Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely day here! Much cooler and fresher! I like it.
I am only just back from the park.
So I and my chores have yet to meet up!
I shall delay that further, whilst I have a coffee and do my crossword......then I will pitch in!
It is no wonder that I was unable to reconcile in my head all the landmarks of Ride London......I had no idea that there were so many different races.
Races one and three on the list that Jazzgirl vey kindly provided are the ones that cover St James' Park and more immediate London landmarks.
Yes, I think Brendan's faith (recently reiterated at the London Anniversary Games this w/e) in Seb has been justified.
I don't have a Times this morning (back to John's screen prints) - anything of particular note to report about the Russian situation?
Apparently WADA has strongly criticised the IOC for failing to ban the entire Russian team.
Jazzgirl, thank you for the link for Ride London.
The various routes are very interesting and helpful.
I had no idea that there were so many different races - no wonder I was confused!