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2nd October 2022, 14:59
I like alpaca's idea for getting rid of the stray hyphen - and it would be typical of ifor's attention to detail, I think.
61 of 104  -   Report This Post


2nd October 2022, 16:41
Stuck at 37 (the cells, not the across clue). The 3 which are eluding me seem to have eluded (though not permanently) lots of others. Reading the song carefully doesn't produce a 3-letter item, so what am I looking for? Is it a non-specified container in the 5th thematic row? Surely not.
62 of 104  -   Report This Post


2nd October 2022, 20:20
I'm not sure there's much else it can be Cockie.

All done (assuming that ^^^ is correct, but struggling to parse 15a 'Crystalline material promptly abandoned........'

(I think I know that the 6th word needs 'adjustment' to make the message make sense but, sans parsing, I can't confirm it).
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2nd October 2022, 20:26
Hi Granama,

15a - first 4 letters are the 3 letter "staying" (after adjustment) around "cubic" then 4 letter obsolete/'abandoned' word meaning "promptly"
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2nd October 2022, 20:43
Oh lorks! Thanks Brendan. The number of times I looked at the adjusted word without thinking of the other (crossword staple) one! Doh! 😄
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2nd October 2022, 20:44
That should have read 'other (crossword staple) meaning'!
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2nd October 2022, 20:46
Thanks Granama, I know the feeling:-)
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2nd October 2022, 21:44
Hello all. Got everything except the seven entries (like others I have 3) and uncertainty about the singularity which can't be the title of the song surely?. Are any changes made to the completed grid? Is the singularity part of the title. It leaves a niggle which is spoiling my delight at such an enjoyable crossword. Any hints more obvious than those already proffered would be most welcome
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2nd October 2022, 22:12
Finally complete after stumbling upon the song, after which I went from truly zero comprehension of any element of the theme, to complete understanding. Maybe the most extreme swing from poles of comprehension I've yet experienced!
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2nd October 2022, 22:26
Mullingar, there is a thematic change made to the completed grid. As for the singularity, you need to look at the last word of the spelled out question and then refer back to the song to see what it could refer to. Bear in mind the question can also be interpreted cryptically, to confirm you have the right reference
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