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2nd October 2022, 10:14
With regard to my last post, and that of dylan at #45, does one row contain two separate sequences by any chance?
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2nd October 2022, 10:45
Dear all

We have a complete grid with 40 shaded cells

Only three entries altered. What are we failing to understand is how there are seven entries different from the answers

Are we to early for spoilers??
52 of 104  -   Report This Post


2nd October 2022, 11:30
Woodlouse, in my opinion not at all. I'm in exactly the same place as you - grid filled, triples parsed, 40 cells highlighted (37 I'm happy about, 3 on the fifth thematic row I'm less happy with but can just about see working), answer written below the grid. Only three answers differing from the clues though. Looks like another 'guess what I'm thinking' step to me, but I'm prepared to administer a self-kicking if prompted to!
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2nd October 2022, 11:32
Woodlouse, you may need to think about the word “entries”. Altering one word can have consequences in others. If you don’t have seven words which are different from their answers you may have missed a final thematic step. You may want to look at the song again …
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2nd October 2022, 11:44
Well that got me over the line, that last step was, in my opinion, unnecessary. I might have been more forgiving of it if I wasn't already narked at the 5th thematic item, which isn't really supported by the song.

Oh well, maybe I'll think better of it in a day or so.
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2nd October 2022, 11:47
You're welcome, acornz
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2nd October 2022, 12:04
Thanks Quisling

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2nd October 2022, 12:50
I have a full grid and understand all the wordplay, one row where something has happened, the 18 extra words to be sorted into 3s (with five known synonyms) and even the message from the extra letters, which does not suggest anything to me.

However, I have no idea of the song or the singer. I suspect that this is way out of my comfort zone, having not listened to pop music for over fifty years. Perhaps I ought to go and consult someone a bit younger and more hip (which is not difficult to achieve).
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2nd October 2022, 13:14
Fifteen minutes after posting, as ever, I have managed to identify the singer and the song. I will say no more. Ignore my rant.
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2nd October 2022, 13:14
I couldn’t have put it better myself: snap!
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