Common Crossword Clues Starting with L
LL LL on a T?L overseerL x w x hL'L'Adriatique, par exempleL'Age ___L'eau lands?L'eggs competitorL'eggs productL'eggs shadeL'eggs waresL'Enfant Plaza designerL'Enfant ___, in WashingtL'Escargot caught up by Italian stallionL'homme over thereL'ocL'OpL'OrL'Oreal competitorL's meaning, sometimesL'___ de TriompheL'___ du Tour (annual cycL'___ Vogue, Italian fashL'___-deux-guerres (FrencL, e.g.: Abbr.L-1011 alternativeL-1011, e.g.L-P fillerL-shaped toolL-___ (Parkinson's treatmL-___ (treatment for parkL. Frank Baum princeL. L. Cool J's "In Too DeL. M. Montgomery book "AnL. Ron Hubbard genreL. Ron Hubbard's "___ DocL., B. or J.L.A. campusL.A. Clippers are in itL.A. clock settingL.A. gang memberL.A. hoursL.A. law figureL.A. settingL.A. sked abbr.L.A. Sports Arena teamL.A. suburb near Sherman L.A. summer settingL.A. team vehicle?L.A.'s area, for shortL.A.'s regionL.A.'s San ___ BayL.A.'s ___ MuseumL.A.'s ___ Tower, tallestL.A.-based music magazineL.A.-based petroleum gianL.A.-to-Butte directionL.A.-to-Jacksonville routL.A.-to-Jacksonville rte.L.A.P.D. callL.A.P.D. division?L.A.P.D. investigatorL.B.J. biographer Robert L.B.J. in-lawL.B.J. Library siteL.B.J. or R.M.N., onceL.B.J. son-in-lawL.B.J. son-in-law CharlesL.B.J.'s successorL.B.J.'s veepL.E.D. partL.I. zoneL.I.R.R. stopsL.P.G.A. player?L.P.G.A. supporter?L.S.A.T. part: Abbr.L.S.A.T. takersL.S.U. rival, informallyL/L Bean?La —, Milan opera houseLa Belle La Belle ___La Bohème composerLa Boheme characterLa Brea attractionLa Brea gooLa Brea goopLa Choy productLa CittLa donnaLa EspaLA gang member this evening reported threat to heroLa Gioconda, familiarlyLa Grande Jatte, e.g.La Guardia : LGA :: O'HarLa Guardia data: Abbr.La Guardia or LAXLa Guardia posting: Abbr.LA guys wanting English clothesLa Jolla's ___ Institute La la lead-inLa la starterLa lead-inLa MLa Marseillaise, perhapsLa Mediterranee, e.g.La mer, e.g.La mer, most disturbed here?La Palma, e.g.La Paz is its cap.La Paz's land: Abbr.La precederLa Rouge et la NoireLa saison d'___La Scala cheerLa Scala debut of 1887La Scala featuresLa Scala highlightLa Scala localeLa Scala music director bLa Scala offeringLa Scala productionsLa Scala soloLa Scala songLa Scala starLa Scala's cityLa Scala, e.g.La Seyne-sur-___La starterLA suburbLa Traviata composerLa ___La ___ (Chinese food branLa ___ (fossil-rich area)La ___ (Hollywood nicknamLa ___ (San Diego area)La ___ (weather worry)La ___ CaspienneLa ___ opera houseLa ___ tar pitsLa ___ vitaLa ___, BoliviaLa ___, Calif.La ___, capital of BuenosLa ___, home of the Salk La ___, Milan opera houseLa ___, port near Buenos La ___, QuebecLa-di-daLa-di-da pound shopLa-la lead-inLa-la precederLa-la starterLa-Z-Boy spotLa. neighborLa., e.g., from 1805 to 1La., e.g., onceLa.-to-Mich. dir.Lab animalLab assignment, maybeLab assistant?Lab blowup: Abbr.Lab bottleLab burnerLab burnersLab burners of oldLab cellsLab challengesLab chargeLab containerLab containersLab dish inventorLab eggsLab employeesLab equipmentLab field: Abbr.Lab garmentsLab gear wrong for this school subjectLab gelLab glassLab glasswareLab glassware itemLab glove materialLab heatersLab holder?Lab inspector?Lab instruction?Lab instructor?Lab itemLab itemsLab jobsLab maze runnerLab mediumLab monitor?Lab noise?Lab offering?Lab order?Lab personnelLab procedureLab protectorLab rage impaired academic studyLab reagentLab receptacleLab reportsLab runnerLab runnersLab service: Abbr.Lab shoutsLab sightsLab site: Abbr.Lab slide objects, oftenLab soundLab specimensLab stockLab subj.Lab subjectLab subjectsLab testLab test subjectsLab test takerLab too big for change? It has to come throughLab tubeLab tubesLab unitsLab verificationLab vesselLab wearLab workLab worker, perhapsLab workers may have themLab's ___ dishLabelLabel - children's gameLabel a hug that's contrived as ridiculousLabel again, as a computeLabel anewLabel as cold nothing that's hot!Label attached to a southern county: 'It's saucy!'Label badly written by copper is something you shouldn't pocketLabel certain notes “of uncertain authenticity”Label club the wrong wayLabel describing each book leaves containerLabel English item of furniture as attractive to buyersLabel for many a photoLabel from opening of stopwatch?Label G or PG, e.g.Label I ran represented a dancerLabel in a bibliophile's Label in a foreign-languaLabel in a Lauren WeisberLabel in new seed bedLabel in Saks and BloomieLabel infoLabel meal cooked in plasticLabel meat cooked for partners in the ringLabel Monster Munch packsLabel of Bing Crosby's "WLabel on a certain advertLabel on a street-corner Label on an amplifier knoLabel on many an advertisLabel on some sportswearLabel on the foreign item in furniture shop?Label outlining conclusion of anal pedantLabel put around each botanist’s initial collection of leavesLabel that's carrying name for dishLabel these clothes? That's not a job for Miss WorthingtonLabel whale starting from the rear flipper?Label with a name on itLabel written up, amended date issuedLabel’s strange with odd letters missingLabel, epic, rare, potentially uniqueLabel, strange, oddly ignoredLabel: approve it, we hearLabel; children's gameLaBelle or LuPoneLabelledLabelled each book stolen by cardinalLabelled with year? That's old-fashionedLabelling coming together about rightLabelsLabels men as fickleLabels; quotationsLaborLabor actionLabor activist ChavezLabor activist SilkwoodLabor class?Labor convenienceLabor Day and many other Labor day arrival?Labor Day's mo.Labor day?Labor Dept. armLabor Dept. divisionLabor Dept. sectionLabor Dept. watchdogLabor groupLabor grp.Labor grp. since 1900Labor grp. since 1935Labor leader ChLabor leader dropping offLabor leader GeorgeLabor leader I. W.Labor leader I. W. ___Labor leader JamesLabor leader Jimmy who myLabor leader of noteLabor leader's cryLabor org. since 1935Labor organizationLabor organizer's cryLabor organizer?Labor Party member, maybeLabor party?Labor saverLabor secretary under theLabor's partnerLabor's partner, in a garLabor-management arrangemLaboratory animals about to take bugLaboratory bottleLaboratory glasswareLaboratory itemLaboratory sessionsLaboratory taskLaboratory utensilLaboratory vesselLaboredLaborerLaborer of oldLaborer's suffixLaboriousLaborious effortLaborious routine in mill?Laboriously extract something captured in warLaboriously makeLaborites' preferred workLabors overLabourLabour camp for political prisonersLabour candidate finally producing fine materialLabour cell struggling ... with Labour?Labour challenger "hits women" – not trueLabour disputeLabour excluded from government training sessionLabour fails to suppress female PMLabour flagging striking victoryLabour henchman holds back prime ministerLabour in 2024? A lot are switchingLabour leader abandons reluctant pledgeLabour leader almost a Green inside? Well, I'll be blowed!Labour leader appears dishevelled in old clothesLabour leader fearing meltdown? Time for someone more right-wingLabour leader making a change, mostly wrong about everythingLabour leader wearing retro styles rarelyLabour leader's penetrating treacherous parting glanceLabour maintaining posh empty room causes unrestLabour member cryptically written as KPO?Labour minister, who once attacked political correctness, claims most of others exaggeratedLabour movement's endless reproach about Murdoch?Labour MP replacing Rishi initially - that's a reliefLabour MP, 4, reporting electronic checkLabour on retrospective cover-upLabour ousting leader leads to successionLabour Party clipped in the endLabour Party leader, 1980-83Labour PM, b. 1951Labour policy is something that won't be compromisedLabour prime minister, d. 1967Labour retains original manifesto, initially creating disquietLabour set up many electionsLabour shortly to follow this US-style party?Labour standard?Labour start to work in constituencyLabour stronghold supports left wingers quittingLabour strongman, he's stashed money raisedLabour target regenerating after cuts at the topLabour tax inherited propertyLabour to protect right country, one in 12 7Labour to secure source of meat - such as this?Labour unravels red flag, dismissing singular complaintLabour wants second rail serviceLabour wants to lose bankers with redistribution for capitalLabour with overture to opera: that chap joined the writer to deliver operaLabour’s forced here to trail behind grand upper classLabour's beast trashed May: "An abhorrent leader of idiots"Labour's bound to reveal the exploitation businessLabour's conclusion — government must call an election nowLabour's end pitchLabour's got a new catchphraseLabour's leader unseated in this?Labour's material electorate finally discardedLabour's result is cause for annual celebrationLabour, in EnglandLabouredLabourerLabourer against boarding shipsLabourer returning additional heroin is dispatchedLabourer wants beer with lemonade essentiallyLabourer’s van heading north, visibly emptyLabourer's assistant could be so deviousLabourersLabourers going around spotted toolsLabouring, create pool for beetlesLabrador food?Labrador hrs.Labrador retriever, for sLabrador retriever?Labrador, say, starts to gobble grub outside peacekeepers’ party?Labradors and YorkshiresLabuschagne finally cheered off - Poms annoyed, "That's a liberty!"LabyrinthLabyrinth here? Almost recognise one direction - help!Labyrinth localeLabyrinth partsLabyrinth siteLabyrinthineLabyrinthine mass of passagesLac contentsLaceLace (into)Lace bedLace collar; beardLace holeLace intoLace into rat involved in quarrelLace matLace partLace placeLace place matLace set in short knickers, like one hanging in thereLace shadeLace siteLace still vino, putting in tonsLace tipLace's endLaced upLaced waterproof bootLaced with alcohol; impaledLaceless shoesLacerateLaceration made by small whipLacerationsLacerations and things they can create?Lacerations found around most of vulgar waterproofsLaces (into)Laces intoLacey on "Cagney & Lacey"Lachesis and Clotho, in mLachrymalLachrymoseLackLack - wantLack coordination to go 100% 27?Lack directionLack enough foodLack equilibriumLack expression to be obviousLack forerunner of lengthy winter in New York?Lack job, love to go to the topLack of accuracyLack of action from saint the way things areLack of activity among rebellious division with no leaderLack of activity around one examLack of activity during trip oddly constrained by timeLack of adornmentLack of agreementLack of agreement in recessLack of any desire for luLack of any false prideLack of approval for shelterLack of assertivenessLack of awareness in church sheltering good girlLack of belief in time has dissipatedLack of biasLack of bias not established to perform exhumationLack of braveryLack of brightnessLack of careLack of care, making a burger's ultimate temperature hotLack of cautionLack of certainty, say, in the Conservative leader, waveringLack of clarity as court brought up sinister pointLack of colorLack of colourLack of comfortsLack of communicationLack of completion in building coalitionLack of concern involved us in cocaineLack of confidenceLack of consensusLack of consistency in crying out for reformLack of constraintsLack of convictionLack of courageLack of courtesyLack of difficultyLack of directionLack of discipline unless I run offLack of drive space with one unit regularlyLack of due careLack of due care and attentionLack of emotionLack of emotion or enthusiasmLack of energyLack of enthusiasmLack of enthusiasm for bookLack of enthusiasm for one heading off around trackLack of enthusiasm showing in an issue editor cancelledLack of enthusiasm, a disadvantage to shoppers?Lack of excellent treatmentLack of experienceLack of experience of top-class doctor in New YorkLack of experience perceived by audience to some extentLack of faith in so many leaders chasing articlesLack of feelingLack of finesseLack of foresight in my work leads to inadequate assessmentLack of foresight?Lack of get-up-and-goLack of gravityLack of guile one never has to prove in courtLack of guile or pretensionLack of guiltLack of harmony is very new in music for discoLack of initiativeLack of interestLack of interest in a course with happy endingLack of interest in proven nuisanceLack of interest in Rossini unnecessarily picked upLack of interest in things in generalLack of interest, in a way, on the fourth of JulyLack of interest, of course, that always stiflesLack of knowledgeLack of knowledge of good woman visiting fashionable churchLack of laxnessLack of mobility is first of troubles for Left in Spanish regionLack of moderationLack of movementLack of movement just north of Chiswick around oneLack of muscle on view when cold descendsLack of opennessLack of optimism partly affecting loo manufacturersLack of organisation?Lack of originalityLack of paid workLack of physical graceLack of pityLack of power? Indignation after Republican's sent packingLack of powerful Arab rulers, we hear, is not much good?Lack of practice, with son no longer in the grooveLack of precisionLack of principles said to obstruct friendshipLack of procedures for securing publicity at presentLack of professionalityLack of proportionLack of proprietyLack of quality in footwear messes with soles finallyLack of quality spoiled 10 pensLack of refinementLack of religious virtueLack of rest breaks when leaving - most curiousLack of restraintLack of secrecyLack of sense sets back European political groupLack of shelter as river pours turbulently insideLack of similarityLack of soil on ground, ultimatelyLack of solidarityLack of sophisticationLack of stabilityLack of starchLack of substance of English politicians' points acceptedLack of success oddly feasibleLack of sympathy for defective state of Old Testament?Lack of system in barristers sadly restricting opening of actionLack of talent excluding a privileged groupLack of talent not a feature of Lord'sLack of taste or styleLack of time following drinkLack of togethernessLack of Tory turn-out is excellentLack of transportation in South London?Lack of two principal characters ruining sceneLack of understanding displayed by sovereign or ancestorLack of varietyLack of variety cycling - correct? Let me think!Lack of verbal restraintLack of verve in Florida, given temperature along capeLack of vigorLack of vitalityLack of vitality very little to the fore in worshipLack of warmth in retiring old British peopleLack of warmth sees English Christian back in coatLack of water and bread keeps king tenseLack of what's neededLack of wisdom I test in statement of denialLack something to make one conspicuous?Lack stabilityLack support to carry gun aroundLack support to control children's gameLack sweet touch, having no heartLack tact in work, punching dull pain in the neckLack, brieflyLack, deficiencyLackadaisicalLackadaisical friends knocked back a little drinkLackadaisical responseLackawanna's partner in rLackedLacked, brieflyLackeyLackey - curly-haired dogLackey follows party in governmentLackey occasionally returns bearing cakeLackey of dodgy boss, mostly awfulLackey's hint for Spooner: 'I'm going'Lackeys without power or wealthLackeys' party kicking up a stormLackingLacking 19 1 across possibly, apropos the rise of first-rate ariaLacking a breakLacking a chargeLacking a coherent connectionLacking a dividing membraLacking a keyLacking a key, in musicLacking a logical sequenceLacking a mateLacking a middleLacking a musical keyLacking a musical qualityLacking a partnerLacking a posh girl's traditional education? It's not done!Lacking a pre-planned patternLacking a purposeLacking a sharp edgeLacking a signature, sayLacking a sponsorLacking a stopover, as a Lacking a surrounding colLacking accuracyLacking affection, despite everythingLacking all dignityLacking ambitionLacking an ear for musicLacking any appealLacking any breadth of viewLacking any creativityLacking any elementsLacking any guarantee of Lacking any interest or creativity - nepotist cadLacking any warmth or friendlinessLacking anywhere to go?Lacking attention to dutyLacking backupLacking bargaining power,Lacking bottle now, perhaps, like some capsulesLacking brightness, poet is sent upLacking brioLacking bumpsLacking capacity to be distinguishedLacking cash, dealer finally becomes agentLacking caution in endeavour — a shameLacking chivalryLacking colorLacking colourLacking comfortsLacking common senseLacking companionsLacking companyLacking competition, large organisation sat after workLacking confidenceLacking connection, wife apparently in a good moodLacking consistencyLacking convictionLacking courageLacking courtesyLacking couthLacking cover, relative introduces a bizarre ruleLacking cover, soldiers gathered in a groupLacking cover?Lacking date, one's rejected by Kelly and Irene heartlesslyLacking definition, not very fitLacking delicacy, time to be more passive?Lacking depthLacking detailsLacking determinationLacking direction, driver ultimately unable to deliver milkLacking direction, I am trapped in area? Not soLacking distinctive featuresLacking dollars, mostly gives inLacking due reverenceLacking Ecstasy, take glueLacking education, poor aunt meets violent thugLacking energyLacking energy after tango and twistLacking energy and listingLacking energy conclude article further onLacking energy, attractive girl produces weaponLacking energy, teach girl to danceLacking energy? That's a problem for a walkerLacking enthusiasmLacking enthusiasm or energyLacking experienceLacking experience, one's thrown out of everything and departsLacking expertiseLacking faith in GodLacking fatLacking feelingLacking feeling in end of toe, stillLacking flavorLacking flavourLacking flexibilityLacking focus regularly leads to failing gradeLacking forcefulnessLacking foresightLacking foresight - spendthriftLacking foresight?Lacking formLacking fragrance, rose should be moved away from front of houseLacking FrenchLacking fresh airLacking froufrouLacking fullness, as a voLacking fullness, as the Lacking function, bodyguard is possible cat-killerLacking generosityLacking good mannersLacking good tasteLacking gravity, that's plainLacking gravity?Lacking guile and disastrously two down hosting the FrenchLacking hairLacking head protection, though putting two and two together?Lacking heat, French dish almost postponedLacking home cover for certainLacking hope - ten odd pensLacking hope, Hamlet abandons boundaries when wearing frockLacking humour, though mostly funnyLacking imaginationLacking in aesthetic judgementLacking in assertivenessLacking in colourLacking in colour or vitalityLacking in confidence, not very bright Italian turned upLacking in courageLacking in discrimination and sensibilityLacking in energy, gloomy and weighed downLacking in excitementLacking in insightLacking in knowledgeLacking in lustLacking in name, inventor somehow gets patentLacking in powerLacking in schoolingLacking in scruplesLacking in strengthLacking in substanceLacking in tactLacking in varietyLacking independence those kids arranged places to work flexiblyLacking individualityLacking inflectionLacking informationLacking initiativeLacking inspiration, set out to annoyLacking intelligenceLacking interestLacking interest in nude man cavortingLacking introduction, fix conclusionLacking ironLacking its wool coat, asLacking justificationLacking knowledge (of)Lacking knowledge and abilityLacking lifeLacking lightLacking limbsLacking livelinessLacking lucreLacking lusterLacking mates, having day off that's tediously longLacking meat, eggs, dairyLacking meat, so to speakLacking melaninLacking melody? Close!Lacking mercy, like an incomplete Bible?Lacking moistureLacking money for fare from ScotlandLacking moral scruplesLacking muscleLacking nucleus, fermenting yeast is swellingLacking objectivityLacking one flatiron for bashing of one's forehead?Lacking oomphLacking order, we hear, for vegetableLacking organisationLacking originalityLacking packing? Not carried away we hearLacking pigmentLacking pizazzLacking plansLacking playLacking polish, like this second defLacking politeness, if innocuous — merely unsettlingLacking power (to do something)Lacking precise limitsLacking principlesLacking principles, upset mother before examLacking professional expertiseLacking profundityLacking prudence, unwiseLacking purposeLacking radiating appendaLacking refinementLacking refinement in lament that ignores Unknown Soldier?Lacking refinement, energy - in finish lostLacking regard for the feelings of othersLacking respect for the beliefs of othersLacking restraintLacking restraint as this solution regularly isLacking reverence for GodLacking rigid opinions, I am not offendedLacking scruplesLacking self-confidenceLacking self-restraint at home, happy to imbibe endless wineLacking sensationLacking senseLacking seriousnessLacking serviceabilityLacking shapeLacking significanceLacking skill inLacking skill is party game for childrenLacking skill or knowledgeLacking slackLacking social polishLacking some energy, regret entering capital river and lakeLacking sound reasoningLacking source of cash, chooses to make a comeback - boxers tend to do thisLacking source of education, looks up 'beehive'Lacking special apparel, knight is thrown out, not admiredLacking spiceLacking spirit - feebleLacking sponsorship, Charlie's dropped not firedLacking spring or curl, aLacking strengthLacking strength, reportedly, for seven daysLacking substanceLacking substance, accepting base trickeryLacking substance; narrowLacking subtletyLacking sufficient desireLacking sufficient oomphLacking sufficient staffLacking supportLacking support, like the Yard after a third cutLacking support, so to spLacking sympathyLacking taste or styleLacking the knackLacking the means to fight backLacking the resourcesLacking the sense one was born withLacking the skillLacking the spunkLacking thrillsLacking tin for biscuitsLacking toleranceLacking transparency?Lacking treesLacking valueLacking ventilationLacking vicissitudeLacking vigorLacking vision, managed in wrong way: dispute followsLacking vitalityLacking volumeLacking warmthLacking wide interests, ruins a learner sadlyLacking width and depthLacking width and depth, Lacking will to cross river with US highwayLacking will to reject place in fashionable gallery?Lacking will to remove bit of rubble from US highwayLacking will to use US highway, cutting out middle of journeyLacking will, hitch-hiker finally abandons US highwayLacking worldly experienceLacking wrinklesLacking written authentication?Lacking zipLacking, to LouisLacking, with "of"Lacking; below zeroLacking; outsideLackland, e.g.LacklusterLacklustre Eisteddfod winner retiredLacksLacks lifeLacks ready cooked sweet treatsLacks the wherewithalLacks, brieflyLacks, in briefLacks, quicklyLaconicLacoste of tennisLacoste of the courtsLacquerLacquer ingredientLacquer partLacquered metalwareLacrimal dropLacrimatorLaCrosse carmakerLacrosse contingentLacrosse quorumLacrosse teamLactates, e.g.Lacto-___Lacto-___ vegetarianLacto-___-vegetarianLacunaeLacy border seemingly good on bedLacy frillsLadLad accepting kiss with an indifferent sound?Lad at once shot based on casual accountsLad choosy about place of educationLad clipped by Floyd the Lad clutching top of designer groupLad collaring member for IOW townLad combining moves in display of agilityLad comes for punishment: he received suspended death sentenceLad from Liverpool, at first softly, a churner-out of musicLad from Winchester?Lad goes round Australia having plenty of drinksLad has invested almost everything in hairdressing shopLad hooligan knocked overLad I upset in storeLad in charge of soundLad initially is having speculation over hot girlLad is drunk after Savoy's first quit for another label (the mug!)Lad is struggling with song that has rapid succession of notesLad just penetrated by tip of weapon that's piercingLad keeping it working: are French workers to stay idle?Lad loses head after the opening of this!Lad ran goal excitedly, slowing to scoreLad rested uneasily holding front of precarious portable equipmentLad seen swimming with fishLad so nice, chump unfortunately lacking skillLad stows aboard Victory with time for quayside farewellLad taken aback about French article and other parts of speechLad tending horses - yeast blobLad that's served up hot foodLad tore ragged, stretchy costumeLad tunes out, having inhaled good hallucinogenLad underneath vehicle shows bottleLad very embarrassed to admit papa's promised moneyLad who drew a sword fromLad with eight shifts came to restLad with good accent as performerLad’s carrying a key for trunkLad's badgeLad's girlLad's loveLad's partnerLad's sweetheartLadd or AldaLadd or GreenspanLadderLadder company?Ladder dangerLadder lets one escape from dilapidated buildingLadder partLadder positioned vertically, build quicklyLadder rungLadder stepLadder stepsLadder to keep impeding one's escapeLadder with its step shortenedLadder, or short part of oneLaddieLaddie's lidLaddie's loveLaddie, in AustraliaLadenLadette cunningly keeps doctor engaged in controversyLadiesLadies and gentlemenLadies and gentlemen carrying father up and down over peak in America, spotted horseLadies and gentlemen of tLadies and gentlemen relaxed brieflyLadies and gents associated with city in a vague wayLadies and gents engage a new supporter to defend a barmanLadies and gents key to replace small coinsLadies and Gents south of Waterloo vacantLadies back adopting new jargonLadies briefly dancing in dreamLadies called her "the FaLadies do climax when holding nylon skirts!Ladies in fashion or modelsLadies in men's rooms?Ladies of LisbonLadies of Sp.Ladies of SpainLadies of Spain: Abbr.Ladies of the houseLadies of Versailles: AbbLadies or GentsLadies perhaps hide, forgoing second chanceLadies perhaps welcoming good company imageLadies possibly wanting occupation, I admittedLadies scantily dressed, Barbra Streisand's initials covering her topless pictureLadies sped off and caused annoyanceLadies under pressure at first in plantLadies unexpectedly went by boatLadies’ manLadies’ fingersLadies' drink?Ladies' fingersLadies' fingers and thumbs up Rihanna's clothesLadies' manLadies' man disheartened female authorLadies' man loafed about during gameLadies' man's old hospital round interrupts drinkLadies' man, Tramp, in jumperLadies' menLadies' or gents', e.g.Ladies' partnersLadies, perhaps it's time Stelios returned down southLadies, say, brought over 3 for convict in novelLadies, say, in a rush, not in a friendly wayLadies, staying on, visit New Zealand tourist attractionLadies: what one does there, having first taken off clothesLadleLadle cradleLadle disturbed red pipLadle, scoopLadled-out foodLadleful of unappetizing LadlesLadsLads expressing love over that woman offering poetic nameLads holding English pub up? Call for help!Lads use it, suffering lethargyLads went dancing in Slough and similar placesLads' partnersLadyLady abroadLady abroad: Abbr.Lady and the Tramp, e.g.Lady Anne's last antique restored in shoddy fashionLady bighornsLady Bird Johnson's givenLady Bird Johnson's middlLady briefly taking you for a Parisian in factLady Byng Trophy org.Lady Caroline beginning to draft a letterLady chapel localeLady Chatterley's LoverLady Chatterley's Lover, say, in some long grass, of course?Lady Day festivalLady de la maison: Abbr.Lady disheartened after writing in suitable terms?Lady excited northern singerLady expecting driving test bore the manoeuvringLady famous for piemakingLady first to encourage and tend other ranksLady first to encourage and tend soldiersLady for Don JuanLady Fortune, according to Spooner, is a weaklingLady foxLady friend in ItalyLady from his neighbouring land mostly going with Welshman, oddlyLady from IpanemaLady from Lisbon hears no evilLady from south of the boLady Gaga encases king in durable resinLady Gaga perhaps to look briefly after her DadLady getting round awkward snag puts on show againLady Godiva's habit was so unacceptableLady Godiva's possible cover for honeypot and purse?Lady Grantham drinking British beerLady guards breeding ground! Pardon?Lady Hamilton and othersLady Hamilton or Lady Thompson?Lady holding a dish to have with curry?Lady in "The Sun Also RisLady in Arthurian legendLady in pants cuddles friend in vivacious fashionLady in sports car is a flapperLady in waiting?Lady into bloomers back in underwear, contrary outfit embraced by different fellowLady Jane and ZaneLady Jane Grey's fateLady Jane ___Lady left out of legionLady Liberty garbLady LindyLady lobsterLady Macbeth's best line?Lady Macbeth's last wordsLady Macbeth's problemLady Macbeth, e.g.Lady Macbeth, for oneLady Macbeth, on occasionLady NancyLady not running freely sent in for surgeryLady of "Idylls of the KiLady of a 1918 hitLady of a 1932 songLady of a stuttering songLady of Arthurian romanceLady of BrazilLady of CoventryLady of disreputeLady of honorLady of la casaLady of la maison: Abbr.Lady of La ManchaLady of LammermoorLady of LeLady of LimaLady of LisbonLady of PortugalLady of rankLady of Sp.Lady of SpainLady of the HausLady of the knight?Lady of the LakeLady of the Lake?Lady of TroyLady Ogilvy perhaps drinking one's portLady on U.S. coinsLady peerLady Penelope's introduction is a bit richLady performing with trio in skilful wayLady R may suggest an isolated placeLady rabbi condemns empty wordsLady regularly feels restricted by heart problemLady scratching bottom attracted princeLady setter in trim condition picked upLady singer out to lunchLady singer, b. 1986Lady sins -- a home broken -- what's caused adultery?Lady starts to move about restlessly inside aeroplaneLady that is part of orchestraLady to pick up advert for skirtLady troubled about first bit of knitwear that's polyesterLady turned up naked in exotic showsLady wanting boy makes wishesLady who Alfred Tennyson asked to 'come into the garden'Lady who ran distribution for artist …Lady who will succeed?Lady whom Don Giovanni trLady with a boxLady with a titleLady with kids least set to ditch carLady with une aurLady without equal but with large shedLady ___Lady ___, first woman to Lady ___, Girl Guides fouLady’s outside, referring to musical instrumentLady's about to retire wasted old staffLady's addressLady's address?Lady's beauLady's chamberLady's escortLady's fingerLady's fingersLady's formal greeting reflectedLady's garmentLady's heavenly meal not coming with starterLady's keepsake to a soldLady's laid up? This should get her goingLady's loverLady's manLady's mate, in a Disney Lady's partnerLady's private roomLady's shoeLady's shoe dry on way into field, not in the middleLady's titleLady's undergarmentLady, e.g.Lady, mistress of grand house, cutting the chatLady, not totally square, wanting bit of adventureLady, one potentially a queen, we're toldLady, still unclothed, grabbed by first male turning upLady-in-waiting in "OthelLady-killerLady-killersLady’s applying much make-up with greater severity
Lady’s bedchamberLady’s year ruined - back in January, it would seem?Ladybird, for oneLadybug's preyLadybug, e.g.Ladybugs, e.g.LadyloveLaertes and OpheliaLaertes' T'sLaetrile sourceLafayette or OrleansLafayette's forcesLafayette's state?Laffit ___ Jr., thoroughbLagLag behindLag finally escaped lock-upLag having arrived behind schedule holds us backLag with a bituminous coveringLag, one put inside when students attend schoolLag, right in the backLagasse of the Food NetwoLagerLager and cider: you'll need an antidote for it!Lager available for vulnerable childLager better in a cocktail? It's too badLager brandLager brought round for tripLager drinking sot performing in piecesLager drunk after spirit, drinker's penultimate drinkLager girl?Lager holderLager lass and editor upended into coffeeLager sourcesLager top and fizzy cola served here?Lager, bitter and stoutLager, for exampleLager-swilling female somewhat regretted alcoholism, on reflectionLager/lemonade tippleLagerlLagers I ordered in north African portLaggardLaggard to strikeLaggard, informallyLaggedLaggingLagging behindlagoLago compositionLago contentsLago d'Orta localeLago feederLago fillerLagomorphic leapersLagoon areaLagoon encloserLagoon localeLagoon perimeterLagoon spread over wicket, hence embarrassing score
Lagoon surrounderLagoon's boundaryLagoons' surroundingsLagsLaGuardia and othersLaguna compositionLaguna Veneta bordererLah followersLah-di-___Lahore garbLahore's riverLahr co-star of 1939Lahr of "The Wizard of OzLahr who played the CowarLaid back about bad press for broadcastLaid back about English knight’s disclaimerLaid back contingent of Scots up in EdinburghLaid back, office siesta criticisedLaid bathroom flooringLaid before heart, spades accumulate points?Laid bets at a casinoLaid downLaid down the lawLaid eyes onLaid lowLaid odds (only evens) against increasesLaid offLaid off, as workersLaid on generouslyLaid on the floor and prepared to drinkLaid out a club, maybeLaid out with gaps, changes to lower case when written over maybe?Laid some tilesLaid to restLaid upLaid up in Caribbean island? It’s the passion fruit!Laid up in house with minor wound for dressing, relaxLaid up in old island stateLaid up, search the internet to secure a fantastic job, wonderful for 22Laid, as a bathroom floorLaid, as a floorLaid-backLaid-back attempt at humour with original approachLaid-back Corinthian's teammate?Laid-back court accepts English as a form of languageLaid-back fanLaid-back number note discussion about computer networkLaid-back qualityLaid-back sortLaid-back team leader joining party that should bring the house downLaid-back, personalitywisLaila who dances in and oLaine of jazzLairLair dug, excavation nearby startsLair; studyLaird can stand for chiefLaird fell into country road close to boozerLaird left, having an unhappy experienceLaird or thane?Laird's way to acquire county with riverLairsLaissez-faireLaissez-faire doctrineLaissez-faire type? Not sailor from African countryLaissez-___Lake - French motherLake activityLake along which I-90 runLake and river rose catastrophicallyLake at the foothills of Lake beside a port, time to get in!Lake boards U-turning to exploit water tableLake bordered by four staLake bordered by Malawi, Lake bordering four stateLake by Alps with Italian viewpointLake by that ancient French cityLake cabins, oftenLake catchLake Chapala's stateLake circled by element of shipping lineLake city in USA - really?Lake craftLake crosserLake discovered in game reserveLake District lake, the largest in EnglandLake District townLake emptied after Italian's head hidden in waterway for The MobLake encircled by a sheltered walkwayLake Erie city west of ClLake Erie feederLake Erie-to-Lake OntarioLake formed by glaciationLake former, perhapsLake Geneva feederLake Geneva spaLake house in Thanet occasionally abandonedLake I located in one capital city or anotherLake in Germany ridiculed - provided tiny amount of waterLake in Hyde ParkLake in northern IsraelLake in old colony, as Africans changed name to MalawiLake in Tanzania included in many a safariLake in the Lake District?Lake in winter, perhaps, child must avoidLake IndianLake IndiansLake inside game reserveLake is home to river fishLake island has bridge across, Patient A maintainingLake Kyoga localeLake lifeLake Michigan armLake Michigan explorer JeLake Michigan portLake Michigan port appealingly elegant in the pastLake name of two OlympicsLake named after an IndiaLake named for an Indian Lake near Jacobs FieldLake near Niagara FallsLake near river, oddly drainedLake next to Avon LakeLake north of MilanLake of "Hairspray"Lake of Caledonian highlands primarilyLake of Caledonian Highlands, primarilyLake of Emerson, Lake & PLake of Emerson, Lake andLake of Four Forest CantoLake of Geneva resortLake of rock's Emerson, LLake of the Four Forest CLake of the Ozarks feederLake of the Ozarks riverLake of TVLake Okeechobee's state: Lake on the California/NeLake on the edge of KazakLake once also largely surrounded by piece of landLake or pondLake rental, maybeLake some have negotiated coming westLake Superior attractionLake Superior has trees and American flowersLake Superior portLake supporting fish which may be close to the bottom?Lake Tahoe stateLake taken in by extremely eager strangerLake Tanganyika discovereLake that feeds Niagara FLake that feeds the TruckLake that is a source of Lake that is something to see on foot, going round a hotelLake that James Fenimore Lake that sounds spookyLake Thun's riverLake Titicaca's rangeLake to be tricky for yachtLake to merit studyLake touching four statesLake tribeLake Victoria circumnavigLake Volta localeLake Volta's countryLake Volta's localeLake where a bore recedesLake whose name means "biLake with a few houses is gracefulLake with classic ship moving slowlyLake with small peninsula is wider than it is deepLake Wobegon's locale: AbLake ___Lake ___ (Blue Nile sourcLake ___ Beach, N.Y.Lake ___ City, Ariz.Lake ___ College, in 16-ALake ___, created by HoovLake ___, discovery of LoLake ___, head of the BluLake ___, largest lake inLake ___, lowest point inLake ___, outlet of the MLake ___, reservoir on thLake ___, separating SwitLake ___, source of the MLake ___, south of LondonLake ___, Switzerland/FraLake ___, third-largest lLake’s gold reflection portrayed by TurnerLake’s troubled period: why it is losing water?Lake, pondLakefront home featureLaker ShaqLaker star ShaquilleLakers star LamarLakers' league (abbr.)Lakers' org.Lakeshore rental, perhapsLakeside parking provided for stars …Lakota speakerLallygaggedLallygagsLamLama, e.g.Lamarr of filmLamb : ewe :: ___ : mareLamb : sheep :: kid : ___Lamb aliasLamb and vegetable casserole - nirvanaLamb by another nameLamb Chop enlivener LewisLamb Chop's mentorLamb Chop-Orville double act from this pair's island?Lamb chops accompanierLamb done evenly — veg is burningLamb in trouble - ewe finally brought backLamb jointLamb ma'amLamb not found on a farmLamb or BaconLamb or Bacon pieceLamb or mutton dishLamb or mutton kebabLamb or veal chopLamb or veal chop from behind the neckLamb outputLamb pieceLamb piecesLamb productLamb productsLamb specialtyLamb starter taken from celebrity chefLamb’s progenitor is core to sacramentLamb's "Essays of ___"Lamb's aliasLamb's coatLamb's coverLamb's cryLamb's dadLamb's damLamb's fatherLamb's kinLamb's lamentLamb's lettuce - Dan's carolLamb's mamaLamb's meat made of buildLamb's momLamb's motherLamb's mumLamb's nomLamb's outputLamb's pen namelamb's placeLamb's pseudonymLamb's sobriquetLamb's soundLamb's tendency to get left in the middleLamb's utterance about keeping king's horseLamb, Bacon etc? Try in soups, then stews primarilyLamb, e.g.Lamb, for exampleLamb, say, is perhaps unfathomableLamb, say, understood encounter as statedLamb? Try it without salt, initiallyLambast – fault in meLambasteLambaste verballyLambaste, slangilyLambastesLambastingLambda followersLambert Airport codeLambert Airport locale: ALambert airport's home: ALambert occupies swell place to sleep in USALamborghini alternativeLambs bite lions? What's in their hearts?Lambs' kinLambs' lamentsLambs' mamasLambs' momsLambs' mothersLambs: Lat.LameLame actors this man dismissed from operasLame cattle put up on sale -- just 50%?Lame cooking with ordinary recipe, ultimately humdrum grubLame displays of light entertainmentLame ducksLame excuseLame excuse for missing hLame gaitLame inspector's guided by JackLame man rights wrongLame man's first goalLame runLamebrainLamebrain, in slangLamebrainedLamentLament about fate inside - plot for one missing green, green grass of home?Lament about surprisingly barren bushLament appearing in public, a mistakeLament awful, but entertaining head of governmentLament bringing up part of crossword, Serpent's fifthLament delay, netting a pound where fortune's soughtLament extinct bird in Scottish mountainLament for one buried in cathedralLament for one in cityLament for the deadLament funny Beano comic's central characterLament getting temperamental around NovemberLament having right leg trapped in vehicleLament having smashed last glassLament hit on head, calling in doctorLament life's end, and the end of masterly, welcoming supporterLament loudlyLament mistreatment of thorny devil, not six leftLament noisilyLament of Lady CapuletLament on a washed-up celLament one buried in BuryLament overthrow of energy networkLament returning unfinished crossword?Lament singular country expressed?Lament unknown by the Spanish, for exampleLament what willows do?Lament, part 2Lament, part 3Lament, part 4LamentableLamentationLamentationsLamentedLamented ignorant broadcast?Lamented the loss ofLamenter's questionLamenting corrupt orderLamenting cryLamenting perverse political stanceLamenting poemLamentsLaments about teachers not getting money - hypocrites!Laments day-old failsLaments hiding the day fighting stopped in conflictsLaments loudlyLaments on independence - look around outsideLaments the loss ofLaminate used for worktops - police workers supply itLaminated plasticLaminated safety glassLamont Library localeLamont ___, a k a The ShaLampLamp filament metalLamp fillerLamp fuelLamp is lit by holy person, one who praises God?Lamp localeLamp localesLamp oilLamp resident?Lamp siteLamp sitesLamp typeLamp-rubbing boy who thus summons a genieLampblackLampoonLampoon Saint ChristopherLampoon succeeded with British after pound out of depthLampoon; fireworkLampoonedLampoonsLampreyLamprey relativesLamprey ___LampreysLampreys, e.g.LampsLamps - daffodilsLampshade blemishLampshade shade, perhapslams, sayLAN systemLanaiLanai and Maui: Abbr.Lanai ladiesLanai neighborLanai servingLanai's countyLancashire cityLancashire football team mostly played very fastLancashire lass returns with seeds, oddly, for badgersLancashire seaside resortLancashire stewLancasterLancaster foeLancaster ground inherited from one’s forebearsLancaster questionably in the blood?Lancaster's illegitimate according to inheritanceLanceLance Armstrong at the front - he'd set about it to go firstLance Armstrong foundatioLance cpl.'s grp.Lance in lawLance of the benchLance on a benchLance on the benchLance ___ (U.S.M.C. rank)Lancelot and othersLancelot loverLancelot player in "CamelLancelot player, 1995Lancelot portrayer, 1967Lancelot's attireLancelot's sonLancer stabbedLancers leftLancesLanchester of filmLancia competitor, for shLandLand (on)Land - there's failure to include it within the borders of TurkeyLand a record catch nearly on returnLand above the RLand above the Rio GrandeLand across from GibraltaLand also at seaLand alternativeLand around the BrahmaputLand at a Spanish airportLand at an Italian airporLand at Orly?Land at the edge of waterLand away from townsLand ball at the back, stand to welcome AmericanLand before crossing islandLand beginning to erode in northern ChinaLand beside the seaLand between Can. and MexLand birdLand bordered by the CongLand bordered by the MekoLand bordering ancient LyLand bordering BhutanLand bordering Greece: AbLand bordering MesopotamiLand bordering northern coveLand bridgeLand bridge exists as shown, covering milesLand by crashing into seaLand called "Mizraim" in Land called Mizraim in thLand claimed from the sea in Belgium per capitaLand colonized by ancientLand conquered by ConquisLand conservationists initially ownedLand covered in Virginia creepersLand crumbling into seaLand cultivationLand cultivation hard on slopeLand cut off by waterLand design?Land developmentLand development?Land divided at the 38th Land documentLand down under?Land east of the Atl.Land east of the UralsLand failureLand famous for its lyricLand feeling depressedLand fish - one is thrown back, having been caughtLand fish, catching two, including first of skateLand fish, one that's out of this world?Land for a houseLand for each universityLand for grazingLand for grazing is beyond riverLand for growing cropsLand fowlLand from which Moses camLand grant, of a sortLand heavilyLand ho! Welcome to Australia, the source of many fresh startsLand hopperLand in a depressionLand in a foreign land?Land in a Gauguin landscaLand in a riverLand in a streamLand in ancient RomeLand in Asia, mainly, as occasional flierLand in base is becoming a slum?Land in C. S. Lewis's "ChLand in contact with water - this, after storm, mostly a pulpy messLand in country, European nationLand in European countryLand in excellent nick, note, after journey skywardLand in GenesisLand in gym before football gameLand in hospital — yuk!Land in l'AtlantiqueLand in l'ocLand in la merLand in le PacifiqueLand in RomeLand in S.A.Land in the Barbary WarsLand in the ColosseumLand in the saddle? That's Turpin's jobLand in the SeineLand in the ThamesLand in two piecesLand in un fleuveLand in un lacLand in waterLand in which men wear skLand invaded by Italy, 19Land is endlessly sacredLand it - airman flying with United Airlines, primarilyLand makes outlaw happy and he's reformedLand mapLand map partLand mass from the Atlantic to the UralsLand mass within has title deed redraftedLand matter disheartened revolutionaryLand measureLand measuresLand mine, e.g.Land north of Italian port, just about the most bleakLand north of LatviaLand not clayey?Land not cultivated in stages, we’re toldLand O Lakes productLand o' blarneyLand o' leprechaunsLand o' the IrishLand O'Lakes productLand of "20,000 Leagues ULand of 13,500+ islandsLand of 147 mill.Land of 300+ islandsLand of a billionLand of a Million ElephanLand of a particular typeLand of amoreLand of BlarneyLand of CanaanLand of elvesLand of EphesiansLand of EphesusLand of Esau's descendantLand of fairiesLand of fjordsLand of Hope … It’s inspired by Elgar’s last museLand of Hope?Land of KillarneyLand of King George TupouLand of kings Rama I to VLand of laughs?Land of LeonidasLand of leprechaunsLand of Lima and llamasLand of literatureLand of luxury makes Willy different in ageLand of Molly BloomLand of O'Kelly and O'KeeLand of one's birthLand of Opportunity?Land of PapLand of peace and simplicLand of photographyLand of poetryLand of Robert BurnsLand of sentimental verseLand of shamrocksLand of the Chosen peopleLand of the descendants oLand of the elandLand of the leprechaunsLand of the llamaLand of the Midnight SunLand of the pharaohsLand of the Rising SunLand of the Rising Sun holding AmericanLand of the so-called "TrLand of the Tigris and EuLand of TraleeLand of WahhabisLand of which Burns fondlLand office mapLand on a high plateauLand on a peninsulaLand on Palaeozoic formations in LA?Land on the Arabian PeninLand on the Bay of BiscayLand on the end of a peniLand on the Gulf of FinlaLand on the Med.Land on the MediterraneanLand on the Red SeaLand on the RubiconLand on the Sea of Azov: Land on the Strait of HorLand on the Yellow SeaLand once known as SerendLand once ruled by the HaLand one flying, over the radioLand one, punching HilaryLand or borough in Holland for SpoonerLand originally explored regularly in public transportLand owner's documentLand ownership seemed suspect with northern residentLand parcelLand punch smack in the middleLand roverLand Rover possibly carrying angry Turkish commander southLand seemed neglected around northLand seen in charming drawing?Land shared by Iraq and ILand soldier who's dropped, not straight, clutching uniformLand south of EgyptLand south of Hadrian's WLand south of JudahLand south of KashmirLand subjugated by 106-DoLand surrounded by waterLand surrounding area in Pacific seaportLand SW of Uru.Land that declared its inLand that won its indepenLand that's around 16% MuLand that's largely deserLand that's more than 90%Land that's mostly sandLand that's part of Shanghai, not separate on reflectionLand that's saluted in thLand to be developedLand to build a house onLand to which Cain fledLand turtleLand under a king or queenLand under Down Under: AbLand unitLand unitsLand used for cropsLand user of yoreLand visited by GulliverLand west of BritainLand west of Eng.Land west of NodLand west of the PacificLand west of TogoLand west of VietnamLand west of WalesLand what takes skill!Land where Moses diedLand where people break into songLand where the air is thiLand with a cavalry in EzLand with a queen in KingLand with a red dragon onLand with chinchillasLand with half of Mount ELand with inexperienced leader is OKLand with one on boardLand with recurrent wet seasonLand with short pointer pointing upLand without a lot of luggageLand workerLand ___ (bargain-hunt suLand's endLand's ground seemed to contain nitrogenLand's politician admitting slip before CongressLand, as a big oneLand, as a fishLand, eventuallyLand, in another landLand, in LyonLand, intending immediate departure?Land, not sea, I gatheredLand, safe ground for one shelled on the beach?Land-clearance methodLand-clearing deviceLand-locked east Asian countryLand-locked nationalLand-use regulatorsLand: uphill track into promontoryLandedLanded (on)Landed a haymakerLanded estateLanded estate in Spain and Latin AmericaLanded gentLanded gentleman bears right, then left, finding arboreal animalLanded manorLanded on island, in custody of Catholic queen's armyLanded outside Channel Islands according to legal requirementsLanded peasant in pre-191Landed propertiesLanded propertyLanded property this writer originally secured in valleyLanded, rolling over in fight, producing knifeLander at ArlandaLander at Ben GurionLander at Ben-GurionLander at J.F.K., onceLanders and othersLanders with adviceLandfall for Ponce de LeLandfill fillLandfill's emanationLandform at river mouthLandholder's female rival put up chargeLandholders who could be Belgians?LandingLanding areaLanding area with illuminationLanding craft: Abbr.Landing fieldLanding gearLanding ground needs helium for large computerLanding in urban area in Holland, according to SpoonerLanding info: Abbr.Landing localeLanding piersLanding placeLanding place for privateLanding place for SantaLanding place on a roofLanding place with fifty percent changing handsLanding placesLanding plane totally emptyLanding requires ability with feathersLanding siteLanding site of 4/1/45Landing stageLanding stage for cargoLanding stage needed to support artillery weaponLanding stage or quaysideLanding stage ripe for redevelopmentLanding stripLanding strip constructorLanding ___Landing-placeLanding-place is crucial, we hearLandingsLandlady hiding first part of takings in dress in rundown areaLandlady welcoming foreign lad holding tip of French stickLandlady's armyLandlocked African countrLandlocked Alpine principality, capital VaduzLandlocked AsianLandlocked Asian countryLandlocked Asian socialist countryLandlocked Balkan countryLandlocked central African country, capital N'DjamenaLandlocked country of south central AfricaLandlocked country with joint heads of state, the president of France and the bishop of UrgellLandlocked country, an Asian soviet before 1991, capital YerevanLandlocked desert country of northern central Africa, formerly a French colonyLandlocked EuropeanLandlocked European countryLandlocked European country, once known as White RussiaLandlocked landLandlocked land of 12 milLandlocked land of AfricaLandlocked Muslim landLandlocked South American countryLandlocked south-east Asian countryLandlocked southern African country, capital GaboroneLandlocked ___ SeaLandlordLandlord accommodates student composerLandlord boss’s pre-printed stationeryLandlord excluding old RepublicanLandlord following old writer's public correspondenceLandlord for publicity that is directed at resistanceLandlord has no right to come inLandlord home contents in B&B that might blow upLandlord in centre of Rugby won't fancy an empty placeLandlord in Cleese remakeLandlord of Lucy and RickLandlord or landladyLandlord paymentsLandlord to observe in secretLandlord's agentLandlord's checkLandlord's dueLandlord's due line out of home for new lease extensionLandlord's entitlementLandlord's incomeLandlord's needLandlord's paperworkLandlord's postLandlord's problem?Landlord's recordLandlord's sardonic next-day offer to deliver better times scrappedLandlord's scheduleLandlord's signLandlord's stewed tripe scoffed by approving soldiersLandlord's ultimatum?Landlord's woeLandlord, e.g.Landlord, one that's found in bedLandlord’s notice to quit perhaps?Landlords should be locked upLandlords' dueLandmark built for the 1889 Exposition UniverselleLandmark in Elvis PresleyLandmark in Trafalgar SquareLandmark in west, yet built for east originallyLandmark inaugurated 3/31Landmark made with blocksLandmark near the ArnoLandmark near the pyramidLandmark Newport mansion,Landmark on the Chicago sLandmark seen in Australian port after dockingLandmark shows one particular curveLandon from KansasLandon of politicsLandon who lost to F.D.R.Landon who ran for presidLandownerLandowner doesn't finish hideoutLandowner endlessly seen in retreatLandowner in den with dukeLandowner introducing married daughter was embarrassedLandowner involved in tactical air defenceLandowner makes den on top of DartmoorLandowner mostly shy about statusLandowner seen, hide daughterLandowner’s manner welcomed by lordLands a few blows in a deceptively promising periodLands around mansionsLands in bottom of hole, sayLands in Florida and Carolina say?Lands in protest at establishmentLands in the Persian GulfLands in waterLands on the Persian GulfLands' End competitorLands' End rivalLands, as a fishLandscapeLandscape feature of two hectaresLandscape featuresLandscape painter's private room with PCLandscaper gets aroused by erotic performersLandscaper's aidLandscaper's crewLandscaper's jobLandscaper's localeLandscaper's needLandscaper's projectLandscaper's rollLandscaper's supplyLandscaper's toolLandscapers' concernsLandscapers' toolsLandscapesLandscaping aidLandscaping plantsLandscaping screenLandscaping suppliesLandscaping toolLandscaping toolsLandslideLandslide election winnerLandslide victory gained by one in a Chanel ensembleLandslide ___ (impolite pLaneLane around Kent introduces rule for slow moverLane changer's dangerLane close to Kent bores drunk musicianLane co-worker at the DaiLane in a mallLane in HollywoodLane in MetropolisLane in the mainLane Kirkland of the AFL-Lane markingLane of "Superman"Lane of the Daily PlanetLane on BroadwayLane pain?Lane who played DetroitLane with linesLanford Wilson's "The ___Lang followerLang. unitLangdon's heart captured by desperate lamentLange island of the Malay archipelagoLangley outfitLangley, e.g.: Abbr.Langley, for one: Abbr.Langston Hughes poemLangston Hughes's "___ UnLangston Hughes, e.g.Langtry of the stageLanguageLanguage — almost all I wish to be translatedLanguage a winner, go for translationLanguage akin to KalaalliLanguage akin to TahitianLanguage akin to UrduLanguage akin to YupikLanguage along the MekongLanguage always supporting smart designer of software, sayLanguage as spoken in a particular placeLanguage assimilated by pupil in GordonstounLanguage authority MarioLanguage – bureaucratLanguage barrier initially faced by Poins after joke by Japanese-AmericanLanguage Beardsley uses occasionallyLanguage blooperLanguage branch containinLanguage brought about by hardest landingsLanguage chairman needs in managementLanguage closely related Language closely related to ThaiLanguage coming from artless earthlingsLanguage coming from Scorsese oddly ignoredLanguage commonly used between those whose native tongues are differentLanguage comprehended by Armenian or SerbianLanguage conversionLanguage course covering indefinite articleLanguage derived from HinLanguage descended from aLanguage employed by Sheraton guestLanguage endingLanguage establishing an audible bondLanguage expertLanguage expert leaving heather in part of ScotlandLanguage family includingLanguage family that inclLanguage fashionable — impudence intended to be humorousLanguage for 350 millionLanguage for the massesLanguage from cab - air’s nastyLanguage from computing: the first adopted by Turing?Language from party putting off both sidesLanguage from some personnel in GovernmentLanguage from which "amokLanguage from which "divaLanguage from which "galoLanguage from which "gumbLanguage from which "hashLanguage from which "juteLanguage from which "kayaLanguage from which "kiwiLanguage from which "lootLanguage from which "makoLanguage from which "MinnLanguage from which "NebrLanguage from which "pemmLanguage from which "safaLanguage from which "sky"Language from which "spunLanguage from which "thugLanguage from which lemonLanguage from which many Language game needs new beginningLanguage graduate given books by universityLanguage group containing 14 & 15 acrossLanguage group including Language group of southern AfricaLanguage group that incluLanguage group that includes SwahiliLanguage guess (not first time)Language in extremely old church converted into AmericanLanguage in France established by craftsmen and labourers, originallyLanguage in Jaipur, Dutch!Language in LahoreLanguage in New DelhiLanguage in old city said to be enoughLanguage in poetry extract reduced successLanguage in RawalpindiLanguage in school? It's discordantLanguage in the Dead Sea Language in which "k" andLanguage in which "kemosaLanguage in which pluralsLanguage invented by a Pole in 1887 - no repeatsLanguage invented by LL ZamenhofLanguage inverting rules about greeting with personal pronounLanguage known to native Language lawyers use when winds burst into shelter!Language learner, I note, wanting to travelLanguage left Jones the architect guttedLanguage lesson is needed, primarily, before travelLanguage linked to the Y2Language manglerLanguage maven PartridgeLanguage models love (needless) bracketsLanguage most extreme characters used in Westminster?Language name suffixLanguage named for a mathLanguage natural to native speakersLanguage needing clarification - plain English!Language of 350 millionLanguage of 366 millionLanguage of 380 millionLanguage of 800+ millionLanguage of African masseur as he periodically reflectsLanguage of ancient CarthLanguage of ancient RomeLanguage of associate academician and writerLanguage of BurnsLanguage of Cape TownLanguage of Castro bore translatingLanguage of central MexicLanguage of certain groupsLanguage of DelhiLanguage of East AfricaLanguage of EgyptLanguage of email service without vowelsLanguage of extreme characters in SW1Language of girl initially harshLanguage of girl, hard to followLanguage of IndiaLanguage of India with a Language of IndochinaLanguage of Inland Revenue is hardLanguage of IranLanguage of IraqLanguage of IslamabadLanguage of KathmanduLanguage of KenyaLanguage of Kenya: Abbr.Language of Kuala LumpurLanguage of LahoreLanguage of LibyaLanguage of Literature NoLanguage of Maria, excited to be hugged by BillLanguage of medicLanguage of MexicoLanguage of modern RomeLanguage of nameless politician gets close to berserkLanguage of New ZealandLanguage of NW FranceLanguage of old volume, one with strapLanguage of PakistanLanguage of paper supporting sarcastic fellow leaving PunchLanguage of Pythagoras?Language of south IndiaLanguage of southern India and Sri LankaLanguage of Sri LankaLanguage of SW FranceLanguage of SyriaLanguage of TashkentLanguage of terrible boaster carrying zero creditLanguage of the 1983 filmLanguage of the British ILanguage of the EddasLanguage of the HindustanLanguage of the KoranLanguage of the OmahasLanguage of WalesLanguage of West AfricaLanguage OK for Willi and VirginiaLanguage old lady uttered puts off daughterLanguage once known as CaLanguage once spoken in Bergen or SenjaLanguage once used in school at Inverness?Language operates poorly without nounLanguage organLanguage produced by traveller bathing in a quantity of water?Language produced when fringes of party ignoredLanguage quintet comprisiLanguage quirkLanguage related to FinniLanguage related to MalayLanguage related to UrduLanguage related to WinneLanguage related to XhosaLanguage retained by church in difficultyLanguage saying one thing but implying the oppositeLanguage so wantonly awful hussar is left incensed at frontLanguage sound unitLanguage sounding like Polish?Language spoken by a Cockney’s wife?Language spoken by JesusLanguage spoken by Sitting Bull and his Dakota peopleLanguage spoken in Assam,Language spoken in DingwaLanguage spoken in Scotland, Ireland or the Isle of ManLanguage spoken in StornoLanguage spoken in TashkeLanguage spoken in the western part of India - I rate jugLanguage spoken in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Russia by the world's largest ethnic group without its own countryLanguage spoken on PandorLanguage spoken on the other side of the world is music to Eliza's earsLanguage study topicLanguage suffixLanguage teacher finally coming in naked?Language teacher has again impressed beginnersLanguage teacher welcomed by greeting from Oz?Language test went up by a pennyLanguage that contains noLanguage that gave us "kaLanguage that gave us "kiLanguage that gave us "paLanguage that gave us theLanguage that reads the sLanguage that treats "dz"Language that's somewhat lyrical (in gobbledygook)Language that’s popular remains in Chinese dynasty and IndiaLanguage the French can put togetherLanguage traditional in Government, to some extentLanguage unit's invitation to get in touch?Language unitsLanguage used by French philosopher is out of lineLanguage used by inhabitant on GuernseyLanguage used by Lord Jim occasionally when going the wrong wayLanguage used by neighbour dubiousLanguage used by people in Pennsylvania has a continuous trilling sound they sayLanguage used by rajah in DidwanaLanguage used by violent youth ultimately on main roadLanguage used by writer's expressiveLanguage used effectively to please or persuadeLanguage used in Djibouti? Yes and noLanguage used in Nairobi boulevards?Language used in skirmish in Didwana?Language used in Yemen to get a coffeeLanguage using few words needs no introductionLanguage very lacking in poetryLanguage whose alphabet sLanguage widely used in East AfricaLanguage widely used in South Africa - has oxLanguage with 44 consonanLanguage with mostly monoLanguage with no known reLanguage with no word forLanguage without appeal draws in two kingsLanguage writer PartridgeLanguage written in PersiLanguage written with no Language, probably Turkish, in extreme instances acceptableLanguage, source of ‘khaki’ and ‘purdah’Language; jargonLanguage; organLanguage? Set it up in computer networkLanguagesLanguages once spoken and not used — only internallyLanguages such as Hebrew, including old study of signsLanguidLanguid and ineffectualLanguishLanguish on allotment, learn to start fireLanguish, flagLanguishedLanguishesLanguishes in confinementLanguishes in the lockupLanguorLanguor shown as female setter ruined duetLanky drunk crossing hotel? That’s unlikelyLanky guy at first catching fishLanky schoolfriends as a group play regularlyLanky, like a group of criminals might you say?Lansing-to-Detroit dir.Lansing-to-Flint dir.Lantern fuelLantern's opening by ten gets wetLantern-jawed celebLanthan- suffixLantz of the 1960s-'70s NLao-Tzu's "way"Lao-tzu's "___ Te Ching"Lao-tzu's wayLao-___Laon's departmentLaos in rebellion too?Laos's localeLaos's ___ PrabangLaotian language groupLaotian moneyLaotians, e.g.Lap - beat hollowLap againLap dancing in a ring? That's foremost way to get fitLap dogLap dog, for shortLap dog, informallyLap dog, maybeLap dogsLap paceLap path, perhapsLap yapperLap, maybeLapdog or mongrel that scores several pointsLapdogs from MexicoLapel adornmentLapel insertLapel item, sometimesLapel labelLapidarist's weight unitLapidary, at timesLapis lazuliLapland peninsulaLaplanderLaplander, e.g.Laplander, maybeLapp cut stats about unknown secret publishingLapps tear apart this fruitLapseLapse before church and afterLapse of memoryLapse, not bad for sailorLapsedLaptop feature, for shortLaptop keyLaptop readoutLaptop tested aboard the LapwingLapwing - ie weptLapwing loses it, twisting to give cryLapwing regularly dropped bristly growth on grassLara Croft initially backflips with weapons and sirensLara's son, in DC ComicsLaramie's state: Abbr.LarboardLarcenist's devious instrumentsLarcenyLarchLarches, e.g.LardLard costing nothing? Is this the healthy version?Lard dealLard holderLard sourceLarderLarder with unknown levelLaredo or Nuevo LaredoLaredo-to-Fort Worth dir.Laredo-to-Galveston dir.Lares and penatesLargeLarge 'astral' cast might be …Large - universalLarge - with full coating - like some nuts?Large 3 fellow in upset, one hostile to 4Large accounts?Large adhesive label covers disciplinarianLarge adjustable spannerLarge advertLarge advertisementLarge African antelopeLarge African antelope with long straight hornsLarge African black-and-white stork - rub a moaLarge African deer with short spiral hornsLarge African expanseLarge African mammalLarge African mammal, in shortLarge aggressive amphibianLarge altercation brewing - it's in the windLarge American smoked meat sausageLarge American vultureLarge amountLarge amount brought back by very good shooterLarge amount of clubs needing creative work packLarge amount of dope found on head of missionLarge amount of drink - reduced concern - one’s driven wildlyLarge amount of earth is turned over in area contaminated with uraniumLarge amount of fudge?Large amount of juice?Large amount of moneyLarge amount of stewLarge amount of water studied, we hear, hit the roof?Large amount on a pension, perhaps, worked hardLarge amount put on paper in set periodLarge amountsLarge amounts of corporal punishment!Large amounts of water in damaged canoesLarge amphibianLarge amphibian with a deep voiceLarge amphibious reptileLarge and advanced alien going over? Duck!Large and brightly coloured handkerchiefLarge and clumsyLarge and different rocks brought by glacial actionLarge and heavyLarge and heavy-lookingLarge and important churchLarge and lively partyLarge and one supposes, slightly shorter overallsLarge and petiteLarge and showy Central and South American parrotLarge and showy Latin American parrotLarge and strongLarge and ungainlyLarge and unwieldyLarge Andean lakeLarge animalLarge animal - objectionable personLarge animal in New York cityLarge animal wanting endless spaceLarge animal, in shortLarge antelopeLarge antelope eating plant is in volcanic territoryLarge antelope from eastern countryLarge antelope’s death outside US cityLarge antelopesLarge apeLarge aquatic birdLarge aquatic mammal - sea cowLarge arboreal lizardLarge archipelago, large plantLarge Arctic deerLarge area of grasslandLarge area of landLarge area of land or what might be seen on itLarge area of treesLarge area of woodlandLarge area with national borders, essentiallyLarge area, no doubt — maybe Asia, some suggest initiallyLarge arm muscleLarge army unitLarge arteryLarge Asian beast domesticated for use as a draft animalLarge Asian fishLarge asteroidLarge asteroid sequence broadcastLarge – and woolly?Large baboonLarge bagLarge bag containing real dancing bearLarge bag made of hessian, for exampleLarge bag; dismissLarge bagsLarge baleen whaleLarge band playing classical musicLarge bar code, lines blurredLarge barrelLarge barrelsLarge basketLarge basketsLarge bayLarge baysLarge bear from the bamboo forests of China and TibetLarge beast with horn I shotLarge bedLarge bed ordered? Capital!Large beer mugLarge beer or wine caskLarge beers toff unwrapped during American garden eventLarge beetle — such regularly chased by Egyptian, sayLarge beetle destructive of vegetation - frock cacheLarge bell or half of a drum?Large bell soundLarge bell's soundLarge billLarge bill, slangilyLarge bills, informallyLarge birdLarge bird cageLarge bird eaten by hunting hounds?Large bird found in mountainous parts of the northern hemisphereLarge bird of fableLarge bird of preyLarge bird of the AndesLarge bird of the crow familyLarge bird once seen among Jerusalem OaksLarge bird sadly swallows pet rookLarge bird with a loud scLarge bird with a sweet tail cutLarge birds of preyLarge bitter drunk by head of Indigo BooksLarge bivalveLarge black birdLarge black birdsLarge black diving duckLarge black dots in eyesLarge black-and-white herbivorous mammalLarge blade with phoney coating's a crackerLarge block of stoneLarge blood vesselLarge blood vessel found in zebra or tapirLarge bloodsucking insectLarge blunt needleLarge boaLarge boatLarge boat: vessel extending across a riverLarge bodies of waterLarge body found at otherwise endless wild partyLarge body in Washington,Large body Jellicoe ultimately found among poinsettia?Large body needs serene old hatLarge body of French turned up, collapsed in laughterLarge body of troopsLarge body of waterLarge body of water abroad Alan found in different areasLarge body to go comfortably round, being out of shapeLarge boiling potLarge bony areaLarge bony frameLarge bookLarge books finally deter unworthy intoleranceLarge boreLarge bottleLarge bottle enclosed in wickerworkLarge bottle tramp wrapped with much paperLarge bound bundleLarge bowlLarge bowl for holding drLarge box used for storageLarge bra featureLarge bra served up in purpleLarge brass instrumentLarge bread rollLarge bright meteorLarge British territory briefly recalledLarge broad bayLarge broad bay - middle part of a slack ropeLarge broad-bladed weaponLarge brown algaeLarge brown seabirdLarge brown seaweedLarge buildingLarge building greatly revered, though not outstandingLarge building with staff and soldiersLarge built up areaLarge bulrushLarge bunches of bananas over usLarge bundleLarge bundle of notes perhaps paid to release suspect broadcastLarge buntingLarge but indefinite numberLarge cab carrying 500 eastLarge cabinetLarge cactusLarge calibre gunLarge candlestickLarge car minus oil — engine's head crackedLarge carrying bagLarge cars equipped with one metre gaugesLarge carvings [Ford]Large case of alcohol causing deathLarge caskLarge catLarge cat with black stripesLarge catsLarge cattle farmLarge caveLarge ceremonial dinnerLarge chainLarge chamber groupLarge chest-beating apeLarge choral workLarge churchLarge church buildingLarge circle adopting northern gameLarge citrus fruitLarge city in IllinoisLarge city is withdrawing source of powerLarge cloud (of insects)Large coarse fernLarge coffee holderLarge coffee makerLarge cola ordered in neighbourhood pubLarge commercial enterprises, collectivelyLarge commercial organisations collectivelyLarge committee admitted to small receptionLarge common seabirdLarge commune of Rome at the mouth of the TiberLarge companyLarge computerLarge constellation - sign of the zodiacLarge containerLarge container for dumping wasteLarge container for serving drinkLarge container of brass?Large container; taxLarge containers for milkLarge continentLarge conurbationLarge conurbationsLarge cooking potLarge cooking pot used by soldiersLarge copierLarge copy, mostly one for regular readers?Large corporationLarge corporation; rockLarge countryLarge country houseLarge country house which may be open to visitorsLarge country residenceLarge country's leading feature?Large cowboy headwear itemLarge craft conveying capersLarge crateLarge creature on stone in sea at CalaisLarge creature to return carrying? Cry audiblyLarge crested lizardLarge crested pheasantLarge crested pheasant - lop a fewLarge crockLarge crocodilianLarge crossword needed for journey in this?Large crowLarge crowd up for exciting tournamentLarge crustaceanLarge cup sizes associated with lingerie item for womanLarge cups full of spirit for Hoskins?Large cushionLarge cushion filled with foam or granules for sitting onLarge cushion for sitting on; child's playthingLarge cushions started to go in the middle - a lot!Large dangerous fireLarge dark enclosed spaceLarge dark low cloudLarge decksLarge decorative printed pictureLarge deerLarge deer identified by the Spanish kingLarge deer-hunting group?Large deposit returned in classLarge destructive fireLarge diamonds missing from a wedding ring after repairsLarge dinosaurLarge dishLarge dish; horseLarge distance? Largish yet possibly achievable!Large diver wants Spooner's Milky BarLarge diving birdLarge dock arranged private security measureLarge dog (2 wds.)Large dog destroying tea gardenLarge dog walks in regularly with terriersLarge dog, good during journey homeLarge dong one's confused with a "far out" snoutLarge dragonflyLarge draughtLarge draught of drinkLarge dress must be altered, no matter whatLarge dried grapeLarge drink a chap gets columnist who goes both ways?Large drink bottles fail to balanceLarge drinking bowlLarge drop drunk by that guy, one capital portLarge duckLarge duck wanting day in den on riverLarge duck with bill for storing of milkLarge duke suddenly starts confining guardsLarge dung beetlesLarge eagle dropping left, beyond in descentLarge ears reshaped — such treatment as benefits lookerLarge ears reshaped in surgical beamLarge ecological communityLarge edible flatfishLarge edible marine gastropodLarge edible mushroomsLarge edible plant of the parsley family - a gloveLarge edit required to change written markLarge elaborate mealLarge empty sphere over Easter regularly eatenLarge estateLarge ethnic group from eastern South AfricaLarge ethnic group of eastern South AfricaLarge European food fishLarge evergreen tropical tree - darn it, Ma!Large expanse of seaLarge expanse of waterLarge falconLarge farmLarge farm animal nearly joins donkey tripping over through ha-haLarge featherLarge felineLarge female wearing short coat, one exposed seam that’s cutLarge field of dirt?Large fighting forceLarge figures of business deficit - I closedLarge firm's constant, terribly poor quotaLarge fishLarge fish seen in Gibraltar pondLarge fish with tail spineLarge fish, maybe, to a fLarge fish-eating birdLarge fish-eating bird of preyLarge fishing hookLarge fishing netsLarge flag inside hotel the colour of mudLarge flat fish with venomous tail spinesLarge flatfishLarge flatfish prized as foodLarge fleetLarge fleet of planesLarge flightless birdLarge flightless birdsLarge flow of liquidLarge following abandoning central pubLarge food fishLarge food tunasLarge formal eventLarge French country houseLarge French islandLarge French resort visited by European relativeLarge fruitLarge fruit batLarge fruit left out before day went pastLarge furniture maker knocks up large quantities, probablyLarge furniture shop's popular very quicklyLarge furniture vanLarge furry rodentLarge gallery artworkLarge gatheringLarge gathering of peopleLarge gathering of people with something in commonLarge gem in the SmithsonLarge gent tore off glassesLarge German dirigibleLarge German or Austrian sausageLarge German sausageLarge glassLarge gobletLarge gooseLarge gourdLarge grassland areaLarge Greek with large sonLarge green mothLarge green vegetableLarge grey cloudLarge grey rain cloudLarge groupLarge group boasted, English put offLarge group equipped with members, might you say?Large group in a 23-AcrosLarge group of fishLarge group of islandsLarge group of jazz musiciansLarge group of peopleLarge group out to lunch, starter unavailableLarge group's brief that sets out courseLarge groupingLarge gullyLarge hairy spiderLarge half-open building is a feature of gardenLarge hallLarge handkerchief or neckerchiefLarge hard sweetLarge hat with dark brow lacking coveringLarge having consumed seconds: restrict dietLarge hawk-like bird of preyLarge heavily built seabird with a long stout billLarge heavy knifeLarge heavy ropeLarge heavy toolLarge herbivoreLarge herbivorous animal native to India, Nepal, Myanmar, Borneo and SumatraLarge highly coloured butterflyLarge hill finally converted to small oneLarge hole right below chestLarge hoofed animal with a very thick skinLarge horn from Bath areaLarge horse-drawn vehicle used to carry passengers and mailLarge hot spotLarge houseLarge house with good open area of landLarge housing project in European countryLarge hovering insectLarge hunted animalsLarge ideogram represented former PMLarge imposing houseLarge in scaleLarge income, more expensive wine, extra tuitionLarge indefinite numberLarge indefinite quantityLarge individual, Edward VII acquiring name as thisLarge inflatable nipple burst by the German comicLarge inland seaLarge inlet of the North Atlantic between Virginia and MarylandLarge insectLarge insect found behind motherLarge insect runs inside on the groundLarge insertion in tool shaftLarge institute with faculty debtLarge instrumentLarge international fairLarge intestineLarge inward flowLarge iron hookLarge iron stoveLarge island part of Canada's most easterly provinceLarge Italian male, agileLarge Japanese dogLarge Japanese noodlesLarge jazz groupLarge jugLarge jug sheep found by riverLarge jugsLarge jugs not primarily required for flingsLarge juicy fruit, hybrid between a tangerine and a grapefruitLarge kingdomLarge kingfisherLarge knifeLarge knife and tear gas confines the unrulyLarge knivesLarge ladleLarge lady's eating last of cake, a little downLarge lake bordering on Peru and BoliviaLarge land massLarge leaf taken from soil often flipped overLarge leathery brown seaweedLarge lemurLarge liquid expanse of hydrogen discharged from small African treeLarge lively partyLarge liver OK cooked, but too muchLarge lizardLarge lizardsLarge loadLarge long-horned African antelopeLarge long-legged birdLarge luggage boxLarge lumpLarge luxurious carLarge macaroniLarge main roadLarge male elephantLarge mammalLarge mammal is healthy when putting on weightLarge mammal, for shortLarge mammal, in shortLarge manned artificial satelliteLarge mansionLarge mansionsLarge mapleLarge marbleLarge marine bivalvesLarge marine bristle wormLarge marine creatureLarge marine herbivoreLarge marine mammalLarge marine mammalsLarge marine reptileLarge marsupialLarge massLarge mass of party rejected number of votes castLarge mass or shapeLarge Mediterranean islandLarge metal beamLarge metal gongLarge metal milk canLarge metal potLarge milk canLarge milk containerLarge miner's tatty loaferLarge Miro sabotaged: complicated procedureLarge monkeyLarge monkeysLarge monster seen in Scotland, reportedlyLarge mothLarge motorboatLarge mound of dried grassLarge musical compositionLarge mythical birdsLarge N Atlantic islandLarge nailLarge native flounders nearly new from eastern MedLarge naval shipLarge naval vesselsLarge net used for fishingLarge niche designed for thing growing among stones, sayLarge noisy partyLarge nonvenomous snakeLarge North American deerLarge northern deerLarge noseLarge nudist dancing removes article - and gets put outLarge numberLarge number briefly repulsed, noteLarge number Hun eliminated, inspiring a terrorLarge number ignoring European aboard spacecraft? On the contrary, it gives a sort of a kickLarge number in the Moroccan property I ownLarge number of skinned cats next to factoryLarge number or varietyLarge number recalled reportedly sharp fantasy authorLarge number suffixLarge number, hundred, abandoning vesselLarge numbersLarge numbers of people or thingsLarge numbers returned in aircraftLarge oceanLarge oceanic sport fishLarge old ship that's broad and slowLarge one, wife gives incomprehensible speechLarge open car with folding topLarge open containerLarge open spaceLarge openingsLarge or small, grammaticLarge order of morning drLarge organLarge organ broke? Not quiteLarge organ of the abdomenLarge organism with a trunk and headLarge oval tropical fruitLarge oven left among relativesLarge pachydermLarge Pacific island groupLarge pad for presentationsLarge paper pad on a stand used for making presentationsLarge parrotLarge parrotsLarge part of a waiter's Large part of a world atlLarge part of Canada that may accommodate European countryLarge parts I flipping look at lustilyLarge party beat up bouncer dispatched by clubLarge party of press men introduced to social gatheringLarge passenger shipLarge payment for the painful outcome of a collision?Large pearLarge pebbleLarge peppermint sweetLarge percussion instrumentLarge permanently frozen area, for example at the polesLarge person bringing home bacon for schoolboy?Large pheasantsLarge pianoLarge piece of infrastructure, clean, mostly constructed from the rearLarge piece of meat concealed around northern lodgeLarge piece of oven-cooked meatLarge pieces of cabbage?Large piglike animalLarge pipesLarge pitcherLarge place is useful at first, area for redevelopmentLarge place of worshipLarge place where elks gaLarge planeLarge plane happy to circle Californian airportLarge planes have twoLarge plant announced a radical slimming downLarge plant finishes off reactor to allow extra productionLarge plant leaves whispered in concordLarge plant obscuring both sides of roadLarge plant seabird observed crossing sandbankLarge ploverLarge plugs seen and disregardedLarge pointed toothLarge pole's covered in leadLarge pondLarge pond; pigmentLarge port is chargedLarge port? That'll get you loaded!Large pot for making teaLarge powerful dogLarge prawnsLarge predatorLarge predatory fishLarge prehistoric stoneLarge primateLarge propertyLarge public transport vehicleLarge quadrupedLarge quantitiesLarge quantities of laughLarge quantities of paperLarge quantityLarge quantity of reading matterLarge quantity of water taken by female shavingLarge quantity of writingLarge queue turning up to receive tons of basic foodstuffLarge quiet pile with desirable parkingLarge ranch in Latin AmericaLarge rayLarge real estate purchasLarge reception roomLarge recessLarge red fruit - I'm apricot, luvLarge red hog with droopiLarge reference bookLarge reference workLarge religious service I have joinedLarge reptileLarge residenceLarge residential buildingLarge retail outletsLarge retail storeLarge river mouthLarge rockLarge rock formerly down under 26Large rodentLarge rodent, hard to handle, not keeping up like pigLarge Roman buildingLarge roomLarge room containing aged bagLarge room for drinking ale, typical of MunichLarge room serving brewed drinkLarge round sweetsLarge royal turned up comatose in rowdy boozerLarge Russian wolfhoundLarge sailing shipLarge sailing ship trading for the East India Company before 1858Large sailing ship used for trade and warfareLarge sandpiperLarge scissorsLarge scissors with strong bladesLarge seaLarge sea birdLarge sea creatureLarge sea duckLarge sea ducksLarge sea waveLarge sea wave caused by an earthquakeLarge seabirdLarge seagoing boatLarge sealLarge seaweed with long, tough stalksLarge señoritas excited old French right-wingersLarge section in an atlasLarge semi-aquatic pachydermLarge semi-aquatic voleLarge semiaquatic snakeLarge serving dishLarge sets of computer infoLarge settlement requires wisdom to discount substantial accountLarge shapeless lumpLarge shared bedroom, in shortLarge sharp toothLarge shed for aircraftLarge shed in fashion; it's an eyesore?Large shellLarge sherry glassLarge shipLarge ship moving slowlyLarge shoe sizeLarge shoe specificationLarge shoe widthLarge shopLarge shopsLarge shore birdLarge short-haired dog breedLarge shrimpLarge singer dressed in Scots headgearLarge size; sublimityLarge skin blemish shows up in thorough searchLarge smooth fruit with sweet greenish fleshLarge snakeLarge snake is something that can send you in the opposite direction?Large snakesLarge sniper drunk lagerLarge sofa with padded arms and backLarge soft bread rollLarge soup bowlLarge soup dishLarge soup spoonLarge South Pacific regionLarge southern constellatLarge southern hemisphere birdLarge spanielLarge Spanish sailing shipLarge spanner with one adjustable jawLarge specimen unopenedLarge specimen with top cut offLarge spiderLarge spidery petal's not alien possibly in an orchidLarge spiny rodentLarge spiral shellLarge spoonLarge spotted felineLarge square-rigged sailing shipLarge stack of hayLarge stainLarge stain ruined old pegsLarge star systemLarge Starbucks coffee too long arriving is coolLarge stepsLarge stomachLarge stoneLarge stone statue with a lion's body and a human headLarge storage boxLarge storage chamberLarge storeLarge storesLarge stringed instrumentLarge striped catLarge stripy creature losing head, biting old Trojan priestLarge strong bag with handles or shoulder strapLarge strong bagsLarge strong boxLarge strong horseLarge structureLarge structure for open-air eventsLarge struggles by family in 'Succession' dramaLarge study of participation in church services?Large sturgeonLarge sum advanced, except for bank vault content?Large sum not declared, apparentlyLarge sun scattered particlesLarge surplus stockLarge swallowsLarge sword could scratch, says SpoonerLarge system of newsgroupLarge tankLarge tank destroyed megastoreLarge tank destroying megastoreLarge tanks for keeping live fish and underwater animalsLarge tavern in European capitalLarge teethLarge tentLarge terrierLarge time piece?Large tins especially for instrumentsLarge tombLarge tool shown around brings calumnyLarge toothless edible swimmerLarge top quality mushrooms served up as dish of the day?Large townLarge transporterLarge travel bagLarge travelling bagLarge treeLarge tree, birchLarge tropical American spiny-backed lizardLarge tropical growthLarge tropical reptileLarge tropical seedpod with tangy pulp - mad trainLarge truckLarge trucksLarge trunk arteryLarge tubLarge tuba used in marching bandsLarge tubsLarge tunnel blasted with ammoLarge tusked marine mammalLarge ugly royalLarge UK cinema chainLarge uncontrolled fireLarge underground chamberLarge university with originality, but no energy, raking in moneyLarge unsightly thingsLarge upper room with Eastern ornamental patternLarge urban areaLarge US or Australian spread for raising cattleLarge US stateLarge variety of peaLarge vaseLarge vasesLarge vegetarian apeLarge vehicleLarge vehicle carrying, eg, carsLarge vein in the neckLarge venomous fish - it's angryLarge vessel that people drink from in turn at a feastLarge vessel with handle and spout for pouring drinkLarge vessels? Possible limitation to arrangement with a smallLarge volcanic crater - lead carLarge voracious fishLarge vultureLarge waderLarge wader of the sandpiper familyLarge wading birdLarge wading bird, like a curlew - two digLarge wading birds with down-curved billsLarge waiting areaLarge wallowerLarge war fleetLarge wardrobeLarge wardrobe - more airLarge wardrobe separates clothesLarge warshipLarge waspLarge water birdLarge water birdsLarge water jugLarge water lilyLarge waterbirdLarge watercourseLarge waterfallLarge waveLarge wave of misfortune in part of HullLarge waves swamping tips of pontoon anchorLarge weaponryLarge weight liftersLarge weighty bookLarge whirlpoolLarge whirlpool bathtubLarge whisky maybe for young singer?Large white radishLarge wide-mouthed jugLarge wide-mouthed vesselLarge wild oxLarge Wiltshire railway townLarge wine bottleLarge wine bottle - biblical patriarchLarge wooded areaLarge woody perennialLarge woody plantLarge work buildingLarge yard surrounding a place of GodLarge yard, perhapsLarge yellow edible rootLarge yellow fruitLarge ___ Collider (CERN Large's oppositeLarge, aggressive turtle: one’s taking photos?Large, at StarbucksLarge, bony-plated reptileLarge, capaciousLarge, colorful butterflyLarge, current firm possibly appearing in a catalogueLarge, hairy creaturesLarge, hard spherical sweetLarge, having consumed seconds, go without foodLarge, hollow, mostly genuine ancient bones?Large, in bold: TREASURELarge, in commercial lingLarge, meaty mushroomLarge, obese all round: the result of a blow-out?Large, shaggy, brown bisonLarge, shallow lake in north central AfricaLarge, spacious parts of shopping centres for worship of God aloneLarge, thick-skinned ungulateLarge, top-quality mushrooms served up in dish of the dayLarge-beaked seabirdLarge-billed birdLarge-billed sea birdLarge-bottomed figure needs decent French suitLarge-caliber weaponsLarge-eyed animal showing spirit on tree climbing, but not quite reaching the topLarge-eyed lemurLarge-headed golf clubLarge-headed nailLarge-hearted religious womanLarge-intestine residentLarge-minded rogue bagging graduate job (showing what other pairs of other Across answers have here?)Large-oared craft on a shLarge-print edition of thLarge-scaleLarge-scale artistic workLarge-scale choral workLarge-scale compositionsLarge-scale conflictLarge-scale course briefly a focus for seismologistLarge-scale electronic image?Large-scale emigrationLarge-scale film downloaded to computer?Large-scale flightLarge-scaled game fishLarge-stoned fruitLarge; fineLarge; generousLargely against boarding train without a torchLargely at seaLargely avoid imparting a feeling of doubtLargely avoid turning over channelLargely counterfeit toiletryLargely desert US stateLargely dishonest idiot from USA entering further presidential address?Largely excused, lolled around rear of bar: perfectLargely failing to save edition of holy booksLargely fashionable writer taking time in part of LondonLargely green kingdomLargely inept contractor's number two is cowboyLargely informal seminarsLargely Muslim capital ciLargely original company paintingLargely put off about temperature in Nile regionLargely quiet, very little rebellionLargely represented as a head of stateLargely tolerate flash womanLargely unable to bear Commoners?Largely unconvincing, girl and Dad brought over material - see boss hereLargely wet and fertile, suitable for sporting?Largely woolly letter from abroad?Largemouth or smallmouthLargerLarger ears on this adult French palatine tweakedLarger partLarger than extra-largeLarger than lifeLarger than normalLarger than quartoLarger than usual, like Henry VIIILarger toilets regularly reviewed and disinfectedLarger veil announced, for his second bride?Larger ___ lifeLarger-than-lifeLarger-than-life figuresLargesseLargesse recipientLargest Asian islandLargest asteroidLargest birdLargest bird in the AmeriLargest Caribbean islandLargest Central American countryLargest citrus fruitLargest city and once capital of NigeriaLargest city by population in ArizonaLargest city in KwaZulu-NatalLargest city in Md.Largest city in NebraskaLargest city in NigeriaLargest city in NordrheinLargest city in PakistanLargest city in QuebecLargest city in SyriaLargest city in Syria before the massive damage of the civil warLargest city in the Germany state of SaxonyLargest city in the Palestinian West BankLargest city in the stateLargest city in Westphalia, with a top flight football teamLargest city of French-speaking SwitzerlandLargest city on Belgium'sLargest city on CyprusLargest city on the IllinLargest city on the islanLargest city paper in theLargest college fraternitLargest continentLargest Cornhusker cityLargest country in AfricaLargest country of Central AmericaLargest country of the Horn of AfricaLargest county of NevadaLargest deer identified by the Spanish kingLargest desertLargest dwarf planet in tLargest employer in NewtoLargest extant species of deerLargest geological divisiLargest German state, home of BMW carsLargest Greek islandLargest Greek island, to Largest in scopeLargest island of French PolynesiaLargest island of JapanLargest island of the DodecaneseLargest island of the Inner HebridesLargest Japanese islandLargest joint in the human bodyLargest known dwarf planeLargest labor union in thLargest lake in AustraliaLargest lake in central ELargest land animalLargest land carnivoreLargest living animalLargest living birdLargest living primateLargest moon in the solarLargest moon of NeptuneLargest moon of SaturnLargest moon of UranusLargest native Australian birdsLargest New World vultureLargest Nigerian cityLargest oceanLargest of a septetLargest of sevenLargest of the ABC islandLargest of the Balearic IslandsLargest of the British ViLargest of the Canary IslLargest of the Channel IslandsLargest of the CycladesLargest of the great apesLargest of the Inner HebridesLargest of the Ionian IslandsLargest of the Japanese islandsLargest of the National Theatre's three stagesLargest of the planetsLargest of the Virgin IslLargest of the Windward IslandsLargest organ of the human bodyLargest port in CyprusLargest port in South KoreaLargest portion (2 wds.)Largest primateLargest river of PakistanLargest seaport on the AdLargest tenant of PittsbuLargest tributary of the Largest Turkish cityLargest U.S. labor union:Largest U.S. movie theateLargest U.S. unionLargest UK cinema chainLargest US stateLargest venomous snakeLargest volcano in EuropeLargest, greatestLarghettoLargish animals with blacLargish comboLargish combosLargish deerLargish musical groupLargo and lentoLariatLariat in the SouthwestLariat loopLariat materialLariat userLariat's endLariatsLarkLark - spade aceLark about rattling chains or being out of timeLark averse to cold?Lark circling sailor caught — a bleak prospect?Lark look-alikeLark or thrush, sayLark's flight captured by Bill? Just the oppositeLark's flight, gathering wings in abroadLark, for exampleLarklike birdLarks in bushesLarks with all but topless chicks?Larks, in a whirl, land in Indian OceanLarrupLarrupsLarry & Carrie's favoriteLarry & Nicolas's favoritLarry Adler's instrumentLarry and Curly's chumLarry Bird was oneLarry King employerLarry King has a fewLarry King's channelLarry McMurtry novel madeLarry O'Brien ChampionshiLarry of 70's-80's basebaLarry of the Black Arts TLarry or Louise on "BewitLarry who played Tony in Larry who won the 1987 MaLars and Peter working to improve state of wallLarson taking Uber rides regularlyLarter of "Heroes"LarvaLarva caseLarva eats rootLarva of the furniture beetleLarva successorLarva-to-adult transitionLaryngitis symptomLarynxLas Cruces-to-Santa Fe diLas Palmas localeLas Vegas attraction, witLas Vegas bride, oftenLas Vegas employee with a worse lung problem?Las Vegas entertains Queen with candourLas Vegas figuresLas Vegas groom, oftenLas Vegas landmarkLas Vegas localeLas Vegas newspaper, withLas Vegas stapleLas Vegas's stateLas ___Las ___ (capital of Gran Las ___ FilipinasLas ___, Canary IslandsLasagna cheeseLasagna cheese, sometimesLasagne or linguine?Lasagne's first put into family ovenLasagne's gone off, I see - get some medicineLaSalle of "ER"LaSalle or DeSotoLascaux paintings, e.g.LasciviousLascivious expression the French hear regularlyLascivious gazeLascivious lookLascivious look of Bluebeard oddly vanishingLascivious lookersLascivious looksLascivious sortsLascivious stareLascivious Tory mug, I senseLascivious typeLascivious, heartless church bigwigLaser alternativeLaser beam targetLaser elementLaser gasLaser lightLaser or Nato, for instanceLaser outputLaser paper optionLaser printer inkLaser printer powderLaser surgery targetsLaser ___LaserJet 2100, e.g.LashLash components the wrong way roundLash localeLash markLash of "Law of the Lash"Lash of bygone westernsLash of oatersLash of old westernsLash of westernsLash out atLash out, taking extremely lucrative journeyLash siteLash thickenerLash with a whipLash ___ of old westernsLash ___, who played the LashedLashed (up)Lashed - soldLashesLashes into a furyLashes out when there is troubleLassLass arranged a danceLass excited about turning up silk trousersLass finally catching game, unaccompanied maleLass finishes off black tea: not niceLass given a drink? She came to life amazinglyLass in evil misbehaving?Lass repelled by attention-seeker? That’s the drillLass specified madras?Lass there, awfully cruelLass when love involved is jewelLass's friendLass's mateLass, married, murdered brotherLassie creator KnightLassie named in second paper or in short periodicalLassie's coatLassie's lidLassie's mateLassie, e.g.Lassie, for oneLassitudeLassitude and sexlessness in a province undergoing recessionLassitude of Greek character in eastern part of UKLassoLasso loopLasso partLasso ropeLasso userLasso's endLasso-like? Yes, cowboy-style with gold backingLassoedLassosLastLast "course" of a spicy Last - bearLast - mutilateLast 60% of official announcement is unparalleledLast added wordsLast Anglo-Saxon king of EnglandLast aria Rameau finally composed for land down underLast Army rank of 39-AcroLast arrow female shot in tale of wartime romanceLast article in the ConstLast article of the U.S. Last award?Last Aztec emperorLast – bearLast Beatles albumLast bitLast bit in signed document, thoroughLast bit of craft in work, going back and forthLast bit of fruit tortured soul eats?Last bit of green wiped away, colour toenails maroonLast bit of Kubrick film about politician is neatLast bit of pine inserted into the joist laterLast bit of tiring ramble in woodLast bit of wineLast bits of boring seminar are exceptionally dullLast bits of stuffing go into this fine birdLast budget category, usuLast callLast call?Last capital of County DownLast car in America has shorter boot in caseLast car?Last carriage to the Place de la Bastille ... tu, Monsieur Jacques?Last chairman done over for fraudulent behaviourLast chairman sacked for fraudLast chance for ace?Last Chance Gulch cityLast character in churches gives nationalityLast character in Government to display energyLast character in repechage, mostly upsetLast character to be driven out of Cornish town as punishmentLast character to pilfer heading off, getting nothingLast characters in Staines dressed up in the highest of fashionLast characters in text indicate uncertain numberLast choice on a questionLast choice on some listsLast Cluedo room's empty? No suspectLast costume at a costumeLast couple in invite covered by ‘plus one’ possibly? More than sufficientLast couple returned in a short time for danceLast couple to sharpen axes with me - a catalyst for changeLast couples from drunken summer orgy get up and goLast courseLast czarina of RussiaLast date's reason for not phoning?Last decade of a centuryLast defeat playing Real, two nilLast degreeLast demons ruined last in conventLast despite expectationsLast digit in a price, ofLast document by ShakespeareLast drink cheersLast drink of the day?Last drink which could go to your headLast drop of moonshine in fairly new stillLast drop of rain falling from isolated succulentLast dynasty of ChinaLast empress of BrazilLast episode in a Monday-Last European quits modest protestLast exposure and future picture do thisLast few batsmen lie, so they sayLast film directed by CecLast First Lady of the U.Last five crackers for Christmas, perhapsLast footballing tieLast forward tackles shins now and thenLast frame, sometimesLast from Beat poet seen in this term?Last full month of summerLast full year of St. JulLast game in a competionLast goal about to preserve United's leadLast golf hole numberLast golf tour on EarthLast governor of New NethLast Greek consonantLast Greek letterLast herb in a Simon & GaLast hurrahLast in a lineLast in a long lineLast in a sequence: Abbr.Last in a seriesLast in line, usuallyLast in seq.Last in the classLast in the lineLast installment of "The Last itemLast item recalled European Union attempt to mislead about powerLast Julio-Claudian emperLast killer leaving America dryLast king of a united IsrLast king of AlbaniaLast king of EgyptLast king of the united SLast king of TroyLast kipper tie in range is exaggeratedLast leader of the Soviet Union, d. August 2022Last leek cooked, with no meat on bonesLast leg, erecting housing for three-year-old eventLast letterLast letter from America?Last letter from Athens?Last letter from girl in borders of OklahomaLast letter in full from Brezhnev communist backed? The oppositeLast letter in LeedsLast letter in LondonLast letter in newspaper a sheer fabrication?Last letter in radio lingLast letter of a pilot's Last letter of Bible you found in it?Last letter of the Greek alphabetLast letter, in LondonLast lettersLast letters by medic are entirely about dairy productLast letters of Guy de Maupassant, until now!Last letters, in EnglandLast line in a riddleLast linesLast longer thanLast longer than exhausted enemy leader in conflictLast longer than scheduledLast lot* silly? Each to his ownLast love's lost by lover boy in this cityLast maiden to prepare for a new engagement?Last match in a knockout football competitionLast messages for couple seen round IndiaLast metal: it gets processed after uraniumLast mo.Last moment to prepareLast monthLast month dons still sick - that's rough!Last month's speaker an artisanLast month's speaker, one offering elaboration?Last movement of a sonataLast mustachioed presidenLast name in comedyLast name in cosmeticsLast name in crueltyLast name in fashionLast name in horrorLast name in ice creamLast name in mysteriesLast name in mysteryLast name in sharpshootinLast name in spydomLast name in the meat indLast name in TV talkLast name of Dickens's LiLast name of father-and-sLast name of Henry VIII'sLast name of Kipling's KiLast name of twin gymnastLast names separatorLast non-A.D. yearLast nude sculpted with no particular relishLast number in a columnLast number in a countdowLast of 26Last of a Latin trioLast of a listLast of a Monday-to-FridaLast of a seriesLast of air removed from high cloud and carbon injected as entertainmentLast of all Jack London wrote, "Farewell planet" and restedLast of all, Ivan the Terrible bornLast of all, removed unsightly urine stainLast of articles in illuminated catalogueLast of ascetic and devout desert mystics seeing doctorsLast of Buster Keaton's reels - zero interestLast of critics getting extremely excited after sauce served up is sweetenedLast of crops I see in storage towerLast of dead nettle one could be stuck withLast of dogs with docked tailLast of five cracks finished off nutLast of heated wax a source of riskLast of home gatheringsLast of intake failing to passLast of intrepid explorers vacated ancient city's ruinsLast of joint method deleting applicationLast of junk IT equipmentLast of light structure's left, not yet wobbly?Last of Limburger I'm scared to smellLast of liquid — tip it down sinkLast of liquid? Tip it down sinkLast of Malaysian rubber Charlie exported - he won't pay much taxLast of Mohicans below ground in place on 24Last of money on account invested in reminder to put on his evacuated bloomersLast of Nordhoff and HallLast of our media men dispersedLast of pickers still to grade fruitLast of Piesporter in smooth, round bottleLast of shade still protecting excessively hot canineLast of the Athenian charactersLast of the evening?Last of the French?Last of the House of StuaLast of the Mohicans?Last of the StuartsLast of the vintage in the shadeLast of this beer found in marketLast of those coldest tumbledown houses shut offLast of tiles taken from unique fireplaceLast of troops drank up supplies found hereLast of victims well hidden by murderer in watertight chamberLast of water filling pinkish kettleLast of wine provided by vineyard has dull colourLast offerLast offersLast Olds ever madeLast Oldsmobile carLast Oldsmobile madeLast Oldsmobile to be madLast on tap drunk after giving birthLast one million invested in river processingLast overall commander of the American Confederate States armyLast overseas contributor to home gameLast pageLast pair of gardeners in gardens attack the weeds? That’s a lucky thingLast pair taken from shoe shopLast panto abandoned after little one pulled outLast papers he distributed, accepting Conservative party activityLast partLast part (appropriately)Last part is false — authentic originallyLast part learned in upright positionLast part of a paint jobLast part of a performanceLast part of a series is nothing brilliantLast part of contingent departed in frenzy for region of North AmericaLast part: nurse about to sufferLast parts of earlier game later you can show againLast parts of national anthem in various keys, without windsLast performance - effectively as Desmond, N?Last person, professionalLast pharaoh of Egypt's FLast picture in an alphabLast piece of jewellery with centre missing - it's rather charming!Last piece of music recorded twice by a UN secretary-general?Last piece of pineapple in crushed tin can is well out-of-dateLast placeLast place as explosion envelops racesLast place on the podium?Last place to be single?Last place?Last pope and his troubled role in the ChurchLast Pope GregoryLast Pope to be saintedLast positionLast projectLast question in this puzLast remark on leavingLast report on the eveninLast request, part 1Last resort in poker, oftLast resort to put up the money for stationLast ride?Last roundLast ruler of the Julio-CLast ruler of the PtolemaLast runner in a relay raceLast sectionLast section of a written workLast seen in the public pool, mamma went for a splashLast seen of halcyon days, once winds blowLast seen of vegetarianism, then swallow – this?Last seen wandering around university in US cityLast Shakespearean characterLast shogun organised attacksLast shogunate capitalLast short epistle used in university, after appropriate periodLast shot at golf?Last shot?Last sibling gets fresh clothingLast signLast six lines of a sonneLast snifter near Deal, heading northLast song recorded by theLast sound some bugs hearLast Spanish king before Last stage of insect deveLast stages of a contestLast stand for Travis andLast step at a bakeryLast step in cleaningLast stop - overlooking Northern RiverLast stopsLast strawLast Stuart monarchLast Stuart monarch, d. 1714Last Stuart rulerLast Supper attendeeLast Supper cupLast Supper guestLast Supper itemLast Supper queryLast Supper questionLast team coached by Leo Last team managed by CaseLast test before startingLast thingLast thing a fellow actorLast thing park wants - no running water for plantLast thing said before diLast thing you want in head and on collar?Last things?Last third of 7up with bit of ice in Hindu ritualLast three bits of glass thrown back in cartLast time in, for exampleLast to be dismissed, first catchLast to finish cure, getting rid of coldLast to leave platform after bringing in student artistLast to leave the ship bemused at panicLast to realise university lecturer's attire is absentLast to shoot weapon: it's not importantLast to use vehicle's a WelshmanLast tsar going commando might some say?Last two letters in listed novel written in non-naturalistic wayLast two standing fixture?Last two years of school classesLast under use or erode uLast up on tour, singular London landmarkLast warning about women close to retirement getting money for the futureLast wife of BluebeardLast word about copper’s insightLast word about copper’s penetrationLast word about puzzle: Torquemada's First SurpriseLast word after cricket match, requirement finally for proofLast word associated with clever subjectLast word before someone Last word before the gaveLast word by competent subjectLast word for the defenseLast word from a directorLast word from revolutionary with anger about nothingLast word heard on New YeLast word in "Oh! SusannaLast word in a showman's Last word in a threatLast word in a wrestling Last word in an ultimatumLast word in many companyLast word in shampoo instLast word in the Lord's PLast word in the New TestLast word in the Pledge oLast word of "America theLast word of "America, thLast word of "Angela's AsLast word of "For He's a Last word of "Ulysses"Last word of a January 1 Last word of Kansas' mottLast word of Missouri's mLast word of Romeo or JulLast word of Shelley's "ALast word of the golden rLast word of the year, ofLast word written by Dickens' first editor correctedLast word?Last words from Victor, rude shout after nurseLast words of "Green EggsLast words of "Over the RLast words of an Ali boasLast words of Kipling's "Last words of Little JackLast words of the Pledge Last words somewhat difficult? I'm a taskmasterLast words?Last worker, sweetLast X of X-X-XLast year's jrs.Last year's sr.Last ___Last's correlativeLast, but certainly not least, Britain must exitLast, but not first, swimmer is off courseLast, in LeLast, to LuigiLast-call requestLast-column element on thLast-ditch effortLast-ditch opening to lose weight? No timeLast-minute birthday recoLast-minute comment on why electricity failed?Last-minute ticket acquirLast-place team's infieldLast-second bidder on eBaLast: Abbr.Lasted beyond Tuesday, to elaborateLasted longer than guy getting exposed all roundLastingLasting a great whileLasting a long timeLasting a very short timeLasting aftereffectsLasting effectLasting event?Lasting foreverLasting impressionLasting impression?Lasting little timeLasting longer than Open University tutor's primary source of incomeLasting mark or blemishLasting marksLasting one's whole existenceLasting periodsLasting qualityLasting reminderLasting source of uplift in English novelist after bringing out one bookLastly, had you take on an extra governessLastly, harvest rye and make hay?Lastly, latte? Skinny or black?Lastly, shake anti-viral fluid before opening itLastsLasts longer than unfashionable ladies' underwearLaszlo player in "CasablaLat. and others, onceLat. caseLat. or Lith., onceLat., Lith. and Ukr., oncLatch (onto)Latch piecesLatch ___Latch ___ (get)LatchedLatched on to jockey - it's eventful!Latched, in a wayLatchesLatchetLateLate 11th-century yearLate 16th-century blaze in the area being developedLate 1920s to around 1950Late 1940s event, in headLate 1940s to about 1990Late 1950s' genre combining R & B and gospelLate 19th Century menLate 19th-century French style of painting using dots of colourLate 20th-century cultural and philosophical movementLate 20th-century styleLate 20th-century style of art and literatureLate actor DavisLate actor has shifted tree to the leftLate actor Robert of "I SLate actress UtaLate actress who was on "Late advice columnist LanLate afternoonLate afternoon church serviceLate afternoon on a sundiLate afternoon, typicallyLate afternoon, usuallyLate astronomer CarlLate aunts done for in Oman?LATE AUTHOR-HUMORISTLate Baroque artistic styleLate baroque styleLate battle unfinished, one gutted about itLate bedtimeLate beloved entertainerLate bloomerLate bloomer?Late boss, a dull, uninspiring personLate breakfast hourLate bridge columnist TruLate but no one caresLate Cabinet Secretary BrLate CBS newsman SevareidLate celebrity ___ NicoleLate ChairmanLate children's author-ilLate Chinese leaderLate choreographer CunninLate civil rights pioneerLate columnist LandersLate comedian MacLate comic FarleyLate coming back, receiving greeting, cold, moralLate conductor Sir GeorgLate crone unexpectedly showing broad-mindednessLate cut imposed by governmentLate designer sprinted after head of company at workLate drink, when pub stops servingLate drinks? They go to folk's heads at bedtime!Late editorial cartoonistLate English princessLate entertainer who was Late entertainer, greatest in the cemetery?Late European throttled by deadly criminalLate eveningLate exercises stopping at oneLate film producer FayedLate football star and FTLate for Lent?Late fruit picked upLate genius that may prefix other solutionsLate golf champion PayneLate heading to Dover, slips to face EU backlashLate hotel queen HelmsleyLate hunter of Nazi war cLate in the day escaping from eg poisonLate in the day to be smoothing things out?Late in year speech-maker will identify person making awardsLate Jordanian kingLate journalist CookeLate July babiesLate July babyLate July birthLate July deliveryLate Kennedy matriarchLate king finally coming out for princess, a northernerLate KnightLate late hourLate learner falls due to disapproving word about private officeLate marathoner WaitzLate meetings, as scene changesLate message? Almost readyLate Mexican-American vocLate MP ran frantically round independent part of governmentLate name in Mideast poliLate New York senator JacLate newsLate news, crush on streetLate news: small crush detains head of TransportLate news?Late newsman RussertLate newsman SevareidLate night party dress extremely pretty, Chanel's never without oneLate night studiesLate nobleman?Late Norwegian kingLate partygoers provide their own lightsLate philanthropist JoanLate pop singer Franchi eLate princessLate Princess of WalesLate prize-winning San FrLate professor's nephew as knight errantLate puppeteer LewisLate replacement for evening dress?Late report as nothing took effectLate rest early in the dayLate riserLate risersLate rocker BarrettLate rocker RamoneLate ruler Mobotu ___ SekLate San Francisco columnLate Saudi kingLate Sen. ThurmondLate singer HorneLate singer MelLate singer named for a DLate Soviet diplomat DobrLate spin doctor carried in current up northLate spring forecastLate stand-up comic RichaLate start at work, maybeLate summer singerLate supporting workerLate talks for groups of clergymenLate todayLate up, along with othersLate venueLate visitors finally bring presentsLate West Virginia senatoLate winter flowerLate winter flowersLate writer LeShanLate writer with a 1946 bLate year-end finished with sacking of leaderLate Zairean dictator MobLate ___Late, as a paymentLate, drove crazily - extremely unsafeLate, great croonerLate, great entertainerLate, great violinistLate, in LeLate, it turns in after meLate, on a report cardLate-60's fashion itemLate-afternoon mealLate-afternoon traffic, eLate-arriving actor of olLate-arriving disco singeLate-arriving singer/actrLate-arriving TV detectivLate-inning pitching, mayLate-late hourLate-late-night offeringLate-marrying menLate-night beverageLate-night beveragesLate-night competitor of Late-night funnymanLate-night hostLate-night host JayLate-night JayLate-night nameLate-night pioneerLate-night regularLate-night show?Late-night talk show hostLate-night wars participaLate-week cryLate? Soon it looks bad, as traffic jams form?Latecomer's pleaLateen-rigged Arab sailing vesselLately developedLately Ukrainians stop aggressive force westward showing rapidityLateness in performing a Lateness of sailors holding banquetsLatentLaterLater afterthought: Abbr.Later chats about what cardinal might be wearingLater course supporter of African party, say, picked up after British leftLater daysLater in timeLater information from university head about degreeLater instruction from TUC holding journalist in high regardLater onLater on interrupted by large blast of hot airLater on, I'm performing circus actLater part of normal lifeLater she’s horribly cruelLater step developed a constituent of gunpowderLater thanLater today, that man's name covered up by drunkLater yearsLater years, poeticallyLater's alternativeLater, he’s active close to outskirts of WhitehallLater, old pro distributed crude earningsLater, perhapsLater, perhaps?Lateral extentLateral opening?Lateral partLateral startLaterallyLatestLatest article in Le Monde providing biased viewLatest bit of research on planet's hot locations?Latest drink supplier finally brought in to add energy to tournamentLatest finished item out, then reorderedLatest headlines caught in browsersLatest informationLatest information — take this for classLatest information unknown: work for MI6?Latest leader's greeting displaced Russian king acceptsLatest newsLatest news of holy woman's put downLatest news of US lawyer in illegal set-upLatest news on University head adopting daughterLatest news, slangilyLatest opinion is to place the Head on leaveLatest out, umpteenth I fancyLatest possible moment for silently remembering the Armistice?Latest reports of cheerful romantic meetingsLatest result in evaluationLatest run for paperLatest song on the radio? There's no coverage hereLatest spacecraft crossing edge of exosphere on timeLatest thingLatest thing I developed includes popular final surpriseLatest time for completionLatest time for doing somethingLatest time for finishing somethingLatest to arrive, ditching singular old languageLatest top place for Princeton UniversityLatest version making me old?Latest war criminal, marineLatest war over the seaLatest wordLath coverLath perpendicularsLathe knocking out first new computerLathe operatorLathe userLatherLathered (up)Lathered upLatin "behold"Latin "earth"Latin "to be"Latin 101 verbLatin 101 wordLatin American agreementsLatin American ballroom danceLatin American capitalLatin American country that ceased to be part of the Spanish Empire in 1821Latin American danceLatin American dance musicLatin American dance styleLatin American dance with a rumba rhythmLatin American dance with three steps and a kickLatin American ditching his alarm ...Latin American farm labourerLatin American farm workerLatin American plainLatin American style of music, influenced by jazzLatin American with mixedLatin American, for one, abandons his TwitterLatin ’40 sounds stand outLatin ballroom danceLatin caseLatin catchphrase sometimLatin clarificationLatin clarifierLatin clue for a stoic found in this provinceLatin conjugation wordLatin conjunctionLatin connectionsLatin counterpart of "isoLatin danceLatin dance musicLatin dance styleLatin dancesLatin dictionary limiting chargeLatin dictum equating drinking with honestyLatin etched into artful potteryLatin extensionLatin eyesLatin fatherLatin footLatin for "I roll"Latin for "scraped"Latin for waterLatin godLatin graduate admitted to dodgy translation of prayerLatin grammar task: Abbr.Latin hip-shakersLatin hymn "Dies ___"Latin hymn used in Mass for the deadLatin ILatin I infinitiveLatin I verbLatin I wordLatin infinitiveLatin jazz great PuenteLatin journeyLatin lady: Abbr.Latin lambsLatin landLatin land descriptorLatin lawLatin law primarily explains Middle East language unitLatin leader?Latin learner's verbLatin lesson wordLatin list enderLatin list-enderLatin loveLatin lover's bouquet, maLatin lover's declarationLatin lover's wordLatin lover's word?Latin lover's wordsLatin maybe is hard — time to go off and flop?Latin metropolisLatin motto "Ars ___ artiLatin name for ancient TrLatin name for EnglandLatin name for IrelandLatin name of river insectLatin oilsLatin poetLatin poet breaking promiseLatin possessiveLatin praise? Attempt to keep Latin manner upLatin pronounLatin quarter word?Latin quartersLatin repetition not working for bookwormsLatin rulerLatin scholar makes note on ship in italics, perhapsLatin series starterLatin sign I assume contains symbols associated with officeLatin singer AnthonyLatin song by tenor: The Cowboy's AccessoryLatin song starterLatin song? [Needs rewriting, along with 1 Down]Latin starsLatin stepLatin thingLatin tongueLatin translation of the Bible, since 1592 the Roman Catholic Church's official textLatin trio leaderLatin trio memberLatin trio member?Latin trio partLatin tutor’s admission of responsibility?Latin wingsLatin word for earthLatin word in a quotationLatin word in many pocketLatin word in police dramLatin word in police workLatin word on a cornerstoLatin word on a dollar biLatin word on a monumentLatin word on a pennyLatin word usually abbrevLatin words before a yearLatin words of clarificatLatin, bit of chemistry and English, parts of course in some French schoolsLatin-American danceLatin-American importLatin-American rattlerLatino cryLatino ladyLatino sports legendLatino's Yankee buddyLatish bedtimeLatish date startLatish lunchtimeLatish wake-up timeLatitudeLatitude given by king, subject admitsLatitude of capsized small boat -- longitude coordinate ultimately pinning it?Latitude of unknown Scottish well towards the westLatitude taken by compilers of an erudite nature is justifiedLatitude where returning fish change direction to go northLatitude with lavish downpours, do we hear?Latitude/longitude showerLatke ingredientLatke ingredientsLatte alternativeLatte brewed in extremely suave cityLatte topperLatte varietyLatter half of erotic spasmLatter part of the dayLatter-day AristotleLatter-day CaesarLatter-day SaintLatter-Day SaintsLatticeLattices around an islandLatticeworkLatticework for supporting plantsLatvia and Estonia, onceLatvia's capitalLatvia, once: Abbr.LatvianLatvian allowed to broadcast on radioLatvian allows husband to pen noteLatvian capitalLatvian originally admitted to being a different EuropeanLatvian present's wrapped, a decoctionLatvian ruler's characterLatvian, e.g.LaudLaud vet following surgery after duck produced eggsLaudableLaudationsLaudatory linesLaudatory lyricsLaudatory poemLaudatory poemsLaudedLauder and namesakesLauder of cosmeticsLauderdale is south of itLauderdale loaferLaudersLaudsLauer's hours on TVLaughLaugh about a young man dressingLaugh about blunder finally, short sharp soundLaugh about George Bush on campaign battlefrontLaugh about gutless Trump getting in a stewLaugh about leaders of The Third International trying to make a comebackLaugh about Phil's missus being an illustrious typeLaugh about publicity account problemLaugh about Washington's leader - what's he on?Laugh about women’s idle talkLaugh at board deserving to be loathedLaugh at house's architectural styleLaugh – or cryLaugh disrespectfullyLaugh gleefullyLaugh halfLaugh heartilyLaugh in a scornful wayLaugh line, e.g.Laugh loudlyLaugh madly about, say, Boris Johnson's capacity to caper clumsilyLaugh makerLaugh maniacallyLaugh nervouslyLaugh nervously time and time again in rowLaugh on a bike?Laugh partLaugh quietlyLaugh raucouslyLaugh riotLaugh scornfullyLaugh seeing the French on pitchLaugh showing endless pleasure at end of concertLaugh softlyLaugh soundLaugh soundsLaugh startLaugh syllableLaugh that comes from the heartLaugh track soundsLaugh uncontrollablyLaugh uproariouslyLaugh wavesLaugh when officer turns up, interrupting taskLaugh without restraintLaugh ___Laugh, in LilleLaugh, in LyonLaugh, in showbiz slangLaugh-a-minuteLaugh-a-minute folksLaugh-a-minute Mourinho’s entertaining companyLaugh-a-minute sortLaugh-filledLaugh-producingLaugh-producing game popuLaughableLaughed and shook her hips? Good for wife!Laughed introducing a king? Be careful!Laughed loudlyLaughed unpleasantly as drinks knocked back by German editorLaughfestLaughfestsLaughingLaughing 1970's singer?Laughing about King's Head having cling filmLaughing about Romeo’s crisp browned skinLaughing choreographer?Laughing comment when somLaughing escalatesLaughing fictional detectLaughing gas and water, cLaughing gas, for oneLaughing in these, slip, running?Laughing literary wife?Laughing matterLaughing out loud about article in woolly extractLaughing out loud with accountant in pubLaughing riotously in street is irritatingLaughing soundLaughing stock?Laughing uncontrollablyLaughing uncontrollably following theatre visit?Laughing ___Laughing, hail king amongst men outside the churchLaughsLaughs at what could be desiredLaughs heartilyLaughs hystericallyLaughs loudlyLaughter about a scoundrel initially alleviating back painLaughter about need to employ such a search?Laughter about open mic initially upset big shotLaughter and harsh cries as leaders swap personal flawsLaughter syllableLaughter, in La ManchaLaunceLaunchLaunch a steamship that's partly corruptLaunch agcy.Launch an attack on someone, verballyLaunch brief article on lineLaunch hotel address onlineLaunch list of international delegates?Launch of 1986Launch of 2/20/86Launch of 7/10/62Launch of July 1962Launch of TV dinners initially rejectedLaunch promotion about exhibition, having taken week awayLaunch siteLaunch sitesLaunch slopeLaunch time?Launch ___LaunchedLauncher launched in 1958Launcher's launchLaunchers launch themLaunchesLaunches an attack on one artist when drunkLaunches campaignsLaunches competitions welcoming all-comersLaunching a start-up, sayLaunching unlimited new releaseLaunderLaunder endingLaunder western money initially neglectedLaunder women's money after copyright waivedLaunderedLaunderer's challengeLaunderer's stepLaunderer, at timesLaundering machines relative put onto boatsLaunders, in a wayLaundromat applianceLaundromat buyLaundromat loss, maybeLaundromat machine featurLaundryLaundry accessory increasingly just not openingLaundry applianceLaundry brandLaundry challenge for a gLaundry cycle supervisor?Laundry day choreLaundry detergentLaundry detergent brandLaundry frameLaundry implement that miLaundry is no longer opening for himLaundry itemLaundry jobLaundry machineLaundry pen, e.g.Laundry problemLaundry rackLaundry receptacleLaundry room brandLaundry soap introduced iLaundry stiffenerLaundry supplyLaundry that's often foodLaundry unitLaundry unitsLaundry whitenerLaundry woeLaundry worker's comment Laundrywoman tightly presses kind of suitLaura Bush biographer RonLaura Bush's alma mater, Laura Bush's alma mater: Laura Bush's maiden nameLaura Bush, ___ WelchLaura of "Blue Velvet"Laura of "I Am Sam"Laura of "Jurassic Park"Laura of "Rambling Rose"Laura or Bruce of filmLaura who plays Dr. WeaveLaura who wrote "Wedding Laura ___ , Welsh fashion and textile designer, d.1985Laura ___ , Welsh fashion designer, d. 1985Laura's "La Gioconda" lovLaura's 1960s sitcom hubbLaura's daytime loverLaura's husband in 60's TLaura's juices flowing for playLaura's lover in "La GiocLaura's off to catch Izzard in Bowie musicalLaura's selective about who may introduce themLaura, girl cut out for farmingLaureate figure, maybeLaureate's wiles manipulated with delicacyLaurel & Hardy's fourth feature put on to entertain wife - relaxLaurel and Hardy film witLaurel and Hardy, e.g.Laurel disguise may, being irresponsibleLaurel for instance always an environmentalistLaurel found in outskirts of Armenia's capitalLaurel from EnglandLaurel of comedyLaurel or MusialLaurel perhaps remaining fresh and vitalLaurel placed on top of Bob’s carriageLaurel’s speaking a verseLaurel's holding party for comediansLaurel's immersed in international books for a momentLaurel's recited a few lines of verseLaurel's speaking a bit of poetryLaurel, maybe with daughter’s bearsLaurelsLauren Bacall's first actor husband, d. 1957Laurence who wrote "TristLausanne lies on itLava lamps and pet rocks,Lava sourceLava ___Lavatory beside a large waterwayLavatory door signLavatory labelLavatory signLavatory, not for all, in use — then freeLavenderLavender, for oneLaver, maybe, put dread into top playerLaVern Baker's "I Cried _Laverne and Shirley's lanLavishLavish (meal)Lavish affairsLavish affection (on)Lavish attention (on)Lavish celebrationLavish displayLavish entertainmentLavish in support of archaeological work most of allLavish kisses somewhat revolting, they believeLavish mealLavish old Bob with drinkLavish old lover to get locked up, we hearLavish partiesLavish partyLavish place occupied by a short Latin AmericanLavish religious instruction supplied by churchLavish stage workLavish things that define us, including our evolvingLavish underground system once operated with everything moving ahead of timeLavish volume of drink with large kebab, too, orderedLavish women like terribly expensive originalsLavished compliments on sliced bread and piesLavished gifts (on)Lavished love (on)Lavishes gifts (on), sayLavishly decorateLawLaw 18? It might help to draw the line in 26, we hearLaw about British billions remainsLaw assignmentLaw assistant, for shortLaw book (1866)Law breakers, of a kindLaw broken by government after a day to decideLaw concerning detentionLaw court run by Greek character initiallyLaw crooks must break to accommodate one caring career?Law curtailed lecture on dirtLaw degreeLaw degs.Law enforcement agency's money cut backLaw enforcement hqrs.Law enforcement org. featLaw enforcerLaw enforcer since 1873Law enforcer, small, went about workLaw enforcers around Iran rebuilt Muslim towerLaw firm aide, for shortLaw firm employee, for shLaw firm employee, informLaw firm exec regularly duped about new licenceLaw firm hirees, for shorLaw firm hotshotLaw for one with charm taking in grand legal expertLaw forbidding going outLaw group's heading South the writer's contracted for caseLaw grp.Law has several changes: someone might be listening!Law letters bit of a clue, maybe, to start of depressionLaw Lord in promotional material cut last itemLaw lord say recalled in good Parisian clubLaw lord upset fat imbecileLaw manLaw man?Law of ancient RomeLaw of give and take?Law of Moses coming from a rocky height - gosh!Law of Retaliation requiring private detective to be replaced?Law office employees, infLaw office worker, for shLaw office worker, informLaw officerLaw officialLaw or medicine, e.g.Law partner?Law read that changes unfair treatmentLaw scholar losing time in talkLaw school classLaw school courseLaw school newbiesLaw school newcomerLaw school newcomersLaw school subjectLaw suit finally disposed of – for a figureLaw supported by one biblical regionLaw supporting whistleblower's knee-jerk reactionLaw takes time to block representationLaw that ex bent to get money from estate?Law that’s been passedLaw used to fight organizLaw with many partsLaw worksLaw's partnerLaw, in LimaLaw, in LyonLaw, to LucretiusLaw-breakingLaw-enforcerLaw-making bodyLaw-practicing reptile?LawbreakerLawbreaker with two partnLawbreakersLawbreakingLawbreaking shot, perhaps before teeing offLawfulLawful boundary having mile removed for ConservativeLawful escape?Lawfully represented by member and friendLawgiverLawgiver is left in flowing riverLawgiversLawlessLawless adventurerLawless American agent held in custody at firstLawless article revolutionary published? CoolLawless characterLawless Graham is no crime writerLawless landLawless people who may be found climbing rocky brutal cragsLawless roleLawless vehicleLawless venue for Olympics, in our opinionLawless warriorLawless youthsLawlessnessLawlessness; chaosLawmakerLawmaking bodyLawmaking localeLawmanLawman confiscates ecstasy from trashed Tyrolean teenagerLawman EarpLawman is going back over the woman's finesLawman MastersonLawman of the Old WestLawman WyattLawman's refusal to wait put queen off onceLawman, it's said, puts down government supportersLawnLawn additiveLawn and elaborate fringes showing gardening abilityLawn applicationLawn ball gameLawn barrow featureLawn baseLawn bowlingLawn Boy productLawn care brandLawn care equipmentLawn care productLawn care toolLawn chair materialLawn cut by waters in Lake District villageLawn cuttersLawn decorationLawn diggersLawn eyesoreLawn gadgetLawn gameLawn materialLawn moistureLawn mower brandLawn mower makerLawn mower nameLawn mower siteLawn mower's pathLawn mower's spotLawn party offeringLawn pestLawn products brandLawn sculpture, maybeLawn sprinkler outputLawn starterLawn startersLawn toolLawn toolsLawn tunnelerLawn watering deviceLawn weed: cut the whole lot backLawn weed? Cut the whole lot upLawn wreckerLawn ___Lawn-Boy alternativeLawn-care products brandLawn-watering deviceLawnlikeLawrence initially spilt the beans about hospital fund-raising programmeLawrence is entertained by kind of party foodLawrence of Arabia portraLawrence of Arabia star PeterLawrence of Arabia's rideLawrence of the North DakLawrence Welk favoritesLawrence Welk specialtyLawrence Welk's "one"/"twLawrence's landLawsLaws actioned in error? Very apprehensiveLaws collectivelyLaws that can only be broken by an expertLaws ultimately restrict anyone standing aroundLaws, informallyLawsuit basisLawsuit covering rogue's fallLawsuit involves rotter in dramatic fallLawsuit; deedLawsuit; something doneLawsuit; thing doneLawyerLawyer and police officer host TV showLawyer Atticus avoids craLawyer coming up with choice of words indicating compulsive behaviourLawyer confused about old special pluralLawyer DershowitzLawyer endlessly imbibing a liqueurLawyer finishing early invites American in for drinkLawyer for government agent nearly tore freeLawyer for king tries cocktail in watering holeLawyer in film with pained expression shows financial talentLawyer materialLawyer Morocco unselfishly protectsLawyer on the move?Lawyer on TV's "Civil WarLawyer put in the pictureLawyer recalled cheers with university abandoning contestLawyer rejected Cambridge university grantLawyer RoyLawyer Roy and familyLawyer thus allowed into bar at lastLawyer to call, wanting old plantLawyer turned politician to direct justice system, says SpoonerLawyer visiting tournament not suitable for everyoneLawyer with German's money getting in botherLawyer would liberate discharged lagLawyer's abbr.Lawyer's apparel?Lawyer's argumentLawyer's argument to remove barriers?Lawyer's assignmentLawyer's assistant: average girl, drinks beerLawyer's chargeLawyer's documentLawyer's eloquence stuns criminal avoiding timeLawyer's feeLawyer's hairpieceLawyer's hurdleLawyer's jargonLawyer's needLawyer's one question to flower girl – drinks?Lawyer's org.Lawyer's paymentLawyer's rosterLawyer's setup?Lawyer's thingLawyer's undertakingLawyer's wear?Lawyer, at courtLawyer, often, in court bLawyer, oldest professional?Lawyer/civil-rights activLawyer/writer GardnerLawyer: Abbr.LawyersLawyers exclude brasserie staffLawyers in cabinets: AbbrLawyers make itLawyers met with anger and torrent of abuse?Lawyers next to God, here in Scotland!Lawyers talk about right means of presenting factsLawyers talk of high winds in shelterLawyers with many assts.Lawyers without cover missing conclusion of caseLawyers working for bigwigLawyers' chargesLawyers' grp.Lawyers' jargonLawyers' org.Lawyers' requests at triaLawyers, to BritsLawyers: Abbr.Lawyerspeak and tech talkLaxLAX abbr.Lax bloke with broken leg in Northern IrelandLAX clock settingLAX dataLAX data: Abbr.LAX datumLAX guesstimateLAX guesstimatesLAX infoLAX info: Abbr.LAX lettersLAX listingLAX listing: Abbr.LAX listings: Abbr.LAX monitor infoLAX postingLAX posting, for shortLAX postingsLAX regulatorsLAX settingLAX to J.F.K. choiceLAX watchdogLAX-O'Hare's terminal for sportLaxativeLaxative one girl fed to anotherLaxative … and opens bowels at last, after treatmentLaxative infusion for Spooner's stateLayLay a carpet, English, upper-class, the last from AxminsterLay a charge against heartless trooper from the eastLay academic again cancels start of workLay an eggLay atopLay awake initially beset by terrible ulcersLay awayLay bareLay byLay claim to additional military supportLay claim to rightLay claim to stop wedding with gangsterLay concern?Lay down before writerLay down fresh tarLay down rules where supporter is delayedLay down the lawLay elsewhereLay eyes onLay flatLay hands on book of not so great sizeLay hold ofLay in a graveLay in awfully risqué ladieswear on vacationLay in the hot sunLay in, on the farmLay intoLay into poor actor: "Simply half-cut"Lay into team at EurosLay journalist receiving honourLay lowLay low?Lay man?Lay next to a character from AthensLay odds of trek maps being seen before testLay offLay onLay on predominantly male partyLay on sponsor with finale getting rearrangedLay on the beachLay on the lineLay one's hands onLay openLay outLay out (money)Lay out odd parts of diet: odd bits of cakeLay out pound in old coinsLay out section with page having marginLay out some newspaper coLay out trendy American waistcoatLay out wearing undergarment?Lay people?Lay person mostly with bit of lust hereLay person posing nakedLay person?Lay sister originally holding not completely pious viewsLay some false trailsLay the groundworkLay to restLay to rest a recurrent worry, among other thingsLay to rest trendy theory, regularly expoundedLay to rest, 6 points under discussionLay to rest, e.g.Lay turfLay turf onLay upLay wasteLay waste toLay weapon before leaderLay ___ (exaggerate)Lay ___ (flop)Lay ___ the lineLay, e.g.LayaboutLayabout almost direly wastedLayabout led astray in centre of BeirutLayabout left surrounded by booze, losing headLayabout seen in Salcombe every now and againLayabout we enrolled requires disciplineLayaboutsLayabouts sitting around trees — quality of uncomfortable ground?LayerLayer cake missing top honours from hereLayer hedging French king's horseLayer oddly, ounce after ounceLayer of a bedLayer of cartilage between spinal vertebraeLayer of clayLayer of eastern porcelain broken by daughterLayer of folded materialLayer of foliage created by high branches of forest treesLayer of green eggsLayer of materialLayer of matted earth and grassLayer of molluscs damaged porthole frameLayer of ore between layers of rockLayer of roof slabsLayer of skin in older manLayer of the earthLayer one's rolled back in storehouseLayer right inside bourbon, for exampleLayer that scratchesLayer with a hole in itLayer within great cityLayer's lairLayer, say, reflected old enclosureLayer?LayeredLayered building materialLayered cookieLayered dessertLayered dessertsLayered dishLayered doLayered entreeLayered haircutLayered mineralsLayered pasta dishLayered rockLayered sponge cakeLayered sweet pastry, often filled with appleLayered treatsLayersLayers (of rock)Layers of eggs weighing mLayers of paintLayers separated by right toolLayers undergroundLaying birdLaying down the lawnLaying hold ofLaying off flipping idiot involved in non-23Laying-on of hands?Layman apolitically embraces a vision to die for?Layman in a primeval city imbibing milky infusion …Layman’s first attempt to embrace trendy languageLayoffs at lab not fixed, pretend managementLayoutLayout - to a signorinaLayout drawingLayout with enginesLayoutsLayperson in a monasteryLayperson?LaypersonsLaysLays (down)Lays a claim (on)Lays an eggLays at one's doorLays at the door ofLays awayLays away for goodLays bareLays claim toLays down the lawnLays low?Lays offLays off, with "from"Lays on partiesLays on thickLays outLays out insufficient money, disregarding trendy items of clothingLays siege toLays the groundwork for?Lays to restLays turfLays waste to reform, at any rateLazarus and GoldmanLazarus or GoldmanLazeLaze aboutLaze about in empty Australia bushLaze around with Mrs Zola getting cheesesLaze in the tubLaze mindlessly, seen regularly around desertLaze, with "out"LazesLazes around Spain fiddling?LazilyLazinessLazing around? It’s pretty underwhelmingLazulineLazyLazy - indolentLazy Arsenal about to pick up old footballerLazy boozer claims state benefit over timeLazy brother abandoning checkLazy cowboy's record in this contest?Lazy drooping postureLazy girl?Lazy individual shedding pounds and blubberLazy leaving line in fishLazy model, castLazy Ol’ Nick’s nicked!Lazy one, slangilyLazy peopleLazy people in vain occupying propertyLazy personLazy person finished round middle of afternoonLazy person's stairs?Lazy reader's aim presumably is somewhere to sitLazy siesta beneath the cover of Monsieur Henri?Lazy sons throw man out of workLazy speech in sketch with minimum of laughsLazy start - sweethearts turn over and don't get upLazy SusanLazy talk, coming from below, about nude seen on one side of shipLazy type this writer would ultimately enrol with hesitationLazy typesLazy watersLazy way to start the day?Lazy ___Lazy, don't move around so muchLazy, heartless, despotic man running a significant businessLazy, indolentLazy, unkempt individualLazy? Work less, employing couples within the islandsLazybonesLazybones fencing yard in daring jumperLazybones is uncommonly riledLazybones pruned top of creeperLazybones's catchwordLazybones's declarationLb. and kg.Lb. or oz.Lb. partsLbs. and kgs.Lbs. and ozs.ld-womanishLeLe Bon compilation? Great!Le CarrLe Carre character GeorgeLe Duc Tho's capitalLe Duc Tho's cityLe Duc ___ (Nobel Peace PLe Fanu? Who scandalised the educational establishment?Le Figaro articleLe Havre honeyLe Havre-to-Paris dir.Le Mans and othersLe Mans eventLe menu wordLe Monde articleLe Pen for instance found in seaLe Pen's first person aboard rural vehicle on unknown pathLe petit prince's home plLe Petomane's act reportedly gut-related?Le Pew of cartoonsLe Prince de Galles and LLe Quai des Tuileries adjLe Roi Soleil, d. 1715Le Sage's "Gil ___"Le soleil, par exempleLe ___ (Buick model)Le ___ (Paris paper)Le ___ NoLe ___ Soleil (Louis XIV)Le ___, FranceLea callLeach land freely to create suitable environment for hopsLeaching productLeachman who won an OscarLeadLead - a radioactive element? Not lead, it's a metallic elementLead a political party with an explosive startLead a quiet lifeLead a square danceLead actor upset about new passionate speechesLead actor’s reminder about lineLead actor's ageing trendy making SF feature?Lead ammunition for hunting gameLead analyst perhaps taking Speaker’s role?Lead and phosphorus sinkLead and tin alloyLead astrayLead away from party lineLead balloonLead bloke who presents weather forecast?Lead boxes contaminate oxygen, substance used in clinical trialsLead by the handLead ceremoniouslyLead character in a MarioLead character in story having no love for a womanLead character on "PushinLead character on "Saved Lead character on TV's "TLead chokes dog? More haste less speed, perhapsLead Civil Engineer, after promotion, getting riseLead compound healsLead deserters head northLead down the aisleLead everyone around place to cooperateLead extract from bituminous tarmacLead fireballLead followerLead for a LabLead for one encountered above call centreLead from a mountain?Lead from radiator plugs turned as much as brassLead from salt mine of Wieliczka possibly taken outside with excessive cleaningLead has oneLead head?Lead in honourable member to be carpeted by leader - 'spit it out!'Lead in paint Rothko has absorbedLead in pencil I gather erroneous - this the stuff?Lead in shoplifting caseLead in to a fool's headline actLead in truth, popular metalLead ingredients in ten of your sherry triflesLead into temptationLead is found in Costa RicaLead isn't much good at this leading businessLead key or bolt, ultimatelyLead killing the last pair of river birdsLead left separately working out what he expects to getLead lost in fencing, is that my sport?Lead miner finally found in dilapidated toilet clutching two pieces of leadLead news storyLead offered by 6, not 3Lead on runner announcedLead oreLead oresLead otter about? That'll be endured!Lead partLead phased out, which receives attentionLead pipe prisoner sits onLead playerLead poisoning primarily leads to backacheLead potentially has eider and gannet sufferingLead providerLead pumper, in old slangLead putting pressure on bad backLead removed from gold for instance, and the restLead roleLead role in "A Chorus LiLead role in "Hawaii FiveLead role in "La Cage auxLead role in "The Piano"Lead role in a 60's TV drLead role in a classic ArLead role in Rimsky-KorsaLead role on "Providence"Lead role on TV's "ProvidLead scientific study, maybe touched by extremely awful diseaseLead seeker: Abbr.Lead sharerLead singer for the BelmoLead singer of band missing last part of tourLead singer of group from Angola devouring booksLead singer of Pearl JamLead singer of the band BLead singer of the fictioLead singer with DawnLead singer's notes?Lead singer's piece on promenadeLead source of wind starts to nip awayLead splitterLead statisticLead sulphide mineralLead that woman with a daughter to eat fruitLead the way forLead to mislead, in bridgLead ultimately lost, Liverpool almost beatenLead used to kill deerLead weight for measuring depthLead with buffet covered in fruitLead would not be used for this drill componentLead ___Lead ___ lifeLead ___-and-dog life (coLead's counterpartLead(er)Lead, directLead, e.g.Lead, for oneLead, helium and nitrogen escapesLead, oftenLead-free substance akin to vapour trail, leaving one sort of planeLead-free transport gets attentionLead-in for -aholicLead-in for boy or girlLead-in for breath or teaLead-in for catLead-in for deux, trois oLead-in for friendlyLead-in for house or wifeLead-in for mouse or willLead-in for nose or hairLead-in periodsLead-in to "Five Dollars"Lead-in to "goodbye"Lead-in to "I really shouLead-in to "pray"Lead-in to "Show me!"Lead-in to "the above" orLead-in to -meterLead-in to a congratulatoLead-in to a questionableLead-in to a sheepish excLead-in to an exampleLead-in to bath or powderLead-in to bow or hikeLead-in to boyLead-in to boy or girlLead-in to calculusLead-in to careLead-in to fetched or sigLead-in to fire, trap or Lead-in to further explanLead-in to girlLead-in to girl or boyLead-in to harp or phoneLead-in to law or medLead-in to Little LeagueLead-in to many a chef's Lead-in to masochismLead-in to meterLead-in to motionLead-in to multiple last Lead-in to nose or hairLead-in to nuptialLead-in to phobiaLead-in to pipe or pitLead-in to plunkLead-in to shame or boyLead-in to some royal namLead-in to someone else'sLead-in to tillerLead-in to washLead-in to whileLead-in with angleLead-ins to holidaysLead-pipe cinchLead-tin alloyLead-up to a coupLead/tin alloyLeaden pots equally oleaginousLeaden, in LondonLeaderLeader - line-drawing aidLeader abandons genuine regretLeader abandons group of soldiers in parade groundLeader abroad popular for the first time? NoLeader absolutely raised journalist's plightLeader adroit with lie unfortunatelyLeader after Indian indepLeader against the AztecsLeader at IndyLeader at OPEC, maybeLeader at Plumpton damaged hoof in this exciting climax?Leader at sea, reversing car across vergeLeader avoiding fresh hazardLeader before LeninLeader born in GeorgiaLeader briefly annexing capital of large countryLeader briefly turns up, making you cryLeader called "the Great"Leader called MahatmaLeader concerned with source of money provided in supportLeader Cook steals single with gratitude when battingLeader deposed in 1955Leader ditched extra responsibilityLeader ditches uniform for liberal way to moveLeader elected in 2005Leader exiled in 1979Leader had name changedLeader has ache, at full speedLeader having to lead a foolLeader heading off localLeader heads here having horse speed right upLeader held back by infrastructureLeader hosts star figures - they may induce arousalLeader in 19th-century ItLeader in a 1972 summit mLeader in a beretLeader in a holiday songLeader in a robeLeader in ancient RomeLeader in congregation cuts talk shortLeader in Congress introducing a law about cigarette problem in fallLeader in equestrianism, victory key for competitive horseLeader in government has moved to the slum areaLeader in Hastings, a king from a long time ago?Leader in IsraelLeader in media having no case to retreat backLeader in national affairLeader in old RomeLeader in revolt liable to be transportedLeader in Rome close to Spanish PopeLeader in sportsLeader in Syrian city moves resistance unitsLeader in Turkey's elected once moreLeader in waitingLeader includes awful rant in speech, only with total sincerityLeader involved in 70's sLeader is poorly understoodLeader known for his "litLeader let independent radio broadcastLeader may fancy fast food?Leader May frantic - something cooked up in advanceLeader McIlroy's first shot makes greenLeader no longer touring round countryLeader of 10 essentially guarding areaLeader of 7 getting drastically demoted, quits ...Leader of a flockLeader of a group of Brownies or Cub ScoutsLeader of a lush life in Leader of a meetingLeader of a musical "gangLeader of a religious community for womenLeader of Abraham?Leader of academy doubled upLeader of advance party in troubleLeader of air force travelling to this addressLeader of America and West remains inundatedLeader of bloggers is to curse, put out when one's included little-known words?Leader of church musicLeader of clan in tartan, sereneLeader of congregation has time to keep chatteringLeader of Congress?Leader of Conservatives in bumbling oaf is humiliating disasterLeader of council ushered back outside with plan to make a passionate speechLeader of coup deposing prince and extortionistLeader of Cubs, about to enter game, disheartened ScoutsLeader of daily newspaper's insideLeader of DUP having sex is quaintly comicalLeader of Exodus boarding ship to follow second prophetLeader of fashionLeader of football's 31-DLeader of forgotten tribe dances around large treeLeader of FranceLeader of gang completely fleeced victimLeader of gangsters stabbing solitary type resident in cityLeader of Georgian separatists means to escapeLeader of Greece pricking Europe's uneasy conscienceLeader of Green party's accentsLeader of historic capital manoeuvring around old bangerLeader of House gets installed in seat — what a relief!Leader of inner circle, say, is veneratedLeader of Iroquois punching tough old Mohican?Leader of IslamLeader of Israel contributed to President Bush's ultimate victoryLeader of Italy? Legendary King’s backing one Mediterranean residentLeader of Labour's in touch? That's a shockLeader of leaders?Leader of Lesbos?Leader of lions died during Daniel's unorthodox convincing victoryLeader of men fools the peopleLeader of men stepped up with German championsLeader of Mexicans in America lessLeader of monksLeader of old kingdom leaves countryLeader of Oman consumed by jealousy for deputyLeader of Opposition leaves district over in African stateLeader of orchestra and his lady abroad, if following conductor, perhaps?Leader of orchestra regularly broke windLeader of orchestra will acknowledge applauseLeader of Oxford Group keeping church catLeader of pack seen in two lakes?Leader of Parliament adopts untruths and fancy footworkLeader of party's lax about closure of remote officeLeader of philosophical sLeader of police stops mastermind leaving home? He made many bustsLeader of pop music's 31-Leader of pre-1917 RussiaLeader of reformers' 31-DLeader of Republicans plugging inane planLeader of revolt liable to be transportedLeader of revolutionary force capturing islandLeader of rogue state is party animalLeader of Salvation Army gutted, for instanceLeader of several independence movements by Spain's South American colonies, d. 1830Leader of social elite becomes comedianLeader of society inclined to be stiffLeader of Sparta is to return, having fed endlesslyLeader of strike with nurse: it’s shockingLeader of supporters supporting supporters in part of orchestraLeader of the Alamo siegeLeader of the All-Starr BLeader of the ArgonautsLeader of the Argonauts, Leader of the Autumn HarvLeader of the Fauvist movLeader of the gang to get cheap stuff for SpoonerLeader of the Gang, in 70Leader of the layabouts eating duke’s fishLeader of the Limelites, Leader of the Lost BoysLeader of the Medicine ShLeader of the Mel-TonesLeader of the One Israel Leader of the packLeader of the pack hiddenLeader of the pack once prime minister links up with member of parliamentLeader of the pack with highest of hands?Leader of the pack?Leader of the Pop Art movement, d. 1987Leader of the Roundheads, d.1658Leader of the Silver BullLeader of the slave revolt against Rome, 73BCLeader of the squad tried to change stepLeader of the UntouchableLeader of thieves is out of time holding up miners, resisting attacksLeader of Tories in posh headgear? Well I never!Leader of Turkmenistan, I predict, is in AsiaLeader of union forcing rebellionLeader of visible magnitude, apostle converted unbeliever, finallyLeader of Wallabies that is most off targetLeader of yobs beheaded bird? That’s disgusting!Leader on the fieldLeader one hour away from victoryLeader opposed by the BolLeader ordered liar to dieLeader ousted from one-time car plantLeader overthrown in 1917Leader pushed to back of room gets throughLeader quitting cooler bandLeader seeing champ's behind in guaranteed secondLeader seen in tent beside trackLeader shunning wholesale evidence of miseryLeader sobs when upsetLeader staging demonstration on the coast?Leader succeeded by his bLeader that was Zulu embraced by elevated Archdeacon Basil?Leader to advise duke about campaign medalLeader to call tabloid newspaper’s bluffLeader to check one in testLeader to lead with three articlesLeader to remain in touch to get commissionLeader touring around Washington StateLeader until 1917Leader who claimed to havLeader who died 27 days aLeader who said "All reacLeader who said "There isLeader whom Virgil calledLeader with 15D?Leader with a goateeLeader with due deference to meLeader with Roosevelt andLeader with the respect due to me?Leader's a supporter of independence?Leader's aidLeader's cry, said with aLeader's fitting in the third personLeader's gift including driving licence, sayLeader's liable to be entertained by relative killerLeader's missing island, Rhodes perhapsLeader's name that's etymLeader's placeLeader's spoken about independence, following rising trendLeader, a swine defended by right-wing tabloidLeader, first of those on hand?Leader, flipping dope - mad, not all there!Leader; frontLeader; most importantLeader’s first performance is curtailedLeader’s girl’s accommodating Italian learnerLeader’s temper makes contribution to grave situationLeaderless coppers seizing throne in Vatican City?Leaderless Corbynites in the foldLeaderless team affected?Leaderless team infuriates French cityLeaderless troops oppose battleLeaderless unit on military vehicle or vesselLeaders among the rabbinate examining food ascertain it to be so?Leaders for reasons obscure bankrupt firmLeaders from Leyton Orient and Northampton Town worried regarding pitchLeaders from the Senate meeting a Republican authority figureLeaders here keeping identity secret, initiallyLeaders in acoustics designed more suitable connectorLeaders in America and Belarus are cheating in counting methodsLeaders in America rightly slam enraged Trump?Leaders in Danish economics squander small fortuneLeaders in election agree recount lest count's equalLeaders in every Asian state evidently drowsy, relaxedLeaders in exchange undercut rates over newish currencyLeaders in fashion or pretentious show-offs?Leaders in North American ring corrupting drug copLeaders in pitsLeaders in race on Arctic trek caught by your old huskyLeaders in The Oval Office, alsoLeaders in uniform trounced in competition, very upsetLeaders in very intense event competeLeaders not quite what the Queen of Hearts ordered, say?Leaders of Albania in radio broadcastLeaders of ancient unnamed region organised rituals around dawnLeaders of banks accept some economic restrictions, as this effectively is a way to control inflationLeaders of choral association regularly oversee lyrics in songLeaders of class struggleLeaders of drinking society drink vintage liquor for melancholyLeaders of expedition travelling near a volcanoLeaders of export bank recruit old Spanish bankerLeaders of gardeners' and zoologists' unions meet privately to seek a higher offerLeaders of Great Ormond Street Hospital? I say!Leaders of harsh extremists in central region hang togetherLeaders of hivesLeaders of Home Office order cheap home-made boozeLeaders of House admit frankly Trump's a bit of a toolLeaders of Metz enterprise rejected a French tariffLeaders of national caucus encourage rejecting a false equivalenceLeaders of nations in Northern Europe — a smallish numberLeaders of Newcastle usually taunt Sunderland fansLeaders of Oman and Syria immediately seek refugeLeaders of outlawed mob eternally respect this agreementLeaders of Pakistani uprising behind steel barsLeaders of paralympics organise long opening sporting eventLeaders of parties on left and right support endangered speciesLeaders of Premier League hosting a United 11?Leaders of priests equipped with seat in churchLeaders of Rangers Supporters Trust reported someone who might be charged in Providence?Leaders of regiment are instigating dangerous assaultLeaders of right-wing establishment host US counterpartLeaders of San SalvadorLeaders of Senate enact justice measures in 3Leaders of Senate have ordered witness to appearLeaders of Soviet Union left Marx's birthplace with even more passionLeaders of Sri Lanka invested in home-grown product, a key part of the 22Leaders of strong parties, if necessary, exhibit backboneLeaders of swimming team on record paceLeaders of tank regiment given acknowledgement of mistake by soldiersLeaders of the Safavid dyLeaders of the Soviets assassinated Russian rulerLeaders of the Temperance League organised trainingLeaders of think tank penning little messageLeaders of town hall are supposed to provide ideaLeaders of troops filling suitable jobLeaders of yesteryear approach captain helming tourist vesselLeaders of youth likely to invest in a total protection processLeaders picked off IT men for courseLeaders removing one dent in ironLeaders suggest England's ruled by a EuropeanLeaders to advocate celery as indispensible superfoodLeaders to allow lascivious Brits into French communeLeadershipLeadership ends in power struggle, in a manner of speakingLeadership engineers cracking speechLeadership lacking in biased manual workerLeadership missing from cycle developmentLeadership of a co.Leadership org. opposed tLeadership positionLeadership, say, blocking border regarding piracy, ultimatelyLeadership, superior influenceLeadfootLeadfoot deterrentLeadfoots' comeuppancesLeadingLeading 17 across requiring much effortLeading a bike race - chortle - by 50 minutes!Leading actorLeading actor carrying one aboard flightLeading actor Heather's role in film about HannibalLeading actorsLeading American in the 3Leading American kept hoarding energyLeading ammunition makerLeading article - I tailoredLeading article by teacherLeading article deceived about EuropeanLeading article male's written about right herb for cookingLeading astronaut Aldrin excited to tour space, producing this?Leading auditor's integrityLeading Australian picked up dismissing RepublicanLeading Australian tried to dodge ruleLeading authorityLeading Axis spy travels to Switzerland - nothing's on record in behavioural studyLeading Brexiteer's given nameLeading character abroad captured by female photographerLeading character in 21 can do what it does remotelyLeading character in football wanting male and female agentsLeading character in Shakespeare's The TempestLeading character in Sussex and surrounding area showing generosityLeading character in Troy, as often written by Homer?Leading character needing drink heads for public houseLeading character, redundLeading characters in Titus Andronicus spoil the ending in one senseLeading club?Leading contestantLeading couple in play given moderate cheerLeading couples among persons operating legally for the publicLeading couples in casual, light cotton fabricLeading couples in love, undying, getting somewhere to relaxLeading couples in not very likely story for Jane Austen perhapsLeading couples refused to attend agency courseLeading court figuresLeading criminal very angry about crime securing time in prisonLeading currency upset economistLeading current energy supplierLeading doctors envisage large health investment for cityLeading double-O M frets aboutLeading down the aisleLeading duke entertains kingLeading economist briefly goes over booksLeading edge of Wild Wood scrubLeading Edinburgh newspapLeading empire corrupted RepublicanLeading European imperial dynasty from the 13th century to 1918Leading European stateLeading European twice acquiring posh rugLeading expertLeading exponent of drag, the outlandishLeading fashion house creationsLeading figureLeading figure in ItalyLeading figure in Russian opera not exactly roistering?Leading for example, having captured knight for free?Leading forceLeading force in a military attackLeading French revolutionary, guillotined in Paris 1794Leading gear for Arab wedding, we're toldLeading German state from 1525 to 1945Leading Grampian location, especially Nevis!Leading group capsizedLeading in ludicrousnessLeading Indian once serving 7upLeading institution marks joint suitable for replacement?Leading journo travelled back across itLeading ladies standing up for chief magistrateLeading ladies?Leading ladyLeading lady cleared out in cunning fashionLeading lady curtailed test in protestLeading lady disseminating OC triviaLeading lady first to depart flightLeading lady LauraLeading lady married stillLeading lady starts to dominate in vaudeville actLeading lady twice dressing a son in rubberLeading lady welcoming a Liberal peerLeading lady's horse close to stableLeading lady's one appearing in dailyLeading lady's retreat just after party goes westLeading lettersLeading lightLeading light from Staffs turned traitorLeading light in surprisingly short rantLeading lights in balletLeading lines?Leading male with dad bodLeading man appearing in the roundLeading man Balls was obtrusively conspicuousLeading man in "The MarryLeading man in Garbo’s latest?Leading man that has two parts on stageLeading man's new birdLeading man?Leading measure when considering steam?Leading members in favour of rest, we're toldLeading monk in excellent surroundings in theoryLeading movement written up in publicationLeading note; bust icon (anagram)Leading old African general returning from AmericaLeading pair abandoning the most doubtful visitorLeading pair in heretic group of mine almost converted DianaLeading pair of competitors, note, at Olympic venue showing spiritLeading pair of lawyers venerated, though losing first briefLeading pairs eliminated from race came late - very grave situationLeading parade, miles awayLeading part in drama, initiallyLeading part of match at Wimbledon? A surprising resultLeading performerLeading performer nude? Not halfLeading performersLeading pig in Animal FarmLeading player bestriding the French court is chosenLeading politician’s unhappy romanceLeading port of old MorocLeading poster about male articleLeading record label of tLeading Renaissance scholarLeading Republican has row causing great public angerLeading resort on the French RivieraLeading revolutionary has brief look at African capitalLeading Roman Catholic bishopLeading Roman Catholic staying in a hotelLeading Russian in the 32Leading scorer gets more than one recordLeading setter's charges immediately reducedLeading setter's collected worksLeading shoot-'em-up compLeading singers - toss soilLeading spinner playing firstLeading suspect got involved in a row?Leading team getting a cutLeading the fieldLeading the leagueLeading the packLeading the queueLeading to disagreementsLeading to somethingLeading trio of Hasidim allowed pork productLeading trumpeter and percussionist missed out - appreciate playing as they wishedLeading US composer, endless source of historical materialLeading woman, Queen Sturgeon's back in Scottish teamLeading, and winning by this margin?Leading, as a bandLeadsLeads (by)Leads (in)Leads for amazingly competent thespians in playLeads for Marilyn Monroe?Leads from random encounter could change entire investigationLeads in school play present Oberon, for exampleLeads onLeads the biddingLeads, as an orchestraLeadsom axed over housing assessmentLeafLeaf (through)Leaf - young attendantLeaf aperturesLeaf beneath a bloomLeaf bisectorsLeaf clusterLeaf collection?Leaf collectorLeaf collector, or artisan working with treeLeaf collectors?Leaf cutter, e.g.Leaf featureLeaf for smokingLeaf gathererLeaf holderLeaf holdersLeaf initially changing daily, covering top of pond?Leaf lacking colour left out for composting in the endLeaf no stranger to Plant?Leaf of a bookLeaf openingLeaf partLeaf partsLeaf picked regularly from oldest herbs aroundLeaf poreLeaf projectionLeaf stuck to sheep in stormLeaf throughLeaf unitLeaf used in fencingLeaf vegetableLeaf veinLeaf's breathing orificeLeaf's supportLeaf-eating insect scourgLeaf-to-branch angleLeaf-turning mo.Leaf-turning time: Abbr.Leaf-turning times: Abbr.Leaf; attendantLeafletLeaflet about United Kingdom being more fortunateLeaflet on bats ignoredLeaflet perhaps, debut for Hibs, also publishedLeaflets in series that is withdrawn for a short timeLeaflike appendageLeafstalk trailing river duckLeafstalksLeafstalks usually cooked, sweetened and eaten in puddingsLeafy courseLeafy dishLeafy green Somerset townLeafy herb? The last thing this person has!Leafy plantLeafy recessLeafy shelterLeafy vegetableLeafy vegetable ending in trash breaking heart, say?Leafy vegetablesLeague boss without working capitalLeague divisionLeague divisionsLeague for L.S.U. and MisLeague heading: Abbr.League leaderLeague leaders in battle lost, of courseLeague leaders maybe showing some beefLeague memberLeague membersLeague of Nations held back by protocol breachLeague of Nations seatLeague partLeague restricted by team in furtive moveLeague sorry to report spy found thingsLeague's ruined without uniform golf scoresLeague: Abbr.Leagues of intrigueLeagues: Abbr.Leah's dad gives dog a nameLeakLeak about German novelist making comeback: Erich Maria Remarque?Leak fixerLeak from European delegationLeak here may take a moment or twoLeak in stately home where dukes resideLeak needed during regressing bar sessionLeak on a ship, e.g.Leak slowlyLeak soundLeak stopperLeaked info set back work during disputesLeakey discoveryLeakingLeaking goopLeaksLeaks not initially seen in ship one sells complete?Leaks slowlyLeakyLeanLean (on)Lean - overLean againstLean and bonyLean and haggardLean and lovelyLean and sinewyLean and strongLean and toughLean back in playground rowLean back, welcoming good time for a restLean bit we chewed — this washed it down?Lean brainbox who collaborated with Watson heard from Spooner, with mysteryLean crabLean Cuisine target markeLean cut of beefLean forwardLean heartless guy — his name escapes meLean in a certain manner? Not us, unusuallyLean lamb in Spain's traditional startersLean meatLean meat diced briefly in a stew with head of artichokeLean meat sourceLean men service leaderLean news after one's invested in broadcasterLean nurseLean on inverted instrumentLean on meLean on the French ship, exhaustedLean on the papersLean on westbound AsiansLean or porky?Lean out of empty shack in New YorkLean overLean over borderLean over counter in repair shopLean over part of footLean over series of itemsLean personLean right, at seaLean slightlyLean to drink last of fizz, being half-cut in Bow!Lean towardLean's film that's extremely naughtyLean's oppositeLean, as meatLean, eating a little bit of lateLean, father eats dinner finallyLean, thinLean-bodied personLean-toLean-tosLean-___ (sheds)Lean; lacking substanceLean; narrowLean; slopeLeander literally the man keeping quiet in dispute over killerLeander's loveLeander's loverLeander's lover, who committed suicide when he drownedLeandro's loveLeandro's love, in a HandLeandro's partnerLeandro's partner in a MaLeaned on print media journalist after you are caughtLeanerLeanest flying kitesLeaningLeaning againstLeaning letters: Abbr.Leaning over, swerves when cornering intense - here?Leaning to the rightLeaning to the right?Leaning tower cityLeaning tower siteLeaning Tower's cityLeaning, as type: Abbr.Leaning, in a wayLeaning, in a way: Abbr.LeansLeans (on)Leans againstLeans Against King by the Rolling StonesLeans close to sexy tottyLeans over nasty peopleLeans towardLeapLeap — then react badlyLeap at the balletLeap – captainLeap by black fighterLeap for LipinskiLeap from planeLeap from plane close to failureLeap in a tutuLeap in the airLeap on a stageLeap season?Leap year makes us nervousLeap year's first full seasonLeap year, partlyLeap; seasonLeapedLeapersLeapfrogsLeaping antelopeLeaping as non-U greetingLeaping before lookingLeaping desert rodentLeaping insectLeaping into little retail outlet? No, a big one!Leaping marsupialLeaping over arched work in roofLeaping to pass over computer query?Leaps across the ballet sLeaps for LipinskiLeaps in ice-skatingLeaps lynxlikeLeaptLeapt around in coatLear boasts about old navigational aidsLear set to be disturbed Shakespearean characterLear's daughter in good heart leaves for seasonLearnLearn (of)Learn a lot quicklyLearn a lot, sayLearn a new jobLearn aboutLearn about my caseLearn about pigment - it's not imaginaryLearn about protecting small volcanic islandLearn about, with "on"Learn by accidentLearn by word of mouthLearn completelyLearn dances to an organLearn easilyLearn Eve's about to get folk back into bondage?Learn fast, maybeLearn from a book: note, a hardbackLearn how to doLearn if criminal female goes straightLearn new arrangement for organLearn scripts in appropriate surroundingsLearn secondhandLearn something new about coachLearn space traveller's fine at presentLearn to copeLearn to cover bum, having first removed hat?Learn to get alongLearn to play on an organLearn tune having developed artificial intelligenceLearn via a third partyLearn viral video contains PM scratching headLearn's partnerLearn, say, about Freud?Learn? I can't - lacking time for observation and applicationLearnedLearned about colour many years agoLearned about pipe lengths originally required on Snetzler's earliest organsLearned authorityLearned books sustain latest paper supplierLearned dire tune, composed without nameLearned European eccentric cut deadLearned European, insulting about ItalianLearned Lima route overlooking homeLearned man rested outside commercial vehicleLearned man tripped over wifeLearned old money is held by European editorLearned on-line technology, like Yahoo, say, is taking overLearned oneLearned onesLearned perfectlyLearned personLearned river ebbs to cover old coinLearned river flows back, covering ancient coinLearned rude king elbows out queenLearned secret about husband wearing coral pantsLearned study in wordplay, say, rejectedLearned that woman did not let out skirtsLearned thingsLearned to control oxygen escaping soon after taking lid offLearned to ignore first repeatLearned typeLearned university is infiltrating film companiesLearnerLearner - one from a part of Austria?Learner advances in brass instrument – that's swellLearner and expert making intricate fabricLearner at university in bloomerLearner behind Beetle with Danish partsLearner being trapped began to be alarmedLearner breaks cover to give spectacular performanceLearner breaks sports equipment like this?Learner driver needing two wheels for convenience?Learner driver's requirementLearner driver's signLearner driver's support when bad weather intervenesLearner entering boxing contest steps upLearner failing to finish book bothered facilitatorLearner fills belly: to wit, having undue desire for food?Learner finally gets grade one playing this?Learner finishes cracking Paul cryptic completelyLearner gets comfort, acquiring contractLearner guided up wooded hollowLearner having no really bad habitLearner in audience puzzled about classical geometryLearner in game of skill finds jargonLearner in market displaying natural talentLearner in military group not exactly brightLearner in Morgan gripping implementLearner in their hovel, dilapidated, past bestLearner inspired by old 10 not at all!Learner introduced to writer mounting current Russian courseLearner involved in awful beating - that's evidentLearner involved in lace making is gossipingLearner is not a little flexibleLearner isn't turning one letter around for composerLearner keen for the most part to acquire good score on courseLearner loves card gameLearner on farm looking to the futureLearner restricted by unhappy English art schoolLearner surrounded by mediocre talentLearner taxiing regularly in plane, sayLearner that is after a pass, then one can drive on farmLearner that is outwardly least diligentLearner uncovering top compiler Phi, perhapsLearner welcomed by second chess playerLearner's bold about loveLearner's ___Learner-driver and vehicle flipping over in river - disaster!LearnersLearners collectively set watch beforehandLearners cycling naked in streets facing each anotherLearners go skiing hereLearners of French involved in daring escapadesLearners of French restricted by checksLearningLearning about a hotel in Pakistan cityLearning about Italy's principal riverLearning about Italy’s foremost riverLearning about one French riverLearning aids bright spark with witsLearning area, informallyLearning by flash cards, Learning by flashcards, eLearning by mechanical repetitionLearning by memorizationLearning centerLearning centre preserves earliest of crochet hooksLearning ctr.Learning environmentsLearning for toddlers – a clue for Gran in it?Learning Garland's a beautiful German singerLearning is necessary, helping to raise the standardLearning issue involves character associated with Reading UniversityLearning jurisprudence, some may sayLearning levelLearning lives of Roman Emperors (earliest only)Learning may be done by iLearning methodLearning new technique initially in fine art schoolLearning of WI's party ending in bedlamLearning styleLearning systemLearning the times table,Learning through study is sure to stop when one starts to need guidanceLearning to race with a femaleLearning to walk, now led gently insideLearning well, horse breeder promises to payLearnsLearns (from)Learns (of)Learns about hosting knight put into 12?Learns by heartLearns easilyLearns little by littleLearntLearnt about flat chargeLearnt to play hornLeary of TV's "Rescue Me"LeaseLease - torn apartLease againLease back half of Swiss property?Lease granterLease included in legal document removedLease out rented property around heart of Seattle, with yen for discretionLease period, oftenLease removed from particular sort of carLease signerLease to a new tenantLeasedLeased againLeased apartmentLeased carLeasehold property chargeLeaseholders finally circumvent any rent mix-upLeaseholdsLeasesLeash - PbLeastLeast able to sense university doctor entering homeLeast abundantLeast acceptable amountLeast accessibleLeast active of the halogLeast adequateLeast adornedLeast affectedLeast amiableLeast amount of caringLeast at peaceLeast attendedLeast attractiveLeast battyLeast bitLeast bit of concernLeast boldLeast brightLeast brow-wrinklingLeast buggyLeast candidLeast certainLeast changeLeast charitable about holy person earning scrutiny?Least clearLeast clear, as a memoryLeast cloudyLeast clutteredLeast coldLeast colorfulLeast comfortableLeast commonLeast complaintLeast confidentLeast convincingLeast cookedLeast cool women's smallest clothesLeast copiousLeast courteousLeast coveredLeast crazyLeast daffyLeast decentLeast definiteLeast delayedLeast demanding exam spanning the morningLeast desirableLeast desirable wharves?Least desirablyLeast difficultLeast dignifiedLeast dirtyLeast distantLeast doneLeast drunkLeast dryLeast dullLeast emotionalLeast equivocalLeast excitingLeast exciting airport to start fromLeast expensiveLeast experiencedLeast explicableLeast fastLeast fattyLeast favorablyLeast feelingLeast fineLeast forgivingLeast fortunateLeast forwardLeast frequentedLeast freshLeast friendlyLeast furnishedLeast goodLeast haleLeast hardLeast hard questions at the end of examLeast harshLeast healthyLeast heavyLeast honorableLeast hospitableLeast idle, yet nap endlesslyLeast importantLeast in sinsLeast ingenuousLeast inhibitedLeast inspiringLeast interestingLeast irrigatedLeast knownLeast laugh-out-loud, as Least lengthyLeast lengthy celebration of cheese?Least likely to attackLeast likely to be missedLeast likely to be pinnedLeast likely to betrayLeast likely to crackLeast likely to forgiveLeast likely to snap?Least likely to take commLeast likely to turn tailLeast longLeast looseLeast loyalLeast lumberingLeast merryLeast narrowLeast newsworthyLeast nobleLeast obscureLeast of allLeast openLeast outgoingLeast perturbableLeast plausible, as an exLeast pleasant, weatherwiLeast polishedLeast politeLeast populous U.N. membeLeast possibleLeast possible quantityLeast powerful member of Least productive 20th-century director is FrenchLeast profaneLeast prominentLeast quietLeast quiet home I’m enteringLeast rainyLeast refinedLeast relaxed person from Bangkok, we hear, before trial?Least restrainedLeast rigidLeast riskyLeast robustLeast rockyLeast ruddyLeast ruffledLeast salable, perhapsLeast satisfactoryLeast scarceLeast scary exam takes a minuteLeast seenLeast sensibleLeast sensible place for eggs?Least shallowLeast sharpLeast sissyishLeast smart / Kitchen worLeast soundLeast spottedLeast squareLeast stimulatingLeast straightforwardLeast strictLeast strongLeast suaveLeast sufficientLeast sweetLeast sweet, as wineLeast taintedLeast tanLeast tastefulLeast threateningLeast trainedLeast trustworthyLeast typicalLeast upstanding spin doctor caught out importing baked foodLeast usual alcohol, note, is in ChampagneLeast vacillatingLeast verboseLeast vulnerableLeast welcomingLeast wildLeast wobbly magnetic unitLeast worldlyLeast, slightestLeatherLeather bandLeather cloakLeather coat from Nassau obtained with US moneyLeather companies taking different directions after excess trimmedLeather covers put awayLeather dancing shoe hiredLeather factoryLeather fastenerLeather fasteningLeather finish?Leather firm is welcoming radio operatorLeather from deerLeather from nanny or billy?Leather from the seaLeather from young goatLeather horse displayed in compoundLeather making a comeback with chic designerLeather overalls for menLeather processorLeather punchLeather shorts with bracesLeather sourceLeather stickerLeather strapLeather strap once used on Scottish schoolchildrenLeather stripLeather strip; punishLeather strips, in shoemaLeather typeLeather whip shortly for breaking rulesLeather with a napped surfaceLeather workerLeather worker - old coinLeather worker in 6dLeather, essentiallyLeatherneckLeathernecks' lunchLeatherworker's toolLeatherworking dyesLeatherworking toolLeathery sunbatherLeaveLeave (a yacht) without windLeave (or again join) regime restricting societyLeave (sailing ship) without windLeave 50%, maybeLeave a bitLeave a black mark on, saLeave a coatLeave a convenient stopping-off placeLeave a group by oneselfLeave a group playingLeave a large group of old boozers about to invade part of pitchLeave a Mafia boss outside barLeave a mark onLeave a mark on, as shoesLeave a messLeave a neighborhood gym?Leave a permanent mark onLeave a sailing vessel unable to move for lack of windLeave a shipLeave a Spanish gentleman outside barLeave additional guidance for those obsessedLeave after greeting rebellious young chap, a Spanish gentLeave aground; threadLeave aloneLeave American Indian territoryLeave an argument unresolLeave at a pawnshopLeave at the altarLeave band and record 'Coming Up'Leave bank having emptied 'savings account' and duck into greasy spoonLeave barren terrainLeave beLeave before taking in rector's formal gardenLeave behindLeave behind ... or not lLeave behind traveller on vacation to rise around noonLeave behind unintentionallyLeave behind urn?Leave boring part for sectarianLeave boxing action, regularly missing jabLeave boy with daughter, hiding in the grassLeave breathlessLeave by a slip roadLeave by plane: deal with article first, or lose itLeave car at home after cycling dealLeave car electrician has failed to startLeave cardinal in Rome, breaking heart of deityLeave caveat in motionLeave chaps on time in area of FranceLeave church key in bishop's officeLeave city of London area beset by "rising" problem?Leave cluelessLeave coat beside Irish lakeLeave coat by lakeLeave completely, in slanLeave countless cakes I see to bravely diet, sayLeave country singer regularly embraced by English friendLeave country singer regularly housed by English coupleLeave destituteLeave dive showing a moonLeave dockLeave domesticated animals to fly west with swallowLeave dumbstruckLeave each party in shedLeave earth?Leave Egypt's borders around elevenLeave European Community, breaking restraint on powerLeave exotic bird after 1Leave extremely disreputable sectorLeave fair, out of sortsLeave far behindLeave film around elevenLeave first or second, saLeave for a bitLeave for each embassyLeave for the winter, sayLeave freezing block entire? That would make no differenceLeave from 19 downLeave from French regionLeave frozen, maybeLeave fruit — lose it!Leave furtivelyLeave game after three, we hearLeave genetic material to regress after sulphur hazardLeave hearing aid in boxLeave helpless with laughLeave Henry for large YankLeave high and dryLeave homeLeave home by November to make filmLeave home carrying penny metal fastenerLeave Home Counties with well-heeled manLeave house and topple overLeave house cover when fencing yardLeave hurriedlyLeave inLeave in a hurryLeave in a hurry, slangilLeave in a hurry, with "oLeave in difficultyLeave in neutralLeave in stitchesLeave in stitches?Leave in the dustLeave in the dust, sayLeave in the shadeLeave in the ___Leave in, as textLeave in, editoriallyLeave in, in proofreadingLeave in, to a proofreadeLeave in, to an editorLeave Indian coastal path?Leave instruction for execution?Leave Islamic State for good, when the former limits the latter?Leave job sacrificing second period in chargeLeave Jules's special teacher at homeLeave just the bottom half in paintingLeave key arrangement for working hoursLeave large serving of food of a yellowish colourLeave last of apples out of puddingLeave laughingLeave layer covering ancient templeLeave like Britain, not without heartLeave lost for wordsLeave me alone, teacher foolishly bids tutorLeave message online for jobLeave No 10 in bind, reelingLeave no gaps for pictureLeave no traceLeave nut to get cracked laterLeave of absenceLeave of absence from military dutiesLeave offLeave off perhaps to participate in country danceLeave off, stopLeave office voluntarilyLeave old computer equipmentLeave old Welsh woodLeave on Christmas morning, possibly with papaLeave on empty plate a dried-out vegetableLeave one’s country (not good) for this territory?Leave one's mark onLeave one's mark?Leave one's postLeave one's post, possiblLeave open-mouthedLeave outLeave out a novel nonetheless for judgeLeave out Bard’s title role when mounted in reduced form?Leave out books about Military IntelligenceLeave out cover in employee's caseLeave out gender-specific termLeave out note in booksLeave out reason to undertake vanity project?Leave out, in speechLeave partly rawLeave period cut short and that's the truthLeave plant outLeave play but maintain contactLeave portLeave port out — tea’s quietly brewingLeave pudding son heartily rejectedLeave pudding? Gutted!Leave queen to scrub rear, splashing around in the tubLeave quicklyLeave resort in CroatiaLeave rubber on the roadLeave rubber, in a wayLeave rubber, with "out"Leave rubbish outLeave sailor to support eliminating SpainLeave sandwich to drink last drop of coffee in cupLeave Scottish woman running templeLeave secretlyLeave sextet enthralled by the main guitaristLeave slack-jawedLeave small portion around to dine onLeave social networks, anticipating troubleLeave some lettuce on? NoLeave some mangetoutsLeave sometime, not fastLeave somewhere uncultivatedLeave soon with English liberal and moderateLeave speechlessLeave stranded in the ArcLeave stranded with little hope of rescueLeave suddenlyLeave suddenly and in a hurryLeave talk, missing one truthful statementLeave target incomplete and veer in a different directionLeave Ted behind for adventuresome tripping, involving lots of shifting aboutLeave tents to be set out in further shopLeave the band and strikeLeave the buildingLeave the centre of Exeter around elevenLeave the City in the wetLeave the country, missing golf in Dubai?Leave the country?Leave the flockLeave the ground: why I have to use the stairs?Leave the herdLeave the outdoorsLeave the outskirts of Seville with upper-class twitLeave the pad, sayLeave the ranks, being loudly dismissedLeave the sackLeave the sceneLeave the shelvesLeave the stageLeave the straight and naLeave the unionLeave the witness box and go off dutyLeave things unresolved, Leave time to get star into successful promoLeave time to visit cities rebuilt in vainLeave to avoid arrestLeave to enter guilty plea?Leave to go to sleepLeave to settle in another countryLeave too little experienceLeave TV not connectedLeave university with a revolutionary painting techniqueLeave university with debt halved — blessed stateLeave unobtrusivelyLeave untouchedLeave vehicle burningLeave via ladder, maybeLeave Virginia with American deerLeave vote to break up European appealLeave weaponlessLeave wife the means to settle the billLeave wife's hand over fair partsLeave without changingLeave without good vinyl?Leave without it and midshipman gets sickLeave without payingLeave word for the FrenchLeave work during strikeLeave work early to captain cricket sideLeave work heading off for barLeave wrapping right round birdLeave zero capitalLeave ___ (be permanentlyLeave ___ (permanently daLeave ___ thatLeave, almost completelyLeave, as kids at schoolLeave, as out of fearLeave, celebrating late equaliser?Leave, concerned with spilt bloodLeave, following being involved in errorLeave, having eaten the last bit of Christmas puddingLeave, in 60's slangLeave, in order to get drinkLeave, on bar, pictureLeave, parking in narrow openingLeave, receiving directions to bug secret serviceLeave, slangilyLeave, then enter most unmanageable shopLeave, with "off"Leave-takingLeave-takingsLeave; counterbalanceLeavening agentLeavenworth and others: ALeaver no longer a soft touchLeaver: can I claim, outrageously, you might have your cake and eat it?LeavesLeaves a center for cereaLeaves a couple of cents in battered bootLeaves a crooked trailLeaves a mark onLeaves a tip — which they all have each in their own wayLeaves a zoo quickly?Leaves after a meal?Leaves after dinner?Leaves aloneLeaves alone, having you to follow?Leaves alone, in a wayLeaves alone, sometimesLeaves and makes excuses initially unconvincingLeaves at 4:00?Leaves at the base of a fLeaves awkward situation with meeting cancelledLeaves awkward teenager ...Leaves behindLeaves boat renovated by Carnegie's first companyLeaves box and coaches close to streetLeaves carpeting spaceshipLeaves cash for American politiciansLeaves children behind at home filling bathsLeaves collected here for pottingLeaves company after return of Italian explorerLeaves containerLeaves container for player's helperLeaves container that holds a fortune?Leaves early, as an officLeaves Egypt after shockLeaves end and start of hole, sayLeaves female after alfresco frolickingLeaves fish out of water, might one suppose?Leaves for a buffet?Leaves for a drinkLeaves for a restaurant?Leaves for cookingLeaves for lunch?Leaves for meal here, as characters from Dallas bow outLeaves from Asia - temperature in that part of world has shiftedLeaves fuddy-duddy briefly to suppress trouble that's returningLeaves gaspingLeaves Gillette founders with millionsLeaves hair here and therLeaves harborLeaves here to instruct parent heartlesslyLeaves high and dryLeaves holderLeaves home?Leaves hospital after cycle ride leads to accidental crashLeaves husband after comic sketchesLeaves in a bagLeaves in a hot rod, withLeaves in a huff, with "oLeaves in a saladLeaves in hot waterLeaves in spring gather against ledge, usually every secondLeaves in stitchesLeaves in the afternoon?Leaves in the dustLeaves in the kitchenLeaves in the lurchLeaves in, editoriallyLeaves jewellery which has changed handsLeaves job, or extends contract?Leaves Kelvin to find woodLeaves less polluting van in YorkLeaves like those in books mentioned here?Leaves may be put in itLeaves money for sexLeaves new video endlessly playingLeaves note attached to articleLeaves note with answerLeaves note, leading to rowLeaves novelist on trackLeaves of metalLeaves of young cabbage plantsLeaves offLeaves off using oneLeaves on the tableLeaves one prisoner about to be surrounded by enemyLeaves one's food?Leaves outLeaves out-of-date, old tin cansLeaves papers and note for false loverLeaves portLeaves port having trouble aboard shipLeaves rolling in the aisLeaves sections without model soldiersLeaves son with ego shatteredLeaves strandedLeaves summonsLeaves taps on while filling bathLeaves the dockLeaves the houseLeaves the main topic temLeaves through different gate, admits airlineLeaves time?: Abbr.Leaves to create drink regularly offered in the barLeaves to eat in French bar of ill-reputeLeaves to set up taxi firmLeaves trendy gold jewellery at lastLeaves undoneLeaves uniform during service etc at seaLeaves untouchedLeaves used as onion-flavoured seasoningLeaves used as seasoningLeaves used for smokingLeaves used in salads or as a garnishLeaves very quickly brushing off sheep tick burdensLeaves war secrets outLeaves while in auditionLeaves with a bit of kindling woodLeaves with a caddy?Leaves with a double alternativeLeaves with noticeLeaves with story about making Cornish pastyLeaves without an answerLeaves without wife — time to disappear?Leaves' homeLeaves, greeneryLeaves, holding ball for gameLeaves, retaining what might be continental, almost, in spiritLeavingLeaving (a car) somewhereLeaving a small openingLeaving after lunchLeaving America, a poor beggar clutching cup's heading for a Moorish palaceLeaving booze wild duck swallows energy drinkLeaving car briefly for teatime snackLeaving celebrationLeaving city, Eccles packs a lot of ice for twistsLeaving contentious point on painful conditionLeaving doLeaving drink in can to one side: winning prizeLeaving Earth on holiday? Take in Uranus at the beginningLeaving forLeaving for example on steamshipLeaving government crushed like a ballLeaving group will get compensationLeaving home, freeloading daughter made ungracious remarks, all concludingLeaving hospital, crook hastened to city areaLeaving hospital, hitch lift on large revolutionary cartLeaving hostelry, Ginny and Jack doing the twist?Leaving it with Italy's grand old politicianLeaving jacket, nipped out for a smoke?Leaving job, being shyLeaving jug upturned in sinkLeaving linesLeaving local, forgetting what it’s like at home?Leaving medal hanging around middle of stickLeaving money in account not collected?Leaving no remainderLeaving no room for ambiguityLeaving no room for doubt following every sign it’s OKLeaving no stone unturnedLeaving nothing to the imaginationLeaving nursing home, sign on form for dischargeLeaving outLeaving outskirts, caused carnage driving this?Leaving parade, disagreeingLeaving possible heir a dodgy business?Leaving preparedLeaving sailor with drunk in gutter - say no moreLeaving secretly in a hurryLeaving some Tango in glassLeaving the City area — it's stifling outsideLeaving the plane, one may use this free, fitted with copper and goldLeaving town, caring American kept giving cause to be lovedLeaving unannounced for an away matchLeaving university, coming out with this?Leaving university, compulsion becomes habitLeaving university, innocent boy gets real drunk, mainlyLeaving upsetting - wrong to sever relationshipLeaving, say, pauses, taking time outLeaving, slangilyLeaving? Rousing cheer initially let outLeavingsLeb. neighborLebanese man almost upset sailorsLebanese portLebanese, e.g.Lebanese, sayLebanon's capitalLeBlanc of "Friends"LeBlanc of "Joey"Leblanc's LupinLech of Poland's SolidariLecherLecher lines up at end of dayLecher showing some perverted amatory tastesLecher's lookLecherlikeLecherousLecherous boxing championLecherous fellow twirling bit of military tashLecherous figure of GreekLecherous goat-menLecherous lookLecherous look making us stagger backwardsLecherous looksLecherous manLecherous racist misbehaving around end of centuryLecherous sortLecherous type appears in smart lycra now and thenLecherous viewersLechersLecithin sourceLectern's localeLecternsLectureLecture 50% of votersLecture being finished, have a discussionLecture follow-upLecture follower, brieflyLecture from judge creating dreadLecture from monarch in total disarrayLecture hallLecture hall platformsLecture hall V.I.P.'sLecture is encouraging on war I roughly intervenedLecture jottingsLecture man on sex — husbandLecture on a moral topicLecture promoted outside collegeLecture roomLecture successful business student enters at the endLecture supporting His Excellency's ceremonial attireLecture, in a wayLecture-hall chimney lined by unknown engineerLectured about conclusion of special issueLectured from reference book about lab animal ...Lecturer accommodated in sizeable accommodationLecturer and I leaving to take pressure off old magistrateLecturer caught finally in forbidden instructionLecturer cracking convoluted Casio's functionsLecturer entering fine facultyLecturer exhibiting pain during short semesterLecturer going to a talk about new Australian foodLecturer has staple treatment applied for the inexperiencedLecturer involved in very angry separationLecturer received a wage, being scholarlyLecturer seen in Oxford, onceLecturer significantly restricted by negligible prosperityLecturer stopping scruffy notes being plagiarisedLecturer troubled after growth discovered in deer, perhapsLecturer tucked into hot cakeLecturer tucked into square mealLecturer wearing enrolled nurse's undergarmentsLecturer welcomes old German scientistLecturer welcoming the old senior memberLecturer working with fellow authorLecturer’s indication of agreement written aboutLecturer’s Spanish titleLecturer's about to make careless mistakeLecturer's correcting textLecturer, brieflyLecturer, English, finishedLecturer, jolly, repeated character coming to the fore being lewdnessLecturer’s absorbed by a lot of papers in field of studyLecturer’s passive principle - strong liquor and staying abedLecturersLecturers' equipmentLectures on ethnicity in Aintree, for example?Lecturing before feeling the effects of flu?Lecturing in film, collecting exam paper with average gradeLedLed ancientsLed army, moving to protect king — obviouslyLed astrayLed astray and misused a month backLed astray by party leader taken in by ridiculous load of nonsenseLed astray on fringes, portion of cathedral ran outLed away from exceedingly awkward pressing needLed by good type with characteristic spirit, manage diagnostic deviceLed country to present dayLed down the aisleLed far, reorganised and spread outLed follower to create flyerLed games going after Miss Scarlet?Led nature rambles without modificationLed offLed onLed soak to reform in office lunch?Led the entertainmentLed toLed with this rock band flyerLed Zeppelin hit, 1969Led Zeppelin's "Whole ___Led Zeppelin's genreLED's dead, eh? Change itLed, as a jazz bandLed, having heard a shot in raceLedgeLedger columnLedger entries: Abbr.Ledger entryLedger for recording transactions as they occurLedger lineLedger listLedger no.Ledger with linesLee at Appomattox, e.g.?Lee Dixon originally turned up bearing sign of rustinessLee foeLee Harvey Oswald, e.g.Lee Marvin TV oldieLee of HollywoodLee of literatureLee of Marvel ComicsLee of NBC NewsLee or MusialLee proved to be sporting photographer's solutionLee proves getting sacked is a bad way to avoid the early commuteLee sideLee side?Lee sold sound property agreementLee Van ___ (spaghetti weLee who advised Reagan anLee who created Spider-MaLee who directed "BrokebaLee who directed "CrouchiLee who founded the ShakeLee who got a kick out ofLee with a 2005 OscarLee with an OscarLee with the 1960 #1 hit Lee ___ (transmission repLee’s gran, confused, blows upLee's menLee's men, for shortLee's org.Lee's partner for cider or teaLee's uniform colorLee, e.g.: Abbr.LeechLeechesLeeches in hospital make child soreLeeds game? Time for one with most minutes under his beltLeeds United manager hints match officials received paymentLeeds United's centre-half battles to help secure highest position in yearsLeeds's riverLeek's kinLeerLeer atLeer at - or look at?Leer-y one?Leering nastily, taking in one’s underwearLeering sortLeers atLeesLeewayLeeway given as barge fell backLeftLeft (a place)Left - dissoluteLeft - lateLeft a chairLeft a fire blazing: this could mean hell!Left a German claiming one reward for late night?Left a job voluntarilyLeft a key for scientists' workroomLeft a large gatewayLeft a person unaccompaniedLeft a quotation, not one for milk deliveryLeft a small openingLeft about to get into capitalLeft accepts Conservative is upLeft after church with girl's fluteLeft after dam ruined coral islandLeft after expected time with othersLeft after meal to pen book still topping the lists?Left after supporter, briefly showing detachmentLeft almost anything to crack upLeft aloneLeft always needs time to gain influenceLeft amateur to disconnect unfinished toiletsLeft American band on road, indebted perhapsLeft American newspaper unfinished in NY airportLeft and did some recording studio workLeft and got picked upLeft and right behind amended billLeft and right blocking various impediments to rapid progress?Left and right, maybeLeft are controlling Government on a big scaleLeft Asian port carrying cargoLeft assistant copyist to apply in excess of availability?Left at seaLeft at sea, aim to make forecastLeft avoiding smooth build upLeft back to dwell on the ball? It's up in the airLeft back to warn of troubleLeft backing return of Labour PartyLeft backing, capturing rest of outstanding pieceLeft Bank denizenLeft Bank frequenterLeft Bank hangoutsLeft Bank localeLeft Bank riverLeft Bank toppersLeft Bank's thanksLeft battle disheartened, clouted by solid old weaponLeft before decision, creating divided opinionLeft before old weakling gets to do something with little effectLeft behindLeft behind - unoccupiedLeft behind Andrea after surgery on kidneyLeft behind old overcrowded city, northerly Welsh cityLeft behind, eschew tea, as we hear, before bedtime?Left beside a large, imposing gateLeft beside desert island, able to think clearlyLeft brown furniture items in storeLeft cafe worried about university giving intended resultLeft chap kind of cross about English classification of the across solutions?Left chosen ground beginning to see monstrous location?Left city celeb, American, debauchedLeft city on river without right cookLeft clue for newt?Left Coast airport codeLeft Coast airport letterLeft Coast baggage tagLeft concerned with oldLeft crew protecting queen? Exactly!Left cutting piece of cake, I'm not sure this settles itLeft dearest bent copperLeft depressed with ale passed around, one criesLeft deserving a little of what to Pope is dangerousLeft discussion meetings actor ruinedLeft donkey attached to old ropeLeft donkey with ring and ropeLeft duo holding check for fare from ChinaLeft during closing parts of latest contemporary scoreLeft during meal, having increased flexibilityLeft during no-score draw for CityLeft effects overthrow of Right and topples ToryLeft end?Left excellent, decorative fabricLeft expert holding knight's weaponLeft field by opening in fence on the other sideLeft field of substandard runners hitting this?Left fool to find loungeLeft for example in isolationLeft frequently in the atticLeft gap somewhere in shipLeft global body over soldier’s garmentLeft going in terribly straight to produce shinerLeft gold for respected poetLeft good books in pile for auctionLeft half or right half in team, with predictable resultLeft hand in the end was ticklyLeft hand's starting posiLeft harbour bearing drinkLeft high and dryLeft holding aid for driver turning tip of plane?Left holdingsLeft home carried by nunLeft home to visit relativeLeft homesLeft hospital A & E, getting out before most of the flu spread? Good for you!Left hospital department, soldier returns with round mark on skinLeft hungryLeft hurriedlyLeft husband, leaving the dull hunk in uncertain stateLeft in agony, went into declineLeft in agony? That's evident!Left in awful desert sun - what will finally happen?Left in care of those people and a womanLeft in charge after bar’s openLeft in charge over European committee appointmentLeft in charge, teenager's opening wineLeft in Congo with this writer, assess business organisationLeft in container in small piece of groundLeft in denial after losing case over drugLeft in dilemma, as was Gloucester in 27 10Left in FranceLeft in front of a large entranceLeft in hollow to give birthLeft in nest — no small birdLeft in one large reconstructed part of cellLeft in Paris? That's awkwardLeft in Paris? That's awkward!Left in period of prosperity to flourishLeft in piecesLeft in pieces after contestant finally made a mistakeLeft in place old Disney characterLeft in river beginning to expire, he's put outLeft in Santiago, desperately yearning for the pastLeft in sea — could become this?Left in seaside resort without a clueLeft in strong wind on shipLeft in the dustLeft in wild seeking rescueLeft in women's quarters somewhere in New YorkLeft India next to an AfricanLeft Indian food for temporary convenienceLeft inept person initially moving marker?Left initially from part of Africa for part of EuropeLeft inside covers of Tchaikovsky scoreLeft invoice around country area in DorsetLeft is holding thinning out operation which blocks entrantsLeft it in care of former editorLeft job, about fed upLeft job, but also went back?Left large-sized book in caseLeft leader in a fightLeft lid off 18, showing balmLeft light showLeft luggage outside, requiring extra special formsLeft magnificent old pirate townLeft message to be written up, it is revealedLeft most of Essex with liver upset - worse things can happenLeft murder victim's identification tagLeft musical equipment and lightsLeft nets caught upLeft newlywed's belly needing larger dress size?Left no doubt aboutLeft notes for unaccompanied typesLeft offLeft off telling stories about nobleman's young horseLeft old friend casing clubs in the areaLeft old men evicting Charlie's tenantsLeft old university? Not entirely trueLeft on a linerLeft on a mapLeft on a plateLeft on account of mistress?Left on boardLeft on farm describing some forecastsLeft on time to follow touching news coverageLeft one building up stepsLeft one capital to go round anotherLeft one extremely out of sortsLeft one in Capitol unusually attached to partyLeft one in short dress to dance aboutLeft one kind of mammal means of escapeLeft one nail on floorLeft one tieLeft one timid person squeezing in vehicleLeft one’s home in the East End abandonedLeft one’s East End home — becoming solitaryLeft one's seatLeft open-mouthedLeft or rightLeft organ of Van Gogh in this exact location, did you say?Left organised chain gangLeft organised grand uprising - one is seen in Knotty Ash?Left outLeft out 'hand' in abridged dictionaryLeft out of divorce payments, needing credit instead makes for bitternessLeft out of pocketLeft out, our intention's to show up for receptionLeft overLeft over bits and piecesLeft over fag rolled - it helps me think clearlyLeft over quail prepared by colonel without formalityLeft over rolls filled with end of veg served up as informal mealLeft over, perhapsLeft over, possiblyLeft pair of Americans either side of IT chief (very attractive)Left parent scratching head in a state of agitationLeft part of 21Left part of church in declineLeft party upset, but another one's foundLeft perished in disarray, having accepted Theresa's final commandLeft pig covered in pig fatLeft portLeft port heavily loadedLeft province to sulk about exercise dayLeft queasy (not at first) after swallowing one of flowering plantsLeft quicklyLeft ranks to struggle with foeLeft rehab, and one deteriorated, to some extentLeft religious painting unfinished in covered entranceLeft remains a scourgeLeft ribLeft rolling in the aisleLeft round about nine, nude and fortified by shot?Left route before wrong turning in Welsh townLeft scientific operation to sell back object of courseLeft Scott's supposed baby-killer back in this towerLeft sideLeft six, then left one here in MelanesiaLeft so as to admit some Left some enthralled by legal documentLeft son in to inspire French publisherLeft speechlessLeft squire dancing, having consumed posh drinksLeft stage in middle of actLeft standing on public view, nakedLeft strandedLeft stuck in bowels of rustic laboratory, blending remediesLeft sweethearts to shed clothesLeft the band, perhapsLeft the buildingLeft the cocoonLeft the couchLeft the room scratched?Left the thing burningLeft the throneLeft the UnionLeft theatrical role in middle of actLeft tights off for check-upLeft Tina's ex-husband, getting a thumbs-up on social mediaLeft tip in advanceLeft to avoid arrestLeft to choiceLeft to find out everything about burial siteLeft to go around clubs, being keyed upLeft to help a team temporarily out of action?Left to invade African country with armies, not revolutionary massesLeft to occupy post, returning to JerseyLeft to the captain?Left to the editor?Left top off groups of bananas as mealsLeft Turn ___ (street sigLeft TV programme, missing the forecast of good weatherLeft two articles in machineLeft two lots of foreign money for rock attractionLeft unable to accommodate feet? Prepare space to stretch outLeft university, not returning to see townLeft unploughedLeft us blocked by our CID, bumbling, absurdLeft USSR wrongly supporting Soviet leader? That's worrying!Left ventricle attachmentLeft via ladder, sayLeft Washington institute without loyalistLeft water spraying across sunloungerLeft wearing reasonable giftLeft welcomes new supportLeft winger arranged last sit-inLeft winger stymied by my best ever performanceLeft wingers somehow miss flogging daily?Left with additional bit of silver in reserve capitalLeft with an unfinished game after Gardner fallsLeft with bill for setter, obtained on demandLeft with broken heart - man you dumped not wanting to do anythingLeft with drink, therefore this writer's feeling isolatedLeft with lots of women round big city neighbourhoodLeft with no illusions after he sent candid snapsLeft with real estateLeft with snake, runLeft with wings clipped - reportedly flew through nasty emissionsLeft without any reservations at allLeft work early, primarily to runLeft work initially with a Parisienne - very auspicious!Left writer fitting in second episodeLeft, at seaLeft, in France and Germany, have disappointmentLeft, right and hairpin?Left, went on holiday?Left-field - foolishLeft-hand pageLeft-handedLeft-handed baseball pitcherLeft-handed BeatleLeft-handed boxerLEFT-HANDED PITCHERLeft-handed pitcher ShawnLeft-handed, in a wayLeft-handerLeft-hander who smashes nothing with that handLeft-handers can't play iLeft-lane typeLeft-leaningLeft-leaning character supports the whipLeft-leaning lefty, minister in speechLeft-leaning parties saving time where men were detainedLeft-leaning plot against Republican is in ruinsLeft-leaning Stalinist not quite right after revolutionLeft-leaning Tory group, say, turning up in a bit of a pickle?Left-of-center party membLeft-wing dictator and dictator's bird tailedLeft-wing doctrineLeft-wing Frenchmen in company department introducing a hint of socialismLeft-wing group cut term for animalLeft-wing material: it starts to parody Reagan (amongst America’s foremost Republicans)Left-wing member associated with Keir originallyLeft-wing militants rejected a suit jacket from NormaLeft-wing Republican editorLeft-wing teacher, one with ginger hairLeft-wingerLeft-winger beginning to talk rubbishLeft-winger dominating victory embraces playersLeft-winger isn’t last I upsetLeft-winger joining country danceLeft-winger picked up information on radioLeft-winger receives a cardLeft-winger returning with English cakeLeft-winger to make brisk progressLeft-winger, but not a wetLeft-wingersLeft-wingers in Italian towns campaigned hard and longLeft-wingers on Brexit revolting in one goLeft-___ (southpaw)Left; disappearedLeft; harbourLeftie eating endless leeks smelt awfulLeftie gathering English magazine is Melody MakerLeftie somewhat short, if hugged by supporterLeftist fighting process of censorshipLeftist label: Abbr.Leftist who's gently run media empireLeftmost compartment in aLeftorium proprietor on "LeftoverLeftover amount, it seemsLeftover bitLeftover bit of clothLeftover cloth bitLeftover dishLeftover for RoverLeftover materialLeftover morselLeftover or additionalLeftover partLeftover pieceLeftover piece of materialLeftover piecesLeftover unpalatable Scotch egg, primarily indicating a bad eggLeftover veggie?LeftoversLeftovers for FidoLeftovers from threshingLeftovers?Lefts from LouisLeftward leaning flowerLeftyLefty of 1920's-30's baseLeg across always in cramped quartersLeg adornmentLeg and loin (of venison)Leg and loin (of, eg, venison)Leg boneLeg bonesLeg endsLeg frontLeg hingeLeg hit - out!Leg hit, out!Leg I planted without assistanceLeg itLeg jointLeg joint to irk, run being cancelledLeg jointsLeg muscle, brieflyLeg muscles, for shortLeg not broken, but abandoning with punctureLeg of lambLeg of lamb or muttonLeg of mutton or lambLeg partLeg part below the kneeLeg scratchersLeg shacklesLeg spinner in a dominant positionLeg supportsLeg upLeg up offered in hurryLeg warmers, e.g.Leg's middleLeg's midpointLeg's partnerLeg, sectionLeg-building setLeg-of-mutton sleeveLeg-pullerLeg. titleLeg/foot connectorLegacies largely corrupt - sadLegacyLegacy media at the start is not in retreatLegacy of live pursuitLegacy receiverLegacy sharerLegalLegal actionLegal action going aheadLegal action once, when reservoir location not finalisedLegal action serving as a precedentLegal action taken by head, a very foolish personLegal action; containerLegal adviser's first in to celebrate and offer congratulationLegal adviser, very proper, otherwiseLegal advocate: Abbr.Legal agreements for shrinksLegal aide, brieflyLegal ambiguitiesLegal analyst Van SustereLegal anonymLegal arguments shortened festivalLegal assignmentLegal assistantLegal assistantsLegal authorities excluding one signLegal authorityLegal authority in New York worked on treatyLegal backing rascal hinted atLegal bodyLegal body setting actor's percentageLegal body that's corrupt use suspect to stitch me upLegal broker's underwater spy?Legal cases?Legal claimLegal claim holderLegal claim on propertyLegal claim reportedly at college produces opinionated pieceLegal claimsLegal clause waives argument in favour of facultyLegal conclusionLegal conclusion?Legal cover-up?Legal custodianLegal decisionLegal defence proving innocenceLegal defendant’s false statement about femme fatale?Legal defendant: Abbr.Legal deg.Legal directive good, ruling ultimately welcomed by brotherhood of elders?Legal documentLegal document about poor service that’s cancelledLegal document decided police must leaveLegal document drafted with missing figureLegal document fool took across riverLegal document for transfer of propertyLegal document getting that chap to squirmLegal document issued by a courtLegal document made and executed by one party onlyLegal document needed for one new false tooth?Legal document securing land is sentLegal document that can be taken either wayLegal document that might be a trap?Legal document to burn and burn, entrenching women’s tiradeLegal documentsLegal documents about axing women's prisonLegal documents in which old king replaces sovereign's bribesLegal documents, reportedly, for Swiss hotelierLegal eagles' org.Legal encumbranceLegal endingLegal entitlementLegal entitlementsLegal excusesLegal expensesLegal expert barely accepts rabbi's caseLegal fellow's 33% orange since being shaken upLegal grounds for actionLegal guideline in sport failing to protect group of starsLegal hearingLegal heir, at timesLegal holdLegal hunting periodLegal impedimentLegal institutions or pubs in north and southLegal intern met illegal alienLegal itemLegal matterLegal meetings cut short and since disbandedLegal memo phraseLegal memo starterLegal name-changerLegal obligationLegal offenceLegal offenseLegal officer has trouble breaking strikeLegal officer in charge oLegal officer's trapped here in FranceLegal officialLegal official in particular region never without books?Legal officials leaving out first signLegal openerLegal or otherwise, it's a lively movementLegal order during meetingLegal org.Legal ownershipLegal paperLegal pardonLegal personnel about to procure English vegetableLegal plea, for shortLegal pleas, informallyLegal pointLegal position determinerLegal possessorLegal power? Judge is enthralling old city with speechLegal practitionerLegal precedentLegal precedent setterLegal precedentsLegal principle introduced by chancy presidentLegal proceedingLegal proceeding brought by one party against anotherLegal proceeding supports fine for splinter groupLegal proceeding, at lawLegal process - Gilbert and Sullivan comic operaLegal process once secured, we’re told, by King EdwardLegal professionLegal profession's drinking denLegal professionalLegal profession’s awfully remote - it responds to pressureLegal punch?Legal reach, metaphoricalLegal rep.Legal representativeLegal representative's brief coordination interrupted by senior investigatorLegal requirement with 10 providing themeLegal rightLegal right allowing oriental fellows to occupy their quarterLegal right to possess chestnut fungus and algaLegal right to propertyLegal rights grp.Legal rights org.Legal ruleLegal safety netLegal scholar BorkLegal scholar GuinierLegal scholar Guinier andLegal scholar Guinier et Legal scholar's deg.Legal settingLegal society accepting support backed from the subcontinentLegal speeders, for shortLegal standing cut short by ConservativeLegal statement by Welby, maybe as a precautionLegal stds. maintainerLegal stoppage of commerceLegal successorsLegal suspensionLegal system or theoryLegal team's dull spiel axed, no one having turned upLegal tenderLegal thingLegal to chase police officer capturing mafia chief involved in wrongdoingLegal to do away with leader? That's terrible!Legal trademark userLegal trainingLegal U.S. tenderLegal victory over Germany for politicianLegal writ, for shortLegal writ, in briefLegal wrongLegal wrongdoingLegal wrongsLegal, in a wayLegal, so to speakLegal-minded don loses nothing cracking up the shiresLegal-tender billLegalese adverbLegalese conjunctionLegalistic phraseLegalistic pronounLegallyLegally acceptableLegally adultLegally answerableLegally bindingLegally binding commandLegally binding decisionLegally hand over classic horror story penned by West Country runnerLegally hinders eastern and western situationsLegally impedesLegally invalidLegally killed in lethal altercationLegally land aquatic reptile losing legLegally land small turtle, leaving trapLegally matureLegally permittedLegally preventLegally required to stop imprisoning teacherLegally resident, Cummings not in? Lied outrageously!Legally responsibleLegally seize (property)Legally validLegally, wrong thing charged after previous shakedownLegateeLegation residentLegato indicatorLegbonesLegendLegend automakerLegend behind uprising needing no introductionLegend in automotivesLegend in dock according to hearsayLegend in one's own mindLegend localeLegend makerLegend of Tees? It's rubbishLegend of the auto industLegend of the HimalayasLegend on the iceLegend presented in crummy theatreLegend upset by article describing old empireLegend's localeLegend's startLegend, e.g.Legend, very generous sort, Mrs Thatcher - as if!LegendaryLegendary 1920s-'30s HarlLegendary abducteeLegendary Arabian birdLegendary athlete on the Legendary baseball exec BLegendary battlersLegendary beastLegendary beautyLegendary birdLegendary bird - Arizona cityLegendary bird eaten by crocodileLegendary bird to crown horse?Legendary bird’s goodness recalledLegendary bowler - one might fall for a duckLegendary bowler gets duckLegendary boxerLegendary British kingLegendary brothers in lawLegendary bull's home pumped with oxygen thus, as preservativeLegendary capital of KingLegendary captain's stroke at Lord's?Legendary castle attended by fateLegendary chaliceLegendary character, famous tenor, briefly on islandLegendary Chicago Bears cLegendary Christian martyLegendary cowboyLegendary cowboy ___ BillLegendary creature - I'm armedLegendary creature attending around end of the working weekLegendary creature in Himalayas, still one to be seenLegendary creature still seen to west of islandLegendary creature, until now, first in indexLegendary creaturesLegendary criminal playedLegendary crossbreed: one in a hundred? Not quiteLegendary cup or platterLegendary elephant eatersLegendary female cook ill right after bakingLegendary female warriorsLegendary figure bringing about illness, suffering and the onset of barbarismLegendary figure making comeback?Legendary figure to go brown: Greek character around lake getting sunLegendary figure, very large one, in hospitalLegendary flier's the reason fantasy writer gets mentionedLegendary fliersLegendary football coach Legendary Gaelic bardLegendary Gaelic poetLegendary GiantLegendary Giant's familyLegendary Greek conquestLegendary Greek hunter, who after his death was placed among the starsLegendary grid coach DonLegendary heretic seizes dayLegendary hero finding last of deadly doses concocted by usLegendary hero from country near central EuropeLegendary hero working in shopLegendary horseman familiarly talked of racecourse hereLegendary hunter getting over, taking out US soldier in the beginningLegendary hunter mounting leopard or minotaur hidesLegendary icemanLegendary Irish bardLegendary Irish princessLegendary island - in at lastLegendary kickerLegendary king given present by knightLegendary king has home with gold foundationLegendary king of the BritonsLegendary king with weapon beating sword, battle-axeLegendary king wounded, not finished off, on craftLegendary king, son of Uther PendragonLegendary knight had forgotten festive occasionLegendary knight in a cell, not freeLegendary knight's weapon, an item for auctionLegendary lawman of the OLegendary like the Beatles were firstLegendary loserLegendary lover admitted dealing in drugsLegendary lusterLegendary MacGregorLegendary magician in summer line-upLegendary maker of a 96-ALegendary marine monsterLegendary marksman’s orderLegendary medic on ice packsLegendary monster bore scar centrallyLegendary monster caught out by public transport course contentLegendary Mrs. who owned Legendary musician's old Rush EP is warpedLegendary name in 31-AcroLegendary nurse in a bad French hospital starts to earn accolades - about time!Legendary old man living in the depths of the earthLegendary Onondaga chiefLegendary opera starLegendary outlawLegendary outlaw's companLegendary password userLegendary queen titillates the royal guardsLegendary red ointment for child that’s really dearLegendary reptile with a Legendary rewardLegendary rock band oddly ignored by American books on the origins of alternative metalLegendary Romanian pianist and composer, George, d. in Paris, 1955Legendary ruler giving away universal ring case for scarab, sayLegendary ruler's blood on courtyard by ancient cityLegendary sailor ran off to the bordersLegendary sailor's succinct religious view?Legendary San Francisco mLegendary sea monsterLegendary serpentLegendary setter's not completely stupidLegendary siege siteLegendary sirenLegendary siren of the RhLegendary siren of the RhineLegendary skydiverLegendary sleeperLegendary soprano ___ PatLegendary Spanish bullfigLegendary Spanish philandererLegendary spinner's general aches isolated in the heartLegendary stick figureLegendary storiesLegendary storyLegendary submerged islandLegendary sunken islandLegendary Swiss crossbowman and folk heroLegendary vanished island - mythical placeLegendary vanished island, swallowed by an earthquakeLegendary vessel impounded by Japanese navy is GreekLegendary vessel’s slow movement leaving lakeLegendary Washington hostLegendsLegends and sagas, in generalLegends garland a siren of the RhineLegerdemainLegging covering instep and anklesLeggy bird to welcome centre forwardLeggy bird, alert, finding similar prey?Leggy bird, one proceeding with difficulty?Leggy individual recklessly enticed naked apesLeggy oneLeggy waderLegholds?Leghorn localeLegibleLegionLegion of Honor memberLegion retreats to hold remote rural stationLegionsLegis. introduced into evLegis. meetingLegis. periodLegis. titleLegislateLegislatedLegislatesLegislationLegislation dealing with reliefLegislation having financial consequences?Legislation in the wake of blooming Hereward the Wake?Legislation limiting Belgium’s currencyLegislation on drink fails to work properlyLegislation plays a partLegislation station?LegislativeLegislative act that impoLegislative aidesLegislative assembliesLegislative assemblyLegislative bodyLegislative body partly chosen at electionLegislative body's sub-par elements limiting government bondLegislative buildingLegislative excessLegislative groupLegislative grp.Legislative housesLegislative largessLegislative ordinanceLegislatorLegislator - treasonLegislator appointed by a party to enforce disciplineLegislator blocking current law's effectLegislator recording participating in required workLegislator spilt no tearsLegislator to look narrowly after long sentenceLegislator turns up, not tense but a little nervousLegislator with support in UN? Quite a lotLegislator’s work ultimately to stop malware spreadingLegislator's appalling treasonLegislator's cryLegislators: Abbr.LegislatureLegislature’s meeting’s spoken of this yielding of territory?Legislature's better current tax cutLegislature, in CanadaLegislature, in the UKLegitLegit, speaking down to chairman?LegitimacyLegitimacy forsaken by leader in appalling stateLegitimateLegitimate and honestLegitimate appalling successor to Elizabeth the secondLegitimate banning learner driver that’s very badLegitimate knockout finishes off contender before middle of the second roundLegitimate rubbish written about French hereLegitimate targetLegitimate target for attack or exploitationLegitimate target in coconut shy, possibly?Legitimate target in hoop-la, perhaps?Legless amnesiacs knocked back bottles togetherLegless chaps touring Rhode Island with time for funLegless creaturesLegless, British ahead of gameLegman's listLego precursorLego unitLego, literallyLegree's creatorLegsLegs before energy gets to run outLegs concealed by mostly severe woman not in formal relationshipLegs covered in grass got worseLegs it upstairs, welcoming part of a keep-fit routine?Legs up, darling, just a littleLegs, slangilyLegs, to a zoot suiterLegumeLegume hybridised with banana? That’s not viableLegume used to produce spLegume, e.g.Legume, very hot, to eat with the others …Leguminous plantLeguminous plant, one originally unknown in South AfricaLegwear only tossed between partnersLehLehar work, with "The"Lehman Brothers went to this wealthy Manhattan streetLehmann of operaLei Day greetingLei giver's greetingLei-person's greeting?Leicester City footballer starts to make all his runs exceptionally zigzaggyLeicester City v Celtic perhaps - or something more serious?Leicester cryLeif's languageLeigh Hunt's "Abou Ben __Leigh Hunt's "___ Ben AdhLeigh of "Psycho"Leinster centre, hard worker, quick to get readyLeipzig's stateLeis woven in Hawaii, perhapsLeisureLeisure activities shunned by current philosopherLeisure activityLeisure area ideal for slippersLeisure centre has accepted poetry pieces on Jack CadeLeisure facilities where one can get high, and very anxious?Leisure facilityLeisure finds French composer in empty libraryLeisure garmentLeisure periodsLeisure storeLeisure suit fabricLeisurelinessLeisurelyLeisurely drink safe for consumptionLeisurely gaitsLeisurely lyricist?Leisurely moo in field getting loud at the endLeisurely reeferLeisurely strollLeisurely time to arrive Leisurely walkLeisurely walkers better ignoring leader, heading southLeisurewear right for author's workLeisurewear, its use at work initially is relaxedLeitmotiv used by Keith EmersonLEM makerLeman and othersLemieux milieuLemieux milieu: Abbr.LemonLemon and lime drinksLemon and orange drinksLemon beverageLemon countryLemon drinkLemon go-withLemon grove?Lemon juice, e.g.Lemon locale?Lemon on a baseball fieldLemon or lime drinkLemon or orangeLemon peelLemon producer?Lemon shadeLemon skinLemon ___Lemon ___ (herb)Lemon, maybeLemon-flavored, maybeLemon-like fruitLemon-lime malt brandLemon-___ (Kool-Aid flavoLemonade + ___ = Arnold PLemonade and cheese snackLemonlikeLemonlike fruitLemonsLemonyLemony dessertLemony meringue concoctioLemony Snicket's count anLemony, e.g.Lemony, sayLemur - need one to populate jungly Gabon?Lemur’s call when encountering shadowLemur's hangoutLen —, spy writerLen Deighton's anagrammatLen wrongly connected with Madrid: he’s from Birmingham?Len, 8, accepted by teacherLena of Lena of "Chocolat"Lena of "Havana"Lena or Ken of filmLena who played Irina DerLena who sang "Stormy WeaLenape advocate of IndianLenape orator who inspireLendLend a handLend a hand toLend a hand to musician scoring introduction to balladLend an earLend an ear (to)Lend – make progressLend heroes recycled gear for Oktoberfest?Lend money to soldier for a sandwichLend novel to transfix child that's read e-book apparentlyLend one thousand rupees to be invested by postman?Lend setter, for example, audio equipmentLend ___Lend ___ (help)Lend ___ (listen)Lend ___ (pay attention)Lend, going crazy with a loan for everyone!Lend, informallyLend-Lease Act provisionLend-___ ActLendee's noteLender almost smiling: it’s on the house!Lender cried out to Rishi initiallyLender studio's last used in Network and Jaws?Lender's claimLender's income: Abbr.Lender's lettersLender's protectionLender's recourseLenders at very high interest ratesLenders' banesLenders, oftenLending "lady"Lending at extortionate ratesLending crisisLending figuresLendl of tennisLendsLends a handLength and widthLength being introduced to brown parsnip perhapsLength between two pointsLength cut from wood on smooth boardLength given to note in second partLength in years of a leniLength initially taken off decorative chainLength of 14 2/3 footballLength of a curveLength of a kids' fun runLength of a parliamentLength of a quick fight?Length of cord rolled into the porchLength of fabricLength of flightLength of hair, mine, captivating the FrenchLength of land by the seaLength of lifeLength of life that is left for King Charles, maybeLength of many a TV dramaLength of many stands?Length of metal, tungsten, about to carry currentLength of old Henry’s skipping torment!Length of old Lying Face, sayLength of printed pieceLength of sawn timberLength of some shortsLength of stepLength of stringLength of timeLength of time around it variedLength of wait spelled out in detail, maybe to extremesLength of yarnLength times widthLength unit in LyonLength x width, for a recLengthenLengthen in timeLengthen lease, depressedLengthen or shortenLengthen pamphlet after person making regular cutsLengthen professional treatiseLengthen publicity by circular letter on short London openingLengthen Saturday and Sunday, essentially?Lengthen, with LengthenedLengthens leases foremost of dukes holdLengthens, old-styleLengthier arc hypothetically contains vertical structureLengths first spanned by ballsLengths of serviceLengths of yarn, loosely coiledLengthwiseLengthyLengthy conflictsLengthy discoursesLengthy drama shows heady invention?Lengthy fightLengthy footraceLengthy item calling to the lower house: planner upset about thatLengthy lurkers of the deLengthy military sign-up?Lengthy pedestrian crossing built upLengthy procedureLengthy reprimandLengthy reprovalLengthy sentenceLengthy undertakingLengthy walkLengthy warningsLengthy word? Interminable, perhaps?Lengthy yarnLenienceLeniencyLenientLenient head driving improvement in the summerLenient, mercifulLeninLenin wasn't prepared for activity in courtLenin's "What ___ Be DoneLenin's bodyLenin's land, for shortLenin, for oneLeninist leader released? Yahoo!Lennie’s pose affected while resting?Lennon and othersLennon bandmateLennon music regularly banished boredomLennon or Assange?Lennon's "Two Virgins" paLennon's 'Woman', very loud in burstsLennon's in-lawsLennon's ladyLennon's loveLennon's mateLennon's second mateLennon's second wifeLennon's spouseLennon's widowLennon's widow YokoLennon's wifeLennon's womanLennon/McCartney song whoLennon/McCartney's "___ LLennon/Ono's "Happy ___ (Lennox Lewis org.Lennox or Leibovitz?Lenny makes buys while ..Lenny, perhaps his last part after 'Chicken Run'?Leno appears on itLeno lineLeno's got a big oneLeno's necklace?Leno, notablyLenore's creatorLenox productsLensLens care solution?Lens closed twice, capturing elephant zapping insectLens cover?Lens holderLens holder, for shortLens holdersLens makerLens protectorLens settingLens settingsLens solution brandLens typeLens used for close-upsLens used to observe ocular prosthesis having exchanged componentsLens with a crescent-shapLens(es) at the viewing end of an optical instrumentLens-grinding Dutch philoLensesLenses long used by English in New Zealand, including foremost of contactsLensman AdamsLentLent a handLent activityLent effortLent hat to cricketerLent me oilLent part?Lent precederLent, ultimately having had extremely risky outlays collapsingLenten servingLenten symbolLenten treatLentil dish at an Indian Lentil, e.g.LentoLento e largoLento or largoLenya of "Cabaret"Lenya of songLeo and LibraLeo and othersLeo and Rupert nobbled dealer in gameLeo Durocher monicker, wiLeo Messi's finish secured by left legLeo's symbolLeo, astrologicallyLeo, for exampleLeo, for oneLeo, say, in big-cat shed with fine for British zoo in a state of disrepairLeon —, Russian revolutionaryLeon —, early MarxistLeon of "Mister Ed"Leon Redbone regularly remixed "Move On Up"?Leon regrets CV - it misrepresented what applicants should perhaps includeLeon Uris novelLeon Uris novel, with "ThLeon Uris's "___ 18"Leon who won both a PulitLeon who wrote "Exodus"Leon with three Super BowLeon ___, McKinley's assaLeon ___, who wrote "MilaLeonard Bernstein called Leonard Bernstein's "___ Leonard of literatureLeonard or Sacha Baron?Leonardo da Vinci muralLeonardo da Vinci's "___ Leonardo da Vinci?Leonardo da ___Leonardo of ___ (mathematLeonardo ___Leonardo's "The Aviator" Leonardo's homeLeonardo's outside to exploit rotterLeonato's niece to flog diamonds without a hint of regretLeonidas' kingdomLeonidas's landLeonine locksLeonine movie starLeonine movie star of oldLeopardLeopard featuresLeopard markingsLeopard one breathless catching horse?Leopard relativeLeopard runnerLeopard spotLeopard spots, e.g.Leopard without spots, one breathing heavily, biting hardLeopard's home?Leopard, e.g.Leopardlike catLeopards are spotted hereLeopardus pardalisLeopold and ___ (big 1920Leopold Bloom's creatorLeopold's 1920's co-defenLeopold's 1920s co-defendLeopold's celebrated murdLeopold's partner in a seLeopold's partner in crimLeotard, e.g.Lepidopterist's accessoryLepidopterist's equipmentLepidopterist's needLepidopterist's studyLepidopterist's toolLepidopterists' gearLepidopterous floater, apian stinger, d. 2016Lepidopterous movie monstLeporello, e.g., in "Don Leporid mammalLeporine creaturesLeporine leapersLeprechaun landLeprechaun's landLeprechaunsLeprechauns' homeLeprechauns' landLepton's localeLerner and Loewe musicalLerner's "Camelot" partneLerner's musical partnerLerner's partnerLerner's partner for "CamLes Les : French :: ___ : ItaLes abandons hopelessly bad security deviceLes Mis character backed ladies wearing denim?Les Misérables authorLes oreilles are attachedLes poissons swim in itLes Trois Mousquetaires, Les ___-UnisLesage book "Gil ___"Lesage hero Gil ___Lesbian almost touching something preciousLesbian character accepting a danceLesbian orders a pie that is taken with chipsLesbian, maybe French girl, goes through Channel regularlyLeShan who wrote child-caLesionLesley of "60 Minutes"Leslie Caron musicalLeslie Caron roleLeslie Caron title roleLeslie of "Gigi"Leslie who’s made Saint? Rich stare, confoundedLessLess abundantLess accurateLess activeLess addledLess adequate alternativeLess adornedLess adulteratedLess affable Independent setter for a changeLess affectedLess affected by what was in cloud, trapped characters are out of danger? That's rightLess affluentLess agitatedLess amicableLess approachableLess apt to learnLess apt to wait one's tuLess arduousLess assertiveLess assertive setter bitten by catLess astuteLess at easeLess attractiveLess availableLess awkward if back girdled in advance, before runLess bananasLess beautifulLess bindingLess blowzyLess boldLess bothered about meat bone one's left for dog's dinnerLess burdensomeLess calmLess certainLess cheeryLess chewyLess civilLess cleanLess clearLess clear, as river wateLess clear, fade in drum beatLess clutteredLess colorfulLess colourful second city of ItalyLess commonLess common bird control device getting investment by collegeLess competentLess congenialLess constrainedLess controlledLess conventionalLess convincing, as an exLess convolutedLess cooked, flipped over rump prodded by skewer, finallyLess coolLess cordialLess corruptedLess coveredLess crampedLess crazyLess dauntedLess decent batsman sacrifices power to lower degreeLess decoratedLess deliberateLess demandingLess denseLess diceyLess difficultLess dirtyLess distinctLess domesticated, runs after writerLess done, as steakLess dottyLess drunkLess easygoingLess elaborated sportsman's clothing cutLess elevated book brought in supplied plotLess emotionalLess enthusedLess error-proneLess excitingLess exciting cheers getting rock group upsetLess expensiveLess expensive, reduced by a penny? Some measure of enthusiasm hereLess expensive-sounding young bird?Less experiencedLess experienced solvers no good, one hesitates to say?Less exposedLess extensiveLess familiar tunes including Beethoven's Second, moreoverLess farLess fashionable silent model losing heartLess fatLess fatteningLess fattyLess favorableLess filled outLess flexibleLess flusteredLess forgivingLess formalLess fortunateLess forwardLess frequentLess freshLess fresh challenger at first one defeatedLess friendlyLess frowzyLess fullLess furnishedLess generous member of Wasps, say, inspires oneLess goodLess grandLess greenLess happyLess happy about cat, say, climbing large item in tool shed?Less harshLess hazardousLess healthyLess heavyLess highLess hopefulLess importantLess important part of farm in OregonLess impressive moment in Italian cityLess in numberLess in order?Less ineptLess inhibitedLess intelligentLess intelligent huntsman possibly found around middle of KentuckyLess intelligent one in a party of Americans?Less interesting complimentLess kindLess languidLess laxLess leanLess leisurelyLess lenientLess like a yo-yoLess like legaleseLess like nuts?Less likely to be hit by Less likely to be windedLess likely to breakLess likely to collapseLess likely to fly?Less likely to leave incriminating traces in government - and worshipped?Less likely to lose itLess likely to make mistaLess likely to offendLess likely to reconcileLess livelyLess loftyLess loonyLess loopyLess mellowLess messyLess moistLess muddledLess naturalLess niceLess numerousLess of an illusionLess oldLess originalLess ornateLess overcastLess plausible, as an excLess pleasing to the earLess plentifulLess politeLess pollutedLess popular time to be on shore, presumably, with boyLess popular, as a restauLess powerful, the river surrounds pubLess predictableLess prepared to find one immersed in a French textbookLess prepared, less strong, lacking power, having skirted studyLess productive apprentice runs awayLess receptiveLess refinedLess relaxedLess reliableLess reliable fellow? That's rightLess remoteLess reputableLess reservedLess resonantLess respectfulLess restrainedLess ripeLess riskyLess risky returning in the role of whistle-blower after retirementLess ruddyLess saneLess savageLess secureLess seenLess seniorLess sensible ditching leader - no feasible PM?Less sensible place to go: area in Wigan bookedLess seriousLess settledLess severeLess sharp, bladdered, I put some bottles backLess significantLess slovenlyLess smoothLess solvableLess sophisticatedLess soundLess speciousLess speedyLess spiritedLess spiritual altarpieces mutilated, leading to tearsLess steepLess stimulatingLess stirredLess straightLess straightforwardLess stressedLess stressfulLess strictLess subduedLess sufficientLess svelteLess sweetLess swiftLess sympatheticLess tactful, outing 'large' schoolboyLess tannedLess tastefulLess tastyLess tautLess taxingLess than 1 m.p.h., as wiLess than 50% are popular with those under ageLess than 50% of women do without support financiallyLess than 90Less than 90 degreesLess than a one-star moviLess than a sentence, in Less than a storm at sea? That's luckyLess than anyLess than attractive enterpriseLess than average tidal rises and fallsLess than completeLess than decentLess than diddlyLess than fifty per cent from all-rounderLess than four? Education is primaryLess than half of characters in college passLess than neededLess than ninety degreesLess than outstandingLess than pleasant, Beria's alleged to have snuffed out Leninists' leader in a rageLess than popular high street fundraisersLess than quadraphonicLess than rightLess than right?Less than solidLess than spectacularLess than stellarLess than striking action in game's nadirLess than the required amountLess than upstandingLess than wholesaleLess than wonderfulLess than zero: Abbr.Less thickLess tightLess time-consumingLess toughLess transparentLess trustingLess tryingLess typicalLess untidyLess up-to-dateLess upfrontLess verboseLess warmLess weighty article right outside tavernLess welcomingLess welcoming here in Calais leading to hesitationLess wellLess well cookedLess well doneLess well offLess well-bred horse picked upLess well-known tracks around east tooLess well-lookingLess wetLess widely known rule on poison copper ignoredLess wildLess wild path for conquering warriorLess wobbly, sayLess woolly, perhapsLess wordyLess-than-complete balance about row in French cityLess-than-Ruthian hitsLess-than-serious flight for fun, not entirely dreadfulLesseeLessee aunt sent out to secure bookLessenLessen hardness of college entrance - one gets inLessen one's exposureLessen the seriousnessLessen, as difficultiesLessen, as fearsLessen, as painLessen, with "down"Lessened, as painLessenerLesseningLessening of dose perhaps cured it, on receiving treatmentLessensLessens force: everything’s to followLessens the force ofLesserLesser deityLesser figure ends in juvenile court, having broken lawLesser in statureLesser of two ___Lesser playerLesser runner, a male regularly getting in the wayLesser Spanish noblemenLesser star designation iLesser Sunda islandLesser-known astrology syLesser-played half of a 4Lesser-used PC keyLessonLesson #1 in cookingLesson duration, oftenLesson from AesopLesson hammered out amidst testLesson I arranged for Leo's mateLesson in cooking shin and legLesson master put into speechLesson of a storyLesson that can be drawn from a storyLesson writer?Lesson; social divisionLessonsLessons at HogwartsLessons from Master before examsLessons? Disapproving remark before one enters tests!LestLester bats while ...LetLet — eat cakeLet (property)Let (up)Let a judge hear the caseLet a night with her set in motion true love!Let a runner go out with drug for rider in last placeLet a slip passLet alumni say nothing about head of LatinLet apple Danish pastries be distributed in great number for todayLet bachelor nurse beer, getting roundLet balance dip into red, about to take advantage of charityLet bloke from Bow attach architectural featureLet borrowLet cash fall out of bagLet China clay initially be moulded by expertLet conservationists put grass outsideLet downLet down burglars' leader in bank plotLet down by actor regularly: average performer on stageLet down by legal document about apartmentLet down in dodgy dealLet down plane into Chester’s riverLet down recently (after making love Ed turned over)Let down, perhapsLet down, sayLet down, scowl, losing headLet drunk close tabLet enamel fuse! That's basicLet European into type of party that's celebrated in fancy dressLet everybody down, having no limitsLet everyone down at the centreLet everyone down, ignoring outsidersLet everyone outstanding be audibly spokenLet everything be on tickLet fallLet fall and let tearLet fall, in poetryLet flyLet fly, as good dressmakers should?Let for moneyLet freeLet gangster downLet goLet go by Bottom after pressure to get out of bedLet go from workLet go ofLet go of everything, including WPC's protectionLet go of key emergency facilityLet go of key safety measureLet go of worker following extremists in unionLet go tactfullyLet go, in a wayLet hangLet haveLet have itLet have the final wordLet inLet in a Duke with GermanLet in a second timeLet in advanceLet in againLet in again to study with Cambridge collegeLet in or onLet in oxygenLet in; confessedLet in; ownLet into Duke University after good gradeLet it all outLet it all out?Let it beLet it be, editoriallyLet It be? Track initially included in songs given at concertLet it standLet knowLet lawmen loose with good intentionsLet learner driver move graduallyLet Liberal moving south standLet liveLet looseLet loose at the outset then relaxLet loose energy and flatulate vaporous emission!Let loose, as pigsLet loose, initially, on facilityLet loose, stick around the marshesLet man creep off to get substituteLet me explain plan B: pretend everything's OKLet me go out, grab club and prepare for fightLet me pour liquid mineralLet me see about drying out dogLet me take that - British silver is turning up …Let me think about that sweet sexy womanLet me think? Drug addict to keep loan-sharkLet me through for this danceLet oboes play like serpents?Let offLet off steamLet off steam about European border in earnestLet off steam, in consequence rejecting leaderLet off steam, maybeLet off the hookLet off the hook?Let one horribly round queen articulateLet one's anger showLet one's god down?Let oneself down in trouble concealing diseaseLet outLet out — or let out again?Let out grass around end of April, showing some heartLet out of the can?Let out once – or more than once?Let out the waist of, e.gLet out to catch bugLet out, as horsesLet out, e.g.Let out, in a wayLet out, perhapsLet passLet ponies loose? Make a decision tomorrowLet priest go casting out troublesome spiritLet raven free in wind from the eastLet ride, at the trackLet ripLet rip on corrupt cross-border forceLet rip on spreading force globallyLet singLet sir get drunk with lots of wine?Let sitLet slipLet slip about following secretary everywhereLet social maverick swing both waysLet sound be heardLet special medical team cut open Marxist?Let spreadLet stand, in editorial pLet team in for householderLet the air out, sayLet the air out?Let the cat out of the baLet the cat out of the bagLet upLet us in after fixing toolLet useLet water out of both taps spread in Texas, sayLet winLet wine breathe for start of foreign holiday?Let ___ a secretLet's deal with flyaway hairLet's do itLet's Do It songwriterLet's list components? That's most unmoving!Let's not have bird shivering — it's uncivilisedLet's not start to look relievedLet's play all that again one more time!Let's resend Busted. They're most unlike Fatboy Slim in the extremeLet's sack drunk that's negligent beyond compareLet's see those teeth beginning to decay - I weep on failing to contain itLet's shake hands!Let's shape go if you eat too many like thisLet's stand back to frontLet's start, say, visiting people in line for awardsLet's take most of Harrison Ford's fantastic filmLet's tolerate different people who don't touch alcoholLet's try method, coming out on top of a fightLet's wish leader goneLet, permitLet-downLet-down after excitementLet-upLet-up in respect of crusadeLet’s dance in pants in privateLet’s hear more!Let’s not bother with dance that’s derangedLet’s pretendLetchLetdownLetdown after awaiting a LethalLethal acid thrown in endless sermonLethal compoundLethal cousin of the cobrLethal error I overlooked - ingesting astatineLethal force keeps order locallyLethal serpents a reclusive saint chances heading offLethal snakeLethal stingersLethal tablet swallowed by father only half dissolvedLethal venom bottles split into twoLethally poisoned ruler, LethargicLethargic duck turned around behind hillLethargic feelingLethargic feelingsLethargic guard dropping over timeLethargic porter dropping round at end of shiftLethargic, and not ready to go shopping?Lethargic, unlike Ko-Ko?LethargyLethargy - not in CIALethargy defeats rising, requiring injection of pressureLethargy from United playing sport outsideLethargy of fish hauled up to languish on steamshipLethargy of Politburo put Stalin in the ascendantLethargy shown by overweight Miguel taking clothes offLetheLetsLets (up)Lets boxing man off in scrapsLets boy off with fine, producing rules and regulations in writing?Lets do itLets downLets flyLets goLets go ofLets have itLets inLets looseLets mistakes passLets offLets off some steamLets off steamLets off steam?Lets off the hookLets onLets or subletsLets outLets out cry: 'Don't move a muscle!'Lets out, or lets out againLets slip, with "out"Lets the fingers do the tLets touch theseLets upLetterLetter "Y" wearerLetter abbr.Letter about European Parliament's accommodationLetter about shelter leads to easing of tension between nationsLetter about surrender, as near as dammit?Letter abroad recalled very different timesLetter accompanier: Abbr.Letter add-ons: Abbr.Letter addendaLetter addenda, for shortLetter addenda: Abbr.Letter addendum, for shorLetter additionLetter adornmentLetter after betaLetter after Beta in a soLetter after chiLetter after epsilonLetter after etaLetter after gammaLetter after Juliet in a Letter after peeLetter after phi, chi, psLetter after piLetter after sierra, in rLetter after sigmaLetter after tethLetter after thetaLetter after ZLetter after zetaLetter almost mailed to a liberal magazineLetter amountLetter and article presented with show of gratitudeLetter and next two found between opposing letters in manuscriptLetter and when it should get hereLetter attached to old poem about Dubai for exampleLetter attachments: Abbr.Letter before "cue"Letter before arLetter before baLetter before Beta in a sLetter before bethLetter before deltaLetter before epsilonLetter before geeLetter before gimelLetter before iotaLetter before kappaLetter before lambdaLetter before lima in theLetter before omegaLetter before Peter in anLetter before psiLetter before qophLetter before shinLetter before sigmaLetter before teeLetter between eta and ioLetter between pi and sigLetter box depositsLetter by female artist at end of guide campLetter by German poet accepting doctor's asthma treatmentLetter by good American conservative is inconsequentialLetter cardLetter carrier's assignmeLetter carrier's uniform?Letter carrier?: Abbr.Letter carriers' grp.Letter carriers' org.Letter collectorLetter containerLetter container: Abbr.Letter containing a kind of teaLetter covered in skin and boneLetter distribution on baLetter drop, e.g.Letter drop-offsLetter E missing: game is lostLetter encl.Letter encl. to facilitatLetter enclosures: Abbr.Letter ender?Letter endings: Abbr.Letter expected answerLetter featureLetter finisherLetter finisher, of sortsLetter flourishLetter for CynewulfLetter for GandalfLetter from a church covering appealLetter from a teacherLetter from abroadLetter from abroad for volunteer soldiers until recentlyLetter from abroad, estimated time of arrival on ThursdayLetter from America, and from France arriving earlierLetter from apostle's so righteousLetter from CorinthLetter from desperate elites clinging to powerLetter from Eliot analysedLetter from Eliot answeredLetter from GreeceLetter from Greece (old Antioch) bought and adapted for a playLetter from Greece - when is it expected?Letter from Greece in local newspaperLetter from Greece slipped into our houseLetter from Greek grips old boy with a fearLetter from Greek island love cheersLetter from Greek lord, one amused by toy?Letter from Heraklion as acidic as can be?Letter from holy man found in English mansion?Letter from Homer?Letter from internet company returnedLetter from JudeLetter from Mr Ive's young daughter?Letter from occasionally sadistic husbandLetter from old lady after short noticeLetter from old reservistsLetter from pair of kids describing New YearLetter from Poles in translationLetter from Rolling Stone clutched by woman now and thenLetter from school graduateLetter from Scotsman in POW camp returnedLetter from St. Paul: AbbLetter from the CorinthiaLetter from those who were kept in reserveLetter getterLetter getter, maybeLetter getter: Abbr.Letter given to speaker's investigator in government departmentLetter greetingLetter greeting never reaLetter holderLetter holder: Abbr.Letter home contained moneyLetter idiot attempted to hideLetter in a mysterious inLetter in Greek about Queen backing cityLetter in Irish supporting sensationalist preacherLetter in Latin in ensemble’s latest trackLetter in radio communicaLetter in runesLetter in Socrates' nameLetter in the Daily MirroLetter in the Globe and MLetter introducing recent catalogues for certain collectorsLetter isn't vowel?Letter lettersLetter linesLetter lineupLetter maybe showing integrityLetter of a chapter?Letter of alphabet representing measure of tyre inflationLetter of approval?: AbbrLetter of indictment?Letter of public house, opening for inspectionLetter of substance reported generosity of spiritLetter of thanks after articleLetter of thanks after getting shown the way upLetter of thanks following articleLetter of the law?Letter often accompanyingLetter often droppedLetter on some college jaLetter on Superman's chesLetter on top of desk is prominentLetter on where to drink beerLetter only composed to inspire anotherLetter openerLetter opener chopped up dead seersLetter opener that is removed from armoire, admired as quirkyLetter opener, at timesLetter opener?Letter opposing drinkLetter or article accompanying grateful commentLetter or cardLetter or numberLetter or symbolLetter P among terrible tiles at end of ScrabbleLetter paper?Letter penned by Charles, so ridiculousLetter pile set to be rearrangedLetter possibly closed with this: 'I saw Angel off with a kiss'Letter preceding bravoLetter prefacing generous patternLetter producerLetter pronounced while breathing outLetter read out — gosh!Letter read out by customer in taverna?Letter read out succeeded after repeat, which you can bet onLetter receiver?Letter records rampaging lionLetter resembling an inveLetter resembling an ox'sLetter routing abbr.Letter runLetter said nothing more to resolve - one's 9Letter school returnedLetter sent to many peopleLetter sequenceLetter seriesLetter showing the acidity of beer?Letter sign-offLetter signed by many on all sides seen by 4's partnerLetter signoffLetter spelled out change in direction, largelyLetter spelled out work in detailLetter startLetter starterLetter stringLetter such as i or uLetter switched to ess inLetter takerLetter that's regularly dropped!Letter tiles thrown out after Scrabble championship finally?Letter to be burned: react badlyLetter to Greeks — about time — becomes disgraceLetter to innkeeperLetter trioLetter upset ageing King invading countryLetter wearer: Abbr.Letter wearers, e.g.Letter will upset learned MuslimsLetter writer occupied by government flip-floppingLetter writer's afterthouLetter writing, some sayLetter’s opening rewritten racily, like a poem?Letter's end?Letter's function exhaustedLetter's needLetter's signLetter, a ticklish thingLetter, I sayLetter, of sortsLetter, one about hidden region of ChinaLetter, or what’s added to it by oneLetter-ending abbr.Letter-opener in general use?Letter-perfect postmanLetter-routing abbr.Letter-shaped beamLetter-shaped bridge suppLetter-shaped building beLetter-shaped building suLetter-shaped constructioLetter-shaped crossLetter-shaped fastenerLetter-shaped girderLetter-shaped hardwareLetter-shaped openingLetter-shaped opening forLetter-shaped part of a gLetter-shaped skyscraper Letter-shaped structural Letter-shaped supportLetter-shaped woodworkingLetter-shaped, threaded fLetter-to-Santa enclosureLetter-writer makes typo oddly when entering his other nameLetter-writing aidLetter-writing friendLetter-writing prisoner, Letter-writing skill of witches and wizards?Letter: it’s likely to arrive after ThursdayLetter?Lettered topLetterhead abbr.Letterhead designLetterhead featureLetterhead graphicLetterhead?: Abbr.Lettering liquidLetterless phone buttonLetterman airerLetterman dental featureLetterman lettersLetterman list, e.g.Letterman listsLetterman of late-nightLetterman rivalLetterman's last guest onLetterman's networkLetterman's nightly listLetterman's rivalLetterman, Leno, etc.Letterman, to LenoLettersLetters about alternative sources of decoration suggest the cuckoo pintLetters above 0Letters accompanying someLetters added at the front of a wordLetters after a proofLetters after chisLetters after Daniel MoynLetters after epsilonsLetters after Gov. JeanneLetters after LLetters after many animalLetters after pisLetters after QLetters after two slashesLetters akin to P.D.Q.Letters and packagesLetters associated with aLetters associated with pencil broken by Queen Rosemary, perhapsLetters at a launchLetters at a Nascar raceLetters at Buckingham PalLetters at Camp LejeuneLetters at seaLetters at the beachLetters at the bottom of an invitation cardLetters at the end of a pLetters before a colon, oLetters before a nameLetters before a pseudonyLetters before a street nLetters before an aliasLetters before gimelsLetters before Liberty orLetters before many a staLetters before many stateLetters before omegasLetters before teesLetters before xisLetters beginning each numbered clue offer Des’s excuse, duly disguisedLetters between a name anLetters between two namesLetters descend on cricket's HQLetters dispatched in fliersLetters ending a PC code Letters exchanged by emplLetters for a dukeLetters for a King?Letters for a princeLetters for a prince or pLetters for a psychicLetters for a religious sLetters for Alpha-Bits?Letters for checksLetters for college-boundLetters for enlistees' leLetters for JesusLetters for LettermanLetters for nine-to-fiverLetters for Old MacDonaldLetters for soldiersLetters for the dear depaLetters found in underweaLetters from a debtorLetters from a mathematicLetters from a short persLetters from admirersLetters from AthensLetters from AtlantaLetters from Bruno sorted before noon and awaiting deliveryLetters from CreteLetters from Frederic Austin's girlLetters from GreeceLetters from London nearly delivered for poetLetters from mountain hospital: help!Letters from Nepali centrally displaying Chinese symbolLetters from old man for adorable Chinese nativeLetters from Orange Lodge's financial backerLetters from overseasLetters from Plath implicating Indian police enforcerLetters from schoolmaster never enforcing disciplineLetters from schoolmaster not like Snape?Letters from secretary, a Chinese nativeLetters from the Persian Letters hanging on a wallLetters he has put in post to North and South? It's left, if not rightLetters he read outLetters in a line scoreLetters in a long-distancLetters in a U.R.L.Letters in an old dateLetters in cyberspaceLetters in IcelandicLetters in love lettersLetters in many black chuLetters in sloping typeLetters in some church naLetters in some message mostly taken the wrong wayLetters in some ratingsLetters introducing some Letters man read aloudLetters maybe from people in play?Letters of agreementLetters of commerceLetters of compassionLetters of concernLetters of creditLetters of credit?Letters of debtLetters of discharge?Letters of distressLetters of Euripides showing devout imageLetters of faux modestyLetters of invitationLetters of patent?Letters of rejoicingLetters of royaltyLetters of sizesLetters of stone seen in European housesLetters of successLetters of surprise, in tLetters of urgencyLetters of ZenoLetters often followed byLetters on a B-2Letters on a B-52Letters on a brandy bottlLetters on a bucketLetters on a car stickerLetters on a Cardinal's cLetters on a Cardinals caLetters on a cognac bottlLetters on a Coppertone bLetters on a crossLetters on a crucifixLetters on a farm?Letters on a food stampLetters on a Kodak boxLetters on a new car sticLetters on a packageLetters on a police reporLetters on a posterLetters on a pump, maybeLetters on a RLetters on a scoreboardLetters on a shingleLetters on a Soyuz rocketLetters on a stampLetters on a telephone biLetters on a toothpaste tLetters on a wanted posteLetters on an ambulanceLetters on an F.B.I. listLetters on an invitationLetters on an Olympics jeLetters on EndeavourLetters on headstone producing tearLetters on letters to solLetters on many black chuLetters on old rublesLetters on old Russian maLetters on old Soviet rocLetters on Ozzie Smith's Letters on screensLetters on secondsLetters on some 747'sLetters on some churchesLetters on some college bLetters on some invitatioLetters on some linersLetters on some lotionsLetters on some N.Y.C. baLetters on some N.Y.C. maLetters on some pumpsLetters on the roadLetters on tiresLetters on undiesLetters or cards?Letters picked up with a permitLetters providing protection for owner of mobile home?Letters rearranged to find the solutionLetters regularly dispatched from US to African capitalLetters regularly falling out of mailbags, unfortunatelyLetters right to go into capital for sortingLetters said with a shoutLetters seen by a proof rLetters seen during proofLetters sent abroad by a politician, way lighterLetters served in liquidLetters set down on groundLetters slanting upward to the rightLetters sometimes inscribLetters stamped on meatLetters starting a ship'sLetters starting many milLetters starting naval caLetters stolen by bitter evangelistLetters taken out of order to discover a hidden meaningLetters that can't be fouLetters that don't need sLetters that lack stampsLetters that look like trLetters that make you feeLetters that must be bougLetters that please 42-DoLetters that please an anLetters that please angelLetters to a celebrityLetters to acquire at cricket groundLetters to answer?Letters translated on unusual map provide illuminationLetters used in datingLetters used to avoid lisLetters with italic form, perhaps reading through?Letters you see to be typed, for example S-K-I-P T-E-ALetters' partnerLetters, of a sortLettingLetting arrangementLetting contractLetting down front, crease fabric and squeeze onceLetting go, suppressing a sudden pounceLetting in one single goal, including defender's headerLetting out a little laugh, English drunk sounds like a horseLetting standLetting upLetting-off point: Abbr.Letts do itLettuceLettuce arrangementLettuce crops regularly denudedLettuce dishLettuce leavesLettuce or kaleLettuce prepared for petLettuce servingLettuce unitLettuce varietyLettuce-munching plodderLeucite sourceLEUMILevant of levityLevantine land: Abbr.Levee breachesLevee featureLevee materialLevelLevel - layerLevel - regularLevel ... or a three-wordLevel 42's doubly so after splitLevel a charge against - pace himLevel an area for building? It dependsLevel area next to Bristol?Level area with cluster of woods?Level bestLevel connectionsLevel connectorsLevel crossing the writer will supportLevel for one river entering north-western estuaryLevel ground, with no rain, for Badminton competitor?Level in a hierarchyLevel in a raceLevel in cup match, right?Level in rugger, having lost every other one - win following defeat?Level oddsLevel of a buildingLevel of carLevel of careLevel of commandLevel of hierarchy: Abbr.Level of interest bishop's shown over a frightful teaserLevel of interest shown by Spooner's hare at the dog track?Level of karate expertiseLevel of marsh quite unexceptionalLevel of modestyLevel of nationwide greedLevel of public transport with more up front?Level of puzzleLevel of qualityLevel of River Bann's first to dropLevel offLevel on a building plot, we hear?Level on the evolutionaryLevel or rank in a groupLevel outLevel peggingLevel playing area for would-be kingmakersLevel playing fieldLevel quayside areaLevel recreation area removing back sectionLevel the playing field?Level the scoresLevel time in race perhapsLevel unfinished mud pies that aren't crusted overLevel up, housing sick boyLevel with another in top spot perhapsLevel with secretary about lustsLevel, e.g.Level, gradeLevel, in LondonLevel, in taxesLevel-headed business manager initially worked as modelLevel-headednessLevel; calmLevel; regularLevel; rowLeveledLeveled, in LondonLevelerLevelersLevelheadedLevelingLeveling devicesLeveling in a ringLeveling toolLeveling wedgeLevelling outLevelling out late in the dayLevelling out late in the day?Levelling up happening late in the dayLevelling up perhaps a bit late in the dayLevelsLevels (of a building)Levels - classesLevels of authorityLevels of societyLevels off, with "out"Levels the oddsLevels the score and quitsLevels with sticks?Levels, brieflyLeven, for oneLeverLever Bros. brandLever in a trunkLever journalist into China?Lever or levelLever used by pilotLeverage pointLevers on a pianoLevi Stubbs's group, withLevi's "Christ Stopped atLevi's materialLevi's uncleLevi's, e.g.LeviathanLeviathan's homeLeviedLevin and GershwinLevin who wrote "RosemaryLevisLevitateLevitatedLevity without admitting blasted thingLevity? Forget it — this must be paidLevyLevy collector, for shortLevy for the churchLevy imposerLevy imposersLevy of one tenthLevy on cigarettes and boLevy on retail goodsLevy: one million? Difficult question left incompleteLew of Dr. Kildare fameLew Wallace's "Ben-Hur: _Lew Wallace's "Ben-___"Lew who played Dr. KildarLew, after 1971Lew, nowLewdLewd materialLewd printed or visual materialLewd Soho burlesque in which Shearer strips 4D?Lewd woman upset about evidence of debtsLewdnessLewdness - epic rerunLewdness of French composer transfixed by posh English trainsLewinsky was oneLewis —, Alice authorLewis and Clark expeditioLewis and ClarkeLewis and Harris form part of this island groupLewis Carroll and othersLewis Carroll animalLewis Carroll character wLewis Carroll creatureLewis Carroll critterLewis Carroll or George Eliot, sayLewis Carroll poemLewis Carroll's birthplacLewis Carroll's fictional felineLewis gets disheartening little news on Oxford's missing former presidentLewis in comeback provided one literary genreLewis initially accepts blame for shooting gameLewis of children's TVLewis with 12 EmmysLewis with Lamb ChopLewis's girl gets together some hair productsLewis's mystery-solving pLewis's partner in an expLex and Park, e.g., in N.Lex Luthor alter ego, oncLex Luthor, to SupermanLex of "Superman"Lex. entryLexicographer mostly heard and understood tenseLexicographer PartridgeLexicographer seeking to preserve minority languageLexicographer wearing underpants?Lexicographer WebsterLexicographer William AllLexicographer's academic settingLexicographer's concernLexicographer's concern: Lexicographer's concertLexicographer's conclusioLexicographer's interestLexicographer, originally from OU, dispatched entire contents of Chambers?Lexicographer, sure to get excited by word for new teethLexicographers' researcheLexicographic concernLexicographic enlightenerLexicographical abbr.Lexicographical publication, old, old manuscriptLexicon abbr.Lexicon contents, for shoLexicon in this way accommodating a user that’s confusedLexicon listingLexicon or dictionary? It's more than enough for ScandinavianLexicon topicLexicon with many citatioLexington Center centerpiLexus competitorLey lines set out in a confused manner?Leyden jar liningLeyton, not having Circle Line, developed in moderate fashionLhasa apso or LabradorLhasa ___Lhasa ___ (dog)Lhasa ___ (dogs)Lhasa ___ (supposed good Lhasa ___ (Tibetan dogs)Lhasa's landLhasa's region/countryLI doubledLi'l Abner creatorLi'l Abner creator AlLi'l Abner's Daisy ___Li'l Abner's loveLi'l fellowLi'l oneLiabilitiesLiabilities' oppositesLiabilityLiability's oppositeLiability-limiting wordsLiableLiable but not certain to happen when Gordonstoun's head stops exercising self-restraintLiable for flatLiable to be calledLiable to be called "rank, heartless youth"Liable to be offended, sore even — visit going wrongLiable to become intoxicated about leading edge in computers, like MacsLiable to cause deathLiable to changeLiable to errorLiable to eruptLiable to forget one's problemLiable to have start of music replacing run in trumpetLiable to leak, like a patriotic American hiding nothingLiable to make one scratcLiable to mishapsLiable to produce spoilers maybe from popular record about filmLiable to see red snake burrowing into pineLiable to shakeLiable to slip up with account I had open, rent going astrayLiable to snapLiable to sudden changesLiable to toppleLiable to unpredictable changeLiable to violent outburstsLiable; lying flatLiaisonLiaisons in a toilet women are unlikely to frequent?Liam and Sam turned out very smellyLiam of "Schindler's ListLiam regularly beaten and shut upLianas curled around a treetop: it produces barkLIARLiar and cheater beaten up, make peaceLiar Boris in NHS U-turns? Terrible timeLiar not found out, when appearing in courtLiar shocked about year one's spent in DohaLiar's outfit is shoddy - typical of one making advances?Liars busy travelling to Cathedral cityLib ranter who upset one of the extended familyLib. arts majorLib. referenceLib. referencesLibationLibelLibel's kinLibel, e.g.LibelantLibeler, almost by definiLibellousLiber ___ (Roman fertilitLiberace fabricLiberace wore themLiberace's instrumentLiberace, for oneLiberalLiberal 'superiors' initially dismissed N.W.A?Liberal academic finds employmentLiberal accepted by association, up to a pointLiberal admitted, males hate dancing stillLiberal American writer upset former European monarchLiberal and earl taken in by brief diet could be suckersLiberal and Labour upset over working party itemLiberal and left wings to allow end to onerous property legislation?Liberal and Unionist revoke prime minister's blockLiberal apprehended by one in the darkLiberal arts field: Abbr.Liberal arts maj.Liberal assembly ultimately supporting state? AbsolutelyLiberal at site of cathedral in the recent pastLiberal atmosphere in animal shelterLiberal avoiding lack of communication about source of certain knowledgeLiberal avoiding topless place where one can stay the nightLiberal – a politician first in local electionsLiberal bod upset by this sexist toy?Liberal bores want journalist buggedLiberal British newsman pursues fake diamondLiberal continuing to spend zero yenLiberal couple with sense accepting offer, yielding to desire?Liberal D.C. groupLiberal Democrat genius showing dejectionLiberal Democrats initially anger PM, a sin taking more than one seat?Liberal doctor raised young lassLiberal dons feel sorry for king … and queen?Liberal dons scolded youngsterLiberal drinks, loses head and uses borrowed money to pay for companyLiberal encased in concrete? That's lenient!Liberal entering has been received topless - he'd get an eyeful!Liberal followerLiberal France’s expression of agreement with troubled Asian stateLiberal green state abolishing new taxLiberal has useful information showing supportLiberal hit back: "It's unfair!"Liberal in church welcoming church's lack of restraintLiberal in concern, showing quality of characterLiberal in overcoat embracing wife on a Cumbrian lakeLiberal in successful period is to look goodLiberal in tailored suit with brief to cause obstructionLiberal invited occasionally during religious seasonLiberal involved in first-class defenceLiberal is a little flexibleLiberal is up before Liberal beakLiberal judge restyled Banjul a capitalLiberal leader in news that is breaking fastLiberal leader then - big shot!Liberal leader?Liberal leaving place of worship in wooded valeLiberal legislator upset when wrapped in your old wool?Liberal listened to criminal and thiefLiberal Lord had a bit of luck - today's his dayLiberal lots will accept as courageous perhapsLiberal lout is idleLiberal mangled by two Brexiteers - one's a source of drugsLiberal mercy of fair leader of menLiberal MP enters, yet her children have all goneLiberal MP is bad - without question, a disappointment.Liberal onesLiberal or Republican in chargeLiberal party at first beats a depressing situationLiberal Party Housing Spokesperson finally makes roomLiberal party?Liberal PMLiberal politician avoiding hail and whirlwindLiberal politician, outwardly 'ealthyLiberal politician, Welsh, not quite in senior positionLiberal president, sensible tooLiberal prone to adopting Conservative hairstyleLiberal pundit with a conLiberal pursuitsLiberal side of personality associated with essential part of boy's sex driveLiberal sort of supports local produceLiberal Spanish gent added to working capitalLiberal take on MP entertaining with mistressLiberal taken in by Polish subterfugeLiberal tendency not so excited initially about a Republican governmentLiberal toff re-elected, with many abstentionsLiberal Tory pact inane; absolutely no wayLiberal translation of writing systemLiberal typesLiberal upset, say, with party meeting-placeLiberal viewpoint reportedly providing leewayLiberal wearing damaged earring is more ill-temperedLiberal wearing tousled hair promises to be funnyLiberal whip, very independent at heartLiberal with no previous partner for instanceLiberal, easy, not into enforcing norms toward beginnersLiberal, in politicsLiberal, informallyLiberal, keeping working with copper, shows a bit of prideLiberal, slangilyLiberalityLiberalizeLiberally; willinglyLiberalsLiberals seem upset by society's work on injusticeLiberals, with "the"LiberateLiberate(d)Liberated eroticism in the same formLiberated female does get upsetLiberated Union State with adequate educationLiberatesLiberates a secret kiss? It's friskyLiberating act newly-formed charity almost bungledLiberating, free and paradoxically humorousLiberation from vice learned aboutLiberatorLiberator of Brazil from drugs in turn corruptLiberia's capitalLibertineLibertine accepting dessert and cold snack itemLibertine group originally haunting a former capitalLibertine in Slough or African cityLibertine of mythLibertine reluctant to go on a Spanish riverLibertine reluctant to go over a Brazilian portLibertine taking no unearned share of proceedsLibertinesLibertyLiberty from having to go round ebbing riverLiberty ___ (Lee Marvin rLiberty's campaign to release Dick's partnerLiberty; licenceLibidinousLibidinous deityLibidoLibido, in psychiatryLibra's symbolLibrairie stockLibrarian stifles vocal outburstLibrarian's admonitionLibrarian's adviceLibrarian's gadgetLibrarian's imperativeLibrarian's motto, perhapLibrarian, ample, trained to become dancerLibrarian, at timesLibrarian?Librarians' loadsLibraries do itLibrary abbr.Library admonishmentLibrary admonitionLibrary areaLibrary bookLibrary book stampLibrary bywordLibrary card catalogue abLibrary Card Sign-Up Mo.Library catalog abbr.Library cataloging datum,Library catalogue headingLibrary collectionLibrary copy of a book, cLibrary deviceLibrary extensionLibrary featureLibrary furniture itemLibrary gadgetsLibrary gizmoLibrary holdingLibrary IDLibrary indexing abbr.Library infoLibrary itemLibrary lackLibrary Lovers' Mo.Library materialLibrary microfilmLibrary no-noLibrary patronLibrary patrons read themLibrary receipt infoLibrary ref.Library refs.Library regularLibrary science innovatorLibrary sectionLibrary section, for shorLibrary section: Abbr.Library shelfful: Abbr.Library signLibrary soundLibrary sound: Var.Library spotLibrary stampLibrary support on shelf K?Library system pioneerLibrary transactionsLibrary unitLibrary urgingLibrary volumeLibrary welcoming male memberLibrarygoerLibrettiLibrettist for Ruddigore, d. 1911Librettist Hammerstein, d. 1960Librettist loses heart to complete stories, having minimal support from friendsLibrettoLibretto accompanimentLibreville's landLibya's second most populous cityLibya's second-largest ciLibyan cityLibyan expanseLibyan moneyLic. issuerLice and mice, e.g.Lice high on combination of acid and alcohol in cheeseLice-to-beLicence - licenseLicence form falsified and filled out with unsourced requirementLicence or justice?Licence to board public road transportLicences, including one for those not well treatedLicenseLicense bureau proceduresLicense giver: Abbr.License holderLicense issuer, for shortLicense plateLicense platesLicense prepared to help mumLicense produced peaceLicense to drill?: Abbr.License's costLicensedLicensesLicentiousLicentious revelLichtenstein espoused it as an interest outside workLichtenstein, for oneLicitLicit operators in action? Not at all!LickLick againLick Bristol, perhaps, after wild loveLick cat after skin of terrierLick of fireLick upLick ___ promiseLickedLicked boots?Licked confectionLicked sweetLicked, e.g.Lickety-splitLicksLicks soundlyLicks, maybeLicks, sayLickspittleLicorice flavorLicorice flavoringLicorice sourcesLicorice-flavored cordialLicorice-flavored seedsLicorice-scented herbLicorice-tasting seedLicoricelike flavorLidLid - which is missing lid?Lid annoyanceLid around a lochLid attachmentLid attachment secured in flash sale yesterday sent backLid decoration?Lid for jars, ornateLid irritationLid off delving tool, device dug into horse's flankLid on trunk initially stuck out - cutter suppliedLid or lip applicationLid paint?Lid problemLid problemsLid securing head of raw fishLid swellingLid troubleLid turned on standard ovenware itemLid, topLid; hatLidded boxLidl steak unfortunately emitting sulphur gasLido with black stripe, swimming poolLidosLidsLids around lochsLids in part of combustion engine neither opening nor closing - really?LieLie (slang)Lie a lotLie about Chancellor’s initial positionLie about dad stealing one’s sweetLie about half of unmarried women on offerLie about insect being in food that's sent backLie about Irish town and countyLie about issue over current omissionLie about money being shortLie about moral strengthLie about providing effervescent tonicLie about Republican disharmonyLie about Republican wranglingLie about returning after spell in prisonLie about secure provision for the smarter patrons?Lie about side causing bad feelingLie about spondulicks, not having any yenLie about taking cocaine, creating an ostentatious displayLie about what is in roughageLie ailing with trauma - bacterial disease from CaliforniaLie alongside ofLie around in the morning after returning messageLie around Malta getting wildLie around snorting cocaine in ostentatious displayLie around the whole time? It's unbelievableLie around with newspaper and popular item of confectioneryLie at anchor in the HebridesLie at restLie atopLie backLie back on odd occasions, finding unexpected releaseLie back when listeningLie back, following strikeLie by river accommodating alien Yankee craftLie detectorLie detector alternativeLie downLie down on the job?Lie given in order to enticeLie high-class religious books near Old Testament bookLie idle too longLie in a sheltered positionLie in bed, poorly - it's impossible to get downLie in bed, sayLie in pleasing surroundiLie in store forLie in the sunLie in the sun with suntaLie in the warmthLie in waitLie in wait for and ambushLie initially told every second by party supporterLie it's right to avoid when leader comes outLie lowLie low when king's in a bad moodLie next toLie next to Clio for one puzzleLie on the beachLie on the beach, perhapsLie on the beach, sayLie on top of; coveringLie originating in Antwerp or KyotoLie over crime a bit cunninglyLie peacefullyLie protected huge corporationLie scattered on top - were nearly knocked overLie shown up by relativeLie snuglyLie to (someone)Lie to get somethingLie to schoolgirl doing audition?Lie to, in nautical lingoLie told for whom in France?Lie unobservedLie was unravelling through leader previously not paying attentionLie with gusto outrageously? One mightLie with maid in grass, catching wild animal on returnLie with vertebra broken —one may get back something like this?Lie with young lady on topLie, slangilyLie-abedLiechtenstein's languageLiechtenstein's localeLiechtenstein's western bLied about being lazyLied about being unemployedLied about Conservative promises being tastefulLied about extremities of tower being robust?Lied about hosting party, getting funds to fight caseLied about shopLied about trendy lass’s informal music-making?Lied maybe in this way, husband having trapped river birdLied, perhaps, about cracking case of shopliftingLied, say, with boy about drug, causing a fussLieder, chansons etcLiepaja residentLiesLies about opposition leader suppressed by attacking movesLies about special spinning toolsLies accompanying divination in great speaker's openingLies againstLies along the waterfrontLies are difficult to understandLies buried with an item of clothing in a Detroit lay-byLies comfortablyLies downLies from Tories – fellows ousting EuropeanLies in the summer sunLies in the sunLies in waitLies lead to Farage, as reality gets distortedLies limplyLies lowLies next toLies on the beachLies together?Lies, perhapsLieuLieutenantLieutenant in "The FugitiLieutenant initially entering HQ in Swiss cityLieutenant initially laid into lusty corporalLieutenant of CaponeLieutenant, second-class, visiting former PM in S Yorks townLieutenant: Abbr.LifeLife alternativeLife apt to be nasty in dingy, dirty buildingLife choicesLife drawing?Life force essentially supported by awfully acrid vegetableLife force, in Eastern phLife force, to an acupuncLife force, to FreudLife force; Greek letterLife formLife form of some peculiar varietyLife imitatorLife in a libraryLife in disarray with San Diego's capital invested in somewhere medics are fatigued?Life in generalLife in Paris before Napoleon evacuated a capital cityLife instinct, to FreudLife insurance formLife jacketLife jacket, e.g.Life jacket; film starLife jacketsLife lineLife lines?Life magazine holds competition, with article, to compose hymnLife magazine stapleLife models have no need for these artistsLife of a celebrity that's been shotLife of a regionLife of Brian not getting an Oscar?Life of CiceroLife of pleasureLife of religious minister English Society's elevatedLife of RileyLife of the partyLife of ___Life on a slideLife on other planets? One's right to start off scepticalLife overseasLife partnerLife partner?Life preserver, e.g.Life preserver?Life preservers?Life saverLife Saver flavorLife saver, for shortLife saver?Life saversLife sci.Life sci. courseLife sentences?Life so turbulent to staff here?Life storiesLife stories on filmLife stories, for shortLife storyLife story captures heart of miserable writerLife story, for shortLife story, in briefLife support?Life supporterLife symbolically observed during bank holidaysLife time?Life vest worn on a KoreaLife with former partner is strained we hearLife work?Life ___Life's blueprintLife's final destination? Three steps back from where it started in the first placeLife's founderLife's occupationLife's partnerLife's strange turnsLife's workLife, for oneLife, in briefLife, in shortLife, in the early daysLife, liberty and the purLife-altering people?: AbLife-and-deathLife-changing statementLife-force a bit reducedLife-giving gasLife-giving principlesLife-or-deathLife-or-death matter: AbbLife-or-death situationLife-saving operationsLife-saving skill, for shLife-saving teamLife-support systemLife-threateningLifebloodLifeboat craneLifeboat hoistLifeboat itemLifeboat lowererLifeboat supportLifeguard's equipmentLifeguard's skill, for shLifeguard's watchLifeguard, at timesLifeguard, sometimesLifeguards wear themLifeguards' dangersLifelessLifeless ode, now rewrittenLifeless spies touring Australia to the northLifeless, old-styleLifeless? Exactly!LifelikeLIFELINELifeline siteLifeline's locationLifeline, maybeLifelong friend of TrumanLifelong shoemaker, so devoted?Lifer's beef?Lifer's comment at the poLifer's dreamLifers, e.g.LifesaverLifesaver in 15 that's close to 8Lifesaver shapesLifesaver, at timesLifesaver, brieflyLifesaver, e.g.Lifesaver, of a sortLifesaver, sayLifesavers of a kindLifeSavers producerLifesavers, for shortLifesavers, maybe: Abbr.Lifesavers, sayLifesaving equipmentLifesaving team, for shorLifestyleLifestyle devoted to pleasureLifetime occupationLifetime Oscar winner KazLifeworkLiftLift (a hat)Lift (a heavy item)Lift (up)Lift - nickLift a car number plate, we hear, that’s finely balancedLift a lever to resetLift abruptlyLift beams when speakingLift beams, did you say?Lift beams, sayLift bottom line up for an LBD, perhapsLift boy picked upLift cardLift chemical in two quart bottleLift Democrat offensiveLift firm books onto one shelf at the topLift first of immaculate white shroudsLift for twoLift furrow to pinch vegetableLift handle?Lift highLift in AspenLift in holiday centre going the wrong way, uncle's head stuck in itLift innovatorLift leg and put in the shadeLift light beams that can be picked upLift near the groundLift offLift one's spirits?Lift out of order eg in the hospitalLift pal collapsing — into this?Lift passagesLift prince by the ears?Lift prize cup of the highest qualityLift provided by Wonderbra is excellentLift providerLift remains of drinkLift rug running round European hotelLift sharplyLift small duckLift starts to rattle after initially smooth elevationLift the spirits ofLift to be arranged at end of dinnerLift to get to ground level, according to announcementLift to reveal cracksLift untested driver, first item in Augusta taken by American golferLift upLift up cobber's clobberLift up features, miss out to see sweet thingLift up posteriorLift up some beams, you say?Lift up, bundle over and crowLift veto Real violatedLift weightsLift with effortLift, and make straighter with the other handLift, as ice cubesLift, of a sortLift, so to speakLift, tho’, is out of orderLift, with power failing, to move slowlyLift? Lug up is embraced by thatLiftedLifted floor covering to catch variety of fowlLifted German's fruit loaf that's one pound lighterLifted off the launch padLifted plump cheese to find crisp materialLifted upLifted, so to speakLifterLifter defending techniques?Lifter's assetLifter's occupational hazLifter's ripplerLifter-upperLifters count themLiftingLifting apparatusLifting barrel to find seedLifting cap, one means to punch peace-loversLifting couch is exerciseLifting deviceLifting devices hung fromLifting equipmentLifting hedgerLifting machineLifting mechanism with rod carrying girder, ultimatelyLifting positions inspiring one exerciseLifting tackleLifting toe on foot, hard for the oldLifting toolLifting topless porcelain dish upLifting unitsLifting upLiftoff precederLiftsLifts nose to inhale, then drinkLifts paper he's holdingLifts upLifts uprightLifts, in a wayLifts, statesideLigature of vowelsLiger or tigon, sayLightLight (into)Light a fire underLight a master of sci-fi briefly recalled that seems familiarLight aeroplane conveying unionist spokeswomanLight afternoon mealLight airLight amplification by stimulated emission of radiationLight anchorLight anchor - real GNPLight and delicateLight and filmyLight and fine in textureLight and frothyLight and openLight and smooth note (fairly quiet)Light and sweet, maybeLight areaLight arraysLight article probing origin of little-known seabirdLight artillery in retreat hold firmLight as a featherLight automatic rifleLight automatic rifle - nice braLight bag stashed in string instrumentLight barkLight beamLight beamsLight beerLight beer after a drop of pilsnerLight before fleet after heading for LongshipsLight beigeLight benderLight between red and greenLight biscuitLight biscuitsLight biteLight bitesLight bladeLight blowLight blueLight blue shadesLight bluish redLight bluish-green - waterLight boat everyone observed in storeLight bracket formerly placed behind sack, oddlyLight breezeLight brickLight brownLight brown - horseLight brown - polishLight brown colourLight brown horseLight brown mist swirling until one's lostLight brown shadeLight brown spreadLight brown sugarLight brown sweetener, originally from GuyanaLight brown vapour ultimately fatalLight brushLight bulb choiceLight bulb gasLight bulb holdersLight bulb inventorLight bulb inventor's iniLight bulb over one's tLight bulb powerLight bulb unitLight bulb unitsLight bulb wireLight bulb's significatioLight bulb, figurativelyLight bulb, in cartoonsLight cakeLight canvas shoeLight canvas shoesLight carriageLight carriage a belter initially yet disintegrating in billions of bitsLight carriage with a folLight caseLight case that used to be magic?Light cattle eating primarily dandelion leavesLight cavalry soldierLight cereal grass circled by insectLight classical piecesLight clear redLight clear red colourLight clear ringing soundLight clobber found in clothes shop, onceLight close to central current unitLight cloth covering for furnitureLight coastal windLight colour between red and greenLight colour for soot?Light comedy with improbable boudoir anticsLight composition of Rice, incorporating classical composerLight construction materiLight controllerLight cooking pot for campingLight cotton clothLight cotton fabricLight coverLight cover for furnitureLight creamy dessertLight custardLight dessertLight dessert potentially following meat course's conclusionLight detectorsLight dischargeLight dishLight dish at a HalloweenLight dispersersLight displayed in fort or chapelLight dressing gownLight drink around start of mealLight drink taken outside at end of evening, enjoying posh tent holiday?Light drinkers welcoming quiet holiday destinationsLight dullish brown – shyLight earth toneLight eater at the henhouLight eater primarily tucking into cured meatLight entertainmentLight entertainment hereLight evening mealLight exercisesLight exercises designed for general fitnessLight exercises taken in by sailorLight exercises to promote general fitnessLight fabricLight fabric produced by commercial traveller in churchLight fabric with a crinkled surfaceLight fabric; pancakeLight fall of snowLight fawn colourLight feminine sparkly material …Light fencing swordLight figureLight figures?Light fire, as an alternative to central heating, to raise temperatureLight fishLight fitting in reach stupidly broken by TrotterLight fixtureLight flat Italian breadLight flickering from fine sparkly fabricLight flux unitsLight food outletLight for high windsLight for tanningLight form of lavaLight French red wineLight from a haloLight from a headlightLight from a lantern, sayLight from a lightning buLight from aboveLight from church beyond hillLight from space enveloping second city on mountainLight gasLight gasesLight glancing touchLight gold carriageLight golden lagerLight greenLight green - old horseLight green plumsLight greenish blueLight greenish-blueLight greeting ICU nurses on the way backLight grey colouredLight grey-brown colourLight hair colorLight hammer partLight hand strokeLight haulerLight haulersLight head?Light headed?Light headwear?Light heavy metal when amplifier's first unpluggedLight hit lover with force on headLight horse-drawn carriagLight horse-drawn carriageLight horse-drawn carriage with four wheels - a homburgLight hueLight in a bad wayLight in a floodlightLight in a light showLight in colourLight in night-time’s outside, operatingLight in the past - dieting workedLight infantry gun soldiers returned to old magazineLight Infantry in degrading defeatLight infantryman's causes of athlete's foot?Light intoLight is moving away from flowerLight Italian bread made with olive oilLight kissLight lagerLight lavaLight left on before serviceLight lifting device round channel navy used to hold tonsLight limiterLight lineLight lunchLight lunchesLight machine gunLight manufacturer's union organiserLight material?Light mealLight meal Penny had cookedLight mealsLight measuresLight melodyLight metalLight metal cooking pot used for campingLight metal elementLight mixerLight modifiersLight motor cycleLight motorcycleLight muffinLight Muscat or Chablis bottlesLight musical dramaLight musical seen back in latter epochLight musical workLight narrow boatLight note introduced to night-time serviceLight of one's lifeLight of the moonLight on BroadwayLight on one's feetLight on the set: Var.Light on the stoveLight open lorry with low sides and a tailboardLight open-toed shoeLight opening?Light opera’s intro one had satirisedLight or nectar?Light oriental dish around noon, one without starterLight overhead?Light palm productLight particleLight particle is still radiation in the endLight pastryLight pastry; advertLight perfumeLight piece of verse that facilitates communicationLight plane that's inclined to transport dignitaryLight planesLight popLight problem detected inside old electronic deviceLight providerLight punchLight purpleLight purplish redLight pushchairLight rabbit punchLight ratio in astronomyLight reader following case of eyestrainLight reading?Light red coating everyone initially applied to 4Light red wine from south-east FranceLight reddish-brownLight reddish-yellowLight reflection ratioLight reflectorLight refractorLight refrainLight reversed in fleeting imageLight rhythmsLight rice pudding inspires composerLight ringLight rock songsLight rope-soled shoeLight rowing boatLight sack carried in combatLight sailboat at a hotelLight sailing shipLight savoury dishLight science work by jerksLight seat for two or moreLight seeker's questionLight seen in Kent orchardLight seen when pastor joins churchLight semi-transparent fabricLight service after track blocked by Ford-model carLight shadeLight shade finally captured by artistLight shade of redLight shadesLight shoeLight shoesLight showLight show failing to finish: private disappointmentLight sky, maybeLight sledgeLight sleepLight sleeperLight smokeLight snackLight snow covers large crackLight sourceLight source attached to heel of glass slipper?Light sparkling Italian red wineLight spearLight starts to leave all stars, every rotationLight stuffLight suit's outside garmentLight support of container in case carried by RichardLight switch settingsLight switch surrounderLight switcher?Light swordLight tanLight tankerLight tappingLight texture's back in fleshLight that is surrounding good eggLight that oozesLight that warns companion leaving compartmentLight that was painful got rid of snakeLight throwLight timberLight timber that’s a piece of cake to turn over?Light tobogganLight touchLight touch applied to hem of madame's veilLight touch from one X representsLight touch shown by popular Australian in filmLIGHT TOUCH ___ BELL PEPPLight touches single part of paintingLight tuneLight TV fareLight two-wheeled carriageLight umbrellaLight umbrella to ward off the sunLight unitLight unit half finishes beneath chimneyLight upLight up at a dance?Light up in a barLight up with Scottish smoker during one rowLight uponLight used in murky conditionsLight vehicle going around head of rare crustaceanLight vehicle that is full of listening devices?Light warning bank's not openedLight weaponry?Light weightLight white wineLight windLight wind about to pass through English cityLight wind?Light with enclosed flameLight woodLight wood, a thick piece turned overLight work?Light years awayLight yellowLight yellowish greenLight yellowish-pinkLight, brittle biscuitLight, flavourless, plucked birdLight, happy tuneLight, in LimaLight, insubstantialLight, light touch provided with hesitationLight, maybeLight, new, lit up rental housesLight, one-seated carriagLight, porous volcanic rockLight, refreshing tins of beer unopenedLight, rich sponge cakesLight, sayLight, white wineLight, wind-resistant car - human peril unlikelyLight, with "to"Light-bearer’s container held back by former queenLight-bending glassLight-blockingLight-brownLight-coloredLight-colored beer or theLight-colored stogieLight-colouredLight-coloured tie worn by large EuropeanLight-emitting object containing charged particle is treated as a starLight-feather filler?Light-fingered folkLight-fingered types with permission to interrupt mealsLight-fitting for tenant?Light-footedLight-hairedLight-headedLight-headed - bewilderedLight-headed person?Light-heartedLight-hearted entertainmentLight-hearted film genreLight-hearted funLight-hearted pastimeLight-hearted pleasureLight-hearted son having to bear constant strugglesLight-heartednessLight-Horse Harry's surnaLight-Horse Harry, for onLight-mindedness?Light-refracting crystalLight-sensitive area at the back of the eyeballLight-sensitive tissue fellow removed from fine art displayLight-show lightLight-skinnedLight: PrefixLight; cheerfulnessLighted signLighted sign above a doorLighted sign in a theaterLighted sign over a doorLighted stacksLightenLighten (up)Lighten a line with float (not first time)Lighten up?Lighten, as a burdenLightenedLightened (up)Lightened one's billfoldLightenerLightensLightens upLighterLighter alternativeLighter and firm dip at the end of the day?Lighter and pen makerLighter belt found in holeLighter brandLighter cargoLighter carpet in fact, yes terribly, and hardLighter chargeLighter companyLighter featureLighter fillLighter finished as fluid escapedLighter fuelLighter fuelsLighter gameLighter grip, one's looseLighter handle?Lighter makerLighter of the Olympic flLighter offense?Lighter optionLighter producerLighter to bump intoLighter Wise partly obscured by old Morecambe's feature?Lighter work around shopping centre, this person recalledLighter ___ airLighter-than-air aircraftLighter-than-air craftLighter?Lightest alkali metalLightest elementLightest gasLightest metallic elementLightest of all elementsLightest-coloredLightheadedLightheaded people?Lightheaded?LightheartedLighthouse lightLighthouse localeLighthouse localesLighthouse location implied to be sodden yet?Lighthouse overseers, three working in British navy, standing beside treeLighthouse site, maybeLighthouse sitesLightingLighting director's choicLighting director?Lighting enthusiasts?Lighting for short stay under canvas, deluxe style?Lighting gasLighting jobsLighting of a torchLighting specialist, infoLighting unit city placed behind walls of castleLightly and quickly, in mLightly applyLightly biteLightly boxLightly brandLightly burnLightly burn hard resin shoes on the counterLightly colouredLightly cookedLightly cooked part missed in savoury dishLightly gutted and trimmed outrageous songLightly hit cold cheekLightly knock then violently corral vehicle with forceLightly maulLightly moistenLightly pinchLightly sprayedLightly touchLightly touch on that woman's achievement firstLightly touch queen's faceLightly touchesLightly wash back of cooker in quartersLightly-cooked part missed in savoury dishLightly-perfumed liquidLightman who wrote "EinstLightnessLightning BoltLightning bolts, in GermaLightning catchersLightning flashLightning org.Lightning power in BlitzLightning soundLightning-fast BoltLightsLights (into)Lights bordering Eastern cityLights by headland in countryside?Lights finally low, central heating on, kiss and cuddleLights in HMP Slade out around oneLights in the skyLights initially extinguished, music perhaps turned up for its performers?Lights intoLights on posts, perhapsLights outLights out, so to speakLights upLIGHTS!Lights, camera, ___Lights, say, not working? Almost completelyLights-out activityLightsaber wielderLightsaber-wielding hillbLightweightLightweight anorakLightweight antitank gunLightweight bulletsLightweight compiler in trouble with a bunch of pedantsLightweight cotton fabricLightweight crease-resistant synthetic fabricLightweight directors from company set it backLightweight garmentLightweight hatLightweight hat — best on islandLightweight helmet, in InLightweight latex with an air-filled structureLightweight road vehiclesLightweight single-breasted jacketLightweight thermoplasticLightweight thermoplastic, used in packagingLightweight woodLightweight worker in goods packing?Lightweight's hit below the belt, switching hands once?Lignified – Toy Story heroLigurian capitalLigurian Sea feederLiike a downpourLikableLikable general speaking after pressure to confessLikable prezLikeLike Like "10," but not "9"Like "Aida"Like "American Beauty"Like "be": Abbr.Like "Beowulf," in briefLike "Brokeback Mountain"Like "chariot of fire" foLike "chow" vis-Like "Cinema Paradiso"Like "das" in Ger.Like "Don Juan"Like "E pluribus unum"Like "el" or "le": Abbr.Like "enow" or "erst"Like "Frankenstein"Like "fuzz" for "police"Like "Goosebumps" storiesLike "Goosebumps" talesLike "Green Acres"Like "Have a nice day!"Like "Have a nice day"Like "hot-diggity"Like "it"Like "King Kong" and "PsyLike "King Lear"Like "la vida" in songLike "Lady Chatterley's LLike "Lawrence of Arabia"Like "like," nowadaysLike "m" or "n," to linguLike "Macbeth"Like "MirLike "O"Like "Othello"Like "Paradise Lost"Like "Romeo and Juliet"Like "scaloppine"Like "see," in grammar: ALike "sh" or "ch" soundsLike "Shrek", e.g.Like "Spring" from VivaldLike "Star Wars"Like "Survivor" councilsLike "The Bonfire of the Like "The Godfather"Like "The Twilight Zone" Like "The X-Files"Like "The Zoo Story," e.gLike "to be": Abbr.Like "Toy Story", e.g.Like "waitperson"Like "War and Peace"Like "Water Music"?Like “Hook”, say, pronounce the HLike 'La Mer', including A sharpLike 007Like 007’s work, until SPECTRE crumbledLike 007's martinisLike 1, 3 or 7Like 1, 3, 5, 7 ...Like 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.Like 1, but not ILike 1, not ILike 1,001 nightsLike 1/5 by British author local was first to describe - awful lot of shit!Like 10 and 27, not all recurringLike 10, but not XLike 10-watt bulbsLike 100, but not 99 or 1Like 101 coursesLike 101, to 102?Like 11 once were, where it's 11 v 11Like 11's visionary feature of colonnade?Like 12, passed as fairLike 12-hour clocksLike 16 vis-Like 1950's recordingsLike 1990's NATO expansioLike 20-, 25- and 43-AcroLike 2018 but not 2017Like 24-karat goldLike 3 down or like 1 and 9Like 3, 13 and 17, in first of poems by FrostLike 30% of the world's lLike 36 piano keysLike 5:00 or 6:00 a.m., sLike 5D, kept in suspense by one born the same day?Like 60Like 60% of the world's pLike 70's fashion, nowLike 9 acrossLike 90, compared to 85Like 911: Abbr.Like a "M*A*S*H" characteLike a "Ripley's Believe Like a $6 return on a $2 Like a 10Like a 17 in light snowfall, when left outLike a 1943 copper pennyLike a 22 AcrossLike a 3-4-5 triangleLike a 4-4 scoreLike a 45Like a 500-pounderLike a 911 call: Abbr.Like a B'way hitLike a baby in a highchaiLike a baby with dimples,Like a baby's bottom, oftLike a bad appleLike a bad dirt roadLike a bad spray-on tanLike a bagelLike a baguetteLike a bairnLike a ball retrieved by Like a ballerinaLike a ballerina's bodyLike a band of AmazonsLike a bare floorLike a baseball pitchLike a bassetLike a basset houndLike a bath? Some of day’s dust to be liftedLike a beachLike a beanpoleLike a beat copLike a beautiful night skLike a beauty queenLike a beaverLike a beer? Nothing left for adult, mildly drunkLike a bellLike a Bentley that's reaLike a beret, usuallyLike a best friendLike a bialyLike a big brotherLike a big catLike a big cat, one injured in rowLike a big grinLike a bike chain, usuallLike a billiard table cusLike a billionaire's pockLike a billionaires' club member, author reportedly has already joined?Like a birdLike a bird at the backLike a birdieLike a bishop's authorityLike a black holeLike a blackboard eraserLike a blind spot?Like a bloodhoundLike a blue roseLike a blue stateLike a bluffLike a bobcat vis-Like a body in Newton's fLike a body temperature oLike a bodybuilderLike a bogLike a bogeyLike a bogey or double boLike a bond you can buy wLike a bone from the elboLike a bone? Please help yourselfLike a bookie joint, maybLike a boomerangLike a boxer before a bouLike a boxer ready to fight again, getting supportLike a boy desiring his motherLike a boy left with his dad unusuallyLike a brainiacLike a brand-new fountainLike a brawny kegler's baLike a breadmaker's handsLike a break-in at a burgLike a brigLike a brigadier generalLike a bright nightLike a British sovereignLike a broader smile from son that is held in acclaimLike a brogueLike a bubble bathLike a bucket in an old sLike a bucket of boltsLike a bug in a rugLike a bug in a rug, accoLike a Buick, say, unable to go much further?Like a bullyLike a bump on a logLike a bump on ___Like a bunchLike a bungee cordLike a Burns acquaintanceLike a Burnsian mouseLike a busy freighter, taking line to portLike a busybodyLike a butterfingersLike a buttinskyLike a buttonLike a bygone empireLike a candidate for hairLike a candleLike a candle night afterLike a candle's baseLike a candlelight dinnerLike a Car and Driver carLike a car with 20,000 miLike a careworn faceLike a carpetLike a Carreras concertLike a cat burglarLike a cat going in to occupy shelterLike a cat playing in catLike a cat's existence?Like a cat, black and suffering from fleas?Like a catchy tune Mike included in album he composedLike a celebrityLike a centenarianLike a cereal plant, perhaps, from south-west EnglandLike a certain attractionLike a certain avisLike a certain bandLike a certain baroness, attacks witches hanging around with baronLike a certain birthstoneLike a certain complexLike a certain computer nLike a certain courtLike a certain evilLike a certain football kLike a certain govt.Like a certain key: Abbr.Like a certain musical scLike a certain numberLike a certain number sysLike a certain one in linLike a certain orderLike a certain powerLike a certain routeLike a certain saxLike a certain sideLike a certain unpopular Like a certain veinLike a champion bodybuildLike a chevronLike a child's drawing ofLike a chimney sweepLike a Chippendales danceLike a chunky person's beLike a churlLike a cigar barLike a classical Greek thLike a clear night skyLike a clear skyLike a clear-cut areaLike a clock that has hanLike a clock with handsLike a close neighborLike a close shave, or in need of oneLike a close-knit and unfriendly groupLike a cloudless nightLike a clover leafLike a club, maybeLike a cobLike a coffee made with low-fat milk?Like a coincidence that rLike a cold fishLike a cold seat on the gravy train?Like a cold shower?Like a combination lockLike a complex king’s gem worn by English princess?Like a compliant catLike a computer iconLike a computer, is something that can be stimulatingLike a con artist's businLike a cool catLike a corkscrewLike a cotton farm, e.g.Like a couch potatoLike a courageous underdog, sayLike a cowardy custard?Like a coxcombLike a croneLike a cross country runner's home on Channel Islands housing police onceLike a crosswordLike a crowLike a crow or larkLike a crucifixLike a cucumber?Like a cup, Mr, of icy lacquer? Some sent backLike a D-Like a D. W. Griffith filLike a Dagwood sandwichLike a Dali watchLike a damp cellarLike a day-old baguetteLike a dead parrot?Like a Dean Koontz novelLike a decalLike a defendantLike a defense contractorLike a deficient cellist maybe, carrying on regardlessLike a deltaLike a depth finderLike a desertLike a designated driverLike a despot, typicallyLike a diamondLike a difficult orderLike a dimeLike a dire situationLike a disappointing golfLike a doctor's patientsLike a dogLike a door after a raidLike a double-decker checLike a doveLike a dragonLike a drain after a draiLike a dreamLike a drink and place for serving food by riverLike a droneLike a drop of paint beginning to brighten foyerLike a dropoutLike a dryer trapLike a duck it rises, cutting a duck's cry shortLike a dust bowlLike a ewerLike a failureLike a fair ball as opposLike a family manLike a family with no right to be joyfulLike a famous oratorLike a farmLike a fashionistaLike a fast driverLike a fateful day, providing incidental messagesLike a featherLike a FedEx packageLike a fedora crownLike a fiancLike a fiddleLike a fiddle?Like a figLike a fireplaceLike a first draftLike a first-place ribbonLike a first-time tournamLike a fish eating object with derisionLike a flanLike a flea-market Gucci,Like a fleabagLike a fleeceLike a flu sufferer, ofteLike a fly reelLike a foilLike a folk taleLike a fopLike a foreboding skyLike a form of journalism exposing malpracticeLike a form of navigationLike a former 97-pound weLike a foundlingLike a four-leaf cloverLike a foxLike a fox - liven upLike a foxgloveLike a frame of snooker?Like a free agentLike a friar's foodLike a Friday crosswordLike a fridge decorationLike a fruitcake, only more soLike a fry-up — grand, right and simpleLike a fry-up?Like a fuzzy computer imaLike a G.I. peeling spudsLike a galleyLike a game heading into Like a game in which battLike a game overtimeLike a gardener's pantsLike a gargoyleLike a gas gauge just befLike a gateway, oftenLike a gemologist's drinkLike a ghost shipLike a ghost's howlingLike a ghostwriterLike a gift for the listener, spellboundLike a gin fizzLike a godLike a golf ballLike a golf ball in the rLike a good argumentLike a good bondLike a good building deveLike a good cakeLike a good candidate? Let a celeb get involvedLike a good day for a picLike a good deal for bothLike a good debater's argLike a good dog in spring, I daren't go barkingLike a good eggLike a good golf scoreLike a good guardLike a good listenerLike a good lookerLike a good lounge chairLike a good mixerLike a good poker player's bad handwriting?Like a good singerLike a good speaking voicLike a good subjectLike a good-sized woods, Like a good-sounding pianLike a goose? Wife leaves reply in EnglishLike a gossip columnLike a Gothic archLike a Granny Smith appleLike a great dealLike a great stylist Puritans love madlyLike a greenhornLike a grenade reaching aLike a gridironLike a groveLike a guardianLike a gullLike a gymnastLike a habanero pepperLike a Hail Mary passLike a hair shirtLike a hair shirt? Remove yours at the outsetLike a harvest moonLike a haunted houseLike a have-notLike a he-manLike a heapLike a hermitLike a highwayLike a hippie's hairLike a hit B'way showLike a hit showLike a home that's no risLike a home, often, beforLike a horror flickLike a horror movieLike a horse or lionLike a horseshoeLike a hot club, informalLike a hottieLike a houndLike a house that's of inLike a house ___Like a housecat's no-no?Like a humbug?Like a hundredth and rising?Like a hunkLike a husband or wife being spoilt, one gatheredLike a imaginary line about which a body rotatesLike a jack-o'-lanternLike a Jaguar or MiataLike a jamLike a Jekyll/Hyde personLike a jiggermastLike a judge in his garb, swapping sidesLike a judge with robes in disarrayLike a junker's engineLike a junkyard carLike a kangaroo courtLike a keeper of confidenLike a kid at the circusLike a kid with spin contLike a kindly uncleLike a kingLike a King novel: Var.Like a lace collar, maybeLike a lambLike a lamb?Like a landownerLike a later draft, presuLike a latte? Kind Knut's round!Like a lavish meal, but with no starter to relishLike a lawn at dawnLike a lazy, indolent slacker, say, given no slack over branch of philosophyLike a leading windLike a lecherLike a legal padLike a lemonLike a leopardLike a liberal arts educaLike a Liberty gold coinLike a limeLike a lineLike a line, brieflyLike a line, in briefLike a line, in mathLike a lionLike a lion or horseLike a lion's coatLike a literary DodgerLike a literary princeLike a little old lady inLike a lizardLike a lizard's skinLike a loadLike a lobsterLike a locked lavatoryLike a London juristLike a long journey, taking days, eons, possiblyLike a long journey? Yes, and so must get movingLike a loo to be luxurious?Like a lord or ladyLike a lotLike a lot of AustraliaLike a lot of cathedrals and mosques? Tour southern Europe and North Africa, perhapsLike a lot of nostalgia, become fixed in memory by degrees, initiallyLike a lot, maybeLike a loutLike a love letterLike a lover, visibly embarrassed after fussLike a lozenge doctor introduced to stricken choirLike a lump fish? It's OKLike a luxury carLike a MLike a mai taiLike a major arteryLike a malfeasant, oftenLike a mama's boy?Like a man from Spain, but without his fearLike a man's overheard secretLike a man, agreed to block the French in errorLike a mandolinLike a manly manLike a mansard roofLike a mansion said to be damp and unhealthyLike a maple leafLike a march or an arch?Like a March windLike a maverickLike a maximLike a McJobLike a mean dogLike a mechanic's handsLike a medusaLike a Mel Brooks movieLike a melodyLike a melonLike a member of the foldLike a member of the military?Like a member of the U.S.Like a menschLike a message in a bottlLike a MiataLike a mild earthquake, mLike a milquetoastLike a mirrorLike a mirror image: AbbrLike a miteLike a monkey’s mistake — a blessing being capturedLike a monsterLike a moonscapeLike a moonstoneLike a morning meadowLike a mountain goatLike a MountieLike a mouse's cryLike a movie, to a criticLike a mud puddleLike a muleLike a multipurpose tool,Like a Muscovite at 5 p.mLike a nativeLike a neat yardLike a neck twisted sidewaysLike a neglected lawnLike a nerdLike a netLike a new dollar billLike a new parentLike a new recruitLike a New York/Los AngelLike a news bulletinLike a next-door neighborLike a no-hitterLike a nobleman’s double, taking in Commons at firstLike a Nosy ParkerLike a nudnikLike a number commonly seen having a coffeeLike a nun in church - able to get involved with itLike a nun, possibly, knowing about revised ritesLike a paddle steamer is, on reflection: with drops of water by hind partLike a pageant winnerLike a pain, one our logic always ignores over admitting answerLike a painterLike a painter's smockLike a palookaLike a pancakeLike a pancake?Like a par 5 hole vis-Like a paradiseLike a parameciumLike a parent who can't bLike a pariahLike a parrotLike a passenger pigeon?Like a patchwork quiltLike a peer heading off to cover old Queen in disgraceLike a penisLike a perfect gameLike a person who has falLike a petty officer: AbbLike a photonLike a pickle?Like a pickpocket's fingeLike a picnicLike a pie chartLike a piece of paper that could express a finely balanced argument?Like a pig in a penLike a pig; beastlyLike a pinupLike a pipe or hoseLike a pitcher's dream gaLike a pitcher's perfect Like a pittanceLike a planetary orbitLike a plant in difficulty - spots show thisLike a platform diver's dLike a platypus?Like a Playboy PlaymateLike a PlaymateLike a Playmate of the MoLike a pleasant aromaLike a plum puddingLike a poison pen letter?Like a polo shirtLike a pomegranateLike a pool table, ideallLike a poor tennis playerLike a poorly mixed recorLike a pop flyLike a pope, old-styleLike a popular Beethoven Like a portion of some peLike a post-fender-benderLike a postscriptLike a pothookLike a prefall Humpty DumLike a pregnancyLike a prison windowLike a prisoner as part of a teamLike a prize-winning witcLike a professional haircLike a professor, possibly merited no end of acclaim around university?Like a promLike a proper rescueeLike a prophet travelling once around Rome, sayLike a proverbial 10Like a pub where all the hard liquor's been drunk downLike a punished G.I., perLike a quarkLike a quidnuncLike a rabbit's foot or fLike a rabbit's foot, supLike a rabbit, say, albeit modified in corporeal formLike a rainbowLike a raptor’s beakLike a rare baseball gameLike a rare gameLike a raspberry bush steLike a rat in ___Like a rat's eyesLike a ravineLike a really big shoeLike a really good game fLike a recluseLike a recordLike a recording, almost freely availableLike a relative notified Like a relatively minor fLike a requiemLike a retentive memoryLike a revealing skirt, mLike a river bottomLike a road in a Frost poLike a robin's eggLike a rocLike a rockLike a rogue child invading a railwayLike a Rolek watchLike a Roman Catholic bull?Like a romantic dinnerLike a romantic evening, Like a Romeo's adventuresLike a roofer's drinks?Like a rowboat that's adrLike a rowing boat?Like a saberLike a sad sackLike a samaritan's helpLike a sarongLike a sauna roomLike a saw's edgeLike a score of 10 for 10Like a score of 10 of a pLike a score of 10 out ofLike a score of ten from perfect substituteLike a Scottish young 'unLike a serapeLike a series finale?Like a setter in the doghouse?Like a seven-footerLike a shake roofLike a sheepLike a sheepdogLike a sheer nightieLike a shellfish, might you say, sticky and damp?Like a shepherd's chargesLike a shepherd's staffLike a shoeLike a shoppeLike a shot that’s one foot offLike a showstopperLike a shyster, oftenLike a sidebarLike a simple tune? Wrong actorLike a siren copper turned up, entering drug cutting areaLike a six-footerLike a skeletonLike a ski-run? Work in transport in winterLike a skinny-dipperLike a skunkLike a sleeping bagLike a sleeping bag or a Like a slicksterLike a slingshotLike a sloeLike a sloping typefaceLike a slow watchLike a slugLike a small eggLike a small farm, perhapLike a small swellingLike a smokerLike a snailLike a snakeLike a snake-oil salesmanLike a snake? Traveller hit it, reversingLike a snapLike a snap decisionLike a snickerLike a snobLike a snood, commonlyLike a social structure expected to return in autumn? Not entirelyLike a solar eventLike a solid argumentLike a sombrero's brimLike a song from Cambridge before I left half outLike a song of lamentLike a song? Stick around bass in the endLike a soprano being pretentious?Like a sort of play that could make critic go mad almostLike a sound argumentLike a sour-tasting wine?Like a space cadetLike a span of oxenLike a spit over a fireLike a stadium after a hoLike a stadium crowdLike a star in last rallyLike a starless skyLike a Stephen King novelLike a stereotypical beggLike a stereotypically baLike a stick-in-the-mudLike a stomach after an aLike a story that can't bLike a straphangerLike a strawberry roan's Like a streakerLike a street urchinLike a street urchin, typLike a stressful job?Like a string beanLike a stuffed shirtLike a stumblebumLike a stumped puzzle solLike a style of painting Like a successful dieter'Like a successful marathoLike a suit with a vestLike a summer event: begin with songLike a sumo wrestlerLike a sunken treasure?Like a sunsetLike a sunset at the end Like a superlatively sneaLike a surrender flagLike a sweep's uniformLike a sweetheartLike a swift and spectacuLike a swinging pendulum,Like a symbolLike a system of scientifLike a system with equal Like a tLike a table in the chemistry lab?Like a tackLike a tanagerLike a tapering objectLike a taxiLike a taxidermist's workLike a teacher, used role-play at one collegeLike a team that's ahead Like a teddy bearLike a televangelist's shLike a tepeeLike a test with a properLike a Thanksgiving turkeLike a third handLike a Thomas Gray workLike a Three Stooges routLike a three-card monte pLike a three-dollar billLike a tie game in overtiLike a tie, or like some underwear?Like a tight garment for Spooner, being deceptiveLike a toggle switchLike a total solar eclipsLike a toweletteLike a trailer behind a cLike a trampoline's surfaLike a transient's qtrs.,Like a tree - or arableLike a tree? Dog may haveLike a triathleteLike a tridentLike a trim lawnLike a Triple Crown winneLike a triremeLike a trombone slideLike a troublemakerLike a tumbler?Like a tundraLike a turkey's wattleLike a Turkish bathLike a twice-used cigarLike a type of domeLike a type of music exam taken after churchLike a universal donor's Like a used barbecue pitLike a useless photo lab Like a vampire's victimsLike a vaudevillian villaLike a venerated imageLike a Venetian blind?Like a versatile wardrobeLike a very hard stoneLike a very rare day in hLike a very small bit of mosaic, but castLike a victim of calumnyLike a villainLike a violent hooliganLike a violet leafLike a virgin?Like a visit from BenedicLike a volcanoLike a wagon trailLike a wailing catLike a wakeLike a wake-up time on anLike a walk in the park?Like a wallflowerLike a walrusLike a waltzLike a warm bed on a wintLike a warm-up exercise, Like a wastelandLike a waveLike a wayward G.I.Like a weather-worn faceLike a wedding cake set before husband, finallyLike a well-grounded arguLike a well-kept lawnLike a well-maintained laLike a wet blanketLike a wet henLike a wet Nerf ballLike a wet noodleLike a whiny voiceLike a whip?Like a white Bengal tigerLike a white ratLike a wicker basketLike a wild animalLike a wild horse?Like a William Safire pieLike a win-win situationLike a windbagLike a windmillLike a Windsor tieLike a winter windLike a winter wonderlandLike a wisecrackLike a wolf bearing a flower on topLike a woodlandLike a wool supplierLike a word, however Balzac uses itLike a worker beeLike a worm?Like a worn tireLike a worst-case scenariLike a wussLike a yahooLike a yak's coatLike a yellow bananaLike a yellow polka dot bLike a yentaLike a young maleLike a zombie?Like a ___ bricksLike AB negative, of all Like AbeLike Abe Lincoln, physiolLike AbnerLike about 13% of AmericaLike about 20% of the worLike about 25% of legal ULike about half of a teamLike acacia leavesLike adobeLike air I’m cold when blown with energyLike air in wrong end of houseLike Alban Berg's musicLike Albany and ChicagoLike Albany or ChicagoLike alcohol that's unfitLike Ali as heavyweight cLike Ali Baba, at firstLike all new deliveries?Like all primes but onelike all the letters in tLike almanac dataLike almonds in many reciLike almost all TV shows Like alumni magazinesLike American ruler with no need of governmentLike American's money for half an Everest expedition?Like an "eeny meeny, mineLike an "eh," maybeLike an academic discourteous about computers etc? See about thatLike an acrobatLike an acrobat's limbsLike an action replay of constipation?Like an addict that's called to get dark beer brought roundLike an AfroLike an air-filled lifeboLike an aliasLike an amazing return onLike an ambiguous compliment?Like an anathemaLike an ancient empireLike an angelLike an angry Mao Zedong?Like an animal...Like an anode: Abbr.Like an anorak?Like an apartment with neLike an ape or monkeyLike an archaeological excavationLike an arduous battleLike an aristocratLike an aristocrat perhaps to be in plenty of time?Like an army unit get manlier when freshly deployedLike an assLike an astronaut's drinkLike an athlete now running with sudden passionLike an atriumLike an attractive apartmLike an attractive viewLike an automatonLike an eagleLike an eagle's visionLike an early-evening skyLike an easy job? Copper’s retiringLike an eclairLike an eddyLike an egg from duck, emptyLike an egg, but an egg with nothing insideLike an egocentric's attiLike an emperor, note, one Iran scrappedLike an empty ship at seaLike an encyclopedistLike an endless rock and roll performance?Like an Englishman in theLike an escapeeLike an estate that a fatLike an excellent game foLike an exclusive community near GermanyLike an expensive car? That's a reliefLike an expired parking mLike an extradition transLike an eyeballLike an eyesoreLike an idolLike an inaugural ballLike an infant agewiseLike an inner tube, geomeLike an inscribed pillarLike an InterstateLike an inveterate procraLike an item obtained returning three rocksLike an ivory-billed woodLike an N.B.A. centerLike an N.B.A. teamLike an oboe's soundLike an octopus's defenseLike an offer that's undeLike an old Andean empireLike an old apartmentLike an old bucket of sonLike an old cigarLike an old empire of 24-Like an old English coin Like an old Greek place to get a soft drinkLike an old handLike an old jokeLike an old oak treeLike an old pay telephoneLike an old recordLike an omeletLike an omelette?Like an omelette? For starters, extremely good Greek yoghurtLike an Oompa-Loompa's houseLike an open field, not sold illegally?Like an oracleLike an oversized magazinLike an owl's eyesLike an oxeye windowLike an SSTLike an unborn baby's posLike an uncleLike an undistinguished hLike an unfiltered cigareLike an unfortunate torerLike an unhelpful explanaLike an unlucky thiefLike an untended gardenLike anchorsLike ancient Greek or Roman artLike angel food cakeLike angels we have heardLike angry bullsLike animals in a zooLike Anna's studentsLike anteaters and armadillos, say, heading off to back garden?Like anthemsLike antiquesLike antiques at an auctiLike any channel between Like any of seven Nolan RLike any points on a circLike apparel donned in a Like appeals close to umpireLike apple pie, in a sayiLike apples and orangesLike apples in piesLike apples, say, during Like appreciative fansLike April weatherLike aprons, at timesLike arabesquesLike arcade gamesLike Arcadia's inhabitantLike Archie Bunker's humoLike Arctic fish that wriggles in lockLike arctic wintersLike ArgusLike arms of female, 100, going round supermarketLike Arnold Schoenberg's Like arroyo areasLike article by coach in knitted topLike articles and bloodLike arugula's flavorLike ashesLike Asia's reachesLike associates, on some Like AtahualpaLike AtalantaLike athlete left with extremely skimpy clothingLike atlas, unfortunately omitting one great feature of UtahLike atmospheric science; a clear igloo (anagram)Like atomic hydrogenLike atomic weaponsLike atriumsLike Audubon's interestsLike Australia's OutbackLike Australia's western Like auto shop floorsLike avaunt and prithee: Like average folks, in BrLike avocado skinsLike awards shows, typicaLike awful mudLike baboons' eyesLike Baby Bear's porridgeLike Bacardi but could go after gin hereLike Bach's "Magnificat"Like Bach's second violinLike Bach's Sonata No. 3 Like Bach's Sonata No. 3Like Bach's Violin SonataLike bachelor partiesLike backwaterLike Bacon and Lamb: AbbrLike Bacon or Lamb: Abbr.Like bad bruisesLike bad coffee?Like bad inflationLike bad losersLike badly worn tiresLike badly-synced dialogue offstage?Like bagpipesLike ballerinasLike balls leaders of Greater London Labour spunLike bananas FosterLike bar codesLike bar mitzvahsLike Bar-Ilan UniversityLike barbecue sauceLike Bart Simpson's hairLike base 8Like baseball cardsLike baseball shoesLike basic engineeringLike basil leavesLike bath beads, typicallLike bathrooms maybe, enamel originally, executive used in northeastLike batik fabricsLike BatmanLike Batman and RobinLike Batman, the Lone RanLike batsLike battle stationsLike beachesLike beachgoers vis-Like beards, but mostly wary of speaking up?Like beasts of burdenLike beautiful countrysideLike beauty of elaborate pine deskLike beauty pageant participants, for instance, that woman had put outsideLike Beckett's "Endgame"Like bed that might collapse with abnormal weight of a ladyLike BedouinsLike beds, again and agaiLike beds, at timesLike beech leavesLike beerLike beer at a barLike bees and antsLike BeethovenLike Beethoven's "KreutzeLike Beethoven's "PastoraLike Beethoven's Seventh Like Beethoven's SixthLike Beethoven's Sixth SyLike Beethoven's Sonata NLike Beethoven's SymphonyLike beggars' handsLike being in British Isles, in principleLike Bel Paese cheeseLike bell-bottomsLike bell-bottoms or go-gLike bell-bottoms [Jeep]Like bell-bottoms, nowadaLike bellwethersLike belly-dancingLike bending over backwarLike Benedict Arnold, for some!Like Benny Goodman's musiLike benzeneLike Berg's "Violin ConceLike Berg's "Wozzeck"Like bestLike best budsLike best friendsLike BetamaxLike betterLike Betty BoopLike big cat, one injured in row?Like big creature and not small one, with tail raisedLike big dark space with a cover, sun being obscuredLike BigfootLike bighornsLike Bill Clinton or JimmLike Bill O'Reilly's "zonLike Bill, Ben, Tom, Dick, Harry and me?Like bird flu, originallyLike bird with greyish appearanceLike birds initially imported in a commercial vehicleLike birds of preyLike birds, they fare badlyLike black humorLike black piano keysLike black/white issuesLike Blavatsky's societyLike blocking shots by old Spanish maestroLike bloody tissue, rank one in bogLike blue chip stocksLike blue humorLike blue moviesLike blue-chip stocksLike blue-ribbon-winning Like Bo Peep's sheepLike Bo-Peep's chargesLike Bo-Peep's herdLike Bob Dylan in this melody?Like Bob Dylan's voiceLike bogsLike bok choyLike Bollywood filmsLike bondsLike bonds and moviesLike bons motsLike bonusesLike bookie joints, sometLike booksLike boot camp vis-Like bootyLike borrowed moneyLike Botox injections?Like Botticelli's VenusLike bottles of beerLike bottles with S O S mLike Brahma, Vishnu and SLike Brahmins in the castLike Brahms's "Rain SonatLike Brahms's Piano Trio Like Brahms's Symphony NoLike brainsLike Brando's GodfatherLike Brazil? Unhinged!Like bread — inferior, by the sound of itLike bread doughLike bread dough or beerLike bread in the Lord's Like brides and grooms, tLike BrieLike brilliantly colored Like briocheLike BritainLike Britain's Private EyLike British bishopsLike broken thingsLike bronze or tinLike Bruckner's Symphony Like bruisesLike brutal tacticsLike BrutusLike bubble gum and questLike buccaneer briefly left below island hoping to make itLike Buckingham PalaceLike Buddy Holly's glasseLike budget amts.Like bueno but not buena:Like buffet restaurantsLike buildings of interest, e.g. the Pisa tower?Like Burns's "schemes o' Like Burns's "tim'rous beLike Burns's tim'rous beaLike burnt remainsLike burnt residueLike bush pigs and guineaLike bustards and buzzardLike but not identicalLike butterLike butterfly wingsLike C-rated bondsLike C.I.A. operationsLike cabs on a rainy dayLike cactiLike CainLike California, to a HawLike calling a woman a "cLike calliope musicLike camel's hairLike cancan dancersLike Candida entertaining girlLike candlesLike canine amputee in yard?Like cannibalism, e.g.Like capital letters in mLike car radiosLike cardinalsLike caressesLike Carnaby Street fashiLike Carnegie HallLike carpetLike carrots that crunchLike Carter's presidencyLike cartoon "Melodies"Like cases on "The X-FileLike Casey Kasem, ethnicaLike cast's second attempt for the audienceLike cats, onceLike cattle on the rangeLike cedarwood or cigar sLike celebrity, observed to end badlyLike celestial bodies exhLike CelsiusLike centenariansLike centurions, typicallLike certain angles or accentsLike certain atoms in air probed by a learner after universityLike certain attacksLike certain battery termLike certain Canadian proLike certain cerealsLike certain complaints from Frenchman, back cutting meatLike certain denturesLike certain electionsLike certain endorsementsLike certain engineers: ALike certain exercises with a crashing bore in chargeLike certain images, being rude in a wayLike certain investmentsLike certain items laid out, initially uselessLike certain math operatiLike certain opportunitieLike certain poems only declaimed in Cambridge originallyLike certain profs.Like certain sealsLike certain shark finsLike certain sisters said 'fruit'Like certain sumsLike certain talk showsLike chalk in waterLike champagne bubblesLike champion sacrificing bishop left on table?Like changes round pub - they work on the surfaceLike Chaplin's walkLike character actorsLike charities for 6, possibly, supported by royalLike Charles Kuralt, pereLike Charlie ChanLike Charlie ChaplinLike Charlie Parker's saxLike cheap lipstickLike cheddar cheese on a Like Cheech & Chong, typiLike CheeriosLike Chekhov's "The CherrLike chestnutsLike ChiantiLike chicken fingersLike child at show, past caring at the endLike child laborLike child making busy mum irate?Like child's playLike children lined up around worker?Like chili peppers?Like chiming timingLike chimpanzeesLike Chinese pepper steakLike Chinese, as a languaLike Chippendale furniturLike chips that have beenLike chips?Like chocolate-chocolate Like chop-shop vehiclesLike ChopinLike Chopin's "Tristesse"Like Chopin's Scherzo (OpLike chopsticksLike Christmas in Madrid?Like chrome hubcapsLike chromosomesLike chronic injuriesLike CID drug incident under investigationLike Cinderella's slipperLike circus elephantsLike citric acid and lactLike city traffic, oftenLike Clark Kent's mannerLike clay molded by drummLike claywareLike clichLike Clifford Odets's "WaLike cliffsLike clocks with handsLike clogsLike clothes at the laundLike clothing with a bit of extension, suitable for growthLike clots, botch it badly when touring most of Italian cityLike clown facesLike ClydesdalesLike coaches often, with a certain animal magnetism?Like coat securely put on, or pulled offLike coated fabricsLike cobwebsLike coins in a pocket, mLike cold cases for whichLike college aptitude tesLike collision avoidance Like Cologne and environsLike columns to be representative, not conservativeLike comic Hilda's female actLike commando raidsLike common people in Bristol entering without guidanceLike community propertyLike competitors in a close raceLike composer NiccolLike composition paperLike computer programmersLike computers, robots, etcLike conditions in the Kalahari desertLike CongressLike Conservative to overturn place for meetingsLike contractsLike controversial issuesLike controversial verses as written about a functionLike cooked cornLike cooked oatmealLike Coolidge's utteranceLike corduroyLike cormorant? Not well groomedLike corn breadLike corn dogsLike corn flakes sitting Like cornerstonesLike cornrowsLike cornstalksLike cornstalks after aboLike correctional facilitLike corsetsLike Corvettes and MustanLike cotton candyLike couch potatoesLike Count Basie's "darliLike couple in song, endlessly? Strong pointLike court dress, perhaps, appropriate to a man? Not entirelyLike court testimonyLike court, or something happening thereLike Cousteau's workLike cows before slaughteLike cows, to HindusLike crab applesLike craft capsizing on lake belonging to starLike craft showsLike cranberriesLike Crater LakeLike crayonsLike crazyLike cream cheese or suntLike criticsLike Cro-Magnon man, to uLike crossword solversLike crossword solvers, nLike crowds in the heat oLike crunchy carrotsLike Cuba and Venezuela, Like cult films, again anLike cult ritualsLike Cup-a-SoupLike curiosity, at timesLike curious onlookersLike curling stonesLike custardLike custardsLike cutting in line, e.gLike dLike dachshundsLike DacronLike DalLike DaliLike Darth MaulLike Darth VaderLike darts that hurt, piercing Cockney blokeLike daughters, speaks about youthLike David against Goliath?Like days of yoreLike days when you forgetLike Death ValleyLike death's dart, in ShaLike Death's horseLike decalsLike decorative work that's not outstandingLike default figuresLike defendantsLike DelftwareLike deli meatsLike DeMille filmsLike denimLike Dennis the MenaceLike dental surgeryLike dental treatment? Sadly I do not, beginning to cryLike dentists?Like depleted uraniumLike Derby, plainly?Like desert sandLike deserts, several lacking sunLike Desi Arnaz, by birthLike dessert winesLike devoted fans of Sting in a circleLike diabetesLike Dickens's DodgerLike die-hard fansLike dietetic yogurtLike digital clock nos.Like DilbertLike DiogenesLike diplomatic pouchesLike Dirk the German astride a horseLike dirt roadsLike discarded habitsLike discoloured paperLike dishwaterLike distinguished lady from Tyrol man upsetLike ditchwater?Like DNALike doctors' oathLike dog’s home, stick around!Like dogbane juiceLike doggerel, oftenLike dogs in packsLike Dolly or her clonesLike Dolly the cloneLike Dolly the sheepLike Don Knotts as RamboLike doodlesLike dorm rooms, oftenLike Dorothy's house in 1939 film?Like Dorset, remarkably variedLike double-barrelled namesLike Doubting Thomas – castle picLike Dover's cliffsLike DraculaLike draftLike draft beerLike drag showsLike dragons and centaursLike drinks with umbrellaLike drivers with recordsLike droughty landLike dry mudLike dry mud on cleatsLike dubbed laughterLike Duchamp's "Mona Lisa Like duck soupLike ducks' feetLike Dumas's maskLike dunce capsLike dungeons, typicallyLike Duroc hogsLike duskLike DvorLike e.g. missiles which can’t travel farLike E.T.'s voiceLike each answer in this Like eagles and owlsLike early 10s, one's rising fastLike early Beatles recordLike early dawns and lateLike early election nightLike early Elvis Presley Like early hominid posturLike early jazzLike early lifeLike early LP'sLike early PC graphicsLike early postcardsLike early recordsLike early-morning hoursLike earnings in some repLike ears of grainLike earth, flattened at the polesLike earthlings, sometimeLike Easter eggsLike easy piano piecesLike eating pastry dish built up in layersLike Eddie Murphy's NorbiLike Edmund in "King LearLike Edvard Munch, say, unhappy to find dead parrot in sketchLike Edward Albee's firstLike Eeyore, in "Winnie-tLike effort and influenceLike egg yolkLike eggsLike eights in crazy eighLike El NiLike elbows, sometimesLike electrical plugsLike electrical signals iLike Elgar's Symphony No.Like Ellen, nowLike elm treesLike elversLike embedded materialLike Emperor Haile Selassie?Like employeesLike enclosure for treeLike enemy waters, maybeLike engagements at seaLike English chaps in financial difficulty, in shameLike enthusiast to some extentLike enthusiast, turning up for such a temperamental singerLike envelope sealsLike Enya's musicLike Erato when writing pLike Eric the RedLike Ernst Haeckel's lawLike Errol FlynnLike Esau vis-Like Eton attendeesLike Euler, a notable original!Like events on a time linLike every crossword answLike evil spiritsLike exilesLike extra-lite ice creamLike extreme radical - maybe had biggest estate at death?Like eyes during a boringLike eyes seemingly aboutLike eyes when you're getLike fabric by the yardLike faces, typicallyLike fairwaysLike fall leavesLike fall weatherLike falling off a logLike falling off ___Like FalstaffLike famous Piper accepting good metal for provender?Like fan-tan and tangramsLike fansLike far-reaching plans (hyph.)Like farm oxenLike farmlandLike fashion award in Birmingham?Like fast marchesLike fat in etherLike fat that's gone offLike fatty tissueLike favorite books, ofteLike feats of Clay?Like federal tax lawsLike federal tax laws?Like Felix and OscarLike Felix Unger's roomLike Felix vis-Like female not looking very well?Like female to be paleLike fencers?Like fernsLike feudal timesLike few counties nowadayLike fibre of male politician confronting YankeeLike Fidel CastroLike fillet? Be grateful for eating oneLike filletsLike fillies but not billLike filling tripe and grouse cut on a Sunday?Like film of jellyLike film-maker's second try to knock out westernLike films in production,Like final contractsLike final manuscriptsLike final person appearing, having left a big gameLike financial statementsLike fine cigarsLike fine coifsLike fine nettingLike fine wineLike fine winesLike fingerprintsLike finished contractsLike fireplace gratesLike fireplacesLike firewaterLike fireworks going off in porch etc, around end of dayLike fireworks, infrequenLike first of nurses taking city hospital roundLike first position reversed, bit by bit, of lateLike first-place medals iLike fish ready to be cooLike fish sticksLike fishers' hooksLike fishhooksLike flicks seen without Like flier following ship?Like flies caught by flypLike Florida pharmaceuticLike flotsam and jetsamLike flourLike flu victimsLike foam rubberLike fodder, in the winteLike folks cared for by fLike food that is served Like food that's acceptabLike food which can be warmed up near Bow BellsLike football playersLike footballer Harry, tackling Chelsea’s forward sidewaysLike foreign relations getting certificate on time, I noteLike forget-me-notsLike forksLike former council member in tree, frantically busyLike Fortunato in "The CaLike fox consuming bird without pity?Like fox driven underground, extremely exhausted, heart flutteringLike Fran Drescher's voicLike fraternity party revLike fraudulent accidentsLike freakish coincidenceLike French toastLike fresh airLike fresh browniesLike fresh dry snowLike fresh strawberriesLike fresh waterLike friendly acquaintancLike friendship braceletsLike fries, typicallyLike frittatasLike fruit cratesLike funds gathered by siLike fur coatsLike G8 meetings: Abbr.Like GalahadLike galleysLike Gamal Abdel Nasser'sLike games without win-wiLike gardens to be asymmetricalLike gastric juiceLike GatsbyLike gazebos, oftenLike gazpachoLike Gen. Colin Powell: ALike Gen. PowellLike Gen. SchwarzkopfLike George Washington's Like Georgia Brown of sonLike getting home to eat a Chinese?Like geysersLike ghost sightingsLike ghost storiesLike ghostwritersLike giantsLike gift watchesLike girl to somersault, then take top off, in danceLike glandular tissue at back of noseLike glassLike glass doors, oftenLike gleaming shoesLike gnatsLike GodLike God, in a fire-and-bLike going around with adolescent in woven fabricLike going in circlesLike gold dustLike goldfishLike golf course greensLike golf courses that leLike golf greens, frequenLike Gomer PyleLike good (but not great)Like good argumentsLike good bedsLike good brandy found in drainage ditch?Like good burgundyLike good computer screenLike good explanationsLike good gardener's area for putting on feltLike good gossip columnisLike good gossip columnsLike good guardsLike good hamburger meatLike good orangesLike good pianos and engiLike good pointersLike good sight in cricket match?Like good soilLike good wineLike Goodwill goodsLike gossiping tonguesLike graduate mother in US StateLike graduatesLike grain that's out of Like gran's rough playLike grandchildrenLike grandkids, typicallyLike granite or wooden surface scrubbedLike granolaLike Grape-Nuts vis-a-visLike grapefruit for breakLike grapefruit juiceLike grass family doctor brought in, it’s negotiableLike grass? Ruddy yes, European admitted!Like Grateful Dead attireLike Great Bear, some mariners tell a rookieLike Green Beret unitsLike greenhouse airLike GrendelLike grizzliesLike ground around a treeLike ground slothsLike groups on vacation, getting money by selling things offLike GuinnessLike guitar musicLike guitar stringsLike gunmen and octopusesLike gunsLike guns and dump trucksLike gutted halibut, fish in flat dishesLike gym clothesLike gymnasts' bodiesLike H. P. Lovecraft amonLike H. P. Lovecraft storLike H. P. Lovecraft's wrLike hack writingLike hair at salonsLike hair, usually, afterLike half a family's relaLike half a season's gameLike half of a pair of deLike half of all terminalLike half of IstanbulLike half of U.S. senatorLike half-melted snowLike half-sized member?Like Halloween candy in DLike Halloween soundsLike Hals’ cavalier with reputation as an object of ridiculeLike ham I repeatedly mixed with this cornLike Hamlet or Othello?Like Handel's Suite No. 5Like hands after eating pLike Hannah's heart, in sLike Hannibal, sayLike happy dinersLike hard woodLike harp sealsLike haunted houses, compLike Hawaiian shirtsLike hawksLike hawks and auksLike Hawthorne's "Tales"Like Haydn's "Surprise" SLike Haydn's "The Fire" SLike headlinesLike heartless queen's lascivious lookLike hearts and diamondsLike heaven's entranceLike heaven's gatesLike heaven's vault, in aLike heavy rainsLike hedgehogsLike heliumLike helium, chemicallyLike HellLike hell?Like Hemingway's proseLike hen's teethLike Henry VIIILike hens, eat a quantity of grainLike hereditary factorsLike Hermes' shoesLike heroes, oftenLike Herriman's KatLike hibiscus leavesLike hieroglyphicsLike high-strung horsesLike higher-priced beefLike highway traffic markLike hikers taking fellow as well towards the topLike hilly beachesLike Hilo, Hawaii, vis-Like Hindi or UrduLike hip adsLike hippy's jacket without colourLike hiring and firing fool working with soldier?Like hit showsLike HitlerLike Hitler's "diaries"Like hockey sticksLike holding flash bookLike HollywoodLike holy waterLike home plateLike homemade shoes?Like Homo habilisLike Homo sapiensLike honeyLike Hoosier cabinetsLike hooter US space administrators lacked at firstLike hoped-for winter temLike hors d'ouevresLike horse's feetLike horsesLike horses at blacksmithLike horses' hoovesLike horses' hooves, in dLike hot fudgeLike hotel stuff in place of seclusionLike Hotspur's horse in "Like House electionsLike house of 24's spouseLike house wiringLike households after dayLike houseworkLike howls in a haunted hLike human skinLike human visionLike humans and ostrichesLike Humpty DumptyLike hundreds of dates accepted by male singer, American tough guyLike husband found in a fornicating situation?Like husband to get into fish (and whipping)Like husband with memory going into retreatLike hydrogen and chlorinLike I, to IILike Ibsen, to his countrLike icingLike ideal cactus climateLike ideal teethLike igneous rock in film about Beds townLike il but not elle: AbbLike illegal broadcaster to pronounce his aitchesLike illegally parked carLike illustration, something set on dining tableLike image showing pork pie ingredientLike impractical thinker who'd roll tyre roundLike improved baby shampoLike in Le Monde, new setter makes a startLike Incas or llamasLike India paperLike Indian summer daysLike infants and grudgesLike inferior computer grLike inferior gravyLike inflamed viewer's false statement about reptileLike influential speakersLike inhaling air in northern French cityLike ink, in FranceLike ink, poeticallyLike ink, to ShakespeareLike inner tubesLike Inspector ClouseauLike Inspector Clouseau's awful jewellery?Like instant messagingLike Internet news sitesLike invalid ballotsLike invigorating air beginning to boost activity at Epsom?Like inviteesLike Ionesco's sopranoLike Iran's AhmadinejadLike Iran's government beLike ironed pants, oftenLike Isaac's son Esau?Like issues raised by eco-warriors showing violent manner possiblyLike itLike it mixed with ice and slice of lemonLike it to knock back?Like it ___Like it? One drinkLike italicsLike items at a supermarkLike items in a junk drawLike items that have beenLike J in the alphabetLike J.F.K. AirportLike J.F.K. Airport: AbbrLike J.F.K.: Abbr.Like JackLike Jack Benny, famouslyLike Jack Haley in "The WLike Jack in The Shining: extremely scary - chop, chop!Like Jack Sprat's dietLike Jack, it's saidLike jack-o'-lanternsLike jacket linings, usuaLike jambalayaLike Janus?Like Japan's national dieLike japanned woodLike jargon about final aim that's gaining influenceLike Java manLike jeans for teensLike Jell-O, e.g.Like jerkyLike Jersey sailors to kiss amorously?Like JesusLike jet streamsLike jewelry boxesLike Jimmy Kimmel and JimLike Joan MirLike Joan of ArcLike Joe AverageLike John Paul IILike jokersLike jokers, oftenLike jokers, sometimesLike jugsLike juicy biographiesLike jungles vis-Like junior yearLike junk mail, usuallyLike Jupiter's four largeLike Jupiter, but not ZeuLike just the draft of anLike Kashmir rugsLike Katherine’s mother to have food served all roundLike Keats's urnLike Kermit, of greedy make-upLike kibbutzimLike kicker that's injured in rugby match, sayLike kiddie ridesLike kidneys finally eaten in proper settingLike kids at a circus, maLike kids in a playgroundLike kielbasa and pierogiLike King Arthur’s men, losing head regularlyLike king crabLike King George IIILike King Kong in New YorLike King Solomon ... or Like King WenceslasLike knightsLike Knights TemplarsLike Knotty Ash's hooter, keeping awfully loudLike Knutsville named after Knut? Knut raised about £25Like kryptonLike krypton or xenonLike Kublai KhanLike L, alphabeticallyLike L-O-N-D-O-NLike L.B.J.Like la nuitLike lab work if it’s nice and constantLike laceLike laceworkLike Lady MacbethLike Lady Macbeth's spotLike lady's protest in play that confounds sexes with viceLike Lake MeadLike lamb I placed in oven, well-cookedLike land in a cityLike land in urban renewaLike landownersLike lapis lazuliLike laps in a poolLike Laredo, largelyLike large landownersLike large piece? Fish is excellentLike Larry KingLike Larry King, repeatedLike laryngitis sufferersLike last year's fashionsLike last year's stylesLike Latin, todayLike Latvia or LithuaniaLike lavaLike lawns or pastureLike layer of skin partially under microscopeLike left-hand page numbeLike leftoversLike lemonade sans sugarLike lemons or custard?Like leprechaun and four-Like leprechaunsLike letters on shirtsLike lettuce or spinachLike level or rotorLike Lex LuthorLike library talkersLike Libya, largelyLike LiechtensteinLike life and healthLike life in Italy, maybeLike Life SaversLike life?Like lifeguardsLike light from stars movLike lightning - don't eatLike lights on a ChristmaLike lilac leavesLike Limburger cheeseLike limousinesLike LincolnLike Lincoln before his pLike Lincoln, in physiqueLike Lincoln, perhaps, quiet and designed for living inLike Lincoln: Abbr.Like Lindbergh's famous fLike Lindbergh's flightLike lines that never crossLike lionsLike lions and leopardsLike lions and tigersLike lip-glossed lipsLike liquefied iceLike listeners — 11? Not half!Like lit lanternsLike liters and gramsLike Little Bo-Peep's chaLike little thing spoken in patoisLike living with Mom and Like Liz Taylor's eyesLike Liz Taylor, many timLike llamasLike llamas and IncasLike Lloyd George, say, mostly fit and quietLike loadsLike loaves, but needing no initial doughLike locoweedLike loggers' bootsLike logsLike Loki or ThorLike Longfellow's EvangelLike longship sailorsLike loose soilLike loot, oftenLike Lord Peter Wimsey or Count Dracula, sayLike losersLike lotsLike lots of shopping nowLike lotteriesLike Louisiana cuisineLike loversLike low-sodium foods, saLike lowest-mileage driviLike LP'sLike Lucille BallLike lucky castawaysLike Lucy Locket's pocketLike Lucy of "Peanuts"Like lumber in a millLike LutherLike Luther: Abbr.Like lymphatic tissueLike lyricsLike M&M'sLike M, L or XLLike Ma and Pa KettleLike Machiavellian politiLike magazine subscriptioLike Magic?Like Mahler's Symphony NoLike major channelsLike male chauvinistsLike maneaters?Like Manhattan clam chowdLike Manhattan's ChryslerLike Manhattan's East VilLike Mann's mountainLike mannaLike many "Survivor" contLike many 80's carsLike many 90's trousersLike many a backsplashLike many a castleLike many a cellarLike many a Clint EastwooLike many a clothes baskeLike many a contrastLike many a cover titleLike many a dead letterLike many a DeMille filmLike many a detective's tLike many a first-graderLike many a fishing lineLike many a gallerygoerLike many a gardenLike many a gen. or maj.Like many a grandparentLike many a high school sLike many a home improvemLike many a hurricaneLike many a jalopyLike many a library bookLike many a lifeguardLike many a MalkovichLike many a mistakeLike many a palaceLike many a parked vehiclLike many a partingLike many a phone callerLike many a professorLike many a rabbit's warrLike many a resortLike many a retreatLike many a RieslingLike many a road mapLike many a Rockwell kidLike many a roof, bound to be penetrated by hail ultimatelyLike many a soldier or prisoner given words to sayLike many a sports reportLike many a sumo wrestlerLike many a Western bandiLike many a whisperLike many a winter roadLike many a winter skyLike many a wiseacre's coLike many a wrestlerLike many aliens on "StarLike many amphitheatersLike many an embarrassingLike many an English innLike many an heir apparenLike many an I.R.A.Like many an injured armLike many an O. Henry stoLike many an oathLike many an old bucketLike many an omenLike many an online passwLike many an orderLike many an unsuccessfulLike many appliances: AbbLike many atticsLike many automobile brakLike many avenuesLike many babiesLike many barely legible Like many barnsLike many bathroom floorsLike many beachgoersLike many BedouinsLike many blacktopsLike many blog comments, Like many bloomsLike many brandy casksLike many breakfast cereaLike many cakesLike many campgrounds at Like many cared-for lawnsLike many carpetsLike many carved wooden mLike many cathedrals, become almost intimateLike many Chas Addams chaLike many checking accounLike many churchesLike many cigarsLike many classical aphorLike many clericsLike many cold remedies: Like many college dormsLike many college dorms, Like many company publicaLike many concert hallsLike many conglomerates: Like many countries' ruleLike many deliveries, finished with a lot of forceLike many departuresLike many diet productsLike many doo-wop groups:Like many doorsLike many dormsLike many dorms nowadaysLike many dreamersLike many drivewaysLike many drugs: Abbr.Like many dyed eggsLike many elephantsLike many evangelicalsLike many ex-consLike many fansLike many fast-food orderLike many files nowadaysLike many fish and mountaLike many former friendsLike many forum postings:Like many gamesLike many garagesLike many gardensLike many gemsLike many golf tournamentLike many grenadesLike many Guinness recordLike many Halloween masksLike many HarlemitesLike many hearthsLike many Hitchcock filmsLike many horsesLike many hospital doctorLike many houseplants, daLike many hurricanesLike many ice-skating spiLike many in the USLike many indie filmsLike many indiesLike many inscriptionsLike many investigationsLike many IranisLike many itchy muttsLike many items listed onLike many judgesLike many kitchensLike many lab slidesLike many laid-up BritsLike many landscape paintLike many large cos.Like many leasesLike many leavesLike many library catalogLike many lifeguardsLike many limericks: AbbrLike many locketsLike many low-paying jobsLike many Mae West quotesLike many magazine subscrLike many martini olivesLike many Miami Beach buiLike many MiamiansLike many modelsLike many modern computerLike many mosaicsLike many motorcycle engiLike many movies nowadaysLike many MTV viewersLike many nest-buildersLike many Net connectionsLike many Nintendo playerLike many nonanimated DisLike many nutsLike many oathsLike many objectionsLike many of Shakespeare'Like many office jobsLike many offs.Like many old buildingsLike many old gym socksLike many old series, nowLike many old water pipesLike many orgs.Like many packagesLike many parties: Abbr.Like many passwords that will activate a plural machineLike many peanutsLike many petsLike many Ping-Pong ballsLike many pitchesLike many planetary orbitLike many portsLike many products on eBaLike many propertiesLike many pubsLike many receptionsLike many resort areasLike many resortsLike many restaurants witLike many retailers todayLike many Rod Serling worLike many Rolls-RoycesLike many root vegetablesLike many rugsLike many saltsLike many ScandinaviansLike many sceptersLike many scolders' armsLike many ScotsLike many sealsLike many shorelinesLike many smoothiesLike many songbirdsLike many squares in a FrLike many St. Patrick's DLike many state capitolsLike many stocks: Abbr.Like many student jobsLike many students at schLike many Sue Grafton chaLike many sunscreensLike many supermarket linLike many swimming poolsLike many swordsLike many tartan wearersLike many taste testsLike many teens at the moLike many testsLike many titlesLike many trailersLike many transferred worLike many TV moviesLike many TV movies: AbbrLike many TV series, is copied fraudulentlyLike many wartime messageLike many windowsLike many winter landscapLike many winter roadsLike many winter skatersLike many writersLike maples but not firsLike maps, iguanas and roLike marathon participant, eventuallyLike marbleLike margarita glassesLike Marie Curie's treatmentLike Marilyn MonroeLike Marilyn Monroe, brieLike marquetryLike Mars nowadaysLike marshesLike Matryoshka dollsLike Mayan pyramidsLike MayberryLike McCartney's guitar iLike meadowsLike meat thrown to a lioLike mechanics' handsLike medieval EuropeLike Meg to see City's game with Mike initiallyLike mellower winesLike melodious chorus of Cambridge that is welcoming learnerLike melted caramelLike member of family to be a supportLike memorial words daughter inscribed in large beehive?Like men at stag partiesLike men, gerbils strayLike men, women and childLike Mendeleev's tableLike Mendelssohn's "ItaliLike meringueLike meshLike meteor pathsLike MethuselahLike Metro to travel a distanceLike mice and geeseLike Michelangelo's DavidLike Mickey MouseLike micro-organisms I detected in messy lab crateLike microbesLike MidasLike midnight store keeping quiet, providing a pre-purchase eventLike military academies, Like Milos FormanLike minnows close to coast, causing irritationLike minor German and European furoreLike MirLike Miss CongenialityLike Miss Muffet's fareLike Miss Muffet, ultimatLike Mitch Miller, e.g.Like mocking humour, misinterpreted as racialistLike modern clocks and reLike modern gadgets? Like everything, almost!Like modern technologyLike moirLike molassesLike monarchs: grand, and serious about itLike money in the bankLike money to be repaidLike MongoliaLike Monica Seles, by birLike monksLike monster trucks or thLike moonstonesLike more than a few games, they may be fixedLike Mork of "Mork & MindLike Mork's spaceshipLike morning grassLike morning news peopleLike Moses' wife, per NumLike mosquitoesLike most 1950s recordingLike most adages: Abbr.Like most aluminum oreLike most apartmentsLike most barsLike most basketball starLike most bathroom graffiLike most bathroomsLike most bicycle tiresLike most bowlsLike most cable news progLike most cameosLike most car radiosLike most cemetery plotsLike most Christmas treesLike most churchesLike most citizensLike most city blocks: AbLike most clocks in AprilLike most college freshmeLike most collegesLike most colleges todayLike most covered bridgesLike most cupcakesLike most customersLike most Danish churchgoLike most dorms nowadaysLike most filmsLike most fine winesLike most flowersLike most folkloreLike most gatesLike most golf woods, nowLike most graffitiLike most graffiti: Abbr.Like most gym ratsLike most horoscopesLike most housesLike most IcelandersLike most jacketsLike most jigsaw puzzlesLike most jokes on the InLike most limericks, in sLike most lipsLike most mailLike most mammalsLike most manuscriptsLike most mapsLike most medicine bottleLike most modern furniturLike most moviesLike most musicLike most music in recordLike most N.B.A. playersLike most N.B.A. starsLike most NorwegiansLike most nursery rhymes:Like most of Aeschylus' pLike most of MongoliaLike most of OmanLike most of suburbiaLike most of the Harry PoLike most of the voyages Like most Olympic gymnastLike most owlsLike most paragraphsLike most phone numbersLike most planetary orbitLike most plumbing nowadaLike most PMQs presumably treated as new by half-hearted mobLike most potato chipsLike most primesLike most promgoersLike most proverbs, for sLike most proverbs: Abbr.Like most racehorsesLike most recorded music Like most roadsLike most runs, in basebaLike most salsaLike most sitcomsLike most sonnetsLike most South AmericansLike most sports telecastLike most stadiumsLike most store itemsLike most store-bought brLike most store-bought clLike most streetsLike most sumo wrestlersLike most table saltLike most tiresLike most toy modelsLike most TurksLike most tutoringLike most urban landLike most users of sign lLike most washersLike most Western musicLike most world table tenLike most yard sale goodsLike Mother CabriniLike Mother HubbardLike Mother Hubbard's cupLike Mother TeresaLike Mount St. Helens, noLike mountains and computLike mountains and mapsLike mountains in winterLike mounted horse, most capably controlled by jockeyLike moviesLike movies and hotelsLike Mozart's fluteLike Mozart's Symphony NoLike mozzarellaLike Mr & Mrs Smith, finally was dyingLike Mr. Spock's answersLike Mrs. BumsteadLike Mt. Everest or a lizLike much filet mignonLike much folk mus.Like much folk music: AbbLike much French writing Like much ground hamburger, principally kosherLike much hip-hop lingoLike much home improvemenLike much information nowLike much Jewish foodLike much Lenny Bruce humLike much lost-and-found Like much musicLike much music, todayLike much notebook paperLike much of ChileLike much of Fire Island'Like much of New Orleans'Like much of Poe's workLike much of the Danube'sLike much of the New TestLike much of Webern's worLike much office workLike much oilLike much plumbingLike much poetryLike much protective wearLike much pulpLike much Renaissance artLike much revenueLike much Schoenberg musiLike much social interactLike much testimonyLike much Vegas stagewearLike much visited attractionsLike much writing paperLike mudLike mud between one's toLike muesliLike muesli and bananas?Like mum, dad and sis, but not bro?Like Muscat raisinsLike musicLike music in a candle shLike music that uses keysLike musical instrumentsLike MussoliniLike mustangs, for examplLike muttonLike name for boyLike NaNO2 in H2OLike Narcissus, and then Like Narcissus?Like Nasdaq securities: ALike Nasdaq tradesLike Nash's lamaLike Nasser's movementLike national electionsLike native llamasLike NebraskaLike neglected musclesLike Nehru jacketsLike Nelson's tooth, with lack of metal filling?Like neonLike nerds, maybeLike net company associated with socialist, Sidney, in pastLike newLike new billsLike new dollar billsLike new onesLike new recruitsLike new tiresLike New York City's SonyLike New York City, e.g.Like New York City, to AlLike New York's Radio CitLike New York's Waldorf-ALike newly available prodLike newly laid lawnsLike newlyweds, oftenLike Niagara FallsLike NiccolLike Niels BohrLike night skiesLike nitroglycerinLike no human, according Like No Time to DieLike no-hittersLike no-holds-barred sporLike Noah's animals, about 500, unaware of what is happeningLike noble gasesLike noblesLike Nod, to EdenLike noisy fansLike non-oyster monthsLike non-oyster months?Like non-turbulent flowLike noodles, oftenLike noodles, possibly, heading for trouble!Like notebook paperLike notepaper or subjectLike nothin'Like noxious gasesLike Nutmeg in character, one's maliciously castLike NyQuil: Abbr.Like O'Neill's "Bound EasLike oak leavesLike objects dipped in liLike ocean airLike ocean waterLike oceanfront houses, oLike ocherLike octogenariansLike octuplets?Like oddly conjugated verLike OdinLike Oedipus' marriageLike Oedipus's curse in "Like off-season businessLike office job associated with the vicar?Like ogresLike oil directly from a Like oil, filling hole I constructedLike old AM radioLike old argumentsLike old breadLike old candles at ChrisLike old cigars, maybeLike Old Glory: Abbr.Like old houses, almost plentiful in ReadingLike old image of oneselfLike Old Irish letteringLike old jokesLike old newspaper clippiLike old nylonsLike old paperback novelsLike old parliament game joined by politicianLike old postcardsLike Old PrussianLike old recordingsLike old recordsLike old RomeLike old socks, maybeLike olde shoppesLike olden times, supposeLike older siblings, someLike oleo vis-Like olivesLike olives or peanutsLike olives? Only in last year, primarilyLike Olympic racesLike omeletsLike omelettes hotel served up in Scandinavian way?Like oneLike one battery terminalLike one debate sideLike one end of a batteryLike one end of many poolLike one imprisoned in Eastern city? Without a doubtLike one in a seriesLike one leg of a triathlLike one of a certain paiLike one of the sensesLike one of the two jawsLike one popping the quesLike one side of a poolLike one side of a shipLike one side of an aisleLike one side of the aislLike one smittenLike one terminal of a baLike one that gets laid? Love endless sex squeezing buttLike one uplifted - as ‘er with bra on, I fancyLike one White House offiLike one who fansLike one's fun house mirrLike ones starting overLike ones that are fleeceLike online medical advicLike only this clue today? That's hardly fairLike Ontario vis-Like open-ended testsLike opium poppy leavesLike orange traffic markeLike oranges and lemonsLike oranges and tangerinLike Oreos and doughnuts,Like organza or chiffonLike Orville Redenbacher,Like Osage orangesLike Oscar WildeLike osmium, more than anLike Othello or Oedipus, say?Like otologists' testsLike our numbersLike our numeralsLike outcastsLike outer spaceLike overdramatic spoken-Like overnight mailLike overused gym clothesLike owlsLike owls and badgersLike oxen pulling a plowLike oxfordsLike Pachelbel's CanonLike Paderewski's MinuetLike paintings and some jLike paintings in progresLike palm trees in a storLike panic disorders, making you troubledLike pant legsLike pantyhoseLike Papa Bear's porridgeLike papaw leavesLike paperLike paper or light, readLike paper vis-Like parabolasLike paradiseLike ParliamentLike Parrott said, it's all squareLike part of a footLike part of Africa, loves idiosyncrasyLike part of anecdote Kathy put upLike part of the AdriaticLike part of the circulatLike part of viewer’s money invested in Madrid teamLike partners giving affectionLike parts in a kitLike party punchLike past mistakesLike past president to blow his top in this stateLike pat or still, readinLike Pat’s deliveries after all? Not entirelyLike PatagoniaLike patches or decalsLike patio diningLike patterned cloth, all square, you had onceLike Pavlov's dogs in servitudeLike peacocksLike peacocks, among all Like peanut butterLike peanut gallery seatsLike pear tree leavesLike Peary's explorationLike peas in ___Like pedestrianised town centre that keeps people ultimately happyLike pedestrians on winteLike PegasusLike pen palsLike penthouse suites visLike people in the front Like peppercornsLike perfect showjumping round — that’s evidentLike perfumeLike petrol nowadaysLike Petruchio's wench inLike pets, ideallyLike petting-zoo animalsLike petty offs.Like phonographsLike photo showing gelLike photographic memoryLike phrase book entriesLike piLike pie made by chef initially out of practice?Like pie, or a piece of cakeLike pie?Like pigsLike pigs' feetLike Pindar's worksLike pine needles maybe in a church got upLike pine scentLike pine scent, sayLike Pinocchio's nose aftLike pinto beansLike piratesLike Pisa's towerLike pitch Jack’s seen near railwayLike pizzaLike plain paperLike plain textLike plasterLike plastic slipcoversLike Playboy cartoonsLike Playboy modelsLike players in pin-the-tLike pleasant fall weatheLike plow horsesLike plowhorsesLike Poe storiesLike Poe's "Portrait"Like Poe's talesLike poems close to Leonardo DiCaprio's heartLike pointers in a line entering trackLike poison ivy leavesLike poisonous mushroomsLike poker facesLike politics, by natureLike Polk, among U.S. preLike poll taxesLike Pollyanna?Like Pompeii, onceLike poniesLike poor faxes, perhapsLike poor losersLike poorly cleaned glassLike poorly washed windowLike pop hit by Queen way back, cut shortLike Pope's impressive articleLike Popeye vis-Like pornLike porridgeLike posh children occupying seats, every other one being takenLike posh people, pull lush curtains offLike position of moderate, as shown in recent rallyLike post-Revolutionary aLike postmidnight TV showLike potpourri, sometimesLike potteryLike practically all TV'sLike precious stones maintained badlyLike premonitionsLike preowned carsLike presses ready for prLike pretzelsLike pretzels, typicallyLike pricier meatLike prickly pearsLike Prince Andrew with sweet lass dancing?Like printing pressesLike prisoners on gallowsLike prisonsLike private lessonsLike privatesLike prizewinning handwriLike pro bono work?Like problematic jar of marmalade? End up with one chucked!Like proclamationsLike producing flowers soon for a friend?Like PrometheusLike propagandaLike propellersLike property for businesLike protesters, well versed on weaponry?Like ProteusLike proverbial hen's teeLike prunesLike pumpkins and trafficLike pumpsLike punch?Like punkies, vis-Like pupils that are too Like puppiesLike putty in one's handsLike QC, say, making a profit from each briefLike quaint streets, perhLike quakes of magnitude Like quiet poisonerLike quiltsLike Quisling’s characteristics taking in men in Britain or in FranceLike R versus PG-13Like Rabelaisian writingLike rabiesLike raccoonsLike racehorsesLike racehorses, periodicLike Radio City Music HalLike rail vis-Like railroad tracksLike rain?Like rainbowsLike raisinsLike raisins vis-Like rams and lambsLike rankingsLike RapunzelLike rare or medium steakLike raw diamondsLike raw filmLike raw silkLike real dangerLike redheads' tempers, sLike refined pursuits of sect on Russian riverLike regal successionLike relaxed-fit jeansLike relicsLike religious person stoic man convertedLike religious servicesLike RembrandtLike Republican states onLike residential mail?Like resorts, typicallyLike retireesLike returned mailLike ReynardLike rhinosLike rice in some cereal Like rich dessertsLike Richard ILike Ricky Martin's "vidaLike right-slanting typeLike ring road section during testLike ring topped with cool blueLike Rioja wineLike ripe cheesesLike rivals, oftenLike roasted marshmallowsLike Robin Hood's menLike robins' eggsLike Rochester, N.Y.Like rock 'n' roll's RichLike rock formed from lava that’s cooled (as in cold)Like rock when submerged by seaLike rock's U2Like Rockefeller CenterLike Rod Serling talesLike Rod Serling's storieLike Rodeo Drive shopsLike rolling countryside?Like Roman senatorsLike romantic dinnersLike Rome vis-Like Romeo and Juliet, inLike Romeo and Juliet, toLike Romulus and RemusLike rooms on TV's "TradiLike rooms to rentLike rosebushesLike rosesLike royal descent, usualLike rubble after a razinLike ruckuses or roadsterLike Rudner's audiences aLike ruler to be demandingLike Rumpole we lay drunk on railwayLike running waterLike rush hour trafficLike rushing waterLike Russ., onceLike Russian dollsLike Russian wintersLike rustLike rye, usuallyLike S. J. PerelmanLike saddle shoes and belLike sage or allspiceLike Saint-SaLike salad could be made more basic!Like sale pricesLike Sally or Wally literally having everythingLike salmon, oftenLike SalomeLike salon customersLike salt, for instance, covering one battered rollLike saltwater taffyLike Samson, before DelilLike Samsung CorporationLike Samuel Taylor Coleridge's mariner?Like sandalsLike sandpaperLike sandpaper, typicallyLike sandstone doubly covered in basilicas’ bricksLike SantaLike Santa after returninLike Santa on Christmas ELike Santa on Christmas mLike Santa's bag on ChrisLike Santa's bootsLike Santa's cheeksLike Santa's helpersLike Santa's suit after gLike Santa's visitLike Sartre's "No Exit"Like sashesLike SatanLike Satan worshipersLike satellitesLike satin to the touchLike saucy specialist nurse maybe, getting to the pointLike sauerkraut and strudLike savage animal, it goes back into thicketLike savages cook chickenLike ScheherazadeLike Schoenberg's musicLike Schoenberg, obsessive about limits of tempoLike school dropouts?Like school pupil sounding unrelaxedLike school, sometimesLike Schubert's Mass No. Like Schubert's Symphony Like scofflawsLike scuba divingLike scuba tanks, typicalLike sea airLike SEALsLike seawaterLike second or farmLike second, sometimesLike second-place ribbonsLike seconds: Abbr.Like sentence when court detains us, I told a criminal not wanting timeLike Serling storiesLike Serling stories: VarLike Serling tales: Var.Like serous membranes — more than one, by the sound of itLike service station ragsLike Seurat paintingsLike seven Nolan Ryan gamLike seven of Sophocles' Like seven Ryan gamesLike several religions mentioned at first in revised Bach ariaLike sex symbolsLike sex with Her Maj on E? In a wayLike Shakespeare's ProspeLike Shakespeare's sonnetLike Shakespeare's Timon, sayLike Shaquille O'Neal's sLike sharp cheddarLike sharp cheeseLike sheep or like cow (not British)Like sheets after bleachiLike Shelley’s Prometheus in loose-leaf formLike Shelley's "FrankenstLike Shelley's "sister ofLike Sherlock Holmes's noLike Shih TzusLike shiny floorsLike shipping and handlinLike shoesLike shoes and socksLike shoes made in St. LoLike shorelines, oftenLike short, cut flowersLike Shostakovich's SymphLike show horsesLike show horses' feetLike shower rooms, oftenLike shrimp during shippiLike Shriners' hatsLike shrinking violetsLike Siberian wintersLike siblingsLike sides of pyramidsLike signsLike silhouettes, typicalLike Silly PuttyLike Silver's riderLike Simba or NalaLike Simon or HerbLike Simone Martini's artLike singing in a showerLike single menu dishesLike single-purpose commiLike sinners, to preacherLike skating rinks, typicLike skin, after a facialLike skyscrapersLike slalomsLike slanderLike slander, as opposed Like slanted typeLike slanted type: Abbr.Like sleep of wild pony in concealed surroundingsLike sleep, ideallyLike slimeLike sloths and tree toadLike slow students, sometLike smokestacksLike smooth flowLike smooth-running enginLike smooth-running machiLike snakeskinLike snowLike snow after a blizzarLike Snow White, vis-a-viLike soccer shoesLike socks in a drawerLike sodLike soda bottles, in preLike soda crackersLike soil in a deltaLike soldier from America clutching good spearsLike soldiers initially welcoming times in GulfLike soldiers known as GuLike solid paraffinLike solo organ performance in auditionLike SolomonLike some '39 New York WoLike some '60s fashionLike some 18th-century music style in madrigal anthologyLike some 1930s design, iLike some 19th-century novels, a kind since abandonedLike some 60's ralliesLike some 70's trousersLike some accentsLike some accidents or gaLike some accounts with exaggerated depictionLike some actors going onLike some adaptersLike some addressesLike some ads to be withheld for securityLike some adult hipposLike some AdventistsLike some adviceLike some Afghan leadersLike some agreementsLike some air and dollar Like some air freshenersLike some air-conditioninLike some airline travel Like some airport luggageLike some airport purchasLike some airport shoppinLike some airports: Abbr.Like some alarmsLike some alesLike some algebraLike some aliensLike some alkaloidsLike some alloying — city police hypersensitive, we hearLike some amateursLike some ammunitionLike some amusement parksLike some ancient markersLike some ancient MexicanLike some ancient ruinsLike some ancient stone tools transported into ChileLike some anesthesiaLike some anestheticsLike some animal rights cLike some announcements tLike some answersLike some anteatersLike some antibioticsLike some apartmentsLike some appetitesLike some applesLike some appliancesLike some appliances, eleLike some ArabiansLike some archesLike some architectural dLike some architectureLike some architecture in Greenland or Iceland?Like some areas prone to Like some armsLike some arms and legsLike some arrangementsLike some arrivalsLike some Asian-AmericansLike some assets and smilLike some athletesLike some attemptsLike some attempts or excLike some attitudesLike some auctionsLike some audiobooksLike some autobiographiesLike some awakeningsLike some B'way performanLike some Bach worksLike some bad decisionsLike some bad driving conLike some bad film scenesLike some bad golf shots?Like some bad goods: AbbrLike some bagelsLike some baitLike some balancesLike some ball gamesLike some ballerinasLike some balloons, questLike some ballotsLike some bandsLike some bank checkingLike some banksLike some bars and beacheLike some baseball catcheLike some baseball gamesLike some baseball teamsLike some bathing suitsLike some batteriesLike some battersLike some battlesLike some beansLike some beddingLike some BedouinsLike some bedsLike some beer at a partyLike some behaviorsLike some beliefsLike some betsLike some bets and patienLike some big banksLike some big game one bungled in seriesLike some biology majorsLike some bird, marsupial is trapped by King HenryLike some birthday wishesLike some black teaLike some blanketsLike some bling Monsieur Balzac regularly chucked in N Midlands river?Like some blocked passageLike some blocksLike some blood passagesLike some blood types: AbLike some blowsLike some blows to the siLike some bodies on a beaLike some bodybuilders' bLike some bombsLike some bondsLike some booksLike some books about Kiss? For sureLike some books the man in Round Table orderedLike some bookstoresLike some boomsLike some booms, not quite as enjoyableLike some bootsLike some bought items with quiet salesman to helpLike some boxes on ballotLike some brakesLike some breadLike some breakfast cereaLike some breathLike some breezesLike some browsLike some bucketsLike some bugsLike some building blocksLike some bullsLike some buns quietly excluded from fastLike some burgersLike some business suits?Like some butcher blocksLike some Cajun cuisineLike some cakesLike some cakes and hairLike some cakes brought in twice dailyLike some cakes I'd put around churchLike some cakes put before gourmand finallyLike some cakes set before daughterLike some calendarsLike some callsLike some calls left on aLike some cameras nowadayLike some campaign adsLike some can openersLike some candidates: AbbLike some candiesLike some candlesLike some candyLike some capsLike some capts.Like some car headlightsLike some catsLike some cavitiesLike some cell growthLike some cellarsLike some cellsLike some census categoriLike some Central AmericaLike some cerealLike some cerealsLike some chairsLike some chambersLike some champagneLike some chancesLike some changed locksLike some ChardonnayLike some chardonnaysLike some charge cardsLike some charges on a ceLike some charmsLike some chatterLike some cheap mdse.Like some checking accounLike some checksLike some checks: Abbr.Like some checkupsLike some cheddarLike some cheddar cheeseLike some cheeksLike some cheesesLike some cheesy spin-off, craving to admit a call for attentionLike some chemical bondsLike some chest painLike some chickenLike some chickensLike some Chinese cookingLike some Chinese dishesLike some chips? Nick most of cutlery that's freeLike some chocolatLike some choirs: Var.Like some chopsLike some chordsLike some ChristiansLike some chromium and arLike some church mattersLike some churches: Abbr.Like some ciderLike some cigarettesLike some cigarsLike some citizenshipLike some citizenshipsLike some classes and booLike some classic films, Like some classic moviesLike some classical archiLike some classical columLike some cleaning producLike some clearancesLike some Clement Moore sLike some climatesLike some clocksLike some close likenesseLike some clothes we dare a Tory to change intoLike some clothingLike some clothing ensembLike some cloudsLike some club membersLike some clues with "hand" in? Go to Davy Jones's lockerLike some coaches: Abbr.Like some coatsLike some cocoa powderLike some codesLike some coffeeLike some coffee ordersLike some coifsLike some coincidencesLike some coinsLike some coins and saladLike some cold medicinesLike some college appointLike some college curricuLike some college honorsLike some college majorsLike some college programLike some college volleybLike some colognesLike some coloniesLike some colorsLike some columnsLike some comfy shoes creep doles out?Like some commentaryLike some committeesLike some communicationLike some communitiesLike some companies' day Like some complaints ubiquitous on the internetLike some complex feelingLike some complexesLike some complexionsLike some computer encodiLike some computer mainteLike some computer printeLike some computer searchLike some concernsLike some concertsLike some conclusionsLike some conditionsLike some confessionsLike some confrontationsLike some connectionsLike some consequencesLike some consonant stopsLike some consonantsLike some consonants, in Like some consonants, phoLike some contraceptionLike some controlsLike some controversial pLike some cookie sheetsLike some cookwareLike some copyLike some cornersLike some corporate stockLike some countersLike some country musicLike some country soundsLike some courses: Abbr.Like some court proceedinLike some cousinsLike some coversLike some cowsLike some crabsLike some crayonsLike some creditLike some crisps? Nuts? Deal with changeLike some cross-dressersLike some crossesLike some crosswordsLike some crowdsLike some cruisesLike some crystal ballsLike some cubsLike some cuisineLike some cuisine, cool and under cooked, with British tucking inLike some cuisinesLike some currentsLike some curtainsLike some curvesLike some custardsLike some customsLike some cyclesLike some D.A.'sLike some damagesLike some damesLike some dancersLike some daysLike some days of summer,Like some dealingsLike some dealsLike some debatersLike some decalsLike some decisionsLike some decisions and dLike some decorationsLike some decorative cookLike some decreesLike some deductions, witLike some defensive baskeLike some deitiesLike some deli ordersLike some delicate lingerLike some delisLike some dental flossLike some desertsLike some designsLike some desk traysLike some dessertsLike some detailsLike some developmentsLike some devils?Like some diamondsLike some diamonds, sizewLike some diet colas, in Like some dietsLike some digital pictureLike some digsLike some dinarsLike some dinnersLike some dirt pathsLike some dirty windshielLike some disappearancesLike some discounted mdseLike some discussionsLike some diseasesLike some divorcesLike some doctorsLike some dodderersLike some dollars on currLike some doorsLike some dormsLike some doubtsLike some doughnutsLike some doughnuts and wLike some dreamsLike some dresses and driLike some drink ordersLike some drinksLike some drinks, talking with old therapistLike some drugsLike some drugs, brieflyLike some dryersLike some dumbbells: AbbrLike some dummiesLike some DVDs in DVD plaLike some eaglesLike some early computer Like some earringsLike some earsLike some ears and elbowsLike some eaves in winterLike some eclipsesLike some educationsLike some eels or catfishLike some effectsLike some effortsLike some eggsLike some eggs or clothLike some egosLike some Egyptian relicsLike some elbows and fendLike some electric appliaLike some electric circuiLike some electrical plugLike some electronicsLike some elements second kind of star made availableLike some elephantsLike some elephants and aLike some eligibles, onceLike some emotionsLike some enemiesLike some energyLike some engagement ringLike some English furnituLike some English muffinsLike some envelopesLike some epic poetryLike some errorsLike some estatesLike some ex-dictatorsLike some examsLike some exchange ratesLike some excursionsLike some excusesLike some exercise? I carried back some French wine bottlesLike some exercisesLike some exhaustsLike some expense reimburLike some expensive vasesLike some eye surgeryLike some eyesLike some eyes and soupLike some eyes at a weddiLike some fabric in bed, fashionableLike some fabric patternsLike some face powdersLike some faithful friendLike some familiesLike some fancy soap bubbLike some fancy stuff old sailors hadLike some fansLike some farmersLike some fashionsLike some fat Tudor composer keeping old wife and horseLike some favoritesLike some fearsLike some feloniesLike some fertility lab tLike some feversLike some fightersLike some figuresLike some financial figures - caught editor outLike some fine linenLike some fine potteryLike some fireplacesLike some fishLike some fish and a couple of drugs from the eastLike some fishingLike some flamesLike some flapsLike some flat-screen panLike some flocksLike some floor polishLike some flooring? Ring province upLike some floorsLike some floors and legsLike some fluLike some flushesLike some flycatchersLike some fogLike some foldersLike some fondue potsLike some foodLike some food and drink to restrict slight depressionLike some food products in cargo, exoticLike some foods for JewsLike some football gamesLike some football kicksLike some football passesLike some forcesLike some forces in the BLike some forecastsLike some foreign filmsLike some foreign moviesLike some Fr. nounsLike some fraternities noLike some French accentsLike some friendsLike some friendshipsLike some fruitLike some fruit batsLike some fruit bats and Like some fundsLike some furnitureLike some fursLike some garagesLike some garnishesLike some gas: Abbr.Like some gasesLike some gases examiner tests partlyLike some gasolinesLike some gazesLike some gearsLike some gemsLike some gems and old moLike some gen.'sLike some genesLike some genetic lawsLike some Ger. nounsLike some giantsLike some glancesLike some glassLike some glassesLike some glasses, in a pLike some glassworkLike some goalsLike some goals, sadlyLike some golf ballsLike some golf coursesLike some golfersLike some good soilLike some goodbyesLike some Google Maps vieLike some goose egg good and ancientLike some gownsLike some grainLike some grapesLike some grassesLike some gravy and mattrLike some Greek columnsLike some Greek odesLike some greeting cardsLike some griddlesLike some grievancesLike some grinsLike some Groucho Marx huLike some groundLike some guessesLike some guestsLike some guns mobster and hood arranged togetherLike some habitsLike some hairLike some hallowed wallsLike some Halloween costuLike some hamsLike some handsLike some hands and heartLike some hard soilsLike some harrowsLike some headsLike some health coverageLike some heavenly objects in Taurus, mostly coming in closeLike some heirsLike some helpLike some hepatitisLike some heroesLike some high-fiber cereLike some highlighter colLike some highways after Like some hist.Like some historiesLike some historyLike some history: Abbr.Like some holiday apparelLike some holistic treatmLike some hooksLike some hospital bedsLike some hospital procedLike some hostagesLike some hot dogsLike some hotelsLike some hotels, for shoLike some hoursLike some humorLike some humour found in Cairo, niceLike some humour the writer's penned, surprisingly strong?Like some hush puppiesLike some hygieneLike some I.R.A. owners: Like some idiots, slightly madLike some illnessesLike some imaginationsLike some immunological aLike some important visitLike some inclement weathLike some incomeLike some income a Parisian press chief keeps close by?Like some income on a 104Like some industrial wastLike some inexpensive homLike some injuriesLike some innsLike some inns or hot dogLike some inputLike some inspectionsLike some instinctsLike some instructionsLike some instrumentsLike some instruments: AbLike some insuranceLike some interestLike some interestsLike some Internet searchLike some internships, inLike some interpretationsLike some investmentsLike some ions: Abbr.Like some iron, approximate in weightLike some ironyLike some Italian cookingLike some items at customLike some items on a grocLike some jacketsLike some jams and jellieLike some jeansLike some jeans legsLike some jewel casesLike some Jewish delisLike some Jewish dynastieLike some job trainingLike some jobsLike some jointsLike some jokesLike some jokes and jobsLike some jokes, avoiding repetition, but weakLike some jugsLike some juriesLike some justiceLike some Keats worksLike some keysLike some kicksLike some kids' books from Jerry Springer when young?Like some kingsLike some kissesLike some kisses and baseLike some kisses and unloLike some kitchensLike some kitchens, in reLike some kneesLike some knotsLike some KrautLike some KurdsLike some lab miceLike some landingsLike some lattes from pub in island that closes earlyLike some laundriesLike some lavaLike some lawn displaysLike some lawsLike some lawsuitsLike some league gamesLike some leavesLike some leaves having two buds?Like some legal proceedinLike some legendsLike some lens coatingsLike some lensesLike some lettersLike some liliesLike some limitsLike some linesLike some lineupsLike some lingerieLike some lipsLike some little headsLike some lizardsLike some loadsLike some loan repayment Like some loansLike some locksLike some locomotivesLike some logs from a pine ruined by awful rainLike some loreLike some losersLike some lotsLike some lotteriesLike some loveLike some love affairsLike some low-cost housinLike some luggageLike some lunch ordersLike some magazine adsLike some maidensLike some maidens of mythLike some mailLike some mail or trafficLike some majorsLike some manesLike some manufacturing cLike some marine habitatsLike some markersLike some marketsLike some marshesLike some martinisLike some Mass partsLike some matching pairsLike some mattressesLike some mealsLike some measuresLike some meatLike some medicinesLike some melonsLike some memoirsLike some memoriesLike some men's hairLike some menusLike some merchandiseLike some messagesLike some metal toysLike some Mexican pyramidLike some mgrs.Like some Mideast confereLike some Mideast politicLike some military actionLike some military maneuvLike some milkLike some mines? Not near Pilsen, oddlyLike some minimum-wage woLike some mirrorsLike some misguided remarLike some missilesLike some modemsLike some modern carpetsLike some modern communitLike some modern filmmakiLike some modern mapsLike some modern musicLike some modern restauraLike some modern signalsLike some modern-day mappLike some modestyLike some MOMA artLike some moneyLike some monksLike some monstersLike some monumentsLike some monuments: AbbrLike some morning grassLike some motionsLike some mountain guidesLike some mountain lodge Like some mountainsLike some mouthsLike some mouthwashesLike some movesLike some moviesLike some movies for TVLike some mulesLike some municipal bondsLike some mus. keysLike some musclesLike some museumgoersLike some mushroomsLike some musicLike some music drama, unusually wearing, and endless?Like some music of Queen in recordingLike some music or, perhaps after initial cuts, like some poetryLike some music that gives backing to R Charles, possiblyLike some mutual fundsLike some mysticism spread in tractLike some mythologyLike some mythsLike some names: Abbr.Like some nationalismLike some natural forcesLike some navelsLike some necksLike some needsLike some nervesLike some neutralsLike some new lawnsLike some newly launderedLike some night visionLike some nightclubsLike some nightsLike some nights and eyesLike some noisy catsLike some nonvotersLike some noodle dishesLike some noodlesLike some nosesLike some noses and numerLike some notebook paperLike some notepaperLike some nouns in Lat.Like some nouns: Abbr.Like some number systemsLike some numbers, within moderation alwaysLike some numbers: Abbr.Like some numeralsLike some nursery careLike some nursingLike some nutsLike some oak leavesLike some oathsLike some observationsLike some odesLike some of Bach’s music, full of runs and economicalLike some of Chekhov's wrLike some of Keats's workLike some of Stravinsky’s music — so nice, Callas recollectedLike some of the early EnLike some of the RockiesLike some of the SaharaLike some of Thomas Gray'Like some oilLike some oil rigsLike some old alphabetsLike some old Americans captured on film?Like some old bucketsLike some old cigarsLike some old coatsLike some old film sleuthLike some old houses where two little boys live with socialist behind hospitalLike some old lampsLike some Old MastersLike some old monitors, fLike some old recordsLike some old storesLike some old-fashioned lLike some old-fashioned sLike some olive oilLike some olivesLike some Olympic racesLike some on-the-spot wirLike some opinionsLike some opportunitiesLike some ordersLike some organsLike some outfieldsLike some outletsLike some outlooksLike some paintLike some paint floating in pond across riverLike some palmsLike some panelsLike some panels or flareLike some pansLike some paper and coatsLike some park facilitiesLike some parkingLike some parking spotsLike some parksLike some partiesLike some party prizesLike some passesLike some patchesLike some patio furnitureLike some pay ratesLike some paychecksLike some payoutsLike some peacekeepersLike some peachesLike some peaches and pluLike some peanuts?Like some pen residentsLike some pencil sharpenersLike some pensLike some people resistinLike some perfumeLike some pesticidesLike some petsLike some petticoatsLike some phone minutesLike some phone nos.Like some phonesLike some physical testsLike some piano keysLike some picture framesLike some pie crustsLike some piecesLike some pigeonsLike some pigsLike some pipesLike some pitchesLike some pizza ordersLike some pizzasLike some plainsLike some planetarium proLike some plansLike some plantsLike some platesLike some platformsLike some platingLike some players, strain on pitchLike some playgroundsLike some playsLike some poetic feetLike some poetryLike some pointsLike some poisoningLike some poker bettingLike some poles: Abbr.Like some policeLike some polit. ticketsLike some politicsLike some politics across the pond in programme about allianceLike some pollutersLike some pond lifeLike some poolsLike some pools or paintLike some poorly washed wLike some pork chopsLike some port authoritieLike some portsLike some potatoesLike some potatoes or oysLike some potsLike some practiceLike some pre-Columbian cLike some pregnanciesLike some presidentsLike some pricesLike some priests of oldLike some primariesLike some printLike some printsLike some private dets.Like some private-home apLike some profanityLike some professorsLike some professors' suiLike some profs.Like some profs: Abbr.Like some projectorsLike some promisesLike some pronouns: Abbr.Like some property, afterLike some proportionsLike some prospectsLike some protective coatLike some proverbial milkLike some provincesLike some prunesLike some prunes and faceLike some pulled calves?Like some punchLike some punchesLike some punk hairdosLike some punsLike some pupilsLike some purchasesLike some pursuitsLike some puzzles in mathematicsLike some pymts.Like some pyramidsLike some queensLike some questionsLike some rLike some races and hopesLike some racing autosLike some radiationLike some radio showsLike some raftsLike some raisesLike some ratesLike some ratsLike some reading lampsLike some realistic statuLike some rebatesLike some receptionsLike some recollectionsLike some recordingsLike some recordsLike some refrigeratorsLike some refugeesLike some regionsLike some relationsLike some relations: AbbrLike some relationshipsLike some religious leaders, babble endlessly in upset state?Like some remainsLike some remarksLike some remediesLike some remedies brother turned over, central to cureLike some renewable energLike some reportsLike some resistanceLike some resortsLike some responsibilitieLike some restaurant ordeLike some restaurantsLike some restrictionsLike some retirementsLike some retreatsLike some returned goodsLike some reviewsLike some rewardsLike some rialsLike some rich soilLike some Riesling winesLike some rights: Abbr.Like some risersLike some risquLike some ritesLike some river areasLike some riverbanksLike some roads teen idler vandalisedLike some roads with bit of confusion - two traffic lights but only one right!Like some robbers' gunsLike some robesLike some rock male member initially explained in examLike some rocks, since covered by the seaLike some rollsLike some Roman tragediesLike some romancesLike some roofsLike some roofs and roadsLike some rotationsLike some roulette numberLike some roundsLike some routes through Like some ruinsLike some rumorsLike some runsLike some sabbaticalsLike some sacred artLike some sacrificesLike some salad dressingsLike some saladsLike some sale clothes: ALike some salesmen and prLike some salonsLike some saltLike some saltsLike some sandwich bagsLike some sausages and WeLike some schemesLike some scholarship winLike some schoolbook publLike some SchwinnsLike some scientistsLike some scoresLike some sculpturesLike some sealsLike some seasonal helperLike some seatsLike some seats in a stadLike some securities, forLike some semirural townsLike some senators, protest 50% of Arctic being taken overLike some sentencesLike some sermonsLike some servantsLike some servitudeLike some sgts.Like some sharesLike some shellsLike some shiftsLike some shipping ratesLike some ships at seaLike some shirtsLike some shoesLike some shoes and drinkLike some shoppesLike some shoppingLike some short tennis maLike some short-lived romLike some shouldersLike some showsLike some shows in syndicLike some shows, for shorLike some shrubsLike some signals, for shLike some signsLike some signs and statiLike some silencesLike some silver: Abbr.Like some similaritiesLike some singingLike some single-sex schoLike some siresLike some six-packsLike some sketches: Abbr.Like some skiesLike some skiingLike some skiing and swimLike some skitsLike some skylinesLike some slothsLike some small flatsLike some smilesLike some smiles and loadLike some smoothly runninLike some sneakersLike some snowLike some socksLike some soda bottlesLike some softwareLike some SoHo partiesLike some SoHo shopsLike some solutionsLike some songs mixed choirs originally performed tastefullyLike some soulsLike some souls or wordsLike some sourcesLike some sources: Abbr.Like some Sp. nounsLike some space missionsLike some sparkling winesLike some speakeasiesLike some specially-prepaLike some speech soundsLike some speechesLike some speedsLike some spicy foodLike some spiritsLike some spoonfulsLike some sportsLike some sports contractLike some sports programsLike some sports recordsLike some stables of mythLike some stairsLike some staresLike some starsLike some startsLike some statesmenLike some station wagonsLike some stations on a cLike some statisticsLike some steak bonesLike some steaksLike some steelLike some stepsLike some steroidsLike some Steve Martin huLike some stickersLike some stockLike some stock market hiLike some stock markets tLike some stock pricesLike some stockingsLike some stocksLike some stocks and drugLike some stocks, for shoLike some stocks: Abbr.Like some stomachsLike some stores of oldLike some storiesLike some stormsLike some stovesLike some straitsLike some strawLike some strawsLike some streams in wintLike some streetsLike some strollsLike some strugglesLike some sturdy furniturLike some stylesLike some subsidiary builLike some suburban homesLike some sugarLike some suitsLike some summer school cLike some sumsLike some surgeons in navy, retire unhappilyLike some surgeryLike some survey boxesLike some suspectsLike some swarmsLike some sweatersLike some Swift writingLike some swimming strokeLike some symmetryLike some sympathiesLike some T-shirt designsLike some T-shirts and egLike some tabloid headlinLike some tales or detailLike some tales or ordersLike some talkLike some tall buildings much liked by fat cats?Like some tarsLike some tasksLike some tattooed characLike some tax returnsLike some teaLike some tea gents? On vacation smoke marijuanaLike some teasLike some telegramsLike some televisionLike some television critic could see, endlessly rattledLike some tennis courtsLike some tennis gamesLike some tenorsLike some terminals: AbbrLike some testimonyLike some text from scriptures, truly grippingLike some textbook publ.Like some textbook publisLike some textbooksLike some textsLike some thermometersLike some thin fibersLike some thinkingLike some thoroughly examLike some thoughtsLike some threatsLike some thunderstormsLike some ticketsLike some tickets and WesLike some tickets: Abbr.Like some tiresLike some titmiceLike some toasters and chLike some toenailsLike some tomatoesLike some toothpasteLike some tour busesLike some town ordinancesLike some track meetsLike some track starsLike some tracks and talkLike some tractsLike some traditionsLike some trafficLike some traffic barrierLike some traffic, for shLike some trainingLike some traitsLike some transactionsLike some transfersLike some transitLike some translationsLike some trauma patientsLike some treated lawnsLike some tree trunksLike some trial testimonyLike some trialsLike some trianglesLike some tricksters?Like some trousers to appear hot on high priestLike some trucksLike some truthsLike some tunersLike some turkey meatLike some turkey stuffingLike some TV channels, brLike some TV interviewersLike some TV showsLike some TV wrap-upsLike some twinsLike some twisted anklesLike some type: Abbr.Like some ulcersLike some undercover copsLike some undergrad studiLike some undergradsLike some units taking a riskLike some univ. coursesLike some universities, say, breaking random local tieLike some unpopular leadeLike some upset stomachsLike some urgesLike some urns, terribly rare, nicked from the eastLike some vaccinesLike some valuable properLike some valvesLike some vampsLike some variablesLike some vasesLike some vaultsLike some vbs.Like some vehiclesLike some ventsLike some verbsLike some verbs: Abbr.Like some versesLike some vertebraeLike some victims of the Like some victoriesLike some video, to cableLike some vinoLike some visionLike some voicesLike some voodooLike some votersLike some votesLike some vowsLike some vows or cowsLike some wagesLike some wages and wasteLike some walksLike some wallsLike some warehousesLike some warningsLike some warrantiesLike some washersLike some watchesLike some watermelonsLike some waters initially lapping mine entrance when risingLike some wavesLike some weavesLike some Web forumsLike some weekendsLike some weightsLike some wellsLike some wells and lectuLike some West AfricansLike some Western lawLike some whiskeyLike some willsLike some windowsLike some windsLike some wineLike some wine drunk by crook helping holy workLike some wine yours truly had talked of, showing no emotionLike some winesLike some wines, this doesn't last long!Like some winksLike some Winter OlympicsLike some winter sidewalkLike some winter wearLike some winter weatherLike some wiresLike some witLike some witnessesLike some women's dressesLike some women's jeansLike some wondersLike some woolLike some workersLike some workers, needing houses destroyedLike some working groupsLike some wrestlers' bodiLike some wrestlingLike some wrongsLike some yogaLike some yogurtLike some yogurt, informaLike some YouTube videosLike some zoning in the sLike someone proving "where there's muck there's brass"?Like someone who's been fLike something communicatLike something of yours or mine that's crazyLike something one might get from a letter?Like something one won’t catch a video lab processingLike something that matters about eastern part of MedLike something that may be first, second or third, without one negative commentLike something wicked making one irritable?Like something written inLike something you've heaLike son’s cheek — dreadful to be idly hanging aroundLike song racily composed by learner?Like songs I start to recall in delicate line that’s elevatedLike sore handsLike sore musclesLike sororities, at timesLike sorted socksLike sound from worst headphonesLike sour grapesLike spamLike spandexLike Spanish "eyes," e.g.Like speaker to be judge of metalsLike specialised equipment for speaking an ancient languageLike spoiled wine, sayLike spoken n'sLike sports cars, brieflyLike sports drink, one drunk on ice, brieflyLike sports highlightsLike spots in which nailsLike spring baby with a nature that’s wildLike spring rolls? Main man devours oneLike sprouts and maize, hot not cold, for a starterLike squads in arena footLike squashed insectsLike St. Basil'sLike St. NickLike St. Nick's "little mLike St. Paul, vis-a-vis Like stadium seatingLike stadiums after touchLike stainproof fabricLike Stalin's reign - go for reform with Nikita finallyLike stallions and bullsLike standard music notatLike staplesLike star-cross'd lovers I enshrined in poetryLike starersLike starsLike stars at nightLike stars on a clear nigLike state-of-the-art gadLike steak tartareLike Stephen King novelsLike steppesLike Steve Jobs and MosesLike still waters, maybeLike Stilton cheeseLike stocking capsLike stocks and referenceLike stools and many bencLike stories that can lead to novelLike straight shootersLike streakers, dodging about to avoid capture at lastLike strike-breakersLike students in the HeadLike stuff in the back ofLike successful oratorsLike suckersLike sudden-death playoffLike sugar vis-Like suits and bootsLike sultanasLike summer drinksLike summer school classeLike summertime teaLike sunbeamsLike sunflowersLike sunsetsLike Superman's arms, oftLike Superman's visionLike supermarketsLike superprecise clocksLike surfers paddling surLike surveyors' chartsLike sushiLike sushi fish, typicallLike swallowing first of beers in six-pack?Like swift streamsLike Swiss cheeseLike Swiss mountainsLike sycamore leavesLike Sydney Carton at theLike table sugarLike tabloid writingLike tailgated drivers, oLike takeaway food in African countryLike takeout ordersLike taking candy from a Like taking ends offLike taking part in merrymakingLike talkers at a movieLike tall buildingsLike tank topsLike taro or sagoLike tasty cakeLike tattersallLike tavern peanutsLike taxis at a hotel, maLike taxis on city streetLike teaLike tea bags, traditionaLike tearsLike tears of US city crook dropping inLike telemarketing headseLike ten to four on some watchesLike tennis rackets and hLike tennis servesLike tests and dirt roadsLike thank-yousLike that hotel round Westminster areaLike that woman Jane who went out with Paul?Like the "ch" in BachLike the "Iliad" and "OdyLike the "Saw" moviesLike the "Too-ra-loo-ra-lLike the "y" sound in "yeLike the 1880's, e.g.Like the 1920'sLike the 1974 rope-a-dopeLike the 1995 film "SenseLike the 2 in "x squared"Like the A B C'sLike the Abominable SnowmLike the acid in applesLike the Addams FamilyLike the air around NiagaLike the air in a cigar bLike the Aires of ArgentiLike the ancient GreeksLike the Ancient Mariner's ship, tide- and weather-batteredLike the Angkor ruinsLike the answer to this cLike the answers to the 1Like the answers to this Like the Aramco oil compaLike the Archbishop of YoLike the ArcticLike the arms of a starfiLike the art in some exhiLike the artist RubensLike the AtacamaLike the B-2 bomberLike the bad guyLike the Barbican's kind of bubbly celebritiesLike the Battle of TrafalLike the Bay of RainbowsLike the beach? Go out on it maybe in journey regularlyLike the beasts on Noah'sLike the Beatles in "HelpLike the Beatles' early wLike the Beatles' SadieLike the Beatles' White ALike the best betLike the best chicken or Like the best explanationLike the best letters froLike the best ruseLike the best straight inLike the best towelsLike the best wallets?Like the best-looking teeLike the bird that catcheLike the Blues song set to succeedLike the bone in a loin sLike the boondocksLike the botanist LinnaeuLike the buildings at MacLike the Canadian flag ..Like the Capitol bldg. viLike the carol "Away in aLike the cats in "Lady anLike the centre of Bordeaux, without barriers and without weaponsLike the cerebrum, initially large in the brainy, amazinglyLike the Chairman's little workLike the Channel Islands, having cells for sporesLike the Chernobyl nucleaLike the chief foxLike the children in "A VLike the children, in a hLike the Chinese languageLike the Christmas story,Like the Chrysler BuildinLike The Citadel, nowLike the class valedictorLike the climate of 66-DoLike the clues in all theLike the Coast GuardLike the Colossus of RhodLike the colour of an ape?Like the Columbia RiverLike the compulsive buyer heading off in a rage?Like the Congo's Mobutu SLike the construction of a honeycomb?Like the contents of egg Like the core of an eggLike the corn god Yum KaxLike the CrusadesLike the cutting of gemstLike the Dalai Lama, histLike the Danish languageLike the day of the summeLike the DevilLike the devoutLike the dinosaursLike the disciples, a co-pilot's undergoing conversionLike the diver's end of tLike the divers' end of tLike the dog days of summLike the dragon FafnirLike the driven snowLike the drummer for rockLike the Duke of Edinburgh, soon had deer roundly shotLike the dust in a dust sLike the Dutch, prudently changing shillings to francsLike the earliest BeatlesLike the earliest OlympicLike the eastern part of Like the Empire State BuiLike the end of the worldLike the English Channel Like the equation "x = x Like the era of highest sLike the eye of a hurricaLike the eye of a stormLike the face after a gooLike the farmer MacDonaldLike the feet of someone feeling restless?Like the Fens, ultimately rather quiet in MayLike the film "Arthur" inLike the film "Henry & JuLike the fire goddess BriLike the first of May or Like the fjords, never wearing outLike the fluLike the Ford logoLike the forest in "A MidLike the fox among all beLike the fox hunting setLike the fox, among all aLike the gang, in songLike the Ganges, to HinduLike the GE BuildingLike the general's plan to move 4 around the flanksLike the GobiLike the GodheadLike the gods, lacking time to be debauchedLike the golden calfLike the Grand Canyon or Like the gray mareLike the Great GeysirLike the Great PlainsLike the greatest show onLike the Greek god of wineLike the grunge rock moveLike the hair under a comLike the Harvard LampoonLike the heart during a hLike the heavensLike the highest highLike the highest point inLike the hillsLike the hoi polloiLike the Honda ElementLike the ideal knight?Like the identified car mLike the IncasLike the inside of a coffLike the inside of a spheLike the Julian calendarLike the KalahariLike the Kama SutraLike the Kara KumLike the Keystone KopsLike the kiddie rides at Like the king of the jungleLike the labyrinth of KnoLike the land that includLike the language KalaallLike The Lark, put ad around shelterLike the last Beatles conLike the last movement ofLike the laws of kosher fLike the letters on a dreLike the lion's shareLike the little fingerLike the living dead with axes? There's nothing silly about thatLike the losing strawLike the lunar surfaceLike the lungsLike the majority of BasqLike the majority of InteLike the man who won Wimbledon?Like the Marquis de Sade Like the Marx BrothersLike the mathematician EuLike the Mau MausLike the midafternoon houLike the Mikado and NankiLike the MississippiLike the models in a swimLike the modern ageLike the month of May?Like the moonLike the morning sun?Like the most delicious tea maybe — ice tea Mrs prepared?Like the most devout churLike the most expensive cLike the most expensive hLike the mot justeLike the movies "10,000 BLike the mumpsLike the music in "TurkeyLike the Muslim calendarLike the N.B.A.'s Rod StrLike the name "Bryn Mawr"Like the names at 33-, 51Like the narrowest of winLike the Navajo languageLike the NegevLike the night skyLike the night, to KeatsLike the Normandie, styleLike the north windLike the oceanLike the oceansLike the oceans seal’s swimming around inLike the old days, they sLike the Olympics: Abbr.Like The OnionLike the origin of all solutions here, maybe a pure oneLike the origin of the naLike the other evilLike the outfield walls aLike the overendowed tup, lonely when doctoredLike the Owl and the PussLike the Paris OperaLike the path of least reLike the pattern on a snail's shellLike the peacemakers, biblicallyLike the perfect beaverLike the perfect homemakeLike the period after 194Like the pitcher, usuallyLike the Pledge of AllegiLike the poem "Tam o' ShaLike the pop group the PuLike the prepositions in Like the presidencies of Like the presidential suiLike the proverbial beaveLike the QE2Like the Queen's coach, moving her onwardsLike the rarest rhinoLike the reading on a theLike the rear extremity of many animalsLike the return of swalloLike the review "Hated itLike the rhythm of a nursLike the rich and beautifLike the rim of an eyecupLike the risk to bet on, Like the RomanovsLike the Sabin vaccineLike the SaharaLike the scriptures on whLike the seaLike the sea lionLike the sea?Like the season before EaLike the service academieLike the ShadowLike the shriek if this cosmetic procedure goes wrong?Like the sky at dawn or sLike the smell of fresh pLike the sound "ng"Like the sound of a gongLike the sound of a teakeLike the sound of lamb stuffed with Indian bread fruitLike the sound of oboesLike the sound of Serpent in a childish tantrum?Like the space around a fLike the Span. armada?Like the Sphinx, reportedly, if acceptedLike the squire touching down outside old quartersLike the starts of the anLike the stranger in CamuLike the sugar in cotton Like the sunLike the sun god IntiLike the supposed influence of planets and starsLike the supreme ruler with the ultimate in sumptuous loose attireLike the Supremes and theLike the surfLike the surface of MarsLike the symmetry of a stLike the TalmudLike the taste of some baLike the technology of 1-Like the teeth of many coLike the text on proof shLike the thief at 17- andLike the thief at 17-AcroLike the TitanicLike the top medalists atLike the Topoxte archaeolLike the tops of dunce caLike the Tower of PisaLike the tradesLike the Trojan horseLike the tropicsLike the TwentiesLike the U.N.Like the Union JackLike the upper half of thLike the USSRLike the Uzbek and KirghiLike the verb "to be"Like the verb "to be": AbLike the Vietnamese languLike the VikingsLike the villain of the pieceLike the WallendasLike the walls at WrigleyLike the water in inflataLike the weather around lLike the White RabbitLike the Who, in the 60'sLike the wicked stepsisteLike the Wicked Witch of Like the Wild WestLike the winner in a guesLike the wire in a croqueLike the witness in "WitnLike the WolfmanLike The Woman in WhiteLike the word of GodLike the words of JesusLike the works of Handel Like the world to pre-ColLike the world, to the anLike the worst of excusesLike the worst predictionLike the Yeti greeting someone from further east?Like the yin side: Abbr.Like theater seatingLike these down entries and calm our nerves, just a bit churned upLike thick fogLike thick smokeLike thick vinesLike thick, dry mudLike thin cream that hasn't been licked?Like thingsLike things said after cuLike things that go bump Like things?Like thisLike this answer's errorLike this bachelor, before party grew seriousLike this clue?Like this good clue, it might have you stuck!Like this parking concessionLike this puzzleLike this puzzle ... not!Like this puzzle you'd mess up on originallyLike this puzzle's gridLike this puzzle? (not reLike this setter, confused its lead with lead (Pb)Like this?Like thongsLike Thor or FriggLike those trying to succeedLike three out of four suLike three-legged race coLike thrift shop waresLike tickets and some stoLike tigersLike tigers and yaksLike tigers vis-Like tightsLike Tilsit cheeseLike Time's borderLike tiny particles of mosaic, but differentLike tiny totsLike tiresLike Titanic in realityLike to be in bed, it’s establishedLike to be located outside cityLike to broadcast new authorLike to come round by Tuesday to see compoundLike to cuddle academic that's one hot dude!Like to cut rent for poorestLike to feed toddler something for breakfastLike to hear about America's leader? WrongLike to insert tongue, opening wideLike to jump up without slowing downLike to keep jade stuff in changed formsLike to monitor typos in Guardian? No way!Like to run, not on the flatLike to secure second bookLike to see cracking wrestling from the bottom teamLike to stay in bed and take it easyLike to strip - backed outLike to strip off when retiring or having a snoozeLike to stuff rubbish cook in the ovenLike to succeed in ornamental knittingLike to traverse record rangeLike toastLike toffeeLike toffee cold: cut an unknown quantityLike toffee?Like Tommy, of the Who's Like tongues of fireLike top kisser? Charlie excited on one date, finally has fiddleLike Top-Siders and khakiLike topiaryLike tournament chess gamLike towelettes, typicallLike tractorsLike trade involving churchgoer in shabby headgearLike traditional CatholicLike traditional Disney fLike traditional epic poeLike traditional hospitalLike traditional Mexican Like tragic Shakespearean couple, they're matched in 26Like train's wheels, perhaps, never stopping on a track?Like trampolinists?Like tree leavesLike tree surgeons?Like trees on a prairieLike trenchant witLike triple plays compareLike true believersLike tubersLike tumblersLike tundrasLike tuned-in listeners?Like turbojet fuelLike turncoatsLike TV channels above 13Like TV's Jaime SommersLike TV's Ninja TurtlesLike TV's XenaLike twice-smoked cigarsLike twillLike two dimes and four nLike two Europeans providing gloss?Like two jacks in a deck Like two Kennedy brothersLike two originally trying high jump, sayLike two peas in a pod? Nearly - essentially comparableLike two peas in ___Like two, to fourLike Tylenol PM: Abbr.Like Type B personalitiesLike typhoid bacteria, ofLike typical Georgian wooLike ultra-spiritual type that offers response to disease?Like un ami to une amieLike un millionnaireLike un monteLike UnalaskaLike unbaked breadLike undercooked eggsLike une amieLike unedited crossword, a good thing to haveLike unedited report and leader in Guardian, agreeingLike unfortunate bullfighLike unfortunate winter pLike ungulatesLike universal blood donoLike unkept yardsLike unlucky toreadorsLike unmentionables here in broadcast chat itemLike unpopular umpsLike unripe applesLike unwashed hairLike unwashed hair, maybeLike unwashed rugsLike upcycled furniture rescued from skip?Like Uranus vis-a-vis JupLike urban landLike Urdu musical that's turned round moodLike Uriah HeepLike Valhalla's heroesLike Van Buren's presidenLike van Gogh's nightLike Vassar, nowLike VCRs in the 1970sLike veal calvesLike vegetable or fruit, not quite rawLike vegetables in saladsLike velvet, e.g.Like venisonLike venture capital inveLike venture capitalist, uncomfortably plain re: return after investing with energy repeatedlyLike Venus vis-Like very few gamesLike very narrow shoesLike very wide shoesLike Victor Hugo when he Like vicuLike Viking characters, hurry by a lot of rocksLike VikingsLike villainsLike vinaigretteLike vinegarLike vinegar’s acidLike vino tintoLike vinyl recordsLike violins and tennis racketsLike violins and tennis racquetsLike virgin landLike virgin territory with mud planter managedLike virtually all schoolLike vision in bright ligLike visiting teams, ofteLike volcanoesLike W. C. Fields's noseLike W. C. Fields's voiceLike Wagner's Ring, came with translationLike Waldorf salad applesLike wallflowers to be flooded but not coolLike waltzersLike warehouse goodsLike warning Liberal about voteLike washing still wet, not mangled by a doctor of sortsLike wasted youth, girl shut upLike watchful eyesLike water or windLike water under the bridLike Watergate-era WashinLike Watteau's artLike wave or treatmentLike waves on a shoreLike waves on a shorelineLike wearing a seat belt,Like wearing boots? That's greatLike wearing colour that's flatteringLike wearing delicate giftLike wearing socks on youLike websLike wedding attendees, oLike wedding cakesLike wee-unsLike week-old breadLike week-old doughnutsLike weightliftersLike well-balanced school qualificationLike well-cared-for lawnsLike well-off people in the countryside with an interest in horses, dogs etc?Like well-rehearsed actor needing no encouragementLike Weller and Geldof's band, given up fameLike Wes Craven moviesLike western MassachusettLike wet grassLike wet inkLike wet mudLike wet paintLike wet weatherLike wetlandsLike what nurse wears?Like wheat and barleyLike white elephantsLike white wine at a restLike whitecapsLike whose eyes, in a BenLike wicker furnitureLike wide rivers, revealing a lot?Like Wilbur Wright, to OrLike wild horsesLike wild oatsLike wild partiesLike wild tigersLike Wile E. CoyoteLike Will Rogers commentaLike William Howard TaftLike William Shatner and Like William TellLike William Wallace's outdated tax, this is complicatedLike Willie WinkieLike wind and solar energLike wind and waterLike wind chimesLike windowsLike Windows 95, e.g.Like windows and geishasLike wineLike wine barrelsLike wingdingsLike winter sidewalksLike winter, vis-Like winterberriesLike winters in the ArctiLike wiping one's dirty mLike wire transfersLike Wittenberg UniversitLike woeful number produced by adding constant to one third, oddlyLike Woody Herman's saxLike woolen underwear?Like wordsLike words in a magazine Like words?Like work horses, oftenLike worker beesLike workers' salaries unLike workhorsesLike working plowhorsesLike World Cup crowdsLike wormsLike would-be bohemiansLike wreck exposed, full of saltLike xenonLike XX vis-Like YLike Y, e.g.Like yardage on a fourth Like yarnLike yeshiva studiesLike yesterday's newsLike yesterday's news, toLike yin and yang, for instanceLike YmirLike Yogi BerraLike Yogi Berra, physicalLike you or me, fudged hard optionLike young Abe LincolnLike youth with mouth, it must be seen and not heardLike Yul Brynner or TellyLike Yul Brynner, famouslLike Z in the alphabetLike zabaglioneLike zebra crossingsLike ZenoLike Zeppo, among the MarLike zinfandel winesLike zombiesLike zoo animalsLike ___ (with equal probLike ___ from the blueLike ___ in a pokeLike ___ in a trapLike ___ in the darkLike ___ in the headLike ___ in the headlightLike ___ of bricksLike ___ of sunshineLike ___ off the old blocLike ___ on a stringLike ___ out of hellLike ___ out of waterLike, '60s-styleLike, awesomeLike, eg, an oboeLike, eg, anteatersLike, eg, Bob MarleyLike, eg, skimmed milkLike, eg, volcanic dustLike, for instance, the start of sheepdog trialsLike, maybe, a setter’s party — good and extremely gayLike, possibly, not half enigmatic feature of Whistler, say?Like, slangilyLike, with "to"Like, with "with"Like-mindedLike-minded collection of moneylenders?Like-minded individualsLike-minded party people eating battered fishLike-mindednessLike-thinking, for shortLike: SuffixLiked a lotLiked a river, but forced to divert round itLiked by manyLiked friend of Dorothy receiving fineLiked leader?Liked naked troupe lap dancingLiked, hippie-styleLikelier to win a baby coLikelihoodLikelihood Charlie Chan switched back from Chinese?Likelihood of danger goes up having family visit with sonLikelihood of excessive drug intake by police officerLikelihood of something happeningLikelihood of spare second?Likelihood of the morbidly obese avoiding health issues?Likelihood party will be backed by surgeonLikelyLikely – to be responsibleLikely damage for domestic state output?Likely foil for GarfieldLikely for highly attractive sort to pick up studentLikely fossil locationLikely lad sat on by old theologianLikely lad with no partner?Likely loserLikely loser grounded unexpectedlyLikely martyr and partner turning rebelsLikely place of kings and queensLikely put up with Pence after vote to replace RepublicanLikely reaction to fried Likely result of pollutioLikely to be a funny childLikely to be free from rainLikely to become successfulLikely to change everythiLikely to collapseLikely to drop off at any momentLikely to engage former car marque involved in type of motor racingLikely to fall overLikely to go mad, being in need of a joint?Likely to happenLikely to hit out without thinkingLikely to laugh during performance, German luvvy cleared outLikely to lead on 51 for 0 in Twenty20?Likely to listen and open to correction, though losing heartLikely to miss the bus, sLikely to moan from good sex, not halfLikely to pass outLikely to react badly?Likely to respond and foolishly create about X's opposite numberLikely to rig marketLikely to rise?Likely to see red snake in fancyLikely to shoot recklesslyLikely to slipLikely to spread too, causing boilsLikely to take chancesLikely to turn on?Likely to upsetLikely to wear downLikely to winLikely winnersLikenLiken to keeping death's-head of a friendLikenedLikenessLikeness of a person exaggerated for comic effectLikeness of alien suppressed by legal orderLikeness to rap artist regularly is awkwardLikeness: PrefixLikesLikes a lotLikes a whole lotLikes immediatelyLikes literatureLikes more and moreLikewiseLikewise at solo, ignoring the oddsLikewise notLikewise, I'm a silly revolutionary to kidnap queenLikhovtseva of tennisLikingLiking a lotLiking as always to confine female, with force, in it?Liking – a morselLiking corn mashed up isn't English attitudeLiking country film about a threesome, titillating initiallyLiking decorumLiking for sugarLiking for sugary foodsLiking less parking in transportLiking romanticallyLiking small area at the front with parkingLiking temple, for example?Liking to give off quiet charmLiking to wear fancy or formal clothesLiking what a songwriter may doLikkerLikud lang.Likud party co-founderLil Wayne, for oneLilac or lemon, e.g.Lilac or roseLilac, e.g.Liliaceous plantLiliaceous plant in yacht manoeuvring by hotelLiliaceous plantsLilian Jackson Braun's "TLiliuokalani Gardens siteLille girl: Abbr.Lille lilyLillehammer eventLillehammer's countryLillehammer's land: Abbr.Lillian of silentsLilliputianLilliputian of early 50'sLilly of Lilly PharmaceutLilly of pharmaceuticalsLilly, the drug makerLilo drama at sea for American landlubberLilongwe is its capitalLilt syllableLilting Irish accentLilting refrainLilyLily a soak, one on reflection beyond ruinLily Allen discovered US fried bananasLily brought up daft stuff after last of vodkaLily family memberLily family plantsLily has a special house keyLily has filled bags with underwear, primarilyLily heading off from old rotten boroughLily in a wedding bouquetLily localeLily of AfricaLily pad torn for removal from London venueLily palliativeLily plantsLily Pons specialtyLily possibly cut by soldier returning for flowerLily relativeLily Savage's debut follows large breakoutLily speciesLily Tomlin character EdiLily typeLily varietyLily who debuted as LakmLily’s yoga positionLily's better half's home, getting friskyLily, arum's third in a bunchLily, in LilleLily, opera star, missing start of seasonLily-liveredLilylike flowerLilylike garden plantLilylike plantLima animalLima ladies: Abbr.Lima or kidneyLima or pintoLima's countryLima's landLima's land, to the FrencLima's localeLima, e.g.Lima-to-Caracas dir.Limassol's islandLimbLimb - person belonging to a groupLimb benderLimb grabberLimb holder?Limb inserted into upset male animalLimb of a sealLimb on long-limbed bird raised pulseLimb on nameless animal for security deviceLimb part; prepareLimb perchLimb's endLimb, after decapitation, remains?Limb-bending muscleLimb; MPLimberLimber upLimber, suppleLimbless bodyLimbless invertebrateLimbo dancing boy with violin - bar wobbly at the endLimbo requisiteLimbsLimbs and cheek identify body in field?Limbs for movie piratesLimbs; weaponsLime and cats affected plantLime and fig, for exampleLime and othersLime coolersLime drinkLime drinksLime fan fans fanLime mixed with G&T or lime mixed with ginLime treeLime's cooked with duck three times - Neapolitan compositionLime, for oneLime-based paintLimelight milieuLimelikeLimerick landLimerick languageLimerick localeLimerick makerLimerick neighborLimerick news report on radioLimerick or sonnetLimerick partLimerick perhaps shortened to make an impressionLimerick schemeLimerick writer, sayLimerick's homeLimerick's landLimerick's locationLimerick, e.g.Limestone landscapeLimestone regions with deLimestone, e.g.LimeyLimey's quaffLimitLimit (of an area)Limit - restrictionLimit a large town’s dimensionsLimit alcoholic drink – here's why?Limit broken by industrious worker, aggressiveLimit broken: industrious worker becoming aggressiveLimit flexible term accommodated by Devon bankerLimit leading couples to utilising modern stepsLimit leading posters for despicable sortsLimit minister to restraining ambassadorLimit most of country's spending powerLimit of effectivenessLimit of French horse, tolerating intrusion of catLimit of normal tree growthLimit of returned booksLimit on height of church is to stimulate new ideasLimit on search for food assumed by soldiersLimit on skill shown by ex-PM as a gardenerLimit placed on common use of straw hat in serviceLimit placed on PBS?Limit referring to first pair of states — Rhode Island and ConnecticutLimit relaxation, taking shower?Limit short correspondenceLimit small space below second propertyLimit state and work endlessly for most sincere sycophant?Limit to endurance over work producing strikeLimit; cricket hitLimitation as art reworked in autocratic approachLimitation of mysterious English code expertLimitation to common foot complaint?Limitation to macabre English writerLimitations of Skegness coastal featureLimitations on soup - cold or hot?Limitations; leapsLimitedLimited by obligation to accept uniformLimited clothing for which most of naked crew labouredLimited connection, with hesitation, in sexual activityLimited containment of bugLimited courseLimited coverage was initially breaking SIM cards of similar designLimited coverage? It’s been given some airLimited extract from religious cantataLimited financial penalty covers itLimited group?Limited in amountLimited in extentLimited in scopeLimited in supplyLimited industrial actionLimited numberLimited number concealing onset of such longingLimited period of timeLimited releaseLimited study timeLimited support?Limited time to cut song during album set backLimited to a particular community - 5Limited to a particular part of the country - liar goneLimited view of expression of relief in tidy flush, exchanging queen and first of tensLimited volume restricting one old instrumentLimited work assignmentLimited, as some 1960's mLimitlessLimitless adventure holiday thousands of miles away?Limitless energy source rising American cardinal keeps quietLimitless homes adopting East European dishLimitless poteen found in apostles' pants and overallsLimitless quantitiesLimitless quantityLimitlesslyLimitlessly rich ore that filled ancient vesselsLimitsLimits of achievementLimits of cognate sense affected meaningLimits of expansion in dull materialLimits of some sumsLimits of truce probed by border topicLimits phosphorus in agricultural device for small birdLimits to another gaudy line in fabric designLimits to clinical index reflecting height gainLimits to comedian embracing depressed funny manLimits to growth set by one Indian leaderLimits to healthy GM-free India given by health iconLimits to one accepting cigarette, though old enoughLimits to Prince adopting a language with royal attributesLimits to safety and support processLimits to security dishearten every Australian cityLimits to some battlefield in concealed stateLimits to some curious immunising agentLimits to timber expanse? Here's one of themLimits to using lavatory? NastyLimits to where bloggers insert endless pages onlineLimits us in Bond novelLimits within which something can be effectiveLimnological studyLimnologist's studyLimnologists study themLimo destination, perhapsLimo featureLimo occupant, perhapsLimo once cleared of external insects to give a rear viewLimo passengerLimo, e.g.Limo-riding sortsLimonite's pigmentLimpLimp - negligentLimp as ___Limp watch painterLimp young animal repelled policeLimp, as hairLimp, flexibleLimpet and rocks firmly fixedLimpidLimpingLimping, maybeLimy libationLinchpinLinchpin siteLinchpin's placeLinchpinsLincoln and FordLincoln and Kennedy, e.g.Lincoln and MadisonLincoln and othersLincoln and others, inforLincoln and VigodaLincoln bishop with a set of holy books found to be unorthodoxLincoln Center institutioLincoln Center offeringLincoln Center productionLincoln Center subjectLincoln center?Lincoln had oneLincoln in-lawLincoln in-lawsLincoln Log competitorLincoln or FordLincoln or VigodaLincoln picture siteLincoln possibly admitting American ill-treatmentLincoln pub given the go-ahead in key lettersLincoln to the west borders quiet ancient kingdomLincoln Town Car, for oneLincoln trademarkLincoln while in CongressLincoln's coinLincoln's famous one was Lincoln's first vice presLincoln's hatLincoln's home: Abbr.Lincoln's nicknameLincoln's placeLincoln's revered infantry polished beltsLincoln's Secretary of StLincoln's side of the penLincoln's state: Abbr.Lincoln's supposed fiancLincoln, e.g.Lincoln, e.g., at GettysbLincoln, e.g., before he Lincoln, et al.Lincoln, for oneLincoln, informallyLincoln, maybeLincoln, physicallyLincoln, the Rail-SplitteLincoln, to friendsLincolnesqueLincolnshire portLincolnshire resortLincolnshire seaside resortLincolnshire seaside resort - lecher's poetLincolnshire townLincolnshire town - 18th century painterLincolnshire town actor, overactor?Linda Ellerbee's "___ It Linda in 1990's newsLinda of "Jekyll & Hyde"Linda of BroadwayLinda of soapsLinda Ronstadt hit co-wriLinda Ronstadt's "___ EasLinda Ronstadt's first poem translated into Malayalam?Linda ___, Supergirl's alLindbergh achievementLindbergh Field siteLindbergh's classic flighLindbergh's trans-AtlantiLindenLinden of "Barney Miller"LindisfarneLindisfarne or Castle Acre?LineLine a bit misjudged by Republican - cause of tension?Line a cub scout section upLine a mat, manoeuvring material in layersLine abandoned by fast runners?Line about number turning up close to fantastic US cityLine adopted by champion chess playerLine adopted by one injured in crime such as GBH?Line and wriggly wormLine around an area to prevent entryLine around earthLine around the earthLine around the globeLine at a picnic?Line at a trackLine at an airportLine at end of letter lists retired fightersLine at right anglesLine at the dentist's offLine attached to the bow of a boatLine before a receptionLine between countriesLine between the southern and northern hemispheresLine brought in fish from the Arctic?Line by a sewerLine by odd, heartless, witty eccentric causing hubbubLine C, maybe, in a votinLine carrierLine caught by expertLine clippers?Line connecting points of equal atmospheric pressureLine connecting points on a weather chartLine created by rising and falling waterLine crossed by bloody celebrityLine crossed by me, not an inhabitant initiallyLine crosser?Line danceLINE DANCE ___ TIME MACHILine dance?Line delivered before linLine drawingLine drawn under this word of doubt over muse parting nicer lipsLine edited for page giving you a jumpLine edited in letter by politician cut shortLine erased by muddled Irish party made senseLine feederLine feeder, of a sortLine feeding father's mother vital fluidLine forgetter's substituLine formed at a barbershLine formed when odd characters are ejected from gin shop/taproomLine formerLine framed by Wessex writer? Scarcely!Line from "The Student PrLine from a classic tonguLine from a Copland "PortLine from a scam artistLine from fox or rabbit argumentLine from old TV programmeLine from Penn Sta.Line from Seattle to ChicLine from the ankle to thLine from the heartLine gaugesLine going up, boundary always verticalLine gut with ale, missing last bits of speechLine held by defender, a player in gameLine holderLine holdersLine holding up outstanding puzzleLine I cry out as part of songLine in a voting booth: ALine in amusing taunt that can be swappedLine in an A-lineLine in Anglo-Saxon, sayLine in book subject to typo, for exampleLine in bootees unfortunately no longer in useLine in Catch-22Line in column on Northern or Eastern cityLine in curse - church becoming paleLine in earth where river has disappearedLine in excellent meat productLine in financial analysiLine in front of church recess for sinLine in game’s jargonLine in geometryLine in LondonLine in meals, perhaps, offering excessive supplyLine in metaphor about old womenLine in opera beginning to drift went this way and thatLine in red and white stripes originally without successLine in sacred text upset prostituteLine in second working socket possibly moving suddenlyLine in solid design of aeronautical engineering triumphLine in speech writer related to powerLine in the sand?Line in US pursued by some police heroLine in what actress responds to indicates heroic figureLine in what you're reading to classesLine is circling party venues supporting swimmingLine joining points in the landscapeLine judge?Line just above the totalLine left in Scrabble regularlyLine lost in presenting account to posh colleague with forked tongue?Line made with a compassLine manager should give one thisLine meandering in sandal a clue to what left it?Line met by a tangentLine nailed by author, only justLine not required for Arctic fishLine number up on step briefly in city onceLine of agreementLine of bushesLine of businessLine of cars waiting to to hiredLine of children hurries along showing insincere griefLine of cliffsLine of clothingLine of clothing?Line of cloud following an aeroplaneLine of collectible 1980'Line of combat?Line of constant pressureLine of defenseLine of descentLine of fashion?Line of forceLine of hereditary rulersLine of latitudeLine of latitude marking the point where, on the winter solstice, the sun will not rise above the horizonLine of linksLine of little dots on the radioLine of longitudeLine of male descent corrupted - not again!Line of motor scootersLine of mountainsLine of mournersLine of people coming after one anotherLine of people waitingLine of people, one behind the otherLine of poetryLine of railway on winding ascentLine of rotationLine of schoolchildren walking in pairsLine of seatsLine of sight?Line of soldiers needing Line of speedLine of suits?Line of sunbeam reflected in EarthLine of symmetryLine of text?Line of thinkingLine of travelLine of troops in actionLine of trousersLine of typeLine of verse confused three receiving testLine of walkers crossing cold ground that's familiarLine of work, slangilyLine of work: Abbr.Line of, eg, a roadLine on a cash register rLine on a cricket pitchLine on a dockLine on a graphLine on a jumperLine on a mapLine on a map connecting points of equal elevationLine on a money orderLine on a receiptLine on a spineLine on a weather mapLine on a weather map shoLine on an appl. formLine on an invoiceLine on certain maps represents old pubLine on map containing points of equal pressureLine on map is over bank at mouth of riverLine on map observed at first in island pubLine on map represents round watering holeLine on rugby pitch that all the soccer players makeLine on which a dip needlLine one in Conran novelLine one's taken from one European capital to anotherLine out of fashion is a pain for the observerLine outside a police staLine over river blocked by points failureLine pairLine part: Abbr.Line penned by Scottish philosopher and poetLine positionLine presented in unadorned sound of hornLine providersLine put in joke with time set back part of IrelandLine readerLine removed from ordinary Bellini workLine represented in black on the Tube mapLine restraining stray dogLine round head of ginger catLine round the EarthLine score inits.Line score lettersLine secured by camping expert? It often flaps aboutLine she scrawled describing her footwearLine showing high water levelLine showing maximum flood levelLine showing points of equal barometric pressureLine showing the relationLine starter in "Hot CrosLine struck through by a Line subsequently adopted in fuel assetLine subsequently encountered again in Australia? That's funnyLine taken by a king that was shot at AgincourtLine taken by leaderless crew shows brillianceLine taken in skilful porcelainLine taken with arrangement of map tinge regarding coloursLine that extends for 24,Line that goes to the NorLine that woman takes in was knottedLine the writer grasps when climbing treeLine to appear conversationalLine to appear on the radioLine to gather unravels quite slowlyLine to Penn Sta.Line to Penn StationLine to put into program for computerLine to the audienceLine touching a circleLine touching a curveLine upLine up a little talkLine up briefly for nothingLine up in entry to perform pirouetteLine up in front of odd gallery full of Piaf's regretsLine up outside initially under coercionLine up outside initially under pressureLine up wellLine up, like soldiers with foot problem quarrellingLine USA neglected ahead of year without much confidence?Line used in good books showing tasteLine used in particular campaignLine used in print runLine was possibly crossed by this womanLine with a pole at each end led outing astrayLine with an enclosure, cord round one's neckLine written by individual in tree is nonsenseLine you are splitting to once again do hand-outsLine ___Line, golden, from this poet?Line, one nailed by a fool one's playedLine-up featuring unknown composerLine-up of gangsters?Line-___ vetoLineageLineage, ancestryLineage-based women's orgLineage’s length included in startling comment supported by daughterLineagesLinearLinear C surprisingly needing no decryptionLinear DIY assistance that might be quickly withdrawnLinear measureLinear shot powered gunLinear, brieflyLinear, for shortLinebacker Brian banned fLinebacker Joyner and othLinebacker JuniorLinedLined upLined up as told, given signalLined up entrances by golden temple in EgyptLined up the cross hairsLined up, after "in"Lined with crystalsLined with crystals, perhLined with ice, learner driver has trouble getting upLined with treesLineker accepts defeat describing list of technical termsLineker essentially stripped into pants, rudely flashing bitsLinemanLineman's datumLineman?LinemenLinemen near centers: AbbLinemen next to centers: Linemen's protectorsLinen closet stackLinen colorLinen colorsLinen eventually loose on femaleLinen fabricLinen fiberLinen hueLinen or denimLinen plantLinen pulp productLinen purchaseLinen robeLinen salesman returns no outdated clothingLinen tape for trimmingsLinen vestmentLinen vestmentsLinens for a large bedLinens purchased through LinerLiner after refit carrying old oilLiner cansLiner localeLiner pushersLiner stopoversLiner threat, onceLiner's landingLiner's localeLinesLines about article happen to indicate brand nameLines about award I advanced? That's a bloomerLines adopted by party hardenLines appended to mail?Lines at a checkout countLines at a checkout?: AbbLines at end of book about sweet capersLines blocked with empty Eurostar coachesLines by English novelist identifying vegetationLines by female boxer, 4Lines coming from the heaLines confused with trick, becoming most unevenLines containing nothing that amuses meLines contributing to hollow praiseLines descending from a cLines etched in a mostly indifferent representation of the sunLines feeding one kind of malevolenceLines for linersLines for musicLines found on mug picked up in city onceLines from a circle's centreLines from a groupie, mayLines from circle's centreLines from HoraceLines from ShelleyLines going around the world will snub Luther's latest thesesLines held by last AnzacsLines I don't know in performance venueLines in road, ones round new zoneLines in some grids: AbbrLines in sonnet? There’s support for us in folio noteLines in support of love by female authorLines known by the expertLines leading from pumpinLines man?Lines of approachLines of cliffsLines of descentLines of dialogue between human and pigeon recordedLines of equal barometric pressureLines of holy men receive haloLines of homageLines of music?Lines of one metre given minor revolution!Lines of praiseLines of thought, for shoLines on a Dan Brown bestLines on a musical staffLines on a radar screenLines on a weather mapLines on baby's footLines on leavesLines on planesLines on sonar screensLines or line delivered by one emerging from closet?Lines produced during Tuesday will provide materialLines scanned by a supermLines showing equal pressureLines some observer seesLines taken in glee provide fun tripLines that elevateLines that lift upLines upLines up in the dormitoryLines up neatlyLines up outside No 10 - speech just beginningLines up the sewingLines up?Lines with crossings: AbbLines written by male left with English female in frail boatLines written by Queen are covered by Kiss mostly. They make hitsLines written in blank diary inclined to drop offLines, including one account of a purple natureLines: Abbr.Linesman agreeing, as he should, with timerLinesman appointed at PalaceLinesman having a little nap?Linesman held by fraud enforcementLinesman valued being regularly selected.Linesman worries after penalty at the deathLinesman, maybe?Linesmen producing copper during toss-upLineupLineup at some entrancesLineup at the pollsLing-Ling and othersLingerLinger - be undecidedLinger - lurkLinger and look into Ebro, oddlyLinger around top end of park, overlooking one wild animalLinger at a bookstoreLinger behind tedious personLinger in the hot sunLinger unhappily at stern of boat in lockLingeredLingered pastLingerie - is nudeLingerie buyLingerie drawer itemsLingerie edgingLingerie itemLingerie item - bit of paperLingerie item - fielding positionLingerie materialLingerie on bed in Durham?Lingerie shadeLingerie shop purchaseLingerie shop specificatiLingerie shortened, not wanting zip that's slackLingerie worn in bed by womenLingering effectLingering flavorLingering impression it's time Farage is offLingering impression of when Rory Gallagher played soloLingering symptom of consumption?Lingering traceLingersLingers watchfullyLingoLingo almost unrecognisable in accent, unable to tie anything up?Lingo of a particular groupLingo shared by Tour de FLingo suffixLingo, tad barking?Lingo: SuffixLingoesLingua d'EuropaLingua di LivornoLingua franca of East AfricaLingua franca, for someLinguine sauceLinguini, for instanceLinguist ChomskyLinguist Chomsky and otheLinguist MarioLinguist NoamLinguist Okrand who creatLinguist's concernLinguist's writing in prisonLinguistic borrowingLinguistic confusion from mother & pa, apparentlyLinguistic rootsLinguistic scholar grabbing lingerie in robberyLinguistic stand-in: AbbrLinguistic suffixLinguistic unitsLinguistically flawedLinguistically groundbreaLinguistically knowledgeaLinguistically proficient learner's avoided repeatLinimentLiniment ingredientLiniment targetLiniment userLiningLining materialLining upLining up trap: earlier be a victim of one?Lining up, we hear, for prompting on stageLinkLink 100 popular clearing banksLink aggregation, in compLink arrest to Matthew's followerLink between DNA strandsLink between nationsLink between stories?Link between two wordsLink closely togetherLink in a chain?Link in the food chain?Link in the mindLink jam, surprisingly, with starter of unappealing spamLink lettersLink letters?Link that is attached to end of textLink to a theme involves witch’s crossing close to midnightLink togetherLink we’re to follow? There’s no timeLink withLink, bondLink, connectionLink, in a wayLink; uniteLinkagesLinkedLinked arms?Linked carriagesLinked computers: alien seizing number in that placeLinked online posts with suspect death? That's about rightLinked productLinked promotional productLinked side by sideLinker could be so, showing connectionLinkingLinking (up)Linking service not trading regularly till end of JuneLinking verbLinklater's content to respond cheekilyLinkletter who hosted TV'LinksLinks alertLinks annoyanceLinks apparelLinks bendLinks carrierLinks chainLinks championshipLinks chargesLinks figureLinks gadgetLinks gadgetsLinks gameLinks hazardLinks in certain chainsLinks legendLinks legend, informallyLinks lettersLinks localeLinks localesLinks numbersLinks obstacleLinks org.Links pegLinks positionsLinks propLinks raritiesLinks rarityLinks rentalLinks shoutsLinks stringsLinks targetLinks thingsLinks to esophagiLinks unitLinks up over wire to capture unpleasant insectLinks withLinks with a displaced allyLinks with a space statioLinkup of several PC'sLinnaeus maybe wrong in principle - nothing to prevent one seeing clearlyLinney of Linney or Ingalls Wilder?Linoleum alternativeLinoleum layerLinseed oil sourceLint-collecting materialLintel localeLintel supportLinz locale: Abbr.LionLion : pride :: ___ : husLion and unicorn wearerLion bothererLion comes skidding to less than a full stopLion following, being after one’s territoryLion in "Narnia" talesLion in "The Chronicles oLion in "The Lion King"Lion in Lewis's "The ChroLion in the Chronicles of NarniaLion man trained for virtually nothingLion of "Narnia" talesLion of NarniaLion or coyoteLion or pussycat, sayLion or tiger or bearLion or tiger?Lion or wolfLion perhaps a pet? That leads to explosive disasterLion perhaps devours couple, causing gossipLion pierced by wayward shot in part of AfricaLion player of 1939Lion tamer's workplaceLion tamers' needsLion tormentorsLion’s cryLion's antithesisLion's combatant for the Lion's cousinLion's cryLion's denLion's den?Lion's hairLion's homeLion's kingdomLion's lairLion's locksLion's preyLion's shareLion's soundLion's tressesLion's warningLion, by traditionLion, for MGM, e.g.Lion, for oneLion, in SwahiliLion, tiger or sharkLion-coloredLion-tamer with enormous bird of prey sleeps only occasionallyLion-tiger hybridLionel layout, maybeLionel productsLionel receives acting tip for minor roleLionel Richie song: it led Theresa May astrayLionel Richie's "You ___"Lionel to Drew BarrymoreLionel track layout, maybLionel train layout, maybLionel train layout, ofteLionel, with a piece of Handel - this one?Lionesque, in a wayLioness grabs tail of unlucky antelopeLioness written about by Joy Adamson in Born FreeLionesses lack themLionesses, in their element, top this!Lionheart losing head and running? Not himLionizedLionized actor?Lionized comedian?LionlikeLionsLions and tigersLions and tigers (oh my)Lions and tigers and bearLions and tigers etc circling mountain area for flowering plantsLions and tigers?Lions come running; this is the endLions confused between electrical poles unlikely to slideLions free to stop trainingLions might score oneLions or BearsLions or TigersLions play in it: Abbr.Lions playing in Africa? Hawks around Manx hill?Lions' "kingdoms"Lions' criesLions' den survivorLions' densLions' goals, brieflyLions' hairLions' homesLions' lairsLions' locksLions' preyLions' soundsLions, at timesLipLip — part of the faceLip applicationLip balm ingredientLip coverLip in severe pain, bringing medicinal herbLip of a vesselLip service?Lip shadeLip ___Lip, bloody lip!Lip-balm targetLip-curling smileLip-puckeringLip-smackingLip-smacking enthusiasmLip-smacking snack?Lip-___Lip-___ (doesn't really sLip-___ (fakes it)Lip-___ (fakes singing)Lip-___ (not really sing)Lip; part of 6 DownLipid in blood and eggs - it's found in lichen, unexpectedlyLipinski leapLipitor and suchLipped lab containerLippizaner's locksLippyLipsLips in blue, perhaps, or another colourLips service?Lips with a drawback for love-making?Lipstick holdersLipstick hueLipstick ingredientLipstick shadeLipstick shadesLipton alternativeLipton and Twinings, e.g.Lipton competitorLipton drinkLipton employeeLipton productLipton productsLipton rivalLipton, Inc. brandLiq. measuresLiquateLiquefiedLiquefied by great heatLiquefied by heatLiquefyLiquefy by absorbing water from the airLiquefy, as ice creamLiqueurLiqueur - re-auctionLiqueur at twenty to eleven? First of all, here's a coffeeLiqueur brandLiqueur cheered Met men after stormLiqueur containing raw eggsLiqueur distilled from cherriesLiqueur distilled from harmonicas?Liqueur drunk at a fairLiqueur drunk neat: it’s taken with tabletLiqueur excessive queen and a mother knocked backLiqueur flavorLiqueur flavorerLiqueur flavorersLiqueur flavoringLiqueur flavoured with bitter orange peelLiqueur in 15Liqueur ingredientsLiqueur is filling a requirementLiqueur is to damage cloth when absorbedLiqueur Italian knocked back with a girlLiqueur made with eggsLiqueur made with eggs, sugar and brandyLiqueur made with peel of bitter oranges from an island in the Dutch AntillesLiqueur no one young at university initially identifiesLiqueur not at all unknown to the FrenchLiqueur prices let ripLiqueur reputedly named fLiqueur seen to spoil a small clothLiqueur stain on ace cycling trousersLiqueur taking legroom in carLiqueur with eggs inLiquidLiquid added to car radiatorLiquid added to hot water to make it foamLiquid applied to the skinLiquid atomiserLiquid bleaching agentLiquid condiment coming in various forms from China and JapanLiquid disinfectantLiquid dispenserLiquid dispensers in laboLiquid fatLiquid foodLiquid food - a Sioux plotLiquid food caught on? Just a touchLiquid from clotting bloodLiquid fuelLiquid glueLiquid in a dripLiquid in infected tissueLiquid in synthetic rubbeLiquid in which blood cells are suspendedLiquid industrial wasteLiquid is leaked — there's water close to hereLiquid lost from a containerLiquid lunch perhaps very revoltingLiquid lunch? Ugly lawman tipsy with itLiquid may start to curdle after utensil used to mix cocktailLiquid meas.Liquid measureLiquid measure used in cookingLiquid mixture of two or more substancesLiquid needed for theatre — a clean-upLiquid nitrogen, for instanceLiquid offering at a "barLiquid on foodLiquid once used to produce anaesthetic vapourLiquid or crystals added to foam and scent hot waterLiquid or gel in a batteryLiquid part of bloodLiquid part of fatLiquid Plumr rivalLiquid preparation for the skinLiquid preparations for the skinLiquid protecting lover of raysLiquid refreshmentLiquid remaining after cheese-making processLiquid rockLiquid rubbed into the skinLiquid tar, e.g.Liquid that can be dark but put on paleLiquid that goes to your head?Liquid that's first injected into chopped lemonLiquid turned to jelly like a shotLiquid used for preserving timberLiquid used in canningLiquid used in cookeryLiquid used in cooking a sort of pilau - not with rice, ultimatelyLiquid used in making soda bread - I'm Burt KeltLiquid wasteLiquid wood preservativeLiquid ___ (refrigerant)Liquid, sayLiquid, to a pharmacistLiquid-Plumr competitorLiquid-Plumr rivalLiquidation saleLiquidator gives pound to staffLiquide clairLiquide vitalLiquidise drink and pour over naked bellyLiquidised fruit/vegLiquido vitalLiquids for fryingLiquorLiquor alternative, in veLiquor bottleLiquor containersLiquor holderLiquor holder in a coat pLiquor in a shotLiquor levy, e.g.Liquor storeLiquor store?Liquor that Guy drinks at home following low pointsLiquor, a bit of rum I poured into gobLiquor-flavored cakeLiquor-laced dessertLiquor-soaked cakeLiquored (up)Liquored upLiquorice flavoured liqueurLiquorice flavouring - ie DanesLiquorice flavouring agent is a requirement for a coatingLiquorice flavouring, used in cookeryLiquorice-flavoured Italian liqueurLira - foreign currency in Guiana circulating as means of exchangeLira included in coinage for the AmericasLira's replacementLire used to be spent herLisa of "The Cosby Show"Lisa Simpson plays itLisa Simpson, to BartLisa Simpson, to Patty orLisa with a "mystic smileLisa with the #1 hit "StaLisa, to BartLisa, to Bart SimpsonLisbon ladyLisbon's riverLispers' dreadLissomListList - scoundrelList a record involved in a cute broadcastList abbr.List abridgementsList at a meetingList benefits, initially, in accountList best type of desks?List complementList componentList componentsList drug written up as class AList enderList ender (abbr.)List ender: Abbr.List entriesList entryList everything involved in case for theocracyList extraordinarily sexy parts with old toyList finishList for a meetingList for a new hireList for meetingList from mommyList has no heading for 'wading bird'List headingList holdersList in a book's front: AList in a hurry?List in a wish listList in an insurance repoList includes duck, domesticated birdList includes Independent PartyList including a chicken, perhaps?List issuer, sly old crookList keeperList keeper Schindler et List maintainersList makeupList memberList of acts forced to busk to eatList of alternativeslist of available dishesList of available optionsList of booksList of businessList of business information a lawyer withholdsList of candidatesList of choicesList of competitorsList of competitors is in lobbyList of constituents each with large, smooth cut by Hannibal, reportedlyList of correctionsList of corrections in published materialList of courses for people at universityList of dishesList of dishes chaps start to upgradeList of full-time employeesList of house rules, maybList of individuals and the tasks assigned to themList of ingredientsList of instructions for school run pocketedList of itemsList of meeting itemsList of misprintsList of mistakesList of namesList of names not considered for product launchList of numbers shrinking quietly over timeList of optionsList of options of chaps before universityList of parts a repairman tossed outList of people about to be welcomed by awful politicianList of performersList of prime numbersList of runners? I start to organise exerciseList of ship's cargo or passengersList of soldiers from different countries with incomplete time servedList of some prime numbersList of sources used by a writerList of termsList of terms used in a particular subjectList of test answersList of text corrections to be made in a publicationList of things in stewsList of those eligible to voteList of those to be remunerated in election around Scottish townList of times at which things are supposed to happenList of title's prime locations - almost 25List of top US students reportedly having repeated successesList of trattoria possibilitiesList of works previously producedList old books in possession of artistList on a detergent labelList on a society calendaList one by one (S, not Z)List partList particular personnel assigned to dock?List players supported by UnitedList precederList quickly?List recipientList shortcutList shortenerList space saverList that is covering broadcast timesList that man will read outList the best finally entering parliamentList transport in faction that facilitates revolutionList unitList what fibbers do endlessly, one such as BorisList wrap-upList-ending abbr.List-shortening abbr.List-starting wordsListedListed building is least occupiedListed entryListed jerks least likely to offer help?Listed site, heading off, is in seaListed thingListenListen (archaic)Listen again to Sarah in practiceListen and learn about harnessing energyListen and learn, gaining knowledgeListen and obeyListen attentivelyListen carefully and correct the vocabulary I useListen eagerlyListen from start to finish on good comfy spot by the fireListen fullyListen hereListen inListen in (on)Listen in awe, besotted with girl brieflyListen in later at work, catching piano artistListen in on what happens in "The Fall" after lead character goes missingListen in to nurseListen in with royal receiving a fake shockListen in without the speaker knowingListen into tip-off for what happens in AutumnListen secretlyListen toListen to a fight on the radio in the general vicinityListen to again, as argumListen to Asian linkListen to dodgy money man withholding shillingListen to Labour - it's showy but worthlessListen to live between the start of October and the end of JanuaryListen to me sounding drunkListen to music singleListen to number and cheer upListen to one's gut?Listen to opening of toccata for organListen to rock, no good being unable to leave homeListen to security device after exchanging leads in holdListen to the end of our bust-up in angerListen to this marine group start fishingListen to your gut?Listen ___ (hear via eaveListen!Listen, being widely discussed on social media is agonising!Listen, Do You Want To Know A Secret?Listen, lady's possessing advanced knowledgeListen, lightweight - you shut up!Listen, you should be in somewhere magical - you should be in Australia!Listen: it's impossible with this!Listen: Sp.Listened in fearful awe, prepared to bury headListened in on radio - drove excessively?Listened in with appreciation, then reprimandedListened toListened to a concert?Listened to againListened to again, as legListened to chief with long hairListened to Indian TV hostListened to story with quiet endingListened to this or that, sorceressListened to turn and complainedListened, old-styleListened, poeticallyListenerListener describing empty stage for musicianListener intruding on row is more obviously upsetListener puzzles — one gets stuck in, never giving up?Listener starts to need expert solvers to be seriousListener’s vote for viewerListener's acknowledgmentListener's approvalListener's responseListenersListeners - spectatorsListeners finally having got set on pleased with themselves?Listeners hear sounds? Only someListeners welcome piano as sleeping aidListeners' disapproval in ancient theatreListeningListening deviceListening device left in - note something sticking outListening device left in: note something sticking outListening device open, hear poorlyListening devicesListening devices from back of one shop near BarkingListening intently – debt's twice changed handsListening out after releasing one small birdListening secretlyListening to founder, agree in timeListening to Muzak, maybeListening-in deviceListensListens during actual practice sessionListens for bombing and joins the armyListens toListens when accepting terms to start contract completionListens, old-styleLister's abbr.Listerine alternativeListerine targetListers on eBayListingListing abbr.Listing in a high-school Listing in Hoyle'sListing on a business schListing Roger and Stacy exposed to me?Listing systematicallyListing, Listings abbr.Listings in a dr.'s calenListings omitting Hotel Emily, for oneListings on a to-do listListless state university dons ruined sportListless: Var.Listless; faintListless; indolentListlessnessListlessness embodied by drunken nuisanceListlessness in monkey eating first of orangesListmaker's shortcutListon and BonoListon injured part of internal organListsLists 17A?Lists featuring no flipping toiletriesLists for meetingsLists including motorway as place to raceLists namely kept by people on the make?Lists of basicsLists of course subjectsLiszt or Bartok, sayLiszt or SchubertLiszt pieceLiszt symphonic poemLiszt wrote only oneLiszt's "La Campanella," Liszt's "Paganini ___"Liszt's "___ PrLiszt's birthplaceLiszt's son-in-lawLiszt's ___ in B minorLitLit class readingLit fuel following discharge, which is vindictiveLit intoLit out from top-class landing-placeLit partLit upLit up the room, maybeLit ___ (college course)Lit ___ (college course, Lit, as a matchLit, so to speakLit. collectionLiteLite as can beLite soda drunk aloneLiter or meterLiteracy campaign?Literacy volunteer, e.g.Literal element of eight Literal result of picking the wrong keyLiterally divided insecure country of birthLiterally resign as number oneLiterally strap a problem for linksLiterally, "already seen"Literally, "art of softneLiterally, "back to back"Literally, "barley"Literally, "by two"Literally, "commander"Literally, "daughter of tLiterally, "different lizLiterally, "disciple"Literally, "dwarf dog"Literally, "father"Literally, "first generatLiterally, "fish tooth"Literally, "for this"Literally, "goddess"Literally, "good luck"Literally, "great O"Literally, "guilty mind"Literally, "harbor wave"Literally, "high ground"Literally, "I am unwillinLiterally, "I burn"Literally, "I forbid"Literally, "injured"Literally, "instruction"Literally, "lion city"Literally, "little tongueLiterally, "little towns"Literally, "little turnipLiterally, "my master"Literally, "numbered"Literally, "peaceful" perLiterally, "raw"Literally, "reign" in HinLiterally, "roof lizard"Literally, "scraped"Literally, "sheltered harLiterally, "skill"Literally, "small wheel"Literally, "sweet song"Literally, "to God"Literally, "traveling comLiterally, "turned"Literally, "way of the goLiterally, "way"Literally, "white mountaiLiterally, "wind and wateLiterally, "women's boat"Literally, empty handLiterally, empty orchestrLiterally, face to faceLiterally, the GodLiterally, the way of theLiterary 7 downLiterary adulteress's surLiterary adventurer disturbed lingerer grabbing tool for opening letterLiterary adverbLiterary alter egoLiterary alter ego in cloak, sayLiterary assistantLiterary associate of AddLiterary award shaped likLiterary awardsLiterary bearLiterary biographer Lord Literary bitsLiterary brothers resolute at hearingLiterary captain who saysLiterary castawayLiterary categoryLiterary CatherLiterary character fatherLiterary character who saLiterary character who's Literary character whose Literary character with tLiterary classic featurinLiterary collectionLiterary collection to put on page in a short time when sent backLiterary collection: AbbrLiterary collectionsLiterary compositionLiterary conflictLiterary connectionLiterary contractionLiterary creationLiterary critic BroyardLiterary critic TrillingLiterary cultureLiterary deviceLiterary diarist translated 24 acrossLiterary Dick, one in a black suitLiterary duelerLiterary duelistLiterary elephantLiterary endingLiterary expositionLiterary failure almost leads to row becoming worseLiterary family nameLiterary figure we both know?Literary figure?Literary flubsLiterary form of evenLiterary foursomeLiterary gatheringLiterary genreLiterary genre in South Carolina, one including Kipling poemLiterary genre popular wiLiterary giant ruined pursuing legal actionLiterary governessLiterary groupLiterary group gets stressed reading aloud?Literary heart beats finally in resonating soundLiterary hero’s cat spotted you by riverLiterary heroine whose beLiterary heroine, awfully gung-ho on the inside, but lacking good resilienceLiterary inits.Literary institution: VarLiterary invalidLiterary invention of ArcLiterary lead role for GrLiterary LeonLiterary lion takes time on slopeLiterary lion using a lot of dodgy language?Literary lionessLiterary LudwigLiterary man's endless fun, hosting evening of poetryLiterary matchmakerLiterary middle nameLiterary monogramLiterary name for ChinaLiterary name with a dierLiterary narratorLiterary oceansLiterary olioLiterary oliosLiterary orphan adopted bLiterary otterLiterary pal of TomLiterary paradiseLiterary pasticheLiterary pen nameLiterary pieceLiterary piece of art about old lecturer?Literary piecesLiterary pieces regularly featured in annualLiterary pirateLiterary pirate ultimately hails from the EastLiterary poser arranged orgy with Queen DianaLiterary postscriptLiterary preceder of "GolLiterary prizegiver once impressed by denouement of weepie – should that be confined to the bin?Literary pseudonymLiterary RandLiterary rep.Literary Romantic hero briefly used to be the kingLiterary sailorLiterary schnauzerLiterary scrapsLiterary sequel of 1847Literary site?Literary sketchLiterary slipsLiterary snippetsLiterary source of "BlessLiterary streamLiterary styleLiterary style arousing feelings of sorrow and sympathyLiterary supporter?Literary thief LupinLiterary tiger uncommonly harsh and keenLiterary time of dayLiterary title character Literary tomboyLiterary tree dwellersLiterary tributeLiterary twistLiterary understatementLiterary vampireLiterary variant of HinduLiterary villain, one requesting a lift across northern suspension bridge, heading for troubleLiterary wizard-in-trainiLiterary WolfeLiterary workLiterary work in which PaLiterary work, something written about dance brieflyLiterary world to stroke good person in welcomeLiterary wrap-upLiterary ___Literate, but very definitely a communist, we hearLiteratureLiterature about duck on tail of bull, charging againLiterature categoryLiterature class readingLiterature class readingsLiterature in postLiterature Nobelist AndriLiterature Nobelist BelloLiterature Nobelist DerekLiterature Nobelist GordiLiterature Nobelist HermaLiterature Nobelist MorriLiterature Nobelist NerudLiterature Nobelist PiranLiterature Nobelist SachsLiterature Nobelist WilliLiterature's Dolores HazeLiterature's LornaLith. and Azer., onceLith. and Lat., onceLith. and Ukr., formerlyLith. or Est., onceLith., e.g., onceLith., formerlyLith., onceLitheLithe actLithe cats dancing, running and jumping, etc.Lithe swimmerLithe, suppleLithium - metal used in jet fighter - is restrictingLithium and iron sparkleLithium company beset by wrong elementLithium in nut is good for birdLithium put in a double sulphate to make garlic, sayLithium's nLithium-___ batteryLithographer JamesLithographer of AmericanaLithosLithuania or Estonia, oncLithuania's capitalLithuanian capitalLitigantLitigant in court protecting wild animalLitigant's unsophisticated argumentLitigantsLitigateLitigatesLitigationLitigation-prompting insuLitigatorLitigator BelliLitigatorsLitigators' grp.Litigators' org.Litigious oneLitigious patent-holder, in patent dispute?Litigious sortLitmus bluer: Abbr.Litmus is one kindLitmus reddenersLitmus, for oneLitre in fuel knocked over — it gets blown upLitre, for example? Not so much drunkLitter box cryLitter box visitorLitter criesLitter critterLitter cryLitter in monkey cagesLitter in street and someone being sickLitter leaverLitter lying around a denLitter memberLitter member that's almoLitter membersLitter of pigletsLitter of pigsLitter producers, in two Litter receptacleLitter unitLitter's littlestLitter, maybeLitterae or musicaLitterae or poeticaLittermatesLittersLittleLittle —Little 'unLittle 'un to hold close later, at bedtimeLittle - squiffyLittle amount of alcohol used to make trifle?Little amphibianLittle amphibian's not oldLittle and Large hit back after Syd's introductionLittle angelLittle angel, about 15, hugging guyLittle angelsLittle animal in reality starts here?Little animal picked up by police, showing limpLittle animals in sleeping quarters freezeLittle Anthony and the ImLittle argumentLittle article accompanyiLittle attention seekers in hotel with things available at receptionLittle aukLittle backing of one busy in intelligenceLittle bag, scarlet, that one can’t touchLittle barkLittle batteryLittle bear in Surinam trained to get goldLittle beastLittle beastiesLittle beauty that woman found in beastly babyLittle beefLittle belittlementLittle beltsLittle Bighorn fightersLittle Bighorn generalLittle Bighorn victorLittle billsLittle birdLittle bird - one finally given tagLittle bird disturbed towelLittle bird impression made on the radio?Little bird making fresh journey back across riverLittle bird Oscar left in dampLittle bird worth less, we hearLittle bird's soundLittle bird, just beat it!Little bird: spot it?Little birdsLittle birds in line succeeded to cross boatLittle birds with minimal energy given tagsLittle bitLittle bit extra? Son's grabbed 50!Little bit in your housesLittle bit inspired by some scienceLittle bit of Africa to investigate, travelling northLittle bit of dope which you can smoke to get highLittle bit of drink with Polish and Gallic mealLittle bit of French?Little bit of poetry mother's penningLittle bit of timeLittle bit of time before eventLittle bit, as of colorLittle biteLittle biterLittle bitsLittle bits of dirt under sofas, typicallyLittle bits of insect eaten by boysLittle bloodsuckerLittle Bo-peep and othersLittle Bo-Peep is cursory, for one?Little Bo-Peep's charges?Little boat's deviation from course lineLittle boat's heading into coveLittle boring tease uttered brief commentLittle bounderLittle bounder devoid of ecstasy and elationLittle bounders beginning to tire needing place to sleepLittle boxLittle boxes?Little Boy Blue's instrumLittle Boy Blue's triumphLittle boy is holding itLittle boy who runs nimblyLittle boy's donkey, lacking nameLittle boy's in the toiletLittle Boy's younger and nastier cousin admitting personal problem to hospital doctorLittle brother wanted a cousin to show upLittle brother's cry, perLittle brother, maybeLittle brown jug for Guinness, sayLittle buddy with tasteLittle bumpLittle butter?Little by littleLittle by little, guard irritated colleagueLittle Caesar?Little cakes topped and iced with no training necessaryLittle canineLittle capital put away in a blastLittle cars surprisingly outran busLittle casesLittle catLittle chamber orchestra's first instrumentLittle change after swindle - the rascal!Little change in patient, ultimately feebleLittle change: Abbr.Little chap following pipe down sandbankLittle chap has temperature and irritationLittle chap with scales has fat clothing size made thinnerLittle character shown by husband in corporation occupying permanent residenceLittle childLittle child conceals weapon in cooking potLittle child has item to play withLittle child in stories making understatementLittle child is involved in a deception - gets punishmentLittle child left in stranger's care after timeLittle child obtains right headwearLittle child wanting a black horseLittle child's line on, say, Sweeney TV showLittle child, after change of heart, was first to be namedLittle child, girl, eating second pancakeLittle childrenLittle chirperLittle chowLittle Christopher at school that's in poor tasteLittle Christopher’s equipmentLittle cluckerLittle complaintLittle contraptionLittle craft displayed by chess champ - is he struggling?Little creature allowed outside alwaysLittle creature’s sleeping-place on riverLittle creature's become large one, according to SpoonerLittle credit associated with one quite awful appraisalLittle critterLittle crownLittle curlLittle cutLittle cycling seen in shopping centresLittle Daniel is given hot pastryLittle darlin' playing around IT town in DevonLittle darlingLittle daughter pursuing volunteersLittle dear for an essayist?Little Debbie competitorLittle demonLittle demonsLittle dentLittle devilLittle devil by old shelter, unable to actLittle devil that's caught cutting part of plantLittle devil wandering around, making progressLittle devil's oppositeLittle devil-like creatureLittle devilsLittle devils!Little Dickens girlLittle digitLittle digit?Little dipperLittle dipper?Little dispute about river fishLittle dog eating male's shoeLittle dog eats poet's works and causes troubleLittle dog of old Disney Little dog, brieflyLittle dog, for shortLittle doggies carrying master's shoesLittle domestic animal that is absorbing timeLittle drama in Wimbledon umpire’s words?Little drink and last of rioja creates excitementLittle drink good? That's not entirely accurate!Little drink of popLittle drink Tory laced with drop of ouzoLittle drinks go round after characters have turned upLittle drinks making turn fall overLittle eggLittle Elizabeth describes surprising urge to get pot?Little endingLittle energy in a lot of people encountering a protozoanLittle energy, no longer alive? Cheer up!Little European 4Little European amphibianLittle European grebeLittle Eva's creatorLittle explorer on NickelLittle farmLittle felineLittle fellaLittle fellowLittle fellow - in EastEnders he sounded bigLittle fellow hides smoker's last jointLittle fellow in conflict with car - this will provide comprehensive supportLittle fellow not depressed, just confusedLittle fellow's tense, busy sound, drilling into mausoleumLittle female along with old maiden in group of enthusiastsLittle fightLittle fingerLittle fingersLittle fingers or toesLittle fish always grabs lineLittle fish flipping bit childrenLittle fish ingesting uranium causes angerLittle fish thoroughly sautéed - it's first for gut-busting cuisineLittle fish, usually tinned or saltedLittle fish: young child has swapped ring for oneLittle fjordLittle Florence entertains blokes in Athletic club danceLittle folk having food around nine or elevenLittle folk in team tucking into baked foodLittle foot warmerLittle foxesLittle friend of Mickey being heardLittle fruit from Greek imitatorLittle game, perhapsLittle ganderLittle Giant of the GiantLittle girl entertained by clergyman, one providing Italian foodLittle girl following Jack's elder sisterLittle girl in 1935's "OuLittle girl keeping a sort of porcelain birdLittle girl's bad mood creates problem with dogsLittle girl's make-up case guards PIN, enigmaticallyLittle girl's playthingLittle girl, as one doing nothing in a brilliant wayLittle green ballLittle green manLittle green man?Little green menLittle green men, for shoLittle growthLittle growth in industry initially, while privileged type stuck upLittle growth in season once November's goneLittle growth in Shanghai as no business is on the upLittle growth? Time to get hairpieceLittle guards accompanying outlawLittle guitarsLittle guyLittle guy getting the thLittle guysLittle ham?Little help?Little helperLittle helper?Little Henry travelling to Farnham for running eventLittle hesitation about the time — very keenLittle hesitation probing doctor attached to unpleasant religious institutionLittle hesitation shifting butt around in dance - this one?Little high-jumping bloodsuckerLittle hole, maybeLittle hoopLittle hooterLittle hooters with big pLittle hopperLittle hoppersLittle horseman's time after workLittle in the way of support for such spiteful talk!Little information about vintageLittle inn?Little introductionLittle inventoryLittle item in proposal not entirely complete, not entirely pureLittle Jack Horner's dessLittle jerkLittle jerk not quite recalling quoteLittle jerksLittle job for a body shoLittle Joe's pa on "BonanLittle Joe's pa, on "BonaLittle John's weapon in RLittle john?Little Kenneth died, Saturday or SundayLittle kickLittle kidLittle kid picked up strengthLittle kid’s first few daysLittle kid, a learner getting sumLittle kiltieLittle kissLittle knownLittle known candidate's a nightmare?Little known runner?Little lad, one flogging camera?Little lake for little children - an old gold pipLittle lake islandLittle laughLittle laughterLittle laughter while stiLittle League coach, ofteLittle League field surfaLittle League issueLittle League umps, oftenLittle left after eating husband’s cheeseLittle lieLittle liesLittle light fishLittle lobster's look-aliLittle mammals shaking off one American when climbing
Little man in the pink?Little man introducing party musicLittle man scratching my back in alien landLittle man will be wanting an early bedtime then?Little marchersLittle marketsLittle masterworkLittle ménage à trois?Little melodyLittle Mexican legend with zip, so easy to miss one whizzing aboutLittle middle?Little miner very quiet in bedLittle mischief-makerLittle mischief-makersLittle mischief-makers, half of Devon's swimmersLittle Miss Muffet's sitting placeLittle miss, in a misiLittle money for girlLittle money for something to eatLittle money in bank of lateLittle money in France and here for foodLittle monkey sampling shark-oil at regular intervalsLittle monkey’s limb held by medic to repair breakLittle monkeys and little apes scratching skin on crotchLittle monkeys?Little mooLittle more thanLittle MunsterLittle new in over-showy decoration for foodLittle new in support: I will abandon this exercise for swimmersLittle newtLittle nocturnal birdLittle nonentity not in cliqueLittle noshLittle note inside Bruce's canLittle nothingLittle nude cavorts around virginLittle of France?Little of this and thatLittle of Verdi?Little Oil Drop was its mLittle old lady close to Russian revolutionaryLittle old man of legend in an appellationLittle old mayor looking embarrassed about second home in AustraliaLittle old star, no posh godLittle on the end?Little oneLittle one bypasses the aLittle one in school present after short timeLittle one originally trained in technology can’t handleLittle one played near older relative in the pits?Little onesLittle ones: Var.Little or no time to follow screeningLittle or ShortLittle or wee followerLittle or young followerLittle orange mostly chopped up for sharing againLittle Orphan Annie and oLittle Orphan Annie's dogLittle orphan of a Broadway musicalLittle over a second to divideLittle Oz visitorLittle pack of nautical yarn, not suitable for sweaters?Little pastries - confections full of corn?Little pastryLittle PC picturesLittle pebbles hard during one runLittle peckers regular features of strip-tease, I'm told!Little peopleLittle person — bit of a pain after short timeLittle personal responsibilityLittle pestLittle pest ran for cover after father turned upLittle picture capturing bottom of Friar Tuck?Little picture hardly anyone looks atLittle pictures, each meaningful or just interesting on first inspectionLittle pieceLittle pieces of fibre blocking malfunctioning pressLittle pieces of iron dinosaur swallowsLittle pig and the noise it makes if head's cut?Little pig's snitchLittle piggiesLittle piggies returned holding wolf skin?Little piggies?Little piggyLittle piggy sheltering at home with old ramLittle piggy that went toLittle piggy’s end not a lie, tragicallyLittle piggy's cryLittle piggy?Little pigs maybe in rubbishLittle Pigs' countLittle plantsLittle playLittle point embracing upturn if one's excluded countyLittle point in security number?Little point keeping recording in reserveLittle poochesLittle pot, good for putting onLittle power in food regime - turned unenthusiasticLittle predatory bird, swallow biting leg offLittle pressure to mournLittle prick's agent gets introductions to Gielgud, Antony Sher and Herbert TreeLittle problemsLittle protection for American reared transport animalsLittle puncherLittle quality shown by awful US internsLittle rascalLittle rascal learning to begLittle rascalsLittle raver dances round Methuselah, a person of some advanced ageLittle Red Book writerLittle red oneLittle redheadLittle relief provided by hot toddy perhaps?Little remindersLittle resistance about strict character from the free worldLittle Rhody, with "the"Little Richard didn't intend covering "Kiss" - only Number OnesLittle Richard made a stackLittle Richard's hometownLittle rise of £1,000? No, £50Little river, the tenth causing diseaseLittle rockLittle Rock's home: Abbr.Little Rock's stateLittle Rock-to-BirminghamLittle Rock-to-St. Louis Little rod gets this young amphibian?Little rodent’s new loveLittle room on raised platform for more bananasLittle room on top of table for moneyLittle room to bury the treasure, for starters, in game of chanceLittle room with old instrumentLittle room, inside case, for musical instrumentLittle rowLittle rubbish is endured with ultimate character incarceratedLittle runner putting papers at bottom of roadLittle Sarah embraces new rite as a clergywoman?Little Sarah working in hairdressersLittle Sarah’s going to a danceLittle scene, as Christian priest drops capLittle scurrierLittle scurriersLittle shaverLittle shaver's conveyancLittle shaversLittle shavers at school?Little shooterLittle siblingLittle sibling rolled ballLittle sibling that's revolting teenager initially took alongLittle Simz regularly ahead of everybodyLittle skill needed for loading rifleLittle slapfestLittle snipsLittle snortsLittle somethingLittle something in SantaLittle son touching green filthLittle son, worried and frightenedLittle soundLittle sound that echoes just the same?Little space in which to thinkLittle space to be engrossed in accommodating a ventureLittle space to hide, say, between manure and cesspit?Little space writer's given for awardLittle space, I acknowledge, for asylum seeker?Little spike, we hear, for cut of meatLittle spikes: personally, I have 20Little spinLittle spot outside LeatherheadLittle sprintersLittle squirtLittle squirt, maybeLittle squirtsLittle squirts, so to speLittle starterLittle stick, the sort in pool?Little stingerLittle stonesLittle stories about Beckham's innermost character in magazinesLittle streamLittle streamsLittle strings?Little stubbleLittle success finding what ignited chip oil?Little suckerLittle sucker's obsession with the environmentLittle sucker?Little support over location of UN headquartersLittle support over water entering US city repeatedlyLittle swabLittle swabsLittle sweeper turned Ian Rush - initially left back's taken inLittle sweet thingLittle swimmer is away from the King and QueenLittle talent?Little taste of cheddar cheese, not for gameLittle Terence allowed upLittle terrorLittle terrorsLittle test of network showing evidence of leakLittle thanks given to daughterLittle thanks received by study on male functionLittle that's visibleLittle the outlaw does for his royal enemy?Little thing wriggling around in utero without nameLittle things on screensLittle thrillLittle timeLittle time after incentive to put on a burst of speedLittle time before long trip, missing start for early contestLittle time followed by long yearLittle time for a gloomy typeLittle time for memorandumLittle time for tea or coffeeLittle time in hunt for blandishmentsLittle time invested in needlework, noteLittle time invested in ropey novel, creative workLittle time left before close of play to produce scoreLittle time lost amongst all that apprehensionLittle time to be impatient without initially seeming unforthcomingLittle time to cry about source of light for pictureLittle time to get tea or coffeeLittle time to publish flimsy paperLittle time to put on top half of underwearLittle time to start 15 AcrossLittle time, say, to enter roughly half the clues in word puzzlesLittle to keep king leaving unionLittle to search following end of tumultLittle toymakerLittle travelled country roadsLittle tree giving up nothing? One silver nutmeg, at firstLittle tricksterLittle trickstersLittle troopersLittle troublemakerLittle troublemakersLittle tykesLittle Valerie describing information technology as crucialLittle vegetables that roLittle weight in aluminium hand toolLittle weight unit, and another for gasLittle white lieLittle white thingLittle WilliamLittle woman and monarch fooling aroundLittle woman attracting disgrace mixed items for saleLittle woman badly shaken on becoming 14 2 15 24Little woman embraces English rebel in schoolLittle woman in scarlet performed againLittle woman kept missing gym — it makes you laughLittle woman should keep home - pardon?Little woman with bottle full of spirit?Little woman's surprisingly stoical - that blood pressure's at the lower endLittle woman?Little womenLittle Women’s popular songLittle women, never disheartened, about to begin againLittle woodLittle wooden skewer reportedly for meat dishLittle work on in flat that's always freshLittle workerLittle wrigglerLittle wrigglersLittle yelpsLittle yipperLittle ___Little ___ (big toy compaLittle ___ (Brighton BeacLittle ___ (hardly any)Little ___ (part of the BLittle ___ (tots)Little ___, 60's singerLittle ___, island in theLittle ___, of "Smokey anLittle ___, who did the LLittle ___, who sang "TheLittle's late partnerLittle, almost vile, destructive beetleLittle, bespectacled owl Little, charming and naughtyLittle, e.g.Little, in La ScalaLittle, in LeithLittle, in LilleLittle, in LyonLittle, to a lassLittle, to Robert BurnsLittle-known degree held by Guardian's head of entertainmentLittle-known old remedy protecting Bachelor of SurgeryLittle-seen examplesLittle-used ruling leading to beneficial qualificationLittle: Fr.Little: SuffixLittleneck, e.g.LittlestLittlest oinkerLittlest suckerLiturgical chantLiturgical headdressLiturgical languageLiturgical referenceLiturgical responsesLiturgical vestmentLiturgyLiu Pang's dynastyLiveLive (in a place)Live (in)Live (with)Live action’s beginning in regionLive adequately next door to daughterLive Aid founder BobLive Aid, e.g.Live amid twice as much furnitureLive among opponents in French resortLive and breatheLive and perform for all to see amongst Arab peopleLive and prosper having nothing set asideLive and prosper where nothing is sacrificedLive and thrive, having lost nothingLive around extensive outskirts of Exeter? Not any moreLive as a monk?Live as Liberal in college, always a scepticLive as president putting some characters offLive asceticallyLive at end of lake with beadle — a worker, possiblyLive at home, outside evacuated regional capitalLive at home, spinning, with wicked fairy tale characterLive at last in store, say? Boots will probably have itLive backing group appearing in later audition - an historic timeLive band's extreme soundLive bearLive broadcast centre sourceLive broadcast meant to include judge and poetLive by river? Look for duckLive chat describes drawing, say - it's potentially grippingLive cheaply, putting millions into unfinished screenplayLive close to contaminated water supplyLive coalLive comfortably after introduction to duchessLive comfortably supporting daughterLive coverage of sport is a sore pointLive dance music from Monk or BirdLive dangerously, devouring religious booksLive dangerously, maybeLive electrical cable?Live entertainment not primarily what a crossword may provide?Live event broadcast including house musicLive fashion logo gets the nodLive folk album of 1968Live for nothing in ostentatious place at the topLive from day to day with hardshipLive game coming up, avoiding large cloudLive hornet buzzing around First ClassLive inLive in Barcelona I reckonLive in Clapham, perhaps - a major resort and tourist centreLive in Danish capital, nicelyLive in fear ofLive in harmonyLive in Her Majesty’s female quartersLive in hitherto untouched towerLive in Llandridnod WellsLive in luxury, perhaps, with daughterLive in old vessel in CyprusLive in performance? On the contrary - broadcast kept back making cause of complaint?Live in red wellies?Live in someone else's homeLive in squalorLive in sun during retirementLive in the momentLive in the past?Live in the past? I'd settle Thebes at firstLive in very large house, at last - very largeLive in Victorian office, taking lift?Live life outrageously — that shows confidenceLive like perches?Live longer?Live movement capturing a couple of lines related to danceLive musical performanceLive next to a fieldLive nomadicallyLive nude - one way it aroused 16 in privateLive oakLive oddly near stadiumLive on a fieldLive on alien's plantsLive on borderLive on cape overlooking a palm-treeLive on edgeLive on edge nearbyLive on English soleLive on own, and conduct oneself properlyLive on the edgeLive operation capturing British music genreLive or die, that's come out nicelyLive performance; carriageLive piece startedLive presidentially, somewhatLive primitivelyLive sex could result in this hitLive streaming company missing introduction from Ten HagLive target? We might pass on that!Live through unpopular sportLive to become fatherLive togetherLive tracks - what's essential to Rolling Stone?Live up to one's wordLive what's left out of uniformLive wireLive wire, so to speakLive with a friend: British female one's put up at the seasideLive with a girl almost out of control? See if that works!Live with a penniless revolutionary and eccentricsLive with an old comicLive with army corps teamLive with copper — 27, possiblyLive with depression having taken overLive with hardshipsLive with increasingly feral foxLive with migraine symptom in seaside locationLive with mistress? Husband in bed excitedLive with more feral foxLive with Saint George?Live with son drinking syrup in foreign cityLive with success around German cityLive with very discontented groupLive with wife in valleyLive with women in small valleyLive within one's incomeLive within one's means, as a contortionist couldLive without sex? That's something to chew on!Live ___ (be someone you'Live! Hit performer's jazz instrumentalistLive's companionLive's partnerLive, as a footballLive, as a game ballLive, dwellLive, in a TV studioLive-in family helperLive-in partners turning over TV in the morning getting fixLive-in young foreigner expected to do household choresLivedLived and breathedLived daily in Germany, i.e. awayLived inLived in capsule with electricity?Lived in comfort briefly in outskirts of DetroitLived in Germany with the world of the GermansLived it upLived it up — sore and tired, needing a change?Lived it up, being famousLived togetherLived under pressure of having occupied chairLived with learner losing items regularlyLived with woodcutter from the eastLived ___ (celebrated)Livelihood cut in vineyardsLivelinessLiveliness and sixth sense slowingLiveliness one found in little sibling?Liveliness the same after upsetLiveliness, in style of city welcoming kingLivelongLivelyLively '60s danceLively - excitingLively - slightly drunkLively 1920s' danceLively activity seen around a new Scots townLively and attractiveLively and cheerfulLively and competitive environmentLively and encouraging, though not winningLively and energeticLively and playful parody involved thisLively and self-confidentLively around mid-May, like the Highlands?Lively back to harass crap keeper?Lively ball requires tough doormanLively ballroom danceLively bishop joins two knights in retreatLively bit of musicLively blackbird without tail seen around religious courtLively caper with bread for each personLively card gameLively celebrationLively circle?Lively compositionLively composition Dawn scored ineptlyLively danceLively dance - woman's undergarmentLively dance in duple timLively dance lifts Brussels band's performanceLively dance musicLively dance performed asLively dance styleLively dance, originally from BohemiaLively dancesLively daughter returned, following in fast vehicleLively day with broadcasterLively do with brandy to start, then portLively drinking partyLively eagernessLively end to working week, heavenLively energyLively ethos embraced by large old countryLively exchange of views annoyed cashierLively female broadcaster bored by religious programmeLively fish dance?Lively folk danceLively for one's age (though needing a shower!)Lively French danceLively friend dipping into a new set of papers?Lively function packed – one left outLively girl on radio took a partnerLively good popular gallery, all goingLively grammarian’s voice?Lively group?Lively Highland danceLively horsesLively Indian dance?Lively informal partyLively intelligenceLively jigLively Latin danceLively liturgy has brought about rise in baptismsLively male ejected from Blenheim outingLively mole fed by animal sanctuaryLively motor returned by end of JanuaryLively movementLively movement in Spooner's beer glassLively music institute recalled in furyLively musical about entertaining clubsLively musical movementLively old air, inspiring finale of Beethoven's ninth?Lively old danceLively old sailors' danceLively onesLively operatic prince feeding you in ParisLively pair oddly attending religious ceremony in SwazilandLively pal and I keeping punter busy before matchLively partyLively party, hit with catLively performer smashing up boat and carLively person - feasible ideaLively person sups small drink with rumour-mongerLively person’s son, a footballer, perhapsLively piano tunesLively piece of musicLively piece of satire it’s hard to followLively revolutionary given rebuke when leaving areaLively round danceLively Scottish danceLively sonata movementLively songs with humorouLively Spanish danceLively Spanish dance for twoLively spirit one observed in little siblingLively state?Lively takeaway in Ireland?Lively tango a maiden is dancingLively time penning Italian articleLively witLively witsLively, as an imaginationLively, as dance musicLively, dynamicLively, especially for onLively, fashionableLively, fit? Yes, for a changeLively, in mus.Lively, in scoresLively, nimbleLively, on a scoreLively, on scoresLively, playfulLively, rather fastLively, seen to keep slowing downLively, to LisztLively; pulsatingLiven (up)LivensLivens (up)Livens, with "up"Liver accompanimentLiver at the LouvreLiver diseaseLiver in LyonLiver is good for itLiver, e.g.Liver, in Le HavreLiver, kidney, etc as foodLiver, kidney, etc.Liveried flunkeyLiveried footmanLiveried servantLiveried servantsLiverpool FC developing muscular foundationsLiverpool football clubLiverpool is on itLiverpool Lime Street, for exampleLiverpool or Everton, sayLiverpool player reportedly was crossing river for epic strugglesLiverpool player, perhaps, is performing — showing off again?Liverpool racecourseLiverpool striker nursing the onset of gum diseaseLiverpool supporter's chilled about crucial matchLiverpool team must lose weight at all timesLiverpool's country (abbr.)Liverpool's excellent managerLiverpool's inspiring goalie's back, one setting up savesLiverpool's riverLiverpool-to-Newcastle diLiverpool-to-Nottingham dLiverpool-to-Portsmouth dLiverpudlianLiverpudlian beginning to pine for Charlie's partnerLiverpudlian dialectLiverpudlian, e.g.LiveryLivery blacksmith with reLivery deliveryLivery? It’s back in cheap supplyLiveryman's commandLivesLives (in)Lives as a penitentLives created in self-reliant wayLives dangerously after living once on river of molten metalLives happily in the middle of PudseyLives in a row of shops - bliss!Lives in brand new towerLives in Dutch cityLives it upLives lost in Kansas city - manage to moveLives no moreLives onLives on spacecraft, one surrounded by waterLives protected by others in combatLives round New Badger, like CinderellaLives south of Saskatchewan and travels in the cold?Lives with girl? That’s the problem!Lives with one's deityLives with sailor, facing day of doom?Lives with the French on Skye, perhapsLives with woman and childrenLives, dwellsLives, I see, in cooler Iranian cityLivestockLivestock classificationLivestock feedLivestock feedsLivestock here help, so it's said, to supply a drug dealerLivestock initially lost by friendly agricultural workerLivia, to TiberiusLividLivid with waste after team admits shortageLivingLiving "fence"Living accommodation north of the borderLiving at schoolLiving barrier – noncommittal statementLiving beingLiving being, rare, cute, evolvingLiving boundaryLiving creatureLiving dangerously, I hint about bungs in the pastLiving daylightsLiving dollLiving embodimentLiving embodimentsLiving endLiving foreverLiving image, doubleLiving in 14Living in a placeLiving in Morecambe in generalLiving in or near waterLiving in waterLiving in, eg, TynesideLiving material in cellsLiving near the ground, English friend receives Nigel nakedLiving off the land?Living organism, such as a shrubLiving person's doubleLiving placeLiving proof?Living quartersLiving roomLiving room furnitureLiving room pieceLiving room with sleeping spaceLiving room?Living roomsLiving side by sideLiving spaceLiving space sharerLiving space somewhat limited in Derby?Living spacesLiving thingLiving thingsLiving together could be so excitingLiving together in company with sixteen? Extraordinarily tenseLiving units: Abbr.Living way east of wine-producing regionLiving well in vacant, decaying housingLiving without Mike? There's a thought!Living ___ (what an emploLiving, not deadLiving; abodeLivingstone maybe runs in user without itLivingstone residentLivorno lady friendLivyLivy or PlinyLivy's 1,551Livy's loveLixiviateLixiviumLiz said it oftenLiz Taylor movie "___ CouLiz Taylor's husband befoLiz Truss reflects after women’s organisation’s “ineffectual person” labelLiza ... with a ZLiza Minnelli's fatherLiza Minnelli, for oneLiza's mentor, to LizaLizardLizard Fuel beverage makeLizard George found around rock half-hiddenLizard I left is found in loungeLizard in S American region, one moving to prime positionLizard lays egg in heathLizard look-alikeLizard or snake, e.g.Lizard tails in steaming casserole, eccentric cook blotto!Lizard than can't blinkLizard that chirpsLizard with a serrated crLizard with clingy toe paLizard's egg laid in uncultivated landLizard's locale?Lizard's nibbleLizard, old-styleLizard, one climbing in South American regionLizard, say, returning? Fine about retreatingLizard-like amphibianLizard: PrefixLizardlike amphibianLizardlike creatureLizards disturbed us againLizards, for instance, put up with potassium-laced lettuceLizards, old-styleLizzie Borden used oneLizzie Borden's cause cLjubljana residentLL.D. holderLlama countryLlama landLlama relativeLlama relative, valued for it's woolLlama's head?Llama's landLlama-like animal with a long silky fleeceLlama-like domesticated animal, valued for its woolLlamas' cousinsLlamas' localeLlanelli localeLlano growthLloyd Nolan: "The Man WhoLloyd Webber musicalLloyd Webber musical roleLloyd Webber performer to banter about recordingLloyd Webber's "___ of LoLloyd Webber/Rice musicalLloyd's investorsLo ___ (noodle dish)Lo-calLo-cal treacle taken regularly, as stated on the tinLo-fatLo-o-o-ong efforts from aLo-___ screenLoadLoad a computer's starting program againLoad – contributionLoad bearer?Load boatLoad excessivelyLoad for Jack and JillLoad for shipmentLoad from a lodeLoad imported by Parisian is cooked snailLoad intercepted by English lieutenant remains in vesselLoad line localeLoad of bunkLoad of church silver, holy books missingLoad of oxygen: setter coming roundLoad of ships?Load of women with a curvy figureLoad of work? That's no good!Load off the mindLoad on vessel includes scraps ultimately given to crowLoad to bearLoad vehicle and be offLoad vehicle before workLoad vehicle with spiritLoad wanting women to get a curvy figureLoad-bearing things?Load-carrying animalLoadedLoaded (with)Loaded - oppressedLoaded – having the desired effectLoaded back-up, losing good megawatts supplyLoaded beyond capacityLoaded from forklift initially, pipe secured by workerLoaded kid of the comicsLoaded Lambretta rider, say, bypasses northern part of LondonLoaded LondonersLoaded nurse chasing after young manLoaded old boat containing large caseLoaded onto the wrong truLoaded or poor, get rich hereLoaded or rolling? You would be here!Loaded p-pipe into brigantines, amidships?Loaded spring not yet set in motionLoaded with fatLoaded with regretLoaded, so to speakLoading apparatusLoading areaLoading areasLoading heavy weight up, something to sign, markedLoading localeLoading old weapon, smarten oneself up a littleLoading siteLoading spin-drier, one seen in MadagascarLoadsLoads (2 wds.)Loads and loadsLoads appear covering their heads carelesslyLoads from lodesLoads ofLoads of clapped-out motorsLoads of drawings daughter chucked outLoads of funLoads of headless nailsLoads of hesitation with parking by young personLoads of mutual fundsLoads of praise, inaccurate, bringing illusory happinessLoads of room in a short topLoads rifles, taking timeLoads sleep with partnersLoads with worries about gameLoads you found on beach?Loads, as a plateLoafLoaf aboutLoaf endLoaf holderLoaf localeLoaf of bread for horseLoaf on the jobLoaf or loafer partsLoaf pairLoaf partLoaf partsLoaf produced by Chinese people burying oneLoaf said to be dry and seededLoaf that's made in error?Loaf with seedsLoaf's a short time in progressLoaf, key elementLoafedLoaferLoafer attachmentLoafer lettersLoafer ornamentLoafer ornamentsLoafer polishLoafer's lackLoafer, e.g.Loafer, for oneLoafer, perhaps, with small gardening toolLoafersLoafers don't grow on thiLoafers holderLoafers, e.g.Loafers, e.g., or a lightLoafingLoafsLoafs on the jobLoamLoam componentLoamy depositLoamy soilLoamy soil depositLoanLoan abbreviationLoan application blankLoan chargeLoan figs.Loan figure: Abbr.Loan for boatLoan for house buyingLoan lure, maybeLoan may be arranged, though it's irregularLoan money or get swindled over silverLoan oligarch settled with whisky, for exampleLoan overseer: Abbr.Loan payment schedules: ALoan periods: Abbr.Loan securityLoan sharkLoan shark practiceLoan shark's offenseLoan shark, unspeakable blackguard first of allLoan sharks' practicesLoan signer, at timesLoan source: Abbr.Loan sourcesLoan to a company before Loan-making org.LoanedLoaner taking property as securityLoans suspended mostly? Not so fastLoathLoatheLoathe boat name I concoctedLoathe contributing to church at EasterLoathe flower boxLoathe how much some directors get paid?Loathe keeping promiseLoathedLoathed pitching the adLoathesLoathingLoathing awfully staid setLoathing crimson fez, perhaps?Loathing headgear friend regularly displayedLoathing leviesLoathing of element (not sulphur)Loathing of French examination processLoathing of treated carbon here?Loathing one on benefit in North AmericaLoathsomeLoathsome agent returning to fix itLoathsome chap dragged by the earLoathsome guy too hard on regular basisLoathsome herbal tea served up — not right!Loathsome individualsLoathsome little creatureLoathsome oneLoathsome personLoathsome person kicking out a foxLoathsome sortLoathsome type from Fox covering areaLoavesLoaves with seedsLob extremely deficient paint all over the place, one lacking pigmentLob some balls, so thrown backLob's pathLobbies, oftenLobbyLobby against sporting blue tiesLobby callLobby head of entertainment for orchestraLobby in a D.C. building?Lobby in favour of fencing Yorkshire's borderLobby people to accept unlimited lucid dreamLobby politician – Hunt?Lobby Transport HouseLobby, sayLobbying grp.Lobbying grps.Lobbying org.Lobbying org. for seniorsLobbyists rue progress being tricky at universityLobe localeLobe locationLobe siteLobes very wrinkly on the side you can seeLoblolly, e.g.Lobster clawLobster coralLobster eater's accessoryLobster eater's needLobster eggsLobster festival?Lobster has cry if boiledLobster house suppliesLobster may be served in Lobster orderLobster partLobster perhaps beheaded at that timeLobster perhaps reddish-brown: serve in tinLobster pincerLobster portionLobster potLobster servingLobster soupLobster trapLobster ___ DiavoloLobster ___ NewburgLobster's cousinLobster's grasping structureLobster-like crustaceanLobsterlikeLobsters-to-beLoc. ___LocalLocal agent's ultimate green housingLocal area in blue and orange all but finished after redevelopmentLocal area network memberLocal ascetic?Local assessmentLocal authorityLocal birds find chap a bit goatish, in a wayLocal black drink that is on front of magazineLocal blockLocal bone is removedLocal borders?Local chairman's heading offLocal choice behind change in selection processLocal church admitted to previous naivetyLocal communities bug heroin suspect with violent criminalsLocal council memberLocal criminal regularly goes for artworkLocal cutie pie?Local dialectLocal dignitary hiding man in treeLocal educ. support groupLocal election campaign sLocal employee saving master's papersLocal fan of the N.H.L.'sLocal fare?Local farmersLocal favourite criticised, wearing unimaginative stripLocal favourite takes nothing from disappointing mark in collegeLocal forecast focusLocal form of languageLocal from NE coming round at fourLocal fund-raising grp.Local girl's close shaveLocal gossip is what folk tend mostly to spread aroundLocal government advice for auditorsLocal government advice for auditors?Local government areaLocal government buildingLocal government headLocal government headquartersLocal govt. unitLocal heroes made rough formationLocal hyenas intermittently entering ground emptied in clearanceLocal I love — Nag's Head — enjoys majestic settingLocal independent newsLocal inexperienced model's introducedLocal inhabitantLocal inhabitant, for instance, kept inside? NoLocal installation always needing power during strikeLocal intonationLocal Iron Age construction's closer to hillLocal Iron Age development on lakeLocal issue that's not seriousLocal language formLocal language variationLocal language, sayLocal lingoLocal linguistic usageLocal listingsLocal London football team spurned by PolesLocal loses name when backing musicalLocal man acquires sports calendarLocal manager dismisses article that's freely availableLocal managersLocal match times requiring left-winger to turn up firstLocal network installed in loft by the oceanLocal network process interrupting web when current surges firstLocal news after oneLocal news hourLocal noncollegian, to a Local officeLocal officials, historically, turn up on drugsLocal operation?Local or regional Boy ScoLocal org.Local outletLocal over by naturism centre curious, plainlyLocal papers going after a suckerLocal peaceful end is nigh, perhaps, as a perishing alternativeLocal personality?Local plants I'd taken from coastal stateLocal political div.Local regulationLocal regulationsLocal requirement to decorate a thousand or a million, sayLocal resident having no time to be greenLocal resident in antique countryLocal resident more unpleasant about prisonerLocal resident of Tampere, maybe, loudly dismissedLocal resort repaired Queen's RideLocal restorer restored railroad rideLocal restrictionLocal runner joining army unit is no monarchistLocal salt on English shellfishLocal site for missile launch?Local speech day: smart chap opens itLocal speech variantLocal staffer for Al JazeLocal standing with party and community to break hostile type, villainLocal stockLocal store fleeced a policeman, according to SpoonerLocal store has shaved the fuzz for Spooner?Local team in tears, mostlyLocal tenor struggling - something about the throat?Local theater, slangilyLocal theatersLocal theaters, in slangLocal tinned potatoes in Delhi?Local tour that goes swimmingly?Local types I'd ordered around like a tyrantLocal uniform adopted by leaders of parading bandLocal university replaced by separate sage?Local variety of languageLocal vessel managed single-handedly?Local vessel that's managed single-handedly?Local way of talkingLocal wine and half a curry university coversLocal worker, margin squeezed in tradeLocal youngster displaying attitude in confines of BrechinLocal ___Local's first in to deliver soothing treatmentLocal, where I go and learn to get drunkLocaleLocale called MinnahannocLocale for 1999 solar eclLocale for a cattailLocale for a lashingLocale for a New York divLocale for a pioneer famiLocale for a seat of honoLocale for a spankingLocale for a trophy displLocale for a VelLocale for a vision of thLocale for an Olivier AwaLocale for an outdoor parLocale for AnnaLocale for Apfelstrudel aLocale for binocularsLocale for Bo-PeepLocale for Che Guevara inLocale for four World SerLocale for Georgia O'KeefLocale for HezbollahLocale for many a gondolaLocale for most of the NeLocale for Osama bin LadeLocale for pinsLocale for Santa's teamLocale for some divingLocale for some Gauguin aLocale for Switz. or the Locale for this puzzle's Locale for two Summer OlyLocale identifierLocale in a 1964 hitLocale in a 1968 Beatles Locale in a Beatles songLocale in a Carlo Levi beLocale in a classic FrankLocale in a Dr. Seuss titLocale in a Poe storyLocale in a westernLocale in ExodusLocale in the game ClueLocale in western LondonLocale of 1990's fightingLocale of a much-visited Locale of a Penn State caLocale of an 1805 NapoleoLocale of ancient AquitaiLocale of ancient UrLocale of famous playing Locale of Hoosier beachesLocale of Krypton in the Locale of many Italian viLocale of many outsourcedLocale of Prince Albert aLocale of Ptolemy's lightLocale of richesLocale of seven C. S. LewLocale of Sitting Bull CoLocale of some hangings: Locale of some U.S. navalLocale of the Locale of the Bocca NuovaLocale of the Cantabrian Locale of the Carpathian Locale of the highways H1Locale of the radial notcLocale of the world's lonLocale of Theban ruinsLocale of two famous bankLocale of U.N. peacekeepiLocale of Uhuru PeakLocale of Vict. and N.S.WLocale receiving investmeLocale shrouded in mysterLocalesLocales for ducksLocales for residents?: ALocales for some oratorsLocales for some paintingLocales for streamsLocales of frequent injurLocales of mineral watersLocalised decomposition of body tissueLocalised necrosisLocalitiesLocalityLocality housing northern stadiumLocality surrounding a royal residenceLocally-produced hormone-treated seeds of wild garlic randomly plantedLocals concerned with PolesLocals embracing girl are natives of stateLocals make them oftenLocals’ name for country satchel lassie carriesLocateLocate and correct computer program code errorsLocate branch office - it does nothing!Locate cookware componentLocate exactlyLocate female in daysLocate it in the middle of OssettLocate neckwear taken from University Challenge?Locate on the dialLocate patient lost in market areaLocate popular naval officer drowning in drinkLocate something lostLocate what's essential in Home CountiesLocate, as WaldoLocatedLocated abroadLocated along a large strLocated by Scottish island, returns and tells a storyLocated in Budapest, a terraced propertyLocated in India, grand site of famous buildingLocated in Vermont (an American State)Located outsideLocated while in sleeping placeLocates different rooms nearbyLocates upsetting quotes: "ET autistic?" "Somewhat"Locatin' a demonstrationLocatin' protestLocatingLocationLocation accommodating a royal residenceLocation around River WearLocation by the byway?Location coops up ten plucked hens - or half a dozen more?Location faculty mentionedLocation finderLocation for 24-hr. bankiLocation for a fallLocation for eventLocation for personal decoration displaying British honoureesLocation for play people without exception rememberLocation for shooting singular rock opera needs backingLocation for the ends of Location for the FallLocation for Wendy house reflected equal right to lightLocation housing a royal buildingLocation identifier: AbbrLocation in a Donizetti oLocation in Europe’s fine planetary vehicles?Location in FranceLocation indicator on a screenLocation initially adopted by overturned house's top?Location likely to see better girl embracing starLocation near Manchester, not right place for soup ingredientsLocation of a film one’s shotLocation of a starry beltLocation of abbey displaying seabird cast in metal?Location of BaghdadLocation of Clacton-on-SeaLocation of dam and entrance to animal pen?Location of fire initially suppressed with soilLocation of Greek oracle guided retreating Greek characterLocation of hip joint featuring rock star on pianoLocation of member of 24's old theatre cuttingLocation of Olympus MonsLocation of one elevated hermit’s collected announcements?Location of oral senseLocation of paintings retrospective shows classLocation of Papal palace in FranceLocation of Schönbrunn PalaceLocation of shopping arcade? Likely in the centreLocation of stated exhibitionLocation of Stow, possibly - in the chilly South?Location of teacher's pet's close callLocation of the Boston MoLocation of the Great Salt LakeLocation of the quadricepLocation of toilet, say, on motorwayLocation of travelling ocean liner, generallyLocation of two of the clLocation of war not American wrongdoingLocation of writing? No record when consumed by candleLocation reporter's visitedLocation that’s superb when going backLocation to bookmark: AbbLocation upset former schoolfellow? It’ll have no effect on meLocation upset old boy — it's of no medical benefitLocation where one might serve drink before dateLocation, something that helps with shot, we hearLocation; outburstLocationsLocations for buds or studs?Locations for declamationLocations for many pipesLocations for Pluto, someLocations for some schoolLocations for tentsLocations losing last English molluscLocations of some secret Locations, old-styleLoch in the Great GlenLoch Lomond localLoch Lomond lovelyLoch Ness dweller, they sLoch Ness monster, e.g.Loch of ScotlandLoch secret out in an English townLoch ___Loch ___ monsterLoch ___, on the River ShLockLock apertureLock changer?Lock cleanerLock combination?Lock down leader abandoning stateLock featureLock for phone permit included in covering letterLock giantLock head of state away after uprisingLock holderLock holdersLock hornsLock horns (with)Lock in colleague's support for retired peopleLock in the experts, they're only pretending to workLock large aircraft door that's not openedLock localeLock locationLock makerLock minutes in small cupboard as reading aidLock nameLock of a woman's hairLock of hairLock of hair given emphasis — not the firstLock of hair, maybeLock of hair, very French, extended at end?Lock on live bombLock openerLock opener?Lock openersLock openingLock or luck followerLock partLock phone before Terry returnsLock phone, given licenceLock plateLock problem?Lock producerLock securerLock securing object in styleLock shed with no external features, in line with sporting regulationsLock siteLock site, maybeLock sitesLock sleeping criminal in steel barsLock smith?Lock soldier up inside for hunting femaleLock star re-uses regularlyLock theatre's spare boxesLock trouble revealed by open door?Lock upLock up and downLock up for a long timeLock up penguin killerLock up repellent figure smuggling in brewLock up rogue, no gentleman on reflectionLock up young man supporting African warriors without resistanceLock web address after X linked to copyrightLock where key may be found a hindranceLock with no key?Lock worker's increase in scaleLock, stock and barrelLock, stock and barrel hoLock-keeper’s slow declineLock-openerLock-openersLock-picking toolLock-securing mesh?Lock-up roomLockbox documentLockdown enforcer endlessly complained, unfortunatelyLocked (up)Locked awayLocked bookLocked inLocked upLocked up before Green Street festivalLocked, as a lavatoryLockerLocker artLocker insetLocker photo, maybeLocker room activityLocker room emanationLocker room featuresLocker room habituLocker room handoutLocker room itemLocker room powderLocker room shower?Locker room supplyLocker sitesLockersLocket shapeLocket, oftenLockheed Martin fieldLockheed P-38 featureLocking deviceLocking device with two toothed edges and a sliding tabLocking leverLockjawLockkeeper catching something cold and black in a netLockkeeper dodging the rainLockmakerLockmaker of noteLocksLocks around a lineLocks books inside? That's bluster!Locks bought in a store?Locks can be set by this fuel company when carrying uranium miles from east to westLocks cutterLocks guarding entrance to Scottish minister's residenceLocks holderLocks horns (with)Locks in a barn?Locks in a stableLocks in a zoo?Locks localeLocks of hairLocks of hair and suchLocks on a domeLocks out of a tower, in Locks securing books and eyewashLocks tidierLocks turned by soldiers protecting uniform's charmLocks upLocks up for a whileLocks up quartet missing feminine charmLocks up small cabin: what trespasser might do?Locks up unusually sour delightsLocks up with this chain - orgy without clothes to tearLocks washerLocksmith not fully developing corporationLocksmith primarily selected instrument to remove frontLockupLockup lineupLockup overseerLocoLoco — where one may end up after crash?Loco and carriages show how to goLoco caught by travelling icon, always on the moveLoco dabbler?Loco enthusiast gives instruction to ceramic workerLoco operatorLoco senior dancing around short nudeLoco, a flier?Loco? Calm down!Locomobile competitorLocomobile contemporaryLocomotionLocomotiveLocomotive fuelLocomotive furnaceLocomotive partLocomotive stokerLocum laid crib out for babyfood supplierLocum work is alluring, but only half the timeLocum work is attractive? Not a second timeLocums: doctors, including one chasing rising amounts of moneyLocusLocus for enthusiasts regularly using revolutionary toyLocus of scandal: criminal scope of it carrying forceLocust or beetleLocust treeLocust tree featureLocusts and wild honey, tLode depositLode loadLode stonesLode yieldLodestone, for exampleLodgeLodge by the sea with Hugo perhaps, after leaving hospitalLodge close to dangerous riverLodge fellowsLodge groupLodge in valley accommodating wifeLodge lettersLodge memberLodge membersLodge membership, maybeLodge of the Fraternal OrLodge opening?Lodge residentLodge signLodge with a mud roofLodge-making rodentLodgedLodgerLodger and woman around after hours? Something transparent hereLodger's complimentary to relationsLodgers essentially drink unlimited tea at the start, causing irritationLodgesLodgingLodging (a complaint)Lodging placeLodging suit finally after libel spreadLodgingsLodgings - snide remarksLodgings of newly-weds, not goodLodgings, informallyLoeb and Bonet of showbizLOER-PRICED BOOKLoewe's partner on BroadwLoftLoft-y place?Lofted approaches to the LoftierLofts stripped frequentlyLoftyLofty 13 acrossLofty abodeLofty address abbr.Lofty ambitions may belie frailness at heartLofty – improbableLofty beginning?Lofty declaration of model at work?Lofty digsLofty duke following senior relativeLofty dwellingLofty dwelling identified by detective crossing Rhode IslandLofty groups?Lofty homeLofty idealist's ultimate motive for betrayalLofty is glad about English victoryLofty linesLofty lyricLofty perchLofty placeLofty place for an academLofty praiseLofty pursuitLofty reportedly tolerated having noble parentsLofty reproofLofty retreatLofty roostLofty storyLofty strongholdLofty tributeLofty verseLofty worksLofty's 'prior use' rumpusLogLog - discLog a builder finally used in home improvementsLog boardLog cabin material, maybeLog cabin PresidentLog cutterLog floatLog holderLog holder, perhapsLog homeLog in streamLog into a Tory's daft predictionsLog lying across motorway bendLog of charges for entry?Log onLog on with aim to corrupt countryLog or boardLog over canalLog rollers?Log tossed in competitionLog touching piece of rope?Log typo misprinted including line written in many languagesLog you could make treen fromLog-burning timeLog-cutting areaLog-in infoLog-in requirementLog-keeper dismissed, log not startedLog-on codeLog-on nameLog-towing bargeLogan Airport luggage letLogan of "60 Minutes"Logan's homeLogan's localeLogbook itemsLogbook oddly missing for bulk carrierLoggedLogger's toolLoggerheads, e.g.Loggers' contestLogging leftover (2 wds.)Logging toolLogging toolsLogging-on needLogging-on requirementLogicLogic diagramLogic helping the French to accept answerLogic's counterpartLogicalLogical anaesthetic used in proportionate quantityLogical basis for a course of actionLogical beginning?Logical bloke, he's one to be welcomedLogical conclusionLogical conclusion to thesis, one written in studyLogical consistency – cheer onceLogical engineers like 1DLogical flawsLogical intro?Logical introduction?Logical Mr.Logical result of Cornish river and home counties being adjacent?Logical Scot unwrapped present - booksLogical start?Logical statement that contradicts itselfLogical system error mostly with unfruitful broken lab gearLogical thinker abandoned sheikhdom - Noah!Logical, going against the ideas of left-wingers?Logical, lucidLogical, reasonedLogically decide what could produce a snoreLogically reasoningLogically soundLogicianLogician grasps 1 across in capitalLogician in spaceLogician's abbr.Logician's drawingLogician's phraseLogician's wordLogin IDLogoLogo - patternLogo along U.S. highways,Logo at Arthur Ashe StadiLogo for channel that is reversing its polarity?Logo image for "The RockyLogo of the Clemson TigerLogo to signify minicab "optional" when all emptyLogophile's love: Abbr.LogosLogos and such: Abbr.Logos and the like: Abbr.LogsLogs - wood that is cutLohengrin and othersLohengrin sheltering land's first colonistLohengrin's brideLohengrin's inamorataLohengrin's loveLohengrin, the Knight of Loin steakLoinclothLoincloth can make a number very warm, I concludeLoincloth worn by IndiansLoincloths do this after being adjustedLoireLoire estuary portLoire grapeLoire laughLoire valley productLois Lane exclusiveLois Lane often needed onLois Lane player Durance Lois Lane player of earlyLois of "Superman"Lois of the Daily PlanetLois, to HiLoiterLoiter listlesslyLoiter with no apparent aimLoitersLOL, out loudLola in "Damn Yankees," eLola of "Golden Boy"Lola, e.g., in "Damn YankLola, in "Damn Yankees"Lolita's settled inLolita, e.g.LollLoll in a tubLollapaloozaLolledLollingLollipop flavorLollobrigida and othersLollobrigida of filmLollsLolls around with colleagues in educational institutionLolly - basic foodLollygagLollygaggedLollygagsLombard Street featureLombardia's capitalLombardy capitalLombardy holiday area, favoured by George Clooney and MadonnaLombardy province or its Lombardy townLombardy's Lake ___Lomond, e.g.lonLon ___ of CambodiaLon's "Frankenstein MeetsLondon "stops"London 24 seen primarily in 3 on leftLondon airportLondon and SE might be OK, somehowLondon areaLondon area and South Herts town a must for The ArchersLondon area of note with nothingLondon area sadly often heaving, overcrowded, first of allLondon area south of Hyde ParkLondon area with an annual carnivalLondon area's one mistake? Chasing gameLondon art galleryLondon attractionLondon band finish up in serviceLondon boroughLondon borough - Matthew's roleLondon borough behind minister's briefLondon borough containingLondon borough cut back foreign moneyLondon borough losing billions in income from tenantsLondon borough with WemblLondon borough with WimblLondon borough, site of the Royal ObservatoryLondon Bridge's home now:London broil, oftenLondon building a large place to sleep everyoneLondon building redesigned again? Not really, with pounds needed for investmentLondon by M1: BMW to come off and park here?London cathedralLondon CIDLondon columnistLondon coppersLondon courtLondon cricket groundLondon criminal, one going to potLondon dailyLondon designer tucked into dinner with revolutionaryLondon dignitary, proverbially clever fellow with striking fashionLondon districtLondon district badly contravened ruling in the endLondon district blasts story with change of characterLondon district heralding extremely inventive musicianLondon district known for its nightlifeLondon district where one can drink at home when short of timeLondon entertainment distLondon facilitiesLondon facilityLondon finalesLondon fish marketLondon flea market siteLondon flood defenceLondon fogLondon Fog, e.g.London football clubLondon football club, founded 1881London football teamLondon force HQLondon forecastLondon galleryLondon gardens, grass borders taking an oblique courseLondon giant’s journey featured in periodicalLondon greetingLondon guards desire securing house in part of East LondonLondon had the first one London hospital adopting playful way to present dataLondon hospital describes treatment of cholera by degreeLondon hrs.London icon close to Shard omitted in pictorial representationLondon institutionLondon institution, with London labelLondon landlord that's facing sentence?London landmarkLondon landmark between The Mall and Trafalgar SquareLondon lavLondon lavatoryLondon lengthLondon letter getterLondon libationLondon lineLondon locale of Prada, DLondon locale: Abbr.London lockupsLondon Magazine essayistLondon Magazine writerLondon medical districtLondon museumLondon museum bearing down on large destructive thugLondon native, informallyLondon newspaperLondon newspaper's plagiarisms, for exampleLondon night life areaLondon or LisbonLondon or New York distriLondon park nameLondon Parliament series London perhaps first for the wealthy investorLondon Philharmonic foundLondon players raised zero capitalLondon police attending good party in spooky locationLondon police carrying rajah's wife up towerLondon police, endless subjectLondon premiership football teamLondon prisonLondon prison almost cleanLondon priviesLondon productionLondon profits from this form of taxationLondon rail hubLondon rail terminusLondon residentLondon rugby playerLondon rugby venueLondon sectionLondon shopping districtLondon side no longer established in leading groupLondon soccer teamLondon stageLondon stationLondon statue originally London statue painful to knock overLondon stock exchange indexLondon street with many private clubsLondon streets, in a mannLondon suburb that's not all there?London subway, with "the"London Sun tidbitLondon Taxi: sorry horseLondon terminusLondon theater districtLondon theater Old ___London theatre in the round?London theatre players itch occasionallyLondon theatre's Gilbert's workLondon tourist attraction, one exerting a pullLondon tourist stopLondon Tube station - lit neon light tagLondon TV inits.London Underground entrance about to close earlyLondon Underground, with London university splitting noble gas particleLondon weather, oftenLondon weekly, with "The"London XV run in without ParisianLondon Zoo feature?London Zoo localeLondon Zoo opening?London ___London’s riverLondon's Big ___London's Borough Market has endless foil to wrap upLondon's Central Criminal CourtLondon's country (abbr.)London's Covent Garden anLondon's easternmost area?London's flood protection systemLondon's insurance marketLondon's locale: Abbr.London's locationLondon's Old ___London's Old ___ (criminaLondon's oldest professional football club, established 1879London's oldest restaurant is the best!London's riverLondon's street for men's suiting?London's ___ CourtLondon's ___ GalleryLondon's ___ GardensLondon's ___ Hill GateLondon's ___ of CourtLondon's ___ ParkLondon's ___ Road StudiosLondon's ___ SquareLondon, for example, wins one away from Uber - it reduces profitsLondon-based place to plaLondon-to-Dover dir.London-to-Lisbon dir.Londonderry ladLondonerLondoner likely to knock Hoskins's head off?Londoner or Liverpudlian,Londoner's bird, one taking part in cockfight?Londoner's breakLondoner's localLondoner, e.g.Londoner, e.g., for shortLoneLone answer for New Orleans, more for Rome, for instance?Lone buck roaming Germany without obstructionLone in being troubled using the Net?Lone performerLone playerLone Ranger without emotion failed to crack puzzle soonLone Ranger's companionLone Ranger's cryLone Star sch.Lone Star StateLone Star State cowboyLone Star State duties?Lone Star State nicknameLone Star State sch.Lone Star Stater's northeLone Star StatersLone Star, e.g.Lone trip devised for anti-crime organisationLONE WOLFLone, solitaryLone; fishLone; part of footLoneliness parents feel when their children leave homeLonelyLonely female at dance makes a bloomerLonely figure in theatre group, having taken a deviant approach after reflectionLonely hearts' venue is a blessing in disguise, right?Lonely heightsLonely husbands not fully understanding wise words, unfortunatelyLonely lady on vacation for a bitLonely numberLonely one reprimanded about nothingLonely opera heroine mostly worried insideLonely outlookLonely place, supposedlyLonely single approaches 'Dateline' in excitementLonely trucker, perhapsLonely type behind upwardly mobile Chinese peopleLonely, abandonedLonely, fail to go back into romantic meetingLonerLoner forced to join upLoner in sports ground, learner needing exerciseLonersLoners at sea carrying kilo in swimming gearLoners I help to entertain recentlyLonesome artist retreating after short gibe?Lonesome George of early Lonette of "The Cotton ClLongLong (for)Long access road at house? Stop being proud?Long account from bores againLong adventure filmLong affair with pastry, chocolate and cream?Long agoLong ago one fired transport provider to stop silly mistakesLong and eventful journeyLong and exhausting marchLong and hollowLong and impressiveLong and impressive European filmLong and leanLong and limpLong and sharply pointedLong and short of itLong and sinuousLong and tedious listLong and tedious recitalLong and thin piece of wood, not softLong and thin; droopingLong and yellow, with no tailLong angry speechLong angry speechesLong arduous journeyLong arduous walkLong armLong arm of the eastern MediterraneanLong arm of the Indian Ocean between Africa and ArabiaLong arm?Long arms?Long article about explosiveLong article by Ernesto Guevara?Long Asian riverLong audible exhalationLong avenue or garden pathLong backless sofaLong band of colourLong bands of colourLong base of a shipLong basket, in basketbalLong basket, in hoops linLong bathLong bathsLong beat?Long bitter rowLong blade in swordsman's kitLong bonesLong borders made primarily for a large plantLong boring speech illustrating singular belief …Long bounding strideLong boutLong Branch Saloon propriLong Branch Saloon visitoLong British riverLong bug, thin leafLong campaignLong canine in Dracula, I guess, as long when oddly shaped?Long catalogueLong charity TV showLong church seatLong cigar with blunt endsLong coarse hairLong coat Robin perhaps draped across equineLong complicated proceduresLong convoluted processLong cream cakeLong cream puffLong crusty loafLong curtainsLong curved fruitLong cushion provides helpLong cutLong daggerLong day in which one has little energy when books are balanced?Long deep slashLong depression containing a riverLong dissertationLong distance inits.Long distance lettersLong distance raceLong distance traveller to arrive on timeLong distance? Insubstantial and not entirely longLong document beginning to support belief systemLong document's ruined week offLong dog with no headLong doleful cryLong drain beginning to dry outLong drawn-outLong dressLong drink containing peel from plump fruitLong drink containing very soft fruitLong drink contains very soft fruitLong drink in beer garden?Long drink very quietly consumed, a juice?Long E's, in GreekLong envelope's unsealedLong establishedLong eventLong eventful journeyLong feathers blow overLong feature of a crocodiLong fifth option at the ATM?Long fightsLong film showing in the picturesLong filmsLong fishLong fish – what makes you see length?Long fishesLong flagLong flag - bad coldLong flightsLong flowing garmentsLong forLong for (something)Long for clubs to go wildLong for European girlLong for leader to pre-empt troubleLong for oxygen during hard exerciseLong for the longer sleepers perhaps half of LNER and one third of LMS usedLong for wage rise director holds backLong for, with "to"Long forks, for example?Long garmentLong garment lacking a measure of thermal protectionLong goneLong grass on course is hard and rather unevenLong grass totally pointlessLong greenLong green box?Long green edible vegetable seed podsLong gunLong hairLong hair at trial tidied upLong hard journeyLong hard journey on footLong hard marchLong haulLong haulerLong heavy overcoatLong heavy sea wavesLong heavy wave approaching the shoreLong heroic poemLong heroic storyLong hiding behind elegant treeLong hikeLong historical periodLong hold-up after the startLong hoursLong hyphenLong iced drinkLong iced drink of gin, lemon juice and soda waterLong in debt, splashing out for dogLong in durationLong in filmsLong in moviesLong in politicsLong in the past?Long in the toothLong intervalLong intro?Long introduction for hole in oneLong introduction?Long involved storiesLong involved storyLong Island airfieldLong Island airfield townLong Island communityLong Island community norLong Island countyLong Island county seatLong Island county west oLong Island Rail Road staLong Island Railroad stopLong Island seafront has iron fence for those who work there?Long Island townLong Island town near BayLong Island town where thLong Island town with a wLong Island town, site ofLong Island universityLong John Silver featureLong John Silver, e.g.Long johns, e.g.Long journeyLong journey cut short by maiden with large jewellery - a sign of fear?Long journey ends in disappointment for the monkLong journey that may encounter a hitch?Long jump or 100-meter daLong jumper doesn't want strong fieldLong jumper perhaps allowed to enter running heatLong keyLong keystrokeLong known for playing foLong lastingLong lead for electric current must be plugged into computerLong lead taken from back of MacintoshLong leases unusual in cityLong leg and pointLong leg?Long letter needing its introduction cutLong line for food storeLong line in RomeLong lines on a timelineLong linking passageLong live supermarket with only one American potatoLong live the Emperor of Zanzibar, unclothed and dancingLong live!Long loafLong loaf - tube gateLong lockLong locksLong lookLong look suppressed by British singletonLong lookersLong looksLong loose overcoatLong lost texts found mixed up in local addressesLong lunch?Long marchLong March leaderLong March participantsLong march; increaseLong message, missing opening, came to a conclusionLong mournful complaintLong nap?Long narrative poemLong narrow apertureLong narrow crackLong narrow cutLong narrow depression in the ocean bedLong narrow ditchLong narrow flagLong narrow flagsLong narrow furrowLong narrow hill topLong narrow hilltopLong narrow inlet of the seaLong narrow inlets start to join in Capri and Granada?Long narrow markLong narrow passageLong narrow sea inlets between steep cliffs in NorwayLong narrow stripLong noteLong novel I read initially back in first school group?Long oddsLong of "Boyz N the Hood"Long on screenLong ones are riskyLong operatic soloLong or short measureLong overcoatLong overnight flightLong overnight passenger flightLong part of a roseLong party held after collegeLong passLong passagewayLong pastLong past its primeLong peg is about right for bit of woodLong periodLong period at school with computer studies followed by English - that could be bad for woodworkLong period at the top of eg show businessLong period before NovemberLong period of historyLong period of time before noonLong period of time certain to result in obliterationLong period of time that’s new? (and a hint to eight other clues)Long period with very low temperaturesLong period, as of illnesLong periodsLong periods entertaining Northern girlLong piece of glasswareLong piece of woodLong piece of writingLong pieces of tartan worn over the shoulderLong pillowLong pin seamstress found round back of shackLong pin used on a spitLong poemLong poem - awesome!Long poem cut by half causes widespread ill-feelingLong pointed weaponLong poles with footrestsLong priestly vestment, a poundLong prison termLong programme broadcast to raise money for a causeLong prongLong protruding toothLong pub drink containing very soft fruitLong queue's left to make way for parkingLong raceLong raised stripLong range?Long recalled that woman penning start of criminal codeLong reign, e.g.Long reptiles, in shortLong ribbons to wind around a legal titleLong ride?Long rides?Long right jabs this close to heavyweightLong river of AsiaLong roadsLong rowLong runLong sandwichLong scarfLong sea journeyLong seatLong seat in church aisle needing lengthLong seen on TVLong sentenceLong sentence beginning in Parkhurst? Errant, corrupt serial adulterer probably won't get oneLong sentence in biographyLong sentence poet's always put in part of book titleLong sentence technique inherently echoic, e.g. 8 18D for 3Long series of troublesLong series of woesLong server behind Greens - one's confusedLong severe scoldingLong short storyLong short timeLong shot from footballer going over close to nettingLong shot, for sureLong shot?Long side of right-angled triangleLong skirtLong skirt ending below the calfLong skirtsLong slender cigarLong slender swordLong slice of feta cheeseLong slimy fishLong snake about to eat iguana's headLong solo speechLong soot?Long sparLong speech upset those against housing refugees and migrants, initiallyLong springLong squeezerLong stays in bedLong steady gaitLong stepLong stick used in mudflat hikingLong storiesLong storyLong story a source of joy when upsetLong story about Eeyore’s tailLong story about Eeyore, primarilyLong story about end of EmpireLong story about single antelopeLong story by new French writerLong story describing the end of empireLong story entertains beginning to endLong story interrupted by hysterics in the middleLong story: ear needs boxingLong streamer displayed by group, role-playingLong stretchLong stretch of timeLong stretchesLong strip of pastaLong suitLong suitsLong taleLong tale about Melibee, ultimatelyLong talesLong tales about Romeo having problem getting seaweedLong talkLong tapering flagLong thin cigarLong thin fishLong thin markLong thin pipeLong thin scarfLong thin stripLong throw dismissing openerLong throw needing powerLong throw striking openerLong timeLong time associated with a YBALong time before noonLong time before NovemberLong time Conservative occupying US city officeLong time followerLong time in enclosure being theatricalLong time in that Midwest stateLong time metaphorLong time offLong time shut up in seraglioLong time since deregulation for companiesLong time sitting on stool in lower chamberLong time to waitLong time with artistLong time: Abbr.Long time: Var.Long timesLong times in LimaLong times to live: Abbr.Long times: Abbr.Long tiring walk for vagrantLong to accept piece of advice in place of PPE?Long to be a revolutionaryLong to be back on stage in the London areaLong to be in environment of court prestigeLong to decorate? Not I!Long to dress daughter with outstanding accessoryLong to eat a T-bone, making passionate speechLong to eat something on plate before noon, eating for twoLong to enter man’s cooking areaLong to get hold of narrow piece of clothLong to get leg over and begin apaceLong to get up for Muslim festivalLong to haveLong to have a Granny Smith? Or another fruit?Long to have maiden on rug shortly? Seize the chance!Long to have smart clothing? Sewing is requiredLong to ignore head and make moneyLong to join club in film studiosLong to make some money after end of studyLong to marry after losing first husbandLong to possess a strong yellow protective garmentLong to receive explanation for viewer's complaintLong to return carrying silver dish with pipingLong to run into class that's coming up? Do they?Long to teach English without restrictionsLong toothLong traffic jamLong traffic queueLong trenchLong tressesLong tubeLong tubesLong twelve months before end of recessionLong twelvemonth at end of campaignLong uninterrupted speechLong upholstered seatLong walkLong walk in the mountains?Long walksLong waterproof bootsLong way after English, unknown Portuguese greeting French authorLong way off about the originatorLong way to go?Long way to walk in endless bid for spicy foodLong way?Long weaponLong wearing tailored sari — here, perhaps?Long week finally occupied randomly learningLong wheelsLong whileLong whites, e.g.Long without drugs, initially ecstasy, not allowing a fix?Long workday, perhapsLong woven scarfLong year on International Space Station essentially very hardLong __, in the distant pastLong ___: Abbr.Long, angry complaintLong, arduous walksLong, as a garmentLong, dismal cryLong, drawn vote securing Independent winLong, drawn-out excuseLong, drawn-out storiesLong, endless length of timeLong, eventful journeyLong, eventful, wandering journeyLong, for shortLong, high passLong, in a wayLong, like ripe bananasLong, long sentenceLong, long ship deserted on riverLong, long timeLong, long ___Long, narrative poemLong, narrow cloudLong, narrow pieceLong, old hands grasping Oscar in picturesLong, on LanaiLong, slender cigarLong, slender instrumentLong, slow and dullLong, thick locks securing small ministers’ housesLong, thin musical instruLong, thin stripLong-ago battle protectioLong-ago year?Long-armed animalLong-armed apeLong-armed ape, for shortLong-armed apesLong-armed redheadsLong-armed simian, for shLong-armed SumatransLong-armed zoo creatureLong-barrelled firearmLong-barrelled gunLong-barrelled weaponLong-bearded typeLong-billed game birdLong-billed marsh birdLong-billed waderLong-billed wading birdsLong-bodied lizardLong-bodied reptileLong-crested birdLong-disproven scientificLong-distance call letterLong-distance call starteLong-distance call?Long-distance calls?Long-distance commuter's Long-distance inits.Long-distance lettersLong-distance lorry driverLong-distance number starLong-distance prefixes (2 wds.)Long-distance raceLong-distance runner called an Uber for a stretchLong-distance runner in Spain with nothing onLong-distance runner receiving bravos on run is a dainty eaterLong-distance runner's complaintLong-distance service witLong-distance startsLong-distance supplier of Meals on Wheels?Long-distance swimmer DiaLong-distance traveller from Maine sleeping like a baby?Long-distance traveller needs to reach Everest's baseLong-distance traveller, name, international players recalledLong-distance traveller, singular fast bowlerLong-distance traveller’s advantage - importing paper on returnLong-distance travellers step right aboardLong-distance travellers, parsecs awayLong-distance walkerLong-eared animalLong-eared animalsLong-eared equineLong-eared farm animalLong-eared hopperLong-eared houndLong-eared mammalLong-eared petLong-established bank up in Aldershot disheartened, shifting head of staffLong-established customLong-facedLong-feathered wading birLong-gone birdLong-haired bovine a woman raisedLong-haired catLong-haired cat, goat, or rabbitLong-haired lagomorphLong-haired sheepdogLong-haired sporting poochLong-haired Turkish cat or rabbitLong-handled broom made of twigsLong-handled implementLong-handled itch-removerLong-handled toolLong-handled tool for cutting grass or grainLong-haul flyers go and see new centre of Hiroshima rebuiltLong-haul workers from Manchester somehow getting the last wordLong-held record?Long-horned antelopeLong-horned goatLong-jawed fishLong-jawed fishesLong-jawed swimmerLong-knownLong-lastingLong-lasting bad rule replacedLong-lasting housetopLong-lasting prettiness requires surgeryLong-lasting series of Superman, enthrallingLong-lasting stain finally covered by rug - it's colouredLong-lasting, in commerciLong-lasting; deplorableLong-leaved lettuceLong-leggedLong-legged birdLong-legged fisherLong-legged fishersLong-legged sea animal seLong-legged shore birdLong-legged shorebirdLong-legged shorebird with a slender upward-curving billLong-legged waderLong-legged wadersLong-legged wading birdLong-legged wading bird with upward-curving billLong-legged, long-necked birdLong-limbedLong-limbed South American primateLong-limbed, as a modelLong-lost article on country farmer?Long-lost friend, to an eLong-necked animalLong-necked birdLong-necked creatureLong-necked instrumentLong-necked instrumentsLong-necked luteLong-necked wadersLong-necked, migratory aquatic birdsLong-nosed fishLong-playing discLong-range German gun of Long-range picture of huge creature (not small creature) among musicians of AfricaLong-range shootersLong-range weapon, brieflLong-range weapon, for shLong-respected king, say, entertained by US magazine editorLong-running "S.N.L." rivLong-running Art and ChipLong-running B'way musicaLong-running Broadway musLong-running Broadway shoLong-running CBS hitLong-running columnLong-running disputeLong-running disputesLong-running film roleLong-running musical from a particular country, but not nationalist, on reflectionLong-running NBC show, foLong-running TV hit beginLong-running TV programme possibly needs a restLong-running TV series seLong-running US TV programme with puppetsLong-serving soldier’s wife in chairLong-shot candidateLong-sleeved gloveLong-snouted fishLong-snouted swimmerLong-spouted canLong-standing resentmentLong-standing servantLong-stemmed clay pipeLong-stemmed flowersLong-stemmed vegetableLong-sufferingLong-suffering cat treated with oilsLong-suffering wife’s second to enter incomplete familyLong-tailed American parrotLong-tailed crowLong-tailed crow family memberLong-tailed dinosaurLong-tailed finchLong-tailed mothLong-tailed parrotLong-tailed parrots of Central and South AmericaLong-tailed pestLong-tailed primateLong-tailed rodentLong-term finan. plansLong-term increase in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphereLong-term lung conditionLong-term occupationLong-term planLong-term pollution conceLong-term prevalent weather conditionsLong-term prisonerLong-term security, for sLong-term servantLong-term sewing project?Long-term weatherLong-term, it's said you are in the finaleLong-time Moore co-starLong-toed bird with a harLong-tubed flowerLong-vowel markLong-windedLong-winded acceptance spLong-winded and ever so surprisingly absorbing bookLong-winded government-speak? Floundering fleabag fibs regularlyLong-winded oration of AnLong-winded poem swallows half of bookLong-winded speeches, e.gLong-winded storiesLong-winded story about king and mother discoveredLong-___Long. crosserLong. partnerLong.'s oppositeLongedLonged (for)Longed (to do something)Longed for fog to roll inLonged for Geordie to do a turn at HogmanayLonged to bamboozle the CIDLonged to dump husband, having just got marriedLonged to promote journalist (stickler for accuracy)Longed to receive team's kit with lined motifLongerLonger across than down lights on crossword allow puzzle enthusiast to startLonger and shorter periods reversed in final letterLonger and thinnerLonger in the toothLonger of the two forearm bonesLongest Asian riverLongest bone in the human bodyLongest book of the Book Longest dimensions of things that are fixed in placeLongest European river, flowing into the Caspian SeaLongest human boneLongest line of latitudeLongest of three years in penthouse, debauchedLongest river entirely inLongest river in ChinaLongest river in DeutschlLongest river in EuropeLongest river in FranceLongest river in ScotlandLongest river in SpainLongest river in TexasLongest river in the US, joining the Mississippi at St LouisLongest river in the worlLongest river of EuropeLongest river of ScotlandLongest river of SpainLongest running Brtish childen's comicLongest Spanish riverLongest-lived first ladyLongest-running memberLongest-serving French prLongest-serving senator iLongevityLongevity at the box offiLongfellow bell townLongfellow or Millay, by Longfellow poem subjectLongfellow's "Tales of a Longfellow's "The Bell ofLongfellow's "The Bells oLongfellow's 19th-century Native American chiefLongfellow's bell townLongfellow's heroLongfellow's Hiawatha, e.Longfellow's words beforeLongfellow, in a 1936 movLonghaired fad dollsLonghairsLonghorn rivalLonghorn's rivalLonghorn's school, informLonghorns, e.g.Longines rivalLongingLonging for 20 in Osaka?Longing for battle, lost againLonging for England, Browning now reviewed parade?Longing for home, cardinals ignored listener's complaintLonging for money overseasLonging for something pastLonging for something past - at closingLonging for the pastLonging for women, if lust unbridledLonging initially hard for femaleLonging to be lost again at seaLonging to be picking up information after new startLonging to get mortal might one say?Longing to remove initiator of political clean-upLonging to see province take part in online testLonging to thumb a lift in part of London?Longing to trap learner with setter's mystic artLonging, looking back again, lots fancyLonging, we hear, to be colouring clothes?LongingsLongish dressLongish skirtLongish storiesLongitude's partnerLongitudinal boat timberLongitudinal braceLongoria of "Desperate HoLongsLongs (for)Longs forLongs for order during main revolutionLongs to have time with partners at tableLongs to inhabit street that's most exclusiveLongs to regularly display options: easy!Longshanks in some measure unleashed war dogsLongship crewLongshoremanLongshoreman's deviceLongshoreman's venueLongstanding issueLongstocking lassLongtimeLongtime "ABC's Wide WorlLongtime "All My ChildrenLongtime "All Things ConsLongtime "Column One" priLongtime "Days of Our LivLongtime "Hollywood SquarLongtime "S.N.L." announcLongtime "Saturday Night Longtime "The Price Is RiLongtime "Today" co-hostLongtime "Today" figureLongtime "Today" hostLongtime "Today" show perLongtime "What's My Line"Longtime "What's My Line?Longtime ABC daytime dramLongtime ABC newsmanLongtime adviser to SaddaLongtime Arizona congressLongtime baseball managerLongtime battler of the MLongtime Bears coach GeorLongtime beau of OprahLongtime Big Apple restauLongtime Bob Hope broadcaLongtime Boston Symphony Longtime breath freshenerLongtime British Tory P.MLongtime buddyLongtime Buick modelLongtime cable inits.Longtime Capitol Hill nicLongtime CBS and NBC newsLongtime CBS boss WilliamLongtime CBS/ NBC newsmanLongtime CBS/CNN newsman Longtime Chicago Bears coLongtime Chicago maestroLongtime Chicago mayorLongtime Chicago SymphonyLongtime Chinese leaderLongtime classical music Longtime columnist for ThLongtime columnist who coLongtime Comiskey Park teLongtime Connecticut senaLongtime Cowboys coach ToLongtime D.C. delegate toLongtime dean of St. PaulLongtime Delaware senatorLongtime Democratic HouseLongtime Disney C.E.O. MiLongtime Disney execLongtime Disney nameLongtime Dodger manager TLongtime Dodgers ownerLongtime Dolphins coachLongtime Dolphins coach DLongtime drink nickname, Longtime Dungeons & DragoLongtime Elton John labelLongtime enemy of Wonder Longtime ESPN football anLongtime essayist for TheLongtime flame?Longtime Frazier foeLongtime G.E. chief with Longtime G.M. chief AlfreLongtime Georgia senatorLongtime Greenwich VillagLongtime guitar brandLongtime Guy Lombardo recLongtime Hapsburg domain:Longtime Harvard presidenLongtime Holmes portrayerLongtime Hoosier SenatorLongtime host of "ScientiLongtime human "Sesame StLongtime Hungarian leaderLongtime Indy 500 competiLongtime Israeli ambassadLongtime Israeli diplomatLongtime Israeli foreign Longtime John Wooden teamLongtime Kenyan leaderLongtime La Scala conductLongtime La Scala music dLongtime label for 38-DowLongtime Lakers commentatLongtime Leonard foeLongtime localLongtime Lorillard brandLongtime magazine subscriLongtime maker of the MagLongtime mall chainLongtime Massachusetts coLongtime McDonald's chiefLongtime Met basso BerberLongtime Mideast leaderLongtime morning TV hostLongtime N.C.A.A. basketbLongtime N.F.L. coach nicLongtime name in auto parLongtime name in news-gatLongtime name in photograLongtime Nascar sponsorLongtime NBC hostLongtime NBC Olympics hosLongtime NBC sitcom starLongtime NBC sports execLongtime NBC starLongtime NBC Symphony conLongtime New York senatorLongtime New York Sun ediLongtime New York theaterLongtime news inits.Longtime North Dakota senLongtime Olympics sportscLongtime Oreo competitorLongtime PBS seriesLongtime Penn State footbLongtime Philippine archbLongtime photographer forLongtime Playboy artist LLongtime power provider: Longtime radio advice-givLongtime record labelLongtime record label forLongtime record label of Longtime ring champLongtime Rolling Stones bLongtime SAC chiefLongtime Sierra Club direLongtime smokerLongtime sportswriter RogLongtime staple of daytimLongtime Strand writerLongtime Susan Lucci quesLongtime Susan Lucci roleLongtime Time rival, infoLongtime Times Sq. siteLongtime TV host with a 1Longtime TV inits.Longtime TV role for DansLongtime U.S. allyLongtime Vicki Lawrence cLongtime Wal-Mart symbolLongtime welterweight boxLongtime West Virginia seLongtime Yankee nicknameLongtime Yankee third basLongtime Yankees skipperLongtime Yes drummerLongtime Yugoslav chiefLongtime Yugoslav leaderLongtime Zimbabwean leadeLOOLoo cover lifted, sit awhile: which 9 preceded 23 1?Loo diva redesigned in special shapeLoo in Louisiana?Loo labelLoo messageLoo signLoo with no lid and double U-bend inside extremely contraryLoofah, e.g.Looie's subordinateLooie's underlingLookLook — a ghost about to vanish!Look (around)Look (at)Look (for)Look (into)Look (over)Look - alloy has no little weightLook - area of London without ocean in part looking like French seaportLook - gooseLook - openers in batting order seen in pavilionLook - seed inside a caperLook - sloth runsLook about to get posh male doctorLook accompanying a lineLook afterLook after a bull for DaisyLook after book about the EU?Look after carefullyLook after chief, popular with armyLook after complete bishopricLook after current politician causing damageLook after European that Parisian conservation group finds persuasiveLook after extra large fruitLook after extremely rowdy room of childrenLook after gnome and child to get over current collapseLook after harbourLook after Italian team's selection testLook after muscular adult animalLook after neglected forestLook after old trains union (London Region)Look after piano, Edward's imploredLook after recording of game played by Venus and Serena Williams?Look after return of deodorised baby shoes?Look after river sportLook after small personal problem for careless shepherdLook after someone else's children for a periodLook after someone's childLook after that rising river with old form of technologyLook after the issue for othersLook after uniform in boxLook after work containing tangle of Mexican fruitLook after worker with short fat animalLook after young childrenLook after yourselfLook after yourself!Look after, care forLook after, with "to"Look again at magazineLook aheadLook always to keep dry dictionary?Look and look and lookLook and see - neither finish at largeLook angryLook angry if X-Factor boss misses trainLook aroundLook around a prison?Look around a ship of the lineLook around elsewhere for barLook around for first signs of fragments of rock and stone, perhapsLook around for foodLook around globe, turning every direction but northLook around in centre of castleLook around initially observing very large duckLook around Palestinian region endlessly and dreamLook around park on initially chilly eveningLook around the empty placeLook askanceLook associated with cunning jumbo?Look astonished about nothing and explode!Look atLook at a film with a theme that's controversial - as, say, a 23 11?Look at a floodgate, ruinedLook at a looker, perhapsLook at a Playboy Club?Look at a traffic problemLook at account that's initially given after a 1965 crisisLook at amorouslyLook at an aquatic predator? One takes excessive interestLook at and follow monitorLook at attentivelyLook at Bluebird sob loudlyLook at closelyLook at country's source of energyLook at cracking cryptic done like a Cyclops?Look at creepy-crawly running across pianoLook at cricket perhaps, quietly absorbedLook at cut involving standard computer material - it's outrageousLook at father and important financial figures close to agreeing - amazing!Look at first of bodies — and throw up!Look at flirtatiouslyLook at half a dozen we sent overLook at inappropriatelyLook at joker, jack, queen or kingLook at long Look at lustfullyLook at me before following HenryLook at me outside Yemeni port, returning at some pointLook at naughty ladies, getting shockLook at new type of cinema, returning in middle of weekLook at part of golf course that's out of boundsLook at plaiting dreads with minimum of skillLook at pupil's placeLook at quicklyLook at the heavensLook at the time here?Look at things to come?Look at thoughtfullyLook at top batter?Look at tree stuffed with bit of wet rubbishLook at various things on the InternetLook at ways to get peers assembledLook at what cat’s got - they might be flutteringLook at what HGV driver might do with old fellow!Look at what's in popular detergentLook at with interestLook at you having a great time after end of gameLook at yours truly when speakingLook at, as starsLook at, in the BibleLook at, look up, go awayLook attentively over small openingLook — a ghost about to disappear!Look back across road - that's a fast carLook back and forthLook back and note source, one that is retainedLook back and snuff it - one tends to do both!Look back fondlyLook back onLook back on cars: extremely comfortableLook back on grabbing Simpson's drinkLook back on nicer times, less hurt ultimately differentLook back over bridgehead, repeat and destroyLook back over end of story with theseLook bad-tempered in conversationLook bad?Look badly?Look before you take such a yearLook behind outhouse initially for shelter in gardenLook both waysLook briefly across stage for exit linesLook briefly at reports of maximum irritationLook briefly good with jousting weaponLook carefully at hole in needleLook carefully, time not plentifulLook closelyLook closely around opening of the safeLook closely at ant, say, circling quietlyLook closely at biblical rock, lacking timeLook Conservative leader up and find unpleasant smarmy personLook courageous, captivating English heartsLook crossLook daggersLook defeated - day turning not so goodLook dejectedLook displeasedLook downLook down during day - it's quite revealingLook down on people initially invading Middle EastLook down on river holding drinks upLook drunk getting a bookLook drunk, beyond questionLook embarrassed to lose energy, a warning signLook embarrassed, like an unsuccessful matadorLook endlessly for celebrityLook equalLook everywhere inLook fit for imageLook forLook for 'em, reportedly showing some gutsLook for 'ROAD' in FrenchLook for academic work about to be bannedLook for againLook for athletic power we hearLook for attention in schoolLook for birdLook for building that can accommodate any numberLook for damagesLook for getting high, inhaling new joints …Look for healthy sounding outcomeLook for Indian to speakLook for king buried under religious groundsLook for large coatLook for line expunged in glossyLook for movement in rolling stock, wasting secondsLook for New York to contain a countering team from that city?Look for overthrown strongholds yielding powerLook for overturned fortresses that have yielded powerLook for people touring ItalyLook for someone at one's own level, or higher?Look for something new in shedLook for something to sayLook for words to sayLook for; be in storeLook forward toLook forward to a Joker, accepting answerLook forward to a sauce, perhapsLook forward to Bar overturning limits on censorshipLook forward to speech: spit it out!Look from GrouchoLook gloomy as this person outside workLook good in charge, showing sound reasoningLook good next to PierceLook good onLook good with weaponLook happyLook happy to get solution to clue overLook hard, it’s said, for seaside attractionLook hard, one side to the other, for weedsLook hard, taking in 5, and go hungryLook here's ship entering port emptyLook horribly tired, having at first expectantly waited aroundLook in (on)Look in idiot husband's items of underwearLook in Iron City for serious American crimeLook in thick hair for fine powderLook in to criticise a winter sport competitionLook in to restrain son being obnoxiousLook in two newspapers for superior source of church musicLook inside church, securing good deal for organ coverLook inside ladies' pyjamas!Look inside plaza, almost complete filthLook inside someone's ear, chortlingLook inside: great apeLook inside?Look intentlyLook intoLook into againLook into again, as a casLook into business making capitalLook into corpse covered in goreLook into crash at downhill raceLook into deep cuts in protective wearLook into doctor, say — that's nice to hearLook into Empire State Building’s last but one materialLook into first of rooms: see drunken principalLook into flights to find cutsLook into itLook into morass over debts associated with crimeLook into one attempt to get White House?Look into organised group intending to be obstructiveLook into playing for money after sunsetLook into quarry trialLook into smash in ski raceLook into the start of professionalism in cricket for exampleLook into?Look it up, either wayLook lad, finish off garden feature!Look lasciviouslyLook likeLook like a creepLook like a creep?Look like a lecherLook like a sleazeLook like a wolfLook like a wolf?Look lively!Look longingly atLook lustfullyLook mean, having no weaknessesLook meaningfully round very fastLook more prominent than Look narrowlyLook nobleLook of a wolfLook of aged whiteningLook of contemptLook of disdainLook of lustLook of one needing a comLook of prurienceLook of scornLook of superiorityLook of surpriseLook on 16 with a different partnerLook on pound as an animal refugeLook on ship for make-up itemLook on tiptoe, sayLook outLook out a window, sayLook out for GI avoiding complex debriefingLook out for the ball! Are you caught up in excitement?Look out for, maybeLook out for, sayLook out for?Look out! It’s planted with explosives, we’re told!Look out, Emin!Look out, I'm coming through!Look overLook over 50? To begin with, please restLook over a wall, sayLook over againLook over alcohol where there are duty-free shopsLook over before holding Look over firm without starting false rumourLook over independent plant producing mineralLook over middle of arbour, somewhere shadyLook over most of Bob's summerhouseLook over moves to suppress mad cow diseaseLook over playground and churchLook over quicklyLook over small quantity of filmLook over the deals misrepresented in newspaperLook over towerLook over VIP speaking in EastEndersLook over, informallyLook pained, turning round after a sprayLook part of castle overLook pleased about one figure of speechLook pleased after cycling - it’s a long wayLook proud, like stock folk hero, last of allLook quickly at - cricket strokeLook quickly over, then enquire for winter sports itemLook round a course? Not in this!Look round eastern starsLook round entertaining bachelor's summerhouseLook round everywhere, initially for a sign of summerLook round gym for a swimmerLook round New York - it's crazy!Look round the whole treeLook round three particular showsLook round very fastLook round, taking in baron's summerhouseLook rudely about for some cotton?Look searchinglyLook slyly up and downLook smart! 20 might, if depicting MorseLook soreLook spent and ruinedLook steadilyLook suggestivelyLook suggestively back in the danceLook sullenLook surreptitiouslyLook that could kill, sayLook that intimidates radiant person?Look that may offendLook that means "Look outLook that says nothingLook that’s direct, yet at once cold, somehowLook thoroughly atLook threatening in small hoodLook through - archesLook through a keyholeLook through a window, maLook through blinds, sayLook through half-closed Look through last of my cashLook through some prose, archaicLook through the cross haLook through window to see legendary adultererLook to accommodate Romeo - pretty active for an old guyLook to beLook to boxing fan, originally second in ringLook to capture animal - with this?Look to catch duck, large duckLook to eat little volume and go very hungryLook to exploit wretchLook to hold backLook to imprison a revolutionary in Texas cityLook to incorporate zone for mastLook to inspire something positive as developerLook to Italy to welcome FranceLook to leader from Brussels before campaignLook to one with feminine interiorLook to oust broadcaster's central position in syndicateLook to put in order, wanting small gift for wordsmithLook to return in army post where duty is relaxedLook to see that letters are correctLook to wear green pants soonLook to win easily - Portugal going through bad patchLook too closelyLook towardLook towards rule to control depth for foundationLook unpleasant when caughtLook up and downLook up and try salacious lookLook up during later chance to see training process?Look up end of dictionary inside with theseLook up engaging American metal performancesLook up in native American languageLook up info about King - you'll easily get cash for itLook up toLook up to - American patriot, d. 1818Look up to Scottish monarch, royal inside, one last EuropeanLook up to speaker's lazy eyesLook up Volume One and take a chairLook up, eating half of cold dry cheeseLook up, one way or the otherLook upon warmlyLook what’s holding up meat supply?Look with difficultyLook with the power to inflict harmLook without blinkingLook ___ (study)Look ___ (visit briefly)Look ___ (visit)Look, America’s hiding carbon situationLook, at the Forum?Look, fellows, current's coming in!Look, hold up!Look, I'm visibly happy to get picked upLook, including books with introduction to hell is Jeremiah's habitLook, it’s the Speaker’s dog!Look, it's Mark!Look, look here - look about - up here's where to lookLook, talent and ability ultimately deficientLook, there's George with his daughter!Look, turn off websiteLook, with the introduction of ceiling, you'll have two floorsLook, with VAT rising, pop star trembledLook-alikeLook-alike of a source ofLook-alikesLook-at-me walkLook-for-it children's gaLook-seeLook-___ (twin)Look; nobleLook? Mike Love crossing street apparently doesLookalikeLookalike confronted and betrayedLookalike finally suffering unwelcome stabbing painLookalike gaming site, tip off neededLookalike's campanologist no longer with usLookedLooked afterLooked after by American woman with liberal viewsLooked after by South Africa, put in to face the bowlingLooked after poorly old lady nursed by boyLooked after some of the West End editionLooked again at study needing to get tidied upLooked angry as flag finally taken downLooked around entrance to abbey frequented by spiritsLooked astonished: leader of Greece to copy GermanyLooked atLooked at and understoodLooked at king-dismissing clue with my boss?Looked at lecherouslyLooked at lustfullyLooked at one way, 2020 was first of two partsLooked disgusted, given ghastly publicity about churchLooked down onLooked fixedlyLooked forLooked for a free ride as difficulty increasedLooked forward toLooked gladLooked good impaledLooked hardLooked high and low forLooked impolitelyLooked in (on)Looked intentlyLooked into wrong sign always blocking roadLooked lasciviouslyLooked lecherouslyLooked libidinouslyLooked likeLooked like a wolfLooked like Greeks regularly exploited space up topLooked online for work – looked long and hardLooked out forLooked overLooked over larcenouslyLooked over, in a wayLooked resentful in broadcastLooked stupidly good, like Batman without a top?Looked surprised government's getting mockedLooked threatening, though not about to be thundery?Looked to have organ around churchLooked up on the web: "Move both ways, under direction"Looked up toLooked up to say more about SloughLooked up to?Looked with desireLooked with difficultyLookerLooker for work has a twitchLooker seen at Suffolk town danceLooker's legLooker's plump, with vice for stripping offLooker, career soaring, very famous dancerLookin' for Queen in horse publicationLooking after Barnet Hospital, show anxietyLooking after eccentric cigar nutLooking after number one is perhaps sole basis for the French RevolutionLooking after visitors to Soho? Bed unmade and trendy joke thrown inLooking ahead for potential development area we hearLooking ahead, Essex Police cut administration, continually being decentralisedLooking ahead, is gene changed to give new finish to Irish loaf?Looking angry, fellow being caught and put back insideLooking atLooking at closelyLooking at English houses you start to investLooking at female quality in jacket for eveningLooking at regular intake, conclusions of the provost scheduled, it's suggested?Looking at something - rangedLooking back, covering a lot of historic city in particularLooking back, hospital worker retired, leaving quietlyLooking back, no hand cut by back of the knife?Looking back, some declare Bill is intolerantLooking back, they're simply concealing sufferingLooking backwardsLooking cross about revolutionary newspaper's viewLooking disappointed, others following everyone into church before noonLooking down fromLooking down on king, old hatLooking down on sixteen charactersLooking down on?Looking embarrassedLooking embarrassed about daughterLooking embarrassed about diamondsLooking embarrassed about punishment being made clearLooking embarrassed by love? Have another goLooking embarrassed by vehicle in N Yorkshire resortLooking embarrassed, being wrong about hard misleading clueLooking embarrassed, protects MaoistsLooking embarrassed, volunteers given exercise in bureaucracyLooking fit, Mark somersaults expending last bit of energyLooking fixedlyLooking for a publication on climbingLooking for a vehicle with key lifetime support?Looking for a woody plant to train? Try elmLooking for approval, show sequence of oldLooking for big bucks?Looking for dirt, perhapsLooking for it, but dead round Tyneside regionLooking for kindness in a filmLooking for metal, floated aroundLooking for more nuts, first offLooking for new metal in claspLooking for ruler of the waves, say?Looking for scandal? Reverend Spooner's causing punch-upLooking for some cannabis, troublemaker orbits restaurantLooking for troubleLooking for trouble?Looking forward to being Looking glassLooking glum, bury dogLooking goodLooking good for one's ageLooking good in some fine attireLooking good on the tubeLooking guilty or dejectedLooking hard, having lost a cordLooking hot after the bath didn't hurtLooking in mirror, see what wicked types may be up toLooking intelligent, like a Member of Parliament?Looking lecherouslyLooking less well, maybe friend has hesitationLooking like a monkeyLooking like an ideal place to deal out painLooking like glassLooking like rainLooking miserable, having been confronted for agesLooking most embarrassed about nasty deeds? RightLooking naive or sentimentalLooking offended by power tripLooking offended, finding bit of toenail in small fishLooking pale and tiredLooking peculiar in soccer gear? Every chance!Looking pretty stupid, mob kidnaps western private eyeLooking raggedLooking ridiculous after carelessly consuming chocolate at Easter?Looking rough, you reportedly head for Soho during every eveningLooking round for a letter?Looking scaredLooking shabbyLooking sideways at one of five children wearing fleeceLooking surprised - as a snail?Looking swanky a couple of times in US cityLooking terrified, woman hides in an openingLooking the worse for wear after snorting drug, changed colour again?Looking through photo albLooking tired and unwellLooking to benefit where some car purchase discussions focus?Looking to keep home that houses nothing innovativeLooking to put back a leader from Epsom with south-eastern dialectLooking to save time, building sprinter's equipmentLooking unhappy about navy at the third levelLooking unwellLooking unwell, wanting disease got rid ofLooking upLooking up a little informationLooking up a time zoneLooking up debtor - a student - not quite lame duckLooking up fungi's descriptionLooking up in mirror at spook’s heavenly bodyLooking up naturally allows review, initially of celestial objectLooking up passages in love diary, month before: snoop aroundLooking up toLooking up to quote work of lyrical qualityLooking up word for "layer": a hen, perhapsLooking upward: Good gracious, that's a big bird!Looking very bad — time for second retreat?Looking very embarrassed, being licked by tongues?Looking witheringly on apparently good fasteningLooking wrong, yet red hair is in the familyLooking, for example, to adopt a principle of Chinese philosophyLookoutLookout pointLookout soldierLookout, maybeLookoutsLookouts, sometimesLooksLooks (through), as for iLooks afterLooks after little onesLooks after Pence's matesLooks around facing this type of combatLooks around, slightly drunk, with head down, and makes devious changesLooks askanceLooks atLooks at a TV screen - it's brokenLooks at boldlyLooks at fish eaten by communistsLooks at home - time to wear glasses?Looks at lustfullyLooks at rail transport as a source of irritation to observersLooks at those approving loudlyLooks calm here and passesLooks closelyLooks closely (at)Looks closely at Cockney cocktailsLooks disdainfullyLooks down onLooks embarrassedLooks fixedlyLooks forLooks for a friendly wordLooks for audience: they fit in wellLooks for helpLooks for; is in store forLooks forward toLooks good onLooks impressive in topless dressesLooks inside?Looks intentlyLooks likeLooks like it doesLooks on in wonderment, as kids in playground did?Looks out (for)Looks out for, at a heistLooks out for, maybeLooks overLooks perfect onLooks round about — not a pretty sightLooks round about, finding something very uglyLooks round centre of Florence, not a pretty sightLooks soreLooks straight in the eyeLooks sullenLooks to beLooks to dispose of stone godLooks to make friendsLooks to the futureLooks unhappyLooks up and downLooks up toLooks? What’ll get you to the top, they sayLoomLoom I repair without pressureLoomedLooming choiceLooming in the distanceLoomsLoonLoon's lackLooney Tunes animator FriLooney Tunes character wiLooney Tunes horse-drawn Looney Tunes lotharioLooney Tunes manufacturerLooney Tunes nicknameLooney Tunes pigLooney Tunes regularLooney Tunes soundLoonlike birdLoonyLoony birdLoony left vote destroyed respected leaderLoony nearly cut second column marking start of 9Loony tunesLoooong sandwichLoooong waitLooooong, boring speechLoopLoop circlersLoop for catching animalsLoop for holding up a shirtsleeveLoop formed by means of a slip knotLoop group: Abbr.Loop in a rope made with a slip knotLoop in a rope with a slip knotLoop looperLoop loopersLoop of fabric-covered elastic holding a ponytailLoop of ropeLoop of rope with a slipknotLoop or ring inserted into part of faceLoop runnersLoop setting, brieflyLoop sightsLoop trainsLoop transportsLoop with running knotLoop; rock groupLooped cross, ancient Egyptian symbol of lifeLooped handleLooped handle, in archaeoLooped handlesLooped knotLooped ropeLooped sofa fabricLooped vase handleLooped vase handlesLoopholeLoopholesLoops edges around holeLoops of rubberLoopyLoopy sort of game that’s rocked Kitty?LoosLoos redesigned for European capitalLoos who wrote "GentlemenLooseLoose and weak heavyweight was victorious over soldierLoose belt brought about blunder with one's pantsLoose blouse —Georgia with blue oneLoose body fatLoose car part regularly fixed in hour by champLoose cloakLoose clothing? Rear’s covered in toiletLoose coil of yarnLoose coinsLoose coins ruin her plansLoose cover cushions, elastic edgesLoose dentures for nothing!Loose digit fixed by visionaryLoose dog maybe nipping the ParisianLoose dress for a woman or childLoose dress or blouseLoose dress: hem is dropped in churchLoose dressesLoose dressing gownLoose dressing gown for womenLoose dressing gowns - paper coveringsLoose family members one's seen in lodgeLoose fibre from old ropeLoose fibre got by unravelling old ropes, once used in caulking wooden shipsLoose fleshLoose flesh; fatLoose flimsy garmentLoose flowing garmentsLoose folds under eyesLoose from mooringsLoose garmentLoose garment - 1980 Madness songLoose garment - thin girthsLoose garment some initially laugh atLoose garment some initially make fun ofLoose garment worn by Muslim womenLoose goods stored in alcoveLoose hoodLoose hood wife found in passLoose horse, another on the outside?Loose in joyous part of universeLoose knot's only 50% of the problemLoose lips letting slip quiet partLoose morals in Spain become commonplaceLoose net and fish intertwineLoose nightdressLoose nun cycles around Lot pregnant with sonLoose nut?Loose onLoose overcoatLoose parcelLoose regulation of a branch of medicineLoose robe - design's wrongLoose robe dressing government leader in municipality just around the corner?Loose rock debrisLoose rock needs new barrierLoose rocks on a mountainsideLoose rocks over elevated cave shownLoose rugby scrumLoose scrumLoose scrum - handle roughlyLoose scrum - rough upLoose shingle from a part of these shoresLoose shirt or dressLoose skin below the throatLoose skin punctured by bees, we hear?Loose sleeveless garmentLoose smockLoose stones on a mountainsideLoose talk?Loose trousersLoose trousers angered us when badly madeLoose tummy muscles love getting exerciseLoose veiled garment with veiled holes for the eyesLoose violin section repels composerLoose woman disturbed by offspring’s secret practicesLoose woman in the family taking top offLoose woman putting last of opium in ginLoose woman, relatively speaking, is relieved of her topLoose woman, relatively topless?Loose ___Loose, as shoelacesLoose, as shoestringsLoose, as stonesLoose, in a manner of speLoose, in a wayLoose-fitting attireLoose-fitting dress without a waistLoose-fitting dressesLoose-fitting jacketLoose-fitting protective garmentsLoose-fitting undergarmentLoose-fitting underwearLoose-limbedLoose-limbed entertainerLoose-lippedLoose-skinned fruitLoose-skinned tangerineLoosely hang fish at end of dayLoosely state preferenceLoosely woven cloth from ScotlandLoosely woven cottonLoosely woven cotton fabrLoosely woven materialLoosely, it is a role for a recluseLoosely, sand-tribe area?Loosely-built, lankyLoosely-coiled amount of yarnLoosely-woven materialLoosenLoosen (a knot)Loosen - become less busyLoosen a French item of furnitureLoosen black tile occasionally that's on the houseLoosen damaged nut securing handle incompletelyLoosen lacesLoosen link, it's back to frontLoosen one's holdLoosen piece of hair after bun arrangedLoosen uninitiated sisters before partyLoosen United? New soccer group’s trimmed soccer teamLoosen upLoosen up large body, only to gain weightLoosen, as a knotLoosen, as a parkaLoosen, as lacesLoosen, in a wayLoosened (up)Loosened; reversedLoosenessLoosensLoosens (up)Loosens upLoosens, as a beltLoosens, in a wayLooser sediment holds up enticing digsLoosey-gooseyLootLoot (Slang)Loot harbour, causing miseryLoot in an old train robbLoot obtained by convict breaking into stately homeLoot regularly hidden by idiot Egyptian resident?LootedLooter hid abandoned gemstoneLooter plundered heart of station, part of the underground systemLooter's assistant breaks into expensive carLooter, one helping to support leader of revoltLop off, as branchesLopez of "The Dirty DozenLopez of popLopsidedLopsided court resultLopsided electionLopsided postseason resulLopsided victoryLopsided winLopsided win, in slangLopsided, as a grinLoquaciousLoquacious typeLoquacious, in slangLorax creatorLordLord —, — BuzzardLord —, poetLord —, Romantic poetLord and ladyLord and lady's homeLord Byron biblical dramaLord Byron possibly less than politeLord Byron's "The Lament Lord Byron's MuseLord Chancellor Labour consider a wallyLord Copper edging closer to junior doctorsLord cuddling a beauty, displaying blokey tendenciesLord Elphick covers site of ancient oracleLord Emsworth originally entering came firstLord endlessly describes archaeological project about ancestryLord Green interrupts Labour leader endlesslyLord half-cut in tartan? Maybe he can't grow upLord has to welcome London Transport's founderLord in love with Lady ClLord in Shakespeare's "RiLord installs square safeLord Lawson is extremely gung-ho Eurosceptic, primarilyLord made poorly, died leaving his estateLord Nelson, the Hero of Lord of fictionLord of poetryLord of the ring, onceLord of the ring?Lord of the Rings wizardLord of the rings?Lord once missing rest rooms, reportedly?Lord or earl, e.g.Lord or ladyLord or vassalLord overLord penning pages for the seasonLord perhaps having a way to open portLord Peter Wimsey accessoLord providing sword held in both handsLord reigns wickedly over EuropeLord ruined in Great War, returning to get married, provides many pages with connectionsLord said walk on waterLord Ted trained a two-year-oldLord to leave with daughterLord too soon meeting premature endLord upset by crime that's involved one hit with hammerLord who ran to embrace murderer — and 22A's addiction?Lord who ran to seize power dealLord who said "Absolute pLord with an exotic lineageLord with yen to be in good timeLord ___ (overseer of ScoLord’s not overlooking but lauding England’s openersLord's attendantLord's big shot edgy about Home Secretary's telepathy?Lord's domainLord's ducks perhaps mating animalsLord's estateLord's helper needs a switch between sidesLord's holding first of enquiries into unruly mid-offLord's homeLord's houseLord's lackeyLord's landLord's mateLord's partnership not difficult — relax!Lord's PrayerLord's Prayer adjectiveLord's Prayer phrase befoLord's Prayer pronounLord's Prayer recitationsLord's Prayer startLord's Prayer starterLord's Prayer wordLord's realmLord's supporter succeeded in playingLord's tenants having relations evicted - that's meanLord's wicket keeper isn't particularly liked during seriesLord's wifeLord's workerLord's workersLord, criminal admitting leakLord, e.g.Lord, for example, tucking into WhopperLord, if drunk, becomes flushedLord, old-styleLord, sayLord, say, implicated in falsehoodLord, say, invading positionLord’s debutant role? Old member of Lords welcoming newLord’s or Oval positionLord’s vassalLordlyLordsLords and ladiesLords briefly raise swords around kingLords of LondonLords powerless after this lot ultimately forming governmentLords' wivesLordshipsLoreLore shows goodness — Christian studies lacking energyLoreleiLorelei Lee's creatorLorelei's localeLorelei's riverLorelei, e.g.Lorelei, notablyLoren of "Lady L"Loren's husbandLorenz Hart specialtyLoretta of "M*A*S*H"Loretta who played Hot LiLoretta who sang "Don't CLorgnette partLorgnette pieceLorillard brandLorillard company smokesLorna likes men and women with time to make an expected contributionLorna of fictionLorna of literatureLorne Michaels show, for Lorne or GrahamLorne sausage and potato waffles make satisfying lunch?Lorraine's neighborLorraine's partnerLorre's "Casablanca" roleLorre's role in "CasablanLorries with punctures running over screwLorryLorry about to leave snowy areaLorry carries Conservative enchantress, keeping Liberal in lineLorry carrying cold drink that's reportedly getting warmer?Lorry driverLorry he's permitted to enter plantLorry that man used to transport satisfactory vegetableLorry then diverted in the direction of Scotland?Lorry, one caught departing in coldLorry-drivers' stopLos : Spanish :: ___ : ItLos Alamos scientistLos Angeles attraction, wLos Angeles baseballerLos Angeles cagerLos Angeles County's ___ Los Angeles fossil siteLos Angeles gang memberLos Angeles harbor siteLos Angeles hoopsterLos Angeles museum, with Los Angeles N.B.A.erLos Angeles Philharmonic Los Angeles playerLos Angeles suburbLos Angeles suburb next tLos Angeles teamLos Angeles Times editor's final hint about intricate passagesLos Angeles woeLos Angeles's San ___ BayLos Angeles's ___ CollegeLos Angeles's ___ TowerLos Angeles's ___ Verdes Los Angeles's ___-Sinai MLos hermanos de la madreLos ___Los ___ (Manhattan ProjecLos ___ (nuclear site)Los ___ de los Muertos (MLos ___ Reyes MagosLos ___, Calif.LoseLose (something)Lose (to)Lose - limp caseLose a job and prepare to send out messages in December?Lose a lapLose a layerLose a staring contestLose acuityLose all cohesionLose all one's money in gLose as a penaltyLose at the bank?Lose balance, upsetting lagerLose brightnessLose brightness like small mountain lake?Lose brillianceLose brilliancyLose by designLose colorLose colourLose colour over timeLose concentration, so stop watching TVLose consciousnessLose control at a buffetLose control of a carLose control on the highwLose control, having slipped on pile of new plasticLose credibilityLose current agent destroyed after attempt that’s lost billionsLose emotional controlLose energy from calling nurseLose energy in long storyLose everythingLose everything, apparently drunkLose example of big road killLose extremely sharp spike on motorwayLose favourLose feathersLose fight admitting that was painfulLose firmnessLose forward momentumLose freshnessLose freshness, as lettucLose funds but shift suspicionLose furLose groundLose ground as learner crashes into rear endLose ground?Lose hairLose head in fight on the townLose head in this teary unravellingLose heartLose heart as pride woundedLose heart of French gent hugging secretaryLose heart, as pride injuredLose heatLose hopeLose hope as pride shatteredLose ignominiously, in slLose impetusLose in a confrontation, Lose in court room, smallLose in one's drawersLose in place covered with endless thin fogLose intensityLose itLose it, following cheeky commentsLose it, with "out"Lose knack winding short bit of hoseLose liquidityLose little by littleLose lusterLose lustreLose lustre: rather like small mountain lake?Lose lustre; sullyLose moisture, in a wayLose momentumLose oar at sea? That's rashLose on purposeLose one’s bottle, being a grass!Lose one's amateur standiLose one's balance?Lose one's blushLose one's coolLose one's cool in 2Lose one's footingLose one's life in waterLose one's marblesLose one's mindLose one's nerveLose one's nerve parking? I can, unfortunatelyLose one's rag, keeping time as directedLose one's resistanceLose one's shirtLose one's shirt, in busiLose one's temperLose one's temper with intimidating woman that's often found in bedLose oomphLose opportunity, as badly aimed torpedo may?Lose pants in northern new townLose patience and then soLose powerLose power after leader moves to the right againLose rent rebuilding mezzanineLose sense, briefly, as trollLose sleep (over)Lose sleep over somethingLose some weightLose spirit with what Amundsen plantedLose sports day, having foughtLose steamLose steam, with "out"Lose strengthLose successfullyLose suspect with court case abandonedLose the freshness of youLose the friendship of Natalie, moving eastLose the gameLose the spare tireLose this and you're out of the competitionLose time offering supportLose track of exceptionally fine portLose track of mass whisky producerLose tractionLose underpinningsLose value over timeLose velocityLose vitality being awfully liverish when one passes outLose voter upset by former presidentLose voter? Terrible for presidentLose water that's heated, and dry outLose weight? Finish off attempt in Irish countyLose your rag as rubbish son needs to get upLose zipLose, as skinLose-lose situationsLose-weight-fast planLoserLoser at ChLoser at FredericksburgLoser at GettysburgLoser at Salamis and PlatLoser at the Battle of ChLoser at the dice tableLoser in 1996Loser in a 1962 showdown Loser in a casinoLoser in a staring contesLoser in an upsetLoser in the Battle of BaLoser in the first World Loser in the Seven Years'Loser initially on snakes — these better?Loser is too organisedLoser messing around with vote is former presidentLoser of 1588Loser of 1948Loser of 1988Loser of a footrace with Loser paid for breaking into two campsLoser to a tortoiseLoser to a tortoise, in aLoser to Al Pacino for BeLoser to AliLoser to Botvinnik in 196Loser to Braddock, 1935Loser to Chamorro in 1990Loser to ClintonLoser to D.D.E.Loser to D.D.E. twiceLoser to Dwight, twiceLoser to F.D.R.Loser to Harding in 1920Loser to J.F.K.Loser to McKinleyLoser to Norton, 1973Loser to R.M.N. in '68Loser to R.M.N., 1968Loser to VHSLoser's cryLoser's destinationLoser's lesion oddly covered in distinctive sort of stitchesLoser's order, perhapsLoser's place?Loser's requestLoser, full of ego, short of 50%, used to celebrate victoryLosersLosers at VicksburgLosers in the Battle of HLosers of the Battle of MLosers to the 49ers in SuLosers to the Rangers forLosers to the Yankees in Losers' countLoses altitude fastLoses colorLoses controlLoses control on a snowy Loses control on ice, e.gLoses data, in a wayLoses enthusiasmLoses feelingLoses focusLoses furLoses ground?Loses hearingLoses heatLoses ignominiously, on aLoses immediacyLoses intensityLoses itLoses it altogetherLoses lusterLoses on purposeLoses on purpose?Loses one's coolLoses one's headLoses one's shirt?Loses possession of illegally gained ball, landing at back of netLoses sleep (over)Loses strength to take on countyLoses the right toLoses to a late-night hosLoses tractionLoses verticalityLosingLosing admiral in the BatLosing an unstressed vowel from a word's startLosing article, suspicion about new associatesLosing at running is followed by a feeling of sadnessLosing casino rollLosing causeLosing cause?Losing come-out roll in cLosing contestantLosing effort?Losing energy, more refined sound from petLosing face in ceremony, showing divine graceLosing face, grimace in stressLosing face, one looking to buy containerLosing first halves on return, Sweden and Norway displayed fatigueLosing general at 14's precipitateLosing general at SpotsylLosing groundLosing hair, Uriah Heep's playing southern city of oldLosing head, fire gun for a laughLosing head, violently destroy marine molluscLosing head, wake French street up — I’ve discovered something!Losing heart, one's ridden the tubeLosing hope?Losing it - extremelyLosing it?Losing millions, Ant and Dec claim being out-of-sorts is not deliberateLosing one's hairLosing pawn in this game would be fortunateLosing pitcher in the 195Losing power, call Hebridean destinationLosing proposition?Losing purposelyLosing roll in a casinoLosing scenarios not accepted among senior scientistsLosing second fellow, lifeboats sent up maroonLosing some faith finally in prudence, causing splitLosing straw in drawing sLosing streakLosing the fuzz?Losing tic-tac-toe comboLosing tic-tac-toe lineLosing tic-tac-toe rowLosing tribe in the BeaveLosing vote, joins cheers for 18 partyLosing weight, fights in the ring with son, keeping movingLosing what Unite acceptsLosing wicket at the start, spoils period at the creaseLosing? Serious? Germany is very humbleLoss at a bald spotLoss at sea with not taking care? Not halfLoss by decayLoss leader?Loss of colorLoss of confidenceLoss of confidence resulting from former charge in courtLoss of detective inspector’s looksLoss of earnings shocking to MexicanLoss of feelingLoss of fluidLoss of footing for a jocLoss of girl’s looks and bearingLoss of guts from fish biting large parts of lineLoss of hairLoss of hearingLoss of heartLoss of interest from years on a courseLoss of marbles from net-like bagging one used in ParisLoss of memoryLoss of money earned over players - 100's missingLoss of muscle coordinatiLoss of nerveLoss of power involves Republican scandalLoss of power, shortage in fightLoss of red mitten, unfortunatelyLoss of sense in America? I'm so naive returningLoss of silver accepted by ladyLoss of speaking abilityLoss of statusLoss of status connected with missionLoss of value over timeLoss of waterLoss of workforce a second time, cutting remunerationLoss on a grand scale?Loss paid off in assignmentLoss through emigrationLoss's oppositeLoss, if York houses become fixedLoss, say, of poor swimmer who drowned relocating northLosses, in accountingLostLost a lap?Lost a saddle when cyclingLost againLost again at sea, looking back over one's course?Lost all patienceLost appeal over timeLost as a penaltyLost at laser tag, maybeLost balance from West End rentLost bobcat?Lost boot not seen during football seasonLost boring game? That's old hatLost boys set free fox?Lost buoyancyLost causeLost cause in preparation? Not if you’re hungryLost ciders, concerning newsman, found againLost civilisation identified by books I found in mountainsLost Colony's islandLost colorLost controlLost control of a car, saLost control of business finally getting wound upLost cycling getting to grips with rules - in China it depends on where you liveLost daughter partied wildlyLost expression "going into retreat"Lost fish of filmLost flipping phone cardLost for good unlimited texting, source of cheap timeLost for wordsLost for words as we crashed lorryLost fortune and, given time, travelled by public transportLost freshnessLost ground to Queen's horsemanLost heart over sustained 24 opponentLost in contemplationLost in details written in Ovid's languageLost in forest, one desperate to be out of itLost in FranceLost in reverieLost in ritualLost in Weimar, eh? No idea!Lost interest in, in a waLost itLost men dad manipulatedLost mojo weirdly, with ad for symbolic annual celebrationLost momentumLost no timeLost number fun to do badlyLost nursing home initially remains here?Lost on purposeLost one's balance, perhaLost one's coolLost one's footingLost one's question (3 wds.)Lost Persian, e.g.Lost pet got dry as 5Lost piece of Hockney art safely mountedLost place in bookLost powerLost realm of New Testament, one shown in map bookLost rib, shot in cityLost rings turned up under motorwayLost seaworthinessLost self-control, as Luddites' leader did?Lost sheep reported? HonestlyLost soldier, brieflyLost son alive in the countryLost soulLost the frivolityLost tractionLost when river filters into anotherLost worlds?Lost zipLost ___ (two, please)Lost, but I ... I am so wanting to get somewhere!Lost, but not forgotten, Lost-and-found containersLotLot "souvenir"Lot - fortuneLot deemed odious in firm battle to secure foreign capitalLot divided by a fellow’s languageLot employeesLot for saleLot in lifeLot made at one timeLot measurementLot mostly affected where pounds are lostLot moving in behind dealer in 8s and 26sLot of information on computer about a footLot of junk is metalLot of landLot of lootLot of material going off with TNT? It would cause explosionsLot of moneyLot of noise after a request upset group of peopleLot of panic changes centre of attentionLot of protection in South America over cactusLot of rows to hoeLot of team taken aback, with member put on the back footLot of timeLot of winter sports equipmentLot sightsLot statisticLot to askLot to seeLot transactionsLot upset — prelate ultimately managed church, providing open-mindednessLot using spades instead of last two clubsLot, e.g.LotfulLotharioLothario really liked to play with fire, ultimately getting knocked outLothario's lookLothario, perhaps? More like Solomon crossing eastern stateLothario?Lotion abbr.Lotion additiveLotion amountLotion applied to the skin to make it less oilyLotion baseLotion ingredientLotion ingredientsLotion lettersLotsLots (of)Lots and lotsLots and lots and lotsLots and lots ofLots and plotsLots are in lotsLots confining a pig in a woodLots disheartened about novel maths theoremsLots going in contrary directionsLots have themLots here at a knock-down priceLots here getting something done about upper-classLots in work welcoming unionLots married oneLots meet up after work close to tavernLots more kids, but only a little noise?Lots ofLots of "Deck the Halls"Lots of activityLots of actors originally starred in a musicalLots of bacteria in part of the gut unknownLots of beatingsLots of blades involved in making this clothLots of bucksLots of caresses, e.g., fLots of celebrations outside Japanese schoolLots of certain animals in containersLots of Chinese food wants starterLots of data as Times breaks US military scandal?Lots of deitiesLots of dogs — no pressure!Lots of dogs pee in the auditorium unobservedLots of dresses changing handsLots of eggs eaten by just one revolting fellowLots of exaggerated praise often going with pants?Lots of feetLots of flowers are found in Greek territoriesLots of hugs, in briefLots of information somewhat rejected by firmLots of islands having female dotty characters?Lots of lagerLots of landLots of laughsLots of lotsLots of money needed by cashier - he’s forward-lookingLots of moolahLots of notice for this amount of workLots of oil here on fancy clothesLots of outrageous cons are heartlessLots of people in Cornwall region acquiring weaponLots of people taking off the last bit of their underwearLots of people, 8 being the 25th of them?Lots of potatoesLots of powerless lackeysLots of prospects after this good antique career?Lots of sass?Lots of sausages left at the OktoberfestLots of screaming and shoLots of seats here are not availableLots of sissies?Lots of stadiums have theLots of stories? Maybe Burgess keeps record, releasing any numberLots of sweet powder in brandy's flavouringLots of Swiss here walk round university hospitalLots of talkLots of timeLots of trouble, fundamentally?Lots of unleavened bread: it’s apt to go offLots of wind beginning to surge in bowelsLots of words sound as if spelt out backwardsLots of young men around ringLots of, slangilyLots sleep on ends of nailsLots such as furniture maker might bid for?Lots taken up in activity as an energetic personLots to go with the horn?Lots to offerLots trap a boar in woodLots up for integrationLots, lovewiseLots, pricewiseLots, timewiseLotsaLott of MississippiLott of WashingtonLott's predecessorLotteryLottery at a feteLottery cryLottery equipmentLottery lettersLottery mix-up?Lottery org.Lottery pay-out wife wasted — that’s a knockLottery player's cry of eLottery player's exultantLottery raised a good deal - order British to split itLottery runner: Abbr.Lottery support, unspecified number, nevertheless upliftingLottery ticketLottery winner's address?Lottery winner's feelingLottery winner's needLottery winner's yellLottery with goods as prizesLottery with prizesLottery-running org.Lottery? Many make random choicesLottoLotto infoLotto relativeLotto variantLotto variationLotus car modelLotus position disciplineLotus-___Lou Bega's "___ No. 5"Lou Gehrig nickname, withLou Gehrig or Cal RipkenLou Gehrig's disease, forLou Gehrig's disease: AbbLou Gehrig, for oneLou Gehrig, on the diamonLou Grant portrayerLou Grant's ex on "The MaLou Grant's paper, in briLou or Elvis?Lou regrets ruining this part of his attire?Lou's "La Bamba" co-starLouche airmen abandoned swimmerLouche servicemen pout, perhapsLoudLoud 60s band hoards top-notch moisturiser perhapsLoud aggressive talkLoud and deep roarLoud and discordantLoud and emotional declamationLoud and gratingLoud and harshLoud and mournfulLoud and persistent clamourLoud and roughLoud and rudeLoud and showyLoud banging or ringingLoud bass irritated coach partiesLoud bird-call audible in poemLoud breather chucked awayLoud burstsLoud cheers and mocking to welcome daughterLoud chucklesLoud chuckles first heard from Lewis CarrollLoud clamourLoud commotionLoud complaintsLoud confused noiseLoud crone holding gentleman backLoud crunching noiseLoud cryLoud cry from Cockney birdLoud cry heard after cleric catches nationalist's first shotLoud discordant soundsLoud disturbanceLoud drill bit?Loud drunkard is loadedLoud English pub hustled pair offLoud enough to hearLoud eruption of Oval, when century's baggedLoud female ultimately consumed by drink?Loud female with others grabbing old rocker after upsetLoud firecrackerLoud garment – from a British overseas territory?Loud girl full of dazzle and ostentationLoud growlLoud guffawLoud harsh cryLoud hiccup extremely difficult to sustainLoud hitsLoud hooting criesLoud hornLoud hornsLoud insectLoud insect drowning a request for silenceLoud insistent call oddly tenderLoud kissLoud laughLoud like Parker, initially ignored in the centreLoud little boy turned modestLoud males in heat somehow made them suicidalLoud McBrain sheds layer playing materialLoud metallic noiseLoud metallic soundLoud mouthsLoud music and dressLoud music on tablet, after soft drinkLoud noiseLoud noise as heart ripped from chestLoud noise – period of prosperityLoud noise from river paddleLoud noise made by horse and birdLoud noise that's heard principally belowLoud organ causes apprehensionLoud outburstLoud PA broadcast put on a bigger systemLoud party in joint, with drinkLoud piercing cryLoud protest exposed about railwayLoud punchLoud relative left before displayLoud resonant noiseLoud ringingLoud ringing noiseLoud ringing of bellsLoud roar coming from fifty entering underneathLoud rumble?Loud rumblingLoud rumbling noiseLoud section of hymn repeated by SpoonerLoud singer drowning middle of soprano's debut in YermaLoud singer out of tune at the beginning picked up by 13Loud songs in places of entertainmentLoud sound from family gathering’s conclusionLoud speakerLoud speaker, improvisation of tenor underway?Loud speakersLoud speakers managed to get rest after spoutingLoud stag gathering upset the horse-racing worldLoud streakersLoud street outside zone in distant territoryLoud string player shielding a wind playerLoud thing cat may do? Here’s a reminderLoud tune is not badLoud unpleasant noiseLoud user of tongue in a flashLoud utteranceLoud voice from the "IliaLoud volume nearby, though not initiallyLoud warning signalLoud warning to sailorsLoud Welshwoman entertains singer keeping timeLoud witch gobbling knight upLoud workmen I’d recast in radio playLoud, abrupt soundLoud, and very close to home? Not initiallyLoud, as a crowdLoud, as a stadium crowdLoud, as the surfLoud, belligerent type, I'll guaranteeLoud, dangerous and full of funLoud, for one, seen in unique singer's exerciseLoud, harshLoud, harsh, piercingLoud, like trumpetsLoud, one needing quiet after kid turned upLoud, resonant soundLoud-mouthed lad gets a shinerLouderLouder individual welcomed among rabbleLoudish, funny clown on the radioLoudly accuse Mrs Peacock?Loudly advertise second-class anti-flood constructionLoudly announce point in cellarLoudly auction off part of prisonLoudly beratedLoudly commendsLoudly complaining as reservation is cancelled centrallyLoudly criticise pudding getting stick down underLoudly cryLoudly cryingLoudly disapprove of incomplete accommodationLoudly disapprove of new benefitLoudly express desire to tour round in the buffLoudly in favour – is most energised after intervention by IndependentLoudly incontinent and tense European produces complex soundLoudly insult a contemporary and departLoudly lamentsLoudly mournLoudly regret insult in actors' chatterLoudly regret returning after tea with posh driverLoudly sets off with crews having cool talent for tradingLoudly sing opinion of unfashionable waistband?Loudly threatened with undereducated displaysLoudly vigorous and cheerfulLoudly voice one's objectLoudly vow to provide e.g. setter's nameLoudness increaser, at a Loudness measureLoudness unitLoudness unitsLoudspeakerLoudspeaker - dog?Loudspeaker leaving tense editor fed upLoudspeaker's soundLoudspeaker, informallyLoudspeakers not getting attention of the likes of HMV's mascot?Louganis featsLouganis who did gainersLough of questionable status, receiving last of sludge from riverLoughlin of "90210"Loughlin of "Full House"LouieLouis and CarrieLouis Armstrong popularizLouis Armstrong's "Oh ___Louis Armstrong's "WeatheLouis Armstrong's bynameLouis Armstrong's instrumLouis Armstrong, informalLouis B. Mayer's birthplaLouis Botha, notablyLouis Gable made up as horror movie starLouis I, to CharlemagneLouis IX or Philippe IVLouis Jolliet discovery oLouis of the F.B.I.Louis Quinze style, missing nothing on way of working leatherLouis VIII nickname, withLouis Vuitton competitorLouis who said "L'etat c'Louis who was guillotinedLouis XIV beyond help?Louis XIV discovered Germany's cruelLouis XIV et Louis XVILouis XIV registered last in StrasbourgLouis XIV, 1643-1715Louis XIV, e.g.Louis XIV, Louis XVI et aLouis XIV, par exempleLouis XIV, self-referentiLouis XIV, to himself?Louis XVI lost hisLouis XVI, e.g.Louis ___, the Sun KingLouis, Carrie and BillLouis, e.g.Louis, for oneLouis-Dreyfus of Louis-Dreyfus's "SeinfeldLouis-Philippe and othersLouisa May —, authorLouisa May Alcott classicLouisa May Alcott novelLouise and othersLouise and TurnerLouise de la Ramee's pen Louise gutted after poor food's in lunch boxLouise has broken my crayonLouise of "Gilligan's IslLouise tolerates streamsLouise's cinematic partneLouisiana cityLouisiana city named for Louisiana city on Lake PoLouisiana cuisineLouisiana cuisine styleLouisiana featureLouisiana lingoLouisiana localeLouisiana marshLouisiana musicLouisiana Republican and Trump getting scrap from the pork barrel?Louisiana senator, 1948-8Louisiana State won the fLouisiana Territory exploLouisiana waterwayLouisiana waterwaysLouisiana ___: Abbr.Louisiana's Lake ___ AlleLouisiana's LongLouisiana's ___ CajunsLouisiana, e.g., in OrlLouisiana, the ___ StateLouisianan of French descLouisianan prison guards just reduced by halfLouisianian descended from Canadian immigrantsLouisville landmarkLouisville museum subjectLouisville SluggerLouisville Slugger woodLouisville Slugger, e.g.Louisville SluggersLouisville sports iconLouisville's riverLoungeLounge aboutLounge about with father, eating one’s boiled sweetLounge about with one fizzy drink, sweetLounge and look at sport, turned over to follow golf scoreLounge aroundLounge barLounge in Hungary regularly less appealingLounge in many a hotelLounge in the sunLounge lizard's lookLounge mainly before ten or eleven in ItalyLounge with one old man that's sweetLounged aroundLounger rising late securing cushy job at lastLounger's cover-upLoungesLoungewearLoungingLounging aroundLounging footwearLounging garmentLounging localeLounging robeLounging sites in loungesLounging terraceLoupe user, sayLourdes is oneLourdes, for instanceLouseLouse eggLouse eggsLouse up in cakeLouse's elevated state kept under wrapsLouse-to-beLousyLousy breaksLousy carLousy clubs introducing pack activity?Lousy driver, sayLousy egg?Lousy eggs?Lousy foodLousy gradeLousy pension so far, to reward all that hard workLousy rent — raise various amounts paid in advanceLousy reviewsLousy tipLousy trio performing in a wanton mannerLousy tune played weaklyLousy-car buyer's protectLoutLout beginning to cause mayhem when officer leavesLout cried occasionally — that's clearLout finally collared by virtuous manLout from Austria punchedLout given Thumbs Up around lunchtime?Lout in a mob after rampage is left in an isolated position?Lout in black jumper turned upLout into paintings about to have threesomeLout knocked nurse coldLout loves dried grass on the counterLout pulled up headgear for time of his lifeLout repeatedly clipped child's toyLout runs through bar on ecstasyLout starts off yelling on busLout starts to hate officers, suffering in gaolLout stumbles upon river in French cityLout with a house in York postcode areaLout's acre of bottlesLout's gleeful cryLout's two children almost going head-to-headLout, about 21, turning physicalLout, attention-seeker and knuckleheadLoutish behaviourLoutish individualLoutish sortLoutishness of baddy finally replacing initiator of heistLoutsLouts on holiday sobbing?Louts vandalised plantLouver partLouversLouvre - bad design, or the French way?Louvre affair?Louvre architect designed Ringo's dressing gownLouvre article?Louvre displayLouvre ladyLouvre localeLouvre Pyramid architectLouvre Pyramid designerLouvre's first Stubbs? Right, that could describe landscape with more than one mareLouvre, par exempleLovable 2001 cartoon heroLovable curmudgeon of 197Lovable ogre of filmLoveLove (Ital.)Love - desperate act to get through tragedyLove a lotLove a portion sliced by cookLove a revolutionary being ready for a row?Love a Romeo? One's pulledLove a second? You heard right!Love a story not involving rugby?Love a tandoori masalaLove act? No thanksLove admitted by champ and companion for genetic engineering, say?Love affairLove affair in the Catholic churchLove affair of leading couple ignored by public demandLove affair with office work? Not ILove affair within a limitLove affairs, generally secretLove alcoholic drink that's kept dilutedLove alien's first pole erected on EarthLove allLove all, sayLove and marriage, don't start that as it can make you cry!Love announcing an entranceLove Apple excessively? Partner mostly baffled by thatLove apple turnover from Yotam Ottolenghi?Love apple?Love area’s clean, bracing airLove article in knitted sweaterLove at hotel to make promiseLove attempt to follow silver galoreLove – i.e., bums heaving – in these?Love backless new dressLove beastly mother returned furiouslyLove before war?Love beyond reasonLove big boobs, lad? That's more likely than notLove break in hospital departmentLove breaking through a wall in Paris? That's love in Paris for you!Love cafe back on descent when cycling up? U-turnLove calling for exclusionLove changes female organsLove cheat I caught with a bit on the sideLove childLove child?Love clip framing part of bird in viewfinderLove collecting first of caterpillars in spring after climbing treeLove contributing to guy’s burdenLove cycling the worldLove dearlyLove deeplyLove deityLove divine is out of the ordinaryLove encapsulated by one obscure turn of phraseLove English in curiously bland style associated with Wodehouse?Love essentially is ending, unfortunately, sinking very fastLove excellent final letterLove excessivelyLove extremely good conclusion to seriesLove family vacationing perhaps in Scotland or Japanese cityLove feeding wild animals? Work behind security screenLove figureLove fine 8, say, in tiny new case, as one may well believeLove fish, eating best marine creatureLove following the example of US singer/actor?Love following United making comeback? Sky might show thisLove foolishlyLove for Charlie in series of letters homeLove for sale, a great deal secured by princeLove fragrant flower close to noseLove getting kiss on cheek and flowerLove given to cleaner reforming strict policyLove godLove god angry when rejectedLove god rebuffed by Romeo becomes increasingly irritatedLove goddess in Scottish tartanLove going after Mitt's likely successor, animated characterLove going around over alternative to carpetLove great ending to seriesLove greatlyLove handle?Love handles, essentiallyLove having dispute about vesselLove having settled in American island, a gemLove helping after a partyLove helping to make speechLove how much fuss one can receive?Love hunt, here sabotaged at the last minuteLove hurting after rejectionLove husband taking down trousersLove in bronze: Rodin!Love in its present state rarely displayed by brothers in this?Love in l'aprLove in LyonLove in man making beastly noisesLove in the morning associated with us?Love ingredient in yesteryear's styleLove inspired by god as a consequence in templeLove inspirerLove intenselyLove interest finally greeting Shakespearean characterLove interrupting elderly relative's lamentLove interrupts work schedule? It's emblematic of the French!Love is ...Love is almost dead - what's left?Love is an entry for a sound relationshipLove is cutting single benefitLove is integral to religious sect, one helping us see the light?Love is thwarted in books one writesLove it to change colourLove it, going climbing in county, returning again and again?Love Italian cafe surroundingsLove Italian church building from CremonaLove Italian-styleLove kiss with these? They may be in bedLove label linked with old wine-producing regionLove languages derived from LatinLove lap-dancing? When it's polished it can be beautifulLove last of chess captures winning back pieceLove lessened by accepting nothing of threats?Love letterLove letter #3 from soft female with a large heart?Love letter, unfinished, turning upLove lettersLove letters?Love light fragrance shimmeringLove line and false statement seen in Hardy?Love lines circling front of bald headsLove lost in greeting studentsLove lotsLove loud tango - what about gospel's wrong?Love loverLove makes an entrance we hearLove meat mostly containing a bit of saturated fatLove missing husband, not that she regretsLove morning time on the radioLove movie nobody catches involving pair exclusivelyLove music broadcast (with volume cut) from London opera houseLove new lid on drink containerLove new place, we hear, at first viewingLove new range of products available via internetLove new supertanker, essentially backed by Saudi money, in dockLove Northern Ireland lakeLove noteLove object of ApolloLove objectsLove of 10 pirouetted, often with some leapingLove of a 13 acrossLove of artistic objectsLove of cruelty in the modern era is encapsulated by Stalin and Mao primarilyLove of doughLove of French poemLove of Kent, way out of townLove of LivornoLove of moneyLove of old Corsica among natives - it marked out Napoleon?Love of one's lifeLove of SpainLove of the French lyric poemsLove of the French works of poetryLove of the new mobile phone I trouble to bring backLove old sandwiches middle daughter leaves for cookLove or song endingLove overseasLove personifiedLove piano accompaniment for American piece of musicLove place to sleep niece arranged in dutifulnessLove place to sunbathe avoiding cold spellsLove playing football?Love playing game to the endLove poem of 1849Love poet's MuseLove potionLove potionsLove probing science with celebrity left-wingerLove promotion to start commotionLove pterodactyl fragment being on the counterLove rat often providing inspiration for poetLove recording absorbing Beethoven's FifthLove referring to mineralLove reversible zip, right?Love rival at party in Spanish cityLove role displaying creative styleLove role in moving pictures?Love seatLove seats, e.g.Love selection of fruitLove sex from behind hugging old singer's wifeLove shown by husband leaving this regretful ladyLove shown by wise man in Siouan languageLove signLove signsLove some French poemsLove some style of abstractionismLove someone who left hot drink outLove something offered atLove songLove song around noon playing on the radioLove song composed about BillLove song composed about very English kitchen accessoriesLove song cut short opening in the same mannerLove songsLove special task to find something left outLove splitting tree with axes in furyLove story?Love symbolLove takes many forms - they're central to making babiesLove taking business newspaper regularlyLove that can be pricey to purchase?Love this statue? Turning angryLove to be a womanLove to be immersed in stormy sea-mist spraysLove to be involved in moving fast - NASA’s speciality?Love to be Popeye's girlLove to bitsLove to break quickly into a modern industryLove to deathLove to enter race, wanting an achievementLove to examine old languageLove to excessLove to follow dictator hiding in Scottish island? It's handy!Love to form a bond that's outstandingLove to gather together by word of mouthLove to get boost after day lacking varietyLove to get stuck into drink ... it's a liquid food!Love to have sex, not about to retreatLove to impale non-stop, being conscientiousLove to interrupt endlessly stroppy dancersLove to let rip? Drive slowlyLove to participate in product preview for kitchen itemLove to piecesLove to replace East in a key part of singerLove to ridicule left-leaning writerLove to take speed and talk and talk and talk!Love to tell tales about American explorerLove to wear a smart coat with fashionable borderLove to write and sing chaotic overturesLove to write schedule without divisionsLove trapped by one obscure colloquialismLove trendy coats Oscar's wearingLove truth-telling, though no religious figureLove tucking into awfully tall beer, ok?Love uniform when in senior rankLove upset where learner moves across collegeLove upset, relegating lecturer in collegeLove vehicle, fashionable, with a musical instrumentLove very loud group's counterbalanceLove wicked character written by AristophanesLove writer accessible to everyoneLove writer to broadcast outsideLove writer's conclusion that's not closely definedLove writer's fluid approach to last of Miss Piggy's commentsLove ___Love's inspirationLove's oppositeLove, a requirement to keep you half blindLove, affectionLove, as "thou" might do Love, as it happens, a stoned fruitLove, dropping its first subtle shimmeringLove, honor and ___Love, I talk a lot about big beastsLove, in a wayLove, in FlorenceLove, in LimaLove, in LivornoLove, in LourdesLove, in RomaLove, in RomeLove, Italian-styleLove, like a popular singLove, Neapolitan-styleLove, personifiedLove, Spanish-styleLove, to a LatinoLove, to LivyLove, to LuigiLove, to LuisLove, to PavarottiLove, wild or poster?Love-crazy Le PewLove-in-a-mistLove-in-a-mist genus - celebrity cookLove? Turned on by slender girls primarilyLovebirds at heart want somewhere to swim in resortLovebirds catching one painful inflammationLovedLoved byLoved dearlyLoved intenselyLoved not wisely, but tooLoved oneLoved one needs protection? Not rightLoved one not working, you say?Loved onesLoved pace: certain to get an inningsLoved piece about early mode of transportLoved returning to embrace new hero in EliotLoved to bitsLoved to piecesLoved to play by city racetrackLoved to see the dreadnought wreckedLoved travelling with Aer Lingus - ultimately they take risksLoved ___Lovelace who was called "Lovelace's "To ___, From Loveless couple go off meaningless talkLoveless coupling made in the darkLoveless Germanic god has everyone in bondageLoveless lad is left confused and aloneLoveless pair become confused in silly talkLoveless person giving away nothing in this writer's thrillerLovelessly leave out examination of a heart valveLoveliesLovelorn cowboy on lake shows tactless behaviourLovelorn groupLovelorn's utteranceLovelyLovely being by islandLovely city in FranceLovely cleaner of high-quality porcelainLovely draw in competition: Italy against SpainLovely first person, by the sound of it, arrestingLovely food store thug and vacuous fool ransackedLovely girl briefly going after blackguard, immature creatureLovely girl netting most of vessel's carpLovely gravy that tastes divine inspires a cricket sideLovely hotel accommodatioLovely island castleLovely lad who may make cannibals soup?Lovely LamarrLovely light wine women at home cook withLovely maiden of myth, inhabiting rivers and woodsLovely mess with daughter after celebrationLovely metal linkLovely out?Lovely ovoid shape in spoiled egg, sourLovely place to live no one wants?Lovely place; moleLovely Rita, for instanceLovely rose without red exteriorLovely short 18 for old Australian driverLovely sightLovely skill of obedient dog?Lovely slice from what a stylistLovely soakLovely surprise?Lovely thing diminished, that isLovely thing, solver?Lovely to see doctor since catching coldLovely tune, ultimately inspiring start of hymn - listen!Lovely unruly fight: very good boxing contest in the endLovely working outLovely young womanLovely, as a signorinaLovely-sounding honey really horribleLovemaking superpower shown by one in bedLoverLover - fireLover and I recently finished early in single-room accommodationLover boyLover boy angry after rejectionLover boy barred from beerhouse on a regular basisLover boy keen to mask revolting smellLover boy Knut sporting little jumperLover boy?Lover dropped in — see TV set that's wideLover embraces wife, a timid little creatureLover getting entangled with Mini, becoming scarletLover heading west with one's capital abroadLover I betrayed — conclusion of romanceLover I found by taking this novel literally?Lover imprisoned during China moratoriumLover in "The Flying DutcLover in "The Merchant ofLover in a "kingdom by thLover in a Shakespeare tiLover in dire straits?Lover in Dryden's "All foLover in fine shiny fabricLover in group styled hair before ballLover in transit, on the moveLover introducing the verse from Larkin?Lover is coolerLover left out celebrityLover no longer criticises one on increase in sizeLover of 17 lives next door to a lecturerLover of AeneasLover of AidaLover of alcoholLover of AphroditeLover of beautyLover of Bianca in "OthelLover of brain gamesLover of capital overjoyed at firstLover of Cesario, in "TweLover of Cleopatra many, at first, love to hate?Lover of criminal eats in housing like thisLover of dangerLover of DaphneLover of Dido, in mythLover of Endymion, in mytLover of EosLover of EurydiceLover of fine eatingLover of fine foodLover of fine foodsLover of foodLover of fur?Lover of HLover of HéloïseLover of high ceremonyLover of IsoldeLover of JulietLover of LancelotLover of lean cuisineLover of lightLover of metal car was made to conserve energy at firstLover of minor detailLover of NarcissusLover of old paintings picked up moreLover of Orsino in "TwelfLover of ParisLover of physicist has rubbish hairLover of PyramusLover of RomeoLover of ShakespeareLover of Sir LancelotLover of the ’60s, Carpenter gives up crownLover of ThisbeLover of Tithonus, in mytLover of TristanLover of Tristan ; ie, lust (anagram)Lover of Troilus in a ShaLover offers nothing newLover on the rebound posed first for make-up artistLover once and I getting in bed? It's a bold actLover once noisily kissed soldier perhaps in the clubLover once wholly transfixed by island of great beautyLover one's ditched for a time finds comfortable padLover picked up ribbonLover put small jumper round meLover recalling some threat a Roman issuedLover soon having despicable person overLover stupidly mad with passion and fervour, ultimatelyLover subsequently put out?Lover tickling Maria, not OscarLover tied knot, did you say?Lover ultimately may be represented thus?Lover unaltered in extremes of torment is a Walter MittyLover who abandoned PsychLover with nothing on makes a bloomerLover’s letter read outLover's beginning to cause pain and get depressedLover's knot picked upLover's knot, as they sayLover's note penned by one seeking divorce?Lover's part in Swedish eroticaLover's quarrelLover's question on a lonLover's secretLover's songLover's soundLover's vow shocked artless female loverLover's wife, Greek character important, by the sound of it?Lover's woe ... or somethLover, belovedLover, in Le HavreLover, maybe one who's inclined to embrace daughterLover: SuffixLover; worshipperLoverboyLoverlikeLoverly?LoversLovers being brusque almost after social functionLovers crossing old river to get Dutch wineLovers embrace passionateLovers from EU kept apart by English barman?Lovers in film with clothes discarded at the startLovers meeting check out half past nine for this, finallyLovers of expensive furs Lovers of fine fareLovers of luxuryLovers of the phonetic alphabetLovers rapidly confused cabinet ministerLovers remove clothing and cheat, but not starting to get too excitedLovers share tweets when travellingLovers single? Engagement over?Lovers stripped with poet to embrace love in the waterLovers very soon excited a starLovers' conveyanceLovers' engagementLovers' exchangesLovers' guideLovers' lane eventLovers' meetingLovers' meetingsLovers' plightLovers' quarrelLovers' rendezvousLovers' rowLovers' scrapLovers' secret meetingLovers' secret meetingsLovers' secret rendezvousLovers' soundsLovers; worshippersLovesLoves "taking five" on island in Balkans areaLoves bum crackLoves calls for attention, keeping workingLoves eating small chocolate over sherryLoves entertaining composer, not one to dramatiseLoves extended teaLoves Mo ignoring back of runnerLoves running around pinching sisterLoves speed and energyLoves to embrace a symbol of hardnessLoves to enter motorcycling event and honk hornLoves to go round 6 in which social workers leave kids?Loves to piecesLoves to pinch scientists roughlyLoves welcoming very quiet colleagueLovestruckLoveyLovey-dovey – unrealisticLovey-dovey pairsLovingLoving a party circleLoving comment from an asLoving Conservative confession?Loving declaration of Conservative, for one?Loving deeplyLoving fat fee with action settled?Loving leader?Loving mother, at timesLoving motionLoving murmurLoving offerLoving phrase for a BritiLoving song and dance fronting bandLoving strokeLoving strokesLoving to reveal my politics?Loving touchLoving touchesLoving wife to prepare for conflictLoving, worshippingLovingly care forLovingly cared forLovingly cared for, with Lovingly caressLovingly taken home, lawman's clutching a tight backLovingly, in musicLowLow and trimmed-down portable night vision aidLow area of landLow area where waste is buriedLow Army rankLow bar spans Northern LineLow bar ultimately fellLow basin for washing the privatesLow bass loudspeakersLow beamsLow blow?Low born idiotLow bowLow brassLow bridges across central development in the cityLow budget film made mainly for showing on TVLow calorieLow cape — button it around neckLow cardLow card in the upper eleLow cardsLow cards in pinochleLow cartLow classLow clerk must change to become major US artistLow cloudsLow clubLow Countries localeLow damLow dam across a river to raise its level upstreamLow deckLow dice rollLow digitLow digit?Low digitsLow digits from zero in ascending seriesLow dipstick gathering last drop of oil, visible when darkLow dull noiseLow emotional state finishing earlyLow end of the food chainLow evergreen heath plantLow feeling daughter ignoredLow fig. for Randy JohnsoLow figure in question, essentiallyLow finish?Low frequency loudspeakerLow frequency noise in recording decayedLow frequency speakerLow gear involved finding place to leave a boatLow German novel is something to entice a swimmerLow gradeLow grade rugby training? This writer's describing St Helens maybeLow gradesLow grades, although it is the first performanceLow groundLow guessLow guttural soundLow Head of News turned to round of featuresLow heels?Low in caloriesLow in fatLow in priceLow in spiritsLow in the leaLow instrumental part of Low islandLow islandsLow isleLow jack?Low jointLow jointsLow joints for workers? That's outstanding!Low land that floodsLow level of interest is danger sign during high economic growthLow life cut in half radishLow life, right one, very loud air force femaleLow life?Low luminance in the dark – bright luminance in the dark?Low manLow man at the MetLow man in the choirLow markLow marksLow marshlandLow menLow mental age not normally needed for sportLow mount needing female climber's second rope ...Low no. for Roger ClemensLow northern celestial bodyLow noteLow note made by one who jumped over it?Low note moneyLow note or notes?Low note providerLow note suggestive of frivolty in Beethoven sonataLow number keeping quiet in soft lightLow numeroLow on the Mohs scaleLow on the sideLow oneLow order batsman sent in when a wicket falls near the end of the day's playLow padded seatLow pairLow partLow part embraced by bass, say - that's plainLow part of a handLow part of track coming to round lake with fishLow part of wallLow partners pace around out-of-this-world sceneLow pay mostly for breadLow period interrupted by river in floodLow person on a staffLow piece of furniture with a hinged seat, forming a storage spaceLow pitchLow pitch indicatorLow pitch symbolLow pitch?Low placeLow place in boroughLow placesLow platformLow pointLow point for every drinkLow point of river, difficult to crossLow point provides new attitude about depthLow point son cheekily unveilsLow pointsLow poker holdingLow poker pairLow pressure areaLow profile maintainerLow rafter supports new illuminationLow rains emptied uplandsLow ratingsLow reefLow river damLow river in high groundLow roof wallLow rubbish describing heavy fellow's chestLow scoresLow seatsLow shoe with a laceLow singer shows bumLow singing voiceLow soccer scoreLow sockLow socksLow sodium cleanse on the riseLow soundLow sound of whisky being tipped over room's contentsLow sound on beat failing to generate excitementLow source of luminance in darkness? Yes and noLow speed, in case pal's strugglingLow spiritsLow spirits start to get lower?Low spotLow spot of landLow squareLow state of mind daughter cast offLow stoolsLow stuffed seatLow temperature? That's debatableLow tieLow tipLow tractLow tractsLow traffic road (2 wds.)Low type with slander to prosper heartlessly - churlish figureLow value coinLow value coinsLow vibrating soundLow visibility figureLow voiceLow voice, alien for houndLow wallLow wall along a roof edgeLow wall along the side of a bridgeLow wall around a balconyLow wall panelLow wall panellingLow walls of national interest illuminated by nightLow walls queen knocked over in burial placeLow waning moonLow wind instrumentLow winds when cycling, good change from high?Low womanLow woman?Low woody plantLow, corrupt and irresponsible Republican leadersLow, in La PazLow, in LimogesLow-altitude cloudLow-budget films about heLow-budget investigatorLow-budget prefixLow-calLow-cal beer in reserve?Low-cal drinksLow-cal version of a hi-cLow-calorieLow-calorie drinks lead to tremendously large weeLow-calorie snackLow-calorie white coffee - sent any kiltLow-calorie, in beer nameLow-cost accommodations, Low-cost airline once involving Moss - surprisingly, it's unprofitableLow-cost home loan corp.Low-cost oil venue?Low-cost stopoverLow-cost, lightweight autLow-cutLow-cut necklineLow-cut trousers — fashionable, small and mostly shortLow-downLow-down about right pain producing wineLow-down American's heart just like all the restLow-down beam, large only at one endLow-down supporter, puppet of an old Labour leader?Low-emission vehicle departs, getting permitLow-fatLow-fat breakfast dishLow-fat dairy productLow-fat mayo, perhaps - dive in naked!Low-fat meatLow-fat meat providersLow-fat soft cheeseLow-fat, as beefLow-flying seabirdLow-frequency speakerLow-grade coalLow-grade paperLow-grade, as conflagratiLow-grade?: Abbr.Low-growing plantLow-growing shrubLow-growing tree found tyLow-heeled, wing-tip shoeLow-I.Q.Low-key coronation may be so rudeLow-level positionLow-level workers?Low-lying areaLow-lying Caribbean islandsLow-lying landLow-lying marshy landLow-lying wetlandLow-pitched instrumentLow-pitched noise from this replacement dogLow-pressure pitchLow-price prefixLow-priced fruit?Low-priced furniture sourLow-priced house, informaLow-priced shoestoreLow-qualityLow-rank inits.Low-ranking servantLow-rent districtLow-rent, maybeLow-risk investment choicLow-scoring draw this No.10 clinched?Low-scoring effort almost uncovered in London area? DefinitelyLow-sided trucksLow-stakes game?Low-stress typesLow-tech clickerLow-tech hair dryerLow-tech missileLow-tech office recorderLow-tonedLow-traffic spotLow-value coinsLow-voiced singersLow-water markLow-___Low-___ (for dieters)Low-___ dietLow: Sp.Lowborn Roman in plea — be for changeLowbrowLowbrow sitcom stapleLowbrow talk-show guest, Lowbrow, in a wayLowdownLowdown louseLowdown on the team's spiritsLowdown rat, ultimately, or courteous fellow?LowedLowell and TanLowerLower a footLower abdomens?Lower away, poltroon!Lower back boneLower back painLower body part: it is not dodgyLower Broadway areaLower CaliforniaLower California, familiaLower California, for shoLower chamber of Russia'sLower chamber of the Irish parliamentLower class in "1984"Lower classes are furious about new muddleLower classes intended mutinyLower classes take frivolous pleasureLower current cuts -- not at allLower demand to hold sports training in recessionLower entrance on the outside for tenantLower extremitiesLower frequency note shields noiseLower front of sister's hoodLower G-string pinching back of crotch - one is in painLower gas numberLower grenade use with ban in battleLower House of the Isle of Man parliamentLower house of the Russian Federal Assembly since 1993Lower in number after noonLower in positionLower in qualityLower in rankLower in statureLower in statusLower in the fieldLower in tone, the remarksLower jawLower jawboneLower jawsLower jointLower layer taken in by Le Pen supportersLower leg boneLower leg coveringLower leg jointLower level press employee returning pastries with hesitationLower limbLower limb jointLower limbsLower margin stops good (very good) serviceLower moral character between the sheets upset Home CountiesLower nobleLower number attached to nameLower numbersLower of two numbersLower on the Beaufort scaLower one cannot get!Lower oneselfLower order batterLower organ, heading off vibrationLower pair of black squarLower part in duetLower part of a duetLower part of a wallLower part of an inside wallLower part of an inside wall, finished differently from the restLower part of an interior wallLower part of cheekLower part of rigging cut from triangle, part of a ladderLower part of the Congo possibly was passed over by migrating weaver birdsLower part of the uterusLower part of uterusLower position defining party, a dinosaurLower rank encapsulates English cricket sideLower rent after Ray's movedLower reputation extremely likely with empathyLower River Test cuttingLower Saxony seaportLower seams burst as tight on both sides of tangaLower septet of black squLower Slobbovia creatorLower small intestinesLower status of French aceLower tenLower than - a town in West GlamorganLower than the restLower than: It.Lower the allowed electriLower the charges onLower the dignity ofLower the grade ofLower the price of, maybeLower the quality ofLower the reputation of revolutionary American writerLower the worth ofLower tidal part of a riverLower wheel about uniform weightLower Year gets high room in HogwartsLower, degradeLower, in a wayLower, south of the bordeLower-classLower-class ruffian retreats, having stolen my French gownLower-left phone buttonLower-priced gas option: Lower-priced spreadLoweredLowered area between stage and audienceLowered head for speaking tubeLowered in qualityLowered oneselfLowered the moral character of Daphne's missing content when retired?Lowering a cellarLowering fish to boat's bottomLowersLowers expectations from the start having left PM - see aboveLowers in rankLowers small hoodsLowers, as the lightsLowers, in a wayLowestLowest A, usuallyLowest adult male singing voiceLowest amountLowest bass wind instrumentLowest British hereditary title, created and sold by James I to raise moneyLowest card in pinochleLowest characters in the Bronx, public square, will stand outLowest deckLowest deck on a shipLowest emotional point of commemoration: a dirgeLowest female singing voiceLowest female voiceLowest in importanceLowest in positionLowest lake in the worldLowest male singing voiceLowest note? Second in sung MassLowest numberLowest number on a clockLowest of the lowLowest parLowest partLowest part of atmosphereLowest part of engine thermostatLowest part; ignobleLowest partsLowest pitchLowest pointLowest point of an orbitLowest point of floor I dance aroundLowest point of wire exposed below new plugLowest point: told "Darling, it's a no"Lowest points in faulty drainsLowest possible levelLowest possible temperatureLowest scoreLowest ship's deckLowest singing voiceLowest tidesLowest trap catching vacuum flaskLowest VHF channelLowest voiceLowest-priced gas grade: Lowest-ranking G.I.Lowing herd's locale, in Lowing herd's placeLowish voiceLowlandLowlandsLowlands town then lower, low in police inquiry might you say?Lowlands, to poetsLowlifeLowlife got over being given time insideLowlife heading for major argument, but held backLowlife snitchLowlife?LowlifesLowlyLowly abodeLowly assistantLowly chess pieceLowly digsLowly domestic servantLowly dramasLowly dwellings without hot firesLowly enemy in a period between actions?Lowly foot soldier, slangLowly laborerLowly laborersLowly man ruined, ending in gutterLowly nobles in pub on timeLowly oneLowly onesLowly postLowly soldierLowly soldiers embarrassed about rankLowly sortLowly typesLowly workerLowly workersLowry's first painting lacking substance? What about Turner?Lowry's subject for one of 13's storiesLowsLows include the core of a hundred states of mindLox holderLoy of "The Thin Man"Loy of filmdomLoy of old HollywoodLoyalLoyal - cadet diedLoyal and hard-workingLoyal assistant, as seen in a 1719 novelLoyal forceLoyal friend starts to act tearful, consumed by feelings of tendernessLoyal kid, finding bone to pick?Loyal politician, one controlling working livesLoyal poochLoyal rep excited to take part in trainingLoyal sidekickLoyal soldier leaving base to avoid training?Loyal subjectLoyal subject, say, tucking into pork pieLoyal support? Alas, I scam everyoneLoyal supporterLoyal supportersLoyal Tatars protecting portLoyal Tory Unionist, twice and thrice overLoyal, hard-working typeLoyal? Huns act badly!LoyalistLoyally ConservativeLoyally followingLoyaltiesLoyaltyLoyalty for example accepted by coalitionLoyalty for one entering partnershipLoyalty from a duke thus, protecting queenLoyalty has frequently produced solemn promisesLoyalty of priest and skilled worker joining craftLoyalty to the causeLoyalty, for instance in marriageLozengeLozenge from doctor in right building (no end of disease)Lozenge medic’s taken in working hoursLozenge recipe at hospital used by old doctorLozenge-shapedLozengesLPLP contents?LP flawLP halfLP insertLP materialLP needleLP or 45LP or single?LP partLP playerLP problemLP speedLP successorsLP supportLP the writer regularly plays at her ravesLP tracking pointLP's and CD's: Abbr.LP's: Abbr.LP's?LPs and 45sLPs and CDs: Abbr.LSDLSD and K2, for exampleLSD and othersLSD fired up musiciansLSD, sayLSE admitting a professor’s first mistakeLSE admitting reactionary old man’s mistakeLt. col.'s inferiorLt. Columbo et al.Lt. hopefulLt. j.g.'s inferiorLt. KojakLt. Raine of "InglouriousLt. saluterLt. ___ Mitchell (Tom CruLt.'s inferiorLt.'s inferior, in the NaLt.'s subordinateLt.'s superiorLt.-Maj. go-betweenLtd., hereLtd., in ParisLtd., in the U.S.Ltr. accompaniersLtr. addendaLtr. addendumLtr. additionsLtr. afterthoughtsLtr. centerLtr. containerLtr. extrasLtr. holderLtr. holdersLtr. insertLtr. recipient pinpointerLtr. routing aidLtr. with a periodLuanda's landLuau chowLuau danceLuau dancesLuau dishLuau doingsLuau entertainmentLuau fareLuau favorLuau fishLuau foodLuau garlandLuau garlandsLuau giftLuau greetingLuau greetingsLuau instrumentLuau instrument, informalLuau instrumentsLuau instruments, for shoLuau instruments, informaLuau lightingLuau mementoLuau necklaceLuau necklacesLuau offeringLuau pasteLuau servingLuau souvenirLuau souvenirsLuau stapleLuau stringsLuau treatLuau wearLuau, e.g.LuausLubberLubberlyLubbersLubbock's homeLubbock-to-Abilene dir.Lubbock-to-Fort Worth dirLube (up)Lube job supplyLubricantLubricant applierLubricant containerLubricant for ice skates?Lubricant gives King George comfortLubricant old international intended to be heardLubricateLubricatedLubricated like a spring, but not with carbonLubricatesLubricates drunken serenade, endlessly filling empty glassLubricating deviceLubrication spotLubricativeLubricatorsLuca ___, "The Godfather"Lucci's award, finallyLucci's elusive prizeLuce and othersLuce publicationLucia's brother in "LuciaLuciano Pavarotti, e.g.Luciano Pavarotti, informLucidLucie's brotherLucie's dadLucie's fatherLuciferLucifer may be here, game to fightLucifer watches balloonsLucifer's rivalLucifer, after descent?Lucifer, for oneLucifer, notablyLucille Ball holding up instrumentLucille Ball or Monty HalLucille Ball title roleLucille Ball, e.g.Lucille Ball, notablyLucio's lifeLuckLuck or fate, at timesLuck, good or bad, as result of actionsLuck, old-styleLuck, to someLuckilyLuckily for aunt breaking television: there's one leftLuckman of Chicago Bears LuckyLucky accidentLucky because fish finishes in last placeLucky break provider?Lucky charmLucky charm bringing millions to Andy Murray?Lucky charmsLucky creature heading off for racecourseLucky dice rollLucky dip bishop organised, backing nevertheless also requiredLucky drawLucky escape, as Conservative is defeated with experienceLucky escape, then a grin perhapsLucky figure deprived of the first courseLucky foursomeLucky German agreement may finally cover Muslim extremistsLucky golfer perhaps, playing against twin with no clubsLucky happenstanceLucky having strength to catch big fishLucky having two minutes surrounded by colourful birdLucky Jim authorLucky Jim, for oneLucky lottery player's crLucky mascotLucky me, tucking into edible leafLucky mystiqueLucky numberLucky ones, it's saidLucky ones?Lucky people?Lucky plantLucky rollover for 20?Lucky sorts?Lucky streakLucky strikeLucky strikesLucky strikes?Lucky thing taking millions at 6 10Lucky tip?Lucky to be not so much asleep?Lucky to get stuck on yachtLucky ___Lucky, so to speakLucrativeLucrative activityLucrative endeavourLucrative enterpriseLucrative job student won't startLucrative sourceLucrative work student left outLucrativelyLucreLucy and Ricky Ricardo's Lucy and Ricky's landladyLucy Lawless roleLucy Lawless title roleLucy Lawless TV roleLucy of "Charlie's AngelsLucy of "Kill Bill"Lucy of "Kill Bill: Vol. Lucy of "Shanghai Noon"Lucy or Ricky, to Fred anLucy Ricardo's palLucy's best friendLucy's friend on "I Love Lucy's guyLucy's hubbyLucy's husbandLucy's landladyLucy's landlady on "I LovLucy's loveLucy's neighborLucy's palLucy's pal on "I Love LucLucy's partnerLucy-___ Museum in JamestLudacris's musicLudd, the original LudditLuddite, one with job in peril, surprisingly flexible?Luddites' targetsLudicrousLudicrous commentsLudicrous cost in writing material available for saleLudicrous falsehoodLudicrous prankLudicrous problem handed back by the French – entirely not getting itLudicrous sailor's uniform gets ridiculed heartlesslyLudicrous, a shambles initially among stuff that's contraryLudicrous? I could be re-interpreted as thisLudicrously complex Briton, he has moved onLudicrously outdatedLudicrously scanty, it imparts holinessLudwig —, philosopherLudwig —, philosopherLudwig Mies van der ___Ludwig who wrote nine symLufthansa connectionLufthansa directionLuftwaffe foe: Abbr.LugLug - proceeds of robberyLug aroundLug case left by old presidentLug in that case of clayLug instrument and books round roomLug nuts' coverLug out of Le Havre regularlyLug part of bale, or last of produce, carelesslyLug secretionLug stuff that's no goodLug: Var.LugeLuge eventLuger pistol at the front modified with a silencerLuggageLuggage - lawsuitsLuggage as graduate goes on vacationLuggage attachmentLuggage carrierLuggage clip-onLuggage compartmentLuggage for a short stay?Luggage inspection org.Luggage itemLuggage markingLuggage necessitiesLuggage receiptLuggedLugged?LuggerLuggingLugholeLugholesLugosi of horror filmsLugosi who played DraculaLugsLugs around old currency reservesLugubriousLugubrious doctor with contents of vase?Lugubrious Hundred Acre Wood inhabitantLui's oppositeLui's partnerLui: him :: ___ : herLuigi's landLuis —, Spanish directorLuisa's lover in "The FanLukas of "Witness"Luke precederLuke Skywalker's fatherLuke Skywalker's mentorLuke Skywalker's sisterLuke Skywalker, e.g.Luke's "90210" roleLuke's mentor, in "Star WLuke's princess sisterLuke's sisterLuke's twin sister in "StLukewarmLukewarm fare served up quietly insideLukewarm reviewsLukewarm self-assessment? If so, there's no getting over itLullLull to sleep with this musicLullabyLullaby rockerLullaby startLullsLuluLulu in "Lulu," e.g.Lulu of a predicament?Lulu’s composerLulusLumbago, e.g.Lumbar puncture for American applicants, annoyed when giving up cocaineLumberLumber covers frame on Tower BridgeLumber dimensionsLumber featureLumber featuresLumber importer initially wants 1000 cut treesLumber mill fixtureLumber sourceLumber supplierLumber thickness, maybeLumbered, in a wayLumbering machineLumbering problemLumberjackLumberjack competitionLumberjack’s warning doctor to get in lineLumberjack's "Heads up!"Lumberjack's callLumberjack's first cutLumberjack's sportLumberjack's toolLumberjack's warning callLumberjacking toolLumberjacking toolsLumberjacksLumberjacks' toolsLumbricus wrigglerLumière's partner and childLuminance in difficult situations dazzlesLuminary in performance is euphoricLuminousLuminous haloLuminous radiationLuminous radiationsLuminous ringLuminous signLuminous sign of saintlinessLuminous topperLummoxLummoxesLumpLump - oafLump - sexy manLump fish circling lochLump in clothLump in one's throat?Lump in the throatLump in throat before game, teenage passion?Lump of clay, sayLump of cream, for examplLump of dirtLump of earthLump of goldLump of gold oreLump of precious metalLump of rock caught piece of clothLump of skin: hurry to conceal odd bitsLump of something turning young horse's stomachLump of stone not wanted in farm produce?Lump of valuable metalLump party together with voting upsetLump sizeLump togetherLumpkinLumpsLumps and bumpsLumps formed in a liquidLumps of Clay?Lumps somehow led us onLumpy deposits of body fatLumpy old bed aunt moved out of bedroom initiallyLumpy son, unfortunate, requiring injection of energyLumpy; knottyLunacyLunar bodyLunar calendar eventLunar calendar holidayLunar calendar observanceLunar craftLunar cycle related to a boneLunar disappearanceLunar domain — no sea, awfully lumpyLunar effectLunar exploration vehicle?Lunar feature cold? Very much not hotLunar localeLunar New YearLunar New Year in VietnamLunar occurrenceLunar or solar phenomenonLunar phaseLunar phenomenaLunar phenomenonLunar plainLunar programLunar rayLunar roverLunar seas; girl's nameLunar trenchLunar trenchesLunar valleyLunar vehicle on Sun? Dodgy things hereLunaticLunatic earl in ultimately wild countryLunatic getting post with teaching unionLunatic in US embracing one extreme of confabulation: animals that don't existLunatic or amusing fool?Lunatic Pope stood againstLunatic presided over trial, having rejected coroner's conclusionLunatic shows off behind lorryLunatic tore round island for sustenanceLunatic, oftenLunaticsLunatics in a tizzy without a medicinal preparationLunatics lacking a form of medicationLunationLunch always includes this drinkLunch box treatLunch counter offeringLunch counter orderLunch counter ordersLunch counter requestLunch counter sandwich, fLunch dish from the ovenLunch fears?Lunch for a whale, in a BLunch hourLunch hour, e.g.Lunch hour, maybeLunch inits.Lunch meatLunch onLunch or dinnerLunch orderLunch order, brieflyLunch orders that are typLunch packed with punch?Lunch sandwich, for shortLunch siteLunch specialty of an EmmLunch spread, oftenLunch time, maybeLunch, e.g.Lunch, in LancasterLunchbox alternativeLunchbox dessert itemLunchbox dessertsLunchbox goodyLunchbox itemLunchbox item, for shortLunchbox itemsLunchbox treatLunchbox treatsLunchedLunched, sayLuncheonLuncheon followerLuncheonetteLuncheonette listsLuncheonette orderLunchroomLunchtimeLunchtime queueing spotLunchtime, for manyLunchtime, oftenLunchtime, perhapsLunchtimes, typicallyLund of "Casablanca"Lundgren, at home, is a fairly blubbery individualLundi ___Lung compartmentLung coveringLung infectionLung inflammationLung membraneLung problemLung protectorLungfulLungs not working? Not quite allLungs of sheep, bullocks and pigs used in pet foodLungs of sheep, pigs etc used as foodLunkheadLunkheadsLunksLupine : wolf :: lutrine Lupino and othersLupino of "High Sierra"Lupino of filmLupins hid meLuPone or LaBelleLuPone roleLuPone stage roleLurchLurch from side to sideLurch inside restraining ragamuffinsLurchedLurchesLureLure agency worker to join top tableLure and net snagged on rocksLure company of fliers with hanky-pankyLure fish over to side away from windLure for Popeye's sweetieLure for Simple SimonLure into a crimeLure into crimeLure modern musicians to wear camp gear head to toeLure of an expectation?Lure of extremely statesmanlike fascistLure of New OrleansLure Penny into bad man’s embraceLure with musicLure with some succulent icesLure; deliberately tauntLuredLured - enticedLurer of sailors, in mythLurer of ships onto rocksLuresLuridLurid - style of European architectureLurid pulp magazine foundLurid sight - Bob struggling to restrain large family pet?LurkLurkerLurker's plan, perhapsLurking wild lion and tigerLusatian ___ (German/PoliLuscious BerryLuscious currants primarily filling bun with sweetnessLuscious oranges and melons primarily growing in this?Luscious spy I treated with cautionLushLush development?Lush fabricsLush local choir improvised no endLush materialLush performance setting?Lush salmon fills everyone in chargeLush setting?Lush sound?Lush soundsLush travel plan?Lush, in a wayLush, perhapsLushesLusitania sinkerLustLust afterLust after, visuallyLust and envy, for twoLust for Life, for exampleLust is sadly seen over Brighton & Hove?Lust of French fatherLust, for oneLusted after, visuallyLusted fancifully when embracing Doctor FellLusterLuster on display?LustersLustfulLustful godLustful Liberal Democrat restrained by pair with common senseLustful lookLustful lookerLustful looksLustful sortLustful woodland god - strayLustreLustre not right - get lostLustre of grand defeatLustreless lock of hair in part of beddingLustrousLustrous blackLustrous clothLustrous cotton fabricLustrous fabricLustrous fabricsLustrous gemLustrous gemsLustrous globule prized as a gemLustrous hueLustrous silkLustrous velvetLustrous whiteLustrously whiteLustyLusty Alan touched buttLusty creature in a Roman street for local birdsLusty husband later becoming grossLusty librarian getting laid possibly, keeping at homeLusty lookLusty men try desperately to get into crack regimentLusty pics nonce cut outLusty Romeo set off, losing head close to balconyLusty social complex hosts six from the StatesLutLute shapeLutelike instrumentLuth. or Bapt. schoolLuth. or Episc.Luth. or Meth., e.g.Luth. teaching, e.g.Luther Billis of "South PLuther had 95Luther oddly stops a German artist, one who cheatsLuther opponent JohannLuther say putting key, for Tees, in Rolls-Royce?Lutheran court full of bitternessLutheran hymnLutheran's one for his books, not meLuthor perhaps figures in reference booksLuvs rivalLuvvieLuvvie goes after antique in northern townLuvvie, attacked by bee crossing river, hobbledLux. localeLux. neighborLuxembourg grand duke in Luxembourg town where GeoLuxor localsLuxor Temple sightLuxuriantLuxuriant condition of hair is prominent in coachLuxuriant furLuxuriant hairLuxuriant hairstyle publicity worker coversLuxuriant locksLuxuriant tropical woodlandLuxuriateLuxuriate, as in the sunLuxuriatesLuxuriousLuxurious - soft materialLuxurious and rich, 80%+Luxurious carLuxurious fabricLuxurious furLuxurious German marque fails to startLuxurious hotelLuxurious hotel removed sign of the cross?Luxurious liversLuxurious materialLuxurious pad mostly, one in a tall buildingLuxurious place?Luxurious pub I found in town’s knocked overLuxurious resortsLuxurious sheet materialLuxurious work university hired outLuxurious wrapLuxuriously smoothLuxuriousnessLuxuryLuxury biography of female artistLuxury cabin on a linerLuxury carLuxury car carries one track competitorLuxury car in outskirts of Derby? That’s funnyLuxury car standard featuLuxury car transporting Yoko under a kilometre for moneyLuxury car ___ MartinLuxury craftLuxury food produced by male relative in a vast continentLuxury furLuxury hideawayLuxury home featuresLuxury hotelLuxury hotel accommodatioLuxury hotel along ManhatLuxury hotel amenityLuxury hotel and golf resort in Perthshire - legal genesLuxury hotel facilityLuxury hotel featureLuxury hotel, familiarlyLuxury Hyundai sedanLuxury leatherLuxury resortsLuxury seeker enthralled by classy bar itemsLuxury spreadLuxury Swiss chocolatierLuxury ToyotaLuxury Toyota makeLuxury train service between Paris and Istanbul, inaugurated in 1883Luxury US automobileLuxury’s endless advantageLuzLuzinski of baseballLXLX - highest possible score with one dartLycLycanthropeLycanthrope's catalystLyceum emptied after debut of Elijah WoodLydman of the N.H.L.Lye, e.g.LyingLying a little on top of drinking too much?Lying about person in office not getting electedLying around is Romeo's captiveLying between huge collections of stars - a critical gentLying between the sheetsLying between two extremesLying between two rivers, what was that industrial region?Lying boss almost in lateLying bum flogged modern housesLying by a judge accepted by Ant and Dec surprisinglyLying Conservative in Number Ten endlessly partyingLying downLying face downLying face downwardLying face downwardsLying face upwardsLying facedownLying for the country has caught ambassador finallyLying hidden by Spooner's sportLying in a state of total exhaustionLying in coma, due out before 1st of SeptemberLying in the same two-dimensional surfaceLying is popular with criminalLying lowLying next (to)Lying on one's backLying outsideLying plate on stone, roughlyLying port-to-starboardLying that's done during functionLying to get candy item changedLying tout beaten up? It wasn’t me!Lying under oathLying under the skinLying undisturbed at first in peaceful stateLying with arms and legs outLying with hedonists in a state of excitementLying, in a wayLying, maybeLying, perhaps, in wrong church with religious classLymph bumpLymph liquidLymph ___Lymphatic partLymphocyte found in marroLymphoid organLynch, perhaps, dreadful topless performerLyndon Baines Johnson LibLyndon Johnson, by birthLyndon's 1964 running matLynette ___, first femaleLynn Fontanne and her husLynn who sang "We'll MeetLynne's band initially welcomes female writer - this is likely to warm things upLynx lynx, e.g.Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Am I __Lynyrd Skynyrd's "___ YouLyon kingLyon of "Lolita," 1962Lyon's riverLyra's brightest starLyre hard to play — that business with the arms?Lyre-carrying MuseLyre-playing MuseLyric connected with theatreLyric from "America"Lyric from "The Star-SpanLyric museLyric outside lifted little roomLyric poemLyric poem Delius initially set in Old EnglishLyric poem found in Hesiod especiallyLyric poem partLyric poem's hot on beatLyric poemsLyric poems found in the cases of old elegistsLyric poems in more than one style, devoid of metreLyric poetLyric poet who wrote "TeaLyric poetryLyric poetry’s museLyric sounded outstandingLyric stand-in, perhapsLyric sung three times inLyric verseLyric versesLyric, part 2Lyric, part 2, after "WasLyric, part 3, after "WitLyric, part 4Lyric, part 5LyricalLyrical "before"Lyrical author followed by jerkLyrical GershwinLyrical JohnLyrical judge’s fitting end?Lyrical linesLyrical musical passagesLyrical operatic styleLyrical periodLyrical piece from rap act on the radioLyrical tributesLyrical versesLyrical worksLyrical, like a Pindar poLyrical, romanticLyrically writtenLyricist BergmanLyricist born 11/18/1909 Lyricist Carole Bayer ___Lyricist DavidLyricist Dubin and othersLyricist GershwinLyricist HarbachLyricist JackLyricist LernerLyricist Lorenz ___Lyricist on panel game is a foreignerLyricist RiceLyricist Rice heard sudden dread of a drumLyricist Sammy et al.Lyricist WashingtonLyricist ___ DavidLyricist's after power chargeLyricist's offeringLyricsLyrics accompany themLyrics regularly displaying good senseLysol target Clue Database Last Updated: 24/03/2025 12:00am