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23rd August 2015, 22:52
Some do, some don't, Pigale.
I have just done a soft reset on my tablet but I do not think that is the problem.
Something Ash has done to thwart spammers, perhaps.
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23rd August 2015, 23:01
Hi, Rusty!
I didn't see your early evening post saying you were having trouble getting through, until several hours later - hence no response, I'm sorry about that.
Our last two posts must have crossed - sorry for any confusion - I was in the middle of typing when I stopped to answer the phone - when I resumed, you had already sent your message.
It was only a suggestion about the logging off and back on again - I didn't know you always did that. I log on in the morning and stay on all day - our Broadband is unlimited so it doesn't pose a problem.
Logging off and on again worked for me, so I just thought it might for you.
I ignored the verification posts sent to me by Admin, as I thought they might further complicate matters and they turned out not to be necessary in the end.
I think that Chris said he had to speak to Admin by email to sort out his communication problem?
I don't understand why you won't do that if your problem persists? I'm sure that Ash could sort it in a flash?
Anyway, your last few posts seem to be getting through all right?
Don't give up! I'm sure the "glitch" can be sorted out! Yes, I think it is something to do with Ash's trying to stop the "spammers"!
Norah has asked for people to contact her if they experience any problems posting.
On a happier note, we had a great Athletics day, didn't we? Jess did great and I was so pleased that Usain Bolt beat Gatlin! There is justice in the world!
Raining here, too!
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23rd August 2015, 23:24
Elle, email number 7 from Admin has just appeared in my inbox.
I am NOT verifying myself again. Six times should surely be enough.
I will be back if/when things are normal again.
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23rd August 2015, 23:35
Oh dear, Rusty!
Seven times is a definitely a bit much!
Please see if Norah /Ash can sort this out for you - after all, they have been expecting hiccups and have asked us to get in touch if we have problems as a result of Ash trying to deal with the spammers.
Norah would be upset to think of any of us suffering in consequence.
I hope you can read this ?
I hope things will be back to normal soon.
"Tomorrow is another day!"
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24th August 2015, 07:54
Message from Norah (copied and pasted from last week)
Further to earlier messages, I know Ash took several measures to keep the spammers at bay, none of which I will discuss here because we don't want the nuisance spammers to read about them.

Let's give it over the weekend, if anyone is still having trouble posting on Monday please email me
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24th August 2015, 09:04
I elle
I have a new email set up and all my emails address's have disappeared,the whole set up is awful and I hate it so am having to start my address book again
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24th August 2015, 09:45
Morning, doglet!
Goodness , what a nuisance for you!
Is this a result of someone hacking into your email account?
Do you want me to ask Norah to send you my email address if it's disappeared from your address book?
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24th August 2015, 10:10
Bonjour !

Hope all is well. Has your problem been resolved Rusty ?

Rather windy here this morning ! Bright but no point in combing one's hair ! and a bit too fresh for my liking ! (even though we are around 20-21C)

Has your rain stopped Elle ? BTW, showing my ignorance as to the Athletics, where is it all taking place? I noticed you were talking of time difference.

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24th August 2015, 10:29
Good morning, Pigale!
This shall be my test post!
I don't know if my problem has resolved or not.
We shall see. It is very annoying to compose a post, press "add post" and it disappears!
May be caused by length of post, possibly.
I do go on a bit!
You are not like me; I love a good breeze!
Was the Selfridge man, the fellow who was involved with the Dolly Sisters?
Hello, Elle and everyone!
Fine day North of the border!
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24th August 2015, 10:30
Hi elle

Could you ask norah,my email provider decided to change the format for no apparent reason and the layout is awful and quite a lot of people have complained.Very very wet here and cold
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