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30th January 2016, 06:54
"Snow, snow, slip, slip, snow!"
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30th January 2016, 09:20
Morning Rusty,

How much snow do you have ? Has the wind dropped a bit?

It has been quite windy in the night and still is at present, but nothing like what you described yesterday. Not too cold if it were not for the wind; and grey, grey sky - not my weather !
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30th January 2016, 09:49
Good morning, Pigale!
Wind has died away here and the snow is falling steadily.
Traffic is still moving though.
Yesterday was bad here.
Roofs were torn from houses etc. Very dangerous.
Glad it is not too bad with you.
Are you going to village today?
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30th January 2016, 10:09
No Rusty, I don't intend to move; I do not need anything and I might have taken a walk down had the sun been with us, but, though not too bad, the weather is not enticing really.

Sorry for the poor people who had their roof torn - It is a big problem to get someone to put a protective plastic cover over until repair work can be done - and as usual it's week-end time .

Glad you did not suffer any problem of this kind. Will you venture out in the snow? Mind you, it is less treacherous than ice.
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30th January 2016, 10:17
Good morning, Rusty!
How are you feeling this morning? How is your cold?
Has you blinds fitter been?
Now I have been researching World of Books.... it looks as though they are solely providers of second- hand books?
If this is so....then it is my fault for not knowing this...there was no mention of the book that I ordered being "used," but perhaps I was just supposed to realise that?
No reply from them as yet.
Your weather sounds atrocious! Roofs being blown off - this happened only recently with that new block of riverside flats, did it not?
How many inches of snow have you had?
Have you been out in it to get your paper?

Hello, Pigale!
You are wise to stay put if your weather is bad, too. It looks calm (ish) here, but I think we are forecast rain sometime later.
No mention of snow as yet though.
We shall be going out with the dog later on.
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30th January 2016, 11:42
Hello, Elle!
I am not on top form.
Everyone I meet has a pesky bug, too!
You have brought Scotland to a standstill.
Blinds man was here at 8.05 and refused all offers of payment.
A splendid lad.
Yes, bad news about the storm damage but no casualties.
And...what I am noticing is that it is the newer properties that have lost roofs etc. New builds. Suspicious!
Snow is an inch deep and still falling.
World of Books grade their books.
What "condition" was yours advertised to be?
I would not give them "poor" feedback until they have had a chance to put matters right.
Let us hope they are better than Chambers at "customer relations".
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30th January 2016, 12:28
Hi, Rusty!
I am sorry that you are feeling rough ( don't think that wandering about in your shirt sleeves going up to Asda might have contributed to this? not that I am withholding any sympathy.....rough is rough whatever the cause!)
I hope you will soon feel better.
Re World of Books - the crossword book that I bought wasn't graded at all. Remember that this was from ebay, not Amazon, and the set up is completely different. As far as I was aware at the time, I was buying a completely NEW book.
I've looked back on the site and there is no indication that the case was otherwise.
I think the blame must lie with me in my not appreciating that they were all going to be secondhand books?
But maybe I will get a reply and then all will become clear.
Let's not mention "Chambers"........
The sun is out now....we shall take the dog for a walk shortly, whilst it is nice.
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30th January 2016, 13:51
Hello, Elle!
May I assure you that I am not one for "wandering about", as you quaintly put it, as if I was a doddery old chap!
I stride with purposeful intent and a "hail fellow, well met!" cut to my jib!
Be that as it may, your encouraging comment about me feeling better has been noted and shall help speed me to recovery!
I think I got this malady from La Bamba. She had an awful cold the other day, when she came a-visiting.
Now, somewhere in the eBay ad it will give a descriptive term for your book, (or any item).
It will state "used" or "new".
In reality a used crossword book is not an enticing proposition.
I suspect a genuine mistake has been made and they do not realise it has been used.
On at least two occasions I have bought books on eBay, then had an apologetic email saying the book was in poor condition and they would not be selling it to anyone, and I received an instant refund.
I hope you enjoy your walk and it is not blighted by old fellas "wandering about".
5838 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2016, 15:15
Hi, Rusty!
I shall rephrase that........I am wondering if you perhaps caught a chill when you went striding purposefully up the hill in your shirt sleeves ........?
I was but teasing you, anyway!
Heaven forbid that I should envisage you "wandering", Rusty!
I have checked again - and there is no description of the book given, so far as I can see. But you looked on ebay before I did.........did you see anything then that gave the impression that the book was "used"? As I said before , I am thinking that ALL their books must be secondhand and that I was expected to know that?
Still no response - Chambers is definitely springing to mind.......
We had a lovely walk! decidedly chilly but brilliant sunshine and bright blue sky.
We saw a few folk we knew , also out with their dogs.
Have you been watching any sport today? You usually do on a Saturday?
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30th January 2016, 15:37
Hello, Elle!
No striding today.
There is a blizzard raging!
I have just been on eBay and typed Times Cryptic Crossword Puzzle Book in to search bar.
I chose the first book and "clicked" on the entry.
The top line, above the price etc, is "condition".
The one I looked at had " new".
I am fairly sure World of Books would be the same?
A line with "condition" there? Surely?
Then further down you can find out what "new" means.
It is grim weather with us. Snow turning to rain, turning to snow, all day.
I have not been humoured to watch much sport, but saw Eva-Maria Brem was leading in the slalom with Vonn in 12th place. And saw a little bit of Jamie Murray celebrating the win he and partner had in Oz.
On the Lemsip to cheer me up a bit.
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