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9th August 2016, 18:08
Hi, Rusty!
So it may well have been Eleanor of Aquitane of whom you were thinking in relation to Judith?
Judith's million dollar question on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" was " Which king was married to Eleanor of Aquitaine?"!
The question could have been tailor -made for Judith!
She probably "couldn't believe her ears"! or her good luck!!
Yes, I well recall your fifteen rasher bacon rolls!
I wonder why the Horn Milk Bar was picked for the fashion shoot?
Is it in a special location?
Do you remember my going to an exhibition about "Vogue" a few months ago with my friend Sue (from Tewin) at the National Portrait Gallery?
A strange coincidence!
Have you watched any sport this afternoon?
I am way behind on how GB is doing in the medal stakes?
Any tennis news?
And speaking of BGT........ when will it be back?
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9th August 2016, 18:14
No I am not a fan of any sport. But I think martial arts is the best thing you can give a child's along with unfilled teeth, ability to swim and life save and courtesy to all. My sons did judo for years and it was very useful. I used to watch gradings and competitions and test them on their Japanese. I even wrote a haiku for one of their home works in Japanese. It described a fight!
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9th August 2016, 18:50
Hello, Elle!
No, it would not be Eleanor. She is fairly new to me.
I could not remember the name, but knew she was a bit like Madame du Barry, if you like.
Judith's question will likely be on YouTube.
I shall have a look later, after I find a teaspoon.
No, the Horn is just off the main road between Perth and Dundee.
Quite rural.
I have no idea why they chose it. I think it got revamped recently.
Before that I would describe it as a slightly dated diner.
Friendly and welcoming staff, too.
It does a good trade.
Would it be a magazine you would buy?
I saw that fine chap Andy Murray playing earlier.
He was ahead in a game with Argentina, I think it was.
GB has several medals.
They have a good chance of gold tomorrow in the men's time trial with Chris Froome. I have had a small wager on Cancellara!
Emma Pooley may surprise one or two in the women's TT.
BGT should be back in May, I think.
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9th August 2016, 19:08
Elle, update!
Type "retro restaurant the horn" into your search box and you will get the Vogue story.
I can not do links.
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9th August 2016, 20:22
Hey, Rusty!
I have looked up The Horn!
I wonder whether the publicity will bring more custom to the restaurant?
I should imagine that locals who already know about it might be interested to look at it in a 'new light'?
No, "Vogue" is not a magazine I would buy - in fact, I never buy any magazines!
I didn't particularly enjoy the "Vogue" exhibition.
The history of the magazine was interesting; and I enjoyed seeing some of the photography; but I only went to please my friend.......
And then, if you remember, she, in her turn, came with me to the exhibition about Russian Art, which I really did want to see!
Fair "do"s!
I hope Chris Froome wins his potential Gold medal tomorrow !
(For once, I shall hope that you lose your bet!)
How did Andy do?
I don't seem able to watch any tennis so far.
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9th August 2016, 20:51
Hello, Elle!
The Horn does a great trade anyway.
It is very well known amongst travellers.
Not many cafes have a cow on the roof!
Andy was winning, so I think he is in the last 16.
Now, Froome may not win, we shall see.
Tom Dumoulin was favourite to win, but he is riding with a broken wrist, so that won't help him.
I have a wee bet on Emma Pooley, but I fear Linda Villumsen of NZ.
i hope Emma gets a medal!
Maybe your daughter can have a go at the Red Buttons when she arrives?
I am sure you would like to see Andy win a medal!
Have you the house all redded up for her arrival?
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9th August 2016, 20:55
Eleanor of Aquitaine was married to a king of France as well as Henry II and left two daughters there when she left to marry Henry.
Eleanor was .one of the founders/promoters of the Laws of Oleron to do with captains of ships helping others in distress.
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9th August 2016, 21:17
Elle, I was so, so sorry to hear you've not been able to access the tennis. Andy Murray's match was on earlier, but the highlight today has been Jo Konta's match which finished only 10 minutes ago. She was playing a very experienced Russian and it was a thrilling tussle which lasted over three hours. Nadal played earlier too - he's not back to his usual scintillating stuff, but he played well enough to win.
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9th August 2016, 21:21
Hello, Elle!
Just watched Judith Keppel winning the million pounds on the quiz show.
She was splendid!
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9th August 2016, 21:37
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I saw the black and white cow on the roof of The Horn, when researching the "Vogue" photo shoot there, earlier.
Very impressive!
I was going to comment but got side-tracked.
Any history behind that ?
We can match that with the black cat in Catford!
Catford is about five miles east of here, near to Lewisham.
Its most prominent landmark is the Catford Cat!
This is a large fibreglass sculpture of a black cat above the entrance to the Catford Shopping Centre.
Google it and you can see it!
Yes, for once I should love to see Andy win a medal, since it is for Great Britain!
(And I'm viewing him more favourably since he looked so happy and smiling when carrying our country's flag!)
Yes, Judith did well!
(and I also knew the answer to the question!)
I've already had one daughter "fiddling" re Red buttons - to no avail!!

Hello, Malone!
Your sympathy is appreciated !
Anyway, you did your best to help by giving me all the appropriate numbers to key in!
Strange that it worked for Wimbledon - but won't work now!
Hopefully, the Athletics at least will be on BBC1, 2 or 4!
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