Hi, Rusty!
Is there really a place called "Great" Nether Wallop?
(I think you are making that up?)
But funnily enough, I used to work with someone who came from Nether Wallop - nothing "great" about the name though!
No, I couldn't take part in Clueless or Peer Review, Rusty.
I simply wouldn't be good enough!
Ever supposing that I could come up with a clue that would win, I would be unable to understand all of the clues that I would then have to "judge"!
That aspect is what would deter me from competing!!
I do look in from time to time but so much is over my head!
(But when I cannot sleep tonight because of the heat, I shall ponder a clue for "Hill's Hoist"......)
And now, I am going to bed!
G'night! (or however they say it in Australia!)