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24th August 2015, 22:41
Elle, it was very serious camping indeed! Wild, I think it's called. No water of any kind, hole in the ground and sawdust, wind up light, car parked well away from the tent.
But no, I didn't sleep there. I drove home (45miles) after dark and returned in the morning. Just as well because although no-one washed (alcohol gel for their hands) more water was needed. One day I might have the courage to stay.
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24th August 2015, 22:51
Goodness, Ros, you really had me going there for the first two lines - my admiration of you knew no bounds!........until I read "but no... ...I drove home...!!!
What an excellent idea - now I could camp like that!
We used to do a lot of youth-hostelling, but at least that provided a bed and a bath! I like my creature comforts (even if they be a bit primitive)
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25th August 2015, 07:45
Hi Elle
I did spend the best part of the weekend at the camp, but I haven't fixed on a comfortable bed yet. I was also relieved to hear that muntjac didn't keep everyone awake, as I'd heard. Maybe one day.....
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25th August 2015, 08:53
Hi all
It isnt raining yet but it is more like autumn than summer,I have been amazed that so many athletes in the world games have had doping bans and they cannot be banned for life!!!.It certainly must make clean athletes wonder what is the point.I do wish that they did not use action replays quite so much.There are quite a few countries who usually have large teams who arent competing
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25th August 2015, 10:10
Good morning, all!
Great weather here. Blue sky and nice breeze.
Helps to put a smile on your face!
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25th August 2015, 10:25
Good Morning everyone !

Good weather here too after yesterday's storm - could be a few degrees warmer yet .......!!!:) but nice and bright nonetheless.

Trying to wake brain up (lazy this morning!) doing Xwords; now is it me or do a lot of words that used to be hyphenated are no longer so but are one word now?
(ie seawater in ST cryptic) ?

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25th August 2015, 13:13
Hello Jazzy,

Just reporting these spams is getting a full-time job, so God knows how Norah and Ash are coping with it all !

Looking closely at the 'messages', it is no language at all, but rather a succession of symbols! Meaningless as far as I can see.
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25th August 2015, 13:27
hi pigale
You are doing a grand job reporting !
We are advised not to discuss actual methods for thwarting the spam and this applies to posts within this and other threads so I cannot comment on what I have suggested to admin. It may, or may not, be of help.
I feel really sorry for Ash, but he is doing his very best.
Will he have any hair left ? ;)
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25th August 2015, 16:03
I am sure Ash is doing his best, and Norah, too.
It must be very annoying for them.
C'mon, the good guys!
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25th August 2015, 18:14
Hi, Rusty!
How has your day been?
Did you have a good time with your granddaughter?
My day did not begin very auspiciously........ I reported two "Chinese" spams about 7.15 am - and then within five minutes found myself banned from the forum for "inappropriate behaviour"! ( and I thought I was 'helping'!)
Ash eventually sorted it out for me but by that time I had gone out!
The rest of my day proved very enjoyable - we had a delicious lunch and enjoyed our weekly catch up.
Did you manage to watch any Athletics? I recorded it and have seen (most of ) it since coming home.
You will be pleased to hear that I saw an Aussie! Greg Rutherford (GB) took Gold in the long jump, and the Australian, Lappiere, took the Silver medal; Wang won the Bronze.
It was interesting to see that the Kenyans are branching successfully into hurdling! In the past , their expertise has always been in long distance running. It was a Kenyan who won the men's 400m hurdles today. (The American, Michael Tinsley, was expected to win, but things went awry for him and he came in last)
Is your cycling still going on?
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