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23rd July 2016, 21:18
Hi, Rusty!
I always thought that "Great" Britain was so called because it is the largest of the British Isles?
Did you know that Jo Pavey has been chosen for the third discretionary place, to join Beth Potter and Jess Andrews - both of whom qualified automatically - to run in the 10,000m at Rio?
I am so pleased for her!
I feel that she deserves this after all her contributions to the sport.
I like Jo!
In the email newsletter that I get from the Scottish Wildlife Trust
( telling of Lassie , Laddie and the chicks) it says that though most ospreys migrate to West Africa, it is becoming increasingly clear that some only go as far as Spain, Portugal or Southern France.
But as genetic influence was recently mentioned , I take it we can definitely assume that Lassie's chicks will travel to Africa, as do their parents ?
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23rd July 2016, 21:30
Hello, Elle!
That sounds a logical opinion regarding "Great".
Great as in size.
There is Great Yarmouth, too, but we can leave that for another day!
And Gran Canaria!
Very pleased for Jo, and it is news to me!
I like Jo, too.
I thought the ospreys went to Senegal or Gambia?
Is it Gambia or The Gambia?
There are ospreys in Sweden too. Maybe they go to Spain?

Hello, Pigale,
A big "well done" on winning Peer Review!
There are a lot of clever folk on that thread, so you did very well!
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23rd July 2016, 22:00
Thanks Rusty ! I have been a go at both Peer Review and Clueless for a while now; It's almost addictive ! But until today I was never totally satisfied with my clue writing; today was different.
I learn a lot from reading and understanding the clever clues from others.
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23rd July 2016, 22:15
Hey, Rusty!
I should think that the same principle might apply to Great Yarmouth, which is a coastal town in Norfolk.
It is probably called "Great" Yarmouth as opposed to Yarmouth, which is on the Isle of Wight.
Yarmouth is one of the smallest towns in the UK.
Gran Canaria, though. has me beat!
Meaning the Great Island of Dogs, it is only the second most populous of the Canary Islands.
And I don't know of a "Canaria" for comparative purposes?
I shall be interested to hear if you discover the reason!
Time for coffee and a shortcake biscuit!
(Daughter has brought us some "shorties" back from her holiday!)

Congratulations, Pigale, on your win!
That is very well done - and especially as English is not your "first" language!
I am very impressed!
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23rd July 2016, 22:20
Elle, thank you; I thoroughly enjoy having a go - You might enjoy it yourself if you tried it, I am sure you would do well.
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23rd July 2016, 22:46
Hello, Elle!
Very warm tonight!
I thought you would know because you are educated to a higher standard than me.
I will not do any more "great" exploring.
Just leads on to other places like Great Nether Wallop etc.
I did not know Canaria was the island of dogs.
So that is something I learned this night!
Yes, Pigale did very well indeed.
I think you should have a go too, Elle!
You could come up with a clue for Hill's Hoist!
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23rd July 2016, 23:13
Hi, Rusty!
Is there really a place called "Great" Nether Wallop?
(I think you are making that up?)
But funnily enough, I used to work with someone who came from Nether Wallop - nothing "great" about the name though!
No, I couldn't take part in Clueless or Peer Review, Rusty.
I simply wouldn't be good enough!
Ever supposing that I could come up with a clue that would win, I would be unable to understand all of the clues that I would then have to "judge"!
That aspect is what would deter me from competing!!
I do look in from time to time but so much is over my head!
(But when I cannot sleep tonight because of the heat, I shall ponder a clue for "Hill's Hoist"......)
And now, I am going to bed!
G'night! (or however they say it in Australia!)
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24th July 2016, 07:56
Good morning, Elle!
I "think" I have made up Great Nether Wallop!
Unless Bill Bryson wrote about it and it has lodged itself in my brain.
Like Aunt Rhody did!
Fine name, though!
A family in Darwin reported that the only thing left standing on their property after Cyclone Tracy was a Hill's Hoist.
I read about Tracy the other day.
It was the worst recorded hurricane in Australian history.
I do not know about "g'night", but "cheerio" and "hooroo" are Aussie for goodbye.
Lassie appears to be doing a bit of spring cleaning this morning.
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24th July 2016, 10:01
Hi all
Gernemwa Yernemouth was a settlement near a Roman camp near the river Yare,a bit of a mouthful so Great Yarmouth was easier has a long history and one of the biggest parish churches in England
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24th July 2016, 10:28
Good morning, Rusty!
Back home again!
A beautiful day here! and much fresher - so far!
(Let us not tempt providence!)
An enjoyable walk - not least because we met an old friend.
Her dog is sadly having trouble with his back legs, but he seemed pleased to be out, and enthusiastic about seeing us!
When searching for the Australian slang for "Good night", I came across "Bluey" for a red-haired man!
So there you go!
What are you up to today?
We are "taking it easy"!

Hello, Doglet!
Thank you for the info about Great Yarmouth.
I should have known that you would know that!
It is not all that far from Pakefield and yet I know very little about it.
A pity we don't have any more Athletics today!
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