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Topic Replies Started by Last post
LONG SPAM MESSAGE 7 norah (admin) 18th January 2018, 10:05
» by norah (admin)
TWO MORE BIRDS 4 hannah 18th January 2018, 10:04
» by chrise
Listener 4485 97 meursault 17th January 2018, 15:53
» by orientfan
Sunday Crossword 4 sharper 17th January 2018, 13:31
» by sharper
Times 26934 2 rozbogs 17th January 2018, 12:42
» by rozbogs
i Cryptic 2166 3 diablos 17th January 2018, 11:43
» by diablos
Bump 2 chrisg 17th January 2018, 10:24
» by stevie gee
EV 1313 39 jigjag 17th January 2018, 10:09
» by stevie gee
DR Funday Tuesday 2 theresa 16th January 2018, 20:21
» by theresa
Country life cryptic 16 miasusanne 16th January 2018, 16:45
» by mamya
I cryptic 2163 6 alto 16th January 2018, 13:55
» by alto
Clueless 353 50 dorrien 16th January 2018, 12:38
» by chrise
Hot Pot Quiz. Trees and Woods. 14 polly dee 16th January 2018, 12:03
» by polly dee
rte 3 12 eibhlin 16th January 2018, 11:54
» by samuel
D.Ml Tuesday 2 garyg 16th January 2018, 10:56
» by garyg
I cryptic 12 thomas 16th January 2018, 10:49
» by alto
i Cryptic 2165 6 diablos 16th January 2018, 10:44
» by diablos
Misleading OCCUPATIONS 8 hannah 16th January 2018, 05:53
» by hannah
Drinks quiz - Blue Coat School 0 alwayspuzzled 15th January 2018, 18:15
» by alwayspuzzled
DM Monday 12 peg y don 15th January 2018, 17:47
» by chrise
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