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31st January 2016, 18:19
Hi, Rusty!
We have had a good day! We had an enjoyable tea party with the now four year old! There was even a birthday cake, although we are now a couple of weeks behind the actual birthday, as we have both been ill and were unable to attend the earlier party!
The candles were blown out and Happy Birthday duly sung!
I couldn't do Malone's clue - unfortunately I have now seen the answer on the thread.....I was looking for the name of a poet, rather than a synonym for the word 'poet'.
I was on the wrong lines altogether.
So which two rooms are you next going to have decorated? (where did all the drawing pins come from?)
I am pleased that Novak beat Andy!!!!!!!
What have you been doing this afternoon? Did the weather improve and did you eventually get any skiing to watch?
5871 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st January 2016, 18:49
Hello, Elle!
Sounds like a fine day away you had!
I thought Malone's clue was easyish, but there is no need for this Bow carry on. Once in a blue moon is enough.
I am getting bedrooms done.
Over the years I have had lots of the young ones staying with me and there are lots of colourful posters up, all the way back to the Waterboys. All gone now.
Novak won well, I believe. Good on him!
No more skiing.
Last I saw of it, Lara Gut and Vikki Rebensburg were making a snowman! Great sport, the skiing!
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31st January 2016, 19:00
PS, Elle,
Just heard Victoria P finished second in a point-to-point in Dorset today.
Six weeks to Cheltenham!
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31st January 2016, 19:01
Elle, the Elegist clue was dire - it didn't deserve to have much time spent on it. I am beginning to wonder if one of the setters lives in Bow and likes to see it featured as often as possible, even if this leads to some underperforming clues.

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31st January 2016, 19:51
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, great to get out and about again! We had a grand walk, too - very pleasant with the sun attempting to shine after the initial rain!
A good idea to get all your decorating done whilst the weather is bad. It saves your having to stay in for the painter during the summer months, when you would rather be outside.
More decisions over colour schemes? - or will you go with magnolia in the other bedrooms, too?
I am so pleased for Victoria - to come second is very encouraging indeed, and, as you say , coming so close to Cheltenham now.
How is she doing with the number of point-to-points in which she has taken part? Does she have many more to do before she can get her licence?
I've just done today's Everyman - very late with it as we have been out for most of the day!
All parsed, too!

Hello, Malone!
I had all the bits for that crossword clue , but just couldn't see wood for trees!
I was so determined to come up with a proper noun!
I really thought I needed the name of a specific poet!
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31st January 2016, 20:34
Hello, Elle!
Same colours throughout, and the painter nodded approval!
Victoria is a difficult lady to pin down!
I follow her on Twitter and she is very quiet.
I know she is riding out every day at Paul Nichols yard at Ditcheat (where is that, I wonder?) but other than that I do not know. The horse she was second on today, is her mount at Cheltenham. So he appears to be fit enough.
She will get excellent advice from the staff at Ditcheat and also from AP.
I have a cautious optism that Victoria will make it to Cheltenham. Her race is immediately after the Gold Cup.
I will be nervous for her!
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31st January 2016, 22:04
Hi, Rusty!
I have just been talking to my cousin in Blackburn - our usual hour- long chat on Sunday evenings. All is well with everyone - no snow! Nor has her daughter been subjected to further floods.
I hadn't heard of Ditcheat, either, but out of interest have just googled it. It's near the Mendips, in Somerset.
I shall follow Victoria's progress with interest.
I have a busy week coming up.
Primarily, I must start going out again with the dog very early morning, at 8am - it is the only way that I can manage to fit in everything that I have to do!
How is your cold? Did you eat properly?
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31st January 2016, 22:12
Hello, Elle!
Still have my cold. Eating reasonably well.
Is Somerset further South than you?
What are Mendips?
All very hush-hush with Victoria.
I may go on Betfair site to see if they have any info.
Being busy keeps you young and fit, Elle.
Go for it!
5878 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st January 2016, 22:44
Hi, Rusty!
Somerset is more or less in a straight line to the west of us, minimally south perhaps.
The Mendips are a range of limestone hills south of Bristol.
I wouldn't know all about hills, but for the fact that when I was at school (in the Dark Ages) we had school "Houses", and they were all named after hills in the UK. I was in Wrekin!
If you find any info about Victoria, do tell me - my interest is stimulated now.
Young and fit! um.......but of course!
Hopefully, your cold will be improved by tomorrow.
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1st February 2016, 09:15
Good morning, Elle!
We have a storm coming from the West.
Trains and ferries cancelled.
My cold is not improved.
Yes, I remember now the Mendips are hills and I have heard of Wrekin. I think there was a cycling club there.
This is the latest I could find on Queen Vic.
Shs came second yesterday, beaten only "a head".
Paul Nicholls, the trainer, said she was " brilliant".
He was very pleased with Pacha du Polder, and said there is "tonnes" of improvement in him before Cheltenham.
So, all is going well with Victoria but she needs as much time in the saddle as possible..
Her view is, if she can get to the starting post for the Foxhunters, it would be like winning an Olympic bronze medal.
If she can complete the course it will be like winning Olympic gold.
All the top amateurs should be there, like Nina Carberry, JJ Codd, and Katie Walsh.
And she is very, very, inexperienced, over fences, and cannot possibly win....can she?
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