Hello, Elle!
May I assure you that I am not one for "wandering about", as you quaintly put it, as if I was a doddery old chap!
I stride with purposeful intent and a "hail fellow, well met!" cut to my jib!
Be that as it may, your encouraging comment about me feeling better has been noted and shall help speed me to recovery!
I think I got this malady from La Bamba. She had an awful cold the other day, when she came a-visiting.
Now, somewhere in the eBay ad it will give a descriptive term for your book, (or any item).
It will state "used" or "new".
In reality a used crossword book is not an enticing proposition.
I suspect a genuine mistake has been made and they do not realise it has been used.
On at least two occasions I have bought books on eBay, then had an apologetic email saying the book was in poor condition and they would not be selling it to anyone, and I received an instant refund.
I hope you enjoy your walk and it is not blighted by old fellas "wandering about".