Hi, Rusty!
I am glad that you are enjoying le Tour!!
Now to the nitty-gritty......
Yes, definitely the call should come from the IOC.
It should be an across the board decision.
The Russian athletes are banned - so competitors from the other disciplines should also be banned.
No argument!
Now, changing to a slightly different aspect....
If the IOC is saying that all Russians previously convicted of drug taking should not be allowed to compete - even if their "sentence " has been fully served - then that should surely also apply to other countries??
There cannot be one rule for one and another for everybody else.
(This is getting a bit convoluted, but I hope you are following me?)
I fully agree with you about Justin Gatlin - and any one else in a similar position.
Does no-one in authority have the guts to stand up and be counted?
To put his foot down and say" this is what is going to happen".