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5th October 2022, 14:53
I'll risk pointing you towards 1 triplet that might help, mooncow (and if it gets removed I won't mind). I could only think of one word to link the extras from 22, 39 and 1d.
101 of 104  -   Report This Post


5th October 2022, 15:52
Haha! brilliant. That combined with the other plausible triplet I'd already worked out to finally clue me the song title, at which point key terms and question drop into place. The title and the second thematic row helped clarify whose version was intended. I now have all the triplets -- wow! they are tortuous. Thanks drxx.

The final grid change, I think, would make more sense to me if the verb for the C was the same as for the K, but maybe there are different versions or I'm just being over-picky. Otherwise, I found this one really tough, but couldn't claim any of it was unfair. It's an elegant final grid, and it's nice to be made to think hard from time to time :-)
102 of 104  -   Report This Post


8th October 2022, 15:09
Really struggling with the question. I have the answers to 28, 36 and 37 and am sure if the extra letters from 36 and 37. However I can't see the word they are part of. Any clever tips would be helpful
103 of 104  -   Report This Post


8th October 2022, 15:32
Solved it straight after posting had the wrong clue for an extra word that appears twice!
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