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10th August 2016, 19:36
Hi, Rusty!
I have now switched on the fridge and freezer (this is like Christmas!)
And our daughter has solved the Red Button Syndrome!
It is simple, just as you said it would be - but not along the lines that any of us thought.
She looked up the BBC Red Button numbers available for the Olympics and..... guess what?....they are only applicable for certain models of Freeview!
Unfortunately, mine is not one of them!
This explains why the system of keying in numbers worked for Wimbledon but not now.
Well, at least I now know that there is nothing basically amiss with my Television set and my Freeview box!
It could be worse!
Right...dinner is ready......
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10th August 2016, 19:46
Just a generalised moan. The Olympic motto is:

Citius, Altius, Fortius, which is Latin for "Faster, Higher, Stronger"

I don't see any reference to "get awarded more points by the judges for artistic interpretation". I don't think that anything that has a panel of judges awarding points should be regarded as a sport. Discuss!

Not affecting me much, as so far I've only watched about 10 minutes of the men's road race. There was 170km to go, so I didn't watch to the end - exciting, apparently.
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10th August 2016, 19:58
Hello, Elle!
I just KNEW your daughter would get to the bottom of this mystery!
Wonder why though, your Freeview is not one of the chosen ones by BBC?
Something to do with Technology?
I do not think you are missing much.
Though I imagine there will be quite a few irked or puzzled Freeview customers.
And all your athletics will be on BBC 1 and 2, I imagine?
And they would not DARE shove that fine young man, Andy, out to Red Button 7 and not on the main show.
Glad the freezer etc are working away.
Great delivery service nowadays!
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10th August 2016, 20:07
Chris, the cycling road race?
I would fast forward until the last climb.
From then on is where the "hard luck" stories of Nibali etc start.
Very dodgy descent!
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10th August 2016, 20:11
Yes, it looked like a very dodgy course. The poor Belgian (?) girl got quite severely injured, didn't she?
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10th August 2016, 20:15
Yes, the Dutch girl got a bad one.
I think she was hoping to leave hospital today.
She could smell the gold medal but it was not to be.
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10th August 2016, 22:06
Hey, Rusty!
My Freeview model is perhaps too old to be considered for this venture?
But anyway, at least we now have the answer!
I think the only thing that I am missing that I would especially want to watch is the tennis!
I think you are right though about the far as I can tell that seems to be scheduled for the BBC main channels.
Daughter has gone to bed....leaving us in charge of the puppy for a while!
So far a Civil War has not broken out between the three dog is a little upset by the 'intruder' but hopefully, she will come to terms with this.
The cat is fine!
He has already had a sleep in the puppy's bed!
Time to put all the food back into the fridge .......
Tomorrow, we can shop to fill the freezer!
Oh, the excitement of it all!!
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10th August 2016, 23:07
Hello, Elle!
Perhaps your Freeview box is obsolete, yes.
I know nothing about them.
You and Malone seem to have different boxes?
I have Sky, which seems to be a very good system.
Mind, there are countless channels on it that I never look at.
Several hundreds in fact.
I used to often have the Landscape Channel on.
Lovely scenery and beautiful music, but it seems to have vanished.
Track cycling starts tomorrow, and Jess Varnish is on Breakfast TV. Wonder what channel that is ?!
Good that the creatures are getting on fine!
So, is it Sainsburys tomorrow for the freezer food?
We have one on the other side of the city.
I can't remember ever being in it.
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11th August 2016, 06:38
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a very early one!
I have been up since 5.30 to let the puppy out into the garden.
He has been very good so far, a couple of piddles on the carpet when he got excited but dry overnight.
My dog is rather possessive of me and warns the pup from time to time, but all in all it is going well.
Cat is fine with it all!
Your Sky TV sounds good, but we watch so little television that I am loath to pay for anything!
Our viewing is 'free'!
Yes, Sainsburys or Iceland for the frozen food.....I prefer Sainsburys.
We also have a Tesco but that is a drive away.
You will be watching the track cycling today, I expect?
Dog walk at 8am - for mine..........pup not allowed out in public places for another week until second vaccination has kicked in.
Dull is it with you?
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11th August 2016, 08:38
Good morning, Elle!
You are early "on the go" today!
The pets seem to be getting on with each other, that's good.
Sky TV is very good, but to me it is expensive, even though I negotiated a discount..
I am not sure when exactly the cycling starts.
And will anyone watch?
Poor crowds at the games, so far.
And that podium for the time trial medal presentation was laughable.
It was in the middle of a road!
How did Rio ever get chosen? I am not impressed.
The golf starts today, too, but I have no idea of how Olympic golf works.
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