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26th July 2016, 10:57
Hello, Pigale!
Oops! Cat won't mind rough play - he will give as good as he gets! But dog will! She doesn't do "contact sports"!
She will play chase for hours, but if a dog jumps on her or touches her, she gets very cross!
Oh well, this is the whole point of them all meeting up that they can learn to tolerate each other.
With a bit of common sense all round(!) it should work out ok!
Only about 20C here!
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26th July 2016, 11:04
Hello, Elle,
The United Nations would be the gig for you.
Helping everybody get on!
8802 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th July 2016, 11:19
Good Morning Rusty,

That would be a dream world !

How are you today?
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26th July 2016, 11:36
Good morning, Pigale!
I am grand, thank you!
Hope you are, too?
Weather is coolish but dry. Perfect!

Hello, Elle,
Good Olympic coverage in The Times, today.
Emma Pooley, Paula Radcliffe etc, all speaking out.
"Silence" from the sports kit makers as usual.
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26th July 2016, 11:49
Good morning again, Rusty!
I haven't bought a Times today!
I have the crosswords from John.
But last night's London Evening Standard covered the IOC saga quite well, so hopefully there will be more of the situation in tonight's edition.
Emma Pooley - isn't she a cyclist?
Paula Radcliffe had a quite a lot to say on the subject on Sunday at the Anniversary Games.
She has a very sensible on- the- ball viewpoint.
I think she makes a good commentator.
Another hour...and I am off to the dentist!
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26th July 2016, 13:25
Hello, Elle!
Yes, Emma is a cyclist, ex world champion, (all 5ft 2ins of her) and a member of the winning Christmas University Challenge team.
I am a fan!
She is coming up against a doper in the time trial, and she is wild!
Also there to help Lizzie in the road race.
Paula is quite good too.
Is she heading to Rio, I wonder?
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26th July 2016, 15:50
Hi, Rusty!
Back from the dentist!
She was right- it was only a very little filling!
I survived!
Now the dentist always provides the Times whilst I was awaiting my turn, I was able to catch up on the IOC "scandal"!
I quite see Emma's point.....she should not have to compete against someone who starts out with an unfair advantage.
But regrettably this will be happening across the board to many competitors.
Especially as the IOC failed so dismally to exert its authority when it had the chance.
I was astounded to read that as there were no TVs in the rooms, 42 condoms were being provided instead!
(page 64 if you missed it!)
42? I haven't done the Maths yet........
(I'm wondering if this works in reverse....... if I were to go into a TV shop and offer them 42 condoms....?)
What have you been doing today?
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26th July 2016, 16:40
Hello, Elle,
That was good you survived the filling and read The Times!
Emma is bang on the money!
The IOC is not fit for purpose.
It could not care less about dopers.
They are an embarassment to WADA and every young aspiring sportsperson out there.
You seem to know an awful lot about condoms, Elle?
I have been sharpening scissors, and other humdrum tasks.
Going to tidy up the family grave tomorrow.
The forecast is for a dry morning, so that's fine.
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26th July 2016, 18:54
Good evening, Rusty!
I have been watching Eggheads!
You would have liked one of the questions!
Of which group was Shane MacGowan the lead singer?
Obviously there were three multiple choice answers......but you don't need those!
How far back down your family does your family grave go?
Here in London, we only have a stone commemorating my parents (at the Crematorium).
The rest of the family "reside" in the Crematorium in Bolton.
I think a branch of the family was buried but don't know any details.
It is good that you keep the grave looking nice.
We tend to our engraved marble slab , and surrounding, too.
It is flat on the ground and we can stand plants on it.
I hope you do have a good day tomorrow for it, but we are forecast rain here!
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26th July 2016, 19:44
Hello, Elle,
I would know Shane's band.
He has fine new teeth now!
Funny thing, I got sent a video clip an hour ago on WhatsApp.
A Galway GAA team were on their way home by ferry from the Aran Islands, and one of the team sang a Luke Kelly song, "The Night Visiting Song" and was superb at it.
Not a sound on the boat but this fine singer in great voice.
Every one on the ferry shut up to listen.
I enjoyed it!
My family grave has my sister and parents in it.
I keep it neat and tidy (and I speak to them while doing it) and shall take flowers. There are are some heathers needing chopping back.
I think I have a dry day tomorrow.
Hope so!
8810 of 30765  -   Report This Post