Common Crossword Clues Starting with L

L on a T?
L overseer
L x w x h
L'Adriatique, par exemple
L'Age ___
L'eau lands?
L'eggs competitor
L'eggs product
L'eggs shade
L'eggs wares
L'Enfant Plaza designer
L'Enfant ___, in Washingt
L'Escargot caught up by Italian stallion
L'homme over there
L'Oreal competitor
L's meaning, sometimes
L'___ de Triomphe
L'___ du Tour (annual cyc
L'___ Vogue, Italian fash
L'___-deux-guerres (Frenc
L, e.g.: Abbr.
L-1011 alternative
L-1011, e.g.
L-P filler
L-shaped tool
L-___ (Parkinson's treatm
L-___ (treatment for park
L. Frank Baum prince
L. L. Cool J's "In Too De
L. M. Montgomery book "An
L. Ron Hubbard genre
L. Ron Hubbard's "___ Doc
L., B. or J.
L.A. campus
L.A. Clippers are in it
L.A. clock setting
L.A. gang member
L.A. hours
L.A. law figure
L.A. setting
L.A. sked abbr.
L.A. Sports Arena team
L.A. suburb near Sherman
L.A. summer setting
L.A. team vehicle?
L.A.'s area, for short
L.A.'s region
L.A.'s San ___ Bay
L.A.'s ___ Museum
L.A.'s ___ Tower, tallest
L.A.-based music magazine
L.A.-based petroleum gian
L.A.-to-Butte direction
L.A.-to-Jacksonville rout
L.A.-to-Jacksonville rte.
L.A.P.D. call
L.A.P.D. division?
L.A.P.D. investigator
L.B.J. biographer Robert
L.B.J. in-law
L.B.J. Library site
L.B.J. or R.M.N., once
L.B.J. son-in-law
L.B.J. son-in-law Charles
L.B.J.'s successor
L.B.J.'s veep
L.E.D. part
L.I. zone
L.I.R.R. stops
L.P.G.A. player?
L.P.G.A. supporter?
L.S.A.T. part: Abbr.
L.S.A.T. takers
L.S.U. rival, informally
L/L Bean?
La —, Milan opera house
La Belle
La Belle ___
La Bohème composer
La Boheme character
La Brea attraction
La Brea goo
La Brea goop
La Choy product
La Citt
La donna
La Espa
LA gang member this evening reported threat to hero
La Gioconda, familiarly
La Grande Jatte, e.g.
La Guardia : LGA :: O'Har
La Guardia data: Abbr.
La Guardia or LAX
La Guardia posting: Abbr.
LA guys wanting English clothes
La Jolla's ___ Institute
La la lead-in
La la starter
La lead-in
La M
La Marseillaise, perhaps
La Mediterranee, e.g.
La mer, e.g.
La mer, most disturbed here?
La Palma, e.g.
La Paz is its cap.
La Paz's land: Abbr.
La preceder
La Rouge et la Noire
La saison d'___
La Scala cheer
La Scala debut of 1887
La Scala features
La Scala highlight
La Scala locale
La Scala music director b
La Scala offering
La Scala productions
La Scala solo
La Scala song
La Scala star
La Scala's city
La Scala, e.g.
La Seyne-sur-___
La starter
LA suburb
La Traviata composer
La ___
La ___ (Chinese food bran
La ___ (fossil-rich area)
La ___ (Hollywood nicknam
La ___ (San Diego area)
La ___ (weather worry)
La ___ Caspienne
La ___ opera house
La ___ tar pits
La ___ vita
La ___, Bolivia
La ___, Calif.
La ___, capital of Buenos
La ___, home of the Salk
La ___, Milan opera house
La ___, port near Buenos
La ___, Quebec
La-di-da pound shop
La-la lead-in
La-la preceder
La-la starter
La-Z-Boy spot
La. neighbor
La., e.g., from 1805 to 1
La., e.g., once
La.-to-Mich. dir.
Lab animal
Lab assignment, maybe
Lab assistant?
Lab blowup: Abbr.
Lab bottle
Lab burner
Lab burners
Lab burners of old
Lab cells
Lab challenges
Lab charge
Lab container
Lab containers
Lab dish inventor
Lab eggs
Lab employees
Lab equipment
Lab field: Abbr.
Lab garments
Lab gear wrong for this school subject
Lab gel
Lab glass
Lab glassware
Lab glassware item
Lab glove material
Lab heaters
Lab holder?
Lab inspector?
Lab instruction?
Lab instructor?
Lab item
Lab items
Lab jobs
Lab maze runner
Lab medium
Lab monitor?
Lab noise?
Lab offering?
Lab order?
Lab personnel
Lab procedure
Lab protector
Lab rage impaired academic study
Lab reagent
Lab receptacle
Lab reports
Lab runner
Lab runners
Lab service: Abbr.
Lab shouts
Lab sights
Lab site: Abbr.
Lab slide objects, often
Lab sound
Lab specimens
Lab stock
Lab subj.
Lab subject
Lab subjects
Lab test
Lab test subjects
Lab test taker
Lab too big for change? It has to come through
Lab tube
Lab tubes
Lab units
Lab verification
Lab vessel
Lab wear
Lab work
Lab worker, perhaps
Lab workers may have them
Lab's ___ dish
Label - children's game
Label a hug that's contrived as ridiculous
Label again, as a compute
Label anew
Label as cold nothing that's hot!
Label attached to a southern county: 'It's saucy!'
Label badly written by copper is something you shouldn't pocket
Label certain notes “of uncertain authenticity”
Label club the wrong way
Label describing each book leaves container
Label English item of furniture as attractive to buyers
Label for many a photo
Label from opening of stopwatch?
Label G or PG, e.g.
Label I ran represented a dancer
Label in a bibliophile's
Label in a foreign-langua
Label in a Lauren Weisber
Label in new seed bed
Label in Saks and Bloomie
Label info
Label meal cooked in plastic
Label meat cooked for partners in the ring
Label Monster Munch packs
Label of Bing Crosby's "W
Label on a certain advert
Label on a street-corner
Label on an amplifier kno
Label on many an advertis
Label on some sportswear
Label on the foreign item in furniture shop?
Label outlining conclusion of anal pedant
Label put around each botanist’s initial collection of leaves
Label that's carrying name for dish
Label these clothes? That's not a job for Miss Worthington
Label whale starting from the rear flipper?
Label with a name on it
Label written up, amended date issued
Label’s strange with odd letters missing
Label, epic, rare, potentially unique
Label, strange, oddly ignored
Label: approve it, we hear
Label; children's game
LaBelle or LuPone
Labelled each book stolen by cardinal
Labelled with year? That's old-fashioned
Labelling coming together about right
Labels men as fickle
Labels; quotations
Labor action
Labor activist Chavez
Labor activist Silkwood
Labor class?
Labor convenience
Labor Day and many other
Labor day arrival?
Labor Day's mo.
Labor day?
Labor Dept. arm
Labor Dept. division
Labor Dept. section
Labor Dept. watchdog
Labor group
Labor grp.
Labor grp. since 1900
Labor grp. since 1935
Labor leader Ch
Labor leader dropping off
Labor leader George
Labor leader I. W.
Labor leader I. W. ___
Labor leader James
Labor leader Jimmy who my
Labor leader of note
Labor leader's cry
Labor org. since 1935
Labor organization
Labor organizer's cry
Labor organizer?
Labor Party member, maybe
Labor party?
Labor saver
Labor secretary under the
Labor's partner
Labor's partner, in a gar
Labor-management arrangem
Laboratory animals about to take bug
Laboratory bottle
Laboratory glassware
Laboratory item
Laboratory sessions
Laboratory task
Laboratory utensil
Laboratory vessel
Laborer of old
Laborer's suffix
Laborious effort
Laborious routine in mill?
Laboriously extract something captured in war
Laboriously make
Laborites' preferred work
Labors over
Labour camp for political prisoners
Labour candidate finally producing fine material
Labour cell struggling ... with Labour?
Labour challenger "hits women" – not true
Labour dispute
Labour excluded from govern­ment training session
Labour fails to suppress female PM
Labour flagging striking victory
Labour henchman holds back prime minister
Labour in 2024? A lot are switching
Labour leader abandons reluctant pledge
Labour leader almost a Green inside? Well, I'll be blowed!
Labour leader appears dishevelled in old clothes
Labour leader fearing meltdown? Time for someone more right-wing
Labour leader making a change, mostly wrong about everything
Labour leader wearing retro styles rarely
Labour leader's penetrating treacherous parting glance
Labour maintaining posh empty room causes unrest
Labour member cryptically written as KPO?
Labour minister, who once attacked political correctness, claims most of others exaggerated
Labour movement's endless reproach about Murdoch?
Labour MP replacing Rishi initially - that's a relief
Labour MP, 4, reporting electronic check
Labour on retrospective cover-up
Labour ousting leader leads to succession
Labour Party clipped in the end
Labour Party leader, 1980-83
Labour PM, b. 1951
Labour policy is something that won't be compromised
Labour prime minister, d. 1967
Labour retains original manifesto, initially creating disquiet
Labour set up many elections
Labour shortly to follow this US-style party?
Labour standard?
Labour start to work in constituency
Labour stronghold supports left wingers quitting
Labour strongman, he's stashed money raised
Labour target regenerating after cuts at the top
Labour tax inherited property
Labour to protect right country, one in 12 7
Labour to secure source of meat - such as this?
Labour unravels red flag, dismissing singular complaint
Labour wants second rail service
Labour wants to lose bankers with redistribution for capital
Labour with overture to opera: that chap joined the writer to deliver opera
Labour’s forced here to trail behind grand upper class
Labour's beast trashed May: "An abhorrent leader of idiots"
Labour's bound to reveal the exploitation business
Labour's conclusion — government must call an election now
Labour's end pitch
Labour's got a new catchphrase
Labour's leader unseated in this?
Labour's material electorate finally discarded
Labour's result is cause for annual celebration
Labour, in England
Labourer against boarding ships
Labourer returning additional heroin is dispatched
Labourer wants beer with lemonade essentially
Labourer’s van heading north, visibly empty
Labourer's assistant could be so devious
Labourers going around spotted tools
Labouring, create pool for beetles
Labrador food?
Labrador hrs.
Labrador retriever, for s
Labrador retriever?
Labrador, say, starts to gobble grub outside peacekeepers’ party?
Labradors and Yorkshires
Labuschagne finally cheered off - Poms annoyed, "That's a liberty!"
Labyrinth here? Almost recognise one direction - help!
Labyrinth locale
Labyrinth parts
Labyrinth site
Labyrinthine mass of passages
Lac contents
Lace (into)
Lace bed
Lace collar; beard
Lace hole
Lace into
Lace into rat involved in quarrel
Lace mat
Lace part
Lace place
Lace place mat
Lace set in short knickers, like one hanging in there
Lace shade
Lace site
Lace still vino, putting in tons
Lace tip
Lace's end
Laced up
Laced waterproof boot
Laced with alcohol; impaled
Laceless shoes
Laceration made by small whip
Lacerations and things they can create?
Lacerations found around most of vulgar waterproofs
Laces (into)
Laces into
Lacey on "Cagney & Lacey"
Lachesis and Clotho, in m
Lack - want
Lack coordination to go 100% 27?
Lack direction
Lack enough food
Lack equilibrium
Lack expression to be obvious
Lack forerunner of lengthy winter in New York?
Lack job, love to go to the top
Lack of accuracy
Lack of action from saint the way things are
Lack of activity among rebellious division with no leader
Lack of activity around one exam
Lack of activity during trip oddly constrained by time
Lack of adornment
Lack of agreement
Lack of agreement in recess
Lack of any desire for lu
Lack of any false pride
Lack of approval for shelter
Lack of assertiveness
Lack of awareness in church sheltering good girl
Lack of belief in time has dissipated
Lack of bias
Lack of bias not established to perform exhumation
Lack of bravery
Lack of brightness
Lack of care
Lack of care, making a burger's ultimate temperature hot
Lack of caution
Lack of certainty, say, in the Conservative leader, wavering
Lack of clarity as court brought up sinister point
Lack of color
Lack of colour
Lack of comforts
Lack of communication
Lack of completion in building coalition
Lack of concern involved us in cocaine
Lack of confidence
Lack of consensus
Lack of consistency in crying out for reform
Lack of constraints
Lack of conviction
Lack of courage
Lack of courtesy
Lack of difficulty
Lack of direction
Lack of discipline unless I run off
Lack of drive space with one unit regularly
Lack of due care
Lack of due care and attention
Lack of emotion
Lack of emotion or enthusiasm
Lack of energy
Lack of enthusiasm
Lack of enthusiasm for book
Lack of enthusiasm for one heading off around track
Lack of enthusiasm showing in an issue editor cancelled
Lack of enthusiasm, a disadvantage to shoppers?
Lack of excellent treatment
Lack of experience
Lack of experience of top-class doctor in New York
Lack of experience perceived by audience to some extent
Lack of faith in so many leaders chasing articles
Lack of feeling
Lack of finesse
Lack of foresight in my work leads to inadequate assessment
Lack of foresight?
Lack of get-up-and-go
Lack of gravity
Lack of guile one never has to prove in court
Lack of guile or pretension
Lack of guilt
Lack of harmony is very new in music for disco
Lack of initiative
Lack of interest
Lack of interest in a course with happy ending
Lack of interest in proven nuisance
Lack of interest in Rossini unnecessarily picked up
Lack of interest in things in general
Lack of interest, in a way, on the fourth of July
Lack of interest, of course, that always stifles
Lack of knowledge
Lack of knowledge of good woman visiting fashionable church
Lack of laxness
Lack of mobility is first of troubles for Left in Spanish region
Lack of moderation
Lack of movement
Lack of movement just north of Chiswick around one
Lack of muscle on view when cold descends
Lack of openness
Lack of optimism partly affecting loo manufacturers
Lack of organisation?
Lack of originality
Lack of paid work
Lack of physical grace
Lack of pity
Lack of power? Indignation after Republican's sent packing
Lack of powerful Arab rulers, we hear, is not much good?
Lack of practice, with son no longer in the groove
Lack of precision
Lack of principles said to obstruct friendship
Lack of procedures for securing publicity at present
Lack of professionality
Lack of proportion
Lack of propriety
Lack of quality in footwear messes with soles finally
Lack of quality spoiled 10 pens
Lack of refinement
Lack of religious virtue
Lack of rest breaks when leaving - most curious
Lack of restraint
Lack of secrecy
Lack of sense sets back European political group
Lack of shelter as river pours turbulently inside
Lack of similarity
Lack of soil on ground, ultimately
Lack of solidarity
Lack of sophistication
Lack of stability
Lack of starch
Lack of substance of English politicians' points accepted
Lack of success oddly feasible
Lack of sympathy for defective state of Old Testament?
Lack of system in barristers sadly restricting opening of action
Lack of talent excluding a privileged group
Lack of talent not a feature of Lord's
Lack of taste or style
Lack of time following drink
Lack of togetherness
Lack of Tory turn-out is excellent
Lack of transportation in South London?
Lack of two principal characters ruining scene
Lack of understanding displayed by sovereign or ancestor
Lack of variety
Lack of variety cycling - correct? Let me think!
Lack of verbal restraint
Lack of verve in Florida, given temperature along cape
Lack of vigor
Lack of vitality
Lack of vitality very little to the fore in worship
Lack of warmth in retiring old British people
Lack of warmth sees English Christian back in coat
Lack of water and bread keeps king tense
Lack of what's needed
Lack of wisdom I test in statement of denial
Lack something to make one conspicuous?
Lack stability
Lack support to carry gun around
Lack support to control children's game
Lack sweet touch, having no heart
Lack tact in work, punching dull pain in the neck
Lack, briefly
Lack, deficiency
Lackadaisical friends knocked back a little drink
Lackadaisical response
Lackawanna's partner in r
Lacked, briefly
Lackey - curly-haired dog
Lackey follows party in government
Lackey occasionally returns bearing cake
Lackey of dodgy boss, mostly awful
Lackey's hint for Spooner: 'I'm going'
Lackeys without power or wealth
Lackeys' party kicking up a storm
Lacking 19 1 across possibly, apropos the rise of first-rate aria
Lacking a break
Lacking a charge
Lacking a coherent connection
Lacking a dividing membra
Lacking a key
Lacking a key, in music
Lacking a logical sequence
Lacking a mate
Lacking a middle
Lacking a musical key
Lacking a musical quality
Lacking a partner
Lacking a posh girl's traditional education? It's not done!
Lacking a pre-planned pattern
Lacking a purpose
Lacking a sharp edge
Lacking a signature, say
Lacking a sponsor
Lacking a stopover, as a
Lacking a surrounding col
Lacking accuracy
Lacking affection, despite everything
Lacking all dignity
Lacking ambition
Lacking an ear for music
Lacking any appeal
Lacking any breadth of view
Lacking any creativity
Lacking any elements
Lacking any guarantee of
Lacking any interest or creativity - nepotist cad
Lacking any warmth or friendliness
Lacking anywhere to go?
Lacking attention to duty
Lacking backup
Lacking bargaining power,
Lacking bottle now, perhaps, like some capsules
Lacking brightness, poet is sent up
Lacking brio
Lacking bumps
Lacking capacity to be distinguished
Lacking cash, dealer finally becomes agent
Lacking caution in endeavour — a shame
Lacking chivalry
Lacking color
Lacking colour
Lacking comforts
Lacking common sense
Lacking companions
Lacking company
Lacking competition, large organisation sat after work
Lacking confidence
Lacking connection, wife apparently in a good mood
Lacking consistency
Lacking conviction
Lacking courage
Lacking courtesy
Lacking couth
Lacking cover, relative introduces a bizarre rule
Lacking cover, soldiers gathered in a group
Lacking cover?
Lacking date, one's rejected by Kelly and Irene heartlessly
Lacking definition, not very fit
Lacking delicacy, time to be more passive?
Lacking depth
Lacking details
Lacking determination
Lacking direction, driver ultimately unable to deliver milk
Lacking direction, I am trapped in area? Not so
Lacking distinctive features
Lacking dollars, mostly gives in
Lacking due reverence
Lacking Ecstasy, take glue
Lacking education, poor aunt meets violent thug
Lacking energy
Lacking energy after tango and twist
Lacking energy and listing
Lacking energy conclude article further on
Lacking energy, attractive girl produces weapon
Lacking energy, teach girl to dance
Lacking energy? That's a problem for a walker
Lacking enthusiasm
Lacking enthusiasm or energy
Lacking experience
Lacking experience, one's thrown out of everything and departs
Lacking expertise
Lacking faith in God
Lacking fat
Lacking feeling
Lacking feeling in end of toe, still
Lacking flavor
Lacking flavour
Lacking flexibility
Lacking focus regularly leads to failing grade
Lacking forcefulness
Lacking foresight
Lacking foresight - spendthrift
Lacking foresight?
Lacking form
Lacking fragrance, rose should be moved away from front of house
Lacking French
Lacking fresh air
Lacking froufrou
Lacking fullness, as a vo
Lacking fullness, as the
Lacking function, bodyguard is possible cat-killer
Lacking generosity
Lacking good manners
Lacking good taste
Lacking gravity, that's plain
Lacking gravity?
Lacking guile and disastrously two down hosting the French
Lacking hair
Lacking head protection, though putting two and two together?
Lacking heat, French dish almost postponed
Lacking home cover for certain
Lacking hope - ten odd pens
Lacking hope, Hamlet abandons boundaries when wearing frock
Lacking humour, though mostly funny
Lacking imagination
Lacking in aesthetic judgement
Lacking in assertiveness
Lacking in colour
Lacking in colour or vitality
Lacking in confidence, not very bright Italian turned up
Lacking in courage
Lacking in discrimination and sensibility
Lacking in energy, gloomy and weighed down
Lacking in excitement
Lacking in insight
Lacking in knowledge
Lacking in lust
Lacking in name, inventor somehow gets patent
Lacking in power
Lacking in schooling
Lacking in scruples
Lacking in strength
Lacking in substance
Lacking in tact
Lacking in variety
Lacking independence those kids arranged places to work flexibly
Lacking individuality
Lacking inflection
Lacking information
Lacking initiative
Lacking inspiration, set out to annoy
Lacking intelligence
Lacking interest
Lacking interest in nude man cavorting
Lacking introduction, fix conclusion
Lacking iron
Lacking its wool coat, as
Lacking justification
Lacking knowledge (of)
Lacking knowledge and ability
Lacking life
Lacking light
Lacking limbs
Lacking liveliness
Lacking lucre
Lacking luster
Lacking mates, having day off that's tediously long
Lacking meat, eggs, dairy
Lacking meat, so to speak
Lacking melanin
Lacking melody? Close!
Lacking mercy, like an incomplete Bible?
Lacking moisture
Lacking money for fare from Scotland
Lacking moral scruples
Lacking muscle
Lacking nucleus, fermenting yeast is swelling
Lacking objectivity
Lacking one flatiron for bashing of one's forehead?
Lacking oomph
Lacking order, we hear, for vegetable
Lacking organisation
Lacking originality
Lacking packing? Not carried away we hear
Lacking pigment
Lacking pizazz
Lacking plans
Lacking play
Lacking polish, like this second def
Lacking politeness, if innocuous — merely unsettling
Lacking power (to do something)
Lacking precise limits
Lacking principles
Lacking principles, upset mother before exam
Lacking professional expertise
Lacking profundity
Lacking prudence, unwise
Lacking purpose
Lacking radiating appenda
Lacking refinement
Lacking refinement in lament that ignores Unknown Soldier?
Lacking refinement, energy - in finish lost
Lacking regard for the feelings of others
Lacking respect for the beliefs of others
Lacking restraint
Lacking restraint as this solution regularly is
Lacking reverence for God
Lacking rigid opinions, I am not offended
Lacking scruples
Lacking self-confidence
Lacking self-restraint at home, happy to imbibe endless wine
Lacking sensation
Lacking sense
Lacking seriousness
Lacking serviceability
Lacking shape
Lacking significance
Lacking skill in
Lacking skill is party game for children
Lacking skill or knowledge
Lacking slack
Lacking social polish
Lacking some energy, regret entering capital river and lake
Lacking sound reasoning
Lacking source of cash, chooses to make a comeback - boxers tend to do this
Lacking source of education, looks up 'beehive'
Lacking special apparel, knight is thrown out, not admired
Lacking spice
Lacking spirit - feeble
Lacking sponsorship, Charlie's dropped not fired
Lacking spring or curl, a
Lacking strength
Lacking strength, reportedly, for seven days
Lacking substance
Lacking substance, accepting base trickery
Lacking substance; narrow
Lacking subtlety
Lacking sufficient desire
Lacking sufficient oomph
Lacking sufficient staff
Lacking support
Lacking support, like the Yard after a third cut
Lacking support, so to sp
Lacking sympathy
Lacking taste or style
Lacking the knack
Lacking the means to fight back
Lacking the resources
Lacking the sense one was born with
Lacking the skill
Lacking the spunk
Lacking thrills
Lacking tin for biscuits
Lacking tolerance
Lacking transparency?
Lacking trees
Lacking value
Lacking ventilation
Lacking vicissitude
Lacking vigor
Lacking vision, managed in wrong way: dispute follows
Lacking vitality
Lacking volume
Lacking warmth
Lacking wide interests, ruins a learner sadly
Lacking width and depth
Lacking width and depth,
Lacking will to cross river with US highway
Lacking will to reject place in fashionable gallery?
Lacking will to remove bit of rubble from US highway
Lacking will to use US highway, cutting out middle of journey
Lacking will, hitch-hiker finally abandons US highway
Lacking worldly experience
Lacking wrinkles
Lacking written authentication?
Lacking zip
Lacking, to Louis
Lacking, with "of"
Lacking; below zero
Lacking; outside
Lackland, e.g.
Lacklustre Eisteddfod winner retired
Lacks life
Lacks ready cooked sweet treats
Lacks the wherewithal
Lacks, briefly
Lacks, in brief
Lacks, quickly
Lacoste of tennis
Lacoste of the courts
Lacquer ingredient
Lacquer part
Lacquered metalware
Lacrimal drop
LaCrosse carmaker
Lacrosse contingent
Lacrosse quorum
Lacrosse team
Lactates, e.g.
Lacto-___ vegetarian
Lacy border seemingly good on bed
Lacy frills
Lad accepting kiss with an indifferent sound?
Lad at once shot based on casual accounts
Lad choosy about place of education
Lad clipped by Floyd the
Lad clutching top of designer group
Lad collaring member for IOW town
Lad combining moves in display of agility
Lad comes for punishment: he received suspended death sentence
Lad from Liverpool, at first softly, a churner-out of music
Lad from Winchester?
Lad goes round Australia having plenty of drinks
Lad has invested almost everything in hairdressing shop
Lad hooligan knocked over
Lad I upset in store
Lad in charge of sound
Lad initially is having speculation over hot girl
Lad is drunk after Savoy's first quit for another label (the mug!)
Lad is struggling with song that has rapid succession of notes
Lad just penetrated by tip of weapon that's piercing
Lad keeping it working: are French workers to stay idle?
Lad loses head after the opening of this!
Lad ran goal excitedly, slowing to score
Lad rested uneasily holding front of precarious portable equipment
Lad seen swimming with fish
Lad so nice, chump unfortunately lacking skill
Lad stows aboard Victory with time for quayside farewell
Lad taken aback about French article and other parts of speech
Lad tending horses - yeast blob
Lad that's served up hot food
Lad tore ragged, stretchy costume
Lad tunes out, having inhaled good hallucinogen
Lad underneath vehicle shows bottle
Lad very embarrassed to admit papa's promised money
Lad who drew a sword from
Lad with eight shifts came to rest
Lad with good accent as performer
Lad’s carrying a key for trunk
Lad's badge
Lad's girl
Lad's love
Lad's partner
Lad's sweetheart
Ladd or Alda
Ladd or Greenspan
Ladder company?
Ladder danger
Ladder lets one escape from dilapidated building
Ladder part
Ladder positioned vertically, build quickly
Ladder rung
Ladder step
Ladder steps
Ladder to keep impeding one's escape
Ladder with its step shortened
Ladder, or short part of one
Laddie's lid
Laddie's love
Laddie, in Australia
Ladette cunningly keeps doctor engaged in controversy
Ladies and gentlemen
Ladies and gentlemen carrying father up and down over peak in America, spotted horse
Ladies and gentlemen of t
Ladies and gentlemen relaxed briefly
Ladies and gents associated with city in a vague way
Ladies and gents engage a new supporter to defend a barman
Ladies and gents key to replace small coins
Ladies and Gents south of Waterloo vacant
Ladies back adopting new jargon
Ladies briefly dancing in dream
Ladies called her "the Fa
Ladies do climax when holding nylon skirts!
Ladies in fashion or models
Ladies in men's rooms?
Ladies of Lisbon
Ladies of Sp.
Ladies of Spain
Ladies of Spain: Abbr.
Ladies of the house
Ladies of Versailles: Abb
Ladies or Gents
Ladies perhaps hide, forgoing second chance
Ladies perhaps welcoming good company image
Ladies possibly wanting occupation, I admitted
Ladies scantily dressed, Barbra Streisand's initials covering her topless picture
Ladies sped off and caused annoyance
Ladies under pressure at first in plant
Ladies unexpectedly went by boat
Ladies’ man
Ladies’ fingers
Ladies' drink?
Ladies' fingers
Ladies' fingers and thumbs up Rihanna's clothes
Ladies' man
Ladies' man disheartened female author
Ladies' man loafed about during game
Ladies' man's old hospital round interrupts drink
Ladies' man, Tramp, in jumper
Ladies' men
Ladies' or gents', e.g.
Ladies' partners
Ladies, perhaps it's time Stelios returned down south
Ladies, say, brought over 3 for convict in novel
Ladies, say, in a rush, not in a friendly way
Ladies, staying on, visit New Zealand tourist attraction
Ladies: what one does there, having first taken off clothes
Ladle cradle
Ladle disturbed red pip
Ladle, scoop
Ladled-out food
Ladleful of unappetizing
Lads expressing love over that woman offering poetic name
Lads holding English pub up? Call for help!
Lads use it, suffering lethargy
Lads went dancing in Slough and similar places
Lads' partners
Lady abroad
Lady abroad: Abbr.
Lady and the Tramp, e.g.
Lady Anne's last antique restored in shoddy fashion
Lady bighorns
Lady Bird Johnson's given
Lady Bird Johnson's middl
Lady briefly taking you for a Parisian in fact
Lady Byng Trophy org.
Lady Caroline beginning to draft a letter
Lady chapel locale
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Lady Chatterley's Lover, say, in some long grass, of course?
Lady Day festival
Lady de la maison: Abbr.
Lady disheartened after writing in suitable terms?
Lady excited northern singer
Lady expecting driving test bore the manoeuvring
Lady famous for piemaking
Lady first to encourage and tend other ranks
Lady first to encourage and tend soldiers
Lady for Don Juan
Lady Fortune, according to Spooner, is a weakling
Lady fox
Lady friend in Italy
Lady from his neighbouring land mostly going with Welshman, oddly
Lady from Ipanema
Lady from Lisbon hears no evil
Lady from south of the bo
Lady Gaga encases king in durable resin
Lady Gaga perhaps to look briefly after her Dad
Lady getting round awkward snag puts on show again
Lady Godiva's habit was so unacceptable
Lady Godiva's possible cover for honeypot and purse?
Lady Grantham drinking British beer
Lady guards breeding ground! Pardon?
Lady Hamilton and others
Lady Hamilton or Lady Thompson?
Lady holding a dish to have with curry?
Lady in "The Sun Also Ris
Lady in Arthurian legend
Lady in pants cuddles friend in vivacious fashion
Lady in sports car is a flapper
Lady in waiting?
Lady into bloomers back in underwear, contrary outfit embraced by different fellow
Lady Jane and Zane
Lady Jane Grey's fate
Lady Jane ___
Lady left out of legion
Lady Liberty garb
Lady Lindy
Lady lobster
Lady Macbeth's best line?
Lady Macbeth's last words
Lady Macbeth's problem
Lady Macbeth, e.g.
Lady Macbeth, for one
Lady Macbeth, on occasion
Lady Nancy
Lady not running freely sent in for surgery
Lady of "Idylls of the Ki
Lady of a 1918 hit
Lady of a 1932 song
Lady of a stuttering song
Lady of Arthurian romance
Lady of Brazil
Lady of Coventry
Lady of disrepute
Lady of honor
Lady of la casa
Lady of la maison: Abbr.
Lady of La Mancha
Lady of Lammermoor
Lady of Le
Lady of Lima
Lady of Lisbon
Lady of Portugal
Lady of rank
Lady of Sp.
Lady of Spain
Lady of the Haus
Lady of the knight?
Lady of the Lake
Lady of the Lake?
Lady of Troy
Lady Ogilvy perhaps drinking one's port
Lady on U.S. coins
Lady peer
Lady Penelope's introduction is a bit rich
Lady performing with trio in skilful way
Lady R may suggest an isolated place
Lady rabbi condemns empty words
Lady regularly feels restricted by heart problem
Lady scratching bottom attracted prince
Lady setter in trim condition picked up
Lady singer out to lunch
Lady singer, b. 1986
Lady sins -- a home broken -- what's caused adultery?
Lady starts to move about restlessly inside aeroplane
Lady that is part of orchestra
Lady to pick up advert for skirt
Lady troubled about first bit of knitwear that's polyester
Lady turned up naked in exotic shows
Lady wanting boy makes wishes
Lady who Alfred Tennyson asked to 'come into the garden'
Lady who ran distribution for artist …
Lady who will succeed?
Lady whom Don Giovanni tr
Lady with a box
Lady with a title
Lady with kids least set to ditch car
Lady with une aur
Lady without equal but with large shed
Lady ___
Lady ___, first woman to
Lady ___, Girl Guides fou
Lady’s outside, referring to musical instrument
Lady's about to retire wasted old staff
Lady's address
Lady's address?
Lady's beau
Lady's chamber
Lady's escort
Lady's finger
Lady's fingers
Lady's formal greeting reflected
Lady's garment
Lady's heavenly meal not coming with starter
Lady's keepsake to a sold
Lady's laid up? This should get her going
Lady's lover
Lady's man
Lady's mate, in a Disney
Lady's partner
Lady's private room
Lady's shoe
Lady's shoe dry on way into field, not in the middle
Lady's title
Lady's undergarment
Lady, e.g.
Lady, mistress of grand house, cutting the chat
Lady, not totally square, wanting bit of adventure
Lady, one potentially a queen, we're told
Lady, still unclothed, grabbed by first male turning up
Lady-in-waiting in "Othel
Lady’s applying much make-up with greater severity
Lady’s bedchamber
Lady’s year ruined - back in January, it would seem?
Ladybird, for one
Ladybug's prey
Ladybug, e.g.
Ladybugs, e.g.
Laertes and Ophelia
Laertes' T's
Laetrile source
Lafayette or Orleans
Lafayette's forces
Lafayette's state?
Laffit ___ Jr., thoroughb
Lag behind
Lag finally escaped lock-up
Lag having arrived behind schedule holds us back
Lag with a bituminous covering
Lag, one put inside when students attend school
Lag, right in the back
Lagasse of the Food Netwo
Lager and cider: you'll need an antidote for it!
Lager available for vulnerable child
Lager better in a cocktail? It's too bad
Lager brand
Lager brought round for trip
Lager drinking sot performing in pieces
Lager drunk after spirit, drinker's penultimate drink
Lager girl?
Lager holder
Lager lass and editor upended into coffee
Lager sources
Lager top and fizzy cola served here?
Lager, bitter and stout
Lager, for example
Lager-swilling female somewhat regretted alcoholism, on reflection
Lager/lemonade tipple
Lagers I ordered in north African port
Laggard to strike
Laggard, informally
Lagging behind
Lago composition
Lago contents
Lago d'Orta locale
Lago feeder
Lago filler
Lagomorphic leapers
Lagoon area
Lagoon encloser
Lagoon locale
Lagoon perimeter
Lagoon spread over wicket, hence embarrassing score
Lagoon surrounder
Lagoon's boundary
Lagoons' surroundings
LaGuardia and others
Laguna composition
Laguna Veneta borderer
Lah followers
Lahore garb
Lahore's river
Lahr co-star of 1939
Lahr of "The Wizard of Oz
Lahr who played the Cowar
Laid back about bad press for broadcast
Laid back about English knight’s disclaimer
Laid back contingent of Scots up in Edinburgh
Laid back, office siesta criticised
Laid bathroom flooring
Laid before heart, spades accumulate points?
Laid bets at a casino
Laid down
Laid down the law
Laid eyes on
Laid low
Laid odds (only evens) against increases
Laid off
Laid off, as workers
Laid on generously
Laid on the floor and prepared to drink
Laid out a club, maybe
Laid out with gaps, changes to lower case when written over maybe?
Laid some tiles
Laid to rest
Laid up
Laid up in Caribbean island? It’s the passion fruit!
Laid up in house with minor wound for dressing, relax
Laid up in old island state
Laid up, search the internet to secure a fantastic job, wonderful for 22
Laid, as a bathroom floor
Laid, as a floor
Laid-back attempt at humour with original approach
Laid-back Corinthian's teammate?
Laid-back court accepts English as a form of language
Laid-back fan
Laid-back number note discussion about computer network
Laid-back quality
Laid-back sort
Laid-back team leader joining party that should bring the house down
Laid-back, personalitywis
Laila who dances in and o
Laine of jazz
Lair dug, excavation nearby starts
Lair; study
Laird can stand for chief
Laird fell into country road close to boozer
Laird left, having an unhappy experience
Laird or thane?
Laird's way to acquire county with river
Laissez-faire doctrine
Laissez-faire type? Not sailor from African country
Lake - French mother
Lake activity
Lake along which I-90 run
Lake and river rose catastrophically
Lake at the foothills of
Lake beside a port, time to get in!
Lake boards U-turning to exploit water table
Lake bordered by four sta
Lake bordered by Malawi,
Lake bordering four state
Lake by Alps with Italian viewpoint
Lake by that ancient French city
Lake cabins, often
Lake catch
Lake Chapala's state
Lake circled by element of shipping line
Lake city in USA - really?
Lake craft
Lake crosser
Lake discovered in game reserve
Lake District lake, the largest in England
Lake District town
Lake emptied after Italian's head hidden in waterway for The Mob
Lake encircled by a sheltered walkway
Lake Erie city west of Cl
Lake Erie feeder
Lake Erie-to-Lake Ontario
Lake formed by glaciation
Lake former, perhaps
Lake Geneva feeder
Lake Geneva spa
Lake house in Thanet occasionally abandoned
Lake I located in one capital city or another
Lake in Germany ridiculed - provided tiny amount of water
Lake in Hyde Park
Lake in northern Israel
Lake in old colony, as Africans changed name to Malawi
Lake in Tanzania included in many a safari
Lake in the Lake District?
Lake in winter, perhaps, child must avoid
Lake Indian
Lake Indians
Lake inside game reserve
Lake is home to river fish
Lake island has bridge across, Patient A maintaining
Lake Kyoga locale
Lake life
Lake Michigan arm
Lake Michigan explorer Je
Lake Michigan port
Lake Michigan port appealingly elegant in the past
Lake name of two Olympics
Lake named after an India
Lake named for an Indian
Lake near Jacobs Field
Lake near Niagara Falls
Lake near river, oddly drained
Lake next to Avon Lake
Lake north of Milan
Lake of "Hairspray"
Lake of Caledonian highlands primarily
Lake of Caledonian Highlands, primarily
Lake of Emerson, Lake & P
Lake of Emerson, Lake and
Lake of Four Forest Canto
Lake of Geneva resort
Lake of rock's Emerson, L
Lake of the Four Forest C
Lake of the Ozarks feeder
Lake of the Ozarks river
Lake of TV
Lake Okeechobee's state:
Lake on the California/Ne
Lake on the edge of Kazak
Lake once also largely surrounded by piece of land
Lake or pond
Lake rental, maybe
Lake some have negotiated coming west
Lake Superior attraction
Lake Superior has trees and American flowers
Lake Superior port
Lake supporting fish which may be close to the bottom?
Lake Tahoe state
Lake taken in by extremely eager stranger
Lake Tanganyika discovere
Lake that feeds Niagara F
Lake that feeds the Truck
Lake that is a source of
Lake that is something to see on foot, going round a hotel
Lake that James Fenimore
Lake that sounds spooky
Lake Thun's river
Lake Titicaca's range
Lake to be tricky for yacht
Lake to merit study
Lake touching four states
Lake tribe
Lake Victoria circumnavig
Lake Volta locale
Lake Volta's country
Lake Volta's locale
Lake where a bore recedes
Lake whose name means "bi
Lake with a few houses is graceful
Lake with classic ship moving slowly
Lake with small peninsula is wider than it is deep
Lake Wobegon's locale: Ab
Lake ___
Lake ___ (Blue Nile sourc
Lake ___ Beach, N.Y.
Lake ___ City, Ariz.
Lake ___ College, in 16-A
Lake ___, created by Hoov
Lake ___, discovery of Lo
Lake ___, head of the Blu
Lake ___, largest lake in
Lake ___, lowest point in
Lake ___, outlet of the M
Lake ___, reservoir on th
Lake ___, separating Swit
Lake ___, source of the M
Lake ___, south of London
Lake ___, Switzerland/Fra
Lake ___, third-largest l
Lake’s gold reflection portrayed by Turner
Lake’s troubled period: why it is losing water?
Lake, pond
Lakefront home feature
Laker Shaq
Laker star Shaquille
Lakers star Lamar
Lakers' league (abbr.)
Lakers' org.
Lakeshore rental, perhaps
Lakeside parking provided for stars …
Lakota speaker
Lama, e.g.
Lamarr of film
Lamb : ewe :: ___ : mare
Lamb : sheep :: kid : ___
Lamb alias
Lamb and vegetable casserole - nirvana
Lamb by another name
Lamb Chop enlivener Lewis
Lamb Chop's mentor
Lamb Chop-Orville double act from this pair's island?
Lamb chops accompanier
Lamb done evenly — veg is burning
Lamb in trouble - ewe finally brought back
Lamb joint
Lamb ma'am
Lamb not found on a farm
Lamb or Bacon
Lamb or Bacon piece
Lamb or mutton dish
Lamb or mutton kebab
Lamb or veal chop
Lamb or veal chop from behind the neck
Lamb output
Lamb piece
Lamb pieces
Lamb product
Lamb products
Lamb specialty
Lamb starter taken from celebrity chef
Lamb’s progenitor is core to sacrament
Lamb's "Essays of ___"
Lamb's alias
Lamb's coat
Lamb's cover
Lamb's cry
Lamb's dad
Lamb's dam
Lamb's father
Lamb's kin
Lamb's lament
Lamb's lettuce - Dan's carol
Lamb's mama
Lamb's meat made of build
Lamb's mom
Lamb's mother
Lamb's mum
Lamb's nom
Lamb's output
Lamb's pen name
lamb's place
Lamb's pseudonym
Lamb's sobriquet
Lamb's sound
Lamb's tendency to get left in the middle
Lamb's utterance about keeping king's horse
Lamb, Bacon etc? Try in soups, then stews primarily
Lamb, e.g.
Lamb, for example
Lamb, say, is perhaps unfathomable
Lamb, say, understood encounter as stated
Lamb? Try it without salt, initially
Lambast – fault in me
Lambaste verbally
Lambaste, slangily
Lambda followers
Lambert Airport code
Lambert Airport locale: A
Lambert airport's home: A
Lambert occupies swell place to sleep in USA
Lamborghini alternative
Lambs bite lions? What's in their hearts?
Lambs' kin
Lambs' laments
Lambs' mamas
Lambs' moms
Lambs' mothers
Lambs: Lat.
Lame actors this man dismissed from operas
Lame cattle put up on sale -- just 50%?
Lame cooking with ordinary recipe, ultimately humdrum grub
Lame displays of light entertainment
Lame ducks
Lame excuse
Lame excuse for missing h
Lame gait
Lame inspector's guided by Jack
Lame man rights wrong
Lame man's first goal
Lame run
Lamebrain, in slang
Lament about fate inside - plot for one missing green, green grass of home?
Lament about surprisingly barren bush
Lament appearing in public, a mistake
Lament awful, but entertaining head of government
Lament bringing up part of crossword, Serpent's fifth
Lament delay, netting a pound where fortune's sought
Lament extinct bird in Scottish mountain
Lament for one buried in cathedral
Lament for one in city
Lament for the dead
Lament funny Beano comic's central character
Lament getting temperamental around November
Lament having right leg trapped in vehicle
Lament having smashed last glass
Lament hit on head, calling in doctor
Lament life's end, and the end of masterly, welcoming supporter
Lament loudly
Lament mistreatment of thorny devil, not six left
Lament noisily
Lament of Lady Capulet
Lament on a washed-up cel
Lament one buried in Bury
Lament overthrow of energy network
Lament returning unfinished crossword?
Lament singular country expressed?
Lament unknown by the Spanish, for example
Lament what willows do?
Lament, part 2
Lament, part 3
Lament, part 4
Lamented ignorant broadcast?
Lamented the loss of
Lamenter's question
Lamenting corrupt order
Lamenting cry
Lamenting perverse political stance
Lamenting poem
Laments about teachers not getting money - hypocrites!
Laments day-old fails
Laments hiding the day fighting stopped in conflicts
Laments loudly
Laments on independence - look around outside
Laments the loss of
Laminate used for worktops - police workers supply it
Laminated plastic
Laminated safety glass
Lamont Library locale
Lamont ___, a k a The Sha
Lamp filament metal
Lamp filler
Lamp fuel
Lamp is lit by holy person, one who praises God?
Lamp locale
Lamp locales
Lamp oil
Lamp resident?
Lamp site
Lamp sites
Lamp type
Lamp-rubbing boy who thus summons a genie
Lampoon Saint Christopher
Lampoon succeeded with British after pound out of depth
Lampoon; firework
Lamprey relatives
Lamprey ___
Lampreys, e.g.
Lamps - daffodils
Lampshade blemish
Lampshade shade, perhaps
lams, say
LAN system
Lanai and Maui: Abbr.
Lanai ladies
Lanai neighbor
Lanai serving
Lanai's county
Lancashire city
Lancashire football team mostly played very fast
Lancashire lass returns with seeds, oddly, for badgers
Lancashire seaside resort
Lancashire stew
Lancaster foe
Lancaster ground inherited from one’s forebears
Lancaster questionably in the blood?
Lancaster's illegitimate according to inheritance
Lance Armstrong at the front - he'd set about it to go first
Lance Armstrong foundatio
Lance cpl.'s grp.
Lance in law
Lance of the bench
Lance on a bench
Lance on the bench
Lance ___ (U.S.M.C. rank)
Lancelot and others
Lancelot lover
Lancelot player in "Camel
Lancelot player, 1995
Lancelot portrayer, 1967
Lancelot's attire
Lancelot's son
Lancer stabbed
Lancers left
Lanchester of film
Lancia competitor, for sh
Land (on)
Land - there's failure to include it within the borders of Turkey
Land a record catch nearly on return
Land above the R
Land above the Rio Grande
Land across from Gibralta
Land also at sea
Land alternative
Land around the Brahmaput
Land at a Spanish airport
Land at an Italian airpor
Land at Orly?
Land at the edge of water
Land away from towns
Land ball at the back, stand to welcome American
Land before crossing island
Land beginning to erode in northern China
Land beside the sea
Land between Can. and Mex
Land bird
Land bordered by the Cong
Land bordered by the Meko
Land bordering ancient Ly
Land bordering Bhutan
Land bordering Greece: Ab
Land bordering Mesopotami
Land bordering northern cove
Land bridge
Land bridge exists as shown, covering miles
Land by crashing into sea
Land called "Mizraim" in
Land called Mizraim in th
Land claimed from the sea in Belgium per capita
Land colonized by ancient
Land conquered by Conquis
Land conservationists initially owned
Land covered in Virginia creepers
Land crumbling into sea
Land cultivation
Land cultivation hard on slope
Land cut off by water
Land design?
Land development
Land development?
Land divided at the 38th
Land document
Land down under?
Land east of the Atl.
Land east of the Urals
Land failure
Land famous for its lyric
Land feeling depressed
Land fish - one is thrown back, having been caught
Land fish, catching two, including first of skate
Land fish, one that's out of this world?
Land for a house
Land for each university
Land for grazing
Land for grazing is beyond river
Land for growing crops
Land fowl
Land from which Moses cam
Land grant, of a sort
Land heavily
Land ho! Welcome to Australia, the source of many fresh starts
Land hopper
Land in a depression
Land in a foreign land?
Land in a Gauguin landsca
Land in a river
Land in a stream
Land in ancient Rome
Land in Asia, mainly, as occasional flier
Land in base is becoming a slum?
Land in C. S. Lewis's "Ch
Land in contact with water - this, after storm, mostly a pulpy mess
Land in country, European nation
Land in European country
Land in excellent nick, note, after journey skyward
Land in Genesis
Land in gym before football game
Land in hospital — yuk!
Land in l'Atlantique
Land in l'oc
Land in la mer
Land in le Pacifique
Land in Rome
Land in S.A.
Land in the Barbary Wars
Land in the Colosseum
Land in the saddle? That's Turpin's job
Land in the Seine
Land in the Thames
Land in two pieces
Land in un fleuve
Land in un lac
Land in water
Land in which men wear sk
Land invaded by Italy, 19
Land is endlessly sacred
Land it - airman flying with United Airlines, primarily
Land makes outlaw happy and he's reformed
Land map
Land map part
Land mass from the Atlantic to the Urals
Land mass within has title deed redrafted
Land matter disheartened revolutionary
Land measure
Land measures
Land mine, e.g.
Land north of Italian port, just about the most bleak
Land north of Latvia
Land not clayey?
Land not cultivated in stages, we’re told
Land O Lakes product
Land o' blarney
Land o' leprechauns
Land o' the Irish
Land O'Lakes product
Land of "20,000 Leagues U
Land of 13,500+ islands
Land of 147 mill.
Land of 300+ islands
Land of a billion
Land of a Million Elephan
Land of a particular type
Land of amore
Land of Blarney
Land of Canaan
Land of elves
Land of Ephesians
Land of Ephesus
Land of Esau's descendant
Land of fairies
Land of fjords
Land of Hope … It’s inspired by Elgar’s last muse
Land of Hope?
Land of Killarney
Land of King George Tupou
Land of kings Rama I to V
Land of laughs?
Land of Leonidas
Land of leprechauns
Land of Lima and llamas
Land of literature
Land of luxury makes Willy different in age
Land of Molly Bloom
Land of O'Kelly and O'Kee
Land of one's birth
Land of Opportunity?
Land of Pap
Land of peace and simplic
Land of photography
Land of poetry
Land of Robert Burns
Land of sentimental verse
Land of shamrocks
Land of the Chosen people
Land of the descendants o
Land of the eland
Land of the leprechauns
Land of the llama
Land of the Midnight Sun
Land of the pharaohs
Land of the Rising Sun
Land of the Rising Sun holding American
Land of the so-called "Tr
Land of the Tigris and Eu
Land of Tralee
Land of Wahhabis
Land of which Burns fondl
Land office map
Land on a high plateau
Land on a peninsula
Land on Palaeozoic formations in LA?
Land on the Arabian Penin
Land on the Bay of Biscay
Land on the end of a peni
Land on the Gulf of Finla
Land on the Med.
Land on the Mediterranean
Land on the Red Sea
Land on the Rubicon
Land on the Sea of Azov:
Land on the Strait of Hor
Land on the Yellow Sea
Land once known as Serend
Land once ruled by the Ha
Land one flying, over the radio
Land one, punching Hilary
Land or borough in Holland for Spooner
Land originally explored regularly in public transport
Land owner's document
Land ownership seemed suspect with northern resident
Land parcel
Land punch smack in the middle
Land rover
Land Rover possibly carrying angry Turkish commander south
Land seemed neglected around north
Land seen in charming drawing?
Land shared by Iraq and I
Land soldier who's dropped, not straight, clutching uniform
Land south of Egypt
Land south of Hadrian's W
Land south of Judah
Land south of Kashmir
Land subjugated by 106-Do
Land surrounded by water
Land surrounding area in Pacific seaport
Land SW of Uru.
Land that declared its in
Land that won its indepen
Land that's around 16% Mu
Land that's largely deser
Land that's more than 90%
Land that's mostly sand
Land that's part of Shanghai, not separate on reflection
Land that's saluted in th
Land to be developed
Land to build a house on
Land to which Cain fled
Land turtle
Land under a king or queen
Land under Down Under: Ab
Land unit
Land units
Land used for crops
Land user of yore
Land visited by Gulliver
Land west of Britain
Land west of Eng.
Land west of Nod
Land west of the Pacific
Land west of Togo
Land west of Vietnam
Land west of Wales
Land what takes skill!
Land where Moses died
Land where people break into song
Land where the air is thi
Land with a cavalry in Ez
Land with a queen in King
Land with a red dragon on
Land with chinchillas
Land with half of Mount E
Land with inexperienced leader is OK
Land with one on board
Land with recurrent wet season
Land with short pointer pointing up
Land without a lot of luggage
Land worker
Land ___ (bargain-hunt su
Land's end
Land's ground seemed to contain nitrogen
Land's politician admitting slip before Congress
Land, as a big one
Land, as a fish
Land, eventually
Land, in another land
Land, in Lyon
Land, intending immediate departure?
Land, not sea, I gathered
Land, safe ground for one shelled on the beach?
Land-clearance method
Land-clearing device
Land-locked east Asian country
Land-locked national
Land-use regulators
Land: uphill track into promontory
Landed (on)
Landed a haymaker
Landed estate
Landed estate in Spain and Latin America
Landed gent
Landed gentleman bears right, then left, finding arboreal animal
Landed manor
Landed on island, in custody of Catholic queen's army
Landed outside Channel Islands according to legal requirements
Landed peasant in pre-191
Landed properties
Landed property
Landed property this writer originally secured in valley
Landed, rolling over in fight, producing knife
Lander at Arlanda
Lander at Ben Gurion
Lander at Ben-Gurion
Lander at J.F.K., once
Landers and others
Landers with advice
Landfall for Ponce de Le
Landfill fill
Landfill's emanation
Landform at river mouth
Landholder's female rival put up charge
Landholders who could be Belgians?
Landing area
Landing area with illumination
Landing craft: Abbr.
Landing field
Landing gear
Landing ground needs helium for large computer
Landing in urban area in Holland, according to Spooner
Landing info: Abbr.
Landing locale
Landing piers
Landing place
Landing place for private
Landing place for Santa
Landing place on a roof
Landing place with fifty percent changing hands
Landing places
Landing plane totally empty
Landing requires ability with feathers
Landing site
Landing site of 4/1/45
Landing stage
Landing stage for cargo
Landing stage needed to support artillery weapon
Landing stage or quayside
Landing stage ripe for redevelopment
Landing strip
Landing strip constructor
Landing ___
Landing-place is crucial, we hear
Landlady hiding first part of takings in dress in rundown area
Landlady welcoming foreign lad holding tip of French stick
Landlady's army
Landlocked African countr
Landlocked Alpine principality, capital Vaduz
Landlocked Asian
Landlocked Asian country
Landlocked Asian socialist country
Landlocked Balkan country
Landlocked central African country, capital N'Djamena
Landlocked country of south central Africa
Landlocked country with joint heads of state, the president of France and the bishop of Urgell
Landlocked country, an Asian soviet before 1991, capital Yerevan
Landlocked desert country of northern central Africa, formerly a French colony
Landlocked European
Landlocked European country
Landlocked European country, once known as White Russia
Landlocked land
Landlocked land of 12 mil
Landlocked land of Africa
Landlocked Muslim land
Landlocked South American country
Landlocked south-east Asian country
Landlocked southern African country, capital Gaborone
Landlocked ___ Sea
Landlord accommodates student composer
Landlord boss’s pre-printed stationery
Landlord excluding old Republican
Landlord following old writer's public correspondence
Landlord for publicity that is directed at resistance
Landlord has no right to come in
Landlord home contents in B&B that might blow up
Landlord in centre of Rugby won't fancy an empty place
Landlord in Cleese remake
Landlord of Lucy and Rick
Landlord or landlady
Landlord payments
Landlord to observe in secret
Landlord's agent
Landlord's check
Landlord's due
Landlord's due line out of home for new lease extension
Landlord's entitlement
Landlord's income
Landlord's need
Landlord's paperwork
Landlord's post
Landlord's problem?
Landlord's record
Landlord's sardonic next-day offer to deliver better times scrapped
Landlord's schedule
Landlord's sign
Landlord's stewed tripe scoffed by approving soldiers
Landlord's ultimatum?
Landlord's woe
Landlord, e.g.
Landlord, one that's found in bed
Landlord’s notice to quit perhaps?
Landlords should be locked up
Landlords' due
Landmark built for the 1889 Exposition Universelle
Landmark in Elvis Presley
Landmark in Trafalgar Square
Landmark in west, yet built for east originally
Landmark inaugurated 3/31
Landmark made with blocks
Landmark near the Arno
Landmark near the pyramid
Landmark Newport mansion,
Landmark on the Chicago s
Landmark seen in Australian port after docking
Landmark shows one particular curve
Landon from Kansas
Landon of politics
Landon who lost to F.D.R.
Landon who ran for presid
Landowner doesn't finish hideout
Landowner endlessly seen in retreat
Landowner in den with duke
Landowner introducing married daughter was embarrassed
Landowner involved in tactical air defence
Landowner makes den on top of Dartmoor
Landowner mostly shy about status
Landowner seen, hide daughter
Landowner’s manner welcomed by lord
Lands a few blows in a deceptively promising period
Lands around mansions
Lands in bottom of hole, say
Lands in Florida and Carolina say?
Lands in protest at establishment
Lands in the Persian Gulf
Lands in water
Lands on the Persian Gulf
Lands' End competitor
Lands' End rival
Lands, as a fish
Landscape feature of two hectares
Landscape features
Landscape painter's private room with PC
Landscaper gets aroused by erotic performers
Landscaper's aid
Landscaper's crew
Landscaper's job
Landscaper's locale
Landscaper's need
Landscaper's project
Landscaper's roll
Landscaper's supply
Landscaper's tool
Landscapers' concerns
Landscapers' tools
Landscaping aid
Landscaping plants
Landscaping screen
Landscaping supplies
Landscaping tool
Landscaping tools
Landslide election winner
Landslide victory gained by one in a Chanel ensemble
Landslide ___ (impolite p
Lane around Kent introduces rule for slow mover
Lane changer's danger
Lane close to Kent bores drunk musician
Lane co-worker at the Dai
Lane in a mall
Lane in Hollywood
Lane in Metropolis
Lane in the main
Lane Kirkland of the AFL-
Lane marking
Lane of "Superman"
Lane of the Daily Planet
Lane on Broadway
Lane pain?
Lane who played Detroit
Lane with lines
Lanford Wilson's "The ___
Lang follower
Lang. unit
Langdon's heart captured by desperate lament
Lange island of the Malay archipelago
Langley outfit
Langley, e.g.: Abbr.
Langley, for one: Abbr.
Langston Hughes poem
Langston Hughes's "___ Un
Langston Hughes, e.g.
Langtry of the stage
Language — almost all I wish to be translated
Language a winner, go for translation
Language akin to Kalaalli
Language akin to Tahitian
Language akin to Urdu
Language akin to Yupik
Language along the Mekong
Language always supporting smart designer of software, say
Language as spoken in a particular place
Language assimilated by pupil in Gordonstoun
Language authority Mario
Language – bureaucrat
Language barrier initially faced by Poins after joke by Japanese-American
Language Beardsley uses occasionally
Language blooper
Language branch containin
Language brought about by hardest landings
Language chairman needs in management
Language closely related
Language closely related to Thai
Language coming from artless earthlings
Language coming from Scorsese oddly ignored
Language commonly used between those whose native tongues are different
Language comprehended by Armenian or Serbian
Language conversion
Language course covering indefinite article
Language derived from Hin
Language descended from a
Language employed by Sheraton guest
Language ending
Language establishing an audible bond
Language expert
Language expert leaving heather in part of Scotland
Language family including
Language family that incl
Language fashionable — impudence intended to be humorous
Language for 350 million
Language for the masses
Language from cab - air’s nasty
Language from computing: the first adopted by Turing?
Language from party putting off both sides
Language from some personnel in Government
Language from which "amok
Language from which "diva
Language from which "galo
Language from which "gumb
Language from which "hash
Language from which "jute
Language from which "kaya
Language from which "kiwi
Language from which "loot
Language from which "mako
Language from which "Minn
Language from which "Nebr
Language from which "pemm
Language from which "safa
Language from which "sky"
Language from which "spun
Language from which "thug
Language from which lemon
Language from which many
Language game needs new beginning
Language graduate given books by university
Language group containing 14 & 15 across
Language group including
Language group of southern Africa
Language group that inclu
Language group that includes Swahili
Language guess (not first time)
Language in extremely old church converted into American
Language in France established by craftsmen and labourers, originally
Language in Jaipur, Dutch!
Language in Lahore
Language in New Delhi
Language in old city said to be enough
Language in poetry extract reduced success
Language in Rawalpindi
Language in school? It's discordant
Language in the Dead Sea
Language in which "k" and
Language in which "kemosa
Language in which plurals
Language invented by a Pole in 1887 - no repeats
Language invented by LL Zamenhof
Language inverting rules about greeting with personal pronoun
Language known to native
Language lawyers use when winds burst into shelter!
Language learner, I note, wanting to travel
Language left Jones the architect gutted
Language lesson is needed, primarily, before travel
Language linked to the Y2
Language mangler
Language maven Partridge
Language models love (needless) brackets
Language most extreme characters used in Westminster?
Language name suffix
Language named for a math
Language natural to native speakers
Language needing clarification - plain English!
Language of 350 million
Language of 366 million
Language of 380 million
Language of 800+ million
Language of African masseur as he periodically reflects
Language of ancient Carth
Language of ancient Rome
Language of associate academician and writer
Language of Burns
Language of Cape Town
Language of Castro bore translating
Language of central Mexic
Language of certain groups
Language of Delhi
Language of East Africa
Language of Egypt
Language of email service without vowels
Language of extreme characters in SW1
Language of girl initially harsh
Language of girl, hard to follow
Language of India
Language of India with a
Language of Indochina
Language of Inland Revenue is hard
Language of Iran
Language of Iraq
Language of Islamabad
Language of Kathmandu
Language of Kenya
Language of Kenya: Abbr.
Language of Kuala Lumpur
Language of Lahore
Language of Libya
Language of Literature No
Language of Maria, excited to be hugged by Bill
Language of medic
Language of Mexico
Language of modern Rome
Language of nameless politician gets close to berserk
Language of New Zealand
Language of NW France
Language of old volume, one with strap
Language of Pakistan
Language of paper supporting sarcastic fellow leaving Punch
Language of Pythagoras?
Language of south India
Language of southern India and Sri Lanka
Language of Sri Lanka
Language of SW France
Language of Syria
Language of Tashkent
Language of terrible boaster carrying zero credit
Language of the 1983 film
Language of the British I
Language of the Eddas
Language of the Hindustan
Language of the Koran
Language of the Omahas
Language of Wales
Language of West Africa
Language OK for Willi and Virginia
Language old lady uttered puts off daughter
Language once known as Ca
Language once spoken in Bergen or Senja
Language once used in school at Inverness?
Language operates poorly without noun
Language organ
Language produced by traveller bathing in a quantity of water?
Language produced when fringes of party ignored
Language quintet comprisi
Language quirk
Language related to Finni
Language related to Malay
Language related to Urdu
Language related to Winne
Language related to Xhosa
Language retained by church in difficulty
Language saying one thing but implying the opposite
Language so wantonly awful hussar is left incensed at front
Language sound unit
Language sounding like Polish?
Language spoken by a Cockney’s wife?
Language spoken by Jesus
Language spoken by Sitting Bull and his Dakota people
Language spoken in Assam,
Language spoken in Dingwa
Language spoken in Scotland, Ireland or the Isle of Man
Language spoken in Storno
Language spoken in Tashke
Language spoken in the western part of India - I rate jug
Language spoken in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Russia by the world's largest ethnic group without its own country
Language spoken on Pandor
Language spoken on the other side of the world is music to Eliza's ears
Language study topic
Language suffix
Language teacher finally coming in naked?
Language teacher has again impressed beginners
Language teacher welcomed by greeting from Oz?
Language test went up by a penny
Language that contains no
Language that gave us "ka
Language that gave us "ki
Language that gave us "pa
Language that gave us the
Language that reads the s
Language that treats "dz"
Language that's somewhat lyrical (in gobbledygook)
Language that’s popular remains in Chinese dynasty and India
Language the French can put together
Language traditional in Government, to some extent
Language unit's invitation to get in touch?
Language units
Language used by French philosopher is out of line
Language used by inhabitant on Guernsey
Language used by Lord Jim occasionally when going the wrong way
Language used by neighbour dubious
Language used by people in Pennsylvania has a continuous trilling sound they say
Language used by rajah in Didwana
Language used by violent youth ultimately on main road
Language used by writer's expressive
Language used effectively to please or persuade
Language used in Djibouti? Yes and no
Language used in Nairobi boulevards?
Language used in skirmish in Didwana?
Language used in Yemen to get a coffee
Language using few words needs no introduction
Language very lacking in poetry
Language whose alphabet s
Language widely used in East Africa
Language widely used in South Africa - has ox
Language with 44 consonan
Language with mostly mono
Language with no known re
Language with no word for
Language without appeal draws in two kings
Language writer Partridge
Language written in Persi
Language written with no
Language, probably Turkish, in extreme instances acceptable
Language, source of ‘khaki’ and ‘purdah’
Language; jargon
Language; organ
Language? Set it up in computer network
Languages once spoken and not used — only internally
Languages such as Hebrew, including old study of signs
Languid and ineffectual
Languish on allotment, learn to start fire
Languish, flag
Languishes in confinement
Languishes in the lockup
Languor shown as female setter ruined duet
Lanky drunk crossing hotel? That’s unlikely
Lanky guy at first catching fish
Lanky schoolfriends as a group play regularly
Lanky, like a group of criminals might you say?
Lansing-to-Detroit dir.
Lansing-to-Flint dir.
Lantern fuel
Lantern's opening by ten gets wet
Lantern-jawed celeb
Lanthan- suffix
Lantz of the 1960s-'70s N
Lao-Tzu's "way"
Lao-tzu's "___ Te Ching"
Lao-tzu's way
Laon's department
Laos in rebellion too?
Laos's locale
Laos's ___ Prabang
Laotian language group
Laotian money
Laotians, e.g.
Lap - beat hollow
Lap again
Lap dancing in a ring? That's foremost way to get fit
Lap dog
Lap dog, for short
Lap dog, informally
Lap dog, maybe
Lap dogs
Lap pace
Lap path, perhaps
Lap yapper
Lap, maybe
Lapdog or mongrel that scores several points
Lapdogs from Mexico
Lapel adornment
Lapel insert
Lapel item, sometimes
Lapel label
Lapidarist's weight unit
Lapidary, at times
Lapis lazuli
Lapland peninsula
Laplander, e.g.
Laplander, maybe
Lapp cut stats about unknown secret publishing
Lapps tear apart this fruit
Lapse before church and after
Lapse of memory
Lapse, not bad for sailor
Laptop feature, for short
Laptop key
Laptop readout
Laptop tested aboard the
Lapwing - ie wept
Lapwing loses it, twisting to give cry
Lapwing regularly dropped bristly growth on grass
Lara Croft initially backflips with weapons and sirens
Lara's son, in DC Comics
Laramie's state: Abbr.
Larcenist's devious instruments
Larches, e.g.
Lard costing nothing? Is this the healthy version?
Lard deal
Lard holder
Lard source
Larder with unknown level
Laredo or Nuevo Laredo
Laredo-to-Fort Worth dir.
Laredo-to-Galveston dir.
Lares and penates
Large 'astral' cast might be …
Large - universal
Large - with full coating - like some nuts?
Large 3 fellow in upset, one hostile to 4
Large accounts?
Large adhesive label covers disciplinarian
Large adjustable spanner
Large advert
Large advertisement
Large African antelope
Large African antelope with long straight horns
Large African black-and-white stork - rub a moa
Large African deer with short spiral horns
Large African expanse
Large African mammal
Large African mammal, in short
Large aggressive amphibian
Large altercation brewing - it's in the wind
Large American smoked meat sausage
Large American vulture
Large amount
Large amount brought back by very good shooter
Large amount of clubs needing creative work pack
Large amount of dope found on head of mission
Large amount of drink - reduced concern - one’s driven wildly
Large amount of earth is turned over in area contaminated with uranium
Large amount of fudge?
Large amount of juice?
Large amount of money
Large amount of stew
Large amount of water studied, we hear, hit the roof?
Large amount on a pension, perhaps, worked hard
Large amount put on paper in set period
Large amounts
Large amounts of corporal punishment!
Large amounts of water in damaged canoes
Large amphibian
Large amphibian with a deep voice
Large amphibious reptile
Large and advanced alien going over? Duck!
Large and brightly coloured handkerchief
Large and clumsy
Large and different rocks brought by glacial action
Large and heavy
Large and heavy-looking
Large and important church
Large and lively party
Large and one supposes, slightly shorter overalls
Large and petite
Large and showy Central and South American parrot
Large and showy Latin American parrot
Large and strong
Large and ungainly
Large and unwieldy
Large Andean lake
Large animal
Large animal - objectionable person
Large animal in New York city
Large animal wanting endless space
Large animal, in short
Large antelope
Large antelope eating plant is in volcanic territory
Large antelope from eastern country
Large antelope’s death outside US city
Large antelopes
Large ape
Large aquatic bird
Large aquatic mammal - sea cow
Large arboreal lizard
Large archipelago, large plant
Large Arctic deer
Large area of grassland
Large area of land
Large area of land or what might be seen on it
Large area of trees
Large area of woodland
Large area with national borders, essentially
Large area, no doubt — maybe Asia, some suggest initially
Large arm muscle
Large army unit
Large artery
Large Asian beast domesticated for use as a draft animal
Large Asian fish
Large asteroid
Large asteroid sequence broadcast
Large – and woolly?
Large baboon
Large bag
Large bag containing real dancing bear
Large bag made of hessian, for example
Large bag; dismiss
Large bags
Large baleen whale
Large band playing classical music
Large bar code, lines blurred
Large barrel
Large barrels
Large basket
Large baskets
Large bay
Large bays
Large bear from the bamboo forests of China and Tibet
Large beast with horn I shot
Large bed
Large bed ordered? Capital!
Large beer mug
Large beer or wine cask
Large beers toff unwrapped during American garden event
Large beetle — such regularly chased by Egyptian, say
Large beetle destructive of vegetation - frock cache
Large bell or half of a drum?
Large bell sound
Large bell's sound
Large bill
Large bill, slangily
Large bills, informally
Large bird
Large bird cage
Large bird eaten by hunting hounds?
Large bird found in mountainous parts of the northern hemisphere
Large bird of fable
Large bird of prey
Large bird of the Andes
Large bird of the crow family
Large bird once seen among Jerusalem Oaks
Large bird sadly swallows pet rook
Large bird with a loud sc
Large bird with a sweet tail cut
Large birds of prey
Large bitter drunk by head of Indigo Books
Large bivalve
Large black bird
Large black birds
Large black diving duck
Large black dots in eyes
Large black-and-white herbivorous mammal
Large blade with phoney coating's a cracker
Large block of stone
Large blood vessel
Large blood vessel found in zebra or tapir
Large bloodsucking insect
Large blunt needle
Large boa
Large boat
Large boat: vessel extending across a river
Large bodies of water
Large body found at otherwise endless wild party
Large body in Washington,
Large body Jellicoe ultimately found among poinsettia?
Large body needs serene old hat
Large body of French turned up, collapsed in laughter
Large body of troops
Large body of water
Large body of water abroad Alan found in different areas
Large body to go comfortably round, being out of shape
Large boiling pot
Large bony area
Large bony frame
Large book
Large books finally deter unworthy intolerance
Large bore
Large bottle
Large bottle enclosed in wickerwork
Large bottle tramp wrapped with much paper
Large bound bundle
Large bowl
Large bowl for holding dr
Large box used for storage
Large bra feature
Large bra served up in purple
Large brass instrument
Large bread roll
Large bright meteor
Large British territory briefly recalled
Large broad bay
Large broad bay - middle part of a slack rope
Large broad-bladed weapon
Large brown algae
Large brown seabird
Large brown seaweed
Large building
Large building greatly revered, though not outstanding
Large building with staff and soldiers
Large built up area
Large bulrush
Large bunches of bananas over us
Large bundle
Large bundle of notes perhaps paid to release suspect broadcast
Large bunting
Large but indefinite number
Large cab carrying 500 east
Large cabinet
Large cactus
Large calibre gun
Large candlestick
Large car minus oil — engine's head cracked
Large carrying bag
Large cars equipped with one metre gauges
Large carvings [Ford]
Large case of alcohol causing death
Large cask
Large cat
Large cat with black stripes
Large cats
Large cattle farm
Large cave
Large ceremonial dinner
Large chain
Large chamber group
Large chest-beating ape
Large choral work
Large church
Large church building
Large circle adopting northern game
Large citrus fruit
Large city in Illinois
Large city is withdrawing source of power
Large cloud (of insects)
Large coarse fern
Large coffee holder
Large coffee maker
Large cola ordered in neighbourhood pub
Large commercial enterprises, collectively
Large commercial organisations collectively
Large committee admitted to small reception
Large common seabird
Large commune of Rome at the mouth of the Tiber
Large company
Large computer
Large constellation - sign of the zodiac
Large container
Large container for dumping waste
Large container for serving drink
Large container of brass?
Large container; tax
Large containers for milk
Large continent
Large conurbation
Large conurbations
Large cooking pot
Large cooking pot used by soldiers
Large copier
Large copy, mostly one for regular readers?
Large corporation
Large corporation; rock
Large country
Large country house
Large country house which may be open to visitors
Large country residence
Large country's leading feature?
Large cowboy headwear item
Large craft conveying capers
Large crate
Large creature on stone in sea at Calais
Large creature to return carrying? Cry audibly
Large crested lizard
Large crested pheasant
Large crested pheasant - lop a few
Large crock
Large crocodilian
Large crossword needed for journey in this?
Large crow
Large crowd up for exciting tournament
Large crustacean
Large cup sizes associated with lingerie item for woman
Large cups full of spirit for Hoskins?
Large cushion
Large cushion filled with foam or granules for sitting on
Large cushion for sitting on; child's plaything
Large cushions started to go in the middle - a lot!
Large dangerous fire
Large dark enclosed space
Large dark low cloud
Large decks
Large decorative printed picture
Large deer
Large deer identified by the Spanish king
Large deer-hunting group?
Large deposit returned in class
Large destructive fire
Large diamonds missing from a wedding ring after repairs
Large dinosaur
Large dish
Large dish; horse
Large distance? Largish yet possibly achievable!
Large diver wants Spooner's Milky Bar
Large diving bird
Large dock arranged private security measure
Large dog (2 wds.)
Large dog destroying tea garden
Large dog walks in regularly with terriers
Large dog, good during journey home
Large dong one's confused with a "far out" snout
Large dragonfly
Large draught
Large draught of drink
Large dress must be altered, no matter what
Large dried grape
Large drink a chap gets columnist who goes both ways?
Large drink bottles fail to balance
Large drinking bowl
Large drop drunk by that guy, one capital port
Large duck
Large duck wanting day in den on river
Large duck with bill for storing of milk
Large duke suddenly starts confining guards
Large dung beetles
Large eagle dropping left, beyond in descent
Large ears reshaped — such treatment as benefits looker
Large ears reshaped in surgical beam
Large ecological community
Large edible flatfish
Large edible marine gastropod
Large edible mushrooms
Large edible plant of the parsley family - a glove
Large edit required to change written mark
Large elaborate meal
Large empty sphere over Easter regularly eaten
Large estate
Large ethnic group from eastern South Africa
Large ethnic group of eastern South Africa
Large European food fish
Large evergreen tropical tree - darn it, Ma!
Large expanse of sea
Large expanse of water
Large falcon
Large farm
Large farm animal nearly joins donkey tripping over through ha-ha
Large feather
Large feline
Large female wearing short coat, one exposed seam that’s cut
Large field of dirt?
Large fighting force
Large figures of business deficit - I closed
Large firm's constant, terribly poor quota
Large fish
Large fish seen in Gibraltar pond
Large fish with tail spine
Large fish, maybe, to a f
Large fish-eating bird
Large fish-eating bird of prey
Large fishing hook
Large fishing nets
Large flag inside hotel the colour of mud
Large flat fish with venomous tail spines
Large flatfish
Large flatfish prized as food
Large fleet
Large fleet of planes
Large flightless bird
Large flightless birds
Large flow of liquid
Large following abandoning central pub
Large food fish
Large food tunas
Large formal event
Large French country house
Large French island
Large French resort visited by European relative
Large fruit
Large fruit bat
Large fruit left out before day went past
Large furniture maker knocks up large quant­ities, probably
Large furniture shop's popular very quickly
Large furniture van
Large furry rodent
Large gallery artwork
Large gathering
Large gathering of people
Large gathering of people with something in common
Large gem in the Smithson
Large gent tore off glasses
Large German dirigible
Large German or Austrian sausage
Large German sausage
Large glass
Large goblet
Large goose
Large gourd
Large grassland area
Large Greek with large son
Large green moth
Large green vegetable
Large grey cloud
Large grey rain cloud
Large group
Large group boasted, English put off
Large group equipped with members, might you say?
Large group in a 23-Acros
Large group of fish
Large group of islands
Large group of jazz musicians
Large group of people
Large group out to lunch, starter unavailable
Large group's brief that sets out course
Large grouping
Large gully
Large hairy spider
Large half-open building is a feature of garden
Large hall
Large handkerchief or neckerchief
Large hard sweet
Large hat with dark brow lacking covering
Large having consumed seconds: restrict diet
Large hawk-like bird of prey
Large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill
Large heavy knife
Large heavy rope
Large heavy tool
Large herbivore
Large herbivorous animal native to India, Nepal, Myanmar, Borneo and Sumatra
Large highly coloured butterfly
Large hill finally converted to small one
Large hole right below chest
Large hoofed animal with a very thick skin
Large horn from Bath area
Large horse-drawn vehicle used to carry passengers and mail
Large hot spot
Large house
Large house with good open area of land
Large housing project in European country
Large hovering insect
Large hunted animals
Large ideogram represented former PM
Large imposing house
Large in scale
Large income, more expensive wine, extra tuition
Large indefinite number
Large indefinite quantity
Large individual, Edward VII acquiring name as this
Large inflatable nipple burst by the German comic
Large inland sea
Large inlet of the North Atlantic between Virginia and Maryland
Large insect
Large insect found behind mother
Large insect runs inside on the ground
Large insertion in tool shaft
Large institute with faculty debt
Large instrument
Large international fair
Large intestine
Large inward flow
Large iron hook
Large iron stove
Large island part of Canada's most easterly province
Large Italian male, agile
Large Japanese dog
Large Japanese noodles
Large jazz group
Large jug
Large jug sheep found by river
Large jugs
Large jugs not primarily required for flings
Large juicy fruit, hybrid between a tangerine and a grapefruit
Large kingdom
Large kingfisher
Large knife
Large knife and tear gas confines the unruly
Large knives
Large ladle
Large lady's eating last of cake, a little down
Large lake bordering on Peru and Bolivia
Large land mass
Large leaf taken from soil often flipped over
Large leathery brown seaweed
Large lemur
Large liquid expanse of hydrogen discharged from small African tree
Large lively party
Large liver OK cooked, but too much
Large lizard
Large lizards
Large load
Large long-horned African antelope
Large long-legged bird
Large luggage box
Large lump
Large luxurious car
Large macaroni
Large main road
Large male elephant
Large mammal
Large mammal is healthy when putting on weight
Large mammal, for short
Large mammal, in short
Large manned artificial satellite
Large mansion
Large mansions
Large maple
Large marble
Large marine bivalves
Large marine bristle worm
Large marine creature
Large marine herbivore
Large marine mammal
Large marine mammals
Large marine reptile
Large marsupial
Large mass
Large mass of party rejected number of votes cast
Large mass or shape
Large Mediterranean island
Large metal beam
Large metal gong
Large metal milk can
Large metal pot
Large milk can
Large milk container
Large miner's tatty loafer
Large Miro sabotaged: complicated procedure
Large monkey
Large monkeys
Large monster seen in Scotland, reportedly
Large moth
Large motorboat
Large mound of dried grass
Large musical composition
Large mythical birds
Large N Atlantic island
Large nail
Large native flounders nearly new from eastern Med
Large naval ship
Large naval vessels
Large net used for fishing
Large niche designed for thing growing among stones, say
Large noisy party
Large nonvenomous snake
Large North American deer
Large northern deer
Large nose
Large nudist dancing removes article - and gets put out
Large number
Large number briefly repulsed, note
Large number Hun eliminated, inspiring a terror
Large number ignoring European aboard spacecraft? On the contrary, it gives a sort of a kick
Large number in the Moroccan property I own
Large number of skinned cats next to factory
Large number or variety
Large number recalled reportedly sharp fantasy author
Large number suffix
Large number, hundred, abandoning vessel
Large numbers
Large numbers of people or things
Large numbers returned in aircraft
Large ocean
Large oceanic sport fish
Large old ship that's broad and slow
Large one, wife gives incomprehensible speech
Large open car with folding top
Large open container
Large open space
Large openings
Large or small, grammatic
Large order of morning dr
Large organ
Large organ broke? Not quite
Large organ of the abdomen
Large organism with a trunk and head
Large oval tropical fruit
Large oven left among relatives
Large pachyderm
Large Pacific island group
Large pad for presentations
Large paper pad on a stand used for making presentations
Large parrot
Large parrots
Large part of a waiter's
Large part of a world atl
Large part of Canada that may accommodate European country
Large parts I flipping look at lustily
Large party beat up bouncer dispatched by club
Large party of press men introduced to social gathering
Large passenger ship
Large payment for the painful outcome of a collision?
Large pear
Large pebble
Large peppermint sweet
Large percussion instrument
Large permanently frozen area, for example at the poles
Large person bringing home bacon for schoolboy?
Large pheasants
Large piano
Large piece of infrastructure, clean, mostly constructed from the rear
Large piece of meat concealed around northern lodge
Large piece of oven-cooked meat
Large pieces of cabbage?
Large piglike animal
Large pipes
Large pitcher
Large place is useful at first, area for redevelopment
Large place of worship
Large place where elks ga
Large plane
Large plane happy to circle Californian airport
Large planes have two
Large plant announced a radical slimming down
Large plant finishes off reactor to allow extra production
Large plant leaves whispered in concord
Large plant obscuring both sides of road
Large plant seabird observed crossing sandbank
Large plover
Large plugs seen and disregarded
Large pointed tooth
Large pole's covered in lead
Large pond
Large pond; pigment
Large port is charged
Large port? That'll get you loaded!
Large pot for making tea
Large powerful dog
Large prawns
Large predator
Large predatory fish
Large prehistoric stone
Large primate
Large property
Large public transport vehicle
Large quadruped
Large quantities
Large quantities of laugh
Large quantities of paper
Large quantity
Large quantity of reading matter
Large quantity of water taken by female shaving
Large quantity of writing
Large queue turning up to receive tons of basic foodstuff
Large quiet pile with desirable parking
Large ranch in Latin America
Large ray
Large real estate purchas
Large reception room
Large recess
Large red fruit - I'm apricot, luv
Large red hog with droopi
Large reference book
Large reference work
Large religious service I have joined
Large reptile
Large residence
Large residential building
Large retail outlets
Large retail store
Large river mouth
Large rock
Large rock formerly down under 26
Large rodent
Large rodent, hard to handle, not keeping up like pig
Large Roman building
Large room
Large room containing aged bag
Large room for drinking ale, typical of Munich
Large room serving brewed drink
Large round sweets
Large royal turned up comatose in rowdy boozer
Large Russian wolfhound
Large sailing ship
Large sailing ship trading for the East India Company before 1858
Large sailing ship used for trade and warfare
Large sandpiper
Large scissors
Large scissors with strong blades
Large sea
Large sea bird
Large sea creature
Large sea duck
Large sea ducks
Large sea wave
Large sea wave caused by an earthquake
Large seabird
Large seagoing boat
Large seal
Large seaweed with long, tough stalks
Large señoritas excited old French right-wingers
Large section in an atlas
Large semi-aquatic pachyderm
Large semi-aquatic vole
Large semiaquatic snake
Large serving dish
Large sets of computer info
Large settlement requires wisdom to discount substantial account
Large shapeless lump
Large shared bedroom, in short
Large sharp tooth
Large shed for aircraft
Large shed in fashion; it's an eyesore?
Large shell
Large sherry glass
Large ship
Large ship moving slowly
Large shoe size
Large shoe specification
Large shoe width
Large shop
Large shops
Large shore bird
Large short-haired dog breed
Large shrimp
Large singer dressed in Scots headgear
Large size; sublimity
Large skin blemish shows up in thorough search
Large smooth fruit with sweet greenish flesh
Large snake
Large snake is something that can send you in the opposite direction?
Large snakes
Large sniper drunk lager
Large sofa with padded arms and back
Large soft bread roll
Large soup bowl
Large soup dish
Large soup spoon
Large South Pacific region
Large southern constellat
Large southern hemisphere bird
Large spaniel
Large Spanish sailing ship
Large spanner with one adjustable jaw
Large specimen unopened
Large specimen with top cut off
Large spider
Large spidery petal's not alien possibly in an orchid
Large spiny rodent
Large spiral shell
Large spoon
Large spotted feline
Large square-rigged sailing ship
Large stack of hay
Large stain
Large stain ruined old pegs
Large star system
Large Starbucks coffee too long arriving is cool
Large steps
Large stomach
Large stone
Large stone statue with a lion's body and a human head
Large storage box
Large storage chamber
Large store
Large stores
Large stringed instrument
Large striped cat
Large stripy creature losing head, biting old Trojan priest
Large strong bag with handles or shoulder strap
Large strong bags
Large strong box
Large strong horse
Large structure
Large structure for open-air events
Large struggles by family in 'Succession' drama
Large study of participation in church services?
Large sturgeon
Large sum advanced, except for bank vault content?
Large sum not declared, apparently
Large sun scattered particles
Large surplus stock
Large swallows
Large sword could scratch, says Spooner
Large system of newsgroup
Large tank
Large tank destroyed megastore
Large tank destroying megastore
Large tanks for keeping live fish and underwater animals
Large tavern in European capital
Large teeth
Large tent
Large terrier
Large time piece?
Large tins especially for instruments
Large tomb
Large tool shown around brings calumny
Large toothless edible swimmer
Large top quality mushrooms served up as dish of the day?
Large town
Large transporter
Large travel bag
Large travelling bag
Large tree
Large tree, birch
Large tropical American spiny-backed lizard
Large tropical growth
Large tropical reptile
Large tropical seedpod with tangy pulp - mad train
Large truck
Large trucks
Large trunk artery
Large tub
Large tuba used in marching bands
Large tubs
Large tunnel blasted with ammo
Large tusked marine mammal
Large ugly royal
Large UK cinema chain
Large uncontrolled fire
Large underground chamber
Large university with originality, but no energy, raking in money
Large unsightly things
Large upper room with Eastern ornamental pattern
Large urban area
Large US or Australian spread for raising cattle
Large US state
Large variety of pea
Large vase
Large vases
Large vegetarian ape
Large vehicle
Large vehicle carrying, eg, cars
Large vein in the neck
Large venomous fish - it's angry
Large vessel that people drink from in turn at a feast
Large vessel with handle and spout for pouring drink
Large vessels? Possible limitation to arrangement with a small
Large volcanic crater - lead car
Large voracious fish
Large vulture
Large wader
Large wader of the sandpiper family
Large wading bird
Large wading bird, like a curlew - two dig
Large wading birds with down-curved bills
Large waiting area
Large wallower
Large war fleet
Large wardrobe
Large wardrobe - more air
Large wardrobe separates clothes
Large warship
Large wasp
Large water bird
Large water birds
Large water jug
Large water lily
Large waterbird
Large watercourse
Large waterfall
Large wave
Large wave of misfortune in part of Hull
Large waves swamping tips of pontoon anchor
Large weaponry
Large weight lifters
Large weighty book
Large whirlpool
Large whirlpool bathtub
Large whisky maybe for young singer?
Large white radish
Large wide-mouthed jug
Large wide-mouthed vessel
Large wild ox
Large Wiltshire railway town
Large wine bottle
Large wine bottle - biblical patriarch
Large wooded area
Large woody perennial
Large woody plant
Large work building
Large yard surrounding a place of God
Large yard, perhaps
Large yellow edible root
Large yellow fruit
Large ___ Collider (CERN
Large's opposite
Large, aggressive turtle: one’s taking photos?
Large, at Starbucks
Large, bony-plated reptile
Large, capacious
Large, colorful butterfly
Large, current firm possibly appearing in a catalogue
Large, hairy creatures
Large, hard spherical sweet
Large, having consumed seconds, go without food
Large, hollow, mostly genuine ancient bones?
Large, in bold: TREASURE
Large, in commercial ling
Large, meaty mushroom
Large, obese all round: the result of a blow-out?
Large, shaggy, brown bison
Large, shallow lake in north central Africa
Large, spacious parts of shopping centres for worship of God alone
Large, thick-skinned ungulate
Large, top-quality mushrooms served up in dish of the day
Large-beaked seabird
Large-billed bird
Large-billed sea bird
Large-bottomed figure needs decent French suit
Large-caliber weapons
Large-eyed animal showing spirit on tree climbing, but not quite reaching the top
Large-eyed lemur
Large-headed golf club
Large-headed nail
Large-hearted religious woman
Large-intestine resident
Large-minded rogue bagging graduate job (showing what other pairs of other Across answers have here?)
Large-oared craft on a sh
Large-print edition of th
Large-scale artistic work
Large-scale choral work
Large-scale compositions
Large-scale conflict
Large-scale course briefly a focus for seismologist
Large-scale electronic image?
Large-scale emigration
Large-scale film downloaded to computer?
Large-scale flight
Large-scaled game fish
Large-stoned fruit
Large; fine
Large; generous
Largely against boarding train without a torch
Largely at sea
Largely avoid imparting a feeling of doubt
Largely avoid turning over channel
Largely counterfeit toiletry
Largely desert US state
Largely dishonest idiot from USA entering further presidential address?
Largely excused, lolled around rear of bar: perfect
Largely failing to save edition of holy books
Largely fashionable writer taking time in part of London
Largely green kingdom
Largely inept contractor's number two is cowboy
Largely informal seminars
Largely Muslim capital ci
Largely original company painting
Largely put off about temperature in Nile region
Largely quiet, very little rebellion
Largely represented as a head of state
Largely tolerate flash woman
Largely unable to bear Commoners?
Largely unconvincing, girl and Dad brought over material - see boss here
Largely wet and fertile, suitable for sporting?
Largely woolly letter from abroad?
Largemouth or smallmouth
Larger ears on this adult French palatine tweaked
Larger part
Larger than extra-large
Larger than life
Larger than normal
Larger than quarto
Larger than usual, like Henry VIII
Larger toilets regularly reviewed and disinfected
Larger veil announced, for his second bride?
Larger ___ life
Larger-than-life figures
Largesse recipient
Largest Asian island
Largest asteroid
Largest bird
Largest bird in the Ameri
Largest Caribbean island
Largest Central American country
Largest citrus fruit
Largest city and once capital of Nigeria
Largest city by population in Arizona
Largest city in KwaZulu-Natal
Largest city in Md.
Largest city in Nebraska
Largest city in Nigeria
Largest city in Nordrhein
Largest city in Pakistan
Largest city in Quebec
Largest city in Syria
Largest city in Syria before the massive damage of the civil war
Largest city in the Germany state of Saxony
Largest city in the Palestinian West Bank
Largest city in the state
Largest city in Westphalia, with a top flight football team
Largest city of French-speaking Switzerland
Largest city on Belgium's
Largest city on Cyprus
Largest city on the Illin
Largest city on the islan
Largest city paper in the
Largest college fraternit
Largest continent
Largest Cornhusker city
Largest country in Africa
Largest country of Central America
Largest country of the Horn of Africa
Largest county of Nevada
Largest deer identified by the Spanish king
Largest desert
Largest dwarf planet in t
Largest employer in Newto
Largest extant species of deer
Largest geological divisi
Largest German state, home of BMW cars
Largest Greek island
Largest Greek island, to
Largest in scope
Largest island of French Polynesia
Largest island of Japan
Largest island of the Dodecanese
Largest island of the Inner Hebrides
Largest Japanese island
Largest joint in the human body
Largest known dwarf plane
Largest labor union in th
Largest lake in Australia
Largest lake in central E
Largest land animal
Largest land carnivore
Largest living animal
Largest living bird
Largest living primate
Largest moon in the solar
Largest moon of Neptune
Largest moon of Saturn
Largest moon of Uranus
Largest native Australian birds
Largest New World vulture
Largest Nigerian city
Largest ocean
Largest of a septet
Largest of seven
Largest of the ABC island
Largest of the Balearic Islands
Largest of the British Vi
Largest of the Canary Isl
Largest of the Channel Islands
Largest of the Cyclades
Largest of the great apes
Largest of the Inner Hebrides
Largest of the Ionian Islands
Largest of the Japanese islands
Largest of the National Theatre's three stages
Largest of the planets
Largest of the Virgin Isl
Largest of the Windward Islands
Largest organ of the human body
Largest port in Cyprus
Largest port in South Korea
Largest portion (2 wds.)
Largest primate
Largest river of Pakistan
Largest seaport on the Ad
Largest tenant of Pittsbu
Largest tributary of the
Largest Turkish city
Largest U.S. labor union:
Largest U.S. movie theate
Largest U.S. union
Largest UK cinema chain
Largest US state
Largest venomous snake
Largest volcano in Europe
Largest, greatest
Largish animals with blac
Largish combo
Largish combos
Largish deer
Largish musical group
Largo and lento
Lariat in the Southwest
Lariat loop
Lariat material
Lariat user
Lariat's end
Lark - spade ace
Lark about rattling chains or being out of time
Lark averse to cold?
Lark circling sailor caught — a bleak prospect?
Lark look-alike
Lark or thrush, say
Lark's flight captured by Bill? Just the opposite
Lark's flight, gathering wings in abroad
Lark, for example
Larklike bird
Larks in bushes
Larks with all but topless chicks?
Larks, in a whirl, land in Indian Ocean
Larry & Carrie's favorite
Larry & Nicolas's favorit
Larry Adler's instrument
Larry and Curly's chum
Larry Bird was one
Larry King employer
Larry King has a few
Larry King's channel
Larry McMurtry novel made
Larry O'Brien Championshi
Larry of 70's-80's baseba
Larry of the Black Arts T
Larry or Louise on "Bewit
Larry who played Tony in
Larry who won the 1987 Ma
Lars and Peter working to improve state of wall
Larson taking Uber rides regularly
Larter of "Heroes"
Larva case
Larva eats root
Larva of the furniture beetle
Larva successor
Larva-to-adult transition
Laryngitis symptom
Las Cruces-to-Santa Fe di
Las Palmas locale
Las Vegas attraction, wit
Las Vegas bride, often
Las Vegas employee with a worse lung problem?
Las Vegas entertains Queen with candour
Las Vegas figures
Las Vegas groom, often
Las Vegas landmark
Las Vegas locale
Las Vegas newspaper, with
Las Vegas staple
Las Vegas's state
Las ___
Las ___ (capital of Gran
Las ___ Filipinas
Las ___, Canary Islands
Lasagna cheese
Lasagna cheese, sometimes
Lasagne or linguine?
Lasagne's first put into family oven
Lasagne's gone off, I see - get some medicine
LaSalle of "ER"
LaSalle or DeSoto
Lascaux paintings, e.g.
Lascivious expression the French hear regularly
Lascivious gaze
Lascivious look
Lascivious look of Bluebeard oddly vanishing
Lascivious lookers
Lascivious looks
Lascivious sorts
Lascivious stare
Lascivious Tory mug, I sense
Lascivious type
Lascivious, heartless church bigwig
Laser alternative
Laser beam target
Laser element
Laser gas
Laser light
Laser or Nato, for instance
Laser output
Laser paper option
Laser printer ink
Laser printer powder
Laser surgery targets
Laser ___
LaserJet 2100, e.g.
Lash components the wrong way round
Lash locale
Lash mark
Lash of "Law of the Lash"
Lash of bygone westerns
Lash of oaters
Lash of old westerns
Lash of westerns
Lash out at
Lash out, taking extremely lucrative journey
Lash site
Lash thickener
Lash with a whip
Lash ___ of old westerns
Lash ___, who played the
Lashed (up)
Lashed - sold
Lashes into a fury
Lashes out when there is trouble
Lass arranged a dance
Lass excited about turning up silk trousers
Lass finally catching game, unaccompanied male
Lass finishes off black tea: not nice
Lass given a drink? She came to life amazingly
Lass in evil misbehaving?
Lass repelled by attention-seeker? That’s the drill
Lass specified madras?
Lass there, awfully cruel
Lass when love involved is jewel
Lass's friend
Lass's mate
Lass, married, murdered brother
Lassie creator Knight
Lassie named in second paper or in short periodical
Lassie's coat
Lassie's lid
Lassie's mate
Lassie, e.g.
Lassie, for one
Lassitude and sexlessness in a province undergoing recession
Lassitude of Greek character in eastern part of UK
Lasso loop
Lasso part
Lasso rope
Lasso user
Lasso's end
Lasso-like? Yes, cowboy-style with gold backing
Last "course" of a spicy
Last - bear
Last - mutilate
Last 60% of official announcement is unparalleled
Last added words
Last Anglo-Saxon king of England
Last aria Rameau finally composed for land down under
Last Army rank of 39-Acro
Last arrow female shot in tale of wartime romance
Last article in the Const
Last article of the U.S.
Last award?
Last Aztec emperor
Last – bear
Last Beatles album
Last bit
Last bit in signed document, thorough
Last bit of craft in work, going back and forth
Last bit of fruit tortured soul eats?
Last bit of green wiped away, colour toenails maroon
Last bit of Kubrick film about politician is neat
Last bit of pine inserted into the joist later
Last bit of tiring ramble in wood
Last bit of wine
Last bits of boring seminar are exceptionally dull
Last bits of stuffing go into this fine bird
Last budget category, usu
Last call
Last call?
Last capital of County Down
Last car in America has shorter boot in case
Last car?
Last carriage to the Place de la Bastille ... tu, Monsieur Jacques?
Last chairman done over for fraudulent behaviour
Last chairman sacked for fraud
Last chance for ace?
Last Chance Gulch city
Last character in churches gives nationality
Last character in Government to display energy
Last character in repechage, mostly upset
Last character to be driven out of Cornish town as punishment
Last character to pilfer heading off, getting nothing
Last characters in Staines dressed up in the highest of fashion
Last characters in text indicate uncertain number
Last choice on a question
Last choice on some lists
Last Cluedo room's empty? No suspect
Last costume at a costume
Last couple in invite covered by ‘plus one’ possibly? More than sufficient
Last couple returned in a short time for dance
Last couple to sharpen axes with me - a catalyst for change
Last couples from drunken summer orgy get up and go
Last course
Last czarina of Russia
Last date's reason for not phoning?
Last decade of a century
Last defeat playing Real, two nil
Last degree
Last demons ruined last in convent
Last despite expectations
Last digit in a price, of
Last document by Shakespeare
Last drink cheers
Last drink of the day?
Last drink which could go to your head
Last drop of moonshine in fairly new still
Last drop of rain falling from isolated succulent
Last dynasty of China
Last empress of Brazil
Last episode in a Monday-
Last European quits modest protest
Last exposure and future picture do this
Last few batsmen lie, so they say
Last film directed by Cec
Last First Lady of the U.
Last five crackers for Christmas, perhaps
Last footballing tie
Last forward tackles shins now and then
Last frame, sometimes
Last from Beat poet seen in this term?
Last full month of summer
Last full year of St. Jul
Last game in a competion
Last goal about to preserve United's lead
Last golf hole number
Last golf tour on Earth
Last governor of New Neth
Last Greek consonant
Last Greek letter
Last herb in a Simon & Ga
Last hurrah
Last in a line
Last in a long line
Last in a sequence: Abbr.
Last in a series
Last in line, usually
Last in seq.
Last in the class
Last in the line
Last installment of "The
Last item
Last item recalled European Union attempt to mislead about power
Last Julio-Claudian emper
Last killer leaving America dry
Last king of a united Isr
Last king of Albania
Last king of Egypt
Last king of the united S
Last king of Troy
Last kipper tie in range is exaggerated
Last leader of the Soviet Union, d. August 2022
Last leek cooked, with no meat on bones
Last leg, erecting housing for three-year-old event
Last letter
Last letter from America?
Last letter from Athens?
Last letter from girl in borders of Oklahoma
Last letter in full from Brezhnev communist backed? The opposite
Last letter in Leeds
Last letter in London
Last letter in newspaper a sheer fabrication?
Last letter in radio ling
Last letter of a pilot's
Last letter of Bible you found in it?
Last letter of the Greek alphabet
Last letter, in London
Last letters
Last letters by medic are entirely about dairy product
Last letters of Guy de Maupassant, until now!
Last letters, in England
Last line in a riddle
Last lines
Last longer than
Last longer than exhausted enemy leader in conflict
Last longer than scheduled
Last lot* silly? Each to his own
Last love's lost by lover boy in this city
Last maiden to prepare for a new engagement?
Last match in a knockout football competition
Last messages for couple seen round India
Last metal: it gets processed after uranium
Last mo.
Last moment to prepare
Last month
Last month dons still sick - that's rough!
Last month's speaker an artisan
Last month's speaker, one offering elaboration?
Last movement of a sonata
Last mustachioed presiden
Last name in comedy
Last name in cosmetics
Last name in cruelty
Last name in fashion
Last name in horror
Last name in ice cream
Last name in mysteries
Last name in mystery
Last name in sharpshootin
Last name in spydom
Last name in the meat ind
Last name in TV talk
Last name of Dickens's Li
Last name of father-and-s
Last name of Henry VIII's
Last name of Kipling's Ki
Last name of twin gymnast
Last names separator
Last non-A.D. year
Last nude sculpted with no particular relish
Last number in a column
Last number in a countdow
Last of 26
Last of a Latin trio
Last of a list
Last of a Monday-to-Frida
Last of a series
Last of air removed from high cloud and carbon injected as entertainment
Last of all Jack London wrote, "Farewell planet" and rested
Last of all, Ivan the Terrible born
Last of all, removed unsightly urine stain
Last of articles in illuminated catalogue
Last of ascetic and devout desert mystics seeing doctors
Last of Buster Keaton's reels - zero interest
Last of critics getting extremely excited after sauce served up is sweetened
Last of crops I see in storage tower
Last of dead nettle one could be stuck with
Last of dogs with docked tail
Last of five cracks finished off nut
Last of heated wax a source of risk
Last of home gatherings
Last of intake failing to pass
Last of intrepid explorers vacated ancient city's ruins
Last of joint method deleting application
Last of junk IT equipment
Last of light structure's left, not yet wobbly?
Last of Limburger I'm scared to smell
Last of liquid — tip it down sink
Last of liquid? Tip it down sink
Last of Malaysian rubber Charlie exported - he won't pay much tax
Last of Mohicans below ground in place on 24
Last of money on account invested in reminder to put on his evacuated bloomers
Last of Nordhoff and Hall
Last of our media men dispersed
Last of pickers still to grade fruit
Last of Piesporter in smooth, round bottle
Last of shade still protecting excessively hot canine
Last of the Athenian characters
Last of the evening?
Last of the French?
Last of the House of Stua
Last of the Mohicans?
Last of the Stuarts
Last of the vintage in the shade
Last of this beer found in market
Last of those coldest tumbledown houses shut off
Last of tiles taken from unique fireplace
Last of troops drank up supplies found here
Last of victims well hidden by murderer in watertight chamber
Last of water filling pinkish kettle
Last of wine provided by vineyard has dull colour
Last offer
Last offers
Last Olds ever made
Last Oldsmobile car
Last Oldsmobile made
Last Oldsmobile to be mad
Last on tap drunk after giving birth
Last one million invested in river processing
Last overall commander of the American Confederate States army
Last overseas contributor to home game
Last page
Last pair of gardeners in gardens attack the weeds? That’s a lucky thing
Last pair taken from shoe shop
Last panto abandoned after little one pulled out
Last papers he distributed, accepting Conservative party activity
Last part
Last part (appropriately)
Last part is false — authentic originally
Last part learned in upright position
Last part of a paint job
Last part of a performance
Last part of a series is nothing brilliant
Last part of contingent departed in frenzy for region of North America
Last part: nurse about to suffer
Last parts of earlier game later you can show again
Last parts of national anthem in various keys, without winds
Last performance - effectively as Desmond, N?
Last person, professional
Last pharaoh of Egypt's F
Last picture in an alphab
Last piece of jewellery with centre missing - it's rather charming!
Last piece of music recorded twice by a UN secretary-general?
Last piece of pineapple in crushed tin can is well out-of-date
Last place
Last place as explosion envelops races
Last place on the podium?
Last place to be single?
Last place?
Last pope and his troubled role in the Church
Last Pope Gregory
Last Pope to be sainted
Last position
Last project
Last question in this puz
Last remark on leaving
Last report on the evenin
Last request, part 1
Last resort in poker, oft
Last resort to put up the money for station
Last ride?
Last round
Last ruler of the Julio-C
Last ruler of the Ptolema
Last runner in a relay race
Last section
Last section of a written work
Last seen in the public pool, mamma went for a splash
Last seen of halcyon days, once winds blow
Last seen of vegetarianism, then swallow – this?
Last seen wandering around university in US city
Last Shakespearean character
Last shogun organised attacks
Last shogunate capital
Last short epistle used in uni­versity, after appropriate period
Last shot at golf?
Last shot?
Last sibling gets fresh clothing
Last sign
Last six lines of a sonne
Last snifter near Deal, heading north
Last song recorded by the
Last sound some bugs hear
Last Spanish king before
Last stage of insect deve
Last stages of a contest
Last stand for Travis and
Last step at a bakery
Last step in cleaning
Last stop - overlooking Northern River
Last stops
Last straw
Last Stuart monarch
Last Stuart monarch, d. 1714
Last Stuart ruler
Last Supper attendee
Last Supper cup
Last Supper guest
Last Supper item
Last Supper query
Last Supper question
Last team coached by Leo
Last team managed by Case
Last test before starting
Last thing
Last thing a fellow actor
Last thing park wants - no running water for plant
Last thing said before di
Last thing you want in head and on collar?
Last things?
Last third of 7up with bit of ice in Hindu ritual
Last three bits of glass thrown back in cart
Last time in, for example
Last to be dismissed, first catch
Last to finish cure, getting rid of cold
Last to leave platform after bringing in student artist
Last to leave the ship bemused at panic
Last to realise university lecturer's attire is absent
Last to shoot weapon: it's not important
Last to use vehicle's a Welshman
Last tsar going commando might some say?
Last two letters in listed novel written in non-naturalistic way
Last two standing fixture?
Last two years of school classes
Last under use or erode u
Last up on tour, singular London landmark
Last warning about women close to retirement getting money for the future
Last wife of Bluebeard
Last word about copper’s insight
Last word about copper’s penetration
Last word about puzzle: Torquemada's First Surprise
Last word after cricket match, requirement finally for proof
Last word associated with clever subject
Last word before someone
Last word before the gave
Last word by competent subject
Last word for the defense
Last word from a director
Last word from revolutionary with anger about nothing
Last word heard on New Ye
Last word in "Oh! Susanna
Last word in a showman's
Last word in a threat
Last word in a wrestling
Last word in an ultimatum
Last word in many company
Last word in shampoo inst
Last word in the Lord's P
Last word in the New Test
Last word in the Pledge o
Last word of "America the
Last word of "America, th
Last word of "Angela's As
Last word of "For He's a
Last word of "Ulysses"
Last word of a January 1
Last word of Kansas' mott
Last word of Missouri's m
Last word of Romeo or Jul
Last word of Shelley's "A
Last word of the golden r
Last word of the year, of
Last word written by Dickens' first editor corrected
Last word?
Last words from Victor, rude shout after nurse
Last words of "Green Eggs
Last words of "Over the R
Last words of an Ali boas
Last words of Kipling's "
Last words of Little Jack
Last words of the Pledge
Last words somewhat difficult? I'm a taskmaster
Last words?
Last worker, sweet
Last X of X-X-X
Last year's jrs.
Last year's sr.
Last ___
Last's correlative
Last, but certainly not least, Britain must exit
Last, but not first, swimmer is off course
Last, in Le
Last, to Luigi
Last-call request
Last-column element on th
Last-ditch effort
Last-ditch opening to lose weight? No time
Last-minute birthday reco
Last-minute comment on why electricity failed?
Last-minute ticket acquir
Last-place team's infield
Last-second bidder on eBa
Last: Abbr.
Lasted beyond Tuesday, to elaborate
Lasted longer than guy getting exposed all round
Lasting a great while
Lasting a long time
Lasting a very short time
Lasting aftereffects
Lasting effect
Lasting event?
Lasting forever
Lasting impression
Lasting impression?
Lasting little time
Lasting longer than Open University tutor's primary source of income
Lasting mark or blemish
Lasting marks
Lasting one's whole existence
Lasting periods
Lasting quality
Lasting reminder
Lasting source of uplift in English novelist after bringing out one book
Lastly, had you take on an extra governess
Lastly, harvest rye and make hay?
Lastly, latte? Skinny or black?
Lastly, shake anti-viral fluid before opening it
Lasts longer than unfashionable ladies' underwear
Laszlo player in "Casabla
Lat. and others, once
Lat. case
Lat. or Lith., once
Lat., Lith. and Ukr., onc
Latch (onto)
Latch pieces
Latch ___
Latch ___ (get)
Latched on to jockey - it's eventful!
Latched, in a way
Late 11th-century year
Late 16th-century blaze in the area being developed
Late 1920s to around 1950
Late 1940s event, in head
Late 1940s to about 1990
Late 1950s' genre combining R & B and gospel
Late 19th Century men
Late 19th-century French style of painting using dots of colour
Late 20th-century cultural and philosophical movement
Late 20th-century style
Late 20th-century style of art and literature
Late actor Davis
Late actor has shifted tree to the left
Late actor Robert of "I S
Late actress Uta
Late actress who was on "
Late advice columnist Lan
Late afternoon
Late afternoon church service
Late afternoon on a sundi
Late afternoon, typically
Late afternoon, usually
Late astronomer Carl
Late aunts done for in Oman?
Late Baroque artistic style
Late baroque style
Late battle unfinished, one gutted about it
Late bedtime
Late beloved entertainer
Late bloomer
Late bloomer?
Late boss, a dull, uninspiring person
Late breakfast hour
Late bridge columnist Tru
Late but no one cares
Late Cabinet Secretary Br
Late CBS newsman Sevareid
Late celebrity ___ Nicole
Late Chairman
Late children's author-il
Late Chinese leader
Late choreographer Cunnin
Late civil rights pioneer
Late columnist Landers
Late comedian Mac
Late comic Farley
Late coming back, receiving greeting, cold, moral
Late conductor Sir Georg
Late crone unexpectedly showing broad-mindedness
Late cut imposed by government
Late designer sprinted after head of company at work
Late drink, when pub stops serving
Late drinks? They go to folk's heads at bedtime!
Late editorial cartoonist
Late English princess
Late entertainer who was
Late entertainer, greatest in the cemetery?
Late European throttled by deadly criminal
Late evening
Late exercises stopping at one
Late film producer Fayed
Late football star and FT
Late for Lent?
Late fruit picked up
Late genius that may prefix other solutions
Late golf champion Payne
Late heading to Dover, slips to face EU backlash
Late hotel queen Helmsley
Late hunter of Nazi war c
Late in the day escaping from eg poison
Late in the day to be smoothing things out?
Late in year speech-maker will identify person making awards
Late Jordanian king
Late journalist Cooke
Late July babies
Late July baby
Late July birth
Late July delivery
Late Kennedy matriarch
Late king finally coming out for princess, a northerner
Late Knight
Late late hour
Late learner falls due to disapproving word about private office
Late marathoner Waitz
Late meetings, as scene changes
Late message? Almost ready
Late Mexican-American voc
Late MP ran frantically round independent part of government
Late name in Mideast poli
Late New York senator Jac
Late news
Late news, crush on street
Late news: small crush detains head of Transport
Late news?
Late newsman Russert
Late newsman Sevareid
Late night party dress extremely pretty, Chanel's never without one
Late night studies
Late nobleman?
Late Norwegian king
Late partygoers provide their own lights
Late philanthropist Joan
Late pop singer Franchi e
Late princess
Late Princess of Wales
Late prize-winning San Fr
Late professor's nephew as knight errant
Late puppeteer Lewis
Late replacement for evening dress?
Late report as nothing took effect
Late rest early in the day
Late riser
Late risers
Late rocker Barrett
Late rocker Ramone
Late ruler Mobotu ___ Sek
Late San Francisco column
Late Saudi king
Late Sen. Thurmond
Late singer Horne
Late singer Mel
Late singer named for a D
Late Soviet diplomat Dobr
Late spin doctor carried in current up north
Late spring forecast
Late stand-up comic Richa
Late start at work, maybe
Late summer singer
Late supporting worker
Late talks for groups of clergymen
Late today
Late up, along with others
Late venue
Late visitors finally bring presents
Late West Virginia senato
Late winter flower
Late winter flowers
Late writer LeShan
Late writer with a 1946 b
Late year-end finished with sacking of leader
Late Zairean dictator Mob
Late ___
Late, as a payment
Late, drove crazily - extremely unsafe
Late, great crooner
Late, great entertainer
Late, great violinist
Late, in Le
Late, it turns in after me
Late, on a report card
Late-60's fashion item
Late-afternoon meal
Late-afternoon traffic, e
Late-arriving actor of ol
Late-arriving disco singe
Late-arriving singer/actr
Late-arriving TV detectiv
Late-inning pitching, may
Late-late hour
Late-late-night offering
Late-marrying men
Late-night beverage
Late-night beverages
Late-night competitor of
Late-night funnyman
Late-night host
Late-night host Jay
Late-night Jay
Late-night name
Late-night pioneer
Late-night regular
Late-night show?
Late-night talk show host
Late-night wars participa
Late-week cry
Late? Soon it looks bad, as traffic jams form?
Latecomer's plea
Lateen-rigged Arab sailing vessel
Lately developed
Lately Ukrainians stop aggressive force westward showing rapidity
Lateness in performing a
Lateness of sailors holding banquets
Later afterthought: Abbr.
Later chats about what cardinal might be wearing
Later course supporter of African party, say, picked up after British left
Later days
Later in time
Later information from university head about degree
Later instruction from TUC holding journalist in high regard
Later on
Later on interrupted by large blast of hot air
Later on, I'm performing circus act
Later part of normal life
Later she’s horribly cruel
Later step developed a constituent of gunpowder
Later than
Later today, that man's name covered up by drunk
Later years
Later years, poetically
Later's alternative
Later, he’s active close to outskirts of Whitehall
Later, old pro distributed crude earnings
Later, perhaps
Later, perhaps?
Lateral extent
Lateral opening?
Lateral part
Lateral start
Latest article in Le Monde providing biased view
Latest bit of research on planet's hot locations?
Latest drink supplier finally brought in to add energy to tournament
Latest finished item out, then reordered
Latest headlines caught in browsers
Latest information
Latest information — take this for class
Latest information unknown: work for MI6?
Latest leader's greeting displaced Russian king accepts
Latest news
Latest news of holy woman's put down
Latest news of US lawyer in illegal set-up
Latest news on University head adopting daughter
Latest news, slangily
Latest opinion is to place the Head on leave
Latest out, umpteenth I fancy
Latest possible moment for silently remembering the Armistice?
Latest reports of cheerful romantic meetings
Latest result in evaluation
Latest run for paper
Latest song on the radio? There's no coverage here
Latest spacecraft crossing edge of exosphere on time
Latest thing
Latest thing I developed includes popular final surprise
Latest time for completion
Latest time for doing something
Latest time for finishing something
Latest to arrive, ditching singular old language
Latest top place for Princeton University
Latest version making me old?
Latest war criminal, marine
Latest war over the sea
Latest word
Lath cover
Lath perpendiculars
Lathe knocking out first new computer
Lathe operator
Lathe user
Lathered (up)
Lathered up
Latin "behold"
Latin "earth"
Latin "to be"
Latin 101 verb
Latin 101 word
Latin American agreements
Latin American ballroom dance
Latin American capital
Latin American country that ceased to be part of the Spanish Empire in 1821
Latin American dance
Latin American dance music
Latin American dance style
Latin American dance with a rumba rhythm
Latin American dance with three steps and a kick
Latin American ditching his alarm ...
Latin American farm labourer
Latin American farm worker
Latin American plain
Latin American style of music, influenced by jazz
Latin American with mixed
Latin American, for one, abandons his Twitter
Latin ’40 sounds stand out
Latin ballroom dance
Latin case
Latin catchphrase sometim
Latin clarification
Latin clarifier
Latin clue for a stoic found in this province
Latin conjugation word
Latin conjunction
Latin connections
Latin counterpart of "iso
Latin dance
Latin dance music
Latin dance style
Latin dances
Latin dictionary limiting charge
Latin dictum equating drinking with honesty
Latin etched into artful pottery
Latin extension
Latin eyes
Latin father
Latin foot
Latin for "I roll"
Latin for "scraped"
Latin for water
Latin god
Latin graduate admitted to dodgy translation of prayer
Latin grammar task: Abbr.
Latin hip-shakers
Latin hymn "Dies ___"
Latin hymn used in Mass for the dead
Latin I
Latin I infinitive
Latin I verb
Latin I word
Latin infinitive
Latin jazz great Puente
Latin journey
Latin lady: Abbr.
Latin lambs
Latin land
Latin land descriptor
Latin law
Latin law primarily explains Middle East language unit
Latin leader?
Latin learner's verb
Latin lesson word
Latin list ender
Latin list-ender
Latin love
Latin lover's bouquet, ma
Latin lover's declaration
Latin lover's word
Latin lover's word?
Latin lover's words
Latin maybe is hard — time to go off and flop?
Latin metropolis
Latin motto "Ars ___ arti
Latin name for ancient Tr
Latin name for England
Latin name for Ireland
Latin name of river insect
Latin oils
Latin poet
Latin poet breaking promise
Latin possessive
Latin praise? Attempt to keep Latin manner up
Latin pronoun
Latin quarter word?
Latin quarters
Latin repetition not working for bookworms
Latin ruler
Latin scholar makes note on ship in italics, perhaps
Latin series starter
Latin sign I assume contains symbols associated with office
Latin singer Anthony
Latin song by tenor: The Cowboy's Accessory
Latin song starter
Latin song? [Needs rewriting, along with 1 Down]
Latin stars
Latin step
Latin thing
Latin tongue
Latin translation of the Bible, since 1592 the Roman Catholic Church's official text
Latin trio leader
Latin trio member
Latin trio member?
Latin trio part
Latin tutor’s admission of responsibility?
Latin wings
Latin word for earth
Latin word in a quotation
Latin word in many pocket
Latin word in police dram
Latin word in police work
Latin word on a cornersto
Latin word on a dollar bi
Latin word on a monument
Latin word on a penny
Latin word usually abbrev
Latin words before a year
Latin words of clarificat
Latin, bit of chemistry and English, parts of course in some French schools
Latin-American dance
Latin-American import
Latin-American rattler
Latino cry
Latino lady
Latino sports legend
Latino's Yankee buddy
Latish bedtime
Latish date start
Latish lunchtime
Latish wake-up time
Latitude given by king, subject admits
Latitude of capsized small boat -- longitude coordinate ultimately pinning it?
Latitude of unknown Scottish well towards the west
Latitude taken by compilers of an erudite nature is justified
Latitude where returning fish change direction to go north
Latitude with lavish downpours, do we hear?
Latitude/longitude shower
Latke ingredient
Latke ingredients
Latte alternative
Latte brewed in extremely suave city
Latte topper
Latte variety
Latter half of erotic spasm
Latter part of the day
Latter-day Aristotle
Latter-day Caesar
Latter-day Saint
Latter-Day Saints
Lattices around an island
Latticework for supporting plants
Latvia and Estonia, once
Latvia's capital
Latvia, once: Abbr.
Latvian allowed to broadcast on radio
Latvian allows husband to pen note
Latvian capital
Latvian originally admitted to being a different European
Latvian present's wrapped, a decoction
Latvian ruler's character
Latvian, e.g.
Laud vet following surgery after duck produced eggs
Laudatory lines
Laudatory lyrics
Laudatory poem
Laudatory poems
Lauder and namesakes
Lauder of cosmetics
Lauderdale is south of it
Lauderdale loafer
Lauer's hours on TV
Laugh about a young man dressing
Laugh about blunder finally, short sharp sound
Laugh about George Bush on campaign battlefront
Laugh about gutless Trump getting in a stew
Laugh about leaders of The Third International trying to make a comeback
Laugh about Phil's missus being an illustrious type
Laugh about publicity account problem
Laugh about Washington's leader - what's he on?
Laugh about women’s idle talk
Laugh at board deserving to be loathed
Laugh at house's architectural style
Laugh – or cry
Laugh disrespectfully
Laugh gleefully
Laugh half
Laugh heartily
Laugh in a scornful way
Laugh line, e.g.
Laugh loudly
Laugh madly about, say, Boris Johnson's capacity to caper clumsily
Laugh maker
Laugh maniacally
Laugh nervously
Laugh nervously time and time again in row
Laugh on a bike?
Laugh part
Laugh quietly
Laugh raucously
Laugh riot
Laugh scornfully
Laugh seeing the French on pitch
Laugh showing endless pleasure at end of concert
Laugh softly
Laugh sound
Laugh sounds
Laugh start
Laugh syllable
Laugh that comes from the heart
Laugh track sounds
Laugh uncontrollably
Laugh uproariously
Laugh waves
Laugh when officer turns up, interrupting task
Laugh without restraint
Laugh ___
Laugh, in Lille
Laugh, in Lyon
Laugh, in showbiz slang
Laugh-a-minute folks
Laugh-a-minute Mourinho’s entertaining company
Laugh-a-minute sort
Laugh-producing game popu
Laughed and shook her hips? Good for wife!
Laughed introducing a king? Be careful!
Laughed loudly
Laughed unpleasantly as drinks knocked back by German editor
Laughing 1970's singer?
Laughing about King's Head having cling film
Laughing about Romeo’s crisp browned skin
Laughing choreographer?
Laughing comment when som
Laughing escalates
Laughing fictional detect
Laughing gas and water, c
Laughing gas, for one
Laughing in these, slip, running?
Laughing literary wife?
Laughing matter
Laughing out loud about article in woolly extract
Laughing out loud with accountant in pub
Laughing riotously in street is irritating
Laughing sound
Laughing stock?
Laughing uncontrollably
Laughing uncontrollably following theatre visit?
Laughing ___
Laughing, hail king amongst men outside the church
Laughs at what could be desired
Laughs heartily
Laughs hysterically
Laughs loudly
Laughter about a scoundrel initially alleviating back pain
Laughter about need to employ such a search?
Laughter about open mic initially upset big shot
Laughter and harsh cries as leaders swap personal flaws
Laughter syllable
Laughter, in La Mancha
Launch a steamship that's partly corrupt
Launch agcy.
Launch an attack on someone, verbally
Launch brief article on line
Launch hotel address online
Launch list of international delegates?
Launch of 1986
Launch of 2/20/86
Launch of 7/10/62
Launch of July 1962
Launch of TV dinners initially rejected
Launch promotion about exhibition, having taken week away
Launch site
Launch sites
Launch slope
Launch time?
Launch ___
Launcher launched in 1958
Launcher's launch
Launchers launch them
Launches an attack on one artist when drunk
Launches campaigns
Launches competitions welcoming all-comers
Launching a start-up, say
Launching unlimited new release
Launder ending
Launder western money initially neglected
Launder women's money after copyright waived
Launderer's challenge
Launderer's step
Launderer, at times
Laundering machines relative put onto boats
Launders, in a way
Laundromat appliance
Laundromat buy
Laundromat loss, maybe
Laundromat machine featur
Laundry accessory increasingly just not opening
Laundry appliance
Laundry brand
Laundry challenge for a g
Laundry cycle supervisor?
Laundry day chore
Laundry detergent
Laundry detergent brand
Laundry frame
Laundry implement that mi
Laundry is no longer opening for him
Laundry item
Laundry job
Laundry machine
Laundry pen, e.g.
Laundry problem
Laundry rack
Laundry receptacle
Laundry room brand
Laundry soap introduced i
Laundry stiffener
Laundry supply
Laundry that's often food
Laundry unit
Laundry units
Laundry whitener
Laundry woe
Laundry worker's comment
Laundrywoman tightly presses kind of suit
Laura Bush biographer Ron
Laura Bush's alma mater,
Laura Bush's alma mater:
Laura Bush's maiden name
Laura Bush, ___ Welch
Laura of "Blue Velvet"
Laura of "I Am Sam"
Laura of "Jurassic Park"
Laura of "Rambling Rose"
Laura or Bruce of film
Laura who plays Dr. Weave
Laura who wrote "Wedding
Laura ___ , Welsh fashion and textile designer, d.1985
Laura ___ , Welsh fashion designer, d. 1985
Laura's "La Gioconda" lov
Laura's 1960s sitcom hubb
Laura's daytime lover
Laura's husband in 60's T
Laura's juices flowing for play
Laura's lover in "La Gioc
Laura's off to catch Izzard in Bowie musical
Laura's selective about who may introduce them
Laura, girl cut out for farming
Laureate figure, maybe
Laureate's wiles manipulated with delicacy
Laurel & Hardy's fourth feature put on to entertain wife - relax
Laurel and Hardy film wit
Laurel and Hardy, e.g.
Laurel disguise may, being irresponsible
Laurel for instance always an environmentalist
Laurel found in outskirts of Armenia's capital
Laurel from England
Laurel of comedy
Laurel or Musial
Laurel perhaps remaining fresh and vital
Laurel placed on top of Bob’s carriage
Laurel’s speaking a verse
Laurel's holding party for comedians
Laurel's immersed in internat­ional books for a moment
Laurel's recited a few lines of verse
Laurel's speaking a bit of poetry
Laurel, maybe with daughter’s bears
Lauren Bacall's first actor husband, d. 1957
Laurence who wrote "Trist
Lausanne lies on it
Lava lamps and pet rocks,
Lava source
Lava ___
Lavatory beside a large waterway
Lavatory door sign
Lavatory label
Lavatory sign
Lavatory, not for all, in use — then free
Lavender, for one
Laver, maybe, put dread into top player
LaVern Baker's "I Cried _
Laverne and Shirley's lan
Lavish (meal)
Lavish affairs
Lavish affection (on)
Lavish attention (on)
Lavish celebration
Lavish display
Lavish entertainment
Lavish in support of archaeological work most of all
Lavish kisses somewhat revolting, they believe
Lavish meal
Lavish old Bob with drink
Lavish old lover to get locked up, we hear
Lavish parties
Lavish party
Lavish place occupied by a short Latin American
Lavish religious instruction supplied by church
Lavish stage work
Lavish things that define us, including our evolving
Lavish underground system once operated with everything moving ahead of time
Lavish volume of drink with large kebab, too, ordered
Lavish women like terribly expensive originals
Lavished compliments on sliced bread and pies
Lavished gifts (on)
Lavished love (on)
Lavishes gifts (on), say
Lavishly decorate
Law 18? It might help to draw the line in 26, we hear
Law about British billions remains
Law assignment
Law assistant, for short
Law book (1866)
Law breakers, of a kind
Law broken by government after a day to decide
Law concerning detention
Law court run by Greek character initially
Law crooks must break to accommodate one caring career?
Law curtailed lecture on dirt
Law degree
Law degs.
Law enforcement agency's money cut back
Law enforcement hqrs.
Law enforcement org. feat
Law enforcer
Law enforcer since 1873
Law enforcer, small, went about work
Law enforcers around Iran rebuilt Muslim tower
Law firm aide, for short
Law firm employee, for sh
Law firm employee, inform
Law firm exec regularly duped about new licence
Law firm hirees, for shor
Law firm hotshot
Law for one with charm taking in grand legal expert
Law forbidding going out
Law group's heading South the writer's contracted for case
Law grp.
Law has several changes: someone might be listening!
Law letters bit of a clue, maybe, to start of depression
Law Lord in promotional material cut last item
Law lord say recalled in good Parisian club
Law lord upset fat imbecile
Law man
Law man?
Law of ancient Rome
Law of give and take?
Law of Moses coming from a rocky height - gosh!
Law of Retaliation requiring private detective to be replaced?
Law office employees, inf
Law office worker, for sh
Law office worker, inform
Law officer
Law official
Law or medicine, e.g.
Law partner?
Law read that changes unfair treatment
Law scholar losing time in talk
Law school class
Law school course
Law school newbies
Law school newcomer
Law school newcomers
Law school subject
Law suit finally disposed of – for a figure
Law supported by one biblical region
Law supporting whistleblower's knee-jerk reaction
Law takes time to block representation
Law that ex bent to get money from estate?
Law that’s been passed
Law used to fight organiz
Law with many parts
Law works
Law's partner
Law, in Lima
Law, in Lyon
Law, to Lucretius
Law-making body
Law-practicing reptile?
Lawbreaker with two partn
Lawbreaking shot, perhaps before teeing off
Lawful boundary having mile removed for Conservative
Lawful escape?
Lawfully represented by member and friend
Lawgiver is left in flowing river
Lawless adventurer
Lawless American agent held in custody at first
Lawless article revolutionary published? Cool
Lawless character
Lawless Graham is no crime writer
Lawless land
Lawless people who may be found climbing rocky brutal crags
Lawless role
Lawless vehicle
Lawless venue for Olympics, in our opinion
Lawless warrior
Lawless youths
Lawlessness; chaos
Lawmaking body
Lawmaking locale
Lawman confiscates ecstasy from trashed Tyrolean teenager
Lawman Earp
Lawman is going back over the woman's fines
Lawman Masterson
Lawman of the Old West
Lawman Wyatt
Lawman's refusal to wait put queen off once
Lawman, it's said, puts down government supporters
Lawn additive
Lawn and elaborate fringes showing gardening ability
Lawn application
Lawn ball game
Lawn barrow feature
Lawn base
Lawn bowling
Lawn Boy product
Lawn care brand
Lawn care equipment
Lawn care product
Lawn care tool
Lawn chair material
Lawn cut by waters in Lake District village
Lawn cutters
Lawn decoration
Lawn diggers
Lawn eyesore
Lawn gadget
Lawn game
Lawn material
Lawn moisture
Lawn mower brand
Lawn mower maker
Lawn mower name
Lawn mower site
Lawn mower's path
Lawn mower's spot
Lawn party offering
Lawn pest
Lawn products brand
Lawn sculpture, maybe
Lawn sprinkler output
Lawn starter
Lawn starters
Lawn tool
Lawn tools
Lawn tunneler
Lawn watering device
Lawn weed: cut the whole lot back
Lawn weed? Cut the whole lot up
Lawn wrecker
Lawn ___
Lawn-Boy alternative
Lawn-care products brand
Lawn-watering device
Lawrence initially spilt the beans about hospital fund-raising programme
Lawrence is entertained by kind of party food
Lawrence of Arabia portra
Lawrence of Arabia star Peter
Lawrence of Arabia's ride
Lawrence of the North Dak
Lawrence Welk favorites
Lawrence Welk specialty
Lawrence Welk's "one"/"tw
Lawrence's land
Laws actioned in error? Very apprehensive
Laws collectively
Laws that can only be broken by an expert
Laws ultimately restrict anyone standing around
Laws, informally
Lawsuit basis
Lawsuit covering rogue's fall
Lawsuit involves rotter in dramatic fall
Lawsuit; deed
Lawsuit; something done
Lawsuit; thing done
Lawyer and police officer host TV show
Lawyer Atticus avoids cra
Lawyer coming up with choice of words indicating compulsive behaviour
Lawyer confused about old special plural
Lawyer Dershowitz
Lawyer endlessly imbibing a liqueur
Lawyer finishing early invites American in for drink
Lawyer for government agent nearly tore free
Lawyer for king tries cocktail in watering hole
Lawyer in film with pained expression shows financial talent
Lawyer material
Lawyer Morocco unselfishly protects
Lawyer on the move?
Lawyer on TV's "Civil War
Lawyer put in the picture
Lawyer recalled cheers with university abandoning contest
Lawyer rejected Cambridge university grant
Lawyer Roy
Lawyer Roy and family
Lawyer thus allowed into bar at last
Lawyer to call, wanting old plant
Lawyer turned politician to direct justice system, says Spooner
Lawyer visiting tournament not suitable for everyone
Lawyer with German's money getting in bother
Lawyer would liberate discharged lag
Lawyer's abbr.
Lawyer's apparel?
Lawyer's argument
Lawyer's argument to remove barriers?
Lawyer's assignment
Lawyer's assistant: average girl, drinks beer
Lawyer's charge
Lawyer's document
Lawyer's eloquence stuns criminal avoiding time
Lawyer's fee
Lawyer's hairpiece
Lawyer's hurdle
Lawyer's jargon
Lawyer's need
Lawyer's one question to flower girl – drinks?
Lawyer's org.
Lawyer's payment
Lawyer's roster
Lawyer's setup?
Lawyer's thing
Lawyer's undertaking
Lawyer's wear?
Lawyer, at court
Lawyer, often, in court b
Lawyer, oldest professional?
Lawyer/civil-rights activ
Lawyer/writer Gardner
Lawyer: Abbr.
Lawyers exclude brasserie staff
Lawyers in cabinets: Abbr
Lawyers make it
Lawyers met with anger and torrent of abuse?
Lawyers next to God, here in Scotland!
Lawyers talk about right means of presenting facts
Lawyers talk of high winds in shelter
Lawyers with many assts.
Lawyers without cover missing conclusion of case
Lawyers working for bigwig
Lawyers' charges
Lawyers' grp.
Lawyers' jargon
Lawyers' org.
Lawyers' requests at tria
Lawyers, to Brits
Lawyers: Abbr.
Lawyerspeak and tech talk
LAX abbr.
Lax bloke with broken leg in Northern Ireland
LAX clock setting
LAX data
LAX data: Abbr.
LAX datum
LAX guesstimate
LAX guesstimates
LAX info
LAX info: Abbr.
LAX letters
LAX listing
LAX listing: Abbr.
LAX listings: Abbr.
LAX monitor info
LAX posting
LAX posting, for short
LAX postings
LAX regulators
LAX setting
LAX to J.F.K. choice
LAX watchdog
LAX-O'Hare's terminal for sport
Laxative one girl fed to another
Laxative … and opens bowels at last, after treatment
Laxative infusion for Spooner's state
Lay a carpet, English, upper-class, the last from Axminster
Lay a charge against heartless trooper from the east
Lay academic again cancels start of work
Lay an egg
Lay atop
Lay awake initially beset by terrible ulcers
Lay away
Lay bare
Lay by
Lay claim to additional military support
Lay claim to right
Lay claim to stop wedding with gangster
Lay concern?
Lay down before writer
Lay down fresh tar
Lay down rules where supporter is delayed
Lay down the law
Lay elsewhere
Lay eyes on
Lay flat
Lay hands on book of not so great size
Lay hold of
Lay in a grave
Lay in awfully risqué ladieswear on vacation
Lay in the hot sun
Lay in, on the farm
Lay into
Lay into poor actor: "Simply half-cut"
Lay into team at Euros
Lay journalist receiving honour
Lay low
Lay low?
Lay man?
Lay next to a character from Athens
Lay odds of trek maps being seen before test
Lay off
Lay on
Lay on predominantly male party
Lay on sponsor with finale getting rearranged
Lay on the beach
Lay on the line
Lay one's hands on
Lay open
Lay out
Lay out (money)
Lay out odd parts of diet: odd bits of cake
Lay out pound in old coins
Lay out section with page having margin
Lay out some newspaper co
Lay out trendy American waistcoat
Lay out wearing undergarment?
Lay people?
Lay person mostly with bit of lust here
Lay person posing naked
Lay person?
Lay sister originally holding not completely pious views
Lay some false trails
Lay the groundwork
Lay to rest
Lay to rest a recurrent worry, among other things
Lay to rest trendy theory, regularly expounded
Lay to rest, 6 points under discussion
Lay to rest, e.g.
Lay turf
Lay turf on
Lay up
Lay waste
Lay waste to
Lay weapon before leader
Lay ___ (exaggerate)
Lay ___ (flop)
Lay ___ the line
Lay, e.g.
Layabout almost direly wasted
Layabout led astray in centre of Beirut
Layabout left surrounded by booze, losing head
Layabout seen in Salcombe every now and again
Layabout we enrolled requires discipline
Layabouts sitting around trees — quality of uncomfortable ground?
Layer cake missing top honours from here
Layer hedging French king's horse
Layer oddly, ounce after ounce
Layer of a bed
Layer of cartilage between spinal vertebrae
Layer of clay
Layer of eastern porcelain broken by daughter
Layer of folded material
Layer of foliage created by high branches of forest trees
Layer of green eggs
Layer of material
Layer of matted earth and grass
Layer of molluscs damaged porthole frame
Layer of ore between layers of rock
Layer of roof slabs
Layer of skin in older man
Layer of the earth
Layer one's rolled back in storehouse
Layer right inside bourbon, for example
Layer that scratches
Layer with a hole in it
Layer within great city
Layer's lair
Layer, say, reflected old enclosure
Layered building material
Layered cookie
Layered dessert
Layered desserts
Layered dish
Layered do
Layered entree
Layered haircut
Layered minerals
Layered pasta dish
Layered rock
Layered sponge cake
Layered sweet pastry, often filled with apple
Layered treats
Layers (of rock)
Layers of eggs weighing m
Layers of paint
Layers separated by right tool
Layers underground
Laying bird
Laying down the lawn
Laying hold of
Laying off flipping idiot involved in non-23
Laying-on of hands?
Layman apolitically embraces a vision to die for?
Layman in a primeval city imbibing milky infusion …
Layman’s first attempt to embrace trendy language
Layoffs at lab not fixed, pretend management
Layout - to a signorina
Layout drawing
Layout with engines
Layperson in a monastery
Lays (down)
Lays a claim (on)
Lays an egg
Lays at one's door
Lays at the door of
Lays away
Lays away for good
Lays bare
Lays claim to
Lays down the lawn
Lays low?
Lays off
Lays off, with "from"
Lays on parties
Lays on thick
Lays out
Lays out insufficient money, disregarding trendy items of clothing
Lays siege to
Lays the groundwork for?
Lays to rest
Lays turf
Lays waste to reform, at any rate
Lazarus and Goldman
Lazarus or Goldman
Laze about
Laze about in empty Australia bush
Laze around with Mrs Zola getting cheeses
Laze in the tub
Laze mindlessly, seen regularly around desert
Laze, with "out"
Lazes around Spain fiddling?
Lazing around? It’s pretty underwhelming
Lazy - indolent
Lazy Arsenal about to pick up old footballer
Lazy boozer claims state benefit over time
Lazy brother abandoning check
Lazy cowboy's record in this contest?
Lazy drooping posture
Lazy girl?
Lazy individual shedding pounds and blubber
Lazy leaving line in fish
Lazy model, cast
Lazy Ol’ Nick’s nicked!
Lazy one, slangily
Lazy people
Lazy people in vain occupying property
Lazy person
Lazy person finished round middle of afternoon
Lazy person's stairs?
Lazy reader's aim presumably is somewhere to sit
Lazy siesta beneath the cover of Monsieur Henri?
Lazy sons throw man out of work
Lazy speech in sketch with minimum of laughs
Lazy start - sweethearts turn over and don't get up
Lazy Susan
Lazy talk, coming from below, about nude seen on one side of ship
Lazy type this writer would ultimately enrol with hesitation
Lazy types
Lazy waters
Lazy way to start the day?
Lazy ___
Lazy, don't move around so much
Lazy, heartless, despotic man running a significant business
Lazy, indolent
Lazy, unkempt individual
Lazy? Work less, employing couples within the islands
Lazybones fencing yard in daring jumper
Lazybones is uncommonly riled
Lazybones pruned top of creeper
Lazybones's catchword
Lazybones's declaration
Lb. and kg.
Lb. or oz.
Lb. parts
Lbs. and kgs.
Lbs. and ozs.
Le Bon compilation? Great!
Le Carr
Le Carre character George
Le Duc Tho's capital
Le Duc Tho's city
Le Duc ___ (Nobel Peace P
Le Fanu? Who scandalised the educational establishment?
Le Figaro article
Le Havre honey
Le Havre-to-Paris dir.
Le Mans and others
Le Mans event
Le menu word
Le Monde article
Le Pen for instance found in sea
Le Pen's first person aboard rural vehicle on unknown path
Le petit prince's home pl
Le Petomane's act reportedly gut-related?
Le Pew of cartoons
Le Prince de Galles and L
Le Quai des Tuileries adj
Le Roi Soleil, d. 1715
Le Sage's "Gil ___"
Le soleil, par exemple
Le ___ (Buick model)
Le ___ (Paris paper)
Le ___ No
Le ___ Soleil (Louis XIV)
Le ___, France
Lea call
Leach land freely to create suit­able environment for hops
Leaching product
Leachman who won an Oscar
Lead - a radioactive element? Not lead, it's a metallic element
Lead a political party with an explosive start
Lead a quiet life
Lead a square dance
Lead actor upset about new passionate speeches
Lead actor’s reminder about line
Lead actor's ageing trendy making SF feature?
Lead ammunition for hunting game
Lead analyst perhaps taking Speaker’s role?
Lead and phosphorus sink
Lead and tin alloy
Lead astray
Lead away from party line
Lead balloon
Lead bloke who presents weather forecast?
Lead boxes contaminate oxygen, substance used in clinical trials
Lead by the hand
Lead ceremoniously
Lead character in a Mario
Lead character in story having no love for a woman
Lead character on "Pushin
Lead character on "Saved
Lead character on TV's "T
Lead chokes dog? More haste less speed, perhaps
Lead Civil Engineer, after promotion, getting rise
Lead compound heals
Lead deserters head north
Lead down the aisle
Lead everyone around place to cooperate
Lead extract from bituminous tarmac
Lead fireball
Lead follower
Lead for a Lab
Lead for one encountered above call centre
Lead from a mountain?
Lead from radiator plugs turned as much as brass
Lead from salt mine of Wieliczka possibly taken outside with excessive cleaning
Lead has one
Lead head?
Lead in honourable member to be carpeted by leader - 'spit it out!'
Lead in paint Rothko has absorbed
Lead in pencil I gather erroneous - this the stuff?
Lead in shoplifting case
Lead in to a fool's headline act
Lead in truth, popular metal
Lead ingredients in ten of your sherry trifles
Lead into temptation
Lead is found in Costa Rica
Lead isn't much good at this leading business
Lead key or bolt, ultimately
Lead killing the last pair of river birds
Lead left separately working out what he expects to get
Lead lost in fencing, is that my sport?
Lead miner finally found in dilapidated toilet clutching two pieces of lead
Lead news story
Lead offered by 6, not 3
Lead on runner announced
Lead ore
Lead ores
Lead otter about? That'll be endured!
Lead part
Lead phased out, which receives attention
Lead pipe prisoner sits on
Lead player
Lead poisoning primarily leads to backache
Lead potentially has eider and gannet suffering
Lead provider
Lead pumper, in old slang
Lead putting pressure on bad back
Lead removed from gold for instance, and the rest
Lead role
Lead role in "A Chorus Li
Lead role in "Hawaii Five
Lead role in "La Cage aux
Lead role in "The Piano"
Lead role in a 60's TV dr
Lead role in a classic Ar
Lead role in Rimsky-Korsa
Lead role on "Providence"
Lead role on TV's "Provid
Lead scientific study, maybe touched by extremely awful disease
Lead seeker: Abbr.
Lead sharer
Lead singer for the Belmo
Lead singer of band missing last part of tour
Lead singer of group from Angola devouring books
Lead singer of Pearl Jam
Lead singer of the band B
Lead singer of the fictio
Lead singer with Dawn
Lead singer's notes?
Lead singer's piece on promenade
Lead source of wind starts to nip away
Lead splitter
Lead statistic
Lead sulphide mineral
Lead that woman with a daughter to eat fruit
Lead the way for
Lead to mislead, in bridg
Lead ultimately lost, Liverpool almost beaten
Lead used to kill deer
Lead weight for measuring depth
Lead with buffet covered in fruit
Lead would not be used for this drill component
Lead ___
Lead ___ life
Lead ___-and-dog life (co
Lead's counterpart
Lead, direct
Lead, e.g.
Lead, for one
Lead, helium and nitrogen escapes
Lead, often
Lead-free substance akin to vapour trail, leaving one sort of plane
Lead-free transport gets attention
Lead-in for -aholic
Lead-in for boy or girl
Lead-in for breath or tea
Lead-in for cat
Lead-in for deux, trois o
Lead-in for friendly
Lead-in for house or wife
Lead-in for mouse or will
Lead-in for nose or hair
Lead-in periods
Lead-in to "Five Dollars"
Lead-in to "goodbye"
Lead-in to "I really shou
Lead-in to "pray"
Lead-in to "Show me!"
Lead-in to "the above" or
Lead-in to -meter
Lead-in to a congratulato
Lead-in to a questionable
Lead-in to a sheepish exc
Lead-in to an example
Lead-in to bath or powder
Lead-in to bow or hike
Lead-in to boy
Lead-in to boy or girl
Lead-in to calculus
Lead-in to care
Lead-in to fetched or sig
Lead-in to fire, trap or
Lead-in to further explan
Lead-in to girl
Lead-in to girl or boy
Lead-in to harp or phone
Lead-in to law or med
Lead-in to Little League
Lead-in to many a chef's
Lead-in to masochism
Lead-in to meter
Lead-in to motion
Lead-in to multiple last
Lead-in to nose or hair
Lead-in to nuptial
Lead-in to phobia
Lead-in to pipe or pit
Lead-in to plunk
Lead-in to shame or boy
Lead-in to some royal nam
Lead-in to someone else's
Lead-in to tiller
Lead-in to wash
Lead-in to while
Lead-in with angle
Lead-ins to holidays
Lead-pipe cinch
Lead-tin alloy
Lead-up to a coup
Lead/tin alloy
Leaden pots equally oleaginous
Leaden, in London
Leader - line-drawing aid
Leader abandons genuine regret
Leader abandons group of soldiers in parade ground
Leader abroad popular for the first time? No
Leader absolutely raised journalist's plight
Leader adroit with lie unfortunately
Leader after Indian indep
Leader against the Aztecs
Leader at Indy
Leader at OPEC, maybe
Leader at Plumpton damaged hoof in this exciting climax?
Leader at sea, reversing car across verge
Leader avoiding fresh hazard
Leader before Lenin
Leader born in Georgia
Leader briefly annexing capital of large country
Leader briefly turns up, making you cry
Leader called "the Great"
Leader called Mahatma
Leader concerned with source of money provided in support
Leader Cook steals single with gratitude when batting
Leader deposed in 1955
Leader ditched extra responsibility
Leader ditches uniform for liberal way to move
Leader elected in 2005
Leader exiled in 1979
Leader had name changed
Leader has ache, at full speed
Leader having to lead a fool
Leader heading off local
Leader heads here having horse speed right up
Leader held back by infrastructure
Leader hosts star figures - they may induce arousal
Leader in 19th-century It
Leader in a 1972 summit m
Leader in a beret
Leader in a holiday song
Leader in a robe
Leader in ancient Rome
Leader in congregation cuts talk short
Leader in Congress introducing a law about cigarette problem in fall
Leader in equestrianism, victory key for competitive horse
Leader in government has moved to the slum area
Leader in Hastings, a king from a long time ago?
Leader in Israel
Leader in media having no case to retreat back
Leader in national affair
Leader in old Rome
Leader in revolt liable to be transported
Leader in Rome close to Spanish Pope
Leader in sports
Leader in Syrian city moves resistance units
Leader in Turkey's elected once more
Leader in waiting
Leader includes awful rant in speech, only with total sincerity
Leader involved in 70's s
Leader is poorly understood
Leader known for his "lit
Leader let independent radio broadcast
Leader may fancy fast food?
Leader May frantic - something cooked up in advance
Leader McIlroy's first shot makes green
Leader no longer touring round country
Leader of 10 essentially guarding area
Leader of 7 getting drastically demoted, quits ...
Leader of a flock
Leader of a group of Brownies or Cub Scouts
Leader of a lush life in
Leader of a meeting
Leader of a musical "gang
Leader of a religious community for women
Leader of Abraham?
Leader of academy doubled up
Leader of advance party in trouble
Leader of air force travelling to this address
Leader of America and West remains inundated
Leader of bloggers is to curse, put out when one's included little-known words?
Leader of church music
Leader of clan in tartan, serene
Leader of congregation has time to keep chattering
Leader of Congress?
Leader of Conservatives in bumbling oaf is humiliating disaster
Leader of council ushered back outside with plan to make a passionate speech
Leader of coup deposing prince and extortionist
Leader of Cubs, about to enter game, disheartened Scouts
Leader of daily newspaper's inside
Leader of DUP having sex is quaintly comical
Leader of Exodus boarding ship to follow second prophet
Leader of fashion
Leader of football's 31-D
Leader of forgotten tribe dances around large tree
Leader of France
Leader of gang completely fleeced victim
Leader of gangsters stabbing solitary type resident in city
Leader of Georgian separatists means to escape
Leader of Greece pricking Europe's uneasy conscience
Leader of Green party's accents
Leader of historic capital manoeuvring around old banger
Leader of House gets installed in seat — what a relief!
Leader of inner circle, say, is venerated
Leader of Iroquois punching tough old Mohican?
Leader of Islam
Leader of Israel contributed to President Bush's ultimate victory
Leader of Italy? Legendary King’s backing one Mediterranean resident
Leader of Labour's in touch? That's a shock
Leader of leaders?
Leader of Lesbos?
Leader of lions died during Daniel's unorthodox convincing victory
Leader of men fools the people
Leader of men stepped up with German champions
Leader of Mexicans in America less
Leader of monks
Leader of old kingdom leaves country
Leader of Oman consumed by jealousy for deputy
Leader of Opposition leaves district over in African state
Leader of orchestra and his lady abroad, if following conductor, perhaps?
Leader of orchestra regularly broke wind
Leader of orchestra will acknowledge applause
Leader of Oxford Group keeping church cat
Leader of pack seen in two lakes?
Leader of Parliament adopts untruths and fancy footwork
Leader of party's lax about closure of remote office
Leader of philosophical s
Leader of police stops mastermind leaving home? He made many busts
Leader of pop music's 31-
Leader of pre-1917 Russia
Leader of reformers' 31-D
Leader of Republicans plugging inane plan
Leader of revolt liable to be transported
Leader of revolutionary force capturing island
Leader of rogue state is party animal
Leader of Salvation Army gutted, for instance
Leader of several independence movements by Spain's South American colonies, d. 1830
Leader of social elite becomes comedian
Leader of society inclined to be stiff
Leader of Sparta is to return, having fed endlessly
Leader of strike with nurse: it’s shocking
Leader of supporters supporting supporters in part of orchestra
Leader of the Alamo siege
Leader of the All-Starr B
Leader of the Argonauts
Leader of the Argonauts,
Leader of the Autumn Harv
Leader of the Fauvist mov
Leader of the gang to get cheap stuff for Spooner
Leader of the Gang, in 70
Leader of the layabouts eating duke’s fish
Leader of the Limelites,
Leader of the Lost Boys
Leader of the Medicine Sh
Leader of the Mel-Tones
Leader of the One Israel
Leader of the pack
Leader of the pack hidden
Leader of the pack once prime minister links up with member of parliament
Leader of the pack with highest of hands?
Leader of the pack?
Leader of the Pop Art movement, d. 1987
Leader of the Roundheads, d.1658
Leader of the Silver Bull
Leader of the slave revolt against Rome, 73BC
Leader of the squad tried to change step
Leader of the Untouchable
Leader of thieves is out of time holding up miners, resisting attacks
Leader of Tories in posh headgear? Well I never!
Leader of Turkmenistan, I predict, is in Asia
Leader of union forcing rebellion
Leader of visible magnitude, apostle converted unbeliever, finally
Leader of Wallabies that is most off target
Leader of yobs beheaded bird? That’s disgusting!
Leader on the field
Leader one hour away from victory
Leader opposed by the Bol
Leader ordered liar to die
Leader ousted from one-time car plant
Leader overthrown in 1917
Leader pushed to back of room gets through
Leader quitting cooler band
Leader seeing champ's behind in guaranteed second
Leader seen in tent beside track
Leader shunning wholesale evidence of misery
Leader sobs when upset
Leader staging demonstration on the coast?
Leader succeeded by his b
Leader that was Zulu embraced by elevated Archdeacon Basil?
Leader to advise duke about campaign medal
Leader to call tabloid newspaper’s bluff
Leader to check one in test
Leader to lead with three articles
Leader to remain in touch to get commission
Leader touring around Washington State
Leader until 1917
Leader who claimed to hav
Leader who died 27 days a
Leader who said "All reac
Leader who said "There is
Leader whom Virgil called
Leader with 15D?
Leader with a goatee
Leader with due deference to me
Leader with Roosevelt and
Leader with the respect due to me?
Leader's a supporter of independence?
Leader's aid
Leader's cry, said with a
Leader's fitting in the third person
Leader's gift including driving licence, say
Leader's liable to be entertained by relative killer
Leader's missing island, Rhodes perhaps
Leader's name that's etym
Leader's place
Leader's spoken about independence, following rising trend
Leader, a swine defended by right-wing tabloid
Leader, first of those on hand?
Leader, flipping dope - mad, not all there!
Leader; front
Leader; most important
Leader’s first performance is curtailed
Leader’s girl’s accommodating Italian learner
Leader’s temper makes contribution to grave situation
Leaderless coppers seizing throne in Vatican City?
Leaderless Corbynites in the fold
Leaderless team affected?
Leaderless team infuriates French city
Leaderless troops oppose battle
Leaderless unit on military vehicle or vessel
Leaders among the rabbinate examining food ascertain it to be so?
Leaders for reasons obscure bankrupt firm
Leaders from Leyton Orient and Northampton Town worried regarding pitch
Leaders from the Senate meeting a Republican authority figure
Leaders here keeping identity secret, initially
Leaders in acoustics designed more suitable connector
Leaders in America and Belarus are cheating in counting methods
Leaders in America rightly slam enraged Trump?
Leaders in Danish economics squander small fortune
Leaders in election agree recount lest count's equal
Leaders in every Asian state evidently drowsy, relaxed
Leaders in exchange undercut rates over newish currency
Leaders in fashion or pretentious show-offs?
Leaders in North American ring corrupting drug cop
Leaders in pits
Leaders in race on Arctic trek caught by your old husky
Leaders in The Oval Office, also
Leaders in uniform trounced in competition, very upset
Leaders in very intense event compete
Leaders not quite what the Queen of Hearts ordered, say?
Leaders of Albania in radio broadcast
Leaders of ancient unnamed region organised rituals around dawn
Leaders of banks accept some economic restrictions, as this effectively is a way to control inflation
Leaders of choral association regularly oversee lyrics in song
Leaders of class struggle
Leaders of drinking society drink vintage liquor for melancholy
Leaders of expedition travelling near a volcano
Leaders of export bank recruit old Spanish banker
Leaders of gardeners' and zoologists' unions meet privately to seek a higher offer
Leaders of Great Ormond Street Hospital? I say!
Leaders of harsh extremists in central region hang together
Leaders of hives
Leaders of Home Office order cheap home-made booze
Leaders of House admit frankly Trump's a bit of a tool
Leaders of Metz enterprise rejected a French tariff
Leaders of national caucus encourage rejecting a false equivalence
Leaders of nations in Northern Europe — a smallish number
Leaders of Newcastle usually taunt Sunderland fans
Leaders of Oman and Syria immediately seek refuge
Leaders of outlawed mob eternally respect this agreement
Leaders of Pakistani uprising behind steel bars
Leaders of paralympics organise long opening sporting event
Leaders of parties on left and right support endangered species
Leaders of Premier League hosting a United 11?
Leaders of priests equipped with seat in church
Leaders of Rangers Supporters Trust reported someone who might be charged in Providence?
Leaders of regiment are instigating dangerous assault
Leaders of right-wing establishment host US counterpart
Leaders of San Salvador
Leaders of Senate enact justice measures in 3
Leaders of Senate have ordered witness to appear
Leaders of Soviet Union left Marx's birthplace with even more passion
Leaders of Sri Lanka invested in home-grown product, a key part of the 22
Leaders of strong parties, if necessary, exhibit backbone
Leaders of swimming team on record pace
Leaders of tank regiment given acknowledgement of mistake by soldiers
Leaders of the Safavid dy
Leaders of the Soviets assassinated Russian ruler
Leaders of the Temperance League organised training
Leaders of think tank penning little message
Leaders of town hall are supposed to provide idea
Leaders of troops filling suitable job
Leaders of yesteryear approach captain helming tourist vessel
Leaders of youth likely to invest in a total protection process
Leaders picked off IT men for course
Leaders removing one dent in iron
Leaders suggest England's ruled by a European
Leaders to advocate celery as indispensible superfood
Leaders to allow lascivious Brits into French commune
Leadership ends in power struggle, in a manner of speaking
Leadership engineers cracking speech
Leadership lacking in biased manual worker
Leadership missing from cycle development
Leadership of a co.
Leadership org. opposed t
Leadership position
Leadership, say, blocking border regarding piracy, ultimately
Leadership, superior influence
Leadfoot deterrent
Leadfoots' comeuppances
Leading 17 across requiring much effort
Leading a bike race - chortle - by 50 minutes!
Leading actor
Leading actor carrying one aboard flight
Leading actor Heather's role in film about Hannibal
Leading actors
Leading American in the 3
Leading American kept hoarding energy
Leading ammunition maker
Leading article - I tailored
Leading article by teacher
Leading article deceived about European
Leading article male's written about right herb for cooking
Leading astronaut Aldrin excited to tour space, producing this?
Leading auditor's integrity
Leading Australian picked up dismissing Republican
Leading Australian tried to dodge rule
Leading authority
Leading Axis spy travels to Switzerland - nothing's on record in behavioural study
Leading Brexiteer's given name
Leading character abroad captured by female photographer
Leading character in 21 can do what it does remotely
Leading character in football wanting male and female agents
Leading character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Leading character in Sussex and surrounding area showing generosity
Leading character in Troy, as often written by Homer?
Leading character needing drink heads for public house
Leading character, redund
Leading characters in Titus Andronicus spoil the ending in one sense
Leading club?
Leading contestant
Leading couple in play given moderate cheer
Leading couples among persons operating legally for the public
Leading couples in casual, light cotton fabric
Leading couples in love, undying, getting somewhere to relax
Leading couples in not very likely story for Jane Austen perhaps
Leading couples refused to attend agency course
Leading court figures
Leading criminal very angry about crime securing time in prison
Leading currency upset economist
Leading current energy supplier
Leading doctors envisage large health investment for city
Leading double-O M frets about
Leading down the aisle
Leading duke entertains king
Leading economist briefly goes over books
Leading edge of Wild Wood scrub
Leading Edinburgh newspap
Leading empire corrupted Republican
Leading European imperial dynasty from the 13th century to 1918
Leading European state
Leading European twice acquiring posh rug
Leading expert
Leading exponent of drag, the outlandish
Leading fashion house creations
Leading figure
Leading figure in Italy
Leading figure in Russian opera not exactly roistering?
Leading for example, having captured knight for free?
Leading force
Leading force in a military attack
Leading French revolutionary, guillotined in Paris 1794
Leading gear for Arab wedding, we're told
Leading German state from 1525 to 1945
Leading Grampian location, especially Nevis!
Leading group capsized
Leading in ludicrousness
Leading Indian once serving 7up
Leading institution marks joint suitable for replacement?
Leading journo travelled back across it
Leading ladies standing up for chief magistrate
Leading ladies?
Leading lady
Leading lady cleared out in cunning fashion
Leading lady curtailed test in protest
Leading lady disseminating OC trivia
Leading lady first to depart flight
Leading lady Laura
Leading lady married still
Leading lady starts to dominate in vaudeville act
Leading lady twice dressing a son in rubber
Leading lady welcoming a Liberal peer
Leading lady's horse close to stable
Leading lady's one appearing in daily
Leading lady's retreat just after party goes west
Leading letters
Leading light
Leading light from Staffs turned traitor
Leading light in surprisingly short rant
Leading lights in ballet
Leading lines?
Leading male with dad bod
Leading man appearing in the round
Leading man Balls was obtrusively conspicuous
Leading man in "The Marry
Leading man in Garbo’s latest?
Leading man that has two parts on stage
Leading man's new bird
Leading man?
Leading measure when considering steam?
Leading members in favour of rest, we're told
Leading monk in excellent surroundings in theory
Leading movement written up in publication
Leading note; bust icon (anagram)
Leading old African general returning from America
Leading pair abandoning the most doubtful visitor
Leading pair in heretic group of mine almost converted Diana
Leading pair of competitors, note, at Olympic venue showing spirit
Leading pair of lawyers venerated, though losing first brief
Leading pairs eliminated from race came late - very grave situation
Leading parade, miles away
Leading part in drama, initially
Leading part of match at Wimbledon? A surprising result
Leading performer
Leading performer nude? Not half
Leading performers
Leading pig in Animal Farm
Leading player bestriding the French court is chosen
Leading politician’s unhappy romance
Leading port of old Moroc
Leading poster about male article
Leading record label of t
Leading Renaissance scholar
Leading Republican has row causing great public anger
Leading resort on the French Riviera
Leading revolutionary has brief look at African capital
Leading Roman Catholic bishop
Leading Roman Catholic staying in a hotel
Leading Russian in the 32
Leading scorer gets more than one record
Leading setter's charges immediately reduced
Leading setter's collected works
Leading shoot-'em-up comp
Leading singers - toss soil
Leading spinner playing first
Leading suspect got involved in a row?
Leading team getting a cut
Leading the field
Leading the league
Leading the pack
Leading the queue
Leading to disagreements
Leading to something
Leading trio of Hasidim allowed pork product
Leading trumpeter and percussionist missed out - appreciate playing as they wished
Leading US composer, endless source of historical material
Leading woman, Queen Sturgeon's back in Scottish team
Leading, and winning by this margin?
Leading, as a band
Leads (by)
Leads (in)
Leads for amazingly competent thespians in play
Leads for Marilyn Monroe?
Leads from random encounter could change entire investigation
Leads in school play present Oberon, for example
Leads on
Leads the bidding
Leads, as an orchestra
Leadsom axed over housing assessment
Leaf (through)
Leaf - young attendant
Leaf apertures
Leaf beneath a bloom
Leaf bisectors
Leaf cluster
Leaf collection?
Leaf collector
Leaf collector, or artisan working with tree
Leaf collectors?
Leaf cutter, e.g.
Leaf feature
Leaf for smoking
Leaf gatherer
Leaf holder
Leaf holders
Leaf initially changing daily, covering top of pond?
Leaf lacking colour left out for composting in the end
Leaf no stranger to Plant?
Leaf of a book
Leaf opening
Leaf part
Leaf parts
Leaf picked regularly from oldest herbs around
Leaf pore
Leaf projection
Leaf stuck to sheep in storm
Leaf through
Leaf unit
Leaf used in fencing
Leaf vegetable
Leaf vein
Leaf's breathing orifice
Leaf's support
Leaf-eating insect scourg
Leaf-to-branch angle
Leaf-turning mo.
Leaf-turning time: Abbr.
Leaf-turning times: Abbr.
Leaf; attendant
Leaflet about United Kingdom being more fortunate
Leaflet on bats ignored
Leaflet perhaps, debut for Hibs, also published
Leaflets in series that is withdrawn for a short time
Leaflike appendage
Leafstalk trailing river duck
Leafstalks usually cooked, sweetened and eaten in puddings
Leafy course
Leafy dish
Leafy green Somerset town
Leafy herb? The last thing this person has!
Leafy plant
Leafy recess
Leafy shelter
Leafy vegetable
Leafy vegetable ending in trash breaking heart, say?
Leafy vegetables
League boss without working capital
League division
League divisions
League for L.S.U. and Mis
League heading: Abbr.
League leader
League leaders in battle lost, of course
League leaders maybe showing some beef
League member
League members
League of Nations held back by protocol breach
League of Nations seat
League part
League restricted by team in furtive move
League sorry to report spy found things
League's ruined without uniform golf scores
League: Abbr.
Leagues of intrigue
Leagues: Abbr.
Leah's dad gives dog a name
Leak about German novelist making comeback: Erich Maria Remarque?
Leak fixer
Leak from European delegation
Leak here may take a moment or two
Leak in stately home where dukes reside
Leak needed during regressing bar session
Leak on a ship, e.g.
Leak slowly
Leak sound
Leak stopper
Leaked info set back work during disputes
Leakey discovery
Leaking goop
Leaks not initially seen in ship one sells complete?
Leaks slowly
Lean (on)
Lean - over
Lean against
Lean and bony
Lean and haggard
Lean and lovely
Lean and sinewy
Lean and strong
Lean and tough
Lean back in playground row
Lean back, welcoming good time for a rest
Lean bit we chewed — this washed it down?
Lean brainbox who collaborated with Watson heard from Spooner, with mystery
Lean crab
Lean Cuisine target marke
Lean cut of beef
Lean forward
Lean heartless guy — his name escapes me
Lean in a certain manner? Not us, unusually
Lean lamb in Spain's traditional starters
Lean meat
Lean meat diced briefly in a stew with head of artichoke
Lean meat source
Lean men service leader
Lean news after one's invested in broadcaster
Lean nurse
Lean on inverted instrument
Lean on me
Lean on the French ship, exhausted
Lean on the papers
Lean on westbound Asians
Lean or porky?
Lean out of empty shack in New York
Lean over
Lean over border
Lean over counter in repair shop
Lean over part of foot
Lean over series of items
Lean person
Lean right, at sea
Lean slightly
Lean to drink last of fizz, being half-cut in Bow!
Lean toward
Lean's film that's extremely naughty
Lean's opposite
Lean, as meat
Lean, eating a little bit of late
Lean, father eats dinner finally
Lean, thin
Lean-bodied person
Lean-___ (sheds)
Lean; lacking substance
Lean; narrow
Lean; slope
Leander literally the man keeping quiet in dispute over killer
Leander's love
Leander's lover
Leander's lover, who committed suicide when he drowned
Leandro's love
Leandro's love, in a Hand
Leandro's partner
Leandro's partner in a Ma
Leaned on print media journalist after you are caught
Leanest flying kites
Leaning against
Leaning letters: Abbr.
Leaning over, swerves when cornering intense - here?
Leaning to the right
Leaning to the right?
Leaning tower city
Leaning tower site
Leaning Tower's city
Leaning, as type: Abbr.
Leaning, in a way
Leaning, in a way: Abbr.
Leans (on)
Leans against
Leans Against King by the Rolling Stones
Leans close to sexy totty
Leans over nasty people
Leans toward
Leap — then react badly
Leap at the ballet
Leap – captain
Leap by black fighter
Leap for Lipinski
Leap from plane
Leap from plane close to failure
Leap in a tutu
Leap in the air
Leap on a stage
Leap season?
Leap year makes us nervous
Leap year's first full season
Leap year, partly
Leap; season
Leaping antelope
Leaping as non-U greeting
Leaping before looking
Leaping desert rodent
Leaping insect
Leaping into little retail outlet? No, a big one!
Leaping marsupial
Leaping over arched work in roof
Leaping to pass over computer query?
Leaps across the ballet s
Leaps for Lipinski
Leaps in ice-skating
Leaps lynxlike
Leapt around in coat
Lear boasts about old navigational aids
Lear set to be disturbed Shakespearean character
Lear's daughter in good heart leaves for season
Learn (of)
Learn a lot quickly
Learn a lot, say
Learn a new job
Learn about
Learn about my case
Learn about pigment - it's not imaginary
Learn about protecting small volcanic island
Learn about, with "on"
Learn by accident
Learn by word of mouth
Learn completely
Learn dances to an organ
Learn easily
Learn Eve's about to get folk back into bondage?
Learn fast, maybe
Learn from a book: note, a hardback
Learn how to do
Learn if criminal female goes straight
Learn new arrangement for organ
Learn scripts in appropriate surroundings
Learn secondhand
Learn something new about coach
Learn space traveller's fine at present
Learn to cope
Learn to cover bum, having first removed hat?
Learn to get along
Learn to play on an organ
Learn tune having developed artificial intelligence
Learn via a third party
Learn viral video contains PM scratching head
Learn's partner
Learn, say, about Freud?
Learn? I can't - lacking time for observation and application
Learned about colour many years ago
Learned about pipe lengths originally required on Snetzler's earliest organs
Learned authority
Learned books sustain latest paper supplier
Learned dire tune, composed without name
Learned European eccentric cut dead
Learned European, insulting about Italian
Learned Lima route overlooking home
Learned man rested outside commercial vehicle
Learned man tripped over wife
Learned old money is held by European editor
Learned on-line technology, like Yahoo, say, is taking over
Learned one
Learned ones
Learned perfectly
Learned person
Learned river ebbs to cover old coin
Learned river flows back, covering ancient coin
Learned rude king elbows out queen
Learned secret about husband wearing coral pants
Learned study in wordplay, say, rejected
Learned that woman did not let out skirts
Learned things
Learned to control oxygen escaping soon after taking lid off
Learned to ignore first repeat
Learned type
Learned university is infiltrating film companies
Learner - one from a part of Austria?
Learner advances in brass instrument – that's swell
Learner and expert making intricate fabric
Learner at university in bloomer
Learner behind Beetle with Danish parts
Learner being trapped began to be alarmed
Learner breaks cover to give spectacular performance
Learner breaks sports equipment like this?
Learner driver needing two wheels for convenience?
Learner driver's requirement
Learner driver's sign
Learner driver's support when bad weather intervenes
Learner entering boxing contest steps up
Learner failing to finish book bothered facilitator
Learner fills belly: to wit, having undue desire for food?
Learner finally gets grade one playing this?
Learner finishes cracking Paul cryptic completely
Learner gets comfort, acquiring contract
Learner guided up wooded hollow
Learner having no really bad habit
Learner in audience puzzled about classical geometry
Learner in game of skill finds jargon
Learner in market displaying natural talent
Learner in military group not exactly bright
Learner in Morgan gripping implement
Learner in their hovel, dilapidated, past best
Learner inspired by old 10 not at all!
Learner introduced to writer mounting current Russian course
Learner involved in awful beating - that's evident
Learner involved in lace making is gossiping
Learner is not a little flexible
Learner isn't turning one letter around for composer
Learner keen for the most part to acquire good score on course
Learner loves card game
Learner on farm looking to the future
Learner restricted by unhappy English art school
Learner surrounded by mediocre talent
Learner taxiing regularly in plane, say
Learner that is after a pass, then one can drive on farm
Learner that is outwardly least diligent
Learner uncovering top compiler Phi, perhaps
Learner welcomed by second chess player
Learner's bold about love
Learner's ___
Learner-driver and vehicle flipping over in river - disaster!
Learners collectively set watch beforehand
Learners cycling naked in streets facing each another
Learners go skiing here
Learners of French involved in daring escapades
Learners of French restricted by checks
Learning about a hotel in Pakistan city
Learning about Italy's principal river
Learning about Italy’s foremost river
Learning about one French river
Learning aids bright spark with wits
Learning area, informally
Learning by flash cards,
Learning by flashcards, e
Learning by mechanical repetition
Learning by memorization
Learning center
Learning centre preserves earliest of crochet hooks
Learning ctr.
Learning environments
Learning for toddlers – a clue for Gran in it?
Learning Garland's a beautiful German singer
Learning is necessary, helping to raise the standard
Learning issue involves character associated with Reading University
Learning jurisprudence, some may say
Learning level
Learning lives of Roman Emperors (earliest only)
Learning may be done by i
Learning method
Learning new technique initially in fine art school
Learning of WI's party ending in bedlam
Learning style
Learning system
Learning the times table,
Learning through study is sure to stop when one starts to need guidance
Learning to race with a female
Learning to walk, now led gently inside
Learning well, horse breeder promises to pay
Learns (from)
Learns (of)
Learns about hosting knight put into 12?
Learns by heart
Learns easily
Learns little by little
Learnt about flat charge
Learnt to play horn
Leary of TV's "Rescue Me"
Lease - torn apart
Lease again
Lease back half of Swiss property?
Lease granter
Lease included in legal document removed
Lease out rented property around heart of Seattle, with yen for discretion
Lease period, often
Lease removed from particular sort of car
Lease signer
Lease to a new tenant
Leased again
Leased apartment
Leased car
Leasehold property charge
Leaseholders finally circumvent any rent mix-up
Leash - Pb
Least able to sense university doctor entering home
Least abundant
Least acceptable amount
Least accessible
Least active of the halog
Least adequate
Least adorned
Least affected
Least amiable
Least amount of caring
Least at peace
Least attended
Least attractive
Least batty
Least bit
Least bit of concern
Least bold
Least bright
Least brow-wrinkling
Least buggy
Least candid
Least certain
Least change
Least charitable about holy person earning scrutiny?
Least clear
Least clear, as a memory
Least cloudy
Least cluttered
Least cold
Least colorful
Least comfortable
Least common
Least complaint
Least confident
Least convincing
Least cooked
Least cool women's smallest clothes
Least copious
Least courteous
Least covered
Least crazy
Least daffy
Least decent
Least definite
Least delayed
Least demanding exam spanning the morning
Least desirable
Least desirable wharves?
Least desirably
Least difficult
Least dignified
Least dirty
Least distant
Least done
Least drunk
Least dry
Least dull
Least emotional
Least equivocal
Least exciting
Least exciting airport to start from
Least expensive
Least experienced
Least explicable
Least fast
Least fatty
Least favorably
Least feeling
Least fine
Least forgiving
Least fortunate
Least forward
Least frequented
Least fresh
Least friendly
Least furnished
Least good
Least hale
Least hard
Least hard questions at the end of exam
Least harsh
Least healthy
Least heavy
Least honorable
Least hospitable
Least idle, yet nap endlessly
Least important
Least in sins
Least ingenuous
Least inhibited
Least inspiring
Least interesting
Least irrigated
Least known
Least laugh-out-loud, as
Least lengthy
Least lengthy celebration of cheese?
Least likely to attack
Least likely to be missed
Least likely to be pinned
Least likely to betray
Least likely to crack
Least likely to forgive
Least likely to snap?
Least likely to take comm
Least likely to turn tail
Least long
Least loose
Least loyal
Least lumbering
Least merry
Least narrow
Least newsworthy
Least noble
Least obscure
Least of all
Least open
Least outgoing
Least perturbable
Least plausible, as an ex
Least pleasant, weatherwi
Least polished
Least polite
Least populous U.N. membe
Least possible
Least possible quantity
Least powerful member of
Least productive 20th-century director is French
Least profane
Least prominent
Least quiet
Least quiet home I’m entering
Least rainy
Least refined
Least relaxed person from Bangkok, we hear, before trial?
Least restrained
Least rigid
Least risky
Least robust
Least rocky
Least ruddy
Least ruffled
Least salable, perhaps
Least satisfactory
Least scarce
Least scary exam takes a minute
Least seen
Least sensible
Least sensible place for eggs?
Least shallow
Least sharp
Least sissyish
Least smart / Kitchen wor
Least sound
Least spotted
Least square
Least stimulating
Least straightforward
Least strict
Least strong
Least suave
Least sufficient
Least sweet
Least sweet, as wine
Least tainted
Least tan
Least tasteful
Least threatening
Least trained
Least trustworthy
Least typical
Least upstanding spin doctor caught out importing baked food
Least usual alcohol, note, is in Champagne
Least vacillating
Least verbose
Least vulnerable
Least welcoming
Least wild
Least wobbly magnetic unit
Least worldly
Least, slightest
Leather band
Leather cloak
Leather coat from Nassau obtained with US money
Leather companies taking different directions after excess trimmed
Leather covers put away
Leather dancing shoe hired
Leather factory
Leather fastener
Leather fastening
Leather finish?
Leather firm is welcoming radio operator
Leather from deer
Leather from nanny or billy?
Leather from the sea
Leather from young goat
Leather horse displayed in compound
Leather making a comeback with chic designer
Leather overalls for men
Leather processor
Leather punch
Leather shorts with braces
Leather source
Leather sticker
Leather strap
Leather strap once used on Scottish schoolchildren
Leather strip
Leather strip; punish
Leather strips, in shoema
Leather type
Leather whip shortly for breaking rules
Leather with a napped surface
Leather worker
Leather worker - old coin
Leather worker in 6d
Leather, essentially
Leathernecks' lunch
Leatherworker's tool
Leatherworking dyes
Leatherworking tool
Leathery sunbather
Leave (a yacht) without wind
Leave (or again join) regime restricting society
Leave (sailing ship) without wind
Leave 50%, maybe
Leave a bit
Leave a black mark on, sa
Leave a coat
Leave a convenient stopping-off place
Leave a group by oneself
Leave a group playing
Leave a large group of old boozers about to invade part of pitch
Leave a Mafia boss outside bar
Leave a mark on
Leave a mark on, as shoes
Leave a mess
Leave a neighborhood gym?
Leave a permanent mark on
Leave a sailing vessel unable to move for lack of wind
Leave a ship
Leave a Spanish gentleman outside bar
Leave additional guidance for those obsessed
Leave after greeting rebellious young chap, a Spanish gent
Leave aground; thread
Leave alone
Leave American Indian territory
Leave an argument unresol
Leave at a pawnshop
Leave at the altar
Leave band and record 'Coming Up'
Leave bank having emptied 'savings account' and duck into greasy spoon
Leave barren terrain
Leave be
Leave before taking in rector's formal garden
Leave behind
Leave behind ... or not l
Leave behind traveller on vacation to rise around noon
Leave behind unintentionally
Leave behind urn?
Leave boring part for sectarian
Leave boxing action, regularly missing jab
Leave boy with daughter, hiding in the grass
Leave breathless
Leave by a slip road
Leave by plane: deal with article first, or lose it
Leave car at home after cycling deal
Leave car electrician has failed to start
Leave cardinal in Rome, breaking heart of deity
Leave caveat in motion
Leave chaps on time in area of France
Leave church key in bishop's office
Leave city of London area beset by "rising" problem?
Leave clueless
Leave coat beside Irish lake
Leave coat by lake
Leave completely, in slan
Leave countless cakes I see to bravely diet, say
Leave country singer regularly embraced by English friend
Leave country singer regularly housed by English couple
Leave destitute
Leave dive showing a moon
Leave dock
Leave domesticated animals to fly west with swallow
Leave dumbstruck
Leave each party in shed
Leave earth?
Leave Egypt's borders around eleven
Leave European Community, breaking restraint on power
Leave exotic bird after 1
Leave extremely disreputable sector
Leave fair, out of sorts
Leave far behind
Leave film around eleven
Leave first or second, sa
Leave for a bit
Leave for each embassy
Leave for the winter, say
Leave freezing block entire? That would make no difference
Leave from 19 down
Leave from French region
Leave frozen, maybe
Leave fruit — lose it!
Leave furtively
Leave game after three, we hear
Leave genetic material to regress after sulphur hazard
Leave hearing aid in box
Leave helpless with laugh
Leave Henry for large Yank
Leave high and dry
Leave home
Leave home by November to make film
Leave home carrying penny metal fastener
Leave Home Counties with well-heeled man
Leave house and topple over
Leave house cover when fencing yard
Leave hurriedly
Leave in
Leave in a hurry
Leave in a hurry, slangil
Leave in a hurry, with "o
Leave in difficulty
Leave in neutral
Leave in stitches
Leave in stitches?
Leave in the dust
Leave in the dust, say
Leave in the shade
Leave in the ___
Leave in, as text
Leave in, editorially
Leave in, in proofreading
Leave in, to a proofreade
Leave in, to an editor
Leave Indian coastal path?
Leave instruction for execution?
Leave Islamic State for good, when the former limits the latter?
Leave job sacrificing second period in charge
Leave Jules's special teacher at home
Leave just the bottom half in painting
Leave key arrangement for working hours
Leave large serving of food of a yellowish colour
Leave last of apples out of pudding
Leave laughing
Leave layer covering ancient temple
Leave like Britain, not without heart
Leave lost for words
Leave me alone, teacher foolishly bids tutor
Leave message online for job
Leave No 10 in bind, reeling
Leave no gaps for picture
Leave no trace
Leave nut to get cracked later
Leave of absence
Leave of absence from military duties
Leave off
Leave off perhaps to participate in country dance
Leave off, stop
Leave office voluntarily
Leave old computer equipment
Leave old Welsh wood
Leave on Christmas morning, possibly with papa
Leave on empty plate a dried-out vegetable
Leave one’s country (not good) for this territory?
Leave one's mark on
Leave one's mark?
Leave one's post
Leave one's post, possibl
Leave open-mouthed
Leave out
Leave out a novel nonetheless for judge
Leave out Bard’s title role when mounted in reduced form?
Leave out books about Military Intelligence
Leave out cover in employee's case
Leave out gender-specific term
Leave out note in books
Leave out reason to undertake vanity project?
Leave out, in speech
Leave partly raw
Leave period cut short and that's the truth
Leave plant out
Leave play but maintain contact
Leave port
Leave port out — tea’s quietly brewing
Leave pudding son heartily rejected
Leave pudding? Gutted!
Leave queen to scrub rear, splashing around in the tub
Leave quickly
Leave resort in Croatia
Leave rubber on the road
Leave rubber, in a way
Leave rubber, with "out"
Leave rubbish out
Leave sailor to support eliminating Spain
Leave sandwich to drink last drop of coffee in cup
Leave Scottish woman running temple
Leave secretly
Leave sextet enthralled by the main guitarist
Leave slack-jawed
Leave small portion around to dine on
Leave social networks, anticipating trouble
Leave some lettuce on? No
Leave some mangetouts
Leave sometime, not fast
Leave somewhere uncultivated
Leave soon with English liberal and moderate
Leave speechless
Leave stranded in the Arc
Leave stranded with little hope of rescue
Leave suddenly
Leave suddenly and in a hurry
Leave talk, missing one truthful statement
Leave target incomplete and veer in a different direction
Leave Ted behind for adventuresome tripping, involving lots of shifting about
Leave tents to be set out in further shop
Leave the band and strike
Leave the building
Leave the centre of Exeter around eleven
Leave the City in the wet
Leave the country, missing golf in Dubai?
Leave the country?
Leave the flock
Leave the ground: why I have to use the stairs?
Leave the herd
Leave the outdoors
Leave the outskirts of Seville with upper-class twit
Leave the pad, say
Leave the ranks, being loudly dismissed
Leave the sack
Leave the scene
Leave the shelves
Leave the stage
Leave the straight and na
Leave the union
Leave the witness box and go off duty
Leave things unresolved,
Leave time to get star into successful promo
Leave time to visit cities rebuilt in vain
Leave to avoid arrest
Leave to enter guilty plea?
Leave to go to sleep
Leave to settle in another country
Leave too little experience
Leave TV not connected
Leave university with a revolutionary painting technique
Leave university with debt halved — blessed state
Leave unobtrusively
Leave untouched
Leave vehicle burning
Leave via ladder, maybe
Leave Virginia with American deer
Leave vote to break up European appeal
Leave weaponless
Leave wife the means to settle the bill
Leave wife's hand over fair parts
Leave without changing
Leave without good vinyl?
Leave without it and midshipman gets sick
Leave without paying
Leave word for the French
Leave work during strike
Leave work early to captain cricket side
Leave work heading off for bar
Leave wrapping right round bird
Leave zero capital
Leave ___ (be permanently
Leave ___ (permanently da
Leave ___ that
Leave, almost completely
Leave, as kids at school
Leave, as out of fear
Leave, celebrating late equaliser?
Leave, concerned with spilt blood
Leave, following being involved in error
Leave, having eaten the last bit of Christmas pudding
Leave, in 60's slang
Leave, in order to get drink
Leave, on bar, picture
Leave, parking in narrow opening
Leave, receiving directions to bug secret service
Leave, slangily
Leave, then enter most unmanageable shop
Leave, with "off"
Leave; counterbalance
Leavening agent
Leavenworth and others: A
Leaver no longer a soft touch
Leaver: can I claim, outrageously, you might have your cake and eat it?
Leaves a center for cerea
Leaves a couple of cents in battered boot
Leaves a crooked trail
Leaves a mark on
Leaves a tip — which they all have each in their own way
Leaves a zoo quickly?
Leaves after a meal?
Leaves after dinner?
Leaves alone
Leaves alone, having you to follow?
Leaves alone, in a way
Leaves alone, sometimes
Leaves and makes excuses initially unconvincing
Leaves at 4:00?
Leaves at the base of a f
Leaves awkward situation with meeting cancelled
Leaves awkward teenager ...
Leaves behind
Leaves boat renovated by Carnegie's first company
Leaves box and coaches close to street
Leaves carpeting spaceship
Leaves cash for American politicians
Leaves children behind at home filling baths
Leaves collected here for potting
Leaves company after return of Italian explorer
Leaves container
Leaves container for player's helper
Leaves container that holds a fortune?
Leaves early, as an offic
Leaves Egypt after shock
Leaves end and start of hole, say
Leaves female after alfresco frolicking
Leaves fish out of water, might one suppose?
Leaves for a buffet?
Leaves for a drink
Leaves for a restaurant?
Leaves for cooking
Leaves for lunch?
Leaves for meal here, as char­acters from Dallas bow out
Leaves from Asia - temperature in that part of world has shifted
Leaves fuddy-duddy briefly to suppress trouble that's returning
Leaves gasping
Leaves Gillette founders with millions
Leaves hair here and ther
Leaves harbor
Leaves here to instruct parent heartlessly
Leaves high and dry
Leaves holder
Leaves home?
Leaves hospital after cycle ride leads to accidental crash
Leaves husband after comic sketches
Leaves in a bag
Leaves in a hot rod, with
Leaves in a huff, with "o
Leaves in a salad
Leaves in hot water
Leaves in spring gather against ledge, usually every second
Leaves in stitches
Leaves in the afternoon?
Leaves in the dust
Leaves in the kitchen
Leaves in the lurch
Leaves in, editorially
Leaves jewellery which has changed hands
Leaves job, or extends contract?
Leaves Kelvin to find wood
Leaves less polluting van in York
Leaves like those in books mentioned here?
Leaves may be put in it
Leaves money for sex
Leaves new video endlessly playing
Leaves note attached to article
Leaves note with answer
Leaves note, leading to row
Leaves novelist on track
Leaves of metal
Leaves of young cabbage plants
Leaves off
Leaves off using one
Leaves on the table
Leaves one prisoner about to be surrounded by enemy
Leaves one's food?
Leaves out
Leaves out-of-date, old tin cans
Leaves papers and note for false lover
Leaves port
Leaves port having trouble aboard ship
Leaves rolling in the ais
Leaves sections without model soldiers
Leaves son with ego shattered
Leaves stranded
Leaves summons
Leaves taps on while filling bath
Leaves the dock
Leaves the house
Leaves the main topic tem
Leaves through different gate, admits airline
Leaves time?: Abbr.
Leaves to create drink regularly offered in the bar
Leaves to eat in French bar of ill-repute
Leaves to set up taxi firm
Leaves trendy gold jewellery at last
Leaves undone
Leaves uniform during service etc at sea
Leaves untouched
Leaves used as onion-flavoured seasoning
Leaves used as seasoning
Leaves used for smoking
Leaves used in salads or as a garnish
Leaves very quickly brushing off sheep tick burdens
Leaves war secrets out
Leaves while in audition
Leaves with a bit of kindling wood
Leaves with a caddy?
Leaves with a double alternative
Leaves with notice
Leaves with story about making Cornish pasty
Leaves without an answer
Leaves without wife — time to disappear?
Leaves' home
Leaves, greenery
Leaves, holding ball for game
Leaves, retaining what might be continental, almost, in spirit
Leaving (a car) somewhere
Leaving a small opening
Leaving after lunch
Leaving America, a poor beggar clutching cup's heading for a Moorish palace
Leaving booze wild duck swallows energy drink
Leaving car briefly for teatime snack
Leaving celebration
Leaving city, Eccles packs a lot of ice for twists
Leaving contentious point on painful condition
Leaving do
Leaving drink in can to one side: winning prize
Leaving Earth on holiday? Take in Uranus at the beginning
Leaving for
Leaving for example on steamship
Leaving government crushed like a ball
Leaving group will get compensation
Leaving home, freeloading daughter made ungracious remarks, all concluding
Leaving hospital, crook hastened to city area
Leaving hospital, hitch lift on large revolutionary cart
Leaving hostelry, Ginny and Jack doing the twist?
Leaving it with Italy's grand old politician
Leaving jacket, nipped out for a smoke?
Leaving job, being shy
Leaving jug upturned in sink
Leaving lines
Leaving local, forgetting what it’s like at home?
Leaving medal hanging around middle of stick
Leaving money in account not collected?
Leaving no remainder
Leaving no room for ambiguity
Leaving no room for doubt following every sign it’s OK
Leaving no stone unturned
Leaving nothing to the imagination
Leaving nursing home, sign on form for discharge
Leaving out
Leaving outskirts, caused carnage driving this?
Leaving parade, disagreeing
Leaving possible heir a dodgy business?
Leaving prepared
Leaving sailor with drunk in gutter - say no more
Leaving secretly in a hurry
Leaving some Tango in glass
Leaving the City area — it's stifling outside
Leaving the plane, one may use this free, fitted with copper and gold
Leaving town, caring American kept giving cause to be loved
Leaving unannounced for an away match
Leaving university, coming out with this?
Leaving university, compulsion becomes habit
Leaving university, innocent boy gets real drunk, mainly
Leaving upsetting - wrong to sever relationship
Leaving, say, pauses, taking time out
Leaving, slangily
Leaving? Rousing cheer initially let out
Leb. neighbor
Lebanese man almost upset sailors
Lebanese port
Lebanese, e.g.
Lebanese, say
Lebanon's capital
LeBlanc of "Friends"
LeBlanc of "Joey"
Leblanc's Lupin
Lech of Poland's Solidari
Lecher lines up at end of day
Lecher showing some perverted amatory tastes
Lecher's look
Lecherous boxing champion
Lecherous fellow twirling bit of military tash
Lecherous figure of Greek
Lecherous goat-men
Lecherous look
Lecherous look making us stagger backwards
Lecherous looks
Lecherous man
Lecherous racist misbehaving around end of century
Lecherous sort
Lecherous type appears in smart lycra now and then
Lecherous viewers
Lecithin source
Lectern's locale
Lecture 50% of voters
Lecture being finished, have a discussion
Lecture follow-up
Lecture follower, briefly
Lecture from judge creating dread
Lecture from monarch in total disarray
Lecture hall
Lecture hall platforms
Lecture hall V.I.P.'s
Lecture is encouraging on war I roughly intervened
Lecture jottings
Lecture man on sex — husband
Lecture on a moral topic
Lecture promoted outside college
Lecture room
Lecture successful business student enters at the end
Lecture supporting His Excellency's ceremonial attire
Lecture, in a way
Lecture-hall chimney lined by unknown engineer
Lectured about conclusion of special issue
Lectured from reference book about lab animal ...
Lecturer accommodated in sizeable accommodation
Lecturer and I leaving to take pressure off old magistrate
Lecturer caught finally in forbidden instruction
Lecturer cracking convoluted Casio's functions
Lecturer entering fine faculty
Lecturer exhibiting pain during short semester
Lecturer going to a talk about new Australian food
Lecturer has staple treatment applied for the inexperienced
Lecturer involved in very angry separation
Lecturer received a wage, being scholarly
Lecturer seen in Oxford, once
Lecturer significantly restricted by negligible prosperity
Lecturer stopping scruffy notes being plagiarised
Lecturer troubled after growth discovered in deer, perhaps
Lecturer tucked into hot cake
Lecturer tucked into square meal
Lecturer wearing enrolled nurse's undergarments
Lecturer welcomes old German scientist
Lecturer welcoming the old senior member
Lecturer working with fellow author
Lecturer’s indication of agreement written about
Lecturer’s Spanish title
Lecturer's about to make careless mistake
Lecturer's correcting text
Lecturer, briefly
Lecturer, English, finished
Lecturer, jolly, repeated character coming to the fore being lewdness
Lecturer’s absorbed by a lot of papers in field of study
Lecturer’s passive principle - strong liquor and staying abed
Lecturers' equipment
Lectures on ethnicity in Aintree, for example?
Lecturing before feeling the effects of flu?
Lecturing in film, collecting exam paper with average grade
Led ancients
Led army, moving to protect king — obviously
Led astray
Led astray and misused a month back
Led astray by party leader taken in by ridiculous load of nonsense
Led astray on fringes, portion of cathedral ran out
Led away from exceedingly awkward pressing need
Led by good type with characteristic spirit, manage diagnostic device
Led country to present day
Led down the aisle
Led far, reorganised and spread out
Led follower to create flyer
Led games going after Miss Scarlet?
Led nature rambles without modification
Led off
Led on
Led soak to reform in office lunch?
Led the entertainment
Led to
Led with this rock band flyer
Led Zeppelin hit, 1969
Led Zeppelin's "Whole ___
Led Zeppelin's genre
LED's dead, eh? Change it
Led, as a jazz band
Led, having heard a shot in race
Ledger column
Ledger entries: Abbr.
Ledger entry
Ledger for recording transactions as they occur
Ledger line
Ledger list
Ledger no.
Ledger with lines
Lee at Appomattox, e.g.?
Lee Dixon originally turned up bearing sign of rustiness
Lee foe
Lee Harvey Oswald, e.g.
Lee Marvin TV oldie
Lee of Hollywood
Lee of literature
Lee of Marvel Comics
Lee of NBC News
Lee or Musial
Lee proved to be sporting photographer's solution
Lee proves getting sacked is a bad way to avoid the early commute
Lee side
Lee side?
Lee sold sound property agreement
Lee Van ___ (spaghetti we
Lee who advised Reagan an
Lee who created Spider-Ma
Lee who directed "Brokeba
Lee who directed "Crouchi
Lee who founded the Shake
Lee who got a kick out of
Lee with a 2005 Oscar
Lee with an Oscar
Lee with the 1960 #1 hit
Lee ___ (transmission rep
Lee’s gran, confused, blows up
Lee's men
Lee's men, for short
Lee's org.
Lee's partner for cider or tea
Lee's uniform color
Lee, e.g.: Abbr.
Leeches in hospital make child sore
Leeds game? Time for one with most minutes under his belt
Leeds United manager hints match officials received payment
Leeds United's centre-half battles to help secure highest position in years
Leeds's river
Leek's kin
Leer at
Leer at - or look at?
Leer-y one?
Leering nastily, taking in one’s underwear
Leering sort
Leers at
Leeway given as barge fell back
Left (a place)
Left - dissolute
Left - late
Left a chair
Left a fire blazing: this could mean hell!
Left a German claiming one reward for late night?
Left a job voluntarily
Left a key for scientists' workroom
Left a large gateway
Left a person unaccompanied
Left a quotation, not one for milk delivery
Left a small opening
Left about to get into capital
Left accepts Conservative is up
Left after church with girl's flute
Left after dam ruined coral island
Left after expected time with others
Left after meal to pen book still topping the lists?
Left after supporter, briefly showing detachment
Left almost anything to crack up
Left alone
Left always needs time to gain influence
Left amateur to disconnect unfinished toilets
Left American band on road, indebted perhaps
Left American newspaper unfinished in NY airport
Left and did some recording studio work
Left and got picked up
Left and right behind amended bill
Left and right blocking various impediments to rapid progress?
Left and right, maybe
Left are controlling Government on a big scale
Left Asian port carrying cargo
Left assistant copyist to apply in excess of availability?
Left at sea
Left at sea, aim to make forecast
Left avoiding smooth build up
Left back to dwell on the ball? It's up in the air
Left back to warn of trouble
Left backing return of Labour Party
Left backing, capturing rest of outstanding piece
Left Bank denizen
Left Bank frequenter
Left Bank hangouts
Left Bank locale
Left Bank river
Left Bank toppers
Left Bank's thanks
Left battle disheartened, clouted by solid old weapon
Left before decision, creating divided opinion
Left before old weakling gets to do something with little effect
Left behind
Left behind - unoccupied
Left behind Andrea after surgery on kidney
Left behind old overcrowded city, northerly Welsh city
Left behind, eschew tea, as we hear, before bedtime?
Left beside a large, imposing gate
Left beside desert island, able to think clearly
Left brown furniture items in store
Left cafe worried about university giving intended result
Left chap kind of cross about English classification of the across solutions?
Left chosen ground beginning to see monstrous location?
Left city celeb, American, debauched
Left city on river without right cook
Left clue for newt?
Left Coast airport code
Left Coast airport letter
Left Coast baggage tag
Left concerned with old
Left crew protecting queen? Exactly!
Left cutting piece of cake, I'm not sure this settles it
Left dearest bent copper
Left depressed with ale passed around, one cries
Left deserving a little of what to Pope is dangerous
Left discussion meetings actor ruined
Left donkey attached to old rope
Left donkey with ring and rope
Left duo holding check for fare from China
Left during closing parts of latest contemporary score
Left during meal, having increased flexibility
Left during no-score draw for City
Left effects overthrow of Right and topples Tory
Left end?
Left excellent, decorative fabric
Left expert holding knight's weapon
Left field by opening in fence on the other side
Left field of substandard runners hitting this?
Left fool to find lounge
Left for example in isolation
Left frequently in the attic
Left gap somewhere in ship
Left global body over soldier’s garment
Left going in terribly straight to produce shiner
Left gold for respected poet
Left good books in pile for auction
Left half or right half in team, with predictable result
Left hand in the end was tickly
Left hand's starting posi
Left harbour bearing drink
Left high and dry
Left holding aid for driver turning tip of plane?
Left holdings
Left home carried by nun
Left home to visit relative
Left homes
Left hospital A & E, getting out before most of the flu spread? Good for you!
Left hospital department, soldier returns with round mark on skin
Left hungry
Left hurriedly
Left husband, leaving the dull hunk in uncertain state
Left in agony, went into decline
Left in agony? That's evident!
Left in awful desert sun - what will finally happen?
Left in care of those people and a woman
Left in charge after bar’s open
Left in charge over European committee appointment
Left in charge, teenager's opening wine
Left in Congo with this writer, assess business organisation
Left in container in small piece of ground
Left in denial after losing case over drug
Left in dilemma, as was Gloucester in 27 10
Left in France
Left in front of a large entrance
Left in hollow to give birth
Left in nest — no small bird
Left in one large reconstructed part of cell
Left in Paris? That's awkward
Left in Paris? That's awkward!
Left in period of prosperity to flourish
Left in pieces
Left in pieces after contestant finally made a mistake
Left in place old Disney character
Left in river beginning to expire, he's put out
Left in Santiago, desperately yearning for the past
Left in sea — could become this?
Left in seaside resort without a clue
Left in strong wind on ship
Left in the dust
Left in wild seeking rescue
Left in women's quarters somewhere in New York
Left India next to an African
Left Indian food for temporary convenience
Left inept person initially moving marker?
Left initially from part of Africa for part of Europe
Left inside covers of Tchaikovsky score
Left invoice around country area in Dorset
Left is holding thinning out operation which blocks entrants
Left it in care of former editor
Left job, about fed up
Left job, but also went back?
Left large-sized book in case
Left leader in a fight
Left lid off 18, showing balm
Left light show
Left luggage outside, requiring extra special forms
Left magnificent old pirate town
Left message to be written up, it is revealed
Left most of Essex with liver upset - worse things can happen
Left murder victim's identific­ation tag
Left musical equipment and lights
Left nets caught up
Left newlywed's belly needing larger dress size?
Left no doubt about
Left notes for unaccompanied types
Left off
Left off telling stories about nobleman's young horse
Left old friend casing clubs in the area
Left old men evicting Charlie's tenants
Left old university? Not entirely true
Left on a liner
Left on a map
Left on a plate
Left on account of mistress?
Left on board
Left on farm describing some forecasts
Left on time to follow touching news coverage
Left one building up steps
Left one capital to go round another
Left one extremely out of sorts
Left one in Capitol unusually attached to party
Left one in short dress to dance about
Left one kind of mammal means of escape
Left one nail on floor
Left one tie
Left one timid person squeezing in vehicle
Left one’s home in the East End abandoned
Left one’s East End home — becoming solitary
Left one's seat
Left open-mouthed
Left or right
Left organ of Van Gogh in this exact location, did you say?
Left organised chain gang
Left organised grand uprising - one is seen in Knotty Ash?
Left out
Left out 'hand' in abridged dictionary
Left out of divorce payments, needing credit instead makes for bitterness
Left out of pocket
Left out, our intention's to show up for reception
Left over
Left over bits and pieces
Left over fag rolled - it helps me think clearly
Left over quail prepared by colonel without formality
Left over rolls filled with end of veg served up as informal meal
Left over, perhaps
Left over, possibly
Left pair of Americans either side of IT chief (very attractive)
Left parent scratching head in a state of agitation
Left part of 21
Left part of church in decline
Left party upset, but another one's found
Left perished in disarray, having accepted Theresa's final command
Left pig covered in pig fat
Left port
Left port heavily loaded
Left province to sulk about exercise day
Left queasy (not at first) after swallowing one of flowering plants
Left quickly
Left ranks to struggle with foe
Left rehab, and one deteriorated, to some extent
Left religious painting unfinished in covered entrance
Left remains a scourge
Left rib
Left rolling in the aisle
Left round about nine, nude and fortified by shot?
Left route before wrong turning in Welsh town
Left scientific operation to sell back object of course
Left Scott's supposed baby-killer back in this tower
Left side
Left six, then left one here in Melanesia
Left so as to admit some
Left some enthralled by legal document
Left son in to inspire French publisher
Left speechless
Left squire dancing, having consumed posh drinks
Left stage in middle of act
Left standing on public view, naked
Left stranded
Left stuck in bowels of rustic laboratory, blending remedies
Left sweethearts to shed clothes
Left the band, perhaps
Left the building
Left the cocoon
Left the couch
Left the room scratched?
Left the thing burning
Left the throne
Left the Union
Left theatrical role in middle of act
Left tights off for check-up
Left Tina's ex-husband, getting a thumbs-up on social media
Left tip in advance
Left to avoid arrest
Left to choice
Left to find out everything about burial site
Left to go around clubs, being keyed up
Left to help a team temporarily out of action?
Left to invade African country with armies, not revolutionary masses
Left to occupy post, returning to Jersey
Left to the captain?
Left to the editor?
Left top off groups of bananas as meals
Left Turn ___ (street sig
Left TV programme, missing the forecast of good weather
Left two articles in machine
Left two lots of foreign money for rock attraction
Left unable to accommodate feet? Prepare space to stretch out
Left university, not returning to see town
Left unploughed
Left us blocked by our CID, bumbling, absurd
Left USSR wrongly supporting Soviet leader? That's worrying!
Left ventricle attachment
Left via ladder, say
Left Washington institute without loyalist
Left water spraying across sunlounger
Left wearing reasonable gift
Left welcomes new support
Left winger arranged last sit-in
Left winger stymied by my best ever performance
Left wingers somehow miss flogging daily?
Left with additional bit of silver in reserve capital
Left with an unfinished game after Gardner falls
Left with bill for setter, obtained on demand
Left with broken heart - man you dumped not wanting to do anything
Left with drink, therefore this writer's feeling isolated
Left with lots of women round big city neighbourhood
Left with no illusions after he sent candid snaps
Left with real estate
Left with snake, run
Left with wings clipped - reportedly flew through nasty emissions
Left without any reservations at all
Left work early, primarily to run
Left work initially with a Parisienne - very auspicious!
Left writer fitting in second episode
Left, at sea
Left, in France and Germany, have disappointment
Left, right and hairpin?
Left, went on holiday?
Left-field - foolish
Left-hand page
Left-handed baseball pitcher
Left-handed Beatle
Left-handed boxer
Left-handed pitcher Shawn
Left-handed, in a way
Left-hander who smashes nothing with that hand
Left-handers can't play i
Left-lane type
Left-leaning character supports the whip
Left-leaning lefty, minister in speech
Left-leaning parties saving time where men were detained
Left-leaning plot against Republican is in ruins
Left-leaning Stalinist not quite right after revolution
Left-leaning Tory group, say, turning up in a bit of a pickle?
Left-of-center party memb
Left-wing dictator and dictator's bird tailed
Left-wing doctrine
Left-wing Frenchmen in company department introducing a hint of socialism
Left-wing group cut term for animal
Left-wing material: it starts to parody Reagan (amongst America’s foremost Republicans)
Left-wing member associated with Keir originally
Left-wing militants rejected a suit jacket from Norma
Left-wing Republican editor
Left-wing teacher, one with ginger hair
Left-winger beginning to talk rubbish
Left-winger dominating victory embraces players
Left-winger isn’t last I upset
Left-winger joining country dance
Left-winger picked up information on radio
Left-winger receives a card
Left-winger returning with English cake
Left-winger to make brisk progress
Left-winger, but not a wet
Left-wingers in Italian towns campaigned hard and long
Left-wingers on Brexit revolting in one go
Left-___ (southpaw)
Left; disappeared
Left; harbour
Leftie eating endless leeks smelt awful
Leftie gathering English magazine is Melody Maker
Leftie somewhat short, if hugged by supporter
Leftist fighting process of censorship
Leftist label: Abbr.
Leftist who's gently run media empire
Leftmost compartment in a
Leftorium proprietor on "
Leftover amount, it seems
Leftover bit
Leftover bit of cloth
Leftover cloth bit
Leftover dish
Leftover for Rover
Leftover material
Leftover morsel
Leftover or additional
Leftover part
Leftover piece
Leftover piece of material
Leftover pieces
Leftover unpalatable Scotch egg, primarily indicating a bad egg
Leftover veggie?
Leftovers for Fido
Leftovers from threshing
Lefts from Louis
Leftward leaning flower
Lefty of 1920's-30's base
Leg across always in cramped quarters
Leg adornment
Leg and loin (of venison)
Leg and loin (of, eg, venison)
Leg bone
Leg bones
Leg ends
Leg front
Leg hinge
Leg hit - out!
Leg hit, out!
Leg I planted without assistance
Leg it
Leg joint
Leg joint to irk, run being cancelled
Leg joints
Leg muscle, briefly
Leg muscles, for short
Leg not broken, but abandoning with puncture
Leg of lamb
Leg of lamb or mutton
Leg of mutton or lamb
Leg part
Leg part below the knee
Leg scratchers
Leg shackles
Leg spinner in a dominant position
Leg supports
Leg up
Leg up offered in hurry
Leg warmers, e.g.
Leg's middle
Leg's midpoint
Leg's partner
Leg, section
Leg-building set
Leg-of-mutton sleeve
Leg. title
Leg/foot connector
Legacies largely corrupt - sad
Legacy media at the start is not in retreat
Legacy of live pursuit
Legacy receiver
Legacy sharer
Legal action
Legal action going ahead
Legal action once, when reservoir location not finalised
Legal action serving as a precedent
Legal action taken by head, a very foolish person
Legal action; container
Legal adviser's first in to celebrate and offer congratulation
Legal adviser, very proper, otherwise
Legal advocate: Abbr.
Legal agreements for shrinks
Legal aide, briefly
Legal ambiguities
Legal analyst Van Sustere
Legal anonym
Legal arguments shortened festival
Legal assignment
Legal assistant
Legal assistants
Legal authorities excluding one sign
Legal authority
Legal authority in New York worked on treaty
Legal backing rascal hinted at
Legal body
Legal body setting actor's percentage
Legal body that's corrupt use suspect to stitch me up
Legal broker's underwater spy?
Legal cases?
Legal claim
Legal claim holder
Legal claim on property
Legal claim reportedly at college produces opinionated piece
Legal claims
Legal clause waives argument in favour of faculty
Legal conclusion
Legal conclusion?
Legal cover-up?
Legal custodian
Legal decision
Legal defence proving innocence
Legal defendant’s false statement about femme fatale?
Legal defendant: Abbr.
Legal deg.
Legal directive good, ruling ultimately welcomed by brotherhood of elders?
Legal document
Legal document about poor service that’s cancelled
Legal document decided police must leave
Legal document drafted with missing figure
Legal document fool took across river
Legal document for transfer of property
Legal document getting that chap to squirm
Legal document issued by a court
Legal document made and executed by one party only
Legal document needed for one new false tooth?
Legal document securing land is sent
Legal document that can be taken either way
Legal document that might be a trap?
Legal document to burn and burn, entrenching women’s tirade
Legal documents
Legal documents about axing women's prison
Legal documents in which old king replaces sovereign's bribes
Legal documents, reportedly, for Swiss hotelier
Legal eagles' org.
Legal encumbrance
Legal ending
Legal entitlement
Legal entitlements
Legal excuses
Legal expenses
Legal expert barely accepts rabbi's case
Legal fellow's 33% orange since being shaken up
Legal grounds for action
Legal guideline in sport failing to protect group of stars
Legal hearing
Legal heir, at times
Legal hold
Legal hunting period
Legal impediment
Legal institutions or pubs in north and south
Legal intern met illegal alien
Legal item
Legal matter
Legal meetings cut short and since disbanded
Legal memo phrase
Legal memo starter
Legal name-changer
Legal obligation
Legal offence
Legal offense
Legal officer has trouble breaking strike
Legal officer in charge o
Legal officer's trapped here in France
Legal official
Legal official in particular region never without books?
Legal officials leaving out first sign
Legal opener
Legal or otherwise, it's a lively movement
Legal order during meeting
Legal org.
Legal ownership
Legal paper
Legal pardon
Legal personnel about to procure English vegetable
Legal plea, for short
Legal pleas, informally
Legal point
Legal position determiner
Legal possessor
Legal power? Judge is enthralling old city with speech
Legal practitioner
Legal precedent
Legal precedent setter
Legal precedents
Legal principle introduced by chancy president
Legal proceeding
Legal proceeding brought by one party against another
Legal proceeding supports fine for splinter group
Legal proceeding, at law
Legal process - Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera
Legal process once secured, we’re told, by King Edward
Legal profession
Legal profession's drinking den
Legal professional
Legal profession’s awfully remote - it responds to pressure
Legal punch?
Legal reach, metaphorical
Legal rep.
Legal representative
Legal representative's brief coordination interrupted by senior investigator
Legal requirement with 10 providing theme
Legal right
Legal right allowing oriental fellows to occupy their quarter
Legal right to possess chestnut fungus and alga
Legal right to property
Legal rights grp.
Legal rights org.
Legal rule
Legal safety net
Legal scholar Bork
Legal scholar Guinier
Legal scholar Guinier and
Legal scholar Guinier et
Legal scholar's deg.
Legal setting
Legal society accepting support backed from the subcontinent
Legal speeders, for short
Legal standing cut short by Conservative
Legal statement by Welby, maybe as a precaution
Legal stds. maintainer
Legal stoppage of commerce
Legal successors
Legal suspension
Legal system or theory
Legal team's dull spiel axed, no one having turned up
Legal tender
Legal thing
Legal to chase police officer capturing mafia chief involved in wrongdoing
Legal to do away with leader? That's terrible!
Legal trademark user
Legal training
Legal U.S. tender
Legal victory over Germany for politician
Legal writ, for short
Legal writ, in brief
Legal wrong
Legal wrongdoing
Legal wrongs
Legal, in a way
Legal, so to speak
Legal-minded don loses nothing cracking up the shires
Legal-tender bill
Legalese adverb
Legalese conjunction
Legalistic phrase
Legalistic pronoun
Legally acceptable
Legally adult
Legally answerable
Legally binding
Legally binding command
Legally binding decision
Legally hand over classic horror story penned by West Country runner
Legally hinders eastern and western situations
Legally impedes
Legally invalid
Legally killed in lethal altercation
Legally land aquatic reptile losing leg
Legally land small turtle, leaving trap
Legally mature
Legally permitted
Legally prevent
Legally required to stop imprisoning teacher
Legally resident, Cummings not in? Lied outrageously!
Legally responsible
Legally seize (property)
Legally valid
Legally, wrong thing charged after previous shakedown
Legation resident
Legato indicator
Legend automaker
Legend behind uprising needing no introduction
Legend in automotives
Legend in dock according to hearsay
Legend in one's own mind
Legend locale
Legend maker
Legend of Tees? It's rubbish
Legend of the auto indust
Legend of the Himalayas
Legend on the ice
Legend presented in crummy theatre
Legend upset by article describing old empire
Legend's locale
Legend's start
Legend, e.g.
Legend, very generous sort, Mrs Thatcher - as if!
Legendary 1920s-'30s Harl
Legendary abductee
Legendary Arabian bird
Legendary athlete on the
Legendary baseball exec B
Legendary battlers
Legendary beast
Legendary beauty
Legendary bird
Legendary bird - Arizona city
Legendary bird eaten by crocodile
Legendary bird to crown horse?
Legendary bird’s goodness recalled
Legendary bowler - one might fall for a duck
Legendary bowler gets duck
Legendary boxer
Legendary British king
Legendary brothers in law
Legendary bull's home pumped with oxygen thus, as preservative
Legendary capital of King
Legendary captain's stroke at Lord's?
Legendary castle attended by fate
Legendary chalice
Legendary character, famous tenor, briefly on island
Legendary Chicago Bears c
Legendary Christian marty
Legendary cowboy
Legendary cowboy ___ Bill
Legendary creature - I'm armed
Legendary creature attending around end of the working week
Legendary creature in Himalayas, still one to be seen
Legendary creature still seen to west of island
Legendary creature, until now, first in index
Legendary creatures
Legendary criminal played
Legendary crossbreed: one in a hundred? Not quite
Legendary cup or platter
Legendary elephant eaters
Legendary female cook ill right after baking
Legendary female warriors
Legendary figure bringing about illness, suffering and the onset of barbarism
Legendary figure making comeback?
Legendary figure to go brown: Greek character around lake getting sun
Legendary figure, very large one, in hospital
Legendary flier's the reason fantasy writer gets mentioned
Legendary fliers
Legendary football coach
Legendary Gaelic bard
Legendary Gaelic poet
Legendary Giant
Legendary Giant's family
Legendary Greek conquest
Legendary Greek hunter, who after his death was placed among the stars
Legendary grid coach Don
Legendary heretic seizes day
Legendary hero finding last of deadly doses concocted by us
Legendary hero from country near central Europe
Legendary hero working in shop
Legendary horseman familiarly talked of racecourse here
Legendary hunter getting over, taking out US soldier in the beginning
Legendary hunter mounting leopard or minotaur hides
Legendary iceman
Legendary Irish bard
Legendary Irish princess
Legendary island - in at last
Legendary kicker
Legendary king given present by knight
Legendary king has home with gold foundation
Legendary king of the Britons
Legendary king with weapon beating sword, battle-axe
Legendary king wounded, not finished off, on craft
Legendary king, son of Uther Pendragon
Legendary knight had forgotten festive occasion
Legendary knight in a cell, not free
Legendary knight's weapon, an item for auction
Legendary lawman of the O
Legendary like the Beatles were first
Legendary loser
Legendary lover admitted dealing in drugs
Legendary luster
Legendary MacGregor
Legendary magician in summer line-up
Legendary maker of a 96-A
Legendary marine monster
Legendary marksman’s order
Legendary medic on ice packs
Legendary monster bore scar centrally
Legendary monster caught out by public transport course content
Legendary Mrs. who owned
Legendary musician's old Rush EP is warped
Legendary name in 31-Acro
Legendary nurse in a bad French hospital starts to earn accolades - about time!
Legendary old man living in the depths of the earth
Legendary Onondaga chief
Legendary opera star
Legendary outlaw
Legendary outlaw's compan
Legendary password user
Legendary queen titillates the royal guards
Legendary red ointment for child that’s really dear
Legendary reptile with a
Legendary reward
Legendary rock band oddly ignored by American books on the origins of alternative metal
Legendary Romanian pianist and composer, George, d. in Paris, 1955
Legendary ruler giving away universal ring case for scarab, say
Legendary ruler's blood on courtyard by ancient city
Legendary sailor ran off to the borders
Legendary sailor's succinct religious view?
Legendary San Francisco m
Legendary sea monster
Legendary serpent
Legendary setter's not completely stupid
Legendary siege site
Legendary siren
Legendary siren of the Rh
Legendary siren of the Rhine
Legendary skydiver
Legendary sleeper
Legendary soprano ___ Pat
Legendary Spanish bullfig
Legendary Spanish philanderer
Legendary spinner's general aches isolated in the heart
Legendary stick figure
Legendary stories
Legendary story
Legendary submerged island
Legendary sunken island
Legendary Swiss crossbowman and folk hero
Legendary vanished island - mythical place
Legendary vanished island, swallowed by an earthquake
Legendary vessel impounded by Japanese navy is Greek
Legendary vessel’s slow movement leaving lake
Legendary Washington host
Legends and sagas, in general
Legends garland a siren of the Rhine
Legging covering instep and ankles
Leggy bird to welcome centre forward
Leggy bird, alert, finding similar prey?
Leggy bird, one proceeding with difficulty?
Leggy individual recklessly enticed naked apes
Leggy one
Leggy wader
Leghorn locale
Legion of Honor member
Legion retreats to hold remote rural station
Legis. introduced into ev
Legis. meeting
Legis. period
Legis. title
Legislation dealing with relief
Legislation having financial consequences?
Legislation in the wake of blooming Hereward the Wake?
Legislation limiting Belgium’s currency
Legislation on drink fails to work properly
Legislation plays a part
Legislation station?
Legislative act that impo
Legislative aides
Legislative assemblies
Legislative assembly
Legislative body
Legislative body partly chosen at election
Legislative body's sub-par elements limiting government bond
Legislative building
Legislative excess
Legislative group
Legislative grp.
Legislative houses
Legislative largess
Legislative ordinance
Legislator - treason
Legislator appointed by a party to enforce discipline
Legislator blocking current law's effect
Legislator recording participating in required work
Legislator spilt no tears
Legislator to look narrowly after long sentence
Legislator turns up, not tense but a little nervous
Legislator with support in UN? Quite a lot
Legislator’s work ultimately to stop malware spreading
Legislator's appalling treason
Legislator's cry
Legislators: Abbr.
Legislature’s meeting’s spoken of this yielding of territory?
Legislature's better current tax cut
Legislature, in Canada
Legislature, in the UK
Legit, speaking down to chairman?
Legitimacy forsaken by leader in appalling state
Legitimate and honest
Legitimate appalling successor to Elizabeth the second
Legitimate banning learner driver that’s very bad
Legitimate knockout finishes off contender before middle of the second round
Legitimate rubbish written about French here
Legitimate target
Legitimate target for attack or exploitation
Legitimate target in coconut shy, possibly?
Legitimate target in hoop-la, perhaps?
Legless amnesiacs knocked back bottles together
Legless chaps touring Rhode Island with time for fun
Legless creatures
Legless, British ahead of game
Legman's list
Lego precursor
Lego unit
Lego, literally
Legree's creator
Legs before energy gets to run out
Legs concealed by mostly severe woman not in formal relationship
Legs covered in grass got worse
Legs it upstairs, welcoming part of a keep-fit routine?
Legs up, darling, just a little
Legs, slangily
Legs, to a zoot suiter
Legume hybridised with banana? That’s not viable
Legume used to produce sp
Legume, e.g.
Legume, very hot, to eat with the others …
Leguminous plant
Leguminous plant, one originally unknown in South Africa
Legwear only tossed between partners
Lehar work, with "The"
Lehman Brothers went to this wealthy Manhattan street
Lehmann of opera
Lei Day greeting
Lei giver's greeting
Lei-person's greeting?
Leicester City footballer starts to make all his runs exceptionally zigzaggy
Leicester City v Celtic perhaps - or something more serious?
Leicester cry
Leif's language
Leigh Hunt's "Abou Ben __
Leigh Hunt's "___ Ben Adh
Leigh of "Psycho"
Leinster centre, hard worker, quick to get ready
Leipzig's state
Leis woven in Hawaii, perhaps
Leisure activities shunned by current philosopher
Leisure activity
Leisure area ideal for slippers
Leisure centre has accepted poetry pieces on Jack Cade
Leisure facilities where one can get high, and very anxious?
Leisure facility
Leisure finds French composer in empty library
Leisure garment
Leisure periods
Leisure store
Leisure suit fabric
Leisurely drink safe for consumption
Leisurely gaits
Leisurely lyricist?
Leisurely moo in field getting loud at the end
Leisurely reefer
Leisurely stroll
Leisurely time to arrive
Leisurely walk
Leisurely walkers better ignoring leader, heading south
Leisurewear right for author's work
Leisurewear, its use at work initially is relaxed
Leitmotiv used by Keith Emerson
LEM maker
Leman and others
Lemieux milieu
Lemieux milieu: Abbr.
Lemon and lime drinks
Lemon and orange drinks
Lemon beverage
Lemon country
Lemon drink
Lemon go-with
Lemon grove?
Lemon juice, e.g.
Lemon locale?
Lemon on a baseball field
Lemon or lime drink
Lemon or orange
Lemon peel
Lemon producer?
Lemon shade
Lemon skin
Lemon ___
Lemon ___ (herb)
Lemon, maybe
Lemon-flavored, maybe
Lemon-like fruit
Lemon-lime malt brand
Lemon-___ (Kool-Aid flavo
Lemonade + ___ = Arnold P
Lemonade and cheese snack
Lemonlike fruit
Lemony dessert
Lemony meringue concoctio
Lemony Snicket's count an
Lemony, e.g.
Lemony, say
Lemur - need one to populate jungly Gabon?
Lemur’s call when encountering shadow
Lemur's hangout
Len —, spy writer
Len Deighton's anagrammat
Len wrongly connected with Madrid: he’s from Birmingham?
Len, 8, accepted by teacher
Lena of
Lena of "Chocolat"
Lena of "Havana"
Lena or Ken of film
Lena who played Irina Der
Lena who sang "Stormy Wea
Lenape advocate of Indian
Lenape orator who inspire
Lend a hand
Lend a hand to
Lend a hand to musician scoring introduction to ballad
Lend an ear
Lend an ear (to)
Lend – make progress
Lend heroes recycled gear for Oktoberfest?
Lend money to soldier for a sandwich
Lend novel to transfix child that's read e-book apparently
Lend one thousand rupees to be invested by postman?
Lend setter, for example, audio equipment
Lend ___
Lend ___ (help)
Lend ___ (listen)
Lend ___ (pay attention)
Lend, going crazy with a loan for everyone!
Lend, informally
Lend-Lease Act provision
Lend-___ Act
Lendee's note
Lender almost smiling: it’s on the house!
Lender cried out to Rishi initially
Lender studio's last used in Network and Jaws?
Lender's claim
Lender's income: Abbr.
Lender's letters
Lender's protection
Lender's recourse
Lenders at very high interest rates
Lenders' banes
Lenders, often
Lending "lady"
Lending at extortionate rates
Lending crisis
Lending figures
Lendl of tennis
Lends a hand
Length and width
Length being introduced to brown parsnip perhaps
Length between two points
Length cut from wood on smooth board
Length given to note in second part
Length in years of a leni
Length initially taken off decorative chain
Length of 14 2/3 football
Length of a curve
Length of a kids' fun run
Length of a parliament
Length of a quick fight?
Length of cord rolled into the porch
Length of fabric
Length of flight
Length of hair, mine, captivating the French
Length of land by the sea
Length of life
Length of life that is left for King Charles, maybe
Length of many a TV drama
Length of many stands?
Length of metal, tungsten, about to carry current
Length of old Henry’s skipping torment!
Length of old Lying Face, say
Length of printed piece
Length of sawn timber
Length of some shorts
Length of step
Length of string
Length of time
Length of time around it varied
Length of wait spelled out in detail, maybe to extremes
Length of yarn
Length times width
Length unit in Lyon
Length x width, for a rec
Lengthen in time
Lengthen lease, depressed
Lengthen or shorten
Lengthen pamphlet after person making regular cuts
Lengthen professional treatise
Lengthen publicity by circular letter on short London opening
Lengthen Saturday and Sunday, essentially?
Lengthen, with
Lengthens leases foremost of dukes hold
Lengthens, old-style
Lengthier arc hypothetically contains vertical structure
Lengths first spanned by balls
Lengths of service
Lengths of yarn, loosely coiled
Lengthy conflicts
Lengthy discourses
Lengthy drama shows heady invention?
Lengthy fight
Lengthy footrace
Lengthy item calling to the lower house: planner upset about that
Lengthy lurkers of the de
Lengthy military sign-up?
Lengthy pedestrian crossing built up
Lengthy procedure
Lengthy reprimand
Lengthy reproval
Lengthy sentence
Lengthy undertaking
Lengthy walk
Lengthy warnings
Lengthy word? Interminable, perhaps?
Lengthy yarn
Lenient head driving improvement in the summer
Lenient, merciful
Lenin wasn't prepared for activity in court
Lenin's "What ___ Be Done
Lenin's body
Lenin's land, for short
Lenin, for one
Leninist leader released? Yahoo!
Lennie’s pose affected while resting?
Lennon and others
Lennon bandmate
Lennon music regularly banished boredom
Lennon or Assange?
Lennon's "Two Virgins" pa
Lennon's 'Woman', very loud in bursts
Lennon's in-laws
Lennon's lady
Lennon's love
Lennon's mate
Lennon's second mate
Lennon's second wife
Lennon's spouse
Lennon's widow
Lennon's widow Yoko
Lennon's wife
Lennon's woman
Lennon/McCartney song who
Lennon/McCartney's "___ L
Lennon/Ono's "Happy ___ (
Lennox Lewis org.
Lennox or Leibovitz?
Lenny makes buys while ..
Lenny, perhaps his last part after 'Chicken Run'?
Leno appears on it
Leno line
Leno's got a big one
Leno's necklace?
Leno, notably
Lenore's creator
Lenox products
Lens care solution?
Lens closed twice, capturing elephant zapping insect
Lens cover?
Lens holder
Lens holder, for short
Lens holders
Lens maker
Lens protector
Lens setting
Lens settings
Lens solution brand
Lens type
Lens used for close-ups
Lens used to observe ocular prosthesis having exchanged components
Lens with a crescent-shap
Lens(es) at the viewing end of an optical instrument
Lens-grinding Dutch philo
Lenses long used by English in New Zealand, including foremost of contacts
Lensman Adams
Lent a hand
Lent activity
Lent effort
Lent hat to cricketer
Lent me oil
Lent part?
Lent preceder
Lent, ultimately having had extremely risky outlays collapsing
Lenten serving
Lenten symbol
Lenten treat
Lentil dish at an Indian
Lentil, e.g.
Lento e largo
Lento or largo
Lenya of "Cabaret"
Lenya of song
Leo and Libra
Leo and others
Leo and Rupert nobbled dealer in game
Leo Durocher monicker, wi
Leo Messi's finish secured by left leg
Leo's symbol
Leo, astrologically
Leo, for example
Leo, for one
Leo, say, in big-cat shed with fine for British zoo in a state of disrepair
Leon —, Russian revolutionary
Leon —, early Marxist
Leon of "Mister Ed"
Leon Redbone regularly remixed "Move On Up"?
Leon regrets CV - it misrepresented what applicants should perhaps include
Leon Uris novel
Leon Uris novel, with "Th
Leon Uris's "___ 18"
Leon who won both a Pulit
Leon who wrote "Exodus"
Leon with three Super Bow
Leon ___, McKinley's assa
Leon ___, who wrote "Mila
Leonard Bernstein called
Leonard Bernstein's "___
Leonard of literature
Leonard or Sacha Baron?
Leonardo da Vinci mural
Leonardo da Vinci's "___
Leonardo da Vinci?
Leonardo da ___
Leonardo of ___ (mathemat
Leonardo ___
Leonardo's "The Aviator"
Leonardo's home
Leonardo's outside to exploit rotter
Leonato's niece to flog diamonds without a hint of regret
Leonidas' kingdom
Leonidas's land
Leonine locks
Leonine movie star
Leonine movie star of old
Leopard features
Leopard markings
Leopard one breathless catching horse?
Leopard relative
Leopard runner
Leopard spot
Leopard spots, e.g.
Leopard without spots, one breathing heavily, biting hard
Leopard's home?
Leopard, e.g.
Leopardlike cat
Leopards are spotted here
Leopardus pardalis
Leopold and ___ (big 1920
Leopold Bloom's creator
Leopold's 1920's co-defen
Leopold's 1920s co-defend
Leopold's celebrated murd
Leopold's partner in a se
Leopold's partner in crim
Leotard, e.g.
Lepidopterist's accessory
Lepidopterist's equipment
Lepidopterist's need
Lepidopterist's study
Lepidopterist's tool
Lepidopterists' gear
Lepidopterous floater, apian stinger, d. 2016
Lepidopterous movie monst
Leporello, e.g., in "Don
Leporid mammal
Leporine creatures
Leporine leapers
Leprechaun land
Leprechaun's land
Leprechauns' home
Leprechauns' land
Lepton's locale
Lerner and Loewe musical
Lerner's "Camelot" partne
Lerner's musical partner
Lerner's partner
Lerner's partner for "Cam
Les : French :: ___ : Ita
Les abandons hopelessly bad security device
Les Mis character backed ladies wearing denim?
Les Misérables author
Les oreilles are attached
Les poissons swim in it
Les Trois Mousquetaires,
Les ___-Unis
Lesage book "Gil ___"
Lesage hero Gil ___
Lesbian almost touching something precious
Lesbian character accepting a dance
Lesbian orders a pie that is taken with chips
Lesbian, maybe French girl, goes through Channel regularly
LeShan who wrote child-ca
Lesley of "60 Minutes"
Leslie Caron musical
Leslie Caron role
Leslie Caron title role
Leslie of "Gigi"
Leslie who’s made Saint? Rich stare, confounded
Less abundant
Less accurate
Less active
Less addled
Less adequate alternative
Less adorned
Less adulterated
Less affable Independent setter for a change
Less affected
Less affected by what was in cloud, trapped characters are out of danger? That's right
Less affluent
Less agitated
Less amicable
Less approachable
Less apt to learn
Less apt to wait one's tu
Less arduous
Less assertive
Less assertive setter bitten by cat
Less astute
Less at ease
Less attractive
Less available
Less awkward if back girdled in advance, before run
Less bananas
Less beautiful
Less binding
Less blowzy
Less bold
Less bothered about meat bone one's left for dog's dinner
Less burdensome
Less calm
Less certain
Less cheery
Less chewy
Less civil
Less clean
Less clear
Less clear, as river wate
Less clear, fade in drum beat
Less cluttered
Less colorful
Less colourful second city of Italy
Less common
Less common bird control device getting investment by college
Less competent
Less congenial
Less constrained
Less controlled
Less conventional
Less convincing, as an ex
Less convoluted
Less cooked, flipped over rump prodded by skewer, finally
Less cool
Less cordial
Less corrupted
Less covered
Less cramped
Less crazy
Less daunted
Less decent batsman sacrifices power to lower degree
Less decorated
Less deliberate
Less demanding
Less dense
Less dicey
Less difficult
Less dirty
Less distinct
Less domesticated, runs after writer
Less done, as steak
Less dotty
Less drunk
Less easygoing
Less elaborated sportsman's clothing cut
Less elevated book brought in supplied plot
Less emotional
Less enthused
Less error-prone
Less exciting
Less exciting cheers getting rock group upset
Less expensive
Less expensive, reduced by a penny? Some measure of enthusiasm here
Less expensive-sounding young bird?
Less experienced
Less experienced solvers no good, one hesitates to say?
Less exposed
Less extensive
Less familiar tunes including Beethoven's Second, moreover
Less far
Less fashionable silent model losing heart
Less fat
Less fattening
Less fatty
Less favorable
Less filled out
Less flexible
Less flustered
Less forgiving
Less formal
Less fortunate
Less forward
Less frequent
Less fresh
Less fresh challenger at first one defeated
Less friendly
Less frowzy
Less full
Less furnished
Less generous member of Wasps, say, inspires one
Less good
Less grand
Less green
Less happy
Less happy about cat, say, climbing large item in tool shed?
Less harsh
Less hazardous
Less healthy
Less heavy
Less high
Less hopeful
Less important
Less important part of farm in Oregon
Less impressive moment in Italian city
Less in number
Less in order?
Less inept
Less inhibited
Less intelligent
Less intelligent huntsman possibly found around middle of Kentucky
Less intelligent one in a party of Americans?
Less interesting compliment
Less kind
Less languid
Less lax
Less lean
Less leisurely
Less lenient
Less like a yo-yo
Less like legalese
Less like nuts?
Less likely to be hit by
Less likely to be winded
Less likely to break
Less likely to collapse
Less likely to fly?
Less likely to leave incriminating traces in government - and worshipped?
Less likely to lose it
Less likely to make mista
Less likely to offend
Less likely to reconcile
Less lively
Less lofty
Less loony
Less loopy
Less mellow
Less messy
Less moist
Less muddled
Less natural
Less nice
Less numerous
Less of an illusion
Less old
Less original
Less ornate
Less overcast
Less plausible, as an exc
Less pleasing to the ear
Less plentiful
Less polite
Less polluted
Less popular time to be on shore, presumably, with boy
Less popular, as a restau
Less powerful, the river surrounds pub
Less predictable
Less prepared to find one immersed in a French textbook
Less prepared, less strong, lacking power, having skirted study
Less productive apprentice runs away
Less receptive
Less refined
Less relaxed
Less reliable
Less reliable fellow? That's right
Less remote
Less reputable
Less reserved
Less resonant
Less respectful
Less restrained
Less ripe
Less risky
Less risky returning in the role of whistle-blower after retirement
Less ruddy
Less sane
Less savage
Less secure
Less seen
Less senior
Less sensible ditching leader - no feasible PM?
Less sensible place to go: area in Wigan booked
Less serious
Less settled
Less severe
Less sharp, bladdered, I put some bottles back
Less significant
Less slovenly
Less smooth
Less solvable
Less sophisticated
Less sound
Less specious
Less speedy
Less spirited
Less spiritual altarpieces mutilated, leading to tears
Less steep
Less stimulating
Less stirred
Less straight
Less straightforward
Less stressed
Less stressful
Less strict
Less subdued
Less sufficient
Less svelte
Less sweet
Less swift
Less sympathetic
Less tactful, outing 'large' schoolboy
Less tanned
Less tasteful
Less tasty
Less taut
Less taxing
Less than 1 m.p.h., as wi
Less than 50% are popular with those under age
Less than 50% of women do without support financially
Less than 90
Less than 90 degrees
Less than a one-star movi
Less than a sentence, in
Less than a storm at sea? That's lucky
Less than any
Less than attractive enterprise
Less than average tidal rises and falls
Less than complete
Less than decent
Less than diddly
Less than fifty per cent from all-rounder
Less than four? Education is primary
Less than half of characters in college pass
Less than needed
Less than ninety degrees
Less than outstanding
Less than pleasant, Beria's alleged to have snuffed out Leninists' leader in a rage
Less than popular high street fundraisers
Less than quadraphonic
Less than right
Less than right?
Less than solid
Less than spectacular
Less than stellar
Less than striking action in game's nadir
Less than the required amount
Less than upstanding
Less than wholesale
Less than wonderful
Less than zero: Abbr.
Less thick
Less tight
Less time-consuming
Less tough
Less transparent
Less trusting
Less trying
Less typical
Less untidy
Less up-to-date
Less upfront
Less verbose
Less warm
Less weighty article right outside tavern
Less welcoming
Less welcoming here in Calais leading to hesitation
Less well
Less well cooked
Less well done
Less well off
Less well-bred horse picked up
Less well-known tracks around east too
Less well-looking
Less wet
Less widely known rule on poison copper ignored
Less wild
Less wild path for conquering warrior
Less wobbly, say
Less woolly, perhaps
Less wordy
Less-than-complete balance about row in French city
Less-than-Ruthian hits
Less-than-serious flight for fun, not entirely dreadful
Lessee aunt sent out to secure book
Lessen hardness of college entrance - one gets in
Lessen one's exposure
Lessen the seriousness
Lessen, as difficulties
Lessen, as fears
Lessen, as pain
Lessen, with "down"
Lessened, as pain
Lessening of dose perhaps cured it, on receiving treatment
Lessens force: everything’s to follow
Lessens the force of
Lesser deity
Lesser figure ends in juvenile court, having broken law
Lesser in stature
Lesser of two ___
Lesser player
Lesser runner, a male regularly getting in the way
Lesser Spanish noblemen
Lesser star designation i
Lesser Sunda island
Lesser-known astrology sy
Lesser-played half of a 4
Lesser-used PC key
Lesson #1 in cooking
Lesson duration, often
Lesson from Aesop
Lesson hammered out amidst test
Lesson I arranged for Leo's mate
Lesson in cooking shin and leg
Lesson master put into speech
Lesson of a story
Lesson that can be drawn from a story
Lesson writer?
Lesson; social division
Lessons at Hogwarts
Lessons from Master before exams
Lessons? Disapproving remark before one enters tests!
Lester bats while ...
Let — eat cake
Let (property)
Let (up)
Let a judge hear the case
Let a night with her set in motion true love!
Let a runner go out with drug for rider in last place
Let a slip pass
Let alumni say nothing about head of Latin
Let apple Danish pastries be distributed in great number for today
Let bachelor nurse beer, getting round
Let balance dip into red, about to take advantage of charity
Let bloke from Bow attach architectural feature
Let borrow
Let cash fall out of bag
Let China clay initially be moulded by expert
Let conservationists put grass outside
Let down
Let down burglars' leader in bank plot
Let down by actor regularly: average performer on stage
Let down by legal document about apartment
Let down in dodgy deal
Let down plane into Chester’s river
Let down recently (after making love Ed turned over)
Let down, perhaps
Let down, say
Let down, scowl, losing head
Let drunk close tab
Let enamel fuse! That's basic
Let European into type of party that's celebrated in fancy dress
Let everybody down, having no limits
Let everyone down at the centre
Let everyone down, ignoring outsiders
Let everyone outstanding be audibly spoken
Let everything be on tick
Let fall
Let fall and let tear
Let fall, in poetry
Let fly
Let fly, as good dressmakers should?
Let for money
Let free
Let gangster down
Let go
Let go by Bottom after pressure to get out of bed
Let go from work
Let go of
Let go of everything, including WPC's protection
Let go of key emergency facility
Let go of key safety measure
Let go of worker following extremists in union
Let go tactfully
Let go, in a way
Let hang
Let have
Let have it
Let have the final word
Let in
Let in a Duke with German
Let in a second time
Let in advance
Let in again
Let in again to study with Cambridge college
Let in or on
Let in oxygen
Let in; confessed
Let in; own
Let into Duke University after good grade
Let it all out
Let it all out?
Let it be
Let it be, editorially
Let It be? Track initially included in songs given at concert
Let it stand
Let know
Let lawmen loose with good intentions
Let learner driver move gradually
Let Liberal moving south stand
Let live
Let loose
Let loose at the outset then relax
Let loose energy and flatulate vaporous emission!
Let loose, as pigs
Let loose, initially, on facility
Let loose, stick around the marshes
Let man creep off to get substitute
Let me explain plan B: pretend everything's OK
Let me go out, grab club and prepare for fight
Let me pour liquid mineral
Let me see about drying out dog
Let me take that - British silver is turning up …
Let me think about that sweet sexy woman
Let me think? Drug addict to keep loan-shark
Let me through for this dance
Let oboes play like serpents?
Let off
Let off steam
Let off steam about European border in earnest
Let off steam, in consequence rejecting leader
Let off steam, maybe
Let off the hook
Let off the hook?
Let one horribly round queen articulate
Let one's anger show
Let one's god down?
Let oneself down in trouble concealing disease
Let out
Let out — or let out again?
Let out grass around end of April, showing some heart
Let out of the can?
Let out once – or more than once?
Let out the waist of, e.g
Let out to catch bug
Let out, as horses
Let out, e.g.
Let out, in a way
Let out, perhaps
Let pass
Let ponies loose? Make a decision tomorrow
Let priest go casting out troublesome spirit
Let raven free in wind from the east
Let ride, at the track
Let rip
Let rip on corrupt cross-border force
Let rip on spreading force globally
Let sing
Let sir get drunk with lots of wine?
Let sit
Let slip
Let slip about following secretary everywhere
Let social maverick swing both ways
Let sound be heard
Let special medical team cut open Marxist?
Let spread
Let stand, in editorial p
Let team in for householder
Let the air out, say
Let the air out?
Let the cat out of the ba
Let the cat out of the bag
Let up
Let us in after fixing tool
Let use
Let water out of both taps spread in Texas, say
Let win
Let wine breathe for start of foreign holiday?
Let ___ a secret
Let's deal with flyaway hair
Let's do it
Let's Do It songwriter
Let's list components? That's most unmoving!
Let's not have bird shivering — it's uncivilised
Let's not start to look relieved
Let's play all that again one more time!
Let's resend Busted. They're most unlike Fatboy Slim in the extreme
Let's sack drunk that's negligent beyond compare
Let's see those teeth beginning to decay - I weep on failing to contain it
Let's shake hands!
Let's shape go if you eat too many like this
Let's stand back to front
Let's start, say, visiting people in line for awards
Let's take most of Harrison Ford's fantastic film
Let's tolerate different people who don't touch alcohol
Let's try method, coming out on top of a fight
Let's wish leader gone
Let, permit
Let-down after excitement
Let-up in respect of crusade
Let’s dance in pants in private
Let’s hear more!
Let’s not bother with dance that’s deranged
Let’s pretend
Letdown after awaiting a
Lethal acid thrown in endless sermon
Lethal compound
Lethal cousin of the cobr
Lethal error I overlooked - ingesting astatine
Lethal force keeps order locally
Lethal serpents a reclusive saint chances heading off
Lethal snake
Lethal stingers
Lethal tablet swallowed by father only half dissolved
Lethal venom bottles split into two
Lethally poisoned ruler,
Lethargic duck turned around behind hill
Lethargic feeling
Lethargic feelings
Lethargic guard dropping over time
Lethargic porter dropping round at end of shift
Lethargic, and not ready to go shopping?
Lethargic, unlike Ko-Ko?
Lethargy - not in CIA
Lethargy defeats rising, requiring injection of pressure
Lethargy from United playing sport outside
Lethargy of fish hauled up to languish on steamship
Lethargy of Politburo put Stalin in the ascendant
Lethargy shown by overweight Miguel taking clothes off
Lets (up)
Lets boxing man off in scraps
Lets boy off with fine, producing rules and regulations in writing?
Lets do it
Lets down
Lets fly
Lets go
Lets go of
Lets have it
Lets in
Lets loose
Lets mistakes pass
Lets off
Lets off some steam
Lets off steam
Lets off steam?
Lets off the hook
Lets on
Lets or sublets
Lets out
Lets out cry: 'Don't move a muscle!'
Lets out, or lets out again
Lets slip, with "out"
Lets the fingers do the t
Lets touch these
Lets up
Letter "Y" wearer
Letter abbr.
Letter about European Parliament's accommodation
Letter about shelter leads to easing of tension between nations
Letter about surrender, as near as dammit?
Letter abroad recalled very different times
Letter accompanier: Abbr.
Letter add-ons: Abbr.
Letter addenda
Letter addenda, for short
Letter addenda: Abbr.
Letter addendum, for shor
Letter addition
Letter adornment
Letter after beta
Letter after Beta in a so
Letter after chi
Letter after epsilon
Letter after eta
Letter after gamma
Letter after Juliet in a
Letter after pee
Letter after phi, chi, ps
Letter after pi
Letter after sierra, in r
Letter after sigma
Letter after teth
Letter after theta
Letter after Z
Letter after zeta
Letter almost mailed to a liberal magazine
Letter amount
Letter and article presented with show of gratitude
Letter and next two found between opposing letters in manuscript
Letter and when it should get here
Letter attached to old poem about Dubai for example
Letter attachments: Abbr.
Letter before "cue"
Letter before ar
Letter before ba
Letter before Beta in a s
Letter before beth
Letter before delta
Letter before epsilon
Letter before gee
Letter before gimel
Letter before iota
Letter before kappa
Letter before lambda
Letter before lima in the
Letter before omega
Letter before Peter in an
Letter before psi
Letter before qoph
Letter before shin
Letter before sigma
Letter before tee
Letter between eta and io
Letter between pi and sig
Letter box deposits
Letter by female artist at end of guide camp
Letter by German poet accepting doctor's asthma treatment
Letter by good American conservative is inconsequential
Letter card
Letter carrier's assignme
Letter carrier's uniform?
Letter carrier?: Abbr.
Letter carriers' grp.
Letter carriers' org.
Letter collector
Letter container
Letter container: Abbr.
Letter containing a kind of tea
Letter covered in skin and bone
Letter distribution on ba
Letter drop, e.g.
Letter drop-offs
Letter E missing: game is lost
Letter encl.
Letter encl. to facilitat
Letter enclosures: Abbr.
Letter ender?
Letter endings: Abbr.
Letter expected answer
Letter feature
Letter finisher
Letter finisher, of sorts
Letter flourish
Letter for Cynewulf
Letter for Gandalf
Letter from a church covering appeal
Letter from a teacher
Letter from abroad
Letter from abroad for volunteer soldiers until recently
Letter from abroad, estimated time of arrival on Thursday
Letter from America, and from France arriving earlier
Letter from apostle's so righteous
Letter from Corinth
Letter from desperate elites clinging to power
Letter from Eliot analysed
Letter from Eliot answered
Letter from Greece
Letter from Greece (old Antioch) bought and adapted for a play
Letter from Greece - when is it expected?
Letter from Greece in local newspaper
Letter from Greece slipped into our house
Letter from Greek grips old boy with a fear
Letter from Greek island love cheers
Letter from Greek lord, one amused by toy?
Letter from Heraklion as acidic as can be?
Letter from holy man found in English mansion?
Letter from Homer?
Letter from internet company returned
Letter from Jude
Letter from Mr Ive's young daughter?
Letter from occasionally sadistic husband
Letter from old lady after short notice
Letter from old reservists
Letter from pair of kids describing New Year
Letter from Poles in translation
Letter from Rolling Stone clutched by woman now and then
Letter from school graduate
Letter from Scotsman in POW camp returned
Letter from St. Paul: Abb
Letter from the Corinthia
Letter from those who were kept in reserve
Letter getter
Letter getter, maybe
Letter getter: Abbr.
Letter given to speaker's investigator in government department
Letter greeting
Letter greeting never rea
Letter holder
Letter holder: Abbr.
Letter home contained money
Letter idiot attempted to hide
Letter in a mysterious in
Letter in Greek about Queen backing city
Letter in Irish supporting sensationalist preacher
Letter in Latin in ensemble’s latest track
Letter in radio communica
Letter in runes
Letter in Socrates' name
Letter in the Daily Mirro
Letter in the Globe and M
Letter introducing recent catalogues for certain collectors
Letter isn't vowel?
Letter letters
Letter lines
Letter lineup
Letter maybe showing integrity
Letter of a chapter?
Letter of alphabet representing measure of tyre inflation
Letter of approval?: Abbr
Letter of indictment?
Letter of public house, opening for inspection
Letter of substance reported generosity of spirit
Letter of thanks after article
Letter of thanks after getting shown the way up
Letter of thanks following article
Letter of the law?
Letter often accompanying
Letter often dropped
Letter on some college ja
Letter on Superman's ches
Letter on top of desk is prominent
Letter on where to drink beer
Letter only composed to inspire another
Letter opener
Letter opener chopped up dead seers
Letter opener that is removed from armoire, admired as quirky
Letter opener, at times
Letter opener?
Letter opposing drink
Letter or article accompanying grateful comment
Letter or card
Letter or number
Letter or symbol
Letter P among terrible tiles at end of Scrabble
Letter paper?
Letter penned by Charles, so ridiculous
Letter pile set to be rearranged
Letter possibly closed with this: 'I saw Angel off with a kiss'
Letter preceding bravo
Letter prefacing generous pattern
Letter producer
Letter pronounced while breathing out
Letter read out — gosh!
Letter read out by customer in taverna?
Letter read out succeeded after repeat, which you can bet on
Letter receiver?
Letter records rampaging lion
Letter resembling an inve
Letter resembling an ox's
Letter routing abbr.
Letter run
Letter said nothing more to resolve - one's 9
Letter school returned
Letter sent to many people
Letter sequence
Letter series
Letter showing the acidity of beer?
Letter sign-off
Letter signed by many on all sides seen by 4's partner
Letter signoff
Letter spelled out change in direction, largely
Letter spelled out work in detail
Letter start
Letter starter
Letter string
Letter such as i or u
Letter switched to ess in
Letter taker
Letter that's regularly dropped!
Letter tiles thrown out after Scrabble championship finally?
Letter to be burned: react badly
Letter to Greeks — about time — becomes disgrace
Letter to innkeeper
Letter trio
Letter upset ageing King invading country
Letter wearer: Abbr.
Letter wearers, e.g.
Letter will upset learned Muslims
Letter writer occupied by government flip-flopping
Letter writer's afterthou
Letter writing, some say
Letter’s opening rewritten racily, like a poem?
Letter's end?
Letter's function exhausted
Letter's need
Letter's sign
Letter, a ticklish thing
Letter, I say
Letter, of sorts
Letter, one about hidden region of China
Letter, or what’s added to it by one
Letter-ending abbr.
Letter-opener in general use?
Letter-perfect postman
Letter-routing abbr.
Letter-shaped beam
Letter-shaped bridge supp
Letter-shaped building be
Letter-shaped building su
Letter-shaped constructio
Letter-shaped cross
Letter-shaped fastener
Letter-shaped girder
Letter-shaped hardware
Letter-shaped opening
Letter-shaped opening for
Letter-shaped part of a g
Letter-shaped skyscraper
Letter-shaped structural
Letter-shaped support
Letter-shaped woodworking
Letter-shaped, threaded f
Letter-to-Santa enclosure
Letter-writer makes typo oddly when entering his other name
Letter-writing aid
Letter-writing friend
Letter-writing prisoner,
Letter-writing skill of witches and wizards?
Letter: it’s likely to arrive after Thursday
Lettered top
Letterhead abbr.
Letterhead design
Letterhead feature
Letterhead graphic
Letterhead?: Abbr.
Lettering liquid
Letterless phone button
Letterman airer
Letterman dental feature
Letterman letters
Letterman list, e.g.
Letterman lists
Letterman of late-night
Letterman rival
Letterman's last guest on
Letterman's network
Letterman's nightly list
Letterman's rival
Letterman, Leno, etc.
Letterman, to Leno
Letters about alternative sources of decoration suggest the cuckoo pint
Letters above 0
Letters accompanying some
Letters added at the front of a word
Letters after a proof
Letters after chis
Letters after Daniel Moyn
Letters after epsilons
Letters after Gov. Jeanne
Letters after L
Letters after many animal
Letters after pis
Letters after Q
Letters after two slashes
Letters akin to P.D.Q.
Letters and packages
Letters associated with a
Letters associated with pencil broken by Queen Rosemary, perhaps
Letters at a launch
Letters at a Nascar race
Letters at Buckingham Pal
Letters at Camp Lejeune
Letters at sea
Letters at the beach
Letters at the bottom of an invitation card
Letters at the end of a p
Letters before a colon, o
Letters before a name
Letters before a pseudony
Letters before a street n
Letters before an alias
Letters before gimels
Letters before Liberty or
Letters before many a sta
Letters before many state
Letters before omegas
Letters before tees
Letters before xis
Letters beginning each numbered clue offer Des’s excuse, duly disguised
Letters between a name an
Letters between two names
Letters descend on cricket's HQ
Letters dispatched in fliers
Letters ending a PC code
Letters exchanged by empl
Letters for a duke
Letters for a King?
Letters for a prince
Letters for a prince or p
Letters for a psychic
Letters for a religious s
Letters for Alpha-Bits?
Letters for checks
Letters for college-bound
Letters for enlistees' le
Letters for Jesus
Letters for Letterman
Letters for nine-to-fiver
Letters for Old MacDonald
Letters for soldiers
Letters for the dear depa
Letters found in underwea
Letters from a debtor
Letters from a mathematic
Letters from a short pers
Letters from admirers
Letters from Athens
Letters from Atlanta
Letters from Bruno sorted before noon and awaiting delivery
Letters from Crete
Letters from Frederic Austin's girl
Letters from Greece
Letters from London nearly delivered for poet
Letters from mountain hospital: help!
Letters from Nepali centrally displaying Chinese symbol
Letters from old man for adorable Chinese native
Letters from Orange Lodge's financial backer
Letters from overseas
Letters from Plath implicating Indian police enforcer
Letters from schoolmaster never enforcing discipline
Letters from schoolmaster not like Snape?
Letters from secretary, a Chinese native
Letters from the Persian
Letters hanging on a wall
Letters he has put in post to North and South? It's left, if not right
Letters he read out
Letters in a line score
Letters in a long-distanc
Letters in a U.R.L.
Letters in an old date
Letters in cyberspace
Letters in Icelandic
Letters in love letters
Letters in many black chu
Letters in sloping type
Letters in some church na
Letters in some message mostly taken the wrong way
Letters in some ratings
Letters introducing some
Letters man read aloud
Letters maybe from people in play?
Letters of agreement
Letters of commerce
Letters of compassion
Letters of concern
Letters of credit
Letters of credit?
Letters of debt
Letters of discharge?
Letters of distress
Letters of Euripides showing devout image
Letters of faux modesty
Letters of invitation
Letters of patent?
Letters of rejoicing
Letters of royalty
Letters of sizes
Letters of stone seen in European houses
Letters of success
Letters of surprise, in t
Letters of urgency
Letters of Zeno
Letters often followed by
Letters on a B-2
Letters on a B-52
Letters on a brandy bottl
Letters on a bucket
Letters on a car sticker
Letters on a Cardinal's c
Letters on a Cardinals ca
Letters on a cognac bottl
Letters on a Coppertone b
Letters on a cross
Letters on a crucifix
Letters on a farm?
Letters on a food stamp
Letters on a Kodak box
Letters on a new car stic
Letters on a package
Letters on a police repor
Letters on a poster
Letters on a pump, maybe
Letters on a R
Letters on a scoreboard
Letters on a shingle
Letters on a Soyuz rocket
Letters on a stamp
Letters on a telephone bi
Letters on a toothpaste t
Letters on a wanted poste
Letters on an ambulance
Letters on an F.B.I. list
Letters on an invitation
Letters on an Olympics je
Letters on Endeavour
Letters on headstone producing tear
Letters on letters to sol
Letters on many black chu
Letters on old rubles
Letters on old Russian ma
Letters on old Soviet roc
Letters on Ozzie Smith's
Letters on screens
Letters on seconds
Letters on some 747's
Letters on some churches
Letters on some college b
Letters on some invitatio
Letters on some liners
Letters on some lotions
Letters on some N.Y.C. ba
Letters on some N.Y.C. ma
Letters on some pumps
Letters on the road
Letters on tires
Letters on undies
Letters or cards?
Letters picked up with a permit
Letters providing protection for owner of mobile home?
Letters rearranged to find the solution
Letters regularly dispatched from US to African capital
Letters regularly falling out of mailbags, unfortunately
Letters right to go into capital for sorting
Letters said with a shout
Letters seen by a proof r
Letters seen during proof
Letters sent abroad by a politician, way lighter
Letters served in liquid
Letters set down on ground
Letters slanting upward to the right
Letters sometimes inscrib
Letters stamped on meat
Letters starting a ship's
Letters starting many mil
Letters starting naval ca
Letters stolen by bitter evangelist
Letters taken out of order to discover a hidden meaning
Letters that can't be fou
Letters that don't need s
Letters that lack stamps
Letters that look like tr
Letters that make you fee
Letters that must be boug
Letters that please 42-Do
Letters that please an an
Letters that please angel
Letters to a celebrity
Letters to acquire at cricket ground
Letters to answer?
Letters translated on unusual map provide illumination
Letters used in dating
Letters used to avoid lis
Letters with italic form, perhaps reading through?
Letters you see to be typed, for example S-K-I-P T-E-A
Letters' partner
Letters, of a sort
Letting arrangement
Letting contract
Letting down front, crease fabric and squeeze once
Letting go, suppressing a sudden pounce
Letting in one single goal, including defender's header
Letting out a little laugh, English drunk sounds like a horse
Letting stand
Letting up
Letting-off point: Abbr.
Letts do it
Lettuce arrangement
Lettuce crops regularly denuded
Lettuce dish
Lettuce leaves
Lettuce or kale
Lettuce prepared for pet
Lettuce serving
Lettuce unit
Lettuce variety
Lettuce-munching plodder
Leucite source
Levant of levity
Levantine land: Abbr.
Levee breaches
Levee feature
Levee material
Level - layer
Level - regular
Level ... or a three-word
Level 42's doubly so after split
Level a charge against - pace him
Level an area for building? It depends
Level area next to Bristol?
Level area with cluster of woods?
Level best
Level connections
Level connectors
Level crossing the writer will support
Level for one river entering north-western estuary
Level ground, with no rain, for Badminton competitor?
Level in a hierarchy
Level in a race
Level in cup match, right?
Level in rugger, having lost every other one - win following defeat?
Level odds
Level of a building
Level of car
Level of care
Level of command
Level of hierarchy: Abbr.
Level of interest bishop's shown over a frightful teaser
Level of interest shown by Spooner's hare at the dog track?
Level of karate expertise
Level of marsh quite unexceptional
Level of modesty
Level of nationwide greed
Level of public transport with more up front?
Level of puzzle
Level of quality
Level of River Bann's first to drop
Level off
Level on a building plot, we hear?
Level on the evolutionary
Level or rank in a group
Level out
Level pegging
Level playing area for would-be kingmakers
Level playing field
Level quayside area
Level recreation area removing back section
Level the playing field?
Level the scores
Level time in race perhaps
Level unfinished mud pies that aren't crusted over
Level up, housing sick boy
Level with another in top spot perhaps
Level with secretary about lusts
Level, e.g.
Level, grade
Level, in London
Level, in taxes
Level-headed business manager initially worked as model
Level; calm
Level; regular
Level; row
Leveled, in London
Leveling devices
Leveling in a ring
Leveling tool
Leveling wedge
Levelling out
Levelling out late in the day
Levelling out late in the day?
Levelling up happening late in the day
Levelling up perhaps a bit late in the day
Levels (of a building)
Levels - classes
Levels of authority
Levels of society
Levels off, with "out"
Levels the odds
Levels the score and quits
Levels with sticks?
Levels, briefly
Leven, for one
Lever Bros. brand
Lever in a trunk
Lever journalist into China?
Lever or level
Lever used by pilot
Leverage point
Levers on a piano
Levi Stubbs's group, with
Levi's "Christ Stopped at
Levi's material
Levi's uncle
Levi's, e.g.
Leviathan's home
Levin and Gershwin
Levin who wrote "Rosemary
Levity without admitting blasted thing
Levity? Forget it — this must be paid
Levy collector, for short
Levy for the church
Levy imposer
Levy imposers
Levy of one tenth
Levy on cigarettes and bo
Levy on retail goods
Levy: one million? Difficult question left incomplete
Lew of Dr. Kildare fame
Lew Wallace's "Ben-Hur: _
Lew Wallace's "Ben-___"
Lew who played Dr. Kildar
Lew, after 1971
Lew, now
Lewd material
Lewd printed or visual material
Lewd Soho burlesque in which Shearer strips 4D?
Lewd woman upset about evidence of debts
Lewdness - epic rerun
Lewdness of French composer transfixed by posh English trains
Lewinsky was one
Lewis —, Alice author
Lewis and Clark expeditio
Lewis and Clarke
Lewis and Harris form part of this island group
Lewis Carroll and others
Lewis Carroll animal
Lewis Carroll character w
Lewis Carroll creature
Lewis Carroll critter
Lewis Carroll or George Eliot, say
Lewis Carroll poem
Lewis Carroll's birthplac
Lewis Carroll's fictional feline
Lewis gets disheartening little news on Oxford's missing former president
Lewis in comeback provided one literary genre
Lewis initially accepts blame for shooting game
Lewis of children's TV
Lewis with 12 Emmys
Lewis with Lamb Chop
Lewis's girl gets together some hair products
Lewis's mystery-solving p
Lewis's partner in an exp
Lex and Park, e.g., in N.
Lex Luthor alter ego, onc
Lex Luthor, to Superman
Lex of "Superman"
Lex. entry
Lexicographer mostly heard and understood tense
Lexicographer Partridge
Lexicographer seeking to preserve minority language
Lexicographer wearing underpants?
Lexicographer Webster
Lexicographer William All
Lexicographer's academic setting
Lexicographer's concern
Lexicographer's concern:
Lexicographer's concert
Lexicographer's conclusio
Lexicographer's interest
Lexicographer, originally from OU, dispatched entire contents of Chambers?
Lexicographer, sure to get excited by word for new teeth
Lexicographers' researche
Lexicographic concern
Lexicographic enlightener
Lexicographical abbr.
Lexicographical publication, old, old manuscript
Lexicon abbr.
Lexicon contents, for sho
Lexicon in this way accommodating a user that’s confused
Lexicon listing
Lexicon or dictionary? It's more than enough for Scandinavian
Lexicon topic
Lexicon with many citatio
Lexington Center centerpi
Lexus competitor
Ley lines set out in a confused manner?
Leyden jar lining
Leyton, not having Circle Line, developed in moderate fashion
Lhasa apso or Labrador
Lhasa ___
Lhasa ___ (dog)
Lhasa ___ (dogs)
Lhasa ___ (supposed good
Lhasa ___ (Tibetan dogs)
Lhasa's land
Lhasa's region/country
LI doubled
Li'l Abner creator
Li'l Abner creator Al
Li'l Abner's Daisy ___
Li'l Abner's love
Li'l fellow
Li'l one
Liabilities' opposites
Liability's opposite
Liability-limiting words
Liable but not certain to happen when Gordonstoun's head stops exercising self-restraint
Liable for flat
Liable to be called
Liable to be called "rank, heartless youth"
Liable to be offended, sore even — visit going wrong
Liable to become intoxicated about leading edge in computers, like Macs
Liable to cause death
Liable to change
Liable to error
Liable to erupt
Liable to forget one's problem
Liable to have start of music replacing run in trumpet
Liable to leak, like a patriotic American hiding nothing
Liable to make one scratc
Liable to mishaps
Liable to produce spoilers maybe from popular record about film
Liable to see red snake burrowing into pine
Liable to shake
Liable to slip up with account I had open, rent going astray
Liable to snap
Liable to sudden changes
Liable to topple
Liable to unpredictable change
Liable to violent outbursts
Liable; lying flat
Liaisons in a toilet women are unlikely to frequent?
Liam and Sam turned out very smelly
Liam of "Schindler's List
Liam regularly beaten and shut up
Lianas curled around a treetop: it produces bark
Liar and cheater beaten up, make peace
Liar Boris in NHS U-turns? Terrible time
Liar not found out, when appearing in court
Liar shocked about year one's spent in Doha
Liar's outfit is shoddy - typical of one making advances?
Liars busy travelling to Cathedral city
Lib ranter who upset one of the extended family
Lib. arts major
Lib. reference
Lib. references
Libel's kin
Libel, e.g.
Libeler, almost by defini
Liber ___ (Roman fertilit
Liberace fabric
Liberace wore them
Liberace's instrument
Liberace, for one
Liberal 'superiors' initially dismissed N.W.A?
Liberal academic finds employment
Liberal accepted by association, up to a point
Liberal admitted, males hate dancing still
Liberal American writer upset former European monarch
Liberal and earl taken in by brief diet could be suckers
Liberal and Labour upset over working party item
Liberal and left wings to allow end to onerous property legislation?
Liberal and Unionist revoke prime minister's block
Liberal apprehended by one in the dark
Liberal arts field: Abbr.
Liberal arts maj.
Liberal assembly ultimately supporting state? Absolutely
Liberal at site of cathedral in the recent past
Liberal atmosphere in animal shelter
Liberal avoiding lack of communication about source of certain knowledge
Liberal avoiding topless place where one can stay the night
Liberal – a politician first in local elections
Liberal bod upset by this sexist toy?
Liberal bores want journalist bugged
Liberal British newsman pursues fake diamond
Liberal continuing to spend zero yen
Liberal couple with sense accepting offer, yielding to desire?
Liberal D.C. group
Liberal Democrat genius showing dejection
Liberal Democrats initially anger PM, a sin taking more than one seat?
Liberal doctor raised young lass
Liberal dons feel sorry for king … and queen?
Liberal dons scolded youngster
Liberal drinks, loses head and uses borrowed money to pay for company
Liberal encased in concrete? That's lenient!
Liberal entering has been received topless - he'd get an eyeful!
Liberal follower
Liberal France’s expression of agreement with troubled Asian state
Liberal green state abolishing new tax
Liberal has useful information showing support
Liberal hit back: "It's unfair!"
Liberal in church welcoming church's lack of restraint
Liberal in concern, showing quality of character
Liberal in overcoat embracing wife on a Cumbrian lake
Liberal in successful period is to look good
Liberal in tailored suit with brief to cause obstruction
Liberal invited occasionally during religious season
Liberal involved in first-class defence
Liberal is a little flexible
Liberal is up before Liberal beak
Liberal judge restyled Banjul a capital
Liberal leader in news that is breaking fast
Liberal leader then - big shot!
Liberal leader?
Liberal leaving place of worship in wooded vale
Liberal legislator upset when wrapped in your old wool?
Liberal listened to criminal and thief
Liberal Lord had a bit of luck - today's his day
Liberal lots will accept as courageous perhaps
Liberal lout is idle
Liberal mangled by two Brexiteers - one's a source of drugs
Liberal mercy of fair leader of men
Liberal MP enters, yet her children have all gone
Liberal MP is bad - without question, a disappointment.
Liberal ones
Liberal or Republican in charge
Liberal party at first beats a depressing situation
Liberal Party Housing Spokesperson finally makes room
Liberal party?
Liberal PM
Liberal politician avoiding hail and whirlwind
Liberal politician, outwardly 'ealthy
Liberal politician, Welsh, not quite in senior position
Liberal president, sensible too
Liberal prone to adopting Conservative hairstyle
Liberal pundit with a con
Liberal pursuits
Liberal side of personality associated with essential part of boy's sex drive
Liberal sort of supports local produce
Liberal Spanish gent added to working capital
Liberal take on MP entertaining with mistress
Liberal taken in by Polish subterfuge
Liberal tendency not so excited initially about a Republican government
Liberal toff re-elected, with many abstentions
Liberal Tory pact inane; absolutely no way
Liberal translation of writing system
Liberal types
Liberal upset, say, with party meeting-place
Liberal viewpoint reportedly providing leeway
Liberal wearing damaged earring is more ill-tempered
Liberal wearing tousled hair promises to be funny
Liberal whip, very independent at heart
Liberal with no previous partner for instance
Liberal, easy, not into enforcing norms toward beginners
Liberal, in politics
Liberal, informally
Liberal, keeping working with copper, shows a bit of pride
Liberal, slangily
Liberally; willingly
Liberals seem upset by society's work on injustice
Liberals, with "the"
Liberated eroticism in the same form
Liberated female does get upset
Liberated Union State with adequate education
Liberates a secret kiss? It's frisky
Liberating act newly-formed charity almost bungled
Liberating, free and paradoxically humorous
Liberation from vice learned about
Liberator of Brazil from drugs in turn corrupt
Liberia's capital
Libertine accepting dessert and cold snack item
Libertine group originally haunting a former capital
Libertine in Slough or African city
Libertine of myth
Libertine reluctant to go on a Spanish river
Libertine reluctant to go over a Brazilian port
Libertine taking no unearned share of proceeds
Liberty from having to go round ebbing river
Liberty ___ (Lee Marvin r
Liberty's campaign to release Dick's partner
Liberty; licence
Libidinous deity
Libido, in psychiatry
Libra's symbol
Librairie stock
Librarian stifles vocal outburst
Librarian's admonition
Librarian's advice
Librarian's gadget
Librarian's imperative
Librarian's motto, perhap
Librarian, ample, trained to become dancer
Librarian, at times
Librarians' loads
Libraries do it
Library abbr.
Library admonishment
Library admonition
Library area
Library book
Library book stamp
Library byword
Library card catalogue ab
Library Card Sign-Up Mo.
Library catalog abbr.
Library cataloging datum,
Library catalogue heading
Library collection
Library copy of a book, c
Library device
Library extension
Library feature
Library furniture item
Library gadgets
Library gizmo
Library holding
Library ID
Library indexing abbr.
Library info
Library item
Library lack
Library Lovers' Mo.
Library material
Library microfilm
Library no-no
Library patron
Library patrons read them
Library receipt info
Library ref.
Library refs.
Library regular
Library science innovator
Library section
Library section, for shor
Library section: Abbr.
Library shelfful: Abbr.
Library sign
Library sound
Library sound: Var.
Library spot
Library stamp
Library support on shelf K?
Library system pioneer
Library transactions
Library unit
Library urging
Library volume
Library welcoming male member
Librettist for Ruddigore, d. 1911
Librettist Hammerstein, d. 1960
Librettist loses heart to complete stories, having minimal support from friends
Libretto accompaniment
Libreville's land
Libya's second most populous city
Libya's second-largest ci
Libyan city
Libyan expanse
Libyan money
Lic. issuer
Lice and mice, e.g.
Lice high on combination of acid and alcohol in cheese
Licence - license
Licence form falsified and filled out with unsourced requirement
Licence or justice?
Licence to board public road transport
Licences, including one for those not well treated
License bureau procedures
License giver: Abbr.
License holder
License issuer, for short
License plate
License plates
License prepared to help mum
License produced peace
License to drill?: Abbr.
License's cost
Licentious revel
Lichtenstein espoused it as an interest outside work
Lichtenstein, for one
Licit operators in action? Not at all!
Lick again
Lick Bristol, perhaps, after wild love
Lick cat after skin of terrier
Lick of fire
Lick up
Lick ___ promise
Licked boots?
Licked confection
Licked sweet
Licked, e.g.
Licks soundly
Licks, maybe
Licks, say
Licorice flavor
Licorice flavoring
Licorice sources
Licorice-flavored cordial
Licorice-flavored seeds
Licorice-scented herb
Licorice-tasting seed
Licoricelike flavor
Lid - which is missing lid?
Lid annoyance
Lid around a loch
Lid attachment
Lid attachment secured in flash sale yesterday sent back
Lid decoration?
Lid for jars, ornate
Lid irritation
Lid off delving tool, device dug into horse's flank
Lid on trunk initially stuck out - cutter supplied
Lid or lip application
Lid paint?
Lid problem
Lid problems
Lid securing head of raw fish
Lid swelling
Lid trouble
Lid turned on standard ovenware item
Lid, top
Lid; hat
Lidded box
Lidl steak unfortunately emitting sulphur gas
Lido with black stripe, swimming pool
Lids around lochs
Lids in part of combustion engine neither opening nor closing - really?
Lie (slang)
Lie a lot
Lie about Chancellor’s initial position
Lie about dad stealing one’s sweet
Lie about half of unmarried women on offer
Lie about insect being in food that's sent back
Lie about Irish town and county
Lie about issue over current omission
Lie about money being short
Lie about moral strength
Lie about providing effervescent tonic
Lie about Republican disharmony
Lie about Republican wrangling
Lie about returning after spell in prison
Lie about secure provision for the smarter patrons?
Lie about side causing bad feeling
Lie about spondulicks, not having any yen
Lie about taking cocaine, creating an ostentatious display
Lie about what is in roughage
Lie ailing with trauma - bacterial disease from California
Lie alongside of
Lie around in the morning after returning message
Lie around Malta getting wild
Lie around snorting cocaine in ostentatious display
Lie around the whole time? It's unbelievable
Lie around with newspaper and popular item of confectionery
Lie at anchor in the Hebrides
Lie at rest
Lie atop
Lie back
Lie back on odd occasions, finding unexpected release
Lie back when listening
Lie back, following strike
Lie by river accommodating alien Yankee craft
Lie detector
Lie detector alternative
Lie down
Lie down on the job?
Lie given in order to entice
Lie high-class religious books near Old Testament book
Lie idle too long
Lie in a sheltered position
Lie in bed, poorly - it's impossible to get down
Lie in bed, say
Lie in pleasing surroundi
Lie in store for
Lie in the sun
Lie in the sun with sunta
Lie in the warmth
Lie in wait
Lie in wait for and ambush
Lie initially told every second by party supporter
Lie it's right to avoid when leader comes out
Lie low
Lie low when king's in a bad mood
Lie next to
Lie next to Clio for one puzzle
Lie on the beach
Lie on the beach, perhaps
Lie on the beach, say
Lie on top of; covering
Lie originating in Antwerp or Kyoto
Lie over crime a bit cunningly
Lie peacefully
Lie protected huge corporation
Lie scattered on top - were nearly knocked over
Lie shown up by relative
Lie snugly
Lie to (someone)
Lie to get something
Lie to schoolgirl doing audition?
Lie to, in nautical lingo
Lie told for whom in France?
Lie unobserved
Lie was unravelling through leader previously not paying attention
Lie with gusto outrageously? One might
Lie with maid in grass, catching wild animal on return
Lie with vertebra broken —one may get back something like this?
Lie with young lady on top
Lie, slangily
Liechtenstein's language
Liechtenstein's locale
Liechtenstein's western b
Lied about being lazy
Lied about being unemployed
Lied about Conservative promises being tasteful
Lied about extremities of tower being robust?
Lied about hosting party, getting funds to fight case
Lied about shop
Lied about trendy lass’s informal music-making?
Lied maybe in this way, husband having trapped river bird
Lied, perhaps, about cracking case of shoplifting
Lied, say, with boy about drug, causing a fuss
Lieder, chansons etc
Liepaja resident
Lies about opposition leader suppressed by attacking moves
Lies about special spinning tools
Lies accompanying divination in great speaker's opening
Lies against
Lies along the waterfront
Lies are difficult to understand
Lies buried with an item of clothing in a Detroit lay-by
Lies comfortably
Lies down
Lies from Tories – fellows ousting European
Lies in the summer sun
Lies in the sun
Lies in wait
Lies lead to Farage, as reality gets distorted
Lies limply
Lies low
Lies next to
Lies on the beach
Lies together?
Lies, perhaps
Lieutenant in "The Fugiti
Lieutenant initially entering HQ in Swiss city
Lieutenant initially laid into lusty corporal
Lieutenant of Capone
Lieutenant, second-class, visiting former PM in S Yorks town
Lieutenant: Abbr.
Life alternative
Life apt to be nasty in dingy, dirty building
Life choices
Life drawing?
Life force essentially supported by awfully acrid vegetable
Life force, in Eastern ph
Life force, to an acupunc
Life force, to Freud
Life force; Greek letter
Life form
Life form of some peculiar variety
Life imitator
Life in a library
Life in disarray with San Diego's capital invested in somewhere medics are fatigued?
Life in general
Life in Paris before Napoleon evacuated a capital city
Life instinct, to Freud
Life insurance form
Life jacket
Life jacket, e.g.
Life jacket; film star
Life jackets
Life line
Life lines?
Life magazine holds competition, with article, to compose hymn
Life magazine staple
Life models have no need for these artists
Life of a celebrity that's been shot
Life of a region
Life of Brian not getting an Oscar?
Life of Cicero
Life of pleasure
Life of religious minister English Society's elevated
Life of Riley
Life of the party
Life of ___
Life on a slide
Life on other planets? One's right to start off sceptical
Life overseas
Life partner
Life partner?
Life preserver, e.g.
Life preserver?
Life preservers?
Life saver
Life Saver flavor
Life saver, for short
Life saver?
Life savers
Life sci.
Life sci. course
Life sentences?
Life so turbulent to staff here?
Life stories
Life stories on film
Life stories, for short
Life story
Life story captures heart of miserable writer
Life story, for short
Life story, in brief
Life support?
Life supporter
Life symbolically observed during bank holidays
Life time?
Life vest worn on a Korea
Life with former partner is strained we hear
Life work?
Life ___
Life's blueprint
Life's final destination? Three steps back from where it started in the first place
Life's founder
Life's occupation
Life's partner
Life's strange turns
Life's work
Life, for one
Life, in brief
Life, in short
Life, in the early days
Life, liberty and the pur
Life-altering people?: Ab
Life-changing statement
Life-force a bit reduced
Life-giving gas
Life-giving principles
Life-or-death matter: Abb
Life-or-death situation
Life-saving operations
Life-saving skill, for sh
Life-saving team
Life-support system
Lifeboat crane
Lifeboat hoist
Lifeboat item
Lifeboat lowerer
Lifeboat support
Lifeguard's equipment
Lifeguard's skill, for sh
Lifeguard's watch
Lifeguard, at times
Lifeguard, sometimes
Lifeguards wear them
Lifeguards' dangers
Lifeless ode, now rewritten
Lifeless spies touring Australia to the north
Lifeless, old-style
Lifeless? Exactly!
Lifeline site
Lifeline's location
Lifeline, maybe
Lifelong friend of Truman
Lifelong shoemaker, so devoted?
Lifer's beef?
Lifer's comment at the po
Lifer's dream
Lifers, e.g.
Lifesaver in 15 that's close to 8
Lifesaver shapes
Lifesaver, at times
Lifesaver, briefly
Lifesaver, e.g.
Lifesaver, of a sort
Lifesaver, say
Lifesavers of a kind
LifeSavers producer
Lifesavers, for short
Lifesavers, maybe: Abbr.
Lifesavers, say
Lifesaving equipment
Lifesaving team, for shor
Lifestyle devoted to pleasure
Lifetime occupation
Lifetime Oscar winner Kaz
Lift (a hat)
Lift (a heavy item)
Lift (up)
Lift - nick
Lift a car number plate, we hear, that’s finely balanced
Lift a lever to reset
Lift abruptly
Lift beams when speaking
Lift beams, did you say?
Lift beams, say
Lift bottom line up for an LBD, perhaps
Lift boy picked up
Lift card
Lift chemical in two quart bottle
Lift Democrat offensive
Lift firm books onto one shelf at the top
Lift first of immaculate white shrouds
Lift for two
Lift furrow to pinch vegetable
Lift handle?
Lift high
Lift in Aspen
Lift in holiday centre going the wrong way, uncle's head stuck in it
Lift innovator
Lift leg and put in the shade
Lift light beams that can be picked up
Lift near the ground
Lift off
Lift one's spirits?
Lift out of order eg in the hospital
Lift pal collapsing — into this?
Lift passages
Lift prince by the ears?
Lift prize cup of the highest quality
Lift provided by Wonderbra is excellent
Lift provider
Lift remains of drink
Lift rug running round European hotel
Lift sharply
Lift small duck
Lift starts to rattle after initially smooth elevation
Lift the spirits of
Lift to be arranged at end of dinner
Lift to get to ground level, according to announcement
Lift to reveal cracks
Lift untested driver, first item in Augusta taken by American golfer
Lift up
Lift up cobber's clobber
Lift up features, miss out to see sweet thing
Lift up posterior
Lift up some beams, you say?
Lift up, bundle over and crow
Lift veto Real violated
Lift weights
Lift with effort
Lift, and make straighter with the other hand
Lift, as ice cubes
Lift, of a sort
Lift, so to speak
Lift, tho’, is out of order
Lift, with power failing, to move slowly
Lift? Lug up is embraced by that
Lifted floor covering to catch variety of fowl
Lifted German's fruit loaf that's one pound lighter
Lifted off the launch pad
Lifted plump cheese to find crisp material
Lifted up
Lifted, so to speak
Lifter defending techniques?
Lifter's asset
Lifter's occupational haz
Lifter's rippler
Lifters count them
Lifting apparatus
Lifting barrel to find seed
Lifting cap, one means to punch peace-lovers
Lifting couch is exercise
Lifting device
Lifting devices hung from
Lifting equipment
Lifting hedger
Lifting machine
Lifting mechanism with rod carrying girder, ultimately
Lifting positions inspiring one exercise
Lifting tackle
Lifting toe on foot, hard for the old
Lifting tool
Lifting topless porcelain dish up
Lifting units
Lifting up
Liftoff preceder
Lifts nose to inhale, then drink
Lifts paper he's holding
Lifts up
Lifts upright
Lifts, in a way
Lifts, stateside
Ligature of vowels
Liger or tigon, say
Light (into)
Light a fire under
Light a master of sci-fi briefly recalled that seems familiar
Light aeroplane conveying unionist spokeswoman
Light afternoon meal
Light air
Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
Light anchor
Light anchor - real GNP
Light and delicate
Light and filmy
Light and fine in texture
Light and frothy
Light and open
Light and smooth note (fairly quiet)
Light and sweet, maybe
Light area
Light arrays
Light article probing origin of little-known seabird
Light artillery in retreat hold firm
Light as a feather
Light automatic rifle
Light automatic rifle - nice bra
Light bag stashed in string instrument
Light bark
Light beam
Light beams
Light beer
Light beer after a drop of pilsner
Light before fleet after heading for Longships
Light beige
Light bender
Light between red and green
Light biscuit
Light biscuits
Light bite
Light bites
Light blade
Light blow
Light blue
Light blue shades
Light bluish red
Light bluish-green - water
Light boat everyone observed in store
Light bracket formerly placed behind sack, oddly
Light breeze
Light brick
Light brown
Light brown - horse
Light brown - polish
Light brown colour
Light brown horse
Light brown mist swirling until one's lost
Light brown shade
Light brown spread
Light brown sugar
Light brown sweetener, originally from Guyana
Light brown vapour ultimately fatal
Light brush
Light bulb choice
Light bulb gas
Light bulb holders
Light bulb inventor
Light bulb inventor's ini
Light bulb over one's t
Light bulb power
Light bulb unit
Light bulb units
Light bulb wire
Light bulb's significatio
Light bulb, figuratively
Light bulb, in cartoons
Light cake
Light canvas shoe
Light canvas shoes
Light carriage
Light carriage a belter initially yet disintegrating in billions of bits
Light carriage with a fol
Light case
Light case that used to be magic?
Light cattle eating primarily dandelion leaves
Light cavalry soldier
Light cereal grass circled by insect
Light classical pieces
Light clear red
Light clear red colour
Light clear ringing sound
Light clobber found in clothes shop, once
Light close to central current unit
Light cloth covering for furniture
Light coastal wind
Light colour between red and green
Light colour for soot?
Light comedy with improbable boudoir antics
Light composition of Rice, incorp­orating classical composer
Light construction materi
Light controller
Light cooking pot for camping
Light cotton cloth
Light cotton fabric
Light cover
Light cover for furniture
Light creamy dessert
Light custard
Light dessert
Light dessert potentially following meat course's conclusion
Light detectors
Light discharge
Light dish
Light dish at a Halloween
Light dispersers
Light displayed in fort or chapel
Light dressing gown
Light drink around start of meal
Light drink taken outside at end of evening, enjoying posh tent holiday?
Light drinkers welcoming quiet holiday destinations
Light dullish brown – shy
Light earth tone
Light eater at the henhou
Light eater primarily tucking into cured meat
Light entertainment
Light entertainment here
Light evening meal
Light exercises
Light exercises designed for general fitness
Light exercises taken in by sailor
Light exercises to promote general fitness
Light fabric
Light fabric produced by commercial traveller in church
Light fabric with a crinkled surface
Light fabric; pancake
Light fall of snow
Light fawn colour
Light feminine sparkly material …
Light fencing sword
Light figure
Light figures?
Light fire, as an alternative to central heating, to raise temperature
Light fish
Light fitting in reach stupidly broken by Trotter
Light fixture
Light flat Italian bread
Light flickering from fine sparkly fabric
Light flux units
Light food outlet
Light for high winds
Light for tanning
Light form of lava
Light French red wine
Light from a halo
Light from a headlight
Light from a lantern, say
Light from a lightning bu
Light from above
Light from church beyond hill
Light from space enveloping second city on mountain
Light gas
Light gases
Light glancing touch
Light gold carriage
Light golden lager
Light green
Light green - old horse
Light green plums
Light greenish blue
Light greenish-blue
Light greeting ICU nurses on the way back
Light grey coloured
Light grey-brown colour
Light hair color
Light hammer part
Light hand stroke
Light hauler
Light haulers
Light head?
Light headed?
Light headwear?
Light heavy metal when amplifier's first unplugged
Light hit lover with force on head
Light horse-drawn carriag
Light horse-drawn carriage
Light horse-drawn carriage with four wheels - a homburg
Light hue
Light in a bad way
Light in a floodlight
Light in a light show
Light in colour
Light in night-time’s outside, operating
Light in the past - dieting worked
Light infantry gun soldiers returned to old magazine
Light Infantry in degrading defeat
Light infantryman's causes of athlete's foot?
Light into
Light is moving away from flower
Light Italian bread made with olive oil
Light kiss
Light lager
Light lava
Light left on before service
Light lifting device round channel navy used to hold tons
Light limiter
Light line
Light lunch
Light lunches
Light machine gun
Light manufacturer's union organiser
Light material?
Light meal
Light meal Penny had cooked
Light meals
Light measures
Light melody
Light metal
Light metal cooking pot used for camping
Light metal element
Light mixer
Light modifiers
Light motor cycle
Light motorcycle
Light muffin
Light Muscat or Chablis bottles
Light musical drama
Light musical seen back in latter epoch
Light musical work
Light narrow boat
Light note introduced to night-time service
Light of one's life
Light of the moon
Light on Broadway
Light on one's feet
Light on the set: Var.
Light on the stove
Light open lorry with low sides and a tailboard
Light open-toed shoe
Light opening?
Light opera’s intro one had satirised
Light or nectar?
Light oriental dish around noon, one without starter
Light overhead?
Light palm product
Light particle
Light particle is still radiation in the end
Light pastry
Light pastry; advert
Light perfume
Light piece of verse that facilitates communication
Light plane that's inclined to transport dignitary
Light planes
Light pop
Light problem detected inside old electronic device
Light provider
Light punch
Light purple
Light purplish red
Light pushchair
Light rabbit punch
Light ratio in astronomy
Light reader following case of eyestrain
Light reading?
Light red coating everyone initially applied to 4
Light red wine from south-east France
Light reddish-brown
Light reddish-yellow
Light reflection ratio
Light reflector
Light refractor
Light refrain
Light reversed in fleeting image
Light rhythms
Light rice pudding inspires composer
Light ring
Light rock songs
Light rope-soled shoe
Light rowing boat
Light sack carried in combat
Light sailboat at a hotel
Light sailing ship
Light savoury dish
Light science work by jerks
Light seat for two or more
Light seeker's question
Light seen in Kent orchard
Light seen when pastor joins church
Light semi-transparent fabric
Light service after track blocked by Ford-model car
Light shade
Light shade finally captured by artist
Light shade of red
Light shades
Light shoe
Light shoes
Light show
Light show failing to finish: private disappointment
Light sky, maybe
Light sledge
Light sleep
Light sleeper
Light smoke
Light snack
Light snow covers large crack
Light source
Light source attached to heel of glass slipper?
Light sparkling Italian red wine
Light spear
Light starts to leave all stars, every rotation
Light stuff
Light suit's outside garment
Light support of container in case carried by Richard
Light switch settings
Light switch surrounder
Light switcher?
Light sword
Light tan
Light tanker
Light tapping
Light texture's back in flesh
Light that is surrounding good egg
Light that oozes
Light that warns companion leaving compartment
Light that was painful got rid of snake
Light throw
Light timber
Light timber that’s a piece of cake to turn over?
Light toboggan
Light touch
Light touch applied to hem of madame's veil
Light touch from one X represents
Light touch shown by popular Australian in film
Light touches single part of painting
Light tune
Light TV fare
Light two-wheeled carriage
Light umbrella
Light umbrella to ward off the sun
Light unit
Light unit half finishes beneath chimney
Light up
Light up at a dance?
Light up in a bar
Light up with Scottish smoker during one row
Light upon
Light used in murky conditions
Light vehicle going around head of rare crustacean
Light vehicle that is full of listening devices?
Light warning bank's not opened
Light weaponry?
Light weight
Light white wine
Light wind
Light wind about to pass through English city
Light wind?
Light with enclosed flame
Light wood
Light wood, a thick piece turned over
Light work?
Light years away
Light yellow
Light yellowish green
Light yellowish-pink
Light, brittle biscuit
Light, flavourless, plucked bird
Light, happy tune
Light, in Lima
Light, insubstantial
Light, light touch provided with hesitation
Light, maybe
Light, new, lit up rental houses
Light, one-seated carriag
Light, porous volcanic rock
Light, refreshing tins of beer unopened
Light, rich sponge cakes
Light, say
Light, white wine
Light, wind-resistant car - human peril unlikely
Light, with "to"
Light-bearer’s container held back by former queen
Light-bending glass
Light-colored beer or the
Light-colored stogie
Light-coloured tie worn by large European
Light-emitting object containing charged particle is treated as a star
Light-feather filler?
Light-fingered folk
Light-fingered types with permission to interrupt meals
Light-fitting for tenant?
Light-headed - bewildered
Light-headed person?
Light-hearted entertainment
Light-hearted film genre
Light-hearted fun
Light-hearted pastime
Light-hearted pleasure
Light-hearted son having to bear constant struggles
Light-Horse Harry's surna
Light-Horse Harry, for on
Light-refracting crystal
Light-sensitive area at the back of the eyeball
Light-sensitive tissue fellow removed from fine art display
Light-show light
Light: Prefix
Light; cheerfulness
Lighted sign
Lighted sign above a door
Lighted sign in a theater
Lighted sign over a door
Lighted stacks
Lighten (up)
Lighten a line with float (not first time)
Lighten up?
Lighten, as a burden
Lightened (up)
Lightened one's billfold
Lightens up
Lighter alternative
Lighter and firm dip at the end of the day?
Lighter and pen maker
Lighter belt found in hole
Lighter brand
Lighter cargo
Lighter carpet in fact, yes terribly, and hard
Lighter charge
Lighter company
Lighter feature
Lighter fill
Lighter finished as fluid escaped
Lighter fuel
Lighter fuels
Lighter game
Lighter grip, one's loose
Lighter handle?
Lighter maker
Lighter of the Olympic fl
Lighter offense?
Lighter option
Lighter producer
Lighter to bump into
Lighter Wise partly obscured by old Morecambe's feature?
Lighter work around shopping centre, this person recalled
Lighter ___ air
Lighter-than-air aircraft
Lighter-than-air craft
Lightest alkali metal
Lightest element
Lightest gas
Lightest metallic element
Lightest of all elements
Lightheaded people?
Lighthouse light
Lighthouse locale
Lighthouse locales
Lighthouse location implied to be sodden yet?
Lighthouse overseers, three working in British navy, standing beside tree
Lighthouse site, maybe
Lighthouse sites
Lighting director's choic
Lighting director?
Lighting enthusiasts?
Lighting for short stay under canvas, deluxe style?
Lighting gas
Lighting jobs
Lighting of a torch
Lighting specialist, info
Lighting unit city placed behind walls of castle
Lightly and quickly, in m
Lightly apply
Lightly bite
Lightly box
Lightly brand
Lightly burn
Lightly burn hard resin shoes on the counter
Lightly coloured
Lightly cooked
Lightly cooked part missed in savoury dish
Lightly gutted and trimmed outrageous song
Lightly hit cold cheek
Lightly knock then violently corral vehicle with force
Lightly maul
Lightly moisten
Lightly pinch
Lightly sprayed
Lightly touch
Lightly touch on that woman's achievement first
Lightly touch queen's face
Lightly touches
Lightly wash back of cooker in quarters
Lightly-cooked part missed in savoury dish
Lightly-perfumed liquid
Lightman who wrote "Einst
Lightning Bolt
Lightning bolts, in Germa
Lightning catchers
Lightning flash
Lightning org.
Lightning power in Blitz
Lightning sound
Lightning-fast Bolt
Lights (into)
Lights bordering Eastern city
Lights by headland in countryside?
Lights finally low, central heating on, kiss and cuddle
Lights in HMP Slade out around one
Lights in the sky
Lights initially extinguished, music perhaps turned up for its performers?
Lights into
Lights on posts, perhaps
Lights out
Lights out, so to speak
Lights up
Lights, camera, ___
Lights, say, not working? Almost completely
Lights-out activity
Lightsaber wielder
Lightsaber-wielding hillb
Lightweight anorak
Lightweight antitank gun
Lightweight bullets
Lightweight compiler in trouble with a bunch of pedants
Lightweight cotton fabric
Lightweight crease-resistant synthetic fabric
Lightweight directors from company set it back
Lightweight garment
Lightweight hat
Lightweight hat — best on island
Lightweight helmet, in In
Lightweight latex with an air-filled structure
Lightweight road vehicles
Lightweight single-breasted jacket
Lightweight thermoplastic
Lightweight thermoplastic, used in packaging
Lightweight wood
Lightweight worker in goods packing?
Lightweight's hit below the belt, switching hands once?
Lignified – Toy Story hero
Ligurian capital
Ligurian Sea feeder
Liike a downpour
Likable general speaking after pressure to confess
Likable prez
Like "10," but not "9"
Like "Aida"
Like "American Beauty"
Like "be": Abbr.
Like "Beowulf," in brief
Like "Brokeback Mountain"
Like "chariot of fire" fo
Like "chow" vis-
Like "Cinema Paradiso"
Like "das" in Ger.
Like "Don Juan"
Like "E pluribus unum"
Like "el" or "le": Abbr.
Like "enow" or "erst"
Like "Frankenstein"
Like "fuzz" for "police"
Like "Goosebumps" stories
Like "Goosebumps" tales
Like "Green Acres"
Like "Have a nice day!"
Like "Have a nice day"
Like "hot-diggity"
Like "it"
Like "King Kong" and "Psy
Like "King Lear"
Like "la vida" in song
Like "Lady Chatterley's L
Like "Lawrence of Arabia"
Like "like," nowadays
Like "m" or "n," to lingu
Like "Macbeth"
Like "Mir
Like "O"
Like "Othello"
Like "Paradise Lost"
Like "Romeo and Juliet"
Like "scaloppine"
Like "see," in grammar: A
Like "sh" or "ch" sounds
Like "Shrek", e.g.
Like "Spring" from Vivald
Like "Star Wars"
Like "Survivor" councils
Like "The Bonfire of the
Like "The Godfather"
Like "The Twilight Zone"
Like "The X-Files"
Like "The Zoo Story," e.g
Like "to be": Abbr.
Like "Toy Story", e.g.
Like "waitperson"
Like "War and Peace"
Like "Water Music"?
Like “Hook”, say, pronounce the H
Like 'La Mer', including A sharp
Like 007
Like 007’s work, until SPECTRE crumbled
Like 007's martinis
Like 1, 3 or 7
Like 1, 3, 5, 7 ...
Like 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.
Like 1, but not I
Like 1, not I
Like 1,001 nights
Like 1/5 by British author local was first to describe - awful lot of shit!
Like 10 and 27, not all recurring
Like 10, but not X
Like 10-watt bulbs
Like 100, but not 99 or 1
Like 101 courses
Like 101, to 102?
Like 11 once were, where it's 11 v 11
Like 11's visionary feature of colonnade?
Like 12, passed as fair
Like 12-hour clocks
Like 16 vis-
Like 1950's recordings
Like 1990's NATO expansio
Like 20-, 25- and 43-Acro
Like 2018 but not 2017
Like 24-karat gold
Like 3 down or like 1 and 9
Like 3, 13 and 17, in first of poems by Frost
Like 30% of the world's l
Like 36 piano keys
Like 5:00 or 6:00 a.m., s
Like 5D, kept in suspense by one born the same day?
Like 60
Like 60% of the world's p
Like 70's fashion, now
Like 9 across
Like 90, compared to 85
Like 911: Abbr.
Like a "M*A*S*H" characte
Like a "Ripley's Believe
Like a $6 return on a $2
Like a 10
Like a 17 in light snowfall, when left out
Like a 1943 copper penny
Like a 22 Across
Like a 3-4-5 triangle
Like a 4-4 score
Like a 45
Like a 500-pounder
Like a 911 call: Abbr.
Like a B'way hit
Like a baby in a highchai
Like a baby with dimples,
Like a baby's bottom, oft
Like a bad apple
Like a bad dirt road
Like a bad spray-on tan
Like a bagel
Like a baguette
Like a bairn
Like a ball retrieved by
Like a ballerina
Like a ballerina's body
Like a band of Amazons
Like a bare floor
Like a baseball pitch
Like a basset
Like a basset hound
Like a bath? Some of day’s dust to be lifted
Like a beach
Like a beanpole
Like a beat cop
Like a beautiful night sk
Like a beauty queen
Like a beaver
Like a beer? Nothing left for adult, mildly drunk
Like a bell
Like a Bentley that's rea
Like a beret, usually
Like a best friend
Like a bialy
Like a big brother
Like a big cat
Like a big cat, one injured in row
Like a big grin
Like a bike chain, usuall
Like a billiard table cus
Like a billionaire's pock
Like a billionaires' club member, author reportedly has already joined?
Like a bird
Like a bird at the back
Like a birdie
Like a bishop's authority
Like a black hole
Like a blackboard eraser
Like a blind spot?
Like a bloodhound
Like a blue rose
Like a blue state
Like a bluff
Like a bobcat vis-
Like a body in Newton's f
Like a body temperature o
Like a bodybuilder
Like a bog
Like a bogey
Like a bogey or double bo
Like a bond you can buy w
Like a bone from the elbo
Like a bone? Please help yourself
Like a bookie joint, mayb
Like a boomerang
Like a boxer before a bou
Like a boxer ready to fight again, getting support
Like a boy desiring his mother
Like a boy left with his dad unusually
Like a brainiac
Like a brand-new fountain
Like a brawny kegler's ba
Like a breadmaker's hands
Like a break-in at a burg
Like a brig
Like a brigadier general
Like a bright night
Like a British sovereign
Like a broader smile from son that is held in acclaim
Like a brogue
Like a bubble bath
Like a bucket in an old s
Like a bucket of bolts
Like a bug in a rug
Like a bug in a rug, acco
Like a Buick, say, unable to go much further?
Like a bully
Like a bump on a log
Like a bump on ___
Like a bunch
Like a bungee cord
Like a Burns acquaintance
Like a Burnsian mouse
Like a busy freighter, taking line to port
Like a busybody
Like a butterfingers
Like a buttinsky
Like a button
Like a bygone empire
Like a candidate for hair
Like a candle
Like a candle night after
Like a candle's base
Like a candlelight dinner
Like a Car and Driver car
Like a car with 20,000 mi
Like a careworn face
Like a carpet
Like a Carreras concert
Like a cat burglar
Like a cat going in to occupy shelter
Like a cat playing in cat
Like a cat's existence?
Like a cat, black and suffering from fleas?
Like a catchy tune Mike included in album he composed
Like a celebrity
Like a centenarian
Like a cereal plant, perhaps, from south-west England
Like a certain attraction
Like a certain avis
Like a certain band
Like a certain baroness, attacks witches hanging around with baron
Like a certain birthstone
Like a certain complex
Like a certain computer n
Like a certain court
Like a certain evil
Like a certain football k
Like a certain govt.
Like a certain key: Abbr.
Like a certain musical sc
Like a certain number
Like a certain number sys
Like a certain one in lin
Like a certain order
Like a certain power
Like a certain route
Like a certain sax
Like a certain side
Like a certain unpopular
Like a certain vein
Like a champion bodybuild
Like a chevron
Like a child's drawing of
Like a chimney sweep
Like a Chippendales dance
Like a chunky person's be
Like a churl
Like a cigar bar
Like a classical Greek th
Like a clear night sky
Like a clear sky
Like a clear-cut area
Like a clock that has han
Like a clock with hands
Like a close neighbor
Like a close shave, or in need of one
Like a close-knit and unfriendly group
Like a cloudless night
Like a clover leaf
Like a club, maybe
Like a cob
Like a coffee made with low-fat milk?
Like a coincidence that r
Like a cold fish
Like a cold seat on the gravy train?
Like a cold shower?
Like a combination lock
Like a complex king’s gem worn by English princess?
Like a compliant cat
Like a computer icon
Like a computer, is something that can be stimulating
Like a con artist's busin
Like a cool cat
Like a corkscrew
Like a cotton farm, e.g.
Like a couch potato
Like a courageous underdog, say
Like a cowardy custard?
Like a coxcomb
Like a crone
Like a cross country runner's home on Channel Islands housing police once
Like a crossword
Like a crow
Like a crow or lark
Like a crucifix
Like a cucumber?
Like a cup, Mr, of icy lacquer? Some sent back
Like a D-
Like a D. W. Griffith fil
Like a Dagwood sandwich
Like a Dali watch
Like a damp cellar
Like a day-old baguette
Like a dead parrot?
Like a Dean Koontz novel
Like a decal
Like a defendant
Like a defense contractor
Like a deficient cellist maybe, carrying on regardless
Like a delta
Like a depth finder
Like a desert
Like a designated driver
Like a despot, typically
Like a diamond
Like a difficult order
Like a dime
Like a dire situation
Like a disappointing golf
Like a doctor's patients
Like a dog
Like a door after a raid
Like a double-decker chec
Like a dove
Like a dragon
Like a drain after a drai
Like a dream
Like a drink and place for serving food by river
Like a drone
Like a drop of paint beginning to brighten foyer
Like a dropout
Like a dryer trap
Like a duck it rises, cutting a duck's cry short
Like a dust bowl
Like a ewer
Like a failure
Like a fair ball as oppos
Like a family man
Like a family with no right to be joyful
Like a famous orator
Like a farm
Like a fashionista
Like a fast driver
Like a fateful day, providing incidental messages
Like a feather
Like a FedEx package
Like a fedora crown
Like a fianc
Like a fiddle
Like a fiddle?
Like a fig
Like a fireplace
Like a first draft
Like a first-place ribbon
Like a first-time tournam
Like a fish eating object with derision
Like a flan
Like a flea-market Gucci,
Like a fleabag
Like a fleece
Like a flu sufferer, ofte
Like a fly reel
Like a foil
Like a folk tale
Like a fop
Like a foreboding sky
Like a form of journalism exposing malpractice
Like a form of navigation
Like a former 97-pound we
Like a foundling
Like a four-leaf clover
Like a fox
Like a fox - liven up
Like a foxglove
Like a frame of snooker?
Like a free agent
Like a friar's food
Like a Friday crossword
Like a fridge decoration
Like a fruitcake, only more so
Like a fry-up — grand, right and simple
Like a fry-up?
Like a fuzzy computer ima
Like a G.I. peeling spuds
Like a galley
Like a game heading into
Like a game in which batt
Like a game overtime
Like a gardener's pants
Like a gargoyle
Like a gas gauge just bef
Like a gateway, often
Like a gemologist's drink
Like a ghost ship
Like a ghost's howling
Like a ghostwriter
Like a gift for the listener, spellbound
Like a gin fizz
Like a god
Like a golf ball
Like a golf ball in the r
Like a good argument
Like a good bond
Like a good building deve
Like a good cake
Like a good candidate? Let a celeb get involved
Like a good day for a pic
Like a good deal for both
Like a good debater's arg
Like a good dog in spring, I daren't go barking
Like a good egg
Like a good golf score
Like a good guard
Like a good listener
Like a good looker
Like a good lounge chair
Like a good mixer
Like a good poker player's bad handwriting?
Like a good singer
Like a good speaking voic
Like a good subject
Like a good-sized woods,
Like a good-sounding pian
Like a goose? Wife leaves reply in English
Like a gossip column
Like a Gothic arch
Like a Granny Smith apple
Like a great deal
Like a great stylist Puritans love madly
Like a greenhorn
Like a grenade reaching a
Like a gridiron
Like a grove
Like a guardian
Like a gull
Like a gymnast
Like a habanero pepper
Like a Hail Mary pass
Like a hair shirt
Like a hair shirt? Remove yours at the outset
Like a harvest moon
Like a haunted house
Like a have-not
Like a he-man
Like a heap
Like a hermit
Like a highway
Like a hippie's hair
Like a hit B'way show
Like a hit show
Like a home that's no ris
Like a home, often, befor
Like a horror flick
Like a horror movie
Like a horse or lion
Like a horseshoe
Like a hot club, informal
Like a hottie
Like a hound
Like a house that's of in
Like a house ___
Like a housecat's no-no?
Like a humbug?
Like a hundredth and rising?
Like a hunk
Like a husband or wife being spoilt, one gathered
Like a imaginary line about which a body rotates
Like a jack-o'-lantern
Like a Jaguar or Miata
Like a jam
Like a Jekyll/Hyde person
Like a jiggermast
Like a judge in his garb, swapping sides
Like a judge with robes in disarray
Like a junker's engine
Like a junkyard car
Like a kangaroo court
Like a keeper of confiden
Like a kid at the circus
Like a kid with spin cont
Like a kindly uncle
Like a king
Like a King novel: Var.
Like a lace collar, maybe
Like a lamb
Like a lamb?
Like a landowner
Like a later draft, presu
Like a latte? Kind Knut's round!
Like a lavish meal, but with no starter to relish
Like a lawn at dawn
Like a lazy, indolent slacker, say, given no slack over branch of philosophy
Like a leading wind
Like a lecher
Like a legal pad
Like a lemon
Like a leopard
Like a liberal arts educa
Like a Liberty gold coin
Like a lime
Like a line
Like a line, briefly
Like a line, in brief
Like a line, in math
Like a lion
Like a lion or horse
Like a lion's coat
Like a literary Dodger
Like a literary prince
Like a little old lady in
Like a lizard
Like a lizard's skin
Like a load
Like a lobster
Like a locked lavatory
Like a London jurist
Like a long journey, taking days, eons, possibly
Like a long journey? Yes, and so must get moving
Like a loo to be luxurious?
Like a lord or lady
Like a lot
Like a lot of Australia
Like a lot of cathedrals and mosques? Tour southern Europe and North Africa, perhaps
Like a lot of nostalgia, become fixed in memory by degrees, initially
Like a lot, maybe
Like a lout
Like a love letter
Like a lover, visibly embarrassed after fuss
Like a lozenge doctor introduced to stricken choir
Like a lump fish? It's OK
Like a luxury car
Like a M
Like a mai tai
Like a major artery
Like a malfeasant, often
Like a mama's boy?
Like a man from Spain, but without his fear
Like a man's overheard secret
Like a man, agreed to block the French in error
Like a mandolin
Like a manly man
Like a mansard roof
Like a mansion said to be damp and unhealthy
Like a maple leaf
Like a march or an arch?
Like a March wind
Like a maverick
Like a maxim
Like a McJob
Like a mean dog
Like a mechanic's hands
Like a medusa
Like a Mel Brooks movie
Like a melody
Like a melon
Like a member of the fold
Like a member of the military?
Like a member of the U.S.
Like a mensch
Like a message in a bottl
Like a Miata
Like a mild earthquake, m
Like a milquetoast
Like a mirror
Like a mirror image: Abbr
Like a mite
Like a monkey’s mistake — a blessing being captured
Like a monster
Like a moonscape
Like a moonstone
Like a morning meadow
Like a mountain goat
Like a Mountie
Like a mouse's cry
Like a movie, to a critic
Like a mud puddle
Like a mule
Like a multipurpose tool,
Like a Muscovite at 5 p.m
Like a native
Like a neat yard
Like a neck twisted sideways
Like a neglected lawn
Like a nerd
Like a net
Like a new dollar bill
Like a new parent
Like a new recruit
Like a New York/Los Angel
Like a news bulletin
Like a next-door neighbor
Like a no-hitter
Like a nobleman’s double, taking in Commons at first
Like a Nosy Parker
Like a nudnik
Like a number commonly seen having a coffee
Like a nun in church - able to get involved with it
Like a nun, possibly, knowing about revised rites
Like a paddle steamer is, on reflection: with drops of water by hind part
Like a pageant winner
Like a pain, one our logic always ignores over admitting answer
Like a painter
Like a painter's smock
Like a palooka
Like a pancake
Like a pancake?
Like a par 5 hole vis-
Like a paradise
Like a paramecium
Like a parent who can't b
Like a pariah
Like a parrot
Like a passenger pigeon?
Like a patchwork quilt
Like a peer heading off to cover old Queen in disgrace
Like a penis
Like a perfect game
Like a person who has fal
Like a petty officer: Abb
Like a photon
Like a pickle?
Like a pickpocket's finge
Like a picnic
Like a pie chart
Like a piece of paper that could express a finely balanced argument?
Like a pig in a pen
Like a pig; beastly
Like a pinup
Like a pipe or hose
Like a pitcher's dream ga
Like a pitcher's perfect
Like a pittance
Like a planetary orbit
Like a plant in difficulty - spots show this
Like a platform diver's d
Like a platypus?
Like a Playboy Playmate
Like a Playmate
Like a Playmate of the Mo
Like a pleasant aroma
Like a plum pudding
Like a poison pen letter?
Like a polo shirt
Like a pomegranate
Like a pool table, ideall
Like a poor tennis player
Like a poorly mixed recor
Like a pop fly
Like a pope, old-style
Like a popular Beethoven
Like a portion of some pe
Like a post-fender-bender
Like a postscript
Like a pothook
Like a prefall Humpty Dum
Like a pregnancy
Like a prison window
Like a prisoner as part of a team
Like a prize-winning witc
Like a professional hairc
Like a professor, possibly merited no end of acclaim around university?
Like a prom
Like a proper rescuee
Like a prophet travelling once around Rome, say
Like a proverbial 10
Like a pub where all the hard liquor's been drunk down
Like a punished G.I., per
Like a quark
Like a quidnunc
Like a rabbit's foot or f
Like a rabbit's foot, sup
Like a rabbit, say, albeit modified in corporeal form
Like a rainbow
Like a raptor’s beak
Like a rare baseball game
Like a rare game
Like a raspberry bush ste
Like a rat in ___
Like a rat's eyes
Like a ravine
Like a really big shoe
Like a really good game f
Like a recluse
Like a record
Like a recording, almost freely available
Like a relative notified
Like a relatively minor f
Like a requiem
Like a retentive memory
Like a revealing skirt, m
Like a river bottom
Like a road in a Frost po
Like a robin's egg
Like a roc
Like a rock
Like a rogue child invading a railway
Like a Rolek watch
Like a Roman Catholic bull?
Like a romantic dinner
Like a romantic evening,
Like a Romeo's adventures
Like a roofer's drinks?
Like a rowboat that's adr
Like a rowing boat?
Like a saber
Like a sad sack
Like a samaritan's help
Like a sarong
Like a sauna room
Like a saw's edge
Like a score of 10 for 10
Like a score of 10 of a p
Like a score of 10 out of
Like a score of ten from perfect substitute
Like a Scottish young 'un
Like a serape
Like a series finale?
Like a setter in the doghouse?
Like a seven-footer
Like a shake roof
Like a sheep
Like a sheepdog
Like a sheer nightie
Like a shellfish, might you say, sticky and damp?
Like a shepherd's charges
Like a shepherd's staff
Like a shoe
Like a shoppe
Like a shot that’s one foot off
Like a showstopper
Like a shyster, often
Like a sidebar
Like a simple tune? Wrong actor
Like a siren copper turned up, entering drug cutting area
Like a six-footer
Like a skeleton
Like a ski-run? Work in transport in winter
Like a skinny-dipper
Like a skunk
Like a sleeping bag
Like a sleeping bag or a
Like a slickster
Like a slingshot
Like a sloe
Like a sloping typeface
Like a slow watch
Like a slug
Like a small egg
Like a small farm, perhap
Like a small swelling
Like a smoker
Like a snail
Like a snake
Like a snake-oil salesman
Like a snake? Traveller hit it, reversing
Like a snap
Like a snap decision
Like a snicker
Like a snob
Like a snood, commonly
Like a social structure expected to return in autumn? Not entirely
Like a solar event
Like a solid argument
Like a sombrero's brim
Like a song from Cambridge before I left half out
Like a song of lament
Like a song? Stick around bass in the end
Like a soprano being pretentious?
Like a sort of play that could make critic go mad almost
Like a sound argument
Like a sour-tasting wine?
Like a space cadet
Like a span of oxen
Like a spit over a fire
Like a stadium after a ho
Like a stadium crowd
Like a star in last rally
Like a starless sky
Like a Stephen King novel
Like a stereotypical begg
Like a stereotypically ba
Like a stick-in-the-mud
Like a stomach after an a
Like a story that can't b
Like a straphanger
Like a strawberry roan's
Like a streaker
Like a street urchin
Like a street urchin, typ
Like a stressful job?
Like a string bean
Like a stuffed shirt
Like a stumblebum
Like a stumped puzzle sol
Like a style of painting
Like a successful dieter'
Like a successful maratho
Like a suit with a vest
Like a summer event: begin with song
Like a sumo wrestler
Like a sunken treasure?
Like a sunset
Like a sunset at the end
Like a superlatively snea
Like a surrender flag
Like a sweep's uniform
Like a sweetheart
Like a swift and spectacu
Like a swinging pendulum,
Like a symbol
Like a system of scientif
Like a system with equal
Like a t
Like a table in the chemistry lab?
Like a tack
Like a tanager
Like a tapering object
Like a taxi
Like a taxidermist's work
Like a teacher, used role-play at one college
Like a team that's ahead
Like a teddy bear
Like a televangelist's sh
Like a tepee
Like a test with a proper
Like a Thanksgiving turke
Like a third hand
Like a Thomas Gray work
Like a Three Stooges rout
Like a three-card monte p
Like a three-dollar bill
Like a tie game in overti
Like a tie, or like some underwear?
Like a tight garment for Spooner, being deceptive
Like a toggle switch
Like a total solar eclips
Like a towelette
Like a trailer behind a c
Like a trampoline's surfa
Like a transient's qtrs.,
Like a tree - or arable
Like a tree? Dog may have
Like a triathlete
Like a trident
Like a trim lawn
Like a Triple Crown winne
Like a trireme
Like a trombone slide
Like a troublemaker
Like a tumbler?
Like a tundra
Like a turkey's wattle
Like a Turkish bath
Like a twice-used cigar
Like a type of dome
Like a type of music exam taken after church
Like a universal donor's
Like a used barbecue pit
Like a useless photo lab
Like a vampire's victims
Like a vaudevillian villa
Like a venerated image
Like a Venetian blind?
Like a versatile wardrobe
Like a very hard stone
Like a very rare day in h
Like a very small bit of mosaic, but cast
Like a victim of calumny
Like a villain
Like a violent hooligan
Like a violet leaf
Like a virgin?
Like a visit from Benedic
Like a volcano
Like a wagon trail
Like a wailing cat
Like a wake
Like a wake-up time on an
Like a walk in the park?
Like a wallflower
Like a walrus
Like a waltz
Like a warm bed on a wint
Like a warm-up exercise,
Like a wasteland
Like a wave
Like a wayward G.I.
Like a weather-worn face
Like a wedding cake set before husband, finally
Like a well-grounded argu
Like a well-kept lawn
Like a well-maintained la
Like a wet blanket
Like a wet hen
Like a wet Nerf ball
Like a wet noodle
Like a whiny voice
Like a whip?
Like a white Bengal tiger
Like a white rat
Like a wicker basket
Like a wild animal
Like a wild horse?
Like a William Safire pie
Like a win-win situation
Like a windbag
Like a windmill
Like a Windsor tie
Like a winter wind
Like a winter wonderland
Like a wisecrack
Like a wolf bearing a flower on top
Like a woodland
Like a wool supplier
Like a word, however Balzac uses it
Like a worker bee
Like a worm?
Like a worn tire
Like a worst-case scenari
Like a wuss
Like a yahoo
Like a yak's coat
Like a yellow banana
Like a yellow polka dot b
Like a yenta
Like a young male
Like a zombie?
Like a ___ bricks
Like AB negative, of all
Like Abe
Like Abe Lincoln, physiol
Like Abner
Like about 13% of America
Like about 20% of the wor
Like about 25% of legal U
Like about half of a team
Like acacia leaves
Like adobe
Like air I’m cold when blown with energy
Like air in wrong end of house
Like Alban Berg's music
Like Albany and Chicago
Like Albany or Chicago
Like alcohol that's unfit
Like Ali as heavyweight c
Like Ali Baba, at first
Like all new deliveries?
Like all primes but one
like all the letters in t
Like almanac data
Like almonds in many reci
Like almost all TV shows
Like alumni magazines
Like American ruler with no need of government
Like American's money for half an Everest expedition?
Like an "eeny meeny, mine
Like an "eh," maybe
Like an academic discourteous about computers etc? See about that
Like an acrobat
Like an acrobat's limbs
Like an action replay of constipation?
Like an addict that's called to get dark beer brought round
Like an Afro
Like an air-filled lifebo
Like an alias
Like an amazing return on
Like an ambiguous compliment?
Like an anathema
Like an ancient empire
Like an angel
Like an angry Mao Zedong?
Like an animal...
Like an anode: Abbr.
Like an anorak?
Like an apartment with ne
Like an ape or monkey
Like an archaeological excavation
Like an arduous battle
Like an aristocrat
Like an aristocrat perhaps to be in plenty of time?
Like an army unit get manlier when freshly deployed
Like an ass
Like an astronaut's drink
Like an athlete now running with sudden passion
Like an atrium
Like an attractive apartm
Like an attractive view
Like an automaton
Like an eagle
Like an eagle's vision
Like an early-evening sky
Like an easy job? Copper’s retiring
Like an eclair
Like an eddy
Like an egg from duck, empty
Like an egg, but an egg with nothing inside
Like an egocentric's atti
Like an emperor, note, one Iran scrapped
Like an empty ship at sea
Like an encyclopedist
Like an endless rock and roll performance?
Like an Englishman in the
Like an escapee
Like an estate that a fat
Like an excellent game fo
Like an exclusive community near Germany
Like an expensive car? That's a relief
Like an expired parking m
Like an extradition trans
Like an eyeball
Like an eyesore
Like an idol
Like an inaugural ball
Like an infant agewise
Like an inner tube, geome
Like an inscribed pillar
Like an Interstate
Like an inveterate procra
Like an item obtained returning three rocks
Like an ivory-billed wood
Like an N.B.A. center
Like an N.B.A. team
Like an oboe's sound
Like an octopus's defense
Like an offer that's unde
Like an old Andean empire
Like an old apartment
Like an old bucket of son
Like an old cigar
Like an old empire of 24-
Like an old English coin
Like an old Greek place to get a soft drink
Like an old hand
Like an old joke
Like an old oak tree
Like an old pay telephone
Like an old record
Like an omelet
Like an omelette?
Like an omelette? For starters, extremely good Greek yoghurt
Like an Oompa-Loompa's house
Like an open field, not sold illegally?
Like an oracle
Like an oversized magazin
Like an owl's eyes
Like an oxeye window
Like an SST
Like an unborn baby's pos
Like an uncle
Like an undistinguished h
Like an unfiltered cigare
Like an unfortunate torer
Like an unhelpful explana
Like an unlucky thief
Like an untended garden
Like anchors
Like ancient Greek or Roman art
Like angel food cake
Like angels we have heard
Like angry bulls
Like animals in a zoo
Like Anna's students
Like anteaters and armadillos, say, heading off to back garden?
Like anthems
Like antiques
Like antiques at an aucti
Like any channel between
Like any of seven Nolan R
Like any points on a circ
Like apparel donned in a
Like appeals close to umpire
Like apple pie, in a sayi
Like apples and oranges
Like apples in pies
Like apples, say, during
Like appreciative fans
Like April weather
Like aprons, at times
Like arabesques
Like arcade games
Like Arcadia's inhabitant
Like Archie Bunker's humo
Like Arctic fish that wriggles in lock
Like arctic winters
Like Argus
Like arms of female, 100, going round supermarket
Like Arnold Schoenberg's
Like arroyo areas
Like article by coach in knitted top
Like articles and blood
Like arugula's flavor
Like ashes
Like Asia's reaches
Like associates, on some
Like Atahualpa
Like Atalanta
Like athlete left with extremely skimpy clothing
Like atlas, unfortunately omitting one great feature of Utah
Like atmospheric science; a clear igloo (anagram)
Like atomic hydrogen
Like atomic weapons
Like atriums
Like Audubon's interests
Like Australia's Outback
Like Australia's western
Like auto shop floors
Like avaunt and prithee:
Like average folks, in Br
Like avocado skins
Like awards shows, typica
Like awful mud
Like baboons' eyes
Like Baby Bear's porridge
Like Bacardi but could go after gin here
Like Bach's "Magnificat"
Like Bach's second violin
Like Bach's Sonata No. 3
Like Bach's Sonata No. 3
Like Bach's Violin Sonata
Like bachelor parties
Like backwater
Like Bacon and Lamb: Abbr
Like Bacon or Lamb: Abbr.
Like bad bruises
Like bad coffee?
Like bad inflation
Like bad losers
Like badly worn tires
Like badly-synced dialogue offstage?
Like bagpipes
Like ballerinas
Like balls leaders of Greater London Labour spun
Like bananas Foster
Like bar codes
Like bar mitzvahs
Like Bar-Ilan University
Like barbecue sauce
Like Bart Simpson's hair
Like base 8
Like baseball cards
Like baseball shoes
Like basic engineering
Like basil leaves
Like bath beads, typicall
Like bathrooms maybe, enamel originally, executive used in northeast
Like batik fabrics
Like Batman
Like Batman and Robin
Like Batman, the Lone Ran
Like bats
Like battle stations
Like beaches
Like beachgoers vis-
Like beards, but mostly wary of speaking up?
Like beasts of burden
Like beautiful countryside
Like beauty of elaborate pine desk
Like beauty pageant participants, for instance, that woman had put outside
Like Beckett's "Endgame"
Like bed that might collapse with abnormal weight of a lady
Like Bedouins
Like beds, again and agai
Like beds, at times
Like beech leaves
Like beer
Like beer at a bar
Like bees and ants
Like Beethoven
Like Beethoven's "Kreutze
Like Beethoven's "Pastora
Like Beethoven's Seventh
Like Beethoven's Sixth
Like Beethoven's Sixth Sy
Like Beethoven's Sonata N
Like Beethoven's Symphony
Like beggars' hands
Like being in British Isles, in principle
Like Bel Paese cheese
Like bell-bottoms
Like bell-bottoms or go-g
Like bell-bottoms [Jeep]
Like bell-bottoms, nowada
Like bellwethers
Like belly-dancing
Like bending over backwar
Like Benedict Arnold, for some!
Like Benny Goodman's musi
Like benzene
Like Berg's "Violin Conce
Like Berg's "Wozzeck"
Like best
Like best buds
Like best friends
Like Betamax
Like better
Like Betty Boop
Like big cat, one injured in row?
Like big creature and not small one, with tail raised
Like big dark space with a cover, sun being obscured
Like Bigfoot
Like bighorns
Like Bill Clinton or Jimm
Like Bill O'Reilly's "zon
Like Bill, Ben, Tom, Dick, Harry and me?
Like bird flu, originally
Like bird with greyish appearance
Like birds initially imported in a commercial vehicle
Like birds of prey
Like birds, they fare badly
Like black humor
Like black piano keys
Like black/white issues
Like Blavatsky's society
Like blocking shots by old Spanish maestro
Like bloody tissue, rank one in bog
Like blue chip stocks
Like blue humor
Like blue movies
Like blue-chip stocks
Like blue-ribbon-winning
Like Bo Peep's sheep
Like Bo-Peep's charges
Like Bo-Peep's herd
Like Bob Dylan in this melody?
Like Bob Dylan's voice
Like bogs
Like bok choy
Like Bollywood films
Like bonds
Like bonds and movies
Like bons mots
Like bonuses
Like bookie joints, somet
Like books
Like boot camp vis-
Like booty
Like borrowed money
Like Botox injections?
Like Botticelli's Venus
Like bottles of beer
Like bottles with S O S m
Like Brahma, Vishnu and S
Like Brahmins in the cast
Like Brahms's "Rain Sonat
Like Brahms's Piano Trio
Like Brahms's Symphony No
Like brains
Like Brando's Godfather
Like Brazil? Unhinged!
Like bread — inferior, by the sound of it
Like bread dough
Like bread dough or beer
Like bread in the Lord's
Like brides and grooms, t
Like Brie
Like brilliantly colored
Like brioche
Like Britain
Like Britain's Private Ey
Like British bishops
Like broken things
Like bronze or tin
Like Bruckner's Symphony
Like bruises
Like brutal tactics
Like Brutus
Like bubble gum and quest
Like buccaneer briefly left below island hoping to make it
Like Buckingham Palace
Like Buddy Holly's glasse
Like budget amts.
Like bueno but not buena:
Like buffet restaurants
Like buildings of interest, e.g. the Pisa tower?
Like Burns's "schemes o'
Like Burns's "tim'rous be
Like Burns's tim'rous bea
Like burnt remains
Like burnt residue
Like bush pigs and guinea
Like bustards and buzzard
Like but not identical
Like butter
Like butterfly wings
Like C-rated bonds
Like C.I.A. operations
Like cabs on a rainy day
Like cacti
Like Cain
Like California, to a Haw
Like calling a woman a "c
Like calliope music
Like camel's hair
Like cancan dancers
Like Candida entertaining girl
Like candles
Like canine amputee in yard?
Like cannibalism, e.g.
Like capital letters in m
Like car radios
Like cardinals
Like caresses
Like Carnaby Street fashi
Like Carnegie Hall
Like carpet
Like carrots that crunch
Like Carter's presidency
Like cartoon "Melodies"
Like cases on "The X-File
Like Casey Kasem, ethnica
Like cast's second attempt for the audience
Like cats, once
Like cattle on the range
Like cedarwood or cigar s
Like celebrity, observed to end badly
Like celestial bodies exh
Like Celsius
Like centenarians
Like centurions, typicall
Like certain angles or accents
Like certain atoms in air probed by a learner after university
Like certain attacks
Like certain battery term
Like certain Canadian pro
Like certain cereals
Like certain complaints from Frenchman, back cutting meat
Like certain dentures
Like certain elections
Like certain endorsements
Like certain engineers: A
Like certain exercises with a crashing bore in charge
Like certain images, being rude in a way
Like certain investments
Like certain items laid out, initially useless
Like certain math operati
Like certain opportunitie
Like certain poems only declaimed in Cambridge originally
Like certain profs.
Like certain seals
Like certain shark fins
Like certain sisters said 'fruit'
Like certain sums
Like certain talk shows
Like chalk in water
Like champagne bubbles
Like champion sacrificing bishop left on table?
Like changes round pub - they work on the surface
Like Chaplin's walk
Like character actors
Like charities for 6, possibly, supported by royal
Like Charles Kuralt, pere
Like Charlie Chan
Like Charlie Chaplin
Like Charlie Parker's sax
Like cheap lipstick
Like cheddar cheese on a
Like Cheech & Chong, typi
Like Cheerios
Like Chekhov's "The Cherr
Like chestnuts
Like Chianti
Like chicken fingers
Like child at show, past caring at the end
Like child labor
Like child making busy mum irate?
Like child's play
Like children lined up around worker?
Like chili peppers?
Like chiming timing
Like chimpanzees
Like Chinese pepper steak
Like Chinese, as a langua
Like Chippendale furnitur
Like chips that have been
Like chips?
Like chocolate-chocolate
Like chop-shop vehicles
Like Chopin
Like Chopin's "Tristesse"
Like Chopin's Scherzo (Op
Like chopsticks
Like Christmas in Madrid?
Like chrome hubcaps
Like chromosomes
Like chronic injuries
Like CID drug incident under investigation
Like Cinderella's slipper
Like circus elephants
Like citric acid and lact
Like city traffic, often
Like Clark Kent's manner
Like clay molded by drumm
Like clayware
Like clich
Like Clifford Odets's "Wa
Like cliffs
Like clocks with hands
Like clogs
Like clothes at the laund
Like clothing with a bit of extension, suitable for growth
Like clots, botch it badly when touring most of Italian city
Like clown faces
Like Clydesdales
Like coaches often, with a certain animal magnetism?
Like coat securely put on, or pulled off
Like coated fabrics
Like cobwebs
Like coins in a pocket, m
Like cold cases for which
Like college aptitude tes
Like collision avoidance
Like Cologne and environs
Like columns to be representative, not conservative
Like comic Hilda's female act
Like commando raids
Like common people in Bristol entering without guidance
Like community property
Like competitors in a close race
Like composer Niccol
Like composition paper
Like computer programmers
Like computers, robots, etc
Like conditions in the Kalahari desert
Like Congress
Like Conservative to overturn place for meetings
Like contracts
Like controversial issues
Like controversial verses as written about a function
Like cooked corn
Like cooked oatmeal
Like Coolidge's utterance
Like corduroy
Like cormorant? Not well groomed
Like corn bread
Like corn dogs
Like corn flakes sitting
Like cornerstones
Like cornrows
Like cornstalks
Like cornstalks after abo
Like correctional facilit
Like corsets
Like Corvettes and Mustan
Like cotton candy
Like couch potatoes
Like Count Basie's "darli
Like couple in song, endlessly? Strong point
Like court dress, perhaps, appropriate to a man? Not entirely
Like court testimony
Like court, or something happening there
Like Cousteau's work
Like cows before slaughte
Like cows, to Hindus
Like crab apples
Like craft capsizing on lake belonging to star
Like craft shows
Like cranberries
Like Crater Lake
Like crayons
Like crazy
Like cream cheese or sunt
Like critics
Like Cro-Magnon man, to u
Like crossword solvers
Like crossword solvers, n
Like crowds in the heat o
Like crunchy carrots
Like Cuba and Venezuela,
Like cult films, again an
Like cult rituals
Like Cup-a-Soup
Like curiosity, at times
Like curious onlookers
Like curling stones
Like custard
Like custards
Like cutting in line, e.g
Like d
Like dachshunds
Like Dacron
Like Dal
Like Dali
Like Darth Maul
Like Darth Vader
Like darts that hurt, piercing Cockney bloke
Like daughters, speaks about youth
Like David against Goliath?
Like days of yore
Like days when you forget
Like Death Valley
Like death's dart, in Sha
Like Death's horse
Like decals
Like decorative work that's not outstanding
Like default figures
Like defendants
Like Delftware
Like deli meats
Like DeMille films
Like denim
Like Dennis the Menace
Like dental surgery
Like dental treatment? Sadly I do not, beginning to cry
Like dentists?
Like depleted uranium
Like Derby, plainly?
Like desert sand
Like deserts, several lacking sun
Like Desi Arnaz, by birth
Like dessert wines
Like devoted fans of Sting in a circle
Like diabetes
Like Dickens's Dodger
Like die-hard fans
Like dietetic yogurt
Like digital clock nos.
Like Dilbert
Like Diogenes
Like diplomatic pouches
Like Dirk the German astride a horse
Like dirt roads
Like discarded habits
Like discoloured paper
Like dishwater
Like distinguished lady from Tyrol man upset
Like ditchwater?
Like DNA
Like doctors' oath
Like dog’s home, stick around!
Like dogbane juice
Like doggerel, often
Like dogs in packs
Like Dolly or her clones
Like Dolly the clone
Like Dolly the sheep
Like Don Knotts as Rambo
Like doodles
Like dorm rooms, often
Like Dorothy's house in 1939 film?
Like Dorset, remarkably varied
Like double-barrelled names
Like Doubting Thomas – castle pic
Like Dover's cliffs
Like Dracula
Like draft
Like draft beer
Like drag shows
Like dragons and centaurs
Like drinks with umbrella
Like drivers with records
Like droughty land
Like dry mud
Like dry mud on cleats
Like dubbed laughter
Like Duchamp's "Mona Lisa
Like duck soup
Like ducks' feet
Like Dumas's mask
Like dunce caps
Like dungeons, typically
Like Duroc hogs
Like dusk
Like Dvor
Like e.g. missiles which can’t travel far
Like E.T.'s voice
Like each answer in this
Like eagles and owls
Like early 10s, one's rising fast
Like early Beatles record
Like early dawns and late
Like early election night
Like early Elvis Presley
Like early hominid postur
Like early jazz
Like early life
Like early LP's
Like early PC graphics
Like early postcards
Like early records
Like early-morning hours
Like earnings in some rep
Like ears of grain
Like earth, flattened at the poles
Like earthlings, sometime
Like Easter eggs
Like easy piano pieces
Like eating pastry dish built up in layers
Like Eddie Murphy's Norbi
Like Edmund in "King Lear
Like Edvard Munch, say, unhappy to find dead parrot in sketch
Like Edward Albee's first
Like Eeyore, in "Winnie-t
Like effort and influence
Like egg yolk
Like eggs
Like eights in crazy eigh
Like El Ni
Like elbows, sometimes
Like electrical plugs
Like electrical signals i
Like Elgar's Symphony No.
Like Ellen, now
Like elm trees
Like elvers
Like embedded material
Like Emperor Haile Selassie?
Like employees
Like enclosure for tree
Like enemy waters, maybe
Like engagements at sea
Like English chaps in financial difficulty, in shame
Like enthusiast to some extent
Like enthusiast, turning up for such a temperamental singer
Like envelope seals
Like Enya's music
Like Erato when writing p
Like Eric the Red
Like Ernst Haeckel's law
Like Errol Flynn
Like Esau vis-
Like Eton attendees
Like Euler, a notable original!
Like events on a time lin
Like every crossword answ
Like evil spirits
Like exiles
Like extra-lite ice cream
Like extreme radical - maybe had biggest estate at death?
Like eyes during a boring
Like eyes seemingly about
Like eyes when you're get
Like fabric by the yard
Like faces, typically
Like fairways
Like fall leaves
Like fall weather
Like falling off a log
Like falling off ___
Like Falstaff
Like famous Piper accepting good metal for provender?
Like fan-tan and tangrams
Like fans
Like far-reaching plans (hyph.)
Like farm oxen
Like farmland
Like fashion award in Birmingham?
Like fast marches
Like fat in ether
Like fat that's gone off
Like fatty tissue
Like favorite books, ofte
Like feats of Clay?
Like federal tax laws
Like federal tax laws?
Like Felix and Oscar
Like Felix Unger's room
Like Felix vis-
Like female not looking very well?
Like female to be pale
Like fencers?
Like ferns
Like feudal times
Like few counties nowaday
Like fibre of male politician confronting Yankee
Like Fidel Castro
Like fillet? Be grateful for eating one
Like fillets
Like fillies but not bill
Like filling tripe and grouse cut on a Sunday?
Like film of jelly
Like film-maker's second try to knock out western
Like films in production,
Like final contracts
Like final manuscripts
Like final person appearing, having left a big game
Like financial statements
Like fine cigars
Like fine coifs
Like fine netting
Like fine wine
Like fine wines
Like fingerprints
Like finished contracts
Like fireplace grates
Like fireplaces
Like firewater
Like fireworks going off in porch etc, around end of day
Like fireworks, infrequen
Like first of nurses taking city hospital round
Like first position reversed, bit by bit, of late
Like first-place medals i
Like fish ready to be coo
Like fish sticks
Like fishers' hooks
Like fishhooks
Like flicks seen without
Like flier following ship?
Like flies caught by flyp
Like Florida pharmaceutic
Like flotsam and jetsam
Like flour
Like flu victims
Like foam rubber
Like fodder, in the winte
Like folks cared for by f
Like food that is served
Like food that's acceptab
Like food which can be warmed up near Bow Bells
Like football players
Like footballer Harry, tackling Chelsea’s forward sideways
Like foreign relations getting certificate on time, I note
Like forget-me-nots
Like forks
Like former council member in tree, frantically busy
Like Fortunato in "The Ca
Like fox consuming bird without pity?
Like fox driven underground, extremely exhausted, heart fluttering
Like Fran Drescher's voic
Like fraternity party rev
Like fraudulent accidents
Like freakish coincidence
Like French toast
Like fresh air
Like fresh brownies
Like fresh dry snow
Like fresh strawberries
Like fresh water
Like friendly acquaintanc
Like friendship bracelets
Like fries, typically
Like frittatas
Like fruit crates
Like funds gathered by si
Like fur coats
Like G8 meetings: Abbr.
Like Galahad
Like galleys
Like Gamal Abdel Nasser's
Like games without win-wi
Like gardens to be asymmetrical
Like gastric juice
Like Gatsby
Like gazebos, often
Like gazpacho
Like Gen. Colin Powell: A
Like Gen. Powell
Like Gen. Schwarzkopf
Like George Washington's
Like Georgia Brown of son
Like getting home to eat a Chinese?
Like geysers
Like ghost sightings
Like ghost stories
Like ghostwriters
Like giants
Like gift watches
Like girl to somersault, then take top off, in dance
Like glandular tissue at back of nose
Like glass
Like glass doors, often
Like gleaming shoes
Like gnats
Like God
Like God, in a fire-and-b
Like going around with adolescent in woven fabric
Like going in circles
Like gold dust
Like goldfish
Like golf course greens
Like golf courses that le
Like golf greens, frequen
Like Gomer Pyle
Like good (but not great)
Like good arguments
Like good beds
Like good brandy found in drainage ditch?
Like good burgundy
Like good computer screen
Like good explanations
Like good gardener's area for putting on felt
Like good gossip columnis
Like good gossip columns
Like good guards
Like good hamburger meat
Like good oranges
Like good pianos and engi
Like good pointers
Like good sight in cricket match?
Like good soil
Like good wine
Like Goodwill goods
Like gossiping tongues
Like graduate mother in US State
Like graduates
Like grain that's out of
Like gran's rough play
Like grandchildren
Like grandkids, typically
Like granite or wooden surface scrubbed
Like granola
Like Grape-Nuts vis-a-vis
Like grapefruit for break
Like grapefruit juice
Like grass family doctor brought in, it’s negotiable
Like grass? Ruddy yes, European admitted!
Like Grateful Dead attire
Like Great Bear, some mariners tell a rookie
Like Green Beret units
Like greenhouse air
Like Grendel
Like grizzlies
Like ground around a tree
Like ground sloths
Like groups on vacation, getting money by selling things off
Like Guinness
Like guitar music
Like guitar strings
Like gunmen and octopuses
Like guns
Like guns and dump trucks
Like gutted halibut, fish in flat dishes
Like gym clothes
Like gymnasts' bodies
Like H. P. Lovecraft amon
Like H. P. Lovecraft stor
Like H. P. Lovecraft's wr
Like hack writing
Like hair at salons
Like hair, usually, after
Like half a family's rela
Like half a season's game
Like half of a pair of de
Like half of all terminal
Like half of Istanbul
Like half of U.S. senator
Like half-melted snow
Like half-sized member?
Like Halloween candy in D
Like Halloween sounds
Like Hals’ cavalier with reputation as an object of ridicule
Like ham I repeatedly mixed with this corn
Like Hamlet or Othello?
Like Handel's Suite No. 5
Like hands after eating p
Like Hannah's heart, in s
Like Hannibal, say
Like happy diners
Like hard wood
Like harp seals
Like haunted houses, comp
Like Hawaiian shirts
Like hawks
Like hawks and auks
Like Hawthorne's "Tales"
Like Haydn's "Surprise" S
Like Haydn's "The Fire" S
Like headlines
Like heartless queen's lascivious look
Like hearts and diamonds
Like heaven's entrance
Like heaven's gates
Like heaven's vault, in a
Like heavy rains
Like hedgehogs
Like helium
Like helium, chemically
Like Hell
Like hell?
Like Hemingway's prose
Like hen's teeth
Like Henry VIII
Like hens, eat a quantity of grain
Like hereditary factors
Like Hermes' shoes
Like heroes, often
Like Herriman's Kat
Like hibiscus leaves
Like hieroglyphics
Like high-strung horses
Like higher-priced beef
Like highway traffic mark
Like hikers taking fellow as well towards the top
Like hilly beaches
Like Hilo, Hawaii, vis-
Like Hindi or Urdu
Like hip ads
Like hippy's jacket without colour
Like hiring and firing fool working with soldier?
Like hit shows
Like Hitler
Like Hitler's "diaries"
Like hockey sticks
Like holding flash book
Like Hollywood
Like holy water
Like home plate
Like homemade shoes?
Like Homo habilis
Like Homo sapiens
Like honey
Like Hoosier cabinets
Like hooter US space administrators lacked at first
Like hoped-for winter tem
Like hors d'ouevres
Like horse's feet
Like horses
Like horses at blacksmith
Like horses' hooves
Like horses' hooves, in d
Like hot fudge
Like hotel stuff in place of seclusion
Like Hotspur's horse in "
Like House elections
Like house of 24's spouse
Like house wiring
Like households after day
Like housework
Like howls in a haunted h
Like human skin
Like human vision
Like humans and ostriches
Like Humpty Dumpty
Like hundreds of dates accepted by male singer, American tough guy
Like husband found in a fornicating situation?
Like husband to get into fish (and whipping)
Like husband with memory going into retreat
Like hydrogen and chlorin
Like I, to II
Like Ibsen, to his countr
Like icing
Like ideal cactus climate
Like ideal teeth
Like igneous rock in film about Beds town
Like il but not elle: Abb
Like illegal broadcaster to pronounce his aitches
Like illegally parked car
Like illustration, something set on dining table
Like image showing pork pie ingredient
Like impractical thinker who'd roll tyre round
Like improved baby shampo
Like in Le Monde, new setter makes a start
Like Incas or llamas
Like India paper
Like Indian summer days
Like infants and grudges
Like inferior computer gr
Like inferior gravy
Like inflamed viewer's false statement about reptile
Like influential speakers
Like inhaling air in northern French city
Like ink, in France
Like ink, poetically
Like ink, to Shakespeare
Like inner tubes
Like Inspector Clouseau
Like Inspector Clouseau's awful jewellery?
Like instant messaging
Like Internet news sites
Like invalid ballots
Like invigorating air beginning to boost activity at Epsom?
Like invitees
Like Ionesco's soprano
Like Iran's Ahmadinejad
Like Iran's government be
Like ironed pants, often
Like Isaac's son Esau?
Like issues raised by eco-warriors showing violent manner possibly
Like it
Like it mixed with ice and slice of lemon
Like it to knock back?
Like it ___
Like it? One drink
Like italics
Like items at a supermark
Like items in a junk draw
Like items that have been
Like J in the alphabet
Like J.F.K. Airport
Like J.F.K. Airport: Abbr
Like J.F.K.: Abbr.
Like Jack
Like Jack Benny, famously
Like Jack Haley in "The W
Like Jack in The Shining: extremely scary - chop, chop!
Like Jack Sprat's diet
Like Jack, it's said
Like jack-o'-lanterns
Like jacket linings, usua
Like jambalaya
Like Janus?
Like Japan's national die
Like japanned wood
Like jargon about final aim that's gaining influence
Like Java man
Like jeans for teens
Like Jell-O, e.g.
Like jerky
Like Jersey sailors to kiss amorously?
Like Jesus
Like jet streams
Like jewelry boxes
Like Jimmy Kimmel and Jim
Like Joan Mir
Like Joan of Arc
Like Joe Average
Like John Paul II
Like jokers
Like jokers, often
Like jokers, sometimes
Like jugs
Like juicy biographies
Like jungles vis-
Like junior year
Like junk mail, usually
Like Jupiter's four large
Like Jupiter, but not Zeu
Like just the draft of an
Like Kashmir rugs
Like Katherine’s mother to have food served all round
Like Keats's urn
Like Kermit, of greedy make-up
Like kibbutzim
Like kicker that's injured in rugby match, say
Like kiddie rides
Like kidneys finally eaten in proper setting
Like kids at a circus, ma
Like kids in a playground
Like kielbasa and pierogi
Like King Arthur’s men, losing head regularly
Like king crab
Like King George III
Like King Kong in New Yor
Like King Solomon ... or
Like King Wenceslas
Like knights
Like Knights Templars
Like Knotty Ash's hooter, keeping awfully loud
Like Knutsville named after Knut? Knut raised about £25
Like krypton
Like krypton or xenon
Like Kublai Khan
Like L, alphabetically
Like L-O-N-D-O-N
Like L.B.J.
Like la nuit
Like lab work if it’s nice and constant
Like lace
Like lacework
Like Lady Macbeth
Like Lady Macbeth's spot
Like lady's protest in play that confounds sexes with vice
Like Lake Mead
Like lamb I placed in oven, well-cooked
Like land in a city
Like land in urban renewa
Like landowners
Like lapis lazuli
Like laps in a pool
Like Laredo, largely
Like large landowners
Like large piece? Fish is excellent
Like Larry King
Like Larry King, repeated
Like laryngitis sufferers
Like last year's fashions
Like last year's styles
Like Latin, today
Like Latvia or Lithuania
Like lava
Like lawns or pasture
Like layer of skin partially under microscope
Like left-hand page numbe
Like leftovers
Like lemonade sans sugar
Like lemons or custard?
Like leprechaun and four-
Like leprechauns
Like letters on shirts
Like lettuce or spinach
Like level or rotor
Like Lex Luthor
Like library talkers
Like Libya, largely
Like Liechtenstein
Like life and health
Like life in Italy, maybe
Like Life Savers
Like life?
Like lifeguards
Like light from stars mov
Like lightning - don't eat
Like lights on a Christma
Like lilac leaves
Like Limburger cheese
Like limousines
Like Lincoln
Like Lincoln before his p
Like Lincoln, in physique
Like Lincoln, perhaps, quiet and designed for living in
Like Lincoln: Abbr.
Like Lindbergh's famous f
Like Lindbergh's flight
Like lines that never cross
Like lions
Like lions and leopards
Like lions and tigers
Like lip-glossed lips
Like liquefied ice
Like listeners — 11? Not half!
Like lit lanterns
Like liters and grams
Like Little Bo-Peep's cha
Like little thing spoken in patois
Like living with Mom and
Like Liz Taylor's eyes
Like Liz Taylor, many tim
Like llamas
Like llamas and Incas
Like Lloyd George, say, mostly fit and quiet
Like loads
Like loaves, but needing no initial dough
Like locoweed
Like loggers' boots
Like logs
Like Loki or Thor
Like Longfellow's Evangel
Like longship sailors
Like loose soil
Like loot, often
Like Lord Peter Wimsey or Count Dracula, say
Like losers
Like lots
Like lots of shopping now
Like lotteries
Like Louisiana cuisine
Like lovers
Like low-sodium foods, sa
Like lowest-mileage drivi
Like LP's
Like Lucille Ball
Like lucky castaways
Like Lucy Locket's pocket
Like Lucy of "Peanuts"
Like lumber in a mill
Like Luther
Like Luther: Abbr.
Like lymphatic tissue
Like lyrics
Like M&M's
Like M, L or XL
Like Ma and Pa Kettle
Like Machiavellian politi
Like magazine subscriptio
Like Magic?
Like Mahler's Symphony No
Like major channels
Like male chauvinists
Like maneaters?
Like Manhattan clam chowd
Like Manhattan's Chrysler
Like Manhattan's East Vil
Like Mann's mountain
Like manna
Like many "Survivor" cont
Like many 80's cars
Like many 90's trousers
Like many a backsplash
Like many a castle
Like many a cellar
Like many a Clint Eastwoo
Like many a clothes baske
Like many a contrast
Like many a cover title
Like many a dead letter
Like many a DeMille film
Like many a detective's t
Like many a first-grader
Like many a fishing line
Like many a gallerygoer
Like many a garden
Like many a gen. or maj.
Like many a grandparent
Like many a high school s
Like many a home improvem
Like many a hurricane
Like many a jalopy
Like many a library book
Like many a lifeguard
Like many a Malkovich
Like many a mistake
Like many a palace
Like many a parked vehicl
Like many a parting
Like many a phone caller
Like many a professor
Like many a rabbit's warr
Like many a resort
Like many a retreat
Like many a Riesling
Like many a road map
Like many a Rockwell kid
Like many a roof, bound to be penetrated by hail ultimately
Like many a soldier or prisoner given words to say
Like many a sports report
Like many a sumo wrestler
Like many a Western bandi
Like many a whisper
Like many a winter road
Like many a winter sky
Like many a wiseacre's co
Like many a wrestler
Like many aliens on "Star
Like many amphitheaters
Like many an embarrassing
Like many an English inn
Like many an heir apparen
Like many an I.R.A.
Like many an injured arm
Like many an O. Henry sto
Like many an oath
Like many an old bucket
Like many an omen
Like many an online passw
Like many an order
Like many an unsuccessful
Like many appliances: Abb
Like many attics
Like many automobile brak
Like many avenues
Like many babies
Like many barely legible
Like many barns
Like many bathroom floors
Like many beachgoers
Like many Bedouins
Like many blacktops
Like many blog comments,
Like many blooms
Like many brandy casks
Like many breakfast cerea
Like many cakes
Like many campgrounds at
Like many cared-for lawns
Like many carpets
Like many carved wooden m
Like many cathedrals, become almost intimate
Like many Chas Addams cha
Like many checking accoun
Like many churches
Like many cigars
Like many classical aphor
Like many clerics
Like many cold remedies:
Like many college dorms
Like many college dorms,
Like many company publica
Like many concert halls
Like many conglomerates:
Like many countries' rule
Like many deliveries, finished with a lot of force
Like many departures
Like many diet products
Like many doo-wop groups:
Like many doors
Like many dorms
Like many dorms nowadays
Like many dreamers
Like many driveways
Like many drugs: Abbr.
Like many dyed eggs
Like many elephants
Like many evangelicals
Like many ex-cons
Like many fans
Like many fast-food order
Like many files nowadays
Like many fish and mounta
Like many former friends
Like many forum postings:
Like many games
Like many garages
Like many gardens
Like many gems
Like many golf tournament
Like many grenades
Like many Guinness record
Like many Halloween masks
Like many Harlemites
Like many hearths
Like many Hitchcock films
Like many horses
Like many hospital doctor
Like many houseplants, da
Like many hurricanes
Like many ice-skating spi
Like many in the US
Like many indie films
Like many indies
Like many inscriptions
Like many investigations
Like many Iranis
Like many itchy mutts
Like many items listed on
Like many judges
Like many kitchens
Like many lab slides
Like many laid-up Brits
Like many landscape paint
Like many large cos.
Like many leases
Like many leaves
Like many library catalog
Like many lifeguards
Like many limericks: Abbr
Like many lockets
Like many low-paying jobs
Like many Mae West quotes
Like many magazine subscr
Like many martini olives
Like many Miami Beach bui
Like many Miamians
Like many models
Like many modern computer
Like many mosaics
Like many motorcycle engi
Like many movies nowadays
Like many MTV viewers
Like many nest-builders
Like many Net connections
Like many Nintendo player
Like many nonanimated Dis
Like many nuts
Like many oaths
Like many objections
Like many of Shakespeare'
Like many office jobs
Like many offs.
Like many old buildings
Like many old gym socks
Like many old series, now
Like many old water pipes
Like many orgs.
Like many packages
Like many parties: Abbr.
Like many passwords that will activate a plural machine
Like many peanuts
Like many pets
Like many Ping-Pong balls
Like many pitches
Like many planetary orbit
Like many ports
Like many products on eBa
Like many properties
Like many pubs
Like many receptions
Like many resort areas
Like many resorts
Like many restaurants wit
Like many retailers today
Like many Rod Serling wor
Like many Rolls-Royces
Like many root vegetables
Like many rugs
Like many salts
Like many Scandinavians
Like many scepters
Like many scolders' arms
Like many Scots
Like many seals
Like many shorelines
Like many smoothies
Like many songbirds
Like many squares in a Fr
Like many St. Patrick's D
Like many state capitols
Like many stocks: Abbr.
Like many student jobs
Like many students at sch
Like many Sue Grafton cha
Like many sunscreens
Like many supermarket lin
Like many swimming pools
Like many swords
Like many tartan wearers
Like many taste tests
Like many teens at the mo
Like many tests
Like many titles
Like many trailers
Like many transferred wor
Like many TV movies
Like many TV movies: Abbr
Like many TV series, is copied fraudulently
Like many wartime message
Like many windows
Like many winter landscap
Like many winter roads
Like many winter skaters
Like many writers
Like maples but not firs
Like maps, iguanas and ro
Like marathon participant, eventually
Like marble
Like margarita glasses
Like Marie Curie's treatment
Like Marilyn Monroe
Like Marilyn Monroe, brie
Like marquetry
Like Mars nowadays
Like marshes
Like Matryoshka dolls
Like Mayan pyramids
Like Mayberry
Like McCartney's guitar i
Like meadows
Like meat thrown to a lio
Like mechanics' hands
Like medieval Europe
Like Meg to see City's game with Mike initially
Like mellower wines
Like melodious chorus of Cambridge that is welcoming learner
Like melted caramel
Like member of family to be a support
Like memorial words daughter inscribed in large beehive?
Like men at stag parties
Like men, gerbils stray
Like men, women and child
Like Mendeleev's table
Like Mendelssohn's "Itali
Like meringue
Like mesh
Like meteor paths
Like Methuselah
Like Metro to travel a distance
Like mice and geese
Like Michelangelo's David
Like Mickey Mouse
Like micro-organisms I detected in messy lab crate
Like microbes
Like Midas
Like midnight store keeping quiet, providing a pre-purchase event
Like military academies,
Like Milos Forman
Like minnows close to coast, causing irritation
Like minor German and European furore
Like Mir
Like Miss Congeniality
Like Miss Muffet's fare
Like Miss Muffet, ultimat
Like Mitch Miller, e.g.
Like mocking humour, misinterpreted as racialist
Like modern clocks and re
Like modern gadgets? Like everything, almost!
Like modern technology
Like moir
Like molasses
Like monarchs: grand, and serious about it
Like money in the bank
Like money to be repaid
Like Mongolia
Like Monica Seles, by bir
Like monks
Like monster trucks or th
Like moonstones
Like more than a few games, they may be fixed
Like Mork of "Mork & Mind
Like Mork's spaceship
Like morning grass
Like morning news people
Like Moses' wife, per Num
Like mosquitoes
Like most 1950s recording
Like most adages: Abbr.
Like most aluminum ore
Like most apartments
Like most bars
Like most basketball star
Like most bathroom graffi
Like most bathrooms
Like most bicycle tires
Like most bowls
Like most cable news prog
Like most cameos
Like most car radios
Like most cemetery plots
Like most Christmas trees
Like most churches
Like most citizens
Like most city blocks: Ab
Like most clocks in April
Like most college freshme
Like most colleges
Like most colleges today
Like most covered bridges
Like most cupcakes
Like most customers
Like most Danish churchgo
Like most dorms nowadays
Like most films
Like most fine wines
Like most flowers
Like most folklore
Like most gates
Like most golf woods, now
Like most graffiti
Like most graffiti: Abbr.
Like most gym rats
Like most horoscopes
Like most houses
Like most Icelanders
Like most jackets
Like most jigsaw puzzles
Like most jokes on the In
Like most limericks, in s
Like most lips
Like most mail
Like most mammals
Like most manuscripts
Like most maps
Like most medicine bottle
Like most modern furnitur
Like most movies
Like most music
Like most music in record
Like most N.B.A. players
Like most N.B.A. stars
Like most Norwegians
Like most nursery rhymes:
Like most of Aeschylus' p
Like most of Mongolia
Like most of Oman
Like most of suburbia
Like most of the Harry Po
Like most of the voyages
Like most Olympic gymnast
Like most owls
Like most paragraphs
Like most phone numbers
Like most planetary orbit
Like most plumbing nowada
Like most PMQs presumably treated as new by half-hearted mob
Like most potato chips
Like most primes
Like most promgoers
Like most proverbs, for s
Like most proverbs: Abbr.
Like most racehorses
Like most recorded music
Like most roads
Like most runs, in baseba
Like most salsa
Like most sitcoms
Like most sonnets
Like most South Americans
Like most sports telecast
Like most stadiums
Like most store items
Like most store-bought br
Like most store-bought cl
Like most streets
Like most sumo wrestlers
Like most table salt
Like most tires
Like most toy models
Like most Turks
Like most tutoring
Like most urban land
Like most users of sign l
Like most washers
Like most Western music
Like most world table ten
Like most yard sale goods
Like Mother Cabrini
Like Mother Hubbard
Like Mother Hubbard's cup
Like Mother Teresa
Like Mount St. Helens, no
Like mountains and comput
Like mountains and maps
Like mountains in winter
Like mounted horse, most cap­ably controlled by jockey
Like movies
Like movies and hotels
Like Mozart's flute
Like Mozart's Symphony No
Like mozzarella
Like Mr & Mrs Smith, finally was dying
Like Mr. Spock's answers
Like Mrs. Bumstead
Like Mt. Everest or a liz
Like much filet mignon
Like much folk mus.
Like much folk music: Abb
Like much French writing
Like much ground hamburger, principally kosher
Like much hip-hop lingo
Like much home improvemen
Like much information now
Like much Jewish food
Like much Lenny Bruce hum
Like much lost-and-found
Like much music
Like much music, today
Like much notebook paper
Like much of Chile
Like much of Fire Island'
Like much of New Orleans'
Like much of Poe's work
Like much of the Danube's
Like much of the New Test
Like much of Webern's wor
Like much office work
Like much oil
Like much plumbing
Like much poetry
Like much protective wear
Like much pulp
Like much Renaissance art
Like much revenue
Like much Schoenberg musi
Like much social interact
Like much testimony
Like much Vegas stagewear
Like much visited attractions
Like much writing paper
Like mud
Like mud between one's to
Like muesli
Like muesli and bananas?
Like mum, dad and sis, but not bro?
Like Muscat raisins
Like music
Like music in a candle sh
Like music that uses keys
Like musical instruments
Like Mussolini
Like mustangs, for exampl
Like mutton
Like name for boy
Like NaNO2 in H2O
Like Narcissus, and then
Like Narcissus?
Like Nasdaq securities: A
Like Nasdaq trades
Like Nash's lama
Like Nasser's movement
Like national elections
Like native llamas
Like Nebraska
Like neglected muscles
Like Nehru jackets
Like Nelson's tooth, with lack of metal filling?
Like neon
Like nerds, maybe
Like net company associated with socialist, Sidney, in past
Like new
Like new bills
Like new dollar bills
Like new ones
Like new recruits
Like new tires
Like New York City's Sony
Like New York City, e.g.
Like New York City, to Al
Like New York's Radio Cit
Like New York's Waldorf-A
Like newly available prod
Like newly laid lawns
Like newlyweds, often
Like Niagara Falls
Like Niccol
Like Niels Bohr
Like night skies
Like nitroglycerin
Like no human, according
Like No Time to Die
Like no-hitters
Like no-holds-barred spor
Like Noah's animals, about 500, unaware of what is happening
Like noble gases
Like nobles
Like Nod, to Eden
Like noisy fans
Like non-oyster months
Like non-oyster months?
Like non-turbulent flow
Like noodles, often
Like noodles, possibly, heading for trouble!
Like notebook paper
Like notepaper or subject
Like nothin'
Like noxious gases
Like Nutmeg in character, one's maliciously cast
Like NyQuil: Abbr.
Like O'Neill's "Bound Eas
Like oak leaves
Like objects dipped in li
Like ocean air
Like ocean water
Like oceanfront houses, o
Like ocher
Like octogenarians
Like octuplets?
Like oddly conjugated ver
Like Odin
Like Oedipus' marriage
Like Oedipus's curse in "
Like off-season business
Like office job associated with the vicar?
Like ogres
Like oil directly from a
Like oil, filling hole I constructed
Like old AM radio
Like old arguments
Like old bread
Like old candles at Chris
Like old cigars, maybe
Like Old Glory: Abbr.
Like old houses, almost plentiful in Reading
Like old image of oneself
Like Old Irish lettering
Like old jokes
Like old newspaper clippi
Like old nylons
Like old paperback novels
Like old parliament game joined by politician
Like old postcards
Like Old Prussian
Like old recordings
Like old records
Like old Rome
Like old socks, maybe
Like olde shoppes
Like olden times, suppose
Like older siblings, some
Like oleo vis-
Like olives
Like olives or peanuts
Like olives? Only in last year, primarily
Like Olympic races
Like omelets
Like omelettes hotel served up in Scandinavian way?
Like one
Like one battery terminal
Like one debate side
Like one end of a battery
Like one end of many pool
Like one imprisoned in Eastern city? Without a doubt
Like one in a series
Like one leg of a triathl
Like one of a certain pai
Like one of the senses
Like one of the two jaws
Like one popping the ques
Like one side of a pool
Like one side of a ship
Like one side of an aisle
Like one side of the aisl
Like one smitten
Like one terminal of a ba
Like one that gets laid? Love endless sex squeezing butt
Like one uplifted - as ‘er with bra on, I fancy
Like one White House offi
Like one who fans
Like one's fun house mirr
Like ones starting over
Like ones that are fleece
Like online medical advic
Like only this clue today? That's hardly fair
Like Ontario vis-
Like open-ended tests
Like opium poppy leaves
Like orange traffic marke
Like oranges and lemons
Like oranges and tangerin
Like Oreos and doughnuts,
Like organza or chiffon
Like Orville Redenbacher,
Like Osage oranges
Like Oscar Wilde
Like osmium, more than an
Like Othello or Oedipus, say?
Like otologists' tests
Like our numbers
Like our numerals
Like outcasts
Like outer space
Like overdramatic spoken-
Like overnight mail
Like overused gym clothes
Like owls
Like owls and badgers
Like oxen pulling a plow
Like oxfords
Like Pachelbel's Canon
Like Paderewski's Minuet
Like paintings and some j
Like paintings in progres
Like palm trees in a stor
Like panic disorders, making you troubled
Like pant legs
Like pantyhose
Like Papa Bear's porridge
Like papaw leaves
Like paper
Like paper or light, read
Like paper vis-
Like parabolas
Like paradise
Like Parliament
Like Parrott said, it's all square
Like part of a foot
Like part of Africa, loves idiosyncrasy
Like part of anecdote Kathy put up
Like part of the Adriatic
Like part of the circulat
Like part of viewer’s money invested in Madrid team
Like partners giving affection
Like parts in a kit
Like party punch
Like past mistakes
Like past president to blow his top in this state
Like pat or still, readin
Like Pat’s deliveries after all? Not entirely
Like Patagonia
Like patches or decals
Like patio dining
Like patterned cloth, all square, you had once
Like Pavlov's dogs in servitude
Like peacocks
Like peacocks, among all
Like peanut butter
Like peanut gallery seats
Like pear tree leaves
Like Peary's exploration
Like peas in ___
Like pedestrianised town centre that keeps people ultimately happy
Like pedestrians on winte
Like Pegasus
Like pen pals
Like penthouse suites vis
Like people in the front
Like peppercorns
Like perfect showjumping round — that’s evident
Like perfume
Like petrol nowadays
Like Petruchio's wench in
Like pets, ideally
Like petting-zoo animals
Like petty offs.
Like phonographs
Like photo showing gel
Like photographic memory
Like phrase book entries
Like pi
Like pie made by chef initially out of practice?
Like pie, or a piece of cake
Like pie?
Like pigs
Like pigs' feet
Like Pindar's works
Like pine needles maybe in a church got up
Like pine scent
Like pine scent, say
Like Pinocchio's nose aft
Like pinto beans
Like pirates
Like Pisa's tower
Like pitch Jack’s seen near railway
Like pizza
Like plain paper
Like plain text
Like plaster
Like plastic slipcovers
Like Playboy cartoons
Like Playboy models
Like players in pin-the-t
Like pleasant fall weathe
Like plow horses
Like plowhorses
Like Poe stories
Like Poe's "Portrait"
Like Poe's tales
Like poems close to Leonardo DiCaprio's heart
Like pointers in a line entering track
Like poison ivy leaves
Like poisonous mushrooms
Like poker faces
Like politics, by nature
Like Polk, among U.S. pre
Like poll taxes
Like Pollyanna?
Like Pompeii, once
Like ponies
Like poor faxes, perhaps
Like poor losers
Like poorly cleaned glass
Like poorly washed window
Like pop hit by Queen way back, cut short
Like Pope's impressive article
Like Popeye vis-
Like porn
Like porridge
Like posh children occupying seats, every other one being taken
Like posh people, pull lush curtains off
Like position of moderate, as shown in recent rally
Like post-Revolutionary a
Like postmidnight TV show
Like potpourri, sometimes
Like pottery
Like practically all TV's
Like precious stones maintained badly
Like premonitions
Like preowned cars
Like presses ready for pr
Like pretzels
Like pretzels, typically
Like pricier meat
Like prickly pears
Like Prince Andrew with sweet lass dancing?
Like printing presses
Like prisoners on gallows
Like prisons
Like private lessons
Like privates
Like prizewinning handwri
Like pro bono work?
Like problematic jar of marmalade? End up with one chucked!
Like proclamations
Like producing flowers soon for a friend?
Like Prometheus
Like propaganda
Like propellers
Like property for busines
Like protesters, well versed on weaponry?
Like Proteus
Like proverbial hen's tee
Like prunes
Like pumpkins and traffic
Like pumps
Like punch?
Like punkies, vis-
Like pupils that are too
Like puppies
Like putty in one's hands
Like QC, say, making a profit from each brief
Like quaint streets, perh
Like quakes of magnitude
Like quiet poisoner
Like quilts
Like Quisling’s characteristics taking in men in Britain or in France
Like R versus PG-13
Like Rabelaisian writing
Like rabies
Like raccoons
Like racehorses
Like racehorses, periodic
Like Radio City Music Hal
Like rail vis-
Like railroad tracks
Like rain?
Like rainbows
Like raisins
Like raisins vis-
Like rams and lambs
Like rankings
Like Rapunzel
Like rare or medium steak
Like raw diamonds
Like raw film
Like raw silk
Like real danger
Like redheads' tempers, s
Like refined pursuits of sect on Russian river
Like regal succession
Like relaxed-fit jeans
Like relics
Like religious person stoic man converted
Like religious services
Like Rembrandt
Like Republican states on
Like residential mail?
Like resorts, typically
Like retirees
Like returned mail
Like Reynard
Like rhinos
Like rice in some cereal
Like rich desserts
Like Richard I
Like Ricky Martin's "vida
Like right-slanting type
Like ring road section during test
Like ring topped with cool blue
Like Rioja wine
Like ripe cheeses
Like rivals, often
Like roasted marshmallows
Like Robin Hood's men
Like robins' eggs
Like Rochester, N.Y.
Like rock 'n' roll's Rich
Like rock formed from lava that’s cooled (as in cold)
Like rock when submerged by sea
Like rock's U2
Like Rockefeller Center
Like Rod Serling tales
Like Rod Serling's storie
Like Rodeo Drive shops
Like rolling countryside?
Like Roman senators
Like romantic dinners
Like Rome vis-
Like Romeo and Juliet, in
Like Romeo and Juliet, to
Like Romulus and Remus
Like rooms on TV's "Tradi
Like rooms to rent
Like rosebushes
Like roses
Like royal descent, usual
Like rubble after a razin
Like ruckuses or roadster
Like Rudner's audiences a
Like ruler to be demanding
Like Rumpole we lay drunk on railway
Like running water
Like rush hour traffic
Like rushing water
Like Russ., once
Like Russian dolls
Like Russian winters
Like rust
Like rye, usually
Like S. J. Perelman
Like saddle shoes and bel
Like sage or allspice
Like Saint-Sa
Like salad could be made more basic!
Like sale prices
Like Sally or Wally literally having everything
Like salmon, often
Like Salome
Like salon customers
Like salt, for instance, covering one battered roll
Like saltwater taffy
Like Samson, before Delil
Like Samsung Corporation
Like Samuel Taylor Coleridge's mariner?
Like sandals
Like sandpaper
Like sandpaper, typically
Like sandstone doubly covered in basilicas’ bricks
Like Santa
Like Santa after returnin
Like Santa on Christmas E
Like Santa on Christmas m
Like Santa's bag on Chris
Like Santa's boots
Like Santa's cheeks
Like Santa's helpers
Like Santa's suit after g
Like Santa's visit
Like Sartre's "No Exit"
Like sashes
Like Satan
Like Satan worshipers
Like satellites
Like satin to the touch
Like saucy specialist nurse maybe, getting to the point
Like sauerkraut and strud
Like savage animal, it goes back into thicket
Like savages cook chicken
Like Scheherazade
Like Schoenberg's music
Like Schoenberg, obsessive about limits of tempo
Like school dropouts?
Like school pupil sounding unrelaxed
Like school, sometimes
Like Schubert's Mass No.
Like Schubert's Symphony
Like scofflaws
Like scuba diving
Like scuba tanks, typical
Like sea air
Like SEALs
Like seawater
Like second or farm
Like second, sometimes
Like second-place ribbons
Like seconds: Abbr.
Like sentence when court detains us, I told a criminal not wanting time
Like Serling stories
Like Serling stories: Var
Like Serling tales: Var.
Like serous membranes — more than one, by the sound of it
Like service station rags
Like Seurat paintings
Like seven Nolan Ryan gam
Like seven of Sophocles'
Like seven Ryan games
Like several religions mentioned at first in revised Bach aria
Like sex symbols
Like sex with Her Maj on E? In a way
Like Shakespeare's Prospe
Like Shakespeare's sonnet
Like Shakespeare's Timon, say
Like Shaquille O'Neal's s
Like sharp cheddar
Like sharp cheese
Like sheep or like cow (not British)
Like sheets after bleachi
Like Shelley’s Prometheus in loose-leaf form
Like Shelley's "Frankenst
Like Shelley's "sister of
Like Sherlock Holmes's no
Like Shih Tzus
Like shiny floors
Like shipping and handlin
Like shoes
Like shoes and socks
Like shoes made in St. Lo
Like shorelines, often
Like short, cut flowers
Like Shostakovich's Symph
Like show horses
Like show horses' feet
Like shower rooms, often
Like shrimp during shippi
Like Shriners' hats
Like shrinking violets
Like Siberian winters
Like siblings
Like sides of pyramids
Like signs
Like silhouettes, typical
Like Silly Putty
Like Silver's rider
Like Simba or Nala
Like Simon or Herb
Like Simone Martini's art
Like singing in a shower
Like single menu dishes
Like single-purpose commi
Like sinners, to preacher
Like skating rinks, typic
Like skin, after a facial
Like skyscrapers
Like slaloms
Like slander
Like slander, as opposed
Like slanted type
Like slanted type: Abbr.
Like sleep of wild pony in concealed surroundings
Like sleep, ideally
Like slime
Like sloths and tree toad
Like slow students, somet
Like smokestacks
Like smooth flow
Like smooth-running engin
Like smooth-running machi
Like snakeskin
Like snow
Like snow after a blizzar
Like Snow White, vis-a-vi
Like soccer shoes
Like socks in a drawer
Like sod
Like soda bottles, in pre
Like soda crackers
Like soil in a delta
Like soldier from America clutching good spears
Like soldiers initially welcoming times in Gulf
Like soldiers known as Gu
Like solid paraffin
Like solo organ performance in audition
Like Solomon
Like some '39 New York Wo
Like some '60s fashion
Like some 18th-century music style in madrigal anthology
Like some 1930s design, i
Like some 19th-century novels, a kind since abandoned
Like some 60's rallies
Like some 70's trousers
Like some accents
Like some accidents or ga
Like some accounts with exaggerated depiction
Like some actors going on
Like some adapters
Like some addresses
Like some ads to be withheld for security
Like some adult hippos
Like some Adventists
Like some advice
Like some Afghan leaders
Like some agreements
Like some air and dollar
Like some air fresheners
Like some air-conditionin
Like some airline travel
Like some airport luggage
Like some airport purchas
Like some airport shoppin
Like some airports: Abbr.
Like some alarms
Like some ales
Like some algebra
Like some aliens
Like some alkaloids
Like some alloying — city police hypersensitive, we hear
Like some amateurs
Like some ammunition
Like some amusement parks
Like some ancient markers
Like some ancient Mexican
Like some ancient ruins
Like some ancient stone tools transported into Chile
Like some anesthesia
Like some anesthetics
Like some animal rights c
Like some announcements t
Like some answers
Like some anteaters
Like some antibiotics
Like some apartments
Like some appetites
Like some apples
Like some appliances
Like some appliances, ele
Like some Arabians
Like some arches
Like some architectural d
Like some architecture
Like some architecture in Greenland or Iceland?
Like some areas prone to
Like some arms
Like some arms and legs
Like some arrangements
Like some arrivals
Like some Asian-Americans
Like some assets and smil
Like some athletes
Like some attempts
Like some attempts or exc
Like some attitudes
Like some auctions
Like some audiobooks
Like some autobiographies
Like some awakenings
Like some B'way performan
Like some Bach works
Like some bad decisions
Like some bad driving con
Like some bad film scenes
Like some bad golf shots?
Like some bad goods: Abbr
Like some bagels
Like some bait
Like some balances
Like some ball games
Like some ballerinas
Like some balloons, quest
Like some ballots
Like some bands
Like some bank checking
Like some banks
Like some bars and beache
Like some baseball catche
Like some baseball games
Like some baseball teams
Like some bathing suits
Like some batteries
Like some batters
Like some battles
Like some beans
Like some bedding
Like some Bedouins
Like some beds
Like some beer at a party
Like some behaviors
Like some beliefs
Like some bets
Like some bets and patien
Like some big banks
Like some big game one bungled in series
Like some biology majors
Like some bird, marsupial is trapped by King Henry
Like some birthday wishes
Like some black tea
Like some blankets
Like some bling Monsieur Balzac regularly chucked in N Midlands river?
Like some blocked passage
Like some blocks
Like some blood passages
Like some blood types: Ab
Like some blows
Like some blows to the si
Like some bodies on a bea
Like some bodybuilders' b
Like some bombs
Like some bonds
Like some books
Like some books about Kiss? For sure
Like some books the man in Round Table ordered
Like some bookstores
Like some booms
Like some booms, not quite as enjoyable
Like some boots
Like some bought items with quiet salesman to help
Like some boxes on ballot
Like some brakes
Like some bread
Like some breakfast cerea
Like some breath
Like some breezes
Like some brows
Like some buckets
Like some bugs
Like some building blocks
Like some bulls
Like some buns quietly excluded from fast
Like some burgers
Like some business suits?
Like some butcher blocks
Like some Cajun cuisine
Like some cakes
Like some cakes and hair
Like some cakes brought in twice daily
Like some cakes I'd put around church
Like some cakes put before gourmand finally
Like some cakes set before daughter
Like some calendars
Like some calls
Like some calls left on a
Like some cameras nowaday
Like some campaign ads
Like some can openers
Like some candidates: Abb
Like some candies
Like some candles
Like some candy
Like some caps
Like some capts.
Like some car headlights
Like some cats
Like some cavities
Like some cell growth
Like some cellars
Like some cells
Like some census categori
Like some Central America
Like some cereal
Like some cereals
Like some chairs
Like some chambers
Like some champagne
Like some chances
Like some changed locks
Like some Chardonnay
Like some chardonnays
Like some charge cards
Like some charges on a ce
Like some charms
Like some chatter
Like some cheap mdse.
Like some checking accoun
Like some checks
Like some checks: Abbr.
Like some checkups
Like some cheddar
Like some cheddar cheese
Like some cheeks
Like some cheeses
Like some cheesy spin-off, craving to admit a call for attention
Like some chemical bonds
Like some chest pain
Like some chicken
Like some chickens
Like some Chinese cooking
Like some Chinese dishes
Like some chips? Nick most of cutlery that's free
Like some chocolat
Like some choirs: Var.
Like some chops
Like some chords
Like some Christians
Like some chromium and ar
Like some church matters
Like some churches: Abbr.
Like some cider
Like some cigarettes
Like some cigars
Like some citizenship
Like some citizenships
Like some classes and boo
Like some classic films,
Like some classic movies
Like some classical archi
Like some classical colum
Like some cleaning produc
Like some clearances
Like some Clement Moore s
Like some climates
Like some clocks
Like some close likenesse
Like some clothes we dare a Tory to change into
Like some clothing
Like some clothing ensemb
Like some clouds
Like some club members
Like some clues with "hand" in? Go to Davy Jones's locker
Like some coaches: Abbr.
Like some coats
Like some cocoa powder
Like some codes
Like some coffee
Like some coffee orders
Like some coifs
Like some coincidences
Like some coins
Like some coins and salad
Like some cold medicines
Like some college appoint
Like some college curricu
Like some college honors
Like some college majors
Like some college program
Like some college volleyb
Like some colognes
Like some colonies
Like some colors
Like some columns
Like some comfy shoes creep doles out?
Like some commentary
Like some committees
Like some communication
Like some communities
Like some companies' day
Like some complaints ubiquitous on the internet
Like some complex feeling
Like some complexes
Like some complexions
Like some computer encodi
Like some computer mainte
Like some computer printe
Like some computer search
Like some concerns
Like some concerts
Like some conclusions
Like some conditions
Like some confessions
Like some confrontations
Like some connections
Like some consequences
Like some consonant stops
Like some consonants
Like some consonants, in
Like some consonants, pho
Like some contraception
Like some controls
Like some controversial p
Like some cookie sheets
Like some cookware
Like some copy
Like some corners
Like some corporate stock
Like some counters
Like some country music
Like some country sounds
Like some courses: Abbr.
Like some court proceedin
Like some cousins
Like some covers
Like some cows
Like some crabs
Like some crayons
Like some credit
Like some crisps? Nuts? Deal with change
Like some cross-dressers
Like some crosses
Like some crosswords
Like some crowds
Like some cruises
Like some crystal balls
Like some cubs
Like some cuisine
Like some cuisine, cool and under cooked, with British tucking in
Like some cuisines
Like some currents
Like some curtains
Like some curves
Like some custards
Like some customs
Like some cycles
Like some D.A.'s
Like some damages
Like some dames
Like some dancers
Like some days
Like some days of summer,
Like some dealings
Like some deals
Like some debaters
Like some decals
Like some decisions
Like some decisions and d
Like some decorations
Like some decorative cook
Like some decrees
Like some deductions, wit
Like some defensive baske
Like some deities
Like some deli orders
Like some delicate linger
Like some delis
Like some dental floss
Like some deserts
Like some designs
Like some desk trays
Like some desserts
Like some details
Like some developments
Like some devils?
Like some diamonds
Like some diamonds, sizew
Like some diet colas, in
Like some diets
Like some digital picture
Like some digs
Like some dinars
Like some dinners
Like some dirt paths
Like some dirty windshiel
Like some disappearances
Like some discounted mdse
Like some discussions
Like some diseases
Like some divorces
Like some doctors
Like some dodderers
Like some dollars on curr
Like some doors
Like some dorms
Like some doubts
Like some doughnuts
Like some doughnuts and w
Like some dreams
Like some dresses and dri
Like some drink orders
Like some drinks
Like some drinks, talking with old therapist
Like some drugs
Like some drugs, briefly
Like some dryers
Like some dumbbells: Abbr
Like some dummies
Like some DVDs in DVD pla
Like some eagles
Like some early computer
Like some earrings
Like some ears
Like some ears and elbows
Like some eaves in winter
Like some eclipses
Like some educations
Like some eels or catfish
Like some effects
Like some efforts
Like some eggs
Like some eggs or cloth
Like some egos
Like some Egyptian relics
Like some elbows and fend
Like some electric applia
Like some electric circui
Like some electrical plug
Like some electronics
Like some elements second kind of star made available
Like some elephants
Like some elephants and a
Like some eligibles, once
Like some emotions
Like some enemies
Like some energy
Like some engagement ring
Like some English furnitu
Like some English muffins
Like some envelopes
Like some epic poetry
Like some errors
Like some estates
Like some ex-dictators
Like some exams
Like some exchange rates
Like some excursions
Like some excuses
Like some exercise? I carried back some French wine bottles
Like some exercises
Like some exhausts
Like some expense reimbur
Like some expensive vases
Like some eye surgery
Like some eyes
Like some eyes and soup
Like some eyes at a weddi
Like some fabric in bed, fashionable
Like some fabric patterns
Like some face powders
Like some faithful friend
Like some families
Like some fancy soap bubb
Like some fancy stuff old sailors had
Like some fans
Like some farmers
Like some fashions
Like some fat Tudor composer keeping old wife and horse
Like some favorites
Like some fears
Like some felonies
Like some fertility lab t
Like some fevers
Like some fighters
Like some figures
Like some financial figures - caught editor out
Like some fine linen
Like some fine pottery
Like some fireplaces
Like some fish
Like some fish and a couple of drugs from the east
Like some fishing
Like some flames
Like some flaps
Like some flat-screen pan
Like some flocks
Like some floor polish
Like some flooring? Ring province up
Like some floors
Like some floors and legs
Like some flu
Like some flushes
Like some flycatchers
Like some fog
Like some folders
Like some fondue pots
Like some food
Like some food and drink to restrict slight depression
Like some food products in cargo, exotic
Like some foods for Jews
Like some football games
Like some football kicks
Like some football passes
Like some forces
Like some forces in the B
Like some forecasts
Like some foreign films
Like some foreign movies
Like some Fr. nouns
Like some fraternities no
Like some French accents
Like some friends
Like some friendships
Like some fruit
Like some fruit bats
Like some fruit bats and
Like some funds
Like some furniture
Like some furs
Like some garages
Like some garnishes
Like some gas: Abbr.
Like some gases
Like some gases examiner tests partly
Like some gasolines
Like some gazes
Like some gears
Like some gems
Like some gems and old mo
Like some gen.'s
Like some genes
Like some genetic laws
Like some Ger. nouns
Like some giants
Like some glances
Like some glass
Like some glasses
Like some glasses, in a p
Like some glasswork
Like some goals
Like some goals, sadly
Like some golf balls
Like some golf courses
Like some golfers
Like some good soil
Like some goodbyes
Like some Google Maps vie
Like some goose egg good and ancient
Like some gowns
Like some grain
Like some grapes
Like some grasses
Like some gravy and mattr
Like some Greek columns
Like some Greek odes
Like some greeting cards
Like some griddles
Like some grievances
Like some grins
Like some Groucho Marx hu
Like some ground
Like some guesses
Like some guests
Like some guns mobster and hood arranged together
Like some habits
Like some hair
Like some hallowed walls
Like some Halloween costu
Like some hams
Like some hands
Like some hands and heart
Like some hard soils
Like some harrows
Like some heads
Like some health coverage
Like some heavenly objects in Taurus, mostly coming in close
Like some heirs
Like some help
Like some hepatitis
Like some heroes
Like some high-fiber cere
Like some highlighter col
Like some highways after
Like some hist.
Like some histories
Like some history
Like some history: Abbr.
Like some holiday apparel
Like some holistic treatm
Like some hooks
Like some hospital beds
Like some hospital proced
Like some hostages
Like some hot dogs
Like some hotels
Like some hotels, for sho
Like some hours
Like some humor
Like some humour found in Cairo, nice
Like some humour the writer's penned, surprisingly strong?
Like some hush puppies
Like some hygiene
Like some I.R.A. owners:
Like some idiots, slightly mad
Like some illnesses
Like some imaginations
Like some immunological a
Like some important visit
Like some inclement weath
Like some income
Like some income a Parisian press chief keeps close by?
Like some income on a 104
Like some industrial wast
Like some inexpensive hom
Like some injuries
Like some inns
Like some inns or hot dog
Like some input
Like some inspections
Like some instincts
Like some instructions
Like some instruments
Like some instruments: Ab
Like some insurance
Like some interest
Like some interests
Like some Internet search
Like some internships, in
Like some interpretations
Like some investments
Like some ions: Abbr.
Like some iron, approximate in weight
Like some irony
Like some Italian cooking
Like some items at custom
Like some items on a groc
Like some jackets
Like some jams and jellie
Like some jeans
Like some jeans legs
Like some jewel cases
Like some Jewish delis
Like some Jewish dynastie
Like some job training
Like some jobs
Like some joints
Like some jokes
Like some jokes and jobs
Like some jokes, avoiding repetition, but weak
Like some jugs
Like some juries
Like some justice
Like some Keats works
Like some keys
Like some kicks
Like some kids' books from Jerry Springer when young?
Like some kings
Like some kisses
Like some kisses and base
Like some kisses and unlo
Like some kitchens
Like some kitchens, in re
Like some knees
Like some knots
Like some Kraut
Like some Kurds
Like some lab mice
Like some landings
Like some lattes from pub in island that closes early
Like some laundries
Like some lava
Like some lawn displays
Like some laws
Like some lawsuits
Like some league games
Like some leaves
Like some leaves having two buds?
Like some legal proceedin
Like some legends
Like some lens coatings
Like some lenses
Like some letters
Like some lilies
Like some limits
Like some lines
Like some lineups
Like some lingerie
Like some lips
Like some little heads
Like some lizards
Like some loads
Like some loan repayment
Like some loans
Like some locks
Like some locomotives
Like some logs from a pine ruined by awful rain
Like some lore
Like some losers
Like some lots
Like some lotteries
Like some love
Like some love affairs
Like some low-cost housin
Like some luggage
Like some lunch orders
Like some magazine ads
Like some maidens
Like some maidens of myth
Like some mail
Like some mail or traffic
Like some majors
Like some manes
Like some manufacturing c
Like some marine habitats
Like some markers
Like some markets
Like some marshes
Like some martinis
Like some Mass parts
Like some matching pairs
Like some mattresses
Like some meals
Like some measures
Like some meat
Like some medicines
Like some melons
Like some memoirs
Like some memories
Like some men's hair
Like some menus
Like some merchandise
Like some messages
Like some metal toys
Like some Mexican pyramid
Like some mgrs.
Like some Mideast confere
Like some Mideast politic
Like some military action
Like some military maneuv
Like some milk
Like some mines? Not near Pilsen, oddly
Like some minimum-wage wo
Like some mirrors
Like some misguided remar
Like some missiles
Like some modems
Like some modern carpets
Like some modern communit
Like some modern filmmaki
Like some modern maps
Like some modern music
Like some modern restaura
Like some modern signals
Like some modern-day mapp
Like some modesty
Like some MOMA art
Like some money
Like some monks
Like some monsters
Like some monuments
Like some monuments: Abbr
Like some morning grass
Like some motions
Like some mountain guides
Like some mountain lodge
Like some mountains
Like some mouths
Like some mouthwashes
Like some moves
Like some movies
Like some movies for TV
Like some mules
Like some municipal bonds
Like some mus. keys
Like some muscles
Like some museumgoers
Like some mushrooms
Like some music
Like some music drama, unusually wearing, and endless?
Like some music of Queen in recording
Like some music or, perhaps after initial cuts, like some poetry
Like some music that gives backing to R Charles, possibly
Like some mutual funds
Like some mysticism spread in tract
Like some mythology
Like some myths
Like some names: Abbr.
Like some nationalism
Like some natural forces
Like some navels
Like some necks
Like some needs
Like some nerves
Like some neutrals
Like some new lawns
Like some newly laundered
Like some night vision
Like some nightclubs
Like some nights
Like some nights and eyes
Like some noisy cats
Like some nonvoters
Like some noodle dishes
Like some noodles
Like some noses
Like some noses and numer
Like some notebook paper
Like some notepaper
Like some nouns in Lat.
Like some nouns: Abbr.
Like some number systems
Like some numbers, within moderation always
Like some numbers: Abbr.
Like some numerals
Like some nursery care
Like some nursing
Like some nuts
Like some oak leaves
Like some oaths
Like some observations
Like some odes
Like some of Bach’s music, full of runs and economical
Like some of Chekhov's wr
Like some of Keats's work
Like some of Stravinsky’s music — so nice, Callas recollected
Like some of the early En
Like some of the Rockies
Like some of the Sahara
Like some of Thomas Gray'
Like some oil
Like some oil rigs
Like some old alphabets
Like some old Americans captured on film?
Like some old buckets
Like some old cigars
Like some old coats
Like some old film sleuth
Like some old houses where two little boys live with socialist behind hospital
Like some old lamps
Like some Old Masters
Like some old monitors, f
Like some old records
Like some old stores
Like some old-fashioned l
Like some old-fashioned s
Like some olive oil
Like some olives
Like some Olympic races
Like some on-the-spot wir
Like some opinions
Like some opportunities
Like some orders
Like some organs
Like some outfields
Like some outlets
Like some outlooks
Like some paint
Like some paint floating in pond across river
Like some palms
Like some panels
Like some panels or flare
Like some pans
Like some paper and coats
Like some park facilities
Like some parking
Like some parking spots
Like some parks
Like some parties
Like some party prizes
Like some passes
Like some patches
Like some patio furniture
Like some pay rates
Like some paychecks
Like some payouts
Like some peacekeepers
Like some peaches
Like some peaches and plu
Like some peanuts?
Like some pen residents
Like some pencil sharpeners
Like some pens
Like some people resistin
Like some perfume
Like some pesticides
Like some pets
Like some petticoats
Like some phone minutes
Like some phone nos.
Like some phones
Like some physical tests
Like some piano keys
Like some picture frames
Like some pie crusts
Like some pieces
Like some pigeons
Like some pigs
Like some pipes
Like some pitches
Like some pizza orders
Like some pizzas
Like some plains
Like some planetarium pro
Like some plans
Like some plants
Like some plates
Like some platforms
Like some plating
Like some players, strain on pitch
Like some playgrounds
Like some plays
Like some poetic feet
Like some poetry
Like some points
Like some poisoning
Like some poker betting
Like some poles: Abbr.
Like some police
Like some polit. tickets
Like some politics
Like some politics across the pond in programme about alliance
Like some polluters
Like some pond life
Like some pools
Like some pools or paint
Like some poorly washed w
Like some pork chops
Like some port authoritie
Like some ports
Like some potatoes
Like some potatoes or oys
Like some pots
Like some practice
Like some pre-Columbian c
Like some pregnancies
Like some presidents
Like some prices
Like some priests of old
Like some primaries
Like some print
Like some prints
Like some private dets.
Like some private-home ap
Like some profanity
Like some professors
Like some professors' sui
Like some profs.
Like some profs: Abbr.
Like some projectors
Like some promises
Like some pronouns: Abbr.
Like some property, after
Like some proportions
Like some prospects
Like some protective coat
Like some proverbial milk
Like some provinces
Like some prunes
Like some prunes and face
Like some pulled calves?
Like some punch
Like some punches
Like some punk hairdos
Like some puns
Like some pupils
Like some purchases
Like some pursuits
Like some puzzles in mathematics
Like some pymts.
Like some pyramids
Like some queens
Like some questions
Like some r
Like some races and hopes
Like some racing autos
Like some radiation
Like some radio shows
Like some rafts
Like some raises
Like some rates
Like some rats
Like some reading lamps
Like some realistic statu
Like some rebates
Like some receptions
Like some recollections
Like some recordings
Like some records
Like some refrigerators
Like some refugees
Like some regions
Like some relations
Like some relations: Abbr
Like some relationships
Like some religious leaders, babble endlessly in upset state?
Like some remains
Like some remarks
Like some remedies
Like some remedies brother turned over, central to cure
Like some renewable energ
Like some reports
Like some resistance
Like some resorts
Like some responsibilitie
Like some restaurant orde
Like some restaurants
Like some restrictions
Like some retirements
Like some retreats
Like some returned goods
Like some reviews
Like some rewards
Like some rials
Like some rich soil
Like some Riesling wines
Like some rights: Abbr.
Like some risers
Like some risqu
Like some rites
Like some river areas
Like some riverbanks
Like some roads teen idler vandalised
Like some roads with bit of confusion - two traffic lights but only one right!
Like some robbers' guns
Like some robes
Like some rock male member initially explained in exam
Like some rocks, since covered by the sea
Like some rolls
Like some Roman tragedies
Like some romances
Like some roofs
Like some roofs and roads
Like some rotations
Like some roulette number
Like some rounds
Like some routes through
Like some ruins
Like some rumors
Like some runs
Like some sabbaticals
Like some sacred art
Like some sacrifices
Like some salad dressings
Like some salads
Like some sale clothes: A
Like some salesmen and pr
Like some salons
Like some salt
Like some salts
Like some sandwich bags
Like some sausages and We
Like some schemes
Like some scholarship win
Like some schoolbook publ
Like some Schwinns
Like some scientists
Like some scores
Like some sculptures
Like some seals
Like some seasonal helper
Like some seats
Like some seats in a stad
Like some securities, for
Like some semirural towns
Like some senators, protest 50% of Arctic being taken over
Like some sentences
Like some sermons
Like some servants
Like some servitude
Like some sgts.
Like some shares
Like some shells
Like some shifts
Like some shipping rates
Like some ships at sea
Like some shirts
Like some shoes
Like some shoes and drink
Like some shoppes
Like some shopping
Like some short tennis ma
Like some short-lived rom
Like some shoulders
Like some shows
Like some shows in syndic
Like some shows, for shor
Like some shrubs
Like some signals, for sh
Like some signs
Like some signs and stati
Like some silences
Like some silver: Abbr.
Like some similarities
Like some singing
Like some single-sex scho
Like some sires
Like some six-packs
Like some sketches: Abbr.
Like some skies
Like some skiing
Like some skiing and swim
Like some skits
Like some skylines
Like some sloths
Like some small flats
Like some smiles
Like some smiles and load
Like some smoothly runnin
Like some sneakers
Like some snow
Like some socks
Like some soda bottles
Like some software
Like some SoHo parties
Like some SoHo shops
Like some solutions
Like some songs mixed choirs originally performed tastefully
Like some souls
Like some souls or words
Like some sources
Like some sources: Abbr.
Like some Sp. nouns
Like some space missions
Like some sparkling wines
Like some speakeasies
Like some specially-prepa
Like some speech sounds
Like some speeches
Like some speeds
Like some spicy food
Like some spirits
Like some spoonfuls
Like some sports
Like some sports contract
Like some sports programs
Like some sports records
Like some stables of myth
Like some stairs
Like some stares
Like some stars
Like some starts
Like some statesmen
Like some station wagons
Like some stations on a c
Like some statistics
Like some steak bones
Like some steaks
Like some steel
Like some steps
Like some steroids
Like some Steve Martin hu
Like some stickers
Like some stock
Like some stock market hi
Like some stock markets t
Like some stock prices
Like some stockings
Like some stocks
Like some stocks and drug
Like some stocks, for sho
Like some stocks: Abbr.
Like some stomachs
Like some stores of old
Like some stories
Like some storms
Like some stoves
Like some straits
Like some straw
Like some straws
Like some streams in wint
Like some streets
Like some strolls
Like some struggles
Like some sturdy furnitur
Like some styles
Like some subsidiary buil
Like some suburban homes
Like some sugar
Like some suits
Like some summer school c
Like some sums
Like some surgeons in navy, retire unhappily
Like some surgery
Like some survey boxes
Like some suspects
Like some swarms
Like some sweaters
Like some Swift writing
Like some swimming stroke
Like some symmetry
Like some sympathies
Like some T-shirt designs
Like some T-shirts and eg
Like some tabloid headlin
Like some tales or detail
Like some tales or orders
Like some talk
Like some tall buildings much liked by fat cats?
Like some tars
Like some tasks
Like some tattooed charac
Like some tax returns
Like some tea
Like some tea gents? On vacation smoke marijuana
Like some teas
Like some telegrams
Like some television
Like some television critic could see, endlessly rattled
Like some tennis courts
Like some tennis games
Like some tenors
Like some terminals: Abbr
Like some testimony
Like some text from scriptures, truly gripping
Like some textbook publ.
Like some textbook publis
Like some textbooks
Like some texts
Like some thermometers
Like some thin fibers
Like some thinking
Like some thoroughly exam
Like some thoughts
Like some threats
Like some thunderstorms
Like some tickets
Like some tickets and Wes
Like some tickets: Abbr.
Like some tires
Like some titmice
Like some toasters and ch
Like some toenails
Like some tomatoes
Like some toothpaste
Like some tour buses
Like some town ordinances
Like some track meets
Like some track stars
Like some tracks and talk
Like some tracts
Like some traditions
Like some traffic
Like some traffic barrier
Like some traffic, for sh
Like some training
Like some traits
Like some transactions
Like some transfers
Like some transit
Like some translations
Like some trauma patients
Like some treated lawns
Like some tree trunks
Like some trial testimony
Like some trials
Like some triangles
Like some tricksters?
Like some trousers to appear hot on high priest
Like some trucks
Like some truths
Like some tuners
Like some turkey meat
Like some turkey stuffing
Like some TV channels, br
Like some TV interviewers
Like some TV shows
Like some TV wrap-ups
Like some twins
Like some twisted ankles
Like some type: Abbr.
Like some ulcers
Like some undercover cops
Like some undergrad studi
Like some undergrads
Like some units taking a risk
Like some univ. courses
Like some universities, say, breaking random local tie
Like some unpopular leade
Like some upset stomachs
Like some urges
Like some urns, terribly rare, nicked from the east
Like some vaccines
Like some valuable proper
Like some valves
Like some vamps
Like some variables
Like some vases
Like some vaults
Like some vbs.
Like some vehicles
Like some vents
Like some verbs
Like some verbs: Abbr.
Like some verses
Like some vertebrae
Like some victims of the
Like some victories
Like some video, to cable
Like some vino
Like some vision
Like some voices
Like some voodoo
Like some voters
Like some votes
Like some vows
Like some vows or cows
Like some wages
Like some wages and waste
Like some walks
Like some walls
Like some warehouses
Like some warnings
Like some warranties
Like some washers
Like some watches
Like some watermelons
Like some waters initially lapping mine entrance when rising
Like some waves
Like some weaves
Like some Web forums
Like some weekends
Like some weights
Like some wells
Like some wells and lectu
Like some West Africans
Like some Western law
Like some whiskey
Like some wills
Like some windows
Like some winds
Like some wine
Like some wine drunk by crook helping holy work
Like some wine yours truly had talked of, showing no emotion
Like some wines
Like some wines, this doesn't last long!
Like some winks
Like some Winter Olympics
Like some winter sidewalk
Like some winter wear
Like some winter weather
Like some wires
Like some wit
Like some witnesses
Like some women's dresses
Like some women's jeans
Like some wonders
Like some wool
Like some workers
Like some workers, needing houses destroyed
Like some working groups
Like some wrestlers' bodi
Like some wrestling
Like some wrongs
Like some yoga
Like some yogurt
Like some yogurt, informa
Like some YouTube videos
Like some zoning in the s
Like someone proving "where there's muck there's brass"?
Like someone who's been f
Like something communicat
Like something of yours or mine that's crazy
Like something one might get from a letter?
Like something one won’t catch a video lab processing
Like something that matters about eastern part of Med
Like something that may be first, second or third, without one negative comment
Like something wicked making one irritable?
Like something written in
Like something you've hea
Like son’s cheek — dreadful to be idly hanging around
Like song racily composed by learner?
Like songs I start to recall in delicate line that’s elevated
Like sore hands
Like sore muscles
Like sororities, at times
Like sorted socks
Like sound from worst head­phones
Like sour grapes
Like spam
Like spandex
Like Spanish "eyes," e.g.
Like speaker to be judge of metals
Like specialised equipment for speaking an ancient language
Like spoiled wine, say
Like spoken n's
Like sports cars, briefly
Like sports drink, one drunk on ice, briefly
Like sports highlights
Like spots in which nails
Like spring baby with a nature that’s wild
Like spring rolls? Main man devours one
Like sprouts and maize, hot not cold, for a starter
Like squads in arena foot
Like squashed insects
Like St. Basil's
Like St. Nick
Like St. Nick's "little m
Like St. Paul, vis-a-vis
Like stadium seating
Like stadiums after touch
Like stainproof fabric
Like Stalin's reign - go for reform with Nikita finally
Like stallions and bulls
Like standard music notat
Like staples
Like star-cross'd lovers I enshrined in poetry
Like starers
Like stars
Like stars at night
Like stars on a clear nig
Like state-of-the-art gad
Like steak tartare
Like Stephen King novels
Like steppes
Like Steve Jobs and Moses
Like still waters, maybe
Like Stilton cheese
Like stocking caps
Like stocks and reference
Like stools and many benc
Like stories that can lead to novel
Like straight shooters
Like streakers, dodging about to avoid capture at last
Like strike-breakers
Like students in the Head
Like stuff in the back of
Like successful orators
Like suckers
Like sudden-death playoff
Like sugar vis-
Like suits and boots
Like sultanas
Like summer drinks
Like summer school classe
Like summertime tea
Like sunbeams
Like sunflowers
Like sunsets
Like Superman's arms, oft
Like Superman's vision
Like supermarkets
Like superprecise clocks
Like surfers paddling sur
Like surveyors' charts
Like sushi
Like sushi fish, typicall
Like swallowing first of beers in six-pack?
Like swift streams
Like Swiss cheese
Like Swiss mountains
Like sycamore leaves
Like Sydney Carton at the
Like table sugar
Like tabloid writing
Like tailgated drivers, o
Like takeaway food in African country
Like takeout orders
Like taking candy from a
Like taking ends off
Like taking part in merrymaking
Like talkers at a movie
Like tall buildings
Like tank tops
Like taro or sago
Like tasty cake
Like tattersall
Like tavern peanuts
Like taxis at a hotel, ma
Like taxis on city street
Like tea
Like tea bags, traditiona
Like tears
Like tears of US city crook dropping in
Like telemarketing headse
Like ten to four on some watches
Like tennis rackets and h
Like tennis serves
Like tests and dirt roads
Like thank-yous
Like that hotel round Westminster area
Like that woman Jane who went out with Paul?
Like the "ch" in Bach
Like the "Iliad" and "Ody
Like the "Saw" movies
Like the "Too-ra-loo-ra-l
Like the "y" sound in "ye
Like the 1880's, e.g.
Like the 1920's
Like the 1974 rope-a-dope
Like the 1995 film "Sense
Like the 2 in "x squared"
Like the A B C's
Like the Abominable Snowm
Like the acid in apples
Like the Addams Family
Like the air around Niaga
Like the air in a cigar b
Like the Aires of Argenti
Like the ancient Greeks
Like the Ancient Mariner's ship, tide- and weather-battered
Like the Angkor ruins
Like the answer to this c
Like the answers to the 1
Like the answers to this
Like the Aramco oil compa
Like the Archbishop of Yo
Like the Arctic
Like the arms of a starfi
Like the art in some exhi
Like the artist Rubens
Like the Atacama
Like the B-2 bomber
Like the bad guy
Like the Barbican's kind of bubbly celebrities
Like the Battle of Trafal
Like the Bay of Rainbows
Like the beach? Go out on it maybe in journey regularly
Like the beasts on Noah's
Like the Beatles in "Help
Like the Beatles' early w
Like the Beatles' Sadie
Like the Beatles' White A
Like the best bet
Like the best chicken or
Like the best explanation
Like the best letters fro
Like the best ruse
Like the best straight in
Like the best towels
Like the best wallets?
Like the best-looking tee
Like the bird that catche
Like the Blues song set to succeed
Like the bone in a loin s
Like the boondocks
Like the botanist Linnaeu
Like the buildings at Mac
Like the Canadian flag ..
Like the Capitol bldg. vi
Like the carol "Away in a
Like the cats in "Lady an
Like the centre of Bordeaux, without barriers and without weapons
Like the cerebrum, initially large in the brainy, amazingly
Like the Chairman's little work
Like the Channel Islands, having cells for spores
Like the Chernobyl nuclea
Like the chief fox
Like the children in "A V
Like the children, in a h
Like the Chinese language
Like the Christmas story,
Like the Chrysler Buildin
Like The Citadel, now
Like the class valedictor
Like the climate of 66-Do
Like the clues in all the
Like the Coast Guard
Like the Colossus of Rhod
Like the colour of an ape?
Like the Columbia River
Like the compulsive buyer heading off in a rage?
Like the Congo's Mobutu S
Like the construction of a honeycomb?
Like the contents of egg
Like the core of an egg
Like the corn god Yum Kax
Like the Crusades
Like the cutting of gemst
Like the Dalai Lama, hist
Like the Danish language
Like the day of the summe
Like the Devil
Like the devout
Like the dinosaurs
Like the disciples, a co-pilot's undergoing conversion
Like the diver's end of t
Like the divers' end of t
Like the dog days of summ
Like the dragon Fafnir
Like the driven snow
Like the drummer for rock
Like the Duke of Edinburgh, soon had deer roundly shot
Like the dust in a dust s
Like the Dutch, prudently changing shillings to francs
Like the earliest Beatles
Like the earliest Olympic
Like the eastern part of
Like the Empire State Bui
Like the end of the world
Like the English Channel
Like the equation "x = x
Like the era of highest s
Like the eye of a hurrica
Like the eye of a storm
Like the face after a goo
Like the farmer MacDonald
Like the feet of someone feeling restless?
Like the Fens, ultimately rather quiet in May
Like the film "Arthur" in
Like the film "Henry & Ju
Like the fire goddess Bri
Like the first of May or
Like the fjords, never wearing out
Like the flu
Like the Ford logo
Like the forest in "A Mid
Like the fox among all be
Like the fox hunting set
Like the fox, among all a
Like the gang, in song
Like the Ganges, to Hindu
Like the GE Building
Like the general's plan to move 4 around the flanks
Like the Gobi
Like the Godhead
Like the gods, lacking time to be debauched
Like the golden calf
Like the Grand Canyon or
Like the gray mare
Like the Great Geysir
Like the Great Plains
Like the greatest show on
Like the Greek god of wine
Like the grunge rock move
Like the hair under a com
Like the Harvard Lampoon
Like the heart during a h
Like the heavens
Like the highest high
Like the highest point in
Like the hills
Like the hoi polloi
Like the Honda Element
Like the ideal knight?
Like the identified car m
Like the Incas
Like the inside of a coff
Like the inside of a sphe
Like the Julian calendar
Like the Kalahari
Like the Kama Sutra
Like the Kara Kum
Like the Keystone Kops
Like the kiddie rides at
Like the king of the jungle
Like the labyrinth of Kno
Like the land that includ
Like the language Kalaall
Like The Lark, put ad around shelter
Like the last Beatles con
Like the last movement of
Like the laws of kosher f
Like the letters on a dre
Like the lion's share
Like the little finger
Like the living dead with axes? There's nothing silly about that
Like the losing straw
Like the lunar surface
Like the lungs
Like the majority of Basq
Like the majority of Inte
Like the man who won Wimbledon?
Like the Marquis de Sade
Like the Marx Brothers
Like the mathematician Eu
Like the Mau Maus
Like the midafternoon hou
Like the Mikado and Nanki
Like the Mississippi
Like the models in a swim
Like the modern age
Like the month of May?
Like the moon
Like the morning sun?
Like the most delicious tea maybe — ice tea Mrs prepared?
Like the most devout chur
Like the most expensive c
Like the most expensive h
Like the mot juste
Like the movies "10,000 B
Like the mumps
Like the music in "Turkey
Like the Muslim calendar
Like the N.B.A.'s Rod Str
Like the name "Bryn Mawr"
Like the names at 33-, 51
Like the narrowest of win
Like the Navajo language
Like the Negev
Like the night sky
Like the night, to Keats
Like the Normandie, style
Like the north wind
Like the ocean
Like the oceans
Like the oceans seal’s swimming around in
Like the old days, they s
Like the Olympics: Abbr.
Like The Onion
Like the origin of all solutions here, maybe a pure one
Like the origin of the na
Like the other evil
Like the outfield walls a
Like the overendowed tup, lonely when doctored
Like the Owl and the Puss
Like the Paris Opera
Like the path of least re
Like the pattern on a snail's shell
Like the peacemakers, biblically
Like the perfect beaver
Like the perfect homemake
Like the period after 194
Like the pitcher, usually
Like the Pledge of Allegi
Like the poem "Tam o' Sha
Like the pop group the Pu
Like the prepositions in
Like the presidencies of
Like the presidential sui
Like the proverbial beave
Like the QE2
Like the Queen's coach, moving her onwards
Like the rarest rhino
Like the reading on a the
Like the rear extremity of many animals
Like the return of swallo
Like the review "Hated it
Like the rhythm of a nurs
Like the rich and beautif
Like the rim of an eyecup
Like the risk to bet on,
Like the Romanovs
Like the Sabin vaccine
Like the Sahara
Like the scriptures on wh
Like the sea
Like the sea lion
Like the sea?
Like the season before Ea
Like the service academie
Like the Shadow
Like the shriek if this cosmetic procedure goes wrong?
Like the sky at dawn or s
Like the smell of fresh p
Like the sound "ng"
Like the sound of a gong
Like the sound of a teake
Like the sound of lamb stuffed with Indian bread fruit
Like the sound of oboes
Like the sound of Serpent in a childish tantrum?
Like the space around a f
Like the Span. armada?
Like the Sphinx, reportedly, if accepted
Like the squire touching down outside old quarters
Like the starts of the an
Like the stranger in Camu
Like the sugar in cotton
Like the sun
Like the sun god Inti
Like the supposed influence of planets and stars
Like the supreme ruler with the ultimate in sumptuous loose attire
Like the Supremes and the
Like the surf
Like the surface of Mars
Like the symmetry of a st
Like the Talmud
Like the taste of some ba
Like the technology of 1-
Like the teeth of many co
Like the text on proof sh
Like the thief at 17- and
Like the thief at 17-Acro
Like the Titanic
Like the top medalists at
Like the Topoxte archaeol
Like the tops of dunce ca
Like the Tower of Pisa
Like the trades
Like the Trojan horse
Like the tropics
Like the Twenties
Like the U.N.
Like the Union Jack
Like the upper half of th
Like the USSR
Like the Uzbek and Kirghi
Like the verb "to be"
Like the verb "to be": Ab
Like the Vietnamese langu
Like the Vikings
Like the villain of the piece
Like the Wallendas
Like the walls at Wrigley
Like the water in inflata
Like the weather around l
Like the White Rabbit
Like the Who, in the 60's
Like the wicked stepsiste
Like the Wicked Witch of
Like the Wild West
Like the winner in a gues
Like the wire in a croque
Like the witness in "Witn
Like the Wolfman
Like The Woman in White
Like the word of God
Like the words of Jesus
Like the works of Handel
Like the world to pre-Col
Like the world, to the an
Like the worst of excuses
Like the worst prediction
Like the Yeti greeting someone from further east?
Like the yin side: Abbr.
Like theater seating
Like these down entries and calm our nerves, just a bit churned up
Like thick fog
Like thick smoke
Like thick vines
Like thick, dry mud
Like thin cream that hasn't been licked?
Like things
Like things said after cu
Like things that go bump
Like things?
Like this
Like this answer's error
Like this bachelor, before party grew serious
Like this clue?
Like this good clue, it might have you stuck!
Like this parking concession
Like this puzzle
Like this puzzle ... not!
Like this puzzle you'd mess up on originally
Like this puzzle's grid
Like this puzzle? (not re
Like this setter, confused its lead with lead (Pb)
Like this?
Like thongs
Like Thor or Frigg
Like those trying to succeed
Like three out of four su
Like three-legged race co
Like thrift shop wares
Like tickets and some sto
Like tigers
Like tigers and yaks
Like tigers vis-
Like tights
Like Tilsit cheese
Like Time's border
Like tiny particles of mosaic, but different
Like tiny tots
Like tires
Like Titanic in reality
Like to be in bed, it’s established
Like to be located outside city
Like to broadcast new author
Like to come round by Tuesday to see compound
Like to cuddle academic that's one hot dude!
Like to cut rent for poorest
Like to feed toddler something for breakfast
Like to hear about America's leader? Wrong
Like to insert tongue, opening wide
Like to jump up without slowing down
Like to keep jade stuff in changed forms
Like to monitor typos in Guardian? No way!
Like to run, not on the flat
Like to secure second book
Like to see cracking wrestling from the bottom team
Like to stay in bed and take it easy
Like to strip - backed out
Like to strip off when retiring or having a snooze
Like to stuff rubbish cook in the oven
Like to succeed in ornamental knitting
Like to traverse record range
Like toast
Like toffee
Like toffee cold: cut an unknown quantity
Like toffee?
Like Tommy, of the Who's
Like tongues of fire
Like top kisser? Charlie excited on one date, finally has fiddle
Like Top-Siders and khaki
Like topiary
Like tournament chess gam
Like towelettes, typicall
Like tractors
Like trade involving churchgoer in shabby headgear
Like traditional Catholic
Like traditional Disney f
Like traditional epic poe
Like traditional hospital
Like traditional Mexican
Like tragic Shakespearean couple, they're matched in 26
Like train's wheels, perhaps, never stopping on a track?
Like trampolinists?
Like tree leaves
Like tree surgeons?
Like trees on a prairie
Like trenchant wit
Like triple plays compare
Like true believers
Like tubers
Like tumblers
Like tundras
Like tuned-in listeners?
Like turbojet fuel
Like turncoats
Like TV channels above 13
Like TV's Jaime Sommers
Like TV's Ninja Turtles
Like TV's Xena
Like twice-smoked cigars
Like twill
Like two dimes and four n
Like two Europeans providing gloss?
Like two jacks in a deck
Like two Kennedy brothers
Like two originally trying high jump, say
Like two peas in a pod? Nearly - essentially comparable
Like two peas in ___
Like two, to four
Like Tylenol PM: Abbr.
Like Type B personalities
Like typhoid bacteria, of
Like typical Georgian woo
Like ultra-spiritual type that offers response to disease?
Like un ami to une amie
Like un millionnaire
Like un monte
Like Unalaska
Like unbaked bread
Like undercooked eggs
Like une amie
Like unedited crossword, a good thing to have
Like unedited report and leader in Guardian, agreeing
Like unfortunate bullfigh
Like unfortunate winter p
Like ungulates
Like universal blood dono
Like unkept yards
Like unlucky toreadors
Like unmentionables here in broadcast chat item
Like unpopular umps
Like unripe apples
Like unwashed hair
Like unwashed hair, maybe
Like unwashed rugs
Like upcycled furniture rescued from skip?
Like Uranus vis-a-vis Jup
Like urban land
Like Urdu musical that's turned round mood
Like Uriah Heep
Like Valhalla's heroes
Like Van Buren's presiden
Like van Gogh's night
Like Vassar, now
Like VCRs in the 1970s
Like veal calves
Like vegetable or fruit, not quite raw
Like vegetables in salads
Like velvet, e.g.
Like venison
Like venture capital inve
Like venture capitalist, uncomfortably plain re: return after investing with energy repeatedly
Like Venus vis-
Like very few games
Like very narrow shoes
Like very wide shoes
Like Victor Hugo when he
Like vicu
Like Viking characters, hurry by a lot of rocks
Like Vikings
Like villains
Like vinaigrette
Like vinegar
Like vinegar’s acid
Like vino tinto
Like vinyl records
Like violins and tennis rackets
Like violins and tennis racquets
Like virgin land
Like virgin territory with mud planter managed
Like virtually all school
Like vision in bright lig
Like visiting teams, ofte
Like volcanoes
Like W. C. Fields's nose
Like W. C. Fields's voice
Like Wagner's Ring, came with translation
Like Waldorf salad apples
Like wallflowers to be flooded but not cool
Like waltzers
Like warehouse goods
Like warning Liberal about vote
Like washing still wet, not mangled by a doctor of sorts
Like wasted youth, girl shut up
Like watchful eyes
Like water or wind
Like water under the brid
Like Watergate-era Washin
Like Watteau's art
Like wave or treatment
Like waves on a shore
Like waves on a shoreline
Like wearing a seat belt,
Like wearing boots? That's great
Like wearing colour that's flattering
Like wearing delicate gift
Like wearing socks on you
Like webs
Like wedding attendees, o
Like wedding cakes
Like wee-uns
Like week-old bread
Like week-old doughnuts
Like weightlifters
Like well-balanced school qualification
Like well-cared-for lawns
Like well-off people in the countryside with an interest in horses, dogs etc?
Like well-rehearsed actor need­ing no encouragement
Like Weller and Geldof's band, given up fame
Like Wes Craven movies
Like western Massachusett
Like wet grass
Like wet ink
Like wet mud
Like wet paint
Like wet weather
Like wetlands
Like what nurse wears?
Like wheat and barley
Like white elephants
Like white wine at a rest
Like whitecaps
Like whose eyes, in a Ben
Like wicker furniture
Like wide rivers, revealing a lot?
Like Wilbur Wright, to Or
Like wild horses
Like wild oats
Like wild parties
Like wild tigers
Like Wile E. Coyote
Like Will Rogers commenta
Like William Howard Taft
Like William Shatner and
Like William Tell
Like William Wallace's outdated tax, this is complicated
Like Willie Winkie
Like wind and solar energ
Like wind and water
Like wind chimes
Like windows
Like Windows 95, e.g.
Like windows and geishas
Like wine
Like wine barrels
Like wingdings
Like winter sidewalks
Like winter, vis-
Like winterberries
Like winters in the Arcti
Like wiping one's dirty m
Like wire transfers
Like Wittenberg Universit
Like woeful number produced by adding constant to one third, oddly
Like Woody Herman's sax
Like woolen underwear?
Like words
Like words in a magazine
Like words?
Like work horses, often
Like worker bees
Like workers' salaries un
Like workhorses
Like working plowhorses
Like World Cup crowds
Like worms
Like would-be bohemians
Like wreck exposed, full of salt
Like xenon
Like XX vis-
Like Y
Like Y, e.g.
Like yardage on a fourth
Like yarn
Like yeshiva studies
Like yesterday's news
Like yesterday's news, to
Like yin and yang, for instance
Like Ymir
Like Yogi Berra
Like Yogi Berra, physical
Like you or me, fudged hard option
Like young Abe Lincoln
Like youth with mouth, it must be seen and not heard
Like Yul Brynner or Telly
Like Yul Brynner, famousl
Like Z in the alphabet
Like zabaglione
Like zebra crossings
Like Zeno
Like Zeppo, among the Mar
Like zinfandel wines
Like zombies
Like zoo animals
Like ___ (with equal prob
Like ___ from the blue
Like ___ in a poke
Like ___ in a trap
Like ___ in the dark
Like ___ in the head
Like ___ in the headlight
Like ___ of bricks
Like ___ of sunshine
Like ___ off the old bloc
Like ___ on a string
Like ___ out of hell
Like ___ out of water
Like, '60s-style
Like, awesome
Like, eg, an oboe
Like, eg, anteaters
Like, eg, Bob Marley
Like, eg, skimmed milk
Like, eg, volcanic dust
Like, for instance, the start of sheepdog trials
Like, maybe, a setter’s party — good and extremely gay
Like, possibly, not half enigmatic feature of Whistler, say?
Like, slangily
Like, with "to"
Like, with "with"
Like-minded collection of moneylenders?
Like-minded individuals
Like-minded party people eating battered fish
Like-thinking, for short
Like: Suffix
Liked a lot
Liked a river, but forced to divert round it
Liked by many
Liked friend of Dorothy receiving fine
Liked leader?
Liked naked troupe lap dancing
Liked, hippie-style
Likelier to win a baby co
Likelihood Charlie Chan switched back from Chinese?
Likelihood of danger goes up having family visit with son
Likelihood of excessive drug intake by police officer
Likelihood of something happening
Likelihood of spare second?
Likelihood of the morbidly obese avoiding health issues?
Likelihood party will be backed by surgeon
Likely – to be responsible
Likely damage for domestic state output?
Likely foil for Garfield
Likely for highly attractive sort to pick up student
Likely fossil location
Likely lad sat on by old theologian
Likely lad with no partner?
Likely loser
Likely loser grounded unexpectedly
Likely martyr and partner turning rebels
Likely place of kings and queens
Likely put up with Pence after vote to replace Republican
Likely reaction to fried
Likely result of pollutio
Likely to be a funny child
Likely to be free from rain
Likely to become successful
Likely to change everythi
Likely to collapse
Likely to drop off at any moment
Likely to engage former car marque involved in type of motor racing
Likely to fall over
Likely to go mad, being in need of a joint?
Likely to happen
Likely to hit out without thinking
Likely to laugh during performance, German luvvy cleared out
Likely to lead on 51 for 0 in Twenty20?
Likely to listen and open to correction, though losing heart
Likely to miss the bus, s
Likely to moan from good sex, not half
Likely to pass out
Likely to react badly?
Likely to respond and foolishly create about X's opposite number
Likely to rig market
Likely to rise?
Likely to see red snake in fancy
Likely to shoot recklessly
Likely to slip
Likely to spread too, causing boils
Likely to take chances
Likely to turn on?
Likely to upset
Likely to wear down
Likely to win
Likely winners
Liken to keeping death's-head of a friend
Likeness of a person exaggerated for comic effect
Likeness of alien suppressed by legal order
Likeness to rap artist regularly is awkward
Likeness: Prefix
Likes a lot
Likes a whole lot
Likes immediately
Likes literature
Likes more and more
Likewise at solo, ignoring the odds
Likewise not
Likewise, I'm a silly revolut­ionary to kidnap queen
Likhovtseva of tennis
Liking a lot
Liking as always to confine female, with force, in it?
Liking – a morsel
Liking corn mashed up isn't English attitude
Liking country film about a threesome, titillating initially
Liking decorum
Liking for sugar
Liking for sugary foods
Liking less parking in transport
Liking romantically
Liking small area at the front with parking
Liking temple, for example?
Liking to give off quiet charm
Liking to wear fancy or formal clothes
Liking what a songwriter may do
Likud lang.
Likud party co-founder
Lil Wayne, for one
Lilac or lemon, e.g.
Lilac or rose
Lilac, e.g.
Liliaceous plant
Liliaceous plant in yacht manoeuvring by hotel
Liliaceous plants
Lilian Jackson Braun's "T
Liliuokalani Gardens site
Lille girl: Abbr.
Lille lily
Lillehammer event
Lillehammer's country
Lillehammer's land: Abbr.
Lillian of silents
Lilliputian of early 50's
Lilly of Lilly Pharmaceut
Lilly of pharmaceuticals
Lilly, the drug maker
Lilo drama at sea for American landlubber
Lilongwe is its capital
Lilt syllable
Lilting Irish accent
Lilting refrain
Lily a soak, one on reflection beyond ruin
Lily Allen discovered US fried bananas
Lily brought up daft stuff after last of vodka
Lily family member
Lily family plants
Lily has a special house key
Lily has filled bags with underwear, primarily
Lily heading off from old rotten borough
Lily in a wedding bouquet
Lily locale
Lily of Africa
Lily pad torn for removal from London venue
Lily palliative
Lily plants
Lily Pons specialty
Lily possibly cut by soldier returning for flower
Lily relative
Lily Savage's debut follows large breakout
Lily species
Lily Tomlin character Edi
Lily type
Lily variety
Lily who debuted as Lakm
Lily’s yoga position
Lily's better half's home, getting frisky
Lily, arum's third in a bunch
Lily, in Lille
Lily, opera star, missing start of season
Lilylike flower
Lilylike garden plant
Lilylike plant
Lima animal
Lima ladies: Abbr.
Lima or kidney
Lima or pinto
Lima's country
Lima's land
Lima's land, to the Frenc
Lima's locale
Lima, e.g.
Lima-to-Caracas dir.
Limassol's island
Limb - person belonging to a group
Limb bender
Limb grabber
Limb holder?
Limb inserted into upset male animal
Limb of a seal
Limb on long-limbed bird raised pulse
Limb on nameless animal for security device
Limb part; prepare
Limb perch
Limb's end
Limb, after decapitation, remains?
Limb-bending muscle
Limb; MP
Limber up
Limber, supple
Limbless body
Limbless invertebrate
Limbo dancing boy with violin - bar wobbly at the end
Limbo requisite
Limbs and cheek identify body in field?
Limbs for movie pirates
Limbs; weapons
Lime and cats affected plant
Lime and fig, for example
Lime and others
Lime coolers
Lime drink
Lime drinks
Lime fan fans fan
Lime mixed with G&T or lime mixed with gin
Lime tree
Lime's cooked with duck three times - Neapolitan composition
Lime, for one
Lime-based paint
Limelight milieu
Limerick land
Limerick language
Limerick locale
Limerick maker
Limerick neighbor
Limerick news report on radio
Limerick or sonnet
Limerick part
Limerick perhaps shortened to make an impression
Limerick scheme
Limerick writer, say
Limerick's home
Limerick's land
Limerick's location
Limerick, e.g.
Limestone landscape
Limestone regions with de
Limestone, e.g.
Limey's quaff
Limit (of an area)
Limit - restriction
Limit a large town’s dimensions
Limit alcoholic drink – here's why?
Limit broken by industrious worker, aggressive
Limit broken: industrious worker becoming aggressive
Limit flexible term accommod­ated by Devon banker
Limit leading couples to utilising modern steps
Limit leading posters for despicable sorts
Limit minister to restraining ambassador
Limit most of country's spending power
Limit of effectiveness
Limit of French horse, tolerating intrusion of cat
Limit of normal tree growth
Limit of returned books
Limit on height of church is to stimulate new ideas
Limit on search for food assumed by soldiers
Limit on skill shown by ex-PM as a gardener
Limit placed on common use of straw hat in service
Limit placed on PBS?
Limit referring to first pair of states — Rhode Island and Connecticut
Limit relaxation, taking shower?
Limit short correspondence
Limit small space below second property
Limit state and work endlessly for most sincere sycophant?
Limit to endurance over work producing strike
Limit; cricket hit
Limitation as art reworked in autocratic approach
Limitation of mysterious English code expert
Limitation to common foot complaint?
Limitation to macabre English writer
Limitations of Skegness coastal feature
Limitations on soup - cold or hot?
Limitations; leaps
Limited by obligation to accept uniform
Limited clothing for which most of naked crew laboured
Limited connection, with hesitation, in sexual activity
Limited containment of bug
Limited course
Limited coverage was initially breaking SIM cards of similar design
Limited coverage? It’s been given some air
Limited extract from religious cantata
Limited financial penalty covers it
Limited group?
Limited in amount
Limited in extent
Limited in scope
Limited in supply
Limited industrial action
Limited number
Limited number concealing onset of such longing
Limited period of time
Limited release
Limited study time
Limited support?
Limited time to cut song during album set back
Limited to a particular community - 5
Limited to a particular part of the country - liar gone
Limited view of expression of relief in tidy flush, exchanging queen and first of tens
Limited volume restricting one old instrument
Limited work assignment
Limited, as some 1960's m
Limitless adventure holiday thousands of miles away?
Limitless energy source rising American cardinal keeps quiet
Limitless homes adopting East European dish
Limitless poteen found in apostles' pants and overalls
Limitless quantities
Limitless quantity
Limitlessly rich ore that filled ancient vessels
Limits of achievement
Limits of cognate sense affected meaning
Limits of expansion in dull material
Limits of some sums
Limits of truce probed by border topic
Limits phosphorus in agricultural device for small bird
Limits to another gaudy line in fabric design
Limits to clinical index reflecting height gain
Limits to comedian embracing depressed funny man
Limits to growth set by one Indian leader
Limits to healthy GM-free India given by health icon
Limits to one accepting cigarette, though old enough
Limits to Prince adopting a language with royal attributes
Limits to safety and support process
Limits to security dishearten every Australian city
Limits to some battlefield in concealed state
Limits to some curious immunising agent
Limits to timber expanse? Here's one of them
Limits to using lavatory? Nasty
Limits to where bloggers insert endless pages online
Limits us in Bond novel
Limits within which something can be effective
Limnological study
Limnologist's study
Limnologists study them
Limo destination, perhaps
Limo feature
Limo occupant, perhaps
Limo once cleared of external insects to give a rear view
Limo passenger
Limo, e.g.
Limo-riding sorts
Limonite's pigment
Limp - negligent
Limp as ___
Limp watch painter
Limp young animal repelled police
Limp, as hair
Limp, flexible
Limpet and rocks firmly fixed
Limping, maybe
Limy libation
Linchpin site
Linchpin's place
Lincoln and Ford
Lincoln and Kennedy, e.g.
Lincoln and Madison
Lincoln and others
Lincoln and others, infor
Lincoln and Vigoda
Lincoln bishop with a set of holy books found to be unorthodox
Lincoln Center institutio
Lincoln Center offering
Lincoln Center production
Lincoln Center subject
Lincoln center?
Lincoln had one
Lincoln in-law
Lincoln in-laws
Lincoln Log competitor
Lincoln or Ford
Lincoln or Vigoda
Lincoln picture site
Lincoln possibly admitting American ill-treatment
Lincoln pub given the go-ahead in key letters
Lincoln to the west borders quiet ancient kingdom
Lincoln Town Car, for one
Lincoln trademark
Lincoln while in Congress
Lincoln's coin
Lincoln's famous one was
Lincoln's first vice pres
Lincoln's hat
Lincoln's home: Abbr.
Lincoln's nickname
Lincoln's place
Lincoln's revered infantry polished belts
Lincoln's Secretary of St
Lincoln's side of the pen
Lincoln's state: Abbr.
Lincoln's supposed fianc
Lincoln, e.g.
Lincoln, e.g., at Gettysb
Lincoln, e.g., before he
Lincoln, et al.
Lincoln, for one
Lincoln, informally
Lincoln, maybe
Lincoln, physically
Lincoln, the Rail-Splitte
Lincoln, to friends
Lincolnshire port
Lincolnshire resort
Lincolnshire seaside resort
Lincolnshire seaside resort - lecher's poet
Lincolnshire town
Lincolnshire town - 18th century painter
Lincolnshire town actor, overactor?
Linda Ellerbee's "___ It
Linda in 1990's news
Linda of "Jekyll & Hyde"
Linda of Broadway
Linda of soaps
Linda Ronstadt hit co-wri
Linda Ronstadt's "___ Eas
Linda Ronstadt's first poem translated into Malayalam?
Linda ___, Supergirl's al
Lindbergh achievement
Lindbergh Field site
Lindbergh's classic fligh
Lindbergh's trans-Atlanti
Linden of "Barney Miller"
Lindisfarne or Castle Acre?
Line a bit misjudged by Republican - cause of tension?
Line a cub scout section up
Line a mat, manoeuvring material in layers
Line abandoned by fast runners?
Line about number turning up close to fantastic US city
Line adopted by champion chess player
Line adopted by one injured in crime such as GBH?
Line and wriggly worm
Line around an area to prevent entry
Line around earth
Line around the earth
Line around the globe
Line at a picnic?
Line at a track
Line at an airport
Line at end of letter lists retired fighters
Line at right angles
Line at the dentist's off
Line attached to the bow of a boat
Line before a reception
Line between countries
Line between the southern and northern hemispheres
Line brought in fish from the Arctic?
Line by a sewer
Line by odd, heartless, witty eccentric causing hubbub
Line C, maybe, in a votin
Line carrier
Line caught by expert
Line clippers?
Line connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure
Line connecting points on a weather chart
Line created by rising and falling water
Line crossed by bloody celebrity
Line crossed by me, not an inhabitant initially
Line crosser?
Line dance
Line dance?
Line delivered before lin
Line drawing
Line drawn under this word of doubt over muse parting nicer lips
Line edited for page giving you a jump
Line edited in letter by politician cut short
Line erased by muddled Irish party made sense
Line feeder
Line feeder, of a sort
Line feeding father's mother vital fluid
Line forgetter's substitu
Line formed at a barbersh
Line formed when odd characters are ejected from gin shop/taproom
Line former
Line framed by Wessex writer? Scarcely!
Line from "The Student Pr
Line from a classic tongu
Line from a Copland "Port
Line from a scam artist
Line from fox or rabbit argument
Line from old TV programme
Line from Penn Sta.
Line from Seattle to Chic
Line from the ankle to th
Line from the heart
Line gauges
Line going up, boundary always vertical
Line gut with ale, missing last bits of speech
Line held by defender, a player in game
Line holder
Line holders
Line holding up outstanding puzzle
Line I cry out as part of song
Line in a voting booth: A
Line in amusing taunt that can be swapped
Line in an A-line
Line in Anglo-Saxon, say
Line in book subject to typo, for example
Line in bootees unfortunately no longer in use
Line in Catch-22
Line in column on Northern or Eastern city
Line in curse - church becoming pale
Line in earth where river has disappeared
Line in excellent meat product
Line in financial analysi
Line in front of church recess for sin
Line in game’s jargon
Line in geometry
Line in London
Line in meals, perhaps, offering excessive supply
Line in metaphor about old women
Line in opera beginning to drift went this way and that
Line in red and white stripes originally without success
Line in sacred text upset prostitute
Line in second working socket possibly moving suddenly
Line in solid design of aero­nautical engineering triumph
Line in speech writer related to power
Line in the sand?
Line in US pursued by some police hero
Line in what actress responds to indicates heroic figure
Line in what you're reading to classes
Line is circling party venues supporting swimming
Line joining points in the landscape
Line judge?
Line just above the total
Line left in Scrabble regularly
Line lost in presenting account to posh colleague with forked tongue?
Line made with a compass
Line manager should give one this
Line meandering in sandal a clue to what left it?
Line met by a tangent
Line nailed by author, only just
Line not required for Arctic fish
Line number up on step briefly in city once
Line of agreement
Line of bushes
Line of business
Line of cars waiting to to hired
Line of children hurries along showing insincere grief
Line of cliffs
Line of clothing
Line of clothing?
Line of cloud following an aeroplane
Line of collectible 1980'
Line of combat?
Line of constant pressure
Line of defense
Line of descent
Line of fashion?
Line of force
Line of hereditary rulers
Line of latitude
Line of latitude marking the point where, on the winter solstice, the sun will not rise above the horizon
Line of links
Line of little dots on the radio
Line of longitude
Line of male descent corrupted - not again!
Line of motor scooters
Line of mountains
Line of mourners
Line of people coming after one another
Line of people waiting
Line of people, one behind the other
Line of poetry
Line of railway on winding ascent
Line of rotation
Line of schoolchildren walking in pairs
Line of seats
Line of sight?
Line of soldiers needing
Line of speed
Line of suits?
Line of sunbeam reflected in Earth
Line of symmetry
Line of text?
Line of thinking
Line of travel
Line of troops in action
Line of trousers
Line of type
Line of verse confused three receiving test
Line of walkers crossing cold ground that's familiar
Line of work, slangily
Line of work: Abbr.
Line of, eg, a road
Line on a cash register r
Line on a cricket pitch
Line on a dock
Line on a graph
Line on a jumper
Line on a map
Line on a map connecting points of equal elevation
Line on a money order
Line on a receipt
Line on a spine
Line on a weather map
Line on a weather map sho
Line on an appl. form
Line on an invoice
Line on certain maps represents old pub
Line on map containing points of equal pressure
Line on map is over bank at mouth of river
Line on map observed at first in island pub
Line on map represents round watering hole
Line on rugby pitch that all the soccer players make
Line on which a dip needl
Line one in Conran novel
Line one's taken from one European capital to another
Line out of fashion is a pain for the observer
Line outside a police sta
Line over river blocked by points failure
Line pair
Line part: Abbr.
Line penned by Scottish philosopher and poet
Line position
Line presented in unadorned sound of horn
Line providers
Line put in joke with time set back part of Ireland
Line reader
Line removed from ordinary Bellini work
Line represented in black on the Tube map
Line restraining stray dog
Line round head of ginger cat
Line round the Earth
Line score inits.
Line score letters
Line secured by camping expert? It often flaps about
Line she scrawled describing her footwear
Line showing high water level
Line showing maximum flood level
Line showing points of equal barometric pressure
Line showing the relation
Line starter in "Hot Cros
Line struck through by a
Line subsequently adopted in fuel asset
Line subsequently encountered again in Australia? That's funny
Line taken by a king that was shot at Agincourt
Line taken by leaderless crew shows brilliance
Line taken in skilful porcelain
Line taken with arrangement of map tinge regarding colours
Line that extends for 24,
Line that goes to the Nor
Line that woman takes in was knotted
Line the writer grasps when climbing tree
Line to appear conversational
Line to appear on the radio
Line to gather unravels quite slowly
Line to Penn Sta.
Line to Penn Station
Line to put into program for computer
Line to the audience
Line touching a circle
Line touching a curve
Line up
Line up a little talk
Line up briefly for nothing
Line up in entry to perform pirouette
Line up in front of odd gallery full of Piaf's regrets
Line up outside initially under coercion
Line up outside initially under pressure
Line up well
Line up, like soldiers with foot problem quarrelling
Line USA neglected ahead of year without much confidence?
Line used in good books showing taste
Line used in particular campaign
Line used in print run
Line was possibly crossed by this woman
Line with a pole at each end led outing astray
Line with an enclosure, cord round one's neck
Line written by individual in tree is nonsense
Line you are splitting to once again do hand-outs
Line ___
Line, golden, from this poet?
Line, one nailed by a fool one's played
Line-up featuring unknown composer
Line-up of gangsters?
Line-___ veto
Lineage, ancestry
Lineage-based women's org
Lineage’s length included in startling comment supported by daughter
Linear C surprisingly needing no decryption
Linear DIY assistance that might be quickly withdrawn
Linear measure
Linear shot powered gun
Linear, briefly
Linear, for short
Linebacker Brian banned f
Linebacker Joyner and oth
Linebacker Junior
Lined up
Lined up as told, given signal
Lined up entrances by golden temple in Egypt
Lined up the cross hairs
Lined up, after "in"
Lined with crystals
Lined with crystals, perh
Lined with ice, learner driver has trouble getting up
Lined with trees
Lineker accepts defeat describing list of technical terms
Lineker essentially stripped into pants, rudely flashing bits
Lineman's datum
Linemen near centers: Abb
Linemen next to centers:
Linemen's protectors
Linen closet stack
Linen color
Linen colors
Linen eventually loose on female
Linen fabric
Linen fiber
Linen hue
Linen or denim
Linen plant
Linen pulp product
Linen purchase
Linen robe
Linen salesman returns no outdated clothing
Linen tape for trimmings
Linen vestment
Linen vestments
Linens for a large bed
Linens purchased through
Liner after refit carrying old oil
Liner cans
Liner locale
Liner pushers
Liner stopovers
Liner threat, once
Liner's landing
Liner's locale
Lines about article happen to indicate brand name
Lines about award I advanced? That's a bloomer
Lines adopted by party harden
Lines appended to mail?
Lines at a checkout count
Lines at a checkout?: Abb
Lines at end of book about sweet capers
Lines blocked with empty Eurostar coaches
Lines by English novelist identifying vegetation
Lines by female boxer, 4
Lines coming from the hea
Lines confused with trick, becoming most uneven
Lines containing nothing that amuses me
Lines contributing to hollow praise
Lines descending from a c
Lines etched in a mostly indifferent representation of the sun
Lines feeding one kind of malevolence
Lines for liners
Lines for music
Lines found on mug picked up in city once
Lines from a circle's centre
Lines from a groupie, may
Lines from circle's centre
Lines from Horace
Lines from Shelley
Lines going around the world will snub Luther's latest theses
Lines held by last Anzacs
Lines I don't know in performance venue
Lines in road, ones round new zone
Lines in some grids: Abbr
Lines in sonnet? There’s support for us in folio note
Lines in support of love by female author
Lines known by the expert
Lines leading from pumpin
Lines man?
Lines of approach
Lines of cliffs
Lines of descent
Lines of dialogue between human and pigeon recorded
Lines of equal baro­metric pressure
Lines of holy men receive halo
Lines of homage
Lines of music?
Lines of one metre given minor revolution!
Lines of praise
Lines of thought, for sho
Lines on a Dan Brown best
Lines on a musical staff
Lines on a radar screen
Lines on a weather map
Lines on baby's foot
Lines on leaves
Lines on planes
Lines on sonar screens
Lines or line delivered by one emerging from closet?
Lines produced during Tuesday will provide material
Lines scanned by a superm
Lines showing equal pressure
Lines some observer sees
Lines taken in glee provide fun trip
Lines that elevate
Lines that lift up
Lines up
Lines up in the dormitory
Lines up neatly
Lines up outside No 10 - speech just beginning
Lines up the sewing
Lines up?
Lines with crossings: Abb
Lines written by male left with English female in frail boat
Lines written by Queen are covered by Kiss mostly. They make hits
Lines written in blank diary inclined to drop off
Lines, including one account of a purple nature
Lines: Abbr.
Linesman agreeing, as he should, with timer
Linesman appointed at Palace
Linesman having a little nap?
Linesman held by fraud enforcement
Linesman valued being regularly selected.
Linesman worries after penalty at the death
Linesman, maybe?
Linesmen producing copper during toss-up
Lineup at some entrances
Lineup at the polls
Ling-Ling and others
Linger - be undecided
Linger - lurk
Linger and look into Ebro, oddly
Linger around top end of park, overlooking one wild animal
Linger at a bookstore
Linger behind tedious person
Linger in the hot sun
Linger unhappily at stern of boat in lock
Lingered past
Lingerie - is nude
Lingerie buy
Lingerie drawer items
Lingerie edging
Lingerie item
Lingerie item - bit of paper
Lingerie item - fielding position
Lingerie material
Lingerie on bed in Durham?
Lingerie shade
Lingerie shop purchase
Lingerie shop specificati
Lingerie shortened, not wanting zip that's slack
Lingerie worn in bed by women
Lingering effect
Lingering flavor
Lingering impression it's time Farage is off
Lingering impression of when Rory Gallagher played solo
Lingering symptom of consumption?
Lingering trace
Lingers watchfully
Lingo almost unrecognisable in accent, unable to tie anything up?
Lingo of a particular group
Lingo shared by Tour de F
Lingo suffix
Lingo, tad barking?
Lingo: Suffix
Lingua d'Europa
Lingua di Livorno
Lingua franca of East Africa
Lingua franca, for some
Linguine sauce
Linguini, for instance
Linguist Chomsky
Linguist Chomsky and othe
Linguist Mario
Linguist Noam
Linguist Okrand who creat
Linguist's concern
Linguist's writing in prison
Linguistic borrowing
Linguistic confusion from mother & pa, apparently
Linguistic roots
Linguistic scholar grabbing lingerie in robbery
Linguistic stand-in: Abbr
Linguistic suffix
Linguistic units
Linguistically flawed
Linguistically groundbrea
Linguistically knowledgea
Linguistically proficient learner's avoided repeat
Liniment ingredient
Liniment target
Liniment user
Lining material
Lining up
Lining up trap: earlier be a victim of one?
Lining up, we hear, for prompting on stage
Link 100 popular clearing banks
Link aggregation, in comp
Link arrest to Matthew's follower
Link between DNA strands
Link between nations
Link between stories?
Link between two words
Link closely together
Link in a chain?
Link in the food chain?
Link in the mind
Link jam, surprisingly, with starter of unappealing spam
Link letters
Link letters?
Link that is attached to end of text
Link to a theme involves witch’s crossing close to midnight
Link together
Link we’re to follow? There’s no time
Link with
Link, bond
Link, connection
Link, in a way
Link; unite
Linked arms?
Linked carriages
Linked computers: alien seizing number in that place
Linked online posts with suspect death? That's about right
Linked product
Linked promotional product
Linked side by side
Linker could be so, showing connection
Linking (up)
Linking service not trading regularly till end of June
Linking verb
Linklater's content to respond cheekily
Linkletter who hosted TV'
Links alert
Links annoyance
Links apparel
Links bend
Links carrier
Links chain
Links championship
Links charges
Links figure
Links gadget
Links gadgets
Links game
Links hazard
Links in certain chains
Links legend
Links legend, informally
Links letters
Links locale
Links locales
Links numbers
Links obstacle
Links org.
Links peg
Links positions
Links prop
Links rarities
Links rarity
Links rental
Links shouts
Links strings
Links target
Links things
Links to esophagi
Links unit
Links up over wire to capture unpleasant insect
Links with
Links with a displaced ally
Links with a space statio
Linkup of several PC's
Linnaeus maybe wrong in principle - nothing to prevent one seeing clearly
Linney of
Linney or Ingalls Wilder?
Linoleum alternative
Linoleum layer
Linseed oil source
Lint-collecting material
Lintel locale
Lintel support
Linz locale: Abbr.
Lion : pride :: ___ : hus
Lion and unicorn wearer
Lion botherer
Lion comes skidding to less than a full stop
Lion following, being after one’s territory
Lion in "Narnia" tales
Lion in "The Chronicles o
Lion in "The Lion King"
Lion in Lewis's "The Chro
Lion in the Chronicles of Narnia
Lion man trained for virtually nothing
Lion of "Narnia" tales
Lion of Narnia
Lion or coyote
Lion or pussycat, say
Lion or tiger or bear
Lion or tiger?
Lion or wolf
Lion perhaps a pet? That leads to explosive disaster
Lion perhaps devours couple, causing gossip
Lion pierced by wayward shot in part of Africa
Lion player of 1939
Lion tamer's workplace
Lion tamers' needs
Lion tormentors
Lion’s cry
Lion's antithesis
Lion's combatant for the
Lion's cousin
Lion's cry
Lion's den
Lion's den?
Lion's hair
Lion's home
Lion's kingdom
Lion's lair
Lion's locks
Lion's prey
Lion's share
Lion's sound
Lion's tresses
Lion's warning
Lion, by tradition
Lion, for MGM, e.g.
Lion, for one
Lion, in Swahili
Lion, tiger or shark
Lion-tamer with enormous bird of prey sleeps only occasionally
Lion-tiger hybrid
Lionel layout, maybe
Lionel products
Lionel receives acting tip for minor role
Lionel Richie song: it led Theresa May astray
Lionel Richie's "You ___"
Lionel to Drew Barrymore
Lionel track layout, mayb
Lionel train layout, mayb
Lionel train layout, ofte
Lionel, with a piece of Handel - this one?
Lionesque, in a way
Lioness grabs tail of unlucky antelope
Lioness written about by Joy Adamson in Born Free
Lionesses lack them
Lionesses, in their element, top this!
Lionheart losing head and running? Not him
Lionized actor?
Lionized comedian?
Lions and tigers
Lions and tigers (oh my)
Lions and tigers and bear
Lions and tigers etc circling mountain area for flowering plants
Lions and tigers?
Lions come running; this is the end
Lions confused between electrical poles unlikely to slide
Lions free to stop training
Lions might score one
Lions or Bears
Lions or Tigers
Lions play in it: Abbr.
Lions playing in Africa? Hawks around Manx hill?
Lions' "kingdoms"
Lions' cries
Lions' den survivor
Lions' dens
Lions' goals, briefly
Lions' hair
Lions' homes
Lions' lairs
Lions' locks
Lions' prey
Lions' sounds
Lions, at times
Lip — part of the face
Lip application
Lip balm ingredient
Lip cover
Lip in severe pain, bringing medicinal herb
Lip of a vessel
Lip service?
Lip shade
Lip ___
Lip, bloody lip!
Lip-balm target
Lip-curling smile
Lip-smacking enthusiasm
Lip-smacking snack?
Lip-___ (doesn't really s
Lip-___ (fakes it)
Lip-___ (fakes singing)
Lip-___ (not really sing)
Lip; part of 6 Down
Lipid in blood and eggs - it's found in lichen, unexpectedly
Lipinski leap
Lipitor and such
Lipped lab container
Lippizaner's locks
Lips in blue, perhaps, or another colour
Lips service?
Lips with a drawback for love-making?
Lipstick holders
Lipstick hue
Lipstick ingredient
Lipstick shade
Lipstick shades
Lipton alternative
Lipton and Twinings, e.g.
Lipton competitor
Lipton drink
Lipton employee
Lipton product
Lipton products
Lipton rival
Lipton, Inc. brand
Liq. measures
Liquefied by great heat
Liquefied by heat
Liquefy by absorbing water from the air
Liquefy, as ice cream
Liqueur - re-auction
Liqueur at twenty to eleven? First of all, here's a coffee
Liqueur brand
Liqueur cheered Met men after storm
Liqueur containing raw eggs
Liqueur distilled from cherries
Liqueur distilled from harmonicas?
Liqueur drunk at a fair
Liqueur drunk neat: it’s taken with tablet
Liqueur excessive queen and a mother knocked back
Liqueur flavor
Liqueur flavorer
Liqueur flavorers
Liqueur flavoring
Liqueur flavoured with bitter orange peel
Liqueur in 15
Liqueur ingredients
Liqueur is filling a requirement
Liqueur is to damage cloth when absorbed
Liqueur Italian knocked back with a girl
Liqueur made with eggs
Liqueur made with eggs, sugar and brandy
Liqueur made with peel of bitter oranges from an island in the Dutch Antilles
Liqueur no one young at university initially identifies
Liqueur not at all unknown to the French
Liqueur prices let rip
Liqueur reputedly named f
Liqueur seen to spoil a small cloth
Liqueur stain on ace cycling trousers
Liqueur taking legroom in car
Liqueur with eggs in
Liquid added to car radiator
Liquid added to hot water to make it foam
Liquid applied to the skin
Liquid atomiser
Liquid bleaching agent
Liquid condiment coming in various forms from China and Japan
Liquid disinfectant
Liquid dispenser
Liquid dispensers in labo
Liquid fat
Liquid food
Liquid food - a Sioux plot
Liquid food caught on? Just a touch
Liquid from clotting blood
Liquid fuel
Liquid glue
Liquid in a drip
Liquid in infected tissue
Liquid in synthetic rubbe
Liquid in which blood cells are suspended
Liquid industrial waste
Liquid is leaked — there's water close to here
Liquid lost from a container
Liquid lunch perhaps very revolting
Liquid lunch? Ugly lawman tipsy with it
Liquid may start to curdle after utensil used to mix cocktail
Liquid meas.
Liquid measure
Liquid measure used in cooking
Liquid mixture of two or more substances
Liquid needed for theatre — a clean-up
Liquid nitrogen, for instance
Liquid offering at a "bar
Liquid on food
Liquid once used to produce anaesthetic vapour
Liquid or crystals added to foam and scent hot water
Liquid or gel in a battery
Liquid part of blood
Liquid part of fat
Liquid Plumr rival
Liquid preparation for the skin
Liquid preparations for the skin
Liquid protecting lover of rays
Liquid refreshment
Liquid remaining after cheese-making process
Liquid rock
Liquid rubbed into the skin
Liquid tar, e.g.
Liquid that can be dark but put on pale
Liquid that goes to your head?
Liquid that's first injected into chopped lemon
Liquid turned to jelly like a shot
Liquid used for preserving timber
Liquid used in canning
Liquid used in cookery
Liquid used in cooking a sort of pilau - not with rice, ultimately
Liquid used in making soda bread - I'm Burt Kelt
Liquid waste
Liquid wood preservative
Liquid ___ (refrigerant)
Liquid, say
Liquid, to a pharmacist
Liquid-Plumr competitor
Liquid-Plumr rival
Liquidation sale
Liquidator gives pound to staff
Liquide clair
Liquide vital
Liquidise drink and pour over naked belly
Liquidised fruit/veg
Liquido vital
Liquids for frying
Liquor alternative, in ve
Liquor bottle
Liquor containers
Liquor holder
Liquor holder in a coat p
Liquor in a shot
Liquor levy, e.g.
Liquor store
Liquor store?
Liquor that Guy drinks at home following low points
Liquor, a bit of rum I poured into gob
Liquor-flavored cake
Liquor-laced dessert
Liquor-soaked cake
Liquored (up)
Liquored up
Liquorice flavoured liqueur
Liquorice flavouring - ie Danes
Liquorice flavouring agent is a requirement for a coating
Liquorice flavouring, used in cookery
Liquorice-flavoured Italian liqueur
Lira - foreign currency in Guiana circulating as means of exchange
Lira included in coinage for the Americas
Lira's replacement
Lire used to be spent her
Lisa of "The Cosby Show"
Lisa Simpson plays it
Lisa Simpson, to Bart
Lisa Simpson, to Patty or
Lisa with a "mystic smile
Lisa with the #1 hit "Sta
Lisa, to Bart
Lisa, to Bart Simpson
Lisbon lady
Lisbon's river
Lispers' dread
List - scoundrel
List a record involved in a cute broadcast
List abbr.
List abridgements
List at a meeting
List benefits, initially, in account
List best type of desks?
List complement
List component
List components
List drug written up as class A
List ender
List ender (abbr.)
List ender: Abbr.
List entries
List entry
List everything involved in case for theocracy
List extraordinarily sexy parts with old toy
List finish
List for a meeting
List for a new hire
List for meeting
List from mommy
List has no heading for 'wading bird'
List heading
List holders
List in a book's front: A
List in a hurry?
List in a wish list
List in an insurance repo
List includes duck, domesticated bird
List includes Independent Party
List including a chicken, perhaps?
List issuer, sly old crook
List keeper
List keeper Schindler et
List maintainers
List makeup
List member
List of acts forced to busk to eat
List of alternatives
list of available dishes
List of available options
List of books
List of business
List of business information a lawyer withholds
List of candidates
List of choices
List of competitors
List of competitors is in lobby
List of constituents each with large, smooth cut by Hannibal, reportedly
List of corrections
List of corrections in published material
List of courses for people at university
List of dishes
List of dishes chaps start to upgrade
List of full-time employees
List of house rules, mayb
List of individuals and the tasks assigned to them
List of ingredients
List of instructions for school run pocketed
List of items
List of meeting items
List of misprints
List of mistakes
List of names
List of names not considered for product launch
List of numbers shrinking quietly over time
List of options
List of options of chaps before university
List of parts a repairman tossed out
List of people about to be welcomed by awful politician
List of performers
List of prime numbers
List of runners? I start to organise exercise
List of ship's cargo or passengers
List of soldiers from different countries with incomplete time served
List of some prime numbers
List of sources used by a writer
List of terms
List of terms used in a particular subject
List of test answers
List of text corrections to be made in a publication
List of things in stews
List of those eligible to vote
List of those to be remunerated in election around Scottish town
List of times at which things are supposed to happen
List of title's prime locations - almost 25
List of top US students reportedly having repeated successes
List of trattoria possibilities
List of works previously produced
List old books in possession of artist
List on a detergent label
List on a society calenda
List one by one (S, not Z)
List part
List particular personnel assigned to dock?
List players supported by United
List preceder
List quickly?
List recipient
List shortcut
List shortener
List space saver
List that is covering broadcast times
List that man will read out
List the best finally entering parliament
List transport in faction that facilitates revolution
List unit
List what fibbers do endlessly, one such as Boris
List wrap-up
List-ending abbr.
List-shortening abbr.
List-starting words
Listed building is least occupied
Listed entry
Listed jerks least likely to offer help?
Listed site, heading off, is in sea
Listed thing
Listen (archaic)
Listen again to Sarah in practice
Listen and learn about harnessing energy
Listen and learn, gaining knowledge
Listen and obey
Listen attentively
Listen carefully and correct the vocabulary I use
Listen eagerly
Listen from start to finish on good comfy spot by the fire
Listen fully
Listen here
Listen in
Listen in (on)
Listen in awe, besotted with girl briefly
Listen in later at work, catching piano artist
Listen in on what happens in "The Fall" after lead character goes missing
Listen in to nurse
Listen in with royal receiving a fake shock
Listen in without the speaker knowing
Listen into tip-off for what happens in Autumn
Listen secretly
Listen to
Listen to a fight on the radio in the general vicinity
Listen to again, as argum
Listen to Asian link
Listen to dodgy money man withholding shilling
Listen to Labour - it's showy but worthless
Listen to live between the start of October and the end of January
Listen to me sounding drunk
Listen to music single
Listen to number and cheer up
Listen to one's gut?
Listen to opening of toccata for organ
Listen to rock, no good being unable to leave home
Listen to security device after exchanging leads in hold
Listen to the end of our bust-up in anger
Listen to this marine group start fishing
Listen to your gut?
Listen ___ (hear via eave
Listen, being widely discussed on social media is agonising!
Listen, Do You Want To Know A Secret?
Listen, lady's possessing advanced knowledge
Listen, lightweight - you shut up!
Listen, you should be in somewhere magical - you should be in Australia!
Listen: it's impossible with this!
Listen: Sp.
Listened in fearful awe, prepared to bury head
Listened in on radio - drove excessively?
Listened in with appreciation, then reprimanded
Listened to
Listened to a concert?
Listened to again
Listened to again, as leg
Listened to chief with long hair
Listened to Indian TV host
Listened to story with quiet ending
Listened to this or that, sorceress
Listened to turn and complained
Listened, old-style
Listened, poetically
Listener describing empty stage for musician
Listener intruding on row is more obviously upset
Listener puzzles — one gets stuck in, never giving up?
Listener starts to need expert solvers to be serious
Listener’s vote for viewer
Listener's acknowledgment
Listener's approval
Listener's response
Listeners - spectators
Listeners finally having got set on pleased with themselves?
Listeners hear sounds? Only some
Listeners welcome piano as sleeping aid
Listeners' disapproval in ancient theatre
Listening device
Listening device left in - note something sticking out
Listening device left in: note something sticking out
Listening device open, hear poorly
Listening devices
Listening devices from back of one shop near Barking
Listening intently – debt's twice changed hands
Listening out after releasing one small bird
Listening secretly
Listening to founder, agree in time
Listening to Muzak, maybe
Listening-in device
Listens during actual practice session
Listens for bombing and joins the army
Listens to
Listens when accepting terms to start contract completion
Listens, old-style
Lister's abbr.
Listerine alternative
Listerine target
Listers on eBay
Listing abbr.
Listing in a high-school
Listing in Hoyle's
Listing on a business sch
Listing Roger and Stacy exposed to me?
Listing systematically
Listings abbr.
Listings in a dr.'s calen
Listings omitting Hotel Emily, for one
Listings on a to-do list
Listless state university dons ruined sport
Listless: Var.
Listless; faint
Listless; indolent
Listlessness embodied by drunken nuisance
Listlessness in monkey eating first of oranges
Listmaker's shortcut
Liston and Bono
Liston injured part of internal organ
Lists 17A?
Lists featuring no flipping toiletries
Lists for meetings
Lists including motorway as place to race
Lists namely kept by people on the make?
Lists of basics
Lists of course subjects
Liszt or Bartok, say
Liszt or Schubert
Liszt piece
Liszt symphonic poem
Liszt wrote only one
Liszt's "La Campanella,"
Liszt's "Paganini ___"
Liszt's "___ Pr
Liszt's birthplace
Liszt's son-in-law
Liszt's ___ in B minor
Lit class reading
Lit fuel following discharge, which is vindictive
Lit into
Lit out from top-class landing-place
Lit part
Lit up
Lit up the room, maybe
Lit ___ (college course)
Lit ___ (college course,
Lit, as a match
Lit, so to speak
Lit. collection
Lite as can be
Lite soda drunk alone
Liter or meter
Literacy campaign?
Literacy volunteer, e.g.
Literal element of eight
Literal result of picking the wrong key
Literally divided insecure country of birth
Literally resign as number one
Literally strap a problem for links
Literally, "already seen"
Literally, "art of softne
Literally, "back to back"
Literally, "barley"
Literally, "by two"
Literally, "commander"
Literally, "daughter of t
Literally, "different liz
Literally, "disciple"
Literally, "dwarf dog"
Literally, "father"
Literally, "first generat
Literally, "fish tooth"
Literally, "for this"
Literally, "goddess"
Literally, "good luck"
Literally, "great O"
Literally, "guilty mind"
Literally, "harbor wave"
Literally, "high ground"
Literally, "I am unwillin
Literally, "I burn"
Literally, "I forbid"
Literally, "injured"
Literally, "instruction"
Literally, "lion city"
Literally, "little tongue
Literally, "little towns"
Literally, "little turnip
Literally, "my master"
Literally, "numbered"
Literally, "peaceful" per
Literally, "raw"
Literally, "reign" in Hin
Literally, "roof lizard"
Literally, "scraped"
Literally, "sheltered har
Literally, "skill"
Literally, "small wheel"
Literally, "sweet song"
Literally, "to God"
Literally, "traveling com
Literally, "turned"
Literally, "way of the go
Literally, "way"
Literally, "white mountai
Literally, "wind and wate
Literally, "women's boat"
Literally, empty hand
Literally, empty orchestr
Literally, face to face
Literally, the God
Literally, the way of the
Literary 7 down
Literary adulteress's sur
Literary adventurer disturbed lingerer grabbing tool for opening letter
Literary adverb
Literary alter ego
Literary alter ego in cloak, say
Literary assistant
Literary associate of Add
Literary award shaped lik
Literary awards
Literary bear
Literary biographer Lord
Literary bits
Literary brothers resolute at hearing
Literary captain who says
Literary castaway
Literary category
Literary Cather
Literary character father
Literary character who sa
Literary character who's
Literary character whose
Literary character with t
Literary classic featurin
Literary collection
Literary collection to put on page in a short time when sent back
Literary collection: Abbr
Literary collections
Literary composition
Literary conflict
Literary connection
Literary contraction
Literary creation
Literary critic Broyard
Literary critic Trilling
Literary culture
Literary device
Literary diarist translated 24 across
Literary Dick, one in a black suit
Literary dueler
Literary duelist
Literary elephant
Literary ending
Literary exposition
Literary failure almost leads to row becoming worse
Literary family name
Literary figure we both know?
Literary figure?
Literary flubs
Literary form of even
Literary foursome
Literary gathering
Literary genre
Literary genre in South Carolina, one including Kipling poem
Literary genre popular wi
Literary giant ruined pursuing legal action
Literary governess
Literary group
Literary group gets stressed reading aloud?
Literary heart beats finally in resonating sound
Literary hero’s cat spotted you by river
Literary heroine whose be
Literary heroine, awfully gung-ho on the inside, but lacking good resilience
Literary inits.
Literary institution: Var
Literary invalid
Literary invention of Arc
Literary lead role for Gr
Literary Leon
Literary lion takes time on slope
Literary lion using a lot of dodgy language?
Literary lioness
Literary Ludwig
Literary man's endless fun, hosting evening of poetry
Literary matchmaker
Literary middle name
Literary monogram
Literary name for China
Literary name with a dier
Literary narrator
Literary oceans
Literary olio
Literary olios
Literary orphan adopted b
Literary otter
Literary pal of Tom
Literary paradise
Literary pastiche
Literary pen name
Literary piece
Literary piece of art about old lecturer?
Literary pieces
Literary pieces regularly featured in annual
Literary pirate
Literary pirate ultimately hails from the East
Literary poser arranged orgy with Queen Diana
Literary postscript
Literary preceder of "Gol
Literary prizegiver once impressed by denouement of weepie – should that be confined to the bin?
Literary pseudonym
Literary Rand
Literary rep.
Literary Romantic hero briefly used to be the king
Literary sailor
Literary schnauzer
Literary scraps
Literary sequel of 1847
Literary site?
Literary sketch
Literary slips
Literary snippets
Literary source of "Bless
Literary stream
Literary style
Literary style arousing feelings of sorrow and sympathy
Literary supporter?
Literary thief Lupin
Literary tiger uncommonly harsh and keen
Literary time of day
Literary title character
Literary tomboy
Literary tree dwellers
Literary tribute
Literary twist
Literary understatement
Literary vampire
Literary variant of Hindu
Literary villain, one requesting a lift across northern suspension bridge, heading for trouble
Literary wizard-in-traini
Literary Wolfe
Literary work
Literary work in which Pa
Literary work, something written about dance briefly
Literary world to stroke good person in welcome
Literary wrap-up
Literary ___
Literate, but very definitely a communist, we hear
Literature about duck on tail of bull, charging again
Literature category
Literature class reading
Literature class readings
Literature in post
Literature Nobelist Andri
Literature Nobelist Bello
Literature Nobelist Derek
Literature Nobelist Gordi
Literature Nobelist Herma
Literature Nobelist Morri
Literature Nobelist Nerud
Literature Nobelist Piran
Literature Nobelist Sachs
Literature Nobelist Willi
Literature's Dolores Haze
Literature's Lorna
Lith. and Azer., once
Lith. and Lat., once
Lith. and Ukr., formerly
Lith. or Est., once
Lith., e.g., once
Lith., formerly
Lith., once
Lithe act
Lithe cats dancing, running and jumping, etc.
Lithe swimmer
Lithe, supple
Lithium - metal used in jet fighter - is restricting
Lithium and iron sparkle
Lithium company beset by wrong element
Lithium in nut is good for bird
Lithium put in a double sulphate to make garlic, say
Lithium's n
Lithium-___ battery
Lithographer James
Lithographer of Americana
Lithuania or Estonia, onc
Lithuania's capital
Lithuanian capital
Litigant in court protecting wild animal
Litigant's unsophisticated argument
Litigation-prompting insu
Litigator Belli
Litigators' grp.
Litigators' org.
Litigious one
Litigious patent-holder, in patent dispute?
Litigious sort
Litmus bluer: Abbr.
Litmus is one kind
Litmus reddeners
Litmus, for one
Litre in fuel knocked over — it gets blown up
Litre, for example? Not so much drunk
Litter box cry
Litter box visitor
Litter cries
Litter critter
Litter cry
Litter in monkey cages
Litter in street and someone being sick
Litter leaver
Litter lying around a den
Litter member
Litter member that's almo
Litter members
Litter of piglets
Litter of pigs
Litter producers, in two
Litter receptacle
Litter unit
Litter's littlest
Litter, maybe
Litterae or musica
Litterae or poetica
Little —
Little 'un
Little 'un to hold close later, at bedtime
Little - squiffy
Little amount of alcohol used to make trifle?
Little amphibian
Little amphibian's not old
Little and Large hit back after Syd's introduction
Little angel
Little angel, about 15, hugging guy
Little angels
Little animal in reality starts here?
Little animal picked up by police, showing limp
Little animals in sleeping quarters freeze
Little Anthony and the Im
Little argument
Little article accompanyi
Little attention seekers in hotel with things available at reception
Little auk
Little backing of one busy in intelligence
Little bag, scarlet, that one can’t touch
Little bark
Little battery
Little bear in Surinam trained to get gold
Little beast
Little beasties
Little beauty that woman found in beastly baby
Little beef
Little belittlement
Little belts
Little Bighorn fighters
Little Bighorn general
Little Bighorn victor
Little bills
Little bird
Little bird - one finally given tag
Little bird disturbed towel
Little bird impression made on the radio?
Little bird making fresh journey back across river
Little bird Oscar left in damp
Little bird worth less, we hear
Little bird's sound
Little bird, just beat it!
Little bird: spot it?
Little birds
Little birds in line succeeded to cross boat
Little birds with minimal energy given tags
Little bit
Little bit extra? Son's grabbed 50!
Little bit in your houses
Little bit inspired by some science
Little bit of Africa to investigate, travelling north
Little bit of dope which you can smoke to get high
Little bit of drink with Polish and Gallic meal
Little bit of French?
Little bit of poetry mother's penning
Little bit of time
Little bit of time before event
Little bit, as of color
Little bite
Little biter
Little bits
Little bits of dirt under sofas, typically
Little bits of insect eaten by boys
Little bloodsucker
Little Bo-peep and others
Little Bo-Peep is cursory, for one?
Little Bo-Peep's charges?
Little boat's deviation from course line
Little boat's heading into cove
Little boring tease uttered brief comment
Little bounder
Little bounder devoid of ecstasy and elation
Little bounders beginning to tire needing place to sleep
Little box
Little boxes?
Little Boy Blue's instrum
Little Boy Blue's triumph
Little boy is holding it
Little boy who runs nimbly
Little boy's donkey, lacking name
Little boy's in the toilet
Little Boy's younger and nastier cousin admitting personal problem to hospital doctor
Little brother wanted a cousin to show up
Little brother's cry, per
Little brother, maybe
Little brown jug for Guinness, say
Little buddy with taste
Little bump
Little butter?
Little by little
Little by little, guard irritated colleague
Little Caesar?
Little cakes topped and iced with no training necessary
Little canine
Little capital put away in a blast
Little cars surprisingly outran bus
Little cases
Little cat
Little chamber orchestra's first instrument
Little change after swindle - the rascal!
Little change in patient, ultimately feeble
Little change: Abbr.
Little chap following pipe down sandbank
Little chap has temperature and irritation
Little chap with scales has fat clothing size made thinner
Little character shown by husband in corporation occupying permanent residence
Little child
Little child conceals weapon in cooking pot
Little child has item to play with
Little child in stories making understatement
Little child is involved in a deception - gets punishment
Little child left in stranger's care after time
Little child obtains right headwear
Little child wanting a black horse
Little child's line on, say, Sweeney TV show
Little child, after change of heart, was first to be named
Little child, girl, eating second pancake
Little children
Little chirper
Little chow
Little Christopher at school that's in poor taste
Little Christopher’s equipment
Little clucker
Little complaint
Little contraption
Little craft displayed by chess champ - is he struggling?
Little creature allowed outside always
Little creature’s sleeping-place on river
Little creature's become large one, according to Spooner
Little credit associated with one quite awful appraisal
Little critter
Little crown
Little curl
Little cut
Little cycling seen in shopping centres
Little Daniel is given hot pastry
Little darlin' playing around IT town in Devon
Little darling
Little daughter pursuing volunteers
Little dear for an essayist?
Little Debbie competitor
Little demon
Little demons
Little dent
Little devil
Little devil by old shelter, unable to act
Little devil that's caught cutting part of plant
Little devil wandering around, making progress
Little devil's opposite
Little devil-like creature
Little devils
Little devils!
Little Dickens girl
Little digit
Little digit?
Little dipper
Little dipper?
Little dispute about river fish
Little dog eating male's shoe
Little dog eats poet's works and causes trouble
Little dog of old Disney
Little dog, briefly
Little dog, for short
Little doggies carrying master's shoes
Little domestic animal that is absorbing time
Little drama in Wimbledon umpire’s words?
Little drink and last of rioja creates excitement
Little drink good? That's not entirely accurate!
Little drink of pop
Little drink Tory laced with drop of ouzo
Little drinks go round after characters have turned up
Little drinks making turn fall over
Little egg
Little Elizabeth describes surprising urge to get pot?
Little ending
Little energy in a lot of people encountering a protozoan
Little energy, no longer alive? Cheer up!
Little European 4
Little European amphibian
Little European grebe
Little Eva's creator
Little explorer on Nickel
Little farm
Little feline
Little fella
Little fellow
Little fellow - in EastEnders he sounded big
Little fellow hides smoker's last joint
Little fellow in conflict with car - this will provide comprehensive support
Little fellow not de­pressed, just confused
Little fellow's tense, busy sound, drilling into mausoleum
Little female along with old maiden in group of enthusiasts
Little fight
Little finger
Little fingers
Little fingers or toes
Little fish always grabs line
Little fish flipping bit children
Little fish ingesting uranium causes anger
Little fish thoroughly sautéed - it's first for gut-busting cuisine
Little fish, usually tinned or salted
Little fish: young child has swapped ring for one
Little fjord
Little Florence entertains blokes in Athletic club dance
Little folk having food around nine or eleven
Little folk in team tucking into baked food
Little foot warmer
Little foxes
Little friend of Mickey being heard
Little fruit from Greek imitator
Little game, perhaps
Little gander
Little Giant of the Giant
Little girl entertained by clergyman, one providing Italian food
Little girl following Jack's elder sister
Little girl in 1935's "Ou
Little girl keeping a sort of porcelain bird
Little girl's bad mood creates problem with dogs
Little girl's make-up case guards PIN, enigmatically
Little girl's plaything
Little girl, as one doing nothing in a brilliant way
Little green ball
Little green man
Little green man?
Little green men
Little green men, for sho
Little growth
Little growth in industry initially, while privileged type stuck up
Little growth in season once November's gone
Little growth in Shanghai as no business is on the up
Little growth? Time to get hairpiece
Little guards accompanying outlaw
Little guitars
Little guy
Little guy getting the th
Little guys
Little ham?
Little help?
Little helper
Little helper?
Little Henry travelling to Farnham for running event
Little hesitation about the time — very keen
Little hesitation probing doctor attached to unpleasant religious institution
Little hesitation shifting butt around in dance - this one?
Little high-jumping bloodsucker
Little hole, maybe
Little hoop
Little hooter
Little hooters with big p
Little hopper
Little hoppers
Little horseman's time after work
Little in the way of support for such spiteful talk!
Little information about vintage
Little inn?
Little introduction
Little inventory
Little item in proposal not entirely complete, not entirely pure
Little Jack Horner's dess
Little jerk
Little jerk not quite recalling quote
Little jerks
Little job for a body sho
Little Joe's pa on "Bonan
Little Joe's pa, on "Bona
Little John's weapon in R
Little john?
Little Kenneth died, Saturday or Sunday
Little kick
Little kid
Little kid picked up strength
Little kid’s first few days
Little kid, a learner getting sum
Little kiltie
Little kiss
Little known
Little known candidate's a nightmare?
Little known runner?
Little lad, one flogging camera?
Little lake for little children - an old gold pip
Little lake island
Little laugh
Little laughter
Little laughter while sti
Little League coach, ofte
Little League field surfa
Little League issue
Little League umps, often
Little left after eating husband’s cheese
Little lie
Little lies
Little light fish
Little lobster's look-ali
Little mammals shaking off one American when climbing
Little man in the pink?
Little man introducing party music
Little man scratching my back in alien land
Little man will be wanting an early bedtime then?
Little marchers
Little markets
Little masterwork
Little ménage à trois?
Little melody
Little Mexican legend with zip, so easy to miss one whizzing about
Little middle?
Little miner very quiet in bed
Little mischief-maker
Little mischief-makers
Little mischief-makers, half of Devon's swimmers
Little Miss Muffet's sitting place
Little miss, in a misi
Little money for girl
Little money for something to eat
Little money in bank of late
Little money in France and here for food
Little monkey sampling shark-oil at regular intervals
Little monkey’s limb held by medic to repair break
Little monkeys and little apes scratching skin on crotch
Little monkeys?
Little moo
Little more than
Little Munster
Little new in over-showy decoration for food
Little new in support: I will abandon this exercise for swimmers
Little newt
Little nocturnal bird
Little nonentity not in clique
Little nosh
Little note inside Bruce's can
Little nothing
Little nude cavorts around virgin
Little of France?
Little of this and that
Little of Verdi?
Little Oil Drop was its m
Little old lady close to Russian revolutionary
Little old man of legend in an appellation
Little old mayor looking embarrassed about second home in Australia
Little old star, no posh god
Little on the end?
Little one
Little one bypasses the a
Little one in school present after short time
Little one originally trained in technology can’t handle
Little one played near older relative in the pits?
Little ones
Little ones: Var.
Little or no time to follow screening
Little or Short
Little or wee follower
Little or young follower
Little orange mostly chopped up for sharing again
Little Orphan Annie and o
Little Orphan Annie's dog
Little orphan of a Broadway musical
Little over a second to divide
Little Oz visitor
Little pack of nautical yarn, not suitable for sweaters?
Little pastries - confections full of corn?
Little pastry
Little PC pictures
Little pebbles hard during one run
Little peckers regular features of strip-tease, I'm told!
Little people
Little person — bit of a pain after short time
Little personal responsibility
Little pest
Little pest ran for cover after father turned up
Little picture capturing bottom of Friar Tuck?
Little picture hardly anyone looks at
Little pictures, each meaningful or just interesting on first inspection
Little piece
Little pieces of fibre blocking malfunctioning press
Little pieces of iron dinosaur swallows
Little pig and the noise it makes if head's cut?
Little pig's snitch
Little piggies
Little piggies returned holding wolf skin?
Little piggies?
Little piggy
Little piggy sheltering at home with old ram
Little piggy that went to
Little piggy’s end not a lie, tragically
Little piggy's cry
Little piggy?
Little pigs maybe in rubbish
Little Pigs' count
Little plants
Little play
Little point embracing upturn if one's excluded county
Little point in security number?
Little point keeping recording in reserve
Little pooches
Little pot, good for putting on
Little power in food regime - turned unenthusiastic
Little predatory bird, swallow biting leg off
Little pressure to mourn
Little prick's agent gets introductions to Gielgud, Antony Sher and Herbert Tree
Little problems
Little protection for American reared transport animals
Little puncher
Little quality shown by awful US interns
Little rascal
Little rascal learning to beg
Little rascals
Little raver dances round Methuselah, a person of some advanced age
Little Red Book writer
Little red one
Little redhead
Little relief provided by hot toddy perhaps?
Little reminders
Little resistance about strict character from the free world
Little Rhody, with "the"
Little Richard didn't intend covering "Kiss" - only Number Ones
Little Richard made a stack
Little Richard's hometown
Little rise of £1,000? No, £50
Little river, the tenth causing disease
Little rock
Little Rock's home: Abbr.
Little Rock's state
Little Rock-to-Birmingham
Little Rock-to-St. Louis
Little rod gets this young amphibian?
Little rodent’s new love
Little room on raised platform for more bananas
Little room on top of table for money
Little room to bury the treasure, for starters, in game of chance
Little room with old instrument
Little room, inside case, for musical instrument
Little row
Little rubbish is endured with ultimate character incarcerated
Little runner putting papers at bottom of road
Little Sarah embraces new rite as a clergywoman?
Little Sarah working in hairdressers
Little Sarah’s going to a dance
Little scene, as Christian priest drops cap
Little scurrier
Little scurriers
Little shaver
Little shaver's conveyanc
Little shavers
Little shavers at school?
Little shooter
Little sibling
Little sibling rolled ball
Little sibling that's revolting teenager initially took along
Little Simz regularly ahead of everybody
Little skill needed for loading rifle
Little slapfest
Little snips
Little snorts
Little something
Little something in Santa
Little son touching green filth
Little son, worried and frightened
Little sound
Little sound that echoes just the same?
Little space in which to think
Little space to be engrossed in accommodating a venture
Little space to hide, say, between manure and cesspit?
Little space writer's given for award
Little space, I acknowledge, for asylum seeker?
Little spike, we hear, for cut of meat
Little spikes: personally, I have 20
Little spin
Little spot outside Leatherhead
Little sprinters
Little squirt
Little squirt, maybe
Little squirts
Little squirts, so to spe
Little starter
Little stick, the sort in pool?
Little stinger
Little stones
Little stories about Beckham's innermost character in magazines
Little stream
Little streams
Little strings?
Little stubble
Little success finding what ignited chip oil?
Little sucker
Little sucker's obsession with the environment
Little sucker?
Little support over location of UN headquarters
Little support over water entering US city repeatedly
Little swab
Little swabs
Little sweeper turned Ian Rush - initially left back's taken in
Little sweet thing
Little swimmer is away from the King and Queen
Little talent?
Little taste of cheddar cheese, not for game
Little Terence allowed up
Little terror
Little terrors
Little test of network showing evidence of leak
Little thanks given to daughter
Little thanks received by study on male function
Little that's visible
Little the outlaw does for his royal enemy?
Little thing wriggling around in utero without name
Little things on screens
Little thrill
Little time
Little time after incentive to put on a burst of speed
Little time before long trip, missing start for early contest
Little time followed by long year
Little time for a gloomy type
Little time for memorandum
Little time for tea or coffee
Little time in hunt for blandishments
Little time invested in needlework, note
Little time invested in ropey novel, creative work
Little time left before close of play to produce score
Little time lost amongst all that apprehension
Little time to be impatient without initially seeming unforthcoming
Little time to cry about source of light for picture
Little time to get tea or coffee
Little time to publish flimsy paper
Little time to put on top half of underwear
Little time to start 15 Across
Little time, say, to enter roughly half the clues in word puzzles
Little to keep king leaving union
Little to search following end of tumult
Little toymaker
Little travelled country roads
Little tree giving up nothing? One silver nutmeg, at first
Little trickster
Little tricksters
Little troopers
Little troublemaker
Little troublemakers
Little tykes
Little Valerie describing information technology as crucial
Little vegetables that ro
Little weight in aluminium hand tool
Little weight unit, and another for gas
Little white lie
Little white thing
Little William
Little woman and monarch fooling around
Little woman attracting disgrace mixed items for sale
Little woman badly shaken on becoming 14 2 15 24
Little woman embraces English rebel in school
Little woman in scarlet performed again
Little woman kept missing gym — it makes you laugh
Little woman should keep home - pardon?
Little woman with bottle full of spirit?
Little woman's surprisingly stoical - that blood pressure's at the lower end
Little woman?
Little women
Little Women’s popular song
Little women, never disheartened, about to begin again
Little wood
Little wooden skewer reportedly for meat dish
Little work on in flat that's always fresh
Little worker
Little wriggler
Little wrigglers
Little yelps
Little yipper
Little ___
Little ___ (big toy compa
Little ___ (Brighton Beac
Little ___ (hardly any)
Little ___ (part of the B
Little ___ (tots)
Little ___, 60's singer
Little ___, island in the
Little ___, of "Smokey an
Little ___, who did the L
Little ___, who sang "The
Little's late partner
Little, almost vile, destructive beetle
Little, bespectacled owl
Little, charming and naughty
Little, e.g.
Little, in La Scala
Little, in Leith
Little, in Lille
Little, in Lyon
Little, to a lass
Little, to Robert Burns
Little-known degree held by Guardian's head of entertainment
Little-known old remedy protecting Bachelor of Surgery
Little-seen examples
Little-used ruling leading to beneficial qualification
Little: Fr.
Little: Suffix
Littleneck, e.g.
Littlest oinker
Littlest sucker
Liturgical chant
Liturgical headdress
Liturgical language
Liturgical reference
Liturgical responses
Liturgical vestment
Liu Pang's dynasty
Live (in a place)
Live (in)
Live (with)
Live action’s beginning in region
Live adequately next door to daughter
Live Aid founder Bob
Live Aid, e.g.
Live amid twice as much furniture
Live among opponents in French resort
Live and breathe
Live and perform for all to see amongst Arab people
Live and prosper having nothing set aside
Live and prosper where nothing is sacrificed
Live and thrive, having lost nothing
Live around extensive outskirts of Exeter? Not any more
Live as a monk?
Live as Liberal in college, always a sceptic
Live as president putting some characters off
Live ascetically
Live at end of lake with beadle — a worker, possibly
Live at home, outside evacuated regional capital
Live at home, spinning, with wicked fairy tale character
Live at last in store, say? Boots will probably have it
Live backing group appearing in later audition - an historic time
Live band's extreme sound
Live bear
Live broadcast centre source
Live broadcast meant to include judge and poet
Live by river? Look for duck
Live chat describes drawing, say - it's potentially gripping
Live cheaply, putting millions into unfinished screenplay
Live close to contaminated water supply
Live coal
Live comfortably after intro­duction to duchess
Live comfortably supporting daughter
Live coverage of sport is a sore point
Live dance music from Monk or Bird
Live dangerously, devouring religious books
Live dangerously, maybe
Live electrical cable?
Live entertainment not primarily what a crossword may provide?
Live event broadcast including house music
Live fashion logo gets the nod
Live folk album of 1968
Live for nothing in ostentatious place at the top
Live from day to day with hardship
Live game coming up, avoiding large cloud
Live hornet buzzing around First Class
Live in
Live in Barcelona I reckon
Live in Clapham, perhaps - a major resort and tourist centre
Live in Danish capital, nicely
Live in fear of
Live in harmony
Live in Her Majesty’s female quarters
Live in hitherto untouched tower
Live in Llandridnod Wells
Live in luxury, perhaps, with daughter
Live in old vessel in Cyprus
Live in performance? On the contrary - broadcast kept back making cause of complaint?
Live in red wellies?
Live in someone else's home
Live in squalor
Live in sun during retirement
Live in the moment
Live in the past?
Live in the past? I'd settle Thebes at first
Live in very large house, at last - very large
Live in Victorian office, taking lift?
Live life outrageously — that shows confidence
Live like perches?
Live longer?
Live movement capturing a couple of lines related to dance
Live musical performance
Live next to a field
Live nomadically
Live nude - one way it aroused 16 in private
Live oak
Live oddly near stadium
Live on a field
Live on alien's plants
Live on border
Live on cape overlooking a palm-tree
Live on edge
Live on edge nearby
Live on English sole
Live on own, and conduct oneself properly
Live on the edge
Live operation capturing British music genre
Live or die, that's come out nicely
Live performance; carriage
Live piece started
Live presidentially, somewhat
Live primitively
Live sex could result in this hit
Live streaming company missing introduction from Ten Hag
Live target? We might pass on that!
Live through unpopular sport
Live to become father
Live together
Live tracks - what's essential to Rolling Stone?
Live up to one's word
Live what's left out of uniform
Live wire
Live wire, so to speak
Live with a friend: British female one's put up at the seaside
Live with a girl almost out of control? See if that works!
Live with a penniless revolutionary and eccentrics
Live with an old comic
Live with army corps team
Live with copper — 27, possibly
Live with depression having taken over
Live with hardships
Live with increasingly feral fox
Live with migraine symptom in seaside location
Live with mistress? Husband in bed excited
Live with more feral fox
Live with Saint George?
Live with son drinking syrup in foreign city
Live with success around German city
Live with very discontented group
Live with wife in valley
Live with women in small valley
Live within one's income
Live within one's means, as a contortionist could
Live without sex? That's something to chew on!
Live ___ (be someone you'
Live! Hit performer's jazz instrumentalist
Live's companion
Live's partner
Live, as a football
Live, as a game ball
Live, dwell
Live, in a TV studio
Live-in family helper
Live-in partners turning over TV in the morning getting fix
Live-in young foreigner expected to do household chores
Lived and breathed
Lived daily in Germany, i.e. away
Lived in
Lived in capsule with electricity?
Lived in comfort briefly in outskirts of Detroit
Lived in Germany with the world of the Germans
Lived it up
Lived it up — sore and tired, needing a change?
Lived it up, being famous
Lived together
Lived under pressure of having occupied chair
Lived with learner losing items regularly
Lived with woodcutter from the east
Lived ___ (celebrated)
Livelihood cut in vineyards
Liveliness and sixth sense slowing
Liveliness one found in little sibling?
Liveliness the same after upset
Liveliness, in style of city welcoming king
Lively '60s dance
Lively - exciting
Lively - slightly drunk
Lively 1920s' dance
Lively activity seen around a new Scots town
Lively and attractive
Lively and cheerful
Lively and competitive environment
Lively and encouraging, though not winning
Lively and energetic
Lively and playful parody involved this
Lively and self-confident
Lively around mid-May, like the Highlands?
Lively back to harass crap keeper?
Lively ball requires tough doorman
Lively ballroom dance
Lively bishop joins two knights in retreat
Lively bit of music
Lively blackbird without tail seen around religious court
Lively caper with bread for each person
Lively card game
Lively celebration
Lively circle?
Lively composition
Lively composition Dawn scored ineptly
Lively dance
Lively dance - woman's undergarment
Lively dance in duple tim
Lively dance lifts Brussels band's performance
Lively dance music
Lively dance performed as
Lively dance style
Lively dance, originally from Bohemia
Lively dances
Lively daughter returned, following in fast vehicle
Lively day with broadcaster
Lively do with brandy to start, then port
Lively drinking party
Lively eagerness
Lively end to working week, heaven
Lively energy
Lively ethos embraced by large old country
Lively exchange of views annoyed cashier
Lively female broadcaster bored by religious programme
Lively fish dance?
Lively folk dance
Lively for one's age (though needing a shower!)
Lively French dance
Lively friend dipping into a new set of papers?
Lively function packed – one left out
Lively girl on radio took a partner
Lively good popular gallery, all going
Lively grammarian’s voice?
Lively group?
Lively Highland dance
Lively horses
Lively Indian dance?
Lively informal party
Lively intelligence
Lively jig
Lively Latin dance
Lively liturgy has brought about rise in baptisms
Lively male ejected from Blenheim outing
Lively mole fed by animal sanctuary
Lively motor returned by end of January
Lively movement
Lively movement in Spooner's beer glass
Lively music institute recalled in fury
Lively musical about entertaining clubs
Lively musical movement
Lively old air, inspiring finale of Beethoven's ninth?
Lively old dance
Lively old sailors' dance
Lively ones
Lively operatic prince feeding you in Paris
Lively pair oddly attending religious ceremony in Swaziland
Lively pal and I keeping punter busy before match
Lively party
Lively party, hit with cat
Lively performer smashing up boat and car
Lively person - feasible idea
Lively person sups small drink with rumour-monger
Lively person’s son, a footballer, perhaps
Lively piano tunes
Lively piece of music
Lively piece of satire it’s hard to follow
Lively revolutionary given rebuke when leaving area
Lively round dance
Lively Scottish dance
Lively sonata movement
Lively songs with humorou
Lively Spanish dance
Lively Spanish dance for two
Lively spirit one observed in little sibling
Lively state?
Lively takeaway in Ireland?
Lively tango a maiden is dancing
Lively time penning Italian article
Lively wit
Lively wits
Lively, as an imagination
Lively, as dance music
Lively, dynamic
Lively, especially for on
Lively, fashionable
Lively, fit? Yes, for a change
Lively, in mus.
Lively, in scores
Lively, nimble
Lively, on a score
Lively, on scores
Lively, playful
Lively, rather fast
Lively, seen to keep slowing down
Lively, to Liszt
Lively; pulsating
Liven (up)
Livens (up)
Livens, with "up"
Liver accompaniment
Liver at the Louvre
Liver disease
Liver in Lyon
Liver is good for it
Liver, e.g.
Liver, in Le Havre
Liver, kidney, etc as food
Liver, kidney, etc.
Liveried flunkey
Liveried footman
Liveried servant
Liveried servants
Liverpool FC developing muscular foundations
Liverpool football club
Liverpool is on it
Liverpool Lime Street, for example
Liverpool or Everton, say
Liverpool player reportedly was crossing river for epic struggles
Liverpool player, perhaps, is performing — showing off again?
Liverpool racecourse
Liverpool striker nursing the onset of gum disease
Liverpool supporter's chilled about crucial match
Liverpool team must lose weight at all times
Liverpool's country (abbr.)
Liverpool's excellent manager
Liverpool's inspiring goalie's back, one setting up saves
Liverpool's river
Liverpool-to-Newcastle di
Liverpool-to-Nottingham d
Liverpool-to-Portsmouth d
Liverpudlian beginning to pine for Charlie's partner
Liverpudlian dialect
Liverpudlian, e.g.
Livery blacksmith with re
Livery delivery
Livery? It’s back in cheap supply
Liveryman's command
Lives (in)
Lives as a penitent
Lives created in self-reliant way
Lives dangerously after living once on river of molten metal
Lives happily in the middle of Pudsey
Lives in a row of shops - bliss!
Lives in brand new tower
Lives in Dutch city
Lives it up
Lives lost in Kansas city - manage to move
Lives no more
Lives on
Lives on spacecraft, one surrounded by water
Lives protected by others in combat
Lives round New Badger, like Cinderella
Lives south of Saskatchewan and travels in the cold?
Lives with girl? That’s the problem!
Lives with one's deity
Lives with sailor, facing day of doom?
Lives with the French on Skye, perhaps
Lives with woman and children
Lives, dwells
Lives, I see, in cooler Iranian city
Livestock classification
Livestock feed
Livestock feeds
Livestock here help, so it's said, to supply a drug dealer
Livestock initially lost by friendly agricultural worker
Livia, to Tiberius
Livid with waste after team admits shortage
Living "fence"
Living accommodation north of the border
Living at school
Living barrier – noncommittal statement
Living being
Living being, rare, cute, evolving
Living boundary
Living creature
Living dangerously, I hint about bungs in the past
Living daylights
Living doll
Living embodiment
Living embodiments
Living end
Living forever
Living image, double
Living in 14
Living in a place
Living in Morecambe in general
Living in or near water
Living in water
Living in, eg, Tyneside
Living material in cells
Living near the ground, English friend receives Nigel naked
Living off the land?
Living organism, such as a shrub
Living person's double
Living place
Living proof?
Living quarters
Living room
Living room furniture
Living room piece
Living room with sleeping space
Living room?
Living rooms
Living side by side
Living space
Living space sharer
Living space somewhat limited in Derby?
Living spaces
Living thing
Living things
Living together could be so exciting
Living together in company with sixteen? Extraordinarily tense
Living units: Abbr.
Living way east of wine-producing region
Living well in vacant, decaying housing
Living without Mike? There's a thought!
Living ___ (what an emplo
Living, not dead
Living; abode
Livingstone maybe runs in user without it
Livingstone resident
Livorno lady friend
Livy or Pliny
Livy's 1,551
Livy's love
Liz said it often
Liz Taylor movie "___ Cou
Liz Taylor's husband befo
Liz Truss reflects after women’s organisation’s “ineffectual person” label
Liza ... with a Z
Liza Minnelli's father
Liza Minnelli, for one
Liza's mentor, to Liza
Lizard Fuel beverage make
Lizard George found around rock half-hidden
Lizard I left is found in lounge
Lizard in S American region, one moving to prime position
Lizard lays egg in heath
Lizard look-alike
Lizard or snake, e.g.
Lizard tails in steaming casserole, eccentric cook blotto!
Lizard than can't blink
Lizard that chirps
Lizard with a serrated cr
Lizard with clingy toe pa
Lizard's egg laid in uncultivated land
Lizard's locale?
Lizard's nibble
Lizard, old-style
Lizard, one climbing in South American region
Lizard, say, returning? Fine about retreating
Lizard-like amphibian
Lizard: Prefix
Lizardlike amphibian
Lizardlike creature
Lizards disturbed us again
Lizards, for instance, put up with potassium-laced lettuce
Lizards, old-style
Lizzie Borden used one
Lizzie Borden's cause c
Ljubljana resident
LL.D. holder
Llama country
Llama land
Llama relative
Llama relative, valued for it's wool
Llama's head?
Llama's land
Llama-like animal with a long silky fleece
Llama-like domesticated animal, valued for its wool
Llamas' cousins
Llamas' locale
Llanelli locale
Llano growth
Lloyd Nolan: "The Man Who
Lloyd Webber musical
Lloyd Webber musical role
Lloyd Webber performer to banter about recording
Lloyd Webber's "___ of Lo
Lloyd Webber/Rice musical
Lloyd's investors
Lo ___ (noodle dish)
Lo-cal treacle taken regularly, as stated on the tin
Lo-o-o-ong efforts from a
Lo-___ screen
Load a computer's starting program again
Load – contribution
Load bearer?
Load boat
Load excessively
Load for Jack and Jill
Load for shipment
Load from a lode
Load imported by Parisian is cooked snail
Load intercepted by English lieutenant remains in vessel
Load line locale
Load of bunk
Load of church silver, holy books missing
Load of oxygen: setter coming round
Load of ships?
Load of women with a curvy figure
Load of work? That's no good!
Load off the mind
Load on vessel includes scraps ultimately given to crow
Load to bear
Load vehicle and be off
Load vehicle before work
Load vehicle with spirit
Load wanting women to get a curvy figure
Load-bearing things?
Load-carrying animal
Loaded (with)
Loaded - oppressed
Loaded – having the desired effect
Loaded back-up, losing good megawatts supply
Loaded beyond capacity
Loaded from forklift initially, pipe secured by worker
Loaded kid of the comics
Loaded Lambretta rider, say, bypasses northern part of London
Loaded Londoners
Loaded nurse chasing after young man
Loaded old boat containing large case
Loaded onto the wrong tru
Loaded or poor, get rich here
Loaded or rolling? You would be here!
Loaded p-pipe into brigantines, amidships?
Loaded spring not yet set in motion
Loaded with fat
Loaded with regret
Loaded, so to speak
Loading apparatus
Loading area
Loading areas
Loading heavy weight up, something to sign, marked
Loading locale
Loading old weapon, smarten oneself up a little
Loading site
Loading spin-drier, one seen in Madagascar
Loads (2 wds.)
Loads and loads
Loads appear covering their heads carelessly
Loads from lodes
Loads of
Loads of clapped-out motors
Loads of drawings daughter chucked out
Loads of fun
Loads of headless nails
Loads of hesitation with parking by young person
Loads of mutual funds
Loads of praise, inaccurate, bringing illusory happiness
Loads of room in a short top
Loads rifles, taking time
Loads sleep with partners
Loads with worries about game
Loads you found on beach?
Loads, as a plate
Loaf about
Loaf end
Loaf holder
Loaf locale
Loaf of bread for horse
Loaf on the job
Loaf or loafer parts
Loaf pair
Loaf part
Loaf parts
Loaf produced by Chinese people burying one
Loaf said to be dry and seeded
Loaf that's made in error?
Loaf with seeds
Loaf's a short time in progress
Loaf, key element
Loafer attachment
Loafer letters
Loafer ornament
Loafer ornaments
Loafer polish
Loafer's lack
Loafer, e.g.
Loafer, for one
Loafer, perhaps, with small gardening tool
Loafers don't grow on thi
Loafers holder
Loafers, e.g.
Loafers, e.g., or a light
Loafs on the job
Loam component
Loamy deposit
Loamy soil
Loamy soil deposit
Loan abbreviation
Loan application blank
Loan charge
Loan figs.
Loan figure: Abbr.
Loan for boat
Loan for house buying
Loan lure, maybe
Loan may be arranged, though it's irregular
Loan money or get swindled over silver
Loan oligarch settled with whisky, for example
Loan overseer: Abbr.
Loan payment schedules: A
Loan periods: Abbr.
Loan security
Loan shark
Loan shark practice
Loan shark's offense
Loan shark, unspeakable blackguard first of all
Loan sharks' practices
Loan signer, at times
Loan source: Abbr.
Loan sources
Loan to a company before
Loan-making org.
Loaner taking property as security
Loans suspended mostly? Not so fast
Loathe boat name I concocted
Loathe contributing to church at Easter
Loathe flower box
Loathe how much some directors get paid?
Loathe keeping promise
Loathed pitching the ad
Loathing awfully staid set
Loathing crimson fez, perhaps?
Loathing headgear friend regularly displayed
Loathing levies
Loathing of element (not sulphur)
Loathing of French examination process
Loathing of treated carbon here?
Loathing one on benefit in North America
Loathsome agent returning to fix it
Loathsome chap dragged by the ear
Loathsome guy too hard on regular basis
Loathsome herbal tea served up — not right!
Loathsome individuals
Loathsome little creature
Loathsome one
Loathsome person
Loathsome person kicking out a fox
Loathsome sort
Loathsome type from Fox covering area
Loaves with seeds
Lob extremely deficient paint all over the place, one lacking pigment
Lob some balls, so thrown back
Lob's path
Lobbies, often
Lobby against sporting blue ties
Lobby call
Lobby head of entertainment for orchestra
Lobby in a D.C. building?
Lobby in favour of fencing Yorkshire's border
Lobby people to accept unlimited lucid dream
Lobby politician – Hunt?
Lobby Transport House
Lobby, say
Lobbying grp.
Lobbying grps.
Lobbying org.
Lobbying org. for seniors
Lobbyists rue progress being tricky at university
Lobe locale
Lobe location
Lobe site
Lobes very wrinkly on the side you can see
Loblolly, e.g.
Lobster claw
Lobster coral
Lobster eater's accessory
Lobster eater's need
Lobster eggs
Lobster festival?
Lobster has cry if boiled
Lobster house supplies
Lobster may be served in
Lobster order
Lobster part
Lobster perhaps beheaded at that time
Lobster perhaps reddish-brown: serve in tin
Lobster pincer
Lobster portion
Lobster pot
Lobster serving
Lobster soup
Lobster trap
Lobster ___ Diavolo
Lobster ___ Newburg
Lobster's cousin
Lobster's grasping structure
Lobster-like crustacean
Loc. ___
Local agent's ultimate green housing
Local area in blue and orange all but finished after redevelopment
Local area network member
Local ascetic?
Local assessment
Local authority
Local birds find chap a bit goatish, in a way
Local black drink that is on front of magazine
Local block
Local bone is removed
Local borders?
Local chairman's heading off
Local choice behind change in selection process
Local church admitted to previous naivety
Local communities bug heroin suspect with violent criminals
Local council member
Local criminal regularly goes for artwork
Local cutie pie?
Local dialect
Local dignitary hiding man in tree
Local educ. support group
Local election campaign s
Local employee saving master's papers
Local fan of the N.H.L.'s
Local fare?
Local farmers
Local favourite criticised, wearing unimaginative strip
Local favourite takes nothing from disappointing mark in college
Local forecast focus
Local form of language
Local from NE coming round at four
Local fund-raising grp.
Local girl's close shave
Local gossip is what folk tend mostly to spread around
Local government advice for auditors
Local government advice for auditors?
Local government area
Local government building
Local government head
Local government headquarters
Local govt. unit
Local heroes made rough formation
Local hyenas intermittently entering ground emptied in clearance
Local I love — Nag's Head — enjoys majestic setting
Local independent news
Local inexperienced model's introduced
Local inhabitant
Local inhabitant, for instance, kept inside? No
Local installation always needing power during strike
Local intonation
Local Iron Age construction's closer to hill
Local Iron Age development on lake
Local issue that's not serious
Local language form
Local language variation
Local language, say
Local lingo
Local linguistic usage
Local listings
Local London football team spurned by Poles
Local loses name when backing musical
Local man acquires sports calendar
Local manager dismisses article that's freely available
Local managers
Local match times requiring left-winger to turn up first
Local network installed in loft by the ocean
Local network process interrupting web when current surges first
Local news after one
Local news hour
Local noncollegian, to a
Local office
Local officials, historically, turn up on drugs
Local operation?
Local or regional Boy Sco
Local org.
Local outlet
Local over by naturism centre curious, plainly
Local papers going after a sucker
Local peaceful end is nigh, perhaps, as a perishing alternative
Local personality?
Local plants I'd taken from coastal state
Local political div.
Local regulation
Local regulations
Local requirement to decorate a thousand or a million, say
Local resident having no time to be green
Local resident in antique country
Local resident more unpleasant about prisoner
Local resident of Tampere, maybe, loudly dismissed
Local resort repaired Queen's Ride
Local restorer restored railroad ride
Local restriction
Local runner joining army unit is no monarchist
Local salt on English shellfish
Local site for missile launch?
Local speech day: smart chap opens it
Local speech variant
Local staffer for Al Jaze
Local standing with party and community to break hostile type, villain
Local stock
Local store fleeced a policeman, according to Spooner
Local store has shaved the fuzz for Spooner?
Local team in tears, mostly
Local tenor struggling - something about the throat?
Local theater, slangily
Local theaters
Local theaters, in slang
Local tinned potatoes in Delhi?
Local tour that goes swimmingly?
Local types I'd ordered around like a tyrant
Local uniform adopted by leaders of parading band
Local university replaced by separate sage?
Local variety of language
Local vessel managed single-handedly?
Local vessel that's managed single-handedly?
Local way of talking
Local wine and half a curry university covers
Local worker, margin squeezed in trade
Local youngster displaying attitude in confines of Brechin
Local ___
Local's first in to deliver soothing treatment
Local, where I go and learn to get drunk
Locale called Minnahannoc
Locale for 1999 solar ecl
Locale for a cattail
Locale for a lashing
Locale for a New York div
Locale for a pioneer fami
Locale for a seat of hono
Locale for a spanking
Locale for a trophy displ
Locale for a Vel
Locale for a vision of th
Locale for an Olivier Awa
Locale for an outdoor par
Locale for Anna
Locale for Apfelstrudel a
Locale for binoculars
Locale for Bo-Peep
Locale for Che Guevara in
Locale for four World Ser
Locale for Georgia O'Keef
Locale for Hezbollah
Locale for many a gondola
Locale for most of the Ne
Locale for Osama bin Lade
Locale for pins
Locale for Santa's team
Locale for some diving
Locale for some Gauguin a
Locale for Switz. or the
Locale for this puzzle's
Locale for two Summer Oly
Locale identifier
Locale in a 1964 hit
Locale in a 1968 Beatles
Locale in a Beatles song
Locale in a Carlo Levi be
Locale in a classic Frank
Locale in a Dr. Seuss tit
Locale in a Poe story
Locale in a western
Locale in Exodus
Locale in the game Clue
Locale in western London
Locale of 1990's fighting
Locale of a much-visited
Locale of a Penn State ca
Locale of an 1805 Napoleo
Locale of ancient Aquitai
Locale of ancient Ur
Locale of famous playing
Locale of Hoosier beaches
Locale of Krypton in the
Locale of many Italian vi
Locale of many outsourced
Locale of Prince Albert a
Locale of Ptolemy's light
Locale of riches
Locale of seven C. S. Lew
Locale of Sitting Bull Co
Locale of some hangings:
Locale of some U.S. naval
Locale of the
Locale of the Bocca Nuova
Locale of the Cantabrian
Locale of the Carpathian
Locale of the highways H1
Locale of the radial notc
Locale of the world's lon
Locale of Theban ruins
Locale of two famous bank
Locale of U.N. peacekeepi
Locale of Uhuru Peak
Locale of Vict. and N.S.W
Locale receiving investme
Locale shrouded in myster
Locales for ducks
Locales for residents?: A
Locales for some orators
Locales for some painting
Locales for streams
Locales of frequent injur
Locales of mineral waters
Localised decomposition of body tissue
Localised necrosis
Locality housing northern stadium
Locality surrounding a royal residence
Locally-produced hormone-treated seeds of wild garlic randomly planted
Locals concerned with Poles
Locals embracing girl are natives of state
Locals make them often
Locals’ name for country satchel lassie carries
Locate and correct computer program code errors
Locate branch office - it does nothing!
Locate cookware component
Locate exactly
Locate female in days
Locate it in the middle of Ossett
Locate neckwear taken from University Challenge?
Locate on the dial
Locate patient lost in market area
Locate popular naval officer drowning in drink
Locate something lost
Locate what's essential in Home Counties
Locate, as Waldo
Located abroad
Located along a large str
Located by Scottish island, returns and tells a story
Located in Budapest, a terraced property
Located in India, grand site of famous building
Located in Vermont (an American State)
Located outside
Located while in sleeping place
Locates different rooms nearby
Locates upsetting quotes: "ET autistic?" "Somewhat"
Locatin' a demonstration
Locatin' protest
Location accommodating a royal residence
Location around River Wear
Location by the byway?
Location coops up ten plucked hens - or half a dozen more?
Location faculty mentioned
Location finder
Location for 24-hr. banki
Location for a fall
Location for event
Location for personal decoration displaying British honourees
Location for play people without exception remember
Location for shooting singular rock opera needs backing
Location for the ends of
Location for the Fall
Location for Wendy house reflected equal right to light
Location housing a royal building
Location identifier: Abbr
Location in a Donizetti o
Location in Europe’s fine planetary vehicles?
Location in France
Location indicator on a screen
Location initially adopted by overturned house's top?
Location likely to see better girl embracing star
Location near Manchester, not right place for soup ingredients
Location of a film one’s shot
Location of a starry belt
Location of abbey displaying seabird cast in metal?
Location of Baghdad
Location of Clacton-on-Sea
Location of dam and entrance to animal pen?
Location of fire initially suppressed with soil
Location of Greek oracle guided retreating Greek character
Location of hip joint featuring rock star on piano
Location of member of 24's old theatre cutting
Location of Olympus Mons
Location of one elevated hermit’s collected announcements?
Location of oral sense
Location of paintings retrospective shows class
Location of Papal palace in France
Location of Schönbrunn Palace
Location of shopping arcade? Likely in the centre
Location of stated exhibition
Location of Stow, possibly - in the chilly South?
Location of teacher's pet's close call
Location of the Boston Mo
Location of the Great Salt Lake
Location of the quadricep
Location of toilet, say, on motorway
Location of travelling ocean liner, generally
Location of two of the cl
Location of war not American wrongdoing
Location of writing? No record when consumed by candle
Location reporter's visited
Location that’s superb when going back
Location to bookmark: Abb
Location upset former schoolfellow? It’ll have no effect on me
Location upset old boy — it's of no medical benefit
Location where one might serve drink before date
Location, something that helps with shot, we hear
Location; outburst
Locations for buds or studs?
Locations for declamation
Locations for many pipes
Locations for Pluto, some
Locations for some school
Locations for tents
Locations losing last English mollusc
Locations of some secret
Locations, old-style
Loch in the Great Glen
Loch Lomond local
Loch Lomond lovely
Loch Ness dweller, they s
Loch Ness monster, e.g.
Loch of Scotland
Loch secret out in an English town
Loch ___
Loch ___ monster
Loch ___, on the River Sh
Lock aperture
Lock changer?
Lock cleaner
Lock combination?
Lock down leader abandoning state
Lock feature
Lock for phone permit included in covering letter
Lock giant
Lock head of state away after uprising
Lock holder
Lock holders
Lock horns
Lock horns (with)
Lock in colleague's support for retired people
Lock in the experts, they're only pretending to work
Lock large aircraft door that's not opened
Lock locale
Lock location
Lock maker
Lock minutes in small cupboard as reading aid
Lock name
Lock of a woman's hair
Lock of hair
Lock of hair given emphasis — not the first
Lock of hair, maybe
Lock of hair, very French, extended at end?
Lock on live bomb
Lock opener
Lock opener?
Lock openers
Lock opening
Lock or luck follower
Lock part
Lock phone before Terry returns
Lock phone, given licence
Lock plate
Lock problem?
Lock producer
Lock securer
Lock securing object in style
Lock shed with no external features, in line with sporting regulations
Lock site
Lock site, maybe
Lock sites
Lock sleeping criminal in steel bars
Lock smith?
Lock soldier up inside for hunting female
Lock star re-uses regularly
Lock theatre's spare boxes
Lock trouble revealed by open door?
Lock up
Lock up and down
Lock up for a long time
Lock up penguin killer
Lock up repellent figure smuggling in brew
Lock up rogue, no gentleman on reflection
Lock up young man supporting African warriors without resistance
Lock web address after X linked to copyright
Lock where key may be found a hindrance
Lock with no key?
Lock worker's increase in scale
Lock, stock and barrel
Lock, stock and barrel ho
Lock-keeper’s slow decline
Lock-picking tool
Lock-securing mesh?
Lock-up room
Lockbox document
Lockdown enforcer endlessly complained, unfortunately
Locked (up)
Locked away
Locked book
Locked in
Locked up
Locked up before Green Street festival
Locked, as a lavatory
Locker art
Locker inset
Locker photo, maybe
Locker room activity
Locker room emanation
Locker room features
Locker room habitu
Locker room handout
Locker room item
Locker room powder
Locker room shower?
Locker room supply
Locker sites
Locket shape
Locket, often
Lockheed Martin field
Lockheed P-38 feature
Locking device
Locking device with two toothed edges and a sliding tab
Locking lever
Lockkeeper catching something cold and black in a net
Lockkeeper dodging the rain
Lockmaker of note
Locks around a line
Locks books inside? That's bluster!
Locks bought in a store?
Locks can be set by this fuel company when carrying uranium miles from east to west
Locks cutter
Locks guarding entrance to Scottish minister's residence
Locks holder
Locks horns (with)
Locks in a barn?
Locks in a stable
Locks in a zoo?
Locks locale
Locks of hair
Locks of hair and such
Locks on a dome
Locks out of a tower, in
Locks securing books and eyewash
Locks tidier
Locks turned by soldiers protecting uniform's charm
Locks up
Locks up for a while
Locks up quartet missing feminine charm
Locks up small cabin: what trespasser might do?
Locks up unusually sour delights
Locks up with this chain - orgy without clothes to tear
Locks washer
Locksmith not fully developing corporation
Locksmith primarily selected instrument to remove front
Lockup lineup
Lockup overseer
Loco — where one may end up after crash?
Loco and carriages show how to go
Loco caught by travelling icon, always on the move
Loco dabbler?
Loco enthusiast gives instruction to ceramic worker
Loco operator
Loco senior dancing around short nude
Loco, a flier?
Loco? Calm down!
Locomobile competitor
Locomobile contemporary
Locomotive fuel
Locomotive furnace
Locomotive part
Locomotive stoker
Locum laid crib out for babyfood supplier
Locum work is alluring, but only half the time
Locum work is attractive? Not a second time
Locums: doctors, including one chasing rising amounts of money
Locus for enthusiasts regularly using revolutionary toy
Locus of scandal: criminal scope of it carrying force
Locust or beetle
Locust tree
Locust tree feature
Locusts and wild honey, t
Lode deposit
Lode load
Lode stones
Lode yield
Lodestone, for example
Lodge by the sea with Hugo perhaps, after leaving hospital
Lodge close to dangerous river
Lodge fellows
Lodge group
Lodge in valley accommodating wife
Lodge letters
Lodge member
Lodge members
Lodge membership, maybe
Lodge of the Fraternal Or
Lodge opening?
Lodge resident
Lodge sign
Lodge with a mud roof
Lodge-making rodent
Lodger and woman around after hours? Something transparent here
Lodger's complimentary to relations
Lodgers essentially drink unlimited tea at the start, causing irritation
Lodging (a complaint)
Lodging place
Lodging suit finally after libel spread
Lodgings - snide remarks
Lodgings of newly-weds, not good
Lodgings, informally
Loeb and Bonet of showbiz
Loewe's partner on Broadw
Loft-y place?
Lofted approaches to the
Lofts stripped frequently
Lofty 13 across
Lofty abode
Lofty address abbr.
Lofty ambitions may belie frailness at heart
Lofty – improbable
Lofty beginning?
Lofty declaration of model at work?
Lofty digs
Lofty duke following senior relative
Lofty dwelling
Lofty dwelling identified by detective crossing Rhode Island
Lofty groups?
Lofty home
Lofty idealist's ultimate motive for betrayal
Lofty is glad about English victory
Lofty lines
Lofty lyric
Lofty perch
Lofty place
Lofty place for an academ
Lofty praise
Lofty pursuit
Lofty reportedly tolerated having noble parents
Lofty reproof
Lofty retreat
Lofty roost
Lofty story
Lofty stronghold
Lofty tribute
Lofty verse
Lofty works
Lofty's 'prior use' rumpus
Log - disc
Log a builder finally used in home improvements
Log board
Log cabin material, maybe
Log cabin President
Log cutter
Log float
Log holder
Log holder, perhaps
Log home
Log in stream
Log into a Tory's daft predictions
Log lying across motorway bend
Log of charges for entry?
Log on
Log on with aim to corrupt country
Log or board
Log over canal
Log rollers?
Log tossed in competition
Log touching piece of rope?
Log typo misprinted including line written in many languages
Log you could make treen from
Log-burning time
Log-cutting area
Log-in info
Log-in requirement
Log-keeper dismissed, log not started
Log-on code
Log-on name
Log-towing barge
Logan Airport luggage let
Logan of "60 Minutes"
Logan's home
Logan's locale
Logbook items
Logbook oddly missing for bulk carrier
Logger's tool
Loggerheads, e.g.
Loggers' contest
Logging leftover (2 wds.)
Logging tool
Logging tools
Logging-on need
Logging-on requirement
Logic diagram
Logic helping the French to accept answer
Logic's counterpart
Logical anaesthetic used in proportionate quantity
Logical basis for a course of action
Logical beginning?
Logical bloke, he's one to be welcomed
Logical conclusion
Logical conclusion to thesis, one written in study
Logical consistency – cheer once
Logical engineers like 1D
Logical flaws
Logical intro?
Logical introduction?
Logical Mr.
Logical result of Cornish river and home counties being adjacent?
Logical Scot unwrapped present - books
Logical start?
Logical statement that contradicts itself
Logical system error mostly with unfruitful broken lab gear
Logical thinker abandoned sheikhdom - Noah!
Logical, going against the ideas of left-wingers?
Logical, lucid
Logical, reasoned
Logically decide what could produce a snore
Logically reasoning
Logically sound
Logician grasps 1 across in capital
Logician in space
Logician's abbr.
Logician's drawing
Logician's phrase
Logician's word
Login ID
Logo - pattern
Logo along U.S. highways,
Logo at Arthur Ashe Stadi
Logo for channel that is reversing its polarity?
Logo image for "The Rocky
Logo of the Clemson Tiger
Logo to signify minicab "optional" when all empty
Logophile's love: Abbr.
Logos and such: Abbr.
Logos and the like: Abbr.
Logs - wood that is cut
Lohengrin and others
Lohengrin sheltering land's first colonist
Lohengrin's bride
Lohengrin's inamorata
Lohengrin's love
Lohengrin, the Knight of
Loin steak
Loincloth can make a number very warm, I conclude
Loincloth worn by Indians
Loincloths do this after being adjusted
Loire estuary port
Loire grape
Loire laugh
Loire valley product
Lois Lane exclusive
Lois Lane often needed on
Lois Lane player Durance
Lois Lane player of early
Lois of "Superman"
Lois of the Daily Planet
Lois, to Hi
Loiter listlessly
Loiter with no apparent aim
LOL, out loud
Lola in "Damn Yankees," e
Lola of "Golden Boy"
Lola, e.g., in "Damn Yank
Lola, in "Damn Yankees"
Lolita's settled in
Lolita, e.g.
Loll in a tub
Lollipop flavor
Lollobrigida and others
Lollobrigida of film
Lolls around with colleagues in educational institution
Lolly - basic food
Lombard Street feature
Lombardia's capital
Lombardy capital
Lombardy holiday area, favoured by George Clooney and Madonna
Lombardy province or its
Lombardy town
Lombardy's Lake ___
Lomond, e.g.
Lon ___ of Cambodia
Lon's "Frankenstein Meets
London "stops"
London 24 seen primarily in 3 on left
London airport
London and SE might be OK, somehow
London area
London area and South Herts town a must for The Archers
London area of note with nothing
London area sadly often heaving, overcrowded, first of all
London area south of Hyde Park
London area with an annual carnival
London area's one mistake? Chasing game
London art gallery
London attraction
London band finish up in service
London borough
London borough - Matthew's role
London borough behind minister's brief
London borough containing
London borough cut back foreign money
London borough losing billions in income from tenants
London borough with Wembl
London borough with Wimbl
London borough, site of the Royal Observatory
London Bridge's home now:
London broil, often
London building a large place to sleep everyone
London building redesigned again? Not really, with pounds needed for investment
London by M1: BMW to come off and park here?
London cathedral
London CID
London columnist
London coppers
London court
London cricket ground
London criminal, one going to pot
London daily
London designer tucked into dinner with revolutionary
London dignitary, proverbially clever fellow with striking fashion
London district
London district badly contravened ruling in the end
London district blasts story with change of character
London district heralding extremely inventive musician
London district known for its nightlife
London district where one can drink at home when short of time
London entertainment dist
London facilities
London facility
London finales
London fish market
London flea market site
London flood defence
London fog
London Fog, e.g.
London football club
London football club, founded 1881
London football team
London force HQ
London forecast
London gallery
London gardens, grass borders taking an oblique course
London giant’s journey featured in periodical
London greeting
London guards desire securing house in part of East London
London had the first one
London hospital adopting playful way to present data
London hospital describes treatment of cholera by degree
London hrs.
London icon close to Shard omitted in pictorial representation
London institution
London institution, with
London label
London landlord that's facing sentence?
London landmark
London landmark between The Mall and Trafalgar Square
London lav
London lavatory
London length
London letter getter
London libation
London line
London locale of Prada, D
London locale: Abbr.
London lockups
London Magazine essayist
London Magazine writer
London medical district
London museum
London museum bearing down on large destructive thug
London native, informally
London newspaper
London newspaper's plagiarisms, for example
London night life area
London or Lisbon
London or New York distri
London park name
London Parliament series
London perhaps first for the wealthy investor
London Philharmonic found
London players raised zero capital
London police attending good party in spooky location
London police carrying rajah's wife up tower
London police, endless subject
London premiership football team
London prison
London prison almost clean
London privies
London production
London profits from this form of taxation
London rail hub
London rail terminus
London resident
London rugby player
London rugby venue
London section
London shopping district
London side no longer established in leading group
London soccer team
London stage
London station
London statue originally
London statue painful to knock over
London stock exchange index
London street with many private clubs
London streets, in a mann
London suburb that's not all there?
London subway, with "the"
London Sun tidbit
London Taxi: sorry horse
London terminus
London theater district
London theater Old ___
London theatre in the round?
London theatre players itch occasionally
London theatre's Gilbert's work
London tourist attraction, one exerting a pull
London tourist stop
London Tube station - lit neon light tag
London TV inits.
London Underground entrance about to close early
London Underground, with
London university splitting noble gas particle
London weather, often
London weekly, with "The"
London XV run in without Parisian
London Zoo feature?
London Zoo locale
London Zoo opening?
London ___
London’s river
London's Big ___
London's Borough Market has endless foil to wrap up
London's Central Criminal Court
London's country (abbr.)
London's Covent Garden an
London's easternmost area?
London's flood protection system
London's insurance market
London's locale: Abbr.
London's location
London's Old ___
London's Old ___ (crimina
London's oldest professional football club, established 1879
London's oldest restaurant is the best!
London's river
London's street for men's suiting?
London's ___ Court
London's ___ Gallery
London's ___ Gardens
London's ___ Hill Gate
London's ___ of Court
London's ___ Park
London's ___ Road Studios
London's ___ Square
London, for example, wins one away from Uber - it reduces profits
London-based place to pla
London-to-Dover dir.
London-to-Lisbon dir.
Londonderry lad
Londoner likely to knock Hoskins's head off?
Londoner or Liverpudlian,
Londoner's bird, one taking part in cockfight?
Londoner's break
Londoner's local
Londoner, e.g.
Londoner, e.g., for short
Lone answer for New Orleans, more for Rome, for instance?
Lone buck roaming Germany without obstruction
Lone in being troubled using the Net?
Lone performer
Lone player
Lone Ranger without emotion failed to crack puzzle soon
Lone Ranger's companion
Lone Ranger's cry
Lone Star sch.
Lone Star State
Lone Star State cowboy
Lone Star State duties?
Lone Star State nickname
Lone Star State sch.
Lone Star Stater's northe
Lone Star Staters
Lone Star, e.g.
Lone trip devised for anti-crime organisation
Lone, solitary
Lone; fish
Lone; part of foot
Loneliness parents feel when their children leave home
Lonely female at dance makes a bloomer
Lonely figure in theatre group, having taken a deviant approach after reflection
Lonely hearts' venue is a blessing in disguise, right?
Lonely heights
Lonely husbands not fully understanding wise words, unfortunately
Lonely lady on vacation for a bit
Lonely number
Lonely one reprimanded about nothing
Lonely opera heroine mostly worried inside
Lonely outlook
Lonely place, supposedly
Lonely single approaches 'Dateline' in excitement
Lonely trucker, perhaps
Lonely type behind upwardly mobile Chinese people
Lonely, abandoned
Lonely, fail to go back into romantic meeting
Loner forced to join up
Loner in sports ground, learner needing exercise
Loners at sea carrying kilo in swimming gear
Loners I help to entertain recently
Lonesome artist retreating after short gibe?
Lonesome George of early
Lonette of "The Cotton Cl
Long (for)
Long access road at house? Stop being proud?
Long account from bores again
Long adventure film
Long affair with pastry, chocolate and cream?
Long ago
Long ago one fired transport provider to stop silly mistakes
Long and eventful journey
Long and exhausting march
Long and hollow
Long and impressive
Long and impressive European film
Long and lean
Long and limp
Long and sharply pointed
Long and short of it
Long and sinuous
Long and tedious list
Long and tedious recital
Long and thin piece of wood, not soft
Long and thin; drooping
Long and yellow, with no tail
Long angry speech
Long angry speeches
Long arduous journey
Long arduous walk
Long arm
Long arm of the eastern Mediterranean
Long arm of the Indian Ocean between Africa and Arabia
Long arm?
Long arms?
Long article about explosive
Long article by Ernesto Guevara?
Long Asian river
Long audible exhalation
Long avenue or garden path
Long backless sofa
Long band of colour
Long bands of colour
Long base of a ship
Long basket, in basketbal
Long basket, in hoops lin
Long bath
Long baths
Long beat?
Long bitter row
Long blade in swordsman's kit
Long bones
Long borders made primarily for a large plant
Long boring speech illustrating singular belief …
Long bounding stride
Long bout
Long Branch Saloon propri
Long Branch Saloon visito
Long British river
Long bug, thin leaf
Long campaign
Long canine in Dracula, I guess, as long when oddly shaped?
Long catalogue
Long charity TV show
Long church seat
Long cigar with blunt ends
Long coarse hair
Long coat Robin perhaps draped across equine
Long complicated procedures
Long convoluted process
Long cream cake
Long cream puff
Long crusty loaf
Long curtains
Long curved fruit
Long cushion provides help
Long cut
Long dagger
Long day in which one has little energy when books are balanced?
Long deep slash
Long depression containing a river
Long dissertation
Long distance inits.
Long distance letters
Long distance race
Long distance traveller to arrive on time
Long distance? Insubstantial and not entirely long
Long document beginning to support belief system
Long document's ruined week off
Long dog with no head
Long doleful cry
Long drain beginning to dry out
Long drawn-out
Long dress
Long drink containing peel from plump fruit
Long drink containing very soft fruit
Long drink contains very soft fruit
Long drink in beer garden?
Long drink very quietly consumed, a juice?
Long E's, in Greek
Long envelope's unsealed
Long established
Long event
Long eventful journey
Long feathers blow over
Long feature of a crocodi
Long fifth option at the ATM?
Long fights
Long film showing in the pictures
Long films
Long fish
Long fish – what makes you see length?
Long fishes
Long flag
Long flag - bad cold
Long flights
Long flowing garments
Long for
Long for (something)
Long for clubs to go wild
Long for European girl
Long for leader to pre-empt trouble
Long for oxygen during hard exercise
Long for the longer sleepers perhaps half of LNER and one third of LMS used
Long for wage rise director holds back
Long for, with "to"
Long forks, for example?
Long garment
Long garment lacking a measure of thermal protection
Long gone
Long grass on course is hard and rather uneven
Long grass totally pointless
Long green
Long green box?
Long green edible vegetable seed pods
Long gun
Long hair
Long hair at trial tidied up
Long hard journey
Long hard journey on foot
Long hard march
Long haul
Long hauler
Long heavy overcoat
Long heavy sea waves
Long heavy wave approaching the shore
Long heroic poem
Long heroic story
Long hiding behind elegant tree
Long hike
Long historical period
Long hold-up after the start
Long hours
Long hyphen
Long iced drink
Long iced drink of gin, lemon juice and soda water
Long in debt, splashing out for dog
Long in duration
Long in films
Long in movies
Long in politics
Long in the past?
Long in the tooth
Long interval
Long intro?
Long introduction for hole in one
Long introduction?
Long involved stories
Long involved story
Long Island airfield
Long Island airfield town
Long Island community
Long Island community nor
Long Island county
Long Island county seat
Long Island county west o
Long Island Rail Road sta
Long Island Railroad stop
Long Island seafront has iron fence for those who work there?
Long Island town
Long Island town near Bay
Long Island town where th
Long Island town with a w
Long Island town, site of
Long Island university
Long John Silver feature
Long John Silver, e.g.
Long johns, e.g.
Long journey
Long journey cut short by maiden with large jewellery - a sign of fear?
Long journey ends in disappointment for the monk
Long journey that may encounter a hitch?
Long jump or 100-meter da
Long jumper doesn't want strong field
Long jumper perhaps allowed to enter running heat
Long key
Long keystroke
Long known for playing fo
Long lasting
Long lead for electric current must be plugged into computer
Long lead taken from back of Macintosh
Long leases unusual in city
Long leg and point
Long leg?
Long letter needing its introduction cut
Long line for food store
Long line in Rome
Long lines on a timeline
Long linking passage
Long live supermarket with only one American potato
Long live the Emperor of Zanzibar, unclothed and dancing
Long live!
Long loaf
Long loaf - tube gate
Long lock
Long locks
Long look
Long look suppressed by British singleton
Long lookers
Long looks
Long loose overcoat
Long lost texts found mixed up in local addresses
Long lunch?
Long march
Long March leader
Long March participants
Long march; increase
Long message, missing opening, came to a conclusion
Long mournful complaint
Long nap?
Long narrative poem
Long narrow aperture
Long narrow crack
Long narrow cut
Long narrow depression in the ocean bed
Long narrow ditch
Long narrow flag
Long narrow flags
Long narrow furrow
Long narrow hill top
Long narrow hilltop
Long narrow inlet of the sea
Long narrow inlets start to join in Capri and Granada?
Long narrow mark
Long narrow passage
Long narrow sea inlets between steep cliffs in Norway
Long narrow strip
Long note
Long novel I read initially back in first school group?
Long odds
Long of "Boyz N the Hood"
Long on screen
Long ones are risky
Long operatic solo
Long or short measure
Long overcoat
Long overnight flight
Long overnight passenger flight
Long part of a rose
Long party held after college
Long pass
Long passageway
Long past
Long past its prime
Long peg is about right for bit of wood
Long period
Long period at school with computer studies followed by English - that could be bad for woodwork
Long period at the top of eg show business
Long period before November
Long period of history
Long period of time before noon
Long period of time certain to result in obliteration
Long period of time that’s new? (and a hint to eight other clues)
Long period with very low temperatures
Long period, as of illnes
Long periods
Long periods entertaining Northern girl
Long piece of glassware
Long piece of wood
Long piece of writing
Long pieces of tartan worn over the shoulder
Long pillow
Long pin seamstress found round back of shack
Long pin used on a spit
Long poem
Long poem - awesome!
Long poem cut by half causes widespread ill-feeling
Long pointed weapon
Long poles with footrests
Long priestly vestment, a pound
Long prison term
Long programme broadcast to raise money for a cause
Long prong
Long protruding tooth
Long pub drink containing very soft fruit
Long queue's left to make way for parking
Long race
Long raised strip
Long range?
Long recalled that woman penning start of criminal code
Long reign, e.g.
Long reptiles, in short
Long ribbons to wind around a legal title
Long ride?
Long rides?
Long right jabs this close to heavyweight
Long river of Asia
Long roads
Long row
Long run
Long sandwich
Long scarf
Long sea journey
Long seat
Long seat in church aisle needing length
Long seen on TV
Long sentence
Long sentence beginning in Parkhurst? Errant, corrupt serial adulterer probably won't get one
Long sentence in biography
Long sentence poet's always put in part of book title
Long sentence technique inherently echoic, e.g. 8 18D for 3
Long series of troubles
Long series of woes
Long server behind Greens - one's confused
Long severe scolding
Long short story
Long short time
Long shot from footballer going over close to netting
Long shot, for sure
Long shot?
Long side of right-angled triangle
Long skirt
Long skirt ending below the calf
Long skirts
Long slender cigar
Long slender sword
Long slice of feta cheese
Long slimy fish
Long snake about to eat iguana's head
Long solo speech
Long soot?
Long spar
Long speech upset those against housing refugees and migrants, initially
Long spring
Long squeezer
Long stays in bed
Long steady gait
Long step
Long stick used in mudflat hiking
Long stories
Long story
Long story a source of joy when upset
Long story about Eeyore’s tail
Long story about Eeyore, primarily
Long story about end of Empire
Long story about single antelope
Long story by new French writer
Long story describing the end of empire
Long story entertains beginning to end
Long story interrupted by hysterics in the middle
Long story: ear needs boxing
Long streamer displayed by group, role-playing
Long stretch
Long stretch of time
Long stretches
Long strip of pasta
Long suit
Long suits
Long tale
Long tale about Melibee, ultimately
Long tales
Long tales about Romeo having problem getting seaweed
Long talk
Long tapering flag
Long thin cigar
Long thin fish
Long thin mark
Long thin pipe
Long thin scarf
Long thin strip
Long throw dismissing opener
Long throw needing power
Long throw striking opener
Long time
Long time associated with a YBA
Long time before noon
Long time before November
Long time Conservative occupying US city office
Long time follower
Long time in enclosure being theatrical
Long time in that Midwest state
Long time metaphor
Long time off
Long time shut up in seraglio
Long time since deregulation for companies
Long time sitting on stool in lower chamber
Long time to wait
Long time with artist
Long time: Abbr.
Long time: Var.
Long times
Long times in Lima
Long times to live: Abbr.
Long times: Abbr.
Long tiring walk for vagrant
Long to accept piece of advice in place of PPE?
Long to be a revolutionary
Long to be back on stage in the London area
Long to be in environment of court prestige
Long to decorate? Not I!
Long to dress daughter with outstanding accessory
Long to eat a T-bone, making passionate speech
Long to eat something on plate before noon, eating for two
Long to enter man’s cooking area
Long to get hold of narrow piece of cloth
Long to get leg over and begin apace
Long to get up for Muslim festival
Long to have
Long to have a Granny Smith? Or another fruit?
Long to have maiden on rug shortly? Seize the chance!
Long to have smart clothing? Sewing is required
Long to ignore head and make money
Long to join club in film studios
Long to make some money after end of study
Long to marry after losing first husband
Long to possess a strong yellow protective garment
Long to receive explanation for viewer's complaint
Long to return carrying silver dish with piping
Long to run into class that's coming up? Do they?
Long to teach English without restrictions
Long tooth
Long traffic jam
Long traffic queue
Long trench
Long tresses
Long tube
Long tubes
Long twelve months before end of recession
Long twelvemonth at end of campaign
Long uninterrupted speech
Long upholstered seat
Long walk
Long walk in the mountains?
Long walks
Long waterproof boots
Long way after English, unknown Portuguese greeting French author
Long way off about the originator
Long way to go?
Long way to walk in endless bid for spicy food
Long way?
Long weapon
Long wearing tailored sari — here, perhaps?
Long week finally occupied randomly learning
Long wheels
Long while
Long whites, e.g.
Long without drugs, initially ecstasy, not allowing a fix?
Long workday, perhaps
Long woven scarf
Long year on International Space Station essentially very hard
Long __, in the distant past
Long ___: Abbr.
Long, angry complaint
Long, arduous walks
Long, as a garment
Long, dismal cry
Long, drawn vote securing Independent win
Long, drawn-out excuse
Long, drawn-out stories
Long, endless length of time
Long, eventful journey
Long, eventful, wandering journey
Long, for short
Long, high pass
Long, in a way
Long, like ripe bananas
Long, long sentence
Long, long ship deserted on river
Long, long time
Long, long ___
Long, narrative poem
Long, narrow cloud
Long, narrow piece
Long, old hands grasping Oscar in pictures
Long, on Lanai
Long, slender cigar
Long, slender instrument
Long, slow and dull
Long, thick locks securing small ministers’ houses
Long, thin musical instru
Long, thin strip
Long-ago battle protectio
Long-ago year?
Long-armed animal
Long-armed ape
Long-armed ape, for short
Long-armed apes
Long-armed redheads
Long-armed simian, for sh
Long-armed Sumatrans
Long-armed zoo creature
Long-barrelled firearm
Long-barrelled gun
Long-barrelled weapon
Long-bearded type
Long-billed game bird
Long-billed marsh bird
Long-billed wader
Long-billed wading birds
Long-bodied lizard
Long-bodied reptile
Long-crested bird
Long-disproven scientific
Long-distance call letter
Long-distance call starte
Long-distance call?
Long-distance calls?
Long-distance commuter's
Long-distance inits.
Long-distance letters
Long-distance lorry driver
Long-distance number star
Long-distance prefixes (2 wds.)
Long-distance race
Long-distance runner called an Uber for a stretch
Long-distance runner in Spain with nothing on
Long-distance runner receiving bravos on run is a dainty eater
Long-distance runner's complaint
Long-distance service wit
Long-distance starts
Long-distance supplier of Meals on Wheels?
Long-distance swimmer Dia
Long-distance traveller from Maine sleeping like a baby?
Long-distance traveller needs to reach Everest's base
Long-distance traveller, name, international players recalled
Long-distance traveller, singular fast bowler
Long-distance traveller’s advantage - importing paper on return
Long-distance travellers step right aboard
Long-distance travellers, parsecs away
Long-distance walker
Long-eared animal
Long-eared animals
Long-eared equine
Long-eared farm animal
Long-eared hopper
Long-eared hound
Long-eared mammal
Long-eared pet
Long-established bank up in Aldershot disheartened, shifting head of staff
Long-established custom
Long-feathered wading bir
Long-gone bird
Long-haired bovine a woman raised
Long-haired cat
Long-haired cat, goat, or rabbit
Long-haired lagomorph
Long-haired sheepdog
Long-haired sporting pooch
Long-haired Turkish cat or rabbit
Long-handled broom made of twigs
Long-handled implement
Long-handled itch-remover
Long-handled tool
Long-handled tool for cutting grass or grain
Long-haul flyers go and see new centre of Hiroshima rebuilt
Long-haul workers from Manchester somehow getting the last word
Long-held record?
Long-horned antelope
Long-horned goat
Long-jawed fish
Long-jawed fishes
Long-jawed swimmer
Long-lasting bad rule replaced
Long-lasting housetop
Long-lasting prettiness requires surgery
Long-lasting series of Superman, enthralling
Long-lasting stain finally covered by rug - it's coloured
Long-lasting, in commerci
Long-lasting; deplorable
Long-leaved lettuce
Long-legged bird
Long-legged fisher
Long-legged fishers
Long-legged sea animal se
Long-legged shore bird
Long-legged shorebird
Long-legged shorebird with a slender upward-curving bill
Long-legged wader
Long-legged waders
Long-legged wading bird
Long-legged wading bird with upward-curving bill
Long-legged, long-necked bird
Long-limbed South American primate
Long-limbed, as a model
Long-lost article on country farmer?
Long-lost friend, to an e
Long-necked animal
Long-necked bird
Long-necked creature
Long-necked instrument
Long-necked instruments
Long-necked lute
Long-necked waders
Long-necked, migratory aquatic birds
Long-nosed fish
Long-playing disc
Long-range German gun of
Long-range picture of huge creature (not small creature) among musicians of Africa
Long-range shooters
Long-range weapon, briefl
Long-range weapon, for sh
Long-respected king, say, entertained by US magazine editor
Long-running "S.N.L." riv
Long-running Art and Chip
Long-running B'way musica
Long-running Broadway mus
Long-running Broadway sho
Long-running CBS hit
Long-running column
Long-running dispute
Long-running disputes
Long-running film role
Long-running musical from a particular country, but not nationalist, on reflection
Long-running NBC show, fo
Long-running TV hit begin
Long-running TV programme possibly needs a rest
Long-running TV series se
Long-running US TV programme with puppets
Long-serving soldier’s wife in chair
Long-shot candidate
Long-sleeved glove
Long-snouted fish
Long-snouted swimmer
Long-spouted can
Long-standing resentment
Long-standing servant
Long-stemmed clay pipe
Long-stemmed flowers
Long-stemmed vegetable
Long-suffering cat treated with oils
Long-suffering wife’s second to enter incomplete family
Long-tailed American parrot
Long-tailed crow
Long-tailed crow family member
Long-tailed dinosaur
Long-tailed finch
Long-tailed moth
Long-tailed parrot
Long-tailed parrots of Central and South America
Long-tailed pest
Long-tailed primate
Long-tailed rodent
Long-term finan. plans
Long-term increase in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere
Long-term lung condition
Long-term occupation
Long-term plan
Long-term pollution conce
Long-term prevalent weather conditions
Long-term prisoner
Long-term security, for s
Long-term servant
Long-term sewing project?
Long-term weather
Long-term, it's said you are in the finale
Long-time Moore co-star
Long-toed bird with a har
Long-tubed flower
Long-vowel mark
Long-winded acceptance sp
Long-winded and ever so surprisingly absorbing book
Long-winded government-speak? Floundering fleabag fibs regularly
Long-winded oration of An
Long-winded poem swallows half of book
Long-winded speeches, e.g
Long-winded stories
Long-winded story about king and mother discovered
Long. crosser
Long. partner
Long.'s opposite
Longed (for)
Longed (to do something)
Longed for fog to roll in
Longed for Geordie to do a turn at Hogmanay
Longed to bamboozle the CID
Longed to dump husband, having just got married
Longed to promote journalist (stickler for accuracy)
Longed to receive team's kit with lined motif
Longer across than down lights on crossword allow puzzle enthusiast to start
Longer and shorter periods reversed in final letter
Longer and thinner
Longer in the tooth
Longer of the two forearm bones
Longest Asian river
Longest bone in the human body
Longest book of the Book
Longest dimensions of things that are fixed in place
Longest European river, flowing into the Caspian Sea
Longest human bone
Longest line of latitude
Longest of three years in penthouse, debauched
Longest river entirely in
Longest river in China
Longest river in Deutschl
Longest river in Europe
Longest river in France
Longest river in Scotland
Longest river in Spain
Longest river in Texas
Longest river in the US, joining the Mississippi at St Louis
Longest river in the worl
Longest river of Europe
Longest river of Scotland
Longest river of Spain
Longest running Brtish childen's comic
Longest Spanish river
Longest-lived first lady
Longest-running member
Longest-serving French pr
Longest-serving senator i
Longevity at the box offi
Longfellow bell town
Longfellow or Millay, by
Longfellow poem subject
Longfellow's "Tales of a
Longfellow's "The Bell of
Longfellow's "The Bells o
Longfellow's 19th-century Native American chief
Longfellow's bell town
Longfellow's hero
Longfellow's Hiawatha, e.
Longfellow's words before
Longfellow, in a 1936 mov
Longhaired fad dolls
Longhorn rival
Longhorn's rival
Longhorn's school, inform
Longhorns, e.g.
Longines rival
Longing for 20 in Osaka?
Longing for battle, lost again
Longing for England, Browning now reviewed parade?
Longing for home, cardinals ignored listener's complaint
Longing for money overseas
Longing for something past
Longing for something past - at closing
Longing for the past
Longing for women, if lust unbridled
Longing initially hard for female
Longing to be lost again at sea
Longing to be picking up information after new start
Longing to get mortal might one say?
Longing to remove initiator of political clean-up
Longing to see province take part in online test
Longing to thumb a lift in part of London?
Longing to trap learner with setter's mystic art
Longing, looking back again, lots fancy
Longing, we hear, to be colouring clothes?
Longish dress
Longish skirt
Longish stories
Longitude's partner
Longitudinal boat timber
Longitudinal brace
Longoria of "Desperate Ho
Longs (for)
Longs for
Longs for order during main revolution
Longs to have time with partners at table
Longs to inhabit street that's most exclusive
Longs to regularly display options: easy!
Longshanks in some measure unleashed war dogs
Longship crew
Longshoreman's device
Longshoreman's venue
Longstanding issue
Longstocking lass
Longtime "ABC's Wide Worl
Longtime "All My Children
Longtime "All Things Cons
Longtime "Column One" pri
Longtime "Days of Our Liv
Longtime "Hollywood Squar
Longtime "S.N.L." announc
Longtime "Saturday Night
Longtime "The Price Is Ri
Longtime "Today" co-host
Longtime "Today" figure
Longtime "Today" host
Longtime "Today" show per
Longtime "What's My Line"
Longtime "What's My Line?
Longtime ABC daytime dram
Longtime ABC newsman
Longtime adviser to Sadda
Longtime Arizona congress
Longtime baseball manager
Longtime battler of the M
Longtime Bears coach Geor
Longtime beau of Oprah
Longtime Big Apple restau
Longtime Bob Hope broadca
Longtime Boston Symphony
Longtime breath freshener
Longtime British Tory P.M
Longtime buddy
Longtime Buick model
Longtime cable inits.
Longtime Capitol Hill nic
Longtime CBS and NBC news
Longtime CBS boss William
Longtime CBS/ NBC newsman
Longtime CBS/CNN newsman
Longtime Chicago Bears co
Longtime Chicago maestro
Longtime Chicago mayor
Longtime Chicago Symphony
Longtime Chinese leader
Longtime classical music
Longtime columnist for Th
Longtime columnist who co
Longtime Comiskey Park te
Longtime Connecticut sena
Longtime Cowboys coach To
Longtime D.C. delegate to
Longtime dean of St. Paul
Longtime Delaware senator
Longtime Democratic House
Longtime Disney C.E.O. Mi
Longtime Disney exec
Longtime Disney name
Longtime Dodger manager T
Longtime Dodgers owner
Longtime Dolphins coach
Longtime Dolphins coach D
Longtime drink nickname,
Longtime Dungeons & Drago
Longtime Elton John label
Longtime enemy of Wonder
Longtime ESPN football an
Longtime essayist for The
Longtime flame?
Longtime Frazier foe
Longtime G.E. chief with
Longtime G.M. chief Alfre
Longtime Georgia senator
Longtime Greenwich Villag
Longtime guitar brand
Longtime Guy Lombardo rec
Longtime Hapsburg domain:
Longtime Harvard presiden
Longtime Holmes portrayer
Longtime Hoosier Senator
Longtime host of "Scienti
Longtime human "Sesame St
Longtime Hungarian leader
Longtime Indy 500 competi
Longtime Israeli ambassad
Longtime Israeli diplomat
Longtime Israeli foreign
Longtime John Wooden team
Longtime Kenyan leader
Longtime La Scala conduct
Longtime La Scala music d
Longtime label for 38-Dow
Longtime Lakers commentat
Longtime Leonard foe
Longtime local
Longtime Lorillard brand
Longtime magazine subscri
Longtime maker of the Mag
Longtime mall chain
Longtime Massachusetts co
Longtime McDonald's chief
Longtime Met basso Berber
Longtime Mideast leader
Longtime morning TV host
Longtime N.C.A.A. basketb
Longtime N.F.L. coach nic
Longtime name in auto par
Longtime name in news-gat
Longtime name in photogra
Longtime Nascar sponsor
Longtime NBC host
Longtime NBC Olympics hos
Longtime NBC sitcom star
Longtime NBC sports exec
Longtime NBC star
Longtime NBC Symphony con
Longtime New York senator
Longtime New York Sun edi
Longtime New York theater
Longtime news inits.
Longtime North Dakota sen
Longtime Olympics sportsc
Longtime Oreo competitor
Longtime PBS series
Longtime Penn State footb
Longtime Philippine archb
Longtime photographer for
Longtime Playboy artist L
Longtime power provider:
Longtime radio advice-giv
Longtime record label
Longtime record label for
Longtime record label of
Longtime ring champ
Longtime Rolling Stones b
Longtime SAC chief
Longtime Sierra Club dire
Longtime smoker
Longtime sportswriter Rog
Longtime staple of daytim
Longtime Strand writer
Longtime Susan Lucci ques
Longtime Susan Lucci role
Longtime Time rival, info
Longtime Times Sq. site
Longtime TV host with a 1
Longtime TV inits.
Longtime TV role for Dans
Longtime U.S. ally
Longtime Vicki Lawrence c
Longtime Wal-Mart symbol
Longtime welterweight box
Longtime West Virginia se
Longtime Yankee nickname
Longtime Yankee third bas
Longtime Yankees skipper
Longtime Yes drummer
Longtime Yugoslav chief
Longtime Yugoslav leader
Longtime Zimbabwean leade
Loo cover lifted, sit awhile: which 9 preceded 23 1?
Loo diva redesigned in special shape
Loo in Louisiana?
Loo label
Loo message
Loo sign
Loo with no lid and double U-bend inside extremely contrary
Loofah, e.g.
Looie's subordinate
Looie's underling
Look — a ghost about to vanish!
Look (around)
Look (at)
Look (for)
Look (into)
Look (over)
Look - alloy has no little weight
Look - area of London without ocean in part looking like French seaport
Look - goose
Look - openers in batting order seen in pavilion
Look - seed inside a caper
Look - sloth runs
Look about to get posh male doctor
Look accompanying a line
Look after
Look after a bull for Daisy
Look after book about the EU?
Look after carefully
Look after chief, popular with army
Look after complete bishopric
Look after current politician causing damage
Look after European that Parisian conservation group finds persuasive
Look after extra large fruit
Look after extremely rowdy room of children
Look after gnome and child to get over current collapse
Look after harbour
Look after Italian team's selection test
Look after muscular adult animal
Look after neglected forest
Look after old trains union (London Region)
Look after piano, Edward's implored
Look after recording of game played by Venus and Serena Williams?
Look after return of deodorised baby shoes?
Look after river sport
Look after small personal problem for careless shepherd
Look after someone else's children for a period
Look after someone's child
Look after that rising river with old form of technology
Look after the issue for others
Look after uniform in box
Look after work containing tangle of Mexican fruit
Look after worker with short fat animal
Look after young children
Look after yourself
Look after yourself!
Look after, care for
Look after, with "to"
Look again at magazine
Look ahead
Look always to keep dry dictionary?
Look and look and look
Look and see - neither finish at large
Look angry
Look angry if X-Factor boss misses train
Look around
Look around a prison?
Look around a ship of the line
Look around elsewhere for bar
Look around for first signs of fragments of rock and stone, perhaps
Look around for food
Look around globe, turning every direction but north
Look around in centre of castle
Look around initially observing very large duck
Look around Palestinian region endlessly and dream
Look around park on initially chilly evening
Look around the empty place
Look askance
Look associated with cunning jumbo?
Look astonished about nothing and explode!
Look at
Look at a film with a theme that's controversial - as, say, a 23 11?
Look at a floodgate, ruined
Look at a looker, perhaps
Look at a Playboy Club?
Look at a traffic problem
Look at account that's initially given after a 1965 crisis
Look at amorously
Look at an aquatic predator? One takes excessive interest
Look at and follow monitor
Look at attentively
Look at Bluebird sob loudly
Look at closely
Look at country's source of energy
Look at cracking cryptic done like a Cyclops?
Look at creepy-crawly running across piano
Look at cricket perhaps, quietly absorbed
Look at cut involving standard computer material - it's outrageous
Look at father and important financial figures close to agreeing - amazing!
Look at first of bodies — and throw up!
Look at flirtatiously
Look at half a dozen we sent over
Look at inappropriately
Look at joker, jack, queen or king
Look at long
Look at lustfully
Look at me before following Henry
Look at me outside Yemeni port, returning at some point
Look at naughty ladies, getting shock
Look at new type of cinema, returning in middle of week
Look at part of golf course that's out of bounds
Look at plaiting dreads with minimum of skill
Look at pupil's place
Look at quickly
Look at the heavens
Look at the time here?
Look at things to come?
Look at thoughtfully
Look at top batter?
Look at tree stuffed with bit of wet rubbish
Look at various things on the Internet
Look at ways to get peers assembled
Look at what cat’s got - they might be fluttering
Look at what HGV driver might do with old fellow!
Look at what's in popular detergent
Look at with interest
Look at you having a great time after end of game
Look at yours truly when speaking
Look at, as stars
Look at, in the Bible
Look at, look up, go away
Look attentively over small opening
Look — a ghost about to disappear!
Look back across road - that's a fast car
Look back and forth
Look back and note source, one that is retained
Look back and snuff it - one tends to do both!
Look back fondly
Look back on
Look back on cars: extremely comfortable
Look back on grabbing Simpson's drink
Look back on nicer times, less hurt ultimately different
Look back over bridgehead, repeat and destroy
Look back over end of story with these
Look bad-tempered in conversation
Look bad?
Look badly?
Look before you take such a year
Look behind outhouse initially for shelter in garden
Look both ways
Look briefly across stage for exit lines
Look briefly at reports of maximum irritation
Look briefly good with jousting weapon
Look carefully at hole in needle
Look carefully, time not plentiful
Look closely
Look closely around opening of the safe
Look closely at ant, say, circling quietly
Look closely at biblical rock, lacking time
Look Conservative leader up and find unpleasant smarmy person
Look courageous, captivating English hearts
Look cross
Look daggers
Look defeated - day turning not so good
Look dejected
Look displeased
Look down
Look down during day - it's quite revealing
Look down on people initially invading Middle East
Look down on river holding drinks up
Look drunk getting a book
Look drunk, beyond question
Look embarrassed to lose energy, a warning sign
Look embarrassed, like an unsuccessful matador
Look endlessly for celebrity
Look equal
Look everywhere in
Look fit for image
Look for
Look for 'em, reportedly showing some guts
Look for 'ROAD' in French
Look for academic work about to be banned
Look for again
Look for athletic power we hear
Look for attention in school
Look for bird
Look for building that can accommodate any number
Look for damages
Look for getting high, inhaling new joints …
Look for healthy sounding outcome
Look for Indian to speak
Look for king buried under religious grounds
Look for large coat
Look for line expunged in glossy
Look for movement in rolling stock, wasting seconds
Look for New York to contain a countering team from that city?
Look for overthrown strongholds yielding power
Look for overturned fortresses that have yielded power
Look for people touring Italy
Look for someone at one's own level, or higher?
Look for something new in shed
Look for something to say
Look for words to say
Look for; be in store
Look forward to
Look forward to a Joker, accepting answer
Look forward to a sauce, perhaps
Look forward to Bar overturning limits on censorship
Look forward to speech: spit it out!
Look from Groucho
Look gloomy as this person outside work
Look good in charge, showing sound reasoning
Look good next to Pierce
Look good on
Look good with weapon
Look happy
Look happy to get solution to clue over
Look hard, it’s said, for seaside attraction
Look hard, one side to the other, for weeds
Look hard, taking in 5, and go hungry
Look here's ship entering port empty
Look horribly tired, having at first expectantly waited around
Look in (on)
Look in idiot husband's items of underwear
Look in Iron City for serious American crime
Look in thick hair for fine powder
Look in to criticise a winter sport compet­ition
Look in to restrain son being obnoxious
Look in two newspapers for superior source of church music
Look inside church, securing good deal for organ cover
Look inside ladies' pyjamas!
Look inside plaza, almost complete filth
Look inside someone's ear, chortling
Look inside: great ape
Look inside?
Look intently
Look into
Look into again
Look into again, as a cas
Look into business making capital
Look into corpse covered in gore
Look into crash at downhill race
Look into deep cuts in protective wear
Look into doctor, say — that's nice to hear
Look into Empire State Building’s last but one material
Look into first of rooms: see drunken principal
Look into flights to find cuts
Look into it
Look into morass over debts associated with crime
Look into one attempt to get White House?
Look into organised group intending to be obstructive
Look into playing for money after sunset
Look into quarry trial
Look into smash in ski race
Look into the start of professionalism in cricket for example
Look into?
Look it up, either way
Look lad, finish off garden feature!
Look lasciviously
Look like
Look like a creep
Look like a creep?
Look like a lecher
Look like a sleaze
Look like a wolf
Look like a wolf?
Look lively!
Look longingly at
Look lustfully
Look mean, having no weaknesses
Look meaningfully round very fast
Look more prominent than
Look narrowly
Look noble
Look of a wolf
Look of aged whitening
Look of contempt
Look of disdain
Look of lust
Look of one needing a com
Look of prurience
Look of scorn
Look of superiority
Look of surprise
Look on 16 with a different partner
Look on pound as an animal refuge
Look on ship for make-up item
Look on tiptoe, say
Look out
Look out a window, say
Look out for GI avoiding complex debriefing
Look out for the ball! Are you caught up in excitement?
Look out for, maybe
Look out for, say
Look out for?
Look out! It’s planted with explosives, we’re told!
Look out, Emin!
Look out, I'm coming through!
Look over
Look over 50? To begin with, please rest
Look over a wall, say
Look over again
Look over alcohol where there are duty-free shops
Look over before holding
Look over firm without starting false rumour
Look over independent plant producing mineral
Look over middle of arbour, somewhere shady
Look over most of Bob's summerhouse
Look over moves to suppress mad cow disease
Look over playground and church
Look over quickly
Look over small quantity of film
Look over the deals misrepresented in newspaper
Look over tower
Look over VIP speaking in EastEnders
Look over, informally
Look pained, turning round after a spray
Look part of castle over
Look pleased about one figure of speech
Look pleased after cycling - it’s a long way
Look proud, like stock folk hero, last of all
Look quickly at - cricket stroke
Look quickly over, then enquire for winter sports item
Look round a course? Not in this!
Look round eastern stars
Look round entertaining bachelor's summerhouse
Look round everywhere, initially for a sign of summer
Look round gym for a swimmer
Look round New York - it's crazy!
Look round the whole tree
Look round three particular shows
Look round very fast
Look round, taking in baron's summerhouse
Look rudely about for some cotton?
Look searchingly
Look slyly up and down
Look smart! 20 might, if depicting Morse
Look sore
Look spent and ruined
Look steadily
Look suggestively
Look suggestively back in the dance
Look sullen
Look surreptitiously
Look that could kill, say
Look that intimidates radiant person?
Look that may offend
Look that means "Look out
Look that says nothing
Look that’s direct, yet at once cold, somehow
Look thoroughly at
Look threatening in small hood
Look through - arches
Look through a keyhole
Look through a window, ma
Look through blinds, say
Look through half-closed
Look through last of my cash
Look through some prose, archaic
Look through the cross ha
Look through window to see legendary adulterer
Look to accommodate Romeo - pretty active for an old guy
Look to be
Look to boxing fan, originally second in ring
Look to capture animal - with this?
Look to catch duck, large duck
Look to eat little volume and go very hungry
Look to exploit wretch
Look to hold back
Look to imprison a revolutionary in Texas city
Look to incorporate zone for mast
Look to inspire something positive as developer
Look to Italy to welcome France
Look to leader from Brussels before campaign
Look to one with feminine interior
Look to oust broadcaster's central position in syndicate
Look to put in order, wanting small gift for wordsmith
Look to return in army post where duty is relaxed
Look to see that letters are correct
Look to wear green pants soon
Look to win easily - Portugal going through bad patch
Look too closely
Look toward
Look towards rule to control depth for foundation
Look unpleasant when caught
Look up and down
Look up and try salacious look
Look up during later chance to see training process?
Look up end of dictionary inside with these
Look up engaging American metal performances
Look up in native American language
Look up info about King - you'll easily get cash for it
Look up to
Look up to - American patriot, d. 1818
Look up to Scottish monarch, royal inside, one last European
Look up to speaker's lazy eyes
Look up Volume One and take a chair
Look up, eating half of cold dry cheese
Look up, one way or the other
Look upon warmly
Look what’s holding up meat supply?
Look with difficulty
Look with the power to inflict harm
Look without blinking
Look ___ (study)
Look ___ (visit briefly)
Look ___ (visit)
Look, America’s hiding carbon situation
Look, at the Forum?
Look, fellows, current's coming in!
Look, hold up!
Look, I'm visibly happy to get picked up
Look, including books with introduction to hell is Jeremiah's habit
Look, it’s the Speaker’s dog!
Look, it's Mark!
Look, look here - look about - up here's where to look
Look, talent and ability ultimately deficient
Look, there's George with his daughter!
Look, turn off website
Look, with the introduction of ceiling, you'll have two floors
Look, with VAT rising, pop star trembled
Look-alike of a source of
Look-at-me walk
Look-for-it children's ga
Look-___ (twin)
Look; noble
Look? Mike Love crossing street apparently does
Lookalike confronted and betrayed
Lookalike finally suffering unwelcome stabbing pain
Lookalike gaming site, tip off needed
Lookalike's campanologist no longer with us
Looked after
Looked after by American woman with liberal views
Looked after by South Africa, put in to face the bowling
Looked after poorly old lady nursed by boy
Looked after some of the West End edition
Looked again at study needing to get tidied up
Looked angry as flag finally taken down
Looked around entrance to abbey frequented by spirits
Looked astonished: leader of Greece to copy Germany
Looked at
Looked at and understood
Looked at king-dismissing clue with my boss?
Looked at lecherously
Looked at lustfully
Looked at one way, 2020 was first of two parts
Looked disgusted, given ghastly publicity about church
Looked down on
Looked fixedly
Looked for
Looked for a free ride as difficulty increased
Looked forward to
Looked glad
Looked good impaled
Looked hard
Looked high and low for
Looked impolitely
Looked in (on)
Looked intently
Looked into wrong sign always blocking road
Looked lasciviously
Looked lecherously
Looked libidinously
Looked like
Looked like a wolf
Looked like Greeks regularly exploited space up top
Looked online for work – looked long and hard
Looked out for
Looked over
Looked over larcenously
Looked over, in a way
Looked resentful in broadcast
Looked stupidly good, like Batman without a top?
Looked surprised government's getting mocked
Looked threatening, though not about to be thundery?
Looked to have organ around church
Looked up on the web: "Move both ways, under direction"
Looked up to
Looked up to say more about Slough
Looked up to?
Looked with desire
Looked with difficulty
Looker for work has a twitch
Looker seen at Suffolk town dance
Looker's leg
Looker's plump, with vice for stripping off
Looker, career soaring, very famous dancer
Lookin' for Queen in horse publication
Looking after Barnet Hospital, show anxiety
Looking after eccentric cigar nut
Looking after number one is perhaps sole basis for the French Revolution
Looking after visitors to Soho? Bed unmade and trendy joke thrown in
Looking ahead for potential development area we hear
Looking ahead, Essex Police cut administration, continually being decentralised
Looking ahead, is gene changed to give new finish to Irish loaf?
Looking angry, fellow being caught and put back inside
Looking at
Looking at closely
Looking at English houses you start to invest
Looking at female quality in jacket for evening
Looking at regular intake, conclusions of the provost scheduled, it's suggested?
Looking at something - ranged
Looking back, covering a lot of historic city in particular
Looking back, hospital worker retired, leaving quietly
Looking back, no hand cut by back of the knife?
Looking back, some declare Bill is intolerant
Looking back, they're simply concealing suffering
Looking backwards
Looking cross about revolutionary newspaper's view
Looking disappointed, others following everyone into church before noon
Looking down from
Looking down on king, old hat
Looking down on sixteen characters
Looking down on?
Looking embarrassed
Looking embarrassed about daughter
Looking embarrassed about diamonds
Looking embarrassed about punishment being made clear
Looking embarrassed by love? Have another go
Looking embarrassed by vehicle in N Yorkshire resort
Looking embarrassed, being wrong about hard misleading clue
Looking embarrassed, protects Maoists
Looking embarrassed, volunteers given exercise in bureaucracy
Looking fit, Mark somersaults expending last bit of energy
Looking fixedly
Looking for a publication on climbing
Looking for a vehicle with key lifetime support?
Looking for a woody plant to train? Try elm
Looking for approval, show sequence of old
Looking for big bucks?
Looking for dirt, perhaps
Looking for it, but dead round Tyneside region
Looking for kindness in a film
Looking for metal, floated around
Looking for more nuts, first off
Looking for new metal in clasp
Looking for ruler of the waves, say?
Looking for scandal? Reverend Spooner's causing punch-up
Looking for some cannabis, troublemaker orbits restaurant
Looking for trouble
Looking for trouble?
Looking forward to being
Looking glass
Looking glum, bury dog
Looking good
Looking good for one's age
Looking good in some fine attire
Looking good on the tube
Looking guilty or dejected
Looking hard, having lost a cord
Looking hot after the bath didn't hurt
Looking in mirror, see what wicked types may be up to
Looking intelligent, like a Member of Parliament?
Looking lecherously
Looking less well, maybe friend has hesitation
Looking like a monkey
Looking like an ideal place to deal out pain
Looking like glass
Looking like rain
Looking miserable, having been confronted for ages
Looking most embarrassed about nasty deeds? Right
Looking naive or sentimental
Looking offended by power trip
Looking offended, finding bit of toenail in small fish
Looking pale and tired
Looking peculiar in soccer gear? Every chance!
Looking pretty stupid, mob kidnaps western private eye
Looking ragged
Looking ridiculous after carelessly consuming chocolate at Easter?
Looking rough, you reportedly head for Soho during every evening
Looking round for a letter?
Looking scared
Looking shabby
Looking sideways at one of five children wearing fleece
Looking surprised - as a snail?
Looking swanky a couple of times in US city
Looking terrified, woman hides in an opening
Looking the worse for wear after snorting drug, changed colour again?
Looking through photo alb
Looking tired and unwell
Looking to benefit where some car purchase discussions focus?
Looking to keep home that houses nothing innovative
Looking to put back a leader from Epsom with south-eastern dialect
Looking to save time, building sprinter's equipment
Looking unhappy about navy at the third level
Looking unwell
Looking unwell, wanting disease got rid of
Looking up
Looking up a little information
Looking up a time zone
Looking up debtor - a student - not quite lame duck
Looking up fungi's description
Looking up in mirror at spook’s heavenly body
Looking up naturally allows review, initially of celestial object
Looking up passages in love diary, month before: snoop around
Looking up to
Looking up to quote work of lyrical quality
Looking up word for "layer": a hen, perhaps
Looking upward: Good gracious, that's a big bird!
Looking very bad — time for second retreat?
Looking very embarrassed, being licked by tongues?
Looking witheringly on apparently good fastening
Looking wrong, yet red hair is in the family
Looking, for example, to adopt a principle of Chinese philosophy
Lookout point
Lookout soldier
Lookout, maybe
Lookouts, sometimes
Looks (through), as for i
Looks after
Looks after little ones
Looks after Pence's mates
Looks around facing this type of combat
Looks around, slightly drunk, with head down, and makes devious changes
Looks askance
Looks at
Looks at a TV screen - it's broken
Looks at boldly
Looks at fish eaten by communists
Looks at home - time to wear glasses?
Looks at lustfully
Looks at rail transport as a source of irritation to observers
Looks at those approving loudly
Looks calm here and passes
Looks closely
Looks closely (at)
Looks closely at Cockney cocktails
Looks disdainfully
Looks down on
Looks embarrassed
Looks fixedly
Looks for
Looks for a friendly word
Looks for audience: they fit in well
Looks for help
Looks for; is in store for
Looks forward to
Looks good on
Looks impressive in topless dresses
Looks inside?
Looks intently
Looks like
Looks like it does
Looks on in wonderment, as kids in playground did?
Looks out (for)
Looks out for, at a heist
Looks out for, maybe
Looks over
Looks perfect on
Looks round about — not a pretty sight
Looks round about, finding something very ugly
Looks round centre of Florence, not a pretty sight
Looks sore
Looks straight in the eye
Looks sullen
Looks to be
Looks to dispose of stone god
Looks to make friends
Looks to the future
Looks unhappy
Looks up and down
Looks up to
Looks? What’ll get you to the top, they say
Loom I repair without pressure
Looming choice
Looming in the distance
Loon's lack
Looney Tunes animator Fri
Looney Tunes character wi
Looney Tunes horse-drawn
Looney Tunes lothario
Looney Tunes manufacturer
Looney Tunes nickname
Looney Tunes pig
Looney Tunes regular
Looney Tunes sound
Loonlike bird
Loony bird
Loony left vote destroyed respected leader
Loony nearly cut second column marking start of 9
Loony tunes
Loooong sandwich
Loooong wait
Looooong, boring speech
Loop circlers
Loop for catching animals
Loop for holding up a shirtsleeve
Loop formed by means of a slip knot
Loop group: Abbr.
Loop in a rope made with a slip knot
Loop in a rope with a slip knot
Loop looper
Loop loopers
Loop of fabric-covered elastic holding a ponytail
Loop of rope
Loop of rope with a slipknot
Loop or ring inserted into part of face
Loop runners
Loop setting, briefly
Loop sights
Loop trains
Loop transports
Loop with running knot
Loop; rock group
Looped cross, ancient Egyptian symbol of life
Looped handle
Looped handle, in archaeo
Looped handles
Looped knot
Looped rope
Looped sofa fabric
Looped vase handle
Looped vase handles
Loops edges around hole
Loops of rubber
Loopy sort of game that’s rocked Kitty?
Loos redesigned for European capital
Loos who wrote "Gentlemen
Loose and weak heavyweight was victorious over soldier
Loose belt brought about blunder with one's pants
Loose blouse —Georgia with blue one
Loose body fat
Loose car part regularly fixed in hour by champ
Loose cloak
Loose clothing? Rear’s covered in toilet
Loose coil of yarn
Loose coins
Loose coins ruin her plans
Loose cover cushions, elastic edges
Loose dentures for nothing!
Loose digit fixed by visionary
Loose dog maybe nipping the Parisian
Loose dress for a woman or child
Loose dress or blouse
Loose dress: hem is dropped in church
Loose dresses
Loose dressing gown
Loose dressing gown for women
Loose dressing gowns - paper coverings
Loose family members one's seen in lodge
Loose fibre from old rope
Loose fibre got by unravelling old ropes, once used in caulking wooden ships
Loose flesh
Loose flesh; fat
Loose flimsy garment
Loose flowing garments
Loose folds under eyes
Loose from moorings
Loose garment
Loose garment - 1980 Madness song
Loose garment - thin girths
Loose garment some initially laugh at
Loose garment some initially make fun of
Loose garment worn by Muslim women
Loose goods stored in alcove
Loose hood
Loose hood wife found in pass
Loose horse, another on the outside?
Loose in joyous part of universe
Loose knot's only 50% of the problem
Loose lips letting slip quiet part
Loose morals in Spain become commonplace
Loose net and fish intertwine
Loose nightdress
Loose nun cycles around Lot pregnant with son
Loose nut?
Loose on
Loose overcoat
Loose parcel
Loose regulation of a branch of medicine
Loose robe - design's wrong
Loose robe dressing government leader in municipality just around the corner?
Loose rock debris
Loose rock needs new barrier
Loose rocks on a mountainside
Loose rocks over elevated cave shown
Loose rugby scrum
Loose scrum
Loose scrum - handle roughly
Loose scrum - rough up
Loose shingle from a part of these shores
Loose shirt or dress
Loose skin below the throat
Loose skin punctured by bees, we hear?
Loose sleeveless garment
Loose smock
Loose stones on a mountainside
Loose talk?
Loose trousers
Loose trousers angered us when badly made
Loose tummy muscles love getting exercise
Loose veiled garment with veiled holes for the eyes
Loose violin section repels composer
Loose woman disturbed by offspring’s secret practices
Loose woman in the family taking top off
Loose woman putting last of opium in gin
Loose woman, relatively speaking, is relieved of her top
Loose woman, relatively topless?
Loose ___
Loose, as shoelaces
Loose, as shoestrings
Loose, as stones
Loose, in a manner of spe
Loose, in a way
Loose-fitting attire
Loose-fitting dress without a waist
Loose-fitting dresses
Loose-fitting jacket
Loose-fitting protective garments
Loose-fitting undergarment
Loose-fitting underwear
Loose-limbed entertainer
Loose-skinned fruit
Loose-skinned tangerine
Loosely hang fish at end of day
Loosely state preference
Loosely woven cloth from Scotland
Loosely woven cotton
Loosely woven cotton fabr
Loosely woven material
Loosely, it is a role for a recluse
Loosely, sand-tribe area?
Loosely-built, lanky
Loosely-coiled amount of yarn
Loosely-woven material
Loosen (a knot)
Loosen - become less busy
Loosen a French item of furniture
Loosen black tile occasionally that's on the house
Loosen damaged nut securing handle incompletely
Loosen laces
Loosen link, it's back to front
Loosen one's hold
Loosen piece of hair after bun arranged
Loosen uninitiated sisters before party
Loosen United? New soccer group’s trimmed soccer team
Loosen up
Loosen up large body, only to gain weight
Loosen, as a knot
Loosen, as a parka
Loosen, as laces
Loosen, in a way
Loosened (up)
Loosened; reversed
Loosens (up)
Loosens up
Loosens, as a belt
Loosens, in a way
Looser sediment holds up enticing digs
Loot (Slang)
Loot harbour, causing misery
Loot in an old train robb
Loot obtained by convict breaking into stately home
Loot regularly hidden by idiot Egyptian resident?
Looter hid abandoned gemstone
Looter plundered heart of station, part of the underground system
Looter's assistant breaks into expensive car
Looter, one helping to support leader of revolt
Lop off, as branches
Lopez of "The Dirty Dozen
Lopez of pop
Lopsided court result
Lopsided election
Lopsided postseason resul
Lopsided victory
Lopsided win
Lopsided win, in slang
Lopsided, as a grin
Loquacious type
Loquacious, in slang
Lorax creator
Lord —, — Buzzard
Lord —, poet
Lord —, Romantic poet
Lord and lady
Lord and lady's home
Lord Byron biblical drama
Lord Byron possibly less than polite
Lord Byron's "The Lament
Lord Byron's Muse
Lord Chancellor Labour consider a wally
Lord Copper edging closer to junior doctors
Lord cuddling a beauty, displaying blokey tendencies
Lord Elphick covers site of ancient oracle
Lord Emsworth originally entering came first
Lord endlessly describes archaeological project about ancestry
Lord Green interrupts Labour leader endlessly
Lord half-cut in tartan? Maybe he can't grow up
Lord has to welcome London Transport's founder
Lord in love with Lady Cl
Lord in Shakespeare's "Ri
Lord installs square safe
Lord Lawson is extremely gung-ho Eurosceptic, primarily
Lord made poorly, died leaving his estate
Lord Nelson, the Hero of
Lord of fiction
Lord of poetry
Lord of the ring, once
Lord of the ring?
Lord of the Rings wizard
Lord of the rings?
Lord once missing rest rooms, reportedly?
Lord or earl, e.g.
Lord or lady
Lord or vassal
Lord over
Lord penning pages for the season
Lord perhaps having a way to open port
Lord Peter Wimsey accesso
Lord providing sword held in both hands
Lord reigns wickedly over Europe
Lord ruined in Great War, returning to get married, provides many pages with connections
Lord said walk on water
Lord Ted trained a two-year-old
Lord to leave with daughter
Lord too soon meeting premature end
Lord upset by crime that's involved one hit with hammer
Lord who ran to embrace murderer — and 22A's addiction?
Lord who ran to seize power deal
Lord who said "Absolute p
Lord with an exotic lineage
Lord with yen to be in good time
Lord ___ (overseer of Sco
Lord’s not overlooking but lauding England’s openers
Lord's attendant
Lord's big shot edgy about Home Secretary's telepathy?
Lord's domain
Lord's ducks perhaps mating animals
Lord's estate
Lord's helper needs a switch between sides
Lord's holding first of enquiries into unruly mid-off
Lord's home
Lord's house
Lord's lackey
Lord's land
Lord's mate
Lord's partnership not difficult — relax!
Lord's Prayer
Lord's Prayer adjective
Lord's Prayer phrase befo
Lord's Prayer pronoun
Lord's Prayer recitations
Lord's Prayer start
Lord's Prayer starter
Lord's Prayer word
Lord's realm
Lord's supporter succeeded in playing
Lord's tenants having relations evicted - that's mean
Lord's wicket keeper isn't particularly liked during series
Lord's wife
Lord's worker
Lord's workers
Lord, criminal admitting leak
Lord, e.g.
Lord, for example, tucking into Whopper
Lord, if drunk, becomes flushed
Lord, old-style
Lord, say
Lord, say, implicated in falsehood
Lord, say, invading position
Lord’s debutant role? Old member of Lords welcoming new
Lord’s or Oval position
Lord’s vassal
Lords and ladies
Lords briefly raise swords around king
Lords of London
Lords powerless after this lot ultimately forming government
Lords' wives
Lore shows goodness — Christian studies lacking energy
Lorelei Lee's creator
Lorelei's locale
Lorelei's river
Lorelei, e.g.
Lorelei, notably
Loren of "Lady L"
Loren's husband
Lorenz Hart specialty
Loretta of "M*A*S*H"
Loretta who played Hot Li
Loretta who sang "Don't C
Lorgnette part
Lorgnette piece
Lorillard brand
Lorillard company smokes
Lorna likes men and women with time to make an expected contribution
Lorna of fiction
Lorna of literature
Lorne Michaels show, for
Lorne or Graham
Lorne sausage and potato waffles make satisfying lunch?
Lorraine's neighbor
Lorraine's partner
Lorre's "Casablanca" role
Lorre's role in "Casablan
Lorries with punctures running over screw
Lorry about to leave snowy area
Lorry carries Conservative enchantress, keeping Liberal in line
Lorry carrying cold drink that's reportedly getting warmer?
Lorry driver
Lorry he's permitted to enter plant
Lorry that man used to transport satisfactory vegetable
Lorry then diverted in the direction of Scotland?
Lorry, one caught departing in cold
Lorry-drivers' stop
Los : Spanish :: ___ : It
Los Alamos scientist
Los Angeles attraction, w
Los Angeles baseballer
Los Angeles cager
Los Angeles County's ___
Los Angeles fossil site
Los Angeles gang member
Los Angeles harbor site
Los Angeles hoopster
Los Angeles museum, with
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Philharmonic
Los Angeles player
Los Angeles suburb
Los Angeles suburb next t
Los Angeles team
Los Angeles Times editor's final hint about intricate passages
Los Angeles woe
Los Angeles's San ___ Bay
Los Angeles's ___ College
Los Angeles's ___ Tower
Los Angeles's ___ Verdes
Los Angeles's ___-Sinai M
Los hermanos de la madre
Los ___
Los ___ (Manhattan Projec
Los ___ (nuclear site)
Los ___ de los Muertos (M
Los ___ Reyes Magos
Los ___, Calif.
Lose (something)
Lose (to)
Lose - limp case
Lose a job and prepare to send out messages in December?
Lose a lap
Lose a layer
Lose a staring contest
Lose acuity
Lose all cohesion
Lose all one's money in g
Lose as a penalty
Lose at the bank?
Lose balance, upsetting lager
Lose brightness
Lose brightness like small mountain lake?
Lose brilliance
Lose brilliancy
Lose by design
Lose color
Lose colour
Lose colour over time
Lose concentration, so stop watching TV
Lose consciousness
Lose control at a buffet
Lose control of a car
Lose control on the highw
Lose control, having slipped on pile of new plastic
Lose credibility
Lose current agent destroyed after attempt that’s lost billions
Lose emotional control
Lose energy from calling nurse
Lose energy in long story
Lose everything
Lose everything, apparently drunk
Lose example of big road kill
Lose extremely sharp spike on motorway
Lose favour
Lose feathers
Lose fight admitting that was painful
Lose firmness
Lose forward momentum
Lose freshness
Lose freshness, as lettuc
Lose funds but shift suspicion
Lose fur
Lose ground
Lose ground as learner crashes into rear end
Lose ground?
Lose hair
Lose head in fight on the town
Lose head in this teary unravelling
Lose heart
Lose heart as pride wounded
Lose heart of French gent hugging secretary
Lose heart, as pride injured
Lose heat
Lose hope
Lose hope as pride shattered
Lose ignominiously, in sl
Lose impetus
Lose in a confrontation,
Lose in court room, small
Lose in one's drawers
Lose in place covered with endless thin fog
Lose intensity
Lose it
Lose it, following cheeky comments
Lose it, with "out"
Lose knack winding short bit of hose
Lose liquidity
Lose little by little
Lose luster
Lose lustre
Lose lustre: rather like small mountain lake?
Lose lustre; sully
Lose moisture, in a way
Lose momentum
Lose oar at sea? That's rash
Lose on purpose
Lose one’s bottle, being a grass!
Lose one's amateur standi
Lose one's balance?
Lose one's blush
Lose one's cool
Lose one's cool in 2
Lose one's footing
Lose one's life in water
Lose one's marbles
Lose one's mind
Lose one's nerve
Lose one's nerve parking? I can, unfortunately
Lose one's rag, keeping time as directed
Lose one's resistance
Lose one's shirt
Lose one's shirt, in busi
Lose one's temper
Lose one's temper with intimidating woman that's often found in bed
Lose oomph
Lose opportunity, as badly aimed torpedo may?
Lose pants in northern new town
Lose patience and then so
Lose power
Lose power after leader moves to the right again
Lose rent rebuilding mezzanine
Lose sense, briefly, as troll
Lose sleep (over)
Lose sleep over something
Lose some weight
Lose spirit with what Amundsen planted
Lose sports day, having fought
Lose steam
Lose steam, with "out"
Lose strength
Lose successfully
Lose suspect with court case abandoned
Lose the freshness of you
Lose the friendship of Natalie, moving east
Lose the game
Lose the spare tire
Lose this and you're out of the competition
Lose time offering support
Lose track of exceptionally fine port
Lose track of mass whisky producer
Lose traction
Lose underpinnings
Lose value over time
Lose velocity
Lose vitality being awfully liverish when one passes out
Lose voter upset by former president
Lose voter? Terrible for president
Lose water that's heated, and dry out
Lose weight? Finish off attempt in Irish county
Lose your rag as rubbish son needs to get up
Lose zip
Lose, as skin
Lose-lose situations
Lose-weight-fast plan
Loser at Ch
Loser at Fredericksburg
Loser at Gettysburg
Loser at Salamis and Plat
Loser at the Battle of Ch
Loser at the dice table
Loser in 1996
Loser in a 1962 showdown
Loser in a casino
Loser in a staring contes
Loser in an upset
Loser in the Battle of Ba
Loser in the first World
Loser in the Seven Years'
Loser initially on snakes — these better?
Loser is too organised
Loser messing around with vote is former president
Loser of 1588
Loser of 1948
Loser of 1988
Loser of a footrace with
Loser paid for breaking into two camps
Loser to a tortoise
Loser to a tortoise, in a
Loser to Al Pacino for Be
Loser to Ali
Loser to Botvinnik in 196
Loser to Braddock, 1935
Loser to Chamorro in 1990
Loser to Clinton
Loser to D.D.E.
Loser to D.D.E. twice
Loser to Dwight, twice
Loser to F.D.R.
Loser to Harding in 1920
Loser to J.F.K.
Loser to McKinley
Loser to Norton, 1973
Loser to R.M.N. in '68
Loser to R.M.N., 1968
Loser to VHS
Loser's cry
Loser's destination
Loser's lesion oddly covered in distinctive sort of stitches
Loser's order, perhaps
Loser's place?
Loser's request
Loser, full of ego, short of 50%, used to celebrate victory
Losers at Vicksburg
Losers in the Battle of H
Losers of the Battle of M
Losers to the 49ers in Su
Losers to the Rangers for
Losers to the Yankees in
Losers' count
Loses altitude fast
Loses color
Loses control
Loses control on a snowy
Loses control on ice, e.g
Loses data, in a way
Loses enthusiasm
Loses feeling
Loses focus
Loses fur
Loses ground?
Loses hearing
Loses heat
Loses ignominiously, on a
Loses immediacy
Loses intensity
Loses it
Loses it altogether
Loses luster
Loses on purpose
Loses on purpose?
Loses one's cool
Loses one's head
Loses one's shirt?
Loses possession of illegally gained ball, landing at back of net
Loses sleep (over)
Loses strength to take on county
Loses the right to
Loses to a late-night hos
Loses traction
Loses verticality
Losing admiral in the Bat
Losing an unstressed vowel from a word's start
Losing article, suspicion about new associates
Losing at running is followed by a feeling of sadness
Losing casino roll
Losing cause
Losing cause?
Losing come-out roll in c
Losing contestant
Losing effort?
Losing energy, more refined sound from pet
Losing face in ceremony, showing divine grace
Losing face, grimace in stress
Losing face, one looking to buy container
Losing first halves on return, Sweden and Norway displayed fatigue
Losing general at 14's precipitate
Losing general at Spotsyl
Losing ground
Losing hair, Uriah Heep's playing southern city of old
Losing head, fire gun for a laugh
Losing head, violently destroy marine mollusc
Losing head, wake French street up — I’ve discovered something!
Losing heart, one's ridden the tube
Losing hope?
Losing it - extremely
Losing it?
Losing millions, Ant and Dec claim being out-of-sorts is not deliberate
Losing one's hair
Losing pawn in this game would be fortunate
Losing pitcher in the 195
Losing power, call Hebridean destination
Losing proposition?
Losing purposely
Losing roll in a casino
Losing scenarios not accepted among senior scientists
Losing second fellow, lifeboats sent up maroon
Losing some faith finally in prudence, causing split
Losing straw in drawing s
Losing streak
Losing the fuzz?
Losing tic-tac-toe combo
Losing tic-tac-toe line
Losing tic-tac-toe row
Losing tribe in the Beave
Losing vote, joins cheers for 18 party
Losing weight, fights in the ring with son, keeping moving
Losing what Unite accepts
Losing wicket at the start, spoils period at the crease
Losing? Serious? Germany is very humble
Loss at a bald spot
Loss at sea with not taking care? Not half
Loss by decay
Loss leader?
Loss of color
Loss of confidence
Loss of confidence resulting from former charge in court
Loss of detective inspector’s looks
Loss of earnings shocking to Mexican
Loss of feeling
Loss of fluid
Loss of footing for a joc
Loss of girl’s looks and bearing
Loss of guts from fish biting large parts of line
Loss of hair
Loss of hearing
Loss of heart
Loss of interest from years on a course
Loss of marbles from net-like bagging one used in Paris
Loss of memory
Loss of money earned over players - 100's missing
Loss of muscle coordinati
Loss of nerve
Loss of power involves Republican scandal
Loss of power, shortage in fight
Loss of red mitten, unfortunately
Loss of sense in America? I'm so naive returning
Loss of silver accepted by lady
Loss of speaking ability
Loss of status
Loss of status connected with mission
Loss of value over time
Loss of water
Loss of workforce a second time, cutting remuneration
Loss on a grand scale?
Loss paid off in assignment
Loss through emigration
Loss's opposite
Loss, if York houses become fixed
Loss, say, of poor swimmer who drowned relocating north
Losses, in accounting
Lost a lap?
Lost a saddle when cycling
Lost again
Lost again at sea, looking back over one's course?
Lost all patience
Lost appeal over time
Lost as a penalty
Lost at laser tag, maybe
Lost balance from West End rent
Lost bobcat?
Lost boot not seen during football season
Lost boring game? That's old hat
Lost boys set free fox?
Lost buoyancy
Lost cause
Lost cause in preparation? Not if you’re hungry
Lost ciders, concerning newsman, found again
Lost civilisation identified by books I found in mountains
Lost Colony's island
Lost color
Lost control
Lost control of a car, sa
Lost control of business finally getting wound up
Lost cycling getting to grips with rules - in China it depends on where you live
Lost daughter partied wildly
Lost expression "going into retreat"
Lost fish of film
Lost flipping phone card
Lost for good unlimited texting, source of cheap time
Lost for words
Lost for words as we crashed lorry
Lost fortune and, given time, travelled by public transport
Lost freshness
Lost ground to Queen's horseman
Lost heart over sustained 24 opponent
Lost in contemplation
Lost in details written in Ovid's language
Lost in forest, one desperate to be out of it
Lost in France
Lost in reverie
Lost in ritual
Lost in Weimar, eh? No idea!
Lost interest in, in a wa
Lost it
Lost men dad manipulated
Lost mojo weirdly, with ad for symbolic annual celebration
Lost momentum
Lost no time
Lost number fun to do badly
Lost nursing home initially remains here?
Lost on purpose
Lost one's balance, perha
Lost one's cool
Lost one's footing
Lost one's question (3 wds.)
Lost Persian, e.g.
Lost pet got dry as 5
Lost piece of Hockney art safely mounted
Lost place in book
Lost power
Lost realm of New Testament, one shown in map book
Lost rib, shot in city
Lost rings turned up under motorway
Lost seaworthiness
Lost self-control, as Luddites' leader did?
Lost sheep reported? Honestly
Lost soldier, briefly
Lost son alive in the country
Lost soul
Lost the frivolity
Lost traction
Lost when river filters into another
Lost worlds?
Lost zip
Lost ___ (two, please)
Lost, but I ... I am so wanting to get somewhere!
Lost, but not forgotten,
Lost-and-found containers
Lot "souvenir"
Lot - fortune
Lot deemed odious in firm battle to secure foreign capital
Lot divided by a fellow’s language
Lot employees
Lot for sale
Lot in life
Lot made at one time
Lot measurement
Lot mostly affected where pounds are lost
Lot moving in behind dealer in 8s and 26s
Lot of information on computer about a foot
Lot of junk is metal
Lot of land
Lot of loot
Lot of material going off with TNT? It would cause explosions
Lot of money
Lot of noise after a request upset group of people
Lot of panic changes centre of attention
Lot of protection in South America over cactus
Lot of rows to hoe
Lot of team taken aback, with member put on the back foot
Lot of time
Lot of winter sports equipment
Lot sights
Lot statistic
Lot to ask
Lot to see
Lot transactions
Lot upset — prelate ultimately managed church, providing open-mindedness
Lot using spades instead of last two clubs
Lot, e.g.
Lothario really liked to play with fire, ultimately getting knocked out
Lothario's look
Lothario, perhaps? More like Solomon crossing eastern state
Lotion abbr.
Lotion additive
Lotion amount
Lotion applied to the skin to make it less oily
Lotion base
Lotion ingredient
Lotion ingredients
Lotion letters
Lots (of)
Lots and lots
Lots and lots and lots
Lots and lots of
Lots and plots
Lots are in lots
Lots confining a pig in a wood
Lots disheartened about novel maths theorems
Lots going in contrary directions
Lots have them
Lots here at a knock-down price
Lots here getting something done about upper-class
Lots in work welcoming union
Lots married one
Lots meet up after work close to tavern
Lots more kids, but only a little noise?
Lots of
Lots of "Deck the Halls"
Lots of activity
Lots of actors originally starred in a musical
Lots of bacteria in part of the gut unknown
Lots of beatings
Lots of blades involved in making this cloth
Lots of bucks
Lots of caresses, e.g., f
Lots of celebrations outside Japanese school
Lots of certain animals in containers
Lots of Chinese food wants starter
Lots of data as Times breaks US military scandal?
Lots of deities
Lots of dogs — no pressure!
Lots of dogs pee in the auditorium unobserved
Lots of dresses changing hands
Lots of eggs eaten by just one revolting fellow
Lots of exaggerated praise often going with pants?
Lots of feet
Lots of flowers are found in Greek territories
Lots of hugs, in brief
Lots of information somewhat rejected by firm
Lots of islands having female dotty characters?
Lots of lager
Lots of land
Lots of laughs
Lots of lots
Lots of money needed by cashier - he’s forward-looking
Lots of moolah
Lots of notice for this amount of work
Lots of oil here on fancy clothes
Lots of outrageous cons are heartless
Lots of people in Cornwall region acquiring weapon
Lots of people taking off the last bit of their underwear
Lots of people, 8 being the 25th of them?
Lots of potatoes
Lots of powerless lackeys
Lots of prospects after this good antique career?
Lots of sass?
Lots of sausages left at the Oktoberfest
Lots of screaming and sho
Lots of seats here are not available
Lots of sissies?
Lots of stadiums have the
Lots of stories? Maybe Burgess keeps record, releasing any number
Lots of sweet powder in brandy's flavouring
Lots of Swiss here walk round university hospital
Lots of talk
Lots of time
Lots of trouble, fundamentally?
Lots of unleavened bread: it’s apt to go off
Lots of wind beginning to surge in bowels
Lots of words sound as if spelt out backwards
Lots of young men around ring
Lots of, slangily
Lots sleep on ends of nails
Lots such as furniture maker might bid for?
Lots taken up in activity as an energetic person
Lots to go with the horn?
Lots to offer
Lots trap a boar in wood
Lots up for integration
Lots, lovewise
Lots, pricewise
Lots, timewise
Lott of Mississippi
Lott of Washington
Lott's predecessor
Lottery at a fete
Lottery cry
Lottery equipment
Lottery letters
Lottery mix-up?
Lottery org.
Lottery pay-out wife wasted — that’s a knock
Lottery player's cry of e
Lottery player's exultant
Lottery raised a good deal - order British to split it
Lottery runner: Abbr.
Lottery support, unspecified number, nevertheless uplifting
Lottery ticket
Lottery winner's address?
Lottery winner's feeling
Lottery winner's need
Lottery winner's yell
Lottery with goods as prizes
Lottery with prizes
Lottery-running org.
Lottery? Many make random choices
Lotto info
Lotto relative
Lotto variant
Lotto variation
Lotus car model
Lotus position discipline
Lou Bega's "___ No. 5"
Lou Gehrig nickname, with
Lou Gehrig or Cal Ripken
Lou Gehrig's disease, for
Lou Gehrig's disease: Abb
Lou Gehrig, for one
Lou Gehrig, on the diamon
Lou Grant portrayer
Lou Grant's ex on "The Ma
Lou Grant's paper, in bri
Lou or Elvis?
Lou regrets ruining this part of his attire?
Lou's "La Bamba" co-star
Louche airmen abandoned swimmer
Louche servicemen pout, perhaps
Loud 60s band hoards top-notch moisturiser perhaps
Loud aggressive talk
Loud and deep roar
Loud and discordant
Loud and emotional declamation
Loud and grating
Loud and harsh
Loud and mournful
Loud and persistent clamour
Loud and rough
Loud and rude
Loud and showy
Loud banging or ringing
Loud bass irritated coach parties
Loud bird-call audible in poem
Loud breather chucked away
Loud bursts
Loud cheers and mocking to welcome daughter
Loud chuckles
Loud chuckles first heard from Lewis Carroll
Loud clamour
Loud commotion
Loud complaints
Loud confused noise
Loud crone holding gentleman back
Loud crunching noise
Loud cry
Loud cry from Cockney bird
Loud cry heard after cleric catches nationalist's first shot
Loud discordant sounds
Loud disturbance
Loud drill bit?
Loud drunkard is loaded
Loud English pub hustled pair off
Loud enough to hear
Loud eruption of Oval, when century's bagged
Loud female ultimately consumed by drink?
Loud female with others grabbing old rocker after upset
Loud firecracker
Loud garment – from a British overseas territory?
Loud girl full of dazzle and ostentation
Loud growl
Loud guffaw
Loud harsh cry
Loud hiccup extremely difficult to sustain
Loud hits
Loud hooting cries
Loud horn
Loud horns
Loud insect
Loud insect drowning a request for silence
Loud insistent call oddly tender
Loud kiss
Loud laugh
Loud like Parker, initially ignored in the centre
Loud little boy turned modest
Loud males in heat somehow made them suicidal
Loud McBrain sheds layer playing material
Loud metallic noise
Loud metallic sound
Loud mouths
Loud music and dress
Loud music on tablet, after soft drink
Loud noise
Loud noise as heart ripped from chest
Loud noise – period of prosperity
Loud noise from river paddle
Loud noise made by horse and bird
Loud noise that's heard principally below
Loud organ causes apprehension
Loud outburst
Loud PA broadcast put on a bigger system
Loud party in joint, with drink
Loud piercing cry
Loud protest exposed about railway
Loud punch
Loud relative left before display
Loud resonant noise
Loud ringing
Loud ringing noise
Loud ringing of bells
Loud roar coming from fifty entering underneath
Loud rumble?
Loud rumbling
Loud rumbling noise
Loud section of hymn repeated by Spooner
Loud singer drowning middle of soprano's debut in Yerma
Loud singer out of tune at the beginning picked up by 13
Loud songs in places of entertainment
Loud sound from family gathering’s conclusion
Loud speaker
Loud speaker, improvisation of tenor underway?
Loud speakers
Loud speakers managed to get rest after spouting
Loud stag gathering upset the horse-racing world
Loud streakers
Loud street outside zone in distant territory
Loud string player shielding a wind player
Loud thing cat may do? Here’s a reminder
Loud tune is not bad
Loud unpleasant noise
Loud user of tongue in a flash
Loud utterance
Loud voice from the "Ilia
Loud volume nearby, though not initially
Loud warning signal
Loud warning to sailors
Loud Welshwoman entertains singer keeping time
Loud witch gobbling knight up
Loud workmen I’d recast in radio play
Loud, abrupt sound
Loud, and very close to home? Not initially
Loud, as a crowd
Loud, as a stadium crowd
Loud, as the surf
Loud, belligerent type, I'll guarantee
Loud, dangerous and full of fun
Loud, for one, seen in unique singer's exercise
Loud, harsh
Loud, harsh, piercing
Loud, like trumpets
Loud, one needing quiet after kid turned up
Loud, resonant sound
Loud-mouthed lad gets a shiner
Louder individual welcomed among rabble
Loudish, funny clown on the radio
Loudly accuse Mrs Peacock?
Loudly advertise second-class anti-flood con­struction
Loudly announce point in cellar
Loudly auction off part of prison
Loudly berated
Loudly commends
Loudly complaining as reservation is cancelled centrally
Loudly criticise pudding getting stick down under
Loudly cry
Loudly crying
Loudly disapprove of incomplete accommodation
Loudly disapprove of new benefit
Loudly express desire to tour round in the buff
Loudly in favour – is most energised after intervention by Independent
Loudly incontinent and tense European produces complex sound
Loudly insult a contemporary and depart
Loudly laments
Loudly mourn
Loudly regret insult in actors' chatter
Loudly regret returning after tea with posh driver
Loudly sets off with crews having cool talent for trading
Loudly sing opinion of unfashionable waistband?
Loudly threatened with undereducated displays
Loudly vigorous and cheerful
Loudly voice one's object
Loudly vow to provide e.g. setter's name
Loudness increaser, at a
Loudness measure
Loudness unit
Loudness units
Loudspeaker - dog?
Loudspeaker leaving tense editor fed up
Loudspeaker's sound
Loudspeaker, informally
Loudspeakers not getting attention of the likes of HMV's mascot?
Louganis feats
Louganis who did gainers
Lough of questionable status, receiving last of sludge from river
Loughlin of "90210"
Loughlin of "Full House"
Louis and Carrie
Louis Armstrong populariz
Louis Armstrong's "Oh ___
Louis Armstrong's "Weathe
Louis Armstrong's byname
Louis Armstrong's instrum
Louis Armstrong, informal
Louis B. Mayer's birthpla
Louis Botha, notably
Louis Gable made up as horror movie star
Louis I, to Charlemagne
Louis IX or Philippe IV
Louis Jolliet discovery o
Louis of the F.B.I.
Louis Quinze style, missing nothing on way of working leather
Louis VIII nickname, with
Louis Vuitton competitor
Louis who said "L'etat c'
Louis who was guillotined
Louis XIV beyond help?
Louis XIV discovered Germany's cruel
Louis XIV et Louis XVI
Louis XIV registered last in Strasbourg
Louis XIV, 1643-1715
Louis XIV, e.g.
Louis XIV, Louis XVI et a
Louis XIV, par exemple
Louis XIV, self-referenti
Louis XIV, to himself?
Louis XVI lost his
Louis XVI, e.g.
Louis ___, the Sun King
Louis, Carrie and Bill
Louis, e.g.
Louis, for one
Louis-Dreyfus of
Louis-Dreyfus's "Seinfeld
Louis-Philippe and others
Louisa May —, author
Louisa May Alcott classic
Louisa May Alcott novel
Louise and others
Louise and Turner
Louise de la Ramee's pen
Louise gutted after poor food's in lunch box
Louise has broken my crayon
Louise of "Gilligan's Isl
Louise tolerates streams
Louise's cinematic partne
Louisiana city
Louisiana city named for
Louisiana city on Lake Po
Louisiana cuisine
Louisiana cuisine style
Louisiana feature
Louisiana lingo
Louisiana locale
Louisiana marsh
Louisiana music
Louisiana Republican and Trump getting scrap from the pork barrel?
Louisiana senator, 1948-8
Louisiana State won the f
Louisiana Territory explo
Louisiana waterway
Louisiana waterways
Louisiana ___: Abbr.
Louisiana's Lake ___ Alle
Louisiana's Long
Louisiana's ___ Cajuns
Louisiana, e.g., in Orl
Louisiana, the ___ State
Louisianan of French desc
Louisianan prison guards just reduced by half
Louisianian descended from Canadian immigrants
Louisville landmark
Louisville museum subject
Louisville Slugger
Louisville Slugger wood
Louisville Slugger, e.g.
Louisville Sluggers
Louisville sports icon
Louisville's river
Lounge about
Lounge about with father, eating one’s boiled sweet
Lounge about with one fizzy drink, sweet
Lounge and look at sport, turned over to follow golf score
Lounge around
Lounge bar
Lounge in Hungary regularly less appealing
Lounge in many a hotel
Lounge in the sun
Lounge lizard's look
Lounge mainly before ten or eleven in Italy
Lounge with one old man that's sweet
Lounged around
Lounger rising late securing cushy job at last
Lounger's cover-up
Lounging around
Lounging footwear
Lounging garment
Lounging locale
Lounging robe
Lounging sites in lounges
Lounging terrace
Loupe user, say
Lourdes is one
Lourdes, for instance
Louse egg
Louse eggs
Louse up in cake
Louse's elevated state kept under wraps
Lousy breaks
Lousy car
Lousy clubs introducing pack activity?
Lousy driver, say
Lousy egg?
Lousy eggs?
Lousy food
Lousy grade
Lousy pension so far, to reward all that hard work
Lousy rent — raise various amounts paid in advance
Lousy reviews
Lousy tip
Lousy trio performing in a wanton manner
Lousy tune played weakly
Lousy-car buyer's protect
Lout beginning to cause mayhem when officer leaves
Lout cried occasionally — that's clear
Lout finally collared by virtuous man
Lout from Austria punched
Lout given Thumbs Up around lunchtime?
Lout in a mob after rampage is left in an isolated position?
Lout in black jumper turned up
Lout into paintings about to have threesome
Lout knocked nurse cold
Lout loves dried grass on the counter
Lout pulled up headgear for time of his life
Lout repeatedly clipped child's toy
Lout runs through bar on ecstasy
Lout starts off yelling on bus
Lout starts to hate officers, suffering in gaol
Lout stumbles upon river in French city
Lout with a house in York postcode area
Lout's acre of bottles
Lout's gleeful cry
Lout's two children almost going head-to-head
Lout, about 21, turning physical
Lout, attention-seeker and knucklehead
Loutish behaviour
Loutish individual
Loutish sort
Loutishness of baddy finally replacing initiator of heist
Louts on holiday sobbing?
Louts vandalised plant
Louver part
Louvre - bad design, or the French way?
Louvre affair?
Louvre architect designed Ringo's dressing gown
Louvre article?
Louvre display
Louvre lady
Louvre locale
Louvre Pyramid architect
Louvre Pyramid designer
Louvre's first Stubbs? Right, that could describe landscape with more than one mare
Louvre, par exemple
Lovable 2001 cartoon hero
Lovable curmudgeon of 197
Lovable ogre of film
Love (Ital.)
Love - desperate act to get through tragedy
Love a lot
Love a portion sliced by cook
Love a revolutionary being ready for a row?
Love a Romeo? One's pulled
Love a second? You heard right!
Love a story not involving rugby?
Love a tandoori masala
Love act? No thanks
Love admitted by champ and companion for genetic engineering, say?
Love affair
Love affair in the Catholic church
Love affair of leading couple ignored by public demand
Love affair with office work? Not I
Love affair within a limit
Love affairs, generally secret
Love alcoholic drink that's kept diluted
Love alien's first pole erected on Earth
Love all
Love all, say
Love and marriage, don't start that as it can make you cry!
Love announcing an entrance
Love Apple excessively? Partner mostly baffled by that
Love apple turnover from Yotam Ottolenghi?
Love apple?
Love area’s clean, bracing air
Love article in knitted sweater
Love at hotel to make promise
Love attempt to follow silver galore
Love – i.e., bums heaving – in these?
Love backless new dress
Love beastly mother returned furiously
Love before war?
Love beyond reason
Love big boobs, lad? That's more likely than not
Love break in hospital department
Love breaking through a wall in Paris? That's love in Paris for you!
Love cafe back on descent when cycling up? U-turn
Love calling for exclusion
Love changes female organs
Love cheat I caught with a bit on the side
Love child
Love child?
Love clip framing part of bird in viewfinder
Love collecting first of caterpillars in spring after climbing tree
Love contributing to guy’s burden
Love cycling the world
Love dearly
Love deeply
Love deity
Love divine is out of the ordinary
Love encapsulated by one obscure turn of phrase
Love English in curiously bland style associated with Wodehouse?
Love essentially is ending, unfortunately, sinking very fast
Love excellent final letter
Love excessively
Love extremely good conclusion to series
Love family vacationing perhaps in Scotland or Japanese city
Love feeding wild animals? Work behind security screen
Love figure
Love fine 8, say, in tiny new case, as one may well believe
Love fish, eating best marine creature
Love following the example of US singer/actor?
Love following United making comeback? Sky might show this
Love foolishly
Love for Charlie in series of letters home
Love for sale, a great deal secured by prince
Love fragrant flower close to nose
Love getting kiss on cheek and flower
Love given to cleaner reforming strict policy
Love god
Love god angry when rejected
Love god rebuffed by Romeo becomes increasingly irritated
Love goddess in Scottish tartan
Love going after Mitt's likely successor, animated character
Love going around over alternative to carpet
Love great ending to series
Love greatly
Love handle?
Love handles, essentially
Love having dispute about vessel
Love having settled in American island, a gem
Love helping after a party
Love helping to make speech
Love how much fuss one can receive?
Love hunt, here sabotaged at the last minute
Love hurting after rejection
Love husband taking down trousers
Love in bronze: Rodin!
Love in its present state rarely displayed by brothers in this?
Love in l'apr
Love in Lyon
Love in man making beastly noises
Love in the morning associated with us?
Love ingredient in yesteryear's style
Love inspired by god as a consequence in temple
Love inspirer
Love intensely
Love interest finally greeting Shakespearean character
Love interrupting elderly relative's lament
Love interrupts work schedule? It's emblematic of the French!
Love is ...
Love is almost dead - what's left?
Love is an entry for a sound relationship
Love is cutting single benefit
Love is integral to religious sect, one helping us see the light?
Love is thwarted in books one writes
Love it to change colour
Love it, going climbing in county, returning again and again?
Love Italian cafe surroundings
Love Italian church building from Cremona
Love Italian-style
Love kiss with these? They may be in bed
Love label linked with old wine-producing region
Love languages derived from Latin
Love lap-dancing? When it's polished it can be beautiful
Love last of chess captures winning back piece
Love lessened by accepting nothing of threats?
Love letter
Love letter #3 from soft female with a large heart?
Love letter, unfinished, turning up
Love letters
Love letters?
Love light fragrance shimmering
Love line and false statement seen in Hardy?
Love lines circling front of bald heads
Love lost in greeting students
Love lots
Love loud tango - what about gospel's wrong?
Love lover
Love makes an entrance we hear
Love meat mostly containing a bit of saturated fat
Love missing husband, not that she regrets
Love morning time on the radio
Love movie nobody catches involving pair exclusively
Love music broadcast (with volume cut) from London opera house
Love new lid on drink container
Love new place, we hear, at first viewing
Love new range of products available via internet
Love new supertanker, essentially backed by Saudi money, in dock
Love Northern Ireland lake
Love note
Love object of Apollo
Love objects
Love of 10 pirouetted, often with some leaping
Love of a 13 across
Love of artistic objects
Love of cruelty in the modern era is encapsulated by Stalin and Mao primarily
Love of dough
Love of French poem
Love of Kent, way out of town
Love of Livorno
Love of money
Love of old Corsica among natives - it marked out Napoleon?
Love of one's life
Love of Spain
Love of the French lyric poems
Love of the French works of poetry
Love of the new mobile phone I trouble to bring back
Love old sandwiches middle daughter leaves for cook
Love or song ending
Love overseas
Love personified
Love piano accompaniment for American piece of music
Love place to sleep niece arranged in dutifulness
Love place to sunbathe avoiding cold spells
Love playing football?
Love playing game to the end
Love poem of 1849
Love poet's Muse
Love potion
Love potions
Love probing science with celebrity left-winger
Love promotion to start commotion
Love pterodactyl fragment being on the counter
Love rat often providing inspiration for poet
Love recording absorbing Beethoven's Fifth
Love referring to mineral
Love reversible zip, right?
Love rival at party in Spanish city
Love role displaying creative style
Love role in moving pictures?
Love seat
Love seats, e.g.
Love selection of fruit
Love sex from behind hugging old singer's wife
Love shown by husband leaving this regretful lady
Love shown by wise man in Siouan language
Love sign
Love signs
Love some French poems
Love some style of abstractionism
Love someone who left hot drink out
Love something offered at
Love song
Love song around noon playing on the radio
Love song composed about Bill
Love song composed about very English kitchen accessories
Love song cut short opening in the same manner
Love songs
Love special task to find something left out
Love splitting tree with axes in fury
Love story?
Love symbol
Love takes many forms - they're central to making babies
Love taking business newspaper regularly
Love that can be pricey to purchase?
Love this statue? Turning angry
Love to be a woman
Love to be immersed in stormy sea-mist sprays
Love to be involved in moving fast - NASA’s speciality?
Love to be Popeye's girl
Love to bits
Love to break quickly into a modern industry
Love to death
Love to enter race, wanting an achievement
Love to examine old language
Love to excess
Love to follow dictator hiding in Scottish island? It's handy!
Love to form a bond that's outstanding
Love to gather together by word of mouth
Love to get boost after day lacking variety
Love to get stuck into drink ... it's a liquid food!
Love to have sex, not about to retreat
Love to impale non-stop, being conscientious
Love to interrupt endlessly stroppy dancers
Love to let rip? Drive slowly
Love to participate in product preview for kitchen item
Love to pieces
Love to replace East in a key part of singer
Love to ridicule left-leaning writer
Love to take speed and talk and talk and talk!
Love to tell tales about American explorer
Love to wear a smart coat with fashionable border
Love to write and sing chaotic overtures
Love to write schedule without divisions
Love trapped by one obscure colloquialism
Love trendy coats Oscar's wearing
Love truth-telling, though no religious figure
Love tucking into awfully tall beer, ok?
Love uniform when in senior rank
Love upset where learner moves across college
Love upset, relegating lecturer in college
Love vehicle, fashionable, with a musical instrument
Love very loud group's counterbalance
Love wicked character written by Aristophanes
Love writer accessible to everyone
Love writer to broadcast outside
Love writer's conclusion that's not closely defined
Love writer's fluid approach to last of Miss Piggy's comments
Love ___
Love's inspiration
Love's opposite
Love, a requirement to keep you half blind
Love, affection
Love, as "thou" might do
Love, as it happens, a stoned fruit
Love, dropping its first subtle shimmering
Love, honor and ___
Love, I talk a lot about big beasts
Love, in a way
Love, in Florence
Love, in Lima
Love, in Livorno
Love, in Lourdes
Love, in Roma
Love, in Rome
Love, Italian-style
Love, like a popular sing
Love, Neapolitan-style
Love, personified
Love, Spanish-style
Love, to a Latino
Love, to Livy
Love, to Luigi
Love, to Luis
Love, to Pavarotti
Love, wild or poster?
Love-crazy Le Pew
Love-in-a-mist genus - celebrity cook
Love? Turned on by slender girls primarily
Lovebirds at heart want somewhere to swim in resort
Lovebirds catching one painful inflammation
Loved by
Loved dearly
Loved intensely
Loved not wisely, but too
Loved one
Loved one needs protection? Not right
Loved one not working, you say?
Loved ones
Loved pace: certain to get an innings
Loved piece about early mode of transport
Loved returning to embrace new hero in Eliot
Loved to bits
Loved to pieces
Loved to play by city racetrack
Loved to see the dreadnought wrecked
Loved travelling with Aer Lingus - ultimately they take risks
Loved ___
Lovelace who was called "
Lovelace's "To ___, From
Loveless couple go off meaningless talk
Loveless coupling made in the dark
Loveless Germanic god has everyone in bondage
Loveless lad is left confused and alone
Loveless pair become confused in silly talk
Loveless person giving away nothing in this writer's thriller
Lovelessly leave out examination of a heart valve
Lovelorn cowboy on lake shows tactless behaviour
Lovelorn group
Lovelorn's utterance
Lovely being by island
Lovely city in France
Lovely cleaner of high-quality porcelain
Lovely draw in competition: Italy against Spain
Lovely first person, by the sound of it, arresting
Lovely food store thug and vacuous fool ransacked
Lovely girl briefly going after blackguard, immature creature
Lovely girl netting most of vessel's carp
Lovely gravy that tastes divine inspires a cricket side
Lovely hotel accommodatio
Lovely island castle
Lovely lad who may make cannibals soup?
Lovely Lamarr
Lovely light wine women at home cook with
Lovely maiden of myth, inhabiting rivers and woods
Lovely mess with daughter after celebration
Lovely metal link
Lovely out?
Lovely ovoid shape in spoiled egg, sour
Lovely place to live no one wants?
Lovely place; mole
Lovely Rita, for instance
Lovely rose without red exterior
Lovely short 18 for old Australian driver
Lovely sight
Lovely skill of obedient dog?
Lovely slice from what a stylist
Lovely soak
Lovely surprise?
Lovely thing diminished, that is
Lovely thing, solver?
Lovely to see doctor since catching cold
Lovely tune, ultimately inspiring start of hymn - listen!
Lovely unruly fight: very good boxing contest in the end
Lovely working out
Lovely young woman
Lovely, as a signorina
Lovely-sounding honey really horrible
Lovemaking superpower shown by one in bed
Lover - fire
Lover and I recently finished early in single-room accommodation
Lover boy
Lover boy angry after rejection
Lover boy barred from beerhouse on a regular basis
Lover boy keen to mask revolting smell
Lover boy Knut sporting little jumper
Lover boy?
Lover dropped in — see TV set that's wide
Lover embraces wife, a timid little creature
Lover getting entangled with Mini, becoming scarlet
Lover heading west with one's capital abroad
Lover I betrayed — conclusion of romance
Lover I found by taking this novel literally?
Lover imprisoned during China moratorium
Lover in "The Flying Dutc
Lover in "The Merchant of
Lover in a "kingdom by th
Lover in a Shakespeare ti
Lover in dire straits?
Lover in Dryden's "All fo
Lover in fine shiny fabric
Lover in group styled hair before ball
Lover in transit, on the move
Lover introducing the verse from Larkin?
Lover is cooler
Lover left out celebrity
Lover no longer criticises one on increase in size
Lover of 17 lives next door to a lecturer
Lover of Aeneas
Lover of Aida
Lover of alcohol
Lover of Aphrodite
Lover of beauty
Lover of Bianca in "Othel
Lover of brain games
Lover of capital overjoyed at first
Lover of Cesario, in "Twe
Lover of Cleopatra many, at first, love to hate?
Lover of criminal eats in housing like this
Lover of danger
Lover of Daphne
Lover of Dido, in myth
Lover of Endymion, in myt
Lover of Eos
Lover of Eurydice
Lover of fine eating
Lover of fine food
Lover of fine foods
Lover of food
Lover of fur?
Lover of H
Lover of Héloïse
Lover of high ceremony
Lover of Isolde
Lover of Juliet
Lover of Lancelot
Lover of lean cuisine
Lover of light
Lover of metal car was made to conserve energy at first
Lover of minor detail
Lover of Narcissus
Lover of old paintings picked up more
Lover of Orsino in "Twelf
Lover of Paris
Lover of physicist has rubbish hair
Lover of Pyramus
Lover of Romeo
Lover of Shakespeare
Lover of Sir Lancelot
Lover of the ’60s, Carpenter gives up crown
Lover of Thisbe
Lover of Tithonus, in myt
Lover of Tristan
Lover of Tristan ; ie, lust (anagram)
Lover of Troilus in a Sha
Lover offers nothing new
Lover on the rebound posed first for make-up artist
Lover once and I getting in bed? It's a bold act
Lover once noisily kissed soldier perhaps in the club
Lover once wholly transfixed by island of great beauty
Lover one's ditched for a time finds comfortable pad
Lover picked up ribbon
Lover put small jumper round me
Lover recalling some threat a Roman issued
Lover soon having despicable person over
Lover stupidly mad with passion and fervour, ultimately
Lover subsequently put out?
Lover tickling Maria, not Oscar
Lover tied knot, did you say?
Lover ultimately may be represented thus?
Lover unaltered in extremes of torment is a Walter Mitty
Lover who abandoned Psych
Lover with nothing on makes a bloomer
Lover’s letter read out
Lover's beginning to cause pain and get depressed
Lover's knot picked up
Lover's knot, as they say
Lover's note penned by one seeking divorce?
Lover's part in Swedish erotica
Lover's quarrel
Lover's question on a lon
Lover's secret
Lover's song
Lover's sound
Lover's vow shocked artless female lover
Lover's wife, Greek character important, by the sound of it?
Lover's woe ... or someth
Lover, beloved
Lover, in Le Havre
Lover, maybe one who's inclined to embrace daughter
Lover: Suffix
Lover; worshipper
Lovers being brusque almost after social function
Lovers crossing old river to get Dutch wine
Lovers embrace passionate
Lovers from EU kept apart by English barman?
Lovers in film with clothes discarded at the start
Lovers meeting check out half past nine for this, finally
Lovers of expensive furs
Lovers of fine fare
Lovers of luxury
Lovers of the phonetic alphabet
Lovers rapidly confused cabinet minister
Lovers remove clothing and cheat, but not starting to get too excited
Lovers share tweets when travelling
Lovers single? Engagement over?
Lovers stripped with poet to embrace love in the water
Lovers very soon excited a star
Lovers' conveyance
Lovers' engagement
Lovers' exchanges
Lovers' guide
Lovers' lane event
Lovers' meeting
Lovers' meetings
Lovers' plight
Lovers' quarrel
Lovers' rendezvous
Lovers' row
Lovers' scrap
Lovers' secret meeting
Lovers' secret meetings
Lovers' secret rendezvous
Lovers' sounds
Lovers; worshippers
Loves "taking five" on island in Balkans area
Loves bum crack
Loves calls for attention, keeping working
Loves eating small chocolate over sherry
Loves entertaining composer, not one to dramatise
Loves extended tea
Loves Mo ignoring back of runner
Loves running around pinching sister
Loves speed and energy
Loves to embrace a symbol of hardness
Loves to enter motorcycling event and honk horn
Loves to go round 6 in which social workers leave kids?
Loves to pieces
Loves to pinch scientists roughly
Loves welcoming very quiet colleague
Lovey-dovey – unrealistic
Lovey-dovey pairs
Loving a party circle
Loving comment from an as
Loving Conservative confession?
Loving declaration of Conservative, for one?
Loving deeply
Loving fat fee with action settled?
Loving leader?
Loving mother, at times
Loving motion
Loving murmur
Loving offer
Loving phrase for a Briti
Loving song and dance fronting band
Loving stroke
Loving strokes
Loving to reveal my politics?
Loving touch
Loving touches
Loving wife to prepare for conflict
Loving, worshipping
Lovingly care for
Lovingly cared for
Lovingly cared for, with
Lovingly caress
Lovingly taken home, lawman's clutching a tight back
Lovingly, in music
Low and trimmed-down portable night vision aid
Low area of land
Low area where waste is buried
Low Army rank
Low bar spans Northern Line
Low bar ultimately fell
Low basin for washing the privates
Low bass loudspeakers
Low beams
Low blow?
Low born idiot
Low bow
Low brass
Low bridges across central development in the city
Low budget film made mainly for showing on TV
Low calorie
Low cape — button it around neck
Low card
Low card in the upper ele
Low cards
Low cards in pinochle
Low cart
Low class
Low clerk must change to become major US artist
Low clouds
Low club
Low Countries locale
Low dam
Low dam across a river to raise its level upstream
Low deck
Low dice roll
Low digit
Low digit?
Low digits
Low digits from zero in ascending series
Low dipstick gathering last drop of oil, visible when dark
Low dull noise
Low emotional state finishing early
Low end of the food chain
Low evergreen heath plant
Low feeling daughter ignored
Low fig. for Randy Johnso
Low figure in question, essentially
Low finish?
Low frequency loudspeaker
Low frequency noise in recording decayed
Low frequency speaker
Low gear involved finding place to leave a boat
Low German novel is something to entice a swimmer
Low grade
Low grade rugby training? This writer's describing St Helens maybe
Low grades
Low grades, although it is the first performance
Low ground
Low guess
Low guttural sound
Low Head of News turned to round of features
Low heels?
Low in calories
Low in fat
Low in price
Low in spirits
Low in the lea
Low instrumental part of
Low island
Low islands
Low isle
Low jack?
Low joint
Low joints
Low joints for workers? That's outstanding!
Low land that floods
Low level of interest is danger sign during high economic growth
Low life cut in half radish
Low life, right one, very loud air force female
Low life?
Low luminance in the dark – bright luminance in the dark?
Low man
Low man at the Met
Low man in the choir
Low mark
Low marks
Low marshland
Low men
Low mental age not normally needed for sport
Low mount needing female climber's second rope ...
Low no. for Roger Clemens
Low northern celestial body
Low note
Low note made by one who jumped over it?
Low note money
Low note or notes?
Low note provider
Low note suggestive of frivolty in Beethoven sonata
Low number keeping quiet in soft light
Low numero
Low on the Mohs scale
Low on the side
Low one
Low order batsman sent in when a wicket falls near the end of the day's play
Low padded seat
Low pair
Low part
Low part embraced by bass, say - that's plain
Low part of a hand
Low part of track coming to round lake with fish
Low part of wall
Low partners pace around out-of-this-world scene
Low pay mostly for bread
Low period interrupted by river in flood
Low person on a staff
Low piece of furniture with a hinged seat, forming a storage space
Low pitch
Low pitch indicator
Low pitch symbol
Low pitch?
Low place
Low place in borough
Low places
Low platform
Low point
Low point for every drink
Low point of river, difficult to cross
Low point provides new attitude about depth
Low point son cheekily unveils
Low points
Low poker holding
Low poker pair
Low pressure area
Low profile maintainer
Low rafter supports new illumination
Low rains emptied uplands
Low ratings
Low reef
Low river dam
Low river in high ground
Low roof wall
Low rubbish describing heavy fellow's chest
Low scores
Low seats
Low shoe with a lace
Low singer shows bum
Low singing voice
Low soccer score
Low sock
Low socks
Low sodium cleanse on the rise
Low sound
Low sound of whisky being tipped over room's contents
Low sound on beat failing to generate excitement
Low source of luminance in darkness? Yes and no
Low speed, in case pal's struggling
Low spirits
Low spirits start to get lower?
Low spot
Low spot of land
Low square
Low state of mind daughter cast off
Low stools
Low stuffed seat
Low temperature? That's debatable
Low tie
Low tip
Low tract
Low tracts
Low traffic road (2 wds.)
Low type with slander to prosper heartlessly - churlish figure
Low value coin
Low value coins
Low vibrating sound
Low visibility figure
Low voice
Low voice, alien for hound
Low wall
Low wall along a roof edge
Low wall along the side of a bridge
Low wall around a balcony
Low wall panel
Low wall panelling
Low walls of national interest illuminated by night
Low walls queen knocked over in burial place
Low waning moon
Low wind instrument
Low winds when cycling, good change from high?
Low woman
Low woman?
Low woody plant
Low, corrupt and irresponsible Republican leaders
Low, in La Paz
Low, in Limoges
Low-altitude cloud
Low-budget films about he
Low-budget investigator
Low-budget prefix
Low-cal beer in reserve?
Low-cal drinks
Low-cal version of a hi-c
Low-calorie drinks lead to tremendously large wee
Low-calorie snack
Low-calorie white coffee - sent any kilt
Low-calorie, in beer name
Low-cost accommodations,
Low-cost airline once involving Moss - surprisingly, it's unprofitable
Low-cost home loan corp.
Low-cost oil venue?
Low-cost stopover
Low-cost, lightweight aut
Low-cut neckline
Low-cut trousers — fashionable, small and mostly short
Low-down about right pain producing wine
Low-down American's heart just like all the rest
Low-down beam, large only at one end
Low-down supporter, puppet of an old Labour leader?
Low-emission vehicle departs, getting permit
Low-fat breakfast dish
Low-fat dairy product
Low-fat mayo, perhaps - dive in naked!
Low-fat meat
Low-fat meat providers
Low-fat soft cheese
Low-fat, as beef
Low-flying seabird
Low-frequency speaker
Low-grade coal
Low-grade paper
Low-grade, as conflagrati
Low-grade?: Abbr.
Low-growing plant
Low-growing shrub
Low-growing tree found ty
Low-heeled, wing-tip shoe
Low-key coronation may be so rude
Low-level position
Low-level workers?
Low-lying area
Low-lying Caribbean islands
Low-lying land
Low-lying marshy land
Low-lying wetland
Low-pitched instrument
Low-pitched noise from this replacement dog
Low-pressure pitch
Low-price prefix
Low-priced fruit?
Low-priced furniture sour
Low-priced house, informa
Low-priced shoestore
Low-rank inits.
Low-ranking servant
Low-rent district
Low-rent, maybe
Low-risk investment choic
Low-scoring draw this No.10 clinched?
Low-scoring effort almost uncovered in London area? Definitely
Low-sided trucks
Low-stakes game?
Low-stress types
Low-tech clicker
Low-tech hair dryer
Low-tech missile
Low-tech office recorder
Low-traffic spot
Low-value coins
Low-voiced singers
Low-water mark
Low-___ (for dieters)
Low-___ diet
Low: Sp.
Lowborn Roman in plea — be for change
Lowbrow sitcom staple
Lowbrow talk-show guest,
Lowbrow, in a way
Lowdown louse
Lowdown on the team's spirits
Lowdown rat, ultimately, or courteous fellow?
Lowell and Tan
Lower a foot
Lower abdomens?
Lower away, poltroon!
Lower back bone
Lower back pain
Lower body part: it is not dodgy
Lower Broadway area
Lower California
Lower California, familia
Lower California, for sho
Lower chamber of Russia's
Lower chamber of the Irish parliament
Lower class in "1984"
Lower classes are furious about new muddle
Lower classes intended mutiny
Lower classes take frivolous pleasure
Lower current cuts -- not at all
Lower demand to hold sports training in recession
Lower entrance on the outside for tenant
Lower extremities
Lower frequency note shields noise
Lower front of sister's hood
Lower G-string pinching back of crotch - one is in pain
Lower gas number
Lower grenade use with ban in battle
Lower House of the Isle of Man parliament
Lower house of the Russian Federal Assembly since 1993
Lower in number after noon
Lower in position
Lower in quality
Lower in rank
Lower in stature
Lower in status
Lower in the field
Lower in tone, the remarks
Lower jaw
Lower jawbone
Lower jaws
Lower joint
Lower layer taken in by Le Pen supporters
Lower leg bone
Lower leg covering
Lower leg joint
Lower level press employee returning pastries with hesitation
Lower limb
Lower limb joint
Lower limbs
Lower margin stops good (very good) service
Lower moral character between the sheets upset Home Counties
Lower noble
Lower number attached to name
Lower numbers
Lower of two numbers
Lower on the Beaufort sca
Lower one cannot get!
Lower oneself
Lower order batter
Lower organ, heading off vibration
Lower pair of black squar
Lower part in duet
Lower part of a duet
Lower part of a wall
Lower part of an inside wall
Lower part of an inside wall, finished differently from the rest
Lower part of an interior wall
Lower part of cheek
Lower part of rigging cut from triangle, part of a ladder
Lower part of the Congo possibly was passed over by migrating weaver birds
Lower part of the uterus
Lower part of uterus
Lower position defining party, a dinosaur
Lower rank encapsulates English cricket side
Lower rent after Ray's moved
Lower reputation extremely likely with empathy
Lower River Test cutting
Lower Saxony seaport
Lower seams burst as tight on both sides of tanga
Lower septet of black squ
Lower Slobbovia creator
Lower small intestines
Lower status of French ace
Lower ten
Lower than - a town in West Glamorgan
Lower than the rest
Lower than: It.
Lower the allowed electri
Lower the charges on
Lower the dignity of
Lower the grade of
Lower the price of, maybe
Lower the quality of
Lower the reputation of revolutionary American writer
Lower the worth of
Lower tidal part of a river
Lower wheel about uniform weight
Lower Year gets high room in Hogwarts
Lower, degrade
Lower, in a way
Lower, south of the borde
Lower-class ruffian retreats, having stolen my French gown
Lower-left phone button
Lower-priced gas option:
Lower-priced spread
Lowered area between stage and audience
Lowered head for speaking tube
Lowered in quality
Lowered oneself
Lowered the moral character of Daphne's missing content when retired?
Lowering a cellar
Lowering fish to boat's bottom
Lowers expectations from the start having left PM - see above
Lowers in rank
Lowers small hoods
Lowers, as the lights
Lowers, in a way
Lowest A, usually
Lowest adult male singing voice
Lowest amount
Lowest bass wind instrument
Lowest British hereditary title, created and sold by James I to raise money
Lowest card in pinochle
Lowest characters in the Bronx, public square, will stand out
Lowest deck
Lowest deck on a ship
Lowest emotional point of commemoration: a dirge
Lowest female singing voice
Lowest female voice
Lowest in importance
Lowest in position
Lowest lake in the world
Lowest male singing voice
Lowest note? Second in sung Mass
Lowest number
Lowest number on a clock
Lowest of the low
Lowest par
Lowest part
Lowest part of atmosphere
Lowest part of engine thermostat
Lowest part; ignoble
Lowest parts
Lowest pitch
Lowest point
Lowest point of an orbit
Lowest point of floor I dance around
Lowest point of wire exposed below new plug
Lowest point: told "Darling, it's a no"
Lowest points in faulty drains
Lowest possible level
Lowest possible temperature
Lowest score
Lowest ship's deck
Lowest singing voice
Lowest tides
Lowest trap catching vacuum flask
Lowest VHF channel
Lowest voice
Lowest-priced gas grade:
Lowest-ranking G.I.
Lowing herd's locale, in
Lowing herd's place
Lowish voice
Lowlands town then lower, low in police inquiry might you say?
Lowlands, to poets
Lowlife got over being given time inside
Lowlife heading for major argument, but held back
Lowlife snitch
Lowly abode
Lowly assistant
Lowly chess piece
Lowly digs
Lowly domestic servant
Lowly dramas
Lowly dwellings without hot fires
Lowly enemy in a period between actions?
Lowly foot soldier, slang
Lowly laborer
Lowly laborers
Lowly man ruined, ending in gutter
Lowly nobles in pub on time
Lowly one
Lowly ones
Lowly post
Lowly soldier
Lowly soldiers embarrassed about rank
Lowly sort
Lowly types
Lowly worker
Lowly workers
Lowry's first painting lacking substance? What about Turner?
Lowry's subject for one of 13's stories
Lows include the core of a hundred states of mind
Lox holder
Loy of "The Thin Man"
Loy of filmdom
Loy of old Hollywood
Loyal - cadet died
Loyal and hard-working
Loyal assistant, as seen in a 1719 novel
Loyal force
Loyal friend starts to act tearful, consumed by feelings of tenderness
Loyal kid, finding bone to pick?
Loyal politician, one controlling working lives
Loyal pooch
Loyal rep excited to take part in training
Loyal sidekick
Loyal soldier leaving base to avoid training?
Loyal subject
Loyal subject, say, tucking into pork pie
Loyal support? Alas, I scam everyone
Loyal supporter
Loyal supporters
Loyal Tatars protecting port
Loyal Tory Unionist, twice and thrice over
Loyal, hard-working type
Loyal? Huns act badly!
Loyally Conservative
Loyally following
Loyalty for example accepted by coalition
Loyalty for one entering partnership
Loyalty from a duke thus, protecting queen
Loyalty has frequently produced solemn promises
Loyalty of priest and skilled worker joining craft
Loyalty to the cause
Loyalty, for instance in marriage
Lozenge from doctor in right building (no end of disease)
Lozenge medic’s taken in working hours
Lozenge recipe at hospital used by old doctor
LP contents?
LP flaw
LP half
LP insert
LP material
LP needle
LP or 45
LP or single?
LP part
LP player
LP problem
LP speed
LP successors
LP support
LP the writer regularly plays at her raves
LP tracking point
LP's and CD's: Abbr.
LP's: Abbr.
LPs and 45s
LPs and CDs: Abbr.
LSD and K2, for example
LSD and others
LSD fired up musicians
LSD, say
LSE admitting a professor’s first mistake
LSE admitting reactionary old man’s mistake
Lt. col.'s inferior
Lt. Columbo et al.
Lt. hopeful
Lt. j.g.'s inferior
Lt. Kojak
Lt. Raine of "Inglourious
Lt. saluter
Lt. ___ Mitchell (Tom Cru
Lt.'s inferior
Lt.'s inferior, in the Na
Lt.'s subordinate
Lt.'s superior
Lt.-Maj. go-between
Ltd., here
Ltd., in Paris
Ltd., in the U.S.
Ltr. accompaniers
Ltr. addenda
Ltr. addendum
Ltr. additions
Ltr. afterthoughts
Ltr. center
Ltr. container
Ltr. extras
Ltr. holder
Ltr. holders
Ltr. insert
Ltr. recipient pinpointer
Ltr. routing aid
Ltr. with a period
Luanda's land
Luau chow
Luau dance
Luau dances
Luau dish
Luau doings
Luau entertainment
Luau fare
Luau favor
Luau fish
Luau food
Luau garland
Luau garlands
Luau gift
Luau greeting
Luau greetings
Luau instrument
Luau instrument, informal
Luau instruments
Luau instruments, for sho
Luau instruments, informa
Luau lighting
Luau memento
Luau necklace
Luau necklaces
Luau offering
Luau paste
Luau serving
Luau souvenir
Luau souvenirs
Luau staple
Luau strings
Luau treat
Luau wear
Luau, e.g.
Lubbock's home
Lubbock-to-Abilene dir.
Lubbock-to-Fort Worth dir
Lube (up)
Lube job supply
Lubricant applier
Lubricant container
Lubricant for ice skates?
Lubricant gives King George comfort
Lubricant old international intended to be heard
Lubricated like a spring, but not with carbon
Lubricates drunken serenade, endlessly filling empty glass
Lubricating device
Lubrication spot
Luca ___, "The Godfather"
Lucci's award, finally
Lucci's elusive prize
Luce and others
Luce publication
Lucia's brother in "Lucia
Luciano Pavarotti, e.g.
Luciano Pavarotti, inform
Lucie's brother
Lucie's dad
Lucie's father
Lucifer may be here, game to fight
Lucifer watches balloons
Lucifer's rival
Lucifer, after descent?
Lucifer, for one
Lucifer, notably
Lucille Ball holding up instrument
Lucille Ball or Monty Hal
Lucille Ball title role
Lucille Ball, e.g.
Lucille Ball, notably
Lucio's life
Luck or fate, at times
Luck, good or bad, as result of actions
Luck, old-style
Luck, to some
Luckily for aunt breaking television: there's one left
Luckman of Chicago Bears
Lucky accident
Lucky because fish finishes in last place
Lucky break provider?
Lucky charm
Lucky charm bringing millions to Andy Murray?
Lucky charms
Lucky creature heading off for racecourse
Lucky dice roll
Lucky dip bishop organised, backing nevertheless also required
Lucky draw
Lucky escape, as Conservative is defeated with experience
Lucky escape, then a grin perhaps
Lucky figure deprived of the first course
Lucky foursome
Lucky German agreement may finally cover Muslim extremists
Lucky golfer perhaps, playing against twin with no clubs
Lucky happenstance
Lucky having strength to catch big fish
Lucky having two minutes surrounded by colourful bird
Lucky Jim author
Lucky Jim, for one
Lucky lottery player's cr
Lucky mascot
Lucky me, tucking into edible leaf
Lucky mystique
Lucky number
Lucky ones, it's said
Lucky ones?
Lucky people?
Lucky plant
Lucky rollover for 20?
Lucky sorts?
Lucky streak
Lucky strike
Lucky strikes
Lucky strikes?
Lucky thing taking millions at 6 10
Lucky tip?
Lucky to be not so much asleep?
Lucky to get stuck on yacht
Lucky ___
Lucky, so to speak
Lucrative activity
Lucrative endeavour
Lucrative enterprise
Lucrative job student won't start
Lucrative source
Lucrative work student left out
Lucy and Ricky Ricardo's
Lucy and Ricky's landlady
Lucy Lawless role
Lucy Lawless title role
Lucy Lawless TV role
Lucy of "Charlie's Angels
Lucy of "Kill Bill"
Lucy of "Kill Bill: Vol.
Lucy of "Shanghai Noon"
Lucy or Ricky, to Fred an
Lucy Ricardo's pal
Lucy's best friend
Lucy's friend on "I Love
Lucy's guy
Lucy's hubby
Lucy's husband
Lucy's landlady
Lucy's landlady on "I Lov
Lucy's love
Lucy's neighbor
Lucy's pal
Lucy's pal on "I Love Luc
Lucy's partner
Lucy-___ Museum in Jamest
Ludacris's music
Ludd, the original Luddit
Luddite, one with job in peril, surprisingly flexible?
Luddites' targets
Ludicrous comments
Ludicrous cost in writing material available for sale
Ludicrous falsehood
Ludicrous prank
Ludicrous problem handed back by the French – entirely not getting it
Ludicrous sailor's uniform gets ridiculed heartlessly
Ludicrous, a shambles initially among stuff that's contrary
Ludicrous? I could be re-interpreted as this
Ludicrously complex Briton, he has moved on
Ludicrously outdated
Ludicrously scanty, it imparts holiness
Ludwig —, philosopher
Ludwig —, philosopher
Ludwig Mies van der ___
Ludwig who wrote nine sym
Lufthansa connection
Lufthansa direction
Luftwaffe foe: Abbr.
Lug - proceeds of robbery
Lug around
Lug case left by old president
Lug in that case of clay
Lug instrument and books round room
Lug nuts' cover
Lug out of Le Havre regularly
Lug part of bale, or last of produce, carelessly
Lug secretion
Lug stuff that's no good
Lug: Var.
Luge event
Luger pistol at the front modified with a silencer
Luggage - lawsuits
Luggage as graduate goes on vacation
Luggage attachment
Luggage carrier
Luggage clip-on
Luggage compartment
Luggage for a short stay?
Luggage inspection org.
Luggage item
Luggage marking
Luggage necessities
Luggage receipt
Lugosi of horror films
Lugosi who played Dracula
Lugs around old currency reserves
Lugubrious doctor with contents of vase?
Lugubrious Hundred Acre Wood inhabitant
Lui's opposite
Lui's partner
Lui: him :: ___ : her
Luigi's land
Luis —, Spanish director
Luisa's lover in "The Fan
Lukas of "Witness"
Luke preceder
Luke Skywalker's father
Luke Skywalker's mentor
Luke Skywalker's sister
Luke Skywalker, e.g.
Luke's "90210" role
Luke's mentor, in "Star W
Luke's princess sister
Luke's sister
Luke's twin sister in "St
Lukewarm fare served up quietly inside
Lukewarm reviews
Lukewarm self-assessment? If so, there's no getting over it
Lull to sleep with this music
Lullaby rocker
Lullaby start
Lulu in "Lulu," e.g.
Lulu of a predicament?
Lulu’s composer
Lumbago, e.g.
Lumbar puncture for American applicants, annoyed when giving up cocaine
Lumber covers frame on Tower Bridge
Lumber dimensions
Lumber feature
Lumber features
Lumber importer initially wants 1000 cut trees
Lumber mill fixture
Lumber source
Lumber supplier
Lumber thickness, maybe
Lumbered, in a way
Lumbering machine
Lumbering problem
Lumberjack competition
Lumberjack’s warning doctor to get in line
Lumberjack's "Heads up!"
Lumberjack's call
Lumberjack's first cut
Lumberjack's sport
Lumberjack's tool
Lumberjack's warning call
Lumberjacking tool
Lumberjacking tools
Lumberjacks' tools
Lumbricus wriggler
Lumière's partner and child
Luminance in difficult situations dazzles
Luminary in performance is euphoric
Luminous halo
Luminous radiation
Luminous radiations
Luminous ring
Luminous sign
Luminous sign of saintliness
Luminous topper
Lump - oaf
Lump - sexy man
Lump fish circling loch
Lump in cloth
Lump in one's throat?
Lump in the throat
Lump in throat before game, teenage passion?
Lump of clay, say
Lump of cream, for exampl
Lump of dirt
Lump of earth
Lump of gold
Lump of gold ore
Lump of precious metal
Lump of rock caught piece of cloth
Lump of skin: hurry to conceal odd bits
Lump of something turning young horse's stomach
Lump of stone not wanted in farm produce?
Lump of valuable metal
Lump party together with voting upset
Lump size
Lump together
Lumps and bumps
Lumps formed in a liquid
Lumps of Clay?
Lumps somehow led us on
Lumpy deposits of body fat
Lumpy old bed aunt moved out of bedroom initially
Lumpy son, unfortunate, requiring injection of energy
Lumpy; knotty
Lunar body
Lunar calendar event
Lunar calendar holiday
Lunar calendar observance
Lunar craft
Lunar cycle related to a bone
Lunar disappearance
Lunar domain — no sea, awfully lumpy
Lunar effect
Lunar exploration vehicle?
Lunar feature cold? Very much not hot
Lunar locale
Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year in Vietnam
Lunar occurrence
Lunar or solar phenomenon
Lunar phase
Lunar phenomena
Lunar phenomenon
Lunar plain
Lunar program
Lunar ray
Lunar rover
Lunar seas; girl's name
Lunar trench
Lunar trenches
Lunar valley
Lunar vehicle on Sun? Dodgy things here
Lunatic earl in ultimately wild country
Lunatic getting post with teaching union
Lunatic in US embracing one extreme of confabulation: animals that don't exist
Lunatic or amusing fool?
Lunatic Pope stood against
Lunatic presided over trial, having rejected coroner's conclusion
Lunatic shows off behind lorry
Lunatic tore round island for sustenance
Lunatic, often
Lunatics in a tizzy without a medicinal preparation
Lunatics lacking a form of medication
Lunch always includes this drink
Lunch box treat
Lunch counter offering
Lunch counter order
Lunch counter orders
Lunch counter request
Lunch counter sandwich, f
Lunch dish from the oven
Lunch fears?
Lunch for a whale, in a B
Lunch hour
Lunch hour, e.g.
Lunch hour, maybe
Lunch inits.
Lunch meat
Lunch on
Lunch or dinner
Lunch order
Lunch order, briefly
Lunch orders that are typ
Lunch packed with punch?
Lunch sandwich, for short
Lunch site
Lunch specialty of an Emm
Lunch spread, often
Lunch time, maybe
Lunch, e.g.
Lunch, in Lancaster
Lunchbox alternative
Lunchbox dessert item
Lunchbox desserts
Lunchbox goody
Lunchbox item
Lunchbox item, for short
Lunchbox items
Lunchbox treat
Lunchbox treats
Lunched, say
Luncheon follower
Luncheonette lists
Luncheonette order
Lunchtime queueing spot
Lunchtime, for many
Lunchtime, often
Lunchtime, perhaps
Lunchtimes, typically
Lund of "Casablanca"
Lundgren, at home, is a fairly blubbery individual
Lundi ___
Lung compartment
Lung covering
Lung infection
Lung inflammation
Lung membrane
Lung problem
Lung protector
Lungs not working? Not quite all
Lungs of sheep, bullocks and pigs used in pet food
Lungs of sheep, pigs etc used as food
Lupine : wolf :: lutrine
Lupino and others
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Lupino of film
Lupins hid me
LuPone or LaBelle
LuPone role
LuPone stage role
Lurch from side to side
Lurch inside restraining ragamuffins
Lure agency worker to join top table
Lure and net snagged on rocks
Lure company of fliers with hanky-panky
Lure fish over to side away from wind
Lure for Popeye's sweetie
Lure for Simple Simon
Lure into a crime
Lure into crime
Lure modern musicians to wear camp gear head to toe
Lure of an expectation?
Lure of extremely statesmanlike fascist
Lure of New Orleans
Lure Penny into bad man’s embrace
Lure with music
Lure with some succulent ices
Lure; deliberately taunt
Lured - enticed
Lurer of sailors, in myth
Lurer of ships onto rocks
Lurid - style of European architecture
Lurid pulp magazine found
Lurid sight - Bob struggling to restrain large family pet?
Lurker's plan, perhaps
Lurking wild lion and tiger
Lusatian ___ (German/Poli
Luscious Berry
Luscious currants primarily filling bun with sweetness
Luscious oranges and melons primarily growing in this?
Luscious spy I treated with caution
Lush development?
Lush fabrics
Lush local choir improvised no end
Lush material
Lush performance setting?
Lush salmon fills everyone in charge
Lush setting?
Lush sound?
Lush sounds
Lush travel plan?
Lush, in a way
Lush, perhaps
Lusitania sinker
Lust after
Lust after, visually
Lust and envy, for two
Lust for Life, for example
Lust is sadly seen over Brighton & Hove?
Lust of French father
Lust, for one
Lusted after, visually
Lusted fancifully when embracing Doctor Fell
Luster on display?
Lustful god
Lustful Liberal Democrat restrained by pair with common sense
Lustful look
Lustful looker
Lustful looks
Lustful sort
Lustful woodland god - stray
Lustre not right - get lost
Lustre of grand defeat
Lustreless lock of hair in part of bedding
Lustrous black
Lustrous cloth
Lustrous cotton fabric
Lustrous fabric
Lustrous fabrics
Lustrous gem
Lustrous gems
Lustrous globule prized as a gem
Lustrous hue
Lustrous silk
Lustrous velvet
Lustrous white
Lustrously white
Lusty Alan touched butt
Lusty creature in a Roman street for local birds
Lusty husband later becoming gross
Lusty librarian getting laid possibly, keeping at home
Lusty look
Lusty men try desperately to get into crack regiment
Lusty pics nonce cut out
Lusty Romeo set off, losing head close to balcony
Lusty social complex hosts six from the States
Lute shape
Lutelike instrument
Luth. or Bapt. school
Luth. or Episc.
Luth. or Meth., e.g.
Luth. teaching, e.g.
Luther Billis of "South P
Luther had 95
Luther oddly stops a German artist, one who cheats
Luther opponent Johann
Luther say putting key, for Tees, in Rolls-Royce?
Lutheran court full of bitterness
Lutheran hymn
Lutheran's one for his books, not me
Luthor perhaps figures in reference books
Luvs rival
Luvvie goes after antique in northern town
Luvvie, attacked by bee crossing river, hobbled
Lux. locale
Lux. neighbor
Luxembourg grand duke in
Luxembourg town where Geo
Luxor locals
Luxor Temple sight
Luxuriant condition of hair is prominent in coach
Luxuriant fur
Luxuriant hair
Luxuriant hairstyle publicity worker covers
Luxuriant locks
Luxuriant tropical woodland
Luxuriate, as in the sun
Luxurious - soft material
Luxurious and rich, 80%+
Luxurious car
Luxurious fabric
Luxurious fur
Luxurious German marque fails to start
Luxurious hotel
Luxurious hotel removed sign of the cross?
Luxurious livers
Luxurious material
Luxurious pad mostly, one in a tall building
Luxurious place?
Luxurious pub I found in town’s knocked over
Luxurious resorts
Luxurious sheet material
Luxurious work university hired out
Luxurious wrap
Luxuriously smooth
Luxury biography of female artist
Luxury cabin on a liner
Luxury car
Luxury car carries one track competitor
Luxury car in outskirts of Derby? That’s funny
Luxury car standard featu
Luxury car transporting Yoko under a kilometre for money
Luxury car ___ Martin
Luxury craft
Luxury food produced by male relative in a vast continent
Luxury fur
Luxury hideaway
Luxury home features
Luxury hotel
Luxury hotel accommodatio
Luxury hotel along Manhat
Luxury hotel amenity
Luxury hotel and golf resort in Perthshire - legal genes
Luxury hotel facility
Luxury hotel feature
Luxury hotel, familiarly
Luxury Hyundai sedan
Luxury leather
Luxury resorts
Luxury seeker enthralled by classy bar items
Luxury spread
Luxury Swiss chocolatier
Luxury Toyota
Luxury Toyota make
Luxury train service between Paris and Istanbul, inaugurated in 1883
Luxury US automobile
Luxury’s endless advantage
Luzinski of baseball
LX - highest possible score with one dart
Lycanthrope's catalyst
Lyceum emptied after debut of Elijah Wood
Lydman of the N.H.L.
Lye, e.g.
Lying a little on top of drinking too much?
Lying about person in office not getting elected
Lying around is Romeo's captive
Lying between huge collections of stars - a critical gent
Lying between the sheets
Lying between two extremes
Lying between two rivers, what was that industrial region?
Lying boss almost in late
Lying bum flogged modern houses
Lying by a judge accepted by Ant and Dec surprisingly
Lying Conservative in Number Ten endlessly partying
Lying down
Lying face down
Lying face downward
Lying face downwards
Lying face upwards
Lying facedown
Lying for the country has caught ambassador finally
Lying hidden by Spooner's sport
Lying in a state of total exhaustion
Lying in coma, due out before 1st of September
Lying in the same two-dimensional surface
Lying is popular with criminal
Lying low
Lying next (to)
Lying on one's back
Lying outside
Lying plate on stone, roughly
Lying port-to-starboard
Lying that's done during function
Lying to get candy item changed
Lying tout beaten up? It wasn’t me!
Lying under oath
Lying under the skin
Lying undisturbed at first in peaceful state
Lying with arms and legs out
Lying with hedonists in a state of excitement
Lying, in a way
Lying, maybe
Lying, perhaps, in wrong church with religious class
Lymph bump
Lymph liquid
Lymph ___
Lymphatic part
Lymphocyte found in marro
Lymphoid organ
Lynch, perhaps, dreadful topless performer
Lyndon Baines Johnson Lib
Lyndon Johnson, by birth
Lyndon's 1964 running mat
Lynette ___, first female
Lynn Fontanne and her hus
Lynn who sang "We'll Meet
Lynne's band initially welcomes female writer - this is likely to warm things up
Lynx lynx, e.g.
Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Am I __
Lynyrd Skynyrd's "___ You
Lyon king
Lyon of "Lolita," 1962
Lyon's river
Lyra's brightest star
Lyre hard to play — that business with the arms?
Lyre-carrying Muse
Lyre-playing Muse
Lyric connected with theatre
Lyric from "America"
Lyric from "The Star-Span
Lyric muse
Lyric outside lifted little room
Lyric poem
Lyric poem Delius initially set in Old English
Lyric poem found in Hesiod especially
Lyric poem part
Lyric poem's hot on beat
Lyric poems
Lyric poems found in the cases of old elegists
Lyric poems in more than one style, devoid of metre
Lyric poet
Lyric poet who wrote "Tea
Lyric poetry
Lyric poetry’s muse
Lyric sounded outstanding
Lyric stand-in, perhaps
Lyric sung three times in
Lyric verse
Lyric verses
Lyric, part 2
Lyric, part 2, after "Was
Lyric, part 3, after "Wit
Lyric, part 4
Lyric, part 5
Lyrical "before"
Lyrical author followed by jerk
Lyrical Gershwin
Lyrical John
Lyrical judge’s fitting end?
Lyrical lines
Lyrical musical passages
Lyrical operatic style
Lyrical period
Lyrical piece from rap act on the radio
Lyrical tributes
Lyrical verses
Lyrical works
Lyrical, like a Pindar po
Lyrical, romantic
Lyrically written
Lyricist Bergman
Lyricist born 11/18/1909
Lyricist Carole Bayer ___
Lyricist David
Lyricist Dubin and others
Lyricist Gershwin
Lyricist Harbach
Lyricist Jack
Lyricist Lerner
Lyricist Lorenz ___
Lyricist on panel game is a foreigner
Lyricist Rice
Lyricist Rice heard sudden dread of a drum
Lyricist Sammy et al.
Lyricist Washington
Lyricist ___ David
Lyricist's after power charge
Lyricist's offering
Lyrics accompany them
Lyrics regularly displaying good sense
Lysol target
Clue Database Last Updated: 24/03/2025 12:00am