal for a statue
Pedestal part
Pedestal parts: Var.
Pedestal topper
Pedestals, e.g.
Pedestrian aid
Pedestrian crossing
Pedestrian elected to block the way
Pedestrian evidence of the number shopping
Pedestrian exercise completed in easy victory
Pedestrian in favour of special constable patrolling main road
Pedestrian is for it, I see
Pedestrian jazz performer left out and replaced by King
Pedestrian operating drill
Pedestrian route
Pedestrian route beneath a road or railway
Pedestrian safety feature
Pedestrian shopping area
Pedestrian sign
Pedestrian speaker makes head go woozy primarily
Pedestrian thanks author
Pedestrian to block a driver needing a coach
Pedestrian tunnels
Pedestrian underpass
Pedestrian way
Pedestrian's intersection
Pedestrian, at times
Pedestrian, both feet slipping, to get animated
Pedestrianised to save energy without responsibility
Pedestrians' woes
Pedicab alternative
Pedicure place
Pedicure stone
Pedicure subject
Pedicurist's need
Pedicurist's tip?
Pedicurists work on them
Pedigree alternative
Pedigree animal
Pedigree figures
Pedigree org. since 1884
Pedigree pet for each Welshwoman on boat
Pedigree Pomeranian's tail interrupting story time
Pedigree shower
Pedro might pan for it
Pedro or Paulo
Pedro's "one"
Pedro's "two"
Pedro's father
Pedro's friend
Pedro's home
Pedro's house
Pedro's lucky number?
Pee in urine, worryingly 16 across
Pee twice, say, when going off - it's that simple
Pee Wee of Ebbets Field
Pee Wee of the Dodgers
Pee Wee Reese, for the Do
Pee Wee who befriended Ja
Pee ___, Carolina river
Pee, and pee endlessly - what's the excuse?
Pee-pee or leak
Peek follower
Peek in (on)
Peekaboo material
Peeked (at)
Peel ’n’ a pip has the makings of a fruit
Peel complimentary dried fruit
Peel having something false about Liberal
Peel in a drink
Peel initially rejected Irish nationalist demands
Peel of lime and mango with new fruit
Peel off
Peel off football kit
Peel the source of this pus?
Peel, elected after resistance, died
Peel; enthusiasm
Peel; long narrow piece
Peeled fruit to bring to bear
Peeled mottled fruit
Peeled the outer surface
Peeler's target, informal
Peeling knives
Peeling one may make a pe
Peeling paint, profit slack, upset, in a state
Peeling potatoes, perhaps
Peeling potatoes, stereot
Peeling wallpaper is so unconventional
Peels off
Peels, as an apple
Peep for Bo-Peep?
Peep perhaps at families' waterside buildings
Peep show
Peep show attendees
Peep show flick
Peep show picture
Peeper pleaser
Peeper problems
Peeper protector
Peeper's place
Peepers' places
Peephole's place
Peeping Tom
Peeping Tom's lady
Peeping Tom, e.g.
Peeping Tom?
Peeples of "Fame"
Peeples of "North Shore,"
Peeples of TV's "Fame"
Peer (at)
Peer around Eastbourne, not content to drive
Peer at actor, desperately holding teacher back
Peer at home drinking tea, forming attachment to hunter?
Peer at one monarch once
Peer at rich bloke's lover
Peer collapsed with pained sound
Peer dates fools in Dire Straits?
Peer demanding attention last of all
Peer expected to pocket a thousand
Peer group setting?
Peer group?
Peer Gynt Suite composer
Peer Gynt's mother
Peer hard in windows to see ancient playwright
Peer in uniform
Peer losing case, every twelve months
Peer of Agatha
Peer of Dashiell
Peer of incomparable quality
Peer of the realm
Peer on a stage
Peer outside entrance to Lords in coat
Peer over lavatory, close, to see senior minister
Peer over there before much time has passed
Peer over there, near the start
Peer over top of unmade beds regularly to see a sacred place!
Peer pressure ultimately applied against a heartless prince
Peer pressure will ultimately lead to bullying going up
Peer ranking above a viscount
Peer right inside large foreign hollowed-out entity
Peer round in store
Peer sees Fat Owl wobbling in
Peer shows no belief, oddly
Peer that goes without golf throughout a number of months
Peer's title
Peer's topper
Peer's wild orgy?
Peer, informally
Peer, prime minister or civic dignitary
Peer, to his servant
Peerage expected by Cummings, perhaps stopped by king
Peered at
Peered-through aperture
Peeress's title
Peering in closer, I found a little line in print
Peering-through-fingers game
Peerless example
Peers around rough entrances crossed by golfer
Peers at
Peers briefly stand up to Conservative nonsense
Peers corrected worker initially over language
Peers enjoy it - also English upper classes once
Peers etc showing no skill, lacking capital
Peers having come up briefly returned drunk
Peers in Court?
Peers interfere improperly in economic system
Peers interfere outrageously in capitalist system
Peers into vessel, bonnet having been pulled back
Peers of caliphs
Peers of the realm
Peers say invested in a Greek publishing company
Peers ultimately support minister
Peeve, with "off"
Peeved and showing it
Peeved pout
Peeved state
Peeved, after "in"
Peevish complaint from Caucasian changing time to noon
Peevish display
Peevish humor
Peevish Le Pen jumpily interrupting a lot of criticism
Peevish Queen reformed rule over America
Peevish states
Peevish with formal greeting showing arm
Peevish, formal greeting, showing arm?
Peevishly complain French article about wine is regressive
Peevishly irritable, but Clark not heartless
Peevishness observed about Poland
Peewee people
Peewee slugger's sport
Peg away
Peg Bundy portrayer ___ S
Peg for a cask's vent
Peg fully lifting a million tonnes?
Peg is given school exercise in tent
Peg is to pour, missing out Mark
Peg on a boat, Dicky to help at home
Peg out to follow rotter, golfer’s attendant
Peg that stops the vent of a cask
Peg with a concave top
Peg with a dent on top
Peg would be advised to finish early
Peg, getting stuck into beer, on the slippery slope?
Peg, little wife held to be quaint
Peg, youngster endlessly
Peg-legged supporter of the school board
Pegasus appeared in this
Pegasus perhaps wingless in beginning to catch space ship
Pegasus, e.g.
Peg’s beer not finished
Pegbox holders
Pegged out
Peggotty girl in "David C
Peggy Ashcroft and others
Peggy Lee's "___ a Tramp"
Peggy Lee's "___ Tramp"
Peggy Lee's "___ Woman"
Peggy Lee's signature son
Peggy of "The Dukes of Ha
Peggy who sang "Fever"
Peggy with the 1958 hit "
Peggy Wood's title role o
Pegs go inside tents
Pegs in river
Peke squeak
Pekoe production place
Pekoe server
Pekoe, e.g.
Pelagia, losing energy, rides, strangely lifted
Pelee Island's lake
Pelicans distributed irregularly?
Pelion's support, in lege
Pellagra preventer
Pellet – that will do for garden pest
Pellet firer
Pellet propeller
Pellet shooter
Pellet shooters
Pellets, e.g.
Pelmanism tests this area where people play everything
Peloponnesian power
Peloponnesian War partici
Peloponnesian War soldier
Peloponnesian War victor
Pelt across right bend in piste
Pelt across river, ripping up land?
Pelt Chicago footballers with blood
Pelt despicable group
Pelt Henry with fish
Pelt island creature
Pelt one carnivore
Pelt with dried berries
Pelt with seaweed, creating outcry
Pelted with rocks, who’s ending in dents all over?
Pelts round European and British islands
Pelvic bone
Pelvic bones
Pelvic floor exercises for footballers
Pelvic joint
Pelvic joints
Pelvic parts
Pelvic prefix
Pelvis part
Pen - only touched one end?
Pen a note: check boxes measuring small dimensions
Pen a poet ruined: say nothing!
Pen a volume in fury? That's Harry!
Pen and record modern music with Hollies' principal writer
Pen capturing ‘nine’ as top score in darts?
Pen capturing the Guardian's spirit
Pen chorus
Pen debut for Shakespeare possibly? Look at this set in Globe
Pen denizens
Pen extremely legible type
Pen fill
Pen filler
Pen filler?
Pen fluid
Pen fluids
Pen for a pet pig?
Pen for livestock
Pen for pigs
Pen good section with feel for describing
Pen gripping love novel to reveal nothing
Pen group
Pen in
Pen it
Pen liquid
Pen liquids
Pen memoirs about king
Pen mothers
Pen music, rondo needing change, sounding wrong
Pen name
Pen name for Charles Lamb
Pen name of Charles Lamb
Pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, d. 1910)
Pen names
Pen names derived from re
Pen noise
Pen novel for reclining dictator, some light material
Pen or cob
Pen or cob?
Pen pal finally stops once hurt, certainly
Pen pal in Paris, perhaps
Pen pal's locale?
Pen pal?
Pen pals?
Pen part
Pen pas?
Pen patter
Pen point
Pen points
Pen problem
Pen provisions
Pen release mechanism?
Pen round old popular invention
Pen sad epic novel about 1A's 26, leading character suffering this fate?
Pen shop
Pen smudge
Pen sort of language that's found on UK banknotes
Pen sound
Pen that swims
Pen that won't write
Pen tip
Pen to run out describing husband? Turn over
Pen translation of Joshua 1, Latin and English
Pen used round old lines in artwork
Pen where pig is kept with mostly extravagant appetite
Pen with a cap
Pen with eggs
Pen with oink?
Pen witticism, funny phrase I love?
Pen ___
Pen's end
Pen's partner
Pen, say
Pen, to Pierre
Pen-name of essayist Charles Lamb
Pen-name of Hector Hugh Munro, d. 1916
Pen-name of Mary Ann Evans
Pen-name of short story writer HH Munro, d. 1916
Pen-pusher said to be one who corrects what’s wrong
Penal institution where inmates are forced to work
Penal reform board
Penal system volunteer
Penalise authority
Penalise footballer over accidental cheat
Penalised, we hear, for discovery
Penalized, as a speeder
Penalties extremely severe for bridge manoeuvre
Penalties restricting overseas party funds
Penalty also given to the current old doctor providing tool for searchers?
Penalty declarer
Penalty for attending 1A 5A in 27 20? Well!
Penalty imposer
Penalty in back of the net has decent shot
Penalty markers
Penalty on account of bad ref I oft rue
Penalty shootout's first save essentially lacking skill
Penalty shot to spare
Pence dispatched again and put on display
Pence perhaps beginning to madden former President
Pence's 'thing'? Just a little bit
Penchant for taking off?
Penchant for the final act
Pencil 'lead'
Pencil box top, often
Pencil case originally having smooth fabric
Pencil end
Pencil ends
Pencil features
Pencil filler
Pencil holder
Pencil holder, at times
Pencil holders, sometimes
Pencil inscription
Pencil or cigarette end
Pencil or cigarette remnant
Pencil pusher
Pencil pushers
Pencil rubber
Pencil topper
Pencil's end
Pencil's innards
Pencil, perhaps, and where it might be kept?
Pencil-and-paper game
Pencil-sharpening problem
Pencilled picture
Pendant adornments
Pendant gem shape
Pendant option
Pendant place
Pendant shape
Pendleton of "Northwest P
Pendleton of Dr. Kildare
Pendulous-flowered shrub
Pendulum accompaniment
Pendulum paths
Pendulum's path
Penelope's husband liberally used soy sauce at first
Penetrate - 14th US president
Penetrate enemy defences - a significant development
Penetrate slowly
Penetrate with a sharp instrument
Penetrate, with "through"
Penetrating piece
Penetrating reed
Penetrating wind
Penetrative dye; mark
Penguin feather was stuck in dandy's cap to attain this style
Penguin from Antarctica
Penguin to take one swimming about ice, lost chick briefly
Penguin's blueish ruffles breaking up pair?
Penguin's hangout
Penguin's locale
Penguin's walk
Penguin, say, right behind blue ship at sea
Penguins' home
Penguins' org.
Penicillin target
Penicillin target, for sh
Peninsula and related port in the Med
Peninsula in America — gas found within thousand kilometre area
Peninsula in Russian region (not south)
Peninsula in Russian region son overlooked
Peninsula in Russian region sons must leave
Peninsula of African country with no western boundary
Peninsula south of Califo
Peninsula south of the Gu
Peninsula where Birkenhead is situated
Peninsular land
Peninsular nation
Penitent one
Penitent pruned the Spanish chestnut
Penitent soul
Penitent's garb
Penitent; regrettable
Penitentiary count
Penlight batteries
Penlight battery
Penlight battery size
Penn and Connery
Penn and others
Penn name
Penn of "Harold & Kumar"
Penn of "Mystic River"
Penn or Connery
Penn or Union: Abbr.
Penn pal
Penn Sta. traffic
Penn State branch site
Penn State campus site
Penn Station abbr.
Penn Station initials
Penn Station inits.
Penn, e.g.: Abbr.
Penn, for one: Abbr.
Penn, to Pennsylvania
Penn. Ave. resident
Penn., e.g.
Penn., for one
Pennant, perhaps right to be carried by older ship
Pennant-like flag rebel leader's hid in old paddleboat?
Pennants depicting Alfred
Penne alternative
Penne topper
Penne ___ vodka
Penne, for example
Penned by Blackmore, L. Doone - revolting, silly person
Penned in
Penned order for silence
Penned unlimited rubbish
Penned up
Penner of polonaises
Pennies : dollar :: ___ :
Pennies are small ones
Pennies I organised in a heap
Pennies made in the 1990'
Pennies oddly lacking - the writer's nemesis
Pennies, maybe
Pennies, perhaps
Pennies: Abbr.
Penniless captains - they can go downhill fast
Penniless clergyman causing offence
Penniless family thrown into street
Penniless from being part Greek - or by not saving, on reflection
Penniless Greek city, one in Asia
Penniless lord of North Wales worked with maximum effort
Penniless man getting rid of Liberal for Republican
Penniless old folk reaching island refuge
Penniless person
Penniless piano player finally gets rounds in
Penniless pickpockets are inclined to exaggerate
Penniless sailor eats not a single meal
Penniless traveler
Penniless young men outside bookies
Penniless, devout old character rising within
Penniless, essentially, having nothing
Penniless, proper not to start clinging
Pennine unit intermittently displays tedium
Penning first in trilogy, author needing a drink
Penning front part, I prepare the ground for story
Penning notes on passing back, handyman defender
Penning one is each MP's need originally
Penning the ultimate in drivel, yawning author
Pennsylvania and others
Pennsylvania and others:
Pennsylvania Avenue
Pennsylvania city
Pennsylvania city where F
Pennsylvania coal city
Pennsylvania county or it
Pennsylvania Dutch dish
Pennsylvania Dutch pie
Pennsylvania Dutch potter
Pennsylvania Dutch treat
Pennsylvania home of Lafa
Pennsylvania home of TV G
Pennsylvania port
Pennsylvania railroad cit
Pennsylvania resort area
Pennsylvania town connect
Pennsylvania town that wa
Pennsylvania university
Pennsylvania university,
Pennsylvania vacationland
Pennsylvania ___ (White H
Pennsylvania's Flagship C
Pennsylvania's northweste
Pennsylvania's ___ Bull S
Pennsylvania's ___ Mounta
Pennsylvania, e.g.
Pennsylvania, e.g.: Abbr.
Pennsylvania, for one
Pennsylvanie, e.g.
Penny : pound :: ___ : kr
Penny added to mischief-maker's money
Penny amends homework
Penny and Scotsman love quietly
Penny and Victor going into drama college daily
Penny and you land up beneath small trash carrier
Penny collector
Penny coming in dispatches fritters?
Penny condemned stout Glaswegian in disgrace
Penny continued holding soldier tight
Penny decapitated otter for fur coat
Penny discovered Tom Jones, a Welsh singer, cycling on board boat
Penny envies hosts
Penny finished with favourite doll
Penny gets baby toy: fluffy rabbit, perhaps
Penny goes into market for a while
Penny has beer and pasty
Penny has fish? I ask you!
Penny has licence to provide bromide
Penny in old money chucked back by such a fool
Penny is in the Army & Navy getting surgical equipment
Penny leaving Greek battle site for shack
Penny leaving store to tour old London area
Penny left ornamental wreath in a holiday cabin
Penny longed to meet British ex-Prime Minister, almost succeeded, which resulted in disturbances
Penny metal
Penny once longed to be jilted
Penny pincher
Penny pinchers
Penny purchase, years ago
Penny put down for patterned fabric
Penny rejected dead part of flower
Penny replaced one percent RRP nominal fee
Penny running around lake? Keep going
Penny shaking and chattering foolishly
Penny slept with tartan blanket
Penny submits additional business proposal for Charles Edward Stuart and Perkin Warbeck?
Penny swallowed by 7 - that's eaten at the end of the day
Penny tied in third or better
Penny trapped in loveless marriage wants release
Penny vis-
Penny was awarded perfume
Penny wearing Eve's top?
Penny will spoil embroidered bedding
Penny ___
Penny's annoyed by design originally being copied without permission
Penny's dropping off bits and pieces
Penny's sheer fun, cavorting in showers, perhaps
Penny, given more rum, is to move unsteadily
Penny, maybe, in poker
Penny, PC
Penny, perhaps
Penny, say, hugging American relative
Penny, say?
Penny, sometimes
Penny-a-worder, say
Penny-pincher demanding full roll
Penny-pincher, slangily
Penny-pinching company secures great deal
Penny-pinching firm
Penny-pinching pillager, crooked Frenchman on the fiddle
Penny-___ (trivial)
Penny’s excited over picture
Penrod's pal, in "Penrod"
Pens and needles
Pens ran out; that’s a wrench
Pens sold in 10-packs
Pens text setting out immediate future plan
Pens together
Pens, pencils, paper etc
Pens, perhaps
Pens, possibly
Pens, say - surprisingly integral part of communication network
Pens, say, recreated a connection in the mind
Penseur's thought
Pension off
Pension plan (abbr.)
Pension supplement, for s
Pension supplements
Pension, in Paris
Pensioner ignoring a twitching of the eye
Pensioner loses one Spanish title
Pensioner storing it around courtyard
Pensioners back to front in TV programme
Pensioners first to consume fuel
Pensioners here start to effervesce after mother's ruin
Pensioners putting up singular fight for platform to be heard?
Pensioners yelled animatedly across river
Pensive aria and line arranged from work by 8
Pensive debut for 'Who's On First Base' - missing second part of routine
Pensive, will shortly set about weird stuff, mostly
Pent up
Penta plus three
Penta- plus one
Pentagon big
Pentagon bigwigs
Pentagon concern, for sho
Pentagon fig.
Pentagon inventory
Pentagon plans
Pentagon V.I.P.'s: Abbr.
Pentagon-to-Lincoln Memor
Pentagonal plate
Pentameter parts
Pentameter parts, maybe
Pentateuch book: Abbr.
Pentathletes' weapons
Pentathlon competitor, e.
Pentathlon need
Pentathlon weapon
Pentax competitor
Pentax Spotmatic and Niko
Pentax Spotmatic, e.g., i
Pentecost figure
Penthouse asset
Penthouse centerfold
Penthouse feature
Penthouse perk
Penthouse pinups
Penthouse-style work situation coveted by ambitious politicians?
Pentium maker
Pentium processor maker
Pentium product
Penultimate book of the B
Penultimate fairy tale wo
Penultimate fairy-tale wo
Penultimate letter
Penultimate part of Shakespear­ean play is beginning to move into vigorous campaigning
Penultimate round
Penultimate word of Warne
People - lost arm
People - music genre
People a Frenchman may ad
People a priest's about to have sex with
People accused brilliant workers? There's concealed purpose
People add up in their heads
People add up without using pencil and paper?
People adding padding help trousers’ alteration
People after area in abandoned section of plant
People after whom things
People along the old Iron
People appearing in National Theatre role organised registration
People are closely watche
People are competitive
People are going to be forced to resign
People are going to cop it
People are keen take part in such a society
People are picky about th
People aren't usually dra
People asked to parties
People at a special showi
People at People, for sho
People at the ballet perhaps pay particular attention
People avoiding technology roughly before noon?
People badly affected by anxiety changed 5 down
People baptise sons in hilly region
People being carried
People born around 1980 now trying The Smiths' old work
People born on February 2
People called Barbara in swanky residence
People calling for very close matches
People care when the odds are switched
People carrier's small opening to reverse in a narrow street
People carrying out harmful acts
People changing sides regularly tend to be deceitful
People characterising monks?
People claiming to be able to get rid of spooks
People collectively associated with China, mostly
People coming back see as a result of this instruction?
People coming back to provide one way to "see"
People complaining — some ran off
People concealing a purpose
People concerned with fee
People concerned with murder perhaps
People conquered by the S
People correspond, but not on paper
People crying
People cycle: cycling creates forbearing attitude
People dealing with shocks for a living?
People desperate to photograph sailor turning up on deck
People divided opinion at the end - are maybe right about society
People do a lot of drivin
People doing book reviews
People dropping ecstasy at every opportunity in Fabric
People employed by editor to edit
People enjoying buzz in Paris as it bustles
People entering party with small gifts
People entering wrong hell?
People expected to fail
People farming English manor redeployed in yards?
People finally elected mug - genius!
People finding hotel slightly inferior to home
People fine with some 21, now out of step
People fixing equipment on back parts where horses are kept
People following old lady in bleak, poor state
People following rich individual coming in today, moving fast
People from Birmingham
People from Brno, say
People from Denmark, moving first to middle range of mountains
People from Reykjavik
People from Seoul?
People from town in Kent evict established one
People from Tyneside
People gathering quickly mostly shamble off endlessly in disarray
People gawping around king ‘in his new clothes'
People generally don't ta
People generally entertained by deceptively simple memory test
People generally forget cup size on international swimwear
People getting into brief
People giving up, heading from our IQ test, confused
People go fast
People going frantic in centre of rural southeast, surrounded by idiots
People going underground badly restricted - they grumble
People good at making con
People gossiped
People guilty of disorder
People had power to cut fees
People heading off to the middle to play again
People helping to carry book stands
People here are often told to go to blazes
People holding signs at a
People honourably discharged from service merit indulgence
People hostile mostly when facing a medical procedure
People in a crowd, maybe
People in a line
People in a party of left-wing English radicals initially switching sides
People in a rush
People in a tree?
People in A&E returned to get liquid injected
People in A&E taking turn, getting behind procedure
People in America pursue legal redress in hearing
People in authority (informal)
People in authority apprehending girl back in part of Greece
People in authority briefly entertaining computing tax
People in authority taking charge in treatment
People in burnooses
People in business using charm sent all over the place
People in charge
People in circles?
People in compromising po
People in court to condemn Jeremy Hunt neglecting the sick
People in COVID contract fast lane upset person who usually cashes in unscrupulously
People in Derby, for example?
People in fierce snowball
People in general
People in general observing idiot coming between cat and hound
People in general very keen to adopt new family
People in general will get half-cut here
People in general work like snobs to fill position
People in government organising means test
People in hamlet prepared Swiss cheese
People in limousines? You may see them at weddings
People in line overheard signal for action
People in masks wave them
People in North America
People in People
People in photos, usually
People in solitary confinement? Turkish city-dwellers, some say
People in SUVs? Ones like Virginia - heavens!
People in the Bible destroying Satan with holiness
People in the fast lane
People in the Tour de France, for example
People in the wrong producing annoyance
People in these know the
People in this are watche
People in trees
People in uproar about island drivers
People initially inclined to be flexible
People initially relish good service
People injured by throwaway garments?
People injured by throwaway matches?
People kick things here
People known to have germ
People lagging behind
People leaving the compan
People left in ruins
People like me cause inns to be smashed up
People like Nelson meet up as arranged
People like Nero in Rome, always heading back after gold
People like ones regularly seen around the borders of India
People like you - extremely passionate types, missing nothing
People living in Scotland in Roman times
People living outside their native country
People living somewhere on a long-term basis
People long to be muddled; alternative answers accommodate that
People looking intently to catch king naked
People magazine's 1991 "S
People making 17
People making peanuts heading for insolvency in opening story
People may act terribly i
People may ask you to do
People may be put out if
People may get them befor
People may lose money in them when dipping into loose coins
People may lose their sea
People may wrongly believe this Burnham ground hosts Sunday cricket finals
People might go for a spi
People might make tracks
People mobbing a bishop in Reading
People move quickly south of a European meeting place
People mover since 1853
People next to trail in driving event
People not beginning to interrupt the old man in a dance
People not social distancing in game?
People objectively in cycle showing moral character
People observing toilet in New York city not unknown
People obstructing attempt to produce delicate work
People of a country
People of a similar age in one great movement
People of a social position just below the nobility
People of action
People of Burundi
People of Capri or Corfu, say
People of eastern Siberia
People of Ghana
People of influence
People of intelligence love to have the last word
People of Kenya and Tanzania
People of letters
People of much experience
People of power head south, drinking old red wine
People of refinement ultimately constrained by principles
People of Rwanda
People of south-eastern nations in conflict
People of the Platte
People of the Platte, onc
People of the same age
People of the same calling
People of the Sun
People of the UK maybe in History and Geography, for example
People offer me more French coins at auction — not a shilling — with both hands
People often emulated that man and revolted, we hear
People often found in The Den ogling wingers?
People often leave them w
People often sing in it
People on a mission could be rude, crass
People on line
People on staff matter to boss
People on stage habitually forgetting line? Their craft deserts them
People on the payroll
People on the Platte
People on vacation preserve nut
People one knows
People opposed to the enemy are in a rush
People opposing us having died as criminals
People organised to achieve a task
People organised under a single government
People out of hospital later
People over there start to tamp pipe
People people
People people, for short
People people?: Abbr.
People person
People person?
People poetic at heart compose for organ, perhaps?
People power unsettled a couple
People praising one of those late goals use it excitedly, without beginning to apologise
People preceders
People prepared to swap partners with women in choir
People present decorated stand with tree
People profiled in People
People pulling together?
People purchasing small jumpers
People pushing things
People putting on plays including grand shocks
People raiser
People recently engaged now use precautions, primarily this?
People renting
People reportedly unable to speak freely, Nijinsky among others
People retire to these sp
People rival
People rush along
People scoffing a jinx?
People seeking love
People sent packing, being tied up, put on river
People separating to secure new significant others
People sharing an apartment
People shoot it for fun
People sometimes go to th
People sort of supporting Glen actively
People spreading worrying rumours 50% of American Congress is corrupt
People stand for this
People staying dry without a bit of clothing in scripture
People such as this feel OK, surprisingly
People swipe them
People switch political allegiance on Trident
People taking les examens
People taking substances?
People targeted success with outspoken composer
People that routinely take drugs tests and steal the supply
People to hang out with
People to hang with
People travel only one wa
People turning up two hours before midnight to boogie
People united in hope helping to defend popular front, new adventure's beginning
People up a sort of tree
People using coins and notes endlessly
People using crooks with little money, namely to get something to eat
People using right instead of left branch in road?
People very angry about new family
People walk all over this short friend
People wasting money stop eating chips? On the contrary
People watching
People we don't like — this sportsman being nasty, one to be included?
People wearing religious clothing
People who advise weak King to thrash second King
People who are practicing
People who aren't positiv
People who aren't what th
People who buy small jumpers
People who call themselve
People who cast nets, say, hang around on board ship
People who deal with stre
People who do chest-thump
People who don't believe lies find another way
People who don't count
People who eat people
People who evade issues
People who get rid of hol
People who get the last w
People who get together in cars around London's West End
People who have been 45-D
People who have moved in crossing line with dogs
People who haven't a chan
People who hide on board, hoping not to pay for the trip
People who judge severely criticise Spanish article
People who laze around in casual footwear
People who live next to a
People who look very sour must change and start to smile
People who love baths?
People who make and serve coffee
People who make you yawn
People who may be removed
People who no what they l
People who run key enterprises losing heart
People who see what you'r
People who study cuneifor
People who will pass on fashionable blaspheming?
People who work
People who work and play together
People whose business is
People whose jobs include
People with "O'" names
People with big heads hav
People with books, for sh
People with complaints may resort to these
People with energy stop Soviet news agency being bland
People with guns? People with scissors have less power
People with handles
People with interest in property mostly want to stop falsehoods
People with key arrive outside to open
People with licenses
People with little expertise: namely, characters requiring some training
People with mortgages, e.
People with newly-acquired wealth
People with principles
People with questions
People with safe jobs?
People with saving accoun
People with their partners
People with this don't go
People with XY chromosomes after YYY, said visitors from the east
People withdraw from thes
People without power, oft
People work for them
People working with 22 in need of money
People working with duds?
People working with logs?
People’s food likes oddly exposed
People's 1999 Sexiest Man
People's 2006 Sexiest Man
People's ordeal - bishop intervenes
People's worries
People, great nuisance
People, in general, back to see film
People, it's said, accustomed to be single-minded
People, not us, run to the front and are close to ecstasy in Scottish seaside resort
People: great threat
People: Prefix
Pep has been cavorting outside. Get away!
Pep included by name in two columns today
Pep pill
Pep pills?
Pep rally cheers
Pep rally cry
Pep rally shout
Pep rally sound
Pep squad shout
Pep talk, sometimes
Pep up
Pep wants speed on ball doubled
Pep with expression of triumph when reversing hybrid
Pep ___
Pep, doubled
Pepe ___
Pepper and Friday: Abbr.
Pepper and others
Pepper and others: Abbr.
Pepper et al.
Pepper for one’s cooking gran set close to stove
Pepper grinder
Pepper or pop?
Pepper plant
Pepper plant - mica cups
Pepper pot cracked, one lot of pieces falling inside
Pepper pot shaken over fried carbon-free mince
Pepper pot: mine needs to be shaken
Pepper restricted by winter's perseverance
Pepper with Jewish bread?
Pepper's companion
Pepper's mate
Pepper's partner
Pepper's rank: Abbr.
Pepper, e.g.
Pepper, for one
Pepper, say, is ground not minced
Pepperdine University sit
Peppermint liqueur
Peppermint ___
Peppermint ___ (candy pur
Peppermint ___ of "Peanut
Peppermint-flavoured liqueur
Peppers detective with remembrances - leave me out of it!
Peppers, perhaps
Peppery fish quite dry on the inside
Peppery leafed vegetable used in salads
Peppery meat dish
Peppery root vegetable
Peppery sauce
Peppery vegetable
Pepsi alternative
Pepsi and RC
Pepsi bottle amount
Pepsi bottle size
Pepsi competitor
Pepsi One's one
Pepsi or RC
Pepsi rival
Pepsi vis-
Pepsi, e.g.
Pepsi, for one
Pepsi-owned juice drink
PepsiCo product
Pepsin and rennin, for tw
Pepsin, e.g.
Pepsin, for one
Pepsis, e.g.
Peptic activity
Peptic disorder
Pepto-Bismol, e.g.
Pepys, for example
Pepys, for one, is said to be the worst
Pequod captain
Pequod co-owner
Pequod hand
Pequod skipper
Per annum
Per Ardua ad ___ (Royal A
Per capita split that's unbalanced to be revised perhaps
Per diem worker
Per diems fiddled - I invested in waterproof layer?
Per head
Per item purchased
Per la grazia di ___ (by
Per person
Per se
Per unit
Per ___
Per ___ (daily)
Per ___ (each)
Per ___ (how budgets may
Per ___ (yearly)
Per ___ ad astra (motto o
Per ___ income
Perceive (a sound)
Perceive - distinguish
Perceive by touch
Perceive intuitively - coming from God
Perceive sound
Perceive the difference - show prejudice
Perceive the true nature of what must be transparent?
Perceive what Americans do down Lovers Lane
Perceive what's transmitted on the radio
Perceive with the ear
Perceive with the eyes
Perceive, notice
Perceive, watch
Perceived character
Perceived intuitively
Perceived to be
Percent lost came to be worked out in insurer's estimate
Percent suffix
Percentage interest on a
Percentage is not revised in tenders
Percentage listed in an I
Percentage of a legal set
Perceptible aura
Perceptible to the ear
Perceptible, redundantly
Perception subject to status
Perception, in a sense
Perceptive faculty this person mentions audibly
Perceptive old boy, one below stairs, perhaps
Perceptive person's detec
Perceptive view almost entirely welcomed
Perceptive wife cleared out grate
Perceptive, like trade union leaders in the eighties
Perceptiveness - good taste
Perceptiveness, in a mann
Perch can be swimming round a lake
Perch for a bighorn
Perch for a sleeping bird
Perch for an ibex
Perch in river and ducks on street
Perch on back of horse round cowboy exhibition
Perch poke about round source of stream
Perch small bottom on the outside
Perch, perhaps
Perched on
Perched with forest wolf in a tree
Percival caught sight of
Percolate slowly
Percolate through
Percolates, as water
Percolation products
Percussion cap
Percussion cap, e.g.
Percussion instrument
Percussion instrument - a ringlet
Percussion instrument - pink colleges
Percussion instrument in
Percussion instrument own
Percussion instrument similar to a xylophone
Percussion instrument str
Percussion instrument with acoustic chamber
Percussion instrument, altering when beaten
Percussion instruments
Percussion instruments curtailed tempo with a lot of agitation
Percussion instruments welcome in Chinese rock
Percussion orchestra
Percussion player
Percussion section to become quieter? It’s generally kept out of everything
Percussion unit
Percussionist beginning to drink spirit by sea in Boulogne?
Percussionist finally nears disaster at the back
Percussionist hero accompanying Romeo
Percussionist's effect is diverting, full of spirit
Percussive noise
Percy — Shelley
Percy associated with Tottenham
Percy Bysshe Shelley, e.g
Percy Sledge hit of 1966
Percy __, Country Gardens composer, d. 1961
Percy ___, inventor of th
Perdue product
Perdue rival
Peremptory request
Perennial Alpine plant - we see lids
Perennial battleground st
Perennial best seller, wi
Perennial campaign issue
Perennial Christmas gift
Perennial college basketb
Perennial debate topic
Perennial digital assistant returns
Perennial flowering plant which grows from a tuber
Perennial government conc
Perennial herb with flore
Perennial I replanted outdoors in France
Perennial loser
Perennial N.L. leader of
Perennial name on best-se
Perennial plant
Perennial plant not many associated with disease
Perennial plants
Perennial presidential ca
Perennial reptilian superpower
Perennial scheme which involves cycling
Perennial subj. of federa
Perennial talk show topic
Perennial teenage feeling
Perennial to grow up the French windows at rear
Perennial trouble spot
Perennially parched
Perennially popular game
Perennially popular tour
Perennials with cup-shape
Peres's predecessor
Perez with a nasally voic
Perfect - pure
Perfect 10, perhaps
Perfect accord
Perfect advice to parliamentary leader
Perfect arrangement
Perfect backside a lad is concealing
Perfect balance
Perfect beauty, maybe
Perfect business transaction with Apple?
Perfect card distributor's job description?
Perfect character, though not odd?
Perfect coin
Perfect conditions
Perfect cowboy nickname: "Shot Bot Jake"
Perfect cube
Perfect day in Scilly I, going about topless
Perfect Day maker
Perfect declaration of one involved in trade
Perfect demonstration of being impervious to noise
Perfect example
Perfect example of first car …
Perfect example of sequence isn't complex
Perfect example of why I'm terrible at maths
Perfect examples
Perfect female breaking all the rules
Perfect figure
Perfect finish
Perfect fish alla Livornese starters
Perfect flipping time to spread feature on mosque
Perfect French dessert
Perfect gymnastics score
Perfect gymnastics scores
Perfect happiness
Perfect how Brexit ends following May's leadership
Perfect if diet all evens out
Perfect in every way
Perfect instance
Perfect island settlement
Perfect job for Brandon?
Perfect job for Darren?
Perfect job for Dustin?
Perfect job for Holden?
Perfect job for Landon?
Perfect job for Robin?
Perfect job for Rowan?
Perfect job for Warren?
Perfect law that's been revoked
Perfect line-ups do unravel
Perfect marks
Perfect maybe on horseback? Don't relax
Perfect neatness
Perfect number
Perfect offer on an Apple product?
Perfect Olympic scores
Perfect Olympics score
Perfect one to buy and sell
Perfect ones
Perfect or else imperfect around banks of river heading south
Perfect outcome of 25+50
Perfect partner
Perfect pitch
Perfect pitch, maybe
Perfect place
Perfect place for turning one vessel covered in gold
Perfect place in the middle of Luton, one in quiet area
Perfect places
Perfect plot
Perfect plots
Perfect point of contact with ball – sugary place?
Perfect prairies?
Perfect print to order
Perfect rating
Perfect ravioli and sauce ultimately a luxury starter
Perfect regularity of request for dessert
Perfect role model
Perfect rustic scene
Perfect school grade
Perfect score for some sport, with no error recalled
Perfect score in a certai
Perfect score in Strictly Come Dancing
Perfect scores
Perfect self-image inspiring Mahler's last movement
Perfect server
Perfect service
Perfect shape
Perfect shot I hit with welly
Perfect single knocking off Number 1
Perfect slave
Perfect Sleeper maker
Perfect specimens
Perfect spot to welcome new one in home
Perfect spy's ultimate computer accessories for nosey creatures
Perfect square
Perfect stage villain accepting money
Perfect start?
Perfect state of Irish victor housed by granny
Perfect stories
Perfect substitute
Perfect summer month for record drink
Perfect tennis serve
Perfect tennis serves
Perfect to oust leader without principles
Perfect vantage point?
Perfect without a small child?
Perfect without large rival
Perfect world
Perfect world?
Perfect wreck
Perfect, as an alibi
Perfect, e.g.
Perfect, ideal
Perfect, one town in Kent
Perfect-game pitcher Bark
Perfect-game pitcher Don
Perfect-record breaker
Perfection, for some
Perfection, in some sport
Perfectionist exercises Italian poet endlessly
Perfectionist finding swab originally left inside heart
Perfectionist maybe disposing of uranium to key operator
Perfectionist's aim
Perfectionist's fine American pickle
Perfectly acceptable penalty
Perfectly catching mice regularly? That’ll be me!
Perfectly clean
Perfectly clean cooking utensil the French kept on board
Perfectly clean vessel, topsail partly up
Perfectly clear
Perfectly concealing cop-out in Ulster?
Perfectly constructed contract, according to auditor
Perfectly cooked
Perfectly cooked toast, not small, next to pot
Perfectly delightful
Perfectly draftable
Perfectly fit and well
Perfectly good
Perfectly happy state
Perfectly healthy
Perfectly healthy, to the
Perfectly illustrate
Perfectly matched
Perfectly matching
Perfectly OK
Perfectly pitched
Perfectly pleasant
Perfectly precise
Perfectly pure - fairytale heroine
Perfectly reasonable
Perfectly round figure
Perfectly suited
Perfectly timed
Perfectly timed, dramatic
Perfectly, after "to"
Perfecto, e.g.
Perfectos, e.g.
Perfidious crime, as air conditioning is for Jacob?
Perforate with gunshot - poser
Perforated bowl
Perforation site
Perforation, with central piece removed, ruined early keyboard instrument
Perform "All of Me," say
Perform (a manoeuvre)
Perform (a song)
Perform 3 from Queen covered by drunk auntie
Perform a bar dare
Perform a chemical test
Perform a dance with a sh
Perform a favour for
Perform a role
Perform a Thanksgiving ta
Perform a wedeln, e.g.
Perform ablutions
Perform acceptably
Perform again in sacred oratorio
Perform again on island - it’s off France
Perform alone
Perform appraisal of course describing Stoke's refurbishment
Perform as one
Perform better than
Perform better than competing retailers
Perform better than old-fashioned party
Perform better than unpopular party
Perform brain surgery on
Perform check, covering county where Homer settled?
Perform copy desk work
Perform database search requiring intensive memory use
Perform decisively in shabby affair
Perform duties for
Perform exaggeratedly
Perform exceptionally
Perform greeting, welcoming non-female boss
Perform hammily
Perform Hawaiian music, s
Perform high-tech surgery
Perform humble services for someone
Perform improperly
Perform in a glee club
Perform in a long kind of boat
Perform in between activities
Perform in plays
Perform in terror, twanging muscle
Perform in the street for money
Perform inadequately as less fancied competitor? Not good
Perform like Salt-N-Pepa
Perform lines one's produced for play?
Perform lousily
Perform magic tricks
Perform music
Perform on "American Idol
Perform other work: here's one sonata
Perform part of a liturgi
Perform penance
Perform really badly
Perform sad song around school area
Perform spectacularly on
Perform strongly, mostly, making peg
Perform stuff from Quince in Globe ... it holds up entrance
Perform stunningly
Perform superbly
Perform surgery
Perform tricks
Perform unaccompanied, soprano having left for dancing partner
Perform very well
Perform weakly twirling round dancer in tutu, though skirts not required
Perform wearing hat, being touchy?
Perform well
Perform well, holding head up, in part of leg
Perform with a man performing as a woman?
Perform with diplomacy, after right answer’s only half comprehended
Perform with group for old TV show
Perform without any preparation
Perform work without a couple of learners helping
Perform works by Lawrence
Perform, as if in a play
Perform, as one's trade
Performance about publicity trail
Performance art
Performance artist Anders
Performance by a Kentish rebel not half showing a lot of power
Performance by one whose
Performance enhancer
Performance extension
Performance fanfares
Performance for Anna Pavl
Performance group
Performance in contention is to go wrong
Performance in hat likely to touch people
Performance in the theatre switched to open air
Performance involving Roman couple in which female is greatly exalted
Performance killing act
Performance mother can see, that son's not in
Performance object one included in jazzy intro
Performance of coital nous in close contact
Performance of editor in broadcast about foremost of newspapers
Performance of empty melisma during fiddle part
Performance of Silence that's painful
Performance of US serviceman, good
Performance piece?
Performance site
Performance style of a place with lap dancing
Performance that takes a
Performance venue
Performance-enhancing drug?
Performances by non-female groups
Performances deemed very good? I came seventh, surprisingly
Performances in Japan around a skipper 14 cheered
Performances seen around old time joints
Performances set in our dance
Performas and PowerBooks
Performed (a task)
Performed a ballet step
Performed a cadenza, e.g.
Performed a canticle, e.g
Performed a duel action?
Performed a routine perfe
Performed as a minstrel,
Performed awhile onstage
Performed badly: opening for winning punch missed
Performed ballads, e.g.
Performed better in unpopular drama before journalist
Performed better than, in
Performed brilliantly
Performed deed in college, initially providing instruction
Performed first part of play cold? That's edifying
Performed gripping song by girl about old farm worker
Performed helplessly?
Performed in a concert?
Performed in a group of profligate character
Performed in tandem fitting concert finale alongside online lecture
Performed microsurgery on
Performed musical works without opening drinks
Performed on Broadway, sa
Performed on stage
Performed prior to the ma
Performed satisfactorily
Performed slapstick for example - boxing glove not unknown
Performed spectacularly,
Performed Sunday instead of Friday the 2nd: satisfied?
Performed superbly
Performed terribly
Performed the role of
Performed tune backwards for drink
Performed turn on ends of rickety stool, being two-toed
Performed with old opera heroine
Performed without help
Performed, as one's dutie
Performed, biblically
Performed, carried out
Performer about to hold up a performer
Performer against restraining press
Performer among celebrities in Germany
Performer at rest, I suspect
Performer at the top or scoundrels rising to it
Performer at theatre school introduces prop?
Performer can depart after broadcast
Performer chanting rhyming lyrics to African-American music
Performer completely at sea about Rossini’s finale
Performer didn't at first catch ID of soldier from the back
Performer died in front of a tipsy nurse
Performer dubbed "The Gre
Performer embracing jolly types seen in window
Performer full of enthusiasm in retirement
Performer given gold by a court
Performer having time trouble in 'Beat It'?
Performer in a cage
Performer in a seven-mill
Performer in cart is terrific
Performer in north circled by fish on river
Performer in plaid, perha
Performer in Rwandan ceremony
Performer in whiteface
Performer is associated with time in role (not lead)
Performer Jude's parents? They're legislature members
Performer making some impact originally
Performer of a folk art with e.g. handkerchiefs and sticks
Performer of hepatectomy perhaps is a saviour
Performer of many Dylan s
Performer of rap act with end going wrong
Performer on Britain’s Got Talent, perhaps, to trick panellist
Performer on ice
Performer one at rest moved around
Performer one treats badly
Performer playing sitar with extremely trite accompaniment
Performer rejected new routine
Performer sounded low note
Performer such as Tatum is brought to vacant theatre
Performer tires at appearing in Variety
Performer who can tread about quietly? Not this one!
Performer who doesn't say
Performer who fills the c
Performer who starts gagging?
Performer who's charged
Performer who's the desce
Performer with a balancin
Performer with a big mout
Performer with a painted-
Performer with a self-tit
Performer works naked
Performer yukking it up
Performer’s fear
Performer’s routine
Performer's assistant goes to pieces when given new order
Performer's body of work
Performer's figure seen in forged English portraits
Performer's nervousness
Performer's return after a gap
Performer's unusual traits
Performer's way in
Performer, one who may draw applause at the end
Performer, Poet Laureate: “What’s coming on Monday?”
Performer, tenor, is in role (not lead)
Performer’s series of gigs bringing in large numbers, mostly wicked!
Performer’s trepidation
Performers changing can't be arsed going over lines
Performers consisting of very slow mover turning up to grab a superior baddie
Performers etc involved in Old Testament
Performers I punished and criticised
Performers of one kind or another taking lead from tempo instead of libido
Performers Peggy and Pink
Performers twisting end of musical
Performers walk in the auditorium
Performers with big red n
Performers with elevated pitch, primarily Italians?
Performers' union
Performing a kind of dance, like some beers
Performing a poor role unfavourably
Performing animal interrupts joke
Performing bears about to leave coastal state
Performing better than expected
Performing carol, say, to event where Stradivarius has featured
Performing dance that's easy to get?
Performing flea meets obstruction
Performing in duet together
Performing in duet without restraint
Performing in several different cities?
Performing in the street
Performing in the street for money
Performing in the theater
Performing insect begged for food
Performing it, Dua Lipa got idea for recording
Performing less well these days
Performing on stage
Performing on stage with a common plan?
Performing pair
Performing perfectly
Performing Pilates, she may become this?
Performing poorly in
Performing properly wearing clothes
Performing rights org.
Performing song live
Performing together
Performing too much? Is it end for super Dave Gorman broadcast?
Performing twice in Tosca is stimulating for a soloist?
Performing twosomes
Performing very well at home, showing class after penalty
Performing well
Performing well but not off air
Performing wild cats ignoring large vegetables
Performing with German in state dance
Performing with itself?
Performing with the bishop, everyone's alert
Performing with two legs
Performing ___
Performing, still to accept study offered by college
Performs "Fr
Performs a cadenza, e.g.
Performs a favour for
Performs again
Performs alone
Performs awfully
Performs better than president, at first, cutting costs
Performs better than us at poly, unexpectedly
Performs erratically in Cambridge Footlights' productions?
Performs eye surgery, in
Performs eye surgery, may
Performs halfheartedly, s
Performs in parties full of energy
Performs onstage
Performs perfectly
Performs shoots
Performs surgery
Performs the traditional
Performs, for King James
Perfume - madden
Perfume a traveller picked up
Perfume amounts
Perfume billed as "The fo
Perfume bottles
Perfume brand
Perfume by burning
Perfume coming from market trader's stand thanks to me
Perfume compound
Perfume deception taking in millions
Perfume despatched, did you say?
Perfume dispatched without note
Perfume dispatched, they say
Perfume essence
Perfume for female Indian of rank holding an animal back
Perfume from a city in Italy
Perfume from petals
Perfume holder
Perfume ingredient
Perfume ingredient from irises
Perfume ingredients
Perfume maker Nina ___
Perfume manufacturer getting in new groove?
Perfume named for Baryshn
Perfume on its way, it’s said
Perfume part
Perfume quantity
Perfume source
Perfume spray
Perfume sprayer (S, not Z)
Perfume the French sell old queen
Perfume's dispatched by the sound of it
Perfume, as at Mass
Perfume, in a way
Perfume’s no good: smell at the back is rank
Perfumed actress?
Perfumed hair dressing
Perfumed hair oil
Perfumed hair ointment
Perfumed liquid
Perfumed mixture of alcohol and essential oils
Perfumed powder found in metal crate
Perfumer Nina
Perfumer's extract
Perfumer's stock in trade
Perfumery bottles
Perfumery compound
Perfumery compounds
Perfumery emanations
Perfumery employee
Perfumery employees
Perfumery purchase
Perfumery rootstock
Perfumery supply
Perfumes with a joss stic
Perfumier engages new US artist who changes what's on the box
Perfunctory wash
Perhaps "Ashes Live" is entertaining for all the family
Perhaps 'Fingers' is contemptible figure in underworld
Perhaps 'Floss' writer's rejected essay
Perhaps 1 in 5 fail to put in donation
Perhaps 11p fur?
Perhaps 2000 or 2020 players struggle to control Real's midfield
Perhaps 22's 27 14 isn't one such?
Perhaps 26 28 - can it now put off storms?
Perhaps 3 in 1,000?
Perhaps 3/4 miniatures get reworked
Perhaps 8 ball initially caught by its player's equipment
Perhaps a bit of snow following a large amount of water
Perhaps a brave father put up with pain
Perhaps a cockney chicken: we hear one shouting
Perhaps a job for Dean of College - she worked in the Isle of Wight
Perhaps a jolly solver entertained by short escort
Perhaps a jolly strippergram (but not all there)
Perhaps a key passage missing its introduction
Perhaps a little brandy, with food, even
Perhaps a little too neat
Perhaps a local date on musical instrument associated with cathedral city
Perhaps a lot entering club, perhaps a lot
Perhaps a mate for Bambi or Thumper?
Perhaps a piece of heart I cleaned
Perhaps a place in hotel raised charge to stay
Perhaps a plus for someone in the theatre?
Perhaps a recital to be broadcast
Perhaps a rhinestone is a national symbol
Perhaps a setter to follow?
Perhaps a solemn promise by the Spanish
Perhaps access refused for this heir's failure to renew investiture
Perhaps add water to ferns here, wilting
Perhaps airline's opening new line after awful riots
Perhaps Alan Bennett upset her, not having some characters reappear
Perhaps annual staff meeting for partners in Reading
Perhaps antique cleric smelt too ghastly
Perhaps Arab people start to regret wearing stockings
Perhaps arm officers, to begin with, in prison
Perhaps arm Oman's leader in uncertain situation
Perhaps Armitage Shanks's third feature stops stool at opening in enamel
Perhaps Auntie's broadcast was on mink
Perhaps Austin's plant is not good enough
Perhaps Bacardi and cola mixed before short break
Perhaps Band Aid record brought back tears when broadcast
Perhaps bank holds a very fragrant plant
Perhaps baptism’s slammed in memoirs
Perhaps Barnet criminal turned over western residence
Perhaps baron’s biography: look closely
Perhaps bay tree lacks width
Perhaps bee managed to cross river
Perhaps bees start to sting, getting close
Perhaps begged for a meal when lazy?
Perhaps Belgian name given to everyone in court
Perhaps Bell and Edison's financial backers have change of heart
Perhaps Ben is making something last longer?
Perhaps Bering, Blixen and Kierkegaard, or certain 7s?
Perhaps Betty Moon? Heads up for plant needed to get well
Perhaps bitter about performing solo
Perhaps bitter and against insincere talk around football team
Perhaps Blair years ultimately written about as corrupt
Perhaps Bloomberg at one time could love Republican?
Perhaps bluffers got involved in robberies, wiping out hotel
Perhaps Bob and crew can demonstrate time-saving tips
Perhaps Bob Odenkirk's biggest character's framed by cleaner
Perhaps boil some spicy stew
Perhaps book American to stop in charge of Body Pump
Perhaps Bordeaux's Number 6 goes up front
Perhaps border strike creates chaos
Perhaps Boris Johnson welcomes special European
Perhaps Botham's over going for 16
Perhaps bowler's left out of game
Perhaps boxer cycles against pianist and composer
Perhaps boxers are knocked out - fighting without energy
Perhaps boy making jokes in school will get cane
Perhaps brave to swap sides after earlier refusal is harmful
Perhaps Brownie cameras aren’t key equipment initially
Perhaps Brownie pack arrived with artillery
Perhaps Bruce doubles as 6's relative
Perhaps burglar’s unskilled breaking into short opening passage
Perhaps Busby and Queen are important
Perhaps buttonhole old Catholic concealed
Perhaps buy more shares in control undergarment
Perhaps bye-bye kiss stops tears flowing?
Perhaps bypasses telephone and sticks around area
Perhaps cabaret mystifies housewife
Perhaps calf is a beast of burden carrying sack regularly
Perhaps Cameron's deferential gesture that is one of the departed
Perhaps canine is overly tough on the outside
Perhaps Cape Fear, Fahrenheit dropped after cold closes in
Perhaps capital gains international transport
Perhaps Carmen's old fruit hat stripped down to the base
Perhaps catch nothing, upset about cricket practice
Perhaps Charles is cycling in Scottish town
Perhaps Charlotte, North Carolina's filling ministers' time away
Perhaps charm is a manifestation of it
Perhaps cheese producer may drain churns
Perhaps Cher's in bed, scratching bottom
Perhaps chicken wing and leg found on top of Capital Hill
Perhaps China's promise to take liberal prisoner with Queen
Perhaps chrome is made primar­ily into very fine material
Perhaps church support aero­nautics, though something hairy
Perhaps circular field fine to rent out
Perhaps clap when welcoming over king before a drink at the Kremlin?
Perhaps Clark’s end of house?
Perhaps clutch ring worn by daughter
Perhaps coat of fellow concealing weapon
Perhaps cold cuts from an endless easterly - that's a shame
Perhaps Collins can start to explain including Iceland's word meaning vulgarian?
Perhaps ConservativeHome seized by slow type, heading for recession
Perhaps consul’s not finished off certificate
Perhaps counters United being disqualified from event
Perhaps cowboy managed singer
Perhaps cricket is popular cult
Perhaps crossing Alps excitedly on a matter involving Nationalist
Perhaps crow or rook overwhelmed by virus
Perhaps cursory work for the young
Perhaps cut down rye whiskey after second
Perhaps Dennis bores by going on and on
Perhaps Descartes, stuck without line, changed his mind
Perhaps describing bill of goods under suspicion at first?
Perhaps describing bolts no longer stuck fast?
Perhaps deserting a sexual predator, female leaves
Perhaps dial 999 and put empty gesture on the record
Perhaps discharge firearm in front of king
Perhaps dish first artist taking risks
Perhaps dispels Arsenal's charms
Perhaps divers sidebars need editing
Perhaps doctor's responsibility is to examine piles?
Perhaps does bring in police for important game
Perhaps does grass up
Perhaps doesn't believe w
Perhaps dog at college a bloomer
Perhaps don’t put on enough lingerie
Perhaps Donald Trump is liberal? Come again?
Perhaps Doris is nursing in former African kingdom
Perhaps down drug administered to old men
Perhaps dredge river in front of submarine dock
Perhaps drives one's jury mad
Perhaps drove someone else's vehicle once?
Perhaps earth live element
Perhaps earth map taken by alien
Perhaps eating cheese mostly provides immunity
Perhaps Eccles is one found in a jam
Perhaps Eden Hazard's foot is within shot range
Perhaps elder said to be superior to old for some performers
Perhaps Elizabeth caught person with key bounding to work
Perhaps Elizabeth I’s governess having change of heart
Perhaps email in the latest style?
Perhaps emergency exit leads to steel duct
Perhaps Emperor Nero finally supporting unity
Perhaps emperor's taking university opening
Perhaps European is satisfied with Scarface staying at home?
Perhaps even orgies get supervision
Perhaps Facebook users have seen zit burst by noon
Perhaps fan hot air in both directions around article
Perhaps Ferguson drinks shot, ending in fury and outrage
Perhaps film-star’s hot - bother getting upset about skill
Perhaps fin or tail of whiting are broken at the end
Perhaps fingers in the air meet requirements
Perhaps first out of cheap dress
Perhaps Flanders eats rats? Sorry to bother you
Perhaps flies home etc recklessly within seconds
Perhaps flounder on deck? I'm uncomfortable in this situation
Perhaps foil spies or scammers?
Perhaps Ford's bodyguard is almost stupid about panic
Perhaps forecasters satisfied with revamped Tories' logos
Perhaps foundation of the universe cracked by alien
Perhaps Frank has a large temper
Perhaps Franklin's signature on page is in order
Perhaps French camping call centre restricted agreement
Perhaps Fritz is returning gesture
Perhaps gents love farm animals crossing river in Scottish village
Perhaps get fed up again with English person choosing not to work
Perhaps getting cold and disdainful
Perhaps girl dancing in cage is harlot?
Perhaps girl's favourite boy band
Perhaps give knife to a boy to cut through half of meat spread
Perhaps glass ceiling: no opening for job with old head of company at its core
Perhaps glimpse a sin arising and step on it
Perhaps glossy bag under counter is something attractive?
Perhaps go up for it
Perhaps good in a sport, showing skill
Perhaps Gordon gets youngsters to cook in no time
Perhaps Grandma’s to threaten about one item in the will?
Perhaps grave speech: get rid of euro, in part
Perhaps green's smooth for golf tour recently
Perhaps Guinness works to eliminate boundaries?
Perhaps gunsmith and Republican must stop affair, angering core members
Perhaps Guy's in control at IPSO - hacking's over
Perhaps Harrovians and partners, entering drag race
Perhaps Harvey Nicks delivery expected – primarily with unopened flat pack
Perhaps have received ideal offer at first
Perhaps hawk's attempt to catch rook
Perhaps he is nuts storing nitrogen in military structure?
Perhaps heads left introduction to Andi Peters out
Perhaps hide artwork using rag as well
Perhaps Hilary in Iowa needs answer to split ends
Perhaps Holloway briefly to imprison setter displaying reproductive organ
Perhaps house or garage?
Perhaps I could be a permissive sort?
Perhaps I turned blue
Perhaps I win as manager (or was I a German in tears?)
Perhaps Indian flying ace breaking leg
Perhaps Indian makeup for Queen Mary?
Perhaps Indian Mutiny's leader imprisoned in end
Perhaps insulin for juvenile delivered
Perhaps Irish girl that's impressive astride horse
Perhaps Irish saga elicits something occult
Perhaps islander's reason for not staging play
Perhaps it means, roughly, about meaning
Perhaps Jamie Lee is abrupt at first
Perhaps Jean Brodie's disciples get the race fixed
Perhaps Jim's beginning to shop in supermarket
Perhaps Joey is up, alarm having gone off
Perhaps Joey Tribbiani's beginning to go off radical
Perhaps John B Turner could bet on these ones appearing today
Perhaps John Lennon caught fan with legal high
Perhaps joker's one that cracks jokes
Perhaps Judy’s young dog, much-liked
Perhaps Julie wanders about
Perhaps Katie welcomes new musician
Perhaps key is put down
Perhaps killing time, start to add spice to food
Perhaps King Edward's dropping round junk
Perhaps King is rejected; likewise, the odd bits of Pullman novel
Perhaps kitchen assistant's gone to work around five with relishes
Perhaps Klein bottle volume with positive sign?
Perhaps lackey's son to become ordinary kind of farmer
Perhaps lag behind on jeep, arriving at bend
Perhaps Lancelot ousts king in the dark
Perhaps Las Vegas let in cheat repeatedly
Perhaps lead Mike away, with others
Perhaps lead singer needing courage on the radio
Perhaps leave one's castle forever exposed after rook to b4?
Perhaps let in respected person coming to office
Perhaps lie by a medieval castle's outer wall
Perhaps like 18's attractiveness and like 12?
Perhaps like a match that's foolhardy?
Perhaps like Bengali's reduced charge
Perhaps like one's wireless even more!
Perhaps like Sinbad, sailor put inside escaped
Perhaps limpet mine finally smothered by military unit before capture
Perhaps local bank's run down by huge number of people
Perhaps look at white dwarf grasses around summerhouse, smell leaves
Perhaps love conditions in which Ben Fogle's heading off again?
Perhaps maiden aircraftwoman Hughes performed unsatisfactorily
Perhaps male ruler backing Persian king
Perhaps man arriving without jacket concealed trousers
Perhaps man on stage embracing female is a rogue
Perhaps man with heart. as you might say, getting girlfriend?
Perhaps man's prudish friend married only once
Perhaps Mario Balotelli's header, excellent at first, goes over the bar ultimately
Perhaps Mark once confused grocer with funny rice
Perhaps Martin's partner in sports car is hard to shock
Perhaps Mary Magdalene returned, evil finally purged in Pentateuch
Perhaps Mary Trump's former home?
Perhaps mashed potatoes can be prepared in odd diets
Perhaps Mass composed in Antarctica almost killed composer
Perhaps May is eating Indian starter and main courses
Perhaps measure of gin and it in the end is top
Perhaps meet Carol – she's turned up after all!
Perhaps member of school's right to be defended by solicitor
Perhaps Michael Gove is a fraud
Perhaps Midwest ground that's avoided?
Perhaps mild smell gives away drinking game
Perhaps Miss America has drink with the Queen before her round
Perhaps mobile, with its case, producing little sound
Perhaps monitor head in southwest
Perhaps more biased means of pinning things down?
Perhaps more tea and toast made by dog breeders?
Perhaps Morse caught over 500 people in the end
Perhaps most senior educationalist
Perhaps mount height, or both sides of slope
Perhaps mountain is reflected in basins of ephemeral lakes
Perhaps Mozart’s predatory pack?
Perhaps Mum accepts post coming up for debating group
Perhaps Murdoch and Heaney, primarily, were this?
Perhaps my girl's only starting letting loose
Perhaps needing plates inserted, without force
Perhaps neon light at last regains flickers
Perhaps Nicholas or Alexander's son nursed by Jack
Perhaps Nos. of consecutive notes, dispatched in reverse order
Perhaps not dangerous, or safe in the East End
Perhaps nun's to change entertaining scripture
Perhaps Oliver drank gin cocktail, but was in total control
Perhaps on air one refused a farewell
Perhaps one adult is missing when boat enters the water
Perhaps one burgling home more loyal daughter interrupts
Perhaps one in eight might, after change of leader
Perhaps one involved in service dispute over exporter?
Perhaps one judge to be included
Perhaps one keeping notes is tense about a certain record's source
Perhaps one may risk speaking
Perhaps one Munich let out
Perhaps one of those who backed Holly in game
Perhaps one with match over in outskirts of Kiev
Perhaps one's going to darn filthy place
Perhaps organ stopper's occasionally hidden within foundation?
Perhaps painter from Hobart is talented
Perhaps painting outside of study with heartless lady fervently
Perhaps Palin's modern language
Perhaps Pan, in fables, severely upset
Perhaps part of shopping centre could be a huge success without pub
Perhaps pen article after small whiskey
Perhaps Philip and Charles are present in church on Sunday
Perhaps pine to get to end of a popular racecourse
Perhaps plot information about a road
Perhaps Pluto and friend upset Chihuahua, say
Perhaps police suspect bent on lorry's contents getting circulated as accustomed?
Perhaps politician’s few words showing thorough grip
Perhaps Pope failing with regard to charging man of high standing
Perhaps post-Brexit tariffs restricting pub, of course, in Western Asia
Perhaps preacher’s examination marginalised by lack of clarity?
Perhaps priest’s circle after Reformation
Perhaps procured dress very smartly
Perhaps pull guy: knob
Perhaps purge rolls without enthusiasm
Perhaps put down rooks in corners, for example?
Perhaps quarrelsome craftsman flourished alongside engraver
Perhaps Queen Elizabeth’s initial stake
Perhaps queen's family tree displays this dependent?
Perhaps quote too much love poetry with uniform content
Perhaps ravioli stuffed with spam (oddly) and tomato sauce
Perhaps Ray thanks Ray?
Perhaps react with disgust, energy and animosity
Perhaps reading all of the letters, this man would need help
Perhaps refraining from striking head of match (variety of lucifer)
Perhaps remove blemishes from tyrant
Perhaps reprimand from Caedmon for USWNT star?
Perhaps retreat in blunder, losing knight and corps entirely
Perhaps rib friend providing fine dishes?
Perhaps rider in lead to take on large entry
Perhaps Robin and Harry fainted here with Fred
Perhaps rock and roll CD in US came out
Perhaps Romeo's day with temperature and chills
Perhaps roofer's chicken after heading to tower
Perhaps rook tax money hotel collected
Perhaps Roxanne noted criminal offences
Perhaps ruby breast finally seen amongst the robins flying
Perhaps run off and smother short love god in kisses
Perhaps run through to have drink after do filled up
Perhaps runner beside winding road could be animal killer
Perhaps Rupert Pupkin's on the air, somehow
Perhaps Russian editor worked hard
Perhaps Russian girl's goal abroad
Perhaps safety poster held back an annual celebration
Perhaps salver coated in ale and grass
Perhaps saps complete military training
Perhaps saw advantage withdrawing money
Perhaps Scandinavian stores top-class for DIY hardware
Perhaps school bags always very hot
Perhaps Scotch would be sweet if on the rocks?
Perhaps sculpture's tipped over by my headwear
Perhaps seen from Torquay hotel window, ie waves crashing
Perhaps sentence by a magistrate holds up
Perhaps set back by rheumatoid arthritis to an extent
Perhaps setter's gonna tune out
Perhaps seventh word in a limerick's too long for it
Perhaps sexist one when in bed
Perhaps Shakespeare under the weather provides Iago’s motivation?
Perhaps sharks, from tail to head, of narrow build
Perhaps shaves heads of unwilling nude hirsute adults in reality show
Perhaps she meant to eat at dawn, or similar
Perhaps Shearer offers this nose around German and Italian training for starters
Perhaps Shell's about to get penalty, right?
Perhaps shipbuilding by River Test
Perhaps Shorty and Chalky commit identity theft?
Perhaps shrug as contract dispute's ending in fight
Perhaps Siamese, but not Thai food, here?
Perhaps sister is visiting European Union
Perhaps skinhead’s beginning to sing heartily when drunk
Perhaps skinny superhero's clothing falls off in the middle of deli
Perhaps slip if climbing tree
Perhaps slum area of Belgian city finally turns to one for food
Perhaps sly male’s function: steer around girlfriend
Perhaps snail trail is back, inspiring a tantrum
Perhaps some tests, etc, especially for handling strain
Perhaps something in miniscule fragment of pretty pottery
Perhaps something Methuselah said scanned
Perhaps spending a penny, old penny's put out
Perhaps Spielberg's heartless conjecture about one of his films being rejected
Perhaps Springbok to run off after six footer
Perhaps Stallone's accepting old agents' bill, initially in a friendly manner
Perhaps star in parliament holds a presentation
Perhaps steroid - and hard cash - briefly used to secure gold
Perhaps stole a penny in church
Perhaps stoner googles it when high
Perhaps stop scratching sole due for mending
Perhaps Sturgeon's entertaining in conclusion
Perhaps Sue overworks
Perhaps tablet's best after drink
Perhaps tape large creature next to tiny one
Perhaps Tarzan wants one to be a passing acquaintance of Simple Simon
Perhaps tend injured shark
Perhaps tennis player’s run up part of restaurant bill
Perhaps the 20th strategy works
Perhaps the bra is mine?
Perhaps the Crown's official residence
Perhaps the editor is the best setter?
Perhaps the Irish Sea, pure with no variation
Perhaps the lorry left paper off
Perhaps the lower classes use banger for cooking
Perhaps the mat for the cat is the place to be?
Perhaps the place to find dates in a computer
Perhaps the Po floods Italy and a part of coastal France
Perhaps the Prince of Wales possesses a recipe for cordial
Perhaps the young Mozart's expert crack at symphony's finale
Perhaps these emitted liquid when turned?
Perhaps they're hot and cold Spanish dishes an adult leaves
Perhaps this expert's a guide to improved relations
Perhaps this is time for a criminal
Perhaps this put off Underground worker
Perhaps tight-knit family's visiting South American city?
Perhaps to lose your head is to lose your job
Perhaps Tom and I meet - wine drinking is arranged
Perhaps Tom’s finished the sauce
Perhaps Tommy Cooper's floundering with idea for trick, ultimately
Perhaps Tommy Cooper’s opening in club working with top name
Perhaps tomorrow Rufus sets cryptic
Perhaps too bad a mark
Perhaps Tory U-turn after mistake is an accident waiting to happen
Perhaps Trump and his kind of news baffles Liberal
Perhaps Trump briefly drinks and exercises
Perhaps Trump curtailed old defence system
Perhaps Trump suppresses young woman model
Perhaps trusty Prince is working with Queen
Perhaps TV detailed surprisingly nice drug
Perhaps Twitter account's blocked by right awful cad
Perhaps U-boat, with German, to surrender
Perhaps unable to give bird sanctuary praise, farm shut up
Perhaps unknown port in African country
Perhaps unwelcome guest, last at banquet - hint there, possibly
Perhaps Victoria is not at fault
Perhaps Vietnamese food at the back
Perhaps Vincent de Paul, a priest in Gascony, brought up burps
Perhaps Vivienne Westwood suit oddly gender fluid
Perhaps Washington Post journalist took drugs
Perhaps waste copper's time infiltrating phoney pearl scam
Perhaps wax can be obtained from marine mammal, one in a colony
Perhaps who e.g. mum favouring old sister hugs
Perhaps why issue's raised in political show
Perhaps Wimbledon grassy patch cut based on usage
Perhaps Wonder Woman cured our herpes
Perhaps workers take heart from beautiful women
Perhaps writing in this man's play is no longer relevant
Perhaps Y-fronts of Uncle Neil keep nothing concealed these days
Perhaps, an extra consideration when leaving France
Perhaps, extremely bossy person at No 11 firing 14 after review
Perhaps, like Napoleon, avoiding a risk
Perhaps, Scot snubbed man eating a vegetable
Peri Gilpin's "Frasier" r
Perianth part
Peril American writer recalled in shock — diary’s contents erased
Peril at pit that's collapsed — politician under scrutiny
Peril in rock garden
Peril in the deep sewer, working inside it
Peril not unusual for crime fighters
Perilous course
Perilous place
Perilous thing to cross o
Perilous to be sat on by fellow in the mood for it
Perils bringing death to French city
Perils for spelunkers
Perimeter guard
Period about a decade bef
Period after court measure
Period after Mardi Gras
Period after springing fo
Period after sunset
Period after wedding
Period at the end of the day
Period at the wicket
Period austere with skill shortage
Period before adulthood
Period before apr
Period before Christmas
Period before Easter
Period before penalties increased sentence?
Period between
Period between blue moons
Period between reigns
Period between Shaban and
Period charm
Period concerned with terror, oddly
Period covered by champion US historian
Period covered by José and Pochettino?
Period covered by Northanger Abbey
Period described by the c
Period desk, at rear, seen on standard film from 1990s
Period determined by the moon's phases
Period drama with parts in wrong order creates a gap in education
Period ender
Period ending about 9000
Period ending January 6
Period ends this time in prison?
Period expression ignored by Romeo
Period extending well int
Period film's enthralling southern scenery
Period following homework
Period following Rome's f
Period following the English Civil Wars
Period for buying at reduced prices
Period for recreation or rest
Period from April to April
Period from before Christmas until after New Year
Period from January 1 to December 31
Period from opening day t
Period hard to recall due to insanity?
Period home had come to an end
Period in Cong.
Period in gym when core ignored, I bet a schoolboy error?
Period in history
Period in human developme
Period in Indian history
Period in month that is not fully realised
Period in musical when tenor's substituted note
Period in office
Period in prison
Period in the Christian year leading up to Christmas
Period in the earth's his
Period in which British will exhibit sound tone
Period in which court is closed: left on foot
Period in which I would always support father
Period in which maiden's removed link
Period in which monarch managed to create order
Period in which one’s at home drinking tea; Alice never quite made it
Period in which we live
Period leading to inevitable extinction
Period leading up to Christmas
Period Mike left women in school, seeking evening entertainment?
Period named for an earth
Period noted regularly in diary
Period of 366 days
Period of 60 minutes
Period of a renter's agre
Period of abstinence
Period of abstinence for firm
Period of abstinence, stopping at home, in prospect for Carol
Period of adjustment in early ape's evolution
Period of advancing glaci
Period of aspiration suffering setback, Conservative admitted
Period of calm
Period of chilly weather
Period of crisis
Period of darkening
Period of darkness
Period of decline
Period of depression - horse latitudes
Period of douze mois
Period of duty
Period of enforced isolation
Period of excessive behaviour
Period of excitement or dreary routine?
Period of existence
Period of fascination
Period of fasting
Period of fasting: hour covers good duration
Period of five years
Period of future bliss
Period of glaciation
Period of global revolution ends in deposed Theresa May
Period of global revolution?
Period of greatest prosperity
Period of greatest succes
Period of greatest success
Period of greatest success or popularity
Period of high artistic d
Period of high birthrate
Period of historic time
Period of history
Period of history covered by several
Period of human benighted
Period of immaturity
Period of inactivity
Period of inactivity in rest, as I sit
Period of inactivity sees three learners outside university
Period of indulgence
Period of instruction
Period of intense excitement
Period of intense interest in alternative energy, if fed around New Zealand
Period of keeping awake to watch and/or to pray
Period of keeping watch
Period of low activity
Period of low prices
Period of not eating quickly
Period of note
Period of occupancy
Period of occupation gutted Toulouse and another French town
Period of one's greatest productivity
Period of one's prime
Period of over­indulgence
Period of penitence
Period of play in a polo match
Period of power failure
Period of prayer
Period of prayer?
Period of prosperity
Period of rapid growth
Period of rationing: Abbr
Period of recovery after illness
Period of relief
Period of rest
Period of rest coming up for God
Period of rule
Period of seven days with
Period of sickness
Period of stability
Period of ten years
Period of the Cenozoic Er
Period of the first dinos
Period of the first dinosaurs
Period of the French Revolution with many executions
Period of time
Period of time eating milk-soaked bread? On the contrary
Period of time in Chad, a year
Period of time in history
Period of time in office
Period of time in prison
Period of time in which duke meets lady occasionally
Period of time in which to embed a plant
Period of time sufficient for things to work themselves out
Period of time without energy? Heading for detox unit
Period of trouble keeping control of image
Period of truce
Period of uncertainty
Period of unrestricted ac
Period of unusually warm weather
Period of warm autumn weather
Period of which the present day is near the end
Period of working on hobby regularly a compulsion
Period of years
Period of youth and inexperience
Period one could see as emptier
Period piece
Period piece?
Period pieces
Period pieces in France that will divide opponents
Period pieces?
Period post-sunset
Period preceding an event
Period preceding an expir
Period preceding an important event
Period prone to frivolous news stories
Period Queen Anne initiated
Period recalled in broadcast
Period regularly covering individual's recollections, primarily in this?
Period remains connected with battle for a frightening number from the ’6os
Period set aside for oneself to neck a large one?
Period seven weeks after Easter
Period to find out more
Period to remember
Period under psychotherapist is withering experience
Period when expecting con­clusion from beat poet
Period when horses first appeared
Period when hostilities, inter­rupting aid, end badly
Period when Julius Caesar captures Russia in revolt
Period when one is not at war
Period when one learns fast?
Period when one's spirits may be at their lowest?
Period when stuffed shirt finally gets seduced by bribe?
Period when the first true fish appeared
Period when the sea is receding
Period where beer without head knocked back
Period with a tilde?
Period with first of Georges in control?
Period with little rain
Period without a drink is difficult after start of drinking time
Period without power, we hear
Period working out in southern lakes
Period's place
Period, we're told, with weight for thriller writer
Period, yet to finish, in aroused post-war amusement – dry it’s not!
Periodic arrival that cau
Periodic – or occasional?
Periodic Halloween sight?
Periodic payments
Periodic population nose count
Periodic problem, stuff I forgot to mention
Periodic riser
Periodic table abbr.
Periodic table developer
Periodic table fig.
Periodic table listings
Periodic table no.
Periodic table stat.
Periodic table suffix
Periodic water channel
Periodical allowance
Periodical bulletin
Periodical by graduate is hot stuff!
Periodical devoted to a particular subject
Periodical output: Abbr.
Periodical plea
Periodical publication
Periodical rejected article about illustrations on a medieval manuscript
Periodical suffering, lumbago's back!
Periodical trouble working back in bush
Periodical's told to withdraw from public ownership
Periodical, for short
Periodically admits actor into dance
Periodically cheers up, given what you may be reading now
Periodically claim total I earn will get reduced
Periodically escaping to yonder river
Periodically fancy that series of old deeds
Periodically insular, Liam’s girl
Periodically misadvised servant
Periodically parroted European writer's style
Periodically set up sex session for Farage once?
Periodically slurp apple brandy finally in stock
Periodically stand down
Periodically taking drug is e.g. Texan's offence
Periodically they'll spread revolutionary message
Periodically, after Ge … like this
Periodically, Joyce charms friar with razor
Periodicals not brought b
Periodicals with unturnab
Periodontist's deg.
Periods added to harmoniz
Periods between Winter an
Periods divide them
Periods I spent in fort
Periods in contrast to gl
Periods in history
Periods in prison, e.g.
Periods in which wandering ant makes no progress
Periods just past sunset
Periods of 10 years - ie canned
Periods of alternating fortune
Periods of confinement for deceitful offence
Periods of darkness
Periods of extra mins.
Periods of grief
Periods of idleness in making arrangement for Toscanini
Periods of mania
Periods of military service overseas
Periods of penitence
Periods of prayer?
Periods of quiet - manage to get upset
Periods of rain, often
Periods of relief
Periods of revolution a year in the case of Dickens
Periods of revolution?
Periods of the Madness of King George when the Prince of Wales took over
Periods of time
Periods of time read from dial? Yes, oddly
Periods of unrest
Periods on jobs
Periods that may be indicated with a cross
Periods when students may collect in public
Periods where Fry’s sons choose SATS, some say
Periods without a drink, a cause of internal discomfort
Peripatetic leader
Peripatetic religious lea
Peripatetic sort
Peripheral characters killed in outstanding film
Peripheral devices installing back door hiding 100 computer commands
Peripheral dictionary includes 'indicative of something to come'
Peripheral feature
Peripheral figure revealed by storyteller on podcast
Peripheral figure right next to author wearing glasses
Peripheral figure to remain in project
Peripheral networking device doesn't start
Peripheral unit
Peripheral, e.g.
Periphery of Sicily, such as a beach
Periscope part
Periscope parts
Periscope piece
Periscope users
Perish in passage, a nasty way to die
Perish swallowing salt water with sulphur, a possible cause of death
Perish, failing to finish slimming programme
Perish, then arise miraculously in this hymn?
Perishable fashion access
Perished outside Luxor, finally preserved as mummy?
Perishing with convulsive twitch after electrical discharge
Perjure oneself
Perjure oneself ... or wh
Perjured oneself
Perjurer perhaps to protest in retrospect
Perjurer's admission
Perjury and piracy, for t
Perk for carpoolers
Perk for those departing, relieved of responsibility
Perk up
Perk up again - briefly back with a street Lothario
Perk up in Spanish city, and tear off
Perkins who sang "Blue Su
Perkins who wrote "Blue S
Perkins's killer role
Perks (up)
Perks I slam, not terribly fair
Perks up when embracing chum in the Six Counties?
Perky name?
Perle who inspired "Call
Perlman of "Cheers"
Perlman of "Pearl"
Perm finally in hairdresser’s place for swimmer
Permafrost areas
Permafrost region
Permanence of ill repute — shame about that
Permanent cross removed from outside
Permanent features
Permanent frozen polar cover
Permanent marker?
Permanent military proced
Permanent party with free food will draw in criminal
Permanent polar cover
Permanent provider
Permanent reminder
Permanent solutions
Permanent spot on a dress
Permanent, in a way
Permanent-magnet alloy
Permanently affect for th
Permanently attached, as
Permanently attached, in
Permanently attached, to
Permanently give up excess consumption ...
Permanently in favour of rectitude
Permanently in food shop by around end of April
Permanently mark
Permanently move into a country
Permanently sever ties
Permanently undecided
Permanently writes where Dorothy wasn't any more
Permanently written
Permanently, after "for"
Permanently, as writing
Permeable to water
Permeated, with "into"
Permian Basin yield
Permissible but to some extent duplicitous
Permission for a minor change of plan not as recent
Permission for a minor change of plan, as centre not being rebuilt
Permission for a minor split in rearrangement of plans at once
Permission for absence
Permission for demolition
Permission from e.g. Esso announced
Permission paper
Permission to abandon farewell holiday
Permission to challenge school governors' ban on software, everything appearing legal initially
Permission to depart
Permission to enter another country
Permission to enter when returning after six
Permission to go
Permission to leave a learner in set
Permission to leave last of the porridge
Permission to make tracks?
Permission to proceed once obstacles have been removed
Permissions for king put in jail with occasional access
Permissive character?
Permissive conditions faze Israelis
Permissive couple of workers rejecting India
Permissive landlord?
Permit 51 churches to keep name
Permit 6 to visit South Africa
Permit a large bovine cry
Permit authorising entry by police
Permit creativity
Permit enclosed grabbed by parasites
Permit enormous current to turn into river
Permit everyone to know finally
Permit fighting rhetoric
Permit for leaving a coun
Permit head of geography to deliver a tirade
Permit husband to leave fungus on church
Permit nits to go on top of Norman church
Permit one to move after damaging allegations
Permit Oslo or Rome to slip badly as city
Permit Oslo or Rome to slip badly as main city
Permit sickly-looking son to leave
Permit to do something
Permit to enter
Permit to operate
Permit to wear extra small skirts
Permit union organisation before everyone finally leaves
Permit unused but not at the beginning
Permit, or penalise, criminal actions? Not at first
Permit, or punitively deter, second name appearing in deed
Permit: Abbr.
Permit; rent
Permits capital punishment here? Not good!
Permits daughter aboard vehicles fit for Greta?
Permits expressions of pain, after all
Permits passage, perhaps
Permits to pass
Permits, lets
Permitted by law
Permitted drops of water to escape, but not the ball?
Permitted line very bad
Permitted not to pay anything yet?
Permitted to back one politician? It’s suggested, but not stated
Permitted to be heard?
Permitted to be inspired by whimsical joy
Permitted variations aren’t close when worked out
Permitting everyone to be given due
Pernicious computer programs
Pernicious pet
Pernickety person — kind inside
Pernickety person choosing eggs?
Pernod flavoring
Pernod's flavor
Perot follower: Abbr.
Perot prop
Perp prosecutors
Perp prosecutors, briefly
Perp pursuers
Perpendicular lines
Perpendicular to radial
Perpendicular to the keel
Perpendicular wing
Perpetrate, carry out
Perpetual child's play
Perpetual convict accepting short stretch
Perpetual happiness finally found by not a large charwoman?
Perpetual non-resident cross to be deported
Perpetual time on the clo
Perpetual, in poesy
Perpetual, poetically
Perpetually angry people irritating to barmen
Perpetually dirty kid in
Perplex, bewilder
Perplexed - rotten
Perplexed - way to get out at cricket
Perplexed pronouncement
Perplexed, after "at"
Perplexing activity on the cricket field
Perplexity shown by less civilised chaps involved in wager
Perps' preferences
Perrier alternative
Perrier competitor
Perrier rival
Perry Como classic
Perry Como hit "___ Marie
Perry Como player
Perry Como's "___ Impossi
Perry Como's "___ Love Yo
Perry Como's "___ Loves M
Perry Como's "___ Marie"
Perry Como's first to enter vegetable on list of requirements
Perry creator
Perry Mason line
Perry Mason or Ally McBea
Perry Mason's creator ___
Perry Mason's field
Perry Mason's profession
Perry Mason's secretary _
Perry Mason, e.g.
Perry maybe with plum as one ingredient
Perry of "90210"
Perry of "Beverly Hills 9
Perry of fashion
Perry underling
Perry White was her boss
Perry White, e.g.
Perry White, on the Daily
Perry with the 1956 #1 hi
Perry's creator
Perry's progenitor
Perry's secretary
Persecute; dog
Persecuted boffin abandons grand Italian location
Persecuting the Baskervilles?
Persephone's abductor
Persepolis king
Perseus' wife, in myth
Perseverance and deftness on the hockey pitch?
Persevere and succeed
Persevere as alert being taken under southern river?
Persevere as small, ancient metal boxes start to explode
Persevere over each period before play starts
Persevere with a new motto
Persevere? I'd sooner go crazy drinking lager top
Perseveres and catches a little bird
Persevering with speed dates initially gone wrong
Persia today
Persia, e.g., once
Persia, now
Persia, today
Persian ass runs on time to come first
Persian blade
Persian cry
Persian emperor
Persian Empire founder
Persian fairies
Persian fairy or genie
Persian for "crown"
Persian for "king"
Persian for "place of"
Persian governor
Persian governors
Persian Gulf capital
Persian Gulf country
Persian Gulf craft
Persian Gulf dweller
Persian Gulf emirate
Persian Gulf land
Persian Gulf leader
Persian Gulf nation
Persian Gulf nation: Var.
Persian Gulf noblemen
Persian Gulf port
Persian Gulf ship
Persian Gulf sight
Persian Gulf state
Persian king
Persian king in 2006's "3
Persian king known as "th
Persian king who destroye
Persian kings
Persian language
Persian monarch
Persian output
Persian perhaps shuffled cards, meeting the French in game
Persian plaint
Persian pleasures?
Persian poet
Persian poet sounds affected by cold
Persian potentate
Persian potentates
Persian ruler
Persian ruler in Mediterranean island quietly removed
Persian ruler shut up I see
Persian spirit
Persian sprite
Persian thief?
Persian tongue
Persian utterance lost after battle — that's painful
Persian War participant
Persian's call
Persian's foe
Persian's gift
Persian's utterance?
Persian, e.g.
Persian, now
Persian, perhaps
Persian-founded faith
Persians, e.g.
Persians, today
Persimmon managed to furnish houses auctioneer emptied
Persist as fierce type
Persist as Welsh symbol
Persist in
Persist in spite of difficulties
Persist in support for architectural feature
Persist in using withdrawn basic measure in motorway feature?
Persist to completion
Persisted in
Persisted with
Persistence beginning to rankle in annoying character
Persistence of memory con
Persistent animal gets exercise daily, using leads
Persistent bad luck
Persistent bird tucked into decapitated mammal
Persistent complaints left by Chelsea wags
Persistent criminal put inside to get free food
Persistent critic
Persistent dull pain
Persistent girl stuffing shelled crustacean
Persistent hanger-on exhausted visitor from far away?
Persistent nuisance
Persistent pain
Persistent problems
Persistent trouble, tough, all after first round
Persistent US criminal turned up dead outside university
Persistent, as a backache
Persistent, irritating cr
Persistently annoy
Persistently annoyed
Persistently annoying persons
Persistently annoying sou
Persistently asks for money — daft in Scots location
Persistently avoid
Persistently complain
Persistently harass
Persistently irritating
Persistently nag
Persistently nag male Hollywood actor about end of western
Persistently painful
Persistently preoccupy
Persistently promote stopper for sink
Persistently pursue
Persistently queries limiting space for eating places
Persistently question origin of meat eaten by dog
Persists doggedly
Person absent from home or country
Person abusing horse for example
Person accepting award honour got terrible reception
Person acclaiming EU record holds work up
Person acquiring a record: disc with loud guitar
Person acting as a judge?
Person active in the small hours
Person admitting deficiency, right person to knock on door
Person after a lifestyle
Person after whom something is named
Person aiding an enemy
Person always on the move
Person appears upset in feature film
Person appointed to act for another in legal or business matters
Person appreciating the beauty of art
Person arranged extremely sensible answer
Person assigned ne’er does badly
Person assisting a worshi
Person assisting with cleaning in hotel, supported by progressive group
Person associated with Venice, old region in resort
Person at a foundation
Person at court
Person at home
Person at home - desire to be outside
Person at the top you shouldn't have to call over issue
Person at the wheel?
Person ate pickled tongue
Person attending medical pioneer touring north-east
Person attracted to the opposite sex
Person attracting a large audience
Person authorised to act for another
Person authorised to certify legal documents
Person authorised to cut material deemed offensive
Person bagging degree, Cambridge's ultimate blue
Person behaving as one brought up in squalor
Person behind a pram
Person behind bars?
Person belonging to a particular group
Person besides the two primarily involved
Person beyond help — individual in Greece
Person beyond rescue
Person born between 23 October and 22 November?
Person born just after WWII
Person born October 1
Person born shortly after WWII
Person born under the first sign of the zodiac
Person bound to the land and owned by a feudal lord
Person bringing action in quarrel with port authority
Person bringing charges
Person bringing comfort and joy – beam?
Person bringing legal case
Person brings in copper at the right moment
Person cadging, ultimately? Could be
Person calling Muslims to prayer
Person calming down someone after match in Kent?
Person carried on others'
Person catching extremists in Ferrari with tank
Person causing trouble when drunk
Person checking donkeys, tailless kind
Person checking lines succeeded as a linesman?
Person claiming to have second sight
Person climbing down depends on people flying up
Person collecting public opinion data
Person colouring clothes
Person colouring wood
Person coming after
Person coming before
Person comparing costs
Person confined in Capri’s one rascal?
Person contacted to clothe Eddie's outside behind trailer
Person covering ground, state policeman initially going in front
Person creating a stink with article
Person demanding payment for a warhorse once
Person deprived of food
Person descending on ropes
Person destined to be taken advantage of
Person developing plot heartlessly rearranged broadcast
Person directly responsible for an employee
Person distributing charity money
Person drawing vessel in Home Counties river
Person dressed in black
Person dropping rubbish
Person dying for a cause
Person easily deceived by recycled article in Palace location
Person easily duped
Person easily overcome
Person effectively controlled by another
Person eligible for casti
Person embracing books succeeded venomous crawler
Person employed to improve organisational efficiency
Person employed to put you in your place
Person employing lawyer with legal right to appear in court
Person engaged by cleaning company appearing with a line drawing
Person exaggerating danger
Person excluded from society
Person exerting sinister control over another
Person expelled from a country
Person experienced in life
Person exploring below porthole, moving right
Person feeding baby with endless maggots, say, in Asian city
Person feeding furnace possibly losing head
Person fiddling with cold radiator
Person finally squeezed into retro jeans, showing blubber
Person firing a locomotiv
Person fixing pot, could be smelly thing with lid lifted
Person fluent in many languages
Person fooling with spray set about new carpet
Person found in a tree: A
Person from Alexandria?
Person from Bangkok?
Person from Barcelona?
Person from Birmingham
Person from Brittany
Person from Burundi
Person from Malm
Person from Moscow
Person from mountainous territory: Alpine ground
Person from Muscat
Person from Paisley, say
Person from Phoenix?
Person from Santa Cruz or
Person from south of the Mediterranean
Person from Sunderland
Person from the Middle East
Person from the Middle East airs broadcast by priest
Person from the North
Person from Tyneside
Person from whom one is descended - no traces
Person getting into one's
Person getting irrational after one comes in late?
Person getting way up the
Person given to quiet contemplation
Person giving
Person giving advice to readers with problems
Person goes round far end of the capital city
Person going on errands heard an animal that burrows
Person going to medico for cat?
Person going underground for pleasure
Person grabbing tie, individual showed respect
Person grilling odd sandwiches is not out to lunch
Person grinding corn with current on, an exceptional type
Person guilty of fraud as a tennis player?
Person handling notes more like a country singer?
Person harmed by crime
Person has little money by end of April
Person has time during lesson
Person having scary dream
Person having stock of bacteria for germ warfare — murder, ultimately
Person having surpassed the previous best
Person having very little money left
Person helping polish big gun in building
Person helping to write out names in USA
Person holding extreme views
Person holding things up?
Person honoured for great achievements
Person hoping to find sanctuary elsewhere
Person I suspect has right to be inside?
Person ideally suited to another
Person illegally dumping waste
Person illegally handling radio, say?
Person immensely greedy, primarily
Person immobilising van occupied by learner
Person imputing blame
Person in a booth
Person in a booth, maybe
Person in a cast
Person in a chamber: Abbr
Person in a class of one
Person in a hammock
Person in a high chair?
Person in a mansion
Person in a mask
Person in a pet
Person in a polling booth
Person in a pool
Person in a puffy white h
Person in a pullover?
Person in a race
Person in a street interv
Person in a tree, briefly
Person in a tree: Abbr.
Person in a zebra-striped
Person in an apron
Person in authority that must be straight!
Person in Black Sea abroad catches old vessel
Person in chair varying poses for painter, ultimately
Person in charge
Person in charge has love for a singing group
Person in charge removing a feeder guarded by dog
Person in command of isle appears regularly in magazines
Person in command: Abbr.
Person in custody
Person in favour of peaceful or conciliatory policies
Person in field with cutting almost finished
Person in front of a trai
Person in group dropping money in dying fire
Person in high authority
Person in holy orders
Person in movement stormed in furiously
Person in need of salvati
Person in office one playing rates
Person in suit beginning to try stew
Person in suit who looks down on almost everyone?
Person in temporary accommodation is more obviously affected
Person in the '00 class,
Person in the fourth grad
Person in the hole
Person in the job is popular, with Latin flair
Person in the saddle
Person in the van covering for musician
Person in theatre who performs surgery using rubber and ruler
Person inside ruffled lace mask
Person installing carpet maybe is better qualified
Person investigating an American man on board?
Person involved in assassination in Japan?
Person involved in public relations regularly fell for bad lines
Person involved with crude
Person jumping from a plane
Person kept in custody
Person kicking himself, m
Person knocking on door's let out after dropping round
Person known slightly
Person lacking resolution
Person leaves northwest London neighbourhood pub
Person leaving one fellow stuck up hazardous construction
Person leaving vessel with one? Something used in kitchen
Person left doing electrical work outside
Person left inside doing electrical work
Person lifting
Person like Linnaeus, one without cover crossing a lake
Person likely to have a b
Person likely to have bin
Person likely to say "hub
Person listening in
Person living abroad
Person living abroad has no right to go on and on
Person living beyond their hundredth birthday
Person living in solitude
Person living nearby
Person living off various dubious schemes
Person living voluntarily outside their own country
Person longing
Person longing — not the first — for something profitable
Person looking after holy objects – stains car
Person looking down barrel had to play along
Person looking for a seat
Person looking for something
Person looking round briefly to annul or lower offer
Person looking through book and software program
Person looking to make a profit very engaged by one source of wise counsel
Person loved by king — he dishes out the lolly!
Person loved clothing with strip of material
Person making a cameo, sa
Person making a check mar
Person making a claim before proposal
Person making a will
Person making an affidavit
Person making firm decisi
Person making obeisance in shady recess
Person making petty criticisms
Person managing port in other bars with a rum shot
Person militant about a cause
Person missed by a 63-Acr
Person missing shot nets during a competition
Person moved away from a dangerous place
Person moved from danger
Person moved out of danger
Person moving abroad
Person moving countries
Person moving sheep
Person needing some weight to kick one out of bar?
Person neither eating nor using anything animal
Person nibbling tart half-heartedly
Person no longer hitched
Person nominated to carry out the terms of a will
Person not credited for a
Person not easily budged
Person not holding generally accepted beliefs
Person not keeping still after first of moonshine's finished
Person not present
Person not reaching their potential
Person not to be messed w
Person not turning up food or water, initially
Person not using tobacco
Person not willing or able to change
Person not yet an adult
Person noteworthy for only a single achievement
Person obeying a coxswain
Person objecting to previous and current things for starters
Person observing
Person occupying and exploiting another country
Person of action
Person of beauty, purity or kindness?
Person of colour accepting English ideal of moderation
Person of eccentric habits
Person of equal rank
Person of equal standing
Person of erudite tastes
Person of exceptional ability
Person of great and varied learning
Person of great energy from March to November
Person of great interest
Person of great interest?
Person of great purity weakly rejecting politician
Person of high position
Person of high status
Person of honour dined with Lee — not I
Person of independent and unorthodox views
Person of integrity
Person of integrity and h
Person of intelligence?
Person of learning
Person of letters?
Person of long-standing loyalty
Person of marked individuality
Person of note from Grease turn­ed up with Newton-John at last
Person of note?
Person of obstinate courage
Person of olden times
Person of Perth
Person of power and rank
Person of property’s path runs around upland
Person of recognised art, like Pasquale? I'm hot!
Person of the cloth
Person of the cloth, for
Person of virtue accepting half of it
Person of wide culture avoiding con in survey by crew
Person of wide-ranging learning
Person offering property to rent
Person offering testimonial for match official
Person often pictured wit
Person on a bike
Person on a check list?
Person on a dais
Person on a mission
Person on a pension
Person on a poster
Person on a trail
Person on board?
Person on deck?
Person on golf course endlessly — is husband ungentlemanly?
Person on outdoor holiday chasing small beetle
Person on the alert for s
Person on the left?: Abbr
Person on the scene: Abbr
Person on tour admitting The Smiths finally will make comeback
Person on trial
Person on ward, one wearing obvious bandages
Person on your bad side?
Person once inside, now outside
Person one day goes to prison
Person one detests - ie not beer
Person one doesn't know well
Person one is talking with
Person one knows, but not a close friend
Person opposed to 27 backing place for better learner
Person opposed to 27 shot after part of target
Person or organisation with an interest in something
Person or thing doomed to failure
Person or thing immune to criticism
Person ordained to the Christian ministry
Person organising things for others to see
Person overseas, seeing abdication of Queen, is to say more
Person owed money
Person owed money upset Dorrit etc, heartlessly
Person owing money
Person parading topless, who might take a bow
Person Paris no longer nurtured: old, English, with zero support?
Person paying
Person penning international correspondence
Person performing an exor
Person photographing crocodile?
Person playing alone
Person producing Bordeaux
Person proficient in judo and cycling
Person prone to proneness
Person propelling a punt
Person proposed
Person proposing to install creation of iron that's more than a mile wide
Person protecting a VIP
Person punished positioned to welcome better self
Person put forward
Person put forward new rule in overbearing manner after taking sides
Person put up for a post
Person putting a will into effect
Person putting money up in hope of profit
Person raking in money in dock after court briefly disrupted
Person receiving attention dreads variant view
Person receiving treatment
Person recording the weight of goods shipped
Person regarded as a good example
Person regularly 'economical with the truth'
Person regularly needing rope to control alien mob
Person regularly paid worker
Person renting a property
Person renting accommodation in someone's house
Person responsible
Person responsible for exploit in vehicle
Person responsible for laying out poet
Person responsible for looking after another
Person responsible for sacking John replaces lawyers in exchange
Person returned to office after business school
Person ridiculing authoritarian approach, but not loudly
Person robbing bar, primarily desiring wine
Person rode erratically in military formations
Person running on track's the one I report to
Person salvaging notes by snooker player?
Person seeking election
Person seeking forgiveness in prison, one figure locked up
Person seeking satisfaction from Mafia boss involved in robbery
Person seeking to advance to a higher class
Person seeking to go up in the world
Person seeking to marry for money
Person seen as unusual confronting monarch?
Person seen in ambulance, just outside, gets home
Person seen in court
Person seizing something
Person selling clothing in Miami returning skirts for not fitting
Person sent from a country
Person sentenced to prison until death, unless paroled
Person serving in battle on ship essentially lost
Person set to to succeed
Person setting up in coalpit, working with earth in the centre?
Person settling in another country
Person sharing
Person sharing one's attitudes and values
Person shooting fish?
Person shouting to muffle regularly good singer
Person showing great independence of thought or action
Person showing loyalty — one, say, to be embraced by old lover
Person showing no emotion, caught getting on after nicking francs
Person showing off difficult puzzle
Person showing people to their seats
Person shunning the assistance of others
Person simple to beat or fool
Person singing is playing well, with little uncertainty
Person singing some forgotten oratorio
Person sitting on bench drank around warehouse
Person skipping school
Person sliding down rocked boat, going over stone
Person snaring new skin of tigress?
Person snatching, eg, a child
Person so organised departs — for such a walk?
Person soliciting business without introduction
Person somewhat left out
Person spreading malicious gossip
Person standing for office
Person standing for president is the seat of corruption?
Person standing in a row
Person stealing a pound
Person stealing beer wants second drink
Person stealing new clarinets
Person striving to keep motorways in better condition
Person studying pharaohs' tombs etc
Person suffering from adverse circumstances - 1961 film starring Dirk Bogarde and Sylvia Syms
Person suffering loss of memory
Person suffering memory loss
Person summing up poisonous snake
Person sworn to give a verdict in a legal case
Person taking drugs
Person taking land cut kind of irrigation, by the way
Person taking part in public disorder
Person taking photograph, you might say — one's spread out?
Person taking temperature before head cold cleared
Person tearing after street entertainer
Person teasing cleric, one leaving Worcs town
Person telling falsehoods is one prone to hide ring
Person tending to accept European job
Person that's good and mature presented in theatre
Person thought to bring b
Person thought to know a lot about a lot
Person throwing jug
Person to bum around with
Person to copy European-style bread sandwiches
Person to go out with
Person totally subordinated by another
Person travelling for pleasure
Person trying really hard riddle?
Person trying to convert
Person trying to find Home Counties house
Person unable to adapt to their circumstances
Person unable to think clearly
Person uncompromising on policy
Person under 20
Person under 21
Person under instruction
Person under the Union Ja
Person unknown
Person unspecified
Person used by another
Person used by another to gain an end
Person used to drink wine very early in the day
Person used to gain an end
Person using 9
Person using another’s services
Person using ticket in response to offer
Person viewing humans pessimistically
Person walking
Person walking miles leaves old soldier
Person walking past
Person wanting to keep piano up played again
Person watching
Person watching play - could be endless pain in neck about it?
Person welcoming English in Asian capital
Person who accepts the leadership of another
Person who accumulates
Person who agrees with fool put down
Person who breaks down
Person who brings bad luck
Person who came home from India having made a fortune
Person who can barely run
Person who carries
Person who chooses answers inferior to A, B, C, followed by drink
Person who claims I polished off university teaching group
Person who colours cloth
Person who counts votes
Person who cracks a whip
Person who creates or improves e.g. software
Person who criticises someone at the door?
Person who deflects negative attention from someone else - gliding north
Person who delivers dog's dinner meets English Queen
Person who delivers various changes
Person who did the job before
Person who digs a gambling game?
Person who digs up scripture about deity
Person who dislikes people
Person who disses rapper?
Person who does a lot of
Person who does the dirty and/or boring work
Person who doesn't know w
Person who doesn't put do
Person who drags loom
Person who eats and drinks far too much
Person who employs American head of state
Person who enjoys inflicting pain
Person who fails to cancel - who's on
Person who fails to honour commitment: not special, not at all
Person who fails to turn up
Person who fights in small toilet
Person who flees
Person who forms original phrase
Person who gets paid cash advance
Person who gets picked on
Person who gets shot by outlaw carrying gun?
Person who gives a hoot
Person who handles bills
Person who handles notes son kept in notebook
Person who has a view
Person who has abandoned a course of study
Person who has issue receiving letters about diet
Person who has it coming
Person who has made a will
Person who has someone for dinner?
Person who has something
Person who has won all four Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony awards
Person who hates games teacher, last in contest
Person who hears "goo-goo
Person who holds property
Person who invents revolutionary form of transport
Person who investigated difficult situations involving money
Person who investigates pilfered money
Person who is holy and ancient presented in the theatre
Person who is horrible, just a bit, about nothing
Person who is the senior member of a group
Person who kneads
Person who knows the dril
Person who likes being outside
Person who likes the blue
Person who likes to be most active during the hours of darkness
Person who looks exactly
Person who makes calls
Person who makes fabric
Person who makes one cross electing 14?
Person who manages excellent coverage for viewers
Person who manages the organisation
Person who may register twenty runs?
Person who might speak Kl
Person who might take a b
Person who mouths off
Person who must be obeyed?
Person who offers to hold case for cockney traveller
Person who paints diameter and two lines in circle
Person who plots
Person who plunders
Person who predicts the future
Person who prohibits placard?
Person who punches rabbit
Person who raises and sel
Person who remains doubtful
Person who reports to a c
Person who rouses game birds to be shot
Person who says one thing
Person who shoes horses
Person who should know
Person who shows discrimi
Person who sits in front
Person who spends a lot o
Person who stops corporation circumventing employees' case
Person who switches lines
Person who takes on workers
Person who takes the risk for a new business
Person who took animals to market, dog behind back of herd
Person who treats one powerful family
Person who tries to force another to do his bidding
Person who uses a sleeve
Person who uses the "five
Person who verifies
Person who whistles
Person who won't commit
Person who won't worship Etruscan bust
Person who works underwater using a portable air supply
Person who writes comedies - fur care
Person who writes of a universal god
Person who’s tested an explosive device in river
Person who’s tested an explosive device in river?
Person who'll use and provide further modern tech
Person who's a zero?: Abb
Person who's active in so many directions? Just the opposite
Person who's always feeli
Person who's been charged
Person who's been given t
Person who's been ostracised, dismissed by all the players
Person who's combining
Person who's dropped in it is in a flap
Person who's expected endless sex badly beaten outside
Person who's groundbreaki
Person who's investing gold in 17?
Person who's it
Person who's no good for one, flipping bum
Person who's not yet a fu
Person who's often sent c
Person who's out of step
Person who's paid before international rally?
Person who's pursued landing-place around banks of river
Person who's talented but
Person who's up for trying something new?
Person who's visibly happ
Person who's well-armed?
Person who’s picky, upset and in a bad mood
Person whose convictions limit his career
Person whose job is summarising a short book or penning small treatise
Person whose name appears
Person whose name begins
Person whose name starts
Person whose speech is long and disorganised
Person whose work is decr
Person winning unfairly
Person with a badge: Abbr
Person with a ball
Person with a burning res
Person with a cause
Person with a chest pad
Person with a coach?
Person with a code name,
Person with a compulsion to be in charge
Person with a conical hat
Person with a corner ofc.
Person with a day
Person with a figure like
Person with a handle
Person with a hat, maybe
Person with a headset, ma
Person with a J.D.
Person with a list
Person with a log
Person with a loss
Person with a magnifying
Person with a medal, mayb
Person with a message
Person with a mike
Person with a mortgage, e
Person with a net, perhap
Person with a paddle
Person with a PC
Person with a powerful mind
Person with a practice: A
Person with a program
Person with a public addr
Person with a puffy white
Person with a record of failure
Person with a record of successes
Person with a safe job?
Person with a serious con
Person with a shaky story
Person with a stethoscope
Person with a stick
Person with a stopwatch?
Person with a temper
Person with a whip
Person with a whip, maybe
Person with all the answers?
Person with an estate
Person with an irrational urge to take things
Person with an older and more experienced mentor
Person with answers
Person with binoculars
Person with binoculars, m
Person with cobwebs on their wallet?
Person with cool, close-fitting attire
Person with dark brown hair
Person with diamonds in upper part of dress
Person with dreads
Person with fancy lace cuff
Person with fans
Person with few possessio
Person with goals
Person with great potential
Person with hives
Person with influence to appoint leaders
Person with insignificant role taken out of context? Rarely
Person with legal ownership of property to be used solely for specified purposes
Person with legal title to something
Person with limb(s) removed
Person with load unsure about weight that's an ounce
Person with lots of bills
Person with memory loss
Person with needle and cotton maybe securing a thread?
Person with new ideas
Person with no future married in Greece
Person with no hang-ups?
Person with no pockets
Person with only one partner
Person with opinions
Person with outstanding balance tipped over rubbish sack
Person with questions
Person with rapidly declining power
Person with remote control turned on old tripe
Person with sensible expectations
Person with siblings allowed to go on holiday
Person with something to
Person with special acces
Person with stable job's tense in unfamiliar roles
Person with the keys
Person with ticklish throat picked up something chesty?
Person with title below queen (not Duke)
Person with two hips?
Person with unlimited cash
Person with vows
Person with whom one has a profound affinity
Person with whom one shares common attitudes
Person with zero chance of success
Person wittering on about marmalade, perhaps, before English party
Person working in concert
Person working when others sleep
Person working with coffee beans?
Person writing cheque on return home — grand, providing funds
Person writing schedule substitutes second half of month
Person writing second message shortened by 60%
Person wrongly blamed
Person you deal with in scrum with toe broken
Person’s day of birth briefly brought up
Person’s speciality encountered? That is right
Person’s extreme elation breaks out
Person's assistant
Person's body sent back shortly
Person's head?
Person's home; jotter
Person's nature
Person's past achievements
Person, like Ebenezer Scrooge, with no time for humankind - North Sea imp
Person, place, or thing
Person-shaped toy
Persona non grata
Persona non grata forbidden to go on pitch
Persona non ___
Personage finally opening show?
Personal account
Personal ad abbr.
Personal ad info
Personal air
Personal and direct
Personal appeal from cleaner's mother
Personal appeal from cleaner's mum
Personal assistant joins Irish couple
Personal assistant returns with husband from Dublin perhaps
Personal assistant with right standard
Personal assistant's weapon — that will get you access!
Personal assts. keep trac
Personal attendant
Personal belongings
Personal bugbear
Personal cash store where the 8 live?
Personal circumference
Personal cleanliness
Personal comment in US paper
Personal communicator
Personal contacting device
Personal contacts?
Personal counselor
Personal data not originally kept by important organ
Personal datum
Personal documentaries
Personal drink delivery left reserves in case
Personal evidence of discomfort when meeting Nationalist
Personal excesses
Personal faults
Personal feature of writer covering current work
Personal flair
Personal growth shown by that woman retaining extremely low frequency on record
Personal guide
Personal guns
Personal hesitation to expose proprietor?
Personal histories
Personal history
Personal influence over others
Personal integrity
Personal interview
Personal involvement
Personal jewellery: told to secure it?
Personal journal
Personal magnetism
Personal magnetism - archaism
Personal manager
Personal mark
Personal matter of dubious value is not raised online
Personal objective in move that backfired?
Personal offer to help
Personal online icon
Personal opinion expressed here on podium finish by bike
Personal organizer
Personal ornament that’s over a foot?
Personal papers
Personal photo
Personal photo files distributed online
Personal possession
Personal preference
Personal prefix
Personal pride
Personal problem during kisses - a teenage obsession?
Personal problems
Personal quirk
Personal quirks
Personal recognition of new sales fears after upheaval
Personal record
Personal repair kit on display in the Tuileries
Personal reserve funds, f
Personal staff member
Personal standards one as
Personal strong suit
Personal style I had with memo inscribed with name
Personal target leading to footballer’s error
Personal teacher
Personal things?
Personal time wanted in residential area
Personal timepiece
Personal trainer's commen
Personal transport
Personal unpleasantness? Lois has it, unfortunately
Personal vehicle
Personal view
Personal weak spot
Personal website
Personal writings
Personal, as thoughts
Personal, e.g.
Personalised picture of military display?
Personalities say nothing succeeded
Personalities, for example, outsize
Personality asset
Personality disorders
Personality part
Personally bring
Personally crafted by female attendant discounting one note
Personally handle
Personally left with
Personally provided solver with invitation to quiz setter
Personally speaking
Personals, e.g.
Personas' counterparts
Personification of a gent
Personification of a totalitarian state
Personification of America, not one offering a symbol of peace
Personification of death
Personification of desire
Personification of freezing weather
Personification of humani
Personification of mocker
Personification of peace,
Personification of purity
Personification of sun initially shining over Llandudno
Personification of the se
Personification of the su
Personification of the US
Personification of the USA
Personification of the wi
Personification of winter weather
Personified sleep getting endless hype? Not so!
Personnel concealing anger for employer
Personnel concern for San
Personnel datum
Personnel director
Personnel director's find
Personnel director, at ti
Personnel IDs
Personnel including family groupings back in the Renaissance
Personnel manager, at tim
Personnel one has included in Solicitor at Law’s contract
Personnel person
Personnel screen English Oscar star
Persons in a play/book
Persons on horseback
Perspective agreed about Welsh location
Perspective from train, even if stopping regularly
Perspective provided by early European immigrant
Perspectives [in italic
Perspicacity one shows at first in period of darkness
Perspiration location
Perspiration perforations
Perspire mildly
Persuade by cajolery
Persuade by flattery
Persuade by force
Persuade by threats
Persuade by trickery
Persuade clubs to make way for first of these followers
Persuade escort to entertain foreign nobleman
Persuade gently
Persuade German to get naked outside
Persuade helmsman to skirt area
Persuade Nigel I've reformed
Persuade number engaged in crime to support study
Persuade scholar, off and on, to provide leader for Times
Persuade somehow, believing book is missing
Persuade upon abstinence, initially stopping "one over the eight"?
Persuade wife to go for express
Persuade with flattery
Persuaded by flattery
Persuaded gently
Persuaded home under cover around middle of night
Persuaded sculptor to box in gym
Persuaded to include loud supporting character from Dickens's pen
Persuaded to join
Persuaded to take part
Persuaded with flattery
Persuades first son to leave waves
Persuades politician coming in to restore cuts in U-turn
Persuades wife to pay attention to Dennis
Persuades, using ultimate in devious means
Persuasion by force
Persuasive conversation turning stale, developer of vaccine has admitted
Persuasive correspondence is a sign of success
Persuasive exercises given to students in future
Persuasive flattery
Persuasive relevance
Persuasive types, awfully coarse, cross inside
Persuasive words showing merry Queen Cole
Pert, following kiss
Pert, suggestive
Pertaining to
Pertaining to a church co
Pertaining to a major religion
Pertaining to a nobleman
Pertaining to a shore
Pertaining to a son or da
Pertaining to aircraft
Pertaining to an arm bone
Pertaining to base 8
Pertaining to bees
Pertaining to blood vesse
Pertaining to certain, esoteric religious ideas
Pertaining to city planni
Pertaining to constructio
Pertaining to criminals or crimes
Pertaining to ecological
Pertaining to elementary
Pertaining to flying
Pertaining to hair
Pertaining to life
Pertaining to plants
Pertaining to primitive h
Pertaining to stars
Pertaining to tautness
Pertaining to the armpit
Pertaining to the basic units of life
Pertaining to the flesh
Pertaining to the heart
Pertaining to the lower s
Pertaining to the lungs,
Pertaining to the present
Pertaining to the second-
Pertaining to the stomach
Pertaining to warships
Perth Amboy is at its mou
Perth Amboy's river
Perth ___, N.J.
Pertinent to change one’s mind about Virginia
Pertinent to the discussi
Pertinent, in Latin
Perturbed re snow, go downhill
Perturbed state
Peru and Iran unfortunately in run-down state
Peru is part of it: Abbr.
Peru's capital
Peru's El ___ volcano
Peru's largest city
Peru's peaks
Peru's ___ Trail
Peru, land perturbed about development in horology
Peru-Bolivia border lake
Peruse again
Peruse file obstructing stock problem
Peruse underlying facts about primitive duck
Peruses again
Peruses anew
Peruvian ancient
Peruvian animal
Peruvian animals
Peruvian beast
Peruvian beast of burden
Peruvian capital
Peruvian capital?
Peruvian coin
Peruvian Indian
Peruvian money
Peruvian native
Peruvian natives
Peruvian of old
Peruvian peaks
Peruvian perhaps fat, with a lot of weight to carry
Peruvian pronoun
Peruvian range
Peruvian skincare after peeling twice
Peruvian spendable
Peruvian Sumac
Peruvian volcano El ___
Peruvian, e.g.
Peruvian-born Sumac
Peruvians head east as a precaution
Perv shackled by dog-lead
Pervading tone
Pervasive atmosphere is nothing serious
Pervasive crackers met in person
Pervasive plant ever spreading
Pervasive quality
Perverse - boss's son in detention daily does this
Perverse aversion to whisky
Perverse creature who might pinch twirling girl attending many parties
Perverse edition of Dickens classic?
Perverse fancy for a single note
Perverse high lunar tide swamping loch
Perverse Pierre drops guts in prison division
Perverse pleasure in South African country having a dodgy referendum after scrapping borders
Perversely cause club to retain old serving vessel
Perversely humorous
Pervert already sat in a perverted manner
Pervert isn't in heavy make-up?
Pervert portrayed as exploitative
Pervert said lust reduced conflict
Pervert tells if he's most sensual
Perverted - immoral
Perverted anti-Mass in devil worship
Perverted male loves impotent leaders
Perverted pleasure taken from correcting his commas
Perverted Right Honourable member in game involving rubber
Perverts dance on Sabbath
Pesach feast
Pesci's sandwich?
Peseta : Spain :: ___ : I
Peseta in former currency unexpectedly dear? I see what you're saying
Peseta's replacement
Pesky African insect
Pesky arachnid
Pesky arachnids
Pesky biter
Pesky bugs
Pesky e-mails
Pesky flier
Pesky fliers
Pesky fly
Pesky insect
Pesky insects
Pesky insects, colloquial
Pesky kid
Pesky kid torments politician for a joke
Pesky swarm
Pesky swarmer
Pesky wasp
Pesos : Mexico :: ___ : T
Pessimist - is my jam mild?
Pessimist in a Disney car
Pessimist's comments
Pessimist's hypothetical
Pessimist's lack
Pessimist's opposite
Pessimist's reply
Pessimist's word
Pessimist, endlessly severe after reflective mood
Pessimistic Old Testament prophet
Pessimistic prediction of failure of grass salad
Pessimistic, no?
Pessimistic, say, in local
Pessimistic, vintage being ruined by tail of hurricane
Pessimists clearly losing heart over cuts announced on the radio
Pest attracted to light
Pest breaking the law in France - "why?", they ask
Pest chewed rock in bus
Pest concealed by a piano
Pest contributing to withdrawal of pest estimates
Pest control ad leaflet is full of rubbish
Pest control brand
Pest control devices
Pest controller putting some bitumen all over
Pest eradicator
Pest flying low round contemptible person
Pest from central Georgia
Pest from the West: part of picture, one about Boatman
Pest is abandoned in shade
Pest seen half-heartedly opting out means to get better
Pest that's beating it?
Pest visibly envious and cunning
Pest-removal word?
Pester - nocturnal mammal
Pester animal
Pester captain boldly going to effect military evacuation
Pester endlessly for distinguishing emblem
Pester for payment
Pester incessantly
Pester persistently
Pester Republican with emblem of office
Pester the Spanish to return instrument
Pester; animal
Pestered, wanting emblem of bright colour
Pestering, redundantly
Pesters travellers on vacation touring Russian capital
Pesticide brand
Pesticide for a veggie?
Pesticide spreader, e.g.
Pesticide targets
Pesticide-monitoring grp.
Pestilent crop stripper
Pesto alternative
Pesto bit
Pesto flavoring
Pesto herb
Pesto ingredient
Pesto ingredients
Pesto seasoning
Pesto, e.g.
Pests restricting US telecom company network
Pests to Australian ranch
Pests with 7 fingers - horrible!
Pet adoption agcy.
Pet adoption org.
Pet advocacy org.
Pet allowed to get small collar?
Pet animal
Pet animal of Salvador Da
Pet ate in RSPCA compound
Pet bird
Pet butterfly, perhaps
Pet butterfly?
Pet carrier feature
Pet cat
Pet cat, in British lingo
Pet complaint
Pet dashed around a mother's boat
Pet dog at Camp Swampy
Pet dog ran with red ball thrown round middle of woods
Pet dog's name is right one for wolfhound
Pet dragon is strange baptism participant!
Pet excuse used by student?
Pet facing away from master, turning to avoid blast?
Pet felines
Pet fish died: bowl terrible, ultimately
Pet fish, one fine to rear
Pet food and joint provided in moored vessel?
Pet food brand
Pet food brand name
Pet food company since 19
Pet food name
Pet food placed next to Douglas's cat?
Pet for daughter in London district?
Pet frightens with head right down
Pet fur has nothing removed
Pet given a separate resting place
Pet hate
Pet hate of insect and omnivorous mammal?
Pet in a casa
Pet in front of a barrier heard to yowl
Pet in old cartoons
Pet is concerned to get a bit of sausage
Pet item
Pet jumps up to grab a stick
Pet lady trained with great skill
Pet left annoying American
Pet lovers' org.
Pet married, beset by confetti?
Pet name
Pet name for a draught horse or a farm horse
Pet name for children's 9am broadcast
Pet name for Jos
Pet needing a vet ringed? I say!
Pet never failing to disrupt walk
Pet of boy taken aback by alien showing no resistance
Pet of Roman priest removed from Beethoven opera
Pet on "The Flintstones"
Pet pad
Pet peeve?
Pet pest
Pet plant
Pet problem
Pet protection org.
Pet protector, for short
Pet protectors' org.
Pet provider
Pet rabbit husband's neglected
Pet rabbit's home
Pet reason for developing an artificial language
Pet recovers after intervention of medic in large buildings
Pet restraint
Pet rocks, once
Pet rodent
Pet runs into stick? Nonsense!
Pet salesman bumped into expert from the South
Pet saying abused the population at Memphis?
Pet saying involved Africans
PET scan particles
Pet shop bagful
Pet shop sound
Pet shop stock
Pet sounds
Pet store category
Pet store offering
Pet store purchase
Pet subject for experimental scientist
Pet swallow
Pet tearing about in Tesco's
Pet that hisses when frig
Pet that's likely to purr
Pet to beat?
Pet turning up near ship
Pet welfare org.
Pet with cheek pouches
Pet with clothing, belly out, is comical
Pet with rage wrestling with a chimpanzee?
Pet with short legs and a
Pet's pest
Pet's tiny tormentor
Pet, what are you in after nine gear changes?
Pet-carrier feature
Pet: I will occupy identical place around front of couch
PETA peeve
Petach Tikva resident
Petal extract
Petal plucker's pronoun
Petal product
Petal pusher?
Petal-like poinsettia par
Pete Dexter novel whose t
Pete Fountain collaborato
Pete Rose's team
Pete Sampras, at times
Pete Sampras, notably
Pete Sampras, often
Pete Sampras, sometimes
Pete's follower
Pete's partner, eastern chap
Peter —, opera by Britten
Peter amended tiny part of Bible giving reason to stick together
Peter and David nearly fixed deck
Peter and others
Peter and Paul
Peter and Paul, but not M
Peter and Paul: Abbr.
Peter Andre initially upset over tip getting diminished
Peter Andre's not a false claimant
Peter at the ivories
Peter briefly supporting George's commercial success
Peter concentrated prior to fight
Peter Cottontail's pace
Peter Cottontail?
Peter Fonda played him in
Peter Fonda role
Peter Fonda title role
Peter Graves's role on "M
Peter Gunn's girlfriend
Peter has a rest prior to bank robbery
Peter has developed zero applications that are very secure
Peter I, II or III
Peter is thus made peer in a demoralising way
Peter Jennings or Shania
Peter Jennings's birthpla
Peter Lorre role in eight
Peter Lorre role Mr. ___
Peter Lorre's role in "Th
Peter Max's genre
Peter Nissen's ubiquitous structure
Peter O'Toole's role in "
Peter of
Peter of "Casablanca"
Peter of "Casbah"
Peter of "Everybody Loves
Peter of "Goodbye, Mr. Ch
Peter of "Lawrence of Ara
Peter of "M"
Peter of "RoboCop"
Peter of Herman's Hermits
Peter of Peter and Gordon
Peter of Peter, Paul & Ma
Peter of Peter, Paul and
Peter of reggae
Peter of the Monkees
Peter of the Philadelphia
Peter on tree overlooking river’s very secure
Peter or Nicholas
Peter or Patrick, e.g.
Peter or Paul
Peter or Paul, but not Ma
Peter or the Wolfe?
Peter out
Peter out catching wave on top of surfboard laughs
Peter out in allotment finds incline
Peter out in gusty weather getting led astray outside
Peter out of the second team?
Peter out to follow popular musical genre
Peter out to relax after month with runs
Peter out with delay over and over again
Peter out with Edward certainly did not binge
Peter out with Rod and Jack on this?
Peter out with Sheila regularly for fuel
Peter Pan author
Peter Pan avoids it
Peter Pan heroine
Peter Pan lost his
Peter Pan pursuer
Peter Pan rival
Peter Pan villain
Peter Pan’s ship
Peter Pan's creator
Peter Pan's loss
Peter Parker ultimately being more cautious
Peter Paul —, artist
Peter Paul —, painter
Peter practised poetic ploy perfectly
Peter puts up 20 homes for agents
Peter Sellers holds tongue
Peter Shaffer play based
Peter the Great, e.g.
Peter the Great, for one
Peter the pepper picker
Peter Ustinov autobiograp
Peter Weiss drama "___/Sa
Peter who directed "The L
Peter who directed "The T
Peter who played Mr. Moto
Peter who was a seven-tim
Peter who wrote "Live Fro
Peter who wrote "The Last
Peter who wrote "The Vala
Peter who wrote "Underbos
Peter with an amusing kind of music
Peter with four Golden Gl
Peter ___ Tchaikovsky
Peter's "A Shot in the Da
Peter's excited to receive an honour at start of school year
Peter's former partner displays intimacy with Johnny?
Peter's scrambled round to the highest branches
Peter, but not the saint
Peter, e.g.
Peter, for one
Peter, for one, pots a red in the middle
Peter, Patrick and Paul:
Peter, Paul and Mary
Peter, Paul and Mary, e.g
Peter, Paul and Mary: Abb
Peter, Paul or Mary
Peter, pumpkinwise
Petered out
Peterhead 1, Heart of Midlothian 0 - exploit room for control
Peters out
Petersham's much-admired film?
Peterson of 2003 news
Petit chanteur
Petit chapeau
Petit four finisher
Petite and cute
Petite desserts
Petite flyer no man in Royal Navy
Petite in life, dancing name
Petite pasta
Petite pooch
Petite pooch, for short
Petite Spaniard's the female on-trend
Petite, e.g.
Petite, the Spanish female elected
Petition (for)
Petition against becoming judge - it's funny to some
Petition befitting love, bearing ring
Petition concerning expedition?
Petition concerning hunt
Petition for again
Petition for canal not to be closed
Petition House before judge?
Petition involving son shuts up apprehension
Petition putting pressure on chief
Petition raised about question in controversial 70s play
Petition stars outside entrance to show
Petition the family's obese woman
Petition to a deity
Petition to exclude a busybody
Petition to refuse ousting leader about indulgence
Petition to take meals in the lobby
Petition; importune
Petitions say boring nonsense
Petitions soldier perhaps to be nice
Petitions to a god
Petits ___ (French peas)
Petra's colour returned in seaside resort
Petra's population
Petrarch's beloved
Petrel shot with 13 guns here!
Petri dish filler
Petri dish gel
Petri dish stuff
Petrified remains
Petrified weeper of myth
Petrify ... or what five
Petrify as rocks if set to be crushed by boa
Petrify East German finally at the borders
Petrifying woman?
Petro-Canada competitor
Petrographer's collection
Petrol additive
Petrol amount
Petrol brand
Petrol carrier
Petrol has this running at once
Petrol in France
Petrol jelly used in flame-throwers
Petrol measure
Petrol purchase
Petrol seller
Petrol station
Petrol station choice
Petrol unit
Petrol units
Petrol, or electricity, in essence
Petrol-based agent launched principally in Vietnam
Petrol-driven two-wheeler
Petroleum distillate
Petroleum gases
Petroleum hydrocarbon
Petroleum jelly for weapons
Petroleum source
Petronas and Exxon initially put fish back to get source of oil
Petrosian will need to play to find sponsor
Petruchio, to Kate
Pets - little ones catching mice, oddly advanced
Pets ... or what the star
Pets from the tropics
Pets lie
Pets often have them
Pets regularly bite? Avoid!
Pets whose traditional enemies doubled at first
Pets with dewlaps
Pets' tension nearly overwhelms vet
Petted pet's sound
Petticoat junction
Petticoat junction?
Pettifoggery from editor in store
Petty and Singer
Petty argument
Petty – and annoying
Petty cash in London
Petty cash running short unfortunately? Always in the same position
Petty criminal in one clan's quiet
Petty criminal knocks over celebrities
Petty criminal who tells on his accomplices?
Petty criminals conceal trafficked Timor coke in underwear
Petty criticism
Petty crook
Petty details
Petty dispute
Petty finder of errors
Petty fit
Petty formal detail
Petty gangsters
Petty irritation
Petty manipulations
Petty new leader eschewing laughter
Petty officer
Petty officer fed by English cook turning over game
Petty Officer receiving stolen picture
Petty officer stole this empty wagon
Petty officer’s time with Jack maybe? Write home about it on this?
Petty officers
Petty officers' inferiors
Petty officers, informall
Petty peeve
Petty playing about involving third of set
Petty quarrel
Petty quarrel; gaiter
Petty quarrels
Petty recording
Petty restrictions placed around car accessory
Petty row
Petty scam largely formulated and staged in same way?
Petty sergeant-major everyone resented
Petty squabble
Petty thief
Petty thief left with dangerous criminal, we hear
Petula Clark's "___ of th
Petulant desire to drink like Penny
Petulant Express journalist going after moderate
Petulant model ringing a London hospital
Petulant refusal is the custom
Petulantly complaining
Petunia fancier
Peut-___ (French for "may
Peut-___ (maybe): Fr.
Peut-___ (maybe, in Franc
Peut-___ (maybe, in Marse
Peut-___ (perhaps): Fr.
Pew area
Pew locale
Pew parts
Pews' place
Pewter component
Pewter ingredient
Pewter or brass
Pewter pint pot?
Pewter, in part
Peyote cactus
Peyotes, e.g.
Peyotism practicer
Peyton Manning's brother
Pfc.'s boss
Pfc.'s superior
Pfffsss producer
Pfizer product used befor
Pfizer rival
PG or R
PG or U at the cinema
Pg. in a photocopier
Ph.D. awarder
Ph.D. exams
Ph.D. hurdle
Ph.D. hurdles
Ph.D. recipient
Ph.D. thesis: Abbr.
Ph.D.'s work: Abbr.
Ph.D., e.g.
Ph.D., e.g.: Abbr.
Ph.D., for example
Phaedra, by birth
Phaeton's redesigned as one-seater carriage
Phaetons replaced single-seater carriage
Phalanx's weaknesses
Phanerozoic, for instance
Phantasm, e.g.
Phantom hunter lay prepared
Phantom wreck overlooked for radio programme
Phantom's haunt
Pharaoh dips into sea and a lake in the morning
Pharaoh getting back scrubbed, hell amid gross depravity
Pharaoh's cross
Pharaoh's deity
Pharaoh's head?
Pharaoh's land
Pharaoh's realm
Pharaoh's river
Pharaoh's symbol
Pharaohs in Aida retaining Egyptian land
Pharaohs' crosses
Pharaohs' river
Pharaohs' sacred symbols
Pharisee admitting ignoble end for gentile is right
Pharisee's overcome problem in penning laws
Pharm. watchdog
Pharmaceutical giant
Pharmaceutical giant ___
Pharmaceutical liquids
Pharmaceutical oils
Pharmaceutical ointment
Pharmaceutical ointments
Pharmaceutical product
Pharmaceutical products
Pharmaceutical watchdog g
Pharmaceutical workplaces
Pharmaceutical-safety org
Pharmaceuticals overseer,
Pharmacist in Norfolk town receiving writer with hesitation
Pharmacist perhaps treated depression, taking over
Pharmacist rides roughshod over compounds for animal use
Pharmacist's "three times
Pharmacist's abbr.
Pharmacist's activity, at
Pharmacist's concerns
Pharmacist's weight
Pharmacists cite measures restricting return of medicines
Pharmacists' compounds
Pharmacists' concerns
Pharmacopoeia selection
Pharmacy containers
Pharmacy item
Pharmacy items
Pharmacy measure
Pharmacy solutions
Pharmacy units
Pharmacy weights
Pharyngeal woe, for short
Phase hotter than liquid
Phase of Earth's satellite
Phase of the moon
Phase one neglected in prehistoric period
Phased in changes in clergyman's office
Phased-out Toyotas
Phaser setting
Phaser setting, on "Star
PhD title's secured a success for scientist
Pheasant from Sandringham on a ledge
Pheasant ragout
Pheasant, for example
Pheasant, say?
Phenomena after retiring
Phenomena associated with
Phenomenal adaptation of our musical
Phenomenal cockney pooch caught in a police trap
Phenomenal temperature found in a measurement at sea
Phenomenon associated wit
Phenomenon of paramnesia
Phenomenon such as ESP
Phi Beta Kappa concern, f
Phi Beta Kappa mementos
Phi Beta ___
Phi follower
Phi ___ Kappa
Phidias subject
Phil bumped into fellow swimmer
Phil Donahue and Rush Lim
Phil Esposito and teammat
Phil is bitter
Phil Mickelson specialty
Phil Niekro and others
Phil of folk
Phil Rizzuto's retired nu
Phil Rizzuto, on the Yank
Phil who sang "Draft Dodg
Phil who sang "I Ain't Ma
Phil who sang "Jim Dean o
Phil's number one cut - that was close!
Phila.-to-Miami dir.
Philadelphia had the firs
Philadelphia landmark
Philadelphia landmark hot
Philadelphia landmark sin
Philadelphia N.F.L.'ers
Philadelphia suburb
Philadelphia time zone (abbr.)
Philadelphia tourist attr
Philadelphia university
Philadelphia's first blac
Philadelphia's historic G
Philadelphia's ___ Whitma
Philanderer about to embrace a king
Philanderer ends in buffet with a woman, finally
Philanderer’s limitless charm embraced by group I love
Philanderer's loveless regret
Philanderer, in slang
Philandering fellow
Philandering sort
Philanthropic focus
Philanthropic scientist in Brazil's capital during Christmas
Philanthropic types
Philanthropist abandons half the Hebridean islands
Philanthropist Brooke ___
Philanthropist erupting in rage, entering church
Philanthropist has name put in entrance
Philanthropist Wallace an
Philanthropist Yale
Philanthropist, composer and soldier meeting in church
Philanthropist/art collec
Philanthropists' concerns
Philanthropy is a liberal axiom
Philatelic design on an e
Philatelic purchases
Philatelist George, found
Philatelist's book
Philatelist's collection
Philatelist's purchase
Philatelists' books
Philately collection
Philately offering
Philbin of live TV
Philbin's "Live" co-host
Philbrick's "___ Three Li
Phileas Fogg
Phileas Fogg portrayer
Phileas Fogg portrayer, 1
Phileas Fogg's creator
Phileas ___, fictional ci
Phileas ___, who went aro
Philemon, e.g.
Philharmonic grp.
Philharmonic part
Philharmonic sect.
Philip —, novelist
Philip allegedly put gin with it
Philip II dispatched it
Philip Marlowe or Sam Spa
Philip Morris brand
Philip of "Kung Fu"
Philip Roth's "___, the F
Philip who wrote "Goodbye
Philip who wrote a 1975 C
Philip with a 1975 best s
Philip ___, Edward Everet
Philip's mate managed day for light task
Philippe, e.g.
Philippine banana tree with leaf stalks used to make hemp
Philippine capital
Philippine chief
Philippine island
Philippine island or its
Philippine lady ricochets
Philippine language
Philippine locale in W.W.
Philippine peninsula
Philippine port
Philippine president depo
Philippine president Fide
Philippine province or it
Philippine seaport
Philippines' highest peak
Philips of stand-up fame
Philips product
Philistine always knocked over? Goliath finally ducks
Philistine drinks too much of this element
Philistine giant slain by David
Philistine needs hours in gaol to fight a criminal
Philistine's job, on the other hand, is a fake
Philistine's with a drink, exhausted, drained and unreal
Philistine, a broadcaster with the university? Unbelievable!
Phillie or Card
Phillies div.
Phillips and others
Phillips head item
Phillips University site
Phillips, for one
Philly champion?
Philly footballer
Philly hoopster
Philly money maker
Philly player
Philly pro
Philly team
Philly-to-Norfolk dir.
Philodendron, e.g.
Philologist's ref.
Philologists' work, for s
Philosopher — one in short supply
Philosopher a product of Yale, they say
Philosopher abandoning case makes a cry for help
Philosopher and ambassador come together
Philosopher and economist, John Stuart ___ , d. 1873
Philosopher and French writer with intimate, romantic works
Philosopher astride horse or kind of lamb
Philosopher backing computer company
Philosopher behaved without sin? First class!
Philosopher bites back, cross about article
Philosopher bumped into a medical practitioner
Philosopher concerned with small units
Philosopher dared to differ about spiritual education
Philosopher David
Philosopher Descartes
Philosopher Diderot
Philosopher embraced by reflection of total peace
Philosopher for whom a pa
Philosopher from East eluding Japanese ruler at ground
Philosopher Georges
Philosopher having noble title and renouncing it
Philosopher Hoffer
Philosopher I support for a very short time
Philosopher in audible whisper?
Philosopher irritated when declared to be like everyone else
Philosopher John
Philosopher Kierkegaard
Philosopher Kierkegaard,
Philosopher known as "the
Philosopher known for his
Philosopher Kung Fu-___
Philosopher Lao-___
Philosopher lies to God, I suspect
Philosopher Machiavelli
Philosopher makes an effort about reading comics
Philosopher Mo-___
Philosopher Mortimer
Philosopher of language chewing over fish with booze
Philosopher offers wine and gold, when entertaining us
Philosopher one found in short supply
Philosopher Pascal
Philosopher placing article amid pieces of music
Philosopher quietly leaves University grounds
Philosopher Rand
Philosopher recalled memory of top people
Philosopher referring to Easter hard to escape
Philosopher regularly ignoring Mary Beard
Philosopher remapped argosy path
Philosopher sad, secret out
Philosopher showing sense isn't upset with Genet
Philosopher shown up by total pillock
Philosopher shows unusual zest in specialist area
Philosopher speaking in a crackly whisper
Philosopher stops working to get hold of Socrates' second book
Philosopher that you can't get in to, mostly
Philosopher that's always right
Philosopher Watts and oth
Philosopher welcoming foot soldiers in part of station
Philosopher who coined th
Philosopher who promoted
Philosopher who wrote the
Philosopher who wrote Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Philosopher William of __
Philosopher with a "razor
Philosopher with authority becomes factory designer
Philosopher with unusually deep pockets I bug
Philosopher Wittgenstein
Philosopher writing about military group
Philosopher Zeno of ___
Philosopher ___-tzu
Philosopher’s informal apology including staple answer
Philosopher's almost impossible to get into
Philosopher's building on the 9
Philosopher's financial backers are becoming charitable at last
Philosopher's insincere talk being broadcast
Philosopher's itchiest pants
Philosopher's noble title, that's not it!
Philosopher's occupational therapy: mountain climbing
Philosopher's permit is useless outside Channel Isles
Philosopher's son argues from time to time
Philosopher's state?
Philosopher's study
Philosopher's temper becomes a cross to bear
Philosopher's very cheap cars
Philosopher's very good bangers
Philosopher's works
Philosopher, one working a large amount
Philosopher’s name enshrined by revolutionary generation
Philosophers said to be among clouds?
Philosophers' questions
Philosophers? Most of that lot maybe fret inwardly
Philosophical about England's case given improvement?
Philosophical comment on
Philosophical concept analysed as rot, badly
Philosophical ideal
Philosophical novel one ends eg with hint of realism
Philosophical Society dons were in control
Philosophical sort almost shut in thus
Philosophical studier of
Philosophical study of morals
Philosophical study of th
Philosophical subjects
Philosophical theory
Philosophical theory firs
Philosophical theory misrep­resented in simple account
Philosophies that regard
Philosophy 101 subject
Philosophy associated wit
Philosophy capturing detailed scene's climax
Philosophy is part of unusual sitcom
Philosophy is subordinate to love in what goes to a Scotsman’s head
Philosophy of bare existe
Philosophy of Epicurus
Philosophy of Montague or
Philosophy of the "Chuang
Philosophy of the Parisian boxer, seldom lacking guts
Philosophy old yogi developed around energy
Philosophy subjects
Philosophy suffix
Philosophy's ultimate goal almost could be path to enlightenment
Phiz on a five
Phlebitis targets
Phlebotomy target
Phlegmatic type almost shut in thus
Phlegmatic type’s standing briefly recognised around India
Phlegmatic, firm about termination of contract
Phnom Penh cash
Phnom Penh money
Phnom ___
Phobia about the quill
Phobia starter
Phobic disorder, e.g.
Phobic feeling
Phobic sort
Phobos orbits it
Phobos, to Mars
Phoebe of "Gremlins"
Phoebe orbits it
Phoebe's player on "Frien
Phoebe's portrayer on "Fr
Phoebe's sister on "Frien
Phoenician city state near modern Tunis
Phoenician love goddess
Phoenician port
Phoenician trading center
Phoenician, e.g.
Phoenix cager
Phoenix construction
Phoenix fivesome
Phoenix hrs.
Phoenix landing site, 200
Phoenix neighbor
Phoenix or Sparrow
Phoenix setting: Abbr.
Phoenix suburb
Phoenix Suns head coach b
Phoenix team
Phoenix's home: Abbr.
Phoenix's state: Abbr.
Phoenix, formerly
Phoenix-to-Albuquerque di
Phoenix-to-Flagstaff dir.
Phoenix-to-Philly dir.
Phone - demand
Phone abbr.
Phone about lines
Phone answerer's cry
Phone assistant, American star
Phone back about one’s tree
Phone band
Phone bill cuts I'll bring down
Phone book listings: Abbr
Phone bug
Phone bug, e.g.
Phone button
Phone button below the 7
Phone button trio
Phone calls, room service
Phone co. employee
Phone coach back, making arrangement for accommodation
Phone company employee
Phone company taking in six pounds on executive toy - ultimately, it's a bad look?
Phone company's partial withdrawal of help package
Phone contact habitual drinker often makes?
Phone criminal? It's impossible to get through
Phone crowd of people — namely about fifty
Phone driver about something highly toxic
Phone engineers at first making things better?
Phone fault, and what reporter might miss because of it?
Phone feature
Phone from abroad: somewhere in Italy, say
Phone function using stored numbers
Phone greeting in Central
Phone group of criminals?
Phone has place to rest in caravan
Phone headquarters
Phone hook-up
Phone in, say, about making 5 orange or lilac
Phone letters for 6
Phone line
Phone line abbr.
Phone line?
Phone man taking order for caravan
Phone menu imperative
Phone message from Elsie'
Phone no.
Phone no. abbr.
Phone no. add-on
Phone no. at the office
Phone number prefix (2 wds.)
Phone number prefixes (2 wds.)
Phone number start (2 wds.)
Phone old boy missing race once
Phone part
Phone part ... or a title
Phone request
Phone school back, leaving message
Phone security device
Phone somewhere in 5
Phone sound — what you get when engaged?
Phone stand item
Phone system Bury firm marketed at first
Phone system starting poi
Phone the folks
Phone to hire out small band
Phone transmission
Phone trigram
Phone trio
Phone up after pressure is checked
Phone ___
Phone’s yet to be adapted for novices
Phone, slangily
Phone-answering instructi
Phone-screening service
Phone-to-computer connector
Phone; Alabama city
Phoneboxes endlessly vandalised? I blame immigrants
Phoned about family position
Phoned and spoke
Phoned; named
Phonetic alphabet symbol
Phonetic contractions
Phoney dope "safe" - knew that must be wrong
Phoney source of fuel in Ireland, you said, is imported
Phoneys besetting weak revolutionary?
Phoning in sick, I call foul - like the business of Boris bikes?
Phoning Phil and hanging
Phonograph inventor
Phonograph needle's place
Phonograph record
Phonograph records
Phonograph successor
Phony gems
Phony phone caller
Phony prince initially about to get offer
Phony start?
Phooey! Shower in Middle Eastern country
Phosphate, e.g.
Phosphorescent glow
Phosphorus from the stars seen across old country
Phosphorus included by hand on another match
Phosphorus, maybe a bit
Phosphorus, possibly an atom?
Photo accompaniers, at ti
Photo assignments
Photo badges and such
Photo blow-up: Abbr.
Photo blowup: Abbr.
Photo blowups: Abbr.
Photo books; records
Photo captures an outbreak of terror
Photo developer
Photo doctored to rubbish manifesto's last controversial topic
Photo envelope enclosure,
Photo files, in computer
Photo finish
Photo finish?
Photo flaw
Photo frames hang on synthetic material
Photo groups on Facebook
Photo ID's
Photo ID?
Photo image, briefly
Photo in a magazine offic
Photo in an old album
Photo lab abbr.
Photo lab order: Abbr.
Photo lab supply
Photo leading to surprised comment about large instrument
Photo marrer
Photo mishap
Photo of an idiot?
Photo of gramps, maybe
Photo of partygoer dancing with due energy
Photo of queen included in volume
Photo of the Panama Canal
Photo often taken after a
Photo on Net? Impressive!
Photo paper option
Photo process
Photo reprint option: Abb
Photo requester, maybe
Photo session
Photo session at a farm?
Photo showing ball after game
Photo studio supplies
Photo taken: filled up outside?
Photo taker
Photo tint
Photo tone
Photo ___
Photo ___ (camera session
Photo ___ (media events)
Photo ___ (occasions for
Photo ___ (P.R. events)
Photo ___ (picture-taking
Photo ___ (pol's news eve
Photo ___ (when pictures
Photo ___ (White House ev
Photo-filled reading matt
Photo-sharing app
Photo; film
Photo; firing of a gun
Photocopied, informally
Photocopier "ink"
Photocopier abbr.
Photocopier attachment
Photocopier cartridge con
Photocopier choice
Photocopier function
Photocopier liquid
Photocopier need
Photocopier option: Abbr.
Photocopier part
Photocopier problems
Photocopier toner, e.g.
Photocopier tray capacity
Photocopier tray size: Ab
Photocopier woes
Photocopier's need: Abbr.
Photocopier, e.g.
Photocopy precursor
Photocopying supplies
Photoelectric cell
Photog's cache
Photog's choice
Photog's item
Photog's purchase, perhap
Photog's request
Photog. service
Photogenic cats?
Photograph - card game
Photograph bands?
Photograph bear
Photograph book
Photograph capturing an island in it, being especially good at keys?
Photograph club athlete
Photograph contains every vegetable
Photograph for police records
Photograph game
Photograph last plant
Photograph of empty measure, say
Photograph of famous designer a hack returned
Photograph of house in street
Photograph of my bird Dorothy, say
Photograph of way-out couples
Photograph priest on base of Holy Cross
Photograph ruiner, perhap
Photograph taken for police records
Photograph vessels going north
Photograph's not large - gosh, it needs blowing up!
Photograph/stamp book
Photograph; sprout
Photographed a couple of
Photographed topless — really attractive
Photographer Adams
Photographer Arbus
Photographer briefly a neighbour to Oscar
Photographer Cartier-Bres
Photographer Goldin
Photographer Goldin and o
Photographer Herb
Photographer Leibovitz
Photographer Richard
Photographer Siskind
Photographer who once col
Photographer who was the
Photographer's abbr.
Photographer's accessory
Photographer's choice
Photographer's concern
Photographer's cover
Photographer's diaphragm
Photographer's equipment
Photographer's light
Photographer's model
Photographer's need
Photographer's request
Photographer's request, m
Photographer's setting
Photographer's setup
Photographer/children's a
Photographer’s problem regarding colour requiring electronic input
Photographers capturing her bum, possibly
Photographers who pursue celebrities
Photographers' concerns
Photographers' gigs
Photographers, informally
Photographic device
Photographic entertainment
Photographic film coating
Photographic flash gas
Photographic gear arrived with artist
Photographic instrument
Photographic solution in second best city
Photographic technique
Photographic worker
Photographs stolen in seconds
Photography abbr.
Photography aid
Photography aids
Photography brand
Photography equipment
Photography icon Adams
Photography lens
Photography pioneer
Photography problem
Photography supplies
Photography woe
Photomap overlay
Photomuralist Adams
Photons, e.g.
Photos taken from a film
Photos with extra power capturing church spirit
Photos, drawings, etc
Photos, for short
Photoshop adjustment
Photoshop option
Photoshop options
Photoshop, say
Photosynthesis product
Phototropic flier
Phrase about 'time' expressed: it's not moving in the slightest
Phrase an overseas travel
Phrase associated with Caesar
Phrase describing an offe
Phrase from which the exc
Phrase I developed for muscular pooch
Phrase in a Christmas cracker
Phrase in a come-on ad
Phrase in a new way, as a
Phrase inspired by Napole
Phrase meaning "in order
Phrase of agreement
Phrase of commitment
Phrase of explanation
Phrase of inclusion
Phrase of interest
Phrase of irresolution
Phrase of resignation
Phrase of sympathy
Phrase of understanding
Phrase often following do
Phrase on a Chinese menu
Phrase on a coat of arms
Phrase on a diet food lab
Phrase on a Google search
Phrase on a party invitat
Phrase on some invitation
Phrase on the back of a b
Phrase otherwise concerning Washington, for example
Phrase repeated in Eccles
Phrase repeated to aid meditation
Phrase said when taking a
Phrase spoken by 16-Acros
Phrase spoken with a wave
Phrase starter
Phrase that can precede 1
Phrase that's oft repeated in retro art piece seen at opening
Phrase used to emphasise admiration or surprise
Phrased for a quick answe
Phraseogram users
Phrases with "as a" in th
Phrenologists read them
Phrenology concerns
Phuket's location
Phyllis's 1970's TV husba
Phylum humans belong to
Phylum subdivision
Phys. activity
Phys., but not phys. ed.
Phys., e.g.
Physical amount of energy left over in New York
Physical appearance
Physical appearance of Sham 69's leader knocking out tenor
Physical attack after toerags rigged accumulator
Physical bearing
Physical beating
Physical beauty
Physical beginning
Physical border, which the sun doesn't cross
Physical coming-together? Duke is accepting restraint on movement
Physical components of a computer system
Physical condition
Physical conductors: Abbr
Physical damage, harm
Physical discipline, very popular? Past year shows regression
Physical discomfort
Physical effort
Physical energy
Physical evidence of excitement or fear
Physical exercise
Physical exercises
Physical exercises right for each
Physical expense
Physical feature of Brita
Physical good health
Physical harm
Physical hurt
Physical instruction book
Physical movement of body from Viagra? Not excited with it
Physical or mental effort
Physical power
Physical reaction to something hair-raising
Physical reactions?
Physical responses?
Physical river cut
Physical science subjects showing evidence of time travel?
Physical sound
Physical sound?
Physical sounds
Physical state
Physical stature
Physical strength
Physical strength and health
Physical strength is back, regenerated
Physical strength?
Physical structure
Physical structure of a defensive alliance: goodness!
Physical therapist's assi
Physical therapy equipmen
Physical training room
Physical, e.g.
Physically close
Physically fit
Physically healthy
Physically no match for C
Physically or mentally demanding
Physically powerful
Physically show elation
Physically strong and fit
Physically weak
Physician at home where t
Physician comes to country after revolution to see middle-Eastern native
Physician Golgi, for whom
Physician grasping lesson on European complaint
Physician La
Physician left after a woman's protracted delivery
Physician of Italian football team is into books
Physician returns US weapon in pouch
Physician to Marcus Aurel
Physician upset in racket harmful to health
Physician who discovered blood circulation, d. 1657
Physician William
Physician with a daily ta
Physician's definition of
Physician's org.
Physician, disparagingly
Physician: adult learner steeped in knowledge
Physician’s proverbial target: beginning to treat fleshy spread
Physicians supporting revolutionary movement as propagandists
Physicians' gp.
Physicians' group (abbr.)
Physicians' grp.
Physicians' org.
Physicians, briefly
Physicians, for short
Physicist Alessandro
Physicist Amp
Physicist Angstr
Physicist badly hurt internally very cross
Physicist Bohr
Physicist Einstein
Physicist Enrico
Physicist Fermi
Physicist Georg
Physicist giving name to frequency shift
Physicist has May meeting with top man
Physicist in after explosive stores hydrogen and helium separately
Physicist inventing tube is daring — no good missing out
Physicist is one that's taken against convert or God about origin of atoms
Physicist James who contr
Physicist Mach
Physicist Niels
Physicist Nikola
Physicist Ohm
Physicist Sakharov
Physicist Schr
Physicist showing anxiety with short memory
Physicist who pioneered a
Physicist who pioneered e
Physicist with a unit of
Physicist with an eponymo
Physicist ___ St
Physicist’s brief fussily interrupting archdeacon
Physicist’s routine, see, releasing energy
Physicist’s scheme united Celsius and Kelvin
Physicist’s unusually strong backing graduate receives
Physicist's alma mater, m
Physicist's concern
Physicist's hesitation with car following reality
Physicist's study
Physicist's tiny opposite old docked wooden boat
Physicist's weightless gas
Physicist's workplace
Physicist, heating element up, runs
Physicist, one sparkling in interviews
Physicists get a charge o
Physicists' fete?
Physics 101 units
Physics calculation
Physics centers
Physics class topic
Physics Nobelist Alvarez
Physics Nobelist Fitch an
Physics Nobelist Isidor
Physics Nobelist Isidor I
Physics Nobelist Landau
Physics Nobelist Marie
Physics Nobelist Niels
Physics Nobelist Penzias
Physics Nobelist Segr
Physics Nobelist Simon va
Physics Nobelist Stern an
Physics Nobelist Victor w
Physics Nobelist Wolfgang
Physics opening
Physics particle
Physics particle with an
Physics particle with no
Physics particles
Physics subject
Physics topic
Physics unit
Physics units
Physics, e.g. (abbr.)
Physics, for one: Abbr.
Physio service, 75 cents?
Physiological pentad
Physiologist father, very affectionate? Not half
Physiologist Pavlov
Physique some must cover a little bit
Physique, informally
Physique, slangily
Physique, so to speak
Physiques, for short
Physiques, informally
Pi and others
Pi chaps unexpectedly like some of Horace’s odes
Pi cousin’s somehow causing scepticism!
Pi divided by universal radius very often
Pi follower
Pi followers
Pi preceder
Pi r squared, for a circl
Pi representing something that goes on forever?
Pi's follower
Pi, e.g.
Pi, for one
Pia lazes around somewhere in Italy
Piaf or Wharton
Piaf's way to feel regret
Pianist Alb
Pianist and composer
Pianist born in Kurilovka
Pianist Brubeck
Pianist Claudio
Pianist Dame Myra
Pianist de Larrocha
Pianist father and daughter were backing runner
Pianist Gilels
Pianist Gilels et al.
Pianist Hess and others
Pianist Hewitt who record
Pianist Jarrett and other
Pianist Jos
Pianist leader of the Phi
Pianist Levant
Pianist Myra
Pianist Nakamatsu
Pianist Nero
Pianist Peter
Pianist Peter and family
Pianist Pogorelich
Pianist prime minister
Pianist ran septet embracing church element
Pianist Rubinstein
Pianist Rudolf
Pianist Ruth's audience k
Pianist Schnabel
Pianist Stein
Pianist Templeton
Pianist Watts and others
Pianist who lost her scor
Pianist with 15 Grammys
Pianist with dubious expression on network beginning to shock BBC journalist
Pianist's challenge
Pianist's partner getting annoyed: 'They should stop people humming'
Pianist's span
Pianist, 4, at home cuddling cat with little energy
Pianist-actor Wilson
Pianist-politician was irked, sadly, about second of legs supporting piano
Pianist/composer Dohn
Pianist/composer Schumann
Piano adjuster
Piano and stringed instrument returned by worker complaining
Piano associated with lively wartime dance
Piano bar
Piano composer ___ Nancar
Piano disposed of kindly for rock band
Piano exercise
Piano exercise for beginn
Piano fixer
Piano I installed in disorderly club open to all
Piano in key that's lower
Piano in the middle of Argos making high-pitched sound
Piano involved in old time music theatre
Piano key wood
Piano key?
Piano maintenance
Piano mover's cry
Piano notes before special red carpet affairs
Piano or other furniture item easily carried
Piano part
Piano part of wedding video broadcast
Piano phrase messed up, maybe
Piano piece
Piano piece old double act put in the wrong order
Piano piece, both grand and upright, thrashed out
Piano piece, perhaps Fauré's latest duet? Possibly
Piano pieces inspiring church scores
Piano pieces?
Piano player in "Casablan
Piano player's aid
Piano players' hangouts
Piano practice piece
Piano pro
Piano recital’s first two pieces played alfresco
Piano relative
Piano rock repulsed pretty delicate little things
Piano school assignments
Piano specialist
Piano star drunk on beer, where classical training took place
Piano stool leg occasionally missing pad under foot
Piano string silencer
Piano teacher's request,
Piano technician
Piano technique improver
Piano then fiddle I learnt as composer
Piano track without least jazzy old instrument
Piano tune for possible performers of duet
Piano tuner's first to leave punctually for concert
Piano used in old time musical presentation
Piano used in old time musical work
Piano used only once in best film theme
Piano used with party game
Piano users
Piano virtuoso Templeton
Piano virtuoso ___ Berman
Piano works popular with German artist
Piano's 36, familiarly
Piano's counterpart
Piano's working for new arrival
Piano, delivered outside, provides beat
Piano, it is admitted, missing penultimate note of scale
Piano, say, for club
Piano-playing Dame
Piano-violin piece
Piano? It stuck out as quiet
Piaster production place
Piatigorsky specialty
Piatigorsky's instruments
Piazza de Ferrari setting
Piazza dei Miracoli town
Piazza del Campo site
Piazza deliveries?: Abbr.
Piazza, for one
Pic taker
Pic to click
Pic you can click
Picabo Street's outerwear
Picador's opponent
Picadors are involved here and there
Picadors assist him
Picard's counselor on "St
Picaroon picked up cat hair
Picaroon's turned up funky tune for a dance
Picasso and Braque, for instance
Picasso and Rembrandt
Picasso contemporary
Picasso mistress and subj
Picasso or Braque?
Picasso or Casals
Picasso or El Cid
Picasso output
Picasso's "Colombe ___ fl
Picasso's "private muse"
Picasso's creation
Picasso's field
Picasso's first name
Picasso's love
Picasso's mate previously netting l million in recession
Picasso's muse Dora ___
Picasso's ___ Period, 190
Picasso, e.g.
Picasso-Braque movement
Picasso/Braque movement
Picassos and Pissarros
Piccadilly Circus statue
Piccadilly Circus stature
Piccadilly hotel
Piccadilly movers
Piccadilly Station sight
Piccard finally cracks two ways to secure source of hot air
Piccolo alternatives
Piccolo duet?
Piccolo player on TV
Piccolo players, e.g.
Piccolo relative
Piccolomini Library's hom
Pick 100-500 sheets of paper
Pick 6, e.g.
Pick a card
Pick a fight with boy eating pastry dish
Pick a fight with celebrity running around Thailand
Pick a station (2 wds.)
Pick an argument on the phone
Pick an irresistibly funny person first off
Pick and shovel initially put in office
Pick apart
Pick at sound bags, as weight carried on ship
Pick bananas in bed where F1 ones might be found
Pick cold snack that's less cold
Pick fight with lad embracing maid of honour?
Pick flavoursome apple that's warmer
Pick for a pendant
Pick from a deck
Pick fruit
Pick fruit etcetera regularly brought in
Pick hat up close to entrance
Pick house in Channel Islands, by church
Pick imitation nursing attire, 50% off
Pick leader in secret ballot
Pick nuts and biscuits
Pick of the bunch
Pick of the litter
Pick on
Pick on, in a way
Pick one parent as the best
Pick out
Pick out examples, possibly, being extremely selective
Pick out loose cinders
Pick out road material to acquire
Pick out some minerals here - sounds like a great deal
Pick over cold dessert
Pick poppa up, having taken time out
Pick Rice mainly — very exciting!
Pick rice, oats and skin of rabbit to blend in kitchen appliance
Pick sweets over the phone
Pick target
Pick this row after staff function
Pick two blokes, when one’s short, as dishwashers?
Pick up
Pick up and treat irregular pulse
Pick up around
Pick up article in valley
Pick up artist is European
Pick up awful cheat, causing grief
Pick up bit by bit
Pick up drug called 'rebound' ...
Pick up Eliot's suit
Pick up end of carpet beater
Pick up European form of money
Pick up faint broadcast in the ether
Pick up from bottom of skiing slope
Pick up from school
Pick up heavy breathing on microphone, that’s shocking
Pick up ideal broadcast with set-top boxes? That's wonderful!
Pick up information
Pick up king in play to take knight
Pick up knight after king
Pick up like a sponge?
Pick up metal for a bargain
Pick up new rating
Pick up on
Pick up one teacher
Pick up planting at herbaceous border pruned seven times
Pick up pounds, having additional merit
Pick up present for audience
Pick up skinny guards close to border
Pick up source of tremendous courage
Pick up stupid boys touring northern English centre
Pick up the phone?
Pick up the tab
Pick up the tab for
Pick up this clue for Heller work
Pick up time, getting encouragement
Pick up top off that bottle!
Pick up, aurally
Pick up, in a way
Pick ___ (pettifog)
Pick ___ (quibble)
Pick, with "for"
Pick-me-up is extremely pleasant but never finished
Pick-up and drop-off poin
Pick-up expert?
Pick-up line?
Pick-up spot?
Pick-up-sticks game
Picked a hundred socks
Picked a ticket
Picked at, picked at, pic
Picked from the stack of
Picked fruit
Picked locks?
Picked note up in canteen before leaving
Picked out
Picked out cape and stockings
Picked out clean, cutting-edge product
Picked out of a lineup
Picked peeve
Picked stockings - cold November outside
Picked styles?
Picked teams, perhaps
Picked things
Picked up
Picked up 1A friend, perhaps - defeat for 21A?
Picked up a contracted skirt-like garment
Picked up a point or two
Picked up a small, headless mammal
Picked up box office chap's ID
Picked up burn in seaside resort
Picked up by the ears?
Picked up criticism about setter’s latest crossword?
Picked up dark vehicle, briefly
Picked up deliveries in moors
Picked up disgusting medicine in this
Picked up drugs by end of jetty for midshipman?
Picked up elements of resonant scent
Picked up fresh fruit
Picked up gardening tools and sprinkler
Picked up grains one after another
Picked up grass with garden tool - I'm resigned to it!
Picked up hot hint about a Parisian castrato?
Picked up idiot's tie
Picked up important little bird
Picked up incorrectly, stray is harmed
Picked up instruction for starters and ingredient for pudding
Picked up juvenile bird
Picked up key for pretty small hole
Picked up kissed Cockney lass that's very sweet
Picked up little key ring
Picked up narrative about hot temperature, making you horrified
Picked up nasty old fruit
Picked up next to popular bar
Picked up nine letters in Roman alphabet, or one in Greek
Picked up on
Picked up passenger OK
Picked up plant expected to produce fungus
Picked up seasonal acting work for starters
Picked up shock in periods of global revolution
Picked up some rare Poulenc stage work
Picked up someone going without waterproof coat?
Picked up stealthily
Picked up sterilised tool
Picked up stick or doorpost
Picked up suitable one to wear fancy raincoat for approval
Picked up taps oddly found in outbuilding - they may need plumbing
Picked up teaching degree and took in discussion
Picked up the check
Picked up the tab
Picked up this when taking in good view
Picked up topping cocktail
Picked up torch in Swiss city
Picked up two words to do with roulette, which I detest
Picked up uniform getting highly promoted?
Picked up writer's books
Picked up, as an hors d'o
Picked up, boy getting lift
Picked, with "for"
Picked-out material?
Picked-up item
Picked-up pickup, perhaps
Picker's need
Picker's target
Pickers' instruments
Picket almost destroyed delivery van
Picket fence
Picket line crosser
Picket line crossers
Picket line ignorer
Picket line pariah
Picket provokers
Picket sign for a Cape Ca
Picketer's sign
Picketer, perhaps
Pickett's Charge particip
Picking on the large model, unknown one’s brought in
Picking places
Picking scene where killer gets tough?
Picking up
Picking up cheeses - easy task
Picking up fruit in tin? On the contrary, veg
Picking up nose on wine after you and taster ultimately agreed
Picking up oddly smelly Scotsman's good vibrations
Picking up part for Chevrolet an American's issue
Picking up pet, I become reticent
Picking up phone after a news broadcast
Picking up power?
Picking up the dry cleani
Picking up things?
Picking up waste after perform­ing is pure tedium
Picking up, as perfume
Picking ___ with
Pickle — or something sweeter
Pickle and cheese sandwiches back in fashion
Pickle and cheese sandwiches start to niff
Pickle – London edifice
Pickle brand
Pickle container
Pickle containers
Pickle flavoring
Pickle juice
Pickle juices
Pickle or jam in army dining room
Pickle place
Pickle portion
Pickle producer
Pickle purveyor
Pickle seasoning
Pickle then consume
Pickle type
Pickle unit
Pickle variety
Pickle: or something sweeter
Pickled cucumber
Pickled delicacies
Pickled delicacy
Pickled dish from Germany
Pickled eggs from the east a big hit
Pickled flower buds
Pickled flower buds used in sauces
Pickled herring
Pickled herring fillet
Pickled herrings
Pickled pub quiz winner?
Pickler's need
Pickling herb
Pickling liquid
Pickling need
Pickling solutions
Pickpocket maybe one the force imprisons
Pickpocket to go down briefly
Pickpocket's account of a fool
Pickpocket, e.g.
Pickpocket, in slang
Picks (up)
Picks a fight
Picks and chooses
Picks at random
Picks for a position
Picks items from ice-cream van, but not one cold
Picks items out, showing doubt in LA
Picks off, as a pass
Picks one
Picks out
Picks out in a lineup, fo
Picks out of a lineup, fo
Picks pockets craving initially for food
Picks priest to replace lead in Greek play
Picks quarrel with boy eating pastries
Picks up
Picks up again on the amount one owes backers
Picks up on
Picks up readings on
Picks up the pace
Picks up, in a way
Picks up?
Picks, with "for"
Pickup artist's line?
Pickup attachment
Pickup capacity, sometime
Pickup line for Churchill
Pickup line locale?
Pickup line request
Pickup line?
Pickup place for pets
Pickup point?
Pickup shtick?
Pickup spot?
Pickup truck feature
Pickup, e.g.
Picky eater’s vehicle containing 50% eggs
Picky journalist keen to appear in film
Picky people?
Picky types hold this stag party, getting nothing back
Picnic area ruined with exceptional rain falling? It can make you sick
Picnic arrangement including university 1D
Picnic basket
Picnic beverage
Picnic carrying case
Picnic container in Brita
Picnic cooler
Picnic crasher
Picnic crashers
Picnic dish
Picnic drink
Picnic event
Picnic favorite
Picnic hamperer
Picnic in light wind
Picnic intruder
Picnic intruders
Picnic invaded by large seal
Picnic invaders
Picnic locale
Picnic nuisance
Picnic nuisances
Picnic pastime #1
Picnic pastime #2
Picnic pastime #3
Picnic pastime #4
Picnic pastime #5
Picnic pest
Picnic pest, in this puzz
Picnic pest, informally
Picnic pests
Picnic places
Picnic problem
Picnic racer's gear
Picnic raiders
Picnic serving
Picnic side dish
Picnic spoiler
Picnic spoilers
Picnic spot
Picnic staple
Picnic staples
Picnic visitors
Picnic, e.g.
Picnic, outdoor exercise
Picnicker's worry
Picnicker, by the sound of it?
Picnics, e.g.
Pico de ___ (12,000-foot
Pics for docs
Pics from which to make m
Pict, say
Pict’s head covered in local cloth
Pictionary, e.g.
Pictorial representation
Pictorial representation of data
Pictorial representations reported to raise pulse included
Pictorial teaser
Picts: one's designed one of their national symbols?
Picture — of island — artist however inserted alongside identical one
Picture a walk in the park near rivers full of fish
Picture accepting a temperature disturbance for the country?
Picture an honest admission by a swindler
Picture animals needing oxygen supply
Picture army officer with old musical instrument
Picture assembled leaders in action groups participating in game
Picture barrister in Parisian bar
Picture beam blocking entrance
Picture biscuits just out of the oven
Picture book?
Picture books
Picture by European master is of a Greek goddess
Picture card
Picture card?
Picture created from this one time in gentleman's address
Picture defeat by France
Picture designer with a degree
Picture earl with flies undone
Picture editor
Picture educational establishment with area for English
Picture educational establishment with convict for member
Picture effort
Picture element
Picture elements
Picture expert following glaze with polish
Picture finally framed by buddies on display behind 12
Picture firm haggle regularly
Picture five thousand coming in to compete
Picture format
Picture four rivers, one flowing into another
Picture frame shape
Picture frayed and old, showing a butterfly, for example
Picture from life-drawing class includes good elbow
Picture from one publication in English
Picture gallery site?
Picture gives an image, ultimately distorted
Picture harbour with fish
Picture headless cartoon character in short episode
Picture held up by popular umpire
Picture holder
Picture holders
Picture house
Picture improver
Picture in one's head
Picture in periodical that is outside
Picture in pieces
Picture in the mind
Picture including a horse with earliest of street urchins
Picture instruction to reader to embrace prostitute
Picture king amongst group of pieces leading to check
Picture landing place on island covered with grass
Picture latter half of a trip to Santiago?
Picture left by artist put on the counter
Picture left by scoundrel touring Italy
Picture lovers breaking awkward silence with quiet greeting
Picture making one wise after endless sin
Picture my heart at bottom of list
Picture new organ arriving soon
Picture of a physician
Picture of Bill next to the water in Biarritz
Picture of brain spread around, coating new mushroom ring
Picture of Carol at home, repeatedly plugged by the artist
Picture of Dad (and not a Mum)
Picture of Elvis on velve
Picture of floor in frame of iron
Picture of fraud's confession?
Picture of health, for sh
Picture of health?
Picture of impetuous strike on goal?
Picture of Kairos with Melchior?
Picture of listener? Come close
Picture of old heavy drinker after time
Picture of one wizard
Picture of photographer saying "cheese"?
Picture of prisoner brought to India
Picture of salami on ground
Picture of Soho criminal and local police
Picture of timber
Picture on a $10,000 bill
Picture on a pad, maybe
Picture one before game, excited
Picture only you could have painted?
Picture opportunity for children to have a day off school
Picture package stolen in Post Office outlet
Picture physician after shaving cat
Picture presentation
Picture presenter
Picture prize
Picture problem
Picture producers
Picture puzzle
Picture puzzle endures, did you say, on mural, fancifully?
Picture receiver
Picture receivers
Picture rodent eating one beyond harbour
Picture show?
Picture Spur Harry after his dream move?
Picture starring 11D/55D
Picture surround
Picture taker
Picture taker, in combina
Picture takers, for short
Picture tango, with fellow getting closer
Picture that doesn't say a thousand words?
Picture that is cover for Playboy?
Picture that is cut by magazine
Picture that is displayed after revolutionary reduction in excess weight
Picture that is enthralling the old lady, first in guidebook
Picture that is on outside of magazine
Picture that is on the outside of publication
Picture that is used to bind publication
Picture that shows you wh
Picture that striker quickly takes
Picture to carry around?
Picture White House for Latinos?
Picture with a posse
Picture with a posse, per
Picture with bottom of artist
Picture with sound of enemy trail
Picture within a picture
Picture within another
Picture would be offensive if former pupil was present
Picture writing, of a sor
Picture, commercially
Picture, informally
Picture-filled item often
Picture-storing snapper?
Picture-taker with no lens
Picture: Abbr.
Picture; likeness
Pictured as tense
Picturegoer gutted about some current spoiler?
Pictures (in a book)
Pictures at a dentist's
Pictures at a hospital
Pictures came in for restoration
Pictures doctor joining a band once
Pictures friends crossing street on Ecstasy
Pictures home with space around houses
Pictures in a Mr. Univers
Pictures in general
Pictures in large book needing effort
Pictures in one book of maps taken from periodicals
Pictures in sacred city detailed for spiritual healer
Pictures inked on the bod
Pictures left by artist having oddly deficient vistas
Pictures likely winners, enthusiastic, on board
Pictures of a painfully seductive nature in flier
Pictures of retreating men obstructing US agents
Pictures of Slinkys?
Pictures of US agents holding rebellious men
Pictures put into compute
Pictures returned to fellows in charge of illegal trade
Pictures that may be diff
Pictures that may make yo
Pictures, a long time after one gets married
Picturesque and peaceful scene
Picturesque cave
Picturesque scene over in Caerphilly district
Picturesque town in 27-Ac
Picturing Prince Harry's admission, without the Queen
Piddles all over the place - take in note, it's impressive!
Piddling half-pint?
Piddling in crack, intimate at first
Piddling payment
Pie and this? Just eat some up for starters
Pie cases hot, bearing foil
Pie chart figs.
Pie chart lines
Pie chart part
Pie chart piece
Pie chart section, perhap
Pie choice
Pie containers
Pie crust ingredient
Pie crust pattern
Pie cuts, essentially
Pie cutter's oxymoron
Pie filling
Pie holder
Pie hole
Pie in the sky
Pie keeping hot with foil
Pie maker
Pie maker filling small kitchen pot
Pie nut
Pie nuts
Pie of the 20's-30's Pira
Pie pans
Pie part
Pie perch
Pie portion
Pie preceder
Pie preference
Pie slice
Pie slice shape
Pie that may be an eyeful
Pie topping
Pie ___ mode
Pie-cooling spot
Pie-eyed bachelor’s first game
Pie-in-the-face giver or
Pie-maker about to be put in jail
Pie-mode connection
Piebald horses around humans are like this
Piebald surprisingly walking upright
Piece — but not the leader?
Piece about American person once removed?
Piece about simply ignoring the odds? It could make you a packet
Piece about small city district cut in half
Piece about wife that's foxy
Piece activists?: Abbr.
Piece advocates?: Abbr.
Piece among the crown jew
Piece at end of music
Piece by Le Bon savaged, might he ask for a little respect?
Piece by Matisse
Piece churchman and partner rejected
Piece contributing to compilation one thousand
Piece dedicated to Council of Europe and staff
Piece for a lone singer or musician
Piece for children badly threatened after piano course rejected
Piece for example erected, filthy stuff
Piece for orchestra and s
Piece for two
Piece from odist I chose is a couplet
Piece from Schumann, exemplary — it’s added on
Piece from speaker I love
Piece from the game Othel
Piece has essential parts for voice and choir introduced by speaker
Piece I have taken with pawn in retaliation
Piece in cited literature about accent
Piece in G sharp
Piece in good books about divine chaps
Piece in good works about divine persons
Piece in Harper's
Piece in newspaper covering Steptoe & Son?
Piece in newspaper reviewed recital
Piece in paper —small piece, not leader
Piece in the game go
Piece in the game of go
Piece in the game Sebasto
Piece in the game Strateg
Piece in the lower left c
Piece in The New Republic
Piece keeper?
Piece knocked off eg marble counter
Piece left behind when objections overturned
Piece left in social system
Piece left over
Piece let in to a garment
Piece maker
Piece moved in castling
Piece next to a knight
Piece not beginning when nocturne is expected?
Piece of a candy bar?
Piece of a chain
Piece of a newspaper?
Piece of a two-piece
Piece of absorbent materi
Piece of advice to dump
Piece of advice: crock should reverse to get to A1
Piece of armour
Piece of art
Piece of artillery that may take a pounding?
Piece of asparagus with perfect flavour
Piece of Bach, perhaps: leave it alone to start with
Piece of band equipment
Piece of Bellini, Mendelssohn or Massenet screened
Piece of bingo equipment
Piece of black-market pla
Piece of blancmange
Piece of bling-bling
Piece of body art
Piece of boxing equipment
Piece of bread
Piece of bread and a tin containing European crayfish, perhaps
Piece of broccoli or cauliflower
Piece of broken ceramic - London skyscraper
Piece of broken glass
Piece of broken pottery:
Piece of cake
Piece of cake and vegetables ending in tummy — a picnic!
Piece of cake in a block?
Piece of cake in school
Piece of cake not even found in deli, not even by end of June
Piece of cake that you eat outside?
Piece of cake turned up? Keep mum on!
Piece of cake, al fresco treat
Piece of cake?
Piece of camembert: ought it, typically, to be hard cheese?
Piece of camping equipment found by river that's not initially recognised by girl
Piece of candy
Piece of candy - honey!
Piece of cannelloni, esse
Piece of card
Piece of cast metal
Piece of cave art
Piece of cheap jewellery
Piece of cheese a plebeian picked up in Italian dairy
Piece of cheese, say, and starter from wine list
Piece of chewing tobacco
Piece of chicken
Piece of china
Piece of chinaware set on gold High Table
Piece of choral music in Anglican town
Piece of classical music has rests
Piece of cloth for wiping eyes, nose etc
Piece of cloth I found behind organ
Piece of clothing
Piece of coded writing
Piece of confidential information
Piece of counterpoint, roughly a couple of bars to start
Piece of cut wood
Piece of cutlery
Piece of dark meat
Piece of darkroom equipment
Piece of data fraud involving international cryptocurrency
Piece of data in plant, confirmed
Piece of den furniture
Piece of dialogue, bar changes, in script
Piece of dining room furniture
Piece of disinformation
Piece of downhiller's kit
Piece of dripping picked up
Piece of dust
Piece of e.g. chicken or information
Piece of embroidery
Piece of equipment containing minimum of light is dark
Piece of equipment used i
Piece of evidence in a tr
Piece of evidence?
Piece of farm land
Piece of fiction
Piece of field artillery
Piece of fish I dropped: that's done it
Piece of fish, I note, not unlimited
Piece of flammable material
Piece of floss is a long fibre
Piece of foliage
Piece of foliage covering up twig and berries?
Piece of food
Piece of French writing
Piece of fruit in William III’s house
Piece of furniture chosen by prime minister?
Piece of furniture having unpleasant smell? Fine when in church
Piece of furniture is tops in school of fine art
Piece of furniture with doors, shelves and drawers
Piece of furniture you reportedly can set up
Piece of furniture, up to now, unfinished
Piece of garlic
Piece of germanium
Piece of glass
Piece of glass almost smashed
Piece of glass left as rectangular design feature?
Piece of glass left in compartment
Piece of glass left in part of door
Piece of glass left in section of door
Piece of gossip
Piece of ground with specific characteristics
Piece of gym equipment
Piece of gym equipment making one smile
Piece of gymnastic apparatus
Piece of gymnastics equipment
Piece of hard copy
Piece of hay?
Piece of hazmat equipment
Piece of heavy artillery
Piece of high ground
Piece of history
Piece of Hollywood, epic theatrical show
Piece of hose hit hard
Piece of Indian bread
Piece of Indian music
Piece of inexpensive padding surprisingly stops condition affecting eyelid
Piece of info
Piece of information
Piece of information I came across after revolution
Piece of information obtained from US lawyer by corporation
Piece of information union contributed to barrier
Piece of jewellery
Piece of jewellery found on street (French street) - sounds typical
Piece of kabuki costumery
Piece of kit, coat on seen with a '70s jumper
Piece of laboratory equipment
Piece of land
Piece of land in water
Piece of land surrounding lake initially dug year in advance
Piece of land that sounds like a continual sore point?
Piece of landed property
Piece of leftover fabric
Piece of lettuce put over piece of meat?
Piece of libretto, shocking drivel
Piece of linen from pot rolled over blood
Piece of lobster or shrim
Piece of luggage
Piece of luggage, one for Sherlock?
Piece of material used to enlarge a garment
Piece of material used to strengthen a garment
Piece of meat
Piece of meat adheres to kitchen utensils
Piece of meat in bar floozy oddly ignored
Piece of meat removed from menu?
Piece of meat stuffing baguettes, I once recalled
Piece of meat that's medium on the inside - one needs to chew hard
Piece of meat, bit that's eaten at home
Piece of Megane exhaust found in Clio, perhaps
Piece of metal used for part of joint
Piece of microfilm
Piece of mind?
Piece of money
Piece of music
Piece of music about infiltrating Republican Party
Piece of music and somewhere to play it
Piece of music available in bookshop, usually
Piece of music by rock band, with short piano introduction
Piece of music composed without a key?
Piece of music displayed in order on door
Piece of music for eight voices / instruments
Piece of music from 1 (a 20A)
Piece of music has to carry a sound
Piece of music in 'Omen' maybe brought up as a reminder
Piece of music in final part of concert having men standing up
Piece of music is heard to a greater extent
Piece of music is not a soul track primarily
Piece of music left on old ship
Piece of music making man money, we hear
Piece of music over before spoken introduction to evensong
Piece of music that's short, to a greater extent in audition
Piece of music to some extent in one tempo
Piece of music without singing
Piece of music without vocals
Piece of music's rap - switch off radio!
Piece of music? Criticise performance in the auditorium
Piece of neckwear
Piece of news
Piece of news one encountered on rising
Piece of Nintendo game eq
Piece of office equipment tangles up, if misused
Piece of office furniture
Piece of old cloth
Piece of one's heart
Piece of one's mind?
Piece of one’s mind – all contents of shell-like?
Piece of open land
Piece of paper
Piece of paper on doormat
Piece of paratha likely to make an Indian meal
Piece of pasta
Piece of photographic equipment
Piece of pi?
Piece of pie, often
Piece of pipe
Piece of poetry
Piece of poetry by Antipodean soldier unfinished after street evacuated
Piece of poetry penned by significant other
Piece of pottery one throws
Piece of primitive art, hysterically coarse
Piece of property
Piece of punditry
Piece of rabbit that a couple will share?
Piece of recondite gossip in French
Piece of rodeo equipment
Piece of schoolwork
Piece of seaside rock?
Piece of shiny material to stretch across broken leg
Piece of silicon Greek character found in farmer’s yield by motorway
Piece of silver
Piece of silver, perhaps
Piece of silver, say
Piece of small shot
Piece of soap
Piece of software for a mobile phone, say
Piece of software, for sh
Piece of sound equipment
Piece of stage lighting
Piece of straw is perhaps thus described
Piece of street art
Piece of table linen
Piece of the 'hood
Piece of the action
Piece of the cloth?
Piece of The Rock
Piece of tiling on church blokes fix
Piece of timber
Piece of tin object in the distance
Piece of toasted bread criminal eats right away
Piece of torn skin
Piece of traditional wisdom
Piece of tree trunk
Piece of trim in Italian car
Piece of true information
Piece of turf
Piece of turf dug out by a golf club
Piece of turf dug out by a golfer
Piece of turf dug out with a golf club
Piece of unexpected good fortune
Piece of unfinished busin
Piece of Variety news
Piece of vegetable or meat deep-fried in spiced batter
Piece of verse
Piece of video gear
Piece of vital importance is drooping
Piece of waste material
Piece of wedding cake, maybe, catching stray dog
Piece of Whitman — it's essentially about poem
Piece of wood male found in river
Piece of wood that will make 8?
Piece of wood: heavy weight that floats in the sea
Piece of wood’s rotten? Stop surfing
Piece of work
Piece of work runs into bar
Piece of work?
Piece of writing
Piece of writing about short official order for health professionals
Piece of writing added on "love" in Hardy novel
Piece on baby's bottle
Piece over a door or wind
Piece picked up with ease with these?
Piece played by a pair
Piece played staccato with no introduction
Piece project?
Piece provided, worn pipe
Piece ragmen wrapped in paper
Piece sailor set up that catches ship's deserters
Piece seen seldom in opera houses
Piece selected from a film
Piece still lacking odd bits, in the event
Piece supporting the rudd
Piece taken dal segno maestro turned in
Piece that gets riveted
Piece that is for a beginner
Piece that’s unusually staccato — not Schubert’s first
Piece to leap in
Piece to perform on 3/4-size string instrument
Piece together, as tape
Piece trimmed is level
Piece turned to compress two gases in forming diamond
Piece under a ball
Piece with returning theme
Piece worn under a blouse
Piece worthy to be heard? It makes one restless
Piece, central to, or on the far side of, banner
Piece, segment
Pieced together
Pieces band arranged back-to-front
Pieces bound for store
Pieces by bridge in London station
Pieces by Thomas Paine
Pieces composed by partner in particular
Pieces for grilling
Pieces for one not completely secure
Pieces for piano class
Pieces from a bursting shell
Pieces generally for 4 in rotation with 26, possibly
Pieces left over
Pieces nameless receptacle stores
Pieces of bread
Pieces of bread?: Abbr.
Pieces of Cambridge college
Pieces of ceramic protect hard disk guides
Pieces of cloth left buried among islands by Turks
Pieces of eight?
Pieces of ephemera heaped around old ladies' rooms
Pieces of equipment added in depots, involving everyone
Pieces of fruit in small diagrams
Pieces of furniture with hollow body supports
Pieces of gold and silver, perhaps
Pieces of impure quartz used as gemstones
Pieces of information, whichever way you look
Pieces of land
Pieces of meat, drink and cocktail during the weekend?
Pieces of music
Pieces of nine?
Pieces of one's mind?: Ab
Pieces of pieces of eight
Pieces of pizza?
Pieces of poetry
Pieces of pork, and seconds, eaten with these?
Pieces of publicity covering battle honours
Pieces of sausage finally eaten by old cat
Pieces of silicon hooped over end of bicycle pump?
Pieces of software for gas and electricity companies?
Pieces of surprising news
Pieces of timber to repair wide roof
Pieces of two-pieces
Pieces of uneaten food
Pieces of wood
Pieces of work
Pieces of work?
Pieces of ___
Pieces penned by you once about adversary
Pieces scattered by a bursting shell
Pieces together?
Pieces, all the same length, needed for decongestant
Piecrust ingredient
Piecrust; small cake
Pied Piper followers
Pied Piper location
Pied Piper type, in make-up, wearing oversized tie
Pied Piper's sound
Pied wader
Pied's opposite
Piedmont city
Piedmont province
Piedmont university
Piedmont wine center
Piedmont wine city
Piedmont wine town
Pier 1 alternative
Pier group work
Pier grp.
Pier's support
Pier, in architecture
Pierce an ear
Pierce Brosnan finally wears tie
Pierce fine material, threading first of needles through
Pierce in dress rehearsal
Pierce page with what one is writing with?
Pierce player
Pierce player on "M*A*S*H
Pierce player on TV
Pierce second piece of fruit
Pierce small fruit
Pierce the ears of
Pierce the skull
Pierce turned willow spindle's top
Pierce upwards with hole in squash bottle
Pierce with a fork
Pierce with a point
Pierce with a sharp point
Pierce with a tusk
Pierce's portrayer
Pierce-Arrow contemporary
Pierced body part, someti
Pierced by a horn
Pierced places
Pierced with a blade
Pierced with a dagger
Pierced with a knife
Pierced with a sharp object
Pierced with a weapon
Piercing cry
Piercing cry that hurt head of little bird
Piercing glance
Piercing instrument
Piercing place
Piercing places
Piercing site
Piercing songs for two, reflective but lacking energy
Piercing tool
Piercing tools
Piercing whistle - ref's blowing up too much
Piercing with a horn
Piercing, small missile
Piercing, strident
Piercing; clearly defined
Piercingly cold
Pierre is there: Abbr.
Pierre or Henri, e.g.
Pierre Trudeau, e.g.
Pierre who wrote "P
Pierre ___ , Italian-born, French fashion designer, b. 1922
Pierre's buddy
Pierre's friend
Pierre's girlfriends
Pierre's here
Pierre's pal
Pierre's present?
Pierre's really ditching very dated clothes
Pierre's state: Abbr.
Pierre's yours
Pierre, Fran
Pierre-Auguste —, French painter
Pierrot, oddly saucy
Piers in medieval story's told to start without a meal
Piers Morgan's channel
Piers Morgan, for example, when in drink, made to look more attractive
Piers Morgan: "US run a highly organised community"
Pies and mash prepared by weight
Pies cooked on board a ship where no germs are present
Pies thrown prior to poetry events
Pietà sculpted by one in foreign capital
Pietro's ta-tas
Piffle on a list
Pig and poi feast
Pig and shrew overturned trap
Pig chap always used for celebration
Pig clean? Nonsense!
Pig consuming litre thanks large vessel
Pig covered in fat left for sailors
Pig eating young fish and bird
Pig eats old member of Irish 6 as a snack
Pig fat used in cooking
Pig feed
Pig food
Pig getting bloody upset, attacking sailor
Pig getting clean? That's nonsense!
Pig having short time inside pack
Pig hurt
Pig in a sty
Pig in ___
Pig keeper: wind here's terrible!
Pig Latin, e.g.
Pig meat
Pig of children's lit
Pig or fowl?
Pig out
Pig out before charging tax on duck
Pig patter
Pig pen
Pig product
Pig roast spot, briefly
Pig runs into her and bike's written off
Pig sounds
Pig stealer, in a nursery
Pig tenders
Pig voiced by Mel Blanc
Pig went for coarse plant
Pig ___
Pig ___ poke
Pig's abode
Pig's comment
Pig's container
Pig's container, in a say
Pig's cry
Pig's digs
Pig's ear - a dreadful mess
Pig's ear made of sacred woods
Pig's ear topping ex-PM's potato bites
Pig's ear, pet food?
Pig's feet
Pig's foot
Pig's grunt
Pig's heart with good bit of chicken
Pig's home
Pig's home the Parisian designs
Pig's noise
Pig's nose
Pig's pad
Pig's place
Pig's sound
Pig's sounds
Pig, at times
Pig, when rummaging for t
Pig-like monster goring tree
Pig-like noises
Pig; plant
Pigeon confused with rat? One flutters
Pigeon coop
Pigeon dish
Pigeon English?
Pigeon house on lake left incomplete
Pigeon in port briefly with stick from Brighton?
Pigeon in river
Pigeon lover?
Pigeon or dove
Pigeon patter
Pigeon quietly flying off further from centre
Pigeon shelter
Pigeon shelters
Pigeon sound
Pigeon variety
Pigeon's call
Pigeon's home
Pigeon's murmur
Pigeon's perch
Pigeon's sound
Pigeonhole's place
Pigeonholed as an actor
Pigeonholed, in moviedom
Pigeonlike birds
Pigged out
Piggish German's tall and thin
Piggish remark
Piggy bank deposit
Piggy bank filler
Piggy bank user
Piggy beginning to crawl in, occupying hole
Piggy is middle character of three in game
Piggy noises
Piggy plaint
Piggy-bank aperture
Piglet's grandfather - 8 this - probably ate this
Piglet's mother
Piglet's pal
Piglets' mothers
Piglike animal
Piglike animals
Pigment Cezanne habitually makes use of in a revolutionary way
Pigment derived from 1 across
Pigment derived from cuttlefish
Pigment from welly: a modicum scattered
Pigment good in water
Pigment got from cuttlefish ink
Pigment husband removed from estuary at Hull
Pigment in leaves and plants
Pigment sounds more likely to ooze
Pigment that's a provitam
Pigment used in drawing
Pigment? Unknown number to ring for its formula
Pigmented circle of plant artist rejected
Pigmented eye parts
Pigpen cry
Pigs and horses, maybe, heading off
Pigs in the middle fear empty troughs
Pigs let loose
Pigs soiled ground? It's hardly earth-shattering news
Pigs take little time for drink with dessert
Pigs' digs
Pigs' feet
Pigs' feet – or horses?
Pigs' group said to lack interest
Pigs' homes
Pigskin carriers
Pigskin pickoff: Abbr.
Pigskin prop
Pigskin snapper: Abbr.
Pigskin supports
Pigtail --> cause for a s
Pigtail, e.g.
Pigtailed mothers?
Pigtails, e.g.
Pikake garland
Pikas' kin
Pike initially served with fruit
Pike intervenes misguidedly - stupid boy, 16, as 23 would say
Pike lookalikes
Pike ___
Pike, e.g.
Pikes, e.g.
Pikes, e.g.: Abbr.
Pilaf ingredient
Pilaf staple
Pilau cooked for physicist
Pile I fed to males
Pile in to stop a slippery customer producing something slippery?
Pile inexpensive when roofless!
Pile maker
Pile of cash the queen's protection against a rainy day?
Pile of exposed photographs?
Pile of hay
Pile of mine refuse
Pile of money, money, money - small amount dropped off
Pile of peat?
Pile of rector's neck hair covering opening in sink
Pile of rubbish
Pile of rubbish apparently includes 29, in the main
Pile of sheaves appeared insecure?
Pile of stones
Pile of wood by heat-resistant glassware
Pile of wood set on fire, watched from behind chain
Pile of Yorkshire salt sprinkled on what stuffs chicken
Pile on to player
Pile or buoy for mooring boats
Pile up
Pile up current cloud mostly consumed
Pile up flotsam as shipwreck submerges
Piled (up)
Piled carelessly
Piled in heap, dogs off lead showed visible distress
Piled out
Piled up
Piled up arrangement of hair on the head
Piled upholstery fabrics
Piles can put off kisses and cuddles
Piles of chips, say
Piles of money
Piles of rubbish and rats scurrying by hospital in poor shape
Piles of rubbish in holy mess needing tidying, which takes up energy
Piles up
Pilfer boat
Pilfer I-beams?
Pilfer item from nativity scene
Pilfer me a
Pilfer, old-style
Pilferers from ships and
Pilfering from a fertilit
Pilgrim fooled. Journey's beginning on island
Pilgrim in Chaucer's "The
Pilgrim in holy war had moved to the top
Pilgrim papal mercifulness has saved
Pilgrim to Mecca
Pilgrim to Mecca: Var.
Pilgrim zips around inspiring Turkish port
Pilgrim's bad experience somewhere near Windsor
Pilgrim's destination
Pilgrim's goal
Pilgrim's pronoun
Pilgrim's title
Pilgrim, speaking directly, left home
Pilgrimage destination
Pilgrimage locale
Pilgrimage near year's en
Pilgrimage of posh bloke ends in Andhra Pradesh
Pilgrimage site
Pilgrimage sites
Pilgrimage to Mecca
Pilgrims briefly climbing through hot oil to attain their goal?
Pilgrims leave them
Pilgrims to Mecca
Pill alternative, for sho
Pill bug or wood louse
Pill bug, for one
Pill getting cold in a very hot sauce
Pill passage
Pill popper's pop
Pill that's easily swallo
Pill to get one horny
Pill variety
Pill, see, could be this shape
Pillager of yore
Pillager, maybe
Pillagers back up to eat snack prepared by Saxon's chief
Pillar of heaven, to Pind
Pillar of the community
Pillar where water is drawn from river
Pillared entranceway
Pillars of the community
Pillbox maybe contained illicit drugs, including ecstasy
Pillbox or porkpie
Pillbox, e.g.
Pillboxes and such
Pillboxes, e.g.
Pillow cover
Pillow covering
Pillow covers
Pillow fill
Pillow filler
Pillow material
Pillow padding
Pillow talk?
Pillow toppers, in hotels
Pillowcase accompanier
Pillowcase material
Pills protecting nine playing sport
Pills, slangily
Pillsbury Bake-Off offici
Pillsbury competitor
Pilot a vessel around island otherwise
Pilot and co's broadcast was self-congratulatory
Pilot and flight attendan
Pilot backing international air traffic control
Pilot beginning to advance by way of hill
Pilot beginning to ascend using hill
Pilot bombing marina
Pilot coming from Malaga, via Torremolinos
Pilot creating a message with smoke trails
Pilot cuts Eton collars up
Pilot entering Alaska via Toronto
Pilot follows up first half of deadly attack
Pilot has relocated, getting better place
Pilot here endlessly flying?
Pilot in need of a route from Italy to Qatar finally
Pilot light
Pilot light, e.g.
Pilot light?
Pilot lowering an echo over sound system
Pilot needs this to be highly accurate
Pilot Officer cuts short easy takeoff
Pilot participating in raid and a rescue
Pilot program?
Pilot programme, its result fixed
Pilot raised issue before event
Pilot ran tour, potentially, here in Bedfordshire?
Pilot takes learner through air turn manoeuvre
Pilot very lost? No way
Pilot who dreams where some pigeons are heading?
Pilot with flight attenda
Pilot with long limbs, good at higher altitude
Pilot’s compartment
Pilot's abbr.
Pilot's accessory
Pilot's announcement, bri
Pilot's announcement, for
Pilot's approximation, fo
Pilot's certification req
Pilot's command
Pilot's communicator
Pilot's compartment
Pilot's control column
Pilot's craft
Pilot's datum: Abbr.
Pilot's diaries
Pilot's diary
Pilot's dir.
Pilot's directive on take
Pilot's dog?
Pilot's domain
Pilot's expertise
Pilot's field
Pilot's guess: Abbr.
Pilot's guidepost
Pilot's hdg.
Pilot's heading
Pilot's heading: Abbr.
Pilot's info, briefly
Pilot's maneuver
Pilot's milieu
Pilot's nightmare
Pilot's path - one moving west
Pilot's place
Pilot's place?
Pilot's point?
Pilot's pre-takeoff filin
Pilot's prediction, for s
Pilot's problem
Pilot's projection: Abbr.
Pilot's setting
Pilot's setting, perhaps
Pilot's spot
Pilot's stat.
Pilot's stunt
Pilot's update, for short
Pilot's vision problem
Pilot's wear
Pilot's wind problem
Pilot's worry
Pilot's zone
Pilot, e.g.
Pilot, flight attendants,
Pilot, for one
Pilot, one who ran over time getting to airport
Pilot, slangily
Pilot’s bag presented to FBI agent
Pilothouse abbr.
Pilothouse dir.
Pilotless aircraft
Pilotless craft killed without resistance
Pilotless plane
Pilotless planes
Pilots advanced westwards at a great distance
Pilots must pass it
Pilots taking you out for bit of laugh in these?
Pilots' announcements, fo
Pils drunk by nurses? Shock horror, for some
Pilsener holder
Pilsener kin
Pilsner, for example
Piltdown man locale
Piltdown man, notably
Pimlico garb
Pimp against paper covering prostitute's initiation
Pimp linking minister to a parliamentarian
Pimp's beginning to exploit her virtue - however, he may not succeed
Pimpernel or prairie clov
Pimps not supporting those who make things better
Pin – and stitch
Pin bulk of credit crunches on former financial guide
Pin cushion
Pin cushion?
Pin down
Pin down late supporter about tense, tense situation
Pin down nothing about American
Pin dubious statement on bias
Pin for food
Pin for holding meat being roasted
Pin hoax on model-type and the French
Pin holder
Pin holders
Pin I check under top of roof
Pin left in weapon
Pin location
PIN number 1150?
PIN number much appreciated, being in credit
Pin number written both ways secures money after entering, finally
Pin number?
Pin of a sort
Pin of a sundial whose shadow points to the hour
Pin on
PIN points
Pin prick finally punctures needlewoman
PIN providing on-line security?
PIN requester
PIN requesters
Pin site
Pin spots?
PIN spotters?
PIN takers
Pin we stuck in short puppet
Pin ___
Pin's place
Pin, in a way
Pin-up about to tuck into a lot of raw food
Pin-up figure?
Pina colada ingredient
Pinafore dress James picked up by mistake
Pinafore letters
Pinball error
Pinball foul
Pinball game ender
Pinball game stoppers
Pinball machine, e.g.
Pinball message
Pinball no-no
Pinball parlor
Pinball path
Pinball paths
Pinball problem
Pinball sound
Pincered insect
Pincered insects
Pincered stinger
Pinch - a small amount of alcohol
Pinch a bit
Pinch a little bit of booze
Pinch and run
Pinch article about one empty vehicle
Pinch awake in Turkey
Pinch between forefinger and thumb
Pinch boobs
Pinch hitter
Pinch leg from the back
Pinch little dog with half-docked tail
Pinch lover
Pinch money found in dumpster
Pinch of salt roughly put in pies the wrong way
Pinch pennies
Pinch place after elevating skill in bowling?
Pinch pure metal finally, then reportedly pinch an alloy
Pinch secret code after turning up
Pinch sharply
Pinch small drink of spirits
Pinch small duck
Pinch small quantity of spirits
Pinch sources
Pinch whiskey in wooden container
Pinch, in a way
Pinch, squeeze
Pinch-hitting great Manny
Pinchas Zukerman, e.g.
Pinched a bit of corn on approach
Pinched – and scratched
Pinched lady’s scarf
Pinched pennies
Pinched stuff from comedian going on second
Pinched vestment
Pinched, perhaps
Pinches cold food that might be spare?
Pinches pennies
Pinches trophy after taking up bowling like this
Pinching an article on paper
Pinchpenny's opposite
Pincushion alternative
Pindar creation
Pindar volume
Pindar work
Pindar writings
Pindar's country
Pindar, for one
Pindar, notably
Pindaric pieces
Pindaric work
Pine (for)
Pine and willow casing old vessel
Pine church in outskirts of Adelaide
Pine dripping
Pine exudation
Pine for
Pine for - young lady
Pine for a girl
Pine for one looking sickly all the time
Pine for the holiday season?
Pine from lightweight transport with end removed
Pine in Babylon gardens
Pine leaf
Pine leaf; annoy
Pine leaves
Pine not turning up: it's worth thousands of pounds
Pine nut's suppressed rash
Pine or larch, for instance
Pine product
Pine products
Pine resin has the top left off
Pine sap
Pine store's not opened
Pine tar soap finally running out
Pine toilets: they’re warm in winter
Pine tree finally included in story
Pine tree leaf
Pine trunk that's been felled, cut by Norway
Pine Valley soap siren
Pine, e.g.
Pine, perhaps, when one leaves Scottish island
Pine, silver, originally orange in the distant past
Pine? 22 picked up in Californian city
Pineapple and some bananas -- green bananas -- chopped by a date
Pineapple and some bananas eaten (not “ate”) in class
Pineapple cocktail mixer's not cool
Pineapple desserts
Pineapple is fruit, but not British
Pineapple island
Pineapple skin segment
Pineapple, e.g.
Pined for salary received in Japan?
Pinellas Peninsula city,
Pines losing needles primarily get turned into these?
Pines of Rome composer
Pines, firs, cypresses
Ping or pong
Ping or zing
Ping's regular partner?
Ping-Pong ball whacker
Ping-Pong locale
Ping-Pong or dancing, for
Ping-Pong skills
Ping-Pong table divider
Ping-Pong table dividers
Pings and dings
Piniella of the Yankees
Pining for one's sweetheart
Pining pantomime persona
Pinion's partner
Pinions perhaps by firm force with parts of feet
Pink - lobster roe
Pink and lacy, perhaps
Pink bird
Pink bum finally squeezed into shop
Pink Chevy race?
Pink cocktail
Pink elephant sighter
Pink exhibition room incorporates museum's entrance
Pink flamingo, for one
Pink flower
Pink Floyd co-founder Bar
Pink Floyd's Barrett
Pink inside
Pink lady ingredient
Pink Mr. Potato Head piec
Pink or red bird
Pink organ pinching
Pink Parisian and parting gift
Pink potable
Pink radical wearing black stuff
Pink room used to store money
Pink shade
Pink slate
Pink slip
Pink tip
Pink wading bird
Pink was revolting
Pink wine
Pink, as a steak
Pink, as cheeks
Pink, maybe
Pink, say
Pink, so to speak
Pink-eyed panther, say
Pink-flowered plant - confectionery item
Pink-flowered shrub
Pink-flowered tree
Pink-legged bird
Pink-legged wader
Pink; promising
Pinker than pink
Pinker, in a way
Pinker, perhaps
Pinkerton in "Madama Butt
Pinkerton or Columbo
Pinkerton's work setting for choppers, scrapers in hand
Pinkerton, e.g.
Pinkerton, in "Madama But
Pinkie Brown? Huckleberry Finn? 007 possibly another one to include
Pinkish color
Pinkish fish paste
Pinkish Greek fish paste
Pinkish purple
Pinkish yellow
Pinkish yellow, e.g.
Pinkish, as a steak
Pinkish-red colour
Pinkish-white colour
Pinky and Spike
Pinnacle of achievement
Pinnacles reached by hospital rowing crews
Pinned attire
Pinned down?
Pinned into wrong desk? Used to be
Pinned on
Pinned out of bounds behind labyrinth
Pinning surface
Pinny - part of the fairway leading up to the green
Pinocchio's giveaway
Pinocchio's maker desires whittled kids to bring up
Pinocchio, at times
Pinocchio, e.g.
Pinocchio, famously
Pinocchio, for one
Pinocchio, notably
Pinochle combo
Pinochle combos
Pinochle dream
Pinochle-like game
Pinot Noir seen regularly near a region of Greece
Pinot Noir, as regularly found in ancient part of Asia
Pinot ___
Pinot ___ (wine)
Pinpoint, say
Pinpoint, with "on"
Pins and needles holder
Pins and needles' place
Pins down
Pins or penny preceder
Pins up favourite piece of information
Pins' place
Pint at a pub
Pint glass of beer, perhaps
Pint he’d prepared, being thorough
Pint in a pub
Pint of water, say?
Pint seems to dissolve hollow feeling
Pint sellers
Pint, inch or second
Pint-sized idol finally performing in old city
Pinta deliverer
Pinter play featuring Vivien Merchant "amateurish"
Pintful, perhaps
Pintos, e.g.
Pinup boy
Pinup feature
Pinup features
Pinup's leg
Pinup's legs
Pinup's pride
Pinups, perhaps
Pinwheel turner
Pinza of "South Pacific"
Pinza of the Met
Pion's place
Pioneer - fine art PhD
Pioneer American aviator, who disappeared with her navigator in the Pacific, 1937
Pioneer appears in old negative looking dapper
Pioneer automaker
Pioneer bathyspherist
Pioneer Boone, familiarly
Pioneer bop vibist Jackso
Pioneer carrier
Pioneer cell phone co.
Pioneer company, since 19
Pioneer computer
Pioneer father secures source of hieroglyphic discovery
Pioneer geneticist
Pioneer German automaker
Pioneer in 33 1/3 r.p.m.
Pioneer in calculus
Pioneer in Cubism
Pioneer in I.Q. testing
Pioneer in instant messag
Pioneer in mathematical l
Pioneer in medicine
Pioneer in quadraphonic r
Pioneer in quantum theory
Pioneer in scholasticism
Pioneer in storm rang off
Pioneer in Surrealism
Pioneer in the developmen
Pioneer in vaccination
Pioneer in Western, a person without prospects
Pioneer item
Pioneer of antiseptic surgery
Pioneer of TV comedy
Pioneer org.
Pioneer products
Pioneer providing means to end gun row
Pioneer radiation researc
Pioneer reggae musician
Pioneer somehow crossing Poles — he may get income for life
Pioneer surrenders ring to one supplying capital
Pioneer talk show host
Pioneer video game
Pioneer’s dog found in lake? On the contrary
Pioneer's desire
Pioneer's heading
Pioneer's org.
Pioneer's place
Pioneer's wagon
Pioneer, he worked with originators of military project
Pioneer? Hoskins is one, foremost of liars admitted!
Pioneering 1740 novel sub
Pioneering 1940's compute
Pioneering 1940s computer
Pioneering 1982 film
Pioneering 35 mm. camera
Pioneering 50's news prog
Pioneering 70's video gam
Pioneering advocate for a permanent military establishment near the centre of Hartlepool
Pioneering agriculturist
Pioneering anti-AIDS drug
Pioneering art
Pioneering automaker
Pioneering blues singer S
Pioneering chemist super at broadcast
Pioneering collagist
Pioneering computer
Pioneering computer game
Pioneering conservationis
Pioneering cosmonaut cutting out drink in scientific culture?
Pioneering D.J. Freed
Pioneering Dadaist
Pioneering electrical eng
Pioneering environmentalist dissected acorns
Pioneering film in stop-m
Pioneering film of 1940
Pioneering French designe
Pioneering General Motors
Pioneering geneticist
Pioneering programmer needs a lawyer
Pioneering puppeteer
Pioneering puppeteer Tony
Pioneering razor with a p
Pioneering Russian spacec
Pioneering shopkeeper attaching value to natural fabric
Pioneering South African TV series fan?
Pioneering tsar's exotic voyages
Pioneering U.S. feminist
Pioneering video game com
Pioneering woman lawyer B
Pioneering women's rights
Pioneers flying in a country raise toast
Pioneers of a 365-day cal
Pioneers waving around axes stick together with this?
Pious argument repelled all on aboard, you might say
Pious – get flourishes
Pious figure clothed in most suitable room?
Pious person learning about alcohol
Pious platitudes
Pious platitudes - jargon
Pious spouse's ultimatum?
Pious twins crossing Alps, perhaps? Most bizarre
Pious type to assess extremely greedy policy
Pious woman inappropriate, going topless in stable
Piously solemn
Pip and others
Pip at the start of "Grea
Pip covers head of timid horse
Pip describes wonder identifying kelp, for example
Pip found in apple, not spinach, on reflection
Pip lassoes head of troublesome horse
Pip location
Pip of "Great Expectation
Pip or pit
Pip's ideal extracted from grapes? Tell agriculturist
Pip's partner - quakes
Pipe a short time blocked by stone
Pipe application
Pipe attachment
Pipe band's leader chasing sailors, wearing Chanel
Pipe bend
Pipe blown in cold loo — time to go finally
Pipe blown in cold loo, time to go finally
Pipe brings audible complaint
Pipe buried in a garden plot must be taken away
Pipe came up with lumps or swellings
Pipe charged particles in huge numbers
Pipe cleaner
Pipe connection
Pipe connector
Pipe contents
Pipe crossing road by a green
Pipe diameter associated with showers
Pipe disintegrating each summer
Pipe down building's in position
Pipe feature
Pipe fitting
Pipe fitting is round, as it happens
Pipe for channelling smoke
Pipe for firing poison darts, say
Pipe for liquid or gas
Pipe from Rhode Island displayed in pub
Pipe holder
Pipe is turned back; new plumbing at last stopping flood
Pipe joint
Pipe leaves
Pipe making a hollow sound
Pipe material
Pipe material for Frosty
Pipe material, for short
Pipe number 2, did you say?
Pipe organ I played for two children
Pipe organ stops
Pipe part
Pipe parts
Pipe piece
Pipe player of myth
Pipe problem
Pipe provided with iron casing
Pipe radius used in Shard
Pipe residue
Pipe section
Pipe shape
Pipe sullier
Pipe takes a period of time to fill cart
Pipe tobacco has it
Pipe type
Pipe up
Pipe up or down?
Pipe up with strangely poetic hymn
Pipe used to transport liquids or gases
Pipe we included in series
Pipe what's brought on board by waiter finally?
Pipe’s discharge
Pipe's diameter above showers
Pipe, variable length, covered in ash
Pipe-smoking actor Brian
Pipe-smoking former Congr
Piped down audibly
Piped down, so we hear
Piped fuel
Piped notes
Piped up
Pipeline accident investi
Piper Cubs, e.g.
Piper of "Twin Peaks"
Piper's followers
Piper's wear
Pipers playing before queen start to exude sweat
Pipes steeplechasers possibly hand out
Pipes up
Piping compound, briefly
Piping filmed for expert
Pipistrelles, for example
Pipped fruit
Pippen, to Jordan, once
Pippi Longstocking creato
Pippi Longstocking featur
Pipsqueak and bigwig today taking prime positions
Pipsqueak should save money – that's basic
Pipsqueak under cross-exa
Piquancy - Chinese dynasty
Piquant base for a sandwi
Piquant sandwich base
Piquant, brown and grey on the outside
Piquantly flavoured
Pique about son caught streaming bad habit online
Pique condition?
Pique experience?
Piqued state
Piranhas in a German bord
Pirate almost at sea, no longer anchored
Pirate almost snatching gold to add to small coins
Pirate almost stealing gold coin
Pirate captain discovered text revealing climactic events
Pirate captain of legend
Pirate costume feature
Pirate didn’t pick articles for pillage
Pirate flag
Pirate flag in the summer
Pirate flags
Pirate gets a bit of a shock, finding gun
Pirate getting sozzled, condition produced by pre-dinner drink
Pirate had dreadful racist policy
Pirate Lafitte
Pirate legend
Pirate map features
Pirate of note
Pirate or Padre, briefly
Pirate or Padre, for shor
Pirate out of place in part of ship, be honest
Pirate radio's vulgar song
Pirate remix of Elvis (the King)
Pirate rival
Pirate school
Pirate shot and beheaded put ashore
Pirate shot by cricketer
Pirate singing bawdy sea shanty
Pirate spirits
Pirate sticker
Pirate support, stereotyp
Pirate treasure
Pirate upset splitting share getting sent home
Pirate very shortly at sea in armed vessel
Pirate whose treasure is
Pirate with a hard-to-rhy
Pirate’s gear adopted by gang
Pirate’s surprised expressions on air
Pirate’s earthy manner in speech
Pirate’s rough appearance remarked on
Pirate's appurtenance
Pirate's box
Pirate's demand
Pirate's domain
Pirate's drink
Pirate's exclamation
Pirate's facial attire
Pirate's hiding place, po
Pirate's home, with "the"
Pirate's implement
Pirate's leader aware of refusal to turn back boat
Pirate's leader involved in surprise attacks in fast-flowing water
Pirate's liquor
Pirate's pal
Pirate's place
Pirate's potable
Pirate's prize
Pirate's prop to fix on stage?
Pirate's punishment
Pirate's realm
Pirate's secret
Pirate's stash
Pirate's storage
Pirate's support
Pirate's support?
Pirate's supporter
Pirate's unfettered rage
Pirate, 90, suffering a long time in here?
Pirate, attention-grabbing moaner!
Pirate’s associate arriving aboard vessel
Pirated copy
Pirates and Padres, infor
Pirates disturbed trail
Pirates may make someone
Pirates of Penzance, befo
Pirates of the Caribbean,
Pirates' domain
Pirates' ensign
Pirates' home
Pirates' plunder
Pirates' stashes
Piratical adventurers
Piratical Scottish writer with aural pendant, reportedly
Pirating some data from?
Pirouette on the cricket field?
Pirouette pivot
Pirouette point
Pirouette points
Pirouetter's pivot
Pirouetting in the raw, a nudist in the dark
Pirouetting priest in party is slippery
Pisa can't be rebuilt by leaders
Pisa dough
Pisa has a leaning one
Pisa preposition
Pisa's river
Pisan pronoun
Pisces' follower
Pisces's follower
Piscivore with too much energy essentially
Piscivorous bird
Piscivorous flier
Pissed off about one religious service or made more religious?
Pissed off with pay, producing difficulty for consumer
Pistachio or almond
Pistil complement
Pistol - 1966 Beatles album
Pistol associated with him 24 9's taken over
Pistol exhibiting good safety mechanism
Pistol flare extremely easy to transport
Pistol not used at the front?
Pistol perhaps mine used in very unpleasant place
Pistol, in slang
Pistol, rifle or gun
Pistol, say
Pistol, slangily
Pistolet, e.g.
Pistols and such
Pistols and swords
Piston adjunct
Piston chamber
Piston's place: Abbr.
Pistons' league (abbr.)
Pistons' place
Pit boss's place
Pit contents
Pit crew member
Pit crew's supply
Pit dog runs over yard
Pit dwellers
Pit employee of little importance, do we hear?
Pit foreign articles against vast number
Pit holder
Pit in Devonshire drained by conservationists
Pit in its entirety?
Pit in Wales demolished completely
Pit of despair
Pit passage
Pit stop can
Pit stop change
Pit stuff
Pit transactions
Pit used as shelter against enemy fire
Pit with farm animal beyond limits of suburb
Pit worker
Pit worker against absolute goddess
Pit workers abandoned short race?
Pit, bus or full
Pit-digging insect
Pit-digging insects
Pit-___ (heart sound)
Pit-___ (heartbeat sound)
Pita sandwiches
Pita source
Pitch — what happens on one before match?
Pitch a collection of works, overwhelmed by theatre award
Pitch a second Plath novel
Pitch a tent
Pitch and run succeeded at first
Pitch between columns
Pitch black: zero light initially when getting up
Pitch business with regret after turning up to see Brussels official
Pitch checker's routine nap disturbed
Pitch close to perfection, for example
Pitch closed after pop­ular race
Pitch declared first-class for part of match
Pitch error Lulu occasionally makes
Pitch evaluators
Pitch for a pistol?
Pitch from film director cutting a lot of ice
Pitch heavily at anchor
Pitch in
Pitch in for
Pitch in Fritzenbühel playable for a period
Pitch in the direction of Geordieland?
Pitch indicator
Pitch maker?
Pitch off the road
Pitch on paper
Pitch one’s tent
Pitch players used
Pitch preceder
Pitch problems?
Pitch provider
Pitch setter
Pitch setting wrecks broadcast
Pitch side used in Bristol
Pitch sources
Pitch spread in piles
Pitch suddenly
Pitch symbol
Pitch target
Pitch tents
Pitch tents for the night
Pitch tents in spots put up by politician
Pitch to initially impressionable senior Tories? Maybe he does
Pitch up with cards for set of photographers
Pitch ___
Pitch ___ (prepare to cam
Pitch ___-hitter
Pitch's partner
Pitch, in a way
Pitch-and-putt club
Pitched blade?
Pitched high in area of dartboard
Pitched home?
Pitched item
Pitched perfectly
Pitched poorly
Pitched quarters
Pitched too low
Pitched, say
Pitcher Al for the Blue J
Pitcher Alejandro
Pitcher Bob of the 60's P
Pitcher Derek
Pitcher Derek, 2004 Red S
Pitcher Don of the 1950's
Pitcher Fernandez
Pitcher Gagn
Pitcher Gregg ___
Pitcher handle
Pitcher Hershiser
Pitcher Hideki ___
Pitcher Hideo
Pitcher Hideo Nomo's birt
Pitcher Hideo ___
Pitcher Labine
Pitcher Lopez or Vazquez
Pitcher Maddux who won fo
Pitcher Maddux with four
Pitcher Maglie and others
Pitcher Martinez
Pitcher Nolan
Pitcher of a perfect game
Pitcher of baseball's Gas
Pitcher of beer for Spooner's dance
Pitcher of milk?
Pitcher of woo
Pitcher Orlando Hern
Pitcher part
Pitcher parts
Pitcher plant victim
Pitcher Quisenberry
Pitcher Randy Johnson
Pitcher Reynolds of the 1
Pitcher Reynolds of the 4
Pitcher Reynolds who was
Pitcher Robb ___
Pitcher Ryan
Pitcher Saberhagen
Pitcher Satchel
Pitcher Shawn
Pitcher Shawn ___
Pitcher spout
Pitcher threw erratically in parts
Pitcher throwing last of balls from gutter
Pitcher Tiant
Pitcher who says "Oh, yea
Pitcher who was the 1995
Pitcher Wilhelm
Pitcher with 5,714 lifeti
Pitcher with a spout
Pitcher ___ Nen
Pitcher's accessory
Pitcher's asset
Pitcher's bagful
Pitcher's boo-boo
Pitcher's catcher?
Pitcher's charge
Pitcher's coup
Pitcher's delivery
Pitcher's faux pitch
Pitcher's feat
Pitcher's fierce throw - take cover at the back
Pitcher's gift
Pitcher's place
Pitcher's pride
Pitcher's rubber
Pitcher's rubber, in slan
Pitcher's stat
Pitcher's stat.
Pitcher's success
Pitcher's target
Pitcher's target (2 wds.)
Pitcher's taunt having thwarted Ruth's hit?
Pitcher's tour de force
Pitcher's triumph
Pitcher, but not the diam
Pitcher, chucker
Pitcher, of a sort
Pitcherful, maybe
Pitchers are often put in
Pitchers may hold them
Pitchers titchers?
Pitchers' gloves
Pitchers' places
Pitchers' rubbers
Pitchers' stats
Pitchers, e.g.
Pitchers, in a way
Pitches a tent
Pitches between innings
Pitches four balls to
Pitches in
Pitches woo
Pitches, in a way
Pitchfork features
Pitchfork part
Pitchfork prong
Pitchfork sticker
Pitchfork wielder
Pitchfork-shaped Greek le
Pitchfork-shaped letter
Pitchfork-shaped letters
Pitching a bit
Pitching asset?
Pitching choice
Pitching coach Johnny
Pitching credit
Pitching feat
Pitching figures
Pitching great Tom
Pitching pro
Pitching pros
Pitching staff?
Pitching star
Pitching stat
Pitching stat.
Pitching statistic
Pitching stats
Pitching style
Pitching target
Pitching whiz
Pitching, in a way
Pitchman who said "It has
Pitchman's pitch
Piteous asides about being fat
Pitfall to go on strike - that's bunk
Pith extracted from some afore­mentioned tropical plant
Pith helmet
Pith helmet — most superior one
Pith helmet, best quality one
Pith helmet: most superior one
Pith, essence
Pithecanthropus relative
Pithecologists' study
Pithy and good reason to abandon stand-up session?
Pithy comment
Pithy joke about European passenger ship
Pithy remark
Pithy saying
Pithy saying upset an old Turkish person
Pitiable soul told gag
Pitiably small
Pitiful 20 show
Pitiful character - promise falling short, taking money
Pitiful debilitating affliction like case of lurgy
Pitiful pencil
Pitiful person
Pitiful tale of son of a bitch and Southern politician
Pitiful, heartless — reform required to give boost
Pitiful, heartless, corrupt? Here’s a boost
Pitifully meek, oddly weird, and lacking in mental resilience
Pitifully sad
Pitifully sad and lonely
Pitiless on being confined in pen
Pitiless truth represented in film
Pitlik who directed "Barn
Pitman going round wrong purveyor of headgear
Pitman inspires awe as a capturer of thoughts?
Pitman once bringing in amateur scrutineer
Pitt and Penn
Pitt athlete
Pitt of "Meet Joe Black"
Pitter-patter maker
Pitts of "Life With Fathe
Pitts of Hollywood
Pitts of old films
Pitts of old Hollywood
Pitts of silent film
Pittsburgh football team
Pittsburgh footballer
Pittsburgh giant
Pittsburgh Hall-of-Fame t
Pittsburgh philanthropist
Pittsburgh Pirates hero o
Pittsburgh player
Pittsburgh product
Pittsburgh suburb with an
Pittsburgh team
Pittsburgh's Mellon ___
Pittsburgh's ___ Museum
Pittsburgh, e.g.
Pittsburgh-based food gia
Pittsburgh-born poet who
Pittsburgh-to-Boston dir.
Pittsburgh-to-Buffalo dir
Pituitary gland hormone
Pituitary gland output
Pituitary hormone
Pituitary, e.g.
Pity about cutting new individual transmitter
Pity about Europe wasting its money, some in India
Pity for another's misfortune
Pity he's left here gloomy, having lost second round
Pity it only has 4 chapters
Pity missing one on range
Pity old queen having to face cross physicist
Pity uncovered pancreas wound is pussy
Pity's aroused by tense key worker
Pitying cry
Pivot around
Pivot, essentially, provides balance point
Pivotal point
Pivotal point thoroughly reduced? A little reduced
Pivotal port in W.W. II
Pivotal times
Pivoting razor
Pivoting span on a river
Pivots about which levers turn
Pix that perplex
Pixar collectible
Pixar creations
Pixar drawing
Pixar fish
Pixar robot with a female
Pixar title character
Pixar's "Finding ___"
Pixar's "Finding ___," 20
Pixar's first feature-len
Pixelate, say
Pixels and such
Pixie and Dixie's nemesis
Pixie stick
Piz Bernina group
Piz Bernina is one
Piz Bernina, e.g.
Piz Bernina, for one
Pizarro conquest
Pizarro foe
Pizarro founded it
Pizarro's capital
Pizarro's conquest
Pizarro's gold
Pizarro's prize
Pizarro's quest
Pizza box logo
Pizza dough turnover
Pizza dough turnover with a savoury filling
Pizza feature
Pizza Hut competitor
Pizza ingredient
Pizza joint in "Do the Ri
Pizza option
Pizza order
Pizza order, frequently
Pizza orders
Pizza place
Pizza places
Pizza portions
Pizza sausage
Pizza seasoning
Pizza slice, usually
Pizza slices, usually
Pizza topped with mozzarella, tomato and basil
Pizza topping
Pizza ___
Pizza's topping has various items (no peppers)
Pizzeria appliance
Pizzeria chain since 1943
Pizzeria chain, familiarl
Pizzeria chain, informall
Pizzeria feature
Pizzeria fixture
Pizzeria fixtures
Pizzeria in Spike Lee's "
Pizzeria order
Pizzeria output
Pizzeria patron
Pizzeria ___ (fast food c
Pizzeria ___ (fast-food c
Pizzicato presumably not mastered
PJ-clad mansion owner
Pkg. deliverer
Pkg. no.
Pkg. stats
Placate by giving in to demands
Placate by making concessions
Placate monkey, feeding it vegetables
Placate primate hoarding vegetables
Placate with concessions
Placated after hole made less clear
Placates gorillas, perhaps stuffing them with veg
Placatory concession
Place of sudden prosperity
Place (bet)
Place - position
Place - zit
Place a foot, part of it, on sand, agitating series of scrap dealers
Place a stake by a road retreat
Place accepting knight's funny routine
Place again on the box
Place again on TV
Place American on mountain pass, returning
Place an absolute mess, we hear
Place and time for a stripper of vegetation
Place and time for insect
Place and time to bag an old house
Place around lake with bridge for old writer
Place associated with buns otherwise bringing tea round
Place associated with fever epidemic
Place associated with particular events
Place at a disadvantage
Place at examination brings praise
Place at Oxford — just the start for philosopher
Place atop
Place bedecked in unalloyed imperial colour
Place bees are kept
Place beside
Place best for climbing
Place between hills
Place between one thing and another
Place bits of banjo in trash
Place bottom of staple gun on a line of letters
Place brewing local tea
Place briefly visited
Place brushed by a barber
Place burden on country with Denmark's last stand
Place buzzing 1960s style
Place call for Scots dividing liquid medication
Place cleared, but rotting
Place close to Sundance
Place close together
Place containing fabulous riches
Place covered in unmixed colour
Place cross beside first motorway locations
Place crushed by King Kong?
Place Daisy Ashford's "visitors" centrally
Place directors meet
Place dog next to puppy's mother?
Place du Casino locale
Place equipped for sports or physical training
Place everything over pet enclosure initially
Place false statement before head of university
Place filled with treasure or unusual objects
Place finished, be accommodating
Place firmly in position to keep top of it from bending easily
Place first and last letter next to a square
Place fit for dog
Place for "junk"
Place for "stompin'"
Place for a "Bridge Out"
Place for a 45
Place for a b
Place for a baby to sit
Place for a bagel and a s
Place for a bar
Place for a bar mitzvah s
Place for a barbecue
Place for a basketball ne
Place for a beach
Place for a beer and a bi
Place for a bench
Place for a blotter
Place for a body to repos
Place for a bookcase
Place for a bouncing baby
Place for a boutonniere
Place for a bow, maybe
Place for a bowl
Place for a breath of fre
Place for a brioche
Place for a brush
Place for a bump
Place for a cab
Place for a cabin
Place for a cake
Place for a cap
Place for a captain
Place for a cashier, mayb
Place for a catnap?
Place for a chest
Place for a chip shot
Place for a choir
Place for a Christmas car
Place for a classic fight
Place for a claw
Place for a clown
Place for a cold one
Place for a collared pers
Place for a comb
Place for a concession
Place for a constitutional Liberal and a sleep?
Place for a cookout
Place for a counter claim
Place for a crane
Place for a crick
Place for a crown
Place for a cup holder
Place for a cypress
Place for a dance
Place for a date, frequen
Place for a date?
Place for a designer's na
Place for a dictionary
Place for a dinette set
Place for a Dr. Scholl's
Place for a drink
Place for a duck
Place for a Dumpster
Place for a facial
Place for a fan
Place for a farmer?
Place for a fast buck
Place for a father-to-be:
Place for a finger?
Place for a finial
Place for a fire
Place for a firing
Place for a FISH (which i
Place for a fisherman
Place for a five and ten?
Place for a flock
Place for a flowerpot
Place for a football pad
Place for a footballer's
Place for a French lesson
Place for a fresco, maybe
Place for a game
Place for a gauge, inform
Place for a genie
Place for a gimlet or scr
Place for a gondola
Place for a gong
Place for a grilling
Place for a guard
Place for a guard, in soc
Place for a gutter
Place for a halo
Place for a ham
Place for a hammer
Place for a hammerlock
Place for a hanging piece
Place for a hawk
Place for a hayfork
Place for a headphone
Place for a hero
Place for a hit, usually
Place for a hoedown
Place for a hole
Place for a hole in a soc
Place for a home office,
Place for a hot pie to co
Place for a house
Place for a housecat
Place for a houseplant
Place for a keystone
Place for a king and quee
Place for a kiss
Place for a knot
Place for a lab experimen
Place for a lace
Place for a lark
Place for a lawn mower
Place for a lectern
Place for a lecture
Place for a letter
Place for a lily
Place for a little R and
Place for a London flat
Place for a male trio
Place for a markdown
Place for a marquee
Place for a mass meeting?
Place for a massage
Place for a masseuse
Place for a match
Place for a medal
Place for a mirrored ball
Place for a miss
Place for a monitor: Abbr
Place for a motto
Place for a mower
Place for a mud bath
Place for a mudbath
Place for a nail
Place for a nap
Place for a nap, maybe
Place for a needle
Place for a numbered flag
Place for a pad
Place for a padlock
Place for a page
Place for a palm
Place for a panel
Place for a patch
Place for a pavilion
Place for a peck
Place for a petri dish
Place for a phone
Place for a phone number,
Place for a pickup
Place for a pickup?
Place for a pig
Place for a pilot
Place for a pilsner
Place for a pimento
Place for a pin
Place for a pinch
Place for a Ping-Pong tab
Place for a pistol
Place for a pit stop in L
Place for a plain-clothes detect­ive: hospital department event
Place for a plane
Place for a planter
Place for a platform: Abb
Place for a plug
Place for a pot
Place for a president to see twice
Place for a professeur
Place for a programming c
Place for a pullover?
Place for a pump
Place for a pupil
Place for a quick bite
Place for a range fire
Place for a retreat
Place for a revival
Place for a ribbon
Place for a ride
Place for a ring
Place for a ring, perhaps
Place for a rip
Place for a rivulet
Place for a road sign
Place for a roast
Place for a rooster
Place for a run
Place for a sacred cow
Place for a seat of honor
Place for a select group
Place for a senator's car
Place for a sheet
Place for a ship to come
Place for a ship to make fast
Place for a shoe
Place for a shore dinner
Place for a shore dinner,
Place for a sink
Place for a skating edge
Place for a small flag
Place for a small table
Place for a smile
Place for a soldier to stay
Place for a spare tire?
Place for a spending spre
Place for a spinnaker
Place for a sports string
Place for a spring
Place for a stamp
Place for a star
Place for a statue or a h
Place for a stirrup
Place for a stroll
Place for a stud
Place for a sweater?
Place for a swing
Place for a swirl
Place for a tack
Place for a target group?
Place for a team's insign
Place for a test
Place for a thimble
Place for a throne
Place for a tie
Place for a timer
Place for a tiny flag
Place for a title
Place for a toothpick
Place for a trash can
Place for a tumbler
Place for a turkey
Place for a turret
Place for a vacuum
Place for a valve
Place for a Vandyke
Place for a vase
Place for a VCR
Place for a vet
Place for a vine
Place for a wake
Place for a wasp's nest
Place for a Yale lock?
Place for actors to relax with their friends
Place for aircraft no good in sea fog
Place for an ace
Place for an ace?
Place for an arrow
Place for an autograph
Place for an earring
Place for an easel
Place for an Easter egg h
Place for an egg roll
Place for an elbow
Place for an embedded jou
Place for an emoticon
Place for an event
Place for an exchange
Place for an ile
Place for an iris
Place for an N.H.L. logo
Place for an O. Henry sur
Place for an oath
Place for an opinion
Place for an umbrella
Place for an unwanted rin
Place for an urn
Place for assenting Brits
Place for auctions
Place for Australian Open with no covers: right hot
Place for B-2s and B-52s:
Place for bacon
Place for balloons
Place for barbells and tr
Place for barkers?
Place for barrels
Place for bateaux
Place for bats?
Place for beakers
Place for bees
Place for birds with eggs by railway, all right for nesting
Place for bluegrass
Place for boars and sows
Place for boats
Place for bones
Place for booths: Abbr.
Place for bouquets
Place for breaking things
Place for brewskis
Place for buttercups
Place for buttons
Place for butts
Place for camels to water
Place for candlesticks
Place for carved initials
Place for chalk
Place for change
Place for chaps in chaps
Place for ChapStick
Place for charter party not set: Imogen finally picked venue
Place for Chicago touchdo
Place for children and other young animals?
Place for Cicero
Place for cigarette ends
Place for climber to fix a rope in tricky ascent
Place for clover
Place for cocktails
Place for combs
Place for comings and goings - or a trip
Place for cookies or popc
Place for couple, initially, in gated enclave
Place for couples?
Place for court battles?
Place for croutons
Place for cultural studie
Place for dancing
Place for dinero
Place for diplomacy
Place for directions
Place for doodles
Place for dopiest criminal?
Place for drama broadcast at three
Place for drawers
Place for drying crockery
Place for early teaching
Place for eggs
Place for embroidery scis
Place for events in Rome, mainly about America
Place for exhibits
Place for extra notes on
Place for father to hide heiress, with plot brewing
Place for Fielding novel's opening - love dark twists
Place for filming small alien film
Place for firing at targets
Place for first flowers presumably is in March
Place for fish and ships
Place for flight, followed by English
Place for forger reserved in American university? On the contrary
Place for forks and knive
Place for fostering and promoting growth
Place for fox hunting
Place for future Lts.
Place for giraffes and hi
Place for gloss
Place for good deals
Place for gossip: Var.
Place for graduation?
Place for grain
Place for Grand Prix? Like to go around bend on short dry run
Place for grandma's trunk
Place for grazing
Place for grilling
Place for grinding flour
Place for gymnastics routine that's correct
Place for hams
Place for hand-holding?
Place for hands
Place for hangings
Place for hash browns
Place for hay
Place for hearing apprehended discharge audibly
Place for holiday transfer, ultimately - livid here, say, having lost all cases?
Place for holidaymakers affected the audience's view
Place for hops
Place for hospitality
Place for Humpty, ultimately silly fool
Place for icicles
Place for impulse buying?
Place for influence?
Place for jacks and woods
Place for Jacob's ladder, not hotel plant
Place for jets
Place for jewelry
Place for judge to sit until bar is represented
Place for keeping bits and bobs
Place for keeping personal belongings
Place for keeping racing pigeons
Place for keys and lipsti
Place for knickknacks
Place for knights
Place for knocking shop at the back: make love with rest when light goes on
Place for les enfants
Place for light refreshments
Place for loading and unl
Place for looking at engines, say, under trying conditions?
Place for mail
Place for making alcohol from fish covered in blubber
Place for Manhattanites t
Place for many a PC
Place for many a piano
Place for many a shot
Place for many belts
Place for many pictures
Place for marbles
Place for mascara
Place for matches at home
Place for med. researcher
Place for military restricted dry aperitif
Place for military suppli
Place for minister's son in Hair
Place for miscellaneous s
Place for motorists to stay
Place for mounted antlers
Place for notes
Place for old get-togethe
Place for one in disfavor
Place for one to find peace and quiet?
Place for one to return clothing
Place for padding or padd
Place for pampering
Place for parking a boat
Place for parking unwanted items?
Place for parliamentary beast - slob's a clue
Place for parsley, sage,
Place for pennies
Place for phys ed
Place for pick-ups
Place for pickles
Place for picky people?
Place for picnicking and
Place for pigeons
Place for pimiento
Place for pins
Place for planes
Place for plants
Place for platters
Place for playthings
Place for police
Place for polish
Place for pollen
Place for portraits
Place for posers?
Place for post-op patient
Place for powder
Place for prayer
Place for prayer when keen on iniquity, reportedly
Place for preemies, in br
Place for private lines?
Place for proofs
Place for pumps
Place for putting items away
Place for putting party member
Place for quiet, at times
Place for R&R
Place for reeds
Place for refreshment, old and without changes
Place for rhino attracting interest?
Place for rings
Place for rolls
Place for rouge
Place for runners
Place for sacrifices
Place for scrubs
Place for seagulls to sit
Place for second prize
Place for seeds
Place for seeing without
Place for sets and lets
Place for shanks and flan
Place for sheep
Place for sheep to graze
Place for shoats
Place for shooting practice
Place for shorthand
Place for shots
Place for sick old hawk prince reserves
Place for signatures
Place for single animal in hedge
Place for sleeping
Place for slips
Place for slow drivers
Place for small scissors
Place for soldiers that could provide a padre?
Place for some animal bai
Place for some bling-blin
Place for some car fluid
Place for some icons
Place for some polish
Place for some preppies:
Place for some prospects
Place for some relics
Place for some seniors
Place for some tents: Abb
Place for something pending
Place for splints
Place for sport or entertainment
Place for steamers
Place for strikers game to participate in sport
Place for student member in French school head abandoned
Place for studs
Place for surfing
Place for sweat glands an
Place for sweaters
Place for sweaters?
Place for swimming game
Place for swingers? Taking the car key in the middle, getting kinky gran
Place for swinging girls with scanty clothing? The reverse
Place for table umbrellas
Place for taking off other exotic clothing left in pieces principally
Place for tennis elbow: mind needing treatment
Place for testing gun turned up, it's said
Place for the high life?
Place for the highborn?
Place for the undecided
Place for the words "Miss
Place for thieves
Place for things to get s
Place for those who are no longer represented by mayor - true? Not quite
Place for tired Turkish t
Place for tobogganing - that is sport involving cold, note
Place for Torah study
Place for trash
Place for treatment
Place for trophies
Place for trophies at an
Place for trucks and shov
Place for un
Place for un b
Place for une
Place for V.J.'s
Place for valuables
Place for vines
Place for waiter bringing thick slice of bread
Place for washing instruc
Place for washing up
Place for waste good to be situated between areas of vegetation - it keeps things clean
Place for waste materials
Place for Wii play, say
Place for wild animals always keeping a lot of the other ones upset
Place for woolgathering?
Place for worship fellow held internally
Place found before school takeover
Place Franco-German articles in sack
Place frequented by holidaymakers – organise again?
Place frequently visited
Place from which to get good speed and better drugs
Place from which to watch
Place full of layers?
Place German vehicle on top of Triumph Acclaim
Place getting a lot of bu
Place has needs
Place having additional numbers around after I beg
Place hidden by grass lay empty by all accounts
Place hiding agents for a bit
Place holder?
Place holders
Place holding attention - one much valued
Place in 12 also featuring in spreads
Place in a 1964 hit song
Place in a box?
Place in a Carlo Levi mem
Place in a Pullman
Place in a Robert Redford
Place in a row
Place in Austria making razors for paring down
Place in Bond film - one of 26 22 down's
Place in church where, briefly, "I will" may be heard
Place in danger
Place in Europe British bunglers oddly forfeited
Place in frame to display prominently
Place in France?
Place in heart of Australia is possibly good suggestion for a start!
Place in Jerusalem to obtain ham seen vandalised
Place in Leicestershire, town memorably redeveloped
Place in Manhattan
Place in Monopoly
Place in natural shade
Place in Panama:
Place in position
Place in seaside polluted? Daughter's not happy
Place in shackles
Place in short grass for standing
Place in society
Place in Surrey for one needing meat
Place in Surrey for one radio operator
Place in the House
Place in the news, 3/28/7
Place in the Old West
Place in the pecking orde
Place in trust
Place in US courts
Place in vault with space to add doctor
Place in which I go to eat a lot
Place in which insect gets end away
Place in which to luxuria
Place in window for trumpet
Place inside popular painted flats?
Place into cubbyholes
Place invaded by small revolutionary in space
Place is an eyesore reportedly
Place is buzzing: politician’s beginning significant dodgy argument
Place is curiously distinctive
Place Israel over and above Brexit issue
Place keeping masks etc in pawn
Place keeping order with Alchemi's horse?
Place known anciently as
Place legal restrictions on container port
Place less value on
Place like the V&A, say
Place likely to have zoni
Place limited by damage? It's open to debate
Place making beer
Place money changes hands is revealed after probe
Place name before and aft
Place name in 1960s TV
Place name in 90's TV
Place name in New York
Place name popular in the
Place name that's Hebrew
Place names
Place near South coast where side path collapses
Place never accommodating Welsh on reflection
Place never represented in measure of popularity?
Place no one wants to go? That guy will!
Place not available in selection? Me too
Place not generating rent
Place not much heard from
Place not to be entered
Place noted for its fair hair?
Place obliquely
Place occupied by Prince Charming is not around No. 10
Place of a harsh nature to become calm
Place of abysmal misery
Place of bliss
Place of business
Place of business; underlying assumptions
Place of change?
Place of Christian worship
Place of commerce
Place of complete bliss
Place of complete bliss and peace?
Place of complete content
Place of compromise
Place of concealment
Place of confinement
Place of corruption
Place of damnation
Place of darkness on the
Place of departure that without Henry Ford would have been a sinister one
Place of depravity old bikers get upset over entering
Place of detention for those awaiting trial
Place of discreet punishm
Place of disgrace
Place of dreams
Place of education
Place of entertainment
Place of entertainment in school - capital!
Place of entry
Place of escape from danger
Place of eternal punishment, unending for each abettor?
Place of eternal suffering
Place of fiction
Place of great riches
Place of great wealth
Place of growing concern
Place of hard knocks?
Place of higher education
Place of honor
Place of horror described by fine revolutionary poet
Place of ill repute
Place of interest?
Place of learning
Place of learning and inspiration? Let me see
Place of legend
Place of manufacture
Place of many races where you'll see a northerner
Place of noisy entertainment, such as Piccadilly?
Place of pilgrimage in the French Pyrenees
Place of poor radio recep
Place of protection
Place of rapid growth
Place of refinement
Place of refuge
Place of refuge, maybe spot in the country
Place of refuge, over time, upheld in newspaper article
Place of refuge, redundan
Place of refuse
Place of religious seclusion
Place of research: Abbr.
Place of residence
Place of rest
Place of retreat
Place of ruthless competition?
Place of safety
Place of scientific research
Place of significant danger
Place of sorrowful exile
Place of suffering
Place of total privacy
Place of uncertainty
Place of unrest and potential violence
Place of uproar and confusion
Place of wildness, inform
Place of work no longer slipping?
Place of worship
Place of worship great statesman has abandoned indisposed
Place of worship is replacing a power tool
Place of worship with an altar
Place offering food for preacher John — without end
Place offering residential care
Place offering spin for change?
Place offering temporary accommodation
Place offering web access
Place on a bus
Place on a game board?
Place on a Monopoly board
Place on a road for old car
Place on a scale
Place on a schedule
Place on an angle
Place on board meeting for spells to sample eg Coronation on TV?
Place on board mostly for boss
Place on course for putting English author
Place on duty
Place on piles
Place on show
Place on the payroll
Place on the schedule
Place one might land in competition following broadcast
Place one surrendered to accommodate one novice driver as carriage guide
Place out of place
Place out of sight
Place planet not entirely close to Neptune
Place plant nutrients nea
Place power in bullet - that should get things motoring!
Place promoting weight-loss tablet
Place provided back in frame
Place providing car-based entertainment
Place providing food and lodging for paying guests
Place providing pre-school childcare
Place reckoning to get approval
Place reportedly something worth looking at
Place roughly the wrong way round, causing malfunction
Place runners?: Abbr.
Place sandwiches on starter of cucumber chopped in advance
Place school in special measures to remove head?
Place secretly
Place sect developed — an interesting sight
Place selling booze maintains constant service
Place selling deep-fried food
Place selling drinks in Prohibition
Place selling things for boats
Place serving drink in France
Place serving free food for the homeless
Place set up for male sheep
Place setting I'm about to leave
Place settings, collectiv
Place side by side
Place someone under a legal obligation
Place somewhat behind in disappointment
Place somewhere in Scotland full of clubs, note
Place such as Bournemouth put in order again
Place tart in cool
Place tee for golf shot
Place that makes and serves beer
Place that might feature
Place that often has picn
Place that’s old, of course, periodically visited
Place that's "up the rive
Place that's all abuzz
Place that's seething about university lecturer, endlessly idle type
Place that's too dangerous to visit
Place that’s Spanish, except it’s a place in Brazil
Place the car
Place the first bet
Place throw vertically over fitting, very straight
Place to "dry out"
Place to "rack 'em up"
Place to 10 someone
Place to avoid high levies
Place to avoid: it's surrounded by uninhabited cowboy country
Place to bathe - pee in it
Place to be picked up?
Place to be taken
Place to begin to connect
Place to board boat
Place to break a bronco
Place to broil
Place to brood
Place to build
Place to buy a dog or dog
Place to buy a hookah
Place to buy a pie
Place to buy a yacht
Place to buy bric-a-brac
Place to buy cotton candy
Place to buy ice cream
Place to buy souvenirs
Place to buy stage props
Place to buy tickets: Abb
Place to buy tkts.
Place to buy wine
Place to change
Place to chill?
Place to cleanse oneself of endless tinned food
Place to collect cash: A holiday destination in Asia
Place to come clean?
Place to connect a mike
Place to crash
Place to declare what to do with unsold print run?
Place to develop film
Place to dine
Place to dip a quill
Place to dip an old pen
Place to display goods
Place to display trophies
Place to do business in t
Place to do one's bidding
Place to do some gambolin
Place to do the hustle
Place to do the samba
Place to do washing
Place to dock
Place to drive from, with refusal to waste a minute
Place to dry tobacco
Place to dust
Place to eat dog's breakfast
Place to eat in Greece - near a TV
Place to eat with others - atmosphere and half pint provided
Place to enter a PIN
Place to escape from danger
Place to escape to
Place to exchange "I do's
Place to exchange rings
Place to exchange vows
Place to feel a jet strea
Place to fight
Place to fill the tank
Place to find a C-note?
Place to find a long-term
Place to find a surprise gift
Place to find alligators
Place to find auto parts
Place to find dates
Place to find fjord explo
Place to find keys
Place to find lemons?
Place to find sweaters
Place to fish
Place to fish from
Place to fly from New Delhi over another city
Place to free smelly mammal
Place to freshen up
Place to gamble in N.Y.C.
Place to get a bucket of
Place to get a burger
Place to get a buzz?
Place to get a C.D.
Place to get a date
Place to get a date?
Place to get a facial
Place to get a grip
Place to get a mud bath
Place to get a mudbath or
Place to get a Reuben
Place to get a screwdrive
Place to get a yo-yo or c
Place to get all steamed
Place to get an egg salad
Place to get an Electra,
Place to get an M.A. or P
Place to get clean
Place to get conked
Place to get dates?
Place to get drinks and fun-size chocolate?
Place to get drunk in the
Place to get five Jackson
Place to get gas
Place to get links
Place to get medical treatment or advice
Place to get milk
Place to get sober
Place to get the big pict
Place to go for a spin
Place to go for kitchenwa
Place to go if confused, reportedly
Place to go in England
Place to go in London?
Place to go surfing and then have lunch?
Place to go to rejected by taxi navigator
Place to go to suppress tension before start of the game
Place to go with a flashl
Place to go, not in river
Place to golf
Place to gradually advance commitment
Place to graze
Place to hack into a favourite piece of software
Place to hang a jacket
Place to hang a ring
Place to hang one's hat
Place to hang small greasy spoon, antique
Place to hang your hat
Place to have a brioche
Place to have a pint
Place to have food and gather
Place to have locks chang
Place to hear snorts
Place to hibernate
Place to hold a banquet r
Place to hold hops
Place to hole up
Place to keep a report
Place to keep bees
Place to keep leaves
Place to keep Mace
Place to keep toys?
Place to keep valuables
Place to kick a habit
Place to kick an addictio
Place to kick back
Place to kick something
Place to kick something?
Place to lay money on hor
Place to lay over
Place to learn about harmony
Place to learn anglais
Place to learn en fran
Place to learn mawkishness, a thing of legend
Place to leave complaint, and make another
Place to lie low
Place to litter
Place to live
Place to load and unload
Place to look for the sil
Place to lose oneself
Place to lose yourself
Place to lounge
Place to make a note of profit
Place to make a scene?
Place to make a wish
Place to make an omelet
Place to meditate
Place to moor
Place to moor a boat
Place to observe Saturday
Place to order a Blizzard
Place to order a sandwich
Place to order a stack, s
Place to order rolls
Place to order une bi
Place to overnight
Place to overnight in an
Place to park a car
Place to park behind North American dressed like Batman?
Place to park rear end of university gravy train?
Place to pasture
Place to patrol
Place to pay a toll, perh
Place to pay the bill
Place to perch
Place to perform
Place to pick up a sandwi
Place to pick up kittens
Place to pick up valuable
Place to place a wallet o
Place to plant hit in stomach - it hurts to fight
Place to play
Place to play b-ball
Place to play blackjack
Place to play cards
Place to play foosball or
Place to play jai alai
Place to play or fight
Place to play stickball
Place to play the start o
Place to play twenty-one
Place to play?
Place to plop down
Place to plug a new book,
Place to post notices
Place to practice driving
Place to practise making plants — in snooker or gardening?
Place to practise martial arts
Place to pray
Place to prepare food
Place to prepare food in area of theatre not right
Place to process film
Place to pull in for a me
Place to pull over
Place to pull over was positioned close
Place to put a bud
Place to put a plug
Place to put a tap
Place to put a thimble
Place to put a tiger?
Place to put an old newsp
Place to put bags
Place to put bags?
Place to put bets
Place to put gloss
Place to put in
Place to put one's feet u
Place to put some leaves
Place to put stiff and heavy book, not English book
Place to put the feet up
Place to put tips
Place to raise issue that no one cares for
Place to receive communio
Place to record relocation of fifty groceries
Place to recover
Place to recuperate
Place to refresh oneself
Place to refuel
Place to relax
Place to relax from Chinese disease
Place to relax in annexe one enters daily
Place to reminisce
Place to rent a cheap bed for the night
Place to rest close to home
Place to rest one's bones
Place to rest?
Place to retire
Place to retire to?
Place to retrieve a retri
Place to rule
Place to sample bouquets
Place to save game point, suffering losses
Place to say "I do"
Place to secure almost all hash and E, then start using gradually
Place to see "Il Trovator
Place to see 20th-century
Place to see a Ben Frankl
Place to see a flying cam
Place to see a hanged man
Place to see a nun
Place to see Goyas
Place to see Jos
Place to see lions and se
Place to see square, maybe, taken by joint authority
Place to sell tkts.
Place to serve beer and also, regularly, appetisers
Place to set cups
Place to share a tub
Place to shelter by the doorway
Place to shop in Tokyo
Place to show flesh wound
Place to sign
Place to sing
Place to sit by the highw
Place to sit by the water
Place to sit on high in a church
Place to sit streetside
Place to sit, ironically
Place to sleep
Place to sleep on river for rodent
Place to sleep, in Britai
Place to sleep, slangily
Place to sleep, temperature requiring jumpers on
Place to sojourn
Place to spend drams
Place to spend euros
Place to spend shekels: A
Place to spend the night
Place to stack money
Place to start a hole
Place to start a ride
Place to start a test-dri
Place to stay
Place to stay after golf?
Place to stay in Lesotho that's not so bad
Place to stay large number associated with the Spanish
Place to stay overnight
Place to stick a comb
Place to stick a comb, on
Place to stop
Place to stop for gas
Place to store coal, perh
Place to store food
Place to store mukluks
Place to store valuables
Place to stretch
Place to stretch one's le
Place to stretch your leg
Place to stroll
Place to study bad jokes, the point of which has never been perceived
Place to study cause of limping in fantastic beast
Place to study marriage that's not working?
Place to study poetry gets a lot of space
Place to study, in France
Place to summer in Scotla
Place to sun
Place to surf
Place to sweat
Place to swim and play b-
Place to swim or play b-b
Place to take a cure
Place to take a list
Place to take a number, m
Place to take off in ligh
Place to test aerodynamic
Place to throw garbage
Place to tip rubbish
Place to trade
Place to turn in
Place to unwind
Place to use a lorgnette
Place to use a rake
Place to use an echograph
Place to use Easy-Off
Place to view a Goya
Place to wager on the 28-
Place to walk, for short
Place to wallow
Place to warm up in sleeveless vest
Place to wash up
Place to watch Truffaut,
Place to wear a mitt
Place to wear gloves
Place to which Bart Simps
Place to which the dead King Arthur was conveyed
Place to winter
Place to wipe the hands
Place to witness a big sc
Place to work
Place to work out
Place to wrestle
Place together
Place together, for comparison
Place trap carelessly and this could be upset
Place trap for fish around regions close to the Nile Delta?
Place trap underground with modern technology
Place turning up in extremely foolish fixation
Place used secretly as a refuge
Place using Enigma regularly during war?
Place vessels around large plot
Place vulnerable to rippi
Place where a person may
Place where a rose arises
Place where beer is made
Place where birds regularly settle at night
Place where birds rest
Place where borrowing is
Place where cap knocked from toy
Place where contests and spectacles are held
Place where entry is dangerous or forbidden
Place where everybody kno
Place where food is kept
Place where gas or water enters
Place where Gauguin paint
Place where kids may feed
Place where King Arthur held court
Place where leaves are co
Place where meat gets cooked in mould is beside small lake
Place where men go when river floods home
Place where Mormons can be found welcoming Roman Catholic writer
Place where northerner lives surrounded by water
Place where one goes to be heard
Place where patrons may stay in their cars
Place where people should go on the radio
Place where people take o
Place where people work f
Place where plants are grown
Place where roads meet
Place where secret work is done
Place where ships load, unload or are repaired
Place where something happens
Place where spinners will take a turn
Place where the chicks are all high?
Place where there might b
Place where tickets are sold
Place where ties knotted
Place where trees are stu
Place where valuables are kept
Place where vessels are built
Place where what's seen is heard
Place where you can get i
Place where you find actors start
Place where you're advise
Place where you’ll find Americans misused African oil
Place with "Now Serving"
Place with a "do or dye"
Place with a "vacancy" si
Place with a "You Are Her
Place with a bird's-eye v
Place with a board
Place with a famous addre
Place with a feed trough
Place with a forge
Place with a group of detectives becomes calm
Place with a gym
Place with a moving line
Place with a takeout line
Place with a tower that leans
Place with an eagle's-eye
Place with book stores has maybe shown up
Place with bother about new concern
Place with cages
Place with entrance to hallowed ground
Place with feeding times
Place with higher speedin
Place with lots of phones but only one line, it seems
Place with microscopes
Place with Mormons making do with one husband
Place with newspapers found on university hike
Place with origins in cosmetics advertises vanishing cream
Place with sawdust
Place with snorts
Place with swinging doors
Place with TV screens: Ab
Place with yard to keep supplying
Place within
Place ___
Place's rising
Place, an untidy field, for the workers
Place, as a bet
Place, e.g.
Place, locate
Place, location
Place-kickers' props
Place-to-sign indicators
Place: Abbr.
Place: it's elevated for cherubs
Place; find
Place; placed
Placed above all the other politicians, initially
Placed around a 22 across, say
Placed far in
Placed in a box, say
Placed in a difficult situation
Placed in centre pile: 'Psycho­logical Recurring Attacks'
Placed in front
Placed on a pedestal
Placed on a scale
Placed on a wall, as a pi
Placed on top
Placed on top of
Placed side by side - pea pods
Placed upside down in error, impressionist artist
Placed within
Placed, located
Placed; found
Placement aid
Placement of flyers plugging trendy joint
Placement pros
Places a call on an old p
Places alien on board
Places atop
Places behind curtains
Places book of vacuous theatrical anecdotes under "A"
Places bricks
Places briefs may be seen, and voguish suit
Places by the tracks: Abb
Places echo after shell goes off in coup
Places far above the ground
Places for aces?
Places for altars
Places for American Beaut
Places for antiwar slogan
Places for bases
Places for bi
Places for bills
Places for bowling
Places for braces
Places for burying 15s around a fellow doctor
Places for buttons
Places for cabins
Places for camels to drin
Places for canvases
Places for cheese
Places for church bells
Places for combs
Places for crow's-nests
Places for crutches
Places for cutters, for s
Places for cutting remark
Places for development in computer imagery
Places for double dribble
Places for drawings?
Places for dust to collec
Places for experiments
Places for fans
Places for flight pattern
Places for forks
Places for forks: Abbr.
Places for guests
Places for gurneys, for s
Places for hams
Places for hats?
Places for heros
Places for hinges
Places for holsters
Places for hops
Places for indoor plants
Places for knickknacks
Places for La-Z-Boys
Places for large nails
Places for links
Places for masks, in brie
Places for matches
Places for mending
Places for moles
Places for muckety-mucks?
Places for muezzins
Places for needles
Places for notes
Places for ornamental fis
Places for patches
Places for Peeping Toms
Places for Pekes
Places for petting
Places for pews
Places for pickles
Places for pigs
Places for pilots
Places for pins
Places for plants
Places for plaques
Places for play things?
Places for prices
Places for props
Places for R.N.'s
Places for races
Places for racks
Places for rallies fashionable in pre-union period?
Places for recruiters
Places for religious stat
Places for rent: Abbr.
Places for rivulets
Places for roots
Places for runners
Places for salves
Places for scrubs, for sh
Places for seals
Places for sgts.
Places for some aeries
Places for some coaches
Places for some flicks
Places for some newborns
Places for some pairs
Places for some rings
Places for spare parts, m
Places for studs
Places for taking off
Places for tanning
Places for taps
Places for tents
Places for the rest of the lecturers
Places for theorizers?
Places for tolls
Places for tricornes
Places for trophy display
Places for vases
Places for watches
Places formerly selling gold-lined ranges
Places he leaves hats?
Places in control again
Places in the earth
Places in the heart
Places left in a mess by surgical instrument
Places of art
Places of business
Places of escape from danger
Places of interest for tourists
Places of interest?
Places of open discussion
Places of passing interes
Places of prayer and refl
Places of protection
Places of refuge
Places of respite
Places of safety in a storm
Places of significant activity
Places of solace drunk found on lake
Places of withdrawal
Places of worship
Places offering hot drinks and snacks
Places one goes to play and bathe at respectable houses
Places one might find rakes in Slough society
Places one often visits
Places seethe with excitement for this race
Places side by side
Places small American fla
Places such as Anatevka i
Places that serve O.J. be
Places to act quickly, fo
Places to be pampered
Places to bury bread?
Places to buy cold cuts
Places to cool pies
Places to develop
Places to develop one's c
Places to display cuts
Places to drill
Places to drink and play
Places to drop a line
Places to find dates?
Places to find some gems
Places to find the letter
Places to find tracks: Ab
Places to get manicures
Places to get online with
Places to get quick money
Places to get Reubens
Places to get steamed
Places to go and feel bad about America allowing free movement of paperwork?
Places to go in England?
Places to graze
Places to hibernate
Places to kick habits
Places to learn about harmony
Places to leave motor boats weighed down by fish
Places to live
Places to live in the sti
Places to live the high l
Places to lounge about, reportedly
Places to make connection
Places to make notes
Places to make tracks
Places to meet and study before classes
Places to overnight
Places to park
Places to park behind vehicles from Spain
Places to pitch tents
Places to play b-ball
Places to plug in periphe
Places to pray
Places to press the flesh
Places to pull in secular times: back of cinemas?
Places to put briefs
Places to put home plates
Places to put some bags
Places to recover lost Asian artifacts (short on information)
Places to refuel
Places to retire
Places to see M.D.'s in a
Places to see races: Abbr
Places to see uncles and fathers dance with sons
Places to see Verdi or Pu
Places to see waves
Places to serve slop
Places to set geraniums
Places to sit
Places to sit on a ship
Places to sit, paradoxica
Places to sleep
Places to splash
Places to stay
Places to stay the night
Places to store barrels?
Places to swim found returning to vessel
Places to swim or play b-
Places to tone bodies
Places to unload
Places to unwind
Places to wear gloves
Places to wear towels
Places to work on bodies
Places unsuited for vacation erected in row
Places where birds rest
Places where buyers meet sellers
Places where connections
Places where customs are
Places where free spirits
Places where graft is mos
Places where hits are tak
Places where it's sunny
Places where lines meet
Places where masseurs mas
Places where one is drive
Places where some R.N.'s
Places where speculation is widespread?
Places where stands have
Places where students may
Places where suckers are
Places where the Daily Ra
Places where Torah scroll
Places wires meet
Places with a bird's-eye
Places with defibrillator
Places with exotic animal
Places with fireplaces
Places with rocking chair
Places with tapes
Places without parking designed to accommodate sheltered walks of limited size
Placid Everglades denizen
Placid old man racing competition to take on role of US president
Placid vacation vista
Placid, e.g.
Placid; over-tolerant
Placido domicile
Placido's "that"
Placing (and a hint to th
Placing a short sentry near Jack’s car
Placing restraints on
Placing seeds in the ground
Placing two things side by side
Plagiarise song's opening and style of delivery
Plagiarise; cot
Plagiarist's article receiving one fine
Plague - about to flee? Not entirely a sign of stupidity
Plague - nocturnal animal
Plague carriers
Plague half contained in saga
Plague hunter possibly gets two-hour shift
Plague in soldier's home country, not unknown
Plague involves bit of redness of the skin
Plague is half the content of a poem
Plague overtakes woman, one likely to wail
Plague, to Camus
Plaguey creature not to be found when copper intervenes
Plaid a "hopeless case" for part of the Northwest
Plain —; — Seymour
Plain - foolish
Plain - humble lid seen
Plain - lifelike
Plain about account for ham
Plain accommodation in order for current provider
Plain and simple
Plain and without any extras
Plain as day
Plain awful to be full of flu essentially
Plain biscuit
Plain broth
Plain brown box on top
Plain case has lost ivory top
Plain circled by lion, perhaps, for entertainment
Plain clothes
Plain clothes fit? Um, badly!
Plain clothes for a soldier
Plain clothes police essentially ignorant
Plain Cockney tough guy from the East End
Plain concept is revolutionary, used regularly as template
Plain course of action read out
Plain crazy
Plain dancing? We're told why a ball may be so
Plain element of personal life's been raised
Plain English
Plain feature of personal life recollected
Plain fish to catch way back
Plain folk
Plain folk from the south irked, note, with everyone
Plain girl father initially supported
Plain girl one boy stood up – and another
Plain gold coin used in Kuwait and Yemeni capital
Plain good judgment
Plain green ties needing to be done up
Plain Gucci sable clothes making a comeback
Plain guy struggles building a store
Plain heartless in extremes to enact instrument
Plain holiday home providing accommodation for one
Plain homes
Plain homes?
Plain individual, but partial
Plain instinct to enter contest
Plain Jane
Plain knitting method
Plain lack
Plain land for Conservative statesman
Plain like some medicine?
Plain looking back - old coats outside crawling
Plain lover repelled half-cut Welsh rugby player?
Plain meal regularly selected somewhere in Peru
Plain menu appearing all fancy, finally
Plain nurse’s distorted description of Iberia
Plain of the Southwest
Plain old declaration of intent
Plain or flash coat for detective on street?
Plain paper
Plain paper covering almost everything up
Plain part of Cornwall an oasis
Plain People
Plain place to live?
Plain rude to mess around with a northern don
Plain sailing finally within peaceful heart of nation
Plain setter's got up to make an impression
Plain short stage show’s got excess of parts
Plain speaking
Plain stage exercises
Plain stage in auditorium
Plain stewed prune acting as a spirit?
Plain store oddly containing unknown egg-based drink
Plain structure represented on the genes
Plain style of type
Plain tart takes in Romeo's look
Plain teatime cake
Plain ties and green buckle
Plain to see
Plain toes
Plain type of hospital shoots up
Plain unfortunate king caught in court regularly
Plain weave fabric
Plain Welsh seaside resort, no dud
Plain wholesome ready-made sandwiches
Plain wicked, swallowing litres
Plain with nothing green in Quebec, perhaps
Plain writing
Plain ___
Plain's opposite
Plain, but with incremental stages? Not entirely
Plain, clear
Plain, fine letters sent in the post
Plain, like an empty gallery
Plain, nothing to excite cockney
Plain, obvious
Plain, quiet, less stuffy royal brought to the fore
Plain, unsophisticated
Plain-living sect
Plain-sounding fruit
Plain-speaking radio talk
Plain-spoken French knight tucks into pastry
Plainly apparent in extra time
Plainly written name in iced cake
Plains border town portma
Plains cylinder
Plains drifters
Plains dweller
Plains family
Plains folk
Plains home
Plains homes: Var.
Plains Indian
Plains Indians
Plains native
Plains orphans
Plains people
Plains roamers
Plains shelter
Plains tribe
Plains tribe making much
Plaint at a door
Plaint on ousting enemy's mounted men
Plaintiff or defendant
Plaintiff's account primarily compromised client
Plaintiff's action
Plaintiff's opposite: Abb
Plaintive cry
Plaintive intro to requiem fuels more tears
Plaintive legal ace I fancy
Plaintive piece
Plaintive plea in the 191
Plaintive wolf cry
Plaintive woodwind
Plait of hair
Plaited hair style
Plaited locks of hair
Plame affair org.
Plan (out)
Plan 24 hours in Ibiza? Good stuff!
Plan a female, perhaps, read out
Plan a prom, organised without publicity
Plan a ship’s course
Plan about river is not sound
Plan almost perfect
Plan and direct a course
Plan and follow a route
Plan announced for man on board
Plan as role
Plan B
Plan Chad devised, getting reluctant applause?
Plan change when Democrat ousts Republican
Plan clues entangled in concept of linear algebra
Plan cobbled together with faith that's small beer
Plan currency in European country after leader is deposed
Plan drive to the rear
Plan example of 13?
Plan falling short, keeping fifty out of work
Plan foilers, perhaps
Plan for
Plan for a future event
Plan for a journey
Plan for aircraft carrier initially welcomed
Plan for bed
Plan for carpet
Plan for dinner
Plan for future disengagement from a commitment
Plan for hosp. patients
Plan for later yrs.
Plan for lifting huge pies
Plan for nuptials
Plan for patients, briefl
Plan for patients, for sh
Plan for peace, in modern
Plan for the evening?
Plan for vacations
Plan from ace American lawyer containing information
Plan from school, English, supported by this compiler
Plan had name
Plan in advance
Plan in principle getting cut down
Plan in school making a mark
Plan in school: English supported by the writer
Plan inside army barracks
Plan involving US city revealed by a new swindler
Plan is to get back and wander round
Plan jointly, as a prank
Plan location for circus performance?
Plan made by spy without time to meet lawyer
Plan mattered awfully, like some stores
Plan mother's time at home with daughter
Plan musical performance with piano for queen
Plan nice rambles to get to summit
Plan no longer includes current use
Plan of action
Plan of expenditure
Plan of rogue on street to get a diamond?
Plan on it
Plan on ordering a drink,
Plan once again coming from socialist platform?
Plan one leaving board in a huff announced?
Plan one’s manoeuvring to capture old emperor
Plan out
Plan part of Christmas term in detail
Plan put Berlin in a pickle
Plan raid after serving of meal
Plan scenic home movie on vacation
Plan second church straddling border
Plan section of Porsche meticulously
Plan start of play set in Titanic's hull?
Plan succeeded with huge cutting back
Plan supporting plane receiving investment from college
Plan that changes courses
Plan that is a recurring idea, but not initially
Plan that stinks
Plan that woman snorting coke put to Hoskins
Plan that’s not quite perfect
Plan the start of school: a little science, then English
Plan to acquire curling rink, including wide, controversial shoulder protection
Plan to adapt attic to store clubs
Plan to avoid Republican discussion
Plan to avoid returning after school
Plan to catch a criminal
Plan to consume once again aromatic liqueur
Plan to cover place in our mouldy cheese
Plan to cycle around, meeting one on foot for game
Plan to deceive enemy
Plan to drink Bass queen filled to the top
Plan to drop Christmas broadcast
Plan to engage setter in lifting of nation
Plan to gain an advantage
Plan to gather information for show trial
Plan to get English degree after school
Plan to get out!
Plan to get shot of rose beds
Plan to go at sixty - regret abandoning first career
Plan to have a drink, say
Plan to have church following Saint Mark?
Plan to have drunk a dram of Pittyvaich, for starters
Plan to have precious stone beneath rock layers
Plan to have upside-down cakes on a rock!
Plan to plunge Indian city into dark
Plan to produce an indecent picture
Plan to provide parking place in France
Plan to put pound in kitty
Plan to recycle liqueur
Plan to remove roadside assistance?
Plan to remove signature!
Plan to screen one experimental programme
Plan to squander and run off
Plan to surprise carol singer, after extra rest
Plan to take in a boy - Edward - unable to fit in?
Plan to take off
Plan to transform the Arctic
Plan to wander around Germany with dad in retirement
Plan to welcome His Excellency at last
Plan we remember annually involving tea then bed
Plan with right for Democrat to step aside
Plan work with writing at the margins
Plan working out capital for Africans
Plan yet to be devised for England, not a happy one before 8
Plan, article adopted by legislator
Plan, as an itinerary
Plan, scheme, trick
Plan, timetable
Plan; arrangement
Plan; pattern
Plan; system
Planar measure
Planck's "thanks"
Plane assignment
Plane attendant
Plane capt.'s announcemen
Plane carrying meals not able to provide sandwiches
Plane control surface
Plane crashed here
Plane crasher in "Catch-2
Plane crashes in mountainous region
Plane crashes in mountainous territory
Plane figure
Plane figure elongated in one direction
Plane figure fashionable once, with label on
Plane figures?
Plane for a space cadet?
Plane guided back, mark, after securing victory
Plane having no place going backwards? Ditch
Plane in which Amelia Ear
Plane journey
Plane landing on water
Plane maneuver
Plane maybe carrying a pair of bishops, bearing more weight?
Plane measure
Plane name
Plane not working at full speed
Plane on a mission
Plane operator
Plane or car crash
Plane or ship seizer
Plane or square, e.g.
Plane over Yemen, maybe
Plane part
Plane patron
Plane perhaps hijacked by buccaneer, turning back
Plane perhaps in flight, re-examined
Plane prefix
Plane producer Clyde
Plane projection frames inverted position in mind's eye to begin with
Plane reservation
Plane seating choice
Plane seating division (a
Plane seating request
Plane seating specificati
Plane section
Plane spotter
Plane starter?
Plane stat
Plane takeoff guess: Abbr
Plane taking off and touching down?
Plane that sounds like a submarine perhaps?
Plane that's inclined to get hit, given minimum of protection
Plane totally emptied landing stage
Plane tree whose leaves conceal the cuckoo and rook
Plane watcher: Abbr.
Plane wing component
Plane wing part
Plane with a machmeter: A
Plane with a tipped nose
Plane without an engine
Plane workers
Plane's body
Plane's captain
Plane's control system
Plane's distance recordin
Plane's electronics
Plane's landing stat
Plane's N.Y.C. destinatio
Plane's parking place
Plane's propeller
Plane's second pilot returned and arrived a little late
Plane's speed cuts journeys to new destination
Plane's staff
Plane's velocity
Plane, e.g.
Plane, in a way
Plane, perhaps, in small group losing height
Plane-boarding point
Plane-jumping G.I.
Planes in operation
Planes in the news
Planes kept by Steven Spielberg
Planes need permission to
Planes of one airline take off on time
Planes provide it
Planet almost consumed in flood
Planet beyond Saturn
Planet clearly illuminated using iron and lead
Planet core hard to shift
Planet core that’s hot ultimately?
Planet Earth features one topless star dressing
Planet Earth's becoming over­heated - let's get leaders to retire
Planet Earth's last wetland
Planet extremely hazy and boggy
Planet has a harmful influence
Planet has room for a boy
Planet or prize?
Planet ruled by Ming the
Planet scenes with Earth deleted
Planet seen in the art here
Planet system in several
Planet visited by Spacema
Planet with rings
Planet's centre
Planet's path
Planet's trajectory
Planet, identified 1846
Planet, poetically
Planet-beater, head to tail
Planet; goddess
Planetarium display
Planetarium roof
Planetarium sights
Planetary orbiter, one that flies by central belt of Uranus
Planetary pair
Planetary paths
Planetary shadow
Planetary track
Planetary tracks
Planet’s core seeing drop in hydrogen
Planets and such
Planets or stars
Planets' paths
Planets, e.g.
Plank on a pitcher's moun
Plank's place, perhaps
Plankton components
Plankton, in part
Plankton: prey rorquals principally swallowed
Planned amusement in short supply in Shakespeare?
Planned and carried out secretly
Planned for, in a way
Planned occasion
Planned performance involving Leo maybe
Planned programme in favour of Jung's initial shock treatment
Planned redesign of cigarettes abandoned by one European
Planned residential area
Planned site of the Geo.
Planned to occur
Planned to sort out means of producing erection
Planned trip with publicity ace some time before autumn
Planned, meant
Planner not so sensible, squashing resistance
Planner’s course of action Italian painter talked of
Planner’s note I revised, designed to hurt people
Planner's fig.
Planner's problem
Planner's woe
Planners' work
Planning a set dinner to finish badly
Planning ahead, clean up inside before sex
Planning detail
Planning part of Michaelmas term in Dingwall
Planning time
Planning to vote no
Plans a getaway for, mayb
Plans area to be toured by politicians
Plans day writing about one Asian city
Plans extremely sexy retro dance with origin in Ilford
Plans for a future event
Plans for achieving set objectives
Plans for courses
Plans for launches
Plans for one's golden ye
Plans I had when touring the east
Plans in detail
Plans made by extremely selfish animals
Plans named for a Delawar
Plans of small particles broadcast
Plans on having junk mail sent back
Plans to accept scripture lessons in cathedral
Plans to bring up pastries, breaking siege
Plans to do something to stop twitches
Plans to exclude a date in Italy, once
Plans to harm
Plans to hold religious classes in French cathedral
Plans to involve Labour leader in revolutionary standstill
Plans to lose
Plans to nail suspects
Plans to return this junk mail
Plans to send back this unwanted message
Plans, as a course
Plans; plots
Plant - airy malls
Plant - brush
Plant - drainage
Plant - in perfect condition
Plant - Maserati touring around one
Plant - part of the eye
Plant - preparation for treating bruises
Plant - rich do
Plant - sweeper
Plant 3 in Dublin
Plant 9, first reduced by 50%, finally by 90%
Plant a big one criminally
Plant a group of US agents to protect California
Plant a herb around spring, not start of winter
Plant a kiss on Frank Lampard initially
Plant a message to establish social distancing?
Plant a piece of equipment in Welsh town
Plant abundant on bogs is from France
Plant account penned by American spies
Plant accused here
Plant again
Plant again with trees
Plant agents to catch one up early
Plant almost mature by Resurrection time
Plant also called lady's-
Plant also called milfoil
Plant also called speedwell - I've no car
Plant also known as heart
Plant also known as orang
Plant amazing initially, suffering harm when penetrated by insect
Plant an English explorer found on Malta
Plant an oribi chewed
Plant anchor
Plant anchorer
Plant anchors
Plant and animal life
Plant and Page song shows teamwork
Plant anew
Plant area stood on by crowd
Plant arrived — car turned up for collection
Plant article about spies
Plant as portrayed by Antonioni?
Plant as present found in small delivery
Plant back without Henry
Plant barrel, one hidden by vegetable
Plant beginnings
Plant belonging to you and me
Plant biochemist let oenophile's houses
Plant blocking extremely smart thoroughfare
Plant book Maria's edited covers osmosis at the beginning
Plant bristle
Plant bristles
Plant bug
Plant business with meagre capital backing
Plant by river in marshland
Plant by seawater never appearing evenly
Plant carbon copy, one couple don’t want
Plant causing disappearance of pests?
Plant cherry to the left beside acorn, I gathered
Plant chewed in Arabia
Plant chopped up in salad
Plant circle around which mad girl frolics
Plant circulatory tissue
Plant collector finding her way around island
Plant compartments
Plant concealed by wild rose rarely
Plant container
Plant container on a sill
Plant container outside Four Seasons finally serves as turning point
Plant containing source of metallic element
Plant contents of husk under patch of ground
Plant continually in a rich soil, mostly
Plant covering base of wheel in vehicle
Plant covering bottom of flower on a swamp
Plant crack on a politician, and heroin, leading to anger
Plant cultivated for seeds
Plant damaged - blame me on replacing 'earth' with 'live'
Plant deal splashed outside new shop
Plant detective, getting smart
Plant disease
Plant disease — therefore end of plant!
Plant disease - calamity
Plant disease – dangerous place
Plant disease bad at first, not serious after
Plant disease caused by recreational drug (indeed, cannabis)
Plant disease checked by English fellow's universal remedy
Plant disease especially found in small island
Plant disease similar to
Plant diseases
Plant donor leg set by doctor, initially
Plant dripping
Plant eater
Plant elder, perhaps
Plant elm, pine, park oddly in a muddle
Plant embedded in stone thoroughfare
Plant encircles lake? No kidding!
Plant end of oar in marsh
Plant English or Greek character in plot
Plant English tree in peaceful surroundings
Plant essence of oils in resin
Plant everyone observes at end of field
Plant exchanges
Plant exotic yew with reeds at rear of bed
Plant expert cut on top
Plant expert's field
Plant expert?
Plant extract or concentrate
Plant exudation
Plant fake diamond?
Plant family that include
Plant fear of Europe to ensnare voter with "Vote to Leave"
Plant fibre
Plant fibre used as fodder
Plant fibre used for making rope
Plant firmly
Plant first of nemesias towards the back
Plant fish inside, did someone say?
Plant fluid
Plant fluids
Plant fodder not limited to rear
Plant food court close to boxes
Plant for burlap
Plant found by fish next to part of canal network
Plant found by neat border
Plant found by pacifists drinking beer at university city
Plant found by river in bog
Plant found in bog round Sellafield
Plant found in bottomless pit by European with drill
Plant found in hedgerow by bishop leading hike
Plant found in March maybe, hidden in grass
Plant found in that room occasionally
Plant found mostly in decaying vegetable matter
Plant from Austria bloomed regularly
Plant from east — a chap will be tedious about that
Plant from stall is about to be returned
Plant fruit trees here? One for middle of park
Plant fuel - film planned on it
Plant fungi
Plant gametes
Plant grew further behind ditch
Plant ground more millet
Plant group
Plant grower and seller
Plant growing along the ground
Plant growing on rocks
Plant growing where it is not wanted
Plant grown commercially
Plant grown for its seeds
Plant grown for its stalks
Plant grown for seeds
Plant grown for sugar
Plant grown in field pond
Plant hand under jumper
Plant hangers designed with petals
Plant has fine strand in the centre
Plant has unusual name distinct from others
Plant has woman in nursery full of bombast
Plant having branches pollarded
Plant herb, not rose, around ravine
Plant herb, so winding around us
Plant high fliers go after, wanting to prosecute
Plant highly-priced informer reported
Plant holder
Plant holder raised on mortar, centrally below block
Plant holly without filling in, being lazy
Plant I confused with peanut
Plant ice axe initially under murder victim
Plant in a bog
Plant in a system endlessly evolving? It’s a good situation
Plant in America around spies
Plant in ancient river deity protects
Plant in area maintained by conservationists about to be pulled up extremely roughly
Plant in bar picked up, having received pure cold water?
Plant in bed we'd zap?
Plant in bud rocketed skywards
Plant in Cambridgeshire city coming from Netherlands perhaps?
Plant in enclosure confused tailless monster
Plant in estate well clear of borders
Plant in Flanders fields
Plant in gale thrown about
Plant in Grade A condition
Plant in holiday venue — ring-shaped, some say
Plant in marshy area round river
Plant in rather isolated situation, initially
Plant in river amid wetland
Plant in river in the past blocking lake
Plant in secluded place around running water
Plant in the pea family
Plant in the shade
Plant in vessel with a short lid
Plant initially consumed colony of bees
Plant is better with strange music
Plant is favourite — any number I planted in middle of quad
Plant is fine further down
Plant is found across Rhode Island
Plant journalist receiving honour
Plant journalists - one of them receives honour
Plant juice
Plant juice; undermine
Plant key behind reptile house
Plant key beneath reptile house
Plant key seen beneath reptile house
Plant kiss on cheek after presenting ring
Plant kiss on round lips, softly going to hug one
Plant known as "seer's sa
Plant leaf half destroyed by insect
Plant leased before truce? Not right
Plant leaves
Plant left in part of field
Plant left in sacred environment
Plant left one at the close to seal a victory
Plant left with explosive carried by gangster repeatedly
Plant lies tangled with weeds
Plant life
Plant life I’d removed from US state
Plant like an amaryllis
Plant like wattle
Plant listening device in pub, catching English bête noire
Plant making American tin in that way
Plant manager berated after losing some letters
Plant manager?
Plant material used for f
Plant material, used to make rubber
Plant mid-July in scrubland
Plant most of bed so comes up in red
Plant name one needs to change
Plant needing air after feeding with double nitrogen
Plant needs a place to grow it, I answer
Plant nonsense in power hub arbitration
Plant not out by hedge
Plant nothing in drink
Plant nursery activity
Plant nursery started by
Plant obscured by yellow heather
Plant of advanced age captured by general staff
Plant of buttercup family
Plant of daisy family
Plant of lily family
Plant of mallow family
Plant of marsh and lake around northeast
Plant of marshy land
Plant of mint family
Plant of pea family
Plant of purple hue is in need of water, I fancy
Plant of rocks and walls
Plant of the arrowroot fa
Plant of the buttercup family - am I novelist?
Plant of the buttercup family with brightly coloured flowers
Plant of the daisy family
Plant of the daisy family - Edgware
Plant of the dock family
Plant of the future
Plant of the lily family
Plant of the lily family with a single showy flower
Plant of the mallow family - cub is his
Plant of the mustard fami
Plant of the myrtle famil
Plant of the nightshade f
Plant of the pea family with clover-like leaves
Plant of the pink family
Plant of the primrose family - limper pen
Plant of the primrose family with upswept petals and patterned leaves
Plant of the Urtica genus
Plant of wet ground
Plant of wet habitats
Plant officer eats right before a mass
Plant on after a wildfire
Plant on display in shop
Plant on its own, name missing
Plant on which money might grow?
Plant once again lush, climbing
Plant once considered a s
Plant once considered magical
Plant opened by appropriate tool, entered again
Plant openings
Plant originally cultivated in flatter surroundings?
Plant originally lacking in parts of Dordogne?
Plant ovule
Plant ovules
Plant owner: Abbr.
Plant parasite almost engulfing top of tree
Plant part
Plant paste jewellery item?
Plant penning a new song
Plant personnel tucking into sandwich
Plant pest
Plant pest genus
Plant pests
Plant pests almost overwhelming bottom half of garden
Plant pip containing source of protein before spring
Plant playing card right
Plant plight
Plant pore
Plant pores
Plant pots fooled dog
Plant problem
Plant processed into sugar
Plant producing drooping white flowers in late winter
Plant producing underwear is backed by state
Plant production
Plant protection - woman's hat
Plant providing more nuts
Plant providing semiconducting material - mass turned out
Plant put in place before I initially arrived
Plant recreated such an interior for timeless Italian car
Plant recycled materials
Plant rejected a kind of strike after one fellow sacked
Plant releases indelicate aroma to start with
Plant releases iodine over area
Plant reproducer
Plant reproducers
Plant reproductive bodies
Plant reproductive body
Plant reproductive part
Plant requiring poor drainage
Plant rhizome used in perfumery
Plant root
Plant roses at front except in centre
Plant runner
Plant runner?
Plant running rampant in isles, weed
Plant sci.
Plant scientist into bats, surprisingly
Plant secretion extremely rare? Wrong
Plant secures agreements from French state
Plant seeds
Plant seeds for a pig
Plant serving sauce with meat
Plant sheath having yellowish-brown area
Plant shoot: Var.
Plant soldiers concealed outside entrance to camp
Plant some after a hot spell
Plant sometimes grown for fodder
Plant sources
Plant speared on one's fork
Plant spies to trap Wally
Plant spine
Plant sprawling in tangle by base of tree
Plant stalk
Plant stalk bearing an inflorescence or solitary flower
Plant stalks
Plant starters
Plant starts to show improved safety after lecture
Plant starts to unfurl lavishly in raised bed
Plant stem
Plant stems growing along the ground
Plant sticker
Plant structure which becomes a seed when fertilised
Plant study
Plant study by staff after record's retrieved
Plant study that you must listen to
Plant stylish hedge
Plant such as cuckoo pint
Plant such as ivy
Plant such as seaweed
Plant such as the cuckoopint
Plant such as valerian
Plant sucker
Plant supervisor?
Plant support
Plant swelling
Plant that blows around in the wind
Plant that causes skin irritation on contact
Plant that comes with strings attached
Plant that completes its life cycle within 12 months
Plant that flowers, ending around the middle of July
Plant that generates intense beam
Plant that may destroy a toilet?
Plant that reputedly repe
Plant that twines around others, smothering them in the process
Plant that's a traditiona
Plant that's crimson gets weak in time when secluded
Plant the French sell to queen
Plant the Spanish gardens first
Plant tissue
Plant to burgeon around ocean, on reflection
Plant to get fossil fuel reportedly? Not entirely raving mad
Plant tool for gardener getting quiet leg-over
Plant toxic to sheep and
Plant transplants by artery
Plant transported in a car
Plant tree beyond outskirts of Arundel
Plant tree in shelter
Plant tuber credited with tonic properties
Plant twice
Plant two drugs
Plant two women separately clipped
Plant university lecturer goes round with priest
Plant unknown in modern times — British one
Plant US drugs policeman is at the outset setting up secretly
Plant used as an astringe
Plant used as an herbal r
Plant used for colour, as a Welshman would say
Plant used for skin lotio
Plant used for tea
Plant used in absinthe
Plant used in cookery
Plant used in cosmetics
Plant used in herbal medicine - a worry
Plant used in making poi
Plant used in perfumery
Plant used in salad
Plant used science to change carbon to oxygen
Plant used to prevent ero
Plant variety of rose ahead of time in bad weather
Plant vegetable, losing miles on regular journey to state
Plant where early risers express contentment endlessly?
Plant where Henry VIII’s warship gets parts exchanged
Plant whose expansion is limited by Japanese management
Plant whose roots are use
Plant with a bitter fruit
Plant with a bitter root
Plant with a chewable lea
Plant with a frond
Plant with a label and band name
Plant with a medicinal ro
Plant with an edible root
Plant with aromatic seeds
Plant with arrow-shaped l
Plant with bell-shaped fl
Plant with bitter leaves used in green salads
Plant with blue flowers
Plant with canopy
Plant with clover-like leaves
Plant with daisy-like flowers
Plant with dark purple be
Plant with edible leafstalks
Plant with edible salad leaves
Plant with edible seeds
Plant with edible shoots
Plant with edible stalks
Plant with edible stalks? Nonsense
Plant with edible stems
Plant with edible tuber
Plant with fiddleheads
Plant with flowers - double the number in miraculous wedding location
Plant with fronds
Plant with heart-shaped l
Plant with lance-shaped l
Plant with large brightly coloured flowers - cub is his
Plant with leaves used in cooking
Plant with leaves used in salads and cookery - reddish-brown horse
Plant with long ribbonlik
Plant with narcotic leaves
Plant with pods
Plant with prickly leaves
Plant with pungent leaves used in salads
Plant with pungent seeds
Plant with purple flowers
Plant with purple, red or white dangling flowers
Plant with red berries
Plant with scrap value finally scrapped
Plant with seeds used as flavouring
Plant with showy flowers
Plant with spiny flower heads
Plant with spiny leaves
Plant with spiny purple flower heads
Plant with spiny-edged le
Plant with stimulant leaves
Plant with succulent leaf stalks
Plant with tendrils
Plant with tubular yellow
Plant with turnip-like root
Plant with two seed leave
Plant with unusual base fashionable, we hear
Plant with yellow flower
Plant with yellow spike
Plant without root’s outside under bone
Plant workers going north stuck in possible suitable route?
Plant working for china maker
Plant yielding pulses
Plant yielding rope fibre
Plant ___
Plant ___ (give an idea)
Plant ___ of doubt
Plant’s first appearance enthralling Henry
Plant’s gripper
Plant's beginning
Plant's biological rhythm
Plant's core yielded base for tequila
Plant's day off
Plant's economy
Plant's extra large one in Skopje's centre
Plant's forbidden extract
Plant's fruit having endless value
Plant's grain-bearing par
Plant's part, without mike, volume adjusted
Plant's spike at unusual angle
Plant's start
Plant's strange allure
Plant, a big one that's monstrous
Plant, during historical period, run inside spy organisation
Plant, exhausted, requiring introduction of power and current
Plant, member of 1960s group reportedly ...
Plant, milfoil
Plant, one only half coming up
Plant, one revived with river water
Plant, peanut I gathered
Plant, perhaps
Plant, such a fine one, ruined
Plant-based food cooking almost silently
Plant-based hair dye
Plant-derived dye for hair or skin
Plant-like organism which thrives on rocks, walls and trees
Plant: it is hidden by part of a pine?
Plant: Suffix
Plant: unusual bush about right?
Plant; instrument
Plant; more insane
Plant; nonsense
Plant; projectile
Plant; purple colour
Plant; yearbook
Plantagenet claimant to the throne
Plantagenet king
Plantain lily
Plantation bloom
Plantation creation
Plantation figure
Plantation head?
Plantation inventory
Plantation libations
Plantation of fruit trees
Plantation of literature
Plantation pest
Plantation plant seedpod
Plantation product
Plantation workers
Plantations' stations
Plant’s core cultivated with soil to reproduce
Planted vegetables outside for cash, once
Planted, proved hard to avoid
Planter - digger - pruner
Planter without hired han
Planter's place
Planter's tool
Planting tool
Planting unit
Plants (of a region)
Plants after a flood
Plants are fine around wet areas, gardener ultimately admitted
Plants as things scattered around a shed randomly
Plants beginning to cause rash
Plants bought here, north Surrey complex
Plants do in Guernsey region
Plants engage in it
Plants fear of Brussels, say? That's about right
Plants for sycophants
Plants found by southern borders
Plants found in south facing borders
Plants from central Asia in stores
Plants from Earth carried by old lunar modules
Plants from State I’d overlooked
Plants grounds surrounding court
Plants growing along the ground
Plants gun, if deceitful
Plants hint of complexity when play opens
Plants I'd exported from American state
Plants in a dry place
Plants in a Fugard title
Plants in container put in this place
Plants Incas over cultivated
Plants kiss on middle of cheek: love comes first, absolutely
Plants known as "sticky-h
Plants native to arid regions
Plants native to mountain
Plants non-religious personal beliefs
Plants of a particular region
Plants of a region
Plants of buttercup family
Plants of the water lily
Plants one's managed to gather, so heading north
Plants painted often by Monet
Plants piece of information with politicians using timeshare arrangement
Plants roses a messenger's delivered
Plants securely
Plants sister next to copper in labyrinthine lair
Plants that can make you smart?
Plants that complete their life cycles within the space of a year
Plants unknown in drained area beside meadows
Plants used for fiber and
Plants used in herbal med
Plants used to make poi
Plants went successfully on board
Plants with aromatic oils
Plants with showy coloured flowers from Mexico and Central America
Plants with slender stems and large trumpet-shaped flowers
Plants with small, fragra
Plants with stinging hair
Plants with tall flower spikes
Plants with two-lobed flowers
Plants yielding senna
Plants, animals, landscapes etc
Plants, such as ivy
Plaques, maybe
Plasm prefix
Plasma alternative, brief
Plasma alternative, for s
Plasma alternatives, brie
Plasma bit
Plasma component
Plasma medium?
Plaster - my pugs
Plaster backing
Plaster base
Plaster cast or another fixing device
Plaster coming off initially after upping of austerity measures
Plaster crops up on bed almost
Plaster finish
Plaster for walls and ceilings
Plaster for walls made from Portland cement, sand and lime
Plaster frame of artwork in religious establishment
Plaster mostly held firm
Plaster of paris
Plaster of Paris, say
Plaster of ___
Plaster over gashes used up, Charlie gathered
Plaster produced after accident with this in office
Plaster used on external walls
Plaster used to coat walls
Plaster work
Plaster worker
Plaster, in a way
Plastered at a picnic?
Plastered husband before noon has me blushing
Plastered over, in a way
Plasterer's strip
Plasterer's tool
Plastering between tiles
Plasters, e.g.
Plasterwork backers
Plasterwork that is what you expect to obtain
Plastic - records
Plastic alternative
Plastic article is practical
Plastic bags Belgian hasn't opened, carrier of basket
Plastic block brand
Plastic block maker
Plastic brick brand
Plastic building block
Plastic construction set
Plastic container for household waste
Plastic containers
Plastic cup
Plastic cup without a handle
Plastic explosive
Plastic explosive planted next to Queen, perhaps?
Plastic factory covers island
Plastic felt over bottom of pan
Plastic fish
Plastic for beer bottles?
Plastic handle?
Plastic layers in, as metal out
Plastic portable canopy, not the first to be distributed
Plastic producer
Plastic reins - pros and cons
Plastic sheath put in hole to hold a screw
Plastic storage unit put back inside with first of barrels earlier
Plastic surgeon needs letters to go out with hospital worker?
Plastic surgeon's procedu
Plastic surgeons' work
Plastic surgery may chang
Plastic surgery targets
Plastic surgery to reduce wrinkles
Plastic syringe can't have sharpness
Plastic they only peel off
Plastic toys with a McDonald’s, primarily for recycling
Plastic upper-class snubbed by Azeri nobility?
Plastic used in piping
Plastic ___ Band
Plastics workers
Plat book unit
Plat du ___
Plata's partner
Plate appearances
Plate from church overlooking city
Plate in church boosting capital? Quite the opposite
Plate in church near capital
Plate knocked over: drawer for it?
Plate material
Plate nailed to underside of horse's hoof
Plate of fish
Plate of honey eaten by tellytubby
Plate of inedible toasted aphid hearts
Plate one exchanged for a set of cutlery
Plate over end of a chamber in a reciprocating engine
Plate sent back for lamb, perhaps
Plate served up with stout is dripping?
Plate smashed, bit of a bloomer
Plate ump's call
Plate up for gannet?
Plate used at dinner
Plate, cup of tea or other domestic product?
Plateau boundary
Plated mammal
Plates holding British
Plates of meat?
Plates so arranged for Last Supper invitees
Plates, dishes, etc
Platform built out from the shore, supported on piles
Platform built over water
Platform for a couple of fellows in lecture
Platform for a guest of h
Platform for disembarking
Platform for executions
Platform for public speaking
Platform Four's last at Old Street - strange
Platform introduced in 19
Platform on the back of a
Platform One: miserable having to go back across it
Platform part, perhaps
Platform place: Abbr.
Platform said to be repaired
Platform said to have upset extremists
Platform sticking out into the water
Platform that's out of this world
Platform united in wild handclap
Platform where meaty sandwiches left
Platform which made bluebird cross?
Platform with exotic hyacinths, last three plucked for floral decoration
Platform with struts
Plating choice
Plating hot starter in ravioli, happen to scoff that
Plating material
Plating metal
Platinum anniversary
Platinum blonde cheerlead
Platinum Card offerer, fo
Platinum country album of
Platinum item of jewelry?
Platinum tongue-piercing
Platinum, perhaps
Platinum-group element
Platinum-selling 10,000 M
Plato and Aristotle, e.g.
Plato and others
Plato and Socrates
Plato called her "the ten
Plato of "Diff'rent Strok
Plato translator Benjamin
Plato’s Academy perhaps providing a particular perspective
Plato's "tenth Muse"
Plato's ideal
Plato's mentor
Plato's plaza
Plato, for example
Plato, Socrates, etc
Platonic love between chaps
Platonic relationship initially producing this hormone
Platoon is ordered to skirt one concerning location
Platoon members, briefly
Platoon or squadron, e.g.
Platoon part
Platoon V.I.P.
Platoon, e.g.
Platoons, say, some of best in USA, retreating
Platte River Indian
Platte River people
Platte River tribe
Platte Valley native
Platter of fish captivating king and queen
Platter part
Platter player
Platters players
Platters' platters player
Platters, briefly
Platy propellers
Platyhelminthes includes a group of species that can grow to 80 feet
Platypus part
Platypus, e.g.
Plaudits, of a sort
Plausible but false
Plausible line of talk
Plausible, but unsound, argument
Plausibly fluent
Play (around)
Play (to)
Play (with)
Play 18 holes of miniatur
Play 9 over and over again for wife
Play a big part
Play a flute
Play a game
Play a good joke on
Play a hit, newsletter mis­represented
Play a kazoo
Play a key role?
Play a leading role
Play a part
Play a piece of music without practising
Play a practical joke on,
Play a role
Play a role none too subt
Play a round
Play a sax solo, maybe
Play a shot in the lead
Play a trick on, as a chauffeur might do
Play a wind instrument — or sing?
Play about a duke’s spaniel
Play about a guy ordering
Play about Capote
Play about current situation
Play about dalliance with girl
Play about Gazan finally getting award
Play about meat that's go
Play about robots
Play about roughly
Play about swine intestin
Play about tenderizing me
Play accolade
Play act division
Play acting out in a 3-D picture
Play African country in pongy ground
Play again
Play against
Play against work model
Play along
Play ammo
Play an ace?
Play analyzer
Play and film about a not
Play area
Play area feature? Not exactly
Play area just cut up
Play area secured ground to start again
Play area with family lounge
Play area with several balls for rally
Play around (with)
Play around as one fitting tobacco into pipe?
Play around filling cap — that's life on the water
Play around in floor in Japan
Play around, with "off"
Play assisters
Play at love
Play at recess
Play away – cryptically suggesting strips?
Play away?
Play backup for
Play badly on a guitar
Play badly?
Play bagging nation's first award for acting
Play bagging nation's first award for excellence on Broadway
Play ball
Play ball, throwing a rope, etc, around ring
Play baseball with cheese
Play being about fashion, time to bury old hat!
Play bit
Play boisterously
Play book?
Play boy?
Play breaks
Play bricks
Play broadly
Play bumper-cars
Play by a different ___ r
Play by Euripedes
Play by Euripides
Play by George Bernard Sh
Play by Harold Pinter
Play by Shakespeare
Play by Shaw
Play byplay
Play caller
Play card with real finesse
Play catch, with "around"
Play catcher, say
Play center, often
Play center, sometimes
Play character in first book, missing third
Play characters
Play chauffeur
Play co-authored by Mark
Play conclusion?
Play country in Africa - no trouble over touring
Play dates?
Play directors
Play dirty against an N.H
Play division
Play divisions
Play down
Play down – adopt self
Play down bribe with newspaper in dodgy deal
Play down communist uprising in a French territory
Play down the odd letters going missing in French city
Play down, as an issue
Play ender, often
Play English actor
Play favorites?
Play featuring Mrs. Malap
Play first shot?
Play follower, usually
Play for a fool
Play for a sap
Play for the Bruins, say
Play for the N.H.L.
Play for time
Play for which Julie Harr
Play for which Peggy Cass
Play from which the word
Play furniture?
Play game on board
Play genre
Play go, as this AI disregarded faint images
Play God ultimately obliterating half of a Palestinian city
Play golf with Olympian, getting thrashed
Play ground?
Play group
Play group?
Play halters
Play hard to get
Play hard ___
Play here, subsequently stifling expression of disgust
Play hero
Play heroine part and heartless Iago amazingly
Play higher card in game held by public representative
Play honor
Play horseshoes
Play host
Play host to
Play I act badly out of character
Play ice hockey
Play in a small village
Play in an alley
Play in Claret & Blue's last game
Play in dirty yard initially covering very small area
Play in lieu — it's okay for a change
Play in main area behind bars?
Play in the alley
Play in the N.H.L.
Play in the pool, say
Play in the street
Play in three parts
Play in which King Lear goes mad and loses throne ultimately
Play instrument, backing …
Play interrupter
Play involving black fellow
Play is a risky venture for the audience
Play it again!
Play item Bach arranged without second violin part
Play jam one louder, it's mad
Play kneesies, maybe
Play large English bloke at wedding
Play lead in Othello as famous actor
Play leads to joint restriction
Play light-heartedly
Play lightly
Play lightly, as a guitar
Play list?
Play Little Richard classic
Play live with American tenor
Play lookout for, for exa
Play main piece, not initially audible
Play maker
Play makers?
Play makeup
Play match: be extraordinary!
Play matchmaker for
Play mate never getting up to mischief?
Play material for a kitte
Play Milan and Lyon in an insignificant way
Play money?
Play much too broadly on
Play narrated by a stage
Play Nigel Short's hardest openings - such as this one?
Play on the radio
Play on words
Play on words to dig somewhere in India
Play one's part
Play one’s part?
Play opener
Play opening
Play opening?
Play opens dourly in a laboured style
Play or movie starring Wi
Play or opera watchers
Play outside transport terminal in Chiswick
Play part
Play part killing Romeo in a dazed state
Play part on cross in cathedral? That's right
Play part with inner energy note to the end
Play parts
Play patience
Play Paul Revere
Play pawn the wrong way
Play Pebble Beach, say
Play personnel
Play piano in class
Play piece
Play place
Play Pole out of position with English amateurs
Play prosecutor penning sheep
Play pubs, not clubs, in holiday island
Play regularly after times in goal increase
Play restaged in top lakeside spot?
Play rock 'n' roll hit, deprived of telephone use
Play sadly no Electra
Play safe with cooking utensil
Play safe with hammer
Play second fiddle
Play section
Play securing new award
Play segment
Play segments
Play sentinel
Play set
Play set among cruise ships getting audience
Play set entirely in a be
Play set mostly in Cyprus
Play shot with cue — it features down under
Play Shylock
Play solitaire, perhaps
Play sports here, on the right parson's place
Play start
Play starter
Play station
Play stations
Play stations?
Play stopper
Play strings
Play supervisor
Play ten rounds as punishment
Play that amuses worker in Post Office?
Play that brings tears to your eyes
Play that introduced the
Play the ace?
Play the bongos again, possibly requiring backing to produce hit
Play the crab, primarily sniping and doing little
Play the field
Play the field, so to spe
Play the first stroke towards the green
Play the flute
Play the host to
Play the jester
Play the lead
Play the market
Play the part
Play the part of Obama spurning soldiers with quick reply
Play the part of salesman with grudge
Play the pawnbroker
Play the peacemaker
Play the peeping Tom
Play the piccolo
Play the politician, ousting queen
Play the ponies
Play the Scottish game on ice
Play the siren
Play the slots, e.g.
Play thing
Play thing?
Play things
Play this on 1 March badly, then 1 April
Play time
Play to a C-Span camera
Play to see, with Rex in it
Play to the back of the a
Play to the back row and
Play to the balcony?
Play to the camera
Play to the rafters
Play to ___
Play to ___ (deadlock)
Play to ___ (tie)
Play too broadly
Play totally dominant role, as might a cannibal at breakfast time?
Play two pieces of music covered by singer - earlier spot rejected
Play ultimately lacking a little bit of spirit
Play up
Play varsity ball
Play wearing medical dressing that's really strong tissue
Play well, trapping Middlesex's opener before tea, say
Play whence the phrase "t
Play whose star won the 1
Play Winchester, perhaps, after the start of term
Play wind instrument, perhaps: a dangerous weapon!
Play with acts for all the actors!
Play with boobs?
Play with clay
Play with English pebbles on the beach
Play with horses?
Play with idly
Play with Italian footballers lacking freshness
Play with little porker, whimsically?
Play with machines
Play with reserve, in accordance with law
Play with retracting pencil or felt-tip pens
Play with robots
Play with Rosalind and Touchstone
Play with something of little value
Play with the line "Hell
Play with, as a Frisbee
Play without restraint
Play wrap-up
Play ___
Play ___ (do some tennis)
Play ___ (enjoy some tenn
Play ___ (perform some so
Play ___ in (be involved
Play ___ in (influence)
Play ___ with (damage)
Play's opening
Play's opening leaves playwright bound to meddle
Play's opening performance
Play's start
Play's unoriginal by end of the season
Play, as drums
Play, breaking a leg in park after dad leaves
Play, collection of books and magazine
Play, in a way
Play, perhaps, Hamlet, involving Claudius's crown
Play, with these for goalposts?
Play-by-play partner
Play-maker, current in Peru side, taken out
Play-___ (kid's stuff)
Play: diverting drama with anthems about knight
Play? Certainly not!
Play? Removing top in the Sun for circulation: that's not graceful
Playa del ___, Calif.
Playable character in Gui
Playback problem
Playbill item
Playbill list
Playbill listing
Playbill listings
Playbook figures
Playbook play
Playboy centerfold
Playboy centerfold, e.g.
Playboy founder, for shor
Playboy head, to friends
Playboy Hugh, familiarly
Playboy Khan
Playboy Mansion guy
Playboy Mansion name
Playboy or Playgirl-calib
Playboy or Spooner's certifiable criminal?
Playboy publisher, to fri
Playboy types, for short
Playboy's agenda?
Playboy's gaze
Playboy's look
Playboy's plea?
Playboy's request
Played (around)
Played (with)
Played a card?
Played a flute in a march
Played a heart, say
Played a knight game?
Played again
Played alone with frisky poodles, when lead removed
Played around, leaving Mark tied up
Played awhile onstage
Played charades
Played chef to
Played detective about to flip
Played ducks and drakes w
Played fast and loose wit
Played first
Played for a cat's-paw
Played for a sap
Played guitar with odd characters in Giza's pyramidal tower
Played his shot with Madame Defarge initially holding on
Played hoops during a cra
Played hymn to 12 that's on top of stack
Played initially, recent or old gramophone record
Played march to end but missed odd bits
Played on stage
Played one's part
Played out
Played over
Played possum
Played records at a party
Played records in clubs
Played right in middle of mere and died
Played smoothly
Played some dulcet tones
Played tag, e.g.
Played tapes to entertain little one in bed
Played tenpins in officer
Played the enchantress
Played the first card
Played the nanny
Played the part of cadet at sea
Played the role of
Played the shrew
Played the sidekick
Played the tourist
Played tipcat with son for a bit of pork crackling
Played up
Played with a fast beat
Played with small cubes
Player about given up? Flipping nonsense!
Player about to lob over hill
Player added a bit of cream to hair
Player against Player
Player against work with piano nonet being composed
Player at home
Player at Lord’s knocking back the lager?
Player at Twickenham the focus of indecent remark
Player catching a target with smooth stone
Player coached by Earl We
Player coached by Hank St
Player earning roubles invested with Italian banker
Player finding water in Aber­deenshire before birdie
Player for coach Marv Lev
Player from Barça oddly missing height
Player gets sack - supporter takes a pee
Player gets second note about love
Player given hand, being latest in series to receive gold
Player heading for success prospers: not bad!
Player ideally taken off - or a match abandoned?
Player in a docking stati
Player in a dome
Player in a record 75 Wor
Player in a shirt pocket
Player in bother is backed by sponsors, primarily – they'll offer a fortune
Player in cricket side is behind doctor dressed in red
Player in extra-point att
Player in front row picked up pipe
Player in game with Hull City finishes in a threatening manner
Player in game, fly-half possibly, crossing line
Player in old plays missing climax from tricksy Italian playwright
Player in organized sport
Player in three 1970s Pro
Player invited to compete, though not formally qualifying
Player is entering races on ice
Player is in current contest
Player is inspired by emotionless type, but no leader
Player is inspired by Milton
Player is rubbish and about to be rejected
Player is younger after makeover, partners say
Player knocking the block off an American one
Player left to go in second
Player longing to take it over
Player next to a tackle
Player of "As Time Goes B
Player of a big yellow ca
Player of a logical crew
Player of a stoic crew me
Player of a TV junkman
Player of Caroline in "Ca
Player of Clouseau's supe
Player of Danni Sullivan
Player of Det. Eames on "
Player of Dr. Kiley on "M
Player of Duke Santos in
Player of Elaine on "Taxi
Player of filmdom's Mr. C
Player of Ginger
Player of golf
Player of instrument shows excessive desire to hold note
Player of instruments interpreted disco hit, right?
Player of Joe the Bartend
Player of June in "Henry
Player of Lincoln in "Abe
Player of monsters to pull old samurai's clothing
Player of old tunes
Player of one of the Corl
Player of one of the wome
Player of one of TV's Sop
Player of Pat Nixon in "N
Player of Priam in "Troy"
Player of Principal McGee
Player of Richard Nixon i
Player of Santa in "Elf,"
Player of Sethe in "Belov
Player of syncopated music
Player of tennis match beginning to inspire artwork
Player of Tetris or Minecraft
Player of the evil Blofel
Player of the first Bond
Player of the Four Aces
Player of the Queen Mothe
Player of the Skipper
Player of the Texaco Fire
Player of the title role
Player of this puzzle's t
Player of Thurston Howell
Player of woodwind instrument back to including wood from France
Player on stage removing agent’s head
Player on the 1979 N.B.A.
Player paid journalist to admit pamphlet's overlong
Player paused awkwardly and slowed down
Player perhaps in a pack, a buffoonish type
Player pitch regularly dropped in song
Player primarily on bench, or in second team?
Player ranked according to their ability in a knock-out competition
Player second only to Gre
Player succeeded in that specific instrument, mostly
Player this person dressed in new boots
Player throwing beer container?
Player tiring in the end, one of the Yankees missing second half
Player trying to win the ball
Player went to assist
Player who finds the net
Player who pulls out all the stops?
Player who putts
Player who's fancied fruit left item in ring?
Player who's good with a
Player who's perhaps switched sides gets negotiator
Player whose number 6 jer
Player with 511 career ho
Player with a string quin
Player with chips went up and down
Player with little French put into cold changing room
Player with loads of space taking time - back to Scholes
Player with the first ret
Player without a contract
Player works naked
Player worries when start of test is delayed
Player’s profession: as a substitute?
Player's agent blowing top
Player's back, running a lap with timer outside before match
Player's boot is tight
Player's brief decision targets game
Player's call
Player's challenge? I sympathise
Player's chance to shine
Player's club
Player's club?
Player's grp.
Player's instruction is a grunt, rubbish on ball
Player's jitters
Player's job
Player's offence in court?
Player's remarkably agile around circuit
Player's rep
Player's sweetheart, slangily
Player's tally
Player's token in Monopoly
Player's trophy
Player's turn
Player, a giant with red dicky
Player, reluctant, eviscerated in classical drama
Player: one is found in orchestral area
Player’s accolade
Players and politician known for 18, not 16? Reset possibly
Players avoiding weather around the old holes
Players back from gents on court
Players bearing with poor performer
Players below par no longer wanted
Players bum around, I'd say
Players covering an area in game
Players don't rush throug
Players dropped soprano and went with tenor instrument
Players entertaining Aussie native in café
Players facing pace slice balls away
Players for prayers
Players from station on the radio
Players gathering stage right for message
Players got on, plastered
Players I locked in getting ticked off
Players in a dome, once
Players in a play
Players in cocaine blunder before Queen's
Players in form?
Players in Irish barony once defeated competitor
Players in the computer b
Players leave evacuated fortress
Players may place stakes
Players moaned audibly
Players more willing to join society
Players nearly dispossess left-winger
Players need these for maximum clearance
Players notice team's leader training inside
Players of games put on half-length legwear
Players of music initially assembled?
Players on tour one left stranded?
Players prepared for an addition to season
Players press - it's hard to beat
Players putting Irish broadcaster in a spot, according to some
Players react badly with opponents on board
Players scored with no-balls
Players sent off without angry shouting
Players squint
Players supporting game opponents in media show
Players that replaced Min
Players wear masks for th
Players welcoming a very dab hand
Players with costumes on boil sufficiently
Players with saving accou
Players without fixed pos
Players without vigour, needing energy boosted?
Players' line from the start of Ode to a Revolutionary?
Players' practice over, hitched round London's theatreland
Players, being experts, restricting lock
Players’ local game - like some cricket?
Playful - mischievous
Playful act of worker in charge
Playful and willing? Not all
Playful animal
Playful aquatic animal
Playful aquatic mammal
Playful bite
Playful bites
Playful bow
Playful child
Playful composition
Playful crime fools jerks
Playful daughter opens sluice after wiping walls
Playful kiss on the Disco
Playful kissing
Playful knuckle-rub
Playful language getting not very far — yikes!
Playful line about drug in Olympic sport
Playful little Christopher; born late summer 2007, I think
Playful mammal
Playful misbehaviour
Playful mockery
Playful movement
Playful old chef using lime tips in beer
Playful piece of classical music
Playful piece of music lacking intro
Playful pinch
Playful prank
Playful primate
Playful puppies
Playful puppies, at times
Playful rodent
Playful sprite
Playful style to some ears avoids D in a number
Playful swimmer
Playful trick
Playful trickster
Playful troublemaking
Playful water animal
Playful writer’s found in record store
Playful, humorous
Playfully asking to hide from nanny, say
Playfully frivolous
Playfully humorous
Playfully make fun of
Playfully makes fun of
Playfully mischievous
Playfully quaint
Playfully quaint behaviour
Playfully ragged Sanchez about forward's third celebration
Playfully roguish
Playfully shy
Playfully teasing principal
Playgirl calendar type
PLAYGIRL, soft-hearted, h
Playground activity
Playground amenity was set up by diocese
Playground comeback
Playground cry
Playground equipment
Playground feature
Playground fixture
Playground game
Playground game using numbered squares
Playground item
Playground lingo
Playground provocation
Playground quarry
Playground retort
Playground ride
Playground section
Playground shout
Playground sight
Playground sights
Playground structure
Playground sure to have covers removed and reappear
Playground taunt
Playground troublemakers
Playground user
Playhouse performing a regular stock of works
Playing 17, hung, without a bit of string - it could stop the big game
Playing 25? Not if you've common sense
Playing a fiddle
Playing a part
Playing a part from
Playing a role
Playing a simple chord, initially without a complaint
Playing a specific melody live
Playing Abraham Lincoln, heads for China
Playing advantage to break John McEnroe – glad, ultimately at a loss for American
Playing advantage, so I've got a feeling of nervous anticipation
Playing area perfect for some musicians
Playing arena, band's Indian accompaniment
Playing at Euros: result in sudden-death shoot-out?
Playing at Oval for a bit of radio commentary cake
Playing badminton topless is coming to the fore
Playing card
Playing card combo
Playing card dispenser
Playing card dot
Playing card expert on vacation run to ground
Playing card without a ma
Playing card, most valuable one?
Playing cards
Playing cards, diamonds is what North increasingly lacks
Playing charades with foreign leader is a form of cover
Playing clarinet and briefly leaving performance
Playing Cluedo - Mr Green's conclusion: it might be in the kitchen with a knife
Playing craps and loo or taking turns at the wheel - in these?
Playing cricket, competitors now favoured golf
Playing darts, lady is mean and wicked!
Playing dirty tricks
Playing duo that is in a way most unpleasant
Playing eg Willy Loman, retiring chap's arrested by police
Playing extra beat, a consequence of overassessment?
Playing field correctly positioned for football, right? Think again
Playing field seconds from new free school redeveloped
Playing field's to one side
Playing for fun, a pal you’re texting
Playing for meal money
Playing for stakes
Playing for USA, has two identical hands in card game
Playing golf
Playing grand piano briefly in opera, or another instrument
Playing guitar — extremely timely tip
Playing hard to get
Playing hooky
Playing in a shed, two sons being up to no good?
Playing in duet together
Playing in La Liga, half-hoping for English appreciation?
Playing in red, perhaps southern football team gain distinction
Playing incomplete movie title theme
Playing iTunes on large device
Playing lethal strategy game is no longer really fashionable
Playing long, Rhenish instrument
Playing loudly
Playing lute etc in Cos?
Playing marble
Playing marbles
Playing marbles resemblin
Playing most of time in school team
Playing mostly forte, take sonata very fast
Playing mostly rock, host support bands
Playing nice new record, 'Firestarter'
Playing nose flutes without the tips of one's fingers can be unmelodic
Playing of disc starts to exhibit this keyboard instrument
Playing on computers or other electronic devices
Playing one's best against spinner for Middlesex, initially
Playing option every football club would like?
Playing our piano, starts to compose concerto for horn
Playing out at front of church, sort of person to be good on keyboards
Playing outside is tiring
Playing partners provided short term solution for anxiety?
Playing percussion very fast
Playing piccolo, Lara becomes compulsive swearer
Playing piece has all the actors leave gutted
Playing piece?
Playing pieces
Playing pieces German forces Earl to put in box
Playing pieces in Rummiku
Playing safe, my risk wins multi-tasking aid
Playing sage at marbles
Playing seconds from Johnny Cash: Cry! Cry! Cry!
Playing sevens tries always needing to move
Playing shows, including line to get laughter
Playing soccer, losing lead, one’s subject to pressure
Playing song live
Playing techno, that man has a piano for a song
Playing tennis I have concentrated
Playing tennis is, at first, terribly demanding
Playing tennis with writer's consuming a lot of resources
Playing tennis, keeping ball on line is rude
Playing the guitar
Playing the viola is wasting time aimlessly
Playing this in the second half of June isn't unusual
Playing to someone's vani
Playing to the crowd
Playing together with no hesi­tation in Jewish quarter
Playing together, except for number about one that's Scottish
Playing token
Playing tricks, put sharp object in car
Playing tune after late instruction for players
Playing two cellos at onc
Playing well at the moment, do some singing?
Playing well in this class
Playing well, accompanying Queen's singer?
Playing well, Arsenal's wingers relaxed
Playing well, half-naked and relaxed
Playing well? Let people know
Playing with a full deck
Playing ___ (court activi
Playing, I ought to win from the start, but give up
Playmaker's chronic complaint over Everton's wingers
Playmaker, one running round Arsenal's No 7
Playmate for Spot
Playmate for the lonely
Playmate of Piglet
Playmate of Tinky Winky,
Playoff boon for the 49er
Playpen item
Playpen pile
Playpen's devised as means of overhead surveillance
Playroom fixtures
Plays (with)
Plays a campus prank on,
Plays a kids' game involv
Plays a part
Plays a prank on, informa
Plays a round
Plays a sophomoric prank
Plays a trump card
Plays after some snaps, i
Plays around with free 20 hand
Plays at maximum volume
Plays by oneself
Plays conservative film
Plays down article on consumer electronics trade show
Plays etc? Oh yes, every so often
Plays first
Plays followed by blue film
Plays footsie
Plays for a fool
Plays for a sap
Plays for a sucker
Plays for money
Plays for time
Plays for time in part of theatre
Plays guitar
Plays idly
Plays idly, taking first of these firearms
Plays impromptu
Plays in a zoo?
Plays in alleys, maybe
Plays intensely, in jazz
Plays it to the hilt
Plays loudly
Plays matchmaker
Plays music in public to solicit money
Plays notes from page in place by wind instruments reportedly
Plays out
Plays over
Plays parent to
Plays resulting in yardag
Plays sensationalised madam's role perhaps
Plays tenpins
Plays the ace
Plays the banjo, e.g.
Plays the ham
Plays the innocent one
Plays the part
Plays the ponies
Plays the role of
Plays the siren
Plays the toady, perhaps
Plays up
Plays with
Plays with bodyguards protecting president
Plays with masks
Plays with old money children dropped
Plays without a break
Plays, as a sub
Plays, in a way
PlayStation 2 competitor
PlayStation 2 maker
PlayStation alternative
PlayStation button
PlayStation maker
PlayStation, possibly providing cheer in distress
Playtex item
Playtex offering
Playtex product
Playtex products
Plaything bagged regularly in cylindrical pack
Plaything for a kitty
Plaything for two
Plaything left for Constantine I
Plaything may come out for entertainment
Plaything on a string
Plaything that yips?
Plaything with a fulcrum
Plaything, time after time having gone up?
Playwright acts oddly cutting a little Scotch egg
Playwright Akins
Playwright and poet initially leaves Bury
Playwright and poet, author of 154 sonnets
Playwright Ayckbourn
Playwright beginning with page that expresses contempt
Playwright Bogosian
Playwright Burrows
Playwright Capek
Playwright Chekhov
Playwright Clifford
Playwright collecting villain's carving
Playwright Connelly
Playwright Connelly who w
Playwright crouched down to audience
Playwright Edward and oth
Playwright Edward who wro
Playwright Ensler of "The
Playwright from Dawlish: A. Wesker
Playwright Fugard
Playwright had 'is 'n' 'er mixed up
Playwright Harold kennels old dog
Playwright Hart
Playwright having a drink with the Queen
Playwright Henrik
Playwright Howe
Playwright I harm
Playwright Ibsen
Playwright in gamble, out of pocket, losing 33%
Playwright in rare form?
Playwright initially ready to occupy end apartment
Playwright is keeping individual company
Playwright Jean
Playwright John who wrote
Playwright Jones
Playwright Levin
Playwright lives around top of Scottish mountain
Playwright Norman
Playwright not parking in Bury
Playwright not sincere about conflict
Playwright O'Casey
Playwright once releasing book to be grabbed by males ready for casting?
Playwright Peter of "Equu
Playwright Peter who wrot
Playwright Peter, knowing about Anne, close to her
Playwright Pirandello
Playwright Preston
Playwright Rice
Playwright scoffs behind enemy's back
Playwright Sean
Playwright sees nurse following bowel disorder
Playwright Simon
Playwright stooped to collect bag
Playwright succeeded with horror story
Playwright that is hosting book society (Norway)
Playwright unknown in China?
Playwright was upset about ending of Macbeth
Playwright who became a p
Playwright who co-founded
Playwright who coined the
Playwright who, with time after retiring, could become a children's author!
Playwright William
Playwright ___ Fugard
Playwright’s an Australian native, by the sound of it
Playwright's agreed a firm rise
Playwright's brother with genuine following in his own country
Playwright's dream
Playwright's mother beginning to getting less healthy
Playwright's quietly leaving Bury
Playwright's second terrifying story
Playwright's shocking and her plot's about independence, right?
Playwright's single and in a bad way
Playwright's woman managed to steal papers
Playwright, for audience, author of meaningful work?
Playwright, powerless to compete with audience asking questions
Playwright/novelist Capek
Playwright/painter Wyspia
Playwright: 'That's a wrap!' Not quite
Playwright’s aphorism enthralling hearts
Playwrights admit stars can be tricky
Playwrights go up in artist's place, being assertive types
Plaza abbr.
Plaza de la Raza location
Plaza de la Revoluci
Plaza de toros sounds
Plaza de ___
Plaza displays
Plaza feature
Plaza Hotel moppet
Plaza locale: Abbr.
Plaza wall I sure designed to contain one blue-gold material
Plaza-to-plaza stretch: A
Plea addressee
Plea at sea
Plea for a TV cop?
Plea for immediate absolu
Plea from bookie's lady whose partner's late
Plea from French criminal
Plea from Somali bishop
Plea from someone wet and helpless with a certain peck?
Plea from the plate
Plea from the self-consci
Plea in court when match is abandoned
Plea made to a chimney sw
Plea of a player drawing
Plea to a performer
Plea to add two points to formal agreement
Plea to dine among competitors
Plea to move work back into war-torn city
Plea to sleep in? So easily achieved!
Plea to songwriter not found in the building?
Plea to the unwelcome
Plea, briefly
Plead a case
Plead for
Plead for a date to have ballot about staying in
Plead for Bury to get grant
Plead ignorance initially about right sort of hair remover
Plead innocent to
Plead with
Plead with sentenced criminal to take heart in tough part of sentence
Pleading child's words
Pleading for
Pleading for Quarex?
Pleads - ten rates
Pleads with inspiring member of parliament to reveal bent members
Pleas person expresses on catching fish
Pleasant - soft drink
Pleasant activities done without working illumination
Pleasant and friendly in manner
Pleasant around even parts of North - observe
Pleasant booking?
Pleasant but tinged with sadness
Pleasant character of street going round small headland
Pleasant disposing of new cold dessert
Pleasant distraction
Pleasant drives?
Pleasant embracing husband in appropriate place
Pleasant enough
Pleasant entertaining eastern relative
Pleasant excursion
Pleasant feelings following good base
Pleasant folk found in Provence?
Pleasant friend getting a place in restaurant
Pleasant gentle accent
Pleasant hosting European relative
Pleasant hotel room featu
Pleasant Island, today
Pleasant life or still life?
Pleasant Mediterranean resort
Pleasant place, metaphori
Pleasant prospect
Pleasant sight at a super
Pleasant smell
Pleasant smell of one finishing on the toilet
Pleasant smells
Pleasant snack for Spooner's party
Pleasant tasting
Pleasant to hold back party? Not a success
Pleasant to look at
Pleasant to welcome English relative
Pleasant trees offloading top fruit
Pleasant tune
Pleasant way to play
Pleasant way to walk
Pleasant, pleasing
Pleasant, weatherwise
Pleasant-sounding hard rock?
Pleasant-sounding lute: fun to play
Pleasant-tasting juice this writer had
Pleasantly different
Pleasantly drunk, so to s
Pleasantly flavoured
Pleasantly flavoursome
Pleasantly odd
Pleasantly pungent
Pleasantly small
Pleasantly smooth or soft
Pleasantly spicy
Pleasantly sweet
Pleasantly unreal
Pleasantly, pleasingly
Pleasantville, so to spea
Please aim listening device
Please ask for help to challenge decision
Please change name before our wedding
Please contribute for arch
Please do
Please do!
Please don't! - May I?
Please employ escorts in the morning
Please employ snuff!
Please express anger about male staying inactive
Please get her to translate this minimalist language
Please go in vehicle right away
Please greatly
Please no end
Please note bird that’s passed
Please order sandwiches to take advantage of free hospitality
Please record “thank you” at home
Please reduce illumination?
Please register thanks, having been elected
Please repeat your statement about European crop
Please shut up Mick Jagger!
Please sit down!
Please speak without shaking fist
Please speed to airport
Please spread out
Please stop
Please tell leader off
Please think about host
Please to be cooked like kippers
Please turn page before my nursing lecture, with no content for star theorist
Please wait a moment for what groom may do?
Please want a second!
Please, abroad
Please, in Potsdam
Please, old-style
Please, to Pachelbel
Pleased and relieved
Pleased as punch
Pleased husband put in a lot of petrol
Pleased legal document includes help for navigating obscure passages?
Pleased one day to catch Australian runners cycling
Pleased one gets bit of mint? Not mint
Pleased the worst grade ignored in clearing?
Pleased to fiddle, dropping skirts and bloomers
Pleased to get one lariat designed to catch old combatant
Pleased when surgeon ultimately leaves thyroid?
Pleased with a replacement being nothing like beer
Pleased with an extraordinary walk by the seaside
Pleased with good boy
Pleased with oneself
Pleased with yourself about answer for 1 down?
Pleased, happy
Pleased; fortunate
Pleases greatly
Pleases, with "to"
Pleasing form
Pleasing proportion of parts
Pleasing scrap of gossip
Pleasing sound
Pleasing sound from Greek characters in charge
Pleasing to the ear
Pleasing to the eye
Pleasing to the Scots?
Pleasing view
Pleasing, graceful
Pleasing; virtuous
Pleasingly drawn
Pleasingly fat
Pleasingly mirthful
Pleasingly rhythmical
Pleasingly rich
Pleasingly sharp to the taste
Pleasurable indulgence - sexed up element of Jane Austen work?
Pleasurable meeting?
Pleasurable pursuit
Pleasurable sounds
Pleasurable tiredness
Pleasurable; satisfying
Pleasure after a sort of bath is sweet
Pleasure boat's working day contributing to a record turnover
Pleasure cracking open wines with money back
Pleasure craft
Pleasure craft - old ape
Pleasure craft, one that could launch a missile?
Pleasure felt following the event
Pleasure from inflicting pain
Pleasure from pain
Pleasure ground
Pleasure ground from revolutionary Sudan, axed
Pleasure has to be taking in quiet trees
Pleasure holding books, retiring to bed
Pleasure in another's misfortune
Pleasure in the misfortune of others
Pleasure of remembering something nice
Pleasure plus
Pleasure rarely obtained
Pleasure rested on one small dissenting subgroup
Pleasure seeker
Pleasure seeker acts with child
Pleasure seeker wandering into shed
Pleasure taking in area: area and its animals
Pleasure to entertain learners with low light at night?
Pleasure trip
Pleasure trip on water
Pleasure trip to old Sumerian city
Pleasure trip vessels
Pleasure trips
Pleasure voyage
Pleasure ___
Pleasure-associated neuro
Pleasure-seeker by choice, put out over conservation body
Pleasure-seekers find love in parking spaces by the roadside
Pleasure-seeking male
Pleasure: I’m holding an ace and four kings
Pleasureful retreat
Pleat producers
Pleated collar
Pleated frilling
Plebe's place
Plebe's place: Abbr.
Plebeian accepting one's word of honour
Pledge - guarantee
Pledge attempt to seize duke's equipment
Pledge from left-winger falling short over time
Pledge is quiet and frivolous
Pledge made by composer in Estonia ...
Pledge of allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance ende
Pledge of bloke to suppress an outburst
Pledge of fidelity
Pledge recipient
Pledge to bag Lancashire's opener, as a great spinner
Pledge to collect one, finding lift quickly
Pledge to finish first letter to Stephen Fry?
Pledge, undertaking
Pledges to serve cereal in hospital? On the contrary!
Pledges, but not really
Pleiades number
Pleiades pursuer
Pleistocene beasts
Pleistocene Epoch, famili
Pleistocene, e.g.
Plentiful source
Plentiful supply
Plentiful, abounding
Plentiful, abundant
Plentifully, in slang
Plenty (2 wds.)
Plenty angry
Plenty embrace new champ
Plenty having a ball, eating cake
Plenty in favour of merger
Plenty in support of amalgamation
Plenty mad, with "off"
Plenty of dogs free from lead
Plenty of opium lies oddly discarded, after being split up
Plenty of success in the past, moving round
Plenty of time to muse
Plenty of water round here - I fish, saving nothing
Plenty perturbed
Plenty sore
Plenty ticked
Plenty ticked, with "up"
Plenty, and then some
Plenty, informally
Plenty, to a poet
Plenty: Var.
Plessy v. ___ (landmark S
Plexiglas piece
Plexiglas unit
Pliable leather
Pliant, plastic
Plied with Bordeaux or Bu
Plied, as a dirty trick
Pliers part
Plies a needle
Plight of an overcrowded
Plight of one under house
Plight one's __, promise to be faithful
Plimpton book subtitled "
Plimpton portrayer in "Pa
Plinking weapon
Plinth close to rock
Pliny possessive
Pliny the ___
Plod (through)
Plod - down-and-out
Plod - trek
Plod along
Plod catch male breaking in
Plod randomly round Austria's capital with good person in attendance
Plod right to detain BBC man
Plod tense - do this in library?
Plod wearily
Plod's wrinkly pecker?
Plodded along
Plodded into the Home Counties and moved on apace
Plodding journeys
Plodding sort
Plodding type
Plods along
Plods at centre investigate scams
Plonk one liberal brought over to get thus?
Plonk racket in Riviera on ground
Plonk second of toes into foaming Indian river
Plonk with seconds upset men and son in post-roast states?
Plonker from Stanislavski's school
Plonker gets winter sports gear back to front? No, other way round
Plonker put my rubbish next to Nag’s Head
Plonker, partner coming after wife
Plop or plunk starter
Plop preceder
Plop starter
Plopped (down)
Plopped down
Plopped down again
Plopped down on Santa's l
Plops down
Plosive sound, from the larynx
Plosive speech sound
Plot - love affair
Plot after papa gets fresh Covid variant sans name in lab exposure?
Plot again
Plot against father assuming power
Plot aim
Plot alien object in orbit
Plot anew
Plot as group of drivers entering racing event
Plot by Jack introducing primarily unjustified smear
Plot chapter on church feature
Plot component
Plot contains treasure under layers of rock
Plot cover-up?
Plot cover-ups?
Plot device has wooden mule masking initially most of the computer-generated imagery
Plot device in some scien
Plot differently
Plot division
Plot element
Plot element?
Plot escape, causing uproar
Plot everything with setter surrounded by books about religion
Plot feature in many a we
Plot flirts with danger
Plot for cultivation
Plot Haiti conman concocted
Plot in bay surrounding retro pub
Plot in Genesis
Plot in the churchyard
Plot in world beef organisation
Plot involved danger
Plot involving a legendary archer’s sidekick
Plot involving character turning on queen and tribal chief
Plot line
Plot links prisoners to criminal activity
Plot made to work, nurtured by criminal's patient approach?
Plot many intended to be overheard
Plot mark on new sheets etc
Plot measure
Plot of a Willa Cather no
Plot of land
Plot of land belonging to a parish church
Plot ousting Allende ultimately transformed Chile? He defended Reds' goal
Plot out
Plot outline
Plot over
Plot parcel
Plot part
Plot piece
Plot prepared by criminals, leading to robbery at sea
Plot putting pressure on computer network
Plot resolution
Plot segment
Plot set up that supports sleepers?
Plot size
Plot succeeded with right-wing following
Plot summary
Plot target of the Decemb
Plot thickener?
Plot to develop rocket, for example
Plot to get drug for old monk
Plot to get gold bullion, primarily, and smear with paint?
Plot to murder princes about nothing
Plot to plant
Plot to replace queen in east, following orders
Plot to snaffle small change, so unlike Long John Silver
Plot together
Plot unit
Plot where French essentially exploit independent oil producer
Plot with king's knight welcoming long warning to swordsmen
Plot, perhaps
Plots extremely pathetic and scenario is ludicrous
Plots involve danger close to Paris
Plots mass spring uprising
Plots mum and dad start to rake with interest in retirement
Plots out loud to cause injury
Plots removal of men from farm vehicles
Plots to include computer-aided manufacturing in IT devices
Plots to use G sharp in new composition
Plots together
Plots with skill turned over for plant used for stuffing
Plots, in a way
Plotted diagram
Plotted for urban uses
Plotter in a play
Plotters almost all conveyed in taxis
Plotters regularly use such weapons
Plotters' place
Plotters' plot
Plotting group
Plotting together? Old American laughs
Plough etc, maintaining earth for peers
Plough furrow backwards, becoming swollen
Plough pullers
Plough through a translation from Latin
Plough wealth into backward North East? Very funny!
Ploughed groove
Ploughed land
Ploughing futile in regularly cold, distant area of farm
Ploughing thus removes a small mammal
Ploughman makes lines in row
Ploughman's navigational aid
Ploughman's perhaps wiping mouth, eating out with no manners
Plovdiv's country
Plover named for its call
Plover, nestling, swallows, eagle
Plow animals
Plow handle?
Plow man
Plow manufacturer
Plow part
Plow pioneer
Plow puller
Plow pullers
Plow team
Plow ___
Plow-pulling animals
Plowed land
Plowed layer
Plower's creation
Plowing December roads, e
Plowing problem
Plowing unit
Plowing woe
Plowless planting method
Plowmaker John
Plowman's cry
Plowman's need
Plows follow them
Ploy confines Government at first
Pluck - intestines
Pluck a guitar string
Pluck guitar in US, ground-breaking device there
Pluck pheasant's tail and eat up
Pluck shown by all leading toxophilites when arrow nears gold
Pluck something from the wine cellar?
Pluck wings of excellent chicken
Plucked cord over frets
Plucked from thousands of orthodontists et cetera
Plucked instrument
Plucked instruments
Plucked item
Plucker's need
Plucking ground, to a hen
Plucking instrument, sentimental Zeus lost glimpse of Ulysses crossing river
Plucks out, at last, name amongst sporting partners
Plucks, as eyebrow hairs
Plucky daughter losing part of family?
Plucky in match
Plucky in sport of any kind
Plucky lot with rival finish on court
Plucky musician with a beam following band endlessly
Plucky people may have to pluck this
Plucky player has time to take in a measure of inflation
Plug - an American tap
Plug - promote
Plug a line, maybe
Plug along
Plug and admire new interactive information system
Plug away
Plug by old railway for baked item
Plug clothes in speech
Plug component in dynamo
Plug connecting to a different port?
Plug end
Plug ends up saving energy
Plug English in top universities
Plug extension?
Plug fitting over another's end
Plug for a cask
Plug for a cask's vent hole
Plug gap at sea
Plug gaping hole off course
Plug hole in motorway certain to produce accident
Plug in a travel kit
Plug in contact with outside of lead for record deck
Plug in the mouth
Plug in the night before escape
Plug in the sticks
Plug in toy Minion
Plug job, engaging new main writer for Leicester Chronicle?
Plug Keaton’s big film
Plug more suitable as multi-socket device?
Plug of tobacco
Plug or pay ender
Plug place
Plug possibilities
Plug receiver
Plug terminals of users straight into desktop
Plug that can connect two or more pieces of equipment to the same electric supply
Plug the gap in s_eptic?
Plug up
Plug used to stop a hole
Plug's place
Plug, as a hole
Plug, of a sort
Plugged in
Plugging away
Plugs away (at)
Plugs more suitable to insert - perhaps these?
Plugs, plugs, plugs
Plum joke penned by English writer
Plum Nascar position
Plum or cherry?
Plum or gum
Plum part
Plum permit?
Plum pudding ingredient
Plum relative
Plum relatives
Plum title in Cluedo
Plum variety
Plum variety, for short
Plum's center
Plum, for one
Plum, lemon or peach
Plum-like fruit
Plum-like fruits
Plumage element
Plumb arcane quarters of the lower region
Plumb crazy
Plumb loco
Plumb of "The Brady Bunch
Plumb tuckered out
Plumber seen in an arcade
Plumber's concern
Plumber's filler
Plumber's fitting
Plumber's friend?
Plumber's gadget
Plumber's item
Plumber's job, maybe
Plumber's piece
Plumber's pipe
Plumber's problem
Plumber's tool
Plumber's tools
Plumbers' drain openers
Plumbers' favorite addres
Plumbers' favorite anthro
Plumbers' favorite baseba
Plumbers' favorite film?
Plumbers' favorite fishin
Plumbers' favorite weapon
Plumbing company's directors off whom one can bounce ideas?
Plumbing connection
Plumbing control
Plumbing convenience
Plumbing fitting
Plumbing fixture manufact
Plumbing fixtures for men only
Plumbing joints
Plumbing or heating
Plumbing piece
Plumbing problem
Plumbing problem abroad?
Plumbing problems
Plumbing tube
Plumbing, e.g.
Plumbism, painter's colic
Plumbs the depths
Plume hunter's prey
Plume of my aunt perhaps following exploit
Plume preceder
Plume source
Plume's source
Plumed army cap
Plumed hat
Plumed hat not quite right in formal dance
Plumed headgear
Plumed wader
Plumes of smoke finally welcomed by priests
Plumlike Chinese fruit
Plumlike fruit
Plumlike fruits
Plumlike shade
Plummet ... or what this
Plummet's opposite
Plummets from roof
Plump - podgy
Plump and old, needing exercise?
Plump and rounded
Plump fellow carrying large beer cask
Plump female kindly news boss engages
Plump for ripping new option: MBE!
Plump for suet pudding
Plump former soldiers eat before light entertainment
Plump lady of the night wants to employ Iron Age dwelling
Plump little man is retiring and bashful
Plump louse eats plant ends, causing blight
Plump person regularly feasts on turkey, apart from innards
Plump pixie returning throw
Plump single mother better than the rest
Plump single mother, ideal
Plump songbird
Plump, full-bosomed
Plump, red, and German
Plump, short, bloated, heartless and wicked
Plump; soft and thick
Plumped for
Plumps up
Plums and biscuits
Plunder - piled so
Plunder brought back - it's something to work with
Plunder by force
Plunder left for killjoy
Plunder picked up by boater? One intends to return things
Plunder so arranged shows radiance
Plunder the contents of
Plunder weapon
Plunder, old-style
Plunder, strip
Plunder; large bag
Plunder; money
Plundered, old-style
Plundered, robbed
Plunderer’s damage poet briefly repaired to begin with
Plundering gang takes a long time pinching gear
Plundering in gangs
Plundering is bad in a servant
Plundering opportunity
Plunders shelves where solution half-hidden
Plunders; bags
Plunge downwards
Plunge headfirst
Plunge in
Plunge in river cut short after one minute
Plunge into water
Plunge nervously taken together with TV show stopper
Plunge suddenly
Plunger's target
Plunges steeply, demolishing vicar's shed
Plunging / Play hooky / V
Plunging chair for offenders
Plunk (down)
Plunk or plop preceder
Plunk preceder
Plunked items
Plunks (down)
Pluperfect, e.g.
Plural ending
Plural form of Mr
Plural of "la" and "le"
Plural pronoun, now also used as a gender-neutral substitute for 'she' or 'he'
Plural suffix
Plural suffix with auctio
Plural suffix with beat o
Plural suffix with urban
Plural suffix with weapon
Plural suffix?
Pluralistic papers about poetry
Plus amount
Plus and minus items
Plus end
Plus exercise
Plus fours
Plus fours go-with
Plus more: Abbr.
Plus or minus
Plus or minus sign, say
Plus or minus, say
Plus other things
Plus others
Plus plenty more
Plus ___ (theme of this p
Plus-fours, used oddly, may possibly be unnecessary
Plus-or-minus fig.
Plutarch biographical sub
Plutarch work
Pluto or auto ending
Pluto's alias
Pluto's purview
Pluto's underworld
Pluto, for example
Pluto, for one
Pluto, to Saturn
Pluto? Fancy meeting you here
Plutonium included in revised plan too? Extra funding required
Ply with drink
Ply with food and drink
Ply with liquor
Ply with wine and flowers
Plying with pills
Plymouth Brethren consuming different plant
Plymouth Colony duo
Plymouth Colony leader
Plymouth poky
Plymouth Reliant, for one
Plymouth ___
Plymouth-to-London dir.
Plywood cutter
Plywood layer
Plywood source
PM a Conservative joining fist-fight among staff
PM a follower of N Armstwong?
PM about to persist in being workshy, say
PM accepts a sign something's wrong following b___ difficult woman
PM and a baker initially studied unleavened food
PM annoyed with the hopeless situation, finally
PM behind head of state about following up denial
PM briefly appearing in school to give talk
PM devouring every island's dessert
PM finishing bottom left the country
PM following Churchill on his retirement
PM fully extended dealing with dying cause
PM gets to relax after cold sore finally disappears
PM gone to shake out hay on moorland
PM in agreement with pretty much nobody
PM in place less cultivated?
PM inhales dope with Hoskins here and there in Rome
PM meal said to be familiar
PM meeting an indigenous American
PM meeting castaway and cartoonist
PM no longer bluff, brooding antihero
PM once almost overlooked parliamentary record, ignoring new religious school
PM once ditching head of state in Barnet
PM once great leader?
PM once having a supernatural power?
PM once ignoring head of Treasury to protect Welsh woman and foreign nationals?
PM once rebuffs Democrat from an ME country
PM once seen at basic military training ground
PM once upset a king, e.g. James I
PM once was disheartened and upset leaving country
PM potential is clear
PM protected by detective and special police alarms
PM put on edge in chaos
PM raised Jamaican fare
PM remains, about to resign
PM snoozing?
PM that is prepared to spin, getting credit
PM to conclude with honour? There's a certain lack of belief here
PM to resign? Has to go about it tortuously
PM to ring Kabul warlord perhaps forsaking force
PM unlocked success?
PM wanting nobody to finish early
PM with brown ale dancing in nude
PM with Dutch national
PM’s left without fellow ministers’ support, ultimately
PM's address - enters, got wind
PM's counterpart entered Miami given order
PM's country house accurately placed on map
PM's instruction to contact man in Kabul, fellow having disappeared
PM's meagre salary halved
PM's retreat
PM's returning for some bedroom activity
PM's silver ring and Chinese dresses
PM, 1970-74
PM, previously to resign, remains around
Pneumatic model excited clean-cut boys
Pneumatic power producer
Po land
Poach cycling ducks
Poach small duck
Poached edibles
Poached eggs first, no cereal, the bacon last of all
Poacher catcher
Poacher in river or lake breaking heart
Poacher nearly catching bird
Poacher's concern requires words of comfort repeated quietly
Poacher's haul
Pocahontas's husband
Pochard is flying in ecstasy
Pocket billiards
Pocket blade
Pocket Books logo
Pocket bread
Pocket change: Abbr.
Pocket edition of a D. H.
Pocket filler
Pocket fluff
Pocket for everyone in East­bourne, say, in retirement
Pocket hanky ought to muffle cheers
Pocket item
Pocket jinglers
Pocket money
Pocket particles
Pocket pistol
Pocket pistols
Pocket problem
Pocket protector brigade
Pocket protector items
Pocket protector?
Pocket rocket's last one to get up
Pocket timepiece
Pocket violin's chain is rather vulgar
Pocket watch attachment
Pocket, or most of possible container thereof
Pocketed equipment for a ball game
Pocketed spirits container
Pocketful of dough
Pocketing a brown, so coming to black?
Pocketing ten quid, retired banker set forth
Pockets of dough
Pockets of dough?
Pockmark cause
Poconos or Tetons
Pod contents
Pod dwellers
Pod fell over, perhaps set here?
Pod formed by like-minded artists?
Pod from orchids
Pod inhabitant
Pod item
Pod occupant
Pod opener?
Pod that's sometimes pick
Pod used as food
Pod used in cooking
Pod vegetable
Pod vegetables
Pod's cold - not like Norfolk, it's said
Pod-bearing plant
Podcaster is keen to host a star
Podcaster’s shabby appearance
Podded plant
Podded plants
Podded seeds
Podginess of English male with good French cape
Podgorica once got over opening harangue, for the most part
Podgy king: he departed during tournament
Podiatric concern
Podiatric problem
Podiatric problem, for so
Podiatrist's one-time cha
Podiatrists' concerns
Podiatry matters
Podium feature
Podium speaker
Pods round ship heading west
Podunk, e.g.
Poe bird
Poe called her "the most
Poe called it "grim, unga
Poe character Arthur Gord
Poe character, American good guy deprived of love
Poe classic
Poe classic, with "The"
Poe family
Poe family name
Poe maiden
Poe miss
Poe or Browning
Poe poem
Poe poem about a knight's
Poe poem that ends "From
Poe poem, with "The"
Poe product
Poe story, e.g.
Poe title character
Poe visitor
Poe writing
Poe's "rare and radiant m
Poe's "The Murders in the
Poe's "The Mystery of ___
Poe's "The ___ of the Red
Poe's "___ Lee"
Poe's a weird story-teller
Poe's heart?
Poe's middle name
Poem about child who lived in biblical nation?
Poem about concert hall
Poem about dead woman
Poem about end of journey on ship taking years
Poem about food beginning to show model quality
Poem about girl going both ways, originally feminist activist in Liberal party
Poem about heart of Ulysses with happy ending
Poem about old theatre
Poem about Paris, in part
Poem about senior member who participates in cricket?
Poem about Ulysses essentially at end of Troy
Poem by Frost for audience
Poem by Longfellow
Poem division
Poem for children
Poem for the dear departe
Poem for the praiseworthy
Poem for the young
Poem in French is popular, widening appeal
Poem inscribed on 17-Acro
Poem lamenting the dead
Poem makes one fairly rich? Not entirely
Poem model outsiders ignored
Poem of 17 syllables
Poem of 31 syllables in f
Poem of exaltation
Poem of King David
Poem of lament
Poem of mourning
Poem of praise
Poem of Sappho
Poem of the millennium overlooked by church
Poem often titled "To a .
Poem on an urn
Poem on breaking Freyja's heart
Poem part
Poem penned by male lecturer, for example
Poem priest’s written about Mediterranean port
Poem primarily evoking country life of good utopian existence?
Poem produced by boy on web
Poem reader at the 2006 O
Poem referencing "the dar
Poem referring to Nationalist leader is included in collection
Poem seen as arcane incantation
Poem set "in the ghoul-ha
Poem showing monks ignoring every opening for religion
Poem succeeded online?
Poem that ends with the f
Poem that isn't worth muc
Poem that’s outstanding when read aloud?
Poem title start
Poem where initial letters of each line spell out a word
Poem whose first, third a
Poem with 17 syllables
Poem with approximately 1
Poem with exactly 17 syll
Poem with the lines "Nobo
Poem with the story of th
Poem with two lines revised about greeting nightingale
Poem's code is nonsensical rot!
Poem's farewell
Poem's final stanza
Poem, part 2
Poem, part 3
Poem, part 4
Poem, sadly unread, about love
Poem, say, inscribed in cathedral
Poem, the first turned out in Irish Gaelic
Poems - writings hard to understand, in need of introduction
Poems about a sick French king’s palace
Poems intended to be sung
Poems lack energy describing mother’s heart beats
Poems of praise
Poems with "To" in their
Poesia feature
Poet admitting to holding up branch
Poet agreed terms without hesitation
Poet Aiken
Poet Akhmatova
Poet and novelist James
Poet and novelist whose father was a detective
Poet and old priest to back
Poet and painter in TV series, one from 7
Poet and wife killer
Poet and wife meeting murderer
Poet and writers in series
Poet Angelou
Poet barely cuts out a line
Poet BBC are broadcasting
Poet born in 1803
Poet briefly working as comedian
Poet Brooke
Poet Broumas
Poet composed sonnet about New York
Poet curtailed attempt to install program
Poet cuts all that’s irregular to keep uniform
Poet denied king food
Poet denied sun and water
Poet Denise Levertov's an
Poet depicted in art alon
Poet Dickinson
Poet died at the stake
Poet Doolittle
Poet Dove
Poet dramatized by Goethe
Poet dropping in for a bit of harmless fun
Poet dropping right in
Poet eating nothing with daughter, blooming exhausted
Poet Elinor
Poet embracing one Latvian amateur
Poet eschewing university calls for port
Poet excluded in conversation
Poet exiled by Augustus
Poet exiled from Rome in AD8 by Emperor Augustus
Poet expressing pain after desire waned
Poet Ezra's favorite dess
Poet Federico Garc
Poet feels terribly hot
Poet finishes regularly ahead of racing driver
Poet from Maidenhead almost set off in posh car
Poet gasping "Retreat!"
Poet Gelett Burgess wrote
Poet gets post but not a great deal
Poet Ginsberg
Poet Harwood
Poet has day off to take up something Sicilian
Poet has house by river
Poet has no right to internalise American apprehension
Poet having to write in ship on turning turtle
Poet hired assassin to follow wife
Poet Hughes
Poet hurls out pad
Poet in argument over merit
Poet in first half of sermon about writers
Poet in hot competition to secure love
Poet in monastery needing year off
Poet in old film
Poet in residence reading or writing?
Poet in sex act harmed prospects
Poet in shopping centre toting gun, sawn-off at the end
Poet in turn welcomed by fat cat
Poet in uniform in old British colony
Poet inflamed with mere kiss that's spontaneous
Poet initially wrapping present on 1st of April or May?
Poet inspiring the old senior member
Poet is writer held by revolutionary communists
Poet John who wrote "Live
Poet joining regiment shortly
Poet joins economist somewhere in Buckinghamshire
Poet joins volunteers providing cover for knight
Poet Jones a k a Amiri Ba
Poet Khayy
Poet known as "the Tentma
Poet known as the father of English literature, d. 1400
Poet laureate before Sout
Poet laureate Dove
Poet Laureate from 1850 to 1892
Poet Laureate from 1930 until his death in 1967
Poet laureate of 1692
Poet laureate of 1700
Poet laureate on the wagon train finally crosses Delaware
Poet Laureate to examine eulogy?
Poet Laureate, who wrote that Slough 'isn't fit for humans now'
Poet Lazarus and others
Poet Levertov
Poet Lindsay
Poet Lizette Woodworth __
Poet loves swallowing litre in Italian wine village
Poet made up audition sample
Poet maintaining Queen and Empress is rowdy
Poet Mandelstam
Poet Mark
Poet McKuen
Poet messed around with and getting writer’s block?
Poet mislaying his third watch
Poet Nash
Poet Neruda
Poet not allowed on the radio?
Poet not at home to have fun
Poet of a popular kind
Poet of the T'ang dynasty
Poet Ogden
Poet Omar
Poet Omar ___
Poet on love and what follows death
Poet overlooking British and our enthusiasm
Poet overlooking lake and way for ramblers?
Poet Pablo
Poet Pablo Neruda, for on
Poet penning end of work in anger
Poet pens nothing elliptical
Poet Piercy
Poet portrayed by Vincent
Poet portrayed in
Poet Pound
Poet Pound and others
Poet provides contradictory answers
Poet quavers if I erase extract
Poet raised hare-brained daughter in middle of city
Poet recounts fifth item found on beach
Poet refusing opening offer?
Poet rejected experiments to create cosmetic products
Poet rejected party with Society in it
Poet remains active when book released
Poet reverses vehicle into garden
Poet Rexroth
Poet Rich who wrote "Divi
Poet Robert and others
Poet runs into pub, expressing final line
Poet Sachs
Poet sadly edgier after depression
Poet Samuel who wrote "Hu
Poet Sandburg
Poet saving this game has cut himself off
Poet scratching his bottom in pub
Poet Seeger
Poet seen in a university study
Poet Sexton
Poet Sor Juana ___ de la
Poet sort of saw New York society forced inside
Poet sounds exhausted
Poet spending significant time in the sun?
Poet Stephen one’s seen shopping?
Poet Stephen Vincent ___
Poet T. S. ___
Poet taking sweetheart round Spanish city
Poet taking time around end of autumn to find wild animal's domain
Poet Teasdale
Poet Teasdale and others
Poet Teasdale et al.
Poet that people come across
Poet that's written book on composer
Poet Thaxter
Poet Thayer and others
Poet Thomas et al.
Poet translated by Ciardi
Poet trims around tree
Poet turned dull
Poet university engaged in a study
Poet using only 25 letters?
Poet Van Duyn
Poet W. H. ___
Poet watching when Republican enters
Poet Whitman
Poet who created the Ushe
Poet who originated the p
Poet who won a Pulitzer f
Poet who wrote "A thing o
Poet who wrote "An' the G
Poet who wrote "At night
Poet who wrote "Heard mel
Poet who wrote "Hope spri
Poet who wrote "I have ex
Poet who wrote "Immature
Poet who wrote "Old Possu
Poet who wrote "She walks
Poet who wrote "The movin
Poet who wrote "The Sonne
Poet who wrote "They also
Poet who wrote "This is t
Poet who wrote Ode to Autumn
Poet who wrote of "Sultan
Poet who wrote The Lady of Shalott
Poet who wrote The Scholar Gipsy
Poet who wrote To His Coy Mistress
Poet who's the subject of
Poet whose last words wer
Poet whose work inspired
Poet whose works were set
Poet William Butler ___
Poet William Rose ___
Poet William ___ Bryant
Poet with a "fanatic's he
Poet with a seemingly sel
Poet with six lines on what's essential to every state capital
Poet worked hard, endlessly spinning around
Poet would need to swap places for religious leader
Poet Wylie
Poet ___ Khayy
Poet ___ St. Vincent Mill
Poet ___ Wheeler Wilcox
Poet’s eye in the end caught by two antelopes
Poet’s flanked by escort: we encounter hosts
Poet’s key lines needing study
Poet’s line recalled in good French
Poet’s mature association with nature?
Poet’s muse
Poet’s appointment about noon
Poet’s energy and hard work recalled
Poet’s new sonnet about New York
Poet’s residence by river
Poet’s work was outstanding when recited
Poet's "before"
Poet's "below"
Poet's "eternally"
Poet's "Long live compose
Poet's "still"
Poet's "yet"
Poet's 'void land south of river'
Poet's above
Poet's adverb
Poet's always
Poet's always following street guide
Poet's battle with religious cell heartens dear French actor
Poet's before
Poet's black
Poet's black book one that's devious keeps
Poet's canon includes rousing lines
Poet's concern
Poet's constraint
Poet's contraction
Poet's current service inspires old long-distance caller
Poet's daughters penning lines with nurse
Poet's dull study
Poet's dusk
Poet's ending with what o
Poet's eternity
Poet's favorite 1972 hit?
Poet's favorite recipe?
Poet's finished penning page, a lyrical piece
Poet's first poem is excellent
Poet's foot
Poet's fraction of earnings when paid 3?
Poet's game said to be taking place
Poet's hideaway for consumption of non-alcoholic drinks?
Poet's idle ways corrected
Poet's inclusion of metaphor a certainty
Poet's inits.
Poet's inspiration
Poet's last letter in time associated with pen
Poet's least favorite fru
Poet's line daughter stuck in Rob Roy novel with note
Poet's local police coming round
Poet's lost face, having wagered money
Poet's lower than 'the man sadly emasculated'
Poet's monogram
Poet's Muse
Poet's not admitted to the audience
Poet's not doing so well raising small children
Poet's outlook on life?
Poet's period after dusk
Poet's planet
Poet's preposition
Poet's prerogative
Poet's previously gained and regularly earned returns
Poet's private room almost west-facing
Poet's put up in islands belonging to Mediterranean state
Poet's refrain about English imperialist notion
Poet's residence, lavish, hard going
Poet's son unfriendly towards Ezra oddly
Poet's son writes about uprising
Poet's sound recording
Poet's streams
Poet's surrounded by daughters in film
Poet's time of day
Poet's time? It appears twice daily on one
Poet's title so unusual
Poet's unworthy of town in South Wales
Poet's wife, poetically, is blessed with technique
Poet's work ethic initially given a lift
Poet's written about love for stage
Poet, biblically, is going east
Poet, endlessly quiet and mischievous
Poet, famous for his 15-volume Metamorphoses, d. AD 17 or 18
Poet, for example, among fifth-rate celebrities
Poet, Italian flower, died around lake
Poet, northern one, huge hit for Yankees?
Poet, not hurried, withdrawing article
Poet, otherwise sister to poet and painter
Poet, painter and illustrator left to cook hogs
Poet, reading the Iliad, mostly stunned
Poet, republican, reinterpreted myths about eastern queen
Poet, say, among group of very minor celebs?
Poet, second Graves, maybe, eclipsing Smart
Poet, the scoundrel, pinching almost all of another
Poet, writer on board Queen Elizabeth
Poet/cartoonist Silverste
Poet/critic John
Poet/dramatist Larry et a
Poet/illustrator Silverst
Poet/musician ___ Scott-H
Poet/novelist Elinor
Poet/playwright Brecht
Poet/playwright Jones
Poet: study area University put foremost
Poet’s a big hit
Poet’s anger about King
Poet’s completed penning poem – I should check
Poet’s extra line inserted
Poet’s finished whiskey during pub conflict
Poet’s old love choked by nerve gas
Poetic "before"
Poetic "plenty"
Poetic "your"
Poetic adverb
Poetic analogies
Poetic break: Var.
Poetic chapter
Poetic chapter for Ezra P
Poetic coda
Poetic command before "O
Poetic conjunction
Poetic content from Tees is nonsense!
Poetic contraction
Poetic country name
Poetic curse
Poetic da-DUM, da-DUM, da
Poetic dark period
Poetic darkness
Poetic device exemplified in Keats and Yeats?
Poetic dusk
Poetic evocation to be green?
Poetic exclamation on grim smell
Poetic feet
Poetic foot
Poetic form and style not initially mastered
Poetic fourteen-liner
Poetic gloamings
Poetic homage
Poetic inactivity in Lidl
Poetic incitement to assemble given in speech
Poetic inspiration; store (anagram)
Poetic lament
Poetic land
Poetic line one clad in Lycra mangled
Poetic lines penned by oddly absent royals - in Canada perhaps?
Poetic meadow
Poetic measures
Poetic movement's message largely accepted by spiritual leader
Poetic Muse
Poetic name for Ireland
Poetic name for old England
Poetic negative
Poetic nights
Poetic paean
Poetic palindrome
Poetic pastureland with recorded dimensions? Not sure in that
Poetic period
Poetic periods
Poetic plaint
Poetic pocketful?
Poetic pond
Poetic preposition
Poetic pugilist
Poetic regions
Poetic rhyming device using words with the same initial letter
Poetic rhythm
Poetic stanza
Poetic structures in novel serve in support of text
Poetic time
Poetic time of day
Poetic times
Poetic times of day
Poetic tributes
Poetic twilight
Poetic unit
Poetic work
Poetic work by Tennyson
Poetic work with an accou
Poetica opening
Poetical colour of beautiful boat in seascape, agree narrators
Poetical tributes
Poetically add venom to poems no one trashed
Poetically frequent
Poetically lamenting something past
Poetically large
Poetically sufficient?
Poetically, a gentle wind
Poetry and music, for example need high-quality skills
Poetry collection doing the rounds in summer mostly
Poetry contest
Poetry contests
Poetry covering page in old books was extravagant
Poetry fest
Poetry in prison?
Poetry is modest but not empty when read aloud
Poetry movement of Ezra P
Poetry Muse
Poetry on loan includes one volume that's seditious
Poetry Out Loud contest o
Poetry penned by Joely Richardson
Poetry performance
Poetry scam ruined the Authorised Version
Poetry spoken by popular deity
Poetry studied in Greek c
Poetry to run backwards — but not concerning
Poetry virtually set in concrete - a change for the worse
Poetry volume: the Queen’s English
Poetry with awful lines entertaining everyone
Poetry without regular rhythm
Poetry ___
Poetry-spouting pugilist
Poets' dark periods
Poets' feet
Poets, we hear, making clangers?
Pogo and others
Pogo of the funnies
Pogo, e.g.
Poi base
Poi ingredient
Poi ingredients
Poi party
Poi plant
Poi root
Poi source
Poi, essentially
Poi-producing plants
Poignancy on losing love one way and another?
Poignant or persistent
Poignant proposal accepted by European male
Poinciana feature
Poindexter type
Poindexter types
Poins is quick to respond to unionist's extempore speech
Poins is taken in by girl's facial expression of disgust
Poins to work at artificial language
Poins, for instance, taking in the opening of Lancaster's decisive argument
Poinsettia's family
Point (a weapon)
Point (of a fork)
Point (to)
Point - 270o
Point a finger at
Point a finger at, say
Point a gun
Point a major road uphill
Point A to point B and ba
Point about film part neither section of Hollywood can get over
Point about much reduced page is so long
Point about playground garden — an example to be followed
Point about returning materiel?
Point about subdivision, most cordial
Point about unemployment benefit initially causes hesitancy
Point about unique selling point
Point above which mountains remain white
Point ace secured in superlative finish
Point after animal is beheaded
Point after deuce
Point after deuce, maybe
Point again, as a gun
Point along a line
Point and click, e.g.
Point and slash sword
Point around which weight
Point associated with craft-worker’s irritation after contracting
Point at a shoe store
Point at exotic tree with large bird
Point at Lord Hall gatecrashing celebrity finale
Point at the bottom
Point at the dinner table
Point at which inexpert actor joined players
Point at which several lines come together
Point before "game"
Point before "game," mayb
Point before which a thing must happen
Point between Hawaii and
Point conveyed by lover texting
Point during drink, and talk louder
Point endlessly made in pub
Point finger at random, putting investigators out
Point fingers
Point from which there's
Point grasped by star American historian
Point in a network
Point in a space shuttle'
Point in an ellipse
Point in Cornwall where you’ll see reptile
Point in old article showing hidden motivation?
Point in shock, impressive food course having no end
Point in shoe that's full of holes
Point in sky directly overhead
Point in the right direct
Point in time
Point in what we do with the Web too much
Point just past 11 on a c
Point made by Cockney school principal
Point made by management?
Point made by mum tucking into American broad beans
Point made with carbon copy
Point maker
Point more than once and vigorously attack such a one?
Point near the deadline
Point of "view"
Point of a fork
Point of a pen
Point of advert by Nationalist and Conservative
Point of attack?
Point of contact for those on deck?
Point of control initially installed in home, mostly inexplicable stuff
Point of decline
Point of depression
Point of eating?
Point of extraordinary gravity: remarkable computers and the end of humanity
Point of interest
Point of intersection
Point of land; roasting rod
Point of law
Point of no return
Point of no return after lodging new complaint
Point of no return for champion
Point of no return for Polish idol
Point of no return?
Point of order? That could be unpolitic
Point of resolution?
Point of strict procedure
Point of success
Point of the jaw
Point of thorn damaged
Point of thorn extracted
Point of view
Point of view — it may be right!
Point of view established
Point of writing
Point of writing?
Point off, as for bad beh
Point on a bus map
Point on a graph
Point on a line
Point on a line graph
Point on a line: Abbr.
Point on a line?
Point on a plant stem from which leaves grow
Point on Columbus's compa
Point on Magellan's compa
Point out
Point out a winemaker
Point out emperor's a god
Point out it's a kind of kidney bean
Point out piece of climbing equipment
Point out when it's quiet outside
Point out, show
Point penned by editor in politician's comic
Point producer
Point raised about journalist for press etc
Point scoffs, "Flipping tail-enders"
Point that decides between success and total disaster
Point that marks the begi
Point that's adroit, not at all odd
Point the finger at
Point to
Point to a hundred in stock that's prolific
Point to argue
Point to butcher briefly close to bridge going round Serpentine
Point to daughter, getting up
Point to go into in affluent German state
Point to one leg, revealing fetter?
Point to pause is after having reached capacity
Point to powder coating sheep
Point to Sally's dress
Point to shoot at
Point to show direction
Point to suggest without complication
Point to the left
Point to the new 19 and use new one of 5 down's
Point to the right
Point to the right?
Point toward the top
Point value in Scrabble o
Point went with short screws
Point where, in Germany, I entered specialised market
Point winners
Point won, having received ball supply
Point ___ (southernmost p
Point ___ National Seasho
Point's opposite?
Point, in law
Point, or points, one repeated
Point, when American soldier’s on the way
Point-and-click gadget
Point-and-click item
Point-to-point on horse for young hunter's quarry?
Point: cake’s been brought up
Pointed (at)
Pointed a gun
Pointed a pistol
Pointed arch
Pointed arch variety
Pointed article about upset in Oxbridge and suchlike
Pointed article as usual ignoring soldiers
Pointed article removed from official
Pointed artwork?
Pointed beard
Pointed church tower
Pointed comments
Pointed coverage of an idiot?
Pointed craft
Pointed criticism
Pointed criticism of second pub?
Pointed criticisms
Pointed encouragement
Pointed end
Pointed ends
Pointed extremity
Pointed feature
Pointed front of missile
Pointed front part of a ship
Pointed front part of a vessel
Pointed laser kit in riot
Pointed meeting of curves
Pointed out
Pointed projectile
Pointed projection
Pointed remark
Pointed shape
Pointed shapes visible in strobe lighting
Pointed symbol
Pointed to
Pointed to spot, clutching hip
Pointed tool
Pointed tool for making small holes
Pointed tool held by smaller criminal
Pointed tools
Pointed tooth
Pointed top
Pointed warning?
Pointed weapon
Pointed window essential in theatre
Pointedly catch fish, as per usual? No
Pointedly edit written work?
Pointedly look into Arsenal ignoring odd characters providing services?
Pointedly, her work keeps her on her toes
Pointer — remove tip from vegetable
Pointer for a computer us
Pointer for gold seekers in dodgy bar I own
Pointer for gold seekers?
Pointer in joint without lead, led out
Pointer in last pages of book?
Pointer mover
Pointer on a clock
Pointer on a poster
Pointer regularly indicating early afternoon?
Pointer to dispute undermining Arabia
Pointer's cry
Pointer's direction
Pointer's target
Pointer's word
Pointer's words
Pointer, maybe, to master's belief
Pointer, perhaps warning better used about Government
Pointers being almost not necessary
Pointers unnecessary for the most part
Pointing (a weapon)
Pointing a finger at
Pointing device
Pointing symbol
Pointless - ineffective
Pointless biography revealing intimate details
Pointless blowing top about one's exploit
Pointless change causes irritation
Pointless climbing - without this?
Pointless dead language upset Yankee republic
Pointless empty unit in document holder
Pointless event?
Pointless fellow with posh hat
Pointless opening bitter
Pointless showing wit and energy
Pointless snooker shot from John Higgins's sixth frame of Open
Pointless staccato playing in organ piece
Pointless talk
Pointless to exploit fewer
Pointless trial attorney has abandoned before end of day
Pointlessly hard - hard and, yes, pain's involved
Points (at)
Points about predatory bird? They drag
Points after unusually sharp words
Points are discussed in i
Points at dinner
Points at musicians’ headgear
Points at the dinner tabl
Points at the table?
Points attained, twenty
Points collected on the fly
Points in a lofty speech
Points in common
Points in short typeface set up ready for use
Points in support of Bill Gates
Points in the right direc
Points made by essentially twisted writer
Points of convergence
Points of debate
Points of origin
Points of view
Points of view?
Points on a crescent moon
Points on a diamond?
Points on a line: Abbr.
Points on a scale
Points on bell curves
Points on some lines
Points one put to newspaper union leader
Points per game, e.g.
Points put on paper
Points raised in public office
Points raised online about Republican aides in high places?
Points repeatedly to nurse close to collapse after advanced test
Points scored for a safet
Points that may have rays
Points the finger at
Points to a ring around sink resembling fat
Points to consider
Points to copy when taken on by chartered surveyor
Points to procurator initially exercising large legal restriction
Points to two articles to wrap
Points, one repeated, about sex and sins, in a way
Pointy at one end and blunt at the other? Neat!
Pointy shoe wearer
Pointy tools
Pointy-eared "Star Trek"
Pointy-headed staff in shop
Pointy-leaved succulent, such as one used to make tequila
Pointy-nosed furry creature said to live in London on Wimbledon Common
Pointy-nosed, mouse-like animal
Pointy-snouted fish
Pointy-toed shoes
Poirot's given name
Poirot's strongman
Poirot’s one act that keeps detectives in two minds
Poise shown under strain
Poised and confident - US lass freed
Poised for action
Poison - ices ran
Poison a river covered by smoke
Poison apple creator?
Poison archdeacon with high honour
Poison conduit
Poison counter
Poison developed from a protein
Poison distributed in scare
Poison found in tobacco
Poison from canned beef?
Poison from canned meat?
Poison from deadly nightshade
Poison gas inhaled by priest
Poison gas used on the front in conflict
Poison in ancient city going round he got rid of
Poison in canned beef
Poison in classic mysteri
Poison in conspiracy an idea
Poison ivy reaction
Poison ivy symptom
Poison ivy woe
Poison left to rise up in a wine unopened
Poison made from wine containing slippery elm
Poison not often seen by copper
Poison pirate on waves
Poison plant
Poison remedy
Poison sarnie upset Conservative
Poison some drinking water
Poison stunted the leek?
Poison warning
Poison ___
Poison, As
Poison-pen ____
Poison: Prefix
Poisoned husband in "Mour
Poisoned item in "Snow Wh
Poisoned saltine?
Poisoned, for instance
Poisoner I contact, lacking ultimate drug
Poisoner in Cleopatra's presence
Poisoner of Britannicus
Poisoner: one of ten on the way in the distance
Poisoning from rouge originally in vanity case?
Poisoning slut, I melted into rising crowd
Poisonous alkaloid
Poisonous Asian plant
Poisonous atmosphere
Poisonous beast consumed by jerk
Poisonous compound found in deadly nightshade - a protein
Poisonous compound produced from a synthetic protein
Poisonous creature threatening woman whose husband is late
Poisonous desert dwellers
Poisonous element
Poisonous element: Prefix
Poisonous flower
Poisonous flowering shrub - run album
Poisonous fluid
Poisonous gas
Poisonous lily
Poisonous mushroom
Poisonous mushroom produc
Poisonous New World spider
Poisonous ornamental
Poisonous plant
Poisonous plant - edible marine snail
Poisonous plant everyone rejected in section of garden close to Northern area
Poisonous plant made nark convulsive
Poisonous plant with cutting still on end of table
Poisonous plants
Poisonous priest among group in charge
Poisonous reptile disconcerts nude no end
Poisonous resin
Poisonous shrub
Poisonous snake
Poisonous snakes
Poisonous substance horse found in wood
Poisonous toadstool
Poisonous tree left active? Set fire to ‘em, I say
Poisonous: Prefix
Poitier role
Poivre's partner
Poke (with a finger, etc)
Poke about in wee tree
Poke about university, pleased with oneself
Poke around
Poke fun at
Poke fun at an American state
Poke fun at pig
Poke fun at staff without wages? On the contrary
Poke fun at swimmer thus leading the course
Poke fun, you said, pinching wide bottoms
Poke holes in
Poke holes in egg with a pointed implement
Poke holes in preposterous film plot
Poke nose into party regularly
Poke one's nose in
Poke right inside compartment
Poke right inside seedcase
Poke sore bottom of girl leaving
Poke with a finger
Poke with end of sharp stick
Poke with the elbow
Poke, in a way
Poked fun
Poked fun at
Poked holes in, say
Poker action
Poker announcement
Poker bet
Poker boo-boo
Poker call
Poker challenge
Poker champ Ungar
Poker champion Ungar
Poker chips?
Poker choice
Poker counter
Poker cry ... or an apt t
Poker declaration
Poker face
Poker fee
Poker Flat chronicler
Poker Flat creator Bret
Poker Flat's chronicler
Poker game
Poker game comment
Poker game locales
Poker game memento, maybe
Poker game with four hole
Poker great Ungar and oth
Poker hand
Poker holding
Poker holding lower than
Poker instruction
Poker kitty, say
Poker legend Ungar
Poker opener
Poker partner?
Poker payment
Poker payments
Poker payoff
Poker phrase
Poker phrase ... or what'
Poker pieces
Poker player
Poker player's calculatio
Poker player's comment
Poker player's declaratio
Poker player's dream
Poker player's dream ...
Poker player's gloat
Poker player's headgear
Poker player's payment
Poker player's stake
Poker player's wear
Poker player’s contribution to the pot
Poker player’s revealing habit
Poker players' markers
Poker ploy
Poker pot primer
Poker pot starter
Poker prize
Poker stake
Poker stakes
Poker star Phil
Poker starter
Poker starters
Poker strategy
Poker supplies
Poker term
Poker variation
Poker variation, informal
Poker variety
Poker variety?
Poker word
Poker-faced cleric hugging a daughter quietly
Pokes drive them
Pokes fun at
Pokes fun at bum
Pokes head in gallery with unclad figures about
Pokes quietly with sticks
Pokes sharply
Poking about in jumper can start to grate
Poking prostate, perhaps, the Church had a look
Poking tool
Poking tools
Poky part
Poky room
Pol backer
Pol Paul
Pol Pot country
Pol's concern
Pol. convention attendees
Pol. designation for Gov.
Pol. label
Pol. monogram of '52 and
Pola of silent films
Pola of the silents
Poland agreed to import new wine
Poland blocks cruises at sea displaying religious clothing
Poland Spring competitor
Poland Spring rival
Poland's largest city
Poland's second-largest c
Poland's Walesa
Polar area
Polar bear’s prey, almost humanoid, competent on the water
Polar bear's domain
Polar bear's transport?
Polar bears, e.g.
Polar buildup
Polar coords carved on roundabout sign, indicating US location
Polar cover
Polar drudge
Polar expedition, e.g.
Polar explorer
Polar explorer dropping b
Polar explorer Richard
Polar feature
Polar footwear
Polar formation
Polar hazard
Polar helper
Polar hero, one in old group that’s recalled
Polar irregularity
Polar jacket
Polar light phenomenon
Polar native lacks wings to make plane
Polar opposites?
Polar region
Polar region dweller
Polar region phenomenon
Polar sight
Polar skies phenomenon
Polar water formations
Polar wear
Polar worker
Polar-izing figure?
Polaris or Procyon
Polaris or Sirius
Polaris, e.g.
Polaris, in Paris
Pole - box
Pole accepts the church over style and ornamentation
Pole and Cuban possibly perhaps crossed swords
Pole angry about everything and nothing
Pole – box
Pole back in Katowice travelled on
Pole blows up
Pole carrier
Pole cheers for City
Pole classification
Pole dancer almost breaking laws
Pole dancing doctor lubed after rotation?
Pole dancing with sex? Four charged
Pole enters by way of a special permit
Pole feeding beast in tug
Pole for an old infantry weapon
Pole for tethering a horse
Pole getting in point about particular view
Pole gives attack dog the slip and joins two Italians who escaped long ago
Pole grabbing beastly female, life-saver
Pole holding female's jacket in an emergency
Pole identifies Welsh runner
Pole images
Pole in a fight
Pole in charge of sticky stuff
Pole in sailing
Pole in street, one meeting lieutenant
Pole in wrong gear shows annoyance
Pole is endlessly flash
Pole is three times wounded - he takes high risks
Pole jumper
Pole length?
Pole loses ice, melting first
Pole needed by firm as tailor
Pole needed to use ATM
Pole on a reservation
Pole or Bulgarian
Pole position
Pole position at the start, drink put on ice
Pole Position company
Pole Position game compan
Pole position holder?
Pole position or pool pos
Pole position or third, thereabouts
Pole position?
Pole providing fruit as animal feed
Pole put up, fixed in English county
Pole regularly on guard sees sister's colleague
Pole saving company, is that lucky?
Pole should be freer — too tight
Pole staff?
Pole star?
Pole taken in hand by hunter stole fruit outside scientific institution
Pole to support sails or rigging
Pole to support sails, rigging etc
Pole tossed by Scots
Pole tossed in a Scottish
Pole tossed in competitio
Pole vault and others
Pole vault units?
Pole wanting British POWs assembled inside
Pole with heart ringing Spanish girl’s number
Pole worker
Pole working to make dairy product
Pole’s second attempt to win
Pole's cousin
Pole's longing to be fashionable
Pole, 40, found in analytical exploration initially
Pole, e.g.
Pole, for example
Pole, for one
Pole, quiet, near the back
Polecat bred for hunting rats and rabbits
Polecat fur
Polecat's defense
Polenta grain
Poles accept thrust of what's being said
Poles acquiring fondness and enthusiasm primarily for foreign language
Poles and Czechs
Poles are found in it
Poles are in it
Poles are nowhere near this European cod quota, right?
Poles are producing gin
Poles bound by Latin and English instructions to seize reptile
Poles consuming small person's tiny portion
Poles cut farmer's grass, perhaps going for beer in town
Poles dividing it all to invest in office
Poles embracing orphan, those who look after kids
Poles employed by builder, a couple of fellows to put in carpeting
Poles expanded into German city
Poles following ebb of Polish streams
Poles in Brussels start to examine result
Poles in characteristic passage
Poles initially joined city to their west
Poles involved in characteristic movement of goods
Poles involved in hard labours - might they be removed?
Poles keep radio broadcast smoother
Poles kept in track for promoter
Poles kidnapping Bow drug cops in America
Poles leave American dollar bills to settle
Poles live on special gins
Poles meeting extremely annoying hitch
Poles on Greek Island confused German
Poles originally transported in river vessel
Poles provided odd pieces of their glass
Poles receiving money in Germany to encourage nervous workers?
Poles securing trained part of plant
Poles sounding out German city
Poles stopping work making organ
Poles touring adore major road around republic (about the size of 17)
Poles touring States after servant in base makes bloomer
Poles used for walking high above the ground
Poles used to be right among Anglo-Saxon respondents
Poles visit property in passing
Poles wearing no vest without a break
Poles wearing uniform knocked off, lacking tools
Poles wish to inform
Poles with footrests
Poles work for them
Poles, e.g.
Poles, see, at infrequent intervals
Poli follower
Poli sci student's major,
Poli ___
Police action
Police actions
Police agent in US gets stuffed
Police aim to do this sport
Police alert, for short
Police appearing after travel document trimmed? That’s sticky
Police area
Police arrest leading lad shooting darts
Police arresting ill, sad criminal - did he take the silver?
Police arresting married circus worker
Police assistant has possible cold case to pursue
Police attacker
Police attacks
Police baton
Police beats putting South first (standard)
Police blotter abbr.
Police blotter letters
Police blotter types
Police burst out, seizing Conservative government business
Police campaign reduced drug usage?
Police Captain possesses a very cool head
Police car despatched to guard Republican function
Police car device
Police car keeps circling home
Police car with a flashin
Police chief did this bad?
Police club
Police con
Police contest?
Police criminal invest-igation department in French speaking countries - U-trees
Police crossing unfamiliar lands in wintry spells
Police cry
Police datum
Police decoy, sometimes
Police demand to be paid for work done ages ago?
Police department
Police department concerned with gambling, narcotics, pornography etc
Police department dealing with political security
Police department that investigates financial malpractice
Police deployed around pound arresting rogue for minor sin
Police dept. alerts
Police dept. employee
Police dept. employees
Police dept. figure
Police dept. notices
Police dept. rank
Police dept. title
Police directions for grasses
Police dispatch, for shor
Police dog often placed to intervene in a capture when brought up
Police dog that's bound to see evening shower?
Police dogs are trained to detect this number tag
Police drama
Police eager to resolve conflict
Police enclosures after duck stolen
Police engaging a head? Some scoff!
Police epithet, with "the
Police equipment motormouth's split up
Police escort learner initially follows on drive back
Police finally after father who released a bull
Police finally leave small wood
Police fire on pub which produces drug
Police force
Police force from the Continent, all concluding
Police force had put misleading words in
Police force heading west, and east, take great risks
Police force in Channel Islands correct to get cross
Police force remains independent but close to judiciary
Police force surrounding drug rendezvous
Police force welcoming popular copper's attitude
Police force, green, admire criminal
Police groups
Police hdqrs.
Police head new plan to ask for change in America
Police in corrupt state giving conclusive trial
Police in favour of blocking criminal without using fine
Police in New York beginning to shoot rounds
Police in rigged state trial that's crucial
Police informant
Police information on risks involving millions
Police informer
Police informer - baccy
Police informer’s name found on old ship
Police informer's tied up suspect
Police jacket letters
Police leader probing strange deaths
Police leader seizes garment easy to lift for flashing
Police leader to pursue about lying
Police news
Police not positive about possessing large dog
Police offer
Police officer
Police officer and soldier discuss amputating last of fingers
Police officer bagging husband's axe
Police officer delayed digesting papa’s ornate writing
Police officer failing hard GCSE is fired
Police officer gets bad review
Police officer gets near criminal
Police officer in bust making fellow tense initially
Police officer in Cape, working with firm
Police officer in danger, skeets flying about
Police officer more prominent in series …
Police officer not losing heart after quantity of work in the main
Police officer once excited with strip
Police officer parking in hollow
Police officer seeing shot in the air near corridor in parliament
Police officer solving crossword puzzle - would CPS's letters get ignored?
Police officer wearing fancy clothes lacking restraint
Police officer's men following quiet, six-footer outside
Police officer's personal cut
Police officer's woe?
Police officer, one who manages to bear pressure
Police officers
Police officers beginning to explore wooded area
Police officers let suspect get spirit
Police officers once last in exams - still time!
Police officers: Abbr.
Police once turned up in taxis at sunrise
Police operation
Police operation taking rear off vehicle
Police or army rank
Police order
Police patrol vehicle
Police photo
Police ploys
Police protection
Police put in LA regarding union activity?
Police radio alert, brief
Police radio message: Abb
Police radio msg.
Police raid road transport depot, finally
Police raids, possibly, a pastime with hazards?
Police ran Vice with a difference
Police rank
Police rank: Abbr.
Police record entry
Police recruit in motorcade threatened
Police returned, requiring corporation to make formal statement
Police scared a lot of priests
Police search boxing ring for fish
Police search for suspect in flowering garden close to Parliament
Police search operation
Police search rock garden, then chicken shed
Police search transvestite attire and lace
Police seizing weapons used for bagging old animal
Police Sergeant collaring primitive people easily shocked
Police sergeant patrols parts of beach at Qatar? They need minding
Police setup
Police sheet letters
Police show vandalised NY outfield
Police spy
Police squad coming up with no answer
Police staff: Abbr.
Police station
Police station is turned over
Police sting
Police sting participant
Police sting, e.g.
Police stop
Police student about reported money owed
Police stun gun
Police stunner
Police surveillance exercises heading off to get fast food
Police target
Police team bringing very cool desserts to part of school?
Police team check sample
Police team having wildly exciting time?
Police team taking top off chain guard
Police to arrest a trainee English stockholder?
Police track beginning with a guitar effect
Police trainee
Police trap
Police try to bury dodgy tapes
Police turn up expert to handle new loss
Police turned up and expressed doubt after second bit
Police unit will be involved in action for certain
Police using out of date legislation?
Police V.I.P.
Police van
Police vehicle
Police weapon
Police weapons that immob
Police wheels?
Police, with "the"
Policeman about to enter river, pulling up ape
Policeman abroad backed a tiresome activity
Policeman and clergyman stand above common CEO
Policeman back on duty, yes? It's an act
Policeman belonging to Brazilian port shortly returns
Policeman captured by revolutionary reveals location of workers?
Policeman carries little British idiots across the pond
Policeman circling hospital in helicopter
Policeman close to adversary like Scrooge?
Policeman crosses river in the early evenings
Policeman curtailed case in error, trying to please
Policeman demanding dope from Parisian carrying weapon
Policeman facing a long cycle is undecided
Policeman failing to apprehend leader of Triads for force
Policeman found in cheap bar outside either city, oddly
Policeman from Lima involved in case
Policeman from the south is Scandinavian
Policeman getting information on weapon discovered in the centre of Bordeaux
Policeman getting stoned, in a dreadful state
Policeman getting very warm in Indian garment
Policeman grabbing one thug's head at fair is in a good place
Policeman has hours in helicopter
Policeman has right time – and gossip!
Policeman having a threesome beginning to titillate fellow citizen
Policeman heading off after doctor prescribes application for eye?
Policeman in area apprehending Prince
Policeman in Boris's first campaign sacking 50
Policeman in centre of Wigan managing OK
Policeman in charge introduced to volunteer
Policeman in charge on board tender
Policeman in helicopter losing height
Policeman injecting horse will get the axe
Policeman keeping mum about temporary accommodation
Policeman left girl: that’s the problem
Policeman meets unpleasant person with small fingers?
Policeman nearly ran to get dried coconut
Policeman needing information runs in titled lady
Policeman needs to make impression in court work
Policeman no longer operating — possibly hazard on road, right?
Policeman not entirely present, in confused state
Policeman seizes stolen loincloth
Policeman sent up to secure border bend
Policeman stops Europeans being snappy dressers
Policeman turned assassin in the US?
Policeman turned up caveman's fingers
Policeman with an item of charge arresting male friend
Policeman with energy to get through
Policeman with information on woman catching second of crooks
Policeman's a poser in pictures
Policeman's bust sees fellow going for time
Policeman's club
Policeman's firm where E might be taken
Policeman's list of wrongdoers?
Policeman's mother beginning to yell alarm
Policeman's way of cutting hair close
Policeman's weapon
Policeman, in slang
Policeman, not soft, retrained for pit
Policeman; man’s name
Policeman; metal
Policemen are within their rights to stun
Policemen examine where the horses are kept
Policemen in some unit reorganised
Policemen initially hurried off
Policemen regularly sit by with crimes unfolding - a method now adopted worldwide
Policemen with special signs of approval for standards
Policemen’s ball held here?
Policewoman's drunk sidecars with investigator
Policewoman, maybe, in charge during proposal
Policewomen competent to incapacitate
Policy advisor's banker ruins core review
Policy Americans go wild for
Policy at a ladies' club
Policy changed to invest millions — for such athletes?
Policy changes party leader welcomed as improvements
Policy declaration that must be obeyed
Policy document
Policy document is clear and well-founded at heart
Policy expert
Policy for those who are moderate or poor
Policy for Twenty20 accident?
Policy group’s tip for fitting out aquarium?
Policy mates
Policy of a country seeking to extend its control over others
Policy of a strict naval
Policy of alliance regularly dismissed
Policy of campaigning for change
Policy of factory rejecting new mould
Policy of many hotel shut
Policy of non-interference
Policy of not fighting against authority
Policy of one US party
Policy of strict law enforcement
Policy of twofold security?
Policy position
Policy promoters
Policy reversal
Policy reversal - what's afoot?
Policy supported by Unionists ready for the future
Policy that may be laid down by ruler
Policy to retain age of certain popes
Policy U-turns
Policy ___
Polio scientist
Polio vaccine developer
Polio vaccine pioneer
Polish almost off new shoe
Polish alternative government to deliver alternative speech
Polish aluminium ring — for its nose?
Polish and French food served here
Polish and protect car Lily pranged - show enthusiasm!
Polish area of pan, vessel that's overturned
Polish area of Shoreditch
Polish articles from Madrid leading to complaint
Polish artwork in stream Caesar crossed
Polish astronomer d. 1543
Polish Baltic port
Polish bilingual Brendan follows in US city
Polish birthplace of Arth
Polish bishop out of work? Nonsense
Polish border river
Polish bottom of tray, love
Polish brand was first adopted by banks for paying with Euros
Polish cad attending social event
Polish capital
Polish capital, 1038-1596
Polish Catholic tucked into tart
Polish change
Polish child almost flipped over puzzle setter
Polish city
Polish city on the Baltic
Polish city on the Baltic Sea
Polish city, birthplace of Solidarity
Polish collection
Polish companion
Polish company in revolutionary Russia
Polish composer
Polish composer and pianist, d. 1849
Polish composer and Russian writer talked about touring the City
Polish cop arrests free running enthusiast finally
Polish cop to go AWOL, crossing river
Polish cult founder conceals yen to take holiday following hitch
Polish currency unit
Polish dance
Polish detective in film
Polish drinking half of beer in booze joint
Polish duke in twisted relationship
Polish dumplings I brought in for American soldier
Polish end of button in blue
Polish end of Grimsby port
Polish export
Polish film in trouble
Polish film, e.g.
Polish furniture
Polish gemstone endlessly
Polish gemstone lacking finish
Polish guards caught old thieves lobbying leaders in country
Polish hero freed a country
Polish hero the limit for Caesar?
Polish hero Walesa
Polish hospital observed nurses
Polish husband spotted cops
Polish husband spotted outside
Polish husband's dated clothing
Polish in Ulster, working
Polish initially reviled in The Sun?
Polish joint of beef brought to Spain
Polish king receives one Cubist
Polish king storing a rocket in town 7s threaten
Polish language
Polish lecturer in view
Polish locale
Polish maybe kept in toilet on guest-nights
Polish melody that’s very good?
Polish member enters spiritualist meeting, missing start
Polish monument Resistance snubbed
Polish name ending
Polish name rarity?
Polish national dance music
Polish nationalist abandons language
Polish Nobelist Walesa
Polish novel given English translation finally
Polish off
Polish off cod, say, outside home
Polish off fish food right away?
Polish official in charge at the end
Polish official in East
Polish once again getting snub
Polish part
Polish partner?
Polish Peace Nobelist
Polish person?
Polish pianist and politician
Polish pieces accepted by top journalist
Polish poet Mickiewicz
Polish populace, e.g.
Polish port
Polish potato dish mostly found in New York City
Polish problem
Polish punishments extremely severe!
Polish Queen's shields
Polish rabbi enters holy place
Polish railway leads to processing plant
Polish receivers
Polish remover
Polish revolt about introduction of Leninism
Polish revolutionary moving to West as chubby-cheeked child
Polish river comes first as major river
Polish river, or German
Polish saint admitted to temptation
Polish saint without pretensions
Polish sausage
Polish sci-fi author
Polish securing place to sleep by Lake Country
Polish see British uprising get bigger
Polish sign about pasture being genetically-modified
Polish sign provides explanatory notes
Polish sister showed her
Polish sites
Polish soldiers, excellent chaps beginning to train
Polish spot of ball to probe a wicket that’s turning
Polish stone endlessly
Polish stripper
Polish troops occupying base close to Stargard
Polish turnovers
Polish unknown gemstone
Polish unknown stone
Polish up hide of neat? Maybe overzealous tanner did
Polish up on question and answer - definitely not a 23!
Polish way to draw in circles
Polish worker?
Polish yearly statement acknowledging a lack of alternative options?
Polish's partner
Polish-born pianist Rubin
Polish/German border rive
Polish; expert
Polished - sophisticated
Polished and courteous behaviour
Polished off
Polished off school broadcast
Polished, as shoes
Polished, as text
Polished, languagewise
Polishes fans
Polishes, army-style
Polishes, as a car
Polishing crystal chandelier is hard occasionally - with bulky ladders initially misplaced - if they go wrong: crash!
Polishing machines at an
Polishing substance
Polit. designation
Polit. label
Polit. maverick
Polit. wild cards
Polite - fitting
Polite acceptance
Polite address
Polite address for a man
Polite affirmation
Polite agreement
Polite apology
Polite assent in Paris
Polite assistance from bureaucrats?
Polite behavior
Polite behaviour
Polite behaviour towards others
Polite bureaucrat?
Polite chitchat
Polite comments about delightful figs, perhaps roughly heard
Polite concurrence
Polite conversation on trivial matters
Polite conversation shops obsessively follow around
Polite denial
Polite disclaimer
Polite drivers, at merges
Polite encl.
Polite fellow
Polite figures from Ancient Rome
Polite form of address
Polite form of address for a woman in India
Polite form of words to attract attention
Polite goodbye
Polite Italian word
Polite knight coming in to buy fish
Polite lender lawmen represented
Polite male title
Polite Parisian's respons
Polite person, maybe
Polite question
Polite refusal
Polite refusal, slangily
Polite reply from a ranch
Polite reply that may be
Polite request
Polite request for permis
Polite response
Polite response to an inv
Polite term of address for a man
Polite title
Polite title: Abbr.
Polite turndown
Polite turndown for desse
Polite waiters cleared places to sit
Polite way to interrupt s
Polite word
Polite word in Potsdam
Polite word to a Fr
Polite words at an entran
Polite young man, Kylie stressed
Polite, considerate
Polite, like some servants?
Politely decline
Politely got rid of
Politely refuse
Politeness, courtesy
Political activist James
Political activity born in abandonment of religion, etc
Political adviser Hughes
Political adviser in Luxembourg alive after accident at very high speed
Political adviser Richard
Political alliance rejected cola's follower?
Political allies upset about party? That's a puzzle
Political analyst Myers
Political appointee
Political approach offering new maxims about end of war
Political asset
Political assistant has quiet time seizing power
Political assistant old (and he's impotent)
Political assistant’s first to drop plan
Political associate’s plan - back to front
Political asylum seeker
Political authority
Political Beatles song
Political bureaucracy
Political caller's reques
Political campaigns
Political campaigns and speeches
Political cartoonist Rall
Political cartoonist Thom
Political caucus state
Political clique's go-go fun - far out
Political coalition
Political columnist Chare
Political columnist Peggy
Political columnist Thoma
Political comedian with t
Political comic Mort
Political commentaries dismissing politician's foremost misdemeanours
Political commentator Col
Political contest
Political control; might
Political convention loca
Political coterie or cult? Back it to reform
Political crisis took hold, overwhelming monarch
Political critic given two British honours by broadcaster
Political debates, often
Political decision-makers
Political descendants of
Political discourse of less interest suggesting alternative to hanging?
Political doctrines
Political enforcer saying something cutting
Political entity of 1854-
Political essays
Political events
Political extremist emerges from a zone in turmoil
Political extremist sheltering union leader? Something fishy here
Political extremists
Political family name
Political fanatics unfit, clearing off
Political figure, one from 20?
Political flack's duty
Political functions
Political gambit gets Latinos furious with Pence
Political group
Political group curtailed movement to retain University College
Political group has signal to go and have fun
Political group out of power supporting the creative industries
Political group’s instant sign of hesitation
Political group, inexperienced, somewhat ignored by Liberal
Political grouping
Political grp. since 1854
Political hostess Perle
Political initiative
Political inits.
Political insider
Political institution dispensing with French leader from afar, Marine Le Pen up to no good
Political journal since 1
Political journalist welcomes in European sailor
Political killer
Political killing
Political leader from Geo
Political leader holds back gentleman, a solid figure
Political leader original
Political leader who died
Political leader who pate
Political losers
Political meeting
Political migrant
Political moderate
Political movement a doctor welcomes in confidence
Political movements
Political organisation to some extent loses the left
Political pamphlet traced to dictator
Political pamphlets
Political parties go head to head on golf channel?
Political party
Political party affected punishment regime
Political party in England and Wales since 1985
Political party made to pay, shut up
Political party member
Political party on course
Political party putting approach in writing once
Political pawn Gonz
Political payoff, perhaps
Political philosopher Joh
Political philosopher shows how to spoil vote
Political philosophy as an alternative to viagra is taken by some, but not all
Political philosophy based on avoiding extremes
Political platform
Political position of liberal English newspaper popular with German nurses
Political power structure
Political PR person
Political prisoner, e.g.
Political prize
Political propaganda
Political propaganda in art or literature
Political proposal from s
Political protest of sort
Political pundit Huffingt
Political pundit Myers
Political reformer Low an
Political reformer running to replace Henry, a complete fraud
Political refugee
Political region in Switzerland
Political rival of Pericl
Political statement isn't finished: that's obvious
Political statement of intent
Political subject
Political suffix
Political suffixes
Political supporter drops resistance to a new Far Eastern corporation
Political supporter's note secured in advance
Political symbol
Political tactic
Political theorist Arendt
Political theorist Hannah
Political theory backing strike - is money after a vote?
Political theory of some zany brothers?
Political threat left people hiding upstairs?
Political ticket
Political transition — suggestion of emigre?
Political troublemaker
Political V.I.P.
Political work with Democrat - question a mate about it
Political writer Shelby _
Political/religious killer
Politically correct but pointless, OK?
Politically correct firm, not entirely adopting right attitude to industry
Politically diverse assembly in no-win situation, liable to fall apart
Politically extreme
Politically incorrect coa
Politically incorrect end
Politically incorrect suf
Politically joined states
Politically moderate
Politically radical
Politically, an unsafe seat
Politically, the West Coast usually erupted, we’re told
Politically-incorrect end
Politician 12 held prisoner in Islington lock-up?
Politician 18 hit once
Politician after very good solicitor
Politician Alexander
Politician allegedly partying in underwear?
Politician always backward-looking, noxious air nauseating, ultimately
Politician and political staff held up in hole, leaving
Politician and tennis player, without hesitation the top celebrities
Politician apprehended by two African soldiers
Politician arriving in before soldiers evacuated Victoria?
Politician avoiding defeats in such a way
Politician born 8/4/61 in
Politician Brits execrate violently online
Politician caught in awkward recline with unnatural material
Politician clueless about way forward (with no drawback)? Possibly
Politician comes into 15 in supreme control
Politician dismissing case of rabble
Politician enters No 10 with special European charge
Politician enters Vietnamese holiday draw
Politician failing to offer wrapping papers
Politician first on right to chase the money
Politician flanked by eleven Zulu warriors
Politician follows back-up question
Politician from a time before major Antarctic missions?
Politician Gingrich
Politician given party lodgings
Politician going round a Berkshire town, following plan
Politician I call, after uniform for referee’s job
Politician in charge detailed caps
Politician in city of Paris making right move
Politician in delicatessen, a Tory
Politician in European country, powerful country?
Politician in love trio's outed as a fake
Politician in middle, one running initiative
Politician in obvious statement of political idiocy
Politician interrupting real time broadcast
Politician into initially inept football team? They're getting better
Politician introduced to corrupt earl by former model
Politician introducing more obese-sounding tradesman
Politician is initially stopping VAT rebate - rejecting terms - one's out for blood
Politician is not arse, surprisingly
Politician kidnapped by two black militants
Politician Landon
Politician leading English party? False!
Politician leading one party shows capacity for it
Politician needs a role with Reform – ultimately by-election should follow
Politician needs way to reverse domestic problem
Politician not close to Harry Hill
Politician on a spree?
Politician on peanuts wore rags - not you, anyhow!
Politician penning extravagant material
Politician perceived to bewilder
Politician recycling trite remarks, wasting a bit of time
Politician serving suggestion with eggs, reportedly?
Politician spinning 50 percent of tommyrot
Politician stops fanatic, unknown idiot
Politician stops using prepared questions
Politician submitted good bill last month, one fit for Congress
Politician supporting closures from January to March
Politician taken in by excellent excuse
Politician time after time blocking support for moderate
Politician tucked into battered cod; he ate with gusto
Politician turned up penniless in Welsh town
Politician vexed over new church stopping alcoholic drink
Politician who raises the roof
Politician who wrote "The
Politician who wrote the
Politician with dull look Chinese prepare to fire
Politician with party in 8
Politician with reduced brainpower tries to spin
Politician’s dream
Politician's add-on
Politician's baby
Politician's declaration
Politician's favorite rec
Politician's function to stop terrorists' influences
Politician's goal
Politician's greeting
Politician's job?
Politician's joint associates
Politician's lying finally finished – and also not
Politician's powerful address?
Politician's projection
Politician, during progressive period, is acquiring intelligence
Politician, one investing in evasive business
Politician, smart, meets gammon?
Politician, unusually calm deliberator
Politician: his being slightly inadequate, hole up when in jeopardy
Politicians adopting male opinions
Politicians are following the current figures
Politicians – vegetables
Politicians brought in to intimidate columnist once
Politicians dealing with data leads to insight Cummings should be sacked
Politicians from McCarthy period at resort, leaving hotel
Politicians given a lot of dirty money in bogs
Politicians here - most are reportedly not Labour
Politicians invested in large universities with millions in one-off payment
Politicians love blocking judges
Politicians north of the border taking a break
Politicians not so dishonest, one infers
Politicians take them
Politicians, not one special, having time in control, restored jobs
Politico Abzug
Politico Agnew
Politico Alexander
Politico Alexander from T
Politico Bayh
Politico Bella
Politico Elizabeth
Politico from Tennessee
Politico Gingrich
Politico Hart
Politico Hutchinson and o
Politico Kefauver
Politico Landon
Politico Long
Politico Milk of "Milk"
Politico Palin
Politico Paul
Politico Ralph's fishing
Politico Richards
Politico Ross and family
Politico Sarah
Politico with the memoir
Politico ___ Paul
Politico's concern
Politicos with jobs
Polk's predecessor
Polka heard frequently on
Polka relative
Poll abbr.
Poll amts.
Poll answer choice
Poll closing?
Poll conclusion?
Poll ending
Poll fig.
Poll no.
Poll pear-tree periodically
Poll revelation
Poll tax protester rival to Thatcher mentioned?
Poll that's just for fun
Poll tree — e.g. in fall — once fine leaves spoiled
Poll's official objective hedged by expressions of doubt
Poll: Her Maj getting more sexy?
Pollard closely packed trees to expose borders
Pollarded tree bearing soft fruit
Pollarded tree forms curved structure
Polled live, as many a footballer will have done?
Pollen bearer
Pollen bearer in a flower
Pollen bearers
Pollen container
Pollen gatherers
Pollen holder
Pollen producer
Pollen producers
Pollen, e.g.
Pollen-bearing organ
Pollen-producing part of a flower
Polling abbr.
Polling amt.
Polling need
Polling organisation
Polling problem
Polling results, e.g.
Polls about to close with awful fear around
Pollster Harris
Pollster Roper
Pollster's concern
Pollster's determination
Pollster's message of increased bitterness
Pollster's quest
Pollster's worry
Polltaker's oxymoron
Pollutant in a Jersey ditch?
Pollute Cheshire river with a lot of stuff in it
Pollute river that will carry scum miles away
Pollute, say
Polluted air
Polluted air not helping
Polluted atmosphere created by small cat
Polluted mist
Polluted precipitation
Polluted river in which crew's emptied effluents
Polluted shower
Polluted, in a way
Polluters stop getting smellier, oddly - no good in El Salvador
Polluting car stops working with just half of fuel
Polluting modified biofuel? No good
Pollution control grp.
Pollution control org.
Pollution meas.
Pollution problem
Pollution stds. setter
Pollution that may sting
Pollution watchdog: Abbr.
Pollux's twin
Polly punishes while ...
Polly run over in neighbourhood
Polly run over, which stops involvement
Polly, to Tom
Polly, to Tom Sawyer
Polly, who wants a cracke
Polo alternative
Polo alternatives
Polo and others
Polo clubs
Polo competitor
Polo field?
Polo game division
Polo Grounds great
Polo Grounds headliner
Polo Grounds hero
Polo Grounds legend
Polo Grounds replacement
Polo Grounds standout
Polo grounds?
Polo locale
Polo man?
Polo name
Polo need
Polo of "Meet the Fockers
Polo of "Meet the Fokkers
Polo of "Meet the Parents
Polo on TV
Polo or tee
Polo period
Polo period of play
Polo Ralph Lauren competi
Polo setting
Polo shirt producer
Polo who visited Cathay
Polo, e.g.
Polo, for one
Polo? A fresh horse needed first, for a 13 22
Polonius's hiding place
Polonius, for one
Polos, e.g.
Poltergeist killer?
Poltergeist manifestation
Poltergeist output
Poly associate admits 'I hated that'!Not exactly
Poly- follower
Poly-sci subjects
Poly-___ (college major)
Polyester fabric
Polyester, e.g.
Polygamist's pride
Polygon calculations
Polygon measurement
Polygon's corner
Polygonal projections
Polygonal recess
Polygraph detections
Polygraph flunker
Polygynous South African maybe swipes to the left, then all right
Polyhedron on board problem sir put up
Polymer composed of nucleotides
Polymer finish?
Polymer follower
Polynesian amulet figure
Polynesian artist grabbing a paintbrush at last
Polynesian carving
Polynesian carvings
Polynesian country
Polynesian country, capital Apia
Polynesian country, independent from the UK since 1978, formerly the Ellice Islands
Polynesian descendant, international, to wander around
Polynesian garland
Polynesian garlands
Polynesian island
Polynesian island during loud New Year's Day
Polynesian land
Polynesian language
Polynesian libation
Polynesian monarchy, member of the Commonwealth
Polynesian musical?
Polynesian paste
Polynesian pendant
Polynesian porch
Polynesian port, when dou
Polynesian potable
Polynesian restaurant off
Polynesian sarong
Polynesian tongue
Polynesian treat
Polynesian wrap
Polynesian's mode of trav
Polynesian-themed restaur
Polynomial components
Polyp production
Polypeptide poison
Polyphemus, to Odysseus
Polytheists initially sacrificed their local banker
Pom perhaps has drink to follow
Pomade alternative
Pomegranate cordial
Pomegranate syrup
Pomegranate syrup's missing in pineapples
Pomegranate syrup, used in drinks
Pomelo relatives
Pomeranian or Dalmatian
Pomeranian's bark
Pomeranian, for one
Pomme de ___
Pomme de ___ (potato)
Pomme ___
Pommes frites accompanier
Pommes frites topper
Pommie grabbing 30% of Queensland's solid fuel
Pompadour, for one
Pompeii killer
Pompeii, e.g.
Pompeii, e.g., today
Pompom holder
Pompon waver's cry
Pompous - inflated
Pompous and boring
Pompous bore
Pompous dwarf's question about his identity?
Pompous fool
Pompous fool one found on ship
Pompous fools
Pompous in speech
Pompous jargon
Pompous language
Pompous language in most of old Mumbai thoroughfare
Pompous leader has tattoo after first month on vessel
Pompous nonsense suppressed by institute, not the first
Pompous office-holder
Pompous pair not out, but one might take you out!
Pompous people
Pompous person
Pompous press briefly infiltrating regulars in Triads
Pompous pronoun
Pompous reactionary
Pompous so-and-so
Pompous sort
Pompous talk
Pompous type
Pompous type had one curry sent up
Pompous type, why the overweight appearance?
Pompous types
Pompous walk
Pompous, grandiloquent
Pompous, self-important
Pompously inflated language
Ponce de ___
Ponce's birthplace
Ponch player in 1970s-'80
Pond amphibian
Pond buildup
Pond cover
Pond covering
Pond creature
Pond creatures requiring little rods
Pond denizen
Pond dross
Pond duck
Pond dweller
Pond dwellers
Pond film
Pond fish
Pond floater
Pond flower
Pond growth
Pond growths
Pond gunk
Pond insect
Pond organism
Pond plant
Pond swimmer
Pond swimmers
Pond youngsters
Pond, in Liverpool
Pond-side dweller
Ponder - issue
Ponder about island’s improper treatment
Ponder almost getting slim
Ponder aloud slur on tense middle-class enclave
Ponder at length on how long you may live
Ponder convoluted tube that's finally manufactured
Ponder dismal moves to find paradise
Ponder endlessly about a feature of rugby game
Ponder endlessly about a scrum
Ponder endlessly about problem
Ponder incomplete bonus level of computer game
Ponder making cut around artist’s wall painting
Ponder morbidly
Ponder needing to warm wine
Ponder over trace of ergot on popular plant
Ponder over water source feeding river
Ponder rise in total energy
Ponder taking drug to institute constant harmony
Ponder upon team in trouble after game
Ponder, as referee, about extra time
Pondered laying off millions no longer in prime condition
Pondered, in a way
Pondering briefly to absorb learner's fine material
Pondering bumping off family in obsession
Pondering, informally
Pondering, thinking
Ponderosa pal
Ponderosa stray
Ponders brief massage - setter's back and bum!
Ponders something carefully - Ben's kith
Pong creator
Pong from black liquid at bottom of street
Pong maker
Pongy during hard slog, one's taking time off
Ponied up?
Ponies lone wolf disturbed all at the same time
Ponies up
Pont Neuf's river
Ponta Delgada is its bigg
Ponta Delgada's locale
Pontiac classics
Pontiac Firebird, for one
Pontiac of song
Pontiac's followers
Pontiac's place: Abbr.
Pontiac, e.g.
Pontiac, for one
Pontiacs of old
Pontiff backing even bits of polemical epic poem
Pontiff for just 26 days
Pontiffs' accessories
Pontiffs, in Roma
Pontifical comrade coming round every year
Pontifical protection?
Pontificate wildly about king being turned to stone
Pontificates - toss-up
Pontifices' home
Pontius Pilate, e.g.
Pontius ___
Pontoon choice
Pontoon is a card game
Pony carriage
Pony disembowelled by Indian? That’s disturbing
Pony Express load
Pony Express segments
Pony express stop
Pony farm sign
Pony or alligator
Pony or monkey
Pony or sheepdog a woman’ll mostly draw
Pony players' locale, in
Pony players' parlor: Abb
Pony provoker
Pony up
Pony went bust worth not much money
Pony's gait
Ponytail locale
Ponzi scheme, e.g.
Pooch fan
Pooch in a Jim Davis cart
Pooch in panels
Pooch originally from Wal
Pooch that perches
Pooch's name
Poodle and dirndl, e.g.
Poodle name
Poodle or dachshund, e.g.
Poodle sounds
Poodle's bark
Poodle's cry
Poodle's greeting
Poodle's handle
Poodle, perhaps
Poodle, perhaps with some black eye
Pooh author
Pooh pal
Pooh’s chum moving his tail down
Pooh's bouncy friend
Pooh's creator
Pooh's feline friend
Pooh's friend in "Winnie-
Pooh's gloomy pal
Pooh's grumpy pal
Pooh's mopey pal
Pooh's pal
Pooh's young pal
Pooh, for one
Pooh, investing first of his old pennies, made a nicker
Pooh-bah hired by a board
Pooh-pooh bust said to interrupt boom, perhaps
Pooh-pooh, with "at"
Pooh’s jar?
Pool - pure and simple
Pool accessory
Pool and darts
Pool area
Pool areas
Pool attendants not provided, but receiving extra good protection for members
Pool ball hitter?
Pool ball sorters
Pool competitor's request
Pool contents?
Pool demarcation
Pool device
Pool distance
Pool division
Pool divisions
Pool employee
Pool entertaining duke
Pool exercise
Pool exhibition
Pool exhibitions
Pool feat
Pool for performing marine mammals
Pool game
Pool great Willie
Pool group
Pool hall need
Pool hall or neighborhood
Pool hall pro
Pool in 11? I don't believe it
Pool locale
Pool measure
Pool member
Pool member of old
Pool money before finishing
Pool necessity
Pool need
Pool nothing more
Pool of money
Pool of money for cat?
Pool of water in the bed of a stream that flows only in the rainy season
Pool opening
Pool openings
Pool or beach attendants
Pool or carpool concern
Pool organism
Pool owner's headache
Pool owner's nuisance
Pool part?
Pool parties
Pool parties?
Pool party
Pool party?
Pool path
Pool person
Pool player's stick
Pool player, at times
Pool ploy
Pool power, heading off confusion
Pool problem
Pool provider, often
Pool pull-over
Pool regimen
Pool shades
Pool shot
Pool side
Pool site
Pool site, for short
Pool site, maybe
Pool sites
Pool statistic
Pool stick
Pool sticks
Pool stroke
Pool superstar's cycled backwards
Pool surface
Pool table fabric
Pool table part
Pool temp, maybe
Pool temperature tester
Pool to be won
Pool tool
Pool units
Pool users
Pool wear
Pool worker one goes in to look up in Times
Pool worker's aid
Pooled money
Poolroom aid
Poolroom items
Poolroom need
Pools appearing out of the blue, with breeze getting up
Pools found on embankment at historic conference site
Pools of water
Pools syndicate's leader hosted topless party in retirement
Poolside enclosure
Poolside sights
Poolside turban
Poolside wear
Poona title
Poop out
Pooped and wiped bum dirt with back of sleeve
Pooped out
Pooped person's plaint
Pooped! In motion, scooping nasty bits of tofu up
Poor 'rithmetic perhaps later discovered
Poor actor in South East — pity
Poor actor staying sober?
Poor actor that may be cured?
Poor actor to make jokes about in bed
Poor agricultural worker
Poor Alice Hardy's girl in retreat where special foods are provided
Poor anagram at start to clue historic document
Poor and indistinct, going round and round front of garage at the end of the day
Poor Andrew accepting help over this period
Poor Angles penning verse during subjugation
Poor Arab gets stoned when protecting daughter - a crowd gathers
Poor area by Rio? Preferred North American city
Poor area in endless recession
Poor area to reach, going outside hotel
Poor at painting, I strain badly and twitch
Poor audience response stifling street comedian
Poor – stripped
Poor bargain for untreated wood?
Poor Ben Stokes drops a South African
Poor Billy, regularly infested with moth
Poor bird's innards bad at intervals
Poor bishop with terribly dear parts at risk?
Poor black lad sold nuts
Poor blighter
Poor bloke on the fiddle slightly twisted? Get away!
Poor blokes
Poor book promotion
Poor box filler
Poor boy
Poor brandy is regularly thrown away
Poor British goods breaking too soon
Poor cast includes three from Swedish group
Poor Cats actor finally gets dressed in old corsets
Poor chap captured by Napoleonic marshal
Poor chap tried going for almost nothing
Poor chap's attempt to be sick is heard
Poor character analysis?
Poor child's letter from abroad found in container
Poor Clares member
Poor coaching’s put off ace — they may be in the soup
Poor community
Poor conductor, not a learner devouring music mag
Poor country abandoned by Austria
Poor country area is disregarded
Poor country deserted by last fellow
Poor country folk eating hard, gamey birds
Poor creature who's boring in bed?
Poor creatures singer Charlotte found on highway outside of college
Poor custodian of time
Poor dame with IOU asked for milk?
Poor dancer
Poor dating prospects
Poor densely populated city area
Poor devil
Poor devil gets charged by detective with a malevolent look
Poor dog's portion
Poor dog, its appropriate part cut short
Poor dope with strep, bunged up
Poor drainage area
Poor editing spoiled gripping opening of novel
Poor Edna embarrassed about having wind
Poor Edward, gripped by recurring desire
Poor English grade after that subject is not taught
Poor Eritrean servant
Poor ethics represented by nationalist sign
Poor example of 10,4 using Word - see a bit of criticism flying round
Poor excuse about flipping rubbish estate managers
Poor farmer
Poor father’s opening junk mail
Poor fellow you dumped - what's his name?
Poor female host Helen, lonely and unloved?
Poor film rating
Poor firm in a cheerful mood
Poor friend facing test
Poor Garth suffering negative image
Poor girl's obsession?
Poor grade
Poor grade E established
Poor grades
Poor handwriting
Poor health for partner
Poor hearing, when one is in the wind
Poor hen shifting - one's likely to lay an egg
Poor holding on for money
Poor house for a student near part of Brighton actually
Poor housing
Poor housing contributes to cholera
Poor in conception
Poor in quality
Poor internet media of uncertain value
Poor Ireland, endlessly under discussion
Poor Italian curate leaves area, lacking fluency
Poor Jack is in depressed condition
Poor Joe B getting totally disheartened? Admiration often expressed for his opponent
Poor journalist coming into money after turnabout
Poor journalist longing to get back outside
Poor journalist probes unsettled realms in a tumbledown state
Poor journalist, meeting editor, coughed uncomfortably?
Poor Keir's adrift, regularly gambled
Poor king, poor king, reflect carefully!
Poor leaders in his August papers — like every silly season?
Poor Lear, interrupted by one from another play
Poor links play, as they
Poor loser
Poor love nobody has fed meal
Poor low-budget film
Poor maiden before stealing silver
Poor mark
Poor me!
Poor men on novel grant not involving elected rulers
Poor mischievous urban child
Poor mite knocked back jelly and cake
Poor movie rating
Poor Muslim is on diesel — hospital needed
Poor name for a solid-col
Poor novel isn't making you bankrupt
Poor novel likely to be steamy
Poor novel needs editing - it's very cheesy!
Poor nun disfigured herself, perhaps
Poor of Parisian, gripped by desire, to pop up
Poor on the rink, perhaps, needing special intervention
Poor one engaged in one option for fives (a game)
Poor orator, perhaps
Poor patron taking exam for believer
Poor performance with the bat? I put in standard performance
Poor person
Poor person and working class in school at the top
Poor person in shelter given selection from Bible
Poor person needs safe place empty overnight
Poor person's head hit
Poor physical condition
Poor place the owner soon abandoned
Poor players under pressu
Poor pre-election period, back with a change of heart
Poor prognosis
Poor prognosis one brought forward for stomach
Poor quality marble, lacking interest
Poor quality shelter encounters earth tremor
Poor quality tree entered in test
Poor quarter
Poor raggedly dressed city child
Poor rating
Poor reaction by United; they bottle it in France
Poor reader initially held up - 'It's boring' ...
Poor relation from the East
Poor relations who live in Asia
Poor Republican put inside summoned to court
Poor returns?
Poor Richard's Almanack i
Poor Richard, really
Poor road users in North passing through bigger motorway curves, keeping right
Poor Root, a prisoner of history, stewing for hours on 10
Poor ruler given better brain supplement
Poor rustic
Poor sap is flabbergasted to be accepted as suitable
Poor say city turned criminal
Poor sci-fi turned out to be dull
Poor sci-fi, in translation, unlikely to make you excited
Poor Sean's finally left (extremely sensible)
Poor Seb Coe, ex-Conservative, getting very overweight
Poor service
Poor shot selection at start splits Mark's supporters in opening frame
Poor side in South Africa?
Poor signs treated? This shows how it might go
Poor situation involving little space and little illumination
Poor Sky TV reception - right shambles!
Poor sleepers
Poor snail one Yankee cooked with onions
Poor soil ingredient
Poor soul
Poor soul in refuge starts to overcome troubles
Poor soul struggling with ICT, an old medic
Poor sportsman in boozer's back part
Poor state shown by a loch surrounded by the hill (rocky)
Poor support
Poor support for GP's practice
Poor surfer
Poor Ted ordered to tin fish
Poor terminology, lacking beginning, middle and end, is not so bright
Poor thing about a slouch
Poor to riot in Portuguese city
Poor trader hit skids
Poor trainee, dyslexic to some extent
Poor treatment partly makes us immigrants rise
Poor unfortunate me, serving drink in inappropriate vessels!
Poor unfortunate soul
Poor unhappy girl who meets her Prince Charming
Poor urban neighbourhood
Poor visibility almost put an end to escape
Poor waiter, beset by official over strong drink
Poor white American taking wine with spoon
Poor woodcutter and cave opener
Poor woodcutter of folklo
Poor workers getting mistreated (con men set it up, bypassing union)
Poor writer on 13's river boat
Poor writer's describing psychiatrist's brother
Poor writer's scribblings
Poor writers
Poor Yorick was a fellow
Poor, as an excuse
Poor, as coverage
Poor, as excuses go
Poor, as security
Poor, depressed neighborh
Poor, filmwise
Poor, poor lady's taken in by unelected scientist?
Poor-quality alcohol
Poor-quality – underwear
Poor-quality items
Poor-quality wood used in test
Poorer fretted outside society
Poorer girl turned up in elevated check
Poorer social grouping
Poorer, as excuses go
Poorer-fitting, in a way
Poorest like grant for housing
Poorest quality terrace put up on street
Poorhouse bedding
Poorly adjusted person
Poorly after swallowing tablet, David’s developed rash
Poorly assembled program in divine setting
Poorly developed, as an i
Poorly drained
Poorly during leave, go back and forth
Poorly educated person with flashy dress tastes
Poorly executed
Poorly executed strike
Poorly explained
Poorly expressed section, with a bias
Poorly in Paris one spring
Poorly interpret short film on court official
Poorly kept
Poorly lit
Poorly made glove has split down the middle
Poorly matched
Poorly men, to me, are what could determine doctor's rate?
Poorly MP hesitantly collecting bodily fluid
Poorly organized
Poorly rendered description of poetic ugliness
Poorly represent ignorant character
Poorly situated
Poorly thought out
Poorly, claimed for health check
Poorly, cutting last visit as distasteful
Poorly, eyelid on the blink after end of operation
Poorly, one way or another?
Poorly-dressed child
Poorly-mounted knight's day going perfectly, limiting steer to the left
Poorly-written blog almost all of international relevance
Poorness of English team, half-heartedly shamefaced
Pooter or Pepys?
Pop 50's-60's TV star?
Pop a nasty piece of work at the start
Pop alternative
Pop an E with dare and go raving
Pop Anthony Burgess novel
Pop Art - with the Radio Times withdrawing complaint
Pop art icon
Pop art movement
Pop Art pioneer Lichtenst
Pop artist David
Pop artist Johns
Pop artist Lichtenstein
Pop artist Warhol
Pop artist whose name is
Pop back and fold suit
Pop by
Pop choice
Pop composer Jim and othe
Pop concert screamer
Pop covers have 50% lost in transfer from server
Pop crooner Neil
Pop dance team, informall
Pop diva has drink, drinking case of Drambuie
Pop diva wearing fake sable stands outside
Pop duo with the album "S
Pop film always presented in unusually high standard
Pop first of balloons using really sharp tack
Pop follower
Pop for a young person?
Pop genre
Pop goer
Pop group among 150 supported by a Jewish system of belief
Pop group from 3 bringing down a cake
Pop group heard in eastern European and central Asian regions
Pop group lodged in Cotswold mansion
Pop group mostly put out over emcee’s opening persuasive speech
Pop group not tied to a major recording company
Pop group that inspired a
Pop group try this punch?
Pop group whose first Top
Pop group whose music was
Pop group whose name is c
Pop group with covers of Crosby provides role for elder brother
Pop group with the #1 hit
Pop group with the 1997 h
Pop group's stage features
Pop heroes
Pop hit from America covering Queen
Pop icon collects casual shirt as formal wear
Pop Idol candidate's bottom wrinkly?
Pop idol gains 1,000 pence by euro's collapse
Pop Idol segue highly praised
Pop in here?
Pop label
Pop maker
Pop maker in a nursery rh
Pop maker?
Pop music centre regenerated Mary's classic sitcom
Pop music from the 1950s
Pop music style
Pop music's 98 Degrees, e
Pop music's Bananarama an
Pop music's Bee ___
Pop music's Cass Elliot a
Pop music's Clapton or Ca
Pop music's Gloria and Em
Pop music's Hanson, e.g.
Pop music's Plastic ___ B
Pop music's Salt-N-___
Pop music's TLC, e.g.
Pop music's ___ & Eddie
Pop music's ___ and the W
Pop music's ___ Kim
Pop music's ___ Lobos
Pop music's ___ Vanilli
Pop music, informally
Pop musician Lofgren
Pop musician Ocasek
Pop name
Pop of Jamaica
Pop off before a bid for the other side
Pop off right away from Bloomsbury thoroughfare
Pop off to join school activities?
Pop open?
Pop or Dada
Pop out of a plane
Pop out wearing skates, perhaps - dapper
Pop Peace Nobelist?
Pop peg back
Pop product at a barbersh
Pop rang his mum
Pop record label
Pop round to see a wall panel
Pop runs in front of lady
Pop sensation Christina
Pop setting for a Mussorg
Pop singer Amos
Pop singer born Ellen Nao
Pop singer Brickell
Pop singer Carmen
Pop singer Collins
Pop singer DeSario
Pop singer Dupree
Pop singer from Nigeria
Pop singer from Texas?
Pop singer Hall and other
Pop singer known as "The
Pop singer leading fashionable people in US town
Pop singer Leo
Pop singer Lisa
Pop singer Lopez
Pop singer Manfred ___
Pop singer Mann
Pop singer McLachlan
Pop singer Neville
Pop singer Peeples
Pop singer showing first signs of diarrhoea after eating rice dish from the East
Pop singer taking top off to reveal tattoo
Pop singer Tatyana
Pop singer Tori
Pop singer who appeared i
Pop singer's after whip for a player
Pop singer, mostly with guitarist Paul after good laughs
Pop star
Pop star back in country garden
Pop star exercising during epidemic
Pop star I bet OK playing end of tune: note in second track and first following every piece here in song
Pop star Lauper
Pop star Morissette
Pop star one entering auditorium successfully
Pop star regularly eats starter of spare ribs, say
Pop star who was a 1990's
Pop star's dicky heart finally giving way
Pop star, having acquired stock, may be this rich
Pop star, say
Pop stars turned versifie
Pop station playlist
Pop superstar's informal
Pop tarts and nuggets - going off starters?
Pop that's over 80 years
Pop the question
Pop this way and that
Pop title role in a 1993
Pop trio with the 1964 hi
Pop turned back as I entered to say goodbye
Pop up
Pop up and see doctor: being collected
Pop vocalist Annie
Pop wants gradually to remove Thatcher at the beginning, that prickly character
Pop western of 1960?
Pop's Brickell
Pop's broken tea service
Pop's condition
Pop's John
Pop's nursing home rejected male model
Pop's partner
Pop's rejected about 500 - these people are pathetic
Pop's spiked with most of whiskey spirits
Pop's ___ Brothers
Pop's ___ Tuesday
Pop's ___ Vanilli
Pop, for one
Pop-rocker John
Pop-top feature
Pop-top spot
Pop-top's place
Pop-up appliance
Pop-up breakfast food
Pop-up generator
Pop-up producer
Pop-up-producing program
Pop-ups, e.g.
Pop/funk singer ___ Marie
Pop/R&B singer ___ Marie
Popcorn seasoning
Pope after Benedict IV
Pope after John X
Pope after Marcellus II
Pope after Marinus I
Pope and priest working on disagreement
Pope before Paul V, whose
Pope believing at last, touching blood-stained cross
Pope Benedict XVI's elect
Pope during the reign of
Pope during the siege of
Pope found in English river - a kind of fish
Pope from 440 to 461
Pope has a lover, admitting evidence of wrongdoing?
Pope is quiet concerning argument
Pope is up for review
Pope John Paul II's homel
Pope John Paul II's real
Pope John XXIII's first n
Pope John ___ (1316-34)
Pope not disturbed … in such a car?
Pope of 1605
Pope of 682
Pope of 772
Pope piece
Pope production
Pope protector
Pope ran off, in theory
Pope rash to change punctuation
Pope rashly hosts shows
Pope reportedly going commando on holiday, long weapon thrown about
Pope statement opener
Pope Urban II, originally
Pope when the Visigoths s
Pope when Vatican City be
Pope who created the Schi
Pope who excommunicated M
Pope who met with Galileo
Pope who persuaded Attila
Pope who resigned in 2013
Pope with a 27-day pontif
Pope with a Nov. 10 feast
Pope with an appropriate-
Pope's "An Essay ___"
Pope's "___ Solitude"
Pope's ambassador
Pope's cape
Pope's choice of Scotsmen?
Pope's diplomatic representative
Pope's envoy
Pope's envoys
Pope's legacy: avoiding prison in retirement, simply
Pope's oeuvre
Pope's representative
Pope's restricting abbey's latest provision for e-10
Pope's scarflike vestment
Pope's title
Pope's triple crown
Pope's work
Pope's writings
Pope, 1513-21
Pope’s tenure
Popeye creator Elzie ___
Popeye has big ones
Popeye the Sailor's vegetable of choice
Popeye's alternative, bri
Popeye's creator
Popeye's creator E. C. __
Popeye's female foe in ea
Popeye's gal
Popeye's gal Olive ___
Popeye's love
Popeye's muscle builder
Popeye's Olive
Popeye's Olive ___
Popeye's rival
Popeye's son
Popeye's sweetie
Popeye's tip: his can supply contains it?
Popeye's tooter
Popeye's ___ Pea
Popeye's ___' Pea
Popeye's ___'pea
Popeye, e.g.
Poplar or pine?
Poplar relation of East End sock-seller
Poplar tree
Poplar trees
Poplar type
Poplar variety
Poplars, in the Southwest
Poppaea's husband
Popped a question
Popped in on
Popped up
Popper of song
Popping pills
Popping up all over
Poppy drug
Poppy or sesame
Poppy parts
Poppy plant derivative
Poppy product
Poppy-based drug
Pops composer Anderson
Pops for tots
Pops in the fridge?
Pops in the nursery
Pops one's cork
Pops round with something to do at Lent?
Pops section
Pops up
Pops up to get favourable slant from doctor?
Pops' partners
Pops, e.g.
Popsicle choice
Popsicle on a hot day?
Popsicle, e.g.
Popstar touring England to sound of appreciative audience
Popular "jam band"
Popular '90s workout vide
Popular - attractive
Popular 16th-century song
Popular 18th-century dance - vet goat
Popular 1920s' American dance
Popular 1920s-'50s Harlem
Popular 1925 song
Popular 1940s radio show
Popular 1960's sitcom
Popular 1960s' dance - spuds like this go with sausages
Popular 1970's-80's vocal
Popular 1970s British TV
Popular 1980's arcade gam
Popular 1980s arcade game
Popular 1990's revival
Popular 1990's sitcom
Popular 1990's sitcom fro
Popular 20's auto
Popular 30's dance
Popular 7-11 drink
Popular 70's gift
Popular 80's daytime show
Popular 80's models
Popular 80's-90's TV sitc
Popular 90's beverage
Popular 90's essayist
Popular 90's sitcom
Popular A.M. host
Popular a.m. show
Popular academic is retiring in heart of dreary SE Asian republic
Popular account: English royal abdicated over a breach
Popular achievement for sure
Popular act, without doubt
Popular action figure
Popular action, no doubt
Popular action? Certainly!
Popular activity for dogs
Popular adhesive
Popular advice-giver
Popular aerobic program
Popular afternoon host
Popular air freshener
Popular air Mark's forgotten en route
Popular airplane maker
Popular alcoholic drink
Popular alternative press
Popular analgesic
Popular antianxiety drug
Popular antioxidant
Popular ap
Popular appetizer
Popular apple
Popular appliance maker
Popular aquarium fish
Popular aquatic performer
Popular Art Deco prints
Popular article on parrot forgetting it's dead
Popular artist in funky blues allowing cover
Popular artist with show perhaps neglecting former restraint
Popular artist's cover announced
Popular ascetic with no money to come by some wealth
Popular athletic footwear
Popular athletic shoes
Popular attempt to follow Latin argot
Popular attraction run by tart
Popular auction site
Popular Bach work for key
Popular baked confection
Popular baked treat ingre
Popular ballad that is about mother meeting her ruin
Popular ballpoints
Popular bar game
Popular bar since 1946
Popular bar that's seedy boycotting very non-mainstream company
Popular basketball shoe
Popular bathroom cleaner
Popular battered food
Popular BBC import, for s
Popular bedding plant
Popular beef portion (2 wds.)
Popular beer, for short
Popular beverage
Popular beverage brand
Popular bit of candy
Popular block game
Popular block game requir
Popular board game
Popular book
Popular book genre
Popular book, needing no introduction, includes account which is not quite accurate
Popular books about voting system — one still being published?
Popular boxing venue
Popular brand of bouillon
Popular brand of faucet
Popular brand of statione
Popular brand set in stone
Popular brandy flavor
Popular Bravo series, inf
Popular breakfast food
Popular breath mint
Popular brew from Holland
Popular brew, for short
Popular British biscuit
Popular building block
Popular building material? About right for something added on
Popular cable channel
Popular cable network ...
Popular cable program
Popular camera
Popular camera type, for
Popular cameras
Popular Canadian-born gam
Popular candy
Popular candy bar
Popular candy bar ingredi
Popular canned tuna
Popular car model startin
Popular car, again
Popular caramel candy
Popular card game
Popular card game since 1
Popular Caribbean island
Popular carpet style
Popular cat
Popular catalogue company
Popular CBS drama
Popular cereal
Popular cereal dye
Popular cereal or magazin
Popular chain of chicken
Popular chap at café finally serving porridge
Popular chap I invited out and bullied
Popular chap who cuts down trees?
Popular character introdu
Popular charge card
Popular charity
Popular cheese, originally French, without elaboration
Popular chestnut fencing timber
Popular chocolate and mar
Popular chocolate bar
Popular chocolate snack
Popular chocolate treat
Popular Christmas dessert
Popular Christmas gift
Popular Christmas gifts
Popular Christmas gifts f
Popular cigar
Popular cigar brand
Popular citrus drink
Popular civic club
Popular Civil War song
Popular cleanser
Popular clog clearer
Popular clog-buster
Popular clothing store, w
Popular clown
Popular clown at kids' pa
Popular club
Popular coach, when heart deficient, so essential
Popular cocktail
Popular cold remedy
Popular coll. guy
Popular collectibles
Popular college items of
Popular cologne
Popular combo
Popular comedienne
Popular comedy item, though half-hearted
Popular comic book since
Popular commercial campgr
Popular commercial with gent missing good chance?
Popular company's not in good shape
Popular composer presented in edition? There’s a surprise
Popular computer
Popular computer game
Popular computer logic/gu
Popular computer operatin
Popular computers
Popular conception of earliest times?
Popular Conservative finally admitted deserting naked woman, identity unknown
Popular cookbook author
Popular cookie
Popular cooking spray
Popular copper to transport unwelcome nocturnal visitor
Popular corn chip
Popular cornstarch brand
Popular costume party cos
Popular countertenor once going about with one persistently present
Popular couple split up
Popular cracker brand
Popular credit card
Popular criminal tried — court to impose ban
Popular cuisine
Popular cycle runs involving fellows and stormy weather?
Popular dance music
Popular dancer having taken to drink makes mistakes - bad ones
Popular date time ... or
Popular dates for dates
Popular daytime talk show
Popular Deco lithographs
Popular delicacy not eaten up at all
Popular delicacy not touched
Popular depilatory
Popular description encapsulating Independent for the moment
Popular desktops since 19
Popular dessert
Popular dictator's going off locking people up
Popular digital camera ma
Popular diner
Popular discount shoe sto
Popular dish in an Asian
Popular dish often served
Popular disinfectant
Popular dog name
Popular dog to run up
Popular dog's name
Popular Don
Popular dot-com stock
Popular drama
Popular drink for a royal daughter?
Popular drink imbibed on vacation is tasteless
Popular drink mix
Popular drink of spirits to arrange promptly in USA
Popular drinks, we hear, for those in the know
Popular e-mail provider
Popular early serials wri
Popular Easter dish
Popular eclectic magazine
Popular edition getting everything topsy-turvy
Popular English composer has died? I'm flabbergasted
Popular English doll
Popular entertainer not half showing interest?
Popular escort traversing a French flood
Popular European student accommodation
Popular extract, basically
Popular fabric softener
Popular family dog, famil
Popular family room appli
Popular family vehicle
Popular Fanta-like soda
Popular fashion magazine
Popular fast dance to swing music in the 1940s
Popular fast food chain,
Popular fast-food chain
Popular fast-food chain,
Popular father retaining power to encourage
Popular Father's Day gift
Popular feature about bridge team is on the way
Popular feature in poetry
Popular feeling expressed as anger
Popular fellow entering France in past proves profitable
Popular fellow playing on lute, say, right away
Popular fellow seldom having day out of visibility?
Popular fellows on TV broadcast, the reverse of top brain boxes
Popular female name coine
Popular female soldier's child
Popular female worker's recent delivery?
Popular figure touring African country, showing relaxed attitude
Popular film about holding Massachusetts' fellow in prison
Popular film Web site, br
Popular firewood
Popular fish sandwich
Popular fishing spots
Popular flavour available
Popular Florida amusement
Popular food fish
Popular food wrap
Popular Ford
Popular Ford auto, inform
Popular Ford van
Popular former partner to go back to Morecambe
Popular fragrance
Popular fragrance from Fr
Popular fraternity, famil
Popular frozen dessert ch
Popular fruit drink
Popular fuel additive
Popular fund-raiser
Popular fund-raising even
Popular furry 1980's toy
Popular gambling game keeps general in poverty
Popular game
Popular game bird
Popular game from Russia
Popular game from Uruguay
Popular game import from
Popular game in Old West
Popular game set on an is
Popular genre providing national anthem?
Popular German beer, info
Popular gift
Popular girl breaking into number in which all join
Popular girl to west of Ohio?
Popular goalie entertains northern host
Popular goalie welcomes new local manager
Popular golf event
Popular golfer’s position, for example
Popular government's leader is showing age
Popular Greek character conceals money
Popular grilled fish
Popular group dance
Popular group heading off lack of engagement
Popular group of students rejected believer
Popular group to include European starlets
Popular groups for insignificant people
Popular guerrilla leader is a non-believer
Popular guide for rambling
Popular H.S. class
Popular hair care product
Popular hand soap
Popular handheld game com
Popular hangouts in the l
Popular head of media had one canned!
Popular headlights
Popular Hearst mag
Popular Hershey bar
Popular high school class
Popular hip-hop magazine
Popular Honda
Popular hotel chain
Popular house gift
Popular houseplant
Popular humor weekly, wit
Popular humorist supports companion in conversation
Popular I.S.P.
Popular ice cream
Popular ice cream brand
Popular ideas, say, abandoned by centrists in particular
Popular in the London area at society functions
Popular incentive for knight
Popular Indian leader, shut your face!
Popular insect repellent
Popular insecticide
Popular instrument half of team used to put cannula in
Popular Internet company
Popular internet item
Popular Internet portal
Popular invitees
Popular ISP
Popular Italian motor sco
Popular jam flavor
Popular Japanese beer
Popular jeans
Popular journal one catholic finds 'lifeless'
Popular judge rises to conclude
Popular June program?
Popular king satisfactorily providing writer’s aid
Popular kitchen wrap
Popular knight, one on list for sure
Popular lace makers ruined?
Popular landscaping plant
Popular laptop
Popular laundry detergent
Popular lawn tool
Popular lecturer on French art originally in Asian country
Popular legend of Dutch o
Popular legislation is relative where union is concerned
Popular light reading
Popular Lily Tomlin chara
Popular line in board game is such a wonder
Popular liniment brand
Popular Los Angeles women’s 6? No
Popular magazine since 19
Popular mail order compan
Popular male to sign 21s here
Popular mason disturbed about current sleep disorder
Popular Massachusetts vac
Popular Mattel game
Popular Mazda
Popular meal
Popular meeting place, usually a bar
Popular men's magazine
Popular Mexican beer
Popular Mexican tourist d
Popular Microsoft product
Popular Microsoft softwar
Popular middle name
Popular middle name for a
Popular mints
Popular mixture of fun and zeal is something you could catch
Popular modern exercise s
Popular monarch stopping street advertising
Popular money-raiser
Popular money-raising eve
Popular morning talk show
Popular motor home
Popular motorcycle
Popular Mouseketeer
Popular movie house name
Popular movie series
Popular MP3 player
Popular MP3 players
Popular museum exhibits
Popular music category
Popular music centre of plainly neat construction
Popular music from New Orleans
Popular music genre
Popular music genre, very French, keeping university in delight
Popular music genre’s comfortable for American artist
Popular music magazine
Popular music of Jamaican origin
Popular music style
Popular music that came from New Orleans in the 1900s
Popular music unknown not on sure ground
Popular music variety
Popular music, something often encountered at the seaside
Popular musical
Popular musical based on
Popular musical instrument, extremely tactile, but untouched?
Popular musical regularly billed "Unavoidable"
Popular mustard
Popular myth surrounds quiet Scottish island
Popular N.B.A. nickname
Popular name for a pub
Popular name for pub
Popular name for tolnafta
Popular name in fruit jui
Popular NBC host
Popular negotiation locat
Popular new place for an overnight stay
Popular news site, with "
Popular news source, brie
Popular newspaper column
Popular newspaper columni
Popular newspaper puzzle
Popular newspaper size
Popular Nicole Hollander
Popular nightclub
Popular nightclub, location for potential trouble
Popular nightclub, where trouble is anticipated
Popular northern haunt of 9?
Popular northern hostelry
Popular Northern pub
Popular novelist continues to work in kitchen?
Popular novelist embraces headdress-maker
Popular novice upstanding in my youth
Popular numbers I have detailed
Popular nurse's plan
Popular officer, mainly
Popular oil additive
Popular old canary
Popular old copper departed to provide protection
Popular old horse getting beat again?
Popular old industrial chemists taken in by family doctor
Popular old means of decreasing, not right for an increase
Popular old pope, though harsh
Popular old record, though initially unsuitable
Popular old routine? Not accurate
Popular on-line auction c
Popular one-named singer
Popular one-named techno
Popular online lectures a
Popular online magazine
Popular online reference
Popular opening subject of my autobiography, touching story
Popular outlet - setter's showing creativity
Popular oven cleaner
Popular packs
Popular pain relief cream
Popular pain reliever
Popular painkiller
Popular painting etc - a clue: it surprisingly is hard to understand
Popular pants since 1850
Popular paper by leaderless authority's beyond words
Popular parade horse
Popular Paraguayan tea one kept in jug
Popular party attended by friend in Far Eastern locale
Popular party chief in a part of Asia
Popular party day: Abbr.
Popular party game
Popular passage, one acceptable in investiture
Popular pasta
Popular PBS science serie
Popular PC shooting game
Popular pear
Popular pen
Popular pen pitcher?
Popular pencil brand
Popular pens
Popular Per
Popular perfume
Popular period to support dumping leader and to try unifying countries?
Popular person stealing hearts, briefly
Popular pet bird
Popular pet food
Popular pet rodent
Popular photograph published
Popular pickup
Popular picnic dish
Popular picture, perhaps, still being sold
Popular pie filling
Popular pie flavor
Popular pie ingredient
Popular piercing site
Popular pipe clearer
Popular pistol
Popular pizza
Popular pizza topping
Popular place
Popular place for data
Popular place to wed Irish artist
Popular plan, besides, crazy but essential
Popular plant gel
Popular player eliminated angrily snatches ball
Popular player since 2001
Popular pledge drive gift
Popular poet’s written about love, not splashing out?
Popular poetry? The opposite
Popular police unit full of Old Bill
Popular policy retaining Conservative slant
Popular Polynesian port
Popular pop
Popular portable music pl
Popular portal
Popular porters
Popular pot plant
Popular potato
Popular President hugged by lady every now and then
Popular program in Huntsv
Popular proverb from the
Popular puppet show
Popular Quaker cereal
Popular quarry for Britis
Popular queen meeting Spanish aunt resulting in inactivity
Popular quencher
Popular race
Popular races engaging traveller, one not boosted by others
Popular radio format
Popular radio personality
Popular rat-baiting dog i
Popular razors
Popular reality show, wit
Popular record label
Popular record setter's breaking any minute now
Popular record, but ultimately unskilful
Popular record, though initially awkward
Popular recording grabbing one, volume is turned up
Popular reference work
Popular references
Popular rejoinders
Popular reliever of aches
Popular religious fraternity operating appropriately
Popular report's shocking treatment for great thinker
Popular resort, briefly
Popular restaurant
Popular restaurant chain,
Popular retired doctor initially under such a cloud?
Popular retirement destin
Popular revolution protects rights over time: that's moral
Popular rock/rap/funk gro
Popular rogue lost, catching hollow ball in a way that can't be justified
Popular Russian vodka, fa
Popular Saab model
Popular salad ingredient
Popular sandwich bag
Popular sandwich cookie
Popular sandwich filler
Popular sandwich, informa
Popular sauce
Popular saxophonist
Popular saying
Popular schoolgirl royally entertained at the Albert Hall?
Popular sci-fi writer keeps a thousand objects on desk
Popular sci-fi writer peripherally scans Scottish city
Popular science fiction m
Popular Scottish county, according to Brummie, shows tendency to remain unchanged
Popular sea menaces of fi
Popular seafood chain
Popular setter secures right to get pay rise
Popular setting for a wed
Popular shaver
Popular shaving lotion
Popular ship’s officer — one serving porridge, perhaps?
Popular shirt label
Popular shirt maker
Popular shirts
Popular shooter
Popular shopping place th
Popular show
Popular side
Popular side dish
Popular sing-along tune o
Popular singer born in Co
Popular site for collecto
Popular skin cream
Popular sleep aid
Popular small porker with head removed close say to wings?
Popular snack
Popular snack cake
Popular snack cakes
Popular snack chip
Popular snack cracker
Popular sneakers
Popular soap
Popular social networking
Popular soft drink for princess
Popular song and dance by Motown regularly feature in 6A fiesta
Popular song from Broadwa
Popular songs
Popular Sony product
Popular soup ingredient
Popular source of antioxi
Popular Southern vegetabl
Popular souvenirs
Popular spectator sport t
Popular spinster going topless around country
Popular sporting fish
Popular sports car, infor
Popular sports coupe
Popular spy show
Popular star to right of pioneer
Popular Star Wars character, unwelcome visitor
Popular starter
Popular steak cut (2 wds.)
Popular steak sauce
Popular story about sick revolutionary is perfect
Popular story start
Popular story to conclude below stage
Popular street liners
Popular street name
Popular street ruined by diversion
Popular strolling sites
Popular study probing pink shade of body? Definitely not
Popular suckers
Popular Sunday TV host
Popular supermarket tablo
Popular supporter cheers Spanish princess
Popular surfing site
Popular sushi fish
Popular swab
Popular sweet tart
Popular swimwear
Popular syrup
Popular table wine
Popular tablet
Popular tabloid subj.
Popular tale about Australian girl draws one in
Popular tattoo
Popular tea maker
Popular team getting runs, one with special advantage
Popular team locked up
Popular tech news site
Popular techno musician
Popular teen hangout
Popular teen hangout 50+
Popular teen hangout, onc
Popular tenor
Popular tenor interrupting period of success by choice
Popular tenor starts to ruin ostentatious musical opening
Popular test animal in me
Popular theater name
Popular theatre left prop outside without hesitation
Popular thesaurus
Popular time traveller I’d seen as fearless
Popular to tuck into tea here?
Popular toast
Popular Tonka toys
Popular tourist attractio
Popular toy since 1964
Popular Toyota
Popular toys since 1961
Popular tractors
Popular trailing plant, a brute I trained over end of pergola
Popular trick involving Russia's foremost snack
Popular trip to the sea is turning dull
Popular tropical destinat
Popular tune for tenor or
Popular turns adopted by a cast working like hell
Popular TV chef
Popular TV co-host
Popular TV drama set in L
Popular TV host, seller o
Popular TV police drama
Popular TV, lesser picture?
Popular typeface
Popular U.S. board game s
Popular uprising
Popular US soldier sent back in genuine conspiracy
Popular vacation destinat
Popular vacation isle
Popular vacation locale
Popular vacation locales
Popular vacation spot
Popular vaccine protects juvenile
Popular van Gogh painting
Popular vice
Popular Victorian opium-based painkiller
Popular video recorder
Popular vocalist captivates with moving delivery
Popular vodka, familiarly
Popular vodka, informally
Popular Volkswagen model
Popular volume, impassioned, lacking male participation
Popular VW
Popular Warner-Lambert pr
Popular watch
Popular watch brand
Popular watches
Popular Web service provi
Popular wedding gift
Popular weight-loss progr
Popular Welsh girl entertaining accomplished islander
Popular White House souve
Popular whitener
Popular win away from sea
Popular wine put behind bars
Popular Wizard of Oz role as a whole
Popular woman almost gets to sleep around in relationship
Popular women's fragrance
Popular women's mag
Popular women's magazine
Popular word in German pr
Popular work in art gallery in recycled clay? Not exactly
Popular writer's wearing fur after initially deeming it essential
Popular writers
Popular Yale major
Popular yellow dessert
Popular young actors, say, playing part in support
Popular youth group
Popular youth magazine
Popular, a New York fixture, whatever happens
Popular, extravagant youth
Popular, in a way
Popularly priced and in vogue - load up
Population at the time of
Population count
Population count in North and South America by church
Population fig., e.g.
Population figure?
Population survey
Population theorist originally had useful stats on cereal
Populist power couple of
Populous area
Populous country
Populous nation
Populous place
Porcelain airline used, accepting dieter’s goal?
Porcelain containers, may
Porcelain from Hiroshima, right?
Porcelain from Switzerland popular with Austria's leader
Porcelain is useful when it turns up
Porch chair craftsman
Porch chair material
Porch item
Porch protector
Porch raiders
Porch with a view
Porch with columns
Porcine features
Porcine protest
Porcine sound
Porcine sounds
Porcine utterance
Porcini mushrooms
Porcupine or gopher
Porcupine quills
Porcupine's pointer
Porcupine, e.g.
Porcupine, for one
Pore in a leaf
Pore over
Pored over
Pores over a child’s first bits of artwork, messily clutched
Porfirio ___, president o
Porgy and bass
Porgy and Bess composer, d. 1937
Porgy's beloved
Porgy's love
Porgy's mate
Porgy's woman
Pork and beef sausage
Pork chop?
Pork cut
Pork cut in box served with processed brie
Pork knuckle originally made for husband in bed
Pork or beef
Pork or veal cuts
Pork pie - popular weekend indulgence?
Pork pie of sizable dimensions for radical pioneer from Germany
Pork pie supported by, say, upstanding lord
Pork pies can come with Tango and beers
Pork pies merchant, King and Queen seen after top class racing?
Pork place
Pork place?
Pork producer making a sandwich of Old Trafford's Walls sausage
Pork purchase
Pork unpopular, but stuff oneself
Pork wedge
Pork, e.g. (2 wds.)
Pork, to a Jew, e.g.
Porker's noise
Porker's pad
Porker's pen
Porker's place
Porkies, soon heard regularly, getting an individual incarcerated
Porkpie feature
Porkpies and panamas
Porky 9
Porky about repast ultimately with few calories?
Porky and fishy?
Porky pie
Porky pie teller
Porky Pig's sign-off line
Porky Pig, e.g.
Porky's love
Porky's tip on the radio
Porky, say, returning to Belgian city
Porn classification
Porn supremo perhaps becoming less successful
Pornographer firstly has a rule about body part
Pornographic 3 in film
Pornographic books stored in Clapton?
Pornographic crime the subject of uproar?
Pornographic material
Pornographic old book site
Pornography that’s buried under motorway?
Porous flour regularly kept in basement
Porous iron ore
Porous kitchen utensils
Porous, absorbent, soft
Porridge for one – mushy, moist and cold
Porridge ingredient
Porridge ingredient originally offered at breakfast, perhaps
Porridge ingredients
Porridge is put out to trap adult rodents
Porridge maybe in breakfasts it complements
Porridge maybe? Visit company stocking it
Porridge mix
Porridge shock, as had bears
Porridge-maker round at breakfast?
Porridge? Oat diet my cousin arranged
Porsche alternatives
Port - stoned
Port - what's in it?
Port a queen and a bishop accepted
Port added to wine container subject to legal constraint
Port alternative
Port amassed? Oenophile spun bottles
Port and cheese nicked, neither finished
Port and dog salmon served regularly
Port and holiday centre on the west coast of Scotland
Port and Irish ham cooked with nothing in
Port and largest city of Burma
Port and lemon drink for King Arthur?
Port and of course German wine
Port and pudding after 1
Port and smack served up by a head of languages
Port and small drink served up in place to go in Paris?
Port annexed by Britain i
Port annexed by Italy in
Port archipelago surely protects
Port at the mouth of the Seine
Port at the mouth of the Tees
Port authorities
Port authority?
Port bordering Slovenia
Port broadcast first part of rescue ...
Port captured by Allied f
Port captured by Napoleon
Port causes Daily Mail editor to blow his top
Port city built around an
Port city north of Tel Av
Port city of ancient Rome
Port city of southern Honshu
Port city on the Garonne in south-west France, a major wine capital
Port city on the Yangtze estuary
Port city or the lake it'
Port container
Port containers
Port contributing to high-risk obesity
Port deliveries not dealt with?
Port does badly when in recession
Port drinker gets up after ten drunk
Port east of Gibraltar
Port east of Porto-Novo
Port fashionable in the past
Port finally passed across
Port fine to be knocked back with half of beer
Port flushed air WC in two hours
Port frequently given a poor rating?
Port from shop European put away? Not a chance!
Port from which the Spani
Port gets rid of large amphibian
Port given permission to entertain foreign leader
Port gives mother a bad character, initially
Port hear the mouth of the Elbe
Port holders
Port holds baggage abandoned by 20 originally
Port Huron Statement grp.
Port Huron Statement org.
Port imbibed by grandad enthusiastically
Port in "The Marines' Hym
Port in a can? Great in a weird kind of way!
Port in American city banks interest
Port in Asian country storing gallons
Port in Germany agreed, following article
Port in Germany? Why not wine?
Port in Normandy
Port in northern island facing west or east
Port in Oregon
Port in Pakistan
Port in Scotland? Indeed, right
Port in Scott's "Lord of
Port in Scottish house inspiring caller
Port in the eastern Medit
Port in the Punic Wars
Port in western France
Port in Yemen
Port initially judged acceptable as wine
Port is situated to the west in exotic realm
Port Jack Aubrey's opening is Iberian wine
Port kept in house: hardly a great example
Port knocked back in one day
Port levies after review taking in pounds
Port locale
Port making one weary, we hear
Port named for a Norse go
Port near Hong Kong
Port near Mascara
Port near Nazareth
Port near Ogre
Port near Osaka
Port near Ta'izz
Port near the mouth of the Loire
Port near the Red Sea
Port near Vesuvius
Port not vintage — enjoy last of Semillon
Port not vintage? Have last of Semillon
Port of "The Plague"
Port of 20's leader has a gin ordered
Port of a 1942 Allies lan
Port of ancient Egypt
Port of ancient Rome
Port of Athens
Port of Brazil
Port of Crete
Port of Egypt
Port of Iraq
Port of Israel
Port of Lebanon
Port of Los Angeles
Port of old Rome
Port of southern Italy
Port of Spain
Port of Spain coastguard's first one on board US cutter
Port of Vietnam
Port of Yemen
Port official
Port on a gulf of the sam
Port on a lake of the sam
Port on Commencement Bay
Port on computer motherboard
Port on Italy's "heel"
Port on Osaka Bay
Port on the Caspian Sea, capital of Azerbaijan
Port on the eastern Medit
Port on the English Chann
Port on the Gulf of Guine
Port on the Gulf of Lion
Port on the Korea Strait
Port on the Loire
Port on the Moray Firth making appearance in news
Port on the Norwegian Sea
Port on the Panay Gulf
Port on the Paran
Port on the Scheldt
Port on the Sea of Japan
Port on the Shatt-al-Arab
Port on the Strait of Gib
Port on the Strait of Mal
Port on the Tyrrhenian Se
Port once more I must circulate in party venue
Port one gets in casks
Port opener?
Port opening
Port or beer in school dance with a twist at the end
Port or claret
Port or claret?
Port or whiskey
Port provision
Port pusher
Port seized by Adm. Dewey
Port served at 1:00 or 10:00, going by the numbers?
Port served during evening all enjoyed
Port should cover very dry dish
Port showing fine quality
Port sight
Port sights
Port some passed on the wrong way
Port south of Osaka
Port SSE of Sana
Port St. ___, Fla.
Port Stanley locale
Port stores uranium in ramshackle holding area
Port tasting sharper than usual
Port terminal?
Port that shuts up at five to one?
Port thus knocked back by nurse
Port to sink before consuming four fifths of a pint?
Port town on the English
Port Vale disheartened to be involved in ultimately brutal Irish game
Port Vale's opener goes in very scrappily
Port Vale, lacking leadership or sense, compromised individual player
Port vessel
Port vessels
Port Washington's outskirts flooded by river
Port went off, in a manner of speaking
Port west of Monte Vesuvi
Port where in 1587 Francis Drake 'singed the King of Spain's beard'
Port where two rivers converge
Port wine from Spain, 60% of it
Port with a natural harbo
Port worker's energy, describing American car?
Port ___ (Isle of Man res
Port ___ (Suez Canal city
Port ___, Egypt
Port ___, seaside resort
Port's beginning to drop floating structure, causing a financial problem
Port's name engraved in seat
Port, as drunk at the end of second degree
Port, for one
Port, in difficulty, relocates
Port, industrial and university city in south-west England
Port, rum, beer and last of wine
Port-au-Prince inhabitants?
Port-au-Prince is its cap
Port-au-Prince native
Port-au-Prince resident
Port-au-Prince's land
Port. joined it in 1986
Portable anti-tank weapon
Portable barbecue
Portable bed intended for nursery?
Portable charcoal-burning brazier with a grill for cooking
Portable chiller
Portable climbing aid
Portable communications device
Portable computer
Portable computers
Portable cooking stove
Portable cradle
Portable cutter
Portable dwelling
Portable engine for a boat
Portable guns
Portable heater
Portable home
Portable homes
Portable info-storing dev
Portable lamp
Portable light
Portable light for shortening necklace
Portable light in a transparent case
Portable lights
Portable outdoor shelter
Portable PC
Portable personal weapons
Portable power source
Portable power tool
Portable radio link
Portable radio transmitter/receiver
Portable red or white hol
Portable rocket launcher
Portable rocket-launcher
Portable sanctuary
Portable seat
Portable service station?
Portable shelter
Portable shelters
Portable two-way radio
Portable writing surface
Portamento, in music
Portend; Roman official
Portending evil
Porter admitting cricket side in school
Porter carries tons - a big lie?
Porter classic
Porter collecting mail for messenger
Porter dropping stone is dismissed
Porter has people paying to see Jack Russell?
Porter maybe carrying small drink up mountain
Porter maybe for an old king
Porter musical
Porter perhaps carries case for divine woman
Porter perhaps keeps on offering student accommodation?
Porter possibly catches university man jostling ex-students
Porter who wrote "Night a
Porter ___, former C.I.A.
Porter's "Ev'ry Time ___
Porter's lodge
Porter's regretful "Miss"
Porter's regretful Miss
Porter's work that doesn't follow the rules?
Porter, e.g.
Porter, for one
Porter, say, primarily consuming Guinness?
Porterhouse alternatives
Porterhouse kin
Porterhouse or T-bone
Porterhouse order
Porterhouse, e.g.
Portfolio component
Portfolio contents
Portfolio contents, for s
Portfolio hedges
Portfolio holdings, brief
Portfolio item
Portfolio listings
Portfolio part, for short
Portfolio part, in brief
Porthole view
Porthole with a gap is welcome
Porthos and Athos, e.g.
Porthos, to Aramis
Portia rarely bears headgear
Portia to Brutus, e.g.
Portia's role on "Ally Mc
Portico adornments
Portico in Athens
Portico in Greek architec
Portion (of money)
Portion at heart oddly peripheral
Portion for the plate
Portion including a carrot
Portion of a drag queen's
Portion of a flight
Portion of a ton: Abbr.
Portion of a trick-or-tre
Portion of an advertising
Portion of an editor's ma
Portion of asparagus revolts pet
Portion of baked food served around City
Portion of bread: large lump
Portion of cabbage soup may last a while
Portion of chapati arranged around another side dish
Portion of corn served with soft fruit
Portion of film about British maverick
Portion of fish abruptly returned with expression of disgust
Portion of ground dark meat with no sides at all
Portion of land missing a sign of sun for Mediterranean resident
Portion of lentils I tasted in Sovetsk once
Portion of Lotto win goes unpaid
Portion of meat
Portion of money raised in notes
Portion of oil in this dressing
Portion of pastry dish, plus crepe without filling
Portion of pizza
Portion of salary earned for a time
Portion of splendid risotto in Elba?
Portion of steak pie, initially, after a drink
Portion of tagliatelle served up to make use of eBay?
Portion of tandoori cottage cheese
Portion of the iris
Portion of time
Portion of vitamin I'm allowed is negligible
Portion, ration
Portion, slim, reduced, provided by church
Portion; component
Portions of about 11%
Portions of chewing tobac
Portions of les ann
Portland college
Portland's home
Portland's Rose Garden, e
Portland's state
Portland, Ore., college f
Portly 20 went out to pinch classy books
Portly and then some
Portly college figures?
Portly pirate
Portly plus
Portly porter
Portly sailor?
Portmanteau meal
Portmanteau pollution mix
Portmanteau wear
Portnoy's Complaint author, d. 2018
Porto-___ (Benin's capita
Portobello alternative
Portoferraio is its chief
Portoferraio's island
Portoferraio's place
Portrait artist eats Indian food
Portrait of animal so original
Portrait of Len?
Portrait of Somalian vandalised
Portrait on an old 2
Portrait painter only bothered with warm colours for skin
Portrait painter ___ Hals
Portrait photographer Arb
Portrait sculpture
Portrait's head isn't the Queen, according to artist
Portrait, e.g.
Portraitist displayed in
Portraitist of George Was
Portraitist's medium
Portraitist's request
Portraitists' purchases
Portray a scam victim?
Portray as evil
Portray dead writer without romance ultimately
Portray one patient for cosmetic treatment
Portray popular Irish male nurses
Portray precisely - teen ideal
Portray woman brought to court
Portray, show
Portrayer of Austin Power
Portrayer of Cuthbert J.
Portrayer of Flower Belle
Portrayer of Frank Sinatr
Portrayer of June in "Hen
Portrayer of Lt. Rodrigue
Portrayer of TV's Ricky
Portrayer of WKRP's Jenni
Portrayer of women, after a fashion represented here
Portraying an image of a type of chemical bond involving carbon
Portraying darkly against a bright background
Portrays in words
Portrays precisely
Portsmouth & Co
Portugal and Spain
Portugal and Spain togeth
Portugal and Spain together
Portugal's capital
Portugal's cont.
Portugal's peninsula
Portugal's place
Portuguese - Italian sun
Portuguese Atlantic island group
Portuguese Atlantic islands
Portuguese capital
Portuguese city
Portuguese coin
Portuguese coins featured in Treasure Island
Portuguese colony until 1
Portuguese explorer Barto
Portuguese explorer d. 1524
Portuguese folk music initially fine at a party
Portuguese gold coin
Portuguese India territor
Portuguese island
Portuguese island in the North Atlantic
Portuguese islands
Portuguese king
Portuguese king ultimately letting queen be in command
Portuguese king, 1861-89
Portuguese lady
Portuguese man-of-war
Portuguese mid-Atlantic archipelago
Portuguese Mister
Portuguese monetary unit
Portuguese rivers
Portuguese saint riddled with 55 shots
Portuguese title
Portuguese wines
Portuguese ___
Portuguese, e.g.
Portuguese, for Brazilian
Portuguese-speaking islan
Portuguese-speaking land
Pose a question
Pose among 6 men for tourist
Pose and sit in odd places? This shows I crave attention
Pose as an American
Pose clutching proper diamonds perhaps
Pose dressed for not much money
Pose for artist
Pose for pictures
Pose holding large fish, crossing river to find narrow shelter
Pose kept up by horse flogger
Pose painter set up to test skills
Pose questions
Pose to be hugged by one at the scene
Pose to offer word of thanks in love
Pose without shirt? Don’t do that!
Posed among fancy sheets?
Posed wearing Selfridges' ultimate fabrics
Posed with indignation and mockery
Posed, as questions
Posed, clothing reduced, up for minimal cover
Poseidon : sea :: Uranus
Poseidon banishing east and north winds to find 1
Poseidon's domain
Poseidon's prop
Poseidon's realm
Poseidon, to Athena
Poseidon, to the Romans
Poser brewed artisan beer
Poser giving pride of place to German kitchen feature
Poser of threat, desperate fellow? Foreigner no longer our enemy
Poser trounced in game
Poser with Spanish and German liquor
Poser, easy one
Poser: fools recalled nothing internally after quite ignoring it
Poser: one surely won't be missed
Posers like drinking spirit with a twist
Posers seldom troubled
Poses a danger to
Poses in a studio?
Poses posers
Poses questions
Poseur failing to hide, for example, unconscious inhibitor
Poseur from Germany boarding small punt
Poseur swots up about literary work
Posh amongst 26 on clumsy ship - it's bumpy
Posh artist in cricket club with a love for liqueur
Posh baronet in cultivated style shows refinement
Posh bed for accommodating posh blogger
Posh bird, some say, in East African state
Posh bloke in rowing venue's content to get honour
Posh bloke is a Tory bastard? Not unknown
Posh bores dressed like Elizabethan gents run by that establishment
Posh boy Henry grabbed - I owned up
Posh boys regularly rejected in part of London
Posh car carries old princess
Posh car emerging from pronounced gloom
Posh car takes meandering course under parking sign
Posh car with learner driver, in my opinion
Posh churchgoer protected by solitary item of tack
Posh clothing can somehow be resisted!
Posh Conservative hugged by one girl or another
Posh daily in top class city
Posh doctor engaged by prisoner over back pain
Posh doctor's assuming it lacks clarity
Posh drinking place? Stick with round in dive?
Posh driver
Posh education establishment completely dropping English accent
Posh element round refuse to shun rich uncle, primarily
Posh females and others in pub that serves food
Posh females splitting fish dish
Posh firm near Kent after good tip from Lord Sugar
Posh folk gradually changing sides
Posh folk regularly avoided green tax
Posh folk with no capital coming in
Posh girl acquiring top-class place to eat? That’s a matter of opinion
Posh girl comes in to speak wisely
Posh hotel
Posh interrupting a group of footballers before international - tip for team is familiar
Posh jeweller's opening in Brighton, with a great deal
Posh knights protecting king at once mysterious
Posh lass hiding fling with general
Posh Liberal bound in restraint here?
Posh little piano with note added shows rising curve
Posh male and female interrupt round 10 and 12, for example
Posh mariner in hat avoiding lake and river
Posh milliner or dressmaker
Posh motor trader gets fifty per cent off
Posh nerd excited by regular vest and pants?
Posh nosh bar?
Posh part of Boston
Posh part of hospital, quietly carried to a higher level
Posh partner mostly working, making gesture
Posh people, in UK slang
Posh place to stay in Pic
Posh politician held by detective throws down
Posh politician one socialist judged
Posh prince before performance shows sign of improvement
Posh princess in cheap car
Posh private among soldiers — a considerable number!
Posh set contains odd characters seeking attention
Posh sons in boat cut fare from Japan
Posh Spice dancing for fans
Posh Spice’s opening number mostly regularly seen
Posh student staying in holiday development
Posh stuff husband put into pitchers
Posh sun-hat adapted principally for an idyllic place
Posh tablet rejected in reading Little Women here?
Posh theatrical part in G&S showing unfair condition?
Posh theologian visiting landed earl, originally a protester
Posh tour organised, beginning in this NW resort
Posh trend - pace about bare floorboards?
Posh twin unsettled small community
Posh type
Posh type sat on by abrupt setter might say this
Posh woman's complaint getting old woman dismissed
Posh youngster tucking into eggs and roll
Posh youth grabs hold of member, a lot
Posh, boring models express disapproval
Posh, posh car breaks exhaust, losing power - Queen to give up
Posh-sounding boy and girl?
Posing a challenge
Posing no difficulty
Posing no threat to Cockneys, like the Venus de Milo?
Posing with sailor, become easy victim
Posit aloud
Posit positively
Position - prestige
Position 49, perhaps before 50, say
Position adopted among hardest ancestors
Position affording a good view
Position affording a view
Position around area in Buckingham for one
Position assumed when going to make a baby?
Position at end of battle after officer's retreat
Position at sea
Position bronze in southern church
Position carrying full responsibility
Position close to the action
Position close to the action?
Position computer key formerly around third in line
Position east of Charlie on European lake
Position figures around university
Position filler
Position finder
Position for Babe Ruth
Position for being knighted or proposing?
Position from health professional - with temperature, use Celsius/Kelvin instead of Fahrenheit
Position held by theologian was loose and kept shifting?
Position in a college spo
Position in a hierarchy
Position in a rhythm band
Position in a rock band
Position in an organisation
Position in church organisation, high up, which deacon finally enters
Position in forest and in garden
Position in rest home attracted Anne in a way
Position in society
Position in which half of Russian jets take off
Position King overlooked in a certain European subject
Position leads to new technological advances in embryonic life-support system
Position locater
Position not conducive to firing CO?
Position of 1A?
Position of a new church at back of street
Position of agreement with conventional standards
Position of aristo having high tea with Corbyn
Position of authority
Position of authority is postponed no longer?
Position of heavy responsibility
Position of junior officer’s place secured by secondary lease
Position of king, plus heir, ousted
Position of lectern lacking base at front of church
Position of Lord's okay with member
Position of Pearse, initially, at top of O'Connell Street
Position of power's good in family
Position of pressure
Position of professor, one tucking into tea
Position of prominence
Position of railway not new
Position of rubbish in South America
Position of sun? Quite often I'm confused about area, with nothing further to add in
Position of switch repeated, introducing current for bulb
Position of titled person touring Eton by car
Position of top man back at last in grand vessel
Position offering a view
Position on a scale
Position on board is grounds for divorce?
Position on list highly offensive
Position on the Enterpris
Position oneself to hear
Position pawn next to a queen and king
Position player's stat
Position retired skater might be in
Position sack and turn over light
Position taken
Position taken by funny guy in short communication
Position taken by Irish politicians in a row
Position taken, comment worthy of ridicule?
Position that's an anagra
Position that's very exposed to attack
Position that’ll block official aid
Position the cross hairs
Position things for sale around university
Position to fill
Position to make out
Position under hoop, where players may be
Position university maintained in figures
Position was filled separately by present contest
Position with no prospect
Position young man to welcome French film-maker
Position; viewpoint
Positioned across street is what interrupts a journey
Positioned at intervals
Positioned centrally
Positioned comfortably, arms raised
Positioned face to the west
Positioned select group around planet's second moon
Positioned with prejudice … Boatman is excluded
Positioned, as artillery
Positioning the Trojan ho
Positions (oneself)
Positions men take up in Waterloo and Austerlitz?
Positions of authority
Positions of equilibrium
Positions of esteem
Positive about me before first performance
Positive affirmation
Positive American's sincerity is not all there
Positive and negative aspects
Positive and proper Greek character with skin of doe
Positive answer
Positive answers
Positive articles regarding all the gods
Positive aspect
Positive aspect is due to reform, quietly included
Positive aspect of a situation
Positive aspect of winning team
Positive aspects
Positive declaration
Positive end
Positive expectation
Positive force in building? That’s the ideal state
Positive French name is applied to writer in hot, hot Asian city
Positive greeting meets Virginia in school
Positive indications in last of many letters
Positive mistake inducing rage in man with a keen sense
Positive motion
Positive new sign found in cure – remarkable
Positive news
Positive or negative
Positive or negative news about old love
Positive pole
Positive potential
Positive principle
Positive principle held by Himalayan guys
Positive quantity of booze will be supplied by party
Positive reaction from Spain that's binding in a part of Egypt
Positive reception elevated story about Cuba
Positive replies
Positive reply
Positive reply to an invi
Positive response to Aunt
Positive response when claiming record — cries of delight?
Positive responses
Positive result for Formula One team's head
Positive result; celebrity
Positive sign
Positive sign in nonsense supplied by university beset by defeat
Positive source of guidance for defendant in court?
Positive statement senoritas need translating
Positive thing
Positive thinker's procla
Positive thinker's word
Positive thinking propone
Positive toilet's the same as before
Positive vote
Positive votes
Positive votes won't ultimately provide the reason for an uprising?
Positive voting response
Positive yardage
Positively charged central core of an atom
Positively charged conductors
Positively charged subatomic particle
Positively planning
Positively-charged particle
Positron's place
Posse let out with no time to be mortified
Posses, possibly
Possess ample reason to g
Possess characteristic of farmland that's sustainable
Possess new shelter
Possess some similarity to
Possess top-class modern technology to gain advantage
Possess, to Burns
Possessed child in "The O
Possessed girl in "The Ex
Possessed leader?
Possessed of extrasensory perception
Possessed useful informat
Possesses in common
Possesses permit for meat
Possesses, old-style
Possessing a lot of money, moved into expensive block
Possessing ability
Possessing aptitude
Possessing guile
Possessing hearts, card laid on top
Possessing heroin - after comedian...
Possessing joints, a curate lit up
Possessing little money and no gold
Possessing many pesos
Possessing qualities of a man
Possessing reason for one to accommodate fool
Possessing will, still, to gather animals up
Possession of new wine shop outside Russian capital
Possession of unopened tranquillisers and joint
Possession that proves expensive to keep and difficult to get rid of
Possession whose upkeep is excessively expensive
Possession? Last of men in his power at sea
Possessions, collectively
Possessive determiner
Possessive Latin pronoun
Possessive on a Chinese m
Possessive on Chinese men
Possessive person who'll succeed on time
Possessive pronoun
Possessive pronoun in an
Possessive, e.g.
Possessor of a non-hereditary title
Possessor of many rings
Possibilities to change the inhabitants of a community?
Possibility - opportunity
Possibility that doctor is kissing nurses
Possibility, over time, for job in theatre
Possibility; wide view
Possible a vile beach needs to be sorted out
Possible aim of epidural containing last of ethanol, solvent
Possible alternative titl
Possible answer to "Are w
Possible answer to "Reall
Possible answer to "When?
Possible answer to "Where
Possible answers for 20-A
Possible antibiotic targe
Possible appearance of lantern in new jail out of place
Possible association of his fans, all Tories?
Possible backache cause
Possible battle with fussy kid over veg at duke’s grassland?
Possible benefit sailor claimed
Possible breakfast gems, cold bangers damaged your health, perhaps?
Possible carrier’s responsibility?
Possible cause of a baseb
Possible cause of a spank
Possible cause of a swell
Possible cause of careless mistakes?
Possible cause of downfall of crazy family
Possible cause of goose b
Possible cause of heavy b
Possible cause of paralys
Possible cause of school
Possible causes of sleep
Possible change in Russia
Possible church school pu
Possible clue to tablet found in war zone
Possible college class pr
Possible comment before a
Possible concessions - getting into pub grub
Possible conviction for killing someone's amusement
Possible cover for a sies
Possible crossword feature: article on setter
Possible description of 14 ace at a decisive moment
Possible description of debit, poor credit
Possible description of sty could be stye?
Possible designation of big match: everyone approves it, we hear
Possible drive-thru site
Possible earl in Gateshead, having a close look
Possible effect of heat
Possible end for famed car
Possible equestrian’s addition to contract
Possible evidence in hearing for deceased virtuoso
Possible evidence of climate change hoax
Possible explanation for itchier skin's oddly dismissed
Possible explanation from politician, full of gas
Possible explosive bad mood stops Jack learning about religion
Possible final pronouncement on one being terribly neat and precise
Possible flight delayer
Possible follower of Green, largely blooming as a politician
Possible goal
Possible home of a French girl in part of East London
Possible Indian hiding in bush in Dunstable
Possible item in a window
Possible IV pusher
Possible killer on board, clue so hot?
Possible lagoon entrance
Possible life of intellectual nut: scratching head, getting close to nonsense instead of answer
Possible little drop of spirits for Spooner to get drunk
Possible location for a b
Possible milk supplier given chips by Scotsman, perhaps
Possible mistake will happen, adding 24 to 1A?
Possible name for chair e-tailer: Bottom, say
Possible name for the fir
Possible need for invalid inferior writer switching contents
Possible nickname for Scr
Possible object of unrequited love in series
Possible opening for chief in combinations?
Possible Oscar-winning performance when January begins?
Possible outcome
Possible outcome of abusing debit card?
Possible outcome of congress in Minsk?
Possible penicillin targe
Possible pet guarding old outdoor garment
Possible place for setter’s cryptic legend on back of book
Possible police charge
Possible prince?
Possible property holding in quaint, rustic setting
Possible prospect of lap dances? Fantastic!
Possible psychotic sympto
Possible punishment for s
Possible reaction from ge
Possible reaction to a pr
Possible reaction to bad
Possible reaction to dand
Possible reason for a pok
Possible reason for booking manual worker before party
Possible reason to lie in
Possible reason we can't cross the river here? One's left work, in short
Possible relief from lumbago, an old issue
Possible replacement's in box - leave lid off
Possible reply to "Will y
Possible representative of market-goer at home periodically
Possible republican slogan in the finance industry
Possible requirement when shifting vehicle to wind power
Possible response to "You
Possible response to a dr
Possible response to a gr
Possible response to name
Possible result of 40-Dow
Possible result of a cost
Possible result of a defe
Possible result of a guns
Possible result of a natu
Possible result of a shoc
Possible result of a spic
Possible result of an ani
Possible result of an app
Possible result of anxiet
Possible result of bankru
Possible result of breaking the law
Possible result of congress organised by Rome
Possible result of hesita
Possible result of high t
Possible result of iodine
Possible result of nonpay
Possible result of pathol
Possible result of pitchi
Possible result of pullin
Possible result of punch striking secretly helpful creature?
Possible result of slammi
Possible result of vitami
Possible runner’s articles about obstruction at Wimbledon
Possible sandwich filling for each container of sandwiches, say?
Possible scrubber in fishwife, say, occupying seat
Possible sentence in the
Possible sexual harassmen
Possible sign of rabies
Possible snack for a vegan fanatic
Possible solution
Possible source of Conference’s sparkling repartee
Possible source of firing put poacher off
Possible source of mermai
Possible source of salmon
Possible start of a dragn
Possible straight countenance?
Possible target for repairing telephone problem
Possible threat from men by European university
Possible title for this p
Possible to achieve
Possible to get over male’s burnout after treatment
Possible to oppose Brexit's lies, broken with vote to leave
Possible tool used by belligerent European city?
Possible treatment, mixture of tisane and rum
Possible university for Australian twin
Possible work force reduc
Possible you are getting picked up for nothing - tough!
Possibly 3 million neural folds
Possibly a big decision point to retire? Good
Possibly a dish for Long John's sports venue?
Possibly a feature of fair skin, except when reflected
Possibly a kilolitre brew of liqueur is made
Possibly a quotation of at the most one million
Possibly a result of
Possibly aim to enter with Lady Penelope?
Possibly an electrified train, not having run off the rails, getting in earlier
Possibly an official enquiry from them, as a way to break awkward situations
Possibly another one in party, broadcasting
Possibly anthem for Alys and Dafydd and Ffion, primarily
Possibly Asian men, right?
Possibly asleep, certainly inactive
Possibly Audrey Hepburn's wonderful short hair
Possibly badger new man in East End residence?
Possibly bar succeeded attracting pensioner
Possibly be artful as a novelist
Possibly bear private worker, even if in past
Possibly bearded lady's outfit for audition?
Possibly bent, as a candle might be said to be
Possibly bowdlerised edition ready
Possibly breakfast time
Possibly buy dearer, non-U bakery product
Possibly calumnious, nothing less, to describe a composer thus?
Possibly Catholic, for the time being
Possibly cha-cha-cha-cha chance to perform here
Possibly Chesterton’s book on Queen bound in gold
Possibly copper’s sphere of operation
Possibly crude painting
Possibly dealt guns and class A drug
Possibly deliver Galloway's somewhat political vengeance
Possibly delivered by a GP doing as is ordered
Possibly die during journey in turbulent waters
Possibly down here and fast moving
Possibly drawing Rotherham initially in tricky cup tie
Possibly edgy article on quiet woman in danger
Possibly eighth in cricket team in English city
Possibly failure to affirm what corrupt tennis player should earn?
Possibly false
Possibly fell over after question in restaurant area
Possibly fellow Lithuanian’s element?
Possibly fluke throw that disfigures the grass
Possibly fly east from land getting work in bar
Possibly fool sporting body for nothing
Possibly for a laugh, back independent – or for a stronger reason
Possibly gooey kiss planted in style
Possibly grave, what 3 probably had
Possibly Hamish’s second country dwelling
Possibly Harold's Dolly Mixture
Possibly he gets stick for this declaration?
Possibly heard as a Russian dog
Possibly infinite series of language lessons
Possibly Jacob’s novel record
Possibly keen to do this vocally?
Possibly lacking exercise, topless physique is classically epic
Possibly leaves space vehicle
Possibly let Adrian nap before dinner
Possibly long calculation for army unit
Possibly loud frolics after receiving honour? On the contrary
Possibly loves to finish the crossword?
Possibly lower tender in ordinary castle?
Possibly magnolia, I'm thinking, is higher back in village east of the Shire
Possibly mark payment for next month in office appointment
Possibly miss standing in party heels with cup getting drunk
Possibly not a brilliant scientist?
Possibly noxious stuff occasionally leaking from Gdansk?
Possibly one or two in hospital, or around university, in pants?
Possibly overlooked source of smoke - burning?
Possibly paint again in about a month or at the end of June
Possibly painter's portrait finally accepted by nobleman, nothing less
Possibly painting European railway route
Possibly pardon me, and say you know 2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 21, 22A, 23, 24A, or 24D?
Possibly pen detailed book - it's clean
Possibly Priti Patel, one notably heartless government representative
Possibly prompting a repl
Possibly recollecting lines no longer used such as former astronomical systems
Possibly release diary - it covers 365 days or so
Possibly remit high award
Possibly retaining western influence
Possibly Rice has penned this?
Possibly rum type like Ariel?
Possibly Rumpole's vehicle will turn up in garden
Possibly runs hotline to find animal killers
Possibly salt at home breaking into shanty?
Possibly saw money being picked up
Possibly scratch hamstring
Possibly settles on giving up southern food
Possibly she dreams it's a principal post
Possibly shrink shirt egghead Pat's worn
Possibly slips beneath surface of river
Possibly Smiley’s one deception
Possibly sole importance is to get thinner
Possibly St Thomas’s fundamental values
Possibly start to squash Labour leader's discarded watch
Possibly start with Latin, changing it back to English?
Possibly stroke male pigs bishop released on island
Possibly the aim of bowls and snooker players: to win big
Possibly the bed's a place of healing
Possibly the last newspaper with adult material
Possibly they are slugs, in a manner of speaking
Possibly those of actors might be one convenience
Possibly tiger mother doing more tidying?
Possibly toxic sanction well short
Possibly train as a singer
Possibly treaties meet with anger, rioting and touch of sadness
Possibly try gal’s craze — one looking ahead
Possibly two for one in Bury
Possibly used to produce book: Running With The Crowd
Possibly using medium of culture noire, short ITV broadcast
Possibly valued live theatrical entertainment
Possibly waves guest off, having no time for relaxation
Possibly what's left after a host badly abandoned his tartufo dessert?
Possibly will
Possibly wise move to drop very sorrowful expression
Possibly works on log cabins, but not top part
Possibly writing a note on part of table
Possibly yielding to a sincere rancher
Possibly, lewd queen worried doctor
Possum player
Post - bet
Post 22, we hear?
Post a modern status upda
Post a person of masculine gender talked of
Post a second notice
Post boxes' contents
Post boxes?
Post by the stairs
Post card, perhaps, where ultimately no love's lost within
Post carried by planes
Post codes?
Post decorations on four-
Post delivered by householder?
Post delivery: Abbr.
Post distribution point
Post for men, by the sound of it
Post for Methuselah? (Letters for 26 others are enclosed here too)
Post from one we love
Post given to short nob regarding PM
Post held by Cooper, May, Straw, Morrison
Post holder
Post holder?
Post houses
Post in a flight
Post in Washington, for e
Post letter?
Post made of timber found around Loch Lomond, primarily
Post markers, for short?
Post master, once?
Post master?
Post meal
Post mortem bio
Post mountain-climbing setter in building
Post Neeson rejected
Post news, a conclusive piece
Post of etiquette
Post Office admitting stolen figure's a facsimile
Post Office board member, gutless, told sanctimonious untruth
Post office chart: Abbr.
Post office delivery: Abb
Post office employee
Post office engaging worker - it's for the Xmas season
Post office gizmo
Post Office in funds — that’s the intention
Post Office is trading, welcoming new source of malicious mail
Post Office is working to shut up malicious writer
Post office item
Post office letters
Post office machine
Post Office motto word
Post office needs
Post Office New York state’s used for letter delivery system once
Post office purchase
Post office request
Post Office seizing sexy image
Post Office sure upset pretentious type
Post office unit
Post office worker admits second-rate, shoddy work
Post office workers
Post on X
Post one is after is one in a Shiite sect
Post operative?
Post or beam with one end knocked off
Post or Trib
Post over on one side
Post positions?
Post production
Post production?
Post receptacle
Post result of this interruption to journey
Post retired doctors on Syrian transport storing mineral mostly
Post shabby clothes in Israel
Post subject
Post taken up in superior political body
Post that supports article probing loud and aggressive speech
Post that's got strings attached, just
Post to get stuck in the auditorium
Post usually occupied by another person
Post W.W. II pres.
Post with a column
Post ___
Post ___ (after-the-fact)
Post's opposite
Post, e.g.
Post, for one
Post- opposite
Post-1947 tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and their allies
Post-9/11 slogan
Post-accident comment
Post-accident inquiry
Post-accident question
Post-accident reassurance
Post-accident utterance
Post-B.A. degrees
Post-baby boomer group, f
Post-Christmas event
Post-Christmas store even
Post-Civil War Reconstruc
Post-closing time pub drinking session
Post-cold war inits.
Post-copyright status
Post-Crucifixion sculptur
Post-danger signal
Post-delivery delivery
Post-delivery handout
Post-Derby interview spot
Post-diet, ideally
Post-disaster appointment
Post-E.R. destination, ma
Post-E.R. place
Post-E.R. spot
Post-firing task
Post-flood locale
Post-graduate pursuit
Post-hermaphrodite gender reported?
Post-holder’s replacement
Post-infancy educational establishment
Post-it component
Post-it message
Post-it note abbr.
Post-It, e.g.
Post-larval insect
Post-lecture session, inf
Post-Manhattan Project ag
Post-Manhattan Project or
Post-Mao Chinese leader
Post-marathon feeling
Post-matrimonial holiday
Post-mortem Balmoral holds to preserve body
Post-mortem examination
Post-New Year's activity
Post-nuptial break
Post-O.R. destination
Post-O.R. location
Post-O.R. post
Post-O.R. stop
Post-O.R. stop, perhaps
Post-op area
Post-op destination
Post-op locale
Post-op location
Post-op period
Post-op program
Post-op spot, for short
Post-op stop, maybe: Abbr
Post-op stop: Abbr.
Post-op time
Post-Passover period
Post-PC ___
Post-punk genre
Post-retirement activity?
Post-retirement income
Post-retirement occurrenc
Post-Second World War phenomenon
Post-shot syllable?
Post-snap ploy, briefly
Post-solstice celebration
Post-storm effects
Post-surgery regimen, for
Post-Taliban Afghan presi
Post-tax amount
Post-Thanksgiving fare
Post-toast sound
Post-univ. test
Post-vacation, say
Post-W.W. I conference si
Post-W.W. II alliance
Post-W.W. II demographic,
Post-W.W. II grp.
Post-war churches retaining an opportunity of success, given effort
Post-war lunch reported bit by bit
Post-wash cycle
Post-wedding party
Post-weekend letdown
Post-workout activity
Post: old woman has one on line?
Post; armour
Postaccident conditions
Postage label
Postage mark
Postage purchase
Postage sticker
Postage ___
Postal abbr.
Postal activity
Postal aids, for short
Postal carrier's tote
Postal category
Postal conveniences: Abbr
Postal creed word
Postal delivery
Postal delivery area
Postal delivery method
Postal delivery of tea gets protection
Postal delivery: Abbr.
Postal device
Postal letters?
Postal motto conjunction
Postal order?
Postal organisation
Postal pinpointer
Postal rtes.
Postal scale marking
Postal scale unit
Postal worker's circuit:
Postal worker's ship?
Postal workers have them:
Postbag has Theresa somewhat horrified
Postcard feature
Postcard message
Postcard scenes, sometime
Postcard sentiment
Postcard's picture, often
Postdocs often publish th
Posted a little money to LA resident, did you say?
Posted filth back inside - that's harsh
Posted home, the Spanish guard
Posted item: Abbr.
Posted over a pack for confirmation maybe
Posted under protective cover
Posted, say
Poster about Clio perhaps was entertaining
Poster about Lima is inadequate
Poster and sign broadcast entrance where fish sold
Poster beginning to blog badly
Poster boy
Poster boy?
Poster boys, maybe
Poster girl
Poster girl's getting over old breathing restriction
Poster heading
Poster holder
Poster I designed brings sharp response
Poster I upset making clever reply
Poster incorporating American president's support
Poster material
Poster misrepresented sponges
Poster of British lumberjack
Poster paints
Poster plugging good show is boasting
Poster positioned without any sun at first caught light
Poster promoting stamina?
Poster recruiter redesigned, bringing on image consultant
Poster stock
Poster to position shortly over a road
Poster we knocked up to illustrate mathematical concept
Poster's intended target
Poster-securing device?
Poster; beak
Posterior man goes wild for drag queen, perhaps
Posters about defining feature of lingerie
Posters framing quiet people splashing cash?
Posters of a pop music ic
Postgame activity
Postgame discussion
Postgame goings-on
Postgame show
Postgrad degs.
Postgraduate close to exasperation, meeting cheeky young student
Postgraduate degree
Postgraduate field
Postgraduate study
Postholder stitched up by criminal
Postholder’s speciality getting to the bottom of motorway trouble
Posthumous donation
Posthumous Plath book
Posthumous Pulitzer winne
Posting at O'Hare: Abbr.
Posting at SFO or LAX
Posting in a French store
Posting message, initially poorly
Postings on internet article about Republican promotion
Postman caught on Harley ... extremely irregular
Postman Pat has this wild animal biting villagers, primarily!
Postman reported?
Postman with fancy car - he's on his rounds
Postman's creed conjuncti
Postmark parts
Postnuptial relative
Postpaid enc.
Postpaid encl.
Postpone again
Postpone broadcast covering product's differentiating factor
Postpone introducing objective for back four player?
Postpone paying
Postpone visit
Postpone what one should be doing
Postpone work on missile attached to plane
Postpone yet again
Postpone, as enrollment
Postpone, defer
Postpone, with "off"
Postponed as soon as receiving intervention from Independent
Postponed green activity on course is discouraging
Postponed, deferred
Postponed, in a way
Postponed? Oh, Lovely!
Postprandial handout
Postprandial speakers
Postproduction worker
Postpunk movement
Postrevolutionary council
Posts abusive comments ab
Posts announced for Guys
Posts article in French following game somewhere in Germany
Posts at university linked to entitlements
Posts for privates
Posts in the Hearst empir
Posts on a wall, say
Posts on the stairs
Posts support this angry poet for the most part
Posts: Abbr.
Postscript about American pet?
Postscript about Greek letter used wrong way round in dialect
Postscript about Reformed pastor's musical favourites
Postscript to a literary work
Postseason contest, for s
Postseason excitement
Postsurgical program
Posture for meditation
Posture problem
Posture shown by beautifully elevated heads in a square formation
Posturing wasn't Lenin's game
Postwar German chancellor
Postwar period
Postwar period and others
Postwar poets with campin
Postwar West German nickn
Postwinter flood
Posy makes horse noise, according to Spooner
Pot addition
Pot amounts
Pot being knocked over, family finds clothing protector
Pot belly
Pot builder
Pot builder?
Pot builders
Pot caused Dicky to become this?
Pot component
Pot containers
Pot contents
Pot contents, perhaps
Pot cover
Pot cover – Scot aye
Pot covers
Pot creators
Pot for reheated meat and vegetables
Pot for sale (not suitable for children) beside prison
Pot for saving pennies?
Pot for writing fluid
Pot foundation
Pot from southern US states
Pot grabber
Pot grower?
Pot hidden in this way after short search
Pot knocked over — family needs serviette
Pot luck dinner staple
Pot marigold
Pot me
Pot mostly in the air: I refuse to fill it
Pot Noodle eaten by Anglican character
Pot of ale in Rye: two English pounds given out for it?
Pot of savings
Pot on a fire
Pot over a fire
Pot overturned mostly letting nothing out
Pot plant
Pot plant?
Pot roughly round, roughly litre content
Pot shot taken wildly in a potentially dangerous area
Pot starter
Pot starters
Pot to go in larder
Pot top
Pot winners
Pot with a pile of chips?
Pot with fat for chop
Pot's partner
Pot's top
Pot, one wrapped in sock
Pot, we hear, animal with valuable skin
Pot-au-feu, e.g.
Pot-au-___ (French stew)
Pot-au-___ (meat and vege
Pot-smoking cleric?
Pot-___ (French stew)
Potable in a fizz
Potala Palace's place
Potassium - what a hawthorn absorbs, or dry grass
Potassium and sodium hydr
Potassium compound
Potassium compound used in agriculture and industry
Potassium density fluctuates with force and atomic explosive
Potassium hydroxide
Potassium hydroxide is on
Potassium hydroxide, e.g.
Potassium in European waste material: I found it
Potassium nitrate
Potassium source
Potassium ___
Potassium ___ (food prese
Potassium ___ (preservati
Potassium, say, in storage unit
Potation location?
Potato (informal)
Potato bud
Potato cake that's flipped and served with eggs
Potato chip accompanier
Potato chip accompaniment
Potato chip brand
Potato chip brand owned b
Potato chip feature
Potato chip flavor
Potato chip, to a Brit
Potato chips ultimately followed by dessert
Potato choice
Potato disease
Potato dish
Potato dish consumed in quiet: it’s a great success!
Potato dish fashionable in Civil Service?
Potato dish, in British s
Potato dishes
Potato feature
Potato features
Potato growers' home
Potato in a can
Potato initially excluded from list of fruit
Potato of which there have been 8 specimens
Potato option
Potato or yam?
Potato pancake
Potato pancakes
Potato parts
Potato peeler, e.g.
Potato peelers may miss them, if they don't keep them peeled
Potato preparation aid
Potato sack wt., maybe
Potato salad? There’s a sense of inevitability about it
Potato skins perhaps go with fish
Potato small and sweet
Potato snack
Potato source
Potato state
Potato stem
Potato that is providing iron
Potato turnover
Potato with small pudding
Potato, for one
Potato, informally
Potatoes and pasta, in sl
Potatoes from the Northwe
Potatoes mashed to go with healthy skin treatment?
Potatoes partner
Potatoes' partner
Potatoes' places
Potatoes, mother’s, hot initially
Potbelly ___
Potbelly, e.g.
Potboilers built up into epic tale
Potemkin Steps city
Potent anesthetic
Potent leader?
Potent male boss
Potent particle
Potent pitcherfuls
Potent potable
Potent round
Potent smell's caught that's representative of pupils
Potent stuff called "the
Potentate supporting American state's Sikh centre?
Potentate, say
Potential alien craft
Potential atty.'s exam
Potential beast of burden no good with a load
Potential big name actor going around college: time to go red
Potential blackout cause
Potential boat capsizers
Potential burglary deterr
Potential buyer's questio
Potential C.I.A. problem
Potential candidates aggravated boss with spiel
Potential canine saver
Potential cause of a food
Potential cause of a wron
Potential cause of harm from micro-organisms
Potential checkout correc
Potential clue for a girl's song
Potential cure for sickness that's found in lab coat?
Potential customer looking through lights?
Potential danger
Potential dangers
Potential deals, two, for veteran
Potential diet-breaker
Potential Emmy nominees
Potential enamorada
Potential entry in charts very much no good
Potential fly-by-night's below royal rank
Potential flying saucer
Potential for sauce you shouldn't have noticed in rude P-words ordered by century
Potential frog
Potential game stoppers
Potential hangar buildup
Potential health risks of tailless camel eating earth
Potential heir
Potential heir ends date with lower expectations?
Potential heiress
Potential hiding places
Potential hoax subjects
Potential killer when provoked at first
Potential killer, European breaking measure of work up
Potential life-saver when 1A 30 is short of oxygen and lacks energy
Potential lifesaver
Potential lifesaver, for
Potential lifesaver, in b
Potential lockdown preced
Potential measure about to be taken from rebellion
Potential moment of victory
Potential mouth choker
Potential MPs out­spoken over unsettled seat
Potential national anthem encapsulating the folly in conflict
Potential oak
Potential oaks?
Potential offices
Potential pain in side of mouth or nose
Potential parts for child star not including lead part?
Potential pass target
Potential performer's try-out
Potential picnic fare
Potential play prolonger
Potential pond poisoner
Potential poster boy
Potential problem with 7-
Potential reputation ruin
Potential result of a 56-
Potential result of a con
Potential retiree
Potential ring-accepter
Potential seafront walk is ending in Hove
Potential sequence of events
Potential serve-breaker's
Potential source of danger
Potential source of explosion toppling bloody leader
Potential source of verba
Potential source of wealth in new normality?
Potential sources of danger
Potential sources of pois
Potential space colony ac
Potential success is in doughnuts or fried onions with salt
Potential sucker
Potential swimsuit embarr
Potential tennis opponent
Potential water contamina
Potential White House hop
Potentially 14 different people in pursuit of British film studio
Potentially award-winning foreign drama made money outside America
Potentially catalyst, like this US capital
Potentially characters in Animal Farm, an unlikely sort of story
Potentially constituent narrative ultimately lost for reader
Potentially costlier place of retirement
Potentially dangerous
Potentially deadly loop
Potentially disastrous
Potentially dodgy stuff in the claret left lechers too sozzled
Potentially explosive situation
Potentially going into sc
Potentially hammer frames for delicate, fragile art
Potentially infectious
Potentially insulting
Potentially make it a target
Potentially miss appeal appearing in paper
Potentially moving article thus containing inferior material
Potentially offensive
Potentially open to battering like yachts after a storm’s beginning
Potentially Oscar-winning drama made money outside America finally
Potentially paintable
Potentially pathogenic st
Potentially poisonous creature dispenses with a fox
Potentially shocking railway employees' uniforms
Potentially solitary 16-21
Potentially successful sailor breaking rank
Potentially the cause of most damage inside a restaurant
Pothead captured in bust on Erraid
Potherb mint
Potherb plant
Pothole patch
Potholer - I'll goose-step
Pothook shape
Pothook shapes
Potion conferring immortality
Potion put through screen picked up
Potion team in anger knocked back
Potions professor at Hogw
Potluck array
Potluck choice
Potluck contribution
Potluck dinner dish
Potluck dinner staple
Potluck dish
Potluck get-togethers
Potluck panfuls
Potomac, for one
Potpie ingredients
Potpie morsel
Potpie tidbit
Potpie vegetable
Potpourri bag
Potpourri collection
Potpourri containers
Potpourri holder
Potpourri ingredient
Potpourri scent
Pots and pans for baking
Pots old Scots will break in scorn after cooking
Pots on table? 6 of them will be needed
Potsdam Conference attend
Potsdam preposition
Potsdam pronoun
Potsie's pal on "Happy Da
Potsie's pal, with "the"
Potsticker cooker
Potted maritime plant
Potted ornamental
Potted plant place
Potted tree
Potter about, right before last of weed's smoked?
Potter actor underwater?
Potter character that could be total tonic
Potter has a rest in game
Potter needs it, prompt!
Potter pal Weasley
Potter professor Severus
Potter somehow minding Ron’s final warning
Potter wasn’t one earthenware piece short: delight!
Potter’s creation safe, teacher felt finally
Potter’s letter read out
Potter’s much fancied attempt, perhaps, to become wizard
Potter's art
Potter's buys
Potter's electronic tool?
Potter's field?
Potter's furnace
Potter's material
Potter's medium
Potter's need
Potter's oven
Potter's pedal
Potter's potions professo
Potter's products
Potter's purchase
Potter's supply
Potter's unorthodox demonstration
Potter's wife and daughter in valley
Pottered about after releasing pressure valve
Potters round and round in races with the French
Potters' debris
Potters' needs
Potters' supplies
Pottery Barn purchases
Pottery base
Pottery broken by remote conflict
Pottery class projects
Pottery coating
Pottery expert consuming litres
Pottery expert drinks port
Pottery finish
Pottery flaw
Pottery fragment
Pottery furnace
Pottery is laid out for people coming later
Pottery materials
Pottery oven
Pottery ovens
Pottery smashed by fiancee
Pottery strike's working
Pottery worker, sometimes
Potting material
Potting need
Potting soil
Potty about American work of music?
Potty at Balmoral perhaps causes rash
Potty covered in hair, as an artefact
Potty Earl?
Potty war involved this political system
Potty's not supported at the top in lodging
POTUS in trouble over wall, finally - that's natural
Pou ___ (vantage point)
Pouch bearer
Pouch completely empty, by the way
Pouch fastened around the waist
Pouch holders, for short
Pouch in a bird's stomach where food gets ground up
Pouch in, eg, a crow's stomach
Pouch worn with a kilt
Pouch worn with the kilt
Pouches in which commandos keep cape
Pouches worn with kilts
Pouchlike compartment
Poughkeepsie college
Pouilly-Fuisse and others
Pouilly-___ (white wine)
Pouilly-___ (wine)
Poule's counterpart
Poule's partner
Poulenc ballet "___ Biche
Poulenc's "Sonata for ___
Poultry and not a sausage for batsman?
Poultry birds
Poultry cage Edward brought on board
Poultry delicacies
Poultry filler
Poultry house
Poultry offerings
Poultry plant worker
Poultry portion
Poultry preparation tool
Poultry product
Poultry products
Poultry that tastes like
Pounce on some mariners'
Pounce suddenly
Pounce upon
Pounced (on)
Pound (down)
Pound - lump of chewing tobacco
Pound a beat
Pound a keyboard
Pound a Selectric
Pound about right for on-line snack service?
Pound and Cornell
Pound and Euro lines
Pound and others
Pound and Stone
Pound back on hot dog
Pound backed by a Latin country
Pound caught up in disruption of euro or other currency
Pound cry
Pound delivery
Pound discovered in a bath robe
Pound escapee, maybe
Pound fare for travellers here?
Pound fare with seats often unavailable?
Pound for a book
Pound for one's bucks?
Pound found in old book
Pound gets eastern family food dish
Pound has a good reputation, like George Eliot?
Pound head of goon in repeated violent TV show
Pound home point of fishing tackle
Pound in banknotes and coins producing conflict
Pound in change picked up for Mark in A Coruña
Pound in money jar
Pound in Turkey
Pound invested in lesser bet - oddly, it's bound to make money
Pound invested in misery served up in joint
Pound limits country after banks withdraw before debt's term is fixed
Pound locks up special animal
Pound no good - raise
Pound note king refused in days gone by
Pound notes?
Pound nut holding a large stone
Pound of flesh?
Pound of ham ultimately remains
Pound of literature
Pound of poetry
Pound of Turkey?
Pound of verse
Pound on smart card about to beat online and high street retailing
Pound part
Pound parts
Pound payment up front: squander and be unhappy
Pound perhaps will be unknown in time
Pound piano after yank stops short
Pound piece
Pound put on black - splitting responsibility - it's normally red
Pound racket
Pound regularly invested in geezer mag
Pound returned by fair English fellow
Pound secures extravagant type of cheese
Pound sign letters
Pound sign?
Pound sound
Pound sound at Epsom?
Pound sounds
Pound split by Italian page for fussy fault-finder
Pound sterling, informall
Pound succeeded Dickensian character, female, past prime
Pound the keys
Pound tip of blade into unyielding weapon
Pound to be prone to increase after investment by English
Pound to be put on Bud? Grrrrrrrr!
Pound Tom owes for no-frills sexual liaison?
Pound troy - half-forgotten weight
Pound value, everyone can see a loss for 11
Pound with a metric syste
Pound's poetry, one admitted, having a lot of charm, initially
Pound's sounds
Pound, e.g.
Pound, for example
Pound, in Piccadilly
Pound, in slang
Pound, perhaps
Pounded dish
Pounded the Underwood
Pounding parts
Pounding tool
Pounding, in a way
Pounds a bit short, saving one in case for a significant event
Pounds added to independent working payment
Pounds get paid to master
Pounds given to one with potential for debt
Pounds in a stone?
Pounds invested in women’s area in New York district
Pounds lost to repugnant rival
Pounds on an Underwood
Pounds on the door?
Pounds per square inch (abbreviation)
Pounds raised in Ulster — British in search for weapon
Pounds to cover lives in retirement? Supported by these?
Pounds' sounds
Pounds, e.g.
Pounds, informally
Pounds, say
Pour cold water on plate and put away recipe cutting
Pour derision on loose dress — not small
Pour drinks
Pour fat on a roast
Pour fat over
Pour forth
Pour from this running water through milk dispenser
Pour in dry white wine, we're told, as and when
Pour liquid in to promote growth in bed
Pour on the love
Pour out
Pour out freely
Pour out from
Pour out port down under? That's hysterical!
Pour resources into state having lost one's shirt?
Pour salt on, perhaps
Pour scorn on
Pour scorn on medicine, old vacuous remedy
Pour the last of delicious cordial
Pour thing?
Pour very shakily for dealer
Pour water on
Pour ___
Pour ___ troubled waters
Poured forth (eg, words)
Poured out heart in Hereford, having bond with daughter
Poured out wine and told stories around club
Poured wine into another
Pourer's comment
Pourer's request
Pouring down
Pouring out tea in Oman sloppily
Pouring pot
Pouring rain stopping me finishing water colour
Pours bottle out in dangerous place
Pours down
Pours, as wine
Pousse-___ (multicolored
Pout about extremely expensive hair product
Pout about refusal to record one's speech
Pout when ship runs out of creamy dessert
Pouter's protuberance
Pouter's riposte
Pouting face
Pouting grimace
Pouting look
Pouting person's action
Pouty look
Poverty unfortunately sees dinner reduced
Poverty, pollution and su
Poverty, so to speak
Poverty-stricken Germany returned to slump
Poverty? Observed rises when bringing in feeds
POW aches, beaten with hands bound
Powder base
Powder containers
Powder found by detective arresting posh model
Powder from ground pods used as a chocolate substitute
Powder holder
Powder holders
Powder in flowers
Powder ingredient
Powder lover
Powder mineral
Powder room makes sleepyhead somehow appear dishevelled
Powder rooms?
Powder site
Powder site, maybe
Powder stored in metal cupboard
Powder that's rarely valuable
Powder used by first alchemists
Powder used in lasers
Powder used in paint pigm
Powder used in soothing lotion
Powder used in television
Powder used on the body
Powder, e.g.
Powdered cleaning agent
Powdered coffee
Powdered drink mix
Powdered grain, egg and meat cooking inside of hall
Powdered hot spice
Powdered seed tablets — first couple taken last — one must swallow
Powdered soap brand
Powdered spice made from sweet peppers
Powdered starch
Powdered starches
Powdered sweet pepper spice
Powdered tobacco
Powdered wig
Powdered; land
Powdery evidence
Powdery material blown about in the air
Powdery starch from a palm
Powdery starch used in cooking
Powdery wood particles
Powell co-star in 1930's
Powell Library locale, fo
Powell of the Bush White
Powell or Westmoreland, e
Powell's "The Thin Man" c
Powell's co-star in "The
Powell's co-star in 1930'
Powell's detective film c
Power — a youth desperate to grab it after start of revolution
Power (up)
Power among the powers that be, unexpectedly in check, demonstrated impatience
Power and energy associated with odd character in fact
Power and energy beginning to affect plant
Power and sex will be mine!
Power and skill in what musician plays
Power behind cooker to sort out in advance
Power behind the throne terrible in emergencies
Power bikes
Power bills for flats
Power boat deviates from course, capsizing
Power broker?
Power brokers
Power cable support
Power co.
Power company after ultimate in riches
Power connectors, or a wa
Power consuming Baker "un-British"? Correct
Power control, for short
Power conveyed by biggest characters of Richard E Grant?
Power cord feature
Power could — possibly?
Power couple return to America as sex symbol
Power couple, losing money, flare up again
Power cut - glad to have survived that!
Power cut all round makes a prominent story
Power cut around middle of afternoon creates fury
Power cut around middle of April creates indignation
Power cuts, say, agitated queen, for example
Power demonstrated by singer — who wiggled this
Power distribution network
Power duke has over lackey
Power failure
Power feeding alarm warning light went off quickly
Power Flosser brand
Power for Thatcher's second government? It'll mean sorrow for some
Power gap filled by party leader
Power given to the French after test case
Power glitch
Power grab by the French pair
Power group scheme
Power groups
Power held by male family members, otherwise godfather
Power held by very severe overseas correspondent
Power higher initially, after raising of low energy
Power his city's arranged for scientific type
Power in Britain, as corrupt, supported by Con and Lab?
Power in Hollywood
Power in old chief
Power in old movies
Power in second eleven, perhaps
Power in source exemplified in outer columns?
Power in tractor turning over material for road
Power increasingly picked up, involving university representative
Power is retained by America? Agreeable to see removal of current power
Power is rising by three quarters
Power is useful for 20
Power leaving women's crew
Power left in the grip of lessees, terribly disturbed?
Power line in front of boat
Power lines around area become dull
Power making BP a potential victim of oil-spill
Power mindless Republican held, looking back, is worry
Power more subdued on return? You’re speaking too soon
Power network
Power no longer connected producing disgruntled expression
Power of aircraft gaining height with time
Power of choice of action
Power of fascination
Power of film
Power of film that takes place in Ulster
Power of influence
Power of Japanese car lacking roof in lurid colour
Power of love
Power of memory
Power of old films
Power of recall
Power of seeing
Power of small child in audition
Power of small person in the auditorium
Power of small river bordering Grand Hotel
Power of special constable to intercept drug smuggler
Power of the mind seen in part of 24 across
Power of understanding
Power of vision
Power option
Power or composure this sea creature has
Power or oil frequently turned up in list of investments
Power outage backups
Power outage cause
Power outage, possible source of conflict
Power outlet
Power overload result
Power point
Power possessed by sex symbol of Canada?
Power problem
Power problems
Power producer
Power Rangers and such
Power rating
Power relations?
Power resides in sacred object, a copy
Power retained by scorer with good work on the board?
Power seekers, maybe
Power seen in sun over a cataclysmic stellar explosion
Power serve, perhaps
Power shower audible?
Power shown by exotic arboreal creature in 1ac
Power source
Power source for Fulton
Power sources
Power station equipment
Power statistic
Power stats
Power structure
Power supplied by energy source in sudden intake
Power supplied by piece of legislation and treaty
Power supplier's selfie ruined in combat
Power system
Power to attract
Power to direct; straps
Power to enforce
Power to influence
Power to influence people
Power to limit urban growth?
Power to provide what follows 9
Power to reject spoiled vote
Power to restrain rare swimming voles
Power to restrict disorderly din at this late hour?
Power to restrict horrible din late in the day
Power to set amount of freedom
Power to withdraw a check
Power tool
Power tool in woodworking
Power tool; communicating device
Power unit
Power units seeing delays after I left for short time
Power up, as an old batte
Power walk sports competition
Power worker to get on with operatives, keeping ahead of tense hierarchical structure
Power ___, invention of E
Power, including electric current, wasn’t good - delivered from a distance?
Power, possibly will
Power, vigour
Power-crazed person
Power-crazed, facing setback in the rain?
Power-driven cutting tool
Power-driven shop tool
Power-mad criminal
Power-producing motor
Powered apparatus
Powered by the sun
Powered cutter
Powered equipment
Powered flight
Powered vehicle of stone bound to lose its rear
Powerful - stringy
Powerful accessories bring society to the fore
Powerful ad word
Powerful advocacy grp.
Powerful alkali
Powerful arm
Powerful arms
Powerful attraction
Powerful attractor
Powerful auto engine
Powerful ballad captures Beatrice's heart
Powerful batting, past, present or future?
Powerful bird biting head off large reptile
Powerful boat
Powerful bureaucrats
Powerful businessman
Powerful calculator
Powerful camera lens
Powerful canine welcomed by vet if fee's high
Powerful car engine, info
Powerful car lamp
Powerful Catholic overwhelmed by weakness
Powerful chess piece
Powerful circular current
Powerful cliques
Powerful combination
Powerful country
Powerful couple in publis
Powerful current endlessly missing top of lightning conductor?
Powerful cut behind ending in catch, grrrr!
Powerful D.C. group
Powerful D.C. lobby
Powerful data processor
Powerful deity representing peace?
Powerful desire
Powerful dog breed
Powerful dope hidden in bed
Powerful drive, with spirit: nineteen more needed for century?
Powerful drug supported by hospital department
Powerful drug: one taken with expression of doubt after operation
Powerful economic coaliti
Powerful engine
Powerful explosive
Powerful feline
Powerful feller appearing in series 12
Powerful feller Bond consulted
Powerful fellow supports joke
Powerful figure
Powerful figure revolutionising our sphere
Powerful friend of Queen
Powerful giant's beginning to dispatch 100 in mythical play
Powerful god still meeting resistance
Powerful great ape
Powerful heroin's what the arrogantly superior may be on
Powerful Indian
Powerful individual
Powerful infantry weapons used against the French at Agincourt, 1415
Powerful kind of engine
Powerful lady's brief ordeal in frontier region
Powerful male, 80, with energy draining
Powerful Mideast force
Powerful organisation needing work after month
Powerful PAC
Powerful people announcing the score of the Roman Empire?
Powerful people defile old Schutzstaffel unit
Powerful person
Powerful person in Iran,
Powerful person put it in the shade
Powerful person's audibly tense
Powerful piece
Powerful piece from rock band
Powerful political duo
Powerful politico
Powerful Pontiac
Powerful portable radio or CD player
Powerful punch
Powerful ray
Powerful ray left sea bream floundering
Powerful rays
Powerful river covering part of camp
Powerful ruler
Powerful shark
Powerful shock
Powerful society passes round Republican signs
Powerful speaker
Powerful speakers
Powerful speech from either a Labour member ...
Powerful swimmer looks after hospital ship
Powerful through taking charge after revolution
Powerful tractor
Powerful tractor perhaps one you can depend on
Powerful tractor with a blade in front
Powerful transport turning right to start with
Powerful U.S. military pl
Powerful urge beginning to lessen, I offer nothing
Powerful warning king must leave
Powerful Washington lobby
Powerful weapons used by English archers in the Middle Ages
Powerful Western coalitio
Powerful whirlpool
Powerful wizard twice beheaded ruler of mortals
Powerful, alluring men
Powerful, influential
Powerfully built
Powerless English playmaker in foreign team
Powerless person in the air
Powerless South American island quietly coming up
Powerless to cross street to get bananas
Powerless to progress
Powerless to stop trend, regularly adapted
Powers (up)
Powers at sea
Powers on one's screen?
Powers should retain two articles in satellite? 1 Across's idea!
Powers that be
Powwow fare
Powwow place
Powwowed (with)
PR "icon" somehow joining dots up
PR event is crap, encapsulating the very opposite of cool
PR for book Kate Bush's written about ballet
PR person
PR place moved by executives - it's used by directors?
PR stunt?
Practical and realistic
Practical and realistic — so grounded?
Practical application
Practical arrangement of Haydn
Practical characters at Hungary's borders?
Practical clothing for horseplay
Practical compromise
Practical computer program gave a false answer
Practical computer program was misleading
Practical economics: time taken over one paper, about an hour
Practical experiment
Practical experiment in which inspector goes over the edge?
Practical German avoids being less organised
Practical governance
Practical guidelines
Practical husband with boy
Practical instruction limerick writer ignored?
Practical intelligence
Practical joke
Practical joke is quietly disgusting
Practical joke used on sq
Practical joke, jest
Practical joke, say, before quiet in period of rest
Practical joker
Practical joker swallows small gemstone
Practical joker; cheat
Practical jokers
Practical jokes
Practical labourer at work carrying bit of shelving
Practical or oral?
Practical purpose
Practical rather than theoretical
Practical school subject
Practical school, for sho
Practical skill
Practical software misrepresented
Practical technologist
Practical trial under realistic working conditions
Practical type
Practical view of things
Practical, not theoretical
Practicality - public service
Practically devoid of cus
Practically gives away
Practically in one's face
Practically involved
Practically never
Practically nothing
Practically pristine
Practically touching
Practically unheard-of
Practically valueless mon
Practice a part
Practice a performance
Practice a play
Practice acting in Winter's Tale, initially
Practice and study of government
Practice area, of a kind
Practice area, of a sort
Practice at home
Practice boxing
Practice docked damn cat
Practice exercise
Practice game
Practice go-round
Practice in American era
Practice in the ring
Practice like a pug
Practice logrolling
Practice of exhibiting all diamonds is adopted by miners
Practice of few on Twitter
Practice of firing in large plant losing a year
Practice of growing different things in a field in sequence
Practice of having more than one spouse
Practice of moving time back an hour in spring
Practice of refraining
Practice one's one-two
Practice overseers: Abbr.
Practice period: Abbr.
Practice piece
Practice pieces
Practice pugilism
Practice punching
Practice requirement?
Practice session
Practice sessions for coe
Practice shot in archery
Practice suffering at work
Practice tact, perhaps
Practice tit for tat
Practice was gripping - it's often boring
Practice with locks and p
Practice with Rocky
Practice with the Wheel o
Practice with vehicle almost covered in concrete
Practice, as a trade
Practice, as skills
Practice, pugilistically
Practice, trial
Practiced actively
Practiced an Arthur Murra
Practiced before playing
Practiced diligently
Practiced for a rodeo
Practiced yellow journali
Practices boxing
Practices for a bout
Practices girth control
Practices in the ring
Practices zymurgy
Practices, as a trade
Practicing grp.
Practise boxing
Practise children’s game with energy and fondness
Practise fighting, taking knocks from behind
Practise greater economy? That’s pathetic!
Practise heading off downpour
Practise magical tricks
Practise meditation perhaps every month, for example
Practise on last means of transport
Practise on undertaker’s vehicle
Practise on vehicle used for final journey
Practise too much in open water
Practised covering vehicle in vermilion?
Practised driving off revolutionary vehicle
Practised fitting coats of Parisian
Practised parking English undertaker’s vehicle in road
Practised style of jazz outside off-limits diner
Practising self-denial
Practitioner of a winter sport
Practitioner of meditative spiritual discipline
Practitioner of music or sport
Practitioner reset toes during operation at hospital
Practitioners' suffix
Prada alternative
Prada and Fendi
Prado displays
Prado treasure
Prado works
Pragmatic about girl’s nervous affliction
Pragmatic approach is adopted by field of study
Pragmatic fellow's put off about celebrity
Pragmatic guideline
Pragmatic person
Pragmatic sort
Prague hostelry, we’re told, will offer desk to register
Prague native
Prague's ___ University
Prairie building
Prairie event
Prairie fare is nothing spicy
Prairie home
Prairie homes
Prairie Indian
Prairie region in Kansas
Prairie schooners
Prairie sights
Prairie wolf
Prairielands abroad
Praise (someone) for an achievement
Praise - congratulations
Praise - honour
Praise a champion racing driver
Praise a cracking former officer
Praise a declaration in speech
Praise a Democrat speech
Praise a double century, first for Moeen Ali possibly
Praise ABC
Praise archbishop and nobleman aloud
Praise brief review journalist penned
Praise cast for acquiring favourite snack
Praise cold weather
Praise cook drinking coffee
Praise cook having nailed hot drink
Praise cuckoo flying, or leaving north
Praise diverse kingdom of old
Praise dropping a train network for non-union shenanigans
Praise eloquently
Praise enthusiastically
Praise enthusiastically without getting much back? Not quite
Praise extra tax cut
Praise extremely powerful reviews
Praise for current company getting a new deal
Praise for Europe set down by one
Praise for leaders of liberalism abolished under democrats
Praise for Nero?
Praise for reforming ugly, heartless ogre
Praise for two flips
Praise formally
Praise former partner for leaving at first
Praise former partner over large amount raised
Praise from a choir
Praise from former partner to officer protecting soldiers
Praise from partner once was effective, mostly
Praise gel you supply
Praise God for one song not starting
Praise God in recital
Praise God!
Praise God, did you say?
Praise highly
Praise highly, though out of key
Praise hot drink ingested by youngsters in school
Praise insincerely
Praise latex pants
Praise learner driver after parking car at end of test
Praise line penned by Elizabeth
Praise mending of tyre after punctured
Praise mightily
Praise miniature railway in container
Praise mysterious ancient land
Praise old charge, endlessly
Praise old sailor having had tip-off?
Praise once given out about one parent
Praise one’s given to Poet Laureate briefly in review
Praise one's monarch for turning left
Praise pet that's chewed a tasty morsel
Praise posthumously
Praise previous dictator’s tax
Praise publicly given
Praise punctuation mark that's not full stop
Praise quite regularly received by large group
Praise remark about line in page one
Praise revolutionary Iran once
Praise song that man delivered for audience
Praise that is less emotional
Praise the guts of fiery boxer, beating stout fellows
Praise to God (Latin)
Praise to the heavens
Praise to the rafters
Praise whenever I'm darning trousers in recession
Praise work I abandoned, taken on by former partner
Praise, honour
Praise, insincere, of place to live, too effusive, riling you initially
Praise? It follows Dua Lipa regularly around
Praised and then some
Praised criminal in state of hopelessness
Praised fulsomely
Praised loudly
Praised name
Praised twin somersaulting over short boy
Praised young Miliband after his elevation, say
Praiseful poem
Praiseful poem penner
Praiseful poems
Praises athletics supremo over pocketing a smaller sum
Praises for pups
Praises kinky sex, keeping a large number upset
Praises lavishly
Praises loudly
Praises temperature sustained by unit's cold shower
Praises to the sky
Praising a quarter of European supply systems? Not entirely
Praising Our Lady at Barking
Praising speech
Praline ingredient
Praline nut
Pram zone zoo’s organised for female singer
Prance - pass over
Prance about
Prance around excitedly
Prance around farm vehicle, very old inside
Prance around, always following band
Prance Harry blog probed by American
Prancer video shows this?
Prancer's partner
Prances proudly
Prang in rear end upon parking
Prang rear end of jeep
Prank cigar sound
Prank company welcomes 23 1, showing fourfold increase at the end of the month
Prank I’d dare mischievously in facility for motorists
Prank involving a hammer
Prank on the Queen makes one very cross
Prank player
Prank starter
Prank with egg is bloomer
Pranks, in a way, informa
Prankster's bit
Prankster's cry
Prankster's denial
Prankster's item
Prankster's look
Prankster's projectile
Prankster’s irritating substance
Prat Elon Musk's in trouble, not playing fairly
Prat in army is most grating
Prat stumbles over low bar
Prat! Can V-1s hit 29/19, perhaps, or his work?
Prathet Thai, previously
Prats, you said! Bad spend wasted on this?
Prattling monarch follows shaggy beast
Prattling on, making sudden attacks about former monarch
Pravda provider
Pravda's leader: revolutionary newspaper in surprisingly moral stand
Praver’s verse, a line ignored by eg Brunnhilde
Prawn or penguin?
Prawns occasionally cooked in this?
Pray continue busy meeting, cutting in all over the place
Pray for
Pray here for a Conservative female abandoned
Pray the change will do you good
Pray to some in centre — atheists!
Pray with heart not with head, returning thanks
Pray with private for new recruit
Pray, observing demon mythology
Pray, to Publius
Prayed, in Paris
Prayer about body half lost in heaven?
Prayer addressee
Prayer after preventing goal — redeeming feature?
Prayer allowance about to proceed heavenwards
Prayer an hour after midnight inspiring music, initially
Prayer and song after Cockney's own Mass
Prayer beads
Prayer before a meal
Prayer book
Prayer book selection
Prayer books
Prayer close
Prayer closer
Prayer enders
Prayer ending
Prayer finale
Prayer from crew on capsized craft
Prayer girl elevated mass with melodic piece
Prayer kept up by the Vatican
Prayer leader
Prayer leader in a mosque
Prayer leader in mosque
Prayer leader? I am a medium
Prayer leaders
Prayer leads to our redemption, I gather
Prayer name
Prayer of 4, heartbroken
Prayer of saint to be set among the stars
Prayer of Scotsman about English failure essentially
Prayer of supplication
Prayer of thanks from good people
Prayer opener
Prayer opening
Prayer or stamps maybe this person’s interest?
Prayer partner?
Prayer penned by dude for qualification
Prayer period?
Prayer possessive
Prayer provided illumination for some
Prayer receiver, with "th
Prayer recipient, maybe
Prayer response
Prayer responses
Prayer start
Prayer starter
Prayer stick wielders
Prayer to the Virgin Mary
Prayer used, gain converts
Prayer wheel inscriptions
Prayer wheel user
Prayer with invocations by the priest and responses from the congregation
Prayer word
Prayer ___
Prayer's end
Prayer, at times
Prayer, often
Prayers irritate when inserted in records
Prayers to Mary
Prayers' ends
Prayers, for example, describing meat one put out
Praying actions cause enn
Praying figure
Praying insect
Praying mantis, say, as part of religious group?
Praying to find wild child with talent
Prays in eastern temple yard, initially displaying this?
Pre-1501 book
Pre-1821 Missouri, e.g.:
Pre-1832 constituency with few electors
Pre-1868 Tokyo
Pre-1917 autocrat
Pre-1917 autocrats
Pre-1917 ruler
Pre-1917 Russian rulers
Pre-1939 name for Thailand
Pre-1961 British coin
Pre-1980s electronic message
Pre-1982 UK youth detention centre
Pre-1989 Eurasian politic
Pre-1989 name for the capital of Myanmar
Pre-1991 Asian soviet on the Caspian Sea
Pre-1991 atlas abbr.
Pre-2001 name for Kolkata
Pre-2004 purchase from G.
Pre-2018 royal dog
Pre-air conditioning cool
Pre-April 1 purchase
Pre-Ayatollah rulers
Pre-Aztec Indian
Pre-bedtime ritual
Pre-Bill Hillary
Pre-book book
Pre-broadcast activity
Pre-C.I.A. grp.
Pre-cable need
Pre-cable problem
Pre-cable TV adjunct
Pre-cable woe
Pre-Celtic person
Pre-chrysalis stage
Pre-Civil War abolitionis
Pre-coll. exam
Pre-college yrs.
Pre-Columbian Peruvian
Pre-Communist autocrat
Pre-Communist leader
Pre-Communist Russian rul
Pre-conquest Andean
Pre-conquest Mexican
Pre-conquest Mexicans
Pre-costume ball activity
Pre-decimal 2 shilling coin
Pre-decimal British coin
Pre-decimal British coin, 40 to the pound
Pre-decimal sixpenny piece
Pre-desktop publishing ph
Pre-digital computer
Pre-dye hair shade, often
Pre-Easter period
Pre-Easter season
Pre-Easter time
Pre-edited versions
Pre-election activity
Pre-election consultant
Pre-election discourse
Pre-election group
Pre-election workers
Pre-entree course
Pre-entree dish
Pre-eruption warning
Pre-euro coin
Pre-euro German money
Pre-euro money
Pre-exam feeling, maybe
Pre-exercise exercise
Pre-fax communiqu
Pre-fight psych job
Pre-GCSE qualification
Pre-Internet communicatio
Pre-K child
Pre-K enrollee
Pre-kickoff call
Pre-Lenin ruler
Pre-marathon routine
Pre-marathon staple
Pre-match requisites at Lord's - the game's a gamble
Pre-meal drink
Pre-meal drinks
Pre-med course: Abbr.
Pre-meltdown signal, mayb
Pre-natal position
Pre-noon time
Pre-Novocain stuff
Pre-op inhalant, once
Pre-op test
Pre-paella bite
Pre-PC counters
Pre-prandial drink
Pre-prepared for baking?
Pre-production task
Pre-programme car, 50% less consumed
Pre-race barrier
Pre-Rainbow Nation province in six-colour rainbow condition?
Pre-Raphaelite painter and poet
Pre-recorded John Kelly?
Pre-Red head
Pre-reincarnation periods
Pre-remote channel change
Pre-repair job figure
Pre-rest, naughty child moves unsteadily
Pre-Revolution leaders
Pre-Roman Roman
Pre-Roman sculpture of centaurs
Pre-Russia intl. economic
Pre-school institution for little children
Pre-sneeze sounds
Pre-Socratic philosopher
Pre-Soviet royalty
Pre-sporting-event songs
Pre-stereo recordings
Pre-stereo sound
Pre-takeoff cry?
Pre-teenage years
Pre-tractor farmer's need
Pre-transfusion procedure
Pre-V formation
Pre-violin instrument played with a bow
Pre-wedding rituals
Pre-weekend cry
Pre-workout ritual
Pre-Xerox copy
Pre-Yeltsin abbr.
Pre-___ (take the place o
Pre-___ (undergrad study)
Preacher Beecher
Preacher entertaining northern duke with beer and cheese
Preacher on box in the Levant, not hard — member looking up is captivated!
Preacher perhaps bitter when entertaining afterwards
Preacher sent via potentially captivating setter?
Preacher throws stone into a bar
Preacher to lapse terribly
Preacher with a stake in drink
Preacher's apparel?
Preacher's directive
Preacher's ecclesiastic weapon
Preacher's post
Preacher's pursuit
Preacher's reading
Preacher's sky-high feeli
Preacher's small sin involving suspect monies
Preacher's spoken, boring Scrooge
Preacher's target
Preacher's word
Preacher’s endless babble
Preachers' lies?
Preachers' targets
Preaching area in a church
Preachy nun sees to it in new order
Preakness entrant
Preakness flowers, famili
Preakness, for one
Preamble follower
Preamble to the Constitut
Preamble, introduction to read in literary composition
Prearrange patient for feature of study?
Prearranged conspiracy
Preattack tactic
Preauction fig.
Prebirth berth
Prebirth event
Precable problem
Precalamity pronouncement
Precalculator calculators
Precamping preparation?
Precarious perch
Precarious place, metapho
Precarious seat inside upper chamber
Precarious structure
Precariously balanced, title finally is between the same three sides
Precede (in place/time)
Precede nine with XI in mix-up, being new to the job
Precede the cleanup spot
Precede, with "to"
Preceded, with "in"
Preceded, with "to"
Precedence in rank
Precedent setter
Precedent setters
Precedent that’s no longer enough?
Preceder of 46-, 59- or 6
Preceder of a bit of bad
Preceder of a case name
Preceder of Alamos or Alt
Preceder of an un-altared
Preceder of Bell or shell
Preceder of bravo in a ra
Preceder of com or org
Preceder of his name?
Preceder of Jefferson Air
Preceder of many hockey g
Preceder of many words?
Preceder of some surnames
Preceder of the season
Preceder of Virgo
Preceder of what should h
Preceders of cues, alphab
Preceders of gimels
Preceders of snaps
Preceders of spikes in vo
Preceders of xis
Precedes at a concert
Preceding answer half upset relative
Preceding day
Preceding event
Preceding nights
Preceding on the page
Preceding or following tear in pants
Preceding periods
Preceding times
Preceding, in verse
Preceding, informally
Precinct detective following rules to the letter
Precious 11
Precious bar
Precious case for duchess's customary country wear
Precious child, a favourite on the music scene?
Precious Chinese carvings
Precious diamonds almost guided counterfeit
Precious eggs
Precious instrument, for
Precious little time — almost seven days!
Precious material in ring worn by queen
Precious metal
Precious metal base is shining
Precious metal one extracted for a plate
Precious metal unit of we
Precious metal worker
Precious metal’s left out. Mercury, perhaps?
Precious metal, Pt
Precious mettle?
Precious moments
Precious one
Precious ones, possibly
Precious part of a perfect weekend
Precious red stone
Precious rock star?
Precious safe pinched by tramp
Precious sheets
Precious silvery-white metal
Precious stone
Precious stone is left by English in Erin
Precious stone may make them stay
Precious stone placed in top altar
Precious stone, usually red
Precious stones
Precious stones beneath rock layers in plots
Precious stones found in suit
Precious strings
Precious thing, important outlying northern island group
Precious way to start a letter
Precious, in Poitiers
Precious, to a Brit
Precipice, say
Precipitate a move for the Summer Exhibition?
Precipitates at about 32
Precipitates in crystal form
Precipitation at about 32
Precipitation beginning to settle at the present time
Precipitation below 32
Precipitation prediction
Precipitation small, at the moment
Precipitation that can le
Precipitation that may be
Precipitation ultimately unknown in Tamworth, perhaps?
Precipitative movement?
Precis of two books about dissecting fly
Precise account by member of clergy
Precise account supported by clergyman
Precise bill supported by a junior minister
Precise court overturning dismissal at first
Precise demand
Precise description of repealed legislation?
Precise English — Times to take action
Precise English bit of play will defend cross
Precise guards provided evidence
Precise legislation upholds the borders of Essex
Precise moment
Precise pointer to north
Precise quality
Precise reference cathedral clergy note in poetry of our era?
Precise, in M
Precisely correct article about source of rice
Precisely in the way mentioned
Precisely perform first two parts of lyric by former partner
Precisely punctual
Precisely tilts to move ball to the right
Precisely, after "on"
Precisely, after "to"
Precisely, clearly
Precision in disposal of next cases
Precision returns after scrapping vehicle plant
Precision squads
Precision ultimately lacking in imp­rovised clarinet performance
Precitizenship course: Ab
Precocious 1955 fictional
Precocious child supported by family in outskirts of Watford
Precollege exam
Precollege hurdle, for sh
Precollege, briefly
Preconceived view of special trip through capital
Preconcert activity
Precooking solution
Precooks, in a way
Precursor of Pascal
Precursor of reggae
Precursor of the "Odyssey
Precursor of the Apple Ma
Precursor of the euro
Precursor to a historical
Precursor to Surrealism
Precursors of suits
Predator catching egg layer
Predator concealing most of his weapon
Predator cooked, salty little thing
Predator exists thanks to natural adaptation
Predator found game circling one river and another from the south
Predator managed to gatecrash a joint from the basement?
Predator mostly solo by deserted Inca region
Predator of rat, say, biting its head off and beginning to eat
Predator of seals
Predator takes Trelawney's sandwiches
Predator-prey chain
Predators on mice
Predatory bird's form of relaxation
Predatory black and white toothed whale
Predatory black-and-white toothed whale with a large dorsal fin
Predatory canine mammal
Predatory critter
Predatory fish
Predatory fish with a projecting lower jaw and long teeth
Predatory flapper is cruel bride, Spooner said
Predatory freshwater fish
Predatory insect
Predatory kind of dolphin
Predatory mammal some go on about?
Predatory players
Predatory reptile
Predatory reptile (informal)
Predatory sea bird
Predatory seabird
Predatory songbird
Predatory sort
Predatory swimmer with a name combining those of two fish
Predatory type not approved by union
Predatory types
Predatory whale
Predawn period
Predecessor and successor
Predecessor of 1 down on both sides of the pond
Predecessor of an Uzi
Predecessor of bridge
Predecessor of Exxon
Predecessor of Ford
Predecessor of George I
Predecessor of Gregory XI
Predecessor of Katie Cour
Predecessor of Pope Hilar
Predecessor of Rabin
Predecessor of Romans
Predecessor of the bolivi
Predecessor of the strip
Predecessor of Thornburgh
Predecessor of Tiberius
Predecessor of Web forums
Predecessors hog markets for Spooner
Predestined, as curate was
Predetermine Fed's choice of letter? American with it
Predetermined fare
Predicament - golfer's target
Predicament about marine predator in holiday resort
Predicament consuming terribly wary dramatist
Predicament encountered by awfully green go-between …
Predicament is easy to bear after heading to pub
Predicament to be avoided
Predicament whether one chooses jam or pickle
Predicaments in annual assembly covered by paper
Predicate part: Abbr.
Predicate parts
Predict - ape in attic
Predict a stupid charge
Predict cold atmosphere at first in Arden?
Predict death will come after strong wine
Predict he’s taking on Yard after getting support
Predict how violin may be played on the radio
Predict judge is to recall celebrity would-be Slough bomber
Predict sea changes in old business
Predict supporting online performers?
Predict that man gets terribly sad where a miracle occurred
Predict unpleasant aroma by outskirts of Dundee
Predict warning will be given to holy office
Predict yacht can become a form of psychotherapy
Predictable contest named after Ferrari icon?
Predictable pattern
Predictable pattern in regular letters from Proust
Predictable type
Predictable uprisings run out of control
Predictable way of life, in truth
Predictably, crossword constructors in America are looking up "aluminum"
Predicted awful flood round about end of August
Predicting the future
Prediction about daughter is raised in room
Prediction basis #1
Prediction basis #2
Prediction basis #3
Prediction basis #4
Prediction basis #5
Prediction heard if warning players
Prediction makers
Prediction of rising changed in form
Prediction of upcoming changes in theatre assignments?
Prediction tool
Predictor of things to co
Predicts pro will join English acting groups
Predicts providing restriction for current organisations
Predicts sound of what cuckoo clock has
Predicts time when reporters go round
Predigital film part
Predinner ritual
Predisposed about
Predominantly with some dampness but no current
Preemie setting: Abbr.
Preeminent, slangily
Preen Oscar for university ball
Preen tree in court
Preener, perhaps
Preening bird, maybe
Preening old fools soon to be trading again?
Prefabricated building of corrugated iron with a cement floor
Prefabricated building with a corrugated iron roof, first produced in WWI
Prefabricated corrugated iron dwelling
Preface of exceptionally good book summary
Preface online
Preface: Abbr.
Prefatory parts
Prefect ending
Prefect reversing in car outside
Prefect’s companion very keen to seize the day
Prefer a party with a mix of steak and fish
Prefer to attack
Prefer to have head slightly down for dash
Preferable for new swimme
Preference was first to get drunk
Preferential treatment
Preferential treatment getting showjumper off to a bad start?
Preferred a thing from Paris
Preferred artist in Strauss opera
Preferred course of action
Preferred invitees
Preferred Lycra trimmed in colourful fashion
Preferred seating, for ma
Preferred to make a speech for those voting
Preferred US city, seeing Brazilian shantytown
Preferred way to proceed
Preferred winding route via south of France
Preferring to be in hot seat - and may need grilling
Prefers to be in church to give absolution
Prefers, with "for"
Prefight ceremony?
Prefight event
Prefight psych job
Prefinal game
Prefinal tournament
Prefix akin to iso-
Prefix – within
Prefix denoting 10 to the
Prefix for many cold-weat
Prefix in hematology
Prefix in many juice name
Prefix in many winter pro
Prefix in medicine
Prefix in parentheses
Prefix in some alloy name
Prefix in the airplane in
Prefix meaning "10": Var.
Prefix meaning "likeness"
Prefix meaning "one-billi
Prefix meaning "sacred"
Prefix meaning "same"
Prefix meaning "with"
Prefix meaning "within"
Prefix on many chemical c
Prefix on names of durabl
Prefix that's the opposit
Prefix with -algia
Prefix with -asian
Prefix with -batic
Prefix with -cardial
Prefix with -centric
Prefix with -cide
Prefix with -com
Prefix with -crat
Prefix with -derm
Prefix with -derm or -the
Prefix with -dermal
Prefix with -drome
Prefix with -fer
Prefix with -form
Prefix with -fugal
Prefix with -genarian
Prefix with -genous
Prefix with -gon
Prefix with -gram
Prefix with -gram or -gra
Prefix with -gramme
Prefix with -graph
Prefix with -graphy
Prefix with -hedron
Prefix with -itis
Prefix with -lith or -pho
Prefix with -lithic
Prefix with -logue
Prefix with -logue or -gr
Prefix with -logy
Prefix with -matic
Prefix with -meric
Prefix with -meric or -me
Prefix with -mester
Prefix with -meter
Prefix with -metric
Prefix with -metry
Prefix with -morph
Prefix with -morphism
Prefix with -morphous
Prefix with -naut
Prefix with -nautic
Prefix with -nautics
Prefix with -nomial
Prefix with -path
Prefix with -pathic
Prefix with -pathy
Prefix with -pedic
Prefix with -phile
Prefix with -plasm
Prefix with -plasty
Prefix with -plasty or -g
Prefix with -plex
Prefix with -pod
Prefix with -pod or -scop
Prefix with -polis
Prefix with -postale
Prefix with -prene
Prefix with -stat
Prefix with -syncratic
Prefix with -tect
Prefix with -therm
Prefix with -valent
Prefix with -verse
Prefix with -vert
Prefix with -zene
Prefix with -zoan
Prefix with -zoic
Prefix with acetylene
Prefix with afternoon
Prefix with air or field
Prefix with America
Prefix with angle
Prefix with angle or athl
Prefix with angular
Prefix with annual
Prefix with anthropology
Prefix with arrange
Prefix with arthritis
Prefix with Aryan
Prefix with athlete
Prefix with bacteria
Prefix with bar
Prefix with bel
Prefix with benzene
Prefix with biology
Prefix with bond
Prefix with brewery
Prefix with bucks
Prefix with bucks or phon
Prefix with bus
Prefix with business
Prefix with byte
Prefix with byte or buck
Prefix with bytes or buck
Prefix with cab
Prefix with cab or cure
Prefix with caching
Prefix with calyx or thal
Prefix with car
Prefix with cardium
Prefix with carpal
Prefix with catastrophe
Prefix with cellular
Prefix with centenary
Prefix with center
Prefix with center or cyc
Prefix with center or gra
Prefix with centric
Prefix with century names
Prefix with chamber
Prefix with chemical
Prefix with China
Prefix with Chinese
Prefix with chloride
Prefix with Cities
Prefix with classic
Prefix with classic or na
Prefix with classical
Prefix with climate
Prefix with coastal
Prefix with colonial
Prefix with color
Prefix with color or cycl
Prefix with colored
Prefix with Columbian
Prefix with com
Prefix with comic
Prefix with commuting
Prefix with con
Prefix with con or classi
Prefix with concert
Prefix with conductor
Prefix with conference
Prefix with conference or
Prefix with conferencing
Prefix with conscious
Prefix with conservative
Prefix with content
Prefix with cop, in a fil
Prefix with copier
Prefix with cortex
Prefix with cortical
Prefix with county
Prefix with course
Prefix with cultural
Prefix with culture
Prefix with cumulus
Prefix with cure
Prefix with cycle
Prefix with cycle or sex
Prefix with dactyl
Prefix with dairy
Prefix with date
Prefix with day or night
Prefix with day or year
Prefix with defense and d
Prefix with derm
Prefix with dermal
Prefix with dermis
Prefix with dexterity
Prefix with dextrous
Prefix with diametric
Prefix with dimensional
Prefix with directional
Prefix with disestablishm
Prefix with distant
Prefix with dollar or tra
Prefix with dollars
Prefix with dose
Prefix with dot
Prefix with drama
Prefix with duct
Prefix with duct or form
Prefix with dynamic
Prefix with economics
Prefix with epinephrine
Prefix with ethnic
Prefix with European
Prefix with face or faith
Prefix with facsimile
Prefix with factor
Prefix with fauna
Prefix with flop or plop
Prefix with flow
Prefix with fluoride
Prefix with focus
Prefix with foil or phobi
Prefix with freak
Prefix with friendly
Prefix with fuel
Prefix with function
Prefix with genesis
Prefix with genetic
Prefix with Germanic
Prefix with gliding
Prefix with globin
Prefix with glottal
Prefix with glottis
Prefix with glycerine
Prefix with god
Prefix with grade
Prefix with grain
Prefix with gram
Prefix with gram or cente
Prefix with grammatical
Prefix with gramme
Prefix with graph
Prefix with graphic
Prefix with graphic or me
Prefix with gravure
Prefix with handle
Prefix with hazard
Prefix with hertz
Prefix with history
Prefix with hydrozoline
Prefix with identificatio
Prefix with iliac
Prefix with industry
Prefix with inflammatory
Prefix with information
Prefix with intellectual
Prefix with judicial
Prefix with kinetic
Prefix with knock
Prefix with knock or lock
Prefix with language
Prefix with laryngology
Prefix with lateral
Prefix with lateral or li
Prefix with legal
Prefix with legal or chut
Prefix with liberal
Prefix with life or size
Prefix with life or wife
Prefix with light
Prefix with light or nigh
Prefix with light or soun
Prefix with line or mine
Prefix with linear
Prefix with lingual
Prefix with linguistics
Prefix with liter
Prefix with lithic
Prefix with lock or knock
Prefix with logical
Prefix with magnetic
Prefix with management
Prefix with marine
Prefix with marketing
Prefix with matter
Prefix with mechanics
Prefix with medic
Prefix with mensch
Prefix with meter
Prefix with meter or meth
Prefix with meter or sphe
Prefix with metric
Prefix with metric or ton
Prefix with metrics
Prefix with millionaire
Prefix with modulator
Prefix with molecular
Prefix with mom
Prefix with monde
Prefix with morph
Prefix with morphosis
Prefix with mural
Prefix with natal
Prefix with national or g
Prefix with nautical
Prefix with night or day
Prefix with noir
Prefix with normal
Prefix with nucleotide
Prefix with nuke or freez
Prefix with nuptial
Prefix with orthodox
Prefix with owned or occu
Prefix with oxide
Prefix with pad
Prefix with paganism
Prefix with parasite
Prefix with peptic
Prefix with phase
Prefix with phenetidin
Prefix with phobia
Prefix with phobic
Prefix with phone
Prefix with photo
Prefix with photo or phon
Prefix with physical
Prefix with physics
Prefix with pictures
Prefix with place or prin
Prefix with plane
Prefix with plano
Prefix with plasm
Prefix with plasm or morp
Prefix with plastic
Prefix with play or cast
Prefix with plop
Prefix with plunk or plop
Prefix with pod
Prefix with polar
Prefix with political
Prefix with political or
Prefix with pop
Prefix with port
Prefix with port or pad
Prefix with posit
Prefix with potent
Prefix with potent or pre
Prefix with practice
Prefix with present
Prefix with pressure
Prefix with professional
Prefix with profit
Prefix with propyl
Prefix with protein
Prefix with puncture
Prefix with reading
Prefix with realism
Prefix with red
Prefix with relation
Prefix with resin
Prefix with revisionist
Prefix with ribonucleic
Prefix with romantic
Prefix with room
Prefix with sac
Prefix with sac or duct
Prefix with sailing
Prefix with school
Prefix with schooler
Prefix with science
Prefix with sclerosis
Prefix with scope
Prefix with scope or logi
Prefix with scope or mete
Prefix with scope or phot
Prefix with second
Prefix with sensitive
Prefix with sex
Prefix with sexual
Prefix with skeleton
Prefix with skid
Prefix with skirt or seri
Prefix with sodium
Prefix with sound
Prefix with space
Prefix with space or stat
Prefix with species
Prefix with sphere
Prefix with sphere or dis
Prefix with sphere or sys
Prefix with spherical
Prefix with spore
Prefix with star or bucks
Prefix with starter
Prefix with stasis
Prefix with state
Prefix with stellar
Prefix with store
Prefix with structure
Prefix with style or spor
Prefix with suction
Prefix with suppressive
Prefix with surgeon
Prefix with surgery
Prefix with surgery or tr
Prefix with sweet
Prefix with syllabic
Prefix with system
Prefix with system or sph
Prefix with tarsal
Prefix with task
Prefix with task or grain
Prefix with technology
Prefix with terrorism
Prefix with terrorist
Prefix with therm
Prefix with thermal
Prefix with thesis
Prefix with Tibetan
Prefix with tiller
Prefix with tone
Prefix with tonic
Prefix with tour
Prefix with tourism
Prefix with tourist
Prefix with transmission
Prefix with transmitter
Prefix with trash
Prefix with triple digits
Prefix with tropic
Prefix with trust
Prefix with type
Prefix with valence
Prefix with valent
Prefix with valve
Prefix with vascular
Prefix with venous
Prefix with verse
Prefix with version
Prefix with vitamin
Prefix with vitamins
Prefix with vocal
Prefix with ware or conte
Prefix with warrior
Prefix with washed
Prefix with zone
Preflight procedure
Preflight snack?
Pregame fixture
Pregame morale builder
Pregame practice in Cinci
Pregame ritual
Pregame rituals, for some
Pregnancy hormone for good developing isn't blocked by drug
Pregnancy symptom, freque
Pregnant old flame exercises court worker
Pregnant woman's doctor with the gown obtaining temperature
Pregnant woman, in obstet
Pregnant women
Prego ad phrase
Prego alternative
Prego competitor
Prego rival
Prehistoric bird
Prehistoric creature
Prehistoric creature complete in hollow place
Prehistoric creatures
Prehistoric dwelling
Prehistoric era
Prehistoric human
Prehistoric large flat stone supported by vertical stones
Prehistoric lizard gets knocked back by a sour concoction
Prehistoric medical suppl
Prehistoric period
Prehistoric period - zebra gone
Prehistoric predator, for
Prehistoric Pueblo cultur
Prehistoric Scots concerned with rounding cape and island
Prehistoric stone tool
Prehistoric structures, rough old pieces with a hint of Stonehenge
Prehistoric terror, infor
Prehistoric: Abbr.
Preholiday nights
Preinterview purchase, ma
Prejudice about adopting Henry's form of address
Prejudice one noticed in graduate, baseless ultimately
Prejudice runs
Prejudice shown when in support of substantial cut
Prejudiced and wrong about African country from which one’s deported
Prejudiced behaviour - Sir Mac
Prejudiced British one offering encouragement to Edward
Prejudiced Conservative supporting Germany is almost deplorable
Prejudiced folk should keep quiet - they can have a lot of influence
Prejudiced person
Prejudiced; intolerant
Prejudicial behavious - Ma is RC
Prejudicial propagandist
Prelate finds new character in Othello
Prelate reorganised cloth folder
Prelate's title: Abbr.
Preliminarily examine lessons by Catholic church
Preliminary draft
Preliminary drawing
Preliminary drawing of drink from the barrel, say
Preliminary drudgery
Preliminary event
Preliminary events
Preliminary measure
Preliminary outline
Preliminary paintwork
Preliminary passion
Preliminary period
Preliminary plan
Preliminary play
Preliminary preparation
Preliminary race
Preliminary races
Preliminary round
Preliminary round in a contest
Preliminary section
Preliminary section not requiring all of paint roller
Preliminary sketch
Preliminary survey by staff overlooking Conservative polymath
Preliminary test
Preliminary text or plan
Preliminary version
Preliminary version from which other forms may be developed
Preliminary write-ups
Prell competitor
Prelude of note in Italian romantic opera, originally
Prelude to a deal
Prelude to a duel
Prelude to a fever abroad? Don't worry
Prelude to a revolution
Prelude to a solution
Prelude to an explosion,
Prelude to an opera
Prelude to main trombone part
Prelude to many a kiss
Prelude to pasta, perhaps
Prelude to peace, perhaps
Premarathon food
Premature assessment
Premature, almost a non-starter
Prematurely end
Prematurely terminates fake Kazakh's advance to the top
Premed class: Abbr.
Premed focus
Premed subj.
Premier and queen welcoming right person on a lifeboat?
Premier article in key write-up
Premier beat Trump's story
Premier Khrushchev
Premier League side founded by munitions workers in 1886
Premier team cracked it secretly, pocketing diamonds
Premier to brief clergyman
Premier under Mao
Premier with dress, what we remember May for?
Premier ___ (wine designa
Premiere ignoring latest top performer
Premiere of 1887
Premiere of 9/17/72
Premise of article on MI6
Premium ale rise going to be around a pound?
Premium Bond machine
Premium Bond selector
Premium Bonds computer
Premium book about the country
Premium cable channel
Premium cable network: Ab
Premium channel
Premium channel: Abbr.
Premium chargers, briefly
Premium liqueur
Premium oil mixed in this?
Premium preceder
Premium Scotch whiskey
Premium vodka brand, for
Prenatal care centers?
Prenatal exam, briefly
Prenatal procedures, info
Prenatal sites
Prenatal test, for short
Prenoon period, in poetry
Prenuptial agreement?
Prenuptial nerves?
Preoccupation in gangland brothers, it's said
Preoccupation with buying things
Preoccupied one
Preoccupied with
Preoccupied with one's own affairs
Preoccupied; forgetful
Preoccupy completely
Preoccupy continually
Preoperative delivery of
Preoperative delivery, on
Prep done by hybrid tool inspiring an early settler?
Prep exam, for short
Prep mentally
Prep, e.g.: Abbr.
Preparation for a show
Preparation for bringing someone round
Preparation for confessio
Preparation for surgery,
Preparation H gets arse sorted? True about that
Preparation initially taken by sick?
Preparation of cheese with some fish before midnight
Preparation of pavement art?
Preparation that gives immunity
Preparation that makes fo
Preparation that's brushed a test photo up
Preparation used to relieve faintness
Preparatory exercises before an event
Preparatory exercising
Preparatory stage
Preparatory time
Preparatory times
Prepare (for)
Prepare (oneself)
Prepare (text) for printing
Prepare (text) for publication
Prepare a commemorative p
Prepare a long time for such a holiday?
Prepare a plate, perhaps
Prepare a salad
Prepare a Time Inc. magaz
Prepare a town for a speaker? How he laughs!
Prepare anaesthetic for five?
Prepare bread
Prepare carbon monoxide at absolute zero
Prepare clergyman for the highest office?
Prepare company fine
Prepare cookies or chicke
Prepare copy
Prepare dominant position in tennis?
Prepare drink for 007, something fermented with hydrogen in it
Prepare eggs in a way
Prepare food in advance
Prepare for a bodybuildin
Prepare for a crisis
Prepare for a drive
Prepare for a dubbing
Prepare for a future role
Prepare for a long trip,
Prepare for a marathon, s
Prepare for a massage, pe
Prepare for a physical ex
Prepare for a rainy day
Prepare for a sale, say
Prepare for a second crop
Prepare for a shower, may
Prepare for a snap
Prepare for a wild ride
Prepare for action
Prepare for action - these crackled
Prepare for an emergency,
Prepare for an exam
Prepare for battle
Prepare for big things
Prepare for business session about returning deposit before operation
Prepare for camp, say
Prepare for combat
Prepare for competition
Prepare for consumption i
Prepare for delivery
Prepare for dinner
Prepare for dinner, say
Prepare for gardening, ma
Prepare for later, in a w
Prepare for more shots
Prepare for ordeal: use abrasive dentifrice?
Prepare for pain
Prepare for painting buff and blue
Prepare for planting
Prepare for printing
Prepare for publication
Prepare for reuse, perhap
Prepare for some future role
Prepare for starvation regularly
Prepare for storage, as p
Prepare for surgery
Prepare for takeoff
Prepare for the new model
Prepare for war
Prepare for winter takeof
Prepare fruit for American cake
Prepare garlic, perhaps
Prepare ground for upcoming harangue and vanish
Prepare in advance of
Prepare insufficiently maybe for one style of bowling
Prepare laundry for ironi
Prepare leftovers
Prepare more rounds
Prepare most of cereal order
Prepare mushrooms
Prepare no toad-in-the-hole, and strange how unintended result arises
Prepare on course at Cambridge after first part of tripos, say
Prepare potatoes
Prepare scrapple, say
Prepare sentence for when the audience is best
Prepare series of carriages
Prepare soldiers? One’s clumsy
Prepare some korma kebabs
Prepare supply and change decor
Prepare tea
Prepare text for press
Prepare the brain to conserve energy?
Prepare the oven
Prepare the soil for plan
Prepare the way (to)
Prepare the way for metal pot somehow to hold uranium
Prepare to admit first blunder
Prepare to attack Sunday morning choice, perhaps spoken mass
Prepare to bat
Prepare to be knighted
Prepare to be original
Prepare to be shot
Prepare to bite?
Prepare to brew up for celeb?
Prepare to burn evidence of life at vicarage?
Prepare to camp
Prepare to change careers
Prepare to chat, maybe
Prepare to chat, perhaps
Prepare to check E-mail,
Prepare to cook
Prepare to cook fish, heading for event that's black tie, perhaps
Prepare to dive in
Prepare to do some barber
Prepare to drag
Prepare to drag-race
Prepare to drive
Prepare to drive in comfy seat
Prepare to drive Peugeot: go out for a spin
Prepare to drive, as a go
Prepare to eat meal cooked without imaginative content?
Prepare to engage private music group
Prepare to enter case perhaps for murder
Prepare to exercise leg, perhaps, and clean back
Prepare to fence broken garden walls
Prepare to fight
Prepare to fight graduate in US city, having lost head
Prepare to fire again
Prepare to fire male working at IKEA previously
Prepare to fire one waking you early?
Prepare to fire stone in battleground
Prepare to fire two or three, for instance
Prepare to fly
Prepare to forge currency
Prepare to frame again, m
Prepare to get juice
Prepare to get shot?
Prepare to go home, in a
Prepare to go on Facebook
Prepare to hit a golf bal
Prepare to leave group
Prepare to move out, perhaps, having apparently harboured cheat
Prepare to pass, maybe
Prepare to perform
Prepare to play, with "up
Prepare to polish off fine cheese
Prepare to pop the questi
Prepare to pray
Prepare to print 50-peseta curtains
Prepare to propose
Prepare to protect Queen and Country
Prepare to put out with the rising tide
Prepare to recite the Ple
Prepare to run
Prepare to sail
Prepare to sail vessel, cape appearing in hour at sea
Prepare to send e-mail
Prepare to serve
Prepare to serve youngster drinking after hours
Prepare to share
Prepare to ship
Prepare to shoot
Prepare to shoot excellent Frenchman
Prepare to shoot male
Prepare to sing an anthem
Prepare to sing the natio
Prepare to skate
Prepare to slip out of, p
Prepare to smoke? Ray finished
Prepare to surf, perhaps
Prepare to surf?
Prepare to swallow
Prepare to take off former volunteers on team
Prepare to take off in cab
Prepare to testify to conduct that ends violently
Prepare to tie shoes
Prepare to transplant
Prepare to try gas
Prepare to turn
Prepare to turn around one hundred baking sheets
Prepare to tweet, say
Prepare to use a rifle
Prepare to wash, perhaps
Prepare trout, in a way
Prepare upper body part
Prepare war orders for Flying Squad
Prepare ward shortly for 6
Prepare wings, perhaps
Prepare, as a bow
Prepare, as a fancy invit
Prepare, as a hook
Prepare, as a side of bea
Prepare, as eggnog
Prepare, as incoming stud
Prepare, as mushrooms
Prepare, as tea
Prepare, as the way
Prepare, in a way
Prepare, in a way, as bea
Prepare, say, to climb and walk over yard
Prepare for sleep
Prepared (a field) for planting
Prepared a bit of tea? No longer fresh
Prepared a manuscript
Prepared ahead to deliver scam
Prepared and equipped for a confrontation
Prepared banana, red for Indian side
Prepared batter, a dip and something for kebab?
Prepared bean soup served by a court officer
Prepared for a blow
Prepared for a setback
Prepared for a shave
Prepared for action
Prepared for battle
Prepared for combat
Prepared for conflict having worked land, though not initially
Prepared for exams
Prepared for greater efficiency
Prepared for heavy on/off
Prepared for publication
Prepared for takeoff
Prepared for taking off - Gerard decamped first
Prepared for the anthem,
Prepared for transmission
Prepared fur
Prepared illustrations
Prepared in a little yard not at this location
Prepared in advance to study old article about crackpot
Prepared ingredients in Bacardi daiquiri
Prepared introduction?
Prepared litmus paper to show causes of reactions
Prepared location for some nails?
Prepared numbers
Prepared piece of wood
Prepared point for ear piercing
Prepared raw dish
Prepared slalom course, for example
Prepared some desserts
Prepared state feasts within reason? Not feasible
Prepared sterile tip on some fishing gear
Prepared that fellow with money to support US lawyer
Prepared the punch?
Prepared to attack in hoard with central character in The Nigger of the Narcissus
Prepared to be dubbed
Prepared to be given a diet of cheese?
Prepared to be heavily criticised, drinking litres
Prepared to be knighted
Prepared to be shot
Prepared to come round to fix instrument
Prepared to consent
Prepared to do business, spoke more freely
Prepared to drive
Prepared to drive a Ford, finally in gear
Prepared to drive, with "
Prepared to fire
Prepared to give a "Jeopa
Prepared to go round a bottom­less piece of ice that's steep
Prepared to hang
Prepared to hedge in case rule about returning causes confusion
Prepared to keep dry wine
Prepared to listen
Prepared to listen: piece of music a horrible noise
Prepared to look for a partner that's fashionable
Prepared to obey others unquestioningly
Prepared to play guitar in poor atmosphere?
Prepared to pray
Prepared to propose
Prepared to propose, perh
Prepared to shoot in a sh
Prepared to sing the nati
Prepared to steal from box with diamonds
Prepared to strike, perha
Prepared to study biology at last
Prepared to study conclusion in essay
Prepared to study history at last
Prepared to swallow Conservative cut
Prepared toast, free sample
Prepared with bread crumb
Prepared without meat or
Prepared wood
Prepared, as a memo
Prepared, as a report
Prepared, as cider
Prepared, as frozen foods
Prepared, as pears
Prepared, as some tuna
Preparer for a flood
Prepares a bow, with "up"
Prepares a course for
Prepares a scam, hiding ace very well
Prepares a veggie?
Prepares beans in a way
Prepares bed in lodgings
Prepares copy
Prepares E-mail, e.g.
Prepares for 2027 and 2029, for example
Prepares for a bout
Prepares for a crash
Prepares for a drive
Prepares for a hand
Prepares for a long fight
Prepares for a prom, mayb
Prepares for a ride
Prepares for a rough ride
Prepares for a second pri
Prepares for a shoot
Prepares for a tough batt
Prepares for action
Prepares for combat like touring marines
Prepares for cooking
Prepares for dragging
Prepares for editing
Prepares for exams
Prepares for frying, in a
Prepares for further skir
Prepares for holiday: two join the scrum
Prepares for more battles
Prepares for shock of Black Sabbath's touring marathon perhaps
Prepares for takeoff, say
Prepares for the theatre with wine bottles emptied during drink
Prepares for the trophy r
Prepares good flyers, apart from heading
Prepares ground for plant
Prepares last portions of chips and fish with mushy peas
Prepares leather
Prepares one to step down where lights are seen
Prepares part of breakfas
Prepares potatoes in a wa
Prepares potatoes, in a w
Prepares terms
Prepares the board
Prepares to be punished
Prepares to be shot
Prepares to be shot, mayb
Prepares to be shot?
Prepares to cast
Prepares to fight
Prepares to fight artist about manuscript
Prepares to fire
Prepares to fire again
Prepares to make brew somewhere near 16?
Prepares to paint
Prepares to play pool, sa
Prepares to play Scrabble
Prepares to pray
Prepares to propose
Prepares to remove
Prepares to return to sen
Prepares to shave
Prepares to shoot, as an
Prepares to smoke joint, as a warning to seamen
Prepares to spend the nig
Prepares to streak
Prepares to strike
Prepares to strike, maybe
Prepares wheat, in a way
Prepares with hot seasoni
Prepares, as a surface fo
Prepares, as Champagne
Prepares, as chestnuts
Prepares, as grub
Prepares, as leather
Prepares, as snack kernel
Prepares, as the presses
Prepares, in a way
Prepares, in a way, as ch
Preparing beetroot before serving
Preparing data, having located it in Google (though only some)
Preparing food and clearing up afterwards
Preparing for shipment
Preparing for the night?
Preparing hash for G.I. J
Preparing to bloom
Preparing to drive, with
Preparing to face bowler - out!
Preparing to play with erotic writer, pull out
Preparing to study one in Scots government
Preparing to walk with dog, or going in the van
Preparing, as a layout, w
Prepay, with "up"
Preplastic toy material
Preposition before now
Preposition in "Jingle Be
Preposterous feature of the Discovery Channel
Preposterous list often added to with conviction?
Preposterous seamen tried for East Enders' audition
Preppy shirt brand
Preppy sportswear label
Preppy's fabric
Preppy, e.g.
Preprandial potable
Preprandial tipple
Prepresidential title for
Prequel to "Reservoir Dog
Prerequisite for many a p
Prerequisite for sainthoo
Prerequisite for walking evident in non-verbal ancestors
Prerevolutionary goings-o
Prerevolutionary state
Pres. advisory grp.
Pres. appointee
Pres. before HST
Pres. Carter's alma mater
Pres. Charlton Heston's g
Pres. Clinton negotiated
Pres. Clinton, to the Joi
Pres. Coolidge
Pres. Davis headed it
Pres. Davis led it
Pres. elected in '48
Pres. from Hyde Park
Pres. Garfield's middle n
Pres. Hoover's dog King _
Pres. initials
Pres. Jefferson
Pres. Lincoln
Pres. or treas.
Pres. Reagan and others
Pres. title
Pres. Washington
Pres. when NATO was forme
Pres. when NATO was found
Pres. when the C.I.A. was
Pres. Wilson held one
Pres. with the Marshall P
Pres., e.g.
Presaging disaster
Presbyter of greater seniority in the family
Presbyterian-founded Mich
Preschool activities
Preschool for small children
Preschooler's auto access
Preschooler's instruction
Preschooler's medium
Prescient one
Prescribe line, for example, given one’s behind time
Prescribed amount
Prescribed amounts
Prescribed by law
Prescribed ceremony
Prescribed drug hopin' to get high?
Prescribed drug Oscar’s removed from post
Prescribed medication for PC, possibly?
Prescribed number or quantity permitted
Prescribed quantity
Prescription abbr.
Prescription amount
Prescription for burnout
Prescription info
Prescription measure
Prescription notation
Prescription option
Prescription particular
Prescription phrase
Prescription proviso
Prescription safety org.
Prescriptions, for short
Preseason staple
Presence at function about two hours before midnight?
Presence of an entry in Cinderella's timetable?
Presence of posh bishop that is extremely timely
Present a case for feminist hospital drama in the future
Present a case in court
Present a fight around that time
Present a plant
Present addition
Present after present is not to be found in any location
Present again with just the odd change
Present and future
Present and future, e.g.
Present and organise race
Present and the like
Present argument in favour of replacing former partner in bar
Present as a list (S, not Z)
Present at birth
Present behind wrapping paper ultimately for Charlie
Present box unopened
Present box, not opening
Present but not active
Present but not visible
Present case for scholarly dissent
Present caught rabbit cake
Present component of further education
Present concluding part of reciprocatory pact
Present courses altered to cover rare ancestors
Present coverage featured in 7A, 8A, 12A, 13A, 1D, 14D, 15D, 16D and 21D
Present cracking weird tale that's unearthly
Present day demand?
Present day figure in Par
Present day?
Present distributor's access point?
Present easily damaged
Present extremely silly and contrary opinion
Present fellow was a consumer
Present flow of electricity
Present for a picky perso
Present for a teacher
Present for discussion on second key food additive
Present for viewing ... o
Present for your communic
Present from birth
Present from that woman, ultimate in lingerie
Present goal preceding cry of pain
Present golf foursome approaching second in Wentworth
Present greeting bishop in doorway
Present gripping work on leader of postal strike
Present in a localised area
Present in box, unopened
Present in smithereens
Present in this place or not visible in any place?
Present intent, a wild party
Present itself
Present judge and jury finally go off
Present judge to the audience
Present king keen on old fascist guards
Present lady, without publicity, in kind manner
Present leaders of synod display non-conformist belief
Present lecturer's iron rule
Present location?
Present mounted and secured
Present movement against religion
Present not finished for party?
Present object that hurts
Present occasion
Present occasion, informa
Present of francs given to monarch
Present on a podcast twice? I agree!
Present opener?
Present or past president
Present or past, for example
Present picture file on time
Present prefix
Present presenter
Present promotional film Oscar forwarded
Present reporter’s award for bravery
Present request
Present scoundrel with what's required by letter
Present seeker
Present side at Old Trafford starts to earn respect
Present silly, but not sick, unorthodox opinion
Present small in size: a foot?
Present society leading the way
Present sociology's case for unorthodox view
Present state supporting old refuge
Present the main points concisely
Present time
Present time allocated to match is satisfactory
Present time bad to shackle news providers
Present time in Yorkshire, duck
Present time, briefly
Present time: Abbr.
Present time?
Present time?: Abbr.
Present times
Present times?
Present to Goodwill, e.g.
Present US president's a cow
Present way to improve home, framing art nouveau from parents
Present weather extremes will show it
Present wrapper, maybe
Present writer adopts son
Present, as a dessert tra
Present, e.g.
Present, for example, in
Present, present, absent
Present-day capital equally accommodating at another time
Present-day charge to hire dog?
Present-day Persian
Present-day site of the a
Present-day worker drops precious recording
Present: something received by the recipient
Presentation aid
Presentation preparation
Presented (a question)
Presented a rear view across a river that's cut off
Presented again with few or no changes
Presented complaint caused by union consuming lots of time
Presented finest ring then got married
Presented together
Presenter and what her voice may come from
Presenter in preview bored by endless choice
Presenter of a bathroom s
Presenter of bills
Presenter of choices
Presenter short, so had to show up
Presenter who's driven old lady back to Bromley
Presenter's task
Presenting an obstacle
Presenting no difficulty
Presenting no problems, occupying house as yet
Presenting unfairly
Presently, sleazeball has love for sweetheart
Presents Bluth has with extremely gorgeous wrapping
Presents in detail
Presents in unopened boxes
Presents include second house which didn't turn up
Presents left in sock: girl's excited
Presents reasons for banking some cash
Presents what players of a certain game finally have
Presents with a seat?
Preservative gas
Preserve (a body)
Preserve (a corpse)
Preserve ... or get rid o
Preserve a certain cat
Preserve a lake after divine leader backed waterway
Preserve and can ineptly? Everyone initially keeping at it
Preserve article by Conservative leader
Preserve as worthy of reverence
Preserve black part of doorway?
Preserve body part nursed by sick Parisian
Preserve business degree in wooden frame
Preserve business qualification in tree
Preserve by cold
Preserve by cooling rapidly and then putting in a vacuum
Preserve by lowering temperature
Preserve commercial area in country since 1867
Preserve container
Preserve crumbling red column
Preserve degree in wood frame
Preserve discussions to reduce nuclear danger, initially
Preserve farewell musical setting
Preserve for burial
Preserve former electric vehicle, topless car built outside LA
Preserve former emperor after swapping tips for mummification
Preserve horse for transporting mother and boy
Preserve horse, keeping a lot of illness suppressed
Preserve hot water?
Preserve human remains
Preserve in aspic a nut
Preserve in brine or vinegar
Preserve in vinegar
Preserve key old photo
Preserve odd parts in Andean country
Preserve of English doctor, endless charity
Preserve old pot in felt backing
Preserve order initially, drunk among native Americans
Preserve pet?
Preserve place for wine dispenser at table
Preserve sheep brought back by young chap in West
Preserve style for old photo
Preserve Tell’s first functioning part of Switzerland
Preserve the ends of celery
Preserve tree invaded by many blessed ants initially
Preserve trunk road around Caribbean island
Preserve vessel for oil
Preserve weapon given to a boy in Middle East
Preserve, as fodder
Preserve, as preserves
Preserve, in a way
Preserve; mess
Preserved a paper dress
Preserved copper colour
Preserved food appropriate after party
Preserved for future use
Preserved for later
Preserved forged medal (British Empire Medal)
Preserved in liquid
Preserved in vinegar
Preserved like a mummy
Preserved meat
Preserved member of an ancient civilisation
Preserved oral history, e
Preserved Parisian and bully taking the top off fire safety device
Preserved sandwiches of last month it's learned
Preserved them clipped, without hair, without tips of moustache
Preserved, in a way
Preserved, though the worse for wear
Preserved; 21 Across
Preserves backstop?
Preserves flavor
Preserves fruit
Preserves fruits
Preserves holder
Preserves link, recruiting English spy
Preserves workers on board
Preserves, as pork
Preserving fish, meat, etc
Preset explosive
Preshow ritual
Preside at a ceremony
Preside at Thanksgiving
Preside over
Preside over church with atmosphere
Preside over Mr. O'Neill'
Preside over the tea cere
Presided over
Presided over church broadcast
Presided over police department that's rotten
President - genuine fellow but spurned English
President about to make a mistake with one state - it's not normal
President admitting central part of Mexico’s hard hit
President after Auriol
President after F.D.R.
President after Grant
President after HST
President after James B murdered second son!
President after James B murdered second son?
President after Jefferson
President after Jimmy
President after Ten-Cent
President after Tyler
President aims to shatter eco-friendly movement
President Arthur's beginning to take steps
President as leader of Republicans featured in article
President at bar, next to a flower arrangement
President awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
President — or where one is shot
President Bartlet on "The
President before D.D.E.
President before Jack
President before Jefferso
President before JFK
President before Polk
President before Taylor
President before Wilson
President Benjamin Mkapa,
President Biden essentially retired
President Biden finally pursuing the big picture?
President books the quarters within vast hotel compound
President born on August
President born on July 4
President briefed on Japanese school in Berlin's 22
President Bush writes par
President Bush written off? Finally, with knowledge and study turned into delight
President Bush's hometown
President carrying small books away
President Cleveland's face has moustache, perhaps
President continues to ridicule housing fines
President contracted cow disease
President Coolidge
President covers up extremely important case
President cutting cold mullet, say
President detailed Tesla's rear-end washer
President dismissing Republican to get refreshment
President Don retires, inviting The Queen for a snifter
President engaged in vacuously boastful clamour
President entertained by dream about going to heaven
President Erdogan holds the key
President exchanges vote for new fabric
President exiled to Hawai
President finished backing leaders of House
President Ford stared fie
President Ford's chief of
President Ford, informall
President Franklin D Roosevelt's economic policy from 1933
President from Braintree
President from Georgia featured in article supporting soldiers
President from nation needing leadership in Europe
President Fujimori of Per
President Garfield's midd
President hard for Republican to beat
President has fat philosopher castrated
President has left the First Lady's child
President hasn't finished drink
President helping to cover up Republican's deviancy
President Hollande's mother?
President initially not differing from United States government
President is cross
President Jackson
President Jackson or John
President just before Wil
President leading a merry dance?
President leaves a drop of red wine
President leaving Hampstead going west - it's on the front page
President Lincoln
President Macron's rejection holds team back
President Madison: Abbr.
President Mao angered, having been done
President mostly gets tense behind cleaner
President Nasser
President nicknamed His A
President not acceptable to top people, strangling a party
President not supplied with right wine
President number 55-Acros
President observed going around hotel in grand fashion
President of a yacht club
President of Aruba corrupted in Milton Keynes
President of Egypt before
President of Egypt, 1981-2011
President of France, 1959-69
President of Misers of Am
President of Quitters Int
President of the African National Congress, 1991-97
President of the Bakers'
President of the Foundati
President of the Lunar So
President of the Mapmaker
President of the One-Memb
President of the Royal Society limits monster's development
President of the Russian Federation 1991–99
President of the Screen A
President of the USSR, 1977-82
President of Truck Part M
President of Venezuela 1999-2013
President of Yugoslavia, 1953-80
President once popular, having removed extremists
President once was able to buy off a Fed
President once with aspiration for boost
President ousted in a 195
President primarily in America for the good times
President pro ___
President Reagan initially opposed the United Nations; it could be personal
President Sadat
President set free Green swapping sides?
President set up yard sale site
President sounds sustained by it
President stable after second popper
President stuck in part of trousers: ride to the rescue!
President sworn in on Lin
President Taft's alma mat
President Taft's foreign
President taking time with good shots on the green
President to rave about beer and go bananas
President to want Republican backing in East Coast city
President Trump initially displays unusual tool
President Trump livid, in a rage
President ultimately put away drink
President upset writer touring Delaware …
President who claimed to
President who created the
President who dedicated 1
President who followed Ha
President who later serve
President who married in
President who said "I'm a
President who said "Mr. G
President who took office
President who was also a
President who was born a
President who was once a
President who was once Ne
President who won a Nobel
President who won by one
President who won the 200
President whose father co
President whose first nam
President whose grandson
President will retain predecessor of 19?
President wiping leader's bum
President with a bridge i
President with a new flat
President with an airport
President with an enemies
President with newspaper backing joining election candidates?
President’s cut, receiving a wound
President’s IOU written off? That’s fortunate
President's affirmation in code
President's aide
President's article of ap
President's baseline involved common people
President's beam?
President's bird?
President's fog?
President's in la-la land! Go - and quickly!
President's inits.
President's injuries?
President's instinct at the end - no moral code
President's line?
President's musical 21 mostly tinned
President's national barrier
President's prerogative
President's put down contribution to discussion
President's son steals 500 old bricks …
President's taken over, throwing master off jet
President's takeover?
President's tense after famous spy almost caught by both sides
President's testament?
President's touring Scottish island, a bit of a sight
President's vice is money
President's vision?
President's vow in ceremony for everyone
President's weapon?
President's withholding the last of human remains
President, e.g.
President, militarily spe
President: "I appreciate that newspaper"
Presidential "no"
Presidential abode
Presidential administrati
Presidential also-ran Lan
Presidential appointee: A
Presidential appointees
Presidential appointments
Presidential biography by
Presidential candidate bo
Presidential candidate consuming cold coffee and cheese
Presidential candidate loses weight with microchip surgery
Presidential candidate once sounded a bit wet
Presidential candidate wh
Presidential candidate's
Presidential caucus state
Presidential first name
Presidential first name t
Presidential inits.
Presidential inits. from
Presidential middle name
Presidential monogram
Presidential nickname
Presidential nixer
Presidential noes
Presidential pint?
Presidential portrait sit
Presidential power
Presidential prerogative
Presidential run
Presidential runs
Presidential seal flip si
Presidential shaving goof
Presidential straw poll c
Presidential time
Presidential ___
Presidents Adams, Fillmor
Presidents Tyler and Tayl
Presidents' Day event
Presidents' Day mo.
Presidents' Day, e.g.: Ab
Presidents, at times
Presider at a meeting
Presider over banquets of
Presides over as a judge
Presiding masquer in a Ma
Presiding officer
Presiding officer in the House of Commons
Presiding officer, a Marxist, driven round in car
Presley's "Don't," e.g.,
Presley's "Don't," not "I
Presley's "G.I. Blues" co
Presley's "Harum Scarum"
Presoak, wash and rinse
Presque Isle lake
Presque Isle locale
Presque ___, Me.
Press (clothes)
Press (for)
Press 5's mouth here?
Press a suit
Press agent primarily recalled for one period of change
Press agent wants send-off
Press agent?
Press agitated about hotel serving watered-down drinks
Press agreement
Press and fold, say
Press and TV right, intervening in dispute
Press and why it doesn't usually mean what it says
Press articles on country arrest­ing a small number
Press award supported by directors
Press backs moving independent film genre
Press blackout possibly one type of feature of the Cold War
Press broadcast lie about politician
Press campaign
Press cavalry to provide engine once
Press charges at first - boy's very well defended?
Press chief engages male staff to edit
Press chief penning note about poem in cipher
Press chief possibly cycled up carrying it
Press chief with another cider, too inebriated!
Press clothes
Press club
Press concise with Scot's own political barrier
Press conference activity
Press conference attendee
Press conference componen
Press conference response
Press conference sights
Press Connery to admit to having been a contralto
Press Conservative about one of some satirical comments
Press continuously on face of smooth operator
Press coverage
Press coverage suspended at ten for negotiation
Press covering last letter from George Best
Press covering university uprising quiet journalist supported
Press crumpled rug with energy
Press cull removing head
Press discussed poser, one who's much admired
Press dispute covered by digital medium
Press down
Press down, as pipe tobac
Press employee — sort seen with gun dog
Press employee temporarily on vacation to exercise dog
Press employee with glasses covering one key taxonomic group
Press employee, sort with dog in tow
Press endlessly saying things without meaning them
Press fabrication
Press firmly (on all sides)
Press first raved about unknown member of 10/28
Press for
Press for admission to surgery
Press for identity documents?
Press for payment
Press from all sides
Press gets mean over rockers from Leyton
Press going after corporate image in stigmatising article
Press going through borders work together
Press going to town after politician shows a stiffness of manner
Press graduate probing company making a comeback
Press group returning from Pakistan or India
Press hack in loco?
Press happen to wind up German leader
Press hard
Press hard for change in net rate
Press hard on
Press horn hard, seeing 17, for example
Press ID
Press in numbers around important theatre figure
Press in pursuit of small company producing pandemic, say
Press into service
Press into service in City
Press irritate Oriental in rally
Press it in a crisis
Press item causing offence
Press lay about, spread so thinly?
Press on
Press on spring flowering plant
Press on, having left the last trio of stragglers
Press one to change message back
Press one's suit
Press particular management groups to act
Press pass, e.g.
Press people help imprisoned group
Press persistently
Press person on latest news that’s travelled fast
Press piece regularly seen as sarcastic
Press piles in, dreadful for evasive character
Press product
Press put out fake news?
Press reduction
Press regularly film one in Provence drinking wine
Press release about bishop - it's explosive
Press release about to cover that Russian novelist
Press release flyer offering cruise
Press release initially upset EMI chief
Press release on fever in capital
Press release on individual is lying
Press release United head gives Bent
Press release?
Press releases?
Press report of sport articles that were forged?
Press runner losing the lead
Press secretary Fleischer
Press secretary under For
Press secretary under Geo
Press sent Queen brief solemn final letter to 'ER'
Press some flesh?
Press stories left out examples of subtle humour
Press stud
Press switches under network of veins keeping hairs rising
Press team is engaged in genuine return event
Press the accelerator
Press to take one game for review
Press top after twisting plugs
Press underfoot
Press upon
Press user
Press worker's stain
Press X to get medal
Press ___
Press, as clothes
Press, fold and stretch
Press, given summons, went berserk
Press, slangily
Press, so to speak
Press; element
Pressed (clothes)
Pressed current Liverpool player to keep running
Pressed De Niro to perform
Pressed feed?
Pressed for cash
Pressed for time
Pressed grape juice
Pressed hard
Pressed oil with a bit of vitamin E from this
Pressed one's nose to the
Pressed one's suit?
Pressed, as clothes
Pressed, I must accompany two guys
Presses clothes
Presses on, somehow obtaining answers
Presses the flesh
Presses tropical islands to protect butterfly, perhaps
Presses, folds and stretc
Pressing aim to welcome relative
Pressing awkwardly about sign of hesitation produces ill-temper
Pressing case for unpopular fellow
Pressing clothes
Pressing concern for an a
Pressing forward, I circle around
Pressing item is dull and inflexible
Pressing machines
Pressing need
Pressing need?
Pressing needs
Pressing needs?
Pressing on gamely at first with complaint in minutes
Pressing one's suit?
Pressman backing into barn with small cultivators
Pressman given wine living under canvas
Pressure - filter
Pressure a daily feature, maybe? Just a bit
Pressure admitted by rather scholarly doctor prone to slips
Pressure after barrier is wet
Pressure applied to a US felon
Pressure applied to idiot: "I don't know the answer"
Pressure bandage placed across middle of thumb
Pressure beginning to tell on son aboard ship
Pressure behind part of horse's foot
Pressure by chief barrister presenting case
Pressure concerning young claimant to the throne
Pressure cooker's sound
Pressure dipped at first in Slough
Pressure drops over time, definitely
Pressure fool's wife or daughter to provide access code
Pressure from retired dandy
Pressure has Don going round the bend
Pressure husband coming in to assist sucker
Pressure if parable gets amended in religious document
Pressure in dysfunctional families builds up
Pressure initially seems to change unknown instrument
Pressure injected in to overhaul weapon
Pressure line on map
Pressure meas.
Pressure monk to preserve small part of vessel's contents
Pressure mounting on firm given millions for making stuff up
Pressure needed in bellows? I'm astounded!
Pressure of rubber company making ten hollow samples
Pressure on 10 Downing Street leads to Leadsom selling arms
Pressure on back row to sort things out in advance
Pressure on football club to get some balls
Pressure on large scale around time of digestion
Pressure on newspaper to conceal pivotal element of financial crash
Pressure on nurse to present claim
Pressure on one copying exam questions
Pressure on Polish hero worried deep thinker
Pressure on public transport, so have long walk
Pressure on recount for dignitary
Pressure on singers to hold new nationalist flag
Pressure on terminus still to come?
Pressure on Transport Secretary at first
Pressure on US leader to drop initial cover for South American
Pressure on writer to specify rules
Pressure or tension
Pressure over fish — appeal to higher power?
Pressure over spat in part of boat
Pressure point, having ignored initial opening
Pressure points?
Pressure put on a newspaper concerning model
Pressure put on old college showing little growth
Pressure put on quiet soldiers in squad? What for?
Pressure put on skilled worker, resistance fighter
Pressure situation for a
Pressure to abandon agreement? It may be just a pose
Pressure to abandon ship? Take painter
Pressure to leave friendly colleague
Pressure to pass the ball to a team mate? Succeeded in decisive matches
Pressure to show spirit right away
Pressure to spearhead appeal
Pressure to split up old sort and a model
Pressure to stuff Indian pancake
Pressure to withdraw conserv­ationists? It's happened before
Pressure to witter on about English introduction
Pressure unduly apparent — a mark of democracy?
Pressure unit
Pressure unit equal to on
Pressure unit: Abbr.
Pressure unit; shoal
Pressure units
Pressure warped steel in 22's partner
Pressure, in a way
Pressure, job losses, make-or-break seasonal events
Pressure, metaphorically
Pressure, of a sort
Pressure, say, gutted a revolutionary spirit
Pressure, tension
Pressure-lowering tablets hospital department wasted
Pressure; emphasis
Pressures caused by livin
Pressures surrounding number one seed
Pressurise baron to go without armour?
Prestidigitator's stick
Prestige – position
Prestige car is offered to woman and son? They go on foot
Prestige of a Communist revolutionary in Connecticut
Prestige of expert winning hearts in court
Prestige of Jay's predece
Prestige of store by road junction
Prestige suits — and what paid for them?
Prestige without end, so duke reflected
Prestige: it follows aristocrat around, mostly
Prestigious award presented by no-mark?
Prestigious business scho
Prestigious group of US private universities
Prestigious group of US universities
Prestigious institutions
Prestigious journalism aw
Prestigious London hotel
Prestigious magazine awar
Prestigious prize
Prestigious prize awarded
Prestigious prizes
Prestigious sch.
Prestigious sch. near Bos
Prestigious schools
Prestigious West Coast sc
Prestissimo laps around here?
Presto and others
Presto or allegro
Presumably a bottle party that's never going to happen
Presumably a short deprecatory remark
Presumably all disagreeing in corners
Presumably all-female cult are changing terminology
Presumably contains a quantity of money
Presumably easy, raid becoming complicated
Presumably fast delivery man's returned bonus?
Presumably favouring genuine short hymn
Presumably have influence, holding large part of nail?
Presumably he can be relied upon for dex­terity
Presumably he doesn't mind being sacked at Christmas
Presumably released from incarceration and did very well
Presumably second storage facility that is for Scottish town
Presumably she wouldn't have voted for Brexit
Presumably this has little need for Fat Controller on today's network?
Presume army reservists are asked to reassemble
Presume dancing is best
Presumed authors of the D
Presumed deviant ups dope around start of summer
Presumed facts
Presumed substantial line appears in E Nesbit novel
Presuming that
Presumption about Republican's indiscretion
Presumption following country's downfall, naturally
Presumption, in math
Presumptive explorer?
Presumptive person?
Presumptuous act put a limit on personal cover
Presumptuous fool with posh Chinese porcelain
Presumptuous one
Presumptuous sort
Presumptuous to include iron and carbon? It’s ideal
Presumptuously arrogant
Presumptuously claims spa town's demolishing hotel
Presumptuously seek success in a new locality - eg tap crab
Pretax amount
Pretax number
Pretence - not a time for love
Pretence contrived to trap daughter, for example
Pretence with intent to deceive
Pretence, cheating
Pretence; bogus
Pretend an eccentric was boring
Pretend computer systems issue involves accuracy
Pretend lying unconsciously is wrong
Pretend Nationalist is out of race
Pretend not to care about stage work that's pretty incomprehensible
Pretend not to have heard
Pretend not to have seen
Pretend not to notice
Pretend not to notice what Nelson would do spinning round?
Pretend one woman's astride another
Pretend one's cool, entering declining years
Pretend over a long period - solvers, it's disgraceful
Pretend Rilke’s got this curly hair?
Pretend son’s out, getting meat
Pretend there are no problems with father exercising dog?
Pretend to be
Pretend to be a writer, young one imprisoned here?
Pretend to be an impresario
Pretend to be asleep
Pretend to be dead
Pretend to be excited, wasting time
Pretend to be fit around fifty
Pretend to be ill
Pretend to be ill, we hear, to get a drink
Pretend to be someone one is not
Pretend to be, as at a Ha
Pretend to cooperate
Pretend to encourage having wasted time
Pretend to influence
Pretend to keep old place in Cambridgeshire
Pretend to play two different but identical notes
Pretend to receive extremely over-familiar alien
Pretend to sing
Pretend to sing (2 wds.)
Pretend to welcome woman with drink problem
Pretend writer's against change with no leadership
Pretended 29 across dumps bad smell on island in sea
Pretended blow
Pretended Cliff Richard's back on ecstasy
Pretended enthusiasm about karate, losing heart
Pretended son played badly
Pretended to be
Pretender - fraud
Pretender wants pastry, having uncovered buffet
Pretending modesty
Pretending shyness
Pretending to be dead
Pretending to be someone else
Pretending to be undressed, or similar
Pretends to be ill
Pretends to get K.O.'d
Pretentious - did you hear? - twinning this Israeli port with Luton?
Pretentious and showy
Pretentious boy on Cretan mountain
Pretentious display
Pretentious fellow in exotic cafe, male with quiff?
Pretentious fellow with obligation to accommodate Queen
Pretentious greeting - fault corrected and accepted
Pretentious greeting omitting names
Pretentious indications of Platonic love?
Pretentious litigant doffing cap
Pretentious nonsense! BBC boss taking over symbol of Britishness
Pretentious over crews getting seats
Pretentious person
Pretentious person dupes drunk
Pretentious person rejected excellent small plant
Pretentious political group lacking leader
Pretentious reporting of theft in Israeli port
Pretentious school clothing's in the van
Pretentious sort
Pretentious type has no business taking part
Pretentious type of word common in Old Norse
Pretentious words
Pretentious, as a display
Pretentious, insincere
Pretentious; changed
Pretentiously aesthetic
Pretentiously cultured
Pretentiously exclusive
Pretentiously imposing - organised
Pretentiously impressive
Pretentiously posh
Pretentiously sentimental? Time to go!
Pretentiously styled
Pretentiously stylish
Pretentiousness by extremely attractive miss
Preternatural creature
Pretext for celebration
Pretoria money
Prettied oneself
Prettifies oneself, as in
Prettify oneself
Prettily appealing
Prettily decorated
Prettiness that's rendered enduring
Pretty - quaint
Pretty - spectacular
Pretty and neat
Pretty as a picture, e.g.
Pretty average results for gambler?
Pretty ballerina in an Ab
Pretty basic bike
Pretty big facial hair covering sick up
Pretty blue
Pretty carriage seen in race
Pretty clothing line's pizzazz
Pretty cool
Pretty dated, like comedians Benny and Harry?
Pretty daughter is not back in play
Pretty entertaining start to high jump
Pretty fast, on the highw
Pretty fat, actually?
Pretty female attending family celebration
Pretty fine appearance
Pretty fine tune
Pretty flirty cow might do this, I'm told
Pretty German city, that is
Pretty girl's copper neckwear
Pretty girl, embracing one Latvian worker, is like an amateur
Pretty girls having twinges after exercising
Pretty good
Pretty good (2 wds.)
Pretty good bazaar
Pretty good cleaner will leave things thus
Pretty good commercial match
Pretty good evidence of accident involving church
Pretty good grade
Pretty good poker hand
Pretty good result for a
Pretty good sound toys stuffed, tummies originally getting squeezed
Pretty good UN school assembly
Pretty gutted act will restrict Penthouse?
Pretty high rating
Pretty inclusive of English family member
Pretty lenient on you in the past, certainly
Pretty light
Pretty loud shock in Hackney
Pretty low grades
Pretty maiden of Greek my
Pretty marble
Pretty mate who's extravagant
Pretty me in female bowler, say?
Pretty messy dull fight with close finish
Pretty much out of sorts between affairs, getting restorative treatments
Pretty new diamonds
Pretty pink
Pretty poor chances
Pretty sad
Pretty sash adapted for dance in Scotland
Pretty shoddy
Pretty short of time, so prompt
Pretty shrub
Pretty smart
Pretty smart penning melody
Pretty soon
Pretty soprano replaces tenor? That's more imprudent
Pretty sure thing
Pretty things to look at
Pretty tiny wings for canary
Pretty up
Pretty violets
Pretty vistas, for short
Pretty wife wearing shirt
Pretty woman's hat?
Pretty women's pants worn by Raider
Pretty, to Burns
Pretty-looking female with wind
Pretzel seasoning
Pretzel shape
Pretzel topper
Prevail - rejoice
Prevail upon journalist, a US agent, to turn
Prevailed upon
Prevailing attitudes disquiet hospital nurses
Prevailing character
Prevailing fashion
Prevailing mood
Prevailing mood of China? Cut power off first!
Prevailing public attitude
Prevailing view
Prevailing weather conditions, etc, rising around Peruvian capital
Prevailing wisdom in anthropological circles
Prevalent in a vague form
Prevalent in an area
Prevalent notion in short by male in large-scale work
Prevaricated over limits of Elgar’s vocal works
Prevarication unlikely in serenade
Prevent (someone) from having
Prevent - frustrate
Prevent a former soldier keeping rifle, at first
Prevent a Green appearing in Strasbourg?
Prevent a total loss and rescue about 50
Prevent an area producing fruit
Prevent anger onslaught
Prevent any progress
Prevent artist, copper and district attorney getting fish
Prevent beaver trashing boxes
Prevent Bill's daughter leaving
Prevent bread going bad
Prevent containers turning over
Prevent crime writer dropping The Times
Prevent date tree getting chopped
Prevent doctor taking care of adult as a temporary measure
Prevent evacuation of politicians worried about inside information
Prevent free expression
Prevent free movement of covered basket
Prevent from acting
Prevent from being discovered
Prevent from being published
Prevent from being reelec
Prevent from being ruined
Prevent from breathing
Prevent from happening
Prevent from lawyering
Prevent from practicing
Prevent from speaking out
Prevent from succeeding
Prevent gent leaving cleaning fluid
Prevent honoured officer adopting the Roman way to tango
Prevent in advance
Prevent individual associated with Tory leader getting title
Prevent legally
Prevent Light Infantry interrupting someone working in ammunition supply
Prevent most of the skin blemish
Prevent new building
Prevent one leaving less riotous feaster
Prevent one with little hesitation inhaling initially untested gas
Prevent operation of item seen in many kitchens?
Prevent plot being designed to wound
Prevent Poles getting arable land in Yorkshire town
Prevent post getting broken
Prevent promotion being undated
Prevent queen entering Irish parliament
Prevent rebuilding above it
Prevent Right taking away vote
Prevent scriptures turning up, in a strange sense
Prevent second murder
Prevent state heading for totalitarianism
Prevent the progress of
Prevent the success of
Prevent through intimidat
Prevent wandering of his cool hand
Prevent what allows youngster to fall asleep in school
Prevent young attendant’s suspension
Prevent, as disaster
Prevent, inhibit
Prevent, legally
Prevent, with "off"
Prevented from flying
Prevented from swelling,
Prevented from winning, VIP wept
Prevented plot arising: fought, while heading off
Prevented, warded off
Preventer of disease in tummy seems to be working
Preventer of northern exp
Preventers of many thefts
Preventing an attack, in
Preventing corruption of backward spooks receiving 30 days
Preventing sliding
Preventing stoppages
Prevention measure?
Preventive maintenance on
Preventive measure
Prevents American former soldiers arresting Republican
Prevents editor spinning the likes of Saddam
Prevents progress
Prevents things getting out of hand
Prevents tooth enamel defects
Prevents top personality accepting bungs
Prevents vast reforms overwhelming monarch
Prevents, in legalspeak
Prevents, legally
Preview clip with culprit finally sent down ... this calls for a celebration
Preview crowd
Preview programs for comp
Previn certainly not all show!
Previous boss of Monk?
Previous character in audition, await your turn
Previous charge in court bringing feeling of uncertainty
Previous domestic employee washed up
Previous drink knocked back amid cheers
Previous Egyptian spy that Iran got the covers off
Previous erratum to be corrected in returned English page
Previous excerpt from poem, item ostensibly uplifting
Previous head of religious community
Previous head of state oppressed by class
Previous individual assessed, found not guilty
Previous promise to marry Elizabeth, US writer
Previous religious head
Previous solution in fiction, one found in movie
Previous to
Previous to, in verse
Previous to, once
Previously archaic?
Previously called
Previously finding almost everything immediately available
Previously guards live and die, showing respect
Previously heard
Previously held in detention centre
Previously left at home in care of nurse
Previously mentioned
Previously mentioned area, if so shabby, beginning to decay
Previously mentioned eating pea, reportedly tasty
Previously mentioned ideas for a novel
Previously named
Previously owned
Previously said
Previously stuffed by United exactly when expected
Previously unknown
Previously, and never to be repeated?
Previously, but never again?
Previously, in poetry
Previously, old-style
Previously, once
Prewar activity
Prey dipped into by rorqual's mouth, main diet?
Prey for a hognose snake
Prey for a ladybug
Prey for lions
Prey for owls
Prey in Africa possibly bound on stake
Prey of wild dogs and cro
Prey seen where stone is excavated
Prez after Give 'em Hell
Prez before J.F.K.
Prez on a penny
Prez or veep
Prez who said "If you can
Prez's #2
Prez's backup
Prez's first name on "The
Prez's stand-in
Prez, e.g.
Priam transformed into vile, heartless monster
Priam's city
Priam's home
Price - prize
Price abbr.
Price add-on
Price basis
Price beyond one — furious!
Price changed, price not right? Precarious situation!
Price changed? Price not right? It's very steep!
Price covering a cruise
Price cut for vermin
Price deduction
Price demanded to remove top of fanlight in America
Price discount factors
Price finally cut for a leafy vegetable
Price fixer
Price fixers
Price for a service
Price fruit higher than flower
Price holder
Price indicators
Price label
Price lines?
Price list
Price lists
Price lower than
Price marker
Price markers
Price maybe accepted by heads of Champions League holding up business for winger?
Price now for the country?
Price number
Price of a hand
Price of a movie?
Price of a ride
Price of admission
Price of evil shyster? It may be
Price of firm’s time
Price of flat, one brother’s acquired
Price of kitbag is completely eclipsed by uniform
Price of one currency in another
Price of round and capacious cups?
Price of spirits maybe said not to be criminal any more
Price paid
Price paid by traveller
Price paid for a flight
Price paid to travel
Price paid: consider that is pounds short
Price part
Price part: Abbr.
Price piece
Price point?
Price presentation
Price production
Price qualifier
Price reduced for lettuce
Price reduced for salad
Price reductions
Price rush organised for millionaires' class
Price tag
Price tag qualifier
Price to fill up
Price to participate
Price to pay for wicked mineral deposits found in Northern Territory?
Price to pay having made love last in Mafia fling
Price word
Price ___ pound
Price, say, a lunatic raised
Price-fixers getting hump - felt unprotected
Price-manipulating group
Price-setting grp.
Priced to move
Priceless coat lost by child, the first of several to go missing
Priceless instrument
Priceless newspaper
Priceless to begin with — a French play on words
Prices here are lower – but literally so?
Prices not wrongly set for municipal official?
Pricey appetizer
Pricey belt material
Pricey bubbly
Pricey dresses
Pricey event
Pricey fabric
Pricey gown
Pricey gowns
Pricey homes
Pricey seating areas
Pricey seating section
Pricey set of strings
Pricey sports car, inform
Pricey spread
Pricey strings
Pricey Swiss watch brand
Pricey theater section
Pricey wheels
Pricing word
Pricing words
Prick occupying space on Tube as a result
Prick six in 24
Prick! Empty rhetoric to Welsh about architectural feature
Prick! Sackings extremely gratuitous
Prickle in Alaska?
Prickled, stung
Pricklier British fiction hidden within covers of bestseller by American
Prickly adhesive seed case
Prickly animal ultimately crossed the road
Prickly area of a prickly
Prickly character criticised nationalist answer on energy
Prickly complaint from Australian ambassador with rubbish sandwiches
Prickly creature
Prickly heat symptom
Prickly heat, e.g.
Prickly husk
Prickly pear cactus
Prickly pear genus
Prickly pear's place
Prickly pear, e.g.
Prickly plant
Prickly plant originally trapping antler, perhaps
Prickly plants
Prickly seed case
Prickly seed cover
Prickly seed pod
Prickly seedcase
Prickly shrub
Prickly shrub obtainable from heath or nursery
Prickly shrub's stick pierced by sun
Prickly shrub, one accommodated by Remus’s brother
Prickly succulent
Prickly tree
Prickly types beginning to cavil before start of play
Prickly ___
Prickly-leafed plant
Prickly-stemmed plant
Pride : lion :: clowder :
Pride : lion :: gang : __
Pride issue working with copper to infiltrate party?
Pride march finally banned influential film director
Pride member
Pride of 12?
Pride of country music
Pride of Israel
Pride of mischief-maker in home counties joining revolutionary encounters
Pride of winners finally seen in Finn?
Pride on being included in roster? Not quite
Pride or lust
Pride partners?
Pride perhaps lacking in many soldiers
Pride precedes it, they s
Pride’s initial spur for his historical act?
Pride's hurt by one following Mark Webber?
Pride's place?
Pride, e.g.
Pride, lust, envy, etc
Pride, perhaps, in a relegation six-pointer?
Prideful one, astrologica
Prides of lions
Prides of lions?
Prie-___ (prayer bench)
Pried (into)
Pried regularly into US deeds
Prier's need
Priest — think he could be one?
Priest about to enter quiet curve in road
Priest absorbed by Roman Catholic memorial
Priest abused drink
Priest admitted to a slight desire
Priest and sweetheart like sexy underwear in church office
Priest at Shiloh
Priest breaking wind instrument in US city
Priest captivated by buzzing toy in Michigan city
Priest caught in trap by a French heavenly body
Priest cracking hints about contents of early cardinal's tomb
Priest cracking nuts has creepy hidden dimension
Priest cries out loud for ammunition
Priest curtailed gossip
Priest cuts shin up with large knife
Priest cutting awfully rude fruit with stone
Priest cutting Flake with large knife
Priest detailed what may be thrown at wedding after Raquel's back in church
Priest embraces perfect couple
Priest enthralled by Roman Catholic memorial
Priest found in chapel indefinitely
Priest from the East
Priest getting extra money for church activity?
Priest getting financial assistance to house a couple of Serbians is commended
Priest guards naughty steps in Rio
Priest has installed hot plate
Priest heading off beast of burden
Priest heading off with American, tragically flawed figure
Priest hugging retiring President in retreat? Not to be stomached
Priest I envy: he’s awfully prone to overreact?
Priest in a humorous vers
Priest in an Ogden Nash v
Priest in country after a spell oddly lost independence
Priest in hut finding prayer beads
Priest in labour exchange initially upset
Priest in Massachusetts linked to US city
Priest in newly sealed container slipped away
Priest in training ultimately ignored church law
Priest in tricky situation died, abandoned
Priest introduced to smoother amphibian
Priest is featured in Times championing exclusive group
Priest is working for porridge
Priest leading prior to worship
Priest leaving church leader a true tale translated for Alfred, Lord Tennyson once
Priest loves storing shabby clothes for Murphy
Priest making threats endlessly comes to hitman
Priest maybe is necessary
Priest moving east — for money?
Priest never cares about sinner's penultimate resolution
Priest of I Samuel
Priest of Shiloh
Priest of the East
Priest often in the limelight, delighting believers
Priest on holiday who's sacked for toying with children
Priest once more dismissing one heathen
Priest or monk restricting awful erotic dancing
Priest oversaw church parade
Priest perhaps given lodging by Uncle Richard
Priest perhaps secure in St. James's area
Priest possibly saw about Israeli actor
Priest regularly scrutinised renovated car part
Priest rejecting expression of doubt about core of his religion
Priest runs after page 3, for example
Priest shot retired gypsy in organised persecution
Priest sitting on shelf finally bans donations
Priest so funny making snappy replies?
Priest stopping religious festival before mice spread an outbreak of the plague?
Priest suppressing wicked dance
Priest swimming in river shows proficiency
Priest swindled outside game
Priest that is ringing bells heartily from below
Priest the typical rabbi backs
Priest tucking into old important part of diet
Priest under extremely heavy layer makes short dash
Priest wearing crumpled denims is coming
Priest welcomed by godly prior
Priest who raised Samuel
Priest who sounds like a beast
Priest who warned the Tro
Priest who’s not been celibate
Priest with sorry tale meets good girl that's seen in shop window
Priest with time to drink cool beer
Priest’s vestment not required, I hear
Priest’s bell, hit regularly
Priest's after the style of church residence
Priest's assistant
Priest's assistant remained behind collecting dues regularly
Priest's crime taking time in a clerical residence
Priest's garb
Priest's greeting irregular, ignoring a rector
Priest's honorific
Priest's item
Priest's robe
Priest's sermons ignored, somewhat
Priest's service book
Priest's subordinate
Priest's title
Priest's urging
Priest's vestment
Priest's wear
Priest's work: lecture on sin, Monday off sinning
Priest's young assistant during a service
Priest, at one with God, is leader by example, perhaps
Priest, at times
Priest, chaplain
Priest, Manilow's easy listening artist
Priest, maybe in love with artist and model, dancing on air
Priest, retiring to illustrate, about to pack clothing
Priest, to Nash
Priest, unclear, against leaving city
Priest, upstanding resident of council estate?
Priest: the Spanish one
Priest’s seizing no-good husband from part of UK
Priestess maintaining sacred fire in ancient Rome
Priestley's 1945 play about such a person who calls
Priestly attire
Priestly dictator's loftier loft
Priestly garb
Priestly garment
Priestly pouch given to queen told off outside entrance to abbey
Priestly robe
Priestly robes
Priestly symbol worn by 1 down?
Priestly vestment
Priestly vestments
Priestly wear
Priests and such
Priests holding mass for religious feast
Priests of the East
Priests or other religious leaders
Priests outside mark old feast day
Priests scattered fairies
Priests use this relic perhaps in northern land
Priests welcoming millions for religious festival
Priests' changing room
Priests' duties
Priests' garb
Priests' garments
Priests' performances
Priests' subordinates
Priests' vestments
Priests' work
Priests, e.g.
Priests: Abbr.
Prig on the camera possibly making for film technician
Priggish one
Priggish people
Priggish person
Priggish pronouncements
Prim and proper virtuous type
Prim and proper, e.g.
Prim and proper, e.g.: Ab
Prim dean's turned into superhero
Prima ballerina
Prima ballerina who marri
Prima ballerina, e.g.
Prima donna
Prima donna Norman
Prima donna problem
Prima donna problems
Prima donnas
Prima donnas have big one
Primal therapy sounds
Primarily austere, mostly illiberal, quiet sect
Primarily bear responsibility for extra dividend
Primarily Christmas air, "Noel" regularly featured?
Primarily cloudy, when in past tense?
Primarily if distressed individuals occasionally make such expressions
Primarily register of students?
Primarily Shaun the Sheep dead drunk
Primarily shunning hijabs, Iranian ladies overthrow hierarchy in historic battle
Primarily sleazy politician's concealing money for Daniels?
Primarily suppress flatulence? The French do
Primarily top dogs eat it in great quantities
Primarily treacly, tiny, over-pretty
Primarily usable for sleep, possibly?
Primarily young mares king enters in African state event for them?
Primarily, indignation about fury
Primarily, intelligence and love combined
Primarily, not killed or swallowed by someone eating a certain way?
Primarily, rip on purpose?
Primarily, they see close in order to gain a little bit of perspective
Primarily, Tony Christie's trip here is bearing fruit
Primary ABC is revised
Primary blood carrier
Primary color
Primary colour for printers
Primary computer list
Primary figure
Primary goal
Primary requisites for a sewer
Primary selections
Primary storey
Primary stratagem
Primary strategy
Primary subject?
Primate admitting self-elevation is the highest point
Primate and bishop leading a blessing
Primate and bishop with rings round head
Primate and friar
Primate and knight visiting Elba briefly?
Primate backing big toff from the east?
Primate called after Beethoven's Sixth
Primate called on phone at centre
Primate called to stop openly gay article
Primate crossing small part of church
Primate cycling to deliver vegetable ...
Primate died cracking inscription on cross
Primate dropping ecstasy in drink
Primate eats little from abroad … lacking this?
Primate from waterway in Indian province ...
Primate genus
Primate going to prison gets a snack
Primate guarding small part of church
Primate has company with devilment?
Primate in cloak, heading off
Primate in role, as protection against the enemy?
Primate in spin daily?
Primate in two remote marshes primarily an invasive species?
Primate is following God no end
Primate is seen with nobleman, mostly
Primate kept secret about love with minister
Primate kept up by weird nightmare
Primate looked after corporation, one presided over by head of order
Primate mentioned briefly, dressing king
Primate native to Madagascar
Primate of country in Asia nearly crossing river
Primate published article about diversity mainly
Primate ready to receive king
Primate replaced ushers
Primate reportedly observed a Scotsman of great importance
Primate said to be capital
Primate seized by bird, nimbly from behind
Primate set over south part of church
Primate telephoned by old sick aunt
Primate touring southern part of church
Primate uniting church with devil
Primate upset yours truly during brief temptation
Primate voiced displeasure entering bar
Primate with cross and crown
Primate with unusual dance
Primate’s Mass being performed by principal
Primate’s name secretary recalled
Primate's a partisan, it’s said
Primate's boob
Primate's instruction to reader devouring scriptures
Primate's mode of transport originally helped bishop in Gulf
Primate's one request at first I obey
Primate, note, standing in boiling stream
Primate, old, managed grand university function
Primates etc intend to reflect when caught in moral lapses
Primates show disapproval of entering bars
Primates vis-
Primatologist Fossey
Primatologist's study
Primatologists' subjects
Prime (time)
Prime altar decorated in time before the wedding
Prime attraction showing prime cut, perhaps
Prime bit of trial eviden
Prime case of extortion following incident in Home Counties
Prime clientele vendor keeps hold of
Prime coffee-growing area
Prime commando unit outside city on June 6th
Prime cooking spot
Prime cut
Prime cut available to buy outside hotel entrance
Prime cut behind pig's head - remove its skin
Prime cut from roach - ie fillet
Prime Cuts maker
Prime cuts of tenderloin in butter, including a shankbone
Prime draft classificatio
Prime draft status
Prime eatery
Prime entertainment with Mr T and A-team's leader edited out
Prime explosives and mine cavity
Prime gatherer, in other words?
Prime journal, not the first treatise on animals
Prime locks, securing foremost of Chippendale furniture
Prime members of German generation
Prime meridian hrs.
Prime meridian std.
Prime Minister 1945-51
Prime minister 1976–79
Prime minister abandons dodgy poolrooms for a sherry
Prime minister after Eshk
Prime minister before and
Prime minister before Yit
Prime Minister can upset European? Not very much!
Prime minister cutting head of state's hair
Prime Minister familiarly wel­comes northern old city with French greeting
Prime Minister four times, d. 1898
Prime Minister from 1947-
Prime minister from valley cycling westwards
Prime Minister Gandhi
Prime Minister has sex appeal in part
Prime Minister kind of cross about being short?
Prime minister loses case for state
Prime Minister making real money, it's said
Prime Minister Nouri al-M
Prime minister on television, one seeking to steal information
Prime Minister once great leader?
Prime Minister once visiting the dentist
Prime minister pleased to put on some weight
Prime Minister pleased with extremely suspect individual
Prime minister protects Tyneside town
Prime minister raised in
Prime Minister receives everyone — everyone in Westminster thoroughfare
Prime Minister Richard perhaps a romantic hero
Prime Minister stopped by retired teacher in shape
Prime Minister to declare U-turn and modernise
Prime minister who made 16 Empress of India
Prime Minister who used to be happy with weight?
Prime minister with a large rod
Prime minister's official country residence
Prime Minister's penultimate press inquiry? Not so
Prime minister's surreptitious bug
Prime Minister's willy
Prime Minister, 2007-2010
Prime minister, 1937–40
Prime minister, 1945-51
Prime ministers given a flatbread
Prime mover
Prime murder victim's name left off
Prime number
Prime of life
Prime parts of London avoided panelling scandal, exposing negligence
Prime pieces of loin: usually very dear!
Prime position left first mate in the navy at sea
Prime rate setter, with "
Prime rib cut
Prime S.S.S. classificati
Prime seating area at spo
Prime seating spot
Prime status
Prime Suspect claimed ID left unused
Prime Suspect's original episode cut short
Prime telly featuring pole dancing English student
Prime text I revised for document someone going may need
Prime the pot
Prime time
Prime time cycling contests
Prime time follower
Prime time for grass cutting, it’s said?
Prime time for Nick
Prime time hour
Prime time times
Prime tree replaced in boundary
Prime us acting for those standing in the middle
Prime US prosecutor occupies two years going after ambassador
Prime-time entertainment genre: could be Pointless for seniors?
Prime-time hour
Prime-time hrs.
Prime-time time
Prime-time time, informal
Prime-time times
Primed for action, gunners surround country
Primer dog
Primer girl
Primer material
Primer option
Primer pet
Primer pooch
Primer unit
Primes the pot
Primestar 500 org.
Primeval plot
Primitive "drum"
Primitive abode
Primitive accommodation English hoover up
Primitive adders
Primitive building primarily captured in a blog, oddly
Primitive business dealin
Primitive calculators
Primitive canoe discovered after search
Primitive capacitor
Primitive coat
Primitive counters
Primitive draw?
Primitive eel-like fish
Primitive fishing tool
Primitive hearing aid
Primitive home, one with good facilities
Primitive homes
Primitive human
Primitive human in games with two chess pieces
Primitive Indian?
Primitive loo
Primitive means of communication evaluated: more than half is wasted
Primitive monetary unit
Primitive note appears in extra supplication
Primitive percussion inst
Primitive period
Primitive plant
Primitive practice
Primitive scourge is polished
Primitive sort
Primitive time
Primitive tribe finally allowed a man to keep servants
Primitive trophies ... or
Primitive vehicle stuck outside cabin shifted with tool
Primitive weapon
Primitive weapon - thin gloss
Primitive wind instrument
Primitive, brutal
Primitive: Prefix
Primo Levi's beginning extremely amazing novel in which a character's missing
Primo ___ , Italian writer and survivor of Auschwitz, d. 1987
Primogeniture beneficiary
Primordial stuff
Primrose family member
Primrose relative – dashing hero
Primrose variety
Primroses: one that's different, and different one
Primula with yellow hanging flowers
Prince —, Narnia book
Prince (as he was formerly known) originally acquired uniform in red
Prince a little bit of a pig?
Prince about to get on alert system?
Prince admitting one groupie heartlessly hit kisser
Prince Albert's accepted in Abu Dhabi, say
Prince Albert's home: Abb
Prince Albert, e.g.
Prince Albert, for one
Prince among artists
Prince and circle not present in penthouse rave
Prince and English duke admitted to fuel damage
Prince and European minister changing sides
Prince and friend getting close
Prince and Queen holding on, displaying calmness
Prince Andrew's defence? Nothing to it!
Prince Andrew's ex
Prince Andrew, perhaps, probed by northern state
Prince Andy's ex
Prince appearing in dream, eerily
Prince before being kisse
Prince blocking trouble for thirty days
Prince blows top over catching maiden with Edward and shook
Prince called "the Impale
Prince Charles's avocatio
Prince Charles's sister
Prince Charles's sport
Prince Charles's top
Prince Charles, beginning
Prince Charlie with that old-fashioned calm
Prince Charming wants china the French added
Prince chased King for a joke
Prince confused about His Excellency’s code
Prince demolished part of a king crab
Prince desperate for a nipper
Prince Edward's earldom
Prince Edward, e.g.
Prince entering capital city of ancient Greece
Prince fabricated a lie vital as a temporary expedient
Prince from West Africa wearing collar
Prince getting worried talked rubbish
Prince given a boost on the radio
Prince given a drink and a cut of meat over by hotel
Prince given ring, a symbol of saintliness
Prince Harry's portrait painter
Prince Henry taken into vehicle by aliens, oddly vanishing
Prince Hilarion's betroth
Prince in "The Arabian Ni
Prince in "The Little Mer
Prince in "The Prince and
Prince in a Borodin opera
Prince in an L. Frank Bau
Prince in Baum's "Rinkiti
Prince in Ezekiel
Prince in the comics, for
Prince introducing odd extracts from Yemeni songbook
Prince is detained in genuine act of vengeance
Prince is detained in serious act of vengeance
Prince is one to have wobbler, getting discharge of workers
Prince keeping model up quite long into the night
Prince keeping superb racing horse
Prince makes setter blush? No - Ed.
Prince maybe offensive to describe colour
Prince moved to rapture after conclusion of ice show
Prince needing good fortune and courage
Prince not getting up for a dance
Prince not quite competing with King after support for filibuster, once
Prince of a guy
Prince of Broadway
Prince of Darkness
Prince of India
Prince of Israel's able-bodied dancer loses footing
Prince of Monaco
Prince of Monaco, married to Grace Kelly, d. 2005
Prince of opera
Prince of the dead, in an
Prince of the Stars embracing love of country
Prince of the theater
Prince of Wales dying to block dirty look
Prince of Wales perhaps wasted last four of teenage years
Prince on an hour after midnight? Legend! He ruled
Prince or princess
Prince perhaps said to get turbulent
Prince Philip's birthplac
Prince Philip's surname
Prince Philip, to Queen E
Prince recalled a cheering cry in a fix
Prince reviewed Open with an amateur
Prince ruling with father exploits awkward silences
Prince seen back in hotel, having a drink with an actor
Prince shall be undressed
Prince Siegfried's love,
Prince taking on monster to get further
Prince to stop decider
Prince unhappy in the shade
Prince Valiant's lady
Prince Valiant's love
Prince Valiant's princess
Prince Valiant's son
Prince Valiant's wife
Prince warned about ...
Prince wearing drunkard's hat
Prince wearing sexier pants runs out
Prince wearing two hats, strangely, for riverside walks
Prince William finally gets a game
Prince William's school
Prince William, e.g.
Prince with monsters making advances
Prince with severe expression covering front of curious old coin
Prince ___ Khan
Prince ___ Khan, third hu
Prince ___ Land (historic
Prince ___, Eddie Murphy
Prince ___, Eddie Murphy'
Prince's "Raspberry ___"
Prince's "Sign ___ Times"
Prince's companion handing out weapons
Prince's downfall more obvious
Prince's partner
Prince's saying more protection
Prince's school
Prince's title: Abbr.
Prince, e.g.
Prince, idiot to break down
Prince, once?
Prince, perhaps
Prince, villain having ousted a king
Prince: "Symbol" for the nation ...
Princely abbr.
Princely companion of Shakespeare's Falstaff
Princely family name of o
Princely House or gloomy discount supermarket?
Princely initials
Princely Valentino bleeding a little
Princes abroad
Princes, but not princess
Princes, e.g.
Princes, for example, demanding author’s share of profits
Princess — (G&S)
Princess attached to rock stars in group
Princess born 8/15/1950
Princess carried inside in other words
Princess cut by a bit of rig in which one gets the chop?
Princess Diana had one
Princess Diana's family n
Princess Diana's kiss-and
Princess entertaining country's prime minister
Princess Fiona in "Shrek,
Princess Fiona's voicer i
Princess forbidden to go out of bounds
Princess from Alderaan
Princess has aged no end
Princess has limits to awful temper
Princess hugging uni graduate in sheikhdom
Princess in a Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera
Princess in a Nintendo ga
Princess in L. Frank Baum
Princess in Mozart's "Ido
Princess in opera, but not a princess in opera
Princess in the Emirates briefly inspiring sister
Princess in Woolf's "Orla
Princess is getting on plane at last
Princess Leia ___ of "Sta
Princess lives with elderly European
Princess loved by Heracle
Princess loved by Hercule
Princess married to upper-class lover
Princess Najla player in
Princess of literature
Princess of Nintendo game
Princess of operetta
Princess on the small scr
Princess Ozma's creator
Princess penning a recipe, which may involve chops
Princess played by Carrie
Princess plus Elvis?
Princess Royal
Princess seen on camera clearing lightspeed
Princess sounding like a duck
Princess supporting actor and new dramatist
Princess tester
Princess topper
Princess tormentor
Princess visiting Trinidad
Princess wears jewellery, husband some polo kit?
Princess who battles the
Princess who helped Jason
Princess who helped Jason get the Golden Fleece from her father
Princess who observed the
Princess who was a sister
Princess whom Zeus carrie
Princess with a blaster
Princess with three siblings, mostly appropriate
Princess Yasmin ___ Khan
Princess __
Princess ___ (Disney duck
Princess' accessory
Princess' headgear
Princess' headwear
Princess' topper
Princess's confession of drug-dealing
Princess's friend, putting the princess first for 9
Princess's partner for playing golf
Princess, one travelling east in Gulf State
Princesses had mysterious source of funds
Princesses had unusual source of funds
Princeton greenery
Princeton or Clemson masc
Princeton Review subj.
Princeton team
Princeton's historic ___
Princeton's Tiger, e.g.
Principal actress
Principal adviser to the person in charge of a large organisation
Principal and head meet somewhere onboard ship
Principal – advantage
Principal banker in Frankfurt
Principal bullfighter
Principal character
Principal character in a line
Principal charges?
Principal church of a diocese
Principal city of Siberia - UK skirt
Principal decided to provide piece of audio equipment
Principal display item
Principal gateway perhaps
Principal gives support to parking appeal
Principal guitar in heavy metal
Principal has fallen from swing in corner
Principal in a well-publi
Principal in favour of some turning up on time
Principal ingredient of borscht
Principal ingredient of regular charcoal
Principal lecturer's claim disheartened Oscar
Principal location?: Abbr
Principal male character
Principal male child takes for a ride
Principal material for sinker
Principal McGee's portray
Principal ore of aluminum
Principal part
Principal piece of music that needs no introduction
Principal pipes
Principal player in "Grea
Principal post on a sailing ship
Principal principles
Principal reason Mecca empty in season
Principal river of Armeni
Principal role - heavy metal
Principal sea area off Ireland, not large
Principal set up computer
Principal source
Principal source of control over any complex activity
Principal sports car, the original model
Principal spread out without thought
Principal traitors stand up
Principal villain lacking vertical 2?
Principal will lead confrontation
Principal worry involves alien backing resistance
Principal Zulu city
Principal’s mood something close to grave?
Principal's charge: Abbr.
Principal's lines are sparkling
Principality between Austria and Switzerland
Principality between France and Spain
Principality in the Pyrenees
Principality of Monaco's political leaders in ceremonial splendour
Principality on the French Riviera
Principality on the Riviera with a Formula One Grand Prix
Principality’s family 14 across that’s ghastly?
Principally known only as lovable Australian?
Principally unfaithful husband repeated denial
Principally where one learns about the home of trad?
Principally, intrepid sergeant loses everything in 4D/16A setting
Principals cheered as hat tossed around
Principals in overambitious universities thus dismissed
Principals prohibit learning about teachings of this idealist
Principle by which kitchen's contents are organised
Principle covering boyfriends in flat
Principle covering politician, one having fellow feeling
Principle involved in first-rate networking
Principle involving guys in flat
Principle involving the t
Principle is to accommodate blokes in housing
Principle of 1 with old money at the start
Principle of conservation
Principle of economy
Principle of engined aircraft
Principle of not striking?
Principle of philosophy
Principle of the complex integrated circuit
Principle relating to race repulses Nationalist
Principle that is engaging Democrat most of all
Principle unchanged, on reflection
Principle, belief
Principled old American curls up awkwardly at first
Principled purchases in market rated adversely
Principled school looked after children?
Principles accepted by a social group
Principles for assessment
Principles for laying out GPU's integrated circuits?
Principles I lowered for singers
Principles not constant in lyric poem
Principles of behaviour
Principles of game play
Principles of mediocre editor
Principles of right and wrong
Principles safeguarded by mediocre education
Principles that cannot be contested
Principles, beliefs
Pringles alternative
Prinsengracht Canal site
Print anew
Print extract from Mandelstam poetry
Print made from a design carved in relief into a block
Print made from an engraved block
Print maker
Print makers?
Print measures
Print novel, perhaps, circulating no end of rubbish
Print produced from an engraved plate
Print resolution meas.
Print shop folks
Print shop purchase
Print Starbucks' warning?
Print tint
Print union leader, not fit for purpose, making a point
Print up?
Print version of an onlin
Print whole of section
Print, maybe
Print-off of data etc
Printed advert
Printed cloth
Printed clothing Web site
Printed cotton fabric
Printed fabric
Printed French cotton
Printed handout
Printed in an anthology
Printed material
Printed material endlessly creates confusion
Printed material reported remuneration model for clothing based on usage?
Printed mistakes
Printed music, sweet stuff, excludes R&B
Printed name of female below artist
Printed output from PC grabbed by writer
Printed over
Printed part for performer
Printed supplement
Printed version
Printed words
Printemps follower
Printemps month
Printer associates during lockdown with flier
Printer brand
Printer in police station? One of two up for approval
Printer ink
Printer malfunctioning with bug — that's troubling
Printer may use this paper with novel, a French narrative
Printer need
Printer problem
Printer reduced resolution in Postscript
Printer resolution meas.
Printer specification: Ab
Printer type
Printer's activity
Printer's amount
Printer's choice
Printer's color
Printer's ink
Printer's mistake
Printer's need
Printer's perseverance keeping dot?
Printer's supply
Printer's type: Abbr.
Printer's unit
Printer's widths
Printerr's misteaks?
Printers' marks sometimes
Printers' measures
Printers' problems
Printers' supplies
Printers' widths
Printing after a printing
Printing capital
Printing chemical
Printing error
Printing error: treaty gutted and work set back
Printing errors
Printing flourish
Printing goof
Printing goofs
Printing house that is making a gift
Printing machine
Printing mark
Printing measures
Printing method
Printing mistake
Printing mistake, rare, unsettled corporation
Printing mistakes
Printing on many a name t
Printing on some cigar wr
Printing pioneer
Printing press gizmo
Printing press gizmos
Printing press part
Printing press parts
Printing process, briefly
Printing technique: Abbr.
Printing unit
Printing unit, sound and arousing jealousy
Printing woes
Printout from PC in bold
Prints and such
Prints I consult about
Prints, pastels and such
Prior brings in shelter for five affected
Prior calculations of stars orbiting around Earth by the 100
Prior to
Prior to an increase in prices, say, children under 8 travel for free
Prior to birth
Prior to lunchtime I'm returning home with recipe for soup
Prior to support leader in Eucharist
Prior to the 20th Amendme
Prior to the start of denials, the Web detailed what Lewinsky did in the White House
Prior to, dialectally
Prior to, in dialect
Prior to, in old times
Prior to, in poesy
Prior to, in poetry
Prior to, in verse
Prior to, old-style
Prior to, poetically
Prior to, to Prior
Prior work
Prior's superior
Prioritise treatment when a tiger runs amok
Prioritized in the emerge
Prioritizing by army medi
Priority Inbox offerer
Priority system
Priory in "The Da Vinci C
Priory of ___ (group in "
Priory of ___, group in "
Priscilla and John
Prism is too peculiar, having uniform properties
Prismatic, as a stone
Prison "screw"
Prison (informal)
Prison accommodates 12 – it's a small building
Prison accommodation
Prison agitation
Prison area
Prison attendant
Prison block where lawyer is keeping close to Laurence Fox
Prison Board offering something for those flying the coop?
Prison boss
Prison break, e.g.
Prison camps
Prison cartel encouraging action
Prison characters regularly found in chains
Prison commotion
Prison critic?
Prison dispute heard in courtyard
Prison disturbance
Prison employee mostly in the red given extra payment?
Prison entrance breached by careering tram
Prison escape route, mayb
Prison exercise area
Prison for bishops?
Prison for corny humorist
Prison for gardeners?
Prison for soda jerks?
Prison for vintners?
Prison fridge?
Prison group agitating
Prison guard
Prison guard's twitch?
Prison guard, in slang
Prison house in remote part of Spain
Prison housing belonging to US brewery once
Prison housing one murderer
Prison in a Stephen King
Prison in Texas first to execute crook?
Prison in west Iraq
Prison is more funky!
Prison library's contents
Prison more stylish?
Prison movie about a medi
Prison officer
Prison officer bragged after start of sentence
Prison officer’s wage
Prison official
Prison part
Prison party?
Prison population
Prison protests
Prison punishment
Prison rebel, perhaps
Prison reformer holding uniform leads to violence
Prison resistance? It’s over
Prison room
Prison rooms
Prison sentence
Prison sentence swift, perhaps?
Prison sentence; tempo
Prison slang for "girlfriend"
Prison staple
Prison supported by city with body of rules
Prison term
Prison term for the enemy
Prison term for what whistle-blower's announced?
Prison term unpopular for gap year, perhaps
Prison time breaks a gentleman
Prison visitor's not a Charlie
Prison warden blowing his top – nothing new in section of wing
Prison warden's concern
Prison warders
Prison weapon
Prison wings are found on this
Prison's famous mounted guards went in without cover
Prison, slangily
Prison’s mostly safeguarding a downbeat US city
Prisoner 28 hides in European crate
Prisoner admitting umpteen crimes initially, evil chap
Prisoner and guard meet head on
Prisoner and scoundrel agree
Prisoner at first notably distressed to be incarcerated in old area of punishment?
Prisoner beginning, we hear, to accept defeat
Prisoner brought up rock in abundance
Prisoner delighted to give permission for it?
Prisoner drinking a pint with international legend
Prisoner French marshal beheaded in river
Prisoner gets medicine, perhaps, to obtain sense of right and wrong
Prisoner getting inner boost somewhere in Bristol
Prisoner getting reduced time in lots of sites
Prisoner given a short time in church to reflect
Prisoner given shelter is happy
Prisoner given shelter is satisfied
Prisoner has endless space to dance
Prisoner has to attract scorn
Prisoner hears about United States
Prisoner I found in capital city initially trained as a sort of thief
Prisoner I meant to rescue
Prisoner in China
Prisoner misbehaving anytime having to scrub yard
Prisoner not very bright duke cut down
Prisoner of war, e.g.
Prisoner or patient?
Prisoner perhaps popular with friend
Prisoner punishment place
Prisoner put on parole ultimately gets pardon
Prisoner seen backsliding in feature film
Prisoner starts to tunnel after getting into pipe
Prisoner thanks partner smuggling in poison
Prisoner that almost goes off the rails
Prisoner to droop with head hidden
Prisoner to engage posh doctor over complaint
Prisoner toiled as mixing cement
Prisoner ultimately given sentence – possibly raised in case of firearm
Prisoner who’s been released, having a function in gym
Prisoner who'll never get
Prisoner’s popular with friend
Prisoner's accommodation has zero means of producing music
Prisoner's baccy in tin with refill needed
Prisoner's desire
Prisoner's knife
Prisoner's means of communication curtailed by committee's conclusion
Prisoner's name sewn into socks
Prisoner's opposite
Prisoner's protest
Prisoner's room
Prisoner's spot
Prisoner's tally on a cel
Prisoner's trick
Prisoner, holding a little flower, set to be hung in Tower
Prisoner, maybe, one of an exclusive group
Prisoner, one fellow held by the French King
Prisoner, solitary, had finally to be comforted
Prisoners closely linked at work
Prisoners do it
Prisoners helping to quell start of fierce blaze
Prisoners holding on to chimney stacks
Prisoners into this, a good pandowdy prepared on the outside?
Prisoners perhaps people with specific knowledge?
Prisoners recollected its name
Prisoners upset by past vice
Prisoners, kind to get locked in as mates
Pristina is its capital
Pristine plot
Pristine, never sported
Prius alternative
Prius, e.g.
Priv. eyes
Privacy protector, of a s
Private ... or a hint to
Private affair?
Private area perfect for Spooner?
Private area?
Private aye?
Private balls held in court
Private bar in the Northward Arms
Private cabins
Private case dropped by bad people ...
Private chamber
Private chamber I reserved to host first of ladies in extravagant fashion
Private chap after a Martini drinker's job?
Private chat
Private chats
Private club, for short?
Private clubs hidden in trees, oddly
Private coach
Private coach starts to travel using the orbital road
Private coaches
Private collection primarily including the works of such as Balzac
Private consultant to the
Private conversation
Private detective
Private detective Mike of
Private dining room?
Private dos?
Private drug stash
Private enters petitions for new recruits
Private entrance to see the girl in French ballet
Private eye
Private Eye doctored, so some people say
Private eye Peter of old
Private eye recalled apprehending a daughter and younger son
Private eye turned round to see pretty girls
Private Eye's double entendre repulsed hot-shot?
Private eye's project
Private eye, for short
Private eye, slangily
Private eyes
Private eyes, for short
Private eyes, slangily
Private gag
Private greetings?
Private group
Private Harry cuddles without energy
Private heading away from urban area
Private heading military unit messages section
Private home page
Private hospital in towering civic building
Private in the British army
Private in the Royal Artillery
Private instructor: Abbr.
Private instructors
Private investigator puts up arms
Private investigators, fo
Private jet, e.g.
Private joke about working men recalled - could be us
Private line
Private line?
Private lines
Private lines, perhaps
Private lives: topless sex club’s regulars drunk
Private meal changed in second
Private meal doesn't start
Private meal hasn't started
Private meal served without starter
Private meeting
Private meeting note twice repeated over drink
Private meeting's focus for cabinet
Private meetings
Private modes of transpor
Private motivator?
Private on-line chats, fo
Private opening in solid square, cube
Private papers on allocating houses
Private parking near New Orleans
Private parts essential to wow and awe one
Private parts Republican's grabbed? They'll make an examination
Private patients are treated here
Private penning article that's comparatively silly
Private person who’s offended possibly rejecting society
Private place to drink beer occasionally
Private places
Private places in clubs, protected by present distributor
Private planes not primarily for flying
Private planes or otherwise
Private planes or trains
Private practice?
Private property where hound doesn't need lead
Private pupil
Private quarrel further west in Buxton?
Private quarters
Private reading?
Private rebuke? Conservative article untrue when reviewed
Private reply
Private reply, maybe
Private reply?
Private residence?
Private response?
Private retreat
Private retreat to go to when wanting to get away from others
Private road feature
Private road; impel
Private room nearby, at end of street
Private room vice-chancellor's reserved
Private saving beneficiary managed without yen
Private school
Private schools: Abbr.
Private secretary hosts rough Victorian types?
Private sector's heart broken by waste
Private sector's tax
Private sector?
Private soldier
Private soldier in the Royal Engineers
Private soldier, second one of four to go west
Private soldiers? Monsters
Private stash
Private study
Private talks
Private teacher
Private telephone channel
Private Tommy Atkins?
Private trick female recreated in detail
Private Victor, heading off
Private ___ , 1930 Noel Coward comedy
Private's greeting
Private; classified
Privateer recalling Capri as rocky in part
Privately taught
Privately, and to be kept
Privately, artist arrived?
Privates and sentry occasionally cross
Privates are behind this English flag, if ordered
Privet trimmed unusually as a snake
Privilege of liberals?
Privilege of those 18 and
Privilege or right
Privilege to receive current letter
Privileged American class used to be soft
Privileged American reporter's useless, middle feature
Privileged American talking rubbish in exaggerated style
Privileged citizen mean ref sent off
Privileged classes
Privileged group
Privileged group exciting radical cleric
Privileged member wearing crimson is on the rise
Privileged minority
Privileged offer — initially given a no?
Privileged person with clout drunkenly punching twit
Privy council against church welcoming ladies, possibly
Privy Seals: a function of Charles
Privy to
Privy to Italy and France's rejection
Privy to the gag
Prix de ___ de Triomphe (
Prix fixe offering
Prix ___
Prize after missing first place in a bit of sporting endeavour
Prize article for one returning bird’s coat
Prize article mostly secure in box, perhaps
Prize at the Barcelona Ol
Prize awarded at the Koda
Prize book received by Christmas
Prize boxer gets hit hard
Prize bull's a bit big
Prize certain to be given after short walk
Prize chicken perhaps that's quickly produced for money
Prize claimed by retro setters
Prize crossword compiler needing oxygen intake after cycling
Prize cup, maybe
Prize dog not right after run out
Prize draw
Prize fight with commercial setting
Prize fighting in our era
Prize fighting restricted by bill
Prize flower over centre of pattern
Prize for Coronado
Prize for lad keeping books
Prize for last place
Prize for last place?
Prize for Paganini
Prize for Page or Cage
Prize for second place
Prize founder
Prize given to one song that’s depicted heartless greed
Prize highly
Prize in a popular game s
Prize in Cracker Jacks, e
Prize in the ad biz
Prize led school astray
Prize money
Prize money wife has left for a spell of cricket
Prize of the Nibelung
Prize presented to aforementioned boy with a bow
Prize public house within ancient city
Prize rams in new enterprises
Prize seeker
Prize setter trotting around ring
Prize since 1928
Prize since 1949
Prize stone cut with edge of blade
Prize televised on MTV
Prize that Pirandello won
Prize that, surprisingly,
Prize toad has broken bone
Prize top chicken, cow
Prize tree and fertiliser
Prize tree that's on hand
Prize won by Einstein and
Prize won by Obama and Ca
Prize won by Roosevelt, W
Prize-endowing Swedish chemist
Prize-winning students of
Prized blankets
Prized caviar
Prized clam
Prized example of peer pressure at the start
Prized fungus
Prized fur
Prized game fish
Prized horse
Prized mushroom
Prized ones
Prized Pacific salmon
Prized pieces of information
Prized positions
Prized possession of 50-A
Prized salmon
Prized statuettes
Prized violin, briefly
Prizefighter is sure rib is cracked
Prizefighter La Motta
Prizefighting prize
Prizegiver putting book in Christmas wrapping
Prizes for a winning jock
Prizes for manicurists?
Prizes for Tommy Tune
Prizes for top atletas
Prizes for video producti
Prizes since 1949
Prizm maker
PRNDL pick
Pro about to go on stage finds agent
Pro at balancing
Pro at completing schedul
Pro at protection
Pro at the bar on two beers, drinking gallons
Pro athlete's apparel?
Pro baseball level ... or
Pro bono
Pro bono clinic offers sandwiches on the turn
Pro bottles shot in deep trap
Pro Bowl org.
Pro Bowl site
Pro campaigners
Pro card player's inspired about project
Pro cultivating trees?
Pro establishment bringing jam round at 4
Pro esteemed
Pro fighter
Pro foe
Pro follower
Pro Football Hall of Fame
Pro Football Hall-of-Fame
Pro football team based i
Pro football's Bald Eagle
Pro footballer turned con
Pro golfers' circuit
Pro greats Jackson and Wh
Pro I forewarn’s to become a captive
Pro in briefs?: Abbr.
Pro in the sticks
Pro is in Fontainebleau initially surveying woodland
Pro might, abandoning civil engineer
Pro mounted a chimney in compound
Pro nosegays being distributed in grubby café
Pro or con
Pro or con, in a debate
Pro performer
Pro pitchers
Pro runs in pack — flanker?
Pro runs, restricted by recent wound
Pro shop bagful
Pro shop item
Pro side
Pro sports team that move
Pro succeeded with reconfiguration and ran accessory for Mac?
Pro team whose mascot is
Pro team with a horseshoe
Pro team?
Pro tennis regulars in charge of the courts
Pro vote
Pro vote in a French refe
Pro votes
Pro with books
Pro with golf ball to accept losing
Pro wrestler Flair
Pro wrestling move
Pro wrestling with medal for a prize
Pro wrestling's "Raw ___"
Pro ___
Pro ___ (acting)
Pro ___ (for now)
Pro ___ (for one's countr
Pro ___ (like some lawyer
Pro ___ (like some legal
Pro ___ (one way to divid
Pro ___ (perfunctorily)
Pro ___ (perfunctory)
Pro ___ (proportionate)
Pro ___ (proportionately)
Pro's foe
Pro's opposite
Pro's remark
Pro's rival
Pro, informally
Pro, qualified, bagging English penalty
Pro- or con-
Pro-centralising politicians - figures not in charge
Pro-cheese movement of concern to the Greens?
Pro-Church of England pos
Pro-gun org.
Pro-gun rights org.
Pro-independence Scottish political party founded in March
Pro-PC idiot's not half arsy - protection needed for chair
Pro-Second Amendment grp.
Pro-slavery Northerners,
Pro-war sort
Pro-___ (some tourneys)
Proactiv treats it
Proactive pair opening company?
Pro’s small instrument
Probability pioneer
Probable race losers low
Probably hash I inhaled - I'll look
Probably have this after striptease class
Probably hypocritical to stock earliest of tomes on saints
Probably will, after "is"
Probably will, circumstan
Probate court concerns
Probationary period not unknown in quintet
Probe (into)
Probe deep inlet
Probe digger fording a river
Probe excessively, intermittently moving up
Probe fashionable expedition
Probe into criminal intercepting personal ID
Probe persistently
Probe, with "into"
Probes go round it and go under it
Probes without warning place threats on board
Probing farm animal, point injected into swine with a sharp instrument
Probing vote, ethics watchdog needs these
Problem - children
Problem about hot space for edible fungus
Problem about marketing, eg for Greens
Problem about pet entangled in partition
Problem addressed by a dr
Problem after retirement home has very old woman collecting tax
Problem after soggy food given to old retarded animal
Problem arising in Glamorganshire
Problem arising with contrived sequel - it's supposed to be entertaining
Problem around heroin, with opportunity to shoot up
Problem at exclusive scho
Problem – broken tooth
Problem – hangover symptom
Problem backing the French — quite without oomph — in raunchy US show
Problem badly affected taps
Problem brewing artisan beer
Problem caused by stream with river further down
Problem caused by too much solar exposure
Problem child? More than one!
Problem children
Problem clues like this will be good after exercise
Problem contributor to blog - time to be banned?
Problem contributor to blog, first of trolls to be suspended
Problem created by monarch introducing tax? The opposite
Problem drinker
Problem drinker, e.g.
Problem during convalesce
Problem eater: Var.
Problem eating pastry up in a layer
Problem ending
Problem ending?
Problem faced boarding middle, getting on back of bus
Problem failing at first to cause discomfort
Problem fixable with a co
Problem for a "maniac"
Problem for a crane opera
Problem for a deejay
Problem for a dentist
Problem for a grain farme
Problem for a horticultur
Problem for a lawn mower
Problem for a suited-up d
Problem for a sweaty-hand
Problem for all to see inflames back
Problem for athletes affected covering run
Problem for driver scrambling to reverse
Problem for lispers
Problem for long-haul traveller let loose in expensive car
Problem for one who's tra
Problem for poultry farmer who's getting on?
Problem for reader – that's right – in English school
Problem for reader English tutor grasps OK
Problem for river navigation
Problem for Sneezy?
Problem for the Shanghai
Problem for wizard, this being the case at times
Problem from not moving county’s quarry output
Problem getting old Times supplement?
Problem getting ring off
Problem getting scene of WWI battle in order
Problem gripping Rex in a state
Problem I can have to begin with raising delinquents
Problem if there's no ring for 10
Problem in 8 for possibly blocking sound of 25?
Problem in a plane cabin
Problem in a rising display of hostility
Problem in America backing hostile stance
Problem in an alley
Problem in area backing hostility
Problem in centre of Saint-Denis covered in paper?
Problem in closing?
Problem in focusing, for
Problem in grade school
Problem in historical rec
Problem in perceiving my work is awful at the outset
Problem in photographing US flight arriving early
Problem in pirouettes after a bad feeling
Problem in public transport when going round part of town
Problem in the defense li
Problem in the joints
Problem involving credit leading to melée
Problem involving United's showboater
Problem keeping bishop in part of one's group
Problem linked to CFC's
Problem needing solution originally, let me think
Problem of island swathed in shade
Problem of knotted ropes
Problem of the middle age
Problem of the stomach li
Problem over a style of wresting
Problem over contact sport
Problem over short outrageous heading
Problem part being discussed
Problem possibly caused by theologian in anger
Problem raised about outfield isn't surprising, given this many errors?
Problem seeing or hearing what’s needed for Roman eleven
Problem ship coming into sound
Problem solver runs with force inside to cause trouble
Problem supporter in east restrained by immobilising device
Problem swapping sources of suitable covering?
Problem that grandma had
Problem that’s as much as you can grasp?
Problem to be overcome
Problem to the rear? Hurry round rear of van
Problem walking I had, that’s clear
Problem ward, is this
Problem when spiteful female comes round for gossip
Problem while getting cle
Problem with a craft going around island
Problem with a fishing li
Problem with a reggae-style drumbeat
Problem with a sebaceous
Problem with an old 45
Problem with an old sofa
Problem with area housing the Spanish source of caviar
Problem with computers etc? Face criticism
Problem with eyeliner
Problem with failing, one's fragile
Problem with German missing top meeting
Problem with glasnost, oddly, recalled
Problem with hives
Problem with lighting installed in grand church
Problem with male film director
Problem with novel after cover's bent back
Problem with photography in wine centre?
Problem with pipes
Problem with smalls filling up well
Problem with this Roman vessel
Problem with tight shoes
Problem with vision producing fall
Problem with water runs is in old umbrella covering daughter
Problem with World War I battle citation
Problem with wrestling, nothing less
Problem, nuisance
Problem-laden chores
Problem-solver's headgear?
Problem-solving advice ap
Problem-solving husband with foreign coins in London area
Problem-solving research
Problematic car
Problematic construction
Problematic mark of success is penned by left hand
Problematic situation involving power following European sovereignty
Problematic spirit
Problematic; spiny
Problems - difficulties
Problems addressed by pod
Problems after man leads navy round very hot part of England
Problems aired here — such as pain associated with spine?
Problems and difficulties
Problems created by hot reactions
Problems due to too many coaches etc dog almost half of XV
Problems exist over European exchange programme
Problems filling hole up where land slopes
Problems for disabled access? Assist disabled with care
Problems for orators
Problems for parents
Problems heading off getting ready for Moscow trip?
Problems in editions?
Problems in electronics for starters causing confusion
Problems in synchronizati
Problems in the early stages
Problems initially advanced at talks
Problems re ''abstainers'' getting drunk
Problems to be solved? English Queen leading countries without leader
Problems unloading weight on large trucks
Problems with an argument
Problems with boss - hard ones to describe
Problems with horse on board ship
Problems with hose or other firefighting equipment
Problems with joints and the rum as I'm losing control
Problems with kids and spouses primarily
Problems with theories
Problems, problems
Problems? Man's accommodating each involving father
Procedure for a burn vict
Procedure for rejecting an antique settee left uncovered outside
Procedure held up by involuntary movement of the eye
Procedure in a paternity
Procedure in course credits discussed
Procedure over involuntary movement of the eye
Procedure part
Procedure to agitate film-maker?
Procedure ultimately no good — read out words of warning
Procedure: Abbr.
Procedures: Abbr.
Proceed (from)
Proceed after grace
Proceed against
Proceed at great speed
Proceed clumsily — you fall behind, reversing at speed
Proceed effortlessly
Proceed furtively
Proceed haltingly
Proceed inside frightful haunt, familiar place
Proceed nonchalantly
Proceed on horseback in American territory
Proceed on one leg
Proceed proudly
Proceed quickly with opening of gin bar
Proceed slowly
Proceed slowly and don't start to take risks
Proceed so as to avoid ra
Proceed to accept unhappy end?
Proceed to stop after last of wild crashes - that's a bit of luck
Proceed unrestrained
Proceed unsteadily round bed, muffling soft sound
Proceed via sharp turns
Proceed with a game plan
Proceed with difficulty when airship fails to start
Proceed with fifth maths problem maybe after class
Proceed without a game pl
Proceed without advance planning
Proceed without notes, sa
Proceed without pause, wanting, for example, to take legal action
Proceed without the help of others
Proceed without the words
Proceeded along the tarma
Proceeded arrogantly
Proceeded casually — risked losing the lead
Proceeded further than ex
Proceeded slowly
Proceeded to argue like Siamese twins?
Proceeded with caution
Proceeding as planned
Proceeding easily, at las
Proceeding from the general to the particular
Proceeding in a court
Proceeding independently
Proceeding like a lob
Proceeding slowly
Proceeding thus
Proceeding well
Proceeding without thinki
Proceedings in a court over one charged
Proceeds boldly
Proceeds cautiously
Proceeds cautiously as model returns, embracing unconventional poet
Proceeds east, entering residential area of Newcastle
Proceeds falteringly
Proceeds from event finally attributed to composer?
Proceeds here and there
Proceeds legally against
Proceeds smoothly
Proceeds to fix set price
Proceeds with new replacement for 4th piece of jewellery
Proceeds without a pause to accommodate house guests - on the contrary
Process 10 witnesses at island satellite circles?
Process associated with s
Process by which one cell
Process by which someone is forced to move out
Process food, good in various diets
Process for making rock, a fatal day used up thinking
Process for re-use
Process hides most of President's petulant display
Process in a blender
Process increasing jet engine thrust
Process involving illegal
Process of arranging gold treasury share
Process of assimilating something that's charged on summary account
Process of becoming smaller
Process of bringing ideas or events together in one's memory
Process of childbirth
Process of conciliation involves Charlie (drug)
Process of doing something
Process of erasure
Process of extending a subscription or licence
Process of finding staff
Process of flowing
Process of gaining knowledge
Process of giving birth
Process of gradual assimilation
Process of grooming and d
Process of increase
Process of learning something gradually and without effort
Process of making level
Process of molecular synt
Process of mountain build
Process of nature by whic
Process of renewal
Process of rubbing out
Process of running an organisation
Process of soaking up
Process of summation
Process of summing
Process of teaching
Process of throwing out
Process of turning
Process of twisting
Process of unconscious assimilation
Process of wear
Process of wearing away
Process of wearing down
Process server
Process that repeats itself
Process to extract metal gave off noxious fumes
Process to obtain iron perhaps gave off foul fumes
Process, as ore
Process, in a way, as doc
Processed cereal for breakfast, perhaps
Processed grain etc, providing food
Processed meat from old sheep given to setter
Processed vegetables
Processes, as ore
Processing of ferric oxide, ultimately more intense
Processing time unit: Abb
Procession Democrat organised about first of October
Procession Democrat organised round Ohio's capital
Procession heading off for monument
Procession of cars
Procession of cars round Democrat on the move?
Procession of figures not unknown in part of Ireland
Procession of riders
Procession of schoolchildren
Procession of vehicles carrying politicians, e.g.
Procession where heart broken by 24?
Procession with European team in ancient city
Proclaim appearance of politician in real-time
Proclaim loudly
Proclaim noisily
Proclaim one's allegiance to America
Proclaimed flamboyantly
Proclamation wrongly cited
Procrastinate when it's time to get up
Procrastinating words sou
Procrastination, though not in a funny set of pictures
Procrastinator's aid
Procrastinator's catchwor
Procrastinator's comeuppa
Procrastinator's comment
Procrastinator's credo for devotee?
Procrastinator's mantra
Procrastinator's pick-up
Procrastinator's problem
Procrastinator's promise
Procrastinator's refrain
Procrastinator's reply
Procrastinator's response
Procrastinator's shopping
Procrastinator's time of
Procrastinator's word
Procter & Gamble bar
Procter & Gamble best sel
Procter & Gamble brand
Procter & Gamble cleaner
Procter & Gamble detergen
Procter & Gamble hair-car
Procter & Gamble laundry
Procter & Gamble soap
Procter & Gamble's first
Proctor & Gamble soap
Proctor seen unexpectedly in part of Westminster Abbey
Proctor ___ (small applia
Proctor's announcement
Proctor's call
Proctor's charge
Proctor's need
Proctor-___ (small appli
Proctored event
Procure a person to secure sex? I don't think so
Procurers snatching right tarts up!
Prod about masculine post
Prod by female failed to deliver clear message
Prod gently
Prod men to interrupt offensive opera
Prod naked figure holding Gorgon’s head
Prod to do something
Prod weakling, one out in white bloomers
Prod with a finger
Prod with the elbow
Prodded gently
Prodded into retiring
Prodded, with "on"
Prodder's cry
Prodding to action
Prodigal son first to talk about breaking regressive law
Prodigal son immersed?
Prodigal son to hang former head of state
Prodigal son writer initially disowned, before the short break
Prodigal son's covering this as well
Prodigal ___
Prodigious; marvellous
Prodigy alternative, for
Prodigy competitor, for s
Produce (a sigh)
Produce a coherent whole
Produce a drug with value - finally on street
Produce a faint image of
Produce a lower type of offspring
Produce a new version of a document
Produce a regular throbbing sensation
Produce again
Produce an abridged version of Chaucer - current volume retained
Produce an egg
Produce and present
Produce army officer's short note
Produce art on copper, e.
Produce attack to seal game
Produce baby animal
Produce bake with light crust and a very soggy bottom!
Produce batik
Produce beads, perhaps
Produce books devoured by grumpy old woman
Produce buckle
Produce bypassing a Mediterranean island
Produce charged particles and celebrate topless
Produce charged particles in
Produce crosswords
Produce cut when Pence intervenes
Produce DNA sequence with speed
Produce drawers
Produce duds
Produce erotic stimulation? It’s not good in art gallery
Produce example Nectar card – store review all terms
Produce flowers
Produce food from damaged crate
Produce for show
Produce from central Umbria and Oviedo
Produce from Year One regularly peeled
Produce game, one wrapped in pink paper
Produce hippie attire
Produce hurriedly, with "
Produce in a reactor
Produce information on deserter found in the middle of Leek
Produce literary work fit to broadcast
Produce litter
Produce milk
Produce more veg than what pokes out of the ground
Produce new animal and slice it up, say
Produce of bees
Produce offspring
Produce preserver
Produce problem children
Produce profound effect with "I am a reporter"
Produce progressive irrit
Produce protection
Produce repeatedly
Produce shoots
Produce some combinations
Produce something new? Instinctive to retain old version
Produce strains
Produce that is left in yard
Produce the toys for building minister up, mate!
Produce this with nothing visible in dark? Possibly one will
Produce variation on a theme Antonin Dvorak starts? Stupid
Produce whip
Produce wind audibly
Produce young
Produce, as heat
Produce, generate
Produce, provide
Produce; give way
Produced (an egg)
Produced a lot of revolutionary dry wine
Produced a low, sullen feeling, we hear
Produced a tinkle, inverted and low
Produced an egg
Produced by crossbreeding
Produced by humans (hyph.)
Produced by living organisms
Produced cheese from the east
Produced doctrine about Advent's limits
Produced eggs
Produced farmyard noises, incorporating common vulgarity ultimately - this?
Produced fiction
Produced fire in small space, getting warm type of light
Produced from milk
Produced German wine entertaining one unmarried French girl
Produced lie: Eddy reeled
Produced money, we hear
Produced no more
Produced positives and negatives when treated as a celebrity, going topless?
Produced wind to sound rude
Produced without chemicals
Produced wriggly eel in cake!
Producer De Laurentiis
Producer for 50 Cent, fam
Producer for David Bowie
Producer of 2 metre long English pants?
Producer of a big acciden
Producer of a colorful ri
Producer of a distress ca
Producer of a famous laug
Producer of a mental imag
Producer of a piercing lo
Producer of alcoholic spirits
Producer of blood cells
Producer of Bond cutting introduction: it's rotten
Producer of Chardonnay or Chablis?
Producer of coins
Producer of columns, for
Producer of counterfeit cash, say, ready to go in Gloucestershire village
Producer of drone group of spies used to trap villain
Producer of Eazy-E and Em
Producer of filth? River, lakes - unfortunately true
Producer of fine threads
Producer of fine yarn is hit in US city
Producer of high and outs
Producer of hits
Producer of huge shock is electric - and yet shocking!
Producer of keys? Not for Ghanaians
Producer of light opera, perhaps primarily about Lima, playing around Lima
Producer of light sailing dinghy
Producer of lts.
Producer of many fragranc
Producer of musical scores? Yes!
Producer of notes originating on back of envelope
Producer of oil? None, as it happens
Producer of red or white?
Producer of shooting star
Producer of simple chords
Producer of smash hit by Jackson family (group's first)
Producer of some beads
Producer of some dishes
Producer of stories like
Producer of sweat and tea
Producer of sweet message
Producer of sweet stuff could make one rise with fury and anger
Producer of the Keystone
Producer of wall flowers?
Producer of workplace reg
Producer who discovered a
Producer's resentment about return of a bishop
Producer/director ___ Mac
Producer: Abbr.
Producer’s question over millions invested in sound being insufficient
Producers favour this character, say, in comic film
Producers of green eggs
Producers of major report
Producers of scuff marks
Producers of serpentine dreads?
Producers of some bold wo
Producers of some shorts:
Producers of some storage
Producers of sunbows
Producers of wall flowers
Producers' fears
Produces cartoon films, returning without energy or staying-power
Produces piece in seconds
Produces text, we hear, about donkey in part of book - major life events
Produces; originates
Producing a reasonable amount of money
Producing a result
Producing as a result
Producing book and associated activity, we hear
Producing bullets?
Producing calm sort of music left, right and centre of cafeteria
Producing coal
Producing great mirth
Producing groans, maybe
Producing light
Producing many creative works
Producing more chills
Producing some clouds
Product associated with t
Product at a gas station
Product based on e.g. a film or series
Product checkers
Product designed to benefit from the success of another
Product encased in red wa
Product enjoyer
Product first used commer
Product from, for example, both sides of gonads
Product I slipped into beautiful girls' drinks
Product identifier
Product in a 1982 recall
Product in an orange box
Product in mint condition
Product in whose ads Jame
Product introduced by 7-D
Product introduced by a N
Product introduced in 190
Product label abbr.
Product line
Product lines?
Product list
Product made by Armor All
Product made with yeast
Product man on board has son put on head
Product manufacturer, at
Product of a Canon/Wurlit
Product of a Chrysler/Kra
Product of a Dr. Scholl's
Product of a Krispy Kreme
Product of a Lanc
Product of a mold
Product of a pot still
Product of a Serta/Louis
Product of a solution
Product of a Weight Watch
Product of acid reaction settled around lake
Product of an evil regime?
Product of bees
Product of Berlin
Product of Bethlehem
Product of Bordeaux
Product of combustion
Product of conception
Product of cows from meadow yonder? Not entirely
Product of cross-fertilisation
Product of crying
Product of dehydration
Product of erosion
Product of evaporation
Product of ewe's milk
Product of fatback
Product of flax plant
Product of Gilbert, heading off with it
Product of glacial erosio
Product of hunger
Product of infected tissue
Product of la Jama
Product of mine, light and strong - the second one's superfluous for Americans
Product of plant making unconventional weapons
Product of pressed fruit
Product of sifting
Product of some relief pi
Product of Sweden
Product of the mountains
Product of the press?
Product of three equal numbers
Product of two primes
Product on sale just before Christmas maybe to become less successful?
Product once advertised a
Product once advertised w
Product once harbored in
Product once pitched by B
Product once pitched by G
Product once pitched by P
Product once pitched with
Product once touted with
Product originally called
Product package abbr.
Product package info
Product pitched by Michae
Product pitchers
Product pitches
Product placements
Product promoted as havin
Product recipient's surpr
Product sample's invitati
Product sold in spray can
Product stamp
Product stolen by courier
Product usually used at n
Product whose ads feature
Product whose name lost i
Product with a circular r
Product with a rotating b
Product with a secret sau
Product with earbuds
Product with the old jing
Product with three heads
Product with TV's first a
Product, primarily, in nut tree fluid
Product-pitching cow
Production company's dogsbody
Production for people of a certain age
Production from a well
Production in a given per
Production of issue relaxed (though excluding the French place, we hear)
Production of network or
Production of Verdi opera ultim­ately given new character
Production part
Production problem
Production site chief
Production studio device
Production team?
Productive element in electric heater
Productive farmland
Productive hen always held in both hands
Productive one
Productive part of a factory?
Productive source
Productive story needs no introduction
Productive work
Products at a charcuterie
Products for music downlo
Products of a subarctic f
Products of gamma rays
Products of glaciation
Products of Hammond
Products of Indian looms
Products of la t
Products of planning
Products of some "mills"
Products of wood ashes
Products once pitched by
Prof's deg.
Prof's place: Abbr.
Prof. 'iggins
Prof. Brainard of "The Ab
Prof. helpers
Prof. Lidenbrock of Verne
Prof.'s degree
Prof.'s helpers
Prof.'s posting
Profane brat promises to achieve redemption
Profane girl lacking seriousness
Profane sentence newspaperman holds up
Profane to remove heart from heavy chest
Profane, defile
Profane? Second nature, unfortunately, when Charlie’s involved
Profanities (and a hint t
Profanities as naughty child draws across middle of frieze
Profanity from guru admitting constant anger
Profanity, e.g.
Prof’s post has nothing for a group of singers
Professed East German deposing sensible leader
Professeur's concern
Professeur's place
Professing virtues one does not have
Profession in the media
Profession of both Chekhov and Zhivago?
Professional and devout person, highly thought of, completely overcome
Professional artist beginning to tutor amateur in proportion
Professional association has a thing for cowboys
Professional baritone upset one being tried out
Professional brings in editor: a Spaniard?
Professional charge
Professional charges
Professional companion
Professional cook
Professional dancer or singer
Professional dancer?
Professional discharged
Professional driver
Professional entertainer
Professional entertainer's tits are fake
Professional female companion for Japanese men
Professional filmgoer
Professional first-aider
Professional funny man
Professional grp.
Professional grp. with it
Professional grps.
Professional headgear
Professional helper, for
Professional helpers, bri
Professional hitter from Edinburgh dismissed - bowled out
Professional indoor court
Professional instrumentalist
Professional journalist from Central Europe?
Professional judge
Professional killer
Professional life history
Professional light bulb p
Professional misconduct
Professional musician
Professional org.
Professional org. since 1
Professional org. with a
Professional org. with th
Professional outfit
Professional performer: I start dancing, beginning to entertain
Professional pitcher
Professional pitchers
Professional prefix
Professional provider of food etc
Professional representative
Professional revealed spiritual knowledge in forecast
Professional reviewer
Professional reviewer of literature, art, drama or music
Professional rider
Professional roof worker
Professional rubber?
Professional runner?
Professional running service at a loss?
Professional salesperson’s alternative spelling for animal feed
Professional school hurdl
Professional secrets
Professional shooter, bri
Professional soldier’s uniform
Professional speedster
Professional study on temperature is supported by model
Professional suffix
Professional tried hard after losing the lead
Professional truck driver
Professional version of Windows once placed in box, say, for sending back
Professional who may wear
Professional with an apro
Professional with an x-ra
Professional with education degree asked searching questions
Professional with many co
Professional woman’s old stipulation
Professional women's fashion style, designed to project authority
Professional working to conserve plastic figures in preliminary discussion
Professional wrongdoing
Professional's camera, fo
Professional; advantage
Professionally qualified cleaner wants stool picked up
Professionally, I say pinch boil to get better
Professor 'iggins
Professor 'iggins, to Eli
Professor Borg in Bergman
Professor Corey
Professor entertaining the old dean
Professor Higgins, to Eli
Professor Hill
Professor Lupin in Harry
Professor Marvel in "The
Professor Moriarty, for o
Professor on board joined dive
Professor on board with Eccles beginning to take plunge
Professor Plum's game
Professor plum?
Professor retired from regular work
Professor says "Ax wielde
Professor says "Equine re
Professor says "Qualifyin
Professor says "Stocking
Professor shares unopened gifts
Professor ___
Professor's goal
Professor's leave
Professor's lectures likely to offend
Professor's milieu
Professor's most important fundamental truth
Professor's privilege
Professor's prize
Professor's protection
Professorial attire, perh
Professorial material?
Professorial position?
Professorial sinecure?
Professorial work
Professorish news anchor?
Professors World Peace Ac
Professors' degs.
Professors' environs
Professorship of Prosthetic Hairdressing
Professorship, e.g.
Professzor Rubik
Proffer bait
Proficient - expert
Proficient in
Proficient people
Proficient person
Proficient testament to benevolence
Proficient; handy
Proficient; skilful
Profile of Conservative leader travelling from place to place
Profile of naughty wives I'd ultimately like to go through
Profile on a 19
Profit about to go up
Profit by Republican in rebellious mood being guest of Tea Party
Profit from
Profit from performance delivered by soldiers
Profit from popular event split by Greer evenly
Profit greatly in contest, keeping in shape?
Profit share
Profit's opposite
Profit, return
Profit-and-loss calculato
Profit-seeker’s hat, the thing in front of a catalogue
Profit-sharing enterprise
Profitability, for a busi
Profitable and extremely resolute venture I am arranging
Profitable data cut in France once
Profitable extraction
Profitable farm produce
Profitable hostilities with Dutch essential to troubled reign
Profitable job student hasn't started
Profitable source of energy promoted in America, oil perhaps
Profitable source that includes cold type of meat
Profitable spring's exhausted
Profited from Labour supporting Liberal intellectual
Profited from sunshine? Notice what comes in spring time
Profited, having prepared for terrorism
Profiteer has no problem in case of uproar
Profiteer's vice
Profiteers from
Profiting from every version of film shot with gloves on?
Profits concerning performers
Profits from a venture
Profits from spiking drinks with Adderall, primarily
Profits from this unsold merchandise?
Profits initially grow, following record company
Profligate expansion’s ending French city
Profound cut ultimately derailing a small hospital
Profound gap year stops sailor getting to ship
Profound indignation not in fashion
Profound rejection after initially stimulating drug
Profound respect
Profound songs for gig, not at all poppy?
Profound transformation
Profoundly immoral
Profs' degs.
Profs' help
Profs' helpers
Profs' helpers, for short
Profs.' helpers
Profuse - ruthless
Profuse bleeding
Profusely dodgy housing contract? Take it if you want!
Profusion of bakery product served during a social
Prog rock band upset Ms Hird sounding a bit like INXS
Prog rock band wanting second album to sound like Howling Wolf?
Prog. Cons. opponent, in
Prog. Cons. rival, in Can
Progenitor concealing eye colour
Progeny: Abbr.
Prognosis Meg put about, being spreader of rumours
Prognosis to support male clearly discontented
Program airing
Program allowing access to internet pages
Program and webpage contain nothing relevant
Program begun under F.D.R
Program begun under Kenne
Program blocker
Program carriers
Program cartel developed is retail vehicle?
Program coordinator?
Program distributor
Program executors, for sh
Program file extension
Program file-name extensi
Program for accessing the internet
Program for future leader
Program for getting clean
Program for kicking a hab
Program for navigating the Internet
Program for sobering up
Program getting attention is to be published
Program guide abbr.
Program holders
Program in Excel - to begin with it can ease the pain
Program instruction
Program instructions
Program interrupter, brie
Program interruption
Program introduced by R.W
Program listing
Program location containing nothing suitable
Program of variety acts
Program offerer
Program on which pundits
Program participant
Program particular
Program problem
Program problems
Program promoters and evaluators
Program sending unwanted emails
Program that displays how to interact with a computer
Program that sends unwanted emails
Program to convey false impression about recording dish
Program to take pain from running initially? I'll have anything for a quiet life
Program until 1966
Programme airer, with "th
Programme announcing cast away over Christmas
Programme dropped with Christmas broadcast
Programme employed in Copenhagen daily
Programme I turn over outside room
Programme information in commercial article
Programme of a serial
Programme of entertainment
Programme of studies
Programme on small child
Programme on TV that may support the Speaker
Programme one element of education to lure trainee
Programme oven, maintaining limit
Programme that's about peas, and about what's in the middle of whistles
Programme where celebrities interviewed
Programmed factory worker to steal books
Programmer's output
Programmer's work
Programmers finally put in extra code
Programmers scored after rescheduling
Programmers' writing
Programmes to include tune arranged for string players
Programming class locale,
Programming command
Programming language
Programming language lacks a first qualification
Programming language that
Programming language, something secure and managed
Programming problem
Programming tool created
Programs, briefly
Progress blocker
Progress by large jumps
Progress easily in Disney zone?
Progress hampered by setter repeatedly leading to deadlock
Progress has been satisfactory up to now
Progress impeder
Progress impeders
Progress in good school
Progress in negotiations
Progress little by little
Progress loan of money
Progress preventer
Progress slowly
Progress smoothly
Progress through life
Progress too slowly
Progress unsteadily
Progress was visualised for one garden tool
Progress with amorous overtures?
Progressing at speed
Progressing beneath street
Progressing on board?
Progressing sequentially
Progressing slowly in new, boring work of Chinese philosophy
Progressing while it's wet on Pen-y-ghent?
Progressive - car dial
Progressive - open-handed
Progressive Alliance restricts meat?
Progressive artist involved in false reporting
Progressive elements of the British proletariat criticised socialist
Progressive Field team, o
Progressive finished university
Progressive group starts to attract support round city in Texas
Progressive increase in prices
Progressive increase of delight about regular social appearances
Progressive party for card players
Progressive splitting outside in-patient lavatory?
Progressive worsening
Progressively move heart of British comic writer
Progresso product
Progresso products
Prohibit a clone being developed in this city
Prohibit an American fruit
Prohibit bombs, the ultimate in senseless folly
Prohibit domesticated, tailless fowl
Prohibit giving publicity to old writer
Prohibit going either way in crossing
Prohibit indirect moves to control temperature
Prohibit individual from coming to pub? I might!
Prohibit Mr. McMahon from
Prohibit part of garden? Yes
Prohibit section of cartoon film about a European city
Prohibit working peer
Prohibited a bishop entering as well
Prohibited Australian outlaw tailed by group briefly
Prohibited by law
Prohibited custom
Prohibited group of Nicaraguan rebels?
Prohibited group of rebels?
Prohibited practice
Prohibiting drink
Prohibiting new red bra leads to, invariably, no good
Prohibiting report about pub that’s turned up
Prohibition — one sent to outhouse is ostracised
Prohibition covering some tropical tree
Prohibition enforcers, in
Prohibition in abundance in state capital
Prohibition of alcohol sa
Prohibition of financial institution? Not entirely
Prohibition of make-up by government? Exactly
Prohibition of public activity during certain times
Prohibition on headgear for fowl
Prohibition on very loud Canadian resort
Prohibition opener
Prohibition popular with non-drinker hiding assorted cider
Prohibition restricting entitlement a lot at sunrise?
Prohibition restricting member, one working in pub
Prohibition ___
Prohibition ___ (1920-33)
Prohibition, e.g.
Prohibition-era barroom
Prohibition-era offering
Prohibition: having three in charge
Prohibition: Var.
Prohibitionist's foe
Prohibitionist’s contribution to demo?
Prohibitionist’s effort reduced limits to Society support
Prohibitionists would lik
Prohibitions covering drug runners, say
Prohibitions for Junior
Prohibitory words
Prohibits importing European haricots?
Prohibits; pubs
Proj. begun in 1984
Project (a film)
Project acquiring lead price comparison website
Project against ICBM's
Project begun by the empe
Project Blue Book subj.
Project Blue Book subject
Project close to failure: sacking may come from it
Project closing?
Project conclusion?
Project detail, for short
Project entertaining porky playgirl?
Project finished, needing change in the middle
Project for the morning after?
Project for viewing - conceal from harm
Project generating a safe steady return
Project involving son only
Project love and females run away
Project Mercury objective
Project on English fibre
Project particular
Project to end in multiple sacking, potentially
Project to secure site of battle
Project without the band,
Project worker under notice becoming military aide
Project wrap-up?
Project's end?
Projected onto a screen
Projected thing
Projected vain image
Projectile - backfire
Projectile launcher
Projectile shot over president's party
Projectile taking top off mound
Projectile, originally lost, is in the sea
Projectiles for weapons
Projecting bay window
Projecting bay window - Oxford college
Projecting bit of archite
Projecting boss
Projecting course with appreciative exclamation
Projecting edge
Projecting edge of a roof
Projecting edge on a roof
Projecting front
Projecting moulding
Projecting mountain ridge
Projecting part
Projecting part of a fortification
Projecting parts
Projecting piece of land
Projecting piece of wood
Projecting pin
Projecting ridge
Projecting rim on a pipe
Projecting surface
Projecting underwater ridge
Projecting well out of the box?
Projecting window
Projecting windows
Projection at a letter's end
Projection behind and above a horse's hoof
Projection booth items
Projection creator
Projection for family that's viewed as 1 in 17
Projection from First Lady inspiring American society
Projection of cartilage in the neck
Projection of sentimental stuff suiting the nobs?
Projection on a toothed wheel
Projection room items
Projection to the east end of a church
Projection, maybe
Projection, which could produce a headache with part exchange
Projectionist's apparel?
Projectionist's target
Projectionist's task of o
Projectionists' needs
Projections on some globe
Projector items
Projector load
Projector part
Projector unit
Projects for beavers
Projects, in a good way
Proletarian aspiration of 10?
Prolific 14 scorer (like this American one)
Prolific Asimov
Prolific auth.?
Prolific detective sounds like he could become gloomy
Prolific egg layer
Prolific in French, occasionally and in German
Prolific Italian composer
Prolific patentee
Prolific poet?
Prolific poster heartlessly lying about plans again
Prolific scorer from Down Under in auction?
Prolific suspense novelis
Prolific writer on calcul
Prologue follower
Prolong note at start of Requiem, having a pedal problem
Prolonged affectionate embrace
Prolonged and angry reprimand
Prolonged artillery fire
Prolonged attack
Prolonged blasts of flatus repelled male degenerates
Prolonged complaints
Prolonged distressing experience
Prolonged event, enthralling plays wanting a little new content
Prolonged fuss
Prolonged harassment
Prolonged hug
Prolonged mutual hostility
Prolonged pain
Prolonged quarrel
Prolonged reprimand
Prolonged separations
Prolonged shortage
Prolonged start of hibernation gently refreshed bears
Prom accessory
Prom activity
Prom apparel
Prom coif
Prom couples
Prom date
Prom dress material
Prom figure
Prom needs
Prom night rental
Prom night tradition
Prom night transport
Prom night transportation
Prom night wheels
Prom night worry
Prom partner
Prom queen props
Prom rental
Prom rentals
Prom transports
Prom wear
Prom, say
Promenade in accordance with law
Promenade over water
Prometheus Society altern
Promgoer's buy
Promgoer's rental
Promgoer's worry
Promgoers' car
Promgoers, e.g.: Abbr.
Promgoers, typically: Abb
Promgoers: Abbr.
Prominence of disputed territory indicates Blair got far
Prominence on a tooth
Prominent 1988 Bush campa
Prominent British gentile misrepresented
Prominent Chihuahua featu
Prominent choppers for US capital force
Prominent constellation
Prominent couple
Prominent cubist
Prominent D.C. lobby
Prominent dachshund featu
Prominent donkey feature
Prominent donkey features
Prominent economist defending very accommodating model's principles
Prominent Edsel feature
Prominent fashion name
Prominent feature about a container restricted for Italian tipple
Prominent feature from the Left?
Prominent feature larger than normal in Tyneside
Prominent feature of Drac
Prominent features of 'dandy champers'
Prominent features of a "
Prominent features of Alf
Prominent figure to first of royal children put up with Queen
Prominent foreigner in the way
Prominent foreigner seen in street
Prominent giraffe parts
Prominent grocery chain
Prominent location to bui
Prominent Manhattan sight
Prominent media member
Prominent melody
Prominent member of the Johnson family
Prominent name in South K
Prominent northern constellation, the Swan
Prominent ornament I put in last
Prominent part of a dachs
Prominent part of a Grouc
Prominent part of a Nixon
Prominent parts of a Geor
Prominent performer owned vessel touring East
Prominent player
Prominent rabbit features
Prominent rock on a hill
Prominent rounded hill
Prominent schnauzer featu
Prominent scientist, not a German mug
Prominent shoe seller
Prominent stars in conste
Prominent statement in court lacking power
Prominent street captivates outsider
Prominent toucan features
Prominent tower
Prominent tower, for shor
Prominent tuft of hair
Prominent U.S. mayor
Prominent Victorian dancing ladies, one entertaining Queen
Prominent, intemperate speech in favour of the Underground?
Prominently displayed item’s role’s tied up with deals
Prominently featured
Prominently publish odds on disgraced Swiss official losing face
Promiscuity of Miss getting over love with head
Promiscuous babe producing baby with this?
Promiscuous champion probing cryptic clues
Promiscuous dormice breed disregarding cold – it's exaggerated
Promiscuous gents possibly used to get naked
Promiscuous girl in fleece, one out of control?
Promiscuous type embracing navy chap who's hopeless
Promise and such, in brie
Promise breaking taxman
Promise broken by Paul's wife in budgie smugglers, perhaps?
Promise drama and witty repartee
Promise from a prolific w
Promise from Sunday Sport
Promise fun as one route to 3
Promise leads to halting puzzle
Promise not to be unfaithful again?
Promise not to use top shelf
Promise of a good hotel?
Promise of a sort
Promise of partnership after politician displays desire
Promise of power, large advantage
Promise on a patient pros
Promise Personal Assistant position
Promise place on Fringe
Promise place with advantage
Promise product
Promise quiet entertaining Cambridge University author
Promise short red skirt at last
Promise small children claiming attention a puzzle
Promise son to be in
Promise that case will introduce precedent?
Promise that's amazing: first wife gets half-cut
Promise to abstain from alcohol
Promise to be quiet throughout
Promise to hem edges of teenage clothing item
Promise to include perhaps Milton Keynes's last regressive therapist
Promise to install a shower and boiler part?
Promise to keep a hold of extremely tense jumper
Promise to leave rugby goal in grass
Promise to limit one rent’s rising in support of local area?
Promise to marry
Promise to marry criminal at brothel
Promise to marry female replacing each line in partnership
Promise to marry little woman, admitting corruption
Promise to orbit large and small planets
Promise to orbit large planet
Promise to participate
Promise to pay
Promise to protect harbours in Nike's domain
Promise to put piano on shelf
Promise to put shelf behind piano
Promise to repair
Promise to repay accepted by a class outraged about lustful behaviour
Promise to retain latitude for globe
Promise to scrub top shelf
Promise to support development of what will enshrine Conservative slogan
Promise to take edge off blade
Promise to train sportsman, maybe
Promise to use bad language
Promise to welcome terribly wary dramatist
Promise unwilling head's not kept
Promise with certainty
Promise without really delivering, at first
Promise(!) regulars in nick big day out keeps on coming round
Promise, e.g.
Promise, for one
Promised choice of two or three headings
Promised land
Promised Land of the Israelites
Promised one
Promised place, commonly equivocated
Promised to abandon place with borders
Promised to deal with nasty Kent odour
Promised to give up
Promised W-H-E-A-T
Promises have produced too much stress
Promises made by politicians as I foment revolt
Promises royalty has regularly ignored
Promising a fishy with head removed
Promising bad weather as reported by The Times?
Promising book fair
Promising characteristic of heartless lady
Promising crisp commercial due to collect Oscar
Promising girl full of dynamic energy
Promising good things
Promising individual shot unarmed cop
Promising one
Promising person
Promising proposal
Promising site
Promising start to a marr
Promising Stokes will replace Anderson at first is questionable
Promising support, promises to support it
Promising time
Promising to hold retreat, initially after a series of prayers
Promising words
Promising; reddish-pink
Promissory note
Promissory note imbued with a delicate blue - whatever next?
Promissory note in a casi
Promo CD's
Promo container that's a
Promo pro
Promo, of a sort
Promo, perhaps
Promos for covers of rubbish Britpop band put first
Promotable piece
Promote (an idea) widely
Promote (development)
Promote advertisement about taking part in election
Promote an album, possibl
Promote – stopper
Promote big-time
Promote cheer around centre of Montevideo
Promote cultivation of vegetable Great Britain’s neglected
Promote Delaware and Maine repeatedly as all the same in Paris
Promote development of giant site
Promote development of New Forest
Promote excessively
Promote foreign drama about novelist
Promote Government department's territory
Promote growth of civilisation
Promote happy class
Promote in order to get out of he way
Promote lie when spinning large media illusion
Promote mushy peas to nurse
Promote one's business, m
Promote potential partner's report on latest developments
Promote rebel after American intervention
Promote retro technology, in hostile environment
Promote smoked ham, perhaps, or game
Promote supporter, having an opening
Promote team though one short at breaks
Promote the development of
Promote variety of vegetables, but not garlic, shallots and broccoli to begin with
Promote, encourage
Promoted (an idea)
Promoted after firm’s sudden success
Promoted best place
Promoted by firm for masterful move
Promoted clubs occupying one ground argued indiscriminately
Promoted enthusiastically — as was Louis Armstrong's music?
Promoted in the end, you chattered idly
Promoted over a woman, like Rees-Mogg
Promoted partner after demerger dealt with new organisation
Promoted recent way of abbreviating a list
Promoted team's benefit
Promoted, as a pawn
Promoter and mentor keeping Egyptian leader right
Promoter backs it through unfavourable run
Promoter of an idea
Promoter of diet, say, in the forefront
Promoter of Paris?
Promoter playing spoons with head of recording
Promoter travels by ship, it's said, to island
Promoter; funder
Promoters ... or a descri
Promoters of activity
Promoters of health resort show influencers here
Promoters of health spa finally stop
Promotes distributing sedatives across river
Promotes eradicating source of Government benefit
Promotes professional assistant attached to IT supremo
Promoting after-hours activity of teachers around Eton — not on
Promoting English with plausible nonsense
Promoting harmony
Promoting peace
Promoting toilet humour ultimately, Paul regularly immature
Promotion about to be held by politician, rash type
Promotion featured in biography, perhaps
Promotion gets date to drink tots
Promotion involves salary increase for flatterer
Promotion of article supporting ancient city in EU country
Promotion of MP with rent-free accommodation
Promotion of peace
Promotion? No - leave it out!
Promotional activity ready to go for Alcatraz?
Promotional body’s tune is revised to accommodate singer
Promotional campaign adju
Promotional description
Promotional event not providing a meal
Promotional gift of loose cheese? Right out of it
Promotional guff
Promotional industry replacing content of billboards in part of South Dakota
Promotional item
Promotional material - run charged item identifying godlike entity
Promotional material could be more shrewd
Promotional overkill
Promotional praise
Promotional sending of postal items
Promotional statement on a book's dust jacket
Promotional words
Promotional words on a book jacket
Prompt (2 wds.)
Prompt - impel
Prompt about catching one on dope, aiming for a better race?
Prompt action ultimately inspired by one quote
Prompt agent to cross river from the south
Prompt brief mention in performance
Prompt car to wait in line, audibly
Prompt delivery
Prompt English journalist to probe possible traitor
Prompt giver
Prompt heartless attack
Prompt I had to repeat, covering actor with confusion
Prompt I miss, wasteful
Prompt idea for processing Maine silk
Prompt in securing book 8?
Prompt in studio as traffic jam reported
Prompt indication of future trends in financial reporting?
Prompt legal disputes about detaining smuggler without foundation
Prompt letter, by the sound of it?
Prompt maths registration set up
Prompt move to Vietnam, avoiding north
Prompt on day off
Prompt report of traffic jam?
Prompt statement of deferral all ignored
Prompt to back her playing game (the first of many here)
Prompt to include large hint
Prompt to overlook good sculpture?
Prompt to receive posh noble
Prompt to secure right place for foot
Prompt willingness
Prompt's read out lines
Prompted college to replace verb in request by director
Prompter action
Prompter's whisper
Prompter, if traffic jam reported?
Prompters' utterances
Prompting Judge to override start of recording
Promptly abandoned in Athlone
Promptly forward after that trouble
Promptly; speedily
Promptness prompter
Promptness, eagerness
Prompts for action
Prompts on answering mach
Prone or prostrate
Prone or supine
Prone or supine?
Prone to 9?
Prone to acne, say
Prone to an outburst against rough calico around neck opening
Prone to be standing up to with determination
Prone to begin fast late
Prone to chuckling
Prone to complaining
Prone to dishonesty
Prone to dishonesty?
Prone to disturb zho on trail
Prone to fidgeting
Prone to freckles
Prone to gas?
Prone to gossip?
Prone to hold Arab in a separate area
Prone to lose rights, supporting a renegade
Prone to mood swings
Prone to pique
Prone to prosecute, hiding fix
Prone to take legal action
Prone to utter abuse
Prone, racing, to go to topless
Prone. possibly, to be retailing pork pies?
Prong of a fork
Pronged tool
Pronghorn antelope habita
Pronoun designation: Abbr
Pronoun following a prepo
Pronoun for Miss Piggy
Pronoun for Pliny
Pronoun in a "Concentrati
Pronoun in a Hemingway ti
Pronoun in a wedding pled
Pronoun in the starts of
Pronoun not in the king's
Pronoun the writer felt out of place, penning start of sonnet
Pronoun to which a slash may be added
Pronoun with "sommes"
Pronounce "for example"
Pronounce a leading H
Pronounce an "r" like a S
Pronounce – complete
Pronounce clearly
Pronounce indistinctly
Pronounce not guilty
Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
Pronounced 'basic', as ship will be before sailing
Pronounced lordly customs, such as those at Kew engage in?
Pronounced part of body is unwanted
Pronounced piggy pull
Pronounced poverty will irritate
Pronounced retail angle to be greedy
Pronounced rhythm, in mus
Pronounced sorrow with board game where finance dictates policy
Pronounced wickedness, very curious in place of worship
Pronouncement of 10 14 covered by 1 in 4
Pronouncement of a royal act leads to pedestrian complaint
Pronouncement of courts for followers of religion
Pronouncement of growth dismissed, for sure
Pronounces clearly
Pronounces poorly
Pronouncing short word for heart drug
Pronouncing the sibilant in "epigrams"
Pronunciation difficulty
Pronunciation guide std.
Pronunciation indicator
Pronunciation key represe
Pronunciation mark
Pronunciation of a word, such as ’it for 'hit' - plot lost tag
Pronunciation symbol
Proof annotation
Proof checker; lecturer
Proof closer
Proof ender
Proof ending
Proof finale
Proof goof
Proof impudence repelled you once
Proof letters
Proof of a base immorality around hideout
Proof of competence? Officials won't have tons
Proof of English navy hacking innovative device
Proof of location in Bali bivouac
Proof of ownership
Proof of ownership? Doctor deleted it
Proof of payment
Proof of payment made
Proof of purchase
Proof of qualification
Proof of saint's transfiguration in balance
Proof of wanton tartiness
Proof of who one is
Proof one didn’t commit a crime
Proof one's passed hummus, say, all of meal regularly put away
Proof one's settled right round westward part
Proof part
Proof part, sometimes
Proof place
Proof provider
Proof that a "Jersey Shor
Proof word
Proof's end
Proof, say
Proof, so to speak
Proof-ending abbr.
Proof; testimony
Proofer's bane
Proofer's mark
Proofers' catches
Proofreader’s retraction
Proofreader's "leave it"
Proofreader's "reinstate"
Proofreader's asset
Proofreader's instruction
Proofreader's mark
Proofreader's notation
Proofreaders from Prague?
Proofreading abbr.
Proofreading mark
Proofs of age, for short
Proofs of purchase, often
Proofs of purchase: Abbr.
Proofs, say
Prop at a Christmas music
Prop essentially practises his sport in street
Prop for a ball scene
Prop for a magician's tri
Prop for a Marx brother
Prop for Doug Henning
Prop for Groucho Marx
Prop for Picasso
Prop for Quasimodo
Prop for Salome
Prop for Santa
Prop for the Acad. Awards
Prop for Winston Churchil
Prop in "Siegfried"
Prop in a Wild West show
Prop in slapstick
Prop on "The Price Is Rig
Prop saving lock
Prop up
Prop up ill-prepared boxing student
Propaganda technique intr
Propaganda, often
Propane explodes, theoretically
Propane holder
Propel (a canoe)
Propel a bicycle
Propel a boat
Propel a canoe
Propel a shell
Propel in a high arc
Propel oneself in water
Propel with oars
Propel, in a way
Propelled a boat
Propelled a canoe
Propelled a lifeboat
Propelled a shell
Propelled boat and floated, heading off
Propelled by a finger
Propelled in a high arc
Propelled like a Mediterranean war galley
Propelled like a rowing boat
Propelled, as a gondola
Propelled, as a raft
Propelled, in a way
Propeller holder, perhaps
Propeller shape
Propeller: article cast in gold
Propels a dinghy
Propels a shell
Propels shells
Propels, in a way
Propensity to become dishonest
Proper and good
Proper artist tries out position of 5 here
Proper athletics event
Proper attachments for watering flowers
Proper attitude when time has passed for agreed period of exchange
Proper behaviour
Proper behaviour regarding environment when absorbed by percussion instrument
Proper ceremony announced
Proper choice at junction?
Proper contest shortened
Proper English throne overturned from long ago
Proper journey down mountain maybe without first sign of snow
Proper Liberal went first and fought for his honour
Proper lines outside a school
Proper mess in front field
Proper moisture on the air
Proper name in Masses
Proper outfit to go with odd hats?
Proper recession grips financial district
Proper relationship
Proper retreat soldier backed put in place again
Proper screens an element of bronzing - catching rays?
Proper setting for further allotment
Proper shock female being fired
Proper sign used for initial stages of public voting
Proper strategy to go after answer immediately
Proper time for a little music
Proper time for a piece of music
Proper to accommodate a Trojan king
Proper to give island most valuable assistant?
Proper to impound a car
Proper to shield singular source of spectral effects
Proper to welcome a Trojan king
Proper treat organised for responsible individual
Proper tune I chat about
Proper wages for unhelpful official
Proper way to behave in B
Proper words
Proper Yankee stove
Proper ___
Proper's partner
Proper, appropriate
Proper, before start of party, to preen
Proper-sounding form of service
Properly aged
Properly arranged
Properly briefed like an artist's model?
Properly deals with after
Properly deserved
Properly filed
Properly in touch with the situation
Properly pitched
Properly spoiled with lots of cash
Properly supplied
Properties built by Scottish island resident in rocky strait
Properties of 19 rivers
Properties of a space that determine how sound is transmitted
Properties of cars
Properties of underwear that will inspire cuddling
Properties split among people in 1117
Property - tea set
Property after a default,
Property agreement invalid as I'm three!
Property assessment
Property attachment
Property claim
Property claim along the
Property claims
Property divider
Property document
Property document: hint of trouble it conveyed about river
Property documents
Property encumbrance
Property encumbrances
Property found in toilet at Selfridges returned
Property in European country
Property in fact lacking in India
Property in Spain changes when roof comes off
Property last on terrace, say
Property law topic
Property lawyer's concern
Property lists alternative to split loaves?
Property loan
Property loan agreement
Property manager?
Property marker
Property negotiator
Property of a clich
Property of housepets?
Property of informal talk on telephone
Property of polygons
Property of some numbers – remove pairs and one remains
Property of the Orient Express
Property of trees in meadows: healthy inside with sun
Property overseer
Property receiver
Property receiver, in cou
Property receiver, in law
Property receivers
Property receiving new approvals
Property recipient
Property recipient, at la
Property recipient, in la
Property recipient, legal
Property recipients
Property rental period
Property renter
Property right
Property rights one’s displayed in glass
Property securing a loan
Property securities
Property seller
Property specialist - negate taste
Property taken back
Property taxes
Property that costs $350
Property that could be stripped
Property title
Property transferor
Property transferrer
Property value
Property way out of Lima close to forest
Property with a mansion
Property's rent rising with gas on top
Property, English, say
Prophecy giver
Prophecy warning actors
Prophecy, part 2
Prophecy, part 3
Prophecy, part 4
Prophecy, part 5
Prophecy, part 6
Prophesier of disaster
Prophet almost died, drenched in water
Prophet Amos esteemed, to some extent
Prophet and pilgrim the French sent to heaven
Prophet and priest rejected religious pilgrimage
Prophet born in Bethlehem
Prophet captured by Grandma Moses
Prophet dashing first set of tablets?
Prophet establishing a church in African nation
Prophet grasping complex metaphor is transformed
Prophet in jail? He's upset!
Prophet in Latin version's with God in spirit
Prophet in South Africa fried pastry
Prophet interrupted by new scornful remark
Prophet of a second coming before end of Christmas
Prophet of doom
Prophet of I and II Kings
Prophet of Thebes, struck
Prophet raised an awful stink
Prophet repelled an intrusive smell
Prophet second on played rather badly
Prophet seen in chapel is harmless
Prophet taking his son back is looking older
Prophet tucked into South American snack
Prophet who anointed Saul
Prophet who predicted the
Prophet who prophesied th
Prophet whose name means
Prophet’s manners showing a change of heart
Prophet's body brought back
Prophet's reading
Prophet's wife, one splitting tree with axe's leading edge
Prophet's wish
Prophet, character finally appearing in time
Prophet, upset about me blocking some work, appears again
Prophet’s written about French nobleman as a corrupting influence
Prophetess caught when god takes beach
Prophetess is reflected by lake
Prophetess of Greek myth
Prophetess of legend
Prophetic figure
Prophetic recent letters dis­patched from nuclear reactor meltdown
Prophetic shrines
Prophetic sign
Prophetic significance of fictional captain's return
Prophetic signs
Prophetic text in final letter going into East European port
Prophetic work something held by public speaker I see!
Prophets accepting nationalist's contemptuous remarks
Prophets of doom fabricated star's mail
Prophylaxis target
Propitiatory gift
Propitiatory present
Propitious start for government in African country
Proponent of nonviolent p
Proponent of strong gover
Proportion found in peroration
Proportion grasped by adroit artist, looking back
Proportion of allowance not finished
Proportion of speech discovered?
Proportion shown as harangue avoids extremes
Proportional relation between two numbers
Proportional representation given in three figures?
Proposal Athens rejected in part, sad to say
Proposal defeated in 1982
Proposal fig.
Proposal killers
Proposal made for unusually wrapping iron
Proposal of sex mostly without chemistry
Proposal one before court entered in flawless film
Proposal Open University engineers
Proposal parameters
Proposal response
Proposal that uses titanium in satellite
Proposal to block trade nailed when terribly drunk
Proposal to clothe artist in interwoven fabric
Proposal to put short leather strip in front of dress shirt
Proposal to show one's bum around upset relations
Proposals to tour one flat country
Propose a date to
Propose a date with
Propose a trip round capital of Vietnam
Propose as a candidate
Propose as an explanation
Propose at a meeting
Propose bill supported by Liberal European
Propose carrying Times article, subject to official charges
Propose docking of iPad?
Propose for discussion
Propose for election
Propose kicking bishop's butt
Propose model prisoner for exchange
Propose movement forward
Propose new brewery worker makes waste disposal unit
Propose new packaging area, with a staple for the box
Propose pill if not getting rest ultimately
Propose removing roof from farm building
Propose that trousers neuter when extremely tightly fitting
Propose the Spanish cricketer returns
Propose to maiden on return, clutching ring
Propose, then curl up together by serving unit
Proposed "fifth taste," w
Proposed as a candidate
Proposed famous vampire’s victim should be incarcerated
Proposer is Shaker’s companion?
Proposer of scientific theories, initially in job
Proposer's prop
Proposes time in New York being entertained by Madness singer
Proposing eco-friendly links, to some extent?
Proposing one time over jewellery
Proposing, perhaps
Proposition - set us going
Proposition assumed to be self-evident
Proposition earth mother prepared to embrace
Proposition from Frenchman, then married in the country
Proposition from Mike after love-filled word of comfort
Proposition from those folk holding Scandinavian capital
Proposition in maths
Proposition in maths or logic
Proposition is following article on sun
Proposition left a married French woman taken aback
Proposition made by Greek boy concerning end of term?
Proposition those people to accept output of quarry
Proposition to be proved
Proposition toff with mournful tone
Proposition, slangily
Proposition, very above board
Propositioned general, a little uneasy
Propositions those desperate to introduce rock band
Propositions: obvious temptations? Not initially
Propped open, perhaps
Proprietor adds rent for skilled weaver
Proprietor in Bow further over the hill?
Proprietor of a sort
Proprietor of an eating establishment
Proprietor of farm, say, left warden no alternative
Proprietor with ace houses? Right
Proprietor worn out, locking store, finally
Propriety after month nothing strange
Propriety from last month - it represents nothing strange
Propriety of conduct
Propriety requires new code — bottom less than totally visible!
Props in a Schwarzenegger
Props in ancient Greek ar
Props up Marx reportedly propping up leaders of Soviet Union
Propulsive force
Pros and cons
Pros and cons explained succinctly at first
Pros at increasing profit
Pros at projecting
Pros or cons, e.g.
Pros who practice
Pros' opposite
Pros' opposites
Prosaic concern, not on law
Prosaic English studio edited
Proscholastic org.
Prosciutto di ___ (Italia
Prosciutto, often
Proscribed: Var.
Proscriptions necessitate
Prose garbage, rewritten for the stage?
Prose piece
Prosecute - Vulcan is to be an informer
Prosecute a criminal in a place far away
Prosecute a drugs cheat
Prosecute at law
Prosecute light infantry pulled up for obstruction
Prosecute little girl
Prosecute retired doctor arrested, put on board coach
Prosecute to restrict member that's lying
Prosecute union leader in Home Counties
Prosecuted over small bit of skunk? Go on!
Prosecutes comedians snorting drug
Prosecution witness, mayb
Prosecutor breaks plaything now
Prosecutor going into betting system, up till now
Prosecutor on TV standing up for courts
Prosecutor with impassive face, a silk
Prosecutor's burden
Prosecutor's presentation
Prosecutor, at times
Prosecutors' undeniable arguments
Prosecutors, briefly
Prosecutors, for short
Proselytizer's target
Prosodic foot
Prosodic pauses
Prospect for gold in the country
Prospect for the future
Prospect having 1000% growth at the start must have hit supply partner
Prospect of finance company being charged with theft at last
Prospect of finding gold in Central American country
Prospect of girl coming between Dad and Mum
Prospect of the drink running out - wives each getting stuck in
Prospect of this isn't half depressing - could be better!
Prospect of thug securing nothing satisfactory
Prospect of travel document consuming time
Prospect; attitude
Prospecting bonanzas
Prospecting find
Prospective employer's re
Prospective husband
Prospective partner harbouring grudge, ultimately leading to huge waste
Prospective water carrier, quarter-pint, she said
Prospector's aid
Prospector's dreams
Prospector's filing
Prospector's find
Prospector's interest
Prospector's need
Prospector's prize
Prospector's quest
Prospector's strike
Prospectors' receptacles
Prospects for a New York
Prospects of play?
Prosper — not, say, going backwards
Prosper having kept shilling in chest
Prosper in good school
Prosper initially over in lodge
Prosper? Not, say, when retired
Prospering ones
Prosperity after most of bank issue
Prosperity supplies a barrier to restrict disease
Prosperity: a barrier to limit bug
Prospero’s daughter
Prospero's daughter
Prospero's dukedom
Prospero's servant
Prospero's servant in "Th
Prospero's spirit
Prospero's Spirit - Disney's Little Mermaid
Prosperous container business
Prosperous peasant farmer in pre-Stalinist Russia
Prosperous people from North America given two shillings
Prosperous period
Prosperous periods
Prosperous place
Prosperous Russian peasants knuckling under, looking after kind Soviet leaders!
Prosperous time
Prosperous times, informa
Prosthesis setter's placed at front of factory
Prosthetic leg's easy to replace
Prostitute allowed back in temporary accommodation
Prostitute who protected
Prostitute with uninitiated person performing task in bed
Prostitute's position when US President enters
Prot. denomination
Prot. or Cath.
Prot., for one
Protagonist bound for Mor
Protagonist in Kerouac's
Protagonists drug gutless enemies
Protagonists in "Star War
Protean spirit of record spinner in Islington area
Protect (something) against loss
Protect against wild speculation
Protect and care for lovingly
Protect from bugs
Protect from harm
Protect from impact
Protect from the air, in
Protect from, eg, heat
Protect home with safe
Protect in a cover
Protect lady suffering old reptile
Protect nurse: mum concerned with nursing home
Protect offspring of hound by taking son inside
Protect one who wrongly accepts tokens of commitment?
Protect oneself from loss from hard border
Protect small moorland plant river washed away
Protect son in custody? One incarcerated
Protect the "Kiss From a
Protect theologian imprisoned by old king
Protect two companies, one briefly
Protect with a dike
Protect with a vaccine
Protect with an earthwork
Protect, as freshness
Protect, as with plastic
Protect, in a way
Protect, in a way, with "
Protect; hide
Protected against loss or damage
Protected and paid to be free of bugs within?
Protected animal
Protected area
Protected area of land
Protected area student found in dojo
Protected areas
Protected beast
Protected bird
Protected building again, restoring order (covering of earth)
Protected by a climber, one was in contention
Protected by law
Protected by levees
Protected by metal
Protected by relative, one goes after rogue element
Protected chap had to bring in trees
Protected church — provide walls
Protected customers sounded off endlessly about goods? Quite the opposite!
Protected for battle
Protected from danger
Protected from demolition, like Pisa's tower
Protected from harm
Protected from prying eye
Protected from the elemen
Protected from the sun
Protected from the weather
Protected from the wind
Protected images, for sho
Protected journalist following abuse over article
Protected sheepdog, not one of bright colour
Protected state bird
Protected the king, in a
Protected wildlife
Protected, as a surgeon's
Protected, as an estate
Protected, as from diseas
Protected, as the feet
Protected, at sea
Protected, in a way
Protecting all but American showing disrespect
Protecting dress, mother getting on rubber glove
Protecting goalie's job
Protecting nothing, Thatcher set out to be ruinous
Protecting spirit
Protecting the earth, driver perhaps in leafy area
Protection a European’s given to soldiers from another continent
Protection against chills
Protection against dripping tea, carrying one to drink
Protection against kids worn by a big chicken
Protection against noise
Protection against rain
Protection against risk
Protection against rustli
Protection against smeari
Protection against tamper
Protection against water left beside the ocean
Protection around grass
Protection for a boat's h
Protection for a fairy-ta
Protection for an American series of games
Protection for Pel
Protection for refugee
Protection for some I.R.A
Protection for someone on
Protection for the malign
Protection for the royal
Protection from a storm
Protection from bugs
Protection from cold
Protection from decay and drugs surrounding one
Protection from enemy fir
Protection from extremely aggressive soldiers
Protection from glare for winter sporters
Protection from hackers initially going in hard with us, possibly
Protection from influenza, eg isolation
Protection from loud noise
Protection from one small measure with agreement
Protection from solar radiation
Protection from sunlight certainly possessed in centre of Greece
Protection from the sun?
Protection from tree held by these cut and half-cut
Protection from turbulent bull market - almost losing grand
Protection granted to political refugees
Protection in bed? That's old hat
Protection in the city?
Protection provided by English and American soldiers
Protection provider
Protection say accepted by road workers ultimately
Protection secure, fellow made out
Protection used before the French strike fundamentalist part of America
Protection with strings attached
Protection, backing
Protection, for example, hiding iron shirt
Protection: Var.
Protection; maintenance
Protection; trophy
Protections from criminal frauds eg on appeal
Protective agcy. since 19
Protective armor over the
Protective case
Protective clothing in airport area
Protective coat a Parisian youth put back round tongue?
Protective coating putting stop to poisoner
Protective cover
Protective cover cold sailor put on end of oars
Protective cover for joint
Protective cover for outlaw or gangster
Protective cover helps heat house centrally
Protective cover Queen got from prime minister
Protective cover started, securing line
Protective cover that's f
Protective cover?
Protective cover? There’s audible demand for that
Protective covering
Protective covering - could be for 5D, by the sound of it
Protective covering being worn after 30 days
Protective custody
Protective ditch
Protective envelope
Protective equipment for cricket
Protective eyelet
Protective eyewear
Protective finish on motor vehicle fittings
Protective footwear
Protective garden structu
Protective garment
Protective garment being worn after thirty days
Protective garment needed by chap in a forest
Protective garment some initially make fun of
Protective garment worn over ordinary clothes
Protective garment’s key for entering wood
Protective gear
Protective glasses
Protective guard in residence
Protective hat
Protective headgear
Protective helmet worn by jockeys
Protective item, article inclined to be cut
Protective lattice
Protective lid
Protective lotion with newspaper put on TV
Protective mailer
Protective material, designed to cool, won’t
Protective mechanism ensures triumph against dangerous opponents
Protective membrane
Protective one’s maintaining alternative line
Protective outer garment
Protective overlays
Protective panel behind sink or cooker
Protective paper
Protective part of a trun
Protective plastic sheet
Protective plate supports gemstone
Protective protrusion
Protective ring German field marshal left out in posh car
Protective screen placed in position around most of royal family
Protective screen thrown round lake
Protective secretion found in the gut, nose, throat and lungs
Protective skin cream
Protective spirit?
Protective structure's sound guarding French island
Protective wall
Protective wear an essential part of Inca's quest
Protective wear clashes
Protective wear for airbo
Protective wear for lobst
Protective wear in a high
Protective wear, more than a couple of lines
Protectively covered
Protector from hot dishes
Protector of Io
Protector of sailors, by
Protector of some canines
Protector of the dead, in
Protectors from splats
Protectors of Peru
Protects against rust
Protects, as pots
Protege maker
Protein acid
Protein acid, for short
Protein acid, informally
Protein bean
Protein book now available at bookshop?
Protein building block
Protein building block, f
Protein building blocks
Protein components
Protein excess seen regularly
Protein from milk
Protein from the beans of a plant of the pea family
Protein hormone
Protein in blood
Protein in body once developed to limit rising bile
Protein in hair and nails
Protein in skin, nails, etc
Protein in wheat
Protein in wheat grains
Protein in wheat initially needed to support muscle
Protein present in wheat
Protein produced by cells that acts as a biochemical catalyst
Protein source
Protein substance - nut gel
Protein substance acting as a catalyst
Protein substance from cereal grains that gives elasticity to dough
Protein unit
Protein-producing substan
Protein-rich bean
Protein-rich food for one struggling with weight?
Protein-rich legume
Protein-rich paste
Protein-rich plant
Protein-rich seed
Protein-rich vegetable
Protest — Conservative rotter is a US politician
Protest - excitement
Protest about being trapped in blooming railway!
Protest about method of travel
Protest about the president? My goodness!
Protest and say, with outline of scowl, "I'm in pain!"
Protest article's purpose
Protest before leader of bishops put out of action?
Protest British post-war activity?
Protest by artist in court in Cleveland?
Protest cry
Protest ending in prison for villain
Protest formally
Protest gone bad?
Protest Hoskins making comeback in work
Protest ignited by institute concerned with ruin
Protest in no uncertain t
Protest is about money
Protest leader
Protest long and loud
Protest march
Protest march about renegade politician?
Protest monster originally received in post
Protest music pioneer
Protest of a sort
Protest over bass split up the band
Protest over bishop - something happening at end of service
Protest over nationalist bogeyman
Protest sign
Protest singers led by Conservative politicians
Protest strongly (against)
Protest strongly (at)
Protest that eventually d
Protest that gets out of
Protest turned around by union that's already there
Protest using a string of placard emojis
Protest vehemently seeing island in Canaries redeveloped
Protest with roughly fifty in total
Protest's afoot: start singing!
Protest, at which action directed
Protest, of a sort
Protest: gather it is audible?
Protestant advocating total immersion at a christening
Protestant archbishop's first proscription overturned - past it sadly
Protestant church members
Protestant denom.
Protestant first to go by the way
Protestant followers of a German theologian, d. 1546
Protestant in row in sultanate
Protestant opposed to Northern Ireland ever joining a united Ireland
Protestants making sign going around province
Protested against extremely elegant fabric
Protested against factory material
Protested event
Protester did wrong breaking into vehicle behind back of school
Protester starts to experience regret after a month
Protester when head of state appears at end of month
Protester's medium
Protester's ploy
Protester's tool, maybe
Protesters aim to overpower soldiers finally
Protesters run into border territory
Protesters' ammo
Protesters' cries
Protesters, sometimes
Protesting hotly
Protesting members entering America
Protesting strongly
Protesting the pro-tester
Protesting vehemently, Pam ruins rambles
Protesting vigorously
Protestor seeking 6's encouraging shout for Beyoncé?
Protestors posted outside a building during a strike to encourage others not to go in to work
Protests on the go when food is not available
Protests over British planes storing up carbon
Protests spread, our opium regularly being returned
Protests, of course, with it being ridiculous
Proteus and Nereus
Proteus and Valentine, fo
Proteus's domain, with "t
Proto-helicopter designer
Proto-matter from which t
Protocol laboratories will show fellow worker
Protocol using one greenhouse component to grip the other
Protomatter of the univer
Proton - one is a neutron?
Proton or electron
Proton's place
Protons' places
Protracted contortion of leg and toe
Protracted rant
Protractor measure
Protrude over centre of green fibrous plant
Protruding belly
Protruding from the surface
Protruding navel
Protruding rock
Protruding stomach
Protruding tooth
Proud arrogance
Proud citizen in threesome, dropping trousers
Proud cry
Proud diatribe in favour of the Underground
Proud now — unexpectedly getting a fall?
Proud one’s
Proud to
Proudly accompanying the ambassador on a date, kept getting excited?
Proudly show off row of shops
Proust only occasionally finding time for sexual activity
Proust reinterpreted produces mental dullness
Proust title character
Proust's "___ Way"
Proust's character is weak, going in opposite directions
Proust's works: a Christmas tradition?
Prov. bordering Hudson Ba
Prov. bordering Mont.
Prov. east of New Brunswi
Prov. on Atlantic Time
Prov. on Hudson Bay
Prov. on Niagara Falls
Prove a Bachelor of Arts may be at a premium
Prove a sun exploding could make this
Prove aunt is best at rambling
Prove durable
Prove it
Prove it!
Prove lacking
Prove setter perhaps can be best in class, eventually
Prove successful
Prove superior
Prove superior as cleric filling bucket
Prove the truth of
Prove to be false
Prove to be false or incorrect
Prove to be mistaken about American behind contracts
Prove to be successful
Prove to be true when party's leader falls
Prove vase nicked by hawker
Prove wrong
Prove wrong potato perhaps has been sent back
Prove wrong to get out of bed?
Prove; exhibit
Proved beyond doubt niece with VD must get treatment
Proved guilty
Proved pleasing
Proved to be false
Proved to be quite a pose
Proved to be right
Proved to be the case
Proved to be wrong
Proved trustworthy
Proved valid, in a way
Proved wrong
Proven by experience
Proven expert said to welcome head of research
Proven genuine
Proven to work
Provençal savoury paste
Proverb ending?
Proverb featuring a mild oath from the east
Proverb from the Christian era
Proverb not meant to be r
Proverb used by head, a gentleman
Proverb, for example, popular and good
Proverb, saying
Proverb: all disbelievers are generally evangelic at the front
Proverb; old saying
Proverbial battlers
Proverbial brickload
Proverbial certainty
Proverbial drinker outside pub is European
Proverbial drinker with yen for rum
Proverbial heirs
Proverbial heptad
Proverbial inheritors
Proverbial loser
Proverbial madman on tail of nervous wreck
Proverbial misuser of apostrophes
Proverbial payee
Proverbial pig container?
Proverbial portion
Proverbial prevention por
Proverbial risk of being too proud to need paying
Proverbial saver of nine,
Proverbial start of great
Proverbially American food item
Proverbially bald aquatic bird
Proverbially clingy mollusc
Proverbially dead birds
Proverbially greedy seabird
Proverbially newsworthy i
Proverbially plain handle of a weapon
Proverbially rare stuff
Proverbially reticent marine mollusc
Proverbially slow moving mollusc
Proverbially smooth advocate?
Proverbially still water
Proverbially stubborn animal
Proverbially stubborn beast
Proverbially thick piece of wood
Proverbially, brass can be found beside this
Proves aggravating
Proves durable
Proves false and won't take son out for tea, we're told
Proves human
Proves otherwise
Proves smarter than fools at Brasenose?
Proves to be a stiff chal
Proves what exhibitor does
Provide (an opportunity)
Provide (for)
Provide (for), in a sched
Provide (with)
Provide - flexibility
Provide a conclusion that’s painful!
Provide a detailed account of old money
Provide a gun for, maybe
Provide a list I compiled partially based on worthy principles
Provide a piece cut from irregular material
Provide a seat for
Provide a segue for
Provide a steer around European broadcaster? That takes some brain
Provide a theory about extinction
Provide a university friend with news every 12 months
Provide address given by old judge
Provide an address
Provide an autograph
Provide an invitation for
Provide another view of answer with another briefly covered
Provide base, where entry of new leader would provide emphasis
Provide better weapons for military at back, munitions at the outset
Provide bits of information to first of defendants after court charge
Provide comfort to
Provide commentary
Provide courses for
Provide cover for places around India swamped by river
Provide disc to correct software problem without lead for laptop - if it crashes it could be disastrous
Provide e.g. food
Provide eg food
Provide endless bottles with whipped cream
Provide entertainment and sport with dire TV ...
Provide European with gag
Provide evidence for
Provide evidence for a tutor’s first examination
Provide excessively favourable conditions down under?
Provide feline companion for Queen
Provide flexibility
Provide food
Provide food and drink
Provide food and support — grub
Provide food and support for butterfly larva
Provide food box after taking down recipe
Provide food for event
Provide food for many
Provide food for Oscar - in rush unfortunately
Provide food initially to everyone boarding railway carriage
Provide for
Provide for free, informa
Provide for, as a party
Provide fresh air
Provide funding for
Provide funding for track skirting quarters
Provide funds for
Provide gorilla skin clothing for Jackson?
Provide gratis
Provide grub, but not support
Provide header for forward with team back on top
Provide help seemingly biased against fools?
Provide information in French repeatedly about match?
Provide joint for Bacchic ritual in which cocaine is consumed
Provide justification
Provide kit for
Provide liquid sustenance after hours when performers enter
Provide material for Beethoven duet
Provide military men an opening
Provide milk for lost cat recently found outside
Provide money for
Provide money to pay (a cost)
Provide money, enough to keep daughter
Provide more details
Provide more of drink, holding favourite item back
Provide more weapons
Provide new equipment robber picked up
Provide objective Brussels promoted
Provide on-line joke?
Provide online joke?
Provide party food
Provide physical or mental relief - satisfy
Provide physical relief
Provide pizazz
Provide place for retirement or escape
Provide pro tem
Provide sample of body fluid in hospital
Provide someone with the facts of the case
Provide space as required
Provide sparingly
Provide storage for forag
Provide summary review of leader in field
Provide support for a foreigner reported to be drunk
Provide surprise reception, literary, involving mulled wine - excellent
Provide sustenance in food, stopped by man who ruined cutlery
Provide temptation for one coming in to play cricket
Provide the commentary for a film, for example
Provide the money for
Provide the spread
Provide too much weaponry, making such a delivery?
Provide unusual trace
Provide waffle right before I carve up pâté sandwiches
Provide weapons
Provide weapons for Royal Marines following note
Provide what's missing
Provide with a blind date
Provide with a hideout, p
Provide with a new soundt
Provide with a new supply of weapons
Provide with a permanent
Provide with a rear view?
Provide with drink - trick is to avoid getting round in
Provide with flexibility
Provide with food
Provide with funding
Provide with funds
Provide with funds, as a
Provide with garments
Provide with gear
Provide with materials for life and growth
Provide with money
Provide with more than enough
Provide with new cable
Provide with new staff
Provide with something specifically required
Provide with support to eliminate resistance
Provide with sustenance
Provide with the latest i
Provide with too much sta
Provide witty remark after end of satire
Provide youth leader with discipline after losing head
Provide ___ (allow to esc
Provide ___ (save face)
Provide, as access
Provide, as with a qualit
Provide, as with legal au
Provide, as with some qua
Provide; reduced price
Provided a hit TV drama - one like this?
Provided accepted by House, chairman welcomes published statement of intent
Provided backing before churchman's slip, perhaps
Provided backing when encountering company failure
Provided car with wing missing - dodgy in the extreme
Provided case of rosé, entertaining finale with wine
Provided electricity for
Provided encircled commanding officer upset with meeting points
Provided football officials for Chesterfield?
Provided for Ellie splashing out - why one's very easily led
Provided for fencing not at first joined together
Provided for, as a widow
Provided Force with unknown suspect
Provided fuel for an engi
Provided glass on a mobile
Provided inverted crannies designed for gnomes?
Provided lift? No chance!
Provided partially overlapping state singer
Provided protection for some soldiers
Provided solace
Provided songs and dances in dry edition
Provided that
Provided the central of this sentence
Provided the funds for
Provided unbeatable servi
Provided with a mount
Provided with assistance, having shaped up the dole
Provided with food
Provided with food taken back to consume - best or worst
Provided with illumination about mid-morning during plane journey
Provided with permanent accommodation
Provided with personnel
Provided with weapons
Providence locale
Provider (of goods)
Provider for Pravda
Provider of "a word" on T
Provider of a dead giveaw
Provider of a hot spot at
Provider of a jawbone to
Provider of a loan
Provider of a pass abroad
Provider of a pick-me-up?
Provider of a product
Provider of account ultimately, one going wild penning some yarn?
Provider of an old silk h
Provider of beer that’s less fattening
Provider of booze creating spill around street
Provider of charge account, cocaine addict
Provider of coded instruc
Provider of cover
Provider of cover belonging to person taking action to preserve right
Provider of creature comf
Provider of daily information given to Secret Service operative
Provider of daily listing
Provider of Eve's leaves
Provider of fall color
Provider of food and drink
Provider of hit joke on opening of French letter
Provider of inside inform
Provider of juice to warhorse
Provider of material for
Provider of notes is bank, half being advanced
Provider of partial cover
Provider of PC support
Provider of polish, a grotesque comedian?
Provider of protection against loss
Provider of security, one using foil?
Provider of sensitive information to Central Intelligence Agency?
Provider of some fall col
Provider of some outdoor
Provider of spectacles
Provider of the first bon
Provider of the verse
Provider or wearer of som
Provider, wasting energy once, recycles paper the wrong way
Provider, when I will have gone, becomes more flexible
Providers of cuts
Providers of directions
Providers of energy to fa
Providers of excellent se
Providers of exceptional
Providers of life lessons
Providers of many opening
Providers of peer review?
Providers of scores, for
Providers of sheep's milk
Providers of tip-offs?
Providers of tips for imp
Provides a room for, perh
Provides a ropy form of security, perhaps via rock covers of Blondie 11
Provides a seat for
Provides backing for tracks about partners holding hands
Provides commentary for girl leading seaman round gallery
Provides entertainment
Provides evidence that is found in conditions following trial
Provides financial backing
Provides food
Provides food from packing cases right nearer the bottom
Provides for issue primarily
Provides force with crossing when laying siege
Provides funds for
Provides jokes on the internet?
Provides kit for a cricket club, English, during various tours
Provides machine maintena
Provides means of escape
Provides money for husband-to-be to clothe new son
Provides provender
Provides refreshment as serving staff ignore one
Provides service that can
Provides staff for English religious dwelling
Provides staff for securing energy facility
Provides the money to move Times?
Provides the odd steroid from the east
Provides tools for, as a
Provides what is required
Provides with a seat
Provides with an office
Provides workers
Provides workforce
Providing (a baby) with milk
Providing a typical example
Providing assistance
Providing backing to cartel leads to dismissal
Providing beautiful views
Providing ease
Providing energy, dainty sweetheart for 24?
Providing every detail
Providing flexible gas loans
Providing help
Providing knowledge
Providing many things at once - is no bum
Providing necessary support
Providing nutrients
Providing only bare essentials
Providing people with different occupations
Providing relief, but not
Providing several shots, agree pint would be out of order
Providing temperature in New York is fine
Providing with gift, due after death
Providing with the necessary funds
Province abutting Madrid
Province between Palermo
Province east of N.B.
Province engaged in function not arising in place near 7
Province in Italy's North
Province in Tuscany
Province next to Piacenza
Province next to Que.
Province north of Mont.
Province NW of Madrid
Province of 5 down
Province of ancient Rome
Province of Canada
Province of central Spain
Province of China
Province of Italy
Province of Saudi Arabia
Province of Spain
Province that's eight steps behind India?
Province west of Madrid
Province where chips the local staple?
Province's queen bee regularly wearing silk
Province, to the French
Provincetown catch
Provincial – as an open sleigh?
Provincial caliph or a replacement?
Provincial capital in NW
Provincial capital in the
Provincial capital NW of
Provincial capital SW of
Provincial chum tackles a choir out of tune
Provincial county short of land for deportees at one time?
Provincial half of army behind endless abuse
Provincial leader called for transport strike
Provincial one
Provincial plugs
Provincial politicians to admit fighting over draft
Provincial pronoun
Provincial ruler in the B
Provincial social worker raising vegetables
Provincial university beginning to tackle dishonesty
Provincial, so to speak
Provision for baby agreed during brief correspondence
Provision for disabled? Spa to run meeting
Provision for late-arrivi
Provision for light sleeper?
Provision for old age, in
Provision for others to benefit on expiry date
Provision for retirement party, fancy red wine being passed round
Provision in some executi
Provision of data
Provision of hospitality
Provision of some chips
Provision of the Natl. Se
Provision rejected in Edinburgh
Provision to leave space, as clue confused editor initially
Provisional - hesitant
Provisional government
Provisional Mormon state
Provisional offering from Pinter impressed
Provisional shelter local inhabitant originally rejected
Provisional; hesitant
Provisions in Hell?
Proviso added to an agreement
Proviso behind herb’s pristine state
Proviso concerning speech about to take precedence
Provo neighbor
Provo's state
Provocation on steamship is not desired
Provocation result
Provocation, metaphorical
Provocative evening performance somewhere in Hollywood
Provocative glimpse of the pub, by the sound of it!
Provocative military move
Provocative pic
Provocative pieces stir up race riot given Trump's leadership
Provocative statements from a nasty person, one in pack
Provoke and mock bishop coming in for mass
Provoke annoyance
Provoke complaint — starter missing
Provoke disgust
Provoke enlightenment, we hear, shifting stress
Provoke fear in small mind
Provoke former partner to name names
Provoke playfully
Provoke retired pilot to assess penning book
Provoke semi-emaciated mongrel
Provoke some felicitations
Provoke to action
Provoke to fury
Provoke trendy lover
Provoke using popular quote
Provoked and urged on
Provoked into action
Provoked response
Provoked within view, caught by day
Provoked, as one name gets called in court
Provokes - a stunt
Provokes auditory perceptions in certain places
Provokes backers when changing sides
Provokes female perhaps to divide English and Poles
Provokes first of naval rescue vessels
Provokes party leader to stop plots
Provokes son, which is unnecessary
Provokes splenetically
Provokes three cardinals admitting sex
Provokes through gossiped-about situations
Provokes to action
Provoking laughter
Provoking memory regarding perfume sample?
Provoking person
Provost of TV's "Lassie"
Prow dismantled from freight ship
Prow of boat to survive storm
Prow of sailing boat in outline
Prow on sloop inclined to be wooden
Prow’s damaged with him?
Prowler avoided by prowle
Prowler in deli, one's shoplifting
Prowler, male part on parade, initially
Prowling feline
Prowling Wolfe
Prows of vessels steaming in arrow’s range
Proxima Centauri, for one
Proximal's opposite
Proximate to, to poets
Proximate, to poets
Proximity of a disc jockey, expert contacted originally in New York
Proxy rule regarding unopened office
Proxy votes
Proxy: Abbr.
Prozac maker
Prozac might treat it
Prude is upset as skirt does?
Prudence — article left unfinished before breach
Prudence has delayed opening sale
Prudence, leading on without a vision?
Prudent course resulting from successful seance?
Prudent having American medical facility in food processing plant
Prudent management shows class of airline
Prudent to move medical facility out of food processing plant
Prudent to pursue universal employment
Prudent; discreet
Prudential alternative
Prudential competitor
Prudential rival
Prudes working at university? I'm not sure that's so marvellous
Prudish doctor startled CIA
Prudish editor ready for 12 to work on?
Prudish type at start of seasonal shoot
Prufrock creator's inits.
Prune a bit
Prune helped when going
Prune the hedges
Prune tips of azalea bush on hilltop
Prune, before drying
Prune, formerly
Prune, I gathered, not ready to eat
Pruned around top of tulips and separated
Prunella perhaps after entering awful place
Prunes served up, that man in high spirits
Prunes, in a way
Prunes, once
Prunes, originally
Prunes, say
Pruning tool sick husband kept in reserve
Prurient and snide, lacking breadth
Prurient look
Prurient peek
Prurient, bawdy
Prussia annexed it in 180
Prussian king to those wh
Prussian prohibition
Prussian pronoun
Pry, investigate
Prying bar
Prying person
Prying scoundrel promises to pay
Prynne of "The Scarlet Le
PS Elaine
PS, pastor
Psalm 119, e.g.
Psalm ender
Psalm or hymn tune
Psalm start
Psalm starter
Psalm, e.g.
Psalms interjection
Psalms preceder
Psalms singer
Psalms writer
Pseud sacked by bureau ultimately finished
Pseud, posturer
Pseudo fat
Pseudo intellectual's beginning to reform incestuous king
Pseudo intellectual's beginning to reform incestuous son
Pseudo switched, heading for interdisciplinary church organisation
Pseudo-sane lie ultimately subject to fabrication
Pseudo-technical jargon: "Drone verbal contention"
Pseudonym for Charles Lam
Pseudonym in detective fi
Pseudonym of a noted Freu
Pseudonym of author HH Munro
Pseudonym of H. H. Munro
Pseudonym of Jean Baptist
Pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Pseudonym of the artist R
Pseudonymous author and his state
Pseudonymous doctor
Pseudonymous short-story
Pseudopod former
Pseudopod formers
Pseudopod possessor
Pseudopod-forming organis
Pseudoscientific movement to interpolate blunders
Psi category
Psi follower
Psi's preceder
Psis' predecessors
Psych 101 topic
Psych final?
Psych up
Psych. research topic
Psyche components
Psyche's love
Psyche's lover
Psyched about going
Psyched up
Psychedelic drug
Psychedelic of the 60's
Psychedelic rock band on front of stage for opener
Psychedelic, in a way
Psychedelic, say
Psychiatric discipline pi
Psychiatric disorder
Psychiatric problem
Psychiatric visit
Psychiatrist barely escaped highly competitive environment
Psychiatrist Berne
Psychiatrist Berne and ot
Psychiatrist who coined t
Psychiatrist women blame in film
Psychiatrist's apparel?
Psychiatrist's appt.
Psychiatrist's arsenal
Psychiatrist's artist companion describing limits of outdoor school
Psychiatrist's contract
Psychiatrist's other job?
Psychiatrist's reply
Psychiatrist's response
Psychiatrist's scheduling
Psychiatrist's urging
Psychiatrist, slangily
Psychiatrist/author R. D.
Psychiatrists of old
Psychiatrists treat it
Psychiatrists' hang-ups?
Psychic ability (abbr.)
Psychic ability, for shor
Psychic Edgar
Psychic energy, to Freud
Psychic found between Little and Large
Psychic Geller
Psychic in fear entering water off Marseille?
Psychic inits.
Psychic letters
Psychic power
Psychic put fear into underground worker
Psychic shock
Psychic youngster speaking without fear
Psychic's claim
Psychic's forte
Psychic's furniture?
Psychic's phrase
Psychic's phrase (2 wds.)
Psychic's power
Psychics at vicar's, only in disguise!
Psychics claim to see the
Psycho crushed insect, one crawling
Psycho killer rejected by mother
Psycho talk?
Psycho with intense desir
Psycho's screen exhibitionist meeting death shortly
Psychoanalyst Alfred
Psychoanalyst Fromm
Psychoanalyst Karen
Psychoanalyst's part of the unconscious mind that acts as a conscience
Psychoanalyst's right to probe rivalry
Psychoanalytical interpretation of nude fair?
Psychological condition: recalled cheers during study I advanced
Psychological injury
Psychological manipulatio
Psychological obstacle to creativity
Psychological problem that could make us nosier
Psychological problems
Psychological relief to find employment for child taking year off
Psychological strategy: look out for wild animals
Psychological trauma: I'd misjudged its sincerity
Psychological work: Abbr.
Psychologically all there
Psychologically manipulat
Psychologist fellow mistreated bird
Psychologist given November in prison
Psychologist Havelock
Psychologist Jung
Psychologist Lee and othe
Psychologist LeShan
Psychologist my leg kicked off climbing frame
Psychologist Piaget
Psychologist who gave his
Psychologist's study
Psychologist/writer LeSha
Psychology 101 topic
Psychology 101, e.g.
Psychology I
Psychology of pleasure
Psychopharmacologist's pr
Psychotherapist's concern
Psychotherapy topics
PT —, American showman
PT —, American showman
PT boat crewman: Abbr.
PT boat officer: Abbr.
Pteridologist's display
Pteridologist's specimen
Ptolemy's lighthouse loca
Ptolemy, say, composed page or sheet regularly in Greek
Pub 'Half of 21' for fictional purposes
Pub - neighbour
Pub abandoning new concept gets positive response
Pub always admits old women? Not at all
Pub and its front I preserve in centre of London
Pub atmosphere is accommodating for someone wanting a good meal?
Pub bar
Pub beverage
Pub beverages
Pub bloomer picked up - they can be observed
Pub bore at first provokes sharp comment
Pub brew
Pub brewed, I suspect, something spiky and difficult to get through
Pub brewing tea, as is natural
Pub brews
Pub brings in satellite after opening? It's born of necessity!
Pub brought back in cold item on menu, leading to hissy fit from a Yank
Pub buddies
Pub choice
Pub competition
Pub container
Pub crawler
Pub dashed would-be healthier claim
Pub decoration
Pub deliveries
Pub diet?
Pub dinner feels wrong without whiskey for Aussie native
Pub dispute getting heated audibly in Cumbrian town
Pub dispute in Cumbrian town
Pub diversion
Pub draught
Pub draughts
Pub drink
Pub drink reportedly for member
Pub drinks
Pub drinks picked up for members of a clique
Pub employee's dog biting front of Eagles record?
Pub extended primarily behind region of vestibule
Pub fed band uncut sandwiches
Pub fight getting heated, we hear, in seaside town
Pub fixture
Pub game
Pub grub like this shouldn't be too fattening
Pub has appeal, commonly, is that not so?
Pub having the wow factor, don't you think?
Pub holds back 12 bottles of wine for festival
Pub holds onto protein-rich food for down-and-out
Pub hosting princess and stateswoman?
Pub I found in town’s turning luxurious
Pub importing old ale ultimately as a unit
Pub in Brussels charges for Iraqi's water
Pub in difficulty keeping separate hot food
Pub in Pimlico — calm
Pub in that place not wholly solvent
Pub invested in satellite TV, not doing enough food
Pub landlord maybe ordered silence before start of Eurovision
Pub limiting beer periodically affected interval
Pub meal main oddly lacking taste
Pub missile
Pub missiles
Pub much obliged for an order
Pub mug
Pub needs
Pub needs approval for modernisation
Pub nibbles
Pub noise? This can carry
Pub not closing before a half's drunk very quickly
Pub not controlled by a brewery
Pub notice about a pope
Pub notice laid out in this funny-looking alphabet
Pub obtaining means of digital identification as business asset?
Pub offering
Pub offerings
Pub on fire, engulfing end of kitchen where food's served
Pub on island in Italian city
Pub on map is keeping to route
Pub order
Pub orders
Pub outside Totnes regularly provides buffet
Pub parking place?
Pub pastime
Pub perch
Pub pint
Pub pints
Pub potable
Pub potables
Pub pour
Pub projectile
Pub projectiles
Pub pull
Pub purchase
Pub quaff
Pub quaffs
Pub quantity
Pub quarrel in northern town
Pub requires no money for a sort of smoothie?
Pub returning tax to European sailors
Pub room; sandbank
Pub round
Pub round back of village shortly to be renovated
Pub seat
Pub serving
Pub servings
Pub shortly has wine locked up
Pub shortly working to conserve energy
Pub snack
Pub staff prepare for conflict during peak
Pub stock
Pub suds
Pub supply
Pub to ban chap, a brutish fellow
Pub to which Spooner's working girl retired
Pub welcomes the one who washes
Pub where brown cleric gets round in
Pub with a restaurant
Pub with no end of sherry wine
Pub worker maybe circulating copper's culinary gathering
Pub’s motto, possibly?
Pub’s requirement for Guinness
Pub's line-up includes Alabama and fellow singers
Pub's motto, questionably — this?
Pub, one generated by the writer for fictional purposes
Pub, small hotel
Pub. workers
Pub’s new idea getting no enthusiastic response
Pubescent, say
Public acclaim
Public address
Public address system
Public address system?
Public announcers
Public appeal put business on strike
Public appearance prepare
Public approval
Public argument about start of his deposition
Public article to appear before Charles's passing
Public assembly for open discussion
Public auctions
Public backing agreement to import whiskey that's banned
Public building
Public building for lectures, concerts, plays etc
Public certainly not in order
Public Citizen founder
Public clerk
Public commotion
Public commotion behind hospital is upsetting
Public company's requirem
Public convenience
Public cost for new work
Public debt instrument
Public declaration of intent
Public declarations
Public disagreement about Henry Fielding error
Public discussion venues
Public disgrace
Public dismissal is too much
Public disorder
Public disorder statute
Public display
Public display from unclothed, attractive person
Public dispute about hotel’s downfall
Public dissent
Public disturbance
Public duck enclosure
Public essentially find cycling over the hill without being able to see ...
Public estimation
Public exposure about state's way of regulating the environment
Public face
Public facility
Public figure giving hint
Public figure like William I, say, not outwardly evil
Public functionary
Public fund for remote area
Public funds to cover work with carbon plumbing components
Public garden
Public hanging
Public hanging?
Public hangings
Public hangings?
Public health agcy.
Public health org.
Public holiday causes epidemic
Public holiday's sudden start
Public honour, tribute
Public house
Public house potable
Public house, very large, repeatedly holding RU match needs this
Public houses
Public image
Public image, briefly
Public image, for short
Public images
Public indignation
Public knowledge
Public lavatory
Public Library hosting dreadfully cruel 1D
Public library's stopping noted organ
Public line about Henry's defeat
Public love 18 environmentalist
Public meeting
Public meeting wanting tramp beheaded
Public mention
Public notice
Public notices
Public officer’s glowing comment on periodical?
Public official in difficult position, hiding love
Public official is gracious I aver, finally
Public official might, arguably, at Roses 22
Public official's first love is moving east to become singer
Public officials sign new books at the front
Public open pace
Public open space
Public open swimming pool
Public opinion
Public opinion, briefly
Public or social occasion
Public order
Public Order Act to stop free press
Public outcry
Public outcry about booze you will consume?
Public outrage
Public perception of glossy publication? That is about it!
Public performance by a solo musician
Public performers
Public person?
Public persona
Public placard’s function, according to report
Public praise
Public prepared to wait for case that's not admitted
Public proceeding
Public procession
Public promenade
Public promotion
Public protest
Public radio host Glass
Public radio's Glass
Public rage — tax far too much
Public rap
Public record office
Public Record Office not working quickly
Public records
Public relations concern
Public relations effort
Public relations gambit
Public relations girl for the ladies?
Public relations hoo-ha in Madrid museum
Public relations interpre
Public relations need
Public relations people
Public relations person
Public relations pro
Public respect
Public restraint's said to exercise and tax the system excessively
Public rights guardian bans one Parisian race
Public road
Public roads
Public rooms in hospital away from the centre
Public row
Public sale
Public sale brings university into court case
Public scandal
Public school
Public school - clod breaker
Public school changing hands seen leaderless, a scary time
Public school dismisses head for a lot of speed?
Public school distress
Public school founded by Henry VI
Public school kid
Public school pupil recalled mark given to Scottish lad
Public school type’s rising importance in surrounding area
Public school, distress!
Public schoolboy
Public schoolboy gets second in foreign language
Public scoffs a starter of cheese and ham
Public seems upset about a magic formula
Public service vehicle shortly makes the side of Dutch city
Public service’s lack of purpose when missing leader
Public service, something with no end, no beginning
Public show of respect
Public show, for short
Public space
Public space serving scones and cream etc
Public spaces
Public spat
Public speaker
Public speaker's goal
Public Speaking 101, e.g.
Public spectacle
Public square
Public square or market
Public square with room for pedestrians
Public square, in ancient
Public squares in ancient
Public stage with section covered by garbage and booze
Public statement
Public station
Public storehouse
Public storyteller they say's a detached individual
Public street transport on rails
Public swimming pool
Public tackling Irishman about being sent abroad?
Public to-do
Public toilets, just half serving men, one gathers
Public transport
Public transport attendants
Public transport cut - complaint of the countryside
Public transport lines filling routes by going all over the place
Public transport since '7
Public transport vehicle
Public transport’s not all overcrowded
Public transport's turnaround is quick and efficient
Public transport: alternative to a submarine?
Public transportation
Public transportation to
Public tribute
Public unmoved by direction of study
Public uproar
Public upset when vase goes missing
Public violence - scream!
Public visiting time
Public vote has introduced a strain
Public way or street
Public ways
Public works project
Public, as information
Public-house offering
Publican - spatter
Publican cornering one in lift
Publican glimpsed cycling after contemptible customers?
Publican in Essex keeps dogs
Publican introducing French writer to sailor
Publican lying about payment to host organised rave
Publican upended vessel over bird at end of bar
Publican's dog holding European record
Publican's skill in heavy drinking
Publican's stock
Publication appearing at regular intervals
Publication awarding stars to eateries
Publication by students with classy, clean content, fantastic achievement
Publication by Web is something attractive
Publication concern: Abbr
Publication featuring new American and Japanese art
Publication for men
Publication for the young
Publication founded in 19
Publication free of tax is a draw
Publication I discontinue, about one stage performer
Publication is to take action
Publication not available to carry a declaration of rights
Publication of chart upset extremely posh half of hamlet
Publication of train schedule
Publication of treason subject to beheading
Publication one found at sports event
Publication read by drs.
Publication specification
Publication that clicks w
Publication that is the k
Publication that raises funds for charity
Publication with a 1997 h
Publication with an annua
Publication with features
Publication with nude imam is hot stuff!
Publication, one for wise men
Publications about masculine pets
Publicise - stop
Publicise artistic activity in flyers
Publicise – draft legislation
Publicise footwear aid for a diver?
Publicise in an exaggerated way
Publicise new tramline for transport interchange
Publicise, year upon year, entertainment of a delicate nature
Publicises furious golfer’s poor stroke
Publicises tour - and its point of departure?
Publicising exaggeratedly
Publicising ruins gran visited
Publicist arranged more port
Publicist dashes round entrance outside court
Publicist with gift for concealing decline
Publicist's concern
Publicist's handout
Publicist's headache
Publicists' preparations
Publicity about American president
Publicity about animal on ship
Publicity about university grants
Publicity bod hurried round about and was successful
Publicity broadcast that is plain
Publicity domain having to include secure network
Publicity drive Queen's informally expecting
Publicity embraced by flashy people
Publicity expert's gift in decline? Just the opposite
Publicity for church in part of Africa
Publicity for Farah?
Publicity for one who doesn't believe Germany's close to Austria
Publicity for project or product
Publicity material about expert regulator of competition
Publicity material has right look reportedly
Publicity material holder
Publicity material was dishonest, containing empty blurb made up on the spot
Publicity notice detective sergeant puts on
Publicity one found in bank right away
Publicity people notice a fashion label
Publicity person
Publicity person, awfully crude creator
Publicity provided by some mouthy peer
Publicity push
Publicity seekers' acts
Publicity she wrongly associated with Brummie's sticker
Publicity surrounding animal on ark?
Publicity vehicle takes time to get on edge
Publicity, limitless, from computers etc that’s skilful
Publicity, say
Publicity, slangily
Publicity, so to speak
Publicly accuse
Publicly declare
Publicly disrupting a con
Publicly exaggerate, in s
Publicly expose talent I've wasted
Publicly gay
Publicly known
Publicly recommend
Publicly showed stone of archaeological interest?
Publicly-owned property
Publike eatery
Publish - annoy
Publish across several papers
Publish again
Publish charter again?
Publish landlord's overseas correspondence
Publish lies about
Publish record yield
Publish that US writer
Published again
Published books about defrocked nun
Published books about United
Published call for protest
Published correction
Published five books on European defeat at the polls
Published French article on Welsh criminal
Published item
Published letters seen as settlement some way off
Published one in The Scotsman and a national
Published paper retires girl over nothing? Inconceivable!
Published policy summary
Published remarkable children's author
Published small plagiarism in education journal copies
Published song by editor on the smaller side
Published work by journalist performed better
Publisher Adolph
Publisher Ballantine
Publisher Chandler
Publisher Funk of Funk an
Publisher Henry
Publisher of "X-Men" comi
Publisher of All Hands ma
Publisher of Cosmopolitan
Publisher of Shooting Ill
Publisher of the fictiona
Publisher of The New York
Publisher passionate about language
Publisher presses writer to show feelings
Publisher taking initiative originally in shooting writer?
Publisher with a canine l
Publisher Zuckerman's boo
Publisher ___ Nast
Publisher’s way of advertising obscure book
Publisher's concern: Abbr
Publisher's department
Publisher's head honcho working in Middle East region being wary of web developer?
Publisher's pile: Abbr.
Publisher's windfall?
Publisher, if fearless, conceals officer of the law
Publishers' hirees, for s
Publishers' hirees: Abbr.
Publishing company with marketing men supporting single out on the radio
Publishing employees
Publishing firm bought by
Publishing hirees, for sh
Publishing quickly, say
Publishing sensation of 1
Publishing worker
Pubs getting regulars to sign in before start of session
Pubs screening game Italy wrecked
Pubs struggling over complete mess
Pubs supporting trade in bicycle components
Pubs without stress - places for regulars
Puccini aria
Puccini classic
Puccini heroine
Puccini melody, e.g.
Puccini opera
Puccini opera (2 wds.)
Puccini opera of 1900
Puccini opera set in Rome
Puccini opera Web site?
Puccini piece
Puccini pieces
Puccini production
Puccini soprano
Puccini work
Puccini's "Flower ___"
Puccini's "Nessun dorma,"
Puccini's "O Mimi, tu pi
Puccini's "O mio babbino
Puccini's "Vissi d'___"
Puccini's "___ Butterfly"
Puccini's "___ Lescaut"
Puccini's last opera
Puccini's love
Puck and Tramp - perfect!
Puck stoppers
Puck's choice of pseudonym in evidence
Puck's old hat? Deadlock ensues …
Puck? Female, 6, non-starter!
Pucker producer
Puckered fabric
Puckish entrance leading to bow
Pud served up with tea is the latest thing
Pudding - useless - Homer Simpson's kind of beer
Pudding ... Battenburg cakes ... a fool?
Pudding a firm one Irishman sent back
Pudding and pie
Pudding appearing very enticing initially, put on a stone or two?
Pudding – not sweet
Pudding bowl, as found in rubbish receptacle
Pudding confusion at posh boys’ school
Pudding content?
Pudding dish
Pudding failed
Pudding fruit
Pudding in place for tea, we hear
Pudding ingredient
Pudding ingredient originally steamed in the past
Pudding ingredients
Pudding is allowed to interrupt a piano piece
Pudding made from an extract of cassava
Pudding made with milk and gelatin
Pudding served with a French skin lotion
Pudding starch
Pudding that comes with cooking instructions?
Pudding that’s no good
Pudding that’s prepared faster
Pudding where we'd expect to see tea, it's said
Puddinglike dessert
Puddinglike serving
Puddings I'd sent back, upset
Puddings taking little time to fill small son
Puddle cause
Puddle producer, perhaps
Puddle's cause, maybe
Puddles of water around vessel
Pueblo brick
Pueblo builders
Pueblo dweller
Pueblo dwellers
Pueblo dwelling
Pueblo home
Pueblo in northern New Me
Pueblo Indian
Pueblo Indians
Pueblo jar
Pueblo language
Pueblo material
Pueblo pot
Pueblo pots
Pueblo pottery
Pueblo pronoun
Pueblo site
Pueblo structures
Pueblo tongue
Pueblo vessel
Puente and Jackson
Puente known as "El Rey"
Puente or Jackson
Puerile comments about sex incredibly asinine
Puerto Ayacucho's river
Puerto Rican port
Puerto Rican port city
Puerto Rican seaport
Puerto Rican-born golf ch
Puerto Rican-born Oscar w
Puerto Rican-born P.G.A.
Puerto Rico y Mallorca
Puerto Rico's chief port
Puerto Rico's Museum City
Puerto Rico, por ejemplo
Puerto ___
Puerto ___, Chile
Puff away: not fit any more?
Puff – a bit of tobacco
Puff Daddy's music
Puff goes from Lorraine or Nancy with exercising
Puff guy's groovy ability up
Puff like a steam locomotive
Puff maintaining acceleration, then running round to put in a dash
Puff pastry’s first up
Puff piece?
Puff snake
Puff the Magic Dragon's f
Puff the magic dragon, say, resides with a surrealist
Puff up
Puff ___
Puff, no longer fit?
Puffball contents
Puffball emanation
Puffball relative
Puffball seed
Puffed product since 1937
Puffed up
Puffed up and vain
Puffed up Dublin parliamentarian adopts superior note
Puffed, as a reefer
Puffed, illegally
Puffer fish curer?
Puffin's cousin
Puffin, for one
Puffs out
Puffy Combs's first name
Puffy hat wearer
Puffy people?
Pug or boxer
Pug's combo
Pug, e.g.
Puget Sound city
Pugilist in training
Pugilist Jack
Pugilist poet
Pugilist Spinks
Pugilist's complaint about shoulder, essentially - I'm afraid of boxing shame?
Pugilist's poke
Pugilist's weapon
Pugilist’s underwear?
Pugilistic activity
Pugilistic dog?
Pugilistic period
Pugilistic sweethearts?
Pugilists ... or statione
Pugilists' grp.
Pugilists' org.
Pugnacious aquarium species - shagginess, if I'm thief
Pugnacious bachelor taking girl round Greek island
Pugnacity of a gang going round Oxford, originally
Pugs in gyms, at times
Pugs' org.
Pulitzer category
Pulitzer category, briefl
Pulitzer contemporary
Pulitzer dramatist Akins
Pulitzer dramatist Connel
Pulitzer nominee for the
Pulitzer novelist Anne
Pulitzer or Tony, as for
Pulitzer playwright Akins
Pulitzer playwright of 19
Pulitzer poet Wallace
Pulitzer Prize category
Pulitzer Prize category:
Pulitzer Prize dramatist
Pulitzer Prize entries
Pulitzer Prize subj.
Pulitzer Prize-winning author of four 'Rabbit' novels, d. 2009
Pulitzer winner Akins
Pulitzer winner Alison
Pulitzer winner Buchanan
Pulitzer winner Connelly
Pulitzer winner for "Advi
Pulitzer winner for "Driv
Pulitzer winner for "Picn
Pulitzer winner for "Russ
Pulitzer winner for "Seas
Pulitzer winner for "Symp
Pulitzer winner for "Tale
Pulitzer winner James
Pulitzer winner Maureen
Pulitzer winner Pyle
Pulitzer winner Quindlen
Pulitzer winner Sinclair
Pulitzer winner Studs
Pulitzer winner Uhry
Pulitzer winner Welty
Pulitzer winner ___ Jeffe
Pulitzer writer James
Pulitzer writer Sheehan
Pulitzer-winner James
Pulitzer-winning author A
Pulitzer-winning author o
Pulitzer-winning author R
Pulitzer-winning biograph
Pulitzer-winning cartooni
Pulitzer-winning critic R
Pulitzer-winning Ferber t
Pulitzer-winning historia
Pulitzer-winning humorist
Pulitzer-winning James
Pulitzer-winning journali
Pulitzer-winning microbio
Pulitzer-winning novel by
Pulitzer-winning novelist
Pulitzer-winning playwrig
Pulitzer-winning poet Mar
Pulitzer-winning science
Pulitzer-winning Sheehan
Pulitzer-winning sports r
Pulitzer-winning TV criti
Pulitzer-winning William
Pulitzer-winning writer A
Pulitzer-winning writer J
Pulitzer-winning writer R
Pulitzer-winning writer S
Pull (in)
Pull (out)
Pull (out), as a narrow v
Pull a bed prank on
Pull a boner
Pull a con
Pull a face
Pull a fast one on
Pull a fast one?
Pull a few strings?
Pull a motor backwards, three times round
Pull a plow
Pull a sulky, perhaps
Pull a sulky, say
Pull a switch
Pull a vehicle back in races against time
Pull a ___
Pull along
Pull along roughly
Pull an all-nighter
Pull and snap uncovered bone
Pull apart
Pull apart career
Pull apart largely depressing books on the French
Pull apart, eg threads
Pull away with the others
Pull back
Pull back (in)
Pull back, being a much-travelled character
Pull bat away regularly after proper bloomer
Pull behind
Pull bovine animal across rear of barn
Pull broken down used car at the front, with minimum of energy
Pull clock around for New Yorkers, for example
Pull down
Pull down pants seldom worn by current husband
Pull down wrecked store over middle of day
Pull down, so to speak
Pull from the ground, qui
Pull gently on large plant
Pull girl over lounger
Pull girl over who is dawdling
Pull hard
Pull husband inside new river building
Pull in
Pull in heavy drinker of high social standing
Pull in outside of Lille, stopping vehicle
Pull in Scottish Borders town, say
Pull in this region nothing to smile about
Pull into
Pull it together to dump fiancée at last during drink
Pull lass back who's last in line?
Pull left, finding drone
Pull leg of battleaxe
Pull leg of monster
Pull lightly but sharply
Pull nigh to
Pull off
Pull off penning religious books, whatever comes
Pull on
Pull on ends of cord to tighten
Pull on weed relentlessly shackles donkey
Pull one's leg
Pull oneself up to the ba
Pull or throw with much effort
Pull out
Pull out claw
Pull out formally
Pull out having contest no side wins
Pull out of plant storing some DNA from the south
Pull out of ___ (produce
Pull out once more: very sore
Pull out, as braids
Pull over
Pull over into a position behind according to established practice
Pull part of a shoe, we're told
Pull part of body by one's ear?
Pull profit, taking it in
Pull sharply
Pull someone across the pond
Pull something that's nailed, did you say?
Pull street artist in
Pull strings?
Pull suddenly
Pull swimmer around sheltered area
Pull tab site
Pull the plug on
Pull the switch?
Pull to pieces
Pull together in Cuppers, otherwise one is sunk
Pull up
Pull up - I'm risking going back to provide food right away
Pull up after intervention of University security officer
Pull up after taking the lead from Steve Cram
Pull up an oak, perhaps, reportedly for wooden flooring
Pull up around front of store in wind
Pull up by space and park?
Pull up floors, allowing in Charlie's piledriver
Pull up grass here?
Pull up in pain when learning the hard way
Pull up outside a very ramshackle place whose occupants have departed
Pull up outside university and worry one protecting property
Pull up stakes
Pull with a jerk
Pull young girl across river
Pull young lady? Get right in!
Pull ___ on
Pull ___ one on (hoodwink
Pull, drag
Pull; ear
Pulled — hard — leg of the setter about taxonomic term
Pulled a muscle touring North America
Pulled a six-shooter
Pulled ahead
Pulled along
Pulled along roughly
Pulled an all-nighter
Pulled apart
Pulled back
Pulled back a bit but ruled soundly
Pulled dandelions, say
Pulled in
Pulled off
Pulled off the job?
Pulled one out of weird crash
Pulled out
Pulled out a piece
Pulled over lad running round with beak
Pulled over?
Pulled some strings
Pulled the plug on
Pulled tight
Pulled to pieces
Pulled Toby half-cut, then married
Pulled too much into the red
Pulled up car making low vibrant sound
Pulled up stakes
Puller of a pulka
Pullers in pairs
Pullers of the chariot of
Pulling 3 around new Jerusalem
Pulling leg, eg a fibber cannot be credible
Pulling leg? One might be used to stick on board
Pulling motion creating pain in the neck
Pulling out in the air, jumper can start to gloat
Pulling out of excursion not beginning to involve top of purple jumper
Pulling through idle chat in middle of night, grabbing number
Pullman supports
Pullman, e.g.
Pullover material
Pullover raincoat
Pullover shirt
Pullover shirts
Pullover style
Pullover to protect classy keeper
Pullover, e.g.
Pulls (in)
Pulls (out)
Pulls a boner
Pulls a fast one on
Pulls a switcheroo on, pe
Pulls apart
Pulls centre out of breathing apparatus
Pulls down
Pulls down, so to speak
Pulls Emily Ratajkowski, for starters, in emotional movie
Pulls grass up
Pulls hard
Pulls in
Pulls in stomach muscles following end of liposuction
Pulls off
Pulls off tense clergyman
Pulls out
Pulls out entirely, in a
Pulls out expert in beer, mostly after setback
Pulls out of hospital procedure after doctor gives you bug
Pulls sharply
Pulls some levers
Pulls some strings?
Pulls strings
Pulls strings?
Pulls suddenly
Pulls the plug on
Pulls the switch?
Pulls turf back
Pulls up
Pulls up studious guy
Pulls up with wife going, "It's not very far"
Pulmonary organ
Pulmotor's purpose
Pulp creation of Robert E
Pulp novel hero
Pulpit used by Uppingham boys
Pulpit's locale
Pulsar, e.g.
Pulsate painfully
Pulsating musical effect
Pulsating pain
Pulse alternative
Pulse fast on one close to arousal
Pulse fast, extremely ill
Pulse fast, nearly sick
Pulse found in fractured hallux
Pulse found in virulent illnesses
Pulse from East covered by general embargo
Pulse in broth getting stirred
Pulse in broth that needs stirring
Pulse in dicky heart always lagging initially
Pulse member finally ate with hesitation
Pulse of a police officer touring this country
Pulse of Aussie runner raised in stages
Pulse of boy after being knocked over
Pulse of youngster returning
Pulse on bird rising
Pulse quickener, say
Pulse raised by uneducated woman drinking a cocktail
Pulse rate's extreme in cutting of internet access
Pulse right to coat in warm batter
Pulse started after heart's cleared
Pulse started, heart failing
Pulse used in cooking
Pulse's gone astray in musical instruction
Pulses at first rejected as food
Pulses not initially seen as food
Pulses that sound like roots
Pulsing laser, top guide at night
Pulsing with energy
Pulver's rank in "Mister
Pulver's rank, in film: A
Pulver's rank: Abbr.
Pulver, e.g., in "Mister
Pulverise duke in command
Pulverised earth
Pulverised; earth
Pulverized earth
Pulverizes, quickly
Puma in north America number about a million after a time
Puma or lion
Puma prey
Puma rival
Puma, e.g.
Pumas, e.g.
Pumice features
Pumice source
Pump abbr.
Pump alternative
Pump cost
Pump feature, possibly
Pump figures
Pump kin?
Pump last of air into underwater breathing apparatus
Pump liner
Pump numbers
Pump or loafer
Pump part
Pump preserver
Pump room?
Pump sign in Canada
Pump standard
Pump thump
Pump with money
Pump worker, perhaps
Pump, e.g.
Pump, in a way
Pump, say, working hose
Pumped up, in a way
Pumped-up bike item
Pumpernickel grain
Pumping iron into great cast
Pumpkin bomb-throwing ene
Pumpkin eater of the nurs
Pumpkin grower's cry of s
Pumpkin pie ingredient
Pumpkin pie spice
Pumpkin pigment
Pumpkin time: Abbr.
Pumpkin, e.g.
Pumpkin-picking time: Abb
Pumps and clogs
Pumps for info
Pumps gas into defined region on return
Pumps have them
Pumps up
Pun about helper working as a volunteer?
Pun conclusion
Pun-crimes committed by t
Pun-prone poet
Punc. mark
Punch - drink up
Punch a Cockney’s friend
Punch a delicate thing
Punch a fragile thing
Punch a friend
Punch alternative
Punch American - listen to riot outside
Punch and Judy operator
Punch and Judy, for examp
Punch and Judy, say
Punch Australia's opener after arsing about
Punch black and blue
Punch bowl item
Punch buffoon, grabbing bully from behind, creation of 22
Punch busybody
Punch card fallout
Punch comedian's jaw
Punch deliverer?
Punch egghead, real bastard (he's only little)
Punch for one Italian plumber abusing tenet
Punch hard
Punch head of boxer, then well down the chest?
Punch hole in cloth
Punch holes in, e.g.
Punch hurts during capture
Punch in the mouth
Punch in the mouth, slang
Punch in the stomach resp
Punch landed: so able to be seen by an old nurse?
Punch lines, e.g.
Punch lines?
Punch or put the boot in
Punch out men on the turn, then deck cheat?
Punch out, as Morse code
Punch relative
Punch repeatedly, bringing cheers!
Punch response
Punch responses
Punch server
Punch things
Punch to the chin, from below
Punch tools
Punch wildly
Punch with a couple of slices of bread?
Punch with a kick
Punch with punch
Punch, slangily
Punch, so to speak
Punch-in time for many
Punch-in-the-gut response
Punch-in-the-stomach reac
Punch-Out!! maker
Punched by Mafia's leader, Irishman doubled up is an informer
Punched by right hand of Dempsey, strong thing felled - end of fight!
Punched by right, bewildered Liston gets breathing space
Punched-out part of a pap
Puncher's nickname
Punchers' entertainment
Punches a new number in
Punches ain't less brutal
Punches champ so?
Punches in
Punches key, ashram disintegrates
Punches landed also, we hear
Punches salesperson upset by Foreign Office charges
Punches to face ultimately won't hurt
Punching bag, so to speak
Punching item
Punching the puncher, soldier as Walter Mitty?
Punching tool
Punching tools
Punchlike beverage
Punchy state
Punctilious type, slangil
Punctilious, detailed 11, 13 or 17?
Punctual reminder on stage
Punctual [Dodge]
Punctually end 25, awkwardly
Punctuation mark
Punctuation mark 1-50-100 goes in front
Punctuation mark missing from ones grammar
Punctuation mark perhaps too irregular
Punctuation mark unknown in settlement
Punctuation marks
Puncture bed laid on by upset journalist
Puncture found after rope breaks
Puncture in fizzy drink can sprayed around holiday location
Puncture sound
Punctured tyre fixed by cast-iron bicycle pump?
Pundit Alan
Pundit Colmes
Pundit initially put down performance
Pundit pieces
Pundit's piece
Pundits supported by gallery's fluid production system
Pungency of a new drink girl imbibes
Pungency of beer associated with head?
Pungent account run by certain papers
Pungent air envelopes Turkey
Pungent bulb
Pungent canine with dry coat
Pungent cheese
Pungent cleaning fluid
Pungent condiment
Pungent dressing
Pungent edible bulb
Pungent fish taste variable
Pungent flavouring
Pungent fleshy edible root
Pungent food additives
Pungent gas
Pungent gas in area: more complaining heard
Pungent green paste
Pungent green root used in Japanese cookery
Pungent Japanese root
Pungent paste
Pungent pepper
Pungent plant without European identity
Pungent plant women like a bit short
Pungent pod
Pungent red pepper
Pungent restorative substance
Pungent root
Pungent salad root
Pungent salad vegetable
Pungent sandwich slice
Pungent smell from flyover
Pungent source of stimulation
Pungent substance
Pungent sweet
Pungent vapour
Pungent vegetable
Pungent vegetable left by artist in bowl
Pungent, like some Asian
Punic War city
Punic ___
Punish action star Norris
Punish arbitrarily
Punish bad Bert for vandalising jail
Punish boy, audibly drunk
Punish brat somehow? Constable would use this
Punish by fining
Punish favourite dog
Punish group breaking into places to the north
Punish Mr. Harris in a me
Punish one in scandal involving players?
Punish publicly, perhaps
Punish severely
Punish with an arbitrary
Punish, in a way
Punish, in a way, as a st
Punish, in this case wrongly
Punish, perhaps
Punished American getting drugs out of back of German car
Punished author who supposedly prioritised catching hare, we hear
Punished drunk
Punished from on high?
Punished in addition to g
Punished with a wooden sp
Punished, perhaps
Punished, schoolmaster-st
Punishes arbitrarily
Punishes my refusal about accepting sanctimonious creature
Punishes unruly son for self-assertive behaviour
Punishes, in a way
Punishing drill, mate - it'll get you nowhere
Punishing rod
Punishment - motive sought?
Punishment as part of learning
Punishment assigned in court
Punishment constrains everyone in revolutionary group to conform
Punishment for a child, m
Punishment for a pirate
Punishment for a sailor,
Punishment for most of this cake being spongy, right?
Punishment for party's over the top
Punishment for sin
Punishment for sinners
Punishment for some kids
Punishment frame
Punishment not supported, basically
Punishment stick
Punishment that one deserves
Punishment unit
Punishment, even for the most petty crimes
Punishment, metaphoricall
Punishment, with "the"
Punishments at sea
Punishments by educators and teachers is niggling grammar schools' principals
Punitive lending policy universal in Amtrak?
Punjab's capital
Punjabi believer
Punjabi believers
Punjabi capital
Punjabi peeress
Punjabi prince
Punjabi princess
Punjabi royal
Punjabi royals
Punk band raises excitement at the start
Punk band's first to spoil dance
Punk facial decoration
Punk hairstyle
Punk icon Joey
Punk is beaten up by fifty associates
Punk is dressed by poet in glittering fabric
Punk offshoot
Punk on grey with a bit of a brain
Punk rock club activity
Punk rock concert activit
Punk rock pioneer
Punk rock subgenre
Punk rocker with condom off
Punk rocker ___ Vicious
Punk's piece
Punk's pistol
Punk's tender old Indian city
Punk's too giddy about leading part for Emily Blunt
Punk, e.g.
Punk, notwithstanding trousers, to get out of bondage
Punk, one going over your head?
Punnily titled 1952 quiz
Punning and such
Punny Bennett
Punny hint to answering 2
Puns and such
Punster's last to cut gag
Punt in which to practise going on river
Punt unsteadily, drinking old whiskey in residential area
Punt with second payoff
Punt, for one
Punt, not the first that is set free
Punta del ___, Uruguay
Punta del ___, Uruguayan
Punter blames
Punter hopes to hit it
Punter sticking to soft drinks, with alcohol all about
Punter's takings
Punters may pay for their advice
Punts, e.g.
Punxsutawney groundhog
Punxsutawney name
Puny chap burying head, awfully miserable
Puny little child, happy at last
Puny people like seafood
Pup with 24?
Pup's bark
Pup's cry
Pupil controller
Pupil cover
Pupil covered in lard entirely
Pupil coverer
Pupil eager to take test with thug, oddly
Pupil group
Pupil hasn't started rewarding activity
Pupil is a bit pliant
Pupil is rather pliant
Pupil locale
Pupil of Chiron, in myth
Pupil of Miss Crump, on T
Pupil of Winchester College - why I'm Keats
Pupil once expelled after losing head complained
Pupil once turning eleven, no good for sport
Pupil power
Pupil power?
Pupil protector
Pupil surrounder
Pupil surrounders
Pupil to confess after bishop exploded
Pupil’s support of course keeps artist at home
Pupil's in time to get support for school subject
Pupil's locale
Pupil's place
Pupil's proper dress
Pupil's reward
Pupil's setting
Pupil's spot
Pupil's surrounder
Pupil's surroundings somehow anodyne after company of writer
Pupil, feeding, asked for knife
Pupil, in Picardie
Pupil’s equipment not shading, their caps left off earlier
Pupils in nearby comprehensive
Pupils initially those getting to lecturers?
Pupils maybe hinder class - terrible fool must go!
Pupils take part in it
Pupils who draw on their teacher's guidance
Pupils' spots
Pupils' surroundings
Puppet ending
Puppet exploited by someone else
Puppet glue-ons
Puppet of children's TV
Puppet or pet
Puppet series that is missing entertaining frogs?
Puppet show?
Puppet with strings attached
Puppeteer Baird
Puppeteer Bil
Puppeteer Lewis
Puppeteer Tony
Puppeteer with 12 Emmys
Puppeteers Bil and Cora
Puppetry and ventriloquis
Puppets, e.g.
Puppies' plaints
Puppy apparently steals scrap of loo paper
Puppy beginning to walk further
Puppy bites
Puppy cries
Puppy feeder perhaps in principle?
Puppy initially wants assistance
Puppy love
Puppy love providers: Abb
Puppy needs assistance after start of winter
Puppy or potty?
Puppy pickup places
Puppy pickup point
Puppy protests
Puppy scratches head servant
Puppy sound
Puppy sounds
Puppy supplier
Puppy's bark
Puppy's bite
Puppy's cry
Puppy's plaint
Puppy's sound
Puppy, perhaps, we found in litter or otherwise
Pups' complaints
Puréed potatoes
Purée that is No. 5 on today's course
Puréed vegetables, traditionally served with fish and chips
Purcell piece
Purcell's "___ and Aeneas
Purcell's "___ and Welcom
Purchase a raven 20 18 kept
Purchase about 50 books first, like Barbara Windsor?
Purchase at a booth: Abbr
Purchase at a government
Purchase at a home store
Purchase bananas, we hear, but not automatically
Purchase by Mr. Fix-It
Purchase eagerly and quickly
Purchase for a 1950's hom
Purchase for a beer blast
Purchase for a disguise
Purchase for a project
Purchase from a jeweler
Purchase from the frozen
Purchase gravel spread with ease, say
Purchase includes round float
Purchase intact or otherwise
Purchase Lynn wrapped with glee, remarkably
Purchase made by the 4 dn, always with silver inside
Purchase not considered large I use my pub to exchange
Purchase of 1625
Purchase of 1867
Purchase of a vault?
Purchase of one who's loo
Purchase ordered: love what’s included!
Purchase price
Purchase price addition
Purchase protection, but may get popped eventually!
Purchase quickly
Purchase some cards, we hear: delivered personally
Purchase stipulation
Purchase that's canceled
Purchase what's left
Purchase with rings
Purchased account by many papers - 500?
Purchased apartments
Purchased in branch, taking little time
Purchaser outside United States is one that keeps stocking up
Purchaser’s place to keep stock of audition
Purchasers rating classic film
Purchases at nurseries an
Purchases for a shindig
Purchasing of a company
Purchasing power of earnings law agrees must be adjusted
Purdue Univ. major
Purdue, e.g.: Abbr.
Pure alcohol's part of how things can go on the Internet
Pure and lovely
Pure and mostly humble
Pure art somehow bringing great joy
Pure as the driven snow
Pure baloney
Pure carbon obtained by expedition
Pure Charlie and speed
Pure class to be straddling horse
Pure cocaine's initial rush
Pure Cockney politician reviewed top-class games venue
Pure cold loathing overwhelming son
Pure copper found in roots of drab meadow flower
Pure dairy product British avoided
Pure daughter leaving disco, it's said
Pure delight
Pure drunk hosting a very boisterous party
Pure ecstasy after flower festival in church
Pure evil character of ciggy residues, hot top to bottom
Pure freak we won this
Pure guess
Pure heroin snorted by actors with MDMA
Pure line of drugs? Her Maj's one to snort it!
Pure milk when endlessly churned becomes more clotted
Pure nun initially upset
Pure red tea stirred by a French man or woman
Pure smack that you and I must pick up
Pure soprano voices
Pure speed of light expedition
Pure spirit drunk by tipsy rival
Pure substance dissolved in addition to salt
Pure tar substance dissolved
Pure underwear, half with skirts off
Pure woman? I need to think about that!
Pure, modest
Puree of pulses
Pureed nut boxed by a customer
Purely academic
Purely aesthetic
Purely extra
Purely nominal leader
Purely or simply: Abbr.
Purely physical
Purely structural approach supporting African country's millions
Purely symbolic number approved for inclusion
Purest limits of music playing in band
Purgative from sailors in Surrey?
Purgative involved in some later incidents
Purgative medicine
Purgative stops meals being digested
Purgative wrapped inside polythene material
Purgatives sorted out males with spots
Purge after bribe by house of old dramatist
Purge lists to block extremists on committee
Purge of Sophoclean sensibilities
Purge one recalled as the worst time
Purged: Var.
Purges, in a way
Purging method adopted by guy with symptom of drunkenness
Purging of emotions has racist converted
Purging of medieval Christian movement not under one's control
Purification aid
Purification of medieval Christians' lives
Purification process that could be nationalised
Purification process, bri
Purified, as water
Purified; cultured
Purify ceremonially
Purify; oust
Purim heroine
Purim honoree
Purim time
Purim's month
Purina alternative
Purina brand
Purina competitor
Purina partner replaced b
Puritan and saint drinking wine - they may be in bed
Puritan club team
Puritan holding shit stick out
Puritan it's said is featured in film
Puritan outfit under pressure
Puritan press team
Puritan upset about new date for cricket game
Puritan who gets teased in loo/lav? I'm shocked
Puritan ___
Puritan, English, accepting detestable social advantage
Puritan, no good in religious group, becomes criminal
Puritanical sort of curmudgeon needing internal examination?
Puritans press on the borders
Purity of peas cultivated by relative
Purity unit
Purity units
Purloin a sirloin?
Purple and gold mountain in east
Purple bloom
Purple bloomer
Purple color
Purple dyes
Purple flower
Purple flowers
Purple fruit
Purple gemstone
Purple Heart recipient
Purple hue
Purple loo with poster, not the first
Purple Monopoly avenue
Purple or green vegetable
Purple outfit?
Purple shade
Purple strand
Purple stuff, perhaps
Purple willow, e.g.
Purple with fresh air and bungee jumping
Purple ___
Purple ___, New Hampshire
Purple's second and blue's third in red fish
Purple-brown colour
Purple-flowered stonecrop
Purple-flowering tree
Purple-leafed chicory
Purple: the mast after rigging containing hint of yellow
Purple; cereal
Purplish bloom
Purplish drink
Purplish red
Purplish tint
Purplish-red colour
Purported cry from 100-Ac
Purported cure tested her good faith
Purported hangover cure
Purported Pentateuch penn
Purpose - function
Purpose - incentive
Purpose around start of tale penned by an English novelist
Purpose at home? Cutting grass
Purpose English favour, heading off making effort
Purpose of action is missed first of all
Purpose of an ode
Purpose of Elba, island no longer under French control?
Purpose of Krzysztof's tr
Purpose of many a doctor'
Purpose of some religious education
Purpose she gave him makes him this
Purpose shown by predecessors of foe
Purpose to keep sibling nagging
Purpose, intention
Purposeful and efficient
Purposeless commercial break
Purposeless, disorganised raid on newspaper
Purposely burn
Purposely lose
Purposely loses
Purposely misinform
Purposely misinformed
Purposely try to lose
Purposely underestimate
Purposes of commas
Purr — it’s over rider’s equipment
Purring pet
Purring, say
Purse alternative
Purse alternatives
Purse feature
Purse filler
Purse holder
Purse initially lost? That makes me sore!
Purse item
Purse item: Abbr.
Purse items
Purse lip finally: that hurt
Purse part
Purse part, often
Purse taker
Purse the lips, with "up"
Pursue a passion
Pursue again, as an elect
Pursue avidly old motor racing ace, Hill?
Pursue closely
Pursue communist making slow progress
Pursue intently
Pursue legal action to restrain husband
Pursue legal proceedings involving hospital
Pursue mate - not in Kent area
Pursue ornament with engraving
Pursue violent options
Pursue, in a way
Pursued pure partners?
Pursued tenaciously
Pursued, beaten and violently seized
Pursued, being grimly persistent
Pursued, we hear, but not wanting to be caught?
Pursuer of Moby Dick
Pursuer of the Pleiades
Pursuers of goals
Pursues one of two options?
Pursuit in a suit
Pursuit of a goal
Pursuit of hobbyist putting a foot down about part of office?
Pursuit of perfection
Pursuit of pleasure
Pursuit of profit
Pursuit of satori
Pursuit of wild game
Pursuit with hook, line and sinker?
Pursuits of some candidat
Purveyor of chips
Purveyor of hot stuff
Purveyor of luxury tablew
Purveyor of nonstick cook
Purveyor of some sour gra
Purviance and O'Brien
Purview of the I.C.C.
Pus-filled swelling
Push (a bike)
Push (around)
Push (down)
Push (oneself)
Push - papers
Push a person over the ed
Push against
Push ahead, despite exhau
Push and shove
Push aside
Push back, perhaps
Push beyond limits
Push boat
Push down
Push dune buggy, essentially getting knackered
Push for
Push for more business or
Push for one to press for payment in return
Push for reduced charge
Push forcibly
Push forward
Push forward from back of crowd to interrupt shocked tour rep
Push gently against
Push government into revealing statue
Push graduate to meet new so-called composer
Push hard
Push heroin in confidence
Push in
Push into
Push off
Push off about now in Arctic vehicle
Push one's hot buttons
Push or bump roughly against someone
Push or pull?
Push out foolish doubter
Push out of bed
Push out the lips alluringly
Push over
Push prow of gondola into river
Push roughly
Push the envelope of danger: Boatman's following
Push through deep exit frenetically
Push tip of dart into weapon turned on Europe
Push to predict lucky escape
Push to the limit
Push too hard, as an argu
Push too hard, maybe
Push up against
Push violently
Push, maybe
Push-up aid?
Push-up muscle, briefly
Push-up provider
Push-ups strengthen them
Push; newspapers
Push; papers
Pushchair filled with tiny crawlers
Pushchair getting wave at end of street
Pushed (around)
Pushed (aside)
Pushed (for)
Pushed back, gave another performance?
Pushed brief to reject rather terse legal interpretation, initially
Pushed hard
Pushed snow aside
Pushed strongly
Pushed, with "on"
Pusher catcher, for short
Pusher of uncut rock, say
Pusher pursuer
Pusher pursuers
Pusher's activity
Pusher's foe
Pusher's pursuer
Pusher's target
Pusher's target?
Pushers might supply these in piano bars
Pushes (off)
Pushes forward
Pushes forward again
Pushes forward version of Bros duet
Pushes hard
Pushes off
Pushes one's way
Pushes stream with song’s intro at the end
Pushing beyond proper lim
Pushing for progress
Pushing the envelope
Pushing up daisies?
Pushing up the —
Pushkin hero
Pushkin title character
Pushrod pusher
Pushy parent I'm not sure is supportive of high flier
Pushy parent ultimately spreading disease
Pushy upstart
Pushy, but is over getting upset
Puss I caught after a minute
Puss In Boots, for example
Puss's food container?
Puss, moving to catch part of bird, surges
Pussy foot
Pussy foot?
Pussy Galore's first in movement to erase holy water source
Pussy keeps heading for cream? I'm not sure
Pussy's cry
Pussyfoot around?
Put (away)
Put (down)
Put (down), as money
Put (in place)
Put (on)
Put (on) gently
Put (out)
Put a belt on
Put a big loop in
Put a brake on Coot's drunken arrests
Put a burden on
Put a cap on
Put a ceiling on
Put a certain slant on It girl saving lives
Put a coat on
Put a coat on and disappear round corner at last
Put a cork in
Put a damper on
Put a different way, this order now transformed
Put a duty on
Put a favourable slant on knight abandoning inflexible old maid
Put a few monarchs on the
Put a fold in party clothes
Put a hex on
Put a leper through treatment that's going on for ever
Put a lid on
Put a lid on it
Put a limit on
Put a little nosegay over back passage
Put a little weight on after a month, being a certain shape
Put a match to
Put a match to a cigarette
Put a match to fuel left out
Put a name on
Put a name to American river, longest in country
Put a new bottom on, in a
Put a new coat on
Put a new face on, say
Put a new handle on
Put a new price on
Put a new surface on
Put a new tag on
Put a new title on
Put a point on
Put a price on
Put a price on uranium discovered in glen
Put a question (to)
Put a relative under street arrest
Put a rider on, e.g.
Put a skewer through one’s pasty
Put a sock in it
Put a spell on
Put a stake in a pool
Put a stop to
Put a stop to decorated band having audition
Put a stop to drink
Put a stop to locating bed in school
Put a stop to power plant's strategy for bridge
Put a stop to public relations incident
Put a stop to record sticking with this
Put a stop to the main round, ultimately
Put a stopper on
Put a strain on
Put a traveling mike on
Put a value on
Put a wing (on)
Put a winter coat on?
Put aboard
Put air into smart apartment close to Aldgate
Put ale in supply boxes close to oleo cooking fluid
Put an edge on
Put an end to
Put an end to a book and finish page off
Put an end to bookish loony dropping round
Put an end to booze
Put an end to child holding on to rubbish elephant's head
Put an end to drink
Put an end to game
Put an end to good spirits
Put an end to providing bed in school
Put an end to sailor getting worried
Put an end to something?
Put an end to staying in hotel - I’m in a tent
Put an end to tax on children
Put an end to trusted criminal carrying drug
Put an end to whisky
Put an ___
Put an ___ (halt)
Put an ___ (stop)
Put another way
Put another way, he shared crackers
Put another way, nothing doing
Put ashes into an appropriate container
Put aside
Put aside exhausted horse
Put aside for later
Put aside large building designed primarily to support farm animals
Put asphalt on
Put at risk
Put at risk after first of attendants abandons sovereign
Put at risk removing article from beard
Put at risk X after heart transplant
Put at risk, adopting a system of measurement
Put at risk, call a halt to wrath
Put at risk, cease to be annoyed?
Put at risk, need Gran resettled
Put away
Put away 1000 1000 1000 1 times 500 takes energy?
Put away at home, box packed with extraordinary care
Put away celebrity magazine hiding cover
Put away drink after drive
Put away for a rainy day
Put away for good
Put away for safety?
Put away for storage
Put away heads of syndicate that got into debt
Put away in the country
Put away in vehicle, packed in box: drug smuggled in
Put away one dropping litter - about time!
Put away one's groceries
Put away slice
Put away some bread on board yet upset drinks service
Put away some headers to win
Put away the dishes
Put away TV when I date Marie (at last!)
Put away, as a sword
Put away, he hates to reform
Put away, in a way
Put away, store
Put back
Put back an inverted spike
Put back in
Put back in control over unfinished match
Put back in controls head of state ultimately sought
Put back in forest or earth
Put back in office
Put back in order?
Put back in place
Put back in position
Put back in the cage
Put back in the oven
Put back legal document containing deposit
Put back model in collection
Put back money into the same business
Put back on display, in a
Put back on stretch of river keeping one dry
Put back on the agenda
Put back on the market
Put back on the wall
Put back on TV
Put back part of wall on Kentish hill
Put back prop holding base
Put back rubbish American doughnut
Put back to work
Put back to zero
Put back to zero, say
Put back together
Put back together from parts
Put back up
Put backwards
Put barriers in the way of naked philosopher
Put before duke, arranged in tiers
Put behind bars
Put belowdecks
Put between
Put blacktop on
Put books on a bloody disc
Put books on top of Allen organ
Put briefly into boiling water, cutting out new cold tripe
Put bubbles into
Put by for later
Put casual clothes on carpet
Put chips in a pot
Put chips in up front
Put coat on – one's secured by a knot
Put coins in
Put darts into, as a garm
Put differently, traveller has English about right
Put down
Put down “Time to pay membership fee”
Put down a can?
Put down a quantity of food
Put down about one number over a bet in Australia
Put down amateur
Put down an unanswerable question
Put down anew
Put down best ever
Put down by force
Put down drink
Put down face up
Put down false name in legal document
Put down flags, turning to speak, and vanish
Put down for one stopping to tell stories
Put down forcibly
Put down in Greater Manchester region
Put down in print
Put down in writing
Put down in writing?
Put down iron after crease initially comes out of collar
Put down lines quite rejecting it at first
Put down money - £25 - on a horse
Put down on paper
Put down on the street
Put down one's ball
Put down one's hand
Put down other end that's damaged
Put down roots around a US city
Put down round tube that's empty
Put down setter, entertained by actor
Put down some chips
Put down some chips?
Put down song as perceived by others?
Put down stakes?
Put down swan with Edward in attendance
Put down the first card
Put down the phone
Put down thirteen cards, in informal garment
Put down tip from firefighter
Put down to the occasion, can it ever be bettered?
Put down work papers
Put down, as a riot
Put down, as an uprising
Put down, in a way
Put down, modern-style
Put down, on the street
Put down, slangily
Put entirely inside something else
Put excess stock on stewed veg or fish we hear
Put favourable slant on two levels about unknown philosopher
Put fear into friend holding papers
Put figures together to sound reasonable
Put film into
Put finger on front of thigh: that hurt!
Put five musicians on dis
Put fizz in
Put flags on quiet little street
Put fodder away
Put foot down and went in to drink
Put foot repeatedly in fruit tree
Put forth
Put forth, as a theory
Put forth, as effort
Put forth, in a way
Put forward
Put forward (an idea)
Put forward (for argument)
Put forward a plan
Put forward as fact
Put forward assassin?
Put forward current borders of England
Put forward fantastic hot dishes? Yep!
Put forward for consideration
Put forward one single department to be located
Put forward; place
Put forward; specify
Put grandmère back where she might belong
Put half your money to begin with on red, returning to make a killing
Put hand in bog for bully
Put handcuffs on rarest criminal
Put hands out for old port
Put honey in traps set up to catch baby
Put illiterately, Queen and I go walkabout
Put in
Put in a bibliography, e.
Put in a bibliography, sa
Put in a box or wrapping
Put in a chip
Put in a difficult positi
Put in a difficult position and finished full of rage
Put in a hiding place
Put in a new medium
Put in a nutshell
Put in a part
Put in a position
Put in a record
Put in a request when journalist buttonholes king
Put in a revised line relating to union
Put in a row
Put in a slum site, he got out
Put in a stake
Put in a trance
Put in A, B, C, D, or E, say? I'm naive - it's wrong
Put in abeyance
Put in an appearance outside retro car plant
Put in an appearance, clothed
Put in an awkward position - it's what Trump's good at
Put in an awkward situation
Put in an overhead bin, s
Put in angle - in briefly?
Put in another class? Correct
Put in bar with English? Terminal
Put in box after end of race
Put in case for appeal related to food processing facility
Put in chains
Put in charge after half of hospital's showing stress?
Put in charge? Quite the opposite
Put in chasing group following Italian giants after small loss
Put in crossword, it can produce expression of annoyance
Put in danger
Put in difficult position, our entering nick is worthy of respect
Put in family member no longer left standing
Put in for rerun, sore and inept
Put in fresh film
Put in grave situation - people in Northern Territory being detained
Put in grinding toil with hard calculus
Put in gym, daughter had fun
Put in hock
Put in hot oil again
Put in jail
Put in leg-irons
Put in lodgings right by unusual tree in courtyard
Put in new place on exercise aboard carrier
Put in new position in unexpected delight
Put in one's two cents wo
Put in one's two cents' w
Put in one's ___
Put in one's ___ (interfe
Put in or take out
Put in or take out, maybe
Put in order
Put in order and gained financially
Put in order, keeping a model satisfied
Put in order: fish, one small fish, gutted
Put in picture, mount­ed, then taken out
Put in piles, say
Put in place
Put in plaintext
Put in position
Put in post without a penny paid out
Put in power
Put in prison
Put in prison: 2 wds.
Put in rollers
Put in sequence
Put in shackles
Put in simpler terms, maybe public transport's delayed after I departed
Put in situation hard to get out of? Possibly, providing one red's OK
Put in stitches
Put in storage
Put in the archives
Put in the bank
Put in the cup
Put in the ground
Put in the ground, in a w
Put in the hold
Put in the hole
Put in the overhead rack
Put in the picture
Put in the pot
Put in the wrong folder
Put in the wrong place
Put in to get in
Put in to start
Put in up front
Put in ___ for
Put in ___ way
Put in; enclosure
Put information on the internet
Put inside
Put into a different form
Put into a liquid
Put into a new order
Put into a sheath
Put into a straight row
Put into action
Put into an equilibrium
Put into another language
Put into bed, come down with serious head problem
Put into cartoon form
Put into cipher
Put into code
Put into cypher
Put into effect
Put into gear
Put into law
Put into liquid in Verdun kitchen
Put into long-term storage
Put into memory
Put into motion
Put into office
Put into office wearing seconds? Hard to believe!
Put into office: Var.
Put into operation
Put into piles
Put into place
Put into play
Put into power
Put into practice
Put into print
Put into quarantine
Put into seat
Put into service
Put into servitude
Put into shape, because tangled
Put into slots
Put into someone’s care
Put into the computer wit
Put into the ground
Put into the hold
Put into words
Put into words fast
Put iron within 3ft, rising to challenge
Put it about prohibition's ended
Put it another way, agent needs free share
Put it back on, you old monster!
Put it in oil with a pinch of salt to make appetisers
Put it to
Put key in a lock for film star?
Put kilo on, occasionally full of fig pudding
Put limit on number south of Thailand
Put limits on refuse emptied near stern
Put mares out towards spring. perhaps
Put mark on spaceship driver's travel permits
Put marker on overturned box containing old instrument
Put mine with yours, but not ours, Ruth
Put monarch ultimately thereon, unsteadily
Put money aside to acquire old Italian wine
Put money in a bank
Put money in side pot to be dished out
Put money in the bank
Put money in, having lost one's shirt?
Put money into shares, property, etc
Put money on a Greek character
Put money on scrap, a fabulous contest
Put more paper into
Put more plainly, tenor and soprano's parting was overdue
Put more pressure (on)
Put Mr. Meese in an Arman
Put my new food in buckets?
Put name to excellent port
Put new ground cover on
Put new items in official data gathering processes
Put new life into what kings do before ceremony - not right
Put new money into political party - get clear about that
Put new parts on, in a wa
Put new shoestrings in
Put new structure on back burner
Put new turf on
Put nitrogen in to check gas exhaust
Put nuts back, having no time when night's over
Put off
Put off - visit
Put off a D-day in France with new leader
Put off a nightclub employee taking our name
Put off after clubs restrict game
Put off after page 1
Put off and rescheduled hosting day in Paris
Put off as revolutionary supplied with rations again?
Put off by cleaning product, chap leaves
Put off by film featuring bloody revolutionary? Just the opposite
Put off by fuss about Japan's capital vessel
Put off by letters Gothic author's written about chief of night-gaunts
Put off carrying container, a stoppered glass
Put off carrying tin - this is more like a bottle
Put off carrying tin, having bottle
Put off dance craze that's going round university
Put off dance then argue for reparation
Put off date - notice children around
Put off deciding about place in market
Put off deciding until the morrow
Put off detective writer, but not getting cross
Put off drinking tin, gets bottle
Put off Duke and one of Wooster’s relatives?
Put off fellow stabbing game animals
Put off food consumed around middle of afternoon
Put off for ever
Put off guard
Put off having criminal freed
Put off job by somebody in Police Department
Put off M1 before race, leading to conviction
Put off one speech in decline
Put off payment for Trident, supposedly
Put off Pole, working to break flipping record!
Put off professional prankster
Put off retirement
Put off retirement?
Put off seeing how library books are displayed?
Put off some food — consumed sandwiches last for dinner
Put off stage in audition
Put off taking a day over most of magazine
Put off till another day
Put off till later
Put off till tomorrow, sa
Put off to later
Put off touching vegan food
Put off upright individual holding power
Put off when a church covers up sin, being clinical
Put off, as a motion
Put off, defer
Put off, discourage
Put off, finally having dye to wash away
Put old record in missile and take off
Put on
Put on (a play)
Put on a border
Put on a coat, run away, and disappear
Put on a golden coat
Put on a happy face
Put on a leash
Put on a mass at last, boring parishioner
Put on a new staff
Put on a pedestal
Put on a scale
Put on a show
Put on a show for father instead of turning up for crossword?
Put on a spit
Put on a winter coat?
Put on account to evade draconian tips
Put on again
Put on again, as weight
Put on airs ridiculously, like a French author
Put on an act
Put on an extra court for heroin user, say
Put on an unhappy face
Put on ballets in odd places, maybe part of York
Put on board
Put on board, as cargo
Put on brave face in heat: think ice not to be ordered
Put on cargo
Put on clothes
Put on clothing for international singer from Canada
Put on cloud nine
Put on coach
Put on costume
Put on different clothes
Put on display
Put on extended promotion
Put on film about essential sailor's workwear
Put on finery and rode out
Put on fire after temperature’s dropped
Put on hold
Put on ice
Put on leg pad, ultimately
Put on list for jury service, Hob's getting off plane
Put on notice
Put on one's clothes
Put on one's Sunday best
Put on one's thinking cap
Put on paper mechanically
Put on period drama here?
Put on pressure dealing with nurse
Put on pressure to split, film's captured
Put on rack in custodial sentence
Put on reel-to-reel
Put on sale
Put on scales women’s rowing team shortly
Put on smart clothes to impress
Put on special clothes
Put on spectacles after idiot dropped small IT accessories
Put on stage
Put on stone and mellowed
Put on stone in one's declining years
Put on suit
Put on the back burner
Put on the books
Put on the box
Put on the canvas
Put on the line
Put on the line, perhaps
Put on the page
Put on the payroll
Put on the payroll again
Put on the same level
Put on the throne
Put on the tube
Put on trainer in old vehicle
Put on trial
Put on TV
Put on weight
Put on weight after party, a stone
Put on weight to get attention
Put on wrapping paper, which is to prove tedious
Put on ___ (act snooty)
Put on ___ (fake it)
Put on ___ (pretend)
Put on, as a roof, maybe
Put on, as cargo
Put on, as glue
Put on, as plays
Put on, in a way
Put one by
Put one image over another
Put one over on
Put one past
Put one past?
Put one ___
Put one’s foot down
Put one’s foot down on healthy Veronica plant
Put one's cards on the ta
Put one's feet up
Put one's feet up in neig
Put one's finger on
Put one's foot down
Put one's foot down over energy charge
Put one's foot down?
Put one's foot down? Minister's revolting
Put one's hand to old hat to register departure
Put one's hands together
Put one's John Hancock on
Put one's legs up
Put one's name on
Put one's name on placard
Put one's oar in to reach sporting podium, they say
Put one's two cents in
Put one's two cents in?
Put one’s foot down?
Put one’s nose to the grindstone
Put out
Put out a football team with no wingers?
Put out a smiling shot
Put out about an agent causing disorder, spy screened
Put out about biography finally lacking spiritual elevation
Put out about old woman, one moving abroad
Put out again
Put out and mostly worried about bloke
Put out as check follows piece surrendering centre
Put out – drug den list
Put out books have to be pulled from river
Put out broadcast supporting member
Put out by charm offensive of an amateur critic?
Put out cigar and bonk Serpent
Put out dips and sauces, each on a regular basis
Put out drugs for trials
Put out eggs – almost leave out scrambled
Put out film collection
Put out half of modest income, sadly
Put out hip on chair with a hole in the middle?
Put out horse, say, by forest track where ass may be led
Put out left-leaning workers’ organisation: it goes against the grain
Put out leg to trap bird in port
Put out Liberal, replaced by Judge in vote
Put out note, second-hand
Put out of action by baddies running round lake
Put out of bounds, so to
Put out of business
Put out of commission
Put out of countenance
Put out of order
Put out of school, former student lurks outside gym
Put out present in elevated position
Put out question to finish off captured revolutionary
Put out Seeger and REM reissues
Put out sepulchre that's cut in stone
Put out some books describing America
Put out some faint indication of political intent
Put out some Zinfandel, I'm in a temper!
Put out to be taken in by damn pickpocket
Put out to local government
Put out without a note as second-hand
Put out, as a base runner
Put out, as a fire
Put out, as a light
Put out, as effort
Put out, I carp
Put out, in a way
Put out, in the old days
Put out, is a local not initially unfriendly?
Put out, maybe, in baseba
Put out, quenched
Put out, with "off"
Put out; topic
Put over high heat
Put paid to beauty contest winner?
Put paid to journalists concealing name
Put paid to king, moving bishop not pawn
Put paid to rising opposition, including Spain and France
Put paper into
Put past?
Put pen to paper
Put pen to paper, did you say? That’s correct
Put Penny off getting drugged
Put pieces on board for amateurs
Put pins around seat covers tailor's edging
Put plates out for e.g. rice, sweetcorn ...
Put poem on book token
Put pressure (on)
Put pressure on - sleuth
Put pressure on doctor
Put pressure on one involved in a row
Put protective coat on cow I go out with
Put radical in chains for inflammatory speeches
Put restriction on funds of jewellery dealer
Put right
Put right about couple
Put right in print; did press at first?
Put right in pub when alongside news boss
Put right individual back in charge for putsch, maybe
Put right?
Put round a large and splendid house
Put s at the end of code to get codes
Put safely to bed, as a c
Put salt on, maybe
Put satisfied tours in the upgrades, originally
Put shells in
Put shoes on?
Put side by side
Put sign up for submarine captain
Put some power into attack
Put some teeth into
Put something on
Put somewhere out of sigh
Put son in Hilton perhaps — or somewhere cheaper?
Put spirit into, with "up
Put sport back in modest setting, showing consideration
Put spy in place to ensnare English royal family
Put stamp on US officer's restraining order
Put stocks on ground to strengthen Arsenal
Put straight
Put straight crooked dealing
Put straight tabloid's missing section with ferocious expression
Put swimmer on the phone?
Put the ball in the net
Put the cards away and get ready for action
Put the case against the euro
Put the collar on
Put the dentures aside wh
Put the dishes away
Put the end first?
Put the finishing touches
Put the finishing touches to flier that is about tax
Put the focus on
Put the kibosh on
Put the pedal to the meta
Put the phone down
Put the squeeze on
Put the tape back to the
Put the touch on
Put the whammy on
Put the wind up a member crossing lake
Put third at worst
Put through a blender
Put through a furnace
Put through a machine, as
Put through a sieve
Put through demeaning rit
Put through the mill?
Put through the paces
Put through the system?
Put thus St Mary is a very clever person
Put to
Put to a purpose
Put to death
Put to death - and do it with a will
Put to death perhaps, with uneatable part removed
Put to flight
Put to good effect
Put to good ___
Put to paper
Put to part of cereal plant, can it cut?
Put to practical use
Put to practical use - like some fruit?
Put to rest
Put to rest, as fears
Put to rest, in a way
Put to rights
Put to shame
Put to sleep
Put to sleep, in a way
Put to sleep, maybe
Put to the proof
Put to the sword
Put to the test
Put to use
Put to work
Put to work for paper in combat zone, my boss receives gong
Put to work, some decades until going into retirement
Put together
Put together advance to break plot
Put together beforehand
Put together dope crest spending millions on diamonds
Put together game involving cues
Put together our clothes, prepared to sign up
Put together power ballad?
Put together project involving unknown and anonymous model
Put together project, securing vote with an attitude
Put together using every cardinal point
Put together when steam oddly leaked
Put together, as film
Put together, in a way
Put too great a demand on (a system)
Put too much burden on D-Day operation area prioritised for Resistance
Put too much chilli in stuffing I serve cop
Put too much effort in fixing vote to welcome king and queen
Put too much effort into agreement with a lot of extremely meagre content
Put too much in round barrel before getting in
Put too much paint on protective clothing?
Put too much pressure on
Put trust in
Put two and two together
Put two and two together?
Put two heads together, being cunning
Put under
Put under financial pressure, stop being crooked, we hear
Put under joint ownership? A rejected suggestion
Put under pressure
Put under?
Put underwear on at home then move to and fro - good idea!
Put up
Put up a fight
Put up a fuss
Put up after with welcome drink
Put up again after changing sides halfway, and get in again
Put up again outside hotel - anger misplaced
Put up beams in the auditorium
Put up before court
Put up billboards, e.g.
Put up European tax shelter limits
Put up fare
Put up hotel on river
Put up job
Put up list on a Soda Stream?
Put up more amenable champion for second game
Put up on the wall
Put up or cut up
Put up painting of leaf
Put up painting, say, for cleaning?
Put up partner whose wife earns the money?
Put up picture with tack, getting finger injury
Put up security
Put up stakes
Put up tents
Put up the cash
Put up with
Put up with a lecturer from the north
Put up with assistant bringing book in
Put up with being undressed for an audience
Put up with black stuff in one part of leg
Put up with daughter’s facial hair
Put up with deed that keeps church quiet
Put up with drill
Put up with half-cut Tory queen getting in around 1am?
Put up with huge beast
Put up with Hungary's president
Put up with irritating person
Put up with jazz fan being an animal
Put up with large and powerful muscles
Put up with no bull!
Put up with old man taking year to finally resolve discussion
Put up with one hammering meat
Put up with Paddington, for example
Put up with painter’s charges
Put up with person battering some fast food
Put up with sales talk
Put up with some alterations to machines
Put up with someone hard to put up with
Put up with son poking face — a pest
Put up with song ultimately written like Bartók
Put up with split ignoring line down middle
Put up with trimmed facial hair
Put up with turning circle all right
Put up with uniform, initially, when made to wear stockings
Put up with verbal abuse
Put up, as a building
Put up, as a picture
Put up, as money
Put Up, Up and Away under film, raising tempo initially, and cause a violent reaction
Put upon
Put upset girl in network of cells
Put with confidence in hospital department, deteriorate
Put wrath in provocative writing
Put X's over
Put your clothes on, padres! Sister's coming round!
Put your feet up
Put your foot down here when you want to stop
Put your foot down in second and first
Put your foot down, Frank
Put your hands together to catch balls
Put your legs on either side of
Put ___ (ask a hard quest
Put ___ (ask hard questio
Put ___ (shove off)
Put ___ act
Put ___ appearance
Put ___ ease
Put ___ good word for
Put ___ in one's ear
Put ___ on (limit)
Put ___ question
Put ___ show
Put ___ to
Put ___ to (end)
Put ___ to (finish)
Put ___ to (halt)
Put ___ words
Put ___ writing
Put-in-Bay's lake
Put-on artists?
Put-up job
Put-up job pinching diamonds: trouble for place of riches
Putative East Indies carrier almost off the ground?
Putdown for a computer wh
Putdown of those with who
Putin foreign minister Ig
Putin input?
Putin quoter
Putin sat around getting clothes
Putin's former org.
Putin's land
Putin's refusal
Putin's yeses
Putrid, rotten salami concealing millions
Puts (a plan) into effect
Puts (away)
Puts (data) onto a larger system
Puts (down)
Puts (numbers) together
Puts (on) thickly
Puts 2 and 2 together
Puts 2 and 2 together to
Puts a border around
Puts a cap on
Puts a label on
Puts a match to offal
Puts a new bottom on
Puts a new finish on
Puts a price on freedom
Puts a stop to
Puts a top on
Puts an edge on
Puts an end to
Puts an end to advertising performances
Puts at 0, maybe
Puts at risk
Puts away
Puts away chair, front to back
Puts away plates
Puts away, in a way
Puts back
Puts back in
Puts back in the oven - Theresa is worried
Puts back mail criminal opens
Puts back on one's blog
Puts back to zero
Puts behind bars
Puts blades to blades?
Puts down
Puts down - narrative poetry
Puts down a force during exercise to avoid risk
Puts down protest – determined to make comeback
Puts down record after ingesting medicines? On the contrary
Puts down, as the red car
Puts down, in a way
Puts down, in brief
Puts first or second, say
Puts forth
Puts forth with effort
Puts forth, as effort
Puts forward
Puts forward large packaging deal
Puts frosting on
Puts gems on a flute play
Puts hats on display?
Puts ice on, maybe
Puts in
Puts in a bad position?
Puts in a blue funk
Puts in a box, maybe
Puts in a final resting p
Puts in a jug
Puts in a seat
Puts in a snug spot
Puts in a whole new light
Puts in an appearance
Puts in an overhead compa
Puts in extra
Puts in firmly
Puts in its place
Puts in jeopardy
Puts in knots
Puts in office
Puts in one's place
Puts in order
Puts in order that requires instant mug shot first of all
Puts in play
Puts in proper order, nau
Puts in stitches
Puts in the box or on the board
Puts in the dock again
Puts in the mail?
Puts in writing
Puts instruments and dials back to zero
Puts into action
Puts into effect
Puts into harmony
Puts into law
Puts into office
Puts into piles
Puts into play
Puts into position, in a
Puts into service
Puts it to
Puts new bandages on
Puts off
Puts off one's retirement
Puts on
Puts on
Puts on - lecturers
Puts on ... or things tha
Puts on a computer hard d
Puts on a happy face
Puts on a list
Puts on a long face
Puts on a new coat
Puts on a pedestal
Puts on a scale
Puts on a show
Puts on an act
Puts on an unhappy face
Puts on cargo
Puts on commercials on the radio
Puts on display, with "ou
Puts on for a certain aud
Puts on half loved tubular scarf back to front
Puts on ice
Puts on robes for academics
Puts on shades
Puts on the ballot
Puts on the board
Puts on the books
Puts on the brakes
Puts on the bulletin boar
Puts on the burner
Puts on the hook?
Puts on the line
Puts on the right wavelen
Puts on the staff?
Puts on TV
Puts on, as cargo
Puts one within another
Puts one's foot down
Puts one's John Hancock o
Puts out
Puts out of business
Puts out of work
Puts out paper opposing current tendencies
Puts out some hot, swingi
Puts out, say
Puts play off, its bill being remarkable
Puts right ginger locks without any tinting essentially
Puts rumpled sheets away from mouth
Puts side by side
Puts spikes behind back of Co-op
Puts the kibosh on
Puts the match to
Puts the pedal to the met
Puts through a food press
Puts through again, as pa
Puts to flight
Puts to the test
Puts to work
Puts together
Puts together hastily
Puts together in a hurry
Puts together, in a way
Puts trust in, with "on"
Puts two and two together
Puts under
Puts up
Puts up a fight
Puts up again, as bowling
Puts up money to release sporting accessories
Puts up with
Puts up with 25D in bed
Puts up with masses
Puts up with most cash being squandered
Puts up, as a computer me
Puts up, as a painting
Puts up, as a tower
Puts waterproof coat on — so Cleopatra survives a little longer?
Puts words in the mouth o
Putted successfully
Putter (around)
Putter’s nerves
Puttered around
Putting a coat on, eg never shivering outside home
Putting a lid on piano, celebrated vocalist demonstrates one way to sing
Putting a stop to what dog and pig do?
Putting a toe in the wate
Putting all the poker chi
Putting area
Putting around and through miniature windmills etc
Putting aside bathroom activity, not hard
Putting aside temporarily
Putting at an unfair disadvantage
Putting at stake leg jewellery?
Putting away
Putting bible back, I can't suspect authority of church
Putting cash up front, bosses import rare animal
Putting forward again
Putting game
Putting gift outside large door - finally giving hint
Putting holes in phone box first
Putting in a bit of money secures paper
Putting in a carton [re
Putting in a row, like Sa
Putting in big quantity, stuff a set of vessels
Putting in every effort, drunk at party
Putting in fortune, load a fleet
Putting in margarine initially, make a British meal
Putting in other words a little time into relaxation
Putting in stuffing, having removed pigeon's head
Putting Italian in charge is silliness
Putting L between P and L in 'misplaced'?
Putting melted lead in starch is off for the present time
Putting money aside
Putting off creating space for books, perhaps
Putting off engineer undoing jar
Putting off the calming of excitement?
Putting on (a play)
Putting on a pedestal
Putting on about fifty? That’s confusing
Putting on airs, like mother supervising sisters?
Putting on covers finally at 0-15, on which defeat's guaranteed
Putting on hold
Putting on smart clothing heading for amateur golf
Putting on the line
Putting on thick coat, there’s nothing Picaroon’s too old for?
Putting on this jumper, male player might relax here
Putting one's foot in one
Putting regular gas in a
Putting right
Putting self-portrait on display, bashfully
Putting targets
Putting the fear into flying
Putting the lid on the whisky?
Putting the squeeze on
Putting to rest
Putting to work
Putting together new dissertation after second year
Putting together of new gable a mess
Putting together orchestral open­ing as interlude for musical
Putting together part of school timetable
Putting two and two toget
Putting up
Putting up a barrier across river is insane
Putting up an objection about colour
Putting up paintings during meeting is an offence
Putting up the greatest a
Putting up with
Putting weight on?
Putting women down, e.g.
Putts out
Putts that might be conce
Putty-like cement used as adhesive or filler
Putty-like substance
Putty-style sealant
Putzed around
Puzo family name
Puzzle - foil
Puzzle - Ian Rankin's inspector
Puzzle - powered cutter
Puzzle - UK's duo
Puzzle a ferocious beast, just over half still to go in
Puzzle about public transport
Puzzle about what American restaurant staff may do
Puzzle always negative?
Puzzle compiler's pen hides ruler
Puzzle completion?
Puzzle concerning naval vessel turning over
Puzzle concerning rising press employee
Puzzle contestant who esc
Puzzle created by regulating device
Puzzle deception set up
Puzzle deception with German drink
Puzzle doer, apparently
Puzzle first published in a British newspaper in 2004
Puzzle for assembling
Puzzle French bridge player with fine bluff, essentially
Puzzle from mischievous child given tremendous backing
Puzzle from personnel wearing drag
Puzzle from the south of France all right, you said
Puzzle given a couple of marks for wrong and right answers, we hear
Puzzle had screw loose, or had cracked
Puzzle has to remain more outrageous
Puzzle imagined to be tricky - not the first or last
Puzzle in game resolved
Puzzle in game to be worked out
Puzzle in south chasing westbound taxi provider
Puzzle initially freaking out clumsy idiot
Puzzle involving puns, only shortened
Puzzle involving the numbers 1 to 9
Puzzle is uncivilised, having been written in drink
Puzzle no more?
Puzzle not having a positive value?
Puzzle of extremely reliable boat capsizing
Puzzle on something red in London
Puzzle out
Puzzle page favorite
Puzzle page introduced by problem about time
Puzzle party hosted by retired British/American
Puzzle producing what sounds like a bad-tempered sign of approval
Puzzle regarding police raid finishing early
Puzzle relating to public transport
Puzzle set in game
Puzzle set, turns and hands it over
Puzzle setter cross after local entering error
Puzzle show-off
Puzzle solver
Puzzle solver's exclamati
Puzzle solver's goal
Puzzle such as this
Puzzle surfacing whale with short pole
Puzzle surrounding Mev's oil supplier
Puzzle type
Puzzle using first letters
Puzzle when bird is restricted by farmyard disease
Puzzle with a start and a
Puzzle with many pieces
Puzzle with solutions reading the same down as across
Puzzle's center
Puzzle's meaning can be decoded without a name
Puzzle's meaning not essentially obscure
Puzzle's remaining part
Puzzle's theme (shown in
Puzzle, bewilder
Puzzle, cooker not opening
Puzzle, urgent one I must crack
Puzzle: European playwright imprisoned by British
Puzzle: was soldier Jack set up?
Puzzled (out)
Puzzled - below cost
Puzzled about whiskey firm's budget
Puzzled about working after merger
Puzzlemaker Rubik
Puzzler's shout
Puzzles - mysteries
Puzzles - riddles
Puzzles solved with a pen
Puzzles turned up to occupy fools
Puzzling advert against cultural innovator
Puzzling arrangement with sheep leaving, heading north around hot country
Puzzling clue for 3 riders found here
Puzzling form on the upturn, United knocked us out
Puzzling images note 6's more common container
Puzzling individual – part lion, part human
Puzzling jumble: Abbr.
Puzzling mystery
Puzzling network
Puzzling originator in Cologne is Tesla - or is it Einstein?
Puzzling out some jargon
Puzzling person?
Puzzling piece of cryptic I'm on, generally read as Arabic?
Puzzling polemic put together
Puzzling problem
Puzzling question
Puzzling question about right for sacred text
Puzzling questioner
Puzzling row about a cowshed
Puzzling thing
Puzzling trick covered by journalist in solemn observance
pV = nRT, to physicists
Pvt.'s boss
Pvt.'s goal?
PX patrons
PX shopper
PX users
PX, e.g.
Pygmalion brought her to
Pygmalion playwright
Pygmy couple?
Pygmy militia member?
Pyjamas, for example
Pyle of Mayberry
Pyle on TV
Pyle player
Pyongyang's typical contribution to having acute worries about the world
Pyramid and cube
Pyramid builder short of energy food
Pyramid builder's revolutionary works
Pyramid part
Pyramid scheme
Pyramid scheme, e.g.
Pyramid schemes, e.g.
Pyramid, maybe
Pyrenees nation
Pyromaniac's crime
Pyromaniac's criminal activity
Pyrotechnic device
Pyrotechnic devices
Pyrotechnic style on record
Pyrotechnics inspire artistic pieces
Pythagoras' square
Pythagorean character
Pythagorean P's
Pythagorean triangle?
Pythian Games site
Python discovered in sediment
Python finally slithering by fence
Python found in Gents
Python shelters in church
Python stands up during panel discussion
Python's kin
Python's lecture a load of pointless chit-chat
Python's quarry, leathery skin in pig and bird
Python, perhaps, welcomes second TV series
Clue Database Last Updated: 24/03/2025 12:00am