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11th August 2016, 08:45
I didn't know how the golf worked either, rusty, but I've just looked it up. Disappointingly, it's just a singles stroke play tournament, as happens nearly every week on the tour.
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11th August 2016, 09:58
Hello, Chris.
I wonder what the course is like?
And is it only a team championship, or individual?
I would normally cheer on Rickie Fowler, but I think Elle disapproves of me supporting "foreigners"!
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11th August 2016, 10:53
Hi, Rusty!
Back from my walk!
I think the dog appreciated the time spent apart from a relentless puppy who constantly wants to play with her!
The problem is that my dog doesn't "do" contact sports!
She will play chase forever , but doesn't like being leapt upon!
Cat is ruling supreme and making a nice nest in the puppy's bed!
I wonder why there are so few spectators at the Games?
Do you think that the Zika virus scare is responsible for the poor attendance?
Or has the drug scandal disillusioned the would-be audience?
What does "a singles stroke play tournament" mean? - isn't this the "normal" way to score......I'm assuming (in my ignorance) that it means counting each stroke?
Am I being stupid if I ask if there is any other way to score?
Yes, you are right in what you said to Chris....I do 'disapprove' of your supporting 'foreigners'!
Cheer on GB!
(and support Rickie in the absence of a competent Brit - a compromise?)

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11th August 2016, 11:19
Hello, Elle!
I just don't think the Rio folk are very interested in the Games.
Could entry money play a part?
May be expensive for them?
The Games seem a bit second rate so far.
Not heard much about Zika.
The drugs problem will play a part, especially when the authorities basically do not want to know.
Jess Varnish was in BBC studio this morning explaining how the track cycling worked.
Was very nice to see her.
There is "match play" in golf, too, like the Ryder Cup, but it is usually stroke play.
I am sure there are "very competent Brits" playing!
Justin Rose springs to mind.
I do not know the others in the team, though.
Everybody can support Rickie.
He has blood from many nationalities in his make up, including Native American and Japanese.
I hope Team GB do well, and Team Ireland.
And Rickie and Bubba!
9114 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th August 2016, 11:56
No team component at all, rusty - lack of imagination!
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11th August 2016, 12:35
Hi, Rusty!
Peace and quiet reigns here........I think the puppy has worn everyone out!
My husband and daughter have both gone to sleep - as have puppy and cat!
Only dog and I are awake! and this the middle of the day!
I am working my way through a backlog of correspondence while I get the chance!
I see that the Rio organisers are being strongly criticised for the serious injuries that have so far occurred.
Games competitors suffering broken legs and collarbones, fractured back and neck injuries.
Obviously, some of these have been unavoidable, but it is being said that some of the injuries have occurred due to poor organisation.
I wonder if there will be a legal backlash if this is proven to be the case?
I don't recall previous Olympic Games being this "dangerous"?
And now the Water Polo pool has also turned dark green!
Oh dear!
Has your golf already started?
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11th August 2016, 14:31
Good afternoon, Elle!
I do not think much of this golf course.
Seems to be on a par with Chambers Bay!
The greens seem OK, but the rest is not exactly aesthetically pleasing. Maybe I am just old fashioned. (No maybes, I am!)
I did not think people wrote any more?
There were certainly more injuries than normal in the cycling, although crashes are fairly normal on the road.
Rohan Dennis was lucky yesterday, his handlebars snapped.
He kept control, though, until he got another bike.
I am not impressed by these far.
The water polo pool will be a different pool from the diving pool?
"At the top of the hour"? What does that mean? On the hour?
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11th August 2016, 15:48
After failing to get the red button working (to watch some golf), I scrolled down through the channels available on Sky, and found in the 470s BBC Olympics 1-8. (478 is showing the golf at the moment.)

I know you don't have Sky, elle, but these could be available in Freeview too?
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11th August 2016, 15:57
OK, I've watched about 10 minutes of it, and they haven't shown anything other than a putt yet. Mind you, Rose's was from about 200 yards!

Prettier than Chambers Bay, I think, rusty - there are some very interestingly-shaped mountains in the backdrop.
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11th August 2016, 16:10
Chris, it is the BBC Olympic channels I have on.
Yes, the hills are fine, but I am not keen on the high-rise buildings which surround the course.
Seems to give the course a half finished look.
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