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6th August 2016, 15:41
Hello, Elle,
No, the Dubs v Donegal is Gaelic football, but not on until later.
Football is not as popular in Ireland as here.
Gaelic football, hurling, and Rugby Union, are more popular.
Now, Red Button!
This is my set up just now.
BBC Olympic 1 Cycling
BBC O 2 Judo
BBC O 3 Hockey
BBC O 4 Equestrian sports,
BBC O 5 Rugby Sevens
BBC O 6 Tennis
BBC O 7 Boxing
BBC O 8 programmes start at 7.00pm.
Take your pick!
Lot of punctures etc on this course!
I suppose Nikki gets on well with Lizzie.
She is employed as a super domestique for her trade team leaders, who are Lizzie and Megan Guarnier, and they seem a very happy bunch.
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6th August 2016, 15:47
The tennis is Spain v Japan just now.
I had a look at the Rugby Sevens.
New Zealand v Kenya
These Kiwi girls are very good indeed!
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6th August 2016, 17:53
Hi, Rusty!
Sorry, I have been away from the computer........ I went to wash my hair, dried and straightened it!
My curls are subdued now for a little while!
You certainly have a lot of choice with your Red Buttons!
Unfortunately, my set up is nothing like that.
BBC Red Buttons on Freeview today are down as 200, and 601 and 602 - but nothing is showing on any of them!
I have given up!
I just hope that from next Friday onwards, when the Athletics is prevalent, the majority of the track and field events will be shown on BBC1 (or BBC4).
Rusty, what is a "super domestique"?
(It sounds as though she could round and do my cleaning?)
I thought Novak was playing del Potro this afternoon - any news on that?
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6th August 2016, 18:23
Hello, Elle.
A domestique is someone who does all the more mundane tasks for the team leader.
Going for drink bottles, protecting the leader from the winds, pacemaking etc.
The goal of a cycling team is get the designated leader across the line first, so they offer whatever help they can to achieve this. A super domestique has additional skills, like possiblly setting the pace on a mountain stage etc.
Why not put on a BBC channel and press the Red Button on your remote and see if it offers a menu?
I have several ways to get Red Button, and that is the simplest.
I have not watched the tennis, but GB girls had a good win in the rugby.
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6th August 2016, 18:29
Elle,I hope you found the tennis! I saw some,men's games, this afternoon - and Heather Watson was playing, on 606, about 10 minutes ago.
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6th August 2016, 19:01
Hi, Rusty!
I haven't found anything!
I am no longer looking.
I am reading.
And I am very fed up!
Remember I cannot use the Red Button on my remote control - I am dependent on keying in the appropriate numbers (as kindly supplied by Malone)
Acting on Malone's information, I have just tried 606 again.
At present, for the first time today, something is showing - but it is the cycling - exactly the same as is on BBC1.
No tennis!
Another of life's mysteries...........!
Thank you for explaining Nikki's role in the racing.
So say Lizzie wins (due to helpful support from Nikki and the other team members) Does only she get a Gold medal?
Or do all the team get one, too?

Hello, Malone!
No, no tennis!
I don't know how you managed to achieve seeing it?
I have been trying all the numbers you gave me , in turn, intermittently all the afternoon!
Nothing was on any of them until I just tried again now, and got the cycling - exactly the same, though, as was showing on BBC1.
I don't know what the problem is!
Maybe my reception?

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6th August 2016, 19:08
Tennis is now live on 606
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6th August 2016, 19:15
Elle, on my Freeview set, I now have Fencing, Rugby, Equestrianism, Football, Tennis, Archery and Judo showing on BBC RB channels (601-607).
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6th August 2016, 19:24
Malone, I have gymnastics on 600.
That is all.
Only 200 and 600 and 601actually 'admit' to being Red Button channels!
The other channels are completely blank.
I give up!
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6th August 2016, 19:59
Good evening, Elle!
I do not understand why you cannot push Red Button and get a menu?
Must be needing tuning in?
Have you a teenage neighbour you could borrow?
Must be simple, surely?
Gold medal goes to the winner of the race, nothing for the support riders.
Actually, I have just watched the men's race, and that course would be perfect for Emma Pooley, if she was at her best.
But, I do not think she is.
She is a great climber and time trialist.
And the Dubs beat Donegal 18 to 13!
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