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2nd October 2022, 22:57
Is the change to the grid in the 5th thematic row, where before alteration the container is not 'containing? And I'm afraid I'm none the wiser about the singularity. I wondered about anagramatising word 4&5 of the question, gone over the song with a fine toothcomb, Nada. No penny has dropped. I'm hoping the law of posting will kick in
71 of 104  -   Report This Post


2nd October 2022, 23:08
No, mullingar, it’s not that row. Look at the thematic operations. Also, there are only 5 words in the question. It couldn’t really be 4 and 5. There’s a phrase in the song which follows the relevant verb in the question, which should confirm it.

Hard to say much more without giving it away. May have said too much already
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3rd October 2022, 00:20
Thank you quisling. I did mean words 3&4 and finally the penny dropped for the singularity. Still considering the extra thematic adjustments which I reckon might be in the 3rd thematic row. Feeling slightly shamefaced that it's taking me so long., but I am dogged if nothing else
73 of 104  -   Report This Post

norah (admin)

3rd October 2022, 07:32
Just a gentle reminder about giving too much away, I have deleted a post after I received an email which said "This post completely gives away the final step in the end game”.

As most of our regulars will be aware, I don’t pretend to understand how the Listener works so I have to depend on information I receive by email and take action as appropriate. I just hope that my informant was correct on this occasion.

Please, please be careful how you word your posts.

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3rd October 2022, 08:38
Always very happy to have any of my posts removed if it’s felt they crossed the line. It was difficult to answer some recent posts without doing so, especially as the queries raised are often revealing in themselves
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3rd October 2022, 08:40
To that end, happy to see posts 68 and 70-73 removed if it’s thought appropriate
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norah (admin)

3rd October 2022, 08:47
It wasn’t one of your posts, Quisling, and I’m deleting nothing until someone asks me to, and nobody has so far regarding the posts you mention.
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3rd October 2022, 08:52
Mea Culpa. I did wonder.
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3rd October 2022, 08:53
Many thanks as always for your efforts, Norah. I know the Listener thread causes you more grief than the rest put together, so it is very much appreciated
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norah (admin)

3rd October 2022, 09:24
Mullinger, Yep, Guilty as charged😰

Quisling, again Yep, the Listener does indeed cause me more grief than everything else added together.😰
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