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Hot Pot Quiz. Trees and Woods. 53 polly dee 7th January 2018, 19:35
» by lady bee
Everyman 3717 6 catcharmer 7th January 2018, 16:51
» by malone
Sat Times 26928 7 strangelybrown 7th January 2018, 16:20
» by elle
Telegraph 28143 help! 2 telegrapher 7th January 2018, 15:18
» by telegrapher
ST4780 14 hallgreening 7th January 2018, 15:03
» by mamya
SWEP cryptic 5 martynclark 7th January 2018, 14:59
» by martynclark
Scotland on Sunday 2 john 7th January 2018, 12:00
» by john
Sat times cryptic 2 lucyb7 7th January 2018, 11:44
» by lucyb7
i Cryptic 2157 3 diablos 7th January 2018, 11:27
» by diablos
Everyman 4 thomas 7th January 2018, 11:18
» by elle
Herald GK 3 john 7th January 2018, 07:09
» by stevie gee
Times jumbo cryptic 1303, 57a 2 hagleymum 7th January 2018, 00:14
» by hagleymum
CP - last one (thanks for all your help everyone) 8 bandboysgirl 6th January 2018, 23:21
» by bandboysgirl
TIMES JUMBO 1303 15 scribbler 6th January 2018, 23:01
» by brendan
CP Saturday 9 bandboysgirl 6th January 2018, 22:40
» by elle
TIMES 26,928 4 scribbler 6th January 2018, 21:53
» by crosser
The Herald (Glasgow) small crossword 6th Jan. 5 andyb 6th January 2018, 21:35
» by chrise
THE HERALD GK 2 sengamur605 6th January 2018, 20:12
» by stevie gee
@ Roof 4 rossim 6th January 2018, 19:56
» by rossim
Times 26928 6 loverman 6th January 2018, 18:34
» by malone
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