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30th January 2016, 15:51
Hi again,

My 'quite windy' mentioned this morning has turned to a full blow with regular stronger gusts and driving rain - quite miserable to look outside, and it is almost dark already (a good hour earlier than recently).

You were wise not to go out Rusty, no use in making your nasty cold even worse. Why not have an aspirin and a hot toddy before going to bed......?
5841 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2016, 16:41
Hello, Pigale!
Your weather is not so good!
Yes, I have retired for the night.
Lstening to the wind howling outside!
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30th January 2016, 18:04
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, Lemsip is good for colds! and I found it helpful to add a spoonful of honey to it when I had my bad cough.
Bear that in mind in case you find yourself developing a cough (although I do hope that you won't!)
The best thing is to stay indoors and keep warm - and don't encourage any more visits from granddaughters "bearing gifts" like bad colds!!
How deep is your snow now?
You must be feeling "off" if you don't feel like watching your Sport! How is Lindsey Vonn doing?
I don't mind Jamie Murray - it is just Andy who ruffles my feathers!
I am just about to organise dinner........ we are having beef stew and jacket potatoes - plus a vegetable yet to be decided!
Are you feeling like eating?
I have "The Voice " to watch tonight!
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30th January 2016, 19:00
Hello, Elle,
Did any of that info I posted help you regarding your eBay purchase?
No girls threatening to visit me. My snow is about an inch last I looked. Vonn was 12th or worse.
I think Andy Murray plays tonight.
I do not like his opponent.
I am on a diet of bananas and tomatoes.
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30th January 2016, 19:31
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I'm very sorry, I meant to answer that........I hadn't noticed the comment at the top about the condition? I really do not recall its being there when I chose which book to buy....but I guess it must have been ?
I think this is all my fault...and I haven't come out it too badly anyway - I got the puzzle book for only £3-95 and only "lost" six puzzles out of 80.
I shall be more careful in future - I think I am happier dealing with Amazon, as it is all made so much clearer ( for dumb clucks like me!)
Thank you for taking the trouble to help me.
A diet of bananas and tomatoes?( a peculiar mixture?)
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30th January 2016, 20:23
Hello, Elle!
I have no energy to be cooking, hence my diet!
eBay is fairly simple to negotiate.
I am not the brightest and can manage fine on it.
I think your book was reasonable value?
Is it me, or is this site getting less queries as time passes?
Seems quiet?
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30th January 2016, 20:31
It does seem to have been very quiet for a Saturday, rusty - generally there would have been about 15 or 20 Times threads!
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30th January 2016, 20:39
I agree, Chris.
Does seem to be quiet.
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30th January 2016, 21:28
Hi, Rusty!
Maybe you should be eating /drinking something hot? Perhaps soup at least?
(sorry, not a lecture, promise!)
I have just been watching "The Voice". I do enjoy that! The rapport between the judges is excellent - usually very friendly, although there was a moment or two tonight when feelings were trampled upon!
I think what I also like is that the competition between contestants starts at a very high level. The "rubbish" and inferior acts having been weeded out before the show came on the air.
I am now recording "Casualty" - and yes, it is actually recording this week!
I agree with you and Chris - it has been a very quiet day on the Forum. I wonder whether the bad weather has played a part? In many parts of the UK for instance , there have been bad storms - maybe folk are not venturing out for their newspapers/ magazines? and for overseas contributors, there has been a lot of snow in the US and goodness know what other places have been suffering?
See what tomorrow and this next week brings.......maybe "trade" will pick up!
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31st January 2016, 08:18
Good morning, Elle!
Can hot food make a difference?
Not sure I buy that.
Now, "The Voice"?
Is this for pop singers?
If so, I would have to be nailed to my seat, I'm afraid!
Elle! " Weeding out the rubbish"? Never!
That adds to the entertainment!
I saw in my paper yesterday that one of my heroes won.
Cancellara! He has recovered well from his back injury.
You could well be right regarding weather and crosswords.
No wind here today, and not much snow remaining.
I am taking it easy today.
Hope there is skiing on TV.
Are you going to watch the tennis final?
5850 of 30765  -   Report This Post