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24th July 2016, 16:08
I am wondering if most teams don't have such kits prepared just in case - particularly if one of their riders is among the favourites?
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24th July 2016, 16:12
Hello, Pigale,
Yes, they do.
And often bikes are resprayed overnight to match the jersey.
I remember Richard Virenque with a polka dot bike.
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24th July 2016, 16:16
Majka is riding a polka-dot bike today, but I don't think the rest of his team have dots (I may be mistaken, though!)
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24th July 2016, 16:20
And Sagan is riding a green bike!
I have not spotted Sam Bennett's bike.
Sam is last in the race, the "Lantern Rouge".
Wondering if he is on a red bike!
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24th July 2016, 16:35
Hi, Rusty!
I don't understand about Yuliya Stepanova?
It is she who was the original "whistleblower" - and one of the two Russian athletes whom so far the IOC had agreed should take part as "neutrals" under the IOC flag .
Are they reneging on that decision then?
I thought it was now established that Stepanova should compete?
I didn't agree with it, mind you!
(And what of the other athlete? I cannot remember her name ?)
This is all getting completely beyond me!
I guess I am not surprised that the decision about banning the other disciplines from competing has been left to the individual associations.
A let-out you say.......
But we may be surprised ...the various associations may still decide to come down on the side of banning?
But I still think this decision should have come from "on high" and be administered as a "blanket" ban.
All this painting of bikes.......incredible a lot of little kids let out to play!
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24th July 2016, 16:43
It's just the tradition Elle, like the Caravan throwing gifts to the crowds - it would not be Le Tour otherwise.
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24th July 2016, 17:00
Hello, Elle!
Like kids at play.
The ride to Paris is very much a relaxed procession marked by good humour etc.
The riders have suffered together for three weeks.
Now they can smell Paris,
So, a very relaxed carefree attitude takes over.
It is the way of le Tour.
IOC have said any Russian who has previously been found guilty of doping will be banned from Rio.
Fair enough.
Hang on a minute!
What about Justin Gatlin of USA?
He has had TWO doping bans and is going in the American team to Rio.
Is that fair? I
I would not think so if I were Russian.
I do not think there is time for all different sporting bodies to convene meetings etc.
This is the IOC Games, they should make the call.
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24th July 2016, 17:23
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad that you are enjoying le Tour!!
Now to the nitty-gritty......
Yes, definitely the call should come from the IOC.
It should be an across the board decision.
The Russian athletes are banned - so competitors from the other disciplines should also be banned.
No argument!
Now, changing to a slightly different aspect....
If the IOC is saying that all Russians previously convicted of drug taking should not be allowed to compete - even if their "sentence " has been fully served - then that should surely also apply to other countries??
There cannot be one rule for one and another for everybody else.
(This is getting a bit convoluted, but I hope you are following me?)
I fully agree with you about Justin Gatlin - and any one else in a similar position.
Does no-one in authority have the guts to stand up and be counted?
To put his foot down and say" this is what is going to happen".
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24th July 2016, 17:52
Hello, Elle!
Firstly, what a beautiful city Paris is!
The International Tennis Federation are first out of the blocks and state the Russian tennis team is welcome at the Games!
Now all the rest will have to decide.
Boxers, gymnasts, swimmers, cyclists, rowers, etc etc.
It is a farce.
No leadership from IOC.
They talk the talk, but wont walk the walk.
It was "state sponsored doping" the investigation ruled.
Then ban the state. Ban Russia.
Stop fudging.
I am off now.
Have a Tour to watch!

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24th July 2016, 18:01
Hello, Elle,
Quick update.
The head of USADA has condemned the IOC for "refusing to take decisive leadership".
I saw this coming ages ago.
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