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1st February 2016, 09:36
For anyone at a loose end

Syzygy's post WSJ has an excellent puzzle- some found it easy, Not me, needless to say, but I did get there. Good fun and unusual
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1st February 2016, 10:22
Good morning, Rusty!
I am sorry that your cold has not improved. Are you taking any medication for it? Lemsip? though sometimes, I think its best to let it have its head.
Just be careful that it doesn't develop into a bad cough.
Lovely morning here - I enjoyed being able to go out walking early again. It is the best part of the day!
When is Storm Henry meant to reach you? - I hear that there are expected winds of over 90 mph? Let's hope no more roofs blow off!
The Wrekin is in Telford in East Shropshire.
Speaking of "Telford"....although this was a surname , not a place you remember a programme called "Telford's Change"?
Hannah Gordon (I liked her) and Peter Barkworth - he played a banker, name of Mark Telford.
Excellent series, but only about a dozen (?) episodes. It would have been about 1980?
Victoria might be inexperienced, but the horse certainly isn't - I don't know much about horse-racing, but won't Pacha du Polder's experience help Victoria?
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1st February 2016, 10:43
Hi everyone,

Hello Elle and Rusty,

I lived in Telford for a couple of years, and worked for a firm of Solicitors in Market Drayton. Telford at that time was really an Army place, attached to the nearest real town of Donington. (that was in the early 70s)
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1st February 2016, 11:37
Elle and Rusty
It appears that you both have four legs each, and not two, as we thought.
Scroll down to race 9 (stewards report)
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1st February 2016, 12:00
Hello, Pigale!
I know nothing at all about Telford! I was simply in Wrekin House! Each house had a colour - ours was orange! Strange what inconsequentialities our minds retain over the years!

Eirlys, however did you come across greyhounds with those names? Did you already know them?
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1st February 2016, 12:09
Hello, Elle!
No improvement. The bug must run it's course!
Storm Henry has caused power cuts in Donegal already.
The wind is rising here although it is a beautiful far.
No, I do not watch these kind of television shows.
Pacha was chosen very carefully for Victoria, and it was very generous of the Stewart family (the owners) to allow Victoria the chance to possibly ride him at Cheltenham.
If you consider that last years winning jockey, Nina Carberry, grew up in a racing family and was riding since she was in nappies almost, that shows the difference in experience that Vic lacks. But, that aside, it will be a great achievement for her to even get to Cheltenham. Do not look for her to win!

Eirlys, I did not know I was running at Geelong!
Leggy Elle, eh?
That may please her!
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1st February 2016, 13:55
Hi, Rusty!
Power cuts in Donegal? are still in touch with a lot of family and friends then in Donegal? as well as in Norn Iron?
Down here we have been very fortunate indeed so far, evading the floods and also the snow, and extremely heavy winds.
We have had it very blustery at various stages over the Winter - and a few trees have been blown down in the parks and on the Commons - but fortunately nothing major has happened, and few people have been injured.
Today is still holding out as a lovely day....we are going out again for a second walk very shortly.
So it appears we are 'famous' greyhounds! I wonder how Eirlys discovered "our" names?
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1st February 2016, 14:43
Hello, Elle,
Yes, I am in touch with family and friends in Ireland most days.
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1st February 2016, 15:56
Hi, Rusty!
That is really nice that you still have a lot of family over there - I knew that you had friends in Belfast, as you have mentioned them several times and been over to visit - but not that you still have family in Donegal.
I don't know why I assumed that most of your family had emigrated to Scotland when you did.
An erroneous thought obviously!
My son - in -law still has a lot of family near Cork - where his mum came from. He keeps in regular touch, too. It is good to do so!
I don't have a lot of family left now - my cousin and her family in Blackburn, and another cousin in Devon , and of course the family in East Dunbartonshire.
(I think there may be a few stray "cousins" dotted around that I have never met - my father's family had a rift, and some siblings didn't speak to others.
A sad situation, as family is important).
It was lovely out - the sun shone the entire time!
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1st February 2016, 18:57
Hello, Elle,
Family is very important.
I have family and friends throughout Ireland.
Donegal and Mayo, mainly.
And friends in the North, around Belfast.
Hear from them regularly, mainly by WhatsApp.
Good you had the sun.
Wind is wild here.
Boy, do we have weather!
Another roof blew off this afternoon, down by the river.
Restrictions on the bridge.
Not good!
5890 of 30765  -   Report This Post