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6th August 2016, 20:28
Hi, Rusty!
I cannot push the Red Button because it does not work!
This has been the problem all along.
(You have forgotten!)
The original remote broke.
My husband replaced it with a 'general purpose' one....but he ignored the coloured buttons.......none of these now work on the new remote.......hence my keying in the numbers.
But this system worked fine during Wimbledon; I thought the problem was solved by keying the numbers in manually.
Obviously, not so.
We are in the middle of replacing the fridge and freezer.
Next on the list is the cooker (oven not working properly; timer and fan gone)
Everything is wearing out!
All at once!
(Including me!)
The television and Freeview problems come way down on our list of priorities!
Only the winner in cycling gets a Gold medal?
But what about the rest of the team?
If it is a " team effort", surely they should be rewarded with a medal, too?
I'm sorry that Donegal lost!
9031 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th August 2016, 20:52
Hello, Elle!
Do not be sorry for Donegal, they played very well, but the Dubs were super! Two fine sides and a worthy winner.
No, only the winner gets the prize.That is the way road cycling works.
And so, too, the Olympics.
The Olympics are not a high priority event in road cycling.
The rest of the team get a "thank you".
I have no idea who the previous road race champ was.
The only champion I recall is Casartelli, and that is because he was killed riding the Tour de France three years later.
He sticks in my mind.
Did your red button set-up not burst into life after you unplugged it for a few minutes, before?
I do not know what you mean by your husband "ignoring" the coloured buttons?
Your best bet is a teenager!
They know everything!
9032 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th August 2016, 22:32
Hi, Rusty!
Oops! The telephone woke me up!
It is all Andy Murray's fault!
I stayed up too late last night/early morning just to see him carrying the Team GB flag into the Olympic stadium.
It was our younger daughter, ringing to make arrangements for tomorrow.
We are all meeting up at one of our large parks, and then after a walk we shall all return here for a meal.
It should be a good day out.
I am looking forward to it.
Back to medals......
Now, I always thought that in the athletic relay events, all that compete for the team - be it in the Final or the heats (the team members do often change from the heats to the Final) - get a medal?
Am I correct here?
If I am...then why don't the cycling team members - as it seems to be a collective effort - each get a medal?

9033 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th August 2016, 09:05
Good morning, Elle!
Wind is pretty wild here!
Only the winner of the road race gets a gold medal.
It is not a relay race.
As much as I know, each of the relay team get medals.
In the road race there is an individual winner, albeit there is a team riding for him. That is the way cycling works.
It is a tradition in le Tour, for instance, that the winner of le Tour takes no prize money. He gives it to be shared amongst the team, including the mechanics, soigneurs, etc.
It was a tough course yesterday.
i had fingers crossed for "G", Geraint Thomas, he was in a great position but crashed.
But, well done, Greg van Avermaet!
Looking forward to the women's race today.
Hope you have nice day out, and miss our winds.
It was on this date last year that Lassie left the loch and began her journey to Africa.
9034 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th August 2016, 09:40
Good morning, Rusty!
It is fine but dull here at the moment.
However, sunshine is forecast for later.
We are all meeting at the park, and we won't need to go out until about 10.45 am - a much later start than usual to my morning walk!
I finished the Everyman a couple of hours ago - it was much more straightforward than was last week's.
I have even finished the parsing!
Usually, I have at least one to "worry at" for the rest of the day!
I was only using the athletic relay event to illustrate my point about 'all those who had competed getting a medal'.....I didn't mean just the four that ran on the day, but also any other relay team members who maybe ran earlier in the heats.
I think each relay team is allowed up to six (?) team members who can run at any stage.
It perhaps wasn't an ideal comparison but it was the best I could come up with.
One bird in the nest with a big fish when I looked.
I hope your winds won't get up to the rate where the Bridge has to be closed.
Any plans to go out?
9035 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th August 2016, 09:59
Good Morning Elle/Rusty,

Lassie is in the nest at present with the chick.

Another gorgeous day, already warmer than yesterday because no wind. Hope the wind drops soon for you Rusty.

Shame about Geraint Thomas.
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7th August 2016, 10:35
Hello, Elle.
Staying home, as far as I know, today.
Olympics and road cycling are not a good mix.
Today for instance, GB has a three woman squad riding.
Other countries will have more than three.
Depends on the qualifying in the last year or so.
Why has GB less riders?
British Cycling (capital letters) fault.
But they appear to have messed up, as they did with Jess Varnish.

Good morning, Pigale!
My son was fishing the Tay yesterday not far from the Loch of the Lowes. He said several ospreys were in the vicinity and had swooped to catch fish.
He did not catch any!
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7th August 2016, 17:41
Hi, Rusty!
I hope your day is going well?
We had a great day out with the family.
It was a tad too hot for comfort but we stayed the course!
BB had loads of energy and brought his scooter along!
They came back here for an early dinner..... we ordered Chinese from the takeaway!
And they have left for home now........and bath and bed for the little ones!
I expect you will be watching the Ladies' are Lizzie and team progressing?
I am puzzled by your saying that the GB team has fewer riders?
Is there no limit then on how much "support" can be given to the main team contender?
I would have thought that it should be the same number for each team competing?
A "hard and fast" rule?
(Cycling regulations are beyond me!)
I shall now see what I can find to watch on my somewhat limited TV viewing!
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7th August 2016, 18:07
Hello, Elle,
Pretty windy here.
Our bridge has had restricted crossings all day.
Glad you enjoyed your day out.
One of my favourites, Jim Furyk, has just shot a 58 at the golf.
First time in PGA history!
Some teams have only 1 or two riders.
Their federations did not do well enough to earn more places.
Emma Pooley going along very well, but it is a long way to go yet. It is a great course for Emma if she has the legs!
Lizzie and Nikki safe in the peloton, but Emma working away very well.
9039 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th August 2016, 19:33
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear! now, first of all, I shall have to admit that I have not the slightest idea what having "shot a 58 at golf" means?
If it is the first time in PGA history, it is obviously a momentous event?
(I know nothing whatsoever about golf!)
Now, please explain to me the tactics that Emma is carrying out?
This 'team effort' always confuses me!
And can I ask a question that may seem very odd to you......does another member of the cycling team ever go on to win instead of their designated leader/ winner?
Is this allowed to happen?
(I'm thinking again here of an athletic parallel when the pace maker has gone on to win the race)
Your winds must indeed be severe, if the Road Bridge has been restricted.
I'm assuming you mean no double decker buses for instance?
9040 of 30765  -   Report This Post