Common Crossword Clues Starting with J

J Rees-Mogg or N Farage, for example
J train?
J ___ judge
J's coded lover?
J, P, G and R; certainly not C, D, F and N here!
J. Alfred Prufrock poet
J. Ben-Hur once grabs American with both hands in dance
J. C. Penney rival
J. Crew publication
J. D. Salinger character'
J. Edgar Hoover used one:
J. Edgar Hoover's org.
J. J. ___, co-creator of
J. Lo title role
J. P. Morgan and others
J. P. Morgan co.
J. P. Morgan founded it
J. P. Morgan offering, fo
J. R. Ewing, e.g.
J. R. of "Dallas"
J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S
J. R.'s mother
J. ___ Hoover
J., F. or K.: Abbr.
J.D. holder: Abbr.
J.D.'s of the future
J.D.'s title
J.F.K. abbr.
J.F.K. aide Sorensen
J.F.K. aide ___ Sorensen
J.F.K. alternative
J.F.K. appeal
J.F.K. approximation
J.F.K. arrival
J.F.K. arrival of old
J.F.K. arrivals
J.F.K. board info
J.F.K. guess
J.F.K. guesstimate
J.F.K. info
J.F.K. info: Abbr.
J.F.K. jet set
J.F.K. jets
J.F.K. lander
J.F.K. landers, once
J.F.K. Library architect
J.F.K. listing
J.F.K. monitor info
J.F.K. or Dubya
J.F.K. or F.D.R.
J.F.K. overseer
J.F.K. plane
J.F.K. posting
J.F.K. posting, for short
J.F.K. posting: Abbr.
J.F.K. postings
J.F.K. regular
J.F.K. regulators
J.F.K. sight
J.F.K. sights
J.F.K. terminal
J.F.K. times
J.F.K. visitor, once
J.F.K. was in it
J.F.K. watchdog
J.F.K.'s "Why England ___
J.F.K.'s command
J.F.K.'s predecessor
J.F.K.'s successor
J.F.K.'s U.N. ambassador
J.F.K., e.g.
J.F.K./L.B.J. cabinet mem
J.M. —, Irish playwright
J.M. —, playwright
J.M.W. —, painter
J.R.'s mother, on "Dallas
Ja and da
Ja Rule's genre
Ja's opposite
Ja, across the Rhine
Jab - nudge
Jab acceptable during training
Jab back and forth
Jab between the ribs, say
Jab from Ali, one needing cut treated
Jab with a finger
Jabba the ___ of "Star Wa
Jabba the ___, "Star Wars
Jabber as wages withdrawn?
Jabber in a mask
Jabber in chirpy mode, excitedly
Jabber possibly anti-American slogan that's empty
Jabir al-Ahmad al-Sabah,
Jack (Knut's parcel deliveryman) was famous for his service
Jack - how can I put this? - Rogers sheep in Australia
Jack accompanier
Jack accompanying prophet on leaving, heading north for pilgrimage
Jack after Oscar competes with leading male actor
Jack Albertson TV role
Jack allowed to inspire son to be most virtuous
Jack and billy
Jack and I curse very badly organised public duty
Jack and I getting sticks out as shield, united in self-defence
Jack and I wearing heavy-duty cloth
Jack and Jill's burden
Jack and Jill's vessel
Jack and mates scrapped this?
Jack and Nigel arranged short catchy tune
Jack and the missus
Jack at home with cross, that brings bad luck
Jack at hostelry serves spirits
Jack avoids toads and rabbits
Jack Ball at Houston bankers' convenience
Jack Barry once hosted a
Jack beheaded larger 24, one jumping up and down
Jack behind manoeuvre to arrest current Hollywood actor?
Jack Benny's theme song
Jack charges only one cent for outdated calculators
Jack cheers Romeo
Jack comically takes a bit of exercise pushing back cover
Jack consumed the nuts, biting with molars
Jack dug bad vibe!
Jack ejected from meeting for insincere emotion
Jack entering low spell
Jack enters sports day - it goes off with a bang
Jack found in church, we hear
Jack gets United to take on son Tom?
Jack Goulding's desserts
Jack has got everyone’s deliveries wrong
Jack has made a howler with an actress
Jack has trouble punching small men
Jack having a drop of rum, and glass of beer
Jack held hostage by girl assassin
Jack hopes to work for old carpenter
Jack hopes to work for patriarch
Jack Horner line ender
Jack Horner's find
Jack Horner's treat
Jack I see rotating tin cans
Jack in bar, old music-maker
Jack in oaters
Jack in Police Department is commended
Jack is after small vehicle – a Beetle
Jack is back on team after breaking bones
Jack is dishonest person
Jack Kerouac or Allen Gin
Jack Kerouac's novels are very entertaining at first
Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsb
Jack Kerouac, e.g.
Jack King (revolting Welshman)
Jack leaves shake that contains unpasteurised milk
Jack leaving damage in temper
Jack leaving his companion out of sorts
Jack Lemmon's "Days of Wi
Jack London's "Martin ___
Jack may be needed to fix this note
Jack meets fool and hospital cleaner
Jack meets loveless Jo on surer ground? They've made a solemn retraction
Jack Mercer supplied his
Jack Nicholson has three
Jack obtained, not good card
Jack of "Barney Miller"
Jack of "Big Bad John"
Jack of "City Slickers"
Jack of "Eraserhead"
Jack of "Flower Drum Song
Jack of "Kotch"
Jack of "Rio Lobo"
Jack of "The Apartment"
Jack of "The Great Dictat
Jack of "Twin Peaks"
Jack of 50's-60's TV
Jack of clubs, in cards
Jack of early late-night
Jack of hearts feature
Jack of nursery rhyme
Jack of old oaters
Jack of old TV
Jack on outside broadcast work
Jack or 10
Jack or jenny
Jack or ten
Jack perhaps leaving daughter an old banger?
Jack pukes in the Middle Temple's central area
Jack rabbit
Jack retained by car manufacturer — it's common in Norway
Jack returned to deck of cards
Jack ruins ceremony by inviting Republican party leader
Jack Scott's initial distress given first signs of oceans rising
Jack shows Silas around island
Jack Sprat wouldn't gossip
Jack Sprat's back stuffing in smörgåsbord - he's a hypocrite!
Jack Sprat's favourite daughter Eleanor on vacation, a keen swimmer
Jack Sprat's requirement
Jack Sprat's taboo
Jack stole bananas for shake
Jack Straw is "OTT, as bad as it gets"
Jack the ___
Jack to copy joke
Jack to mimic tracks, jesting
Jack turned on one supporter at top of column
Jack upsets aunt with the French spider
Jack wants something with milk in it — a shake
Jack who ate no fat
Jack who could eat no fat
Jack who once hosted "The
Jack who pioneered late-n
Jack who played a sawmill
Jack who played Sgt. Frid
Jack who quipped "A funny
Jack who said "Just the f
Jack who was famously fru
Jack who would eat no fat
Jack who wrote "In the Be
Jack who wrote the lyrics
Jack who’d only eat lean fish
Jack __, Surrey and England batsman, d.1963
Jack ___ ("24" agent)
Jack’s entering bar with old sort of guitar
Jack’s partner going topless, a provocation making you embarrassed
Jack's beloved in "The Ye
Jack's companion is missing Jack badly
Jack's companion, in rhym
Jack's connection
Jack's death curtailed by Leo, perhaps
Jack's enthralled by Carmen, perhaps, and by Greek hero
Jack's first person to be recruited by army
Jack's inferior
Jack's last in York church body
Jack's love in "Titanic"
Jack's partner
Jack's partner in rhyme
Jack's place
Jack's predecessor receiving endorsement of minimal value
Jack's response when accepting an order!
Jack's vocal part of church
Jack's weary
Jack, a lover of lean little fish
Jack, abandoning tasks, smoked behind screen
Jack, American writer, a pioneer of the beat generation, d. 1969
Jack, boy in weatherproof material
Jack, e.g.
Jack, for one
Jack, in cards
Jack, in navy, does otherwise, in nautical spirit
Jack, in Spain
Jack, John and Miles covered in flowers
Jack, king gets new ace, five and three finally
Jack, our lad, comes round to stay
Jack, unscrupulous man
Jack-in-the-box needs
Jack-in-the-box part
Jack-in-the-pulpit, e.g.
Jack-o'-lantern feature
Jackal genus
Jackal or coyote
Jackal, e.g.
Jackal-headed god
Jackass's sound
Jacked up
Jacket accompanier
Jacket and tie, e.g.
Jacket – fire
Jacket buildup
Jacket choice
Jacket closer
Jacket Earl wears covered in gold
Jacket fastener
Jacket feature
Jacket for a hunting dog?
Jacket from upmarket clothing pile not fitting
Jacket holder
Jacket I am beginning to embellish to get better rate of pay
Jacket in which one smokes 8
Jacket locales: Abbr.
Jacket material
Jacket material for a mix
Jacket material, for shor
Jacket material?
Jacket materials
Jacket needed for voyage - consider sheepskin?
Jacket option
Jacket part
Jacket parts
Jacket ready for Putin in twice as much hot water?
Jacket worn by a herald
Jacket, etc, that motorist's in most often?
Jacket-and-tie affair
Jackets and collars
Jackets for keen army about to show pluck
Jackets for midshipmen
Jackie Gleason catchphras
Jackie in 1947, briefly
Jackie O's husband
Jackie O's man
Jackie O, e.g.
Jackie Onassis' sister
Jackie Robinson wore it
Jackie who starred in "To
Jackie's "O"
Jackie's #1
Jackie's #2
Jackie's hubby
Jackie's O
Jackie's predecessor
Jackie's second
Jackie's second husband
Jackie's sister
Jackknife and others
Jackknife on bend in motorway round New York?
Jackknife, e.g.
Jackknife, for one
Jackknifed, e.g.
Jackpot games
Jackpot producer
Jackrabbits, actually
Jacks and such
Jacks drunk Guinness when out of uniform
Jacks or better, in poker
Jacks take them
Jacks, e.g.
Jacks, in cards
Jackson —, US painter
Jackson 5 member
Jackson and Derek
Jackson and James
Jackson and Jefferson, e.
Jackson and others
Jackson and Reno
Jackson Five features
Jackson Hole is near them
Jackson Hole's county
Jackson known as "Mr. Oct
Jackson of jazz
Jackson or Cleveland
Jackson or Tyler
Jackson or Winslet
Jackson Pollock's player
Jackson's dance - Armstrong's first
Jacksonian detractor
Jacksonville-to-Daytona B
Jacksonville-to-Miami dir
Jacob of journalism
Jacob Riis subject
Jacob Riis subjects, with
Jacob tricked him
Jacob who wrote "How the
Jacob whose ghost appears
Jacob __ , South African president
Jacob ___ Park, in Queens
Jacob’s father lives with a retired accountant
Jacob's brother
Jacob's father-in-law
Jacob's first wife
Jacob's missus maybe runs vessel
Jacob's relative's appeal to split European Union
Jacob's twin
Jacob's twin brother
Jacob's twin in the Bible
Jacob's wife
Jacob's wife finds the meadow hot
Jacob's-ladder, for one
Jacopo ___, composer of t
Jacqueline du Pré's instrument
Jacqueline Kennedy ___ Bo
Jacqueline of "Bullitt"
Jacqueline Onassis ___ Bo
Jacqueline Susann novel,
Jacques —, French film director
Jacques - , Belgian singer, d. 1978
Jacques Chirac and Grover
Jacques Cousteau's life,
Jacques Cousteau's middle
Jacques Cousteau's world
Jacques Cousteau, e.g.
Jacques Cousteau, for example
Jacques Derrida served up wines for communists
Jacques of "Mon Oncle"
Jacques of French cinema
Jacques or Jeanne
Jacques or Pierre
Jacques Tati's "Mon ___"
Jacques Tati's film business
Jacques the musical Belgi
Jacques who starred in "M
Jacques ___ , director, writer and star of Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Jacques ___ , French comic actor and film director, d. 1982
Jacques's pen pals, maybe
Jacques's steady
Jacques, for one
Jacques, French president 1995–2007
Jacques-Louis David paint
Jacuzzi product
Jacuzzi site
Jacuzzi user
Jade and tire, hen party's starting to get drunk
Jaded ale drinker's quest
Jaded comment from a cons
Jaded figure
Jaded response to a movie
Jaded sort
Jafar al-Sadiq's rule
Jafar's nemesis, in film
Jaffa's land: Abbr.
Jaffe or Barrett
Jaffe who wrote "Five Wom
Jagged mountain chain
Jagged mountain range
Jagged, as a leaf's edge
Jagger's group, informall
Jaguar after run to enter again
Jaguar alternatives
Jaguar car on bend an original model
Jaguar competitor
Jaguar maker
Jaguar model
Jaguar models
Jaguar or Mustang
Jaguar perhaps bounds half-hidden, pursuing one deer
Jaguar rival
Jaguar tours Colorado in special race
Jaguar tours county in special race
Jaguar ultimately has spotted coat? Grab one that's plain
Jaguar, e.g.
Jaguar, for one
Jaguar, maybe eating wild iguana? On the contrary, they're both here
Jaguars and such
Jaguars welcoming care of species
Jaguars, e.g.
Jaguars, say, reversing a little fast accidentally
Jah worshiper
Jai alai arena
Jai alai ball
Jai alai balls
Jai alai basket
Jai alai catcher
Jai alai equipment
Jai alai locale
Jai ___
Jail a lawyer in North America
Jail cells?
Jail director with flat in US city
Jail fixtures
Jail for a sailor
Jail keys?
Jail like Tijuana lacks interior for game
Jail or pot lead-in
Jail room
Jail sentence to get longer
Jail Una, unruly girl
Jail unit
Jail, slangily
Jailbird's burden
Jailed German boy, cunning little pest
Jailed Liberal group?
Jailed? Old fellow gets prison sentence with moments to spare
Jailer to break up our act? Not us!
Jailer's means of access to fast food?
Jailhouse workers struggle with habit
Jails, in British slang
Jainism, e.g.: Abbr.
Jaipur royal
Jaipur title
Jakarta's country
Jakarta's island
Jake's love in "The Sun A
Jaleel White role on "Fam
Jalisco article
Jalopy's constant speed
Jalousie unit
Jam accompanying a track started by Queen
Jam and cram again
Jam and cream going on last bits of traditional scone
Jam – or pickle?
Jam finally reaching clear section of waterway
Jam for bear
Jam from mother and boy: something said to make you smile
Jam in a city in Italy
Jam in a piece of cake
Jam in second drawer on counter
Jam infused with drop of rum is a sensation
Jam ingredient
Jam ingredient?
Jam ingredients
Jam ingredients?
Jam leggings over stomach
Jam lover's one way of working with damsons originally
Jam one drug inside another
Jam Penny set aside
Jam pot
Jam produced by monk according to the Reverend's pronouncement
Jam producer
Jam producer?
Jam provides little energy
Jam session feature
Jam session?
Jam setter
Jam site
Jam-makers' parties filled with Welsh dowagers?
Jam? In tagliatelle?
Jamaica exports
Jamaica or Barbados
Jamaica's capital
Jamaica's Ocho ___
Jamaica's St. ___ Bay
Jamaica, por ejemplo
Jamaica-based music
Jamaican believer
Jamaican choked eating Mexican chilli
Jamaican criminal that's tailing detectives
Jamaican cultist
Jamaican export
Jamaican exports
Jamaican fellow
Jamaican form of 6
Jamaican gangster
Jamaican liqueur
Jamaican music
Jamaican music style
Jamaican politician, perhaps, one lacking backbone
Jamaican pop
Jamaican sectarian
Jamaican sectarian overthrows an emperor
Jamaican term of address
Jamaican witchcraft
Jamal of jazz
Jambalaya need
Jamboree group
Jamboree grp.
Jamboree locale
Jamboree org.
Jamboree organizer
Jamboree shelter
Jamboree structure
James —, French artist
James —, US humorist
James —, writer
James and Jackson
James and Jones
James and the Giant Peach author
James Bay native
James Beard Award nominee
James Birdseye ___, Union
James Bond antagonist ___
James Bond backdrop
James Bond beauties?
James Bond character leaves remote-control device within that place
James Bond creator Flemin
James Bond locale
James Bond perhaps talked abruptly about love
James Bond was kicked out
James Bond woman in "Thun
James Bond's "A View to _
James Bond's colleagues not alpha males
James Bond's drink
James Bond's drink of choice
James Bond, e.g.
James Brown's "___ the Fe
James Brown's genre
James Buchanan, notably
James Cagney's opening line shows racial discrimination
James Cameron, e.g.
James catches large fish
James Clavell best seller
James Clavell novel set i
James Clavell's "___-Pan"
James Clerk —, scientist
James Dean or Marilyn Mon
James Dean persona
James Dean type
James Dean, e.g.
James Earl Ray, e.g.
James Ellroy novel that T
James Fenimore Cooper's "
James Forrestal was its l
James Galway, for example
James Garfield's middle n
James Hilton locale
James Hilton's mythical paradise
James I and Charles I
James I's queen consort
James II accepting exile ultimately - it's 1 across
James in Iowa recreated Japanese island
James in Iowa recreated World War II battle
James in many westerns
James IV occasionally besieged old city to get old coins
James Joyce short story
James Joyce's home
James K. Polk's alma mate
James known for playing a
James Michener narrative
James Michener opus
James nicknamed "Miss Pea
James of "Boston Legal"
James of "Brian's Song"
James of "Gunsmoke"
James of "Marcus Welby, M
James of "Misery"
James of "Star Trek"
James of "The Godfather"
James of "Thief"
James of "X-Men" films
James of blues
James of Hollywood
James of jazz
James of letters
James of the court
James of the Met
James or Jackie of Hollyw
James or Jackson
James Russell Lowell, for
James Stockdale as runnin
James takes drugs, toxic stuff from America
James Taylor's "___ Fool
James Taylor’s slim dude?
James Whitcomb Riley's "_
James Whitcomb Riley's be
James who invented the Du
James who originated the
James who sang "A Sunday
James who sang "Mystery L
James who sang the ballad
James who was C.I.A. dire
James who was known as th
James who won a posthumou
James who wrote "A Death
James who wrote "A Millio
James who wrote "Rule, Br
James who wrote "The Morn
James who wrote "The Post
James ___ , English actor, d. 1984
James ___ Carter
James ___ Garfield
James ___ Polk
James ___, duettist on th
James ___, paranormal deb
James ___, who wrote "The
James's follower
James, for one
Jamesian heroine, excellent Italian, absolutely stops me
Jamestown colonist
Jamie Foxx's "Yep ___ Me"
Jamie Lee Curtis's "Freak
Jamie Lee in "Halloween"
Jamie Lee's mom
Jamie of "M*A*S*H"
Jamison of the N.B.A.
Jammed finger in fridge perhaps
Jammed to Clapton's first hit
Jammed, in a way
Jamming with Lennon or Clapton, initially the greatest
Jammy and eggy?
Jan 1 to Dec 31
Jan 6 events no small issue
Jan Brady player on "The
Jan van __ , painter of the Arnolfini Portrait
Jan, a pole dancing little hottie?
Jan. 15 initials
Jan. and Feb.
Jan. follower
Jan. honoree
Jan. preceder
Jane —, author
Jane —, queen
Jane Asher or Damian Lewis, for instance
Jane at Thornfield
Jane Austen book about Ro
Jane Austen classic
Jane Austen heroine
Jane Austen meddler
Jane Austen novel
Jane Austen's note
Jane Curtin role
Jane edges away after relative becomes leprous
Jane Eyre's charge
Jane Eyre's kind person with a book? - eternal greed
Jane Eyre's pupil
Jane Eyre, e.g.
Jane Eyre, say
Jane Fonda role
Jane Fonda title role
Jane Goodall, to Louis Le
Jane keeps one place for eggs
Jane maybe trying to pull - in love with comedian
Jane maybe, in retrospect, regrets keeping ring belonging to me
Jane of "Coneheads"
Jane of "Father Knows Bes
Jane of "Klute"
Jane of "Monster-in-Law"
Jane of literature
Jane Rochester's maiden n
Jane Smiley best seller
Jane Smiley's "A Thousand
Jane spoke excitedly about a new river plant
Jane tours one highly isolated position
Jane who becomes Mrs. Roc
Jane who co-starred in th
Jane who loved Mr. Roches
Jane who loved Rochester
Jane who stayed at Thornf
Jane who wrote "Sense and
Jane ___
Jane's offer is out of order after ignoring a president
Jane's role in "Klute"
Jane's taking part in Henley regatta
Jane, Molly, Ida, Ena regularly getting out of the wind
Janeane's co-star in "The
Janeiro starts it
Janet Baker's specialty
Janet in the Clinton Whit
Janet of Justice
Janet of the Justice Depa
Janet Reno's former juris
Janet's fianc
Jangly ringtone air’s principal composer?
Janis Ian, Billy Preston
Janis Joplin's "Down ___"
Janis of stage and screen
Janis who sang "At Sevent
Janis with the 1971 #1 hi
Janis ___, with the 1975
Janis's comic strip hubby
Janis's comic strip mate
Janis's comic-strip husba
Janis's comics husband
Janis's comics partner
Janis's hubby in the funn
Janis's husband in the fu
Janis's partner, in the c
Janissary commander
Janitor's implement
Janitor's supply
Janitor's tool
Janitorial tool
Jannings of "The Blue Ang
Jannings of "The Last Com
Jannings of old movies
Janowitz who wrote "Slave
January 1
January 1 for the Rose Bo
January 1 song word
January 1 title word
January 1 to December 31
January 13, e.g.
January 15?
January 1st
January 2nd?
January birthstone
January birthstones
January department store
January event, or a great
January holiday inits.
January in Guadalajara
January in Ju
January not starting sunny? Here a soaking's possible
January song ender
January store happening
January to December
January's birthstone
January, in Jalisco
January, in Ju
Janus-like reporter's also confronted
Jap. computer giant
Japan Airlines competitor
Japan and others
Japan expels contests
Japan finish?
Japan losing first point that would win match
Japan lumberjack's work, not initially light exercise
Japan referee lives in new hotel
Japan working to secure one ally
Japan’s mainland
Japan's "way of the gods"
Japan's 16 miles east of old capital and close to Shanghai
Japan's capital before 1868
Japan's capital until 186
Japan's capital, formerly
Japan's continent
Japan's emperor beginning
Japan's first capital
Japan's highest point: Ab
Japan's largest active vo
Japan's largest lake
Japan's leader dubious, losing yen for a moment
Japan's medieval ___ Cast
Japan's national legislature
Japan's P.M., 1964-72
Japan's Prince Hirobumi _
Japan's second-largest ci
Japan's ___ Bay
Japan, say, wants river to evaporate
Japan, to the U.S., once
Japan-based computer co.
Japanese "thank you very
Japanese "thanks"
Japanese "yes"
Japanese aborigine
Japanese acupressure
Japanese airline
Japanese alcoholic drink
Japanese apples named for
Japanese art
Japanese art form
Japanese art form - I'm a giro
Japanese art of flower ar
Japanese art of flower arranging
Japanese art taught by a sensei
Japanese art, complete with fine raised frame
Japanese artist
Japanese artist depicting fish around America
Japanese artist enthralled by stucco now
Japanese assassin
Japanese assassin held in Benin jail
Japanese assassin/spy
Japanese attack site, Jun
Japanese automaker
Japanese band
Japanese band?
Japanese battle cry
Japanese Beatle?
Japanese bed
Japanese beef center
Japanese beer
Japanese beer brand
Japanese beer named for a
Japanese beetle, e.g.
Japanese bowlful
Japanese box
Japanese bread
Japanese brew
Japanese broth recipe’s the last word
Japanese butler in "Aunti
Japanese camera
Japanese canine
Japanese capital
Japanese capital before 1868
Japanese capital until 1868
Japanese capture after Pe
Japanese car
Japanese car firm
Japanese carp
Japanese cartoon
Japanese cartoon art
Japanese cartoon featuring in seminars from the east
Japanese cartoon genre
Japanese cartoon style
Japanese cartoons
Japanese chess
Japanese chicken dish
Japanese city
Japanese city - Tokyo
Japanese city and port
Japanese city bombed in W
Japanese city lifted an artist
Japanese city whose name
Japanese clobber North Korean, apropos of nothing
Japanese code of chivalry
Japanese code word meanin
Japanese cold rice dish
Japanese combatant seen in jazzy trousers
Japanese comics style
Japanese commander
Japanese commercial distr
Japanese company's refusal to accept plan
Japanese competitor of IB
Japanese computer giant
Japanese computer inits.
Japanese condiment
Japanese cuisine
Japanese currency
Japanese currency backed in memo somehow seen by northern financiers
Japanese currency unit
Japanese delicacy
Japanese dish
Japanese dish - I try IKEA
Japanese dish I nearly tried out, containing rabbit
Japanese dish is rejected around European country, with gossip ascribed to Italy
Japanese dish of cold rice balls
Japanese dish of fried meat
Japanese dish of raw fish
Japanese dog
Japanese dogs
Japanese drama
Japanese drama about fool seeking election still
Japanese drama form
Japanese dramatic form
Japanese drink
Japanese drink made from fermented rice
Japanese duty officer's crucial manoeuvre
Japanese eel and rice dis
Japanese electronics bran
Japanese electronics company introduces new gaming site
Japanese electronics gian
Japanese emperor
Japanese emperor's title
Japanese entertainers
Japanese entertainment
Japanese fare at a "bar"
Japanese farewell
Japanese female companion
Japanese fencing
Japanese fencing with bamboo swords
Japanese fighter
Japanese fighter gives you nothing
Japanese fighting finish in knockout
Japanese fighting method
Japanese film genre
Japanese film idol's worse on the radio
Japanese finalist in karaoke butchered Rolling Stones?
Japanese financial center
Japanese fish delicacy
Japanese fish dish
Japanese floor covering
Japanese floor mat
Japanese flower arranging
Japanese flower-arranging
Japanese flower-arranging art
Japanese folk music with
Japanese food
Japanese food coming with S American greeting
Japanese food English lady eats in the morning
Japanese for "large hill"
Japanese for "the way of
Japanese form of fencing
Japanese form of wrestling
Japanese game figures
Japanese gangster group
Japanese gateway
Japanese governor carrying orient's latest weapon
Japanese hand scroll
Japanese historical perio
Japanese honorific
Japanese horseradish
Japanese hostess
Japanese I.T. giant
Japanese immigrant
Japanese immigrant's chil
Japanese import since 198
Japanese initially a very abstruse language
Japanese inn
Japanese island
Japanese island hard on footwear we hear
Japanese island Okinawa's on a Jewish mosaic displayed occasionally
Japanese island, capital Naha
Japanese language requires year on island
Japanese leader Hirobumi
Japanese leader of old
Japanese leader of the 19
Japanese leader with fat lover
Japanese luxury auto
Japanese maker of watches
Japanese market inits.
Japanese market: Abbr.
Japanese martial art
Japanese martial art using split bamboo swords
Japanese martial artist
Japanese massage — it has us relaxed
Japanese mat
Japanese mats
Japanese mattress
Japanese middle managers?
Japanese military caste member
Japanese military governor
Japanese milk producer makes shake
Japanese model sold from
Japanese moolah
Japanese motorcycle maker
Japanese move ousting British arbiter
Japanese mushroom
Japanese mushrooms
Japanese name tag
Japanese national flower
Japanese noodle
Japanese noodle dish
Japanese noodle mostly supplying physical discipline
Japanese noodle soup
Japanese noodles
Japanese novelist Kobo __
Japanese or Korean
Japanese P.M. during W.W.
Japanese P.M. Shinzo ___
Japanese papered wall
Japanese paste
Japanese Peace Nobelist o
Japanese peak at 3,776m
Japanese peak of 12,388 ft
Japanese pilgrimage desti
Japanese pilot trained for suicide missions
Japanese plane of W.W. II
Japanese plaything?
Japanese poem
Japanese poet
Japanese pooches
Japanese porcelain
Japanese port
Japanese port city
Japanese port near Nagasa
Japanese port’s extremely obvious alias
Japanese portal
Japanese prime minister T
Japanese prize in the 189
Japanese professional sport - mustering owls
Japanese raw fish balls
Japanese raw fish dish
Japanese religion
Japanese restaurant fare
Japanese restaurant offer
Japanese rice alcohol
Japanese rice dish
Japanese rice wine
Japanese robe
Japanese ruler
Japanese ruler I'm backing with business involving King
Japanese salad ingredient
Japanese salad plants
Japanese sandals
Japanese sash
Japanese sashes
Japanese school of Buddhism
Japanese screen shop Jim closed early
Japanese seaport
Japanese seat of learning exercises right to display tree
Japanese seaweed is flipping smooth
Japanese site of the 1972
Japanese sleuth Mr. ___
Japanese sliding screen
Japanese sofa bed
Japanese soup
Japanese soybean
Japanese sport
Japanese spy
Japanese stealth fighter
Japanese straw mat
Japanese stringed instrum
Japanese supercomputer ma
Japanese surname follower
Japanese surname suffix
Japanese swimmer’s a little flirtatious they say
Japanese syllabic script
Japanese syllable set
Japanese teacher said "Time I’m going" with feeling
Japanese theater
Japanese tie
Japanese toggle
Japanese tourist city on
Japanese traditional theatre blending music, dance and mime
Japanese treatment involving pressure with the fingers to points on the body - as hit us
Japanese vegetable
Japanese verse
Japanese verse form
Japanese verse form of three short lines
Japanese verse has as its key unity, primarily
Japanese verse originally hidden away in Kyoto university
Japanese vessels saw Sumatra out east
Japanese violinist is bor
Japanese volcano
Japanese waist material?
Japanese war-cry
Japanese warrior
Japanese warrior caste
Japanese who won the 1974
Japanese woman trained to entertain men
Japanese wraps
Japanese wrestling
Japanese wrestling is endless problem
Japanese writer, male - his aim is astray
Japanese writing system
Japanese yes
Japanese zither
Japanese ___, bonsai plan
Japanese, e.g.
Japanese, say, ultimately carefree as bird?
Japanese-born Hall of Fam
Japanese-style portable grill
Japanimation character wi
Japanned metal
Jape - hoax
Japheth's father
Japon's place
Jar arm and hop around before applying a tiny bit of arnica
Jar containing dipso's first drink
Jar containing drunkard's ultimate drink
Jar containing letter that is covered in pencil
Jar cover
Jar for cut flowers
Jar part
Jar reported to be large
Jar sizes: Abbr.
Jar top
Jar tops
Jar with crow's foot in jelly
Jardin zoologique inhabit
Jared of "Panic Room"
Jargon - patois
Jargon adopted by polling organisation
Jargon central to photography in one way?
Jargon ender
Jargon from a mixed-up Fl
Jargon in capital university describing, say, beer
Jargon is about messages
Jargon suffix
Jargon used by members drinking beer close to judge?
Jargon, slang
Jarhead's rank: Abbr.
Jarman or Jacobi?
Jarrett of jazz
Jarrett of Nascar
Jarring Boris? No flipping singer!
Jarring sound principally associated with Neptune’s spear
Jarring, musically
Jarringly unfamiliar
Jarrow's river
Jars a hero's drunk after a PM gets sent up
Jasmine or morning glory
Jasmine's family member
Jasmine, for one
Jason Bourne, in the Bour
Jason jilted her
Jason of "American Pie"
Jason of "I Love You, Man
Jason of the N.B.A.
Jason of the N.F.L.
Jason who directed 2011's
Jason who plays Lucius Ma
Jason who sang "I'm Yours
Jason who starred in TV's
Jason’s ship
Jason's ally and lover, i
Jason's charge
Jason's craft
Jason's dog?
Jason's jacket in suit tailored for martial art
Jason's jiltee
Jason's journey, e.g.
Jason's mate, perhaps, from North American university drawn into slang
Jason's ship
Jason's ship, in myth
Jason's shipbuilder, in m
Jason's theft
Jason's vengeful ex-wife,
Jason's wife, in myth
Jaunt - doctoring of information
Jauntily up to appearing in that?
Jaunty female socialite once performing song
Jaunty greeting
Jaunty musical rhythm
Jaunty rhythm
Java container
Java dispensers
Java flavor
Java holder
Java is in it
Java locale
Java man?
Java neighbor
Java or Peking man
Java servers
Java setting
Java waft
Java, e.g.
Javan fabric technique
Javanese chiefs
Javanese or Malay
Javelin, e.g.
Javelin, for one
Javelins and Hornets, e.g
Javits Center architect
Javits Center designer
Jaw about everyone before nine in the morning
Jaw cold immediately after ice-lolly
Jawaharlal Nehru's daught
Jawaharlal of India
Jawaharlal's daughter
Jawbone - in bedlam
Jawbone of ___
Jawbone of ___ (biblical
Jawbreakers, e.g.
Jaws was back, with Bond’s boss replacing head of Spectre
Jay follower
Jay Gatsby's love
Jay Gould railroad
Jay heard parrots and larks
Jay of "The Tonight Show"
Jay of NBC
Jay or Ray
Jay preceder
Jay seen at night
Jay Silverheels role
Jay that chatters
Jay watched by owls
Jay who chins with guests
Jay who does "Jaywalking"
Jay who has Monday night
Jay who jests
Jay who once hosted "Last
Jay's competition
Jay's home
Jay-Z and others
Jay-Z and Timbaland
Jay-Z's ___-Fella Records
Jays and Rays
Jayvee player, maybe
Jaywalker's punishment
Jaywalking, e.g.
Jazz (up)
Jazz aficionado
Jazz Age dance
Jazz Age figure
Jazz Age figures
Jazz age was best, conclusively, for enthusiasm
Jazz arranger Evans
Jazz bassist Hinton
Jazz bassist Stanley
Jazz bit
Jazz blues sound essentially having ill-defined form
Jazz break, e.g.
Jazz buff
Jazz cat's command
Jazz chord
Jazz circle met up, wanting Miles in Kind of Blue
Jazz combo component
Jazz combo instrument
Jazz combo member
Jazz combo, maybe
Jazz combo, often
Jazz composer Evans
Jazz composer Guaraldi
Jazz cornetist Adderley
Jazz count?
Jazz dance
Jazz devotees
Jazz drummer Catlett et a
Jazz drummer Hakim and ot
Jazz drummer ___ Hakim
Jazz duo in London?
Jazz enthusiast?
Jazz fan accepting basic entertainment
Jazz fan appearing in different music show
Jazz fan – the cap
Jazz fan behind push to get American skunk
Jazz fan can help irate trumpeter!
Jazz fan getting last of Coltrane? Bloody class!
Jazz fan shot - found in the garden
Jazz fan upset with bluesman changing direction
Jazz fan's order to dance?
Jazz fan, most likely
Jazz fan, probably
Jazz fan, the fellow crossing Ireland
Jazz fan?
Jazz fans getting half of performers rejected
Jazz fans' musical
Jazz flutist Herbie
Jazz genre
Jazz great Art
Jazz great Evans
Jazz great Fitzgerald
Jazz great Malone
Jazz great nicknamed Jumb
Jazz great Shaw
Jazz greats, e.g.
Jazz group
Jazz group member
Jazz group touring see capital city
Jazz group, for short
Jazz group, often
Jazz grp.
Jazz guitar great Herb __
Jazz guitarist Farlow
Jazz guitarist Stanley
Jazz guitarist ___ Farlow
Jazz hit
Jazz home
Jazz improv at an A.M.A.
Jazz instrument
Jazz instrument, for shor
Jazz instrument, for short
Jazz instruments
Jazz jargon
Jazz jive?
Jazz job
Jazz legend smashed on claret
Jazz legend's more slimmed-down trumpet sound?
Jazz lick
Jazz lingo
Jazz lover's tag
Jazz mags and books hidden by Heather
Jazz man
Jazz means improvised sparks, perhaps
Jazz musician Jackson
Jazz musician Jones
Jazz musician misses entry? Help!
Jazz musician possibly bitter accepting work in oil company
Jazz musician's favourite numbers about to make a comeback
Jazz or Gala?
Jazz passage
Jazz performance
Jazz phrase
Jazz phrases
Jazz pianist Ahmad
Jazz pianist Allison
Jazz pianist – religious devotee
Jazz pianist Bill
Jazz pianist Billy
Jazz pianist Blake
Jazz pianist Chick
Jazz pianist Evans
Jazz pianist favoured by royal relative after award
Jazz pianist Hines
Jazz pianist Jarrett
Jazz pianist Marsalis
Jazz pianist Templeton
Jazz pianist who played w
Jazz pianist with 16 Gram
Jazz pianist with eight G
Jazz pianist's arrangement of Waterfalls
Jazz pianist/composer Wil
Jazz piece and a composition for sitar?
Jazz piece?
Jazz player
Jazz player – such as Charlie Parker
Jazz players are found he
Jazz playing here on radio, thanks to you
Jazz saxophonist Coltrane
Jazz saxophonist Gordon,
Jazz saxophonist/flutist
Jazz scores
Jazz section
Jazz session highlights
Jazz singer Anderson
Jazz singer Anita
Jazz singer Carmen
Jazz singer James
Jazz singer Jones
Jazz singer Jones et al.
Jazz singer Laine
Jazz singer Nina
Jazz singer Reeves
Jazz singer Simone
Jazz singer Sylvia
Jazz singer Vaughan
Jazz singer who took her
Jazz singer ___ Ennis
Jazz singer ___ James
Jazz singer's first attempts to produce a hit
Jazz singer, ___ Laine
Jazz singing style
Jazz standard whose title
Jazz star
Jazz style
Jazz style popularised in the 1940s
Jazz style shows lack of clarity, with fiddle missing
Jazz talk
Jazz technique
Jazz trombonist Kid ___
Jazz trumpeter Baker
Jazz trumpeter of the Big
Jazz trumpeter Roy
Jazz trumpeter Ziggy
Jazz trumpeter/composer J
Jazz tune is up for associates
Jazz up
Jazz variation
Jazz variety
Jazz venue
Jazz vibraphonist Jackson
Jazz virtuoso Garner
Jazz with a two-quaver rhythm
Jazz's Carmen
Jazz's Chick
Jazz's Earl "Fatha" ___
Jazz's Earl Hines, famili
Jazz's Fitzgerald
Jazz's George with the tr
Jazz's Hancock or Mann
Jazz's Herbie
Jazz's James and Jones
Jazz's Kenton
Jazz's Malone
Jazz's Montgomery
Jazz's Peterson
Jazz's ___ Fleck and the
Jazz's ___ Lateef
Jazz-loving TV sleuth of
Jazz-loving young entomol
Jazz/blues monthly
Jazzed up
Jazzes (up)
Jazzman "Fatha"
Jazzman Adderley
Jazzman Al
Jazzman Allison
Jazzman Baker
Jazzman Blake
Jazzman Chick
Jazzman Getz
Jazzman Herbie
Jazzman Jackson
Jazzman Jordan
Jazzman Kenton
Jazzman Koffman
Jazzman Mose
Jazzman Niehaus or Trista
Jazzman Saunders
Jazzman Shapiro
Jazzman Stan
Jazzman who played "Boogi
Jazzman Zoot
Jazzman ___ Allison
Jazzman's cue
Jazzman's lingo
Jazzy Anita
Jazzy Chick
Jazzy City second; "new dinosaur" United getting stuffed
Jazzy felt hat: nothing to make you jump here
Jazzy Fitzgerald
Jazzy improv style
Jazzy James
Jazzy James or Jones
Jazzy Jones
Jazzy Laine
Jazzy Latin dance site
Jazzy Nina
Jazzy rhythm technique
Jazzy riffs
Jazzy singer ___ James
Jazzy sound
Jazzy talk
Jazzy Waters
Jct. joiners
Je ne sais quoi
Je ne sais ___
Je ne ___ quoi
Jealous Olympian
Jealous queen of myth
Jealous wife in Greek myt
Jealous wife of myth
Jealousy when diplomat says goodbye to Ohio
Jealousy, resentment
Jean Arp's art
Jean Arp's movement
Jean Baptiste Poquelin's
Jean Harlow, e.g.
Jean of "Bombshell"
Jean on the screen
Jean or Jacques
Jean Paul, e.g.
Jean Racine tragedy
Jean Renoir film "La ___
Jean Renoir film heroine
Jean Rhys novel inspires your setter to become an author
Jean Rhys opus
Jean Sibelius, for one
Jean Valjean, at the star
Jean Valjean, e.g.
Jean who wrote "Please Do
Jean who wrote "The Clan
Jean who wrote "The Shelt
Jean who wrote "Wide Sarg
Jean ___, 1969 Oscar-winn
Jean, for one
Jean-Bertrand Aristide's
Jean-Claude Duvalier, e.g
Jean-François Lyotard or bell hooks, say
Jean-Jacques —, philosopher and writer
Jean-Jacques —, Swiss philosopher
Jean-Jacques —, Swiss-French philosopher
Jean-Luc Godard's "Une __
Jean-Luc's father
Jean-Paul —, French author
Jean-Paul Sartre’s deep discomfort?
Jean-Paul who wrote "Word
Jean-___ Picard (Patrick
Jean-___ Picard of "Star
Jeanne d'Arc et al.: Abbr
Jeanne d'Arc, e.g.
Jeanne d'Arc, e.g.: Abbr.
Jeanne d'Arc, for one: Ab
Jeanne et Julie, e.g.: Ab
Jeanne or Th
Jeanne to Jean, peut-
Jeanne ___
Jeanne ___ (French saint)
Jeanne, e.g.: Abbr.
Jeannette ___, first woma
Jeans and khakis
Jeans and T-shirt, e.g.
Jeans brand
Jeans cut on both sides, hole obvious
Jeans exchange hands - initially, elongated stripes become checks
Jeans fabric
Jeans maker Strauss
Jeans maker ___ Strauss
Jeans man
Jeans material
Jeans name
Jeans purveyor Strauss
Jeb of Bull Run fame
Jed Clampett's find on "T
Jed Clampett, in Beverly
Jed's first chief of staf
Jedi ally
Jedi Council leader
Jedi enemy
Jedi foes, in "Star Wars"
Jedi master
Jedi master of Obi-Wan Kenobi
Jedi with a big forehead
Jedi's only partly expert in communications
Jeep maker, once: Abbr.
Jeer bishop's mistake
Jeer during special date is forbidden
Jeer half-heartedly about fine comedian
Jeer King John?
Jeer Republican oaf
Jeer when Obama embraces Republican
Jeer with any number leaving stressed
Jeer, as local put on stretcher
Jeer, did ’e, about ‘moth-eaten’ ma?
Jeer, mock
Jeered loudly at
Jeering remark
Jeering, mocking
Jeers “Third rate, and not working on board”
Jeeves's employer
Jeeves, for example, introduces Glen to tango
Jeeves, for one
Jeez, please leave something healthy to eat!
Jeff Davis follower
Jeff Davis's cause: Abbr.
Jeff Lynne group
Jeff Lynne's grp.
Jeff Lynne's rock grp.
Jeff MacNelly comic
Jeff of the Traveling Wil
Jeff who founded Amazon.c
Jeff's "77 Sunset Strip"
Jefferson and Voltaire, f
Jefferson bills
Jefferson Davis org.
Jefferson Davis was its p
Jefferson Davis's org.
Jefferson Memorial featur
Jefferson Memorial site i
Jefferson Memorial topper
Jefferson or Edison: Abbr
Jefferson player in "Jeff
Jefferson site
Jefferson was one
Jefferson's 1860's opposi
Jefferson's First Lady with drug an inebriate performer
Jefferson's first vice pr
Jefferson's Monticello, e
Jefferson's note
Jefferson's portrayer in
Jefferson's religious bel
Jefferson, Nixon, Truman: to their friends perhaps ordinary people
Jefferson, religiously
Jeffrey Archer's "___ and
Jehoshaphat's father
Jekyll's alter ego
Jekyll's counterpart
Jekyll’s top tip on root-pruned bedding plant
Jell-O flavor
Jell-O maker
Jellied delicacy
Jellied dish
Jellied eggs man undersells, left out for restaurant originally
Jellied food packed in free lunches
Jellied garnish
Jelly and cream shortly after seeing that
Jelly and Sara's pistachio ice cream to sample when opening ...
Jelly available in tea garden
Jelly based on fish or meat stock
Jelly container, perhaps
Jelly eating out requires plate
Jelly flavor
Jelly fruit
Jelly holder
Jelly ingredient
Jelly kept in a row of vessels?
Jelly made from seaweed
Jelly made with fish or meat stock
Jelly maker to go round with others?
Jelly needs a double oven, right?
Jelly not used in sandwic
Jelly plant
Jelly Roll Morton biograp
Jelly Roll Morton genre
Jelly Roll Morton, e.g.
Jelly seen on buffet tabl
Jelly thickener
Jelly used as a mould for meats or vegetables
Jelly used for fuel
Jelly, pavlova, gargantuan wraps
Jelly-like substance
Jellybean flavor
Jellyfish in sea to America's north?
Jellystone Park bear
Jellystone Park denizen
Jellystone Park resident
Jemima, e.g.
Jemima, for one
Jenna Elfman TV role
Jenna of TV's "Dharma and
Jenna or Barbara Bush
Jennifer finally leaving as Johnson was dressing
Jennifer Garner spy serie
Jennifer Jason Leigh role
Jennifer Lopez album "J t
Jennifer Lopez title role
Jennifer of "Flashdance"
Jennifer Weiner best sell
Jenny and I secure revolutionary period weapon
Jenny and Jack defend sinner making statement
Jenny Craig client
Jenny Craig regimen
Jenny Craig testimonial s
Jenny entertained by draws in Scottish cups
Jenny has no check on sprain
Jenny Lind, e.g.
Jenny over trouble in attack
Jenny with a program
Jenny ___ , star of The Railway Children
Jenny ___ a k a the Swedi
Jenny's cake
Jenny, perhaps, appearing in fiction as young woman
Jenny, perhaps, in novel, reader finally recalled
Jenny, say, cutting duets in jazzy solo
Jenny’s an architect
Jerboas - British 7th Armoured Division, 1940-58
Jeremiah, e.g., in the Bi
Jeremy Irons film based o
Jeremy the player for certain clubs
Jeremy worries every so often, being a 4
Jeremy ___, 1980s-'90s po
Jeremy's singing partner
Jericho features
Jerk accepting old lady's more badass
Jerk around
Jerk at university is leading one in class of 12
Jerk back
Jerk from Sweden involved in unsolicited emails
Jerk getting his leg broken in winter sports vehicle
Jerk grabbing husband is violent criminal
Jerk outside court with adult signalling of course
Jerk raises deer with a gentle touch
Jerk refused, too confident
Jerk regularly serves up weak hashish
Jerk springs on top of mountain
Jerk stabbing Caesar's associate, maybe with passion
Jerk understood puzzle
Jerk with relations taking drugs? I don't think so!
Jerk's creation?
Jerking movement
Jerks back sadomasochistic idiots
Jerks on rifle-range shot blue bird
Jerks on Westminster’s front bench
Jerks' offerings
Jerks' works
Jerky dancer takes Reverend William's beer glass?
Jerky movement of King trapped by tree trunk
Jerky movements when somersaulting in authentic performance
Jermaine ___, six-time N.
Jerome ___ , Show Boat composer, d. 1945
Jerome Hines, notably
Jerome K. Jerome novel
Jerome Kern song – Judi Dench sitcom
Jerome Kern tune "___ For
Jerome Kern's "___ Love"
Jerome Kern's "___ Song"
Jerome Robbins's "Dances
Jerome who composed "Ol'
Jerome who composed "The
Jerome __ , Show Boat composer, d. 1945
Jerry & Sharon's favorite
Jerry bid second, giving reasons
Jerry furious with Warne's last hair product
Jerry Garcia fan ... or w
Jerry Garcia's band, for
Jerry Garcia's band, with
Jerry Herman musical
Jerry in the Basketball H
Jerry Lewis movie "The __
Jerry Lewis telethon time
Jerry Marcus comic strip
Jerry of "Law & Order"
Jerry or Jerry Lee
Jerry Scott/Jim Borgman c
Jerry Seinfeld contempora
Jerry who co-founded Yaho
Jerry who wrote "Hello, D
Jerry ___, mustachioed co
Jerry's ex on "Seinfeld"
Jerry's ice-cream partner
Jerry's partner
Jerry's sitcom neighbor
Jerry's turned up, beating this chap with specious argument
Jerry's uncle on "Seinfel
Jersey call
Jersey enthusiast possibly rejected jacket
Jersey etc stolen by a European back in Italian city
Jersey etc worn by scorer, I'm not sure light
Jersey fabric
Jersey feature
Jersey girl?
Jersey greeting?
Jersey group?
Jersey material
Jersey might be so closely integrated
Jersey parts?
Jersey Shore county, appr
Jersey sound
Jersey veterinary's first pet
Jersey wearer, maybe
Jersey workers
Jersey, e.g.
Jersey, perhaps, with large hood
Jersey, say, female 15 put on chap, unfinished
Jersey, say, worn by everyone is green
Jerseys may be kept here, we're told, for customer
Jerusalem artichoke, e.g.
Jerusalem gets the blame in a really shocking treatment
Jerusalem is its cap.
Jerusalem is one
Jerusalem perhaps captured by Suleiman the Magnificent
Jerusalem visitor from th
Jerusalem ___
Jerusalem's composer
Jerusalem's country
Jerusalem's home: Abbr.
Jerusalem's land: Abbr.
Jerusalem's locale
Jerusalem's Mosque of ___
Jerusalem's Mount ___
Jerusalem, Rome or Mecca
Jesse Jackson, e.g.
Jesse Jackson, for one
Jesse James and gang
Jesse known as the "Bucke
Jesse of California polit
Jesse of the 1936 Olympic
Jesse who lost to Ronald
Jesse's father forced niece's submission
Jessica Alba/Chris Evans
Jessica of "7th Heaven"
Jessica of "Dark Angel"
Jessica of "Fantastic Fou
Jessica of "Frances"
Jessica of "Good Luck Chu
Jessica of "Tootsie"
Jessica of 1976's "King K
Jessica or Hope
Jessica's longtime portra
Jest with
Jest, part 2
Jest, part 3
Jester extremely irritating in part -- too much backtracking
Jester initially impressing court in northern city
Jester Jay
Jester may take this Scandinavian drink with added extra
Jester receiving king's summons?
Jester recruiting criminal to trap guard
Jesting, pull a fairy’s wings off
Jests appear stale as they grow old
Jesus Christ, with "the"
Jesus cursed one in Matth
Jesus in the manger, e.g.
Jesus of the 1960s Giants
Jesus on a diamond
Jesus on the field
Jesus saves over one in twenty!
Jesus! What an infamous game show host
Jesus' maternal grandmoth
Jesus' tongue
Jesus' words of comfort for the poor in spirit etc: "Go and renegotiate dues!"
Jesus, for one
Jesus, in the manger
Jesus, Mary or Joseph
Jesus, notably
Jesus, the baby's coming - plug hole!
Jesus, to Christians
Jesus, with "the"
Jet black
Jet boat brand
Jet contravening safeguards
Jet controller
Jet decommissioned in '03
Jet effects
Jet engine output
Jet engine problem
Jet engine's output
Jet enhancer
Jet excursion stopped by rain
Jet follower
Jet from Bluegrass State arrived first
Jet fuel component
Jet locales: Abbr.
Jet of vapour
Jet off for
Jet packs impair business
Jet perhaps coming alongside cutter? That's official
Jet pilot's concern
Jet pilot's wear
Jet Propulsion Lab grp.
Jet Propulsion Lab site
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Jet set
Jet set jets
Jet set romps regularly in bar
Jet set?: Abbr.
Jet seven in 24
Jet speed measure
Jet speed unit
Jet starts to near airport in Italian city
Jet stream in northern location
Jet to Heathrow
Jet's home
Jet's noise
Jet's prompt, ahead of time
Jet, for example, crossing Peru regularly
Jet, say
Jet-set sort
Jet-setters' jets, once
JetBlue competitor
Jeter stat.
Jethro ___
Jetliner name until 1997
Jets ignoring leader of Sharks' appeals
Jets player whose jersey
Jets that boom
Jets used to be seen ther
Jets used to make touchdo
Jets, e.g.
Jetsam of 1773
Jetsam's partner
Jetsons' dog
Jetsons' lad
Jettisoned compartment
Jetty set
Jetty; bridge support
Jeune ___ (girl, in Franc
Jew traditionally dressed
Jew's-harp sounds
Jewel at a 50's dance?
Jewel case inserts
Jewel gleams oddly
Jewel holder
Jewel thief to hold his horses?
Jewel, one of 19?
Jeweled coronets
Jeweled headdress
Jeweled headpieces
Jeweled headwear
Jeweled ornament
Jeweler Pierre and family
Jeweler's gadget
Jeweler's glass
Jeweler's magnifying tool
Jeweler's measure
Jeweler's spacer bead
Jeweler's ultimatum?
Jeweler's unit
Jewelers' offerings
Jewell of "The Facts of L
Jewelled crown
Jewelled head dress, one worn by groups of soldiers
Jewelled head ornament
Jewelled headband
Jewelled headdress
Jewelled headdress worn by women
Jewelled headdress: it elevated a painter
Jeweller's magnifying glass
Jewellery — that is included in American range?
Jewellery - clear bet
Jewellery calls for attention to collar
Jewellery changing hands in institute
Jewellery expert left following insolence? Exactly the reverse
Jewellery found in Otis elevator, by Spooner?
Jewellery from Britain and its ancient inhabitants
Jewellery gives someone a buzz
Jewellery I found in Scarlett’s place
Jewellery item
Jewellery item — severe reprimand when directions are reversed
Jewellery item allowed in decorative hair
Jewellery item carved in relief
Jewellery items
Jewellery originally listed in search engine
Jewellery taken casually round port
Jewellery worn around the wrist
Jewelry and gold doubloon
Jewelry box?
Jewelry designer Elsa
Jewelry designer Peretti
Jewelry disaster?
Jewelry firm since 1842
Jewelry for a sandal wear
Jewelry often used in hyp
Jewelry pieces
Jewelry purchase
Jewelry setting
Jewelry store feature
Jewelry that's not kept i
Jewels or trinkets
Jewels site
Jewish artist needs tea and chutzpah
Jewish baked roll
Jewish biscuit
Jewish calendar starter
Jewish campus group
Jewish ceremony for a boy
Jewish cleric
Jewish communities
Jewish cr
Jewish culture/religion
Jewish dance
Jewish Day of Atonement
Jewish deli order
Jewish dish
Jewish feast
Jewish festival
Jewish festival celebrated in March or April
Jewish festival: Var.
Jewish festivals
Jewish grandma
Jewish guy praised for working outside hospital
Jewish headgear
Jewish high holy day
Jewish historian to tease our sort, penning record
Jewish holiday
Jewish holiday in Adar
Jewish holiday when the b
Jewish homeland
Jewish laments
Jewish language
Jewish leader
Jewish leader, one declining to reflect?
Jewish leader?
Jewish month
Jewish month - part of August is right? (No, actually)
Jewish month when female joins club
Jewish months
Jewish mourning period
Jewish movement
Jewish mystical doctrine
Jewish mystical tradition
Jewish mystics head for home as it's beginning to get dark
Jewish New Year festival
Jewish parchment scrolls
Jewish people accepting Roman Catholic gem
Jewish place of worship
Jewish pledge of faith
Jewish ravioli
Jewish religious leader
Jewish ritual
Jewish round dance
Jewish salutation
Jewish salutation, meaning "peace"
Jewish scholar
Jewish scholar Berlin and
Jewish school certainly welcome, given tax cut
Jewish sect possesses identity this writer's provided
Jewish sectarian's contribution to limitless energy
Jewish sectist
Jewish skullcap
Jewish spiritual leader
Jewish spring festival
Jewish teacher
Jewish teacher has time to talk
Jewish text
Jewish turnover
Jewish vernacular language
Jewish village
Jewish wedding dance
Jewish youth org.
Jeyes fluid protects exceptionally fresh milk suppliers
Jezebel's god
Jezebel's husband
Jezebel's husband - Moby Dick's hunter
Jezebel's idol
Jezebel's man got it? Bravo!
JFK : New York :: ___ : C
JFK and LAX overseer
JFK co-star, reformed man of low degree?
JFK's party
JFK's predecessor
JFK-to-TLV carrier
JFK-to-TLV option
Jiang's husband
Jiang's predecessor
Jiang's predecessor as Ch
Jib or spanker
Jib used to give a boat m
Jibing at heart when showing prejudice
Jidda's locale
Jiffy bags right for device
Jiffy found with body fluid in caravan?
Jig, say
Jigger that jiggles?
Jiggly comestible
Jigsaw element
Jigsaw puzzle element
Jigsaw puzzle unit
Jigsaw puzzles are in the
Jihadist ancestors covering miles perhaps
Jill and Tony half-cut after second cocktail
Jill of "Diamonds Are For
Jill’s partner? He’s a sailor
Jill's friend caught leaving appetisers for mischievous child
Jill's other half?
Jill's portrayer in "Char
Jill's portrayer on "Char
Jilted bride experiencing losing no-good fraud
Jilted wife of myth
Jiltee of myth
Jim at the Alamo
Jim at the bar
Jim Backus provided his v
Jim Bakker ministry, for
Jim Beam and others
Jim Beam product
Jim Belushi's costume in
Jim Carrey comedy "Me, My
Jim Carrey film, with "Th
Jim Carrey's pet detectiv
Jim Carrey, in a 1997 mov
Jim Croce's "bad, bad" Br
Jim Croce's "I Got ___"
Jim Croce's "___ Name"
Jim Crow-fighting org.
Jim Davis canine
Jim Davis cartoon dog
Jim Davis creation
Jim Davis dog
Jim Davis pooch
Jim Davis's dog
Jim Henson gave him voice
Jim Henson, e.g.
Jim Lehrer presentation
Jim Morrison's group, wit
Jim Palmer and teammates
Jim Palmer was one
Jim Palmer, notably
Jim Palmer, once
Jim who created Kermit th
Jim who sang "Time in a B
Jim who wrote "Ball Four"
Jim who wrote "MacArthur
Jim ___, "Mission: Imposs
Jim ___, onetime N.F.L. C
Jim's going - heading off to war because of this?
Jim's partner on "Adam 12
Jim's portrayer in "Gentl
Jimi Hendrix's "Purple __
Jimi Hendrix's do
Jimi Hendrix's first sing
Jimi Hendrix's style
Jimi's third guitar returned for test
Jiminy Cricket declaratio
Jimmy —, US president
Jimmy Carr, with offshore banking, primarily fiddled
Jimmy Carter alma mater:
Jimmy Carter autobiograph
Jimmy Carter's alma mater
Jimmy Carter's coll.
Jimmy Dorsey's "Maria ___
Jimmy Dorsey's "___ Mine"
Jimmy Johnson title comic
Jimmy of "N.Y.P.D. Blue"
Jimmy of "The West Wing"
Jimmy of DC Comics
Jimmy of the Daily Planet
Jimmy Stewart syllables
Jimmy the Greek?
Jimmy Webb's "___ We"
Jimmy White's white?
Jimmy with mute exterior when hit for six
Jimmy's outside Acton, having dropped off on train
Jimmy's predecessor as Pr
Jimmy's successor
Jimmy, before volume reduced, vaguely complaining
Jingle creator
Jingle producer?
Jingle writer
Jingle writer, maybe
Jingly pocket item
Jinx in reverse
Jinx over and over dogging criminal
Jinx violent criminal over nothing
Jipijapa hats
Jipijapa, e.g.
Jitterbug variety
Jitterbug's "cool"
Jitterbug, e.g.
Jittery old man engaging in theft
Jittery Poles protected by supporter on course
Jittery type with an eye for the birds?
Jive men
Jive talkin'
Jive, e.g.
Jiver's greeting
JK Rowling title, for instance
JM Barrie's Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up
JMW —, artist
Jo expecting a baby? Me too
Jo portrayer in 1994's "L
Jo's suitor in "Little Wo
Joad family's home state:
Joan —, Spanish painter
Joan at Woodstock
Joan Baez's "Farewell, __
Joan Baez's first hit features bluegrass stalwart
Joan followed him at Wood
Joan Mir
Joan of Arc's crime
Joan of Arc, e.g.
Joan of art
Joan of rock
Joan of the Blackhearts
Joan Rivers's daughter an
Joan who sang "I Love Roc
Joan who sang at Woodstoc
Joan's "Dynasty" role
Joan's old man?
Joan's partner vocally supporting pub's closely contested fixture?
Joan, e.g.: Abbr.
Joanna of "Growing Pains"
Joanna, goody-goody, tucked into some milk?
Joanne of "Abie's Irish R
Joanne of "All the King's
Joanne of "Red River"
Joanne of "Sylvia," 1965
Joanne of "The Pride of S
Joanne of westerns
Joanne Woodward Oscar-win
Job ad abbr.
Job ad letters
Job advert online, perhaps
Job almost entirely involving the mail
Job antecedent
Job anxiety leads to early retirement
Job application attachmen
Job application info: Abb
Job at a lineup
Job avoided by single English worker with dependents
Job benefit
Job bidding figs.
Job bishop dressed as judge found on line
Job centre has opening, internally
Job centre in Stockport was located on turning
Job centre welcoming husband
Job change or marriage, p
Job conditions agcy.
Job cut not entirely doing for researcher
Job defender is less demanding after obtaining university degrees
Job description
Job description detail
Job description: introduce fastening to short trousers
Job description? Not one that's obvious
Job detail
Job detail, briefly
Job done, cabbie, but now I'm confused
Job enders
Job equality bureau: Abbr
Job experience?
Job extras
Job for a barber
Job for a bird taxidermis
Job for a body shop
Job for a cleanup crew
Job for a critic?
Job for a debutante?
Job for a dermatologist
Job for a dummy?
Job for a French attorney
Job for a mathematician?
Job for a plastic surgeon
Job for a plumber
Job for a rancher
Job for a relay racer?
Job for a restaurant serv
Job for a roadside assist
Job for a seamstress
Job for a snake
Job for a speech coach
Job for a statistician?
Job for a tailor
Job for a thespian
Job for a wrecker
Job for an ob/gyn
Job for an orthodontist
Job for base pay?
Job for Hercule Poirot
Job for Holmes
Job for one doing charact
Job for one to criticise king
Job for Perry Mason
Job for Poirot
Job for some wall fixers
Job for the mailroom
Job for Triple A
Job for TV's Quincy
Job for un docteur
Job for which the charges are small?
Job found here, modest talent developed
Job function reportedly introduces guidance
Job given to aunt furious about Liberal candidate
Job in "Ocean's Eleven"
Job in toilet, euphemistically
Job interview topic
Job is a crock of shite
Job legislation estab. in
Job limits I assume to be valid
Job listings, e.g.
Job maybe available at the start – one that's clearly understood
Job near city Brown rejected after Labour
Job of gun dog being derided
Job of textile workers, in part
Job on staff, just right for animated deliveryman
Job opening
Job openings
Job opportunity
Job opportunity?
Job order notation
Job preceder
Job preceder: Abbr.
Job precedes this, having first letters to be attended to with charity
Job precursor: Abbr.
Job requirement, often
Job rewards
Job rights agcy.
Job role that's doubtful after childbirth
Job seeker
Job seeker's fashion advi
Job seekers' good news
Job setting
Job site?
Job sorting out AI isn't ...
Job spec.
Job that helps ease frict
Job that's not a chore
Job title (giving a hint
Job title for Blondie, in
Job title never held by a
Job to be done
Job to detest? Describing the bottom of Mistress Quickly
Job to do
Job to which poor performers are taken
Job very much linked to this card game
Job with Buffalo Bill involving me and Miranda?
Job with firm installing supermarket's WC for example
Job with gunners over when the fighting's ended
Job with island worker delivering letters
Job with minimal duties
Job woe
Job's relation
Job, a bit of a headache, is tedious
Job, perhaps one dividing half of sheep up
Job, position
Job, say, pertains to ice houses
Job, Simpson's first away from Springfield?
Job, so to speak
Job, story or track?
Job-related move, for sho
Job-related moves, for sh
Job-seekers' reading
Job-sharing journalist butchered
Job-specific vocabulary
Job; surroundings
Job? No, it is work to be rebuffed
Jobcentre at York covers application for assistance
Jobless indulged from time to time
Jobs Act's regarding job in shipyard
Jobs at Apple
Jobs creation
Jobs for body shops
Jobs for dentists
Jobs for plumbers
Jobs for repair shops
Jobs for some underwriter
Jobs for the boys
Jobs for the boys — as postmen, I suspect
Jobs for the boys?
Jobs in Silicon Valley
Jobs in technology?
Jobs in the computer biz
Jobs in the computer fiel
Jobs of limited duration
Jobs offering of 1998
Jobs offerings
Jobs output
Jobs plan, once
Jobs site
Jobs to be done
Jobs to do
Jobs, figuratively
Jobs, metaphorically
Jobs, so to speak
Jobs, to friends
Jobseeker right behind tech company, receiving its trademark letter?
Jock in "Archie" comics
Jock of 1970's-80's TV
Jock's channel
Jock's counterpart
Jock: Abbr.
Jockey Arcaro
Jockey awarded in time after Victoria
Jockey club offering: Abb
Jockey Eddie Arcaro's ana
Jockey free to meet queen …
Jockey getting on after race accident
Jockey got extremely bored in Kentish Town
Jockey great Earl ___
Jockey let a horse give up
Jockey let teeth rot: exactly!
Jockey married fan
Jockey once caught out for crime
Jockey replaces these for a Grand National runner, say
Jockey rides top horse, ultimately, to place again
Jockey shorts
Jockey strap
Jockey straps
Jockey Turcotte
Jockey Turcotte and other
Jockey wear
Jockey who won 17 Triple
Jockey who won the Triple
Jockey's amendment
Jockey's attire
Jockey's clothing
Jockey's foot support
Jockey's handful
Jockey's need
Jockey's other job?
Jockey's strap
Jockey's straps
Jockey's wear
Jockey's whip
Jocks found in hammock among the crew?
Jocks' antitheses
Jocks: Abbr.
Jocular remark by someone
Jocular suffix
Jocular suffix with "best
Jocular term for fear of
Jocular, mad, illogical centre for protected species
Jodie Foster film
Jodie Foster's alma mater
Jodie's mom or dad
Joe —, playwright
Joe and Jane
Joe and others?
Joe Bloggs or Ken Barlow?
Joe Btfsplk's creator
Joe Cocker's "You ___ Bea
Joe comes in at last, flying like an arrow
Joe DiMaggio's nickname
Joe Exotic finally let rip about getting bullet perhaps
Joe Friday and others: Ab
Joe Friday's employer, fo
Joe Gargery bottling up madness
Joe Hardy's temptress
Joe Hardy's temptress, on
Joe in America perhaps recently avoiding railway
Joe in US chasing my dog
Joe is stopping nearby – it's only to be expected
Joe is wearing coat of secret power
Joe Jackson's "___ Really
Joe Jonas's first meeting with girl
Joe Kelly player in "Sayo
Joe leaves dog lead in Kildare, an Irish location
Joe Louis Arena team
Joe Montana or Jerry Rice
Joe of "Apollo 13"
Joe of several "Lethal We
Joe of the Yankees
Joe Orton play "Entertain
Joe Pesci title role
Joe receives text your setter would read as "drive illegally"
Joe Six-Pack's protrusion
Joe that won't keep you u
Joe Tynan's portrayer, 19
Joe wanders around lavish old city
Joe who was twice A.L. Ma
Joe ___
Joe ___, ex-Royals third
Joe's excited touring sumptuous old city
Joe's lands?
Joe's love interest in "S
Joe's old diary turned up in Playboy for cash
Joe's over in a small sports bar serving woman
Joe, I'm changing image in text message
Joe, in France
Joe-___ weed (herbal reme
Joel Chandler Harris titl
Joel Chandler ___, creato
Joel of "Cabaret"
Joel who directed "Raisin
Joel's peers are surprised he imports porn
Joel's seducer in "Risky
Joely Richardson's expressing emotions
Joely Richardson's helping London theatre
Joey of the 60's twist cr
Joey who sang "Peppermint
Joey with the Starliters
Joey ___ & the Starliters
Joey's description on first jumping down?
Joey's place?
Joey, member of postwar generation
Joffrey of the Joffrey Ba
Jog along: revolutionary?
Jog and play boisterously in gym
Jog around following old squeeze
Jog around uninhibitedly at first delivering fish
Jog back alongside river? It’ll hurt!
Jog back for one horse
Jog behind leading professional
Jog in a revealing state around Germany's capital
Jog memory: what you may have to do to gain admission
Jog naked around the centre of Margate
Jog naked around the centre of Rugby
Jog naked without the first sign of guilt
Jog one's memory
Jog the memory
Jog with the elbow
Jog, e.g.
Jog, say
Jogger carrying a cut-price book
Jogger is concerning carer
Jogger on the Champs-Élysées?
Jogger perhaps stirring below
Jogger welcoming a rest
Jogger's nipple perhaps after exercise for one of Nancy's baps?
Jogger, handsome, moving house
Jogger, one tearing across motorway?
Joggers in Cornwall, say, take quick breaths
Jogging atop Great Falls?
Jogging gait
Johann Sebastian —
Johann Sebastian —
Johann Sebastian ___
Johann Strauss work
Johann who wrote the Swis
Johanna ___, author of "H
Johannes —, Dutch painter
Johannes —, composer
Johannesburg township
Johannesburg-to-Nairobi d
John & Nancy's favorite m
John —, Beatle
John —, English poet and playwright
John —, explorer
John —, first US astronaut to orbit the earth
John —, pioneer US astronaut
John —, US president
John —, Beatle
John —, English poet
John —, first Poet Laureate
John —, playwright
John —, US film actor
John Adams's "Short Ride
John almost making a comeback, or George?
John and Jane, in case ti
John and Mark seem ominously close
John and others
John and Paul, e.g.: Abbr
John Astin's actor son
John Barnes finally up front - English Liverpool player dribbled
John Beck's "Sleeper" rol
John being one learner in exclusive institution
John Belushi was original
John Birchers' foes
John Boyd ___, 1949 Peace
John briefly in a bit of a depression? That's touching
John Buchan used 39 of them
John Bull's back in wealthy English institution
John Calvin's city
John can essentially forgive criminal behaviour
John Candy's old comedy s
John Carpenter horror cla
John collaring man about uniform's decorative coat?
John conceals one in tree stump
John confronts drunk punching two bores
John Cougar Mellencamp's
John covers right angle in regular 21D offering
John D. MacDonald sleuth
John D. Rockefeller and o
John Daly finally has something to fear
John Deere headquarters c
John Deere product
John Denver
John Denver sang it in 19
John Denver wrote two son
John Denver's "Thank God
John Denver's "___ Song"
John Donne's "___ Be Not
John Dos Passos trilogy
John Edward's supposed ab
John Elway, for the Bronc
John Entwistle, originally a mod icon, is someone who profits from the Stones
John escorts royal couple circling behind nurse
John F. Kennedy or George
John favouring a lot of fun, instant
John given master's weaving equipment
John Glenn or Davy Crocke
John Glenn player in "The
John Glenn's Mercury spac
John Glenn's state
John Goodman's with a redhead on vacation, which is nothing out of the ordinary
John Grisham best seller
John Grisham book about f
John Grisham's "___ to Ki
John H. ___, Jackson's fi
John Halpern loses capital twice, producing Swiss herdsmen's instrument
John Hancock and others
John Hancock's place
John Hancock, e.g.
John Hancock, for one
John Hancock: Abbr.
John Hanning __ , African explorer, d. 1864
John has to put up key capital
John hit Macron, drunk, having taken ketamine
John Hurt played Caligula
John in America
John in court
John in England
John introduced to cuter refashioned hairstyle?
John Irving character T.
John Irving hero
John Irving title charact
John Irving's "A Prayer f
John is able to dance
John is seen with child stars
John Jacob ___
John James Audubon, e.g.
John Jr.'s love
John Kennedy Toole book a
John Kettley's focus on a hydrocarbon veto uncovered
John knighted in 1998
John Knowles book about t
John known as "The Father
John L. Lewis org.
John L. Lewis was its fir
John Le Carr
John Lennon hit
John Lennon song
John Lennon song with the
John Lennon's "Dear ___"
John Lennon's "Instant __
John Lennon's adopted mid
John Lennon's lady
John Lennon's last millio
John Lennon's middle name
John Lennon's wife
John Lennon, Ronald Reagan or Charles de Gaulle?
John Logan's "To the Cuck
John Major, e.g.
John Mason ___, English p
John Maynard —, English economist
John McCain and John Kerr
John McCain ranch locale
John McCain's alma mater,
John McCain's alma mater:
John McCain, e.g., for ov
John McCain, e.g.: Abbr.
John might dance
John Muir's interest
John Nash-designed landmark at northeast corner of Hyde Park
John no one knows
John O'Hara's "Appointmen
John of "3rd Rock From th
John of "Fawlty Towers"
John of "Freaky Friday"
John of "Full House"
John of "High Fidelity"
John of "Miracle on 34th
John of "The Addams Famil
John of "Viva Max!"
John of Broadway and his
John of colonial Jamestow
John of England
John of Gaunt's son
John of Jamestown
John of Lancaster
John of London
John of Parliament
John of plow fame
John of radio's "Informat
John of rock
John of song
John of the Broncos
John of the Who
John of York
John on a farm
John on the Mayflower
John or Christine of Flee
John or George
John or John Quincy
John or Paul
John or Paul but not Geor
John or Paul perhaps got the best of the French
John or ___ Doe
John P. Marquand detectiv
John Paul II, e.g.
John Paul, e.g., to the I
John pens 50 comments online?
John Philip —, American march composer
John Philip Sousa, after
John picked up curious line in path of river
John pinching Nick's lines in chat room
John Prine's "Dear ___"
John Quincy Adams, as U.S
John recited with some force, that's clear
John Steinbeck book, with
John Steinbeck's middle n
John Stuart Mill treatise
John Sullivan's last joke's stuck in the distant past
John supporting southern European
John Synge poem "___ Anni
John the estate agent's sign impresses paper
John Thomas on the northern accent
John Travolta's beginning to get sack
John Travolta's first to get sack
John W. ___, Speaker of t
John Waterhouse painting
John Wayne
John Wayne adventure film
John Wayne cop film
John Wayne film set in Af
John Wayne film, e.g.
John Wayne film, with "Th
John Wayne had a distinct
John Wayne nickname
John Wayne title marshal
John Wayne western
John Wayne western, with
John Wayne's "True Grit"
John Wayne's L.A. alma ma
John Wemmick finally making an appearance
John Wesley's denom.
John who co-starred in "S
John who founded the Sier
John who hosted TV's "Tal
John who invented logarit
John who lives in a Cambridgeshire village
John who loved Pocahontas
John who married Pocahont
John who once co-hosted "
John who pioneered time-l
John who played Gomez
John who played Gomez Add
John who sang "Bennie and
John who sang "Jambalaya"
John who sang "Rocket Man
John who scored where Hibernian at home?
John who searched for the
John who starred in "A Fi
John who starred in Broad
John who succeeded Pierre
John who was called the D
John who was knighted
John who was once known a
John who wrote "An Essay
John who wrote "Appointme
John who wrote "Butterfie
John who wrote "Love buil
John who wrote "My First
John who wrote "She who h
John whose middle name is
John Wilkes Booth or Lee Harvey Oswald, say
John with a wild wardrobe
John with an outrageous w
John with receding curly hair
John Wooden Center site
John Wyndham's lethal walking plant
John X's successor
John XI's successor
John ___
John ___ Passos
John ___, 1995 British Op
John ___, California gold
John ___, designer of the
John ___, Doris Day's co-
John ___, English explore
John ___, host of "Americ
John ___, the Lone Ranger
John ___, villain in the
John ___, who directed "T
John ___-Davies of the "L
John’s opening a company with B Epstein, perhaps
John's "Grease" co-star
John's "Pulp Fiction" co-
John's "Pulp Fiction" par
John's back in good time? Not quite
John's hit: endless shock to follow reprimand
John's neighbor
John's ode to Yoko
John, abroad
John, at sea
John, but not the saint
John, for short
John, in Russia
John, in Wales
John, King, brought over Queen - she’s worth seeing
John, name for diver
John, Paul and George: Ab
John, Paul and John Paul
John, Paul or George
John, Paul, George or Rin
John, Paul, George or Ringo
John, perhaps, is 3
John, to Paul, George or
John, to Ringo
John, who's let off working
John, with devout belief, renouncing it for a rough scrubber
John-Boy Walton's sister
John-John's stepdad
John/Rice musical
John: name for Scots lad
John’s upset about European meat
Johnnie Cochran entreatie
Johnnie Ray hit of the 50
Johnnie Walker variety
Johnny about to be kicked out by nationalist in exile
Johnny Appleseed's last n
Johnny Appleseed's real s
Johnny Bench's team
Johnny Carson persona
Johnny Carson, notably
Johnny Cash's "___ Named
Johnny Cash's "___ the Li
Johnny Depp title role
Johnny Fever's workplace,
Johnny Foreigner's language learner takes to heart?
Johnny in the Rock and Ro
Johnny Mathis classic
Johnny Mathis's debut next-door to his apartment
Johnny Mercer's "___ My S
Johnny Morris finally to meet PM in 1971
Johnny of "Ed Wood"
Johnny of "Edward Scissor
Johnny of Hollywood
Johnny retains small university apartments in America
Johnny Rotten was one in charts with a hit
Johnny stripped after right piece of music
Johnny swaps top for new one, with residency overseas
Johnny Unitas wore it
Johnny Unitas's team
Johnny Vegas finally kicked out old Tory
Johnny who played Willy W
Johnny who used to cry "C
Johnny with a guitar
Johnny with the 1958 hit
Johnny with the 1980 #1 c
Johnny ___
Johnny ___, "Key Largo" g
Johnny ____, Moon River lyricist
Johnny's bandleader
Johnny's no Southern bandleader
Johnny's ready?
Johnny's so-called friends
Johnny-jump-up, e.g.
Johns Hopkins subj.
Johns possibly arranged singly
Johnson & Johnson?
Johnson and Cameron, say, bringing in sadness primarily for 18s
Johnson and Johnson, e.g.
Johnson crooked, slightly lacking, a whimsical character behind bars?
Johnson for one keeps employing Latin in a funny way
Johnson in tribute offers high-level support for sailors
Johnson loyalist who inspires boozy night in Scotland?
Johnson of "Laugh-In"
Johnson of TV's "Laugh-In
Johnson or Johnson: Abbr.
Johnson returns with nothing in bungled alert - about time
Johnson taken in by cunning southern tree experts
Johnson who said "Ver-r-r
Johnson's "Hellzapoppin'"
Johnson's deal was so half-baked?
Johnson's initial muddling apt, one's weakened growth adversely affecting house prices?
Johnson's laughter seen partly as an attack
Johnson's occasionally in blue during visit
Johnson's one sending soldiers in again
Johnson's partner in come
Johnson's predecessor a fashionably-dressed person? Why not?
Johnson's self-assessment: he's glad to work with 14
Johnson's vaudeville part
Johnson's written about Old English verse
Johnston in 2008-09 news
Johnston McCulley literar
Joie de vivre
Joie de ___
Join (a cause)
Join (with)
Join - wed
Join a former partner collecting news
Join a new sailor
Join a Parisian welcoming computers etc.
Join a party, but not gregarious
Join a teleconference
Join again
Join again and be nicer, prepared to accept revolutionary MO
Join again, in a way
Join anew, in a way
Join anonymous objection
Join assault after King's lost horse
Join band, briefly
Join because church welcomes alcoholic drink
Join by intertwining
Join by melting
Join Central Essex Police? Nothing to lose
Join cetacean (not at sea)
Join convict, English, in body of plane
Join family in tram or ground covering yard
Join fleet on bearing to the north
Join football administrators’ team, one short?
Join for a ride
Join force in a predicament
Join forces
Join forces (with)
Join forces every year
Join forces?
Join hands (with)
Join hands?
Join head of retail bank
Join in
Join in a football heap
Join in as craftsman took a meal
Join in broad daylight
Join in enthusiastically
Join in holy matrimony
Join in one place
Join in revolution, deposing leader with initiative
Join in search, interesting for a short while
Join in swimming finally in lake
Join in twos
Join in urgent message to expose pathetic people
Join in with objective, reversing committee's conclusion
Join indefinite number in outfit
Join King getting on donkey
Join Labour leader in excitement
Join Left in Korea’s capital
Join masses dancing for music performance
Join metal
Join military division close to home
Join new part close to top
Join of arc?
Join offensive to oust King Henry
Join one canal somewhere north of New York
Join one end, firstly
Join one unable to drive alone in car
Join or split
Join outfit guarding an indefinite number
Join outfit guarding nation's leader
Join outfit that protects knight
Join parade and collapse
Join priest cutting piece of cake?
Join retinue returning after shelling
Join revolution before the French
Join revolutionary in ranks
Join savings scheme used by graduates in African capital
Join securely
Join small military unit and study deeply
Join son further over the hill
Join squad, English
Join stuck-up priest in bed every now and then
Join teaching assistant in brook
Join the armed services
Join the army
Join the army again? One is not in the front line
Join the army, say
Join the army?
Join the cast?
Join the conversation
Join the crew
Join the ends together
Join the French Revolution at the outset
Join the military
Join the navy, say
Join the opposing side in Parliament
Join the other side
Join the party
Join the ranks, leading line with excellent resolve
Join the service
Join the staff
Join to
Join together
Join together - strengthen
Join together a French couple (not married)
Join together again
Join together protecting area in forested country
Join together touring a region of South East England
Join together; merge
Join two metal surfaces together
Join university — first year initially
Join university before half-term
Join university side, leaving in the morning
Join up
Join up and pay attention when cycling?
Join up as part of orchestra
Join up final parts of the television series
Join up two points on catalogue
Join with a blowtorch
Join, as a table
Join, in woodworking
Join, redundantly
Join; loop in a chain
Joined (to something)
Joined (up)
Joined (with)
Joined a conger line?
Joined a day late? No answer
Joined a military formation with one film director
Joined again
Joined at the altar
Joined by a thread from all quarters
Joined by crazy admirer
Joined by melting
Joined by treaty
Joined dance, on retirement, in church
Joined female journalist crossing United States
Joined female taken advantage of
Joined forces (with)
Joined forces after enemy initially came into view
Joined forces?
Joined hands?
Joined harmoniously
Joined home
Joined in action with mystical characters, those perhaps responsible for movement?
Joined in dodgy dealing
Joined in friendship, treaty, etc
Joined in thread broadcast on radio
Joined item in bedroom - it won't happen again!
Joined one inside and exercised
Joined securely
Joined the army, say
Joined the line and collapsed
Joined the mob, maybe
Joined the ranks
Joined the swarm
Joined together
Joined together - in duet
Joined together and took charge after military take-over
Joined two workers outside home
Joined United in league
Joined up
Joined up and served? Not I
Joined wife at home, beset by recurrent depression
Joined with metal
Joined with metal alloy
Joined, attached
Joined, redundantly
Joiner arranging girders on lino
Joiner employed in B&Q
Joiner employed in San Diego
Joiner entering San Diego
Joiner featured in a Shakespeare play, though not much at the start
Joiner getting worker's point fairly slowly
Joiner hasn't the head to become senior
Joiner hawked bottom of wardrobe on phone — smooth!
Joiner in seat wearing garment, a certain style
Joiner outside university left little flower
Joiner takes money up front quite slowly
Joiner turned up with three experts
Joiner's hesitation, getting under kitchen furniture
Joiner's smooth in bar
Joiner's wife chopped tree
Joiner, groom initially embraced by his partner?
Joining a couple of hundred, accompanied by rebellious noises
Joining alloy
Joining association, pass comrade
Joining blue party, fellow secures seat
Joining figure that is prancing in fur coats
Joining forces
Joining into a single entity
Joining of opposite sides
Joining old mate among foremost of noisome crossworders?
Joining service again when lenient terms revised
Joining the army
Joining the military
Joining together
Joining together - inflection of verbs - Juan got icon
Joining together in greeting monarch
Joining together son with family name from Dallas
Joining words
Joins (with)
Joins a course for outdoor sporting types
Joins educational institution before setback
Joins embassy staff
Joins forces
Joins forces (with)
Joins in
Joins in holy matrimony
Joins in space
Joins one ignoring old dramatic principles
Joins others in Maine, upset after rigging
Joins players from Milan on golf course
Joins the bandwagon?
Joins the fray
Joins the team
Joins the team?
Joins those who fight losing independence
Joins up
Joins, as long-lost frien
Joins, as oxen
Joins, redundantly
Joint a male found by marijuana container
Joint account's closing in difficult situation
Joint account's now key - loan's expensive, first of all
Joint affliction
Joint almost broken with doubled force
Joint an ungulate turned
Joint and baked dishes for unconventional types
Joint application
Joint assemblies
Joint at a femur's lower end
Joint author with Karl Marx of The Communist Manifesto
Joint back in trouble, disreputable ultimately
Joint bank statement revealing some doubts
Joint best team
Joint between two pieces of wood, forming a corner
Joint camp launch in chaos, so many changes to be made here
Joint chief of staff in military bunker?
Joint Chiefs chairman dur
Joint Chiefs member: Abbr
Joint connector
Joint currency problem
Joint custody parties
Joint delivery of speech
Joint deposit?
Joint director over academy
Joint dismissal?
Joint doctor violated
Joint faced by celebs putting vehicle in space?
Joint favourite team
Joint firsts in race on athletics speed track
Joint for a beggar?
Joint gamble involving danger
Joint gets up one's nose endlessly
Joint Head of Enterprise leaves for transfer
Joint head of kindergarten born in Paris
Joint holder's fast time running round a school
Joint in ponies and, abroad, in many sheep
Joint inflammation
Joint initially not known, cased by porter
Joint initially twisted in boggy ground
Joint investment in bank ledger
Joint job
Joint just above a horse's hoof - to fleck
Joint leader in church may let it go to his head
Joint leader of Republicans dismissed in anger
Joint league champ­ions?
Joint left covered in cloves, say
Joint legislative assembl
Joint letter?
Joint manipulator
Joint missing odd bits of skin here
Joint nearly caught in hoop causing annoyance
Joint obtained from the Spanish part of London
Joint of deer not available, needing replacing
Joint of meat
Joint of meat that's slightly off
Joint of pork can provide sustenance at last
Joint of poultry
Joint often used in dandling
Joint operation in and on work posting
Joint ought to be livelier, ultimately
Joint part
Joint parts
Joint party-giver’s charge for keeping house
Joint playing Delilah endlessly
Joint point
Joint possession word
Joint problem
Joint problems
Joint protected by the patella
Joint protection
Joint protection from men on board, with movement for peace
Joint protection once called in revolutionary gang
Joint providing German wine
Joint publication provides absorbing material
Joint request to include fluid in this?
Joint resolution of Kremlin was regularly ignored
Joint Scots and Irish flowers, identically trimmed
Joint seal
Joint seen kicking, partially pulled back
Joint tenant's place?
Joint tenant?
Joint that is primarily raunchy and more disreputable
Joint that may jerk
Joint titleholder
Joint U.S./Canada militar
Joint where flesh exposed?
Joint with a cap
Joint with soft drink brought round: thanks for the snack
Joint woe that afflicted
Joint work brought back large animal
Joint work schedules must have end of shift moved
Joint work?
Joint wrapped in clean Kl
Joint's connective tissue died away
Joint, hot, served by Scandinavian girl
Joint-stock company owner
Joint: Prefix
Joint; wine
Jointly capitulated
Jointly decide to get me off inadequate drug
Jointly endorse function over the phone
Jointly take bananas to lost property?
Joints below the head in bugs
Joints engineers knocked back in Sandbanks
Joints that may be twiste
Joist, for instance
Joke about African runner upset Phil's wife
Joke about artist concealing sex - probably not a favourite of mine!
Joke about bygone English period before everything went to pot
Joke about European ship
Joke about extremely unethical prison camp
Joke about face of ruthless islander, heartless as a giant
Joke about girl being straitlaced
Joke about girl being strictly moral
Joke about hybrid is a gas
Joke about new crew
Joke about new light in criminal haunt
Joke about northern band
Joke about tree burning
Joke about uniform left in labour camp
Joke about unusual, empty prison camp
Joke about woman, a strait-laced type
Joke about women's relatives looking hard
Joke after warning needed for cut of beef
Joke attempt to trap detective giving expert opinion
Joke books about getting to 100
Joke brings judge appalling disrepute
Joke by one politician is intended to do damage
Joke company’s merchandise? It’s easily ridiculed
Joke doddery oldie heard in musical form
Joke endings
Joke found in New Testament work
Joke framed by English chap promised in marriage
Joke going around the hen
Joke grasped by May Queen?
Joke I can't remember's a really good one
Joke in Seinfeld occasionally being used by someone else
Joke indicator
Joke leader's assumed great power
Joke leg manufactured for rambling group?
Joke made by judge is French
Joke May has lost grandeur? On the contrary
Joke newspaper article for promotion of virility?
Joke postscripts?
Joke repository includes one that's extremely hard-hitting
Joke response
Joke response, informally
Joke responses
Joke shop product
Joke target
Joke that causes a belly
Joke that may backfire just the same?
Joke that's on jerk
Joke that’s disgusting - beneath the French
Joke the nervous get
Joke this bad keeps chaps hiding?
Joke to make somebody believe what isn't true
Joke which might be provided by child
Joke with a lady?
Joke with host who spreads the word?
Joke with one wearing raincoat like a king?
Joke with philanthropist as matter of principle
Joke without malice but with some bite
Joke writer for many Kenn
Joke you are texting about requirement for jumper?
Joke's end
Joke's punchline, e.g.
Joke's target
Joke, little one
Joke, part 2
Joke, part 3
Joke, part 4
Joke: little one
Joke; silence
Joked with injured - taking name for the first time
Joker 50% down in hustings, pollsters admitted
Joker aboard truck
Joker and Batman?
Joker and king involved with piquet
Joker breaks into school for change
Joker ensnares Batman finally? That's criminal!
Joker entered, having failed grammar, claiming top mark
Joker finally in euphoric state, as the Marx Brothers were
Joker finally made payment
Joker loving to snort line, very keen on a party?
Joker maybe behind screens in a Catholic's office
Joker perhaps has device for opening doors
Joker perhaps was concerned with English being banned
Joker put round a new rumour
Joker somewhat caustic, I'm occasionally contrary
Joker with trick taking in broadcasters etc.
Joker's come back extremely kinky. Awkward!
Joker's gibe
Joker, e.g.
Joker, scratching company name, who'll deliver news
Jokers, in one sense or another
Jokes (around)
Jokes about a couple of heartless hoaxes
Jokes about painful subjects
Jokes about very strong island birds
Jokes about youth with rare finery
Jokes about youth, Republican, in best clothes
Jokes I text after John receives extremely impertinent note
Jokes in a campy 1960s TV
Jokes that may be "runnin
Jokes, mostly personal, causing degradation
Jokey question to a Veriz
Jokhang Temple locale
Joking about crime that's overcome security feature
Joking around, with sons instead of daughters, is just touching
Joking line not OK, in verse for ad
Joky judge left us squirming
Jolie's "Girl, Interrupte
Jollies around India's border
Jollies undress from top to bottom
Jolliet's 1669 discovery
Jolly casual punches in bar
Jolly cunning to turn up with old flame?
Jolly dad worried with spaniel scratching two areas
Jolly English opener on top of other side
Jolly entertaining drama, overwhelming in arena?
Jolly exclamation
Jolly experience with LSD?
Jolly girl hated the changes
Jolly good show!
Jolly Jack seen aboard sturdy launch
Jolly japes
Jolly joke
Jolly laugh
Jolly male's fine disembarking from transport
Jolly man? Got it!
Jolly nasty female replacing king with prince
Jolly old chap
Jolly old soldier, say, catching cab
Jolly old ___ (Santa)
Jolly Republican wearing First Lady's ring
Jolly response
Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger crewman
Jolly Roger depiction
Jolly Roger feature
Jolly Roger flier
Jolly sound
Jolly sounds
Jolly spiffing run, heading west into light wind
Jolly troops twice quelling trouble like round trip
Jolly Yankee making pact
Jolly ___ (pirate flag)
Jolly ___ Saint Nick
Jolson and Jarreau
Jolson portrayer Parks
Jolson's river of song
Jolt container
Jolt deliverer
Jolt from spirits, Irish lagers and wine
Jolt in car that's jumped without starting
Jolt, e.g.
Jolted the writer in regard to food item
Joltin' Joe
Jolting collision
Joltless joe
Jon Arbuckle's dog
Jon Arbuckle's pooch
Jon Bon Jovi and Tina Tur
Jon of TV's "UC: Undercov
Jon Stewart asset
Jon Stewart, for one
Jon ___, at 6'11" the tal
Jon's comics canine
Jonah's swallower
Jonas who developed a pol
Jonathan —, author
Jonathan and Alice's acco
Jonathan Larson musical
Jonathan Ross's expert declared to be a charlatan
Jonathan Swift pamphlet a
Jonathan's father, in the
Jones and Smith, maybe
Jones for one cool with divine huntress
Jones needing a single shot?
Jones of the Miracle Mets
Jones of the original Rol
Jones who sang "Come Away
Jones who sang "Sunrise /
Jonesboro metal worker?
Jong who wrote "Fanny"
Jong who wrote "Fear of F
Jong who wrote "Sappho's
Jong with a "Fear of Fift
Jongleur, extremely stout, protected by Merlin, somehow
Joni Mitchell song with t
Joni __ , Canadian singer-songwriter, b. 1943
Jonson dedicatee
Jonson work
Joplin composition
Joplin piece
Joplin specialty
Jordan dropped it in 1949
Jordan has a part in it:
Jordan left it after his
Jordan sensitive about possible effect of competition in retail sector
Jordan's capital
Jordan's only port
Jordan's Queen ___
Jordan's Queen ___ Intern
Jordanian capital
Jordanian cash
Jordanian money
Jordanian port
Jordanian queen
Jordanian tongue
Jorge's hand
Jorge's house
Jose Carreras, for one
Jose Cuervo, for one
Joseph —, Austrian composer
Joseph Addison output
Joseph C. Lincoln's "Cap'
Joseph Conrad classic
Joseph Conrad novel
Joseph Conrad novella
Joseph Conrad's "The Secr
Joseph Conrad's dishonore
Joseph of "Citizen Kane"
Joseph of ___ (follower o
Joseph P. Lash book "___
Joseph Smith's denom.
Joseph Stalin's daughter
Joseph who co-founded an
Joseph who wrote "Nostrom
Joseph ___ Ratzinger, bir
Joseph ___, who lent his
Joseph's son puts one in broken hamper
Joseph, for one
Joseph, to Jacob
Josephine Tey investigato
Josh bores porter perhaps with single complaint
Josh is a child
Josh is boring jerk? Very sad
Josh ___, who directed an
Josh's partner in curry house interrupting posh bloke after complaints - this dish isn't Indian!
Josh, visibly angry about guy stealing new carpet
Joshua selfishly holds back Abraham's grandson
Joshua's companion, in th
Joshua's dad and sister fancy pigeon
Joshua's father's sister
Josiah —, English potter
Josip Broz ___
Josip Broz, familiarly
Josip Broz, Yugoslav revolutionary and president, d. 1980
Josip ___ Tito
Jostle; sudden shock
Jostled woman during second course
Jostling mass of people
Jot down
Jot down - LP?
Jot down sentence? On the contrary
Jot first of thoughts in book
Jot letter from Athens
Jot letter to Grecian
Jotted down
Jotted down notes, being calm
Jotting down
Jotting; tone
Joule appears endlessly during search for physicist
Joule division
Joule divisions
Joule fraction
Joule fractions
Joule fragments
Joule parts
Jour's opposite
Jour. staff
Journal addendum?
Journal conclusion
Journal contains old line about knight
Journal covering legal case (except the start)? Lots of words here
Journal ending
Journal entry?
Journal jotting
Journal mostly backing military action?
Journal on YouTube, maybe
Journal opening
Journal publisher
Journal publisher, for sh
Journal regularly ignored Conservative rhetoric
Journal submission
Journal unit
Journal with an annual "B
Journal, in article ready to go, expressed regret
Journalese or legalese, say?
Journalism in the Guardian, but not in Times or Sun?
Journalist Alexander
Journalist Alexander et a
Journalist bowled over by criminal plea
Journalist Brit
Journalist caught in disturbance, weakening
Journalist covering current Muslim festival
Journalist covering men battling enemy primarily
Journalist cuts article and stories from Italy
Journalist Ellerbee
Journalist essentially derided court's pronouncement
Journalist follows university students straight out of the factory
Journalist gets cleaner to go round part of the house
Journalist given position in the French city
Journalist goes up to present warrant
Journalist Hamill
Journalist hanging around mobile library is a proverbial character
Journalist has penned awfully drab sort of book
Journalist having last slices of the sliced bread brought up
Journalist holding book up, lower in rank
Journalist I dispatched back to cover unknown English region
Journalist in hut putting out leader
Journalist inspires group of women in Scottish town
Journalist is getting to grips with court rulings
Journalist is working with ITV before mass protest of a modern variety
Journalist Joseph
Journalist Joseph or Stew
Journalist keeps cutting of very small one of the 20A
Journalist Kupcinet
Journalist leading session in sweeper's compact quarters
Journalist Lindstrom
Journalist lives to circumvent court injunctions
Journalist longing to go over part of London
Journalist Nellie
Journalist observed part of ship without leader in war film
Journalist on a mission?
Journalist on day 100 in Canadian city
Journalist on island made small advances
Journalist on the subject of drink
Journalist over the pond taken advantage of
Journalist Paula
Journalist Pearson et al.
Journalist Pyle
Journalist raised small (very small) fortune
Journalist re-stocked it, ordering pens
Journalist receives award to spend time with the military
Journalist redrafted second report around middle of evening
Journalist referring to hotel employee perhaps
Journalist ringing alien is cut off
Journalist Sawyer
Journalist Sevareid
Journalist Sheehy
Journalist starts to gather evidence on Sweden's borders
Journalist stayed in Parisian stone flats
Journalist Stewart
Journalist thrown by boy band not working
Journalist travelled up without it
Journalist turned in two articles from a range
Journalist Whitelaw ___
Journalist who wrote "The
Journalist with a widely
Journalist with a yen to cover up - exceedingly common
Journalist with Japanese money returned in carriage
Journalist writing about beer
Journalist Zahn
Journalist ___ Rogers St.
Journalist’s announcement to create awe
Journalist’s cardinal sin cancelling home visits
Journalist's get
Journalist's idea
Journalist's query
Journalist's question
Journalist's rubbish papers English rejected
Journalist's self-introduction to make a stir
Journalist's showing in British daily when people retire
Journalist's stream over, over, over at last
Journalist, during trip to Mecca, heading west to this city
Journalist, e.g.
Journalist, heading away from hut
Journalist, similar
Journalist-explorer worn-out after going round New York at first
Journalist/author Rick
Journalist; letter-writer
Journalist’s statement when covering tense loan arrangements
Journalistic award
Journalistic drudge
Journalistic slant
Journalists covering Officer Commanding’s method
Journalists during stay finding place for an evening tuck-in?
Journalists getting around including member of royal family
Journalists going after fraudulent money-making in sports equipment
Journalists in Dorset I fancy
Journalists in peril - their bosses receiving award
Journalists in the Weimar Republic?
Journalists oddly shunning nice gift
Journalists settle up during free time
Journalists want tip-off to break hot leading story
Journalists welcoming time inside hollow monumental stones
Journalists who don
Journalists, as a group
Journalists, jocularly
Journey a mistake
Journey abroad to watch the game
Journey across RSA — making this?
Journey allowed one of three to share birthday
Journey allowed three similar things
Journey and finally meet French composer
Journey around
Journey back in seconds from ski resort's train station
Journey by air
Journey by water
Journey for Caesar
Journey for Kirk
Journey for some purpose
Journey from home to get stoned
Journey in a ship covered by part of journal
Journey is a dopey thing to do
Journey north to support soldier reveals pattern
Journey of self-propulsio
Journey on, taking it easy, finding protection from the elements etc
Journey over a great distance
Journey over valley, on reflection, made little sense
Journey part
Journey permitted making a few notes
Journey plan
Journey round a particular place or area
Journey segment
Journey started in intermittent fashion close to Warwick
Journey starts on time: on up river
Journey taker
Journey that results in pleasure first of all
Journey there and back
Journey time by road through centre of Berlin
Journey time not quite ready
Journey to a better place
Journey to a distant place
Journey to a sacred place
Journey to a shrine
Journey to East is rubbish
Journey to Mecca
Journey ultimately with no stop
Journey westward among trees in French city
Journey’s end, distant one, I recollected
Journey's end
Journey's end sealed by sound of horn on a car
Journey, excursion
Journeyed through snow
Journeying round a particular area
Journeyman's teacher
Journeys by sea
Journeys for another
Journo backed definition that's undignified
Journos get shot of Republican parties in affair
Journos, gathering in loose ends, raise them in anger
Joust contestant
Joust participants
Joust verbally
Jouster on Shetland pony for hours after work?
Jouster's garb
Jousting area
Jousting arena
Jousting bouts
Jousting contests
Jousting weapon
Jovial girl hated the bubbly
Jovial politician with six bottles, almost finished
Joy - eloquence
Joy about constant hair removal
Joy about English victory and promotion
Joy about metal starting late growth offshore
Joy Adamson's "Forever Fr
Joy Adamson's cub
Joy Adamson's lioness
Joy at Texan oil production
Joy catches pair leaving wife in bed
Joy English originally outlined in ancient language
Joy has first of uncles for a break
Joy in middle of night having hauled up fish
Joy introducing the greatest Israeli region
Joy is about to sleep on this
Joy mostly associated with tea and wine
Joy needs shelter after onset of gale
Joy needs to pull a man
Joy of "The View"
Joy of endless intimacy
Joy of journalist lifted by something illuminating
Joy of wild animals?
Joy on "The View"
Joy or hate, for example
Joy Orwell originally found in European language
Joy surrounds a funny person — circus performer?
Joy swept up contents of fossil bed
Joy to behold finally, a grandmaster
Joy to get going about 50
Joy's crushed by Romeo having intercourse
Joy's keeping diamonds and money available
Joy's opposite
Joy's partner
Joy, it's time to get into breathing out, having dropped an aitch!
Joyce and Synge, e.g.
Joyce Carol Oates novel
Joyce epic
Joyce masterpiece
Joyce's homeland
Joyce's land
Joyful - optimistic
Joyful church hosts dance affair without strings
Joyful cry
Joyful cry that may be 9?
Joyful damsel's cry
Joyful dance
Joyful element seaside town curtailed
Joyful hymn
Joyful kids put these on to celebrate
Joyful orchids cultivated without state backing
Joyful shout after flipping benefit comes in
Joyful state of Northern Ireland artist having secured vehicle?
Joyful story about Miliband?
Joyful tune
Joyless town after Casey
Joyner joiner?
Joyous celebration
Joyous cry
Joyous emotion
Joyous hymn
Joyous shout
Joyous small tipple this setter's laid on
Joyous sounds
Joyously unrestrained
Joyrider wrote the fronts of classic cars off
Joys for hot-rodders, onc
JPEG or text
JPs collectively — wise men descending on southern girl
Jr. and sr.
Jr. et al.
Jr. high, e.g.
Jr. Olympics sponsor
Jr. year events
Jr.'s exam
Jr.'s Jr.
Jr.'s namesake
Jr.'s place
Jr.'s son
Jr.'s test
Jr.-year exams
Jrs. no more
Jrs.' exams
JS —, baroque composer
Juan Carlos and others
Juan Carlos, e.g.
Juan Carlos, to his peopl
Juan Carlos, to his subje
Juan follower?
Juan of Argentina
Juan or Joaquin
Juan or Jos
Juan Per
Juan Perón's wife
Juan's "those"
Juan's "two"
Juan's "what"
Juan's emphatic assent
Juan's father
Juan's foul: Ray out for month
Juan's goodbye
Juan's greeting
Juan's hat
Juan's house
Juan's January
Juan's one
Juan's other
Juan's uncle?
Juan's words of affection
Juan-___-Pins (Riviera re
Juana ___ de la Cruz, Mex
Juanita's "this"
Juanita's "those"
Jubilant cries
Jubilant cry
Jubilant to bag Romeo, ham it up playing line
Judaeo-Christian God
Judah's house, in a Lew W
Judah's mother
Judaism : kosher :: Islam
Judaism's Hell
Judaism, e.g.: Abbr.
Judas Priest's last run -- top-notch nonsense, on reflection
Judas's act of betrayal
Judas's question
Judas, in Old English, to hold forth
Judd of "Numb3rs"
Judd of "Taxi"
Judd who wrote and sang "
Judd's content to go up to green ultimately - or brown?
Judd's role on "Taxi"
Jude Law title role
Jude, e.g.
Jude, for one
Jude, maybe, faces executive action
Judean king
Judean Plateau locale
Judge a bishop pinched something from the snack bar
Judge a little more fair-mindedly?
Judge a little speed to be about right
Judge a Republican, one using his teeth
Judge a royal nipper
Judge a tortured soul that is blind
Judge about to imprison German horseman
Judge about to imprison hard solicitor's client
Judge accompanied by large mammal
Judge admitting one religious offence?
Judge again
Judge again concerned with morons' start of sentences
Judge again severe as Sessions bottles it
Judge alligator's skin by similarly carnivorous animal?
Judge an American god
Judge and arbitrator in change of scene
Judge and posh tax criminal sat next to one another
Judge and trustee in blue missing Sierra find work here?
Judge associated with the top people: I'm surprised he's been driven out
Judge at home, immersed in dictionary, is happy being sophisticated
Judge badly interrupting our time back in Peruvian city
Judge banking fraud by extremely unfair account provider
Judge Bean
Judge became vigilant, having missed opening crack
Judge boxing final with it
Judge by repeated hesitation to embrace result of people's vote
Judge changing a plea's not a hot thing
Judge comes across cases familiar to Scandinavians?
Judge computing speed after a run
Judge Conservatives, ultimately, to be led by donkeys
Judge considering quiet update
Judge content of writing in a quick movement
Judge copy to be a joke
Judge cricketer's leg to be in credit
Judge criminal after the first sign of larceny? That's hard to say
Judge cycling to obscure Australian location
Judge dispatched — for this reason start of hearing is cancelled
Judge does something about kinky book's coverage of soldiers' legs
Judge doubtful for a moment
Judge drops order for suspension?
Judge ejects disc jockey, accountant and book reviewer
Judge employed after Officer in Charge changed objective
Judge encounters advocate, finally, when returning
Judge fair queen to be fool
Judge female guitarist's figure?
Judge filling in legal document is mistaken
Judge film - British want some­thing extremely dark
Judge finds detectives taken in by banker
Judge following article about a Mediterranean city
Judge fools smugly, initially
Judge from Spain comes across the wrong way
Judge getting in way disarranged royal court
Judge gives verdict: not right for Verne?
Judge going back on short stretch for hunter
Judge going to posh party for sport
Judge has opening for God
Judge has teatime altered to accommodate beginning of sentencing
Judge has trouble with home getting cooler
Judge having people at party — no end of merriment
Judge hopes to reform this man
Judge idiots like this Romeo
Judge impounding European bank
Judge in 1995 news
Judge in 1996 news
Judge in an impeachment t
Judge in drug haze reportedly
Judge in I Samuel
Judge in Judges
Judge in old car heading off
Judge in predicament before boarding plane
Judge in Provence is to atone for missing wine
Judge in the O. J. Simpso
Judge inferior (after knocking back any number) a port
Judge initially authors rude piece on a different judge
Judge introducing this writer’s form of jazz
Judge irate brat needs correction
Judge is French — that’s funny
Judge is having to defend hostess
Judge is on fire, lacking passion
Judge is playing with them about right-on comedian
Judge Jenny?
Judge Kenneth
Judge Lance
Judge Lance ___
Judge leads foxhunt regularly, state protection?
Judge leaves second? That’s dubious
Judge leaving kid bearing crown is Walter Mitty type
Judge meets up with European
Judge nude emperor's "clothes"
Judge of artistic works
Judge of film
Judge of films
Judge of Israel, in Judge
Judge of performance regularly displayed acerbic twitch
Judge of sex and violence
Judge old bottle capable of providing cheer
Judge old King and Queen's jesters
Judge on wretched TV show
Judge once concerned with one found guilty of stealing fruit
Judge point of view to upset
Judge present Times journalist to be doomed
Judge pro ___
Judge publication excellent
Judge publication top class?
Judge put away rebel's leader first
Judge put our lad off recommended course
Judge rarebit cooked
Judge recording to be without opening catchy tune
Judge rejected patter as "gas"
Judge rings about ballot box hack
Judge said you must abandon circuit training
Judge saw criminal giving talks
Judge sheep's wool ultimately the best example
Judge slightly occupied by Republican charge
Judge slips up, abandoning fine for more punitive measures
Judge sorry in discussion done with God
Judge sports referee should get a change of scene
Judge standing to incarcerate good man
Judge supporting embargo on outsize instruments
Judge taking possession of a place in Scotland with large grounds
Judge to be
Judge to be probable
Judge to cause trouble for prison
Judge to support dismissing British sailor
Judge too highly
Judge trading shilling for time in estate
Judge troubles to secure prison time for such people
Judge turned to note
Judge very rigorous at first on fools
Judge wants old-fashioned award sent up
Judge was taken ill in prison
Judge weight
Judge weight, lifting a chop
Judge who presided over 1
Judge ___, Stallone title
Judge’s pronouncement transmitted in French church
Judge's a right attack dog, perhaps
Judge's announcement
Judge's apparel
Judge's arrival about to take effect
Judge's attire
Judge's citation
Judge's comment to the sp
Judge's cry
Judge's cry?
Judge's declaration
Judge's field
Judge's garb
Judge's garment
Judge's gown
Judge's hammer
Judge's headwear
Judge's indignation seeing stripping person in courtroom
Judge's instrument
Judge's job is tedious
Judge's need
Judge's no-no
Judge's note about equally dividing property
Judge's object
Judge's order
Judge's premium reduced out of hand
Judge's query
Judge's query to a jury
Judge's rare outburst interrupted by boring part
Judge's seat
Judge's seat, in law
Judge's shout
Judge's study
Judge's terse order? He must be joking!
Judge's wear
Judge, according to Stone
Judge, after tip-off, goes by - heading for Specsavers?
Judge, at times
Judge, at work
Judge, e.g.
Judge, escaping harm, has to get tougher
Judge, magistrate
Judge, one on circuit's acting for nothing
Judge, say, goes north round part of the summer
Judge, with "up"
Judge; bill
Judged weight of caution restraining a newspaper
Judged, even if finally innocent
Judged, in a way
Judged, with "up"
Judgement disregards "good" reason for waterworks
Judgement of one lacking in feeling
Judgement posted before Vice President loses power
Judgement, knowledge
Judges administer it
Judges and half-cut bosses on donkeys
Judges and juries
Judges claiming new parts of the building
Judges drink beyond capacity
Judges drunk by about 1:50 in Reading
Judges expelling just who fixed skating event
Judges locking up Queen's best friends?
Judges of written works
Judges predecessor a heavyweight
Judges taken on board by substantial practice
Judges the crying of comi
Judges' decisions roughly backing principality
Judges' seat
Judges' seats
Judges' wear
Judges, collectively
Judges, e.g.
Judges, for example, to me must be united
Judging by their names, w
Judging group
Judging is exasperating
Judging point at a dog sh
Judging standard
Judgment Day
Judgment of exceptional minds — recent
Judgment of French served on native American
Judgment passer, perhaps
Judgment problem
Judi Dench role, 1997
Judi Dench, for one
Judicial area dealing wit
Judicial assembly
Judicial assertion
Judicial confinement
Judicial cover-ups?
Judicial decision
Judicial decision curtailed by depression of the elderly?
Judicial decision-making lines on page
Judicial decisions
Judicial declarations
Judicial directive
Judicial expenses
Judicial garb
Judicial inquest
Judicial inquiry
Judicial no-nos
Judicial officers not beginning to cook books again
Judicial order
Judicial review is through: way to receive pardon for Spaniard
Judicial title role for S
Judicially determine how one may be legally punished in hearing
Judicious decisions ultimately will take time
Judo grading that can’t be improved upon?
Judo level
Judo maneuvers
Judo master
Judo move
Judo setting
Judo teacher
Judo, karate, etc
Judo-like exercises
Judy Blume best seller
Judy Garland or Liza Minn
Judy Garland's daughter
Judy Garland's real last
Judy Garland's real surna
Judy of "Laugh-In"
Jug band instrument
Jug capacity
Jug capacity: Abbr.
Jug filler, maybe
Jug found under British person in drink?
Jug handle
Jug handle, in archaeolog
Jug head?
Jug used in brewery
Jug was for more than one when cycling
Jug with extra ice in
Juggler's perch, perhaps
Juggling nine balls, e.g.
Juggling not right, as entertain­ment frightening children
Juggling, e.g.
Jughead's buddy
Jughead's pal
Jughead's topper
Jugular nerve out of order, a constriction
Juice bar stock
Juice box go-with
Juice brand
Juice component
Juice dispenser
Juice drink suffix
Juice drinks
Juice extractor
Juice fruit
Juice holders
Juice obtained from raw sugar
Juice producer
Juice producer mountain climbing in rocky Newport
Juice providers?
Juice source
Juice suffix
Juice the old man's knocked over
Juice type
Juice with punch
Juice: Abbr.
Juicer detritus
Juicer refuse
Juicer remnants
Juicer's problem
Juicy cut uncle munched after drop of sangria
Juicy drink
Juicy edible gourd
Juicy fruit
Juicy fruits
Juicy pairings, did you say? These linkups involve more than two
Juicy piece of news - time it proved effective
Juicy steak
Juicy thing, millions pilfered by billionaire rival of Bezos Jeff?
Juicy treat from Southeas
Juicy tropical fruit
Juillet's follower
Juillet's season
Juilliard deg.
Juilliard subj.
Juilliard's focus
Juin through septembre
Juju and mojo
Jukebox choice
Jukebox favorite
Jul. 4 happening
Jul. follower
Jules et Jim, par exemple
Jules Verne captain
Jules Verne harpooner ___
Jules who pioneered in sc
Julia Child using miso, e
Julia Child, for one
Julia is online, admitting affair
Julia Louis-Dreyfus TV ro
Julia of "Designing Women
Julia of "The Addams Fami
Julia of "The Curious Cas
Julia on screen
Julia Roberts ex ___ Love
Julia Roberts's role in "
Julia Roberts, e.g.
Julia Roberts/Hugh Grant
Julia who starred in "Sab
Julia's "Seinfeld" role
Julia's Oscar-winning rol
Julia's role in "Ocean's
Julia, on "Seinfeld"
Julian calendar date
Julian, Dick, Anne, George and their dog Timmy
Julie Andrews role in "Th
Julie Harris's "East of E
Julie in "Doctor Zhivago"
Julie of "The Early Show"
Julie or Marie: Abbr.
Julie ___, the voice of M
Julie ___, voice of Marge
Julie, e.g.: Abbr.
Julienne or fillet of fish re-dressed
Juliet and Leo fancy ringing university physicist
Juliet and, ultimately, Romeo, on way of working charm
Juliet getting French article for another girl
Juliet has long excited eminent novelist
Juliet has posh cool drink
Juliet isn't there to nudge Romeo: he's a stable chap
Juliet married a prince after retreating at a mausoleum
Juliet on a date with smashing Booker Prize winner
Juliet swung round topless, getting derided
Juliet with nausea spewed over bag for writer
Juliet's beloved
Juliet's cousin turned up by a lake with dry clothing
Juliet's follower?
Juliet's heart's extremely lovely, a thing of great purity
Juliet's love
Juliet's predecessor somewhere in Asia
Juliet's predecessor: one needing first aid, on reflection
Juliet, e.g., in Gounod's
Juliet, in her ballet-dancing novel
Juliet, to Romeo
Juliett with a gong touring rock festival
Juliette Gordon Low, nota
Julio to julio
Julio's home
Julio's opposite
Julio, e.g.
Julio, for one
Julius Caesar portrayer,
Julius Caesar's boast after his victory at the Battle of Zela
Julius Caesar's first nam
Julius Caesar's last words when being stabbed to death, according to Shakespeare
Julius Caesar's unlucky day in March
Julius Dithers's wife in
Julius Erving's nickname
Julius's last words
July 14 in France
July 14, in France
July 15, e.g.
July 1944 attack site
July 1944 battle area
July 1944 battle site
July 4 parade figure
July 4, 1776, and others
July 4, 1776, e.g.
July 4, 1872, for Calvin
July 4, e.g.: Abbr.
July 4th concert site
July 4th event, briefly
July holiday, with "the"
July hrs. in Vegas
Jumble due, bag just put down
Jumble sale man jumping with lice
Jumble sale spreading sheer joy
Jumble sale's ending after dash to fill car
Jumble sale's top stuff bringing little enthusiasm at first
Jumbled mass of objects
Jumbled mess
Jumbled mixtures of children put in Cornish pies
Jumbo album by Fleetwood Mac starts to encounter ridicule
Jumbo order for one who's really hungry
Jumbo pilot radio operator turned away
Jumbo rider
Jumbo shrimp
Jumbo tooth
Jumbo's good in shade
Jumbo, for one
Jump #1 in a triple jump
Jump (on)
Jump (out), as from a pla
Jump a long way
Jump a season?
Jump about playfully
Jump about playfully, having thrown doctor in prison
Jump across
Jump across, initially moving right to left, to arrive at different levels
Jump all over
Jump and a twist
Jump at a noise, e.g.
Jump at the Ice Capades
Jump by a performer onto the concert audience below
Jump by horse or antelope
Jump causer
Jump endlessly in meadow
Jump for joy
Jump from a plane
Jump from one foot to the
Jump from plane over Spain
Jump in a rink
Jump in the rink
Jump in the Winter Olympi
Jump into a pool?
Jump into suit and dive
Jump into suitable shabby cinema
Jump involuntarily
Jump jet regularly starts to nosedive during flip
Jump leads to start all Leyland cars – that follows
Jump lightly
Jump off the page
Jump on
Jump on a staff, maybe
Jump on a stage
Jump on ice
Jump on ice in lake to the east of ditch
Jump on ice that hurts after jarring clash
Jump on insects, getting tons inside shorts
Jump on one foot
Jump on one leg
Jump on the ice
Jump onto coach after morning with husband
Jump onto seat after ordering drink here
Jump out of one's skin?
Jump out of the way
Jump over
Jump over net
Jump over tomb
Jump past
Jump provider: Abbr.
Jump rope variation
Jump season
Jump suddenly
Jump that may be doubled
Jump the gun
Jump the queue finally on one leg
Jump to get part in play on the radio as a starter
Jump up and down to lose bit of belly weight
Jump with a twist
Jump with an extra half-t
Jump, in a way
Jump-offering org.
Jump-rope game
Jumped between electrodes
Jumped in meadow for exercises
Jumped off the page, mayb
Jumped over
Jumped over obstruction avoiding pitfall initially noticed inside
Jumped suddenly
Jumped up seconds before accident
Jumped, sprang
Jumper affected teacher's sleep
Jumper alternative
Jumper always having hole in it?
Jumper available to cover tip of tent's ridge pole
Jumper cable connection
Jumper cable's end
Jumper cleared ditch in Irish festival
Jumper cut at back end - rip off!
Jumper displayed in foie gras shop, perhaps
Jumper fits – take it and tops
Jumper goes over edges of dyke in cowboy show
Jumper is one for man covering large belly in FaceTime
Jumper may have this very small winning margin
Jumper might go over this, missing tie
Jumper of sorts sprinted, covering a good length
Jumper on male that is extremely short and extremely baggy
Jumper that's taken in for protection?
Jumper's attachment stuck around back of wardrobe — gosh!
Jumper's cables?
Jumper's cord
Jumper's odds double
Jumper, for one
Jumpers and anoraks go for alterations
Jumpers displaying small fish
Jumpers, informally
Jumpers, with underwear included, for military chiefs
Jumping a line, e.g.
Jumping around
Jumping athlete
Jumping bail Hippogryph reveals proof of being elsewhere at the time
Jumping bail, seaman joins a fabled woodcutter
Jumping contest hooligan hosts in Spain
Jumping firework
Jumping game
Jumping garbage cans on a
Jumping in is too cold, equally salty
Jumping insect pursuing old sailor
Jumping off point
Jumping over arched structure in roof
Jumping the gun
Jumping toy
Jumping-off place
Jumping-off place?
Jumping-off point
Jumping-off point?
Jumps (out)
Jumps at openings
Jumps bail, say
Jumps on
Jumps on fools
Jumps on the ice
Jumps over roofs
Jumps with a pole
Jumpy creature, we hear, pulled by a rope?
Jumpy, anxious
Junction layout of west end of Central Line covering page
Junction on M4's closer after modified Ferrari makes up ground
Junction point
Junction points
Junction stops vehicle following gangster alongside Arizona prison
June "honoree," briefly
June 14 display
June 21, say
June 24th
June 6, 1944
June award
June birthstone
June bugs, e.g.
June celebrant
June commemoration
June honoree
June honorees
June in Hollywood
June of "The Dolly Sister
June’s last tango: it hit her badly
June's portrayer in "Henr
June-August worker, perha
Juneau native
Juneau's state
Jung's 'inner self' - mania
Jung's feminine side
Jungfrau is one
Jungfrau or Eiger
Jungfrau, for one
Jungian "self"
Jungian principle
Jungian topic
Jungle animals
Jungle Book panther
Jungle clearer
Jungle climber
Jungle creature
Jungle creatures
Jungle crusher
Jungle crushers
Jungle danger
Jungle declaration
Jungle expert gutted zebra in lake
Jungle family
Jungle gym [2004]
Jungle gym's place
Jungle gym, swings, etc.
Jungle hero
Jungle hero created by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Jungle menace
Jungle menaces
Jungle obstacle
Jungle queen of 50's TV
Jungle sound
Jungle sounds
Jungle squeezers
Jungle swinger
Jungle swinger?
Jungle swingers
Jungle vine
Jungle vines
Jungle warning
Jungle woman
JungleWorld locale
Junho to junho, e.g.
Junior associate
Junior diplomat
Junior doctor discharges English poet
Junior doctor for Bury and Wigan at last
Junior editor with articles about new attempt to enjoy summer weather?
Junior executive position often advertised in the back window
Junior high student
Junior high subj.
Junior in the N.F.L.
Junior medics in residence drinking milk before noon
Junior minister to organise exhibitions
Junior naval officer
Junior officer found on the staff
Junior officer in navy, on vessel working late
Junior officer interrupting delight in scene of massacre
Junior officer’s payment to change name
Junior officer: Abbr.
Junior officer’s role to provide story linked to university occupation
Junior partner, maybe
Junior relative
Junior Scout putting away a very alcoholic drink
Junior sky pilot initially up aboard old plane
Junior soldier to talk boastfully, having captured four
Junior spoiler, perhaps
Junior staff sacked mostly - you beast!
Junior tearaway, ultimately having no urge to reform
Junior watcher
Junior worker
Junior’s grabbing sword, descending on plants — yikes!
Junior's dad
Junior's favourite toy's lost its stuffing
Junior's first monkey trick
Junior's jalopy?
Junior's junior
Junior, e.g.
Junior, for one
Junior, to his father
Junior, to Senior
Junior, usually
Juniors on board watching figures
Juniper product
Junk - resort to a bit of mockery
Junk bond rating
Junk carried out to conceal damage
Junk component
Junk dominates 15 location
Junk drawer abbr.
Junk e-mail
Junk email
Junk ends
Junk entering island by river — Hong Kong feature?
Junk food served by university in a prohibition?
Junk I can't say to leave at home
Junk mail
Junk mail re-sent to cut out waste
Junk messages
Junk plans rejected
Junk that is ignored by husband
Junk that is put on potato in Scotland
Junk traced, old, old style
Junk upcoming plans
Junk yard shut for 24 hours
Junk's fish concession round barrier
Junk, e.g.
Junket - children's comic
Junkie knight painter possibly keeps company
Junkie knocked over drug dealer for PC Handle
Junkie right to punch church leader
Junkie turned over European dude to get online identity
Junkie using very large cup, one breaking law
Junkie-looking criminal ate acid with me
Junkyard deal
Junkyard dog
Junkyard dog's greeting
Junkyard dog, probably
Junkyard dogs
Junkyard junk
Junkyard supply
Junkyard's security, mayb
Juno or NetZero, for shor
Juno rival
Juno's counterpart
Juno, e.g.: Abbr.
Junot ___, 2008 Pulitzer
Junta's act
Junta, say
Jupiter and others
Jupiter or Mars
Jupiter or Zeus
Jupiter's counterpart
Jupiter's domain
Jupiter's Greek counterpart
Jupiter's home
Jupiter's Io and Callisto
Jupiter's wife
Jupiter, e.g.
Jurassic epoch; stone
Jurassic genus whose name
Jurassic giant
Jurassic Park revival
Jurassic Park terrors
Jurgen's out, close to limit in old car
Juries; boards with dials
Jurisdiction of a bishop
Jurisprudence, note, upheld wrong feature of court in court activity
Jurist Black
Jurist Brandeis
Jurist Fortas
Jurist who wrote "A Matte
Jury composition
Jury may be missing one side
Jury member
Jury members
Jury members meditate?
Jury number, commonly
Jury pool
Jury's findings
Jury's makeup
Jury's reply to the judge
Jury, often
Jury-rig, with "together"
Just 'bout
Just - almost not
Just - blond
Just - not bad
Just - proper
Just a bit of fun
Just a bit, if that
Just a dream!
Just a little biting insect inside tin
Just a little short of quality
Just a lot of rides and stuff?
Just a memory now
Just a rotation in a crop
Just a shock, getting cut off at the front
Just a single ship? That’s a joke
Just a suggestion
Just a taste
Just a thought
Just a touch too much for animal?
Just a travelling show
Just a tree outside
Just about
Just about forever
Just about hopeless
Just about managing
Just about me?
Just about out of debt, with a few coins
Just about setter on top
Just above average
Just above normal, in a s
Just accepting lecturer in faculty
Just adorable
Just after A Fine Romance
Just after birth
Just after money for expensive fabric
Just after Thursday I will be very busy
Just after, everything's fine
Just altered wonderful clothes worn by old star
Just around the corner
Just arrived from north-east, Brown taken out
Just arrived in an insignificant place
Just as
Just as anyone can be
Just as rich after being taken to the cleaners?
Just as she started to __
Just as stormy after wind has backed
Just at the right moment
Just back to pinch right cheek
Just bank on reversal of rating
Just barely
Just barely legit
Just barely places
Just barely, after "by"
Just beat
Just beat (out)
Just beat little Philip
Just beat monarch's 17 maker
Just beat one making entry in pages
Just beat seed
Just beat time in the end for small flute
Just beaten - like apples?
Just beats
Just before it's too late
Just before midday comes around
Just before Saturday, get intimate
Just before time of incident
Just beginning existence
Just beginning new climb
Just beginning northern mountain climb
Just beginning to help and offering crucial support?
Just beginning to show
Just being locked in bog gets journalist alarmed
Just below 90
Just below the boiling po
Just book early for a change
Just bread and water, e.g
Just cause, providing venue for outdoor entertainment
Just chilling
Just chilling outside church with lecturer
Just clear of the ocean f
Just clergyman's last pointer disheartened laity
Just clever to abandon Britain
Just clever, having no need of book
Just clever, without using book
Just coming up, link for woman's garment
Just communicate with phone daughter left out
Just concerned with being trendy
Just covered with water
Just cut doubles on court and play off and on
Just dandy
Just defeat queen’s musician
Just deserts
Just desserts
Just detectable amount
Just discovered
Just downplay occasional absences
Just ducky
Just during the weekend game of rugby
Just emerging
Just emptied open lorry
Just enough to tease
Just enough to wet one's
Just enough to wet the li
Just enough to whet one's
Just fine
Just finished play, having censored the odd bits
Just five letters and a digit
Just folks?
Just followed Nancy Reaga
Just for finishers, time is up by clock
Just for fun
Just for fun!
Just for guys
Just for kicks
Just for laughs
Just for men
Just for Men product
Just for Men, e.g.
Just for the heck of it
Just for the thrill ___
Just gathering Philistine's clothing in public view
Just get (by)
Just get by
Just get rid of dad but don't let on!
Just got (by)
Just great
Just gutted, backing party dumping leader - choice of direction here
Just half of French restaurants will make money
Just half-dead - beginning to rally - then died
Just having nothing to wear?
Just heading off for exam
Just heard Dicky's a total loss
Just hired
Just ignore source of something unusually rough and loud
Just impediment, see
Just in case
Just in profit over repair
Just in, without a break, for one-month try-out
Just individual
Just jots
Just kidding around
Just knew
Just know
Just learning about
Just leave!
Just left a dusting, say
Just less than a shilling to look after?
Just light
Just like
Just like —; — is to say
Just like a prick to be mean
Just like ewe?
Just like me, overlooking millions in the continent
Just like our doctors to get in a state
Just like Sean Connery, bed model back in small hotel
Just like that
Just like that!
Just like that, a crimson rose
Just like that, country on the Horn of Africa?
Just like that, perhaps, net reportedly unravels
Just like Washington, say, putting parking above providing places to live?
Just loafing
Just love
Just love Northern Line railway in the end
Just lying around
Just Mad Hatter’s act
Just make (out)
Just make out
Just make, with "out"
Just makes
Just makes, with "out"
Just manage, with
Just managed, with "out"
Just manages
Just manages, with "out"
Just married - it's a test people say
Just me, playing lyre
Just millions given to European bank
Just minutes from now
Just missed a birdie
Just misses, as a hole
Just misses, as a putt
Just not done
Just not opening original text, leading to unease
Just not sitting here, cougar took and ran off
Just not taking sides
Just now - or just Christmas?
Just O.K.
Just observed
Just off
Just off the assembly lin
Just off the bottom, naut
Just off the grill
Just on left, close to lay-by
Just on occasion or literally all the time?
Just once
Just one dropped round in Algarve location
Just one left with Cinderella, beaten in National
Just one little bite
Just one not accepted by European shrink
Just one of the first two flyers delivered
Just one of those things
Just one of those things?
Just one Roman poet investing Pliny's capital
Just one room popular? Dull to accept that
Just one's type?
Just open
Just open a container
Just organised projects
Just out
Just out of bed and detective has crash involving vehicles heading north
Just outside the medal places
Just outside the medals
Just over a minority
Just over an inch needed for top design
Just over four weeks border uproar
Just over half moulded to the body? That's very poor
Just over half of Alexander's kingdom is defended against attack
Just over half of trivial article forming badge of office
Just over three foot channels, note, are direct
Just over three people taking to pepper
Just piano, honest
Just ran gleefully, holding throttle
Just receiving training in public
Just recently
Just retaining King's ascetic
Just rewards — puddings. by the sound of it
Just right
Just right profile of monarch seen here?
Just sat on by female, that's terrible
Just satisfactory
Just say no
Just says no
Just scratch the surface?
Just seconds in every car and truck
Just shifting left, complain when dropping hot drink
Just shocking to be topless
Just sit, as soup or coff
Just sits around
Just sitting
Just sitting around
Just slightly
Just so
Just so you know
Just so, after "to"
Just some
Just some toffees? I'm pleading absolute property ownership!
Just sort, supposedly
Just start to simmer and make insinuations
Just starting maybe you really treasure lovely evergreen shrub
Just starting nice pint (I must get trashed)
Just starting old Danish epic poem
Just starting, you ask likely travellers about Black Sea resort
Just succeeded, given hint
Just suggest following son
Just super
Just support for the bar
Just taking off hot record for dance
Just terrible
Just terrible alongside Labour leader
Just terrible losing crown
Just the fellow for US!
Just the gentlest wind
Just the headlines
Just the one academic doing for English or American writer
Just the pits
Just the same as Ernie, perhaps
Just the same perfect setting for conservationists in charge
Just the same, it can't be bettered
Just the ticket
Just the top of roast covered with gravy browning here?
Just the two
Just the very best
Just the ___
Just think of it
Just this and other housing
Just this big? Not any more
Just to see the king rocket?
Just too cute
Just tops to see Hoskins in negligee, showing bit of leg
Just touch
Just tucked into additional small snack
Just twenty letters - not much put on top of what's taken from bin ...
Just twiddling one
Just twiddling the thumbs
Just two lakes, yes?
Just under half an ice cream for musicians, collectively
Just under the wire
Just union's deputy, perhaps, is very busy
Just using cunning when catching little devil
Just vegetate
Just walk through a role,
Just watch TV
Just watch TV, say
Just watched
Just what a smoker needs: Henry to go off the rails
Just what the drs. ordere
Just when beginning to adjudicate in points supporting First Lady
Just when pearl of wisdom can be testing?
Just words in song T Rice composed with A Lloyd Webber’s musical backing
Just ___ of the tongue
Just ___ on the map
Just ___ should be
Just, only
Just-for-fun activity
Just-made-up word
Just-melted cold fluid
Just-passing grade
Just-prior periods
Just; only
Justice Alito
Justice Black
Justice Dept. division
Justice Dept. employee
Justice Dept. grp.
Justice div. that conduct
Justice Fortas
Justice Frankfurter
Justice from New Hampshir
Justice Ginsburg's maiden
Justice Harlan ___ Stone
Justice Kagan
Justice League conflated with Iron Man's premiere? One of Marvel's weapons
Justice League member
Justice of the peace
Justice replaced by Ginsb
Justice replaced by Sotom
Justice Ruth ___ Ginsburg
Justice Samuel
Justice Sandra ___ O
Justice Souter's appointe
Justice Stephen of the Su
Justice who replaced Bren
Justice who took Rehnquis
Justice ___ Bader Ginsbur
Justice's attire
Justice's garb
Justice, perhaps, as actor injured with dart
Justicialist Party founde
Justifiable basis for one
Justifiable cost
Justification for going to war
Justification in blocking prize money
Justification to restrict beer
Justified and fine to abandon something ugly
Justified in terms of profitability
Justified state of conflict and spoke angrily
Justified, as a fugitive may be, to pen article on rights
Justified, conflict with editor following angry tirade
Justifies sending back porridge after half of breakfast, for example
Justify being very mean
Justify book having new introduction
Justify clash and tirade
Justify Concorde on the radio, perhaps?
Justify old patent
Justify opening of vaudeville show
Justify reversing harm with about-turn? Please flip!
Justify the rise of crude bombast
Justify with logic
Justify; certificate
Justifying evicting Duke to house American in very strident terms
Justin Bieber and others
Justin Timberlake's forme
Jut out
Jute bag?
Jutting out
Juvenal work
Juvenal, for one
Juvenile boozer skinned her nose
Juvenile delinquent
Juvenile delinquent stoner guy
Juvenile development
Juvenile dragonflies
Juvenile going up to claim benefit
Juvenile newt
Juvenile outbreak
Juvenile predator gets choice fish circling river
Juvenile solver is abandoning this
Juvenile wildebeest boys discovered when climbing
Juvenile, as old player Alan?
Juvenile, in horse racing
Juxtaposed body parts?
Clue Database Last Updated: 25/03/2025 12:00am