Common Crossword Clues Starting with D

D and C, in D.C.
D flat's equivalent
D for dimwit?
D Icke transfigured beneath mountain, he’s in love with 16
D or EEE
D preceder
D sharp equivalent
D sharp, say
D train?
D Trump's most influential supporter snubbed victors in Australian war
D with 50% off
D'Amato and others
D'Amato or Dodd: Abbr.
D'Artagnan at once embraces group that's all for one
D'Artagnan's home with a couple of rabbits
D'back, e.g.
D'Oyly Carte offering
D'Oyly Carte production
D's place out in the sticks
D'___ (according to: Fr.)
D, for one
D, often
D-back or Card
D-back, e.g.
D-back, for one
D-backs, e.g.
D-backs, on a scoreboard
D-Con target
D-Day arena: Abbr.
D-Day beach
D-Day beach sergeant's first news
D-Day beachhead
D-Day carrier: Abbr.
D-Day carriers: Abbr.
D-Day craft
D-Day craft: Abbr.
D-Day invasion river
D-Day invasion town
D-Day mo.
D-Day sights: Abbr.
D-Day time
D-Day transport: Abbr.
D-Day vessel
D-Day vessel: Abbr.
D-Day vessels
D-Day vessels: Abbr.
D-Ray, e.g.
D. H. Lawrence novel made
D. H. Lawrence ranch site
D. H. Lawrence's retreat
D. L. Coburn Pulitzer pla
D. W. Griffith subject
D. W. ___ Award, honor fo
D.A.-to-be's hurdle
D.C. ballplayer
D.C. baseballer
D.C. bigwig
D.C. bigwigs
D.C. body
D.C. clock setting
D.C. diamond squad
D.C. dignitary
D.C. donator
D.C. figure
D.C. figures: Abbr.
D.C. fund-raisers
D.C. group
D.C. influence wielder
D.C. insider
D.C. is on it
D.C. legislator
D.C. nine, for short
D.C. org. dropped from th
D.C. party
D.C. players
D.C. pol
D.C. pols
D.C. regulators
D.C. Rep. ___ Holmes Nort
D.C. setting
D.C. summer clock setting
D.C. summer hrs.
D.C. summer setting
D.C. team, for short
D.C. toiler
D.C. type
D.C. United org.
D.C. United player, e.g.
D.C. V.I.P.
D.C. winter hrs.
D.C.'s Kennedy ___
D.C.'s Pennsylvania ___
D.C.'s Pennsylvania, e.g.
D.C.'s Union ___
D.C.-based media giant
D.C.-based news org.
D.C.-based news source
D.C.-to-Va. Beach directi
D.D.'s inst.
D.D.E. and others
D.D.E. defeated him
D.D.E. opponent
D.D.E. zone
D.D.E.'s 1942 command
D.D.E.'s 1952 and '56 opp
D.D.E.'s arena
D.D.E.'s command
D.D.E.'s command in W.W.
D.D.E.'s command, once
D.D.E.'s oversight, once
D.D.E.'s political rival
D.D.E.'s predecessor
D.D.E.'s purview
D.D.E.'s purview in W.W.
D.D.E.'s W.W. II command
D.D.E., for one
D.E.A. agent
D.E.A. agent: Var.
D.E.A. employees, e.g.
D.E.A. officer
D.E.A. operative
D.E.A. seizure, maybe
D.H. —. novelist
D.H.'s pride
D.H.'s stat
D.J.'s collection
D.J.'s considerations
D.J.'s offering, informal
D.J.'s stack
D.J.'s, at times
D.M.V. document
D.M.V. issue
D.M.V. part
D.O.E. part: Abbr.
D.O.T. concern
D.O.T. org.
D.S.M. recipient
D.S.T. ending time
D.W.I. opposers
Da and I are recently getting into claret
Da capo ___ (Baroque piec
Da Gama's destination
DA then re-engineered fan
Da Vinci masterpiece, wit
Da Vinci or Michelangelo,
Da Vinci portrait (2 wds.)
Da ___, Vietnam
Da's opposite
da-DUM, da-DUM, da-DUM
Dab hand
Dabble in
Dabbler in oriental language getting zero
Dabbler in the arts?
Dabbler teases swingers
Dabbler's surprisingly talented with it
Dabbler, pal, invested in gold rings, initially
Dabbler, with new start, ultimately into employing encouragement of aggression
Dabbles (in)
Dabbling duck
Dabbling ducks
Dachshund (Informal)
Dacre perhaps somehow tried to take in head of OFCOM
Dacre's rag admits liberal sources
Dactylitis locale
Dad abandons Spanish dish for this woman
Dad about to hug a daughter in ceremonial event?
Dad and sleek date getting high get out of it
Dad bags country house's top fish
Dad ceased dancing outside as a stunt
Dad chopping tree up for timber
Dad dancing - extremely liable to confuse!
Dad does up opulent houses
Dad embarrassed after prune stew is not ready
Dad employed to collect Ford's model car's treated surfaces
Dad exercised and took ten
Dad exercises and stops to draw breath?
Dad going out with hat, worn jeans and old jumper
Dad has system of paying — such is his family duty
Dad in street quarrel
Dad is back at his job, that's clear
Dad is familiar with top
Dad joining Church — step forward
Dad later lets it own goal; it makes you sick
Dad leaves hitchhiker, say, on Middle East express
Dad mounted pictures out of consideration
Dad on bass held back music of his youth?
Dad rock?
Dad says "maybe"
Dad says "no"
Dad says "yes"
Dad spelled out character of WWF
Dad staged riot - it’s old fashioned masculine, national pride
Dad succeeded inflating tyre: delightful!
Dad swallowing an excellent remedy for ills
Dad taking teacher around European capital
Dad took off, or mum left? Hard to explain
Dad turned expert at a rate of knots
Dad upset over friend’s dismay
Dad upset over injured goolies getting words of sorrow
Dad uses IQ to thrash enlisted soldiers
Dad with delayed sense of taste
Dad worried about second son's speech
Dad’s Army cast entertaining English illusions
Dad’s Army, right for Elvis, say?
Dad’s at back, making something to eat
Dad’s high point, becoming vicar
Dad’s pin-up eating top of raw vegetable
Dad’s succeeded, getting this?
Dad’s time — history!
Dad’s time is gone
Dad’s mother, with it, beginning to enjoy rock?
Dad’s sort of music?
Dad’s word of thanks for simple food
Dad's a philosopher
Dad's Army actor, d. 2012
Dad's backing Mum perhaps, that's obvious
Dad's bro
Dad's dance move
Dad's emptied the sandwich spread?
Dad's favourite child?
Dad's mate
Dad's mum
Dad's namesake: Abbr.
Dad's on trial unfairly? Just a bit
Dad's or mum's bro
Dad's outside initially mowing the grass
Dad's partner
Dad's rival
Dad's sisters
Dad's spouse
Dad's taken aback by servant admitting close attachment
Dad's transaction will secure billions, OK?
Dad's upset, having little enthusiasm
Dad, slangily
Dada "daddy"
Dada artist Jean
Dada figure
Dada founder
Dada pioneer
Dada's wrong about last epilogues
Dada, to many
Dadaism founder
Dadaism pioneer Max
Dadaism's queer founders presenting a controversial writer
Dadaist collection
Dadaist Hans
Dadaist Hausmann
Dadaist Jean
Dadaist Max
Dadaist of the highest level, finally de Winter can transgress art
Daddy Cool, not so free from stress
Daddy deer
Daddy sheds fat for that woman
Daddy there is high and dry
Daddy Warbucks's bodyguar
Daddy Warbucks's henchman
Daddy Warbucks's little g
Daddy's counterpart
Daddy's dance
Daddy's skin covered with pig and head of tiger - tattoos, say?
Dads of dads
Dads' counterpart
Dads, in dialect
Daedalian creation
Daedalus creation
Daedalus in Paris with Dickensian humorist and artisan
Daedalus's Dictum: forget the beginnings of crosswords. That means ...
Daedalus's Rule: I might be found boring
Daesh takes two lives
Daewoo competitor
Daewoo model
Daffodil - nil telly
Daffy - bird
Daffy characteristic
Daffy Duck and others
Daffy Duck has one
Daffy Duck or Donald Duck
Daffy Duck or Elmer Fudd
Daffy Duck or Porky Pig
Daffy Duck trademark
Daffy Duck's impediment
Daffy longed, I heard, for another duck
Daffy-nition, part 2
Daft individual
Daft mother avoids speaking naturally
Daft sayings and crazy doings lacking a point
Daft to adopt city plan
Daft to discount British forces
Daft trap for one using foul language
Daft upmarket name initially suggested for Disneyland?
Dag Hammarskj
Dagger bound in the end to irritate
Dagger from old non-Arab country
Dagger gutted Helen, a deity
Dagger handle
Dagger in "The Mikado"
Dagger of old
Dagger part
Dagger parts
Dagger signs
Dagger symbols
Dagger symbols, reference marks in print
Dagger that is lethal first of all used in set-to
Dagger with a long straight blade
Dagger wound
Dagger's not used ’til fight
Dagger; heel
Daggers bishop plunged into old priest
Daggers, in printing
Dagwood's lady
Dagwood's sweetheart befo
Dah's counterpart
Dah's counterparts
Dah's go-with
Dah's partner
Dahl and Francis
Dahl and others
Dahl character - a Salt knocked back after seeing some geese?
Dahl character, not the full pair? The very thing
Dahl ingredient
Dahl of "A Southern Yanke
Dahl of "Watch the Birdie
Dahl or Amundsen?
Dahl or Francis
Dahl who wrote "Charlie a
Dahlia root, perhaps, in large container here in the middle
Dailies, in the movie biz
Daily activity perhaps in quiet avenue
Daily allowance
Daily bread supplier?
Daily Bruin sch.
Daily charge reduced by a third
Daily crime perpetrated by 24s
Daily deadlines within which I can broadcast
Daily delivery
Daily describes Romeo Hoskins as sweet talker
Daily dramas
Daily editor rejected over a piece of absurd behaviour
Daily event
Daily event one celebrates, interrupting trip
Daily for Conservative who's not so thick
Daily forced to ditch front cover in farcical event
Daily grind
Daily grind (2 wds.)
Daily hair option plugged by short health program
Daily Hollywood publicati
Daily in circulation, originally thinner
Daily injecting sulphur that may remove impurities
Daily instruction tedious, yet starts producing good work
Daily item on sale for scheduled period
Daily kids' TV show that
Daily mass occasionally put on by grand yoga centres
Daily meals
Daily neighborhood sight
Daily news quote, with "t
Daily newspaper, founded 1821 in Manchester
Daily nine-to-five strugg
Daily occurrence
Daily officer serving London district
Daily or weekly, e.g.: Ab
Daily page
Daily pastime for million
Daily pork pie? Fool!
Daily porridge needed for African flier
Daily productions
Daily reading for many Pa
Daily record
Daily Record design officer initially lost such a plot?
Daily record of events
Daily riser
Daily robbery?
Daily rounds too much, having to go to North London suburb
Daily sequence used for buying from a catalogue?
Daily service book
Daily sex remedied difficulty in reading
Daily sex sorted out learning difficulty
Daily sex, competent kind
Daily since 1851, briefly
Daily Star
Daily stories involving snide lad riled unhappy couple
Daily story for credulous chap
Daily struggle to get on
Daily sympathy, giving away penny for a good cause
Daily talk show beginning
Daily temperature extreme
Daily temperature stat
Daily train
Daily tram serving old Whitehall building
Daily trippers?
Daily V.I.P.
Daily weather datum
Daily, Charlie gets thinner
Daily, for example, reversal of cost
Daily, say, sent back fee
Daimler partner
Daimler-Chrysler products
DaimlerChrysler make
Dainty attire
Dainty bite
Dainty gem
Dainty milk supplier pens Italian book
Dainty one mostly lost blood after Freddy initially called
Dainty piece of delicate
Dainty restaurant
Daiquiri flavor
Daiquiri fruit
Dairy airs?
Dairy aisle buy
Dairy aisle items
Dairy aisle purchase
Dairy aisle section
Dairy animal
Dairy can compete henceforth, utilising recent negotiations initially
Dairy case bar
Dairy case item
Dairy cow
Dairy department offering
Dairy equipment
Dairy farm sound
Dairy frivolity?
Dairy ingredient of apricot tart
Dairy machine
Dairy mascot
Dairy meadows
Dairy morsel
Dairy or ranch regulator:
Dairy outlet?
Dairy pitcher?
Dairy product
Dairy product beating the very best
Dairy product cheat takes absolute millions
Dairy product containing little fat
Dairy product from East found in Irish province
Dairy product from goat?
Dairy product giving husband energy over in nomad’s tent
Dairy product has most of Channel Island in confusion
Dairy product in list carried by close relative
Dairy product made from curdled milk
Dairy product manufactured backwards
Dairy product used in som
Dairy product, something of high quality, taken on by type of cat?
Dairy products
Dairy products reportedly made by people in northern Iraq
Dairy products, can be hard or soft
Dairy Queen concoctions
Dairy Queen offering
Dairy Queen offerings
Dairy Queen order
Dairy Queen orders
Dairy Queen purchase
Dairy Queen purchases
Dairy regulator?
Dairy section selection
Dairy section selections
Dairy spokescow
Dairy spread
Dairy treat
Dairy with cat sculpted to form supporting column
Dairy workers
Dairy-case choice
Dairy-case image
Daisy and Bruce playing with a kid
Daisy chains
Daisy contrived to present truer image
Daisy developed by Luther
Daisy exhausted, riding bicycle initially in wrong gear
Daisy floret
Daisy Fuentes or Carson D
Daisy is a neat looker!
Daisy is first to kiss star
Daisy is within my control
Daisy lover
Daisy Mae's guy
Daisy Mae's heart's desir
Daisy Mae's man
Daisy Mae's mate
Daisy needs a bit taken off behind
Daisy part
Daisy relative
Daisy roots, china plate and dicky bird, for example
Daisy type
Daisy variety
Daisy ___
Daisy ___ of "Li'l Abner"
Daisy ___, who went to Ma
Daisy's back into phoney exoticism
Daisy's kin
Daisy's mistress
Daisy's over getting cross with peeper
Daisy's relative's crazy over crazy girl about love
Daisy's teacher taking marks off
Daisy, maiden to maintain religious procedure
Daisy, or what might be studying her?
Daisy, perhaps, works on US TV series
Daisy-like flower
Daisy-like plant
Daisy: elderly relative endlessly swigging beer, embarrassingly
Daisylike bloom
Daisylike flower
Daisylike flowers
Dak., once
Dakar's land
Dakota du Nord et du Sud,
Dakota dwelling
Dakota Indian
Dakota lodging
Dakota relative
Dakota tongue
Dakota ___ (old geog. des
Dakotas, once: Abbr.
Dalai Lama perhaps has this novel by Zola?
Dalai Lama's land
Dalai ___
Dale and Virginia shout up
Dale Earnhardt org.
Dale's man
Dalek's order to kill
Daley Thompson often put his foot in it
Dali and Picasso
Dali appears surreal in skilful training exercise
Dali carved onion - surreal artist
Dali contemporary
Dali following Lowry to draw in Lakeland village
Dali or Corot
Dali or Magritte, for example
Dali output
Dali perhaps not unknown among county celebs
Dali's life?
Dali, by birth
Dali, perhaps, reinterpreted rural sites
Dalibor initially ascended mountain by foot
Dalibor's above criticism, almost otherworldly
Dalibor's talent stopped by prison
Dallas cager, briefly
Dallas cager, for short
Dallas center?
Dallas City Hall designer
Dallas Cowboy's emblem
Dallas Cowboys founder Mu
Dallas diva or wayward Catalan artist...
Dallas dribbler, briefly
Dallas five
Dallas hoopster
Dallas hoopster, briefly
Dallas hoopsters
Dallas hrs.
Dallas icemen
Dallas player, briefly
Dallas player, for short
Dallas sch.
Dallas school, for short
Dallas suburb
Dallas team, informally
Dallas team, to fans
Dallas's locale
Dallas's nickname
Dallas's Reunion ___
Dallas, familiarly
Dallas-to-Austin dir.
Dallas-to-Des Moines dir.
Dallas-to-Duluth dir.
Dallas-to-Houston dir.
Dallas-to-Memphis dir.
Dallas-to-San Antonio dir
Dalliance in essence over, Andrew? I don't believe it!
Dallied, guided by animalistic urges?
Dalloway or Doubtfire
Dally outrageously with hip girl
Dalmatian docs
Dalmatian features
Dalmatian markings
Dalmatian or Pomeranian
Dalmatian's home
Dalmatian's master, somet
Dalmatian, e.g.
Daly City's county
Daly of "Cagney & Lacey"
Daly of "Judging Amy"
Daly TV role
Daly's TV co-star
Dam across a creek
Dam builders: Abbr.
Dam controlling water flow
Dam location
Dam on the Nile
Dam project: Abbr.
Dam result, often
Dam site
Dam source of water found in the Clyde valley
Dam that formed Lake Nass
Dam up
Dam with added function, not the conventional sort
Dam's counterpart
Dam, for example
Dam-building agcy.
Dam-building animal
Dam-building org.
Dam-building rodent
Dama's title: Abbr.
Damage - Elephant Man star
Damage a car travelling round island country
Damage a skimpy garment cut in gruelling event
Damage after cold spell
Damage as coming up we sullied boxes
Damage assessment grp.
Damage beyond repair
Damage can start to impair it?
Damage caused by mutation originally, mate - one's on top of it
Damage caused by one married couple
Damage caused by operative managing expenses
Damage caused by shelling that gutted Rotterdam
Damage caused by ultraviolet radiation
Damage ceramic vessel? Crazy
Damage concealment I abandoned in wonder
Damage concerning tailless bird
Damage done
Damage done to wood by burrowing larvae
Damage European country wanting conclusion of union
Damage flesh with knife?
Damage follows cold spell
Damage from blows or a fire? Cue wall being rebuilt
Damage from ordinary use
Damage from punch? Count is on, unfortunately
Damage from vehicle left one in confused state
Damage gospel, tearing off the end
Damage in area where boats are moored
Damage in church associated with Rector, a ladies’ man?
Damage inappropriate to mention in Venice’s unusual promotional activity
Damage jewellery pocketing one gem criminally, triggering alarm
Damage lay all over the place in parts of the brain
Damage line, dropping latest oceanic fish
Damage marrow, destroying half
Damage most of strange tent
Damage new judge ruled out lawfully
Damage of anything sacred
Damage on outside of round large tooth
Damage on panel
Damage or tear up small flier from the olden days
Damage part of St Paul's Cathedral
Damage politician in one broadcast
Damage practical lesson about earth, regarding many headstones?
Damage reputation of French musical
Damage resulting from panic before onset of epidemic
Damage ring at a Spanish resort
Damage section of bidet rim entirely
Damage shower and carpeting — not new — ruined
Damage sides of range in island close to resort
Damage sign, knocking end off
Damage soft cereal
Damage statuette, knocking head off
Damage surrounding short old tooth
Damage to a paperback edi
Damage to a reputation
Damage when river floods country
Damage, so to speak
Damage-assessing grp.
Damaged and knocked out when caught?
Damaged beyond repair
Damaged by drought
Damaged car banned in social event
Damaged case of rosé is not available for purchase?
Damaged condition of patients before and after a doctor has seen them?
Damaged elastic wears thin
Damaged first of Harriers carrying weapons
Damaged in warfare
Damaged nose parts change position
Damaged papaw trees dropped leaves?
Damaged picture frames about to be reduced
Damaged remains
Damaged the cart's wheel? Maybe
Damaged urinals getting closed
Damaged while on display
Damaged, as a psyche
Damager of London museum going on trial at last
Damager of the ozone laye
Damages - planet
Damages drinks can I dropped
Damages first class coaches
Damages from hydrogen bombs etc
Damages irreparably
Damages the planet
Damaging allegations about gallery took new form
Damaging – and false – rumour
Damaging gossip
Damaging insects
Damaging material in the environment one can pick up?
Damaging trespass is most infrequent
Damascene's homeland
Damascus V.I.P.
Damascus' land: Abbr.
Damascus's land
Damascus's land: Abbr.
Dame — Melba, singer
Dame Edith who was nomina
Dame Edna's initial career as terrible mother
Dame Everage
Dame Hess
Dame Hess at a piano
Dame Margot —, dancer
Dame Myra
Dame Nellie ___
Dame of mystery writing
Dame of whodunits
Dame Rebecca and others
Dame who's a hoot
Dame ___
Dame ___ Dench
Dame ___ Everage
Dame ___ Everage (Barry H
Dame ___ Everage, housewife superstar
Dame ___, Barry Humphries
Dame's introduction
Dame's introduction?
Dame, e.g.
Damfool thing
Daminozide brand
Daminozide, commercially
Dammed river in North Car
Damn ... it's Yoko on the phone
Damn Anglicans coming round for cash
Damn awful rain - bad language as a result
Damn bad weather heading for Iraq from a Gulf state
Damn dogs chase Charles away
Damn energy-guzzling old banger!
Damn fine magistrate that's released Juliet
Damn inspiring old programme
Damn rodents!
Damn sexist filmed pinching the bottoms of Israeli and Filipino women
Damn shame pleb’s on the loose
Damn shower beginning to irritate Gulf national
Damn, this is what a senior manager charges?!
Damnably difficult at first – landlady gutted by what might be said in court
Damned awful flat packs shop turned up
Damned board member given good grade maybe
Damned healthy-looking
Damned instigator of riot has charged around
Damned one
Damned short bird that often appears half-legless?
Damned used car explodes outside club
Damon and Lauer
Damon of "Good Will Hunti
Damon of "The Bourne Iden
Damon or Dillon
Damon Runyon characters
Damon, to Pythias
Damp and chilly
Damp and occasionally downhearted
Damp and sticky like shellfish?
Damp and unhealthy, but spacious, we hear
Damp basement cause
Damp fog — nothing visible in that
Damp fog gathers round
Damp mist one disperses
Dampen strip I'd treated to absorb iodine
Dampest could be eliminated
Dampness in the air to get on part of instrument
Dams and does
Dams make them
Dams up
Damsel distresser
Damsel endlessly in distress? Here's a knight in shining armour
Damsel fails to conceal identity
Damsel rowdily revelling for 24 life-enhancing hours
Damsel's rescue secured by knights, perhaps
Damsel-in-distress tale,
Damson pie is
Dan and Virginia's story
Dan arranged info held by Net-based property company?
Dan attacks while ...
Dan Aykroyd's old show, b
Dan Beard's org.
Dan Blocker role on 60's
Dan etc developed alarmist traits
Dan Rather's employer
Dan ___, 1948 Best Actor
Dan ___, 1994 Olympics sp
Dan ___, former N.B.A. st
Dan. preceder
Dana of "Wild Palms"
Dana Scully's sci-fi part
Dance — function taking place south of Latvian capital
Dance - stew pot
Dance - unexpected turn
Dance - wet spot
Dance a doctor introduced to South America
Dance a long way with cry of approval
Dance a routine that Parisian should cover
Dance a woman’s beginning to accompany outside a bar
Dance about, keeping close to girlfriend at first
Dance accompanied by a go
Dance accompanied by cast
Dance act raises sequence of steps to new level
Dance affair
Dance an unexpected event
Dance and drama
Dance and drink to sailor's return
Dance and drink? That could be a mistake!
Dance around
Dance around a high chair
Dance around excitedly
Dance around near horrid person?
Dance around row, having lost one's bottle
Dance around square in native European republic
Dance around, getting suggestive look
Dance artists returned to join a musical group
Dance as Bedouin in his element?
Dance at a bar?
Dance at a barn dance
Dance at a Jewish wedding
Dance – change in plot
Dance – dip
Dance bands on with the mostly funny old player
Dance based on bullfight
Dance beat at grand ball
Dance beat given energy
Dance beat with energy
Dance beat with scat
Dance beat with vitality
Dance being held in workhouse?
Dance bit
Dance bit?
Dance by degrees become sweet, intoxicating?
Dance by graduate following sport
Dance can go wrong
Dance class outfit
Dance class wear
Dance club
Dance club certain about politician and old disturbance
Dance club V.I.P.'s
Dance club we left, returning after band's performance
Dance clubs
Dance clubs no good in outskirts of Omaha
Dance coach from Germany endlessly pirouetted, with Anton's lead
Dance company
Dance company never gets awards at first
Dance company's margins vanishing — that's cautionary signal
Dance components
Dance composed by young woman before work
Dance composer
Dance cool and bursting with energy
Dance costume pronounced excessively dated
Dance craze of the '90s
Dance craze of the 90's
Dance craze of the mid-'9
Dance crazes going to extremes over virtuoso passage
Dance creator
Dance crew walk unsteadily after a few
Dance daily on street during Christmas when retired
Dance director meets with a star
Dance doctor held in Rugby area
Dance done in grass skirt
Dance done to "Hava Nagil
Dance down under?
Dance drug taken by oversentimental youth at the start
Dance energetically
Dance entertainment
Dance enthusiast circling with energy
Dance exercise
Dance exercise covers a leading position
Dance exercises in vehicle
Dance fan ordered one meatball
Dance floor — let it be firm!
Dance floor remains empty
Dance floor request
Dance flourish
Dance follows final game
Dance for a luau
Dance for Chubby Checker
Dance for high kickers
Dance for Oliver, perhaps
Dance for two
Dance fourteen here might attend?
Dance from Brazil
Dance from Cuba
Dance from Manhattan, good
Dance from Switzerland to city in France at 100 mph
Dance goddess circumvents an exclusion
Dance groove captured by rockers' material
Dance group supports South American artist
Dance grp. at the Met
Dance half of dance with pudding
Dance hall
Dance having to ban girl
Dance held by generous ambassador
Dance illumination incorporates new atmospheric effect
Dance in "The Rocky Horro
Dance in 2/4 time
Dance in a 90's rock club
Dance in a circle
Dance in a Co Mayo town
Dance in a grass skirt
Dance in a line
Dance in a pit
Dance in a sexually suggestive way
Dance in a state of oblivion
Dance in bar naked
Dance in double time
Dance in drag, delaying end of rumba
Dance in duple time
Dance in fast time with three steps and a hop
Dance in quadruple meter
Dance in red on Trump's number one news channel?
Dance in South America - recollection of summer that has to fade
Dance in study with Georgia
Dance in the buff? Dare, perhaps, to proceed
Dance in the morning to charge muscles up
Dance in the streets
Dance in triple time
Dance in which "you bring
Dance instruction
Dance instructor's call
Dance instructor's instru
Dance is hard work
Dance is more attractive when carrying a hat
Dance item possibly a strain for dance specialist
Dance largely short of regular components of beat
Dance leaders of chamber orchestra approached at speed
Dance lesson
Dance like Astaire
Dance like Rush?
Dance like the Hines Brot
Dance makeup
Dance maneuver
Dance medium with chairs etc. - missing 11 could make for awkwardness
Dance move
Dance move done with a pe
Dance movement
Dance music
Dance music – panic
Dance music bringing pleasure to Kelvin
Dance music celebrated by Saturday Night Fever
Dance music featuring Australians?
Dance music from Jamaica
Dance music has old German prince shaking his tail
Dance music is constant in party
Dance music on game shows
Dance music on river drowns small talk
Dance music with an infec
Dance named after an avia
Dance note
Dance nut
Dance nut beginning to dance a dance without an introduction
Dance of African origin
Dance of Bedouin in desert
Dance of Bedouin, say, in desert
Dance of Cuban origin
Dance on amphetamine or mix of coke and H
Dance on dodgy leg and wobble
Dance on screen? Tense performing dance
Dance originally from Buenos Aires
Dance part
Dance partner
Dance partner for Dot often?
Dance partner for Fred
Dance partner?
Dance party
Dance performance
Dance piece
Dance piece with no intro being put in again
Dance pioneer Duncan
Dance poorly, say, with no visible effort
Dance popularized in the
Dance position that's not precise
Dance practice, boring kit
Dance record broke in middle
Dance record by Rolling Stone
Dance record by Rolling Stones not special
Dance record leading to love
Dance record slows in middle
Dance related to the cha-
Dance related to the mamb
Dance requiring two wind instruments
Dance round and round
Dance round home gym backward
Dance round mother's bra
Dance round under branch
Dance salsas and mambos — big ask, initially
Dance scholar with ten moves
Dance seen in a Lincoln C
Dance seen in pantomime Our Gang orchestrated originally
Dance seen on TV's "Hulla
Dance sequence, old-fashioned, extremely unusual
Dance set?
Dance setting, perhaps
Dance sexily at first with topless Serpent
Dance slowly while in an embrace
Dance specialty
Dance springily
Dance stage and enclosure for writer
Dance step
Dance studio feature
Dance style
Dance suggestively
Dance suggestively, in extremely giddy tempo
Dance supporter coming round with energy
Dance supremo Anna Pavlova denied six consecutive characters
Dance supremo by a rising river
Dance taken up around this month in part of Ireland
Dance tango in New Orleans after church
Dance teacher pirouettes after second piece from Ravel
Dance team
Dance technique
Dance that has guru act wildly
Dance that's done to "Dro
Dance that's literarily unexpected
Dance that's odd to half the band
Dance that's unexpected
Dance the South African government repeatedly holds
Dance throughout arrest, one day only
Dance throw over a short distance
Dance to "Minka," e.g.
Dance to cast a lustful eye over
Dance to Donna Summer's "
Dance tunes made with snippet of Verdi score
Dance typically done to "
Dance unit
Dance venue
Dance venue clearer, everyone going in
Dance version of a pop so
Dance version of a record
Dance version of a song,
Dance violently
Dance when 17, confused about debutante's first kiss
Dance when lifting business degree
Dance whose practitioner has a mouth to feed?
Dance wildly
Dance with a lass, vigorously
Dance with a sailor before everybody turns up
Dance with a sliding step
Dance with a wiggle
Dance with any number following garden party
Dance with arm round?
Dance with bandone
Dance with comrade beyond a disaster?
Dance with dips
Dance with fiddlers and a
Dance with German in grass is shaken up
Dance with girl born first
Dance with great skill where oil's found
Dance with Greek goddess outside a bar
Dance with heavy steps
Dance with lout without a fuss
Dance with me for some hanky-panky?
Dance with one chorus is bright
Dance with rhythmic drumm
Dance with sharp turns
Dance with tipsy lass close to orchestra
Dance work substituted for last element of festival
Dance's partner
Dance, e.g.
Dance, finding last of money in jar
Dance, heartlessly frivolous pleasure
Dance, in Dijon
Dance, or eastern ball of sorts, going west
Dance, originally from Brazil
Dance, slangily
Dance, taking lead in balletic work
Dance, though Rachel and son not dancing
Dance-drama with measured
Dance-pop band playing for new partner's child
Dance-related dance quote upended
Dance: fifty entertained by it, repeatedly
Dance; cheat
Dance; delivery
Dance; easy task
Dance; jacket
Dance; letter T
Dance; sauce
Dance; sphere
Danced - barracked soldier's cutting in
Danced and jeered, serviceman having come in
Danced at Rio's Carnival,
Danced in duple time
Danced the milonga
Danced wildly
Danced, as repeatedly instructed
Dancer - fairground ride
Dancer admits: "I cried out for tawdry romance"
Dancer Ailey
Dancer Alvin
Dancer Astaire
Dancer Carol of "The Paja
Dancer Castle
Dancer Charisse
Dancer director?
Dancer Dolin
Dancer Duncan
Dancer following in the steps of Armstrong?
Dancer found rule very silly
Dancer Ginger
Dancer Gregory
Dancer I get into New Jersey, apparently flying
Dancer in a Grieg suite
Dancer in a suite
Dancer in Jabba the Hutt'
Dancer in Opal van — a van wrecked
Dancer is timid
Dancer Jeanmaire
Dancer Lim
Dancer maybe receiving marks - wanting third judge's conclusion to be prompt
Dancer might have this on set - on reflection you're getting closer
Dancer Miller
Dancer Pavlova
Dancer pulls him for one frenetic night when the magic happens
Dancer Shawn
Dancer strangled debt collector with abandon
Dancer to see in uniform
Dancer to watch Classical figure after career possibly over
Dancer Verdon
Dancer with a few fans
Dancer with Fred
Dancer with partner snubbed by a women's quarters barring male
Dancer’s very visual awareness directed upwards
Dancer’s skirt
Dancer's apparel?
Dancer's asset
Dancer's colleague's drinking hot ground coffee before tango - shows start working
Dancer's controls?
Dancer's dress
Dancer's duds
Dancer's exercise
Dancer's garment
Dancer's group
Dancer's guider, for shor
Dancer's partner?
Dancer's partners
Dancer's shoe attachment
Dancer's skirt
Dancer's woe
Dancer, curse not quite lifted, elected to put on blue
Dancer, possibly, almost certainly stops concerning Rambert's principal
Dancer, say
Dancers Fred and Adele
Dancers here are in dances - she may be one of them
Dancers lie at first in bed, pectorals rippling
Dancers on stage refrain, in part
Dancers' gaffes
Dances - beer ingredient
Dances about on air?
Dances around to provide pickled food
Dances energetically
Dances for Desi
Dances heavily
Dances in grass?
Dances in series repeated never popular with Charles
Dances in waltz time
Dances quietly, held by leader mostly
Dances round in circles
Dances saucily
Dances to "Cali Pachangue
Dances to "Hernando's Hid
Dances to jazz
Dances to some of Gloria
Dances to W.W. II-era mus
Dances vigorously
Dances with a shuffle-ste
Dances with chairs
Dances with Nato abstainers?
Dances with one person af
Dances with spins
Dancing act heard close to Torvill and Dean's workplace
Dancing actress covers excellent steps
Dancing and moving behind beat
Dancing animal in Fantasia
Dancing around fire pit with a drink
Dancing Astaire
Dancing bears seem ill prepared at beginning of scene in musical
Dancing bishop leaves one stretched out on the road
Dancing bride succeeded causing wreckage
Dancing etc. incorporating a place to get booze – here?
Dancing feet left without skin and exhausted
Dancing femme fatale that did harm essentially
Dancing giddily
Dancing girl in "The Retu
Dancing girl lay behind house, the object of desire
Dancing in opera outside
Dancing in red fez, extremely agitated
Dancing in the disco offering lots of pleasure
Dancing ladies beginning to strip off - this couldn't be better
Dancing man in "Dancing L
Dancing misstep
Dancing monkey maybe joining tap group
Dancing nude almost felt necessary
Dancing nude foxtrot, finished up exposed
Dancing on drugs
Dancing or leaping
Dancing outfit
Dancing pair get through, united together
Dancing party
Dancing polka will lead to terribly intimate conversation
Dancing Queen apt or The Name of the Game?
Dancing rumba without a singer for protection
Dancing siblings
Dancing stimulus
Dancing style
Dancing technique
Dancing to tune, regularly achieving perfection
Dancing with North African around bar
Dancing, a girl hadn't to lose all momentum
Dancing, ergo this melee?
Dancing, it's linked to being the most gracious
Dandelion or goldenrod, e
Dandelion, e.g.
Dandelion, for one
Dander gets up with game woman who's really dominant
Dandies supplied with Douro wine — deadly pursuit for some
Dandling area
Dandruff bit
Dandruff flakes
Dandruff in animal's hair occurring twice
Dandy - lover
Dandy around university runs business department
Dandy bagging large turkey
Dandy consuming large turkey
Dandy fellow — or one whose contribution is vital
Dandy having some veg served with chicken?
Dandy holding another up in exit
Dandy holding glittering light
Dandy joins apple hunt
Dandy left inside joint
Dandy perhaps stuffs old note in volume
Dandy poet mixing with scum might make enjoyable entertainment
Dandy sorts
Dandy that's experienced at sea
Dandy things?
Dandy waves at sea
Dandy's neckwear
Dandy's tie making a statement
Dandy, Stanley or Douglas, perhaps?
Danes featured in films
Danes on screen bringing forth English cake
Danger ape represented for occupant of pod?
Danger at sea: English prepare to fight!
Danger during a thaw
Danger for a fly
Danger for a king
Danger for a riverboat
Danger for each gutless intellectual
Danger for each one left
Danger for over-the-limit drivers?
Danger for sailors
Danger for small craft
Danger for small watercra
Danger for surfers? Gather risk has to be reviewed
Danger from above
Danger in a uranium mine
Danger in dangerous water
Danger in me suffering with a lot of wind?
Danger in old homes
Danger in the ocean
Danger in the water suppl
Danger left one representative receding
Danger near an aerosol sp
Danger of a laundry detergent completely fading a little shirt
Danger of harm
Danger of liberal Irish record being overturned
Danger of rising anger in political extremists
Danger of salesman returning: I left
Danger of the deep
Danger on the ground
Danger sign
Danger signal
Danger signal as English tuck into some breakfast
Danger signal featuring after 6 at Monza?
Danger signal on the prai
Danger signals about weapons the French brought in
Danger that overwhelms some soldiers
Danger to divers
Danger warning
Danger warning - like room to be vacated
Danger zone
DANGER! Bouncing energy bomb
Danger! Bus damaged car bumpers
Danger's kept for one key war yarn
Danger's over!
Danger, risk
Danger: foe set to move — go slow deliberately
Danger: people shot in court
Danger; gamble
Dangerfield who doesn't g
Dangerfield who gets "no
Dangerous African fly
Dangerous agent's course of action gone awry
Dangerous and/or frightening
Dangerous animal - say it turned up over river
Dangerous animal, native to North America
Dangerous answer to a sen
Dangerous area
Dangerous area of wood, English, elevated part
Dangerous area? Possibly, if men lied
Dangerous as a bear for example
Dangerous assailant
Dangerous bacteria
Dangerous bit of precipit
Dangerous biter
Dangerous biters
Dangerous building in a 20 down
Dangerous buildup in a mi
Dangerous cargo
Dangerous cargo, in moder
Dangerous carnivores
Dangerous carrier
Dangerous charger
Dangerous cocktail maker?
Dangerous creature in trap? Rubbish - fright that is for nothing
Dangerous creature runs round outside hotel and inside
Dangerous creatures in lingerie business, at first
Dangerous current
Dangerous curve
Dangerous customer and what he's disguised as something transitional?
Dangerous date for Caesar
Dangerous dipteran
Dangerous disease among animals: is bear affected?
Dangerous dogs
Dangerous dosage units
Dangerous driver, crazy, circling right round
Dangerous female responsible for some men's ire naturally
Dangerous fire
Dangerous fish
Dangerous fish: it’s angry when disturbed
Dangerous flies
Dangerous game, stunt, or a leisure activity
Dangerous gas
Dangerous group
Dangerous gun
Dangerous guns: a few scaled back
Dangerous having no hospital open
Dangerous hillside collapsed
Dangerous hisser
Dangerous job
Dangerous liquid offered by new Australian pub that doesn't close
Dangerous mosquito
Dangerous movement in which Linda’s led astray
Dangerous nestful
Dangerous ocean currents
Dangerous ocean phenomeno
Dangerous ocean-dwellers
Dangerous one
Dangerous partner?
Dangerous person
Dangerous pest
Dangerous pitch
Dangerous place
Dangerous place for skati
Dangerous place to be
Dangerous place to expose tip
Dangerous place to pass a
Dangerous places for corr
Dangerous postings
Dangerous pronouncements
Dangerous quality of much air in Essex
Dangerous reptile descending on American plant
Dangerous rooms - no place for a king
Dangerous seepage
Dangerous shark
Dangerous singer
Dangerous situation
Dangerous situation traps soldiers in great numbers
Dangerous six footer leaving court to get fix
Dangerous slitherers
Dangerous snake
Dangerous source of infestation, briefly substandard?
Dangerous speed
Dangerous sprayer
Dangerous strain
Dangerous strain sees father and son kept apart by national government
Dangerous stretch of wate
Dangerous swimmer with an
Dangerous temptress - Samson's girlfriend
Dangerous thing to be cau
Dangerous thing to be liv
Dangerous thing to leak
Dangerous thing to lie un
Dangerous thing, supposed
Dangerous thing?
Dangerous things that spread out
Dangerous time
Dangerous to be high-spirited? F*** off!
Dangerous to drive on, sa
Dangerous to leave hotel, which is spacious
Dangerous to shave bottom close to heater in living room
Dangerous toy
Dangerous viral disease
Dangerous water feature some plumber grouts
Dangerous way to pass
Dangerous weapon used by female in docked part of ship
Dangerous wind; might its outcome be 'concerning'?
Dangerous, aggressive type
Dangerous, colloquially
Dangerous, having an offensive mouth?
Dangerous, like a yeti
Dangerous, much like a yak
Dangerous, so locked away at last
Dangerously fascinating woman
Dangerously old ship
Dangerously positioned, l
Dangerously steep
Dangerously unpredictable person
Dangers for children and
Dangers for paragliders
Dangers to military plane
Dangle a carrot in front
Dangle poles over a pier,
Dangler on a dog collar
Dangler on a suitcase
Dangler on an item for sa
Dangly bit of gold captivating sweetheart on return
Daniel —, author
Daniel Decatur ___, compo
Daniel Decatur ___, minst
Daniel Defoe wastes the enemy - 'Fierce beast' is a weed
Daniel of Nicaragua
Daniel of the old frontie
Daniel ran off, stimulated by this?
Daniel Webster, e.g.
Daniel Webster, for one
Daniel who played Furillo
Daniel with a coonskin ca
Daniel __ , American frontiersman, d.1820
Daniel ___ Kim of "Lost"
Daniel ___ Moi (former Ke
Daniel's "Sonnets to ___"
Daniel's mother on "Lost"
Danielle Steel novel abou
Danielle Steel's "Message
Danielle's darling
Daniels of early films
Danish ace reorganised estates
Danish architect ___ Jaco
Danish are playing in a month
Danish astronomer Brahe
Danish beer brand
Danish bread
Danish canapés potentially causing discomfort
Danish care about litter
Danish cheese
Danish city
Danish city where Hans Ch
Danish city, second to Copenhagen, not spread out
Danish coin
Danish coins
Danish currency
Danish currency unit
Danish father's go?
Danish filler
Danish king who conquered
Danish kroner, topologica
Danish legend translated without assistance
Danish money
Danish physicist Niels
Danish rhino put up in Camden, or Kensington
Danish shore sight (2 wds.)
Danish theologian (spelle
Danish tourist attraction
Danish toy blocks
Danish toy company
Danish ___
Danish, e.g.
Danish-based toy company
Danke preceder, perhaps
Dannon product
Danny and Stubby
Danny of "Do the Right Th
Danny of "Ruby"
Danny of "The Color Purpl
Danny of "Throw Momma Fro
Danny of the Celtics
Danny of the N.B.A.
Danny who directed "Slumd
Danny who sang "Good Time
Danny's "Do the Right Thi
Danny's "Lethal" co-star
Danny's allowance?
Danseur dancing apart
Danseur: I'm remarkably tender
Danson of "Becker"
Danson of "Cheers"
Danson or Koppel
Dante acts up, spoiling writer's moving technique
Dante characters?
Dante eviscerated rival author
Dante not up for translation? Stop
Dante translator John
Dante's "La Vita ___"
Dante's tongue
Dantean division
Danube city
Danube locale: Abbr.
Danube’s opening, according to Plato?
Daphne paid regularly in advance
Daphne's hen party planned with film crew at the end
Daphnis's love
Dapper barn dancer stripped completely, revealing figure
Dapper Dan's doodad
Dapper Dans
Dapper fellow
Dapper fellow?
Dapper one
Dapper ones
Dapple, say, is essential when set beside Rocinante’s rider
Dappled horse
Dappled horses
Darby and —, — of Arc
Darcy's Pemberley, e.g.,
Dare everyone to enter cold old enclosure
Dare one to blow up school
Dare to feel up and down, but not at first
Dare we run about in it?
Dared do cleaner‘s job, getting round resistance
Dared tangle with a snake!
Dared to clean round back of radiator
Dared to tremble with fear
Dared to wrestle a snake!
Daredevil Knievel
Daredevil son to clean fastener with tip of rag
Daredevil to shock a thousand brown bears
Daredevil's challenge
Daredevil's cord
Daredevil's creed
Daredevil's desire
Daredevil's retort
Daredevils are often in i
Darer's cry
Darer's question
Dares holy man to shed clothes and nipple ring
Darin and Dee's "___ Man
Daring 1960's Ralph Ginzb
Daring actions
Daring adventure
Daring adventurer
Daring bet
Daring bikini
Daring Bishop facing rant
Daring chap to stand in for principal?
Daring deed
Daring deeds
Daring everyone to enter platform
Daring exploit
Daring exploit, then arrest? Untrue, for some characters involved
Daring feat
Daring fellow Republic caught
Daring gain access to power on the way up
Daring individual making do with shared expenses
Daring moves - key, a spade finesse
Daring Nazis are after fortune hidden in tree
Daring performances wow banks of theatregoers
Daring person's cry
Daring revolt stopped by queen
Daring riding leads to disaster
Daring stand-ins
Daring swimmer, note, circling water plant
Daring to come in with pressure increasing
Daring to gain access with crowbar
Daring to give up power? That’s fortuitous
Daring, ask to be moved for sport
Daring, in a way
Daring, in the manner of one stripping down?
Daringly unconventional
Darius I's land
Darius the Scamp?
Darjeeling and oolong
Darjeeling holder?
Darjeeling or oolong
Darjeeling, e.g.
Dark - dim
Dark - thing
Dark ale
Dark and almost monstrous at heart
Dark and brooding
Dark and dismal
Dark and moody film genre
Dark and twisted, first king abdicates
Dark area
Dark area on the moon
Dark at night, spies carrying on with investigations in the end
Dark beer
Dark black
Dark blotches most likely stop skin developing
Dark blue
Dark blue commercial vehicle overturned on end of motorway
Dark blue dye
Dark blue vehicle reversing at back of alley
Dark bluish grey
Dark bluish-gray
Dark bluish-red - fruit
Dark brown
Dark brown fur
Dark brownish-red
Dark characters?
Dark cherry
Dark clothing not universal early in the day
Dark cloud
Dark clouds, say
Dark coat on wild bear
Dark colour
Dark colour of 11, apart from the tips
Dark coloured head and forehead on knight
Dark cover
Dark coverings
Dark doings
Dark end of mall in part of industrial estate
Dark endings hit occasionally
Dark film genre
Dark film genre, for shor
Dark film genre, informal
Dark film has length cut after Oscar
Dark force
Dark forces
Dark formal clothing
Dark fur
Dark genre
Dark gold turned-up hat
Dark grayish green
Dark green mineral Newton discovered in rocky pine trees
Dark green vegetable
Dark grey colour
Dark gymslips covering the ladies, perhaps?
Dark half of a Chinese ci
Dark here? Problem getting top off underwear
Dark horse
Dark horse seen over eastern hill at coast?
Dark horse that may be last in Derby literally?
Dark horse's win
Dark horses leaving town
Dark hours, fight with adversary going badly
Dark lake one goes round
Dark lake surrounded by military group
Dark liquid that could be cloudier
Dark loaves
Dark Lord banishes you for following a flower
Dark man on board heading off
Dark mark or stain
Dark matter?
Dark near bottom of shaft
Dark new frameless spectacles
Dark one. Fiend. I have a different name?
Dark orange-yellow
Dark ottoman?
Dark patch on a distant s
Dark period almost close
Dark period for France
Dark period man on board talked of
Dark period of poetry
Dark period, we hear, for chivalrous type
Dark picture
Dark piece, not king
Dark pitch masking blemish
Dark place leaving a cold depression?
Dark purple
Dark purple blackberry-like fruit
Dark purple fruit
Dark purple fruits
Dark purple plum
Dark purplish blue
Dark purplish colour - eg restyle
Dark quaff
Dark red
Dark red cherry
Dark red clothing staff put on
Dark red jumper chap’s carrying
Dark red or purple-brown
Dark red soft fruit
Dark red vegetable
Dark reddish brown
Dark reddish-brown
Dark shade
Dark shade of blue
Dark shades
Dark shadow
Dark shape near Orion's B
Dark side
Dark side of China
Dark skin blemish - reticent about that
Dark skin pigment
Dark soil disturbed in trade route
Dark sort of envelope hosts deliver
Dark sour cherry
Dark sour liquid
Dark sour morello fruit used in cooking
Dark spot in outer space
Dark spot, more than halfway through period of conflict
Dark story restricting fine entertainment
Dark strange thing
Dark strong beer for Max Aldorfer?
Dark suit
Dark sweet ale
Dark sweet sherry
Dark syrup extracted from sugar cane
Dark syrupy by-product of sugar refining
Dark time
Dark time for bards
Dark time for poets
Dark time in Italy
Dark time, briefly
Dark time, for short
Dark time, in poetry
Dark time, in verse
Dark time, informally
Dark time, maybe
Dark time, to a bard
Dark times abroad
Dark times in Dijon
Dark times in literature
Dark times, briefly
Dark times, in literature
Dark times, to poets
Dark trailer with ornate chassis?
Dark treacle in short while found by girls
Dark ultimately — terribly early start — to get to US island
Dark underground cell
Dark vehicle borne by horse
Dark viscid substance
Dark volcanic rock
Dark web gets savage on the fringes
Dark web ultimately involved in transaction
Dark wicked thing
Dark wines
Dark wood
Dark yellow precious stone
Dark, as a room
Dark, ’orrible place to the north hiding bright light - quite the opposite
Dark, cold agent, powerfully built, needing no introduction
Dark, dull
Dark, gloomy
Dark, headless horseman
Dark, heavy type
Dark, in verse
Dark, mysterious, moody
Dark, on Broadway
Dark, to poets
Dark-haired animal getting outside trap
Dark-haired beast going around trap
Dark-haired woman, now alone and a bit of a maneater?
Dark-nosed Tasmanian?
Dark-red sour cherry
Dark-skinned fruit
Dark-skinned red wine grape
Darken, as it were, pleasure
Darkens, as type
Darkens, maybe
Darker area
Darker twilight
Darkest of bags
Darkish in colour
Darkly glossy river above unopened harbour
Darkness arising when there's no good light
Darkness before navy's boat returns
Darkness close, end of daylight
Darkness is terrible thing
Darkness personified
Darkroom equipment
Darkroom images, for shor
Darkroom item
Darkroom master: Abbr.
Darkroom production, for
Darling abroad
Darling behind my back, swoon
Darling bursting at the seams almost? How elegant!
Darling daughter always in time for action
Darling dog
Darling dog that's partly eaten an antimacassar
Darling family pet
Darling friend folded notepaper, sending out circular letter
Darling girl
Darling goes after bargain a bit
Darling nurses the very thing to try and seduce
Darling of baseball
Darling of Shea
Darling of the baseball w
Darling of the diamond
Darling on the field
Darling second little piece of neckwear
Darling socialist providing support for a party
Darling tenor's intro to Regret Nothing
Darling times entertaining a bishop
Darling, in Dijon
Darling, promise of marriage's a little late
Darn good looking
Darn green kit needing repair for school
Darn idiot in school
Darn it!
Darn it! Whipping time - poor bottom!
Darn pain!
Darn site
Darn! Flipping husband entirely rendered powerless in song
Darn, as socks
Darn, e.g.
Darned spot, often
Darned, in Dover
Darrow client
Darrow defended him
Darrow of "King Kong"
Darryl Strawberry or Rust
Dart - elope
Dart about
Dart along
Dart gets cry of pain on arrival
Dart in dartboard, a shocker
Dart shooter
Dartboard material
Dartboard site
Dartboard wood
Dartboard's centre
Dartboard, for one
Darth Vader's boyhood nic
Darth ___ of "Star Wars"
Darth's son
Dartmoor mother
Dartmoor setting
Dartmoor topographical fe
Dartmoor, the Lake District, etc
Dartmouth founder Wheeloc
Dartmouth or Brown
Darts players want these drinks
Darts' places
Darts, e.g.
Darts, then dancing in London street (familiar to many here)
Darwin's home
Darwin's ship loses prow, the result of almost hitting an albatross?
Darwinian process
Daryl's "Roxanne" co-star
Das Kapital author
Daschle's successor as Se
Dash abbr.
Dash across European court area
Dash after fresh paper
Dash after writer in club
Dash alternative
Dash and others
Dash around island and cut up cruiser, maybe
Dash back for fix
Dash competitor
Dash control
Dash employed by various printers
Dash feature
Dash from cycling path
Dash gauge
Dash holders
Dash in road, back to the start
Dash in the kitchen
Dash indicator
Dash instrument
Dash instruments
Dash into strange land
Dash lengths
Dash letters
Dash locale
Dash marked with initial of engraver
Dash measures
Dash miles round Australia the wrong way
Dash north to translate symbols
Dash of liquorice infusing bold sweet
Dash of red seen below bowl on side of armoire
Dash of tea has to fill valley-dweller in 4's 8
Dash off
Dash off a lot of material
Dash over to look at very renowned dancer
Dash over to watch very famous dancer
Dash part
Dash put in pastureland
Dash quickly, losing time, with spies in pursuit
Dash reading: Abbr.
Dash right into Potteries town
Dash sizes
Dash through Dixieland
Dash to capture crippled flotillas, essentially, in battle
Dash to hen night with drinks hard to find
Dash to revamp the arts
Dash to see groom boarding launch
Dash to wrestle with robber
Dash units
Dash units: Abbr.
Dash widths
Dash ___ (write quickly)
Dash, following American spies
Dash-dot, dash-dot, dash-
Dash-dot-dash, in Morse c
Dashboard abbr.
Dashboard accessory
Dashboard choice
Dashboard Confessional's
Dashboard control
Dashboard dial, for short
Dashboard display
Dashboard feature
Dashboard inits.
Dashboard instrument
Dashboard instruments - swimming trunks
Dashboard item
Dashboard item, for short
Dashboard letters
Dashboard stat
Dashed after Euro-politician's returned for part of Wales
Dashed back to protect English girl from narrow escape
Dashed fig.
Dashed figs.
Dashed into city, missing the lecture
Dashes back for short ride
Dashes back to the front to get bargain
Dashes may be part of the
Dashes to north for priceless instrument
Dashes' partners in Morse
Dashiell Hammett characte
Dashiell Hammett dog
Dashiell Hammett hero ___
Dashiell Hammett hound
Dashing actor Flynn
Dashing and bold
Dashing and debonair young man
Dashing chap initially attracted girl using images
Dashing chap uses it in messages
Dashing fellow who went to the top at sea
Dashing fellow who's caught up in traffic
Dashing fellow's got in bed for a smoke
Dashing hope to live as goddess
Dashing horse
Dashing knight mounted horse, holding hawk occasionally
Dashing like a fly, arguably, did you say?
Dashing local hero docked in vacated Levantine port
Dashing lover left out popular oriental cold dish of meat?
Dashing manner
Dashing style
Dashing to produce second impression of book
Dashing young men very attractive in red
Dashing young socialite supported by eldest sibling, say
Dashing, debonair young men
Dastardly and Muttley put heads together to create obstruction
Dastardly doings
Dastardly fellow
Dastardly laugh
Dastardly laughs
Data about Eastern aspects
Data about men serving in shade of 14 12
Data about popular drugs
Data amount
Data arranged in rows and columns
Data at certain times drops off in spells
Data base covers outdated middle course
Data card debris
Data center workhorses
Data coming back relating to an Ulster region
Data coming up concerning UK region
Data disk
Data entry device
Data filed online: 100, 0, 0, 1000, 5?
Data from virgin forest
Data holder
Data included in cricket statistics
Data input device for computers etc
Data may be on-board here for business
Data not in for Red Arrows display?
Data novice working with it is switching off
Data organiser's unusually desperate about call for peace
Data processed as some people dance
Data processing command
Data processing room
Data recorders
Data Romanian sent back contains desired target
Data source
Data storage site
Data store
Data supply, rapid, obtained for BBC sports
Data table
Data transfer speed unit
Data transmission path
Data transmission rate
Data unit
Data, knowledge
Data-based - inexpert male
Data-sharing syst.
Data: Abbr.
Database command
Database operations
Database search option
Date an Italian chef regularly
Date and make out
Date before breakfast, maybe at great cost
Date chart
Date encapsulating cold charm
Date enemy plot organised movement of troops
Date for Dizzy
Date for many a place
Date in France?
Date inside with sailor, alien and DJ
Date maker
Date not marked on a cale
Date of a battle?
Date post
Date preceder
Date regularly
Date surely problematic for Cotswold town
Date Times girl finally accepted … for pay
Date to remember?
Date when surveillance operation doesn't start
Date with a D.D.S., e.g.
Date with a dr.
Date with an M.D.
Date with old female I persuade to make a special effort
Date's ending by dropping Madame at home in Chelsea, perhaps
Datebook abbr.
Datebook data: Abbr.
Datebook entry: Abbr.
Dated (2 wds.)
Dated after fling husband overlooked? He's been betrayed
Dated American cocktail
Dated briefly, making move
Dated cooler Spanish tennis player over time
Dated ditty
Dated expletive
Dated feature of Norman castle's central court
Dated girl obliged to get picked up
Dated of last month
Dated old boy with exclusive perfume
Dated pupil, once only, note
Dated scoundrel with hand missing and a slippery customer
Dated soldier, drinking nice bubbly
Dated term for "yours"
Dated term for 22 is retained in America
Dated will?
Dated yet trendy
Dated, formerly
Dateless sort
Dateless, say
Dates carved into Polish memorial
Dates determined by the l
Dates on a track team sch
Dating an old tennis champion's cool
Dating concern
Dating consideration
Dating drunk drinking fashionable cocktail
Dating from
Dating letters
Dating service data
Dating service datum
Dating service in a north
Dating service questionna
Dating service specificat
Dating word
Dating? Must grab apartment at top speed …
Datsun? No, Honda crashed at southern end of the M1
Datum for a secy.
Datum for college applica
Datum giving carbon content of oil?
Datum in a college applic
Datum in a lib. search
Datum on an employment co
Datum sought by identity
Daughter (24), engaged, ruined grand celebration
Daughter abandons laziness to eat son's sauce
Daughter admitted to knowing online programs
Daughter agreed toy ad changes as routine
Daughter altering route for longer one?
Daughter and mum given radium injection in theatre
Daughter arriving ahead of time with affection
Daughter at home making noise
Daughter at store held up jeans
Daughter attached to playboy sailor of old
Daughter attending sportsmen's dance in city in 21
Daughter avoiding tea and coffee inter alia in church - very exclusive
Daughter avoids open car, day being very hot
Daughter beginning to reject Prince? Fool
Daughter beside boat in shadow
Daughter born close to Christmas conceals wants
Daughter by orchard tree spotted horse
Daughter close to tears initially after sentimental stuff in farewell
Daughter coming in to shave father with force
Daughter cutting a deck to deal with
Daughter doing athletic event not initially asking for money
Daughter dressed by fashion designer and partner formerly referencing method
Daughter engaged in excuse, mostly dreamt up on the spot
Daughter entering about to steal something to eat
Daughter entering one town or another
Daughter entering quaint site rebuilt just as far away
Daughter favoured loud noise
Daughter feeling a loss of status
Daughter felt unsettled in Dutch city
Daughter finished the port
Daughter gets shot then eats hot dog
Daughter getting into American university gets grant
Daughter getting on alcohol's in depressed state
Daughter given violent shock with wife leaving? Completely swamped
Daughter had rings put back in ornament
Daughter had swallowed
Daughter has got these last ten clues!
Daughter has one particular account of things that is amusing
Daughter having extra port
Daughter having too much port
Daughter hiding inside to avoid notice
Daughter hit hard and lived
Daughter I have found in disreputable den
Daughter in "'night, Moth
Daughter in "The Cherry O
Daughter in control — that's fine!
Daughter in from France finds secluded room
Daughter in jail beginning to expect justice
Daughter in part upheld business as source of wealth
Daughter in play annoyed about parts for harmonium?
Daughter in prison, revealing bum
Daughter in request to have nightie
Daughter in week-long struggle to get information
Daughter initially feared rabbit asking "What's up, Doc?"
Daughter interrupting a break at sea?
Daughter interrupting dinner gong
Daughter invested in Italian china, apparently, for mum or dad?
Daughter involved in Me Too briefly getting awards
Daughter is busy frittering allowance
Daughter is chased by pig that’s let out
Daughter is getting behind — almost a total failure?
Daughter is in public events, not once showing the effects of alcohol and drugs?
Daughter is in warm pants — that's the theory
Daughter is instructed about Rex, being very worried
Daughter is not unknown to be genteel
Daughter is not, in conclusion, very elegant
Daughter is persecutor (not half!) — scatter!
Daughter is poorly treated, keeping one subject to being let-down
Daughter is put to bed and kept inside, separated
Daughter is taking husband, an attractive guy?
Daughter is to take care of balloon
Daughter isn’t adopting team, choosing to follow another?
Daughter joins a corporation - that's a fact
Daughter kept so untidy a work surface
Daughter learning about the St Petersburg of old
Daughter leaves niggardly, hopeless ferryman
Daughter leaves parties - cheers period of sleep
Daughter leaves serious drinker, a sign of things to come
Daughter leaving party after irruption by number rather lit up
Daughter leaving waterside in distress, so to speak
Daughter left covered with unfortunately oily soap
Daughter left home taken in by fast mover, uncompromising
Daughter lifts pretty heavy material
Daughter meeting Dickensian character’s skivvies
Daughter misses meal — it’s part of the target
Daughter must leave expensive organ
Daughter needs sunshade at start of day
Daughter occupying position on first of ensembles composed
Daughter oddly upset by saying "waste of chips"
Daughter of a sister, per
Daughter of a Spanish king
Daughter of Agamemnon and
Daughter of Alexander VI
Daughter of Ares
Daughter of Cadmus
Daughter of Cadmus, in my
Daughter of Chaos
Daughter of Cronus
Daughter of Czar Nicholas
Daughter of Ferdinand III
Daughter of H
Daughter of Hera and Zeus
Daughter of Homer
Daughter of Homer and Mar
Daughter of Hyperion
Daughter of Ingrid
Daughter of Ingrid Bergma
Daughter of James II
Daughter of Juan Carlos
Daughter of Juan Carlos I
Daughter of King Ae
Daughter of King Lear
Daughter of King Minos
Daughter of King Pelles
Daughter of Laban
Daughter of Laban, in the
Daughter of Loki
Daughter of Minos
Daughter of Mnemosyne
Daughter of Muhammad Ali
Daughter of Nicholas
Daughter of Oceanus
Daughter of Poseidon who
Daughter of Queen Sofia
Daughter of rocker Kurt a
Daughter of Saturn
Daughter of Tantalus
Daughter of Teddy Rooseve
Daughter of Tethys, in my
Daughter of the king of Spain
Daughter of the Titans
Daughter of William the C
Daughter of Zeus
Daughter of Zeus and Leda, abducted by Paris
Daughter on break finds meaning
Daughter on organ, expensive
Daughter participating in lad’s dance in garage?
Daughter perhaps is telling stories
Daughter plastered on this?
Daughter polished off fruit
Daughter positioned at front of a country villa in Russia
Daughter prods not entirely fragrant plant
Daughter put in first green herbaceous plant
Daughter put on bandage following a talk
Daughter putting on clothes after a talking to
Daughter quietly interrupts pulse with hospital equipment
Daughter read Poe's moving letters for brigand
Daughter running up to give assent
Daughter spoke out about tense work­station
Daughter spreading powder, a blob on the end of her nose?
Daughter standing by river in finale? (To be continued ...)
Daughter stripped at start of blue film, to tell the truth
Daughter taking bucket down to sink
Daughter to fall and bleed
Daughter torn about island allowing vehicular access
Daughter tucked into cheese, as one at reception?
Daughter tucked into endless sugary root
Daughter turned up recording a book — here’s a sample?
Daughter understands plaited hair
Daughter upset 24
Daughter urges page to drop off clothes
Daughter visits V&A - always plenty of good stuff that's recommended
Daughter wearing five rings, rings for witchcraft
Daughter wearing insane headgear
Daughter with bad back and slouch
Daughter with European cat weed
Daughter with sherry - feeling like drowning her sorrows?
Daughter with Yankee beau
Daughter’s after sentimentally pretty fabric
Daughter’s head: strange place to do tattoo
Daughter's about to regret being un­pleasant
Daughter's after her father's flat
Daughter's body clock deter­mines when to have food
Daughter's brother
Daughter's chosen to be gutted
Daughter's counterpart
Daughter's cry?
Daughter's husband
Daughter's husband (hyph.)
Daughter's into grooming over time, keeping up appearances
Daughter's keen on Beckham
Daughter's opposite
Daughter's reluctance to get engaged having no initial merit
Daughter's scrubbed wild bird's cage?
Daughter's unwell, losing energy, needing these?
Daughter, 12, gatecrashes parties with potential broadcasters
Daughter, always upset about way of working, transferred
Daughter, insatiable, celebrated nude
Daughter, unwell, getting one in a pickle?
Daughter’s joining a corporation in fact
Daughters benefit getting outside for walk in the park
Daughters break bank
Daughters entering singly at first, in a state
Daughters in coffee bar that's contemporary
Daughters in drag come out, showing fair feature
Daughters in education took courses
Daughters in the distance (not far or near?)
Daughters interrupted by expression of hesitation I have produced
Daughters leave mottled fruit
Daughters lost to dice and drink in place where blades are used
Daughters tucking into beer becoming confused
Daughters' counterparts
Daunt, intimidate
Daunting day I perform, covering Prom, perhaps
Dauntless display might be moreish
Dauntless ones
Dauphin's father
Dauphin's mother
Dauphins regularly used honeybees
Dava ___, author of the b
Dave's partner getting introduction to Ethan Hunt
Dave's partner's electronic track
Davenport denizen
Davenport site
David —, singer
David —
David — (Dickens)
David —, PM
David and others
David Bowie #1 hit of 198
David Bowie genre
David Bowie single with t
David Bowie's "___ Dance"
David Bowie's alter ego of the 1970s
David Bowie's Space ___
David Bowie: "The Man Who
David Brinkley's autobiog
David Cameron, e.g.
David Copperfield's first
David Copperfield's secon
David Essex song introduction involving drums, oddly
David George Gordon's "Th
David Letterman shtick
David Letterman's network
David Lynch hides with enthusiasm
David Mamet play
David Mamet's "Speed-the-
David of "Rhoda"
David of "St. Elsewhere"
David of CNN
David of infomercials
David of Pink Panther mov
David of television
David or Victoria Beckham
David Sarnoff's company
David Sarnoff's creation
David Sedaris's comic sis
David was his second outstanding challenge, I suspect
David who caught a key pa
David who played Bosley o
David who sang "Let's Dan
David who sang "Space Odd
David ___ George, British
David ___, Cole Porter bi
David ___, founder of the
David's biblical predeces
David's weapon
David's weapon against Go
David's weapon, in the Bi
David's wife in university city, the woman with arts degree
David, "the sweet psalmis
David, e.g.
David, for one
Davis in Hollywood
Davis of "All About Eve"
Davis of "Cutthroat Islan
Davis of "Evening Shade"
Davis of "Get On the Bus"
Davis of "Jezebel"
Davis of "Now, Voyager"
Davis of "Thelma & Louise
Davis of baseball
Davis of Hollywood
Davis was its pres.
Davis who played Maggie i
Davy Crockett died defend
Davy Crockett, e.g.
Davy Jones or any other M
Davy Jones's domain
Davy Jones's locker
Davy Jones's locker, with
Dawber of "Mork & Mindy"
Dawber who played Mindy
Dawdle - delay
Dawdler has to stick on second base
Dawdling actor?
Dawdling sorts
Dawn and Victor in a hole
Dawn dampness
Dawn deity
Dawn droplets
Dawn French article boring English teacher's turned up
Dawn French in romantic sitcom that starts not too demanding
Dawn French very hot inside reserve
Dawn goddess
Dawn insures building
Dawn light caused a shock
Dawn moisture
Dawn observance
Dawn return to one's dwelling
Dawn run unfortunately is limited by a lot of sex
Dawn song
Dawn wants boy out of bed, by the sound of it?
Dawn’s daughter — certainly not heavy
Dawn's body found in drink
Dawn's daughter certainly not heavy
Dawn's late breaking in the desert
Dawn's opposite
Dawn's quality captures gold
Dawn's sound party at which to sketch spaniels, might you say?
Dawn, revealing some characters in Greece?
Dawn, to a don
Dawn, to Donne
Dawn-of-mammals epoch
Dawning of new era could be at hand
Day "Cheers" was on: Abbr
Day accountants at Canterbury, say, make stew?
Day after lundi
Day after mercredi
Day after so-called "hump
Day after today
Day ahead: detention . . . cane - duo, frustrated, make 16 claim
Day airport doesn't open place for terminal departure?
Day and date during good month for a bit of Mendelssohn?
Day and landing time pointing up item for diary
Day at the Louvre
Day at wheel travelling round to act as guide
Day bed
Day before
Day before a big event
Day before a diet, nuts gorged
Day before a festival
Day before an event
Day before domenica
Day before some revelry
Day beginning for old Scottish town
Day behind bar in 27 work
Day between venerdi and d
Day BoJo strips off facade to provide enlightenment
Day break
Day break?
Day came for reforming educational institution
Day care attendee
Day care charges
Day church converted Austrian prince’s estate
Day cleaning out inter­ior of antechamber gets one in order
Day divider
Day division, in Venice
Day divs.
Day Dorothy's heartless friend caught short in bar
Day drunken mate imprisons mate in tree
Day ending often in scandal, where sailors may be found
Day featured in Old English poem
Day for eating fish?
Day goes on forever for one in a rut?
Day going round Paris surprisingly different
Day important for primate
Day in a heat wave
Day in Ascot rearranged for groups of eight
Day in Granada
Day in Hollywood
Day in Jerusalem
Day in Kent to see Foreigner
Day in lagoon, floating around in this?
Day in NY? Yes, fantastic city
Day in Rome, time that is in local parlance
Day nursery
Day nursery somewhat mediocre, cheap
Day of "Pillow Talk"
Day of anticipation
Day of Atonement
Day of destiny
Day of la semaine
Day of rest
Day of the month
Day of the week
Day of the week for a rising setter
Day of the week: Abbr.
Day of the wk.
Day of the wk. ... or an
Day of the ___ , 1971 Frederick Forsyth thriller
Day of very hot and sunny weather
Day of ___
Day off for witches' meeting?
Day off upheld in European Parliament? That’s a bloomer
Day on game for old king
Day on lake in rowing boat gives great pleasure
Day on the water in craft, to reach peak in Scotland
Day one
Day One absorbed by some spinning Martian satellite
Day one’s dissenting group finds pleasure in fulfilment
Day or night lead-in
Day or way preceder
Day out in Edinburgh spoilt after entry of old person from one's home town?
Day out in nude provoked dissatisfaction
Day perhaps to see to teacher's retirement
Day piercing scream almost turned sour
Day planner features
Day proceeds for warship
Day ran short during strike for final action
Day rent fell?
Day round northern town
Day service detailed, guide on the way
Day spa accessories
Day spa attire
Day spa facial procedures
Day spa offering
Day spa treatment
Day spent alone - it's constant
Day that seemingly never comes?
Day to clear out town for the better
Day to remember
Day tours round Apollo's destination
Day trader's wish
Day trip? Quite the contrary
Day under pressure brings difficult situation
Day wearing silk
Day Welsh girl adopts English milk supplier
Day when courts are not i
Day with bed rest organised with companions between the sheets?
Day with stormy rain one's spent in Algeria, say
Day worker, maybe
Day younger goddess admits a rampant desire
Day's "The Pajama Game" c
Day's end, to a poet
Day's end: Abbr.
Day's end?
Day's getting long in desert
Day's march
Day's social gathering provides entertainment for tossers?
Day, in Durango
Day, in Hebrew
Day, month and year
Day, to Dayan
Day-care charge
Day-care charges
Day-care diversion
Day-old wrinkly, age-old character
Day-to-day deterioration
Day-___ colors
Day-___ paint
Dayan colleague
Dayan contemporary
Dayan of Israel
Dayan of the Six-Day War
Daybreak deity
Daybreak direction
Daybreak in Madrid
Daydream - Europa of Jupiter, say
Daydream, one entertained by night rider
Daydream, perhaps, as France is divided
Daydreamed, with "out"
Daydreamer's doing
Daydreamer's state
Daydreaming in court, appearing before large assembly
Daydreaming, e.g.
Daydreaming? Shearers may be doing it
Daydreams, with "out"
Daylight robbery
Daylight saving, e.g.
Daylight savings saving
Daylight timekeepers
Days after, wife is snatched by one possessed
Days before
Days before big events
Days gone by certainly sad without a listener
Days gone by, in days gon
Days in March initially quite dark
Days initially lost in broadcast confused situation
Days later, supply energetic particles
Days long gone by
Days long past
Days of King Arthur's Rou
Days of long ago
Days of old
Days of yore
Days of yore, in days of
Days of ___
Days on end: Abbr.
Days out drinking cola leads to indigestion
Days struggling over drink problem
Days with siestas regularly — Royal Marines lay down weapons
Days without a drink lead to agonising stomach complaint
Days ___
Days ___ (business chain)
Days ___ (highway sights)
Daytime Brexit broadcast making use of both Left and Right?
Daytime drama (2 wds.)
Daytime Emmy actress Rena
Daytime Emmy winners
Daytime fare
Daytime host O'Donnell
Daytime performance
Daytime show
Daytime social event
Daytime talk show startin
Daytime theatre performance
Daytime TV host O
Daytime TV offering
Daytime TV staple
Daytime warmth
Daytime ___
Dayton's locale
Dayton's state
Dayton-to-Toledo dir.
Daytona 500 acronym
Daytona 500 enthusiast
Daytona 500 organization
Daytona-to-Vero Beach dir
Daze - shock
Daze caused by Stacy's first big barrel
Dazed - unsteady
Dazed and confused
Dazed and unsteady
Dazed state
Dazed, lethargic state
Dazed; astounded
Dazzle female with vintage eyewear
Dazzling - quick
Dazzling effect
Dazzling eyeful
Dazzling genius
Dazzling girl initially making a mess
Dazzling performer
Dazzling routine: being dancer's first tango, well impressed!
Dazzling South American pedigree
Dazzling success
Dazzling virtuoso
Dazzling, not entirely dull and retiring
Dazzlingly skilled musician
Dazzlingly successful person
Déjeuner sur l'herbe in art theft?
DC Comics superhero
DC Comics superheroine
DC current
DC figure
DCIs troop about, keeping eyes peeled for correctional officers
DDE's predecessor
DDT banner
DDT-banning org.
De bene ___
De bene ___ (legal phrase
De bene ___ (of condition
De bene ___ (provisionall
De Carlo of "The Munsters
De facto
De Falla's "El ___ Brujo"
De Gaulle’s language mostly about English — it turned wild
De Gaulle's birthplace
De Gaulle's predecessor
De Klerk's successor
De Matteo of "Desperate H
De Matteo of "The Soprano
De Mille of dance
De nada!
De Niro classic
De Niro's do in "Taxi Dri
De Niro's furiously chasing naughty child inside
De Niro's makeover got rid of wrinkles
De Niro's role in "Raging
De novo
De Quincey, say, by his own admission, concocted mere Utopia
De Sade title
De Valera's country
De Valera's land
De ___
De ___ (actual)
De ___ (again)
De ___ (anew)
De ___ (by law)
De ___ (by right)
De ___ (Dallas suburb)
De ___ (from the beginnin
De ___ (from the start)
De ___ (Nolte's "Cape Fea
De ___ hotel
De, across the Rhine
De-bused, e.g.
DEA agent is suspicious one's a plant
DEA agent, having dumped cocaine, almost shares story
Deacon has hinted regularly about upgrade
Deacon Jones, notably
Deactivate, eg an engine
Dead — hanged in awfully secret plan
Dead - their message is to weep
Dead accurate
Dead accurate when making a container
Dead against
Dead against new nurses beginning to vouch for an unfavourable state of affairs
Dead and gone
Dead and rotting flesh
Dead ant less filling, one feeds on termites
Dead as a dodo
Dead as a dodo!
Dead bear beginning to go off in the rain?
Dead bird and mummy found in African capital
Dead bodies
Dead body
Dead body of rook in a group of trees
Dead brewery revitalised with fruit
Dead calm - missing ship to become insignificant
Dead center?
Dead centre in open gorge
Dead centre of fresh lesion around cut
Dead centre of Gibraltar approached from the side
Dead comedian's statements about stupid, uncultured American
Dead cute criminal is well-read
Dead duck
Dead duck's cry
Dead ducks
Dead embarrassed accepting hand heartless lady granted
Dead end
Dead end that is restricting motorway flow
Dead ends from copper, drug affair regressing
Dead ends?
Dead fish taken in to be cooked
Dead getting fed to dogs? Replies here
Dead giant in play
Dead giveaways
Dead giveaways?
Dead gorgeous actress bleating about calories put on two pounds
Dead heart, say, is actually about right
Dead heat
Dead hot article on current lover
Dead in the water
Dead language
Dead large stash of drugs in a small piano
Dead letter?
Dead letters?
Dead level
Dead man's hand card
Dead meat
Dead old detective backed missile
Dead old stage performer lay exhausted
Dead on target
Dead period recalled, by Jove!
Dead pianist's about to be replaced by tenor for free
Dead popular thought, disposing of male!
Dead principled people try to reform in a hostile world
Dead quickly takes ecstasy
Dead quietly buried in kind of service held by American church
Dead ringer?
Dead river caused an unpleasant smell, so it's said
Dead Roman transformed: Greek hero to her rescue
Dead Sea document
Dead Sea fortress
Dead Sea Scrolls ascetic
Dead Sea Scrolls material
Dead Sea Scrolls scribe
Dead Sea Scrolls sect
Dead Sea Scrolls writer
Dead series of notes for a scraped bass, perhaps
Dead set against
Dead skin
Dead skin at nail's base
Dead skin on a fingernail
Dead skin on fingernails
Dead skin points to burn
Dead small and born a fool
Dead soon ... heading for tomb for 11 pm?
Dead strange lecturer becomes attached later
Dead thing, according to
Dead through drink - see one's leader keel over (is it poisonous?)
Dead tired
Dead to the world
Dead tree involved in trickery with others ultimately - ecological disaster
Dead unimportant
Dead waters
Dead woman said to be heartbroken
Dead wrong about cocktail, may be spoken to
Dead's opposite
Dead, as an engine
Dead, as tissue
Dead, buried in ground, after one's separated
Dead, by collapsing here in hospital?
Dead, gone to heaven (and elsewhere)
Dead, so to speak
Dead-beat boarding shabby car - here’s one of its features
Dead-beat loyalist political party did their sums
Dead-end jobs
Dead-end street
Dead: Prefix
Dead? Case of not being buried
Deadbeat, e.g.
Deadbolt, e.g.
Deaden feeling in bottom, cycling around on tail of criminal, mostly
Deaden, paralyse
Deadening agent
Deadening device
Deadens acoustically
Deadeye's asset
Deadeye's skill
Deadfall, e.g.
Deadhead icon
Deadhead's supply
Deadline maker
Deadline, sometimes
Deadlines on eBay are giv
Deadlines set in stone?
Deadlock between equally matched opponents
Deadlock is stagnation to Spooner
Deadlock that is about fool supporting MP
Deadlock, stalemate
Deadlock: four leave showing no emotion
Deadly 1966 hurricane
Deadly 2003 hurricane tha
Deadly African biter
Deadly African snake
Deadly African tree-dwell
Deadly African virus
Deadly biter
Deadly cobra
Deadly connection
Deadly desert denizen
Deadly desire
Deadly epidemic
Deadly epidemic disease
Deadly individual
Deadly light artillery piece cut down lancer at front
Deadly long-tailed fish
Deadly missile
Deadly nerve gas
Deadly nightshade
Deadly non-poisonous snake
Deadly obstruction originally hampering almost everyone
Deadly place to get off
Deadly poison
Deadly poisons
Deadly sins number
Deadly snake
Deadly spray a fellow used with fruit
Deadly substance
Deadly time to stab the French prince
Deadly viper
Deadly virus
Deadly virus hard to shift around centre of Vienna
Deadpool, possibly naked, about to recover of course
Deaf as ___
Deaf flier
Deaf hero's wrinkled brow
Deaf talk: Abbr.
Deafen sailors at sea in North Atlantic location
Deafening silence, perhaps, after Oscar axes dunce
Deafening, behold, and extremely unbalanced
Deal (out)
Deal (with)
Deal - occupation
Deal a heavy blow to Conservative boor
Deal a low blow
Deal a mighty blow
Deal arranger
Deal binder
Deal breakers, on occasio
Deal busters: Abbr.
Deal close to drug mule taking tablets in grams?
Deal endlessly with Germany over zilch? It's doomed to failure
Deal finalizer
Deal for one week with fashion clothing
Deal framing upstanding copper is malign
Deal from cedar trees brought back
Deal from the bottom
Deal gently with
Deal hands face up
Deal illegally
Deal in
Deal in angry speech I ignored
Deal inappropriately with the Wolverine State
Deal killers
Deal maker
Deal makers meeting roughly with failures
Deal maybe when doctor gets into row
Deal possibly avoiding day in court
Deal preceder
Deal prerequisites
Deal the wrong way with jerk following band?
Deal tiro organised for worshipper of false god
Deal turned out well
Deal twinned with medium US city
Deal using diplomacy to secure managed end of hostilities
Deal with
Deal with (a problem)
Deal with - encounter
Deal with a backlog
Deal with a druggie
Deal with again? Deal with her afresh around noon
Deal with an unexpected pleasure
Deal with Bill, needing bandage
Deal with body of crime writer
Deal with brutally
Deal with China involved food from another country
Deal with China reduced fare from Mexico
Deal with commercially
Deal with company backed in printed media
Deal with danger, losing height
Deal with dead fruit when delivered
Deal with enemy finally to effect this?
Deal with fishing gear
Deal with gender-fluid performer
Deal with impatiently, as
Deal with in a routine way
Deal with kind public
Deal with leader of youth convention
Deal with marriage organisation that improves relations
Deal with moguls
Deal with most important territory
Deal with motorway getting flooded by river
Deal with old currency symbols that are put across here
Deal with party, ultimately making pact
Deal with proposal
Deal with shop ordering plant
Deal with soiled clothing without water
Deal with sound of composer
Deal with swarm returning
Deal with trendy copper's potential howlers
Deal with unknown character, making agreement
Deal with vexed solicitor on the phone
Deal with vote against covering face
Deal, bargain
Deal, possibly, with 100 vices
Deal-closing aids
Deal-killing words
Deal; cheap buy
Dealer caught by dogged police officer?
Dealer charged outside church taken in by cops
Dealer in apples and pears?
Dealer in bread and cakes
Dealer in capital is finally bankrupt
Dealer in cloth
Dealer in drugs?
Dealer in fine textiles, Queen impressed by a Scottish version of herself?
Dealer in hot goods
Dealer in piece goods
Dealer in precious stones
Dealer in small items used in sewing
Dealer in stolen goods
Dealer in Volkswagen trucks
Dealer stereotypically having dubiously made assurances to take in new driver?
Dealer that worked around noon in the West End?
Dealer working with animal fat taking tip off animal trainer
Dealer's accessory
Dealer's car
Dealer's deal
Dealer's demand
Dealer's directive
Dealer's employer
Dealer's foe
Dealer's handout
Dealer's left distributing the LSD and ecstasy
Dealer's name obtained by king
Dealer's nemesis
Dealer's opening boat business — we're told it could occupy a lot of space
Dealer's staff on special drinks
Dealer's wear
Dealers in metal goods
Dealers' clientele
Dealers' dreads
Dealers' requests
Dealership area
Dealership that sells old
Dealing box, in blackjack
Dealing fraudulently
Dealing with arising problems
Dealing with aspect of philosophy and geopolitics, male getting confused
Dealing with awful peril, Scotland’s first responders
Dealing with branching passages, oil branch freely
Dealing with buzzers sounding alert - I'm scared to enter
Dealing with cake that's seasonal without filling and topping
Dealing with canines?
Dealing with colour, check an artist like Turner eschews navy
Dealing with commercial arrangement
Dealing with delivery
Dealing with dire warnings about Spain
Dealing with discord in ranks?
Dealing with everything when angry, one can blow it
Dealing with famous author
Dealing with fan? Number excessive
Dealing with food intake
Dealing with honey makers
Dealing with Ike's partner, a bit of a looker
Dealing with issue in hiring of personal assistant?
Dealing with Labour, bitter, so involved with Conservative
Dealing with leg caught in part of machine
Dealing with letters, exhausted without wife to hold arm
Dealing with what those who aren't in should be doing
Dealmaker's delight
Deals in
Deals in a fantasy league
Deals including 100 pieces of fish
Deals on wheels sites
Deals with
Deals with guilt
Deals with red stain after spillage
Deals with score? That’s some target, seventy!
Deals with sin
Deals with trivial matter of ordering poet's gift
Dealt in stocks
Dealt leniently with
Dealt out again
Dealt with
Dealt with a leak, maybe
Dealt with a mess, in a w
Dealt with chum needing to collect a vehicle - something in hand
Dealt with note before month is over
Dealt with offensive language from PM once back in base
Dealt with small vehicle parts for scrap
Dean flayed by cardinal and devoured
Dean for one is creakiest when well-oiled
Dean Martin song subject
Dean Martin topic
Dean Martin's "That's ___
Dean Martin, for one
Dean mixed up with prior’s fate
Dean oddly ignored song's charm
Dean of diplomacy
Dean of government
Dean Smith's sch.
Dean wrestling with cold tap?
Dean’s kebab changed for another dish
Dean's 1960s singing part
Dean's companion in Kerou
Dean's concern
Dean's list, e.g.
Dean's pal in Kerouac's "
Dean's purview: Abbr.
Dean's refurbished car
Dean's title
Dean's world
Dean, satirist, essayist
Dean, say, organised rite including church music
Dean’s speciality, getting one man enthralled by church repeatedly
Deanna of "Star Trek: T.N
Dear — a thousand for instrument that’s not the largest
Dear Bruce, perhaps it is just a gesture?
Dear city, common ground for 8 in 12, say
Dear deer
Dear for one to provide paper knife?
Dear former lover deep in thought
Dear fuel finally leads to some deliveries falling short
Dear God, it's an ancient city
Dear guy?
Dear houses irritate a follower
Dear Ken's running around with less on
Dear little couple supporting society
Dear little cuckoo harmed
Dear little resident in farm buildings losing tail
Dear old American keeping one quiet, like Mary?
Dear old flame and VIP seen dancing
Dear old Hoskins has nurses write last of clues
Dear old wife maybe departs, deep in thought
Dear old ___
Dear old, funny old, fabulous old place
Dear one
Dear one, in Italy
Dear Parisian entertaining member, one out to impress?
Dear partner previously deep in thought
Dear poet, let us hear a song at sunrise
Dear ___
Dear ___ Madam ...
Dear's partner
Dear, as a signorina
Dear, dear! Tablet dropped by Heather
Dear, in a billet-doux
Dear, in Dijon
Dear, in Italy
Dear, to Dante
Dear, to Donizetti
Dearborn debut of 1958
Dearborn ___, MI
Dearest wife gets covered in foam when visiting works
Dearie me, I'm so disorganised - reminders needed!
Dearth of hard men in acting profession
Dearth, badly managed, causing enmity
Death - by hanging?
Death - with 50% of fish, it’s a fruit stone
Death and decay of body tissue
Death cup, e.g.
Death in Venice
Death notice
Death notice about king in revolution
Death notice covering Republican’s sphere of action
Death notice, for short
Death notices, in short
Death occurring within seven days
Death of European with no middle name
Death of Venus and Adonis, originally when 2?
Death on the Nile cause,
Death on the Nile cause?
Death parts old soldier and army volunteers in feud
Death personified
Death personified, in anc
Death row destination?
Death row inmate's hope
Death row reprieves
Death sentence widely publicised?
Death shift
Death spiral?
Death tally back with hospital gone from local area
Death ultimately captured by tormented Yeats, for example, in common parlance
Death's edge about to slice one looking stunned
Death's nigh
Death's partner?
Death's stolen successful return
Death, in Deutschland
Death, in Dresden
Death, to Dylan Thomas
Death? Subsequently died having ingested Ecstasy
Deathly reminder left with estate in Usk somehow peeved surgeon
Deb, short and shy — one may entice you
Debacle — fine one as company goes under
Debacle upset university dons prepared to attend lectures?
Debarkation points: Abbr.
Debase theory regularly employed in praise
Debasement of grown-up needs mate finally helping
Debatable "skill"
Debatable opinion
Debatable power, for shor
Debate (with)
Debate about a boy
Debate airer
Debate anew
Debate case for auditor meeting staff in corporation
Debate club fodder
Debate extremes of weather with fish
Debate format
Debate inclusion of ‘beer’ in dictionary? I start to complain
Debate is hard one to call
Debate is moving about illness
Debate list
Debate position
Debate restriction
Debate segment
Debate side
Debate stopper
Debate subject
Debate such set-up ignored is corrupt
Debate the pros and cons
Debate topic
Debate topics
Debater's ploy
Debaters debate it
Debaters' basic assumptio
Debaters' need
Debaters' needs
Debates lacking energy in the Guardian
Debating two options, say
Debauched cad and roué in a state
Debauched elderly man
Debauched gatherings
Debauched king was first to embrace tot
Debauched man
Debauched party
Debauchee drinking good red stuff
Debauchee having left island, knight Edward VII embraces?
Debauchee of a sort
Debauchery during junior gymnastics
Debauchery of girl condemned
Debbie who won three swim
Debby Boone song for egot
Debenture, basically
Debilitated cook never dined
Debilitating symptoms
Debit's opposite
Debit's partner
Debonair "bunny man"
Debonair chap collapses in race
Debone, in a way
Deborah nominated for six
Deborah of "Days of Our L
Deborah of "Tea and Sympa
Deborah of "The King and
Deborah who starred in "T
Deborah's "The King and I
Deborah's king of cinema somewhat conciliatory, ultimately
Deborah's role in "The Ki
Debra of "The Ten Command
Debris around the world?
Debris on the water
Debris Oscar removed from Motown, America
Debt acknowledgment
Debt clearer
Debt collector back in action exposed
Debt collector needs security, if female
Debt compiler has for Listener's ace, one of fifty
Debt disregarders, slangi
Debt doc
Debt letters
Debt markers
Debt memo
Debt protection
Debt rises after a recession, primarily
Debt-collector gone mad in underground cell
Debt-incurring Wall St. d
Debtor stuffing pennies into faulty socket
Debtor's avowal
Debtor's burden
Debtor's letters
Debtor's note
Debtor's opposite
Debtor's option, briefly
Debtor's promise
Debtor's woe
Debtor's worry
Debtor? Send back into custody!
Debtors' burdens
Debts linked to charge account, showing greed
Debts, symbolically
Debugger's mission?
Debuggers' discoveries
Debugging device?
Debugging discovery
Debugs computer programs,
Debunked theory after halt for refreshment
Debussy contemporary
Debussy contemporary Erik
Debussy opus
Debussy piece
Debussy recital piece
Debussy subject
Debussy work
Debussy's "Air de ___"
Debussy's "Beau ___"
Debussy's "Clair de ___"
Debussy's "Douze ___"
Debussy's "La Mer," e.g.
Debussy's "La ___"
Debussy's prelude has odd beat
Debut at the 1979 Frankfu
Debut film for 47A, 1950
Debut for Anto - and what Boatman says to get attention
Debut of 1/14/1900
Debut of 10/11/75, briefl
Debut of 6/1/1980
Debut of 8/26/57
Debut of 9/15/1982
Debut of boy band originally gets publicity
Debut of Gordon Fish, the writer
Debut of Kinsey Millhone
Debut of Lew Archer
Debut of Oct. 11, 1975
Debut of Philip Marlowe
Debut of Sherlock Holmes
Debut Olympian of 2008
Debutant essentially keeping fans excited in French Open
Debutante ball?
Debutante shortly retires, clutching a piece of jewellery
Debutante who dated J. D.
Debutante's affair
Debutante's date
Debutantes' affairs
Debuts on the N.Y.S.E.
Debuts on Wall St.
Dec guideline
Dec. 25
Dec. 25, e.g.
Dec. holiday
Dec. holiday plans?
Decade - in tweets
Decade divs.
Decade of lifting restrictions after end of war
Decade of this puzzle's t
Decade or so
Decade parts: Abbr.
Decade satirized in "Amer
Decade with which number of dwarfs will have connections
Decadent and dainty, covered in slippery sludge by conservationists
Decadent city in which anything goes
Decadent English party receives fine
Decadent English/French social function
Decadent European female at social function
Decadent holiday starts with Jeff losing case
Decadent outdoor celebration after revolutionary force cleared out
Decadent period: ingenuity has ten kinks
Decadent place has honey left over
Decaf brand
Decaf lefty stirred in an unnatural way
Decalogue recipient
Decalogue word
Decapitated insects with disease
Decarbonise road vehicle finally? Drink to that!
DeCarlo of "The Munsters"
Decathlete Johnson
Decathlete O'Brien
Decathlete's implement
Decathlete's need
Decathlon equipment
Decathlon event
Decay beginning to crack a sign
Decay beneath said building
Decay constants, in physi
Decay found beneath automobile plant
Decay found in vegetable plant
Decay in iron I cut from neat arrangement
Decay in small green vegetable or shrub
Decay in support for administrator
Decay of politician with spin doctor at first
Decay of timber
Decay on Scottish isle to the west, one can tell
Decay reported below building
Decay reported beneath the Pantheon, for example
Decay seen in small green vegetable and shrub
Decay-fighting org.
Decay? Poem elevated it years afterwards
Decayed flesh concealed by dodgy owner
Decayed matter used to improve soil
Decayed part of tooth
Decayed; very bad
Decaying animal flesh
Decaying flesh
Decaying vegetable matter in Hebridean island
Decaying, rotting
Decca rival
Deceased's money and property
Deceit conjured up over a drink
Deceit to get a financial centre working again
Deceitful - hedonists
Deceitful act few do after reform
Deceitful behaviour put bend on railway
Deceitful character's broken promise to cut back
Deceitful doings
Deceitful kind of bowling?
Deceitful NI party allowed contents of house
Deceitful people
Deceitful people, in slan
Deceitful probably, inglorious hosts
Deceitful villains in ceremonial guards
Deceitful, crafty
Deceitful, doing well to skim off capital
Deceitful, insincere
Deceitfully arrange an outcome
Deceive - lead on
Deceive gangster and win a thousand
Deceive leaders of tournament on position of ball
Deceive on more than one occasion
Deceive rogues, netting £500
Deceive through greater ingenuity
Deceive thug with friendly signal
Deceive, beguile
Deceive, in a way
Deceive, trick
Deceive; disadvantage
Deceive; fool
Deceive; stupefy with drugs or drink
Deceived daughter escaped
Deceived duke trapped in Spanish province
Deceived husband introducing publicity
Deceived in trick getting furious inside
Deceived the French teacher
Deceived with a false mov
Deceived, misled
Deceived, tricked
Deceives with bat, slicing through covers
Deceives, slangily
Deceiving band in double-cross that's been planned throughout
Deceiving daughter not easily tracked down
Decem ___ (Latin decade)
December 13th, e.g.
December 24 and 31
December 24 and 31, e.g.
December 24, e.g.
December 25 activity
December 25 answer to 69-
December 25 visitor
December 25, e.g.
December 25?
December 26 event
December 31
December 31, e.g.
December air
December celebration
December celebrations
December deliveryman?
December drop-in
December exclamation
December fall
December festival
December forecast
December holiday time
December laughs
December list keeper
December ocean phenomenon
December singer?
December songs
December spinner
December stone
December visitor
December, say
Decency of every other character in smutty song's lines
Decent - handsome
Decent - right
Decent bar is shocked after language heard in WC
Decent being close to target in hunt
Decent carton redesigned and made stronger
Decent chalet, I suspect
Decent chap keeping member in trousers?
Decent crepes turned onto surface for eating
Decent exam mark given first
Decent fellow
Decent fellows
Decent guy
Decent honest Conservative?
Decent hospital is in order
Decent hotel on East Street
Decent hunting around end of August
Decent leg breaks not deployed
Decent play's ending for Puck
Decent plot
Decent PM’s opening words?
Decent sandwiches start to entice relative
Decent sorts
Decent swapping parts for someone else
Decent time obtained in pursuit
Decent trousers in golf, it appears
Decent type of piano
Decent, as accommodations
Decent, so to speak
Decent-looking gift — a belter, oddly
Decent-sized diamond
Deception - nonsense
Deception about a Trojan Horse's cover
Deception about good deal in office equipment
Deception and appalling greed in male
Deception hard to prove
Deception in amusing farce
Deception involving money producing stink
Deception involving secret plan with fees
Deception obscuring the French attraction
Deception that Charlie Chaplin for one was engaged in?
Deception, fishy fizzy drink?
Deception; disadvantage
Deceptive - artful nude
Deceptive actions
Deceptive appearance
Deceptive behaviour of bogus prelates breaking barriers
Deceptive designs sending a PC to trial
Deceptive distraction
Deceptive front
Deceptive impression
Deceptive individual
Deceptive manoeuvre
Deceptive motion
Deceptive outward appearance
Deceptive remark
Deceptive serene exterior drinking spirits in RE
Deceptive spies
Deceptive statements
Deceptive tactic
Deceptive talk, in slang
Deceptive talker
Deceptive trick
Deceptive utterances
Deceptive work in Lourdes close to charlatanry
Deceptively clever?
Deceptively great in name, one serving drag performer?
Deceptively manipulate, w
Deceptively plausible reasoning
Deceptively pleasing
Deceptively rich clothing for one going commando
Decide about a city in the US
Decide about black Russian bread
Decide against
Decide against boxing plan
Decide against keeping individual eastern dish
Decide against reorganizi
Decide books should be removed from remains of building
Decide firmly how one may go faster?
Decide moves after Woman's Own's first brave feat
Decide not to be involved in work with dodgy ticket seller
Decide not to choose one covered in muscles (bronzed)
Decide not to get involved
Decide not to participate
Decide not to take part
Decide on
Decide to do puzzle again
Decide to do this a second time
Decide to do this crossword again
Decide to get puzzle out again
Decide to have two couples doing twist - that’s dispelled frostiness
Decide to join switch components in metal work
Decide to leave
Decide to leave off
Decide to leave, with "ou
Decide to participate
Decide to rent
Decide to repair boot Victor's wearing
Decide to seek the answer again
Decide to sleep in the nu
Decide to stop holding concessions back
Decide to tackle a crossword a second time?
Decide to tackle this puzzle again?
Decide to take part
Decide to take, with "for
Decide to use
Decide what to show member of the clergy
Decide when American leaves a place in Washington
Decided about
Decided cotton skirt must cover tights
Decided not to run
Decided to add modern light to beastly home
Decided where to sleep if homeless?
Decidedly 2-D
Decides by chance
Decides one will
Decides to try
Decides to use
Deciding matches
Deciding the best man is
Deciding what you're doing about leads
Deciduous conifer
Deciduous tree
Deciduous tree - so creamy
Deciduous tree with smooth grey bark
Deciduous trees
Decimal base
Decimal divisions
Decimal part of a logarit
Decimal point
Decimal point follower
Decimal preceder?
Decimal starter
Decimal system
Decimal-based code embedded in old tablets
Decimate, with "down"
Decipher a French prayer found in reference library
Decipher letter about musician
Decipher pointless meaning of puzzle
Decipher secrets US southerners keep
Deciphering incomplete code could unlock a utopian realm
Decision avoiding court for Italian musician
Decision for Dracula?
Decision for newlyweds?
Decision letters
Decision made at home?
Decision maker
Decision makers
Decision points
Decision provided enclosure at last, confining 500 animals
Decision regarding a Bela
Decision requiring little thought
Decision time
Decision to welcome Republican, nationalist and Liberal separately shown in account
Decision, judgement
Decision-making body
Decision-making diagram
Decision-making method
Decision-making place
Decision-prompting reques
Decisions on the field
Decisive argument
Decisive argument sees king escape jail in France, dear
Decisive blow in the ring
Decisive blow spinning ruminant round
Decisive check that may produce basic result?
Decisive conclusion to prayer leading to time in heaven
Decisive conflict
Decisive confrontation
Decisive defeat
Decisive defeat in ring - count out
Decisive factor
Decisive force in Argyll content to leave
Decisive game’s influential, if boring
Decisive moment
Decisive moment for Eastwood, dumping model for diva
Decisive one
Decisive periods, briefly
Decisive periods, for sho
Decisive point
Decisive point at issue
Decisive power regarding part of rail network
Decisive refusal
Decisive spa service?
Decisive strike with daring German spirit
Decisive time
Decisive time (or theme o
Decisively defeats
Decisively influence southern faction
Deck (out)
Deck call
Deck chair part
Deck cleaner
Deck cover
Deck covering to keep out
Deck crew
Deck crew's boss, briefly
Deck feature
Deck figure
Deck for divining
Deck going up and down
Deck guy who's cheating?
Deck hand might be so desperate
Deck hands
Deck including arcana
Deck item
Deck material
Deck me up rather like a Brontë sister?
Deck member
Deck of 52
Deck opening
Deck out
Deck quartet
Deck reply
Deck shoe
Deck spots
Deck treatments
Deck units
Deck wood
Deck's kin
Decked fellow singer, apparently in the middle of act
Decked out
Decked out (in)
Deckhands finally got out of sweeping vessel
Decking has blue carpeting
Decking put Royal Navy crew in a spot
Decks out
Decks, as an opponent
Declaim it in church after instruction in religious matters
Declaim nothing when meeting judge
Declaim regularly, being a priest
Declaimed, as "A Visit Fr
Declaims; jets
Declamatory performer’s packaging for radio?
Declamatory public speaker
Declaration about unhandi
Declaration allowing no opposition
Declaration at a poker ta
Declaration attributed to
Declaration before "to me
Declaration before going
Declaration before washin
Declaration ending "or el
Declaration for name, perhaps, to stick
Declaration from a die-ha
Declaration from senator is out of order
Declaration of 1941
Declaration of 8/28/63
Declaration of August 14,
Declaration of Congress
Declaration of determinat
Declaration of education
Declaration of facts
Declaration of Independen
Declaration of occupation
Declaration of one leaning over worshipper
Declaration of participat
Declaration of puppy love
Declaration of responsibility badly belies one’s blog
Declaration of what makes
Declaration sometimes mad
Declaration starting a de
Declaration that leaves o
Declaration that may be f
Declaration upon checking
Declaration: I am fat and in for exercising
Declarations of disgust
Declare "good" or "excell
Declare "I will go no fur
Declare - Lara heading off after leg bye
Declare 1950s-style youth should be turned away
Declare a cat can be heard
Declare a cleric briefly is uplifted
Declare a cut in day care finally
Declare a vicar has turned up
Declare answer extremely short
Declare arrival of girl — not much to follow
Declare arrival of girl, then wait, by sound of it?
Declare as fact
Declare categorically
Declare commitment to a business, we hear
Declare emphatically
Declare false
Declare firmly
Declare formally to be true
Declare frankly
Declare free from guilt
Declare girl's a lightweight?
Declare illegal
Declare invalid
Declare invalid having to check blood type yearly
Declare invalid's wife released from old London gaol
Declare it's correct to switch first and third
Declare it's proper to drink cola, shaken or stirred
Declare large city locked in? Not after that!
Declare not guilty
Declare not to be true
Declare note is sounding sort of identical?
Declare nothing will stop crime, creating disgust
Declare old partner's demand for alimony
Declare one's intentions
Declare openly
Declare positively
Declare right to divide benefit?
Declare sacred
Declare sadly a tunic's been appropriated by old queen
Declare sketch to be rubbish? Get rid of the rubbish!
Declare solemnly
Declare time to head off
Declare times in statistical information
Declare true
Declare unfit
Declare unfit for use
Declare unsuitable
Declare untrue
Declare up or down
Declare with certainty
Declare with confidence
Declare wrongly
Declare, old-style
Declare, once
Declare; maintain
Declared 48 hours before D-day, what makes privates presentable
Declared a number was incorrect
Declared in France: 'Friend means warmth'
Declared purpose sounds corrupt
Declared source of funding for EU members
Declared start of amnesty during forecast
Declared strikes?
Declared suit
Declared support for a strike breaker bringing card game
Declared to be a saint
Declarers' partners
Declares a burden uplifting
Declares at cricket matches
Declares Bible arguments should have Rector dismissed
Declares emphatically
Declares English to be hostile
Declares in a way they are from a chilly area
Declares in favour of exams
Declares invalid
Declares novel solution for deposit
Declares off-limits
Declares river's showing change of direction
Declares valuable items when crossing border, finally
Declares void
Declaring (something) no longer secret
Declawed manx, e.g.
Decline a season with no commitments?
Decline again
Decline America's cup
Decline an invitation
Decline and Fall author
Decline and Fall's second long narrative
Decline – party food
Decline backing given by a priest
Decline beginning to reappear in party power
Decline brought surgical procedure and occupational therapy
Decline date with discovered cheat
Decline delivery of goods
Decline eastern bishop twice
Decline energy drinks at the outset
Decline fleshy fruit vociferously
Decline getting into calamitous European fight
Decline in economic activity
Decline in large European city
Decline in price
Decline in value
Decline leadership to shock constituency
Decline minimal amount of fragrance, initially
Decline note taken round Russian city once denied power
Decline of following after one season
Decline of French commander English think highly of?
Decline of French people of similar age
Decline of oxygen in kiln is concerning
Decline right away, leading to death
Decline sandwiches with thanks in simple speech
Decline scented make-up
Decline swim
Decline terms of free boob job
Decline to accept drink having answer ready for Bulgarian
Decline to accept drink? A change for Sofia
Decline to accept one shilling for fund
Decline to accept unknown boy's name
Decline to admit major sight problem
Decline to answer question but get through
Decline to cheat
Decline to cross current in front of building
Decline to eat brown bread in Thailand
Decline to enter a new friendly relationship between nations
Decline to fix number of games
Decline to have party wearing dress
Decline to ignore official purpose
Decline to jump; rubbish
Decline to live by American rule
Decline to participate in getting behind travel agents around start of summer
Decline to recline?
Decline to return books reminiscent of the Naughty Nineties
Decline to take advantage of
Decline to turn left into empty drive
Decline to vote
Decline ungraciously
Decline what every player strives for
Decline with age
Decline, with "out of"
Decline? One may, after retiring
Declined in power
Declined journalist on record - men become focus of smear
Declined to be escorted round German city
Declined to get into wrecked car
Declined to live going back and forth with daughter
Declined to tuck into vegetables and old bread
Declines gradually
Declines items charged after break in US
Declines little by little
Declines to accept official applications
Declines to acknowledge record on learner targets
Declines to overlook official applications
Declines to participate
Declines to take part, wi
Declines to vote
Declines travel east, then block books
Declines turning up to take in service full of fire
Declines, as a plumber?
Declines, with "out of"
Declining and becoming sad
Declining currency
Declining in health
Declining in power
Declining period of time with books
Declining state
Declining ten years with National Trust
Declining upholstery material if front’s absent
Declining, as embers
Declining, in a way
Declining, not fine, sick
Decode the French's rapid series of sharp noises
Decode, in a way
Decomposed matter
Decomposition by passing current
Decompression sickness
Decongestant brand
Decongestant, maybe
Deconstruction jobs can create noise, I'm told
Deconstruction of greed I depicted as more emotionally intense
Decontaminates front of chairlift next to slopes
Decontamination caught scrawny rat
Decor finish?
Decorate (food)
Decorate a cake
Decorate a sleeping area, new, for married
Decorate again
Decorate anew
Decorate article that's boring too
Decorate – exaggerate
Decorate Bond's superior sounding superior
Decorate country house for the King
Decorate differently
Decorate flamboyantly, in
Decorate in black tight red moiré skirts
Decorate lady's cloak in orderly fashion
Decorate Nobleman with head turned around?
Decorate or give title to National Trust
Decorate religious work with gold title to start
Decorate with leaves
Decorate with regular picks from garden?
Decorate, as a pumpkin
Decorated (a cake)
Decorated a capital individual involved in recording
Decorated anew
Decorated Antarctic explorer snubbed after inspiring navy
Decorated column found in wasteland
Decorated composer died outside party
Decorated cop, say
Decorated garden lad redesigned
Decorated in ceramic, say
Decorated more than three weeks before Christmas, looking back
Decorated Murphy
Decorated officers
Decorated old men on opposite sides at Waterloo died
Decorated old sailors at end of battle
Decorated old woman at match embarrassed about nothing
Decorated Olympian
Decorated pilots
Decorated war pilot
Decorated with bands
Decorated with diamonds above and below
Decorated with glittering ornaments
Decorated with heraldic arms
Decorated with petals etc.
Decorated with tassels
Decorated, as a cake
Decorated, as leather
Decorated, on menus
Decorated; killed
Decorates 60's-style
Decorates again
Decorates cake slices not using small lines
Decorates expensively
Decorates good coats with trimming at the top
Decorates over
Decorates richly
Decorates, as a cake
Decorates, as a Christmas
Decorates, in a way
Decorating aid
Decorating audacious men libels them
Decorating do-overs, for
Decorating drunk - so often spilled gin
Decorating material
Decorating product
Decorating requires a pronounced start
Decorating site for play — this tells theatre folk what to do
Decorating trouble - call to engage handyman in the end
Decorating with crinkled
Decoration America awarded to President finally includes servicemen
Decoration at public bath
Decoration behind an alta
Decoration for a bull, ma
Decoration for a newlywed
Decoration for Gertrude's
Decoration for Head of Police initially concealed by House
Decoration from Eliz. II
Decoration got by medic turning on splendid display
Decoration in a part of play with mother taking the lead
Decoration made by fitting pieces of wood into a surface
Decoration made of ribbons
Decoration missing full replication in splendour
Decoration of lavish ceremony leading to Order of Merit
Decoration of threads or pieces of fabric tied together
Decoration on a 91-/100-A
Decoration on a present, for example
Decoration on an Indian m
Decoration one’s oft put around
Decoration somehow made large
Decoration stocked by department in Selfridges
Decoration technique
Decoration that's partly cosmetic, in general
Decoration worn round the neck
Decoration's gold handle not hollowed out
Decoration, though denied second top award in pageantry
Decorations on some rearv
Decorations; bird
Decorative artwork to do with Biblical character
Decorative award came up before title, oddly
Decorative ball of tufted wool
Decorative ball of wool
Decorative ball worn on a hat
Decorative band
Decorative band on wall
Decorative band round the top of a wall
Decorative bands
Decorative cape provided by some terrific husband
Decorative case
Decorative clothing
Decorative coat
Decorative collar
Decorative craft
Decorative cut-and-paste material
Decorative dangle
Decorative design
Decorative design made of one material sewn over another
Decorative device; had alien (anagram)
Decorative dining table p
Decorative edges
Decorative edging
Decorative elements
Decorative fabric
Decorative fabric strip
Decorative fabrics
Decorative flags
Decorative floor
Decorative foil
Decorative gateway in Jap
Decorative gratings
Decorative handwriting
Decorative heading
Decorative inlay material
Decorative item cheers? Not so much after reflection
Decorative item in case mounted upside-down when being put inside
Decorative item of heraldic gold: call National Trust
Decorative items
Decorative items: sprays between two flowers
Decorative jacket insert
Decorative jugs
Decorative kit
Decorative knotted work
Decorative loop
Decorative mat
Decorative molding
Decorative mug
Decorative neckline inser
Decorative needle case
Decorative object
Decorative or dark?
Decorative ornament; had alien (anagram)
Decorative pattern
Decorative piece of Georg
Decorative pitcher
Decorative pitchers
Decorative plant
Decorative plant holder
Decorative plants
Decorative plaster
Decorative pond fish
Decorative pottery
Decorative pottery and su
Decorative ribbon or bow worn in the hair
Decorative scrollwork details on limo
Decorative sewing kit
Decorative shelters
Decorative shiny disc
Decorative skill
Decorative sofa fabric
Decorative stone
Decorative strip bearing motto in small capitals on mug
Decorative strip of fabri
Decorative strip of fabric
Decorative stuff hard to miss in approach to divination
Decorative style
Decorative tattoo dye
Decorative threads
Decorative tip on a lace
Decorative toy
Decorative tree
Decorative tuft
Decorative upholstery fab
Decorative vases
Decorative veneer sample with leading brand
Decorative vessel
Decorative vessels
Decorative wall basin
Decorative wall bracket for holding candles
Decorative water bowl
Decorative window shape
Decorative woollen ball
Decorative woolly ball
Decorative work
Decorative work needs time to be put in, note
Decorative work: studied endlessly, framing various oils
Decorator de Wolfe
Decorator houses deer for Reykjavik resident
Decorator is not commonly wearing lead belt
Decorator may apply this row, coating Iain's chimney upwards
Decorator presses buzzer to get drink
Decorator transformed Parisian location
Decorator’s accessory: staff retaining piece to copy
Decorator's advice
Decorator's base
Decorator's canful
Decorator's concern
Decorator's decision
Decorator's shade
Decorator, e.g.
Decorators, of a sort
Decorous publicity about string of pearls, perhaps
Decorous supporter losing heart
Decorum - for devoutness, rector must be involved
Decorum in fashions? Totally gutted
Decoy accompanier
Decoy, small, speaking with rough voice we hear
Decrease gradually
Decrease in finance: stop filming
Decrease in hostilities with a warmonger’s capture
Decrease in vitality
Decrease salary, with cut for a division of Human Resources
Decrease the production (
Decrease, as support
Decrease, as the moon
Decrease, drop
Decreased desultory derision is misplaced
Decreased infrared radiation ultimately in old English department
Decreases gradually
Decreasing action on board?
Decreasing numbers of
Decreasing support in front of ground, club directors admit
Decree - Italian car
Decree agreement has no power
Decree authoritatively
Decree brought back punishment and incarcerated soldiers during tense time
Decree found in Japanese dictionary
Decree of a sovereign
Decreed in advance
Decreed: set gold before man of the North, reported journalist
Decrepit canon slipping is liable to mishaps
Decrepit couple on strike
Decrepit little bird found on step
Decrepit odd couples going down a long way
Decrepit old man's boob
Decrepit old thing fails to start music
Decrepit sheep has to hobble
Decrepit stranger has empty day to fill
Decry reactionary attitudes in literary debuts
Decryption org.
Dedicated a Sterne novel
Dedicated action inspiring five religious books
Dedicated an ode to
Dedicated birdwatcher
Dedicated compositions
Dedicated follower of fashion
Dedicated lines
Dedicated lines?
Dedicated literature
Dedicated lyric to listeners that's outstanding
Dedicated offerings
Dedicated tanner?
Dedicated traveller dismal after border setback
Dedicated work
Dedicatee of "The Muppet
Dedicatee of a piano clas
Dedication to an unnamed
Dedicatory phrase
Dedicatory verse
Deduce (from evidence)
Deduce a terrible fire? No, no
Deduce from a refusal to escape from Hell
Deduce from evidence
Deduce knight consumed by raging fire
Deduce no escaping from fire
Deduce number will escape fire
Deduce refusal in hellish location
Deduce where American goes to generate terror
Deduce why one's been dismissed?
Deduced the grade must be reviewed
Deduces, with "out"
Deduct from
Deducted from the gross w
Deduction or discount
Deductions come to this positive result: catch academic at it
Deductions from gross wei
Dee can run all over the place, showing staying power
Dee Dee, Tommy, Joey or J
Dee of "Gidget"
Dee's predecessor
Dee, Exe or Wye, say
Deed shown in a court
Deeds brought before a judge
Deejay Casey
Deejay Don
Deejay's bane
Deejay's bribe
Deejay's disks
Deejay's interest, typica
Deejay's worry
Deejays consult them
Deejays' platters
Deem appropriate
Deem inappropriate type of skirt to be something rather sweet
Deem rallies out of order in Ireland
Deemed appropriate
Deemed not suitable for k
Deems in court
Deems it appropriate (to)
Deems proper
Deems worthy
Deep - essential
Deep admiration
Deep affection
Deep bell sound
Deep bells
Deep black
Deep black garnets
Deep bleu sea
Deep blue
Deep Blue and others
Deep Blue is following the Sicilian opening in Palermo
Deep Blue maker
Deep blue mineral, quartz, unlimited supply
Deep Blue specialty
Deep Blue's game
Deep Blue's opponent in c
Deep border lake
Deep bow of salutation in Arabic-speaking countries
Deep breath?
Deep brown
Deep brown, without end
Deep canyon feature
Deep cavity
Deep chasm
Deep crack in a glacier
Deep crimson
Deep cut
Deep cuts or tears in the flesh
Deep discounts
Deep disgust
Deep dish
Deep dish for serving soup
Deep dish or basin
Deep dislikes
Deep ditch
Deep ditch worker's cutting
Deep ditches
Deep divides
Deep diving vessel for underwater exploration
Deep down
Deep down in U-boat, hear torpedo
Deep draft
Deep drink
Deep earth left turned over
Deep fear
Deep feeling - music genre
Deep fissure
Deep freezes, so to speak
Deep gap
Deep glacial crack
Deep glacial fissure
Deep gorge
Deep green
Deep gulf
Deep hole
Deep in thought
Deep lake out West
Deep laugh
Deep line used by this painter
Deep mountain valley
Deep mud
Deep mysteries
Deep narrow gorge
Deep open cut
Deep opening
Deep orangish hue
Deep perception of a situation
Deep performer
Deep pink
Deep pit
Deep place?
Deep print
Deep purplish colour
Deep ravine
Deep recess or notch
Deep red
Deep red garnet
Deep red gem stone
Deep red jumper chap's shut away
Deep red lips engaged in deception
Deep reddish-brown
Deep regret
Deep regret about additional shilling invested
Deep regret about bit of food, almost
Deep regret as vibrations not leading to ecstasy
Deep resentment
Deep resonant sound
Deep respect
Deep river?
Deep rough sound from Greek hunting bird
Deep rumbling sound
Deep sea carbon in a green revolution
Deep sea inlet, as between Iran and Saudi Arabia
Deep secrets
Deep shockers
Deep sleep
Deep sleep-like state
Deep sleeps
Deep snow settles more easily on such a roof
Deep source of power, perhaps
Deep South kid holding pan of 5
Deep space, for the most
Deep state starts to control our major authorities
Deep swimmer
Deep thinker tweeting isn't unusual
Deep thought
Deep Throat's identity
Deep Throat, e.g., in the
Deep toned percussion instrument
Deep track
Deep trench lacking a facility for craft
Deep trouble
Deep trouble following street in the morning rush
Deep trouble on way, but staff taken outside
Deep unconsciousness
Deep unhappiness
Deep valley
Deep valley passing through Luxembourg or Germany
Deep violet-blue colour
Deep voices
Deep wide chasm
Deep wound reported as plank sat upon
Deep ___ bend
Deep, as a color
Deep, deep fish
Deep, narrow gorge
Deep, reddish purple
Deep, unnatural sleep
Deep-blue alpine flower
Deep-bodied fish – flat-bottomed boat
Deep-dish dishes
Deep-dish entrees
Deep-fried Asian snack food with a fishy taste
Deep-fried meaty snack
Deep-fried minced meats coated in egg and breadcrumbs
Deep-fried mouthful
Deep-fried potato containing head of minute animal
Deep-fried potato outlet
Deep-fried potato slice
Deep-fried turnover, prophet tucking into it?
Deep-fry alternative
Deep-frying need
Deep-pocketed type
Deep-sea brew?
Deep-sea diver's distress
Deep-sea exploration pion
Deep-sea explorer William
Deep-sea explorer, at tim
Deep-sea predator
Deep-seated antagonism
Deep-space mission
Deep-toned woodwind
Deep-voiced singers
Deep-voiced, for a woman
Deep-___ (threw away)
Deepak Chopra's birthplac
Deeper blue?
Deepest azure
Deepest lake in the conti
Deepest miner's not affected
Deepest of the Finger Lak
Deepest part of script in story likely to crumble
Deepest point
Deepest point in Mahanadi river
Deepest seated
Deepest within oneself
Deeply absorbed
Deeply affected
Deeply agitated
Deeply aroused by a fine, exotic material
Deeply blushing
Deeply carved in a cathedral
Deeply connected with
Deeply desires
Deeply dismayed
Deeply distressed, share being over?
Deeply distressed, snubbed at university
Deeply distressing
Deeply distressing experience
Deeply disturbing
Deeply embedded
Deeply engrossed
Deeply felt
Deeply hurt
Deeply implanted
Deeply impress rampaging avenger
Deeply impressed after heartless 18 Across, but miserable
Deeply inspired?
Deeply irritating
Deeply odd characters in improvised, melodramatic, European theatre
Deeply personal
Deeply personal feeling in fat cat, perhaps can end in sacking
Deeply piled
Deeply prejudiced and intolerant person
Deeply recessed
Deeply regrets going naked to cuddle inspirational figure for fun
Deeply religious
Deeply respected
Deeply sad
Deeply shocked
Deeply stimulating
Deeply thoughtful
Deeply thoughtful, keen to raise issue
Deeply touched, perhaps
Deeply unconscious
Deer - it's one with foot raised
Deer and cow noises echo
Deer and young bear perhaps raised in cave
Deer are imitating cattle all around London
Deer – or hyperlink follower?
Deer bolted initially caused extreme obstacle
Deer climb where oxygen’s lacking, initially judging by account
Deer essentially bit tongue
Deer filmed initially by angler making big impression
Deer found when guns are brought back
Deer getting frisky with sun bears
Deer herders
Deer herding area
Deer horn
Deer hunter's trophy
Deer in an enclosure for bears in Wisconsin
Deer kin
Deer knocks back glitter
Deer ma'am
Deer meat
Deer native to East Asia
Deer oddly stopped dead
Deer overturned cask leaking contents
Deer performs
Deer playmate, in song
Deer prints seen around - bad news for cattle?
Deer relative heading for tundra still
Deer relative heading for tundra, still
Deer season hairdo?
Deer sir
Deer sirs
Deer spotted woodcutter
Deer stalkers
Deer takes one for a ride
Deer that transformed stops car in dramatic event
Deer trapped in park leapt up
Deer turns over something with one foot
Deer with antlers
Deer you once knocked over — very dramatic
Deer’s horn
Deer's back, lassoed by worker's chain
Deer's branched horn
Deer's foot twisted? Yes
Deer's horn
Deer's on loose - evidence of cold?
Deer's posterior
Deer's scut
Deer, beavers and such
Deer, e.g.
Deer? Sounds like a cow at end of lane
Deere competitor
Deere product
Deere product: Abbr.
Deerstalker perhaps worn by tiddly Irish rector - is he sorry to have put it on?
Deerstalkers' comedowns?
Def Jam records genre
Def Leppard hit "Pour Som
Def Leppard, for one
DEF, on a phone
Def, to a slangster
Deface an old penny displayed in case
Defaced drinking vessel, smashed on edge
Defacement of vehicle by artist's muse, lacking purpose
Defaces most of fridge taking issue with repair
Defamation in the Garden
Defamatory comments in print
Defamatory statement
Defame in writing
Defame prudent woman hiding second pill
Defamed pin-up wearing hat
Defamed the Italian rider, opposed fixing
Defatted, as a whale
Default modes
Default subjects
Defaulter's comeuppance
Defaulter's concern
Defaulter's loss
Defaulter's loss, informa
Defaulter's worry
Defaulter, I organised housing beyond a certain point
Defeat 3-1 results in long ball strategy
Defeat a hard nut, did you say?
Defeat again, in a way
Defeat argument in favour of accepting reduced fortune
Defeat attributed to stealth war tactics
Defeat badly
Defeat by a stroke?
Defeat by just a tad
Defeat by looks
Defeat by superior ingenuity
Defeat comprehensively
Defeat cut short by fight in high range
Defeat decisively
Defeat decisively and right away
Defeat easily
Defeat extremists in erroneous 20
Defeat finally complete after reversal, lose it
Defeat finally conceded -- woe is ancient besieged city
Defeat good enemy?
Defeat in a derby
Defeat in a don't-blink c
Defeat in battle
Defeat in debate
Defeat in sport
Defeat Johnson? Why? They say, he's a party pooper
Defeat large number on a piece of land
Defeat leader in shot put
Defeat leader of hecklers in public spat
Defeat left horses missing odd bits
Defeat looks far from good in the record
Defeat of king's son nurtured by partner
Defeat prearranged after leading
Defeat prior to engagement? Things aren't so good after that
Defeat provided by one caught showing great joy
Defeat quickly and overwh
Defeat secured by best original means to an end in 15
Defeat soundly
Defeat through ingenuity
Defeat totally in two terms of cricket?
Defeat utterly
Defeat wife going on about steering apparatus
Defeat, as an incumbent
Defeat, barely
Defeat; bereavement
Defeated artillerymen originally evacuated Ypres and Mons?
Defeated candidate
Defeated competitor
Defeated contestant
Defeated contestant in a
Defeated decisively
Defeated female, corrosive influence getting told off
Defeated in a face-off, w
Defeated king flees, revealed as gay?
Defeated one
Defeated ones
Defeated soundly
Defeated team didn't use a winger
Defeated totally
Defeated utterly
Defeated, as at a Nathan'
Defeated, beheaded and consumed
Defeated, have to amputate
Defeatees' comment
Defeater of A.E.S.
Defeater of Clay
Defeater of Holyfield and
Defeater of Holyfield, 19
Defeater of Schmeling in
Defeating in a tournament
Defeatist declaration
Defeatist's sentiment
Defeatist's word
Defeatist's words
Defeats decisively
Defeats easily
Defeats handily
Defeats narrowly
Defeats Republican in US manoeuvres
Defeats thoroughly
Defeats, in a way
Defect after leader's been taken ill
Defect effect
Defect from regiment at last, post-conflict
Defect in hose used by firemen
Defect of feet, back and flanks
Defect with Miles, Dicky and Henry after start of back-stabbing
Defect, mistake
Defection by saint who gets answer in a bunch of flowers
Defective bomb
Defective bombs
Defective directive defended by agent
Defective legal procedure? There’s one in the wind
Defective machine-gun all right inside
Defective seascapes clue? These might give way out
Defector's case dismissed - exercise privilege, ultimately
Defence - into da Vinci
Defence against an accusation
Defence always leaky, it's Brighton's infirmity, first of all
Defence company returned labels for wrapping containers for Ceylon, maybe?
Defence establishment operated ancient computer software
Defence from fighter boxing in the same place
Defence given by ol' prince, closet racist?
Defence in Arsenal's opening games in division
Defence in question again
Defence ministry traitors elevated in 28?
Defence of being elsewhere
Defence of cod, skate, flounder
Defence of Italy twice cut ball out
Defence of messing about in boats
Defence of the absent
Defence over drawbridge
Defence requiring inclination and skill
Defence starts to argue legal issue, blocking injunction
Defence ultimately presented by bank employee
Defenceless but intact in Albert Square?
Defenceless Unionist called about Republican
Defenceless university managed to rise above heads of mediocre Education Department
Defenceless woman's right by the sea
Defend making gravy sausage and not chicken for starters - bless
Defend media manipulation in 24 across's movement
Defend positive method of learning at court
Defend time for judge in work
Defend with focus, in foo
Defend, as one's rights
Defendant at law
Defendant in a 1970s anti
Defendant in a criminal proceeding
Defendant in court: Abbr.
Defendant's excuse
Defendant's hope, at sent
Defendant's need: Abbr.
Defendant's offering
Defendant's plea, briefly
Defendant's plea, for sho
Defendant's statement certain to provide amusement
Defendant's testimony, ma
Defendants at law
Defendants enter them
Defendants' protests
Defendants, in old law
Defendants, legally
Defended by judge, other malcontents causing things to bubble up?
Defended enclosure or building
Defended only with locks
Defended successfully
Defender by argument
Defender company
Defender defending header from Leeds player
Defender getting sack is to have adverse consequences
Defender in a bridge colu
Defender of Dreyfus
Defender of England, not Europe? Get stuffed!
Defender of good French wine must be drunk
Defender of Manet's work
Defender of people's righ
Defender of some unpopula
Defender of Thermopylae
Defender on the floor, stop attacking
Defender was hard, leading to repercussion
Defender, excited, had a negative impact
Defender, keeper
Defender, protector
Defenders during indirect free kicks and pens
Defenders greeted, sloping off from the front
Defenders sometimes put obstructions across street
Defending North, defeated warlord seizes tribesman's principal weapon
Defense acronym
Defense advisory grp.
Defense advisory org.
Defense aid
Defense and electronics g
Defense attorney's claim
Defense contractor whose
Defense Dept. branch
Defense device
Defense grp.
Defense grp. abolished in
Defense grp. headquartere
Defense grp. of 1954-77
Defense grp. since 1949
Defense grp., 1954-77
Defense in a snow fight
Defense mechanism
Defense missile
Defense org. since 1949
Defense org. until 1992
Defense planning grp.
Defense secretary after C
Defense spray
Defense syst.
Defense type
Defenseman Bobby et al.
Defensible against objection
Defensible points accepted by board
Defensive about curtailed debate – witty character seeing Conservative off
Defensive action in football
Defensive bank
Defensive barrier, square, for rebel holding king
Defensive blunder by father leaves one hopping!
Defensive castle wall
Defensive comeback
Defensive covering
Defensive ditch
Defensive ditch, usually filled with water
Defensive ditches
Defensive embankment
Defensive enclosure
Defensive end Antwan
Defensive fencing positio
Defensive footballer
Defensive gate tower
Defensive grating in medi
Defensive linemen: Abbr.
Defensive mounds
Defensive paranoia requiring positive application of 15?
Defensive play
Defensive players
Defensive position ending in defeat, occupying beach
Defensive position he based on famous footballer having good intentions
Defensive position in fen
Defensive position of British PM falling short, intended to be heard
Defensive retort
Defensive soldiers missing acting argue with Radar after M*A*S*H
Defensive spray
Defensive statement
Defensive strategy in bas
Defensive structure
Defensive tackle Warren _
Defensive tennis shot
Defensive tower above a drawbridge
Defensive trench
Defensive wall
Defensive wall around an
Defensive water-filled ditches
Defensive way of thinking rubbish - entitle army to go on manoeuvres
Defensive weapon, for sho
Defensive work from a side playing China at first
Defensive ___
Defer (a plan or project)
Defer (a plan)
Defer (to)
Defer gesture of farewell, we hear
Defer or continue support
Defer start of shopping trip around Spar
Defer turning up? Swell
Defer, deter
Deferential communication from Captain Nemo?
Deferential denial
Deferential gesture
Deferral of favourable credit on wine country
Deferred savings accts.
Deferring onset of intelligence implies responsibility
Defers notice - press have nothing to lose
Defiance, unruliness
Defiant answer to "Shall!
Defiant challenge to an o
Defiant cry
Defiant dare
Defiant expression from boorish lout around bar's entrance
Defiant one
Defiant remark made by heavy drinker in this place
Defiant remark, angry about article
Defiant reply
Defiant words
Defiant words, likewise, at that place
Defiantly aggressive criminal culture Unite oddly dismissed
Defiantly provocative
Defib operator
Defib settings
Defibrillator locales: Ab
Defibrillator user, for s
Defibrillator users, for
Defibrillator's yell
Deficiency in gear host fixed
Deficiency in squat, leading to collapse
Deficiency makes her goats go crazy
Deficiency of red blood c
Deficiency of red blood cells
Deficiency; want
Deficient blood in pale old pope
Deficient chap holding rifle, perhaps, making slip?
Deficient in
Deficient in iron, ready to drop another element
Deficient naughty child fine with standing around
Deficient writing has edge over good stuff
Deficit in accounts solicitor raised
Deficit in bank account
Deficit, the consequence of a lengthy summer?
Deficits in coordination dip, as X-rays sadly show
Defier of Stalin
Defile girl's head soaked in blood
Defile musical instrument with empty tune
Define and date key part of vault
Define clearly
Defined area
Defining character of a person
Defining ideas and beliefs of a particular historical period
Defining line
Defining more clearly - war on drowning
Defining or limiting factor – a mere part
Defining work
Definite agreement
Definite and clear
Definite article
Definite cut, over and over again - no end of trouble on the quiet
Definite final word: leader in television is Sky
Definite force seizing city
Definite intentions
Definite transformation in article, copper replacing iodine
Definite, not vague
Definite; building material
Definitely a day for air-
Definitely a flunking sco
Definitely compel downfall - about time!
Definitely deceased
Definitely dismissed accepting Brown into Unionist party
Definitely gonna
Definitely heads for Yarmouth every summer
Definitely how a thought may be acted out
Definitely no arm-twister
Definitely no Einstein
Definitely no genius
Definitely no Yankee fan
Definitely not
Definitely not a company
Definitely not a computer geek!
Definitely not a hottie
Definitely not a motorway overseas
Definitely not a skill in audio
Definitely not cancelling women’s public talk
Definitely not embracing king and country
Definitely not fat-free food
Definitely not Felix Unge
Definitely not for public consumption!
Definitely not like sailor to have house by river
Definitely not Mr. Right
Definitely not on the side of the angels
Definitely not taking funny money in bars
Definitely not the sound
Definitely not!
Definitely packing collection of books ordered
Definitely past one's men
Definitely settle at home with family
Definitely something done at home
Definitely unexpected
Definitely uninteresting, lacking lustre on top
Definitely where Sir should go to be loved!
Definitely will
Definition of baritone (sound) one may check on phone?
Definition, part 2
Definition, part 3
Definition, part 4
Definition, part 5
Definition, part 6
Definitive and neat, using Spanish not Latin
Definitive answer
Definitive crooks a diver must avoid
Definitive statement
Definitive word
Deflate, in a way
Deflating fees
Deflating sound
Deflation indication
Deflation sound
Deflation targets?
Deflect half of eggs rolling beneath penguin?
Deflect praise working on this quality
Deflect wide probing tennis stroke
Deflect, as comments
Deflected opening shot following kick-off to Manchester United
Deflects state borders of Texas
Defoe castaway
Defoe's often
DEFRA's head argued about number getting flooded
Defraud - crow
Defraud a character shipwrecked in novel for seafood
Defraud, slangily
Defrauded teacher, easily at first
Defrost fruit after time
Defrost what needs cooking
Deft old secretary HM enlisted shows patience with capital, maybe
Deft touch
Defter doctor aboard liner taken ill
Deftly takes
Defunct alliance
Defunct car maker returns, as we hear from the flock
Defunct def. pact
Defunct fixtures need replacement
Defunct gridders' org.
Defunct hoops org.
Defunct ministry initials
Defunct oil name
Defunct pro sports org.
Defunct sports org. since
Defunct Texas team
Defunct treaty acronym
Defunct USAF branch
Defunct women's magazine
Defuse a tense situation
Defuses a tense situation by talking frankly
Defy consequences of nuclear incident, stealing aluminium
Defy expectations with 23D/8 not on drugs
Defy hail, working in farmer’s meadow?
Defy small wretched insect
Defy youth at regular intervals in small island
Defying convention, returned to cricket pavilion?
Deg. from Parsons, perhap
Deg. from Wharton
Deg. held by George W. Bu
Deg. in biology or physic
Degas detail
Degas evacuated and bathed before putting big picture in bog
Degas's "Le ___ de la dan
Degas's "Miss ___ at the
Degenerate acquired drug to carry round
Degenerate briefly provided end to discriminatory abuse
Degenerate couples swapped in centre of blue room
Degenerate cut up over mother's fate
Degenerate dons curse sign of slowing down
Degenerate duke's command after first part of march?
Degenerate English leader of Fascist party
Degenerate holding back default
Degenerate is loudest when drunk
Degenerate leader on tour of constituency's ending in a number of beds?
Degenerate man secures good cosmetic
Degenerate men get revolver
Degenerate rapidly
Degenerate Republican's falling asleep
Degenerate salesman worried about rifle
Degenerate star's name suppressed in awful snarl-up
Degenerate's expression of contentment, lying back in bed
Degenerate's time inside never to be forgotten
Degeneration of retinas more unpleasant
Degermed, in a way
Degrade (something)
Degrade what a Norseman did in speech?
Degraded man seen in ad Pence put out
Degrading form of feuding overwhelming one in Scotland
Degree - grade
Degree after an M.A., per
Degree by which Coe leads the entire field in sport
Degree competitor
Degree covering energy and Newton's studies
Degree dissertation
Degree div.
Degree divisions
Degree document
Degree for a C.E.O.
Degree holder
Degree in martial arts
Degree in math?
Degree in mathematics?
Degree in music
Degree information captivates youngster coming up, here?
Degree involving courses
Degree of colour
Degree of hotness
Degree of loudness
Degree of magnitude?
Degree of randomness, in
Degree of spirit regarding publicity shown in check for errors
Degree of strain
Degree recipient
Degree requirement, maybe
Degree students essentially rehashing nonsense
Degree thus simple?
Degree time around October, excluding Bachelor of Engineering
Degree-awarding institution
Degree-granting institution
Degree-seekers' hurdles
Degrees - grades
Degrees for attys.
Degrees for C.E.O.'s
Degrees for corp. execs
Degrees for one engaged in extra writing
Degrees held by many C.E.
Degrees in a quarter turn?
Degrees in hist. or socia
Degrees of excellence?
Degrees of precision and what smart men wear?
Degrees of separation in
Degrees presented, with some hesitation, for microwave device
Degs. for corporate types
Degs. for curators
Degs. for English or hist
Degs. for execs
Degs. for many profs
Degs. from Yale and Harva
Dehumanising, if CIA somehow infiltrates dissent
Dehydrated in the Kalahari Desert
Dehydration may help brin
Dehydration remedy
Deicing tool
Deified leader, Hector, thrashed a leader of Troy
Deighton's "The ___ File"
Deigns to drop stone? That was an accident!
Deimos orbits it
Deity above celebrated with poems, not half
Deity credited with inven
Deity discreditor
Deity elevated old woman showing blind faith
Deity entering principal UK island in attempt to annex?
Deity featured on Califor
Deity for Nefertiti
Deity in religious books with pale covering
Deity is interminable prick
Deity lives twice
Deity put off when given care of Middle East
Deity repeatedly upset another - that's very unusual
Deity wanting manna for the gods, by all conclusions
Deity whose name means "b
Deity with a bow
Deity with a bow and arro
Deity worshiped with much
Deity's oversize flag
Deity: the disorder she caused is endless
Dejected as ridge collapsed
Dejected having to put up with setter?
Dejected male — work is hard
Dejected teacher going about with company of actors
Dejected, kicking out at cat to show annoyance
Dejected, morose
Dejected, the gutless leftie must be made to feel good
Dejectedly, hopelessly
Dejection interjection
Del Boy's lead character and none other turned up dignified
Del Rio of film
Del Shannon, a Blackfoot at heart
Del ___ Foods
Delacroix shows some European DNA
Delaney of "N.Y.P.D. Blue
Delaware and Missouri
Delaware coach to go off the rails
Delaware Indian
Delaware Indian whose nam
Delaware or Missouri
Delaware senator
Delaware state symbol
Delaware taking part in school exchange
Delaware tribe
Delaware, the ___ State
Delay a robbery
Delay action
Delay as before, making India bat in the middle
Delay as detective meets the resistance
Delay batting, worried by master players bagging runs
Delay beginning to seem unlikely
Delay between connected events
Delay cause
Delay caused by extremely efficient soldiers returning to block road
Delay Cockney lady's alcoholic drink
Delay date when one is expected home
Delay departure of ship carrying German leader
Delay generated by rodent climbing on railway
Delay getting seat in choir
Delay girl's return
Delay having suspect freed
Delay having to make a decision
Delay importing European industrial interior design
Delay in late broadcast showing respect
Delay including half of underpants in washing
Delay interrupting student's instruction
Delay leaving
Delay making a decision
Delay outlet at a fair
Delay punishment - might he receive it?
Delay sales booth
Delay serving prisoner with porridge?
Delay sheep jumping - I won't need them!
Delay South American writer with daughter
Delay supplying tree - new date needed for planting
Delay support
Delay the man's opening of international gallery?
Delay unbelievable after standing start
Delay use outside America
Delay with our lot trapped in shed
Delay with sheep jumping? One doesn’t need jumping sheep
Delay yearly exercise ...
Delay, hold back
Delay, hoping to gain from peak hours when son's away
Delay; block progress of
Delayed - postponed
Delayed break, losing 6-0
Delayed charging almost all editors
Delayed dates rearranged around start of year
Delayed expression of approval?
Delayed for a period of time
Delayed reaction after greatly increased receipts
Delayed reaction to something unexpected
Delayed restrictions of movement - clown does talk rubbish
Delayed returning: also others
Delayed returns with others
Delayed standing up with the others
Delayed start for hostilities — bad weather combination brings ceasefire
Delayed training in troublesome communications app
Delayed, like performance by some skaters
Delaying tactic to obstruct legislation
Delaying tactics
Delays before second cashier takes dodgy bet
Delays human trafficking? Absolutely
Delays it
Delays making single Tesla power units
Delays no longer
Delays set them back: Abb
Dele canceler
Dele overrider
Dele undoer
Dele undoers
Delectable and scrappy
Delegate authority to fellow going to appointment
Delegate gets stuck into British comic
Delegate lay in river
Delegate stuck in river
Delegate's cycling changed over time
Delegate's record in service
Delete account over a new delivery method
Delete article in Irish Gaelic
Delete for ever
Delete from a disk
Delete from copy
Delete from Will's Tinder his raving about me subjectively
Delete in one quick strok
Delete part of chapter, as expected
Delete periods before end of sentence
Delete Times puzzle at the end
Delete Times puzzle finally
Delete witticism after former lover, for example, gets upset
Delete, in a way
Delete, with "out"
Deleted part
Deleted scene
Deleted, briefly
Deleted, with "out"
Deleterious defoliant
Deleterious precipitation
Deletes, as expletives
Deletes, with "out"
Deleting information about houses set on fire
Delft, e.g.
Delgado's rivers
Delhi attire
Delhi chestful
Delhi division
Delhi dress
Delhi expenditure
Delhi gown
Delhi stuffed pastry
Delhi title
Delhi tongue
Delhi wear
Delhi wrap
Delhi wrap: Var.
Delhi's country
Delhi's land
Delhi-to-Madras dir.
Deli array
Deli bread
Deli breads
Deli buy
Deli choice
Deli choices
Deli cited for concealing extract
Deli counter order
Deli delicacy
Deli discard
Deli dish
Deli display
Deli freebie
Deli hanger
Deli item
Deli jarful
Deli loaf
Deli loaves
Deli machine
Deli meat
Deli meat offering
Deli meat on rye
Deli meats
Deli necessity
Deli need
Deli nosh
Deli offering
Deli offerings
Deli option
Deli order
Deli pancake
Deli product
Deli purchase
Deli queue call
Deli receptacle
Deli request
Deli salad fish
Deli sandwich
Deli sandwich choice
Deli sandwich material
Deli sandwich, for short
Deli sausage
Deli selections
Deli side
Deli side dish
Deli side order
Deli slice
Deli snacks
Deli spread
Deli stock
Deli supplies
Deli supply
Deli wares
Delia finally in favour of new item for cooks?
Delia's family group
Delia's literary sister
Deliberate act of betrayal
Deliberate act of disruption
Deliberate affront
Deliberate avoidance
Deliberate deception
Deliberate destroyer
Deliberate destruction
Deliberate disadvantages to Conservative promises
Deliberate discourteous act
Deliberate exaggeration
Deliberate fabrication
Deliberate infringement to prevent the other side scoring
Deliberate insertion of point into flesh
Deliberate insult
Deliberate pretence - exaggerated display
Deliberate rebuff
Deliberate sabotage of online titan
Deliberate slight
Deliberate trick
Deliberate with student group hostile towards Tories?
Deliberate wrecker
Deliberate, inserting point into flesh
Deliberately ambiguous
Deliberately avoid
Deliberately avoided
Deliberately avoided - chew seed
Deliberately avoids
Deliberately contrary
Deliberately contrived
Deliberately cruelly
Deliberately damage shoe given time
Deliberately destroy
Deliberately disharmonize
Deliberately disobedient
Deliberately disregard innately rude bishop's rambling
Deliberately furtive about online meeting?
Deliberately gave nothing to would-be borrowers
Deliberately harmful
Deliberately have no contact with
Deliberately ignore a short recording about love
Deliberately lose best sleeveless garment
Deliberately lose most of the argument
Deliberately make more confusing
Deliberately misleading report
Deliberately misleading rumour
Deliberately miss hill-dwellers in winter sportswear
Deliberately missing work to stuff extremely rude child's plaything
Deliberately obstructed progress - Tiberius fled
Deliberately offend leader leaving walk
Deliberately old-fashioned
Deliberately sounding like an American dolphin?
Deliberately stay away from
Deliberately stay clear of
Deliberately test someone's patience
Deliberately vague
Deliberately withhold information
Deliberately; obstinately
Deliberative bodies
Deliberator's words
Delibes opera
Delicacy and skill
Delicacy brought first of tummy upsets
Delicacy cooked in 34-Acr
Delicacy could make one fretful
Delicacy father sacrificed for speed
Delicacy from chef in Essex
Delicacy from the sea
Delicacy is mixed with forage
Delicacy journalist wasted
Delicacy that may be pick
Delicacy with Champagne
Delicate and beautiful containing good colour - like a tea leaf?
Delicate and charming, if partially self-indulgent
Delicate and exquisite
Delicate and light
Delicate and pale in colour
Delicate and refined
Delicate ballet position
Delicate breakfast item
Delicate choice of terminology, possibly making me use Phi, mark
Delicate creature, get down dog!
Delicate cut
Delicate embroidery originally attached to leather pants
Delicate fabric
Delicate fabric made of silk, worn by brides and at funerals - all neatly chic
Delicate fellow swamped by rising river
Delicate force in ebbing river
Delicate handling of a situation
Delicate insect crossing one manuscript
Delicate letter at first kept by source
Delicate lock of hair
Delicate material covering top of nuclear weapon
Delicate material under 1 across
Delicate newspaper has smooth cover
Delicate newspaper kept in folder
Delicate ornament
Delicate ornamental metalwork
Delicate ornamental work
Delicate point raised in church extremely tetchily
Delicate scrap of fabric placed in folder
Delicate shade of difference
Delicate shade of fine glass on top of lamp
Delicate shot
Delicate six-footer in league champion side
Delicate skill
Delicate stuff, oil turning up on cheese
Delicate subject
Delicate tin buckles in time
Delicate use of words
Delicate; dismissive
Delicate; well ventilated
Delicately complex
Delicately playful
Delicately small
Delicatessen loaves
Delicious aroma is swirling around Bishop before end of meal
Delicious diet-breaker
Delicious drink close by impressing court
Delicious drink, new crate sent round
Delicious drink? About time in local
Delicious introduction to yeasty ... er ... goodness
Delicious leftover
Delicious salami in the soup, sibling tucking in
Delicious snack using last of meat for priest
Delicious things and a lot of money, the best part of a racket
Delicious-looking - a time-worn thug
Delight - transport
Delight about river becoming stream
Delight as extremes of arachnophobia treated with spider
Delight as first of properties let
Delight at me struggling with menus
Delight at the start of 'Gimme Shelter'
Delight aunt, say, losing head
Delight fussy ROH sorts with Annie
Delight greatly
Delight in
Delight in a bit of wind with love
Delight in account, missing the start
Delight in another’s misfortune
Delight in appearance
Delight in birdsong when crossing height
Delight in Irish writer rejecting church
Delight in kinsman losing head
Delight in meadows with neat fencing
Delight in sport having rejected ballet dancing
Delight in the troubles of others
Delight in unreliable tale about Xavi's debut
Delight old flame and harlots regularly
Delight on large troopship?
Delight shown by little woman seeing Northern band
Delight shown by member joining church
Delight to beat American singing group
Delight, as it were, as rescue vessel breaks through earth
Delight, slangily
Delighted as result of well-crafted scenes, applaud hard
Delighted by drunken partner losing footing
Delighted condition?
Delighted Conservative, left outside
Delighted daughter by the front door, say
Delighted duke following portal
Delighted empty nesters romped atop pantry table, initially
Delighted exclamation?
Delighted expression
Delighted if your hosts strengthen spiritually
Delighted interest
Delighted overdue book's lost
Delighted reaction
Delighted the European Commission’s unchanging
Delighted to have aroused singer …
Delighted to move, then dance
Delighted with make-up, but careless
Delighted with next July: it's pants without clothes!
Delighted with the Guardian's stated time for an economy round
Delighted; grateful
Delightful and productive drinks party
Delightful fashionable people in town
Delightful group of goldfinches perched on bank
Delightful guest has no Italian vermouth for inspector
Delightful in all respects
Delightful lake in rustic surroundings
Delightful meal without papa
Delightful one for the king in lodge
Delightful people’s simple melody briefly filling records
Delightful person who works with snakes?
Delightful place
Delightful places
Delightful plastic purse
Delightful spots
Delightful state is unknown in obstinate bloke, on reflection
Delightful surprise
Delightful topping to be used later
Delightful university science getting stuck into transmigration of soul
Delightful, being an earlier owner?
Delightfully pretty or dainty
Delights in
Delights in Tory victory as comedy
Delilah player in "Samson
Delilah portrayer Lamarr
Delineate again
Delineated, with "out"
Delinquent G.I.
Delinquent hangout in which one toilet is turned upside down
Delinquent having a means to follow career
Delinquent leader slashes wimps
Delinquent's heartless, loafing around below house
Delinquent, one that's sadly dropped out
Delinquent? Scratching balls can be expected
Delirious person, often
Delirious that Conservative's still supporting Europe
Delirious, at home with a clubber's pill
Delirious, seeing entire chaos in football club
Deliriously happy
Deliriously sat around this place in May
Deliver a bit of bridge perhaps, completed
Deliver a low blow, perha
Deliver a message
Deliver a sermon
Deliver a stemwinder
Deliver a thorough whack, looking sheepish
Deliver a tirade
Deliver an over
Deliver at a farm
Deliver beastly baby Brown
Deliver British bird
Deliver burnt vegetable
Deliver by chute
Deliver by truck
Deliver dinner
Deliver drink before work
Deliver from danger
Deliver key, entering street abroad
Deliver large skewers for butcher
Deliver new stock of local vegetables
Deliver on contract
Deliver over split boarding, having no doubt - right?
Deliver poem perhaps about spectacle mentioned in speech
Deliver position that's autonomous
Deliver publicly
Deliver puppies, with assistance
Deliver something needed for steering to coast
Deliver vote, for example
Deliver, as a harsh criti
Deliver, as a summons
Deliver, as music or wate
Deliver, in a way
Delivered a sermon
Delivered a stemwinder
Delivered baby's family needs – material for garments
Delivered book draft on time
Delivered by a Huey Cobra
Delivered by a third pers
Delivered by air
Delivered coat that will never lose green colour
Delivered cold-weather spray to keep temperature rising
Delivered from appalling deceit by rector
Delivered from danger
Delivered grass for planting round fields
Delivered letter: ending taken to heart
Delivered my first line?
Delivered piece: Abbr.
Delivered popular short film on time to cutter
Delivered shelled nuts, free from duty
Delivered some plugs in sets of nine
Deliverer of mail
Deliverer of opening word
Deliverer's need
Deliverer, first to call on Italian gentleman
Deliverers of product lin
Deliverers of the unretur
Deliveries appearing ahead of time, that's clear
Deliveries for the depart
Deliveries held, having exceeded the budget
Deliveries needed, right now: payment should have already been made
Deliveries of nuts seen outside front of grocer's
Deliveries to a butcher
Deliveries trainee's left in full view
Deliveries with flexibility? More than you need
Deliveries with wrong, wrong, wrong quantity of Flora
Delivering a sermon
Delivering a tirade
Delivering fruit precisely
Delivering global shifts in eye treatment?
Delivering pure half-cut diamonds (though unable to buy them?)
Delivering reprimand, bashed him in gonads
Delivers for a price
Delivers lectures after colleague's third one
Delivers one a flower
Delivers shilling found in small fruit pie
Delivers suspect walk-on part? I'd stumble over scenery
Delivers with effort
Delivers with no trouble at all
Delivers, as water
Delivery agent returned earthenware vase, filling bottles
Delivery aid
Delivery area
Delivery at feet
Delivery bowled Hampshire's opener, having pinched one run over point at last
Delivery co.
Delivery docs, for short
Delivery drivers' assignm
Delivery entrance, maybe
Delivery entrance, often
Delivery expediters
Delivery for club employee
Delivery for one unable to rise before ten!
Delivery from above?
Delivery from miller left in square
Delivery from Santa
Delivery from trend-setting crew - street clothes?
Delivery in the field
Delivery info initially upset person
Delivery is badly organised, showing contempt
Delivery journey
Delivery journeys
Delivery left for one dodgy baker
Delivery man's hat
Delivery means
Delivery messenger
Delivery not working to stop, we hear
Delivery notation: Abbr.
Delivery note
Delivery notice?
Delivery of drink around morning
Delivery of European spot
Delivery of goods by ship
Delivery of greens by US serviceman in retreat?
Delivery of Moses
Delivery option from Carson's top department
Delivery option that might make Don's cap cost less
Delivery path: Abbr.
Delivery people, briefly
Delivery person of old
Delivery person's beat
Delivery person's path
Delivery person?
Delivery persons' assignm
Delivery persons' info
Delivery pitching directly under the bat
Delivery possibility
Delivery professionals?
Delivery room docs, for s
Delivery room doctors, fo
Delivery room surprise
Delivery room surprise?
Delivery service fellow provides
Delivery specialist, for
Delivery supervisor behind mother bearing son
Delivery that may floor y
Delivery that must be repeated with fish
Delivery truck
Delivery vehicle
Delivery work by said masculine doctor
Delivery: high grade stone and heavy material
Delivery? Not on holiday
Deliveryman, perhaps, making a fist of it?
Deliverymen bringing ales round, possibly
Dell and others
Dell competitor
Dell Computers control data around office terminals
Dell dweller
Dell or Toshiba products,
Dell products, in brief
Della of "Touched by an A
Della sells hers in "The
Della ___ (St. Peter's ar
Della's creator
Della's gift in "The Gift
Dellums or Howard
Delmonico alternative
Delon of "Purple Noon"
Delphi figure
Delphi temple god
Delphic figure
Delphic prophet
Delphic quality
Delphic seer
Delphic shrine
Delphic utterances
Delray Beach neighbor, fo
Delt neighbor
Delta 88, e.g.
Delta alternative, once
Delta Center N.B.A. team
Delta Center team
Delta city
Delta competitor: Abbr.
Delta deposit
Delta follower
Delta or United
Delta rival
Delta rival: Abbr.
Delta shelter of 1978
Delta Tau ___ ("Animal Ho
Delta team target
Delta team work
Delta wing craft
Delta's follower
Delta, for one
Delta, for one: Abbr.
Delta? A character that speaks volumes
Deltiologist's purchase
Deltoid ligament attachme
Deluded elite marksman, one quietly replaced by another
Deluded old man with raincoat, mostly drunk
Deluge refuge
Delusion about being immaculate
Delusion of power
Delusional activity, drink evil stuff in whisky with violin players
Delusional one
Deluxe hotel suite featur
Deluxe sheet fabric
Deluxe sheet material
Delve (into)
Delve about in waste matter to unearth ancestral line
Dem.'s foe
Dem.'s opponent
Demagnetize, as a tape
Demagnetize, maybe
Demand and obtain
Demand as a right
Demand at a breakup
Demand Congress must release last of files
Demand during a roadside
Demand Far East buses can request this
Demand firmly
Demand fish? That's provocation!
Demand for 16 possibly producing incredulous expression
Demand for a particular product
Demand for payment
Demand from current, reported growth
Demand from the House Un-
Demand heroin sister’s hiding
Demand legal restitution
Demand little sibling enters in time
Demand made in divorce court case?
Demand money from Congress, bypassing leader of Senate
Demand more cartoon ideas
Demand navy to attend old Italian port
Demand of union prevented trader doing business
Demand on paper
Demand or be condescending in speech
Demand partner with qualification
Demand payment
Demand silence on party money
Demand silence? Well, I never!
Demand to ban chlorine apparently will have impact
Demand to be released
Demand to squeeze juice from grapes?
Demand too much of
Demand turning up, it's overdue
Demand Yankee auditor's time of reckoning?
Demanded changes after Mike leaves cul-de-sac
Demanded to be at home with little girl and boy
Demanded without reason
Demanded, as a tax
Demander of special treat
Demanding American mines mountain pass for fossil fuel
Demanding book should include paintings
Demanding chap behind English team
Demanding cheers, Communist leader starts to notice groans
Demanding considerable mental effort and skill
Demanding cyclist cycles - call to get going
Demanding deep thought, expert discovered
Demanding entry in Glaswegian houses
Demanding fish dish with oatmeal to start with
Demanding great effort
Demanding hint about soccer team
Demanding hotel in capital
Demanding I wake without drug
Demanding individual run out by you and I
Demanding individual senior nurses apply light touch
Demanding individual, Proust — peripheral sections cut
Demanding individual, ultimately manager to you and me
Demanding instructor's cr
Demanding love, Gloriana entertained by wit
Demanding old fellow takes one in
Demanding old flame once treading the boards
Demanding old lover on island wanting man
Demanding old partner putting on a performance
Demanding our nose gets blown
Demanding overseer
Demanding pace needs an injection of energy
Demanding person
Demanding person from Oldham needing a break?
Demanding porridge with fish
Demanding relative temporarily accommodated outside
Demanding second book
Demanding standard
Demanding star, maybe
Demanding task for a load of lofty brothers?
Demanding to be beheaded: doing it?
Demanding to follow each from 27, say
Demanding to take dope during leave
Demanding toy car
Demanding type, discarded player
Demanding wicked hair covering in ...
Demands a lot of paper to support divinity lessons
Demands an unspecified number of stories from reporter
Demands much (of)
Demands of some directors
Demands pounds in speech
Demands to be paid
Demands to see old religious text
Demands to settle on silly Scottish hill
Demands too much with public cuts
Demands trains
Demands, with "for"
Demarcation affected by w
Dembélé, Agüero defending attack from all sides
Demean, as pledges
Demean; break down
Demeaning one
Demeanour of dad getting involved with gangster war?
Demeanour of experts circulating mails to support admission of guilt for covering up deception
Demeanour of fellows around one
Dement having broken machine gun with no weather protection
Dementieva of tennis
Demerara rum King sampled set aside specially
Demeter's counterpart
Demeter's mother
Demeter, to Romans
Demi Moore was in it
Demi Moore's outside with grand French film-maker
Demilitarized place
DeMille films
DeMille output
DeMille production, e.g.
DeMille-type film
Demise of an old empire?
Demitasse, e.g.
Demo includes brief audition for leading lady
Demob contract soldiers found earlier
Democracy one's not found in island nation
Democracy since 1937
Democracy, for one
Democrat absorbed by awful peril in East, as Roosevelt was
Democrat and Republican support receding - America's moment to interpose good candidates
Democrat cast a ballot in English city with loyalty
Democrat dealing with vital representation of party?
Democrat First Lady meeting hacks and pioneers
Democrat given answer not right to lose heart
Democrat given punishment, about to resign
Democrat gripped by terror; it's a global problem
Democrat has trouble in parliament
Democrat in New York bolstering supporter's spirit
Democrat insisted on change — not one to toe the party line
Democrat invested in you, without a good deal
Democrat is getting put into post. Sad.
Democrat joining secret society gives service
Democrat leading schism in vague movement
Democrat moving in to make changes for promoters
Democrat party leader departing in boat
Democrat powerful releasing one female not working
Democrat quits at end of four years somewhere in Washington
Democrat shot around midpoint of "knoll" procession
Democrat spotted backing housing requirements
Democrat very upset by party's old computer system
Democrat's gripped by sudden anxiety — it's all over
Democrat's launched opposition
Democrat's opponent?
Democrat, lush, did what a lush does
Democratic donkey designe
Democratic honcho Howard
Democratic leader recalled some secret sin: "I'm emir", perhaps?
Democratic Party bores have to cheat
Democratic Party symbol
Democratic Republic of the Congo, formerly
Democratic symbols
Democratic territory / Ca
Democratic to lift less well-off in downturn
Democratically defeat
Democratically defeat Farage's objective
Democrats broaching alternative to Thatcher? There’s just a small catch
Democrats fight it
Democrats, as a whole
Demographer's grouping
Demographer's region
Demographic datum
Demographic division
Demoiselle's dressing
Demoisturized, in commerc
Demolish - flatten
Demolish inlet’s dam after storm
Demolish large new English comprehensive
Demolish old book, well read
Demolish one in lead
Demolish pâté and the last of the spread
Demolish place over hard crossword?
Demolish stable and flat
Demolish theatre in very poor quarter
Demolish with machinery
Demolish; pull down
Demolished canards as prognosticator, unbelievably accurate
Demolished flats?
Demolished villa claimed by star composer
Demolished, in Derby
Demolished, in Essex
Demolishing cored pears, set aside fuzzy skin
Demolishing wings, smash large masonry
Demolition aid
Demolition compounds
Demolition of tree occurring in very sound system
Demolition site where we play gets reported
Demolition stuff
Demolition supplies
Demolitionist's aid
Demolitionist's supply
Demon barber of Fleet Street
Demon beginning to corrupt youth in America, bouncing up and down
Demon going wrong with his excessive pursuit of pleasure
Demon golfer gets urges
Demon in Mephistopheles personified, originally
Demon of Semitic lore
Demon or devil
Demon securing King’s mate
Demon Star
Demon ___
Demon's doing
Demon, I suspect, royal bully
Demond's 70's TV co-star
Demond's co-star, in 70's
Demonizing, with "of"
Demons one youngster encountered in Northern Ireland
Demonstrably sad
Demonstrate affection lik
Demonstrate again, bringing rebuke
Demonstrate airbrushing Italian restaurant - that’s poor treatment
Demonstrate banking skill
Demonstrate conclusively
Demonstrate difficulties after mislaying university book
Demonstrate upturn in British rule with wise words
Demonstrate when party's declaration of intent falls short
Demonstrate; spectacle
Demonstrated about posh Irish politician getting power taken away
Demonstrated as true Church here in France
Demonstrated calibre briefly in French language
Demonstrated child accepts husband and wife being divorced
Demonstrated contrition
Demonstrated, in a dramat
Demonstrates support during endless disorder
Demonstrating control?
Demonstrating exceptional skill
Demonstrating inadequate awareness of the facts
Demonstration about court case kept short for senior woman
Demonstration after head's ousted principal
Demonstration by Charlie's incapable of going wrong
Demonstration by company for entertainment
Demonstration exhortation
Demonstration in favour of international match
Demonstration of good wishes before departure
Demonstration spurning first entrance to city?
Demonstration, a nuisance, about to go off
Demonstration, not heading for top of building
Demonstrations of three elements
Demonstratively sad
Demonstrator heading off one with a bow
Demoralised person in divorce case losing right to support daughter
Demoralised, like the Tories with Theresa gone?
Demoralize, with "out"
Demosthenes, e.g.
Demote ambassador backing heartless renegade
Dempsey foe
Dempsey stat
Dempsey's 1923 opponent
Dems' foe
Dems.' foes
Demure eaters both essentially silent
Demure girl sharing male? That's original
Demure, by some standards
Demurral over VAT
Den accessory
Den and study (abbr.)
Den appliance
Den crawling with mice found locally
Den decorations
Den delivery
Den denizen
Den denizens
Den din
Den dweller
Den is after peach, oddly leaving cake
Den left to ventilate
Den light
Den mother
Den mothers
Den perhaps referring to pleasant surprise
Den raised after a bit of excitement in the air
Den ___ (Dutch city, to t
Den ___, Nederland
Den, often
Denbighshire resort
Dench loafs around in period after the interval
Dench/Winslet title role
Dendrite's counterpart
Dendrologist's subject
Dendrologists' study
Denial from Antigone
Denial of strike from head: actual lines
Denial, maybe
Denials of wrongdoing from French criminals
Denied admission
Denied assistance to raise profits
Denied drunk duty-free with no end of alacrity
Denied first time in having valid will for assets
Denied having applied more polish
Denied having eaten pig inside
Denied having fed pig inside
Denied profit, succeeded getting subsidies
Denied row involved quilt
Denied win, unwind in rugby playing, wine producing region
Denied working aged ten
Denier's reply
Denier's words
Denies accommodating some of the army cowards
Denies my
Denies one's corking drinks
Denies president's hosting new billionaire
Denies running after a strong scent
Denies who one really is
Denigrate, in English sla
Denigrates, in British sl
Denim overalls
Denim trousers
Denis seen to be wanting
Denis, to France
Denison denizen
Denisovich perhaps one person leading way
Denizen briefly entangled in plot, gaudily dressed
Denizen of an aquarium
Denizen of the deep
Denizens of a popular com
Denizens of forest run out of trousers
Denizens of Sumatra
Denizens of the Sargasso
Denizens: Suffix
Denlike, say
Denmark's cont.
Denmark's ___ Islands
Dennis Miller book "___,
Dennis of the court
Dennis of the N.B.A.
Dennis or Doris
Dennis the Menace types
Dennis the Menace's mom
Dennis the Menace's mothe
Dennis the Menace, at tim
Dennis the Menace, e.g.
Dennis the Menace, for on
Dennis the Menace-type ki
Dennis ___ and the Classi
Dennis, to Mr. Wilson
Denny's alternative
Denny's competitor
Denom. established in 183
Denom. with elders
Denomination one in argument against procedure
Denominations of small Swiss coins
Denoting a word coined for one occasion
Denoting older people
Denouement in story written up in programmes
Denouement preceder
Denouement that's heart-rending? Not half
Denounce Conservative guarantee
Denounce Conservative study swallowing millions
Denounce dad and mom's new beginnings
Denounce in no uncertain
Denounced a cricket club not new to exploitation
Denouncer of Caesar, 63 B
Denouncer's unorthodox antics 'cool'
Denpasar is its capital
Dense blizzard
Dense clump of grass
Dense fog
Dense fog - Central tube station first to get disrupted
Dense group of bushes
Dense group of insects
Dense group of trees in which little son hides
Dense growth of small trees and bushes
Dense mass of sea mist
Dense mass of trees or shrubs
Dense one
Dense shrubbery
Dense silky fabric
Dense tropical forest
Dense yellow fog
Densely packed crowd
Densely packed, in a way
Densely settled
Densest of all naturally occurring metallic elements, Os
Density symbol
Density symbol, in mechan
Density symbol, in physic
Density symbols, in physi
Dent in a vacuum cleaner?
Dent in the coastline
Dent in the flesh
Dent, perhaps, in silver collected by noblewoman
Dental alloy
Dental appliance
Dental assistant tried noxious compound
Dental compound
Dental concern
Dental damage
Dental deposit
Dental device
Dental filling
Dental hygienist's advice
Dental hygienist's reques
Dental hygienists, at tim
Dental mold
Dental pain
Dental pictures
Dental plan, maybe
Dental problem
Dental problem calling fo
Dental problem corrected
Dental problem for a boxi
Dental records
Dental routine
Dental school exam?
Dental specialist
Dental stuff
Dental work
Dental worker
Dental X-rays?
Dented hat
Dentiform : tooth :: pisi
Dentiform : tooth :: pyri
Dentist's administration
Dentist's admonition
Dentist's advice
Dentist's concern
Dentist's deg.
Dentist's direction
Dentist's directive
Dentist's drill
Dentist's instruction
Dentist's jazz band?
Dentist's order
Dentist's prefix
Dentist's request
Dentist's suggestion
Dentist's supply
Dentist's target
Dentist's tool
Dentist, at times
Dentistry photos
Dentists may resort to this procedure
Dentists may take them
Dentists' convention?
Dentists' focus
Dentists' patients, ideal
Dentists' tools
Denture maker's need
Denunciate, with "at"
Denver athlete
Denver clock setting: Abb
Denver is way above it
Denver Nuggets' orig. lea
Denver of "The Dukes of H
Denver pushing McIntoshes
Denver summer hrs.
Denver university
Denver's home: Abbr.
Denver's ___ Gardens amus
Denver's ___ University
Denver, the ___ High City
Denver-to-Santa Fe dir.
Deny being in favour of proposal
Deny Blunt's smuggled back dope
Deny criminal brute
Deny detective inspector’s allegation
Deny diva, so distraught over wife
Deny failing to save energy? That would be poor
Deny fresh scandal doesn't involve wife
Deny game is fixed by satellite
Deny having daughter's ring put in a car?
Deny in former London prison losing weight
Deny it's junk
Deny King Edward, for example, has returned
Deny King Edward, say, is making a comeback
Deny litter producer's implicated in racket
Deny making tour of women's prison earlier
Deny match official cup ties on a regular basis
Deny old prison contains no women
Deny oneself
Deny opening to those longing for profitable ventures
Deny Ovid was needing translation
Deny political scandal following nurse about
Deny rebel leader is in bar
Deny record demand following merger
Deny record target involving head of livestock
Deny rejecting letter from Greece with information provided by graduate
Deny responsibility for noise masking broadcast
Deny row about broadcast
Deny scarf's misplaced in party costume?
Deny scheme to capture European female
Deny seeing second tart in seedy bar?
Deny struggling with Melancholy and Indolence initially, performing as a handsome youth
Deny support for
Deny the truth of
Deny validity to a Greek character in the Netherlands
Deny video was edited, cutting echo
Deny what's said about female company
Deny wife is held in old prison
Deny work to the tailor to amass wealth?
Deny, contradict
Deny, deny, deny
Denying oneself gin? Bang tea on!
Denys worried about memory and chronic fatigue?
Denzel Washington role
Deodorant applicator
Deodorant or cosmetic
Deodorant type
Deodorant? I hope it soon will be!
Deodorized spot
Deoxyribonucleic acid (abbreviation)
Depart after first attempt at filming the French in bar
Depart after tossing firework
Depart for short rest in temporary accommodation
Depart from South American capital, short of oxygen
Depart hastily
Depart hurriedly
Depart in some pain
Depart quickly from USA flight in bad weather, leaving Florida
Depart suspiciously with Nutmeg's media player
Depart to stare at popular website
Depart's opposite
Depart, in a way
Departed - late
Departed - port
Departed 70's singer
Departed a sheikdom?
Departed After the scheduled time
Departed and the others returned
Departed before improvement from one side?
Departed behind schedule
Departed from city townspeople vacated
Departed from political wing
Departed from port
Departed in high spirits after losing case
Departed northwards with others
Departed quickly
Departed without ceremony
Departed, abandoning number in the rain
Departed, heading north with others
Departed, never to return
Departing in defeat at long jump, perhaps
Departing prime minister's on the phone to procure staple food
Departing words?
Department at an auto sho
Department coming up with small houses
Department head?
Department helping to catch one against corruption
Department in minor seaside town
Department in Provence
Department investigating contracted detective's retirement
Department north of Ni
Department north of Paris
Department notices in need of correction
Department of Bourg, Fran
Department of central Fra
Department of Commerce di
Department of eastern Fra
Department of France on the Bay of Biscay
Department of Justice div
Department of Labor agcy.
Department of State chief
Department of ___
Department on the C
Department sacks Head of Chemistry for not working
Department store chain fo
Department store departme
Department store event
Department store founder
Department store founder
Department store section
Department stores priest runs for one who waits
Department stores ring warehouse
Department whose capital
Department's organised but slow - it isn't productive
Departments blocking ex-prime minister's supporters in former industrial areas
Departs after various tree lines joined up again
Departs before time and at great cost
Departs city area in subtle desert transport
Departs from Durham town for military cemetery
Departs from northeastern town for cemetery
Departs having taken last of cats' lives
Departs one precise area
Departs quickly
Departs shortly before poet
Departs with ninth earl to ramble in remote area
Departs with nun, frolicking in Y-fronts?
Departs with ship full of animals that’s not light
Departure - condition of a racecourse
Departure announcement
Departure announcement?
Departure call from a Spa
Departure from idea thrills
Departure from reality
Departure from the norm
Departure info?
Departure of vessel put back during slump
Departure point for explo
Departure's opposite: Abb
Departure, for example, concerning sons
Depend — only without me
Depend (on)
Depend (upon)
Depend entirely? Only half
Depend on a slender chance
Depend on cash, having invested thousand on ring
Depend on contents of reference library? Quite the opposite!
Depend on Jane name-dropping without ostentation
Depend on men to support English girl
Depend on vacated lavatory
Depend upon, as a decisio
Dependable - loyal
Dependable move for a gym
Dependable way to form idols?
Dependant sweetheart, full of passion
Dependant's note not entirely acceptable
Dependants right to consume during treatments
Depended (on)
Dependence (on)
Dependent (on)
Dependent Arab, a thieving felon at heart - with this?
Dependent nations worried liberal outsiders in places
Dependent on a number of elements!!! …
Dependent on a set of books about Long Island
Dependent on chance
Dependent on drugs, did cadet collapse?
Dependent on Robin?
Dependent on tablet - necessary to get up
Dependent on women being evacuated in residential area
Dependent settlement away from the homeland
Dependent upon
Dependent upon housing payment to cover lithium addiction's onset
Dependent, often
Dependent, perhaps
Depending on one's own resources
Depending on other factors
Depending on results, group of countries to be reduced by one state
Depends (on)
Depict a card game?
Depict an improv routine?
Depict artistically
Depict fashionable men at weddings where receptions are held
Depict harbour fish
Depict in art
Depict pain that's mistreated and is reason for operation
Depict part of the period
Depict suds?
Depict unfairly
Depicted again
Depicted as tense
Depicted no river or other source of moisture
Depiction of a person
Depiction of country sadly includes temperature
Depiction of vessel after heading for sea
Depictions of fruits, say
Depicts distortedly
Depicts unfairly
Depilatory brand
Depilatory equipment
Deplaned, e.g.
Deplete, as energy
Deplete, perhaps
Deplete, with "up"
Depleted a bank account,
Depleted layer in the atmosphere near the poles
Depletes stock as hunters fail to keep up
Depletes, as strength
Depletes, with "up"
Deplorable failing in aim to access credit line
Deplorable rejecting Ravel’s finale in slow movement – deplorable behaviour
Deplorable transfer creates difficult situation
Deplorable, involving church in black magic
Deplorably poor
Deplore being endlessly cruel
Deplore Edward turning up on estate
Deplore halfwit taking charge of opera company
Deplore minimum of gravitas in almost entirely banal 14
Deplore security with our team getting back inside
Deplored coarse speaking
Deplores old City business tax
Deplores what top managers are paid?
Deploring sort of turn in a circus?
Deploy a lunatic marine
Deploy nerve gas for those dishing out retribution
Deploy sweet talk
Deploy ultimate sanction extremely late in the day
Deployed falsely, perhaps, by a woman
Deployed joint force European commanded, holding weapon
Deployed to the war, causing trouble
Deploying thought after losing millions
Deploying; exploiting
Deport degenerates daily
Deport half of 11 out of 12 shortly
Deportation excludes ex — it’s the custom
Deporting criminals is no longer the done thing
Deportment - conveyance
Deportment; vehicle
Depose gradually and poli
Deposed from priesthood
Deposed Iranian
Deposed Iranian ruler
Deposed king
Deposed leader
Deposed leader's fate, ma
Deposed leader, perhaps
Deposed tyrant
Deposed Ugandan leader
Deposer of Idris I
Deposing leader in panic is blunder
Deposit - gatehouse
Deposit and withdrawal si
Deposit around a river's
Deposit as security for a loan
Deposit balance in Post Office without delay
Deposit box?
Deposit eggs
Deposit grand in bank to make powerful economy
Deposit in a depository
Deposit initially increased tenfold? It's a trick
Deposit metal coating on gold table
Deposit of valuable ore found in surrounding rocks
Deposit of valuable ore running through other rocks
Deposit of white ice crystals
Deposit on teeth
Deposit remover?
Deposit sticking to teeth
Deposit that's worth mining
Deposit unwelcome from this main fool
Deposit's unreasonably small on reflection
Deposit, as an egg
Deposit, exudation, wet, primarily
Deposit, say, posh pharmacist in Hebridean stack
Deposit: dodgy gold, by chaps investing in film
Deposited here and there
Depositing metal on
Depositor's holding: Abbr
Depository for records and documents
Deposits blocked by current accounts
Deposits on land
Deposits sent south including US coin
Depot (abbr.)
Depot abbr.
Depot baggage handlers
Depot purchase
Depot uses hooter indiscriminately
Depot: Abbr.
Depots (abbr.)
Depots: Abbr.
Depp title role
Depraved behaviour exhibited by queen getting tied up roughly after stud strips off
Depraved desire
Depraved indulgent behaviour
Depraved noble doesn't begin to accept proposal for coastal walk
Depraved town (Bible)
Depravity of curt highwayman given semi-freedom
Depravity while vicar turned the opposite way
Deprecatory reactions
Depreciation consideratio
Depreciation in weapons, those used offensively
Depress, with "out"
Depressed about a grand display of nonsense
Depressed after attempt to provide stern enforcement
Depressed after favourites tipped to relinquish position at the top?
Depressed after opening of explanatory analysis
Depressed area
Depressed area of the EU?
Depressed before autumn's rainstorms?
Depressed Dvor
Depressed feeling SE Asians talked of
Depressed fellow associated with tabloid
Depressed setter with gin drunk in No 10?
Depressed squealer's country music
Depressed university teacher drinking whiskey
Depressed urban area
Depressed, shy academic bored by wife
Depressed; moo
Depressed? Do cocaine before farewell
Depresses, with "out"
Depressing account of awful boss like Priti Patel
Depressing directive to cut back on applause
Depressing experience
Depressing hearing organ in Derby in odd places
Depressing high toll overwhelms hospital department
Depressing sound from electronic network going over
Depressingly dull or repetitive
Depressingly little put into do-it-yourself
Depressingly, rider lay injured
Depression after network shows farmer, perhaps
Depression and fuss, with men getting in a state
Depression associated with member facing endless shame
Depression at the mouth o
Depression – lexicographer Susie
Depression beginning to dog hospital department
Depression caused where shattering blow follows blow
Depression causes
Depression confined to beer firm
Depression controlled when one swallowed sedative
Depression engulfs husband with chronic ear infection
Depression Era agcy.
Depression era figure
Depression felt by motorists?
Depression fills Israeli moving relative to a home
Depression grips woman climbing wondrous monument
Depression in gloomy place, on ecstasy
Depression is over on entering bar
Depression not over, off to see pharmacist?
Depression of jet-setter?
Depression of key characters in extremely tricky first half of game
Depression over rotten clue
Depression phenomenon
Depression preceder
Depression rarities
Depression starters, mayb
Depression ___
Depression, with "the"
Depression-era drifter
Depression-era figure
Depression-era inits.
Depression-era migrant
Depression-era photojourn
Depression-era program: A
Depression-era traveler
Depression? Cycling small distances helps
Deprivation of oxygen
Deprive (of)
Deprive by deceit
Deprive of an ear, working automatically
Deprive of by deceit
Deprive of confidence
Deprive of courage
Deprive of feeling
Deprive of food
Deprive of heat?
Deprive of hope
Deprive of male attributes
Deprive of one's nerve
Deprive of vitality
Deprive of weapons
Deprive staff, including head of recruitment
Deprive, as through a los
Deprived (of)
Deprived (of); abandoned
Deprived chap briefly kept by Napoleonic marshal
Deprived female lost cap
Deprived female wearing cap
Deprived journalist housed by Napoleonic marshal
Deprived live news source describing religious teaching
Deprived of authority, we’d some pride destroyed
Deprived of companionship
Deprived of exciting adverts
Deprived of fast food cha
Deprived of feeling
Deprived of hat to cover Frenchman's head
Deprived of motion
Deprived of prominence
Deprived of property or land
Deprived of religious significance, diehard in sect is put out
Deprived of sensation
Deprived of sense, incorrectly bound to accept Liberal
Deprived of something precious
Deprived of stone, created statue without head
Deprived of strength, captain and I acted recklessly
Deprived of water
Deprived of wings aviator gets woman
Deprived urban area
Deprived, be confident judge may intervene
Deprived, before a volume is secured by qualified teacher
Deprives of judgment
Deprives of weapons
Depriving of sensation
Dept. head
Dept. of Defense branch
Dept. of Justice chiefs
Dept. of Justice employee
Dept. of Labor agcy.
Dept. of Labor agency
Dept. of Labor arm
Dept. of Labor branch
Dept. of Labor div.
Dept. of Labor division
Dept. of Labor grp.
Dept. of Labor watchdog
Dept. of the Treasury dep
Dept. store inventory
Dept. store stock
Dept. store stuff
Depth charge
Depth charge target
Depth charge targets
Depth charge, in slang
Depth checker
Depth falling in say, flood level
Depth finder
Depth finder?
Depth of a vessel's keel below the surface
Depth vessel, as in the hadal zone?
Depth: Prefix
Depths of despair
Depts. in depts.
Deputised in band that supplies material
Deputy - failing
Deputy back in order
Deputy close to Gordon Brown also in speech
Deputy finally dismissed Bob's partner?
Deputy of diminished reputation
Deputy officer in charge like Scottish chimney sweep
Deputy required for jilted bride? There's space for late arrivals
Deputy sheriff of TV's Ha
Deputy taking credit for cleanse
Deputy ___ (cartoon canin
Deputy's also scrummy occasionally
Deputy's limb was in a mess?
Deputy's not so sensitive about arresting women
Deputy's short cut
Deputy, subordinate
Deputy: Abbr.
Der Blaue Reiter artist
Der ___ (Adenauer)
Der ___ (German "father")
Der ___ (Konrad Adenauer)
Der ___ Fritz (Friedrich
Der ___ Herr (the old man
Derailleur settings
Deranged Argonaut's source of bitterness?
Deranged bloke holds one small dagger
Deranged Etonian securing university grant without bombast? Sweet!
Deranged person
Deranged Prince subdued following the Queen's intervention
Derby and Oaks arrange equipment for reporters?
Derby attire
Derby cameramen ruined commemorative event
Derby distance, maybe
Derby doings
Derby drink
Derby dry-goods dealer
Derby entries
Derby features
Derby hat
Derby locale
Derby or bowler
Derby participants
Derby parts
Derby place
Derby prize
Derby projection
Derby prospect
Derby racecourse
Derby Stakes site
Derby town
Derby track
Derby traders perhaps smell cool pies after power cut
Derby venue
Derby victory margin
Derby wear
Derby's filly, kicking out every second, is a lure
Derby, e.g.
Derby, for one
Derbyshire town - sofa
Derbyshire town developing leftish creed
Deregulation left big airlines in trouble
Derek and Diddley
Derek and others
Derek briefly in charge at German city food shop
Derek Jarman's première could be pulled abruptly
Derek of "I, Claudius"
Derek who played Claudius
Derek's rejected winter transport
Derelict and remote cathedral
Derelict cell refashioned as multiple occupancy accommodation
Derelict house with deficient facilities
Derelict old boy I see turning up
Deride - guzzle
Deride eating awfully twee vegan food
Derided and cut short after capital doubles?
Derides old Fujitsu leader twice with glass shattered
Derides the French supporting free hospital ward
Derision from one leaving GAP - shirt not ironed out
Derision of the unattainable
Derisive acts
Derisive call
Derisive comeback
Derisive cry
Derisive gesture
Derisive giggle
Derisive interjection
Derisive laugh
Derisive laughs
Derisive look
Derisive looks
Derisive noise that man's trousers initially smothered
Derisive reactions
Derisive reception
Derisive remark about prosperous gem dealer
Derisive response to "She
Derisive shout
Derisive shouts
Derisive star having no time to meet academic in charge
Derisive statement about subsequent pages – issue for president
Derisive word
Derisory marriage of convenience initially imposed on ruler
Derive (from)
Derive (from) ... or a tw
Derive by logical reasoning
Derive logically
Derive support from article in house that's new
Derived by logic
Derived by logic, without observed facts
Derived from a wide range of sources
Derived from living matter
Derived from milk
Derived from, eg, lemons
Derived great pleasure fr
Derived logically
Derived support from
Dermal art
Dermal development
Dermal flareup
Dermal opening
Dermal opening?
Dermatological concern
Dermatological diagnosis
Dermatologist's case
Dermatologist's concern
Dermatologist's diagnosis
Dermatology topics
Dernier ___
Dernier ___ (last word)
Dernier ___ (latest fashi
Dernier ___ (latest thing
Derogatory habit of putting £500 on legal action
Derogatory in an indirect way
Derogatory term for international bankers
Derogatory term for someone pretentiously interested in culture
Derogatory term populariz
Derogatory word for one wearing spectacles
Derrick's bird
Derringers, e.g.
Dershowitz/Shute book abo
Dervishes, e.g.
Des leaves car parked behind Green Mile traffic - on line!
Des Moines is its capital
Des Moines native
Des Moines natives
Des Moines university
Des Moinesian or Davenpor
Des rests, when upset and very anxious
Descartes "product"
Descartes and Magritte
Descartes and others
Descartes conclusion
Descartes found this trut
Descartes portraitist
Descartes who thought "I
Descartes's "sum"
Descartes's "therefore"
Descartes's logical bit of algebra is on news
Descartes, who said, "I t
Descend a cliff by rope
Descend again
Descend by rope
Descend fast, seven kilometres at 20%
Descend on a rope
Descend on ropes
Descend rock-face with seaman — what he would do, they say
Descend steeply
Descend, in mountaineerin
Descendant - heir
Descendant admits returning for stinger
Descendant of Aaron
Descendant of Aaron, in t
Descendant of dissolute cousin not upper-class
Descendant of Fatima, to
Descendant of French settlers in Louisiana
Descendant of Homer is found in LA
Descendant of Japanese im
Descendant of Mohammed
Descendant of Standard Oi
Descendant of the smallsw
Descendant or heir
Descendant touring Channel Islands finding another one
Descendants of Japheth
Descendent of male fly found in A&E
Descending in steps
Descending into ruin
Descent described by eagle?
Descent from pier edge looking tricky
Descent from treeless upland
Descent in public brawl knocking out soldiers
Descent of a deity to ear
Descent of a sort
Descent of leaf with a tear in it
Descent using rope, perhaps, taking time
Descent, as of an airplan
Describe energy policy during appointment
Describe food store: elegant and English
Describe gusset for thermal clothing
Describe in detail
Describe in general an unintelligent judge
Describe nets that, if crossing, unravel initially, as netted
Describe number a bishop polished off
Describe partner that was unattractive
Describe roughly or briefly
Describe tartan design as silly
Describe where prepared food is eaten after cooking
Described as
Describes as evil different characters from Des Moines
Describes where one could land fish
Describing a curved camera lens
Describing a numismatist'
Describing eclipse, calls up astronaut
Describing every detail, expose illegitimate child
Describing height, 'petite' could be one
Describing leaves: couple mostly greenish-blue
Describing main variations, I’d article in The Listener at first
Describing maritime communities having a medic, oddly inapt, in charge
Describing most of the dictionary in spite of everything
Describing movement showing some combination of rage and lust
Describing multisided shape in lagoon, act strangely
Describing no more than
Describing one form of justice? Policeman upset about alien one
Describing one's descent from Lancaster
Describing one-party system — attritional, beginning to age terribly
Describing oranges and lemons
Describing organs way up under base of liver
Describing secretions in core, going critical after completion
Describing shock of aimless drifting
Describing some bonds slipping in value? Not yielding nothing
Describing some memories - a lecturer entering bank?
Describing some remedies, the woman beginning to bore a learner
Describing some skiing
Describing system of measurement, writer with short ruse?
Describing the Viper rock
Describing this puzzle, one across in person?
Describing time travelling options, here's Hawking
Describing treatment of whole person
Describing vision of certain Christians eschewing leader
Describing water-source from China, say, probed by European broadcaster
Description for the Marin
Description of 'baritone' heard in phone message
Description of 10- and 11
Description of 113- and 3
Description of 25- and 26
Description of 51- and 94
Description of 6- and 109
Description of a nobleman taking in clubs
Description of advert not meant for wide distribution?
Description of alternative energy for the most part
Description of alternative energy mostly
Description of an 18th-ce
Description of an event, as it happens
Description of Anna, Eve, Bob, Otto, Viv and Carol - plain dim, unfortunately!
Description of awfully nice gal?
Description of beer maker's role in book
Description of big effort in situation with no one at work?
Description of blood type initially indicates relationship by blood
Description of car borrowed from parent, allegedly
Description of centre for refreezing hydrocarbon
Description of certain pod members rendered in dialect
Description of desert? Wrong
Description of Els's scores
Description of flower power?
Description of fluid in males
Description of harmony obtained with criminal gang in charge?
Description of heart of classy city
Description of Kane, for example - captain's first in this oddly calm state
Description of logs from elderly lady crossing a jetty?
Description of many women idly swimming in Windermere?
Description of motor-phobic person's electronic device
Description of movement's frequently a mess if Spooner spits it out
Description of mum, dad, nan and sis, in a word
Description of owl maybe cheers West New York
Description of planet denied to those without hope?
Description of power reflected in natural oscillations
Description of prison sentence copper's to face
Description of rank cod and onion men prepared, tucked into by girl
Description of requirements
Description of rubbish stock mostly offered in bargain?
Description of seaman on board losing time
Description of situation affecting ruminant? That'll have you beat
Description of some brides, look, captured by ‘married’, possibly
Description of some molecular bonding providing energy in vacant lot, possibly
Description of some numbers in formal basis of logarithms
Description of space left audience flabbergasted
Description of special treatment favoured by Yorkshire resort
Description of sweet wine I found in grass
Description of theatre and music person creating star, possibly
Description of tiny particle from potato, microscopic
Description of tree in farm next to fences?
Description of virgin territory don turned out
Description of wine's function
Description of work a little curtailed
Description's end
Description, part 2
Description, part 3
Descriptive adjective
Descriptive dog name
Descriptive name
Descriptive of a kind of monster novelist: the Old Devil, for a start
Descriptive of a woolly animal
Descriptive of good food, ginormous starter massive
Descriptive of one who can't settle
Descriptive of Republican leader screened by satellite?
Descriptive of restricted residential community
Descriptive of Snow White
Descriptive orchestral work
Descriptive phrase
Descriptive prose not entirely an illegible mess?
Descriptive wd.
Descriptive word or phrase
Descriptive words for Ben
Descriptive words no good for teeth pig's lost
Descriptive words of hono
Desde Madrid a Mallorca
Desdemona's faithful serv
Desdemona's husband
Deseeded, as cotton
Deseret denizen: Var.
Desert - perhaps at speed it sounds like dessert after volume's adjusted initially
Desert 12 across
Desert an idiot travels about, being lost
Desert and rain forest
Desert animal
Desert area, say, without river
Desert attribute
Desert beast
Desert bloomers
Desert bordered by steppe
Desert bordering the Sina
Desert brick
Desert burrowers
Desert city in Mali
Desert clay
Desert crosser
Desert danger
Desert dearth
Desert denizens
Desert dignitary
Desert drainage basin
Desert dreams, perhaps
Desert drivers
Desert features
Desert feed involved hollowed-out coconut
Desert flora
Desert groups
Desert gully, usually dry
Desert haven
Desert havens
Desert hero ultimately stopping return of non-British rule?
Desert home
Desert in 5, housing in it to gradually disappear, perhaps
Desert in the Southwest
Desert inn
Desert island covered by rising swamp
Desert island east of French waters and west of Thailand
Desert island left having good grounds
Desert island to get away from allotment
Desert Joe in charge of outside broadcast
Desert land: Abbr.
Desert landforms
Desert material
Desert meccas
Desert menace
Desert mount
Desert of north-east Egypt
Desert of south-west Africa
Desert of southern Mongolia and northern China
Desert one's post, though left in charge?
Desert Orchid's kept light
Desert parade
Desert peril
Desert plant
Desert plant around Connecticut (America)
Desert plant unfortunately accidentally recorded initially within 'dessert'
Desert plants
Desert plants have a role in Channel Islands
Desert queen stops swindles in corrupt state
Desert rarity
Desert rat free, according to the Spanish generals, initially taken aback
Desert region has near waters diverted
Desert resting place
Desert rodent - ear job
Desert rodent, often kept as a pet
Desert rodents
Desert ruminants
Desert seen when Walt and Jesse regularly cooked
Desert shade
Desert ship, having trouble withdrawing plant
Desert sight
Desert spring
Desert springs
Desert state
Desert stops
Desert Storm defenses
Desert Storm grub, briefl
Desert Storm reporter
Desert Storm transports
Desert Storm vehicle
Desert stream
Desert streambed
Desert transport turned up late at the outset
Desert trial, for short
Desert V.I.P.'s
Desert water source
Desert with Joshua trees
Desert-dwelling rodent
Desert; give up
Deserted residential area
Deserted settlement
Deserted since sailor toppled memorial
Deserted urban area
Deserted; very drunk
Deserter’s returning as sailor
Deserter's caught in time, making mistakes
Deserter's charge reduced
Deserter, one retreating behind curt Guy Gibson, perhaps
Deserter, say, beneath a river
Deserter, that woman? On the contrary
Deserter? Not in the desert once!
Desertions of dogma
Deserts from armed conflict inspired by Trotskyite?
Deserts peer, abandoning king
Deserve - virtue
Deserve Ashes trophy, did you say?
Deserve attention, beginning now
Deserve consideration
Deserve minor eyebrow raise at first — it’s needed
Deserve shows in the Arnolfini
Deserve special perks, sa
Deserve special treatment
Deserve to miss writer being thrown back in river for going too far
Deserve to operate as a dockside worker
Deserved a hand?
Deserves a deal?
Deserves a hand?
Deserving a C
Deserving a lower insuran
Deserving a slap, maybe
Deserving a slap, perhaps
Deserving a spanking
Deserving a thumbs-up
Deserving assistance
Deserving at least a B
Deserving blame
Deserving censure
Deserving great respect
Deserving of approval
Deserving of blame
Deserving praise
Deserving shame
Deserving the booby prize
Deserving wild, drunken celebration after 25 years
Deserving world leader and king in hot mess
Desexualises some fantasy a psychologist rejected
Desi loved her
Desi of
Desi's daughter
Design - engineer
Design a long coat shaped like an umbrella?
Design a modern detailed cover for detection gear
Design aid — tool that draws street for page
Design area to host mass meal
Design assists in production of cars
Design colour that's largely relabelled?
Design deg.
Design description
Design differently
Design fashionable shelter
Design feature of many a
Design feature over many
Design for floor covering
Design Immelmann turns, protecting reputedly suicidal individual
Design info
Design made by four arrow-shaped arms with their points meeting at the centre
Design made with small pieces of coloured stone or glass
Design military event?
Design of Hitler, say, combed across the forehead, perhaps?
Design of house in Dorset our failing
Design of letters etc.
Design of shield appreciated for its good taste
Design of the built environment
Design on box?
Design on cent’s piece coined for particular occasion
Design on metal
Design on porcelain
Design or guide for making something
Design outfit periodically welcomed by both genders
Design pencilled in, an elementary machine
Design pet device, but not what it seems at first
Design phase botched
Design pitched roof separating home from home with round centrepiece
Design plug-in memory device on a phone, originally
Design probes to check temperature, leading to a prolonged dispute
Design ready with a pattern of lines
Design series of steps in conversation
Design study so no microphones appear
Design style of the 1920s and 1930s - do react
Design style used by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, say
Design style, informally
Design surrounding emblem is oddly vulgar
Design test on famous poem
Design that traps rodent say in animal pen
Design tight pants - Amen!
Design unfinished and home undecorated
Design Wendy Houses
Design with looped string
Design-cutting tool
Designate "commercial" or
Designate (for a purpose)
Designate European rescue vessel to guard strip of water
Designate for a purpose
Designate nucleus of wrong particle
Designate, perhaps wrongly or restrictively
Designated a new use for
Designated driver's drink
Designated driver, perhap
Designated successor
Designates for a purpose
Designates when to take ring back
Designation - reputation
Designation for a sequel
Designation of fighter plane brought in to fly until now
Designation of Sir Lionel?
Designation of some clodh
Designation; fame
Designed a piano in outhouse
Designed again
Designed and erected right at the heart of things
Designed article stuffed with silver tissue
Designed for a purpose
Designed for all grades
Designed for both mitts
Designed for flight
Designed for flying
Designed for the workplac
Designed for two
Designed jeans?
Designed like D
Designed not to break
Designed not to slide
Designed to be carried
Designed to be easily carried
Designed to increase trac
Designed to minimize wind
Designed to protect from cold
Designed to reduce effects of high acceleration
Designed to retain heat
Designed top holiday location
Designer Ashley
Designer born in Guangzho
Designer briefly dipped into gold reserves for yarns we hear
Designer Cassini
Designer Chanel
Designer Christian
Designer Claiborne
Designer cut up about a photograph
Designer Diane ___ Furste
Designer Donna
Designer drug cut with crushed silica
Designer Ellis
Designer Emilio
Designer for Hepburn
Designer for Jackie
Designer for Jackie Kenne
Designer for Lillian Gish
Designer fragrance
Designer from China
Designer Geoffrey
Designer Gernreich
Designer good one around posh clubs twice
Designer Gucci
Designer Gucci and others
Designer Head
Designer in J.F.K.'s Whit
Designer in the Arctic collapsed
Designer inits.
Designer is part of circle to beat English court
Designer Kamali
Designer Karan
Designer Kenneth
Designer Klein
Designer known for his "A
Designer label in hat on the left is to amuse
Designer label in top and rubbish coat
Designer label letters
Designer Lauren
Designer letters
Designer lotion ultimately collected by shaver
Designer makes Catholic dose with ecstasy during play
Designer McCartney
Designer McCartney, daugh
Designer Miller
Designer Miller and other
Designer monogram
Designer Nina
Designer of a stained-gla
Designer of Alabama's Civ
Designer of bow affected by shocking treatment
Designer of buildings
Designer of fashionable clothing
Designer of maps briefly provided for Ordinary Seaman
Designer of Massachusetts
Designer of scale model of car better off without it
Designer of the pyramid a
Designer Oscar de la ___
Designer Peretti
Designer Perry
Designer Picasso
Designer Pucci
Designer Rabanne
Designer Ralph
Designer Rowan
Designer Saab
Designer Schiaparelli
Designer Simpson
Designer to Jackie
Designer transport blocked by new resistance
Designer Vera
Designer Versace
Designer von F
Designer von Furstenberg
Designer Wang
Designer who popularized
Designer with the Night o
Designer works
Designer ___
Designer ___ de la Renta
Designer's concern
Designer's deg.
Designer's environmentally friendly replacement for interior colour scheme and furnishings
Designer's focus
Designer's job
Designer's need
Designer's starting point
Designer's workshop
Designer, a graduate producing exhibition of pictures
Designer/architect Goldfi
Designers' lines
Designing coat for Tony seized by Chuck
Designing woman
Designing women
Designs in place of words repeatedly found in mathematics
Designs using fine wood particles
Desilu co-founder
Desilu head
Desirable as a spouse
Desirable guests
Desirable guy to rent fro
Desirable hotel room feat
Desirable party group
Desirable person's improper message about urine container
Desirable places
Desirable qualities
Desirable quality
Desirable spruce hollowed with axes
Desirable thing
Desirable to dieters
Desirable trunk feature
Desire - deficiency
Desire a bit of sunshine in most of the days of November
Desire a wife in Scottish town
Desire badly?
Desire broadcast to be live
Desire cleaner for the school holidays
Desire confession after tanning naughty boy
Desire contents of sugar container?
Desire deeply
Desire for Congress to arrest ‘Titanium’ musician
Desire for drink
Desire for drink? No way, given day and position
Desire for end with a shed reconsidered
Desire for food
Desire for food Dad’s shown on return — pretty small?
Desire for Gore statue to be placed outside toilet by Democrat leader in Louisiana
Desire for the other bikini on vacation in pool
Desire for union to accept current offer, see
Desire for water
Desire for wealth and possessions
Desire for wealth pilot's seen around two eastern US states
Desire for what another has
Desire German's association with savage tribesman
Desire heading off to get a bit of food that isn't expensive
Desire heterosexual embraces
Desire in boy to see galley
Desire in Rod to go for every hot thing
Desire in the offing?
Desire intensely
Desire is bringing wife and husband together
Desire is what makes owl howl
Desire knight to have bigger clothing
Desire man with Tarzan's face
Desire of head changing study
Desire often extremely unrestrained
Desire personified
Desire purification - but not at first
Desire revealed in chit-chat
Desire sex really regularly (every five years)
Desire short journey east
Desire shown where t-shirt ripped
Desire singer to shake tin
Desire strongly
Desire subtle changes be removed?
Desire that’s in our genes
Desire to achieve
Desire to achieve something
Desire to be more like an
Desire to be wealthy? Caviare is served
Desire to defend a bishop close to holy covenant
Desire to do mischief in country church
Desire to do one large American tenor
Desire to drink
Desire to eat things other than food
Desire to get hurt in this way suppressed by male pride briefly
Desire to get on
Desire to get rid of … to get rid of piano
Desire to get rid of power tool
Desire to grab yours truly in a really hot place
Desire to grow old in Oxon town
Desire to have animals raised in part of East London
Desire to have Congress send Iran new spades
Desire to have silver ring of yore
Desire to have something that is possessed by another
Desire to hurt or offend
Desire to include grandma in agreement
Desire to join forces, in theory
Desire to marry, wanting first husband
Desire to meet small and sexy outsider
Desire to promote the welfare of others
Desire to remove wrapping from Big Mac, perhaps
Desire to secure success maybe beyond the pale?
Desire to see promotion of small casual garb
Desire to show Apple title learners missed?
Desire to show obeisance — the fighting yeoman had it
Desire to solve cryptic without thesaurus - finally!
Desire to take in drama — and like some records?
Desire to travel
Desire, but with little morality
Desire, for one
Desire, with "for"
Desire, with "the"
Desired by others
Desired result
Desired results
Desired to be relieved of pressure, so turned over in bed
Desires a soft, small French salad for starter
Desires Cinderella needs to set aside
Desires simple advice for road users
Desires start to surface later in loose women
Desires to participate
Desires, with "after"
Desiring callers, perhaps
Desiring drink
Desiring food
Desiring success
Desiring what others have
Desirous of drink
Desist from temper tantrum right away
Desk and other things turning up in possession of the French navy
Desk clerks, bellhops, ma
Desk drawer item
Desk features
Desk I found in various rectories
Desk item
Desk item that's nothing
Desk job at 58 & 59-Acros
Desk jockeys were inside and treated like pieces of meat
Desk light
Desk register taken no further than Ozzie?
Desk set item
Desk site
Desk toppers
Desk tray
Desk tray labels
Desk twice ransacked - this could not be worse
Desk-borrowing worker
Desk; office
Desktop accessory
Desktop array
Desktop arrow
Desktop communication
Desktop feature
Desktop folder, e.g.
Desktop graphic
Desktop holder
Desktop image that is cut and pasted
Desktop images
Desktop item
Desktop items, for short
Desktop marker
Desktop option
Desktop picture
Desktop pictures
Desktop problem
Desktop pub. items
Desktop publisher's need
Desktop publisher's suppl
Desktop symbols
Desmond initially knowing best type of computer
Desmond of "Sunset Blvd."
Desmond of "Sunset Boulev
Desolate area
Desolate area is no good for shelter - fix up here for the night?
Desolate by loss
Desolate nature's in evolution
Desolate portrait painter holds on
Desolate pub gets torn apart, almost
Desolate spot
Desolation Row will follow single by vacuous Stones
DeSoto or LaSalle
DeSoto, e.g.
Despair as the role unravels
Despair initially avoided may become hope
Despair re: crooked hangings
Despair, on reflection, engulfs part of church
Despair, turning to healers
Despairing - pathetic
Despairing son overwhelmed by fate
Desperado finally banished from district backing African river
Desperate Apollo pursued her nymphal elegance, initially
Desperate appeals to protect mother producing a lump in your throat
Desperate character kidnapping English churchman
Desperate character sure to look silly as ballet performer
Desperate character, daughter (23) getting collared - it doesn't look good
Desperate Dan or Mickey Mouse, say
Desperate Dan puts shovel …
Desperate Dan’s out to shock
Desperate defender covering line
Desperate disheartened Madame Bovary?
Desperate entrance and exit
Desperate fellow's hiding in Greek port
Desperate final effort
Desperate for horse to take a journey
Desperate French caper
Desperate ham pleads for the bright lights
Desperate horse close
Desperate man welcomes four in bed
Desperate man’s grading in Oriental sport
Desperate measure in most remote seaside town: ...
Desperate men head to addiction treatment
Desperate model quietly squashing gossip
Desperate model, extremely small
Desperate need to consume crack, heading for altar
Desperate northern miner swinging both ways for money overseas
Desperate once to catch Australian opener, one caught in the deep
Desperate or fancy fellow, expert in karate?
Desperate strategy
Desperate to be a man, I feel hatred
Desperate to go, having heard brief
Desperate to survive drop
Desperate type's hosted by Greek in foreign port
Desperate U-turn over Europe, ultimately deceptive
Desperate, as an effort
Desperate, so tried bodybuilder’s short cut?
Desperate, unlike the "Road To" films?
Desperately anxious, pointing cryptically to knee?
Desperately beg, as NHS matters
Desperately determined
Desperately dry, I clam up in party
Desperately hard up in seclusion
Desperately hope girl has cropped image
Desperately need a key to perception without enhancement
Desperately needing a map
Desperately stir acidic bits of crème fraîche?
Desperately try to get hold of game
Desperately want
Desperately want to be in Conservative Party?
Desperately want to keep grannie's promise
Desperately wanting a 25% reduction in schoolwork
Desperately wants to protect suffering hero
Desperately we ask – no, beg – Charlie not to retaliate
Desperation football pass
Desperation, of a sort
Despicable - BBC, say
Despicable and lethal, cutting end of rope holding lead actor
Despicable – information
Despicable – low-rent
Despicable character keeping Bill silent
Despicable dope!
Despicable file they have finally redacted twice
Despicable individual back in water with swimmer
Despicable man squashes grand philosopher
Despicable one
Despicable person
Despicable person embracing Conservative is bigot
Despicable person going round clubs is bigoted
Despicable person picking up last bit of pancake
Despicable rise in attention about national costume
Despicable sort
Despicable sort's boring phone having numbered display
Despicable sorts
Despicable type
Despicable type almost finished
Despicable type stops working and leaves containers
Despicable type who’s falling apart?
Despicable type, that woman? I should say so
Despicable types of false witness wasting time
Despise a failure (but not another 7, by the sound of it)
Despise blue watch straps
Despise boss a certain amount
Despise cod art as vulgar - it's often crude
Despise men after act of violence
Despite all that drawing, cartographers misdirected
Despite all that, I needed to find legendary creature
Despite appearances there is still a chance of recovery
Despite everything
Despite everything one finds legendary creature
Despite expectations
Despite that
Despite that 50/50 bet, nothing!
Despite the fact that
Despite the prevailing circumstances
Despite this
Despite what you say
Despondency, with "the"
Despondent about you in France, stuck with tariff and unable to take any more
Despondent comment
Despondent county players
Despondent men didn't show up at work
Despondent when making ladies say stuff to get award
Despot Amin
Despot employing muscle, hence someone pulling the strings?
Despot Hitler finally snatched by Jaguar, say?
Despot Idi ___
Despot in car, an unreliable one, mostly
Despot of yore
Despot overthrown in 2003
Despot to manage clothing empire
Despot with extremely tetchy tirade
Despot ___ Amin
Despot’s extremely timely tirade
Despot's extremely tetchy outburst
Despot’s terribly hollow violent speech
Despotic governor
Despotic leader installed without a break
Despotic ruler
Despotic writer appears before Italian heretic
Despots' decrees
Dessert - is it arum?
Dessert - something unimportant
Dessert cake
Dessert Calvin doesn't li
Dessert choice
Dessert containing ice cream
Dessert course
Dessert course finally changed
Dessert craftsman
Dessert created by small program with skill
Dessert dish
Dessert eaten all over the world - ringed Cupid
Dessert eaten with a spoo
Dessert for one
Dessert from America - I ruin it on the counter
Dessert from an oven
Dessert from Linz
Dessert from Poland: it should have nuts on top
Dessert from South Africa prepared in a globe
Dessert fruit
Dessert garnish
Dessert garnished with cr
Dessert granny's put in bread roll and set fire to
Dessert has whiskey with it
Dessert in a pan
Dessert in bowl and a dry old container put back
Dessert in Finland mostly served up with peel of star-apple
Dessert item
Dessert item since 1912
Dessert knocked over, drunk has dried fruit
Dessert made by baking fruit wrapped in pastry
Dessert made with pineapp
Dessert menu phrase
Dessert not for the calor
Dessert not for the diet-
Dessert not right after second scotch
Dessert of chilled fruit
Dessert of puréed fruit and cream
Dessert of sweetened milk coagulated with rennet
Dessert often served
Dessert on small side dish?
Dessert on this is ready and waiting
Dessert pastries
Dessert preference
Dessert product, one taken during exercise
Dessert reaction
Dessert restaurant served up
Dessert seems not set
Dessert served in a bowl
Dessert skipper's declara
Dessert style
Dessert successfully brought to couch potato after work in kitchen
Dessert that's easy to pr
Dessert that's put before baby?
Dessert was a failure, lacking finishing touch
Dessert was served as flight attendant was called
Dessert wine
Dessert wine causing tremors later
Dessert wine chap for example brought up
Dessert wine that makes one wobble following a big one!
Dessert with candied frui
Dessert with dark streaks
Dessert ___
Dessert's briefly succeeding
Dessert's up: at last spoon out and get a move on
Dessert, but no starter? One might be fired!
Dessert, in Dover
Dessert, note, containing that oddly bitter tang?
Dessert, possibly Russian, in US city
Dessert, say, to a dieter
Dessert, small bit
Dessert, to a Brit
Dessert, to a dieter
Dessert: fine chilled, but not cold
Dessert: it’s insignificant
Desserts akin to cobblers
Desserts at Luigi's
Desserts baked in muffin
Desserts eaten with spoon
Desserts from the South
Desserts in Rome
Desserts put in nice sauces
Desserts that give chills
Desserts with crusts
Destination for a ferry f
Destination for a Near Ea
Destination for a W-2
Destination for Hispaniola vacation I note
Destination for many a mu
Destination for many Cuba
Destination for many pilg
Destination for Mary and
Destination for visitors
Destination from Dover
Destination getting into Tripoli by air?
Destination in Genesis 8
Destination of 17 in song of this time and place
Destination of many 1960s
Destination of many filin
Destination of many pilgr
Destination of one who wa
Destination of Saul when
Destination of some fligh
Destination of some mail:
Destination of some pilgr
Destination of the Bounty
Destination of Vasco da G
Destinations for some wir
Destinations of some limo
Destine for, as oblivion
Destine to disaster
Destined (for)
Destined for a chop shop,
Destined for markdown: Ab
Destined for the record b
Destined to accept benefit, start to hire musical instrument
Destined to fail
Destined to join obscure set
Destined to make a leap
Destiny determiners
Destiny to become short and podgy
Destitute activity
Destitute person
Destitute person's way of escape from top floor?
Destitution, metaphorical
Destroy (a reputation)
Destroy (hopes); run
Destroy a person
Destroy a tenth of fruit full of pests on the rise
Destroy a volume in fury
Destroy ancient EU state
Destroy borders of Delaware and Virginia, say
Destroy by degrees
Destroy cave to get bird
Destroy completely
Destroy decrepit touring vehicle - use this to get round instead
Destroy e.g. a boat with spite, principally?
Destroy egg on sandwiches near bananas
Destroy gradually
Destroy monarch with a heartless order
Destroy object
Destroy one entering race
Destroy party stealing silver
Destroy reputation of University College engaging in business
Destroy Scottish island — no small island
Destroy sheep munching corn
Destroy slowly
Destroy the order of
Destroy totally
Destroy utterly
Destroy, in a way
Destroy; animation; strike; hurry, primarily
Destroy; hyphen
Destroyed a Parisian serving-girl verbally?
Destroyed ample plant
Destroyed anaemic pet for free
Destroyed by devils and a radicalised …
Destroyed completely
Destroyed copter after moving inert military plane
Destroyed leaves? Definitely not - see over for the finer points
Destroyed little by littl
Destroyed nicotine, protecting hearts at risk
Destroyed ships
Destroyer destroyer
Destroyer detector
Destroyer hunter
Destroyer in 2000 headlin
Destroyer of the town Nic
Destroyer of trees and fruit initiated by a man
Destroyers of les for
Destroyers of many castle
Destroyers, in brief
Destroyers, slangily
Destroying Hydra around lake only with great difficulty
Destroying protection from the sun – American becomes red
Destroying terrains of Amazonia, for example
Destroys documents
Destroys what's built to last
Destroys, as documents
Destruction is wonderful
Destruction of age-old Northern Irish location
Destruction of Capitol that's newsworthy
Destruction of tissue by freezing
Destruction surrounding gear in warship
Destructive 1964 Florida
Destructive 1966 hurrican
Destructive 1999 Florida
Destructive 2004 hurrican
Destructive beetle
Destructive beetles
Destructive digger
Destructive elephant
Destructive feud
Destructive force moving mountains? No, no!
Destructive fungus
Destructive hooligan
Destructive insect
Destructive insect — place has tons
Destructive lout beginning to lurk behind London museum
Destructive migratory insect
Destructive of morale
Destructive people
Destructive person
Destructive person causing flap
Destructive precipitation
Destructive prince blasted over written promises
Destructive sea waves
Destructive swarming insect
Destructive type left at rear of London museum
Destructive wave
Destructive wave in N Uist swirling round before noon
Destructive wave knocked over chap in new suit
Destructive wind
Destructive wind vortex
Det. Axel ___ of "Beverly
Det. McGarrett of "Hawaii
Det. Tiger or N.Y. Yankee
Detach from a source of d
Detach gradually
Detach, as a lapel mike
Detach, as a rind
Detach, in a way
Detachable container
Detachable craft
Detachable spacecraft unit
Detachable, in a way
Detached area? I’ll say!
Detached ends?
Detached piece of land
Detached ruins scattered around US city
Detached view, previously one held by theologian
Detached wanderer's stomach produced wind before religious festival, reportedly
Detached, skimmed or final?
Detaching, unfastening
Detachment forcing civilians into the navy
Detachment from south getting in roaring drunk
Detachment of soldiers
Detachment of troops
Detachment of troops mostly came back abnormally thin
Detachment on reconnaissance
Detachments from hand and foot, say
Detail added to a story to make it more interesting
Detail handler, maybe
Detail in a builder's pla
Detail in a captain's log
Detail in a Georgia O'Kee
Detail map
Detail of couple dating exists on-line
Detail of face Hals mishandled
Detail on some tickets
Detail provider
Detail result of vocal exchange in Sunderland, say?
Detailed (hyph.)
Detailed -complicated
Detailed account
Detailed account of where one was?
Detailed analysis
Detailed and thorough
Detailed artistic embellishment
Detailed Baltic map's unusual sort of font
Detailed complexity
Detailed coordination
Detailed description
Detailed description of design criteria
Detailed description of small muscle
Detailed examination
Detailed guide to determining a course of action - pro-Adam
Detailed insect’s line of travel
Detailed inspection
Detailed investigation
Detailed list of goods
Detailed map
Detailed mugshot snapped by Eastern US cop
Detailed notice beside posters and flyers
Detailed outlines
Detailed part of brutalist edifice
Detailed plan to bring antelope up to little spot
Detailed plans
Detailed plans one can look through
Detailed plans originally kept in tin he'd tampered with
Detailed research into boss
Detailed statement about harbour
Detailed suggestion promoting a material
Detailed take on pinching Grand Hotel key
Detailed, briefly
Detailed, complicated
Detailed, old-style
Detailing favourite part, engine driver?
Details — of those using door?
Details if I see in glasses
Details not finalised, so one's led into error
Details not fleshed out?
Details of money everyone found in career
Details of pitch from crucial name on contract
Details of run around shopping centre
Details of what's needed, tiny bit detailed
Details of where an anchor might lie mysterious to us
Details probably missed in dash around shopping centre
Details put wrongly in a prescriptive form?
Details snags after repairing church feature
Details, in brief
Detain (foreign citizens)
Detain during wartime
Detain me improperly, making problem for head
Detain worker - for nothing?
Detained by wet weather on bad run, I collapsed
Detained three lads on a regular basis
Detained, being held up in Federal lockdown
Detainee - gash toe
Detainee's entitlement
Detainee's privilege
Detect and remove secret microphones
Detect both poles coming into view
Detect Dan's cologne?
Detect end of democracy by clairvoyance
Detect hint of marjoram in stock
Detect hint of micronutrient
Detect like a dog
Detect nothing missing from a selection of lines
Detect person's elastic slipping, a source of optim­istic views
Detect underground particle accelerator
Detect underground water
Detect, in a way
Detected without 1 Across
Detected, as a group of animals will be here
Detection ability
Detection device
Detection device captures old body in space
Detection devices
Detection equipment sub-standard?
Detection system
Detective about to have good look, reportedly, closer to cellar?
Detective about to scrutinise part of the chorus
Detective acquires basic skill after month with English novel
Detective apprehending old group of scientists in south western area
Detective attending houses in part of mine
Detective Charlie
Detective cross-dressing; hot pants in Goa?
Detective describes short story one finds appealing on the box
Detective dropped, frustrated
Detective encountering nonsense about one US city
Detective fiction author, d. 1957
Detective flying our helicopter
Detective generally satisfied about house's chain attachment
Detective gets rough synopsis
Detective goes after taking too many chances
Detective going under small shed for some rest
Detective hasn't left accommodation
Detective having daughter carried out
Detective in "The Shangha
Detective in midst of storm pursuing soldier
Detective in touch with politician's solicitor
Detective Inspector and Judge working where mustard comes from
Detective Inspector had led corrupt swindle
Detective Inspector leaves women's work for man
Detective inspectors try to show revulsion
Detective is apprehending male engaged in climbing tree
Detective is with a luxury car that's flipped over and burnt
Detective lacks heart to present warrant
Detective leading men, finding parts of telescope
Detective left to probe dwelling-places
Detective longed to be apart
Detective Lord ___ Wimsey
Detective Lupin
Detective Murphy talking - he's in sole charge
Detective novelist John D
Detective of note
Detective officer, man of concern to women
Detective on limits to criminality - something worth looking at?
Detective on racket: "It's fishy"
Detective on TV somewhat above radio
Detective Pinkerton
Detective Pinkerton and o
Detective played by Peter
Detective probing dodgy organ and another keyboard instrument
Detective races to get dictionary copied
Detective resolves 19 across
Detective said: 'Rubbish order!'
Detective sergeant collecting unusual percussion instruments
Detective sergeant drinking beer in the Valleys
Detective Sergeant reads about speech
Detective Sergeant stores booze in barrels
Detective series given tip by Queen and Country
Detective shed tears after a lot of drink, having dishevelled look
Detective sort
Detective stories
Detective story - read end!
Detective story pioneer
Detective story writer Ma
Detective suffering derision from press team
Detective superintendent
Detective takes position in gap
Detective type I’ve associated with era mistakenly
Detective Vance
Detective who frequented
Detective with a large fa
Detective with charge that's appropriate
Detective with details about ordinary victim
Detective Wolfe
Detective work
Detective ___ Wolfe
Detective’s assistant drowns cat — too horrible
Detective's assignment
Detective's behind convenience store
Detective's date is anticlimax
Detective's discovery
Detective's find
Detective's joke sounds a bit crude
Detective's need
Detective's question
Detective's skill
Detective's unravelled, and experienced a breakdown?
Detective's words before meal are degrading
Detective's work record
Detective, at times
Detective, essentially
Detective, glum, missing second round
Detective, in slang
Detective, mostly insignificant and feeble
Detective, one on crook's case
Detective, seeing that curtailed course, is put off
Detective’s assistant with a beginning of tricky issue
Detectives all over problem raised by low ambient sounds
Detectives are ditching English operations, backtracking on an irregular basis
Detectives attending fight where vehicles broken
Detectives carry on fencing area for demo
Detectives chase sailor to a police box
Detectives check them
Detectives essentially split up
Detectives finding information on bed with rope around its end
Detectives holding up character with bow and arrows?
Detectives look for them,
Detectives meeting hood break down bit by bit
Detectives number sample
Detectives offer to take in radical US prisoner
Detectives receiving boost, source of a big shift
Detectives reported on my little grey cells, perhaps
Detectives scent returning trouble
Detectives tucked into excellent cold tart
Detectives turn up? Make like Lord Lucan!
Detectives turned up for drink
Detectives turning up in a rage stand down
Detectives went north to seize gold order
Detectives' aids
Detectives' info, possibl
Detectives, for short
Detector of bishop grabbing Lovelace?
Detector of les odeurs
Detector of some potentia
Detector target
Detectorist's goal is bearing fruit, say, backed by angel
Detects a rat?
Detects, in a way
Detention facility not recom­mended for stoners
Detention is like the topping on a dessert, you might say!
Detention of gunman finally in act of disposing of body
Detention sites
Detention sounding saucy?
Deter a tour abroad that caravans might have taken
Deter swimming around island for one particular swimmer
Deter; deterred
Deter; dishearten
Detergent brand
Detergent factory, e.g.?
Detergent target
Deteriorate through corrosion
Deteriorate through neglect
Deteriorate, as a skier might?
Deteriorate, as hungry hens might?
Deteriorates, as a user may
Deterioration from use in river
Deterioration of one falling out of tree upside down
Deterioration of thatching with observation of late?
Determinant of a "best if
Determinant of utility ch
Determination - coarse sandstone
Determination an heir already has
Determination and ambition
Determination and spirit after first of defeats - one's beaten
Determination despite setbacks
Determination I should replace article in bequest
Determination is evident in assistance for ballad making a comeback
Determination of son replacing vile leader in coup
Determination shown by Marine aboard excellent vessel
Determination slightly lacking in tense period of gradual decline
Determination to complete the crossword again?
Determination to jump into river? On the contrary
Determination to see power slipping from grasp with time
Determination to tackle puzzle again
Determination to work out issues
Determination, ambition
Determination? Old king seen with it
Determine for sure
Determine fortnightly magazine is a swindle
Determine get-out-of-jail
Determine position of Imbruglia's top ten hit, led by Gold
Determine the age of, in
Determine the innocence o
Determined (on)
Determined a doubter will convert
Determined a Duke should be borne by galloping steed
Determined a number climbing in fell
Determined a soldier should get round blockage
Determined about man, one of pair maybe
Determined about reaching the top, property tycoon means to be heard
Determined about reforming soonest? Not very
Determined action - sue for reconstruction
Determined after having gained from an unexpected outcome
Determined and courageous
Determined attempt
Determined boy conceals alien
Determined chap's going to peak close to Everest
Determined club gets passed on to descendants
Determined daughter getting seated after a struggle
Determined effort from exhausted group
Determined group
Determined in advance
Determined innings over then?
Determined one in a kid's
Determined policy
Determined relative maybe camping outside
Determined response
Determined soldier must support a parent
Determined soldier standing behind a barrier
Determined supporter boring Sylvester Stallone
Determined the gender of
Determined theologian set about murder, disposing of North American
Determined those people will accept alternative work on collections?
Determined to achieve
Determined to achieve results from speech, you are being frank
Determined to achieve something at all costs
Determined to attack
Determined to be a worker on embankment
Determined to be delivered end first
Determined to be under canvas
Determined to broadcast Hemingway, for example
Determined to carry out
Determined to catch grey cuckoo, immediately before heron
Determined to do
Determined to do something at all costs
Determined to execute
Determined to find no one at home?
Determined to follow
Determined to get scrambled egg in terribly odd surroundings
Determined to give poor Rose an instrument
Determined to have
Determined to have some music that's uplifting
Determined to hide kiss in explicit message
Determined to keep prisoner blowing hot and cold
Determined to listen to Edward on strong beer
Determined to restrain Conservative playing fast and loose
Determined to show concern
Determined to support policy that involves jumping forwards
Determined US lawyer Ray gets back up
Determined where nomads live?
Determined worker following first man
Determined, Blair acted recklessly
Determined, picking up bargain at end of day
Determinedly following
Determines limits in adva
Determines the age of
Determines the sum
Determining one’s position flying into Tangier
Determining strength of evidence is confused by conclusions of judges and jurors
Deterrent to one who'd steal a broadsheet setter, possibly not Paisley?
Deters boy running round breeding ground
Detest a bore endlessly detaining husband
Detest a key PM cut by parliamentarians in place in London
Detest being without energy to box
Detest bowler perhaps — and England's opener?
Detest bowler, perhaps — and Essex opener!
Detest crime that involves injuring men
Detest dogs initially peeing next to hospital compound
Detest first couple of lowbrow articles
Detest not going all the way in Balmoral?
Detest swearword in French article
Detest what’s in boa meat, cooked
Detestable expression of surprise applied to flute playing
Detestable one
Detested person or thing
Detesting endless freight, object
Detonating device
Detonating on IOW left weird light in bay
Detonation maker
Detonator needs one good American gunpowder ingredient
Detoured to pay a visit a
Detox centers
Detox clinic
Detox place
Detox population
Detractors' comment conce
Detrained, e.g.
Detritus on the side of a
Detroit baseballer
Detroit brew
Detroit debacle
Detroit dud
Detroit duds
Detroit financing co.
Detroit grp.
Detroit labor grp.
Detroit music?
Detroit N.H.L.'er
Detroit org.
Detroit player, 1984 Amer
Detroit product
Detroit products
Detroit sports fan's cry?
Detroit suburb named for
Detroit team
Detroit time zone (abbr.)
Detroit venue for sportin
Detroit's county
Detroit's founder
Detroit's Joe Louis Sport
Detroit's Joe Louis ___
Detroit's ___ Arena
Detroit's ___ Center
Detroit, e.g.
Detroit-based grp.
Detroit-to-Philadelphia d
Detroit-to-Toronto dir.
Deuce beater
Deuce beaters
Deuce follower
Deuce follower in tennis
Deuce follower, in tennis
Deuce followers
Deuce shuffled in decks
Deuce taker
Deuce takers
Deuce topper
Deuce topper, in cards
Deuce toppers
Deuce! It's time he was back
Deuce, e.g.
Deuce, in tennis
Deut. preceder
Deuterium and tritium, to
Deuterium has one
Deutsch article
Deutsch, here
Deutsche article
Deutschland denial
Deux : France :: ___ : Ge
Deux into quatorze
Deux of these are better
Deux or trois lead-in
Devastate a fort wounding number inside!
Devastate from above
Devastate German for good
Devastate second member of Tea Party
Devastated street had to be demolished
Devastating change to a musical
Devastating effects of storms gripping Virginia
Devastating event
Devastating force split a party
Devastating one with sense to support sport
Devastating outbreak involving strange pains and bizarre flush
Devastating shot posing naked yields
Devastating winger hit shot
Devastation in small community with new leader
Develop - cultivate
Develop a liking for hake at one — it's battered
Develop a particular liking for
Develop a translation of Proust
Develop anacusis
Develop and rent space
Develop clever shielding for vital complex
Develop complex
Develop data about swallows being hatched in a puddle?
Develop film, producing computer program
Develop flight feathers
Develop gnashers
Develop gradually
Develop grand argument
Develop in such a way as to cause a problem
Develop layer to encapsulate software
Develop less macho view of hardness
Develop move in cinematography
Develop nothing after elevating half of nothing?
Develop one element of Christmas lunch the Northern way?
Develop over time
Develop paper in, for example, reading and writing
Develop part of a revolver
Develop physique
Develop play oddly following cross into goal
Develop primarily loud threatening sound
Develop religious group that is tax inclusive
Develop ruts, say
Develop simple diet — you might be punished for breaking it!
Develop sores
Develop sort of love after day of celebration put back
Develop very promisingly
Develop way, with less money, to get mediator
Develop well
Develop wrinkles, say
Developed at last the battery's storage capacity
Developed bar to take in German and English
Developed from birth in US, different from US!
Developed make of car to accommodate setter
Developed new part for European city
Developed pleasure in penning two lines and good further line
Developed problem declared disgusting
Developed sea legs, apparently never growing old
Developed thick skin about love, or just cold-hearted?
Developed urge to attend subversive rally often
Developer buried rocks across lake
Developer forged payroll log
Developer surrounding unit with buttress
Developer very much ahead
Developer's investment
Developer's land
Developer's needs, for sh
Developer's plot
Developer's reference
Developing agent in photo
Developing Aldi: Tesco put out
Developing army corps set up information outlet at last
Developing business?
Developing centre for wines with one bouquet?
Developing hospital backed with little money
Developing its use in an intricate structure of connected items
Developing late, helping to change
Developing public disturbance in which Democrat becomes sanctimonious
Developing solution
Developing stage
Development area
Development areas?
Development developments
Development favouring Government journalists initially withheld
Development in old conflict
Development in the Middle
Development of amnesia?
Development of chemical process involving carbon migration
Development of endless crisis with Spain
Development of gallstone gutted Victoria, for one
Development of green factory’s latest power supply
Development of horns gave beetles ...
Development of lodge cuisine involves historic apple
Development of monster covered by heartless journalists
Development of new hospital centre firmly put in place
Development of San Diego struggled
Development of son I see, at least challenging
Development of the 1950's
Development order: Abbr.
Development site
Development sites
Development stimulator
Development unit
Development units
Development, say, around transport hub
Developmental period
Developmental site
Developmental stage
Developmental windup
Develops an open spot?
Develops anacusis
Develops enough to assume government's keen on containing dispute
Develops liking for Calvin Klein? Assess situation
Develops supporting structures to protect one
Deviant relaces, not beginning to sow one's oats
Deviant sailor and soldier imprisoning Queen and King
Deviant sex in cemetery introducing good ways to escape
Deviate from a course
Deviate from a direct cou
Deviate from act in motion
Deviate; avert
Deviated, in a way
Deviates from objectives spearheaded by bishop
Deviating from course, going to the other side crossing lake
Deviating, as a rocket
Deviation at sea
Deviation from the accepted norm
Deviation from the norm
Deviation in a rocket's c
Deviation in gaze
Deviations of a ship's co
Deviations of French Impressionism - possibly hidden away by chaste society
Device a shoemaker uses after everything else?
Device also called a rect
Device at a drive-thru
Device attached to a Bunsen burner, for example
Device containing spring cabbage maybe left around for rabbit to eat
Device controlling flow
Device controlling inflow into a cistern
Device displaying words to be read out
Device enabling photographs to be taken in poor light
Device for a plow team
Device for accessing beer
Device for carrying back, say, fatty mixture
Device for catching people
Device for climbing up or down
Device for clipping papers together
Device for connecting computers via a phone line
Device for controlling apparatus from a distance
Device for converting alt
Device for converting sound waves to an electronic signal
Device for counting or sending signals
Device for cutting food into small cubes
Device for discharging
Device for dispersing a crowd
Device for electricians makes them more nervous
Device for fastening paper, basic? Right
Device for finding one's way
Device for freezing water
Device for gambling? Youngster needs short warning, is enthralled
Device for interacting with a computer screen
Device for keeping a compass horizontal
Device for keeping fit at home
Device for keeping strings taut
Device for locating explosives
Device for looking in ears
Device for making an electrical connection
Device for measuring minutes in a row
Device for measuring out spirits
Device for measuring radiation
Device for measuring space time
Device for monitoring hazards
Device for moving liquid or gas
Device for paparazzi from Smolensk
Device for playing guitar
Device for producing a tan
Device for raising water a golf club's set up
Device for rapping
Device for recording spee
Device for remembering things
Device for removing air from a space
Device for removing caps and corks
Device for removing condensation from a windscreen
Device for rotating one's
Device for securing rope
Device for sending messages, using a mirror and the sun's rays
Device for sending or receiving signals
Device for soldier's way of working
Device for spraying glue, extremely sticky stuff
Device for spraying paint
Device for stopping movement of barrel on slope
Device for taking and storing moving images
Device for throwing a pilot from the cockpit
Device for tracking criminal placed under faulty U-bends in German parliament building
Device for visualising, eg, fluctuations in current
Device for warming
Device for winding pasta twists into drained corn
Device giving engine extra efficiency
Device having more than one function
Device her postman misdirected
Device I would obtain to prop up top of window
Device in petrol engines
Device in science fiction
Device in TV studio reported line of cars
Device is Fender guitar, a fine example
Device keeping blood vessel open
Device limiting boat's drift
Device locating companion in part of New England
Device making a loud wailing sound
Device making bubbles in a fish tank
Device making holes everybody heard
Device making sound louder
Device measuring distortions
Device measuring response to light
Device mixing air and fuel
Device no writer put in line
Device patented by Thomas
Device preventing turning backwards
Device producing a loud wailing sound as a signal
Device producing a narrow beam of light used in many technologies
Device producing an intense beam of light
Device reducing noise
Device removing heat
Device some countryfolk need to keep in stock?
Device splitting different wavelengths of radiation
Device stopping backward motion
Device supplying an organ with air
Device that allows movement in one direction only
Device that attracts objects containing iron
Device that bleeps to draw one's attention
Device that can open different locks
Device that closes or secures
Device that contains an e
Device that enables a TV to receive signals
Device that encodes images digitally and stores them for later reproduction
Device that keeps ships on a steady course
Device that may include a
Device that measures gas
Device that measures the flow of electrical current
Device that prevents pouring out of claret
Device that provides a shuttle service for a seamstress?
Device that removes impurities from lubricant
Device that rotates to show the direction of the wind
Device that secures film footage
Device that signals when a car is slowing
Device that softens the tone of a wind insrument
Device that sprays blue rinse all over the place
Device that sucks up a drink
Device that warms
Device to avoid
Device to help breathing
Device to hold things firmly together
Device to keep a ship fro
Device to keep the clutch from failing
Device to make escape impossible
Device to measure temperature
Device ultimately put in so that resistance varied?
Device used by constructors
Device used by police ending in convictions - not entirely shallow then, on reflection?
Device used by, eg, asthma sufferer
Device used for breaking down doors
Device used for cooking over an open fire
Device used for film trac
Device used in aiming
Device used in an A.T.M.
Device used in fridge
Device used in recording
Device used on apples
Device used to invert an image
Device warning of fire
Device with a flat panel
Device with moving parts that performs some function
Device you can count on
Device's international power plug
Device, implement
Devices designed for a specific task
Devices for music lovers
Devices for shutting up after caging very loud woodpeckers
Devices in electrical net
Devices including wrong and right in European language
Devices reducing motion
Devices seen around docks
Devices to help memory
Devices worn on boots in 22A
Devices you can bank on,
Devil concealing tail goes around performing musical form
Devil dog
Devil dogs
Devil dolls, e.g.
Devil eggs in audition for restaurant?
Devil in heaven unlikely to be warm enough?
Devil in Looney Tunes car
Devil leaving Black Death region in London
Devil of a politician leading awful sheepish lot
Devil of a stalemate in court
Devil over shelter is powerless
Devil played a role and got stuck
Devil put neck out in hell
Devil Ray or Blue Jay, fo
Devil showing familiar blemish
Devil similar to horned creature
Devil stalking chief primate
Devil started a bit differently, it's shown
Devil worshipper
Devil’s lair imprisoning little Maureen
Devil's daughter inspires a Welsh name
Devil's doing
Devil's doings
Devil's domain
Devil's end?
Devil's features shaved top to bottom
Devil's home work almost finished with enthusiasm
Devil's home?
Devil's Island escapee __
Devil's take?
Devil's wear?
Devil's work
Devil, to Muslims
Devil’s victim losing force before grave
Deviled item
Deviled things
Devilish Banderas?
Devilish fifth grade male disrupts teacher in charge
Devilish laugh
Devilish practice removing sulphur after cleaner fuel ultimately is fraud
Devilish sort, cruel if aroused
Devilish type established in bishop's place, male showing feeling of confidence
DeVille or Bonneville
Devilled cutlet with 'reduction' of endive leaves
Devils and Angels, e.g.
Devils occasionally appearing inside tempt for recreation
Devils' org.
Devious aspect to fox, in retrospect
Devious attempt to get hold of one newspaper
Devious aunt cheated, it can be verified
Devious cronies concealing a plot
Devious devil, one sort of agent briefly turning to wit
Devious fellow circumventing island's criminals
Devious few do act false
Devious follower aiming to kidnap a king
Devious Iran's detaining America's countrymen
Devious miss might ultimately plot to be mine for evermore?
Devious ones
Devious plan
Devious plotter
Devious setter's after free backing
Devious sorts
Devious spy to go legit - perhaps Carter?
Devious trap-door hides head of hairy spider, say
Devious US uni, so in need of reform
Devious wiretap traps Panama's top ecstasy/marijuana transporter
Devious wolves' cries
Devious woman primarily serving in village eatery
Devious work plans, as in this person's observations
Devious, just like Serpent, to keep one working away
Deviously cover up a bold and cynical show of affection
Deviously elect Sire Dudley (as he was historically known)
Deviously test Hals' most important painting
Devise a strategy
Devise fine trophy for orators
Devise it ultimately to stop celebrity getting upset by malicious critic
Devise mark with intersecting lines
Devise method to create opening
Devise, as a plot
Devised this in car with celebrities Richard and Judy perhaps
Devised, in a sense
Devising a new word for brass or tin
Devising locomotive to go on European circuit
Devising something to wear with grand clothing feature
Devoid of coherence
Devoid of diplomacy
Devoid of ego, listener somehow gives way
Devoid of expression
Devoid of feeling for others
Devoid of mercy, like an incomplete Bible?
Devoid of moisture
Devoid of people
Devoid of rocks?
Devon and Somerset national park
Devon city
Devon city, founded by the Romans as Isca in the first century AD
Devon port
Devon resort's improved with non-drinking element gone
Devon river
Devon river with very attractive effect
Devon seaside resort
Devon speciality
Devon's main river
Devon-Cornwall boundary river
Devonshire dad
Devonshire's ___ Island,
Devote (to a purpose)
Devote attention to four consumed by religious sect
Devote one's car etc for recycling
Devote oneself to a particular area
Devote wholly
Devote, as time
Devoted attendant paid in the end, after rejection
Devoted couple devil robs cruelly
Devoted daughter out of head on drugs
Devoted doctor died before animal given drug departed
Devoted elderly married couple
Devoted fans
Devoted feminist
Devoted follower
Devoted king stamps a deed
Devoted leftist getting behind conservation area
Devoted old married couple
Devoted to a task
Devoted to learning; deliberate
Devoted to one’s wife
Devoted to razor-sharp side on field
Devoted to someone, one has rewritten novel
Devoted toiler
Devoted, as friends
Devotee - Seth is a nut
Devotee I get on with in time
Devotee into pop art is a numpty
Devotee of a cause
Devotee of a certain Brit
Devotee of eating and drinking to excess
Devotee regularly in cult
Devotee separately wrapping partner and himself in the middle? That's extraordinary
Devotee shaking head over the cost of living somewhere
Devotee starts off filling in easy 9 down
Devotees of fine dining
Devotees, cricket match being over, not now on square
Devotion to one's country
Devotion to religious principles
Devotional beads
Devotional bench
Devotional carving kept in attic once
Devotional carving: Var.
Devotional ceremonies
Devotional image
Devotional image (C, not K)
Devotional painting
Devotional painting in Eastern Churches
Devotional paintings
Devotional songs sung by priest and son getting donations for the needy
Devotional work, one we possess, read aloud
Devour - mock
Devour greens? Not quite, go for change
Devour ham, say, heading off
Devour hungrily
Devour pork for example leaving starter
Devour pork for instance without starter
Devour quickly
Devour ravenously
Devour steak for example without starter
Devour, as originally tasted
Devour, in a way
Devour, with "up" or "dow
Devoured quickly
Devours tuna melts, keen to try something unusual?
Devout Cockney crossing green in full view
Devout former judge and governor
Devout head of Giggleswick strangely lacking in heart
Devout Indian, uniform on back
Devout Iranian
Devout Lhasan, say
Devout Liberal has company ejected
Devout old helper binding book
Devout old man embracing bishop
Devout one
Devout petitions
Devout priest discharged debts
Devout travellers
Devoutly religious
Devoutly wish a drought t
Devoutness lacking core element is source of disappointment
Dew times
Dew, e.g.
Dewey Decimal ___: Abbr.
Dewey, e.g.: Abbr.
Dewey, to Truman
DeWitt Clinton's canal
Dewlap's place
Dewlapped creature
Dexter’s detective
Dexterity exercise
Dexterity inappreciable, from what we hear
Dexterity keeping both ends of line in view
Dey TV series
DH —, author
DH stat
DH's often have many
Dharma follower
Dharma's guy
Dharma's partner
Dharma's sitcom spouse
DHL alternative
DHL competitor
DHL delivery: Abbr.
DHL rival
Dhow sailor, e.g.
Di abandons hazy intuition
Di not Jo's written in diary every day
Di or da preceder in a Be
Di- doubled
Diabetes drug
Diabetes hormone
Diabetic treatment mostly degrading when temperature’s out
Diable battler
Diabolical cast in a production
Diabolical cur: damnable one made to support the wicked?
Diabolical figure in prison no longer?
Diabolical graph line?
Diabolical pact-maker losing head before exercising severe self-discipline
Diabolical song seduces: attempt to anticipate?
Diacritical mark
Diacritical mark over a letter thus, ñ
Diacritical mark used in German
Diacritical mark written over an 'n' in Spanish
Diacritical squiggle
Diagnose problem that expressed mental stress
Diagnose suffering in such a state
Diagnose the problem and criticise
Diagnosis facilitator
Diagnostic aid
Diagnostic aid that'll help you see today's theme?
Diagnostic aid, for short
Diagnostic aids
Diagnostic data, informal
Diagnostic photograph
Diagnostic photographs
Diagnostic photos
Diagnostic proc.
Diagnostic scanner, brief
Diagnostic test introduced by group of workers from Italy
Diagnostic that entails s
Diagnostic tool
Diagnostic tool particularly benefiting those who give a 6?
Diagonal (to)
Diagonal chess capture
Diagonal cross
Diagonal face of a chisel
Diagonal line, on a bowli
Diagonal mover in chess
Diagonal spar
Diagonally set spar
Diagram lecturer included in evidence about network
Diagram of an area
Diagram of nutritional ne
Diagram of tool unfinished
Diagram providing route for a pub-crawl?
Diagram representing different relationships
Diagram showing room layout
Diagram showing the relationship between variable quantities
Diagram that should appeal to Desperate Dan!
Diagram to be understandable
Diagram used for brainsto
Diagram with signs
Dial John during function, getting silly old Venetian
Dial letters
Dial on the dash
Dial sound
Dial sounds
Dial ___ (telephone sound
Dial, e.g.
Dial-tone application
Dial-up alternative, for
Dial-up ___
Dialect coach's slogan?
Dialect coaches teach the
Dialect form of against
Dialect I'd picked up in Isle of Man
Dialect of Chinese
Dialect used by papers on the Isle of Man
Dialectal contraction
Dialectal direction
Dialectal pronoun
Dialogue tense on very right-wing channel
Dialogue units
Dialogue writer
Diam. x pi
Diameter halves
Diameter inside accompanying measurement across
Diameter of a gun barrel
Diameter symbols, in math
Diametrically opposed - very cold
Diamond : 10 :: ___ : 1
Diamond alternative
Diamond and Armstrong
Diamond and others
Diamond and Simon
Diamond arbiter
Diamond authority
Diamond bags
Diamond bases
Diamond border?
Diamond call
Diamond center
Diamond complement
Diamond complements
Diamond corner
Diamond corners
Diamond cover
Diamond covering
Diamond cutter's pace?
Diamond datum
Diamond deals
Diamond deception
Diamond displayers
Diamond Dogs' leader has dinner and drink
Diamond dream
Diamond edging for rich decoration on vehicle
Diamond elevations
Diamond execs
Diamond expert
Diamond experts
Diamond family name
Diamond features
Diamond figure
Diamond figure on a 2006
Diamond figures: Abbr.
Diamond flaw?
Diamond Gil
Diamond great
Diamond great Hodges
Diamond group
Diamond handler?
Diamond Head locale
Diamond Head site
Diamond heads for royal head of monarch — belatedly
Diamond heist at sea, nine tons to split!
Diamond holder
Diamond in a setting by itself
Diamond in April, say?
Diamond in the rough, e.g
Diamond in the rough?
Diamond information
Diamond legend
Diamond legend, with "the
Diamond letters
Diamond M.V.P., 1960-61
Diamond measure
Diamond middleman?
Diamond of music
Diamond of note
Diamond of records
Diamond officials
Diamond on a record playe
Diamond on stage
Diamond or graphite element
Diamond or ruby
Diamond or sapphire
Diamond or Sedaka
Diamond or similar
Diamond pattern
Diamond perhaps with slight, not light, colour
Diamond plane
Diamond points
Diamond production?
Diamond protection
Diamond protectors
Diamond ring acquired by extremely rich doctor
Diamond ring for Queen, say
Diamond sacrifice
Diamond segment
Diamond setting
Diamond shape
Diamond shapes
Diamond side
Diamond situation after a
Diamond stat
Diamond stat.
Diamond statistic
Diamond stats
Diamond status
Diamond substitute
Diamond target
Diamond theft?
Diamond thief initially stole entering Arctic vessel
Diamond tip
Diamond topper
Diamond unit
Diamond V.I.P.'s
Diamond wedding anniversary
Diamond weight
Diamond with a mike
Diamond ___
Diamond, did you say? Prepare to propose!
Diamond, e.g.
Diamond, essentially
Diamond, of gangsterdom
Diamond, perhaps? It is real, surprisingly, set around ring
Diamond-shaped figure - Hur's mob
Diamond-shaped pattern
Diamond-shaping choice
Diamond; game for one
Diamondback reptile
Diamondback, e.g.
Diamondback, for one
Diamonds — really cool stuff
Diamonds and cool stuff
Diamonds appropriate for waterproof container?
Diamonds – rocks
Diamonds held in mobile units – one of those with crown jewels on display?
Diamonds hidden by female in barrels - they're for buyers
Diamonds hidden by one not wanting to leave what's left
Diamonds I repeatedly show a Spaniard
Diamonds leader lost in French resort
Diamonds left with that girl from Bow for a European
Diamonds one found next to church
Diamonds or spades
Diamonds repeatedly cut into cubes
Diamonds set evenly in circlet
Diamonds sewn into hat, as seen on top of señora
Diamonds spent in game of chance to obtain more diamonds?
Diamonds stolen from transport in London? It's a puzzle
Diamonds, e.g.
Diamonds, for example, in small case
Diamonds, for example, that you can wear
Diamonds, for example, young girl put on smart dress
Diamonds, in criminal sla
Diamonds, say
Diamonds, slangily
Diamonds, something difficult to beat
Diamonds, to a gangster
Diamonds, to a yegg
Diamonds, to hoods
Diamonds: diamonds get you murdered!
Diamonds? Pick 99 maybe
Dian Fossey subject
Dian Fossey's home
Diana of "The Avengers"
Diana of stage and screen
Diana of the Supremes
Diana on the cover of "Sg
Diana represented female spirit
Diana Ross musical, with
Diana Ross reportedly arrested on a bench in DC?
Diana tribute
Diana unusually displaying natural spirit
Diana upset royalty, ultimately lacking unbridled adoration
Diana's lover ___ el-Faye
Diana, a butcher, minced steak
Diana, for one
Diana, one experienced artist, repulsed society
Diana, with "the"
Diane Keaton, to Woody Al
Diane of "A Kiss Before D
Diane of "Alice Doesn't L
Diane of "Annie Hall"
Diane of "Wild at Heart"
Diane with a camera
Diane's arranged to leave US city
Diane's successor on "Che
Dianne mistaken for another woman
Diaper problem
Diaper wearer
Diaper wearers' woes
Diaper, in Britain
Diaper, in Devon
Diapers, in Devon
Diaphanous linen
Diaphanous material
Diaphragm area
Diaphragm that controls the size of the pupil
Diaries occasionally displaying anger
Diarist Ana
Diarist cross with judge in shades
Diarist Frank
Diarist has a furtive look, reportedly
Diarist has a furtive look, they say
Diarist insult
Diarist Jones spilling tea, sounding cross
Diarist Nin
Diarist of note
Diarist Samuel
Diarist’s criticism of a bottle of plonk?
Diarist's manner not extremely honest
Diary bit
Diary fastener
Diary found in empty campus blocks
Diary items
Diary note
Diary-writing MP with get-up-and-go? Yes, after vacation
Diatonic scale member
Diatribe from American resonated amidst shouting
Diatribe, tirade
Diatribes lacking in balance primarily? Could be
Diatribes with no final school qualification turn out the same
DiCaprio, to fans
Dice - one turned to a number 5 twice?
Dice game action
Dice game inappropriate? Scarper!
Dice moved a great deal
Dice roll
Dice roller's exclamation
Dice, say
Dice, slangily
Diced meat supply reduced very heavily
Diced persimmon in new tin getting put in can
Dicey gambler with plan - it is cause of unfair dismissal
Diciembre follower
Dicing with communism turned out to be Corbyn's worst nightmare
Dick and Harry's mate
Dick and Harry’s mate
Dick and Jane's dog
Dick Bach’s unusual bird
Dick bringing Nina back sandwiches from Italy
Dick Cheney's predecessor
Dick Cheney, e.g.
Dick Francis book "Dead _
Dick gets fine for first time, being out of order
Dick has to check over rector’s hedge
Dick sticks with garden implement
Dick Thornburgh's predece
Dick Tracy's love
Dick Tracy's second in command gets tough
Dick twisted many an arm
Dick Van ___
Dick Van ___ of "Eight Is
Dick was his running mate
Dick who was once House m
Dick's first second
Dick's mate, twice
Dick's partner
Dick's rooftop dancers win competition
Dick's storm centre
Dick, not working, takes female out for a short time
Dickens alias
Dickens boy
Dickens character
Dickens character (and ti
Dickens character arresting one more suspect
Dickens character uncultured after receiving introduction to Gradgrind
Dickens character who say
Dickens character who undertakes to be a coffin maker
Dickens character with a
Dickens classic, to a cow
Dickens clink, ordinary version of it holding 500
Dickens creep
Dickens cry
Dickens girl
Dickens heroine
Dickens heroine ___ Trent
Dickens lad
Dickens moniker
Dickens novel
Dickens novel about Pip
Dickens novel serialised in the 1850s
Dickens novel transmuted
Dickens novel with the 56
Dickens orphan
Dickens output
Dickens protagonist
Dickens protagonist rebuffs field officer
Dickens thief
Dickens title beginning (2 wds.)
Dickens title character
Dickens title opener
Dickens title starter
Dickens villain
Dickens' boy with waggish nerd
Dickens' Nicholas
Dickens' novel, ____ House
Dickens's "Little Dorrit"
Dickens's "merry old gent
Dickens's "___ House"
Dickens's Drood
Dickens's Heep
Dickens's last unfinished novel
Dickens's Little Dorrit
Dickens's Madame Defarge,
Dickens's miser
Dickens's Mr. Pecksniff
Dickens's Newgate?
Dickens's old fool
Dickens's orphan in "Grea
Dickens's pen name
Dickens's Pip, e.g.
Dickens's shortest novel
Dickens's Tiny ___
Dickens's Uriah
Dickens's ___ Heep
Dickens, in his formative
Dickens, notably
Dickens, perhaps, about first in reading material, primarily at this time of year
Dickens-based musical
Dickens’s foremost eponymous character is a downtrodden worker
Dickensian bad guy, barren, destitute
Dickensian beadle, beginning to behave like Uriah Heep?
Dickensian character goes mad about return of monster
Dickensian character of rag playing at close of 8
Dickensian character to be scolded? About right!
Dickensian character's feeling of resentment, heading off
Dickensian complaint
Dickensian crook heading off to case area once more
Dickensian cry
Dickensian epithet
Dickensian orphan Twist in desperate reversal, having no one
Dickensian outburst
Dickensian plot's unexpected turn
Dickensian simpleton involved in tedious donkey-work
Dickensian villain
Dicker over a price, say
Dickerson of the N.F.L.
Dickie Bird initially backed English one and two
Dickie of "Our Gang"
Dickinson or Frost, e.g.
Dickinson's last verse about butterflies
Dicks in orgasm possibly retaining utility
Dicky asks about a new home for Dorothy?
Dicky Attenborough regularly tried to make military show
Dicky disowned, fades away
Dicky East took chances with a star
Dicky entered as Walford resident?
Dicky fainted when challenging
Dicky guards the family members
Dicky hadn't any space for the second-rate
Dicky has new girl around - a perfect situation
Dicky Hurst made best war film
Dicky is eloquent about a book of dubious merit
Dicky knew old cousins retire to gain strength
Dicky learned that in the West End
Dicky learnt uranium is lacking noticeable colour
Dicky let one rip in overabundant fullness
Dicky Manley is poorly
Dicky may need one when replacing dull actors
Dicky perished after overwhelming century breaks
Dicky play, not the first from the Bard
Dicky posits an idea about opening of summer fair
Dicky put eraser in holes
Dicky raved about island fellow offering counsel
Dicky replaces this medic and resists changes around hospital
Dicky says our bones are here
Dicky tried new hookup app
Dicky's a mess? Do this!
Dicky's exempt from ordinary jurisdiction
Dicky's hostile
Dicky's opposite lift-shaft?
Dicky, 23, extremely earnest about becoming a novice
Dicky, given article and box, improvised
Dict. entries
Dict. fill
Dict. info
Dict. items
Dict. label
Dict. listing
Dict. listings
Dict. material
Dict. offering
Dict. offerings
Dict. shelfmate
Dict. tag on "tzar"
Dictated some moves, no longer wild
Dictation taker
Dictation takers
Dictator Amin
Dictator engaged in river survey
Dictator in corner at folk dancing
Dictator in regiment's HQ receiving head of state
Dictator keeping sulphur in warehouse
Dictator Lon ___
Dictator managed to infiltrate government department
Dictator Mobutu ___ Seko
Dictator once exiled on M
Dictator player of 1940
Dictator recalled in Marmara Sea chronicle
Dictator stripped naked by employer's backer
Dictator who idolized Ado
Dictator’s honest sound
Dictator’s parentage in dispute
Dictator’s sinister observation post?
Dictator’s supporter working to infiltrate crooked parties
Dictator's a pure and simple ruler in the Gulf
Dictator's address cut short in error
Dictator's annoyance with journalist reached its highest level
Dictator's assistant
Dictator's chancellor reveals source of power
Dictator's changed course, seeking diplomacy
Dictator's criminal conspirator
Dictator's descendants surrender
Dictator's domain showing raised bed, lurid and topped with gold
Dictator's extremely tawdry wild speech
Dictator's important little national symbol
Dictator's lead perhaps shows courage
Dictator's opening
Dictator's phrase
Dictator's possessed by English devils
Dictator's present is fruit
Dictator's refusal to sound like a nag
Dictator's rival with talent for reasonableness
Dictator's sat on ass, saving carbon, making traffic slower
Dictator's saying something tender
Dictator's snide remark?
Dictator's start
Dictator's stone castle, somewhere in France
Dictator's talented younger brother bumped off
Dictator's time in power reportedly drops form of control
Dictator's to outlaw green cloth garment
Dictator's to restrict salary and capital in the Far East
Dictator's top dog
Dictator's underling
Dictator's way to put up country seat
Dictator’s police republic?
Dictatorial sort
Dictatorship of the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1953
Dictionary abbr.
Dictionary bears only half of Bonaparte's name, rubbed out in the war
Dictionary compilation
Dictionary compiler
Dictionary compiling
Dictionary creation
Dictionary data
Dictionary entry
Dictionary entry that's clearer when higher
Dictionary expert
Dictionary features
Dictionary info
Dictionary is holding up returning name of complex
Dictionary listing
Dictionary making
Dictionary notation
Dictionary publisher's change involving a couple of lines
Dictionary section
Dictionary source for eac
Dictionary term for any o
Dictionary topic
Dictionary unit
Dictionary word before a
Dictionary word in bold t
Dictionary, often
Dictionnaire entry
Did (something) in an over laborious way
Did a 10K, e.g.
Did a bank job?
Did a blacksmith's job
Did a bootblack's job
Did a cobbler's job
Did a dog trick
Did a double take?
Did a farm job
Did a framer's job
Did a gliding dance step
Did a glissade
Did a horticulturist's jo
Did a lawn job
Did a Little bit
Did a marathon
Did a no-no / Comics pest
Did a nose so affected make breathing awkward?
Did a number
Did a runner
Did a sendup of
Did a sheepdog's job
Did a short sketch of academic sending up food shop
Did a smith's job
Did a smith's work
Did a smithy's job
Did a spin, with Tragedy playing
Did a summer's work around lake, getting spoiled
Did a taxing task?
Did a third draft of
Did again
Did alpine calls
Did an axel, e.g.
Did an encore of
Did an old locomotive job
Did arm crack, training in middle of Sweden?
Did as one was told
Did as suggested in a Ger
Did at times in the past
Did away with
Did back hurt, day after boy carries piano?
Did badly in fighting drug dependency
Did better than in plane, with fuel to spare
Did brain operation, albeit with limited time
Did BS characters' followers get cast out?
Did bum shut up about duke?
Did butter and spread food pastes
Did butterfly possibly start to pollute wetland?
Did butterfly start to pollute bog?
Did butterfly, perhaps, lead to illumination for mystic?
Did career thus mark the price of freedom?
Did carp fascinate first couple in Eden?
Did Clyde finally become criminal? Unquestionably
Did coach express disapproval? Nothing radical
Did comparison shopping
Did content of bidet career from behind?
Did cook in oven: raw on the outside
Did corrupt US lawyers rent out houses with little light?
Did couple go some distance to be awkward?
Did course work?
Did cream tea feed 500 fans?
Did cruise end in Antarctica, having priced to include that?
Did demonstrative act let guide cast off?
Did derbies
Did DIY in bathroom I’d let out
Did do rumba, in the middle Anton Du Beke messed up
Did dog, we hear, stretch?
Did dub blend, one in an innovative style
Did Edwin Lutyens have it laid out initially?
Did embroidery
Did escort give name away?
Did ewe turn up outside department? Au contraire
Did express almost derail? That's awful
Did face set day after surgical procedure?
Did farmwork
Did Father Crilly use to be drunk?
Did fieldwork?
Did figure eights
Did figure eights, say
Did fish set position
Did Frank ultimately change career?
Did gag in opening of routine and made an impression
Did garden work
Did government department occasionally fund head
Did groom turn up by day to accept bride, primarily?
Did groundwork?
Did half a biathlon
Did handle fold under top drawer?
Did Harry start to die following epidemic?
Did horribly on, as a tes
Did husband's condoms, Elite, occasionally burst?
Did I guess incorrectly? It's intentionally misleading
Did illegal casino work
Did impression of Prior - keenly observed
Did improv
Did in
Did initially request a piece of advice, turning up a large book
Did investor go wrong with purchase? Very annoyed
Did jaw of large ruminant set on parasite?
Did Jeeves's job
Did judge and juror ultimately put away director
Did judge recall black journalist?
Did judge set date and time for son to visit?
Did kiss with lots of activity in bed
Did laps
Did laps in a pool
Did laps, say
Did Lee collapse after Confederacy finally surrendered?
Did less? Mostly this
Did like
Did lining
Did little on vacation after a fashion?
Did little or nothing
Did livery work
Did lounge, lacking guts to work?
Did mass, that’s also understood
Did men live sinfully, being intent on wrongdoing?
Did model dishearten younger, lusty fellow?
Did more than edit
Did more work as artist's model and took a break
Did needlework
Did not allow judge to be taken advantage of
Did not disturb
Did not go fast?
Did not live in penury, Pole
Did not relish being kept without date? Not half
Did not speak the truth
Did not stir
Did nothing
Did nothing while other t
Did nurse prepare Mark for weariness?
Did one leg of an Ironman
Did one of the Spice Girls perform over musical instrument?
Did one's part?
Did one-third of a triath
Did out, and sexed up, Post Office interior
Did over
Did part of a triathlon
Did perfectly
Did pound firstly get used on ball?
Did quail in bit of stock with European wine
Did quail or chicken, we hear
Did rail, northbound, for free
Did really well
Did rest with skinny latte in centre
Did Robin bat an eyelid, being deceived?
Did rock and roll material, by the sound of it
Did rock celebrity ultimately meet all the crowd?
Did runner drain energy from supporter, sleeping around?
Did salon work
Did school put rubbish outside that's foul?
Did second check in English dictionary
Did see
Did sleight of hand with
Did Slough shut up a male in disgrace?
Did snake bite?
Did some batiking
Did some beachcombing
Did some bookkeeping
Did some boring training with my boss
Did some carpentry
Did some digging around
Did some garden work
Did some gardening, brick-carrier saving energy
Did some horse-trading
Did some planning
Did some quick metalwork?
Did some shaving
Did someone say "bitter" bread?
Did something with
Did sponge with fancy pie and date?
Did sport mete out methadone?
Did spring article in Paris: fitting!
Did spring rental, with a parking space thrown in
Did stage work
Did state back meagre half-hearted aid initially for migrants?
Did state charity previously lead to scrounging?
Did suffer going round in that new red number
Did sums
Did superbly
Did telemarks, e.g.
Did the backstroke
Did the butterfly
Did the butterfly, e.g.
Did the crawl, say
Did the dishes, exhausted
Did the same as
Did the Wright thing
Did they attend to women unfairly accused once?
Did this in empty tube after shot and wine?
Did this, being annoyed about wife
Did Time?
Did toe loops, say
Did too much
Did too much, in a way
Did tramp spread it about?
Did tramp spread it out?
Did trick make number disappear from cards?
Did twig thus bring tree down?
Did undergo some enhancement, dropping team of beginners
Did utter sod ask it during openings?
Did very little
Did very little as American lunged, piercing heart
Did what a tit does, and posted a comment online
Did without underclothing at home - that's supposedly logical
Did wrong
Did wrong backing main idea by new, wicked scamp
Did yard work
Did you see me scoffing a black, edible root?
Did, once
Diddley and Derek
Diddly-squat, or zero, is round number in piquet
Diderot work
Didi of "Grease" and "Gre
Didn't accept immature setter, say, since second editor intervenes
Didn't accept, with "on"
Didn't act up
Didn't actually experienc
Didn't admit anything?
Didn't allow
Didn't allow sports official to get employed
Didn't approve
Didn't bomb at all
Didn't bother
Didn't break
Didn't bring up the rear?
Didn't budge
Didn't buy, perhaps
Didn't catch film using audio
Didn't charge for
Didn't cheat, having toyed with blonde
Didn't come right out and
Didn't come to terms
Didn't command
Didn't cover for
Didn't dawdle
Didn't dillydally
Didn't directly deal with
Didn't do seriously
Didn't do takeout
Didn't drink daintily
Didn't drink, having retired without disgrace
Didn't drive well
Didn't eat
Didn't exist
Didn't face the enemy
Didn't fight, say
Didn't fizzle
Didn't flare
Didn't fold
Didn't function properly
Didn't get a good deal
Didn't get a single laugh
Didn't get bought
Didn't get involved
Didn't get nothing
Didn't get past
Didn't get takeaway for tea?
Didn't get used
Didn't give a definite an
Didn't give away
Didn't give up on
Didn't give way
Didn't go
Didn't go away
Didn't go near
Didn't go out
Didn't go out for dinner
Didn't go out to a restau
Didn't go stale
Didn't go straight
Didn't go to a restaurant
Didn't go unfulfilled
Didn't guess
Didn't hand off
Didn't have enough
Didn't have enough suppli
Didn't have good traction
Didn't have traction
Didn't heal well
Didn't hesitate
Didn't hit the snooze but
Didn't hold
Didn't hold back one's cu
Didn't include synonym for 'hand' in dictionary
Didn't judge a group fair
Didn't just ask
Didn't just criticize
Didn't just follow around
Didn't just grumble
Didn't just guess
Didn't just nosh
Didn't just opine
Didn't just pass
Didn't just pronounce
Didn't just shrug the sho
Didn't just snack
Didn't just spit
Didn't just talk about
Didn't just tiptoe into t
Didn't just wave
Didn't keep secret
Didn't leave
Didn't leave waiting at t
Didn't let out of one's s
Didn't look well?
Didn't make a move
Didn't malfunction
Didn't merely cut
Didn't merely grow
Didn't miss
Didn't move
Didn't move from area that's dry — sense the environment
Didn't move on
Didn't open one book on deserted ship
Didn't order
Didn't overlook
Didn't part with
Didn't participate
Didn't participate in
Didn't pass
Didn't paw
Didn't play
Didn't proceed forthright
Didn't proceed smoothly
Didn't quit in the middle
Didn't raise
Didn't really hit
Didn't rely just on memor
Didn't remove neatly
Didn't rent
Didn't retire, maybe
Didn't rush through
Didn't see?
Didn't serve well
Didn't shrink from the ch
Didn't shuffle
Didn't sink
Didn't sit still?
Didn't skip something
Didn't speak clearly
Didn't split
Didn't spoil
Didn't stand by younger man who's a bit of an animal
Didn't stand pat
Didn't start all at once
Didn't stay
Didn't stay active
Didn't stay dry
Didn't stay on
Didn't stop
Didn't stop - 9 across
Didn't strike
Didn't suffer in silence
Didn't suffer quietly
Didn't surrender
Didn't take advantage of
Didn't take it any longer
Didn't take out?
Didn't take part, with "o
Didn't take seriously
Didn't talk smoothly
Didn't tie up as much when full of such energy
Didn't tip
Didn't wait
Didn't walk or go by subw
Didn't withdraw
Didn't work that hard
Didn't you fancy engaging special nuclear defence outfit?
Dido's love
Die (out)
Die - result of till explosion in Harry Ramsden's?
Die after flowering, as it happens
Die away
Die before undertaking parole at camp
Die by essentially persisting with heroin
Die by immersion in liquid
Die crossing source of Irish river, blooming thing!
Die down
Die down? Some wretched wind lessens
Die for soft rugs from the east
Die from consumption? Hardly!
Die from it, shattered and humiliated
Die horribly in defeat - or survive
Die laughing, so to speak
Die out
Die upon retirement, one's final message set in a flower
Die Welt article
Die without funeral arrangement spoken of?
Die Zeit article
Die, as one might in a casino?
Die, as one with laryngitis might?
Die, e.g.
Die, euphemistically
Die, for example
Die-hard Géricault raftsmen swept away fore and aft
Die; decay
Die; rot
Die? Three couples found In God We Trust
Died after aerial battle: going to heaven?
Died after legless doctor heaved
Died before becoming a poet
Died by backing into landowner's Beetle
Died down
Died first protecting old player
Died in fire, perhaps, with retired American cleric
Died in helping in Canadian sea hazard?
Died next to bones — that's war's story
Died on boat? That's not fair
Died peacefully
Died slowly, days after one kicked off nightie
Died, face up in the drink
Died, I make quite clear, in great suffering
Died, removing arrow - periodically being covered in mud, for example
Died: duty nurse being replaced by junior
Died; rotted
Diego Rivera work
Diego Vel
Diehard missing regular items is no longer active
Dies (out)
Dies down
Dies following underworld disposing of leader
Dies horribly at sea after contracting scurvy?
Dies in distress - Kay intervenes - sent heavenward
Dies poor and in regret: what's left?
Dies ___
Dies, with "out"
Diesel engine manufacture
Diesel fuel
Diesel I avoided travelling round city
Diesel oil
Diet adopted by Leo Tolstoy and George Bernard Shaw
Diet and exercise book fo
Diet average, I am breaking fast
Diet breaker, maybe
Diet doctor
Diet doctor's other job?
Diet fad involving cooked
Diet food catch phrase
Diet guru Jenny
Diet has military group shedding tons
Diet has the expected result, one overcome by expression of sorrow
Diet including brewed ales and hot pork pie
Diet no-no, munched at this time of day?
Diet nosh
Diet of family in South American city
Diet of rolls - add sandwiches from French
Diet of Worms concern
Diet of worms locale?
Diet plate serving
Diet setback, maybe
Diet setbacks
Diet site
Diet soda brand
Diet soda feature
Diet, maybe
Dietary abbr.
Dietary component - 23 across
Dietary danger
Dietary deficiency disease
Dietary dictum for one wi
Dietary disease
Dietary fiber
Dietary fibre
Dietary figures, for shor
Dietary group
Dietary ideal, briefly
Dietary material; thread
Dietary needs
Dietary no-no for Mrs. Sp
Dietary oil source
Dietary requirement
Dietary restriction
Dietary std.
Dietary, in ads
Dieter perhaps getting into anger management
Dieter ultimately has trouble with eccentric means to reduce fare?
Dieter who won't set off until the very last minute?
Dieter's agreement on port wine
Dieter's also agreed to replace starter, getting spicy sausage
Dieter's bane
Dieter's concern
Dieter's credo?
Dieter's desire
Dieter's dread
Dieter's fare
Dieter's fare ... or a hi
Dieter's meal, maybe
Dieter's measure
Dieter's milk
Dieter's morning routine?
Dieter's no-no
Dieter's problem
Dieter's request, perhaps
Dieter's sure about a drop of valium in coffee
Dieter's target
Dieter's temptation
Dieter's unit
Dieter's unit: Var.
Dieters' lands?
Dieters' units: Abbr.
Dieters' woes
Dietitian upset about slimmer's heart scare
Dietitian's advice: Abbr.
Diets drastically
Dieu et ___ droit (motto
Diez minus tres
Diez x diez
Differ over making unlimited contribution to sad song
Difference between 19 and
Difference between Boomers and their offspring?
Difference between pitches rejected by United
Difference between the ri
Difference between three points is set
Difference between winner
Difference in apparent di
Difference in attitudes between the young and old
Difference in days betwee
Difference of opinion
Difference of opinion - snidest
Difference of opinion admitted by the German wanderer
Differences of opinion in leagues
Different actor initially in role within grasp
Different article in gold
Different cardinals once acting gently
Different critic clear, assuming cold line on globe
Different dam, miles away
Different date I require shortly — one being held
Different English phone box is one that's not foreigner-friendly
Different forms of elements
Different from a French book that's changed hands
Different insult, standard answer: t***e*!
Different levels
Different levels in institute promoting right answer
Different nail hammered into small instrument
Different nations meeting
Different one
Different order that has evidently reversed, first of all
Different parent, not married
Different part of bible seen by woman
Different people — not her sort, not all of them
Different person subject to order, abandoned by British
Different pieces of verse in manuscript showing tendency to care
Different primates picked up speed
Different pusher with same rock as 2 turned up - a comic character
Different sp.
Different strangers Des offended
Different tea interval organised
Different temperature for Henry's swimmer
Different white and rosé, perhaps
Different? Or what two relations have in common
Different? Spain’s the same on the outside
Differential attachment
Differential gear's spot
Differently decorated lower part of an inside wall
Differently finished lower part of an inside wall
Differing form of an element
Differing perspectives - in spite of vow
Difficult — as peak may be?
Difficult - annoying
Difficult - firm
Difficult - intricate
Difficult achievement always takes energy and, ultimately, excess time
Difficult actress rejects Oscar, finally
Difficult actress runs away
Difficult adhesive
Difficult American singer welcomes publicity
Difficult American turncoat with no independent source of pictures?
Difficult and tiring
Difficult and tiring with right pair in Australia
Difficult and unusual burials, with nothing going in twice
Difficult billiards shot
Difficult burden
Difficult conflict finally resolved after a week
Difficult couple in a hurry mostly
Difficult cricket delivery to play
Difficult delivery of sentence
Difficult enough after losing answer in guide
Difficult experience
Difficult experiences
Difficult individual runs America, grasping nothing
Difficult individual to bring round? Not entirely
Difficult individual to wake? Not entirely
Difficult introduction
Difficult issue for Ashmolean – I’m beginning to discover cracks
Difficult job
Difficult journey
Difficult jump-rope game
Difficult keeping old collection stored away?
Difficult making a bow without beginning on ribbon
Difficult matter
Difficult matter to solve
Difficult means of commun
Difficult militarist abandoning first room in hospital
Difficult nutcases? You see them on building sites!
Difficult objections raised and delivered
Difficult or sticky situation encountered up here?
Difficult parting from lively woman? About right
Difficult period
Difficult pills to swallo
Difficult place to walk
Difficult point
Difficult politician left former partner's business at the outset
Difficult position
Difficult position? Best to roll over
Difficult predicament I missed in disease of sheep
Difficult problem
Difficult problem bar trainees sorted
Difficult problem for Ravel
Difficult problem in returning horse leading to sharp comment?
Difficult problem: irrational number applied to gravitational measure
Difficult problems
Difficult puzzle about Earl with blown-up lilo
Difficult puzzle is almost excessively huge one to crack
Difficult question
Difficult question about bribe overturned
Difficult question for model
Difficult question from model, right?
Difficult request: a bit of buttered roll? A toastie’s offered up
Difficult responsibility of judge and jury?
Difficult retreating in rich silk city
Difficult set
Difficult shot
Difficult situation
Difficult situation - not quite additional example of idiocy
Difficult situation after quantity of fabric found in concealed location
Difficult situation in Stoke Poges churchyard, reportedly?
Difficult situation of maiden facing anger
Difficult situation of throaty Sue, pasty regularly
Difficult situation unknown in production of Times
Difficult situation: spot disheartened bridge partners
Difficult situations
Difficult situations - get Potter on board!
Difficult sort
Difficult spot
Difficult spot in which to turn left
Difficult stage
Difficult storing energy that's picked up
Difficult surface for hig
Difficult taking wrench into work
Difficult task
Difficult task from High Command?
Difficult task of monks who need a high ceiling?
Difficult task to drink up measure inside
Difficult task to find a piece of yellow elastic
Difficult time accepting hard idea
Difficult time crossing river in Scotland inspired saxophonist originally
Difficult time with Yankee in boxing venue
Difficult to accept scripture lessons provided by an old witch
Difficult to admit South Africa presents potential danger
Difficult to break into small, small pieces
Difficult to catch
Difficult to comprehend
Difficult to control
Difficult to describe
Difficult to dislodge
Difficult to dismiss source of regret in a draw
Difficult to estimate
Difficult to fathom
Difficult to find
Difficult to follow part of film about fish
Difficult to get deposit for a place in Liverpool
Difficult to get hold of a particular Bible for US university
Difficult to get hold of ordinary loo rolls during the pandemic!
Difficult to get hold of, like a mule?
Difficult to get rid of last stupid bug
Difficult to get sailor with trick on street
Difficult to grasp
Difficult to handle emulsion paint gets crazed
Difficult to hide ring in collection
Difficult to ignore king with medal, perhaps
Difficult to look restrained after damage in French city
Difficult to please
Difficult to reverse into narrow Italian traffic restriction
Difficult to shift as certain troops were on Somme?
Difficult to support one sort of book
Difficult to understand
Difficult to understand — certain it must be rewritten
Difficult to understand cruel treatment imprisoning three leaders of strike
Difficult universal and timeless tale is deceptive
Difficult word requested of sitters bringing bad luck
Difficult words to learn? Bad luck!
Difficult work almost completely curtailed for singers
Difficult work cut down when given to American singers
Difficult year after Knight receives evidence of rejection?
Difficult, intricate
Difficult-to-predict outc
Difficult; annoying
Difficult; doubtful
Difficult; prickly
Difficult; severe
Difficulties after overlooking initial grid entries
Difficulties for wedding
Difficulties to be worked
Difficulties with English in school vacation
Difficulty as end of stone is chipped off
Difficulty beginning to trace foreign currency
Difficulty caused by stinging sensation right away
Difficulty disposing of daughter's stuff for horse
Difficulty finding somewhere to go
Difficulty following depression as an alternative state
Difficulty for fishermen?
Difficulty for golfer, say, without hole finally completed
Difficulty for retiring opera singer to sack alto
Difficulty getting to the top for unqualified head
Difficulty going on after Ascot tip in racing
Difficulty hearing crucial part of negative statement
Difficulty in accommodating British or British-based artist
Difficulty in conveying sensation aroused by eg a urinal
Difficulty in hotel - problem caused by bed bugs?
Difficulty in moving train i.e. after wreck
Difficulty increaser in d
Difficulty leads to jazz singer making a complaint
Difficulty moving head after small contretemps
Difficulty of driver initially getting into gear
Difficulty producing children
Difficulty replacing our belt
Difficulty seeing coach behind back of vehicle, certainly
Difficulty seeing return of political moderates
Difficulty surrounding start of game leading to variable game
Difficulty that causes tension
Difficulty that’s not soft or trivial
Difficulty when food has no starter
Difficulty with extremely brittle building material
Difficulty with Mao parable, but not as translated
Difficulty with ship entering sound
Difficulty with speech, failing Turing test?
Difficulty with words apparently possesses one acting
Difficulty with Z's?
Difficulty, problems
Difficulty, so to speak
Difficulty, to the Bard
Diffident Greek character voiced by 1 down?
Diffident Ulster Unionist about to recruit Poles
Diffident when admitting a gee-gee is hairy
Diffuse nebula lacking in strength
Diffuse slowly
Diffusing energy in sex-appeal - a help when turning up in music party
Diffusion very much set back one probing simple plant life
Dig (for)
Dig (into)
Dig a heap
Dig a lot
Dig around radioactive metal that's sticking out
Dig – larva – nosh
Dig deeply
Dig discovery
Dig discovery: Var.
Dig earth after 11
Dig find
Dig for
Dig garden’s first exposed borders
Dig garden, initially with nothing on?
Dig ground initially bare?
Dig in
Dig in Derby maybe, having turned up in a shawl
Dig in order to find plant
Dig in remains of fruit said to bring disease
Dig into
Dig it
Dig it!
Dig like a pig
Dig out
Dig out of bed with tip of spade and rake over
Dig out old wine - terrible! It lacks body
Dig out study describing energy record
Dig rockery up to bury pet
Dig rows? Small prob­ability
Dig sans tools
Dig soil
Dig starts to discover extraordinary lead vases everywhere
Dig succeeded, turning up bit of debris
Dig swinging German coming up on ecstasy
Dig tunnels
Dig uncovered housing close to Barking
Dig up
Dig up (a body)
Dig up (a corpse)
Dig up from plateau near Thiepval
Dig up old wine and case of turpentine
Dig west half of island
Dig, for example
Dig, perhaps
Dig, so to speak
Dig, with "on"
Digest - anthology
Digest antidepressants initially, then stomach a bit of dope
Digestion aid
Digestion and circulation
Digestive bacteria
Digestive enzyme
Digestive failure
Digestive fluid
Digestive gland
Digestive juice
Digestive organ
Digestive system parts wi
Digger finally departs from highway, leaving nothing behind
Digger of "The Life of Ri
Digger of early TV's "The
Digger said to be made sexually unproductive
Digger wants flat in Seascale vacated
Digger’s card
Digger's board
Digger, almost new, acquired by one working around house?
Diggers loading ship with stuff heading for Estonia
Diggers of hot girls outside pub
Diggers ultimately prefer to be housed in drier quarter
Diggers' discoveries
Diggers' org.
Digging deep
Digging for dirt?
Digging further, say
Digging group entertaining fancy diner?
Digging implement boy singles out, unreasonably?
Digging something
Digging tool
Digging up (of a body)
Digging up Chinese porcelain around home
Digging, so to speak
Digit between numbers three and five?
Digit for the marital gold band
Digit given hit changing at the tip
Digit has one — wrong one in the end
Digit in binary code
Digit of the foot
Digit of the hand
Digit pointing in the direction of East
Digit protector
Digit so extreme, ultimately?
Digit's good, dividing number reportedly better
Digital amenity for a coy sucker?
Digital appendage making print if eg misshapen
Digital appliance fine
Digital attachments to online correspondence showing shift in character
Digital camera brand
Digital camera maker
Digital camera mode
Digital camera units
Digital communication?: A
Digital cover- 21 across
Digital coverage - electronic in fashion - to look bad
Digital covering
Digital currency
Digital data
Digital detritus
Digital device cast warmth all over the place
Digital display
Digital displays
Digital displays?
Digital document outputte
Digital feature
Digital file holder: Abbr
Digital filming device for putting images on the internet
Digital growth in book club
Digital icon partly used in style
Digital image unit
Digital information carri
Digital machine inventor
Digital manicure shaped tip of fingernail
Digital marker little bird mentioned on phone?
Digital nomad's first rum mixed with ice
Digital opponents so transfixed by doctor
Digital photo of judge, for example
Digital problem Bill fixed in series
Digital products without party broadcast documentaries
Digital protection
Digital readout, for shor
Digital readout, initiall
Digital signal receiver
Digital spirit measure
Digital watch brand
Digital watch feature: Ab
Digital watch maker
Digital watch part: Abbr.
Digital whisky measure?
Digital window?
Digital-display types
Digitalis source
Digitally connect with Bill in America and show contempt?
Digitally entered
Digitally experienced material
Digitally generated representation of a face
Digitally record action - savour middle bits
Digitize, in a way
Digitize, maybe
Digits rung by husband to get wife, perhaps
Digits therefore must include megabytes
Dignified - lacking colour
Dignified admission that one’s putting on an act?
Dignified and graceful
Dignified and serious
Dignified attire
Dignified bearing with romantic partner
Dignified boyfriend from Home Counties
Dignified female author holding sway
Dignified grace
Dignified manner
Dignified, posh adult returned unfinished relish
Dignitary from Dubai
Dignitary has fine, fine diamonds gold-plated
Dignitary ill-equipped?
Dignity and assurance of manner
Dignity in bearing and appearance
Dignity of manner
Dignity restorer
Digress in law and err
Digression about Irish in part of Heathrow?
Digression from set phrase in translation
Digs away from hills?
Digs cash?
Digs for peanuts?
Digs in a tree
Digs in snow and ice?
Digs in the forest
Digs introduction to Starsky and Hutch special
Digs of twigs
Digs out
Digs plots of land, interrupted by poser
Digs sunglasses Henry traded in for Penny
Digs up
Digs up 12 butchered in Norfolk town
Digs up old wine with note on top of stopper
Digs with twigs?
Digs, so to speak
Dijon darling
Dijon denial
Dijon drink
Dijon is its capital
Dijon seasons
Dijon toasting time?
Dijon water
Dik Browne cartoon girl
Dik Browne's "Hi and ___"
Dik Browne's "___ the Hor
Dike, Eunomia and Irene
Dilapidated ancestral house of Henry V
Dilapidated boat
Dilapidated building
Dilapidated horse-drawn carriage carrying two bishops
Dilapidated house due proper reconstruction
Dilapidated motel next to California, place of legend
Dilapidated old car
Dilapidated slum door, something beaten alone
Dilapidated tenement
Dilapidated, shabby
Dilating abnormally, I injected heart drug
Dilatory sort of hero worship
Dilbert co-worker
Dilbert is stuck on it
Dilbert, e.g.
Dilemma features, figurat
Dilemma: actor terribly OTT on stage?
Dilettante man inhabits decaying estate
Dilettantes' passions
Dilettantes, maybe
Diligence essential to NZ's expansion
Diligence, a winning smil
Diligent American leaving for workshop
Diligent employee prepared sild and roe
Diligent pupils
Diligent student, in slan
Diligent, hard-working
Diligently ignoring timeline in order to be flexible
Dill herb
Dill relative
Dillinger fighter
Dillinger's derringer, e.
Dillon and Biondi
Dillon and Damon
Dillon of "A Christmas St
Dillon of "Wild Things"
Dillon, for one
Dilute effect of harrowing story of rabbits abandoning ship
Dilute perfume
Diluted alcoholic drink
Diluted cocktail for technophobe
Diluted espresso
Diluted espresso coffee
Diluted fruit drink
Diluted rum
Dilutes potential waste product, protecting river
Diluting agent
Dim - swoon
Dim ... thick ... astonishing! Nah, undo travesty of this ...
Dim boss recruits gumshoe
Dim boy holds good degree
Dim bulb, so to speak
Dim bulbs
Dim bulbs, so to speak
Dim carnivore eating head of lettuce
Dim Coot left dope outside
Dim criminal fell in and died
Dim element deprived of love the second time in a fantasy trilogy
Dim feller now surprisingly knowledgeable
Dim foe I'd routed changed
Dim friend put away oral part
Dim idiot swallowing lithium
Dim illumination
Dim kind of family initially delayed
Dim leader of Britain, a tragic figure
Dim male gets first with final piece of philosophy
Dim market speculator holds onto pound
Dim old boy certain to tour college
Dim perception
Dim places backing half-formed notion
Dim sum sauce
Dim sum selection
Dim Tuscan cop gets busted - one might joke about it
Dim, cold and thundering
Dim, indistinct
Dim-witted regulars in combat exercise
DiMag, e.g., for his enti
DiMaggio periodically visited a villain
DiMaggio stat
Dime novels
Dime novels and such
Dime or penny
Dime, for one
Dimensions and tolerances
Dimensions, magnitude
Dimethyl sulfate and othe
Dimethyl sulfate, e.g.
Dimethyl sulfate, for one
Dimethyl ___ (aerosol pro
Dimin.'s opposite
Diminish - curtail
Diminish - shrink slowly
Diminish by degrees
Diminish gradually
Diminish in intensity
Diminish qualification somewhat diminished after receiving commercial endorsement?
Diminished by
Diminished over time, as
Diminished worth of pamphlet during performance
Diminished, with "out"
Diminishes bit by bit
Diminishing gradually
Diminuendo conveys what changes by taking something away
Diminutive - drunk
Diminutive advice-giver,
Diminutive amount
Diminutive beasts of burden are wanting to turn back
Diminutive Bud Fisher car
Diminutive but refined French leader of maverick party to set about government
Diminutive canine surgical scraping instrument
Diminutive character good, the other half the size?
Diminutive child described by spots of a somewhat disreputable nature
Diminutive chthonic figur
Diminutive DC Comics supe
Diminutive drum
Diminutive ending
Diminutive endings
Diminutive fellow knowing that is from Rome
Diminutive figure briefly working, bit of an old timer
Diminutive figure infiltrating drink? It's deceptive behaviour
Diminutive fixer digs company
Diminutive fixer feeds workers
Diminutive folk hero
Diminutive Greek names
Diminutive hard case headbutts man over £50
Diminutive Man Friday's last few hours?
Diminutive of a common Ru
Diminutive of Richard
Diminutive ones
Diminutive pastry later recreated in Trinidad and Tobago
Diminutive Sergeant-Major coming to barracks
Diminutive Spanish name s
Diminutive suffix
Diminutive suffixes
Diminutive tree
Diminutive, as a dog
Diminutive, for short
Diminutive, in Dogpatch
Diminutive, in Dundee
Dimmer student finally admitted to county town after pretty low grade
Dimpled skin left on primate with sword
Dimwit pays heed? Not this one
Dimwit previously stole 'A New Feature of Poetry'
Dimwit who is also sweet
Dimwit’s stupefying drug
Dimwit's brain size
Dimwit, in Yiddish slang
Din from hooter — I gathered
Dinah's avenger in the Bi
Dinar Don changed for would-be priest?
Dinar earner
Dinar spender
Dine at a diner
Dine at a restaurant
Dine at another's house
Dine at home
Dine at hotel abroad, eating most of hot baked food
Dine before travel showing moral conscience
Dine in a restaurant
Dine in hot weather in Albert Square?
Dine in Meath
Dine in residence that's most immaculate
Dine on some fish?
Dine out after start of play -- one of fifteen occupying a certain table
Dine out before ten? Table found
Dine out on candy? A potential killer!
Dine out on fancy grub - Heston's starter is capital
Dine out on little money? That's vulgar
Dine out on small change - it's filthy
Dine out primarily to obtain recipe inspiration
Dine regularly at first in the playhouse
Dine with doctor wearing fur, a source of delight
Dine with fellow, hosted by crazy screwball?
Dine with head following name order
Dine, in D
Dined a home
Dined at home
Dined at home, most economical
Dined in brassiere at Enfield
Dined in cosy place, most elegant
Dined in local, coming back the worse for wear
Dined in steakhouse at Enfield
Dined on, formally
Dined with a solicitor around end of case
Dined with artist, bill's covered for both parties
Dined with lesbian perhaps outside entrance
Diner able to rejoin food queue
Diner accident
Diner basketful
Diner bottle
Diner cupful
Diner cupfuls
Diner cuppa
Diner dessert
Diner devices
Diner dish
Diner employee
Diner entree
Diner feature
Diner fixture, informally
Diner fixtures, informall
Diner freebie
Diner freebies
Diner handout
Diner in "Alice"
Diner jarful
Diner list
Diner manager/waitress in
Diner music player, infor
Diner music players, in b
Diner of 1970s-'80s TV
Diner offering
Diner on "Alice"
Diner option
Diner order
Diner order, briefly
Diner order, with "the"
Diner orders
Diner patrons
Diner sandwich
Diner scoffing seconds when eggs are on the menu
Diner serving
Diner side
Diner sign
Diner sign filler
Diner souvenir
Diner stack
Diner supplied sandwiches, building support
Diner's bill
Diner's card
Diner's companion's first to celebrate, bursting into song
Diner's first to get fabulous fish
Diner's request
Diner, for one
Dinero dispensers
Diners admitting graduate is not irremediably wild
Diners' requests
Dines at a restaurant
Dines at home
Dinesen who wrote "Out of
Dinette piece
Dinette set spot
Dinette settings
Dinette spot
Ding Dong alternative
Ding Dong alternatives
Ding Dong filler
Ding Dongs competitor
Ding Dongs, e.g.
Ding on a car door, e.g.
Ding's partner?
Ding-dongs, e.g.
Dingers, in sports lingo
Dinghy attachment, often
Dinghy for one dropping off old fly-by-night?
Dinghy movers
Dinghy or dory
Dinghy or wherry
Dinghy pair
Dinghy propeller
Dinghy propellers
Dinghy, e.g.
Dingo a vet treated?
Dingy church in French port
Dingy loos set up in Spitzbergen
Dining hall
Dining hall – water flask
Dining highlight
Dining occasions right for introduction of nutritious rolls
Dining option
Dining out, magnate’s regularly ignored and understandably cross
Dining room drawer
Dining room piece
Dining room repeatedly gutted more seabass
Dining table expander
Dining table sights
Dinner 50% off? It's a 16 down
Dinner and a movie, perha
Dinner at boot camp
Dinner bird
Dinner bread
Dinner bun
Dinner companion?
Dinner course
Dinner course in Dresden
Dinner crumbs
Dinner ender
Dinner for Dobbin
Dinner for the Cratchits
Dinner fowl
Dinner from a bucket
Dinner from previous dinn
Dinner function government is winding up
Dinner in a bowl
Dinner in a can
Dinner jacket
Dinner jacket worn with a white shirt
Dinner leftover for Bowse
Dinner offerings
Dinner or lunch
Dinner party
Dinner plate scraping
Dinner rooster
Dinner scraps
Dinner she
Dinner signals
Dinner specialty of an R&
Dinner spread
Dinner spreads
Dinner substitutes
Dinner table command, wit
Dinner table exhortation
Dinner table item on a st
Dinner table?
Dinner that includes a re
Dinner wear
Dinner's often on him
Dinner, bed and breakfast
Dinner, e.g.
Dinner-and-a-show venue
Dinners likely to have le
Dinnertime annoyances
Dino whose body was more
Dino's tail?
Dino, to Fred and Wilma
Dinosaur disregarding rodent and duck shows muscle
Dinosaur droppings collected by institute's top academic
Dinosaur droppings inside, one assumes
Dinosaur drops by for 1000m walk
Dinosaur dung fleece has in lining
Dinosaur National Monumen
Dinosaur on which Monty Python had a theory
Dinosaur poo collected by international academic
Dinosaur remnant
Dinosaur slightly injured, shot
Dinosaur trapper
Dinosaur with a long neck and tail
Dinosaur with large thumb
Dinosaur's start
Dinosaur's weapon
Dinosaur, e.g.
Dinosaur, so to speak
Dinosaurs with bony plates
Dins from dens
Dins of hail
Dinsmore of children's li
Dinsmore of old children'
Dinsmore the prig
Diocesan council, say, ignoring a show of consent
Diocletian's 552
Diogenes, for one
Diogenes, notably
Dion and the Belmonts' fi
Dionne Warwick's "Anyone
Dionne Warwick's "I ___ L
Dionysus attendant
Dior creation
Dior design
Dior fashionista's retro style
Dior-designed dress
Dip about right for dipso
Dip ants
Dip asparagus top in watered-down tzatziki finally
Dip biscuit in tea
Dip ends of long metal pole in...
Dip in case you start to stress out
Dip in drink
Dip in hole
Dip in liquid
Dip in retail, with area sapped of energy
Dip in sea, at last, before 10.51
Dip into
Dip into a drink
Dip into awful magazine at last and take issue
Dip into narrow street for Italian food
Dip made of black olives, capers and anchovies
Dip made with chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and garlic
Dip one's toe in, say
Dip one's toe in?
Dip partly responsible for swimmer's ear?
Dip that might be performed on Strictly?
Dip's target
Dip, ours, comes unexpectedly bringing unease
Dip, submerge
Diphthong dividers
Dipilatory brand
Diploma feature
Diploma holder
Diploma word
Diploma [2003]
Diplomacy around Iran's leader is understood
Diplomacy supporting port's mob rule
Diplomacy surrounding Indian leader is understood
Diplomat Abba
Diplomat and Adventurer
Diplomat Annan
Diplomat born in Cape Tow
Diplomat Boutros Boutros-
Diplomat committed to seeing someone shortly
Diplomat Deane
Diplomat Deane of early A
Diplomat disowning old jealousy
Diplomat dropping round for something sinful
Diplomat Harriman
Diplomat having a tough time initially with pain
Diplomat having bad year without girl
Diplomat inattentive at the end: he's left something
Diplomat Mesta
Diplomat representing Catholic Union
Diplomat Root
Diplomat shows downside with those leading such unhealthy lives
Diplomat Silas
Diplomat who negotiated a
Diplomat with strong desire to ditch the booze?
Diplomat without the least trace of original sin
Diplomat worries about government's latest measures
Diplomat’s covetousness involving ring
Diplomat's aide
Diplomat's asset
Diplomat's bldg.
Diplomat's car back shortly
Diplomat's dog?
Diplomat's forte
Diplomat's goal
Diplomat's post
Diplomat's quest
Diplomat's skill
Diplomat: Abbr.
Diplomatic achievement
Diplomatic agent
Diplomatic arrangements
Diplomatic building
Diplomatic doings
Diplomatic initiative from Spain this month dividing leaders of Denmark and Estonia
Diplomatic manoeuvres from Dutch before Cashmere skirmishes
Diplomatic mission
Diplomatic officer for local representative, so it's said
Diplomatic officer, one with volunteer force in surprisingly athletic army
Diplomatic procedure
Diplomatic representative
Diplomatic row rumoured to be something to do with Swiss trade
Diplomatic sensitivity
Diplomatic skill
Diplomatic success
Diplomatic successes
Diplomatic to-do
Diplomatic tool for long distance communication
Diplomatic trait
Diplomatic UK government department
Diplomatic visit seen to be in error
Diplomatic woe
Diplomats' concern
Diplomats' place: Abbr.
Diplomats' success
Dipped dishes
Dipped sticks?
Dipper American found in Leo ascendant
Dipping into finances to repay grandpa?
Dipping sauce
Dippity-do and others
Dips in gravy
Dips one's toe in
Dipso by hotel, in Maine area, in state
Dipso, tosspot? That covers it
Dipstick coating
Dipstick housing
Dipstick wipe, often
Dipstick, e.g.
Dipterous one
Dir. for a ship
Dir. from Asheville to Wi
Dir. from Gary, Ind., to
Dir. from Gramercy Park t
Dir. from Paris to Bordea
Dir. from Seattle to Las
Dir. from Springfield, Ma
Dir. of I-64 going up Ky.
Dir. the Ebro flows
Dirac electrolysed aluminium phosphate?
Dire accommodation had little impact
Dire early morning warnin
Dire fare cooked only for a few
Dire fate
Dire game across Atlantic, involving ball
Dire lot troubled about money for long-serving type
Dire outcome of participation having no consequences?
Dire peril
Dire photos misrepresented ministers collectively
Dire poets
Dire proof-of-purchase sl
Dire prophecy
Dire rep players "like concrete blocks"
Dire signs could be characteristic of dead body?
Dire Straits event has no new time for parodies
Direct (to)
Direct a clergyman to inhale bit of dope
Direct ambition
Direct an aide to handle
Direct ancestor
Direct and outspoken
Direct Bill towards a flower going around tree
Direct channel on the radio
Direct communication
Direct conclusion?
Direct course of male ox
Direct current
Direct current is supplied by it
Direct debits for accommodation
Direct deposits, e.g.
Direct elsewhere
Direct ending
Direct English poet's never drinking alcohol
Direct familiar child's play
Direct favour initially ignored
Direct football official about backs
Direct hit
Direct issue
Direct lines to centre one added to incomplete set?
Direct lots of deliveries here from time to time
Direct mail abbr.
Direct mail sticker
Direct motorway link between capitals anticipated
Direct opposite
Direct order?
Direct path
Direct payment
Direct phone for use in emergencies
Direct pleasure offered by King’s mistress mostly
Direct progress
Direct routes
Direct sales giant
Direct soldiers next to arms base into annexes
Direct someone in a star role
Direct source of meat
Direct telephone link
Direct telephone links for use in an emergency
Direct to the exit
Direct translation of nothing in books
Direct transport
Direct view here in the fog is nil, unfortunately
Direct, as a confrontatio
Direct, as for info
Direct, as for informatio
Direct, command
Direct-mail response stic
Direct-mail sticker
Direct-sales giant
Direct; show the way to
Directed against a thing,
Directed at
Directed commercial that's centre of attention
Directed ICBM out to faraway place
Directed mark of error to be placed in dictionary
Directed media to reform
Directed seaman to obtain education
Directed skyward
Directed song with a gentle piano introduction
Directed supporting cast — and saw the funny side?
Directed to accept a title tole
Directed to another part of a text
Directed to consume whiskey? That’s obscene!
Directed to drop advert put on clothing
Directed US schoolgirl to accept kiss
Directing evening out
Direction - thorn
Direction after Near, Mid
Direction always required in police operation
Direction at a scene's en
Direction at many a corne
Direction at sea
Direction finder
Direction follower
Direction for a boxer
Direction for a whaler?
Direction for Greeley
Direction for playing a d
Direction for violinists
Direction from Hannover t
Direction from K.C. to De
Direction from L.A. to K.
Direction from minor thane
Direction from town, or thereabouts
Direction from which el s
Direction givers' suggest
Direction guide
Direction in Durango
Direction in music
Direction in trial causing great sadness
Direction in which el sol
Direction in which the wind is blowing
Direction indicator
Direction needed to hold ceremony all together
Direction of a compass bearing
Direction of fibres found in wood
Direction of movement on dial
Direction of new articles written in alternative way
Direction of Oscar's movement
Direction of sunup
Direction of take-off in this plane!
Direction of type of desktop display system jig?
Direction of U-boat maybe a secondary issue
Direction on getting seduced is not finished
Direction opposite sud
Direction provided by leaders of Europe at summit talks
Direction Strehler originally provided in Aston theatre adaptation?
Direction taken from A Man with Razor, cut around snout
Direction taken when going from the US towards Ireland
Direction to a cellist
Direction to an alternati
Direction to get charge right for traveller
Direction to leave former version of tune
Direction to players - Desde­mona extremely upset, Iago devious
Direction to players to reduce noise - part of one I composed
Direction to Pole back in quiet street abroad
Direction to shut off when temperature's dropped
Direction to the Guardian's street
Direction toward which th
Direction wagon trains he
Direction, advice
Direction, bearing
Direction, leadership
Direction, perhaps north, to retreat and run away
Direction-changing pipes
Direction; advice
Directional antenna - good-looking woman or man
Directional beginning
Directional devices
Directional ending
Directional lead-in
Directional sign, oddly awry, leading to argument
Directional suffix
Directional symbol
Directional transmitter
Directional word
Directions devised, we hear, after athletic activity upset Nanny
Directions for a basement
Directions for securing empty life raft
Directions given on stop as departing bus is seen?
Directions help with plate that is repaired very quickly, some say
Directions to get round Roman road in French spa town
Directions you take when joining a party?
Directions, part 2
Directions, part 3
Directions-giving org.
Directive almost involving Reagan trimmed down the big guns
Directive at work
Directive for one young man has overlooked name
Directive obeyed by Alice
Directive to a band
Directive to a chauffeur
Directive to a masseur at
Directive to James
Directly above
Directly across from: Abb
Directly confront
Directly contrary
Directly from the side
Directly involved
Directly opposed
Directly opposed support for endangered species
Directly opposed: in general, opening up
Directly show where
Directly, directionally
Directness of appeal
Director (2003), actor (1
Director abandoning teams - cheers the rest
Director Almod
Director and judge can't stand
Director and performer put in grass in middle of act
Director and rising female to cuddle as couple
Director and star of "Arm
Director and star of the
Director Anderson
Director Apatow
Director backing Britain? Jolly good fellow!
Director Bergman
Director Bob who won a To
Director books in to get Oscar after so long
Director Brian De ___
Director Brooks
Director Browning
Director Bu
Director Burton
Director Burton or Robbin
Director Cameron ___
Director Clair
Director collapsed going to India
Director coming from Cal., US ...
Director Craven
Director delivers plays for parachutists
Director DeMille
Director Demme
Director Ephron
Director flared up having problem over total nonsense
Director from Italy collapsed first
Director from Left Bank originally visiting this French river that's inundated factory
Director Gance
Director general in new role as tenant
Director gets the job but not satisfied
Director getting behind sickly staff
Director giving secretary a lift home
Director Gus Van ___
Director has a hit around Southern Spain
Director has way of working with British vigilantes
Director having sex, second pair of smalls discarded
Director Howard
Director Howard Hawks's l
Director hurried to secure carpeting for shop
Director in clash with crew
Director in love, thanks to diatribe beforehand
Director in new post unexpectedly seen to resign
Director in part picked up business in rich area
Director initially phases in new academic posts
Director interrupting a certain young man is weighty figure
Director involved in good change to film - do you see?
Director Ivan
Director Jacquet of "Marc
Director Jean-___ Godard
Director Jonathan
Director Kazan
Director Kenton
Director Keshishian
Director known for spaghe
Director Kubrick
Director Kurosawa
Director Lee
Director left at the end holding hard part of shoe
Director Leone of old wes
Director Litvak
Director Louis
Director Lumet
Director managed to get in shoot before end of month
Director Mark of "Earthqu
Director Martin
Director Martin Scorsese'
Director Meyer
Director Michelangelo
Director mistakenly cut Roach's last saloon number in storage on farm
Director Nick has succeeded in style, but not content
Director of "Eat Drink Ma
Director of "Meatballs" a
Director of "The Ladykill
Director of 20, covering society
Director of a pioneering
Director of British piece
Director of Chekhov, one receiving new bits of information
Director of event's initial announcement
Director of exercises, in
Director of Lawrence of Arabia, d. 1991
Director of marketing sent back rubbish creative works featuring car
Director of show starring me dancing
Director of the "Dr. Mabu
Director of the Associate
Director of the budget wh
Director of the major fil
Director of volunteers managed to get into trouble
Director often wants one to get back
Director on trips took seat with truck swinging round
Director Peter
Director Petri
Director Polanski
Director Preminger
Director Preminger et al.
Director put to death with intravenous injection
Director raving endlessly in grip of Chinese philosophical concept
Director Reiner
Director Reitman
Director resembling Tees, as Spooner would have it
Director Riefenstahl
Director Robert
Director Rohmer
Director Rossellini
Director Satyajit Ray's n
Director Schumacher
Director Sergio
Director shows great intellect capturing scene after evacuation
Director Sidney
Director Spike
Director Stanley
Director still getting undressed
Director stops not so civil guide
Director succeeded in 20s with Coolidge's backing
Director tips off member of production team
Director to do well around timeless film locations?
Director to ponder, we hear, operating space?
Director touched by letter from Greek national
Director Van Sant
Director Vittorio
Director Vittorio De ___
Director W. S. Van ___
Director was killed in Italy
Director Welles
Director Wenders
Director Wertm
Director Wertmuller
Director who received a 7
Director who won his firs
Director ___ C. Kenton
Director ___ Lee
Director’s after Charlie’s guts?
Director's "Stop!"
Director's an international artist
Director's beer often plugged by son
Director's call
Director's cry
Director's cry ... or a s
Director's cut turned up with a new short film
Director's directive
Director's dream
Director's frilly neckwear tight on the outside
Director's left with instructor about to quit
Director's opposite
Director's option
Director's order
Director's prerogative
Director's term supporting drama school's way of finding oneself?
Director, born in Kent, first to have better managed a good hospital
Director, in extremis, fought to secure financial backer for film
Director, not quite 20, sees cast
Director, writer and acto
Director/actor Braff of "
Directorate at last behind Oriental
Director’s dreadful pie chart offering minimal layout
Directorial demand
Directories head of department lost when moving desk
Directors Ang and Spike
Directors backing eccentric without substance
Directors begin dithering in spring's union rounds
Directors check broadcasts
Directors Ethan and Joel
Directors Ferrara and Gan
Directors here said to be fed up with the place
Directors not readily persuaded, perhaps - by such material?
Directors of Indian state embark
Directors of vehicle company making relocation to North Cheam
Directors Spike and Ang
Directors supporting rise of classic pub feature
Directors' prerogatives
Directory contents
Directory data: Abbr.
Directory includes interminably boring compiler of religious scripts
Directory listings
Directory listings: Abbr.
Directory of wannabe knights scared to fight?
Directs (to)
Directs a hoedown
Directs drug dealers to leave quietly
Directs musicians
Directs NUS with strict changes
Directs plays over here in Paris, getting panned
Directs rising model to enter, this far ahead?
Directs rush-hour traffic
Dirigible excellent? A tear? Keeping quiet
Dirigible parts
Dirigible party?
Dirk of yore
Dirk's looking worn out after exchange of ends
Dirk's old relative
Dirt about celebrity is hot stuff!
Dirt accumulator?
Dirt after a rain
Dirt around middle of step becomes softened
Dirt clump
Dirt Conservative's found in shoe
Dirt disher ___ Smith
Dirt expert
Dirt farmer
Dirt from home initially removed
Dirt involving top player? Hot stuff!
Dirt makes unusual lines at high water point
Dirt making uniforms dirty, primarily
Dirt on a person
Dirt on water's surface
Dirt road feature
Dirt spreader
Dirt the writer has got on Hanoverian king
Dirt track motorcycle racing
Dirt, for example, seen back round edge
Dirt, GO?
Dirt, mud
Dirt, slangily
Dirt, so pig’s rolling around
Dirt, so to speak
Dirt, unpleasant, at bottom of scuttle
Dirt-court game
Dirt-dishing lass who's b
Dirt-dishing publication
Dirty - dirt
Dirty - unethical
Dirty and powdery
Dirty and unappealing
Dirty and unkempt American bastard keeping liberal cleric out of work
Dirty and/or poor-quality
Dirty article repelled pawnbroker
Dirty bits and bobs
Dirty campaign stuff
Dirty campaign tactic
Dirty campaign technique
Dirty campaigner
Dirty clothes from dust encountered in section of party
Dirty clothing Mike is taking off
Dirty coat
Dirty coat's first darned
Dirty colour
Dirty condition – say
Dirty dancing met with disapproving look
Dirty dealing
Dirty Den's rapid descent
Dirty deposit
Dirty dishes locale
Dirty dishes often collec
Dirty dog
Dirty dog's into special lady – no boy!
Dirty election must be oddly disregarded
Dirty fighter
Dirty films?
Dirty five in 24
Dirty footballer crossing line
Dirty frame amongst frames of gallery?
Dirty Harry initially lies: Clint Eastwood to verge on dishonesty
Dirty Harry's employer: A
Dirty Harry's grp.
Dirty Harry, e.g.
Dirty introduction to sex with lubricant
Dirty lazy type
Dirty little Mary lying around in dirty place
Dirty look
Dirty look from cow at end of milking?
Dirty looks
Dirty looks when Henry resigns over topical film
Dirty magazines and such
Dirty mark
Dirty mark made by small dog with no tail
Dirty mask until person's changed
Dirty oil; soft wet mud
Dirty old man
Dirty old man having look around church
Dirty old man possibly put inside by Stormy
Dirty old man's brother has one after stripping
Dirty old man's brother starts to annoy nurse
Dirty old men
Dirty or untidy state
Dirty pal turning bishop into maiden
Dirty person or animal
Dirty picture upset Derek to begin with
Dirty pictures finish on top
Dirty place; animal pen
Dirty places
Dirty plate where our food's served, lacking time?
Dirty political tactic
Dirty priest pulled from wreck
Dirty profession, Jack going on location
Dirty radio sitcom?
Dirty rat
Dirty rats?
Dirty reading
Dirty recording that you must listen to!
Dirty residence half scrubbed up
Dirty resort has improved on the surface
Dirty rim of mug used for a brew
Dirty setter's embracing posh Doctor of Divinity
Dirty shirt, short and tight
Dirty sink is a sign the coast is clear
Dirty smell set back prospect
Dirty son covered with grease
Dirty sort of business a Republican goes after
Dirty stuff
Dirty substance
Dirty tool?
Dirty trick reported at the same time
Dirty tricks on the campa
Dirty word belies? Cut it out
Dirty work identifies party faction
Dirty work that has to be done to protect Society
Dirty, base sado-masochism - into the cane
Dirty, grimy
Dirty, having cap removed and treated with grease
Dirty, like a small lake?
Dirty, squalid
Dirty; ritually impure
Dis and dis
Dis nurse in charge related to very old Greeks
Dis the criminal fraternity
Dis's opposite
Dis's partner
Disabled adult struggling with item
Disabled Battle of Britain flying ace
Disabled beggar's topless sex party
Disabled operatic hero losing head in wild party
Disabled, and one is excused from voting
Disadvantage in ward, it's suggested?
Disadvantage of French river this person’s admitted
Disadvantage of small horse
Disadvantage of ward
Disadvantage of ward, literally
Disadvantage of ward?
Disadvantage the Spanish suffered originally
Disadvantage to hear a song
Disadvantage: storytelling talent, reportedly?
Disadvantaged Americans (colloquial)
Disadvantages of feather edges
Disaffected buck sergeant deserted
Disaffecting people
Disagree (with)
Disagree about American electrical apparatus
Disagree about line taken by Wood
Disagree heatedly
Disagree strongly
Disagree that Rod had a hand in punching doctor
Disagree violently
Disagree with British PM endlessly
Disagree with Charlie over a game of cricket
Disagree with European without causing offence
Disagree with senior policeman blocking agreement
Disagree, dismissing first total
Disagreeable air
Disagreeable encounters
Disagreeable moose in for treatment
Disagreeable person’s son taking our cat
Disagreeable sort
Disagreeable sorts, in sl
Disagreeably direct
Disagreeably domineering
Disagreement about Marks & Spencer's opening in German city
Disagreement after detailed article portrays economy
Disagreement blows over?
Disagreement following publicity that's aimless
Disagreement thins out acts to put back into play
Disagreement when liaisons initially too hard?
Disagreement with info held by frogman about middle of ocean
Disagreement, fight
Disagreements in terrible residence, very loud inside
Disagreements when all 7 characters take one step to the right
Disagrees with man during teaching session
Disallow framing of naked hero by Louvre artfully
Disallow from above
Disallow try by a Northampton flanker - dead right!
Disallowed assessment of racecourse without reserve
Disallowed delivery
Disallowed FedEx destinat
Disallowed remaining game, then went in front
Disappear completely
Disappear forever
Disappear gradually
Disappear through camoufl
Disappear without trace
Disappear, having crossed river in Japan?
Disappear, having heard comic 'encore'
Disappear, in a way
Disappear, like a moving
Disappear, rather like a commercial vehicle?
Disappeared, with "off"
Disappearing act?
Disappearing communicatio
Disappearing gradually
Disappearing lake
Disappearing network TV e
Disappearing phone featur
Disappearing transports
Disappearing word
Disappearing, being a rotter?
Disappoint 11?
Disappoint old and new sports­men at the centre - sorry!
Disappoint others giving first instruction to unload the truck?
Disappoint, with "down"
Disappointed about others completely trapped in marshy area
Disappointed Ed - his wench wanted to go topless
Disappointed expression of Finn, perhaps, aboard vessel
Disappointed heir ends date explosively
Disappointed officer covers Estonia's premier with feathers
Disappointed only wine available at party then? Daughter going in!
Disappointed shout
Disappointed, tells France to become revolutionary
Disappointing change in Raleigh Cycling - with brownish-yellow colour trimming handlebars at first
Disappointing conclusion in West End show, even in colour
Disappointing course fini
Disappointing date, maybe
Disappointing election re
Disappointing grades
Disappointing items shown by telescope component capturing only half of Moon
Disappointing mark
Disappointing match result
Disappointing outcome that must hold little girl back
Disappointing R.S.V.P.'s
Disappointing return
Disappointing score on field, regularly!
Disappointing score, one inspired by new libretto initially
Disappointingly unsuccessful
Disappointment ain’t turned about by acquiring capital
Disappointment as I discovered wild Manx cat roaming
Disappointment as magician's debut is defined by assorted bad quips
Disappointment felt after this, for character on the radio?
Disappointment with cement mixer
Disappointment, what Rapunzel’s done to her hair!
Disapprobation over simple-minded besieging University
Disapproval for Mister Barking's promotional activity
Disapproval results from quietly leaving stage
Disapprove of
Disapprove of Democrat research to do away with vote
Disapprove of having very brief word with Yankee? Tough!
Disapprove of old unorthodox popes
Disapproved of promiscuous female? No wonder!
Disapproved of, forbidden
Disapproving about climax of Hindu religious festival
Disapproving comment
Disapproving cry
Disapproving gossip about fellow drama queen
Disapproving look
Disapproving noise
Disapproving response given to King novel?
Disapproving sound
Disapproving sounds heard in court session
Disapproving syllable
Disarm group of upstanding gentlemen
Disarming agent hurries to embrace Georgia
Disarming description of solo performance?
Disarming words?
Disarrange - rumple
Disarrange, in a way
Disarranges, as the hair
Disassembles (2 wds.)
Disassembles, as a model
Disaster apparently related to small branch closing
Disaster at sea
Disaster close to border
Disaster coverage?
Disaster following maiden through city
Disaster may last centuries, following destruction
Disaster movie gamer reviewed in supplement
Disaster often not covere
Disaster preparedness org
Disaster relief org.
Disaster round hospital, a spectator devastated
Disaster when large taxi reverses into river
Disaster with area hit hard in major town
Disasters Emergency Committee speaker is one who chooses papers
Disastrous as many a dramatic production
Disastrous attempt at 16A 17 19 falling flat
Disastrous bin fire, put simply
Disastrous collapse
Disastrous direction to go
Disastrous drop
Disastrous failure
Disastrous game in Oxford University Society
Disastrous marks for a gy
Disastrous scratch — patio ruined
Disastrous time with Craig at sea
Disastrous upheaval
Disastrous weather? To business, welcoming military force
Disastrous; dilapidated
Disastrously buy hash, ecstasy? Go off!
Disastrously dropped litre drinks in school
Disavowals from radical or a centrist
Disbanded units, just one left performs well
Disbark in flames
Disbelief in gods
Disbeliever's comment
Disbursements of money as, eg, compensation
Disc engine's case used for thruster?
Disc for throwing
Disc holder
Disc jockey
Discard old mail originally bearing two names
Discard popular overture of Grieg in playing the violin
Discard port, subject to legal constraints
Discard score that's unfinished
Discard shack
Discard song, one planned as a hit?
Discard; small building
Discarded a British royal
Discarded – potting place?
Discarded film scene
Discarded goods from planes in the morning
Discarded item of furniture outside pub
Discarded objects
Discarded queen, perhaps, retaining spades
Discarded rubbish
Discarded spades held here?
Discarded stuff from planes in the morning
Discarded: Var.
Discarding wingers, Harry Kane's ultimately preferring mid-field position
Discards harpoon held by cheat - quite the reverse
Discards, with "off"
Discards; buildings
Discern extremely rare jackets using a single pin in retail area
Discern the flavour of
Discerning detectives tailed felon with money (£1000)
Discerning diner in assessing our methods
Discerning experts
Discerning flapper Hoskins had picked up
Discerning head of trade should stop moaning
Discerning in saint a goodness, right away
Discerning of poet to stand by earliest of comments quoted on the radio
Discernment shows gift horse to be phoney
Discharge - absolve
Discharge a cannon
Discharge a debt
Discharge a lot leaving hospital with you and me
Discharge a member of church
Discharge ambassador, who's in drink
Discharge between two ele
Discharge channel
Discharge Democrat kicked out of blue state
Discharge engineers rescued by division
Discharge English chap at end of conference
Discharge English soldier that's hit volunteers from the south
Discharge fellow into alcoholic drink
Discharge flipping drunk bishop going AWOL
Discharge former partner in robust health
Discharge from around Lake Superior very loud at first
Discharge from canal found in river and mouth of estuary
Discharge from energy undertaking
Discharge from English mother country
Discharge from old well
Discharge from the eyes or nose
Discharge from the milita
Discharge high explosive during game with Mike
Discharge in disgrace
Discharge journalist that's upset common people
Discharge letters?
Discharge male employees, having finally set remuneration
Discharge of fluid through a small gap
Discharge of gas put through drink
Discharge of lightning
Discharge of water
Discharge of water from lavatory, say
Discharge of water runs to the west, leading to disaster
Discharge on electronic screen boosted
Discharge perhaps to be of importance
Discharge pipe for drawing water from the mains
Discharge pipes; shops
Discharge PM with large following in home counties
Discharge pollution initially in river and lake
Discharge quiet American
Discharge rector replacing bishop as head of trust
Discharge reported from French Inspector's chamber?
Discharge rifle
Discharge Roman who’s caught in flagrante?
Discharge sailor in arch ploy
Discharge sailor picked up by vehicle at hospital
Discharge soldiers in part of platoon
Discharge some after second interval
Discharge speaker's chamber
Discharge steadily
Discharge through pores
Discharge university dons beginning to expect time off
Discharge, in a way
Discharge, in more ways than one
Discharge; expulsion
Discharged from rear into nappy
Discharged from unsatisfactory service, going away
Discharged small lump of faeces?
Discharged, as gases
Discharged, having only some scarce duties
Discharges drunk men at sea
Discharges judges; fifty will be replaced by clerks, at first
Discharges together
Discharging debts, inclined to work for boss
Disciple — this person's held to be one
Disciple - to lapse
Disciple following evangelist, a man of many words
Disciple following Jesus around with Matthew, Mark, etc
Disciple held back by Deuteronomist
Disciple maybe getting on with desire to catch fish
Disciple of Christ
Disciple of Socrates
Disciple penning part of Bible with short word of prayer in bit of verse
Disciple prefacing good Biblical contribution from 16
Disciple turned to welcome corrupt neophytes
Disciple's query
Disciple's transgression, second to be admitted
Disciples are against books by stars
Disciples look back, covered in blossoms
Disciplinarian leaders of schools teach religious instruction classes, typically
Disciplinarian seeing some point in source of military skill
Disciplinary team I have after opening of prison
Discipline at the bottom of Tory superego
Discipline Conservative — and hurry up about it!
Discipline conservative press
Discipline required to put scales on ray
discipline shown by the whole island cutting fish
Discipline suffering in part of the orchestra
Discipline symbolized by
Discipline that uses koan
Discipline underling
Discipline, with ban on lying?
Disciplined 50s youth carrying bucket down?
Disciplined impression at first, cast off after joke
Disciplined old criminal to stop breaking in
Disciplined treatment working men get in a riot
Disciplining after biting retired model
Disclaimer on a sale tag
Disclose (secrets)
Disclose gun with case removed
Disclose what boozer often needs?
Disclose what offers kept a reserve
Disclosed revenue in part of film not broadcast
Disclosed stake in remote settlement
Disclosure no longer affected behaviour
Disclosure of confidential information
Disclosure of major crisis mostly dire in the end
Disclosure on eHarmony
Discman maker
Disco beat?
Disco biscuits reportedly alleviate pain
Disco fan on "The Simpson
Disco feature
Disco flasher
Disco fruit?
Disco guy on "The Simpson
Disco lights
Disco or swing follower
Disco perennial
Disco phrase
Disco pulser
Disco spinner
Disco standard
Disco suit
Disco term meaning "galor
Disco ___
Disco ___ of "The Simpson
Disco ___, "The Simpsons"
Disco-era duds
Disco-era kid
Disco-era suffix
Discolored spot
Discolour - sully
Discoloured Roman numerals
Discoloured with age
Discoloured, like old paper
Discombobulate the riding fraternity?
Discombobulated, half intelligible and in the soup?
Discomfort – 18 Across
Discomfort from the use of computers popular in chess
Discomfort in the legs of children
Discomfort with provocative dance reported as an act of touching up?
Discommode, with "at"
Disconcert and then some
Disconcert discounter discounting small discount
Disconcert painter, non-drinker, extremely likable
Disconcert; chuck
Disconcerted king held by methodical revolutionary, cryptically
Disconcerted queen sits on this, they say
Disconcerted student to Cable admirer: "What sort of politician is he?"
Disconcertingly holds back gunpowder component
Disconnect, separate
Disconnected from a computer
Disconnected, in music: A
Disconnected, musically
Disconnected, separated
Disconnects adverts for peacekeepers?
Disconsolate apothecary's brewing vessel
Discontent as 9 rocks catching head of umpire
Discontent due to lack of activity
Discontent in leaving EU - insane rubbish!
Discontent verging on insurrection
Discontented cat shuns milk supplement
Discontented fairy keels over in pub, leaving the rest standing
Discontented Japanese leave teas, wanting Eastern favourites
Discontented older child's left wanting flowering plant
Discontented player receives zero points for difficult question
Discontented poor Indian and commonplace - not like him!
Discontented servant not opening drawer to get plate with design
Discontented sexy singer kicking leg for playboy
Discontented social worker knowing one's inclined to appear thus
Discontented spy stops meeting shrinks and other experts
Discontinue (a session of parliament)
Discontinue - delivery
Discontinue a relationship
Discontinue dose, foolishly swallowed by buffoon
Discontinue for now
Discontinue honour associated with that in French monarchy
Discontinue speech for refreshment
Discontinue the meetings of
Discontinue with article on church in the middle of Vaucluse
Discontinue, as a project
Discontinued Chevrolet mo
Discontinued coins
Discontinued fliers, quic
Discontinued G.M. car
Discontinued German money
Discontinued money
Discontinued Saturn
Discontinued, with "out"
Discontinues for a time supporting scoundrels
Discontinuing treatment: cunning letters sent out to people acting stupidly
Discord in street, widespread
Discordant noise from drifted sand in port?
Discordant noises after start of Society meeting
Discordia's Greek counter
Discount apparel chain
Discount book pile
Discount clothing store c
Discount coast-to-coast p
Discount Conservative being supported by meeting on record
Discount designation: Abb
Discount English book with standard jacket
Discount event
Discount event with beer cans at the front
Discount kindness as a redeeming feature
Discount oil source
Discount on goods purchased in quantity, say
Discount place for a cistern opening in Knightsbridge
Discount rack abbr.
Discount rack shorthand
Discount store
Discount store offerings,
Discount to exist, coming up in proportional price
Discounted by
Discounted item: Abbr.
Discounter's pitch
Discourage a director absorbed by dead topic
Discourage allowance over punishment? Not initially
Discourage careful eater, initially itching to quit
Discourage careful eater, second to quit
Discourage daughter over another relative
Discourage day trip after Juliet drops out
Discourage explosive reaction initially following clincher
Discourage fellow cleaner
Discourage fellow taking daughter for piano
Discourage females?
Discourage from acting
Discourage injured Rooney dropping back at World Cup
Discourage one old judge in decline
Discourage study about a politician
Discourage, put off
Discouragement as lower classes hear Latin dramatist
Discourages less direct courses including English for home-study specialists
Discouraging comment to a
Discouraging word
Discouraging words
Discourse detour
Discourse from internee getting great support
Discourse topic
Discourteous refusal inspired by poor rating
Discourteous when daughter leaves leading to regret
Discover - modicum
Discover a little chateau near Thiepval
Discover advantage in fruit like a peach, shortly
Discover alternative
Discover auditor's penalised
Discover barristers examining brief
Discover by chance
Discover by chance how Putin will suffer if wife leaves
Discover code’s cryptic in part
Discover competitor
Discover conservative attending church
Discover diary not so full? Don't repeat that mistake
Discover doctor breaching guideline
Discover dog setter would go head over heels for
Discover dog, one day, lying about
Discover facial hair and get upset
Discover fluff in car seat
Discover folklore's regularly represented in obscene material
Discover former partner in part of Southern England
Discover heartless mob in command
Discover heat to exchange leads in energy plant
Discover how to do someth
Discover limits of executives' pay
Discover nonsense writer's first bit of nonsense
Discover path, then stray from it delivering fruit
Discover ruffian keeps right in front of the fire
Discover sectarian revolts
Discover the meaning of
Discover the position of
Discover the position of something
Discover the truth about low noise
Discover the whereabouts of mean talking girl
Discover truth about complaint — not good
Discover Unionist and Republican in Welsh town
Discover usages
Discover, think of
Discovered after a search
Discovered android with electronic instrument
Discovered Boris intended missing an opening
Discovered by accident
Discovered county cricketers essentially getting call up
Discovered deer in trouble as mount went lame
Discovered donkey in studio I abandoned, unfortunately
Discovered king on yard with keen prince's bike
Discovered limitless pocket
Discovered liquor flowed
Discovered Maharishi is main­taining particular religious beliefs and practices
Discovered near newly-built station: a single piece of masonry
Discovered nothing in kitty
Discovered part of Peru near the desert
Discovered spotted dick originally eaten for dessert
Discovered this book with way-out jacket for present
Discovered this could make do fun?
Discovered two - not put about so far
Discovered word I need for a priest?
Discoverer of dynamite
Discoverer of New Zealand
Discoverer of stars?
Discoverer of the law of
Discoverer's cry
Discoverer's triumphant cry
Discoveries in Al Hirschf
Discoveries, colloquially
Discovering inclination is about right
Discovering it sends homeowner up the wall
Discovering Midas Show Band from Boise, perhaps
Discovering past life - yeah right!
Discovering singular sign of discontent?
Discovering strange shiny objects on stars?
Discovers Fearnley almost naked cycling with son
Discovers fool is going around without a doubt
Discovers large nets
Discovery announcement
Discovery Channel surviva
Discovery grp.
Discovery I computer
Discovery made by a spot
Discovery made by European leaving Norway behind, going to Germany
Discovery of 1898
Discovery of caring female replacing male
Discovery of Galileo
Discovery of San Andreas feature? You're wrong - yet again!?
Discovery of Sir James Ch
Discovery of ski run, good, at last
Discovery of the explorer
Discovery team
Discovery zone?
Discredit English mob briefly upset about lines
Discredit official before cup tie? Only occasionally
Discredit popular girl I go out with
Discredit sneakily
Discredit wilderness guru seen cycling
Discredited study of skull shapes - her only GPO
Discredited Veep
Discredited Welsh politician hides in outhouse
Discredited, as a theory
Discredited, forgetting I twice passed on Mastermind
Discrediting act
Discreet attention-getter
Discreet call
Discreet exit site
Discreet MP, maybe that excludes Mr Paisley?
Discreet page fronts filthy book collection
Discreet, caught in bad fault
Discreetly conceals rocks
Discrepancy, note, in serving of caviare
Discretion, tact; fragility
Discriminating against the old
Discriminating person
Discriminating person is engaged in a purchase
Discriminating sort, in a
Discrimination acceptable within Florida? Charming!
Discrimination against th
Discrimination against those getting on a bit?
Discrimination fighter: A
Discrimination in America is set in stone
Discrimination not as terrible, if limited
Discrimination some reject as terrible
Discrimination watchdog:
Discrimination, not all from the Right, gets attention
Discriminative local upset during disagreement
Discriminatory amusements, excluding female
Discriminatory insurance
Discriminatory leader?
Discriminatory treatment, not primarily excellent standard
Discriminatory, in a way
Discs for smutty flicks that contain a lot of butts
Discus champ Al
Discus path
Discus thrower Oerter and
Discuss (a point) excessively
Discuss a matter straightforwardly
Discuss American doctor disappearing from morgue
Discuss business
Discuss by phone
Discuss free entertainment
Discuss how 'The Ballad of Reading Gaol' may be described?
Discuss in detail
Discuss inserting pinch of spice as sauce ingredient
Discuss matters concerning one's work
Discuss old times - I'm sincere
Discuss possibly sleeping over on edges on terrace
Discuss prisoner having one ring between two wives
Discuss pros and cons
Discuss roads home
Discuss the earliest of explorations around Iceland in a written composition
Discuss tiresomely
Discuss work at a social event
Discuss young toff at Eton losing a lot of weight
Discuss, with
Discussed at length
Discussed casually
Discussed chances of bad behaviour in clerical meetings
Discussed gardening tools for water distributor
Discussed naval base in appropriate port
Discussed navigating competition for explorer
Discussed prisoner's superb plot
Discussed servant girl whose prosperity is certain?
Discussed shrink, for example
Discussed thoroughly, wit
Discussed time during weekend for ice cream
Discussed tower that's worth a look!
Discussed venue for those after 7D - "Nonsensical!" said Labour
Discusses grants
Discussing excitedly
Discussing informally how to insist on remaining alive
Discussion about female in Hackney
Discussion area supporting ... I’ve forgotten what
Discussion conclusion
Discussion ender
Discussion expected to impress one with a record
Discussion group
Discussion group not unknown in theological college
Discussion groups
Discussion groups university introduced to classes
Discussion intended to produce agreement to help left-leaning poet
Discussion item about radius line on a globe
Discussion medium
Discussion meeting
Discussion meetings
Discussion not up to be raised before closing parts of summit conference
Discussion of great intellectuals becomes more stringent
Discussion of what you enjoy without 17
Discussion of work, hard work, interrupting attempt to follow game
Discussion opportunity
Discussion site
Discussion spots
Discussion topic
Discussion venue
Discussion venue that supports hesitation?
Discussion with daughter and son over gold
Discussion with girlfriend, perhaps about English book
Discussion yearly with former champion at Wimbledon
Disdain continued briefly, almost completely futile
Disdain for man trying to smuggle grass
Disdain incentive, finally stubborn
Disdain metric conversion: was judgmental
Disdain shown by agency worker after working in court
Disdain shown by Yankee neglecting to depart from Heathrow?
Disdained, with "at"
Disdainful bunch
Disdainful look
Disdainful of fizzy wine and pork pie on end of bar
Disdainful remark
Disdainful second refusal over British blunder
Disdainfully ignore small growth on foot
Disdainfully superior in manner
Disdains shutting up bad poet - nobody's upset feelings
Disease - a side bet
Disease affected legs, lower part first
Disease affecting feet
Disease affecting many in a population at the same time
Disease affecting many people simultaneously
Disease affecting the big toe
Disease afflicted surfers here?
Disease beginning to spread, harmless in seaweed
Disease cause
Disease caused by an infectious agent
Disease caused by lack of vitamin B1
Disease caused by lack of vitamin C
Disease caused by vitamin B deficiency - ie briber
Disease caused by vitamin D deficiency
Disease causing absence of French in Georgian city
Disease causing inflamation of the nerves and heart failure
Disease characterised by abnormally high blood glucose levels
Disease chirpy insects avoided initially
Disease control: nothing can take the place of church
Disease curtailed sight? Extra writing added to large amount probing that
Disease expert treated visitor stuffed with Christmas cake?
Disease fighter
Disease from Congress allowed to spike
Disease from Eastbourne, say
Disease from fermented grape in which everyone's thrown up
Disease from India caught by traveller to the East
Disease from mosquitoes
Disease from vitamin deficiency: everyone returned to tuck into confection of grape
Disease got from hair on rabbit
Disease has politician stretched out flat in bed
Disease insects head off
Disease insects initially avoided
Disease leads to youth suffering with his lip damaged
Disease magician catches close to London
Disease makes son shapely
Disease obtained from insects? Not primarily
Disease of dogs, etc
Disease of felines
Disease of horses
Disease of infants and young children that makes breathing difficult
Disease of parrots
Disease of pigs
Disease of rabbits
Disease of sheep
Disease of sheep and cattle
Disease of solvers picked up
Disease of the young with fever and breathing difficulty
Disease often connected to small cow or chicken
Disease outbreak
Disease picked up when the impossible happened
Disease research org.
Disease sees lamb mostly destroyed
Disease set aunt into a spin
Disease starts to spread – cases are being ignored, everyone’s scared
Disease suffered primarily by heartless taxi drivers
Disease that can follow planning
Disease that’s spread on the skin right away
Disease transmitted by insects
Disease transmitted by rat fleas
Disease with a high death rate
Disease, ailment
Disease, sickness
Disease-carrying fly
Disease-carrying insect
Disease-causing agents
Disease-causing bacteria
Disease-causing bacterium
Disease-causing organism – track oxygen data
Disease-spreading insect
Disease: could it be linked to thrush?
Disease? Pass period around hospital
Diseased bird expressly prohibited
Disembark in Gold Coast’s second city
Disenchanted, dash out upset, it's lewd.
Disengage and remove
Disengage from faceless Adonis to hug dwarf
Disengaged and cold Shakespearean king
Disengaged response, with dislike greatly reduced
Disengages from a habit
Disentangle new unit snarled up
Disfigure agent that's turned over winning card
Disfigure boss twice
Disgorged matter
Disgrace made me a nonentity in some parts
Disgrace one left out of popular family
Disgrace resulting from detestable behaviour
Disgrace to follow: put up with that
Disgrace, getting rid of Charlie’s footwear item
Disgrace; infamy
Disgraced ex-president loses temper at first, having lost in card game
Disgraced Liberal Farron put up in small hotel
Disgraced one's name?
Disgraced person's name?
Disgraceful event
Disgraceful family member
Disgraceful situation
Disgracefully dismiss money: that is, rupees
Disgruntled at times about the origin of Tunbridge Wells? 11 in another state
Disgruntled declaration
Disgruntled Israeli 1D
Disgruntled player's dema
Disguise attempt to pinch an undergarment
Disguise for baldness
Disguise Mike as King
Disguise oneself as a com
Disguise part
Disguise picture of exile, apt to stray
Disguised – as a bride?
Disguised in company - go outside idiot!
Disguised in Emerald Isle, a spy: Tees won't blab
Disguised threat over closure of fine playhouse
Disguised, briefly
Disguiser of domestic smells
Disguises knight in green dress every so often
Disguises, in a way
Disguising ceiling, Victor replaces cornice initially
Disgust American by rolling tongue
Disgust aunt with ease when dancing
Disgust by dumping gold in natural gas location
Disgust when daughter yields to soft drug
Disgusted as Edward accepts gold throne
Disgusted by new American at university not standing!
Disgusted cry
Disgusted loathing
Disgusted response
Disgusting - ie moons
Disgusting advice?
Disgusting attack
Disgusting diet ending in February
Disgusting material
Disgusting old woman thus turning up outside university
Disgusting one
Disgusting row about old man
Disgusting ruling involving opener for Peterborough United
Disgusting smell around site
Disgusting social life of ex-Bullingdon members' set?
Disgusting sort of 7
Disgusting thing
Disgusting waste matter
Disgusting yobs upsetting kindly Kent youths at first
Disgusting young man transfixed by internet, initially looking up naked women
Disgustingly dirty
Disgustingly dirty bottled whiskey that's typical of Wilde
Disgustingly foul substance
Dish (out)
Dish - what one might have at night with packet, maybe
Dish 2 as our little creation
Dish akin to cotoletta al
Dish alternative
Dish alternative, maybe
Dish and item of furniture that may be put on list of inventions
Dish available in US city no more
Dish awful Tories!
Dish baked in pastry
Dish baked in small mould
Dish before a main course
Dish busy playing with ball
Dish Chinese lawyer served up
Dish component
Dish containing hollandaise sauce
Dish containing rice and capers mainly brought back by the French
Dish cooked in a pot
Dish cooked in seasoned b
Dish cooked in wok or frying pan
Dish covered in handsome lettering
Dish covering penny whistle
Dish describer
Dish designer
Dish dirt conclusively on teacher providing religious education for a bishop
Dish eaten with a spork
Dish eaten with chopstick
Dish eaten with rice
Dish eaten with spoon, darling
Dish eaten with the finge
Dish encountered in hospital department, on Sundays principally
Dish father consumed in station after travelling
Dish first cooked on railway
Dish for an Italian racin
Dish for Oliver Twist
Dish for Robin Hood
Dish for tart
Dish found in scenery outside Globe
Dish from canteen is absent-mindedly overturned
Dish from France? That's right
Dish given to cold English male cooked in stages
Dish given to me - let tea be brought out
Dish having Asian lentils for starters?
Dish he loathed, not surprisingly, touring India
Dish in Olympic venue's very dry
Dish in oven, initially halved
Dish in sink
Dish in sink being tackled by Lois?
Dish in sink blocking channel
Dish in sink captured by Turner in pictures
Dish in sink getting in the way
Dish in Venice, starter of toasted carrot
Dish including T-bone
Dish initially soaked without restraint in port?
Dish instructions
Dish is buried in cave, lid off
Dish is extravagant served in rhino's hide
Dish is part of lunch I'll ignore
Dish Jewish leader initially put in hamper
Dish made by English on holiday
Dish made by male artists?
Dish made from bent reeds
Dish made from interlocking pieces mostly served in lit brandy
Dish made in France -- half of it put in container, but not all
Dish made with romaine lettuce
Dish maker
Dish makers
Dish manufacturer
Dish me up Latinate ten? Such is X!
Dish name
Dish named for the queen
Dish needed by the phone
Dish Network rival
Dish not for vegans? Criticise and grumble
Dish not often seen nibbled
Dish not on main menu
Dish of a sort, cooked
Dish of apples, walnuts, celery and mayonnaise
Dish of beef roast, carved up with good source of nutrients, is no longer on the menu
Dish of duck gentleman sent back with dry egg
Dish of duck, made without stuffing, left by setter essentially
Dish of egg and raw meat
Dish of eggs and sugar
Dish of filled pasta
Dish of fish and chips cooked in oil, primarily
Dish of flat thin batter fried on both sides
Dish of food with eg cherry around
Dish of fried cutlets in breadcrumbs
Dish of gold found in mansion
Dish of grated potato
Dish of leftovers
Dish of mashed peas
Dish of minced meat
Dish of pork topping and gold hog's back
Dish of raw vegetables
Dish of rice, eggs and fish
Dish of rice, fish and eggs
Dish of rice, fish and hard-boiled eggs
Dish of roasted roots
Dish of stewed fruit
Dish of stewed meat and sliced potatoes
Dish of the day: southern fried plaice
Dish of tomato sauce with half of salt omitted
Dish often served folded
Dish often served in a sh
Dish often served with 10
Dish often served with fr
Dish on a stick: Var.
Dish on salver announced
Dish one might be served in press bar I suspect
Dish one street that’s corrupt
Dish ordered so it comes with recipe
Dish ordinary man respectfully rejected - too much stuffing
Dish out
Dish out a great deal, we hear
Dish out food to audience
Dish out messily
Dish out pies cooked by daughter new to the Home Counties
Dish out pleasure, not a kick in the teeth
Dish prepared with tongs
Dish prison reformer there
Dish providing home with constant energy
Dish rated in alarms
Dish seasoned with sake
Dish seen in fine old dresser
Dish seen with that woman from Bow is a cricketer
Dish sent back, Boatman saying: "No meat"
Dish served before the main course
Dish served by prostitute
Dish served in bistro’s tinned!
Dish served in nightclub, tip for service not included
Dish served on toast
Dish served ranchero-styl
Dish served thus every Wednesday, initially
Dish served under glass
Dish served with a big sp
Dish served with a lemon
Dish served with kraut
Dish served with Roquefor
Dish served with sauce
Dish setting for watching
Dish simmered in a pot
Dish sometimes served "on
Dish soon polished off by males entering empty café
Dish state function involving trace of socialism
Dish stolen with trophy
Dish that a compadre's eaten
Dish that is best to eat cold
Dish that is hidden by some meat and pastry
Dish that is served with prune
Dish that may be prepared
Dish that may be served o
Dish that may come with a
Dish that might come with
Dish that often has a fil
Dish that often includes
Dish that sticks to your
Dish that's "slung"
Dish that's bound to be revolutionary
Dish that's often mashed
Dish that's often roasted
Dish that's usually serve
Dish to get the runners moving?
Dish to stir, mixing round
Dish topped with breadcrumbs and cheese
Dish topped with crushed
Dish under a teacup
Dish up
Dish usually served with
Dish with beans
Dish with coddled egg
Dish with cornhusks
Dish with greens and grou
Dish with ham
Dish with ham on toast
Dish with hash browns, ma
Dish with sauce sent back for seconds with Ramsay cursing
Dish with seafood: chicken to follow
Dish with smoked fish and eggs
Dish with stir-fried rice
Dish with thick sauce
Dish with tomato sauce
Dish you might flip over
Dish you might make "a meal" out of?
Dish youngster eats sport being over
Dish's American publicity impresses mothers
Dish's partner in flight
Dish's runaway partner, i
Dish's undercooked part
Dish, exquisite taste
Dish, quietly forgotten, not delivered on time
Dish, very dry, needs dipping in port
Dish-washing aid
Dish: how it's served to the audience?
Dish: take hearts of some eels, feta and stew
Dish; coat with metal
Dishearten gunner veteran to some extent
Disheartened and confused Lewis?
Disheartened attendant serves customer
Disheartened boy admits in retrospect virtually brilliant crime
Disheartened cry
Disheartened daughter gets expelled
Disheartened envoy for one misses visual aids
Disheartened Ezekiel quits team
Disheartened fighter rejected harsh conflict
Disheartened over a politician’s speechmaking
Disheartened suitor ends life, abandoned and alone
Disheartened translators after 50 years defining French here - their words have been noted
Disheartened would-be sire that's not covered dam
Disheartened, cries about issue
Disheartened, get in a stew about being the most nasal
Disheartened, men gather round 19
Disheartened, realise 'today' will turn into 'ages ago'
Disheartened, throw accordion gently? It's sounding like a guitar
Dished out pocketed snotrag - cheers!
Dished up dollop of gelato to all
Dishes (out)
Dishes a world away, fine for the Springboks?
Dishes Capability's first element of garden design
Dishes containing raw vegetables
Dishes cook made without recipe succeeded
Dishes cooked in oil
Dishes filled with Irish product from hen raised in farms
Dishes for doll parties
Dishes for fancy meals
Dishes from Lent essentially ashes?
Dishes from Verona we smashed
Dishes made from very high game
Dishes made with roots of green plants
Dishes often containing c
Dishes out
Dishes out undaintily
Dishes regularly spoiled with 25% salt
Dishes the dirt
Dishes with syrup
Dishes, emptied, to be filled with bone powder (dull-coloured) in small amounts
Dishes, say, good, associated with luxury transport
Dishevel - annoy
Dishevelled attire one has to adjust
Dishevelled detective has line on company boss
Dishevelled drunk emptying pockets
Dishevelled engineers put back more grating
Dishevelled having suffered blow?
Dishevelled robe on heavenly body
Dishevelled rogues join Conservative for a laugh
Dishevelled, after a series of blows
Dishful near a restaurant
Dishonest account, rued to some extent
Dishonest action that has strings attached?
Dishonest activity cloak and dagger in the end
Dishonest acts
Dishonest behaviour
Dishonest behaviour in joke shop, say?
Dishonest characters lurking in Tarot tent?
Dishonest competitor caught ahead of race
Dishonest dealers
Dishonest dealing
Dishonest female fired from amusement park
Dishonest individual
Dishonest man
Dishonest managers tackle sport misguidedly
Dishonest person
Dishonest person - tornado
Dishonest proclivity
Dishonest scheme
Dishonest scheme — uproar!
Dishonest scheme - it may require DIY?
Dishonest scheme giving house to patient fellow
Dishonest sort
Dishonest to free up openings for this year
Dishonest Tory leader protected by fishy organisation
Dishonest UN dignitary bears responsibility
Dishonest, but legal, business methods
Dishonest, unlike Pinocchio's conscience?
Dishonest; inclination
Dishonest; risky
Dishonestly altering (the books)
Dishonestly increase
Dishonestly, illegally
Dishonesty in a transaction
Dishonorable women leaving joint with new soldier stood up
Dishonourable aim
Dishonourable man
Dishonourable man runs away from Jack, perhaps
Dishonourably discharge bank employee
Dishwasher cycle
Dishwasher, at times
Dishy - substantial
Dishy school principal, an impetuous person
Dishy? No, he may appear like a tomboy
Disillusioned query
Disillusioned vets might admit to this particular dislike
Disincentive to make mistake in almost complete detente
Disinclination to change
Disinclination to engage additional forces?
Disinclination to move
Disinclination to move in developing a rite
Disinclination to shift hospital: greatly upset about that
Disinclined to do much during party before pre-Easter period
Disinclined to fight, provided I brought in quiet account
Disinclined to mix
Disinclined to mix in a party
Disinclined towards effort
Disinclined; reluctant
Disinfect food with a tissue, pre-cooked
Disinfect shore around lake
Disinfect sister ingesting a louse egg with drug
Disinfect with gas
Disinfect with smoke
Disinfectant brand
Disinfectant from Spooner's cavernous vessel
Disinfectant is no help in fever
Disinfectant that will benefit you orally
Disinfectant used by farmers
Disinfectants shifting grime surfaces picked up
Disinformation for atheist lawyer
Disingenuous sorrow
Disintegrated, as cells
Disintegration after treatment is confusing
Disintegration of remote extraterrestrial rock
Disinter dog I had run over
Disk contents
Disk readers
Disk type
Disk units
Disk-shaped flower
Disk-shaped sea creature
Dislike a model
Dislike a particular account
Dislike a transcript
Dislike a translation
Dislike a variant?
Dislike about university’s hint to suppress one crime? What’s cooking, seriously?
Dislike admitting son’s rashness
Dislike adult adaptation
Dislike analyst’s initial interpretation
Dislike article prefacing translation
Dislike Britain disappearing in a rain-cloud
Dislike constituent of salt, avoiding starter
Dislike dais - heading off
Dislike detective with way to get a street drug
Dislike eating meat I cooked? It's a source of iron
Dislike intensely
Dislike Methodist as teacher to an extent
Dislike missing a translation
Dislike navies, or being at sea?
Dislike neighbourhood being restricted, with east in disarray
Dislike not having a translation
Dislike not heading for Sahara in expedition
Dislike of the son of Mar
Dislike poverty on the outskirts of Lille
Dislike removing a brand
Dislike retreating when chasing revolutionary predator
Dislike state pension having pound deducted
Dislike strongly
Dislike suggestion that abruptly upset some hosts
Dislike taking part in aptitude testing
Dislike why actor tends to reject every other part
Dislike with a passion
Dislike, and then some
Disliked accommodating a Parisian affected by the past
Dislikes balconies when end of rung is lowered
Dislikes missing the first editions
Dislikes ravens, so I suspect
Dislikes, plus
Disliking importing energy — something needed in winter
Disliking learning about play
Disliking work? Manage to stop during period of fasting
Dislocate, disunite
Dislocated mangy hobbit's doodah
Dislodge some particles
Dislodged piece of turf
Dislodges extra lines added to bottom
Dislodging boats that hav
Disloyal individual
Disloyal person
Disloyal sort
Disloyal squad one left with regret
Disloyal to the state
Disloyal ultimately thus to amend promissory notes
Disloyalty Tories' principal motivation
Dismal - despondent
Dismal amount of herbs?
Dismal as a right-winger
Dismal chapel slur trashed
Dismal expression to consume small one being humbled
Dismal fen spattered fine leg, perhaps
Dismal labours crushing 16 year old servant
Dismal medic unknown to receive attention
Dismal nonsense dismissing a Government
Dismal way of working out how much vase may hold?
Dismal, the wreckage after software course
Dismal, to Donne
Dismantle collapsing ruin at midnight
Dismantle reins restricting part of Rudolph?
Dismantle vehicle for the purpose of working a series of panels
Dismantled ship
Dismantles stars in play?
Dismay about Italian TV station's evaluation
Dismay as a neighbour of Santa turns up?
Dismay as prisoner at the back put away
Dismay complete, beginning to affect our side
Dismay people after company rents altered
Dismay Reiser or Revere?
Dismay Sooty's girlfriend getting up on a horse
Dismay with end of aged relative
Dismay, dispirit
Dismay, in Dover
Dismayed as coffin mocked outside
Dismayed what happens when first three characters fail to get job?
Dismayed, unnerved
Dismaying realization at
Dismember hanged traitor? Mercy!
Dismiss (in cricket)
Dismiss account from person blaming addict
Dismiss as being foolish
Dismiss as faulty
Dismiss as unimportant
Dismiss as unworthy
Dismiss assembly and switch off
Dismiss – expel
Dismiss bank clerk
Dismiss bank employee
Dismiss boy speaking German
Dismiss clergy making show of repentance?
Dismiss disdainfully
Dismiss doctor before operation
Dismiss European high-flier that's taken cocaine
Dismiss expert screening river fun run
Dismiss from post
Dismiss from racecourse, days later
Dismiss from the mind
Dismiss from the priesthood
Dismiss gangster Moran?
Dismiss half of costs on line
Dismiss half of London football team for contents of bag
Dismiss idiot overlooking latest in computer protection
Dismiss lightly
Dismiss more reserved account put up earlier
Dismiss objection showing old-fashioned brass
Dismiss one in a cricket club, subject to hearing
Dismiss party protecting Northern Ireland
Dismiss Penthouse centrefold that's wasted
Dismiss puzzle - must pee
Dismiss Sale's back, punching rugger thug
Dismiss sandwich possibly with no end of chicken
Dismiss small rough unstable fellows
Dismiss special diets containing American drug
Dismiss spring and end happily
Dismiss suddenly and/or harshly
Dismiss sweeper for each team
Dismiss the possibility of rugby stars attending do
Dismiss ultimately deficient retainer
Dismiss ___ technicality
Dismiss, in a way, from Richard's royal house
Dismiss; bag
Dismissal almost breaking a rugby team
Dismissal by female following sex
Dismissal by Small - success! Starting to get movement with ball
Dismissal from Wellington's command?
Dismissal involves 50 becoming careless
Dismissal is indicated by this angry-looking oddball
Dismissal of cop - canteen can go wild
Dismissal, slangily
Dismissal, sweeper having received red card?
Dismissals in cricket
Dismissed after bar collapse
Dismissed and baffled
Dismissed article in meadow that’s turned shabby
Dismissed from employment
Dismissed in contest, though not bowled
Dismissed old fellow leading second eleven to finish exhausted?
Dismissed one putting on paper clothes
Dismissed peremptorily
Dismissed poor service in store
Dismissed rising attraction as superficial
Dismissed soldier is bizarre
Dismissed sound of instrument as anomaly
Dismissed story, including new sketch
Dismissed team in The Open
Dismissed team not back in the pavilion?
Dismissed with less than player in game
Dismissed without scoring in cricket
Dismissed, if turning communist
Dismissed, with "off"
Dismisses detective from NE town?
Dismisses heads securing entry to university
Dismisses junction 11 to turn round? Come on!
Dismisses Let It Be: Beatles’ fifth and last hit
Dismisses report of something in the wind
Dismisses sound of instrument
Dismisses; bags
Dismissing complaint after learner involved in smash
Dismissing one airman's plan
Dismissing one set of Nazis, control group of law enforcers
Dismissing son during sexual revelation?
Dismissive analysis of jewel on the counter that shows explosive power
Dismissive comment about promotional material in songs
Dismissive comment by two Americans about university design school
Dismissive order to a drummer, perhaps
Dismissive remark
Dismissive remarks
Dismissive retort
Dismissive words to a wis
Dismount - our hens
Dismount in cycling arena in outskirts of Dortmund
Disney acquisition of 199
Disney and an unknown dance as a couple
Disney animator Johnston
Disney artist
Disney canine
Disney cartoon film
Disney character
Disney character from Haw
Disney character prone to
Disney character: on reflection, hardly adult
Disney clownfish
Disney collectible
Disney collectibles
Disney collector's item
Disney deer
Disney design
Disney division
Disney doe
Disney dog
Disney duck
Disney dwarf
Disney dwarf who "never h
Disney dwarf with glasses
Disney exec Michael
Disney fawn
Disney figure liking men and women in this spot
Disney film
Disney film buff beginning to tour vast continent
Disney film capturing hearts with animated tale that can be bittersweet
Disney film on showing varying sexuality is a hoax
Disney film sees Australian following river into morass
Disney film with a video-
Disney film with The Sorcerer's Apprentice by Dukas
Disney fish
Disney frame
Disney goldfish
Disney head
Disney hit of '92
Disney Lady's love interest
Disney lion
Disney lioness
Disney lyric repeated bef
Disney mermaid
Disney movie with a hacke
Disney musical
Disney opener
Disney or Whitman
Disney output
Disney output, once
Disney owns it
Disney parrot
Disney pirate, 1953
Disney princess
Disney property's function - hiding naked dance
Disney pup
Disney realm
Disney star
Disney Store item
Disney Store purchase
Disney studio
Disney Studios employee
Disney subsidiary
Disney tear-jerker
Disney theme park
Disney title character fr
Disney title role
Disney V.I.P.
Disney World attraction
Disney World attractions
Disney World locale
Disney World transport
Disney's "little mermaid"
Disney's "___ & Stitch"
Disney's "___ and the Det
Disney's "___ of the Sout
Disney's Aladdin, e.g.
Disney's Captain Jack dup
Disney's Cruella De ___
Disney's deer
Disney's dwarfs and other
Disney's dwarfs, e.g.
Disney's elephant
Disney's film business doubled
Disney's flying elephant
Disney's Lion King
Disney's Ludwig ___ Drake
Disney's Michael
Disney's middle name
Disney's Nala, for one
Disney's Pete, for one
Disney's Princess ___
Disney's ___ Center
Disney's ___ Duck
Disney, for one
Disney, to ABC
Disney: no flipping composer!
Disney? No actors messed around with it!
Disneyland attraction sin
Disneyland sight
Disneyland site
Disneyland's locale
Disobedient aboard sinking boat, men worried about commotion
Disobey call to stop unfair fine
Disobeyed a zoo sign?
Disorder about marine creature disposing of a shellfish
Disorder and mayhem without old Dave's partner?
Disorder created by politician in government
Disorder in a handcar - a scorpion?
Disorder in court following short cut
Disorder in dingy port needs some backing
Disorder in internal plumbing? Start to develop repairs to pipes, say
Disorder is nothing with Charles around
Disorder of intestine, involving runs - not initially notifiable
Disorder of the orators?
Disorder puts part of US hospital in no end of peril
Disorder putting off old woman and another woman
Disorder upsetting grandee
Disorder with Eden garment being abandoned?
Disorder, illnesss
Disorder, note, or issue with rioting
Disordered atlas brought in final Oriental location
Disordered exercises left learner and me with lines
Disordered hammering of DIY nut
Disordered situation reflected feeling in market
Disordered state
Disorderly - clandestine
Disorderly accumulation
Disorderly courtroom outb
Disorderly crowd
Disorderly do
Disorderly fight
Disorderly group
Disorderly house with broken doorbell
Disorderly Irish customer frequently in pub
Disorderly Irish customer, a familiar one
Disorderly itinerary of NY-bound Brazilian?
Disorderly mates turning on race
Disorderly mob
Disorderly nit, impolite to enter uninvited
Disorderly old tax collectors going as predicted?
Disorderly one
Disorderly outburst
Disorderly place
Disorderly poultry worker
Disorderly punk at booze a lot
Disorderly retreat
Disorderly scene may come to be arranged
Disorderly signature on paper
Disorderly sort?
Disorderly spirit?
Disorderly stack
Disorderly struggle in anagrammatic game
Disorderly types randomly crash trains - not right
Disorderly, confused
Disorderly, disruptive
Disorganised carpool is a sight to see in Athens
Disorganised figure taking clothes off has problem
Disorganised male given tie
Disorganised nonsense in note
Disorganised old citizen retiring after tea
Disorganised scout sales are hopeless affairs
Disorganised secret agent receiving discharge
Disorganised, I arrive in holiday area
Disorientated feeling of lout at entrance surrounded by rough chuckers-out
Disorientation on meeting a new way of life
Disoriented 1949 musical?
Disoriented 1979 Nick Nol
Disoriented advice, once?
Disoriented Steinbeck nov
Disown note with negative tone lacking weight
Disowned aide, put out, getting into the wine
Disowned popular back, having broken contract?
Disparage - IT grandee
Disparage - seek admittance
Disparage cricket score, reduced
Disparage defender's incisiveness
Disparage director on board, an Irish manufacturer?
Disparage some crude cryptic
Disparage summary
Disparage the German 8 on air after own goal
Disparage, snubbing one?
Disparage Anglo-Saxon prize when it's announced
Disparaged publicly
Disparager’s bad name sons endure
Disparages player defending snacks
Disparages, as barmaid with spirit does?
Disparaging Argentine lea
Disparaging comments
Disparaging copper caught up in traffic
Disparaging past socialist turned Conservative
Disparaging remark
Disparaging remark about false praise overwhelming son earlier
Disparaging remark by decent chap upset Bill
Disparaging remarks
Disparaging term for a medium asteroid orbiting round America
Disparaging term for MPs or similar
Disparaging word
Disparate states working together a fiction king feeds
Dispassionate representation of Monteverdi's aunt
Dispatch a group of ordinary people across Costa Rica
Dispatch a tiny drink astride horse
Dispatch about four big cheeses
Dispatch again
Dispatch boat
Dispatch boats
Dispatch by post
Dispatch clothing - no tops, please
Dispatch drug
Dispatch header
Dispatch identifiers
Dispatch note to Cons
Dispatch star heartlessly
Dispatch worker maybe with commercial furniture item
Dispatched (to)
Dispatched again - take amiss
Dispatched by railway guard
Dispatched exhausted, having lost power
Dispatched team leader after three points
Dispatched to bring in a Greek character of great wisdom
Dispatched to cover up gossip that's demanding to be heard
Dispatched, as a dragon
Dispatched, in a way
Dispatcher of bull from Rome mostly carrying information around
Dispatcher's word
Dispatches copy implicating hospital orderly
Dispatches drunkards outside house
Dispatches head of state kept in pockets
Dispatching letters from UN, a minor foreign correspondent?
Dispel a curse?
Dispelling of ridicule on air about a foreign manager
Dispensable candy
Dispensary stock, for sho
Dispensation for writers Nice police, etc, engineered
Dispense nothing that's beyond Malachi?
Dispense port measure
Dispense sound advice
Dispense with all modesty
Dispense with courtesy
Dispense with pony on leaving with white horses
Dispense, as milk
Dispense, as small shares
Dispensed cold tea, drunk by nearly everybody
Dispensed diagnoses overlooking nothing unusual
Dispenser candy
Dispenser of 20s
Dispenser of liquid sulphur supported by petition
Dispenser spraying perfume as a fine mist
Dispensing with clothing, avow gods root for cult
Dispensing with loving gestures, thugs pin me to ground, helpless
Dispensing, with "out"
Disperse a looser spray
Disperse head-to-foot clothing for the clans
Disperse liquid in small dish
Dispersed in mass burial in 1666
Dispersed in Serbia, now residents elsewhere in Europe
Dispersed items lost abroad amongst kinsfolk
Dispersed the endless pain around and about the liver
Dispersing a thing full of energy
Dispersion devices
Dispersion of people from their homeland
Dispirited and spitting feathers, perhaps?
Displace (a TV show)
Displace universal expert on Holy Writ
Displaced – our depot
Displaced person
Displaced person, maybe
Displaced persons, finally, receive an answer
Displaces - or put so
Display a bowl of cereal
Display ads carried on the shoulders by a walker
Display aid
Display and make lace as well
Display angry look when tucking into seafood
Display anti-aircraft gun, ignoring one order
Display area for Tiffany's frozen spit?
Display at a golf tournam
Display at the Intrepid S
Display attitude that's no longer relevant?
Display awe
Display behind Low cartoon, at the back
Display behind Medical Officer, working
Display bill: it’s a critical moment
Display burden on one vehicle
Display case
Display cereal bowl
Display containing no end of goose fat
Display contempt for
Display cut flower
Display disreputable author's trousers
Display dolor
Display energy and soul with largesse
Display extravagant pictures around Roman establishment?
Display for announcer reporting traffic tailback?
Display hospital article on inflammatory disease
Display impatience
Display in the Auckland M
Display in the night sky
Display including publicity trailer?
Display interface
Display item
Display map that initially shows life form not seen on earth?
Display of animalistic behaviour puts choir off
Display of bad temper
Display of balance — something pronounced on slope?
Display of displeasure
Display of grandeur
Display of great love
Display of pain stifled by widow in cemetery
Display of plants implying danger?
Display of slippers rocks head office in Cornwall?
Display old model
Display on a pedestal
Display on a tray
Display one's buttocks publicly
Display ostentatiously
Display poor quality stuff in antique shop as well
Display pottery for speaker
Display preoccupation
Display prominently in small dish
Display proudly
Display shabby articles also
Display skeleton perhaps as body in flight
Display slice of austere gateau on the counter
Display some ingredients of garibaldi - or a macaroon
Display some interest in
Display staff one attached to iron post
Display stand
Display strong self-estee
Display struggle for breath over time
Display unit
Display unit of wine and spirits
Display unrestrained creative work over restaurant
Display venue arranged in only art gala accommodating the French
Display very publicly
Displayed antelope hearts on the counter
Displayed audacity
Displayed by returning exhibitors, e.g. at NEC: "Replacement parts"
Displayed calibre
Displayed displeasure
Displayed ennui
Displayed fear
Displayed information
Displayed last of art framed by retired artist
Displayed ostentatiously
Displayed output from a computer
Displayed, in a way
Displaying affection wildly can be grim
Displaying bravery and power, winning against implausible odds
Displaying calm — no one was affected
Displaying curiosity about royal ornament
Displaying frivolity in speech about quartz, for example
Displaying great relish at the prospect of ITV Anglia's broadcast
Displaying guile, Oscar is terribly irreverent
Displaying heroic style in full? Not in full
Displaying love
Displaying more violence
Displaying most of church area provides a reasonable opportunity
Displaying no emotion
Displaying preference, dismissing first workman
Displaying the result of running devastating blasts here
Displaying unmatched nimb
Displays awkward pose capturing vote
Displays bowls of healthy breakfast food
Displays disconsolation
Displays displeasure
Displays old models
Displays plans
Displays reason for playing area
Displays trophy to sides in final
Displease Santa, in a way
Displeased look
Displeased spectator's cr
Displeasing to the eye
Disposable bathroom item
Disposable cleaning aid
Disposable diaper brand
Disposable handkerchief
Disposable hankie
Disposable income
Disposable object for holding drinks
Disposable pen maker
Disposable picnic item
Disposal items
Dispose of
Dispose of a line of 2
Dispose of bath thrown in gully
Dispose of bushy hair - revolting!
Dispose of cramped accommodation, we are told
Dispose of crown in trench
Dispose of fish food
Dispose of foolish nonsense in contrasting volumes
Dispose of for money
Dispose of language of France
Dispose of, informally
Disposed (of)
Disposed of
Disposed of for money
Disposed of hut
Disposed of old Italian coin
Disposed of, with "up"
Disposed to be disloyal
Disposing of at a church
Disposing of cider and bubbly?
Disposing of circular object, daughter's brought in a circular object
Disposition of a regular
Disposition of a vanguard force at the Queen’s disposal
Disposition pick-me-up
Disposition revealed in letter
Disposition to do nothing
Disposition to include one after morning in the environment
Disposition to kindness
Dispossess the people of power? Current duty is to enter revolt
Disproof of Urdu concept ends certified cases
Disproportionately long and slender
Disprove source of false doctrine
Disprove theory of official language of North America
Dispute - it’s French, involving old religious books
Dispute a decision
Dispute about returning non-starting oven – and this sort of evening's romantic?
Dispute about vessel used for church service?
Dispute amount to pay Britain in recession
Dispute at length
Dispute brought to court
Dispute hoax attempt to restrict sessions at Lord's
Dispute ignoring opening of firm
Dispute in Camargue when river’s blocked
Dispute inspiring strong opinions
Dispute involving insults
Dispute on chairs around piano
Dispute over a new tree
Dispute over child
Dispute over territory between rival gangs
Dispute overturned criminal charges
Dispute reduction in disease
Dispute settler
Dispute subjects, perhaps
Dispute the honesty of
Dispute the number left
Dispute the truth of
Dispute with jailbird before trial
Dispute, debate
Disputed Asian region
Disputed Balkan territory
Disputed claim initially about balls bowled in test
Disputed deer ban is here in part of Scotland
Disputed holy city
Disputed island in the Ea
Disputed mensurable territory claimed by occupiers?
Disputed Mideast strip
Disputed promissory note stuck into early section of book?
Disputed psych. phenomeno
Disputed region between P
Disputed region in mid-Balkans with a quiet border to the west
Disputed region ready for broadcast on space station
Disputed skill, for short
Disputes Conservative is blocking changes
Disputes the honesty of
Disputin' fare from India
Disputing remark on profit
Disqualification, of a so
Disqualify (oneself)
Disqualify in court
Disqualify, as a juror
Disqualify, as a potentia
Disquiet around 10 involved rum lot
Disquiet caused by right tunes in wrong order
Disquiet coming from misfortune, as expected
Disraeli and Churchill
Disraeli and others
Disraeli was one
Disraeli, e.g.
Disregard “X” placed under warrant
Disregard 2D? I can’t, ultimately
Disregard anger about navy entering game
Disregard female accompanied by yob
Disregard information about displaced Celt
Disregard little oldie getting up wearing rollers perhaps
Disregard poor region
Disregard region's suffering
Disregard sign with no start, or end of message
Disregard temperature at rear of smithy
Disregarded amendment for redoing
Disregarded extremely mean Republican party harangue
Disregarding books after nightwear finally removed
Disregarding instructions, excessive loan's accepted
Disreputable - out of the sun
Disreputable chap
Disreputable characters
Disreputable cut limiting a French book offering little light
Disreputable female prepared to entertain a more disreputable man?
Disreputable giantess providing lap dances?
Disreputable group of people
Disreputable groups
Disreputable hunter mostly spearing other people
Disreputable in a rakish sort of way
Disreputable motor yacht on the water
Disreputable paper
Disreputable people
Disreputable person
Disreputable señoras call your house
Disreputable small clothes store, mostly awful
Disreputable son lacking energy to swallow drug
Disreputable woman's group welcomes Donald
Disreputable yob, revolutionary for short time
Disreputable, extremely short, wasn't standing up straight
Disreputable, heartless lowlife admitting this is agony
Disreputably dashing
Disrepute and then some
Disrespect a fine face
Disrespect and laziness as son takes daughter's place
Disrespect, in a way
Disrespectful behaviour
Disrespectful ones
Disrespectful remark
Disrespectful type has come out grabbing king and queen
Disrespectfully light-hearted element in family - it's less familiar
Disrespectfully rude
Disrobe, turning red, sun beginning to scorch
Disrupt current London theatre offensive
Disruption of regatta foreseen in historic African zone
Disruption where one might play volleyball? About right
Disruptive Latinos cunningly infiltrated by spies
Disruptive person
Disruptive seeing move of University in the red
Disruptive spirit
Dissatisfaction to remain after horse loses opener
Dissatisfied agent not yet retired?
Dissatisfied customer's d
Dissatisfied expression
Dissatisfied fellow delivered a lecture on corruption
Dissatisfied type
Dissect articles on book about island
Dissect – A-Team is on
Dissect grammatically
Dissect, British-style
Dissect, in a way
Dissects, in a way
Dissed verbally
Dissed, in a way
Dissemble merely to cover brand image
Dissension following trial
Dissent about call upset chief
Dissent remains after new uniform rejected
Dissent shown by American gangster meeting official
Dissenter caught breaking into various locations
Dissenter suffering from fatigue
Dissenter's angry tirade about old French coins
Dissenting chorus
Dissenting clique
Dissenting criminal class is German, not French to begin with
Dissenting faction
Dissenting from the orthodox view
Dissenting group force lawsuit
Dissenting vote
Dissenting votes
Dissenting, to the church
Dissertation defenses
Dissertation from expert, not an original member?
Dissertation not say in essay, described with what we have here
Dissertation provided by one of the siblings?
Dissident free to move round America raised family
Dissident group ousting leader in fratricidal gesture
Dissident in favour of analysis
Dissident in this place has mark of approval curtailed
Dissident Russian party rigged votes? Heavens!
Dissident Sakharov
Dissident sure to go crazy with knife
Dissident wanting official employ­ment upset relatives
Dissident went and won Hemel Hempstead?
Dissident woman's name seen in the mirror
Dissident, stoical, reviewed Tory cuts
Dissipating electrical energy
Dissipation of American male covered by the Guardian
Dissipation; death
Dissolute - dashing
Dissolute academic losing it in dispute
Dissolute chap and a king arrested by soldiers
Dissolute fellow
Dissolute fellow’s garden tool
Dissolute man
Dissolute man of fashion
Dissolute master joining ship that's changed sides
Dissolute men — they get into scrapes
Dissolute nobleman to decline, losing one entourage
Dissolute prince goes into business with American astronomer
Dissolute Wally traded in heroin
Dissolve a relationship
Dissolve out
Dissolve two other tablets with cold relief
Dissolve, as cells
Dissolved in water
Dissolved substance
Dissolved substances - use lots at work
Dissolves cells
Dissolves, as cells
Dissonant sound
Dist. ___
Distance - day rage
Distance abbr.
Distance achieved by bird, heading off
Distance around
Distance around the Earth, say
Distance at greens varies
Distance between axles - a Welsh bee
Distance between belt not
Distance between pillars
Distance between posts on
Distance between rails
Distance between supports
Distance covered reversing, say, a cart
Distance definable, for me, as initially in four pieces
Distance displayed by daughter accompanying escorts
Distance divided by time:
Distance fellow travellers cover repeatedly
Distance from a kid climbing headland
Distance from A to B
Distance from end to end
Distance from line that a gunner periodically moved up
Distance from one end to the other
Distance from top to bottom
Distance I ran into outskirts of Rome at end of last month
Distance light travels in
Distance marker
Distance marker moles tip up
Distance measure
Distance measured in imperial units
Distance not a barrier for clever clogs
Distance not run in the O
Distance of seafood outlet to west of loch
Distance on a radar scree
Distance on the Erie Cana
Distance raced needs good energy
Distance races
Distance remote controlled oven nearly starts
Distance runner
Distance runner's skirt?
Distance to mountains
Distance Tory leader goes into pond
Distance travelled
Distance unit
Distance unit in duels
Distance unit is behind charging policeman
Distance units on a footb
Distance walker
Distance, not time - simple
Distance, say, a cart must be raised
Distances from the y-axis
Distances in Canada
Distances travelled about two days in former times
Distant - meteor
Distant admiration initially when trick is turned on its head
Distant area Charlie goes over
Distant bird call over lake
Distant but familiar relative
Distant cloud
Distant cousin
Distant cousin of humans
Distant energy source
Distant energy sources to the fore for US investment company
Distant friends
Distant Head going off to show feeling
Distant leader?
Distant limits of Swahili language
Distant line
Distant meteor dis­integrates
Distant meteor to break up
Distant military camp
Distant military camps
Distant motorway building
Distant object associated with girl’s old bike
Distant object in game is your debt, according to the 26 of 9 1 across
Distant object is old copper
Distant object, a coin of low denomination once
Distant object, something of negligible value once
Distant Piscean?
Distant planet
Distant reaches of the physical universe
Distant relative, super-polite, smuggles in ecstasy
Distant relatives having last word about exercising
Distant settlement
Distant sign of affection
Distant stars?
Distant view
Distant view of a wide area
Distant waves and cheers when minister’s house opens
Distant workplace discussed by drunkard?
Distant X-ray source
Distant, but within sight
Distasteful burial needs to be arranged
Distasteful dose
Distasteful ruling about turning up
Distasteful solution?
Distasteful thing first person on Italian island raised
Distastefully sentimental
Distended membrane
Distensible sac
Distension of birds grasping opponents
Distention following injury causes tissue inflammation
Distil rare gin closer to boiling point?
Distillation location
Distillation of Attica's list of facts
Distillation product
Distilled spirit
Distiller Walker
Distiller ___ Walker
Distiller's grain
Distillery items
Distinct character, island god pens holy work
Distinct columnar layouts, a hit on stage
Distinct component of something bigger
Distinct details about superpower
Distinct feature
Distinct form of an element
Distinct group within a political party, say
Distinct part
Distinct part of, eg, an economy
Distinct step
Distinct times
Distinct; divide
Distinction - attribute
Distinction - high ground
Distinction from this place initially spurned by artist
Distinction is a surprising result
Distinction made by holy woman when describing American church
Distinction of Nevadan city when unoccupied
Distinction, briefly
Distinctive - normal
Distinctive area
Distinctive atmosphere
Distinctive atmosphere or aura
Distinctive attitudes of a people
Distinctive attribute
Distinctive behavior
Distinctive but intangible quality
Distinctive character of bird artist captured
Distinctive characteristic
Distinctive characters
Distinctive Dilbert featu
Distinctive director
Distinctive doctrines
Distinctive elegance
Distinctive expression
Distinctive feature
Distinctive features of M
Distinctive flag
Distinctive flair
Distinctive flavour
Distinctive happening
Distinctive horse
Distinctive individuals
Distinctive manner
Distinctive monument
Distinctive nature
Distinctive of group ways of living
Distinctive panel on the lower part of an internal wall
Distinctive part of a car
Distinctive pattern of a Scottish clan
Distinctive period
Distinctive periods
Distinctive phrase fool finally changes
Distinctive practice
Distinctive profile
Distinctive qualities
Distinctive quality
Distinctive quality of flag captivating doctor
Distinctive quality of gold noted by artist
Distinctive quality of gold shown by artist
Distinctive Rolls-Royce f
Distinctive smell
Distinctive smell in Faro market
Distinctive spirit
Distinctive stamp long observed in court
Distinctive style
Distinctive style or manner
Distinctive taste
Distinctive theory
Distinctive theory describes different meteorological feature
Distinctive theory is mathematician’s first
Distinctive time
Distinctive uniform
Distinctive way of speaking
Distinctive, with rather large dresses
Distinctively sharp taste
Distinctly defined charm associated with Turkey
Distinctly representative
Distinctly superior cave about to be transformed
Distinctly without skill?
Distinguish (between)
Distinguish between archer and old man in craft
Distinguish between Lenny, Toby and Glen's coats
Distinguish between lines embraced by far right group - almost
Distinguish between overturned mattress and the work of Tracey Emin?
Distinguish oneself
Distinguish oneself - XL
Distinguish why, occasionally, North Korea’s leaders looking to the West
Distinguished academic
Distinguished academic receiving alien back
Distinguished academic: one in four progresses improperly
Distinguished actor, one appearing in musical
Distinguished archbishop is revolutionary
Distinguished aristocrat defending Territorial Army
Distinguished aristocrat interrupted by cheers
Distinguished artist seen on Tate Modern visit at last
Distinguished artist who stayed in bed starting broadcast late
Distinguished company sing about earl, boring King Edward
Distinguished conductor
Distinguished English conservation group protecting underground tunnel
Distinguished gathering admitting married woman with bug
Distinguished gathering at the hairdresser's?
Distinguished knight's armour?
Distinguished member of upper house possibly gathering army
Distinguished musician
Distinguished Muslim reversed interdiction binding Washington
Distinguished oneself
Distinguished performer carrying you once, an enduring ride
Distinguished politicians
Distinguished restaurant fully booked?
Distinguished singer
Distinguished the last of the explosive books
Distinguished women collecting silver they're awarded
Distinguished, but not given full information?
Distinguished, not forgotten, like some cakes
Distinguished, though undecorated?
Distinguishing badge
Distinguishing emblem
Distinguishing feature
Distinguishing features
Distinguishing features of booty Communist mentioned
Distinguishing features of Byzantine artist
Distinguishing mark
Distinguishing mark - prestige
Distinguishing marks
Distinguishing quality
Distinguishing trait
Distort terms in peer’s broadcast
Distort, as data
Distort, as survey result
Distorted imitation
Distorted in shape
Distorted notes in passport, say, held by a decrepit thing
Distorted perception: height in pyramid so wrong
Distorted, crooked
Distorted; amiss
Distorting life, needle in Tommy's arm
Distortion affecting my radar beam
Distortion by which things can pass from one period to another
Distract one who's down with a bit of tenderness
Distract party with dog
Distract Tom Daley, perhaps, with knitted heart
Distracted lute player's first to stop
Distractive annoyance
Distraught at reports? Distraught
Distraught baker has endless oven trouble, finally cracking
Distraught leaders of trade union split trophy
Distraught re nurse, I can guarantee
Distraught with fear
Distress as inspector for example crosses motorway
Distress call
Distress call recipient:
Distress cry (2 wds.)
Distress greatly
Distress inits.
Distress is something quite clear to the audience
Distress letters
Distress of nurse once, char­acteristic concealed
Distress signal
Distress signal shot into
Distress signal? Get on securing line
Distress, afflict
Distressed - dissected
Distressed about clubs making a number of goals
Distressed by home-made bomb around edges of roadblock
Distressed by who'd use a brothel
Distressed cry
Distressed kite feeding - it’s withdrawn and tense
Distressed ones?
Distressed tenor given a wigging
Distressed union in a hole
Distressed when what's been negotiated doesn't begin to encompass proposal
Distressed, perturbed
Distressing condition initially explored by northern writer
Distressing cutback Havana possibly rejected
Distressing experience
Distressing experience in Delaware during exam
Distressing plight to be in
Distressing predicament to be in
Distressing start to period in university environment
Distressing, upsetting
Distribute (cards)
Distribute a 1964 Sidney
Distribute a l-large amount
Distribute according to plan
Distribute aid around half of El Salvador among picture-makers
Distribute anew
Distribute cards
Distribute coal in small dispensers
Distribute endless Coca-Cola - half is oddly like rum, say
Distribute equal amounts?
Distribute everything before coming back
Distribute fantasy news made for nothing
Distribute foreign article about copper
Distribute green bins - they're very green
Distribute half of this with an oath
Distribute handy cure for disorder
Distribute headgear around Maine, to a certain extent
Distribute illegal art and annoy museum
Distribute illegally
Distribute in classes
Distribute key tax returns
Distribute no detail on one expect­ing to join the government
Distribute Remain flyers on a regular basis
Distribute small circulars
Distribute spiteful gossip in US vessel
Distribute tea, local, in new arrangement
Distribute the cards
Distribute wholesale books
Distribute, with "out"
Distributed cards
Distributed information: rental property to be shielded by iron, then another metal
Distributed publicity material the French left during a fair day
Distributed tape with uncle showing peevish irritation
Distributed the cards
Distributes stingily
Distributes the cards
Distributes treats around Luxembourg
Distributes, as tasks
Distributes, with "out"
Distributing (cards)
Distributing stern notices brings penitence
Distribution of aid taking years, sadly? It wouldn’t surprise me
Distribution of American movie format
Distribution of lather is concealing variable result of salon treatment
Distribution of resources
Distribution of rho, sigma and tau, initially, in statistical figure
Distribution of this marine creature could be chore in Med
Distribution slip
Distribution system spreads American article around capital of Zambia
Distributions by those willing to supply cars
Distributor of Nutrilite
Distributor of rcpts.
District accommodating new stadium
District adjoining a town
District attorney initially thinks I have a case
District Attorney referring to challenge
District capital's hospital
District frequented by vagrants and addicts in America
District gets hard capital upfront
District I had found in home counties
District in Harare, amazing
District in Hawaii
District in Japan
District in southern Kaza
District in the Philippin
District initially summed up by "upmarket, rather bourgeois"?
District magistrate always rejected taking ecstasy
District of Colombia?
District of Paris on the left bank
District of Paris, associated with many artists
District Officer originally involved in the rise of Niger
District whose residents are mainly of east Asian origin
Districts: Abbr.
Distrusting disposition
Disturb a stand-up routin
Disturb canary hatching here, possibly
Disturb canary, unfortunately, where it's protected?
Disturb cheerful group
Disturb cow in roundabout with no hesitation
Disturb dance with masculine attitude
Disturb doughboy in American gallery
Disturb fellow and female breaking the law
Disturb it splitting stone
Disturb Joe visiting ace art gallery
Disturb our rest as appropriate
Disturb small fish
Disturb solitary supporter of the crown
Disturb the status quo
Disturbance - upheaval
Disturbance after drink in vehicle
Disturbance curtailed in South American city
Disturbance gent brought about in WC
Disturbance in Cajun restaurant
Disturbance in Molière, Act I gone?
Disturbance involving Jolly Jack — establish truth?
Disturbance leading to cheers after receiving first of cream cheese
Disturbance of ocean may make gulls wonder
Disturbance of the peace
Disturbance that may have Paul upset
Disturbance, alienation
Disturbance, confusion
Disturbed islander losing large fish
Disturbed night — drug please!
Disturbed person ingesting drugs makes comeback
Disturbed pools and muscular carp initially offering cerebral connection
Disturbed sadist surrounded by drugs somewhere in Manhattan
Disturbed state of mind
Disturbed states
Disturbed the composure of
Disturbed the heads of nine departments in huge organisation
Disturbed the peace
Disturbed thoughts Eliot had about her unfinished work
Disturbed, alas, with our awakening
Disturber of the peace
Disturbing a French kid he produces a nose rag
Disturbing and sinister
Disturbing book about money
Disturbing condition
Disturbing conundrum ultimately leaves cabinet chasing its tail
Disturbing incident
Disturbing individual
Disturbing judgement that's very loudly introduced
Disturbing letters in papal bed: a malign influence?
Disturbing noise
Disturbing spectre enveloping man - leading to these?
Disturbing, being out of bed doing my job?
Disturbingly unnatural
Disturbingly weird
Disturbs hospital signs
Disturbs stones around attraction
Disturbs the peace, in a
Disunity of odd blokes in sci-fi film
Disused, neglected
Dit's counterpart in Mors
Dit's partner
Ditch - dust-up
Ditch - fight
Ditch around a castle
Ditch – how droll!
Ditch – ___ coat
Ditch bar, Spooner advises sailor
Ditch books about American leader? That's incisive
Ditch cheeky Dadaist exhibits, upon reflection
Ditch colouring material containing potassium
Ditch dance, ejecting hundreds
Ditch digger's tool
Ditch digging, e.g.
Ditch dug to protect a castle
Ditch exasperated expression Pete's forgotten
Ditch fish angler finally caught
Ditch fish around river
Ditch fish in river? The opposite
Ditch foxtrot for tango from Paris, perhaps
Ditch game of skill for game of chance
Ditch has to be found in county
Ditch keeping away researcher
Ditch Norwegian band after number two in chart
Ditch one hectare after another
Ditch soldiers, at first, to make savings
Ditch solving Sudoku - all real silly in the end
Ditch some gormless officers when heading north
Ditch supporting comic, clarifying this is not peculiar
Ditch used by landscapers
Ditch very small part in speech
Ditch with wall; laugh
Ditch, laugh or orders?
Ditchdigger's tool
Ditches old bird on way back
Ditches record into upturned shed
Ditching loose woman, Howard has this problem (figuratively)
Dither insanely about a good period for retirement activity
Dither, as a female among others
Dithered, apparently unconcerned about netting fines
Dithering's not about returning possession
Dithery, with "up"
Dits' partners
Ditsy L.A. chick in inten
Ditsy waitress player on
Ditties of French boys after one quits series
Ditto, with "the"
Ditty, e.g.
Ditzy type can test briar, surprisingly
Diuretic target
Diuretic's target
Div. for the Mets and Mar
Div. of a degree
Div. of a former union
Div. of biology
Div. of Justice
Div. of Scotland Yard
Diva and demure megastar sharing male
Diva cries about article
Diva Gluck
Diva Horne
Diva is hard to treat with affection
Diva Lehmann
Diva Lily
Diva Moffo
Diva performances
Diva perhaps
Diva Peters
Diva Renata
Diva ___ Te Kanawa
Diva's asset
Diva's big moment
Diva's delivery
Diva's demand
Diva's device
Diva's effect
Diva's forte
Diva's headwear
Diva's lines
Diva's moment
Diva's number
Diva's offering
Diva's offerings
Diva's piece
Diva's problem
Diva's solo
Diva's song
Diva's specialty
Diva's workplace
Diva's wrap
Diva, e.g.
Diva’s pure trilling, as observed previously
Divas have sensitive ones
Divas have them
Divas' offerings
Divas' tributes
Dive and jump, keeping fit inside - quite the opposite
Dive for weapon used after dark
Dive forward as airbag beginning to explode
Dive forward to catch duck in passenger area
Dive in
Dived (for)
Dived for treasure?
Dived without a springboard and hurtled forward
Diver from area to north of this country
Diver involved in discovering Rebecca
Diver Louganis
Diver to employ in round pool, ultimately
Diver with navy enlists Europeans supplying sharkskin
Diver’s attire
Diver's apparatus
Diver's back-to-front converted stable area
Diver's breathing apparatus
Diver's breathing gear
Diver's dread, with "the"
Diver's duds
Diver's garment
Diver's gear
Diver's hose
Diver's need
Diver's outfit
Diver's rip fixed with neoprene gum
Diver's wear
Divergent course
Divergent doctrine develo
Divergent from the normal
Diverging from a common centre
Diverging from the norm
Divers are hurt getting out of this wee channel
Divers love working in Lesotho
Divers manoeuvring round place being looked at again
Divers may use this spear hunting fish
Divers remove moisture outdoors
Divers' gear
Divers' milieus
Divers' sickness
Divers' wear
Diverse assortment
Diverse assortment of GB athletes originally?
Diverse blend
Diverse equipment
Diverse staff in firm initially getting on
Diversification of retailers is certainly no lark
Diversified in hue
Diversified publishing gi
Diversion - reversed on Hooky Street
Diversion - you'll need to mount up for it
Diversion also called Mat
Diversion created when derringer shot outside hotel
Diversion forced 1 mile trek around lake
Diversion giving an essential cover for English soldiers?
Diversion intended to distract
Diversion involving a quo
Diversion taking out the French actress
Diversion the frenzied may be driven to?
Diversion vital, it’s impressed on PC
Diversion with 81 squares
Diversion, husband going the wrong way by traffic light
Diversions ... as hinted
Divert attention from London-bound coach?
Divert brook
Divert from morning employment
Divert sources of aid, money and employment
Divert troops, repeatedly keeping away
Diverted article leaving bottom exposed?
Diverted tramline — ending here?
Diverting channel and moving home
Diverting fuel will keep millions in cars, initially
Diverting prank but devoid of substance
Diverting to marina, which is in Sicily
Diverts rising waters, skirting problem
Diverts, in a way
Dives (into)
Dives from a board, initially cracking head
Dives in ice after slipping on the fence
Dives into a project
Dives where copper arrests lout wasted on grass
Dives with power to crap - occasionally gull slightly worried tour leader
Divide - Croatian port
Divide - or paint it
Divide 1, 2, 3 … oddly
Divide amongst several of girl's close-knit group - mostly Native American people
Divide and increase column heading in Times
Divide – Easter egg
Divide by cutting
Divide by two
Divide in three equal parts
Divide into contrasting groups
Divide into parts
Divide into three
Divide into three parts
Divide into two
Divide into two equal parts
Divide into two or more branches
Divide northern river
Divide stuff that is found inside
Divide up
Divide up casework for experiment
Divide up in a new way
Divide up last of the sweet
Divide with a comb
Divide, as Gaul
Divide, in a way
Divided - distinct
Divided 50/50
Divided and cut up stem on daffodil, primarily
Divided Asian land
Divided by resistance, one times two less zero gives constant
Divided Croatian city with a role to play
Divided differently, in a
Divided European city
Divided heads of state patently lacking in trust
Divided in appropriate am
Divided into cell-like ar
Divided into sections
Divided into separate instalments
Divided into tenuously related parts
Divided into two branches
Divided land
Divided paintings briefly kept in outhouse
Divided skirt
Divided suit
Divided, anatomically
Dividend earner
Dividend of a fraction
Dividend, mathematically
Divider of Nebraska
Divider of Paris
Divider of wedding guests
Divides accommodation
Divides appropriately
Divides by type
Divides fairly
Divides into two equal pieces
Dividing fairly, say
Dividing is thus splitting numbers up
Dividing line
Dividing membrane
Dividing membranes
Dividing piece of fish, allow fighter no steak
Dividing pound from fellow's working capital
Dividing up starters of Sally Lunn with sugary topping
Dividing walls
Divination deck
Divine attendant
Divine baby one accepts responsibility for
Divine being
Divine being's returned redeemed
Divine beings
Divine but frightening, if there's no answer
Divine creature felt naked beside knight clad in silver
Divine creature in Mile End shop not revealing name
Divine creature with six
Divine drawing of lots of egrets smeared with oil
Divine drink
Divine drink within reach around court
Divine end to piece captured by a cellist in rhapsody
Divine epithet
Divine female among she-rabbits, a variety of hare
Divine female close to announcing a date
Divine female getting hard time
Divine female has milkshakes
Divine female that hero meets at end of the 5 24 across
Divine female thus entertained by Carmen?
Divine female's initially extremely bad repute
Divine figure from sculptor needing no introduction
Divine figure with some authority
Divine fluid Christian initially snubbed, Church claimed
Divine food
Divine food aromas I prepared with a pinch of basil
Divine food in Asia: my best restaurant's oriental starters
Divine government chief welcomed by people in general
Divine Greek female and Frenchman on island
Divine intervention by king in rejected plague story
Divine intervention in a play
Divine messenger
Divine messenger in a new set
Divine messengers found in corners, moving left
Divine Miss M
Divine name in showbiz
Divine nourishment
Divine number and letter mentioned?
Divine one, to Dante
Divine party with someone on vacation
Divine path, in Asian rel
Divine protector
Divine rule
Divine Satie composed in a small room
Divine sign
Divine study
Divine taste originally captured by tongue
Divine tea is brewed in brother's room
Divine water
Divine-like poem one's written during last month
Divinely chosen
Diviner decree replacing one abbey's number two released
Diviner's deck
Diviner, e.g.
Diviner, of a sort
Diviner, of sorts
Diving apparatus
Diving apparatus from southern country
Diving apparatus son got on Caribbean island
Diving apparatus soon empty round river with a lot of kelp
Diving areas
Diving attacker received trivial sum, initially for throwing game
Diving bird
Diving bird endlessly showing signs of breathlessness
Diving bird seen around a good area of water
Diving bird with a weird
Diving birds
Diving birds: Var.
Diving board locales
Diving board's part of a
Diving coach's pike part winning silver
Diving duck
Diving duck - Bond film
Diving duck - corset
Diving duck observed by narrow promontory
Diving duck scared at first by cat’s cry
Diving ducks
Diving duds
Diving equipment
Diving fisher
Diving gear
Diving gear coming from South Caribbean island
Diving gear stowed aboard, initially worn by youngster
Diving instructions, mayb
Diving maneuver
Diving position
Diving seabird
Diving seabirds
Diving seabirds - children's books
Diving waterbird
Diving, say, until I am so shattered
Divining device, in sci-f
Divining rod
Divining rods
Divinity prize presented retrospectively for best in class?
Divinity sch. subj.
Divinity sch. subject
Divinity school subj.
Divisible by two
Division between Northern and Southern hemispheres
Division between nostrils
Division brought about by Spooner's wee pal
Division coming from the main stem
Division having FBI agents positioned outside
Division in a musical score
Division in mollusc: his membrane
Division in two
Division indicator
Division into opposing factions
Division is Guardian's responsibility
Division of a bodily organ
Division of a church
Division of a euro
Division of a long poem
Division of a poem
Division of a subdivision
Division of an act
Division of an Edmund Spe
Division of an epic poem
Division of an office bld
Division of an organisation
Division of church in ten parts roughly
Division of geological time
Division of history
Division of Islam
Division of Labor, briefl
Division of Labor: Abbr.
Division of school hard by river
Division of society
Division of some larger organisation
Division of supermarket is into drink
Division of Switzerland
Division of the Bible
Division of the school year
Division of the year
Division of Yorkshire
Division over Spanish article in Variety
Division politique
Division result
Division term
Division units, for short
Division word
Division: Abbr.
Divisions in botany
Divisions of a cricket innings
Divisions of a cricket match
Divisions of a mark
Divisions of a play
Divisions of a pound
Divisions of gals.
Divisions of geological time
Divisions of joules
Divisions of municipal go
Divisions of the academic year
Divisions of the year
Divisions politiques
Divisor, e.g.
Divorce - Adriatic city
Divorce capital of Nevada
Divorce city
Divorce document
Divorce lawyer on "L.A. L
Divorce mecca
Divorce somewhere in Croatia
Divorce wife ultimately finds difficult
Divorce, beheaded, died, or lived it up
Divorce, informally
Divorced father assessed following case of self-abuse
Divorced legend's despicable character
Divorced naked eccentric
Divorcee and excitable maiden investigated
Divorcee I admire is free from all blame
Divorcee in 1991 news
Divorcee may go elsewhere, marrying a foreigner
Divorcee quietly learning to make a thorough investigation
Divorcee, one in bed to take advantage of
Divorcees covering writer's costs
Divorces in European city beginning to soar
Divorces one with troubles
Divots, for instance?
Divs. of days
Divs. of months
Divulge Jack's role
Divulge secret information
Divulge without thinking
Divulge, with "out"
Divvies up accordingly
Divvy once again on X, perhaps working on riot
Divvy up
Divvying-up process
Diwali revelers
Dix + un
Dix follower
Dix halved
Dix preceder
Dixie bread
Dixie cakes
Dixie Dean wore this, I established, and scored the most
Dixie desserts
Dixie dish
Dixie drink
Dixie general
Dixie hero
Dixie pronoun
Dixie rival
Dixie talk
Dixie's joint cut for Japanese food
Dixieland group?
Dixieland horns
Dixieland instruments
Dixieland star
Dixon line?
Dixon of the Mason-Dixon
DIY nut disorganised and messy
DIY nut working without order
DIY product recommended to stuff parrot?
Dizziness at heights
Dizziness extremely reduced - it’s spinning with energy
Dizziness; Hitchcock film
Dizzy - dazed
Dizzy and frivolous
Dizzy etc with sumo wrestling, gets gear for a different sport
Dizzy Gillespie's genre
Dizzy Gillespie's instrum
Dizzy Gillespie's jazz
Dizzy maid regularly leaving treacle for butterfly
Dizzy of the Gas House Ga
Dizzy playing tunes on jazzy day
Dizzy price mummies regularly expended for beachwear
Dizzy sensation
Dizzy sensation to check one attempt? That’s about right
Dizzy; frivolous
Dizzying hangings
Dizzying pictures
DJ can go on Luxembourg
DJ catching embarrassing complaint on ship - it smells
DJ rebranded site during day before party
DJ remixed duet featuring Kiss and Love
DJ's part in city rave ultimately secured by playing LPs
Djellaba wearer
Djibouti's Gulf of ___
Djiboutian's neighbor acr
Djinn's home in a popular
Djokovic fails to finish stellar event
Djokovic, for one, involved in tenser battle
Djokovic, gutted about stupid visa, ended tennis competition
Djokovic, say
DKNY competitor
DLXXVI doubled
Dmitri's denial
DNA carrier
DNA chemical no longer for you and for me
DNA collector, perhaps
DNA component
DNA data framework
DNA element
DNA lab result
DNA researcher?
DNA sample for lab analys
DNA source
DNA structure
DNA structures
DNA units
DNA's function
Dnieper tributary
Do "T'aint What You Do,"
Do — but with less relish?
Do (someone) a favour
Do (up), as a fly
Do - political group
Do 16d and 1a in class
Do 4's 8 to get good skin
Do 60's clothing designs
Do 70 keeping just within the limits
Do 80, say
Do a “not so hot” dog please!
Do a 5K, say
Do a background check on
Do a bar when drunk overseas
Do a bartending job
Do a blacksmith's repair
Do a bunk
Do a burger joint job
Do a cashier's job
Do a caulking job
Do a charade
Do a cowboy's job?
Do a critic's job
Do a do
Do a do-si-do
Do a dog trick
Do a double take
Do a double take, e.g.
Do a double-take
Do a double-take, e.g.
Do a favor
Do a favour and repair big ’ole
Do a favour for
Do a few odd jobs
Do a fraternity prank, ma
Do a full monty
Do a fvour for
Do a gentle twist when stretched
Do a great job
Do a greenskeeper's job
Do a gym exercise
Do a hurry-up job
Do a kabob job
Do a knight's work
Do a laundry chore
Do a lawn job
Do a legislator's job
Do a little barbering
Do a Little bit
Do a little stretching?
Do a lube job on
Do a ma
Do a mailroom task
Do a make-up job?
Do a marathon in Egypt?
Do a marketing job
Do a musketeer's job
Do a number
Do a part poorly
Do a performance
Do a pit job
Do a post office job
Do a post-Challenger diag
Do a post-holiday chore?
Do a post-laundry job
Do a post-washing chore
Do a pre-op chore
Do a runner
Do a rush job on the roof?
Do a salon job
Do a salt's job
Do a second hitch with
Do a second time, as a ro
Do a Sherpa's work
Do a shoemaker's job
Do a slow boil
Do a slow burn
Do a smith's job
Do a soccer mom's chore
Do a store chore
Do a summer's work?
Do a supermarket job
Do a takeoff on
Do a taxing task?
Do a traditional Monday c
Do a turn
Do a turn, roaming circular building
Do a vet's job
Do a wedding, maybe
Do about as expected
Do advance work at a hosp
Do after dark
Do again
Do agenting (for)
Do agricultural work
Do alter
Do an autumn job
Do an impression of
Do an old newspaper job
Do an Oscar winner's job
Do an usher's job
Do another hitch
Do anything to help
Do apple trees supply these shopkeepers?
Do aquatints
Do art on glass, say
Do art on metal, e.g.
Do as a mentor did, say
Do as D
Do as directed
Do as instructed and misbehave before performing
Do as Niobe did
Do as one is told
Do as one's told
Do as promised — retain a single weapon
Do as told
Do ask crude questions at the end, Dicky
Do Aussie parliamentarians exert influence here?
Do away with
Do away with - undergrowth
Do away with cracks above it
Do away with edges of elegant heraldic device
Do away with hollow effect round moulding
Do away with prison cell briefly
Do away with rough vegetation
Do away with, like a 1950
Do back up computers
Do bad
Do banker's work
Do basic arithmetic
Do battle with foreign noble blocking Frenchman's return
Do become confused, following female nonsense
Do before I do's
Do behave
Do better than
Do better than at bat
Do better than men in the open
Do better than one notorious gangster
Do better than Spurs, say, almost unexpectedly
Do body work of a sort
Do borderline work?
Do boring work
Do bridge partners have to be kicked out of unkindness?
Do business
Do business with
Do business?
Do butchers extract all nutritious offal first of all?
Do car wheels
Do carbon-testing on
Do catch tailless fish: it sounds deep
Do chapter on tragic heroine
Do chatter about Queen and corgi, say
Do children worry?
Do cobbling work on
Do colorful work
Do combustible characters differ about a rattle?
Do computers up
Do course work?
Do cross-country
Do cursory alteration to trousers
Do damage to
Do darts
Do decorative needlework
Do desk work at a newspap
Do detective work
Do do something completely
Do dock work
Do document, toe the line
Do doer
Do doilies
Do drudgery
Do drudgery for Dickens
Do drugs after American working girl gets home?
Do embroidery
Do evening work for press club ...
Do exceedingly well
Do exceptionally well in cutting a Victorian adventure novel
Do exercises in bad shape to begin with - they won't bring much joy
Do exercises in school
Do farm work quietly by Irish lake
Do farmers use these branches at bottom of field?
Do figure eights, say
Do film work
Do florists' work
Do follow-up?
Do follower
Do followers
Do for a happy couple, perhaps
Do for a soldier
Do for a V.I.P.?
Do for blokes
Do for retiring salesman taking shape
Do further archeological
Do further work on a bird
Do galley work
Do gets going with Tories' leader in charge
Do glue?
Do good, good dog
Do ground work?
Do groundbreaking work?
Do guzzle cold dessert? No time!
Do gymnastics, taken in by pathetic spoilsport
Do hard menial work
Do harm to
Do home work?
Do horribly, slangily
Do hotel breaks: useful base for mountaineer?
Do humor in the style of
Do I dabble with ecstasy after clubbing … it's powerful
Do I have to question European Union about Caribbean holiday destination?
Do I hear a tail-ender finally bats, getting the runs?
Do I seem to be ready, friend?
Do I take drug, on turning up to get some protein?
Do I use power to corrupt tragic hero?
Do I win at chess without it?
Do I, within three days, start to lack energy?
Do ice dancing near South East London?
Do impressions of
Do impressive work as a huntsman?
Do in
Do in th' blasted Lambeth Walk!
Do in young boxer? That's planned beforehand
Do in, as a dragon
Do intaglio, e.g.
Do it and care not if given a kicking!
Do it in a changing room
Do it now!
Do it!
Do karaoke? Why not in undergarments!
Do laborious Hindi grammatical cases
Do lacework
Do laps
Do laps, perhaps
Do lawn work
Do lexicographical work
Do library research
Do library study
Do like Durer
Do like it when current partner's around
Do like lifting uniform with character, mostly, and something decorative on it?
Do like to put in some defensive work
Do likewise
Do lines?
Do list
Do little
Do Little?
Do live on a wreck!
Do lullabies, e.g.
Do lunch
Do magazine work
Do maintenance work on
Do major harm to
Do many bets annoy? No way!
Do marry fox
Do moguls, say
Do motorist: drink shows up
Do Mr. Sullivan's stand-u
Do museum work
Do needlework
Do needlework? Make lace as well
Do newspaper work
Do no more about problems raised by Queen
Do not acknowledge daughter is initially offhand with neighbours
Do not apply where there's competition
Do not attend church service when drunk or collection when disorderly
Do Not Call Registry org.
Do not continue
Do not cross any politicians on election day!
Do not delay
Do not delete
Do not disclose some foolish idea
Do not disturb
Do not disturb unaccompanied spring holidays taken retrospectively?
Do not oppose legislation limiting Church power
Do not put up with it casually at first!
Do not recycle using material objects?
Do not sit on top of surly dentists
Do not slow up or stop working
Do not, in old Rome
Do note those voting against a game
Do nothin' at all
Do nothing
Do nothing and like it
Do nothing for stricken region
Do nothing in endeavour to start with the right people
Do nothing in extremely leaden town
Do nothing initially that would involve extremely deluded French article
Do nothing much – Hogwarts attendee
Do nothing to support British fire
Do nothing when reciting poems
Do nothing with one's thumbs?
Do nothing worthwhile
Do OK but appear to withdraw?
Do one of the three R's
Do one's darnedest
Do one's duty
Do one's homework
Do one's part?
Do oneself in
Do only mediocre cricketers have these?
Do or die
Do or don't
Do origami
Do our family make cloth?
Do out in full, as before
Do outside pub — be prompt
Do over
Do over American couple snubbed by judge
Do over grand lot in northern industrial town
Do over some waiter at El Bulli
Do over, as a lawn
Do over, as computer phot
Do parquetry
Do part of a driving test
Do part of housework with a small word of encouragement
Do parts of us smell?
Do peers meet to get involved in gauge for HS2?
Do penance
Do penance, say
Do perfectly
Do piano work
Do pigs eat odd bits of dal?
Do planned prenup for a few bucks
Do police work
Do poorly
Do post-laundry work
Do press on somehow, given external funding
Do press on, struggling in such a walk?
Do printer's work
Do programming work
Do read mobile containing one sent message
Do really well to have a bit of a snog
Do regularly
Do remote changes to measuring device
Do reports badly, leading to instruction to sell shares
Do restrictions initially have aspirin regulated?
Do revue, fantastic — that should have happened sooner
Do rhymers with wit inventively show such skill?
Do right cutting wages
Do road work
Do roadwork
Do run to church
Do Russian rebels become old-fashioned types?
Do say that which has been identified repeatedly in rant
Do school work
Do schoolwork?
Do search in the centre with others
Do second language before end of schooling
Do several things concurrently
Do sketch about missing chapter in work where space allows?
Do slaloms
Do slam-dancing
Do solitary? Her Majesty's pleasure for this one?
Do some advance organizin
Do some artwork – in the blue, lacking detail
Do some barbering
Do some barhopping?
Do some blacksmith's work
Do some campaign work
Do some carbo-loading, e.
Do some cardio
Do some cleaning
Do some computer programm
Do some copy work
Do some course work
Do some courtroom work
Do some craftwork
Do some cutting, maybe
Do some editing, taking Imogen in last
Do some fall farmwork
Do some field work?
Do some film editing
Do some grapplin'
Do some green maintenance
Do some high-tech surgery
Do some housecleaning
Do some housework
Do some housework? Yes
Do some impressions
Do some impressive work?
Do some investigating
Do some landscaping
Do some lifting
Do some logrolling
Do some manicuring
Do some modeling
Do some modern surgery
Do some needlework?
Do some needling, upsetting bored emir
Do some planning before t
Do some postal work
Do some punching
Do some quick market work
Do some quilting
Do some research about American political party
Do some restaurant work
Do some roadwork
Do some rummaging for a c
Do some scaling
Do some shoal searching?
Do some soft-shoe
Do some stock speculating
Do some tailoring
Do some telemarketing
Do some theater work, inf
Do some tremendous campaigning
Do some tub-thumping
Do some tune-up work on
Do some work on a dairy f
Do some yard work
Do something
Do something about
Do something as a favour
Do something beyond one's apparent capacity
Do something beyond your apparent ability
Do something boneheaded
Do something by oneself
Do something considered to be below one's dignity
Do something courageous
Do something dramatic
Do something emotionally
Do something in an amateurish way
Do something in law
Do something new in November and at end of June
Do something resulting in penalty and away goal
Do something risky and finish in deep water
Do something thoroughly
Do something with abandon
Do something with current to produce muscle protein
Do something wrong
Do spadework?
Do specify books for competition
Do study
Do stuff
Do stuff?
Do succeed, does Queen have to?
Do sum work
Do sums
Do sup with nude drunk? That's shameful!
Do surgery
Do surgery (on)
Do tailoring
Do tailoring on
Do taxing work
Do tell
Do tests on
Do that's picked
Do the acrosses
Do the backstroke
Do the bidding of old Turkish governor
Do the butterfly, perhaps?
Do the crawl
Do the deck
Do the deed with Don (a temporary associate)
Do the dishes
Do the dishes?
Do the job
Do the laundry
Do the longer form of Beth
Do the rest of the morning after!
Do the same as
Do the same as prisoner with criminal record
Do the tally again
Do the twist with ample cups in view, nearly
Do the vocals when full of scotch and jamming
Do the walls over
Do the work of a florist
Do the Wright thing
Do the Wright thing?
Do the wrong thing
Do thermostats control it?
Do these justify the means?
Do they advertise drama by W Shakespeare?
Do they count the scores for all but the nineteenth hole?
Do they examine old warhorses?
Do they have high bills? Energy comes down with provider finally making cut
Do they have property for rent, such characters?
Do they help one see the details?
Do they show parts near the bone?
Do things in an entirely different way
Do this and engineer penury and a touch of depression
Do this and rule?
Do this and take notice?
Do this and you might see how I go back in time
Do this and you're lost!
Do this at the butcher's and lose your job!
Do this to get no person appearing alluring
Do this to physique to make exercise valueless
Do this to sailor, bishop and vicar that is carrying astatine
Do Time?
Do together
Do too much exercise in obvious downpour
Do too well
Do top of face with ointment
Do trailers?
Do trick?
Do tune-up work
Do turn
Do turn into Headless Man?
Do type
Do unto others as you wou
Do up
Do up again
Do up bows of each vessel within slipway
Do up home after power cut
Do up judge's clothing close to late autumn period
Do up shop near the centre of Alfreton
Do very well (at)
Do voodoo on
Do watercolors
Do we all cry after beating official warning?
Do well
Do well (at)
Do well as a temptress?
Do well at craps
Do well dividing four into three? Not entirely
Do well in brief Shakespearean role
Do well in filing of a report
Do well in the Olympics
Do well on
Do well reading out two letters
Do well to make 4 go into 3? Not quite
Do well with riveting? Not entirely
Do well, being expert and well-trained
Do well, taking about ninety fish
Do well, taking fee back from 35
Do what crier did — sound familiar?
Do what is expected
Do what Jell-O does
Do what my boss does with hot girl
Do what one is told
Do what someone wants one to do
Do what’s asked
Do with screwdrivers etc?
Do without
Do without - resisting id, then?
Do without clear backing, being unregarded
Do without dates
Do without extra small prune left over
Do without foot cream
Do without instead of work
Do without it, as ban involved
Do without leader becoming pretentious
Do without lost tent that's been left behind
Do without much daring?
Do without overdose permanently
Do wondrous things
Do work in part of Africa
Do work on glass, say
Do work on the house
Do worse than
Do wrong
Do wrong by
Do wrong hugging mostly embarrassed temptress
Do wrong in lowdown way?
Do wrong snarfing heroin and a little punch?
Do wrong, offering paste, pocketing diamonds
Do wrong, stealing capital from German chap
Do you change colour?
Do you have to get up mornings if you're a punk?
Do you know what sushi rolls are wrapped in? Me neither!
Do you see good work on newspaper taking an extra day?
Do you start to toss them in sweet sauce?
Do you ultimately collaborate in fact?
Do you wish me to leave my friend?
Do your bit, and mine, with punch
Do Zen
Do zigzags, maybe
Do ___ burn
Do ___ on
Do ___ on (work over)
Do's and ___
Do, as a puzzle
Do, as hair
Do, by all accounts
Do, e.g.
Do, for example
Do, re or mi, e.g.
Do, re or mi?
Do, re, mi
Do, say
Do, so to speak
Do-do connector
Do-do link
Do-gooder mostly right to infiltrate select group?
Do-gooder's quality
Do-it-yourself diagnostic
Do-it-yourself relocation
Do-it-yourselfer's activi
Do-it-yourselfer's aid
Do-it-yourselfer's collec
Do-it-yourselfer's genre
Do-it-yourselfer's purcha
Do-it-yourselfers' needs
Do-nothing's state
Do-or-die effort
Do-or-die time
Do-over at Wimbledon
Do-over command
Do-over, in tennis
Do-say connection
Do-say link
Do-well intro
Do-well starter
Do-___ (cabbage)
Do-___ (money)
Do-___ (moolah)
Dobbin might pull it
Dobbin might pull one
Dobbin pulls one
Dobbin's "right"
Dobbin's home
Dobbin's nibble
Dobbin's tow, maybe
Dobbin's tow, perhaps
Dobby or Winky, in Harry
Doberman doc
Dobie Gray's "___ Crowd"
Dobson, Ekberg or Roddick
Doc bloc
Doc bloc: Abbr.
Doc embraces member backing eastern chum
Doc for a boxer
Doc from the Old Line Sta
Doc grp.
Doc Holliday's game
Doc of the bay?
Doc org.
Doc wears them
Doc who might become a ve
Doc with a tongue depress
Doc workers' org.?
Doc ___, Spider-Man foe
Doc's best friend
Doc's needle
Doc's org.
Doc's picture producer
Doc's wife in "Come Back,
Doce meses, en Espana
Docent's offering
Docile character accepting English downpour, the idiot
Docile marine mammal
Docile nun remarkably ecstatic on this
Docile, now
Dock flock
Dock for pleasure boats
Dock is important to auditor
Dock payment
Dock platform
Dock sight in Galveston
Dock site
Dock where dog follows rat
Dock worker
Dock worker back to undermine checks
Dock worker rode out with street girl
Dock worker to wear down old soldiers heading north
Dock workers' organisation on the rise
Docked animal parts, mayb
Docked as sea still rough
Docked in unusually still sea
Docked vessel carrying American fare to the East
Docker does exert, working shifts 10 to 5
Docker having day before - and day after - in warehouse
Dockers' grp.
Docket item
Docket listings
Docket phrase
Docking £1000 after the front of recycling bin's smashed
Docking fee from price in the end after beer turns in barrel
Docking fee upset European nerd going round Alabama
Docking spot
Docking spots
Docking terminal moved within canal
Dockland area with a large entrance
Dockside winch
Dockworker's org.
Dockworkers' grp.
Dockworkers' org.
Docs for dachshunds
Docs prescribe them
Docs united: Abbr.
Docs who might treat sinu
Docs who've paid their du
Docs with penlights
Docs' grp.
Docs' org.
Docs, for short
Doctor "my sly healer" for novelist
Doctor —, TV series
Doctor 4's stones
Doctor 4, maybe very Catholic before start of Reformation
Doctor about to get an increase
Doctor about to understand, surrounded by colourful collection of devices?
Doctor abridged column for her stand-in?
Doctor abroad securing work for hippie
Doctor absorbed by couple's animated film
Doctor accepts being dismissed, so stops being heard
Doctor accepts the French exhibition
Doctor added essence of phenol - it got nowhere
Doctor admitted double-crosser, one wet and miserable
Doctor admitting cause of death
Doctor after morning rounds perhaps
Doctor against stopping genuine purge
Doctor allowed to conceal operation tear
Doctor always takes different view for private route
Doctor Amy nearly got shot
Doctor and duke tied up
Doctor and MA having part in complex procedure
Doctor and mother almost watch performance
Doctor and nurse go out
Doctor and old lady get on around ship
Doctor and old lady taking part in tiresome process
Doctor and son leaving mission without difficulty
Doctor anyone can hassle
Doctor Aquinas busily seeing off a foreign adventurer
Doctor arguing with A&E drops monitor
Doctor Arnold hides in state
Doctor arranged yacht trips round island
Doctor assessing condition of long-winded patient?
Doctor at this place? Go to small medical institution
Doctor ate a little cookie? OK, a biscuit!
Doctor attending one in a game finishing early? That’s exciting
Doctor barks back
Doctor beginning to inspect fissure in cinema
Doctor beheaded asses and aye-ayes
Doctor behind plan
Doctor boarding for South Africa's historic island
Doctor boxing athlete's drug up would be one
Doctor Brown following a nurse about to deliver a baby
Doctor buys extra radiography equipment
Doctor called in to nurse royal prince's favourite
Doctor calls scurvy ultimately a danger to sailors
Doctor can back old GP site
Doctor can predict one will be clumsy
Doctor can rub oil in both eyes
Doctor can upset agreement
Doctor captures headless French scientist
Doctor carried son into a protective environment
Doctor catering for both genders, not one
Doctor CERN sent to admit accelerator's opening portals
Doctor chats with many a sailor
Doctor cited case subject to dehydration
Doctor cites case of agoraphobic recluse
Doctor claimed for her consultation
Doctor claims taking both Rennie and Elocon leads to wonders
Doctor clamps right side to expose vessel
Doctor close to pay agreement
Doctor comes to a stop
Doctor concerned with substance not entirely uncommon
Doctor constrains old disorderly crowd
Doctor consulted surgeon about individual
Doctor contains awe for noted scientist
Doctor copies friend of bishops
Doctor cracked his garden furniture
Doctor cries out to green holidaymaker
Doctor cut a vein? It's not working
Doctor damaging practice
Doctor dealing with Banbury’s charity event, possibly
Doctor depicts pain involving bit of intestine with this complaint
Doctor detects rare formula known only to a few
Doctor Dickens et al snubbing English lecturers?
Doctor discharging English poet
Doctor discovered locum left first
Doctor doctor, I'm a little shot!
Doctor doctor, I'm a photograph that needs processing to see
Doctor doesn't start working out inspirational woman
Doctor dons jacket for action
Doctor drinking whisky in tumbler?
Doctor eats with mother occasionally in here
Doctor embraces home care
Doctor embraces one with the trembling condition
Doctor ends plasma collections before trial
Doctor expected to limit muscle change
Doctor favourite to avoid extremes she's inspiring
Doctor finally breaks children's joints
Doctor finally probing widespread disease of the skin
Doctor finding headless fish in swamp
Doctor finds a clue is not secret
Doctor finished shortly and went off in a car
Doctor first to dismiss initial fear
Doctor following directions to Bury
Doctor following framer (
Doctor following on from morning rounds
Doctor foretold extremes of Holmes' life in novel
Doctor frees police up
Doctor gathering clothes for later time?
Doctor Gene Landy ignoring bounds of duty over LA resident
Doctor gets a payment covering time he has to serve in US
Doctor gets addict a useful cat
Doctor gets Ant & Dec on drug
Doctor gets large elephant head? That's some beast
Doctor gets the girls - that's sweet
Doctor gets young man wanting heroin to undergo therapy for addiction
Doctor getting into hot water
Doctor given advantage in search for oysters?
Doctor goes round boozer with someone of no significance
Doctor got billed crossing river here?
Doctor got up and down
Doctor grasps paper by cooler physicist
Doctor grimaces, describing onset of nausea as being all too loudly evident
Doctor had ample light
Doctor had scrap for emergency shelter
Doctor has a duty in time of want
Doctor has a meal in unusually extensive gloom
Doctor has load of time for fish
Doctor has odd brown beds
Doctor has pie prepared as medical speciality
Doctor has row about building material
Doctor has son to encourage
Doctor has split pea soup with father
Doctor has surgery before noon: I ---?
Doctor has tea or coffee
Doctor has to run a car?
Doctor hasn’t mobile, leading to cancellation
Doctor hated smack - it's a killer
Doctor hates having returned to position of responsibility
Doctor having difficulties, missing medium bandages
Doctor having trouble with training exercise
Doctor heading off employer? Nonsense
Doctor heating loo? That's divine!
Doctor helps at mountain range
Doctor helps cure person who's gone here?
Doctor Henry has a gin and large port
Doctor hiding antique behind coat
Doctor hiding whisky in laundry machine
Doctor holding delicate fabric up still
Doctor home at ten, worn out
Doctor I ran to with diagnosis for disorder
Doctor I sedated made stable
Doctor in "A Passage to I
Doctor in a 1964 movie
Doctor in an H. G. Wells
Doctor in Bedford 27
Doctor in Brighton
Doctor in cape, fighting
Doctor in hospital shunted around many small parts
Doctor in Hugh Lofting ta
Doctor in Iowa, one for feet
Doctor in Leith arranged protective cover for finger
Doctor in proctologist's area of expertise has little time for hallucinogen
Doctor in US does enough for rollicking - that's characteristic
Doctor initially making short order
Doctor injecting a bit opium in America, yeah baby!
Doctor inserted syringe's tip to have softening effect
Doctor inserts wad in poor condition
Doctor instructed to ignore first bit of wind?
Doctor instructs dire visiting health worker
Doctor into rock as solo player
Doctor introducing brief order into practice
Doctor involved in first class hospital department, creating a relaxing atmosphere
Doctor involved in study of genius
Doctor is apt, going round part of hospital, to see them?
Doctor is clad by a colleague to prepare for theatre
Doctor is curt and unrefined
Doctor is going to ask us about a dish we've eaten abroad
Doctor John - a bringer of bad luck?
Doctor John was his assistant for many cases
Doctor joins French friend on old Japanese craft
Doctor Jones meeting old boy in surgery
Doctor keen on eating last of black toast
Doctor keeping Gloria under treatment, making a bloomer
Doctor keeping watch? That’s good to hear!
Doctor Ken with antigen for Thomas?
Doctor lamenting association with certain political views?
Doctor leaves aubergine in back of practice for Rose
Doctor led fraud? That's appalling!
Doctor led unrest and finally this happens!
Doctor left enthralled by attempt to reach the other side show
Doctor left to collect Arachne's eyewash
Doctor Liam Fox in a tense scrutiny of motives
Doctor limits when to breathe abruptly
Doctor listens with base cruelty
Doctor locates possible cause of problem for IBS sufferers
Doctor losing height is far from short
Doctor loved by children
Doctor loves crack
Doctor loves what you do
Doctor made alarm spread
Doctor made one cut
Doctor made realities go away
Doctor maintained by benefit gets an easy ride
Doctor Marten with no decoration
Doctor maybe gets much more than a bit
Doctor mentored us with excellence
Doctor met diarist to make superficial complaint
Doctor met it in Verdi compositions
Doctor met Sue around noon for meal in restaurant
Doctor might find One Direction to be the dark secret of a child?
Doctor Muriel visited, receiving one authentic look
Doctor musical material
Doctor must get up, if time's at a premium
Doctor must ultimately offer no quack remedy
Doctor named drug, having inflamed wound
Doctor needs "med" brain for this!
Doctor needs housing shortage to be eased
Doctor not male - one patient at it
Doctor nursed a performer
Doctor obtaining new social worker for charity case
Doctor of Literature endlessly circled by European ballerina
Doctor of medicine bottles each fermented drink
Doctor of ___ (degree)
Doctor often seen on writ
Doctor on "Star Trek"
Doctor on Circle Line gets stuck in to a game of chance
Doctor on leave gets dope from Australia
Doctor on way, heroin injected carelessly
Doctor one leads to Italian family
Doctor one pages with second of symptoms is pathetic
Doctor or sleepy nurses run kind of hospital
Doctor overlooking procedures? Oh dear!
Doctor paid her to be a symbol of love
Doctor paused taking temp­erature for latest news
Doctor pays out to this examining body?
Doctor playing cheerful piano sonata
Doctor pockets money, meeting a relative
Doctor praised when accepting drug for an elevated rate
Doctor prays team in capital get poorly coordinated
Doctor prescribed after damage seen in monkey
Doctor pretty as a picture?
Doctor probes rear end of diva Lois, flipping close to the kidneys!
Doctor prods Communist leader to take rhythmic steps
Doctor protecting old male insect that's hibernating
Doctor protects a witness
Doctor protects drug, making injection for certain people only
Doctor pursues hygiene issue, maybe mine
Doctor pursuing love on holiday
Doctor raced outside of healthcare department in France
Doctor rages after Freedom of Information exposes controversial food
Doctor regales son, showing generosity
Doctor rejected attack — a distinctive idea
Doctor reloads tests
Doctor remains for discussion group
Doctor repelled by half-cut Thai's all-round thickness
Doctor reveals more than 2 or 3?
Doctor right person possibly seen about infestation
Doctor rising in haste dressed with extreme energy
Doctor rubbishes any chips I munched
Doctor runs into milk supplier
Doctor runs into study regarding recent developments
Doctor S Cooper: "I'm accepting money for accommodation"
Doctor said rest can cause terrible trouble
Doctor sat in for matron for a change
Doctor satisfied in there, getting right item used in diagnosis
Doctor saving a space
Doctor scowled at sign of nervousness
Doctor screeched about first sign of up quark, perhaps
Doctor screened patient Irish leader
Doctor sea air, restricting pressure in target area
Doctor seen by soldier about damaged eye who operates illicitly?
Doctor sees about fastener for shrouds
Doctor sees I'm being sick
Doctor sees terms for what they are
Doctor sent girl, reliable
Doctor Seuss' extremely loopy novel
Doctor short Panorama feature
Doctor shower's output, not right
Doctor Silver is a bore
Doctor sounds surprised about smashing result
Doctor Spooner's French cheese grab
Doctor starts to fly across the universe, lamenting poor service
Doctor starts to research trendy new course involving Open University
Doctor still taken aback about student’s foolish garb
Doctor Strange concealing final piece of evidence from police officer
Doctor stupidly cuts organ with piles
Doctor succeeded holding back money orders
Doctor supporting German state missing church and sure to arrange refund
Doctor sure moon is huge
Doctor swallowed tablet first, then consumed umpire
Doctor swallows contents of pill having little effect
Doctor takes a break
Doctor takes no time in saying a little
Doctor takes this large mammal and this small one in chaotic hybrid
Doctor taking a break
Doctor taking drug to poor lad in madhouse
Doctor taking fee cut
Doctor taking holiday: that's a relief
Doctor taking walk round reveals stratagem
Doctor talks from the rear
Doctor teaches it, concerned with beauty
Doctor to compete for picture
Doctor to consume fluid and toast
Doctor to cure me and be fulfilled
Doctor to find cure later
Doctor to hug feet of each patient? It's an idea
Doctor to repeat work in theatre
Doctor to respect line on MI6 file?
Doctor to reuse missing English vehicle
Doctor treats men with chat in surgeries
Doctor tries another examination
Doctor tries to pinch bottom of overweight model
Doctor turning water into Spar wine
Doctor undressed club labourer
Doctor unwise to inject fluid with infection
Doctor upholds firm means of treating shock
Doctor upset water drops in cut
Doctor urges one to become willing to give
Doctor vents one lung - making news programme's introduction showing individuals that require a helping hand?
Doctor very engaged in genuine excision
Doctor was not bad
Doctor was there with daughter for turning point
Doctor Watson to visit Burma on vacation - it's a hot country
Doctor Watson, do I detect an exotic tree?
Doctor wearing a ring in pulpit
Doctor wearing uniform interrupted by two Americans, each providing basin
Doctor wears campaign medal in clothing store
Doctor Who adversary
Doctor Who and others, br
Doctor Who enemy
Doctor Who finally given papers for automaton
Doctor Who genre
Doctor Who legs it, getting the message from Johnson
Doctor Who not interfering with English film
Doctor Who ranted, making a sort of drama
Doctor who thought suffering and bereavement were for the best
Doctor who’s bad with old x-ray: do ring practice!
Doctor Who’s transport
Doctor Who's day to have confrontation
Doctor who's friends with
Doctor who's on deck for decisive engagement
Doctor Who, once new with jet power, possibly, and added energy
Doctor whom Nixon called
Doctor whose patients nev
Doctor wine with drop of cognac? That's extreme
Doctor with cutting tools
Doctor with digestive complaint goes to bits
Doctor with head buried in a good book prescribes drops
Doctor with large ring piercing, nice on the ear
Doctor with long hours
Doctor with private swamp
Doctor with silver clothes fit for a queen?
Doctor with surgeries ahead of dangerous court action
Doctor working a 25 in the morning, maybe
Doctor works and cries at mistake
Doctor wrong to get involved in lip disorder
Doctor X, musician
Doctor X, vegan animal rights activist
Doctor yesterday’s beginning to be teetotal
Doctor Zhivago
Doctor Zhivago author
Doctor Zhivago's love
Doctor ___ from the plane
Doctor’s alter ego trapping rodent in compound
Doctor’s approach, reminded beans are cooked
Doctor’s offspring to press charges
Doctor's "at once!"
Doctor's action to a newb
Doctor's advice, perhaps
Doctor's agreement about new source of scurf - xerosis?
Doctor's aid
Doctor's assurance
Doctor's attitude to patient
Doctor's back after unknown infection
Doctor's charge
Doctor's client
Doctor's consulting room
Doctor's coworker
Doctor's cry
Doctor's cupful, maybe
Doctor's daughter sunk by cross country
Doctor's directive
Doctor's enemy edging in trailer
Doctor's first in nearby, in this manner?
Doctor's garment
Doctor's horrible combination of a statin and ether's not right
Doctor's income
Doctor's instrument
Doctor's interruption
Doctor's lance
Doctor's mother storing anything new in drawer
Doctor's notes showing Spooner's treatment given to immoral chef
Doctor's office call
Doctor's office, to Brits
Doctor's onto sickness in French port
Doctor's operation after face-lift for Candy?
Doctor's operation involves part of the body
Doctor's order
Doctor's order almost received by another doctor
Doctor's orders
Doctor's org.
Doctor's place: Abbr.
Doctor's prefix with -olo
Doctor's prescription
Doctor's query
Doctor's quote
Doctor's recommendation,
Doctor's removing top in virgin's treatment
Doctor's request
Doctor's stand-in
Doctor's surgery in decline
Doctor's tool meant to be used on fungal growths
Doctor's ways?
Doctor's write-up
Doctor, always welcoming extra people into family celebration, …
Doctor, at times
Doctor, calculating type, around one part of year
Doctor, can I get the first pair to inject essential nutrient?
Doctor, for example, initially studying remains
Doctor, get up and heal this deathly disease
Doctor, I croak with cold - one's often seen at the bedside
Doctor, I have ambition!
Doctor, I have an urge
Doctor, in a way
Doctor, individual who is 20?
Doctor, initially kept in barracks, works in kitchen?
Doctor, last month, son loses hair
Doctor, month back, meeting family in secure building
Doctor, on Truss needing treatment: ‘Dreadful’
Doctor, one born British, meets Heather running slowly
Doctor, one breaking smart fellow's chemistry apparatus
Doctor, one brought into wine region where the last couple sent spinning
Doctor, one from France, seen around railway test
Doctor, say, drawn to singular contents of used bottle?
Doctor, say, first to study sediment
Doctor, when facing twitching, is severe
Doctor-priest working with magic
Doctor-turned- synonymist
Doctor: ' … er, you're still lacking determination'
Doctoral dread
Doctorate hurdle
Doctored account
Doctored mail about cocked-up surgery for tumour
Doctored main polo mount
Doctored tapes buried by good old police
Doctored with alcohol
Doctoring of branches?
Doctoring tip cures rattling in the lungs
Doctors and patients outside Italian restaurant
Doctors backing a new locum for training — and a new paramedic
Doctors backing Republican Party achieve success
Doctors have them
Doctors injecting drug, a thou­sand get hallucinations
Doctors jokes told by Jonathan Ross?
Doctors make them
Doctors make them in hosp
Doctors maybe on TV getting platform
Doctors pinning down GI’s bizarre psychological symptoms
Doctors specialising in childbirth
Doctors with spirits
Doctors' bags
Doctors' charges
Doctors' frolic?
Doctors' gp.
Doctors' group (abbr.)
Doctors' grp.
Doctors' grps.
Doctors' orders
Doctors' org.
Doctors' practice
Doctors, engineers and soldiers run into sailors
Doctors, in sum, given to single marker of death
Doctors, medical graduates, nurses: Philistines essentially
Doctrinaire hides gold, rogues discovered
Doctrinaire sort
Doctrine — principle ultimately confined to temporary accommodation
Doctrine about Caesar, oddly not shown in sculptor's work
Doctrine associated with
Doctrine developer
Doctrine developer of 182
Doctrine doubter
Doctrine has a male deity returning
Doctrine held to be true
Doctrine is compromising freedom to act
Doctrine is set in Roman reworking
Doctrine maker
Doctrine of director associated with G Greene
Doctrine of good and evil
Doctrine remains with Magdalen's principal
Doctrine that de-emphasiz
Doctrine that governments should not interfere in commercial matters
Doctrine to be accepted without question
Doctrine: Suffix
Doctrines in a single text
Doctrines, informally
Document about English and British affected by fever
Document about papers under paperweight?
Document about small rope
Document amendment
Document attachments
Document banks called crazy
Document burial place
Document carrier
Document checked at the b
Document concluded detectives must leave
Document conferring a qualification
Document container
Document content
Document copier
Document destroyer
Document ender?
Document exchanges hands - it's too hot to handle
Document from a letter
Document from Manchester United's vault picked up
Document heading
Document holder, one favoured by reluctant barrister?
Document in hand, left
Document issued by a court
Document miniaturization
Document mostly deconstructed minor style of drama
Document naked twirling at rave
Document of legal represe
Document or diet ending
Document principally, Candlestick, Hall, Mrs …held by dad?
Document proving who you are
Document seals
Document shown at border
Document signer in Rome?
Document storage unit
Document that allows father onto ship
Document that's written in prison for linguistic philosopher b. ’28
Document used in coll. ad
Document viewed via a browser
Document what one might do with one's hair?
Document with a letter
Document writer
Documentarian Burns
Documentarian Morris
Documentaries about losing minors' letters in train
Documentaries shot at a v
Documentary about cross-d
Documentary aid
Documentary filmmaker Bur
Documentary filmmaker Mor
Documentary technique not about showing transport
Documentation of poor people not suitable for everyone
Documented in written form
Documents contents of grey trousers
Documents describe the end of government cuts
Documents for discussion in genre slammed by media
Documents proving who did what
Documents quietly placed on copiers
Documents reporter's income for each piece
Documents to be filled in
Doddering engineers on retiring list after last month
Doddery brute with scalpel oddly missed bit of bone
Doddery duke missing from Beds town
Doddery old bachelors originally living in outskirts of Whitby
Doddery uncle getting on, eating hospital meal
Dodeca- halved
Dodge - duck
Dodge 22, briefly
Dodge cars
Dodge City deputy
Dodge City lawman
Dodge City lawman Wyatt
Dodge City's home: Abbr.
Dodge compact
Dodge every vulgarity and double entendre, initially
Dodge here to find a royal couple in bed?
Dodge marshal, overwhelmed by fear, perhaps
Dodge model
Dodge on the road
Dodge or Nash
Dodge pickup
Dodge product
Dodge recalling response expressing preference for investment over expenditure?
Dodge Row
Dodge S.U.V.
Dodge some recalled in depressed avenue
Dodge speech lacking constant shape
Dodge sports car
Dodge to overtake another old Detroit car (no longer independent)
Dodge trucks
Dodge work in search when leader goes
Dodge's wings and favoured elevation
Dodge, as a duty
Dodge, as a question
Dodge, as work
Dodge, say, registration using forged clientele pass
Dodged bullet?
Dodged nettle going into hut
Dodgem units
Dodger All-Star pitcher E
Dodger great Hodges
Dodger Hall-of-Famer
Dodger name of fame
Dodger or Met, for short
Dodger pitcher, A.L. Come
Dodger shortstop of old
Dodger who threw the pitc
Dodger's comeuppance?
Dodger's dread?
Dodger, Brooklyn-style
Dodgers catcher Campanell
Dodgers pitcher Hideo
Dodgers' field, once
Dodges game
Dodges, as an obligation
Dodgily roped in to swallow hot new painkiller
Dodging a positive answer to “Do you spend?” after reflection
Dodging midtown traffic?
Dodging Nakamura's opening, Carlsen is a wise man
Dodgy account receiving 1000 yen sparks defiance
Dodgy American parking in camp
Dodgy American President involved in religious group
Dodgy American quietly entering cult?
Dodgy banks covering a large part of Europe
Dodgy behaviour?
Dodgy bloke, one Edwina worried about?
Dodgy boss nearly murdered lackey
Dodgy case edited names author recognised?
Dodgy challenge to get fit
Dodgy character stole big car
Dodgy character stole flash motor
Dodgy character turned over celebrities
Dodgy coins ref used for evidence in court
Dodgy contract he shows private eye outfit?
Dodgy credit around source of financing that is put right
Dodgy cult claims universal knowledge
Dodgy cult with unique feature for those buying into it
Dodgy deal perhaps experienced by Ada in home of the 21 24s?
Dodgy dealer
Dodgy dealer could get top brass upset
Dodgy dealer finally sells tap with drip
Dodgy dealer goes in back way for sewing machine parts
Dodgy dealer perhaps supplies instrument to comedians
Dodgy dealer, one seen in court always
Dodgy dealer, perhaps, eccentric and quick-witted
Dodgy dealers land in war zone
Dodgy dealing in order
Dodgy digital currency
Dodgy faction keeping us quiet
Dodgy fellows found in Italy's borders
Dodgy French boarding house is freezing!
Dodgy girlfriend's revealing tits, perhaps
Dodgy group adopting key marketing element?
Dodgy handler, one of many at Aintree?
Dodgy item can’t get carried by soldiers ready to be posted
Dodgy lawyer has uneasy rest after retiring
Dodgy lawyer restricted by flashy stereotype
Dodgy lawyer retiring — rest regrouping
Dodgy lawyer retiring, rest ordered
Dodgy leaseholder fine making European college students live here
Dodgy mo, with shaved head
Dodgy moment when leader dismissed
Dodgy moment, not the first
Dodgy OAPs look after gold in financial centre
Dodgy operator catching river fish
Dodgy polaroids safe? Happiness short-lived
Dodgy religious group includes peculiar aspect
Dodgy Rhodes uni promoted
Dodgy Russian showing a bit of brain
Dodgy shiner not ultimately genuine
Dodgy South American spiritual, one convicts originally introduced
Dodgy stocktaker, one noisily thumbing through papers?
Dodgy successor embraces explosive candidate
Dodgy sun-baked starter removed from eatery
Dodgy tablet conserves figure, and it enhances the bust
Dodgy two-star, taking the most pessimistic view
Dodgy uni tried pocketing Oscar's scholarship
Dodgy US politician, note, with luxury car
Dodgy weave is an expanse of rollers
Dodgy, being at the mercy of cards one’s dealt
Dodo could never manage this many stairs
Dodo has two
Doe and dam
Doe being defended
Doe or heifer
Doe's mate
Doe, in song
Doer in a whodunit
Doer of hard dull work
Doer of stand-up
Doer's cry
Doer's suffix
Doers of drudgery
Doers of good civic deeds
Does 80, say
Does 85, say
Does a ballonn
Does a butler's job
Does a certain dog trick
Does a dog trick
Does a double take, e.g.
Does a film editor's job
Does a gar
Does a greenskeeper's tas
Does a job for parents, m
Does a job on
Does a landscaper's job
Does a legal no-no
Does a muffler's job
Does a nursery job
Does a post-meal chore
Does a round of nine
Does a slow burn
Does a standard dog trick
Does a swab's job
Does a Sylvester impressi
Does a U-turn
Does a warm-up (for)
Does an aquarium job
Does an encore of
Does ancient history start after a point?
Does and bucks
Does as told
Does away with secure feature of delivery
Does badly at the box off
Does battle losing head and part of a rifle
Does business on, as a ho
Does cannon shot flash?
Does chef's work
Does chimpanzee perhaps have the skills to bite?
Does comic admit working the cinemas?
Does Covid make you this crass?
Does data work
Does deals without money
Does decorating on the si
Does dictation, maybe
Does dingo eat enormous radishes for starters?
Does do's
Does dock work
Does Dylan's composition, Times Past
Does edge back, checking buck's rear
Does exploit dwellings abandoned by Home Office
Does extensive borrowing tend primarily to create it?
Does fab, unusual, item of furniture
Does film work
Does go with them
Does greenhouse work
Does gym-class exercises
Does having two wines back-to-back take energy?
Does he fix broken marriages?
Does he regret hosting Liberal leader?
Does he take a couple of books in religious class?
Does high-tech surgery, i
Does hip-hop
Does hot food, following starter of chicken
Does in
Does in with a rope
Does in, in a way
Does it collect the views of suckers?
Does it come softly from the coop?
Does it counteract a love potion?
Does it feature lead suspect, maiden and others?
Does it give dairy farmer easy profits?
Does it hinder people getting on? Answer is set in stone
Does it make for lower profits?
Does it make the bank secure?
Does it matter about me? Rather
Does it move 14 Across to hedge?
Does it pick up those on a criminal charge?
Does it store all the letters one writes?
Does it store things taken off your hands?
Does it turn up regularly in earthy clod?
Does just all right
Does lacework
Does lawn work
Does like time pursuing friend in US city
Does loops and knots
Does many things at once
Does more garden work, ma
Does more tailoring on, a
Does more than is needed as a blacksmith's protective footwear?
Does more than see
Does musical about vacant house
Does new tailoring
Does no work - did less after blowing cover
Does nothing
Does nothing much, and did less when contracted
Does nothing with papers in case, in short
Does one convey the spirit of someone else’s words?
Does one deserve a lighter sentence?
Does one do yoga and do they bear the suffering?
Does one have a glass on top preparing food?
Does one have urge to break into laugh?
Does one leave a terrible bruise?
Does one run away? I'm not sure about run
Does one steal money?
Does one tend to watch hot girls soon to get stripped off
Does one work for queen? Worker to exploit queen
Does origami
Does overrun popular woods or elsewhere
Does partner for
Does partner with this many eggs jump about wildly?
Does penance
Does perfectly
Does perhaps find left wing moving right, then left, split by European immigration?
Does perhaps run after girl
Does possibly delay one seizing power
Does press put English into old page with changes?
Does pressing work
Does rascal show on TV small round bottom?
Does regular short ride into Paris, say, reduce punishment before start of sprint?
Does representing theme ultimately feature in reversal of theme?
Does Rudolph's job
Does run-out cause a lot of noise?
Does salon work
Does semi-related work?
Does sensible thing as driver and stops talking
Does she check and improve husband?
Does she demonstrate pet project in stateside gift-giving bash
Does she have half a case against heartless employer?
Does simple arithmetic
Does simple math
Does some body work?
Does some business with
Does some composing
Does some curling
Does some electrical work
Does some exercises
Does some file transfers
Does some floor work
Does some freestyling
Does some heavy lifting
Does some home maintenanc
Does some improvisations
Does some interior decora
Does some lawn work
Does some macram
Does some mending
Does some modeling
Does some piece work
Does some shoal searching
Does some spring farmwork
Does some tailoring
Does some work in a tenni
Does some yardwork
Does something
Does something appealing?
Does stage work
Does stupendously well to steal small bust
Does such nonsense merit a tip?
Does sums
Does superbly, as a stand
Does swimming on college lake get stopped?
Does tailoring
Does taking time prevent...
Does tar at sea notice possible place for anchorage?
Does tec work
Does the butterfly, e.g.
Does the chasing in tag
Does the honors, so to sp
Does the job of a deputy tolerate wicked behaviour?
Does the math
Does the sidestroke or bu
Does the wrong thing
Does this as bonuses raised?
Does this go round being nasty? It's one of those things that never ends!
Does this imply sharecropping?
Does this protect pig's head? I don't care!
Does time, very short one inside, at risk from the Devil?
Does toe loops, e.g.
Does tramp shower in the powder room?
Does up building that's not authentic
Does up differently
Does very well
Does walk, say, regularly, in Japanese city
Does what a good dog does
Does what one is told
Does work at a checkout l
Does wrong
Does yard work
Does yet to be identified
Does your hairdresser take some of this from your gross income in the States?
Does zigzags, maybe
Does' companions
Does' mates
Does, as a TV show
Does, as business
Does, e.g.
Does, for example
Does, say
Doesn't acknowledge courtesy, oddly enough
Doesn't act well
Doesn't belt it out
Doesn't blow dough
Doesn't bother
Doesn't buy, in a way
Doesn't call a spade a sp
Doesn't care either way
Doesn't care for
Doesn't care for rebellious general Celts butchered
Doesn't challenge
Doesn't charge for
Doesn't conceal
Doesn't contain one's ang
Doesn't correctly interpr
Doesn't crack under press
Doesn't cry uncle
Doesn't cut
Doesn't dally
Doesn't dash off
Doesn't decline
Doesn't decline, with "in
Doesn't deviate from
Doesn't disallow
Doesn't discard
Doesn't do anything crazy
Doesn't do enough
Doesn't do just an outlin
Doesn't do just O.K.
Doesn't do takeout
Doesn't drink moderately
Doesn't drink with sailor, as isn't at sea
Doesn't eat politely
Doesn't estimate correctl
Doesn't exist
Doesn't fall short
Doesn't fancy being drunk
Doesn't finish some panda food
Doesn't fold
Doesn't follow the party
Doesn't follow through
Doesn't get any higher th
Doesn't get bothered by
Doesn't get everything on
Doesn't get hung up on
Doesn't get up to misrepresent evil
Doesn't get wrapped up we
Doesn't give up
Doesn't give up without a
Doesn't go
Doesn't go along
Doesn't go away
Doesn't go barefoot as comfort for supplicants
Doesn't go in single file
Doesn't go on
Doesn't go straight
Doesn't go swimmingly?
Doesn't go to bed
Doesn't go to court, perh
Doesn't guzzle
Doesn't handle pressure w
Doesn't have a second to
Doesn't have to sound sloppy
Doesn't hedge
Doesn't hold back
Doesn't hold up well
Doesn't hoof it
Doesn't ignore
Doesn't include
Doesn't just bad-mouth
Doesn't just close
Doesn't just diet
Doesn't just impress
Doesn't just like
Doesn't just please
Doesn't just snicker
Doesn't just tear up
Doesn't just throw off
Doesn't just wreck
Doesn't keep
Doesn't keep from
Doesn't keep up
Doesn't knock or ping
Doesn't lay off
Doesn't leave on the door
Doesn't let go to waste
Doesn't let go?
Doesn't let the issue die
Doesn't level with
Doesn't look at all youth
Doesn't look good?
Doesn't look normal
Doesn't look pleased
Doesn't maintain even con
Doesn't merely pass
Doesn't mince words
Doesn't miss
Doesn't move
Doesn't need more seasoni
Doesn't own
Doesn't play
Doesn't play conservative
Doesn't play fair
Doesn't possess
Doesn't proceed openly
Doesn't puff idly
Doesn't quite go straight
Doesn't quite mash
Doesn't quite tell
Doesn't really hit
Doesn't rent
Doesn't repeat one's mist
Doesn't run
Doesn't run over
Doesn't say yes or no
Doesn't shut up
Doesn't sit tight
Doesn't sit well
Doesn't skimp with
Doesn't skip
Doesn't slam the door on,
Doesn't spoil
Doesn't stand pat
Doesn't stay in the bucke
Doesn't stay on topic
Doesn't stay the same
Doesn't stay up
Doesn't stick around
Doesn't stick to the stra
Doesn't stonewall, say
Doesn't stop
Doesn't stop, in a way
Doesn't support a conspir
Doesn't swallow
Doesn't swill
Doesn't take advantage of
Doesn't take either extre
Doesn't take into consideration special reductions
Doesn't take off
Doesn't take well
Doesn't talk smoothly
Doesn't this beat all?
Doesn't throw away, as a
Doesn't toss
Doesn't touch again
Doesn't turn away
Doesn't use
Doesn't wander
Doesn't waver
Doesn't wear well
Doesn't work
Doesn't work anymore, inf
Doesn't work hard
Doesn’t care for stormy glens etc
Doff duds
Doffs one's lid
Doffs one's lid, old-styl
Dog — a figure following cat, initially
Dog - a tad green
Dog - bird
Dog - call us jerks
Dog - food
Dog - in leaps
Dog - Ken's police car
Dog - leaps in
Dog - serenest light
Dog - tooth
Dog : barked :: cat : ___
Dog : paw :: horse : ___
Dog active, see, with tail docked
Dog after the winter, e.g
Dog also has a pee when tickled
Dog and Duck, say
Dog and pig's clothing ripped off
Dog and what it might do, check!
Dog and wolf look possessed when rejected
Dog articles about wagging tails
Dog associated with Hans Christian Andersen?
Dog award accepted by doctor on staff
Dog – badger
Dog – jumper?
Dog – shrew logic
Dog – spaniel?
Dog beat favourite
Dog beginning to burrow great hole on course
Dog beginning to kick hen with loud barking
Dog beginning to twitch and be ill
Dog belonging to Alec, or Giles
Dog biscuits and such
Dog biscuits, e.g.
Dog biter
Dog bites messenger dropping off her flier
Dog biting middle of leg — Iodine needed
Dog bitten by dog and bone gets fatigue
Dog born with attractive feature
Dog botherer
Dog bound to be supported by queen
Dog bowl bits
Dog bowl initially ignored by bird
Dog bred for hunting
Dog breed – green thistles
Dog breed Helen Keller in
Dog breed whose name lite
Dog breed's first desirable characteristic
Dog breeder's assn.
Dog breeder's org.
Dog breeders' org.
Dog brought up beer
Dog carrying stick around at home
Dog caught in awful menagerie
Dog chew girl's thrown to save ball
Dog circles large seal
Dog classification
Dog collar attachment
Dog collar's hem old parson turned up?
Dog collars left for newcomer
Dog collars on rectors getting itchy, originally
Dog collars primarily blue in state run by the 8
Dog command
Dog compiler observed south of his glen, oddly
Dog cross-bred from a greyhound for racing
Dog crossing line is pioneer
Dog daughter found in Dorset town
Dog days phenomenon
Dog died in seaside town
Dog din
Dog dirt on park for animals picked up
Dog dish filler
Dog doc
Dog doc?
Dog docs
Dog drawn by Jim Davis
Dog drinks old tea
Dog eating nothing for tea
Dog eating primarily minced meat
Dog eating two thousand caterpillars? Only one!
Dog end
Dog exercises round eastern parts of Hyde Park
Dog food
Dog food brand
Dog food from the back of a lorry?
Dog for lively king in Kent?
Dog for logs
Dog fouled street
Dog found by daughter in south coast resort
Dog free of lead, might one take flight?
Dog from Down Under
Dog from Japan
Dog further tested, mostly excessively, having tail docked
Dog gets my German dish
Dog getting a stomach upset when man's out
Dog guzzling claret's drunk an old red
Dog had to be eaten by pig
Dog handler with more in secure pens
Dog handler's first old expression of disgust
Dog has a temperature? Setter has remedy!
Dog has successful treatment, tail removed
Dog having white heifer as companion? That's an unusual thing
Dog Henry discovered with no lead
Dog hidden by swirling cigarette smoke
Dog holder
Dog hounder
Dog house
Dog houses
Dog hunting vermin traps large snake
Dog hunts, craze seen to be bad, that finally gets banned
Dog I put down as fighter
Dog I'm unsure about since barking in pound etc
Dog ignoring bone initially getting good score on course
Dog in "Beetle Bailey"
Dog in "Blondie"
Dog in "Dondi" [black]
Dog in "Peter Pan"
Dog in 1930s films
Dog in a cat comic
Dog in a panel
Dog in advertising
Dog in British 2
Dog in cable host's opening show
Dog in Disney's "Cinderel
Dog in dispute involving old woman?
Dog in Francis Barraud's
Dog in front, I'm impressed!
Dog in item of luggage, hot rather than cold
Dog in need of lead — that's worth having
Dog in Oz
Dog in river leaving scent
Dog in shelter gets agitated
Dog in the role of pig or bird
Dog in uproar? Beat it!
Dog in whodunits
Dog in wild
Dog is company — right good one
Dog is initially big benefit
Dog is mother’s pet?
Dog is tense and more likely to stray by the look of it
Dog jumps about, entertaining half of nick
Dog keeping busy, originally sniffing female's bottom
Dog keeping new queen calm
Dog kennels in Germany, an architectural feature
Dog kennels re-home strays, those all welcome
Dog knocked over front of hen house?
Dog lead
Dog lead for Newfoundland kept in shed
Dog leads for Labrador and husky are suggesting active OAPs possibly
Dog leads on rumbustious Yorkies, mine
Dog leash may hurt
Dog left for son is very memorable
Dog left to bite bespectacled nebbish, one nowadays missing a lead?
Dog licence finally found in suitcase with a couple of letters
Dog lies barking, guarding a bowl
Dog located outside animal hospital
Dog losing lead in skateboard jump
Dog mess in fine French spa
Dog mess on chain
Dog might be trained someday
Dog missing lead - good point
Dog muck outside of church
Dog named after a Japanes
Dog noises
Dog nonetheless eats a bone with it
Dog number ten, a rare item
Dog occupying empty pen not at all clean
Dog of a mixed breed
Dog of detective fiction
Dog of literature
Dog of mixed breed
Dog of no clear breed
Dog of old comics
Dog of old films
Dog often turning up, interrupting my redesign
Dog on "Frasier"
Dog on the Yellow Brick R
Dog option
Dog or cat breed
Dog or horse or something moved by mouse
Dog or hound
Dog or wolf's tooth
Dog originally bred to he
Dog originally bred to hu
Dog owner, often
Dog paddle
Dog park noises
Dog pedigree?
Dog peeing wildly is heading towards the boundary
Dog pen Erica locks unhappily
Dog perhaps
Dog perhaps that's bitten son is an irritation
Dog problem
Dog prone to biting
Dog put on television, bitter
Dog racing no good for dog
Dog racing venue cancels opening fixture
Dog raised knowing right from wrong in royal palace
Dog registry rejects
Dog reprimand
Dog requiring two portions of food?
Dog restraint
Dog returned, holding letter and pen
Dog runs after bait, nipping child
Dog runs away from miner
Dog runs away from pitman
Dog runs off at first call from umpire
Dog seen in gym, family facility, we’re told
Dog seen in Soho, undernourished
Dog show event?
Dog show org.
Dog show V.I.P.
Dog show worker
Dog sled driver
Dog sled driver's cry
Dog sled is worked in shifts
Dog smelt better after scrubbing sides — it takes some beating
Dog sound
Dog sprinted after socialist's bone for fruit
Dog star
Dog star, animal in myth
Dog star?
Dog starting to retrieve cricket balls
Dog stealthily getting leg over duck
Dog stealthily releases bit of stinky gas
Dog strap
Dog straying - how sad
Dog stripping paper from my present
Dog suffering modern ban
Dog tag datum
Dog tag earned having gone through training
Dog tail?
Dog takes a gulp of water well contains
Dog team's burden
Dog tending to pry?
Dog that has wings!
Dog that is following explorer
Dog that is left on bridge
Dog that keeps sticking its nose in?
Dog that merits "Good boy
Dog that should be on a l
Dog that yips
Dog that's a little of th
Dog that's handy in a laser presentation
Dog that's up on the late
Dog that's well trained asleep in back of car
Dog to beware of
Dog to go astray entering bank
Dog to go astray inside bank
Dog to reach across field without boundaries
Dog to slip inside bank
Dog topper
Dog track
Dog track's mine
Dog track?
Dog trained for keeping at home? Not this one
Dog trainer’s dad returning car with boot scratched
Dog treat
Dog treats
Dog tucking right into food
Dog used as a wartime dis
Dog walker under the influence of alcohol?
Dog walking is awkward for such a person
Dog we held up in entrance
Dog went mad in pen? That's tedious!
Dog with a blue-black ton
Dog with a curled tail
Dog with a curled-back ta
Dog with a long, curled t
Dog with a sore throat?
Dog with a tightly curled
Dog with a topknot
Dog with an upturned tail
Dog with dog lead evenly trimmed
Dog with drooping ears
Dog with favourite food around street? Edge of street in America
Dog with fixed expression getting clipped
Dog with hardly any time to come in?
Dog with long silky hair
Dog with no head strength
Dog with others that pretend to fight
Dog with silky hair
Dog with stick going around part of Ulster
Dog with stick up on deserted Exmoor
Dog without lead is an irritation
Dog working sheep
Dog worrying young herd
Dog ___ (G.I. identifiers
Dog’s had a heart transplant? Goodness me!
Dog’s manor bed recollected
Dog’s plaything originally designed in SW resort
Dog’s tons more fun, but not male
Dog’s bark
Dog’s home, one to south of New Jersey
Dog’s house
Dog’s lead
Dog’s temptation — run round church
Dog's "dogs"
Dog's "hand"
Dog's bark
Dog's breakfast before ex-PM's breakfast, perhaps
Dog's breath
Dog's catch, perhaps
Dog's coat
Dog's coat?
Dog's cry
Dog's dinner - very large tea first
Dog's dinner?
Dog's drink, or resting s
Dog's energy restrained by perturbed breeder/trainer
Dog's favorite part of a
Dog's home
Dog's home outside of London keen to relocate
Dog's home supported by judge in Ulster
Dog's ID
Dog's lead
Dog's name
Dog's nap is disturbed, having crowing bird around
Dog's on master's lead for a fixed period
Dog's owner
Dog's regular I see for say going on supplement in addition to routine courses
Dog's sound
Dog's sounds
Dog's tether
Dog's urine discovered round bottom of haystack
Dog's warning
Dog, cat and hamster, for example?
Dog, constant companion for Stan
Dog, Down Under
Dog, empty, tucks into small piece of cake
Dog, having cocked up leg in street, keeps quiet
Dog, not black, for harpy?
Dog, one entering pitch
Dog, or part of it
Dog, really gutless, mine
Dog, very old, with head dropped and arching
Dog-eared piece
Dog-like African predator
Dog-like nocturnal carrion feeders
Dog-paddle, say
Dog-paddled, e.g.
Dog-scolding word
Dog-tag wearers, briefly
Dog-to-postal carrier rou
Dog-training aid
Dog-___ (well-worn)
Dog: Fr.
Dog; fighter
Dog; food
Dog; pugilist
Dog; tooth
Dog? Stopped cutting tail after one intervenes
Dogcatcher's catch
Dogear mark
Dogfaces, today
Dogfish used as food
Dogged - unyielding
Dogged attitude defining leaders in broadcast
Dogged cardinal going over account with evidence of debts
Dogged pedant finally complained bitterly
Dogged policeman?
Dogged policemen?
Doggedly chucking egg back that's scrambled in a curious way
Doggedly continue what ironmonger did, conserving energy
Doggedness shown by number one team from Manchester
Doggie dinner
Doggie sounds
Dogie bagger
Dogie catcher
Dogie catchers
Dogie, e.g.
Doglike carnivore
Doglike carrion scavenger
Doglike mammal
Doglike scavengers
Doglike wild animal
Dogmas aside?
Dogmatic assertion
Dogmatic believers do eulogise insanely
Dogmatic conclusion?
Dogmatic entry for "wing" in dictionary
Dognapper ultimately snatched Dalmatian for one?
Dogpatch cartoonist
Dogpatch diminutive
Dogpatch dweller
Dogpatch fellow
Dogpatch name
Dogpatch possessive
Dogpatch yokel
Dogpatch's creator
Dogpatch's Daisy ___
Dogpatch, for one
Dogs and cats, e.g.
Dogs are entering narrow gap on a climb
Dogs are, we hear, wearing formal evening attire
Dogs as exceptional sniffers can help, left to go free
Dogs barking diminished sanity alas
Dogs bred for racing
Dogs do it
Dogs fight during church service
Dogs for my soldiers
Dogs got surrounded by pigs
Dogs have prominent ones
Dogs help us past bears, a wearing circuit
Dogs in underwear
Dogs inside - sticks outside
Dogs it
Dogs making row in church service
Dogs named for a region o
Dogs often pick them up
Dogs one brought into film festival location
Dogs penetrating heart of bleak island
Dogs perhaps retreating, one in flight
Dogs scoff in revolutionary way
Dogs unleashed possibly taking steamship around carrier
Dogs were sacred to him
Dogs whose tails curl up
Dogs without lead, lots
Dogs you upset beginning to howl in land by manor?
Dogs, a number wearing coats regularly
Dogs, but rarely hogs
Dogs, say, in setters and labradors, energetic initially
Dogs, say, misleading guards
Dogsbody for a travelling 18
Dogsbody, an active digger
Dogsled runner, maybe
Dogtag info
Dogtrot and foxtrot
Dogwood or palm
Doha dweller
Doha V.I.P.
Doha's domain
Doha's land
Doily material
Doily pattern
Doily shade
Doing a hatchet job?
Doing a solicitor's work in a royal capacity
Doing acrobatics with empty barrel in footwear that's an impediment
Doing as expected of the French, proper, returning with useful tips
Doing as one's asked - endless bilge going out
Doing as ordered one's coming to conclusion
Doing as ordered one's reaching conclusion
Doing badly, is our hope: some national motto!
Doing battle
Doing better at the casin
Doing brilliantly, confronting leader to be deposed
Doing business
Doing counterfeit sculptu
Doing credible work as a
Doing endless exercises, fast and slow
Doing good
Doing great
Doing great, after "on"
Doing horribly
Doing injury to
Doing it at work?
Doing job from home, or sticking the telly on?
Doing kitchen duty, to a
Doing less than
Doing no more than ...
Doing nothing
Doing nothing after output's oddly cut
Doing nothing and hoping for the best - being Glenn etc
Doing nothing but fighting?
Doing nothing in Northwest yet
Doing one of these on the move risks getting into a rut
Doing one's best?
Doing one's nut up?
Doing our best about a source of damage
Doing really well
Doing really well with a spreadsheet?
Doing seller's job out of uniform
Doing setter's job - giving a prompt, within which there's latitude
Doing some cartoon work
Doing some housework, ignoring initial inclination
Doing something risky ...
Doing the job
Doing the minimum for show
Doing the same old same o
Doing things
Doing things differently, Ghent in goalless affair
Doing time
Doing time?
Doing university? I am not finished yet!
Doing very little with no inclination seemingly
Doing very well
Doing very well moneywise
Doing warehouse work
Doing well
Doing well — as birds may be?
Doing what needs to be do
Doing without six-pack, having drunk 9 etc
Doing work with a drill is dull
Doing wrong to claim article is jewellery?
Doing, as is ordered, what's expected from a GP
Doings of Hercules
Dojo accessories
Dojo activity
Dojo blow
Dojo conferrals
Dojo discipline
Dojo teaching
Doldrums, for one
Dole (out)
Dole desperate woman's claimed here? Probably not
Dole offering
Dole out
Dole's 1996 running mate
Dole's running mate of 19
Dole's running mate, 1996
Dole's Senate successor
Dole's successor in the S
Dole, with "out"
Doled (out)
Doleful air
Doleful canine cry; Ginsberg poem
Doles (out)
Doles out differently
Doling out tea brought in for mayoral decoration
Doll call
Doll endlessly receiving one list from conductor
Doll for boys
Doll in "A Doll's House"
Doll keeps close to singer/songwriter
Doll or teddy, say
Doll snap-on
Doll that was once a goin
Doll to necessitate change of bed linen?
Doll's cry
Doll's name
Doll's utterance
Doll's word
Doll-collecting gambler's
Dollar - deer
Dollar amount indicated o
Dollar bill
Dollar bill symbol
Dollar bill, informally
Dollar bills
Dollar coin figure before
Dollar competitor
Dollar days event
Dollar figure
Dollar one lost in American's car
Dollar or Budget competit
Dollar or euro, say
Dollar rival
Dollar store?
Dollar stretcher
Dollar, in slang
Dollars and Deutsche mark
Dollars for quarters
Dolled up
Dolley Madison's maiden n
Dollhouse collector's col
Dolls are scattered round outhouse: one should be in cabinet
Dolls of the 80's
Dolls since 1961
Dolls waiting in line to be delivered a meal?
Dolls with arms?
Dolls' friends
Dolly and others
Dolly left the French in Ilium
Dolly of "Hello, Dolly!"
Dolly Parton's "Travelin'
Dolly Parton's genre
Dolly Parton's genre?
Dolly the clone, e.g.
Dolly the matchmaker
Dolly the sheep, say
Dolly user
Dolly who sang "9 to 5"
Dolly who sang "Here You
Dolly ___ of "Hello, Doll
Dolly's hit one boy embracing another
Dolly, an artist’s model
Dolly, e.g.
Dolly, for one
Dolly, perhaps, was 151?
Dollywood locale: Abbr.
Dollywood's state: Abbr.
Dolorous one in Scots area — he had to go under
Dolphin family member
Dolphin leader
Dolphin's home
Dolphin, e.g.
Dolphins Hall-of-Fame QB
Dolphins QB Dan
Dolphins' home
Dolphins' venue
Dolt's attire?
Dolt? One male celeb, I suspect
Dom DeLuise comedy
Dom DeLuise sitcom "___ L
Dom or earl
Dom Pedro's ill-fated wif
Dom ___, "Inception" hero
Dom's alibi when travelling is fiendish practice
Domain abandoned, heading for country, wandering homeless
Domain name suffix
Domain of artistic movement one's abandoned
Domain of Delaware Nation
Domain of King Minos
Domain of King Tyndareus
Domain of one of the Muse
Domain of Otto I: Abbr.
Domain of Paul Bunyan
Domain of politician in Ireland
Domain of the goddess Tet
Domain of the Hapsburgs,
Domain of the Normandy ca
Domain ruled from Constan
Domain's extent swollen by a hundred hectares
Domains of influence
Dome covers?
Dome home
Dome in a roof
Dome light?
Dome opening, in architec
Dome site
Dome where king is regularly seen on throne
Dome's coverage of scene from musical?
Dome-shaped Buddhist memo
Dome-shaped Buddhist shri
Dome-shaped dessert
Dome-shaped enclosure for animal reserve
Dome-shaped home
Dome-shaped ice cream dessert
Dome-shaped top, going on Pepsi bottles?
Domed building
Domed domicile
Domed recess
Domed roof
Domes to let in London?
Domestic animal
Domestic animal hospital admits a bishop for head cold
Domestic animal thought t
Domestic animals
Domestic appliance
Domestic appliances
Domestic assistant
Domestic attendant
Domestic birth repelled quack
Domestic bloodsuckers
Domestic burglary team?
Domestic carrier
Domestic cat
Domestic cat mottled in brownish-yellow and black
Domestic chicken breed
Domestic chores
Domestic cleaner's opinion of lottery
Domestic decorator or repairer
Domestic denial
Domestic dirt collector
Domestic employee’s husband taking ring across river
Domestic employee's mother conceals one attractive quality
Domestic equipment silent after breaking in America
Domestic fashionable network linked with Duke
Domestic fireplace
Domestic flights
domestic fowl
Domestic fowl given to a Muslim ruler’s wife
Domestic fowl spaniel observed by English lake
Domestic fowls
Domestic from overseas
Domestic fuel
Domestic garment
Domestic hardware
Domestic having one flickering lantern
Domestic heater
Domestic help
Domestic help making tea
Domestic insect?
Domestic item
Domestic light on a pole
Domestic light source
Domestic male bird
Domestic manager
Domestic needing no Frenchman's encouragement
Domestic nurse consuming unlimited stew provided by her?
Domestic party finding a target outside to exploit conflict
Domestic problem having to tell mother to cut rent
Domestic rodent
Domestic row?
Domestic servant
Domestic servant getting new start is friendly
Domestic servant needed for main site
Domestic service?
Domestic social gathering
Domestic source of fruit and veg
Domestic supply mothers must keep at home
Domestic warming appliance
Domestic water sources
Domestic worker
Domestically made beer
Domestically particular expert on river, feeding hound regularly
Domesticated animal
Domesticated animals
Domesticated bird
Domesticated bovines
Domesticated cat finally made a mess
Domesticated cavy
Domesticated European polecat
Domesticated fowl
Domesticated insects
Domesticated llama with long silky fleece
Domesticated ox
Domesticated pack animal of the Andes
Domesticated pig
Domesticated polecat
Domicile doubled
Dominance of two suppliers
Dominance saint possesses
Dominant across old part of Yorkshire
Dominant child imprisoning son twice
Dominant dogs
Dominant family in Renaissance Florence
Dominant individual
Dominant influence, say, breaching border on conclusion of foray
Dominant leg-spinner
Dominant mountain a height to climb
Dominant mountain has to be truncated
Dominant peak has shortened
Dominant peak on Hawaii
Dominant position
Dominant priest ranting about English version of bible
Dominant state has come down after unrest in Suez?
Dominant theme
Dominant theme in art
Dominant wolf, if threatening packs
Dominant woman - chief buzzer?
Dominate a performance
Dominate finest horse
Dominate high-scoring draw without central pairing
Dominate worst tour
Dominate, leading gallop
Dominate, so to speak
Dominating male Henry caught unawares
Dominatrix's wear
Domineered, with "it"
Domineering quality
Domineering woman
Domineering woman and son dropping off type of tweed with short Scandinavian
Domineering women
Domineering writer embraces Rita in front of Ian
Domineering, ousting old King, offending the Church
Domingo delivery
Domingo y lunes
Domingo, e.g.
Domingo, for one
Domingo, Pavarotti or Carreras?
Domini preceder
Dominican capital
Dominican dollar
Dominican dough
Dominican hero
Dominican Republic neighb
Dominican slugger
Dominican's dwelling
Dominican-American major-
Dominican-born player in
Dominican-born player wit
Dominion ended by Francis
Domino cut by half-opened scissors, ones on the extreme right?
Domino dot
Domino features
Domino products
Domino unit
Domino with one spot
Domino's about to cross town
Domino's delivery?
Domino's offering
Domino's order
Domino, e.g.
Domino-shaped fig.
Domitian's "I love"
Domitian's "you love"
Don appears after ironing formal wear
Don at the tailor's
Don Bradman finally caught in annual Test before close of play
Don brand's clothing? This may be considered rude
Don briefly embraces Latin underworld boss
Don Corleone
Don Corleone finally finished
Don eats roast bird
Don formerly of morning r
Don Herbert's moniker on
Don Ho adornment
Don Ho fan fare?
Don Ho standard
Don Ho's theme song
Don in the National Radio
Don Jose, in "Carmen"
Don Juan
Don Juan type
Don Juan's emotion
Don Juan's kiss
Don Juan's mother
Don Juan's self-descripti
Don Juan's undone and missing a godly partner
Don Juan, e.g.
Don Juan, for one
Don Juan, say
Don Juans
Don King's pursuing 50% of fortune
Don Knotts's alma mater:
Don Marquis character
Don Marquis's six-legged
Don Mattingly, e.g.
Don of "Cocoon"
Don of England, e.g.
Don of gardening framing cover of horticultural magazine?
Don of morning radio
Don of old radio's "The B
Don opens wrong institute
Don or John
Don or Lena
Don or Phil of 50's-60's
Don overturned tennis umpire's call
Don overwhelmed by weapons and oaths
Don Pasquale and others
Don penning article on elements
Don perhaps changing jumper on beach
Don Quixote author
Don Quixote type
Don Quixote's do
Don Quixote's region of Spain
Don Quixote's squire
Don Quixote's squire, ___ Panza
Don Quixote's tongue
Don Quixote, e.g.
Don Quixotes
Don sackcloth
Don sackcloth and ashes
Don Shula or Knute Rockne
Don Shula's team
Don single flower back-to-front, Brazilian style
Don to assess student teacher’s finals with that
Don to test lines in fashion
Don tries to break actual drill
Don turned off, such are Wordsworth's ways
Don ugly pants — and far from clean?
Don unknown old pretty clothes
Don urged criminal to crush society's outsiders
Don who pitched a perfect
Don with a big mouth
Don with a gift of gab
Don with a mike
Don ___
Don ___ de la Vega (Zorro
Don’t accept note with sweet I consumed
Don’t bother with consumption in general
Don’t budge, being too drunk to stand up?
Don’t change this boy’s hat
Don’t hit girl
Don’t hold back with the rent, maybe, sobbing
Don’t need to be arranged in a row
Don’t object so much? That’s stupid
Don’t prod stinging creature caught on vacation
Don’t report everything subject to discrimination
Don’t split up tasty fragments!
Don’t start to poke with a finger or stick
Don’t start to strain lock
Don’t strike boy in hat
Don’t take holiday
Don’t use snooker aid
Don’t vote for this party?
Don’t you get married, shortly husband will be up for something sticky
Don’t allow a place to rest? Like unkind comments
Don’t allow animal doctor round
Don’t go near an empty space
Don’t hew a yew: some of it is coming up
Don’t hit her!
Don’t mention it
Don’t put on enough lingerie?
Don’t remember
Don’t start cutting up top layer of wedding cake
Don’t start to hit small child
Don’t worry about second person? None of your business!
Don's 6 mostly love hosting a dance
Don's business
Don's family
Don's parting words?
Don's surname
Don's tackling tries in team practices
Don's turned over in bed
Don's world
Don't ...!
Don't act
Don't act as silly as Pole suspending Afghans?
Don't admit catching the clap? It's what you get in life
Don't allow fraudulent vote!
Don't allow publication of government report
Don't allow supporter to see player
Don't allow to leave with odd characters out of discretion
Don't apply to O2 for one
Don't attach much importance to power - give up
Don't bake enough, coming in for criticism
Don't be a burden
Don't be a chicken
Don't be a hog
Don't be childish, like pundit at start of play?
Don't be cruel
Don't be cruel talking about flavourless dessert
Don't be fooled by such clothing
Don't be ridiculous!
Don't be serious
Don't be so foolish as to deny being foolish
Don't be so glum!
Don't be so hasty
Don't be such a baby - not with team
Don't be upset
Don't beat around the bush
Don't believe it
Don't believe it!
Don't believe this cook to be 'iding fish?
Don't belong together
Don't bother
Don't bother with seconds of your cake, it's disgusting!
Don't burn them!
Don't catch an STI that's going around Love Island
Don't change holiday bookings even at the outset
Don't change it round! Composer in the end kept faster pieces of music
Don't change out of
Don't change this boy's headgear
Don't change this disciple's headgear
Don't change this lad's headgear
Don't come in!
Don't commit to catwalk?
Don't cook enough food, red nuts having been shelled and sent back
Don't dash off
Don't dawdle
Don't decide to put down the receiver!
Don't declare staff
Don't declare weapon
Don't declare weapon to police
Don't delete
Don't delete this shot's frame on film
Don't dine outdoors after appearance of unknown growth hormone
Don't disturb new yeast, say
Don't do it
Don't doubt this sphere at high speed, retiring
Don't drink six-pack you shouldn't have at home
Don't drop anything in bag
Don't drop one's aitches like Captain ’Ook, for example
Don't dump on Raleigh, for instance
Don't eat at home
Don't eat in bar round front of restaurant
Don't eat regularly from odd unhealthy portions
Don't eat so quickly
Don't embrace husband when star's around
Don't enumerate so much, it's dull
Don't exist
Don't fold or call
Don't fool everyone fed starter of mulligatawny soup
Don't forget: I like skinny-dippers to swallow chlorine
Don't fuss about mud brought back into shelter
Don't get out truncheon!
Don't give away a great deal about a Scottish celebration
Don't give me that!
Don't give so many orgasms? That's no fun!
Don't give up on
Don't go
Don't go and wander off — not right
Don't go and whip on Eric's bottom
Don't go by road, I agree
Don't go on
Don't go south before Scottish river
Don't go spoiling a 16
Don't go to bed, taking in English poet
Don't go to bed, thereby avoiding the drop
Don't go to expert to cover new floor
Don't go to sleep with Stheno at first
Don't go together
Don't guzzle
Don't hang around! It's a step up
Don't hinder telling of legend with face pulled repeatedly by hack, ok?
Don't hog
Don't hold back
Don't hold back centre half from Yuletide outing
Don't hold it, because it won't happen
Don't hold up surgeon, say, over one's work
Don't hold your breath
Don't include
Don't insist on
Don't insist on greeting being heard
Don't join 'Easter Egg' movement
Don't judge a book by its
Don't just seem
Don't just sit there
Don't just stand there
Don't keep in
Don't kid yourself!
Don't know location of London Bridge? Head for market close to here
Don't know what to say? It's no way to make a sale
Don't lag behind
Don't lag behind!
Don't leave
Don't leave at the doorst
Don't let go of
Don't loaf around so much, it being dark
Don't look after injured leg caught in trap
Don't make a message plain
Don't make rough suggestions in a mournful voice
Don't make them!
Don't make waves?
Don't match
Don't mention it!
Don't mess with
Don't mess with him!
Don't mind
Don't mind so much running - it's a good example
Don't move doctor I googled
Don't move kitchen equipment right away
Don't move sheep back across river
Don't move!
Don't open bag - run!
Don't part with remaining traffic sign
Don't pass on coat of lace fabric that's ribbed
Don't pass round large flounder
Don't pick up so much stuff in Bow, being thus?
Don't play the old man - ’e kept giving very unwelcome advice
Don't princes set out to be dull?
Don't provide enough support for carpet company, essentially, for final part of revival
Don't purify murky depth
Don't put on too much lingerie
Don't quit
Don't react
Don't reveal skin
Don't risk climbing simple mountain carrying female
Don't say a word
Don't say anything more left-wing? This could prevent secrets getting out
Don't say I've reviewed unpleasant film
Don't say it's obligatory
Don't say this!
Don't scream after a shock in Boots
Don't see as many shining?
Don't see other people, p
Don't set aside one point to make another
Don't show opening of conversat­ion in camp programme
Don't show skin
Don't skip
Don't speak about a stocky cryptid's origin - man in gorilla suit probably?
Don't spend penny on brush
Don't split small dead plant
Don't start arguments and beatings
Don't start broadcasting a film's finale?
Don't start deliberately to sink a marine creature!
Don't start prison guard and a group of folk rowing
Don't start song after bit of lovely junk
Don't start to feel sorry for wader
Don't start to go back, go out!
Don't start to repair roof? Silly — not part of house to leave open!
Don't stay in one place
Don't stay on the road - it's a bore
Don't stint, inserting late pound in meagre bill
Don't stop
Don't stop dupe ringing Henry in East end
Don't stop making fun of 6 10
Don't stop parking sensor going off
Don't stop performing somewhere in west London?
Don't succumb
Don't take away contents of meat can
Don't take no for an answer
Don't take off
Don't take opportunity to succeed at university
Don't take part in operation against ticket seller
Don't take that which may be taken
Don't talk about fate or sin
Don't talk about something downloaded by love poet
Don't tell
Don't tell anyone I demolish unfinished wine
Don't tell how to prepare a room for a film show?
Don't tell!
Don't they like to see people getting on?
Don't totally accept the cut-price offer
Don't touch!
Don't tread lightly
Don't turn out for some play at Lord's, shelter by Pavilion End
Don't use a key, use an axe
Don't venture out
Don't visit state flooded by river- awash with wood destroyed
Don't vote for a black mark
Don't vote for Arron Banks' small-minded Tory arrant immigration nonsense, for starters
Don't waste
Don't worry
Don't worry about her elephant hides
Don't worry about the likes of rats, Ned
Don't worry, if some reported missing?
Don't you know numbers the French burst into?
Don't, for instance, study adhesive friction
Don, as a sari
Dona ___ (Las Cruces' cou
Dona ___, 1978 Sonia Brag
Donahue film showing in S
Donahue of "Father Knows
Donahue of "Get a Life"
Donald and Ivana, Burt an
Donald and Ivana, e.g.
Donald Duck seen in Tennessee for kids' TV programme once
Donald Duck's nephews, e.
Donald Duck, to Dewey
Donald Duck, to his nephe
Donald Duck, to Huey, Dew
Donald finally loses it after function, throwing this?
Donald of the Major Leagu
Donald Rumsfeld's bailiwi
Donald Trump or RuPaul?
Donald Trump's field
Donald Trump, the first American king
Donald's daughter
Donald's expression of impatience about yellowish hue
Donald, president of America, wearing turtleneck inside out
Donald, to Dewey
Donald, to Huey, Dewey or
Donaldson and others
Donate to Eve?
Donate, to Burns
Donate; elasticity
Donated large and small hammers
Donatello sculpture subje
Donates a small bird on b
Donation declaration
Donation for crackpots?
Donation location
Donation perhaps left in error
Donation receptacle
Donation to the Salvation
Donation-soliciting grps.
Donations bound to form part of most museums?
Donations for the poor
Donations for working in bread and wine
Donations from altruism lately going up
Donations to the needy
Donations to the poor
Don’s talk
Don’t allow ghostly coverings, say, with no time for wailing spirits
Don’t ask me!
Don’t beat about the bush!
Don’t eat so quickly
Don’t forget scripture branch
Don’t get up right away as Light Infantry and earl entered?
Don’t go
Don’t go and suspend deliveries
Don’t hold back
Don’t interfere with holiday busy person cut short
Don’t interfere!
Don’t leave!
Don’t mess with first two characters variously interrupting reception
Don’t spill the beans!
Don’t take so much notice anyway
Done as a formality only
Done at the same time
Done away with
Done being Pacino fan?
Done by authority
Done by design
Done by oneself alone
Done by people acting together
Done by running further
Done by trains with "unlimited" return after unplanned departure in USA
Done deeds
Done deliberately and carefully
Done for
Done for finding stuff out, she breaks in court
Done for, finito, kaput
Done for, slangily
Done in
Done in a subtle, but harmful, way
Done in desperation
Done in stages
Done intentionally
Done less?
Done not long ago
Done on one side
Done only once
Done openly
Done over time — that is respected all round
Done quickly and without thought
Done repeatedly
Done secretively
Done secretly
Done swimming?
Done to death
Done to ___
Done too carelessly
Done up
Done up fronts of terraces awfully, eh? Stuff yourself!
Done up professionally
Done with
Done with a wink
Done with a wink, maybe
Done with deliberate effort
Done with great precision
Done with husband, a half-cut dung beetle
Done with lace, perhaps, cheaply
Done with silver, English — too old
Done with struggles to accommodate women’s studies?
Done with the hands
Done without assistance
Done without careful consideration
Done without due consider
Done without help from others
Done without pause
Done without preparation
Done without realising
Done without thinking
Done! Team outside shed finally let pig out
Done, a Milanese dish?
Done, and fast, extremely skilful
Done, for Donne
Done, in Dijon
Done, in Verdun
Done, slangily
Done, to a cinematographe
Done, to Donne
Donegal's home
Donizetti fan, e.g.
Donizetti's "Tornami a di
Donizetti's Lammermoor br
Donizetti's Lord ___ Asht
Donizetti's oeuvre
Donk pushed girl with Tristan
Donkey and scruffy eagle stuffed by doctor for collection
Donkey attendants in deer molestation
Donkey concealed amongst llamas, surprisingly
Donkey drawer
Donkey follower
Donkey in animal shelter losing weight
Donkey isn't moving with energy - a hard problem
Donkey joins minister in church, provoking big split
Donkey jumped over five ducks and attacked
Donkey Kong company
Donkey Kong, e.g.
Donkey Kong, for one
Donkey sound
Donkey supporter: Abbr.
Donkey to value fertiliser
Donkey uninjured, rescued by yours truly
Donkey with tail docked has hint of mule, in a manner of speaking
Donkey women pulled out of hole
Donkey ___
Donkey ___ (game)
Donkey's call
Donkey's cousin
Donkey's cry
Donkey's over there — knight saddled for starters
Donkey's sound
Donkey's uncle
Donkey's years
Donkey, e.g., filled with sweets?
Donkey, for one
Donkey, in D
Donkey, often
Donkeys' cries
Donkeys, to mules
Donna dancing around graduate in desert
Donna Shalala's dept.
Donna Summer #1 hit
Donna Summer's "___ Works
Donna ___, "Don Giovanni"
Donna's sons
Donne composed a lot
Donne piece
Donne works in great quantities
Donne's "done"
Donne's "___ and Sonnets"
Donned skates, e.g., with
Donned, as oxfords
Donny or Marie
Donny or Marie Osmond, e.
Donny Osmond's 1973 calen
Donny's sister
Donny's TV partner
Donor at dance to make a big whip-round?
Donor doesn’t ever, ice being broken
Donor somehow keeps workers' group booming
Donor Yale
Donor's compensation as boss takes charge
Donors' group
Dons casual pants, causing outrage
Dons effortlessly, as foo
Dons once hoisted flag held by naked Brit in America?
Dons one's Sunday best
Dons resort to puns
Dons' home outside University College mess
Donut and coke supply failed
Donut coatings
Donut, mathematically
Donuts were as awful as some Chinese food
Doo-wop group that sang i
Doo-wop group ___ Na Na
Doo-wop hits, e.g.
Doo-wop part
Doo-wop song syllable
Doo-wop song, today
Doo-wop syllable
Doo-woppers ___ Na Na
Doo-___ music
Doodah's wife claims to keep time
Doodled, e.g.
Doodler's aid
Doodler's target
Doofus given a pink slip?
Doofus-y sort
Dooley Wilson's role in "
Doolittle of "My Fair Lad
Doolittle of "Pygmalion"
Doolittle of fiction
Doomed defendant right to be put inside
Doomed liberal America almost past saving
Doomed person
Doomed person — one imprisoned by King George
Doomed ship
Doomed to receive detailed news
Doomed traders contrived to be sick beforehand
Doomsayer's cry
Doomsayer's sign
Doomsday cause, maybe
Doomsday, with "the"
Doone of fiction
Doonesbury's daughter in
Door attachment
Door banger - detractor
Door catch
Door fastener
Door fastener in confessional at church
Door fastening
Door feature
Door fixture
Door frame part
Door frame upright
Door half-centred initially in Corinthian order of architecture
Door handle
Door handles
Door hardware
Door holders
Door joint
Door latch
Door opener
Door openers
Door part
Door parts
Door pounder's demand
Door rapper
Door securer
Door sign
Door sign at a saloon
Door sign during store ho
Door sound
Door supporter
Door swinger
Door that is not for visi
Door to landing admitting bird
Door to the outside
Door viewer
Door without a knob, say
Door word
Door's opening, better frantically peer in here?
Door-busting equipment
Door-to-door cosmetics co
Door-to-door delivery ser
Door-to-door work
Doorbell broken — here one's invited to knock?
Doorbell fitted to sex workers' house
Doorbell sound
Doorbell-ringing company
Doorframe part
Doorframe parts
Doorkeeper runs after hat
Doorkeeper's reply
Doorkeepers left society entertaining the Queen
Doorman brought up rubbish after New Year’s Day
Doorman that’s aimed at the head
Doorman’s company getting Hebridean beauty in trouble
Doorman's drink
Doorsill cry
Doorstep cry
Doorstep numbers?
Doorstep salesmen initially persist – they're heartless to start with
Doorway components
Doorway jamb
Doorway side post
Doorway sides
Dope accessing superlatively exceptional region under threat
Dope and beer? Bishop'll avoid that!
Dope and crack for those in estates?
Dope and rests taken regularly can be a help
Dope and speed in compound
Dope beheaded 23 officer in public
Dope carries on flag here usually
Dope cut with large narrow hollow
Dope enters a company emptied for business
Dope found in most uncommon jungle
Dope harvested from rainforest becomes most precious
Dope in a den?
Dope in two varieties of blue
Dope invested in account having yen for business
Dope left in bed
Dope mostly found in Stone shot full of barbiturates
Dope on bed — is it Murray arrested by fat detectives here?
Dope one I love gets in Delft on vacation
Dope or whizz getting poor grade
Dope popular with half-cut teller
Dope raves about spy
Dope runs across grass becoming increasingly active
Dope shot in group of quite high people
Dope stashed in a hollow cavity in bureau
Dope stashed in order for engine part
Dope that is one encouraging wishful thinking?
Dope time with Latin woman in uniform?
Dope turns up all right in bust
Dope with European camper possibly is Swiss
Dope? A little bit must be brought over!
Doped drink
Dopey or Doc
Dopp kit items
Dorian dashed back inside store for cereal
Dorian Gray's creator
Doris —, novelist
Doris and Grace going topless
Doris Day movie, with "Th
Doris is always after diamonds
Doris's daughter dressed in red cuddling sweetheart
Doris's musical disaster at start of the year, taking on lead in Evita
Doris, maybe 27, accompanied by journalist, wasn't paying attention
Doris, say, arguably more "out" before end of evening
Doritos dip
Dorky sort
Dorm annoyance
Dorm companion
Dorm denizen
Dorm dweller
Dorm employees: Abbr.
Dorm figures, for short
Dorm heads, for short
Dorm leaders, for short
Dorm overseers, for short
Dorm police, for short
Dorm room feature
Dorm room staple
Dorm V.I.P.'s
Dorm V.I.P.'s, for short
Dormant core of volcano toured by island resident
Dormant man on board wants aid to peaceful retirement
Dormant snake seen outside shelter
Dormant Turkish volcano
Dormant volcano near the
Dormant; inattentive
Dormitory annoyance
Dormitory town
Dormmate, affectionately
Dorothee, e.g.: Abbr.
Dorothy and Edward covered in spots?
Dorothy comes to a full stop
Dorothy followed it
Dorothy keeps record in storehouse
Dorothy L —, writer
Dorothy L —, writer
Dorothy L. Sayers's bon v
Dorothy Lamour's trademar
Dorothy Parker deliveries
Dorothy Parker delivery
Dorothy Parker had one
Dorothy Parker missing land she adores
Dorothy Parker quality
Dorothy rejected love, creating hoo-ha
Dorothy ___ of "The Wizar
Dorothy’s brief point
Dorothy's aunt and others
Dorothy's canine friend
Dorothy's dog
Dorothy's dog in The Wizard of Oz
Dorothy's dog, all dressed up for a party, wanting to make the most of it
Dorothy's home
Dorothy's home in "The Wi
Dorothy's speakers
Dorothy's state: Abbr.
Dorothy, for the Tin Man
Dorothy, to Em
Dorough of the Backstreet
Dorsal – ago – subsidise
Dorsal part of the midbra
Dorset men ploughed over a plum location
Dorset team cursed flukes
Dortmund denials
Dortmund miss final, rue getting knocked out
Dory feature
Dory gear
Dory need
Dory or ferry
Dory's affliction in "Fin
Dos cubed
Dos Equis competitor
Dos follower
Dos for dudes
Dos halved
Dos into seis
DOS part: Abbr.
Dos Passos trilogy
Dos Passos work
DOS popularizer
Dos preceder
Dos that are don'ts?
Dos' followers
Dos, e.g.
Dosage abbr.
Dosage amts.
Dosage frequency, often
Dosage ordered for a mariner
Dosage unit
Dosage unit at a reactor
Dosage units
Dosage, e.g.
Dose amt.
Dose deliverer
Dose of Aspirin, for example, efficient in races
Dose of liquid medicine quickly containing onset of pretty bad flu
Dose of medicine
Dose of vitamin C arrives for the driver
Dose, informally
Doses of medicine from medic, anything at all with sulphur
Doshisha University local
Dosimeters measure them
Dossier about UFO's?
Dossier letters
Dossier on drug-addled maestro drawing attention
Dost possess
Dostoyevsky novel, with "
Dostoyevsky's exile city
Dot - full stop
Dot follower
Dot follower [with 38-Acr
Dot follower, often
Dot follower, perhaps
Dot follower?
Dot in the ocean
Dot moans about old creature
Dot on a computer screen
Dot on a map
Dot on a map, maybe
Dot on a monitor
Dot put duck in drink after slug
Dot’s son getting a quick kiss
Dot's fitness class at free prep
Dot-chomping character in
Dot-com with an asterisk
Dot-com's address
Dot-commer's dream, for s
Dot-dash code
Dot; argument, idea
Dotcom's dream, maybe
Dote best, madly infatuated
Dote on
Doth own
Doth speak
Doting marshals dote best
Dots in la mer
Dots on a map
Dots on some maps: Abbr.
Dots over eyes?
Dots over the vowel in Köln
Dots over vowel, as in Köln
Dotted line?
Dotted-line user
Dotty about successful student of the vernacular
Dotty admits her work critical of industrial society
Dotty dance?
Dotty inventor?
Dotty made love in Doha ending early phase of chastity
Dotty mulls ways to conceal love letters
Dotty over young woman
Dotty pants a lot after giving birth
Dotty, perhaps
Dotty, with drop of sherry drunk
Douay prophet
Double 2 minus 0 plus 1 number
Double act being wordless awkwardly hampers emotion
Double act that's no longer with us
Double acts
Double agent
Double agent Aldrich
Double agents
Double alcohol percentage for validation
Double back
Double bed artist in attendance
Double bend with vehicle getting hit
Double bluff?
Double check to determine who should be put in the picture
Double checker
Double clues rejected
Double contraction
Double curve
Double curve saw one out with a maiden at midwicket
Double curve, as in yarn
Double curves
Double daggers, in printi
Double dates
Double decker?
Double dessert
Double dose of drugs for diva?
Double dose of salt for old invader
Double Dutch equipment
Double Dutch: A tip for lookers!
Double entendre about woman with strict morals?
Double execution?
Double features?
Double first from Reading in German
Double first's ultimate achievement
Double firsts not quite achieved in academic stream?
Double flat?
Double fold
Double Hall-of-Famer Hubb
Double header?
Double line crossed by Patsy
Double locks in attempt to secure new file
Double loops
Double marriage crime
Double meaning by a doctor, one responsible for cutting line
Double negative?
Double offence in which king is absorbed
Double or nothing, e.g.
Double or nothing, say?
Double or triple, possibl
Double or triple, say
Double or twin
Double order, perhaps
Double Oscar-winning US actress, ____ Zellweger
Double over
Double person making call
Double platinum Genesis a
Double play pair
Double reed
Double reeds
Double smallest amount of electricity in coil
Double standard?
Double star in Orion
Double starts to take wonder drug
Double Stuf cookie
Double Stuf products
Double Stuf, for one
Double success after Latin edict redrafted
Double sugar / Travel fre
Double takes?
Double the amount of work put on my colleague, by gum!
Double tie
Double time and finish in front
Double time, for one
Double tonic water initially put on the rocks
Double trouble for plant
Double trouble in lake with oil incurring fine
Double turn
Double up refashioning citadel walls
Double VAT added to small washing machines
Double whole notes
Double ___
Double ___ (DNA structure
Double ___ (Oreo variety)
Double's job
Double-180 maneuver
Double-act, one that never took off?
Double-bladed ___ II razo
Double-bonded compound
Double-breasted coat
Double-breasted jacket
Double-breasted jacket for a man
Double-breasted jackets
Double-breasted winter we
Double-check the figures
Double-check, as a disk
Double-check, as figures
Double-check, say
Double-cross, e.g.
Double-crossing a Mafia b
Double-curved molding
Double-dealing party allowed to get final instalment of money
Double-decker checker
Double-decker, e.g.
Double-deckers in the sky
Double-deckers, e.g.
Double-disc cookie
Double-faced couple took part
Double-H of film
Double-H of literature
Double-H of magic
Double-H of politics
Double-helix material
Double-helix molecules
Double-layer breads
Double-reed instrument
Double-reed player
Double-reed woodwind
Double-reed woodwind play
Double-reeded instrument
Double-reeded woodwind
Double-___ (oboe, e.g.)
Double: Prefix
Doubled weight in time long ago
Doubled, a 1969 #1 hit so
Doubled, a drumbeat
Doubled, a Hollywood star
Doubled, a pen
Doubled, a Polynesian cap
Doubled, a tropical menac
Doubled, home of Whitman
Doubleday and others
Doubleday and Yokum
Doubleday et al.
Doubleday, ___ (old publi
Doublemint figures
Doublemint, e.g.
Doubles as artist in abstract stage
Doubles partner
Doubles player, with back gone, retires, giving set up
Doubles result in tennis voided
Doubles taken from physicist's mug
DoubleStuf treat
Doubling up
Doubly 5 across news­paper
Doubly a fool, taking in killer
Doubly dead language?
Doubly depressed and devilishly despicable
Doubly disgusting?
Doubly hard to catch swallow in wasteland
Doubly hard to leave diabolical island
Doubly small for a defender
Doubly wrong about charge in a pig-headed way
Doubt - small weight
Doubt about chopped ice in packs for boxing
Doubt differentiator is within reason
Doubt search is initially working
Doubt South American kissed briefly, as you say
Doubt that is quietly occupying worried 23A
Doubt, accordingly, around position with Academy
Doubt, hell! Former prime minister ultimately moved ahead
Doubt-conveying interject
Doubter - coatings
Doubter's outbursts
Doubter's scoff
Doubter; atheist
Doubtful - possibly dishonest
Doubtful - suspect
Doubtful character, notwithstanding that large amount of service in church
Doubtful individual
Doubtful individual?
Doubtful Jack's missed moment
Doubtful lore
Doubtful The Sting was Peter's kind of film
Doubtful victories even after recruiting a hundred engaged in fighting
Doubting apostle
Doubting apostle? Not by
Doubting Scotsman, perhaps, following female medical expert
Doubting Thomas
Doubting words
Doubting, non-commital
Doubts passion will be kept up in endless crusade
Doug likes eating fruit
Doug of "The Virginian"
Dough dispenser
Dough for pizza
Dough leavener
Dough must be squeezed ou
Dough producer, briefly
Dough raiser
Dough to go?
Doughboy's topper
Doughnut feature
Doughnut filler
Doughnut shape
Doughnut shapes
Doughnut shop fixture
Doughnut shop qty.
Doughnut's center
Doughnut's middle
Doughnut's shape
Doughnut-like shape
Doughnut-shaped - a LAN run
Doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust
Doughnuts are fried in it
Doughnuts, but not danish
Doughnuts, topologically
Doughy snack
Douglas Bader's outfit
Douglas C-47; Siouan language
Douglas is its capital
Douglas or Smith of the W
Douglas tree?
Douglas who hosted TV's f
Douglas ___
Douglas ___, first presid
Douglas's "Spartacus" co-
Douglas's locale
Douglas, for one
Dour church with no branches?
Dour old male knocked over wine
Dour, cold safe
Dour, sour, nasty - like excrement?
Douse, maybe
Dove call
Dove competitor
Dove home
Dove houses
Dove in America perched eyes down, primarily to take a breather …
Dove in US quietly thrust forward
Dove rival
Dove sound
Dove with a Pulitzer
Dove’s call
Dove’s call
Dove's activity
Dove's aversion
Dove's call
Dove's comment
Dove's cry
Dove's desire
Dove's discovery, once
Dove's goal
Dove's helper, in an Aeso
Dove's murmur
Dove's opposite
Dove's site
Dove's sound
Dove, e.g.
Dove, for one
Dove, one perched on hand after uplifting eclipse
Dove-like noise
Dover domestic
Dover fish
Dover neighbor
Dover specialty
Dover ___
Dover's state: Abbr.
Doves in formation close to shore, plummet
Doves sport with great rook from the east
Dovetail (with)
Dovetail part
Dovetail with
Dovetail, e.g.
Dow Chemical, e.g.: Abbr.
Dow Jones Average, e.g.
Dow Jones crashed - Jack taken away, having fainted
Dow Jones fig.
Dow Jones industrial with
Dow Jones listings: Abbr.
Dow Jones paper, for shor
Dow Jones publication
Dow product
Dowager welcomes knight's opening
Dowdy female having only half the sex?
Dowdy one
Dowdy woman fine with The Donald going topless
Down (on)
Down - becoming dn?
Down a submarine, say
Down after a hand?
Down American wine here in 25?
Down amongst them is one of the shortest company releases
Down and back, butterfly
Down and dirty
Down and out
Down and out male with pug
Down at the heels
Down at the mouth
Down but a daughter missing, left plane in a panic
Down clue given cryptic revelation
Down current unseen in Egyptian port
Down East
Down East city on the Pen
Down East college town
Down East native
Down East town
Down following defeat
Down for the count
Down from the deck
Down here, with empty larder another dinner's off
Down in the — means unhappy
Down in the dumps
Down in the mouth
Down in time, best coming earlier
Down less
Down maker
Down on a map
Down on one's luck
Down payment
Down payment I posted off
Down payment is raised inside store
Down pop with son drinking last of Coke
Down south and missing north
Down south in these times
Down the back of one's neck, mostly
Down the hatch
Down the other way? It's a trick
Down the road
Down the ___
Down the ___ (ruined)
Down this? Any number entering hole
Down time
Down times
Down to make an error
Down too much
Down tools
Down town, unknown number go inside pub
Down Under
Down Under bird
Down Under birds
Down Under critter
Down Under critter, infor
Down Under dog
Down Under gemstone
Down Under girl
Down Under hoppers
Down Under jumper
Down Under land: Abbr.
Down Under line
Down Under soldier
Down Under springers
Down under toy
Down Under youngsters
Down which things run away or get lost?
Down with family consumer protection!
Down with something
Down with stick from eucalyptus tree
Down with the flu
Down with the flu, say
Down with: Fr.
Down ___
Down ___ (Maine)
Down ___ knee
Down's opposite
Down, at a diner
Down, financially
Down, usually, on a light
Down, with "up"?
Down-and-out time?
Down-and-out, like team with such a record?
Down-and-out, one omitted from file
Down-at-heel illegal tenants
Down-filled quilts
Down-home breakfast servi
Down-home turndown
Down-in-the-dumps feeling
Down-in-the-mouth sort?
Down-to-earth about celebrities I see
Down-to-earth couple in pack unsuited as tricksters
Down-to-earth ones, in br
Down? Flipping take too many drugs, Hoskins?
Downcast beauty mislaid oriental flower
Downed a sub, say
Downed a sub?
Downed but not at first down
Downed one Sex on the Beach?
Downed power lines, e.g.
Downed, as shots
Downfall for Napoleon
Downfall for Scots among others, wanting European state
Downfall makes temper return
Downfall of chaps lifting cesspits regularly
Downfall of criminal later put in court
Downfall of Geordie footballer swapping back pair
Downfall of party over ending of Thatcherism
Downfall of some nepotistic old world leaders
Downfall when union oddly stops helping
Downgrade (a secret document)
Downgrade daughter and show real feeling
Downgrade pound after each broadcast
Downgrade protest by the discontented
Downgrades, e.g.
Downgrading Germany's European proposal
Downhearted, having lost head and kicked out
Downhill challenges
Downhill gold medalist of
Downhill racer
Downhill racers
Downhill runner
Downhill slope
Downhill sportsperson
Downhill/uphill conveyanc
Downhiller's run
Downhiller's sport
Downing and others: Abbr.
Downing drink, eat up stew
Downing St. V.I.P.'s
Downing Street distance
Downing Street family, 19
Downing Street figure working to upset some players
Downing Street leader's about to pursue German girl
Downing Street number
Download for an iPhone
Download history describing old Constable
Download Horace’s first letter, thus written about like his odes
Download maybe welcomed by county, a gem!
Download track from opera with note from bank?
Downloadable audio blog
Downloadable radio programme
Downplay distress at dentures
Downpour taking top off sewer
Downpour: worry, missing outsiders, in shelter
Downright blue
Downright eccentric to go topless
Downs of "20/20"
Downs spot
Downs without a break
Downs' opposite
Downsides of taking the lid off Heroes
Downsize without layoffs
Downsize, e.g.
Downsize, in a way
Downsize, maybe
Downsizing, so to speak
Downspout site
Downtime Alison arranged in flat
Downtime, so to speak
Downtown British singer, b. 1932
Downtown Chicago
Downtown cruiser
Downtown display
Downtown Honolulu landmar
Downtowns, e.g.
Downtrodden thing in the way, a solver
Downtrodden worker keeping a promise
Downtrodden, like Labour in the early 80s?
Downward bend
Downward climber
Downward journey
Downward slopes
Downward, in a way
Downward-facing concave shape
Downward-leading course
Downwind, at sea
Downwind, nautically
Downwind, to a sailor
Downy duck
Downy fruit
Downy leather
Downy surface
Downy surfaces
Downyflake alternative
Downyflake rival
Dowser's stick
Dowser, traditionally using a forked stick
Dowsing need
Doz. eggs, commonly
Doze (off)
Doze in shelter without kids running round
Doze off during it? Not appropriate
Doze, initially exposing back of neck
Dozen chairs, one removed, thrown around with playfulness
Dozen dozen
Dozens abroad show disgust
Dozens of mischievous creatures chasing short couple
Dozenth couple requiring medical treatment
Dozer's spot
Dozes off
Dozing one
Dozing ones
Dozing snake has secured shelter
Dozing snake seen around shelter
Dozy bachelor finally lost in river
Dr Iannis: a strange person from Mediterranean island
Dr Johnson's biographer
Dr Manette angry about power division in country
Dr Michael MD treated 24
Dr No, Bertie Wooster's clubmate?
Dr Pepper alternative
Dr Pepper alternatives
Dr Pepper Museum locale
Dr Rory, a Scotsman, could be working here
Dr Spooner's disposed of heart abscess caused by virus
Dr Who's alien robot
Dr. Alzheimer
Dr. Atkins's plan
Dr. Dre contemporary
Dr. Dre, for one
Dr. Eric Foreman's portra
Dr. Foreman's portrayer o
Dr. Frankenstein's assist
Dr. Frankenstein's helper
Dr. Frankenstein's workpl
Dr. Gillespie player in "
Dr. Gregory of "ER"
Dr. in an H. G. Wells nov
Dr. in favor of compensat
Dr. J
Dr. J was one
Dr. J's alma mater
Dr. J's first league: Abb
Dr. J's first pro league
Dr. J's org., once
Dr. Jekyll's flooring?
Dr. Johnny Fever's statio
Dr. Jones, to friends
Dr. Kildare player Ayres
Dr. Mom's remedy, for sho
Dr. No foe
Dr. No's org.
Dr. Octavius, Spider-Man
Dr. of children's books
Dr. of rap
Dr. of story and rhyme
Dr. on TV
Dr. Pangloss's doctrine,
Dr. Pangloss's pupil, in
Dr. Pavlov
Dr. Pepper, for one
Dr. Phil's last name
Dr. provider
Dr. Ruth, e.g.
Dr. Salk
Dr. Sattler of "Jurassic
Dr. Schneider of "Indiana
Dr. Scholl's insole brand
Dr. Seuss book ... or a d
Dr. Seuss book, with "The
Dr. Seuss character
Dr. Seuss character with
Dr. Seuss creation
Dr. Seuss elephant
Dr. Seuss story setting
Dr. Seuss title
Dr. Seuss title animal
Dr. Seuss' "If I Ran the
Dr. Seuss' "___ Ran the Z
Dr. Seuss's "Horton Hears
Dr. Seuss's "The Cat in t
Dr. Seuss's "Too Many ___
Dr. Seuss's "___ Hears a
Dr. Seuss's Sam ___
Dr. Seuss, informally, an
Dr. Skoda of "Law & Order
Dr. Watson player in 2009
Dr. Westheimer
Dr. Westheimer telling it
Dr. who handles otitis ca
Dr. with a beat
Dr. with advice in O maga
Dr. with several Grammys
Dr. Zhivago's love
Dr. ___
Dr. ___ ("A Beautiful Min
Dr. ___ (infant sleepers)
Dr. ___ (Mike Myers chara
Dr. ___ formerly of Death
Dr. ___ Hahn of "Grey's A
Dr. ___ of "Austin Powers
Dr. ___ Schneider, histor
Dr. ___, 1990s TV therapi
Dr. ___, TV adviser on li
Dr.'s advocate
Dr.'s group
Dr.'s magazine
Dr.'s order
Dr.'s order?
Dr.'s orders
Dr.'s org.
Dr.'s posting
Dr.'s professional magazi
Drab and colorless
Drab and depressing
Drab and old-fashioned
Drab female abandons fuel top Nazi collects
Drab Oriental fabric?
Drab regime ultimately established by doctor
Drab shade
Dracula and others
Dracula feature
Dracula maybe in rage chasing seductive woman
Dracula player Lugosi
Dracula portrayer
Dracula portrayer, 1931
Dracula prototype
Dracula roles?
Dracula transformation
Dracula's altered form
Dracula's creator
Dracula's creator - furnace feeder
Dracula's garment
Dracula's health indicator?
Dracula's homeland
Dracula's inspiration, tr
Dracula's mother-in-law?
Dracula's time
Dracula, at times
Dracula, for one
Dracula, perhaps, put on a cape, one in red or black?
Draft animals
Draft avoider's need?
Draft call?
Draft choice
Draft choices
Draft classification
Draft contents
Draft copy of printed text
Draft designation
Draft dispenser
Draft dodgers' bane: Abbr
Draft enthronement ceremony?
Draft guards as well as soldiers
Draft holder
Draft inits.
Draft laws
Draft letters
Draft list to knock up in hunting target
Draft order?
Draft orders
Draft org.
Draft org.?
Draft outlet
Draft pick
Draft pick?
Draft picks
Draft picks in pubs
Draft picks?
Draft proposal for a trea
Draft received by president who may put a cabinet together
Draft right-winger seen prior to joining airborne regiment?
Draft selection
Draft selections
Draft sources
Draft status
Draft status?
Draft team
Draft, e.g.
Draft, maybe
Draft, say
Draft-board classificatio
Draftable, maybe
Drafted, with "up"
Draftee I upset about old soldiers fighting for Rome?
Drafter of the Meiji cons
Drafting aids
Drafting org.
Drafts, maybe
Drafts, say
Draftsman's need
Draftsman's tool
Draftsman's tool (and a h
Drag a very dilapidated area for bodies
Drag along path
Drag bed from unsightly spot over by lake
Drag during the day?
Drag Harry around university
Drag in - bole rim
Drag locale
Drag man out to see aged parent
Drag off again
Drag one's feet
Drag or put back cigarette
Drag out religious pamphlet written by an expert?
Drag performer with a wax
Drag performer?
Drag polo horses around 3 points in 14?
Drag prince round university
Drag prince wearing uniform? On the contrary
Drag queen quits Blackpool attraction
Drag queen's bottom seen in Eccles?
Drag queen's collection
Drag queen's wrap
Drag race around site of Shah Jahan's mausoleum
Drag race sound
Drag racing org.
Drag show accessory
Drag spare tyre over
Drag through the mud
Drag with effort
Drag with great effort
Drag wrap
Drag, e.g.
Drag, shifting old pigment
Drag-racing fuel
Dragged on?
Dragged one's feet
Dragged out
Dragged through the mud
Dragging a piece of timber around Nor­wegian capital
Dragging on the shore
Dragging sound
Draggy - unamusing
Dragnet operation
Dragon Ball Z game compan
Dragon is ridiculously slow, for one
Dragon killed by Apollo at Delphi
Dragon made terrible battle
Dragon puppet
Dragon roll ingredient
Dragon's blood, e.g.
Dragon's head feature
Dragon's home
Dragon's home, in song
Dragon's land, in song
Dragon's ___ (early video
Dragon, maybe
Dragon, perhaps
Dragon-slaying saint
Dragonfly larva
Dragoon of note turned to salute
Dragoons win and hold ground he lost at 16
Drags a harrow through, s
Drags along
Drags around European, and goes downhill quickly
Drags out former sources of legal action
Drags through the mud
Drags, of a sort
Dragster's pride
Dragster's ride
Dragsters' org.
Drain Armagnac, then free bitter
Drain beer and have toast
Drain blocker
Drain broken at lowest point
Drain cleaner ingredient
Drain clogged with hair repelled unpopular people
Drain cover, say
Drain drink to get title
Drain feature
Drain fluid to the very bottom
Drain furtively, maybe
Drain indicator
Drain into small vessel
Drain liquid that's rising in spring
Drain meat boiled and steeped in cooking liquid
Drain noodle juice
Drain obstruction
Drain odd parts of swamp
Drain of color
Drain of energy
Drain opener
Drain part
Drain part of eye, admitting problem
Drain part of the main from below fault
Drain power during strike
Drain problem
Drain requires disinfectant to remove source of blockage
Drain sight
Drain small jug
Drain sound
Drain soup for old poet
Drain source of pus above ear
Drain to make white, not black
Drain top of ulcer in Texas hospital complex
Drain trap shape, at time
Drain unblocker
Drain with no cover that carries water
Drain, in a way
Drainage area
Drainage area comprised of twisted vines and briar
Drainage channel
Drainage indicator
Drainage pit
Drainage site
Drainage sorted for shrub
Drainage system
Drained delta on estate
Drained fluid from bottom of well in part of garden
Drained glass
Drained of blood
Drained of color
Drained of colour
Drained power during broadcast
Drained river? Bound to go across it
Drained, exhausted at home feeding dogs - sweet things
Drained, sore internally having fought
Drainer of most of Switze
Draining aid
Draining effect?
Drainpipe discovery
Drainpipe part
Drains - exhausts
Drains baths from the bottom
Drains energy from
Drains in Sweden well up
Drains out of Pilsener vat especially
Drains the French put into garden features
Drake rueful for holding up announcement of discovery
Drake set off with raft during the night
Drake Stadium site
Drake versus duck with a grey cast?
Drake's partner?
Dram from non-drinker getting round in
Dram nearly £25 in Japan
Dram or gram
Drama about a zoo keeper?
Drama and passion in plane possibly losing tail
Drama as a pontiff is placed above God
Drama awards since 1955
Drama center, often
Drama changed into half comedy for produce some spice
Drama division
Drama divisions
Drama essentials
Drama for one held up by essentially extinct gag in Globe?
Drama genre
Drama halls
Drama has it
Drama honor
Drama in Kyoto
Drama in Sochi, with odd characters disappearing
Drama in three acts?
Drama in which male actor
Drama initially introduced in O'Neill plays is well-established
Drama intro?
Drama introduces Harry: touching figure!
Drama involving the Liberal Left in Oscars?
Drama not composed willy-nilly
Drama not rehearsed without planning
Drama opening
Drama over - avoid having to leave North Island
Drama over bagging royal bird
Drama over, behave badly
Drama queen
Drama queen?
Drama series set in computerless IT company!
Drama set in Las Vegas
Drama that uses masks
Drama training knight in enclosure
Drama when hearing my former lover's getting legal
Drama with lots of fans
Drama with masks
Drama with singers and orchestra
Drama with transport around afternoon returning - it’s a long-running affair
Drama writer in junior enclosure
Drama writer restricted space for tots
Drama writer's device to capture the young
Drama writer's safe space
Dramatic art giant?
Dramatic articles about stopping ordeal
Dramatic artist
Dramatic artists about to replace American ministers
Dramatic beginning
Dramatic boxing results,
Dramatic break
Dramatic Brendan, hard to get head around
Dramatic confession
Dramatic court action
Dramatic debuts
Dramatic deep breaths heard over microphone
Dramatic ending
Dramatic entrance announc
Dramatic exhalation
Dramatic family union abandoned? Here's a pill!
Dramatic form of art limited by ethical failing
Dramatic highlights
Dramatic honor
Dramatic incident following live programme that's indecent
Dramatic Irishman secreting fishy weapon?
Dramatic lyric voice
Dramatic medium
Dramatic monologue expressing 'unspoken' reflections
Dramatic Moor
Dramatic opening
Dramatic opening?
Dramatic order to leave
Dramatic outline
Dramatic performance by America shows common sense
Dramatic performance in translation
Dramatic performer?
Dramatic piano effects
Dramatic piano passage
Dramatic practice?
Dramatic princess entertaining American president
Dramatic procession
Dramatic production
Dramatic production about
Dramatic rebuke
Dramatic scene
Dramatic scene - spectacle
Dramatic scene in story about black gold
Dramatic scene in which gold is hidden under item of furniture
Dramatic setting relies on rocks
Dramatic situations
Dramatic solo
Dramatic start
Dramatic strains
Dramatic success involving family tree's production
Dramatic technique encountered doing chat, strangely
Dramatic wail
Dramatic word for the Yan
Dramatic work by pavement artists?
Dramatic work co-op oddly abandoned ahead of time
Dramatic work from D McCauley: I’m so excited!
Dramatic work to approach doggedly after vacation
Dramatic works
Dramatic, theatrical
Dramatist Brecht
Dramatist Brendan
Dramatist carried on like this, looking back
Dramatist Clifford
Dramatist Connelly
Dramatist Edward
Dramatist Eugene
Dramatist Fugard
Dramatist has entree cooked with a tiny slice of chervil
Dramatist Henrik
Dramatist Ibsen
Dramatist is brilliant, so educational — Norwegian originally
Dramatist Jean
Dramatist Lope de ___
Dramatist needing writing instruments of old
Dramatist on vacation taking in legendary show
Dramatist Paul who won a
Dramatist recalled in Verlaine's biography
Dramatist Rice
Dramatist's second work - this classical reading son ignored
Dramatist's The Old Weavers
Dramatist's works
Dramatist, current Scottish eminence, entertaining society
Dramatist, one inventing a plot, reported for youthful indiscretions?
Dramatist, say, who corrects things that are wrong in speech?
Dramatists' degs.
Dramatists' devices
Dramatize, with "out"
Drambuie and Scotch cocktail
Drams taken with party person? That's less than novel
Drang's counterpart
Drang's partner
Drank a toast initially, drunk in this?
Drank drop of Scotch, not 13!
Drank foolishly after a lot of narcotic, did one?
Drank heavily
Drank heavily on the way up to warehouse
Drank in large draughts
Drank like a cat
Drank slowly
Drank some coffee, say, w
Drank too much in station, keeling over
Drank, and complained audibly
Drano ingredient
Drano target
Drape holders
Drape with the end cut short?
Draped Delhi dress
Draped dress
Draped garment
Draped item
Draper's offering
Draper's unit
Drapers' meas.
Drapery color
Drapery disaster?
Drapery fabric
Drapery material
Drastic - limit
Drastic cut in play not expected?
Drastic extra power for Queen in court
Drastic reduction in sales oddly overlooked
Drastic reorganisation
Drastic sentence, with "t
Drastic times, with alien soldiers around
Drastically alter letter from Greek gallery
Drat! Frisky horse's eaten sailor's food
Draught, maybe
Draughts in our leader’s country pile?
Draughts in politician's house reported
Draughtsman’s gender is problematic
Dravidian language
Draw (a crowd, etc)
Draw (a figure) within another
Draw (a geometrical figure)
Draw (in)
Draw (off)
Draw a bead on
Draw a big fire? That’s a no-no
Draw a circle round item of jewellery
Draw a conclusion
Draw a line round
Draw a little at a time?
Draw a native of Chiengmai, possibly, mentioned in speech
Draw a plan again
Draw a secretive cuckoo
Draw a small amount
Draw a tense region
Draw absent-mindedly
Draw ace quartet, ignoring the odds: about 50:50
Draw aimlessly
Draw air into lungs
Draw alien creature with a beak
Draw alternative
Draw an outline of
Draw attention away from
Draw attention from cuts in English energy
Draw attention from cuts in European energy
Draw attention to
Draw attention to lover scratching Nutmeg's back
Draw attention to thin trousers pocket
Draw back
Draw back and head of lion seized by bird
Draw back arm and pick up piece of chicken?
Draw back from phone in church
Draw Biblical refugee, having recalled Old Testament
Draw blood in prison
Draw bow, perhaps
Draw breath
Draw canal upwards
Draw close to elephant in the heart of uncharted territory
Draw conclusion from About a Boy
Draw cover for anti-racist leaflet
Draw curves with these school idiots
Draw drivers in amateur races into error
Draw dustcart, taking back bottles
Draw either side of street, showing brilliance
Draw equal with guy beginning to hesitate in tournament
Draw evacuated terrorist gunmen into fighting
Draw expression of satisfaction after changing sides
Draw fellow in back as means of identification
Draw flag - that's not right
Draw foal worrying another animal
Draw foes out - it should stop a beating
Draw forth
Draw from
Draw from French writer
Draw game?
Draw green woodpecker striking head next to river
Draw in
Draw in cup game
Draw in game set to change
Draw in net at sea, getting chill
Draw in to prepare to shoot a lake bird
Draw into the lungs
Draw large aquatic mammal at head of Yangtze
Draw level
Draw level, almost
Draw level, right away
Draw level? Not quite
Draw like Albrecht D
Draw near
Draw near to support rally
Draw neckwear item
Draw nigh to
Draw of some bars
Draw of Spooner's patriarchy
Draw off
Draw off tax and sue husband for corruption
Draw old china
Draw on a board
Draw on a pipe, for example
Draw on again
Draw on copper, say
Draw on exaggerated promotion
Draw on fortune to produce weapon
Draw on nationalist symbol
Draw on unknown fabric
Draw or plan again
Draw out
Draw out (a response)
Draw out a French novel and a couple of articles
Draw out by effort
Draw out from old region
Draw out oblique angle to base of triangle
Draw out of retreat despite everything
Draw out scandal involving fruit, with millions missing?
Draw out scandal involving Musk
Draw out, draw tight
Draw out, evoke
Draw out, prolong
Draw out? It’s not allowed, we hear
Draw parallels
Draw peacekeepers' fire with high explosive
Draw pictures for a book
Draw representation of Athens in strange hue
Draw Roger opening note
Draw round receptacle for pipes
Draw saw
Draw seal ultimately, like an aquatic creature?
Draw something of the old school
Draw son disembarking sailing vessel
Draw spirit miles up
Draw stomach back
Draw successfully
Draw support from
Draw suspicion
Draw tail of animal like an aquatic carnivore?
Draw tea service from a different perspective
Draw ten sparkling diamonds
Draw the line
Draw tight
Draw to a close
Draw to be inadequate
Draw together
Draw together as in an intimate photograph
Draw together detailed picture
Draw together writer's material over time
Draw up, as cloth
Draw upon
Draw upon again
Draw very uncreatively
Draw wasted, having blown lead
Draw with acid
Draw with articulated flatline textile process
Draw with number one in league to regain control
Draw ___ in the sand
Draw ___ on (aim at)
Draw, as rule, after switching sides
Draw? Point for football team, commonly
Draw back with sudden pain
Drawback of wind does for resort
Drawback that wasn't evident
Drawer behind counter containing wide fabric
Drawer describing artist as 'more eager'
Drawer freshener
Drawer holders
Drawer oddments?
Drawer odorizer
Drawer once containing office PC?
Drawer part
Drawer pull
Drawer site
Drawer units?
Drawers in a laundry room
Drawers in some college d
Drawers learn using repetition, endlessly sketching faces
Drawers maybe start to scribble a couple of lines in writing
Drawers might be glossy bags
Drawers of small vessels containing dash of rum
Drawers of war?
Drawers, e.g.
Drawing aid
Drawing attention from soldier getting into smack chasing highs
Drawing contest
Drawing device
Drawing game
Drawing help
Drawing implement
Drawing in a margin, mayb
Drawing in pale red is Echo and head of Narcissus (back to front)
Drawing in pamphlet about gaining independence
Drawing instrument
Drawing medium
Drawing Michelangelo finally put into box
Drawing most of snare back
Drawing of a human with the head represented by a circle and the body by straight lines
Drawing of box with ring in it
Drawing of king hidden in ramshackle chest
Drawing of small boat
Drawing of small sailing vessel
Drawing of ten bananas on top of cake?
Drawing of the heart?
Drawing off card shows do-gooder
Drawing one gets you nowhere
Drawing out end of debate's allowed in Government
Drawing pair, perhaps
Drawing place
Drawing power
Drawing room
Drawing room gathering
Drawing room?
Drawing site
Drawing support
Drawing that explains how something works
Drawing that's easy on th
Drawing typed out for guests at marriage ceremony
Drawing up as telephone rings
Drawing you had coloured a certain way
Drawing ___ (two, please)
Drawing, a large Lowry, perhaps Irish remarkably
Drawing, e.g.
Drawing-room game in "Pri
Drawings etc
Drawings etc.
Drawings that deceive
Drawn after capturing rook stranded up top?
Drawn back
Drawn features, some Trojan, I’m exhausted!
Drawn from a variety of sources
Drawn from southern half of island nation
Drawn game of rugby with both wings sent off
Drawn line; caress
Drawn out speech pattern
Drawn tight
Drawn to
Drawn to the old kind of patterned cloth
Drawn to the old method of patterning textiles
Drawn, revolutionary illustrations on Christmas cards, possibly?
Drawn-out chemical
Drawn-out desire
Drawn-out dissertations
Drawn-out fight
Drawn-out journey
Drawn-out war tactics
Draws (in)
Draws (on)
Draws a bead on
Draws a parallel between
Draws attention to terrible rebel leaders' deeds
Draws author returning after military service
Draws back
Draws breath sharply
Draws close to various sailing vessels
Draws in
Draws inspiration from, m
Draws matches
Draws more doubtfully in direction of the Catholic faith
Draws nigh
Draws off
Draws on
Draws out
Draws out, as humor
Draws queen in clubs
Draws with acid
Draws, as a line on a gra
Draws, we hear, little piggies for children
Drayman despatching the fourth tender
Draymen regularly avoided Sussex town
Dread about the unknown, such as birds?
Dread adopting digital applications on unknown ground
Dread for example having to change and move to worse position
Dread force arresting the boxer
Dread getting into offspring's tangle?
Dread it disappearing from territory no end
Dread keeping a king tossing and turning?
Dread loch?
Dread losing initial musical ability
Dread missing out on female attention
Dread rag week, occasionally
Dread regular contributors to rag week
Dread slithering snake
Dread splitting children's crispy starter
Dread tale about fallen leader drowning in loch
Dread, alarm
Dread, great anxiety
Dreaded figure, someone like Boris making comeback
Dreaded fly
Dreaded letters for a pro
Dreaded mosquito
Dreaded prom night sight
Dreaded thing
Dreaded victimizer of Cha
Dreadful allocation of role's overlooked when working in theatre
Dreadful American importing tennis ace
Dreadful book promotion?
Dreadful chaos, mostly — very?
Dreadful complaint of two windbags
Dreadful crimes to chill event
Dreadful day, resulting in upset
Dreadful delay involving Queen worried sufficiently
Dreadful end
Dreadful experience on different drug for morning or evening, perhaps
Dreadful feeling
Dreadful heartless war permanently incised
Dreadful input, alas, for letter writer
Dreadful mistake: error banning old Labour leader
Dreadful old magazine
Dreadful older phony that's more than two-faced
Dreadful order disregards court's contribution
Dreadful pastor I catch out
Dreadful pong
Dreadful private school grad with debts stuck outside No 10
Dreadful pun — it’s making contributions
Dreadful resistance restricting the indecisive type
Dreadful secret involving quiet ghost
Dreadful sight
Dreadful sin in start of the Bible? Not the start
Dreadful sitcom has one suffering
Dreadful summer with minimal temperature - most odd
Dreadful tat affects aroma, really
Dreadful to-do in vehicle, giving pet access
Dreadful, and almost entirely accepted by Liverpudlian, mostly
Dreadful, as circumstance
Dreadful, old-style
Dreadful-sounding colourist
Dreadful; great
Dreadfully sad judge popular on social media
Dreadfully stoned again, getting annoyed
Dreadfully unfair about almost inordinate admiration relating to Cable
Dreadlocked one
Dreadlocks feature
Dreadlocks sporter, for s
Dreadlocks wearer
Dreadlocks wearer, inform
Dreadlocks wearers
Dreads person from flats arguing back
Dreads writhing snakes
Dream about Persia
Dream character upset re TV signal
Dream controller of folkl
Dream girl heads section
Dream girl in a Foster so
Dream I'm in boat at sea
Dream interpreter
Dream king who is from Borneo
Dream land
Dream location maybe, where you only get green lights?
Dream of Black Bess?
Dream of dark horse
Dream of Debussy
Dream of fish getting swallowed
Dream of silver in island excavation
Dream of small sailor with fixed look
Dream of unlimited cider and malt?
Dream period, for short
Dream producer of folklor
Dream Santa comes unstuck between roof and chimney ultimately
Dream state, for short
Dream Team letters
Dream Team's team
Dream time approaching, close to sunset
Dream what croupier might say?
Dream, in Dijon
Dream: Prefix
Dreamboat preparing to hug dissolute chancer
Dreamcast game company
Dreamcast maker
Dreamcast producer
Dreamed no more
Dreamed of cool siesta at sea on date
Dreamed up
Dreamer's activity
Dreamer's opposite
Dreamer, one I spotted in Kentish Town street
Dreaming phenomenon
Dreaming, maybe, like backward-looking PM of yesteryear
Dreamland, wrapped in many sheets? On the contrary
Dreams hide a secret when you look behind the surface
Dreams of Daniel, e.g.
Dreams of Delia's cooking
Dreams of ladies' pants
Dreams Stefania’s playing
Dreams that don't die?
Dreamscape artist
Dreamt up knockout maths quantity?
DreamWorks employee
Dreamworks's first animat
Dreamy - our UN goals
Dreamy but not solemn composition
Dreamy composition
Dreamy female accommodating worker in Spanish resort
Dreamy piece of music written by clergyman on lake
Dreamy place
Dreamy relaxed feeling
Dreamy state
Dreamy state?
Dreamy student - pick up during courtship
Dreamy, liberal article good for The Scotsman
Drearily dull
Dreary accommodation in north Italy abandoned? Goodness
Dreary game interrupted by dancing reel
Dreary poet rejected
Dreary poet returns
Dreary routine at first to study On Liberty?
Dreary routine to, at first, study John Stuart?
Dreary routine, in truth
Dreary sound
Dreary, gloomy
Dreary, ugly? Oddly, on reflection, was attractive
Dredge (up)
Dredger expected river to be full of stone
Dregs in cup
Dregs live around university
Dregs of bitter in barrels goes sour
Drench with liquid
Drench, in a way
Drenched with liquid
Drenched with rum, cake's back in tin
Drenches Southern trees
Drescher of "The Nanny"
Dresden denial
Dresden's river
Dresden's state
Dress (up)
Dress a start in audition?
Dress and dressing: part of verb and a gerund
Dress Armani has shortened for member of royal family
Dress at about one for Italian food
Dress bishop with new mitre
Dress caught on a black taxi
Dress changing hands for lots of 5
Dress code
Dress code’s solution perhaps for one often depressed
Dress cut
Dress cuts
Dress decoration?
Dress design
Dress designer
Dress designs
Dress down
Dress down in a pile on the floor?
Dress down like a sailor?
Dress edge
Dress fancily, with "out"
Dress finisher
Dress fold
Dress for a ball
Dress for a formal occasion
Dress for bed
Dress for bed?
Dress for Caesar
Dress for Scarlett O'Hara
Dress for summer
Dress for the desert?
Dress I am returning with wrong mark in it
Dress in
Dress in mirror after seeing doctor
Dress in store showing smears
Dress in the Forum
Dress in York lifted up
Dress is fine in open air, being fashionable
Dress is taken back over a rip primarily
Dress lines
Dress made by name-dropping European ...
Dress material
Dress material for a ball
Dress mom in pants? They're said to be up to date
Dress not comfortable to
Dress not for the self-co
Dress of southern Asia — round India, primarily
Dress old lady by one
Dress option
Dress or equip
Dress part
Dress protecting male and female in horror film
Dress put on mature bull
Dress returned by husband - he prefers to wear black
Dress right for a boy
Dress sailor kept in box
Dress seller
Dress shirt accessories
Dress shirt closer
Dress shirt feature
Dress shirt ornament
Dress shop compliment
Dress shop section
Dress size
Dress store section
Dress style
Dress style that appears
Dress styles
Dress that’s loose at the back placed in metal container
Dress to kill, securing male’s love
Dress to kill, with "up"
Dress to the ___
Dress transfer
Dress type
Dress uniform adornments
Dress uniform worn inside made a hole in my pocket
Dress up
Dress up as Satan, passing masks on
Dress up bride more elaborately
Dress up in ...
Dress up in hot material receiving backing of designer
Dress up in skirt with very soft border
Dress up naked, shivering addicts
Dress up retiring setter rather like Big Ben?
Dress up right, with solicitor around
Dress with a flare
Dress with a flared botto
Dress with folds
Dress without a waistline
Dress ___ (look like)
Dress ___ (resemble)
Dress, clothe, invest
Dress-up costume piece
Dress; car
Dressage factors
Dressage order
Dressed (in)
Dressed (up)
Dressed and ready to drive?
Dressed as college boy
Dressed down
Dressed down in the past, Conservative kept out of sight
Dressed down?
Dressed for a white-tie a
Dressed for bed, briefly
Dressed for business
Dressed for dinner, perhaps?
Dressed for holiday in France?
Dressed heel, nicked by end of chisel
Dressed in
Dressed in frilly lace, 'Kiss me!' Di rashly declared
Dressed in lab attire
Dressed in shirt, I get running with this!
Dressed in torn clothes
Dressed like a certain ke
Dressed like a Victorian
Dressed like Cinderella
Dressed like Dracula
Dressed like monk, fellow lived in
Dressed stone for facing (A, not E)
Dressed to the nines
Dressed to the ___
Dressed up in a fussy way
Dressed up to hear a bit of Puccini? This may be part of it
Dressed up, maybe
Dressed, pop group past it?
Dressed, ready to drive off?
Dressed, so to speak
Dresser alternative
Dresser from Kentish Town discounted by nearly fifteen pounds
Dresser-top item
Dresses after bathing
Dresses down
Dresses down ... or butte
Dresses for cooking
Dresses fussily
Dresses like a justice
Dresses prior to breaking legs
Dresses right: awards from palace to follow
Dresses sank unevenly, stuffed with a newspaper
Dresses tart, exquisite but not a revolutionary
Dressing - that may be involved in amnesia, unfortunately
Dressing always fixed by doctor
Dressing an immature man, having laugh about it
Dressing and ointment primarily put on source of irritation
Dressing as politician - so perverted in bed
Dressing Ayr's latest civic dignitary
Dressing briefly in uniform, a Yorkshireman
Dressing can be a pain in the arse, love
Dressing choice
Dressing down? Theatregoers are beneath it
Dressing earl, repeatedly endure dressing work
Dressing European celebrity in something dirty
Dressing fairly famous person with fake jewellery, covering one hand and the other
Dressing for fish
Dressing from clinic
Dressing gown
Dressing holder
Dressing I love, head in lint, best bandages
Dressing in calico — plain — regularly
Dressing in elaborate vintage attire (lacking a hint of taste)
Dressing ingredient
Dressing is perfect with stems of broccoli
Dressing job performed in theatre smashes European finals
Dressing like mayonnaise
Dressing musicians, no spring chickens
Dressing paper boy in bag in the van
Dressing part
Dressing place
Dressing right to be used amongst peeled potatoes
Dressing room door figure
Dressing site
Dressing table regularly coated with unfortunate off-white colour
Dressing targets
Dressing to reduce inflammation
Dressing tool
Dressing uncovered maid, not slim
Dressing up seaman having alarming vices when drunk
Dressing up to pursue sailing vessel
Dressing used to protect the skin
Dressing Victor in ornamental plume?
Dressing, a young man held in terrifying yell
Dressing easy as ABC to nurses
Dressmaker drops half of tutu, one accompanying package?
Dressmaker Tom dies in agony
Dressmaker's need
Dressmakers from court mess about
Dressmaking scissors
Dressmaking scissors – snip shrinkage
Dressy accessories
Dressy attire
Dressy attire for a man
Dressy clothing
Dressy shoe
Dressy tie
Drew (near)
Drew a blank
Drew a cross response?
Drew a lot, say
Drew a short space attached round entrance to cell
Drew aimlessly
Drew attention
Drew attention away from excited daughter wrapping present
Drew back
Drew Barrymore hosted thi
Drew Carey, e.g.
Drew close to
Drew Daliesque works
Drew forth
Drew in
Drew in books?
Drew level
Drew near Oscar for small role
Drew old rock band t-shirts for hippies
Drew on
Drew on a case
Drew on a screen
Drew on unknown English hippy's clothing, possibly?
Drew out
Drew out pin around noon - after that, read intermittently
Drew upon
Dreyer's partner in ice c
Dreyfus Affair figure
Dreyfus defender
Dreyfus trial city
Dreyfus trial locale
Dribble by defender and lose position
Dribble from an icicle?
Dribble guard
Dribble leftovers on road heading west
Dribbler who drank stronger beer
Dribbling burglar, not the first apprehended by cunning
Dribbling on one's toes?
Dried aromatic fruit from the West Indies
Dried beef, cocoa, regularly, for girl
Dried bitter juice
Dried coconut kernel
Dried coconut kernels
Dried coconut meat
Dried fish may be storable
Dried fodder
Dried food, veg or apples? It's bananas!
Dried fruit
Dried fruit is placed in water
Dried fuel
Dried grain stalks
Dried grape
Dried grapes
Dried grass
Dried grass as fodder
Dried grass twisted into
Dried herb from an evergreen shrub
Dried herb used in cooking
Dried leaf of a plant chewed in Asia as a mild stimulant
Dried or smoked pig meat
Dried out
Dried out, with "up"
Dried piece of laurel
Dried plum
Dried plums
Dried product of a laurel tree, used in cooking
Dried salted meat
Dried seaweed popular in
Dried seedless grape
Dried soup ingredient
Dried up
Dried vegetable sponge
Dried, maybe
Drier and somewhat boring experience that's tedious
Drier river taking last of water
Drier that conked out, not top quality
Drier used in hospital constantly
Drier's by source of water when left out
Drier's need
Drier, meaning unusual conditions for accidents
Driers that close when spinning
Dries out properties that are distressing to be in
Dries out, with "up"
Dries up
Dries what comes out of this?
Dries, as hay
Driest of the sherries
Drift (off)
Drift boat attachment
Drift from place to place
Drift off
Drift off on it?
Drift Prairie sharers
Drift through the air
Drift to one side round middle of bend
Drifter drew near unsteadily
Drifter fled to Spain, yes, occupying temporary shelter
Drifter having intent air? That’s unlikely
Drifter of a coldly detached nature
Drifter on bar, overly sensitive type
Drifters not mountain climbing around North Korea's capital
Drifters' "___ the Roof"
Drifters' intro missing instruments
Drifting above
Drifting off, flat fish has raised tail section
Drifting sand blocks Greek port
Drifting wreckage seen as half of family lost at sea
Drifting, veteran explorer's beginning to weaken
Drifting, your setter’s in a bar
Drifts (off)
Drifts off
Drifts round, hemmed in by sheep
Drill (a hole)
Drill - pest
Drill a hole
Drill a hole in
Drill attachment
Drill attachment with tee
Drill bit?
Drill command
Drill denial
Drill directive
Drill gets through concrete
Drill instructor's 41-Acr
Drill instructor's charge
Drill instructor's other
Drill instructor's rank,
Drill instructor, usually
Drill instructors, e.g.:
Drill item
Drill locale: Abbr.
Drill master?
Drill part
Drill sergeant's call
Drill sergeant's order
Drill shout
Drill sound
Drill targets
Drill through
Drill to assist one attempting to strike gold?
Drill to polish up
Drill wielder: Abbr.
Drill, to a dentist
Drill; dull person
Drilled military men occupying base
Driller and filler
Driller dies — TNT unstable
Driller on base: Abbr.
Driller's deg.
Driller's letters
Driller's org.
Driller: Abbr.
Driller?: Abbr.
Drillers' group?
Drillers' grp.
Drillers' org.
Drillers' org.?
Drilling devices
Drilling expert: Abbr.
Drilling grp.
Drilling holes is dull
Drilling platform
Drilling platforms
Drilling result
Drilling structure
Drilling tool
Drilling type: Abbr.
Drillmaster's call
Drillmaster's command
Drillmaster's syllable
Drillmaster's word
Drills French joiner used to make toy
Drills maybe two poles or rocks
Drills that can bore
Drills type of junction box
Drills; tedious people
Drily humorous
Drink "for two"
Drink — and slurp regularly
Drink (alcohol)
Drink - a sad meal
Drink - assimilate
Drink - burst
Drink - drug - fuel
Drink - it's knocked back by family member breaking into song
Drink - meal
Drink - rest quaffing another one?
Drink - twice it gets knocked over
Drink a comrade's sent flying
Drink a drop, shortly
Drink a health to
Drink a lot of beer — get completely smashed?
Drink a lot of salt water?
Drink a lot, being reckless
Drink a politician offered, depending on chance
Drink a six-pack? Then I will get drunk!
Drink a spirit right up
Drink a wading bird left unfinished
Drink about a litre and a half of pale
Drink about to overwhelm old commander
Drink accepted by estate agent
Drink after a shot
Drink after drink - going topless, very laid back
Drink after drink - one attempting to lift another?
Drink after drink for champion
Drink after drink leading to male camaraderie
Drink after school dance
Drink after second game
Drink alcohol
Drink alcoholic beverage in lounge
Drink alcoholic beverage, 23 brewed with care, ultimately
Drink all over spring and get fat fast
Drink all round the place and fall over
Drink alone in a provocative way
Drink alone in a pub?
Drink alone, with intent to annoy
Drink and be sick over the telephone
Drink and drink? Picaroon's game!
Drink and drive in the morning
Drink and drive to accommodate a tense playwright
Drink and drug producer takes a bit of opium
Drink and entree prepared and consumed by gran regularly
Drink and face up to getting smashed
Drink and go round naked
Drink and lace ornament on a dresser
Drink and river offering small quantity of liquid
Drink annually provided by one in cricket club
Drink around fourth-rate spot, one shouldn't go down here
Drink around north is bargain
Drink at a bar I swilled from this?
Drink at a diner
Drink at a sushi bar
Drink at Christmas
Drink at end of day with star on barbiturate?
Drink at first for playwright
Drink at home to end of bottle, face up on the floor
Drink at the Duck and Dra
Drink at the Duke's Head
Drink at the start of 'As Time Goes By'
Drink at Trader Vic's
Drink author's left out of authoritative guide
Drink available from inside cafe
Drink available when college finished each year
Drink beer, drinking round
Drink before a meal
Drink before bed
Drink before bed, maybe
Drink before bed?
Drink before bedtime
Drink before dinner
Drink before sporting fixture in Ascot?
Drink beginning to affect comrades adversely
Drink behind old man's decline
Drink bitter from start to finish? Just stories
Drink bitter, apart from the last bits - it's delicious
Drink bottle
Drink bottles different in club
Drink brand keeping variety quiet
Drink brought round when? For this, perhaps
Drink Bud, knocking it back
Drink by mayor and old drunk
Drink can go cold when served up
Drink can make me ill, a danger when mixed
Drink cappuccinos or cordatos? Only Americanos, primarily
Drink carrier
Drink champagne (or coffee) as Collins officially leads army's leaders
Drink cheat - one who should avoid booze?
Drink children fed to bird that perished
Drink Church of Scotland finally banned
Drink claiming Australian with large belly
Drink close to optic found in bar
Drink cola mixed by old man
Drink cold Guinness?
Drink cold water before date, excitedly
Drink coming up with Spooner in the vicinity
Drink commonly produces gas and cramp inside
Drink company
Drink consumed after a meal
Drink consumed around 13, tipsily?
Drink consumed by Arabs, in theory
Drink consumed in the outskirts of Winchester
Drink container
Drink containing calcium and root of acacia tree
Drink containing herb upset fabulous horse
Drink containing old grape
Drink containing skin of plump fruit
Drink containing taurine
Drink containing tequila
Drink contents of dish?
Drink contents of jug instead of a shot potentially from this
Drink coolant
Drink cooler
Drink cooler ... or a hin
Drink currently available in small formal event
Drink daintily
Drink date in sporting venue
Drink demijohn in draught, knocking it all back
Drink dispenser
Drink dispenser is returned to pub working
Drink dispenser on case of alcohol is connected to light
Drink dispenser on ship at sea
Drink dispenser wrong to put hot soup in
Drink downstairs? Nonsense, according to a shanty singer
Drink drink containing feather
Drink drivers perhaps having trouble reversing
Drink drivers taking short month off work
Drink driving zone, you might say
Drink drop of Bourbon, in the mood for it
Drink drop of malt after game
Drink drug in round tin
Drink drunk after beer? That's not right at all
Drink drunk by myself, drunk? That's flat!
Drink drunk in haste containing boron
Drink excessively
Drink extremely seriously, receiving one’s cards?
Drink fill then get something to drive?
Drink finished, monarch leaves for the city
Drink first of sherries, something going to one's head
Drink first-class champagne ultimately
Drink fit for royalty served up
Drink fizzy tonic with, say, caviare reportedly
Drink flavoring
Drink flavoured with aniseed
Drink following party - that's a mistake
Drink for a designated dr
Drink for a joke during speech
Drink for a man? Relative of Isaac, say
Drink for a small child
Drink for a sovereign served up
Drink for a toddler
Drink for American; two litres is nothing
Drink for Beowulf
Drink for days in prison, just enough to function
Drink for Drac
Drink for Dracula
Drink for example supplied with good meal (substantial according to Eustice)
Drink for example supplied with good snack
Drink for one before picking up summons to dine?
Drink for one that's picked up medal
Drink for Robin Hood
Drink for the French lieutenant – bottles of Irish wine
Drink freely
Drink freely and noisily
Drink freshly made - and from bananas - containing energy
Drink from a bowl
Drink from a dish
Drink from a flask
Drink from a machine
Drink from a snifter, e.g
Drink from a stein
Drink from bedtime bottle full of rum
Drink from bootlegging era legitimised
Drink from sent back
Drink from California and Virginia
Drink from China?
Drink from county river running through mountain
Drink from fermented milk
Drink from grapes
Drink from India
Drink from mains
Drink from river after red, black and yellow creature?
Drink from tap’s to sell
Drink from top composer not finishing round
Drink fuddled old boy, joining wrong army
Drink garnish
Drink garnish, often
Drink garnishes
Drink gets a youth in hazy moonlit setting
Drink Guardian keeps providing for swimmer
Drink half of just frozen water
Drink heartily
Drink heavily
Drink held by Jeroboam or Methuselah?
Drink here as an anaesthetic
Drink holder
Drink Hoskins must get out of chap bringing food?
Drink hurriedly
Drink I brought in — part of my job
Drink I knocked over that half-cut Libran got in
Drink imbibed by 6 after half time in 1954 classic ...
Drink impolitely
Drink in "Beowulf"
Drink in "My Big Fat Gree
Drink in "The Taming of t
Drink in a Chinese restau
Drink in a cup
Drink in a fine yarn about California
Drink in a frosted glass
Drink in a mug
Drink in a sippy cup
Drink in a twentieth of a minute?
Drink in article on Turkey is one Homer characterised
Drink in artificial glass, we hear?
Drink in best hotel prepared for 2
Drink in Bull's Head, always before time
Drink in can to be consumed by the start of spring
Drink in clubs - may attempt to return
Drink in excess initially has you laid out
Drink in honour of some event
Drink in large amounts during music's ending
Drink in large draughts
Drink in local occasionally served up
Drink in Med? It's a cider brewed in sober group!
Drink in plastic container
Drink in plaudits, audience standing
Drink in pot, easy!
Drink in private afterwards
Drink in remarkable actress, stop those playing to the crowds?
Drink in short pitcher starts to loosen everyone's principles
Drink in small quantities
Drink in the bar on odd occasions
Drink in The Feathers?
Drink in the morning is something non-pro players do
Drink in time involving small amount of liquid? Just the reverse
Drink in two parts of golf course while speaking
Drink in vermouth sheepish male served up
Drink in village restaurant
Drink in Wetherspoons, for example, 20% off
Drink inferior to sea water reportedly limited
Drink inspiring oenophiles, primarily?
Drink instant tea
Drink is brought round — pub’s Number One
Drink is evil? Not very when taken with old American marijuana
Drink is golfer’s support, they say
Drink is knocked back, first of pints
Drink issue? That's coming later
Drink it when reflecting in the morning air
Drink keg, primarily wooden
Drink Kitty mostly knocked back
Drink knocked back first of December at sea maybe?
Drink knocked back in Colorado Springs
Drink large rum
Drink large tea brewed outside front of temple
Drink leading to death of herald
Drink left on coaster
Drink left over in group refreshed army
Drink less bubbly, taking lips away
Drink less gin to inspire sheer love
Drink like a cat
Drink like a dog
Drink like Fido
Drink like Hoskins, slurping drop of tequila
Drink little and often - advice applied regularly
Drink locked up by Cinderella's sisters
Drink lots of liquid on top of eating food
Drink made at sea
Drink made from a mix
Drink made from apples
Drink made from brown leaves? Not half!
Drink made from extracts, something fishy
Drink made from honey
Drink made from malted barley's common ingredients?
Drink made from pears
Drink made from West African beans
Drink made with cura
Drink made with Scotch
Drink made with spirits and hot water
Drink made with vodka, co
Drink making dame drunk
Drink making you sardonic in speech?
Drink mat
Drink mate overturned
Drink mats
Drink mentioned in Rupert
Drink milk one restaurant employee put out
Drink mixer
Drink mixes
Drink more rum, boss
Drink most of a little salty water?
Drink most of wine with yours truly and Diana Ross?
Drink name suffix
Drink named after a Scott
Drink neat rum when touring island
Drink noisily
Drink noisily, not softly, and speak without distinction
Drink noisily, tossing off a litre - get up, then stagger
Drink not right for social gathering
Drink not supplied promptly, taking extra time
Drink nothing in such dangerous areas?
Drink nothing? Impossible!
Drink obtained from a market in Italy
Drink of cider and lager combined - take Ibsen
Drink of forgetfulness
Drink of spirits getting us fired
Drink of tea
Drink of the gods
Drink of the Olympian gods
Drink often served with a
Drink on account, opening two litres of milk
Drink on board
Drink on break, and a crisp biscuit
Drink on draft
Drink on the drink
Drink on top of wardrobe featured in feast
Drink once pitched by Nan
Drink one in Asia? Wrong
Drink one to limit bone disease
Drink only partially satisfies a king
Drink or eat noisily
Drink order
Drink order that could be
Drink outside hotel before graduate dance
Drink overcomes Kay and Octavia, possibly
Drink overturned and lagers spilled - area needs wiping, they complain
Drink party organiser curtailed - heavens
Drink picked up for Father Christmas, possibly?
Drink pineapple crushes at home
Drink plugged by prime plug
Drink pop
Drink popular ale, ultimately it's flat
Drink popular between bridge partners
Drink port and punch - no beer at first
Drink preference
Drink prepared for an audience to get sick
Drink problem on team displays
Drink produced within Hungary’s borders is a remarkable thing
Drink producer's sheep receiving a degree
Drink promotion briefly uttered raising cheers
Drink provided by bachelor of lustful nature
Drink provided by drink provider runs short? It requires steps to be taken
Drink put down after solemn manoeuvres
Drink quietly inside: school term over
Drink quietly, repeatedly, at home, gaining weight
Drink quite a large shot
Drink readily available after close of business
Drink ready (not one that’s conjectural)
Drink Reginald and Alan knocked back
Drink regularly in the bar
Drink repeatedly over cardiac glitch
Drink repercussions disheartened sleuth must accept
Drink reportedly precedes sound of laughter and excitement
Drink request
Drink reserved, also bottled
Drink round south Mediterranean island mostly confidential
Drink royal’s taken up
Drink ruined a grocer at sea - he does have loads on his mind
Drink ruined ace diet
Drink rum drinks in northern church
Drink running water with live newt further up
Drink sachet
Drink said to be healthy in Bow?
Drink said to prolong lif
Drink Scandinavian nomad left unfinished
Drink scrumpy occasionally with secretary
Drink search organized
Drink served at party at the top of the Empire State Building?
Drink served over cracked
Drink served up, suitable for antelope
Drink served with a mint
Drink served with gin, when initially announced?
Drink served with marshma
Drink server
Drink shot with slices in
Drink shouted for social reformer
Drink since 1905
Drink since 1924
Drink since 1961
Drink slowly
Drink some beer, eating egg hard-boiled, perhaps
Drink somehow got paler
Drink something between espresso and daiquiri?
Drink something to prevent dry mouth in school presentation
Drink sometimes served ho
Drink son has in convenient place
Drink spiked by staff – sabotage
Drink spirits initially, something that goes to the head
Drink starts to arrive in Downing Street
Drink starts to take effect afterwards
Drink stirrer
Drink Strongbow in extra-large bottles
Drink stuff — stiff stuff!
Drink suffix
Drink supplier claiming right to brewery's last contract
Drink supplier is more calm when absorbed by housework
Drink supplier refuses to accept expression of thanks about one
Drink supplier: firm very much accepting withdrawal of complaint
Drink supplier’s exploit having a lot of people running short
Drink suppliers were realigned, investing in cheese products
Drink surrounds most of historic feature of bar?
Drink taken after another
Drink taken after entrance to Death Valley
Drink taken on horseback
Drink taking large cut? One should keep locks in order
Drink tea sitting beside Maureen
Drink tea when meeting doctor
Drink tequila at first - class of seamen passed out in order - it's bound to appear impressive?
Drink that
Drink that did for group when Mike left
Drink that girl's to flog after promoting Tango
Drink that has a charm about it
Drink that in Spanish means 'island'
Drink that may be a doubl
Drink that may be vanilla
Drink that may have vitam
Drink that might come wit
Drink that often comes wi
Drink that went to one’s head once?
Drink that you whack with
Drink that’s good found in New England area?
Drink that's carroty regularly getting into wee
Drink that's free in a restaurant!
Drink that's part of each afternoon
Drink that's preferable for non-drinker to leave
Drink that's stirred
Drink the health of
Drink through a straw
Drink through a straw?
Drink to celebrate release after indecisive statement is withdrawn
Drink to combine with alcohol
Drink to excess
Drink to fortify for embellish­ment
Drink to one's health
Drink to self-publicity?
Drink to the health of
Drink to whet the appetite
Drink too much in meeting place?
Drink too much to do more than meet?
Drink too much to exercise
Drink under the bar, allegedly, one of us
Drink up as befitting a king
Drink up Earl Grey
Drink up!
Drink up, embracing one working in local
Drink up, last bit of scotch moments away
Drink upset duck
Drink used as a hangover cure
Drink very quietly with opposition leader in Syria
Drink was revolting
Drink way off
Drink when drinking party returns
Drink which exceptional soprano aspires to reach?
Drink whose name is a hom
Drink whose name is Tahit
Drink whose name means "l
Drink whose name suggests
Drink wine in comfort
Drink wine in which tannin originally flagged
Drink with a bite
Drink with a foamy head
Drink with a foamy top
Drink with a head
Drink with a kick
Drink with a marshmallow
Drink with a straw
Drink with a tinge of tar
Drink with Christmas cook
Drink with dim sum
Drink with Don to build ties, say
Drink with drink in it? Excellent!
Drink with everyone before work
Drink with fast food
Drink with friend
Drink with friend? Absolutely!
Drink with golf partner in bag store
Drink with Grabbin' Grape
Drink with graduate after dance
Drink with gritty stuff, hard to get swallowed
Drink with hops
Drink with Irish patron in Ulster town
Drink with Kansas leaders in Kansas
Drink with king eating first of rather small nuts
Drink with king in wood
Drink with lemon juice
Drink with little chance of being found in Hell?
Drink with male group of players
Drink with milk
Drink with old women in field
Drink with one's pinkie u
Drink with out-of-head friend? That's rare!
Drink with pearls of tapioca
Drink with penniless-sounding shower
Drink with politician, taking a chance
Drink with Scotsman over in university grounds
Drink with setter - a depressing experience
Drink with singer and guide
Drink with Stilton
Drink with sukiyaki, mayb
Drink with sushi
Drink with tempura
Drink with tempura, maybe
Drink with university publishers and secretary
Drink's on me, not Mike
Drink's rough, reportedly
Drink, as hot tea
Drink, being hesitant to admit mistake
Drink, black, to leak out slowly
Drink, darling? Something with soda, perhaps
Drink, for example, with medal being returned
Drink, for little money, source of true river water in France
Drink, hit and sing, for example - rarer liver bug
Drink, in the old days, uplifted cartoonist
Drink, informally
Drink, leaving head to settle
Drink, neither vegetable nor animal
Drink, one way and another, leads to disturbance
Drink, say, given to child almost completely dry
Drink, second as chaser, to West Country
Drink, so to speak
Drink, swallowing last of beer, and stand in shock
Drink, then sloshed before noon in London district
Drink, when cold, can go the wrong way
Drink-induced bravado
Drink: a complete round
Drink: Abbr.
Drink: boy needs one
Drink: steward spills one
Drink; assimilate
Drink; meal
Drink; playing piece
Drink? Ben has it as a cocktail
Drink? Caught a second time with ale brewing
Drink? Church worker imbibes one — and another one
Drink? Ordered lager
Drink? Rare politician maintains resistance
Drinker finally ejected from hot and humid local
Drinker heading off for wood in which one Bass is hidden
Drinker is only just fine for start of evening
Drinker of cool old whiskey to start with
Drinker very troublesome to start with
Drinker who primarily binges on no good bubbly?
Drinker's comeuppance having to abandon grand city
Drinker's excess
Drinker's next-day woe
Drinker's place
Drinker's problem
Drinker's problem, for sh
Drinker's remark hasn't succeeded in a perfect way
Drinker's road offense, f
Drinker's shameful display, taking top off
Drinker's snack?
Drinker's spree
Drinker's toast
Drinker's total
Drinker’s motivation
Drinkers may run them up
Drinkers' song from master during boozy birthday
Drinkers, at times
Drinking and dancing inst
Drinking and engaging in amorous activity?
Drinking and gambling
Drinking and others
Drinking beer, work steadily but dimly
Drinking beers, closely follow persuasive argument
Drinking binge
Drinking booze? So then sip to get drunk!
Drinking bout
Drinking bout in front half of car
Drinking buddy knocked back beer shortly before golf
Drinking cup
Drinking establishment
Drinking establishments popular with empty nesters
Drinking fountain
Drinking game
Drinking glass
Drinking haunt attended by awful sailor in holiday destination
Drinking hole popular with additional number
Drinking house has attractive quality, do you not think?
Drinking Irish double whiskey?
Drinking last of ale, Hoskins had a thought!
Drinking like a setter? Don't start panicking!
Drinking litres, bum virtually drunk
Drinking mug shaped as a stout man
Drinking place
Drinking places
Drinking problem
Drinking spot
Drinking spree
Drinking sprees
Drinking straight from jugs
Drinking suffered, last of pubs boarded up
Drinking tea, endlessly observing Albert
Drinking tea, say, girl survives
Drinking toast
Drinking too much, bishop goes off dribbling
Drinking tube
Drinking venue always heaving at first, having gatecrashed party
Drinking vessel
Drinking vessel - part of a lock
Drinking vessel allowed to touch mouth
Drinking vessels
Drinking vessels broken by German assailants
Drinking wine, conservative editor is happy
Drinking, for example, expressed jokingly in government
Drinking, right, but remaining vigilant
Drinking-place at hotel outside one French resort
Drinks a toast
Drinks about litre, last of bottles missing cap
Drinks akin to americanos
Drinks at the Pink Pig, s
Drinks can lead to spewing
Drinks chiller?
Drinks cooler that is cold inside
Drinks cooler?
Drinks cuppa, left unfinished in hurry
Drinks daintily
Drinks dispenser?
Drinks do make Blair sound Conservative?
Drinks emporium formerly infested with very loud insects
Drinks excessively at first, leading to fall
Drinks fast and kisses amorously
Drinks fit for a lady?
Drinks for all before a fight — devious!
Drinks for Chaucer's Mill
Drinks for some toast
Drinks from a flask
Drinks from top of bottles
Drinks heavily when cycling, getting the sauce
Drinks in barrels dodgy dealer smuggled in ship
Drinks in frosted glasses
Drinks in midweek? Pass!
Drinks in red-and-white c
Drinks late on? They won't help you keep a cool head then
Drinks like a dog
Drinks made in barrels always taking a long time
Drinks made with mixers
Drinks made with Southern
Drinks of bourbon, with sugar and mint, poured over crushed ice
Drinks of liquor
Drinks of spirits
Drinks of tea
Drinks popular in hot wea
Drinks punch! That'll save the knees
Drinks rum during matches
Drinks served to English guy
Drinks shot
Drinks slowly
Drinks spilt: PE ruined!
Drinks stirred in pitcher
Drinks straight from the bottle
Drinks tea within seconds
Drinks that are often lad
Drinks to lift a bad mood
Drinks to setter's game
Drinks to sip
Drinks ultimately stored (except for wine) in cupboards
Drinks up when aboard ship
Drinks up, carrying home type of tap?
Drinks with a spoon, mayb
Drinks with English guy
Drinks with gin, Cointrea
Drinks with Nigel and Clare?
Drinks with straws
Drinks with vitamin C
Drinks: concerned with price to fill empty cups?
Drinks; traps
Drip from a pipe, e.g.
Drip site
Drip source
Drip's name
Drip's taken up with a treacherous sort
Dripping water frozen
Dripping, a kind of fat
Drippy work of war artist?
Drive (along)
Drive (around)
Drive (livestock to market)
Drive - young ox
Drive ... or part of a ca
Drive a car stolen for the purpose
Drive a taxi, reversing round church in drunken scenes
Drive after parking vehicle used by mum
Drive along leisurely
Drive and change oil in sump
Drive any convertible - red, say, from here
Drive around? No time or opportunity
Drive at, with "to"
Drive away
Drive away from island and lake in Kansas City
Drive away from one small lake in Kansas City
Drive away from party around half nine
Drive away partner, initially, during folk dance
Drive away racecourse spy in exchange of fire
Drive away with panini filling during celebration
Drive away, as a thief?
Drive away, restricting speed initially, then create a stir
Drive away, scatter
Drive back
Drive back and forth
Drive back concerned with rhythmic vibration
Drive back demo's leader behind half-hearted police cordon, subject to demand
Drive back fly on a new form of confectionery
Drive back from dance, parking inside
Drive back in revolutionary Tesla taxi
Drive back one avoided heading west
Drive back or away
Drive back suspect, like top-class fighter of old
Drive backwards
Drive before the wind
Drive bishop away from bumpiest ground
Drive carelessly flattening farm animal?
Drive carelessly, running front of taxi into foreman
Drive close to Ferrari in journeys westward
Drive crazy
Drive crooked mile around Peterhead
Drive down the fairway
Drive drunkenly, perhaps
Drive English leader around in centre of Basildon
Drive farm animal
Drive finishing early, blocked by one stupid dead end
Drive first person boarding cleaner, low-level transport
Drive forcefully into separate defensive wall
Drive forward
Drive forward author's brief career
Drive forward in stripped-down limo with key in place
Drive forwards
Drive from place across moor
Drive gear
Drive going backwards so landing in rough
Drive here and there regularly
Drive home I see as tricky, maintaining a measure of speed
Drive home last of nails on lock
Drive home skirting large oval mound
Drive home with knickers virtually unrestrained
Drive home, back into awful torment in part of Paris
Drive home, smashing gate on bridge
Drive husband to drink, being contrary
Drive in Beverly Hills
Drive in car, a circuit around Thruxton to begin with, getting puncture
Drive in N.Y.C.
Drive in range, with ball cutting in
Drive initially identifying my favourite American?
Drive insane
Drive into Split, fencing off some land
Drive into thoroughfare, working for ex-party leader
Drive like a drunk
Drive little devil to the school finally
Drive mad
Drive me crazy with a roast ham
Drive miles up to resort
Drive mischief-maker over English lake
Drive Nancy’s friend around at 100? That’s impressive
Drive nuts
Drive of husband engaged by board of directors
Drive off
Drive off around town with hack: "Where do we go for a shag?"
Drive off from Carnoustie
Drive off in Open but go too far
Drive off revolting social outcast
Drive off the top?
Drive off, repulse
Drive on
Drive or sweep? Somerset's opener lost
Drive out
Drive out in attempt to cross North Island
Drive out of capital of Turkey, chasing a great deal for the tourist
Drive out of one's lane
Drive out the Spanish supporting former power
Drive out, expel
Drive out, in a way
Drive over border in drag
Drive participant
Drive participants
Drive politician round, collecting papers
Drive priest by car
Drive recklessly
Drive recorded debt with crafty way fake news appears?
Drive round a 22 across
Drive round front of ramshackle old Mexican Villa, and settle there
Drive round with zero speed
Drive shown by one politician in France and America
Drive shown by politician in refurbished suite
Drive through one part of the UK to see endangered species
Drive time around noon - can't wait!
Drive time in upland area
Drive to discourage people on motorway
Drive to drink?
Drive to evaluate Spooner's lily pad?
Drive to Oslo regularly
Drive to spear fish in part of the Arctic
Drive to succeed
Drive to succeed? No, I'm a bit stupid
Drive too close, creating flap
Drive too fast
Drive trimmer that clears beds
Drive truck back surrounded by monkeys
Drive two into the water
Drive units, briefly
Drive up motorway back to university
Drive up price of sheep dip finally
Drive up the wall
Drive up wall in old car, not side of banking
Drive with crack on surface
Drive with more speed, no top covering German racing car
Drive's big - what may follow?
Drive, coming out of Malmo, to Riga
Drive, e.g.
Drive, say, all but disappeared
Drive-by dope dispenser for six-footer with extra powerful legs
Drive-in diner supplies
Drive-in employee
Drive-in feature
Drive-in inn
Drive-in order
Drive-in restaurant serve
Drive-in server
Drive-in worker
Drive-thru bank feature,
Drive-thru convenience, p
Drive-thru dispenser, may
Drive-thru sandwich order
Drive-thru screens are fascinating
Drive back
Driven by water, hot and cold air duly circulating inside
Driven group
Driven out
Driven supporter
Driven to shaking after naughty child’s thoughtless
Driven types
Driven wild after young adult broached source of booze
Driver allowed tablets to be hidden in spirit on way back
Driver and creator of great cycle rounding turn
Driver annoyed Miss Right
Driver brought before judge is lying
Driver driven to distraction on day off?
Driver ed?
Driver entitled to free m
Driver for pointless proportionate representation
Driver found stuck in middle of dam
Driver getting mostly hot in Calais following twisting street there
Driver having to edge skyward
Driver leaving Phoenix, first to accident, volunteers information
Driver leaving vehicle in hooded coat reportedly
Driver may change into this kind of party clothing
Driver might go through these short tee positions following golf ace
Driver of a four-horse ch
Driver of cart taking a road north — new girl going that way
Driver of one vehicle or another over short period
Driver of people carrier from Milan unfortunately crushing foot
Driver of the Cannonball
Driver on a ranch
Driver reversed right over cat? It's messy
Driver to bargain when going round university on two separate occasions
Driver who talks
Driver wildly interrupting acclamation
Driver’s fury
Driver's 180
Driver's aid
Driver's aid is what this begins with
Driver's aid: Abbr.
Driver's aim, quite a distance?
Driver's alert
Driver's caution
Driver's caution to reduc
Driver's choice
Driver's club lying around golf range
Driver's club, for short
Driver's condition?
Driver's destination?
Driver's electric conveni
Driver's grumble around peak months
Driver's guide
Driver's guide describing separate parts of mainland
Driver's handbook
Driver's headache
Driver's helper
Driver's helper?
Driver's ID
Driver's inconsiderate action you can see in middle of stoppage?
Driver's invitation
Driver's job
Driver's joking about Universal Europe
Driver's levy
Driver's lic. and company
Driver's lic. and others
Driver's lic. and such
Driver's lic. et al.
Driver's lic. info
Driver's lic. stat
Driver's license datum
Driver's license designat
Driver's license feature
Driver's license in the G
Driver's license prerequi
Driver's license stat.
Driver's license, e.g.
Driver's licenses, in bar
Driver's line
Driver's love
Driver's need
Driver's need: Abbr.
Driver's nonverbal "hello
Driver's one-eighty
Driver's opportunity
Driver's org.
Driver's place
Driver's problem
Driver's selection
Driver's sidekick directed van to Riga
Driver's stat.
Driver's switch
Driver's target
Driver's thingie
Driver's visibility aid in mist
Driver's warning
Driver's warning?
Driver's woe
Driver's wrong to ignore debts
Driver, maybe new one, entering pit
Driver, say, hit back and forth?
Driver, with tee shot, recovered
Driver’s levy
Drivers and hunters need
Drivers collectively cutting speed in hectic competition
Drivers do get cross
Drivers finally escaping from being jammed, indicating right
Drivers get through distance that's unnatural
Drivers keeping jack by side in Holland
Drivers of love
Drivers protect golf range
Drivers should avoid this
Drivers start to turn in space when reversing vehicle
Drivers' aid, for short
Drivers' aids
Drivers' choices: Abbr.
Drivers' fares
Drivers' guide
Drivers' org.
Drivers' stopping-place
Drivers, one prevaricating about vehicle on track
Drives (along)
Drives (on)
Drives a getaway car for,
Drives an Austin
Drives away
Drives away from eastern mountains, finding way through
Drives back
Drives bumpily to dance agency
Drives dangerously
Drives directly to the fi
Drives heartless copper to church on Sabbath
Drives in ancient city given good directions
Drives in Switzerland with gold following - money for Italian Job essentially lost
Drives in the country
Drives obliquely
Drives off
Drives the point home
Drives up the wall
Drives without a third and second gear
Driveway applications
Driveway blotch
Driveway covering
Driveway endings
Driveway material
Driveway occupant
Driveway sealer
Driveway stuff
Driveway surface
Driveway topper
Driveway type
Driveway's end
Driving a car
Driving aid
Driving aid positioned in front of reversing vehicle
Driving aid?
Driving aids
Driving alternative in S.
Driving amateur on wagon cut part of foot
Driving ambition?
Driving areas
Driving away fast, one avoided reversing first
Driving back 45 inches a long time ago in regret
Driving can produce these unexpected outcomes
Driving club
Driving competition
Driving convenience creat
Driving course?
Driving dances
Driving danger
Driving distance is a con
Driving events that use c
Driving force
Driving force from bestselling drink boosted bottling work
Driving force of fellows in books — protected by mother
Driving force?
Driving hazard
Driving hazard traps learner in two tricky situations
Driving in front, hero admired
Driving is hard when this
Driving manoeuvre
Driving mounted policemen around a lot
Driving need
Driving needs
Driving out of spirits
Driving out spirits
Driving passion?
Driving place
Driving point
Driving problem
Driving range device?
Driving range peg
Driving rotten liar out
Driving shortcuts
Driving spots
Driving surface
Driving test directive
Driving test on one tank on island with learner
Driving test starts to exhaust learner, making stop along the way
Driving the getaway car f
Driving tool
Drogheda's locale
Droid's rival
Droids, e.g.
Droids, iPhones, etc.
Droll - suspicious
Droll actor in "Ghostbust
Droll nonsense — could it bring the house down?
Drollery good during early years, but ...
Drollery less desirable as one gets on!
Drone - boring, senseless, cruel
Drone - bustle
Drone blocked by extension on current instrument
Drone getting to grips with reasonably hot air
Drone over South Island, say, causes hassle persistently
Drone playing amid your old lament
Drone's home
Drone, as it were, released inside stage of rocket
Drone, e.g.
Droner, usually
Drones and workers
Drones, maybe
Drool as daughter takes flower
Drool catcher
Drool catchers
Drool goes everywhere - he takes it on the chin
Drool over Irish bottle
Drool over Irish whiskey?
Drool over most of classiest clothing (topless)
Drool, basically
Drooled off and on, finding caviar
Drooling canine in the fu
Drooling dog in "Garfield
Droop after shaking off head pain
Droop as long story appears endless
Droop in the heat
Droop when encountering a lengthy account
Droop, faced with a story of epic proportions
Droop, sink down
Droop; iris
Drooping cheek
Drooping occasionally, fellow heads for potency problem years
Drooping, as a rabbit's e
Droopy-eared dog
Droopy-eared hounds
Droopy-eared one
Drop 10 tons
Drop a brick
Drop a brick on toe: sit up if not broken
Drop a dime, so to speak
Drop a few positions, may
Drop a girdle over
Drop a letter or two
Drop a line from a pier,
Drop a line to?
Drop a line?
Drop a little lower keeping length in mind
Drop a pop-up, say
Drop a scam for starters?
Drop abruptly
Drop acid?
Drop an ugly oddball outside part of school?
Drop anchor
Drop Arab leader's story
Drop article into cot
Drop article into cot?
Drop as low as possible
Drop awful crude joke, finally
Drop bait lightly on the
Drop behind
Drop bombs on second place of torment
Drop building bricks, carrying tons
Drop by
Drop by quickly
Drop car into vessel
Drop case of wines and port - clumsy!
Drop class by the sound of it
Drop clean brush
Drop clearly seen climbing briefly across peaks of other states
Drop dead
Drop down
Drop down into second? That could create rage
Drop down one's throat
Drop down one's throat?
Drop down suddenly
Drop down?
Drop drawers on actor Hud
Drop duck, seeing rude behaviour when serving hummus
Drop feathers in trash
Drop first-class group game
Drop fish in doughy dish
Drop for the count
Drop from major to captai
Drop from reserve XI?
Drop from the eye
Drop from the invitation
Drop from the team
Drop fruit on me, last one in basket
Drop gets player finally into touch
Drop heavily
Drop I'm surprised can be squeezed into pint
Drop in
Drop in crucial point in conflict
Drop in numbers a godsend
Drop in on
Drop in speech
Drop in standard
Drop in the mail
Drop in velocity — could that be right?
Drop in velocity - could that be right?
Drop into 20D, perhaps causing rage
Drop into abyss, a goner
Drop key objective following board's conclusion
Drop last trace of fat to be highly desirable
Drop leaf support
Drop leaf supporter
Drop like ___
Drop line
Drop liquid on middle of massive dish
Drop litter and lose it
Drop litter and stuff
Drop litter with domestic servant
Drop live commercial
Drop mark, having cheated to secure it
Drop medical vehicle's display
Drop most celebrated advocate of worldwide policy
Drop neckline?
Drop number 11 out of dislike for bowler?
Drop odd bits from the fair
Drop of continental perfume
Drop of golden sun
Drop of honey and bit of lemon put separately into Iberian beverage-paradise!
Drop of liquid
Drop of liquid stuff initially dumped on plate
Drop of milky liquid for 10?
Drop of moisture round bearing is not good
Drop of Pils drunk by South African resort
Drop of sherry's more than enough for a little taste
Drop of sweat
Drop of tea lacking flavour - little change
Drop of tea, we hear, in blue vessel
Drop of tequila in a vessel makes you misbehave
Drop of whiskey and punch
Drop of wine
Drop off
Drop off and admit having stopped working earlier
Drop off cricketer in A&E
Drop off family’s cleaner
Drop off for a bit
Drop off in allowance for slope
Drop off new deliveries of 2x4?
Drop off quantities of plants, perhaps filling gardener’s heart
Drop off slate on the counter
Drop off tin with leak
Drop off, maybe
Drop on a stage
Drop one's guns
Drop one's weapon
Drop one, say
Drop or dump man in letter
Drop out, in poker
Drop paper in a box, mayb
Drop part of course on source of eye colour
Drop record
Drop reform of vehicles? Losing intensive care just the start
Drop rent
Drop rent again?
Drop requirement for live music gig?
Drop round for pudding
Drop round professional copy
Drop scone
Drop shot
Drop shots
Drop sign having changed hands
Drop small piece of sugar
Drop sprays in general - does it?
Drop stock complaint during trouble
Drop the ball
Drop to the sea bed
Drop trousers and smile - that'll brighten up the night!
Drop trousers I had split
Drop very much required by this drinker
Drop wader that's been unwrapped
Drop weapons and relieve force to stop constant fury
Drop weed carelessly into ground
Drop when flatulent emission circulates
Drop without warning
Drop wrong end of stick
Drop wrong Kent opener
Drop ___ (moon)
Drop ___ (start to strip)
Drop, as a doughnut in mi
Drop, clutching tip of hand in pain in landing zone
Drop-off center, of sorts
Drop-off point
Drop; ineffectual person
Dropoff points: Abbr.
Dropout Charlie banned from fast-food joint
Dropout's doc.
Dropout's goal, perhaps:
Dropouts they're not
Dropped "The Simpsons" fr
Dropped a dime, so to spe
Dropped a line
Dropped a line in the wat
Dropped a size
Dropped a stock complaint food shop rejected
Dropped apple-core into mud
Dropped by
Dropped chap near station finally after collecting daughter
Dropped charges against
Dropped dead while antidote was working? Bother!
Dropped flies and bad thr
Dropped fly ball, e.g.
Dropped from the galleys
Dropped in on independent film director
Dropped off
Dropped off briefly
Dropped off note and final letter
Dropped off pelts needing treatment
Dropped painter outside front of gallery after lift
Dropped pop-up, e.g.
Dropped rubbish
Dropped teacup, hard to get replacement
Dropped the ball
Dropped trash on the stre
Dropper of two jacks, the second picked up?
Dropper's word
Dropperfuls, say
Dropping a long time in underground cell
Dropping argument, starting late
Dropping back, dismiss a total flipping idiot
Dropping back, strayed around Irish town
Dropping back, wander round country house in Russia
Dropping ball in front of goal
Dropping behind in referendum, say, one's undertaken to fulfil promise
Dropping behind, hit good smash - swap ends for service
Dropping beneath the horizon
Dropping fish without tail
Dropping from the eaves after rook flies above one?
Dropping head of recruitment working for client
Dropping introduction to brief is being dishonest
Dropping minute, possibly titanium bone discovered in ancient Rome and elsewhere
Dropping of flakes
Dropping off agent outside shelter
Dropping off gear (why at number 2?)
Dropping off the dry clea
Dropping off, like a casual acquaintance
Dropping off, like some acquaintances?
Dropping old stick, heel on loafer's broken it
Dropping one place down in the batting order
Dropping preliminaries, sleep with newly-wed in storage space
Dropping sound
Dropping the ball, e.g.
Dropping the lot after club's last game
Dropping trousers, rector showing member
Dropping unit from sky appears to get rotor damaged
Dropping yellow, German artist unfinished
Dropping, in a manner of
Droppings as fertiliser
Droppings from small animal
Droppings used as fertiliser
Drops (off)
Drops a bomb?
Drops a brick
Drops a message saying we should get a move on
Drops artist during US season
Drops artist home
Drops bags for one to recover
Drops bait
Drops by
Drops covers swiftly, Statue of Liberty initially vanishes
Drops down from above
Drops environmentally unfriendly car India produced
Drops everything in empty factories
Drops exhortation to depart
Drops feathers
Drops first-class navy trousers
Drops for dirty clothes
Drops from above
Drops from on high
Drops from the payroll
Drops from the sky
Drops in a theater
Drops in drink revenue primarily from boozers
Drops in the air
Drops in the letter box
Drops in the morning?
Drops in value
Drops Middle Eastern country heading to the right
Drops of water
Drops off
Drops on a field
Drops on blades
Drops on the ground
Drops on the lawn
Drops out of contention
Drops out of the bidding
Drops out of the game
Drops outside
Drops popular artist before season in New York
Drops rents
Drops reserve at parties
Drops retired cook as public relations expert
Drops round last of frankincense for wise men
Drops sound of glib talk after ruler
Drops the ball
Drops theatrical habit?
Drops top off projectors
Drops with a thud
Drops, as flies
Drops; ineffectual people
Dross! Oscar unlikely for creaking old British drama
Dross, sediment
Drosselmeier's title in "
Drought accompaniers, oft
Drought easer
Drought ender
Drought relief
Drought's lack
Drought-stricken US region from Texas to Nebraska in the 1930s
Drove (along)
Drove across area, getting caught
Drove away
Drove away and broke down over a period of time
Drove back
Drove close to black cabs' waiting area
Drove detectives off
Drove diagonally
Drove drunkenly
Drove from school with magazine director
Drove home point and moved quickly to capture attention
Drove in limo to Redcar
Drove like mad
Drove Mustang, say, when Ford finally replaced Sierra
Drove obliquely
Drove one crazy, being sloppy
Drove to hiding in the gr
Drove too fast
Drove, slangily
Drove, with "off"
Drowned river valley
Drowning person's need
Drownings done, say, at sea
Drowsy - dwarf
Drowsy, left the cigar to go out
Drs.' group
Drs.' org.
Drs.' reading since 1883
Drs.' workplaces
Drudge changing bather's towel
Drudge has wrap with heroin
Drudge in cyberspace
Drudge of feudal times
Drudge of the Internet
Drudge one to bring back giant problem in 25's 11's famous line?
Drudge's life
Drudge's place
Drug - information
Drug - trance
Drug a German injected into Morse?
Drug a nice gal's sorted
Drug a politician before he starts to trigger atomic bomb
Drug addict
Drug addict celebrity reveals identity online
Drug addict heads for urban site expecting rendezvous
Drug addict's trick cycling
Drug adulterated? That's a blow
Drug affair in 22s
Drug agent
Drug agent - it's very fishy looking back
Drug agent sends out missing tablet — egotist on reflection?
Drug agent's not travelling around after end of year
Drug agent's seizure
Drug agent, slangily
Drug agents: Var.
Drug and alcohol supplies somewhere in East Africa
Drug and endless drink - one litre knocked back entering pub
Drug arrived concealed in hollow, with accompanying note
Drug baron's end: caught with nothing stashed in lorry?
Drug behind endless corruption in city
Drug brought about everything in break-up of one band
Drug bust, e.g.
Drug buster
Drug case follows that of suicide
Drug Ceres and Vesta maybe unveiled
Drug cheat heading for temperate country
Drug check protecting friendly community and its environment
Drug combination?
Drug company behind Valiu
Drug company dumped retrograde computer
Drug company importing heroin and E?
Drug company initially trialling ibuprofen in square capsule
Drug company once headed
Drug controlled by Turkish Empire
Drug cop
Drug cop is South American plant
Drug cops did lates with absolutely no cover
Drug courier; animal
Drug cut by an individual at end of counter
Drug dealer
Drug dealer and pacifist? Not if nursing wound
Drug dealer going after prison clerk
Drug dealer keeps one pound back, for bookmaker?
Drug dealer sending unknown ale drinkers up to pub
Drug dealer's nemesis
Drug dealer, Argentine revolutionary on film
Drug dealer, one whose rates are excessive
Drug dealers
Drug dispenser’s charm is apt to spread
Drug distributor
Drug distributors?
Drug drawback
Drug dropped in normal place for someone not yet accepted
Drug English star
Drug finally injected into bare elbow
Drug for a poison victim,
Drug for a poisoning vict
Drug for allergies
Drug for muscle building
Drug for some allergies
Drug found in a police department
Drug from Colombia
Drug from figure with a short amount of coke
Drug from foxgloves
Drug from poppies
Drug from the foxglove
Drug gang's leader is ambitious
Drug gets boss out of his box during film
Drug giant
Drug given to cross flipping Art actor with no lines?
Drug got from male parliamentarian
Drug group's early receiver possibly needing cans
Drug has speeding driver almost stupefied
Drug hindering blood clotting
Drug I take during a trip
Drug I took after work
Drug in a sci-fi novel se
Drug in coffee
Drug in dish is heroin
Drug inducing a false sense of contentment
Drug is used mainly at first after surgery
Drug left in London area
Drug loosening muscles
Drug made from orchids
Drug makes writing bolder one supposes
Drug measures would be heartless for some females
Drug news you texted primarily increases weariness
Drug of French worker containing iron?
Drug old man worsening after tattoo
Drug pipe with piece of resin inside
Drug plane smuggling coke? Do this to get out of it!
Drug problem starts to attract troublesome element
Drug problem, so sir can suffer
Drug produced, um, a lot by criminal labs
Drug producing numbness and stupor
Drug prosecution is the stuff of headlines?
Drug put in army’s drink
Drug put in lost waste disposal facility
Drug reactions presented differently
Drug reduced, might that hurt?
Drug referee outside college
Drug rejected by learner in struggle to be excellent
Drug research facility raised a bundle
Drug ring - Yankee showing sign of over­indulgence
Drug ring back in Dorset town
Drug ring close to dodgy corporation
Drug ring encircles space over by pub before scrap
Drug runner at Folkestone?
Drug satisfied husband in the morning, dear, keeping hard with a source of supply
Drug scored and badly cut
Drug seller
Drug setter took after surgery
Drug shipment, maybe
Drug smuggler
Drug smuggler gets cross
Drug smuggler smuggles too many drugs in self-contained unit
Drug smugglers
Drug sold on blotting pap
Drug sold under the brand
Drug source
Drug source [right only]
Drug store?
Drug story sat on by daily
Drug substitute in location - Bilbao's outskirts
Drug such as morphine
Drug supplied by ambassador meeting politician
Drug supplier peaceful type? Not if embracing hurt
Drug supplier putting something to smoke in Englishman's case
Drug supplier swans into entrance to Scotland Yard, I suspect
Drug taken by doctor — former PM almost ready for fight
Drug taken by radio host with gong and drum
Drug taken in "Rent"
Drug taker
Drug taker coming up with yours truly? Go on!
Drug takers
Drug taking one bird
Drug tea? It excited a feeling of appreciation
Drug that calms the nerve
Drug that doesn't work for man?
Drug that is seized by troubled parent
Drug that is suspect makes one deeply agitated
Drug that makes a drinker unconscious
Drug that treats panic at
Drug that's a downer
Drug that's acceptable in church?
Drug that's fine being taken in church
Drug that's smoked in a p
Drug that's suppressing British university don's pain at last
Drug that's turned around problem animals
Drug the Spanish boy found in German city area
Drug to be taken after meals - bother!
Drug trafficker, having returned, ran Charlie round
Drug treating allergies
Drug treating parkinsonis
Drug trial failed with it
Drug trial that could be decisive
Drug unit
Drug units
Drug used in treating heroin addiction
Drug used to treat Parkinson's disease
Drug used to treat poison
Drug used to treat shock - Ian moped
Drug used when man's between hospitals
Drug user
Drug user did wrong as lawbreaker
Drug user director possibly put in the rear of shot
Drug user represented by a police chief
Drug user’s manner constrained by sister
Drug users did wrong, breaking laws
Drug variant developed with involvement of international labs, primarily
Drug with some potential application initially in former African country
Drug worker, one and his affected inmate
Drug ___ (government posi
Drug ___ (Washington pooh
Drug's 8? That's lucky for some!
Drug, one fuelling a short run
Drug, say, affected raven and another flier
Drug, such as morphine
Drug-addled President gets judge to replace translator at the beginning of serious events
Drug-filled idiot's knocked back booze in this
Drug-fuelled man emptied lavatory for pennies
Drug-induced stupor
Drug-injecting worker in need of dough's a mug
Drug-producing plant
Drug-taker embarrassed about securing work
Drug-taking experience embraced by shy youth
Drug-yielding plant
Drug-yielding shrub
Drug; container
Drugged out students getting U
Drugged state
Druggie into Jailhouse Rock
Druggie shooting up in Baltimore subway
Druggist for whom some co
Druggist, to Brits
Drugs and crime, e.g.
Drugs at an increased level, put your foot down
Drugs blocking awful feeling of lover
Drugs colonists smuggling fish and iron south
Drugs cop is Southern American chap with a high opinion of himself
Drugs courier's arrested following silence involving cover-up
Drugs dispenser
Drugs dropped at start of getaway car's last lark
Drugs grasped by both hands eliciting a sideways look
Drugs in small on-line trysts?
Drugs making one crazy
Drugs reported to aid peacefulness
Drugs reportedly provide relief
Drugs ring criminals run is gone
Drugs running in both directions cross county
Drugs taken here work on virus every now and then, supported by doctor and nurse
Drugs taken to boost muscle mass
Drugs taken to reduce blood cholesterol
Drugs that are incorporated into shoes
Drugs that man from Bow smuggled inside flipping kid
Drugs to combat infection
Drugs ultimately wanton king rolled in joint
Drugs, briefly
Drugs, informally
Drugs, say
Drugs? Being on these, one would be broke
Drugstore cowboy
Drugstore dispensations
Drugstore eponym
Drugstore stock, for shor
Druid regularly seen as useless
Druid, e.g.
Druid, for one
Druidic worship sites
Druids, e.g.
Drum accompanying a fife
Drum accompanying a pipe
Drum almost filled with a fruit
Drum along with mildly vacuous rock opera
Drum alternative, vehicul
Drum and bass performing with oomph
Drum and pipe given to leader of Orangemen
Drum beaten with the hands
Drum containers
Drum in time with game old doctors travelling north
Drum kit falls down when bashed in bloody film
Drum locale
Drum major's hat
Drum majors' props
Drum mostly banned by Rossini at first
Drum musician in club with brief set
Drum one doctor found in short story
Drum played with the hand
Drum played without stick
Drum roll to precede this lottery's result?
Drum set
Drum set?
Drum signal
Drum site
Drum that makes tiny bird
Drum that's under all the
Drum up
Drum used in jazz bands
Drum with scowl, struggling to grasp current genre
Drummer from Dorking playing without drum kit, initially
Drummer Gene
Drummer Ringo, taking pic
Drummer Starkey
Drummer Starkey, Ringo's
Drummer with Benny Goodma
Drummer's affliction?
Drummer's setup
Drumming sound
Drumming sound coming from grass on a plot
Drumroll-accompanying exc
Drums etc
Drums local battalion carries up
Drums peculiar to rumbas
Drums, bass etc
Drums, in jazz lingo
Drums, monkey stopping to beat one
Drunk - stole
Drunk a little soup. Like some potatoes?
Drunk a lot in Love Me Tender
Drunk a lot on a mild sherry
Drunk actor in a rage, mainly rude and offensive when on the defensive
Drunk actress grabs thrilling hour entertaining male musical director
Drunk almost ending on floor, one laying it on thick
Drunk almost topples over
Drunk and asleep in walkway
Drunk and disorderly crew landed with doctor missing
Drunk angered, raise your weapon
Drunk around start of lunch time
Drunk as a skunk
Drunk author emptied the bottle
Drunk – on power, that is. Like some potatoes?
Drunk – without pins?
Drunk back late gets drink
Drunk beginning to braise game
Drunk bowled in to serve old committee
Drunk chose to drink lager at first
Drunk chose to drink litres
Drunk consuming dinner in Spain is greedy
Drunk crosses motorway verge
Drunk crossing Channel Islands? It’s legal
Drunk daughter giving up anything for some ice?
Drunk Democrat leaves Republican tradesperson
Drunk Dimbleby ejected by party member
Drunk drinking fine without alcohol
Drunk drinks to own way of tying a tie
Drunk driver, e.g.
Drunk embraces copper — it may indicate warmth
Drunk embracing heartless lass rocks biannual event
Drunk ends your beginning
Drunk European in Britain troubled newsman
Drunk full of endless hogwash in final years
Drunk gets pawn in position
Drunk getting up thanks stateside lawyer bringing food
Drunk given watered shot felt hurt and quit, perhaps
Drunk goes around talking about this evening
Drunk grasps article on Latin work by Eliot
Drunk Greek character given first of strong soluble powder
Drunk Greek character returned before
Drunk greeting played on answer machine
Drunk guy that's highly strung?
Drunk has no boring escapades – they generate great interest
Drunk having beer stays over: memorable time!
Drunk heading back round a Cafe's front for food
Drunk hen to flash bust
Drunk hides whiskey in study
Drunk homes in on this
Drunk hoolies go with last rule broken
Drunk husband drinking more getting half-cut in plane
Drunk in awful hole somewhere in Africa
Drunk in order to get a measure of annihilation
Drunk in Rome, swallowing extremes of vino? One’d swallow everything
Drunk in street, knocked over one African hooligan
Drunk in the corner not entirely unintelligible
Drunk indeed, now nail home brew
Drunk injects heroin and crack
Drunk intended to grab woman’s bottom: big deal?
Drunk is held for protection
Drunk is serene in other-worldly atmosphere
Drunk knocked back small drink
Drunk larks in outskirts of Sunderland, the capital for corruption!
Drunk later today? That’s not on
Drunk leading group of climbers where falling is always likely?
Drunk left behind outside without money
Drunk left together with Queen is northern Scot
Drunk let aboard car? It's a problem for traveller
Drunk like a fish?
Drunk losing head in gambling game
Drunk low on Stella has Chenin blanc never!
Drunk man is flexible
Drunk meets lion — it sits by the road
Drunk Mike who'll drink
Drunk more stout to get as far gone as possible
Drunk motorist's offense,
Drunk nearly crosses border, creating rumpus
Drunk now and you can't do anything about it!
Drunk nurses working later
Drunk on a puree from Provence?
Drunk on about work in circus feature
Drunk on beer, royal knocked over editor
Drunk on just under two pints
Drunk on port? At once!
Drunk or sober, male wears satisfactory hats
Drunk ordering a port in a foreign land
Drunk perhaps alone, one on the tiles?
Drunk pinches copper and metal
Drunk port, No 1 in wine
Drunk portrayed having dispensed with last of sherry in tumbler when maudlin?
Drunk rating at the front red in the face
Drunk sat and drank lots of beer
Drunk select pub is capable of receiving
Drunk single reptilian lawyer
Drunk son serving wine bottles
Drunk son’s inappropriate garment?
Drunk son, crazy about the girl
Drunk spotted reeling in front of Edward
Drunk started to smoke
Drunk swilling a beer in it
Drunk swore — that's not so good
Drunk to break cover, stifling run so as not to be heard
Drunk to secure romance in dance in Inverness
Drunk to touch heart after diverting attention
Drunk topes in bar
Drunk trades hands, having drained eggnogs, and slumps
Drunk turning up around end of party flirts
Drunk unable to open house
Drunk upset facilities in Italy - he made a lot of hand gestures
Drunk venetian left an anonymous message
Drunk very tiresome at start
Drunk wandering across Trafalgar Square may not be able to escape duties
Drunk was collared by elderly assassin
Drunk went inside almost respectable pub to start with port
Drunk wife straddled horse? On the contrary
Drunk with added power - it goes to one's head
Drunk with Bangladesh's opener before game
Drunk with hat getting very quietly half cut
Drunk worked hard - time to quit?
Drunk ___ skunk
Drunk's activity
Drunk's affliction, for s
Drunk's outburst
Drunk's present, whether you like it or not!
Drunk's problem
Drunk's road offense, for
Drunk's sound
Drunk's tipoff
Drunk's utterance
Drunk's woe, with "the"
Drunk's wound wants a bit of cleansing
Drunk, adversely affected by sport
Drunk, be taken over by hopeless inertia
Drunk, beginning to totter and puke?
Drunk, but not making a squeak?
Drunk, he left terribly hungover boss
Drunk, heartless, is internally suffering
Drunk, I complain constantly about Tory leader's party
Drunk, on return, gets dry?
Drunk, so a truant and I get really high!
Drunk, so wished to sleep?
Drunk, wet, sad, devastated
Drunk, with most of gin knocked back, I start to offend American likely to sue
Drunk; like a snake
Drunk? Poor you, time to abstain
Drunk? That’s illegal
Drunkard eating cheese unknown? Not what he’s known for
Drunkard finding nothing in street
Drunkard has arrived — that will teach you!
Drunkard in row in off-licence
Drunkard outstretched initially in middle of street
Drunkard pinching sailor's footwear
Drunkard present, whether you like it or not
Drunkard tours dining-room to find bulb
Drunkard's stopped guard
Drunkard's woe, for short
Drunken academic that is keeping lecturer in prominent position
Drunken Ant a mess, having a drink down under
Drunken aunt chews snack item
Drunken bout
Drunken bout regularly superseded
Drunken bride succeeded causing wreckage
Drunken bully is very stressing
Drunken bum getting cut, swallowing litre
Drunken butler then scrubbed with soap
Drunken celeb about to act badly - sauce!
Drunken client pestered one coming into office
Drunken date getting stuck into beer where the floor may start to sway!
Drunken dean entertains booze-free worker and steward
Drunken employee originally breathalysed, perhaps couldn't stand
Drunken flirtatious gestures perhaps, a game
Drunken fool audibly close
Drunken Glaswegian possibly caught out
Drunken groom consumed a lot of litres
Drunken haze coincides with New Year, this pattern goes on and on 
Drunken head of orphanage in Dickens ending in penury
Drunken Hogmanay ultimately leads to this
Drunken idiot receiving Murray's first service
Drunken lads in Ibiza, for example
Drunken larks in a far country
Drunken nuisance displays boredom
Drunken nurse on the rebound breaks into drunken diatribe
Drunken ordeal and party in fabulous place
Drunken orderly entertaining northern lecturer in the city
Drunken parent with gun is abhorrent
Drunken parties with pineapple and edam starters as canapé
Drunken party
Drunken person around — that'll teach you
Drunken pirate provided opening shot
Drunken pirate providing small drink
Drunken priest shows lively wit
Drunken rambler crossing moor, one desperate to maintain balance
Drunken reveller changing side finally on merry-go-round
Drunken revels
Drunken roisterer to frighten people badly
Drunken row was therefore brewing
Drunken rowdy lecturer dis­missed on sovereign's return
Drunken rugby player, mostly stylishly dressed
Drunken search for another drink
Drunken shag in University leads to distress
Drunken son in mummy's leggings?
Drunken sot in passenger seat, traditional victim of a lightning strike?
Drunken sot with pint, so drunk
Drunken spree involving end of posh ball
Drunken Sybarite downing whiskey will attest to its powers
Drunken teens principally dance as if spellbound
Drunken tramp in US showing small wet, round bottom
Drunken treats for wine expert?
Drunken type somewhat lacking
Drunken vintner welcoming daughter's convenience food
Drunken Viscount dumping Charlie for Peter?
Drunkenly dine with bun and ale? Sure
Drunkenly inept Rick is overly-fussy critic
Drunkenly reveling
Drunkenly wandering? Butt out here!
Drunks are so smooth?
Drunks drinking drop of Caledonian?
Drunks' language is filled with vernacular
Drury Lane composer of th
Druze say with Aramaic: case of both needing translation
Dry (of wine)
Dry (off)
Dry - dull
Dry - wry
Dry a very short time
Dry air circulating by day
Dry American conspirator
Dry and bitter lacking tiniest hint of compassion
Dry and brittle
Dry and dreary routine linked to bachelor
Dry and skiddy, oddly? Turned round, creating inconvenience
Dry answer about ambassador's character
Dry as a bone
Dry as a desert
Dry as dust
Dry biscuit
Dry biscuits
Dry boards chip and split
Dry bouquet item
Dry brandy from south-west France
Dry Champagne, e.g.
Dry cleaner
Dry cleaner's challenge
Dry cleaner's fluid
Dry cleaner's supply
Dry cleaner?
Dry cleaning? It's for the birds!
Dry crackling sound
Dry creek
Dry day - ready with the liquid
Dry debate about toy
Dry deserted country briefly in the ascendant
Dry drink
Dry egg mixed with suet for pig
Dry Fe(III)?
Dry fellow rising to interrupt
Dry flammable material
Dry fuel
Dry goods dealer, in Dove
Dry gulch
Dry gulches
Dry heave
Dry ice mostly needs to go on the far side of a room
Dry in bits would be halves
Dry man inside with a foreign letter
Dry martini with a pearl
Dry material such as kindling
Dry matter for lighting fires
Dry measures?
Dry northerly heading for Umbria, fast and swirling
Dry old PM (not North) quit
Dry out
Dry out, in a way
Dry out, informally
Dry outer covering
Dry outer covering of some seeds
Dry outside facility providing meal service
Dry pal I will get blitzed with speed
Dry period
Dry period quickly over
Dry place for golfer to stand on every shot he takes
Dry place to drive count
Dry plateau, west of the Andes - a mad estate car
Dry red Italian wine
Dry red wines
Dry region south of Beers
Dry Rhine wine
Dry river — assistance needed to cross
Dry river saved by charity
Dry river, save bottles
Dry riverbed
Dry roof component can be cut
Dry rot, e.g.
Dry run
Dry run cancelled — help!
Dry runs
Dry sandwiches a cold delicacy
Dry season danger
Dry sharp-flavoured Italian cheese
Dry sherry
Dry sort of northern £1 note across the sea
Dry Spanish wine
Dry state
Dry stretch in Mongolia
Dry thin covering
Dry tree made for squirrel
Dry up
Dry up and shrink
Dry up over augmented motor
Dry up petrol supply, going by claims
Dry wash
Dry weather promised rough time with early and late crops
Dry white
Dry white Burgundy
Dry white Burgundy wine
Dry white wine
Dry white wine, resembling Chablis
Dry wine
Dry wine European bottles getting badge of honour
Dry wine found in various places here
Dry wit rarely Oscar's way? I shouldn't say this
Dry with a twist
Dry with absorbent paper
Dry ___
Dry's partner
Dry, as a desert
Dry, as wine
Dry, in a way
Dry, in Durango
Dry, in Napa
Dry, in Versailles
Dry, riding?
Dry, to oenologists
Dry-eyed husband angrily stifling curses
Dry-eyed nobleman hugged by Hardy's girl
Dry: Prefix
Dry? Heated dry, roughly
Dry? Knock back spirits, raised before going out
Dryden character in a note on work he left
Dryden's "___ for Love"
Dryden, Day-Lewis or Duffy, for example
Drydock supports
Dryer blocked by washer at its base, getting tool
Dryer buildup
Dryer fuzz
Dryer heat possibly requires one to do this
Dryer maker
Dryer outlet
Dryer perhaps containing child's hot pants
Dryer remains
Dryer residue
Drying agent
Drying agent painter used in second East End abode
Drying area by a sink
Drying area next to a sink
Drying cloth
Drying cloths
Drying frame
Drying frames
Drying kiln
Drying out hoop of willow sticks?
Drying ovens
Drying rack
Drying racks
Drying-up cloth
Dryly amusing
Dryly humorous
Dryly said
DS Greig's bent investigators
DSL purveyor
Du Maurier book with short revolutionary chapters — ace!
Du Maurier novel not popular around Caribbean nation
Du Maurier's first and last discs by Paul McCartney's Wings are feeble
Du Pont trademark
Du ___ (menu phrase)
Dua Lipa, ignoring dad, secures conditions of being in two states
Dual Asian model somewhere in southern Europe …
Dual carriageway over sierra is most unnatural
Dual conjunction
Dual elec. designation
Dual personality part
Dual power priest involved in version of Buddhism that was full of gas
Dual sign, for example, put up on car
Dual-purpose bedroom devi
Dual-purpose family room
Dual-purpose kitchen devi
Dual-purpose laundry room
Dual-purpose office devic
Dual-purpose vehicle needed after boat returns
Dual-___ engine
Dualistic deity
Dualistic Egyptian deity
Duane ___ (New York City
Dub "sir"
Dub hospital department "doctor-lite"
Dub in Spanish the hardest part of 2
Dub over
Dub some anatomical language
Dubai and Abu Dhabi are p
Dubai denizens
Dubai dignitaries
Dubai dignitary
Dubai is part of it: Abbr
Dubai native
Dubai V.I.P.
Dubai, e.g.
Dubbing for film musical
Dubbing need
Dubious "gift"
Dubious activities in current issue
Dubious adopting primer for mental arithmetic
Dubious American priest admitted to cult
Dubious article from Paris that hurt inwardly
Dubious character?
Dubious citizen turning up in peculiar places
Dubious description of element of rally?
Dubious expression regularly mars riffs
Dubious humming, intro forgotten
Dubious ism, doctrine I suspect that takes people the wrong way
Dubious judge initially leaves short time
Dubious pal, one happening to admit copying in the end - doing this?
Dubious plot to capture Scottish island is possible
Dubious Scotsmen's lore about thing periodically seen?
Dubious sects up for reorganisation
Dubious sighting in the H
Dubious; piscine
Dublin hangouts
Dublin money once used for gamble
Dublin native
Dublin's country
Dublin's home
Dublin's land
Dublin's St. ___ Church,
Dublin's ___ O'More Bridg
Dublin-born film star Mil
Dubliner forgets name for cosmetic
Dubliner having his arm in cast
Dubs over
Dubuque residents
Dubuque's locale
Dubuque's state
Dubya and classmates
Dubya, as a collegian
Dubya, to Yale
Ducats: Abbr.
Duchamp contemporary
Duchamp's "Mona Lisa," e.
Duchamp's art movement
Duchamp's movement
Duchamp's mustachioed Mon
Duchess eats half of rare meat, which is a blow
Duchess of Sussex
Duchess of York's name
Duchess of ___
Duchess of ___ (Goya mode
Duchess of ___, Goya subj
Duchess ultimately visits on and off - it's enough for duke
Duck - dark greenish-blue
Duck - explorer
Duck - plump and very rich
Duck and dodge
Duck and orange ordered for herb
Duck answer when probing business deal?
Duck appears from the east without its head
Duck aside?
Duck – Bond film
Duck beginning to dabble with hesitation in river
Duck carried in evil air
Duck circling extremely strange plant
Duck doctor in spring
Duck down
Duck down, right into a piece of furniture
Duck down?
Duck eaten by greedy duck
Duck eating nothing moped
Duck escapes from two-wheeled vehicle — this duck?
Duck famous navigator
Duck fat on drake, perhaps, endless
Duck features
Duck fine among endangered bats in paradise
Duck flipping scold in river briefly and run
Duck for us - maintaining standard in restaurant
Duck found in a road bordering shopping precinct
Duck found on European river
Duck from down under about to be introduced to west
Duck getting into grief, as abused to produce this?
Duck going in awfully wet, head of linnet drier
Duck has suffered on island
Duck has to be green
Duck having drink on lake
Duck Hunt gaming console,
Duck hunter's boots
Duck hunters' shelters
Duck I caught in the air recalled hunter's cry
Duck in a pond
Duck in cove caught and stabbed
Duck in English Channel going west
Duck in English Channel heading north
Duck in lift, bumping head
Duck in long river, dropping tail
Duck in river in Italy and river in African country
Duck in second camp: that is flying off
Duck is some swimmer, seriously!
Duck known for down
Duck last couple of punches thrown by champ
Duck much valued for the female's down feathers
Duck noted for down
Duck occupying river delta perch
Duck on English river
Duck on rolls to follow feast
Duck or chicken perhaps following wise bird
Duck or swallow
Duck or swallow?
Duck out of initially destructive inclination
Duck out of kinky sex and drugs
Duck providing fine down
Duck revolutionary leader
Duck seen in English Channel going wrong way!
Duck small victim for large bird
Duck spinning item cast by one on throne
Duck stayed local around muddy green
Duck stopping stops ducks
Duck stores protein regularly in type of feather
Duck swimmer secretly shows off
Duck takes sheep outside for wander
Duck taking in a second year film
Duck talk?
Duck that'll get you down
Duck that's not a duck
Duck type
Duck unusual sexual practices, extreme (extremely!)?
Duck upset about erect garden plant
Duck valued for its down
Duck walk
Duck with a broad bill
Duck with a large white c
Duck with large hooter
Duck with no head protects bird with no end
Duck with permit to be a small bird
Duck with soft feathers
Duck with two functions?
Duck ___
Duck! Rampaging Patel blowing top!
Duck! Taking cover from mythical monster horseman
Duck! Unlike ultimately headless horseman
Duck's bill almost flat on the outside
Duck's colour that is reflected
Duck's home
Duck's name
Duck's place
Duck, a duck bearing tail of uniform brownish colour
Duck, as a question
Duck, emu, etc.
Duck, European red one, turning up
Duck, parrot and budgie, perhaps, back on team
Duck, possibly, served inside
Duck, swan, not decided yet?
Duck-billed creature
Duck: one protected by wild deer
Duck; Bond film
Duck? Eager to eat it!
Duck? Keen to catch duck
Ducker of military servic
Ducks are flying above shooters? All is revealed!
Ducks are in deserted lake
Ducks – appropriate to have head lowered
Ducks crossing lake hide
Ducks for cover?
Ducks harbouring bug or parasite
Ducks in horses area causing fuss
Ducks in river, mostly dry
Ducks making response during business get-togethers
Ducks munch on cookie
Ducks on cove find seabird
Ducks outside mostly keep drier
Ducks renowned for their
Ducks seen outside harbour town and city
Ducks spotted in vacant land? It's unexplained
Ducks surround small lake in city
Ducks, geese, etc
Ducks, in "Peter and the
Duckweed reportedly forming large area across the pond
Duct - channel
Duct conveying liquid tin and other metal
Duct opening
Duct opening?
Duct, initially slashed open, leaked
Ductless organs
Dud and Pete's initial prominence
Dud mobile phone operator cleared out
Dud of an idea
Dude arrives hot - it's a respiratory condition
Dude getting rude ultimately causes shock
Dude ranch nickname
Dude showing extremes of duplicity
Dude terribly worried when delivery expected
Dude with a diary you put at No. 2 in best-seller list
Dude with cropped hair
Dude's place?
Dude, go green!
Dude, once
Dudley Do-Right's beloved
Dudley Do-Right's girlfri
Dudley Do-Right's heartth
Dudley Do-Right's home
Dudley Do-Right's love
Dudley Do-Right's org.
Dudley's "Arthur" co-star
Duds at work
Due a refund, in a way
Due and sei
Due before five?
Due date that's not welcomed by caller?
Due diligence's limiting factors were sufficient
Due follower
Due for payment, mother? True, unfortunately
Due from, as a bill
Due halved
Due karma, fiancée oddly left country
Due no ill with firm wearing proscribed attire
Due process defender: Abb
Due to an oversight – ate TV dinner
Due to be in old part of mansion
Due to be sold overseas - or to European Community
Due to get picked up along with au pair
Due to get, as punishment
Due to heat
Due to kill first fly
Due to land, terribly bumpy
Due to position, previous lover gone and nice Dior clothing disappeared
Due to put enclosure around twisted tree
Due to take bus back
Duel (with)
Duel action
Duel action?
Duel as result of rant or challenges like this, with second intervening
Duel item
Duel measures
Duel overseer in "Hamlet"
Duel personalities?
Duel personality
Duel preliminary
Duel souvenir
Duel time, maybe
Duel tool
Duel units
Duel was his first serious shooting
Duel? Pot shot happened just before!
Dueler of 1804
Dueler with Hamilton
Dueler's sword
Dueler's unit
Duelers' units
Dueling memento, maybe
Dueling sword
Duelist Burr
Duelist's steps
Duelist's warning
Duelling sword
Duelling weapon
Dues payer
Dues payer: Abbr.
Duesenberg A's, e.g.
Duet number
Duet plus one
Duet with nun terribly out of key
Duets Bird composed getting interrupted
Duets orchestrated always in common time
Duff beer drunk by Simpson, 40% cut with domestic concoction
Duff beer server, on TV
Duff Beer vendor
Duff note held by trumpet
Duff up tiny bloke, initially earn more cash if you do this!
Duff: Var.
Duffel —; morning —
Duffel filler
Duffer's accomplishment
Duffer's challenge
Duffer's cry
Duffer's dream
Duffer's goal
Duffer's gouge
Duffer's locale
Duffer's obstacle
Duffers' surprises
Dug for gossip
Dug in
Dug in, with "down"
Dug into
Dug line out producing spoil
Dug out of bed? - shown to be false
Dug out old coloured cover for madam
Dug up
Dug up old philosopher, dead
Dug up with a shovel
Dug water channel
Dug, in a way
Dugong's cousin
Dugongs or manatees
Dugongs' kin
Dugout item
Dugout shelter
Dugout V.I.P.
Dugout V.I.P.: Abbr.
Dugout, e.g.
Dugout, for one
Duisburg's locale
Dukakis in 1988 and Dole
Duke abandoned by cheating wife
Duke and daughter occupy Manchester town land
Duke and duchess kept in line by cook
Duke and Earl free to take stock
Duke and Queen featuring in ball
Duke Atreides in "Dune"
Duke belongs to it: Abbr.
Duke brought food in fenland city, and rightly so
Duke drops pipe
Duke Ellington band instr
Duke Ellington classic
Duke Ellington exposes bottom
Duke Ellington's "The ___
Duke Ellington's "___ It
Duke excluded from king's company outside
Duke felt strong desire to be thrown out
Duke finished port
Duke giving support to English soldiers? Correct
Duke having a tea in a country house
Duke having private meal
Duke holding place at Cambridge
Duke in "King Henry VI"
Duke in circle with old queen is a flatterer
Duke in hat sees señorita's wiggle
Duke ingesting MDMA joins a celebration
Duke introducing American composer, a rich man
Duke is captivated by foxtrot and tango
Duke is fellow endlessly sad
Duke is first to Haydock course
Duke is on good terms with Government heavyweight
Duke is part of it, for s
Duke is placed next to earl in row
Duke is protected by fort
Duke it out
Duke leading crowd right to the end? He has no serious intent
Duke leaves MP to state main points again
Duke leaves South African port for city
Duke meets crooked alderman in castle in Spain?
Duke meets party I arranged for short excursion
Duke meets stranger tattooist?
Duke not prepared to stop building tower
Duke not stuffy with fellow member, a milk producer
Duke of Cornwall
Duke of Cornwall's father
Duke of Cornwall's wife
Duke of Flatbush
Duke of Marlborough's pile
Duke of Marlborough's seat at Woodstock
Duke of Wellington at Waterloo, one ahead of a sovereign
Duke of ___ (Philip II's
Duke of ___, historic Spa
Duke of ___, Shakespearea
Duke only bet big on poker when working with electronic system for recording deals
Duke or earl
Duke protected by magistrate in escape
Duke quickly releases first note with reserve
Duke rival, for short
Duke seducing Young British Artist in Chicago?
Duke superior to soldiers perhaps took a shot
Duke superior to soldiers took a shot perhaps?
Duke supporting family? That’s generous
Duke that wife will leave for another duke
Duke to appear backing exciting political arrangement
Duke tucking into beer and hot food served up in Suffolk town
Duke University locale
Duke wearing a wig given smack?
Duke with healthier — though incorrectly formed — liver
Duke with power smashed 'Fight Club' - no hearts sinking
Duke with private theory about time they arrive to eat ...
Duke ___, Rocky's manager
Duke's athletic grp.
Duke's athletic org.
Duke's closetful?
Duke's deputy in "Measure
Duke's domain
Duke's fall, e.g.
Duke's grp.
Duke's home
Duke's number 501, absorbed by what cow says to dog
Duke's opening sherry in a mournful manner
Duke's quarters?
Duke's setting: Abbr.
Duke's sports org.
Duke's wife skipping half of dull musical
Duke, as before, comes to court
Duke, e.g.: Abbr.
Duke, earl, etc.
Duke, having lost weight, is a quite different duke
Duke, licensed to fly, drops
Duke, one with ability to see discord
Duke, say, scoffing an Indian cheese
Duke, working men's benefactor
Dukes and earls
Dukes pinching diamonds took a risk
Dukes right to pull out of top degrees
Dukes wear grand poppets
Dulcet - dessert
Dulcet – relax
Dulciana, for one
Dulcimer's shape
Dull - commonplace
Dull - slow - dozy
Dull - tasteless
Dull - walker
Dull agent demanding payment
Dull and acting less foolishly, in a spot in a comic novel location
Dull and laborious routine
Dull and slimy when extracted
Dull Apostle abandoned by married couple?
Dull argument, but one that brings action
Dull article in Paris Match about leaving Tours
Dull as dishwater
Dull – requiring polish?
Dull Black Country character of 1 12
Dull blue-gray
Dull books about British employment
Dull brown
Dull brown, oddly cheesy top? You'd be a fool to wear it
Dull card game
Dull chore taking seconds
Dull city centre's gone flashy inside
Dull clergyman touring Dordogne on vacation
Dull college class
Dull color
Dull colour of old poet, ill, withdrawn
Dull cut in religious text
Dull detail about champion's final exchange?
Dull discomfort
Dull doctor: “What’s coming on Monday?”
Dull drills
Dull drink on rather wet island avoided
Dull drunk left on time
Dull elegist by the sounds of it
Dull end to game - but a decisive one!
Dull fake honest thief replaced
Dull fellow
Dull field study
Dull finish
Dull finish?
Dull gospeller to his familiars?
Dull grey pan
Dull group making a difference?
Dull headgear ultimately — old, it may be felt
Dull heavy sound
Dull hosts run trading centre
Dull hurt
Dull husband, regularly vague half of odd couple?
Dull impact sound
Dull king captivated by sound of spring
Dull lawyer gives up part-way through
Dull London market with no room for meetings
Dull male -- a Parisian, fellow from Copenhagen?
Dull male worried for Holmes: Watson?
Dull nature of film including noisy and empty scenes
Dull old BBC boss found in place of debauchery
Dull or flavourless
Dull pad?
Dull pain
Dull pain landing Charlie and Henry in A&E
Dull parent replaces contents of diary
Dull part of cricket pitch
Dull period around two-thirds of holiday venue
Dull persistent pain
Dull persistent pains
Dull person
Dull person getting a couple of books in prison
Dull person in precinct, perhaps
Dull photo finish
Dull piece of fabric we may wipe our feet on?
Dull piece of floor covering
Dull piece of music Queen rejected
Dull place that drivers should steer clear of?
Dull players going after a number of balls
Dull players must have finished in front
Dull plodder
Dull poet from the East
Dull poet is sent up
Dull poet making a comeback
Dull pool of water upset 3, American
Dull poor works amongst bad sci-fi
Dull recording broadcast by one of our cousins
Dull reporter saying something cutting?
Dull responses
Dull routine
Dull shade
Dull ship’s officer, one sharing apartment
Dull ship’s officer, one sharing accommodation
Dull soldier, donning shorts, riding horse
Dull sort left an echo where 23 16 15 began
Dull sound
Dull sound of impact
Dull sound of rubbish piano
Dull sound of something hitting the ground
Dull sound that has undertones, dwindling at the outset
Dull sound when round gong that's fingered
Dull Soviet spy
Dull spot around Reading, for example
Dull start, and little energy before conclusion of competition
Dull state one gets into being manipulated by others?
Dull study beginning with articles in French and English
Dull stupid fellow
Dull time turning over small space in yard?
Dull type
Dull uniformity
Dull university wise men with local
Dull walker
Dull waterway's beginning to be upgraded?
Dull whisky (litre declined)
Dull work may come to an end
Dull yellowish brown
Dull, as London skies
Dull, as text
Dull, as vision
Dull, bleak
Dull, but finally played minster organ
Dull, depressing
Dull, gloomy
Dull, going over sierra in damp part of US
Dull, heavy, slow
Dull, hollow sound
Dull, impact oddly lacking
Dull, in poetry
Dull, insipid, flat
Dull, laborious
Dull, monotonous
Dull, not shiny
Dull, ordinary and unacceptable in sumo wrestling
Dull, see, their plays
Dull, slow
Dull, tedious
Dull, ultimately depressing as a cotton mill?
Dull, uninspired
Dull, uninteresting
Dull, vain don abused invalid
Dull, without a shine
Dull-witted American president's thrown outside
Dull-witted one
Dull-witted, one reportedly gin-soaked
Dullard in squat almost stifling noise
Dullard mixed up AA and BBC, say, in reverse order
Dulled, discoloured
Duller month in Mediterranean city
Duller than dull
Dulles or JFK, for example, spoke for forum, finally, in broken Latin
Dullness of work by an urban area
Dully factual
Dully painful
Dully studious type
Duluth-to-St. Paul dir.
Duly ends assembly without warning
Duly hire new housing minister, ultimately in a rush
Duly pick off game
Duma demurral
Duma denial
Duma disavowal
Duma dissent
Duma votes
Dumas adventurer
Dumas character
Dumas hero
Dumas senior
Dumas swordsman
Dumas's "La Dame ___ Cam
Dumas's "La Reine ___"
Dumas's Dant
Dumas's Monte Cristo, e.g
Dumas's Musketeers, e.g.
Dumas's musketeers, for e
Dumas's ___ Mousquetaires
Dumb American left after food without tab being sorted
Dumb and then some
Dumb as ___
Dumb bunny
Dumb cluck
Dumb film brother
Dumb little mammals consuming cool shrew's head
Dumb loyalty regularly needed to serve on such a vessel
Dumb ox
Dumb performers
Dumb show
Dumb ___ (scatterbrain)
Dumb ___ (stupidheads)
Dumb ___ ox
Dumbarton denizen
Dumbarton denizens
Dumbarton ___ (D.C. estat
Dumbarton ___ Conference
Dumbbell abbr.
Dumbbell's cry
Dumber pants initially adopted in place of shorts?
Dumber than dirt
Dumber than dumb
Dumbest fool, finally moving, nearly fell
Dumbfounded expression
Dumbo: Disney’s brainchild initially bringing in little?
Dumbwaiter, essentially
Dumfries denial
Dummies' replies
Dummy (pill)
Dummy firearm, as on a fo
Dummy form of entertainment?
Dummy model
Dummy Mortimer
Dummy on a greyhound trac
Dummy on farm runs in silly cow races
Dummy or scarf
Dummy pill
Dummy put on crate, briefly
Dummy run
Dummy run follows company beginning to muster strength
Dummy run in a mo, using bombing
Dummy swallowed plant with bad smell
Dummy swapping diamonds for time in temporary accommodation
Dummy username perhaps leads to insertion of Trojan
Dummy's opposite
Dummy's rank smell
Dump and road endings
Dump below?
Dump cleanup grp.
Dump commander's jacket in boat
Dump date before long
Dump detective overturning rival’s operations
Dump drop-off
Dump emanation
Dump former partner on holiday island in The Med
Dump hot coffee on
Dump in African capital with English religious job
Dump into a Dumpster
Dump large grass skirts, getting made over
Dump man beginning to make a mark
Dump problem
Dump right-hand man
Dump rubbish illegally
Dump serving as nest for tiny bird ascending
Dump truck filler
Dump water on
Dump water overboard
Dump where coal can be dug up
Dump without warning
Dump, e.g.
Dump, so to speak
Dumped out
Dumper truck
Dumpier person in illicit occupation
Dumping grounds dry up, one of those filled with sewage
Dumpling dip that's flipping hot
Dumpling dish
Dumpling stuffed with che
Dumplings in green organic wrappers with traditional Chinese energy
Dumps (on)
Dumps like that covered in black containers
Dumps, so to speak
Dumpsite pollutants, for
Dumpsite sights
Dumpster - bypass
Dumpster emanation
Dumpster lifters
Dumpster-dive, say
Dumpy digs
Dumpy dwelling
Dumpy one's in trouble for creating new identity
Duncan of the N.B.A.
Duncan or 'The Royal Novel Writer'
Duncan toys
Duncan ___
Duncan's denial
Dunce cap earner
Dunce cap shape
Dunce cap, essentially
Dunce cap, geometrically
Dunce cap-shaped
Dunce finally excluded from class project
Dunce Tees had nothing invested in it
Dunce's cap is, maybe, the case for a dreamer
Dunces can absorb American and English language
Dunces hurried up?
Dunces will require special test
Dundee citizen
Dundee denial
Dundee denials
Dundee denizen
Dundee design
Dundee disavowal
Dundee dissent
Dundee precip
Dundee residents
Dundee toppers
Dundee who trained Ali
Dunderhead with morning tea
Dune constituent
Dune dweller missing craft in painful practices
Dune material
Dung as fertiliser
Dung beetle
Dung-fly regularly avoided one fruit
Dungeon built to keep unclothed criminal
Dungeon hardware
Dungeon in which prisoners are forgotten
Dungeon items
Dungeon restraints
Dungeon sight
Dungeons & Dragons beast
Dungeons & Dragons charac
Dungeons & Dragons co., o
Dungeons & Dragons figure
Dungeons & Dragons game c
Dungeons & Dragons item
Dungeons & Dragons locale
Dungeons & Dragons player
Dungeons & Dragons race
Dungeons & Dragons sort
Dungeons & Dragons spellc
Dungeons & Dragons weapon
Dungeons later vandalised, one looking down in the mouth?
Dungheap in the centre of animal's lair
Dunk in wadi, pinkies
Dunk, e.g.
Dunkable cookie
Dunkable treat
Dunkin' Donuts order
Dunkirk veterans turn up underneath cloud
Dunne and Ryan
Dunne of "I Remember Mama
Dunne of "My Favorite Wif
Dunno what victor does?
Duo directed by dad, in M
Duo first seen in "Puss G
Duo getting frisky with nuns? That's doubtful!
Duo I left floundering in the deep
Duo in a score
Duo in a typical symphony
Duo love getting involved in publicity for writer
Duo of a children's rhyme
Duo plus one
Duo race around country
Duo use lime to catch bird
Duos: Abbr.
Dupe - dessert
Dupe having stolen goods picked up
Dupe kind companion
Dupe's exclamation
Dupe's shout
Duped; accepted
Dupes being used and led astray
Dupes in some mailboxes
Dupin's creator
Duplicate - twin
Duplicate copy
Duplicate from a stencil
Duplicate Mediterranean city corporation
Duplicate of the same type
Duplicate parcel one lost
Duplicates exactly
Duplicates game
Duplicates, for short
Duplicators of documents
Duplicitous lookalike distributing cards at table
Duplicitous? IOU’s unsigned
Duplicity of stand-in buying and selling
DuPont brand
DuPont discontinued it in
DuPont has one
DuPont trademark
Dupont's "Fiber A"
Dura Lube alternative
Durability of novelty gift not half bad
Durable athletes
Durable clothes you said? I'll go in for fitting
Durable cotton fabric
Durable do
Durable dos
Durable fabric
Durable garment's article aunt ultimately replaces
Durable garments of Chine
Durable piece of boxin' e
Durable players carrying an inside forward
Durable resin
Durable ticker?
Durable transports, for s
Durable trousers
Durable wood
Durable woods
Duracell competitor
Duracell rival
Duracell size
Durango direction
Durango dish
Durango domicile
Durango dwellings
Durant who co-wrote "The
Durante's "___ Dinka Doo"
Durante's famous feature
Durbeyfield lass
Durbin of 30's-40's music
Durbin of Hollywood
Durbin of old films
Durham sch.
Durham's twin city
During a journey
During audition, amateur is most uninteresting
During audition, Mark traps instrument
During autumn time in Spain, cheer up feline
During autumn, an unopened good book is perfect
During break one's to take another test
During bumpy ride, swan came to maturity
During charitable gala I donated money for cause
During chorus, trumpeters play strings
During Christmas I am in Orpington, an exotic place SE of London
During Christmas, to donate, give an extinct mammal
During climb, I begin to drink
During conflict, duke reveals secret
During course of stress, middle son's no good, then rallies
During display, notice dog
During disturbance, revolutionary artist and communist held in custody
During dodgy pedicure Juliet gets injury
During drinking bout, large mixer
During economic upswing nurses primarily lost out
During excavation, opening for Oxford blue
During exit, May's wrangling with European alarmist
During first part of play, venue is empty still
During flight, loin cut in half — piece of meat
During flights, we push back seats
During function, Liberal joins right-wing plot
During goalless game, reduced team's rolling with punches
During Great Revolt, we English can be using social media
During holiday, one further exam
During journey, train isn't suffering disruption
During late autumn, one on the Right's bringing new ideas
During lecture deliberately overlook deception
During marvellous tar sands trip espied colours of America
During May, one day before November 12?
During meeting, start to employ one's discrimination
During Monopoly, MP usually makes a mountain
During office hours
During one, corpulent nurses start to shrink
During onset of violence, agreed to be called up
During opening passage of play, cricket side's doing nothing
During outrageous scenes, get naked at bottom
During party in Wales, note semi-cropped style of hair
During period of illness, Maxim's about to stop getting worse
During plague, libertine gives sign of easing up
During prohibition, show disapproval of primate
During Question Time, retired father is a star!
During refurb, Black Lion invests ton for highly-sought-after bed
During resignation speech, cast out without finishing. That's unjust
During safest lap, surprisingly, vehicle at the back crashed out
During scare, lacking guts, not turning into this?
During school time, engaging one as a temp?
During school time, keeping current caretaker
During study, trainee's first recess
During summer month, leader leaves country first
During summer, what kids' film has swearing in
During sunny day, scoff that lady's underwear is silly
During tango performance is unimpaired
During the first stages
During the knight-time?
During the past few days,
During the Raj, Sir Henry stops prejudice rising
During the time that
During the time that learner gets into card game
During the weekend, walk in open areas
During third night picked up Madagascan native
During this, watch cold disappearing somehow
During time of economic prosp­erity, socialist having little to do?
During tournament, miss shot from short range
During tremors 2 manoeuvres
During trip, Rhode Island pass makes one flag
During troubled reign, Cnut perhaps spun mixed fabric
During two days US player once ran
During very fine morning yearn to climb tree
During war, a number of legit lawmen are heartlessly suffering
During work, drops greasy product
During working hours
Durocher or DiCaprio
Durocher, astrologically(
Durrell isolated somewhat in island
Dusk to dawn
Dusk's start time
Dusk, to a poet
Dusk, to Donne
Dusky maiden?
Dusseldorf donkey
Dust bath regularly encountered in area of Bryce canyon
Dust bits
Dust Bowl drifters
Dust Bowl farmers
Dust Bowl figure
Dust Bowl migrant
Dust Bowl migrants
Dust Bowl refugee
Dust Bowl victim
Dust Bowl witness
Dust busters
Dust busters, for short
Dust collector
Dust collector, for short
Dust collector?
Dust devil, e.g.
Dust jacket
Dust jacket bits
Dust jacket feature
Dust jacket message
Dust picker-upper
Dust remover
Dust spreader
Dust storm
Dust storm was rising
Dust, for one
Dust-gathering network
Dust-laden winds
Dustin Hoffman character
Dustin Hoffman film
Dustin Hoffman title role
Dustin of "Rain Man"
Dustin's "Agatha" co-star
Dustin's "Midnight Cowboy
Dustin's "Tootsie" co-sta
Dustin's role in "Midnigh
Dusting aid
Dusting cloth
Dusting on the side of a
Dusting or taking out the
Dusting sign on top of library during cleaning period?
Dusting target
Dustman idle outside Job Centre?
Dusty place, traditionall
Dusty room, often
Dusty town in an unspecified location
Dutch Abstract Expression
Dutch airline
Dutch arranges to employ cleaner
Dutch artist Frans
Dutch artist Jan
Dutch artist Jan van der
Dutch artist noted for op
Dutch artist Theo
Dutch artist, informally at home, about to pour out drinks
Dutch beauty
Dutch beer
Dutch beer brand
Dutch bloom
Dutch bloomer
Dutch boat in area of shipping forecast
Dutch brew
Dutch brewery
Dutch brews
Dutch bulb
Dutch capital
Dutch carrier
Dutch cheese
Dutch cheese town
Dutch city
Dutch city ESE of Utrecht
Dutch city famous for pottery
Dutch city NW of Arnheim
Dutch city NW of Arnhem
Dutch city on the Rhine
Dutch city was the first to get up a newspaper
Dutch city with a cheese
Dutch colleagues arrest Republican time-wasters
Dutch construction
Dutch cooker
Dutch dairy product
Dutch defender chasing payment gets subsequent comment
Dutch disease victims
Dutch dive’s needing a clean
Dutch earthenware
Dutch embankment
Dutch explorer capturing large island fetish
Dutch export
Dutch exports
Dutch film director van G
Dutch gambler having modest amount of ale?
Dutch genre painter
Dutch gin
Dutch Golden Age painter
Dutch government seat, wi
Dutch graphic artist
Dutch Guiana, today
Dutch heart and soul in continental islander
Dutch helping for as long as it takes
Dutch heretic securing victory regarding evolution
Dutch humanist and scholar
Dutch humanist uses arm to get smacked-up
Dutch import
Dutch is right - say it isn't so!
Dutch island in the Caribbean, autonomous since 2010
Dutch jog awkwardly around bend beside European flag-bearer
Dutch landscapist Aelbert
Dutch landscapist ___ Mau
Dutch left broken pottery they produced
Dutch liqueur made with egg yolks and brandy
Dutch maybe seen among getting-it-on guests?
Dutch money
Dutch oven
Dutch painter
Dutch painter escaped from Marshalsea
Dutch painter Frans
Dutch painter Gerard ___
Dutch painter Jan
Dutch painter Steen
Dutch painter surely excited to receive Diploma of Art
Dutch painter, d. 1669
Dutch painter, d. 1890
Dutch painter, Hieronymus, d. 1516
Dutch painter, Jan, d. 1676
Dutch painting is flash
Dutch piano center
Dutch player leaving United, ringing round to cancel
Dutch politician a load of rubbish?
Dutch port
Dutch portrait painter
Dutch portraitist Frans
Dutch pottery
Dutch pottery city
Dutch pottery town
Dutch priest found in shop
Dutch princess who's the
Dutch produce early English green beans
Dutch produce line in skilful fight with English
Dutch product
Dutch product manufactured to be sent North
Dutch province's butcher briefly seen in China
Dutch rate must
Dutch regularly chases women, at first ignoring size
Dutch river boys seldom have gone across
Dutch royal house
Dutch royal house - fruit
Dutch seaport
Dutch settler sees naked friar running
Dutch shoe
Dutch sights
Dutch star transformed game
Dutch stranger is one to beat
Dutch tourist attraction
Dutch town - tin-glazed earthenware
Dutch traveler's choice
Dutch treat
Dutch treat?
Dutch treats
Dutch treats?
Dutch very well after port wine
Dutch wants depravity, the horny fellow
Dutch war god has bottle
Dutch will join automobile club, maybe
Dutch will produce gibberish after this generous drink
Dutch woman is Utrecht's ultimate 20th-century artist
Dutch ___
Dutch ___ (uncommon sight
Dutch-based financial gia
Dutch-speaking Caribbean
Dutch-speaking part of th
Dutchman errs, sprinkling on fine condiment
Duties for generals?
Duties up on Italian energy - room for cuts?
Dutiful bit done badly involves leader in embarrassment
Dutton's sitcom role
Duty — and where so often it seems to lie?
Duty (and where it often lies)
Duty before news time
Duty beyond member in retirement, not having kids
Duty for a docent
Duty I had to enter Fleet, say, as hired capitalist?
Duty I had with waterway as one who ferries people
Duty imposer
Duty in paper round to turn up
Duty list
Duty of conservationist at heart
Duty of sailor whenever visited by female
Duty of the superior toff, being above inferior English press
Duty officer
Duty on first vehicle
Duty put Harry in mood
Duty schedule
Duty that requires clubs to go for forward’s skill
Duty to involve Queen in military operation
Duty, and where it often lies?
Duty-free, say
Duvall role in "The Godfa
Duvall's "Great" title ro
Duvet filling
DVD adjuncts
DVD box set purchase
DVD box set, possibly
DVD displayers
DVD insurer, say, makes for motorists occasionally
DVD maker
DVD menu option
DVD player button
DVD player maker
DVD precursor
DVD viewing option
DVR button
Dwarf of a sort
Dwarf or giant, maybe
Dwarf pet pig groomed ready for presentation
Dwarf planet
Dwarf planet absorbing odd bits of meteor mass - astronaut's opening tinned food?
Dwarf planet in the aster
Dwarf planet just beyond
Dwarf planet larger than
Dwarf throwing? It'll impress Knut!
Dwarf tree
Dwarf with a purple hat
Dwarf with glasses
Dwarf's bottom stuck between edges of gateway
Dwarf, for example, acquires second name after retiring
Dwarf, maybe
Dwarfed ornamental tree
Dwarfed ornamental tree or shrub
Dwarfed shrub
Dwarfed tree
Dwarfish creature
Dwarfs or deadly sins?
Dwarfs stay extremely desirable, they learn
Dwarfs' count
Dweebish "Family Matters"
Dweeby sort
Dwell (on)
Dwell for a time in London area, preferring joint to heroin regularly current
Dwell in
Dwell on
Dwell on negatively
Dwell on team
Dwell under old tree
Dwelled (on)
Dweller above the Arctic
Dweller across the strait
Dweller along Lake Volta
Dweller along the Arabian
Dweller along the Danube
Dweller along the Horn of
Dweller along the Mekong
Dweller along the Morava
Dweller along the Sea of
Dweller along the Skunk R
Dweller along the Tigris
Dweller along the Volga
Dweller around Port Hercu
Dweller at Tenochtitl
Dweller in Clydebank
Dweller in Paradise
Dweller in Pristina
Dweller in Shiloh
Dweller in the Chinese hi
Dweller in the Peterhof
Dweller near Central Park
Dweller on an Asian penin
Dweller on Cape Prince of
Dweller on the Arctic Cir
Dweller on the Baltic
Dweller on the Bay of Bis
Dweller on the Bering Sea
Dweller on the Danube
Dweller on the Gulf of Ad
Dweller on the Gulf of Ma
Dweller on the Morava Riv
Dweller on the Red Sea
Dweller under a bridge, i
Dwellers along a tributar
Dwellers along Lake Victo
Dwellers along the Bay of
Dwellers along the Dniepe
Dwellers along the Platte
Dwellers along the Volga
Dwellers at First Mesa, A
Dwellers in ancient Celti
Dwellers in gum trees
Dwellers in Middle-earth
Dwellers in the Southern
Dwellers on Lake V
Dwellers on Mount Olympus
Dwellers on the Baltic
Dwellers on the Gulf of F
Dwellers on the moon of E
Dwellers on the Strait of
Dwelling away from others, intended to leave area
Dwelling briefly on final answer
Dwelling for occasional use
Dwelling for top people featured in communication
Dwelling in Durango
Dwelling in the far north
Dwelling in wood, book taxi home?
Dwelling of a French girl in Cockney area
Dwelling on losing final pair leads to disappointing exit
Dwelling on outskirts of Stirling hosts very Gallic function
Dwelling place
Dwelling place suitable to house craft people
Dwelling places
Dwelling section whose na
Dwelling that's bad in Virginia
Dwelling with a smoke hol
Dwells in the past?
Dwells on
Dwight Eisenhower, e.g.
Dwight licked him twice
Dwight's opponent
Dwight's opponent in '52
Dwight's two-time challen
Dwight's two-time opponen
Dwindle away to nothing
Dwindle, as support
Dwindles, with "out"
Dwindling of pile noted unhappily
Dwindling workplace doing this to make something cool
DX divided by V
Dye Anne Hathaway originally used up
Dye brown paper, cutting top and bottom
Dye can end in disappointment
Dye chemical
Dye coats very small bone
Dye containers
Dye covering half of hair in helmet
Dye farm workers applied to tail of beast
Dye for wood
Dye found in Madras nowadays?
Dye holder
Dye holders
Dye in temporary tattoos
Dye ingredient
Dye made from vanilla extract
Dye material from lichens, used in acidity tests
Dye obtained from aniline
Dye plant
Dye plant marks snake
Dye produced from male snake
Dye regulators
Dye source
Dye then natural, to some extent
Dye used in skin decoration
Dye worker
Dye's covering my furnishings etc
Dye's original pigment is less bright
Dye, one doing badly
Dye-job option
Dye-producing plant doing badly, I admitted
Dye-producing shrub
Dye-yielding plant
Dye-yielding plants
Dye-yielding shrubs
Dyed brown?
Dyed fabric
Dyed trick-or-treat costu
Dyeing art
Dyeing process
Dyemaker's container
Dying fire fed by the last two bits of kindling
Dying of hunger
Dying of the light?
Dying remains end in three months
Dying request
Dying star by great Stratford river having a turn
Dying to hear part of National Lear soliloquy
Dying words
Dyke-builder using a lot of lights etc.
Dyke-building king
Dylan —; — Edison
Dylan not liking Dell com
Dylan or Dole
Dylan Thomas play
Dylan Thomas's birthplace
Dylan Thomas's home
Dylan was once her prot
Dylan's "___ Lonesome Hob
Dynamic beginning
Dynamic beginning?
Dynamic Duo member
Dynamic Duo's garb
Dynamic force behind all mental processes - hyping secrecy
Dynamic individual that one should avoid contact with
Dynamic influences
Dynamic introduction
Dynamic leader of Indian state
Dynamic opener
Dynamic opening?
Dynamic people needing energy to move shrub
Dynamic person
Dynamic person is good in bank
Dynamic prefix
Dynamic range unit
Dynamic school where Henry’s gone, overshadowed by another?
Dynamic start
Dynamic start?
Dynamic type carrying goods left one gawping!
Dynamic ___
Dynamic, inspiring Conservative states case
Dynamite component, for s
Dynamite constituent
Dynamited, maybe
Dynamo part
Dynamo working twenty-four hours
Dynamo works for just 24 hours
Dynamo's pivot
Dynastic members, son and daughter involved in defeat must return
Dynasty after Ch'in
Dynasty after the Ch'in
Dynasty before the Shang
Dynasty during which much
Dynasty during which Taoi
Dynasty has backed party in general
Dynasty having taste
Dynasty in which Confucia
Dynasty member
Dynasty of Confucius
Dynasty of Confucius and
Dynasty Ride - is that one from Schubert?
Dynasty that ruled empire in the past
Dyslexic TV host with a c
Dyslexic's deity?
Dystopian 1920 play
Dystopian tale of British boy and drug trafficker
Clue Database Last Updated: 06/03/2025 12:00am