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9th August 2016, 22:39
Hello, Elle!
I had never heard of the Catford Cat!
Yes, I looked at it on Google images.
Fine looking cat!
I also know that Catford has a well known cycling club which has been on the go for over one hundred years.
I have no idea about the cow on the roof.
It has "always" been there.
Oh! Maybe because it was originally a Milk Bar?
Cows make milk, you see?
Whatever is up with your Red Buttons, it is something fairly simple.
Maybe fresh batteries might help?
I hope Andy does well, too.
I knew you'd end up liking him!
The water in the diving pool has turned a dirty green colour.
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10th August 2016, 10:08
Good morning, Rusty!
My goodness, it is cold this morning!
We even put our heating on for an hour when we got up!
Very chilly in the park.
Only 12C.
What a sudden change! and I'd heard talk of a heatwave!
Er.........I wouldn't go so far as to say that I 'like' Andy!
(But I am prepared to tolerate him a little more!)
I have seen photos of the diving they know what caused the change in colour?
We have the 'white goods' arriving today - somewhere between 11am and 3 pm.
Also daughter and pup at some stage.
So I am in for the day from now on.
I am on tenterhooks that the "meeting" will go well!
Do you have any sport to view today?
Oh - and have you watched Eggheads yet?
There will be several new faces if you haven't seen it for some time.
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10th August 2016, 10:15
Hi elle
I used to work in Catford!
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10th August 2016, 10:27
Hi, Chris! You will remember the cat then!
Was that when you lived on Dog Kennel Hill?
I asked you a little while ago - but I think you were away - what you thought of the sphinxes at Crystal Palace being painted terracotta?
They have been restored to their original state as in the 1900s (same colour as the sphinx in the Louvre, from which they were originally cast)
Personally, altho' I know this is authentic, I don't like them....I prefer them faded to the natural stone colour.
Google and look!
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10th August 2016, 10:28
Good morning, Elle!
It is great day here!
Andy is the biz!
Hope he gets a medal! And Miss Konta.
Not heard what happened the pool.
Maybe needs drained and cleaned.
It does not look healthy!
I have not seen Eggheads yet.
I was out at PDSA buying teaspoons earlier today.
Cycling today.
Women's TT first, and I am supporting Emma Pooley, and Linda Villumsen of NZ.
Then the men's race.
I hope Fabian Cancellara and Tom Dumoulin (and broken wrist) go well in that.
I hope to see gymnastics.
Apparently there is an incredible American girl competing who is expected to win 5 golds!
My experience is that the driver will phone you a few minutes before arrival with freezers.
Hope they can get parked OK!
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10th August 2016, 10:53
Yes it was, elle.

To be honest, I don't remember the sphinxes at Crystal Palace Park - just the dinosaurs.
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10th August 2016, 11:07
Hi, Rusty!
Ok, I'll buy it........obviously you couldn't find a teaspoon when you were looking for one yesterday?
but from the PDSA? since when did the Dispensary for Sick animals sell teaspoons?!
Yes, I am in favour of your supporting Emma as she is British!
But I would hope that your other favourites would be beaten well and truly by some Brits!
I am very partisan when my country is competing!
How is Heather getting on , do you know?
Let me know what you think of Eggheads ( and the new team members!)
Right, crossword finished, coffee drunk....better go do some jobs!
P.S. yes...parking might well be a problem!
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10th August 2016, 11:42
Hello, Elle!
Heather who?
No, I support people i like, not because of nationality.
I watched Eggheads and find Kevin's knowledge incredible!
Jeremy has improved since I last saw him.
There was a "Lisa" in the team.
She's a piece of work, so she is!
And nice to see Judith again.
i almost didn't miss Daphne!
I enjoyed it and have set machine to record it again.
The PDSA is my favourite charity shop.
I have bought quite a few things there.
They have a big box full of spoons and forks and whisks and tin openers etc.
Just buckshee stuff, they won't break up sets.
And it is run by very nice ladies with blue hair.
Hope your lads get parked as close as they can.
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10th August 2016, 11:45
They are painting the dinosaurs too, Chris!
Iggy the Iguanodon- instead of a faded stone - now looks very green and plasticky!
Sadly, it looks worse on site than it does in a photograph.
Cheap and nasty!
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10th August 2016, 11:59
Hi elle
You probably know that the Iguanodon reconstruction was based on a flawed idea of its "lizardness" - by Richard Owen, the curator of the Natural History Museum at the time, as I remember. In fact it is now thought that they stood more upright, like T. rex.
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