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23rd August 2015, 15:46
Good Afternoon everybody !

Rusty, let me tell you that I am almost cold here today !
We had a warmish night, but then thunder around 8am and again another batch about 10am - and we have lost some 15 degres in comparison to yesterday afternoon ! Now barely 20C.
Think the storms are going to make their way towards UK at some stage.

What's your 'warm gorgeous' temperature ?

I do not really feel inclined to watch the Tour of Spain - I am watching a DVD called 'Mr. Selfridge' - I think it was a series in UK and I have both series 1 and 2 - it really is unteresting. Extra bonus : It's the English version.
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23rd August 2015, 15:54
We are supposed to be getting thunderstorms here tomorrow, but it has already rained very heavily this afternoon. Temperature was 23C earlier but feels cooler now.
Have you been watching any of the World Championships? Been riveting viewing!
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23rd August 2015, 16:04
Hello Elle,

We might send you more rain/thunder, sorry - we are supposed to have a very windy day tomorrow, after which Summer is back with us.

Sorry but I am not a keen watcher of sports, except Le Tour, and Rugby of course - particularly the 6 Nations and the World Cup later this year. Rugby is really my favourite sport. Do you like it?

I also tend to prefer the Winter sports, whether Olympics or World championships - skiing (giant slalum and descent), ski-jumping, ice skating, bob sleigh etc.
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23rd August 2015, 16:32
At present ,Pigale, we are forecast rain for most of the coming week! but that may well change.
I'm afraid that I know nothing at all about rugby! I prefer to watch tennis and Athletics ( as you will have gathered)
I'm in my element right now, with the forthcoming week of the latter!
I quite like the Winter sports but don't have a lot of time to watch them - I'm putting things "on hold" especially for this next week!
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23rd August 2015, 18:39
3415 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd August 2015, 18:51
Elle and Pigale,
I have attempted 5 posts and they are not getting through.
I have verified me several times.
I will leave it for a day or so until the site settles down.
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23rd August 2015, 19:31
I have had no problems posting but I have no adblock, these last two days, as my ipad will not work properly with a blocker, when I am away from home.
Have you tried posting without an adblock ?
Is something afoot ?
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23rd August 2015, 19:34
This is my test post - I'm just curious.
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23rd August 2015, 19:47
Was your post without a blocker, Malone?
Just curious
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23rd August 2015, 19:55
No, I've got my blocker on.
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