Hi, Rusty!
Heather Watson?
We'd better stay off whom to support as I fear we shall argue!
(To me, as I've said before, when it is an International event, one supports one's country!
When it's an individual tournament - like Wimbledon, when each player plays for himself - - one supports whom one likes/ favours)
But each to his own! It would be a boring world, should we all agree!
Did you not like Lisa? I am becoming more used to her now.
Dave is nice, Barry a bit irritating and Kevin incredibly bright, and modest with it! And Pat is lovely!
Judith doesn't change much apart from ageing a little.
Daphne , I think, retired because her daughter was ill?
I didn't understand that your reference to the PDSA was to a charity shop!
I like charity shops - you never know when you might find a bargain - and I love to browse through their books.
Blue hair? I thought that was outdated!