This thread is aimed at those who have ground to a halt with a Listener clue*. When asking for help,please give the clue itself, the number of letters in the answer, and details of any letters you have.
'Clue' means ... simply clue. If you have ground to a halt with the theme, help is available on the other threads. It is worth remembering that other thematic crosswords feature on the Forum and that, in general, the detailing of the theme isn't something that's revealed very quickly or very comprehensively.
NB. Last week, Norah (site administrator) quoted a post from Murky, a Forum regular...
'The Listener isn't meant to be a doddle. The average Listener will take three hours or more, a difficult one far longer than that. To ask for help before at least three hours has been spent on a puzzle is unreasonable in my opinion.'