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YP Cryptic No 1467 1 buggles 11th January 2018, 16:33
» by andyc
DM Wednesday 3 brianheslop 11th January 2018, 15:44
» by rusty
The Stickler 5 sarumite 11th January 2018, 14:53
» by rusty
i Cryptic 2160 DAC had me beat! 3 peterj 11th January 2018, 13:59
» by rusty
I cryptic 5 thomas 11th January 2018, 13:42
» by stevie gee
Everyman 2 tonta 11th January 2018, 13:21
» by tonta
Guardian 27400 2 surreyyeti 11th January 2018, 12:45
» by lumen
ST4780 7 vizzle 11th January 2018, 11:29
» by rusty
Herald Hogmanay again! 3 flummoxed 11th January 2018, 11:01
» by elle
University 2 epsh42 11th January 2018, 07:48
» by epsh42
speccie christmas crossword 2017 3 truron 10th January 2018, 22:19
» by truron
That Bird Hannah 2 hannah 10th January 2018, 21:10
» by stevie gee
times crossword 15.749 4 april 10th January 2018, 20:46
» by stevie gee
EV 1312 32 cockie 10th January 2018, 18:53
» by malone
PRIV EYE-616 3 hallgreening 10th January 2018, 16:47
» by malone
Times Jumbo 1303 Cryptic 2 loverman 10th January 2018, 16:45
» by loverman
Times 26928 3 rozbogs 10th January 2018, 13:14
» by malone
RTE Guide No 3 ~ Rosebud ~ 12 cartana 10th January 2018, 13:06
» by samuel
I cryptic 2 thomas 10th January 2018, 12:08
» by thomas
I cryptic 1 thomas 10th January 2018, 11:49
» by stevie gee
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