Hello, Elle!
I just don't think the Rio folk are very interested in the Games.
Could entry money play a part?
May be expensive for them?
The Games seem a bit second rate so far.
Not heard much about Zika.
The drugs problem will play a part, especially when the authorities basically do not want to know.
Jess Varnish was in BBC studio this morning explaining how the track cycling worked.
Was very nice to see her.
There is "match play" in golf, too, like the Ryder Cup, but it is usually stroke play.
I am sure there are "very competent Brits" playing!
Justin Rose springs to mind.
I do not know the others in the team, though.
Everybody can support Rickie.
He has blood from many nationalities in his make up, including Native American and Japanese.
I hope Team GB do well, and Team Ireland.
And Rickie and Bubba!