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28th January 2016, 15:13
Good afternoon, Rusty!
A lovely day here! blue skies and sunshine, and not as cold as previously threatened - probably about 8C.
I had a very enjoyable lunch - crepe suzettes with salad and french fries.
And we enjoyed the catch up talk.
The dog was delighted to see me when I returned home and we have just been out playing ball in the garden.
I read about the miraculous escape of that skier about whom you were telling me.....there was a big piece about her in the London Evening Standard yesterday.
Apparently, she was found sitting up saying "I'm ok...." Incredible!
How far has your painter got now? I assume he is/was with you today?
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28th January 2016, 15:28

I have made crepes suzette many times- with caramel and oranges. Do they go well with salad and fries?
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28th January 2016, 15:37
Ros, I thought that they did.
They weren't at all "sweet" but rather tarty and served as a main course.
I have had them previously with salad but this is the first time with chips - but I did enjoy the entire meal.
It was unusual but tasty!
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28th January 2016, 15:45
Whenever we wanted to have a pancake meal, I would make my batter in two different containers, one for the savoury crepes and the other for the suzette one. My husband used to elaborate the savoury batter with all sorts of things, and the filling was bits of ham, mushroom and sweet corn, with a bechamel sauce.
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28th January 2016, 20:22
Hey, Rusty!
The Times Cryptic Crossword book that I ordered from Amazon arrived this afternoon.
It is the fifteenth book in the series - I do not know what the latest one is?
I am wondering how many "Londonisms" I shall find as I work through the book!
I still have today's crosswords to do yet, there wasn't time to do them this morning.
Did you get chance to do your crossword?
How long was your painter with you today? Has he nearly finished?
5795 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2016, 01:46
Rusty - thanks for the info on as blocking.
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29th January 2016, 01:47
Rusty - correction ... thanks for the info on ad blocking.
5797 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2016, 09:25
Another one for the collection from today's Times Cryptic...

17 A. One pulling birds ultimately after play in London area? (5,7).

I'm sure many of you will have seen this already, but I thought I'd include the clue for those who don't have the paper.
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29th January 2016, 09:40
Hi, Malone!
Thank you for including the clue as I don't have the paper......
Yes, I've got it!
Not quite as obvious as usual though?
5799 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2016, 10:27
Elle, glad you got it. My sigh/groan wasn't as heartfelt as it is when we get a Cockney/East End clue.
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