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Topic Replies Started by Last post
i Cryptic 2160 5 diablos 10th January 2018, 10:55
» by diablos
2 cocktails 3 epsh42 10th January 2018, 10:20
» by malone
RT 3 2 doris 10th January 2018, 10:04
» by doris
RTE Guide no. 3 1 laurel 9th January 2018, 20:22
» by malone
funday Tuesday DR 3 theresa 9th January 2018, 19:38
» by malone
funday Tuesday DR 1 theresa 9th January 2018, 19:34
» by malone
DM Tuesday 3 peg y don 9th January 2018, 17:36
» by andyc
Herald Clootie 8/1/18 5 timdownieuk 9th January 2018, 17:25
» by skyewalker
A to Z 13 epsh42 9th January 2018, 17:19
» by chrise
cryptic 1302 6 cedric 9th January 2018, 17:05
» by malone
Eligible? 4 janstevenson 9th January 2018, 16:28
» by elle
funday Tuesday, daily record 6 beth 9th January 2018, 15:51
» by beth
A game? 1 janstevenson 9th January 2018, 15:43
» by cerasus
Times Cryptic 13032dn 1 doradoodle 9th January 2018, 14:00
» by malone
i Cryptic 2159 7 diablos 9th January 2018, 11:57
» by malone
D.Mail Tuesday 4 garyg 9th January 2018, 11:33
» by rusty
Famous People Quiz 5 tilly 9th January 2018, 09:01
» by tilly
Wee Stinker 17 john 9th January 2018, 00:34
» by neill
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1302 3 hereward 8th January 2018, 21:49
» by malone
Guardian Prize by Tramp 53 chrise 8th January 2018, 20:03
» by malone
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