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29th January 2016, 13:03
Good afternoon, Elle, and everyone!
I hope no one has blown way!
Wild weather up here!
Trees down, branches everywhere, road bridge closed, power cuts.
Not so good! And snow forecast, too.
I have eventually got Malone's Londonism but not the one posed by Eirlys.

Elle, my painter has finished, but we have lost the clip for securing the roller blind. My blinds man across the river in Fife doing jobs but will pop in later and sort things. He has to take the long way round because the bloomimg bridge is closed.
Not a day for walking, here, too many twigs and whatnot flying!
5811 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2016, 13:34
Good afternoon Rusty,

You certainly seem to have 'weather' up there - Just had a look at BBC UK forecast and I can see that it's not likely to end quite yet.
Better stay home in case you receive a slate on your head !

Here, conditions are much much better; only the Northern coast has wind a little stronger than usual, but nothing like you.

You did good with Malone's clue - I still have not got it, nor do I have Eirlys' one - I think I shall give up because I seem to get nowhere particularly without the help of letters from other clues.

5812 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2016, 13:40
Pigale, for 17 A (One pulling birds ultimately after play in London area? 5,7) the crossing letters would have given
?o?e? h?m?e?s

Hope this helps!
5813 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2016, 13:53
Hello, Pigale!
We still have weather to come!
No, I am staying home until Gertrude passes.
Hope your better weather continues.
I had vaguely heard of Malone's clue, but had no idea it was part of London.
I think I see an anagram in Eirlys' clue.
Not much much help if you have never heard of the place!
5814 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2016, 14:27
Thanks Malone - the penny has finally dropped ! I had to google to find out where it was exactly; I had never heard of it.
5815 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2016, 14:32
I am afraid I had to cheat and get the help of Anagram solver for Eirlys' clue - Never heard of that place either!
5816 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2016, 14:43
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, you are certainly having rough weather! It was on the radio early this morning, saying how bad the winds were up your way, and how roads etc were closed.
The road bridge 's closure will certainly put an hour on people's journey?
We have just returned from quite a pleasant walk - blustery, but no worse than that.
I think heavier winds are forecast for later........
If it is any help, Eirly's clue is an anagram of "hides many" minus 'i'. Yet another place on the London/Kent borders.
I rather liked Malone's clue!
Now... you know my Times Cryptic crossword book that came from Amazon? Well, it turned out to be "used"!
There was no way it was supposed to be! I made sure that I was buying a "new" one after all our discussion!
Mind you, out of 80 puzzles , only five were completed! and a sixth just begun!
A "rum do", or what?

I shouldn't trust in what you find on the Internet! Last time I passed through there, Sidcup was still in Kent - it even has a Kent postcode!
I think the "powers- that- be" are a little obsessed in snatching up areas and sticking them in "Greater London" but the local inhabitants don't usually learn about it.
Queen Mary's Hospital remains firmly in Sidcup, Kent!
5817 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2016, 14:53
Hello, Elle!
Wild, wild, wild, up here!
A gust of 144 mph was recorded on Cairngorm.
That is brisk!
Bridge now open to cars, nothing bigger than that, or pedestrians, allowed on. It was closed to everything all morning.
Yes, that is what I saw in the "Eirlys clue".
The name rang a tiny bell, but I did know it was in London.
That is disappointing about your puzzle book.
Now, what to do?
Are you complaining?
Was it from World of Books?
An email expressing disappointment would do no harm?
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29th January 2016, 14:55
Thanks Elle.
I am feeling a little less of a dumbo.
I was reading this over my lunch-break

5819 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2016, 15:03
Pigale, glad you got to Tower Hamlets. It features in our newspapers, tv news reports and so on quite often, so it isn't as obscure as many other places (and clues!).
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