Common Crossword Clues Starting with Q
Q & A about uniform on railway creates a dilemmaQ followers?Q in the Nato alphabetQ player in "Die Another Q ___Q ___ queenQ&A partQ's point value in ScrabbQ-ship's quarryQ-TipQ-Tip targetQ-Tip, e.g.Q-Tip, for oneQ-U connectionQ-U linkQ.: When is a door not a Q.E.D. partQ45 or Grand MarquisQ45, e.g.Q5 and Q7Q7 makerQ: Is it Beer Monday or Wine Tuesday that is unsatisfactory?Q: ___ A: FriendsQ: ___ A: I don't have aQ: ___ A: I don't need oQ: ___ A: LaterQ: ___ A: O.K.Q: ___ A: OutQabus bin Said's domainQabus bin Said's landQabus bin Said, e.g.Qaddafi's countryQaddafi's landQaddafi's rise to power, Qaddafi, for oneQaos books first and second hotel with 'non-smoker' referencesQatar bigwig: Var.Qatar currencyQatar's capitalQatar, for oneQatari bank noteQatari capitalQatari leaderQatari or Omani, sayQatari rulerQatari V.I.P.Qatari, e.g.QB boo-boos: Abbr.QB DawsonQB Detmer and othersQB DilferQB DougQB FavreQB Favre and othersQB FlutieQB GrossmanQB KramerQB ManningQB Marino and othersQB MichaelQB O'DonnellQB pickups: Abbr.QB protectorsQB RodneyQB statsQB TarkentonQB TonyQB who was the 1963 N.F.LQB who was the Super BowlQB's aimsQB's cryQB's cry after a string oQB's gainsQB's gains: Abbr.QB's goalsQB's miscueQB's misfire: Abbr.QB's mistake: Abbr.QB's pass, whether compleQB's pickupsQB's ployQB's stat.QB's statistical blemishQB's successesQB's talentQB's throw themQB's utteranceQB, at timesQBs' coupsQBs' goalsQBs' scoresQBs, at timesQBs, oftenQE2's domain: Abbr.Qintar spenderQOLIQom homeQom nativeQom residentQt. coupleQt. halvesQt. or pt.Qtr. starterQts. and pts.Qty.Qtys.QuQuackQuack doctor holding job in IranQuack from duck below nest on wayQuack is briefly married to BillQuack medicineQuack remedyQuack, for oneQuack, quack! Duck walks in at the startQuackerQuacker?QuackeryQuacksQuadQuad buildingQuadrangleQuadrant separatorsQuadrant, sayQuadraphonic halvedQuadratics and suchQuadrennial athletic evenQuadrennial candidate HarQuadrennial candidate of Quadrennial conventiongoeQuadrennial eventQuadrennial eventsQuadrennial games grp.Quadrennial games org.Quadrennial observationQuadrennial polit. eventQuadrennial soccer champiQuadrennial White House aQuadri- times twoQuadriceps exerciseQuadriceps strengthenerQuadrilateralQuadrilateral – wrist boneQuadrilateral with four equal sidesQuadrilateral with opposite sides parallel and opposite angles equalQuadrilateral; birdQuadrilleQuadrille designsQuadruped; cavalryQuadruped; foolQuadrupleQuadruple gold medalist, Quadruple-platinum 2001 aQuads' sitesQuaff from a gold-plated Quaff with caramel coloriQuagmireQuagmiresQuahog, e.g.QuahogsQuai d'Orsay settingQuai ___ (French foreign Quail a bit when crossing lakeQuail flockQuail flock found in tight plastic bindingQuail say, following first of wrensQuail's kinQuail, being left stuck in seatQuaillike birdQuaintQuaint "not"Quaint aviation accessoryQuaint boiled sweets unwrappedQuaint building decoratioQuaint children's gameQuaint complaintQuaint computer insertQuaint contractionQuaint cryQuaint cry from a caught Quaint cry of horrorQuaint cry of shockQuaint cry of surpriseQuaint danceQuaint denialQuaint exclamationQuaint fashion accessoryQuaint footwearQuaint game with a giver Quaint garden fixturesQuaint get-togetherQuaint golfing wearQuaint hairstyleQuaint humiliatorQuaint introductionQuaint ladies with buns, Quaint letter openerQuaint letter opener: AbbQuaint letter startQuaint lodgingQuaint lodgingsQuaint manoeuvres around popular jousting postQuaint negativeQuaint news sourceQuaint northern child growing up fast?Quaint note openerQuaint occupational suffiQuaint opening for a noteQuaint outburstQuaint photoQuaint poemQuaint roadside stopsQuaint school eventQuaint sighQuaint sign wordQuaint stationery store sQuaint stopoversQuaint taletellersQuaint tattooQuaint versesQuaint weaponQuaint, dinky, extremely outdoorsy?Quaint, quaintlyQuaintly amusingQuaintly charming being in school detentionQuaintly stylishQuakeQuake in Turkey - capital taken abackQuake localeQuake when young chorister crosses minister at firstQuakerQuaker breakfast offeringQuaker cerealQuaker in the woodsQuaker Oats productQuaker offeringQuaker place of worshipQuaker productQuaker pronounQuaker State: Abbr.Quaker verbQuaker WilliamQuaker ___Quaker's "you"Quaker's "yours"Quaker's joint allianceQuaker?QuakersQuakers a source of insurance?Quakers in the woodsQuakingQuaking at animal after daughter spotted creature in the houseQuaking etc a sudden boost - of this nature?Quaking in one's bootsQuaking treeQuaking treesQualcomm Stadium playerQualcomm Stadium squadQualificationQualification certificateQualification held by roadside greengrocerQualification is incomplete, elite dancer miserableQualification Oxford, say, mostly backed, following protocols?Qualification perhaps revised article containing loose endQualification shows everything about a girlQualification time given by race officialQualification voided company's ability to negotiateQualificationsQualifications (formerly)Qualifications of reactionary Rees-Mogg’s faction set in stoneQualifiedQualified as proficient in goalQualified as, eg, an engineerQualified fellow's boastQualified for the jobQualified teacher gets the sackQualified teacher strikes to get retirement coverQualified votersQualified, reportedly, to identify island's saltQualifier for an observatQualifier of the year 2016 struggling for golf gameQualifier, Jet, overwhelmed with adviceQualifiersQualifiesQualifyQualify to get drink producing IDQualifying raceQualifying racesQualifying round, informaQualities beginning to hold one backQualities oddly forgotten entering a boring affairQualityQuality and skill rising with itQuality attracting retired sailor to become a pirateQuality beer seller joining AA when drunkQuality cameraQuality cut of beefQuality desired in dogs and troopsQuality evoking pityQuality evoking sadnessQuality found in an aria or a hymn, when done rightQuality improvementQuality material provided by Tyrus at intervalsQuality of a ghost townQuality of a soundQuality of alien with soldiers clutching the headQuality of authentic meal being reportedQuality of BartQuality of being fashionaQuality of being funnyQuality of being grossQuality of bran muffinsQuality of fine champers, maybe, or Pilsener, as drunkQuality of glucose and frQuality of good ground beQuality of hearing reducedQuality of ladies very ordinaryQuality of man that could be namelessQuality of new-fallen snoQuality of oil? Blasting of US county will secure itQuality of one smashing seductress I've not lovelessly abandonedQuality of poignancyQuality of revenge?Quality of some grub in each can brought into dining roomQuality of soundQuality of sound initially leaves one shakenQuality of the queen's jeQuality of toilet routineQuality of toneQuality of TV signal, first classQuality of undeveloped potential (Y, not E)Quality one's lacking in serverQuality or thing that's hard to describeQuality potatoQuality tea time during a competition runQuality that arouses sympathyQuality that evokes pityQuality that's hard to exQuality, in a Ford sloganQuality, one not observed in restaurant workerQuality; buildingQualmQualm about king’s possible aircraft accidentQuandaryQuantico cuisineQuantifyQuantitativeQuantitative dataQuantities of drugs, say, Rishi smuggled into partiesQuantities served in pubs and barsQuantities: Abbr.QuantityQuantity (of money)Quantity absorbed at any one timeQuantity army doctor injected into relativeQuantity caught in a fishing netQuantity consumedQuantity for a European pQuantity held in large bagQuantity missing initial riseQuantity of a key ingrediQuantity of archaism in the newQuantity of beer from vat a doctor knocked overQuantity of beer popular with doctor, say? It sets the toneQuantity of booze: about one small cocktail?Quantity of breadQuantity of champagne? In France I travel, carrying one-third of bottleQuantity of claret following punch?Quantity of dataQuantity of dirt suddenly swirling?Quantity of drink allowed after toilet put backQuantity of energy given by a component of salad?Quantity of heat energy is hot, in a wordQuantity of information barely there (content missing)Quantity of leaf cut up in brewQuantity of liquid – a way to support place for fishQuantity of liquid served by graduate liable to errQuantity of medicationQuantity of medicineQuantity of money securing seabird boneQuantity of nerve shown by hero to the Mob?Quantity of opium churchwarden can consume?Quantity of paperQuantity of paper, equal to 20 quiresQuantity of peanut butterQuantity of pickled peppeQuantity of power, with a doubling of temperatureQuantity of statistical data, initially sufficientQuantity of water from river captured in cupQuantity of water upset canoeQuantity of wheat, ultimately, in old Italian breadQuantity of wine? Chat with son involves litreQuantity of works with no dateQuantity picked by Peter Quantity producedQuantity soldQuantity stolen in a robberyQuantity usedQuantity: Abbr.QuantumQuantum Computer ServicesQuantum mechanics modelQuantum of electromagnetic radiationQuantum physics particleQuantum ___QuarantineQuarantine advocatesQuarantine messageQuarantine on island long overdueQuarantine one individual catching athlete's foot on vacationQuarantine one's behind if full of a little gasQuarantine; solitudeQuarantining org.Quark cheese, hardly any remaining from the first minuteQuark plus antiquarkQuark's placeQuark-binding particleQuark-plus-antiquark partQuark/antiquark pairsQuark/antiquark particleQuark/antiquark particlesQuarks' placesQuarrelQuarrel (with)Quarrel - fightQuarrel - it turns very loudQuarrel a small bitQuarrel about opening of motorcycle club - it's a source of bitternessQuarrel about rule with an asceticQuarrel as yet unfinished?Quarrel bitterlyQuarrel breaking out nearbyQuarrel difficult, losing headQuarrel during light mealQuarrel following strike callQuarrel follows cutting of the castQuarrel leading to arrest?Quarrel noisilyQuarrel noisily in Baden-Baden?Quarrel settler, maybeQuarrel stopper, maybeQuarrel where vehicle gets rammed?Quarrel with one call centre about roomQuarrel with one jewellerQuarrel, even though keeping anniversary?Quarrel, rowQuarrel: it turns very loudQuarrel; gaiterQuarrel; struggleQuarrel? It’s a right ding-dong!QuarreledQuarreled bitterlyQuarrelingQuarrellingQuarrelling about it, dismissing rule as contrivedQuarrels about recipe for fishQuarrels difficult to deal with, leader being put downQuarrelsomeQuarrelsome European - he should be expelled by Jordan, for exampleQuarrelsome left back blocking a couple of Spurs' youngsters at the startQuarrelsome when talking in takeaway shopQuarrelsome woman recycling correction fluid on articleQuarriesQuarryQuarry boss of cartoonsQuarry Etna? Ludicrous, according to geologists nowadaysQuarry ordered buffet menu for exampleQuarry quasher of 1970Quarry, e.g.Quarrying localesQuart divs.Quart halves: Sp.Quart quartetQuarterQuarter aspiration after jet engine startsQuarter backQuarter back?Quarter deck?Quarter divisionQuarter followerQuarter given to 7 briefly - strange, when involved in rebellion (24 4 1916)Quarter imageQuarter master?Quarter millenniumQuarter of a bushelQuarter of a calendrierQuarter of a circleQuarter of a deckQuarter of a milleQuarter of a pintQuarter of a quartet, mayQuarter of AlgiersQuarter of dodiciQuarter of MQuarter of pint good? Bad!Quarter or nickelQuarter pintQuarter settled first on scones, not wafersQuarter thus includes area for grassQuarter's valueQuarter's worth at a carnQuarter-back practised to get permitQuarter-barrelQuarter-deck?Quarter-inch of snow, e.gQuarter-mile race, e.g.Quarter-millenniumQuarter-millennium yearQuarter-pintQuarterbackQuarterback BratkowskiQuarterback BrettQuarterback CunninghamQuarterback DawsonQuarterback FavreQuarterback HumphriesQuarterback known as "TheQuarterback KramerQuarterback ManningQuarterback NamathQuarterback nicknamed theQuarterback O'DonnellQuarterback optionQuarterback PhilQuarterback playQuarterback RodneyQuarterback StarrQuarterback WarnerQuarterback's assetQuarterback's callQuarterback's cryQuarterback's error: AbbrQuarterback's idealQuarterback's moveQuarterback's optionQuarterback's ployQuarterback's tacticQuarterbacking locale?QuarterbacksQuarterbacks' play changeQuarterdeck mostly filled with cast putting away Yankee dishQuarteredQuarterfinal groups, e.g.Quarterfinals or semifinaQuarterfinals qualifiers,Quarterly payment recipieQuartermaster's groupQuartermaster's hangout?Quartermaster's postQuartersQuarters for a business, Quarters for quarters?Quarters for shoppingQuarters in a sultan's paQuarters in quadsQuarters of many quartetsQuarters that haven't beeQuarters, informallyQuartetQuartet after a desertionQuartet appearing in sheikdom and sultanateQuartet countQuartet for first gradersQuartet her editors partly boundQuartet hidden in this puQuartet in a string quartQuartet memberQuartet minus oneQuartet of chick lit?Quartet on a baseball fieQuartet on a QuattroQuartet that's after 12D 16As for an ageing Beatles number?Quartet unchanged by upsetting spellQuartet's initial scheme for 2, perhapsQuartetsQuartz grainsQuartz materialQuartz that’s still pit-coal, oddlyQuartz typeQuartz varietiesQuartz varietyQuartz, sayQuartzite and suchQuasar, for oneQuashQuash spirit of the Highlands?QuashesQuashes charge brought by new partnerQuasi-educational grp.Quasimodo's jobQuaternary divisionQuaternary period eventQuaternitiesQuatrain formQuatrain or sestetQuatrain patternQuatrain rhyme schemeQuatrain schemeQuatrain's longer relativQuatrain, oddly, rejected in Middle Eastern countryQuatre + quatreQuatre + troisQuatre + unQuattro + dueQuattro makerQuattro minus unoQuattro or CabrioletQuattro precederQuattroporte makerQuattrosQuattros and othersQuattros, e.g.QuaverQuaver or semiquaverQuaver, e.g.Quavering musical effectQuavering notesQuavering or vibratory soundQuavering soundQuavers, e.g.QuayQuay areaQuay providing shelter around mid-section of SevernQuayle or Cheney: Abbr.QuaysQuayside question cut short by barkQue followerQue. neighborQueasyQueasy hosts digested last of blood puddingQuebec and, initially, Ontario have organised satisfactory means of paymentQuebec native, e.g.Quebec undergroundQuebec's Festival d'___Quebec's largest cityQuebec's most populous cityQuebec's official birdQuebec's Plains of ___Quebec's ___ d'OrlQuebec's ___ PeninsulaQuebecer's voteQuechua speakerQuechua, e.g.Quechua-speakingQueeg's commandQueeg's craftQueeg's minesweeperQueeg's shipQueenQueen 1702-1714Queen abandoned by AeneasQueen abandoning life's work is a worryQueen abandons dog in German cityQueen aboard pretentious vesselQueen about to consume line in powder?Queen administered IndiaQueen admitting age retired to women's quartersQueen after prince: very deviantQueen after time is a charmerQueen allowed to wear embroidered felt, soft fabricQueen almost raised in African republicQueen alter The Colour of Money for radioQueen always follows a half of stout with tabletQueen always interrupting dance after dismissing leading coupleQueen always surrounded by a lot of old moneyQueen Amidala's daughterQueen Amidala's home in "Queen and footling male ruled landQueen and her servants, mQueen and wizard involved in extra destructive eventQueen Anne's ___Queen at start of race is changing jockey?Queen attending summit in States disheartened, they sayQueen avoiding area linked to unknown highwayQueen barred from engaging, mostly, with bit of effervescence in bowelQueen bee hit fifty travelling around South AfricaQueen before George IQueen behind an old faithful companion, briefly backing high street traderQueen being grabbed by womaniser in court gameQueen Bess rejected marriage - small family do's the resultQueen binds princess up, then knight captured againQueen books impersonatorQueen Boudica'sQueen Boudicca's peopleQueen Boudicca's tribeQueen broadly happy about origin of cool musical genreQueen by eastern extensionQueen carried in pretentiously refined vesselQueen carrying long stick flipped runner offQueen Catherine somewhat stuck up, arrogantQueen caught by pelican, neatlyQueen caught pole dancing at Royal AcademyQueen cheated, ending with nothingQueen Christina, e.g.Queen City of the RockiesQueen comfortable, or nauseous?Queen coming in to observe moves by horses? Cleaners required hereQueen contributed to cultural channelQueen cross over East wingQueen defends old extensionQueen described by MercutQueen Dido's homeQueen dressed appropriately for crowd?Queen Eliz., e.g.Queen Elizabeth I turned in angerQueen Elizabeth's daggersQueen Elizabeth's daughteQueen Elizabeth, for oneQueen entering London museum’s porticoQueen entering my hovel expressing puzzlementQueen entering worries members of the familyQueen enters church toilet with extremely unkempt hairstyleQueen escorted by her neighbours from deck in tugQueen fan brushing aside rumours, initially, of devoted way of lifeQueen featured in silly sketchQueen finally confined to large old houseQueen finally going to eat eastern fruitQueen finally seen off after struggle, as was Marie AntoinetteQueen for whom an elementQueen from the south supporting what Catullus wrote for sex capitalQueen Gertrude's "alas" iQueen getting weak, beheaded at onceQueen given curry on vacation in French resortQueen has browned bread with no topping for Xmas dinner?Queen having material returned thus?Queen holds reversible one metre rulerQueen hugging lover once in palace wing, sayQueen in "The Lion in WinQueen in "The Lion King"Queen in a long-running cQueen in cast eagerly leavesQueen in Dumas's "Twenty Queen in events of 1492Queen in Shelley's poetryQueen in the "Star Wars" Queen in two types of gold: a wondrous sight at nightQueen interrupting peer, though not right peerQueen involved in dishonest behaviour? Get outta here!Queen involved in enigmatic opera that's more impenetrableQueen is appropriate in disregarding TimesQueen is overthrown and might be burntQueen is reclining in shadeQueen isn’t commonly old-fashionedQueen keeled over during a function, one of two in Ulster, perhapsQueen kidnapped by disturbed maniac, one from abroad?Queen kidnapped by workers in bad moodsQueen leaving court is riskyQueen leaving presents with each male child in time of low-spendingQueen Margrethe's subjectQueen Mary, e.g.Queen Mary, say, getting bottom scrubbed, so coldQueen meeting new street artist from GermanyQueen meeting scoundrel in uncomplicated storyQueen might have to cough up for this unfurnished vestibule, according to SpoonerQueen mother, e.g.Queen needs jacket in chilly lakeside resortQueen not working, making tutoring not so importantQueen of BollywoodQueen of CarthageQueen of Carthage who lovQueen of double entendresQueen of Edward IQueen of fictionQueen of fish?Queen of folkloreQueen of HadesQueen of Henry IIQueen of Hollywood, one providing light entertainment?Queen of JordanQueen of Jordan once reflecting on menQueen of mysteryQueen of mystery: queen wearing boot but no capQueen of OlympusQueen of Persia, in the BQueen of puddings?Queen of scatQueen of Soul, familiarlyQueen of Spain's Juan CarQueen of the AmazonsQueen of the CowgirlsQueen of the fairiesQueen of the heavensQueen of the hillQueen of the hill?Queen of the Olympian gods in Greek mythologyQueen of the Olympian gods, sister and wife of ZeusQueen of the witches can't stand going round the CityQueen of ___, biblical V.Queen on cover of magazine - Kate's not quite member of mobQueen on Mount OlympusQueen on visit finds persistent horseQueen once given kiss as appropriateQueen once has European hat back to front in part of UKQueen once taken in by judge hides here, perhapsQueen or droneQueen ousting daughter in trick to secure rotating party venue?Queen perhaps delaying introduction of legislationQueen possibly conceals problem, leading to gossipQueen possibly to regret having bottom grabbed by both handsQueen pot-bellied on removing top? Sexy!Queen protected by large resistance unitsQueen punches British bully, 19Queen punches Brussels friend in the same wayQueen punches popular trader in ReadingQueen replacing theatre in time for processionQueen Richelieu has to make wealthyQueen roughly treated in tower, Henry heardQueen ruled out Observer?Queen saying poisoner behaved like a chickenQueen sees king hiding in treeQueen separates baubles arranged in a rowQueen showing Thatcher animosity? On the contraryQueen singer holding one more flushQueen snubbed by lay reader unfortunately beforeQueen song first to be requested at the Laundromat?Queen stage musical review - initially it's repetitiousQueen stopping King Edward's upcoming retirementQueen stopping King Edward, say, being sent back to refugeQueen stops duke with Chinese delegation's leader becoming personalQueen Street, at an earlier timeQueen succeeds King over old prince as he touches inappropriatelyQueen takes in one orphanQueen to retire February 1st in shockQueen to speak wildly? That’s out of placeQueen to take off in pursuit of rear admiral?Queen to withdraw for this reason?Queen topperQueen tucking into drink, expressing freedomQueen tucks into elixir: a serving?Queen turned up days before royal agents, historicallyQueen under pressure to contact evangelistQueen Victoria contracted a fever? That's less clear!Queen Victoria maybe is first in shopQueen Victoria's beginning to interrupt all her children, quelling excitement?Queen Victoria's favourite prime minister, d. 1881Queen Victoria's houseQueen Victoria's princeQueen Victoria's royal hoQueen visiting British Museum and bankQueen wants swan girl put up by assistantQueen wearing blue right next to group of soldiersQueen wears hat regularly for courageQueen weighed down by too much furQueen who becomes a senatQueen who financed ColumbQueen who might create quQueen who wrote "Leap of Queen who wrote popular nQueen will eat fish tooQueen with a degree from Queen with extremely awful temperQueen with fantastic cat, more than once her destroyer of rodentsQueen wrapped in towel perhaps, sitting on English bottomQueen ___Queen ___ (Maryland countQueen ___ County, Md.Queen ___ laceQueen ___ Maria, mother oQueen ___ styleQueen’s attendantQueen’s manner showing no extremesQueen’s residenceQueen's 24 25Queen's accommodation in Taipei, fairly regularly visitedQueen's attendantQueen's champion upset artificial intelligenceQueen's consort's mood inspires black memorialQueen's countyQueen's cut up about poetQueen's domainQueen's duty-bound to practiceQueen's favourite decor, gilded wallsQueen's favourite new hair gelQueen's first person to finish in the showerQueen's Guard workplaceQueen's hat back to front in northeast IndiaQueen's headgearQueen's homeQueen's in study endlessly drinking alcoholQueen's insistence that Royal Variety Performance will happen?Queen's landQueen's land, onceQueen's mateQueen's mate cheated, taking queen inQueen's nameQueen's person in general with energy prominently visible for long periodsQueen's picked up laxative for driverQueen's preference excluding one feature of Schubert song
Queen's quartersQueen's request, maybeQueen's residenceQueen's servant, maybeQueen's servantsQueen's shade?Queen's sonQueen's Speech used by some to broaden one's horizonQueen's subject, possiblyQueen's subject?Queen's subjectsQueen's thing is to roll back amount by one hundredQueen's titleQueen's travelling by this French trainQueen's unusual palace tour, not suitable for children!Queen's way to the U.S.A.Queen's ___Queen, but not our Queen, is someone of original Finnish stockQueen, during duty, to perform physical activityQueen, en EspaQueen, English, sat in patrol-car, endlessly shockedQueen, guillotined in 1793Queen, involved in lousy oil transaction, makes a speechQueen, jack and aces in 24 movieQueen, king and ace, sayQueen, maybeQueen, meeting communist, was mistakenQueen, perhaps, with European renown but no line in classQueen, perhaps, wrapping up problem puzzleQueen, possibly, making regular use of craftQueen, regularly uneasy, thrilling as knights sought the Grail?Queen, say, given a diary, it's said, and list of namesQueen, say, regularly represented in chartsQueen, say, reveals noteQueen, say, with almost unique capital turned up in secessionist areaQueen, worker or soldierQueen’s adviser possibly supporting dodgy dealQueen’s sad reflection on insular British, out of time, out of placeQueendom, e.g.QueenlyQueenly attendants - small tartsQueenly role for LizQueens ball parkQueens contestQueens diamond holderQueens localeQueens neighborhoodQueens neighborhood near Queens of FranceQueens or Brooklyn, say, in New YorkQueens or soldiersQueens placeQueens plate settingQueens stadiumQueens stadium nameQueens teamQueens tennis stadiumQueens' homesQueens' man's worry - knee being wrenchedQueens' Russian counterpaQueens's ___ ParkQueens's ___ StadiumQueens, e.g., informallyQueens, say, adopting small shedsQueens, workers or soldieQueensberry’s third point about Oscar being no shrinking violetQueenside castle, in chesQueensland gemQueensland nativeQueensland neighbor: AbbrQueensland's capitalQueequeg's captainQueequeg's craftQuellQuell the anger (of)Quelling a liberal, emulating a chicken?Quells, in a wayQuelques-___ (some: Fr.)QuenchQuenchedQuentin regularly avoided academic institutionQuentin Tarantino paperbaQuentin who directed "IngQueriedQueriesQueries Hamlet's dithering in 22's place for 22Queries on the InternetQueries wrong titleQueryQuery after knives stuck in butter churned on truckQuery at a poker tableQuery before "Here goes!"Query before a big eventQuery from one who's readQuery in a punny 39-AcrosQuery in Matthew 26Query to a brown cowQuery to a cowQuery to the Lord in MattQuery, part 2Query, part 3Querying responsesQues. counterpartQues. followerQues. responseQuestQuest for a stereotypicalQuest of de SotoQuest to find page in issue among the archives?Quester for the Golden FlQuesting king, late in the day, to slip up with soldier - ready to lose heartQuestionQuestion - shoeQuestion - whoQuestion 10 about food unopened and kept in storeQuestion a command when riding?Question a graduate at a Middle Eastern portQuestion a long-term prisoner about one person becoming fit?Question a new civil engineer suspiciouslyQuestion about a flashligQuestion about a radio nerd by Henry's driverQuestion about curtailment of women’s movement, note, in original locationQuestion about energy that goes into cheese-makingQuestion about English dairy productQuestion about Nastase's Question about Picaroon's singular flights of fancyQuestion about rampant greed that divides the land?Question about rucksack's contentQuestion about stray in boatQuestion about trimmer borderQuestion after "You were Question after a missionQuestion after a separatiQuestion after an accidenQuestion after nonrecogniQuestion after some 26-DoQuestion after the factQuestion and hint: what may clean ears in 2 or 10?Question angry old tyrant associated with SpainQuestion answererQuestion asked 12 times iQuestion asked after second demonstrationQuestion asked in a foggyQuestion asked to one witQuestion authorityQuestion before "And how!Question Charlie with sunhat onQuestion childrenQuestion church about article full of doubt?Question closelyQuestion computer experts over South American cityQuestion concerned with church bears fruitQuestion concerning an eaQuestion dropping leader from paperQuestion expert posed about neutron, scepticallyQuestion following "Oh, yQuestion for a brown cow?Question for a hitchhikerQuestion for PoirotQuestion for the hotel hoQuestion from 24 across about European farm productQuestion from a campaign Question from a confused Question from a person juQuestion from an uncertaiQuestion from behind a coQuestion from far away, pQuestion from Miss PiggyQuestion from one in anotQuestion from one who doeQuestion from the back about forecaster putting forward a time?Question from the back seQuestion from the picked-Question I pose, awful mess of a setter, say?Question I posed during record supplyQuestion imbibing English dairy productQuestion in a geography qQuestion in MatthewQuestion many on trialQuestion Milan team outlook Question notice by second teamQuestion occupying a network covering US stateQuestion odd features of ballet during concertQuestion of concern afterQuestion of concern, withQuestion of identityQuestion of locationQuestion of understandingQuestion on advanced books to one sideQuestion on insurance claim form: how much should we pay?Question on puzzles providing entertainmentQuestion One all for now maybe: who is extremely credulous?Question one: Crikey: evens or odd?Question or answer in "__Question over American pet food, missing kilo generates complaintQuestion over penning occult knowledge in bookQuestion paper — time running outQuestion penned by schoolmaster, perhaps: mark making you look embarrassedQuestion posed at the end of OctoberQuestion posed by a 1987 Question put to liquidator by business, seriously?Question related to coach's raw material before transformation?Question repeated in Texas, Kansas, Kentucky and AlaskaQuestion replacement of nice fruit treeQuestion role at odd stages for part of a fingerprintQuestion run badly arrives at wrong conclusionQuestion shouted in exaspQuestion some emoticons ultimatelyQuestion son's disguise in sleazy barQuestion starterQuestion states: "Should these be sung with tremolo?"Question substituted by setter in permitted numbers of lettersQuestion that demands an Question that follows "O Question that may be answQuestion that's a classicQuestion that’s popular for one with many siblingsQuestion the morning afteQuestion the truth ofQuestion to a brown cowQuestion to a consumer waQuestion to a crank calleQuestion to a paralegal?Question to a procrastinaQuestion to a prospectiveQuestion to a Quaker kiteQuestion to a speederQuestion to a suspectQuestion to mom or dadQuestion to one who just Question to the cookQuestion troubles birdsQuestion upon hearing an Question usually asked wiQuestion validity of trend looking back on record runQuestion very overlooked by fair manQuestion when you can't tQuestion while eying someQuestion with an easy ansQuestion wordQuestion's opposite: AbbrQuestion, one holding EU up repeatedly: no good waiting patiently?Question, painting for example duck, size of paperQuestion, part 2Question, part 3Question: does Susan exist?Question; one trying to impressQuestionableQuestionable American Pastor infiltrating religious groupQuestionable ancestry?Questionable brief moment when Juliet wanders awayQuestionable cradle locatQuestionable cult defends American powerQuestionable giftQuestionable Parisian who's interrupting English oralQuestionable resolve shown by personal trainer having ignored alarm clock?Questionable resting place up on a boardQuestionable royal chap dancing around front of palaceQuestionable to supply shortened sung performanceQuestionably sound to introduce legal English without forewarning?QuestionedQuestioned (after a mission)Questioned after completing a missionQuestioned in great detailQuestioned intenselyQuestioned introduction from Homer's neighbour, clutching dogQuestioned, in a wayQuestionerQuestioningQuestioning limits of action: awful, yet ironicQuestioning of Socrates most commonQuestioning rioter atoning after conversionQuestioning start of gig, with band assumed sickQuestioning syllablesQuestioning when salad is put in green boxesQuestionnaire categoryQuestionnaire check box oQuestionnaire choiceQuestionnaire datumQuestionnaire datum: AbbrQuestionnaire infoQuestionnaire lineQuestionnaire makes us very confusedQuestionnaire option, oftQuestionnaire responseQuestionsQuestions about a flight,Questions about IT? No one noticesQuestions accessories needed for ballet?Questions after missionQuestions and beer eventQuestions closelyQuestions coronavirus protection measures, moving metre awayQuestions in hearing after multinational group's badly advisedQuestions politician involved in unpleasant matterQuestions that deal with inflationQuestions the validity of licence for popgunsQuetzalcoatl adornmentQuetzalcoatl worshiperQuetzalcoatl worshipersQueueQueue a long time for family tree info?Queue after QQueue annoyanceQueue at the bank?Queue before QQueue behind a Parisian who's hookedQueue behind rugby playerQueue consists of two endsQueue cueQueue getting onto river boatQueue of trafficQueue up with landlord Murray to get into groundlings' sectionQueued for starter of devils on horseback next to rangeQueued upQueueing outside Celtic’s pitchQueueing outside entrance to Co-operative BankQueuesQueues in salonsQuibbleQuibble about abandoning Paris Hilton's broadcastQuibble about problem ahead?Quibble about trivial pointsQuibbled with Chosen One lacking sense earlierQuibblerQuibbler longed to displace editorQuibblesQuibbling before departure about collegeQuibbling sabotaged pious actQuiche holdersQuiche ingrQuiche ingredientQuiche Lorraine ingredienQuiche, e.g.Quiches, e.g.QuickQuick - agent’s about to nod offQuick - crossQuick - exactQuick - recklessQuick addendaQuick and agileQuick and clever replyQuick and easy victory in gymnasticsQuick and easy?Quick and effective replyQuick and neatly skilfulQuick and penetrating intelligenceQuick and quiet, sickly on the outsideQuick and skilfulQuick appraisal of legitiQuick approval: Abbr.Quick as a winkQuick as can beQuick assault seizing powerQuick assentQuick attack trapping leader of packQuick barber jobsQuick biteQuick bite? Lunch organisedQuick boxing punchQuick Bravo over dismissing AustraliaQuick bread varietyQuick breadsQuick buck?Quick butcher's got you turned around, say, and cut openQuick butcher's severing grand knight's armQuick change artist?Quick clever replyQuick communicationQuick cookerQuick cryQuick cutQuick deliveryQuick departureQuick draw?Quick drinkQuick drink about teatime?Quick drinksQuick driveQuick examinationQuick exit is not about cut in working hoursQuick expression of gratiQuick expulsion of unknown European, first seen at seaQuick flashes of lightQuick flightQuick flightsQuick form of pop artQuick glanceQuick glance, half-heartedly, over last of jasmine teaQuick haircutQuick hands artistQuick holidayQuick holiday kiss?Quick impressionsQuick inning enders, for Quick inspectionQuick inspection from king in flowing robe, ultimately?Quick Internet messageQuick investigation regarding source of corruption in churchQuick job for a barberQuick job in a barbershopQuick jokeQuick kissQuick knock I hadQuick laughQuick learner divides imperial unitsQuick letterQuick lookQuick look across riverQuick look aroundQuick look as dog is heardQuick look as soon as finishedQuick look is barely sufficient when lacking timeQuick look or glanceQuick look roundQuick look round in Hollywood location recalled a feature of ManchesterQuick look up and downQuick mating ritual?Quick means of communication in time abroadQuick messageQuick metro?Quick mission on another's behalfQuick move made to get cured meatQuick movementsQuick mugging? Very little money pinchedQuick multipliersQuick napQuick noteQuick notes?Quick O.K.: Abbr.Quick on one's feetQuick on the uptakeQuick online notes, for sQuick outing for Tiger WoQuick outing on the linksQuick pair of punchesQuick pause to engage in amorous activity?Quick peekQuick photoQuick picQuick Pick gameQuick pint after concertQuick pint following concertQuick player finding success with national team? Not a lotQuick pointsQuick progress initially in military assaultQuick puffsQuick punchQuick punchesQuick raceQuick raidQuick readsQuick reflectionQuick reminderQuick reminder given to playerQuick reply, sayQuick responsesQuick restQuick restsQuick reversalQuick round of tennisQuick rule?Quick sauce containing radish topQuick scores?Quick shot?Quick showQuick shuteyeQuick sidestepQuick sketch you don't want going under the hammer?Quick smellsQuick snackQuick statement about what to do if one’s going to be lateQuick studyQuick stumblesQuick surveysQuick swimQuick swimsQuick temper - body organQuick temper - spiteQuick tempoQuick to adopt retreat with convictionQuick to appreciate those who appreciate performanceQuick to carry a bladeQuick to communicateQuick to criticise papersQuick to cryQuick to find unconventional fellow with note for HenryQuick to get thingsQuick to help the erring player?Quick to hide illegal reproduction primarily - it's a crimeQuick to learnQuick to miss leader in uncertaintyQuick to noticeQuick to pick upQuick to pick up thingsQuick to respond to urgeQuick to understandQuick to yieldQuick tripQuick turnQuick turnaround, slangilQuick videos regularly selected for some pop fansQuick way around townQuick way round two problems with electricityQuick way to find a partner?Quick way to make Brie?Quick way to switch off after electrical problemQuick weight loss option,Quick with the comebacksQuick with the zingersQuick witty conversationQuick witty exchangesQuick witty replyQuick words to music biddy regularly missedQuick work!Quick writer, JonathanQuick ___ flashQuick! Area 51 base invaded by leader of Vulcans!Quick! Hot spicy food going cold - out of bed!Quick! Run away before trouble startsQuick, a stayQuick, as a convenience sQuick, cashless way to paQuick, easy motionQuick, efficientQuick, fastQuick, in trade namesQuick, like a catQuick, like a crocodile?Quick, rapidQuick, strong alcoholic dQuick, there's no time - run!Quick-change artists?Quick-cooking noodlesQuick-firing naval anti-aircraft gun used in both World WarsQuick-footedQuick-likeQuick-moving US soldier gets in beerQuick-sketch prosQuick-starting worker?Quick-stepping danceQuick-temperedQuick-tempered, passionateQuick-to-erect homesQuick-wittedQuick-witted Republican leaving for bayQuick; stylishQuickenQuicker routesQuicker way - that's a soldier's style?Quickest routeQuickest way home for some workersQuickish pace from China, knees gone might you say?QuicklyQuickly Quickly ace goes to moron …Quickly and in large amountsQuickly and to the pointQuickly applyQuickly approachQuickly aroused to angerQuickly avoidedQuickly aware of pair on topQuickly – and elegantlyQuickly – and willinglyQuickly buy pans suggestedQuickly check (on)Quickly construct shed?Quickly consumeQuickly declare that dance is cancelledQuickly deflate favourite dollQuickly downed five in Le Café, we hearQuickly elapsesQuickly encompassing end of life — euphemism for “dead”Quickly enter Irish game associated with Physical TrainingQuickly explain spillQuickly find some cash - balance nil!Quickly finish drink by moving arm, set towards mouthQuickly fryingQuickly gathering ore's not exactly rocket science!Quickly getting close in publicQuickly grab fragmentQuickly growing "pet"Quickly increasesQuickly injecting heroin if in painQuickly learns about sheepQuickly like a post at the beginningQuickly listQuickly list river fish from FranceQuickly list rules at first, then strip lacking priestQuickly move wine container, initially impressive, but empty?Quickly necking booze, setter vandalised 3 hubQuickly pass on insultQuickly passes 'Men's Trousers Feature' - heartless youth!Quickly polish off 70% of sweetmeats, then go DutchQuickly prepare comic set with RuPaul trashing AmericaQuickly prepare large drink on timeQuickly produce ladder, going where?Quickly purchaseQuickly read second novelQuickly recitesQuickly remove fleece?Quickly remove kit covering a carpetQuickly repealed statuteQuickly rising part of flight going over SpainQuickly rotating mass of waterQuickly run through dance at a distanceQuickly running past thoseQuickly runs and hidesQuickly satisfy one's hunQuickly seizeQuickly send: has noteQuickly showing Spice Girl's back in styleQuickly stop work in Post OfficeQuickly suggest reduced hydrogen in sampleQuickly take out sauceQuickly takes direction for the cityQuickly turn back, mainly to find one left on shelf?Quickly turn the pages ofQuickly undoQuickly write section on swimming strokeQuickly, after "in"Quickly, brieflyQuickly, for one round, the three of spades is playedQuickly, in memosQuickly, in the I.C.U.Quickly, like Tony McCoyQuickly, mailwiseQuickly, quicklyQuickly, singer grabs large waderQuickly, to an egotist?QuicknessQuickness of perceptionQuidQuid pro quoQuid-quo linkQuiddityQuiescenceQuiescentQuiescent during penultimate part of Macbeth - and of HamletQuiescent stateQuietQuiet - 13Quiet about group’s reluctance to workQuiet about incident, far from the firstQuiet about money that's fakeQuiet about most of period backing metalworkerQuiet about this after low rough? Not veryQuiet advocate for a flushing out of the old order?Quiet aircraftQuiet and enthusiastic about religionQuiet and inactiveQuiet and shy about medical slapstickQuiet and timid, like Mickey, Jerry or Stuart?Quiet and unhappy about unwanted sheepQuiet and well-spoken — having gone to pieces?Quiet anger about tattoo's reduction in sizeQuiet anger in Devon maybeQuiet appreciation of music bears fruitQuiet as the French, boringQuiet at the back, RayQuiet attempt to encapsulate Old English verseQuiet beer for an upright memberQuiet beer knocked back entertaining one Australian womanQuiet before lions attackQuiet by perimeter - until one shows up!Quiet chanteuse not loud? Certainly notQuiet chap doing washing, shaking off a robberQuiet chap serving alcoholic drinkQuiet colleague, friendlyQuiet colorsQuiet companion gets nurse for dogQuiet coughQuiet country residence accommodating duke and earlQuiet craftQuiet craftsman is prejudicedQuiet craftsman, biasedQuiet deed brings agreementQuiet dentist regularly indulgesQuiet desire for witch hunt?Quiet diocese in which set of holy books is put forwardQuiet enclosure in southern French islandQuiet end?Quiet English femaleQuiet English ladyQuiet entering tortuous path, hit and attacked - too late!Quiet European repeated phrase for judgeQuiet exerciseQuiet exercisesQuiet film actorQuiet fishing spotQuiet for a gun they sayQuiet force keeps returning fire for officerQuiet friend, as a friend may beQuiet game capturing heartsQuiet game starting to get gesture of indifferenceQuiet game ultimately inviting noncommittal gestureQuiet game's lost by show of indifferenceQuiet girl absorbing a filmQuiet girl on Irish riverQuiet Hardy showed indifferenceQuiet high-pitched sound associated with English swallowQuiet historian losing footing on edges of ruinQuiet home, usuallyQuiet hours allowing you and me to tuck inQuiet humour getting hearts tenseQuiet husband holding European record is shamefacedQuiet increasingly embarrassed evidence destroyer?Quiet individual did brilliantlyQuiet individual was excellentQuiet inland swimmerQuiet is helping gripping accountQuiet islands head of Eton enters of all people!Quiet journalists wearing glasses start to rattle tyrantQuiet journey gives deeply satisfying feelingQuiet ladies moving over to the left for entertainersQuiet land occupied by new Welsh communityQuiet leg-over will engross oneQuiet little creature is a supporter of books?Quiet meadow certain to bring happinessQuiet member of the family?Quiet momentQuiet moment not at homeQuiet nobleman one valuedQuiet one moving east carrying a signalQuiet online scan possibly offering little of importQuiet or busy, wanting constant pick-me-upQuiet orphan girl runs carrying basketQuiet part of Down yields ceramic fragmentsQuiet party gameQuiet passes could be deciding matchesQuiet passion recalled by very loud lawmanQuiet performance in ballroom I'm enjoyingQuiet performance keeps queen out of terrible danger in psyopQuiet periodQuiet period back on terra firma depresses childQuiet period for percussion, around 50 cents?Quiet person chops Cheddar cheeseQuiet person eating second dessertQuiet person getting on old-fashioned deviceQuiet person who tolerates much in church -- not one to say anything newQuiet person, brought up to repress merest hint of enthusiasm, rose with difficultyQuiet pet, one of a pair?Quiet place one might get a drop of whiskeyQuiet place to buy another drink?Quiet priest receiving second element of transfusionQuiet private demonstratedQuiet provider of milkshakeQuiet refuge for animals and fishQuiet region of Spain - it's superbQuiet reprimand by leading member of Stealers WheelQuiet restfulnessQuiet road going east away from British cityQuiet running water becoming piercingly loudQuiet salesman’s homeworkQuiet sanctuaryQuiet schoolroomQuiet secretary tucking into wine that's laid downQuiet shelter erected that is for island on the ThamesQuiet singers always like music, primarily church musicQuiet snoring sound stifling a flamboyant qualityQuiet snow leopard to attack as cats doQuiet son banned from school, having denied CrossQuiet son becoming king - one should let off steamQuiet song soprano performs on guitar?Quiet sort of football game at first bringing resigned gestureQuiet spell university had in fiftiesQuiet spellsQuiet spot to grab shelterQuiet spot to sitQuiet spot, one in outskirts of Aachen, for a museumQuiet spotsQuiet station reduced its capacityQuiet stroll on small street in YorkQuiet sub getting resentful about spectacleQuiet table switching political allegiance twice?Quiet tap dancingQuiet tenant, one bringing joyQuiet timeQuiet time, briefly, before playing duetQuiet time/times embracing old attendantQuiet timesQuiet touchdown at last in nameless airportQuiet transportationQuiet type?Quiet valleyQuiet voice - security feature of Windows?Quiet walk, or unsteady oneQuiet welcome for planeQuiet woman failing to be exhibitionistQuiet woman, at heart excessively contraryQuiet words in leading songsQuiet year in unusual city post - one won’t work for dictatorQuiet ___ mouseQuiet!Quiet! Let one on board with keel close to waterlineQuiet, admitting legal discussion to be unruffledQuiet, because sleep regularly has to be protectedQuiet, considerate attitude about one funerary ornamentQuiet, more colourful piece of office equipmentQuiet, reticent person has a change of heartQuiet, skilled workman, one devoted to a causeQuiet, slippery character pinching king’s moneyQuiet-sounding musical compositionQuiet; motherQuiet? Yes, quietQuietedQuieted (down)Quieted, with "down"QuietenQuietened by wrappingQuieter hybrid re-enters, ousting TeslaQuieter part of distilleryQuietest car adQuieting downQuieting medicineQuietly and convincingly sacking commanding officerQuietly back complaint in plantQuietly blocking agreement being upheld, applying pressureQuietly brought up and given approvalQuietly called nationalist out for expressive gestureQuietly changes shapes in advanceQuietly coming to conclusion or remaining undecided?Quietly consult socialist that's more highly valuedQuietly correcting His holy work involved disciplineQuietly detests being involved in key software trialQuietly directed to another agency and promotedQuietly divide up onionQuietly encourage the removal of undesirablesQuietly engineer Unionist to join popular publishing houseQuietly feel bitter about awardQuietly film actor?Quietly furious one’s stealing from work?Quietly go out on beach with recliner? Because beach is this?Quietly going, sacked? Bland response … well, liesQuietly greeting character from abroadQuietly greeting Greek characterQuietly greeting letter from GreeceQuietly handle extremely rare love potionQuietly hands over brick carrier, taking little careQuietly hang round, getting us to eat a piece of cakeQuietly happyQuietly he accepts a pay increase, the hypocriteQuietly including superfluous materialQuietly it goes behind a tree for the quarryQuietly leaves store, touring old part of LondonQuietly live next to Tina Turner's city, ignoring an upper-class GeorgeQuietly long to pursue a new sense of styleQuietly market revolutionary steamerQuietly married every 168 hours, losing head?Quietly move to recommend book millions ignoredQuietly must leave golf club, sayQuietly one pockets 2/3 of bus fare in JapanQuietly passed on and given unexpected promotionQuietly play hackneyed phrase?Quietly put away accumulated 19 of 16Quietly put down toyQuietly put on attire for explorationQuietly put up with bearing additional weightQuietly removing wrappers from fancy baked foodQuietly returned cigarettes and beer of old GreeksQuietly ruling, though in the family wayQuietly sheltering in very cold treeQuietly show cynical contempt around groomsQuietly sing one tune, losing heart in clammy conditionsQuietly slaughtered five centrally involved in espionageQuietly steal around two mushroomsQuietly stops old joinerQuietly supply Orsino's first requestQuietly takes the initiative making petitionsQuietly tells a taleQuietly thinkingQuietly trimmed red bushQuietly use a rope to get around in thick fogQuietly, he occupies modern male relativeQuietly, I start to lift gold dishQuietly, RE class is primed in advanceQuietsQuiets, in a wayQuietudeQuietusQuiffed lad tailing communist moved brisklyQuik ingredientQuill from magpie’s tail held by old manQuill, sometimesQuillsQuills, sometimesQuiltQuilt fillerQuilt insulation unitQuilt localeQuilt partQuilt patchQuilt squareQuilt stuffingQuilters' doQuilters' klatchQuilters' partiesQuilting eventQuilting partyQuilting sessionQuilts, sayQuilty of "Lolita"Quince and othersQuince's married, and said to be cheatingQuince, e.g.Quince, for oneQuinceaQuinces, e.g.Quinine, for malariaQuinn formerly of "S.N.L.Quinn of "Blink"Quinn who played AnnieQuinn who played Annie inQuint's boat in "Jaws"Quint's nameQuintain rhyme schemeQuintessenceQuintessential news headlQuintessential replica yacht set adriftQuintessential Scots girl endlessly seen in cricket clubQuintessentiallyQuintet and quartet where one might check out 2Quintet not unknown in audition?Quintillionth: PrefixQuints' nameQuipQuip about animal eating companion in farmyard?Quip about links lovers, Quip, part 1Quip, part 2Quip, part 3Quip, part 4Quip, part 5Quip, part 6Quip, part 7QuipsterQuipstersQuipu makerQuire memberQuirkQuirk of brief noise made by a clockQuirkinessQuirksQuirks expose report of deceptive peopleQuirks, sayQuirkyQuirky 70's-80's bandQuirky behaviorQuirky characteristicQuirky habitQuirky habitsQuirky novel set in secret hideawayQuirky weatherman, 40, perfect for me!QuislingQuisling's cityQuitQuit a golf game to wander idlyQuit after Conservative splitQuit claimingQuit for 24hrs-ish?Quit for good, jobwiseQuit for the dayQuit Keswick after expressing pointsQuit lyingQuit meddlingQuit messing withQuit one's jobQuit runningQuit strike forceQuit trying, in slangQuit usingQuit wasting good dope!Quit, in pokerQuit, or extend contract?Quit, with "out"QuiteQuite - attractiveQuite - beginner's struggling with German poetQuite a bargainQuite a bitQuite a bit soonerQuite a cacheQuite a cardQuite a comedyQuite a couple of linesQuite a displayQuite a diving somersaultQuite a dummyQuite a featQuite a fewQuite a few amongst immature freshmen taking the food?Quite a few auctioned-offQuite a few bits and pieces of battery storing energyQuite a few expressions of hesitation getting in the way of senseQuite a few in group of nations accepting military police supportQuite a few late-night showsQuite a few leavers on a spreeQuite a few, after "a"Quite a hgt.Quite a hitQuite a jokeQuite a large lakeQuite a loadQuite a lotQuite a noseQuite a paper — now and then!Quite a partyQuite a problem for listeners!Quite a puzzleQuite a rarityQuite a schlepQuite a scholar, for shorQuite a selection including prickly plantQuite a shotQuite a sightQuite a spreadQuite a storyQuite a stretchQuite a swingerQuite a taleQuite a thrillQuite a tidy sumQuite a tripQuite a wait to be able to welcome New WomanQuite a waysQuite a whileQuite a while backQuite accuratelyQuite agreed setter has books as compensationQuite alluringQuite an accomplishmentQuite an attack on staff in decline - more likely outcome of 1AQuite an injusticeQuite an oddityQuite angry about female star of The Deep?Quite articulate lady losing heartQuite attractiveQuite attractive guards finally stop all disruptive conductQuite awful Los Angeles drinkQuite beautifulQuite blue on the Conservative sideQuite brightQuite complex, without question, but not much of a caseQuite content one's charged following dip in river - for which 26 said sorryQuite crafty, absorbing atmosphereQuite cunning to seal off ventQuite dinkyQuite dissimilarQuite exceptional personQuite expensiveQuite fairly, over-embellishedQuite forgetting to countQuite frequentlyQuite good-lookingQuite happily under canvas in cold, singleQuite happy to eat at home when exercising self-restraintQuite healthyQuite highQuite high during playQuite ill, in LilleQuite insignificant about first of resultsQuite level, tray I gatheredQuite limberQuite littleQuite lovelyQuite madQuite mean to eclipse RepublicanQuite niceQuite obtuse, all jerks on telly, ultimatelyQuite oftenQuite oldQuite old clothes onQuite popular and moving record?Quite possiblyQuite qualified to serveQuite quietQuite right for salesperson to come backQuite right, dad, France lostQuite scared at struggling, something not initially enjoyedQuite sharpQuite sillyQuite sketchy summary, see?Quite smallQuite small child getting supporterQuite so in a German churchQuite so, niche fabricated housesQuite some distance (fromQuite some distance offQuite some timeQuite sour cocktail, like a Swimming Pool?Quite sour nuts, greenish-blueQuite sour, off colourQuite sour, out of sorts, somewhat blue?Quite surprised - Tottenham winger during season abroad showing good formQuite the expertQuite the fanQuite the partyQuite the successQuite uglyQuite unbelievable play's screenedQuite unexpectedlyQuite unoriginal decoration?Quite upset somebody that I don't likeQuite upset the Parisian spiritQuite wrongQuite wrong about singular working disputeQuite, quite tweeQuito's country: Abbr.Quito's land: Abbr.Quito-to-La Paz dir.Quito-to-Rio dir.QuitsQuits flatQuits function abruptly before end of speechesQuits gamblingQuits job, taking away tips neverthelessQuits misbehaving ... or Quits or is fired and explodesQuits rugby match after kick-offQuits smoking, initially eating tons? These things happenQuits taking in tense happeningsQuits the day before celebration by bridge teamQuits the day before exhausted nursesQuits the NetQuits workingQuits yappingQuitter's assertionQuitter's cryQuitter's wordQuitting a group performing in Greek capitalQuitting position, adopting extremely uncivil languageQuitting time in QuQuitting time, oftenQuiverQuiver contentsQuiver holderQuiver, like the elderly duke taking more rum?Quiverful, e.g.Quivering musical effectQuivering wings of tender bird briefly infested with liceQuivering with delight dating lesbian nursesQuixote's not young, keeping fashionable, it's thoughtQuixotic former queen going to raveQuixotic hero has spades, good at practical workQuixotic traveller cut short horseplayQuixotic writer never acts in playQuizQuiz answerQuiz bowl lover, sayQuiz choiceQuiz feature: Abbr.Quiz optionQuiz programme essentially needs two good captainsQuiz show expertiseQuiz show featureQuiz show gizmoQuiz show host, oftenQuiz show scandal figure Quiz show soundQuiz show soundsQuiz whiz Charles Van ___QuizmasterQuizmaster TrebekQuizzee, maybeQuizzesQuizzes againQuizzes police sergeant about Unionist politicianQuizzical look you twice aimed at a little jewelQuizzical utterancesQum coinQum homeQum nativeQumran inhabitantsQuo ___?Quod ___ demonstrandumQuod ___ faciendumQuoits gameQuoits pegsQuoits targetQuondamQuonset hut materialQuorate assembly reaches halfway point?Quorum for a crowd?QuotaQuota of winksQuota opposed to abortion initially shows increaseQuotable catcher YogiQuotable Hall-of-Famer, iQuotable notable?: Abbr.Quotable oneQuotable quoteQuotable remarkQuotable reviewQuotable typesQuotable YankQuotable YankeeQuotation additionQuotation attribution: AbQuotation book abbr.Quotation compiler's singQuotation notationQuotation qualificationQuotation, part 2QuoteQuote about Green movement at first showing great vitalityQuote as an exampleQuote as evidenceQuote author about gut-wrenching materialQuote bareheaded, ancient, Celtic priest, looking towards the stars - it'll get you goingQuote by roteQuote Consumers' Association about producing vinegarQuote from memoryQuote from record that’s number two in hip-hop chartQuote from, as a legal caQuote Italian in churchQuote line about a Duke in fortressQuote me in retrospect - it'll make you sick!Quote my words after returning purgativeQuote reportedly visionary travellerQuote sense in speechQuote that reveals presidQuote the ravenQuote the raven?Quote view delivered in speechQuote work from the east - it's imaginativeQuote work recalled with a lyrical styleQuote, part 2Quote, part 3Quote, part 4Quote, part 5Quote, part 6Quote, part 7QuotedQuoted (from)Quoted on the London Stock ExchangeQuoted oneQuotesQuotes about great plastic products that cause serious damageQuotes in book reviewsQuotidianlyQuotient, proportionQuotient; proportionQuoting the raven?Qur'an partQxe5, e.g., in chessQxQ, e.g., in chess Clue Database Last Updated: 02/03/2025 12:00am