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Wee Stinker 33 john 15th January 2018, 17:29
» by mildred
EV 1314 3 marca 15th January 2018, 15:12
» by sunray
composer or musician 7 shan 15th January 2018, 14:36
» by cerasus
Daily Telegraph 28,635 6 rocketman 15th January 2018, 14:31
» by cerasus
Ladygram 4 artist 15th January 2018, 14:29
» by rossim
i Cryptic 2164 6 diablos 15th January 2018, 14:28
» by cerasus
Yes 1 linda 15th January 2018, 14:17
» by rusty
LINKWORD 3 rays 15th January 2018, 13:37
» by rays
I crptic 2 thomas 15th January 2018, 11:22
» by thomas
Explanation needed 4 patch49 14th January 2018, 22:28
» by bill352
Answer to 1 Down please 14 arthur 14th January 2018, 21:08
» by rusty
NY Times Sunday Theme 5 gpb369 14th January 2018, 20:58
» by mamya
Agriword No 931 2 kate 14th January 2018, 19:37
» by malone
Cryptic 1304 6 lucyb7 14th January 2018, 19:36
» by malone
National trust clues 2 or 3 4 ann - bristol 14th January 2018, 19:34
» by malone
Daily record Saturday 3 jinty 14th January 2018, 19:33
» by malone
Shropshire Star Cryptic 13/1/2018 6 wynneaway 14th January 2018, 19:32
» by malone
guardian prize 27,405 34 leapy 14th January 2018, 19:28
» by cerasus
ST4781 4 hallgreening 14th January 2018, 19:28
» by malone
Times cryptic jumbo 1304 10 rina 14th January 2018, 19:26
» by malone
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