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23rd July 2016, 09:48
Hello Elle, Rusty and everyone,

Beautiful day here too, with a nice breeze;
Unfortunately, i fear it will not be too nice for today's stage; the forecast seems to be again for rain and possible storms - hope it will not cause the same havoc as yesterday.

Having trouble opening my mails too Elle; and like you, I find everything very slow; wonder if it is the same problem - technology knows no frontiers!

Just had a look at the chicks but saw none !
8711 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd July 2016, 11:38
Good morning, Pigale!
Hope it is a good stage today!
Then Paris!
There is a women's race, La Course, tomorrow, before le Tour arrives in Paris. Should be good!
My broadband is fine today, Pigale.
Empty nest for me, too.
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23rd July 2016, 11:45
Hi, Rusty!
Just back from a very hot and humid walk - it was a great mistake to go out an hour later than usual!
I shan't make the same error tomorrow!
Did you enjoy your walk? How far did you venture?
I should think a walk by the river would be nice in this weather!
How nice of Dame Kelly to congratulate Laura!
I have met Kelly once some long time ago.
She was being interviewed for television on the bridge by the Sports Stadium in Crystal Palace Park.
It was pouring with rain and she was just wearing running kit and trying to look dry for the photos!
My (previous) dog went over to her and she stopped the interview to make a fuss of him - and talk to me!
A very nice lady!

Hello, Pigale!
I am sorry to heat you are suffering from the same problem as me re mail etc.
It was most peculiar how I couldn't open threads on the forum.
(Maybe there were other sufferers and that is why there was so little activity on there yesterday?)
So far (touch wood) all is well today.
No, still no birds in the nest!
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23rd July 2016, 12:46
Hello, Elle!
I went along the Nature Trail.
Dodging young girls and horses most of the way!
Kelly seems the real deal.
I have le Tour on.
Last day before Paris!
Does not seem long since they were heading to Utah Beach!
Last night I looked at the nest and only Lassie was there, eating a fish. And she looked around quite a bit.
It went through my mind that she may have been thinking the chicks do not need her any more and it was time she headed South. Probably not, mind, but it passed through my mind.
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23rd July 2016, 13:12
I see that there was yet another barbarous attack in Germany - several armed individuals and at least three of them escaped - not very reassuring! Is it a terrorist act?
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23rd July 2016, 13:25
Hello, Pigale,
The one last night at Munich was only one man according to the Al Jazeera news station. A native German they say.
What is Sagan up to today?
He is at the head of a break getting stuck right in.
Must be method in his madness!
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23rd July 2016, 13:56
Rusty, Sagan might want to have the 'best combative' red jersey !
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23rd July 2016, 14:05
Hello, Pigale!
I think he is riding for Kreuziger, who is now second in the GC, on the road.
This move has forced Team Sky to the front of the peloton.
Could just possibly threaten Froome.
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23rd July 2016, 14:23
Hi, Rusty!
It is about 28C here!
It will be a very hot afternoon for the athletes competing at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium!
I have recorded the programme about KJT, so I can watch it later, but will be looking at the Athletics events live.............they will be starting very shortly!
I have just seen the rerun of Laura yet again! What a gutsy girl!
I must go refill my water jug.......there will be thirsty work ahead!
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23rd July 2016, 14:35
Hello, Elle!
Not so hot here!
Raining on le Tour.
Laura Muir has tweeted that she was the last athlete to leave the stadium at 11.30 pm yestreen.
She was in Dope Control for some time.
The more you watch her run, the better it gets!
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