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24th July 2016, 22:30
Hi, Rusty!
Is 'Ride London' the one that goes around St James' Park and Birdcage Walk and Wellington Barracks etc - or is that a different race?
(I remember telling you all about St James' Park last year)
Does The Mall come into it?
I get confused sometimes!!
I haven't forgotten to phone my cousin!
She is away on holiday this week!
She has headed off vaguely in your direction; although only as far as Northumberland!
(Mind you, I did have to write it down on my wall calendar, so that I would know when we got around to today!)
Matthew Pinsett had things to say, too!, about the IOC's ill-fated decision!
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24th July 2016, 22:42
Hello, Ros!
Umm. you may have a point......Putin was apparently talking of 'revenge' should the ban go ahead!
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking about a deaf and mute person? - who I believe do not like to be so termed, although I don't know what we should say instead?
Perhaps you could elucidate a little?
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24th July 2016, 23:04
Hello, Elle,
That sounds a bit like Ride London.
Is there a bit of Surrey in there, too?
I do not think it is a top class race.
Possibly mainly British riders in it?
Or is there a Ride Surrey race?
Norhumberland is well South of me!
Glorious Goodwood is on this week.
There is always something going on!
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24th July 2016, 23:06
Hello Ros,

My first reaction is yes, I think every living human does think - of what remains to be seen, but Descartes' 'I think, therefore I am' might also be turned the other way: 'I am, therefore I think'

Need to reflect a bit more about this though.
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24th July 2016, 23:08
Rusty/Elle, was there not a race last year that passed through Jazzgirl place? Now, where would that be?
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24th July 2016, 23:13
Hello, Pigale,
I think Jazzgirl lives in Surrey, yes.
Ride Surrey rings a bell with me?
But Ride London is on next week.
It may go through Surrey going to London.
I am confused!
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24th July 2016, 23:22
Hi Pigale

I have read that without language , one cannot have a concept of self, of "I". A bit like a baby, I suppose.

The book has as a central character a deaf mute, and at least if we use that term we do know what we are talking about though I agree it seems not to be politically correct. No-one where he lived knew sign language. Because it's a book club, I have to think of some things to discuss! So I started thinking about language, specifically if it is possible to think without words.
I'm just reading a fascinating story of a man who really didn't have language, who didn't know what a word was, or that sound exists. He survived by copying (actions). An amazing woman (who had her own poblems with words and had learned signing) worked out how to get him to understand what words are, and to communicate. But when he finally had a language, he would never discuss his "dark time"
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25th July 2016, 00:19
Hi, Rusty!
I'm sorry for the delay in answering - you have probably gone to bed!
I think that Ride London starts off from the Queen Elizabeth Stadium in London and possibly (?) goes through London via Canary Wharf?
Yes, it does go through Surrey - I definitely remember its going through Dorking.
I think it is 100 mile race.
I 'm fairly sure it ends back in London again, on The Mall.
What I cannot remember is whether this is also the same race that encompasses St James Park.
(I am sure that someone will correct me if I have this wrong!)
I shall now answer Ros and then I am away to bed!
It has gone midnight.
It is much cooler, so hopefully should be a pleasanter night.
Talk tomorrow!

Hello, Ros!
I've been thinking, but cannot come up with anything other than the following.....
Even if a man cannot hear or speak, or sign - thereby having no knowledge of "language" - would he not have a "concept" of things around him?
Can you have ''concept'' without having ''thought''?
I think possibly you can?
And he would also have a visual sense?
I shall ponder on it.....
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25th July 2016, 07:20
Read all about it ;)

Yes, the potholes are already being mended in preparation... this is the only time they are :(
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25th July 2016, 07:59
Good morning, Elle.
A fine morning here!
Thank you for the update on Ride London, and thanks to Jazzgirl, too.
The event/s are on TV, anyway, and I am sure you will enjoy looking out for "known" places.
I was looking out for neighbours when the Carnooustie golf was on!
The summer has been hectic with sport!

Lizzie did not ride La Course yesterday as she is preparing for Rio.
Looking forward to reading my paper today to see what is said about IOC decision.
At least Seb Coe and IAAF can hold their heads up after banning the track and field team.
I hope more federations follow!
How are you and all your chores getting on?
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