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10th August 2016, 12:32
Hi, Rusty!
Heather Watson?
We'd better stay off whom to support as I fear we shall argue!
(To me, as I've said before, when it is an International event, one supports one's country!
When it's an individual tournament - like Wimbledon, when each player plays for himself - - one supports whom one likes/ favours)
But each to his own! It would be a boring world, should we all agree!
Did you not like Lisa? I am becoming more used to her now.
Dave is nice, Barry a bit irritating and Kevin incredibly bright, and modest with it! And Pat is lovely!
Judith doesn't change much apart from ageing a little.
Daphne , I think, retired because her daughter was ill?
I didn't understand that your reference to the PDSA was to a charity shop!
I like charity shops - you never know when you might find a bargain - and I love to browse through their books.
Blue hair? I thought that was outdated!
9091 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th August 2016, 13:05
Hello, Elle,
I think Watson is out.
No, blue hair is to the fore up here.
I have a daughter-in-law with blue hair.
I do not think there was a Barry on the show.
No, I support those who I see all year round and have got to know.
My sporting heros come from many different countries.
Several in GB team who I have no time for and would not support.
Very slippy roads in time trial.
Emma is on her way!
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10th August 2016, 13:54
Hello, Elle!
Emma was 14th.
Kristin Armstrong of USA won.
Kristin is 43 tomorrow.
Encouragement for Jo Pavey!
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10th August 2016, 14:05
Hi, Rusty!
When I was "but a nipper", I remember elderly ladies going around with "blue rinses" or sometimes "lilac" ones!
It is something that I have not seen for many years!
Maybe what your daughter- in -law has is something different?
No, you would not have seen all the team members in Eggheads.......there were eight all together with CJ - so seven at the moment - and only five appear daily in the team.
So there will be a different line up on occasions.
If you continue to watch you will meet Barry.
Go, Emma!
No sign yet of my "white goods!!
Only an hour to go within my allocated time slot!
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10th August 2016, 14:13
Hey, Rusty!
Our posts crossed!
I am a slow typer!
Well done, Kristin!
(Emma was 14th out of how many competitors?)
Yes, that sounds encouraging for Jo!
(who, I think, is only 42?)
I like Jo, I do hope she does well!
She deserves it after all her many contributions to the sport.
9095 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th August 2016, 17:06
Hello, Elle,
Cancellara !!!
Great win for Fabian! He retires this year.
I am very pleased for him.
Tom Dumoulin was second. Froome was third.
Did your daughter and freezers arrive safely?
I shall have a pop at crossword now the cycling is finished.
9096 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th August 2016, 17:10
Rusty, have your London map ready for today's Times crossword. You probably won't need it for what is a rather lame/tame clue.
9097 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th August 2016, 17:44
Hello, Malone,
Got it!
I actually knew this place.
East Acton got several mentions in the book, "10 Rillington Place", by Ludovic Kennedy.
I'll let the setter off with that one!
9098 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th August 2016, 18:15
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I saw the end of the race!
Cancellera did very well.
A successful end to his career!
You will be very pleased!
And Froome got the Bronze!
The fridge and freezer arrived at 2.45! Fifteen minutes grace!
The guys were very good and installed them exactly where we wanted them, and took the old ones away.
We cannot switch them on for four hours, and then cannot put anything in them for another two hours.
But all the food will be able to be restored to the fridge (from the cooler bags ) before we go to bed tonight - and we can go shopping for frozen food tomorrow!
I am pleased!
Daughter and pup arrived just as the delivery men left - so excellent timing!
United Nations is still a work in progress........but friendly relations look set to be established among the pets eventually!
9099 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th August 2016, 18:40
Hello, Elle!
I am delighted for Cancellara.
Froome did a great ride, too.
Tom Dumoulin? Second with a broken wrist!
Three top men!
It does not seem like the Olympics.
Nobody there.
The podium for the men and women medalists seemed to be put in the middle of the road.
And as for the anthems.
Like somebody put a record on the Dansette.
This "cannot switch them on for four hours" business rings a bell.
Is it to do with gas in the freezers?
And your daughter has turned up.
Tell her she is getting no tea until she gets the Red Button working!
9100 of 30765  -   Report This Post