Hello, Elle!
Forget the Olympics for a while.
The stench from IOC is overwhelming.
Something nice to cheer you up? A story?
Emily was four years old, and lived with her Mum in a quiet street, in a small town in Queensland, Australia.
One day Emily and Mum were having breakfast when they heard some noises outside their home.
They peeped out of the window, and saw a lorry with some men unloading bricks and building materials.
They had come to build a house opposite from Mum and Emily.
After breakfast Emily went across to say "hello" to the workmen.
They were friendly lads, and Emily started to "help" them.
Bringing glasses of cold lemonade to them and other little things like that.
The workmen and Emily became great friends and when the boss came around with the wages on Friday, the workmen made sure there was a little pay packet for Emily, too.
Emily and Mum were delighted, and Mum suggested they go to town the next day and deposit Emily's "wages" in the local bank.
Off they went the following morning and went in to the bank and saw Mr Smith the bank manager.
They explained that they wanted to deposit Emily's wages in the bank.
Mr Smith asked Emily how she had earned her wages.
"i've been building a house this week, Mr Smith" said Emily, proudly.
"Excellent" said Mr Smith, "and are you going to be building a house next week, too?"
"Yes", said Emily, "if we ever get the f???ing bricks!"
Mum was not so sure if it was a good idea to let Emily continue her career as a house builder!