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24th July 2016, 10:49
Hello, Elle!
It is overcast up here.
Many years ago there was a series on TV, think it was Australian, about the war. And the lad in charge of the Lewis gun had red hair and was called Bluey!
"She'll be apples" means "it will be alright".
I like that one!
I am staying home today.
I shall watch La Course, and Le Tour coming home to Paris.
And the Seniors Golf from Carnoustie.
Just watched a prog on sports doping on BBC.
i think Joan/Jean? Hill was the presenter.
Tessa Sanderson was on and spoke very well and was extremely articulate, I thought.
Anyway, there was an "expert" on, and he reckoned that every team, without exception, going to Rio, will have their share of dopers.
A sobering thought!
And I have consigned "The Egg and I" to the recycling bin.
Far too racist and disparaging about the Native Americans, for me.
It was written in 1945, but even so... To the Pribilofs with it!
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24th July 2016, 11:06
Hi Elle
Lived in many places in the world but have a soft spot for Gt Yarmouth and Norfolk
Weather cooler thank goodness
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24th July 2016, 12:23
Hi, Rusty!
So I wasn't telling you anything new with "Bluey"!
I haven't heard "She'll be apples" - I would never have guessed the meaning of that!
Now I wonder if I can drop that into a conversation today......
I didn't notice any programme advertised about drugs on BBC? or was it something you had recorded earlier?
I like Tessa Sanderson.
She relatively recently adopted twins. I think they are three years old now?
A great thing to do!
The bin - or the Pribilofs! - is the best place for your book if it is at all racist.
Strange, as it is supposed to be humourous, isn't it?
There is nothing at all funny about racism.
Did you write a review for Amazon?
You should do - and express your disgust!
I am three -quarters way through the Everyman with comparative ease......and now have come to a grinding halt in the south -west corner (I work down systematically).
I think a coffee is called for........ brain stimulus!
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24th July 2016, 13:00
Hello, Elle,
It is Jane Hill, the presenter. Drugs in sport was not the sole topic.
But it was a regular Sunday morning prog on BBC.
Tessa was looking very well.
Had not seen her in years and would not have known her.
No, I shall leave Amazon in peace.
The author is long dead anyhow and her book has taken up residence in my bin.
But, I agree completely with you regarding racism.
Makes me squirm!
No, I knew about Bluey! Just from the old TV series, though.
I remembered "she'll be apples!" from Bill Bryson's "Down Under".
He was on a train in Oz that took two days to get to its destination, and he had a small sleeping compartment booked.
The train conductor showed him to it, and how everything worked, and Bill expressed surprise at the tiny size of it, and the conductor said something like, "she may be small, mate, but she'll be apples".
And Bill said she was!
Have you dropped a Hill's Hoist into a casual chat with your neighbours yet?
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24th July 2016, 14:42
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I came across something very interesting the other day........I cannot recall for what I was searching but I hit on early methods of telling the time.
Now I knew of course about the sundial, and the hour glass, but here are two methods about which I didn't know.
Of course, you may already know of these...but "just in case" you don't .....
Before there were clocks , there were 'candle clocks' that burned a set number of hours.
If you wanted a reminder or alarm, you pushed a nail in at the desired time length in the candle and when it melted to that point, the nail would fall and clank on the metal holder, so alerting you.
Another ancient time measurer was the water clock or clepsydra. It was an evenly marked container with a spout in which water dripped out. As the water dripped out of the container one could note by the water level against the markings what time it was.
These sort of titbits fascinate me!
Are you cycling .......or playing golf?
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24th July 2016, 15:24
Hello, Elle!
They are ingenious clocks.
Some clever folk going about.
I tried to watch La Course but Eurosport lost the commentary.
I think Chloe Hosking won, though.
Looks like a fine day in Paris for the Tour arriving.
I am not sure who shall win today.
Hope Sagan goes well!
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24th July 2016, 15:48
Just watched the roll-out for the TdF. Froome is on a yellow bike, the rest of the team have yellow flashes on their bikes, and also on their kit. The latter must surely have been prepared in advance - arrogant, or what?
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24th July 2016, 15:52
Also England, leading by 394 on first innings, haven't enforced the follow-on. What is going on?
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24th July 2016, 15:54
This is ringing a vague bell...didn't something like this happen last year, Chris?
I don't actually follow the racing but just get updates from Rusty.......but I'm sure I recall a similar situation?
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24th July 2016, 16:02
Hello, Elle,
Stepanova is not being allowed to compete in Rio.
No blanket ban for Russia.
IOC say individual associations will have to decide if Russians can compete or not.
In other words "a fudge".
It is tradition for TDF winners team to wear some yellow.
They have brought their leader to Paris in yellow and are celebrating the win. Happens every year.
The winning team is Movistar and they wear yellow numbers.
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