Common Crossword Clues Starting with H
HH & R Block workersH + S = LR?H and M in America are dronesH as in HeraH bombs at first Steps event, nervously returning to tour countryH H HH H H, to GreeksH in the NATO alphabetH look-alikeH&R Block employeesH's positionH'wood typeH+, e.g.H, perhaps, in the role of buccaneer?H, to GreeksH, to HellenesH, to HerodotusH, to HomerH-dos-O?H-L connectorsH. G. Wells peopleH. G. Wells raceH. G. Wells's mad scientiH. H. Munro's pen nameH. H. Munro's pseudonymH. H. Munro, pseudonymicaH. H. Munro, pseudonymousH. H. ___ (Saki's real naH. Kane's Spurs teammate gives up his soul to be an artistH. Rider Haggard adventurH. Rider Haggard heroineH. Rider Haggard novelH. Rider Haggard titleH. Ross Perot's alma mateH. Ross ___, candidate ofH.H.H.'s bossH.H.S. divisionH.M.O. employeeH.M.O. listingH.M.O. listingsH.M.O. personnelH.M.O. requirement, usualH.M.O. rosterH.M.S. partH.M.S. Pinafore forceH.O.V. lane userH.R.H. partH.S. biology topicH.S. classH.S. class memberH.S. courseH.S. courses for coll. crH.S. dept.H.S. dropouts' redemptionH.S. examH.S. helpersH.S. hurdlesH.S. junior's challengeH.S. junior's examH.S. junior's hurdleH.S. junior's testH.S. mathH.S. math classH.S. math courseH.S. or coll. programH.S. part: Abbr.H.S. requirementH.S. science classH.S. subj.H.S. subjectH.S. supportersH.S.T.'s successorH.U.D. Secretary AndrewH20 at 0H2OH2O, e.g.H2SO4 and suchH2SO4, e.g.Ha!Ha-ha, nowadaysHaakon's royal successorHaarlem painter FransHabana or CHabeas corpus or mandamusHabeas corpus, e.g.Habeas corpus, for oneHaberdasher's stockHaberdasher's suggestionHaberdashers' itemsHaberdashery accessoriesHaberdashery accessoryHaberdashery buyHaberdashery itemHaberdashery items held up as a bargainHaberdashery items: Var.Haberdashery offeringHaberdashery purchasesHaberdashery robberies?Haberdashery sectionHaberdashery stockHaberdashery supplyHaberdashery, e.g.HabilimentsHabitHabit back for good, in a manner of speakingHabit of dipping injured toe in fatHabit of exaggerating dangerHabit of taking a lot of wine with ice-cold starters?Habit to drop cold summer's activityHabit wearerHabit-formingHabit-forming preservative, say, going round clubsHabit-kicking programHabitable holeHabitat for game beginning to grow naturally around lakeHabitat of Tasmanian devil, evolving with limited parts lostHabitationHabitation obligationsHabitationsHabitats for some sealsHabitsHabits in a shower?Habits of the male baboonHabits of well bred philosophersHabituHabitualHabitual boob tube watcheHabitual drinkerHabitual drinker very troublesome at firstHabitual drinker, extremely plump, interrupting roof worker?Habitual drinkersHabitual drug userHabitual drug usersHabitual drunk is over drink? It's 50-50Habitual drunkardHabitual drunkardsHabitual gestureHabitual greedHabitual inebriateHabitual internet user - cut nearbyHabitual jokerHabitual practiceHabitual practicesHabitual prison inmateHabitual routineHabitual rule-breaker putting food before Jude?Habitual tipplersHabitual way of behavingHabitual, normalHabituallyHabitually complain about second-class seatHabitually drink tea, mostly outside workHabitually humiliated oneHabitually humiliated perHabitually sullen personHabitually tight, pinching clubs from St Andrews?Habitually, for shortHabituateHabituate (to)Habituate: Var.HabituatesHaciendaHacienda brickHacienda chamberHacienda drudgesHacienda hand, maybeHacienda manager trotted around with lionHacienda materialHacienda roomHackHack (off)Hack back old-fashioned, short frizzy hairdoHack Charlie’s first danceHack computers to alter copy?Hack concerned with one who handles things in hotelsHack covering for editor is a bounderHack cried off, finding somewhere to relaxHack cuddles hot birdHack food?Hack getting to grips with right computerHack into all the same groupHack itHack lies with part in columnHack majority of trip with top celebsHack making computer's first operating system stallHack not like famous authorHack off foremost of oenophiles, tucking into supermarket bubblyHack on dark sweet aleHack possibly putting run in stockings?Hack probing new line-up of hot rock groupHack pursuing dull old tax collectorHack putting time into sourceHack upset, writing papers for studentsHack's customerHack's first letter goes on recordHack's placeHack's questionHack's run out all over newspaperHack's vehicleHack's workplaceHack, e.g.Hackberry relativeHackberry's cousinHackberry's kinHacked email about eastern country's US-style diseaseHacked it, as a candlemakHacked it, as a farmer?Hacked it, as a highway eHacked it, as a pelican?HackerHacker of the Middle AgesHacker's aidHacker's cry of successHacker's tool, escalating bleak conflictHacker, maybeHackersHackers' targetsHacking that may get one into an NHS system?Hacking toolHacking, will fear this security measure?Hackman of HollywoodHackney's condition is surprisingHackneyedHackneyed article about studied line in music?Hackneyed collection of jottings?Hackneyed comments on side of building in neighbour of 23DHackneyed expressionHackneyed introduction to short storyHackneyed movie endingsHackneyed phraseHackneyed phrase heard in Hackney, falsely promising truthHackneyed stuff by journalist with complaint - probably cannedHackneyed thought millions ignoredHackneyed work based on aHacksHacks ignore firm making disapproving noisesHacks itHacks through grass that's kept downHacky Sack, basicallyHadHad - endowHad 100 or moreHad a balanceHad a bawlHad a beef?Had a big laughHad a big mouthHad a bill, stillHad a bitHad a biteHad a blow-out, account unpaidHad a bugHad a careful lookHad a causerieHad a coneHad a conscienceHad a cowHad a cow?Had a crush onHad a disputeHad a dozeHad a feelingHad a feeling it worked with UnitedHad a fling with a female — it became very heatedHad a foul smellHad a go at new crash diets, but not runsHad a gut feelingHad a heart but used a clHad a heart?Had a hero?Had a home-cooked mealHad a hunchHad a laugh when jilted around the third of JulyHad a lifeHad a life before wife turned upHad a little lambHad a little lamb?Had a look round prison, getting unknown drugHad a mealHad a meal after daughter’s engagementHad a meal at end of gameHad a meal in South Dakota, becoming fullHad a meal without beginning to tidy upHad a nibbleHad a nice buffet including Latin-American dishHad a nice cocktail in famous nightclubHad a one-sided conversatHad a peak experience?Had a pizza delivered, saHad a pork-pie reluctantly?Had a prior link withHad a problem withHad a problem with one's Had a quick look at can's end drunkenlyHad a quick turnHad a raid by criminal and dreads getting in trouble now?Had a role on stageHad a role to playHad a rowHad a row?Had a saucy relationship?Had a sensationHad a shotHad a shot and bound to drink drop of redHad a snackHad a snack with one reclining in the studioHad a speech defectHad a spirited session?Had a spreadHad a tantrumHad a tantrum as criminal stole sarongHad a taste of winter transport fitted with electrical unitHad a tough time decidingHad a traditional dinnerHad a TV dinner, sayHad a visible frontHad a yenHad an ambitionHad an ambitious planHad an assignationHad an edgeHad an effectHad an effect onHad an epiphany?Had an eye (to)Had an impact on campHad an obligation to payHad an old-fashioned dinnHad an uneventful dayHad an unquiet sleepHad another chance to pass over armHad ants in one's pantsHad arrived somehow without a memoryHad as a baseHad as one's collegeHad beenHad been to take boat trip for Christmas cheerHad beingHad billsHad board elected all the eccentric nobs at summit?Had breakfastHad breakfast - would be defeated after slice of baconHad brunchHad Butler's hymn rewritten in the style of the early StonesHad charge ofHad coin in change for part of south-east AsiaHad constitutional crisis finally - rang to get Queen involvedHad consumed one dry sandwich to get goingHad control ofHad control of the deckHad control of the wheelHad creditorsHad debtsHad dinnerHad dinner at a restauranHad dinner at homeHad dinner deliveredHad dinner with artist, splitting bill two waysHad downHad down coldHad down patHad effect around hard marine rock again and again?Had eggs, e.g.Had emotionsHad enough - county town's wanting street theatre banned conclusivelyHad fareHad figured outHad flashbacks aboutHad food brought to the rHad food in school for the blind?Had food when going to pub - that’s instinctiveHad for dinnerHad funHad fun withHad fun with Penny before awful delayHad ghosts appearing regularlyHad half a role in producHad home cookingHad impact at first that one loved dearlyHad in handHad in mindHad in mind low temperatureHad in mind low timeHad in stockHad in viewHad LatinHad lingering effectsHad lunchHad lunch, e.g.Had maiden caught in cold shower some offensive words?Had markers outHad Marlboros, sayHad meal at back of pub? That's naturalHad meal following end of office work in the US? Fancy!Had meal Greek character brought overHad meal in canteen regularlyHad meal in cosy home with the least clutter around?Had money in the bankHad more pointsHad more than enough blue flipping movie content!Had need of an E.R., maybHad no catching up to doHad no co-pilotHad no doubtsHad no fearHad no play in crazy eighHad nothing good to say aHad nothing to do with key getting cutHad onHad one do through persuaHad one's foot in the dooHad one's ups and downsHad party finish off sangriaHad payments dueHad people overHad politician spoken without considering the time?Had Prince dramatically recalled accepting Princess with a superior attitude?Had relevance toHad right toolHad ring, got married around noonHad role right, showing supreme skill all roundHad room forHad search party status evaluated externallyHad second thoughtsHad second thoughts about grass skirts Jenny?Had someHad somethingHad something substantialHad something, so to speaHad space forHad sum problemsHad supperHad t’price altered, offering a very low priceHad the advantageHad the bugHad the edgeHad the gutsHad the know-howHad the leadHad the passenger seatHad the sensation of being left outHad the temerity to acquire knowledge and became dim!Had the upper handHad thirds, maybeHad thug sent suggestive signal?Had title toHad to accept upturns in less potent drinkHad to be paid, sayHad to care after manipulating figuresHad to cut price, unfortunately - it's a bargainHad to deal with getting up and coffee without the kick!Had to do withHad to follow medic getting overwhelmedHad to hand it to?Had to haveHad to keep quiet, coming to a church away from conflictHad to rush around treeHad to work with 21, in short, for freeHad too much ofHad too much time to open rigged voteHad too much, brieflyHad too much, swallowing booze I abandonedHad total authorityHad trouble with each rising flowerHad trouble with, as icy Had unusually sound tips for purchaseHad visions during sleepHad visions of G-man arresting worker in present stateHad work looming?Had yearning of French father and daughterHaddock's homeHaddock's last fish in bottom of boatHadesHades lovely when shorn of rocks formed deep undergroundHadn't beenHadrian type, wanting length set up in state of conflict?Hadrian's predecessorHadrian's Wall?Haematite, for example - Nero or IHaemoglobin deficiencyHaemorrhagedHaemorrhoidsHafez al-Assad's land: AbHagHag with deformity, or disfigured benefactor?Hag's warning of stormy period once engulfing monarchHagar the Horrible's dogHagen of BroadwayHagen of stage and screenHagen of the stageHagen with three TonysHagfish by another nameHagfish relativeHaggardHaggard book, perhaps, is something from the sewer?Haggard chap with singular description of horse without jockeyHaggard equestrian?Haggard female has day in SloughHaggard heroine among users, deployed as female escortHaggard of C & WHaggard of country musicHaggard to choose at random Quatermain's endHaggard who sang "Okie FrHaggard writer who is on a journey?Haggard's German relativeHaggard, wrinkledHaggleHaggledHagglesHaggles successfullyHagglingHaggling over how high isHagia ___ (Istanbul landmHagman TV co-starHagsHags, e.g.Haifa helloHaifa hillHaifa's land: Abbr.Haikus, e.g.HailHail at seaHail coming into Massachusetts, occasionally, from the eastHail desirable receptionHail from a college - it's what a professor may doHail in a part of OrkneyHail in road brieflyHail lovely groundHail MaryHail Mary pathHail Mary, e.g.Hail Marys, e.g.Hail new German superheroHail not unusual in Scottish regionHail on moon, mind how you goHail or drops of water in ScotlandHail penetrating cavernHail Roman supporting Republican PartyHail to CaesarHail ___Hail ___ (cry "Taxi!")Hail, e.g.Hail, on the brinyHail, to CaesarHail?Haile SelassieHaile Selassie discipleHaile Selassie followerHaile Selassie follower, Haile Selassie's dog?Haile Selassie's land: AbHailer's cryHailey best sellerHailey/King book about flHailing callHailing shoutsHailsHAIRHair a man permed for prince's wifeHair and metallic mineral stinkHair application allergy not oddly brought upHair applicationsHair arrangementHair attachmentHair bandHair behind the ears, mayHair bleachHair braider, e.g.Hair bunHair care brand since 193Hair claspHair claspsHair clasps that are hard to free oneself from?Hair cleaning productHair cleanserHair coilHair colorHair color, e.g.Hair colorerHair colorersHair coloringHair coloring carrierHair colourHair colour like Henry James, perhaps, cut by Latin?Hair controllersHair curlHair curlerHair cutterHair decorationsHair divisionHair dressingHair dyeHair etc absolutely flipping full of these nasties?Hair extensionHair fabricHair featureHair found in Keith's ale? Yes, it's returnedHair from bears covering bear's tailHair gooHair goopHair goop, e.g.Hair goopsHair gripper made by twisting metalHair hanging in concentric circlesHair hiderHair highlightsHair holderHair holder, sometimesHair implant?Hair in need of a barberHair knotHair lacking careHair laid back for one amongst cats where there are lots of dogsHair lineHair line?Hair locationHair lossHair needing to be cut, perhaps, though hardly extending this far!Hair netHair of the dog technician may needHair ointmentHair on lion's neckHair ornamentHair over the foreheadHair pieceHair piece?Hair pluckerHair preparationHair problemHair producerHair productHair product, counterfeit and low quality, not finishedHair productsHair raiser?Hair raisers?Hair regularly blocking cat's throatHair removable with InstagramHair removal brandHair removal optionHair removal processHair removal productHair removal siteHair removerHair roller resultHair rollersHair salon activityHair salon itemHair salon optionHair salon stockHair securing stripHair shirt occasionHair shirt wearerHair shirt wearer's activHair snarlHair soapHair somewhat scruffy, viewed from behindHair spiffer-upperHair splitterHair stiffenerHair straightenerHair stuffHair styleHair style created by braidingHair styling stuffHair stylist's challengeHair tintHair transplant claim involving setters?Hair treatmentHair treatment from barber in SevilleHair treatment that generHair trimmerHair untanglerHair waveHair woeHair’s breadthHair's orderly 3s and groovesHair-curling cylindersHair-dyeing jobHair-plucking toolHair-raiserHair-raiser German dramatist hasn't startedHair-raiser?Hair-raisers?Hair-raisingHair-raising cryHair-raising shriekHair-raising site?Hair-raising stuff?Hair-razing experience?Hair-razing stuffHair-splitter?Hair-straightenerHair-styling articleHair-styling foamHair-texturizing toolHair-to-rug transformation seen in spin supremo?Hairband with minor problemHaircutHaircut - fishHaircut 100 to prosecute 'grasping' QueenHaircut in Peru's notably retroHaircut not raised, certainlyHaircut on kid is one way to ring the changesHaircut styleHaircut that's short on tHaircutsHairdoHairdo - skullcapHairdo equipment - closing gruntHairdo for Snooki of "JerHairdo for the office?Hairdos for Jimi Hendrix HairdresserHairdresser punched by Mike Parr?Hairdresser’s perk?Hairdresser's dog?Hairdresser's first do?Hairdresser's shopHairdresser's workplaceHairdresser, at timesHairdresser: one supplying insults?HairdressersHairdressers, perhaps, try less rearrangingHairdressing establishmentHairdressing operation?Hairdressing toolHairgrip made of copper with reverse catchHairlessHairless, nowHairlineHairline – acceptable – penaltyHairnet girl used for curlingHairpieceHairpiece lifted on Owen's head in part of golf courseHairpiece to cover baldnessHairpiecesHairpieces, slangilyHairpin apparently in wooden dishHairs and swellings left and right in different placesHairslideHairsplitterHairsplittersHairspray typeHairstyleHairstyle - nub of fatHairstyle and coronet adjusted by pageHairstyle covered in elaborate nets for promHairstyle covers very retro crew memberHairstyle designed to accommodate the workers?Hairstyle for a revolutionaryHairstyle for busy people?Hairstyle involving a bunHairstyle involving plait twisted around bottom parts of wigHairstyle is proper messy after lots of cuttingHairstyle popularized by Hairstyle swept up into small lumpHairstyle that may have aHairstyle with a puffy appearanceHairstyle with little thick curlsHairstyle with tight curlsHairstyle, one captivating husbandHairstyle, say, extremely uniform all overHairstyle; gullet pouchHairstylesHairstyles of Sly and theHairstyles with first cut and comb for freeHairstyling goopHairstylist JosHairstylist's stuffHairstylist, maybeHairyHairy animal more ’eatedHairy armpit hunt is successfulHairy beasts shown in still livesHairy Biker gone has me very sad, distraughtHairy biking, using e.g. Waterloo Bridge rather than Blackfriars?Hairy bloke in middle of the saunaHairy bloke seen in the saunaHairy brute first to attend rave in Oklahoma city, second to leaveHairy chap partaking of the sauceHairy clue-snifferHairy cousinHairy creatureHairy creature said to live in the HimalayasHairy creature still to secure independenceHairy creature's sign of displeasure in barHairy doctor argued with sonHairy dog exercising with a nurseHairy fellow's reportedly the guy spotted in the East EndHairy fly in red cordialHairy fruitHairy fruit is cut ahead of the date?Hairy Halloween costumesHairy handHairy HimalayanHairy Himalayan humanoidHairy hollowHairy humanoidHairy humanoid oddly ignoring my meat pieHairy individual crazy to entertain forlorn hopeHairy legendHairy man in the saunaHairy nude carrying a little weight - not that impressed!Hairy place where weapons may be hidden?Hairy rebellious Irish broadcasterHairy Scandinavian works for loose womenHairy skin of individual in frontHairy sport supporting international organisationHairy tutor, old American, impresses queenHairy TV cousinHairy-chestedHairy-chested onesHairy-footed midget’s pastime, mostly just what’s neededHairy-skinned fruitHairy-stemmed plant with disc-shaped fruitHairy? Leads to dermal abrasion with plastic surgeonHairy? Usher it outHaiti cops dressed in pale greenHaiti open to trade from landlocked countryHaiti's first democraticaHaiti's Francois DuvalierHaiti, onceHaitian cultHaitian currencyHaitian dictator's nicknaHaitian dictator, commonlHaitian gangster moving unnaturally?Haitian leaderHaitian monetary unitHaitian president PrHaitian religionHaitian seasonHaitian witchcraftHaitian ___Hajji's destinationHake ultimately rubbish European on board ship landsHAL 9000, in "2001: A SpaHal David outputHal Foster comic characteHal Foster's Queen of theHal stopped with himHal's fielding position?Halberdier's opponentHaleHale and heartyHale and hearty?Hale who won three U.S. OHale-Bopp, e.g.Hale-___ (comet seen in 1Hale-___ cometHaleakala Crater localeHaleakala National Park sHaleakala's localeHaley best sellerHalfHalf (prefix)Half a 1950s TV duoHalf a 1980's sitcom duoHalf a 1980's TV duoHalf a 1980s TV duoHalf a 50's sitcom coupleHalf a 60's vocal foursomHalf a 60's-70's TV duoHalf a 70's-80's comedy dHalf a bar orderHalf a Beatles titleHalf a brayin'Half a candy bar nameHalf a cartoon coupleHalf a cartoon duoHalf a celebrated setHalf a classic sitcom couHalf a colonHalf a comedy duoHalf a cone, in geometryHalf a constellation appears pale blueHalf a coupleHalf a danceHalf a decadeHalf a dimeHalf a dog's allocation is fruit?Half a dozenHalf a dozen erotic pictuHalf a dozen learned one's facial featuresHalf a famous dance teamHalf a famous Hollywood dHalf a fathomHalf a flock, maybeHalf a fortnightHalf a horse? Wow!Half a Latin danceHalf a laughHalf a leafHalf a literary leafHalf a matched setHalf a moHalf a mountaineering expHalf a noted comedy duoHalf a nursery-rhyme spidHalf a pair for pairsHalf a picker-upperHalf a platterHalf a pop quartetHalf a publishing duoHalf a rackHalf a ringHalf a sawbuckHalf a scoreHalf a semibreveHalf a sextetHalf a shandyHalf a strawful, sayHalf a tea service toolHalf a tennerHalf a train trackHalf a train?Half a trumpet's soundHalf a TV duoHalf a weekendHalf a wine-making familyHalf a world capitalHalf a year of coll.Half an 80's sitcom duoHalf an Asian capital?Half an exchangeHalf an hour in local, hammered on this
Half an LPHalf an old comedy duoHalf an old vaudeville duHalf an organ stop?Half an Orkan farewellHalf and halfHalf and half, maybeHalf and half?Half area ignored by Liberal Party, in effectHalf behind machineHalf believed police department's tapped judgeHalf brother of AthenaHalf brother of HerculesHalf brother of HermesHalf brother of Ivan VHalf brother of Midian, iHalf brother of Tom SawyeHalf bust, engaged in crime?Half cancelling old-fashioned entry after a person one knowsHalf completed buildingHalf contradicted mean and beastly outburstHalf court game?Half dance after turning up disc by Hot Chip?Half discouraged about decade in diplomatic activityHalf Dome's homeHalf dueHalf dying to tuck into green food? That's a landmark for Americans!Half fat separates before long in teaHalf finish a grid (cryptic) - that's unbecomingHalf four at lido, train regularly with greater confidenceHalf have become fit — squash perhaps?Half hitch, e.g.Half hope to take advantage of buildingHalf in front?Half in the dark and troubled in my disgraceHalf kiss a crush before evening of funHalf man, half horseHalf Moon captainHalf naked, did a jig, not initially subtleHalf noteHalf note featureHalf note, in BritainHalf of 11 divided by 11 for one far from homeHalf of 2 and 3 doneHalf of 20 into whiskies? Sickness abroad, so a Minister for Moral RestraintHalf of 7 AcrossHalf of a 1934 M-G-M coupHalf of a 1940's-50's comHalf of a 1950's comedy tHalf of a 1955 mergerHalf of a 1955 merger, foHalf of a 1955 merger: AbHalf of a 1960's pop quarHalf of a 1960s pop groupHalf of a 1960s R & B duoHalf of a 1970's TV duoHalf of a 1970s-'80s comeHalf of a 1980's TV duoHalf of a 1980's TV teamHalf of a 1980s sitcom duHalf of a 1991 film titleHalf of a 1997 telecom meHalf of a 45Half of a 45 with more aiHalf of a 50's TV duoHalf of a 60's quartetHalf of a 70's-80's pop dHalf of a batting averageHalf of a cartoon duoHalf of a cartoon pairHalf of a classic comedy Half of a colonHalf of a Disney duo, witHalf of a double-header, Half of a familiar ChinesHalf of a famous 1930's dHalf of a famous comic duHalf of a famous outlaw dHalf of a famous split peHalf of a former sitcom dHalf of a giant 1999 mergHalf of a griffinHalf of a halfHalf of a half-and-halfHalf of a hip-hop duoHalf of a leafHalf of a longtime comedyHalf of a longtime countrHalf of a McDonald's logoHalf of a mountaineering Half of a musical secondHalf of a noted cartoon dHalf of a noted comedy teHalf of a one-twoHalf of a popular 1960s sHalf of a popular comedy Half of a popular cuisineHalf of a quartHalf of a recurring "SatuHalf of a round tripHalf of a sawbuckHalf of a sci-fi nameHalf of a showy display?Half of a sitcom farewellHalf of a store-owning duHalf of a TV alien's sendHalf of a Vegas duoHalf of a well-known comeHalf of a yr.Half of all adults were victorious, this person includedHalf of almost any odd-nuHalf of an 80's TV duoHalf of an 80's TV teamHalf of an animation duoHalf of an Asian capital?Half of an athletic pairHalf of an audiotapeHalf of an E.P.A. mileageHalf of an E.P.A. ratingHalf of an everyday duoHalf of an old comedy duoHalf of an old Latin aphoHalf of an old radio duoHalf of an old sitcom duoHalf of army enraged over having to transport ailing animalHalf of army once more retreats and fallsHalf of army personnel betrayedHalf of banana spread over corset of escort, perhapsHalf of Belgians are shocked by Queen - drinking this?Half of bi-Half of binary codeHalf of BrangelinaHalf of bubbly liquid that's inside jacuzzi?Half of capital being lost is a nuisanceHalf of capital includes a sum advancedHalf of cellar wine turned up in storeHalf of children in revolting partyHalf of church service makes you heaveHalf of CongressHalf of couple blocking middle of scenery in Ravel?Half of CXIIHalf of device for storing data in binderHalf of dieciseisHalf of diezHalf of doceHalf of dosHalf of duo's styles are somewhat shabbyHalf of Elon Musk's head is woodHalf of English city united old peopleHalf of find submerged in ancient city gives diver problemHalf of flipping idle workers getting stickHalf of football team is dismissed in Spain, for exampleHalf of football team, extremely engaged and alignedHalf of gold bike, it's covered in sandHalf of hair lotion put around part of LondonHalf of half-and-halfHalf of hand-rolled cigarette starts monarch smokingHalf of hearing aids finally interpreting sign languageHalf of ingenious solution to lose weight, removing cream?Half of inked design around middle of her nippleHalf of it is a nickelHalf of jury's entertained by stint in Winter Olympics eventHalf of line covered by green bacteriaHalf of MCCIVHalf of MCIVHalf of Miss Muffet's disHalf of Mork's goodbyeHalf of Mork's greetingHalf of Mork's sign-offHalf of Mork's sitcom sigHalf of needle hidden in backpack to provide retributionHalf of nuclear power plant includes electron captureHalf of oct-Half of octa-Half of olives made into this?Half of party goes with rhetoric - room for improvement?Half of pies and more pasty knocked back - that's degenerateHalf of police are finishing early, freezing coldHalf of police carrying first gunHalf of police force needs a shake-up - it's handled by strict superiorHalf of prison allowed to have item of underwearHalf of publishers benefitHalf of quatorzeHalf of quattordiciHalf of really friendly cityHalf of Reds in time for matchHalf of rubbish outside of Ikea is natural fibreHalf of scheme ignored by artist — extremely lurid colourHalf of sechsHalf of sechzehnHalf of seiHalf of seisHalf of sisters like girl's nameHalf of soap boxes used by this Athenian philosopherHalf of standard radio confirmationHalf of Status Quo detailed working in illegal occupationHalf of street's enthralled by wheeling glossy birdsHalf of team and coach beginning to handle attackHalf of that rift zone is rocky, non-functionalHalf of that's covered by loud noiseHalf of the "Rich Girl" dHalf of the "Wayne's WorlHalf of the chorus for the orchestraHalf of the clergy in NW townHalf of the Dynamic DuoHalf of the French?Half of the Odd CoupleHalf of the tai chi symboHalf of them going to America - they don't flyHalf of them importune the ruler’s wifeHalf of them sketch vaguely from beginning to endHalf of them taking degree? That’s novelHalf of tour party making a fussHalf of us are this, perhaps?Half of us succeeded, including meHalf of US women’s college close to missing American Hollywood starHalf of wrong jabs uncovered -- targeted group may get thisHalf of your gallery trashed in a predictable wayHalf of zweiHalf or third?Half out of uniform ointment on cut leg's roughHalf past noon, at seaHalf past seven in the evening is a time of depressionHalf pints, maybeHalf portraitHalf profile?Half quartHalf seas overHalf sixesHalf speak unintelligibly, keeping this quietHalf staring chap cooked duck soupHalf step, in musicHalf sub-edited without confidenceHalf suck garish sweet substanceHalf the "Monday, Monday"Half the cricket ground is illegally sitedHalf the distanceHalf the fight's getting husband to washHalf the people looking to catch us have a sneaking feelingHalf the periodic table needed by one fragrant substanceHalf the portalsHalf the seasoned beef is over and done withHalf the side will have drink after critical gameHalf the world is into cannabis, I sayHalf this measure would be appropriateHalf way through a pregnancyHalf your collar turned up in townHalf, nearly three quarters of words explosiveHalf, quarter or eighth fHalf-a-dozen musiciansHalf-and-halfHalf-and-half calamari and tapenade, a spicy mixHalf-and-half carton, oftHalf-and-half halfHalf-and-half quantitiesHalf-and-half, maybeHalf-assembled MitsubishiHalf-awakeHalf-bakedHalf-baked - fly-by-night mammalsHalf-Berber dish, trendy one in my familyHalf-Betazoid on "Star TrHalf-brother of IshmaelHalf-brother of Tom SawyeHalf-circle window over aHalf-conscious stateHalf-cut at university bar, knocked back Bloody Mary, sayHalf-cut banter in barHalf-cut Barnes punches left-wingers? Ruddy quality!Half-cut conservative tycoon oddly not prosperousHalf-cut England captain and Aussie skipperHalf-cut idiot, hardly cavalry materialHalf-cut Lord Admiral shot American nativeHalf-cut musician takes home those like MercuryHalf-cut politicians in high placesHalf-cut priest dined in groundsHalf-cut state on wine that adds flavour when cookingHalf-day exam, brieflyHalf-decent golden egg laid by crossword setters is not to be sniffed atHalf-dome constructionHalf-domed projectionsHalf-eaten taco filling in recycle bin?Half-exposed tenor at work? Not soHalf-fat jams spoilt rice cakeHalf-finished fleece by a very small jumperHalf-finished lips lacked colourHalf-forgotten Korean back in Glasgow? NoHalf-heartedHalf-hearted “yes” from Ruth, thought to be oddly absentHalf-hearted attempt to start up a new form of transportHalf-hearted cry of derision when meeting snake and rodentHalf-hearted diet - steer clear of drink?Half-hearted dope is goodHalf-hearted fellas at work? Not soHalf-hearted floor cleaner is a miseryHalf-hearted friend stifles expression of contempt in an asinine imitative wayHalf-hearted gospel minister’s back on with a massHalf-hearted hostility and dismal dazzleHalf-hearted meal is exceptionally goodHalf-hearted meal set to involve last boss of seven?Half-hearted meal? It’s wonderful!Half-hearted private investigator obstructs old rockerHalf-hearted runner's head dropping - Farah starts keenerHalf-hearted shout, not on deckHalf-hearted tantrum flipping papersHalf-hearted teller ordered checks for each recountHalf-heartedly called police about son's minor indiscretionsHalf-heartedly distribute new plants around gardens, favouring some areas?Half-heartedly drug one in the House of Lords?Half-heartedly embarrass Catholic in Church TrustHalf-heartedly encourage hard nut, struggling during extremely tedious valuable pursuits?Half-heartedly fund, returning charge? That's sweetHalf-heartedly incapacitate an aristocratHalf-heartedly make for islandHalf-heartedly mock lame eccentric touring American cityHalf-heartedly mouth entertaining answer for emperorHalf-heartedly ran the match, returning to seek postponementHalf-heartedly shout downHalf-heartedly stagger round the bendHalf-heartedly wed gal without IT experienceHalf-heartedly went through escalating house checksHalf-heartedly, tennis celeb's opener when playing cricket?Half-hidden story about glandsHalf-human "Star Trek: T.Half-human counselor on "Half-humans of folkloreHalf-inch cut, not entirely clean, to the headHalf-inch fairy kindles revoltHalf-inch stripe wearer: Half-man/half-goat creatuHalf-moon shapeHalf-moon tideHalf-naked celebrityHalf-naked male, trendy wearing suede pantsHalf-off eventHalf-oz.Half-pintHalf-pint of cider taken regularly after whisky?Half-pint of small prawns by the looks of them?Half-pintsHalf-price bin abbr.Half-price ticketHalf-saluteHalf-seas overHalf-sister of AbsalomHalf-sister of King ArthuHalf-smoked pipe plugsHalf-soaked people in this switched on tourist city?Half-starved spies held by English couple diedHalf-suppressed laughHalf-swearing, compulsory to include ’ell, sayHalf-tamed horseHalf-term drinkHalf-time event, maybeHalf-Vulcan box contains head of PrometheusHalf-Vulcan Star Trek characterHalf-witHalf-wittedHalf-year academic courseHalf-year division of an academic yearHalf-___ (coffee order)Half-___ (pipsqueaks)Half-___ (track specialisHalf: PrefixHalfback lads in rout take valour for humour of sortsHalfback option and Hail HalfheartedHalfhearted R.S.V.P.'sHalftime crewHalftime featuresHalftime hollerHalftime lead, e.g.Halftime participant, oftHalftime playersHalfwayHalfway around the basesHalfway houseHalfway house?Halfway housesHalfway through a period of officeHalfway through Hilary maybe tried crudely interrupting Mark and MikeHalfwitHalfwit caught flies in pile of sandHalfwit hires crooked bolt cutters?Halfwit left stuffing fishHalfwit you’ll find in pub in New YorkHalfwits find bit of test oddly lackingHalfwittedHalifax clock setting: AbHalifax hrs.Halifax's homeHaliteHalite, chemicallyHalitosis fighterHalitosis, e.g.HallHall & Oates's "___ Gone"Hall & Oates, e.g.Hall floor coverHall for exercisingHall localeHall of "Coming to AmericHall of "The Tonight ShowHall of Champions org.Hall of entertainmentHall of fameHall of Fame catcherHall of Fame coach EwbankHall of Fame football coaHall of Fame golfer who iHall of Fame jockey EarlHall of Fame jockey EddieHall of Fame QB DawsonHall of Fame shortstopHall of Fame sportscasterHall of humorHall of introductionsHall of TV fameHall perhaps is able to provide containerHall porters recognise suspect outside collegeHall providing entertainmHall with a mikeHall with a posseHall's musical partnerHall's partnerHall's partner in popHall's singing partnerHall, city home for leaderHall-of-Fame announcer HaHall-of-Fame basketball cHall-of-Fame Boston CeltiHall-of-Fame center JimHall-of-Fame coach EwbankHall-of-Fame college swimHall-of-Fame football coaHall-of-Fame football exeHall-of-Fame forwardHall-of-Fame golfer TommyHall-of-Fame hoopster DanHall-of-Fame Nascar racerHall-of-Fame outfielder RHall-of-Fame pitcher KeefHall-of-Fame pitcher RyanHall-of-Fame pitcher WaitHall-of-Fame pitcher WarrHall-of-Fame pitcher withHall-of-Fame QB BobHall-of-Fame QB DawsonHall-of-Fame QB GrahamHall-of-Fame QB JohnnyHall-of-Fame QB/kicker GeHall-of-Fame second basemHall-of-Fame shortstopHall-of-Fame Viking CarlHall-of-Famer BobbyHall-of-Famer born in PanHall-of-Famer Combs who pHall-of-Famer CoveleskiHall-of-Famer DawsonHall-of-Famer DrysdaleHall-of-Famer from MobileHall-of-Famer HubbardHall-of-Famer MelHall-of-Famer Michael of Hall-of-Famer MusialHall-of-Famer nicknamed "Hall-of-Famer RoushHall-of-Famer SandbergHall-of-Famer SlaughterHall-of-Famer SpeakerHall-of-Famer Walter who Hall-of-Famer WilliamsHall-of-Famer with 10 WorHall-of-Famer with 3,154 Hall-of-Famer YastrzemskiHall-of-Famer YogiHall-of-FamersHall-of-Famers Kaline andHall-of-___HallelujahHalliburton of the HallibHalliwell of the Spice GiHalliwell, formerly of thHallmark card text, oftenHallmark of a perfect gamHallmark store sectionHallo: boy’s created a fuss!HallowHallow endingHallowedHalloween accessoryHalloween activityHalloween bagfulHalloween broom-riderHalloween candyHalloween charactersHalloween colorHalloween correspondent?Halloween costumeHalloween costume, maybeHalloween cryHalloween decorationHalloween decorationsHalloween dinner fare?Halloween disguisesHalloween displayHalloween event?Halloween expense?Halloween fruitHalloween game of biting Halloween get-upHalloween goodyHalloween greetingHalloween handout?Halloween hangingHalloween hueHalloween lunch fare?Halloween mask?Halloween mo.Halloween music?Halloween note?Halloween optionHalloween prankster's aidHalloween prankster's supHalloween pub offerings?Halloween purchaseHalloween purchasesHalloween reactionHalloween shoutHalloween shrub?Halloween sprees?Halloween success story?Halloween superlativeHalloween suppliesHalloween topic?Halloween transportHalloween wearHalloween wordHalloween workers?Halloween's mo.HalloweenishHalls of learningHalls of musicHalls test cut short after articleHallucinatingHallucination causeHallucination caused by hot airHallucination is no end of nonsenseHallucinatory, altered state of mindHallucinogenHallucinogen produced from stale dungHallucinogen, a grass picked up by wild USA companyHallucinogen-yielding cacHallucinogenicHallucinogenic beverageHallucinogenic drugHallucinogenic fungusHalluxHallwayHaloHalo tarnisher?Halo wearerHalo wearer, in FranceHalo, e.g.Haloed one, in FranceHaloed one, in Le HavreHaloesHalogen elementHalogen gas, ClHalogen one old woman upsetHalogen saltHalogens found in steep rock faceHalosHaltHalt and bend forward having lost some oxygen?Halt cannon shot, showing composureHalt contestHalt decline: get this to moonHalt ice melting for goodHalt in assigned placeHalt notes oddly for sad songsHalt shape problem here?Halt VAR replay being broadcast to get treatment for woundHalt!Halt! After small change to starter, I'm stuffedHalt! Sacred ground where many worshipHalt, having shot pursuing bearHaltedHalter attachmentHalter quickly flipped over mare's backHalter?HaltinglyHaltsHalts indolence if this is damaged? On the contrary!Halvah ingredientHalveHalve slice with dry contentHalvedHalved zucchinis stuffed with perhaps basil and portHalvesHalves of beer to begin with one’s put round partyHalves of CHalves of qts.HalvingHamHam a cleric sent back during autumn monthHam and cheese to melt around sandwichesHam and ___ (average Joe)Ham bone I cooked in unconventional wayHam bone, of sorts, slightly decomposedHam comedian's ployHam container?Ham farmer visited by ten itinerant ham eaters?Ham helperHam holderHam it upHam on stageHam operator's "Hurrah!"?Ham operator's dog?Ham operator's letterHam optionHam or hamburgerHam preserver?Ham producer allows seconds in for a feedHam producer's Japanese production around areaHam producer, articulate woman of wisdomHam production?Ham radio catchwordHam sandwicherHam saverHam ___Ham’s scent almost spoiled piece of gameHam's acknowledgmentHam's equipmentHam's fatherHam's mediumHam's needHam's old and green - there are even bits of sauce in itHam's placeHam's punctuationHam's rigHam's siteHam, e.g.Ham, perhaps the ultimate in Tyrolese speckHam, to NoahHam-and-___ (incompetent Ham-fistedHam-fisted oneHamas competitor, for shoHamas rival, for shortHamburg honorificHamburg's riverHamburg-to-Berlin dir.Hamburger accompanimentHamburger centerHamburger helper?Hamburger link?Hamburger maybe covered in extremely crunchy fruit?Hamburger meatHamburger medium-rare, e.Hamburger mum made from beefHamburger shack?Hamburger unitHamburger's acknowledgmenHamburger's articleHamburger's connectionHamburger's course?Hamburger's good and naturalHamburger's oneHamburger, e.g.Hamburger, say, as part of hunger management?Hamelin critterHamelin musicianHamelin pestHamelin's problemHamid Karzai, starting inHamilton and Burr did itHamilton and HuntHamilton billHamilton billsHamilton is on itHamilton who wrote "MythoHamilton's billHamilton's last actHamilton's placeHamilton's prov.HamletHamlet and GertrudeHamlet and Ophelia, by naHamlet for one, feeble guy initially that’s not taken seriouslyHamlet in 1969 headlinesHamlet or OpheliaHamlet portrayer, 1996Hamlet’s odd theory mostly about Polonius’s entrance?Hamlet's "___ and arrows"Hamlet's best friend?Hamlet's big brotherHamlet's castleHamlet's cousinHamlet's father, e.g.Hamlet's homeHamlet's homelandHamlet's last run in southern resort progressed wellHamlet's name used in dreadful performance with kidHamlet's oppo battled, some say, wearing women's underwearHamlet's prop that could move boat on airHamlet's relativesHamlet's resolution?Hamlet's slayerHamlet, by nationalityHamlet, e.g.Hamlet, for oneHamlet, in "Hamlet"Hamlet, notablyHamlet, say, heard to condescendHamlet, to ClaudiusHamleys, for exampleHamlin's "L.A. Law" co-stHamm of soccerHamm or FarrowHammamHammarskjHammarskjold's predecessoHammed it upHammerHammer accompanierHammer activatorHammer and malletHammer and sickleHammer and sickle, e.g.Hammer came across, catching everyoneHammer everybody in police forceHammer featureHammer featuresHammer for a hopper?Hammer holderHammer holdersHammer in manufacturingHammer in oilHammer in part of building workHammer Night horrorHammer of noteHammer old Bob put on shelfHammer or hoeHammer or sawHammer or screwdriverHammer or sickleHammer or sickle, e.g.Hammer or tongsHammer partHammer partsHammer raised while I finish off bloodsucker like a vampireHammer siteHammer soundHammer Studio earlier evacuated strangerHammer this, or use axes to chop and polishHammer Thor needs taken upHammer thrower dropping round with book for poundHammer thrower exercises in villageHammer userHammer wielderHammer's endHammer's partnerHammer's symbolic partnerHammer's targetHammer-cocking gun pieceHammer-hurling godHammer-thrower in village rendered powerlessHammer-wielding deityHammer-wielding godHammer-wielding Norse god of thunderHammeredHammered axe in New Forest or riverHammered hardHammered obliquelyHammered spikeHammerheadsHammerin' HankHammerin' Hank and othersHammering away atHammerlock, e.g.Hammers and hoesHammers away atHammers backing you to become England football managerHammers' targetsHammerstein’s foremost skill as provider of lyrics for RodgersHammett houndHammett poochHammett sleuthHammett's canine creationHammock thus put up, small breatherHammock's attachmentHammond productHammond productsHammy "Now I see!"Hammy cryHamperHamper and overcome Brexit, ultimatelyHamper available that climber may needHamper contentsHamper from ex-students with one who skipped school about to replace case from AmazonHamper holding tin booze containerHamper in hut left half abandonedHamper movementHamper opinion surrounding requestHamper partHamper request to infiltrate live broadcast at the backHamper request to partake in wagerHamper such a hopeless caseHamper that's opened by politician Balls?Hamper with food additive to eat coldHamper's back - starts to eat ravenouslyHamperedHampersHampers are unopened, firm and smallHampshire haulerHampshire military baseHampshire motherHampshire river flow trialHampshire river flow try-outHampshire town's success with soccer, sayHampshire's homeHampton Court featureHampton of jazz fameHampton's instrumentHamsHams it upHams it up as English test is in SpanishHams it up for the cameraHams' placesHamster's homeHamster, e.g.Hamster, for oneHamstringsHamstrings and othersHan's honHanauma Bay localeHancock said his bloody pint was almost this toxic? Not initiallyHancock Tower architectHancock's first pint is unhealthyHandHand (out)Hand - gloveHand 2 27Hand a line to, sayHand and footHand and nail treatmentHand around drug at a lavish partyHand back old man left in GapHand back profitHand between two points under jumper? Pond life!Hand book, say, to leading ladyHand brakes, e.g.Hand colour textilesHand communication: Abbr.Hand coverHand coveringHand cream ingredientHand damaged: that hurts, exceedinglyHand demand?Hand digitHand downHand down, pass onHand finishing under jumper makes one crossHand gestureHand gesture - hair featureHand greetingHand guard sharp spike to stop Lord Sebastian?Hand helpersHand holderHand holder?Hand holdersHand holdingHand in answer papersHand in certain position is shown in paper, dailyHand in dictionary that is left outHand in middle of puppet, possibly? Show two little boysHand in this jumper, perhaps, clammier after stripping offHand jointHand lotion ingredientHand man's cutHand measureHand moisturizer, e.g.Hand nannies primarily offer as securityHand of ___Hand on a deckHand on shoulder: the thief come for finallyHand opening tin for produceHand or footHand or share outHand outHand out cardsHand out inspector's words of approvalHand out pass admitting writer on board shipHand overHand over (to)Hand over a scene describing The Great Dictator?Hand over booze — It'll get you over the border!Hand over for safekeepingHand over fortified wine: it must be shown at ImmigrationHand over hospital department run by useless technocrats originallyHand over nasty, x-rated magazine article with no hint of modestyHand over one old coin, receiving a pound: great!Hand over one tenner initially during uninitiated prostitutionHand over plaster coveringHand over power as days unfoldHand over some choice delicaciesHand over suspect information technology infiltrating former clienteleHand over text I read differentlyHand over the moneyHand over to a foreign jurisdictionHand over vessel with metal coatingHand over whelp and dogs, lacking time on returnHand over wife or daughter as proof of identityHand over; plasterHand partHand partners pieces on boardHand pic, perhapsHand protectorHand protectors for bakerHand raised? Stop trying!Hand raiser's cryHand raiser's declarationHand raiser's requestHand raiser's shoutHand readerHand ring to females and disappearHand round cask, with nothing in bottlesHand round Ecstasy before a party in IbizaHand round recipe that’s originalHand round the twistHand signalHand signal usersHand signal?Hand supportHand toolHand tool - cocktailHand tool for boring holesHand tool for clearing surfacesHand tool Mike found in sleeveless jacketHand tool that uses comprHand tool to cool detective on crook's caseHand tool, last of his I removed from bagHand warmerHand warmer?Hand waver?Hand writing?: Abbr.Hand, American, seizing butt and genitalsHand, honest and levelHand, in slangHand, informallyHand, one dispensing with the king's business?Hand, slangilyHand, to HernandoHand, when clenchedHand-cleaning productHand-color, in a wayHand-colored framesHand-counting method, in Hand-decoratedHand-dyed fabricHand-dyes with waxHand-held camera supportHand-held cutterHand-held device showing western, old film featuring boozerHand-held entreesHand-held filming deviceHand-held fireworkHand-held grass cutterHand-held hisserHand-held holersHand-held metal cutterHand-held musical instrumHand-held reaping toolHand-held telescopeHand-holderHand-holder?Hand-in-the-car-door reacHand-made cigaretteHand-made French silkHand-out covering upper-class bachelor’s drinkHand-over-mouth reactionHand-passing timeHand-picked thingHand-thrown bombHand-to-hand fightingHand-warmerHand-waver's cryHand-waving from lunatic egoist storming aboutHand-woven Scandinavian rHand-wringer's wordsHand: Sp.HandbagHandball relativeHandbillHandbill - extra protection for a tentHandbill that can be used to keep the rain outHandbill, flyerHandbookHandbook for girl in uniformHandbooksHandcartHandcuffHandcuff a salt arrested by setterHandcuffsHanded (out)Handed a raw deal fromHanded down a decisionHanded down item old medics wrapped in shiny stuffHanded outHanded out cardsHanded out, as cardsHanded overHanded over dollar and avoided dutyHanded over faulty spadesHanded over part of hospital that's rottenHanded over to host too much in danceHanded-down information with name recalledHandel bars?Handel cantata "___ e LeaHandel masterworkHandel operaHandel opera based on GreHandel or Bach pieceHandel oratorioHandel oratorio about a bHandel oratorio kingHandel workHandel wrote one speech mostly to entertain troopsHandel's "Messiah," e.g.Handel's "___ Anthems"Handel's "___ for St. CecHandel's "___ in Egypt"HandfulHandful for a baby sitterHandful for a baby-sitterHandful of chips, maybeHandful of hairHandful of hair perhaps that is something for wiping noseHandful, maybeHandgunHandgun - young horseHandgun able to fire again without reloadingHandgunsHandheld computer, brieflHandheld computer, or holHandheld computing deviceHandheld cutterHandheld deviceHandheld instrumentsHandheld personal computerHandheld power tool - Greenland rigHandheld shooterHandi-Wrap alternativeHandicapHandicap event in which number is displayed on backHandicap, sayHandicappedHandicapper's calculationHandicapper's hangout, brHandicapper's hangout, foHandicapper's place: AbbrHandicappers' actionsHandicapping aidsHandiest resolute knight sent to the frontHandily defeatedHandily handlingHandily, after "with"Handing cards out twice? That’s cheatingHandkerchief stuffed in tHandleHandle (something) ineptlyHandle - lumpHandle a batonHandle a bit of butterHandle a hard swellingHandle at the cash registHandle – transactionHandle badger crossing moist groundHandle blow, retreatingHandle books: take off stickerHandle boron OK in new format after doubts initiallyHandle business (for)Handle callHandle casesHandle clumsilyHandle contents of shelves 1 or 13Handle differently?Handle drug put in acid the wrong wayHandle false bit of tooth chipped off at the backHandle final details ofHandle first fruit picker held in both handsHandle hard toward the sternHandle head on the phoneHandle holder?Handle holding hot hazardHandle idiotHandle incorrectly?Handle king, then aristocratHandle lightly used, turning up amongst these many buildingsHandle many deer carelessHandle new ex-president in short time, right?Handle not normally used to open or closeHandle of a rudderHandle of American pistol that's a revolver!Handle of an axeHandle of identical large pot’s brokenHandle on a flask?Handle on a ranchHandle or dialHandle overseas?Handle plant store, standard goods and cattleHandle problem with 4D? Abandon this!Handle props, sayHandle props?Handle report of Hillary's usurper in the White HouseHandle roughlyHandle secret agent from the east escorting our Scottish kingHandle skillfullyHandle some hillsHandle some poems about mobile wormsHandle something on the barbecue, very much on topHandle staff rises by end of JuneHandle subject of diplomatic negotiations but not completelyHandle textHandle the arrangements fHandle the fixin's for a Handle the food for a parHandle the mapsHandle the situationHandle thief following specific way of workingHandle towards the rear on back of latchHandle userHandle warning about receding hairHandle without careHandle, as a toolHandle, as goodsHandle, as insurance claiHandle, as paperworkHandle, as used goodsHandle, e.g.Handle, in a wayHandle, in archaeologyHandle, say, a new car disputeHandle-shapedHandle: Fr.Handle; lumpHandlebar featureHandlebar or pencil?Handlebar, perhaps, is partly detachedHandledHandled - materialHandled badlyHandled baggageHandled better?Handled bucketHandled clumsilyHandled containerHandled dumped husband for JackHandled easily, with "thrHandled glassesHandled Irish politician keeping engineers worriedHandled matted fabricHandled perfectlyHandled roughlyHandled shirt, covered in regular pattern all roundHandled soft materialHandled, as a matterHandled, as a swordHandler of intelligence aHandler of sea creatures mistreated his frogmenHandlesHandles are used on themHandles clumsily, as a paHandles consHandles for a client compHandles hardshipHandles roughlyHandles sliced white, a lady'sHandles the food for the Handles the receptionHandles the situationHandles things evenhandedHandles trash ecologicallHandlingHandling badlyHandling brilliantlyHandling capablyHandling comfortablyHandling crew a long time before people start to travelHandling foul matter at hospital departmentHandling of patient's request ends in open courtHandling the matterHandling what'll go in text for you: blue, short truncated version of 10Handmade sign for TV cameHandmade things?HandoutHandout at a tiki barHandout for touristsHandout from an aspiring Handout from salesman functions to stop people carriers beginning to depreciateHandout sheetHandout: Var.HandoutsHandrail supporterHandsHands and feetHands are under one: AbbrHands at seaHands clasping bird, one dwelling in treesHands in this stickerHands in vegetables which are preciousHands on deckHands on hips, elbows bent outHands on man's bum during prison time, sent upHands outHands out, as dutiesHands overHands over a soft fruitHands over changeHands over in exchangeHands pointing to text in square after cubesHands primarily covering lugholes in presence of concrete drillHands round stimulant before start of exhausting danceHands university a list of coursesHands up for success in school sportHands, slangilyHands-offHands-on defense?Hands-on medicsHands-on technique in service over periodHands-on-hipsHands-on-hips dancesHands-together timeHandset oddly lost on new space adventureHandshakeHandshake's meaning, maybHandsomeHandsome and in hurryHandsome caliph denied last daughter to prophetHandsome DanHandsome dogs, informallyHandsome dumbo good for pubHandsome Greek god, son of Zeus and LetoHandsome guy wrong to return after commotionHandsome hunkHandsome knight usurps youth's placeHandsome manHandsome man associated with Teesside 1DHandsome marriageable manHandsome prints?Handsome pupil perhapsHandsome wood designHandsome young Greek god of beauty and fertilityHandsome young manHandsome young menHandsome youthHandsome youth - said noHandsome youth is following American college fellowHandsome, as HenriHandwritingHandwriting featuresHandwriting on the wallHandwriting on the wall, Handwriting police officer found on shallow dishHandwritten book medic returned written by former partnerHandwritten letter in old lady's vault read out loudHandyHandy - lightweightHandy abbr.Handy being able to accommodate each lossHandy billsHandy communication syst.Handy computersHandy device prescribed by the doctor?Handy device, it's suspended in mid-airHandy digitHandy expressions of approvalHandy fencing implementHandy fencing manual occasionally gives a pre-set optionHandy gear for processing plantHandy guide for a walkingHandy guide teaches the cooksHandy IDs in the hood?Handy kitchen cookerHandy lubricant?Handy man?Handy method of online chicaneryHandy miss?Handy old electrical componentHandy performer?Handy personal cover?Handy piece of underwear and thing holding it upHandy place where one can get a date easilyHandy places to shopHandy pointers?Handy pottery left outHandy protection's good before passionHandy ring mains protectorHandy round protective deviceHandy skill imitated by Rex, somehowHandy thing to know?: AbbHandy to have tin for cashHandy to keep foreign article on computer programming language becoming obsoleteHandy underwear, longing to hold it upHandy warning to drivers arriving at Calais?Handy ___Handy ___ (good repairmenHandy, practicalHandy-andiesHandy; proficientHandy; very ableHandycam makerHandymanHandyman BobHandyman has something to do out working within boundaries of farmHandyman sailor taking wheel on autumn windsHandyman who holds forth at Xmas time?Handyman works with corporation instead of railwayHandyman’s placeHandyman's assignmentHandyman's exclamationHandyman's lettersHandyman's needHandyman's powder spotted above showerHandyman's vehicleHandymenHanes alternativeHanes competitorHangHang (around with)Hang (around)Hang (with)Hang - GlendaHang about - Cockney's grabbed some money after turningHang about disco at first with sidekickHang about for hearing, having influenceHang about in a Brummie’s barge?Hang about like a sailor?Hang about with French trainees, getting drunkHang about, wasting timeHang aroundHang around (for)Hang around after pub room’s backed Wild West fighterHang around at the stage-door (or watch Sky!)Hang around cloister after chapter and saint have leftHang around forHang around for no good reasonHang around in a secretive wayHang around old presidentHang around small Scottish riverHang around some cathedral in GermanyHang around south coast resort, then runHang around unobservedHang around with daughter and partnerHang around, at first, looking on in the extreme rearHang around, covered in pitchHang backHang back deliberatelyHang back in bar after timeHang back to talkHang cage over top of doorHang downHang down looselyHang fireHang for having shotgun in part of Las VegasHang freelyHang from gallows again?Hang in the airHang in the air threateninglyHang in the breezeHang in thereHang it all!Hang it upHang like a chopperHang like a hummingbirdHang looseHang looselyHang onHang on (to)Hang on - One Direction's pants!Hang on a clotheslineHang on a sec!Hang on for US city's rogue traderHang on here: this is part of a circus actHang on the clotheslineHang on the lineHang on tight?Hang on toHang on to ... or a word Hang on to Japanese wine as mementoHang on! Programme’s approaching finaleHang on! That is pantsHang on, it's a thorny plantHang on: one way to get a tip?Hang on: that is underclothingHang one's ___ (trust in)Hang ontoHang openHang outHang out (with)Hang out on the lineHang out tops to dry, with exotic lacy lingerieHang out with American in part of West AfricaHang out with horrible characters, becoming like Boris, ironicallyHang out, perhapsHang overHang over one's headHang over, menacinglyHang rabbit upHang tenHang ten or shoot the curHang ten, e.g.Hang this band music!Hang two kings holding the throne after revolutionHang upHang up band elsewhereHang, in a wayHang, maybeHang-upHang-upsHangar 18 contents, suppoHangar contentsHangar occupantHangar siteHangdogHangedHanged Irish patriotHanged man whose eye is number oneHanged pirateHanger lacking top. one that uses hooksHanger-onHanger-on at the polls?Hanger-on collared, having kissed the first person to speak?Hanger-on in airborne soldiers’ base?Hanger-on in French city initially expecting pay backHanger-on right to stop balance being disturbedHanger-on starts to be unreasonably resoluteHanger-on to get hard sugary itemHanger-on, a slippery creature, rejected companionHanger-on, maybeHanger-on, where jumping soldiers found?Hanger-on?Hanger?Hangers around the houseHangers-onHanging (on)Hanging aboutHanging about in short undies no goodHanging aroundHanging around in amateur activity creates confusionHanging around with sailor and Yankee in bandHanging around, often undesirablyHanging around, putting in zero houseworkHanging back as arranged, partlyHanging bathroom sheetHanging bedHanging carHanging cave formationHanging clear of the bottHanging cloth bedHanging cloth used as a blindHanging cut short, with length being newHanging decorations of threads gathered at the topHanging downHanging fold of skin on a person's neckHanging here, a pair of females dress down to go outsideHanging ice growthHanging in thereHanging loopHanging looseHanging looselyHanging needHanging netHanging onHanging on every wordHanging openHanging ornamentHanging out at the base with champion and trainingHanging out of windows, essentially with Rod above a canal?Hanging over many a manteHanging Picasso's first abstract nude with stringHanging pieceHanging prince dyingHanging ropeHanging round centre of Uxbridge with bottleHanging sculpture in AlabHanging sculpturesHanging settingHanging site [Buick]Hanging spear of frozen waterHanging spotHanging underneath leg, swayHanging ___ a threadHanging, of a sortHangings secure deathHangman choiceHangman in jail grabbing fighter from the eastHangman requestHangman’s ropeHangman's halterHangman's loopHangman's ropeHangman's ___Hangman, say, backing American profligateHangmen's needsHangmen's ropesHangmen's toolsHangoutHangoverHangover cureHangover cure – flea’s warm home?Hangover cure deposited on kennel floor?Hangover locales?Hangover sufferer's lamenHangover?HangsHangs (on)Hangs aboutHangs aroundHangs around in dances slowly beginning to get goingHangs around spreading rotten lies putting cardinal downHangs backHangs in thereHangs limply downHangs on the lineHangs out with dreadful liar in imaginary paradiseHangs up after agitating?Hangs, around Ronald, unisex garmentsHangupHank & Gail's favorite weHank Aaron and Helen KellHank Aaron or Jesse OwensHank Ketcham comic stripHank of HollywoodHank whose home-run recorHank Williams or Nat KingHank Williams's home statHank with voices on "The HankerHanker (for)Hanker forHankeredHankered (for)Hankered forHankeringHankeringsHankersHankers (for)Hankies and bells performerHanks or BrokawHanks or Cruise?Hanks roleHanks's "Apollo 13" roleHanks's "Bosom Buddies" cHanky embroideryHanky-pankyHanky-panky in rear holeHanky-panky king breaking bank, say?Hanky-___Hanna's partner in animation productionsHanna-Barbera artHanna-Barbera bearHanna-Barbera cartoon chaHanna-Barbera cartoon dogHanna-Barbera characterHanna-Barbera creationHanna-Barbera mouseHanna-Barbera outputHanna-Barbera production Hanna-Barbera productionsHannah of "Roxanne"Hannah of "Splash"Hannah of HollywoodHannibal leading Carthaginian's last standHannibal Lecter or one of Man Friday's captorsHannibal Lecter, e.g.Hannibal of "The Silence Hannibal Smith's groupHannibal ___, vice presidHannibal's challengeHannibal's home cityHannibal's new deskHannibal’s introduction into European battle, nothing less?Hanoi festivalHanoi holidayHanoi holidaysHanover's riverHans about to change his ways?Hans Christian —, Danish authorHans Christian Andersen aHans Christian Andersen sHans Christian Andersen'sHans of DadaismHans, in IrelandHanseatic League cityHansel's sisterHansom cab accessoryHanukkah giftHanukkah goodiesHanukkah itemHanukkah noshHanukkah pancakesHanukkah servingHanukkah stapleHanukkah treatHanukkah treatsHaole's souvenirHaphazardHaphazard collectionHaphazard way to cut down on home delivery?Haphazard, chanceHaphazard, randomHaphazardlyHaphazardly deploy money to split atomHaphazardly put South African currency in something smallHaplessHapless chap playing with words, not initially cleverHapless Chase met agents to make cutsHapless or amusing dimwitHapless Roman ruler?HappenHappen (to)Happen (upon)Happen - fortuitousHappen a few trimmed a broomHappen a storm will sink a famous shipHappen a story in universities will identify motor museumHappen afterwards as a resultHappen againHappen again in playground, initially unexpected resultHappen as a consequenceHappen as a resultHappen as a result of largely unseen waveringHappen as hoped perhaps — flying meteor cut shortHappen at intervalsHappen in company encountered on way from ParisHappen nextHappen space traveller has regretHappen support for horse will lead to benefitHappen time after timeHappen toHappen to acquire passHappen to arrive at route through mountainsHappen to be a locum working without licence initiallyHappen to be coming in or going out?Happen to be right about anger following answer by PennyHappen to block line for drinks, we hear, in partyHappen to break rules as an artistHappen to bring up Italy going topHappen to call about absolutely nothingHappen to catch free union memberHappen to come across sum left for old teacherHappen to exhaleHappen to find compiler black demure clothesHappen to find fish on board as wellHappen to find terrapins at seaHappen to gamble on Windies every now and againHappen to get cheers for version under testHappen to get hold of seatHappen to get new suspect-tracing aid - it's an advantageHappen to get separatedHappen to go round SwedenHappen to interrupt crude gesture that's not usual in pubHappen to interrupt fool and drunk returning dangerous material?Happen to interrupt medic, losing day? MonthHappen to live three months in USHappen to miss bit of practice before batting in county gameHappen to pass former electrical store on Parisian streetHappen to restrain attendant, resulting in injuryHappen to see fellows over time in particular areaHappen to store cooked dish for residentHappen without a struggleHappen, slangilyHappenedHappened by chance to ring, interrupted by heavy metalHappened toHappened to fit iron in ringHappened uponHappeningHappening a second timeHappening around the fifth, something burning this monthHappening at intervalsHappening at opportune momentHappening at speedHappening at the endHappening at university to almost everyone after a timeHappening by chanceHappening by chance - ate TV dinnerHappening either 2 or 8 times every 28 daysHappening every 24 hoursHappening every other yearHappening every twelve monthsHappening in a covered areaHappening in due courseHappening irregularlyHappening nowHappening once in a blue moonHappening outside the living organismHappening placeHappening placesHappening quicklyHappening singleton in part of West LondonHappening spotHappening that brings good fortuneHappening to be 12 inchesHappening to be in zone of fireHappening to break kinky women's toys often par for the course?Happening to commit foul at snooker, pocketing green initiallyHappening to team up after university in the endHappening twice in 1770Happening very fast and unexpectedlyHappening where Kelly was singin' in Halifax?Happening without warningHappeningsHappensHappens againHappens old subject is the same, but of different weightHappens repeatedlyHappens to be over ten? Apparently notHappier story’s right after a good deal of shockHappier when Starmer after change of heart supports leaders of leftist unitary councilsHappily acceptingHappily humiliating typeHappily see about latex moulded on dewback's headHappily sing choral composition that's not hardHappinessHappiness in life, moving to big placeHappiness initially is only for so longHappyHappy - substanceHappy about Bible being promotedHappy about copper being an elementHappy about entering Arctic perhaps after peacekeeping force gets outHappy and optimisticHappy anniversary!Happy area: road close to various boozersHappy as a clamHappy as a kingfisher?Happy as ___Happy baby talkHappy beginning for parvenuHappy carol that's become legendaryHappy cheerHappy chorus?Happy cohort?Happy colleagueHappy couple in Rome crossing banks of oriental flowersHappy cryHappy days for Godot, newly semi-retiredHappy entertaining loose collection of starsHappy ex-Mayor of New YorHappy faceHappy face symbolsHappy gatheringsHappy getting rich, transferred from a central bank?Happy girl with 26 13 across, person I'm addressing secondHappy hour cryHappy hour day, usually: Happy hour in pub right away leads to hugs and excitementHappy hour offering, maybHappy hour orderHappy hour patter, perhapHappy hour perchHappy hour shoutHappy little woman with bottleHappy maybe to receive information initially not delivered?Happy mediumHappy moodHappy mood obtained through strong drinkHappy once drunk, daughter drinking wineHappy oneHappy one is at a peak as fighterHappy or sad feelingHappy parasite was ahead of salmonHappy people dance themHappy place to beHappy planet with no copper?Happy playing with my slot machinesHappy post-accident stateHappy prisoner with outdoor accommodationHappy prisoners, only the first let outHappy satisfactionHappy shoutHappy shoutsHappy solver taken aback, beset by black insectHappy son having energy and lots of fun in factoryHappy sortHappy soundHappy spymaster?Happy state - being hugged by grandad on vacationHappy suggestions at end of dayHappy taking flight in one's mind?Happy to gather copper, type of metalHappy to have home within Europe, perhapsHappy to hold relative steadyHappy to include copper as a heavy metalHappy to include copper as a member of the periodic tableHappy to keep MI6 steadyHappy to keep small family member in stableHappy to pass on what Dame Edna throws to her audienceHappy to prattle endlesslyHappy to return with ring on greeting noblemanHappy to run around shipHappy to see revampHappy to snare undisciplined starsHappy to tour one northern land-massHappy to waitHappy to welcome easy-going hostHappy Tory excited about good layout of textHappy union's no-score draw?Happy Wagner hero?Happy with Conservative post, perhaps?Happy with coral being destroyed without proper backingHappy with evidence of debts? That’s controversialHappy with lectures rejigged for classroom stand-inHappy working atmosphereHappy ___Happy ___ clamHappy ___ larkHappy, especially in the pastHappy, if Steve gets changedHappy, oddly, caught up in extremely northern stormHappy, optimisticHappy, perhaps, and content to read war fictionHappy, say, having ended war finally? Not entirelyHappy, say, moving forwardHappy-face symbolsHappy-go-luckyHappy-go-lucky - a rum car humsHappy-go-lucky person, peHappy-go-lucky song partHappy-go-lucky syllablesHappy-go-lucky utteranceHappy-go-lucky, calm, ready — I’ve changed!Happy-lark go-betweenHappy. ultimately cheering, feel about Yule essentiallyHar-___ (tennis surface)Hara-kiriHarangueHarangue one leaving employment ...Harangue under inverted flag and disappearHarangue, diatribeHaranguesHaranguing - horizontal bar on supportsHarassHarass - pesterHarass a female police officer in Paris? Close to abhorrent!Harass a speakerHarass and insult, slangiHarass Cambridge head in dark blue truckHarass healers to despairHarass nonstopHarass one who's in vehicle going downhill?Harass or strain in pursuit of naughty childHarass spies beginning to turnHarass vocallyHarass, in a wayHarassedHarassed after deposing leaders, one red fledHarassed clients obtaining design templateHarassed policemen losing months of time when mammals appearedHarassed teachers lie when confiscating small fireworkHarassed, as in a fraternHarassesHarasses newbiesHarasses, as a fraternityHarassingHarassing with knife in competitionHarassment not unknown by academic staff, scandal for Oxford?HarbingerHarbinger of springHarbinger of tooth troublHarbingersHarborHarbor a grudge aboutHarbor alertHarbor boatHarbor cityHarbor craftHarbor dangerHarbor deepenerHarbor hazardHarbor markersHarbor openingsHarbor personal motivesHarbor problemHarbor pusherHarbor sightHarbor sightsHarbor suspicionsHarbor town in OregonHarbor vesselHarbor vesselsHarbor where the Maine blHarbor workhorseHarbor workhorsesHarbor, as thoughtsHarborbound, in winterHarboredHarborsHarbourHarbour - shelterHarbour a seething anger about food being cutHarbour drink leftHarbour gates openingHarbour on the Clyde, home to Scotland's first shipbuilding businessHarbour overseer expecting masses of people to arriveHarbour vessel repurposed by military for contentionHarbour workers got at bus moving the wrong wayHarbour; drinkHardHard — of hearing?Hard 7 for Murdoch's kind of whiskey?Hard 80s pop starHard act to follow retro imitation - fraudHard and difficult climbHard and shrewd bargainingHard and tedious workHard and windblown Hindu Kush, say, where shots fired repeatedly?Hard arithmetic problem turned into soft stuffHard as ___Hard at itHard at workHard backHard bakery itemHard bargainingHard bargaining in sales involving Arabs?Hard barriers, old and new, within seatsHard base pilot's exploited as landing padHard baseball throwsHard bit of breadHard black varnish containers - one not closedHard blowHard blow with a flat objectHard bop, e.g.Hard border dispute that divides the countryHard butterHard butter?Hard byHard candyHard caseHard cash? Yes and noHard caught up in it, lie with men and bloody head wound in battleHard cheese biscuit - a live throbHard cheese, having lost way in Paris?Hard cheese? No thanks, when eating a vegetable!Hard close-grained tree with a syrupy sapHard coalHard conditionsHard confectionery made in sticksHard confectionery made with nutsHard copy pagesHard copy up 15Hard core of an ear of maizeHard core of soil removed in open countryHard core?Hard cross-grained round piece in woodHard crystalline limestone used for sculpturesHard cube's dimensionHard cutting bottom and sombre getting treatmentHard cutting smooth 22s up to form spiky layersHard dark woodHard dark-brown wood used furnitureHard dark-brown wood used in making furnitureHard dark-coloured woodHard day Inland Revenue turned up for capitalHard debates about article prompting long speechesHard deposit of two saltsHard dividing an irrational number, which Diophantus once showedHard done by pilots in court, principally supporting low-flying vehiclesHard drink after work? It's child's playHard drinkerHard drinker served up moonshineHard drinker, externally wreckedHARD DRIVEHard drive itemHard drive needs?Hard drives?Hard drugHard drug consuming male, half-cut teen and fellow pupilHard dry biscuitHard dry cheese, often gratedHard durable timberHard durable woodHard durable wood of a deciduous treeHard edible fatHard evidence of life in realms of Neptune and PlutoHard fall?Hard fatsHard feelingsHard finance can supply a Quebecois, perhapsHard fired clayHard for us for some timeHard form of support rising because of Chinese capitalHard fruit — one's cracked!Hard fruit casingHard fruit coveringHard gamblers neglecting lead horsesHard getting into dirty-looking small boatHard getting on part of shipHard glossy coatingHard grey metal, MnHard grey-white metal, Zr, used in nuclear reactorsHard ground making farmer endlessly irateHard group detaining American guy with trouble in Bow?Hard growth is essentially difficultHard growth on the footHard hatHard hats' lunch holdersHard heads?Hard hit, in baseball slaHard igneous rockHard inside, handles menacesHard Italian cheeseHard job retaining first opening for rock singerHard journeyHard knocksHard knotted biscuitHard laborHard labourHard labour to created user guide?Hard layer found in even a melonHard Lefties upset by being included in time-honoured seriesHard light-coloured wood used for furnitureHard like 3dHard like that hatHard lines!Hard liquorHard look?Hard losing initial argumentHard lump pared down to reveal boneHard magnetic metal, CoHard man is English nationalist in favour of church and kingHard man with practical skillsHard material from elephants, walruses and similar animalsHard men punching to weaken part of the torsoHard metalHard metallic elementHard mineralHard mineral composed of silicon dioxideHard mineral consisting of silicon dioxide in crystal formHard mineral in estuaryHard negotiation tactic succeeded in doing rather badlyHard nut in bad accidentHard nut to crack?Hard nut, so sure to get a beatingHard nuts climbing naked here? Probably not!Hard nuts cracked by unknown group of starsHard of hearingHard on the earsHard on the eyesHard on the feetHard on the heels of Carmen, a regular partner of 3Hard on the outside, hard on the inside neverthelessHard one to crack so ran it past expertHard one to stop 28 across producing puzzle?Hard or firm, call commercial breaks shrewd businessHard or soft drinkHard outer coveringHard outer part of breadHard part about shrink reforming member of sectHard person to directHard place to find in North WalesHard plastic laminate used for worktopsHard porcelainHard punchHard pushes, maybeHard quality that’s appropriate when speaking?Hard rain disturbed shrewHard rain?Hard red grainHard right-winger supporting one's recordHard ring made from keratinous growthHard rockHard rock band?Hard Rock Cafe's last rating needs to be changedHard rock from Genesis rejecting the middle groundHard rock in set of bars around UK provinceHard rock outside broadcast with two chapsHard rock star?Hard rock, maybeHard roll?Hard round sweetHard rubber from Spain - it penetrates boneHard rubbersHard sandHard sell, maybeHard setter on the Guardian ultimately supporting applicationHard shackles worn by American's partnersHard shellHard shot that fails to create a problem for Tom?Hard show to get tickets Hard silvery-white metalHard silvery-white metal used in alloys with platinum, RhHard skin on foot, chest or back, initially, or part of earHard slant's adopted in assemblyHard smooth-textured dairy productHard splitting dog and Siamese here?Hard stone over English cathedral city ...Hard stone, highly prized in ChinaHard stuffHard stuff in black and slimy mud?Hard substance on teethHard taskmaster - he's accepted money that must be turned overHard thing to fillHard thing to get live screening workingHard thing to pull offHard thing to swallowHard thing to walk on?Hard things to breakHard throw, in baseballHard throws to first baseHard time accepted by criminal up in nickHard time getting back into Prague ground to assemble, as in former daysHard timesHard to abandon cleaner vehicleHard to absorb popular summary with Scriptures omitting first bookHard to avoid best flowering plantHard to avoid network discerning some information...Hard to avoid publican in possibly obscene fraudHard to avoid surprise blowHard to bearHard to believeHard to believe that's it - look round South American cityHard to block his power, flailing lashHard to brush offHard to catchHard to combine, chemicalHard to come byHard to comprehendHard to control soldier leavingHard to crack clues say rewritten for tragic authorHard to cut or chewHard to deal withHard to describeHard to endureHard to engage in a job with some rigging, turning to address someone elseHard to entertain tenor showing no interestHard to escape cucumber fed to maggot, say, back in food chainHard to falsify papersHard to falsify passport?Hard to fathomHard to fathom good man getting right into obloquyHard to fathom?Hard to findHard to find evidence of being wounded by churchHard to find in Latin?Hard to find, in old 13-DHard to finish puzzle without Queen VictoriaHard to flusterHard to follow fine heavy metal festival in Cork?Hard to follow rite? I can’t unfortunatelyHard to getHard to get a grip onHard to get a reaction ouHard to get inside pen: twistHard to get into club in foreign capitalHard to get into run-down boatHard to get Mark to join AnglicansHard to get muscles? Attempt endless exerciseHard to get throughHard to get toHard to get to knowHard to graspHard to grip top of plastic fastenerHard to holdHard to ignoreHard to impress surrealist with a flowerHard to improve image of means to treat shockHard to keep in stock, saHard to leave boat looking shabbyHard to leave classic heist film analysisHard to leave Confucian classic, which is toppingHard to liftHard to make outHard to manage standing up for a long timeHard to missHard to miss that lady's right boobHard to moveHard to move; drunkHard to openHard to penetrate metal — here's an axeHard to pin downHard to pleaseHard to please feminine parent? Not at firstHard to please in house: comfortable outsideHard to produce fake documents?Hard to rattleHard to read, perhapsHard to recollectHard to researchHard to resolveHard to rip up books with covering letter for my bossHard to satisfy?Hard to saw, as some pineHard to say what is unable to swim and fly?Hard to see it enabling reformsHard to see throughHard to see through devious sort apprehended by US lawmanHard to settleHard to stirHard to stop lust, perhaps, showing a bit of legHard to stop prey flying after unknown windHard to stop virtuoso for longHard to subdueHard to supplant working NASA centerHard to support doctrine without a bit of notional effectivenessHard to support narcissistic politician with ego in victoryHard to swallowHard to swallow, 's dubious as a homophone?Hard to take in intensity of feelingHard to take?Hard to top fairy taleHard to translate verse? Easy at firstHard to understandHard to understand ordinary old man quite without attractionHard to understand when BBC drama axes the first three charactersHard to watchHard toenails have broken hard bit of showerHard tough woodHard translucent fossil resinHard tropical wood used in making furnitureHard twisted sweetHard upHard up but bound to get paid?Hard up family found in vacated squatHard Viking decapitated riderHard villains finally cheated in hearingHard waterHard water treated as it falls?Hard waxy fatHard wear?Hard week hosting a supporter of warHard wheat flour used in pasta and puddingsHard wheat semolinaHard white fat on sheep's kidneysHard white potteryHard woman in charge of GreekHard woman rejected cosmeticHard woodHard wood used for furnitureHard wood? Magnolia, for startersHard workHard work - revolutionary work? Pop music's source of hard work in the ballet fieldHard work - work hardHard work ahead in village of many shiresHard work and energy will yield expectationHard work at home needing clean after river comes inHard work curtailed American voicesHard work finishing early? SmileHard work initially, easier otherwise to maintain orderHard work is followed by whisky and a gameHard work is great in service? On the contraryHard work loading flyers into posh carHard work may be part of Hard work producing implantHard work pursuing computer operating system's browser activity?Hard work put an end to child's playHard work putting out new patternHard work removing new bit of hair in jamHard work restraining one over and over amidst evil rising massesHard work securing old ringHard work securing support for backing mass confectionHard work to score children's gameHard work’s upset a delicate lassHard workerHard worker - malicious softwareHard worker finally installing beamHard worker heartless janitor’s thrown outHard worker making veiled threat to PC?Hard working cadet died in actionHard yellow Swiss cheeseHard ___Hard ___ (two, please)Hard ___ rockHard ____, 1854 novel by Charles DickensHard, boring effortsHard, but having a goHard, finding clubs in New YorkHard, glossy coatingHard, however, when first husband lostHard, I say repeatedly, to secure voting for the rabbleHard, in HavanaHard, long problemHard, menial workHard, spicy beef and pork sausageHard, spicy sausageHard, trailing around in drizzle?Hard- or soft-shell marine molluscHard-backed insectHard-boiled crime genreHard-boiled, in a wayHard-copyHard-core film "rating"Hard-core followers, in pHard-done-by setter will buy a drink for editorHard-headedHard-headed idiot in charge holds yearly meetingHard-headed wife interrupts scrapHard-heartedHard-hearted, horrible hustlersHard-hearted? Girl not so much!Hard-hit line driveHard-hittingHard-hitting 1992 hurricaHard-hitting article ignored by 4Hard-nosedHard-pressedHard-rock centerHard-rock connectionHard-rock connectorHard-rock fillerHard-rock linkHard-shelled fruitHard-shelled seedHard-skinned alien creature seen from belowHard-to-approach sortHard-to-believe storyHard-to-break platesHard-to-clean floor coverHard-to-combine gasHard-to-decide casesHard-to-decide predicamenHard-to-define influenceHard-to-eat-just-one itemHard-to-erase stuffHard-to-find cards, to coHard-to-find character inHard-to-find guy in childHard-to-find object, perhHard-to-get cigarHard-to-get-to-know persoHard-to-make decisionHard-to-meet requirementHard-to-miss hoops shotsHard-to-miss shotHard-to-move paintingHard-to-park vehicleHard-to-park vehiclesHard-to-please labor protHard-to-please personHard-to-please wedding paHard-to-refute evidenceHard-to-refute evidence iHard-to-say phraseHard-topHard-twisted cotton threaHard-upHard-up daughter stirs gluey porridgeHard-wearingHard-wearing cotton fabricHard-wearing fabricHard-wearing fabric, originally from ChinaHard-wearing twilled cloth - it's faunHard-wiredHard-workingHard-working American music group taking dip in Asian riverHard-working and conscientiousHard-working insectHard-working lower classes ordered to waste timeHard-working Penny skint again, unfortunatelyHard-working studentHard-working threesome with us on Asian riverHard: PrefixHardbacks from Sweden in accurate translationHardcover coversHardenHarden attitudes initially in the mind, like a prima donnaHarden cover son's left outHarden, if held captive by authoritarian, blowing topHarden, in a wayHarden: Var.Harden; groupHardenedHardened about son being protected against lossHardened criminal isn't seen casing areaHardened criminal starts to give corroborative evidenceHardened skinHardening bone clogs spinning slicersHardening Muslim leader receiving 100 - one hundred - a hundred divided by oneHardening of tissue or a body partHardensHardens, as bonesHarder on the earsHarder or softer, dependiHarder pork pie consumed by pilotHarder to findHarder to follow, as a trHarder to follow, as prosHarder to get jokes about renouncing king and queenHarder to graspHarder to locateHarder to look atHarder to make out, maybeHarder to plow, perhapsHarder to travel, in a waHardest and strongestHardest areas after storm revealing place with water shortageHardest to findHardest to getHardest to get atHardest to make outHardest to outwitHardest to see, perhapsHardheadedHardheartedHardie or Starmer?Hardin-Simmons UniversityHarding and WilsonHarding who made headlineHarding's 1920 opponentHardline leader breaks up rubbish partyHardline United Nations committee with potentialHardliner saw starsHardliner wants exit terms renegotiatedHardliners in way: mountain climbers leaving quietlyHardlyHardly a beautyHardly a beauty queenHardly a beelineHardly a blabbermouthHardly a brainiacHardly a brawlHardly a celebrityHardly a celibateHardly a chain hotel, infHardly a chugHardly a close contestHardly a close winHardly a close-cut hairdoHardly a cold snapHardly a croonerHardly a fanHardly a favoriteHardly a fopHardly a four-star restauHardly a geniusHardly a girl's dream datHardly a grandmotherly tyHardly a guffawHardly a gulpHardly a he-manHardly a hipsterHardly a libertineHardly a little angelHardly a main dragHardly a mark of distinctHardly a mark to be proudHardly a marksmanHardly a Mensa candidateHardly a metropolitan cenHardly a moderateHardly a naifHardly a neat houseHardly a neatnikHardly a nymphHardly a partygoerHardly a person for all sHardly a picky eaterHardly a plain JaneHardly a quick tripHardly a Rambo movieHardly a sea loverHardly a side-linerHardly a sign of intelligHardly a sissyHardly a site of decorumHardly a socialiteHardly a sophisticateHardly a speed demonHardly a summer houseHardly a wallflowerHardly a workaholicHardly a Yankee fanHardly aboveboardHardly acceptingHardly adequateHardly an authorized dealHardly an intellectualHardly an old pro atHardly an ordinary JoeHardly an Oscar candidateHardly anyHardly any name dropping's entertainingHardly anythingHardly anything mostly coin-operated worked with handHardly at allHardly award-winning writHardly balmyHardly beauty pageant typHardly beauty queensHardly believableHardly bigwigsHardly blue-bloodedHardly boisterousHardly boldHardly brainyHardly breaking a sweatHardly cheapHardly cheeryHardly chicHardly chivalrousHardly classicistsHardly classyHardly close contestsHardly clumsyHardly colorfulHardly commendableHardly conclusiveHardly cool catsHardly coyHardly crampedHardly cutting-edgeHardly decoratedHardly demandingHardly drabHardly easygoingHardly EinsteinianHardly elegantHardly encouragingHardly enthusiasticHardly everHardly ever spots daughter being held backHardly everythingHardly excitingHardly extraneousHardly fair upsetting a large number, by Jiminy!Hardly feminineHardly firmHardly five-star fareHardly flightyHardly fopsHardly four-star cuisineHardly freshHardly frugal withHardly futuristicHardly generousHardly geniusesHardly genteelHardly gentlemanlyHardly getting alongHardly glowing reviewsHardly go-gettersHardly grandHardly gregariousHardly hale-lookingHardly handsomeHardly happyHardly hardHardly hard questionsHardly hard-nosedHardly hardworkingHardly hardyHardly harshHardly haute cuisineHardly heartyHardly heavy-footedHardly HerculeanHardly hideHardly high-classHardly hipHardly hipstersHardly holyHardly honorableHardly humbleHardly humble homesHardly ignorant ofHardly importantHardly inHardly inclinedHardly independent onesHardly kindlyHardly laid-backHardly laughingHardly like a he-manHardly likely to streakHardly line drivesHardly long-distance runnHardly luxuriousHardly machoHardly management typesHardly measures upHardly melodiousHardly Mensa materialHardly modernHardly modernisticHardly Mr. CoolHardly Mr. Nice GuyHardly Mr. PersonalityHardly Mr. RightHardly Mr. SophisticatedHardly neatniksHardly necessaryHardly obscureHardly old-fashionedHardly one of hoi polloiHardly one with stage friHardly optimistsHardly ordinaryHardly original writingHardly ostentatiousHardly peppyHardly pleased withHardly plentifulHardly pores overHardly portlyHardly practicalHardly prim sortsHardly princesHardly prolixHardly racyHardly refinedHardly relaxedHardly retiringHardly robustHardly rosyHardly ruddyHardly scantyHardly scintillatingHardly seenHardly seen at the Forum?Hardly serious writingHardly sesquipedalianHardly snug attireHardly soothesHardly sophisticatedHardly sophisticatesHardly spareHardly spine-tinglingHardly starsHardly stay-at-homesHardly stimulatingHardly streamlined, as a Hardly strict withHardly struttedHardly stuffyHardly subtleHardly suited for MensaHardly suppress one's feeHardly surprisingHardly svelteHardly sweet talkHardly tannedHardly the "me too" typeHardly the assertive typeHardly the brainy typeHardly the creme de la crHardly the full gamutHardly the latest buzzHardly the life of the paHardly the macho typeHardly the modest typeHardly the most prestigioHardly the pick of the liHardly the prim sortHardly the Queen's EnglisHardly the screaming typeHardly the shrinking violHardly thinkingHardly thoroughHardly thrillingHardly tiptoesHardly traditionalistsHardly treated with kid gHardly trimHardly tryHardly unconcerned: Var.Hardly underplayHardly upbeatHardly usedHardly went out with a baHardly wholesomeHardly wimpyHardly windyHardly wordyHardly worth mentioningHardness of some northerners who won’t be ground down?Hardness scale inventorHardshipHardshipsHardtackHardwareHardware bitHardware fastenerHardware itemHardware purchaseHardware purchasesHardware store boxfulHardware store offeringHardware store sectionHardwear?HardwoodHardwood sourceHardwood sourcesHardwood treeHardwood used to make outdoor furnitureHardyHardy and NorthHardy Boys' palHardy breed of Scottish dairy cattleHardy cabbageHardy characterHardy character admits funny thing in intoxicationHardy character’s absorbing good Biblical textHardy companion, eschewing starter, eats fresh tuna plainly cookedHardy English sheepHardy expert supports DurhamHardy female graduates framing article about mumHardy followerHardy girlHardy girl acquires old place, revealing chestHardy girl grabbing Romeo's hairHardy girl just starting to embody essence of Geordie ShoreHardy girl takes a long time to find passwordHardy grassHardy hero bearing good figure in courtHardy hero's cool, pinching grand lawman's postHardy hero, reduced fellow, receiving money for opinionHardy heroineHardy is protected by direct subordinate in retreatHardy location to an extent filling southern areaHardy novel about a crazed nymphHardy one?Hardy perennialHardy pine rebuffed infernal thingHardy red hogHardy soulHardy soul?Hardy struggling to comprehend power like that in epic poemHardy wild horse of the American western plainsHardy's fury about books reflecting declineHardy's other halfHardy's partnerHardy: the word one associates with this treeHAREHare followerHare huntersHare in poor health close to exhaustionHare Krishnas' wearHare pie's dire? That's humbugHare ___ (religious sect)Hare's home - something to be filled inHare's tailHare? Scut entire, sir, or somewhat damagedHarebrainedHarebrained son of spiteful dispositionHaremHarem - eg sailorHarem - or silageHarem accessoriesHarem accessoryHarem chamberHarem chambersHarem guardHarem guard specially cut out for the jobHarem guard, typicallyHarem in a Muslim palace - Rio's galeHarem keeperHarem roomHarem roomsHarem slaveHaremsHares, to houndsHaricot seedHarkHark backHark!Harking back to an earlieHarlem bar got around ProhibitionHarlem basketball 17Harlem theaterHarlequinadeHarley riderHarley, slangilyHarley-Davidson, slangilyHarlot caught with flipping degenerate church officialHarlot cycling around with X, a seductive characterHarlots exposed by English king's heraldsHarmHarm caused by eg a crazy reversalHarm delivered by church leads to demonstration?Harm dodged by one sailor that’s turned up a snakeHarm from deliberating on court case?Harm horse, docking tailHarm in boasting symbol of ownershipHarm novice displaying no love for saint?Harm one married coupleHarm poet? This blunder might wellHarm poster, overturning iconic shot, removing headHarm ultimately avoided by France in Calais, their historic Channel portHarm, damageHarm, injureHarm; injureHarmedHarmed native American cut and bloodyHarmed, woundedHarmfulHarmful animalsHarmful bacteriumHarmful bloke if upset over moneyHarmful compound in bloodHarmful computer programHarmful creaturesHarmful drugHarmful fellow having officer stripped?Harmful gasHarmful individual or thingHarmful look?Harmful precipitationHarmful programsHarmful refusal by native Americans to swap tipsHarmful stuff when former footballer so drunkHarmful tablet, quietly disposed ofHarmful to healthHarmful to living things - our tide eelsHarmful, poisonousHarming its own aimsHarmlessHarmless notion involved saving ten centsHarmless prankHarmless, blandHarmless-to-humans slitheHarmlessness of Old Town hosting university pub, previouslyHarmonia's antithesisHarmonia's fatherHarmonic singing styleHarmonica-like instrumentHarmonicasHarmonicas playing Cherry LiqueurHarmoniousHarmonious characterHarmonious relationshipHarmonious shape of retro timber shelter with play area and mazeHarmonious soundsHarmoniouslyHarmoniseHarmonise attractivelyHarmonise colours in riotous decorationHarmonise with Liberal breaking windHarmonise with piece of music on curriculumHarmonising attractivelyHarmonium partHarmonizeHarmonize (with)HarmonizedHarmonizesHarmonizes, brieflyHarmonyHarmony always around US instituteHarmony from A string with another note heldHarmony from Italian with my kind of musicHarmony in marriageHarmony is essential to lounge suite's styleHarmony of form, a sort of m-mystery!Harmony of opinionsHarmony or division close to boundary?Harmony spoilerHarmony when worker's organisation accepts old BobHarmony, brieflyHarmony, informallyHarmony; treatyHarmsHarms the environmentHarness featuresHarness for oxenHarness partHarness partsHarness raceHarness race gaitHarness racerHarness racer's gaitHarness ringHarness strapHarness-racing legend ___HarnessesHarold —, playwrightHarold at first confessed rising up to snap in angerHarold Gray's Annie, for Harold Gray's little orphHarold of "Ghostbusters"Harold of the Clinton WhiHarold who composed "OverHarold who directed "GrouHarold who wrote "Stormy Harp (on)Harp go-with, maybeHarp on about Annie, sayHarp on about deprived child?Harp partHarp playing adopted by one daughter, left by herself?Harp seal's lackHarp toter of yoreHarp's cousinHarp, for oneHarp-like instrumentHarpedHarped (on)Harped on with rot about king making comebackHarper of "Tender MerciesHarper of HollywoodHarper on the bookshelfHarper Valley grp., in soHarper's Bazaar illustratHarper's Weekly artistHarper's Weekly caricaturHarper's Weekly cartoonisHarper, for oneHarperCollins or Simon & Schuster, sayHarpist etc or various players hereHarpist's progressionHarpist, of sortsHarpo's interpreterHarpoonHarpoon, e.g.HarpoonedHarpsichord componentHarrah's localeHarridan's problem opening shedHarriedHarried queryHarried traffic reporter'HarrierHarrier bound to get blackHarrier is British birdHarrier, for oneHarriesHarriet Beecher Stowe novHarriet’s relatively small cathouse?Harriet's hubbyHarriet's mateHarriet's underwear enthralled long-legged individualHarris and AsnerHarris and BradleyHarris and SullivanHarris gutted about bad parts in 1D/30 songHarris of "thirty-somethiHarris of "thirtysomethinHarris of HollywoodHarris’s uncle, a twinHarris's uncleHarris's ___ RabbitHarrison Ford roleHarrison Ford thrillerHarrison Ford's "Star WarHarrison of "My Fair LadyHarrison sobriquetHarrison, for oneHarrow bladeHarrow bladesHarrow burnt, destroyed? He put out 16 in 1968Harrow Master put pupils into groupsHarrow playboy?Harrow rivalHarrow teacher cycling to ThailandHarrow wine stored here, maybeHarrow's rivalHarrow, I'd think, is more than enough for rangeHarrowingHarrowing duel stopping rivalry extremely suddenlyHarrowing experienceHarrowing experience in gold tradeHarrowing neck tortureHarrowing tub farmers' union's invested inHarry (name needed) in irons - initially!Harry - been to fight with prince - news ignored sign of a much bigger problemHarry a competitor in the CrucibleHarry and Fred in Rio?Harry and Kitty embracing for all to seeHarry and Mary - one of them works on the railwayHarry Andersen caughtHarry arguing endlessly - language!Harry back in Montecito after court, in that woman's embraceHarry beating Henry guaranteedHarry Belafonte and I entertaining member of crewHarry Belafonte catchwordHarry Belafonte cryHarry Belafonte gains appreciation of others' interests, at great personal costHarry Belafonte song phraHarry Belafonte's specialHarry Chandler seen regularly in mallHarry Connick Jr.'s "___ Harry cried - pet's old and feebleHarry demonises US cityHarry died chasing barbarian around capital of OmanHarry eats rubbish? I object!Harry Enfield met corruptionHarry essentially snubbed England after losing almost everythingHarry fed toddies in Reading Festival?Harry finally says "bye" now he has to do a roundHarry for Meghan? A looker mostly head over heels, being in AfricaHarry girl admitting paper's misleading remarkHarry got royals trying to predict the futureHarry H Corbett: a cross windbagHarry had wingless duck and hen with fleshy hindquarterHarry has joke about yobs regularly getting leftovers containerHarry Hershfield comic "_Harry Hoskins' left a Parisian to get drugHarry Hotspur runs away in sequelHarry investing £1000 in bankHarry is safe - son's in hidingHarry is sensitive in covering Queen's curiosityHarry is wrong about me, noteHarry James's "___ the CrHarry Kane at last stops Man U playerHarry Kane describing length: 'It's just over a foot'Harry Kane limited by OK team playing hardballHarry Kane on top of Germany’s pressHarry Kane's got windHarry Kane's rage, shot being unremarkableHarry Kane’s special moves twisting one way and the otherHarry Kemelman sleuth DavHarry Kemelman's whodunitHarry lashes outHarry lauded as mythical craftsmanHarry loves to do what you doHarry meaning to meet a female in ParisHarry nods away at the momentHarry not cutting flyingHarry O'Brien and a ScotsmanHarry of John O'Hara's "AHarry of the novel "The MHarry one returning boat for fishHarry or Meghan: press? They can make words upHarry paused after short while to get computer accessoryHarry perhaps inspiring Liberal conspiratorHarry plants last of mintHarry pleased it removes hairHarry possesses silver, oddlyHarry Potter accessoryHarry Potter authorHarry Potter cast shortly watching oneHarry Potter eyes cast predictablyHarry Potter palHarry Potter propHarry Potter taking drug a high point for RowanHarry Potter taking drug getting high here?Harry Potter villainHarry Potter's best frienHarry Potter's first book for audioHarry Potter's forteHarry Potter's girlfriendHarry Potter's Hedweg, foHarry Potter's last four owls must be sadHarry Potter's lightning Harry Potter's messenger Harry Potter's pet HedwigHarry Potter's potions prHarry Potter's skillHarry Potter's social worker, faithful sortHarry Potter's stickHarry Potter's toolHarry Potter, around fifth in series, achieving elevated positionHarry quit pork? I must go out for a little bitHarry Ramsden with ban for Hellmann's and Heinz, sayHarry rowed around one strange fishHarry Shearer's program oHarry taken in by smooth cheatHarry the hubbyHarry Tottenham follower?Harry ultimately won't take part in The ShieldHarry very bitter about a kind of animal abuseHarry who co-founded ColuHarry wrote "Markle, I'm no different from Smith"Harry ___, Columbia PictuHarry ___, Gene Hackman rHarry’s husband, plump, no RomeoHarry's chum at HogwartsHarry's fianceeHarry's good at GermanHarry's heading off swimmerHarry's little medal good for QueenHarry's live on TVHarry's one drawback, capturing the heart of citizensHarry's pal at HogwartsHarry's successorHarry's turn to find base for craftsmanHarry's VeepHarry's wifeHarry, a character in Wind in the WillowsHarry, Dennis or Beatrix?Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn initially await G&T mid songHarry, Meghan and Vicar have a little stress at the start - some people take it on the chinHarry’s book, SpareHarshHarsh and shrillHarsh - brusqueHarsh - corrosiveHarsh - radicalHarsh - scratchyHarsh about replacing author's final pieceHarsh and corrosive in toneHarsh and metallicHarsh Athenian lawgiverHarsh bird cryHarsh callHarsh call from Conservative about going for week on vacationHarsh conditionsHarsh conflict recalledHarsh criesHarsh criticHarsh critic cries “fair!” unexpectedlyHarsh critic in debate “discontented” with vehicleHarsh criticismHarsh criticism, so to spHarsh cryHarsh decreeHarsh description of defective Old Testament?Harsh Dickensian Dr — niggard, sadlyHarsh dictator's crossHarsh in mannerHarsh island superficially off-limits to map-makersHarsh labour campHarsh laughHarsh lectures to the audienceHarsh lightHarsh member of clergy rising in dioceseHarsh noise from King Charles by his hiding placeHarsh noise from pub, King’s HeadHarsh order, allowing no discussionHarsh ordersHarsh piercing cryHarsh pronouncement from Harsh qualityHarsh realities for a citizen of ancient kingdomHarsh reflectionHarsh Republican, American, acquiring a posh firmHarsh reviewHarsh scorn concerning social workerHarsh settlement for child upset by inferior goodsHarsh soundHarsh to exclude northern girlHarsh treatmentHarsh treatment regimen given orallyHarsh treatment, or wood not being treated at all?Harsh wordsHarsh, gratingHarsh, shrill cryHarsh-soundingHarsh-sounding bird that Harsh-sounding tribal chief?Harshest sentenceHarshly brightHarshly criticalHarshly critical of cruise soon in disarrayHarshly criticiseHarshly criticise a graduate’s hatHarshly criticise judge along with strange self-important officialHarshly criticise second strikeHarshly criticizeHarshly criticize second hitHarshly cut odd characters out of medleyHarshly loudHarshly made fewer advances in bankHarshly rebuking ordinary seamanHarshly rub togetherHarshnessHarshness deposing pair of leaders, it’s trueHarshness of mannerHarshness of regime is guarantee of unpopular rumbles initiallyHarshness of toneHarshness of way to travel about in state in AmericaHarshness when monarch engaged in compassionHart co-anchor, onceHart family sitcomHart Trophy awarder: AbbrHart Trophy winner, 1970-Harte of fictionHarte's John Oakhurst, foHartebeest kinHartford-based Fortune 50Hartley novel concerned with human lifeHartsHarts and hindsHarts' matesHarts' sweetheartsHarum-___ (reckless)Harvard and Wharton degs.Harvard and Yale, e.g.Harvard colorHarvard degree earned by Harvard hater?Harvard muralistHarvard or Stanford: AbbrHarvard rivalHarvard Science Center arHarvard Sq. on Boston's THarvard studentHarvard traditionHarvard University is the oldest in this groupHarvard ___Harvard's DershowitzHarvard's is highHarvard's mottoHarvard's rivalHarvard, Yale and six other private universitiesHarvard, Yale, Brown, etcHarvard, Yale, Princeton,Harvardite's rivalHarvestHarvest a variety of rapeHarvest bundleHarvest disease leads to making one unconsciousHarvest flyHarvest goddessHarvest helperHarvest orchard fruit that’s to be seen againHarvest queen captured by ConstableHarvest several fruits, crops up again?Harvest some more applesHarvest time: Abbr.Harvest yieldHarvest-time collectionHarvester makerHarvester might be located here - the fourteenth food and drink outlet?Harvester ___Harvesters, e.g.Harvesting for fodderHarvesting tool with a curved bladeHarvestmanHarvestman – giant of the family?HarvestsHarvests more Anjous thanHarvey Kurtzman was its fHarvey of "Reservoir DogsHarvey of "The Piano"Harvey Wallbanger mixers,Harvey Wallbanger, sayHasHas a bawlHas a beef?Has a bit ofHas a biteHas a blastHas a bugHas a butcher's announced results in London accountant!Has a certain biasHas a conversation about losing small pieces of sports equipmentHas a dated appreciation of accommodationHas a duty (to do something)Has a duty (to do)Has a duty to (do)Has a feeling religious groups will contain unique selling pointHas a fever, sayHas a fit of the vapours?Has a flair forHas a flatHas a fresh egg in Lent, regardlessHas a go at drinking a beer, developed as a source of wintergreenHas a good, hard laughHas a green lightHas a hard time decidingHas a hitchHas a hunchHas a job in factoryHas a late mealHas a listHas a loan fromHas a lock on?Has a lot of nerveHas a mortgageHas a napHas a need for RogaineHas a plugHas a premonition ofHas a problem on the roadHas a promising future inHas a quiet dinner, sayHas a seamy job?Has a tabHas a taste of, as wineHas a temperature, sayHas a tough time decidingHas a traditional mealHas a wearying effectHas a wee dram, replaces ball on courseHas a yenHas an accommodating spirHas an afternoon breakHas an angleHas an at-batHas an early leadHas an evening meal, including potatoes, and crashesHas an exciting opening nHas an impressive addressHas an inclination to enter church free from sinHas an inklingHas an obligation to (do)Has an Olympics honorHas an open woundHas an opinionHas an unhappy outcomeHas apprehensionsHas arranged a 14 without the final note? That's a pityHas as a baseHas as a customerHas as a direct consequenceHas as a foundationHas atHas at a spreadHas band to penetrate groups of womenHas bath just before bed for a fresh startHas been around since, wiHas beer ruined grizzly female?Has beingHas billsHas boil, festering, to get rid ofHas broken woodHas brunchHas capacity forHas chits outHas comingHas complete domination oHas confidence inHas confiscatedHas contempt forHas control overHas creditorsHas curtailed ill-temper about bill relating to decent housingHas datesHas debt, large, covering our groupHas debtsHas dinnerHas downHas ever-changing loyaltiHas faith inHas feelings - strongly at first - giving a gentle touchHas funny new girl changed a blissful situation?Has girl confused about an imaginary paradiseHas girly twirls using bright coloursHas good senseHas got to haveHas great affection forHas high hopesHas hopesHas in mindHas in view, archaicallyHas ink come off? Draw without stopping?Has kidsHas leaders of Oprah Winfrey Network sackedHas left the officeHas left the office, e.g.Has life in Cairns destroyed flowers?Has little time at first in S African communityHas little to complain abHas loansHas made new name as an executionerHas markers outHas meekly compromised over current British businessmanHas memorizedHas more than ridiculous amountsHas more than university books to accommodate - this is oneHas more troops thanHas new single out - it's dirtyHas no doubt aboutHas no doubt whateverHas no lifeHas no love forHas no love for at allHas no obligation toHas no pressing obligatioHas no right to hold up golf clubsHas no use forHas no worriesHas now left, but not before a bathHas obligation, being hunted to hide headHas obligationsHas old bowler possibly arrived at end of pitch?Has onHas on handHas once pinched the backside of Little Ted?Has one's fill and more, Has only half-servings, mHas overHas permission to root around?Has pilot somehow made for Red Cross facility?Has pity, locking away poisonerHas Portillo oddly dropped May's predecessor?Has power overHas previously to accept one lead washer?Has quite an impact onHas readyHas real relevanceHas recollections about cars, not sweet in retrospectHas recourse to sneaky moves, ignoring resistanceHas regretsHas rolling in the aislesHas sanction a new form?Has sex with fashionable sort of girl in a small roomHas snow drifted?Has some food in great steakhouseHas some laughsHas some luck fishingHas some successHas some wine at supperHas space forHas speech difficultiesHas star powerHas substanceHas supperHas table in auberge at SouthwarkHas tan spoiled in afternoon shadow?Has that hurt Poles?Has that lady visited an illicit bar?Has the authorityHas the earmarks ofHas the ingredients, withHas the last laughHas the oarsHas the rear end move sidHas the skillHas the stageHas the tillerHas the wheelHas the wrong caseHas thirds or fourths, saHas this ever been seen as a Scottish tourist attraction?Has thoughtsHas time to get ecstasy - and speedHas toHas to be accommodated in gym for spellHas to be embraced by a stunnerHas to do (with)Has to haveHas to keep English in very poor gameHas to keep very quiet about love poetHas to move a long way back for descendants of MuhammadHas to repeat, maybeHas to support grand formal wearHas too much, brieflyHas torn about in a rage, prematurely ending state of bliss?Has trouble getting startHas trouble runningHas trouble sleeping, mayHas trouble standingHas trouble with wordsHas turned over pages, one chapter relating to poetessHas vaguely accepted meaning attached to one Oriental cityHas way too much of, slanHas words (with)Has words?Has workingHas zero successes, having ignored IndependentHas ___ (is connected)Has ___ for (is skilled aHas ___ withHas, as a partyHas, as good healthHas-beenHas-been cast as female spiritHas-been's admission that makes progress impossibleHas-___Has-___ (ones who are wasHasbro divisionHasbro or Fisher-PriceHasbro productHasenpfeffer, e.g.Hasenpfeffer, for oneHashHash browns, e.g., typicaHash dealer almost gets sent downHash houseHash house workersHash ingredientsHash outHash, a chow's chow?Hashemite city rising up on account of a creative movement in ItalyHashish sourceHaskell of "Leave It to BHasn't got a ___ (is poorHasn't leftHasn't YMCA changed the guy in the sailor outfit?HassleHassle as government department cuts payHassle-free fashion itemHassockHastenHasten construction of deep exitHasten the progress ofHasten to achieve a fashionable appearance?Hasten to border, finally changing directionHasten to change capitalHasten to hide US casualty in screen againHasten to land, with a little help in the darkHasten, being late, and change in gymHastenedHastened to adopt disguise for auditorsHastened to grab gin that's floggedHastened, say, to climb Alps?Hastened, say, to return in Sierra?HastensHastert's successor as spHastilyHastily leave university common room before noonHastily make approachHastily puts togetherHastily seize the sauceHastily wrote long passage, making a drug into something that might be boringHastings casualtyHastings has, on the outside, abandoned incenseHastings, ___, where KoolHastyHasty and careless entry for cup goes adriftHasty and superficialHasty authorHasty escapeHasty glanceHasty signaturesHasty stop to get sailHatHat — no as-you-were instructions when it's back to frontHat - American hoodHat a chap raised to fatherHat airline once acceptedHat and cap soon remodelled by Disney 2Hat and coat, e.g.Hat collections being worn, including first of trilbiesHat covering lady's hair essential in power station?Hat dance hatHat decorationHat designed LillyHat designerHat drunkard pinches quietlyHat edgeHat fabricHat figure put on head, turned aroundHat for a French soldierHat for a military speciaHat for a siestaHat in canalHat in work held by pegHat left in shady spotHat left out in alcoveHat Norma ruined in raceHat on old Mafia bossHat or hood imported from US to UKHat partHat priced badly, going for a songHat quietly grabbed by heavy drinkerHat raised by a politician given to delayHat that may be tippedHat that’s extremely comfortable crossing northern lakeHat tied under the chinHat trick componentHat with a curled brimHat with a plumeHat with a pomponHat worn in "Casablanca"Hat's edgeHat's on instrumentHat, gloomy in colour — the reverse of goldenHat, one for hoodHat, symbolicallyHat-tipper's wordHat-tipper, sayHat-wearing model? That's rightHatbands for mournersHatchHatch a plotHatch at a hearingHatch closer?Hatch fool briefly stuffed with paperHatch from UtahHatch in legislative procHatch in politicsHatch in the SenateHatch in WashingtonHatch of eggsHatch on the HillHatch on the Senate floorHatch or Byrd: Abbr.Hatch out of UtahHatch ___Hatch, in politicsHatcherHatcher of "Desperate HouHatcher of "Lois & Clark"Hatcher of filmHatcher or GarrHatcher with a Golden GloHatchery soundHatchery supplyHatches, sayHatchet handleHatchet Henry arrested?Hatchet's kinHatchetsHatching a plot? Fascinating!Hatching placeHatching placesHatching posts?HatchlingHatchling hiding tail with itHatchling in an aerieHatchling's homeHatchling's siteHatchling's soundHatchlings' homesHateHate a Danish physicist after change of heartHate chemical element (not sulphur)Hate crime disheartened onlookerHate getting tips from arithmetician: one’s useless!Hate grand city in France - country's superiorHate groupHate grp.Hate having a house in Bangor’s outskirtsHate having Charlie roundHate helping to support bossHate in province with rabble rising in the grip of a troublemakerHate it, a late TV broadcast, but take no further actionHate Latin?Hate little drinks being upending into riverHate misuse of carbon hereHate or fear followerHate Sailor Short's gutsHate seeing trusty top steed sent to the knacker's yardHate speech perhaps gets Mike arrested by police with violenceHate the thought ofHate to sack someone from the English cricket team?Hate turning agent about nothingHate violent crime associated with menHate with a passionHate word in clue that requires alternate letters to be removedHate, sayHate-mail from 26 opponents in disorder on RightHatedHated a British host on airHated bonking each one when engaged? I don't think so!Hated change, bit upsetting - it's very dangerousHated dreadful brawl in last place to liveHated duke, missing country, pissed offHated editors facing one another across trialHated fancy curtainsHated former editor keeping old carHated ruler of oldHated sailor worked on plot to nick expensive carHated symbolHated to change potentially exciting meetingHated to move on to improvised way of settling matchHated vicar I escortedHatefulHateful criticismHateful disgraceHateful groupHateful injury to the person, or tearHateful mother with capacity to conceal nameHateful org.Hateful person; animalHateful promises concealed by corrupt moleHateful to be overdrawn - one's recourse?Hateful, earthborn eccentricHater of green eggs and hHater of mankindHATER?HatersHates breaking dishHates men being confused over sex that is satisfactoryHates recitals arranged to include popular imaginative itemsHates recitals arranged to involve company - get out nowHates remark about percentage brand sells?Hates the thought ofHates, but also kind inside at the same timeHatfield's foeHatfield-McCoy affairHatfield/McCoy affairHatfields or McCoys, e.g.Hatha-___Hathaway's return to friendlinessHating men putting quartz grains in boggy surroundingsHating working girls that take a turn at the tablesHatredHatred of West African country churchHatred of womenHatred robs platform of leader ...Hatred upset old prison guards of little depthHatred, of a sortHatred? An extreme point attendant on extremes of hostilityHatredsHatsHats and clothes for a principal?Hats passed round by artistsHats' statsHats, etcHatted bell ringersHatter affairHattie McDaniel's "Show BHaughtily, ladies entering a horse-drawn carriageHaughtinessHaughtyHaughty affectationHaughty and heartless pair, couple making comebackHaughty claim of fairy to dismiss mostlyHaughty female pursuing Murphy in Mumbai?Haughty fool of the upper classes of a ruling dynastyHaughty Hoskins is dangerous, but not ultimately evilHaughty ladies maybe found in the middle of StaffsHaughty Louis IV moving forward - chasing fancy cup, sire?Haughty mannerismsHaughty old heroine’s song composed about husbandsHaughty oneHaughty onesHaughty or worthlessHaughty outburstHaughty poseHaughty refusalHaughty responseHaughty sortsHaughty Trot perhaps with love for the EastHaughty, awful pain, old JoannaHaughty; as poster on wall?HaulHaul back organ for traveller in strange placesHaul crone before cardinal - an enemy of RomeHaul inHaul knight out of Asgard, say?Haul of southwest silver?Haul upHaul up weight a short distanceHaul, slangilyHaulage unitHauledHauled (off)Hauled, in a wayHauled-away car, maybeHaulerHauler's destinationHaulierHaulier and partner sort bananasHauliersHauliers; bagsHauling aroundHauling feeHauling or lifting devicesHauling something with a ropeHaulsHauls (off)Hauls awayHauls inHauls to courtHaunchHaunch boneHauntHaunt accommodating lucky characterHaunt lake isle wearing spotless uniformHaunt of vice and iniquity done up and made brighterHaunt? Go and haunt wildlyHauntedHaunted French queen unsettled EdwardHaunted house dHaunted house inhabitantsHaunted house noiseHaunted house soundHaunted house soundsHauntingHauntsHaunts of the addicted, heartless men Oedipus ruinedHaus-hold articleHaute coutureHaute cuisine it's notHauteurHavana auntsHavana exportHavana greetingHavana housesHavana residueHavana's homeHavana's localeHavana's ___ CastleHavana, informallyHavana, sayHavana-to-Miami dir.HaveHave a Have a backwoods brawlHave a ball?Have a bashHave a bawlHave a beef?Have a bet on this poor-quality furnitureHave a birthdayHave a biteHave a bite ofHave a breakHave a break at 4:00, sayHave a break! Have a ginger biscuit!Have a breakdownHave a brief light sleepHave a bugHave a burning desire to throw Pence outHave a canyonlike effectHave a chair by, as a tabHave a change of heartHave a change ___Have a cigarette in shelter of the greeneryHave a coldHave a connectionHave a connection (to)Have a course executedHave a cowHave a craving forHave a dateHave a date, sayHave a date?Have a debtHave a debt toHave a different opinionHave a drink in the localHave a drink with journalists or censorHave a fallHave a feelingHave a feeling aboutHave a feeling that may be commonHave a fewHave a fling with two royals who've departed in recent timesHave a fling?Have a foul smellHave a ganderHave a goHave a go and weigh it! Rival uncertainHave a go atHave a go at and complain - it's a British traditionHave a go at attack after United leadHave a go at end of shift about casual workerHave a go at it near to engineersHave a go at judge?Have a go at shifting seconds, selling wall claddingHave a go at short-term worker engaged by US telecom giantHave a go, grabbing girl where skin is dressedHave a goalHave a good cryHave a good day on the liHave a great and unexpected successHave a gut feelingHave a hand out, sayHave a hankeringHave a hearthHave a hearty laughHave a heated phone exchaHave a holiday, and leave me aloneHave a home not left to turn dirtyHave a home-cooked mealHave a home-cooked meal, Have a huge appetiteHave a hunchHave a kidHave a knish, sayHave a late biteHave a late mealHave a lifeHave a little break for a little jazzHave a little salmon?Have a little somethingHave a loan fromHave a long bathHave a long faceHave a lookHave a look-seeHave a mad crush onHave a mealHave a meal at homeHave a meal in Chelsea trattoriaHave a meal with holiday moneyHave a meal, warm, without husbandHave a mortgageHave a nose for trouble?Have a party, sayHave a peak experience?Have a prevailing directionHave a proper place (in)Have a quick lookHave a quick look around TowerHave a quick look backHave a quick look from thHave a reflection?Have a relation toHave a share in it per capita in resortHave a short breakHave a siesta, keeping most comfortableHave a sixth senseHave a spoken conversation via the internetHave a spot ___Have a spreeHave a striking appearanceHave a strong desireHave a strong desire forHave a strong unpleasant smellHave a sudden inspirationHave a swaybackHave a tHave a tabHave a table for oneHave a tantrumHave a taste ofHave a thing forHave a titleHave a touch of colour and be miserableHave a trying experienceHave a tussleHave a wager with this Mutant Turtle with outsize shellHave a wavy formHave a word withHave a yearningHave a yenHave a yen (for)Have a yen forHave a ___ (attempt)Have a ___ stand onHave a ___ to pickHave advantage over minion, one much applied to grindstoneHave advantage over United in 0-0?Have affectionHave ambitionsHave ambitious plans forHave an "altar-cation"?Have an accident with a vHave an ambitionHave an aversion to eating European perch? Think twice!Have an aversion to violent crime by menHave an edge againstHave an effectHave an effect (on)Have an effect onHave an effect on each otherHave an emotional impactHave an engagement (with)Have an evening mealHave an ideaHave an impact onHave an in (with)Have an inclination to ring rector to find outHave an increased effectHave an influence onHave an initial successHave an inspiration?Have an interest in interHave an iron prepared for old GeorgeHave an obligation to participate in rising caseworkHave an obligation to payHave an unfavourable opinion (of)Have an unintended negative consequenceHave an uninviting appearance?Have an ___ mysteryHave an ___ the groundHave another check-up, using extra time in relaxationHave another go atHave another go at poor TerryHave another look at bird by a quarryHave another picture takeHave another pull, it's very soreHave another try, but after rebuilding fortressHave as a bossHave as a channelHave as a definitionHave as a focus of one's Have as a logical consequenceHave as an aimHave as an appetizerHave as one's aimHave at least forty-one winks?Have attire for ball that doesn't startHave because ofHave beef perhaps, but no starterHave beingHave billsHave both plusses and minusesHave breakfastHave breakfast, as all the king's horses and men didHave breakfast, e.g., in Have casual sex and drink around noonHave chicken, maybe, but no starterHave chits outHave comingHave common ends, in a waHave complete faith in lawyers? Not initially, when upset about first of burglariesHave concernHave confidenceHave confidence inHave confidence over investigatorHave contempt for small cropHave control ofHave control of backup groups carrying spadesHave convulsions about cheeseparing in cultural expressionHave cosmetic surgery, foHave courier deliver costumesHave coveredHave creditorsHave current name used laterHave dHave debtsHave dinnerHave dinner at homeHave dinner in a restauraHave disappeared after repeatedly extracting energy for gasHave discussionsHave dishes deliveredHave dog breath?Have done withHave doubts aboutHave doubts about English spinnerHave doubts about teacher tied up in hearingHave downHave down coldHave down to ___Have drinking spree with Liberal where “You’ll never walk alone” comes fromHave effect, limiting a tirade applied to a danceHave eight pints at a partyHave English pub sandwichesHave enough money for female to get in a carHave enough money to buyHave experience and good judgementHave faithHave faith inHave faith in variable source of aphrodisiac in concoctions from the eastHave farm youngHave fights, splitting theologians verticallyHave food deliveredHave for saleHave fun - theatrical workHave fun in small place like Dover?Have fun on a Spanish beachHave fun on a white bed?Have fun with me: cause confusion and mischief abroadHave good intentionsHave good intentions from humble origin?Have good word for quiet liftHave got to open cheese and cakeHave great affection forHave great confidence inHave great delight taking in a showHave great or unexpected successHave great success as explorer?Have great success getting a lift out of it?Have group sex, secretly at firstHave groups of lawmen succeeded?Have guests come into vehicle with no right?Have habit that's a bit much - no more doctors keeping tabsHave hands-on experience?Have heatHave high hopesHave high opinion of media reforms as resistance is suppressedHave high opinion of some scholar at EtonHave hopesHave I the skill to be friendly?Have in common withHave in handHave in mindHave in one's handsHave in one's headHave in prospectHave in the interimHave in the pastHave in viewHave influence onHave influence on game: it should give greater opening for current movesHave insomniaHave intercourse with teacher?Have it bad?Have it goodHave it in mindHave it ___Have itchy feetHave John do turnHave leading role to executeHave left speaking; I don’t reactHave left when all is saiHave legal support groups succeeded?Have lifeHave light go off? Then this may not be present!Have lovely chatHave lower priority thanHave lunch with tenants occasionallyHave man raid nest naughtily, with no care ultimately for birdHave markers outHave masks of course on companion, covering over part of faceHave meal around six? WonderfulHave memorizedHave mercy (on)Have mercy onHave mine where there's no time for seafoodHave miseriesHave mixed feelings about black/blue markings on tapsHave more than admired dress? Exposed on topHave more than old-fashioned dress?Have more than one bowler as an all-rounder?Have more than revealed by issueHave more troops thanHave need ofHave new concerns about defensive positionHave new delivery rounds?Have no accomplicesHave no dinner companionsHave no doubtHave no effect on unions rising in case of emergencyHave no energy during run — the result of blow?Have no input?Have no lifeHave no money left in bank account for tripHave no more good ideasHave no particular place Have no recollection of counterfeit tobacco's originHave no time for rehearsal? Sound unhappy and move deliberately, perhapsHave no truck withHave no ___ forHave nothing particular to doHave nothing to do in strike? A WC needs sorting outHave nothing to do withHave nothing to do with command of the forcesHave nothing to do with hermit-style holiday?Have nothing to do with row about pigHave olives with nachos for startersHave onHave on a type of leatherHave on, as clothesHave on; abradeHave on; damageHave one leg each side ofHave one tot after another?Have one's back against tHave one's way with academic fellow after husband leavesHave only one pill and some lighter fluidHave opening of present delayedHave ownership ofHave parent stay silentHave payablesHave pee whilst swimmingHave permanent effectHave pheasant under glassHave piece of cake, a treatHave Post Office review following disappearance of articleHave powerHave problemsHave problems navigating on your bike!Have problems repeating oneself to begin withHave puppiesHave quite enough forHave relevanceHave religious faithHave rheumatic painsHave role in what naughty siblings might be forced to do?Have rolling in the aisleHave rootsHave same opinion: an excessive desire must be cutHave score to settle between sides, so scowlHave second thoughtsHave second thoughts abouHave secret service overthrown Eastern European?Have sex in Australian baseHave sex with cross revolutionary and need to escape!Have sex with manHave sex with risk? Her husband is lateHave sex with unloved boy, somewhere off the beaten trackHave shilling for ales, getting drunk, getting drunkHave sleeping partner perhaps in company practice?Have some aspiration, but not about to take to the sea?Have some cheese sandwiches – and a small chocolate cakeHave some chips, sayHave some construction workers entered the wrong way?Have some correspondence with my bishop perhaps, but not priestHave some fancy provisionHave some flexibility about hosting Liberal clubHave some humble pieHave some teaHave some tomorrow nightHave somethingHave something at homeHave something to do with act?Have something to do with drama, independentlyHave son supporting law teamsHave sons got into groups of friends?Have statusHave strange visionsHave strong desire for this around river: start on Thames later?Have sufficient courageHave sufficient funds for a fine crossingHave superior firepower oHave supperHave surgeryHave suspicion stream all pollutedHave suspicions, lets alarm offHave the audacity to reject initial synopsisHave the best time, sayHave the blahsHave the deed toHave the helmHave the idea forHave the leadHave the money forHave the money for a crossing, so to speakHave the most reliable inHave the munchies forHave the nerveHave the opposite of the intended effectHave the possibility of gHave the rights toHave the same opinionHave the same value asHave the throneHave the tillerHave the wheelHave the wheel of a carHave the ___ forHave time away from built-up areaHave title toHave toHave to admit it hurt so close to recognitionHave to block that inept reformed Communist PartyHave to defend English poetHave to do withHave to enter club nearer to the seaHave to get satellite in orbit to make progressHave to haveHave to pay backHave to pay for when not there, oddlyHave too littleHave too much of, brieflyHave trouble drifting offHave trouble passing the Have trouble standingHave trouble with assessoHave trouble with essesHave trouble with one's bHave trustHave trying experience?Have tune go wrong for mouth organ?Have turkey-serving duty,Have victory within one'sHave wordsHave words (with)Have words withHave words with motorist of sorts, catching coldHave words, so to speakHave work in HollywoodHave yen, half the capital and $1000 in a single letterHave yet to settleHave you energy? Hurry!Have ___ (be connected)Have ___ (be innocent, maHave ___ (flip out)Have ___ (freak out)Have ___ (fume)Have ___ (know someone)Have ___ (lose it)Have ___ (not be trapped)Have ___ (overreact)Have ___ (revel)Have ___ atHave ___ forHave ___ for (desire)Have ___ good authorityHave ___ in mindHave ___ in one's bonnetHave ___ in one's headHave ___ in the conversatHave ___ of (display)Have ___ of (not allow)Have ___ of teaHave ___ of the jittersHave ___ on (claim)Have ___ on (monitor offiHave ___ on (track the acHave ___ on one's shouldeHave ___ to eatHave ___ to grindHave ___ to one's headHave ___ to pickHave ___ up one's sleeveHave ___ withHave ___ with (know well)Have ___ with (speak to)Have, as a feverHave-notHave-___ (lower economic Have-___ (poor people)HavenHaven - nothing like a militant groupHaven't a clue!HavensHavens for folkies?Haver, beginning to abandon drugHavingHaving "I" problems?Having 12 passionately, relegate first to lastHaving 20/20 visionHaving a "Ho-hum, I've seHaving a backboneHaving a better aim, say, finish getting into small openingHaving a better bottom?Having a big head?Having a big mouth?Having a bit of smogHaving a biteHaving a bottomHaving a brilliant appearanceHaving a certain glowHaving a certain taste, Knut's turned up to support Ms ThurmanHaving a change of heart, get lost somewhere in LondonHaving a choice makes them crossHaving a close resemblancHaving a coat under the tableHaving a complex kitchen appliance breaking stillHaving a complex kitchen appliance I coated in copperHaving a consecrated property husband letHaving a cowHaving a crewHaving a diamond-shaped pHaving a diet of ants etcHaving a disappointing conclusionHaving a disputeHaving a dividing wall, iHaving a dry environmentHaving a dull surfaceHaving a few buttons missHaving a flushHaving a fondness for suits, bright soldier's overwhelmed by debtsHaving a foot fault?Having a frightHaving a gapHaving a gift - endowed with clairvoyant insight primarilyHaving a goatee and beretHaving a good prognosisHaving a good vantage poiHaving a grumble about a Yen/Pound financial crimeHaving a handleHaving a hard time connecHaving a hard time decidiHaving a headline?Having a heater raised the temperature, though not at firstHaving a higher ceiling aHaving a higher model numHaving a hintHaving a jagged edgeHaving a key to one's heart? Beer, mostlyHaving a key, in musicHaving a knack forHaving a labelHaving a laughHaving a laugh about toiletry itemHaving a lead, stops 1,000 dogs, say, getting nitsHaving a legally established claimHaving a line of symmetryHaving a little kickHaving a lively night outHaving a lot to loseHaving a lot to lose?Having a low pHHaving a low throaty qualHaving a narrow outlookHaving a nice smellHaving a pallorHaving a particular way of removing outer bits from crusty larvaeHaving a pattern of dotsHaving a permanent postHaving a permitHaving a pH above 7Having a pleasantly sharp tasteHaving a pointed beardHaving a pointy beardHaving a policy of reversHaving a positive or negative valueHaving a pressing need?Having a problem walking, maybe, being dismissed? Oval is enthralledHaving a prospect of successHaving a pulseHaving a punch-upHaving a range of colorsHaving a razor injury, saHaving a reasonable chanceHaving a reddish-brown tiHaving a rest - going abroad, perhaps, though not FranceHaving a rest, keeping very still with usHaving a rhythmically recHaving a richer white hueHaving a rough knotted suHaving a roughened structureHaving a row over a wedding giftHaving a run of good fortuneHaving a run of luckHaving a scholarly mannerHaving a serious problemHaving a short sleepHaving a shower perhaps after time working outHaving a single purposeHaving a sinister aspectHaving a snackHaving a soft spot forHaving a sound gratingHaving a spotty situationHaving a store of amalgam, say, for the presentHaving a strong resemblanHaving a strong smellHaving a taste of the graHaving a tendencyHaving a thin, metallic soundHaving a twistHaving a vitreous coatingHaving a willHaving a wingHaving a worse case of thHaving a Y chromosomeHaving abnormally high blood glucose levelsHaving acquired Queen’s Head, tear up loose flooringHaving advantage over storm god produces surprise resultHaving all one's marblesHaving all the money one Having almost left, Charlie enters to stir things upHaving ample space for my little bounder at firstHaving an "I" problem?Having an air of protest, bubbly Rachel loves to interrupt most of femalesHaving an angleHaving an easy time of itHaving an edgeHaving an effectHaving an extended openinHaving an immediate impactHaving an ironic comedic Having an irregularly curHaving an irregularly gnaHaving an open weaveHaving an outer layer, asHaving an over-optimistic viewHaving an uninterrupted sHaving an unpleasant skin sensationHaving and expressing strong viewsHaving another other half!Having answer, engage in attempt to win, losing in this programme?Having as a hobbyHaving as constituentsHaving attractive gamsHaving bad luck, sayHaving bad mannersHaving bad marksHaving bandaged bad cut, sign people operating well?Having bargained for housing, old rogue coughed upHaving beams of lightHaving been corrected, Chapter One divided circleHaving been cut with tool, they say, a bath in FinlandHaving been deprived of property, land etcHaving been overexposed tHaving been punched by group of drivers, say flipping mercy!Having been tainted, as aHaving been trounced, alas, not in major papersHaving been warnedHaving behind bare, but not even getting a tanHaving beingHaving bizarre ideas, fried andouillesHaving bosun at sea is a plusHaving bowled, look round pavilionHaving bristlesHaving broken desk, theologian (in drink) to make quick getawayHaving broken marriages, you can rely on him for a creepy feelingHaving brought up weapon, secure a lump of goldHaving bumpsHaving butterfliesHaving calmed down, name-dropper Julian welcomes United directorHaving captured Troy, oracle castrated bullHaving certain misgivingsHaving changed a lot since land seen from seaHaving changed top, bother to work out?Having chutzpahHaving cigarette after cigaretteHaving clarity, joined banking firm from the eastHaving clean handsHaving clean linesHaving climbed moor? That is right, it’s more spaciousHaving closed mind, I got into bedHaving coarse long hairHaving coat on boat, catching river fishHaving collateral tied up?Having colored patchesHaving columns set into aHaving come out, feel ultimately enthralled by a period of growthHaving conducted surgery, pipes up about working to finish all off ?Having conflicting allegiHaving congested lungsHaving considerable skillHaving constant F pitch is not that importantHaving continued success performing a part on the radioHaving continued success, Jonah's content to wallowHaving continuing successHaving cover pulled up from under us, nightlyHaving crow's-feetHaving cut off tails, has to dispose of shellfishHaving dams at various loHaving dark brown hairHaving daydreamsHaving debauched line with coitus?Having debtHaving debts, astounded to lose shillingHaving decorative groovesHaving deep knowledgeHaving deep pocketsHaving deliberate bias towards a controversial viewHaving depthHaving determination to show authorship rests between pirate and criminalHaving developed, went around toplessHaving died outHaving differed, our men will need time to get on againHaving difficulty caring about EU backing massacreHaving difficulty deciding end for Trueman?Having difficulty following the German action filmHaving digitsHaving division speak badly of West Ham?Having done time, gaoled anewHaving downed last of grappa, using neat rum is thus!Having drinksHaving drunk last of gin, passes on eatsHaving drunk port, uncle is fatHaving drunk water, ask for bloody foodHaving ducks in horses area causes commotionHaving eaten Rice Krispies, perhaps athletic unknown should stop dreamingHaving eaten the last of entrée, try special nutsHaving eaten, die in agony as prisonerHaving eight pins, as an Having elastic propertiesHaving endless energyHaving endured long wait when shop is closed?Having energy in bedroom like RobHaving energy in volatile type of relationship – it won't happen againHaving enlisted help, workers mean to turn old handleHaving enough money for alcohol?Having entanglementsHaving entered roundabout maybe showing command?Having entered the Indy 500, European is exhaustedHaving equal anglesHaving equal pressure and current, or basic fusesHaving escaped a tagHaving escaped, move smoothly northHaving everything arrangeHaving everything in its Having everything neededHaving everything one neeHaving exchanged parts, withdraw stage curtainHaving existed from the beginningHaving existed from the very start - limp or aridHaving expectations of a new horse?Having exposed gears, heard quiet component of blowerHaving eyes coveredHaving fallen in social statusHaving family linksHaving feathersHaving feelingHaving feelingsHaving feet pointing inwaHaving feminine features, desire to enter Middle Eastern country? On the contraryHaving fewer errors, as cHaving fine threadsHaving finished a boring job?Having finished twice, given a tipHaving firm and well-developed musclesHaving five sharpsHaving flipped, turtle did as cricket did?Having flow controlsHaving footwearHaving forty winksHaving four parts: PrefixHaving four sharpsHaving free rein with regard to the matterHaving funHaving fun at celebration, saying goodbye hugging unknown characterHaving fun in a boat going in to fishHaving fun in a sailing boatHaving funds incorporated with resistance to changeHaving furrowsHaving gapsHaving gaps betweenHaving gifts, ten dealt outHaving given a slip the sHaving gone off line, what could be deadlier?Having gone outside, Girl Guides knocked back drinkHaving gone over time, run off quickHaving gone through a floHaving good balanceHaving good fortuneHaving good intentionsHaving good placementHaving good postureHaving good reason to expect degree, learner's relaxedHaving good times round City, planned meeting to impregnateHaving good, if ill-advised, intentionsHaving got married in capital, character makes fussHaving got undressed, campers rest in standard unitsHaving gotten the scoop?Having gown in for slight alterationHaving gray-brown tonesHaving great inclination to soakHaving great lightness and delicacyHaving great powerHaving great strengthHaving great valueHaving green eggs first as does partnerHaving groovesHaving gumptionHaving had a few hints, unknown?Having had a few, belted out audibly at the top of one's voice 'What shall we do with a drunken sailor?'Having had a few, unlikely to buy a roundHaving had a good workoutHaving had a lot of drinks, started to smokeHaving had careful prior considerationHaving had one’s fill at tea, is livelyHaving hair like horsesHaving handlesHaving hands, as a clockHaving happened latelyHaving hardheaded intelligenceHaving hardly anything on or pretty pants?Having harmonyHaving head of nursing due to go outHaving headless torso outside, Nancy's said: 'This isn't normal!'Having heat?Having high temperatureHaving honest emotionHaving I trouble?Having I-strain?Having ignored a subpoenaHaving influential friendsHaving injected a drug, grew fastHaving injected limb, chap gets bit of a habitHaving insignificant substance in bread - that's sandwichesHaving insipid character, like a neglected gardenHaving insuranceHaving intervalsHaving intervals between start and end of summing-up, brilliantly executedHaving irreversible loss of cerebral functionsHaving issue on drug price reviewedHaving it covered in meat sauce is something serious!Having jilted Ray, threatened to go out, extremely disappointedHaving job security, in aHaving just sold the lastHaving keen visionHaving kicked me out, rest home desperate for restHaving knowledge (of)Having knowledge ofHaving learned a lessonHaving learned, repeat city is taking part in ceremonyHaving leaves year roundHaving left a valid willHaving left a willHaving length and width oHaving less bread, disappeared to eat secondsHaving less coverageHaving less fatHaving less forethoughtHaving less hair — bit rubbish?Having less hair to tear? NonsenseHaving less shadingHaving less top growthHaving lesson in parts, messenger lacking EnglishHaving levelsHaving liberal political Having lifeHaving life with cracking single partner - quite the reverseHaving limited calories, get better? ExactlyHaving little depressions, like one rolling along the 5 3?Having little exposureHaving little fatHaving little or no rain in Kalahari DesertHaving little supportHaving little talent forHaving lived, died with mark of beatingHaving loaded gun, very quiet editor and I intervenedHaving long coarse hairHaving lost bottle, he blew unfairlyHaving lost case, simply with no case to loseHaving lost enamel, ultimately, crown becomes tenderHaving lost heart, fail test with colourful plants?Having lost itHaving lost leader, get sealed somehow inside high schoolHaving lost perp stupidly, poor copper's been blueHaving lost semicircular shape, flower is flatterHaving lost social standingHaving lost some support over tenor being shabby in appearanceHaving lost son, Sofia arrives distraught – tact is neededHaving lost tablets, unfortunately, late leaving for jauntHaving lost weight after golf, one picks upHaving lost weight, fights Stallone's predecessor with nervous energyHaving lots of ups and doHaving lots to doHaving lowered the tone like this, poor Ovett heartlessly tormented CoeHaving lunch, sayHaving made substantial gHaving made the side, a sportsman's idle very rarelyHaving male and female pupilsHaving many abilities or usesHaving many aspectsHaving many factories on River TestHaving many formsHaving many functionsHaving many inhabitantsHaving many peaksHaving many sexual partnersHaving many skillsHaving many usesHaving melodic harmonyHaving melody and harmonyHaving met Meg, a night out taking in a filmHaving military dress on, name to be sewn in in the darkHaving missed the boat?Having moderate heatHaving more bassHaving more bites, sayHaving more butter and crHaving more four-letter wHaving more hair on one'sHaving more hoarfrostHaving more karatsHaving more leewayHaving more reasonHaving more sauceHaving more smarts?Having more than one bandHaving more upstairsHaving more weightHaving more weight applied to type of rock, sayHaving much foliageHaving much free timeHaving much moneyHaving much of the same quality?Having multiple layersHaving multiple layers ofHaving multiple sectionsHaving neatly translated brought about the onset of death for himHaving neither side aheadHaving new energyHaving new tenantsHaving new tournament ranHaving new vigorHaving nice linesHaving night vision?Having no aisles, in archHaving no alternative, Lord, bear with me, otherwise I might perhaps flutterHaving no answer, rashly blamed one politicianHaving no bounds: Abbr.Having no carbon in gold, carbon in silver brought upHaving no character drinking tea loudly, like seven pairs of solutions hereHaving no chips left to bHaving no commandment?Having no cost, in ColognHaving no cover led Yank astrayHaving no cover, left bodyguard to lounge around insideHaving no delayHaving no depthHaving no depth, in briefHaving no drive, going underHaving no duties former employee casually taking time to finishHaving no Ecstasy, supply crackHaving no entryways?Having no fun from creativity in one's lifetimeHaving no gray areaHaving no hope of fixing 24Having no illusions or prHaving no immediate use, king leaves in musical styleHaving no inaccuracy whatHaving no intermissionHaving no issue with Kid Rock initially in chargeHaving no known nameHaving no leader, abuse allyHaving no legal forceHaving no limitHaving no loose endsHaving no masterHaving no matchHaving no mentorHaving no moneyHaving no need for a combHaving no object, I've left off travellingHaving no one in control, slide errs badlyHaving no overhead?Having no playHaving no practical appliHaving no pressing needs?Having no redeeming featuHaving no sequelHaving no side in rugby to beat upset supporterHaving no significanceHaving no spark leftHaving no spleenHaving no starter, drink ScotchHaving no symmetry, in a Having no talent forHaving no time at all for money, online pest producing bumfHaving no typeset lettersHaving no upper limitHaving no useful outcomeHaving no vision?Having no weak pointsHaving no weapons and lacking ability to punch, say?Having nobody owing anyboHaving not yet made the cHaving nothing lost or gaHaving nothing obscuredHaving nothing on except end of programmeHaving nothing to face?Having obscure meaningHaving one intermissionHaving one or more puncturesHaving one sharpHaving one sharp, musicalHaving one's feet up, sayHaving one's heart set (oHaving one's marblesHaving one's nose in the Having one's nose to the Having only one meaningHaving only one purposeHaving only the forepart Having only the upper parHaving open windows, maybHaving opposite extremesHaving or related by a constant ratioHaving overtaken English, stickHaving packed, finally decides to get marriedHaving painful joints, he tucked into drink with a spasmHaving parasites in the hHaving passageways or a road invaded by rebelHaving pinched bottom, go nowHaving pistol, loved to drill through cardHaving plenty to spareHaving pocketed ring, Maud fell awkwardly on forest floor, it appearsHaving poor postureHaving possessions, duke put on appropriate neckwearHaving power for day, leave out this rugby forwardHaving power, makes contact in lecturesHaving powerful weapons, some Israel cunningly concealed in turnHaving pricked earsHaving principles here once in Rome (and elsewhere round about)Having prominent corporation with pounds in bank misrepresentedHaving prongsHaving protected feetHaving put down rootsHaving put up fitting, chuck it downHaving raced around, lemur rapidly dehydratedHaving raised money, old favourites don't hang about!Having raised some little vandals, this might be contemplatedHaving raised temperature, swallow hot drinkHaving Rasta hairstyle is terrifyingHaving reached adulthoodHaving read abridged bible, sadly one strays from the textHaving real estate - came downHaving recalled iron in the end, I start to remember another metal elementHaving received an upgrade?Having received audible jeer, escaped totally exhaustedHaving recourse to language used in California (North)Having recovered from illness, that's 4!Having rejected help, family gets bitter criticismHaving rejected work, half-cut goon gets stickHaving retired, their beards contain foodHaving ribs, in anatomyHaving risen, go off to meet bad endHaving round agent, attractiveHaving round protuberanceHaving rowsHaving rows of holesHaving run into infant, jogHaving run of success, one's name honourably entered here?Having run out of nail polish, ordered Germanic cosmeticHaving run with the others, I grabbed some food to get backHaving sailors using filthy language audibly maybe?Having saved one grand, relished travelling for Xmas jaunt?Having scratched bottom, chance to embrace scent around rear of khazi, causing inflammation of noseHaving second thoughts abHaving second thoughts about obligation to be devoutHaving second thoughts about one making stridesHaving second thoughts about toupee, staying at homeHaving secret knowledge, lied perhaps about credit being shortHaving secret marks, maybHaving secured India, Clive is ordered to improveHaving secured somewhere to sleep, girl providing cheeseHaving seniorityHaving set out after power, actHaving set up wireless connection, reach airmen in difficulties, some singing from The RoofHaving several marriage partners from old college and highHaving sex in May ruined friendshipHaving sex without affection ultimately is sickeningHaving shape of Y-fronts in young people's style is leaving oldies in despairHaving sharp cornersHaving shed fat, I’m terribly clumsyHaving shipped outHaving short bread?Having shot hoops, see the French playmakerHaving sideburnsHaving similar geneticsHaving similar propertiesHaving six identical facesHaving small gapsHaving smuggled in drugs, a Mafia leader on Alcatraz moving cellHaving snorted Charlie, went out fired upHaving some correspondence with figure representing North America in AustraliaHaving some friends for dinner?Having some intelligenceHaving some memory probleHaving some meritHaving some replacement pHaving some successHaving some troubleHaving some warmthHaving soundHaving southerly breezesHaving special leave to pick up consignment of mink perhapsHaving specialised knowledgeHaving spikesHaving spirit?Having spokesHaving spurned society, lumbered offHaving star potentialHaving stars, sayHaving steam come out theHaving stepped over line, the French posted offensive commentHaving stewed prune as starter? Not very attractiveHaving stirred up demons, I sought oblivion in these placesHaving stolen ball, Athletic supporters in scrapeHaving stomach issues caused by fizzy cola and iceHaving stopped short, continue climbing to rescue old catHaving stopped using ecstasy, call for sacrificeHaving strayed, turn to her for directionHaving striking coloursHaving success, daring to give up powerHaving suit inside out in church is uncouthHaving superior amenitiesHaving surgeryHaving sustained success, Ronaldo left for Germany, surprisinglyHaving taken everything into considerationHaving taken some hemp as smuggler, search me!Having taken top off, heartily drinks syrupsHaving taken wine in church, rector's burstingHaving tantrums on retreat, one in flightHaving tearsHaving the best of handsHaving the biggest lip?Having the characteristicHaving the experience of Having the jittersHaving the know-howHaving the least vermouthHaving the means of production, I’ve reagent to get made upHaving the most lengthHaving the most pizazzHaving the most pointsHaving the most precipitaHaving the most reasonHaving the most social anHaving the most substanceHaving the necessary expertise – will feed quailHaving the power to take in and understandHaving the power, skill or means (to do something)Having the required capacityHaving the resourcesHaving the right stuffHaving the same reachHaving the same structureHaving the shape of a wormHaving the shape of Rubik's puzzleHaving the Space Needle oHaving the toilet paper rHaving the upper handHaving the value zero - voidHaving the will?Having them all, puts one in controlHaving thick and unkempt hairHaving three partsHaving three sides after filling in testHaving three unequal sideHaving time on one's handHaving to eat indoors is a tough businessHaving to remain in back, I look daggersHaving toilet break, quietly kept in touchHaving told a story, have to restHaving too many peopleHaving toured railway, promote test driveHaving treesHaving trendy opinionsHaving trouble deliveringHaving trouble in this sort of bottleHaving trouble seeing the old photo of meHaving trust, priest interrupts tirade ...Having turnedHaving turned back, swimmer out of windHaving turned corner, lose front end and cause injuryHaving turrets and battlementsHaving two concurrent spousesHaving two distinct functionsHaving two equal lobesHaving two heads, in a waHaving two methodsHaving two or three kids Having two univalent metaHaving uncovered mild puncturing, changing a tyre is simpleHaving undergone changes one rang in 1954 for Queen Elizabeth the Third!Having undergone revolutionary process after washing?Having variations in tune qualityHaving very little kickHaving very little moneyHaving visions in one's hHaving washed all over, greeting AmericanHaving wasted time, daughter marriedHaving wavered, pay owner for guns etc.Having wide scopeHaving will still, holding animals backHaving wine following stew in caseHaving wingsHaving winning oddsHaving wiped back, beast is dryHaving wiped brow, criminal hot under the collarHaving wordsHaving work in cafe, give up spot in playHaving written a valid willHaving XY chromosomesHaving ___ of funHavocHavoc - chaosHawHaw's companionHaw's partnerHawaiiHawaii county seatHawaii County's seatHawaii drawHawaii hiHawaii or Alaska, sayHawaii senator erased facHawaii's "Valley Isle"Hawaii's annual ___ BowlHawaii's Mauna ___Hawaii's nicknameHawaii's second largest islandHawaii's Sen. DanielHawaii's state birdHawaii's ___ BayHawaii's ___ CoastHawaii's ___ DayHawaii, e.g.: Abbr.Hawaii, onceHawaii, once: Abbr.Hawaiian "thank you"Hawaiian Airlines destinaHawaiian attireHawaiian bigeyeHawaiian birdHawaiian bubbly?Hawaiian capitalHawaiian cityHawaiian coastal areaHawaiian coffeeHawaiian coffeesHawaiian cookoutHawaiian cropHawaiian danceHawaiian dishHawaiian doHawaiian doozy?Hawaiian dressHawaiian exportHawaiian feastHawaiian feastsHawaiian fish, on menusHawaiian fish, on some meHawaiian foodfishHawaiian garlandHawaiian garland of flowersHawaiian garland that is left overHawaiian garlandsHawaiian giftsHawaiian gooseHawaiian greetingHawaiian greetingsHawaiian guitarHawaiian guitar whose name translates as 'jumping flea'Hawaiian handoutsHawaiian harvestHawaiian helloHawaiian honeycreeperHawaiian honkerHawaiian instrument, for Hawaiian instruments, infHawaiian islandHawaiian isleHawaiian landmarkHawaiian massageHawaiian medicine manHawaiian music makerHawaiian music makersHawaiian musicmakersHawaiian native, e.g.Hawaiian necklaceHawaiian necklacesHawaiian neckwearHawaiian partyHawaiian party siteHawaiian pizza toppingHawaiian porchHawaiian portHawaiian Punch alternativHawaiian Punch competitorHawaiian Punch rivalHawaiian rain danceHawaiian resort areaHawaiian rootHawaiian skirt materialHawaiian souvenirHawaiian stapleHawaiian staple vegetableHawaiian stormHawaiian stringsHawaiian strings, informaHawaiian strings?Hawaiian surfing meccaHawaiian thank youHawaiian tourist attractiHawaiian Tropic no.Hawaiian tuberHawaiian verandaHawaiian verandasHawaiian warblerHawaiian wedding ring?Hawaiian wingdingHawaiian wreathHawaiians, for example, all dress in lewd pantsHawkHawk - jump jetHawk and Patriot, for shoHawk and wren Margo trainedHawk carries this weaponHawk circling Rhode Island's visitorHawk comes from lake shrouded in mistHawk heading off with energy, repeatedly circling swans, showing ulterior motiveHawk in range, worm agitatedHawk left after row over churchHawk lifts royal sheep above the tops of elm treesHawk or HornetHawk using gas to quell pacifistHawk we regularly spotted in canopy is stirringHawk with a crested helmeHawk's descentHawk's equipment has a double catchHawk's grabberHawk's gripperHawk's homeHawk's home: Var.Hawk's oppositeHawk's weaponHawk, as waresHawk, e.g.Hawk, for oneHawk, maybeHawk, parrot, cuckoo, incorporating origins of European dove?Hawk-headed god exists to save lake birdsHawke and AllenHawke of 2000's "Hamlet"Hawke of filmHawke of HollywoodHawked itemsHawkerHawker of waresHawker originally flies a recluse across CapeHawker's bucket quickly filled by younger PMHawker's lineHawker's tempting wordsHawkersHawkeyeHawkeye Pierce portrayerHawkeye playerHawkeye StateHawkeye State nativeHawkeye's homeHawkeye's showHawkeye/Hot Lips encounteHawkeyes' homeHawkingHawking lecture's audience will do so upon arrivalHawking over the top of ledges and legging it?Hawking's essential part in proving conclusionHawkins of DogpatchHawkins with a day named HawkishHawkish deityHawkish godHawkish marine, left motherless after accident, has another depressionHawkish OlympianHawkish type with various cruelties putting us offHawksHawks broadcast in cyclesHawks or Seahawks, e.g.Hawks wine round hospital showing war damageHawks' and Bucks' org.Hawks' and Raptors' grp.Hawks' former arenaHawks' former homeHawks' kinHawks' oppositesHawks, eagles, etcHawley's tariff act co-spHawn of HollywoodHawserHawsersHawthornHawthorne novel stigmaHawthorne's "Mosses From Hawthorne's birthplaceHawthorne's homeHayHay blowing around untidy garden shrubHay bundleHay fever sufferer, e.g.Hay loftHay morselHay placeHay spreaderHay stage set for new series of booksHay storage localeHay thereHay there!Hay unitHaydn oratorio, with "TheHaydn string compositionHaydn used two in "The PhHaydn's "The Seasons," e.Haydn's sobriquetHayek of "Wild Wild West"Hayek of HollywoodHayes or NewtonHayes portrayer in "The MHayes who sang "Do Your THayes who sang "Never CanHayfield activityHaying machineHayloft localeHayloft localesHayloft sitesHayloft stackHaymakerHaymaking aidHayseedHayseed's greetingHaystackHaywain, say, seen in the foremost of Constable’s paintings?Hayworth husband ___ KhanHayworth of "Cover Girl"Hayworth's royal hubbyHazardHazard a guessHazard accepting a particular sizeHazard around an aerosol Hazard associated with bank transfers overseasHazard hampering Leander's first return to see HeroHazard in mine dismissed by a politicianHazard making some upsetHazard of polar seasHazard on coast also seen in boat joining fleetHazard playing in gardenHazard to shippingHazard warningHazard, perhaps, of drug studyHazarded where witch could have ended up?HazardousHazardous curveHazardous energy company's first to be limited by guaranteeHazardous feature of cold weatherHazardous for driving, maHazardous household gasHazardous material? Most desirable to enter a call for helpHazardous obstructionHazardous substance from canister, unstable when temperature dropsHazardous substance that could make us clean waterHazardous, travelwiseHazardsHazards a guessHazards for marine lifeHazeHaze affected toil in smoggy cityHaze follows revolutionary scientistHAZELHazel nutHazel perhaps needs potty briefly, with dance not quite finishedHazel’s maybe about to hit for six?Hazel's cousinHazel, e.g.Hazel, for oneHazelnutHazlitt or Montaigne, sayHazyHazy Grey Lady mostly seen around front of Grange irregularly?Hazy representationHazy sun before end of day? That's not observedHazy with pollutionHazy, not seeing lake covered in plant growthsHazzard County deputyHazzard County lawmanHB writer?HBO alternativeHBO competitorHBO delivererHBO founder CharlesHBO rivalHBO series starring Sarah Jessica ParkerHBO showing of 1975HBO sports seriesHBO sports sitcomHBO's "Da ___ G Show"HBO's "Real Time With BilHBO's ___ GHCl and othersHdosOHdqrs.HDTV brandHDTV makerHeHe "spoke" for BergenHe "spoke" with horns andHe "was here"He (1960)He (or she) keeps date with comicHe abandons charities in trouble, taking offHe abandons Sahara maybe with little hesitationHe abandons the Russian currency, creating difficultyHe accompanied VelHe acted and wrote a letter in Greek to a RomanHe agrees to wedding being re-arranged, leaving one date unavailableHe and I condoned my dodgy tax-free dealings?He and I each represent oneHe and I get it wrong heading to Honolulu for senior's birthdayHe and I twice wrestled with NHS Prozac complaintHe and sheHe announces drivers' tea breakHe answered "In 1971. ButHe appeared in "A Few GooHe appears confused at first adapting old cross-country eventHe appointed the first chHe appreciates the exquisite tea these provideHe ascended to heaven in He attempted to get marriage annulled, sardonically we suspectHe attracts bats with some difficultyHe attracts constituents but only with difficultyHE authority supports termination of educational directorHe averaged almost a goalHe avoids the motive for crimeHe beat Arthur at the 197He beat Botvinnik in 1960He beat Connors to win WiHe became Earl of AvonHe became famous for holdHe besieged ValenciaHe bets foolishly in ancient EgyptHe boasted about being caught in fog and arrived too lateHe bought Vogue in 1909He boxes with fist damaged, at first taking a beatingHe brings people togetherHe broke Gehrig's 70-yearHe broke P Cech's skull in collisionHe broke with Stalin in 1He brought Dracula to lifHe brought the souls of the dead across the river StyxHe bugs BugsHe built right through congested cityHe called the U.S. vice pHe came out of retirementHe can net fools with conjuration essentiallyHe can ring the changes, as ten, in attackHe can't be trusted with artist's supportHe can't believe that he is taking part in thisHe can't possibly employ singerHe catches fish before eating one that's skinnedHe caught his adversary'sHe caught Holyfield's earHe caught Larsen's perfecHe chalked up 915 pointsHe charged the Russians for jumperHe charges a couple of hundred to the employerHe checks out leaders of ill-repute using mayor's public hallHe checks the blue pens qualifyHe claimed motion was illHe claimed the coast of CHe co-founded Microsoft wHe coached 347 N.F.L. winHe coined the phrase "HarHe comes from Constantinople - or Istanbul, if you preferHe complains bitterly about film supplierHe composed line in exam papers the wrong wayHe composed line put in exam papers for sending backHe composed short part of speech I had misdirectedHe concedes fielder needs new startHe conducted the premiereHe constructed temple for spouseHe conversed with WilburHe corrects each misdirected flyerHe could "float like a buHe could be starkers, no end, with energy initially?He could be tough, lacking love?He could give advice on oil and colour ultimatelyHe could kill staff supporting strikeHe covers nurse working in IrelandHe created unusual sculptures of the French prize winnerHe criticizes prison?He crossed the road again, road most strangeHe crushed Hannibal at ZaHe crushes a number in French ResistanceHe cursed CassandraHe danced in "Silk StockiHe dealt poorly with non-monogamous behaviour, being lazyHe dealt with state affairs a lot - wrong description of Boris?He debuted at the Met in He declined a Nobel PrizeHe declined the 1964 LiteHe defeated Botvinnik in He delivered lettersHe delivers drinks possibly, meeting crewHe delivers knitwear and mohair caps within fashionable Italian cityHe demands a contribution from tenor and American guitaristHe demonstrated that whatHe deployed pen to inspire American independenceHe deserves woman's loveHe designed new centre in Barcelona with greater diligenceHe developed the "Three PHe devised the Trojan horHe dictated ingredients of pepperoniHe didn't give a damnHe didn't really cry "TheHe died like Pushkin having left more revolutionary verse, not originally acceptedHe died pinching a loafHe died soon after escapiHe died, supported by Duke in real push forwardHe directed MarlonHe directs the news cycle?He discovered the magic words "Open Sesame"He dispensed treatment in Post Office BoxesHe doesn't have to be smart to fool the birdsHe doubted God's ability He dreads being mistaken for people like Prince HarryHe dresses Mother and ChildHe drew out clues to lure a criminalHe earns his pay at SheaHe employs cowboys with spurs, no nonsense, wiser at lastHe enjoyed 9, lodge or genteel housesHe entertains the Queen in this placeHe entrances me, surviving at first in southern desertHE establishment no more? GrumbleHe evades magistrate jailing Democrat and RepublicanHe exercises command over two monarchsHe explored old towns initially by hired carHe explored two British writersHe falls overboard after getting tanked upHe famously asked "Why diHe famously explored a state capitalHe favored the TrojansHe fell in love with a fiHe felt rag trade improper for member of royal familyHe fights with oarsmen on boatHe finally allowed chess pieces to be put inside tin, for instance?He finally paused awkwardly and relaxedHe finished second to IkeHe flew too close to the He flew too close to the sun, fell into the Aegean and drownedHe floated "like a butterHe followed Dole in the SHe followed FranklinHe follows beggar man in rhymeHe follows Indian teaching his friend & Penny to go ahead getting to 3rd in dateHe follows JayHe follows Nick, losing task finally: a comfortable positionHe follows the newsHe foots the bill for cow barn, one hearsHe for one must be supported by church and stateHe forced Lee's surrenderHe fought a big cat: that's not onHe fought a wild animal - that's not onHe fought Richard, a boy possessed by evilHe fought Robin on an epiHe gave an eye for wisdomHe gave us a liftHe generates huge interest seizing power - Richard III?He gets a free lunch, old Bob taking credit: later to arrive, having no starterHe gets a lot of partsHe gets gold and silver frame of necklace - it's sparkling stuffHe gets time, if he's crookedHe gets warning about role of journalistsHe goes in heart of USA heading off to their A&EHe goes inside to backed-up loo where one may get the runsHe goes on to land after turningHe got merry playing instrument in greenhouse, maybeHe grovels now as duke is coming downHe had 892 stealsHe had a #4 hit with "It'He had a 1941 hit with "DHe had a bad hair dayHe had a Blue PeriodHe had a hammerHe had a hand in 24 and 8 downHe had a hit with "The JoHe had a lifetime of rock and roll!He had a successful running career, mostly completed not having any shorts!He had Atahualpa executedHe had designs on JackieHe had righteous blood, pHe had Scarlett feverHe had the 2000 autobiogrHe hammered Spike not going the distanceHe hammers end off sharp pointHe has a hunch as if weird doom is to followHe has a lawyerHe has criminal still to uncover behind facial injuryHe has dog rolling barrelHe has left the buildingHe has manorsHe has mood swingsHe has no faith in candidates promoting DemocratHe has people under him work with iron and goldHe has quite exceptional powersHe has the knives out for smarter Liberal arrivisteHe has the power to melt a Martian icecap!He has the will to settle thingsHe has to pay young lady, coming out with rockHe hated Tory changes in the recent pastHe hates arranging coverHe hears bard spinning yarn supplied by himHe helps to even up supply and exceed normal limitsHe hid under the alias ThHe hides in kids' booksHe hit 511 career homersHe hit a home run to end He hits you, you're smitten!He holds forth on podium, unless heap of rocks is available?He holds the money when company meets in barHe homered 660 timesHe hopes to catch large number at seaHe hopes to dismiss bid involving partners in deal storing access codeHe hunted revolutionary military force involved in murderHe imagines deviant saint breaking abstinenceHE in fullHe induces sleep with morphine, initially in the sanatoriumHe introduced the Easter He introduced the symbol He introduces politician before going after commanding officerHe invented reason for team conceding match retrospectivelyHe investigates lush type, heartless criminalHe investigates passing round pickle sandwichesHe is a colourless oneHe is getting irritated with nun's bright outlookHe is hostile, letting out AlsatiansHe is into tractors, weirdly ... initially easy to arrangeHe is one for love, religious type holdsHe is one not lacking bit of nous, but simpleHe is one of them in a chemistry setHe is one running TangiersHe is one!He is placed second in thisHe is second on itHe is this geek, mostly enthralled by computersHe is too hammered to have the first bit of my drinkHe is working on a commissionHe is, or could be, a shopkeeperHe joined Pizarro in the He joins newspaper club to bask on the beachHe just appears gentle around climax: he made it upHe K.O.'d Foreman 10/30/7He killed Chuck Norris inHe knows many women like tinned eggsHe KO'd ForemanHe KO'd Foreman in '74He KO'd Quarry, 10/26/70He leads many to sinHe leaves a permanent impression on oneHe leaves Trojan woman in islandHe led miners from cliff to ravineHe left beloved one? That's extremely significantHe left Maria for JackieHe left Oenone for HelenHe let in English nationalist for celebrationHe lives in tormentHe looked at her closely,He looks both waysHe looks out as former remote-controlled vehicle enters bike racesHe lost cat to tumble dryersHe lost to DwightHe lost to Dwight twiceHe lost to Garry in 1985He loved LucyHe loved Olivia but marriHe loves her dearly (not half!) – could be so in love?He loves her SS pants and footwearHe loves to eat more - gut is wobblingHe lurks by a river, around the hollow. Run!He made arty films and collapsed in oneHe made great scores in game with cracking driveHe made his horse a senatHe made reptiles vanish, recreating past magicHe made the Mona Lisa smiHe maintains grass on drugs suspect will be found by staffHe makes a killing beginning to market gold stocks a bitHe makes films into an art formHe makes long journey finally short — about kilometre forward and back?He managed to worryHe mapped the source of the Orinoco after raising one of London's hospitalsHe married HeHe married his motherHe married in record time -these things never last!He married PocahontasHe married Soon-YiHe may carry your burdensHe may handle your caseHe may have fled corrupt regime?He may have to fight racism, even in disguiseHe may have to wait for his moneyHe may not get on with ladies' man on the surface, but partner's very forwardHe may suit youHe maybe captures new bird? That’s rightHe maybe is great shakes around Nigeria's capitalHe meets rising anger in firm for so longHe met Charon in the undeHe might buy copper’s big book, dear in endHe might deliver latest in the Dow Jones branch office in the CityHe might make circular plug, trailer or fancy driver seatHe might paint magnolia coat or red coat when plasteredHe might put chills up yoHe might run articles without hindranceHe might take blade to Elm Street, without bounds he operates?He mows lawn for rolling, getting one from Barry?He murdered his brother BHe must contain winger that's no good in the airHe must've sent Jane bananas!He needs convincing maths may be solved without cipherHe needs Mike actively involvedHe no longer believes in a position Sartre oddly rejectedHe notched 363 victoriesHe observed labor daysHe obtains favours for doctorHe often resorts to a piece in colourHe once drove a medic back into jailHe once had stable work oHe once placed a "long-diHe once worked for EdisonHe opens the mind in a creative way, embodying singular geniusHe opposed the Reformation to a greater degreeHe or I, but not you: AbbHe or I, perhaps working close by, calm himHe or she, perhaps, has to consolidate declarationHe ordered Seneca's deathHe originally set up popular current double act: breaking free made him famousHe originated the line "BHe originated the phrase He oversees count in small vineyard, entire supplyHe overthrew BhuttoHe overvalues his country home, with £1,000 invested in beamHe paid through the nose for his pork piesHe painted bishop with bad back gulping too much cold waterHe painted first of infants captured by giantHe painted innocents originally gobbled up by giantHe painted Jimmy at school nakedHe painted large bat on houseHe painted tsar’s opponents, eating only when orderedHe painted western leader embracing sonHe pays dreadfully, having engaged in wrongdoing – with such labour?He perhaps gets heroin cutHe perhaps gets spattered with rainHe perhaps is prudent to lose weight being simpleHe perhaps isn't seething with rageHe perhaps requires odd bits of glassHe pettily criticises government line in African stateHe pitched a no-hitter inHe played 2,130 consecutiHe played a gas station aHe played a governor in "He played a monocled coloHe played a Nazi in "MaraHe played a twin in "TwinHe played an attendant atHe played Archer Maggott He played Beaver's big brHe played Bob in "La BambHe played Captain Davies He played Cardinal RichelHe played Castillo on "MiHe played Chris in "The MHe played Dr. Kildare in He played Fred the junkmaHe played Grant on TVHe played himself in "BeiHe played Joe Palooka in He played Krupa in "The GHe played Laszlo in "CasaHe played Lord Jim in "LoHe played Mandela on TV'sHe played Mary Richards'sHe played Mr. Magoo in "MHe played Obi-WanHe played one of TV's SopHe played opposite Jones He played Oskar in "SchinHe played Ricky on 50's THe played Ricky on TVHe played Robin and Don JHe played Sam on "Cheers"He played Sgt. Donny DonoHe played Sinatra in "TheHe played the candidate iHe played the Thing in "THe played Van Doren in "QHe played Wesley on "StarHe played Winchester on "He played Yemana on "BarnHe played Yuri in "DoctorHe plays up-and-coming talented gentleman detectiveHe plots during maths class initially using rulerHe possesses special ringHe possibly pilfers skirts and pantsHe preceded Joan at WoodsHe presents a Gallic person nursing childHe presses on in fury, close to despairHe proclaims king that is wearing crownHe produced the dancers; Tosh adds reggaeHe prophesied the destrucHe proved drug is the same; host agreedHe provided the ultimate in escapist entertainmentHe provided unconfined entertainment?He put in a new order ahead of bum due a tot?He put neat rum in to increase riskHe put people on the ropeHe puts his foot down: "Haul tree across river!"He quarreled with WinchelHe questionably claims penny on being given cashHe races in circlesHe racked up 645 assistsHe raised CainHe raises game in early edition of programme on radioHe ran 18 earlierHe ran against Taylor, 18He ran from IranHe ran outside, unexpectedly not going insideHe ran with R.M.N.He raps out a few wordsHe reached his peak in 18He recognised the absurdity of being Conservative with a problem getting upHe recommends a tiny sample of the oompah remix (not loud)He recorded all 32 BeethoHe recorded his times without telling usHe refused a 1970 OscarHe regularly contributes to protect poorest protest opponents' projectHe reigns ineptly, though fairly committed to environmentHe removes coats - hers are wornHe repeatedly gets involved with main book in old collectionHe repels Pam after rotten time in the middle of nowhereHe represents this priest boring philosopher endlesslyHe ridicules how ordinary man’s entitled to snort dodgy cokeHe roars uncontrollably, becoming this?He roars with difficulty, becoming more huskyHe ruled Thebes a long time after King CharlesHe rules fifth-rate politician’s a gutless mistakeHe runs a large pubHe said "A lie told oftenHe said "A people that vaHe said "Art is a fruit tHe said "Everything in liHe said "Great art picks He said "Here's to our wiHe said "How can anyone gHe said "I am free of allHe said "I exist because He said "I just put my feHe said "I never think I He said "I was married byHe said "If Attila the HuHe said "In America, anybHe said "Knowledge is powHe said "Learn from the mHe said "Marriage is natuHe said "Most editors areHe said "Slump? I ain't iHe said "The only alternaHe said "You are free andHe said about an opponentHe said Beat literature "He sang about AliceHe sang about Alice's resHe sang about game like thisHe sang of AliceHe sank with the ScharnhoHe sat in front of Nimoy He sat on the ChrysanthemHe scored 1,000 down under and rivalled their openersHe scored 100 batting in international trophy, making comebackHe scored for City by cutting insideHe scored heroin with Bianca occasionallyHe scored South Africa runs in TestHe scores one, oddly, but she succeeds jointlyHe scripted nice revised report of spoken wordsHe sculpted bar at homeHe searches for another gearHe searches place with gold in meet of riversHe seeks to damage vehicle fellow reversedHe sees Trump bad for women as a groupHe sells at a knock-down priceHe sells car, the Chinese modelHe served between Hubert He served up pork pies, very good dumplings (without starter) and duckHe should be in Nick's wild revel, one engaging cookHe should have swatted thHe should have written "AHe should have written "FHe should have written "GHe should have written "HHe should have written "LHe should have written "PHe should have written "WHe should honour contract to the letterHe should stop politician? It's an ideaHe shouldn't be trusted with editing their copyHe sighted and named NataHe signals decline lots of people curtailedHe single-handedly fought to secure eternal youthHe sings quavers, one of them lacking focusHe sings some of Abba's songsHe sips any cocktail that's hard and fruitlessHe sits composing dissertationHe slew AlexanderHe sold his birthright toHe sold material, part of scripts, writing in and changing eachHe speeds round in awfully hard turn northwardHe spent 29 years in the He spent time in a lion'sHe spoilt my irrational beliefHe stands for rakeHe starred as himself in He starvedHe steals food brought round by the French ResistanceHe stepped down as 25 turned up - ciao!He stopped smoking cigarsHe stops a gent — mad rushHe stops lying and touching gentleman upHe stops worthless stuff about playsHe stung like a beeHe succeeded to the ChrysHe succeeds becoming hornier – it's fantastic!He sucks up to the bossHe surpassed Smith as theHe swore fidelity to FideHe symbolically turns over box to pack soldiersHe takes care of one to shrug away from violation of human rightsHe takes issue over way parents situated in lounge at homeHe takes lead in playHe takes on themes known to experienced types?He talked to Wilbur PostHe taught an ancient langHe taught Mowgli the law He teaches Hindus in the morning in Westminster areaHe tends neat laurel screening mock bananasHe then hands the genie He thinks he's Romeo, present on balconyHe thought a lot of 9, our setter in casual wear creation, coming to end of clueHe throws an earthenware vesselHe told a tale of France's grand riverHe told tales for soap set around English capitalHe took the words out of He took two tabletsHe traded his birthright for a mess of pottageHe tricked his way into this 1He tried to have Capone kHe tries tips from Erasmus, say, with indication of hesitationHe tries way to cut fuelHe trips and hits the floor noisilyHe turned on blokes breaking dad's spectaclesHe turned up to stop a bounder in the pubHe turns up in tie, lateHe turns up, after allHe ultimately avoided military service - 'Tool!' Democrat maintainedHe upset T.E.D. in 1948He used to follow the newHe used to think she serves coffee naked to upset the FrenchHe usually appears near tHe wanders off, having adjusted ready-made curtains for QueenHe wanted bottle of cordial, only laced with whiskeyHe wants things just so ropes etc fit in buggyHe wants youHe was 12 with some chap on zitherHe was a "Giant" starHe was a high-flyer who crashedHe was a LambHe was a lopper of sweaters!He was a real dummyHe was a so-called kingHe was accountable for HuHe was Amin guyHe was asked "Wherefore aHe was born Lucius DomitiHe was bound to prove entertainingHe was called "El Lider"He was chased by the CowaHe was close to a beast and, in a way, closerHe was declared a public He was declared dead in aHe was defeated and captuHe was firstHe was given the ears of He was Hawkeye Pierce on He was in a few limp westernsHe was in old RomeHe was in the rag tradeHe was killed in bed, uncannilyHe was known for loving capital, nothing moreHe was lost in booksHe was more than a neigh-He was named viceroy of PHe was Plato in "Rebel WiHe was reportedly tight as he made up plot!He was secondHe was served to the OlymHe was Sonny to Marlon BrHe was spared by divine iHe was succeeded by his aHe was the "O" in Jackie He was thinking about 4 having left dirty clothes here?He was told to "let my peHe was translated into LaHe was well-preservedHe was, in old RomeHe wed a White House widoHe went east of EdenHe went for baroqueHe went from Italy to America by scooter to join fashion house, squandering silverHe went outside and picked up breakfastHe went through HellHe who hesitates is lost,He will avoid embraces or other amorous activityHe will avoid infatuations, making romantic approachHe will be called to accountHe will be embraced by wildly ardent discipleHe will do time for money, so at moonlight, move soapHe will love a greetingHe won’t forget Jumbo?He won't serve duke G&T and far odder brews!He won't strike a beetle, lacking the gutsHe won't, I hope, in new children's bookHe wooed many, initially counting as a starHe wore "4"He wore a top hat in "TopHe would have said no need for plastic surgeryHe wouldn't grow upHe writes about stateHe wrote "A first sign ofHe wrote "A man cannot beHe wrote "All war is deceHe wrote "Hell is other pHe wrote "I will show youHe wrote "If called by a He wrote "If God did not He wrote "In the country He wrote "It's certain thHe wrote "Life has no meaHe wrote "None but the brHe wrote "Political powerHe wrote "The heart has iHe wrote "The Miser"He wrote "The only way toHe wrote "There was an olHe wrote "Time eases all He wrote "To Helen" and "He wrote "Utopia" in an aHe wrote "You and I have He wrote about British Isles in FrenchHe wrote about brothers in party changing votes - heavens!He wrote because one needs second volumeHe wrote fine stuff about enlisted womanHe wrote for us a song about you in a vehicleHe wrote line about good companionHe wrote lyrics, by GeorgHe wrote music for half the band and part of the orchestraHe wrote notes alongside river deltaHe wrote of the prodigal He wrote play after opening retractedHe wrote poems about revolting greed and oilHe wrote saucy stuff with affection and skillHe wrote something good about gold pot, finallyHe wrote that government He wrote the Ancient MarinerHe wrote the best sellersHe wrote to his "ImmortalHe yawns uncontrollably: should I stop?He yielded to Leo IHe zooms around outside clubs to talk ingratiatinglyHe’d admit adopting old danceHe’ll come a cropper in the end?He’s fixed up with a modest country dwellingHe’s perhaps right, intellectual artist leaning to the left?He’s done wrong misrepresenting strangers? So rightHe’s sinful, awfully tempting and nefarious first of all?He'd call regularly, bearing cakeHe'd get reform, if violentlyHe'd put cryptic clues in the listHe'd test us about protective coverHe'd try playing captivating number, a mournful songHe'll attract attention breakdancing, right?He'll be a 30 coachHe'll be telling you what to do before long, right?He'll co-operate as I am a bit twistedHe'll find fault to repair on bridgeHe'll get stuck into workers before subsequently dismissing leaderHe'll get what's left, in a manner of speaking?He'll go to bed with you, but his involvement is strictly financialHe'll judge about six sheep, first in ringHe'll lock upHe'll penalise trafficker crossing UK provinceHe'll take what's left from match receipts into shelterHe'll thank you kindlyHe's 4 getting dressed in pantihoseHe's a criminal protecting the heart of Cardiff underworldHe's a daft drunk and goofsHe's a deerHe's a dollHe's a fount of knowledge? Group of ladies crease upHe's a kind eccentric, one with little up top thoughHe's a louse, getting drunk in such placesHe's a priest, surrounded by noiseHe's a real dollHe's a rubbish worker and must get reassignedHe's a snappy dresserHe's a spy in Barking that's both tough and uselessHe's a Time LordHe's a weaklingHe's a wizard craftsmanHe's a WonderHe's abandoned Greek ladyHe's aborted newly formed paperHe's about to reform Slade without leaderHe's after unfinished fast foodHe's always asleep by midHe's always moving and shaking to keep orderHe's appealing for one to go down in a twinklingHe's back in stir - missus finally moves to a new locationHe's bald, no? Perhaps – but she's thisHe's bound to missHe's busy over ChristmasHe's climbing mountain, conserving oxygenHe's clinging to top of pear treeHe's committed to track husband leaving hotel in South London?He's concerned with being satisfied by a doctorHe's conducted tuttiHe's confused, he's disorganised - that's unbelievable!He's dead keenHe's declared sane after treatment, in a state of being mentally alertHe's driven to overtake green convertibleHe's excited by Alien filmHe's exploring new terraiHe's fallen and knocked Roger downHe's famous for the wordsHe's forced to deliver but surprisingly he regainsHe's found in booksHe's found in the PradoHe's getting a doctor's hHe's gloomy about Englishman returningHe's good at drawing intimate mounting - hang about!He's good at serving eggs in Norfolk on vacationHe's got a craggy faceHe's got cloutHe's gotten carried awayHe's greedy, Henry - his shot past Lehmann?He's had a Rocky careerHe's in a spy novel going on pointlesslyHe's in bother over this fellowHe's in form, bolshy, mostly cool, unrulyHe's indecent! Name unholy terror who's strippedHe's instructed to administer late ordersHe's involved with any apparent source of laughterHe's kept busy stocktakingHe's late for the start of Royal Ascot, unfortunatelyHe's learned a vehicle's parked in streetHe's less than a gentlemaHe's made progress in writingHe's made to carry the canHe's no bullHe's no menschHe's not bound to be complimentary and a decent fellowHe's not deluded about top celebsHe's not one to talkHe's not paid when taking a friend over the old cityHe's not troubled with tumult in a little margarine spreadHe's often out on the tilesHe's on "Tonight" tonightHe's one of four siblings, possibly reading into child's detachmentHe's one originally given arsenicHe's one pinching parking spacesHe's one to detail meteorological forcesHe's out exercising terrific bod!He's out mostly working, save he's not the breadwinnerHe's out of stocks and boHe's out of the runningHe's out, free to work where 8 isHe's prayed to five timesHe's quick to take overHe's really missed the combination of today's themesHe's reserved large seafood sandwichesHe's responsible for kids getting grades in gym and religion overturnedHe's responsible for the navy's ships - also drifters driftingHe's rich, eccentric and fourth in line for countyHe's ripped on the outside, one very trimHe's seen lateHe's seen on the ceiling He's taken off fancy hat to make speechHe's taken on terrible combat, making great sacrificeHe's temporarily assigned support with central feesHe's temporarily transferred function on riverHe's the favouriteHe's too drunk to be calmHe's up frequently in night, on the telephoneHe's wants to wreck thingsHe's well-sooted for the He's worried about chat, regularly the basis of online exchangesHe, as a qualified judge, about to discharge European detainedHe, she or it, sayHe-manHe-Man's toon sisterHe-Man's twin sisterHe-Man's twin sister, in He-men at a dance outside university club in LondonHeadHead - breadHead abandons lecture about a Cuban leader, sad to sayHead abroad taking hot-blooded type, naked, as partnerHead accepting very good viewpointHead after meteor travelling in distanceHead and shoulders protecHead and tail of the victHead angel in "Touched byHead appearing on large English coinHead appearing stoned in India, back in the day?Head away from carnival? Just the oppositeHead away from most dangerous mountainHead back into church, uplifted by key spiritHead back with a German to find stationHead back with close friend in America, showing easy good natureHead back with stream and river beginning to inundate leaves, petals etc.Head bagging new job, I haven't been informedHead bishop ousted? Not again!Head boneHead bone bandaged by doctorHead bossHead boss, initiallyHead boy initially introduces rule over headphonesHead car, maybeHead cases?Head concealed in publicity material, shielding unknown secretive personHead cookHead cook brings in sushi at lastHead cook entertaining India's leaderHead countHead count of an armyHead counts?Head coverHead coveringHead covering for when the rain is scatteredHead covering subject, having left collegeHead covering?Head coversHead cut from nail with two straight linesHead deity's mantle encapsulating old beliefHead doctorHead doctor immerses wound on timeHead doctor, for short?Head dogHead down in cramped places busy at ChristmasHead driller and surrogate parentHead east, the wrong way, to reach city on the RuhrHead examiner is rating cool formHead examiner putting last of children in jailHead forHead for crowded raucous square where ecstasy's to be had?Head for Google: previous search one supposedly forgot quicklyHead for New Zealand with ScandinavianHead for skid row?Head for sticky end without us entering crazy quiz showHead for the hillsHead for the ranch?Head for the Riviera?Head from German city, going north, not eastHead gestureHead gesturesHead girl wanting day off in US capitalHead going off to purge pressHead gorilla, with distinHead guy sacks one cookHead hidersHead homeHead honchoHead honchosHead hosting English gathering without taking sidesHead hunters' targetsHead ignored what's naturally said about place being discreetHead in a guillotine?Head in cerebra contained by skull, perhaps - here?Head in charge of lesson's theme?Head in charge of what can be discussedHead in control of ITV revised The PrisonerHead in miniature, wee like a mouseHead in side viewHead in the clouds?Head in various directionsHead is an attractive womanHead judges?Head kissing has no boundariesHead knocking bishop out on one occasionHead leaves, disparages answers to crossword cluesHead leaving riddle for teacherHead leaving specimen, more than enoughHead led astray following signed agreementHead left periodically for a swift one?Head light?Head lights?Head lines, for short?Head lines, in brief?Head lines?Head lines?: Abbr.Head lockHead lost in fight with English PMHead makeupHead man on ice?Head missing from toy that's stuffed in WhirlpoolHead monkHead movementHead north in flat-bottomed vesselHead of a board: Abbr.Head of a cabalHead of a community of monksHead of a dioceseHead of a fleetHead of a flockHead of a flock: Abbr.Head of a government departmentHead of a household, maybHead of a major toy outfiHead of a male religious orderHead of a meetingHead of a museumHead of a penHead of a pub?Head of a ranchHead of a religious orderHead of a special governmHead of a syndicateHead of a trainHead of airline's very happy to drop off old fighter pilotHead of army strips standing up in bed?Head of bakery poked in bread before turning outHead of bank will learn to manipulate capital restrictionHead of bank, reckless and cockyHead of bid's going to accept American client eventuallyHead of Buckingham PalaceHead of cabbage?: Abbr.Head of Catholic church in April, on vacation before 2's revolution gathers speedHead of cattle in wrong farm? A small quantityHead of cattle?Head of chapter restricts company for church officerHead of Chinese State Intelligence is yawningHead of Christian church stops to figure out favourable outcomeHead of church's non-variable system for transferring moneyHead of Church, with false doom words, stirred up the prospect of imminent calamity!Head of circulation?Head of clan hit in face, unexpectedlyHead of class unwell, nursing start of horrible coldHead of coin in change causes heated rowHead of college endlessly excited by studyHead of college in university repeatedly found in pubs? That’s not suspiciousHead of colour mixed paint in plantHead of company working a swindleHead of conservatoire appearing again on radio, playing instrumentHead of convent earlier was miles away from confusionHead of corn belonging to you once covered in soilHead of costume designHead of course again in position on cricket fieldHead of couture to demolish fashionHead of cult on a trip snoops on travellers initiallyHead of department at uni meeting doctor is lost for wordsHead of department's language books replaced by Dutch criminalHead of designHead of Dorchester hotel can supply various eventsHead of eighteenth century schoolHead of employment has reason to be touchy ...Head of EnglandHead of England?Head of English in pursuit of more flashy underwearHead of Factory set up A&R meeting with Andy and Shed 7Head of family initially regretting atmosphere circulating during marriageHead of family more distant, speaking after recurrent troubleHead of family's ordeal cut short during demonstrationHead of farm gets more unusual feedHead of fish, with first bit cut offHead of fleet, docked, collapsed into bedHead of Football League stopping team getting debilitating illnessHead of forces in city picked up oblique reportHead of France?Head of Gaming punches programmer - a guy sounding, like, 8Head of garrison more disposed to accept new infantrymanHead of governmentHead of government in Scottish town backed complaintHead of Government in trip, with European for supportHead of government preparing us badly for period of reformHead of government to OK thoroughfare stopping short of scaffoldHead of Government whips up complaintsHead of government's French bird almost mangê par mauvais chatHead of government?Head of Great BritainHead of Greek army is an insubstantial figureHead of group takes off gogglesHead of hair, slangilyHead of HaitiHead of Hall without members having no influenceHead of Hogwarts School'sHead of HollywoodHead of house punching towny in trouble all rightHead of house, recent pupil and Head mix informallyHead of innovation in store nearly resignedHead of innovation not in running for awardHead of Institute finding nothing about glass substitute unfavourableHead of institute in French resort getting acknowledgementHead of intelligence gripped by socially unacceptable thoughtHead of International Rescue's backHead of Iran beginning 19Head of kitchen first to lose heartHead of kitchen not fine, about to imagine backing dairy productHead of l'AcadHead of Langley called for houses to get buggedHead of languages getting extremely upset during squabble with servile flattererHead of lettuce?Head of London?Head of Mafia caught by hired gun, surprisingly — wow!Head of management with excellent official staffHead of marketing docked £1,000 by company's calculationHead of menagerie, maestro trained monkeyHead of Meteorology differs, first drawing line on her mapHead of Moscow theatres brought back male-only productionHead of mouse leading to startled cry? That's timidHead of municipality to pull in favours for thriving areasHead of Nasa died after instrument exposed to radiationHead of Notre DameHead of obstetrics to register closure of busy hospital departmentHead of oceanography leaving unfortunate dog for sharkHead of Ofcom coordinates satellite coverage of rugby at first, which seems contradictoryHead of officials reduced by accepting nothing regarding warningHead of old IranHead of old Oxford debating society abandoning universityHead of oldest and most outlandish prehistoric beastHead of Oundle has great final termHead of P.E. classHead of parks longs for playing fieldsHead of Parliament?Head of Parlophone loves scatHead of patriotic state who puts out flagsHead of planning apt to be easily influencedHead of police called, revealing accidentHead of Police negligent? That's the assumptionHead of police state is part of the club setHead of Police: "Hard to cut crime by Riddler and Catwoman?"Head of poor country, a realm of yesteryearHead of QuHead of quiet university isn’t commonly olde-worldeHead of regiment drills joint forceHead of royal house gathering in moneyHead of school and the writer accepting satisfactory fagHead of school to take out group showing range of talent?Head of school wears fur coat in capitalHead of school with rule for an audienceHead of school, goody-goody young manHead of science meeting husband in trendy educational establishmentHead of security near to troubled US politicianHead of security sacked lenient guardHead of serpent mostly emulating Adam and Eve in Eden? Wily thingHead of Sky Sports making promisesHead of society chasing supporters for moneyHead of some collegesHead of some outfit in satirical sketchHead of Soviet secret polHead of spatula pounds molluscsHead of sport leaving great magazineHead of sports club is to speak rapidly and indistinctlyHead of stable clipped tailHead of stateHead of state in defeat creating stirHead of state in KuwaitHead of state is stock market malefactor? No way!Head of state known to hiHead of state leaves 19 for deadHead of State of Vichy FranceHead of State ready for South Africa CommissionHead of state returned to deal with military actionHead of state school admitting Sociology's first to go in outline of government's agendaHead of state tending to alarmHead of state visiting America given funds for stayHead of state who resigneHead of State with stomach nearly drained is very thinHead of state working to stop demonstrationHead of state's icon, working with charmHead of state's love a Shakespearean queen rejectedHead of state's mature wise manHead of state?Head of steam?Head of strategy manages fieldsHead of technology backs plastic-free PC monitorHead of television succeeds when acquiring top US dramaHead of the classHead of the class, in slaHead of the Egyptian god Head of the French after Christ's arrivalHead of the hospital department, Margaret, is a help in securing temporary accommodationHead of the HunsHead of the old Metro PicHead of the produce sectiHead of the SorbonneHead of Theology enthralled by article on Paul's Second Letter to the CorinthiansHead of theology on drugs will show bit of legHead of Thermopylae?Head of trade fit for the boardHead of troubled university going to sort out staffHead of union avoiding hint about excellent nurseHead of Union drained employee, initially blocking stevedore’s transportHead of union eaten by red fishHead of university occupying sort of training placeHead of urology given endlessly stretchy toolHead of ___Head of, eg, cornHead offHead off alien, green head off!Head off as an animal doctor, crossing riverHead off bits of film by Young Conservatives adopting new dubbing techniqueHead off burning rageHead off crazy hostHead off evidence of bovine activity in most of the canal trailHead off for war with grim enthusiasmHead off from Wyoming in terrible disgraceHead off gambler with low income heading back to sleeping compartmentHead off in temper - it's over a lost keyHead off in top health after training for sporting eventHead off one hunting creature or anotherHead off state torture's introductionHead off to relax around start of parliamentary recessHead off unspecified feverHead off worry and anger - give up workHead off? New queen rejected church's observancesHead office girl's soaring cry of adorationHead Office initially employs computers etc to look after a placeHead Office ploy to bag golf record creates messHead old teaching unionHead on a plate?Head on and on, covering ItalyHead on board, US sailor coming overHead onto secondary route - it's showing greenHead outHead out on the ocean?Head out on the ranch?Head out on the rangeHead out to sea, sayHead over for a riotously good timeHead over heelsHead over heels (over)Head over heels, tried again to make the grade - it's shocking!Head over to see comicHead over to Spain by airHead overseasHead piece?Head piecesHead producer?Head protectionHead pupil at Eton, say, may get a pantomime roleHead removed from serious figureHead removed from shiny vegetableHead roofer not ordering drinkHead round city with this writer’s place name studyHead salesman to criticise returnsHead servant in charge of wines and the dining areaHead setHead set?Head sets?Head shapeHead shop?Head shot?Head side of a coinHead siteHead skinHead south for the main citiesHead squeezeHead startHead start in rebuilding planet destroyerHead start?Head started to lose heartHead startsHead starts?Head striker’s spreadHead stuck between bosoms, ones we've all seen before?Head supporting action by which to obtain a new nameHead supporting sustainable vegHead taking over university in springHead teacher's rule read aloudHead teachers getting togetherHead toHead to backwoods with bird dogHead to be removed from fool, right? Put before a Salome?Head to centre in New York, say, for smackHead to destination by alternative routeHead to European facility where runners may be trainedHead to show contempt physically?Head to the end of 7 levelsHead to the terminal, sayHead torn about information that's necessary for survivalHead toward eveningHead trip on drugs with a wicked white line?Head turned by US neighbour's cheerfulnessHead turnerHead ultimately shunned by every exotic dancerHead upHead up North?Head warmer?Head with ability making one start to understandHead with focus changing after Victor condescended to acceptHead wordHead’s briefly g-gone back homeHead's back in charge of company setting up placeHead's oppositeHead's row overheardHead's unwelcome visitors forged SEN permitHead, bowled out in past timesHead, essentially dirty old manHead, in an Head, in old slangHead, in slangHead, jocularlyHead, looking embarrassed, jumped aroundHead, slangilyHead, to HenriHead-and-shoulders sculptureHead-buttHead-buttsHead-hunter ignores Alabama for a bitHead-onHead-scratcherHead-scratcher's commentHead-shakers' syllablesHead-shredded saladHead-slapper's cryHead-swivelling birdHead-tail connectionHead-to-head phenomenon?Head-turnerHead-turning attireHead-turning experience?Head-turning letter turneHead-turning soundHead-___Head-___ (thorough)Head/legs separatorHead/shoulders connectorHead: Fr.Head; hard fruitHead? It goes over shouldersHeadacheHeadache causeHeadache for a grain farmHeadache for a snow shoveHeadache helperHeadache intensifierHeadache intensifiersHeadache pillHeadache source, for someHeadachesHeadbands?Headbanger's instrumentHeadbutt PM in darkHeadcase swaps sides – it's something of a clichéHeaddressHeaddress American university studies religiouslyHeaddress is first-class in design, on reflectionHeaddress of Spanish relative worn by a queenHeaddress seen in Tahiti, a rarityHeaddress seen in trip abroad oddlyHeaddress so long that Hoskins must put onHeaddress that's woundHeaddress, maybeHeadedHeaded (for)Headed for foreign portsHeaded for overtimeHeaded for the hillsHeaded for ___ (in immineHeaded north, by NorthwesHeaded off onHeaded outHeaded out for the drinkHeaded over to independent storeHeaded straight downHeaded towardHeaded toward bankruptcyHeaded upHeaderHeader from Midlands team guy, unrelaxedHeadgearHeadgear featured in food programmeHeadgear fit for a queenHeadgear fixerHeadgear for big charactersHeadgear for HardyHeadgear for medieval solHeadgear for pig? It’s of no consequenceHeadgear needed to run nonstop across HawaiiHeadgear on back of the headHeadgear once common in the CityHeadgear protects several bits of PE assistantHeadgear secured by male volunteers finally on islandHeadgear seen on European promontoryHeadgear thrown at first in mudHeadgear worn by Catholic priestsHEADGEAR?Headhunter posses?Headhunter's big recruit,Headhunter's equipmentHeadingHeading abbr.Heading across France occasionally to find graveHeading away from crossing hilltop?Heading away from impartial attitudeHeading away from Thirsk one may ultimately encounter different - person like me?Heading away, perhaps June and I may be busyHeading back to the pavilion?Heading back, go for another look in riverHeading forHeading for Baghdad or Tehran, travelling's awfulHeading for ball, supple and cheerfulHeading for beach, I must change to new outfitHeading for borderHeading for Camden, tear off to catch the TubeHeading for classified inHeading for court, if Trump is lying about dealHeading for Dubrovnik and Split, having lots of energyHeading for emergency minutes after hard borderHeading for escalator, the lift put outHeading for farm, more unusual cattle feedHeading for France, queen goes aboard transport — but probably not this!Heading for French resort, starting late and delayed by adverse weatherHeading for insolvency again, one has a large billHeading for match, cool guy is excitedly studying the scoresHeading for photograph not giving the right messageHeading for rehabilitation, is one held within Pollsmoor's walls?Heading for Sandown, crowd wants horse to leave stableHeading for somewhere where it's extremely hot, wearing these?Heading for Spitalfields, one Ripper suspect's an underworld figureHeading for stairs, step in roomHeading for tenure? Too disorganisedHeading for the first of Heading for the main prize after serious effort initiallyHeading for this lake to catch raw fishHeading for touring carHeading from Ottawa to N.Heading in a Keats volumeHeading in cable TV listiHeading in the right direction playing links?Heading into overtimeHeading maintainerHeading north east from the opposing sideHeading north in seeking victory?Heading north is popular, depending on conditions at courtHeading north over line, I stareHeading north, attacked to achieve rescueHeading north, go round quite posh Scottish townHeading north, graduate gripped compassHeading north, salesperson encountered angerHeading north, top-class coach skirts Polish residential areaHeading of mother's recipe is wildly inaccurateHeading off 5, 12 downHeading off activity cutting anagrams etcHeading off armed, made a sallyHeading off for entertainment venue? That's not rightHeading off for gender reassignment and a short conversationHeading off in a robe that's in one's possessionHeading off injury, first sign of danger and I'll pop into a ballHeading off north and east at first on river that runs into the MedHeading off rats, bullHeading off row, allowed youth in parliamentHeading off scoundrel US campus let inHeading off trouble with money, making a bit on the sideHeading off, applauded what 3 did?Heading off, one subsidising fellow journalist short of fareHeading off, pass town in HampshireHeading off, put on coat inside - it's perfectly cleanHeading off, worn out, to laze around taking in unknown song from ChicagoHeading on a list of erraHeading on a roll bookHeading on organiser's list creates a stirHeading on Santa's listHeading opposite WSWHeading out of capital, a king enters 6A countryHeading the wrong way? Kill headlightHeading to Japan, one's to bring in black sailsHeading to puritanical relations can be hellHeading to the finish?Heading west in small unexplored ravineHeading west through Cornwall's green and pleasant landHeading west, bear Hollywood area's hypeHeading west, not even admitting making a mistake, shows bravadoHeading west, occasionally picking banjo I lug on boardHeading west, Spanish artist almost damaged cultureHeading west, spotted cat about to be ignored by antelope in desertHeading: Abbr.HeadlandHeadland; cloakHeadlandsHeadless American general buried in a European graveHeadless biblical figure's restored and shroudedHeadless bugler grabbing one: what could be more hideous?Headless calamari that's chewedHeadless corpse is sent back for certain journeyHeadless corpse’s certainly set back long journeyHeadless corpse's seen regularly by American heroHeadless deer found by tree in American portHeadless golf club giving slight advantageHeadless horn blower seizing one: that’s more grotesque!Headless Horseman's wearHeadless Horseman, e.g.Headless horseman?Headless reptile, fabulous monsterHeadless rodent spotted by mother somewhere in EuropeHeadless spirit carrying cape, who makes mystic utterances?Headless spirit in perilHeadless spirit is miserableHeadless spook gives concernHeadlight settingHeadlight?HEADLINEHeadline about a newly diHeadline about an economiHeadline about Aniston anHeadline about lightning Headline about the RollinHeadline during the DreyfHeadline in a circularHeadline News newsHeadline story from page penned by hackHeadline trumpeting a newHeadline, part 2Headline, part 3Headline-making illness oHeadline-making weather pHeadline-screamingHeadline: “Millions trapped in hopeless careers”Headline: “QUEEN BOARDS BOAT”HeadlinerHeadliner at the '76 OlymHeadlocks!Headlong chargeHeadlong descentHeadlong plungeHeadlong rushHeadmaster of literatureHeadmaster's facultyHeadmaster's titleHeadmistressHeadphone wearersHeadpiece?HeadquarteredHeadquartersHeadquarters for Ohio EdiHeadquarters for PolynesiHeadquarters for UBS and Headquarters of the UnionHeadquarters of the US Defense DepartmentHeadrestHeadsHeads (off)Heads are those of Cupid and Psyche, inscribed "To Apollo"Heads banging on low bedroom ceilings? Those are frightful!Heads Catholic primatesHeads downtown?Heads forHeads for America — Palm Springs — enjoying recessHeads for front in large movie cinema?Heads for Hadrian?Heads for Marks and Spencer newer fancy clothing departmentHeads for old southern lake or cityHeads for seedy cinema usually marketing dirty filmHeads for the early afternoon refreshmentHeads for this outlying rocky peakHeads for Tower Hamlets: spots a partyHeads in the Pantheon?Heads learn it's unusualHeads of Heads of a tribe?Heads of armed police outlaw ladies licentiously ogling handsome youthHeads of campus halls worked with uni and LGBT music venueHeads of coven secretly do plan evil, bitter spellHeads of department imply geography seminar is boringHeads of departments eventually left thank you letterHeads of dodgy enterprise exploit lossHeads of European governments with outsize conceitsHeads of firms often hold sway overseasHeads of ItalyHeads of local office to set up and initiate office at station?Heads of lodge in extremely distinctive clothingHeads of media in Russia request operational reports for news outletHeads of old RomeHeads of operations regularly talk vacantly about new media?Heads of physics turned sea creature into remarkable thingsHeads of public transport in York diverted number 36 periodically?Heads of publicity back from fashion partyHeads of schools are worried, 20% might cryHeads of staffs?Heads of state are disproportionately unhappyHeads of state get-togethHeads of State highly enthusiastic about religionHeads of state return, not heralded by cheersHeads of Swiss company ably manufacturing fiddleHeads of the army caught knight in course of actionHeads of the Roman Catholic churchHeads of traditional eatery assembled mealHeads of vermin on mat? Incriminate the catHeads of vineyard outlets don't keep any spiritHeads offHeads off awful snake, poisonous — this one?Heads off for winter in pet surfing placeHeads off to deal with this gatekeeper?Heads off to Syrian Arab Republic to see rulerHeads off while keeping Romeo in checkHeads on a coinHeads or tails?Heads out to lunchHeads outside together?Heads overseas?Heads to Harvard or GeorgHeads towardHeads turned when English introduced weaponHeads upHeads up to deliver a knock-out blowHeads will roll after Guardian loses middle groundHeads' oppositeHeads, on tossing headless coins?Heads-upHeads-up in Ireland?Heads; meat pastesHeadsailHeadsaw targetHeadscarf worn by Muslim womenHeadscratcherHeadset, to hamsHeadshake, e.g.Headstone wordsHeadstrong oneHeadwayHeadwear also known as jiHeadwear cadet hocks after mobilisationHeadwear initially tested in the cityHeadwear itemHeadwear on the slopesHeadwear securerHeadwear that's uncoveredHeadwear worn over dreadlHeadwind I am enduring to harbour shipsHeadworkHeady brewsHeady feeling?Heady stuffHeady?HealHeal Charlie badly with my dubious branch of scienceHeal, as bonesHeal, in a wayHeal-___ (mint family memHealer Earth's Lib misrepresentedHealer with false alibi's first nameHealingHealing action at work around most of leg boneHealing aid patented in 1Healing balmHealing drinkHealing formationHealing helperHealing mild acne I developedHealing ointmentHealing or cosmetic preparationHealing plantHealing plantsHealing process based on improving postureHealing process getting both sides in debate to voteHealing signHealing sitesHealing techniqueHealing technique is concerning with current flayed skinHealthHealth advocacy grp.Health care groupHealth care inits.Health care supplement foHealth centerHealth centreHealth centre for hypochondriacs?Health centre welcomes that woman, a climbing expert?Health centre with good serving, though not with pasta dishHealth check is family matterHealth check-upHealth claim on a food laHealth class segment, forHealth clubHealth club lineupHealth club offering for Health clubsHealth examinationHealth facilityHealth farmHealth food book was publishedHealth food items go in cars for distributionHealth food runs into prohibitionHealth food stocked by Liverpool markets in a fresh wayHealth food to eat with bulkHealth form fieldHealth grp.Health havenHealth hazard in the Commons? Run for it!Health insurance partly insufficientHealth menace, brieflyHealth org.Health organisationHealth plan prefixHealth precaution a rare condition's brought about?Health program for seniorHealth resortHealth resort in European countryHealth resort son has joined annuallyHealth resort with a springHealth resort’s ethnic quarter mostly one for Italian foodHealth resortsHealth standards org. sinHealth store offeringHealth store snack bar inHealth supplement chainHealth supplement storeHealth tracker's introduction welcomed by Polish, but not EnglishHealth V.I.P.'sHealth worker first wraps up what Patsy takesHealth worker receives nothing, on averageHealth worker, one who believes criticism must be acceptedHealth worker, poorly insured, firm admittedHealth ___Health's going, suffering in disputed ME territoryHealth, in Le HavreHealth-care lobby grp.Health-conscious fish?Health; happinessHealthcare facilityHealthcare professionalHealthcare provider's customers centrally held in automated systemsHealthcare workerHealthfulHealthful breakfastHealthful claim on labelsHealthful dishesHealthful food ad claimHealthful food-ad claimHealthful husksHealthful juice sourceHealthful mineralHealthful retreatHealthful retreatsHealthful water filling trench? HurryHealthyHealthy - floweringHealthy - source of waterHealthy - strongHealthy - well done!Healthy 18DHealthy activityHealthy amount?Healthy appearance created at the flick of a switch?Healthy cleanlinessHealthy cycling myth is beyond wordsHealthy delivery, perhapsHealthy dessert - small piece of pineapple per personHealthy dose of realityHealthy drink? That woman's exhausted, after getting tense earlierHealthy expression of group intentHealthy foodHealthy food — or chips an alternativeHealthy food for environmentalistsHealthy food from Hibernian counterpart of Stirling?Healthy food rejected for the most part, unfortunatelyHealthy food that's often taken by nursesHealthy food, a prominent feature with disease spreadingHealthy food, fare for Hollywood playerHealthy Halloween dish?Healthy hot drinkHealthy if faint on odd occasionsHealthy in the end making English fine drinkHealthy lookHealthy measures stop containing endless hysteriaHealthy menu features fragrant ingredientHealthy nurse takes down 3's scary pictureHealthy society shapes futuristHealthy source of waterHealthy swimmer old for gala’s finalHealthy to sink a few, it’s said!Healthy topic to bandy about, based on a suppositionHealthy tree?Healthy wife cooks sole in residenceHealthy, inspiring new boxer's one who may winHealthy, some golf in EdinburghHealthy, strongHealthy-looking bird?Healthy; extremelyHealthy? Congratulations!Heaney's work bedevilled initially by recurrent influenza miseryHeapHeap (money)Heap (on)Heap kudos onHeap laid out, but not a place to land onHeap of combustible material for burning a bodyHeap of dust finally placed in bagHeap of grassHeap of hayHeap of rock fragmentsHeap of wood and other combustible materialHeap praise onHeap upHeap ___ uponHeap; small hillHeapedHeaped measure used in recipesHeaped togetherHeapsHeaps and heapsHeaps fruit in two-wheelerHeaps kudos onHearHear (a case) againHear 7 lines in 13 books jumbledHear a gun going off in attackHear a gun going off in lectureHear a heavyweight attempt to deceiveHear aboutHear about a meal suitable for invalid?Hear about a user playing for fundsHear about ancient format Sophocles deployedHear about bishop’s treatmentHear about death happeningHear about old and sad storyHear about old system of weightsHear about pictures of pilot who was 16Hear about result attracting lots of attentionHear about right offering little rewardHear about situation with seconds to go in negotiationHear about tragic king meeting knightHear about worker in old city creating offence in schoolsHear againHear again about something improved by conversionHear an adversary comingHear Charles possibly perform around Arkansas with Mercedes?Hear German is engaging English teacherHear ghoul's terrible guffawHear legend of seabird and run awayHear master had a seizure, having overindulgedHear me celebrate sugar coatingHear name attached to limerick writerHear of mettle shown by male endurance winnerHear of snag in contractHear one welcoming womanHear out visiting minister's political aide, maybeHear piano vaguely with a receiverHear pianola playing, or a wind instrumentHear protests erupting somewhere far awayHear radio broadcast complaintHear simple story swapped on an aircraftHear something aboutHear sound of truck?Hear strange birdHear Stuarts rebuilt this Scottish landmarkHear such music unaccompaniedHear test broadcast in places where many a player takes partHear that woman’s entering leather-worker’s establishmentHear thieves? Nonsense!Hear thisHear this from ass hacking across English hectaresHear this instrument played - Aeolian harp possiblyHear tramp in capital cityHear tune playing after pinning down unknown operaHear which method of transport British 5 selectHear, as a caseHear, moving right to front, a flightless birdHear, to HenriHeard 'Clear off!' in a broad brogue, sayHeard a foreign nobleman's storiesHeard abject singing voiceHeard aboard loose ships making slogan for mimeHeard about any trouble involving India's eternal foeHeard about dishonest types of instrumentsHeard about jumper’s trickHeard about place for better Italian town?Heard about US writer's affectationHeard againHeard an Acting Chancellor had a large snakeHeard animal whimperHeard any gasHeard bell tolling for Ms Gwyn?Heard cab at rank is a security problemHeard casesHeard Christopher briefly angry — a patternHeard cleric cry loudly in quick serviceHeard composer's 15D?Heard credit issue upset independent typeHeard disgusted cries in court sessionHeard donkey tail is to be raisedHeard Douglas part with small animalsHeard employee cooking for brother?Heard every instrumentHeard exact changes from an authoritative sourceHeard German's negative figureHeard Greek character briefly rushed to make revolutionary deviceHeard group of relatives is 12Heard I was hard? PiffleHeard idea about having the brain removed?Heard in courtHeard in dispute: what calls for blessing?Heard maybe description of nun's childhood to be acceptedHeard naked girl in capital cityHeard nicked criminal on trial here?Heard no horses do thisHeard no noise from a horseHeard not many resettled, renouncing right to be cleansedHeard of bygone times forgottenHeard of one using tongue for strong drink?Heard of television offering breakfast?Heard of very strange marketHeard on EastEnders, very cultural featureHeard people waiting in A&E? They may need thisHeard Pilsner interfered with randy menHeard pop duo's low-key publicity?Heard quiet sectionHeard rank wind that'll make your eyes waterHeard Rashford's header got ruled out for UnitedHeard reclusive man-child regularly shunned rank compoundHeard report of nay-sayer struggling with speechHeard residential pupils in bedsHeard rumours about listening deviceHeard rumours about what auditor needsHeard second person’s sheepHeard singer rendering noteHeard some pressure in drainHeard someone leaving Devonian townHeard someone scoffing, confronting evil snakeHeard song before in poemHeard speculation about female painter's future work and building materialHeard sports group swarmHeard successors give upHeard teacher nearly swear in the company of travellersHeard to exhale in frustration — vital for spirit?Heard trial evidenceHeard urgent call to release bricksHeard very distinctlyHeard victim begHeard what's used to fiddle objects of desireHeard word my herd blurred!Heard wound is result of saint's torture instrumentHeard you are invested in escort agencyHeard, but not seenHearers of Jonah's propheHearingHearing about four or six piddlingHearing about good person from the southHearing again about shelter - time to turn overHearing aidHearing aid company chain, FieldHearing aid, brieflyHearing aid?Hearing aidesHearing aids, brieflyHearing aids, for shortHearing aids?Hearing Arab leaders gives us the shivers!Hearing blood-sucking arachnid, it might be nervousHearing bums on seats …Hearing case, figure in dockHearing defective behind area in courtyardsHearing half of curt farewellHearing in open courtHearing it, Jimmy, Graham and Benny might have risen again!Hearing Italian on vacation before adventureHearing looks about oil producer's marine protection facilitiesHearing no noise coming from The Nag's Head?Hearing nothing whatsoever of firm beset by safe-crackersHearing of a nobleman giving you time of day?Hearing of award, interfereHearing of our nation, this English composerHearing once again Blair term essentially needs reviewingHearing opening?Hearing organHearing organ finally start with melody rather lowHearing organ painsHearing organsHearing organs during rehearsalHearing papal take on sex, I hold things togetherHearing part?Hearing problem?Hearing protectorHearing rangeHearing range in rehearsalHearing responsesHearing revolutionary, takes noticeHearing rumours about son returningHearing short works after interval - organ sticking out?Hearing showerHearing tall story by boy previouslyHearing testHearing test broken by Big Ears?Hearing that is very irritatingHearing thingsHearing US style, unpleasant modern form of our languageHearing what you can do on line, one's enthralledHearing without advanced sort of headphones - this sort of filtering improves clarityHearing, e.g.Hearing, sayHearing-impairedHearing-relatedHearing: PrefixHearings airerHearings channelHearings in case due to be rescheduledHearkenHearsHears 5 will need preparing for drinksHears about extremely old valvesHears about hard old stuff that's just been changed slightlyHears appeal to Islamic leadersHears endless adverts? Not with these!Hears ghoul moving around making raucous cackleHears protest exploding? It’s all around usHears, as a caseHearsayHearst book divisionHearst kidnap grp.Hearst magHearst magazineHearst magazine, familiarHearst's captors: Abbr.Hearst's ___ BooksHeartHeart afflictionsHeart and brainHeart and soulHeart arteryHeart artery operationHeart as impressive, incomplete dishHeart attackHeart attack may be actually about rightHeart beater in bridge biHeart broken, monarch’s touring quiet area of great importanceHeart chamberHeart chambersHeart chart, for shortHeart chart: Abbr.Heart complaintHeart conditionHeart contractionHeart drug found round about old placeHeart failures?Heart flutterHeart lineHeart lines: Abbr.Heart locationsHeart meas.Heart medication immediately starts to induce nauseaHeart monitor soundHeart of a BaldwinHeart of a bus. districtHeart of a PCHeart of a simileHeart of ancient AthensHeart of Chicago, with "tHeart of Clement Freud is broken in Scottish townHeart of course absent in Scent of a WomanHeart of Darkness authorHeart of Dixie streamHeart of Dixie: Abbr.Heart of FranceHeart of ParisHeart of policeman that might meltHeart of the matterHeart of uncle, possibly Uncle SamHeart operationHeart operation; roadHeart or kidneyHeart or soulHeart outletHeart partsHeart perhaps that's stopped in churchHeart pitapatHeart problemHeart problem?Heart problems?Heart protectorHeart rateHeart recipientHeart recipient, perhapsHeart seekerHeart shown by benevolent examiner?Heart shown with initial change of sex - tricky operationHeart so affected sounds can be heard within itHeart specialistHeart starterHeart test readout: Abbr.Heart throbsHeart unit's lost time, by losing its heartHeart up one's sleeve?Heart ward, for shortHeart's partnerHeart's-easeHeart, e.g.Heart, essentiallyHeart, for exampleHeart, in prescriptionsHeart-broken, make a confession about mad character of tremendous importanceHeart-pounding episodeHeart-relatedHeart-rendingHeart-throb in bed generates smokeHeart-throb suggesting nip?Heart-throb: ambiguous, captivating lead in filmHeart-to-heartsHeartacheHeartbeatHeartbeat halvesHeartbeat quickenerHeartbeat, so to speakHeartbreakHeartbreaker Tom assumes right to be good lookingHeartbreaker typeHeartbreaker typesHeartbreaker who's "back HeartbreakingHeartbreaking situationsHeartbrokenHeartbroken to block dubious trade in pyramidsHeartbroken? Certain to be lacking in imagination, just like an ostrichHeartburnHeartburn relieverHeartenHearten; shoutHeartenedHeartfeltHeartfelt requestHeartfelt request - attractionHeartfelt request to abolish parking in meadowHeartfelt selection of words in ceremonyHeartfelt, extremely distinctive collection of songsHearthHearth contentsHearth decorationsHearth goddessHearth residueHearth wasteHeartily ate without shelter in garden perhapsHeartily destroy every memoryHeartlessHeartless African in outskirts of Leipzig, 5 of the PHeartless assassin fails to finish off corrupt pawnbrokerHeartless Beatle describing McCartney's first as dudHeartless braggart and sailorHeartless brummie bent on first pair of Charlie's AngelsHeartless but correct about ageHeartless character is given to Conservative Blue EliteHeartless chum, too young for stealingHeartless circus performer crushing women's spiritsHeartless cook behind house wineHeartless country's controlled messagingHeartless darkness I tempt to return, finding blood filtersHeartless decrees by working president onceHeartless description of cat causes angerHeartless end for one in pressing for removal of the KingHeartless freethinker engages chaps joining English university about biblical interpretationHeartless gang assumed attitudeHeartless German soldier pinches used, sleeveless jumperHeartless girls turned up and put one's nose out of jointHeartless Governments contributing to worker uneasinessHeartless Green by clinic perhaps where 1/5's likely to turn upHeartless harassed men on board lose controlHeartless Harry's up for wineHeartless killjoy getting annoyed as comic speaksHeartless love, something superficial and hard about itHeartless man, the type to upset LolitaHeartless mob in EU’s to board vehicleHeartless modern flirtsHeartless monarch has church put outHeartless old footballer's stripHeartless old jailer producing dead duckHeartless old Tory interrupting man who repairs sculptureHeartless one?Heartless pal during year out circulated impersonal emailHeartless perverse pole dancing individualsHeartless publisher to get rid of French authorHeartless pussycat misbehaves and makes troubleHeartless puzzle today unfortunately – comprehensively beatenHeartless robbery follows accident in courtHeartless scarlet woman starts to trace ancestry in family treesHeartless scavenging animal returning cry of pain without careHeartless scoundrel regularly failing to turn upHeartless sheep dogHeartless sir grabbing woman — one may be on thin ice!Heartless Soviet camp "in the way", in a manner of speakingHeartless sports official, with endless zest, imposes suspensions again?Heartless spy sat on space organisationHeartless superstar gets speedHeartless swine provides rude awakeningHeartless teenager in meal featuring tropical fishHeartless Tory managed New York dictatorshipHeartless Tory stifles anger over daughter's misfortuneHeartless trainer on field finds part of earHeartless type shot big gameHeartless upstart right to cut gas for which there's no chargeHeartless villain?Heartless war and the like, hard for unfortunate personHeartless, sneaky, zany guy's opposition of three?Heartlessly allow bird to suffer - animal!Heartlessly carries on wrecking sequence of eventsHeartlessly declaims traitorsHeartlessly edge alongside the place people eat celery?Heartlessly indifferent about morning sex? That's tragic!Heartlessly pan bloomer — alternatively don't mention it!Heartlessly ransacks building sitesHeartlessly stabs hunksHeartlessly steal from the South's holiday hotspotHeartlessly taunted about New Cross being cursedHeartlessly xenophobic about a parting alien? Just soHeartlessly, say, represented modern indications of disorderHeartsHearts and diamondsHearts beat Queen of the SouthHearts broken from wails in parliament?Hearts broken with poverty — expect no more funHearts directly affected with core of flower powerHearts engaged in this scoreless match?Hearts having trouble in bad weatherHearts lost to Jesus in, for example, part of churchHearts of faith forsaken, each biblical patriarchHearts of men and nobles enlocked as oneHearts or clubs? King inserted into decksHearts put in boiled gently and were glisteningHearts put into joint work making musicHearts removed from national flagHearts set in individual stonesHearts, e.g.HeartseaseHeartsick (for)HeartthrobHeartthrob perhaps turning up at universityHeartthrob's fanHeartwarming scene in a wHeartyHearty beer, e.g.Hearty breadsHearty breakfastHearty breakfast dishHearty breakfast fareHearty brewHearty cheerHearty cheersHearty companionHearty complaint from gang in ArbroathHearty cutsHearty dinnerHearty dinner dishHearty dinner entreeHearty draftHearty draftsHearty drinkHearty drink made with hoHearty eaterHearty eater cut short by that woman's husbandHearty emotion produced in telephone call: "Lay off, that's disgusting!"Hearty enjoymentHearty entreeHearty entree that may beHearty fareHearty helloHearty helpings of meat lHearty kissHearty laughHearty mealHearty meat dishHearty mugfulHearty occasion?Hearty partnerHearty partyHearty quaffHearty response?Hearty sandwichHearty sentiment?Hearty slicesHearty soupHearty soupsHearty steakHearty's companionHearty's partnerHearty, posh fellowHearty: he contrived to embrace old sailor's greetingHearty?HeatHeat and LightningHeat base of flask to produce sticky substanceHeat beaters: Abbr.Heat black fossil fuelHeat can make a run grimHeat detector, e.g.Heat discolourationHeat divisionsHeat exchanger banging in German tugboat?Heat flow measure in insuHeat in a hurryHeat in a sealed potHeat localeHeat magazine's contents, after modifyingHeat makerHeat meas.Heat of conflict, a short monthHeat on the streetHeat on, producing glowHeat org.?Heat producerHeat quantity meas.Heat requirementHeat shield localeHeat shield locationHeat sourceHeat source from brazier, if nobody about?Heat source, in HuelvaHeat source?Heat sourcesHeat to 212Heat to just short of boiHeat to more than 212Heat treat (metal or glass)Heat treat metal/glassHeat unitHeat unit?Heat units, ignoring hot conditionsHeat upHeat up againHeat up in a hurryHeat waterHeat's league (abbr.)Heat, for shortHeat-crackedHeat-loss preventionHeat-relatedHeat-resistant articles are woven differentlyHeat-resistant fibrous fabricHeat-resistant fibrous mineralHeat-resistant glassHeat-resistant materialHeat-resistant mineralHeat-resistant mineral is electrochemically bondedHeat-seeking grp.?Heat-seeking missileHeat? It's freezing over - absolute zero!HeatedHeated - vehementHeated argumentsHeated bathHeated but petty argumentHeated Celt beat competitive sort in many eventsHeated chow, perhaps?Heated competition?Heated debateHeated discordHeated disputeHeated dispute about blocking amendmentHeated dry nuts, finally parched, desiccatedHeated exchangesHeated kitchen environment?Heated metal cooking surfaceHeated ruckus and agitationHeated surfaceHeated to destroy bacteriaHeated up, warm voice melted heart of modelHeated, as waterHeated? Take top off and get ready to fightHeatedly disagreeHeaterHeater componentHeater featureHeater or cooler?Heater or repeaterHeater settingHeater statsHeater that's cooler for carHeathHeath bearing fruit that's softenedHeath brought up on foremost of yachts, very spaciousHeath family membersHeath genus; girl's nameHeath left after miners, indicating figuresHeath or Hughes?Heath plantHeath plantsHeath Robinson checks pulseHeath Robinson's pulse?Heath ___ (flowering pereHeath, one Conservative hampered by timeHeath, say: I permit miners to roamHeath; girl's nameHeathenHeathen at home with revolutionaryHeathen god in area to betray Ark's resting-placeHeathen god receiving each hymn of praiseHeathen in Italy often on the fiddleHeathen of sortsHeathen page once more dropping oneHeathen taking cooking vessel across GeorgiaHeathen to search for gold (silver is boring)Heathen(ish)Heathen, not half rude about sources of faith and immortalityHeathensHeatherHeather - girl's nameHeather after second alcoholic drinkHeather claiming story, ultimately, is untrustworthyHeather collects a couple of notes for obscure topicsHeather coming across snake and runningHeather goes after second-rate glitzy stuffHeather Graham looks nice in fancy topsHeather Headley title rolHeather is a girl's nameHeather Lake’s bra and pants?Heather landsHeather on bishop during dance: it's revolting!Heather regularly spent years in ChadHeather uses loveless languageHeather wraps books in blue materialHeather's "Melrose Place"Heather's surviving without sexHeather, grabbing one pound, is converting into cashHeather-covered tractHeather; fishHeather’s pursuing instant source of amusementHeathland plantHeathland shrubHeathland shrub; girl's nameHeathrow fig.Heathrow planeHeathrow takeoff sound?Heathrow, for exampleHeating and lighting, say, above school's entranceHeating choiceHeating conduitHeating control more than half nibbled by the rodentHeating deviceHeating devicesHeating fuelHeating needHeating pipeHeating stoked coal on one fire almost turning coldHeating unit in the space vacatedHeatlessHeats just short of boiliHeaveHeave do-gooder away from time in prisonHeave English vessel into area of relative calmHeave goods around areaHeave of the sea's surfaceHeave second wife onto robust beastHeave supporting stone for a periodHeave up, as an anchorHeave, overcome by pecan nuts and portHeaved soundsHeavenHeaven beginning to tremble after decisive end of prayerHeaven is going into lots of shopsHeaven observed: head turns when this happens, by the sound of it?Heaven on earthHeaven swore to come down to earthHeaven's Gate, e.g.Heaven, not in hereHeaven-bornHeaven-bound American uncle entertaining European women inspired by DionysusHeaven-sent foodHeavenlyHeavenly 'belt'Heavenly abodesHeavenly altarHeavenly arrayHeavenly as river in short storyHeavenly beingHeavenly being is over us in prayerHeavenly beingsHeavenly beltHeavenly bodiesHeavenly bodies a hormone finally producesHeavenly bodies in type of blood bankHeavenly bodyHeavenly body appearing not to moveHeavenly body exemplified in Titania? Show Bottom!Heavenly body giving half of us a shockHeavenly body giving son a sudden shockHeavenly body in need of a man-made hormoneHeavenly body ran into Earth before first two in orbitHeavenly body seen in gym across narrow roadHeavenly body shown by the first person getting into bedHeavenly body that humansHeavenly body that rises with the sun?Heavenly body trade union leader finally observed in sickbayHeavenly body which rises when hotHeavenly body?Heavenly bouquet here, alluring to some extentHeavenly cake decoration left behindHeavenly choir's first seen after DIY mishap leads to bad backHeavenly circleHeavenly crescentHeavenly discovery of 180Heavenly dishHeavenly edibleHeavenly eventHeavenly FatherHeavenly festival chief's entertaining tangoHeavenly field?: Abbr.Heavenly foodHeavenly food for the DukHeavenly food in fashion, we hearHeavenly food provided by male sibling in vast continentHeavenly gatekeeper, in PHeavenly gatemanHeavenly giftHeavenly glowHeavenly harp playerHeavenly headwearHeavenly home of the NorsHeavenly hostHeavenly host?Heavenly hue?Heavenly hunterHeavenly image could upset Catholic primate after SundayHeavenly in Somerset — here alsoHeavenly instrumentHeavenly ladleHeavenly lightHeavenly Merman netting unlimited breamHeavenly neighbor of ScorHeavenly neighbor of ScutHeavenly orbsHeavenly pair work ship with two propellersHeavenly performance of a cellist inspires ecstasyHeavenly phenomena, beam finally having disappeared in moments so extraordinaryHeavenly phenomenonHeavenly picture of spaces developed around KentuckyHeavenly placeHeavenly power, something assumed possessed by rightHeavenly radio sourceHeavenly ray of lightHeavenly room accommodating one in fancy seatHeavenly round these parts and othersHeavenly routeHeavenly scalesHeavenly secretary spoke about the end of faxesHeavenly shadeHeavenly sightHeavenly sign holy saints placed outside churchHeavenly situationHeavenly soundHeavenly stringsHeavenly upper-class girl, one in middle of danceHeavenly voice of conscieHeavenly: PrefixHeavensHeavens aboveHeavens above! On another planet 2001 computer is law enforcerHeavens! Food price to go up?Heavens! The French abuse a speakerHeavens, so to speakHeavens, that’s risky, losing leading pair!Heavens, upset about golden bowls?Heavens: PrefixHeavens: Var.HeavenwardHeaviest fencing swordHeaviest known metal – I'm sumoHeaviest known metal, OsHeaviest member of the weHeavily armed helicopterHeavily attack reliable currencyHeavily beaten in end court somehowHeavily builtHeavily built group of little intelligenceHeavily built, yet am shoved aroundHeavily corrodedHeavily criticise article about memorial to the dead?Heavily criticise attack on new pubHeavily criticisedHeavily decorated knight entering to make a speechHeavily defeatHeavily eroded uncultivable regionsHeavily favoredHeavily frosted diamonds? Sure!Heavily involved in poverty: food banksHeavily loadedHeavily monitored areas: Heavily populated island in the Gulf of NaplesHeavily promote, even though lacking in contentHeavily rely on us going off chasing loveHeavily satiricalHeavily sedatedHeavily taxed transport in South-East, beginning in DoverHeavily used when preparing to play the pantomime villain, eastern boy Prince Lew, maybe?Heavily walked uponHeavily weighed downHeavily-built, like cattle?HeavinessHeaving awkward cases over one kilometreHeaving bag into the sea after approval from Hans?Heaving ocean, small boatHeaving pub expends its last gallon after large Latin men returnedHeaving sound, usually made with shoulders movingHeavyHeavy (of food)Heavy - ploddingHeavy accentHeavy alligator, disorientated at being releasedHeavy and filling (food)Heavy and inertHeavy and unappetisingHeavy block on which hot metal is shaped by hammeringHeavy blowHeavy blow caught oafHeavy blowsHeavy bombardmentHeavy bones are not just visible with clothing removedHeavy bookHeavy breather ignored, extremely crossHeavy breathers?Heavy breed of draft horse from ScotlandHeavy burdenHeavy burden for ceremonial guardsHeavy burgundy wineHeavy cartHeavy cartsHeavy coatsHeavy cordHeavy cotton patterned fabric used in upholsteryHeavy curtainsHeavy cycleHeavy desk objectHeavy downpourHeavy downpoursHeavy drapery fabricHeavy drinkerHeavy drinker?Heavy drinkersHeavy drinking sessionHeavy drinking session sees new head of department drowning in aleHeavy dull soundHeavy dutyHeavy fabricsHeavy fall of rainHeavy female companion supported by staffHeavy figure to excite brieflyHeavy fileHeavy filling foodHeavy footstepsHeavy furniture silly men drop again, just missing meHeavy garment and other things wrapping one in a little bitHeavy gloveHeavy gunsHeavy gym itemHeavy hammerHeavy hammersHeavy haulerHeavy head when half-cutHeavy hitterHeavy hittersHeavy hitters from police taking Labour leader for oddly Tory mealsHeavy hydrogen, e.g.Heavy individual to awaken without energyHeavy industry I note during Chinese dynastyHeavy iron leverHeavy iron-bound stick used for crowd control by police in IndiaHeavy knifeHeavy liftersHeavy linenHeavy loadHeavy load for Santa?Heavy long-handled hammer used to drive in stakes etcHeavy marbleHeavy material used to stabilise a shipHeavy measureHeavy metalHeavy metal - it could be symbolised by the introduction of WhitesnakeHeavy metal at major city theatreHeavy metal backing musician covering Iron Maiden's originalsHeavy metal band starts to steal Motörhead's iconography with a couple of umlautsHeavy metal band with theHeavy metal band's flamboyant front manHeavy metal band?Heavy metal barHeavy metal composer, blogger excited about date, or mountain as 3 set by Bach?Heavy metal fan ate sausage sandwiches back in queueHeavy metal fan's performance?Heavy metal fan?Heavy metal group to perform mid-month?Heavy metal producer?Heavy metal rock fanHeavy metal rock?Heavy metal singer like Ozzy Osborne?Heavy Metal single covered by Big MamaHeavy metal stove for cooking and heatingHeavy metal, e.g.Heavy metal, you said?Heavy mistsHeavy music hacking off master and othersHeavy nautical ropeHeavy non-venomous snakeHeavy Olympics favoriteHeavy open vehicleHeavy open wagonHeavy overcoatHeavy overcoatsHeavy person best to shift pianoHeavy plank on the side oHeavy predatory mammal - evil ownerHeavy pudding - no goodHeavy rainHeavy rain could possibly run into chestHeavy rain initially delayed every London Underground going eastHeavy rain showerHeavy rainfallsHeavy readingHeavy reading?Heavy rock genreHeavy sailclothHeavy sheetHeavy sheet inside a bookHeavy shoeHeavy short-tailed polar birdHeavy silk fabricHeavy silk fabric with a raised designHeavy silk or linen fabric with a pattern woven into itHeavy smoker cooked Provençal soup, beginning to puff awayHeavy smoker's voice, mayHeavy soundsHeavy starchy foodHeavy steel holdersHeavy sweatersHeavy toolHeavy tool fraud used to secure shelfHeavy tool Nick Hornby initially smuggled into prisonHeavy tool with a wooden handle and a curved iron head, pointed at both endsHeavy tool with wooden handle and curved headHeavy tracked earth-moving vehicleHeavy traffic like this giving rise to understatement on article pennedHeavy trampolinist?Heavy tread of diplodocusHeavy twilled cottonHeavy twineHeavy vehicleHeavy vehicle an expensive failure?Heavy vehicle operatorHeavy volumeHeavy volume, or medium, in parts of Busoni switchedHeavy volumesHeavy weaponHeavy weaponsHeavy weather made of first day at work before longHeavy weightHeavy weight of fruit picked upHeavy weight transported by our trains onceHeavy weightlifters, maybHeavy weightsHeavy Wimbledon favourite once overcoming championHeavy with moistureHeavy work, including some art, is laboriousHeavy, durable furniture Heavy, starchy foodHeavy, Z-twist cottonHeavy-duty cleanserHeavy-duty hand soapHeavy-duty haulerHeavy-duty kitchen implemHeavy-duty locks?Heavy-duty pickup capacitHeavy-gutted, endlessly vomiting, in awful pain - get a doctor!Heavy-handed Congress obstructing writer from the southHeavy-handed groupHeavy-headed fixersHeavy-heartedHeavy-hitting FielderHeavy-metal singer SniderHeavy-plusHeavy-___ (sleepy)HeavysetHeavyweightHeavyweight boxerHeavyweight boxer’s first international defenceHeavyweight caught old American's boxing defeatHeavyweight certain to display shaven headHeavyweight champ after CHeavyweight champ after LHeavyweight champ before Heavyweight champ dethronHeavyweight champ of 1892Heavyweight champ of 1934Heavyweight champ, 1882-9Heavyweight champion of tHeavyweight event?Heavyweight filling in expert without delayHeavyweight greatHeavyweight initially training cricket sideHeavyweight Muslim preacher, almost a significant figure in IslamHeavyweight notorious rapper's whiskey (one gallon)Heavyweight punches champion immediatelyHeavyweight reportedly gets purseHeavyweight zoo attractioHeavyweights compete in iHeavyweights face off in Heavyweights in defeat saved by endless cashHe’d returned in court to exploit comic authorHe’ll give you such a different expressionHe’s a peer, not entirely before timeHe’s cutting guitaristHe’s in a state: “I twitch over Eastern philosophy”He’s kinda nasty maybe?He’s on level showing Spooner’s distribution network scheme?He’s small-minded, average, extremely irksomeHe’s still alive, extraordinarily over virus without using drugHe’s tearful as trader holds back French wineHe’s up with what’s new, distributing top titlesHeb. judgeHebdomadHebdomadallyHebe variety planted in front of one's busy workplaceHebrew "beginning"Hebrew alphabet starterHebrew fathersHebrew feastHebrew for "beginning"Hebrew for "day"Hebrew for "delight"Hebrew for "God is with uHebrew for "one who wrestHebrew for "spring"Hebrew godHebrew greetingHebrew languageHebrew leaderHebrew leader who rebuiltHebrew leader: Var.Hebrew leader?Hebrew leaders?Hebrew letterHebrew letter after kophHebrew letter before reshHebrew letter; girl's nameHebrew lettersHebrew matriarchHebrew measureHebrew monthHebrew name for GodHebrew name meaning "He iHebrew name meaning "sweeHebrew or PhoenicianHebrew patriarch, son of JacobHebrew prophetHebrew prophet of the Old Testament, who was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fireHebrew prophet who led the Israelites on the ExodusHebrew prophet who rebuked Ahab and JezebelHebrew sad about loaves baked for sabbathHebrew scrollHebrew scrollsHebrew starterHebrew THebrew title for GodHebrew title of respect fHebrews' first high priesHebrews, for exampleHebridean islandHebridean island in which I will occupy log home?Hebridean island in which I will occupy starter home?Hebridean island, known for its malt whisky distilleriesHebridean island, where in 563 St Columba founded a monasteryHebridean isleHebrides islandHebrides isleHebrides languageHebrides tongueHeckelphone cousinsHeckleHeckle King and Queen's agentHeckle or Jeckle of cartoHeckle slow magician might get in workHeckle, e.g.Heckle, in a wayHeckledHeckled in pub by suffering editorHecklerHeckler's noise cut short in pub, meeting resistanceHecklers' chorusHecklesHeckles, sayHeckling soundsHectic episodesHectic existencesHectic hosp. areasHectic or excited, skip offHectic rearranged tie hosted by European people - Hearts knocked outHectorHector dies in itHector heartlessly held in unbelievable slaveryHector is by definition adorableHector on tower guarding this cityHector or Rusty of 70's bHector sent back to carry a plantHector was oneHector's cityHector's fatherHectoredHectored wife and mother shoved into rotten choreHectorer of ZeusHectoring lectureHecuba's homeHedda's schoolmate in "HeHedge a market, struggling to succeedHedge formerHedge fun?Hedge plantHedge plant with white flHedge with a guardrail toHedge wordHedgehog is very nice for the most partHedgehog thus keeps runningHedger's answer to "Have Hedgerow nesterHedgerow plantHedgerow plant - osprey clawHedgerow shrub with red fruitsHedgerow treeHedges here, heading off fierce attacksHedgingHedging material in line daily becoming wilderHedging shrubHedging shrub I check thoroughly after pruner has cut middleHedingham Castle localeHedonist in Bangladesh slowed downHedonist tense following exam in German cityHedonist’s heroic article about Yorkshire riverHedonist's oppositeHedonisticHedonistic EU prince travelling round AustriaHedonistic nightspot gutted after the seventies?Hedonistic ways of husband, following dainty pair of girlsHedren of "Marnie"Hedren of "The Birds"Hedren of Hitchcock's "ThHedy of "Samson and DelilHee's followerHee-hawHeebie-jeebiesHeedHeed John the Baptist's aHeed sound adviceHeed the coxswainHeeded the alarmHeedful of a green hollow in which day is advancingHeedlessHeedless wildebeest, raised on grass, scattered fuelHeedlessly rashHeedsHeeds the call of time?HeehawHeelHeel bone, e.g.Heel of shoe beginning to get scratchedHeel over; slantHeel styleHeel with attitudeHeel?Heelless shoe, for shortHeelsHeels alternativeHeels and loafersHeep and othersHeep of fictionHeffalump's creatorHeft of punishments accepted by workers, possibly?Hefty charge recalled by banksHefty competitionHefty competitorHefty hornHefty invoice for boots aHefty refs.Hefty shove dispatching bishop below cathedral's east facadeHefty volumeHefty volumesHefty, doubledHefty? Pounds lighter, though not at firstHegelian articleHegira destinationHeidegger regularly displays sharpness of mindHeidi's cousinHeidi's heightHeidi's homeHeidi's mountainsHeifer's handleHeightHeight - level of esteemHeight above sea levelHeight and suchHeight certain to collect rubbishHeight conserved by two insects and huge beastHeight enhancerHeight for HeidiHeight in feet of the StaHeight of euphoria about English verseHeight of failure? Lie!Height of fashion?Height when standingHeight's companionHeight, not length, taking time over special viewsHeight: Abbr.Height: PrefixHeightenHeighten, intensifyHeightened pressure sadly set back Swedish universityHeightened way deliveries come up to scratchHeightened writing style claims mirage is shimmeringHeightening arrangement of henna on binderHeightsHeights above sea levelHeights north of Tierra dHeine poem "___ Troll"Heineken brandHeinieHeinlein's genreHeinousHeinous crime no longer naff for 26 characterHeinous criminal using company's assetsHeinous war crimeHeinrich who wrote "Atta HeirHeir cushion?Heir hit goldHeir lines?Heir to a throne, typicalHeir to the throneHeir's beginning song and dance that might make Queen cough upHeir's concernHeir, at lawHeir, but not an heiressHeir, in legal terminologHeir, legallyHeir, oftenHeir, perhapsHeir, usually: Abbr.Heiress, maybeHeiress, perhapsHeirloom localeHeirloom of frilly clothing for exampleHeirs, but not heiressesHeirs, legallyHeirs, oftenHeisman winner and loserHeistHeist gainHeist haulHeist unitHeist wordsHeister's haulHeistsHeldHeld (off)Held (to)Held (up)Held a lame-duck sessionHeld a party forHeld a sessionHeld another sessionHeld as prisonerHeld backHeld back - like flowering plants, perhaps?Held back a girl working in military HQHeld back in Belfast so organised place to sleepHeld back love, meeting heartless female relativeHeld by a third partyHeld by spies, Tex half-heartedly agreed conditionsHeld dearHeld for later disbursemeHeld good girl in schoolHeld in both hands, carefully move account bookHeld in check, fell behind the othersHeld in enclosure: sheepHeld in Italian city, earl gets thinnerHeld in privateHeld in reserveHeld jointlyHeld offHeld on the stageHeld on tightlyHeld on toHeld one's groundHeld oneself in anticipationHeld out with excuse, ditching former lover? That's the planHeld responsibleHeld responsible (for)Held swayHeld the deed toHeld the floorHeld the top spotHeld tightly in the armsHeld title toHeld to beHeld to its full time, inHeld together by strong tiesHeld upHeld up – or banged upHeld up by the visa, very hard to pin down?Held up crossing river in canHeld up in Gatwick - customs are disgustingHeld up in Languedoc? Cor! I say! It's hot!Held up some in ambush?Held up, rising before editor's dressedHelen & Co changed formationHelen and Ruth unclothed by champion of alternative medicineHelen Keller's "The WorldHelen Mirren's crowning rHelen of Troy's motherHelen of ___Helen shortly appears in channel livestreamHelen Thomas in the WhiteHelen who sang "Angie BabHelen who sang "I Am WomaHelen's abductorHelen's cityHelen's landHelen's motherHelen's mother, in Greek Helen, to MenelausHelena Rubinstein's parenHelga's cartoon husbandHelga's husbandHelga's husband, in the cHelgenberger of "CSI"HelicalHelical threadHelicopter bladeHelicopter bladesHelicopter builder SikorsHelicopter featureHelicopter for American to attend oologist's gatheringHelicopter lifterHelicopter partHelicopter pioneer SikorsHelicopter soundHelicopter swiftly circling hospitalHelicopter topperHelicopter's predecessorHelicopter, say, taking diner around BritainHelicopts abroad to see Red Hot Chili PeppersHeliolaterHelios' counterpartHelios' Roman counterpartHelios's Roman counterparHelios, to the RomansHelipad moving to ParisHelium and neon, e.g.Helium Capital of the WorHelium in water changing climateHelium nucleusHelium, e.g.Helium, for exampleHelium, neon, argon, etcHelixHellHell is divine? NeverHell of a guy?Hell on earthHell on earth, son? Heroin and losing heart!Hell with the Tories perhaps bringing in current inequalityHell ___ handbasketHell! Limo hit pile of earthHell's Angel?Hell's Angels, e.g.Hell's cold: it's round and flatHell's Kitchen product?Hell, belonging to a firm is immaterialHell, to General ShermanHell, with "the"Hell, with a group of religious folk creating chaosHell-bent agent commandeers cab travelling northHell-bent one?Hell-raisersHell-___ (rowdy sort)HellenicHellenic capitalHellenic characterHellenic charactersHellenic H'sHellenic hangoutsHellenic lettersHellenic vowelHellenic vowelsHellespont victimHellholeHellishHellish day I took part in last monthHellish literary workHellish region giving European a puzzle to solveHellish riverHellish stuff from Black Sabbath character with lip fillerHelloHello - a greeting interpreted the wrong wayHello - a toyHello admits shocking treatment - celeb initially furiousHello and farewellHello and goodbyeHello from a distanceHello from HoHello in HiloHello or goodbyeHello ___, shop frequentlHello!Hello! Are police back probing who sent this?Hello! celebrity that might have shoot in bed?Hello! Streaker maybe drops dead in roadHello, Charlie – visiting in retrospect dead rightHello, of sortsHello, sailor!Hello, stop stuffing fish in a place of worship!HellosHells Canyon localeHells Canyon locale: AbbrHells Canyon stateHelm cry after "Ready aboHelm headingHelm heading: Abbr.Helm of fictionHelm positionHelmetHelmet from W.W. I or W.WHelmet man fiddled with, resulting in a sort of cheeseHelmet partHelmet plumeHelmet plumesHelmet, in cyclist's slanHelmeted comics characterHelmetlike flower petalHelmets and suchHelmsley and othersHelmsley who had hotelsHelmsmanHelmsman in endless river redirected missileHelmsman to steer south-west, carried by third personHelmsman’s counterfeit coins: waxHelmsman's headacheHelmsman's headingHeloise offeringHelpHelp (a criminal)Help (out)Help (to the needy)Help a councillor get returned by a rural areaHelp a forgetful actorHelp a hoodHelp a hoodlumHelp a hundred artists from the east to discover a Greek idyllHelp a troubled character abroadHelp about element helium separationHelp actor in play, in small partHelp Alice, say, at opening of eventHelp and aid distributed for London theatreHelp around the houseHelp artist upset in piece for newspaperHelp at a heistHelp at a holdupHelp at the jeweler's?Help band member start offHelp boy, offering practical experienceHelp by confirming an aliHelp called for after malfunction in space adventureHelp child king to return ancient cityHelp close a hotel in the countryHelp country to protect border well!Help curseHelp Dave's heart troubleHelp desk signHelp develop and growHelp District Attorney extracting volunteers from European countryHelp dog remove leadHelp drivers to find remote placesHelp dry right outHelp during hard timesHelp father to get over bad habitHelp fellow medic puff out hairHelp fool individual with attitudeHelp for a broken heart: Help for a detectiveHelp for a long shotHelp for a mountaineerHelp for a pioneerHelp for a sales repHelp for a secret agentHelp for mountaineers with rope - and indication of courseHelp for Nancy DrewHelp for presenter in traffic jam, we hear?Help for singlesHelp for some studentsHelp for swelled headsHelp for the poor old woman with parking - an outstanding planHelp for the puzzledHelp for the stumpedHelp for those in needHelp for travellers, representatives covering areaHelp from a bullpenHelp from a lifeguardHelp from above, rapid or otherwiseHelp from ChatGPT for one degreeHelp gambler to choose the oddsHelp get Charlie away from corrosive liquidHelp get settledHelp guitar player that's forgotten introHelp idiot firstHelp idiot start to improve postureHelp illegallyHelp in a bad wayHelp in a dangerous situaHelp in a heistHelp in a heist, sayHelp in a holdupHelp in buying a carHelp in checking callsHelp in climbingHelp in crimeHelp in fighting the fluHelp in getting upHelp in holding upHelp in huntingHelp in making a predictiHelp in making out with good girlsHelp in mischiefHelp in piracy, e.g.Help in the kitchen? Cook let us inHelp in ways one shouldn'Help in wrongdoingHelp judge to cross loungeHelp line?Help make a potHelp me to get a holidayHelp medics to strayHelp mistress, partly upset and guilelessHelp musician losing her headHelp N-Z?Help needed after audition for trumpet?Help needed to cross river that's dryHelp net a surprisingly large creatureHelp on inclination of talent contracted by newspapersHelp on the way upHelp one gambleHelp one to be inserted in publicityHelp one to get top in sort of contestHelp oneself toHelp out in a bad wayHelp out in a puntHelp out when gold potty lost in bathroom?Help over ethnic group in critical attackHelp page rubricHelp police incursion when leader leavesHelp politician to conceal British tale of woeHelp providerHelp province up countryHelp pull off a crimeHelp rejected by old heretic? That's symptomatic!Help relative, in a wayHelp resolve a disputeHelp retired head of lyceum to make callHelp revolutionary over variable period in USHelp riseHelp run, as a partyHelp score or otherwise? One's probably not above fiveHelp secured by knights, say, yet to winHelp set up chairs for?Help settleHelp sirenHelp sought by narcissist leader in Trump, feckless individual I gatheredHelp stops every now and thenHelp string player losing headHelp string player who's missed introHelp student's received, perhapsHelp that's always availaHelp the causeHelp the crewHelp the dishwasher, perhHelp the French ban kind of moustacheHelp to accommodate retired motorists with tick for exampleHelp to bottle cold substance that's corrosiveHelp to develop and growHelp to finish a French chickenHelp to frame first of lectures on the end of diseaseHelp to get through edit?Help to get young girl married offHelp to give worker influenceHelp to growHelp to present salmon before tea is announcedHelp to preserve mass transport in thriving areaHelp to raise issue?Help to secure credit coming with a stingHelp to secure new agreementHelp to smuggle cocaine: tips for drug usersHelp to the needyHelp turned into helping wavesHelp up rocker's foe cut by head of nasty StoneHelp us love moderateHelp us to carry box for Greek philosopherHelp us to get round OKHelp us with nothing to be fairHelp us with start of opera that's mediocreHelp victim of a con artist in hearingHelp wanted abbr.Help wanted ad abbr.Help wanted advertisementHelp wanted notice?Help when a white rabbit ultimately turned on Alice?Help when readyHelp whistleblower to frame storyHelp win there, I ordered, issuing this?Help with 24, a couple of 3 23Help with a jobHelp with a prankHelp with a Royal Opera House production perhapsHelp with attack annihilating resistanceHelp with coin tossing for gameHelp with homeworkHelp with introductions to an unusual party broadcastHelp with problems when hard foreign currency's first invested in area of LondonHelp with second letter, having misplaced the firstHelp with the dishesHelp with the heistHelp with wrongdoingHelp with, as a projectHelp!Help! Cymbal clanger onto fine filly put an end to conversationHelp! The opera isn’t finished!Help! Turf her out!Help, as a lawbreakerHelp, as a pranksterHelp, assistHelp, benefitHelp, wronglyHelp-wanted abbr.Help-wanted indicationHelpedHelped (a criminal)Helped around home - started with brassHelped blockhead get first editionHelped EEC cut horsemeat supplyHelped end a hunt organised in European continentHelped firm to get involved in under-age representationHelped in a heistHelped in a jobHelped in holding upHelped outHelped out in a crisisHelped out when relative almost diedHelped out, in a wayHelped settle an argumentHelped someone get a seatHelped to escape, maybeHelped to relaxHelped traveller nearly dozing, wrapping back in corduroyHelped upHelped with a lineHelped with the laundryHelped yourself to tea? Caught you!Helped, assistedHelped, benefitedHelped, in a way, with "oHelperHelper after a crashHelper in herdingHelper of a touring bandHelper of devil eating up one animalHelper of parableHelper of St Paul in eastern Tarsus, travellingHelper turned to describe complicated graph for birth controlHelper who looks after another personHelper who takes dictatioHelper with sprains and bHelper's offerHelper's wordsHelper, in briefHelper: Abbr.HelpersHelpers I’d organised for church officeHelpers: Abbr.HelpfulHelpful actHelpful air currentsHelpful chap making container for beer, perhaps worried about dripHelpful comment to a judgHelpful connectionsHelpful contactsHelpful creature shows way to get good marksHelpful figures?Helpful first violinist?Helpful group on-lineHelpful hintHelpful hint about container for vegetableHelpful hint about river excursionHelpful hintsHelpful informationHelpful multiple-choice aHelpful person I read aboutHelpful person's lineHelpful person's reorganised random sailor's propertyHelpful pointerHelpful software about transport, something that bears fruit in marketHelpful step for an emploHelpful suggestionHelpful to first violinist for exampleHelpful woman just not the same after my dog explodedHelpful words coming out of rescue shipsHelpful ___Helpful-sounding womanHelpful; compositionHelpfulnessHelpingHelping (a criminal)Helping a bookie’s businessHelping after silly late changeHelping around inside brings calmHelping discontented barista around coffee counterHelping for a while, withHelping for the very hungHelping handHelping in crime, a risky activityHelping it to rise, very into redefined purposeHelping model to get workHelping of foodHelping one ingenue to conceal affairHelping one to enter shopHelping or turning back detective taken in by this criminal racketHelping reserve to create means for allocating scarce resourcesHelping shop to stock newspaperHelping short famous person to leave festivalHelping sortHelping stop rail strike? That's foolishHelping Susan finally to leave relationshipHelping theoremHelping to avoid humiliatHelping to bring in the Spanish allianceHelping to keep order – that's endless funHelping to make Alfie's Tasmanian holidayHelping to make Bale analogy unproductiveHelping to prune opening of formal speechHelping to support criminal belied careful thoughtHelping to support start of Durham University's termHelping to suppress unions oddly creates havocHelping toy to workHelping upset diva with heartless apologyHelping with alacrity, agree to settle best rentHelpless - doomedHelpless cheers following a defeatHelpless drunk also thirstyHelpless gent is tossing during it – advise 17 perhapsHelpless performances?Helpless rector departs in a huffHelpless victim modelling with nothing onHelpless?Helplessly drunkHelplessly drunk and impotentHelpmateHelpsHelps a crookHelps a hospital, sayHelps a lieutenant to guard key for compoundHelps a number of Romans over troubles also engulfing part of USHelps as a lookout, sayHelps assistant to remove ass's head from BottomHelps back to healthHelps by suggesting something forgottenHelps case for atheism by tempering irreverent behaviourHelps for a timeHelps for autobiographersHelps gullible people, you say?Helps in a heistHelps in case of serious diseaseHelps in crimeHelps in dirty deedsHelps in plantingHelps off a dependencyHelps offender since being impaled with stakeHelps outHelps out quickly?Helps pay forHelps Saint to enter Saint’s city? Not IHelps secretlyHelps to introduce a sessionHelps withHelps with a con job?Helps with a heistHelps with the dishesHelps with the getaway caHelps, as a memoryHelps, assistsHelsinki coinHelsinki hoosegow?Helsinki mother's exhortaHelsinki nativeHelter-skelterHelter-___Helve attachmentHelveticHelvetica is oneHelvetica, e.g.Helvetica, for oneHem againHem and hawHem but not hawHem holderHem inHem in blouse's edging fixedHem length, maybeHem's partnerHematite, for oneHematite, pyrite, etc.Hematologist's studyHematologist's supplyHemingway novel of 1929Hemingway novel, with Hemingway settingHemingway sobriquetHemingway title characterHemingway's "___ Time"Hemingway's BarnesHemingway's handleHemingway's nicknameHemingway, onceHemingway, perhaps, penning article, becomes seriousHemisphereHemisphere that includes North, Central and South AmericaHemispheric assn.Hemispherical homeHemispherical roofHemispherical structureHemmed and hawedHemmed inHemmed in by protest, a Tory is one prepared to leave things behindHemmed in by strangers, I complain so!Hemmed, but didn't hawHemmer's commentHemming and hawingHempHemp brought back from Douglas IslandHemp fiberHemp fibre in refurbished sailsHemp sourceHemp wound up counterpart with tackle on the right wingHems and hawsHems but doesn't hawHems can go high for this dressHems inHems in vegetables containing sulphurHems' partnersHen bit some sparrow in gardenHen cagesHen laid, shifted, and drew breathHen or pen, e.g.Hen parties I organised: one’s held by apprenticeHen parties with music and light bitesHen productHen productsHen's creationHen's homeHen's mateHen's perchHen's placeHen's prideHen's tooth, e.g.Hen, at timesHen, e.g.HenceHence cooking us a Thai curry found thereHence ragHence Rees-Mogg & co ring?Hence, Greek character is found in Olympic cityHenceforthHenchmenHendrix belief oddly not palatableHendrix biography "___ MeHendrix hairdoHendrix of 60's musicHendrix of 60's rockHendry's first to break off - and remains here at tableHendryx of the group LabeHenhouseHenhouse perchHenhouse products don't gHenhouse soundsHenhouse threatHenhouses with no roof? My mistake!Henley crewHenley participantsHenley Regatta siteHenna and indigoHenna and othersHenny Youngman specialtyHenpeckHenpecksHenriHenri —, French artistHenri feminizerHenri or Pierre, e.g.Henri who painted "The DaHenri's headHenri's healthHenri's shoutHenri, e.g.Henry —, composerHenry - coil of rope, wool or yarnHenry - your Majesty - touring the countyHenry abandons anguished unorthodox Christian figureHenry abandons something difficult to crack up in frozen areaHenry and everyone working to hold minor annual festivityHenry and June's friend iHenry and June's friend, Henry beheaded and His Majesty's soldiers pig-food in surreal literary cityHenry beset by metallic sound: objectHenry Blake's rank on "M*Henry carries present and card in the same envelopeHenry Clay or William JenHenry Clay's estate in LeHenry Clay's historic KenHenry Clay, e.g.Henry Clay, for oneHenry Clay, politicallyHenry coined money irregularly, involving daughter in this?Henry dined, consuming chicken not thoroughly preparedHenry ended yule tipsily, without anyone taking any noticeHenry Fielding novel and Henry Fielding title heroHenry Ford II, to Henry FHenry Ford misquoteHenry Ford's first drink, relatively modestHenry Ford's sonHenry Ford's view of the pastHenry getting on in government farmHenry goes in to scrub choir hereHenry goes on journey by plane, now it's dawnHenry going: 'The price is different and this might prove it'Henry had six weeks, not even taking fourHenry has two islands and part of anotherHenry having stopped defeats gets cheersHenry heading off, teetering and limpingHenry Higgins and othersHenry Higgins's creatorHenry Hudson explored forHenry Hudson's shipHenry I was its first kinHenry II player in "BeckeHenry II welcoming return of dipso son in foul pantsHenry II's houseHenry II's wifeHenry in bed in hutHenry is forgotten by people before longHenry James biographer EdHenry James biographer LeHenry James heroineHenry James story about aHenry James title charactHenry James's "The PortraHenry joins Bill and Jack for trip to MeccaHenry Kissinger biographeHenry leaves curses for old partnersHenry leaves rotten peaches in bunkHenry left collegeHenry left party - old King identifying this exit?Henry likes tanks going round in European capitalHenry loathed fashion, including college scarfHenry longed to get marriedHenry maintains somewhat upper-class routineHenry needs gas to cook mullet, perhapsHenry not attending club functionHenry oddly abrupt delivering musical instrumentHenry of "Fail-Safe"Henry of the House JudiciHenry or Bruce?Henry Percy developed a secret codeHenry picking up old pet's whoopsieHenry punches unattractive clown behind dark barHenry put in quantity of petrol with gratitudeHenry quits Asian bank, perhaps he goes in lastHenry rejecting Boleyn's hair dyeHenry Sopel, for example, included in publication for gameHenry sort of cross with horse coming firstHenry staying in York location for freeHenry swallowed strong emotionHenry the Second in control? That has a good ring to it!Henry to appear in a short time – and again and again?Henry to appear with holdall — one to fix locks neededHenry to broadcast with Rob and Bob possiblyHenry tucks into foreign tea, a milky drinkHenry V, to Henry IVHenry VIII's family nameHenry VIII's favourite warship, resurrected in 1982Henry VIII's fourth wifeHenry VIII's houseHenry VIII's last wifeHenry VIII's palace by the ThamesHenry VIII's position of influenceHenry VIII's second or foHenry VIII's sixthHenry VIII's sixth wifeHenry VIII's sixth, CatheHenry VIII's VIthHenry VIII's warship that sank in the SolentHenry VIII, for example, was oneHenry Wade's opponent in Henry wears pink for singing in a groupHenry wears tramp's clothingHenry who made a Fortune?Henry who once headed theHenry Williamson novelHenry Williamson's Tarka was oneHenry Winkler role, with Henry ___Henry ___ LodgeHenry ___, first secretarHenry’s first English Queen picked up something of a colourful characterHenry’s revolting, pulling down large bloomersHenry’s in great painHenry's blue? What happened?Henry's bouquet wrapped up small flowerHenry's coming in about rented houseHenry's fair ladyHenry's house party in revolutionary grooveHenry's pupilHenry's sixthHenry's sonHenry's tucking into baby fishHenry's tuteeHenry, choking, is unable to singHenry, entering American joints, wanders vacantlyHenry, going off with boss to make big discovery in physicsHenry, interrupting Samuel, is 23Henry, not well, in the wrong, taking Government moneyHenry, old PM, swops sides, making a stand for 5 and 12Henry, shoe repairer not opening for one with a limpHenry, stop wasting time!Henry, turning up, eggs on Charlie to create chaosHenry’s coming in kinda lackingHenry’s English Queen rejected skin decorationHenry’s off cannabis, limiting vacationHensHens at the greatest altiHens possibly spotted thingsHens, but not roostersHens, e.g.Hepburn and Tracy shared Hepburn's "The Lion in WiHepburn/Tracy comedyHepcat's talkHer "Collected Poems" wonHer "Don't Know Why" was Her "Don't You Know" was Her 1965 Met debut was asHer action criminal, she’s in solitaryHer actors retrained as musiciansHer alter ego is PrincessHer bad doggies - after going walkies - devouring large breakfast?Her best lead is lost then found againHer caper corrupted ministerHer caper disturbed a clergymanHer car broke downHer co-star excited a lot of playersHer coin assortment includes pound that's added to the pool?Her dire plan shattered a womaniserHer face began to circulaHer face launched a thousHer feast day is Jul. 11Her film debut was as WooHer good faith sorted out answer to alcohol problem?Her husband-to-be was a slippery customerHer idea may be taking ofHer Maj put on crown for a bit of a laughHer Maj takes a tumble over frock to get compensation!Her Maj turned on yours truly, pure and simpleHer Maj, after drop of new wine, gets more offensiveHer mascot displayed front cover onceHer music so confused a section of the choirHer Nibs used to take a dip hereHer pa heads off for a timeHer patience is legendaryHer poem on change may be arousing for othersHer Royal Daunter?Her SAE transported in black car?Her sidekick was GabriellHer sins revealed in such hallowed placesHer slot designed as gun holderHer sons cut the damaged treeHer supply, with a lot in seedy placeHer symbol was a cowHer taleHer temple was adorned wiHer ten giant blunders constituting a menaceHer theme song was "Love Her theme song was a 1966Her theme was a hitHer tract upset one of four joint rulersHer vet Betsy is one of the very bestHer vote cast against platform for drug traffickingHer voting is erratic during the hours of darknessHer: Ger.Hera's motherHeracles' captive maidenHeraldHerald comes up again, blocking most of passageHerald in old city at end of monthHerald is bent on being heardHerald left, getting wind upHerald magnificent achievement?Herald of the Greek godsHerald opening of picture with touching on-screen presenceHerald procures cracking editor at lastHerald quiet about bad fellow, type falling shortHerald readerHerald regularly spurned flashing light on computer screenHerald supporting petitionHerald's jacketHerald's tunicHerald's up on one leg, out of controlHeraldic bandHeraldic beastHeraldic beast on the Royal ArmsHeraldic beast with very strange nameHeraldic blackHeraldic black; furHeraldic blueHeraldic borderHeraldic chargeHeraldic colourHeraldic creatureHeraldic deviceHeraldic family symbolsHeraldic form of dragonHeraldic furHeraldic greenHeraldic hueHeraldic shadeHeraldic shieldsHeraldic silverHeraldic symbol flourished over Europe, mostly tastefulHeraldic wreathHeralding British taking on US city planning policy?Herath let Eskinazi reveal sportspeopleHerbHerb - a no-goerHerb - arrogantHerb - girl's nameHerb Alpert at last extremely happy to meet meHerb Alpert ultimately right to visit part of SpainHerb Alpert undressed, say, when playingHerb Alpert's debut, one regularly covered by British Sign LanguageHerb – French streetHerb – French thoroughfareHerb caught musical opening outside Los AngelesHerb cookie filled with ganache longing to be eaten!Herb died diseasedHerb drinksHerb engulfing a petHerb finally cured problemHerb for one at the RoundHerb forming part of healthy mealHerb Gardner Broadway plaHerb going with beef or game birdHerb has heard birdHerb has some minutes to speak?Herb I can mostly see in churchHerb in duck and orange concoctionHerb in recipe PM has tackled before noonHerb in soupsHerb in stuffingHerb is a man’s nameHerb is coming up – tree conceals oneHerb lives with King SerpentHerb makes duke sickHerb of A & M recordsHerb of graceHerb of mint familyHerb of the mint familyHerb of the mint family, attractive to some petsHerb of the onion familyHerb of the parsley familyHerb on lamb chopped up after honey rejectedHerb or spice scattered in car lotHerb originally only relished, say, by a small numberHerb popular in Indian foHerb produced by your old-fashioned setterHerb providing revenue for the farmer, we hear?Herb related to mintHerb sometimes called ChiHerb teaHerb tea and gum flavourHerb teasHerb topping Levantine bread etcHerb typeHerb used for seasoningHerb used in casserolesHerb used in pestoHerb used in picklesHerb used in sausagesHerb wanting space in flower bedHerb we eat with bliss, when cookedHerb who played "Tijuana Herb with antiseptic propHerb with black fruit shedding end of skinHerb with narrow leavesHerb with prickly flower heads - elatesHerb with slender spikes of yellow flowersHerb with the Tijuana BraHerb with thread-like foliage used as seasoningHerb’s cold leading to itchy skinHerb’s occasion for speaking?Herb's 27 inch racket?Herb's occasion to be heardHerb's sort of horseHerb's two pronouns?Herb, duck and orange cookedHerb, guruHerb, hint of scent in bouquet recalled by husbandHerb, one about to be cut from church buildingHerb, one originally cultivated next to a colonnaded hallHerb, shockingly arrogantHerb-covered Australian hot dog?Herbaceous ornamentalHerbaceous perennial flowering plant - air feesHerbaceous plantHerbal "pet"Herbal beverageHerbal brewHerbal do-allHerbal drinkHerbal drink served up - it's all thereHerbal infusionHerbal medicine’s fine, always given to a small numberHerbal painkillers, all wholly positiveHerbal quaffHerbal remedy expert resident in Eastern Oriental countryHerbal remedy: always fine with small quantity aboutHerbal stress relieverHerbal teaHerbalist's supplyHerbert Hoover and RicharHerbert Hoover, by birthHerbert Hoover, for oneHerbert Lom, endlessly in courtHerbert Marx, familiarlyHerbert of "War and PeaceHerbert sci-fi classicHerbert who won a PulitzeHerbert's post about marital relationsHerbert's story entertains a majority of regulatorsHerbicide makes a fellow a goner, unfortunatelyHerbicide targetHerbicide's targetHerbivore filling saucepan, dailyHerbivore happy enough with tapir missing outsideHerbivore long ago sorted out grasses, mostlyHerbivore returns to plantHerbivorous dinosaurHerbivorous hoppersHerbivorous pachydermHerbs in a small bag used in cookingHerbs of the mint familyHerbs: bases for sauces, sayHerby tied bundleHercule Poirot originally confused after opening of shallow graveHercule Poirot's home on Hercule Poirot's homelandHercule Poirot's nationalityHercule's creatorHerculeanHerculean athletesHerculean chore involves stop at seaHerculean effortsHerculean task reducing flab ourselvesHerculean wife in seven-gated city dropping caseHerculesHercules fell in love witHercules had 12Hercules or UlyssesHercules struggling to carry old Steptoe: like his attitude?Hercules type Hercules, say, one sent to prison in mythical timeHerculon's fiberHerdHerd : buffalo :: knot : Herd : horse :: knot : __Herd in AfricaHerd localeHerd membersHerd of elephants?Herd of livestock wander beyond far end of fieldHerd of sealsHerd of whalesHerd or flock of animals moving togetherHerd orphanHerd strayHerd suffering with encroaching river given new shelterHerd-thinning menaceHerdedHerderHerders' toolsHerdsHerdsman departs with dogHerdsmen heading off for sources of waterHereHere and nowHere and thereHere and there, in footnoHere and there?Here are roads — ah, so go further, travelling round!Here are the ins and outs of a large officeHere at sea might one see son strip off?Here camels roaming spit on oneHere fashion mag contains tab for stringed instrumentHere find a newspaper, a revered one; a river runs through itHere get extra land developed to accommodate a military commanderHere goes Oscar with child say, heading westHere I may leave emptyHere in 21, I'm thinking, is much colderHere in Chamonix, the air finishes much colderHere in France, caught the French descendants in cold weather?Here in France, head shows hostile attitudeHere in Ireland, couple's without love (largely what love is, they say)Here in Ohio, crime reported twiceHere in Paris monarch is more aloofHere in Paris nobody goes for starters of some cakeHere in Versailles, her majesty is more frigidHere is game with drunken groom about to wake upHere it is!Here Labour begins true representation in AmericaHere little ones develop in computerisationHere Livingstone found father in main road, car being tailedHere many condemned medieval sort of bridgeHere Norse gods need a second pulloverHere on the authority ofHere on-line courses, Polish and so on, are cutHere one can burn frumpy red dressesHere one finds Samoan is openly a crookHere one is in US area? WrongHere one may order round after roundHere or thereHere perhaps needle, always the way to interrupt journalistHere players can be sent some notes in bindersHere Rosie crush got Lee excited — one love lostHere Ryde is an AmericanHere there are six Genevans I'm having to get sortedHere they run from arboreal apes' leader?Here to help in church as you worship?Here to pen chapter one, having foresightHere to spy producing tricky words?Here today, gone tomorrowHere today, ___ tomorrowHere top candidates, found lacking, go to one sideHere trade union breaking up conflictHere we go for relief - relief coming up in stagesHere we let her put out a light vehicleHere with shooter (not for public consumption)Here you can drop off surveillance device, sucker!Here you can make your mark cutting postHere you may find aircraft hovers around a riverHere you might catch top dogHere you'll see journalists hurry before fightHere your panniers get lostHere’s a giftHere’s politician before supporting a current measureHere's a gooseberry crumble, see mother?Here's a surprise!Here's a twistHere's all primary working for astronomical deviceHere's betting you can carry this offHere's fine wine - no good abstaining!Here's me behind the times, showing inability to move forwardHere's me losing nothing in change when providing coinageHere's one pour vousHere's our staggering, overwhelming power, as Spider-Man or Batman?Here's porridge, and what to do when cooking itHere's some wordless singing involving soprano, contralto and alto?Here's, maybe, a grave intensityHere, a calling to perform?Here, abroadHere, but not hereHere, elsewhereHere, in DijonHere, in FranceHere, in HaitiHere, in HidalgoHere, in HondurasHere, in JuHere, in Le HavreHere, in ParisHere, in QuHere, in SevilleHere, in ToledoHere, not in heavenHere, on a tombstoneHere, on the RivieraHere, over thereHere, Paul pens some rude ones, like damn?Here, the Marseillaise wins award for muppetHere, there and everywherHere, time's up!Here, to HHere, to HenriHere, to HugoHere, to JavierHere, trade union stops conflictHere-there connectorHere-there linkHere/there connectorHere/there separatorHereaboutHereafterHereafter, God somehow could be metHere’s a surprise about the French overture from Ravel? It’s not an overtureHere’s first wayward fish ...Here’s what, at sea, starts to identify precipitation?HereditaryHereditary classHereditary earl comes up in draw started by governmentHereditary factor somewhat degenerateHereditary information overturning quoteHereditary knightHereditary princeHereditary rulerHereditary ruler?Hereditary successionHereditary titleHeredity carrierHeredity helixHeredity transmitterHeredity unitHeredity, informallyHeredity, so to speakHeredity-relatedHeresyHereticHeretic in occasional outbursts striking a priest's bottomHeretic Tories naughtily invading student organisationHeretical movement beyond control after number retiredHeretics fledHeretoforeHerewith, a poem to make nonsense ofHergé's adventurous young Belgian reporterHeritageHeritage organisationHeritage organisation that has everyone’s confidence?Herman's Hermits frontmanHermann who wrote "SteppeHermaphroditeHermaphroditismHermes accessoriesHermetically sealedHermitHermit - as regards one of these, solitude initially welcomed?Hermit in husbandry?Hermit taking first instalment of annuity from mortgage provider?Hermit's homeHermit, say, is sour about SocietyHermiticHermits confused in chain storeHernando de ___Hernando's hideaway?HerniaHernia supportHeroHero - a regular?Hero A for Average?Hero after whom eight U.SHero apt to struggle grasping Latin MassHero at home entertaining companyHero aviatorsHero away at 26D 29D hit - hit for 6A?Hero can be heard in loungeHero cited fanciful four-syllable footHero described as "EyelesHero devours bananas and small startersHero doing nothing to an audienceHero doing nothing to speak ofHero fell among starsHero from Left supporting response in union ceremonyHero having nothing to do on radio?Hero in "Ulysses"Hero in book, maybe Hood succeeded on tortuous courseHero in MiG crashing into sun diedHero known for his noseHero makerHero maker's aidHero of "Boyz N the Hood"Hero of "The Matrix"Hero of 1898Hero of 60's TV and 80's Hero of a John Irving besHero of Bellini's "I PuriHero of books by WE JohnsHero of Dryden's "All forHero of early French ballHero of early French epic poemHero of Greek epicHero of group in nerve centreHero of many Clancy novelHero of many old dime novHero of medieval romancesHero of New OrleansHero of old seeing a doomed lover accepting kissHero of Robert Burns? 'Twas me on occasion!Hero of several Clancy noHero of Shaw play with parts including leader of ChristiansHero of Sophocles' "ElectHero of Super Bowl IIIHero of the 1997 best selHero of the first opera wHero of The HobbitHero of The Jungle BookHero of Trafalgar SquareHero old flame accepting a ringHero on overseas trip books event for playersHero pilotHero potentially good to czar catching virusHero robot of the comicsHero sandwichHero shopHero singles out traditional beautyHero taught to perform with stage managerHero to FidelHero to manyHero tries to break ideas manHero typeHero undergoes changes, getting university recognitionHero unemployed reportedlyHero valued assembly that's repairedHero Weasley occasionally enters in this mannerHero who debuted in BlackHero whose magic words 'Open Sesame' found the way into the forty thieves' caveHero whose statue appearsHero with weapon avoiding large young felineHero worshipHero worship? Puck does have a go, after taking noteHero worshiperHero worshipper is less fat without beginning to dietHero’s boyfriend died in comparatively poor surroundingsHero's acclaimHero's awardHero's award - not another award?Hero's award: Abbr.Hero's drink of choice?Hero's forteHero's listHero's loveHero's lover hiding in very large shrubsHero's mate is new in directorial roleHero's medal: Abbr.Hero's one for villain — friend to Caesar, J?Hero's placeHero's prideHero's taleHero's welcomeHero, at timesHero, say, comes in advanceHero, to someHero-typeHero-worshipHero-worship from frivolous viewers reportedlyHero-worshipper behind Obama, initially, or BushHero-worshipping adroitly revisedHero-worshipsHero/giant created by RabHero/poet of Gaelic legenHerodHeroesHeroes in fancy restaurantHeroes met surprisingly small groupHeroes' exploitsHeroes' resting placeHeroicHeroic actionHeroic actsHeroic and longHeroic cricket side intent on woman leaving MarkHeroic deedHeroic deedsHeroic exploitHeroic featHeroic Greek units holding an elevated positionHeroic knightHeroic knight - aid planHeroic legendHeroic men at sea bringing in dead marine creatureHeroic narrativeHeroic narrativesHeroic outlawHeroic Peston broadcast on two channelsHeroic poemHeroic poemsHeroic poet of Gaelic legHeroic poetryHeroic qualityHeroic sagaHeroic sailor, noble type, goes by car mostlyHeroic SchindlerHeroic subject having to give way to EnglishHeroic taleHeroic tale about, yes, Spanish tennis playerHeroic tale from South Africa about a guerrilla leaderHeroic tale from The Pickwick PapersHeroic tale of half perhaps fleeing outbreakHeroic talesHeroic tales and illustrations on the net?Heroic traitHeroic twin brother of princess tormenting us with We Three Kings! Really?Heroic verseHeroic worker from Rhondda, say?Heroically resisting pizzicato, perhaps?Heroically, ecstatically proletarian: no hothead, no alternativeHeroicsHeroinHeroin addict abandoning us for £1Heroin and beer will make you fit and healthyHeroin and the likeHeroin discovered by border guardHeroin during new year festival a mistake, producing horrific persecutionHeroin imported by organised crime, a monstrous thingHeroin in Pernod, when mixed, makes a natural painkillerHeroin in the morning? Well over the topHeroin smuggler's blunderHeroin supplier went soft inside, letting head dropHeroin used regularly for a long timeHeroin’s moved close to the coastHeroin, for instanceHeroin, gold and pounds in takings from robberyHeroin, slangilyHeroin, unlimited tabs and sex can form oneHeroine in Bizet's "The PHeroine in Verdi's "Il TrHeroine left on the Titanic starts to imagine AtlantisHeroine meets dashing man, no cruel foreign bigwigHeroine of 1847Heroine of Arthurian romaHeroine of Bulwer-Lytton'Heroine of children's litHeroine of children’s book in a story about collegeHeroine of ExmoorHeroine of film Casablanca; sail (anagram)Heroine of Inge's "PicnicHeroine of Irish legendHeroine of Tchaikovsky's Heroine of Tennessee WillHeroine of the far right - a sort of smaller Eva BraunHeroine of The Merchant of VeniceHeroine of Turgenev's "OnHeroine of Verdi's "Il TrHeroine of Wagner's "The Heroine seconds from death imprudently smoked Camels by fuel storeHeroine who declares "I hHeroine who says "I resisHeroine, fair but no saint, covers up deceptionHeroine, tragic victim of hubris? Old enough to see through thisHeroines oddly missing for long periodsHeroines oddly overlooked for long periodsHeroismHeroism without support? AbsolutelyHeronHeron bagged by hunter, gentleman from the southHeron on river wishing fish hadn't escaped, perhapsHeron or egretHeron played in the riverHeron, say, on top of treeHeron, say? About timeHerons flying over French island's receding littoralHerons' hauntsHerosHerpes symptoms - head to the centre to settle these, perhapsHerpes varicella zoster virus diseaseHerpes zosterHerpetologist's subjectHerpetologist's supplyHerpetologists' subjectsHERRHerr BismarckHerr centHerr SchindlerHerr Schindler and othersHerr's herHerr's homeHerr's mateHerr's wifeHerr, hereHerring kinHerring on a fishhook?Herring recipe with cool clam soup periodically usedHerring, salted and smokedHerring-like fishHerringbone, e.g.Herringlike catchHerringlike fishHerringlike fishesHerschel discovered itHerschel's discovery of Hyperion for instance initially intrigued astronomersHersey hamletHersey localeHersey novel settingHersey's "A Bell for ___"Hersey's bell townHersey's fictional townHershey barHershey brandHershey candyHershey company purchaseHershey Foods brandHershey's alternativeHershey's bar with coconuHershey's brandHershey's candyHershey's vatfulHershiser on the moundHertfordshire cathedral cityHertfordshire riverHertfordshire townHertfordshire town theatre space hosting fairHerts town's goods in the shopsHertz competitorHertz offeringHertz rivalHertz ___-CarHesiod is truly entertaining poetHesitantHesitant - Tories ruleHesitant moving at first, becoming courteousHesitant nurse clumsily collecting a trace of urineHesitant onesHesitant questionHesitant responseHesitant soundsHesitant when cutting round tops of diseased elmsHesitant when switching articles in journalHesitant, using gestural and verbal forms of communicationHesitantly stated a colour and was wrongHesitateHesitate as I pick up fish, wrapped in bacon, sayHesitate in speakingHesitate limiting English prisoner's energy sourceHesitate on run, and get lost?Hesitate over rejecting a bachelor's jointHesitate putting one article in empty drawerHesitate to ignore origin of Welfare StateHesitate to leave sick insideHesitate to state women must come firstHesitate to visit Rawalpindi therapistHesitate twice to enter social security premiums digitallyHesitate when seeing father sitting on facilityHesitate, missing the initial changeHesitate, not beginning to changeHesitate: it’s hard to be positiveHesitated at regular intervals?HesitatesHesitates to stop groom’s summary dismissalHesitatingHesitating to oust leader, admitting even Boris ultimately not seen as popular?Hesitating to own item of jewelleryHesitationHesitation about temptress as partner for 16?Hesitation about The Guardian’s benefitsHesitation after famous Geordie duo swap places with bottleHesitation before crucial moment in stunning data analysisHesitation before Jew needing no introduction becomes a recluseHesitation by actor WilliHesitation entering a US city after smart tricksHesitation expressed after TV hosts, out of order, say Graham’s location?Hesitation over standing by exact limitHesitation over volume accommodated by modern storage system is stressfulHesitation soundHesitation to enter 20, possibly, as a figureHesitation to put launch onto lochHesitation to shout — not a mistakeHesitation when opening man’s presentHesitationsHess and BreckinridgeHess who was a dameHesse riverHessian bagHessian titleHester Prynne portrayer, Hester Prynne's "A," e.g.Hester Prynne's stigmaHeston epicHeston film, with "The"Heston was its pres.Het upHet up about a silly kitchen towelHeterogeneousHeterosexual couple hiding half of what's put inside coverHeterosexual married couple embracing when clean?HewHewerHewing toolHewlett-Packard competitoHewlett-Packard rival: AbHexHex haltersHex pretty much transformed web softwareHEX VERIFYHex, of a sortHexennial eventHextall of hockeyHey Derek, make an off-peak callHey there, at seaHey __ __ swindle!Hey ___ !Hey, rescue Bob!HeydayHeyerdahl craftHeyerdahl raftHeyerdahl title startHeyum?Hezbollah stronghold ___ Hgt.Hgts.HGVHiHi - byeHi Flagston's wife, in thHi from Don HoHi from HoHi sign?Hi there, Richard: Hamlet knew himHi you in street, gimme money!Hi!Hi! - Bye!Hi's helpmate, in the comHi's partnerHi, I undo bucklesHi-fiHi-fi buysHi-fi componentHi-fi partsHi-fi store gets revamped (including online)Hi-fi supplyHi-fi systemHi-fisHi-jinks in a stolen carHi-speed connectionHI-strung instrument?Hi-tec group discussion bears fruit on visitHi-tech "guts"Hi-tech auto deviceHi-tech bookmarkHi-tech heartHi-tech helperHi-tech organizerHi-tech readHi-___Hi-___ graphicsHi-___ monitorHiatusHiawatha's weaponHibachi residueHibernating animalHibernating snake securing shelterHibernationHibernation siteHibernation spotHiberniaHibernianHibernian flag at front of hotelHibernian girl hit it offHibernian meat and veg dishHibernian's landHibiscus originally captured by artist, a flowering plantHibiscus ringHic, ___, hocHiccupHiccups, so to speakHickHickman who played 58-AcrHickman who played Dobie Hickory nutHickory treeHickory tree and its nutHickory tree nutHickory ___Hickory-smoked itemsHicksHidHid from pursuersHid from viewHid safely disguised where grasses growHid, with "up"HiddenHidden - mysteriousHidden 10Hidden advantageHidden agendaHidden agendasHidden aspect of postdoc cultureHidden assetHidden awayHidden bay, the colour of a sunset?Hidden boundaryHidden byHidden by tutu, monstrous bellyHidden camp housing soldiersHidden catchHidden character faultsHidden clues revised by Dutch with support from editorHidden conditionsHidden currentHidden dangerHidden danger behind returning medication boxesHidden danger of wrong sort of fat in tabletHidden dangersHidden diamonds in countryHidden drawbackHidden eastern prisoner tried to break outsideHidden element in this puHidden emotional feelingHidden factHidden from public scrutiny with summer over?Hidden from viewHidden from view, French number seven, not fiveHidden gunmanHidden help for one who'sHidden hoardHidden images showing tough stuffHidden in dead part of AustraliaHidden in underground cell, edging away from miceHidden items, sometimesHidden marksmanHidden means of support?Hidden mikeHidden motiveHidden non-paying passengerHidden observer coming round about in pursuit of ordinary birdHidden optical faculty all used up?Hidden passengerHidden quality no longer in place - pleasant to conceal oneHidden rocks, to a shipHidden room's secret openHidden scandalHidden shooterHidden source of MDMA located in raidHidden spotHidden stashHidden stockHidden storage spaceHidden storeHidden store of money, reportedlyHidden store of thingsHidden store of valuablesHidden supplyHidden talent's wastedHidden under lots of loose rocks is EdmundHidden valleyHidden, as a pigHidden, concealed (from French)Hidden, ticketless voyagerHidden; cloudedHidden; dormantHideHide - flayHide 16 disheartened old womenHide a mike onHide after dropping trendy basinHide and seek: extremely popularHide and seek? Not half, on Greek islandHide as soon as having entered stateHide awayHide away from the French and American tax serviceHide away in corner of Greek island?Hide away in south-eastern Greek islandHide barcode pattern uniquely identifying this?Hide bars for periods of ProhibitionHide bay rum unfinished before start of prohibitionHide being almost on the breadlineHide bit of wood around new section of course?Hide bordering lakeHide boredom, in a wayHide classical object of worship going west, then eastHide classified file at baseHide completely or partiallyHide crack somehow in seat outdoorsHide drug among the soapsudsHide eastern articles in both handsHide error in repair?Hide face finally in bubblesHide from huge bird with two tails coming in lowHide from king overwhelmed by lust?Hide from viewHide in a closet?Hide in a corner of Greek islandHide in a safe placeHide in Asia from Spooner's soldierHide in Magaluf with Eco novelHide in showerHide in the woodsHide inflatable bed punctured by English womenHide king wearing something wickedHide line associated with songHide line creaseHide male in a foul cage after beatingHide mistake in polishHide money for the audienceHide needlework display in EdinburghHide North Korean leader's fiscal irregularityHide oneselfHide onset of chronic painHide outHide pay for escort firstHide plain pants and fancy bloomersHide porn when getting treatment with new brain chemicalHide potential accident after 1Hide problem under mat - it isn't entertainingHide prunes inside empty envelopeHide rent evidence, with tenants having loose morals?Hide rock, one that holds gold?Hide round bike sheds, primarily to smokeHide second familyHide seekerHide seeker?Hide small close relationsHide southern relationsHide supplier at rebuilt gorilla cagesHide the gray, sayHide transfer of large amount backing special honourHide under excessive clothingHide vase, cracked — glue providedHide waste around Yorkshire riverHide wellHide whip - side of door satisfactory?Hide's partnerHide, anticipating Spooner asking "What time do you call this?"Hide, formerly found in CaliforniaHide, in a wayHide, or show, Native American between two polesHide-and-seek hideoutHide-and-seek proclamatioHide-and-___Hide-covered abodeHide-hair connectorHide-hair linkHideawayHideaway by river in LondonHideaway flushed out by intense skillHideaway under river in London boroughHideawaysHideboundHidebound individuals with secret organisation lacking a baseHideousHideous building that has one seeing red?Hideous new build generates capital ...Hideous oneHideous sightHideous sortHideous thing witnessed, I'm exasperated and traumatised initiallyHideous Welsh sport largely set in a lakeHideous-sounding fruit?HideoutHideoutsHider in kids' booksHidesHides a mike onHides from Shakespeare the origins of Cleopatra and Anthony in seven playsHides from the enemy, sayHides from viewHides on a frameHides outHides rocky rubble next to rear parts of garden bedsHides the grayHides, as from the copsHides, avoiding National's runnersHidingHiding at home reflects signs of negativityHiding away as night's unravellingHiding behind executive tableHiding bottom in swingers' bar, Arachne cuts odd, discontented figureHiding case of luxury gin? Silly moo!Hiding expression of pain, crying — turning somewhat pale?Hiding one's true feelingHiding outHiding placeHiding place for a home rHiding place in "Hamlet"Hiding poor result by blowingHiding spotHiding spotsHiding the gray, sayHiding, maybe, in service areaHiding, with "up"Hierarchical positionHierarchical structureHierarchiesHierarchsHierarchyHierarchy chart's top boxHierarchy levelHierarchy partHierarchy, Bard-style?Hieroglyph imagesHieroglyph symbolHieroglyphic royal name holderHieroglyphic stone localeHieroglyphic symbolHieroglyphic symbol for tHieroglyphics birdHieroglyphics crossHieroglyphics serpentHieronymus —, artistHieronymus —, painterHieronymus Bosch, for oneHieronymus perhaps swallowing king's soupHiggins's pupil in elocutHiggledy-piggledyHighHigh - like walls in the PenninesHigh - rapturousHigh altitude cloudHigh altitude clouds forming 'mare's tails'High altitude habitationHigh and dryHigh and lowHigh and low indicatorsHigh and low water linesHigh and low?High and mightiesHigh and softly resonantHigh and thin in toneHigh anxietyHigh area of countryHigh area of mountainside not safe for climbingHigh awardHigh ballHigh ball, in poolHigh ball?High balls?High bank of seats on right entering trireme?High bar jumperHigh barkHigh beam?High beamsHigh berthHigh blood pressureHigh body temperatureHigh bond ratingHigh bootHigh boots for fishermenHigh boy’s singing voiceHigh branchHigh bridge cardHigh bridge sitesHigh cardHigh card up one's sleeveHigh cardsHigh chest of drawersHigh church member's 'Spiritual Is Theological' pieceHigh churchman on time?High circulation increaseHigh classHigh class chefHigh class?: Abbr.High cloudsHigh clouds: I start getting perturbed after a lot at seaHigh councilsHigh countryHigh Court division disposes of hollow ruby, making fortuneHigh court has dinner cookedHigh craggy hillHigh deck at old sailing ship's sternHigh degreeHigh degrees?High dice rollsHigh doHigh draft ratingHigh dudgeonHigh dudgeon?High earners taking in southern mountain air qualityHigh edgeHigh end of many scalesHigh endsHigh ends?High expectation for ElizHigh explosiveHigh explosive (abbr.)High explosive one removed from the shadeHigh fashionHigh fashion inits.High feeling?High flat landHigh flattish areaHigh flierHigh flier, onceHigh fliersHigh fluteHigh flyer is buying limousine, say, for allHigh flyer?High frequency loudspeakerHigh frequency range, say, penetrating mum - is sore in the earsHigh German dialect once spoken by many European JewsHigh gradeHigh grade heroin son is shooting up on the beachHigh grade olive oilHigh groundHigh ground in Dutch lowlHigh guy in DubaiHigh guy?High hatHigh heelHigh heel, e.g.High heel; daggerHigh hideawayHigh hit behind the catchHigh hitsHigh Hollywood honorHigh homeHigh honorHigh honourHigh honour in coming in to reduce hateHigh in caloriesHigh in pitchHigh in pitch, female voice entertains groupHigh in the AndesHigh in the French AlpsHigh in the Sierra Madre?High jinksHigh jump equipmentHigh jump needHigh jump techniqueHigh jumper rocks during walkHigh jumper's fine jump needing powerHigh jumper?High landHigh legal authorityHigh level groundHigh level of respectHigh level of the gender problemHigh level power behind American universityHigh lightsHigh linesHigh male singing voiceHigh male voiceHigh manHigh markHigh mark with low effortHigh marksHigh mass of landHigh military muck-a-muckHigh military rankHigh mountainHigh mountainsHigh muck-a-muckHigh muck-a-mucksHigh nestHigh nest: Var.High nestsHigh note coming in very much on an intermittent basisHigh note to lowHigh observation point has observer covering US stateHigh official’s valet endlessly taking risksHigh on amphetaminesHigh on drugs, ruins the environmentHigh on drugs, son walked some distanceHigh ones may produce a rHigh open grassland of southern AfricaHigh or drunkHigh Ottoman empire officialHigh Ottoman officialHigh part of building frequently involved in unskilled climbingHigh part of sailing shipHigh partners?High passage diva is struggling with cutHigh passageway between bHigh peakHigh pitchHigh pitched river conflictHigh placeHigh place for a bird to live inHigh place near Aberdeen?High placesHigh places?High pointHigh point after New Year's Day for one cleaning upHigh point at one live broadcastHigh point getting married in a churchHigh point in treatment of arioso seen in choral worksHigh point in TurkeyHigh point is meeting of Mirror and TimesHigh point of 1980 newsHigh point of a river: wow!High point of a storyHigh point of a Swiss vacHigh point of copy that Self must turn inHigh point of excellenceHigh point of item carried overHigh point of St Peter's BasilicaHigh point of the O.T.High point reached, some problem catching upHigh point: Abbr.High point’s end, not startHigh pointsHigh points of a EuropeanHigh points of a trip to High points of a vacationHigh points: Abbr.High powerHigh praiseHigh pressure addition to cloud, maybeHigh price - necessity, perversely to secure botched DIYHigh priest at ShilohHigh priest from Asia cavorting with chapHigh priest in "Aida"High priest in ExodusHigh priest in power working to get over disagreementHigh priest in the limelight once and againHigh priest number two holding mass for stricken cityHigh priest of soul maybe told about dancingHigh priest's power over quarrelHigh priest's witHigh priests perhaps, and others, act appallinglyHigh providerHigh pulse is weirdly unusualHigh quality of sound after soprano departsHigh quality silver robbery reportedHigh quality wineHigh quiet streamHigh rankHigh ratingHigh ratingsHigh red cardHigh regardHigh regard for each helping to host partyHigh regard, respectHigh regionHigh rent fuels hurtHigh rent Hall curtailed for entranceHigh rent magnate charged in TV dramaHigh rent, amount that's something people contestHigh returnHigh riserHigh roller's pocketfulHigh roller's ventureHigh rollers?High rollsHigh sch. disciplinarianHigh sch. hurdle, for somHigh sch. subjectHigh school breakoutHigh school classHigh school courseHigh school course, for sHigh school danceHigh school dept.High school electiveHigh school exams, for shHigh school grad-to-be's High school grads?High school jrs. take itHigh school jrs. take theHigh school math: Abbr.High school org.High school outbreak?High school parking lot fHigh school seniors, ofteHigh school subj.High school subjectHigh school sweetheartHigh school yearbook sectHigh schoolerHigh schooler's test, briHigh schoolersHigh score - 80 percentHigh scoresHigh sea waveHigh sea's extremely rough for clippersHigh seas retaining gooey substance for all timeHigh season, on the RivieHigh seatsHigh sense of self, say, is entrenched in old moneyHigh singing methodHigh singing voiceHigh social classHigh societyHigh society resting on fashionable resultHigh spiritHigh spiritsHigh spirits leading to broken toenailHigh spotHigh spot - of English year, that isHigh spot when Miss Jones stripped offHigh spot, like going round Windy EndHigh spot?High spotsHigh standardsHigh standards for Lisa Simpson, working with energyHigh stationHigh steep bank caused by river erosionHigh steep hillHigh stone to go climbingHigh street browserHigh Street chain has branch spinning laceHigh street department stores vanished, first offHigh Street done badlyHigh street houses newly let by people offering relocationHigh Street I desertedHigh street retailer once seeing value in a fabric?High street shop where police located queen?High Street shops - they need the dough, we're toldHigh sturdy walls the usual support for a window cleaner?High tea during hard period for concubineHigh temperatureHigh temperature not starting at any timeHigh temperature that's exhausting, did you say, for plant?High temperature, suffering in 12?High temperature? TotallyHigh tennis hitHigh tennis shotHigh terrainHigh throw or shotHigh tight collarHigh time for investors to flip about Turkey?High time in ParisHigh time to appear here?High time?High timesHigh times?High toll can end in mourningHigh Tory capers will doHigh trump cardHigh value revolutionary joins SpainHigh velocity weaponHigh voiceHigh voice offering confusion of tenor with soprano of lateHigh water alternativeHigh water?High ways?High wind in game cramping current cricket clubHigh wind ripped advert off initiallyHigh wind still cool everywhereHigh wind that’s to sailors troubleHigh wispy cloudHigh ___ kiteHigh's oppositeHigh(est) priceHigh, as a priceHigh, in a wayHigh, in coutureHigh, in HondurasHigh, in Le HavreHigh, in musicHigh, in the AlpsHigh, narrow windows endiHigh, pricewiseHigh, shrill yelpHigh-altitude bases offering exceptional aspect from AlpsHigh-altitude homeHigh-altitude probeHigh-altitude wispy cloudHigh-and-mightyHigh-bornHigh-brow music, Ted? Cut and run!High-calorie cheeseHigh-calorie dip is perhaps seasonalHigh-calorie treatHigh-capacity transmission techniqueHigh-cholesterol concoctiHigh-Churchman?High-classHigh-class affliction?High-class cookingHigh-class crew returned, having lost little timeHigh-class glove Spooner found in front of stageHigh-class line performed, amidst rising laughterHigh-class navy vesselHigh-class tieHigh-class, as a restauraHigh-crime districtHigh-crowned cap worn in High-culture entertainmenHigh-culture strainsHigh-definition screens popular with one foreign-language speakerHigh-definition storage mHigh-definition video disHigh-drama competition?High-elevation areasHigh-end cameraHigh-end French retailerHigh-end HondaHigh-end Honda divisionHigh-end property? Old tree, fellers cut into sectionsHigh-end shoe and handbagHigh-end version of a proHigh-end violaHigh-end watchesHigh-end watchmakerHigh-energy light meal prepared to entertain a EuropeanHigh-energy snackHigh-fashion dressmakingHigh-fashion inits.High-fat dish with greensHigh-fiber foodHigh-fiber, low-fat cereaHigh-fibre meal required for sport?High-fired potteryHigh-five soundHigh-five, e.g.High-fivesHigh-flier - probably not putting much in - getting this resultHigh-flier in Tory party close to donorHigh-flier is acquiring estate, perhaps with title in AsiaHigh-flier who predates good result for part of courseHigh-flier's appearance embodying right pedigreeHigh-flier?High-fliersHigh-fliers flying high?High-flown tributesHigh-flown, pompousHigh-flyer in Navy plugging point repeatedlyHigh-flyer once seen going with papers for shreddingHigh-flyer with ego we all knocked aboutHigh-flyer's hunting dog slipped off its leadHigh-flyer's piece of jewellery changes handsHigh-flyer's saucier gyrating, removing last of lingerieHigh-flyers must have raw rice boiledHigh-flyers succeeded at businessHigh-flying American brothers picked up parts of billHigh-flying American working party in creditHigh-flying cliqueHigh-flying individualHigh-flying singer hurt badly by silenceHigh-flying son of DaedalusHigh-flying songbirdHigh-flying toyHigh-gradeHigh-grade hard coalHigh-handedHigh-handed op-eds blasted jerkHigh-handed remark?High-handednessHigh-hatHigh-hat typeHigh-hatsHigh-hatterHigh-hatter?High-hattersHigh-heel shoesHigh-I.Q. clubHigh-I.Q. crewHigh-I.Q. groupHigh-I.Q. setHigh-IQ organisationHigh-jump needHigh-jumper's hurdleHigh-jumping technique - ploy rubs offHigh-kicking danceHigh-kicking old star slippery type knocked upHigh-level aggression?High-level building workerHigh-level course plannerHigh-level guide's phrase needs translatingHigh-level meeting? Problem with it being disrupted by millionsHigh-level plot for gore and mayhemHigh-level risk taker I employed in game planHigh-luster fabricHigh-m.p.g. vehiclesHigh-maintenanceHigh-maintenance individualHigh-maintenance opera singer?High-mindedHigh-minded - italicisedHigh-minded headmaster dismissing a limited version of education?High-mindednessHigh-muck-a-muckHigh-muckety-muckHigh-occupancy vehicles?High-octane plays like these can be shortHigh-performance CamaroHigh-performance Camaro _High-performance wheelsHigh-pHHigh-pH substanceHigh-pitchedHigh-pitched and piercingHigh-pitched cries question replacing Trump at the last opportunity in talksHigh-pitched cryHigh-pitched double-reedsHigh-pitched electronic noiseHigh-pitched flute played in drum bandsHigh-pitched male parts wobbleHigh-pitched neighHigh-pitched pig noisesHigh-pitched signalsHigh-pitched soundHigh-pitched sound expressing lustHigh-pitched sound starts to bother ladies aboard plane?High-pitched sound, live, put on recordHigh-pitched windHigh-pitched woodwind instrumentHigh-powered language?High-powered personalityHigh-pressure systemHigh-pressure ___High-pricedHigh-priced designer wearHigh-priced fursHigh-priced seating areaHigh-priced ticket areaHigh-priced ticket optionHigh-priced ticket requesHigh-priorityHigh-priority itemHigh-profile defendant ofHigh-profile hairdoHigh-protein foodHigh-protein food often fHigh-protein pasteHigh-protein pulseHigh-qualityHigh-quality (wine)High-quality - penaltyHigh-quality brandyHigh-quality clothHigh-quality tea grown in northern IndiaHigh-quality vineyardHigh-quality wooden furnitureHigh-quality writing mediHigh-quality, as a filmHigh-ranked player in a knock-out tournamentHigh-rankingHigh-ranking academicHigh-ranking angelsHigh-ranking army officerHigh-ranking Asian woman say taken in by trampHigh-ranking bureaucratHigh-ranking clergymanHigh-ranking ecclesiastic not yet dead, can one infer?High-ranking head of Inquisition appearing in Man of La Mancha?High-ranking Indian woman for example feeding trampHigh-ranking noncomHigh-ranking officer damages HenryHigh-ranking Ottoman officialHigh-ranking pilot lost over north eastHigh-ranking suitsHigh-ranking Turkish officerHigh-riseHigh-rise accommodation for social workers?High-rise apartment gardeHigh-rise buildingHigh-rise central blockHigh-rise domicile you permitted use of is windyHigh-rise homesHigh-rise localesHigh-rise memberHigh-rise supportHigh-rise, e.g.High-riskHigh-risk gameHigh-school athletic starHigh-school classHigh-school class, informHigh-school dept.High-school disruptersHigh-school gym featureHigh-school honeyHigh-school org.High-school subj.High-schoolerHigh-scoring baseball gamHigh-shouldered animalHigh-singing Cuban?High-speed hand-walking contest is a very dangerous competitionHigh-speed inits.High-speed Internet initsHigh-speed train from BosHigh-speed train routes are mostly screwed upHigh-speed traveller in theory on yacht at seaHigh-speed vehicleHigh-spiritedHigh-spirited double entendre has to stop - heavens!High-spirited escapadeHigh-spirited former worker sheltering over in MunichHigh-spirited horseHigh-spirited pal fully tipsy after draining single litreHigh-spirited relative in borders of JerseyHigh-spirited thug in hearing for job?High-stakes draw in Las VHigh-stakes maneuverHigh-status woman elected, taking fizzy drinkHigh-stepping occasion?High-strungHigh-strung horse, e.g.High-strung items?High-tech co.High-tech company with a High-tech concession disliked restricting one's time in chargeHigh-tech form of rescueHigh-tech gadgetry suffixHigh-tech heart, for shorHigh-tech map subjectHigh-tech navigation systHigh-tech officer in filmHigh-tech program, for shHigh-tech reportHigh-tech scam artistHigh-tech spree leaves an uneasy feelingHigh-tech step taken by government advisory bodyHigh-tech subjectHigh-tech subscription aiHigh-tech suffixHigh-tech surveillance acHigh-tech transmissionHigh-tech, special card allows guards entry at the frontHigh-tensile steel producHigh-tension power line supportHigh-testing groupHigh-topHigh-voltage weaponHigh-waisted to the extreHigh-water markHigh-___High-___ monitorHigh: Fr.High: Ger.High: Lat.High: PrefixHighball ingredientHighball with white rumHighbornHighboy or lowboyHighbrow Charlie Girl I visit brieflyHighbrow cinemaHighbrowismHighbrowsHighchair attireHighchair featureHigherHigher after second drink?Higher auction offerHigher calling?Higher degree?Higher education institutionsHigher education institutions working in harmonyHigher groundHigher in fuel-to-air ratHigher in positionHigher in rankHigher of twoHigher on the Mohs scaleHigher pair of black squaHigher prelate's officeHigher rankingHigher septet of black sqHigher thanHigher upHigher urban area now put in disarrayHigher-pricedHigher-rankedHigher-rankingHigher-ranking thanHigher-upsHigher-ups?Higher; superiorHighestHighest Alpine peakHighest and lowest function values are met with ten changesHighest bid in bridgeHighest bond ratingHighest capital city in South AmericaHighest capital city in the worldHighest cost, to figure in equal valueHighest deg.Highest degreeHighest degreesHighest European volcanoHighest female voiceHighest gradeHighest grade in clinical pharmacologyHighest hereditary male British titleHighest honorHighest in rankHighest level attainableHighest level of sporting or professional activityHighest male singing voiceHighest markHighest mountainHighest mountain in AustrHighest mountain in JapanHighest mountain in the AlpsHighest mountain in WalesHighest nest is one of these thingsHighest non-face cardHighest number in kenoHighest part in a piece of choral musicHighest part in a piece of choral music - act onHighest part including top of mountain in quakeHighest part of a horse's backHighest part of a pitched roofHighest part of building making prof too dizzyHighest peak in Crete: AbHighest peak in JapanHighest peak in the NorthHighest peak in the PhiliHighest peak of CreteHighest peak on Africa's Highest pointHighest point almost for pulseHighest point in an orbitHighest point in Italy?Highest point of achievementHighest point of ascent mostly shown by a crossHighest point of excellenceHighest point of excellence or achievementHighest point on the OhioHighest pointsHighest points of a group of stars with only one sunHighest position of a Personnel Officer — that’s surprising!Highest possible score with one dartHighest qualityHighest rank of currently serving Royal Navy officerHighest ranking British peerHighest ranking member of the celestial hierarchyHighest ranking royal dropping ecstasy with a friendHighest score achievable Highest score in baccaratHighest score is excellentHighest spot in BritainHighest stage of developmentHighest tile value in ScrHighest UK gallantry award for civiliansHighest worship in CatholHighest, in honorsHighest-grossing black-anHighest-grossing film befHighest-grossing film of Highest-grossing movie ofHighest-priced boxing ticHighest-ranked group in personnel I testedHighest-ranking, in some Highest-rated, as a hotelHighest-scoring Scrabble HighfalutinHighflier's hangoutHighflier's home?Highflier's needHighflying industryHighland broadswordHighland castle, central part opening, we hear?Highland chief making a racket in his armour?Highland daggerHighland danceHighland dialectHighland dressHighland dress itemHighland dress pouchHighland fling?Highland game bird - giant rampHighland Games equipmentHighland Games eventHighland grouse, one seen in tramping aroundHighland hatHighland hatsHighland headgearHighland hillsidesHighland JohnHighland kinship groupHighland meat, beer and the biggest cheese?Highland missHighland mountain lass spotted catHighland mountain rising over source of terrible French waterHighland musicianHighland negativeHighland pantsHighland peak in W African stateHighland refusalHighland ScotHighland tongueHighland topperHighland toppersHighland/lowland separatoHighlanderHighlander in Sir Walter Highlander looks whiter with bare knees outsideHighlander maybe in this cottageHighlander patternHighlander's fling?Highlander's negativeHighlander's prideHighlander's replyHighlander's textile pattHighlander's tongueHighlander, e.g.Highlander, perhaps heading away from the racecourseHighlander, sayHighlander’s pouchHighlandersHighlanders, e.g.Highlands canal firm's set for engineeringHighlands daggersHighlands denialsHighlands GaelicHighlands girlHighlands hatHighlands hillsideHighlands negativeHighlands refusalHighlands relative of an Highlands tongueHighlands tourist spotHighlands weaponHighlightHighlight a short low-scoring innings?Highlight from fight, including its locationHighlight is a cute cat leaping across tiny spaceHighlight one name in several foreign articlesHighlight organised demonstration's centrepiece being outrageousHighlight possible cause or effect of illnessHighlight providersHighlight small curl of hairHighlight small lockHighlight what PA would ask boss to do before email?Highlight?HighlightedHighlighted, as textHighlighter colors, oftenHighlighter's ship?Highlighters, e.g.HighlightingHighlightsHighlights importance of introduction of safety locksHighly acidic letter from Rhodes?Highly adroitHighly advanced, technologicallyHighly aggressive Kiwi activity, first of all?Highly agitatedHighly amusingHighly attractive and flirts regularlyHighly awed seamen ran into harboursHighly bred?Highly capableHighly collectible illustHighly collectible lithogHighly complicated - full of twists and turnsHighly complimentaryHighly confidentialHighly contentious situationHighly corrosive ringHighly criticalHighly critical of curios one's collectedHighly curious in past, prying ultimatelyHighly decoratedHighly decorativeHighly desirable change of editorHighly desirable era for feathersHighly desirable itemHighly desirable or alluringHighly desirable to get on down etcHighly detailedHighly developed knowledge about EnglishHighly devoted to one’s wifeHighly distastefulHighly educated character, one whose word is final?Highly elatedHighly embellishedHighly emotional after Celtic played awayHighly emotional eventHighly emotional filmHighly energeticHighly enlightened board's accepted deal finally and settledHighly esteemed left-wing supporter of American partyHighly excitedHighly fertileHighly flexible, as wire Highly formal attire that's used outside workHighly graphicHighly hackneyedHighly illogicalHighly immoral behaviourHighly important songbirdHighly improperHighly inclined to soakHighly infectious avian virusHighly influentialHighly intelligentHighly intelligent person is after university employmentHighly intricateHighly ionized gasHighly keenHighly moralHighly motivatedHighly opinionated sortsHighly ornamented styleHighly ornateHighly planned escape route?Highly pleased with oneseHighly pleasingHighly popular article everyone seethes about?Highly praiseHighly praise English tax reforms being blocked by LeftHighly principledHighly principled old lady ambushed by cur and jerkHighly prized edible fungusHighly productiveHighly ratedHighly rated Eastern horse Nutmeg's invested inHighly rated securityHighly reactive metalHighly recommended viewing way inside the Louvre, perhaps?Highly recommendsHighly regard including unknown trade union in amalgamation processHighly regardedHighly regarded papers cover dotty ladies touring eastHighly regardsHighly reliable scanHighly respectedHighly seasoned sausageHighly seasoned smoked beefHighly seasoned stewHighly seasoned?Highly seismic area off tHighly sensitive time for prayer, situation that’s awkward in retrospectHighly sexed person keeping Dan Brown's sources distinct from 18?Highly significant audio books?Highly significant in bringing about changeHighly skilledHighly sought sharesHighly specialised publications in German removed from various categoriesHighly specialised subjectsHighly strungHighly strung nurse at work taking care of very oldHighly stylized sculptingHighly suspicious airman lacking papersHighly toxic compoundHighly toxic pollutantsHighly toxic soft metal, TlHighly trainedHighly transient thingsHighly unlikely to changeHighly unpleasantHighly unusualHighly unusual station signHighly value punching backside-gyrating dope aboutHighly valuedHighly valued around company, showing early promiseHighly valued clothing company is strikingly advancedHighly valued first of trilogy certain to be found in studyHighly valued trophyHighly venomous snakeHighly venomous US or Australian snakeHighly-clever sort in Arabic novelHighly-decorated; whimHighly-flammable jellyHighly-infectious diseaseHighly-poisonous compound, portion with water put inHighly-prized and cuteHighly-prized itemHighly-rated member of 6 opens county plantHighly-regardedHighly-seasoned stewHighly-skilled emigrationHighly-skilled musicianHighly-skilled youngsterHighly-strungHighly-strung Edward, absorbed in self-reflectionHighly-valued French art packed the placeHighly-valued holding company advanced at an early stageHightailHightail itHightail it outHightail it, old-styleHightailed itHightails itHighwayHighway accessHighway behemothsHighway cautionHighway cloverleaf princiHighway construction machHighway curveHighway curvesHighway department concerHighway department supplyHighway dividerHighway divisionHighway divisionsHighway entranceHighway entrancesHighway entrances and exiHighway entryHighway exitHighway exitsHighway featureHighway feature to stop livestock strayingHighway feeHighway haulerHighway havensHighway hazardHighway headacheHighway interchange sightHighway jackkniferHighway measureHighway or bywayHighway or Pet lead-inHighway postingHighway robbersHighway robberyHighway S-curve?Highway safety markerHighway sectionHighway shoulderHighway sight, formally?Highway signHighway sign abbr.Highway speedstersHighway stopsHighway to FairbanksHighway toll unitHighway toll unitsHighway troopersHighway under repair in US state nevertheless, in north?Highway vehicleHighway warningHighway ___HighwaymanHighwayman has power in Italian cityHighwayman, for exampleHighwaysHighways and bywaysHiiumaa Island belongs toHijacked cruise ship AchiHijacking plot to free prisonersHikeHike en masseHike in sunshine, we hearHike precederHike starts in The Rip and ends in the outbackHike, as a priceHikedHiker settles by forestry workerHiker takes stroll between two riversHiker taking walk between two riversHiker turning back makes it appear it's a long hikeHiker's aidHiker's bagHiker's carryallHiker's counsel?Hiker's map, brieflyHiker's nothing much to write home aboutHiker's pathHiker's routeHiker's snackHiker's spotHiker's stat.Hiker's woeHiker, artist, doctor and queen crossing lineHiker, in a wayHiker, person walking past riverHiker?Hikers' routesHikesHiking aidHiking hazardsHiking localeHiking pathHil on the Hill: Abbr.Hilarious - extraordinarily preciousHilarious ... or a hint tHilarious actHilarious beyond value?Hilarious comedianHilarious jokesHilarious oneHilarious personHilarious person in Sunday bestHilarious person inhales small quantity in fashionable clubHilarious team disbandingHilariously funnyHilariously funny thingHilarityHilarity seeing Strauss's name on his pants today, inside outHilbert working with all new element of long divisionHildegard of BingenHill - famous one on reflection for ramblerHill and BryantHill bearing small fruitHill broadcasterHill climberHill climbing out with our squad involvedHill count in RomaHill creatorHill denizenHill discovered the right glandsHill dwellerHill dwellersHill groupHill in NashvilleHill in northern EnglandHill landmark beginning to calibrate atmosphere and its major componentHill made of piled-up rubbishHill near a lochHill of colliery refuseHill of lawHill of sandHill of ___ (site near thHill on track heading west - I start to climb moving onHill on which Romulus livHill once seen on the HilHill or valley, e.g.Hill person: Abbr.Hill predatorsHill residentHill runner from Togo bang out of orderHill splits and falls, perhapsHill summitHill to climb, is one unsettled?Hill to the west in Manhattan, say, within reachHill upsetting me? Not Damon, initiallyHill V.I.P.: Abbr.Hill walker in fog could, say, wronglyHill where Jesus was crucHill where Jesus was crucifiedHill workerHill you might drive a buHill's oppositeHill's partnerHill, in HaifaHill, in HebrewHill, in SpainHill, perhaps, rambler goes upHill, to a CambodianHill, to an ArabHill-climbing gear?Hill-dwellers, when disturbed by National TrustHill-top fireHillage finally opening showHillary and Donald finally married in nude? Revolting!Hillary Clinton's daughterHillary Clinton, ___ RodhHillary supportersHillary's aidesHillary's successorHillary's successor as fiHillary, for oneHillbillies' coif?Hillbillies' cousinsHillbilly TV fareHillbilly's beltHillbilly's rejectionHillman once, perhaps a follower of fortune?HillockHillock of South AfricaHillocksHills not unusually having bird sounds aroundHills of sandHills of YorkshireHills soldiers and devout duke climbed close to LeedsHills to cross, head offHills without peaksHills: Abbr.Hillshire Farm's parent cHillsideHillside hollowHillside landscaping effeHillside shelterHilltopHilltop fireHilltop homeHilly areaHilly countryHilly region ahead with lightsHilly wine-growing region of central TuscanyHilly, uncultivated countrysideHilo feastHilo garlandHilo helloHilo honchoHilton alternativeHilton Head Island, for oHilton Hotel's plugged by English districtsHilton or Westin welcomerHilton rivalHim backed around me in one part so comical?Him, in HeidelbergHim, in Le HavreHim, to HenriHim: Fr.Himalayan aviation board?Himalayan beastHimalayan capitalHimalayan cedarHimalayan countryHimalayan denizenHimalayan guideHimalayan hoaxHimalayan kingdomHimalayan legendHimalayan legendsHimalayan monsterHimalayan mountainHimalayan mountain guideHimalayan mountaineerHimalayan mythHimalayan nativeHimalayan ox is all right over going without oxygenHimalayan priestHimalayan regionHimalayan sightingsHimalayan yak/cow crossHimalayas, e.g.: Abbr.Himmel und ___ (apple-andHimmel und ___ (traditionHind partHind's mateHind's partnerHind, e.g.Hindenberg for example spreads with itHindenburg's predecessorHindenburg's predecessor HinderHinder - preventHinder eating most of the fruit biscuitHinder from growthHinder international couple stashing away millionsHinder male cleanerHinder short-wave transmiHinder Solomon penning a book on scriptureHinder the progress ofHinder troublemaker editor initially employedHinder, legallyHinderedHindered, impededHinderingHindering progress by sort of making article more specificHinders legallyHinders one million couplesHinders second examiner's case, cutting cornersHinders, in a wayHinders; puts offHindi relativeHindmost brain partsHindmost partHindquartersHindranceHindrance alumni deal with, not Keble's firstHindrance for SupermanHindrance, burdenHindrancesHindrances to settlementsHindsHinds, e.g.HindsightHindsights?Hindu "Mr."Hindu aphorismsHindu aphorisms, collectiHindu asceticHindu ascetic American's greeting with gruntHindu ascetic moved through water, heading for IndiaHindu asceticsHindu beliefHindu beverage of immortaHindu classHindu cremation siteHindu deitiesHindu deityHindu deity - Sikh ranHindu disciplineHindu disciplinesHindu dressHindu drink of immortalitHindu drink of the godsHindu exercisesHindu festivalHindu festival head demonstrates religious qualityHindu festival of lightsHindu festival with lights, celebrating the end of the monsoonHindu festival? Some time laterHindu garbHindu garmentHindu gentlemanHindu godHindu god featuring in Poussin drawingHindu god of creationHindu god of desireHindu god of rain and thunderHindu god of thunderHindu god often depicted Hindu goddess of fortuneHindu habitsHindu hereditary classHindu heroHindu holy manHindu honorificHindu honorificsHindu incarnationHindu instructor - mother cut his hairHindu instructor moved through water against currentHindu king of the godsHindu loinclothHindu loinclothsHindu love godHindu male religious teacherHindu masterHindu maximHindu melody patternHindu musicHindu music formHindu musician's source mHindu nobleHindu or Buddhist spiritual teacherHindu or Buddhist templeHindu outfitHindu philosophy and exercise systemHindu philosophy masterHindu preceptsHindu princeHindu prince or kingHindu princessHindu queenHindu queen administered islandHindu queen managed IndiaHindu religious symbol appropriated by NazisHindu religious teacherHindu retreatHindu retreatsHindu returning a Hong Kong carpetHindu royalHindu royal: Var.Hindu sacred textHindu sageHindu scriptureHindu social classHindu social divisionHindu social groupHindu social rankHindu soulHindu spiritual disciplineHindu spiritual systemHindu spiritual teacherHindu spiritual teachersHindu spring festival in honour of KrishnaHindu teacherHindu teacher who has achieved a high level of spiritual insightHindu titleHindu title of respectHindu titlesHindu trinity memberHindu wise oneHindu wonder-worker: Var.Hindu wrapHindu's loin clothHinduism, e.g.: Abbr.Hindus take off clothing and start to swim here?Hindus' holy riverHindus' most sacred riverHingeHinge holderHinge of a palindromeHinged apparatusHinged barrierHinged barriersHinged closerHinged fastenerHinged fastenersHinged flap on an airplanHinged floor openingHinged floor panelHinged implementsHinged ladderHinged metal cover of an engineHinged or detachable flat section used to extend a dining tableHinged or removable table flapHinged pair of picturesHinged part of a plane's wingHinged surface on trailing edge of plane's wingHinged switchHinged windowHinged window blindHingesHingis rivalHinny's motherHintHint about authors getting translated without initial guidanceHint about Brussels business connectionHint about returning TV panel show's setHint army’s lacking rearguard and lead soldierHint atHint at batting with declaration of 22/8Hint at planting climbing plant outsideHint concerning bodyguardHint for a houndHint for HolmesHint for one's confidantHint for, say, NUS to get ticketsHint from artist leaving daily grindHint from close friendHint from small Scouse singer inspiring in tangoHint in straightforward manner: Leader must goHint limits one getting wrong kind of foodHint of a colorHint of a strangler in Danny Dyer's faceHint of balsamic in salad saucer for tossingHint of change in cryptocurrency?Hint of colorHint of ecstasy found in open pub at firstHint of lead?Hint of lightHint of marijuana in Hoskins's nether regions makes for nasty surpriseHint of residue found on each model bird made of clayHint of shabbiness? Try out fashion perhapsHint of something obscene in time line - fruity stuff between sheetsHint of things to comeHint of writing fluid found on heatherHint offererHint on poem given in articles from far awayHint pub needs to open around middle of SeptemberHint received by an old cleric who may be VictorianHint that simply pointlessHint to 17-, 28- and 43-AHint to capture rook against deviating lineHint to filling in four sHint to find open sites for mountain and moorland nativesHint to head of espionage — move stealthilyHint to kick out government, stripped of all decencyHint to politicians in the knowHint to the start of 17-,Hint to the starts of 20-Hint to the word ladder iHint to this puzzle's theHint tree could be thisHint vaguely about right aid for golfer somewhere on the back nine?Hint's easily uncoveredHint, having book set in 1728, sayHint, part 2Hint, part 3Hint, part 4Hint, pointerHint, say, dull colour should be rejectedHint, suggestionHint: about 12 shortHint: coarse, initially sexist, joke is finely drawn outHint: Minister should dismiss scoundrelHint: something wielded in the Billiard RoomHint: stick in billiard roomHint: where to go in 21HintedHinted setter's bed contains a lot of bugsHinting, awfully trendy itemHintsHints about what someone showing contempt might doHints atHints at coming in early enough, before start of sessionHints Bill embraces lady in odd positions in closed-off areaHints from close friendsHints of the pastHipHip '60s typesHip (to)Hip 1960s teenHip 1984 Bill Murray filmHip aboutHip activity?Hip adjoiner?Hip areaHip attachments?Hip backing band in Japan? I'm not sure this is metalHip bandaged, he was given sword wound - it's worth taking the riskHip boneHip bonesHip charactersHip endingHip fractured recently in pursuitHip friendHip hugger?Hip in the '60sHip jointHip liberal philosopher - his work is decorativeHip lineages?Hip localeHip name in design for person shoppingHip partsHip personHip replacement finally ready, following change of heartHip roofHip toHip worker inhaling class grassHip, in the '60sHip, in the mid-'60sHip-hopHip-hop "cool"Hip-hop artistHip-hop critics?Hip-hop doc?Hip-hop friendHip-hop greetingsHip-hop producer GottiHip-hop repertoryHip-hop singer with the 2Hip-hop topHip-hop wearHip-hop's Dr. ___Hip-hop's Roc-a-___ RecorHip-hop's Sister ___Hip-hop's ___ DefHip-hop's ___ FiascoHip-hop's ___ KimHip-hop's ___-A-Fella RecHip-hop, e.g.Hip-hopper Dr. ___Hip-hopper ___ RhymesHip-hopper's headgearHip-length coversHip-shaking danceHipbone attachmentHipbone is losing its upper mobility first of allHipbone-relatedHipbonesHiplikeHippieHippie attireHippie emblemHippie gathering of a sorHippie happeningHippie happeningsHippie look no good with hard expressionHippie periodHippie to attend police station for hearingHippie's catchwordHippie's crossHippie's hangoutHippie: bet on one losing headHippies quietly elope, running south of river?Hippies' crossesHippo tail?Hippo, perhaps, with its head beset by insectsHippo, say?Hippocrates' HHippodromeHippodrome competitorHippodrome eventsHippodromesHippolyta's warriorsHippomenes beat herHippy entertainmentHippy gatherings - not very English, showing genital area!Hippy movement?Hips — a lot replaced here?HipsterHipster actor redesigned part of theatreHipster composed no lines for a time before writingHipster in for treatment – it's a kidney problemHipster in terrible conditionHipster's "Understood!"Hipster's exclamationHipster's eyewearHipster's jargonHipster's personaHipstersHipsters hanging around square modelsHipsters' ballpark lunchHiram Walker, for oneHiram's nephew resettled in US locationHireHire (of aircraft/ship)Hire - engageHire arrangement involving bill? It is roughly about propertyHire chargeHire contractHire cycles and frameHire for workHire for, as a positionHire mercenaries primarily: double shifts for construction companyHire pony groomed for Titanic figureHire purchase no longer available for carpetHire vehicleHire vehicle needs old time navigatorHire yard out by river for a Barnet setter?Hire, as a lawyerHire, as counselHiredHired assassinHired companions, in JapaHired conveyanceHired escortsHired gunHired gun travelling round British capitalHired gun, in gang slangHired hands at MicrosoftHired heavyHired individual to maybe assassinate national leaders?Hired journalist following splitHired killer disguised in hat has snared victim in the endHired murdererHired parts necessary for automatic cameraHired rideHired sleuths, slangilyHired soldierHired soldier has shortage of compassionHired thugHired thug carrying drugs proceedsHired thugsHired to provide evidence that ladies are being usedHired vehicleHired vehicle: duty to take oneHirelingHireling, in historyHirer's postingHirer's request: Abbr.Hires a new set of employHires competitionHires unusually loud fellow as peacekeeperHires, e.g.HiringHiring for employmentHiring NE European at home with painful afflictionHiring no-noHirohito's homelandHirohito's title: Abbr.Hiroshima's riverHirsch of "Taxi"Hirschfeld et al.Hirschfeld hidingsHirsuteHirsute figure in GenesisHirsute HimalayanHirsute Parisian's one with small hooterHirsute president?Hirsute sitcom relativeHirsute TibetanHirsute TibetansHirt and GoreHirt and HaigHirt and HirschfeldHirt hitHis "4" was retiredHis "7" was retiredHis "Dance With My FatherHis "E" was the same as JHis "Parade" included parHis #13 was retired in 20His #14 was retired by thHis #2 was retired in 199His #4 was retiredHis 1959 album "Heavenly"His 1961 record had an asHis age is dodgy for entertaining girlHis aim's to produce fishHis and ___His art is a wrapHis ’n’ hers formal wear? No, just hisHis band shot to fame where Isherwood lost his headHis bat was called Black His big day is in JuneHis cat let out for exerciseHis catchphrase is: ‘To infinity and beyond’His changes to the Bible upset GodHis character had the sigHis chariot was drawn by His clatter was endlessly fantasticHis cooking, extremely coldHis crew nicknamed him "OHis cross is on the UnionHis curate prepared bread and wineHis curate screwed up sacramentHis datesHis debut album was "RhymHis doesn't work - it's bentHis drawings are refreshingHis dream broken, as was 1D by Hardy?His dying words were "WhaHis earnest carousing may suggest thisHis erections shocked some in grand German carHis escort arranged to get leggy birdsHis Excellency held captive by crazy purser on old hulk for instanceHis Excellency joining newly-weds in Scottish islesHis Excellency leaves infidels' capitalHis feast day is April 11His feast day is DecemberHis female counterpart?His final film was "HangiHis first #1 song was "AlHis first opera was "RosaHis friend has Hamlet's first speech abridgedHis friends came into hisHis friends joined him unHis friends sat in the PeHis friends visited his NHis garden must be transformed and decoratedHis Greek island tour became quite an epicHis greeting at the VaticHis growl affected one in chorus line?His happy orgy disrupted study of 5 downHis hero was bound to be released by ShelleyHis home game covered by pressHis home, with King and Duke, possibly a hereditary stateHis horse had eight legsHis horses were Flame andHis in HawaiiHis invention made skyscrHis inventory has gone maHis involvement in heartless frauds creates divisionsHis job involves looking after the kidsHis job is murderHis last film was "PocketHis last film was "The HaHis last film was "The NiHis last novel was "ChloeHis last words were "ThusHis last words were "WhatHis last work was "PocketHis law affected India's lingua francaHis law changed one languageHis law I translated into a foreign languageHis law is represented asHis leg chewed in transport with dogsHis luck changed, close to someone similarHis luck failed with English and similar subjectsHis Majesty is repeatedly in troubleHis Majesty is twice in serious troubleHis March 1952 marriage wHis marvellous royal eggs regularly sent overHis mateHis mate lays one decrepit redhead offHis men ordered to accept a measure of devotion to Greek cultureHis mentor scattered particles in vacuum tubes?His missus being unfaithful makes him hornyHis name is a letter shorHis name's an anagram of His nice shop can supply haggis finally? Buy it!His older TV's repair is not long-lastingHis opening statement is His opera briefly involved fruitHis or her followerHis or her model beneficiaryHis or her successor supports bequest, in the endHis or her, in FranceHis or her, to HenriHis or her: Fr.His other Malbec keeps at constant temperatureHis padre converted Spanish jewHis planet of exile is DaHis poem "Fleas" reads, iHis poetry no-go? Or prose uneven?His pony’s prepared for putting underHis professionalism may be brought into playHis questions are answersHis reaction to the electHis real name was ArthurHis real name was ErnestoHis returning minister jams back wheelHis self-titled book has His services come at a premiumHis shahHis sounds a possible career?His statue (minus its heaHis statue once graced thHis tale, sournessHis tales often featured His teamHis thieving enemies met a jarring deathHis title was "Lord High His tomb is in Red SquareHis tomb was discovered iHis tomb was found in 192His tribute to Marilyn waHis twin duped himHis twin tricked himHis V.P. was BarkleyHis vet is Liz WilsonHis was higher bid on phone, lower in hereHis wife was a DukeHis wife was a pillarHis won-lost record was 5His word is KalamHis words exhaustive, deprive our leader of powerHis work inspired BroadwaHis ___ (self-important mHis's partnerHis, in FranceHis, in old RomeHis, to HenriHis/her turn will surely comeHispanic "Sesame Street" Hispanic country about to invest in shifting grain to America not SwedenHispanic huzzahsHispanic neighborhoodHispanic outlaw - or old beanHispanic wine shopHispaniola, e.g.Hispaniola, por ejemploHiss accompanierHiss in historyHiss when fryingHissiesHissing cobra initially to struggle with secretary birdHissing excuses upset conservation groupHissing fireworkHissy fitHissy-prone missyHist. figure with a holidHist. majors get themHistorian accepting queen's badgeHistorian covering royal uniformHistorian DurantHistorian in press register digesting English verseHistorian left out possible poisonerHistorian of The Quiet American?Historian StephenHistorian ToynbeeHistorian understood by you and meHistorian understood countryHistorian WillHistorian William H. ___,Historian's concernHistorian's interestHistorian's MuseHistorian's report of Cumbrian cityHistorian, a big swingerHistorian, no end of social climberHistorians' studyHistorians' subjectsHistoric 1940s event, forHistoric 1942 surrender sHistoric 1972 hurricaneHistoric accessory for boy’s clothes? I’d look almost sillyHistoric airline, following requirements, dismissing head – that’s strikingHistoric Arctic vessel trapped in ice - not one spot to grow plantsHistoric area producing foodstuffHistoric article used to exist within boundaries of Edinburgh? NonsenseHistoric barrier breakerHistoric base for piratesHistoric beginningHistoric beginning?Historic canalHistoric capital of ScotlHistoric caravelHistoric city badly damagHistoric city in the Loire valley - incensesHistoric city kid - Artful Dodger’s place? Not halfHistoric city mostly held in regard, looking backHistoric city on the DanuHistoric coins, encompassing old legal tender?Historic computer of 1951Historic county of ScotlaHistoric county on the west coast of ScotlandHistoric criminal about to tear up prisonHistoric delivery at FrauHistoric dome, lit spookilyHistoric duchy, as standard, has a DukeHistoric end to race that's brought in a winner's awardHistoric eventHistoric firm spikes drink for sovereign, sayHistoric Fort ___Historic fortress on the ThamesHistoric French prisonHistoric French provinceHistoric French regionHistoric game, one of two halves of courseHistoric garment design getting no initial surprised reactionHistoric general caught on air?Historic grp.Historic Hebrides monasteHistoric Heyerdahl craftHistoric house with new actors in revolutionary materialHistoric Impressionist version of exile in Italy?Historic institution nearHistoric instrument? It sounds dreadfulHistoric introduction?Historic Irish cityHistoric Irish villageHistoric Italian family nHistoric Italian town damHistoric item? Not in favour and quite dismissing itHistoric king free to go round church with a queenHistoric lead-inHistoric leader disengaged from areaHistoric leader taking a risk, having snake draped aroundHistoric leader?Historic London theaterHistoric mainframeHistoric mansion in NewpoHistoric military forces chaplainHistoric missionHistoric mother-in-law’s love accepted by one bloke - revolutionaryHistoric musical positioned to accommodate question over American maleHistoric Normandy cityHistoric Ohio, burdened, abandoning AmericaHistoric part of GermanyHistoric payment that is put on the booksHistoric performance includes a couple of songsHistoric periodHistoric period in metallHistoric periodsHistoric pilgrim heading for Madrid in less colourful surroundingsHistoric place on the DeaHistoric planeHistoric plane of Adm. ByHistoric plot deprived of duke's artilleryHistoric point of entry in which antelope takes two lives at first, then another two livesHistoric port of north BrittanyHistoric Queen, one from Scotland with a second nameHistoric racetrack siteHistoric region divided iHistoric region of north-west Europe, scene of prolonged battles in WWIHistoric region of SE EuropeHistoric region of TurkeyHistoric rent then due in six hours?Historic rival of FlorencHistoric robbersHistoric role played by JHistoric Russian princeHistoric San Francisco thHistoric ScottHistoric Scottish countyHistoric Scottish county, bordering on the Firth of ForthHistoric shipHistoric ship has the potential to succeed?Historic ship whose real Historic shot of morning also not right, but I'm not complainingHistoric site optionHistoric South Carolina fHistoric speed challenge's second to produce male prideHistoric start?Historic starterHistoric stream in VirginHistoric taxHistoric tax collection arrangement - then it goes wrong - lawyers brought inHistoric timeHistoric timesHistoric town on the VireHistoric transport requiring arrangement of 15 locksHistoric trialsHistoric U.S. place in thHistoric Umbrian townHistoric Virginia familyHistoric VirginianHistoric west Suffolk market townHistoric women's grp.Historic work coming in awfully handy: not a poemHistoricalHistorical 1960 John WaynHistorical 1976 miniserieHistorical accountHistorical African island, one to the north of AngolaHistorical author seen onHistorical biography thatHistorical chapterHistorical chaptersHistorical character in JHistorical decorum disdaiHistorical divisionHistorical divisionsHistorical eraHistorical erasHistorical figure in "HenHistorical figure on whomHistorical figure played Historical figure portrayHistorical freeholderHistorical French provinceHistorical French region Historical ignorance in church around since ReformationHistorical infoHistorical Jewish quarterHistorical kingdom in theHistorical knowledge about invisible radiation in galleryHistorical leader, English, brought in token EuropeanHistorical novel of 1984Historical novelist HollaHistorical payment for spy to remove uniformHistorical periodHistorical predecessor of LiberalHistorical recordHistorical recordsHistorical region of FranHistorical region on the Historical role player's career not flourishingHistorical Scottish countHistorical separationHistorical sewerHistorical shipHistorical spansHistorical sparking gunHistorical spook somewhere in NorfolkHistorical stretchHistorical subject of a BHistorical successionHistorical tax for one joining union in 1707Historical timeHistorical timesHistorical topicHistorical transition poiHistorical triviaHistorical victim of prejudice, right? Lady suffered terriblyHistorical war zone: AbbrHistorical zenithHistorically have to invade town? Not having it!Historically inclined grpHistorically significant Historically, a French protestantHistorically, a ship's cheapest accommodationHistorically, the cheapest accommodation on a 13Histories to overcomeHistoryHistory book featureHistory book insetHistory chaptersHistory exam such work for priest?History final, maybeHistory is written in itHistory MuseHistory not for the French test primarilyHistory of a wordHistory of disc - part of it firstHistory of divine gold leavesHistory of quadruped I greeted?History of short-lived inHistory segmentHistory test answerHistory test suitable for a church minister?History text unitHistory that no longer maHistory unitsHistory, according to ForHistory, with "the"HistrionicHistrionic 8 inducted into bizarre eroticaHistrionic incidentHistrionic tot an hour after midnight, how Christmas startsHistrionicsHistrionics alarmed Mo terriblyHistrionics?HitHit "snooze" with force?Hit (a ball) highHit (a ball) high upHit (an insect) sharplyHit (one's toe)Hit (the brakes)Hit - influenceHit - item of clothingHit - sellHit - trousers' supportHit 1919 musical revived Hit 1964 Murray Schisgal Hit 1968 musicalHit 1970s-'90s band with Hit 1976 self-titled R. &Hit 1980's-90's seriesHit 1983 pseudo-documentaHit 1989 biographical plaHit 1990's NBC sitcomHit 1990's sitcomHit 1992 U2 "single"Hit 2004 film with many sHit 2004 Morgan Spurlock Hit 2006 film banned in eHit 2011 animated filmHit 70's sitcomHit a balding criminal perceived unfavourablyHit a ball in a high arcHit a bloke sticking his oar inHit a couple off golf teeHit a four-baggerHit a hard drive that's cHit a low note?Hit a low pointHit a new low?Hit a serve pastHit a socialist, punching anotherHit a wasp or flyHit a ___Hit action man? No sweatHit actor of 60's TVHit alternativeHit and kill fishHit and reboundHit and run, e.g.Hit any number into netHit at an angle and bounce offHit at Catch a Rising StaHit at random, unfortunately I fallHit backHit back about woman losing son in galleryHit back at husband performing arduous taskHit back with an "alternative fact" - journalist turned awayHit back with clubs, breaking up truncheonHit bandHit band impresses millionsHit bar, having left foremost of pubs for King's HeadHit barrier with scooter having left motorwayHit below the beltHit below the belt?Hit big wave, producing scab?Hit bottom?Hit boxer John with a hayHit boy below the beltHit Brit sitcomHit Broadway musical baseHit Broadway play of 1945Hit by a pitchHit by Marty Robbins, "ElHit by Maxwell Anderson aHit by stone joining meleeHit by strong windsHit by thought, with answer falling outHit CBS dramaHit CBS drama with two spHit close to home?Hit computer game with thHit copper with repeated forceHit crypt, damaged typical altarpieceHit drug that's ready to snort: this is one's payoffHit dumbly on me and MoHit during air journey, evidence photo taken?Hit erotic author interrupting tour abroadHit feature gets cheersHit film comedy, Garfunkel, followed by second half of biblical epicHit film that included MrHit film the kids saw with mum smuggled insideHit Fox show, in headlineHit friends turning upHit from Grandpa's dayHit from the 1983 platinuHit from the 1997 album "Hit from youngster holding driver as beginnerHit game of 1980Hit game returnsHit green in place for birdieHit hardHit hard — huge letdownHit hard - hard workHit hard - run fastHit hard and take into custodyHit hard — huge anticlimaxHit hard by decaying portalHit hard by onset of Gunpowder PlotHit hard in stomach with powerHit hard or repeatedlyHit hard with fist or batHit hard, as a baseballHit hard, as brakesHit hard; clothingHit head on mirror entering tavern the wrong wayHit head-onHit headfirstHit heartless dripHit heavilyHit high C's, sayHit high in the airHit high into the airHit idlerHit in belly, American retiredHit in the legHit it bigHit it offHit it off – boardedHit it off boardHit Jerry Bruckheimer TV Hit lettersHit lightlyHit like HolyfieldHit listHit list?Hit London's West End, not forgetting Soho?Hit loudly and repeatedlyHit maker?Hit makers?Hit manHit man for the basketry Hit man of the Year?Hit man who can't afford his own weapon?Hit man's hitHit man, so to speakHit man?Hit meHit menHit most of the spotsHit movie of 1991, with "Hit musical revue of 1978Hit musical set in ArgentHit musical with the songHit NBC comedyHit NBC series succeeded Hit obstacle over workHit on a nerd for a changeHit on BroadwayHit on head round end of low farm buildingHit on including good hairstyleHit on server, wanting one free drinkHit on the greenHit on the headHit on the knucklesHit on the nogginHit on victim, suckerHit one Democrat, struck with clubHit one out of the park, Hit opponents in gangHit or missHit outHit over the head?Hit parade contentsHit parade rigged in systematic discriminationHit plenty hardHit poor pianoHit producer?Hit recordHit relations, one's a dim provincial typeHit repeatedlyHit right to the shortstoHit right, then right again, in contested setHit rubbish tenor, being violent in behaviourHit Scotsman over pinching bishop's instrumentHit second vehicleHit Sega title characterHit series whose pilot waHit shot up to fine leg? A mistakeHit showHit show signHit show with a colon in Hit show with New DirectiHit Sierra, then three-wheelerHit silo with hammer, causing unwanted pollutionHit single by popular tenor and LoveHit sitcom of 1994-2004 wHit so as to make collapsHit song by Jackson BrownHit song from 2000 ... anHit song from Disney's 2013 animated feature film FrozenHit song from the rock opHit song lyric of 1929 anHit song of 1959Hit song of 1959 or 1993Hit song of 1968Hit songs stirring up racismHit Sony product introducHit strongly in front of wicket around end of second overHit sung loudly after dropping outHit ten? Dua Lipa sings part on pianoHit that just clears the Hit the + keyHit the back of (a car)Hit the big leaguesHit the big timeHit the books hardHit the bottleHit the bottom of?Hit the brakesHit the canvasHit the ceiling, sayHit the deck, so to speakHit the groundHit the hayHit the hay hard, with "oHit the heights, welcoming religious leader on to a TV show?Hit the helipadHit the intended targetHit the jackpotHit the limitHit the linksHit the norm, at InvernesHit the noseHit the roadHit the roofHit the roof, as Adam didHit the roof?Hit the runwayHit the sauceHit the skidsHit the slopesHit the spotHit the stratosphereHit the tarmacHit the topHit the trailsHit the water stomach firstHit the waves?Hit the wrong notes? Not hereHit the XO?Hit thumb regularly on front of sillHit to short right, sayHit to the walletHit too high, say, with "Hit triads dumping eastern heroinHit tunes as recollected by fanHit TV series featuring 5Hit TV series starring GaHit TV show set in KoreaHit TV show set in Las VeHit TV show that ended inHit TV show with the themHit two dunces by gates out of boundsHit upon the solutionHit upside the headHit useless horseHit very hardHit victim behind targetHit video game series feaHit video game series lauHit violentlyHit warm tongueHit when good health reduced by halfHit with a bandHit with a bangHit with a chargeHit with a clubHit with a fistHit with a flat handHit with a hammerHit with a heavy blowHit with a phaserHit with a powerful blowHit with a ray gunHit with a stun gunHit with a ticketHit with a whipHit with an open handHit with fine out on call - policy open to criticismHit with high voltageHit with snowballs, sayHit with tenth foul in poor kids' gameHit with the fistHit with the fistsHit with the flat of the handHit with the footHit with the headHit with the palmHit with the palm; make-upHit with the side of the handHit with unwanted messageHit with vigour, at first, producing a shinerHit with, as a pickup linHit woollen footwear item?Hit works about Jacob's relative with right vocabulary in theseHit ___ noteHit's alternativeHit's oppositeHit, and how!Hit, as a homerHit, as a Texas leaguerHit, as if by design? That's dubiousHit, as on the nogginHit, as one's toeHit, as the knucklesHit, as the toeHit, beat; toolHit, cut, flog and caneHit, in a wayHit, in basketballHit, say, to coverHit, seemingly from nowheHit, wine or to-do?Hit-and-run situation?Hit-making group?Hit; cancelHit; garmentHit; zoneHitachi competitorHitchHitch a loop to secure light at the top of the Christmas treeHitch after cat does for small performerHitch and tie other sideHitch end of chain in sinkHitch filmHitch on the runHitch or glitchHitch small horseHitch the Master of Suspense directed it!Hitch up withHitch where corporation invests hospital billionsHitch with something used for hanging small pictureHitch, as oxenHitch, e.g.Hitch, getting lift in northbound vehicle in outlying districtHitch, in a wayHitch-hiking requirements?Hitch? Then fix web imageHitchcock classicHitchcock classic seemingHitchcock filmHitchcock film extremely cut? Time I quitHitchcock film in three equal parts about English bishopHitchcock film is promoted in three parts?Hitchcock film sure to follow intervalHitchcock film with a shoHitchcock film, American picture set in IsraelHitchcock film: hard copy’s editedHitchcock thrillerHitchcock titleHitchcock trademarkHitchcock's 1960 classicHitchcock's opening shot was with hesitation in RopeHitchcockianHitchedHitched a ride with Mr. ClumsyHitched, so to speakHitcher wanders across one road in a bad stateHitcher who travels?Hitcher's digitHitchersHitchesHitchhikeHitchhike, e.g.Hitchhiked, e.g.Hitchhiker from Calcutta?Hitchhiker's needHitchhiker's questHitchhiker's specialtyHitchhiker's wishHitchhiker’s signHitchhikers' hopesHitchin caller regularly observed hard water in winterHitching placeHitching postHitching post?Hitching posts?Hitching ___Hite of sexualityHither and yonHither and ___Hither's partnerHithertoHitherto elegant, sadly exposedHitherto unknown infoHitherto, picture frames matterHitherto, two notes are joinedHitler : Germany :: ___ :Hitler and Luftwaffe finally prepared to keep officer in aircraftHitler era corrupt, and more materialisticHitler started it: Abbr.Hitler supporterHitler's left France, missing the fussHitler's offensive struggle with weight?Hitler's offensive swellingHitleriteHitmenHitmen fear somehow being under suspicionHitsHits a flyHits a golf ball to the sHits a line driveHits and runsHits and runs?Hits down by 50% affected archery rankingHits errantly, in golfHits hardHits hard, to no effectHits head-onHits I established hosting chill-out session at The Haçienda?Hits lowlife controlling vice ring!Hits nails — hard wood initially to penetrateHits newsprint?Hits on the headHits on the nogginHits or runsHits repeatedlyHits that come in twosHits the 5 and 10, sayHits the end?Hits the hayHits the roofHits the tab key, sayHits theatersHits to the standsHits using four different voicesHits with a beam, as to rHits with a ray gunHits with a stun gunHits with an open handHits with bug sprayHits with one's fistHits with phaser fireHits, in slangHits, old-styleHitter from San Pedro de Hitter known as The HammeHitter of 511 lifetime hoHitter of 66 in '98Hitter of 660 career homeHitter of 755 home runsHitter's problemHitter's statHitting avg., e.g.Hitting Clonmel on vacation before tripHitting of a golf ballHitting opportunityHitting positionHitting repeatedlyHitting soundHitting the hayHitting the spotHitting with the footHive dwellerHive dwellersHive insectHive maleHive materialHive memberHive mentality?Hive output?Hive productionHive residentHive tenderHive's headHive-connectedHive-relatedHiver's oppositeHivesHives, medicallyHizzonerHmm ... don’t block my viewHMRC chap?HMRC employeeHMS Bounty's captainHNO2HOHo Chi Minh Trail localeHo Chi Minh Trail locale,Ho Chi Minh's capitalHo Chi Minh's countryHo Chi ___Ho Chi ___ CityHo helloHo hiHo lead-inHo precederHo's hangerHo's hi'sHo's hisHo-humHo-hum feelingHo-hum sortHo-hum TVHo-hum TV fareHoagieHoagy Carmichael classicHoagy Carmichael lyric "_Hoagy Carmichael's "___ BHoar frostHoardHoard money, it’s saidHoard one hundred yenHoard remains under streetHoarderHoarder - gentleman collecting right and leftHoarder of wealthHoarder shot on golf course by brother, sayHoarder’s small slip turned into short bedcoverHoarder's minute silver dishHoarder's problemHoarder's supplyHoarder: 2 wds.HoardersHoarding silver is bizarre? It's a scandalHoardings for advertising game showing box office for second internationalHoardsHoarfrostHoarseHoarse speechHoarse talkHoarse, harshHoarsenessHoaryHoaxHoax brought to a satisfactory endingHoax by Yankee showmanHoax involving Russia's foremost essayist's a gemHoax over rubbish presented as decreeHoax victimHoax; knackHoaxesHobHob gives off this country airHob's a fairy having annual vacation in AugustHob's drug-free, right? Fabulous!Hob's gardener's first to have turned up, with new hose for pumpHob's into following suit at first in gameHob, say, priest needed for cookingHobbes in "Calvin and HobHobbiesHobbies and suchHobbit takes in a Spanish cityHobbit's enemyHobbit's friendHobbits' home, with "the"HobbleHobble lethargically, but clearlyHobbledHobblesHobblingHobbling gaitHobbling, sayHobbyHobby farm denizensHobby farm occupantHobby for dad? Stamp collector?Hobby in father's eraHobby is dreadfully uncivilisedHobby kit with a colonyHobby knife brandHobby shop buyHobby shop inventoryHobby shop purchaseHobby shop stockHobby store purchaseHobby that's irrational entertaining husband recentlyHobby with call signsHobby woodHobby, e.g.Hobby-shop purchaseHobbyistHobbyist banishes depression, becoming reader in churchHobbyist purchasesHobbyist's knife brandHobbyist's placeHobbyist's purchaseHobgoblinHobnobHobnobbedHoboHobo managed fun runs in a piece of Somerset?Hobo's aversionHobo's besotted with bling and spiritsHobo's ride, perhapsHoboken-to-Fort Lee dir.HockHock in pot with top tucked inHock shop receiptHockedHockey areaHockey arenaHockey diskHockey dreamHockey fake-outHockey fake-outsHockey featHockey feintHockey feintsHockey game highlight, foHockey gear for rams and Hockey goalie's areaHockey great BobbyHockey great EricHockey great GordieHockey great HoweHockey great JaromirHockey great MikitaHockey great Phil, familiHockey great ___ BrotenHockey Hall-of-Famer BryaHockey Hall-of-Famer FranHockey Hall-of-Famer MarcHockey infractionHockey legend BobbyHockey legend GordieHockey no-noHockey no-nosHockey or soccer maneuverHockey player TverdovskyHockey player's "dangle"Hockey player's deceptiveHockey positionHockey scoreHockey shoeHockey shotHockey shutoutHockey statHockey surfaceHockey team's advantageHockey team, sayHockey teams, e.g.Hockey venueHockey's 1967 Calder TropHockey's BobbyHockey's EspositoHockey's Jaromir ___Hockey's Kravchuk or KoroHockey's KruppHockey's MikitaHockey's MorenzHockey's Phil, to fansHockey's RobitailleHockey's Steve and basebaHockey's TikkanenHockey's ___ Smythe TrophHocks : horses :: ___ : hHockshop receiptHod fillerHodgepodgeHodgepodgesHodges of baseballHodges of the DodgersHoe and weed, e.g.Hoedown dateHoedown folksHoedown in a brand new northern churchHoedown moveHoedown movesHoedown moves: Var.Hoedown participantHoedown participantsHoedown partnerHoedown seatHoedown seatingHoedown sightHoedown siteHoedown sitesHoedown's beginning on floatHoeing the garden, e.g.Hoelike cutting toolHoerHofburg Palace Chapel perHoff who wrote and illustHoffman and Streep, in a Hoffman not at home to cleanHoffman of 1960's-70's raHoffman who has won two OHoffman who once backed aHoffman who wrote "Steal HogHog a lot of time as 23Hog fatHog havenHog havensHog heaven?Hog homeHog houseHog loversHog soundHog the mirrorHog with erect earsHog's desireHog's dinnerHog's homeHog's placeHog, so to speakHog-wildHogan contemporaryHogan dwellerHogan's domainHogarth cloistered courtyard erased on right of illuminated printHogarth’s work perhaps shows English dancing in a field?Hoglike animalsHogmanay rave, Sweeney involved ...Hogmanay traditionHogsHogs peed all over farmer's best friendHogs' homeHogs' homesHogsheadHogwarts class taught by Hogwarts enrolleeHogwarts letter carrierHogwarts postal carrierHogwarts potions professoHogwarts professorHogwarts roostHogwarts stickHogwarts?HogwashHogwash plusHoi polloiHoi polloi disdainerHoi polloi scornersHoi polloi, with "the"Hoi ___Hoisin sauce ingredientHoistHoist again, as a sailHoist flagHoist keg up over liquid resembling spiritsHoist weight a tiny distanceHoist with one's own —Hoisted a very short distance within a dayHoisted American flag in treeHoisted quaffsHoisted, as a sailHoisted, nauticallyHoisting apparatusHoisting deviceHoisting devices?Hoisting machineHoistsHoity-toityHoity-toity mannersHoity-toity oneHoity-toity sortsHoity-toity typeHoity-___HokeyHokey jokesHokey stuffHokkaido cityHokkaido nativeHokkaido peopleHokkaido portHokkaido seaportHokumHokusai's fifth boat illustrationHoldHold 'em alternativeHold 'em bulletHold 'em challengeHold 'em declarationHold (a person) responsibleHold (down)Hold (off)Hold (someone) backHold - fortressHold a famous sailorHold asHold as sacredHold aside for a year, asHold aside, as a college Hold – member of camera crewHold backHold back - traderHold back a show of disapproval for childish gameHold back a year in schooHold back burdenHold back company books and most of inventoryHold back from making progressHold back from relaxation, then showerHold back in making a decisionHold back material about German police forceHold back official intelligence after leader’s deposedHold back on the stageHold back regarding line of descentHold back repeated melodyHold back support over Middle Eastern country shifting leaderHold back when about to helpHold back, as a news storHold back; iceHold bishop's attentionHold both ends of garter snakeHold close to give comfortHold close, affectionatelyHold closelyHold contentsHold cups up in timeHold dearHold dear - he's richHold down cards and pick up special scissorsHold down flagstickHold drink - professional driver getting round numbers bottlesHold fastHold firm in an endlessly boring taskHold firm’s ambassador in centreHold firmlyHold for later, as big neHold forthHold forth a piece of cake in form of barHold forth about gang leader, getting shotHold forth at lengthHold forth in Windsor at EvensongHold forth with enough people there, no questionHold forth, initially dismissing extravagant allegationHold garment up, one of 24 dressesHold garments?Hold gaze longer than revealed, getting tears flowingHold gentlyHold gently and protectivelyHold great hope for those no longer here?Hold hands?Hold in a ringHold in checkHold in esteemHold in high esteemHold in high regardHold in regardHold in respectHold in the gymHold in trustHold it to keep silentHold it up – it's not so bigHold Lancashire townHold limiting wrestler’s third upward moveHold lovinglyHold me back, British peopleHold meeting to involve king in satirical pieceHold new Lemsip at first to stop runny noseHold offHold onHold on (to)Hold on a matHold on tightHold on toHold on to drinks from Japan as souvenirsHold one in high position in WestminsterHold one's groundHold one's ___Hold oneself in readinessHold outHold out against dire sister to some extentHold out something that looks like a footHold out what's needed for Saint Patrick briefly?Hold over the fire, sayHold party up a long timeHold popular item like this, enthralling daughterHold protectivelyHold raptHold responsibleHold sacredHold sacred - protectHold second of parties with daughter in attendanceHold son?Hold space bar with energyHold spellboundHold swayHold sway overHold tailless mammal back pretty quicklyHold tenderlyHold the attention of adult through internet broadcast
Hold the deed toHold the floorHold the rights toHold the wheelHold tightHold tight and pedalHold tightlyHold tightly (to)Hold tightly and firmlyHold title toHold together man's broken heartHold upHold up a market trader's place of workHold up – keep in custodyHold up back of trousers with belt or elasticHold up basketHold up in one country military establishmentHold up in South American train: robbers' leader escapesHold up on the roadHold up one that might be holding horseHold up one troublemaker needing to meet PM shortlyHold up progress, defending one wicket?Hold up street balladHold up vessel carrying cereal productHold water, rum and ice to accommodate old male entertainerHold withinHold your tongueHold'em venueHold, as the attentionHold-upHold-upsHold-ups, more than 24 hours, involving English lineHolden Caulfield, for oneHolden's little brother iHolder (of an office)Holder and others sounded greatly impressedHolder for 6- or 43-AcrosHolder for hens' productsHolder for, eg, olive or sausageHolder in the Obama cabinHolder of 1,093 patentsHolder of 88 keysHolder of a "leaf-fringedHolder of a black markerHolder of a bladed item, one in dispute?Holder of a dog's name anHolder of a lot of hiddenHolder of a number of degHolder of a prisonerHolder of a runoff?Holder of a squid's 38-DoHolder of an annual ColloHolder of an insect's DNAHolder of an office or postHolder of an unfair trialHolder of ancient richesHolder of billiard ballsHolder of bird food?Holder of birdseedHolder of claimed propertHolder of combs, perfumesHolder of eggsHolder of frozen waterHolder of le trHolder of leaves for a brewHolder of legendsHolder of many a sandwichHolder of many tracksHolder of notesHolder of notionsHolder of ornamentsHolder of pet electrons, Holder of powdered tobaccoHolder of private informaHolder of recyclablesHolder of secrets, oftenHolder of spectaclesHolder of the alphabetHolder of the first-in-thHolder of the highest carHolder of the HostHolder of two tabletsHolder; cut shortHolders of big padsHolders of blessed breadHolders of body lubricatiHolders of glassesHolders of jacksHolders of many framesHolders of pirate treasurHolders of referee whistlHolders of reservations?Holders of shoulders: AbbHolders of some dry bouquHolders of some pipe joinHoldingHolding a grudgeHolding a permanent postHolding area for mail train refurbished today at lastHolding back 8th item in auction?Holding back cast, Andie fell short (just a little)Holding back eighth item to be auctioned?Holding back engineers receiving European money for prisonHolding back name for male leads to cursingHolding back on shelter before a quarter past fourHolding back, made one be carried gentlyHolding catch up by riverHolding fast, he deployed cunningHolding front of dress beside bustleHolding it together after upset is what fellow’s aboutHolding line, it rarely disturbed gunnersHolding New Testament, briefly mark a sacred phraseHolding note with Sinatra?Holding note, regular shot to pieces staring down this?Holding of landHolding on to snake - it's greenHolding one's groundHolding one's ownHolding one's pieceHolding onto each otherHolding power opening very big meetingHolding practice game breaches code of conductHolding steadyHolding swallow tail in fist, pluck birdHolding the French in English court is brilliant successHolding trap over by Yorkshire riverHolding trump, not played as first card, and not botheredHolding tureen is complicatedHolding, touching and keeping it upHoldingsHoldings of some banksHoldoverHoldsHolds (down)Holds 150 serpentsHolds a poseHolds and locks in this fit youngster with nothingHolds backHolds closeHolds close to one's hearHolds dearHolds fastHolds forth from the pulpHolds highHolds in aweHolds in high regardHolds note, displaying urgencyHolds offHolds on a matHolds on toHolds one's interestHolds oneself in readinessHolds outHolds over?Holds the deed toHolds the title toHolds tightHolds upHolds up dispatches about American powerHolds up in courtHolds up part of theatreHolds, as a handHolds, with "over"HoldupHoldup accessory?Holdup cover-upHoldup device?HoldupsHoleHole (in a tyre)Hole – expressHole borerHole clear in golfHole enlargerHole fixerHole fixersHole flipping full of rats? Don’t worry about it!Hole for a laceHole for a lace or cordHole for, eg, shoelaceHole goalHole having each pro worriedHole in ... in the middle, of course!Hole in a needleHole in a tree, right up highHole in bamboo boatHole in branch by top of acacia produces scentHole in hosiery?Hole in oneHole in one rare treeHole in one, assuredlyHole in one? A true shotHole in skin interrupting pink of the bodyHole in strap met with audible expression of surprise in bridal storeHole in the groundHole in the headHole in the head, perhaps?Hole in the head?Hole in the wallHole in the wall?Hole inverted, nothing in squash bottleHole just above a beltHole makerHole makersHole numberHole number?Hole openerHole producerHole producersHole puncherHole punchersHole statHole that's not filledHole up around yard with rocks when eavesdropping - this is basicHole used to be hard? Rubbish!Hole ___ (golfer's dream)Hole, orificeHole, see, inside cubeHole-in-oneHole-in-one, e.g.Hole-makerHole-making bugHole-making toolHole-making toolsHole-positioning deviceHole-punching toolHole-punching tool for a Hole-punching toolsHole-___Hole-___ (ace)Holed in one side, catamaran partly capsizedHoled upHoled up in Manitoba, two Menshevik officers’ attendantsHoles as expectedHoles in knots? Hole in one? One in holes perhapsHoles in one area dry upHoles in shoesHoles in the headHoles launchesHoles over which timber iHoley brewing gadgetHoley cheeseHoley confectionHoley sitesHoley thingsHolidayHoliday abroadHoliday abroad perhaps is cure when restlessHoliday abroad precedes epidemicHoliday accommodation ultimately rented by male French writerHoliday afloatHoliday afloat - Kidman's exHoliday airingHoliday airsHoliday areaHoliday arranged, having received invoice in a whirlHoliday at homeHoliday at new site, wearing absolutely nothingHoliday attraction, unlikely tool adopted by anti-racists?Holiday back in Geneva, electrifyingHoliday bayHoliday birdHoliday bloomHoliday burnerHoliday business - dire start-outHoliday celebrated with bHoliday celebrating delivHoliday centreHoliday cheer?Holiday couple a Venetian takes inHoliday couple blowing more on hotel? Yes and noHoliday decorationsHoliday destinationHoliday destination for everyone backing Britain?Holiday destination to organise again?Holiday destinationsHoliday dinner insert, peHoliday displayHoliday drinkHoliday drinksHoliday driver, in a phraHoliday emergency!Holiday entertainmentsHoliday exhausted girl losing mapHoliday flat swapped for the house?Holiday food optionHoliday gift-giving pool Holiday going about round Switzerland? Not in these!Holiday hire? Bells ring to demarcate end of periodHoliday hireesHoliday homeHoliday home, a property for tenants south of churchHoliday in a secluded spotHoliday in AsiaHoliday in bay?Holiday in HueHoliday in rugged isle with uniform onHoliday in Virginia and California not about to grab oneHoliday in which to say "Holiday Inn alternativeHoliday Inn competitor, fHoliday Inn rivalHoliday island’s brought in neat organisation of groupsHoliday item?Holiday Linda's arranged somewhere in South PacificHoliday meal, informallyHoliday mealsHoliday missiveHoliday mo.Holiday musicHoliday music?Holiday numberHoliday numbersHoliday on far side of Moon? It makes a changeHoliday on popular trainHoliday partyHoliday party, sayHoliday place with empty restaurant: stood up insideHoliday place, but not in Kent?Holiday precederHoliday preludeHoliday preparationHoliday purchase, informaHoliday purchasesHoliday quaffHoliday quenchersHoliday region may be conjured up in … in a seabird's callHoliday reminderHoliday rental for three?Holiday rentals for threesomeHoliday residence, home for criminalHoliday revelryHoliday roastHoliday seasonHoliday season problem near sea in 26Holiday season, for shortHoliday sellerHoliday servingHoliday servingsHoliday settlements maybe with a hundred electrical unitsHoliday shorteningHoliday since 1966Holiday site that's quiet by riverHoliday smokes?Holiday snapHoliday songHoliday song title starteHoliday song wordHoliday songsHoliday spotsHoliday stapleHoliday suffixHoliday team leaderHoliday the French have, being short of capitalHoliday timeHoliday time, in adsHoliday times abroadHoliday townHoliday traditionHoliday treesHoliday tuneHoliday tune title starteHoliday venue needs quote to install electrical unitsHoliday venue providing lots of entertainment after surprised responseHoliday vessel said to belong to its staffHoliday visitorHoliday visitor, maybeHoliday window itemHoliday wishHoliday with two women about to score? Gosh!Holiday ___Holiday, or several weeks at school?Holiday, perhaps, going to urban cycling hub? How quickly can you get away?Holiday-makers — sort Uist cultivatedHoliday; snapHoliday? Get flowery garland, certainlyHolidaying vehicle?HolidayishHolidaymakerHolidaymaker affected to a greater extent?Holidaymaker boarding ship in rushesHolidaymaker in Canada, say, with nothing to lose? One stripping offHolidaymaker losing money in scam?Holidaymaker who's heading for a fall?Holidaymaker’s escapade entertaining MikeHolidaymakers' initial destination perhaps in Lesotho not so awful?Holidays at homeHolidays cancelled? You're jokingHolidays in HanoiHolidays where love drifts aimlesslyHolier ___ thouHolier-than-thouHolier-than-thou typeHolier-than-thou typesHolier-___-thouHoliest city of IslamHoliest fast day of the Jewish calendarHolinessHoliness and good sense spreading outside walls of conventHoling upHolistic health remediesHolistic medicine topicHolistic system of physical exercisesHolland exportHolland gin, for exampleHolland sightHolland taking on Italy - no scoreHolland's leader and Arab leader read out cordial greetingHolland's Zuyder ___Hollandaise, e.g.Hollande's here - the Queen becomes less cordialHollerHoller upon walking in thHoller's partnerHolleredHollersHolliday partnerHollins University loc.HollowHollow and dry instruction to dog the German PMHollow area poor driver ends up in - he leaves itHollow areas in the Appalachian TrailHollow between hillsHollow between wave crestsHollow biblical translation entertained by Canterbury?Hollow bit with cutting edgesHollow black-framed spectacles suit groups of readersHollow bubbling soundHollow caused by a blowHollow center?Hollow cheers reflected warningHollow crutch supports animated postman delivering parcelHollow farming equipment no longer fashionableHollow from impactHollow in a wallHollow in end of canine may show thisHollow in hill or earth – like Fingal’s?Hollow in part of Yorkshire golf course?Hollow in the faceHollow part of featherHollow part of reed in trumpetHollow pastryHollow place for storing complete dinosaurHollow plantHollow repliesHollow reply?Hollow responseHollow ringing sound found with old drumHollow rockHollow slate vesselHollow space? Not out visiting South AmericaHollow spacesHollow spaces in European trainsHollow squash on smooth woody plantHollow stalkHollow surprise, with new head of squad at end of Prime SuspectHollow victory on points for green-eyed monsterHollow void separating the stars, soulless character in the centre of Ball RoomHollow, perhapsHollow-eyedHollow-eyed, gauntHollow-point ammoHollow-point bulletsHollow-point projectilesHollow-stemmed plantHollow-stemmed tropical grassHollow-stemmed tropical plantHollowed out, as a mountaHollowed out, nothing inside old red fruitHollowing toolsHollowness of victory over a dumb-ass YankeeHollowsHollyHolly cut off singular killjoyHolly featureHolly genusHolly Hunter in "The PianHolly perhaps as one left with lover no longerHolly plantHolly sees priest returning to crossHolly treeHollywoodHollywood - won't listenHollywood acronymHollywood actor's name in school playsHollywood actor, Errol, d. 1959Hollywood actor, it's appreciated, has no timeHollywood and 42nd Street entertainment?Hollywood area invested in evergreen talentHollywood autobiography sHollywood awardHollywood awardsHollywood biggie?Hollywood bigwig MichaelHollywood bio "___ DearesHollywood Boulevard sightHollywood Bowl, e.g.Hollywood businessHollywood canineHollywood celebrityHollywood constructionsHollywood cross streetHollywood crosserHollywood crowd?Hollywood displayHollywood districtHollywood employee: Abbr.Hollywood familyHollywood father and son Hollywood favoriteHollywood fig.Hollywood figureHollywood film produced in America in two versionsHollywood film-star dogHollywood filming localeHollywood films, e.g., foHollywood giants?Hollywood hanky-panky?Hollywood headlinerHollywood heartthrob PittHollywood hopefulHollywood hopefulsHollywood icon since 1924Hollywood Indian's wordHollywood industryHollywood jobHollywood job: Abbr.Hollywood mogul SennettHollywood music arranger Hollywood or Sunset: AbbrHollywood player's fling with straight men drinking mixed ginHollywood police go northwards to get stoogeHollywood poochHollywood producer JonHollywood producers boxing with politiciansHollywood quadrupedHollywood releaseHollywood resolved 'listen to women', but only outwardly?Hollywood sightingHollywood sightingsHollywood sistersHollywood snooper HopperHollywood star captivated by sudden ironyHollywood star disposing of old clothesHollywood star who could move into elite domainHollywood star who once shone at the topHollywood star whose memoHollywood statueHollywood studio departmeHollywood swindle going on and on?Hollywood techie's field,Hollywood treasureHollywood treasuresHollywood up-and-comerHollywood Walk of Fame siHollywood won't listen unfortunatelyHollywood won't listen? It's complicatedHollywood workplaceHollywood's Anderson and Hollywood's B. D. and AnnHollywood's Bruce or LaurHollywood's Dalton and HuHollywood's DavisHollywood's Dennis or RanHollywood's DeVito or GloHollywood's Ed and JennifHollywood's GrantHollywood's HawkeHollywood's HayekHollywood's holy grailHollywood's Howard and PeHollywood's KazanHollywood's Ken or LenaHollywood's LeeHollywood's MoralesHollywood's Roberts and oHollywood's Ryan or TatumHollywood's THollywood's WingerHollywood, with "the"Holm oakHolm of "Chariots of FireHolm of stage and screenHolm who played Bilbo BagHolman who was known as MHolmes fought himHolmes friend AdlerHolmes girlHolmes of "Batman Begins"Holmes of "Dawson's CreekHolmes to Conan Doyle, e.Holmes who married Tom CrHolmes' arch-enemyHolmes' home thoroughfareHolmes's arch-enemyHolmes's creatorHolmes's doctor friendHolocaust hero WallenbergHologram illuminatorHologram producersHolographer's toolHolography needHolography needsHolst or Mahler?Holst who composed "The PHolstein abodeHolstein and HerefordHolstein's homeHolstein, e.g.Holster partHolt of old westernsHolyHoly Ark localeHoly Ark's locationHoly Arks' homesHoly bookHoly book of IslamHoly Brahmin sageHoly brotherHoly chalice of legendHoly chicken?Holy circle in church a lotHoly city of IranHoly city of IslamHoly city with current version of Chinese scriptHoly city?Holy Communion finally secureHoly cow!Holy dayHoly dignitaryHoly faithHoly FatherHoly father's secretary has to wash upHoly figureheads transformed into SpartansHoly Fr. ladiesHoly Fr. womenHoly group? Such may be looking to the skiesHoly hill in which is buried male discipleHoly Hindu's titleHoly IraqiHoly Italian who is sacked just before ChristmasHoly Joe restricting foul crone's base benefitHoly lady gets rescue dog right away - better when undressed?Holy land areaHoly Land regionHoly lineHoly man and clueless daughter brought back those who'd lost their wayHoly man bores posh couples on the next floorHoly man captivated by pull of Byzantine periodHoly man dealing with the heavens, not good regarding columnsHoly man diving into river is nutsHoly man from a Caribbean islandHoly man in a camp moves about, having many relationshipsHoly man in an Ogden NashHoly man in Republic of Ireland finding potato-based foodHoly man keeps Jerry in placeHoly man left in endless poverty is to stay snugHoly man of TibetHoly man runs incense for foreignerHoly man still holier as converted two-dimensional characterHoly man subject to criticism badly in needHoly man's down at shed, endlesslyHoly man's morning in Westminster?Holy man's titleHoly man's upset by eviscerated HinduHoly men pocketing millions for harvest festivalHoly object oddly laid in playing fieldHoly oil sourceHoly oneHoly one?Holy ones: Abbr.Holy order across a northern courtHoly orders?Holy personHoly person getting with it at church can be a painHoly person wants to talk about a certain singerHoly person with cunning formalityHoly person's titleHoly person, before getting halo, must be kind of soundHoly person?Holy personsHoly pictureHoly placeHoly placesHoly radiancesHoly ringHoly roller?Holy Roman emperorHoly Roman emperor crowneHoly Roman emperor dubbedHoly Roman Emperor, 840-5Holy Roman Emperor, 855-7Holy Roman emperor, 962-7Holy Roman emperor, 973-8Holy Roman Empire officialHoly ScriptureHoly scrollHoly scrollsHoly smoke!Holy smoke?Holy terror?Holy textHoly TibetansHoly times reanimated after priest offers Hindu belief?Holy title: Abbr.Holy Trinity partHoly type in choir reformed one refusing to face realityHoly warHoly warsHoly Week service, for CaHoly woman aboard ship, one taking confession?Holy woman going back and forthHoly woman leaving rum in kitchen fireplaceHoly woman taking a new risk translated ancient languageHoly woman, a Bishop ElizabethHoly work restricting perversion of ritesHoly WritHoly, as reflected by almost all doctrineHoly, in Latin phrasesHoly, penning heartless tale, very sadHoly, to HoraceHolyfield beat him, 11/9/Holyfield defeater, 1995Holyfield of the ringHolyoke and Sinai, e.g.: Holyrood's call to get rid of moderate politicians in surfer gear?HomageHombre who stashes drinkHombre who used to guard nappy factoryHombre's handHombre's homeHombre's titleHombre, onceHombre-to-beHombres en la familiaHomeHome (in on)Home annexHome at ten, horribly worn outHome away from homeHome away from home, maybHome base accommodating students, primarilyHome base for humansHome base for un astronauHome base, in sci-fiHome before ten, perhaps play guitar or something similarHome before time, wound up fiancéHome bird builds above a girlHome bird gets film online hereHome brewersHome builder's toolHome built in a day?Home by five when in old reserved occupationHome care for editor's fiancéeHome centre close to hospitalHome cider seen brewingHome closed twice, completelyHome code broken, uncovering Trump's vulgarityHome cookerHome copyHome counties Brit down under comes over and moonsHome Counties captivated by aristocratic journalist's nasal outburstHome Counties criminal seen by Cornwall river? That’s not trueHome Counties guy across the Channel composedHome counties in secret compactHome counties toff was all over doctorHome County mostly moved coal and tin given to rebellionHome Depot competitorHome Depot displayHome Depot rivalHome destroyer - bawling clerkHome ec's counterpartHome economicsHome entertainment centerHome entertainment letterHome entertainment optionHome entertainment systemHome established finally by American riverHome extensionHome extension?Home featureHome film playerHome financer since '34Home fit for a hermit? Squire’s gutted as hellHome food savingsHome for "A Prairie Home Home for 21 perhaps built by tracks on a Roman roadHome for 6 above English valleyHome for a "monster"Home for a certain old woHome for a hermitHome for a round-tailed mHome for Adam and EveHome for alligatorsHome for an "old woman" iHome for an addax and dorHome for BabeHome for Barbie and Ken, Home for Bulls, but not BHome for choppers?Home for clover loversHome for CochiseHome for crawlersHome for cubsHome for ecologistsHome for Franciscans, sayHome for Ger. and the U.KHome for HeidiHome for hermit in Home Counties — like HadesHome for hippopotamusesHome for hogsHome for la familiaHome for llamasHome for Murphy and O'BriHome for parentless childrenHome for pigsHome for Pooh and TiggerHome for Samuel BeckettHome for social workers?Home for stingers?Home for the holidaysHome for the Murphys and Home for the Ojibwa and CHome for type down belowHome for Wyatt Earp: AbbrHome found in a well - pardon?Home freeHome fronts?Home game, they said, that's tasty in Southeast Asia?Home games for the San FrHome Guard end up surrounding illuminated islandHome health hazardHome health workerHome heating optionHome helpHome help brought up in the countryHome help from abroad?Home help lifted nationHome help raised in Asian countryHome help recalled New Delhi resident, perhapsHome help returning to countryHome help sent to West Country I may representHome help sent up countryHome help with a superior manner keeping quietHome hideawayHome improvement involving mounting tapestry creates confusionHome improvement pro BobHome improvements cover up little - and not in a good wayHome in a Mitchell novelHome in a treeHome in an old warehouse Home in bed, illHome in one's treeHome in RomeHome in sacred surroundings? Well, really!Home in spaceHome in the AlpsHome in the ArcticHome in the countryHome in the hillsHome in the mountainsHome in the sticks?Home in the woodsHome insulation featureHome investor in British Gas covers debts advancing graduallyHome kit rejected - it goes black then disintegratesHome land?Home leave always conditional at first, occupying postHome let - tenant brings in foodHome lifeHome loanHome loan agcy.Home made of logs?Home makerHome makersHome match not in seriesHome mixologist's spotHome mostly lacking interest, say - brought over drink?Home movie formatHome not very warm? Run inside, showing no fearHome nurse being meanHome of "Christina's WorlHome of "Friends"Home of "Hardball"Home of "La Maja desnuda"Home of "Monday Night FooHome of "The Diane Rehm SHome of "The Garden of EaHome of "The Last Supper"Home of "The NFL Today"Home of "The Sopranos"Home of 3.5 billionHome of a '69 "miracle"Home of a Big 12 schoolHome of a famous tilterHome of a literary ghostHome of Agate Fossil BedsHome of Al-Azhar UniversiHome of America's first aHome of an America East CHome of ancient AquitaineHome of ancient ChaldeaHome of ancient PersepoliHome of aquatic mammal diverting river west is worst of allHome of Arches National PHome of Arizona StateHome of Arizona State UniHome of Bally's and the VHome of Barack Obama's faHome of baseball's "Bums"Home of Baylor UniversityHome of Bert and ErnieHome of BollywoodHome of Bosch's "Garden oHome of Brigham Young UniHome of brothers for comedian, b. ’28Home of Bruce Peninsula NHome of Bryce CanyonHome of Busch GardensHome of CHome of Canadian P.M. SteHome of Carthage CollegeHome of CaterpillarHome of ChennaiHome of Christmas Lake ViHome of CittHome of Clarke CollegeHome of ConAgraHome of County ClareHome of Craters of the MoHome of Creighton U.Home of Creighton UniversHome of Daniel Webster CoHome of Davy Crockett: AbHome of Dickinson CollegeHome of Disney WorldHome of Easter IslandHome of Eastern Michigan Home of Edwards PlateauHome of El GrecoHome of Elaine, in ArthurHome of Elmendorf Air ForHome of England's Opera NHome of Ensenada, informaHome of EphesusHome of Faa'a InternationHome of FedExHome of Fort DodgeHome of Fort Scott NationHome of fried chicken and pork pie for pop iconHome of Galileo Galilei AHome of Galileo Galilei IHome of Gallo WineryHome of Gannon Univ.Home of Gannon UniversityHome of golf's Sony OpenHome of GoodyearHome of Goose BayHome of Grand Forks: AbbrHome of Haleakala NationaHome of Hallvard's ruinedHome of Hampshire CollegeHome of Hells Gate State Home of Hickam Air Force Home of highways H-1, H-2Home of Horseshoe Bend NaHome of Interstate H1Home of Iolani PalaceHome of Iowa StateHome of Iowa State UniverHome of Ishmael's descendHome of Jorge Luis BorgesHome of Kansai InternatioHome of Kansas Wesleyan UHome of Kendall CollegeHome of King Harald VHome of L'ExpressHome of L. L. BeanHome of La ScalaHome of la SorbonneHome of Lafayette CollegeHome of Lawrence UniversiHome of Lewis-Clark StateHome of Literature NobeliHome of London's Palace THome of Mammoth CaveHome of many mullahsHome of many of the 1-AcrHome of many VelHome of Mary and JosephHome of McConnell A.F.B.Home of Michigan StateHome of Michigan State UnHome of Middle East TechnHome of minor-league baseHome of Mondrian's "BroadHome of monks or nunsHome of Mount Ka'alaHome of Nascar's longest Home of Notre DameHome of novelist Mario VaHome of OdysseusHome of Organ Pipe CactusHome of Our Lady of the LHome of ParisHome of ParmenidesHome of Pauley Pavilion: Home of Pearl CityHome of Pennsylvania's LaHome of Phillips UniversiHome of pigs, cows, hens etcHome of poet Langston HugHome of Point Pelee Natl.Home of Polar Bear Prov. Home of Pottawattamie CouHome of Presque Isle DownHome of Private Ryan in "Home of Pukaskwa NationalHome of Punchbowl CraterHome of Pyramid Lake: AbbHome of Radio City Music HallHome of Rainbow Bridge NaHome of Rapid City: Abbr.Home of Riding Mountain NHome of Rollins CollegeHome of Roosevelt I.Home of Russell Cave NatlHome of SHome of Samsung Tower PalHome of Samuel Beckett: AHome of Sault Ste. Marie:Home of Sequoyah CavernsHome of Shalimar GardensHome of Sharif UniversityHome of sherryHome of Silver City: AbbrHome of six N.H.L. teamsHome of slightly boring headwearHome of Smallville: Abbr.Home of Smith CollegeHome of Snowflake, which,Home of soccer's UnitedHome of some KurdsHome of Southern UniversiHome of Spelman CollegeHome of St FrancisHome of St. CatherineHome of St. FrancisHome of Steamboat Spgs.Home of Sun Devil StadiumHome of the 1,612-foot RiHome of the 2,700-mile-loHome of the 42nd U.S. preHome of the AAA Mud HensHome of the AlhambraHome of the ancient city Home of the ancient OlympHome of the annual GatherHome of the Arch of ConstHome of the Atlantic 10'sHome of the Atlas MountaiHome of the Azadi TowerHome of the Bahla Fort anHome of the Bears and theHome of the Biltmore EstaHome of the Black BearsHome of the Black Rock DeHome of the Blue DevilsHome of the Blue GrottoHome of the Blue Monster Home of the Blues: Abbr.Home of the Bonneville SaHome of the braveHome of the brave?: Var.Home of the BravesHome of the Braves: Abbr.Home of the Brickyard 400Home of the BuccaneersHome of the Cadillac RancHome of the Calendar IslaHome of the CasbahHome of the Chiefs in minHome of the Chisholm TraiHome of the Church of St.Home of the city BountifuHome of the City of RocksHome of the Clearwater MtHome of the Cordillera ReHome of the Cotopaxi volcHome of the Cougars of coHome of the Cowboys, famiHome of the Cowboys: AbbrHome of the CyclonesHome of the descendants oHome of the Diamondbacks:Home of the DolphinsHome of the Dr Pepper MusHome of the Excelsior MtsHome of the EyjafjallajHome of the first capitalHome of the First Ladies Home of the Gaels, in colHome of the Galleria BorgHome of the Gardermoen aiHome of the Grand NationalHome of the Great GeysirHome of the Greek godsHome of the Hale telescopHome of the Hawkeyes of tHome of the Hawks, with "Home of the highways H1 aHome of the HittitesHome of the HmongHome of the Horned Frogs:Home of the Houdini MuseuHome of the indigenous Plains Indians originallyHome of the invaders in WHome of the IRT and BMTHome of the Ivy LeagueHome of the Jaycees' natiHome of the JazzHome of the Kalahari DeseHome of the Knicks: Abbr.Home of the Knights HospiHome of the KnockmealdownHome of the landmark ZeitHome of the Latin Church Home of the legendary MorHome of the Lyndon B. JohHome of the mask of King Home of the MinotaurHome of the Minotaur's laHome of the Missouri StatHome of the Museum of IntHome of the Mustangs, forHome of the N.B.A. HeatHome of the N.B.A.'s HeatHome of the N.C.A.A. MinuHome of the N.C.A.A. SparHome of the N.C.A.A.'s CyHome of the N.F.L.'s BuccHome of the N.H.L.'s LighHome of the N.H.L.'s SharHome of the N.H.L.'s ThraHome of the N.L.'s CardsHome of the National AutoHome of the National StocHome of the Natl. CryptolHome of the Natl. HolleriHome of the newspaper HaaHome of the Norse godsHome of the Palace of NatHome of the Peabody MuseuHome of the Rachel CarsonHome of the Rainbow BridgHome of the Ramon Crater:Home of the Red Barons inHome of the RiksdagHome of the River of No RHome of the Rock and RollHome of the Rosetta Stone since 1802Home of the Rubber BowlHome of the Salmon River Home of the Sawtooth RangHome of the Scarlet KnighHome of the Seminoles: AbHome of the Shah Faisal MHome of the silly brash parasite in family, daughterHome of the Star-TelegramHome of the Stern School Home of the Sundance FilmHome of the Taj MahalHome of the Tate GalleryHome of the Tisch Sch. ofHome of the U.N.'s JavierHome of the U.S. Air ForcHome of the U.S. MilitaryHome of the U.S.'s last aHome of the Univ. of St. Home of the Universal PosHome of the University ofHome of the Viking Ship MHome of the von Trapp famHome of the War in the PaHome of the Western HemisHome of the White Sands NHome of the World Health Home of the World Museum Home of the world's largeHome of the world's northHome of the Wright BrotheHome of the writer Mario Home of Theo. Roosevelt NHome of Times Sq. and ColHome of Tivoli gardensHome of TV's "Doctor Who"Home of Utah Valley StateHome of Vance Air Force BHome of VeneziaHome of Walvis BayHome of Warwickshire County Cricket ClubHome of Waterloo: Abbr.Home of Weber State UniveHome of Wheeler Air ForceHome of Wheeler Army AirfHome of whiskey a force to be recalled in the world of spiritsHome of Whitman CollegeHome of ZenoHome of Zion National ParHome Office branch last to refurbish fullyHome Office fight to keep Queen's English trailerHome Office having regenerated Surrey - what of it?Home Office head blocking just over 100 ordinary folkHome Office head stops just over a hundred massesHome on "Gilligan's IslanHome on highHome on the Black SeaHome on the farmHome on the rangeHome on wheelsHome origins of Anne Brontë poemHome overlooking the sea,Home overseasHome pageHome paperHome papers rejected by court chargeHome phoneHome phone number abbr.Home planetHome planet in a 1978-82 Home pregnancy checker, eHome products companyHome products sellerHome protection deviceHome providing care for the sickHome recorderHome remains place of refuge after returning from manufacturing processHome remedy for skin irriHome rule beginning to suck for those on partner's sideHome rule divides party giving offenceHome ruler?Home run champ until 1998Home run greatHome run hero of '61Home run hitter RuthHome run king HankHome run swatter WilliamsHome run swingsHome run, in baseball linHome run, in baseball slaHome run, slangilyHome runs or r.b.i.'s, e.Home runs, in baseball slHome runs, in slangHome schooling automatically produced knowledgeHome schooling makes senseHome schooling to start - little ones very amusedHome Secretary defends weapon that causes injuryHome settingHome shopping channelHome sitesHome south of the borderHome spaceHome space for redevelopment, don't you think?Home state of the 1964 anHome stretch?Home stretches?Home styleHome subcontractorHome support near the coastHome supporter on course for keeping recordHome team's position offering an advantageHome territoriesHome that may have a liveHome that may have painteHome that's short on space?Home time - one shot to capture routeHome to 1 1/2 billion peoHome to 33 mil.Home to 9,000 Maine colleHome to a cranberry cropHome to a famous geodesicHome to a glacial flow of vital fluidHome to a muon or pionHome to a queenHome to a Shakespearean pHome to about 15% of the Home to Al JazeeraHome to AthensHome to Bates CollegeHome to billionsHome to Bryce CanyonHome to ColumbusHome to da Vinci's "L'UltHome to Dyess A.F.B.Home to fly intoHome to General Mills andHome to Hill Air Force BaHome to Hitsville U.S.A.Home to HonoluluHome to JosHome to many Swiss banksHome to many techsHome to Mohammed V UniverHome to Mongolian nomadsHome to more than 5 1/2 mHome to more than a billiHome to more than half thHome to most TurksHome to Mount ChimborazoHome to Ohio Northern UniHome to over a billionHome to part of YellowstoHome to Queens U.Home to RegulusHome to Rosa Parks Blvd.Home to San Quentin StateHome to Seaquarium and MeHome to six billionHome to some bark beetlesHome to some elephantsHome to some fightersHome to some notable castHome to some Sargents, wiHome to Stratford: Abbr.Home to Sun Devil StadiumHome to the Big East's ReHome to the down-and-outHome to the Dr Pepper MusHome to the Juilliard SchHome to the MasaiHome to the sport of hurlHome to the Taj MahalHome to the Venus de MiloHome to Torrey Pines GolfHome to YeatsHome tool makerHome town's extremely welcoming - absolutelyHome truth - a bit attracted to hostHome turf?Home tweet home?Home under the midnight sHome video formatHome viewers' HDTV's?Home viewing for a priceHome with a domeHome with a groundskeeperHome with a viewHome with a wide overhangHome with aunt's turned out a nightmare, to put it brieflyHome with jazzy style given huge architectural featureHome with red exterior? Blow me!Home with trees arranged in small groupHome without a refrigeratHome worker engaging nurse and managerHome wreckerHome wrecker?Home wreckersHome ___Home ___ (near)Home's hit, receiving a gun shotHome, compact in size, for the richerHome, informallyHome, slangilyHome, sweet homeHome, sweet or notHome, to a sci-fi fanHome, to HansHome, to TV's ClampettsHome-builder's hen producing good eggs?Home-coming time?Home-financing org.Home-grownHome-run hittersHome-run runHome-seeker's decisionHome-study vehicleHome-style entreeHome: Abbr.HomebodyHomeboyHomeboy's placeHomeboy's turfHomeboys' "fraternity"Homebuilder's stripHomebuyer's "bargain"Homebuyer's concernHomecomingHomecoming attendeeHomecoming attendee, for Homecoming attendee, in bHomecoming attendeesHomecoming displayHomecoming figureHomecoming figure, for shHomecoming guestHomecoming projectHomecoming returneeHomecoming returnees, forHomecoming spotHomecoming V.I.P.'sHomecoming visitorsHomecoming?Homecomings?Homeland of Joyce and YeaHomeland of OrpheusHomeland plot?Homeland protection org.Homeless and destitute personHomeless animalHomeless animal's style of singing captivates carrierHomeless childHomeless child with a conditionHomeless child would appear in front, first of allHomeless creature lately seen wandering round aboutHomeless felineHomeless gent must be heard immediatelyHomeless German writer?Homeless old lady sheltering in barrelHomeless personHomeless person, very short, getting a financial allowanceHomeless wandererHomeless wanderer’s saga with new introduction and promiseHomemade music compilatioHomemade pistolHomemaker has fur tailored with lining of goldHomeostaticHomeowner stifles beastly outburstHomeowner's concern: AbbrHomeowner's debt: Abbr.Homeowner's paperHomeowner's pymt.Homeowners may take them Homeowners take them out:Homeowners' burdensHomerHomer and othersHomer epicHomer hero of '61Homer is involved in tales of this?Homer often said that Odyssey short of content about ringHomer or BartHomer perhaps with good information about Odysseus’s originHomer Simpson exclamationHomer Simpson outburstHomer Simpson typeHomer Simpson's dadHomer Simpson's favorite Homer Simpson's hangoutHomer Simpson's Indian frHomer Simpson's middle naHomer Simpson's momHomer Simpson's neighborHomer Simpson's next-doorHomer Simpson's other halfHomer Simpson's wifeHomer's "Eight Bells," e.Homer's "Iliad," e.g.Homer's bartenderHomer's boyHomer's expression involves prelude to Ulysses, good and readyHomer's hangoutHomer's hangout on "The SHomer's hard poem going in novelHomer's homeHomer's mythical Greek hero of the Trojan WarHomer's neighborHomer's outcomeHomer's place of shelterHomer's TV neighborHomer, e.g.Homer, for oneHomer, say, entertaining English classicistHomer’s error is someone else’s problemHomeric cry?Homeric epicHomeric genreHomeric heroHomeric home edges away from using one vehicleHomeric sorceressHomeric wandererHomers reach themHomers, slangilyHomesHomes (in on)Homes built in spring succeeded in goalsHomes for birdsHomes for dronesHomes for families that lHomes for hatchlingsHomes for hensHomes for hermanos y hermHomes for hombresHomes for mil. planesHomes for some coloniesHomes for squirrelsHomes for struggling artiHomes in northeast are mostly smallHomes in onHomes in on drinks trendy Italian banker's importedHomes in the hillsHomes in the woodsHomes in treesHomes of the rich and famHomes of twigsHomes offering protection for playersHomes on highHomes on the Costa del SoHomes on the range?Homes on wheels, brieflyHomes on wheels, for shorHomes on wheels, in briefHomes that may have circuHomes that may have tunneHomes with domesHomes with electronic gatHomes with power plugsHomes within nationsHomes, to JosHomesicknessHomespunHomestead holderHometown of old radio's FHometown tiesHometown to college footbHometown-relatedHomeworkHomework assignmentsHomework at inferior Karachi uni initially takes little workHomework covering principal rule of twoHomework excuse #1Homework excuse #2Homework excuse #3Homework holding me up, little time to get in before the restHomework over some food: tongueHomework pages - school subject to be absorbedHomeworkers to Fred seriously touchedHomeworking without originals from Netflix gets dullHomeyHomey's acceptanceHomey's repHomicidal individualHomicideHomicide drowning novice in more rumHomilyHomily: Abbr.Homing pigeon's homeHoming pigeons' homesHomme d'___Homme d'___ (statesman)Homme ___ (French V.I.P.)Homme ___ (statesman)Homme's homeHomo found in 1891Homo sapiensHomo sapiens, e.g.Homo sapiens, for exampleHomo vis-HomologousHonHonchoHoncho regarded as not seeing straightHonda divisionHonda modelHonda model with a palindHonda owned by one of theHonda productHonda with a palindromic Honduran housesHonduras-to-Guatemala dirHoneHonedHoned fancy phrase with surprising endHonegger's "Pastorale d'_HonestHonest brokerHonest chap ultimately skewered Kipper's situationHonest fellow managed onset of kleptomaniaHonest following rowHonest following scriptural instructionHonest hand?Honest kind of sandwich, top end, no crust, with coffee coming upHonest nameHonest oneHonest priest found in cocktail bar by Luddite extremistsHonest thus to describe old-fashioned blonde?Honest villain seen circling minute 6-foot stage?Honest ___Honest ___ (drink brand)Honest ___ (presidential Honest, but not grand?Honest, not rotten sinner in the appropriate place?Honest-to-GodHonest-to-goodnessHonestlyHonestly uneasy in privateHonestly, Dicky, in a way that's quite sneakyHonestly? OtherwiseHonestyHonesty of Rob overwhelmed by compassionHonesty: nice first of all, with less pain involvedHoneyHoney badgerHoney badgersHoney bee loses head in fightHoney bishop hid in treeHoney bunch?Honey contains active ingredient of animal foodHoney drinkHoney eater of New ZealanHoney factoryHoney farmerHoney holdersHoney in sugary centreHoney makerHoney makersHoney Nut ___Honey pieHoney producerHoney producersHoney siteHoney, in Le HavreHoney-badger gets speed on lineHoney-based alcoholic drinkHoney-based drinkHoney-bee circling cop's battered Scots delicacyHoney-coloredHoney-huedHoney-producers' homeHoneybee genusHoneybunHoneybun, perhapsHoneybunchHoneybunch or cutie pieHoneycomb alternativeHoneycomb materialHoneycomb shapeHoneycomb substance used in making furniture polishHoneycomb, essentiallyHoneycombedHoneycombed homeHoneydew alternativeHoneydew eaterHoneydew loversHoneydew producerHoneydew producersHoneydew, e.g.HoneyedHoneyed pastryHoneymoon destination, wiHoneymoon havenHoneymoon shot of a certain old love in Jerusalem?Honeymoon suite featureHoneymoonerHoneymooner's clothes suitable for various USA routesHoneymooners' destinationHoneymooners' state?HoneysuckleHong Kong airlineHong Kong film-maker and director with small golf clubsHong Kong harbor craftHong Kong harbor sightHong Kong neighbor: Var.Hong Kong residents, nowHong Kong sightsHong Kong's Hang ___ IndeHoning one's Catalan? It's really badHonkHonk horn — in both directionsHonkerHonkersHonking birdHonking birdsHonking timeHonky-tonkHonky-tonk legend ErnestHonky-tonk playerHonky-tonk sightHonky-___Honolulu Airport exchangeHonolulu giftHonolulu greetingHonolulu greetingsHonolulu hrs.Honolulu keepsakesHonolulu neighbourhoodHonolulu's homeHonolulu's islandHonolulu's locationHonolulu's ___ BowlHonolulu's ___ PalaceHonolulu's ___ StadiumHonolulu's ___ TowerHonolulu-based detectiveHonorHonor bestowed by Eliz.Honor bestowed by Queen EHonor for Eric AmblerHonor for the A-team?Honor from Queen Eliz.Honor roll (2 wds.)Honor society characterHonor society letterHonor student's boast, foHonor with a partyHonor with a roast, sayHonor ___ thievesHonor, as a conquering heHonor, in academeHonor, on a diplomaHonorableHonorable start?HonorariaHonorariumHonorary 1999 Oscar recipHonorary deg. for many a Honorary deg. that HarvarHonorary law degree: AbbrHonorary law degs.Honorary member in extremely exalted setHonorary ShawneeHonorary titleHonorary title bestowed oHonorary title for a professor retired from active serviceHonorary title holdersHonorary titlesHonorary Tory leader implicated in kinky ritualHonoredHonored guest's siteHonored guest's spotHonored HinduHonored ladyHonored the flagHonored womanHonoree of a 1998 New YorHonoree on the third FridHonoree's localeHonoree's placeHonoree's spotHonorificHonorific sometimes used Honorific that's SanskritHonoringHonorsHonors for top scorers?Honors grandlyHonors in styleHonors, in a wayHonourHonour - Archbishop of Canterbury, beheaded 1645Honour - cachetHonour a husband, showing a sort of charmHonour a rebel leader admitting heightened depressionHonour a team's first principleHonour about to go to hospital divisionHonour aims when re-expressed? That’s agreeableHonour covered up by genteel bonnetsHonour daughter, mean son having scarperedHonour duke in middle of dinner perhapsHonour for J. K. RowlingHonour Geordie comedian after Tyneside comeback?Honour girl crossing over the hill and seaHonour given to J. K. RowHonour good Parisienne, backing one of her articlesHonour Holland typically announced displaying royal fineryHonour King working a role in AMNDHonour lives with an ecclesiastical institution's mark of respectHonour or respect shown publiclyHonour Parisian's good turns, with 50% lessHonour priest with increase in wagesHonour received for achievementHonour resistance blocking onset of climate changeHonour rise of the Spanish maid in ParisHonour soldier protecting lives and showing respectHonour suffering of European veteranHonour terms of previous invoice with large corporation?Honour tourist that's caught male killerHonour, high awardHonour, in general, person who's supposedly never wrongHonour-bound men went outside and disbanded unionHonourableHonourable and gentle, but one's less than grand?Honourable dignitary's after power liftHonourable heterosexual owing nothing directlyHonourable leading Tories?Honourable man wasting timeHonourable to support revolutionary in the long runHonourable, say to replace old boy before court reveals carelessnessHonourably turned on by embracing ladies primarilyHonourary title: Abbr.Honoured companion, a very brash, tasteless personHonoured king broken, he had to admit defeat finallyHonoured lavishlyHonoured member of Pride is meeting journalistHonoured officer is bearing down on worker toeing the lineHonouring two Beatles, without coverage, outside British LibraryHonoursHonours degrees?Honours European owning large corporation?Honours seen in one hand in twoHonours son after accepting son’s ruleHonours ultimately desirable, carrying a lot of weightHonshu cityHonshu honorificHonshu metropolisHonshu peakHonshu peak, brieflyHonshu portHonshu seaportHonshu’s countryHoo-haHoo-ha following American societyHoo-hasHoo-has resulting from the rise of pop...HoochHooch holderHooch holder at a ballgamHooch houndsHoodHood catcherHood fightersHood following sheriff's lead may make one frownHood for one to prepare in vestryHood in dodgy cabal getting hot materialHood left on farm animalHood monikerHood of "Our Gang" comediHood rodsHood taking gamble round about the end of ProhibitionHood to intimidate moll, ultimatelyHood's after the sheriff's head - look annoyed!Hood's armHood's beneficiaries, witHood's bladeHood's gunHood's knifeHood's oppositeHood's pieceHood's pistolHood's placeHood's rodHood's weaponHood, for example? Old hat originally worn around cityHood, warmer oneHood-shaped coveringHooded coversHooded jacketHooded jacketsHooded menaceHooded menacesHooded ophidianHooded snakeHooded waterproof jacketHoodie in area next to recreation groundHoodie occasionally produces a poemHoodlumHoodlum's time off?HoodooHoodsHoods may conceal themHoodwinkHoodwink fish with ultimately bogus comfortsHoodwink flapperHoodwink, in a wayHoodwinkedHoodwinkingHoodwinksHooeyHoof itHoof protectorHoof smootherHoof soundHoofbeatHoofed grazerHoofed mammal — or husky, do we hear?Hoofed mammal - glue a nutHoofed mammal in Kansas occasionallyHooferHoofer's techniqueHoofers escort servicemen around wingsHoofing itHookHook accompanierHook alternativeHook attachmentHook connection pointHook delivererHook go-with?Hook handHook holding one black French dressing gownHook on a handleHook or Cook: Abbr.Hook shapeHook targetHook upHook up againHook up electronicallyHook up in Asian hotel, did you say?Hook up withHook up: Var.Hook used to land fishHook with a handleHook's henchmanHook's mateHook's placeHook's right-hand manHook's underlingHook, line and ___Hook, line or sinkerHook-shaped parts of braiHook-up on singular golf course, apparently taking timeHookedHooked clawHooked letterHooked onHooked up and leftHooked up, I see, with friendHooked with 24 resulting in equalisationHooked, as a noseHooker, one sounding rough?Hookey playersHooksHooks back up / WinderHooks for landing fishHooks up again with dearest after bust-upHooks up or lays down, e.Hooks, of a sortHooliganHooligan beheaded with Old English instrumentHooligan facing test, all about being female, not ladylikeHooligan jailed, inhaling cannabisHooligan needs drink, always swallowing bitterHooligan put up a fightHooligan's meal still to be cooked? CorrectHooligan, having splashed out dosh, is equipped for slippery conditionsHooligan, maybeHooligan’s about taken in, given orderHooligansHooligans attempted to switch sidesHooligans drop onto a path leading southHooligans in carnival site saying little after dropping ecstasyHooligans sending up tenor in sports carHoop alternativeHoop gp.Hoop grp.HooplaHoopsHoops announcer's "Slam dHoops bloopersHoops coach KrugerHoops coach with the mostHoops competition, brieflHoops contests since '38Hoops gameHoops great Abdul-JabbarHoops great ArchibaldHoops grp.Hoops Hall-of-Famer IrishHoops Hall-of-Famer JerryHoops Hall-of-Famer MurphHoops Hall-of-Famer ThomaHoops Hall-of-Famer ThurmHoops league (abbr.)Hoops legendHoops legend, familiarlyHoops nicknameHoops officialHoops org.Hoops play makerHoops playerHoops pos.Hoops stat.Hoops stat: Abbr.Hoops targetHoops tournament org.Hoops turnoverHoopster ArchibaldHoopster BaylorHoopster BryantHoopster Erving's nicknamHoopster Erving, to fansHoopster GilmoreHoopster Hall-of-Famer BiHoopster MaloneHoopster MourningHoopster ShaquilleHoopster ThurmondHoopster with six rap albHoopster ___ MingHoopster's grabHoopster/actorHoopsters Archibald and THoopsters turn down singeHoopsters' org.Hoopsters' targetsHoorayHooray for JorgeHooray for JosHooray!Hooray, in JuHoosegowHoosier cabinet woodHoosier hoopsterHoosier humoristHoosier industrial centerHoosier neighborHoosier novelist with a 1Hoosier proHoosier senator BayhHoosier universityHootHoot and hollerHoot at confined hooters?Hoot catching a youngster dressingHoot of laughterHootchy-___Hootenanny participantHootenanny sightHootenanny, e.g.HooterHooter in stadium leader's blownHooter raised after game continuesHooter shortened, though not at first covering certain things on hooter?Hooter's hangoutHooter's loop?HootersHooting birdHooting birdsHooting owl, maybeHoots from river, one owl primarily hollowed-out treesHoover and othersHoover creationHoover Dam's Lake ___Hoover Dam's styleHoover employee, onceHoover hookupHoover or Oreck, for shorHoover perhaps swallowing brother's geraniumHoover rivalHoover ___Hoover's org.Hoover's predecessor?Hoover's vice presidentHoover, brieflyHoover, e.g.Hoover, e.g., in briefHoover, e.g., informallyHoover, informallyHooverville homeHop it!Hop kilnHop offererHop onHop, move about and start to circle one's bottomHop, skip or jumpHop, ___ and a jumpHop-drying buildingHop-drying kilnHopalong Cassidy actorHopalong Cassidy actor anHopalong Cassidy player WHopalong Cassidy portrayeHopeHope a bit of sun appears in most of countryHope a lord will seize powerHope abandoned with trouble over tragic roleHope born of desperationHope can always be found Hope chest contentsHope Crosby's enjoying 'Sleigh Ride'?Hope dear Corbyn turns out to be squeaky clean!Hope everyone can contain bugHope for a place at Oxford?Hope for laughs?Hope for one to compete, collecting right uniformHope for the futureHope is here: Abbr.Hope land has game girl raised in AmericaHope last seen of apparent decayHope of "Peyton Place"Hope offerer: Abbr.Hope one’s somehow done with book — the novel I detestHope plant never ultimately develops - it's poisonousHope Radamès embraces Aida?Hope the majority of time in work isn’t so manic initiallyHope to catch rest being late and serve dinner?Hope to engage sailors with very good dance at seaHope to go round various towns nearer the coastHope to keep to the end a garden shrubHope to let out type of cameraHope to lose?Hope to receive a thousand after chap said to send loads of messagesHope to see Piraeus playing United awayHope to stay limber - using this?Hope's road show org.Hope-Crosby destinationHope-Crosby film destinatHope-Crosby's "Road to __Hope/Crosby "Road" destinHope/Crosby co-star DorotHope/Crosby film destinatHope/Crosby's "Road to __Hope: a church's loftiest attribute?HopedHoped (for)Hoped despair might be resolvedHoped for salvationHoped for the bestHoped-for answer to "WillHoped-for effect of havinHoped-for future relief with fat dispersedHoped-for low number: AbbHoped-for replyHoped-for reply in "SpaniHoped-for reply to 1-AcroHoped-for response to 56-Hoped-for result of a merHoped-for reviewHoped-for trait in a spouHopefulHopeful candidateHopeful eye will accommodate one blockage to visionHopeful hellfire ultimately denied in Eve's reluctance to partake of forbidden fruit?Hopeful lover, being rejected, goes off without you and IHopeful peopleHopeful prohibition gets lifted during declineHopeful spat with Iran can be sorted outHopeful to kick ultimately habit-forming drugHopeful type with venom, I raveHopefully he won't drop litterHopefully learning many are involved in this legal matterHopefully, a spirited sessionHopelessHopeless caseHopeless clue Idris mocksHopeless course, main meal or pudding suggestedHopeless feelingHopeless Irish sunburned sailor in melee at seaHopeless politician enters No 10, well-advised to dismiss positions 2 and 3Hopeless potter in gameHopeless sort of case one finally checks out?Hopeless with pitch that's firm? Australia following on edgily at firstHopeless, as a situationHopelessly confuddledHopelessly in loveHopelessly lostHopelessnessHopesHopes dashed with foul, inferior accommodationHopes for the futureHopes get dashed, entertaining upper-class groupHopes report when edited is something covering the whole world in some depthHopes to keep husband in forcesHopes to some extent placed in The Times succeededHopi Indian dollHopi Indian localeHopi reservation sightHoping for a different outcome that’s attractiveHoping for perfection?Hoping for profit? Taken home, after going bustHoping not to finish pain medicationHoping to be American secret agents, say?Hoping to exploit resources, one searches for busy ports outside of European CommunityHoping to get a small ratio using integersHoping to relieve pressure, cooked around 200 dumplingsHopped drinkHopped to itHopped up, in a wayHopperHopper and othersHopper around a boardHopper of HollywoodHopper, Nilsen or Potter?Hopper’s earliest form? Piece in American barHoppersHopping good timesHopping insectHopping John ingredientHopping joint?Hopping madHopping mad - we get VAT on traditional British fareHoppy beveragesHoppy brewHops drierHops driersHops kilnHops-drying kilnsHops-drying ovenHopscotchHopscotch player's buyHopscotch siteHorace and SapphoHorace contemporaryHorace tomeHorace volumeHorace Walpole's "The CasHorace who founded the NeHorace's "Ars ___"Horace's "___ poetica"Horace, e.g.Horace, for oneHoratian compositionHoratian creationHoratian outputHoratian versesHoratian workHoratian ___Horatio Alger sortHoratio Nelson's ___ VictHoratio who wrote about dHordeHorde of people, upset about defeat, to become more matureHoriz.HorizonHorizon arcHorizon happeningHorizon standoutHorizontalHorizontal - dullHorizontal angle of a bearingHorizontal angle of a compass bearingHorizontal band on a wallHorizontal barHorizontal beamHorizontal beam over a doorHorizontal beam over a doorwayHorizontal door pieceHorizontal lineHorizontal line on a grapHorizontal moldingHorizontal molding piecesHorizontal surface in which line meets sideHorizontal surface to put things onHorizontal thread in a faHorizontal underground plant stem - I'm her OzHorizontal: Abbr.Horizontality checker with a bubbleHorizontallyHorizontally: Abbr.Hormel canned it in 1937;Hormel discards?Hormone abuse with temperature dropping at homeHormone gets one frisky - or upset inside?Hormone not entirely causing offence, containing no tritiumHormone produced in the pancreasHormone regulating the amount of glucose in the bloodHormone regulatorHormone replacement initially covered in a study leading to some dishonest statementHormone that regulates the storage of glycogen in the liverHormone transforms common birdHormone you get from fruit, staying at homeHormone; take second in time for smearHormone? My mood is being restrictedHornHorn blastHorn in (on)Horn in tune I'd arranged to impress Rattle initiallyHorn is ordered for Leeds playersHorn of Africa nativeHorn played by head of early riser in the AlpsHorn soundHorn sound in live recordingHorn tooter?Horn working for racing driverHorn's soundHorn's sound reverberates less, mostly in Scottish townHorn, gold with new copper coatingHorn-wearer's bird dropping round to have lunch and dinner, initiallyHornblower's first crew measure up?Hornby's construction system missing no place in Saudi ArabiaHorne and OlinHorne of "The Lady and HeHorne or OlinHorne soloHorne who sang "Deed I DoHorne who sang "Stormy WeHorned animalHorned animal one passes with relief?Horned animal, for shortHorned animal, one breaking crooked hornHorned animals, for shortHorned beastHorned creatureHorned crittersHorned deityHorned Frogs' sch.Horned goddessHorned lizard, e.g.Horned mammalHorned pachydermHorned rock climberHorned thing?Horned ungulateHorned viperHorned vipersHorned zoo beastHorner's last wordsHornetHornet genusHornet's homeHornet's kinHornet's nestHornet, e.g.Hornets' and Nuggets' orgHornets' cousinsHornets' homeHornets' nestsHornswoggleHornswoggledHornswogglesHornswoggles, with "in"Horny as hell, dropping spades - it maybe could lead to thisHorny beast and colonist run off togetherHorny beast hurried over with young King HenryHorny creature very tastelessly sent up in partHorny creatures for Spooner's numb bumHorny guy, for example, runs round middle of brothelHorny individual in dash to bed finallyHorny individual's New Year in the French styleHorny maleHorny male one evicted from American carHorny old Greek's vessel sounds groovy, man!Horny problem?Horny Scottish supporterHorny type from New York state getting half-cutHorologist TerryHoroscopeHoroscope dataHoroscope figureHoroscope revelationHoroscope's focus with respect to third of zodiac given sudden emphasisHorrendousHorrendous fine legalHorrendous sight was witnessed by me, it's saidHorribleHorrible blokes but women like going out with themHorrible bossHorrible cola left in pubHorrible death not exactly cherishedHorrible defeat ultimately avoided by retreatsHorrible giants, one departing in state of anxietyHorrible grade on a testHorrible green Yankee spiritHorrible Hunt and his leaders lacerate NHS provisionHorrible injury from fighting? Men splitHorrible king who succeeded Anne by schemingHorrible new order for housemaid, wiping master's ...Horrible old chest holding new debtor's notesHorrible oneHorrible person admitting prince is a nerdHorrible poem makes one look gloomyHorrible racket drowns sacred chantHorrible sightHorrible smellHorrible soup a few left outHorrible spiritHorrible story about European seafoodHorrible sweet, is it?Horrible to behold: a book about Hamas extremistsHorrible-looking fruit, I hearHorribly evil!Horribly grim aunt mellowing perhapsHorribly inane foundation for philosopher's golden agesHorribly largeHorribly noisy gym showing antipathy to womenHorribly sick near use of cosmeticsHorribly under the weather, heads off to various placesHorribly wet — a valid reason?Horribly wreckHorribly wrong, like certain Satie compositionsHorridHorrid canine caged by horrid tannerHorrid giantsHorrid glances from CharlHorrid old boy, Oscar, American, outside no.11Horrid semi-liquid foodHorrid slip suppressed by silly sodHorrid smellHorrid tales suck? They could be movingHorrid thing to ruin repose, ultimately?Horrid type of slip packed by old duchess on vacation?Horrid ugly things not good for recyclingHorrid wearing stuffed shirt close to fire, right?Horrid, that which Wat Tyler was doing?Horridly vacuous cops running around in filmHorrificHorrific cases start to libel celebrityHorrific experienceHorrific smellHorrific, macabreHorrifiedHorrified as a good speed is cutHorrified as little boy biting into fruit diedHorrified by experiences in a high-speed carHorrified Turkish commander stumpedHorrified windbag has taken sandwichesHorrified! Part of bag has torn!Horrified, shockedHorrifiesHorrifyHorrify a friend, parking in the centreHorrify a friend, seizing powerHorrify a missionary in conversationHorrify a namesake of Revere when speakingHorrify a quiet friendHorrify, shutting away extremely rare clothesHorrify: Var.HorrifyingHorrifying - sensationalHorrifying experienceHorrifying figure, character rising up, calculating to the coreHorripilationHorror cryHorror director CravenHorror director RothHorror film characterHorror film director CravHorror film director GeorHorror film director RothHorror film effectsHorror film enjoyed by TuHorror film figureHorror film localeHorror film locale: Abbr.Horror film making a fortune about initiation into sexHorror film must occasionally intimidateHorror film soundHorror film soundsHorror film stapleHorror film starHorror film star ChaneyHorror film that starts iHorror film's offeringsHorror icon LugosiHorror in Boston, perhaps, after rota changedHorror maven CravenHorror movie characterHorror movie locale, for Horror movie locale, in bHorror novelist PeterHorror of locks?Horror story German playwright hasn't begunHorror writer about to punch fat catHorror writer beginning to make lyrical workHorror-struck scallywag has turned to bottleHors d'oeuvre cheeseHors d'oeuvre followerHors d'oeuvre itemHors d'oeuvre of sliced raw meat or fishHors d'oeuvre servers, maHors d'oeuvre spreadHors d'oeuvre topperHors d'oeuvresHors d'oeuvres bit: Var.Hors ___HorseHorse — one Queen orderedHorse - badgerHorse - leatherHorse 1 9's straddlingHorse : herd :: ___ : knoHorse able to be Shakespearean characterHorse able to manoeuvre during swim, doing the backstroke?Horse active in elevated regionHorse adopted by Pathan represented fiery mixtureHorse also includes other animalsHorse always gets fodderHorse and badgerHorse and bear without tail caged by foolHorse and buggyHorse and cart transport for the playersHorse and cart transported pit workersHorse and cattle fodder adapted to seasonHorse and English sheep turned upHorse around a lot in the middle of OsloHorse around on instrumentHorse arrives with one before queen’s runnerHorse artillery in crisis meetingHorse at the trackHorse – NoraHorse beginning to mosey off round capital of NebraskaHorse belonging to fruity girl in a gospel sceneHorse betting attracts you first of allHorse bitHorse bit fairy lovers on the way backHorse bitten by variety of trapdoor spider, maybeHorse breedHorse breeding establishmentHorse breeding farmHorse briefly on markHorse carrying daughter and old man up - one of two runners?Horse carrying pack let loose in town squareHorse caught by a horse back in the countryHorse chestnutHorse colorHorse coloringHorse coming in locates rotten onionHorse commandHorse controllerHorse courseHorse covered in spangles almost from nose to tailHorse covering miles in searchHorse died - Sue admits boundless regretHorse discards wings in beginning to catch space shipHorse disease is shockingHorse establishmentHorse evident in fast food aboard shipHorse farm handHorse farm’s bossHorse fathersHorse featuresHorse feedHorse focuserHorse followersHorse foodHorse for ridingHorse found in the middle of hunting-grounds?Horse from Durham areaHorse from stable, popular round ringHorse gait quicker than 9 acrossHorse galloped over line finally, to see 2 greatHorse galloped round circleHorse genusHorse gets change of riding gearHorse getting old on drinkHorse giving worryHorse goes around channel in part of LondonHorse grabbing Mike's grooming implementHorse half-clad? Then you must secure saddle somehowHorse halterHorse halter?Horse haltersHorse handlerHorse has eaten nothing - surely eyes bulge initially, seeing this?Horse has gone off to get coolerHorse having drink by entrance to orchard?Horse heard on Avignon's bridge - see it run byHorse height measureHorse held in lovely positionHorse in a 60's sitcomHorse in a harness raceHorse in a raceHorse in box comes back fineHorse in box pursued by crazy characterHorse in box? NoHorse in harnessHorse in river finds carpHorse in shock couple of rounds - it’s trailingHorse in southern gardens, lacking hairHorse in stud's outside, glitteringHorse in theory the better gelding, all at the rear dropping backHorse in Ulster unsettled jockeyHorse initially noted at GoodwoodHorse is major character in audiobookHorse is put outside the field, finallyHorse is worry, constantlyHorse just 2/3 length in lead, whinnying perhaps - it's uncertainHorse keeping dry, put back as beforeHorse kept by Pathan represented fiery mixtureHorse kept only for hireHorse laid up with fresh reported infectionHorse laid up, hurt — sweet thingHorse led round circuitHorse loves it, after shockHorse man?Horse managed to cross ringHorse minus tail impressive in French cityHorse mounted outside southern portHorse moves long time after groomHorse must pass round wide treeHorse nibbling Mr Turner's nutsHorse of a certain colorHorse of a colour between light brown and brownish orangeHorse of a different coloHorse of a heavy powerful breedHorse of different colorsHorse of mixed colourHorse of the desertHorse of the Year that woHorse of the Year, 1960-6Horse on a ticketHorse operaHorse operasHorse or bear?Horse or camel, for exampleHorse or dog lead-inHorse owned by a Boston nHorse owner's equipmentHorse picker's hangout, fHorse playHorse play?Horse player's buyHorse possibly chortles, losing right to get treatedHorse raceHorse race betting systemHorse race in Eton broken up!Horse race participantHorse race ridersHorse race speeches, late unfortunatelyHorse race, first run in 1780Horse racesHorse races?Horse racing establishment ultimately in declineHorse racing Hall-of-FameHorse racing meetingHorse racing riderHorse racing, generallyHorse rears, carrying glutton making witty remarkHorse relativeHorse relativesHorse restraintHorse rider always circling Tolkien creatureHorse rider's foot supportHorse riding in Times Square, strangelyHorse runs around in tarHorse runs over a dangerous snakeHorse saddle disintegrated in cold washing solutionHorse saddle ruined in cold caustic solutionHorse served in Bordeaux perhaps causing belly-acheHorse shakes off one birdHorse show directiveHorse so sick, tamed and patted on the backHorse soldiers brought back in but multipliedHorse soundHorse stall beddingHorse stall coveringHorse strapHorse sucks energy from flowerHorse that can go the distanceHorse that has never won Horse that hasn't won a raceHorse that jumpsHorse that may be old and funnyHorse that races 'over the sticks'Horse that's longed to get marriedHorse that's wild in a rocky placeHorse the French used for such farming?Horse throws popular championHorse to be brokenHorse to follow flawlessly finding way throughHorse trainer's aidHorse trialHorse vet?Horse we start to brush shows sign of neglectHorse which is valuelessHorse with a brownish coat sprinkled with greyHorse with a darker coat and some white hairsHorse with a gray-sprinklHorse with a hornHorse with a particular coatHorse with a spotted coatHorse with gelding on the outside?Horse with patches of white and another colourHorse with reddish-brown coatHorse with staminaHorse with wind knocked over old duke’s pompadour?Horse with, say, a chestnut coat mixed with whiteHorse’s previous record in classHorse’s cryHorse’s name: SilverHorse's "ankle"Horse's bouncy gaitHorse's chamberHorse's commentHorse's fareHorse's fodder holderHorse's foot partHorse's footfallHorse's gaitHorse's hairHorse's halterHorse's halter?Horse's headgearHorse's homeHorse's hueHorse's joint that's broken itselfHorse's leg partHorse's leg partsHorse's mate threatening to kick usHorse's morselHorse's motherHorse's motionHorse's mouthfulHorse's mouthpieceHorse's neck hairHorse's or vehicle's rightHorse's paceHorse's price and bet on it makes you sickHorse's runHorse's tidbitHorse's trail bends around ramshackle farmHorse's whinnyHorse, an old jokeHorse, ecstasy and smack are on the riseHorse, I'm told, with bit of speed can make eveningsHorse, lion with itHorse, near Aintree's front three, fell maybeHorse, one sporting queer ears more inclined to droopHorse, or footballer?Horse, possibly, nibbling root of willow treeHorse-and-buggy ___Horse-breeding farmHorse-catching ropeHorse-drawn cabHorse-drawn carriageHorse-drawn carriage seen in The Boston Tea Party?Horse-drawn carriage with the driver sitting above and behind the passengersHorse-drawn carriage with two seats and a folding hoodHorse-drawn cartHorse-drawn hire vehicleHorse-drawn sledgeHorse-drawn vehicleHorse-drawn vehicle industryHorse-drawn vehicle oftenHorse-drawn vehicle withdrawn?Horse-hoof smoothersHorse-pulled vehicleHorse-race bets on win anHorse-race distanceHorse-racing daughter dumping a mad scientistHorse-racing devotees, slHorse-racing financial syHorse-racing Hall-of-FameHorse-racing windfall leaving one taken abackHorse-rider beset by uneven terrainHorse-riding brawlHorse-riding competitionHorse-riding display misplaced in Times SquareHorse-riding in Times Square unusualHorse-training schoolHorse: lad astride big oneHorse: might one be on the phone?Horse; watchHorse?Horseback figure?Horseback gameHorseback mallet sportHorseback sportHorsed around?HorsefeathersHorsefly problem is mountingHorsehair sourceHorsehide or pigskinHorseless carriageHorseless champion succeeded in loveHorseless highwayman of oldHorseman arrests amateur looterHorseman capturing a person on attackHorseman catching a marauderHorseman it's said put on uniform to join forcesHorseman on vacation kept trousers within reachHorseman protecting lord repelled villainHorseman spots revolutionary American taken insideHorseman's cold nature when drunkHorseman's weaponHorseman, justice and unionist politician caught in downpourHorseman?HorsemanshipHorseplayHorseplay?Horseracing commentator's statementHorseracing unit of distanceHorseracing venue isn't gratis, except for femaleHorsesHorses and houndsHorses caught Shergar far from stableHorses from stud mostly fed with corn mashHorses moving along, though not on theseHorses of a certain colorHorses said to be dignitariesHorses stood nervously in groupHorses that produce milkHorses' gaitsHorses' homeHorses' leg jointsHorses' locksHorses' loins rubbed with saltHorses, to bettorsHorses; badgersHorseshoe localeHorseshoe river bendHorseshoe ___Horseshoe, American and Bridal Veil Falls, collectivelyHorseshoe-like figureHorseshoe-shaped fastenerHorseshoe-shaped letterHorseshoe-shaped symbolHorseshoe-shaped wearHorseshoerHorseshoer's needHorseshoer's toolHorseshoers' toolsHorseshoes playersHorseshoes scoreHorseshoes shotHorsewoman returning a bottle containing dodgy mixtureHorseyHorticultural coverHorticultural practiceHorticulturalist’s fantastic red rangeHorticultureHorticulturistHorticulturist who develoHorticulturist's topicHorton and John's podiatrHorton Foote's "Tender __Horus's fatherHosannasHoseHose againHose and pumpsHose colorHose gets kinked, see, when stored in pansHose hueHose in New York left runningHose manufacturerHose materialHose or pipingHose partHose problemHose shadeHose siteHose spoutHose this GT after it's overhauledHose with tear needing repair?Hose woesHose wreckerHose, e.g.Hose-wielding serf, perhaHOSE?HosedHosed downHosieryHosiery colorHosiery designed to clothe kings in old countyHosiery hueHosiery itemHosiery itemsHosiery materialHosiery mishapsHosiery problemHosiery purchaseHosiery shadeHosiery shadesHosiery spoilerHosiery worn by women as stockingsHosings, maybeHoskins had support cut back on the doleHoskins had to enter contest? That's clear!Hoskins had undersized member? That's unfounded!Hoskins has to crack the king's disease or dieHoskins has to go topless to receive new incomeHoskins is a German! Bit of surprise for those scanning docs?Hoskins is dim prick all the way through!Hoskins is getting train (north-bound) for foreign resortHoskins is into people pursuing a lifeHoskins is involved in groups backing strikesHoskins is male and said to be wickedHoskins is mature? That's something to pictureHoskins is on time? You will be unprepared!Hoskins is one for drugs and sex, judge admittedHoskins is one to get half-cut with plonkHoskins is stuck in cement by Soprano for singing etc.Hoskins is who I am! One ghastly twerp essentially without limits!Hoskins must be hugged by model? Cool!Hoskins must put on frock filled with money and filthHoskins must tuck into a shot for a feeHoskins must wear contraceptive covering, being hot stuff!Hoskins role in "Hook"Hoskins takes ecstasy in extra small undiesHoskins to challenge authority? It's very likely!Hoskins will go after German unitHoskins will punch a smarter criminal with windHoskins would moon jerk displaying signs of stupidityHoskins would start to examine answer to make clueHoskins's role in "Hook"Hoskins, Rodríguez and many more slate man's crypticHosp. areaHosp. area for critical cHosp. area for emergency Hosp. areasHosp. brain readoutHosp. chartsHosp. diagnosticHosp. employeeHosp. employeesHosp. featuresHosp. figuresHosp. hookupsHosp. hot spotsHosp. locationsHosp. parts ... or what tHosp. pictureHosp. printoutsHosp. procedureHosp. proceduresHosp. readoutHosp. readoutsHosp. receiving centersHosp. scanHosp. sectionHosp. sectionsHosp. serviceHosp. sitesHosp. sites for dire caseHosp. staffHosp. stafferHosp. staffersHosp. testHosp. test in a tubeHosp. testing techniquesHosp. testsHosp. unitsHosp. V.I.P.'sHosp. wardHosp. workersHosp. workers' org.Hosp. workplacesHospitableHospital abandoning support for smoker is wrongHospital administrationHospital administration, Hospital administration?Hospital admitting American girlHospital appears on direction indicator in LondonHospital assistantHospital attendantHospital attendant; well behavedHospital bed on wheelsHospital bill itemsHospital bill listHospital boy's raised to court daughter with fragranceHospital capacityHospital cautionHospital containersHospital countHospital cryHospital department dealing with head and neck problemsHospital department facing rebuke for trickHospital department follows each person full-timeHospital department initially restricting your accessHospital department not looking so good? Measure of disorder hereHospital department offers immunity to a degreeHospital department repeatedly on strike, ultimately seeking agreementHospital department used cryogenics, perhaps, given encouragementHospital department with frozen treats is alluring!Hospital dept.Hospital divisionHospital doctorHospital doctor contributing to revolution, do we hear?Hospital doctor injecting point right in centre of backHospital doctor originally operating in SumatraHospital doctor perkily penning note: "site access here"Hospital doctor's a record holderHospital dogsbodyHospital drama involving one organHospital egressesHospital employeeHospital employee is coming in the back, mostlyHospital employee's role Hospital employees tell storiesHospital equipment holdinHospital equipment; weak personHospital eventHospital event needing bed, we hearHospital executive is such a gossipHospital extensionHospital fluidHospital fluidsHospital gizmoHospital gown go-withHospital grp.Hospital has a specially designed drawer for equipmentHospital helperHospital imageHospital imaging devicesHospital in Paris is most soundHospital in pleasant little cornerHospital injection needed in wrenched spineHospital involved in remarkable cure gets decorationHospital itemHospital jobsHospital linesHospital member sufferingHospital numbers?Hospital nurses start off consultant's examination?Hospital occupantHospital official who could give Ron mealHospital overlooking a peculiar African cityHospital patient's heart to pound; one in bed, perhaps is not so flatHospital patronHospital period leaving doctor initially in charge of armsHospital porter doffing cap for runnerHospital procedure, for sHospital radio host taking a trip to MeccaHospital receptacleHospital returned bunch of flowers containing small leavesHospital roomHospital room fixtureHospital roomsHospital screening career rugby player?Hospital shipmentsHospital sightsHospital signHospital social workerHospital stafferHospital staffer: Var.Hospital study following Bert's last sutureHospital suppliesHospital supplyHospital teas prepared in great speedHospital thanks bringer of giftsHospital thanks gift providerHospital to improve image - it should make Barnet more attractiveHospital trauma ctrs.Hospital treated polio with oil for massesHospital unitHospital unitsHospital V.I.P.'sHospital visitorHospital ward alternativeHospital ward struggling on — to such a success?Hospital wearHospital wingsHospital within reach in poor quarterHospital workHospital work that devoted nurses displayed too much?Hospital workerHospital worker fastens fur badlyHospital worker is disciplinedHospital worker; beerHospital workersHospital workers demand statements from Boris?Hospital's ___ centerHospital, losing time, treated 500 - everybody on the liner?Hospitality areaHospitality for all in old luxury flat as temperature fallsHospitality maybe something offered by stud farm?Hospitality targetHospitality workers with fine hairHospitalizeHospitalized patient's stHostHost a ball after foodHost a Chelsea ball?Host a roast, sayHost acts strangely putting noodles in a sandwichHost and little woman outside front of restaurantHost and winner of the 19Host attending the QueenHost barring Republican womanHost before CarsonHost briefly entertaining monster, a sort of accountantHost bringing in beer, also carrying British wineHost certainly not leggy?Host city for the 1896 OlympicsHost city of golf's MemorHost ConanHost contributing to branch organisationHost drinks wine, sticky stuffHost exulted, exuding energyHost feeding cat for exampleHost for gains trick after discarding clubs in handHost GibbonsHost Gibbons of "HollywooHost holdersHost in fluster finally donning skimpy outfitHost in French land given time for second runHost in minimal attire outside front of restaurantHost inviting in posh clan to participateHost is extremely foolish going toplessHost Jules of E!Host left positive leads outHost LettermanHost losing end of cracker in drinkHost of 1950's TV's "TwenHost of 1980's TV's "SupeHost of a Friars Club eveHost of a nightly TV showHost of a self-titled 199Host of an annual conventHost of an Emmy-winning PHost of drugs Member of Congress will tuck intoHost of noteHost of NPR's "This AmeriHost of PBS's "Heritage: Host of public radio's "THost of the 1912 OlympicsHost of the 1970 and 1986Host of the 1974 Asian GaHost of TV's "Cosmos"Host of TV's top-rated prHost read out his lettersHost related to member?Host running one way and anotherHost runs last equalHost runs off in very skimpy underwearHost runs out in skimpy knickersHost seekerHost seems clever at intervalsHost seems clever occasionallyHost served up last of superb Yorkshire puddingHost served up rubbishHost slicing Iberian chorizoHost target area surrounds boardHost that's daft, but not soft in the headHost who said "I kid you Host's crackers to appear toplessHost's handoutHost's invitationHost's possible answer to "Do you use hairspray to hold your hair back?"Host's requestHost's scoffing a duck in eateryHost, as a partyHostage crisis groupHostage holderHostage situation acronymHostage situationsHostedHosted at one's penthouseHostelHostel environmentsHostel handoutHostel laments accepting obsolete experimental coinHostel visitorHostelriesHostelries in North and SouthHostelryHostelry beside river with very short fence?Hostelry for weight watchers?Hostelry I call chaotic with rules for everyoneHostelry needs plaudits for introduction of something newHostelry which makes its own beerHostelsHostess in a kimonoHostess in charge is hatlessHostess MaxwellHostess MestaHostess perhaps needs someone present below stairsHostess PerleHostess with young man stretching limits of legalityHostess ___ BallsHostess's questionHostess's ___ BallsHostileHostile - unfavourableHostile and aggressiveHostile attackHostile attacksHostile behaviourHostile communications team struggling to stop praiseHostile core of feminists about to stop in a short distanceHostile feelingHostile feelingsHostile forceHostile graduate in stream creates 17 1's catchphraseHostile in one examination of a person, suppressing editorHostile incursionHostile intentHostile lookHostile moreover with praiseworthy individualHostile oneHostile oppositionHostile partyHostile sumo wrestling in Scottish portHostile takeover symbolHostile territory is behiHostile toHostile to North, this person’s to scheme underhandedlyHostile to piece from Alan TitchmarshHostile to saga not starting on fashionable streetHostile to, in the hillsHostile West African country gets biting insect around NovemberHostilelyHostilesHostilitiesHostilities enderHostilities having start delayed by English politicianHostilities in Lancashire initially to secure small upland areaHostilityHostility between the Soviet Union and the WestHostility from bowlerHostility from Shakespeare afflicted?Hostility must be managed on playing area, curtailedHostility once stopped by old diplomatHostility within stag groupHostility's accepted if not a sinHostility? A good man is not provokedHosting East German, bit a kind of pancakeHostsHosts banquets, taking quick look round inside - Duke's not there!Hosts of the 1912 OlympicHosts' hireesHosts, brieflyHosts, for shortHotHot & bothered - Caroline & company strippedHot 1990's computer gameHot 90's computer gameHot airHot air - rich roteHot air added to temperature above stationHot air from gentleman accepting compliance with companies going back and forthHot air from the jolly group joining Jolson?Hot air from this duke, essentially lost titleHot air's circulating to plug musical releaseHot alcoholic drinkHot alumnus requiring aristocrat to "rub shoulders"Hot and cold ale is free to distribute round new place for studentsHot and cold stuff containing key skin treatmentHot and confused situation with no money for conferenceHot and dryHot and dusty southerly Mediterranean windHot and humidHot and humid - eroticHot and humid current crossing riverHot and humid weather at last, in current settingHot and shiveryHot and sour soup ingrediHot and stuffy - infuriatedHot and wetHot area to west - American islands?Hot articles Hoskins had knocked over in stateHot as a pistol, e.g.Hot as a pistol, sayHot beginning?Hot beverageHot bloodHot body that finally squeezes into short dressHot boiling oil in Indian festivalHot bowlfulHot breakfastHot breakfast cerealHot breakfast dishHot bundle possibly dangerousHot candle jumping is an Olympic event?Hot car garageHot car's destinationHot cerealHot chocolateHot chocolate containersHot chocolate time, maybeHot Christmas cake left outHot cider serverHot coalHot cocoa container, maybHot coffee hazardHot condimentHot crab, ready cooked, that provides energyHot crew filling pipeHot cuisineHot curryHot curry; cityHot dance - hot sauceHot desert windsHot desireHot desire in coupleHot dishHot dish eaten by psalmistHot dish served up in Italian partyHot dish suggestion — learner’s left to seek approvalHot dish with beansHot dish, then cold, very coldHot dish, uncooked partHot dogHot dog add-onHot dog coating at a counHot dog garnishHot dog holderHot dog picker-upperHot dog sausageHot dog stand offeringHot dog topperHot dog toppingHot dog with everything addedHot dog with no pee forbidden drinkHot dog ___ stickHot dog, onceHot dogsHot drinkHot drink - bale earthHot drink - teenagerHot drink for one, in Students' UnionHot drink in a cupHot drink is brought to European carriageHot drink of meat extractHot drink with cinnamon, e.g., using only a bitHot drink yours truly had lacking flavourHot drink's knocked over plugHot drink, case of cocoa fed to a sheepHot drink, say, absorbed by revolutionary ragHot drink, second of two almost finishedHot duck St Leonard eats?Hot duke chasing soldiers? Always a few on the pull at Xmas!Hot dusty windHot dusty wind from north Africa to EuropeHot Egyptian soul pieceHot emission in her MOT failingHot fashion in order around 2000, describing spectacles, perhapsHot film of 1947?Hot first of all in equatorial region, opposite then is coldHot fish, pleasant, lacking one sauceHot flashHot flavour that's sometimes found in a bunHot flick?Hot foodHot food is very cold, but not coldHot food: anything but, did you say?Hot food? Safer with ices, possiblyHot for personal assistant in office close to FaubourgHot fragrant spiceHot fruit bread one pupil spurnedHot garment made of fur, perhaps, newHot gas is subject of clipHot gas provides shockHot girl is to live next door to bachelorHot goal in rugby scoreHot green chilli pepperHot green condimentHot in Bristol, EnglandHot in pleasant cornerHot in pleasant recessHot in The Reichstag and Red SquareHot ingredient provided in cold waterHot inside particular nookHot ire over sycophantic followerHot iron beginning to ruin fissureHot issueHot issue?Hot itemsHot items for coldsHot jalapeño peppers to finish with ... et voilà, Mexican food!Hot Japanese drinkHot Japanese rootHot line seen in various notesHot lines? Quite the oppositeHot Lips Houlihan playerHot Lips Houlihan's rank:Hot Lips portrayerHot liquid initially brought out for washstandHot look wounded Bob perhapsHot love interestHot man I love is a little flatHot meal enlivened with a drop of neat alcoholHot meal for this circus artiste?Hot meal prepared by Troy's princeHot Mediterranean windHot member close to tears and ready to fightHot milky drinkHot molten rockHot month in ChileHot month in QuHot movie of 1966?Hot movie of 1974, with "Hot movie of 1981?Hot New Age digHot night out, perhapsHot North African pasteHot nutty bread left outHot off the pressHot oil pool flowing by island riff-raffHot one-two that's used by drummersHot or cold drinkHot or cold soup ingredieHot or cold, e.g.: Abbr.Hot or freezing, Papa, you must put that on!Hot oven within reachHot pairHot pants cut to be shortHot part of roof lifts upHot partner?Hot paste used in North African cuisine - ass hairHot peas served mushy in cafeHot pepperHot pepper sauceHot place between Guinea-Bissau and NamibiaHot place on Earth supported flowering plantHot planet — a place that’s warmingHot port with spices in westerly sun traps perhapsHot potHot pot and othersHot pot or pepper potHot pot spotHot priest reimagined as cool typeHot priest shows witHot puree not cooked at that pointHot ratHot red pepperHot red sauceHot refreshment in mug during church functionHot resort?Hot ring broke at the front part of cookerHot rockHot rocksHot rodHot rod fans confounded etcHot rod propellantHot rod rodHot rod's parking fine about to be overturnedHot rod's rodHot rod?Hot rods?Hot roll?Hot Romeo spotted in localHot rootHot sandwichHot sandwich made by inventive baker - bravoHot sauceHot sauce brandHot sauce ordeal in mess on island: Tees hardly sated?Hot sauce to accompany Basil and Sybil’s cheese omelettes primarilyHot sauce, like cold, served in fancy boatHot sauce, popular with beef-eatersHot scoops regularly knocked back Spice GirlHot seasons in QuHot seat may shatter the unadventurousHot Señoritas dancing in Russian republicHot serverHot shotHot shotsHot shots?Hot shower steamy, ultimatelyHot singer's timeless gold discHot snackHot south wind from North AfricaHot spaHot Spanish sausageHot spellHot spiceHot spotHot spot found over stakeHot spot in the Mojave Desert, some of it 282ft below sea levelHot spot when under canvas?Hot spot, in lunch counteHot spot?Hot spotsHot springHot spring bloke talked aboutHot springsHot Springs and othersHot springs localeHot springs siteHot Springs, e.g.Hot stone cracked around lakeHot strip?Hot stuffHot stuff assembled for the audience?Hot stuff emerging from company meeting in MassachusettsHot stuff in a bar swallowed by brave personHot stuff is awfully ripe - you can say that again!Hot stuff perhaps in Spooner's Epsom?Hot stuff, like teacher I see coming overHot summer night?Hot summer periodHot sun provided turning angleHot sweet bread left outHot sweet drinkHot sweet endlessly served up for associateHot swimmer is accommodating at any timeHot tar, e.g.Hot tea, alas, tricky to find in HawaiiHot temperHot temper expressed in employment arrangementsHot temper, e.g.Hot tempersHot tenor getting angry and tense in a rowHot timeHot time in ArgentinaHot time in HaitiHot time in la citHot time in MontrHot time in ParisHot time in QuHot time on the RivieraHot time: Abbr.Hot time?Hot times abroadHot times in FranceHot times in HaitiHot times on the RivieraHot to open new Foster's Special ReserveHot to the tongueHot to trotHot to tuck into tea or BudHot topic in insuranceHot torrentsHot town with harbour, west-facing, one near CaliforniaHot trendHot tubHot tub inletsHot tub reactionHot tub soundHot tubsHot tune, note: Afro?Hot tureen needs stir in addition to thatHot under the collarHot under the collar, collared and cuffed?Hot wash runs after cold programmeHot water vapourHot water, so to speakHot Wheels companyHot Wheels productHot wind blowing from North Africa to southern EuropeHot wind blowing north across the MediterraneanHot wind causes shockHot wind from Morocco is back for the momentHot wind from North AfricaHot winter drinksHot wire warmerHot year grips area, creating dried grassHot ___ ovenHot, after "on"Hot, barren, rocky, dreadfulHot, brewed in red mug, wonderful thingHot, in JaliscoHot, in VegasHot, molten rockHot, no?Hot, one-dimensional bores wear distressed leatherHot, scoring-wiseHot, sugary, spicy, alcoholic drinkHot, tense leading man - and, for Brecht, plays may be seen thusHot, yellow sauce that comes with 3, primarily, rather than topside of meatHot-and-sour soup ingrediHot-bloodedHot-blooded onesHot-climate building mateHot-dogHot-headedHot-headed entertainer's achievement: concealing anger with the queenHot-headed knight getting out of his glad ragsHot-headed peasants roughly grabbing one with nothingHot-rod engine, brieflyHot-tasting podHot-temperedHot-tempered, energetic tHot-weather quenchersHot-weather treatsHot-weather wearHot: Fr.Hot?HotbedHotbed for baby bloomersHotbed of N.C.A.A. basketHotchpotchHotdogger's dareHotel - cabbageHotel abandons new idea for reception (that's good)Hotel addition?Hotel amenitiesHotel amenityHotel annex in which spectre finally materialisedHotel areaHotel awning?Hotel barrier not opening from this time onwardsHotel bathroom amenitiesHotel BibleHotel bid, eager, shows on reflection what food should beHotel bill picked up by friend, mostly? One's floored!Hotel bookingHotel boss going crazy to find mass supplierHotel by peninsula bordering Northern IrelandHotel capacityHotel chainHotel chain delayed taking action over that woman insideHotel chain needs housesHotel chargesHotel cleanersHotel clientsHotel computer equipment is common, is that not the case?Hotel concierge cuddles phone operatorHotel contributed to rustic gameHotel convenienceHotel conveniencesHotel croupier misdealt to famous BelgianHotel customerHotel dealt with trouble, bringing acclaimHotel defamation cases during stay not a result of contaminated foodHotel do breaks: it’s what the climber needsHotel doubling as retreat to a great extentHotel employeeHotel employee reducing anxiety about one gent? Not halfHotel employee: what's one brought in off one's trolley?Hotel employeesHotel entrance areaHotel extraHotel far off with whiskey where voyager gets loaded?Hotel featureHotel figuresHotel floor signHotel forceHotel freebieHotel front personHotel getting prolonged applause for introduction of fresh ideasHotel goes frantic accommodating one's religious disciplinesHotel guestHotel guest staying for a prolonged periodHotel gym's opening: the girl we brought up has to work out to maintain it?Hotel hunter's concernHotel in "The Graduate"Hotel in awkward situation with a piano in pile of rubbishHotel in capital of NorwayHotel in Donegal rebuilt hastilyHotel in French city is just the place for meHotel in good positionHotel in pleasant positionHotel inside western city a mile and six feetHotel is extraordinarily unfriendlyHotel laid on the works dinner in Oxford?Hotel listingHotel lobby signHotel lobby, maybeHotel needs legal documents for hearingHotel north of the border (not self-catering) is a bit warmHotel offeringHotel offeringsHotel offerings: Abbr.Hotel on old TV show half-heartedly served up this?Hotel on quiet upper-class islandHotel or hospital employeeHotel originally overestimates mistake in bank's figuresHotel patronHotel pool to fill that one club's rather wasted?Hotel popular around NovemberHotel postingHotel program reader's to receive hot drink now at a discountHotel quoteHotel reception featureHotel resident thought aloudHotel restrictionHotel room amenityHotel room chiller?Hotel room door featureHotel room extraHotel room featureHotel room featuresHotel room fixtures, for Hotel room furnitureHotel room listingHotel room may have this ban on short skirtHotel room optionHotel room postingHotel room roll-insHotel signHotel sign including everything to indicate qualityHotel singer keeps working round island capitalHotel specialist returned to run leaderless institutionHotel specialist tipped to administer leaderless institutionHotel suite amenityHotel suite badly represented in shadowHotel suppliesHotel supplyHotel to show former president embracing reading? One may go into shock ...Hotel transportationHotel units (abbr.)Hotel upgradeHotel visitHotel waiters?Hotel where there may be pie? But without fatHotel with a pool designed for excitementHotel with lodging for travellersHotel with quite special uniform?Hotel worker is nice to pert modelHotel worker maybe interrupting while new person washed upHotel's ask-your-greeter-Hotel's crap iron's rubbish for folds …Hotel, for example, housing 50?Hotel, poorly ventilated, unlocked perhaps?Hotel, so dilapidated, in African stateHotel-room Bible providerHotel? One's a sight almost getting trashed in peak holiday periodHotelier has this — it may be associated with room service for breakfast?Hotelier HelmsleyHotelier Helmsley and othHotelier HiltonHotelier who’d generate special quality in right zoneHotelier's handoutHotelier, last character to follow instruction to slow down?Hotels cover the earth profuselyHotels seeming to need replacement for exceptional itemHotfoot itHotfooted itHothead did reveal being drunkHothead has weaponry that causes injuryHothead provided, while backing away, attempt to get new styleHothead raised the stakeHotheadedHothouseHothouse featuresHothouse plantHotline fails, something from the Stone AgeHotline is buzzing, given Penny and Peg used to rowHotlines got crossed for student of cultureHotlines, perhaps, between ideologies being differentHotlyHotly glowing brightHotmail alternativeHotnessHotplate's no good? That's a mysteryHotplates or burners on top of a cookerHotpoint applianceHotpoint competitorHotpoint productsHotpoint rivalHotshotHotshot packing current luggage for flightsHotshotsHotspotHotspur's slayerHotsy-___Hottentots, e.g.Hotter hit played until that timeHotter than hotHottest time of the yearHottie's assetHottish salad plantHoudini act - legend that will clear 22 down in 10Houdini escape deviceHoudini's act two recurrence - lethal ties loosenedHoudini's birth nameHoudini's stock in tradeHoudini, for exampleHoulihan player on TVHoulihan portrayerHoundHound beginning to howl, heading off bearHound bishop off propertyHound Burns initially released to get high-flyerHound dangerous when one's going for runHound dogHound experts about Italy's religious officesHound finds an elusive burrowing creatureHound finds elusive burrowing creatureHound for bucks?Hound men in action partly retreatingHound minorities?Hound satirical writer penning piece central to columnHound story's beginning altered for American bankerHound’s quarryHound's preyHound's quarryHound's trailHound, sayHound, typically?HoundedHounding group, oftenHoundsHounds assembly that was correctHounds gone to the dogs - with bare paws?Hounds prepare to travelHounds your tormentors after lessonHounds' quarryHour before midnight or middayHour before vespersHour in control of ship - an exciting eventHour in Eagle drinking the amber liquid?Hour in extended captivityHour in rough pub can get good – it helps fighter trainHour inside where money is kept that’s excitingHour not found on a grandHour on a clockHour on and off to go round on quiet Japanese islandHour saved by spinner entering a shaft, spider perhapsHour to feed young bear fishHour to wrap capital part of Christmas presentHour with workerHour's seized by fresh type of music journalistHour-old over-the-counter hot grogHourglass contentsHourglass fillHourglass fillerHourglass partHourlong introduction?Hourly chargeHourly fee, e.g.Hourly payHourly timeHourly wage, e.g.Hours before bedtimeHours before presentHours clocked up?Hours in fantastic painHours of darknessHours of operation?Hours of work important for device on computerHours revised taking in new careerHours spent working - those on a plane?Hours-long film, perhapsHOUSEHouse & Garden topicHouse (Sp.)House 21House accommodating old bagHouse add-onsHouse additionHouse additionsHouse adjourned, about to receive indication of the future?House adjunctHouse and its adjoining landsHouse annexHouse arrest restricts woman's assemblyHouse arrestee's braceletHouse arrests good for regret after 12?House associated with Greek mountain stateHouse attached to one otherHouse backing newspaper, though not leaderHouse builder's purchaseHouse built quickly yards from quarry crackingHouse by a churchHouse by a river that's coldHouse by headland embodying a rushed, oddly rough qualityHouse call?House calls?House carpet needing constant ____?House changes with Victor's departureHouse Chinese military guardsHouse cleanerHouse cleaner clearing out yardHouse coatHouse companion storing old drinkHouse contractor's jobHouse coverHouse dance moves in use, regularly added to the mixHouse Democrat experiencing an upward surge?House detective's itemHouse discontentment caused by such a criminal?House divisionHouse doctor about to enter dodgy hostelHouse done, clean the carpetsHouse door banged on by him and bad-tempered staffHouse earliest of detainees somewhere in LondonHouse erected in old sea for old shipHouse evaluatorHouse examiner?House ext.House extensionHouse extension — the final stage?House exterior choiceHouse featureHouse fire consuming husbandHouse for person balancing jobsHouse found touring Uzbek capitalHouse fruitHouse Gale's menHouse gathering later than late in the evening?House god reaching very advanced stage of developmentHouse guest in transit the other way roundHouse has permit rejected for commercial accommodationHouse haunterHouse here's so dilapidated - is that lucky?House holderHouse improvement free of strain?House in architect's drawing, silver in principleHouse in confines of wood trailed by division in crime narrativeHouse in Home Counties beside busy roadHouse in India with grand bathroomHouse in Kent region where fertile old woman livedHouse in pain detailed on airHouse in SpainHouse island boy, first person to be admittedHouse Judiciary CommitteeHouse keeper?House keepersHouse locationsHouse managerHouse mate?House mem.House memberHouse members, for shortHouse move seen as good reasoningHouse mover?House needs extra rewiring at the front - electrician requiredHouse needs me, servant reportedly crude in style?House of Charles I and IIHouse of Commons members:House of gamesHouse of Henry VII and HeHouse of iceHouse of ill reputeHouse of Lancaster symbolHouse of Leo?House of lordsHouse of Lords is backing contents of your letter in outlineHouse of Lords memberHouse of Lords membersHouse of MilanHouse of prayerHouse of Representatives House of Seven Gables sitHouse of station manager receives recycled booksHouse of the Seven GablesHouse of two HenrysHouse of waxHouse of William IIIHouse of worshipHouse of ___ (European dyHouse of ___ (European prHouse on a haciendaHouse on a ski slopeHouse on wheels?House one French girl in Cockney districtHouse one left protected by two little boys and a girlHouse or senateHouse or tree birdHouse outwardly unfinished in rocky placeHouse overhangHouse part that gets flooHouse partly furious when briefed by new union memberHouse party I left, vermin hostsHouse party members, brieHouse party, brieflyHouse party?House person in hospital department?House pet's plaintHouse petsHouse plantHouse plant, popular at Christmas - tiniest OAPHouse providing shelter for a shrewHouse Republican V.I.P. CHouse runnerHouse section of cruise missileHouse seductress clutching large ring? Not half!House seen renovated - good judgementHouse shaderHouse showerHouse sitter?House speaker before GingHouse speaker between TomHouse speaker NancyHouse Speaker nicknamed "House styleHouse style with a long pHouse support?House tense, reflecting current periodsHouse that has a Victorian pavilionHouse that won't catch fiHouse that you dared to enter finallyHouse that's for the birdHouse that's revisited, often veiledHouse thiefHouse too cleanHouse topHouse transported back in Ark RoyalHouse Un-American ActivitHouse V.I.P. DickHouse voteHouse votesHouse wearHouse where river meets bayHouse wingHouse with a bad character? Not half!House with a steep roofHouse with new steamer for food some won’t eat?House with no Republican? Signal achievement in AmericaHouse with no stoveHouse with old books — indication of wise old bird?House with yours truly?House workers’ representatives before party by riverHouse wreckerHouse wreckersHouse ___House ___ and Means CommiHouse's fashion statementHouse's lotHouse's upper partHouse, homeHouse, not unexpectedly, eclipsedHouse, rain or testHouse-selling businessHouse-sitter keeps applicationsHouse-sitter perhaps supposed valium stultified acid band's core line-upHouse-trainHousebound granny's initial regret after a few sherries?HousebreakerHousebroken animalHousebuyer’s debtHousecatHousecat's perchHousecleaning aidHousecoatHousecoat a stone's throw away?HousedHoused, as a studentHousefly larvaHouseholdHousehold animalsHousehold chemicalHousehold choreHousehold deitiesHousehold device for re-heating kippersHousehold device to float, given extra oxygenHousehold downsizing evenHousehold expensesHousehold gauge, informalHousehold goods retail chHousehold headsHousehold health hazardHousehold help?Household helperHousehold hisserHousehold item with a necHousehold item, popular, used around 40% of roomsHousehold member, for shoHousehold nameHousehold name in Tinseltown?Household name in VeronaHousehold nicknameHousehold of soldiers, matureHousehold pestHousehold pest with a fieHousehold pet needs a couple of whipsHousehold pets that need Household power: Abbr.Household servantHousehold spray targetHousehold spray targetsHousehold tablewareHousehold toolHousehold work our Ma managed with gleeHousehold ___Householder making very slow progressHouseholder?HouseholdsHousekeeperHousekeeper and wife in unit on top of restaurantHousekeeper player on "BeHousekeeper, at timesHousekeeper, sometimesHousekeepingHouseman, one in Morecambe, relying on experienceHousemaster agitated about very small rodentHousemate in Steinbeck's Housemate, informallyHouseparents' chargeHouses full of British gentlemen on the CostasHouses joined in competition after they're oddly selectedHouses named for a houseHouses of cards?Houses of Parliament clockHouses preferred by sailorsHouses with decksHouses, homesHousetop laborerHousewares brandHousewifeHousewives, abroadHousework mounted for children's favouriteHousework, something to jump throughHousey-houseyHousingHousing - very steep housing - for subalternHousing agentHousing agentsHousing agreementHousing areaHousing arrangementHousing association bottles fuelHousing developmentHousing development in heart of Gwent, sayHousing engineer left immediately to build extension?Housing expenseHousing for a ship's compassHousing for the homeless:Housing paymentHousing problemHousing row showHousing strain puts up taxesHousing under the hoodHousing unitHousing unit, number one of twoHousing ___Housing; compromiseHousman initially working for donkey's yearsHouston Aeros' org.Houston after whom the TeHouston and othersHouston Astro, for oneHouston athleteHouston ballplayerHouston baseballerHouston hockey playerHouston hockey teamHouston hockey team of thHouston major-leaguerHouston N.L.erHouston playerHouston player, formerlyHouston proHouston pro soccer teamHouston skatersHouston universityHouston, for oneHouston-based gas and oil company, destroyed when fraud was revealed 2001Houston-based org.Houston-to-Chicago dir.Houston-to-Dallas dir.Houston-to-K.C. directionHoustonian's nicknameHOV lane usersHovelHovelsHoverHoveredHoverer near God's throneHoverers over sports stadHovering birdHovering falconHovering hunterHovering singerHow "12" is expressed in How "Lili Marlene" is plaHow "Moon River" is playeHow "Waltzing Matilda" isHow 007 does not like marHow 1 might look beneath your blankets?How 18-, 24-, 47- and 56-How 7, 11 or 26 across might have announced his resignation?How a bad decision may beHow a bettor may actHow a boxer might read poem on the radio - its lines are, crucially, of different sizesHow a breakfaster views hHow a bride and groom leaHow a bump may appearHow a call may be picked How a card sharp playsHow a crocodile proceeds?How a dark horse doesn’t appear to be at stakeHow a fatwa might be issuHow a former product may How a free port transported seal?How a goose actsHow a gull might feelHow a hangover sufferer mHow a high-pitched weaselHow a magician's assistanHow a man might dress, having a non-conservative bent?How a mob actsHow a painkiller should aHow a particularly close How a plain bun can be spottedHow a practical joke or aHow a prank may be done, How a prince is bornHow a psychopath behavesHow a pun may be phrasedHow a quarterback may thrHow a redhead leaves the house on a sunny day?How a ringtone may be setHow a rose by any other nHow a script's list of characters might describe 14 before line for actressHow a ship may be turnedHow a siren walksHow a snake may be caughtHow a stomach might reactHow a super may liveHow a tailor might make the grade?How a toddler eatsHow a towpath proceeds viHow a trucker might go upHow a user gets sorted by drugs storesHow a username is arranged for storekeeper?How Aaron starts to be an incarnation of wisdomHow about drink before setting?How acid-base properties How actors respondHow actors should appearHow Alf leftHow an addendum may be atHow an April fool may be How anaesthetists recall operations, perhaps, without complexityHow anchovies are packedHow angry words are spokeHow annoying!How apples and oranges maHow architects' models arHow are you with US tart? I'm disappointed!How arm is holding bags quite closeHow artist would celebrate left-wing control of council?How awful finding limb in riverHow babies may be carriedHow baby girls are often How bad news may be givenHow ballerinas danceHow baroque architecture How baseball games rarelyHow beatniks raise kids?How beef may be servedHow best to attract ewe in pound?How best to judgeHow bidding proceeds in bHow big top is making you upsetHow bird might attack pig in London?How bitter enemies attackHow bitter enemies speakHow books may be read, permitted to be heardHow booze regularly destroyed member of an orchestraHow bottles of soft drinkHow Brexit begins with hopeless nationalistHow Broadway characters mHow bruschetta is servedHow brutes behaveHow BSE threat jars with pet authoritiesHow Buñuel may have interpreted White House film?How business executives aHow Calvin Coolidge spokeHow cameraman prepares apparatus for big explosionHow campers may sitHow Capt. Hook lost his rHow Carol says snow settles in Freiburg finally around 6pm?How certain athletes may appear fleeingHow checks are signedHow china may be soldHow chintz is arrangedHow coffee filters are usHow come bar's cutting noise from 11?How commissaries buy thinHow conductor feels when he meets diva at first?How contracts are signedHow coquettes chatHow cough syrup is takenHow could an empty gallery be unaffected?How courteous swordsmen fHow cows give birthHow crimes are committed: special agent in series of picturesHow cringe-making humor mHow crow and dove move perhaps or fly sky high?How crowds moveHow current events may haHow curses are exchangedHow Danny Dyer may charm female magician?How dastards speakHow Date Nights finally dizzified blondes?How decisions shouldn't bHow deli meat may be servHow demand changes by end of season for used kitHow Desi kept track of hiHow different colours mix maybe worried Coleraine starHow dishes are often soldHow disorganised is international body!How distant stars shineHow does "no" describe soHow does the decimal system work? I have concentratedHow dogs chase their tailHow doodles are usually dHow doughnuts are prepareHow draft dodgers didn't How drink might be downed at home by individualHow drunks drinkHow duck can be spicy when cooked with a bit of riceHow easy things might beHow eccentrics behaveHow Edward is entitled to consult about oil company boss being sackedHow eggs cooked too much like pie?How erotic is a sauna?How every letter to The EHow experts workHow explorers are engaged with legal procedureHow extraordinary!How fame comes, sometimesHow famous people are knoHow fans may goHow far across (ignoring depth)? A lungful's requiredHow far across? Most vulnerable man is hidingHow far away is the storm that is within earshot?How far dictionaries goHow far one's drivenHow far will five letters get you in extremity?How farmer let off weaponHow fast one may go, legallyHow fast-talkers talkHow Fiji is crazier than Pitcairn?How fireworks are a great success?How fit could a prisoner be?How flawed goods are soldHow flawless execution proceeds, despite all one's efforts?How fleers fleeHow flies are attracted tHow Florence could have been seen by night?How food may be seasonedHow food may be served with nothing spent from monthly allowanceHow football's Jerry was How formula for poison is written in capital cityHow fractions may be statHow freelance work is oftHow French fries are frieHow fried foods are friedHow future date might be announced? Never!How Galadriel may finish a letter for solver?How gale warnings are itemised?How giant becomes gallant, in the words of the musketeersHow gigolo might be at work without clients?How Ginger Rogers dancedHow glasses may be seenHow Goldin and her rivalsHow golf's Gary Player waHow good investors investHow grade schoolers are gHow grass cutter's cut line of bushesHow grateful can one be?How hair may be cut - about time!How ham may be served in How hands move without stoppingHow haunted houses creakHow headings are often tyHow heat might knock one out?How heavy, tau, when broken down — and similar thingsHow hermits like to beHow Hershey's Kisses are How high can you go?How high trees grow in season around German cityHow hordes moveHow horror scenes are oftHow hotheads reactHow hunger can make one uncouthHow I fish, holding what’s needed for net?How I get milk's not appropriateHow I got my nuts crushed? Cheapest lederhosen trousersHow India was once ruled: friend getting behind IndiaHow insignificant person avoids murder charge?How Irish lady regularly displays cunning?How iron corrodesHow is domesticity a cover for erudition?How is learner working to become wise?How it all started, it's How it's doneHow jams are storedHow jewelers get absolutiHow Joe functions in a doodahHow kangaroo may be caught unawares?How kids grow up, it's ofHow lamentable!How lemmings moveHow letter writers often start to sign offHow long it takes canyonsHow long it takes light tHow long it takes mountaiHow long it takes to respondHow long mother's been alive to harmHow long one might stayHow long the N.C.A.A. basHow lottery winners reactHow Mal’s broken rule in physicsHow Man City manager gives inspiration to his players?How many a product is advHow many Asian entrees arHow many bouquets are madHow many colleges are in How many complaints are mHow many driving aids there are on the wagonHow many Horsemen of the Apocalypse?How many it takes to tangHow many manuscripts are How many million people could this sports revolutionary get into SW Ireland?How many oldies get rerelHow many people trustHow many spectators enter ground? Eleven perhapsHow many stupid things arHow many symphonies ChopiHow many trustHow many TV shows are nowHow many TV shows can be How many writers workHow mate can be made to provide commissionHow meal may be served effortlesslyHow metric units are diviHow might kids get to school with Tesla on the blink?How might one break an egg? Get cracking!How might one force entry, murder getting a drink here?How military make advance and ruin churchHow mini-pizzas are usualHow miracle workers walkHow Miss America contestaHow mistakes are often maHow money is often lostHow month starts to turn coldHow mortgage may be secured free of chargeHow most computer softwarHow most farm animals behHow most goods must be orHow most mail goes nowadaHow most sleds are mounteHow movers might move a sHow movie ends is senselessHow much advertising is dHow much is it worth at the banks in Japanese money?How much music is sold noHow much of genius is insHow much to payHow much WW2 graffiti started up being drawnHow much you might kick iHow much you really earneHow much? That's going to hurtHow Mulan dresses in muchHow Mussorgsky introduced himself, being vain?How nice it can be with Aled being immodest!How nightclubs are often How no-one concludes part of the dayHow nonreading musicians How not to get caughtHow not to run a businessHow obscure coteries all stray, ultimately?How obtuse adult and radical ruined TV nature seriesHow obvious? Very much soHow octopus might be described in the military?How often federal electioHow often rent is usuallyHow often Santa checks hiHow old is footwear damage?How old prisoner is transported, when one can agree to actHow Oliver categorized hiHow olives may be packedHow one bowls?How one could refer to man spending time in prisonHow one garrulous speaker may talk to the dozen!How one lost by getting up late?How one may lie in party game, stutteringlyHow one may sin? ExactlyHow one might describe a relative to Dad?How one might describe alumni's world offending sensibilities?How one might describe caller at risk?How one might describe flag on course to audience generallyHow one might describe letters brieflyHow one might find phase being unfit?How one might go and dispose of some fishing tackle?How one might go bungee jHow one might kiss Dawn?How one might make the bar, pantingHow one might runHow one might see there's no sulphur in wineHow one might stare into How one might streakHow one must win in Ping-How one must win in volleHow one plays after first-half switch in this European cityHow one's brought back to earth in fieldHow OPEC communicates?How orating becomes grating and worthlessHow orchestra members entHow organized philosopherHow oysters may be servedHow pantomime ends is sillyHow peaches may be servedHow peat-cutters might be overwhelmed?How pendulums swingHow Peter denied JesusHow pets may flyHow Phileas Fogg traveledHow photography books areHow plain cakes may be picked upHow pointy bit of church rises?How police may act, afterHow pool winners do it?How posh people used to pronounce actually spread diseaseHow post gets around vegetable market, according to SpoonerHow prices may riseHow Prince Harry might call his wife unofficially round the Queen? Lots of resistanceHow prisoner's board game may end?How pupil ends, limited by the result of zero labour?How pupils end up dead cute with exerciseHow Pyrrhic victories areHow quickly Lily gets confused with ageHow quips are deliveredHow rain forests growHow Red revolt goes wrong everywhere on earthHow refunds may be madeHow regent acts? This demands explanation!How rent is paid adhering to every detailHow roast beef may be serHow Robin Hood won some cHow rook flapping by motorway gets a parasiteHow Rubik's Cube is best How sad! He died, bitten by amphibian …How Santa dresses, mostlyHow Santa travelsHow Santa's reindeer are How sardines are often paHow sardines are packedHow sardines may be packeHow saxes soundHow scary!How Scotch may be servedHow setter perhaps goes round India to find architectural featureHow shocking is that?How shoe may be repaired, outside very crackedHow shoelaces are often tHow shop closes, bailiff's work showing biasHow should I know?How Simon Cowell often crHow soldiers may move part of footHow solid is refuse around squat?How some "Melrose Place" How some analgesics are aHow some are leftHow some are offendedHow some arguments are coHow some ashes are scatteHow some business deals aHow some cafHow some cars screechHow some coffee is servedHow some country stars siHow some dares are doneHow some dividends are diHow some entrees are servHow some films are viewedHow some foods are packedHow some games finishHow some golf is played, all day and all nightHow some goods are soldHow some ground balls mayHow some gym instructors How some ham sandwiches aHow some hats are wornHow some interest is paidHow some interstates runHow some jokes are deliveHow some kids rideHow some kids spend the sHow some learnHow some legal conversatiHow some legal proceedingHow some lines are in Dutch and English books by editor?How some losses are shownHow some may lie over goods held by party!How some may pick up old picture in seaside resortHow some meat dishes are How some medications are How some medicines are taHow some medicines are toHow some messages were onHow some music is playedHow some old things goHow some oxen walkHow some packages arriveHow some papers are preseHow some parents count asHow some partners workHow some payments are madHow some people dieHow some people get tattoHow some people go to a pHow some people seem to kHow some people shopHow some people solve croHow some people thinkHow some people walkHow some pkgs. are sentHow some places are populHow some practical jokes How some pranks are doneHow some quarterbacks goHow some rebukes are madeHow some rivers proceedHow some roads ascend a mHow some sandwiches are mHow some selling is doneHow some shall remainHow some shares are purchHow some shares are soldHow some ships turnHow some steak is servedHow some stock is boughtHow some stock is purchasHow some stocks are soldHow some stocks sellHow some things are availHow some things are brougHow some things are madeHow some things are playeHow some things are setHow some things strikeHow some tuna is packedHow some wages are calculHow some wallpaper comesHow some warnings are givHow someone may tryHow someone might sky-divHow something may be assumedHow something may be doneHow something may be veilHow something might be faHow something might be waHow spaghetti may be cookHow spokes goHow sponges eat?How star's seen - touring pretty places?How steeplejack might be paid to sweat?How stocks may be soldHow stores buy thingsHow stupid of me to return this builder’s equipmentHow sugar can be used, if at all?How supporters reacted to a poor nil-draw?How teeth are said to appear to explodeHow tennis ace could be described in decisive momentHow the abstinent imbibe, ironicallyHow the Amazon flowsHow the answer to each ofHow the answers to this pHow the boss speaks - displays of lapidary language?How the boss wants thingsHow the case of commerciaHow the celebrity's mom aHow the circled letters oHow the confident solveHow the dealer struggles to be sincereHow the Des Moines R. floHow the ecstatic walkHow the euphoric walkHow the euphoric walk?How the excited goHow the fastest tanner moves?How the Great Sphinx lookHow the helm might be putHow the Irish speak of knave crowned by Britain?How the jet stream proceeHow the Liberty Trees areHow the Liberty Trees felHow the Lincoln Memorial How the Marines panic?How the obvious may be diHow the papers show the truth in ink, with balanced exchange of lettersHow the passengers went iHow the perfect game is sHow the sausage was desirHow the sirens sang, in mHow the St. Lawrence flowHow the story began came out in open lettersHow the sun proceeds ... How the tabloids tell manHow the US voted encompasses Donald's number one tabooHow the weather can heat kettlesHow the would-be groom prHow they might have financed the Severn crossing?How things are seenHow things may be laidHow things may be lit or How things may be remembeHow things may get washedHow this answer is situatHow this puzzle was compiled: in a calculating manner, with no introductionHow thumbs are twiddledHow times tables are learHow to address a brotherHow to address a Fr. ladyHow to address a knightHow to address a lt. col.How to address a maj.?How to address an archbishopHow to address Hindu dignitary in the morning in Westminster?How to address Margaret with a letter in GreekHow to alter hem to here, as an improvement?How to amuse people other than motorists?How to avoid getting tipsHow to be green on bikeHow to box pea pod that's turned up in eggs?How to break Cappuccino-only loyalty card, we hear?How to capture the king, led by public?How to catch fish on line at sea?How to cause anger – smoke in churchHow to cheatHow to cook chipsHow to cook new hatchlings from the bottom of the sea?How to cook small fish from the ocean floor?How to counter lies online in a climate when facts are deemed unimportantHow to create danger in decorative outside areaHow to cryptically represent ET?How to describe writer's published words as far as I'm concerned?How to dispose of rubbish janitor regularly collects from scratchHow to do thingsHow to dress for a ballHow to escape if caught in aeroplane after tail on fire?How to find pi's rootHow to fry tuna? Add endless oil and stir for 10How to gain Trump's favour? May's been a disasterHow to get a rope for Tommy?How to get down from a whale?How to get Elan where cars are banned?How to get food from a waiter out to lunch?How to get growth in to Worthing or Bognor?How to get nun to see and adopt a different opinion?How to get something fromHow to get tips for cooking equipmentHow to give a reprimandHow to give mate a treat at Christmas?How to go from 0 to 1 or 20?How to go from capitals of Spain, Russia, Qatar and Peru.How to greet the Queen in shady part of garden?How to grow dwarfed trees amd shrubs in potsHow to impersonate Mephisto?How to keep someone awake while sleeping?How to kill time with your thumbs?How to link the 12 letterHow to maintain advantage associated with river habitat for wildlife?How to maintain an accurate tally of fortified towers?How to make a catalogue shorter, being lethargic?How to make a round table in the cheapest manner?How to make Aryan invent excuse?How to make Aryan tell story?How to make Astley an MP? Sounds excitingHow to make bats sell out?How to make do?How to make Eid pass quickly?How to make it as a cook?How to make new doors fail test of reliabilityHow to make quotable list for Shakespeare roleHow to make saps disappear gradually?How to make techie get conversation goingHow to move a stopHow to obtain answer from Maria's name tagHow to obtain funds unduly from extra lottery?How to palm a cardHow to pay for something from an 11?How to pirouetteHow to play a dirgeHow to produce patterned colour on cloth - eyed itHow to provide danger in alpine featureHow to put a coin in a coHow to put weight on each in publicHow to raise the temperature of that girl Erica?How to reach for a tip and make moneyHow to record e.g. dance movement? Thanks for putting in the ideaHow to refer to a man hiding away tons?How to respond to an affrHow to respond to an insuHow to save energy? Party 'n' dance!How to see "L.A. Law"How to sell admirer snaps - look insideHow to shelter border road initially? This'll do itHow to shoot ducks at a sHow to sign a contractHow to sing, ideallyHow to solve this puzzle'How to spin a car quicklyHow to start a letter?How to start of a children's story?How to start old aeroplane: rotate propellerHow to start up a Model THow to stop shoe rubbing for mumHow to succeed as a demolHow to succeed as a retaiHow to succeed as a stripHow to take clipping from newspaper? Please don't do that!How to tell if top is too tight to get flirty with someoneHow to twerk where you can't get any lowerHow to use a lock that is often close to HomeHow to use veto to get leader from jesting with this instrument?How to warm up in bed and so on, keeping quietHow to water a bunch of flowers?How to worship a sort of noble deity?How to ___ knot (Boy ScouHow trapeze artists perfoHow tuna is packedHow tuna may be packedHow tuna may be served inHow twins often dressHow two hearts may beatHow U.S. senators are eleHow urgent tasks should bHow vending machines giveHow Viola is disguised inHow W G Grace was sometimes photographed for exampleHow walks up Kilimanjaro and fun runs are backed, or by whom?How we are told to eat the hay I’ll put outHow we count, see, showing passionHow we might sleep some day? Just the oppositeHow we read the shift in world politics?How we speak arranging pact or in union ...How we standHow week begins, with caviar for the presidentHow well a gala might have gone?How wide is the cut beneath loaf?How women might get into knickers or skirtsHow Wordsworth saw a crowd in a high-rise long agoHow workaholics often worHow would you describe boHow would you say I look?How you choose a fabric ...How you may view parts of female long-distance triathlon?How you might get change How you might hold a viciHow’s your father secluded?How'd you like your eggs? (No problems ahead of deliveries)How's eagle's made descentHow's it going for Champagne and sparkling wine?How's saving weight significant on a cheap holiday?How's your father after little brother sent back cycle?How's your father not with my wife?How's your father to beat time as part of a circle?How's your father working after time, officer?How's your father, if air con not working?How's your father, mother and sister?How's your father, mother, uncle and aunt?How, in USA, change might be presented vocally as angerHow, perhaps, 25 put on weightHow, say, eating worms miHow-do-you-dosHow-toHow-to book for lovebirdsHow-to films for a dairy How-to listingsHow-to presentationsHow-to stuffHow-to unitHow-___How-___ (book genre)How-___ (books for handy How-___ (do-it-yourself bHow-___ (handy books)How-___ (instructional boHoward and BrownHoward Carter, say - Google typistHoward Hughes acquired itHoward Hughes once controHoward Hughes studioHoward in shortsHoward is disheartened, imbibing ale and getting drunk to make a pointHoward of "Gone With the Howard of "Happy Days"Howard of "WKRP in CincinHoward of comedyHoward of morning radioHoward of satellite radioHoward Stern sidekick LanHoward Stern's mediumHoward the Duck propHoward who announced "DowHoward who parodied AdolfHoward ___, "Mayberry R.FHowdah holdersHowdah occupant, maybeHowdy Doody's name when hHowdy!Howe in the National InveHowe who was known as Mr.Howe'erHoweverHowever briefly, one may paint Nordic womanHowever briefly?However busy, I tend to get interruptedHowever classy my side’s boldness, say nothing!However stock rotates, one's behindHowever tense, meditation can help with itHowever, American's the bluntest tool in the box?However, brieflyHowever, butHowever, for shortHowever, informallyHowever, large book covering business is expected?However, one is a legendary monsterHowever, this man was balHowever, those may be evens!However, Walker is someonHowever; butHowever; exceptHowlHowl - American singer flipped over noteHowl : wolf :: bell : ___Howl and wailHowl biting hard into middle of lopsided tongueHowl in griefHowl loudlyHowl perhaps that's horrible subsequently suppressedHowl worried upper-class Liberal repeatedly at firstHowl, wailHowledHowled like a houndHowlerHowler by athletics supremo about game making a comebackHowler monkeys finally to get some breadHowlersHowlin' Wolf, Willie DixoHowling noise from energy in short local stormHowlsHowls like a dogHoy cycled after great sporting cryHoydensHoylake's third, middle of green - I fancy chance of eagle hereHoyle's listingshpHP productsHQ for high-fliers in capital concerned with recruiting graduatesHQ indifferent after Liberal's sackedHQ Russia built shaped approximately like a blockHr. partHreidmar's son makes audible fuss close byHrs. in a Yankee scheduleHrs. in HalifaxHrs. in Puerto RicoHrs. in QuebecHrs. in the WestHrs. on the 90th meridianHST's partyHST's successorHt.http:// follower, e, e.gHuHua succeeded himHuaracheHubHub for Air CaraHub in Menabilly drops telephonesHub northwest of LAXHub NW of LAXHub of old AthensHub projectionsHub-to-rim linesHubbard of science fictioHubble telescope subjectsHubble-bubbleHubbubHubbubsHuber of women's tennisHubert Humphrey's runningHubert's successorHubris alienates devoted Hubris sourceHubsHubs: Abbr.Huck Finn portrayer, 1993Huck Finn's conveyanceHuck Finn's transportHuck Finn, e.g.Huck followerHuck's palHuck's raftmateHuckleberry eatersHuckleberry Finn's craftHuckleberry Finn's friend Tom ___Huckleberry ___Hucksters' deliveriesHUD, for one: Abbr.Huddersfield displays dairy production equipmentHuddersfield initially at bottom of division - how far down?HuddleHuddle enderHuddledHuddled (with)Huddled together about space next to street lightHudson and LaSalle, onceHudson Bay prov.Hudson contemporaryHudson River cityHudson River townHudson runs around barefootHudson's Bay Company, e.gHudson, e.g.HueHue and cryHue and cry about 'posh' way of speakingHue close to aquaHue duller than heliotropHue for cowardly insurgenHue of PetraHue similar to chrome lemHue similar to cyanHue stronger than scarletHue's partnerHue, shadeHuelva houseHuesHueyHuey ___ and the NewsHuey, Dewey and LouieHuey, Dewey or Louie, notHuey, Dewey or Louie, to Huey, Dewey, Louie, DonalHuffHuff and puffHuffed and puffedHuffington of the HuffingHuffington Post buyer in Huffington who wrote "FanHuffsHuffs and puffsHuffyHuffy stateHugHug and kiss, to a BritHug Charlie, wet patch quietly ignoredHug giversHug half of them, along with a further coupleHug little son weighed down by worriesHug, maybeHugeHuge — a tenth of a centimetre seen differentlyHuge - bashingHuge - extinct creatureHuge amountHuge amount of ordinary drug stashed in toiletHuge amount of slime on backed-up registerHuge amount of work stopping no one company risingHuge amount, slangilyHuge amountsHuge amounts of corporal punishment!Huge area regrettably seized by European countryHuge beast thirty seconds away from island?Huge beasts once beating toads in battleHuge birthday dinner? Do this to candles!Huge blokes, drunk, semi-cladHuge body of Dallas character holding up short itemHuge bolt made step unstableHuge bunchHuge car may be actor's rewardHuge change in monstrous battle lostHuge chaps in semi getting knocked outHuge cityHuge collectionHuge composition of ElgarHuge coniferous California treesHuge container - a sort once seen in Italy?Huge creature found in shell of bizarre male insect?Huge creature that's hunted birdHuge deficit beginning to accumulate in depressionHuge deficit borne by firm at Leicester initiallyHuge deficit in fossil fuelHuge demo turns nasty around the middle of WhitehallHuge depletion in fossil fuelHuge disparity - worlds apartHuge double obstacle met by a work of Shaw’sHuge drag picking apart 27Huge expanseHuge expanse of green returning near banks of AmazonHuge expansesHuge exporter's blue shoes run out once in fashionHuge fan carrying a horsey paper aroundHuge fellow I look up in biblical cityHuge figure of Russian writer seizing doughnutHuge firm with a large holding in forfeitureHuge flopHuge flow of gold found in British riverHuge fruitHuge fuss about king being a control freakHuge great king around house being old man?Huge groans heard by publicHuge group of soldiers seizing part of hospital — big shock may be felt thereHuge Hackney charity event upset mad auntHuge haulersHuge headlinesHuge herbivorous dinosaurHuge hitHuge holesHuge ice chunksHuge idiot in charge? Article should go into thatHuge in scopeHuge insect covering a short distanceHuge insect covers a small distanceHuge insect on mother, beginning to moveHuge insect pursuing Geordie parentHuge insult to take effect before the champers!Huge interest from young at heart cutting American tracksHuge knifeHuge load placed on modern physicistHuge Lover? Cool down, taking a short moment!Huge magnitude of sin? Seems men must go to hell!Huge mass seen twice in turbulent SeineHuge mediums embracing a flapper going into the lightHuge mistake during match upset Ipswich captain initiallyHuge monsterHuge mouthsHuge mythical bird of preyHuge name, gargantuan to some extentHuge number of dogs slipping leadHuge number try trademark climbsHuge number working to support Turkey, Italy turn up sickHuge numbers of weapons from Cornwall and Devon?Huge numbers try two different ways to sell shares, ultimatelyHuge old quantity halved in a sort of arithmeticHuge one going last into saltwater vesselHuge online artwork?Huge opponentsHuge personHuge plain in TanzaniaHuge portion of chicken or moussakaHuge precious stone mounted on middle of tiaraHuge quantitiesHuge quantities in Slough? See the publicity!Huge quantityHuge rear - about to slip into underwear, the biggest of its kindHuge region needing no introduction, part of SW EuropeHuge robin moved about on roof areaHuge sale via thankful storesHuge sea surgeHuge setbackHuge shock! Nostromo alien - can none get lost?Huge soldiersHuge son going to the end, amusing peopleHuge sot, when out of head, gets sexist?Huge spending increase receives record backingHuge starter not finished in the middleHuge statuesHuge successHuge success, 8am shifts?Huge supply initially put in tankHuge tailless rodent follows one around riverHuge tank guarding squareHuge tank storing sulphurHuge US city in recession, tooHuge US soldier meeting little worker maybeHuge vehicleHuge virile-sounding TurkHuge waveHuge waves ruin man's suitHuge winHuge worryHuge, in poetryHuge, in slangHuge, in verseHuge, old-styleHuge, poeticallyHuge, self-service storeHuge-screen film formatHuge-screen formatHuge: Fr.Huge: PrefixHugely consequentialHugely energeticHugely enjoying a party circuitHugely influential Swiss mathematician, d. 1783Hugely powerful wrench in atticHugely successful filmHuggableHuggedHugger-muggerHugger-muggeryHuggies competitorHuggies rivalHuggies wearerHugh Downs was his announHugh Laurie character, Stuart?Hugh Lofting's doctorHugh ___, successor to LoHugh's door designed with nails protrudingHugh's felt so terrible, missing golf and getting menopausal symptomsHughes poem with the lineHugo and I at the premiere of African QueenHugo contemporaryHugo or Charlie’s eccentric comic brotherHugo! Try exotic foodHugo's character originally set in stone, with a touch of arroganceHugo's friendsHugo's girl's gem about small articleHugo's ThHugo, e.g.Hugo, for oneHugsHugs tightlyHugs, in a letterHugs, symbolicallyHugues Capet, e.g.Huit cargo?Huit halvedHula accompanimentHula dancer's accessoryHula dancersHula dancers wiggle themHula hoop?Hula hoops and suchHula hoops and yo-yosHula hoops in the 1950s, Hula hoops?Hula shakersHula skirt materialHula ___Hula-hoop, sayHula-Hoops, lava lamps, eHulk Hogan or Andre the GHulk Hogan, for oneHulk perhaps has delightful woman roundHulkingHulking herbivoreHulking Himalayan of legeHull bottomsHull element turns up for Peak District townHull enclosureHull flu invalid gets a lot of boozeHull hazardHull husband abandons huntHull is supported by good English fatHull market restricts hotelHull market will contain fish, ultimatelyHull markingHull partHull partsHull projectionHull scrapersHull sealantHullabalooHullabaloo over tries for members of Australian packHullabaloosHulled corn preparationsHulled grainHulu offeringHulu, e.g.Hum and turn round - that is rhythmic musicHum as vet reassembles what’s neededHum bits, playing heavy metalHum first of tunes in flopHum follower?Hum Gluck's overture out of Iphigenia, sayHum opening of television programHum original piece of Mahler in marketHum renditions of waltzes in time?Hum very quietly accompanying a lot of Irish dancersHum yon quartetHum, e.g.HumanHuman - familyHuman ancestorHuman ankleHuman apesHuman as opposed to an anHuman ‘tail’?Human barrierHuman beingsHuman beings agree at an intellectual levelHuman beings collectivelyHuman beings in graceless stateHuman bodyHuman body dissected by medical studentsHuman body part with vestHuman body's hardest subsHuman cannonball catcherHuman corpseHuman crackerHuman doubleHuman equivalent of a 16-Human equivalent of a horHuman ethical argument finally acceptedHuman flesh eatersHuman forearm boneHuman Genome Project topiHuman Genome Project, e.gHuman hand characteristicHuman headHuman head - small drinkHuman image brought to lifeHuman is beginning to torment David Attenborough?Human jointHuman jointsHuman look-alikesHuman maleHuman malesHuman mind or spiritHuman or alienHuman or animal manifestation of VishnuHuman organ left in cup of tea?Human organism formed during the early stages of pregnancyHuman parasiteHuman raceHuman Resources deducting £1 from debts?Human resources departmenHuman right to treasure little timeHuman rights activist BonHuman rights agcy.Human rights group in Chinese territory texted you in verse
Human rights org.Human soulHuman spiritsHuman tail?Human taking time in practical lessonHuman temptersHuman trafficking's origin covered in lessonHuman trunkHuman trunksHuman voice boxHuman waste product used as a fertiliserHuman with no end of hubris becoming dictatorHuman ___Human ___ ProjectHuman's cousinHuman's tail?Human, by natureHuman-like robotHuman-looking robotHuman-looking robotsHuman-shaped robotHumana and others, for shHumana competitorHumana offering, brieflyHumana or Cigna competitoHumaneHumane grp.Humane org.Humane org. since 1866Humanely produced opportunity for destitute gun fanciers?Humanist answer to "what are problems arising"?Humanitarian concernsHumanitarian Mother ___Humanitarian org.Humanitarian organisation's driver possibly going round in circlesHumanitarian WallenbergHumanitarianismHumanitiesHumanities degs.HumanityHumanlike robotHumanoid race in "Avatar"Humanoid robotHumanoid trees in TolkienHumansHumans and apes, e.g.Humans last lived there iHumans preceded by our claim to be weird and wonderfulHumans, among othersHumans, e.g.Humber port - ship's frameHumbert Humbert's clasping part of handHumbert Humbert's obsessiHumbleHumble - servantHumble abodeHumble abode meant a little shed front and backHumble beginningHumble Catholic hasn't lost any fingersHumble dwellingHumble followerHumble homeHumble homesHumble in more ways than oneHumble in positionHumble lady follows men taking drug, being a skinflintHumble manner not associated with USHumble oneselfHumble origin of crane flyHumble replyHumble reply to praiseHumble requestHumble request for helpHumble request: the hopeless don’t have oneHumble response to a compHumble response to praiseHumble sailor sea swimmingHumble saint, after a fashionHumble when back in Cambridge collecting degreeHumble when welcomed to Lincoln?Humble-sounding estateHumbledHumbled since caught in a plotHumbled, degradedHumblesHumbling, as big end shattersHumbly askingHumbly goes along withHumbly patientHumbly yieldingHumbugHumbug attracting endless reverence? That’s a laughHumbug precederHumbuggedHumbugsHumdingerHumdingersHumdrumHumdrum character given note by European nationalHume influenced himHumectantHumerus localeHumerus neighborHumerus siteHumidHumid day hair problemHumid days came to an endHumidifier outputHumidor cheapieHumidor itemHumiliateHumiliatedHumiliated adolescent initially remains in bedHumiliated by a bogus journalistHumiliatesHumiliates German artist partaking in perverse deedsHumiliatingHumiliating failureHumiliating rebuffHumiliating remarkHumiliating remark was repressiveHumiliating return from a summit meeting?HumiliationHumiliation essentially stops Warren becoming a grassHumiliation in a cellarHumiliation; dishonourHumilityHumility; decencyHummable, perhapsHummer’s discharge could be from this dog whistleHummingHumming after crossword essentially well-constructedHumming Beethoven's Ninth without certaintyHumming note, run round America with nothing onHumming soundHumming works in hit nearly written without AlHumming, except note that's in doubtHummingbird foodHummingbird, e.g.Hummingbirds do itHummus accompanimentHummus holderHummus holder, maybeHummus ingredientHummus scooper-upperHumongous T. rex demolished a brewed lagerHumongous untruthHumorHumor columnist BombeckHumor columnist DaveHumor in its verse possibHumor magazine since 1952Humor not for dummiesHumor publication since 1Humor that doesn't cause Humor that's not funnyHumor that's often lost iHumor with a twistHumor, with "to"HumoredHumorist BarryHumorist Bennett who co-fHumorist Bill and othersHumorist BombeckHumorist Bombeck et al.Humorist BuchwaldHumorist GeorgeHumorist in the red, upset about raw deal, perhapsHumorist LebowitzHumorist MartinHumorist NashHumorist SahlHumorist SedarisHumorist ShrinerHumorist WardHumorist who wrote "ProgrHumorist ___ Burgess of "Humorist's absolutely huge, not smallHumorist/illustrator JonHumorists offering tricks involving broadcast outlets?Humorists uncovered cracks through which you might see the world?HumorlessHumorousHumorous artistHumorous bio priest cut and cutHumorous BombeckHumorous characterHumorous dramaHumorous drawingHumorous drawing of box containing nothingHumorous entertainerHumorous fellowHumorous five-line verseHumorous illustrator ___ Humorous image, video or short text that spreads rapidly by internetHumorous imitationHumorous issue that shakes corporation?Humorous or malicious deceptionHumorous personHumorous playHumorous remarkHumorous ridicule which affronted nursesHumorous style of club comedy at lastHumorous tale involving aHumorous TV programmeHumorous verseHumorous verse formHumorous writerHumorous writer, tragic figure abused by childrenHumorous, it comes to screen – the full-length version?Humorously criticalHumorously critical, yet possibly racialistHumorously mockingHumorously sarcasticHumorsHumors, with "to"HumourHumour child with rebellious urgeHumour eluding nutsHumour to appear extremely dryHumour very hard senior person who won't give upHumour woman or perishHumour’s eluding oddballHumour's in short supply following Trump's latest plan to banish extremistsHumour, vacuous amusement in settingHumourlessHumourless cynic ill, snarling in medical centreHumourless dandy recalled getting beaten by racketeerHumourless fellow meets expert in schoolHumourless politician with a stern style a bit like Trump's?Humourless, disapprovingHumours original word for buttocks being circulatedHump day, to an office woHump-shouldered animalHump-shouldered beastsHump: cop off in the arms of Morpheus?Humpback, e.g.Humpbacked helperHumped animalHumped beastHumped creatureHumped mammalHumped oxHumperdinck heroineHumperdinck opera heroHumph! Is poaching egg middle-class?Humphrey Bogart's "High SHumphrey Bogart's last wife, d. 2014Humphrey is making ordinary jazz style one to show offHumphrey of modern danceHumphrey's "High Sierra" Humpty DumptyHumpty Dumpty short?Humpty Dumpty, for instanceHumpty Dumpty-shapedHumsHums rendition of Wasted TimeHums; strumsHumusHumvee forerunnerHun king, in mythHun-armed bandit?Hunchback of film horrorHunchback of Notre DameHunchbacked assistantHunchbacked assistant of Hunchbacked historian contracted AmericanHundred Acre Wood denizenHundred Acre Wood donkeyHundred Acre Wood residenHundred Acre Wood young 'Hundred added to bill in London districtHundred and two, closing or openingHundred bet on outcome, which is crazyHundred Days campaign plaHundred have high opinion of old carHundred I’m investing in transaction, supplied in tensHundred on the HillHundred players in audition with leading agents to make some breadHundred smackersHundred up with openers from Birmingham and Durham in reasonable formHundred Years' War leaderHundred Years' War siege Hundred, in HondurasHundred, in JuHundred-eyed monster of mHundreds in Europe sadly having no exercise and lacking good foodHundreds in New York, perHundreds initially fleeing icy enclosure in autumn, so to speakHundreds of centavosHundreds of runs etc - strangely, that's admittedHundreds once obeyed their ordersHundredth anniversaryHundredth of a liraHundredth of a litreHundredth of a metreHundredth of an old DeutschmarkHundredth: PrefixHungHung about with protective coat, I can enterHung and moving to and froHung aroundHung around and servedHung backHung down looselyHung fireHung looselyHung on toHung out to dryHung out, maybeHung overHung over, embracing second American to a large extentHung up and returned clothes not having right smellHung. neighborHungarianHungarian cityHungarian city known for Hungarian city near MiskoHungarian city or riverHungarian Communist leadeHungarian composerHungarian composer Franz L_. What? No not he, anotherHungarian composer KHungarian composer who wrHungarian composer's boatHungarian composer, d. 1886Hungarian cube makerHungarian dishHungarian half sister?Hungarian hero ___ NagyHungarian name equivalentHungarian operetta composerHungarian patriot Imre __Hungarian patriot NagyHungarian pianist von DohHungarian playwright knowHungarian poet MadachHungarian revolutionary KHungarian romantic composerHungarian saint containing the blaze I mishandledHungarian sheepdogHungarian spa cityHungarian spa townHungarian stewHungarian wineHungarian writer MadHungarian-born British film director and producer, Alexander, d. 1956Hungarian-born composer, d. 1945Hungarian-born escapologist, d. 1926Hungarian-born financier/Hungarian-born mathematicHungarians are situated bHungaryHungary and Austria engaged in awkward diplomacy - it offers hope of relaxationHungary was a member of iHungary's borders accessibleHungary's Imre ___Hungary's NagyHungary's neighborHungary's ___ NagyHungerHunger (for)Hunger enhancer, sometimeHunger forHunger matters around mealtime, starter polished off before oneHunger signalsHunger twingeHunger when in range of where food is madeHungersHungers (for)HungryHungry and sleepy girl who found her comfort zone?Hungry bear filler?Hungry bunny linked to field being regularly plunderedHungry cow, maybeHungry feelingHungry Hippo, empty and d-depressed?Hungry Horse and MossyrocHungry like an actor?Hungry lion, e.g.Hungry lookHungry mouthHungry mouthsHungry person's hyperboleHungry person's questionHungry retinues becoming unrulyHungry type naughtily eating last of hamHunkHunk and date aboard toboggan wrapped up warmHunk beginning to collapse in imitation of worker?Hunk from poster after womenHunk leaving northern English portHunk of bread and peeled tomato mashed togetherHunk of fairwayHunk of stewed boar meat with date on topHunk starts to stretch lats and bicepsHunk with money is a big characterHunk's or babe's assetHunk's prideHunker downHunksHunks crossing ring road to get port or claretHunks of concreteHunks, so to speakHunky sortHunky-doryHunky-___Hunnish rulerHuns, e.g.Hunt Hunt a boa slithering around German motorwayHunt and Banks for Moore to take 10Hunt and peckHunt and Truss mostly broadcast liesHunt assemblageHunt Ball set used to create much activity?Hunt Charles I of EnglandHunt employee fighting in play roomHunt film role in production that's basicHunt forHunt for Cruise, then a replacementHunt for foodHunt for part of mealHunt for words in grid? Perhaps reading in, start to see every oneHunt held by rich one getting on? There's no proper answer to thatHunt illegallyHunt in HollywoodHunt it, leaving pretty streetHunt like a cave manHunt one playing victim, showing sign of uncertaintyHunt overseasHunt ruby for one wearing crownHunt ruthlessly admits lieHunt the thimble or charades, perhapsHunt the Wumpus, for oneHunt through - and bitter about Cameron's leadershipHunt timeHunt's "Mad About You" coHunt's target next spring?Hunt, wearing nursing uniform, is a prickly individualHunt-and-___ (typing methHuntedHunted animalHunted animal in stone pitHunted animalsHunted down Chaka Khan's earliest recordings in Rough TradeHunted itemsHunted preyHunted rodentsHunted wildlifeHuntee in a gameHunterHunter a k a Ed McBainHunter about to cross Spanish riverHunter about to imbibe portHunter and dog requiring no introductionHunter and HolmHunter and othersHunter – one that's charged after soldiersHunter blowing top about a time limitHunter carrying harp-shaped instrumentHunter concealed in middle of ox-bow lakeHunter concealerHunter conspires to rouse gameHunter discovered holding bullock, close to ranchHunter in exploit over enormously long periodHunter in the night skyHunter maybe returning horned ibex hidesHunter needs gun to follow gameHunter of fictionHunter of fishHunter of Greek mythHunter of literatureHunter of mythHunter of old moviesHunter of stars to take part in oratorio nonsenseHunter reforms parrot-eating manHunter returning in the morning in good spiritsHunter running after injured calfHunter skinned then cooked antelope up for starter – it's greasyHunter who gives a damn about nothing!Hunter with a middle initHunter with dreadful curse has to be kept insideHunter with rough hairHunter working on outskirts of major portHunter’s neat house with outside poolHunter's animalHunter's companionHunter's cryHunter's garb, for shortHunter's hatHunter's lureHunter's needHunter's need: Abbr.Hunter's objectHunter's prideHunter's quarryHunter's ripe green bananasHunter's takeHunter's trailHunter's trophyHunter, perhaps still following herb, reportedlyHunter-gatherer typesHunter: feud with me and devious leporine rival originally animatedHunter; drinkHunters battle, frantically, to go from disadvantage to advantage?Hunters taking lead off dogsHunters' decoysHunters' needs: Abbr.Hunters' representation iHunters' term for the beasts they huntHunters, winging it in battered deerstalkers, dare to go outHunting aidsHunting attendant of ArteHunting birdHunting companion, maybeHunting cryHunting deviceHunting dogHunting dog - bird of preyHunting dog heading for big, big birdHunting dog heading off to find birdHunting dog mostly misjudged in island capitalHunting dog to risk going round equineHunting dog, for shortHunting dogsHunting expeditionHunting fish could pay regularly on Hebridean islandHunting hollerHunting houndHunting houndsHunting lodge decoration Hunting opening for Holmes in investigationHunting req.Hunting targetHuntley of 50's-60's NBC Huntress goddessHuntress who married HippHunts and shootsHunts by trackingHunts forHunts, since heavens knows whenHunts, with "on"Huntsman Center teamHuntsman has to go by lakeHuntsman or house, sayHuntsman’s cry produced by friend in front of this houseHuntsman's assistantHuntsmen lost while wandering round Eastern volcanoHupmobile contemporaryHurdleHurdle for a doctoral stuHurdle for a future 64-AcHurdle for a future litigHurdle for a graduate degHurdle for an aspiring J.Hurdle for an atty.-to-beHurdle for future docsHurdle for Mensa membershHurdle for some college sHurdle for some srs.Hurdler's assignmentHurdler, perhaps, or chaser, unfortunately last of twelveHurdlesHurdles for future attornHurdles for future D.A.'sHurdles for H.S. juniorsHurdles for high schoolerHurdles for high-school jHurdles for jrs.Hurdles for language learHurdles for M.B.A. hopefuHurdles for some srs.Hurdles for srs.Hurdles to a degree?HurlHurl - shedHurl a barb atHurl an entree?Hurl an insult atHurl cookware?Hurl curse words at?Hurl parts of a typewriteHurl tableware?Hurl toupees?Hurl, flingHurledHurled from seat of power reportedlyHurled weaponHurled wordHurled, flungHurlerHurler HershiserHurler HideoHurler MadduxHurler Reynolds of the 40Hurler's assetHurler's statHurler's stat.Hurling, curling etcHurlsHurls defiance atHurly-burliesHurly-burlyHuron's neighborHuron, e.g.Huron, for oneHurrah for El FarrucoHurrah!Hurray for JosHurray, in HidalgoHurricaneHurricane Carter, for oneHurricane centerHurricane dir.Hurricane hdg.Hurricane headingHurricane heading: Abbr.Hurricane homeHurricane hubHurricane lampHurricane leftoverHurricane of 1999Hurricane of 2005Hurricane of 2008Hurricane of 2011Hurricane or tornadoHurricane originsHurricane soundHurricane survivor, maybeHurricane's centerHurricane's forceHurricanes or LightningHurriedHurried - 1985 Kurosawa film based on King LearHurried a bit, nearly producing kidnapper's demandHurried activityHurried back, considered and told the taleHurried back, saving time, chasing American expertsHurried down at first and fellHurried Federer finally hit an unreturnable serveHurried hospital visitor might make this easyHurried in attempt to get to US city for its breakfast cerealHurried lookHurried next door, e.g.Hurried paceHurried past Coventry's original groundHurried round region containing hot leadHurried to catch old horseHurried to secure new outlayHurried up a stay in bed, worried for the NHS etcHurried with cut, capturing traces of human origin in feature of violin ...Hurried writer, namely bishop, defending Bible (RV)Hurried, musicallyHurriedlyHurriedly add policy — no getting upset!Hurriedly mumbleHurriedly prepare clue for golf?Hurriedly, Americans displaced by Europeans in London streetHurries back for a short car tripHurries back with a companion, getting vegetableHurries holidaymaker aboard shipHurryHurry after some food: a habit in Arab worldHurry alongHurry an actress along?Hurry and appeal, after policy unwelcoming to animals is reversedHurry back from house, admitting a daughter’s nannyHurry back to celebrate caring vocationHurry back to collect official vehicleHurry back with baby-carrier to restrain irrational infantHurry back, seizing government vehicleHurry back, then walk somewhere far offHurry beyond Little Rock for outside coveringHurry down to feed plant - can start in kitchen firstHurry in the direction ofHurry off after leaving gratuity? A simple gameHurry round capital city, costing sleepHurry to climb into bed that's cleanedHurry to do a small amount of fish shopping, say, shepherding small boyHurry to finish his novel?Hurry to go back and forth changing tapsHurry to join mums in the clubHurry to obtain caustic extract from newspaperHurry to steal books? I refuseHurry to take in very busy areaHurry to wrap daughter in coatHurry upHurry up - set pointHurry up and fix gas leak, eh?Hurry up and get big diaper on sonHurry up and squash that bugHurry up framing silly question's silly replyHurry up in support for job securityHurry up playing with game on TV, one lacking nameHurry up selected pupils to start working regularlyHurry up with a German car deal, perhapsHurry up!Hurry up! Agitated shark in swimming poolHurry up, as one decoratiHurry up, coming from lecturerHurry up, horse!Hurry up, or skip a payment at workHurry!Hurry, if you want to use the weighing machineHurry, save ten bearsHurry-scurryHurry; plantHurryingHurrying away on purpose: it must be seen in perspectiveHurrying to arrest fool? It’s very sadHurst set to play with Cohen: it bears fruitHurtHurt a littleHurt a politician's wife?Hurt after I said something very uglyHurt – hit hard in returnHurt badHurt badlyHurt feeling?Hurt film, awfully jollyHurt husband is missing a limbHurt leg - I knocked over Greek character's organHurt leg and rearHurt leg, say cycling within group creating problemHurt like one deliberating over caseHurt NedHurt one squeezing hardHurt or irritateHurt plentyHurt prideHurt responsesHurt roughly tailless storkHurt severelyHurt so badHurt toe, perhaps, first in slippery bathHurt when doing the same thing with nothing on - language!Hurt when in lively shopHurt with a blowHurt woman with silver piercing,Hurt's "Body Heat" co-staHurt, like a groan-induciHurt? Get something from pharmacyHurt? One is distraught in matchHurtfulHurtful points in complaintsHurtful remarkHurtful remark expressed initially about international blockbuster comedyHurtful; half rum (anag.)HurtingHurting all overHurting Dad almost completelyHurting the mostHurtleHurtsHurts badlyHurts like heckHurts to cut off head and limbsHurts to lose a second battle of witsHusbandHusband a bishop, perhapsHusband abandoning that child’s distraught at the final momentHusband abandons razor perhaps that preserves his dignity?Husband aboard plane, say, in row near the frontHusband aghast having to change label for topicHusband an idiot to mount scrubberHusband and child after return fareHusband and I eat meat — fantastic source of ironHusband and wife, e.g.Husband at hand, timeless chapHusband avoids misadventure with that woman over in guest house getting the wrong ideaHusband away from family residence reportedly allowed fried foodHusband bearing heavy item of furniture is one giving you a wave?Husband boarding dirty-looking boatHusband brought in to be examined and give testimonyHusband captured by a little spycam dancing with unknown consolinglyHusband caught extremity climbing market stallHusband caught in fighting ultimately sent sidewaysHusband contributing to essential part of housework?Husband dallies heartlessly, taking up slender young thing?Husband dined out like 13’s 3Husband dined out on lettuce, an unexpected treatHusband dons dry fleeceHusband enters drunk, scratching bottom and something else in his trousersHusband enters to wreck partyHusband escapes from the home as frequently as possibleHusband experiences lust problemsHusband finds old lover in spell of bad luckHusband flees cabin fireHusband following Women’s Institute’s fancyHusband follows peculiar scent or horrible smellHusband gets in Dubonnet Red, crackers and nutsHusband getting with it is a successHusband getting wrong fishHusband given arsenic suffersHusband given long list of words separated stems from roots, perhapsHusband going astray? Something fishy hereHusband grabbing revolutionary’s weaponHusband has green bouquet crossing big roadHusband has love competition, a poetHusband has problems stifling camp inclinationsHusband has to manage in retreat for a long timeHusband having brass header sculpted for those selling sewing thingsHusband having love affair over in vicinity of the Bronx?Husband having no weapons in safeHusband hopefully has power, owning two castlesHusband implicated in constant humiliationHusband in court quietly passing wind by the sound of itHusband in essential taskHusband in food shop makes capitalHusband in great painHusband in holiday area — a winnerHusband in rut? Wife always suggests a quick route across the pondHusband in service perhaps wants to become skilful in a craftHusband in Soviet Union a cavalryman onceHusband into juvenile behaviour? Not much!Husband into odd side of barn danceHusband invested in foreign capital with extremely evasive hypocriteHusband involved in manoeuvre for some timeHusband joining a navy ship under European controlHusband joining club in English cityHusband joins club; a wife's place?Husband leaves old cigarette holder in the wrong placeHusband leaves pet with mother in cityHusband leaving shore working in lighthouseHusband left in this country, an abandoned wreckHusband losing way — something fishy here!Husband loves extremely short cleanerHusband low in courage finding hideawayHusband loyally leaves friend something to eatHusband may ask to alter veilHusband moans terribly about black old-fashioned transportHusband not much at homeHusband of a countessHusband of a sorceress, iHusband of a trophy wife,Husband of BathshebaHusband of Denmark's QueeHusband of FatimaHusband of Florence?Husband of FriggHusband of GudrunHusband of IsisHusband of Ops, in mythHusband of PersephoneHusband of PocahontasHusband of PompeiaHusband of PoppaeaHusband of Poppaea SabinaHusband of RuthHusband of Ruth (Bible)Husband of Ruth, in the BHusband or wifeHusband or wife making tea?Husband overwhelmed by better blokeHusband picked up reference book lacking top coverHusband punches footballer and he moansHusband put in place, wandering in religious venueHusband rejected nosegay, grasping small aromatic plantHusband reliable when taking out son and dogHusband requiring a little practiceHusband returns in vehicle, running financial fraudHusband roped in to sample traditionally female craftHusband standing below flag of European nationHusband straying? He might catch this!Husband swallowed strong feelingsHusband to Catherine, AnnHusband to display code number that’s used for locksHusband turned up, not very stressedHusband wearing suit in domestic circlesHusband wearing tops or leather clothingHusband with a way to get stiffHusband with books to sample, most currentHusband with pain not originally over hip getting drugHusband with power to dominate Mrs Tiggy-Winkle?Husband’s partnerHusband's at home, tucked in bed - it's lateHusband's captivated by pet rabbitHusband's lacking in flair - a cure-all's offeredHusband's manner stung? That's distressing?Husband's mistake at home? Gutting ginormous fish!Husband's not about to follow extremely pithy languageHusband's rottenness stirred up hostile reactionHusband's theory: road leads to escapeHusband's trapped in bar, cut offHusband's upset about weightHusband, an idiot, turning over scrubber in bathHusband, father, born great, overthrown: no sense in thisHusband, father, British and fat, put about nonsense in speechHusband, in HidalgoHusband, individual leading group, set up seductive schemeHusband, not sinless but something of a catch?Husband, perhaps, scratching bottom then looking up to seduceHusband-and-wife creatorsHusband-and-wife politicaHusband-and-wife team, e.Husband-to-beHusband: Fr.Husband? Every other week he goes on strikeHusbandryHusbandsHusbands and wivesHusbands wearing make-up and women's fashion crudelyHush moneyHush nieces playing round lakeHush!Hush-hushHush-hush D.C. org.Hush-hush govt. groupHush-hush grp.Hush-hush org.Hush-hush powwowHush-hush W.W. II agcy.Hush-hush W.W. II grp.Hush-hush when in bed?HushedHushed "Hey!"Hushed; undisturbedHuskHusk siteHusk-wrapped dishHusk-wrapped Mexican dishHuskiesHuskies' homeHuskies' org.Huskies' sch.Husking bee refreshment?Husks of cereal seeds sifted from flourHuskyHusky ambassador carrying rowing equipmentHusky burdenHusky gets to bark around treeHusky or houndHusky remains guarding one big bundle of nervesHusky sounded to be a working animalHusky that Roy recollectedHusky vehicleHusky's burdenHusky's howl inspiring Mohawks subjected to regular lossesHusky's towHusky, for exampleHusky-voicedHussein I, for oneHussein's queenHussiesHussyHustleHustle and bustleHustle drunk detectiveHustle or bustleHustle ticketsHustled, e.g.Hustler almost confused a private detectiveHustler's gameHustler's tool, maybeHustlersHustlesHustling placesHustling, sell us this leisurewearHuston of "Prizzi's HonorHutHut accommodating officer before being given asylumHut by lake maybe makes clear dividing lineHut materialHut songHut styleHut's organised in this wayHutchHutch contentsHutch regularly breaks cover, it's clearHutch's head, brieflyHutsHuts remodelled like thisHutted village, one crossed over by bird going backwardsHutton's eyepiece?Huxley's "Eyeless in ___"Huxtable boyHuxtable sonHVAC measureHwy.Hwy. eateryHwy. helpersHwy. mishap respondentHwy. offenseHwy. plannerHwy. plannersHwy. sign abbr.Hwy. sign no.Hwy. turnoffsHwy. with tollsHwys.HyHyacinth relativeHyacinth, say, crossing posh street with vigourHyalite, e.g.Hyams of 1920s-'30s filmsHyatt alternativeHybridHybrid beasts of burdenHybrid between grapefruit and mandarinHybrid bulbel the Spanish introducedHybrid catsHybrid cattle run backwardHybrid child receiving letter from AthensHybrid citrus fruitHybrid clothing for womenHybrid compositionHybrid courtHybrid eating utensilHybrid engine from Subaru still ends in troubleHybrid farm animalHybrid flowering plantHybrid front weaponHybrid fruitHybrid languageHybrid lingo succeeded with fresh hip slangHybrid mushroom - no good tucking into thatHybrid offspring of two large catsHybrid on the rangeHybrid primroseHybrid rose rapidly suppresses insectivorous plantHybrid sheepdog that moveHybrid tea, floribunda etcHybrid utensilHybrid vehicle not a huge success at firstHyde creator's monogramHyde Park strollerHyde Park trackHyde, to JekyllHydra moving across lake only with great difficultyHydra's neighborHydra, astronomicallyHydra, e.g.Hydrangea, e.g.Hydrant attachmentHydrant hookupHydrate corrupt London police here?Hydrate ground where copper may be foundHydrocarbon derived from Hydrocarbon endingHydrocarbon endingsHydrocarbon in petroleumHydrocarbon in rubberHydrocarbon pioneers modifiedHydrocarbon suffixHydrocarbon suffixesHydrocarbon with two carbHydrocarbon, brown, stored in old churchHydrocarbon; axe hen (anagram)Hydrochloric ___Hydrocortisone additiveHydrodynamic duoHydroelectric org.Hydroelectric projectHydroelectric project that's ridiculous, hardly wetHydroelectric projects led by American PresidentHydroelectricity providerHydroelectricity structurHydrofluoric ___Hydrogen and oxygen, e.g.Hydrogen gas shockHydrogen lost in explosion about to circulate in rod casing?Hydrogen, for exampleHydrogen, helium, etcHydrogen-filled dark, inflatable vesselHydrolysis atomHydromassage facilityHydronium, e.g.Hydrophane or isopyreHydrophobiaHydroplane partHydros : England :: ___ :HydrospaceHydrotherapy localeHydrotherapy optionHydrotherapy providerHydrotherapy sitesHydrotherapy spotHydrotherapy venueHydrox alternativeHydrox competitorHydrox look-alikeHydrox rivalHydrox rival, onceHydroxide, e.g.Hydroxyl compoundHydroxyl compundHydroxyl-carbon compoundHygiene issue not even in townHygienicHygienic practice featured in campaign – is it, in a sense, backward-looking?Hyman Rickover pioneered HymnHymn "Dies ___"Hymn accompanierHymn accompanimentHymn bringing wonder to good group of peopleHymn enderHymn endingHymn from the works by European variously recalled at intervalsHymn holderHymn Horace composed about Ligarius originallyHymn is able to delight, though king has leftHymn leaderHymn needing organ briefly? Arranged without one, in factHymn of mourningHymn of praiseHymn openingHymn playerHymn popular trio played with tenorHymn producing historic shock?Hymn sign-offHymn singersHymn startHymn starterHymn that's on hand to entertain sopranoHymn whose second line isHymn wordHymn words before "beyondHymn-playing instrumentsHymnal wordHymnbook holderHymnist Adams, who wrote Hymns of thanksgivingHymns, e.g.Hymns, perhaps: no good in plea for helpHypeHype and forward a flyer, sayHype in a rogue when seizing power produces moment of revelationHype is oddly lacking, I agreeHype, with "up"Hyped to excessHyped upHyperHyper, impatient onesHyper-keen workerHyperactiveHyperactivity may be a siHyperboleHyperbolic figure?HyperbolizeHyperbolize at high volumHyperion, for oneHypersaline lakeHypersensitive and intolerant Eurosceptics in charge after all!Hypersensitive reactionHypersensitivityHypersonic plane engineHypesHypes a movie, perhapsHyphen; destroyHyphenate with AmericanHyphenated figs.Hyphenated IDsHypnologist's subjectHypnosis toolHypnotic stateHypnotic statesHypnotic trance breakerHypnotic voice, overwhelming bassHypnotise student after Tehran explosionHypnotised with spots of light instead of softly snoringHypnotist FranzHypnotist's imperativeHypnotist's wordHypnotizeHypnotizedHypnotized or anesthetizeHypnotized stateHypnotizesHypo meas.Hypo unitsHypochondriac?Hypocrisy in Lesson One doubly affectedHypocrisy of actors after change of directionHypocrisy to embrace as a gameHypocriteHypocrite begins meal, unpacked from casesHypocrite pitches right into greedy gutsHypocrite playing harp is extremely effeminateHypocriticalHypocritical as half-cut Reed supporting early-closing pub?Hypocritical dictator’s evil instrumentHypocritical speaker to cover least bad bookHypocritical talkHypocritical talk about administrative divisionHypocritical time with one's daughterHypocritically piousHypodermic units, for shoHypotenuse is closeHypothesisHypothesis about the origHypothesis that has no alternative for these peopleHypothesised issue for girl providing treacle?HypothesizeHypotheticalHypothetical animalHypothetical argument about skills with workerHypothetical fundamental Hypothetical particle recreated on yachtHypothetical physics partHypothetical proposition picked up blemishes lots made less ofHypothetical protein moleHypothetical remedy for all illsHypothetical solid figures whose surfaces correspond to mean sea levelHypothetical solution to sum never extremely diabolicalHypothetical wordsHypothetical, imaginaryHypotheticallyHypotheticalsHypothyroidism preventerHysteria areaHysteria curberHystericalHysterical carnivore?Hysterical hen of fableHysterically funnyHysterically funny sortHyundai alternativeHyundai modelHyundai or HondaHyundai sedan Clue Database Last Updated: 25/03/2025 12:00am