Hi, Rusty!
A lovely day here now! Becoming a bit oppressive again though.
Maybe we shall have a thunderstorm later. It might be a good thing to clear the air.
I had a list of household jobs I intended to do this morning!
I haven't got very far, as the phone has done nothing but ring!
Every man and his dog has phoned me this morning!
Lovely to chat though - and a very good excuse not to work!
Now...... "every man and his dog"....how did that saying originate, I wonder?
What time are you off out for your bacon roll?
You will be wanting to be back to watch the cycling?
Hello, Ros!
I'm sorry not to reply before! I have been away from the computer.
Yes, you are right - it is extremely annoying about the road and the necessity to go through all this again next week!
Especially as I got the date wrong in the first place and my poor husband has relocated our car twice already!
Good afternoon, Pigale!
Yes, I shall try if possible to see something of le Tour - I am keen to see Mount Blanc and the tremendous scenery around.
I shall probably be going out, though, for part of the afternoon - would the highlights shown later be of any use for me to watch?