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everyman 3718 10 catcharmer 14th January 2018, 19:24
» by cerasus
Times Cryptic 26.934 3 rocketman 14th January 2018, 19:23
» by malone
Sat times 26934 5 moatrat 14th January 2018, 19:22
» by malone
Everyman 3718 10 peadar 14th January 2018, 19:21
» by malone
Sat Times 26934 24A 2 tonyb 14th January 2018, 19:19
» by malone
Sunday Express Skeleton Crossword 12 rocketman 14th January 2018, 19:18
» by malone
Sun Times 4781 4a 2 tgipaul2 14th January 2018, 19:17
» by malone
Viz 272-[PG advisory] 14 hallgreening 14th January 2018, 15:12
» by rbqc
PEER REVIEW 316 88 peterm 14th January 2018, 13:03
» by paul
sunday express skeleton cryptic 3 alanjames 14th January 2018, 11:32
» by malone
ST4781 3 anriard 14th January 2018, 10:47
» by malone
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1304 5 ericfromedinburgh 13th January 2018, 18:40
» by malone
Sat. Dm 2 bailey 13th January 2018, 14:56
» by bailey
HERALD GK 3 sengamur605 13th January 2018, 13:38
» by sengamur605
Herald Clootie January 8 2018 2 loverman 13th January 2018, 13:00
» by stevie gee
TLS 1208 3 bunty 13th January 2018, 12:47
» by mamya
SAT TIMES 26,934 2 hallgreening 13th January 2018, 12:46
» by hallgreening
Herald 14,798 (11/01/18) 3 timdownieuk 13th January 2018, 12:16
» by rossim
i Cryptic 2163 6 diablos 13th January 2018, 12:02
» by malone
Crossword centre January 1 patch49 13th January 2018, 11:54
» by patch49
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