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9th August 2016, 11:09
Hi, Rusty!
Are you back from your walk? Where did you go?
I see on the News that there has a been bit of a hoo-ha about Michael Phelps, who won his 19th Gold medal on Sunday.
Michael uses the "cupping" technique - you may have seen the big purple regular bruising across his shoulders as he swims - which is considered legal, but which apparently has the same side effects as taking meldonium (the substance for which Maria Sharapova was banned)
(I shall make no further comment as I honestly do not know what to say!)
I looked up CJ........ he did leave the programme once before to pursue his acting career, but then came back to it again...... but I think this time he has been "sacked".
There was some sort of scandal in which he was caught up and accused - although later cleared - but hard on the heels of his clearance, he was apparently "given the boot" by email by the BBC - or so says Google!
I am off out soon to have my hair are not the only one to be "trimmed"!
Then on my return, I had better do some housework before my daughter arrives tomorrow!
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9th August 2016, 12:16
Hello, Elle!
I have seen photos of Phelps and his bruises.
I find it strange and lacking in ethics.
If you do that to yourself, can drugs be far away?
I also read a report about Fiona Doyle, the Irish swimmer, being distraught about being in the same race as Efimova.
Fiona says Efimova has failed 5 drugs tests, yet FINA and IOC say "that's OK, Efimova, we do not mind, you are welcome".
This is the "tainted Games".
And there will be more scandals ahead!
Yes, I read that about BBC sacking CJ.
I suspect they were glad to have the opportunity to do so.
I am going to record Eggheads this night.
Not seen it in ages.
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9th August 2016, 14:29
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Home again!
I do not know what happened to the beautiful day whilst I was in the hairdressers!
It now looks like rain!
How come Efimova was allowed to compete?
I had understood that all Russians who had previously tested positive for drugs would not be allowed to participate?
I thought all such were officially banned?
These Games are becoming more of a farce as each day passes.
Btw, Eggheads is on at 7 pm at present during the Games, not its usual time of 6 pm., if you are planning to record it.
I like Kevin, as he is very quiet and modest about his great knowledge.
Also Pat, who is very quiet and charming!
I think I need a coffee (drug taking?!)...... and while I drink it, I shall take a look at today's crossword........
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9th August 2016, 15:09
Hello, Elle!
I am looking forward to Eggheads.
If I may quote Michelle Obama, "this is a treat!"
I remember Kevin very well. He knows everything!
A likeable lad.
What is/was his job?
I do not know Pat, I do not think.
And I like Judith.
Ever so slightly quirky and that is appealing!
It will be great without smug CJ.
I have set my machine to record it.
Efimova must have won an appeal, I suppose.
You would think 5 failed tests would suffice for a lifetime ban?
The IOC passed the buck, and FINA cannot be too bothered about dopers swimming.
Corruption abounds, I fear.
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9th August 2016, 15:51
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I think, without CJ, there will be seven Eggheads?
And as there are only five in the daily team, it will depend on whose "turn" it is, whom you will see on this afternoon's show.
I am not sure, but I think Kevin once said he used to be a Civil Servant, but I think now he is just a professional quizzer.
Pat (Gibson) is Irish and was born in Galway, but the family moved to Letterkenny (do I have that right?) in County Donegal when Pat was but a young lad.
I think he now lives in Wigan?
He has an Engineering Degree.
He, like Judith , won £1million on "Who Want to be a Millionaire".
(Judith is distantly related to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall).
Dave , another Egghead , won £250,000 on the same programme.
That is about the extent of my knowledge!
Anyway, I hope you will enjoy today's episode!
I like answering the questions!
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9th August 2016, 17:02
Hello, Elle!
I do not know about Pat, but I do know Letterkenny!
Largest town in Donegal.
You are well up on the Eggheads.
I do remember reading about Judith being a relation of some in/famous lady in history. Her name has left me though,
Nell Gwynn? No.
I shall probably watch it in the morning, (just like BGT!).
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9th August 2016, 17:13
Judith Keppel is related to Alice Keppel, mistress of King Edward VII and great-grandmother to the Duchess of Cornwall
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9th August 2016, 17:28
Yes, Judith's great grandfather, the 8th Earl of Albemarle, was the brother-in-law of Alice Keppel, and was the great -uncle of Camilla.
This makes Camilla Judith's second cousin once removed.
Judith's genealogy can be traced back to Eleanor of Aquitane and Henry II.
Ironically , this was the question that won Judith her million pounds on the Quiz show!
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9th August 2016, 17:37
In judo most of the sparring is the opponents trying to get a good hold in order to throw their opponent or get him into a submitting position
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9th August 2016, 17:53
Hello, Elle,
You are well up on your history!
Albemarle? New to me.
But, I have heard of Eleanor of Aquitane and Henry II.
I think I saw Judith winning the million.
There was a big bit in my local paper today.
Remember I told you about the Horn Milk Bar with the 15 slice bacon rolls?
Well, apparently there was what they called a "fashion shoot" there recently. Quite a few models etc posing away.
It was for a magazine called Vogue, apparently.
They say it went quite well and the customers were not too inconvenienced.

Eirlys, thank you for the info,

Rosalind, thank you for that.
Are you a judo fan?
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