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21st July 2016, 20:53
Hello, Elle,
We shall have to wait and see about the rest of the Russians.
I have just checked programmes for the "morn's night" and BBC2 Scotland are showing live athletics at 8.00 with Gabby Logan and Steve Cram.
Surely your BBC2 should have it too?
Red Button?
Cycling tomorrow should certainly be scenic at Mont Blanc.
I will watch that and the golf. (Spot the neighbours in the crowd!)
A fool and his Hill's Hoist are soon parted!
8681 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st July 2016, 21:13
Hi, Rusty!
You are correct!
My error!
The Athletics event is only over two days (not three as I had thought) and yes, the opening night is being broadcast on BBC2 tomorrow evening!
Thank you for telling me, otherwise I would have missed it!
I supposedly looked in the TV guide - I don't know how I didn't see it.....possibly because I was expecting it to be on BBC1.
I shall look forward to watching it.
And more than just highlights for a change!
My weekend is looking up!
Elder daughter has been on the phone........pup had a good night, didn't "cry", and was dry throughout the night, whimpering only to go outside this morning.
A good beginning!
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21st July 2016, 21:34
Hello, Elle!
I thought so!
8.00 seems a late start though?
Good news about the pup, too.
Been a fine evening here.
I am going for a bacon roll tomorrow with a granddaughter!
She has invited me.
I'm looking forward to it!
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21st July 2016, 21:37
Hello, Elle and Pigale.
Sad news.
One of the osprey chicks at Dyfi in Wales has died in the nest overnight.
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21st July 2016, 22:06
Hi, Rusty!
That is such sad news about the death of the osprey chick in Wales.
I do not know anything of these chicks. How did you hear about them?
Is the cause of death known?
Are the surviving chicks (how many?) flourishing?
So where are you going for your bacon roll? The Pine Cone?
And with which granddaughter?
It has remained cooler here , thank goodness.
All windows are open wide, but we no longer need the fans.
Hopefully, we might get a good night's sleep for a change!
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22nd July 2016, 06:39
Good morning. Elle!
Fine weather here.
I do not know what happened the chick, but the rangers were concerned about it for a day or so.
There are several osprey sites with webcams and/or blogs.
Miss Orlando and me are lunching!
Do not know where, yet. She's the driver!
I am looking forward to Mont Blanc later!
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22nd July 2016, 08:02
I read that the chick who died had fallen three days earlier jumping up and down too vigorously on a larch branch. She stopped eating. They are very keen on not interfering and thought she appeared to be not badly injured.
Cooler today, thank goodness
8687 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2016, 09:56
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich here earlier when I took the dog out!
The sun is attempting to show his face now though.
A frustrating day so far... ...residents of our road with great difficulty have struggled to find alternative parking for their cars, in readiness for today's road re-surfacing.
The workmen haven't turned up!
I rang the Council number given....Voicemail informed me that the person I was calling would be "out of the office all day"!
The coward!
I finally tracked down the foreman - the poor guy must be inundated with calls from angry car owners!
Apparently, the workmen are caught up in another job and won't be coming!
It didn't seem to cross anyone's mind to notify the road's residents!
Although I am now told that an apology will be forthcoming........
Horses and stable doors come to mind though!
And we still have to be given a new date and go through the scenario yet again.
Right, rant over with......!
Yes, Mount Blanc sounds good....I shall try to watch.
I hope you enjoy your lunch date with Miss O!
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22nd July 2016, 10:06
Oh elle, that is so aggravating. To be repeated another day, naturaly, at least the parking bit.
They are closing both roads through the next village for 3 days next week, no idea how that's going to work.
8689 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2016, 10:46
Good morning, Elle!
That is disapponting regarding your road.
Worse things happen at sea!
I think you can watch athletics from 7.00 pm on Red Button.
A bit dull here just now, but dry.
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