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Everyman 3719 2 berylium 21st January 2018, 18:32
» by berylium
MOS PRIZE 3 21st January 2018, 17:57
» by elle
ST 4782 15 hallgreening 21st January 2018, 16:53
» by john
Observer Everyman 3 clegghall 21st January 2018, 16:32
» by clegghall
Times cryptic jumbo 1305 12 rina 21st January 2018, 16:08
» by brendan
26940 12across 4 manatee 21st January 2018, 16:00
» by manatee
Sunday mail,£100 crossword 1 beth 21st January 2018, 15:26
» by malone
Sat. Dm 1 bailey 21st January 2018, 13:01
» by cerasus
ST4782 3 anriard 21st January 2018, 11:10
» by anriard
Help 14ac 4 barny 21st January 2018, 11:10
» by barny
Express & Star Cryptic 20/01/2018 3 wynneaway 21st January 2018, 10:38
» by wynneaway
Times 26940 2 vizzle 21st January 2018, 10:29
» by vizzle
Times 26940 3 hal o the wynd 21st January 2018, 08:22
» by malone
2 STRANGE BIRDS 4 hannah 21st January 2018, 07:36
» by hannah
Times 26,940 7 brendan 20th January 2018, 22:50
» by brendan
Anagram Help 4 icauser44 20th January 2018, 22:29
» by hannah
CRYPTIC 3 epsh42 20th January 2018, 21:51
» by mamya
PEER REVIEW 317 61 skyewalker 20th January 2018, 19:13
» by ixion
i prize cryptic 5 mjk 20th January 2018, 17:40
» by mjk
RTE Crossword no. 4 7 laurel 20th January 2018, 17:19
» by eibhlin
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