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25th July 2016, 17:15
Good afternoon, Elle.
And a very pleasant one it is too!
I just had a canny dander up to the Nature Trail.
I bought a new wardrobe earlier this year and punted quite a lot of clothes.
My new wardrobe is quite a bit smaller.
Not heard anything new although Kara Goucher is condemning them for disallowing previous drug cheats from Russia to the Games, while turning a blind eye to the USA (for one) having several in their team. Katherine Merry slaughtered IOC too.
And Jo Pavey.
Meanwhile FINA have banned seven Russian swimmers.
There was a quite a lot in The Times you could have read.
Even editorials.
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25th July 2016, 19:21
Good evening, Rusty!
Goodness, I must have got the spring cleaning bug (a trifle late, but who says you can't do it in mid Summer!)
I have now started on the chest of drawers!
The staff at the charity shop is going to be very pleased with me!
I haven't heard of Katharine Merry for a long time.
She retired from sprinting because of illness, didn 't she?
Or am I misremembering?
What is she doing with herself these days?
Yes, I wish retrospectively that I had bought today's paper.......... there must be such a lot I would like to read......
My husband has just gone out to get our local paper - the Evening Standard - so I have asked him to pick up a Times for me if there is still one available.
Nothing strange or starting in my crossword today...Mr R must be keeping a low profile!
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25th July 2016, 20:08
Good evening, ElleĀ”
I think Katharine had bone spurs on her heels causing retirement.
She works as a sports presenter for Sky TV and Eurosport.
My crossword was straightforward too.
Stepanova has criticised IOC for not letting her run at the Games.
And...I have just discovered that all the athletic events shall take place in the early hours of the day!
This is a pain in the butt.
Will have to get my thinking hat on!
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25th July 2016, 21:09
Hi, Rusty!
I have been busy reading about the IOC in both today's Times and the London Evening Standard.
So many people are now speaking out against the shameful decision that was taken.
The IOC should bow its head in shame!
At least the IAAF (and Seb) have come out of this with some credit.
I don't think you need worry about the timing of the Athletics track and field events at Rio..... the BBC - and presumably Eurosport? - will no doubt show them here at a 'civilised' hour!
This has happened before when the time scales do not coincide - and the events were simply shown the next day.
Admittedly, they will not be shown "live", but this is often the case in Athletics - certainly with the BBC !
(We are used to its happening with the Diamond League Meetings)
Goodness, I am tired.........housework is exhausting!
Roll on the Athletics when I can give it up again!
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25th July 2016, 21:36
Hello, Elle!
You are one up on me with the London Evening Standard!
Is it any good?
We have an evening paper but I avoid it, it is more like a comic!
Be good to hear Seb say something, though.
I shall plan my viewing at the Olympics.
Wonder if there are programmes with event times for sale?
Want to see David Florence in the canoeing events, too.
I like him.
BBC and Red Button should be fine for watching the events.
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25th July 2016, 21:49
Hello, Elle!
I have found the Olympic programme on Radio Times website and have saved it as a bookmark.
Very pleased with me!
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26th July 2016, 07:36
Good morning, Rusty!
Another lovely day but a lot cooler!
So far I have only been as far as the garden.
I have just realised that the bulk of the Olympic Games will be whilst our elder daughter, the two boys - and the new puppy - will be here!
I shall have my hands full!
I doubt I will get to see much of the athletics!
I shall need to study the timetable, and see how much is possible to record if we are given sufficiently specific times for detailed events.
Ah well.... I can always watch in the early hours of the morning when everyone has gone to bed!
It will be lovely to have them all to stay.
We are looking forward to it! to the park with the dog.......
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26th July 2016, 09:18
Good morning, Elle!
It is a fine morning here, too.
Much better when it is cooler, I think!
I am going to be selective regarding what I watch or record during the Games.
One event I am looking forward to, is the mountain bike cross country.
Peter Sagan is in it. He does not like the cycling road course as it does not suit him (he is world champion on the road), so has switched to mountain biking. Incredible!
I think there are more Olympic articles in The Times today.
It will be nice having your family to stay.
Hope the dogs get on!
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26th July 2016, 10:36
Hi, Rusty!
We had a great walk!
It is much nicer walking in a cooler temperature.
Re the Olympics........ I shall concentrate on watching the athletics - and hopefully at least some of the tennis; but as I will have to fit it in around a family visit, my viewing will be somewhat restricted.
I have now printed out a timetable for the Athletics events, so hopefully will be able to record the relevant sessions and watch them late at night.
It should work out!
Yes, there is always the worry about the pets getting on with each other.
I am not too worried about the dogs being together - mine is well used to socialising with other dogs - but the pup and my cat will need to learn to co-habit, or else pup will be unable to come here in future.
My cat is fine with dogs, so it is a question of acclimatising the pup!
Hopefully , if we do this very soon while pup is young and hasn't learnt any bad manners, it will be okay.
But if you remember, we (sadly) had to take back the first young dog whom we brought home from Battersea, because he seriously intended to have "cat dinner"!
So it doesn't always work out!
Dentist this afternoon!
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26th July 2016, 10:47
Morning Elle,

Being a Retriever, I would imagine that Pup will be OK - it is a very friendly breed, with humans as well as with other animals; more than likely, and since he is very young, he will want to play! Let's hope your cat doesn't get fed up with that!

Glorious weather here, hottish (27/28C) but with a small breeze. No humidity content so it's very comfortable.
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